The “Deadly” Hydroxychloroquine Publishing Scandal
How the World’s top medical journals were cynically exploited by Big Pharma
Elizabeth Woodworth

A publishing scandal recently erupted around the use of the anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) to treat Covid 19. It is also known as quinine and chloroquine, and is on the WHO list of essential medicines.
The bark of the South American quina-quina tree has been used to treat malaria for 400 years. Quinine, a generic drug costing pennies a dose, is available for purchase online. In rare cases it can cause dizziness and irregular heartbeat.
In late May, 2020, The Lancet published a four-author study claiming that HCQ used in hospitals to treat Covid-19 had been shown conclusively to be a hazard for heart death. The data allegedly covered 96,000 patients in 671 hospitals on six continents.
After the article had spent 13 days in the headlines, dogged by scientific objections, three of the authors retracted it on June 5.
Meanwhile, during an expert closed-door meeting leaked May 24 in France, The Lancet and NEJM editors explained how financially powerful pharmaceutical players were “criminally” corrupting medical science to advance their interests.
On May 22, 2020, the time-honoured Lancet – one of the world’s two top medical journals – published the stunning claim that 671 hospitals on six continents were reporting life-threatening heart rhythms in patients taking hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) for Covid-19.
The headlines that followed were breath-taking.
Although wider access to the drug had recently been urged in a petition signed by nearly 500,000 French doctors and citizens, WHO and other agencies responded to the article by immediately suspending the clinical trials that may have cleared it for use.
North American headlines did not mention that HCQ has been on the WHO list of essential drugs since the list began in 1977. Nor did they mention an investigative report on the bad press that hydroxychloroquine had been getting prior to May 22, and how financial interests had been intersecting with medicine to favour Gilead’s new, more expensive drug, Remdesivir.
The statistics behind the headlines
As a Canadian health sciences librarian who delivered statistics to a large public health agency for 25 years, I sensed almost immediately that the article had to be flawed.
Why? Because health statistics are developed for different purposes and in different contexts, causing them to exist in isolated data “stovepipes.” Many health databases, even within a single region or country, are not standardized and are thus virtually useless for comparative research.
How, I wondered, could 671 hospitals worldwide, including Asia and Africa, report comparable treatment outcomes for 96,000 Covid patients? And so quickly?
The Lancet is strong in public health and surely suspected this. Its award-winning editor-in-chief, Dr. Richard Horton, has been in his job since 1995.
So how could the damning HCQ claims have been accepted? Here is what I discovered.
The honour system in medical publishing
To some extent, authors submitting articles to medical journals are on the honour system, in which cited databases are trusted by the editors, yet are available for inspection if questioned.[2]
On May 28, an open letter from 200 scientists to the authors and The Lancet requested details of the data and an independent audit. The letter was “signed by clinicians, medical researchers, statisticians, and ethicists from across the world.” (full text here.)
The authors declined to supply the data, or even the hospital names. Meanwhile, investigative analysis was showing the statistics to be deeply flawed.
If this were not enough, the lead author was found to be in a conflict of interest with HCQ’s rival drug, Remdesivir:
Dr. Mandeep Mehra, the lead co-author is a director at Brigham & Women’s Hospital, which is credited with funding the study. Dr. Mehra and The Lancet failed to disclose that Brigham Hospital has a partnership with Gilead and is currently conducting two trials testing Remdesivir, the prime competitor of hydroxychloroquine for the treatment of COVID-19, the focus of the study.”
In view of the foregoing, the article was retracted by three of its authors on June 5.
How did this fraud get past The Lancet reviewers in the first place?
The answer emerges from what has remained an obscure French interview, although it has been quoted in the alternative media.
On May 24, a closed-door Chatham House expert meeting about Covid included the editors-in-chief of The Lancet and the NEJM. Comments regarding the article were leaked to the French press by a well-known health figure, Dr. Philippe Douste-Blazy,[xvii] who felt compelled to blow the whistle.
His resulting BFM TV interview was posted to YouTube with English subtitles on May 31, but it was not picked up by the English-speaking media.
These were The Lancet editor Dr. Richard Horton’s words, as reported by Dr. Douste-Blazy:
If this continues, we are not going to be able to publish any more clinical research data because pharmaceutical companies are so financially powerful today, and are able to use such methodologies as to have us accept papers which are apparently methodologically perfect, but which, in reality, manage to conclude what they want to conclude.”
Doust-Blazy made his own comments on Horton’s words:
I never thought the boss of The Lancet could say that. And the boss of the New England Journal of Medicine too. He even said it was ‘criminal’. The word was used by them.”
The final words in Doust-Blazy’s interview were:
When there is an outbreak like Covid, in reality, there are people like us – doctors – who see mortality and suffering. And there are people who see dollars. That’s it.”
The scientific process of building a trustworthy knowledge base is one of the foundations of our civilization. Violating this process is a crime against both truth and humanity.
Evidently the North American media does not consider this extraordinary crime to be worth reporting.
Originally published at Global Research. An interesting side note, before this fake study was published, Dr Wolfgang Wodarg theorised that use of HCQ may explain the higher death rate in patients of African ancestry – ed.
[1] Famous weekly British medical journal, founded in 1823.
[2] The Lancet and NEJM editors could not be expected to comb through data from 671 hospitals to verify their accuracy – especially when submitted by four doctors.
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I’ll keep it brief, Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) with Zinc works when used early. I’ve personally treated 10 patients within 5 days of symptoms onset and all reported resolution of symptoms within 24-36 hrs of starting treatment in the outpatient (office or GP office in the UK). Those who had pulse oximeters at home reported improvement from 92% to 98% within the same time frame. None went to the hospital but patients not treated with it either ended up in the hospital or took around 3 wks to recover.
HCQ has NOT been studied in this population only in patients in the hospital who are severely ill where even Remdesivir barely works. The NIH study launched in the USA to study HCQ in the outpatient setting was TERMINATED earlier this week because of “LACK OF ENROLLMENT OF PATIENTS” in the USA where there are 20-40,000 cases/day. An honest researcher could finish enrollment in a week.
I’ve been a physician for nearly 30 years and I see these cases, they’re different from anything I’ve ever seen but if you don’t believe it exists, I don’t know what to tell you. What I do know is it’s treatable and countries that embrace the approach I’ve described like Qatar, Senegal, Turkey and even Russia have case fatality rates ranging from 0.08% to 1.5% much lower than the USA (6%) where HCQ use is mixed and UK (14%) where it’s banned in the outpatient setting.
I forgot to mention I use Hydroxychloroquine with Zinc, much more effective than HCQ alone.
hilde larson is good coz she is a mindset coach. she has video called how to never “catch” a cold again. get real accepting papers from pharma is aiding and abetting. not allowed. spreading propaganda that there is pathogenic virus is dangerous opening the door for genocide and thus complicity in genocide. such door is officialy sealed. one strike and you are out. this article needs to be prefaced with a warning it contains signs of a lock down for health and safety compliance. its the law.
you can put its just for fun like in stuck with u music video. thank u, next.
Questions needing answering before this seeming scandal is addressed:
1. Where is the evidence that the alleged virus, SARS-Cov-2, has been isolated?
2. Where is the evidence that COVID-19 exists?
3. What made anyone think that hydroxychloroquine would work on a coronavirus and where is the explanation for this drug curing COVID-19 and not illness caused by other coronaviruses? What makes SARS-CoV-2 susceptible to hydroxychloroquine but not other coronaviruses?
There is nothing that supports an hypothesis better than predictability. From Day One I knew with the nonsense talk of Chinese cobras and many-banded kraits being alleged reservoirs of the virus that the alleged COVID-19 pandemic was a psyop and I was pretty certain from understanding an essential principle of psyops – only what is wanted for real is done for real – that not only was there no pandemic, there was no “novel” virus either although you don’t really have to understand that principle to know that there wouldn’t be a virus because psyops are tightly-controlled operations and the way viruses spread isn’t compatible with “tightly-controlled operation” (just as having the loved ones of 3,000 people killed by the US government on 9/11 running amok wouldn’t have suited the tightly-controlled operation that was 9/11 one little bit either). Reality really gets in the way of psyops. The perps don’t want reality interfering – they only want reality when that is what they want, eg, demolition of the WTC buildings. They had no need of a virus and they absolutely didn’t want it screwing up their MO. All they wanted was to implement their Trauma-based Mind Control Psychological Operation with as few realities as possible, relying only on their all-powerful propaganda … except we have to allow that they’re half-decent about it … they push out the gratuitous anomalies galore to let us know that they are hoaxing us good and proper.
One of the things that helps to recognise psyops is their distinctive hallmarks. We’ve all seen the nonsense “miracle survivors” on 9/11 and at Christchurch, Las Vegas and Pearl Harbour so if this alleged pandemic is indeed a psyop we would expect nonsense “miracle survivor” stories. And yes folks we have them. Yes sirree. These psyops are just sooooooo predictable.
And wouldn’t you know it? One of the nonsense stories is about a guy who thought “his days were done” brought back from the brink by hydroxychloroquine. Yep, he was almost dead but a friend’s ever-so-helpful advice saved him in the nick of time. The other story in this news report is about the 90 year-old grandmother who was rescued from the jaws of death by – wait for it – potato soup. You cannot make this stuff up … but those good ol’ intelligence agents whose job it is, do a marvellous job I must say. I have to admit laughing my head off at some of their complete nonsense.
Below is an extract about the saved-by-hydroxychloroquine guy from another media story.
He says his doctors did not want to see him so he drove to Joe DiMaggio hospital in South Florida, near his home, and nearly passed out waiting to get tested. Doctors diagnosed him with pneumonia and coronavirus. They put him on oxygen in the ICU but he says he was still unable to breathe. After more than a week, he says doctors told him there was really nothing more they could do. Friday evening, he said goodbye to his wife and three children.
“I was at the point where I was barely able to speak and breathing was very challenging. I really thought my end was there. I had been through nine days of solid pain and for me, the end was there. So I made some calls to say in my own way goodbye to my friends and family.” A dear friend immediately sent him a recent article about hydroxychloroquine, an old anti-malaria medicine proven successful to treat COVID-19 patients overseas, and insisted he take the drug.
So, Giardinieri reached out to an infectious disease doctor. “He gave me all the reasons why I would probably not want to try it because there are no trials, there’s no testing, it was not something that was approved. And I said look I don’t know if I’m going to make it until the morning because at that point I really thought I was coming to the end because I couldn’t breathe anymore. He agreed and authorized the use of it and 30 minutes later the nurse gave it to me.
Comment: We hear of so many COVID patients being put in ICUs. Whaaaaat? They put highly-infectious patients in ICUs? What could be more against medical protocol than putting a highly-infectious patient in an ICU? Check out Tara Jane Langston and her ostentatious coughing all over the show. Could they tell us more clearly? What part of psyop pushed in our faces do people not understand here?
There are so many angles from which to recognise that the alleged COVID-19 pandemic is, in fact, a complete psyop:
— Pre-pandemic exercises and presaging
— Isolation and testing anomalies
— Numbers of cases and mortality anomalies
— Confusing guidelines
— Patients – no symptoms / anomalous presentation / ludicrous recovery stories
— Unconvincing loved ones
— Response – incommensurate regardless of virus reality
— Pseudoscience
— In-your-face anomalies
— Hoax within a hoax (typical psyop hallmark)
There is room for reasonable claims that SARSCOV2 has not been isolated and may not exist as a specific entity. There is room for suggesting ‘covid19’ is just a circle drawn around a random collection of flulike symptoms and other syndromes. But surely that is secondary right now to the issue of people being killed and society destroyed in the name of battling a virus that, even if a real separate entity, is acknowledged to be just another coronavirus doing its thing.
Admin, what you are failing to grasp is the very, very obvious and simple fact that the alleged COVID-19 pandemic is a psyop. I don’t know what’s preventing you grasping that very simple and obvious fact but something is.
“… room for reasonable claims …” is not the correct viewpoint. There is ZERO evidence of isolation and there is good evidence against it, eg, this “scientific paper”, Comparative pathogenesis of COVID-19, MERS and SARS in a non-human primate model, where the alleged virus allegedly goes through all kinds of operations and yet we see no reference to its isolation from the alleged source, a “German traveller”.
Do you understand that the only way we know of COVID-19 is through what media and government tell us and that as they are the source of this alleged pandemic it is incumbent on them to provide the evidence to back up their story. They haven’t done that. No, instead what they’ve provided us with are anomalies at every turn in their story which give us ZERO reason to believe any single part of it in any shape or form.
As the alleged COVID-19 pandemic is clearly a psyop (there is no doubt on that matter and if you think there is please, I beg you, give me a single reason to doubt it) then there is no reason at all to believe any of the HCQ “scandal”. We can only infer it is part of the psyop propaganda designed to distract and divert from the basic fact, Admin, the very basic fact:
Everything is designed to reinforce the idea of the virus one way or another. That’s how propaganda works. They give us loads and loads of different stories but underlying each one is the idea that COVID-19 exists. When you blow away the magic propaganda dust, however, there ain’t nuttin’ there. Nada, niente, zilch. It’s all smoke’n’mirrors.
Do you understand that when they implement psyops they throw out heaps and heaps and heaps of red-herring nonsense in order to hide the very simple facts of the actual reality. In this case the basic truth is utterly simple, so utterly simple: there is no “novel” virus. Such a small fact but so hugely significant. They have this person fighting with that person and this group against that group over this that and the other. But it’s all staged, it’s all nonsense. The toxic dust and all the Israeli nonsense (every man and his dog was in on it including my own Prime Minister, little Johnny Howard) are good examples from the 9/11 psyop. See
The basic truth of 9/11 is relatively tiny too: buildings were damaged and demolished. That’s the basic truth of 9/11 but you see how enormous and complicated the story seems.
The simple facts of big psyops
9/11: buildings were damaged and demolished
COVID-19 pandemic: no “novel” virus.
When the truths underlying psyops are so utterly simple they do an awful lot of work to make them seem so very much more complicated than they are.
If COVID-19 is a fiction – and it most clearly is – then so must be the HCQ scandal. Can you get that?
If you have a single skerrick of evidence that COVID-19 is a reality please provide it and if you haven’t got that please say why you think I – or anyone – should have any reason to give credence to its existence at all. Please tell me why I should even suspect that it may be real. Please tell me.
But Admin clearly DOES grasp the psyop aspects of what you say. It simply approaches the issue from a different angle than you do, and with different emphasis, leaving room for a concept even simpler than the one apparent in your dismissive tone. For me, “follow the money” works very well in this case.
I do not consider I’m being dismissive, wardropper. My aim is to ensure that any argument is based on the correct premise, namely, there is no “novel” virus. That is the correct premise for any argument in relation to the alleged COVID-19 pandemic. If there is no “novel” virus, then there is no disease and thus there is no reason to believe in any treatment using HCQ or anything at all relating to HCQ – it wouldn’t make any sense. We also see an example of a “miracle survivor” story where HCQ was allegedly used and this story has zero credibility.
I am not saying my concept is any simpler than any other. What I’m interested in is the truth – and in the case of this alleged pandemic the truth is utterly simple: there is no “novel” virus.
I do not know why I (and a few others) are obliged to keep restating the bleeding obvious over and over again as if there might be a single skerrick of doubt about what we say because there isn’t.
COVID-19 is a fiction, folks, a complete fiction. There is zero evidence of its reality and there is evidence against its reality. That being the case it is nonsensical to even consider the possibility of its reality. There is simply no reason to suspect its reality at all … and if anyone thinks there is a reason to suspect its reality please state what it is.
neither is there any previous pathogenic viruses. flu did not kill people during flu season. what happened is people believed in a pathogenic virus leading to poor nutrition and lifestyle, poisoning with ‘flu vaccines’, paractamol etc. dr morse says he has never seen anyone die of pneumonia.
You need to be careful, Jess, in your claims. Perhaps the flu itself does not actually kill people but the pneumonia that the flu leads to. I do not know but I wouldn’t make claims about poor nutrition and flu vaccines killing people unless I had clear evidence.
What I strongly suspect though is that the “Spanish flu” of 1918-19 was a hoax just like this one … the similarities of the images are so very striking.
No, you don’t understand my point. Yes, we know people are being excessively and wrongly diagnosed with Covid19, this is openly admitted. So the question of whether it’s real or fake is more of a sliding scale than a binary choice. It becomes reduced to whether all of the deaths are misdiagnosed as opposed to only some.
Either way, people are dying, killed by excessive ventilator usage, neglect, overdosage of HCQ etc etc, and real or not covid19 is being lied about and used as a cover for iatrogenic deaths and for massive rollouts of authoritarianism that may end up killing millions and destroying human freedom.
This is far more important immediately than ascertaining exactly where in the spectrum of reality this particular virus lies.
Sorry, Admin, didn’t see your response until now.
Just like the “toxic dust” on 9/11 I suspect that people dying from excessive ventilator usage, overdosage of HCQ or whatever may well be propaganda. You simply cannot take at face value anything you are told in a psyop at all. The propaganda they use can be very counterintuitive in that it’s against the perps themselves, which can divert from worse things happening. They are always putting out stuff against themselves, the Collateral Murder video being a prime example. It allows them to control the story better.
Definitely people are suffering one way or another, there is no doubt of that, just as they suffered over 9/11 … but how they TELL us they’re suffering one must always question. Perhaps the large majority of suffering experienced by people isn’t the suffering that’s publicised and involves a lot of stagey finger pointing.
I myself have suffered mildly from lack of access to medical services and I’m sure others have suffered far, far worse but the stuff that they make a big deal of in the media I’m always very suspicious of.
It is 100% binary in that there is no “special” virus. That is binary. Whatever else, the key fact is that there is no evidence whatsoever of a special virus or infection caused by the alleged special virus and all the evidence overwhelmingly supports “plandemic”. This was planned and you cannot make a genuine virus spread here there and everywhere in a desired pattern – an utter absurdity. They don’t use reality in psyops unless they want it. Can you please, please understand that fundamental principle of psyops. Reality gets in the way. Their MO is always propaganda except where they want things for real … and it’s so easy for them. They are so very, very skilled at it. They’ve had millennia to perfect it and people are extremely gullible (I was myself).
As there is no special virus or illness I simply cannot see how HCQ plays any role unless they’re using it for other illness that they’ve falsely labelled COVID-19. Definitely, the “miracle survivor” story about the guy who made a miraculous recovery from taking HCQ is utterly bogus so the HCQ element in this psyop is on very shaky legs.
Just to say Admin you guys like the vast majority of people do not include all the evidence in your evaluation. I am utterly scrupulous in that I always include all the evidence. I always ensure that all the available evidence supports my hypothesis and that it doesn’t support any other hypothesis better … at least as best I am able. Most people conveniently wave away or conveniently exclude evidence that favours other hypotheses and/or doesn’t fit theirs.
stefan lanka has videos explaining why it or any pathogenic virus can not exist. the key word is pathogenic. so long as the idea that monsters can arrive out of nowhere survives there is danger because then anything can be claimed to be a lesser evil.
With regard to your question 3, you need to factor in that proponents of the HCQ treatment have stressed that the key element of the treatment is using HCQ in combination with zinc, not on its own. The treatment is also only regarded as effective if used as a prophylactic or at the immediate onset of symptoms. Zinc is known to be a “general stimulant of anti-viral activity”. There may be other available medications which could be used in place of HCQ whose main function appears to be to serve as a catalyst to make cells more receptive to the zinc.
In addition to overdosing extremely ill patients (whatever the cause of their illness) with HCQ in combination with other chemicals, even where there were existing medical warnings specifically against such ‘cocktails’, the trials referred to in the article took no account of the recommended use with zinc or the use at early stages of illness.
As Admin1 says, it is the reckless and, most likely, deadly experimentation in the trials that must be the focus of an enquiry and accountability.
Judy, Just like the alleged toxic dust at Ground Zero I believe that HCQ is a red herring. If there’s no virus, there’s no disease to be treated and this HCQ “scandal” can only be propaganda designed to distract and divert from the simple truth of no “novel” virus.
Chloroquine was shown to kill SARS-Cov1 in 2005 by the NIH in 2005. The Chinese showed that Hydroxychloroquine was 85x more potent than chloroquine for SARS-cov2. There’s scientific basis for it’s use but like all acute antivirals like Tamiflu should be used early not late when patients are severely ill.
Hard to know where the hoaxery starts and ends though isn’t it? Why does HCQ work on the special coronaviruses and not on the others?
First of all, I have to thank, not just The Guys and Gals who run Off-Guardian – and I will – send you guys another tenner (apologies to b)
But some of the people who comment here, really are world class, even if I don’t initially agree with some of their views, and think that they – well yeh obviously highly intelligent (but still – well you know what these OXON Priests are like – a little bit wedded to their views – some of which I might disagree with)
Then early this morning cos it was hot, and yer know – I did have a cold shower first, I read this post from Mike Elward(OXOn) – or close, and I read his posts and his links with regards to the differences of the original bark of the tree quinine, and some of their close relations, and I found it exceedingly interesting, so I won’t quote..from the depths of Mike Elward’s links…You can read them yourself.
This is just a personal, my family anecdote about Quinine from the 1960’s.
My eldest Brother and Sister, and me(though I wasn’t diagnosed) (other brother and sister fine) had inherited the disease myatonia congenita.
My eldest sister – a very senior nurse took the drug procaianamide. I researched the drug procaianamide at the Medical Reference Section (I couldn’t take the book out) of the the biggest library in Manchester) – I thought nah not for me, I will just do a hell of a lot more exercise, and regularly pre-tense my muscles. I never took anything for it. I never (even now) have declared it anywhere. So far as I am aware it is not on my medical records – and most people never noticed…been gliding and diving and stuff.
Menwhile my eldest brother was prescribed quinine.
He was the cleverest person I have ever met Manchester University, Ferranti, and GEC in Rugby…
He had a massive Nervous Breakdown and was in a Strait Jacket at the age of 23.
He was on nothing but Quinine.
Before today, it never occurred to me, that it may well have been caused by the cumulative effects of quinine, nor in my sisters case procainamide…
I just think its really important, to research these things as best you can, especially when you yourself are personally vulnerable to myatonia congenita or any other disease.
The difference, I’m still here. I didn’t take any drugs for it.
They died in their 50’s. The drugs destroyed their natural immune system (as it actually said on the tin)
Don’t do drugs. They don’t work for a lot of minor problems, especially on a long term basis. They make you worse. They kill you
Of course there are many life saving drugs, such as insulin et al
If I needed them, I would take them, but exercise, food, love, music are far more important, than something prescribed to you, in 5 mins, by some doctor, who just wants to get rid of you, cos (in my case) I wouldn’t take his drugs, after I tried them and they made me ill. I did show him the results. Just didn’t go back after I got well 16 years ago.
His Receptionist kept phoning me up, till March when she lost her job on COVID – poor girl. She seemed really nice, I just said I’m a bit busy now – got loads of letters too that I completely ignored including the pooh tests.
Still Here – Feeling Well – apart from the fact that nearly everyone else I know has gone mad and actually Believes, They are Going To Die, of latest Flu…I do Try to be nice..
“The Sensational Alex Harvey Band Next”
Now you’ve done it ….. I’m going to have to play Isobel Gowdie on the cans. Volume 11.
The problems inherent in a profit-based healthcare system.
Excellent article.
Gilead as we all know is Donald Rumsfeld ‘s personal golden goose – they made billions from the dodgy bird flu drug and are making billions from this dodgy one too – the editors should offer their resignations with a public statement.
Bozo’s clowns are pushing it in the U.K. too.
By the way – the scientific method has been proved to work in this debunking.
Published May 22nd – letter by scientists on May 28th.
….in my opinion, as long as “science” follows the mainstream doctrine, “progress” is curtailed….Peter Plichta raised serious questions about the prevailing creed dictating the “Laws of Physics” in his published works in the late 20th century…and he discovered the pattern in the Prime Numbers and the numerical codes in Nature….for anyone who’s interested in this subject, i recommend reading “Gods Secret Formula” by Peter Plichta….enjoy..!!
Max Planck, too, caused some consternation with his book ‘The Philosophy of Physics.’
The whole bedrock of physics – causality – he brings into question. In it, he states a ‘harmonising force’ must have worked to create the universe.
I think you will find Physics has always been about nature.
‘natural philosophy(Noun)
The objective study of nature in the widest sense; science, (later especially) physics.’
‘ Modern meanings of the terms science and scientists date only to the 19th century. Before that, science was a synonym for knowledge or study, in keeping with its Latin origin. The term gained its modern meaning when experimental science and the scientific method became a specialized branch of study apart from natural philosophy.[2]
From the mid-19th century, when it became increasingly unusual for scientists to contribute to both physics and chemistry, “natural philosophy” came to mean just physics, and the word is still used in that sense in degree titles at the University of Oxford.[citation needed] In general, chairs of Natural Philosophy established long ago at the oldest universities are nowadays occupied mainly by physics professors. Isaac Newton’s book Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica (1687), whose title translates to “Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy”, reflects the then-current use of the words “natural philosophy”, akin to “systematic study of nature”. Even in the 19th century, a treatise by Lord Kelvin and Peter Guthrie Tait, which helped define much of modern physics, was titled Treatise on Natural Philosophy (1867).
Greek philosophers defined it as the combination of beings living in the universe, ignoring things made by humans.[3] The other definition refers to human nature.[3]’ – wiki.
The world has gone mad under the pretext of propaganda. Intelligence and critical thought has been hijacked. The manipulation of society without factual evidence proves it. Even the simple fact that 99.9% of humans will not die from this “virus” won’t stop the stupidity.
I will not mourn the dumb but I will the ones that do comprehend the obvious.
Take care.
said the Editor of the Lancet.
Enlightenment is over for nearly two decades now, era of neo-scholasticism constrained today not by church religious dogmas but by global corporate profit-making dogmas that cannot be challenged by science, reigns supreme.
Concentrated power in hands of few global foundations or corporations of governments in any and all fields of science reduced to few big corporate projects while rest of independent research funding cut and most atrophied, breathed opportunism among global scientific community, stifled independence and free thought.
It simply killed scientific progress as nothing really new was discovered in last 40 years but only perhaps perfecting and implementing old technologies, only if they were proved profitable for corporations that effectively stole fruits of decades of taxpayers R&D investment in sciences.
Much of old research and technology was suppressed as unprofitable or interfering with new more profitable solutions regardless of true often highly detrimental impact on population.
Medicine and biosciences are utmost examples of ideological and methodological corruption of sciences but this expanded to physics, chemistry not to mention social and behavioral sciences serving their fused corporate-government masters as well.
That is why only few voices among worldwide scientific medical community were raised questioning blatant COVID propaganda.
Dr Mengele served policies and interests of Nazi state so are doctors peddling COVID fallacies today are political operatives who abandoned Hippocratic Oath..
If you’re wondering how to do your bit, you can write HOAX or LIES on a cheap face mask and wear it wherever necessary.
Good suggestion. Or how about “USELESS”?
Great idea! If it’s printed out using a clear font, it should be okay : )
When there is an outbreak like Covid, in reality, there are people like us – doctors – who see mortality and suffering. And there are people who see dollars. That’s it.”
But, but, Covid-19 is just a futile flu, nothing but a Western spy-op according to most Off-Guard articles….
What is a “futile flu”?
I’d say that the virus is real but not as deadly as it’s made out to be. Furthermore, it has characteristics which, symptom wise, are indistinguishable from other viruses.
In any case, the observation,
is a general observation that is applicable at all times.
US mainstream media news discredited hydroxychloroquine for treating COVID-19 patients, however, I was under the impression hydroxychloroquine is helpful as a “
pre-exposure prophylactic and was never intended to treat seriously ill COVID-19 patients. In any event, MSNBC and CNN gleefully seized Mehra’s study to ridicule Trump about promoting hydroxychloroquine to cure COVID-19.
COVID is a multipurpose virus achieving numerous objectives for the surveillance corporate state– inexpensive cures are ridiculed and dismissed while Trump is depicted as an idiot whose incompetence is responsible for geronticide.
Of course, coronavirus expanded the wealth of billionaires. “Six billionaires, including Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, Tesla’s Elon Musk, and Zoom’s Eric Yuan, have seen their net worths grow by more than $2 billion each since March.”
And this doesn’t even include the projected billions pharmaceutical companies are now smacking their lips over in anticipation of a slew of vaccines proving to be useless treating a constantly mutating virus.
The 2020 COVID reset button was pressed to bring the population back to the future of 2001. Two decades later the new calamity is the coronavirus. Like the War on Terror trillions were seamlessly transferred to the usual crooks, while simultaneously providing the security state with justification to implement state-of-the-art AI technology that’ll heighten surveillance under the guise of a pandemic.
It’s Obvious, COVID-19 was the perfect ploy for removing the Orange buffoon and replacing him with demented basement Joe. But in the end, it makes no difference since either idiot will be just fine with the military/security/surveillance/corporate state.
(“Evidently the North American media does not consider this extraordinary crime to be worth reporting.”)
Hey, in defense of MSM, if they could only find a way to blame Putin for this fiasco of medical “research” corruption it would surely be front page news!
Attempting to separate the interests of the mainstream corporate media – from the interests of the pharmaceutical industry – from the interests of the political hacks who front for the interests of Western oligarchy – well, that’s a lot of “separating” of ‘interests’ that are in fact actually quite clearly and absolutely – “inseparable.”
I suppose, like any criminal, the North American media wouldn’t think it a good idea to report themselves…
Media = Public Enemy No. 1
As those commenting on here clearly understand a supine and ignorant majority long fed by a corrupt MSM owned by a criminal elite are now willingly accepting their fate and the wilful ruination of their society It must be remembered that this transformation is for a flu type virus that has supposedly affected 0.45% and led to the deaths of 0.06% of the UK population. That fact will never be broadcast by those holding the big stick and who are now talking “cases” and “shielding ” with the threat of an inevitable “second wave” extending into next year.
Like others the greatest disappointment for me is to witness the lack of critical thinking and mindless acceptance of government diktat . Mask wearing and social distancing have now been firmly implanted in the weak minded where fear is uppermost for a virus which is being promoted to the level of a new Black Death. We should all show our resistance to these events in any way we possibly can.
Exactly. Refuse to comply with these diktats, stand up and say no. And then tell them exactly why you’re doing it.
Tho given the high level of brainwashing by the disgusting MSM, most people will regard you as a looney nut. Sobeit. Let them.
I am so p’d off at the inane, ubiquitous graph usage on the ABC. They must think we’re all a bunch of uneducated morons. How can our medical commentators sleep at night!
Was just in the middle of watching the excellent latest video at The Crowhouse (Max Igan) and I paused to answer your reply.
I’ve seen brief snippets of ‘news’ on The Project or SBS or Ch7…. and within 2 or 3 minutes I have an almost irresistible urge to kick my TV. It turns my stomach.
I usually boycott all MSM, but lately have taken small peeks just to see how bad it really is. Its beyond bad.
I’m glad you’re here also Glenda. The Corbett Report is excellent, as is The Crowhouse (Bitchute) – about the only Aussie site seriously challenging this Crap. Another excellent site is Wrench In The Gears blog, Truthstream Media (Bitchute)
The Mirror Project (YouTube – for now) and John Steppling Facebook page has really good things on it.
How can they sleep at night? Easily. They have no conscience.
Terrific – thanks Gezzah! Yes, am subscriber to Corbett and looking forward to The Crowhouse etc. Some sanity prevails somewhere at least! x
The Crowhouse is excellent, and Max Igan is one of the few voices here standing up and saying NO. However on his latest video he is really pissed off (especially about the situation in Victoria) and there’s quite a bit of colourful language. He is bang on with the situation in Aussie.
In fact being sub-human probably eliminates the need for sleep altogether. At any rate I’ve heard it said that Thatcher could “manage” on an hour’s sleep… Which is why “managing” is what it has become in today’s politics…
The media generally are trained to use graphs when they want their audience to yawn and nod off. That’s why graphs, like most statistical printouts, can be used to “prove” anything.
Rule No.1: Get your audience asleep. The rest is easy.
Rule No.2: The same as Rule No.1.
Rule No.3: The same as Rules 2 and 3.
Hahahaha. How true!
Pepe Escobar reported on HCQ in March, reporting 70K doses of it went missing in France.
In May I mentioned HCQ to some young liberal civic planner types just out of college and Americorps, one shook her head as if I was Alex Jones.
And I do hope to see them again to mention the American association of surgeons and doctors are suing the US Gov for banning trials of it. If Trump mentioned and took it, das is verbotten.
Californians are diptards, thank God for OffGuardian!
I’m sorry, but this is just incorrect. They may be all part of the quinoline family of drugs, but they are are all distinct drugs, each with their own chemical formulae and characteristics.
And whether you like it or not, there is a case to answer against any thought of blanket use of hydroxychloroquine or its family members in this context.
Especially as there are safer alternatives: Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Zinc, Selenium, Magnesium (used in combination; especially vitamin C, intravenously in extreme cases).
It’s also worth remembering that hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine are also made by “Big Pharma” (e.g. Bayer), even if they are relatively cheap.
I think Galloway has gone completely mad. It starts at about 14 minutes in, but I’ll save you the trouble…
Brexit is now completely, totally and utterly irrelevant (and by way of disclosure I should say that I’m a Brexiteer).
We are heading into the biggest economic collapse in human history.
It’s all been caused to the 0.1% (or to be pedantic, the 0.001%) who over the last three months or so have thieved billions from public treasuries, courtesy of our totally corrupt politicians.
All this covid 19 complete nonsense, and ‘social distancing’ and all the rest of it, is because these psychopaths know that there’s going to be massive civil unrest.
It’s really as simple as that… so make my day, punk: do you really want to live as a serf in a police state?
And the ‘2nd wave’ of the ‘virus’ will occur late December, with the lockdown as an excuse to control the unrest that will inevitably follow from that collapse.
Happily for them, it will also cancel our 2nd main religious holiday, as it did the first (Easter).
How thoughtful of them
Not one bit racist at all.
vodka and gin whiskey
gin and tonic quinine mad dogs and englishmen in frica and india
cocktails need bitters
bitter herbs roots and bark
an aperitif
a bitter one get the bile flowing
kick start the stomach for the food to come.
worm wood tincture
herbs bitter ones smashed up and put in booze make a medicinal tincture
swedidh bitters medicine
make your own medicine just like they did thousands of years ago
a cocktail at a pure level can be medicine
added colouings and sugar not so much
funny how a medicine a bitter tincture for health recovery got distorted and destroyed by the vacuous nature of the cocktail lounge.
nicola tesla and his violet ray device becomes a zit zapper in face spa and sex toy and not an important health aid.
This below is common foundation of most local public health emergency orders in US in mid March that abuse their statutory power by making decisions based on unsupported judgments and acting on complete lack of knowledge while ignoring incoming data repudiating official narrative about ongoing emergency when conditions of emergency ceased to exist or were never there.
Some few lies in emergency orders that included lockdowns while admitting no scientific support for their assertions but only fear mongering.(from one California county)
None of those assertions described a threat different than any Influenza season, many points are made ad ignorantum or constitutes blind guesses.
While facts came in early April about actual public health conditions that in no way warranted state of public health emergency, no action were taken, phony emergency continues and become more oppressive like mandatory face masks proven to be infective against viruses in the past and today.
RE: Bojo’s pronouncement today. I’m of the opinion that one million people need to march on Westminster and flush these scum down the drain. Then those one million people need to march up to Whitehall and flush the scum civil servants down the drain (particularly Sir Mark Sedwill). Then we march on the MSM headquarters.
As an aside I was born in March 1964 in London and I’m now 56 years old. Bojo was born in June 1964 in New York (his birthday last Friday was celebrated by an absolutely cringeworthy PR stunt), and Sir Mark Sedwill (the hidden eminence) was born in west London in October 1964.
All of us were born in 1964, at the height of Beatlemania, amongst other things, and yet 56 years later where are we now?
“where are we now?”
Looks like mania of any type is to be avoided at all costs. Makes sense to me, but I still like the Beatles a lot…
One just needs to LOOK at what these same scoundrels and terrorists did with the Dogma “HIV is the cause of AIDS” to understand that they ALWAYS choose the MONEY!
elton john did a lot for aids
jimmy saville did a lot for kids and the dead folks in the rue morgue
charity a trillion dollar busy ness
Gilead bought the stolen cure for HCV (stolen from the VA by one of it’s scientists Raymond Schinazi), changed the formula of the drug between trials and production (though it still worked, in fairness), and marketed it at $1000 per pill (similar price to Remdesvir) when it cost less than cents per pill to produce. Gilead’s execs are sub-human scum.
They are using it and other experimental drugs to murder patients.All part of the NWO agenda.
It does seem that pharma, as a business, is irredeemably corrupt, with the industry as a whole exhibiting ethics on a par with the tobacco industry.
You also have to question the motives of a large part of the medical profession.
“If science could not be corrupted, Monsanto would not exist, nuclear weapons would never have been used against civilians, pharmaceutical products would be affordable and would not have side effects… Many technological advances are hoarded and controlled by people who may not have social ethics as their primary objective.”
Jerry Day, Science and Technology as instruments of social control
It’s considerably worse than the tobacco industry, because decades of knowledge, experience and example from the tobacco industry are currently being ignored in the interests of even more money. The shareholders in pharma are, of course, a huge part of the problem. They want their dividends at all costs. And it will cost all.
I still think most people haven’t worked out what’s going to happen for the rest of the year.
Business owners are committing economic suicide by enforcing these Covid regulations into their premises.
Here in Belfast, shops have staff at the doors in face shields and face nappies.
Staff inside are wearing t shirts with slogans such as ‘keep your distance’ and ‘stay apart stay safe’.
They are limiting the amount of people in and have circles on the floors where we have the privilege to stand.
And of course the majority are card only. In fact some only accept contactless.
I really wanted to support the high street but I refuse to give these imbeciles my business. They are subconsciously telling customers we view you as a germ ridden threat by you entering our establishment.
So I will be boycotting them as I refuse to go along with this lunacy.
I feel that there will be very few high street shops left in the next 3-6 months and probably most of hospitality will be wiped out if they comply with these Covid guidelines.
They are turning retail and leisure into a thoroughly unpleasant experience.
It’s sad to see.
Will any of them take the plunge and ignore these guidelines as it’s going to be the only way they will survive.
But I’m sure it will be the role of the media to slander them if they do.
And what happens when the planned 2nd wave happens when it will conveniently coincide with flu season and more conveniently the same time when AstraZeneca plan to introduce the precious Gates vaccine which is slotted in for late September onwards.
There will be so many restrictions placed on people’s lives that Billy’s vaccine will appear to be the only way out. As planned.
How very convenient and it doesn’t take an Einstein to work out what the plan is.
Indeed the REAL BILL GATES FUN is yet to start! As for the herd of moron slaves obeying orders that will lead them to financial and/or biological suicide… It seems they are unable of Critical Thought and really enjoy Obeying, so…
It’s actually embarrassing how people can be so easily fooled.
These people deserve no pity.
You don’t need to do much research to find Gates is funding everyone and anyone connected to the official narrative and some think it’s just a coincidence he also wants to vaccinate the planet.
Seriously are people really that stupid.
If you can’t be bothered to get off your arse and apply any sort of critical thinking and just want the government and media to tell you what to think you deserve what you get.
“If you can’t be bothered to get off your arse and apply any sort of critical thinking and just want the government and media to tell you what to think you deserve what you get.”
Yes, but the rest of us don’t, and we’ll get it, too.
Perhaps not, if we really DO get off our arses and refuse to be collaborators.
You seriously think Bill Gates is calling the shots here? He is just the patsy, a relatively unimportant figure who is being used as a scapegoat (willingly or otherwise) by the American ‘deep state’.
It is another of the CIA’s limp cover stories, just like 5G, which their trolls spread around in the hope that some people fall for it.
It doesn’t matter whether Gates is calling the shots, or whether he’s just Chief Assistant shot-caller, serving the interests of an even lower life-form behind the curtains.
He’s still the bad guy, as is anyone else amassing such illegitimate wealth and still not being satisfied.
Paul, I agree with everything you’ve said.
In my part of rural south west France they’ve allowed bars and restaurants to open again. The French government is also trying to impose social distancing and all the rest of the nonsense. No one is taking a blind bit of notice of it. This might be because of the massive protests that took place all over France at the weekend…
The only way out of this dystopian nightmare is for everyone to push back and ignore them.
If everyone was to do this then they can’t fine and arrest everyone.
Whilst many of us are aware of the real agenda there are many who have been brainwashed and they outnumber us.
Even the thought of going to a socially distanced bar sounds like a nightmare and here in Uk they are suggesting every business has a social distance champion who the staff and customers can turn too.
Divide and rule.
I wonder will the bars push back or just accept it. Time will tell.
I’m ashamed to say it but the British have rolled over so easily compared to the the rest of Europe and the USA.
Paul, lower down in this thread I linked to Vernon Coleman’s latest video. There’s also another Vernon, Carl Vernon; and then there’s people like me.
I might be a long term ex-pat, but I’m still a Brit, and I’m just one of many Brits who are speaking out against all this madness.
There are lots of us out there.
Whilst in the short term it still looks like things are going to be pretty awful, in the long term I still remain optimistic about how things will pan out.
Thanks Rob.
I hope your right. I really long for the day the perpetrators face justice for what they’ve done.
They cannot be allowed to get away with it.
It’s the same in the Republic
Bloody cowards here only a handful I know thinks its garbage. Plenty on Twitter here though but totally under the spell of the covid con job
Paul, I’m optimistic because amongst other things there are a huge number of people like you.
It will of course be a struggle, but we will win through.
Trust me.
In view of the way parents who are “vaccine cautious” have been treated here in Oz, the media scorn as tho they are uneducated morons who are putting all kids in danger, and the withholding of the child allowance for the unvaccinated, I imagine a similar scenario will take place when the COVID vaccine is launched. It will be mandatory and if you don’t have the ID chip you won’t be able to get into certain venues. Probably fines for non-compliance. Even if a large percentage of people are against it, will they be bothered to push back?
The silver lining of this covid chaos is that people who’d never even had a conversation about vaccines in general are now absolutely adamant they are not getting the lethal injection.
I just can’t see it happening that they will be able to make it mandatory
Let the media try and create a caricature
I’ll embrace it 🙂
I passionately hope you are right! Although sadly those poor doomed peeps in 3rd world will just do what they’re told.
I don’t think they be even alive to take it at this rate. Poverty is going to hit them real hard
Everyone west is under hypnosis, they’re the dangerous ones.
The shop owners are being made to dig their own graves but don’t realise it. The whole point seems to be to make shopping on the high street so unattractive that people use Amazon and other online firms. Then stores collapse so the profitable parts can be bought up on the cheap.
In a few months, with well-known names going under, the stores will be blamed for their own demise – by then there will be a sufficient time lag from the lockdown. I feel like telling them that every time I shop but they wouldn’t listen as they still believe the government is ‘working with’ them and the public are the unclean enemy.
i met a confused old lady in the street earlier
i was trying to point out how amazing vit d and c are.
she told me she is on thorazine because she had a twitch in her hand 2 years ago and the doc put her on a medication used in many mental asylums back in the day.
i asked her did she look up the side effects she did not know what i was talking about.
i said 2 years is a long time for medicating for a twitchy hand..
i went home and looked up the side effects
doctors working for murder inc
What side effects can this medication cause?Chlorpromazine may cause side effects. Tell your doctor if any of these symptoms are severe or do not go away:
Some side effects can be serious. If you experience any of the following symptoms, call your doctor immediately:
Chlorpromazine may cause other side effects. Call your doctor if you have any unusual problems while you are taking this medication.
I like your poems.All old ladys seem to be confused at mo.
what poems
i am dixxlastic
Haha. These sheeple almost deserve to be euthanised.
I was explaining to a friend of mine in her mid-seventies all the potential and likely risks of having an improperly tested vaccine. She is a believer in all that we are being told by the msm and politicians about coronavirus. In spite of what I said, her dogmatic response was ” No. I’ll be first in the queue to get it if it means I won’t die from coronavirus”. I’m afraid I just facetiously remarked that I hoped there were many more like her so that it might not be necessary to try and force vaccinations on people like me who would fight tooth and nail not to have it.
That’s the beauty about these dum dums, those remarks will go right over their heads as they mentally search for the next media mantra / slogan.
Come on .I trained my cat to sniff out weed.Now she puffs joints.She got the arthritis attack same as me cos of ali 5g.Anybody shaking ? Gave up coffee 3 days ago.The Fuzz is her name.God bless.
“An interesting side note, before this fake study was published, Dr Wolfgang Wodarg theorised that use of HCQ may explain the higher death rate in patients of African ancestry – ed.”
I would have pointed out had you not. Either Wolfgang is wrong or he isn’t. If he isn’t, then why is everyone (among the good guys, never mind the bad guys) ignoring what he’s stumbled on?
Interesting aside from an aside is that African ancestry is a risk factor for venous thromboembolism
So what do we have apart from African ancestry as clinical characteristic that increases risk of venous thromboembolism
Age, male sex, obesity, blood group non-O, comorbidity, …
And for the symptoms, what do they have in common?
Shortness of breath, dry cough, raised temperature, chest pain.
And for laboratory markers: increased coagulation markers like d-dimer levels
And HCQ, the wonderdrug (if you believe that) has anticoagulant properties
And patients with Covid at the ICU ‘amazingly develop’ in 50% of cases venous thromboembolism
And venous thromboembolism is a severe disease that should not be treated with ventilation, but anticoagulation.
Yet when I discuss these types of correlation with my medical colleagues, who should know better, all they say is that the hypothesis that severe Covid19=Missed or misclassified venous thromboembolism is too far sought, even though it is known that infections can cause venous thromboembolism and that the Covid19 PCR test is able to produce false positive results…
So it would be foolish to think that you will ever see this hypothesis looked at in detail in any medical journal. Not a chance…
Thanks. Noted. Can you clarify the sentence that says, in part: “…they say is that the hypothesis that severe Covid19=Missed or misclassified venous thromboembolism is too far sought…”?
said the same with Hiv Aids after they worked out gay and lower caste was easy picking
same Mo and repeat as they people have forgotten
what killed was the life style and drugs they gave people at there hospitals reworded as Hiv Aids related illness;s on medical certificate of cause of death (MCCD) but from AZT there wonder drug that kill sold as a cure for a illness that does not exist
Does Hydroxychloroquine sound friendly ertrrr nope
fuck that
Yes, Besides learning that I want nothing at all to do with vaccines, thanks to covid 19, I also was woke to an a number of medical crimes, including what you refer to. I’ve not looked into it thoroughly but am now aware of it.
What he stumbled on was a genetic component among West Africans which tends to lessen their susceptibility to malaria. But as a consequence increases their allergic response to quinine.
Those journals do have editors, and if they failed to do their job of protecting the professional expertise of their subscribers, then they need to be named and shamed, followed closely by the names of those who badgered them into subission.
Don gon.
Finding it hard to type at mo.Ali 5g about.Listen to Vern x
I have not seen anyone being able to reconcile HCQ successes with presumed failures as per Dr. Wodarg. I am inclined to side with the success story line.
The annoying thing about the truth is that it couldn’t care less about our inclinations. We have to do our own research, or at least read the work of those who have done so.
Preparation for further Coronavirus fraud from Fauci via Bloomberg:
For those who do not know current ct-qPCR test already gives positive results for Influenza as manufacturer website and FDA warns.
It’s all pretty straightforward- creating a market for vaccines for Big Pharma profits.
Demonize anyone and any thing that might get in the way of those profits.
And WHO (pun intended) decides these things? And WHO controls the WHO?
The UN .
But as the controllers can create money from debt its about maintaining control of the systems.
Keeping control maintaining the system of control and the people in status quo .
“The UN”
“Der heimliche WHO-Chef heißt Bill Gates”
A good piece, Elizabeth. For anyone interested here’s Vernon Coleman’s latest. For some reason Vernon doesn’t get as angry as the likes of me about all this (and he mentions the 77th Brigade, et al)…
Missing here is the fact the new disease for which this was said to be a cure does not exist.
Big pharma and med journals have been totally corrupt( and ignorant about health) for a while before the COVID psyop.
It’s just seasonal flu (perhaps a worst strain than usual) that’s being used to roll out a global police state.
You mean a reset to maintain control ( stop the uprising), a NWO Marxist global govt they call socialism, keep same systems that don’t work, military police, digital currency and a injection of god know what from eugenicist depopulationist Gate$.
Missing here is the fact the new disease for which this was said to be a cure does not exist.
Missing here is the fact the new disease for which this was said to be a cure does not exist.
so good i wrote it twice
hydroxy stuff is baked into the psy op
even if it was true
the herb is the source not the oil chemi cull industry copy
since the germ theory is balls ballderdash and piffle this satanic kaballa house of dung cannot stand
can a real drug cure a phantom virus that does not exist
i here we are coming out on the 4th of july why?
have we had a coup
i here the mental psy guys have been renamed
bialystock tavistock and bloom
in what way is this article of any value, now, to the current economic lockdown perpetrated by the british government on behalf of its owners – Boris has thrown us a few of his weekly crumbs and we should all be grateful surely?
i can only assume that OG does not want to deal with the criminality of what is happening rather choses to offer items to keep us occupied – i want my money back!”
this feels like appeasement
So where else is anyone other than Off G talking about the Frankenstein flu con in a rational way? (the only other one I can name is Global Research)
Yes Rob there are a few that deny the existence of the ” COVID” except as the psyop it is.
There are a number of sites that are rational a couple I’d recommend and
This has got to be very disheartening for those who work their little fingers to to bone concocting ever newer and more deadly pathogens. Why, even our main man in America, that “National Treasure” Dr Fauci, blew 3 million of his agency’s bucks helping the Wuhan biolab put a corona virus together (and it’s got your name on it, along with everyone else’s names – a virus holds a lot of data).
No corona virus? Next you’ll say there’s no “Silicon Heaven.”
ron paul is not too bad and unz do the occasional article
Horrible how the media just said he was “old”, or “eccentric”, or some such nonsense, and the sheep just believed them, quite ignorant of what Ron Paul actually said, and how he said it. There is something old-world and quaint about him, but he knows what’s going on, and he wants to stop it – particularly the endless warmongering. He is a doctor, after all.
Unfortunately, he probably IS too old now to catch the general public’s attention. That was a missed opportunity to have a long-overdue decent person in the White House, but at least he is still active on his site:
Dr Ron Paul “not too bad” for as Lenin on controlled opposition “The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.” . But as hes too old now for use with the new generation of ADD cell phone addicted believers.
He is CO for those that understand only a little about the the FED reserve
but they not fully understand the World bank’s banking ponzi fraud scheme and how the taxpayers are used as debt slaves.
Comparing a sincere old American man with Lenin really takes some doing… Looks like we have the Ayn Rand groupies to contend with too. “Be assertive at all costs – even if you are a total narcissist and haven’t the faintest idea what you are talking about”, sort of thing…
There are a few sites, at least provide this view along with others. Mintpress, Fort-Russ, OneWorld Press, The Duran, USSA news, ZeroHedge on some articles. Other smaller ones. In the mainstream, the Spectator and increasingly more columnists in the Sun and Mail and Mail on Sunday. There is also great coverage from 21st Century Wire, UK Column and anything Patrick Henningsen writes.
The most comprehensive coverage, in my view has been here.
This is how we got here…
Jacob Rees-Mogg, House of Parliament, Tues 03/09/2019.
Speech in respect of parliamentary process….
“The motion would allow a designated Member—or a few of the Illuminati who are taking the powers to themselves—to….. ”
“Taking power to themselves”
“We are taking things that are, uh, you know, genetically modified organisms and injecting them into little kid’s arms,” said Gates in January 2015, before adding, “we just shoot ’em right into the vein.“
“So yeah I think maybe we should have a safety system where we do trials and test things out,” continued Gates.
Even J Rees Mogg knows, so why are there no feature articles on the Illuminati?
Why none on the Freemasons?
Zionism anybody? or should that be Communism?
Israel Cohen, Communist, wrote in 1912,
“We must realize that our party’s most powerful weapon is racial tension. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by the whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the negro minority against the Whites, we will endeavor to instill in the Whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the negros. We will aid the negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the negro will be able to intermarry with the Whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.”
Israel Cohen, General Secretary of The World Zionist Organization, from his book “A Racial Program For The 20th Century” (1912), read into the Congressional Record by Congressman Thomas Abernathy, U.S. House of Representatives (Mississippi, 4th District), on June 7, 1957, Volume 103, pg. 8559, third paragraph (left column). Page 26/27 on the archive site, 8559 in the book itself.
Albert Pike, in a letter to Giuseppi Mazzini, Revolutionary leader, 15 August 1871.
“We shall unleash the nihilists and the atheists and we shall provoke a great social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to all nations the effect of absolute atheism; the origins of savagery and of most bloody turmoil.
Then everywhere, the people will be forced to defend themselves against the world minority of the world revolutionaries and will exterminate those destroyers of civilization and the multitudes disillusioned with Christianity whose spirits will be from that moment without direction and leadership and anxious for an ideal, but without knowledge where to send its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer brought finally out into public view. A manifestation which will result from a general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and Atheism; both conquered and exterminated at the same time.”
General Albert Pike, senior Freemason in the Southern Jurisdiction, The United States of America.
With apologies to the Protocols and the Communist Manifesto, too long to post.
Freedom of Speech anyone?
This is how we got here.
There never was a ‘virus threat’.
“there are those who hope to profit from the dissolution of the social order so as to build a world without freedom: Solve et Coagula, as the Masonic adage teaches.”
Archbishop Viganò
(archbishop of the Catholic Church who served as the Apostolic Nuncio to the United States from 19 October 2011 to 12 April 2016.)
Or read ‘The Edge of the Abyss’ by Alfred Noyes, pub. 1942, for more insight. “The very thing we have been fighting against, is foisted on us under another name.”
And the ‘2nd wave’ of the ‘virus’ will be arranged for late December, in time to cancel Christmas. It will be like nothing before seen in its effects.
It should at least make those people happy who are totally fed up with the superficiality and iniquitous blasphemy involved in modern celebrations of Christmas…
Well, of course we know the answer: You are risking your life criticizing them publicly.
Just Google (yes, use Google) ANY number (as digits, not words), followed by two words: new cases.
I tried it with three different numbers: 111, 322, 87 – and somewhere all three numbers showed as new cases reported. Except 322 was debunked as fake news. Proof positive that I’m mystically attracted to fake news. Back to the drawing board.
“322 was debunked as fake news”
March 22nd 2010 (3/22/10) was the day that Health Care finally passed in the United States.
This rabbit hole is very deep; make of it what you will:
It dates back to 2010, and is entitled ‘322 – Secret Societies, Depopulation
And The Health Care Plan’
March 22nd was also the last day of ‘normality’ in the UK, before ‘lockdown’.
You probably were already aware of this
All coincidence, fake news and conspiracy theory, of course!
Actually, being locked in place in the US, I wasn’t aware that March 22nd was just before the UK was locked down. It genuinely was a random number on my part.
“A publishing scandal recently erupted around the use of the anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) to treat Covid 19. It is also known as quinine and chloroquine”
Since the Gates and Rockefeller/Rothschild “fact checkers” are always attempting to debunk articles in opposition to their agendas, it is important that the real alternative media not make careless factual errors, such as the opening sentence to this article. These three compounds are not identical. HCQ and chloroquine are very closely related, the former differing from the latter by the addition of a hydroxyl radical to its structure. However clinical trials have indicated that HCQ is substantially safer that chloroquine. As to quinine, though it was the original anti-malarial, particularly when mixed with gin :-), it’s chemical structure is quite different than the other two. Even if one is not a chemist, just pull them up in Wikipedia and look at the graphic structural formulas.
The herbal form of quinine, Jesuit’s Bark, was also a victim of rancorous dispute, centuries ago:
wormwood herb
Possibly worse than this original sin are the follow-up “clinical trials,” one sponsored by the WHO, designed to discredit hydroxycloroquine by upping the dose to toxic levels, killing very sick people in the trials. This raises the crime from fraud to murder.
Coincidentally, I watched this video earlier today. Absolutely shocking. Well, it would be but I’m out of my life time’s supply of credulity where the integrity and competence of our great institutions are concerned.
Del’s call for prosecutions for murder were absolutely spot on. So desparate to undermine HCQ, the WHO institutes trials with known lethal dosages that are four times above what is known to be a successful treatment.
Dr Meehan says “I hope this [scandal] blows up”. There should be no “hope” about it. It just HAS to blow up. Here is an article about the WHO and UK trial scandal posted by contributor @Kathy yesterday on the DNR thread. These mass murderers must be put on trial themselves.
‘How did this fraud get past The Lancet reviewers in the first place?‘
I suspect it was only ‘internally’ reviewed (by lancet editors), or it was reviewed by those who are friendly to the editors
I sometimes get review requests from editors (not the lancet, but could be the lancet) who I am friendly with e.g., because I know them from conferences. And then they sometimes say along the review request that the MS is very interesting and probably leads to many citations (good for the journal), sometimes even with the additional request if I would be willing to write an accompanying editorial if the paper is accepted.
All words from which I can implicitly understand that the editor wants me to be not too critical about the content.
One of the first things I did when this Covid scam started was to compare Covid cases with influenza cases and found, surprise surprise, that the mortality risk for both diseases is similar when stratified by age, sex, comorbidity. The lancet immediately rejected that manuscript. Now it is laying at another, quite famous, journal, for months now ‘under review’, while all sorts of other trash about ‘dangerous’ Covid19 is published by that same journal on a daily basis. – How come?
Medical science=pseudoscience
It’s like the infiltration of the Labour Party by Tory Bliar. The editors get to be editors because they are known to be malleable. A tough, no-nonsense professional finding himself in an editor’s job wouldn’t last long.
To quote Chomsky in an interview with Andrew Marr, who was then political editor of “The Independent”: “‘I’m sure you believe everything you’re saying. But what I’m saying is that if you believed something different, you wouldn’t be sitting where you’re sitting.’
We know how fraudulent the ‘sciences’ of Virology and Epidemiology are. Virology was founded on a lie and perpetuated by the Rockefellers and their ilk,who have now discovered just how powerful an economic and political weapon it is to wield. It’s depressing walking around the area where I am, seeing these fearful, ignorant people shying away from me. We are living in an age of rank stupidity where flying an aircraft with a harmless banner is considered a crime. How the fck did we get here?
Why is that banner a crime?
But back to HCQ.
The incredible effort to make HCQ dangerous while at the same time the vastly expensive and dangerous and essentially useless Gilead drug gets the nod.
Any answers to that?
It is a mistake to assume that the primary motivation at the top of the global pyramid of power is financial gain. They invented the debt based monetary system and can extract as much of their bogus fiat from the system, often clandestinely, as they choose. CA Fitts and Prof. Mark Skidmore have proven that the deep state has extracted secretly at least $21 TRILLION secretly from DOD and HHS alone. The primary agenda is total control of the planet’s human population and apparently a rapid 90% reduction in the population, which top globalist Kissinger refers to as “useless eaters.” The reason for the demonization of HCQ is obvious. One of the primary objectives of the scamdemic is to inject every human on the planet with a DNA “vaccine” which will genetically modify us. Combined with gene drive technology, these modifications will be passed on to all our progeny. A cheap, safe, and effective compound with a long expired patent to these purported COVID-19 illnesses, whatever their real causes, will negate the need for the INJECTION. It’s really quite simple.
Yes the huge bankster profits off the extra borrowing ( Govts debt in our name ) under guise of “COVID” as less important than the #1 mind control.
As you say, there is no “vaccine” as such. The scamdemic gives them the excuse to inject the world with whatever they want.
“Bill’s” “tetanus” injections sterilised a lot of African girls and women by all accounts. We are literally fighting for our lives.