White Privilege and the Racism Debate: A British East European point of view

Nebojša Radić

In this country[1] I am regarded as White and therefore, privileged – it seems. People in the streets and on television say that Whites should kneel and apologise.


How come I find myself in this bizarre situation?

How did I get here?

How did a refugee from war-torn socialist Yugoslavia turned fisherman in the South Pacific become a privileged White male?

Did I miss anything?

Is it something I did?

Something I said?

No, it’s not something I did or said. It has nothing to do with me.

Except that… it has everything to do with me and there is no-one to speak out for me!

So, there you go now, hear my voice.

I was born in Yugoslavia, the most multicultural country in Europe. Through the non-aligned movement, it had many links with third-world countries and we used to call Africans: braća crnci, Black Brothers. I grew up in Belgrade listening to African American blues musicians such as BB King, Jimi Hendrix, John Lee Hooker and Blind Lemon Jefferson, playing basketball to better the likes of Michael Jordan and Magic Johnson!

It was only in the late 90s that I noticed that the footballer Edson Arantes do Nascimento better known as Pele was black! And I remember watching him play for the first time in Sweden 1970! It took me thirty years or perhaps, ten years of living in an English-speaking country to think of the great football magician in terms of race.

In the early nineties, many of my countrymen (and women) fled the war. I too found myself in a new setting, in Nelson, New Zealand where a friend of a friend operated a fleet of fishing boats. I learnt the trade and a couple of years later, upon graduation, I could tell ALL the commercial fish species in the South Pacific.

Filling the many forms of the New Zealand immigration service and later of the government, I identified as a Pakeha, the Maori term for white people and, apparently, also for a pig. Pakeha or Caucasian, that was the choice I had. At the same time, for most the Yugoslav immigrants in Aotearoa, I was naš – ours. I was just one of us, ex-Yugoslavs and we all spoke naški – our language. We never bothered (very wisely) to call it Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian or…

Locals struggled to tell us apart, the same as we struggled to tell the English from the Dutch or the Maoris from the Pacific Islanders (NB. the great rugby player, Jonah Lomu was of Tongan origin, an Islander – not a Maori).

While in Nelson, down very South, a good friend of mine Kit Carson, a farmer, woodturner and artist taught me an important lesson. We were barbequing some meat near the Tahunanui beach when Max said that as an Irish-born immigrant, Kit wasn’t a real Kiwi. The already well-aged and proud son of Joyce, Beckett, Heaney and a very long line of Celtic storytelling alchemists stood up from his chair with a drink in his mighty rugged hand and roared: You were born in this country, Max, but I chose to come here out my own free will. I am much more of a New Zealander than you will ever be!

Thus, spoke Kit Carson, Down Under Below, raising his glass to a thunderous – slaintè!

On the day the New York twin towers fell, I left Aotearoa[2] and moved to Britain (this country?). I now live in Cambridge, a multi-cultural city with a peculiar town and gown historical (class, racial?) divide.

For the immigration service and the government here, I am White, the other White, mind you. The official government web page lists those options:

One of the home nations or Irish (Kit Carson!)
Gypsy or Irish Traveller (Tyson Fury, the boxer)
or any other White background.

You can also belong to mixed ethnicities or declare yourself to be Jewish, Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Chinese or of any other Asian background. You can be African, Caribbean or of any other Black background. You could be Arab too (Dr Ali Meghji)!

So, all Europeans are other Whites.

Nigel Farage however, the prominent and outspoken British politician, does not complain about his French, Italian or German and not even Greek neighbours. He just does not recommend living next door to a bunch of Romanians!

At the same time, ‘Go home Poles’ graffiti compete with Banksy’s excellent artwork, anti-Russian hyper-hysteria (you don’t really want me to give you any links for this one) and the already metastatic anti-Serbian bias (uh, where shall I start with links…) that I have been exposed to over these 30 years.

Nine in ten of my conversations that started with where are you from originally? and continued with me saying I am from Serbia, ended right there – in embarrassment and silence. A sure sign that my interlocutors were educated on the topic by alphabet soup corporations (CNN, BBC… ESPN, CIA?) rather than history or any other books.

While I do not expect people to have read all the novels by the Nobel laureate Ivo Andrić or seen the films of multiple Palme d’Or winner Emir Kusturica, to have ever found themselves trapped in one of the Marina Abramović arty installations, to have understood the principles of Nikola Tesla’s coil and wireless transmission of electricity or even watched Novak Đoković play tennis, it would be nice if they could make a small mental effort to move beyond the “murderous Serbs” stereotype.

So, the western political correctness pill may pretend to be covering Muslims, Blacks and Jews but it does not cover the others, with special reference to Eastern Europeans.

I can inform you, for instance, that there is no such thing as an “East European accent”. Same as there is no such a thing as a Western European accent[3].

The geographical Eastern Europe features languages that belong to different groups: Finno-Ugric, Greek, Romance, Slavic and Albanian among others. Native speakers of these languages do not and cannot possibly have the same English accents. Again, is there such a thing as a Jewish, African or Muslim accent?

For instance,

  • Talking to a woman in a burka you ask leisurely: Oh, is that a Muslim accent that I hear, darling?
  • Talking to Shaquille O’Neal during a pick-up basketball game you say: Where does your accent come from? West Africa, perhaps?
  • Talking to a rabbi who happen to be dressed as a rabbi: Interesting accent that you have – Semitic isn’t it?

[NB: do NOT try any of these techniques at home]

East European is not an ethnicity. East Europeans as a compact group do not exist linguistically, culturally and religiously. They are no different from Western Europeans in that respect. East European is a prejudiced political, cold war denomination for marginalised (other) white people.

My ancestors fought the Ottoman Turks for centuries not to be enslaved or taken away by the Janissaries. As my name is not Muhammed and I am a Christian, grandad seems to have done well. Now both the descendants and victims of the British Empire slave traders tell me I should apologise. Uh, let me see…

Is racism, as we now know it here, in English, not a construct of Western European maritime imperial nations, of genocide, slave trade and slavery?

Where I come from we learnt about these sinister exploits at school. We were told about what happened to the American Indians, the Aborigines, the Mayas and the Incas, the Africans abducted from their ancestral homes, enslaved and shipped to the new brave world. We knew about the East India Company, the British concentration camps in South Africa, Churchill’s racism and crimes, the utter high-tech barbarism visited upon the civilian populations of Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Dresden. This was all common knowledge among people outside the Anglo-Saxon imperial reach.

The British Empire is racist, you now tell me? No kidding.

The American fathers of the exceptional nation were slave owners? Say no more.

The Empire committed atrocities with the ‘excuse’ that their victims were not really human. If they now, suddenly accepted the humanity of the colonised, exploited and murdered peoples, their minds would blow and disintegrate along with all of their cherished ethical, religious principles and civilised posturing.

But let’s go back to our topic, my Eastern European predicament. I am White. Other White but still – sort of, White! To be better represented, I might join forces with the other Asians and the other Africans perhaps? So much for an identity crisis of the Others (capitalised by now, mind you)!

I don’t think I am or ever was privileged in this society or, for that, matter, responsible for racial tensions. I support human rights and equality wholeheartedly. One day, when I return to the Balkans I may lay down and die of shame for what we allowed to happen to my generation and my country in those mountains. I have learnt to deal with my own and with our collective past. It’s a process that brings pain and, I hope, also clarity and hope for a more harmonious future.

So, East Europeans are other Whites. We are not privileged and we often find ourselves at the receiving end of prejudice and intolerance. Do not paint us thus, with the old, stained, black & white brush. There are too many dirty brushes lying around already… and so many wonderful colours.

Originally published on The Saker

[1] No-one ever says in “Britain”, “England”, or “the UK”.

[2] New Zealand is officially bilingual and this is the Maori name. Aotearoa translates as The Land of the Long White Cloud.

[3] My enunciations have been accused many times over of possessing such a dubious quality.

Nebojša Radić is a lecturer in world languages at the University of Cambridge. He has published fiction in the English, Italian and Serbian languages and holds a PhD in Creative Writing from the UEA in Norwich.


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Categories: latest, UK, Yugoslavia
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Jun 30, 2020 8:57 AM

Privilege, in black and white.
comment image
And that particular War on Privilege did not turn out very well for anyone.

Jun 29, 2020 5:17 PM

Dumb “article’ which misrepresents the entire issue. Pity.

Jun 29, 2020 4:45 PM
Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Jun 28, 2020 10:41 PM

Ah, the problem of immigration. I am also ‘white’ and there’s a check box for me on numerous forms that enquire after my ethicity. But I’m not “White” in an American sense; I’m “white” in an ex-British sense, the product of a mongrel mix of Irish, Scots and even a dab of Jewishness, such was the melting pot of East London back in the day.
(Just for the record, a Scots crofter or an Irish peasant are kind of white but neither group are what I’d call ‘privleged’.)
So, back to the form. Caucasian. But also an immigrant, Except if you say ‘immigrant’ around here you’re automatically assumed to be Latino.
I think I’ll ditch the whole race thing and go back to class. Far more telling — Upstairs or Downstairs?

John Pretty
John Pretty
Jun 28, 2020 10:25 PM

I’ve skimmed it. I’ve had enought of this projecting and race baiting from the Left to last a lifetime.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Jun 28, 2020 5:44 PM

Moderater, what happend to the up/down vote buttons?

John Pretty
John Pretty
Jun 28, 2020 10:23 PM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

I hope they’ve gone.
I wrote an e-mail requesting their removal, but it wasn’t delivered for some reason.
They are an unnecessary distraction. Do you write to get approval from others?
I don’t give a shit what others think of my opinions and in my opinion, nor should you.
And downvotes without comment are just trolling.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Jun 29, 2020 12:34 AM
Reply to  John Pretty

Our email is on hiatus atm. Just another in the long series of issues needing time we don’t have to resolve. The comment votes are now back.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Jul 2, 2020 1:24 PM


Felix Krull
Felix Krull
Jun 28, 2020 3:34 PM

<i>I grew up in Belgrade listening to African American blues musicians such as BB King, Jimi Hendrix, John Lee Hooker and Blind Lemon Jefferson, playing basketball to better the likes of Michael Jordan and Magic Johnson!</i>
So you were appropriating black culture from a young age?

Jun 28, 2020 5:04 PM
Reply to  Felix Krull

were you reading alt right propaganda? most blacks probably dont mind cultural appreciation besides most of them are only black on the surface. lol.

Felix Krull
Felix Krull
Jun 28, 2020 7:04 PM
Reply to  rachel

I was mocking the concept of cultural appropriation and Saker’s cuckaliscious virtue signalling.
How about you, Rachel? Ever fucked a black guy, or are you a bigot?

Jun 28, 2020 9:47 PM
Reply to  Felix Krull

Why would she? Black guys are already fucked.

Jun 28, 2020 2:56 PM

Virtue signal much?
Why are people so worried about tags like white privilege from leftist nutters? Have they got you so rattled you have to come here and confess your sins and show us otherwise.
The more you give them air the more they will suffocate you.
Judge people if you have to by the content of their character not the color of their skin.
You just come across a needy and weak with this article. Stand up straight with your chin up and don’t pander to nutters that only have labels and no substance.
Let them howl at the moon all they want.

Jun 28, 2020 2:32 PM

how doe eaten europeans treat brown people? do they take advantage of white privilege when they can? it’s about systems.

Jun 29, 2020 10:57 AM
Reply to  sabelmouse

how doe eaten europeans treat brown people?”
To me, this question sounds exactly like “how do the spanish treat donkeys?”
Do “brown” people only exist to be “treated”? Do they have no autonomy or responsibility at all? Your remarks betray your ignorance and your racism
Also, please explain to me how one can “take advantage of white privilege”? This information would be very useful to me.

Jun 29, 2020 5:20 PM
Reply to  Stewart

Pretty ignorant comment by the ‘mouse”

Jun 29, 2020 5:19 PM
Reply to  sabelmouse

Hungary is extremely insular – an alt right fascist state.

Jun 28, 2020 2:15 PM

the book the secret relationship between the blacks and the jews
is most interesting
it is either truth or lies
my only issue is the term jew
you see the secret relationship
was with khazars askanazim who
self identify as jews only
most of the oriental many sephardim the old 12 tribers have been snuffed out by magpie and cookoo
even today real jewish tribes from africa are being sterilized with vaccines and vitamin pills in israel
do not believe check out the tel aviv press
all the hues have an issue
it is khazar pirates who are demons
ho hum

John Milton
John Milton
Jun 28, 2020 6:48 AM

You were born in this country, Max, but I chose to come here out my own free will. I am much more of a New Zealander than you will ever be!

I think that depends on the attitude of the immigrant. Some yes, others no.

Again, is there such a thing as a Jewish, African or Muslim accent?

Actually, there is. Where I live there are many immigrants. Lots have been here long enough to have kids.
Their kids grow up hearing only their parents native accent at home, both in english and mainly their mother tongue.
Yet, their kids speak english with a perfect english accent.
Contrast that to muslims. Here we have 3rd generation muslims who still speak english with an accent that makes them immediately identifiable as such. But of course, they are not insular!

Jun 28, 2020 12:59 PM
Reply to  John Milton

consider the possibility that you’re much too stupid to understand articles such as this.

John Milton
John Milton
Jun 28, 2020 1:11 PM
Reply to  snuffleupagus

Ad hominem response I see. What a surprise!

Jun 28, 2020 1:29 PM
Reply to  John Milton

3rd generation Muslims from where? India? Middle East? Africa? Bosnia? Indonesia? There’s no muslin accent you thick piece of sh*t, there’s the accent of the country they come from. Maybe that’s why they’re insular, because the people who look down on them don’t even hold this basic piece of knowledge.

John Milton
John Milton
Jun 28, 2020 1:49 PM
Reply to  petitprof

you thick piece of sh*t

Thanks for the personal attack! I’m sensing a trend here!

There’s no muslin accent

Habibi, I do agree with you on that point. I’m yet to meet a piece of fabric that can talk.
To reiterate, I did not specify the origin of the muslims since they are UK born and bred. Their families were likely from Pakistan originally.
I am pointing out that I can immediately tell a muslim from this area from their accent. If you lived here, you would be able to as well.
All muslims do not have this accent of course.
I do not understand why you get so angry? Because I point out something that is true and you do not like it?

Maybe that’s why they’re insular, because the people who look down on them

Oh dear. You know, in college i used to date a muslim girl. She was amazing. However, the relationship had to stop. Why? Because her parents wouldn’t allow it on the basis of my being white and non-muslim. So I disagree with you on that point.

Jun 28, 2020 2:36 PM
Reply to  John Milton

Yeah somehow I knew you’d have something to say about the typo. As for your Muslim girlfriend not being able to marry you, it works in the other direction too. Usually if the man is worth marrying they’ll make the effort to convince their parents that’s the case.

John Milton
John Milton
Jul 1, 2020 5:39 AM
Reply to  petitprof

Yeah, sorry about the typo remark, low hanging fruit and all…

But seriously, I am fascinated as to how you justify the double standards? I merely pointed out a fact and your response is to personally insult me.

Then your response to my own personal experience of blatant anti-white racism is again to insult me.

So my pointing out a fact is somehow insulting, yet examples of actual racism against me are seemingly acceptable and even warrant my being attacked by you.

I am genuinely interested in your thought process.

Jul 1, 2020 9:33 AM
Reply to  John Milton

My thought process is as follows:

  • I don’t particularly worry myself about whether immigrant groups are ‘properly integrating’ into a culture that I have defined for them and believe represents my country
  • I don’t draw broad strokes about ethnic groups based on personal experience and call it ‘fact’
  • I definitely don’t consider generalisations about ethnic groups based on one anonymous internet commenter’s experience as ‘fact’
  • i know when to take the L and give it a rest
John Milton
John Milton
Jul 1, 2020 10:05 AM
Reply to  petitprof

Brilliant 🙂

John Wiley
John Wiley
Jun 30, 2020 12:23 PM
Reply to  John Milton

Pretty much generalising from your own limited experience huh?

John Milton
John Milton
Jul 1, 2020 5:21 AM
Reply to  John Wiley

No, not particularly. It’s like that all over the UK

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Jun 28, 2020 5:44 AM

    DIVERTED RAGE   Be suspicious of protests or political issues advanced by mainstream media news outlets whose raison d’etre is to omit information which would raise political consciousness. Advancing identity politics is similar to stoking sectarian violence. Focusing exclusively on race fragments populations diverting rage away from the social injustice caused by income and wealth inequality.     MSNBC or CNN would never allow a commentator to connect the issues of race, class, and US imperialism. News outlets prefer commentators to talk about racism and confederate statues, but not about how Obama destroyed black wealth.  “The middle-class Americans saw their wealth decimated by the subprime mortgage debacle, but African-Americans suffered a particularly heavy blow because so much of that population’s wealth was tied up in housing….  Thousands of blacks lost their homes under Obama. “The first black president in American history was a disaster for black wealth.”    Affluent blacks like Susan Rice or Kamala Harris can shout about race, but neglect to mention that their policies were responsible for the death or imprisonment of thousands of black and brown people.  Rice/Obama’s foreign policy caused the slaughter of more than 10,000 in Libya and 500,000 brown people in Syria.    Kamala Harris as District Attorney in San Francisco prided herself on high conviction rates obtained from unethical legal practice. Felony conviction rates rose from 52 percent in 2003 to 67 percent in 2006 under her leadership.   “This increase in convictions, however, was often due to clear misconduct on the part of Harris and her office. In 2012, Superior Court Judge Ann-Christine Massullo ruled that Harris’s office violated defendant’s’ rights by withholding damaging information about a corrupt police crime lab technician who had stolen drugs and falsified reports.   “When the US Supreme Court in Brown v. Plata in 2014 declared the state’s prisons so overcrowded that they constituted cruel and unusual punishment,… Read more »

Jun 28, 2020 9:14 AM

Kamala Harris, Slaver: “Harris actually argued that if California released inmates too soon, the state would lose an important source of labor.”

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Jun 28, 2020 11:31 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Kamala Harris is a descendent of a slave owner. As her father wrote:

My roots go back, within my lifetime, to my paternal grandmother Miss Chrishy (née Christiana Brown, descendant of Hamilton Brown who is on record as plantation and slave owner and founder of Brown’s Town [Jamaica]

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Jun 28, 2020 1:04 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Yes, Kamala Harris sounds like a slave-master–so much for identity politics…..

Jun 29, 2020 3:56 AM

Divide and rule, Charlotte. That’s what all this is about.The oldest game in the global town. Now newly improved, with added categories, classifications, tick-a-boxes and victim-status compartments. And the folks seem to be loving it…

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Jun 29, 2020 4:15 AM
Reply to  UndeadDodo

That’s true but focusing on race distracts from how in March the usual criminals used COVID-19 as a way to transfer trillions to the most wealthy while 40 million lost their jobs…….

Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
Jun 28, 2020 5:02 AM

Mailman here: “Black” (ie, Bantu-American) professor fired for criticising Black Lives Matter. Clip from Paul Craig Roberts article in Saker Vineyard:
“The history department has denounced the letter as an unpardonable statement of truth.
Here is his letter: https://www.rt.com/op-ed/491889-anonymous-uc-berkeley-professor-blm/
Read it. Read it again, and again.  You will understand what The Saker means when he says the United States has entered the final stage of collapse. If you want a clear picture of your future, read The Camp of the Saints, if you can find a copy of this best seller that has been withdrawn from publication and suppressed.”

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Jun 28, 2020 8:20 AM
Reply to  Dr NG Maroudas

Brilliant post, Vexarb: so sad that he/she had to write that all anonymously, truly saddening.

But heyho, in the final phases of the Roman Empire, there were many centurions who gauged their own eye out, in order to get back home from the extremities of the Roman Reich over-reach. . .

Look for the bare necessities of life. That simple.
Take care, Doc. Keep on mailing.
Best wishes,

Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
Jun 29, 2020 8:47 AM
Reply to  Tim Jenkins

And best wishes to you, Tim. Those Roman centurions remind me of a book called The Climax of Rome: with an oversized Army overstretched to defend an oversized Empire and an oversized Bureaucracy to finance the whole creaking tottering system by overtaxing a continually impoverished middle class. We appear to be witnessing the end of yet another New Rome — the Anglo Zio Capitalist Empire.
The end of the Roman Empire was not pretty: it broke up into “gated estates” – large feudal fiefdoms with a tied peasantry owned by individual War Lords. But these gradually amalgamated to create a series of New Romes, each with its own delightful Life Style and smoothly running Public Convenience for its enlightened bourgeoisie.
“Things change, but one thing does not change
The struggle between Good and Evil does not change” — TS Eliot

John Wiley
John Wiley
Jun 30, 2020 1:11 PM
Reply to  Dr NG Maroudas

It is hardly surprising that these people will react this way for they themselves have done it to others and are now afraid the reverse will happen to them. Talk about Europeans stealing the lands of the Native Americans, Incas, Aborigines and what have you and you’ll begin to understand why this fear of immigrants taking over their homelands. They did it by force, but now they fear it’ll be by demographics.

Jun 28, 2020 12:42 AM

Young Pharaoh interviews Angela Stanton, running for Congress from Atlanta. A real woman with a real story. I prefer her to the great civil rights leader Nancy Pelosi who had absolutely no idea what the fuck was that multicoloured scarf her marketing people told her to put on for the camera. Talk about white privilege. Off to the guillotine with her!

Jun 29, 2020 5:32 PM
Reply to  Reg

poor Ms Stanton… doesn’t realize that to Trump she is a piece of worthless meat.
Guess she can overlook the way, in general, he treats, women, minorities, immigrants…
So sad that she sees no alternative

Jun 28, 2020 12:31 AM

A good article, thank you, Nebojša.   I was born of a Spanish mother in a Latin American country. One that is deeply racist: it is common to find job adds asking the dark skinned not to apply; one could easily think that they are broadcasting Scandinavian TV; calling people “indian” is a common insult to which most will not even frown upon, regardless of their skin tone. If there is something resembling white privilege, it exists in Latin-America.    But even there, such generalisations are deceitful and, I am afraid, will not bring anything but hatred.    It is going to get nasty now that the European (academic) colonisation is giving fruits in the form of vile racial stereotyping and violent rhetoric against the white minority. That, in a country in which 90% of the population is mixed race and in which have 40,000 murders per year. Now, that after centuries, the racial tensions started to ease, and the “privileged” finally started acknowledging, desperately slowly but I would say steadily, the racism in our society.   My maternal grandfather was the last in a lineage of peasants (or miners) in a tiny village in northern Spain. He managed to learn how to read and write by himself and became the village´s teacher. During the civil war he had to endure the murder, rape and prosecution of many family members, he himself had to live hidden in the forest for over a year and was briefly imprisoned (his liberation is a fascinating story). After the war he taught clandestinely in exchange for food and worked on the family farm, which was sort of blacklisted in the markets. Hunger was common. After he married my very young gradnma and my mom was born, they grabbed what they managed to save and left… Read more »

Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
Jun 28, 2020 5:21 AM
Reply to  Skeptic

“My privilege comes from being born in a loving and supporting family with enough resources to care for my every need. Something which I wish everyone could achieve.”
That just about sums it up.
“The rest is commentary” — Rabbi Hillel of Babylon

Jun 29, 2020 5:34 PM
Reply to  Dr NG Maroudas

Right… “with enough resources to meet my needs”… including to protect me from those who would exploit and harm me simply because they have the power to do so.

Jun 27, 2020 8:32 PM

Circassion women of the caucasus – were highly prized Slaves, their beauty so greatm Sultans prized them for their harem – and it’s said, that Cosimo Medici had an illigitimate child from a Circassion slave.
“Some went off dearly; fifteen hundred dollars
For one Circassian, a sweet girl, were given,
Warranted virgin. Beauty’s brightest colours
Had decked her out in all the hues of heaven.
Her sale sent home some disappointed bawlers,
Who bade on till the hundreds reached the eleven,
But when the offer went beyond, they knew
‘Twas for the Sultan, and at once withdrew”
Byron – Don Juan
comment image

Jun 28, 2020 12:57 AM
Reply to  Doctortrinate

And the slave traders were Jews, though for some strange reason you dont hear about Jewish privilege.

Jun 28, 2020 2:31 PM
Reply to  paul

Perhaps because Jewish privilege is subconsciously assumed by now. People don’t bother to mention it.

Sandy Sanders
Sandy Sanders
Jun 27, 2020 7:52 PM

What the author is missing is that when pink skinned people move to pink occupied racist* regions like the US and UK they get the benies of white supremacy whether they want to acknowledge it or not. So throwing off complicity with racist privilege is pointless. It is meaningless for any human not to take responsibility for the mechanics of over two thousand years of humanity’s colonial pursuits embedded in local law and custom and the Doctrine of Discovery. No matter where one lands on Earth, skin color codes your social and “legal” privileges. In the last 500 years this has been people of color vs white colonizing empire of any origin. Privilege follows pink (“white”) people wherever they go. And people of color everywhere pay the price. It is the existing order and no one can avoid it. This is inescapable. Now institutionalized by capitalism, the Vampire descendant of the authoritarianism of monarchy, with freedom and democracy only for the rich to seek empire, the winner’s settler colonialist mind makes sure of this.   All people everywhere need to take responsibility. By changing laws, creating new social custom, reparating the past, we must collectively regulate income, wealth and power through economic safety nets and maximums, like 1x to 5x. Let’s tear down the border walls and let people travel where they want. Let’s create a conscious security that where ever people, are, they will be able to survive. And, that where ever people are, they can be sure that some asshole with privilege cannot stalk and exploit them, whether conscious or unconscious, legal or illegal.   [*The easiest way to understand the ignorance of racism is to realize the scientific fact that current humanity is the genetic descendant of a small pool of 1000 humans, 75,000 years ago, that… Read more »

Jun 28, 2020 5:12 AM
Reply to  Sandy Sanders

What abject, immature, paranoid, racist, fascist and dishonest nonsense. Are you a student of critical race theory?
Historically wrong too.
Tear down borders? OK, let’s all pour into Tibet. Vietnam! Tahiti looks nice. How about Australia? Oh, wait, that is ‘stolen’ Indigenous land ‘always was always will be’. Ooh, dilemma.
Nobody is claiming superiority over anybody, except for the insecure who project it on to whites.

Jun 28, 2020 5:39 AM
Reply to  Sandy Sanders

If white people are the problem, why do people want to move where they are?
Why not establish your Utopia in Africa, for example? Any whites there now can leave…perhaps those who survive the privilege of the slaughter currently under way in SA. There is some concern that when the racist assholes are all gone, there will be mass starvation, but let’s overlook that minor detail. You can show us all how it’s done! It can be the shining beacon to which all people of the world flock (except white racist assholes) to be looked after by the Nanny state that you set up.
No assholes with privilege to stalk you; we can seal it off from all assholes, forever.
Except maybe the Chinese imperialist assholes…do they count, or only people with pink skin?

Jun 28, 2020 9:10 PM
Reply to  sylviad

They could call it Wakanda.

Jun 28, 2020 7:29 AM
Reply to  Sandy Sanders

Sorry, author was too gentle — did not touch the sickest of all — you see your race did not figure in European consciousness when words “slave” became words in German , French and English. It was my ETHNICITY , Slavic — that gave Europeans the word for trading humans. Untold millions were sold to European markets, Ottoman empire and Middle East. The slaves were chained to Venetian galleys, they were used to have kids practice killing people, and abused in unspeakable manner. And the money was made by well known wealthy families that are still living of that wealth. That slavery ended iy by the end of 18th century when Catherine the Great of Russia ended Ottoman rule in Crimea. Some are STILL seeking revenge — Russophobia was not born yesterday. Have grievances — stand in line.

Sophie Johnson
Sophie Johnson
Jun 27, 2020 7:47 PM

East European is not an ethnicity.’ It is if one is being polite, Professor Radić, at least in my English South-East-Coast town. You see, we have a biggish population of Czech and Slovak Gipsies here. And it is definitely rude to say that someone is a Gipsy, unless that person is an English or Irish Gipsy who has to self-distinguish thus because he looks like the rest of the English population. And it does not do to conflate the Irish/English Gipsies and the ‘East Europeans’; the former would object vehemently. Truly-ruly. 🙂 

Calamity Jane
Calamity Jane
Jun 27, 2020 7:27 PM

This feeds into the racism meme of mainstream.
There are some people that are racist both black brown and white skinned.
Ignorance doesn’t care what color your skin is, its irrelevant we need to stop playing the “identity politics” in which we all loose .
We are all human beings .
We are taught ” otherness” but good news it can be unlearned.

Sophie Johnson
Sophie Johnson
Jun 29, 2020 6:55 PM
Reply to  Calamity Jane

‘We are taught ” otherness” but good news it can be unlearned.’
mwah ha ha ha! Have you tried learning, Calamity? You do sound very, very unlearned.

Jun 27, 2020 6:27 PM

In a nation where the majority are X, by definition the vast majority of X will be at the bottom of the power pyramid, and have ZERO societal ‘privilege’. Minorities within that nation may well be either discriminated against OR given power simply for being members of that group.   The majority experiences NORMALITY. This normality can be contrasted with normalities in other nations, for the normality will be relative on a global scale- however differences are most unlikely to be the ‘fault’ of individuals as individuals. Culture- a dominant factor that can effect a group for hundreds (and even thousands) of years – has the biggest impact of the lives of the masses.   But the majority are controlled by PSY-OPS. Calling the majority this, that or the other is a common way to coerce a population for short or mid term goals.   The article talks about the East Europe experience. Of course, the dominant (by far) judaic religion, the catholic church, actively partnered with the islamic power base that centred on Turkey (East Roman Empire), and did everything it could to help the islamic traffic in ‘white’ slaves (mostly females) from conquered east Europe lands. Vlad the Impaler became a ‘monster’ (Dracula) in catholic mythology for daring to successful hold back the islamic slavers.   The very word ‘slave’ is WHITE in origin (from the slavic people of east Europe), and white slavery was the legal system in all conquered European nations. Yet, for instance, the massive widespread white slavery in Romania (even the official church there held massive numbers of white slaves in the 19th century) is never taught in british schools.   People at the bottom of the power pyramid (the vast majority of any population), black or white, are victims of those at the… Read more »

Jura Calling
Jura Calling
Jun 27, 2020 6:26 PM

I think a touch of cabin fever and general ignorance mixed with high temperatures has caused this latest pandemic.Not the covid one- politicians chose that years ago for their purposes long term. This latest one is a psychic contagion that runs wild on the internet where tens of thousands of bored cybersmack addicts find themselves still hopelessly hooked on their drug but bored our of their restless minds.Not an ideal state for those of a short attention span to be in.So, they get the tabs up and shop around on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to find out what they should be thinking and pretending to identify with.What we have here is fashion.It’s an addition to the uniform. You need the right ‘look’ and the right selection of coloured bands on your wrist or the herds will leave you alone. Then you’d have to think for yourself and-dare i say it- study facts about something for longer than 3 minutes.Imagine the Hell..   I believe that the global lockdown was the fuse being lit.There’s a limit to human patience.Especially if we’re talking about a majority who live on the internet and only visit the real world when they absolutely need to.I believe, as we started to learn that a lot of the pandemic was pre-planned, and the whole social distancing and stay- indoors -or- else -thing started to be exposed as an exercise to crush us, it was only a matter of time.But who could be the target of the anger ? Let’s face it, a couple of million people had a virus and we couldn’t( and still can’t) even find that.So, Mister Floyd’s demise provided the catalyst. He’ll do.And, in true monkey -see- monkey -do internet style, a cause was born(or reborn).The Black man was seen being killed by a… Read more »

Jun 27, 2020 5:32 PM

“and continued with me saying I am from Serbia, ended right there – in embarrassment and silence.”
Whilst this is a personal observation, from Nebojša Radić, it is not my personal experience. 
I am English, and a very long time ago, fell in love with an English girl, born in England, all of who’s family came from Serbia, now in England
I was welcomed into my girlfriend’s Serbian family instantly, when she brought me home.
She was welcomed into my English family instantly, when I brought her home.
Everyone thought we were going to get married, and we nearly did…
Meanwhile this is a truly excellent article, and I think Off-Guardian should ask permission to publish it.
Compelling Evidence That SARS-CoV-2 Was Man-Made” 

Jun 27, 2020 4:32 PM

My ancestors fought the Ottoman Turks for centuries not to be enslaved or taken away by the Janissaries. As my name is not Muhammed and I am a Christian, grandad seems to have done well.

Unfortunately grandad’s ancestor didn’t fare so well, as the reason the author declares him/herself a Christian is because their ancestors’ native spirituality was violently destroyed and replaced with a domination program (backed by the Roman Empire) imported from the Middle East… essentially the same program the Janissaries would have been following… and the same program that led to the more recent genocides in Eastern Europe.

Jura Calling
Jura Calling
Jun 27, 2020 5:40 PM
Reply to  I DENY YOUR BS

Factoid- Check out Boris Johnson’s family tree, His father’s name wasn’t Jonson.Because his grandfather’s wasn’t.They come from Turkey.They’re immigrants.Now Boris is an Aryan supremacist serving The Zionist state of Israel.Ask him if Black lives matter.His mouth will say yes.But he won’t mean it.Only one race matters to Boris and his ilk.

Jun 27, 2020 6:04 PM
Reply to  Jura Calling

Well the “Brit” part of the word “Britain” is probably from the Hebrew language and there’s a rock supposedly from the imaginary Temple of Solomon under the Queen’s arse!

Reachable Spike
Reachable Spike
Jun 27, 2020 4:28 PM

Privilege is something only a small minority of people have. That is the very definition of the word, and that is what’s always the actual case. Where I come from ‘white’ people are the majority, but very few of us have privilege. There are a few people — and not all of them are white — who can be said to be privileged, and we know who they are and what their privileges are, and these privileges are, in the interest of fairness, something that can be taken away from them. So if you call all white people privileged you are threatening them, and people of any skin tone don’t respond well to threats.
What there is, instead of white privilege, is black underprivilege. Blacks are an underprivileged minority. I will continue to do everything I can to end black underprivilege. But turning the argument on its head is needlessly threatening, illogical, and invites backlash. Who started it? Who’s responsible for it? Where in academia did it come from? Is it a psyop started by the CIA?
Probably not. But it is one of the ideas going around that ultimately hurts nonwhites and strengthens the right wing. Have some backbone and denounce it.

Jun 27, 2020 5:25 PM

The CIA has been stirring the pot for decades 😉 It is not unreasonable to lay much of the responsibility at its door. Gloria Steinem [see Black Feminism, the CIA and Gloria Steinem] has acknowledged working effectively as their agent – the feminist group Redstockings outed her as early as 1975. Leading the student and feminist movement by the nose, and much of the anti-war movement (Jane Fonda is not above suspicion), with pliant academics in place, it would not have been hard to influence the field of gender/grievance studies. One study presented evidence, for example, that the MFA production line of novelists began with funding from the CIA or associated foundations. Since 2016 the agency’s been more open about courses – CIA launches Signature School Program at The University of New Mexico. Influence of education was first exposed by the Reece Committee into Tax-Exempt Foundations 1952-54 which Norman Dodd explains in an easily accessible interview on YT.

Jun 27, 2020 6:54 PM

Actually, what you say about ‘black’ experience is true and false at the SAME time. Any ‘black’ person who is not stupid and ambitious has an advantage over his/her ‘white’ counterpart because of active POSITIVE DISCRIMINATION systems in almost every ‘white’ first world nation. So here the ‘black’ person has an unfair advantage.   However, the vast majority of ‘black’ people experince life via a dominant ‘black’ ‘culture’- and the ‘black culture’ provides an inferior experience in many ways to the ‘white’ ‘culture’ experinced by the majority.   The ‘black culture’ is NOT imposed by ‘whitey’ – culture is far more complicated than that, and culture is the major part of NURTURE in ‘nature vs nurture’. Indeed a particular ‘culture’ can last hundreds or thousands of years- being a complex emergent property of a system that feeds back into the system reinforcing itself.   Any individual with a good enough will can seperate themselves from their ‘culture’ but the majority will not do so. ‘Positive discrimination’ gives gifts to those individuals that part ways with their culture- but never adresses the fundamental problems of a given culture.   Many successful ‘black’ Americans have spoken accurately and very critically about ‘black’ American culture- and they speak today against BLM for the same reason, for BLM is a psy-op that intends to do NOTHING about the the real problem. But culture is an insanely hard thing to shake off- for the majority. The individual that does so has an incorrect viewpoint about the true nature of the problem. For they were never base enough to be part of the masses, regardless of background or skin colour.   ‘White guilt’ will not get the ‘black’ kids that hate reading and love ‘sports’ to reverse their position. It won’t persuade the ‘gang bangers’ to… Read more »

Jun 27, 2020 10:36 PM
Reply to  sunset

‘White guilt’ will not get the ‘black’ kids that hate reading and love ‘sports’ to reverse their position. It won’t persuade the ‘gang bangers’ to give up the easy money that ‘street crime’ provides
Yet another instance of The Chicken vs The Egg. Do black kids prefer sports to reading and street crime to other endeavors BECAUSE they’re black? or BECAUSE they see no future for themselves pursuing white enterprises? I suspect it’s the latter – although, for that matter, most white kids seem also to hate reading (except for Tech Manuals).
Along those same lines, there’s a wonderful documentary called “The Canary Effect” which presents an alternative history of the Native American experience. Native American kids were forcibly taken from their families and schooled in the white man’s ways. But somehow never quite made the grade. Can’t imagine why.
(I won’t try and link this documentary because I haven’t mastered the fine art of linking YouTube videos.)

Jun 27, 2020 11:58 PM

Whites are least privileged. White, straight males, have no societal privilege at all. We got anti-privilege.
When morons say privilege they mean something else. They mean white men are privileged cos more white men own and run shit. Now if you’re saying ‘white men’ are privileged cos of this fact you’re implying that white men are superior.
Those screaming wacist are the wacists.

Jun 27, 2020 4:24 PM

there was an interesting italian who went to hungary and believed there was an ancient european culture. he said it was more feminine and traced it in symbols he said still survived. he called the invasive culture indo europeans. you might find pdfs associated with https://michelangelonaddeo.com

Jun 27, 2020 4:50 PM
Reply to  jess

i quite liked it like there was the mother isten and i could see symbols all over. there was the godess maya in greece who was the pig goddess. i was watching princess mononoke and it had pigs in it. they said it was big in japan but got suppressed in favour of titanic. lol

Jun 28, 2020 12:07 AM
Reply to  jess

A ‘feminine’ culture would not survive and thrive without masculine protection, or some kind of geographic protection that would not exist today.

Jun 28, 2020 10:48 AM
Reply to  ZenPriest

it is the more masculine culture that is destructive. it does not have anything to do with your feelings about your gender. nobody is putting males down by calling opression masculine. if anything they tend to be more feminine than females.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Jun 28, 2020 10:55 AM
Reply to  rachel

Oh please. The way fourth wave feminism is intent on recycling 19th century paternalistic memes about women as angels and men as beasts is just pathetic and totally anti-feminist

Zen Priest
Zen Priest
Jun 28, 2020 11:32 AM
Reply to  rachel

Your response appears to have nothing to do with my comment.
Feminism, female power etc is artificial. It only exists because men handed it to you. All that destruction you cite paved the path to this very platform you’re spouting off on.

Jun 27, 2020 4:16 PM

One of my neighbors has said she’s tired of being called “privileged.” Another thing she’s tired of is blacks taking over our condo community.
Please – please oh please oh please – someone who sees this “White Privilege” thing as a scam please resolve that contradiction for me. Please! Before my head explodes trying to wrap around it.

Jun 27, 2020 6:25 PM
Reply to  Howard

Current BLM slogans are being authored by white people. Scam.

Jun 28, 2020 2:57 PM
Reply to  WorldParole

If so, then that’s why so many blacks refuse to endorse BLM. They’ve seen time and again what happens to themselves and their aspiration whenever they accept “help” from whites. They simply become playthings for yet another white agenda.

Harvesta Strong
Harvesta Strong
Jun 27, 2020 4:00 PM

Category is a form of tyranny

Jun 29, 2020 5:23 AM

“Category is a form of tyranny”
i love it. I am going to use it often. Thanks.
I recommend to everyone to use it whenever someone tries to pigeonhole and categorise things.

Jun 27, 2020 3:51 PM

The problem is white northern european/ american / zionist supremacist culture, not the white race as a whole.
Such as the “monument defenders” and apologists for white supremacy and the British Empire’s criminals, who are too arrogant to ever admit to being wrong, or not being the best, let alone being criminal and barbaric.
Have you ever seen a British public school boy sincerely admit to being wrong and apologising? I doubt it , and if you have they were very likely faking it and laughing at you. North “American Indians” said “white man speaks with forked tongue” but they had only met a certain kind of white man.
In Europe (at least): What makes the race thing ridiculous now is the spectacle of both “Aryan” white supremacists and Eastern European “Jews” who think they’re somehow racially different from, and superior to, each other …
Somehow “jews” and middle east muslims and whites all have come to believe that there is a “genocide” going on against them … while they all committing genocide on other, often darker races.
Africa got culturally decimated by Islam as a supposed counter to the criminal colonialist European Christians, whose ancestors were culturally decimated by judaeo-christianity and its hate speech. (elimination of european pagan/ polytheist /animistic culture)
This is the hysterical / historical insecurity of bullies and what’s behind it is not race, it’s culture. It’s a mind virus and its roots are in Abrahamic religion and its tribalism.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jun 27, 2020 4:15 PM
Reply to  I DENY YOUR BS

What brings you here today to go slumming with all of us untermenschen and useless eaters?

Jun 27, 2020 5:48 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

The hoi polloi require my enlighten’d guidance of course!

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Jun 28, 2020 11:38 AM
Reply to  I DENY YOUR BS

The hoi polloi

Translation: The the many

Jun 27, 2020 7:26 PM
Reply to  I DENY YOUR BS

Er- there is NO SUCH THING as the ‘white race’- There is the Human Race, where we all share- to a remarkable degree- the exact same genetic biology. One race with, compared to most other species, very little variation, individual to individual. Or are you so foolish, you think cats with different coats are different types of animal?   What there most certainly are, and here we are distinct form all other animals, are different CULTURES. A Human culture is an emergent property of shared Human experiences, and once established can last many centuries or even thousands of years.   The judaic mind virus you refer to is older, and was stoled by those that call themselves members of one of the three main judaic tribes today. It originates in Egypt, and even the key ‘facts’ about the christian branch were all stolen from much older egyptian traditions.   What happened in Egypt many thousands of years BC still impacts Humanity today. We don’t know why- in fact this fact strikes me as very scary indeed. But it is true. Jews have always tried to steal and claim credit for ideas vastly older than their power cult, but this behaviour defines one important axiom rule set of the cult- just as the other judaic religions, islam and modern christianity, have their own unique tricks too.   Cultures can be trivially studied, but there are no current theories that explain their lasting power over the minds of members, or why new members are so easily integrated into the culture.   In most ways that matter, a culture is like a meta creature with a meta mind- a creature comprised of hundreds of thousands or millions of individual Humans- just as scientists think of a bee hive or an ant colony. Every… Read more »

Brian Sides
Brian Sides
Jun 27, 2020 2:09 PM

It would be interesting to know Nebojša Radić view on a war that destroyed Yugoslavia a previously successful economy. Tony Blare bombed it on Christmas day. Apparently we destroyed it to save as with Iraq and Afghanistan and Libya and Syria.
I am a white male born in Wales though I can not read or write or speak my native language of Welsh. My wife is from the Philippines so is an Asian female who speaks , writes and reads her native Visayan as well also Tagalog and English.
When I moved to England my welsh accent that can sound uneducated to English ears marked me out as different at school and work.
When I returned to Wales I had a more English accent so was seen again as an outsider.
I served three years of an City and Guilds indentured apprenticeships as a craft engineer fitter/turnerApprenticeships have a long history dating back to the middle ages. indentures were originally drawn up, binding servant to master. Although giving an opportunity to learn a trade they were also a source of cheap labour little better than slavery. 
It is not just foreigners that are often been looked down on. The working man from the serf onwards has also been looked down on as another form of racism.


Jun 27, 2020 7:38 PM
Reply to  Brian Sides

Blair didn’t care about Yugoslavia, but about kicking off his FABIAN new world order (the Guardian newspaper is an official fabian mouthpiece). Blair’s Kosovo atrocity was all about getting America to engage in its first major GROUND WAR since Vietnam. And in this regard, Blair utterly failed, for the USA was so scared of soviet weapon systems (especially over the horizon anti-helicopter missile systems, for helicopter support was an essential part of a ground invasion) it never went beyond bombing.
Blair’s failure in Kosovo led directly to Blair’s 911 false flag, which was successful beyond Blair’s wildest dreams.
Your own experience of NOT having ‘white privilege’ is a universal truth of any atom at the bottom of the power pyramid, where the atom is a member of the dominant population. But it is a current fabian psy-op to say otherwise, and to educate your kids in Blair’s academy schools to believe the lie from the youngest age.
Tony Blair used his FAITH FOUNDATION organisation (yes, this is actual a thing- google it) to infiltrate both Syria and Libya. His foundation recruited traitors (christians, jews and muslims) to be front-line commanders in the fake civil wars to come. The destruction of Libya actually reintroduced ‘black’ slavery- which proves the real relationship between fabians and ‘black’ rights.

Jun 27, 2020 2:01 PM

Endless discussions of Racism is how the US neo-liberal corporate machine keeps people from talking about inequality and poverty. It has been going on for years with the help of the media. Because the discussion of race will not result in any meaningful resolution of fundamental economic and social injustice and inequality in the USA.
Even if racial equality is achieved in some form, the wealthy Washington elites will be happy, because it means the economic resources allocated to the exploited working underdogs, black or white, will not grow.
The working poor will share the same portion of the pie more evenly and equal wages will never come out of corporate profits, because a battle for equality or redistribution of wealth, has NOT been fought. Only fighting for economic rights will ultimately solve the problems of black poverty. 

Jun 27, 2020 5:08 PM
Reply to  Wendy

It sounds to me like what you’re saying is that in order for poor working whites to retain their mouse’s share of the pie, poor working blacks must continue receiving their gnat’s share of the pie. I realize you’re saying all workers should receive a much larger share of the pie; but until they demand it – which apparently they won’t – the share will remain small. So the more blacks get, the less whites will get. Which of course makes whites “privileged” vis-a-vis blacks, since they’re the majority.

Jun 27, 2020 8:01 PM
Reply to  Wendy

Total and utter DRIBBLE (and the upvotes prove how much attention certain forces are now paying to this website)   For thousands of years the experience of the masses at the bottom of the power pyramids in all nations was constant- short lives and absolute poverty. British thinkers created the entire NEW system that was to become the USA to change this pattern. In the beginning, a mass of ORDINARY Humans moved to America in quite mind blowing numbers. The standard of living for ordinary people in America started to arc upwards at an historic rate.   By the time the 20th Century began, America was a nation apart- a phenomenon like nothing Humanity had ever witnessed. For sure, one could be a MORON in the USA, and live in the crappiest circumstances – but for people with one functioning brain cell, America was truly the land of opportunity.   Across a tiny number of decades, a new model for the existence of the masses was laid down- and spread outwards from the USA to the rest of the world.   Less than 1% of people here will have even read the non-fiction works or peole like Orwell or London describing the REAL experience of the working classes in the early years of the 20th century- a clueless fool like ‘Wendy’ will be proud of its ignorance of history. Instead fabian stormtroopers serve a diet of historic lies based on the utter ignorance of their audience.   There is ZERO black ‘poverty’ in the USA in terms that take account of the Human experience acroos the last two hundred years, EXCEPT for the cancerous effect of certain aspects of ‘black’ culture- namely street crime (easy money), dislike of intellectual education, worship of sports ‘heroes’. Black americans do face some racism,… Read more »

Jun 27, 2020 10:37 PM
Reply to  sunset

”The issue with the USA is not ‘poverty’ ”

The US has the worst inequality, worst social mobility, most child poverty, highest maternal death rate in child birth, etc….. in the developed world. GDP makes it one of the richest country’s in the world but wealth distribution makes most of the population some of the poorest in the developed world, With a national life expectancy worst than the poorest areas of Europe.

In a country where people don’t have access to full health care and the second biggest cause of bankruptcy is medical bills, then I think you are in denial. And the population do not support the killing machine, they are forced to take part of live in misery, with little hope of an education or training. You seem to be high on an intelligence that you just don’t posses.

Jun 27, 2020 1:58 PM

Where I live the core of the BLM “movement” is situated in an all white enclave of sanctimonious white liberals. The blacks that are involved in BLM are all bourgeoisie blacks. The radical blacks have nothing to do with it and the poor of any color are nowhere to be seen.   In that neighborhood property values are at around $250,000-$300,000. As they have held rallies in the town center the ratio is about 80% whites. My son attended the largest rally a few weeks back. A 50ish white woman came after him, not up to him, and demanded he wear a mask. He politely refused and began walking away- she followed him and harassed him demanding he wear a mask. He;s not so confrontational like his father so he left. He would like to support “the cause” in general- most if his friends are black and poor. None of his friends or their parents were at that rally. My son spoke further about it and had some great insights.   Another thing about these self-righteous white liberals who fuel this hollow discussion on race. None of them have any idea about the teachings and politics of Fred Hampton, Stokely Carmichael, Kwame Nkkrumah or any of the radical black political leaders from history. What they know of MLK and Malcolm X is superficial. And they like it that way. What these white liberals are involved in is rank opportunism. They are in a feverish competition to become the most “woke” in the neighborhood. And none of any of this includes giving up any of their stuff. Certainly not their $300,000 home. Their hypocrisy makes me vomit.   And in these discussions or arguments that I have had with these people, I can’t tell you how many I have had through… Read more »

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Jun 27, 2020 2:15 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

The hypocrisy is very real. It is a matter of fact that there is no such thing as child labour free chocolate. Chocolate is produced by the exploitation of child labour, some slavery, some forced, all of it brutal and dangerous. Yet the people demanding the destruction of statutes of long dead people who exploited slave labour clearly could not care less about actually existing slavery in the contemporary world.
Boycott chocolate.

Jun 27, 2020 6:28 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

How many companies funding BLM are also having black prison inmates produce their products at 30 cents an hour?

Jun 27, 2020 6:55 PM
Reply to  WorldParole

Over 50 prominent American corporations have been exposed for using prison laborers to reduce their payroll costs over the last several years. Prior to 2016, organic grocery giant Whole Foods sold a $12-a-pound bag of tilapia that was labeled “from sustainable American family farms.” This family farm was actually Colorado prisoners making 74 cents a day or less. And their fancy goat cheese? The goats and milk were produced by the same prisoners. Whole Foods saved money and the Colorado Department of Corrections likely made a bundle.

Some McDonald’s crew member uniforms are made by prisoners making even less money—a lot less—than the ones who wear the uniforms. Walmart has been known to buy produce from prison-run gardens. Female inmates in South Carolina have in the past sewn intimate apparel for Victoria’s Secret. In fact, whistleblowing inmates were placed in solitary confinement when they exposed that they had been told to remove “Made in Honduras” labels and replace them with “Made in America” labels. In 1993, AT&T laid off thousands of union employees in call centers to be replaced by a prisoner answering call center. Those prisoners made less than $2 a day.

The website of Buycott, which encourages consumers to make sure the companies they shop with match their principles, lists many surprising American companies who have relied on exploited prison labor. They include: Abbott Laboratories, Autozone, Bank of America, Bayer, Cargill, Caterpillar, Chevron, Costco, John Deere, Eli Lilly, GlaxoSmithKline, International Paper, Johnson & Johnson, Sears, Koch Industries, Mary Kay, Merck, Motorola, Pfizer, ConAgra Foods, Starbucks, United Airlines, UPS, Verizon, Wendy’s. When you purchase products from these companies, you might be unknowingly participating in the prison labor system.


Jun 27, 2020 7:52 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

Don’t forget Microsoft! Our old friend 😉
TY for taking the time to write.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Jun 28, 2020 9:08 AM
Reply to  WorldParole

I do not know.

Jun 27, 2020 6:47 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

If we boycott chocolate then they have no job to make money to feed themselves however little. What would you prefer

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Jun 28, 2020 9:06 AM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

Although I am disappointed, I am not surprised to read this defence of child slavery and forced labour. It is the rationale of the exploiters and oppressors down the ages.

Jun 27, 2020 10:12 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

There is no bigger idiot than the WHITE ‘fair trade’ idiot. All Tony Blair voters who ‘claim’ to be ‘anti-war’. The middle class ‘do gooders’ that Orwell despised.
If your knowledge about life on this planet came from sources wider than the BBC and Guardian newspaper, you’d know just how bad life is for whole groups of Humans you’ve never even heard about. The atrocities continuing today in those lands of North Africa still controlled by the islamic arab (ex)slavers that invaded in order to provide the MILLIONS of female slaves used by every islamic nation before the fall of the Turkish empire in the 19th century.
Or the atrocities in vast areas of South America today, where the peoples live under the ‘law’ of local gang leaders, because West style law only applies in small areas of middle class urban cities.
Or the horrendous working class conditions that exist to this day across the far east (in nations like Japan and South Korea).
But NO, your fabian propaganda outlets like the BBC only dribble about things like ‘chocolate’ (which is NOT provided by ‘slave’ labour), so you white middle class fabian hand-ringers honestly think you ‘save the world’ by engaging in the fair trade pyramid scheme at your office.
What truly sickens me is that in the age of the internet (where access to information has never been better), so many people STILL no nothing outside a fake news fabian ‘documentary’.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Jun 28, 2020 9:14 AM
Reply to  sunset

As you deny the reality of child labour, slave and forced, here is a brief summary from Wikipedia, a readily accessible source in the age of the Internet: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_labour_in_cocoa_production

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jun 27, 2020 2:50 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

“they are in a feverish competition to become the most” woke” in the neighbourhood. And none of any of this includes giving up any of their stuff. Including their $300000 home. Their rank hypocrisy makes me want to vomit”.
Nail. Hammer. Head. Yep, makes me want to vomit as well. Thank you for the truth of what these people are really like.
Was selling a homeless street mag, suspended now because of the panicdemic, and I experienced that hypocrisy every hour of every day. When a few of them would walk towards me I wouldn’t even bother holding the mag up, or greet them anymore as I knew exactly what the non response would be. Almost always it was staring straight ahead, stony silence, without even an acknowledgement I had greeted them.
The rest of your comment also hits the nail on the head.

Jun 27, 2020 4:04 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

So the radical blacks have nothing to do with BLM, then what are they doing ? what makes them radical?

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Jun 27, 2020 5:34 PM
Reply to  I DENY YOUR BS

BLM is a classic “straw-man” as are white supremacists organizations in the main , constructed and supported by the powers that be for the most part . When a real revolution or an actual killer pandemic happens you and I will be the last to know that it is actually occurring..

Jun 27, 2020 10:25 PM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

“real revolution”- they happen ALL the time- but are never ever the result of the drones at the bottom taking action for themselves- and never will be.
The people at the top of the power pyramid will always control the drones at the bottom with psy-ops. What matters is the MOTIVE. When the top is entirely evil (as is the case today), we are all effed.
The fabian project that changed the world was originally apparently ‘good’ despite warning signs. It was notably anti-racist, anti-sexist, and focused on raising the standard of living for the vast majority. As a result of the fabian project, the Human Race made more progress in a century than during the previous million years. Because drones are too stupid to have a greater awareness of species history, this FACT flies over even the heads of almost everyone here, as they dribble about this or that tiny relative issue.
“Wah, wah- he lives in a mansion while I live in my semi- the world is broke- wah wah. We need a revolution- wah, wah” is most of what I read in the comments here and on similar left leaning sites.
Meanwhile the fabian project reveals itself as truly satanic in intent, and yet faces no opposition from the crying babies.
Team Blair has stated, in public, over and over, that FOUR BILLION+ Humans must go. Yet is this fact the focus of comments here? Pretty much never. Even in the midst of the SARS2 and BLM false flags- even as our world becomes dystopian to a degree even fiction never dared to go.
The drones, the chattering classes, have normalised the unthinkable. Just look at the regulars here and their comments. It’s the same old class warfare dribble and/or the same old race baiting dribble.

Jun 27, 2020 9:59 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

The true answer for any Human is to escape from culture- to see culture for what it is, and to respond by loving one’s own individualism. The problem with this philosophy is that it is ALPHA thinking, and very few people are alphas- most people are drones, and in my experience actual love being drones.   BLM is yet another psy-op aimed at certain classes of drone. For this reason alone there are prominant black voices today (alphas) noisily rejecting BLM. But when an alpha tells a drone to be less of a drone, things don’t tend to go well.   Here’s the thing- at a good time in history, there are good and bad alphas at the top fighting each other, leading to the satanic evil being mostly neutralised, and the drones at the bottom get a mostly helpful message.   But at a bad time in history (now), the good alphas have all been systematically pushed out of positions of influence (which is why the very mention of Jordan Peterson in a recent article here led to brigade77 members leading a co-ordinated attack against him in the comments). Bad alphas own the top of the power pyramid, and are free to manipulate the drones without opposition.   For certain groups, BLM is like COMMON PURPOSE (a fabian control body)- providing networking of immediate advantage to member atoms. And this holds great appeal for a lot of people who are moving up the power pyramid, but consider their background as from bottom levels.   You mention Malcolm X (whose big movie was famously watched by far more ‘whites’ than ‘blacks’). With respect to alphas like him, there is one of two relationships. Either you are interested in the personal journey and philosophy of an alpha, or you are a… Read more »

Jun 27, 2020 1:51 PM

I want to discover the mindset that would conjure the guns-for-drugs, CIA-linked, cocaine-importing, inner-city crack trade on the one side – and on the other a privatized prison industry and a three-strikes law to supply the inmates. And then turn those inmates into slave labor for industry.   Who would bring home the Cold War policy of containment? Imposing on a domestic population the strategy of neutralizing or exterminating political leaders, flooding it with illicit narcotics, strategies tending to depopulation, arming war lords and promoting gang warfare. In the economic sphere, pushing a workforce into dead-end jobs, siphoning off talent or diverting brains into circuses, entertainment or sport, again entertainment or sport, entertainment or sport…   …. and creating economic dependence (on food or debt) and then suddenly pulling the plug, in Richard Nixon’s words, making the economy scream.   It is the author Douglas Valentine who has shown that the means of waging war abroad often come home to the streets of America*. The techniques of the Phoenix Program used to destabilize the Viet Cong, produced a “Phoenix-style network” that constitutes America’s internal security apparatus today. More recently the weaponry of the Afghan War has landed on America’s streets.   I wasn’t actually looking at Bill Clinton. It was the morality of GHW Bush that provoked in me a morbid curiosity. Bush was an Episcopalian and as a veteran and former Director of Central Intelligence, a patriot. Dark deeds however filthy must serve a higher purpose. Make foreign economies scream but bring the gold home. Do murder most foul but…    A moral Colossus, Michael Ruppert, former LAPD narcotics detective, once confronted Bill Clinton’s CIA Director John Deutch about the CIA’s involvement in the sale of cocaine on American streets. Deutch shrank into the darkness under Ruppert’s glare. It… Read more »

Jun 27, 2020 2:28 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Michael Ruppert confronts CIA director about Drug Trade on U.S. Streets

Harvesta Strong
Harvesta Strong
Jun 30, 2020 5:46 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

My hero. Ruppert will go down in history trying to expose SCAD (State Crimes Against Democracy).

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Jun 27, 2020 1:15 PM

There is no such thing as race, but there is racism.

Jun 27, 2020 10:48 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

Actually NO- racism is NOT a natural thought process of ordinary people. Racism is a PSY-OP, a method used by forces higher up in the power pyramid to modify the behaviour of people below.   Modern ‘racism’ was a judaic invention of the 19th century, when scientific enlightenment meant the Old Testament (which stated that the judaic god made ‘black’ Humans as slaves) was no longer working well in court. Judaic pseudo scientists in the USA worked in leading universities in major projects designed to ‘prove’ ‘black’ Humans were inferior ‘by design’. This was the birth of modern racism, that became eugenics- the dominant scientific philosophy to this day in the USA.   So ‘racism’ is a mind virus exploited by the dominant judaic power cult. In America it is used to ensure the massive ‘minority’ never challenges the political clout of the TINY power cult minority.   Where liars try to ‘prove’ racism is a “working class phenonenon”, they use the trick of conflating issues between different CULTURES and skin colour. People of the EXACT SAME genetics massacred each other in N. Ireland because one had a ‘catholic’ culture and one ‘protestant’. But if the catholics had been ‘black’, Hayes would have tried to shout ‘racism’.   To discriminate against a person because of how they are made at birth is illogical- which is why this is NOT a natural outcome amongst ordinary people. To discriminate because of how an adult THINKS is totally reasonable. Until the turkish empire collapsed in the 19th century, every muslim nation actively worked to provide female slaves to every male muslim at a cost even a working class bloke could afford. You better believe that i find this belief system obscene. But today you will be told this makes you a ‘racist’.  … Read more »

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Jun 28, 2020 9:17 AM
Reply to  sunset

I have no idea why you have address this comment to me. I never said that racism was natural. I merely stated that there is no such thing as race, but there is racism.

Jun 27, 2020 12:58 PM

the donmeh
the followers of zvi and jacob frank
control all sides
100s of billions of dollars invested in the 5g tel aviv military weapon system
the ashkanazim control the horizontal and the vertical
the power
the knob that goes way beyond marshall amp 12
the 33
lie scheme steal and rape kill
that is the nature of the beast
the story the new story the new new story is an old story is all disraction
the beatings must continue until moral improves
the 5g 5g 5g
works on many levels
it can also entrain clouds
how long ago did jfk talk about control of the weather i believe he used the word soon
i see little talk of weather weapons at nato or un.
has anyone seen any crew putting these military grid prison systems up?
maybe stealth navy seal and sas types are skulking building at night
the other day i saw an ugly evil looking 8 panel tower on a council 5 story block a chap was catching some rays on the 2nd floor.
i shouted up to him is that 5g tower on your roof new ?
he said what 5g tower i said that evil looking thing on your roof he replied no idea mate.
millions of trees coming down millions of phased arrays going up
5g activates bacteria fungus creates flu like systems when you get close
try it
i have many times

Jun 27, 2020 2:32 PM
Reply to  gordon

loads of new looking poles ugly looking tall things with oblongs head
YOU can feel them.
they also do night road works and abra*****bra there they appear
ground roads being dug up and wires being feed through essential service
trees being cut and fake one being put up with new friendly tek
back in April last year
‘Brussels has decided to not follow through with initial plans for a project of providing high-speed 5G wireless internet.’ 
‘Brussels in Belgium is considered the de facto capital of the European Union’
‘ ‘ if you search engine it lots come up also
environment health trust has some great intel

Jun 27, 2020 12:35 PM

Pākehā has no relation to pig whatsoever. I don’t know where the writer got that impression.

Jun 27, 2020 2:08 PM
Reply to  Chairmandrew

It’s controversial, yes. That’s why I say ‘apparently’.
However, back then and there in Nelson in the early 90s, all fishermen (Maori, Islanders and White) understood Pakeha to mean both white man and pig. The story I heard about it was that White people brought pigs whose meat the locals appreciated very much. Hence white man / pig. It never felt as a derogatory term, though.
So, regardless of the etymology, the belief and the story are out there.

Jun 27, 2020 2:47 PM
Reply to  N.Radić

Are you talking about the 1990’s or 1790’s? I was only born last century, but I’ve never heard anyone confuse pākehā with poaka, an obviously transliteration of pork, which was just one of many greatly appreciated trade items introduced by Europeans. To follow that same logic you might as well surmise that pākehā probably meant potato. But that would be silly, as well as disingenuous.

Hokonui Robertson
Hokonui Robertson
Jun 27, 2020 10:42 PM
Reply to  Chairmandrew

HHhmm I’m a middle aged born and bred Kiwi. I’ve long understood, rightly or wrongly, that a possible literal definition/origin of the word Pākehā was pig. This has never bothered me. Whatever it’s origins it’s the Maori word for a European – simple as that.

Jun 27, 2020 11:54 AM

I think it is very important to remain careful and not react from one or the other side with unconsidered emotion. There is a profound divisive wedge being drawn between peoples, the more the focus is on divisions, the more successful the “divide and rule” policy will be. Already in the last few years, the division between left and right has torn populations apart, while distorting the very meaning of what the “left” or the “right” actually stands for, as well as pushing people under labels: none of us are either this or that. The question of race is also being slowly distorted. Race is a superficial physical aspect due to adaptation to external environmental factors, and which then people inherit generation after generation.   There is among non-Westerners certainly a deep feeling of anger that has built up over generations. Colonialism, unlike other forms of domination, destroyed the very identity of peoples, by totally destroying the local infrastructures (its systems of knowledge, etc), and by imposing the norms of the colonizer, the colonizer’s way of thinking, and so on. All over the world today, the only education system is the Western one. All non-Western populations are mainly trained in the Western perspective, given to think that the West developed all that the West considers as important, and which they can certainly excel at, but that they themselves never really quite got it. For instance most people elsewhere do not even remember the advanced science they had developed. Slowly some are bringing this to light, but given the complete suppression for too long of other ways of thought, its for instance in mathematics very difficult to recapture the thinking process. This has been a loss also for the West. We’d have a totally different world had there been a veritable… Read more »

Jun 27, 2020 2:20 PM
Reply to  hope

I quite concur, great comment, thank you.

What is the question to which you refer?

Jun 27, 2020 5:41 PM
Reply to  ginghiniagenie

Basically scientific statements are in effect of various degrees of uncertainty. Reducing this uncertainty to an amenable form, it means they should have at least 3 truth” value: true, false and uncertain (i.e. neither true nor false). However the mathematical language used has 2 truth values: either something is true or something is false. Hence to render uncertainty, the theory of probability has been developed. However as soon as you try to apply probability, you are making extremely strong assumptions of one type or other, so strong that they may be quite unrealistic. Now, logicians first in ancient India did develop some basic multi-valued logic (4-valued by the Buddhist school and 7-valued by the Jain one), and since the last century, modern logicians have evolved elaborated multi-valued logic. However, mathematicians have never tried to develop any mathematics founded on more than second order logic. All the mathematics we have can only deal with something being true or false, and this highly restrictive, on more than one count. This in old times may be due to the utter complexity of the question. I did discuss this with a historian of science, a former physicist, and he did say that he too had wondered why there had not been at least discussions among mathematicians. There may not have been sufficient awareness of a scientific need since in old times, the Jain school is a very rare one to have realised that statements are of the degree of uncertainty, not absolutely true and false (so did the Buddhists, but unlike the Buddhists, the Jains actually did produce some early science).     But today, its surprising that the question is still not discussed given that since quantum mechanics at least, that science is not about truth has been well realised. The question remains… Read more »

Jun 27, 2020 8:31 PM
Reply to  hope

Interesting, thanks for the context. What kinds of practical applications would this new form of mathematics have, if that’s not a silly question?

Jun 27, 2020 11:52 AM

how good your memory do you remember what this President said about CV and testing kits and how they tested fruit using the testings kits given to them and fruit tested positive etc
guess what ??? he was heart attack gunned
Burundi’s President Pierre Nkurunziza, aged 55, has died after suffering a cardiac arrest, the government says. another said died of CV
He was admitted to hospital after feeling unwell, his condition improved but on Monday he had a cardiac arrest and efforts to revive him were unsuccessful, officials say.
After 15 years in power,
Cant find the video he did that caused outrage anyone find it please repost it

Jun 27, 2020 12:25 PM
Reply to  ame

It was the President of Tanzania that made the claims regarding paw paw fruit and goat samples testing positive for cv19. Unless something similar was said by Nkurunziza?

Jun 27, 2020 1:00 PM
Reply to  IANA

you star thank you my big huge massive error apologies all
please kindly vote my comment down
President John Pombe Magufuli of Tanzania has expressed shock in the sudden demise of outgoing Burundian leader Pierre Nkurunziza. The government of Burundi announced the death of Nkurunziza on Tuesday, June 9, with reports indicating he suffered a heart attack.

Jun 27, 2020 1:58 PM
Reply to  IANA

apologies ALL please down vote the comment down
President John Pombe Magufuli of Tanzania has expressed shock in the sudden demise of outgoing Burundian leader Pierre Nkurunziza. The government of Burundi announced the death of Nkurunziza on Tuesday, June 9, with reports indicating he suffered a heart attack.

Jun 27, 2020 1:28 PM
Reply to  ame
Jun 27, 2020 1:58 PM
Reply to  Dave

apologies ALL please down vote the comment down
President John Pombe Magufuli of Tanzania has expressed shock in the sudden demise of outgoing Burundian leader Pierre Nkurunziza. The government of Burundi announced the death of Nkurunziza on Tuesday, June 9, with reports indicating he suffered a heart attack.

Jun 27, 2020 1:58 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

apologies ALL please down vote the comment down
President John Pombe Magufuli of Tanzania has expressed shock in the sudden demise of outgoing Burundian leader Pierre Nkurunziza. The government of Burundi announced the death of Nkurunziza on Tuesday, June 9, with reports indicating he suffered a heart attack.

Jun 27, 2020 1:54 PM
Reply to  ame

apologies ALL please down vote the comment down
President John Pombe Magufuli of Tanzania has expressed shock in the sudden demise of outgoing Burundian leader Pierre Nkurunziza. The government of Burundi announced the death of Nkurunziza on Tuesday, June 9, with reports indicating he suffered a heart attack.

Jun 27, 2020 10:48 AM

An East-European succes story is Antonio Radić, a Croatian chess player and host of agadmator’s Chess Channel on YouTube. He has the largest YouTube chess channel as of June 2020, with over 686,000 subscribers.
At the end of every video he simply says (without any accent): “I would like to thank x, y & z for a contribution to my channel”.
That something like this is possible is a lesson for all of us, and a tribute to the global village of internet. 

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jun 27, 2020 10:55 AM
Reply to  elsewhere

“Just what Off Guardian needs advertisers”
South Front needs money
These two women need money

Jun 27, 2020 12:00 PM
Reply to  elsewhere

it is not a surprise to me. croatia is not even a poor country. expensive place. there is millionaires and probably billionaires from croatia. does that make them successful? not necessaryly. someone could have no money and be successful. a chess video? doesnt sound like a huge acheivment to me.

Jun 27, 2020 10:44 AM

and repeat …they always forget
Dick Gaughan & Brian MacNeill – Any Mick’ll Do


Jun 27, 2020 10:47 AM
Reply to  ame
  • Brian McNeill

‘Cause any Mick’ll do, any black, any Jew
Any poor wee soul (bugger) who’s not like you
They’re down from the trees and they’re up from the bogs
They come round here and they steal your job
They’re all the bloody same – just no’ the same as you
And when a scapegoat’s what you need – any Mick’ll do
Gerry Conlon stood before the jury
Before the judge in his gown and his wig
And the whole damn country was sure he was guilty
Even though the evidence was rigged
And when it all came out, it was the old familiar shout
He’ll be guilty of something, sure as hell
What’s a Paddy more or less, and anyway, he confessed
Stick him down in his cell, and his father as well
They told Annie Maguire she was a bomber
She heard every expert witness testify
That they’d found traces of gelignite upon her hands
And British justice would not be denied
And when they found they were wrong, it was the same old song
She’s a danger to us all if she’s free
With every day that goes by, we’re more committed to the lie
So just leave her be and throw away the key
I hate every Jew who kicks a Palestinian
And every Nazi who ever kicked a Jew
I hate every stupid bigoted opinion
And if you don’t hate them too, then I hate you
But what I hate most of all is the sheer damned gall
Of a system that never thinks twice
About furthering a grudge with a jury and a judge
And when they’re loading the dice, tell me who pays the price

Jun 27, 2020 10:30 AM

No wonder the British Labour party have made criticism of Soros an anti-Semitic meme. He is a driving force behind divisive movements like BLM.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jun 27, 2020 10:00 AM

Thank you Nebojsa for this excellent article.
As a Kiwi, and yes, a Pakeha, and also from the South Island, you made me feel a bit homesick for New Zealand. And growing up, spent several summer holidays in Nelson.
What else will the 0.01% come up with to keep us divided and at each others throats?
Growing up, whether someone was Maori or Pakeha was almost irrelevant. I almost never heard any overt racism back home, like I do on a regular basis in Australia.
My philosophy is treat others how you would like them to treat you, regardless of race, religion, skin colour, whether someone is disabled or not, whether they’re 12 or 72.
We are all human beings. But those who run things want us split into atomised individual units. With labels. I’m not a label, neither are you. Yet Identity Politics thrives on labels and narcissism and victimhood and division.
Them Us. The Other.
Ive seen videos recently of white liberals in the United States getting on their knees and kissing the feet of African Americans, or walking around in chains reenacting slavery. Why? To show how good they are at virtue signalling?
Our real enemies are the 0.01% and their minions who have pillaged and plundered entire countries.
John Lennon sang once…. Imagine.

Jun 27, 2020 9:53 AM

On a related note. Should we tear down the statues of historical heroes? Yes undoubtedly. Not yet though. We should wait until the majority of people decide that enablers of Capitalist Imperialism don’t have a place in our hearts and not be distracted now by carefully constructed division that sees poor whites defending the undefendable.

Jun 27, 2020 9:24 AM

A third of a million Irish children were sold into indentured servitude by Cromwell in under a decade. Read or listen to Christopher Fogerty for a non-mealy-mouthed account of the so-called potato famine inflicted on the Irish by the likes of Palmerston. Oh, the privilege! How are the Swedes or the Poles privileged? How are the non-elite of any race? The elite are taking their own crimes and projecting the guilt.
The point isn’t a willy-waving contest of who suffered the most. Did the elite single blacks out for particular humilation? Sure. Are blacks the only or main ones on the chopping block now? Surely not.
BTW Shaquille O’Neal is a Prince Hall freemason. So is almost every black figure the media projects.

Jun 27, 2020 6:31 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

How about the Irish slaves in Ireland? Or the US railroads?

Jun 27, 2020 9:57 AM
Reply to  Edwige

If I call you a racist, you have to prove a negative. There is a good chance you will fail.
It is a Democratic Party strategy to stoke race hate before elections and as a substitute for policy (Smollett-Kamala Harris). That is an uncomfortable truth. https://therevolutionaryact.com/trayvon-hoax-identity-politics/
On the surface it is dangerous and nihilistic: these race hoaxes and the race baiting by the media hurts the very people they claim to be protecting. https://news.gallup.com/poll/246899/blacks-rate-race-relations-whites-bad.aspx
But it is more nefarious, more demonic than that: plantation politics uses people as pawns and that means filling inner cities with drugs, creating crack cocaine, destroying families, engineering young people who are destined to be fodder for the privatized jails. https://www.newsweek.com/clinton-kkk-byrd-trump-652176
Demonic because I think these people’s real policy is to stop black people advancing, to keep black people out of power and that the trick has been to pursue racist, eugenicist policies under the cover of progressivism.

Jun 27, 2020 9:57 AM
Reply to  Edwige

Sorry copied and pasted from my stupid smart phone..

The Cromwellian settlement of Ireland. By John P. Prendergast.
WHILE the Government were employed in clearing the ground
for the Adventurers and Soldiers (the English capitalists of that
day), by making the nobility and gentry yield up their ancient
inheritances, and withdraw to Connaught, “where they could
wish the whole nation,”* they had agents actively employed
through Ireland, seizing women, orphans, and the destitute to be
transported to Barbadoes and the English Plantations in America.
It was a measure beneficial to Ireland, which was thus relieved of
a population that might trouble the planters; it was a benefit to
the people removed, who might thus be made English and Christians; t and a great benefit to the West India sugar planters, who
desired the men and boys for their bondmen, and the women and
Irish girls in a country where they had only Maroon women and
Ns to solace them

Jun 27, 2020 9:09 AM

Yes. Perspectives like this one can be quite illuminating.
I’ve seen a similar one here

Jun 27, 2020 8:47 AM
Jun 27, 2020 8:44 AM

True story: as a kid I had the privilege to live on one of the Dutch Caribbean Islands. And I am a guy who easily gets sunburned, if you want to know what kind of skin color I have. And that skin color was (at that time) quite rare in the Dutch Caribbean. Now every 3 years the Dutch Caribbean islands were visited by the Dutch Queen, who btw is very popular on these islands, and I was happy enough that the queen visited my school! So the queen was walking through our school and in the canteen the teachers of the school had prepared a song that the students had to sing for the queen, etc, after which the queen, with her entourage, and the press who was reporting her visit, was walking through the crowded canteen mingling with the students. And I stood there as a white boy and the queen decided to ask some question, at random, to a student if this was a nice school and she almost picked me to ask the question! But then our eyes met and she suddenly recognized that a picture where the queen, who visits the Dutch Caribbean to see how her underlings live there, was asking a question to a white skinned boy who is surrounded with dark skinned students would make a bad press! So she turned away from me, and asked the question to a dark skinned student who was standing next to me. All of that is not serious discrimination and to be clear on this issue: I only find it amusing that this happened to me once, when I was a kid (how I was discriminated by the Queen of the Netherlands!) But discrimination is a nasty thing. Five years ago I was in Serbia… Read more »

Jun 27, 2020 8:42 AM

This is a brilliant article Nebojša.I’m in France at the moment trying to get back to Korcula,we live there most of the year.Whenever I explain that it was courtesy of my ‘belle mere’who regarded herself as a Jugoslav..and then have to explain that yes she was also a Serb,I see the eyes narrow…’really?’then the inevitable question..’how do you find them?because we all know they eat babies right?’

Jun 27, 2020 8:39 AM

Racism against blacks is the direct consequence of European/American slavery. Slavery that existed for thousands of years before the birth of America wasn’t a racial construct. I believe the word ‘slave’ originates from the word ‘slav’ as most slaves up to the middle ages came from eastern Europe, think Roman Empire. The modern slave in America replaced bonded English and Irishmen when the colony outgrew the numbers of poor people willing/forced to submit to 7 years of service. Divide and conquer was instituted and with the coming of science, alleged genetic disparity between whites and blacks was born. Racism was born out of Imperialist conquest and later, the need to control the large numbers of blacks, Irish and even larger number of poor whites.
In my opinion, the only way to defeat it is through class-struggle and solidarity. At the moment, division between blacks and whites is assured, political correctness, BLM and white msm/alt media conspire to keep it like that.

Jun 27, 2020 2:24 PM
Reply to  lundiel

Michael A Hoffman, ‘They Were White and They Were Slaves’
According to Hoffman indentured servitude was pretty much a euphemism and legal nicety for slavery. But whites had no market value unlike the later black slaves, who were consequently better treated. The word ‘kidnapping’ came from this period.

Jun 27, 2020 8:19 AM

Hamam Balkania by Vladislav Bajac, 2014 — Café Europa: Life After Communism by Slavenka Drakulić, 1996 — and of course The Bridge on the Drina by Ivo Andric, 1945
I’ve read those. Any suggestions to further my journey?

Jun 27, 2020 8:58 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

My personal favourite is The Damned Yard, by Andrić
Also, Meša Selimović, Death and the Dervish
Dragoslav Mihailović, When Pumpkins Blossom
I envy you! I wish I could read them again for the ‘first time’!

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Jun 27, 2020 9:28 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Well, i’m no authority on Cyrillic literature, so i’ll ask the mrs. , later.
But for flavour, have you ever seen the 1998 film ‘Black Cat, White Cat’, directed by
Emir Kusturica… ? It’s hilarious, with brilliant characterisation.

It is the kind of film that you can watch again & again and keep on laughing at the madness,
a bit like watching WTC 7 collapse, which was incidentally the last Hollywood film i ever watched.

Since the Psychic sidekick side showing of the announcement of the collapse of WTC7, when the building was still standing, by the BBC, somebody should get OFCOM to provide data on how many times since 2001, the BBC has actually shown the demolition job on air, when it finally did collapse!
All eighty one steel columns in a vertical descent, with two seconds FREEFALL… i repeat,
81 steel columns, 2 seconds Freefall…
and a free for all Lalaland explanation, by the BBC ! To this day…
Somebody should report the BBC to Ofcom, for their
Denial of SCIENCE and endoctrinating kids!

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Jun 27, 2020 7:55 AM

Yo, Radic: it was a privilege to read your wise thoughts and mind set on rational reflections of a disgusting societal reality & historic ignorance. Three lil’ words. Depleted Uranium Munitions…
Says it all. NATO must be disbanded, no question.
End the brainwash.

‘Dusk draws in upon the rising Moon.
Stars smother the Vault of Heaven.
Forests rustle, swayed by rising Wind.
The Balkan harps the Rebels’ Hymn.’
(Botev – circa 1876)

Botev published this in a satiric newspaper called the ‘Alarm Clock’, specifically,
as a warning to the decadent corrupted ‘intelligentsia’ in Sofia, resting on laurels,
as the Ottomans advanced towards them. Empires have been marching through the Balkans,
like they own the ‘gaff’ and the people, for thousands of years… let it be?
In Bulgaria, we now have monumental new statues of utter historic ignorance.
John McCain in Sofia and Woodrow Wilson in Plovdiv – talk about irony !
And corporate slave trader’s mental brainwash,
As financial markets sink & shrink, on NATO’s command.
A Bugger is defined primarily as “a Bulgarian Heretic” by
my Odhams English dictionary 1946, then follows the connotation,
For foolish people living in boxes, defined for them, by slave drivers.
Under milk wood: Llareggub Education systems, designed to enslave, divide & rule.
Fuck NATO now! Who needs them?
Simples. Only empires and corporate slave drivers with mico-soft-virus of the mind.
Moreover, who can still afford to Kowtow and kneel to such abusive notions of…