Crossing the Rubicon: The UK Slips into a Repressive State

Mark Chapman

Julius Caesar’s crossing the Rubicon River in 49 BC in defiance of Roman law placed him and his army on a direct collision course with Rome, leading to the Civil War which established him as Roman dictator. It is a well-established metaphor for a point at which there is no going back and at which things will never be the same.

I predicted a few weeks ago that the UK Government would in the near future try to force everyone to wear facemasks in public. Leave aside the plethora of information that makes it clear face masks are of practically zero benefit in everyday circumstances, and may in fact be dangerous, the forced wearing of facemasks is a transgression so fundamental and of such significance that it is difficult to adequately express.

It implicitly hands your body over to state control, and renders one of your most basic existential freedoms subject to state interference. For the first time, the right to exercise a choice of whether you should inhibit your respiratory faculties and hide your face in public is taken out of your hands. If you doubt the significance of this, try to remember the public outcry that followed a debate regarding banning the wearing of burkhas and hijabs in the face of Islamic terrorism, and the connotations this had for civil liberties at the time.

Facemask wearing is the visible hallmark of Asian states perceived in the West as repressive and authoritarian. It is a badge of serfdom, akin to the yellow star that Jews were forced to wear in Nazi Germany. There is no greater invasion of your person possible short of tattooing you with a number.

This astonishing about-turn in policy has not happened overnight or without preparation. It has been preceded by a cleverly-orchestrated media campaign which seeks to bizarrely turn established professional and scientific research on its head, making virologists, infection-control bodies and academics who have published papers for the medical profession into liars and charlatans.

This campaign has included editorials and blogs which talk in disapproving and accusatory tones of “mask-shirkers” and “mask-deniers” allegedly “refusing” to wear face masks. Leave aside the obvious fact that refusal cannot take place without a demand: in other words someone has to give you an instruction to which you reply, “No, thanks.”

Absent such a demand, you are not refusing anything, merely making a choice. And until now there has been no such demand. But those making this choice are now psychopaths and enemies of humanity without a shred of integrity, respect or regard for their fellow human beings. When I returned from Asia early this year the advice was clear: face masks do not protect you from infection and it is not advised that you wear them.

What is more, face mask wearing was actively discouraged because of limited supplies required for hospital environments, where infection control is king and every precaution makes sense. Above all the only situation in which it is appropriate to wear a facemask in public is if you are unwell and have a cough, in which case why not stay at home?

But this piece of simple logic has been covered by the mask-advocates whose logic runs like this: “You may have coronavirus without knowing it, and may infect others with your breath even at unlimited distances so you need to wear a mask.” This covers all bases despite the evidence for this being at best negligible and at worst manipulated and dishonest.

It is part of the greater logic that renders every societal value worthless unless it contributes to the impossible task of making sure that not one single individual anywhere, ever, is infected with Covid-19. None of this means I think we should do nothing about this pandemic. But there is now a growing awareness that the cure proposed is not indefinitely sustainable and may in fact be worse than the disease.

The virtue-signalling of face-mask advocates is easily refuted. Facemasks have been available for decades for use in industry and ideas generally considered good are taken up by the public. Nobody needed the government to tell them to go out and buy a car or a television set.

So if you’re so convinced face masks are a good idea why has it taken the State to tell you before you came to this Eureka moment?

And for how many years or decades have you been going around disrespectfully infecting your fellow human beings by going out without a mask when you had a cold or the flu?

However, apparently all the established research is now wrong and face mask wearing is essential. It is a vast game of “Simon Says,” in which we only do anything when Simon says. And it won’t stop there. Expect newspapers like the Guardian to run sanctimonious editorials demanding that face-mask wearing be extended to pubs and restaurants, and eventually to every departure from your home.

Following this such a move will become policy: indeed, the British public will do what they are already doing, gleefully embracing this perverse doctrine, boasting of buying colourful face masks for their children, and showering anyone who has a different point of view with disapproval.

I’m forced now to doubt that we, the British people value our freedom as much as we profess to. We take to the streets in droves to embrace new forms of repression, such as an anarchistic movement that seeks to rewrite history and dismantle our police forces, or an anti-human death cult that seeks to suppress all human activity by frightening us all into believing we are destroying the Earth by existing.

But in the face of mounting attacks on our liberty and our freedom, we are silent. We have had our liberty taken away from us. Our movements are monitored. Our discussions are censored via social media. We are no longer free even to make fundamental choices about our bodies. A public that will silently accept these things has learned nothing from history, will accept anything and deserves its fate if that is a dystopian world-state.

We are no longer entitled to lecture other nations about being repressive states. Their representatives, quite rightly in my view would laugh in our faces. There is a growing fear in the minds of many of us that Western lockdowns may be permanent. The spectres of identity cards, martial law and forced vaccination now hover over us.

Dismissing this as “conspiracy theory” and accusing those who feel this way of an inhuman disregard for life is the rhetoric of fascism, a force that always thrives in the face of a perceived threat. I believe forced face-mask wearing in British streets is a brutal act that crosses the Rubicon, and finally signifies our descent into a de facto repressive state.

Mark Chapman is an artist and educator based in the UK. His work is often concerned with questioning established narratives where evidence is contrary to these. You can read more of his work at his blog Humanism


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Rick Giombetti
Rick Giombetti
Aug 17, 2020 1:41 AM

“…None of this means I think we should do nothing about this pandemic….”
I came to position all the way back in March that politicians needed to start doing nothing about the plandemic. If the only measures on the table for “doing something” about the “pandemic” are restrictive and not rooted in common sense, then that is what is going to be implemented. Only more restrictive measures will follow the successful implementation of previous restrictive measures. This is exactly what has happened. It is not true the lock downs have not been lifted because of minority of people refusing to wear masks in public. It’s because the majority of people are complying with lock down restrictions, rather than collectively resisting them.
The recent large mass demonstration in Berlin is the best recent example of how the lock downs and restrictions are going to be lifted.

Aug 13, 2020 11:56 PM

It’s the Jews that did it, kill ’em all

Aug 5, 2020 11:47 AM

I’ve been amazed at how long and how creative the ‘powers that be’ have been in staving off the collapse of the International Financial Ponziopoly Scheme,

Clocks ticking and tied to the ‘gift’ that is Covid, when will the Government Debt Slavery handouts appear from the likes of the EU, America, IMF……..

I wonder what conditions will be attached to such handouts?


Also, looking forward to the clamp down on cash………

Aug 5, 2020 8:03 AM

“But in the face of mounting attacks on our liberty and our freedom, we are silent.” Well, Too may are!


Aug 5, 2020 7:56 AM

“What is more, face mask wearing was actively discouraged because of limited supplies required for hospital environments, where infection control is king and every precaution makes sense.” That doesn’t make sense. Del Bigtree asked, Do regular people get their masks at the same places as doctors and nurses? And if your answer is that ultimately they all come from the same supplier (So, have the government stop supplying WalMarts etc…), that doesn’t change the fact that the government is lying about science. As it has been from the start. It has to. The hoax can’t go forward without that.

Aug 5, 2020 11:50 AM
Reply to  Arby

I agree, I’m pretty sure the ‘limited supplies’ argument is a false one.

Government could have easily sequested the relevant stocks and set in motion local production if it was a National Emergency or of National Security.

Aug 4, 2020 8:33 PM

None of this means I think we should do nothing about this pandemic.” This means the virus is real? that there is actually a pandemic? If so, why shouldn’t we take every possible precaution? All of that is how you make it look. By agreeing with the existance of such a threat, all the criticism that you post is null.

Erik Swanson
Erik Swanson
Aug 11, 2020 8:41 PM
Reply to  pepe

This perverse and hysterical delusion you invoke can, on its own, destroy democracy. When did this amnesia wipe out rational coping tactics for contagious disease? What brainwash has programmed you.to accept the absurd fantasy that to prevent any transmission of any germ between any two people ever again is remotely feasible, let alone an imperative worthy of sacrificing human contact, all privacy and liberty, and civilization itself? Can anyone please describe how ever you sheeple swallowed this dreck? Ordinary people are powerless to independently verify or observe any contagion threat alleged by the media. Ordinary people experience flu symptoms often – especially when assaulted by constant disease scares – and mostly have no access to scanning election microscopes nor any skills in their use. Globalist take advantage of this reality. If a real pandemic did exist you would not need the internet to alert you nor a test to see whether you were infected. Your government response, wouldnt unfold in lockstep with every other in coordinated phases of denial then frightening then implementing power grabs for which they were awaiting the next “crisis” or opportunity granted by public fear.YOUR FEAR. The very concept of a contagion capable of defeating the immune system is a. HOAX. It has never happened. All epidemics stem from human behavior: – The black plaque resulted from Europeans not bathing to signal virtue (Avoid the Inquisition – Islamic hygiene practices were a dead giveaway). Housekeeping practices brought gerbils (rats take the blame) and their fleas which loved slimy sweaty unwashed skin. – Spanish Flu can be linked to men wading in frigid mud and snow mixed with human feces blood and corpses for weeks on end then traveling to their homes overseas (trench warfare) as well as powerful doses of radio and radar transmissions, and new… Read more »

Aug 25, 2020 9:41 PM
Reply to  Erik Swanson

Dude, I absolutely agree with you. My initial message was to show that believing in the virus is the beginning of the dictatorship. That’s why I made the connection between asserting that there’s a pandemic and following measures.

Aug 4, 2020 1:53 PM

I agree with everything in this article –except the portions treating this plandemic as real with the idea there’s an actual contagion out there called COVID-19. I’m far from being a medical or scientific expert, and yet I know this. Anyone with an open and discerning mind, along with a modicum of internet search skills, will have figured this out.

Please people, open your eyes to see the COVID-19 has no clothes!

Aug 4, 2020 8:34 PM
Reply to  Lynn

This is exactly what I think. There are many articles and posts that try to contradict government measures, but in the end nullify it all by saying that the virus actually exists.

Aug 5, 2020 8:00 AM
Reply to  Lynn

Yep. They are calling everything covid 19. That alone should tell people something. When I pointed that out to my ‘caring’ doctor, giving him the example that Scott Jensen gave (death certificates in Minnesota) he was livid. I made him squirm in his warm, comfortable, Rockefeller health care system bubble. He later politely told me that if I wanted to find a different doctor before it was too late (I’m not in perfect health), to feel free to do that. He used diplomatic language, but that’s what he said. I was very, very upset with him. My doctor is making me sick, literally.

Aug 5, 2020 3:34 PM
Reply to  Arby

Find yourself a good naturopathic doctor. Mainstream allopathic medicine is generally harmful.

Aug 5, 2020 4:56 PM
Reply to  Lynn

I’d like to, soon as we can move about freely. The problem is, they don’t intend to ever let us do that again.

Aug 4, 2020 1:03 PM

wearing a face mask is a symbol of capitulation and cowardice.

The Dead Messenger
The Dead Messenger
Aug 4, 2020 5:51 AM

I am most struck lately by the increasing press to mask in more places, more of the time, the waxing of restrictions, now, while the statistics clearly indicate a markedly waning risk: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid19/index.htm

It feels like the trajectory might at this point be towards hysterical and arbitrary restriction continuing and increasing while eventually also completely divorced from the original threat that started the train down the tracks in the first place. CV-19 might not even be needed as a reason soon, and I suspect many people would feel very vulnerable unmasked now, would not even welcome the chance to be. How easy and fast was that?

Whatever the motivations and mindsets of the Owners, they aren’t half as fascinating to me as what those of the Owned must be. Freedom’s not on the priority list of either, though, that’s clear enough.

Aug 5, 2020 10:13 PM

Should those of us who are aware not make our feelings known collectively and publically? They have their coordinated action and we need ours now, badly!

The Dead Messenger
The Dead Messenger
Aug 6, 2020 5:08 AM
Reply to  Lesley

Of course, and agreed. I think people that see this, and its like, et al, for what it is, need to be creating physical communities, and fast, among other things.

Aug 4, 2020 4:54 AM

‘…mask-advocates whose logic runs like this: “You may have coronavirus without knowing it, and may infect others with your breath even at unlimited distances so you need to wear a mask.”’

Then those mask advocates whom you have bothered to consult or to whom you paid scant attention due to distraction by the deluge of simplistic theatrical cotton wool hyperbole filling your cranium and cutting off the airborne inputs to your lugholes are wrong or misconstrued (what’s suprising about that?).

Intrepid on-location news and opinion reporter Jonathan Pie’s off-camera producer-cameraman Tim has again been posting some of Jonathan’s recent between-takes comments, a couple of which I’m linking to here



for the delectation of your good self and my many Off-Guardian BTL wanfans (you’re all welcome; enjoy; have a nice day).

“…or an anti-human death cult that seeks to suppress all human activity by frightening us all into believing we are destroying the Earth by existing.”

“By existing?” What, not paying attention again? What they are saying is ‘by not paying attention to the ancient American Indian advice on how to exist.” One could begin to think that it’s not cotton filters screwing up your auditory canal but your cheap replacement cloth lugs. What happened to your originals? Vincent cut them off?

P.S. Have you tried Rubicon Alfonso mango juice? Now that’s the real stuff, even in its artificial sweetener laden ‘drink’ form. No bullshit.

John Doran
John Doran
Aug 7, 2020 2:49 PM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

What the death cult are actually saying is that man-made CO2, carbon dioxide was going to cause runaway global warming. They changed this to climate chang when Earth stopped warming, 1998.
This is scientific nonsense.
Climatologist Dr. Tim Ball won 2 court cases exposing the Rockefeller/Soros minions pushing this fraud.
His 2016 handbook for the layman tells all in only 121 pages. An easy weekend must-read: Human Caused Global Warming The Biggest Deception In History

John Doran
John Doran
Aug 7, 2020 2:54 PM
Reply to  John Doran

Dr. Tim & several others dedicated to truth in science co-founded:
principia-scientific.com, dedicated to truth in science.
This is a fine site for climate/COVID & other science truth.

Aug 4, 2020 1:43 AM

The wearing of a face mask will not halt any virus…..a virus is so small you need to see one via an electron microscope…if you look at the ‘pores’ in a mask at the equivalent magnification …..you are speaking grains of rice through a tennis raquet. Boris decided they were a good idea to ‘fool people’ that they had ‘protection’ which enabled them to return to a ‘normal’ way of life….go back to work really. At the start of the fiasco masks were not deemed suitable to halt covid-19. And can someone tell me why Boris is wearing a mask ? He survived covid-19 remember !

The Dead Messenger
The Dead Messenger
Aug 4, 2020 4:57 AM
Reply to  tish

True, for unbound viral particles, but a mask technically will halt any that have attached to larger, non-viral particles or mediums, like dust, saliva, etc., so long as the latter is larger than the raquet mesh openings. I don’t know what the ratio of bound to unbound is at-large out there, but the case for masks rests on the bound factor, since you’re right about the unbound. The masks aren’t about transmission or public health, I don’t reckon, in any case. I think this just an obedience, compliance test. I think many have wondered how it was that there was so little rioting or uprisings among those rounded up and encamped by the Nazis, even at the early stages, while still strong, before getting on the trains or just after arriving at camps, or before climbing down into the pits they must have known they were about to die in, anyway. I think this experience revisits that instinct humans have to follow authority, however sinister, especially if it’s ratcheted up in stages.

Aug 5, 2020 8:08 AM

“I think many have wondered how it was that there was so little rioting or uprisings among those rounded up and encamped by the Nazis, even at the early stages, while still strong, before getting on the trains or just after arriving at camps, or before climbing down into the pits they must have known they were about to die in, anyway. I think this experience revisits that instinct humans have to follow authority, however sinister, especially if it’s ratcheted up in stages.” It’s there if you want to find it, but I don’t have time right now to dig out citations, that on the railway platforms where newly arrested Jews were being herded into cattle trucks before each other’s eyes, there were patently honest, well known and respected members of the community urging others to understand that the propaganda justifications and promises (which ensured the lack of concern of the goyim and the quiesence of the Jews were both sufficiently pervasive as to facilitate controllable acceptance) were genuine and for the good of all. And that this persisted on arrival at the destinations, right through to the lines for the ‘delousing showers’. It’s just how people are. At the most obvious termination points, such as voluntary descent into the lime pits; that’s just the rabbit-in-the-headlights syndrome that characterizes the frequent occurrence of the still acceptance adopted by many of even the most ructious and rebellious of beings near the end of their life. Dylan Thomas prayed his own father would not comply, instancing the minority who do not. Whether or not his prayer was heard is not recorded, whether most people who do hear it will respond to its injunctions to “rage against the dying of the light” is not in doubt: they will not. The instinct you note… Read more »

Aug 5, 2020 8:30 AM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

Ran out of editing time:

For “‘God’ as the alpha leader exists for a reason and that reason is buried deep in the needs of humanity.”
read “‘God’ as the alpha leader exists for a reason and that reason is buried deep in the needs of the group and the species–Dawkin’s selfish genes–and not any individual’s concept of ‘self’.”

The Dead Messenger
The Dead Messenger
Jul 27, 2021 6:06 PM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

Just saw this Rob (nearly a year down the road, yikes) and I’m sure you’re right in your assessment. It’s ingrained behavior, and I suspect it may be necessary to overcome and abandon the group/herd referent and deference if a further stage of enlightened existence is to be reached.

Morality aside, centralized authority is just way too dangerous practically for that very same ‘group’, any group, and gets more so with every advancement in technology. Hope you are well another year on. DM

Angela Woodhouse
Angela Woodhouse
Aug 3, 2020 7:39 AM

Excellent breakdown of this dreadful situation.
I find it difficult to understand how any adult can still believe that this whole shambolic and illogical shut down of our culture and society is motivated by a concern for our health and wellbeing?
And you don’t need to be medically or scientifically qualified to work that out. I’m not.

County Girl
County Girl
Aug 3, 2020 10:21 PM


The Dead Messenger
The Dead Messenger
Aug 4, 2020 5:53 AM

I’m with ya, Angela. Absolutely baffling.

Iain Davis
Iain Davis
Aug 2, 2020 9:11 PM


Eric Zuesse
Eric Zuesse
Aug 3, 2020 1:00 AM
Reply to  Iain Davis

“Facemask wearing is the visible hallmark of Asian states perceived in the West as repressive and authoritarian. It is a badge of serfdom, akin to the yellow star that Jews were forced to wear in Nazi Germany. There is no greater invasion of your person possible short of tattooing you with a number.”

I got that far into this article’s bigotry against “Asian” cultures — which have vastly superior success against this plague than the Western nations that the racist Marc Chapman arrogantly presumes to be superior do — and then I noticed that there are five stars and 737 reader-comments now to this rabidly emotional bigoted article. Marc Chapman equates face-mask-wearing during the coronavirus-19 plague as being equivalent to the Nazis demand that Jews wear the star of David or be killed by the regime. His article is larded with bigoted symbolism (combined with fake virtue-signaling that he’s no Jew-hater himself) and is notably devoid of educational and informative value, but apparently the readers here join in with that. The presumption here is that the data that are shown at http://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries can reasonably be simply ignored. These data show vast superiority of the governments in those “Asian states perceived [by bigots] in the West as repressive.” (Just for his information: even Western-funded polling shows that a far higher percentage of Chinese and of Vietnamese believe they live in a “democracy” than is the case in the U.S. and in UK. Chapman’s arrogance exceeds the norm.) Off-Guardian used to attract an anti-imperialist readership but now it welcomes such supremacist trash as this, and yet there seem to be more of this type of readers than of the other type. How tragic.

S.H.A. Prodi
S.H.A. Prodi
Aug 3, 2020 1:09 PM
Reply to  Eric Zuesse

“Asian states perceived in the West as repressive and authoritarian” =/= “Repressive and authoritarian Asian states”. As a professional writer, Eric Zuesse should know that.
The posted article is basically about misperceptions prevalent among the Western / British public.

Eric Zuesse
Eric Zuesse
Aug 3, 2020 2:21 PM
Reply to  S.H.A. Prodi

Chapman very clearly is NOT saying that those are “misperceptions prevalent among the Western / British public“. The reality-denial amongst the readership (and not only amongst writers here such as Chapman) here is clear and undeniable.

Shnarkle Von Barkle
Shnarkle Von Barkle
Aug 3, 2020 10:58 PM
Reply to  Eric Zuesse

There is a perception in the West of China being a repressive country. That doesn’t make Chapman a bigot. Sweden felt no need to mandate mask wearing, and they’ve had great success in simply approaching it as they would their regular seasonal flu season. Given that all viruses thrive in colder climates, this is a slam dunk for those getting their panties in a bunch over people not wearing masks in warmer climates.

Eric Zuesse
Eric Zuesse
Aug 3, 2020 11:25 PM

What is bigoted is Chapman’s analogizing face-mask-waring with Jews being killed by the government if they don’t wear the star of David: “Facemask wearing is the visible hallmark of Asian states perceived in the West as repressive and authoritarian. It is a badge of serfdom, akin to the yellow star that Jews were forced to wear in Nazi Germany. There is no greater invasion of your person possible short of tattooing you with a number.” That “tattooing” is recalling the mark on the arms of inmates at Nazi concentration camps prior to being slaughtered there. This is supposed to be what China, and South Korea, and Vietnam, and Taiwan, are demanding now of their citizens: to respect the safety of other citizens by wearing face-masks when in public? How much into bigotry and reality-denial are you and the other readers here who give Chapman’s bigotry-based commentary five-star rating instead of one-star? Why isn’t he being hooted off the stage? Furthermore: If “There is a perception in the West of China being a repressive county,” though multiple Western-funded polls that simultaneously have sampled people in dozens of countries have shown China as being regarded as a “democracy” by a far higher percentage of its population than in any Western country except Denmark, then why are you repeating here that bigotry against China’s leadership? Could it be that you are a sucker of lying Western ‘news’-media, which hide instead of publish those polls? Could it be that you’re ignorant of how deceived you are? Why do you pump the lie? Furthermore: the country that has the world’s highest percentage of its people in prison is the United States. Why do you swallow the lie that China is a “repressive” country when America has a higher percentage of its people in prison than… Read more »

Shnarkle Von Barkle
Shnarkle Von Barkle
Aug 4, 2020 3:04 AM
Reply to  Eric Zuesse

You’re just Begging the Question. You’re assuming that wearing a face mask is effective in reducing the spread of a corona virus. N95 masks do not prevent gasses from passing through. They are only effective at catching material that is a millionth of a meter while the virus is a few billionths of a meter. Those masks are woefully inadequate for yours, China’s, or the rest of the world’s stated purpose. I have a 5 micron filter which looks almost exactly like a piece of PVC pipe. Look at PVC pipe, and you will wonder how anything could get through something like that. That’s what is necessary to stop a virus from spreading, not fabric that you can easily breathe through. A 5 micron filter requires a compressor to push air through it, at significantly higher levels than what you’re lungs are capable of. When people get bent out of shape over those who are not wearing these completely ineffective masks, then there is really no effective difference between Nazi Germany and those who are compelled to resort to name calling instead of posting a valid argument. Pointing out that people have a perception of China being repressive is not equivalent to agreeing to that perception. It’s simply an observation. I know plenty of people who have left the US to retire in southeast Asia. They all love it over there. From what they tell me, they experience a far greater level of freedom over there than they would if they continued to remain in the US. Again, this is just what they tell me. I’m not suggesting that it is more or less free than the US. I don’t know. I’m just pointing out what they’re saying. I’d rather have China’s tech gadgetry at my disposal than Google or… Read more »

Eric Zuesse
Eric Zuesse
Aug 4, 2020 3:13 AM

Anyone who fails to recognize the racist anti-“oriental” signaling here is oneself a faith-believer in it and so cannot see oneself accurately in the mirror but views there a fantasy self. But Chapman’s article is trash on so many levels, I quit, it’s quite obviously hopeless in this forum.

Shnarkle Von Barkle
Shnarkle Von Barkle
Aug 4, 2020 3:23 AM
Reply to  Eric Zuesse

Resorting to Ad Hominem only spotlights the fact that you have no argument to begin with so no one is buying into your silly excuse for quitting. Going around accusing people of being racists, and then following that up with this nonsense that they don’t even know it is stretching it to say the least.

Addressing a government mandated regulation isn’t racist. It’s directed at the government’s behavior, which doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with race. It’s directed at a policy, not their race which has nothing to do with it.

Now if Chapman had suggested that these policies are directly related to the Chinese culture, or it’s just a peculiar trait of Chinese people, you might have a point. He never said anything close to that so again, you’re just grasping at straws.

Aug 4, 2020 5:34 AM

“Resorting to Ad Hominem…”

Most people who have sneezed their brain away or who know diddley-squat about logic or its deeply derivative subject of ‘valid argumentation’ are not aware of the multiple distinctions logicians and others with anything larger than an Koch ‘n Bull isolated SARS-CoV-2 virus they can designate as one make when it comes to ‘ad hominems’, for example apparent ‘ad hominems’ that are not actual ‘ad hominems’, actual ‘ad hominems’ that are not valid ‘ad hominems’ and so on. I think it’s something to do with the cold and flu season in South America.

Aug 4, 2020 5:17 AM

“N95 masks do not prevent gasses from passing through. They are only effective at catching material that is a millionth of a meter while the virus is a few billionths of a meter. Those masks are woefully inadequate for yours, China’s, or the rest of the world’s stated purpose.”

Brain danger. Don’t sneeze!

‘I forget the author’s name, but they wrote a book titled: “Three Felonies…”’

I’ve never heard of the book, but I found his name in, literally, two seconds.
Harvey Silverglate. You must have sneezed. I told you not to.

Aug 2, 2020 8:40 PM

If face masks don’t protect you, then why do healthcare workers bother with them? Why do health services everywhere desperately bid to buy them?

We know you are lying, the only question is: why are you lying?

Aug 3, 2020 1:13 AM
Reply to  Doly

Please show a single claim by any mask manufacturer that masks stop or reduce the transmission of a virus. While your at it please link to a study where the alleged sarscov2 virus has been isolated and proven to cause the alleged disease covid19. Wearing a mask is proof of literally nothing.

Angela Woodhouse
Angela Woodhouse
Aug 3, 2020 7:41 AM
Reply to  Doly

The mask packaging states that it doesn’t protect the wearer against the virus,

Tee ell
Tee ell
Aug 3, 2020 7:44 AM
Reply to  Doly

What do you mean by “them”? N99 respirators, or cloth masks? Because if you’re lumping them into the same category as each other, that’s the equivalent of saying “a net might be useful for protecting against mosquitos… so you may use a mosquito net or a football net to protect from them”. It makes no sense. Try and spend some time understanding how big a micron is.

Aug 4, 2020 5:39 AM
Reply to  Tee ell

I went out wrapped entirely in a football net and only Manchester United would let me in.

Aug 2, 2020 2:54 PM

The news people we see on our TV screens every day are now so recognizable, as types, that I feel forced to the conclusion that they were essentially cloned a few decades ago from stock possessing exactly those soulless, yet fake-enthusiastic qualities required in order to propagandize the world more effectively than the even worst dictators have ever done.
I expect the queen alien’s nest is somewhere in Milton Keynes, or underground near Middlesborough…

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Aug 2, 2020 1:39 PM

Ah Mark, it’s a shame that these articles are not on the MSM and Broadcast news. I despair of people’s inability to analyse, to think critically and to question especially in times of mass hysteria like this. However, there is some hope, on my recent forays into pubs, cafes and supermarkets people are beginning to voiciferously and publicly express their level of ‘fed-upness’ so to speak. The evidence against any sort of virus pandemic is there, hiding in plain sight, empty hospitals, no reported rise in mortuaries or undertakers workload, little or no testing taking place, nightingale hospitals empty, the NHS being shut down effectively, 95% of the population being healthy and many more. People just don’t want to look because they are happily brainwashed by the MSM. This has been going on for years not just with this but with everything. There is so much fake news and propaganda now the truth is definitely NOT out there. However, restrictions, facism and oppression cannot and do not last forever. You are right in fact, never again should we point a finger at socialist or communist countries about alleged oppression of their civilians and their political structures. We have a world famous political prisoner here in the UK, we have moved a good way up the Totalitarian ladder, Trump is seeking to cancel the election in the USA. I think it was Goethe who said “None are so hopelessly enslaved as those who falsely believe they are free. The truth has been kept from the depth of their minds by masters who rule them with lies. They feed them falsehoods ’till wrong looks like right in their eyes.” Well, here we are, a Prime Minister who is a pathological liar, and MSM and broadcast news who issue so much fake news… Read more »

Aug 2, 2020 2:45 PM
Reply to  Jo Dominich

Fascism may not last forever, but it could last for the rest of our lives.
Then there is the question of what our children and grandchildren will accept, after being brought up in such a society. Probably anything thrown at them.
As the author above says, it is practically impossible to grasp the evil philosophy behind what is happening to the world right now.
I still reckon our best bet is to name names and shame people into waking up. The horrific picture at the top would send a VERY strong message if everybody in it had a name tag, but I suppose the number tag will have to do…

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Aug 3, 2020 6:43 PM
Reply to  wardropper

You are right but I don’t feel as bleak at the moment, that is. We need our young people to step up and out onto the streets. Where are the students etc? Their future is already blighted by a No Deal Brexit and by the Lockdown.

We do need to send a very strong message like you say. The truth is being actively censored by the MSM, Facebook, Twitter and Google, it’s frightening. I don’t want to hear the word democracy again in the West.

Aug 4, 2020 2:41 PM
Reply to  Jo Dominich


The truth, however, is that this new world order of digital tyranny comes with a comprehensive social credit system. The People’s Republic of China is the pioneer of this method of surveillance and control of individuals, corporations, and sociopolitical entities.

For the individual, one’s identity is reduced to an app or chip that registers almost any personal activity. In order to gain a few individual rights, and be it only to travel to a certain place, a person must balance such apparent privileges with his submission to a web of regulations that define in detail what is “good behavior” and deemed as beneficial to humankind and the environment. For example, during a pandemic, this sort of control would extend from the obligation of wearing a mask and practicing social distancing to having specific vaccinations in order to apply for a job or to travel.

The Dead Messenger
The Dead Messenger
Aug 4, 2020 5:57 AM
Reply to  wardropper

Is that an unstaged photo of an actual event?

Aug 4, 2020 6:11 PM

I can’t say.
But it makes the point admirably in any case.
It did occur to me that it could indeed be an unstaged photo of an actual event, but with Hancock’s face just photoshopped into it.
It looks kind of staged, but then modern British society is rapidly becoming staged too…

Aug 4, 2020 2:38 PM
Reply to  wardropper

wardropper evil philosophy? Have you read the Benedict Option? His new book Live not by Lies is out September. I agree, many do not see the evil behind this.

Aug 2, 2020 6:29 AM

Ah the glorious Big Brother imagery:

A couple of weeks ago the brotherment announced another 3 billion pounds to keep the Neverland hospitals open and unused until March 2021.That was a reversal of the early May announcement that Neverland hospitals would close.

Is that staffing or maintenance cost? While NHS hospital staff are still under used and forbidden from offering even a full A&E service? The Fraudian said “Funds expected to be used to maintain Nightingale hospitals and increase testing in England.” So still no news on actually staffing.

Was there ever a plan to staff the Neverland hospitals with three shifts over 24 hours? When the London Neverland hospital opened, it was only just 40 patients and it had to turn them away due to lack of staff.

comment image

Aug 2, 2020 12:15 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

On the matter of the mysterious Nightingale hospitals, I shall reiterate an interesting fact which I mentioned a few weeks ago and which begged many questions. A personal friend of mine – with inside knowledge – told me that the Govt had approached the Westpoint Arena managers in Exeter about using the facility as a Nightingale Hospital. The managers were initially supportive until they were told that the Government would want agreement to hand the facilities over to them for a period of three years. At this, the Arena managers refused the request. My own view is that the intention all along has been to use the facilities as mandatory vaccination centres.

Aug 2, 2020 3:25 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

Has to be something like that. Strange they hadn’t ( and still haven’t) isolated the virus then. They’d ‘predicted’ a vaccine would be ready via the software magnate’s ‘people’ in 18 months. So they must have already planned to put this ‘new normal’ in place for years whatever the virus was or is or if we caught on that it doesn’t really exist.It’s a smokescreen for martial law and a mass hypnosis of the sheep programme.

Aug 4, 2020 2:24 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

If you look at Operation Lockstep and Event 201, the second wave ( deliberate release of a deadly respiratory pathogen) add expert research on 5G EMF radiation poisoning. It wouldn’t seem too far fetched or tin foil, to suggest that come winter 2020/21 there will be a significant number of compromised immune systems, leading to an increased number of toxic cell symptoms, some of which look exactly like cold/flu symptoms. Could it be that our Eugenics loving overlords from Davos, WEF Great Reset can use covid for cover on the banking fiat collapse, and, if/when turned on fully for 24/7 surveillance 5G becomes very toxic? Hospitals are full of heavy breathers.

Aug 2, 2020 1:23 AM

Interesting, maybe even accurate, except the article boils down to another display of submission (to the official narrative). Which, inadvertently (or otherwise) works to legitimize it. No refutation of Koch’s postulates = no virus isolation = no disease = no deaths of alleged disease = no rational for draconian policies (including masks and many other rhetorical devices, all skillfully designed layers that divide, distract and legitimize coroni). It seems this whack a mole approach does little to change or, better yet, define the narrative on this apparent massive fraud/crime.

Aug 1, 2020 9:27 PM

” This covers all bases despite the evidence for this being at best negligible and at worst manipulated and dishonest. ” My perspective is that if people who talk like this don’t want to seem like they are sticking to a belief for the sake of it, and if they truly wanted to convince people of their belief, they would be touting references to information that supports their belief at every opportunity – such as in this essay.

To me, intuitively, it makes perfectly logical sense that you might be reducing the “viral load” expelled an transmitted by using masks. Maybe I am wrong.. but no one talks about – oh, 5 units of virus is less or more dangerous than 10 units of virus. Why not try to actually be convincing instead of leaving it up to one’s imagination? Do you not have these sorts of questions yourself?

Jura Calling
Jura Calling
Aug 2, 2020 6:40 PM
Reply to  Ken

”My perspective is that if people who talk like this don’t want to seem like they are sticking to a belief for the sake of it, and if they truly wanted to convince people of their belief, they would be touting references to information that supports their belief at every opportunity ”

and :

”To me, intuitively, it makes perfectly logical sense that you might be reducing the “viral load” expelled an transmitted by using masks”

So which is it to be ? You want references before you believe the validity of a claim or you think ‘intuition’ is enough ? What if those you’re criticizing offered, as a reference, ‘my gut instinct‘ ?

”. Why not try to actually be convincing instead of leaving it up to one’s imagination? ”

In what way does intuition and imagination differ and in what way are they more valuable than the supporting evidence of an opinion ? You either need evidence or are happy with your intuition. Or is just the intuition of others that you deem untrustworthy and insufficient ?

S.H.A. Prodi
S.H.A. Prodi
Aug 3, 2020 2:10 PM
Reply to  Ken

The scientific consensus is 1) that the efficacy of face masks against the spread of COVID-19 is unknown, and 2) that the non-professional use of non-professional face masks in dusty, inadequately sterilized environments is at best minimally effective. (Use your search engine to check this for yourself: the evidence is abundant.)

No scientific reason was given for the WHO’s changing its advice from “not-recommended” to “recommended”. Presumably, the reasons were “political” rather “scientific”–which raises the questions “Who lobbied WHO to change its advice?” and “Who has enough cloud with the WHO’s inner circles to coax them to do so?”

Viruses are too small to get caught in the maze of a mask, unless they are packaged in droplets. However, how many seconds does it take for a droplet to evaporate / dry up? What happens then to the viruses? Once free they supposedly move in a “Brownian motion”, perhaps unto to mask, perhaps unto the wearer’s skin, perhaps back into the mouth or nostrils, perhaps through the mask into the air beyond.

As far as I know, there is as yet hardly any discussion of the nefarious side-effects on the health of people who wear masks for any length of time. However, regardless of concerns about viruses, face masks are not recommended for people who engage in strenuous physical labour (including sports)..So they cannot sensibly be recommended for elderly or sick people who get rapidly exhausted from any kind of physical effort or cannot inhale deeply or exhale completely — i.e. get enough fresh air into their lungs and enough oxygen into their bloodstream. .

Aug 1, 2020 6:38 PM

There is only one thing we must do: REFUSE the dictate! (Refuse the mask, the social-distancing rules and expose their lies – i.e. testing positive does not mean that you are infectious!)

I recently heard Boris Johnson say: “The only way to control the virus is everybody following the rules – i.e. social distancing, mask-wearing”, etc.

THIS IS THE BIG LIE at the center of this “mother of all psy-ops” …

They totally ignore our immune-system which has powerful weapons to deal with any virus (or other pathogen)

As a result of unhealthy life-styles and increasing exposure to environmental toxins (including 24/7 high-frequency radiation from wireless communication devices and ominpresent antennae)
we have had rising numbers of chronic illnesses for decades. Chronic illness means that your immune system has been overwhelmed and our politicians could have done a lot to prevent many of these diseases (especially epidemic cancer-rates and increasing auto-immune diseases) but they simply did not care (and stricter regulation would have meant less profit for many industries of course…)

If we do not act now, it will soon be too late ..

By the way, SARS-Cov-2 was genetically engineered – there is no doubt about it (just ask Nobel laureate Luc Montagnier who confirmed this in several interviews (the virus contains HIV-genes) unfortunately in French); the tell-tale signs ( insertion of four basic amino-acids- the famous “S-PRRAR-S” sequence and the “furin-cleavage” site shows that the “spike”-protein is chimeric, (not natural )- of “gain-of-function” molecular engineering are there and they all know it (the genetic engineers who have manipulated Corona-viruses for three decades) but keep silent for obvious reasons … Montagnier said perhaps it was the – unintended – result of vaccine-research in Wuhan


Aug 1, 2020 6:53 PM
Reply to  Cassandra

A very good comment that eerily reflects my own analysis of the subject (nwo4ep.com – a work in progress).

Aug 2, 2020 3:36 AM
Reply to  Cassandra

I agree with you and your sentiments.But this is the digital event that mimics the last big one- 9 / 11. When that was planned they had to consider the likely opposition to the official fairy tale. After all- it’s f**ng stupid. So they came up with the anticipatory and euphemistically named ‘patriot act’. It sounds nice and jingoistic doesn’t it.What is is a an ideology replacing freedom and of free speech. To question the official BS is to be ‘un- american’ ; a ‘9 / 11 denier’ ( who invented the ‘denier’ tag..it’s on the tip of my tongue..) So, you kept quiet, sis and do as you get told and if you see or hear of anyone else not doing so- report them ( be a” patriot). So brace yourself. The opposition of this would have been anticipated too.Get ready for the ‘Covid act’ and all the laws, bills and rules it will encompass.Like the patriot act allowed the all seer to spy on us or listen to us or follow us online to make sure we were safe from the terrorists they’d told us to believe were here, this too will permit further deeper intrusion.This time us covid ‘deniers’ will be viewed as insane or dangerous to right thinking obedient sheep.So resistance is futile ( as they used to say when they were still operating out of Germany).They never question why so many people are seemingly choosing to avoid the saviour with the needles and cures in favour of taking our chances with the virus… There is as much chance of the respiratory damage that’s being done being down to Monsanto ‘bug’ sprays as a virus.It has the potential for genocide as well as a long history of it.And the financial investors of that company and shareholders… Read more »

Aug 2, 2020 2:00 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

It needs to be said that Luc Montagnier actually discovered the HIV virus. He knows what he is talking about. The SepticTanks stole his discovery from him, but were forced to acknowledge his role, but his is officially only co-discoverer. Fucking Yanks. I always tell my kids – There is only one country on this Earth that you need to fear – the god damn motherfucking US of A. Evil presents itself, not as Evil, but as the ultimate good.

Aug 2, 2020 3:22 PM
Reply to  Basher

True. I say the same. Nut I always bear in mind that America is a nest for the Military Machine used by the animals who are hijacking humanity and it’s planet.The Americans, in recent years, have realised that Gold, Oil and Drugs( God) comprise very valuable currency. Especially in arms dealing. They get rich from part and gain power with the rest. They just need reasons to invade these places that have the goods.It’s interesting that their obsessive hatred of the Muslims coincides with that view held by the Muslims’ long time historical enemy- the Jew.It’s also interesting how the US ( and UK) seem to think by being closely tied to Israel is a good thing for their respective non- Jewish countries.Israel calls their shots. Interesting that nobody wants to be the heroic cavalry when Palestine is having the sh*t bombed out of it daily, illegally by Israel.Where’s their ‘war of liberation’ ?

Germany never lost the great war.They just held up their hands as we pointed a gun at them.Once we’d gone they picked their guns up and shifted the operation.And plastered the streets of America with star spangled swastikas.

Aug 4, 2020 5:10 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Idiotic opinion! What, are you six years old?

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Aug 2, 2020 1:42 PM
Reply to  Cassandra

Excellent viewpoint.

Jura Calling
Jura Calling
Aug 1, 2020 3:27 PM

I think we need to look beyond appearance. Take a peep at the darker purpose. Look behind the mask of those who wanted to close our mouths both symbolically and literally. I think many saw this coming more than a few weeks ago. The ritualistic hand-washing, the training of us to mentally mark out 2 metres to distance ourselves from others, the collective applauding to order of whoever we were told to, the ‘taking the knee’. We have become a really well trained herd . Well, most of us have. Us black sheeple don’t believe the hype. It isn’t too late to start from the beginning. To retrace the steps of a nightmare. See where those signposts were that we missed. When, back in March, we were updated daily about this strange pandemic that was touring China and America and had it’s sights on the UK , I smelled a rat.I knew it was close.At that time we were still OK here.We were permitted to walk and speak freely and hold sporting events and share the air the elite own.That was still the case as we were into the third week of March. Then, as if by magic, it all went belly up.Overnight. The UK had their hymn sheet – SAGE- up and running.Now, call me a cynic, but this paper had taken several contributors a spell of time before it was rubber-stamped.But there it was on March 22nd. It’s as though someone had told them the ‘shock’ wold be officially a UK citizen too by March 22nd.  As this pandemic like the big brother of it’s predecessors, that is, one obsessed with wrecking and confusing the body’s immune system as it tried to keep us alive, and one that aimed for the lungs, governments acted fast and called in… Read more »

Aug 1, 2020 6:20 PM
Reply to  Jura Calling

March 22nd 2010 (3/22/10) was the day that Health Care finally passed in the United States.

This rabbit hole is very deep; make of it what you will:


It dates back to 2010, and is entitled ‘322 – Secret Societies, Depopulation and The Health Care Plan’ – ‘322: March 22nd.

March 22nd was also the last day of ‘normality’ in the UK, before ‘lockdown’.

You probably were already aware of this

All coincidence, fake news and conspiracy theory, of course!

Jura Calling
Jura Calling
Aug 1, 2020 8:43 PM
Reply to  breweriana

Hi Brew. Interesting stuff..thanks. You know i had my theory a while ago about the 322 cult. The numerologists will have different ideas from each other and so will some number crunchers. Numerology’s an interesting and important aspect of the occult. They’re a bit OCD with them and it often gives clues away that they wish had been kept quiet. When i think of Bush, from Prescott onward, i see an evil Germanic dynasty hijacking America.Ironically he and Joe Kennedy were both pin striped gangsters who made fortunes in the bootleg area and helped organise the ’29 crash.Once they had been ‘punished’ for ‘Trading With The Enemy’ for laundering the Nazi millions in America and helping to finance the Nazis war, it was set in stone that neither would ever be allowed to run for office.Note they weren’t executed or put in prison.It didn’t bar them from pushing the sons and heirs into office. Prescott financed Nixon who was beaten by Kennedy – financed Joe. We had the prospect of a Kennedy dynasty , possibly two terms of JFK then 2 of Bobby.Two anti – mafia, anti illegal war, anti CIA abuse crusaders who wanted war only as a last resort and a people who could prosper and enjoy freedom. We know JFK was slaughtered for trying to cause peace and promote equality and dignity.Then Bobby came out to try and carry his torch and suffered the same fate.God bless America ? So Nixon got the seat. We know all about ‘tricky Dicky’. So Prescott’s horse fell at the second fence.Not to worry. His son was a high roller in the CIA and politician in the wings by then.And we got the Bush dynasty. A generation of hate and war and theft and the raping and pillaging of other countries… Read more »

Aug 4, 2020 5:13 AM
Reply to  Jura Calling

Haven’t you got a facebook to go to?

Jura Calling
Jura Calling
Aug 4, 2020 5:30 PM
Reply to  Superbuggg

Everyone has. I prefer not to. Too many messed up trolls there popping up interrupting the grown ups when they’re trying to hold a conversation. There’s far less of you here.

Jean Wilson
Jean Wilson
Aug 1, 2020 10:52 PM
Reply to  breweriana

Also the day of the equinox – which may not mean anything.

Aug 1, 2020 6:47 PM
Reply to  Jura Calling

Crushing coronavirus means ‘breaking the habits of a lifetime.’ Behavior scientists have some tips – Science, Apr 16, 2020
“To beat the pandemic, we need “a more rapid change of behavior than I can think of in recent human history,” says Robb Willer, a sociologist at Stanford University. He recently helped recruit more than 40 top behavioral scientists to summarize their field’s research on how to steer people into certain actions and how it might aid the response to the pandemic.”

OK, so some time earlier he had already reached out. Because they already had a paper ready to go on Mar 24, 2020: Using social and behavioural science to support COVID-19 pandemic response

And I’m sure that would lead back to an earlier date. This was clearly planned in advance.

Jura Calling
Jura Calling
Aug 1, 2020 8:03 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Hi mc and thanks. I agree. I can’t remember which thread i mentioned it on recently( they move too fast) but the recent event 201 was only one of 4 since 2003. Then there was the Rockerfeller paper in 2010 that , on reading now, looks like the blueprint they worked from in this covid one.It’s uncanny.It was clearly planned, which coincides with the French doctor ( Mointagnier) saying it’s man made. How many smoking guns are needed ?

Aug 2, 2020 2:59 PM
Reply to  Jura Calling

No smoking guns. It’s pitchforks and torches time, folks.

Aug 1, 2020 9:34 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Did you also scour through the body of knowledge to ensure that similar things weren’t investigated during times not associated with a pandemic? Because if not, you have to allow for the possibility of coincidence. Logically speaking.

Further, you may be reading this incorrectly. “recently” could mean in the prior weeks which would have been during the pandemic. This was known about in December.

Aug 1, 2020 7:13 PM
Reply to  Jura Calling

“ All countries were instructed to follow SAGE model on their people. With each one of it’s instructions ticked, the psychologists were observing the progress of their hypothesis.”

The more I read and research, the more It seems the UK is at the centre of this global attack on our civil liberties, and a totalitarian state.

“Mindspace”, commissioned by the Cabinet Office in 2009, proves they have been working on this behavioural change for over 10 years.


Jura Calling
Jura Calling
Aug 1, 2020 7:56 PM
Reply to  Phil

Correct, Phil. I have the mindspace PDF too. It fits with other clues. It’s easy to be fooled by illusions.One of them is that whoever America hates this year, and wants to invent propaganda about as a prelude to attacking, the UK does to. It’s always a monkey-see-monkey-do exercise.The UK looks like Uncle Sam’s faithful poodle.But it’s not that way. In the greater scheme of things, America is a new kid on the block historically.In the UK we have buildings older than America.The first super power was Elizabeth 1’s navy we built the empire with. But all roads lead to Germany ultimately.They’re synonymous with great engineering.The world’s leader.That extends to social engineering too.They know how to tweak the human engine without touching it.And they do it using the hands of the British and Americans. WW2 was called off and the allies were declared the winners. The greatest trick of the 20th century. Paperclip is evidence that it was just an interval. After the dancing they moved the operation to the States.The US obsesses over democracy and freedom and hammers it like a nail into the American consciousness so they don’t look any closer. If they did, and looked at American and British post war activities they’ll see world domination and global totalitarianism all over it.If that isn’t evidence of the Nazi’s crusade continuing unabated I don’t know what is. Their intelligence arrived with the scientists.So the OSS was disbanded in favour of their CIA.NASA was built under their instruction.As were the weapons of destruction. German philosophers and psychologists are all over the social engineering.Skinner, Nietzsche et al. The aim was to capture the mind’s attention. Throw it a few trinkets.Then, once it felt safe, scare it to death until it believed it needed protecting.Once an apparent act of heroic protection… Read more »

Aug 4, 2020 8:24 PM
Reply to  Jura Calling

Cake hole – shut it!

Jura Calling
Jura Calling
Aug 4, 2020 8:44 PM
Reply to  Superbuggg

Great contribution, little buggy..

Do you kiss your support worker with that mouth..

Aug 4, 2020 8:46 PM
Reply to  Jura Calling

Your Momma’s so fat her corduroys stretch flat!

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Aug 2, 2020 1:47 PM
Reply to  Jura Calling

Wow, what a brilliant expose.

Aug 2, 2020 3:16 PM
Reply to  Jura Calling

What Orwell failed to predict was that we’d be the ones buying the cameras and that our biggest fear would be that nobody was watching

To be fair, Orwell didn’t need to predict it because the system already had it covered.
Google, Facebook and all the rest of the media are now censored and it might not take long before you are basically forced to watch utter tripe all day, simply because anything better than tripe no longer exists.
For those who love to be watched, “Love Island” and “Brain-Dead-Civilization’s-Got-Talent” will still be there, of course, but our cameras will be used exclusively as tools to gather data on us, while access to archived facts will no longer be possible.
The next generation will not even know about 911, the Covid Hoax, or the JFK job, and everyone will be as happy as a fool can be – which is probably pretty happy.

Jura Calling
Jura Calling
Aug 2, 2020 7:00 PM
Reply to  wardropper

I think Orwell was laying out the jigsaw pieces close to each other but not giving us the complete picture.He knew we wouldn’t learn by having everything done for us.But the vision he had was of a race of dumbed down sheep. He’d seen it’s evidence from the Tavistock Institute in England then how Germany and England used propaganda. Churchill was as mad and twisted eugenicist as Hitler was .He just wore the white hat. The removing of thinking removes everything.The race can be understood by just walking outside and seeing how empty parks are and how few children interact with each other and laugh and run.We’re a race of passive automatons.The generation of 16 to 35s is obsessed with form but too lazy to think about content.Hence their obsession with Kim Kardashian’s arse and ‘reality’ shows full of empty headed half wits with dyed hair, teeth, and skin.That’s reality for them. Try briniging up anything about covid and its instruction programme and they’ll parrot the phrase ” it’s the new normal innit” with a smile that says their intellect is amazing. Yes the pens to hold them in knew the carrot to dangle was on attraction and ego massage.They’d sit in a burning building if they’re waiting for a compliment on their latest 12 selfies ( a hard day’s work). ”The next generation will not even know about 911, the Covid Hoax, or the JFK job, and everyone will be as happy as a fool can be – which is probably pretty happy.” Pretty much a case of ignorance being bliss. Which takes us to the pre – cursor and inspiration of Orwell and his 1984 in Huxley’s Brave New World where what were to become Orwell’s ‘proles’ are topped up daily with ‘soma’ to keep them too stoned… Read more »

Aug 3, 2020 1:13 AM
Reply to  Jura Calling

I honestly think most people are just laughing at the Kardashian arse – at any rate I do hope they are not really as bad as you say. But I have to say I’m not very optimistic…

Aug 1, 2020 3:08 PM

Nah, the British have always been serfs, only to willing to conform & surrender their freedom. Freedoms we never truly had. The way the public are being manipulated & played is reminiscent of pre 2nd world war era.

The saddest part is all the lives lost in previous wars in the name of freedom (all wars are fought for someone’s freedoms).

Anyone who feels it acceptable to surrender their freedom for their security doesn’t deserve freedom, anyone willing to sacrifice their freedom for another persons safety doesn’t deserve to live.

Welcome to the new normal communist utopia where everyone’s equally undeserving.

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 1, 2020 10:08 PM
Reply to  Objective

all wars are fought for someone’s freedoms

Wars are usually fought so that someone can get their hands on someone else’s resources. But “freedom” sounds nice.

Aug 1, 2020 10:40 PM
Reply to  George Mc

You still clinging to the idea destruction of the mid-east was/is for oil?

People fight back & defend themselves for their freedom from others influence, I don’t give a shit how it sounds, every individual fights for their own cause! Whether that correlates with those that started the war is irrelevant, so don’t be so disrespectful of those that lost their lives. FOR YOUR FREEDOM to say what you like here.

If you were under Hitlers, Stalins or Maos rule be sure you wouldn’t have that freedom. But enjoy it while it lasts, another war is coming lets see how you feel when your freedom to be offensive sits with you then or if you’re willing to step forward to defend your freedoms or just remain a keyboard warrior!

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 2, 2020 8:29 AM
Reply to  Objective

So you don’t care who started the war or why. But naturally those who are attacked are driven to fight – not for their “freedom” but for their lives (for they are being attacked).

So it has fuck all to do with some peculiar thing called “freedom” but only with, on the one hand, those who start it for some mysterious reason which you think is “irrelevant” and on the other, those who are being attacked who are fighting for their lives.

But it’s so nice to say that word “freedom”- isn’t it. Turns you on and makes you feel macho!

Aug 2, 2020 3:08 PM
Reply to  George Mc

There’s no point “caring” about the aggressor, how do you stop an enemy who is intent on using violence against you? Asking them to sit down & talk about it?

Evidently you have no experience of war! just what you read on social media & you tube. For the record i hate war & any form of violence but it doesnt cancel out war though does it?

The purpose of war isn’t to kill people, its to take something that doesn’t belong to the offender, theres a choice to be made surrender your “FREEDOM” or fight to retain it. Sounds like you may have surrendered to Hitler when offered the chance of appeasement! Do you know any German?

But it’s so nice to say that word “freedom”- isn’t it. Turns you on and makes you feel macho!

And there it is cant debate the comment so you attack the commentator. Its of no surprise to me a communist/socialist sympathizer doesn’t understand the concept of freedom.

Syria discuss?

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 2, 2020 6:42 PM
Reply to  Objective

It’s not a question about “caring” about the aggressor. It’s a question about caring what the war is about i.e. understanding the war i.e. knowing who is attacking you and why. And you make it clear that you don’t care. You are too desperate to get your macho gear on and thrash the bastards! The propagandists wind you up with all that “freedom” crap, give you a picture of the evil ones and then just let you go! You are perfect cannon fodder!

Aug 2, 2020 7:43 PM
Reply to  George Mc

You’re just not getting it are you? Motive is irrelevant you don’t get to chose if someone attacks you LOL. Ask Saddam, Gaddafi, Assad etc etc. You cant appease violent aggressors with words & debate.

You are too desperate to get your macho gear on and thrash the bastards! The propagandists wind you up with all that “freedom” crap,

Where does this come from? Now this is why i cant be bothered with this site anymore, leftist lunatics, that make shit up in their heads when they cant form rational arguments.

i wouldn’t fight for either side i don’t believe in the system. I live life for one persons values & principles only, mine.

What are you doing here if you think freedom is crap?

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 2, 2020 8:03 PM
Reply to  Objective

Well, taking Saddam as an example. No, he certainly couldn’t choose NOT to be attacked.  But therein lies the problem. He didn’t stand a chance against the aggressor. If the US attacked the UK, the UK wouldn’t stand a chance. So we move on to

You cant appease violent aggressors with words & debate.

Now THERE is the macho bit. We don’t use “words and debate”. So what do we use then? Passive resistance? Oh no! You’ve got to stand up and fight! Etc. Except – as I said – you wouldn’t stand a chance!

Oh but wait a minute:

i wouldn’t fight for either side i don’t believe in the system.

So no fighting then? Make up your mind!

I live life for one persons values & principles only, mine.

In a little cell by yourself then?

What are you doing here if you think freedom is crap?

I really haven’t any idea what this “freedom” means? Free to buy Coke rather than Pepsi? Free to express an opinion that won’t matter anyway? Free to do any job I want? Well no-one is free to do that. Freedom from insecurity? No chance – unless you’re rich.

Aug 2, 2020 8:08 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I really haven’t any idea what this “freedom”means


George Mc
George Mc
Aug 2, 2020 9:13 PM
Reply to  Objective

You too?

Aug 2, 2020 9:30 PM
Reply to  George Mc
Jura Calling
Jura Calling
Aug 2, 2020 7:02 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Wars are fought for profits. The culling exercise is a bonus. Ask any Rothschild or Warburg.But grovel as you do or you’ll be sent to Hell for being anti-semitic.

Aug 1, 2020 1:36 PM

The Belarussian President not prepared to be bought off. There just aren’t enough like him around.


Aug 6, 2020 1:46 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

I hope he’s read John Perkin’s book, “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man”, to find out what happens next …

Aug 1, 2020 10:50 AM

Rumours in Hong Kong that Beijing has offered to help test everyone in Hong Kong, but they insist that the country must first be locked down. If this is true then this is the trap, you either get out now or you get into the CCP system where leaving Hong Kong is not your choice anymore.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Aug 1, 2020 10:43 AM

This is Jim Jordan questioning Fauci about his position on protesting. We don’t get much of an answer.

WATCH: Rep. Jim Jordan asks Dr. Fauci if nationwide protests helped spread the coronavirus
Jul 31, 2020
PBS NewsHour

In a tense exchange with Rep. Jordan, R-Ohio, Dr. Fauci said he would not offer his opinions on limiting protests, but that he had spelled out the danger of the virus and the public should draw their own conclusions about what is safe or unsafe. Fauci’s answer came during a House hearing investigating the federal government’s efforts to control the pandemic.

Aug 1, 2020 4:53 PM

Jim Jordan was a college wrestler. He apparently enjoyed pressing his face into flesh, crevices and folds of other men; it is surprising that he so vehemently opposes wearing a thin piece of paper on his face to stop the spread of germs.

Aug 1, 2020 10:10 AM

Crackpot wankers like George Monbiot try to tell us that it is the epitome of Neoliberal thinking to refuse the mask : a selfish concern for oneself put above the collective good. This is a total inversion though when you think about it.
This virus like any other virus can only be ultimately brought under control by either our collective immune systems or (it is alleged) through a successful vaccine – which is really a shortcut route to the same result. To block the route to ‘herd immunity’ through distancing or masking is making the former less likely and the latter more likely. The latter is the enclosure of our bodies’ immune response, and enclosure is the first key feature of the capitalist encroachment.
The collectivist response should be the same as that of the most ardent individualist libertarian : to allow nature to take its course for the good of all. The current course is the Neoliberal one, that is, to atomise the populace and stop our collective immune system from functioning properly. The decision to refuse a mask should be taken not (just) for ones own protection against authoritarian invasions of our personal health choices, but because to not wear one is good for the whole population. This virus must be defeated by our immune systems and that can only happen by being spread around, person to person.
When someone screeches at you that you are threatening them by not wearing one, remember this, that you are not wearing one to protect them and everyone else.

Aug 1, 2020 10:26 AM
Reply to  crank

Should make clear that that comment above is predicated on the notion that masks would slow the virus, something that I think is somewhere between questionable and unbelievable.

Aug 1, 2020 4:27 PM
Reply to  crank

The fascist UK government reveals its plan by its actions. The plan is forced chipping, forced injected retroviruses and bio waste and aborted foetal tissue. Constantly for the rest of our miserable disease induced lives

Aug 1, 2020 5:03 PM
Reply to  crank

there is no evidence of a pathogenic virus. it is wearing a mask that helps convince people they are kids whos health is outside their control. it is an attack on self and the community.

Aug 1, 2020 9:14 PM
Reply to  crank

Gatekeeper Monbiot is always tasked with supporting an official narrative. I recall a pathetic article of his in 2007 defending the official story of 9/11.

Aug 2, 2020 12:23 AM
Reply to  kevin

don’t forget when he seized the occasion of the Fukushima reactor meltdown as an opportunity to shill for the nuclear (weapons) industry.

Why Fukushima made me stop worrying and love nuclear power

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Aug 2, 2020 2:28 PM
Reply to  kevin

The Graun are really scraping the barrel for journalists these days aren’t they? Read the most awful piece of journalism last week, I mean, badly written, propaganda, little or no structure and a pathetic lie at its heart by Andrew Rawnsley. Back on the old ‘we all hate Corbyn’ narrative. They can’t give it up.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Aug 2, 2020 2:24 PM
Reply to  crank

Crank. Now this is food for thought and I would say, it is true, absolutely true. Big Pharma are waiting to cash in big time on that vaccine.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Aug 1, 2020 6:52 AM

Fauci’s attempt to suppress HCQ is now coming under significant pressure.

Laura Ingraham had on two medical experts tonight to discuss NIAID Chief Dr. Anthony Fauci’s testimony today in front of the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus. During his testimony Dr. Fauci AGAIN downplayed another successful hydroxychloroquine coronavirus study.

Top Dr. Oskoui on Dr. Fauci: “I’m Hearing Someone Who Frankly Is Very Manipulative and Dishonest”
Jul 31, 2020
james hoft

Aug 1, 2020 9:26 AM

Thanks for the link, Lost.. Another quote from it, from Dr Stephen Smith of the Smith Center for Infectious Diseases:

I can’t get over this country’s response to a drug that is so safe and does work. It’s scandalous.

Emily Ellen
Emily Ellen
Aug 1, 2020 1:30 PM

Dr Simone Gold fired from her job and her and other doctor’s support for hcq banned and suppressed across all media.

Aug 1, 2020 4:44 AM

I think we need to look beyond appearance. Take a peep at the darker purpose. Look behind the mask of those who wanted to close our mouths both symbolically and literally. I think many saw this coming more than a few weeks ago. The ritualistic hand-washing, the training of us to mentally mark out 2 metres to distance ourselves from others, the collective applauding to order of whoever we were told to, the ‘taking the knee’. We have become a really well trained herd . Well, most of us have. Us black sheeple don’t believe the hype. It isn’t too late to start from the beginning. To retrace the steps of a nightmare. See where those signposts were that we missed. When, back in March, we were updated daily about this strange pandemic that was touring China and America and had it’s sights on the UK , I smelled a rat.I knew it was close.At that time we were still OK here.We were permitted to walk and speak freely and hold sporting events and share the air the elite own.That was still the case as we were into the third week of March. Then, as if by magic, it all went belly up.Overnight. The UK had their hymn sheet – SAGE- up and running.Now, call me a cynic, but this paper had taken several contributors a spell of time before it was rubber-stamped.But there it was on March 22nd. It’s as though someone had told them the ‘shock’ would be officially a UK citizen too by March 22nd.  This pandemic was like the big brother of it’s predecessors ; one obsessed with wrecking and confusing the body’s immune system as it tried to keep us alive, and one that aimed for the lungs. Governments acted fast and called in teams of behavioural scientists… Read more »

Daniel Spaniel
Daniel Spaniel
Aug 3, 2020 1:51 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Hats off to Brian Gerrish.

Aug 1, 2020 4:33 AM

Fascism is here live and well. Bracket creep fascism has been occurring in western sphere countries since Thatcherism and Reaganomics. Hence social ,economic and political shifts have been ever going right since then. The shear transfer of wealth that we have witnessed in the last 4 months is astounding. The .01 percent have just managed to become 26 percent wealthier.The largest wealth gap since the Gilded age has all happened since 1979 to this day. Working class people have been rebranded to the classless one size fits all(avarice and greed) smokey mirror. Since Septembre 2019 the global economy was hitting a wall. The repo markets in the financial and banking sector was the canary in the mine moment with regards to the lack of health the economy was going through. While all this was going on we the sheeple were just prodding along not noticing anything for the simple fact it was not with in our social media platform. Along comes the new Year 2020 and voila along comes the fear porn,(SARS COVID 19). We the sheeple just like automatons just follow the deception. Reason and Logic(Critical thinking) PUNTO UNO:According to recent stats This dreaded masterful killer virus has infected 17 757 496 people and 682 998 have perished. Not withstanding the fudging that has been happening with regards to the mortality stats(George Floyd who died from asphyxiation was also added to the death rate) the lethality of this virus is 0.038 percent or 87.6 people per million. The total global pop exceeds 7.5billion. PUNTO DUE: Italian medical authorities have just declared Covid -19 “clinically dead” heard immunity has taken hold and infintissimal amount to no cases or deaths have been registered since June. PUNTO TRE: Asian societies have moved on and their lives have returned to pre Covid reality.… Read more »

Daniel Spaniel
Daniel Spaniel
Aug 1, 2020 12:57 AM

Recent trip to local shop.. a few youngbloods out on the lash… one trying to encourage his friends to “put your mask on”.. they all ignored him….end result.. the queen of the tribe… very pretty… he said to her “does it turn you on this tampon on my face?”.. desperation.. says it all.

Aug 1, 2020 1:59 PM
Reply to  Daniel Spaniel

Masks look more like horse feed bags.

comment image

Daniel Spaniel
Daniel Spaniel
Aug 1, 2020 2:53 PM
Reply to  Hank

Not right for horses or humans.. I think the young man was inexperienced and forgot the difference between a tampon and an absorbant pad, or panty liner.

John Pretty
John Pretty
Jul 31, 2020 11:45 PM

Thank you, a superb analysis and one with which I very largely agree.

It’s a terrible state of affairs. I am currently avoiding the shops having stocked up on food. I may have to go into them at some point, but it will be as briefly and as infrequently as possible. I will not be muzzled.

I think that the mask wearing possibly has it’s root in our government’s secret admiration for the Chinese. They couldn’t wait to build those “nightingale” hospitals in order to prove they were as clever as them. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

I think it’s the same with the masks. They’re just copying the Chinese.

This is a government of occupation. A regime of fools and clowns. As Peter Hitchens says, they haven’t got a clue what they are doing.

I recognise that some believe Johnson and his cabal to be super intelligent. That’s not my view. I think those of you that think this give them far too much credit. In my view they are as thick as pig shit. And that’s an insult to pig shit.

Their stupidity makes them – and by extension us – easy prey for vultures such as Gates and his chums in Big Pharma.

This is a country of masked sheep. Lambs to the slaughter!

Daniel Spaniel
Daniel Spaniel
Aug 1, 2020 1:06 AM
Reply to  John Pretty

Get out to the shops.. the more the merrier.. there’s nothing they can do about it.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Aug 2, 2020 2:33 PM
Reply to  Daniel Spaniel

I’ve been into 11 so far with no mask. Nobody said anything. Not a peep. It seems neither the police or the shops are enforcing it.

Daniel Spaniel
Daniel Spaniel
Aug 2, 2020 8:51 PM
Reply to  Jo Dominich

I went to Waitrose yesterday.. I had to breathe deeply… smile and wish the security guard a good evening… everyone apart from some staff, one elderly lady at the tobacco counter and one child were wearing masks. Totally surreal experience. Why waste money on drugs?

Daniel Spaniel
Daniel Spaniel
Aug 2, 2020 8:53 PM
Reply to  Daniel Spaniel

Oh, and me, of course.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Aug 3, 2020 6:53 PM
Reply to  Daniel Spaniel

Yes watching the MSM and broadcast news is mind bending, better than any narcotic!

Jul 31, 2020 11:24 PM

The man of today has inherited a nervous system
which cannot withstand the present conditions of life.
While waiting for the man of tomorrow to be born,
the man of today reacts to the altered conditions not by
standing up to them or endeavoring to resist their blows,
but by turning into a mass.

Eugenio Montale 1896-1981

Bob Lox
Bob Lox
Jul 31, 2020 11:12 PM

Here in hyper-democratic Switzerland we have agreed to the government request to wear masks on public transport and in shops. Its for our communal / societal benefit. We could disagree, but it’s a matter of “you help me, I’ll help you”.

I fully understand all the issues and concerns around Bill Gates, Big Pharma, totalitarian governments. Those concerns are genuine and I share them, but I feel that too many Yanks and Brits don’t appreciate the liberty they have won and the very high standard of living they enjoy.

I think they’re barking up the wrong tree with some of these conspiracies, and that some websites amplify matters by fear-mongering, no different to the MSM, it’s all about clicks at the end of the day.

Put another way, masks are, for people in civilised countries (i.e. excludes the UK and US) only a minor and temporary inconvenience. We focus on the big picture, not the neurotic and hysterical clickbait.

Jul 31, 2020 11:21 PM
Reply to  Bob Lox

b i s swiss bank entertained all the bankers of the world while the world was raped during ww2

your rotten so called civil country along with the city of london the crown tax havens washington and new york is the beast system

bob lox

such good citizens blood soaked hands kept clean

Aug 1, 2020 12:09 AM
Reply to  gordon

All well said, gordon- thank you.

Aug 1, 2020 12:31 AM
Reply to  gordon


Aug 1, 2020 1:53 AM
Reply to  DunGroanin

cookoo clock makers
make fine masonic watch keepers
drown paid zio
hack sacks like

re appearing on the clock
in the nick of time
check in check out

qui bono

the swiss scum had a good war

Aug 1, 2020 9:23 AM
Reply to  gordon

Yes there are these – but as usual – as in your baiting actual Semitic people’s who have lived happily alongside each other with their Abrahamic religions – because of your correctly identified askhnazis who dressed in the Jewish faith to hide behind the persecution by Christianity, while always benefiting from it.

The general Swiss population ain’t necessarily the deeply bunkered banking operations and HQ’s.

Swiss citizenship has been expensive but still bought.

Don’t lose your message by the xenophobia which makes it easy to ignore.

Daniel Spaniel
Daniel Spaniel
Aug 1, 2020 4:18 PM
Reply to  DunGroanin


Aug 1, 2020 12:43 AM
Reply to  gordon

Alternatively: Here in hyper-democratic Switzerland we saw the smoke rising in the distance, but we didn’t know what it was!

Jul 31, 2020 11:23 PM
Reply to  Bob Lox

> but I feel that too many Yanks and Brits don’t appreciate the liberty
they have won and the very high standard of [surveillance-state, neofeudal] living they enjoy.

Kidding, or trolling? You decide..


John Pretty
John Pretty
Jul 31, 2020 11:49 PM
Reply to  Carey

It’s a sick joke these days.

Jul 31, 2020 11:30 PM
Reply to  Bob Lox

Carl Jung father was the head Freemason in Switzerland. All Mason’s stick together….

Aug 1, 2020 12:33 AM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits


John Pretty
John Pretty
Jul 31, 2020 11:48 PM
Reply to  Bob Lox

“I feel that too many Yanks and Brits don’t appreciate the liberty they have won and the very high standard of living they enjoy.”

With respect – fuck off. That’s all in the past now.

Aug 1, 2020 12:33 AM
Reply to  John Pretty


John Pretty
John Pretty
Aug 1, 2020 12:44 AM
Reply to  DunGroanin

I’m just this once going to break my ban on answering your comments.

It’s not your call smart arse.

Aug 1, 2020 9:25 AM
Reply to  John Pretty

Who’s a pretty parroting now.

Aug 1, 2020 5:27 AM
Reply to  DunGroanin


Aug 1, 2020 6:30 PM
Reply to  John Pretty

John, I could not have put it better myself. These collaborators will get more than harsh words slung at them, before this nonsense is done with!

Jul 31, 2020 11:54 PM
Reply to  Bob Lox

No one here gives a fuck about the habits of Swiss sheep, Bo(b). Off you go, you sad little creature.

Aug 1, 2020 12:33 AM
Reply to  Gwyn

Ad hom

Aug 1, 2020 12:42 AM
Reply to  DunGroanin

Boo-hoo. ;o)

Aug 1, 2020 9:27 AM
Reply to  Gwyn

Cry more. Cry harder. By the time I finish with you kiddo you’ll be wanting your ball back and threatening me with your dad.

Aug 1, 2020 9:36 AM
Reply to  DunGroanin

If it’s all the same to you, I’ll skip straight to the last part:

My dad’s 75. He’s got dementia. He’d make mincemeat of you.

Cliff Edwards
Cliff Edwards
Aug 1, 2020 10:18 AM
Reply to  DunGroanin

Dung the keyboard warrior. LOL

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Aug 2, 2020 2:37 PM
Reply to  DunGroanin

Give it up. There is nothing in your comments that adds anything valuable to the conversation.

Aug 1, 2020 12:08 AM
Reply to  Bob Lox

Bob Lox: Fuck off.

You’re welcome!

Aug 1, 2020 12:34 AM
Reply to  Carey


Aug 1, 2020 1:55 AM
Reply to  DunGroanin

No I won’t, DunG, as much as you might want it.

Aug 1, 2020 1:32 AM
Reply to  Bob Lox

I think I can state that the people here believe that you have to have good evidence of utility (that masks demonstrably work) combined with very substantial benefits (a large number of people will be saved) before removing an individual’s right to choose whether to wear a mask.

The Swiss have neither and are just running like scared cats, what you really mean’t to say was that the evidence-free mob now rules Switzerland. Like the other sheeple calling for compulsory masks, the Swiss sheeple do not believe in personal choice or scientific evidence. Faced with fear they have discarded their principles: something the Swiss tend to do.

Having spent a few years living in Switzerland, it is the last place I would refer to as “civilized”. Wealthy yes, civilized no.

Jura Calling
Jura Calling
Aug 1, 2020 11:00 PM
Reply to  Bob Lox

” I think they’re barking up the wrong tree with some of these conspiracies, and that some websites amplify matters by fear-mongering, no different to the MSM, it’s all about clicks at the end of the day.”

Maybe some are, but most aren’t. It’s worth the effort to research. You fortunate Swiss might want to consider that one day.People posting opinions and questioning official narratives isn’t about clicks. It’s about questioning those who abuse us and want to ruin the world our children are going to inherit. It’s about trying to get herding fools to open their eyes, then their minds, shut their mouths and study. Then they’ll actually question their owners and have the balls to challenge.

”Put another way, masks are, for people in civilized countries (i.e. excludes the UK and US) only a minor and temporary inconvenience”

You keep telling yourselves that. It’s the unthinking cowards conclusion.Try explaining your medical rationale to anyone who has asthma or a heart condition.

”Here in hyper-democratic Switzerland we have agreed to the government request to wear masks on public transport and in shops. Its for our communal / societal benefit.”

Hyper -democratic Switzerland is known for it’s cavalier free thinking isn’t it.No, sorry, i mean chocolate and mountains.And of course, staying neutral to any argument on the planet and opening it’s banks doors to those who rape and pillage around the world.Very civilized. Make money from blood money from the takings of all wars of oppression you claim to disagree with and do as your told and keep quiet.I suppose that’s one positive if you all have muzzles on.

Jura Calling
Jura Calling
Aug 1, 2020 11:06 PM
Reply to  Bob Lox

” I think they’re barking up the wrong tree with some of these conspiracies, and that some websites amplify matters by fear-mongering, no different to the MSM, it’s all about clicks at the end of the day.”

Maybe some are, but most aren’t. It’s worth the effort to research. You fortunate Swiss might want to consider that one day.People posting opinions and questioning official narratives isn’t about clicks. It’s about questioning those who abuse us and want to ruin the world our children are going to inherit. It’s about trying to get herding fools to open their eyes, then their minds, shut their mouths and study. Then they’ll actually question their owners and have the balls to challenge.

”Put another way, masks are, for people in civilised countries (i.e. excludes the UK and US) only a minor and temporary inconvenience”

You keep telling yourselves that. It’s the unthinking cowards conclusion.Try explaining your medical rationale to anyone who has asthma or a heart condition.

”Here in hyper-democratic Switzerland we have agreed to the government request to wear masks on public transport and in shops. Its for our communal / societal benefit.”

Hyper -democratic Switzerland is known for it’s cavalier free thinking isn’t it.No, sorry, i mean chocolate and mountains.And of course, staying neutral to any argument on the planet but opening it’s banks’ doors to those who rape, plunder and pillage around the world.Very civilized. Make money from blood money from the takings of all the wars of oppression you claim to disagree with as you do as your told and keep quiet.I suppose that’s one positive aspect of you all having muzzles on.

Jul 31, 2020 11:03 PM

We are filling the Internet with information rich in sentiment analysis, a goldmine for folks like Martin Seligman at UPenn’s World Wellbeing Project to analyze for insights into our collective consciousness during a time of stress and uncertainty. We are being coerced into creating training data to inform efforts like DARPA’s Ground Truth program and the DoD’s Minerva Research Initiative. Sandy Pentland at MIT has run living labs to digitally track populations for years in cities like Trentino, Italy. Now it feels like we’ve all been co-opted into one giant experiment. Those in power are working their magic to “learn” the social physics of pandemic.
Consider this a test run.
They’re taking our temperature to strategize the next phase of the campaign.


Aug 1, 2020 12:11 AM
Reply to  seanobraonain

I don’t know of the others, but Seligman’s evil (have a look around).

AI is running Covid19
AI is running Covid19
Aug 1, 2020 1:01 AM
Reply to  seanobraonain

We are currently fighting against AI and an evolving programme.

AI has enabled the entire planet to move in lock-step with this massive pre-cull Psyop called Covid-19.

As people resist the herding / find work arounds, AI moves to counter them by deploying its sheep dogs (Governments) to get them back in line.

Next step is complete financial dependence of the people on Government.

This will be achieved by a massive economic squeeze to coincide with the (potentially postponed) US elections, and the (potentially posponed) Brexit.

Once people have been forced into dependence upon Government handouts / support / bailouts, that will be when the AI begins the network programme – that is treating each ‘carbon unit’ / person as a drone in a collective. Each drone will be linked by electronics (phones initially, then nano-tech & 5G) to the hive and the AI.

Think ‘Borg’ on steroids – ultimate Human resources and fed on synthetic protein and recycled biomass (Soylent Green with added vitimins and minerals).

Once the AI and Avatar programme is complete, the Georgia Guidestones say the rest.

For those interested, it was all written on the walls and depicted in painting at the infamous Denver Airport – including the Chinese soldier wearing a ‘Gas Mask’ and weilding a sword (with either the dove of peace or the Christian symbol of the Holy Spirit impalled upon it).

There is even a mural at Denver showing people in Haz-Mat suites carrying out testing on unsuited civillians.

The entire plan has been in plain sight for decades.

Aug 1, 2020 1:58 AM

There is no “AI” (have a look around): none of them have the sentience of snail.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Aug 1, 2020 1:19 AM
Reply to  seanobraonain

Did their Big Data, sentiment tracking models see any of THIS coming? It was such an undeniable failure for “social physics” that not even the CNN edit can bury it:

Aug 1, 2020 9:39 PM

You’re describing an echo chamber. Same thing as what’s happening on this page.

Jul 31, 2020 10:52 PM

It’s been a repressive state for the last 40 years.

John Pretty
John Pretty
Jul 31, 2020 11:50 PM
Reply to  RobG

It’s never been perfect, I’ll grant you that. Fancy giving the new People’s Republic of Britain a visit sometime Rob?

Jul 31, 2020 10:06 PM

EXCERPTS FROM https://wrenchinthegears.com Waves of crises and disasters, often engineered, have made it hard for most to see the sweeping changes the Fourth Industrial Revolution has in the works. Namely the billionaires’ plan to hand entire job sectors over to robots and algorithms, forcing millions into poverty. Dispossessed of their means of economic support the masses can be more readily transformed into “social impact” data commodities, compelled to navigate an augmented reality police state “game,” otherwise known as “smart” cities. In the wreckage of the global economy, who’s coming out ahead? Forbes reported ten billionaires netted $51 billion in a market rebound that ended April 9. Among them were tech oligarchs Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Larry Page, Elon Musk, Larry Ellison, and Mark Zuckerberg. Indeed they will be well-positioned to invest in the human capital bonds the Federal Reserve will be promoting in the coming years. ?w=840 Source As the 2015-2035 timeline of Global Education Futures predicts, portfolios of the future will be portfolios comprised of people. Indeed last summer Microsoft filed a patent at the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) to mine crypto-currency through bodily activity, including brain waves. Great, so perhaps we won’t simply be portfolio items, but actual batteries creating wealth for predators from our human essence. Just like the Matrix. Please, someone get me off this ride that is “stakeholder capitalism.” ?w=840 Source ?w=840 Source Against a rapidly changing backdrop of Covid-19, many find themselves adrift, anxious, frantically flipping through dog-eared rulebooks for the game they thought they were playing. In fact the switch has flipped, and we’re in a NEW game. We’ve gone over the cliff, and it’s vital that we truly understand our field of operations before biometric identity Covid-19 certificates come online. Those of us who can see what is coming are kind of like Wile E. Coyotes scrambling in mid air before we… Read more »

Aug 1, 2020 12:01 AM
Reply to  seanobraonain

Impressive use of ogees bandwidth 🥴🥴

Yet my comment gets binned without the balls to admit it.


George Mc
George Mc
Aug 1, 2020 1:50 PM
Reply to  DunGroanin

This comment has also been binned. Which is why you can’t read it.

Aug 1, 2020 1:54 AM
Reply to  seanobraonain

The Cult of the Billionaires is rubbed in our faces. Another way of showing who’s boss.

Strangely it lacks the glamour of yesterday’s millionaires. Could that be because we know more about its sordid underbelly?

Is it because they’re ensnared by the sex cults from Epstein to Raniere, with all the human trafficking and intelligence dirt that involves? Or because so many are clearly the product of B-list dynasties that hang around like a bad smell: the Gates’ and the Musk-Haldemans.

Are we put off by the fakeness of dozy-faced Zuckerdroid and the equally “put there” Bezos-Jorgenson-Gise?

Perhaps the Internet still lets us find the history of their companies: the early funding from the Security State; the Pentagon pilot projects with an eerie similarity to the eventual Silicon Valley “start up”; and the real inventors of Facebook and email such as McKibben and Ayyadurai?

Karma Kommando
Karma Kommando
Aug 1, 2020 2:48 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

The glamour is lacking because they are boring blokes.

Jul 31, 2020 9:39 PM

I call for a citizen’s arrest of Boris and/or Hancock. I will go to London to attempt it. Who’s with me?

Jul 31, 2020 9:39 PM
Reply to  ZenPriest

The charge: crimes against humanity.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Aug 2, 2020 2:43 PM
Reply to  ZenPriest

I’m with you.

Jul 31, 2020 10:39 PM
Reply to  ZenPriest

Every leader, health secretary, chief medical and scientific adviser in the UK need to be arrested. They must serve justice for what they’ve done and the policies they implemented that killed thousands of people.

Jul 31, 2020 10:58 PM
Reply to  ZenPriest

The Coronavirus Act gives them powers that Stalin, Hitler and Mao could only dream off.

Bob Lox
Bob Lox
Jul 31, 2020 11:22 PM
Reply to  ZenPriest

The next election is in 4+ years time. You can do diddly squat to remove them.
You’re delusional to suggest otherwise, and you’d get mowed down by 9mm ammunition from Glocks if you so much as stepped one foot into Downing Street.

Jul 31, 2020 11:46 PM
Reply to  Bob Lox

Let’s start with ordinary MPs and doctors then.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Aug 2, 2020 2:44 PM
Reply to  ZenPriest

Sure, Unfortunately I live in Wancock’s constituency so I could start with him!

John Pretty
John Pretty
Jul 31, 2020 11:54 PM
Reply to  Bob Lox

Something has to be done.

Aug 1, 2020 12:44 AM
Reply to  Bob Lox

You fail to address whom those Glocks, you so lovingly describe, defend.
It’s not the elected representatives nor even the queen. It’s a Corporate Crown now. It’s a Corporation. Along with all the other corporations effectively controlling government that makes it a Corporatist State. That’s fascism.

Does your 4-year rule have any meaning now?

Aug 1, 2020 11:48 PM
Reply to  Bob Lox

you’d get mowed down by 9mm ammunition from Glocks

you’d be lucky if it was only 9mm Glocks.

comment image

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One-Meter Sprinter
One-Meter Sprinter
Aug 2, 2020 1:23 AM
Reply to  covidiot

So, I see the bobbies now wear baseball-cap headgear while toting automatic rifles. So much gentler.

Oh, and those rainbow colored patrol cars. My dears, so cute.

The more the British police devolve into anti-white enforcers, the more they try to project a squishy image.

Jul 31, 2020 11:41 PM
Reply to  ZenPriest

thats a defense of the realm matter
you see sis,gchq,mi5 and 6
the privy council
the crown
chatham house the tavistock mind controllers
g4s serco nhs google cia mossad and the heads of the civil service are all in lock step

not forgetting putin and his chabad chums

the cops and the sas doctors dancing monster nurses a lot of satanists about
boris is actor

the government have an advert on the radio
with the punch line play your part

this is performance but certainly not art

John Pretty
John Pretty
Jul 31, 2020 11:53 PM
Reply to  ZenPriest

With you brother.

Aug 2, 2020 3:41 AM
Reply to  ZenPriest

armed or not ? If not, I’m staying home.

Aug 2, 2020 5:52 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Armed with the truth my friend. What could go wrong 🙂

Jura Calling
Jura Calling
Aug 2, 2020 7:35 PM
Reply to  ZenPriest

Truth is dangerous. Truth is terror in the eyes of the overlords. If they were still around, I’d ask John Lennon, the Kennedy brothers, Gandhi and Martin Luther King jr to back me up on that. If i join, I’ll take a tank and a gun or three.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Jul 31, 2020 9:39 PM

You need to divorce the “public health” aspect of mask wearing from the “inept government messing everone about” aspect. Its now well known that a simple face mask will signiifcantly reduce the likelyhood of disease transmission. That said, the likelyhood of catching anything from a casual constact — passing in the street, for example — is reckoned to be close to zero. You only need to use masks in enclosed spaces where there’s a danger of “breathing someone else’s air”. It really seems to be that sipmle so its difficult to figure out why governments a making such a pig’s ear of it. The problem seems to be particularly acute in parts of English and American society that see wearing a mask as a political issue — its not a public health issue, its a question of preserving freedom or something like that. Piling on the confusing mandates and expecting the police to enforce those mandates just adds to the confusion and level of public frustration. FWIW — The way everything’s been working where I live is that you are unlikely to see anyone wearing a mask in the street or driving a car. They’ll carry one with them to enter stores or other enclosed spaces, the requirement being requested by the store owners. So, for example, you won’t see anyone wearing a mask at the gas (petrol) station unless they’re going inside to buy something. The police aren’t involved in enforcing this — I’ve yet to see a cop wearing a mask locally although I’d guess that if they were getting close and personal with a suspect then they’ve probably got one handy (but then they might do that Covid or no Covid, because there’s a lot of nasty things you can catch from people that make Covid seem… Read more »

Bob Lox
Bob Lox
Jul 31, 2020 11:07 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Same situation here in hyper-democratic Switzerland.

We have agreed to the government request to wear masks on public transport and shops. Its for communal / societal benefit. We could disagree, but it’s a matter of you help me, I’ll help you.

I fully understand all the issues an concerns around Bill Gates, Big Pharma, totalitarian governments. But I feel that too many Yanks and Brits don’t appreciate the liberty they have and the standard of living they enjoy. I think they’re barking up the wrong tree with some of these conspiracies, and that some websites like Ike’s are minting it by fear-mongering.

Put another way, masks are, for people in the civilised world (i.e. not the UK and US) a minor and temporary inconvenience.

Jul 31, 2020 11:50 PM
Reply to  Bob Lox

hyper-democratic Switzerland.

when a country has a lifestyle based on hiding the worlds looted money
based on stolen plunder the rape of the planet
based on cookoo clocks and slave trade choco late

when the whole society are full of mind controlled robots that love the slavery within and the stolen loot from abroad

hyper-democratic Switzerland.
you are a partner in crime
with satan

Aug 1, 2020 6:46 PM
Reply to  Bob Lox

 temporary inconvenience.”
Say that while you bend over to get your BG shot.
Oh, and then join the queue for the cattle cars – it’s for your safety, you know!

Jul 31, 2020 11:12 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Odd how what you call “ineptness” works in the Few’s favor time after time after time after time..

“Oops, a bunch of proles died due to lockdown; we’re sorry!”

Aug 1, 2020 10:09 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Its now well known that a simple face mask will signiifcantly reduce the likelyhood of disease transmission.

What do you mean by well known? Do you mean that it is believed by the majority of BBC listeners or do you mean it has been proven by scientists? If proven by scientists then please post a link to the double blind study that shows “significantly reduce”? Sorry, I would take your word for it but I don’t know you from Adam and simply feel that maybe you are bullshitting us.

Aug 1, 2020 6:44 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

F**k off with your mask. (and queuing)
I had to say that to some prick telling me to queue – at a pub bar – in England! And that was from a male Karen.
He just looked totally gobsmacked – had to pick his jaw up he’d just dropped.
‘Every little helps’.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Aug 1, 2020 7:25 PM
Reply to  breweriana

If I needed to become infected with Covid — or any other easily transmissible virus – then I couldn’t think of a better place to pick it up than a crowded bar. You’re right that wearing a mask is pointless — it really is in that situation — so have at it. Do your bit for herd immunity. I’m not sure what view the people working in the pub have about this, they may also feel that this is their choice or they may feel that they’re being pressured into being in a situation where their health could be compromised because they need that job.

Incidentally, the rules for public houses are like other private spaces that are open to the public. Their space, their rules. If the publican says you need masks and stuff and you don’t like it then just take your custom elsewhere.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Aug 2, 2020 2:47 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Stand aside, I think Trump is seriously considering cancelling the Election.

Jura Calling
Jura Calling
Aug 2, 2020 7:37 PM
Reply to  Jo Dominich

He can’t. He’s only the ruler of the world on Twitter and in his head. He can request it though. What time is it in Israel ? 😉

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Aug 3, 2020 6:52 PM
Reply to  Jura Calling

Revolution time in Israel it looks like as the people have taken to the streets against Bibi. Now that’s saying something!

Jul 31, 2020 8:36 PM

Heilongjiang Bozo the clown

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Aug 2, 2020 2:49 PM
Reply to  Adamsson66

Clown? Ridiculous liar with Fascist Dictator delusions is more like it!

Jul 31, 2020 8:27 PM

As recommended by bob, who I agree with almost every word he writes. I haven’t yet read much of Dave McGowans book on the subject yet, but a lot of what he did write on his blog – well ahead of me, and everyone else…this maybe (oh fckin hell – I must reboot my computer -if my ex appears that was a mistake)…but she will like it

This is


My wife has gone to a Girls only Party, so I am home alone again, cos unlike some others, I have no intention of trying to fake it, but could if I really wanted to.

It is still my own hair and it is getting quite long, and bleached blonde in the sunshine.

If I can’t get it to work – it does come from Los Angeles I guess, I will probably put on Planet Rock. I personally know a least one of their DJ’s. He seemed O.k. to me, only a little bit up his own arse. At least he taked to me, and can play bass really well.

I have always liked Canadians

They have got the Beach Boys on Now in HD in stereo
now or did until a few seconds ago

So it seems to work O.K.


Jul 31, 2020 9:09 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Laurel Canyon had only about 40 live radio listeners. It is now going rapidly down, now at 33. I wouldn’t have thought, it could have been banned by The UK that quick. Maybe the Americans have a technical hitch.

So I will try Planet Rock.

It was a very long time ago. She had two kids when I met her.

Laurel Canyon still works. I just pulled out my headphone lead whilst dancing.

Sorry about that

The sound is fine.


Jul 31, 2020 9:59 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Now Playing on Laurel Canyon “Bonnie Raitt – I Feel The Same” I know lots of English and Welsh musicians who have moved to California, and most of them are still alive, and occasionaly come back to England, and do a UK Live Tour, and I know several who who were planning to do, before this ridiculous Lockdown… From a live music and cutural music perspective… Engand has always been much closer to California, than New York… We will never forgive the people in New York, for assassinating John Lennon That is completely unforgivable. You Californians wouldn’t do that, and you most certainly didn’t kill Lemmy, who I actually met, who I met playing pinball, at the back of The Marquee in Soho London, in 1982. He lived on a barge boat on The Thames.. I asked what the hell are you doing here in London? A complete and utter Gentleman, but I did wait until he had finished playing pinball first, before I spoke to him. He moved to London a few months befor my wife and me did, She was watching her Ex is a Prog Rock band at the time, so I didn’t say – we have got Lemmy here – well I might have done. Most of the prog rock band came back to our house, and slept wherever they could. Her Ex is a really nice bloke.We have met him since, and asked my wife are you First Name First Surname..She said Yeh…Even I went Wow. It was so lovely to see him again. Thar is what live music is All About… It doesn’t matter what county you are in, nor the language, nor even the musical style. Live Music cuts through everything and you are all the same We hug and kiss, and dance,… Read more »

John Pretty
John Pretty
Jul 31, 2020 11:58 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Sometimes I can’t help but envy the likes of Lemmy and Bowie not being here to bear witness to this shitshow that we are being forced to endure.

Jura Calling
Jura Calling
Aug 2, 2020 7:40 PM
Reply to  John Pretty

Listen to Cygnet Committee by Bowie. It’s 1984 flavoured and years ahead of it’s time. Then try the whole of the Diamond Dogs album. Throw in ‘five years’ for good measure. Bowie was seeing this from the 60s when he was unknown.

Jul 31, 2020 8:08 PM

WSWS editors are fuming about profiteering of big Pharma from coronavirus supposed disastrous pandemic or are they? Enter Moderna Inc., a ten-year-old biotechnology firm that is researching one of the 164 different candidates for a coronavirus vaccine. On Tuesday, the Financial Times reported that the company is currently planning to charge the US and other governments $25 to $30 for a dose of its drug. The pharmaceutical giant’s attitude was spelled out most crudely by Stephen Hoge, Moderna’s president, who made nearly $5 million last year and who said at a congressional hearing last week, “We will not sell it at cost.” Moderna’s price point is high even compared to other companies in the vaccine sweepstakes, such as Pfizer, which has reached a deal with the US government for $19.50 per dose of its vaccine, and AstraZeneca, which has signed a deal with the Netherlands, Germany, France and Italy for $3 to $4 a dose if its vaccine is approved. Moderna has already received $955 million from the Trump administration’s Operation Warp Speed program, headed by former Moderna board member Moncef Slaoui, as well as technical support through its partnership with the National Institutes of Health. If its drug is approved, Moderna stands to rake in potential revenues of $16.5 to $19.8 billion from US sales alone. This is a pernicious example of how capitalist private ownership of vital industries such as health care and production for profit turn the search for a life-saving vaccine into a money-making racket. Nowhere on this article author mentioned basic analysis of efficacy and questioned imperative of SC2 vaccinations as well as huge conflicts of interests among peddlers of devastating to health of population Coronavirus policies of lockdowns and social distancing that led to unprecedented economic collapse exceeding Great Depression. Those policies were long… Read more »

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 31, 2020 8:36 PM
Reply to  Kalen

Yes, the threat posed by the virus and, by implication, the need for a vaccine was something the WSWS presupposed and indeed did so right from the start. And yet again I see a parallel with 9/11. I don’t know what the WSWS position on that event was at the time but it is certainly true that the vast majority of the (mainstream) Left just went along with the mainstream account of 9/11 and indeed became ferociously hostile to those who questioned it. And the impotence of their position became increasingly obvious. The moment you assume that there truly was an external force menacing the West, it doesn’t matter how much you say that the West invited the attacks by e.g. imperialist aggression. The basic sentiment is “Hey those bastards have it in for us and you’re trying to excuse them?”

It’s similar with COVID only, as it were, on steroids. This time the sentiment is “Hey folks are dying even as we speak! We need that vaccine! Who cares if there are dodgy funding questions!”

In short, with 9/11 as with COVID, if you don’t question the fundamental root i.e. basic validity of the issue then you have become impotent.

Aug 1, 2020 11:27 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I don’t know what the WSWS position on that event was at the time but it is certainly true that the vast majority of the (mainstream) Left just went along with the mainstream account of 9/11 and indeed became ferociously hostile to those who questioned it.

strangely, the WSWS was one of the very few “left” organizations that DID NOT uncritically accept the official 9/11 faery tale, nor other similar events since. what they once knew, they’ve rather recently forgotten, for some reason that has not been explained.




George Mc
George Mc
Aug 2, 2020 8:33 AM
Reply to  covidiot

I know they question it now. That they did so at the beginning is in their favour. Which only makes it more disappointing that they just swallowed the COVID line.

Aug 1, 2020 10:37 AM
Reply to  Kalen

I don’t “need” a flu vaccine, so why do I “need” a Covid vaccine? What sociopath is telling me to do what he wants? Is it the Johnson or the “Pedo Bill” Gates? Why would I not resist? A team of scum bags telling me what is best for me. Give us a break.

Jura Calling
Jura Calling
Aug 2, 2020 7:43 PM
Reply to  aspnaz

Look at the bigger picture. It took them years to finish. Until covid you had choice and your decision was respected. Now the script is telling us that covid carries a gun, knife and gas mask. So the public are to report anyone not vaccinated as they are deliberately endangering the sheep. I mean idiots. Sorry, I mean public. I always get those confused.

Jul 31, 2020 8:01 PM

To all those in the North of England, regarding the lock down, in my opinion you should just ignore it, as best you can. Same with the quarantine, What are they going to do?

Jul 31, 2020 9:31 PM
Reply to  Ivor

All my colleagues were discussing it this morning. I had no idea about it cos I don’t watch MSM. Apparently they are doing as they are told by newsreaders and tweets now. Truly pathetic. I am giving filthy looks to anyone who deigns to look at me re a mask, and mask wearers in general.
As Alan Partridge might say: scum, subhuman scum.

Aug 1, 2020 2:04 AM
Reply to  ZenPriest

The problem is or (or, a problem is) that the Few’s gameplan is “let’s you and him fight!”, and it’s working pretty well.. *non-digitally* based solidarity and conviviality are the answers I know of.

Aug 1, 2020 2:24 AM
Reply to  Ivor

There’s no statutory instrument.
It’s not law.
It’s just guidance.
Even if it was law, it would be unenforceable.
And the police have said they wouldn’t even try to enforce it.
So Eid Mubarak to all the Muslims of Greater Manchester.
And for those who aren’t believers in the prophet Muhammad, I think a midnight feast with your extended family round sounds like a lovely idea anyway.

Aug 1, 2020 10:46 AM
Reply to  Ivor

You can add the dumb temperature checks to that. I was 32C the other day, according to a government health check performed by a waitress at the door of a restaurant. What are these idiots playing at, pointing cheap temperature guages at your forehead?

Makes you wonder why a doctor will stick a temperature guage up the arse of a patient just to take their temperature? Well obviously it is not “just” to take their temperature if a waitress at a restaurant can do it with a cheap piece of shit churned out of China without ever having been calibrated. The doctor is obviously getting more out of this than just temperature.

Government is full of idiots: only a numb brain could survive such a soul destroying job.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Aug 2, 2020 2:53 PM
Reply to  Ivor

Yep. If more than 60% rebel then we’re in business

Jul 31, 2020 7:26 PM

´´Those of us who can see what is coming are kind of like Wile E. Coyotes scrambling in mid air before we drop likes stones. I’d say we have a year tops to educate and organize the masses to stop the rise of digital biocapitalism, the intended fallout of this pandemic.´´


Jimmy Two shoes
Jimmy Two shoes
Jul 31, 2020 7:17 PM

You didn’t think Europe was going to be allowed to recover from Covid, did you, when the US was on it’s back.

Jimmy Two shoes
Jimmy Two shoes
Jul 31, 2020 7:10 PM

Don’t worry the far right fascist coup that is going to save us from Gates, Fauci and the faux ‘leftists’ will not insist on us wearing masks. Chains yes, but masks no. heads we lose, tails we lose.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 31, 2020 7:06 PM

Just heard it on the news:

“With so many new cases why are people being allowed to return to work?”

YES YES YES! We get it. This plague will not be permitted to go away!

The media of course is just standing there all innocent – a totally neutral third party …but it is telling us what will be!

And how interestingly elastic and impressively scary are these new fatality figures!

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 31, 2020 7:18 PM
Reply to  George Mc

And on that note, I think I’m starting to understand. This has nothing to do with the choices of politicians. The media stands there all blinking eyed innocence but essentially it works by posing a choice that has already been made. In this case, the media says, “Well we can either recklessly send everyone back to work and watch them die horribly OR we can keep everyone safe at home…and now over to the goverment. Oh what will you do?”

Aug 1, 2020 2:06 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Hear, hear. Their choices were made long ago, but..