WATCH: The Gates Foundation and the Subversion of Public Health Policy in India
Colin Todhunter
Some might ask why India is in complete lockstep with global lockdown despite the very low COVID19-related mortality figures for 1.3 billion people.
Embedded above is a two-hour interview with investigative journalist Kapil Bajaj. It focuses on the Public Health Foundation of India and how the Gates Foundation-pharma cabal bought influence, embedded itself within government machinery and is determining India’s lockdown and public health policy. According to Bajaj, it has effectively privatised and taken over the state’s public health agenda.
In India, tens of millions are in danger of acute hunger and starvation. Lockdown has caused massive population displacement, probably the biggest since independence as millions of migrant workers returned to their villages, and has devastated livelihoods, especially among the poorest sections of society.
Even with the inflated COVID-related global death figures we see, those figures could be massively outstripped by the impacts of lockdown.
A study published in the Lancet in May predicted that globally possibly an additional 6,000 children could die every day from preventable causes over the next six months as the response to COVID-19 continues to weaken health systems and disrupt routine services. Based on the worst of three scenarios in 118 low- and middle-income countries, the analysis estimates that an additional 1.2 million under-five deaths could occur in just six months due to reductions in routine health service coverage levels and an increase in child wasting.
These potential child deaths will be in addition to the 2.5 million children who already die before their 5th birthday every six months in the 118 countries included in the study. Some 56,700 more maternal deaths could also occur in just six months.
The study warns that in the least severe scenario, there would be a 9.8 per cent increase in under-five child deaths, or an estimated 1,400 a day, and an 8.3 per cent increase in maternal deaths.
In the worst-case scenario, where health interventions are reduced by around 45 per cent, there could be as much as a 44.7 per cent increase in under-five child deaths and a 38.6 per cent increase in maternal deaths per month. If routine health care is disrupted and access to food is decreased, the increase in child and maternal deaths will be devastating.
India is listed as one of the 10 countries that could potentially have the largest number of additional child deaths. With this in mind, Pratyush Singh (researcher specialising in social medicine and community health) writes on The Wire website:
India has the largest number of TB deaths in the world with more than 1200 people dying every day. As more TB patients find it difficult to get tested or access medicine this figure is almost certainly increasing… The list of diseases killing and disabling people is very long in India and every day that it ignores them, more and more are dying. The possibility of how the coronavirus phenomenon is killing more people than the infection itself is worth considering.”
He says that more than 200,000 new patients of end-stage renal disease are added every year, which incrementally adds to more than 30 million dialysis episodes per year. It is worth considering that a dialysis centre is least 50 kilometres away for almost 60 per cent of Indians.
Singh says that as most kidney patients in India depend on haemodialysis that might require as many as five sessions per week, their travails during the lockdown are apparent.
In India, severe diarrhoea is responsible for the deaths of one in four neonatal children. Again, Singh notes that timely hospitalised care is the only safety net for an undernourished infant.
Singh provides a damning indictment (“delinquent neglect”) of India’s (increasingly privatised) healthcare system which prior to lockdown was for many already difficult to access and woefully neglected in terms of public spending. He notes that India has the highest under-five mortality rate in the world, which means that more than 3,000 families lose their children under the age of five every day:
Close to 30,000 mothers die due to pregnancy-related issues in 2017 as per UNICEF data and Indian government estimates show that only 21% of expecting mothers receive complete antenatal care.”
Singh concludes:
More children will die of starvation and lack of healthcare than from the coronavirus infection. Please remember that the first Comprehensive National Nutritional Survey (2016-18) in the country reported that less than 7% of the country’s children under the age of two receive the global minimum acceptable diet.”
Now that pressure is building to fully open up economies, Bill Gates, the WHO and strategically co-opted figures are shouting about the coming of the ‘second wave’. Have no doubt, they will try to keep this pot boiling.
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Thank you so much for the sharing of this video. Yes, it is true that corruption is world wide and there is a plan for a global reset currently being executed that will ultimately enslave all of us. Is it also true that we the people and citizens of humanity must rise above these political labels of left and right, and instead join the fight against anyone who is actively committing crimes against our God given human rights. We first were people with inalienable rights from birth, and then we formed governments in order to protect against injustices done to those rights. We tell the governments what to do… not the other way around. This is nature’s law, and when broken the people will have to bear grave negative consequences. So, yes, do not listen to the noise of the political spectrum they want us to become preoccupied with, for it sucks valuable energy and attention from fighting what is really going on.
Remember the scenes that prompted the worldwide panic? People vomiting blood, collapsing in the street etc? The response remains the same even though the crisis clearly is not that crisis. Hence, this has been mis-sold, nay fraudulent. Crime of the century in fact, with untold harm done by the response.
One South African study estimated the response will eventually kill 29 times as many people as the actual illness. I say the illness has killed hardly anybody in reality, if it even exists. What has killed people has been panic, fear, isolation; and hospitals getting paid $13k to put people on dangerous drugs for the common cold based on a lousy test, then, when their red blood cells disintegrate from the drugs, getting paid $39k to put them on ventilators who didn’t need them.
Brazil’s numbers were supposed to be appalling. Then MPs went to inspect a hospital getting funded to treat 5000 cases and found it hadn’t even been built yet.
It isn’t a pandemic, it’s fraud, mass murder, terrorism, treason, genocide, and a whole host of other things. And the culprits have names. Their punishment must fit the crimes.
stefan lanka relates how the notion there is something called covid19 is based on social media speculation. there is absolutely zero evidence it exists. it is as proven as the hypothesis nail varnish is the cause.
Colin Todhunter remains one of the few ATL commentators who provides clear and meaningful analyses of the world’s public health situation. For decades–longer in the USA than anywhere else in the world–the enclosers of both the ancient and, more recently, the politically-created commons have targeted public health services as being particularly lucrative, particularly low-hanging fruit.
BUPA, the British United Provident Association, is ostensibly just a successful private health insurance provider that has, over the years since its 1947 formation as an association of several British “provident societies” (associations of people who pay regular dues or other sums in return for old-age pensions, sickness benefits, etc) branched out to become an international health industry giant. The unwritten text behind its formation was a response to the anticipated establishment of the British National Health Service in 1948. Nominally set up for the benefit of their members, most provident societies were in effect physician-serving savings clubs to ‘enable’ the poor, for whom periodic medical fees were prohibitive, to spread their medical and retirement funding requirements over a lifetime of small, affordable payments, much like the Christmas savings clubs of today are there to swell the coffers of their organisers rather than to ease the burdens of their subscribers.
As such, BUPA was resolutely opposed to the establishment of the new health commons NHS until Nye Bevan “stuffed the throats [of the medical profession] with gold” to bring them onside with the governent’s plans, and it has remained commited to the abolition of the NHS with a full return to the preceding combination of a private profession plus some minorly ameliorating private charity–in everything except its effusively mendacious pro bono public posturing–ever since. In essence, making off with only a portion of the available gold was never going to be good enough. A reformed capitalist is like a reformed tiger: the only time it will truly relinquish its previous predatory status is when it becomes a rug on its former prey’s floor.
Although a major player in the utterly ruthless, no-holds-barred public health exploitation game, a game in which the actual health and actual lives of actual people are more directly the tradeable assets of capitalist predation than in most other sectors, BUPA is only one long-established one of the many that stand alongside the relative newcomer, Bill “M” Gates. In various, mostly offbeat minority milieux, almost all of them have, to varying degrees, been shown to be (or at least described as) the destructive social forces they are, but their underlying, root ‘philosophy’ of society-wide organised predation is less often directly exposed.
In his last few articles reprinted here, Mr Todhunter has edged ever closer to a forthright analysis of that ‘philosophy’ as the primary driver, in itself, of a critical mass of the destructive forces aligned against public health, public housing, public educational opportunity and human and planetary wellbeing. The World Economic Forum, a leading proponent of that ‘philosopny’ has laid out its prescription for a Great Reset, the inevitability of which is finally clear to all. The designated prey enslaved in the chains of that ‘philosophy’ have yet to cohere their response.
Global subversion, all public hosptials are controlled by the Rockefeller’s corporations for profit ( ie govts) private contracted companies making out like bandits on the taxpayers.
Gates is Rockefeller media spokesman, why not look at the Banksters?
And where did the subversion of humanity come from ?
As surely we can choose to instead bring love not hate and generosity not greed into it.
Just say no
Read an item today that looks like bad news for Mr. Gates and his World Domination Club. It stated that researchers have found in a study of people whove had COVID 19 that antibody imminity fades within a few weeks. Therefore there will be no ‘herd immunity’, and vaccines will be useless. If that’s true then we will all have to take care of out immune systems so we can enjoy watching Bill Gates’ billions disappearing down the pan.
It’s not “Gate’s” vaccine, it’s a Bill “M” Gates-sponsored vaccine. They have funded or partly funded half a dozen vaccine initiatives for the ‘medical community’ to assess. A case of 6th time lucky. The winning vaccine’s success stays with the sponsored, most of whom are too big or otherwise unavailable for Gates to buy. At most he is likely to buy some shares on the open market.
A ROTHSCHILD SPEAKS controlling the weather
Make up your obsessed minds: the Rothschilds control everything or the Gates?
Obsessed mind maybe your possessed
show me a comment i have ever done on gates ! there is none
the rothschild thing was about controlling the weather and the tek they got had for a very very long time.
for reference gates of hell Yawn and roth child sheild are front faces i.e patsys aimed at the repeat half assed lame researchers who CONclusions are based of other halfass lame researcher CONclusions.
water down stamp on 100 times coke mixed with novacain and new era feed through some nupwit like polly filler podcast or AJ types sold to the massess as wonderdrug NEW information.
You’ll have to do better than that meandering stagger to catch Antonym.
There can be no debate that this scamdemic is entirely fake, relying on the expected annual flu season deaths, on fake statistics when the flu this year appeared mild, on the murder of elderly patients sent into nursing homes, BUT MOSTLY BECAUSE THEY ADMITTED THIS “SIMULATION” WAS COMING AND INSTRUCTED “LEADERS” TO CARRY IT OUT. HERE’S THE PROOF:
This is the first annual report of the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board, an “independent” organisation funded by the World Bank and the World Health (sic) Organisation.
In this document orders are given to world “leaders”, including THIS:
” The United Nations (including WHO) conducts at least two system-wide training and simulation exercises, including one for covering the deliberate release of a lethal respiratory pathogen.”
That bullet point tells you exactly where you are right NOW “in a system wide training and simulation exercise covering the deliberate release of a lethal respiratory pathogen”.
Please note they they insist on “at least two”, then wonder why Bill and Melinda smirk when they say “people will take notice of the next one” (I paraphrase). See that sickening video here :
The question of concern, though, is why they chose these words: “deliberate release”?
Because they intend to identify a state as culprit, and have the mind-controlled masses DEMAND WAR?
I have not double checked this, cos I don’t watch ITV either. Did they actually publish this on The Telly?
Unfortunately it’s probably true. May check the pub out in a few weeks time.
“Cornwall pub installs electric fence at the bar to ensure social distancing is observed”
social closening is mandatory. they just told everyone they were part of the terror network. bit stupid really.
social closening. i see it, i like it, i want it, i got it.
ANTI-SOCIAL-DISTANCING is the correct term.
‘Social Distancing’ is some fuzzy semi-orwellian term 99.9% have fallen for and continue to propagate.
Lets all PLEASE call it what is and perhaps we will get maybe a few more people to see it for it is – ripples in the pond and all that.
I call it divisive distancing
I call it authoritarian government over-reach and is a good reason why everyone should stay as close as possible to one another, even hug each other at every opportunity, anywhere and anytime and tell them they don’t control us; but we made a fatal error in judgement: we trusted them, then unfortunately, to our own peril, elected them into office.
The UK is a free country and whether they like it or not, they have no legal or moral right to impose their totalitarian lockdowns and social distancing mandates. The only reason they were able to impose this draconian police state is because we allowed them to by NOT RESISTING.
And they wonder why they’ll probably be out of business by the end of the year.
A line-up of loonies.
A team of twats.
A collection of c…omplete rotters.
Top row, third from left, Larry Grayson ?
You nearly made me spit a mouthful of biscuit/tea mixture all over my laptop. :o)
Shut That
New WorlDoorder.INDIA, 10 YEARS AGO:
“Aadhaar is the world’s largest digital ID system, and entirely based using biometrics to ensure uniqueness. Our enrollment was very simple: name, address, date of birth, sex, email ID and phone number if you wish, and the biometrics. The ten fingerprints of both the hands, the iris of both the eyes, and a photograph. And in a few days, he will get his Aadhaar number in the mail. And that’s how a billion people got their IDs.”
SOURCE: Bill Gates’s Heroes in the Field: Nandan Nilekani
Onfido, a company working in biometric ID verification, is in talks with the UK government to provide the type of “digital certification” known as an “immunity passport.”
The system would require workers to use the Onfido app to scan their face and other biometric data, link that information eventually to a proof of coronavirus vaccination, and then have their immunity verified every time they wish to enter their work environment.
The funding brings the total raised by Onfido to $200m, having previously received investment from Microsoft.
December 18, 2019
Massachusetts Institute of Technology engineers have developed a way to store medical information under the skin, using a quantum dot dye that is delivered, along with a vaccine, by a microneedle patch. The dye, which is invisible to the naked eye, can be read later using a specially adapted smartphone.
GATES: Once financial flows go underground—where you have lots of legitimate transactions mixed in with the ones you want to track—and once they’re going over a digital system that the US has no connection to, it’s far more difficult to find the transactions that you want to be aware of or that you want to block.
SOURCE: Bill Gates at the Financial Inclusion Forum, December 1, 2015
SO: ‘COVID’=Certificate Of Vaccination ID.
Access to both your work, money and the necessities of life will be totally controlled by a third party.
To receive my carte de sejour (residency permit) to retain the right to live permanently in France after Brexit I had to give the French government scans of my thumbs and fingers, my passport is already biometric so they’ve got everything now, though since the scamdemic I don’t go anywhere with my mobile phone just to feel I have some kind of privacy though I’m probably being watched from the sky.
You can carry a mobile with you in case of emergencies as long as it is inside a closed certified Faraday Bag. Its what the Politicians, senior police, intel agencies, rich dudes, big time dealers, and Epstein types use.
They are still sold to civillians and not illegal anywere (yet) so get one whilst you can.
“how a billion people got their IDs”
Around 10 years ago, we travelled to India for the first time, and have been back 3 times since, sometimes just my wife and I travelling to very remote places, deep into the countryside. We love India so much, that the last time we went, we took our daughter. She totally loved India too
But India is an enormous continent, of many different cultures, languages, states, lands weather systems, and religions.
All I can say of our experiences of India, is that all the people we met, even in the jungle on a canoe, is that absolutely everyone we met, once we got beyond the airports, was exceedingly nice and friendly to us, especially in the most rural parts, when it was extremely unusual to see people like us two from Lancashire.
We come back to England, and mix with people who’s Parent’s originally came from India, and tell them how brilliant it is.
They have never been there – and we say you must go – you will have a wonderful time.
The idea that “a billion people got their IDs” in India is completely ridiculous.
Large parts of India, have never had electricity, let alone a mobile phone, or any conception of The Internet.
Oh, dear.
Aadhaar is for every Resident of India. From a new born to a senior citizen, everyone can enrol for Aadhaar.
Aadhaar (English: foundation or base) is a 12-digit unique identity number that can be obtained voluntarily by residents or passport holders of India, based on their biometric and demographic data. The data is collected by the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI), a statutory authority established in January 2009 by the government of India, under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, following the provisions of the Aadhaar (Targeted Delivery of Financial and other Subsidies, benefits and services) Act, 2016.[1]
“Better to keep one’s mouth shut, and let people think you’re a fool, than open it and prove you are.”
Mark Twain.
It’s the same in Africa. The women do most of the work. They don’t put their clothes in an electric washing machine. They haven’t even got piped water. They walk to The River….to wash their families clothes, and bring pots of fresh water back. The men’s job is to try and find something to cook with, maybe a bit of deadwood, but if they are in luck animal shit. Apparently if you dry it out in the sunshine, its even better than wood, for heating the kettle up, and cooking the food.
That is the world we live in, it is they who are going to survive This Corona Virus mind attack.
I think most of us are pretty screwed in the West, when absolutely everything goes bust.
Practical skills are exceedingly important to survive.
Grow your own food, and fix your own pipes, and make friends with your neighbours.
You clearly did not read the comment.
The ID is posted to them.
I cannot understand why you keep banging on about technology – it is not needed for their ID system.
Obviously, they started in a 3rd world country, because of little opposition.
Same with their vaccination programmes, many of which went badly wrong.
I read all of your comment – “The ID is posted to them”
In a lot of the world, they haven’t even got roads beyond a mud track, if it rains, which in many parts of India, it rarely does.
Sometimes. they have been waiting over 2 years for rain…and when it does – It is Festival Time, cos they will soon have something to eat…for the next season.
You should get out more, and travel, and also listen to the detailed experiences of people who have experienced it, cos they were there.
India is a big place. Many people don’t have either a postman or a post code, so how will they recieve their ID, and be tracked, and why should The Indian Government, or any of The World Government Lunatics, ever show the slightest interest in them, let alone track them?
They never have done before. They have never even been there.
“You should get out more, and travel, and also listen to the detailed experiences of people who have experienced it”
Patronising and smug never won an argument. Further, you know naught of my life experiences. Perhaps you presume too much?
And how do you, or anyone else, hope to travel anyway when a ‘Certificate Of Vaccination ID’ (COVID) is required to do that?
“why should The Indian Government, or any of The World Government Lunatics, ever show the slightest interest in them”
Nevertheless, they have shown a very great interest, and now have the biggest database in the world of them (which they have already sold on at a tidy profit).
Some people, such as yourself, cannot accept this reality and clearly lack imagination. I gave you proof, and still you refuse to believe. I am sorry it upsets your cosy worldview, but nothing is ever going to be the same again, for anyone at all, anywhere in the world. With the biometric system in place, they will have total control of practically everyone on planet Earth. Anyone outside of their ‘system’ will be an ‘outlaw’ – unable to work, eat or get proper housing.
“No mind is free to reject the truth.”
Alfred Noyes, ‘The Edge of the Abyss.’ pub. 1942.
I truly hope to God they never get away with this – but it is not looking good so far.
Tony, you’re living in an illusory past. It’s never coming back. What you are experiencing right now is permanent. It’s the Permanent World Order. Soon you won’t be able to travel anywhere, do anything unless you are the right kind of citizen. Whatever “society” you’ve had so far is vanishing in real time. This “social distancing” is not because of some stupid “virus”. Unfortunately when you say this to people they snarl at you rather than realise they are prisoners in a dictatorship.
Now in the UK, punishment for not wearing a face covering in a shop. Decided with no public debate, no parliamentary debate, no scientific basis. Can somebody please tell me why Britain fought so hard and for so long against the Taliban? We seem to have lost.
We must ALL expect this chaos to continue, because there is nothing big enough to stop it.
Just put yourself in the place of a soulless automaton of the type which is currently running things everywhere. What is the best insurance policy against the masses discovering what you’re up to and what your agenda is?
The policy is to create and maintain chaos indefinitely, because absolutely EVERYTHING can be hidden behind it, and a great many things that are currently being done right under our noses are things which “the authorities” WISH to hide behind it.
So that, after 30 years or so, when a few people ask how on earth this Cowitlessness coup d’état could possibly have happened, the authorities have their answer all ready and waiting:
“Well, everything was in such chaos back then that nobody but Big Bill could have come up with a solution – a final solution, if you will…”
Everybody needs to buy seeds, collect seeds, make window boxes out of old containers to grow veg and herbs, gardens need to become veg patches, unused land needs to be used for local food production, communities need to come together to grow stuff keep chickens etc, starting now, because the next thing that is going to be disrupted is the food supply, which’ll really turn people against each other, the threat of not being able to eat! A whole change of consciousness is needed which is getting a bit woo woo I know but how else can it be envisioned? The word needs spreading around that we the people must retain access to the means to grow our own food.
Gates and his mates are already doing their best to control the world’s food supply- patenting seeds, gm crops, not allowing farmers to collect seeds to re-sow, bio labs to grow synthetic foods and fake meat, so whoever owns and controls the labs and supply chain, controls the people.
I can’t shake the feeling that modern mankind is supposed to do more than merely survive. But perhaps I’m wrong. At any rate it’s borderline for me whether being a chicken farmer is a life worth living, but then I went into the arts as a student… I heard the other day that culture was dead in the western world, and it’s hard to refute that convincingly these days…
What’s wrong is not that there are greedy people in the world, but that we have allowed them to attain high political positions without their having the faintest idea of what a civilization actually is, or could be. Culture, justice and economics are ALL in the hands of materialistic economists, when they should really be organized, according to their own innate qualities, by people with enormous experience in each particular field.
But Big Bill and his equally Big Brothers aren’t going to surrender their grasp of unethical business voluntarily. So we’re going to have to remember the power of the word, “insist”.
as though the usa had not already had a stranglehold on indie since they chucked out the britemp!
‘Doc’ Billy Eugenics and the rest of his corrupt mass murdering BIG PHARMA and Indian Comprador criminal associates should, (for what they are about to do to the poor Indian people), form THE CRIMES-AGAINST-INDIA AND THE CRIMES-AGAINST- HUMANITY CLUB.

Euthanasia Death Shots for untermenschen and useless eaters everywhere!
The second wave was always due – as will annual waves as the virus mutates and new strains spread – just like the cold and flu.
Is there any objection to that truth?
If the second wave coincides with the flu season that would be a ‘double whammy’.
The narrative is being manufactured to stop our government being held responsible for it.
Yes I think once again you’ve given us the familiar manoeuvre: the breathlessly assured prophecy; “second wave was always due” delivered as a “truth” and then the “rebel” spin, the govt are trying to dodge accountability. Right on, man!
Jesus, you still banging on and on, Dun? Spreading fake shit as always?
I fear he may be spreading real shit.
Where did you get this idea of a second wave from? 1918/19 flu epidemic by any chance?
Probably, because it is the virus that the Imperial modelling was predicated upon.
Can you justify why you are conflating this virus with an influenza strain from 100 years ago? Can you justify why Imperial did this, with an algorithm that was developed in 2005?
There’ll be waves of new coronaviruses for sure, and there’ll be flu epidemics in winter, but there won’t be a second wave of SARS COV-2 in the way that you understand it.
I’d advise you to acquire some further knowledge of coronaviruses, and to stop believing everything you read in the MSM
On that point please watch this – from 2 leading epidemiologists at Oxford
The real question is why Bill Gates is still safe and well.
In any sane society, his fortress would have been stormed and his head would have been chopped off.
This man truly thinks that a million deaths is acceptable collateral damage to enable his megalomania to progress.
That is not compatible with the term ‘human being’, but it is consistent with the terms narcissist, sociopath, psychopath and terrorist.
I do not get hung up about which particular term is most apposite to describe one particular individual.
What matters is the effect of their behaviour, their actions and their mindset.
“Group tours of Xanadu may start soon.”
some think he’s a good person ! + the real problem are the minions and masses. else he could babble all he wants.
Over the last few weeks I’ve watched with interest as the shops, cafes, bars, hotels and restaurants have reopened.
It appears the majority are following the government guidance which I find astonishing.
By complying you are basically committing economic suicide.
To my amazement no one seems to be challenging the government guidance. What’s the science or indeed even the logic behind it?
How on earth did they put together such a load of twaddle.
There are plastic shields everywhere, staff in face nappies and visors, hand sanitiser everywhere, staff wearing t shirts with slogans such as keep your distance.
Do these idiots not realise that the message they are sending out to their potential customers is – we view you as a disease ridden imbeciles and a personal threat.
Cafes such as Nero won’t accept cash but only offer paper cups. Can’t they see the contradiction.
Established restauranteurs and bar owners are claiming they won’t open as they consider it too dangerous.
Have they not thought about what they are going to do when the planned 2nd wave comes along in a few months and the government don’t provide them any financial assistance. How are they going to justify to their staff or customers it’s safe to open then.
It’s incredible as they only have a short time frame to make money before the madness is escalated further in late Autumn/ early winter with the arrival of flu season.
There’ll be no Christmas parties or NYE for these businesses this year.
No wonder the shops are so quiet. I would imagine that over half the high street will be gone before Christmas.
On a positive note the bars and restaurants that aren’t complying with this guidance, no staff in Covid propaganda are thriving and are nearly always full.
Doesn’t that say but all.
I had to laugh on Friday night when I walked past a well established hotel bar about 10pm.
They had the Covid propaganda plastered everywhere, staff masked to the eyeballs and a lobby where the entertainment would always be a pianist was replaced by the BBC world news providing the ‘entertainment’ in a giant screen.
Two people there drinking mineral water.
Those ‘covid’ conformist businesses; the quicker they go down the pan, the better.
They aren’t business people, they’re idiots.
Going in a pub these days is a perfectly miserable experience – being told to ‘fill this contact slip in with your name and address’ (I said no, thanks), ‘keep away from the bar’, ‘sit over there’, ‘do not stand anywhere on the premises’, ‘remain seated, we will bring your drink to you’, ‘you, over there, can you keep 2 metres apart, please?’ No more live entertainment, no Karaoke (some might say ‘good’!) and the place was practically empty.
Tried visiting the once since ‘restrictions’ were supposed to have been lifted.
It’ll be a long time before I bother again, unless the owners grow a spine – they have associations, they can do this.
“No more live entertainment” Well, one of our local pubs does have live music scheduled to be on, next Sunday afternoon in their garden. You do have to sign in, but you don’t need to wear a mask, as doing so makes it somewhat difficult to drink beer, unless you poke a hole in your mask and use a straw.
However, before next Sunday, Boris Johnson, will probably announce that masks are compulsory for all shops and all pubs.
As I can’t stand the sight of people wearing masks unless it’s my dentist, and the vast majority of people are still brainwashed, I am not yet convinced, I will be sufficiently motivated to walk to the pub, next Sunday. The musicians are however very good, but only half the band are allowed to play, and the neighbours who moved next door to the pub that has had live music on for many years will probably complain, cos they are not allowed to do it inside ( which is actually quite well soundproofed )
If the pub hasn’t gone bust by Christmas, I will be amazed.
A neighbour of mine has been just started a job as a ‘swabber’ at Manchester Airport. As you would expect, they have to wear plastic face shields. She told me that they will only employ people who do not have to wear spectacles, as the combined double layer of glass/plastic means that the operative cannot see sufficiently clearly to do the job properly and their spectacles tended to steam up as well, adding to the problem. So unless your vision is ok without spectacles or you can wear contact lenses you cannot be employed in the job.
I wonder how many other ‘plastic shield’ dependent jobs are going to discriminate against spectacle wearers? I used to wear contact lenses but stopped as they are incredibly problematic if you – as often happens – get dust between them and the surface of your eye, and they caused irreparable abrasions on my corneas. I wonder what steps the Government is considering to avoid employment discrimination against spectacle wearers in industries that they may have been previously employed in.
the whole of ireland just rolled over and still is.
The staff who work in shops are low paid, often not the best educated (and I dont mean school / uni), and often powerless to protest about how they are being made to act at work even if they understand the nonsensical ‘Virtue Signalling’ the owners / board / senior managers impose on all subordinates.
As has been explained in other comments, one of the aims of this contrived collapse is the destruction of small businesses and the growth of the very large (controlled) businesses.
The idea is that everyone is herded and corralled – banking, shopping, food supply, energy, transport, medical, everything – we get herded into the arms of the ‘Googles’, the ‘Microsofts’, the ‘Amazons’, the ‘Walmarts & Tescos’, etc.
Its all being goning on for years but due to the accelleration under covidhoax many more people are seeing it. Sadly its going to get a lot, lot worse.
People seem to forget that in Europe and the Soviet Union – and in living memory – millions of people were walked to burial pits, put on catle wagons, taken to Gulags or Concentration camps, and generally lived through a version of hell on Earth.
The UK, US, and a few other countries escaped that – but perhaps their time is now coming?
I hope Colin Todhunter reads this comment of mine. He wrote the summary above for the video interview. of KB taken by YT (not Colin).
In his summary, Colin quotes from an article in The Wire, an alt media site in India.
This site, The Wire, has been a shameless participant in the fearmongering around cvirus since the last 4 months.
Just go their science section at and see the list of the crappy articles.
The Wire has turned out to be a major, I repeat, a major betrayal for independent-minded people in India who have appreciated their artciles on internal political issues of India.
One of my fellow OffG readers pointed in one of the earlier comments said “The paper which the article above discussed, was funded by:Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Global Affairs Canada.”
If he/she was referring to The Wire then he/she is absolutely right. The Gates Foundation or its crony affiliates in India have funded alt media organisations like The Wire, Scroll, The Print etc. These alt media sites are starved of funds to carry out independent journalism and their vulnerability is being exploited by Gates Foundation/affiliates etc.
These alt media sites are founded by former mainstream journalists. So far as their understanding of domestic political issues are concerned they show proper understanding.
But there ia a huge propensity among Indians to take anything that a glib/suave westerners say at face value without verifying the facts. And, this is multiplied many times over when it comes to westerners talking about science, medicines, vaccines etc. So, alt media orgs like The Wire will not bother to verify all the facts behind the claims of a new virus and whether it causes any fatal disease. It will simply blindly believe what the WHO, other western science organisations claim.
In short, a vast majority of educated Indians are a gullible lot, even the otherwise independent thinking ones. Have you seen Arundhati Roy utter one word against the global manipulators behind c-virus? Zilch.
@R.Anand: “Have you seen Arundhati Roy utter one word against the global manipulators behind c-virus?”
Well spotted. AR seems to have swallowed the Con-19 bait hook line and sinker. She really believes their scaremongering:
A pity. Let’s wish her a full recovery. It seems that intelligence and a social conscience are no guarantee against some people succumbing to primaeval fear. The soul’s power of resistance seems to be located in some psychic centre much deeper than the brain.
“Be good, sweet maid, and let who will be clever”.
Well said!
Intelligence in a person can be non-comprehensive. It applies even to us/me.
In Arundhati’s case, she also never spoke of the rigging of electronic voting machines in the national elections of 2014 ane 2019 (much more severe in 2019).
She was simply happy to criticise Indians for having elected bigots to power, when the reality was that a good portion of common people of India had actually booted out BJP. Had the digital voting, election procedures, counting, tallying etc been fair and honest, India would be today under a coalition government of 3-4 parties excluding the BJP.
That was something to feel happy about Indians, and Arundhati Roy should have realised it. Instead she blamed the people, and not the manipulators of elections who suppressed the true voice of the people.
Not that a non-BJP govt would have mattered much when it came to the global c-virus hoax. They would have done the same things as what BJP did, except that the nationwide lockdown in March would have been preceded by a notice at least 7 days and not just 4 hours.
How do you account for the response by Kerala compared to the other states?
The same with Media Lens in the UK. Actually deleing and blocking people on fb who question why they are not questioning the mainstream media narrative on covid when they question everything else. Frightening.
“…why they are not questioning the mainstream media narrative on covid when they question everything else….”
Here, I have stopped reading everything from these sites. I am confident my good sense will suffice to detect the other non-‘covid’ nonsense that the govt does. I will no longer rely on these alt sites.
If these alt sites can’t see the ‘covid’ hoax for what it is, then their intention in doing their other stuff also becomes suspect. Are they doing that also just to get funding from groups like ‘Soros’ and not because they believe in independent, truthful journalism.
I’m afraid I was referring to the paper itself and not the Wire. Please read the paper and see where their funding came from. It is quite clearly stated.
The paper itself is quite simplistic. More ‘back of a fag packet’ calculations than an in-depth analysis.
Okay. The summary quotes only tow sources–a Lancet study and a Wire article. So, you referred to Lancet?
Lancet is surely linked to Gates/etc.
The Wire is too, but they dont disclose their funders. The proof is in the coverage in their science section.
Also, the summary to the video interview above is not much relevant to what is talked about in the interview.
The 2-hour long interview itself does not refer to the Lancet study or The Wire story.
found an interesting film about a permaculture project in india. there is an english man but he speaks with an indian accent. definitely think this is what is needed. lots of good stuff going on in india aswell.
The paper which the article above discussed, was funded by:
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Global Affairs Canada.
It reminds me of Obama reminding Kenya about LGBT rights abuse in their country!
A billionaire who’s bored of merely making vast amounts of money is a very dangerous animal.
The sick buggers start meddling.
All these statistics of creeping depopulation of the human race: music – pure music – to the ears of the likes of Bill Gates. Keep the body bags coming; the strategy is working beautifully.
And no doubt Henry Kissinger thanks his lucky stars to have lived long enough to witness the lockdown dance of death of his “useless eaters.”
And the rest of us are left scratching our heads trying to figure out if the Most Evil Being Alive trophy should go to Mr Gates or Mr Kissinger. Should it go to the master strategist? or to the master effectuator? Or in all fairness should they share the prize?
The blueprint for the New World Order. Chilling as you might imagine.
Interesting you post about the Vatican.
When people wake to the meaning of the great big ‘Obelisks’ planted in front of the seats of power all around the World (but most notably the Vatican and the Washington Monument) we may, just may, have a chance of exposing some real ancient history.
People may then begin to see the link between the great big wheels such as the ‘London Eye’ which have appeared in recent years.
People may then begin to see that there is a global power structure superior to national governments – which has been pursuing an agenda for a very long time.
In the meantime people have a difficult enough task recognising that the current Pope is Legally an ‘Anti-Pope’ – as the previous Pope was removed from office and replaced in a way that breaks the Vaticans own ‘Laws’. This by definition makes the current Pope and ‘Anti-Pope’ (not the first I might add).
Crazy days – but they will get much crazier if the ‘Anti-Pope’ is also the ‘False Prophet’ too. Time will tell.
Indeed. The symbols are all there in plain sight. And we’ve been blind for too long. I hope it isn’t too late. The title of this video is a bit misleading. It’s not about the Catholic Church but about the grand plan for the world. Cheers
Wherever one looks, the lockdowns cause more harm than the virus. Yet the people pushing the lockdown response claim their motivation is saving lives. Judged by the criterion of saving lives, the lockdowns are irrational, irresponsible and incompetent: so much so that no rational policy-maker would ever have introduced them. The policy-makers are either lying and have an ulterior motive or this is a case of collective madness.
‘The policy-makers are either lying and have an ulterior motive or this is a case of collective madness.’
That what I see is a case of collective madness, but that what I don’t see (which may be hidden), must have different motives.
Somebody/ some people lighted the fire in China in January 2020 by willingly test people for a simple cold with a faulty test. That is where it started and that was a deliberate act. 99% of the rest is collective madness IMO.
Spot on. Lockdowns already have caused more harm than the ‘virus’.
They are not based on science or anything for that matter.
The purpose is to destroy the independent livelihood of millions of people.
They’ve achieved their purpose and the majority have rolled over and accepted it like the pathetic wimps they are.
Compulsory wearing of mask today in Ireland from today.
I’m on a train now and will never wear one.
Compulsory mask wearing (or more acurately ‘Face Coverings’) is coming everywhere soon.
I have been told by a friend in the BBC (there are some good people inside the belly of the beast still, not many, but a few) who told me that there is considerable frustration that people are no longer ‘living in sufficient fear’ or ‘experiencing significant enough personal disruption to consent to the next satge’ (expected in the Winter where colds and flu will be evidence of a Second-Wave of covid-19, and which will of course result in many positive tests).
Therefore, advisors (including psychologists) have simply decided to push Covid-19 into everyones faces and keep it there – litterally as well as metaphorically – by mandating the wearing of ‘Face Coverings’.
Having this psyop literally pushed into your face ensures that the Covid-Hoax never fades from peoples minds, the fear level is maintained (by sheep only), and the significant disruption to people continues.
Note the terms ‘Face Coverings’ (as opposed to ‘face masks’) and ‘Mandatory’ as opposed to ‘Law’ and ‘Lawful’. This is significant for those who ‘comprehend’ as opposed to ‘understand’.
Apparently when the ‘mandates’ become ‘regulations’ you could be ‘cautioned’ by a Police Officer for not wearing one, and eventually fined. They will be required to ask if you ‘understand’ first.
The correct response is “Am I required to Understand?”
We are all about to be Bambooselled, turned around, and generaly confused to a level few will be able to cope with (already happened with countless and often counter-intuitive ‘Guidlines, ‘Advice’, ‘Rules’, ‘Regulations’, and ‘Laws’ and of course thier various interpretation and arbitary applications / proscecutions).
But soon we are going to be hit a whole new level of ‘Bambooselment’ which will test even the most astute, and wear out even the strongest who try to resist.
‘Mandatory’ ‘Face Coverings’ (as opposed to ‘masks’) are to be rolled everywhere soon (I even heard there will be a ‘guidline’ to wear them on the beach!).
Avoid mass media and fight the lies.
They are already mandatory on the beach here in Puerto Escondito, Mexico.
there is a law that signs of a lockdown must be prefaced with a warning. it is a law coz of the duty of care and gravity of the emergency. if nobody can suggest a better law or point to a problem with it and nobody has. walking around with a mask is like walking around waving a cyringe at people. its not acceptable.
They use words like must, compulsory, mandatory, legal enforcement but it’s not.
They threaten fines, police, jail etc to scare people.
It’s using bully boy tactics to get people to comply.
I’ve checked and both South and North of Ireland clearly states that there are exemptions such as medical or psychological reasons and only if asked by the driver you respond ‘ I can’t wear a mask/covering so I’m exempt’.
From what I’ve seen so far bus drivers don’t even ask.
How exactly are police going to fine people who say they can’t wear a mask.
They’re just trying to prey on people who don’t comply and don’t read the list of exemptions.
Like you I’ll never wear a face nappy.
The government, media and the sheep should absolutely all wear them to catch the verbal excrement coming out of their mouths.
and by asking someone why there not wearing a mask also breaks EA10 law
equality act. fact
i had several emails by companies explaining what they done to deal with CV horseshit
they added plastic shielding at receptions WOW hand sanitizers and taking contact payments this is totally jazzed up in huge bullshit email as some massive military star trek disinfection cleansing programme
and there is lines on the floor and signs
mind you – lines on the floor and colors are used that how you hypnotism chickens
Paul,indeed this is the case. I’ve yet to be challenged on the tube system, and only yesterday on my first mask free bus journey the driver waved me through, then called me back. All he asked was to look at my exemption card saying a few people like me had ‘flashed’ such a card but he had not had a close look. All went well. I’d be keen to know the exact legality, since masks appear to becoming more widespread. This knowledge would be, for example, to legally challenge shops etc.for barring entry.
they are completely illegal. everyone involved in covid must become whistleblower or resign to have any standing. there is a huge criminal investigation underway.
Shops can legally bar entry and can legally refuse to sell a product if they are a private business on private property.
The confusion arises through discrimination – they just cant refuse entry or to serve / sell to a person based on discriminatory factors (which vary from country to country).
As far as I know there are no Western nations which compel a shop or business to sell anything they choose not to, nor keep their doors / shutters open.
This could actually turn out to be a significant problem if / when food shops impose entry restrictions based on ‘health and safety’ or ‘government guidlines’ such as all people must have proof of vaccinations to keep our collegues and customers safe – and other such BS.
A Global ID to Track and Serve
Here’s an excerpt from an informative article:
“Gates’ quotes stood in a context where he stressed that a government’s assistance to the poor and needy should not be delivered by the “incredibly inefficient” method of providing cash or grain to the recipient. “Digitalization helps targeting”, he said, if payments are done via mobile banking. He praised Mexico (min 18), whose Finance Minister, Luis Videgaray Caso, was present, announcing:
“We are going to use government income support programs as financial inclusion tools”,
as tools to bring everybody into the system. The idea endorsed by Gates and the financial inclusion “community” at the forum was to steer poor people into participating in the digital payment system by making it a condition for receiving any or certain forms of support.
A Global ID to Track and Serve Everybody
Gates praised his Mexican co-panelist:
“Mexico has been a pioneer in this (government aid via mobile phone based payment) but now we are moving this into even lower income countries.”
He stressed, how useful a standardized – ideally globally standardized – biometric and digital identification system would be, as it would make it easy for payment providers and governments to identify their (prospective) customers. He told his excited audience how he has been working on that (min 21):
“It is a wonderful thing to go in and create a broad identification system. Again India is an interesting example of this. There, the Aadhaar system, which is a 12-digit-identification that is correlated to biometric measures, is becoming pervasive throughout the country. This will be the foundation for how we bring that switch to every mobile phone in India. We are expecting to use these IDs, so that when you show up for any government service, say you walk into a primary health clinic, we will be able to use this ID to bring up your health record very quickly. If you move from one part of the country to another, you will be well tracked and served.”
Gates mentioned that such a unified biometric ID is also being developed in Pakistan and Africa, presumably with the help of the Gates Foundation, which is working closely with the central banks of Pakistan and Nigeria. Unified IDs of the same type introduced in three of the most populous countries of the world should take the Gates Foundation quite a big step closer to his dream of a globally unified biometric ID to “track and serve” everybody on earth.
Thank you for this lead, Charlotte. Also interesting in this article:
On the panel at the Financial Inclusion Forum, Bill Gates and the other panelists were asked what they think about people’s privacy concerns. Gates’ remarks on tracking and serving and tracking and blocking made his answer unsurprising, but still interesting. He said (min 38) that:
“in many countries people are more willing to give up privacy in relation to the government than is the case in the US. I think we are not the model of how things will look.”
His co-panelist, Jamie Dimon of JP Morgan Chase struck a slightly different note when he said (min 38) that “ We have huge amounts of data. We are working with the Gates Foundation on how to use them.”
Similarly, in a recent report on the digitalization of the Indian payment system, Boston Consulting Group and Google urged payment providers to “Mine customer data to build additional revenue streams.” They promise that mining customer data will help them to manipulate consumers into buying more. “Payments will drive consumption – and not the other way around.” On the steering board of the study were Visa and Vodafone (M-Pesa).
Governments also have a very keen interest in gathering all the payments data of their citizens they can get. These days, the government of Kenya, Bill Gates’ poster-child for financial inclusion, is trying to force mobile phone providers to give them the opportunity to monitor all phone calls and mobile payments. They are telling the phone companies to let a contracted (private) company hook up to all routers.
“In many countries people are more willing to give up privacy in relation to the government than is the case in the US. I think we are not the model of how things will look.”
His co-panelist, Jamie Dimon of JP Morgan Chase struck a slightly different note when he said (min 38) that “ We have huge amounts of data. We are working with the Gates Foundation on how to use them.”
It wouldn’t be too cynical to believe a series of pandemics will be the catalyst for gaining public acceptance in the US for hyper AI surveillance. In other words, Patriot Act 2.0. These psychopaths first practice and implement pharmaceutical experiments and identity controls on Third World populations. The ultimate goal is to have the entire planet under their mutant thumbs……
(“It wouldn’t be too cynical to believe a series of pandemics will be the catalyst for gaining public acceptance in the US for hyper AI surveillance.”) –
I fear that might be the case, these sociopaths have no hesitancy about slaughtering huge swaths of the population to achieve their goals.
Reminded also of a note in Jim Marr’s book, The Rise of the Fourth Reich (2008):
Nicholas “Nick” Rockefeller, a participant in the World Economic Forum, member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the International Institutue for Strategic Studies, may have revealed the overall globalist agenda when he said, “The end goal is to get everybody chipped, to control the whole society, to have the bankers and the elite people control the world.”
Isn’t grand that a cabal of wealthy sexual deviants–the Jeffrey Epstein bunch are interested in surveilling and controlling all humanity……😈
Why doesn’t the subscribe button work on the Home Page? As your email no longer seems to work either, for the 2nd time I’m having to use the comments section (nobody got back to me last time either).
I used yo get notifications every time you published something, but for ages, nothing. What’s going on?
Thanks OffG once again for bring us this. KB’s interview by YT is full of revelations, some of which I was not fully clued into myself.
Yes, corruption-ridden India, where poverty and police violence is deliberately sustained to control the population, was always an easy target for global manipulatists like Bill Gates.
The internal divisions in India where the current ruling party, BJP, indulges in hate propoganda against minorities and lower caste people, have further made it easy for people like Bill Gates to deepen their inroads, which actually started full-swing when Congress party was in power in 2004-2014.
So, while Indians get divided on religious and caste lines and are kept fighting among themselves, the global agenda gets played out, irrespective of the party in power.
I would say that China and India, although opposed to each other in key geopolitical and economic matters, have played the biggest sleight of hand in creating and prolonging the cvid hoax. While the rest of the world is a bit wary about China’s designs it is in deep slumber when it comes to India’s machination. It is not India is a conscious problem-maker (although some times even that takes place), but how it allows itself to be manipulated so easily by Bill Gates etc has wide-ranging repercussions in the entire planet. If the rest of the world keeps ignoring the level of corruption, endemic polic violence and undemocatic control (through rigging of electrionic voting machine based elections) then they too would find it difficult to resist a greatly empowered global gang of Bill Gates, WHO and others.
In India, several industrialists, technocrats and the super-rich elites have always ganged up to further their own narrow interests, the least concerned about empowering and enriching the fate of ordinary 1+ billion India. This, too, makes it possible for Bill Gates and other with their dirty global agenda.
The rigging of elections in India is subtly enabled by some powerful companies in India. Corporate lobbyists are embedded in the ministries themselves.
There is so much more to say, but will halt here.
Great post . It in India where “capitalism” and corruption first became synonymous millennia ago..
Thanks, Jim.
Most Indian industrialists, technocrats are not capitalists. They first hijack politicians and bureaucrats through massive bribes/inducements and then go on to offer poor service standards, low product quality to their domestic consumers at high cost.
Some amount of corruption at the smaller levels, in my view, is not a problem, as it helps the common people and small businesses to survive.
The problem is the sophisticated corruption at the top end where large, powerful companies indulge in sophisticated forms of bribery with government heads (Prime Ministers included), ministers, bureaucrats and even court judges.
The author is falling into the trap of believing that because the official narrative of the coronavirus scam is about public health, then the conspiracy must also involve healthcare. There is no reason to think that is the case. It is much more likely the coronavirus economic takedown is about protecting and shoring up America’s huge corpoations – most of them ‘tech’ firms – from Chinese and other competition, while also buying up foreign firms that have collapsed as a result of the takedown.
Gates and pharma is therefore likely to be a distraction – it is Microsoft, Amazon, Google, Facebook and the rest that this engineered crisis is, I suspect, primarily about. Of course other nations, such as India, may believe they can play the whole thing to their advantage too.
healthcare is a misnomer. they mostly do disease creation and management. it is pharma who builds, trains and manages hospital. tech and agriculture are also involved. agriculture is used to make people sick and is involved with genetic engineering. there is alot of tech in hospitals includig military tech like ultrasound. there is robotics, merging with machines, genetics, virtual reality, artificial intelligence. it is anything but healthcare. for that there is natural health modalities with thousands of years of knowledge and experience.
That’s a very shrewd observation and one with which I concur. Politics became an arm of big business long ago with Thatcher and Reagan and the last twenty years has seen the rise of several corporations which, collectively, own the world and its contents.
Bezos is a cancer on all decent people and the stories of his workers pissing into bottles in order to avoid leaving their station from fear of losing their job are not the stuff of urban myth.
Amazon are the courier of choice for the delivery of ConOfA Virus testing kits and I am sure the miracle vaccine, when it’s finally pulled out from mothballs will be entrusted to them also.
The world has been privatised and if you’re not a shareholder, then you’re disposable.
Public-Private Partnership (PPP) and Public Finance Initiatives (PFI) * are the stalking horse of the bankers. It sounds so logical and harmless: let the business professionals build the infrastructure and run the services. They are more efficient than bureaucrats – therefore it will be cheaper and better run. It has the irresistible force of a religion.
Let the professionals draw up the contracts – after all, the bureaucrats don’t understand such things. The bankers will even second their staff to the government for free. (Likewise, if the banks actually don’t have the expertise, they can hire the bureaucrats on a juicy salary for a few years to get the money-making project up and running – but we don’t talk about that.)
So now you have one of the parties to the contract – writing the contract.
Let the professionals help shape policy. Set up the committees and recruit the experts: who could be more expert than the bankers who are involved in building the infrastructure and providing the services. All public members of these policy-shaping committees are closely connected to the foundations that fund the NGOs.
For free the NGOs will commission research and present it to the government setting out the priorities and strategies for public health policy.
Now you have near-complete control of government policy not just by unelected advisors – but by the banks and companies and NGOs that profit from that policy.
It is a religion in which the banks are the priesthood, in which the priests and their adepts, the NGOs, conspire to lay their hands on public funds.
The central myth of this religion is that the finance, the money, is charity – is flowing from the private sector and philanthropists into the public sector. This is a lie.
In every case their money is channeled as a loan, for which they earn interest – or it is seed money, to start a business, from which they intend to profit handsomely. And where there is risk, you will find that the PFI, PPP contracts are cleverly worded to leave the risk and associated costs with the taxpayer.
Well put, MC.
Excellently explained.
As I said in a reply to another comment, politics is an arm of business.
Pollies are as corrupt as all get out.
Vaccine Bait & Switch: As Millions Pulled From WHO, Trump Gives Billions To Gates-Founded GAVI
Maybe gates wanted Trump to do the switcheroos with his gavi instead?
Thanks for the informative, trenchant comment, Moneycircus.
Everything you’ve written comports exactly with my experience as a “state worker” for the Pennsylvania Labor & Industry’s unemployment compensation program, c. 1990.
As a claims examiner, and later a Regional Office “specialist”, I was treated to endless management pitches enthusiastically describing how our stressed, shopworn, and retrograde state agency– despised by the bureaucracy’s executives, the state legislators, and the poorly-serviced public– would be gloriously rehabilitated and transformed due to the miracle of “block grants” and “public-private partnerships”.
Grand words like “consortium” were bandied about by the flacks tasked with selling this Brave New World to skeptical and cynical workers. When the dust settled, the “private” components of the partnership had flourished, and the state agency was decimated and moribund. Many middle-management employees jumped like rats from the sinking civil-service ship and climbed aboard the “competition”.
‘Public-Private Partnerships’ are much more than that. The PPP policy has been pushed by globalists through the World Bank and the United Nations system as a means to undermine democracy and implant a ‘deep state’ in each country being targeted (apparently in preparation for the World Government).
Every country that allowed the PPPs a free run of the place has been overrun by the ‘deep state’
The Republic of India, for instance, has been completely honeycombed by Gates, Rockefellers, and other globalist criminals through PPPs over the last 25 years. The entire PPP scam in India has blown up multiple times in our faces without anyone screaming blue murder. IL&FS, for instance, was a fraud right from the start, i.e. 1990s; it was given monopoly power over cobbling together of PPP projects as well as granting and executing them. It was so screamingly obvious from IL&FS’ presence in almost every PPP project that a schoolboy could have drafted an entire charge-sheet about it – but not the entirety of India’s opposition, the parliament, the judiciary, the mass media, and the academia!
India also has one of the most violent and repressive police forces in the world.
The more things change, the more they stay the same:
“Nowhere, more than in India, do we meet with social destitution in the midst of natural plenty, for want of the means of exchange. It was proved before a Committee of the British House of Commons, which sat in 1848, that
The Future Results of British Rule in India, by Karl Marx, London, Friday, July 22, 1853
Will they return? can be countered with, they never left. They, is the unknown force, helping this planet, for what is unknown. Religion have it translated in worshiping and praise. History proven, human evil, in whatever form, have been stopped again all odds. This phenomeen resulted in faith. Misused for personal gain. The helping hand have proved to step in on the right moment. Destroying human power, riches, and dreams. The committed evil human, with plans of his own will be destroyed by ways no one can foresee.
There are just too many NGOs meddling in all and sundry.
These organisations are founded by rich people who think that being rich entitles them to valid views and agendae. They are hobby organisations which have far too much influence on what happens in the world. E. g. the Australian Lowy Institute has now settled on feeding stuff to the public through an anti-China Goebbels called Peter Hartcher (journalist!) and polls.
Polls are undertaken to give an opinion you want to prevail a solid looking foundation. They exploit the human reaction that people like to go with the flow and the majority. Sometimes they are coverups for criminal activity (the institute Ghislaine Maxwell had), or for operatives like Maxwell buddy Katherine Keating ‘working’ in a Berggruen Institute.
The Gates Foundation is just a memorial to Gates. If they’d all pay proper taxes and not hide their 50 idle trillions (Rob Kapito) in sunny islands, these make believe hobby horses would not galopp.
Just ask your favorite Albright when it relates to kids dying for fighting against some non-existent threat. And the answer most likely will be (as this is the current policy) that: “I think that is a very hard choice, but the price, we think, the price is worth it.”
At least in America, Covid-19 was through deliberate negligence allowed to infiltrate nursing homes and hospitals toward the euthanasia goal of killing off as many of the elderly as possible.
Here we see a vaster global agenda to kill off as many of the poor as possible, and reduce the survivors to such immiseration that they never could represent any threat to power or resist any of the system’s corporate assaults, such as the way Indian farmers have been resisting the Gates/Monsanto onslaught.
And all over the EU. the UK and Canada
Pray tell me, somebody, if you know of any Leader who has abandoned Lockdown now that enough time has passed (in fact, more than enough time) to reveal Con-19 as a relatively mild variant of ordinary flu?
As far as I know, medical Dr.Assad’s position is caution but his Syrians are walking around without masks. I also believe China abandoned Lockdown after tests discounted initial fears that Covid-19 might be a U$ Biological WMD. And I have heard of a Leader in one of the ‘Stans who dismissed Con-19 from the start. Any names to add to my short and tentative list of Leaders who have openly (or even tacitly) abandoned this Lockdown nonsense?
I’ve often heard that Lukashenko in Byelorussia rejected the mass insanity from the start and that Byelorussia never instituted any restrictions or Covid propaganda at all. But I haven’t looked into it in detail.
I think Bielorussia had far less stringent measures in place than most countries, but they did I think close schools, borders and so on, and life was less restricted, but certainly not as usual. Indeed, like Dr NG Maroudas, I have been wondering whether there is at least one country in this planet, just even one, that actually continued as usual, and that did recognise that there was nothing worse than flu or any other common disease going on. This is what is incredible, because I am unable to find any, but if anyone here knows, it would be very interesting.
Syria just had an evening curfew for a while. It has hardly been touched by covid19. And that’s because it didn’t buy into the scam.
Tony, that’s Syria’s advantage over “the West”. Syria happens to be led by a man who is not only intelligent, socially conscious and honest, but also happens to be a mild mannered practicing MD who, by quirk of Fate, was catapulted into the seat of power just when his country needed such a Leader.
Turkmenistan reportedly has no lockdown although information is sketchy.
The leader of Burundi only instituted a light lockdown then got heart attacked (which then became covid-related…. which then got blamed on a trip to Tanzania whose leader exposed testing by sending in samples from paw-paws and goats…. ).
There are quite a few countries across the world where, even though their leaders may not be voicing their thoughts freely on the hoax that cvid is, the lockdown measures are much much less severe than in India.
Sweden never had a lockdown. A couple of countries in Africa too rejected WHO pressure to shut down.
Germany, France, Italy and one or two more countries in Europe (barring UK of course) have quietly brought down the restrictions substantially.
So, yes, India does stand out. Maybe Australia is as bad as India. And, now the WHO/Gates globalists are also hankering after South American countries like Peru and Brazil to become India & China of their continent.
And, as for China, I believe it is a cunning fox. It has exploited the thirst of WHO/Gates/Fauci by providing them with a supposed new virus, knowing fully well that it is the toxic air pollution, water contamination, deadly radiation from 5G testing etc were the real reasons behind the few hundreds of people with several pneumonia in Wuhan and elsewhere in China in Jan-Feb.
Had China not imposed a full-city lockdown of Wuhan the world would have not noticed the new virus. The WHO-Gates-Fauci gang loved what China. China knew they would love it and it played along with its deceit.
List of World Leaders Against Lockdown has expanded somewhat. List now reads: Burundi, Byelorus, Iran, China, Sweden, Syria, Tanzania; with France and Germany discreetly Loosening Lockdown.
Sweden is a special case. With fully paid up membership of the “Affluent Democratic West”, Sweden stands out like a sore thumb amongst poor backward authoritarian countries like China, Iran and Syria who report few deaths from Con-19. Sweden’s Con-19 death figures are as high as Britain’s, in line with their membership in the “Affluent Democratic West”.
So why no Swedish Lockdown? I do not think Sweden would be treating Lockdown so lightly if the Swedish people believed their own official figures. I think Swedish people are “in the know”: Like UK Official Scaresman Ferguson, and U$ Official Scaresman Fauci (who removed the stuffy Con-19 Hijab when they thought nobody was looking) Sweden is very much a case of, Do as we say, don’t do as we do!
Our neoliberal economic monstrosity is at the root of more human suffering and death every day than most of us can even allow to even enter into our consciousness without despairing.
(“Richest 1 percent bagged 82 percent of wealth created last year – poorest half of humanity got nothing”)
The contention that Bill Gates and his ilk are somehow concerned about humanity and human suffering strikes me as obscene – and as just another version of the now well worn trope of – “humanitarian intervention.”
It is obscene, yes.
How can the problem be solved and the situation reversed?
THE typical footprint of Fake News on India. Indian’s public graneries are overflowing.
Ironically India’s graineries were overflowing during the Victorian era (the so called “Gilded Age”) when tens of millions starved in India and China among other places in massive famines. It wasn’t so much a lack of grain that caused these brutal and avoidable holocausts, but rather the policy of Western empires to maintain the same insane “free market” ideology that has now revisited us from the dead in zombie form 100 years later. If you can’t “pay for” the grain – you starve. It’s a pretty simple equation.
See – (“Late Victorian Holocausts: El Niño Famines and the Making of the Third World”) – by Mike Davis)
Have a look where India is ranked, bro.
102 if you can’t be bothered.
India has been ranked 102 out of 117 countries in terms of severity of hunger. The country with the severest problem of hunger at rank 117 is the Central African Republic.
You’re full of shit Antonym yet again.
He probably also swears debt-ridden Indian farmers aren’t killing themselves. They are the happiest humans on earth.
I live in rural India since decades, I don’t need external rankings, only my eyes and ears. I have also some quite poor family members but they got monthly free rice and other commodities extra during Corona from the government. One of them is suffering from overweight.
As India is practically the most populated country on Earth it will top many lists.
The population is still growing albeit much slower due to (voluntary!) family planning.
Your eyes and ears will deceive you if you let them. I work with Indian migrants who tell me otherwise. This covid nonsense is wreaking havoc amongst the most vulnerable. Apparently Indias bureaucracy is something to behold. More deadly than the virus during lockdown one bloke told me. But they’re not there and they’re glad they’re not.
Once again the manoeuvre whereby argument is rejected because a commenter just so happens to “live there”! Well I think we can abandon all news channels so Antonym can tell us what’s happening everywhere as he has seen it with his own eyes!
Go ahead, swallow more meme enhancing fake news!
Indians will manage without your crocodile tears.
I’m sure the Indians (who of course are in front of your very eyes) will manage very well putting on all that fat from their luxurious banqueting. Not sure where the “crocodile tears” come in but you have your own crocodiles out there. I’ll bet there’s one chewing on your granary right now.
Have you inquired about the quality of rice they have given you? Was it full of pesticides, or/and GMO contaminated? It is not just a matter of eating, but what you eat. Eating in itself can be as detrimental as hunger, it does not kill as hunger as quickly, but slowly. And given the total breakdown of the health system, malnutrition and poor diet will lead to more illnesses, which will not be treated properly. Hence its not a question of immediate death for millions more than usual, its slowly over the next years.
Also did they give you anything else than rice? Was the rice white or brown?
White rice is certainly in itself not a good diet. No wonder they are overweight.
And how long will the government go on subsidizing you do you think? How can it do so? The country I live in stopped paying furlough to many professions since this month. People who have credits have for some been able to negotiate a few months of respite. But as one of them told me, come January at the latest, he has no idea how he’ll cope, and he is not among the worse off.
And the country I live in is one of the richest. So dont tell me all is well in the land of Gandhi.
The new poor are increasing by the day. Soup kitchens cant cope. These were people who had never thought they would be in such a situation. They all had a job, and would have continued to have one had it not been for the measures taken. Retail shops, restaurants, hotels, and so on, are not reopening because even now its too costly for them to pay staff when social distancing and masks and so on do not allow them to operate normally. Apart from the fact that people have been so frightened they’re afraid to go. Bankruptcies are increasing. Traveling remains arduous. There is little tourism. There is no theatre, concerts, none of the usual events. No workplace, no school is operating normally under current conditions. In particular this means no canteen as usual. And this is just the beginning. As the domino effect starts (e.g. no airline industry also means the loss of a major outlet for the food industry, as people default on mortgages and rents, this will affect proprietors and banks, as retails and other businesses close, municipalities will lose the major part of their local taxes, so that means a tax inflation for other inhabitants, how many will be able to afford it. Many schools and universities will simply have to close. And so on and so forth.).
Pray tell me who will farmers sell their food to? Pray tell me as unemployment both blue and this time white collar worsens dramatically, who will be able to buy food?
This is going to hit India worse than many others because already its in such a terrible shape, but its going to hit the wealthy countries too.
None are thinking, but just take some countries who mainly or exclusively depend on tourism, how on earth are they going to cope unless they now begin seriously to reconvert to a sustainable local economy?
Now is the time for reflection, so that we can get through the next year(s), only those who will be able to properly assess the situation and thus protect themselves will remain relatively unscathed.
Indians don’t need to be given free rice during cv lockdown. Indians need to be free from the power of the govt to impose lockdowns on them due to a hoax.
The poorest among the Indians need to be given food security consistently. The hoax corona situation is irrelevant to the food security. In fact, the virus scaremongering only worsens the fate of the poorest of the poor.
How’s the caste system working our for you ?
This is too tragic for words.
Its not health policy as it has nothing to do with health.Its a medical policy.
The whole globe’s medical industry is a practice of a failed system because the ones top down have forgotten their humanity.
Many have been starving in India and Africa for decades with no food shortage, just the big global food retailers (and people) throwing 50% of it out.They would rather charge too much make more money and let it go to waste.
Health staff are forgetting important things like intention, like healing, like “first do not harm” and Know thyself they instead just dispense drugs for big pharma and they follow govt policy.
Workers following govt policy with same mind frame as nuermburgers,empathy is trained out of them , no questioning no inquiring into why the drugs do not cure their patients( and often make them worse).
The crisis we see in health system was there before the ” Covid” Hoax. Its a crisis as I said because people have forgotten their humanity and who they are so are behaving like sleep walking, mind conditioned robots.
Its a crisis as if we do not remember our humanity I don’t know if we will make it.
“Hatred never ceases by hatred but by love alone is healed”
Be the change you want to see in the world in your daily personal life .Bring love not fear or hate.
If you change yourself you change your world.
Oh and no deaths were from “COVID”( as there is no facts or any real scientific proof that there is any “new deadly disease”).
Their system, their ideology, their educational background, their mindset is dedicated completely to goals – power and profit – which render it impossible for any of their structures to function effectively toward any other goal. These scientific and medical structures couldn’t act effectively toward the public good, the public health, even if they suddenly wanted to.
These societies chose to enshrine capitalism its most virulent neoliberal form, to entrench it so deeply that even if in a perceived crisis most people, perhaps even most authorities wanted to pivot to a goal different from sheer profiteering, they would find it impossible.
America in particular is stuck with this worthless, counter-productive “health care” system. When you take a pseudo-medical structure dedicated to maximizing corporate profit and try to use it for such a completely different purpose as to practice medicine, that won’t work. Same when you try to use a profit-seeking “health insurance” system to provide actual health care. It won’t work.
I totally agree except for one thing. Neoliberalism (financialization of the economy, monetization of ever increasing parts of human life, and so on) is not chosen, it’s the current phase of the Money Regime. Unfortunately, there’s not going back to the (alleged) golden decades of redistribution of resources, the internal logic of Capital follows its destructive path. It should be clear what the limits of reform are (extremely narrow and never substantial).
some really terrific noses in the jpegs above
yes sir
old khazar
the smell of piracy and slavery
yes sir