US Gov website falsely inflating Care Home Covid deaths
Official monitor exaggerated care homes' cases and deaths by orders of magnitude on new monitoring website
Kit Knightly

Early this month the US CDC launched their Covid19 “care home tracker” website, which claims to list all the care homes in the US which receive government aid, along with the numbers of Covid19 cases and deaths for each.
The trouble was, as an article for MedPage Today pointed out, at least some of the recorded numbers were “insanely inaccurate”. Here are some notable examples:
- The Saugus Rehab and Nursing Center in Saugus, Massachusetts was listed as having 794 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in residents and 281 cases in staff. The facility only has room for 80 patients, maximum. Of which 45 tested positive along with 19 staff.
- Southern Pointe Living Center in Colbert, Oklahoma is listed as having 339 residents die of COVID-19 despite only having a 95 bed capacity, and officially reporting not one single case of covid19, let alone a death.
- Dellridge Health and Rehabilitation Center in Paramus, New Jersey is listed as the worst affected carehome in the US, with 753 deaths. The reality, according to their marketing director, is they have a 90 patient capacity, and have had only 20 deaths.
These are the three listed examples in the article, but it would be foolish to assume they are the only three care homes – out of the roughly 15,000 listed on the site – whose numbers are inaccurate.
So, how was this allowed to happen?
The data for the site was allegedly collected and reported to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) by the care homes themselves, and since they receive hefty fines for refusing to do so, for being late or supplying false information, it’s hardly likely they would supply inaccurate data.
It’s especially unlikely they would forget their maximum patient capacity or seek to hurt their reputations and future business by overstating the number of deaths they had.
There is the possibility of simple data-entry errors – but these are enormous mistakes, not mistyped numbers, or extra zeroes, but exaggerations by orders of magnitude.
One home, Smith Village in Chicago, blamed a form which turned their total cases for May into “daily cases” for May, thus multiplying the total by 31. But that doesn’t reasonably account for all incorrect data. No form, however badly designed the mathematics, can turn “zero” into “three hundred and thirty-nine”.
Either there is a deliberate intent to deceive here, or incompetence so gross it baffles the mind. And, either way, it calls into question the reliability of ALL their claims, data and reports.
Since that report was published, the website has been updated and the cited examples now list the “corrected” numbers, but the whole situation raises several questions:
- If it was purely a matter of “making mistakes”, why were all of the reported numbers over-estimates?
- Would they ever have been corrected had it not appeared in the press?
- How many other care homes on the database have incorrect numbers listed, but don’t know it?
- Are these false numbers still cited in “official counts” for Covid cases/deaths?
- Can we trust ANY “official statistic” supplied by the CDC, CMS or other government body?
Many thanks to commenter Maxwell, who brought this to our attention.
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its the young people they are really after. they said it was young people who died in the spanish flu. this care home stuff is to throw us off who they are actually after. they might not be dieing yet but there have been reports of suicide, riots etc. cnn has ran stories claiming young healthy people really could die etc. that is their plan. old peoples home they dont really care about. just a shoe in.
Would like to add to this two items.
In my phone call to the nursing home in NJ the individual I spoke with was quick to volunteer that she knew of personally “several” other nursing homes that experienced the same thing- drastically inflated numbers of deaths falsely attributed by the CDC to nursing homes. I wish now that I had asked her precisely which ones so that I could have made further phone calls and obtained more details. I’m speculating that she was referencing nursing homes in the NJ/NY area.
The second item that came up in these phone calls, which I did ask about but never received a clear answer on, is the “paper trail” as to how these numbers go from being reported to the CDC to being recorded in their data base. While yet to receive a clear answer on this there does seem to now be an “intermediary” organization that has been specifically set up to “record” Covid cases and deaths specific to nursing homes.
What is this organization- who, how and why has this been set up and of course who funds it.
I made an appointment to visit a dying man in a care home in Tower Bridge this week. On arrival they said… “so sorry, it’s our mistake – we’re not allowing visits at the moment… but as you’ve come, we’ll make an exception as long as you wear full PPE”. They gave me an ‘ear-loop’ mask, plastic apron and gloves which ripped twice as I tried to put them on my huge mitts.
I found my friend who has progressed dementia alone in his room, naked with a purple swollen arm and hand which was tucked under his body, the babysitter TV was blaring, there’s no remote control and no water within reach. When the nurses came in one said ‘…big shirt – big shirt’. I asked what they meant and was told the patient has no clothes, and they asked me who is in charge of his clothes! Also, no one knew how he got his injuries – not the nurses or the manger… they basically said ‘it was like that when I got here’!
Doors are pinned open with magnetic locks in this care home – there’s no privacy, but worse, the noise from the hallway clatter – catering and the voices of bickering staff completely drowned out the mumbles from my demented friend. I had no choice but to take my mask off so he could at least try to lip read me, and I had to put my ear right up to his mouth to hear him grunt a ‘yes’ or ‘no’.
The plastic apron they gave me soon got very hot, the gloves uncomfortably hot and sweaty – I took ’em both off in the room, but slipped the mask and apron back on as I left and hour later, just for cover.
I called the executor of my friend’s will, and e-mailed his social worker – neither had seen him in five whole months! They thought he was ‘just fine’ – such bollocks!
Later, I called the care home to ask about further visits by me or his social worker… it took three calls to receive a call back. It was explained to me that telephone extension in care home manger’s room was ‘broken’ – hah! They said that his social worker ‘…of course’ could arrange a ‘PPE visit’, also suggesting that they might prefer to ZOOM or SKYPE contact the patient. The patient has progressed dementia, can’t speak and is sputtering when swallowing – classic late-stage dementia – no way is ZOOM or SKYPE appropriate! I explained to them that the room was too noisy to hear what he’s trying to say and requested the door be shut and a nurse present, to which they agreed saying ‘…no problem’.
Finally, the executor of his will called me to say they tried to book a visit but as just the day before, the care-home has ONE new case of so-called Covid19 they’ve gone into complete lockdown – no visits possible at all! How cruel that seems when you know the truth about Conjob19!
The care home only recently came out of ‘needs improvement’ status to ‘good’ according to NHS ratings! And what, with my dodgy near non-visit after booking with the actual care- home manager, the pretend broken phone extension, the three days to get a call back, a naked patient with no clothes, unexplained injuries, and no contact for five months etc. – I think the toadies are phucking lying!
Is this what we all have to look forward to as end-of-life palliative ‘care’ from for-profit care-homes in London?
Look at the calibre of staff who work in these places. Care work used to be vocational. Nowadays its a job
It is nearly time for a YooTube boycott. Given YooTube’s removal of anything remotely resembling truth, it follows that not much – certainly nothing popular/promoted, can be trusted.
Beware false prophets. Content creators I formerly trusted are now clearly paid opposition. Everybody has a price, will sell out for the right $. and Bitchute are safe for now.
The meat and potatoes of falsifying covid numbers in order to justify the real intention : a police state.
here’s the most important 2 dots to join. The NIH were responsible, in 2017, for lifting the ban on ‘gain of function’ research and agreed to fund more of it.Gain-of-function means human intervention( man made virus ).That same NIH is directing how to fake these statistics.
A Polite Request to The US Government, and Associated Corporations from My Wife and I.
Can you please stop dumping all this shite on our PC’s – just keep it to the mobile phones – or we might send it back to you, except that would slow down the internet.
Why can’t you just behave instead?
It’s not that hard.
Some good personal news. Though, I never thought she was a full time member, and she was one of the last to join it, my wife has now largely escaped, by her own volition, The COVID Death Cult, that has infected nearly everyone we know. She is now quoting the same figures at me, that I was telling her months ago.
She is telling me, that it is completely bloody ridiculous, and the chances of anyone dying under the age of 80 of COVID, without already being seriously ill, is for example maybe 1 or 2 out of the entire population of Leicester.
Meanwhile, just because she happens to be like that, she is doing some of the shopping for some friends of our friends who are quite a bit younger than her (but obviously not as fit) who are “Shielding”, and have no plans to go out of their house at least before 1st of August.
Knowing what they are like, I said look they are taking the p1ss. They are winding you round their little finger.
She says no they are not, and they are not.
They are effectively having a Nervous Breakdown, as are around 80% of the population of The UK.
They are only in their 50’s and think they are going to die of COVID.
If they don’t go out of the house and get fit, they probably will.
It’s a Mind Virus.
The propaganda is designed to send you insane.
God knows how I dropped so lucky to marry such a lovely human being.
We are from Lancashire, and in winter we can go a bit white. When I got a job, and again, was earning some money, my new girlriend moved down from Lancashire with me, leaving all her family and friends, to London.
We didn’t know anyone….and we both spoke raw working class Lancashire – rarely heard in London at the time. It meant when we answered the phone at work, everyone knew our name.
Our very first holiday, was in Morroco. We missed the very first Peter Gabriel WOMAD festival at Shepton Mallet..and she really wanted to go – though went to almost all the rest in England, for more than 25 years, until it got far too popular and was getting like Glastonbury
So cos, we are not allowed to go camping at LIVE Music Festivals in England This Year…cos she recently demonstrated some natural talents..We went to Africa several times again
I bought her a large freestanding oringinal hand carved drum from Ghana. It arrived today, a month early for her birthday.
I thought she was going to tell me off, but She just went Wow and within 15 minutes signed up to a Drumming class for £10 for a month. I might have a go too. What else is there to do when its pissing down rain, which it surely will.
Even I went Wow, Definitiely not a Chinese Copy.
If you want to help Africans, buy African. It’s by far the highest quality.
highly infectious mind virus:)
It’s insane just how many over 50s truly believe the crap the MSM pedals. They’re scared to death and you cannot reason with them no matter what you say, because that nice man on the television must be telling the truth right? Time we all defund the BBC. Love how the BBC support BLM as well. Masterchef tonight, prime example. Very BLM friendly indeed.
Bottom line is that Event Covid has focused attention on the shortcomings of vaccines like never before. The proposed medical inevitability of Covid has backfired. The cabal has no choice but to follow through with force.
This is Big Pharma’s Macbeth moment. “I am in blood Stepped in so far that, should I wade no more, Returning were as tedious as go o’er” Having waded thus far into the river, there is no going back.
Not just the failure to prove COVID. The low standards of proof for vaccines in general, and their frequent exemption from manufacturer’s liability. Big Pharma has shown itself to be every bit as corrupt as Big Tobacco. The media, the regulatory institutions and the medical profession are bought and paid for.
More than that, vaccines are now under scrutiny by millions who previously took the industry at its word. Polio and smallpox had largely disappeared BEFORE the vaccines were developed. As people discover that, an unprecedented campaign of CENSORSHIP has swung into action.
Medical professionals and researchers are on record as stating that tainted blood and vaccines themselves contributed to the return of diseases that had been consigned to history by clean water and nutrition, preventative medicine and and rising standards of hygiene and housing.
Event Covid has even provided its own evidence: with infants unable to receive the vaccinations, sudden infant death has fallen. Unable to prove that Covid-19 exists by the standards of postulates, now the very concept of a virus is under scrutiny.
Politicians are the proven lackeys of corporations right up to the point where they will risk the health of entire populations for a corporate-driven profit-making fraud.
Thank you Dr Andrew Kaufman (and to those who linked to this video The Agenda Behind the COVID Hoax, ).
I wish you were right. In my part of the world, as far as I can tell, most people are as credible | gullible on the subject as ever.
Yes they are Mike and they still pretend that a new disease “Covid” exists when it doesn’t except in the minds of gullible media trusting beleivers.
they simply are not vaccines. the video seems quite significant but still be weary since he is a md who went thru a lot of indoctrination that is difficult to overcome. for example dr morse says flu deaths are caused by medical treatments. if there is no increase in mortality where did the lives saved by hospitals being closed go? all this data is what we need to see what went up and what went down.
To ‘ A Leaf’.
” In cdc site it says the virus is isolated. I don’t know the technicalities.”
I was going mental scrolling and scrolling so i’ll reply here 🙂
Yes, the Canadians claimed to have isolated it as early as March 13th before it began to spread properly.It’s now July.And all the ‘medical experts there have yet to be able to replicate it’s shape.I wonder why not. Perhaps it was getting in the way of the bigger plan. It was too early.Or maybe they were wrong. Then again, it may be another lie to add to the rest.
That isn’t to suggest that the medical researchers involved are responsible for lying.What it would imply is that they slipped up honestly as they weren’t aware that there was, and is, another bigger-much bigger- agenda behind this pandemic.And to beat it too early would ruin that.And when it comes to pharma we’re not talking pennies, we’re talking billions.And when we talk human beings, we’re talking 7 billion needing a little tracking device slipped inside them.
Early on- let’s call it the opening scene- Trump blurted out, in the presence of Fauci, that HCQ was an effective treatment of Covid.He did that without Fauci’s permission.And the poison(ing) dwarf wasn’t happy.He’d spent years with Gates planning this Pharma financial killing.Maybe they both needed more billions to be ‘philanthropic’ with. Whatever the reason, he went public at the podium to say if he had the virus he certainly wouldn’t go for HCQ as a treatment.We were supposed to add 2 and 2 and get 8 and think it was correct.His credentials were supposed to be the logic of that stance.But, since then, it has transpired that HCQ is the way.Not on it’s own.As a step 1 of 2.It works to ‘open up’ the cell that’s self replicating inside and then step 2 is zinc- that stops it.It kills the virus. The Shills soon came out in number on order of the nutcases who wanted the virus to spread a little longer showing ‘proof’ that HCQ didn’t work and added stats to it for added realism.And it was true. They just didn’t factor in the zinc or any other step 2. What would that suggest ?
So the Canadian researchers made the same mistake.But, rather than have Fauci have a panic attack again, we were told :
”but logistical and legal barriers prevented them from readily sharing their materials with researchers beyond their borders.”
That suggests they were told to basically keep their mouths shut and to get with the programme ; that it was too early to switch the fear off.What should have gone global was then locked away and kept in the dark.From that time on, Canada’s headlines were all very pro-global plan.Trudeau, despite this apparent breakthrough and opportunity to be the world stage Superman, showed that he too could be bought.He decided to concentrate only on the autocrats orders and agenda.He could barely contain his excitement about a different angle. That of tracking and tracing for everyone.
All the signs suggest that Canada is now singing from the same hymn sheet as the rest. Look out for Trudeau’s spending.Don’t be surprised if he suddenly becomes a collector of vintage cars and mansions.For the record, their misinformation about the virus originating in Wuhan and from a wet market is exactly that-misinformation.The official line as seen on TV and produced and directed near Fort Detrick, America.
A virus can ‘jump’ from Bat to Man.But not like a performing circus virus.This is why the world isn’t filled with caped crusaders that only come out at night. Multi billionaires Fauci and Gates, the brothers Grimm, had yet another one of their many dark and wet dreams realised in 2017.In 2015 Gates was eagerly promoting himself and his bride as saviours and philanthropists and telling everyone who would listens and obey blindly that a pandemic was coming.Two years later, Fauci was ‘predicting( promising and priming us) that it would come – not might, but would- during Trump’s first administration.Trump’s administration began in January 2017.So 2020 marks the beginning of the end of it or beginning of a second.How was Fauci so confident ? In the closing of that year 2017, the ban was lifted on ‘gain-of-function’ research and the funding thereof.Gain-of-function is the medical euphemism for ‘man made’. It basically allows a human creature of sorts to ‘intervene’ and give a virus a leg up.No need to wait for pesky natural progression or evolution.Take bad virus number one and add it to bad virus number two.And look what happened.The medical experts with no stake in this human destruction say it’s ‘man made’.What kind of billionaire eugenicists would seek to create such a killer.
Any vaccine or immunization will be in a lab near the labour ward in which this virus was conceived and given birth too.It’s there now.It will be available in all major outlets in a town near you eventually.Just as soon as the genuine numbers have been crunched and the psychologists – sorry, ‘behavioural scientists’- have submitted their considered findings.
Despite some updates and corrections those numbers in the list which were not scrutinized or protested are still fraudulent, as authorites who compile it have no shred of credibility by making such huge “mistakes”.
Lying about COVID Deaths is rampant from misdiagnosis based solely by PCR test which constitutes medical malpractice according to FDA that requires precise clinical diagnosis not test alone, second test is unspecific meaning person has some fragment of RNA chain but per FDA that may indicate other virus or bacterial infections resulting in false positive, third if PCR test correctly detect SC2 RNA fragments it tells us nothing about severity of infection and whether or not virus is alive and possess a threat or not at all. Death of SC2 free admitted test positive patients nosocomial infections is also fraudulently not removed from epidemiological assessments about spread and death toll of pandemic.
Other fraud is framing shocking total COVID case numbers like 10 millions in US and growing. That is a lie. In fact real properly diagnosed cases potentially capable of spreading virus in US today is perhaps 100, 000, 1% or less today as most of those test positives who were correctly tested 7-9 days ago are no longer infected and they are no longer COVID cases at all as they developed antibodies and are harmless to others as far as virus spreading is concerned.
Interesting is downplaying by MSM corrupted doctors in fact strongly being against serological testing (which is specific with no FDA warning about false positives) includes refusal, unlike PCR test ,to pay for the test by insurance companies including state run healthcare and health insurance, the very tests that would determine how many people in US are already immune (approx at least 60 millions) and are not spreading SC2 which is critical for lifting lockdowns and other restrictions.
Like in the beginning January and February random population epidemiological surveys were refused to be funded or suppressed to push fake pandemic model based doomsday’s scenario, now hard serological data is deliberately discouraged not collected because only few can afford $1000 or more serological test to pay out of pocket if doctors refuse to prescribe it while insurance refuses to pay for it, especially that it would be baselessly dismissed by CDC as any kind of validation of individual people being virus free and immune, safe to interacting among population as they blatantly push for vaccines that admit themselves may not solicit immunity be response (creating specific antibodies) at all leaving like flu vaccine 50% or more vulnerable.
The COVID affair is 99% total fraud and fabrication with 1% of mild vaguely defined pathogens with minute impact on public health,
Its 100% fraud.
There is no new disease called Covid.
Here is % deaths by the “deadly virus” by country. UK has the terrifying figure of 0.06% !!!
And the average age of those deaths is over eighty. And life expectancy in the UK is just under eighty. So the virus is having zero effect on mortality.
Hi all. I am having trouble finding the website that the German specialists Wodarg, Bhakdi et al set up recently to provide information. If someone could point me in the right direction it would be much appreciated.
Thanks OffG and commenting community, you are much appreciated.
”Medical Professionals for Health, Freedom and Democracy”:
“Medical Professionals and Scientists for Health, Freedom and Democracy”
In German mostly.
Thanks for that too. V interesting guy
As I see you have allready your answer, I take the opportunity to give one more usefull site; if you ve missed it, is:
Yes I’ve been referencing that one regularly.
Such a good resource.
When the “mistakes” are all in one direction one can be confident that they are not mistakes.
Sadly Steve…..I do not believe the people who have been indoctrinated, fooled and propagandized by the MSM and the Dr. Fauci’s of the world……will ever see “the truth.”
See this on the website: Banned.Video – Breaking: States Ordered To Fraudulently Inflate COVID-19 Cases 15 Times Actual Rate
States in America are now counting ‘probable cases’ as Covid19 cases. I wondered why the virus rates in Texas had suddenly gone through the roof. You now only need to have a cough or fever to be counted as a Covid19 case without actually testing positive.
There is also a full transcript of the new procedure being discussed in Collin County, and shows all the documentation. It is 2 hours long, but worth a look.
Both of these videos are worth watching. I could be wrong that we are being scammed, so your comments on either are most welcome.
One of the rare occasions when the USA follows the lead set by the UK !!
Died WITH not died OF
Add to this the permanent censorship:
Youtube just censored this excellent Interview with Dr. Kaufman
The link was :
But at least you can still get it on bitchute:
As you say, Joerg, an excellent interview looking not only at ‘the science’ but also, ethical and holistic issues. Gives an interesting and impressive insight into Andrew Kaufman, the man himself.
“Gives an interesting and impressive insight into Andrew Kaufman, the man himself”.
Yes, Your absolutely right (didn’t look at it from this point before) .
Awesome interview with Andy!!
Thanks for the link, Joerg…
they deleted freelees go offgrid video in april:
That youtube link is currently working, as I write this.
Very good! This morning it was censored with a reason given I have forgotten by now.
I keep posting: get to know the enemy. It can be fun.
Who is this Melinda Gates whose stern face lectures the women of Africa and tells Black people they need to “go first” in any vaccine experiment?
True Pundit’s Mike Moore has done a little digging: Melinda doesn’t have any qualifications to speak as she does. She worked five years in the real world.
She met the geek when she was a senior at Duke, did a one-year quickie MBA and then when they were dating he said, “come and work at Microsoft”… and so she did five years in marketing.
She is a glorified computer demonstrator… “a part time math tutor… now she runs this scheme to use African women and children as guinea pigs.”
As for Bill Gates, Moore calls him one of the “arch criminals of all time… a scary guy who is unbalanced with a massive mean streak.”
“He has serious social interaction issues, the way he speaks, the way he moves, something is not right with this guy. And we’re taking medical advice from him? Why is this guy even around? He has left a trail of pharmaceutical and medical mayhem and fraud all across the world and now we are treating him like he is some kind of a pharmaceutical Jesus? It’s insane.”
You can’t say faya da da.
True Pundit’s Mike Moore with Jason Goodman. From 00:12:00
it seems like the who, cdc, nhs etc. are the more influential members of the cult who convinced gates to join. the real enemy is within people when they switch on the tv to be indotrinated or take their kids to be injected. when they ridicule rabbit food and celebrate their stodge.
they say they are powerless pointing at the goliath. this belief is self fulfilling and serves to recruit others to be themselves powerless. they gnash their teeth then at anyone who thinks they are somebody. how dare they? only gates has power. lol.
Rachel: You’re right. The belief that “elites” are above the Law is also self fulfilling. People become hypnotized by social media memes and repeated propaganda, because it’s easier than navigating through the bullshit. Television “programming” has shifted debate into infantile finger pointing and name calling. People are coming off like miniaturized Donald Trumps…
Without Gates we’d be referring to the CIA.Like we refer to ‘The Nazi Party’.Without Zuckerberg, we’d be referring to the CIA, like we used to refer to ‘The Nazi Party’.This is how they are able to operate just as effectively as the original relentless killing machine mentality used to and with that maniacal world power dream within touching distance.This is why Gates and Zuckerberg are multi billionaires and spared having to genuinely face questions.
It’s the Gates cover story again. Did someone say ‘protesting too much’?
Agreed, the Gates are a front. But you won’t persuade most people. They have to start somewhere and that is by forcing the masses to confront the question: “why are you listening to Bill Gates?”
ahahaaa!!! some alcohol before the injection!!!
Isolate, medicate, steal the estate – judges working with organized crime to strip elderly of civil rights, knocking out lucid people with 200 mg Seroquel, a psychotropic drug, during the guardianship hearing.
Once the estate is stolen, the dose is upped to 2000 mg, which causes electrical conductivity disturbances in the heart and sudden cardiac arrest.
The state and the courts conspire with probate judges. The police say they can do nothing if the state attorney won’t act.
‘Dr. Robert Sarhan tells Sarah Westall how an ongoing racket has been implemented against the elderly to strip families of estates of all assets. According to multiple congressional reports and other studies, this racketeering has been occurring since at least 1980 and strips American citizens of $500 Billion to $1 Trillion dollars worth of assets each year.”
Here Prof. Michel Chossudovsky explains we are being lied to and that the biggest lie is that closing the economies down globally cannot protect your health.
I think that the global elites have decided that trashing the general economy is worth the cost to preserve their fine clothes. But as the story goes they are really naked, have no scruples and no tangible credibility.
They are not crashing their economy the most wealth here is the extra borrowing from the banking cabal by their govts( corporations) for operation “COVID”. Maintaining and tightening control with growing uprising was the most important thing to them. The banksters are not their minion “elites”( Gates) they rule the planet and direct social and economic development of nations.Supported by people that are not in peace have forgotten their humanity and create enemies.
FREDERICKSBURG, Va. (ABC7) — “We can’t do anything,” 911 dispatcher tells caller trapped in Virginia protests with baby in car. “The city told us that this is a sanctioned event.”
Fredericksburg Police are now responding to the community after 911 said they couldn’t respond to protesters jumping on her vehicle while she was trying to get home safely on June 13.
“You know this is going to get dangerous,” the caller said. “I got a kid here.”
Here is the recording of her terrified call: and the response that City Hall stood down the police to give BLM protesters free rein.
“We would suggest you call up city hall to let them know about your frustrations,” the dispatcher said.
Looks like Boris Johnson is fully onboard with the vax agenda. This from last year:
“This is a global challenge and there are a number of reasons why people don’t get themselves or their children the vaccines they need, but we need decisive action across our health service and society to make sure communities are properly immunised.”
He then waffles on about ‘Britain’ – the usual sleight of hand as only England has to follow his dictates, and asymmetric national devolution and democratic government fit for purpose is not something he wishes to flag up.
Backing up Boris, Professor Stephen Powis, from NHS ENGLAND (it’s tucked away as much as possible, the ‘England’ bit, rather like the Barnett Formula, but never mind – i’s only the UK’s largest and most ethnically diverse country) said:
“People not getting the vaccines they need is leading to a killer disease like measles unnecessarily becoming a health risk for our country again, with the number of cases almost quadrupling in just one year.
“The NHS and the government are right to take action to boost vaccination rates – vaccine rejection and falling uptake is a preventable public health risk and it is vital that people get themselves and their children vaccinated.”
Boris stinks, Whitty stinks, Hancock stinks… the whole thing stinks. With Covid-1984 coming just a few months later, I despair.
Questions that need to be answered before a vax agenda even makes the table :
What is the pathogen of this virus.
Why has it not been isolated.
How can we prepare a vaccine with no virus to work from
If so many have ‘beaten’ the virus, why have’t their anti-bodies been isolated for use in creating a cure.
If 90% of people contracting it aren’t in danger-what’s the panic ?
All of the above are questions that have to be answered -and answered clearly -and stand up to medical scrutiny, before a vaccine is created.Why haven’t any of them been addressed.
If they haven’t been addressed, then why have they been ignored.
If medicine can’t answer any of these questions, why are we allowing a software billionaire take over it.
Those who doubt the validity of anything a politician utters and consider this exercise as being one intended to achieve, covertly, a legitimate reason to force tracking devices into people in a Dystopian Trojan Horse manoeuvre are members of the public that politicians serve.These liars are public servants.So, we’re telling our servants to speak the truth or go and we’ll replace them with someone who will.
Why do the same politicians who talk big when the subject’s destroying innocent members of oil countries or Palestinians, suddenly cower behind their chair when two oddballs like Fauci and Gates turn up ? Why are they so scared of them.Or is it simply a case of them encouraging them to take over on their behalf.
All medical people, doctors or nurses, who talk about this Covid say the same thing.The numbers are lies; they’ve been encouraged to let patients die then call it Covid; that it isn’t dangerous to 90% of sufferers; that hospitals are being cash incentivised to maintain the fake narrative to usher in the Big Brother surveillance and human enslavement.
If politicians and their paid help can’t answer the questions about the virus, they can’t know all the dangers they keep telling us via the media either. This has been gaslighting from day one.
the measles was also gas lighting and the flu. they had wakefield in the press because they wanted people to know the injections were harmful. they wanted parents to be party to the crime conciously abusing kids. the virus is in the viral nature of the terror recruitment turning the parent into the abuser, the doctor, the teacher all recruited by terrorists and turned into same.
The politicians are compromised beforehand and put in place to do as they are told. If they go native, out come the revelations.
We got a glimpse of this from Epstein before he was very conveniently suicided.
‘Gaslighting’. The word that sums up 2020 so far.
Any devices that may end up being forced into people, whether via a vaccine or otherwise, would potentially serve a far more sinister purpose than merely tracking them. Once 5G is up and running – and that is being unceremoniously accomplished almost at “warp speed” – its weaponized capacity will become a central feature of the Police State.
5G’s effects on human tissue – i.e., its military effects – have been studied; and are even more sinister than its cumulative health effects. Nano technology was not perfected simply to stuff yet more data into tiny spaces.
I know. That’s what i was suggesting Re neurological interference. For a few years we’ve been primed to believe AI is the future.Hollywood has saturated their screens with Iron Man and other childish nonsense and the adults who are dumbed down to that level buy it more than the kids. Elon Musk is a real life super hero if you read these idiots on comment sections. They’ll gladly allow any crap to be implanted into their brains . They’ve been doing it to themselves for years so why not.
They were never really trying to mimic humans with metal or plastic robots. That was the show.They only need to dumb the human’s down with a few more chemicals and waves and they’d have turned the humans into the robot race. Compliant and pointless.The popular catchphrase is ‘the rise of the robots’.The true aim was the sinking if the human race.
We might also ask about cases that have disappeared from the news, or swiftly withdrawn.
a) The cruise ships, for example, back in February. They were key to starting the fear voodoo narrative but then were quickly out of sight and forgotten.
Cruise ships as I understand it, I am not familiar with them, do not usually have cabins with windows that open. This means air-conditioning from a central system. The ones with doors onto a veranda are not that usual. So we had ships with thousands of elderly, the most vulnerable, and they had to be isolated. A cruise was terminated or held for sustained periods with passengers locked down in their rooms. When they were finally able to get off the ship they then had to quarantine at an incoming border station for two weeks. No wonder the cruise ship business is suffering.
Here we had an ideal incubating situation for study of how dangerous the threat actually is. Answer: not that much, a bit surprising.
Russell and nine other researchers at the school analyzed the data from the cruise ship and, comparing it with Chinese data, estimate that the death rate from the virus is about 0.5 percent, that’s still much deadlier than the flu.
(There are additional stats in this piece worth looking at.)
b) Another story that disappeared was that of the USS Theodore Roosevelt. Initially, the captain had taken a fright he wasn’t supposed to, and he became irritable over delays because his crew was endangered. Bureaucratic lollygagging was keeping the carrier on mission, and he wanted them to get to Guam pronto and get the entire crew (usually about 5000 on a carrier) into base quarters and medical centers. I recall about 40% tested positive; one died.
And then what? The news on it stopped. Weeks passed with the carrier off-mission, and Captain Crozier was given the “you’ll never fuck with us if you don’t have the rank” treatment. Fired. End of career. Why? Being uppity about getting his men to safety (not that they were in that much danger, but what did he know, at the opening stage of the thing and all their bullshit?)
The thing is sailors are a hardy lot. I can speak to this personally as I was an instructor aboard three different aircraft carriers (and nine ships overall). They take hold of the rails of the ladders, when descending, and zoom down via their hands only. They race up the ladders at incredible speeds. Hardy, vigorous, intelligent, a little rebellious.
So, ah, pardon me, but what was that again? One died? The rest? Recovered. (Enjoyed their stay in Guam I bet, while wishing it was the Philippines.)
USS Theodore Roosevelt returned to duty, sah! (with click of heels). Back out there fightin’ off them Russians them Russians them Eyeranians, you know . . .
We have these examples that should be causing us to raise questions and demand answers.
for the cruise ship data to be of any use you would need to do a fake virus scare and quarantine people on a ship to see how many would die from adrenal fatigue. but wait the test was not actualy a test so there is only evidence of fear as a possible cause of deaths together with whatever drugs were given the terror stricken tourists. if the ship had docked in china perhaps the toll would have been higher.
Voodoo – real Voodoo – practitioners have know for a very long time how powerful fear can be.
I keep thinking about the lyrics from the 1980 hit ‘Going Underground’ by The Jam: ‘And the public gets what the public wants…’ Just heard that the ‘UK’ Government is implementing ‘local lockdowns’ in England – starting with Leicester. I daresay the devolved administrations (well, at least Ms Sturgeon’s) will follow suit. And what are the public doing? Applauding, I suppose. The way out of all this is the public awakening and saying, ‘What the heck? Get stuffed!’ Can’t see it coming. Matt Hancock looks smugger by the day, and is getting more and more authoritarian.
I’d be so bold as to suggest that Leicester is the warning shot across the bows ie comply or get locked down again. I noted on the BBC last night that they “conveniently” got an Asian reporter to suggest that it might be that Leicester has many Asian residents and families in a single household and freely mixing with other extended families of other households that has caused this spike. God forbid a white reporter had said something so overtly racist.
And, BTW, just like Texas, a large number of new cases tends to be because of an increase in testing. If the number of DEATHS remains the same, a significant increase in CASES signals a significant decrease in the death RATE. Just perfect…..but they don’t want you to work that out.
Other cities are threatened, apparently, but I wonder whether Leicester was chosen first to be made an example of in revenge for its famous rebellion against smallpox vaccination in 1885, as recounted by Dr Suzanne Humphries in her book “Dissolving Illusions”, chapter 7.
There was a change of local government, from a pro-vaccination council to an anti-vaccination one. Numbers of vaccinations went right down…and so did numbers of cases of smallpox.
If not actual revenge, then highly symbolic, IMHO.
From Maxwell in the article above:
Either there is a deliberate intent to deceive here, or incompetence so gross it baffles the mind. And, either way, it calls into question the reliability of ALL their claims, data and reports.
This point is also discussed below in the thread in terms of the difficulty in backing off from making horrendous mistakes due to potential political and legal damage.
I don’t find the incompetence theory as credible as the deliberate intent theory. As we have discussed several times, there has been plenty of time to examine a huge amount of input from dissenting scientists to start with. No such acknowledgement has occurred.
Further, the same wearying alarmist techniques, the generalizing and muddling, the failure to particularize continues on and on and on.
Is all this to avoid saying: “We made a mistake. Sorry”? Then repeating the same perception managing methodology all over again with the current uptick in cases?
Assuming it’s a mistake is too simplistic for me, especially considering recent history, let alone history back to at least 1953. Falsity has been increasing over the years, and growing more brazen and flamboyant along the way. There is also a huge need to cover up and distract from the growing number of cases suggesting “there is something not only rotten in Denmark, it’s about the size of an enormous pile of steaming feculent matter in Washington and thereabouts.”
I suggest we could do a whole thread on this topic of the steaming pile material belonging to the “government” of the past few years. Where to start? Epstein? Russia-gate? The 2008 too big to fail fiasco? 9/11?
The current issue rests on two basic questions that need investigating from an independent body. We won’t find that in the politicians, and it looks difficult to find such even in the academics also, but a body of outstanding scientists might be in order, as with Dr. Ioannidis of Stanford and others we have seen featured at O-G..
These questions have been out there for months now:
a) how dangerous is this virus to the working class population let’s say to age 60? Is it very dangerous and life-threatening generally or mostly to elderly with co-morbidities; a nasty flu for several days; is it mildly annoying for several days; how often does it come down to a case of the sniffles; how many recover from it versus succumb to it?
b) is the danger of infection of it sufficient and reasonable as to shut down (let’s take the US) the economy and destroy (I think it’s now 85% of–correction welcomed) small business (As of today 50% of the US work force is out of work).
Instead of questions like these, my local newspaper, which is reliable on local issues but otherwise a mouthpiece for the MSM, screams headlines all over the place about rising case numbers etc. etc. Even their own discussions, below these blaring attention-getters, deny what they are implying. The “information” is peculiar and contradictory (as with graphs that actually need to be studied to put headlines into perspective).
In my view, something IS going on, and it’s the most brazen experiment yet, with enormous ambitions to completely re-set the political-social order, and in line with the classic dystopian novels we like to reference. This means it actually could be some kind of experimental game for these types. It could be they are that far gone into lunacy as they seek ways to alleviate their boredom and what to do with themselves, and pretend to be world-saviors or whatever they think they’re doing.
One more note: the possible rebellion in official places has shown again in the news today.
LA sheriff refuses to enforce closed beaches order for July 4:
All presupposed that a “novel” (a tell in and of itself given the convenient naming convention -sars1 be like “WTF?”) virus exists at all. Where any excess deaths are simply a result of various statistical skullduggery and policies designed to cull the most vulnerable portion of the population. Funny enough, Gates has been pretty open about this (if your listening). With each unpunished atrocity (including those you mentioned among many others) the contempt for plebians must grow ever more deep. In my view this Scamdemic (notably labelled #1) is so blatant it appears the rulers are simply getting bored with the near wholesale acquiescence on all fronts. They be like “f it we can pretty much do anything”. Hate to be a cynic but I envision them challenging PR firms to come up with the most absurd policies and then placing bets on implementation and degree of push back, all while watching the results on a realtime dashboard.
see any similarities in everyday new way of life
I’m sitting in the waiting room of the auto shop waiting for car repairs to be completed. This is literally the ONLY TIME and circumstance that I’m ever exposed to American television. I’m almost in shock I must admit.
Fox News is the TV station being broadcast here and it is non-stop, full-throttle, full-throated, covid-will-kill-you, fear-porn propaganda of absolutely the most disgusting braid-dead form one could ever imagine. This is true of both the verbal reporting and the images.
I can only assume that this bat-shit insanity is characteristic of what is being broadcast into American brains on all of the other MSM networks. And if that is the case – then it would be amazing if anyone here in America would dare leave their own home – even while it was actively burning to the ground – for fear of contracting the dreaded “covid” and dying an agonizing death on their front lawn before they could ever hope to reach the street!
It is completely disheartening watching this mind-numbing nonsense and reflecting on the fact that people have been literally watching this shameless propaganda day after day for many months now. Wow!
Indeed- I overhear the radio and glance at the local newspaper headlines while waiting in line
at the little store around the corner: “COVID-19! COVID-19! DEATH DESTRUCTION MISERY!!!”,
despite there being one death (over 80 yrs) three months ago in my county, along with a
few hundred positive tests. The fear and masking is going off the charts, nonetheless..
“not with a bang, but with a whimper..”
And those “positives” based on a modelled virus that has yet to identified or proven to exist. And tests modelled on a modelled virus that was modelled on yet another modelled virus that was never designed to be used as a diagnostic tool. Hence the wild fluctuations in false positives. In short who even knows what those few hundred who tested “positive” actually even had. Given the conveniently common symptoms it could be just about anything.
I’m in the US, and I coined the term “Megadeath Virus of Doom” for a reason. I avoid the Mighty Horrorshow Wurlitzer, and only encounter it in bits and pieces, but welcome to my world.
Fox News? Allow me to encourage you to try to watch CNN (unless you have a strong stomach that allows you to not puke at the blatant in-your-face lies, CNN watching is not recommended though) The bunch that works there resembles a histrionic group of PMS damsels-in-distress. And the biggest problem is that CNN and the leftist media has a far-reach in spreading its agenda around the world (it has its locally adapted branches around the world even here in Japan). It felt from the start that rona was politicized and heavily abused by the rep vs dem binary (election year, right) and that right-wing media has been relative(only relatively) moderate in their coverage.
I’ll see your CNN and raise you a BBC.
You’re right, BBC is on the same Dark Side.
Here in Australia I’ve got a pair of ABC’s (Radio and TV) and an SBS. They make me want to flush
Apologies to S Dutton for inadvertently downvoting.
If only herd immunity worked with TV! That way the constant broadcast of fear inducing nonsense would deaden those who live day in and day in front of their TVs to its effect.
I’m like you: the only time I ever watch TV is if my car’s in the shop. I haven’t been there since this madness began; but I rue the day I’m forced to sit through whatever her name is and her male cohort gang banging the brain stems of America.
“We won’t let the bastards beat us, ever”…
Beautiful! Tears in my eyes . .
Rob I hope you don’t mind if I add this:
Good one, Aldous.
I probably drive people mad with all the music links I put on this board. My point, of course, is that music/arts is a fundamental part of humanity.
The psychopaths who rule us want to strip us of this humanity (which is why the arts have been a total joke for the last decade or so).
Which brings me onto Johnny Mandel, who died recently at the grand old age of 94 (and no, he didn’t die from the covid 19 rollocks)…
Mandel famously worked with the director Robert Altman, for whom he wrote Suicide is Painless with Altman’s teenage son Michael writing the lyrics – it became the theme for M*A*S*H and its spinoff TV show, and became Mandel’s most famous work.
This really is, both musically and lyrically, an amazing piece of music, and quite apt at the moment…
Thanks for all of that. Johnny Mandel was, IIRC, also responsible for the perfectly-chosen music for ‘Being There’.
They must be getting worried in Beverly Hills…
I could post thousands of videos like this from all over the world.
The presstitutes aren’t reporting it, so it’s obviously not happening.
Thanks for sharing the link Rob.
Mike Whitney: The Covid-BLM Diversion; “Shock Therapy” Behind a Smokescreen of Hysteria and Racial Incitement:
“The imposition of the nationwide lockdowns required elite consensus. There’s no way that a project of that magnitude could have been carried out absent the nearly universal support of establishment elites and their lackeys in the political class. There must have also been a fairly-detailed media strategy that excluded the voices of lockdown opponents while– at the same time– promoting an extremely dubious theory of universal quarantine that had no basis in science, no historical precedent, and no chance of preventing the long-term spread of the infection. All of this suggests that the lockdowns were not a spontaneous overreaction to a fairly-mild virus that kills roughly 1 in 500 mainly-older and infirm victims, but a comprehensive and thoroughly-vetted plan to impose “shock therapy” on the US economy in order to achieve the long-term strategic ambitions of ruling class elites. As one sardonic official opined, “Never let a crisis go to waste.”..”
Thanks for this link. Mike lucid as usual. Samples:
The imposition of the nationwide lockdowns required elite consensus. There’s no way that a project of that magnitude could have been carried out absent the nearly universal support of establishment elites and their lackeys in the political class. There must have also been a fairly-detailed media strategy that excluded the voices of lockdown opponents while– at the same time– promoting an extremely dubious theory of universal quarantine that had no basis in science, no historical precedent, and no chance of preventing the long-term spread of the infection. All of this suggests that the lockdowns were not a spontaneous overreaction to a fairly-mild virus that kills roughly 1 in 500 mainly-older and infirm victims, but a comprehensive and thoroughly-vetted plan to impose “shock therapy” on the US economy in order to achieve the long-term strategic ambitions of ruling class elites. As one sardonic official opined, “Never let a crisis go to waste.”
AND (looking back to Bush and Iraq):
In order to make the narrative more believable, US intel agents devised a plan to blow up the Shia’s most sacred religious site, the Golden Dome Mosque of Samarra, and blame it on Sunni extremists. The incident was then used to convince the American people that what was taking place in Iraq was not a war over foreign occupation, but a bitter sectarian conflict between Sunnis and Shia in which the US was just an impartial referee. The killing of George Floyd has been used in much the same way as the implosion of the mosque. It creates a credible narrative for a massive and coordinated protests that have less to do with racial injustice than they do with diverting attention from the destruction of the economy and sowing division among the American people. This is a classic example of how elites use myth and media to conceal their trouble-making and escape any accountability for their actions.
Yes, thanks Carey. Thank goodness Mike Whitney, one of my favourites, hasn’t been sucked in by this BS.
Dr Vernon Coleman on the Richie Allen show today…
According to the MSM it’s the small businesses that are responsible for the new so called Spike.
Where I live (Central Coast California) the parking lots for the small businesses are empty; meanwhile, the other 2/3 of the lot is busy and wide-open: Starbucks™, Sprint/T-mobile™,
all the big corporate outfits, doing bang-up business as the sole proprietors get slowly (?)
starved to death..
This is what *evil* looks like.
Falsely inflating COVID deaths is not the only thing the U.S. government is manipulating.
“Michigan State Economics Professor Mark Skidmore’s latest update to the “Missing Money” question is now the biggest in history by a long way. Skidmore’s research reveals the US Treasury market is rolling over $90 trillion to support the official debt of $22 trillion (2019.)
“That’s on top of the $21 trillion Skidmore revealed in so-called “Missing Money” in late 2017. Why do you need to churn $90 trillion in debt? Is the US debt really $90 trillion? What could go wrong with this much hidden debt? Skidmore says, “Yes it is concerning to me because this could blow up. We don’t know when or how, but if people lose confidence in our government, they could lose confidence in the currency. That could have severe impacts on lots of people in the whole global economy above and beyond what we are experiencing now… Is there some reset in play? Is there some bigger issue at stake? Is this pulling away with other goals in mind? Yes, I think so.” — Greg Hunter
The question now is how many other deaths are being over reported. It’s been obvious the deaths in USA and UK are being massively over inflated.
Are we really meant to believe that there has been over 60k excess deaths. Really. Why haven’t we heard about the funeral directors who I’m sure would be struggling to cope. Has anyone seen excess funerals taking place? I know I haven’t.
When you have a virus that hasn’t been proven to exist, a test that’s not testing for it and no autopsies then all we can say for certain is the state cannot prove that anyone has died from apparent Covid19.
The ONS are a government department. Can we trust a government who have lied about absolutely everything to suddenly start giving us accurate death totals.
If I’m wrong and we are all wrong then the latest reports suggest the virus they call Covid19 has been circulating around the world since Autumn 2019 then why did the apparent excess deaths only start happening after lockdowns were imposed.
Either the virus doesn’t exist or if it does, and they still haven’t proved it, it has caused no excess deaths at all until April this year.
Isn’t that strange.
Another one who doesn’t understand EXPONENTIAL.
THE ONS IS NOT A GOVT DEPARTMENT – like the Health, Defence, Foreign etc.
It is the Office of National Statistics, independent, without a political minister in charge and it does births,deaths,marriages…and the CENSUS amongst many other data collections which are presented to Parliament and relied on by academics, charities and the GIVERNMENT to analyse and make future plans on.
Of course you know all that – hence a post with just about everything incorrect in it.
In 2008 the ONS was declared a government department.
Best check your facts before you embarrass yourself yet again on this site.
It is not run by a minister of government.
It is not a commercial operation.
It is independent and reports to PARLIAMENT.
And still can’t understand exponential !
The government pay their salaries. They can’t be totally independent of government.
So exponential means jumping over autumn? Silly me, I’ve been getting it wrong all this time!
Anybody reading this and claiming the ONS is impartial is playing you for a fool. Whether they are ministerial or not is splitting hairs and you are failing to address the point being made.
May I predict your chirpy attempt at deflection in response may go something like this:
“Hello No.2, I am outraged that you aren’t letting me spill my inaccurate bile all over your news site unimpeded. Also, the comment software is different, not as good in my opinion. I demand accountability because I epitomise exactly the sort of complacent, entitled consumer that this agenda is aimed at deceiving! And deceive me it shall! I’m off to leave a disgruntled review on Which. So long, until I next crop up saying something inaccurate, bullish and hubristic. Ciao. WInky face.”
Hey no pooh ,
Where are my Email notifications?
Why are there no comment editing options for me?
As to your nonsense about the ONS.
Do you think a birth certificate being registered at a central national office is in some way compromised?
Or a marriage?
Or a death?
How do you prefer to collate such information for a whole country?
By some private company? Like Microsoft? And then sold for profit?
Who do you guys (&girls) think you are kidding?
And you also seem oblivious to the nature of ‘exponential’ growth.
What does ‘skipping autumn’ even imply?
And just for your edification
Be seeing you
Great that’s you away then.
Sounds like you will be scuttling back to the BBC and Guardian for your ‘information’.
Don’t forget your mask too.
I ain’t going to the MSM for the garbage propaganda as I won’t take it from their shadow alternative sites.
I prefer real investigative journalism and using it to kick ass on both the fake news propagators and their flying blue monkey troll bots above and below the line.
Who luvs ya baby 🍭 ???
As we have watched this sci-fi B movie unfold for the last 3 months, we have been able to see a few motifs. The images of insincerity etched on the faces of Gates, Fauci and Trump. Then we saw it mimicked, as is tradition, in the UK by Johnson and his merry band of half-witted psychopaths.After all ”we’re in this together” works either way; for the creatures who crawled from their swamp to create it all, or for the fools here awaiting our updated training instructions in the latest chapter of ‘we’re in this together”.We sure are.Somebody open some windows.
Propaganda relies on the correct way to spin a lie.You have to use wonderfully ambiguous, euphemisms so they will be swallowed without a request for sugar. We know for instance that Fauci and friends lifted a ban in 2017 on funding research into ‘gain – of -function’ biological investigation.Gain of function means helping a virus to jump from Bat to man for instance.If you wait it will take a hundred or more years.So you ‘help’ it with a leg up. ‘Adherence’ is another beauty.If they want us to bow our heads in obedience and do as we’re told in order to be rewarded with a juicy bone, they explain that such an exercise will be labelled ‘adherence’ to rules rather than obedience to nihilistic tyrants.
That these alarming statistics are coming from the states is no surprise to the UK. It’s been happening here too.It’s already almost old news.It’s further evidence that their is a concerted pre arranged and pre written script that is on the desk of every country’s government.As long as nobody strays, the ‘problem’ will appear a global one.Clever stuff.When the truth is, the game is a global one.They could all be laying Black Jack.21 will still be 21 wherever you look at your hand.That’s how it works.
None of the huge numerical errors are human error or typos. One person in one place can make that believable.Drunk ? Stupid ? But so big are these mistakes and so widespread it can only be a deliberate act.So,the real question has to be about why they would need to create such huge numbers if they didn’t tell the real truth.Clearly, if the truth was being told about the terror this virus is capable of spreading by itself in the first place, we wouldn’t need to invent numbers- they’d already be occurring.
So that leaves the logical conclusion.They need to be big numbers.Scrap big, they’re huge. Why ? Because if they were small and insignificant then the fear would be the same.And if the point of this drill is to fill people with so much fear that they will panic and just blindly hold out their bared arm for Bill Gates vaccines and trackers, then they would need an extreme reason.Without one, they would be stepping all over our civil liberties, human rights and freedom ;the cornerstones of a [ genuine] democracy.And, as we are always being told( over and over and over and over), we’re all about liberty and democracy in the west[honest we are].So such staunch opponents of dictatorships and communism would need a pretty extreme reason to impose draconian measures that place our necks under the boot.Initially it was suspected that all that area 51 bullshit could be used to fool the fools into believing little grey men were real and on their way.That we would have to be a one world family with a one world government.But this is better.A virus they made but can’t isolate combines all the nightmares they primed us for. It is global and came out of nowhere; it’s invisible but deadly; it’s as dangerous as a terror attack.
So, all that was needed was the ‘bad guy’. Come on in Mr Covid. We’ve been expecting you.Next we need a programme to instil fear.Then another to create big statistics to go with that fear.
In the UK we called it SAGE.A paper composed, rubber stamped and made official by March 22nd.So the work had begun even before the virus was in the UK causing bother.It’s like the politicians are magic.Or bullshitting.
It outlined all the [ classical and operant] conditioning instructions( yes they had to pay behavioural psychologists too as this virus was lethal).Then the self isolation, distancing, blah blah.blah..
The media got it’s biggest client yet- the Government. Big money was invested for the media to make the tone funereal, the pictures foreboding and the numbers huge.Make it seem like a world about to be bombed into oblivion and make it seem impossible to avoid illness and death.Then play the stats…
Section 2 of SAGE was about persuasion.How to bend the minds of the plebs.
It stated :
” Use media to increase sense of personal threat”.
So, scare people.Facts are of secondary importance.Just scare them.
”Use media to increase sense of responsibility to others”
So, anyone not being an obedient drone can be arrested and fined.Those reporting them would get another juicy bone. Woof woof.
We know the rest.The paper’s available.
Add to this the book so high on Mr Vaccine’s favourite reads and you have the picture right in front of you.
In cdc site it says the virus is isolated. I don’t know the technicalities.
Two kinds of people.
One believes governments tend to lie because the premise of government is the accrual of unwarranted power. The greater the unwarranted accumulation of power, the more likely that the government is lying.
The other believes governments never lie, because Old Papa Government. Thus the greater the outrage, the more they turn for reassurance to papa government.
Just a thought— if you eliminated the fraudulent inflated death statistics the COVID-19 fatality rate would be similar to the flu. The politicalization of a virus is being used to terrorize the US population. Notice how the same mainstream media news commentators who glorified the BLM riots are also over-hyping COVID-19. And now, they’re brazenly returning to warmongering against Russia by accusing Putin of paying the Taliban a bounty for killing US troops. The psyops operation continues in a no holds barred attempt to remove the buffoon in November…..
It’s sure is a wonderful world …
Thanks again to Maxwell and Off-G for investigating and publishing this propaganda exposé. The following is based on a comment to an earlier version of Maxwell’s article published elsewhere last week:
This little passing news item from the local (Philadelphia, PA) newsradio website isn’t about the multi-tentacled scandal and atrocity of the official Megadeath Virus of Doom’s impact on nursing homes, but it’s relevant:
NJ starts including probable COVID-19 fatalities in death toll, raising total
Here, NJ Gauleiter Murphy again proves my point that the Democratic governors, in their capacity as Resistance saboteurs, are especially determined to prolong and deepen scamdemic-related misery by artificially boosting the official numbers of COVID cases.
Their rationale is so flimsy that only credulous simpletons would swallow it; they sort of imply that the inflated numbers are reasonable corrections, insofar as they account for COVID cases that would have been officially registered if government and healthcare providers had been able to actually properly test and diagnose everyone along the way.
In other words, they’re pretending that they are making a valid guesstimate of COVID cases that slipped through the bureaucratic cracks during the initial overwhelming onslaught of the virus and the confusion it precipitated. So the increased numbers now account for COVID cases lost in the Fog of Megadeath Virus of Doom.
This open display of putting innumerable COVID thumbs on the scale, or dealing from the bottom of the COVID deck, also illustrates the confidence the criminals in charge have that their malicious and sadistic malfeasance is going right over the heads of the terrified, panicked, and submissively stupefied majority of the public.
Also, it perversely lays the propaganda groundwork for the totalitarian tracking/testing regime that’s already in the works. See, when mandatory universal tracking and testing programs are put in place, there won’t be as many unfortunate irregularities in the COVID counts– once all the cracks are caulked shut, it will be far less likely that the numbers will have to be periodically massaged and corrected with fudge* factors.
* “Fudge” is a euphemism.
As I’ve been commenting ad nauseam: it’s obvious enough that as a general rule, all of the Western Elected Misrepresentatives who bought into and promulgated the Megadeath Virus of Doom Big Lie and have aggressively promoted the pathological, pernicious New Abnormal and its preposterous and draconian “public-health” schemes, painted themselves into a corner– or put themselves out on a limb, take your pick.
Whether they took this approach from cold calculation or panic, they became like the captain in the antiwar song “Waist Deep in the Big Muddy”– the old fools are apparently committed to “pushing on” despite the overwhelming “collateral damage” their ruinous folly is causing. Thus, in the US, all of the Gauleiters, politicians, and public-health officials feel compelled to perpetuate their reign of despotic destruction in order to save face– not to mention avoiding or postponing well-deserved blowback with grave political and perhaps legal consequences.
To this extent, inflicting increasing and perpetual immiseration upon the public is “bipartisan”. But the Democrats have another agenda: the “resistance”. The prominent Democrats who’ve taken the preposterous position of simultaneously supporting onerous lockdown measures and mass protests against racism that righteously flout the measures– including big-city mayors like NYC’s Bill de Blasio and Philly’s Jim Kenney– are part of the TDS-inflamed “Resistance” leadership whose monomaniacal priority is to remove Donald Trump from office ASAP, and by any means necessary.
To sum up, the overclass’s tyrannical perfidy transcends partisan politics, such that all US politicians are puppets dancing to the corrupt and co-opted international public health authorities’ tune. But in the US, the Democrats have become the “Bad Cops” enforcing the draconian and specious plandemic restrictions, and openly direct and cheerlead mendacious statistics that support the “Megadeath Virus of Doom” scenario.
Hi Ort:)
I saw a Richard Burton movie last week called, Massacre in Rome(1973). In it, Burton is playing a German officer assigned to finding a specific amount of people to execute in retaliation to an attack on German soldiers by the resistance in occupied Rome. He is supposed to find ten times the amount of soldiers who were killed in an ambush.
Perhaps that is what is going on. Perhaps there is a number of people which insurance companies were supposed to pay for in the plandemic, and now they are trying to meet those goals by raising the numbers. For we know that medicare was paying hospitals per “victim”, and per victim on a respirator.
Just a thought:)
Instead of just putting articles exposing the falsified recording numbers why don’t you expose the non existance of any ” new disease’COVID19?
Until they prove it to you you are not dealing in facts at all. did a great factual exposure of the msm ” COVID’ propaganda
“Tissue samples would be taken from each patient.
PCR mavens would run these samples through their equipment, reporting which patients show what they call high “viral load.”
This means: these particular patients have millions and millions of virus actively replicating in their bodies, and they will be unmistakably and visibly sick.
The PCR princes would then announce, “Patients 3,45,65,76,132…are all definitely sick.”
Now we un-blind the study and see what’s what and who’s who. Are these designated patients ill or are they running marathons”
Others are exposing the fact the Germ theory that this COVID propaganda is based on is a lie.By showing health people have viruses ( inc coraona virus) in and on them, trillions of them.
It would, in my opinion, be a grave mistake to assume those promoting the COVID Danse Macabre are primarily “saving face.” From what I’ve gleaned (though perhaps incorrectly) from such as Michael Hudson and Ellen Brown, there are, at least in America, two economies: the “Real” economy, which consists of traditional things like products and people, and the “Fantasy” economy, which consists exclusively of moving funny money from place to place – something eerily similar to Monopoly.
And, just as the masses have bought into the COVID fear, so have the oligarchs bought into the notion that wealth no longer requires a basis in reality. Consequently, they are itching to hurry up and do away with this pesky “Real” economy altogether; after which they’ll only need as many of us as might be required to wear Believability Beanies and facial masks.
Today at work X informed us about Covid19 outbreaks in SA, Israel, and some states in the USA and that this had to do with the loosening of the measures, which made him concerned about a second wave.
To which I replied that the testing had gone up in all these countries and that this might equally well explain the increase in no. of cases. In fact, since the number of deaths with Covid19 is still at an all time low, suggests that increased testing (in healthy individuals) increased the number of cases, not the loosening of the measures.
Which X thought was fair enough, but then he said that it was unclear how to deal with the number of deaths due to Covid19, as there might be many reasons why people with Covid19 die.
Which I think is fair enough.
So we are now in a stalemate.
Anyway, X said something interesting: that is that the number of cases in several parts of the USA don’t make sense. I suppose that this is related with what is stated above. A question could be: are the states that mention most Covid cases per million somehow rewarded more for their reporting of Covid cases than the states who report less Covid cases per million? – If so, you could make a nice correlation plot with on the x-axis ‘money received per positive Covid case’ and on the y- axis number of Covid cases per million of the total population.
Just a thought…
No such ” new disease” COVID” thats the big lie the propagandists are using.
“ the website has been updated and the cited examples now list the “corrected” numbers,”
So what difference has that made?
It is also another illustration of why the moveable feast of ‘Covid’ deaths is inherently unreliable – the only reliable number is total deaths from ALL causes. QED
Sorry off topic, for Admin
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Not received any of your postings for last couple of weeks, tried clicking the subscribe button and no response, even resorted to money nothing happened when i clicked on “support us” , checked with Patreon and I do stump up already. Is this in house incompetence or mine or are we being messed with?
I had the same problem when I tried to send an email.
Just them ?
They’re on the case
As I drove home yesterday I listened to a discussion on the radio between the hosts and a bar owner about the reimposed restrictions on bars by the state of California. These reimposed restrictions were due to a significant surge in Covid cases in some areas and onl applied to about 8 counties. The discussion centered on the definition of ‘dine in’, the idea that restaurants that served alcohol (and that may have actual bars) could stay open while brewpubs and the like that might serve snacks from, say, a food truck had to close.
To me the discussion was both signiifcant and pointless. It was pointless because it said nothing about the need to slow the spread of the virus but rather focused on the exact meaning of ‘restaurant’ and so who was or wasn’t allowed to stay open. It was significant because it, like many other discussions, tended to dance around the core issue, the mechanism of the spread of Covid and how to slow it, as if it was some kind of courtroom battle where the outcome could be resolved in some party’s favor by diligent exploration of the semantics of a statement by a government entity. To prevail in this case is a classic example of ‘winning the battle and losing the war’ — sure, you might be able to persuade a court of law or even the court of public opinion that what you want to do is right but if it then results in an explosion of Covid infections what have we as a society gained from it?
We in the US are dealing with the consequences of a premature rush to normal life last Memorial Day (similar to the Spring Bank Holiday in the UK). Right on schedule. States that went with the (Republican) party line are now finding that this wasn’t a good idea and those areas of my state that ‘resisted’ the diktat of the iron fist of Sacramento are now dealing with the fallout. All this could be avoided with the application of a bit of common sense.
Yeah I’m sure all the protests had nothing to do with the spikes either. The liberal hypocrisy is astounding, this coming from someone who can’t stand US conservatives. They’re all criminals hiding behind legions of mindless sheep.
No it is not “Liberal v Conservatives” , whatever that means. It is critical thought versus blind obedience.
“THE PANDEMIC” is the Corporate Fascist MASS HYSTERIA FEAR PANIC FRENZY PROPAGANDA CAMPAIGN. It is a crime against humanity.
“Feel sorry for those who choose to hang out in dark closets in hazmat suits and drink bleach.” But they should leave the rest of the world out of their psychosis.
Now for some George Carlin.
if there was a virus surely it would be best for the healthy people to catch it now in the summer. there is good sun for vitamin d. ripe fruits for detox etc. then it wont be a problem in the winter coz… herd immunity. couse if there is no virus it will debunk the myth. it would surely have already reached everyone by now anyway. they said it was on cornflakes boxes and everything. maybe some kissing would help build herd immunity?
people could pass like a bottle of wine around. play kiss chase or kiss on the cheeks like in hungary even the men do it.
What i don’t get is if I haven’t had a vaccination and you have, you aren’t in danger from me and i’m not in danger from you.Yet we all need one.Mad.
The virus is going to spread. That is a fact. Until a herd immunity, either through infections or vaccination, or a combo of both, the virus will continue. With a ILR of 0.1% or less, we should be celebrating the spread of SARS-CoV-2 because we are closing in on herd immunity.
Recent analysis of the PCR test (which should not be used as a diagnostic tool anyhow, but that is another essay) shows there is a tendency for up to 70% false positives. Regardless, a typical flu season in the US yields 30-70 million infections per year. Why are we panicking about 2.5 million infections? Since we know the PCR test is unreliable, we should focus on deaths as a percentage of the population. Currently that is between 0.02-0.06% of the population depending on the country. Again, not significantly greater than the annual flu season.
And on CDC numbers, a typical flu season yields 25,000-45,000 deaths, but the CDC is listing only 6500 flu deaths this year. So where are the rest of the flu deaths?
There are too many issues with the numbers being reported to put any trust in them at all: inaccurate testing, over counting deaths (homicides counted as Covid, etc), and now nursing home numbers off by factors of 30. These are all the more reasons to scrap the entire panic response to “the invisible enemy.”
The two problems with this particular virus is that it appeared to mutate from a relatively difficult to catch ‘Chinese’ version to a much more infectious ‘Italian’ version sometime in Feburary/March. Scientists are having a hard time keeping up with it; this information’s out in pre-print but has yet to be peer reviewed, but there are definitely at least two strains. Once infected it appears to have a relatively unusual way of infecting all sorts of cells, not just the upper respiratory tract ones it invaded from, hitching a ride in the bloodstream to cause problems all over the body. I think you’re right that we’ll eventually evolve some kind of immunity — I’m not banking on vaccines — and that if history is anything to go by this will eventually become just another nuisance cold virus.
The best guide to what happened to flu deaths uphere is Austrailia’s figures for flu cases in April compared to the year before.(18705 vs 229 — source is New Scientist — note these are cases, not deaths). All these precautions seem to work for other viruses.
One problem is that you believe the big lie.And spread it.
There is no “new or deadly disease” caused by a new sars corona virus .
Are you basing you assumption of COVID existance on the media news?
Not a reliable source is it.
What virus? the one the govt and news tell you about?
Or the trillions in your virome( and in and on the body’s of healthy people)?
Dr Hell and his smug bastardy face again.
Did y’all read this article from the CIA website of choice, The Washington Post?
This coronavirus mutation has taken over the world. Scientists are trying to understand why.
“A mutation affecting the virus’s spike protein changed amino acid 614 from “D” (aspartic acid) to “G” (glycine). Research suggests that this small change — which affects three identical amino acid chains — might make the spike protein more effective, enhancing the virus’s infectiousness.
““G” hasn’t just dominated the outbreak in Chicago — it has taken over the world. Now scientists are racing to figure out what it means.”
“G614”, or how it’s being reported at many websites as just “G”, appears to be the name for the infamous second wave this fall. We’ll see.
Now they’re harping about some new swine flu from China. Two birds with one stone! Can’t make this stuff up I tells ya.
This is to set us up for the next shutdown. With a Swine Flu vaccine that was never used, because herd immunity was achieved quicker than the vaccine could be deployed, can now be sent out as a “combo” vaccine to fight SARS-CoV-2 and the new G virus. And to make sure we are all sufficiently scared, Fauci says the new virus is a combination of Swine Flu and the 1918 Spanish Flu.
2020 was like the summer of love. everyone was having parties. after that the pharma stocks collapsed and they all lived happily ever after.
(“Can we trust ANY “official statistic” supplied by the CDC, CMS or other government body?”) –
Uh – I’m going to have to assume that’s a “trick question.”
But you all do you believe there is a new virus that causes a new disease ” COVID”.
Its a psyop no disease was necessary.
Your belief is all.
Symptoms are exactly the same as old respiratory infections, elderly dying and co morbid conditions .
b assured a world wide cull has happened.
the big issue the old folks (victims) the sons and daughters simply love
the doctors and the dancing monsters the nurses.
they remind me of the abuse experiments of harry harlow
no matter how much the beatings the monkeys got they always came back for more
talking of harry harlow
Harry Harlow (born Harry ISRAEL) was an American psychiatrist.
he worked for the US military and, as ‘a Jewish Nazi’, he carried out experiments on babies.
This story contains a theme that is being coordinated across all the other alt-right sites, like Alex jones.
Yip June .Makes you wonder about the co-ordinated nature of propaganda doesn’t it.
Have to control the fake leftys that think they are ” woke’ at the so called altright sites too June.
woke lives don’t matter
The same memes are being spread through the ” alt right” one of the memes is for warmongery anti American (depending on what the site specializes in).
Which is very weird for Brits to do as the corporation of the USA is City of London Crown controlled
Good work Maxwell
I thought I read your comment along these lines on here before Thanks for the update and keeping on the case.
I knew there had to be some gross exaggerations happening, but not to this scale. I guess it comes down to Medicaid money for covid cases again.
>I guess it comes down to Medicaid money for covid cases again.
..and I’m guessing the rot and duplicity runs *quite a bit* deeper than that.