Coronavirus and Regime Change: Burundi’s Covid Coup

While the people of the western world occupy themselves wearing masks, pointing fingers and using so much hand sanitizer it literally kills them, the big world of Geo-Politics still ticks along, following the same tired old patterns with only slight variations in method. A modern twist, if you will.
Here’s a little summary of Burundi’s recent history:
- The president of Burundi, Pierre Nkurunziza, dismissed covid19 as nonsense.
- The president of Burundi was vilified in the Western press.
- The president of Burundi expelled the World Health Organization from his country.
- The president of Burundi died suddenly of a “heart attack”.
- The NEW president of Burundi immediately reversed his predecessor’s Covid19 policies.
And now for the long version…
6th May 2020
The Council on Foreign Relations blog posts an article titled “COVID-19 is Coinciding with Dangerous Trends in Burundi’s Democracy”.
At that time Burundi was listed as having 7 ‘active cases’ of COVID-19.
President Pierre Nukurunziza’s reluctance to impose policies aimed at stopping the virus from spreading is converging with his enthusiasm for democratic authoritarianism, putting not only Burundi, but Burundi’s neighbors at risk.
Burundi’s trajectory has been apparent for some time. But the pandemic now raises the stakes for neighboring states whose attempts to control the virus are threatened by Burundi’s insistence on moving ahead with electoral theater regardless of the public health risks involved.
Just as the EAC’s attempts to advance dialogue in Burundi did nothing to stave off the closing of political space, today the organization seems helpless at best as Burundi and neighboring Tanzania refuse to take COVID-19 seriously.
14th May 2020
Reuters reports that Burundi’s government expels the WHO:
Burundi is expelling the national head of the World Health Organisation (WHO) and three members of his team as it prepares for a presidential election that is being held next week despite concern about health risks during the coronavirus pandemic.
The government confirmed on Thursday that a May 12 letter from the foreign ministry was sent to WHO country head Walter Kazadi Mulombo and three others of the U.N. body’s health experts, ordering them out by Friday. Bernard Ntahiraja, the foreign affairs assistant minister, said the officials had been declared “persona non grata” but did not give reasons.
Burundi has so far reported relatively few cases of the COVID-19 disease: 27 infections and one death. But testing remains very low: the nation of 11 million people has carried out only 527 tests, according to the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Large crowds have been gathering during the election campaign in Burundi, which has no lockdown measures in place at all, unlike many other African nations.
Some Burundians say privately they believe COVID-19 infections are higher than officially stated but they say they fear to say so publicly because they could be targeted and punished. Léonce Ngendakumana, a presidential candidate for the opposition FRODEBU party, called the expulsion regrettable. “The country alone won’t be able to contain the pandemic,” he told Reuters.
10th June 2020
The Guardian reports the death of Burundian President Pierre Nkurunziza of “suspected Covid19” [our emphasis]:
The outgoing president of Burundi has died of a sudden illness, suspected by many to be Covid-19.
The cause of Pierre Nkurunziza’s death was described as a heart attack in a government statement. The 55-year-old was due to stand down in August following elections last month.
It was unclear exactly when he died. A government statement said the president, a keen sports enthusiast, had attended a game of volleyball on Saturday but fell ill that night and was taken to hospital.
The former footballer’s health improved on Sunday but “surprisingly, on morning of Monday June 8, 2020, his health suddenly deteriorated and he had a heart attack”. The statement described Nkurunziza’s death as “unexpected” and asked people to remain calm.
15th June 2020
The Financial Times runs an article titled “Coronavirus stalks Burundi’s political elite after president’s death”. It’s behind a paywall, but here’s a screenshot:

1st July 2020
The Daily Monitor publishes an article from AFP headlined “Burundi changes tack as president declares COVID-19 ‘biggest enemy'” [our emphasis]:
Burundi’s new President Evariste Ndayishimiye has declared the coronavirus the country’s “biggest enemy”, in a major about-turn for a nation which has largely ignored the dangers of the virus.
Former president Pierre Nkurunziza, who died suddenly last month, and even Ndayishimiye himself, had until now downplayed the gravity of the pandemic, saying God had spared Burundi from its ravages. Burundi held a full-blown campaign ahead of a May election, and unlike its neighbours which have imposed lockdowns and curfews, has taken few measures to combat the spread of the virus.
Officially the country has reported only 170 cases and one death in two months. Ndayishimiye was speaking late Tuesday after the swearing in of his new government in parliament. “From tomorrow (Wednesday), I declare the COVID-19 pandemic the biggest enemy of Burundians, because it is clear it is becoming their biggest concern,” he said.
“We firmly commit ourselves to fight this pandemic.” He called for “the strict respect for preventative measures which the health ministry will from now on display across the country”.
He reminded citizens that coronavirus tests were free, as was treatment, warning those who did not get tested when they had symptoms.
“If in future someone does not go and get tested in such a case, it means he wants to contaminate others voluntarily… and he will be considered a sorcerer and treated as severely as one would be,” he said.
14th July 2020
As of today, lists 1 single death & 269 “Total Cases” of Covid19 for Burundi:

It seems Covid19 is a disease of rare complexity. Not only is it able to understand the importance of some social protests and avoid them entirely, it’s also able to sense when the world leader is inconvenient and take him out.
Many thanks to commenter Stinky, who collated, researched and sent in these links, as well as Edwige and Mucho.
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Magufuli has now been liquidated. Who’s next ?
The link to the Council of Foreign Relations does not work. Looks as if they deleted the article.
We are in this nightmare because we let them get away with 911!
and how can they be stopped?
The SAME WAY they STOP us….sudden heart Attack or other 🙂
I’m sure Ernst Stavo Blofeld AKA Bill Gates is rubbing his tinny tiny blood soaked hands together when he’s not jerking off to kiddie and laughing maniacally.
Anyway OG I posted an article on my blog. You have permission to post it on your blog if you wish:
I can understand why President Pierre Nkurunziza declared the coronavirus a “nonsense” and am sorry to hear of his death. Under his successor, Evariste Ndayishimiye, not much has changed in COVID-19 figures. As of today there has still only been one death although there was a big spike of 78 new cases two days ago. That could be accounted for by the fact that the last time cases were reported was 3rd July. Reporting of cases is spasmodic.
Africa has not suffered as badly as many other countries. Swedish doctor Mikael Nordfors, MD, duggests this is due to treatment with Hydrochloroquine for malaria. You may recall that as soon as there was success with hydrochloroquine in the treatment of COVID-19 it was taken off the market by the WHO (which is funded largely be Bill Gates).
covid19 is social media speculation. no controlled studies have been done to support the notion there is a viral disease:
Looking at the way annual viruses, such as the seasonal flu salad of influenza and coronaviruses (covis) viruses, move, they are more of a seasonal entity in more temperate climates where people tend to bunch indoors in cold seasons. The flu season is much more spread out in warmer climes and all year round in the tropics. Has anyone noticed how little is being said about how the flu season has behaved in previous years?
They do not want the public to know that, regardless of the origin of the virus (it actually might not even exist, as it is only known, supposedly, in a bioweapons lab), it has moved around the planet with and just like the flu season. It is no more lethal than influenza and likely one tenth its strength. They also fail to discuss how the elderly are at risk EVERY FLU SEASON and not just this year. This is NOT a new phenomenon. To pretend we know nothing about this virus is a lie as it is a virus, highly contagious, and a variety we have studied for years. A big lie to the public.
So, the Chinese derived a Covid-19 (C-19) test from the lung perfusates of seven ill people. They centrifuged the fluids and assumed the virus was in the clear liquid. A specific virus was NEVER isolated or cultured. So, the test was designed for whatever mixture of viruses these people had at the time. This is why we get so many positive asymptomatic people. In a sane world, we would seriously consider false positives and not call these “cases,” as has the US Navy which refuses the test for its 80% false positive rate. A “case” is a person who is positive and has symptoms that call for a hospital visit, not hospitalization. They have even been calling multiple positive tests of one person to be separate cases. That’s just not honest.
It’s a perfect gaslight routine to effectively create a boogeyman, C-19, along with a test for general coronaviruses (claimed to be for just C-19). They are guaranteed to get loads of positive results as covis are all year round and mostly harmless (a sniffle for a morning and it’s gone). You can go to an isolated village in the Arctic and get positive results on this basis.
Then, promising a vaccine for a virus that mutates much too quickly for a vaccine to be effective, they pretend to suddenly be able to do so in only a few months. It’s not like the last 30 years of research has not been trying to make a vaccine, as they did relatively successfully for influenza, which mutates much more predictably.
At best a vaccine will be against covis in general as no one has a pure culture for a target. It’s that simple. A vaccine against covis might be a good thing, but they are so closely related to human generated exosomes that we might be attacking part of the human immune system. Do not be surprised if these vaccines start erupting interesting lung syndromes when they are administered.
If you look at the whole event, Covid-19 need not exist as it has never been identified and isolated (the bioweapon lab will never produce such samples, even if they existed, that’s a given). Researchers who think they are looking at C-19 report over 14,000 genetic variants. Yeah, its the covis salad they are looking at.
Let’s assume that C-19 does exist and you have several patients who have died supposedly from C-19. You have to be able to isolate and separate the same virus from all these people to establish the virus as the disease vector. This has not been done. At this point, it is not even proven that C-19 has killed anyone as patients can have multiple viruses at the same time.
For that matter, it might be that it takes a combination of covis to cause the syndrome and the presentation that we call C-19. It boils down to a gaslighting of the world and the political tools used to fight this boogeyman are truly evil and agenda driven.
There is a 1983 patent.. claims that energy tramsferred by RF is capable to disrupt the cell membrane in a manner similar to the way that S2 subunit of the S protein on surface of virus does as it attaches to the target host living human cell. An article in Science last month that states energy delivered by rf or optical methods can be used to control human cellular function and metabolism. It has been reported many places that Corona virus have been known to be around since the early 1950 ( and proposed that it might have been here for nearly ever it seems very important to develop a program that can compare reporting infection virus infection density with associated local to the population in the report cell tower density..I think the outcome might be very revealing.
Where there is a high concentration of cell towers (like near a hospital) in only a few spots, in some smaller countries, allows to compare populations with exposure to RF(5g or any g) in the present of infective virus. Infectivity reports should provide a means to compare populations in areas with cell towers to populations infected in areas where there is no long term contact by most of the population with cell towers. In light of the patent application, energy exposure during times an infective virus is present is highly suspect. I don’t think it matters how the energy is formatted, RF, direct current, atomic radiation. whatever, but I do think energy, in any wave form, at various properties ( intensity, angle, and so on) will eventually be shown to affect the probability that an infection exposure will result in an infection.
Epidemiologist should report formatted energy source densities relative to population infection numbers so population infections can be compared as functions of such things as cell tower densities, electric generation plants, satellite, military defense electronics, and the like. .
Now the reason for the facemasks becomes clear.
Covid19 is clearly an intelligent malignant virus able to identify and attack it’s enemies.
The masks are a disguise so it can’t recognise us.
It’s so obvious now, what sort of idiot would think a bit of rag or gauze could filter out something as small as a viron.
I’m so reassured that our benevolent Government is on top of this situation and I don’t therefore need to think about these things.
Spot on John. I haven’t got a mask but I use a false beard which has proven effective up till now. I’m pinning my hopes on viruses not being able to read.
Great response, satire will get to the point in the most uncanny way!
We were told the ‘New World Order’ was coming sometime. We assumed it was a form of hierarchy. We were wrong. It was two fold.
1. A New-World Order is implemented – order as in ‘command’. Pierre Nkurunziza refused to obey and execute the command. For that he recieved the other meaning of the word ‘execute’.
2. Once the ‘order’ is carried out World-wide, the New World Order (hierarchy) is forced into place.
All hail the new evil empire. Wear your face-gusset with pride.
Obey the useful idiots who are only following orders.
The English language is mixed and complex. When you have a command of it, being devious and controlling the sheep is childsplay.
Remember, every flock of sheep has a shepherd and at the right hand of the shepherd is a crook.
Only one of those hysterical conspiracy theorists could see any connection to this:
Prosperity leads to lower birth rates, has always been the case, I donlt know why anyone would try to turn it into anything else. I suppose the far-right would rather push a eugenics programe by Gates.
It’s pretty obviously a phenomenon that has endless contributing factors…
But Gates himself (and similar malthusian billionaires who figure lowering the birth rate, and lifespans, of people who consume a miniscule fraction of what they do is somehow philanthropic and noble) probably see themselves as having more of an actual impact on “population control” than their critics do…
You imply it’s a “far right” (gotta love that catch all slander term- means nothing at all anymore and applies to people with entirely different and contradictory ideologies apparently) conspiracy to say the likes of Gates are trying to limit population growth, and yet the man will tour the world telling everyone and anyone that he is focusing all his efforts on doing exactly that.
But yeah political elite billionaires using the population of third world countries as guinea pigs for big pharma is such a “far right” thing to give a fuck about eh?
Apart from never wanting to see them in your country, how else do you care about 3rd world populations? A: You don’t care about them…… you never have, untill it feeds your conspiracy.
Jillion: Bingo!
What the fuck do you know what I care about? Where are you even getting this?
In case you haven’t noticed this site is frequented by a lot of antiwar radical libertarians and old school left wingers, only two political contingents that have been screeching nonstop about the endless war crimes perpetrated by the rulers you bootlick and shill for (see I can just make wild assumptions about your motives too), and two groups that routinely get labelled “far right conspiracy theorists” by idiots like you.
Just keep lapping up what your officials tell you and tell yourself it makes you sophisticated. And of course, anybody and anyone who’s got any other ideas is far right and evil probably.
Fuck man your reply just says it all though doesn’t it? You really think you’re coming off well here?
The issue is if Gates is sincere and to be trusted or not, but you only smear and baselessly slander the poster’s motives! Why do leftists always attack people rather than consider the truth of what they say? Can’t you reason anymore?
Smearing people as ‘far-right’ is what the Daily Fail and other corporate media always do to silence dissenting (non-leftist) opinion. Surely you are better than them? Also, anyone who thinks Gates is a hero who wants to save lives is totally naive; he and Melinda are both Malthusian globalists deeply concerned about overpopulation and the environmental destruction they believe it causes. They spent many millions promoting contraception and abortion before realising that vaccines to save the first-born kids of mothers in the developing world are far more effective at reducing population growth. You’ll find all that by reading his 2011 interview in Forbes. I recommend more scepticism.
You might expect a study that’s published 6 months into Covid to reflect the event? Vested interests were modeling Event 201 in October 2019.
Fertility also tends to fall in times of uncertainty, we already have some understanding – trust and fertility in uncertain times – though not in a linear manner.
Neither the BBC nor the underlying study (published in the Lancet, Jul 14, 2020) mention the impact of the global economic shutdown or Event Covid. They talk only about long-established trends, women working etc.
The clue is in two components of the model: GBD=Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study. SDG=Sustainable Development Goal. The study is tailored to the same objectives/interests as the eugenicists behind Event Covid: “In this study, we developed novel methods for forecasting mortality, fertility, migration, and population. We also assessed potential economic and geopolitical effects of future demographic shifts.”
I suppose we should listen for What is NOT Said.
There is an associated interview: In Conversation With… Kathleen O’Reilly and Stein Emil Vollset Download audio (mp3, 23:21 mins, 32.1MB)
The new Global Burden of Disease paper forecasts major alterations in worldwide population over the next few decades. We ask Kathleen O’Reilly, of LSHTM, how models are made and how you account for a changing world, and we speak with paper author Stein Emil Vollset of IHME about the implications of his predictions.
I won’t click on the link only because I refuse to read or listen to anything the BBC have to say.
They are a state broadcaster, what do you expect them to be? Change the state, not their megaphone.
The establishment elite and its mouthpiece have long been ventriloquated by leftist dogmas, Jillion. Multiculturalism was officially adopted as national policy back around 1987. It’s now impossible to imagine anyone from the establishment, media, academia or the cultural-celebrity elite ever saying ‘Britain First’. They want to serve and save the suffering world, not suffering Britons. Try it. Also, do you ever question, resist or reject their agenda?
Inducing a heart attack while in hospital, or putting the patient to sleep – the oldest trick in the playbook. Excerpt from “A Study of Assassination: A C_A Manual”
Original PDF
The reaches of the owners of NEWSPEAK (MSM) reach far and wide. Like so many others they can die from “suspected COVID” whether it exists or not. It did not kill Ceausescu (who had reduced Romania’s national debt to zero) or Gaddafi (who was about to release a new currency in challenge to the petro-dollar). But they are dead.
Now NEWSPEAK wants us all in the UK to wear face masks. There may be reasons you cannot wear a face mask.
0 cases.
0 deaths.
A fricken paw paw tested positive.
It sounds like a good leader( the only one I heard speaking anything remotely close to sanity ) was offed by the bankster’s inter agency bitches.
I am glad his spirit has not left mankind.
First we got “Climate Change” as the explanation behind everything; is it now being replaced by the Wuhan virus?
Nope, worse. The alarmist shills and totalitarian socialist / Marxist run UN and the WEF (World Economic Forum) have combined the two hoaxes into one huge LIE to frighten everyone totally senseless with.
The alarmist shills and totalitarian socialist / Marxist run UN and the WEF (World Economic Forum) ERRRRRR LOL
also my favourite stupid……….
VOTING for the other party is endorsing socialist / Marxist remember that!??
Remind you The world’s biggest money change over and the world biggest ever biggest ever lockdown was done under CONservative GOP
if you want to play that left right left right dumb dumb dumb game
There all the same …………………
let me guess it the immigrates the demoncratins the chineses? fault Russia yer them
nope Taliban wanting to take away our freedumbs nope it the WHO yer them
jealous of our way of life.
Simpleton 101 handbook for dummy’s and repeat
Don’t forget the terrorists, the immigrants, the Russians.
‘fraid not. climate change is the excuse for the intro of “sustainable” modes of living and is part and parcel of Agenda 21.
Don’t forget Hong Kong’s Covid coup. Today a busybody called security on me on the subway for not wearing a mask. If masks work, why does everybody have to wear one?
And with your covid tattoo . . .
Now they’re presenting the project to the masses: the financial reset that lies behind Event Covid. It matches the timeline revealed by Catherine Austin Fitts.
Oct 2018 – While CNN’s circus performers were pulling faces and doing flips and tumbles over Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, the U.S. government was very busy with something else: it passed FASAB-56 allowing any and all government financial accounts to become secret.
Aug 2019 Central bankers from around the world met at Jackson Hole and proposed “Going Direct”, while Bank of England governor Mark Carney said the world needed a global mechanism to replace the dollar.
The banks had circled their wagons, they were ready to reset the monetary system.
Sep 2019 the Federal Reserve intervened to flood the repo market (global cash market) with cash (liquidity M1 up 21%, M2 up 30%). World Economic Forum published The Great Reset “the marketing document for the non financial people of exactly what’s going on,” says Catherine Austin Fitts.
Jan-Feb 2020 the smart money exits the market. Medical martial law is used to shut down small business and farms throwing them into debt entrapment from which they cannot escape.
“The greatest wealth transfer in history” – even Jim Cramer admits it and he’s a CNBC Corporatist Media shill.
In 1988 the Economist magazine (part owned by the Rothschild family) published on its front page a phoenix with a gold coin rising from the burning ashes of the currencies; the title was “Get ready for a world currency“. We are now over 30 years from the publication of the article.
China has now been declared to be the economic leader of the world and recently the British company Chetwoods unveiled the plan to build a new twin towers of the Phoenix in the capital of China’s Hubei province.
Hubei’s capital is Wuhan, where the ‘virus’ is supposed to have started.
To make their point unmistakably clear to the world, Christmas will be cancelled with another lockdown (as was Easter) starting with a ‘2nd wave’ of ‘infections’ in late December. Eventually, the public will beg to be released from this – and the vax will then be made available:
How sad for Burundi and its ex president
THis is what is coming down the track
I keep thinking to myself what life was like this time last year and I keep thinking just imagine a year ago someone was to tell you a year from now the WHO had declared a pandemic because of a new virus was circulating.
It’s symptoms were cold/flu like symptoms. However they never isolated this virus and therefore can’t prove it exists.
They test for this ‘new virus’ using a test that wasn’t designed to diagnose a virus and has never been proved to be testing what it’s claimed to test for.
Anybody who died from this ‘new virus’ has no autopsies carried out to confirm how they died.
Governments all round the world believed the only way to combat this new virus was to lockdown their populations and destroy their economies and implement policies shutting down their health services to anyone other than those claimed to be suffering from this new virus.
The only way to combat this new virus and prevent future waves was to repeatedly wash your hands and wear a face muzzle.
And the only way out of this nightmare is to take a vaccine from a man called Bill Gates. Oh and by the way he owns the WHO.
I would’ve thought it was stark raving crazy.
If bill can sell windows millennium edition he can certainly sell snake oil vaccine to people with a cold.
Microsoft Windows is decades old and is still an utter bag of shite… Do you really think I’m going to let this guy inject me with anything he has had a hand in…
“Microsoft Windows is decades old and is still an utter bag of shite…”
Unix is even older and it’s a bag of dinosaur shite. Android is a bag of dinosaur shite lite. Apple’s offerings are bag of Unix shite plus a legacy bag of Jobs’ bling shite with a few redemptive touches from its acquaintance with Next/NetBSD. NetBSD is a bag of a bag of Unix dinosaur shite with half a serving of brain mash on the side. What do you want in 2020 already, 2323? Beware the 2038 Millennium Bug. Fuckers didn’t even know that a century has a double-barrelled shotgun embedded in its tail.
Fifteen years ago I removed over-price Microsoft from my Desktop and replaced it with Linux. Linux is Open Source software – free, as in free beer – though the Linux community would like users who possess programming skills to “buy your round” by contributing to the development of Linux. Have run happily ever since, without anti-virus “protection”.
I agree that Google’s Android spoilt their version of Linux by adding too many proprietary drivers, making it effectively Closed Source. But the widespread success of Android proves that Linux, even a crippled Linux, can compete with Big Bad Bill Gates and his virus-prone software.
bee positive my boy
look at the implant as time release vitamins
a gift along with the 5g
synergy from tel aviv 2 you
The way out of the nightmare is to murder all the issue of William Gates III unless he gives up 99.99% of his wealth, is chipped and tracked 24/7/365/2000 until the day he dies.
Why is one repulsive man able to evade the wrath of 9 billion?
He cannot.
Just have no qualms about killing his family…..he has no qualms about committing global genocide, after all….
Ivermectin. Kills parasites. African nations have been routinely using this medicine for decades.
African nations have current year Virus death rates per million population of 0.x, less than one death per million.
Developed, wealthy Western nations have hundreds of deaths per million population.
We have to wait for a Gatesian experimental injection that includes a microchip at thousands of USD per shot.
The leader of Burundi publicly proclaimed that the Emperor has no clothes. He had to go. It’s just business as usual.
also in winter our vit D levels plummet. In Africa not so.
it can plummet in summer if they are in their conditioned towers in dubai. skin colour effects production so northern italians end up with low levels even tho they are in southern europe. the covid cult are incredibly racist since towards italians in the north eg. new york since they cover up the vitamin d issue with infection theory effecting darker people and the elderly most.
What is so difficult about saying: ‘Bill Gates has to go!’?
Killing Bill Gates should be priority one for every African nation on earth.
There’s already been enough killing to fill a thousand planets. Let’s do something really unique, really outrageous, really off the wall nutso whacko crazy: let’s not kill anyone. No sacrifices, end justifies means, no murder and mayhem. Talk about something that would blow the ruling class’ minds!
HCQ has also been routinely and safely used for decades in tropical Africa, and also since the epidemic began in nations not fooled or intimidated by the media and WHO campaign against it. “The countries with the highest mortality from COVID-19 are also the countries that have demonized chloroquine the most, i.e. Western Europe and part of the United States”, concludes this quality research on HCQ from the European Journal of Internal Medicine. Now why aren’t the Guardian and other MSM not telling Brits this vital albeit embarrassing news? They could help end crisis and severely damage Boris if they did.
Black Lives Matter! Unless you are WHO, Bill Gates, the banking cartel and Big Pharma, then you are free to use black Africans(and Indian children) as lab rats.
Africa is Bill Gates’ playground where he tests vaccines on unsuspecting people; it’s where Big Pharma dumps its bad (and poisonous) products it can’t sell in the West. These people are planning on killing billions, they are not going to let “democratic authoritarianism” (that’s a new one!) get in the way to making them $trillionaires.
and he gets in there using DFID as the front
livingsb Vaccines are global and people all over the world participate in trials and vaccinate their kids . Its not about race.
Its about control not money for the banksters can create wealth from debt.
No disrespect to Burundi a tiny nation in the middle of equatorial Africa in a region steeped with shocking histories, but to suggest their affairs are relevant to ours concerning SARS-2 is to spin a very long yarn indeed.
Shut up you. As if you’re important
Wow. The cluelessness being exposed reaches new depths on a daily basis.
You really are an obvious troll, Mr 77th
As I write this there is the sound of bombs going off; so it’s either the USA and its proxies doing yet another invasion/regime change; or else it’s a huge firework display in my nearest big village to celebrate Bastille Day, which is the biggest holiday in France.
There’s been hundreds of thousands on the streets of Paris today, protesting against the government, protesting against ‘austerity’, and protesting against all this covid 19 nonsense…
This does relate to this post, because the author begins by saying: while the people of the western world occupy themselves wearing masks, pointing fingers and using so much hand sanitizer it literally kills them, the big world of Geo-Politics still ticks along, following the same tired old patterns with only slight variations in method.
There’s also been huge demonstrations in eastern Europe and other parts of the world.
Don’t they rather appear to be about the state of public hospitals? This certainly is a real issue for years, but this is not necessarily connected to ”protesting against all this covid 19 nonsense”. Do you actually have evidence that that was also part of the agenda of these protests? I thing on the issue of public hospitals there is more or less general consensus all round… But if that is all people are concerned about then they’d accept if these were made better but measures remained in place against supposed pandemics, new waves, whatever not… Remember how everyone clapped the medical staff. How governments themselves have turned them into heroes.
Hope, this current wave of protests in France started in early January 2016. They were protesting against ‘austerity’ and the emergency laws (ie, police state) passed in the aftermath of the November 2015 Paris ‘terror attacks’.
In March 2016 there was a general strike to address these issues. Protests continued for long after the general strike.
In late 2018 the gilets jaunes apparently came out of nowhere (not!). In 2019 there was another general strike.
Perhaps not incidentally, such protests have been going on in countries all around the world. These protests are all essentially against neo-liberalism.
In September 2019 the global economy started collapsing again, due to overt greed and corruption, and the collapse is much worse that in 2008.
Voila! we are given the Frankenstein flu!
FFS the whole world now revolves around tin pot Burundi 😂😂😂😂😂
No, it obviously revolves around you.
Crispy, you will not be spared when their plan reaches home base.
Unless you are one of them, which I doubt.
The world is full of fools.
Jul 14, 2020 8:48 PM
Reply to William
‘’Jack, you are a stuck record. And the tune is rubbish.’’
I will reply to you here as the reply buttons have been removed from your comment nad the admin comment that followed.
You have no problem with the boring, this page is full of the boring, you have a problem with the truth and that is what you censor, something you can not bare to hear.
Is that 54 aliases now? 😀
Who cares? YOU ? because you want to track me and everyone else?
You’ve turned into a whiny little prick, jack. I used to pay attention to what you said but now you’re just irritating. Maybe you’re playing a part, who knows.
The pathetic battles with this site, who claim not to censor, yet keep on censoring me, I agree is ridiculous and demeaning but that is their aim, to discrediting me, but I think it discredits them. These are the same guys who censor at the guardian you know, they are no different, they exhibit exacly the same, spiteful behavior.
Creep into thy narrow bed,
Creep, and let no more be said!
Vain thy onset! all stands fast.
Thou thyself must break at last.
Let the long contention cease!
Geese are swans, and swans are geese.
Let them have it how they will!
Thou art tired: best be still.
They out-talked thee, hissed thee, tore thee?
Better men fared thus before thee;
Fired their ringing shot and passed,
Hotly charged – and sank at last.
Charge once more, then, and be dumb!
Let the victors, when they come,
When the forts of folly fall,
Find thy body by the wall!
Matthew Arnold
Excellent reporting. I hadn’t heard any of this. It might help to answer the big question I’ve been asking. Why did all the world leaders obey? Because they knew that they would be killed “by Covid” if they disobeyed. … But this doesn’t explain why Sweden and Belarus have been ALLOWED to disobey. The answer isn’t all there yet.
I fear the answer will soon be with us…
For example, if I were a piece of shite, I would use all bribery and corruption known to man in order to cause an inexplicable, staggering peak of Covid in those two countries after a couple of weeks, just to prove that a sane approach to a flu-like virus is a shocking, and deadly, aberration.
So when that happens after a week or two, we will know that we are dealing with a piece of shite.
Sorry, misspelt my name… lol
@Polistra: “doesn’t explain why Sweden and Belarus have been ALLOWED to disobey.”
Sweden, a fully paid up member of the club (Affluent Democratic West) feels honour bound to publish sky high death rates along with the best of us.
Con-19 Death Rates, per million population, from WHO website, Corona by Country:
UK 660 Sweden 550 U$A 410.
So, by Talking the Talk, Sweden gets away with Not Walking the Walk. Like official UK scaresman Ferguson and official U$ scaresman Fauci, so long as they predict millions of Con-19 Deaths, they are allowed to get away with not wearing the Con-19 Hijab (when they think nobody is looking).
Byelorus (White Russia?) is NOT allowed to disobey. Unlike Sweden, Belarus does not Talk the Talk: he dismisses the Con-19 $cam. Adding injury to insult, published Con-19 death rates in Russia and surrounding areas are 10 to 100 times lower than Con-19 figures from Sweden, UK, U$A and other paid up members of the Affluent Western club.
If I were the president of Belarus I would hire a food taster and avoid being hospitalized.
Wrong, he should expel all US citizens from Belarus and ensure that Vladimir Putin provides him with the cover his actions warrant….
Belarus Colour Revolution, anyone? “the political situation in Belarus is growing worse by the day courtesy of, on one hand, the inept policies of Lukashenko and, on the other, a resurgence of Kazakh nationalism”
Belarus probably has Russian protection. Putin needs to be seen to obey, but he can express his contempt through a Belarussian proxy?
Exactly polishes~?* Polistra, it’s the mistakomatic function again! I mentioned before that Boris was “covided” into compliance but it got no traction. An Irish journalist also noted how his appearance and demeanour changed after his “treatment”.
Hmmmm, i find myself reminded of the wave of deaths among practitioners of alternative medicine in the west over the last decade. Its seems crazy but is something going on here?
This is incredible, but not unexpected. They kill anyone that is remotely outspoken on any topic that is not in the elites’ interest. The same was happening with biologists who were testifying against he petroleum companies after the spills in the Gulf of Mexico. The odds of this many holistic healers dying in this manner are akin to the number of witnesses dying in relations to the JFK assassination. Basically Zero. The only way we will survive is by a mass awakening through some unseen force.
I fear that “unseen force” will entail some effort on our part to stop being propagandized sheep and to become human again.
Seems like a lot died in 2015 and 2016. Odd, to say the least. I have wondered why more alternative health providers have not been questioning covid. Maybe this is the reason?
“It’s not unusual… ”
Scientists’ Deaths Are Under The Microscope – The Globe And Mail (2002, 2018)
Dead Scientists Mystery Baffles Britain (1987)
GEC-Marconi scientist deaths
This is why the President of neighboring Tanzania has a rather stern looking military giant standing just behind him as he tells his citizens that a pawpaw and goat tested positive so the pandemic is a farce. Continue to work hard and do not be afraid that you will catch something nasty from friends and colleagues was his advice, in other words the WHO can fuck off and the military has got my back.
He’ll be well aware that this is a risky stance to take as there’s gonna be a queue lined up for the Gates’s shilling if the chance arrives.
What price would an assassin currently put on Bill Gates’ head?
Anything less than $50bn is worth paying…..
It’s coming.
Keep the car running.
so, the Burundians are now under the same pattern of behavioural control as the rest of us – weakening confidence and creating dependency to dominate their victims.
Back in 2014, the U.K government made Coercive Control Illegal – defined as, “ongoing psychological behaviour ( rather than isolated or unconnected incidents) with the purpose of removing a victim’s freedom”
Ha….they cooked their own goose – sentence to be served on a prison island off french Guiana ?
Ignorance is global.
The real freedom is freedom from the prison( and suffering) of the ego mind.
That is the ” little me” mind that operates based on past on desire and fear that is capable of being conditioned.
That is what has “frozen” and then conditioned the minds of so many operation covid cult believers.
The outer is a manifestation of the inner.
The collective ego as seen in in the NWO agenda exerting its desire for the status quo in a constantly changing world where it can only maintain control by mind programming( in its many forms) .
The universal mind cannot be as it is limitless, courageous and unconstrained by fear.
And as a human being you have access to it.
Welcome to coronavirus 2020. The live action global role playing game that is just like being in a very exciting film.
Pretend, with everyone else, that a killer virus is sweeping the planet leaving death and devastation in it’s wake.
Dress up!
You can wear a mask, gloves, even a full suit if you want to. You can do frightened, darting movements with your eyes and leap in front of traffic to avoid getting too close to the other actors.
Abandon all hope and reason.
Don’t worry about logic or actual registered death statistics. Concentrate on what you remember from films such as Contagion, Outbreak or 28 Days Later.
Unfortunately some hundreds of thousands of seriously ill, elderly people will die in the panic after they are left alone for a few days, with no one even willing to hold their hand for fear of the virus. Also anyone visiting the hospital with “symptoms” of the virus will have to be put on a ventilator until they are dead. This will be done to prevent aerosol infection of the pretend virus, in the front line, terrified, dancing health care troops.
But don’t worry, these real deaths will only fuel the fire so we can all properly get into character. You can pretend people are collapsing in the street and men in hazmat suits are removing the bodies before they turn into zombies.
Top tip: If you keep on wearing a mask, you may become sufficiently deficient in oxygen to qualify as a participant in the “second wave”. And remember to keep checking the news for confusing, contradictory updates on what you should be anxious about next.
It’s just like the emperor’s new clothes except instead of pretending to see fancy, new clothes, we pretend we’re surrounded by plague and death. Like we’re in a really serious and terrifyingly dark sci-fi film. Don’t be put off by the glaring plot holes and the obvious continuity errors. Just allow yourself to be carried along for the experience of a lifetime.
And try not to be the little boy who laughs. This is not a comedy and you’ll ruin it for everyone.
“All the world assenting, and continually repeating and reverberating, there soon comes that singular phenomenon, which the Germans call Swarmery, or the “Gathering of Men in Swarms,” and what prodigies they are in the habit of doing and believing, when thrown into that miraculous condition. . . . Singular, in the case of human swarms, with what perfection of unanimity and quasi-religious conviction the stupidest absurdities can be received as axioms of Euclid, nay as articles of faith, which you are not only to believe, unless malignantly insane, but are (if you have any honour or morality) to push into practice, and without delay see done, if your soul would live !”
Breweriana, that’s right. No wonder Con(formity)-19 reminds me of the Hitler years. Haven’t seen so many goose-stepping sheeple since the Nurenberg rallies.
In Nazism as in Con-19ism is the Elite’s attitude of insolent self-contradiction reinforces the cult’s charm.
Our Aryan Leaders: “As blonde as Hitler, as slim as Goering, as beautiful as Goebbels”.
Hillarious ! Now, rather than feeling like Winston Smith in Air Strip One I can imagine myself in a scene from Maze Runner or The Hunger Games ! Living in Japan I spend everyday in major pretend mode ! Pretend there is a virus, pretend Iam bothered, pretend to glaze my hands with alcohol everytime I go into a shop & of course pretend that a vaccine will rescue us all !
Thanks for an early morning laugh !
The fine details are as grotesque and effective. Due to regulations, I have seen my wife ONCE in the past four months in a care home,next visit in two weeks time. She can’t understand why my daily visits have stopped and why she’s in solitary confinement. My admiration for her strength of character under systematic mental torture grows exponentially, as does my desire for retribution, a dish best served cold I believe and I’m approaching absolutely zero.
I feel for you! I used to visit my mother, who is also in a care home, every single day. Since COVID I have not seen her at all in four months. I know God is taking care of her because from talking on the phone with her, she seems to be doing remarkably well considering her complete isolation.
Thank you Rose,by any name you couldn’t be sweeter. It’s hard times but it just makes the real things, especially those that are invisible, much clearer.
Its a good showcase for how we do not have democracy in central banking nations . The global banking cabal just select appoint PM and presidents for their corporations( govts).
But I have to correct the article there were no deaths from COVID. There is no new disease called Covid. Tthere is still no evidence of any new disease or a new disease with all the same symptoms of the flu caused by a new “sars corona virus2” .
‘COVID’=Certificate Of Vaccination ID.
Access to work, money and the necessities of life will be totally controlled by a third party.
Thats one imagined future .
Do you think your beliefs in that as a superposition are not helping mind condition people to that idea?
I’m just going to say NO.
As a media labelled ” denier dissenter heretic” I have had no income for going on 4yrs.Necessities of life denied by Crown’s NZ govt including no access to urgent injury care and med treatments treatments,no access to work and yet here I am despite the govt still alive.
Because miracles are possible and we are co creaters in this world but most do not know . They do not even know the truth of their own Being and think they are a little ego -mind-body helpless and dis-empowered by mind conditioning= wrong beliefs.
“Thats one imagined future .
Do you think your beliefs in that as a superposition are not helping mind condition people”
Onfido, a company working in biometric ID verification, is in talks with the UK government to provide the type of “digital certification” known as an “immunity passport.”
The system would require workers to use the Onfido app to scan their face and other biometric data, link that information eventually to a proof of coronavirus vaccination, and then have their immunity verified every time they wish to enter their work environment.
The funding brings the total raised by Onfido to $200m, having previously received investment from Microsoft.
Medical technology company Becton Dickinson and Co said it received an order from the UK government for 65 million injection devices to support Britain’s COVID-19 vaccination program,
see here:
So, ‘COVID’, the Certificate Of Vaccination ID is already happening.
Me, what I ‘believe’ will neither aid nor halt this.
Only protest can do that.
That we are alive in a living world is a miracle, how could I not believe in them! Long may you thrive Calam’.
And it could all be stopped by a few summary executions by a few hundred suitably talented individuals selected from the 7 billion. Won’t happen.
“A rising R number would likely see the UK go back into lockdown, given ministers have warned they will reimpose emergency measures if the R rate rises above one.”
Ask anyone in the street to explain what the “R” number means and you are guaranteed a blank stare.
“The 37 scientists and academics behind the report said the peak in hospital admissions and deaths could come in January and February 2021.”
Every one of these 37 government shills should be facing jail time along with their buddy N. Ferguson.
These criminals are worth paying attention too simply for the reason they aren’t predicting what’s going to happen they know what’s going to happen as it’s all planned.
They obviously believe the majority of people are completely stupid as to fall for this absolute bollocks but unfortunately they are right. The masses are stupid and are too lazy to think for themselves and do their own research.
They’ve now become addicted to the brainwashing program and cheer it on. These fools must be avoided at all costs.
Best way to live your life now is to ignore the fakestream media, the terrorists masquerading as scientists and politicians and do exactly the opposite of what the government advises.
Exactly what I was thinking. Some serious jail time. Any UK lawyers here?
Those 37 scientists and academics should be required to put serious collateral down against their assertions. Firstly: loss of career and total loss of academic pensions. Secondly, electronic tagging of all their children with 24/7 video coverage of their every move. Thirdly, seizure of 99.9% of all their assets, used to pay to hire their replacements.
Interesting to see what they would say if that were the price of their prognostications being total BS.
Ah but their human rights…..sob….
I can ID a lot of world countries but the exact location of Burundi didn’t pop into my brain immediately. So I had to look it up.
As a general suggestion, with so many people having a poor sense of geography, it would be helpful to include a map link + small graphic whenever some country is mentioned. If for nothing other than reinforcement of location.
There sure are a lot of strange deaths surrounding Covid. A pastor in the US who opposed shutting down churches immediately died from it. Researchers who find cures are involved in murder/suicide. A couple of presidents here or there who stood up to the WHO. Pretty soon the Covid body count is going to rival the Clinton’s. I suggest Covid 19 set up a charity!
We are witnessing mass murder and other crimes against humanity. This whole thing is the most evil cruelty I have ever seen. I ask that even more people oppose it to the best of our ability, to the extent that opposition is possible in each person’s life.
It is a US imperial take over of it’s dependents states, are you with us or against us? if you are against us, then we have a CIA HQ in your country who will take care of you. The US is the only country in the world able to pull this off.
I don’t think this is just the CIA or US imperial hubris, although both will act exactly like what you say. The US appears to me to be on the take down list as well as smaller nations. I am seeing the controlled demolition of my society, just as I see it in the UK, Australia, Canada, etc.
This seems much larger than the work of one nation. All measures are coordinated. There is a book called: “Behind the Green Mask” by Rosa Koire. There are videos by her and I’d be interested to see what you think of her analysis.
However, living in the US, it definitely seems like we are scheduled/in progress for a take down. It’s a real horror show over here.
The US military will disagree with you, along with their surveillance machine which is listening to your every work and action, which is the size of a small country. What have the Romans ever done to us?
They are so ubiquitous you don’t even know they are there and you have accepted them as a part of your life, like oxygen. they are a foreighn power, not your buddy or a fellow victim of fantasy demons.
You, the American people, are indeed scheduled for a take down.
That is very different to them, the US Deep State.
They have their bolt holes, their safe houses, their foreign estates.
We are. They do. But not everything always goes to plan.
The mass-media consent manufacturers promoting the official Megadeath Virus of Doom narrative– at least the USA Division– have been flogging the theme of “person(s) who publicly scorned the official COVID narrative and/or publicly flouted the Sensible Public-Health Restrictions contracts/dies from COVID”.
Since the mass-media consent manufacturers present themselves as rational, righteous Adults or Parents speaking down to a captive audience of Children, it’s no surprise that they rely on this finger-wagging cautionary tale to frighten and cow the hapless, infantilized public.
It’s their way of reinforcing the official dogma that the wages of COVID skepticism is death.
Most importantly, what do we call it? Gatecide, whoicide? Not too catchy.
This has been going on for 75 years. It is just that a lot of it does not get reported. Anyone who ever opposed a US/CIA coup was murdered. They have a huge amount of blood on their genocidal hands….
I always have difficulty with the meaning of these kinds of responses. No one can dispute the US/CIA has engaged in coups and murdered foreign leaders. No one can dispute this has been going on for years. While these are both important things to know, when i hear people say things as you did above I read it as saying: Well they’ve been doing murder for years so why bother being concerned about it now.
My answer is, why not be concerned about all of it? Why are we failing to hold such entities to include states, contractors, quasi-state actors, etc. to account for genocide, crimes against humanity and individual murders?
Slavery happened in the past as well. While some argue that slavery is still acceptable (most of the oligarchy), many do not accept current slavery because humans engaged in it in the past.
Stand up and resist to the extent you can. Resist on behalf of historic wrongs and current evil.
F.A.O: World Leaders
Subject: Coronavirus
Dear leader,
Two choices are presented herewith:
1) Push the pandemic narrative and get rich
2) Refuse to do so and get dead.
B. Gates et al.
Dear Bill Gates
Two choices presented for you:
1) Own up to all your criminality and go to jail for life;
2) Refuse to do so and have all your children and grandchildren get dead.#
The rest of the world…..
Signed USA, not gates.
Almost all political and popular opposition to the Covid panic has been totally obliterated off the media, not even Youtubers can call it a hoax now and be published.
So the only place remaining to confirm your suspicions are the various wings of the far-right, who are mysteriously allowed to continue to expose the hoax in great detail.
Thereby forcing all those who are suspicious of the whole operation into the arms of the neo-nazis, so it’s a win-win for the far-right who are staging this covid hoax.
Jack, you are a stuck record. And the tune is rubbish.
They control the narrative Willy the mind programmers rely on ” alt right” blogs now.
You can only say what they want or you will be censored.
Who you calling alt. right?
Jul 14, 2020 5:52 PM
Awaiting for approval
You don’t think Boris Johnson isn’t aware of the power of the CIA and what will happen to him if he resists US demands. I wouldn’t be surprised if his ‘illness’, wasn’t just him suffering pressure or having been beaten up by the US enforcers in the UK.
You don’t think Boris Johnson isn’t aware of the power of the CIA and what will happen to him if he resists US demands. I wouldn’t be surprised if his ‘illness’, wasn’t just him suffering pressure or having been beaten up by the US enforcers in the UK.
The CIA is a punch line at this point.
Plenty of UK citizens who do the US’ bidding. Many of them call themselves devout Christians. Murdering is of course OK for Christians, just like it is for Jews and Muslims.
It is only the rest of us who must obey ‘Thou Shalt not Kill’ etc etc….
coroni is tony
tony soprano
an example had to be made
corrections corrected
compliance is all
for if we are not in lockstep
how can we have one world
So, just to be clear: Covid is said to have killed only one person in Barundi, and that person is the former president who claimed that the disease was ‘nonsense’.
Would love to hear the co-incidence theorists juggle with this one.
I’m sure they can juggle with impunity. Don’t you know that
conspiracy = madness
coincidence = Science. (Capital S)
The timing of the passing of President Nkurunziza is very suspicious. Let’s hope the people of Burundi get to the bottom of it as it seems that they are about to sold down the river to Gates Inc.
The people of Burundi should ask their fellow African’s in Kenya how they fared with vaccines supplied by Gates Inc. Millions of females in Kenyan are not barren because of it. After that they should take a trip to India and see how they got on with filling their kids with Gates special brew.
People of Burundi, you lost a President and gained a hand puppet. So do not expect too much sense from the punch & Judy show that follows. Trust me i’m a westerner and we have seen it all before.
Spelling error – Millions of females in Kenyan are now barren because of it.
Murdering is very important to the world elite. They have to do it to ‘prove themselves’.
It is why they are not elite in the slightest, but those who kill with impunity certainly inspire more well-founded fear than anyone else…..
“Let them hate me, so long as they fear me”. — Mad Emperor Caligula, killed in 4th year of his reign.
World elite?……. you mean the CIA……. right?
People, why the fixation with the CIA? Don’t you know that MI6 is out there too?
It’s been out there for a long long time, involved in the same covert-ops, with the same tactics, sometimes in close cooperation with the CIA, and others like Mossad, etc.
The COVID fraud as just show us that the level of coordination between those agencies and their “masters” as gone to a new level. What’s going on?
The answer to that question is ancient history. Really, it is, and it’s quit simple.
We’ve been deceiving ourselves, thinking that in modern times, the elite feudal thinking, stayed indeed in the past… It never did.
The english monarcy and their “best friends”, it’s one of the best example out there.
Quoting from the Lincoln-Douglas Debates of 1858…
“It is the eternal struggle between these two principles — right and wrong — throughout the world. They are the two principles that have stood face to face from the beginning of time; and will ever continue to struggle. The one is the common right of humanity, and the other the divine right of kings. It is the same principle in whatever shape it develops itself. It is the same spirit that says, “You toil and work and earn bread, and I’ll eat it.” No matter in what shape it comes, whether from the mouth of a king who seeks to bestride the people of his own nation and live by the fruit of their labor, or from one race of men as an apology for enslaving another race, it is the same tyrannical principle.”
Once more to the barricades… I’m afraid those times are upon us… again.
But, no “Napoleans” this time ok?
Democracy must became a reality, on the ground, in the offices, never a “show off”.
Eject feudal thinking… end the ruling of “kings” (Rothschilds & CO)