The UK’s “excess deaths” are by far the youngest in Europe. Why?
Unprecedented spike in deaths of 15-44 year olds unlikely to be due to Covid19
Kit Knightly
An in-depth look at the mortality statistics in England shows something puzzling: Their reported “excess deaths” are much, much younger than the rest of the world, the rest of Europe, and even the rest of the United Kingdom.
Covid19 – like many common respiratory viruses – affects the elderly at a far greater rate than the young. Worldwide the average age of a covid19 death is over 80 years old (in many countries such as Canada and Sweden it is substantially more).
When you look at the EuroMomo graphs on mortality you see that the vast majority of “excess deaths” fall in the 65+ category. No countries anywhere show increased mortality in people under 45.
Except England.
The five European countries most affected by Covid19 so far are Italy, Spain, Belgium France and the UK. And here’s how mortality for those aged between 15 and 44 was affected in those countries…
….and the UK:
That’s a huge spike. So big it totally shifts the scale on the Y-axis. It’s also unique, not one other European country has a spike in the mortality of 15-44 year olds. What’s absolutely bizarre, is that it’s not even ALL the UK. The other home nations are not affected at all:
So what is going on in England? Is it entirely due to Covid19? If so, why does it stop so sharply at the borders?
And why is it that, despite this spike, the average age of a British “covid death” is over 80, the same as everywhere else in Europe?
That implies these “excess deaths” may not be being caused by Covid19 at all.
The bottom line is: We have an unprecedented spike in the deaths of 15-44 year olds in England, one that seems to be unique around the world. Why?
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Interesting. The results out of the UK are screwy, they seem to be unusually bad in general.
Any excess Covid deaths in England are probably due to the excess congenial stupidity of the English population, as often exemplified on this website. God knows where this inherent stupidity came from – just before and just after WW I England was a leader in domestic resistance to the establishment – massive increase in working class strikes, until the ultimate defeat of the Great Depression. Possibly it’s the influence of the influx of right-wing US conspiracy theorists which infest the internet, including here.
For a realistic view of covid, see:
You sure flash some amazing stupidity here. But lets refrain from assuming all the English are as stupid, just because you are.
What you call a “realistic view” starts off with calling ppl “pandemic deniers” who just ignore “state and public health evidence” because of some whatever starw man no sane person claims. No, people don’t just ignore it because there are “uncertainties” but because it has been admitted (in UK, Italy, Germany, US, etc.) that Covid-19 deaths are counted as anyone who ever had a positive test result and is dead, with minor variations in wording of course. This has been now, again, publically admitted in the UK, who will now revise their death counts. You can say this ignores non hospitalised deaths, I will say you ignore deaths that directly resulted from sending patients home, locking them up in their homes, putting people in fear of going near a hospital and keeping patient numbers record low during this highly deadly pandemic.
So no, it’s not the “uncertainties” but the relentless mainstrem media fear porn reporting numbers that are admittedly inaccurate. Based on science that is being researched, but of course any reseach that seems to disprove the alarmist narrative is just ignored, bannded, cancelled. Yet the one approved narrative is that of absolute comformity to complete economic suicide, with the assurance of mass vaccinations and immunity passports to allow us to get back to normal.
To say that there isn’t a push to vaccinate masses of people, to set up centralised systems of track and trace/medical records, digital cash, and not to mention to completely “reset” every aspect of global economics ( is just so incredibly ignorant that I don’t think you or the writer of the article should lecture anyone on who ignores what evidence.
It then cherry picks one study (to support that Covid-19 is about as bad as the seasonal flu) and then mentions a rebuttal. Then goes on to mention other studies that support your narrative. Again, ignoring a plathera of other studies, including all the ones properly referenced here:
I’ve read too many of these long, starw man laden propaganda pieces that people send in to do their “reasoning” for them, so I’ll stop there…
But let’s just say I seriously doubt your ability to say what is realistic or who is stupid.
I’m amazed that you actually have the ability to use a keyboard. If you had about three or four more wits you might just qualify as a half-wit. The fact that you have the brass neck to post your moronic maundering as the product of the workings of a human brain actually makes me sick. Please try to educate yourself with regard to logic, truth and how to tell them from the rubbish you apparently consume and transmit.
PS – That is not a reasoned response – it is a regurgitation of the sort of nonsensical thought processes which you produce above, only from the other side of the ‘argument’ – if I can dignify this exchange with such a designation.
If you’re talking about your response to mine, I agree. Because I explained my points and how your article makes mistakes and you said nothing so far just your opinions about this site and my comment and posted and article I think you never even read properly.
Thought you have something to counter what I said, but you instead show off your truly outstanding keyboard skills and talk about how triggered you are.
Can’t say I expected more…
Sorry about that – I just can’t take you seriously.
Actually, there are so many Ayn Rand enthusiasts, right-wing survivalist nuts, government-facilitated sowers-of-dissent*, ‘secret’ ‘intelligence’ sources*, nutty conspiracy-theorists, spurious ‘freedom-fighters’ and US based just-plain-nutters on the off-G replies pages that I find it hard to take most posters here seriously. So don’t feel that you are alone.
More opinions, without any proof or argument. You people make posts containing nothing but your simplistic opinions, clearly based on nothing but your intolerance to differing views. And you think your opinions themselves are some kind of essay or arguments. Your opinions say much more about you than whatever you’re trying to trash.
That’s convenient for you.
But do you think you made a good impression on anyone after merely parroting some garbage from an article you never read, and reacting with more personal opinions to my pointing out errors in it? Do you think anyone really cares about what you take seriously after presenting yourself to be a parroting clown with not a single thought about this subject that wasn’t spoon fed to you?
You’re taking this too seriously Simon babes. It matters not a jot whether you, or even I, post something of earth-shattering importance here. a) no-one with any access to power will read it, b) even if they did they would disregard it because that is what people with access to power have to do, unless they want to get a quick withdrawal of their access to power, c) just lighten up, eh? d) I don’t want to make a good impression on anyone, e) your invective is poor, ineffective and jargonist, f) Jesus, please just get real, man – the world is fucked up, and unless there is a mass, armed world-wide uprising of the poor, any change in this is as likely to happen as you talking sense,
And, look, don’t even bother replying to this – it would be a completely futile exercise. Go read some good poetry, (I can recommend “A Moment of Silence, Before I Start this Poem”
by Emmanuel Ortiz) or write a song, or construct a table, or do something useful like that. Just stop flexing your ego here.
PS. g) I don’t give a flying fuck what you think of my posts either
I hihgly disagree. I learned a lot from reading conversations like this and seeing who is just pulling stuff out of their arse and who is making points.
It’s become my hobby to expose people like you by simply trying to have a conversation, and absolutely every single time it plays out very similar to how it played out now:
People can learn from this is my belief, so don’t be so negative, you’ve proven yourself to be of great help showing people this off.
Thanks for the time and effort you put into it!
Bye now!
Oh… Almost forgot:
8) You tell me I’m clearly making no effort to have a conversation, I’m not open and clearly don’t want to listen, so you say bye, or repeat point 7.
Did you read the poem?
Even the CDC publicly states the mortality rate for COVID-19 is between 0.26% and 0.67%. This is very low and is in line with Influenza A. Further, it is only in marginalised health populations and demographics.
There is so much more wrong with the reporting on SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19, and it all stems from the fact the virus cannot be accurately tested by either immunological or molecular methods. the motivation for this is unclear, it is either opportunistic policy-making on the fly, or inconceivably gross incompetence and disproportionate response that flies in the face of everything we know about infection control. Common sense measures (existing protocols that are sadly neglected) by vulnerable persons including aged care should be all that is required for this latest virus.
It’s been completely ignored in the mainstream media, of course, but almost all the countries of Eastern Europe had negative excess deaths in the first six months of 2020. In short, there were less deaths during the COVID-19 “pandemic” than during the same months of 2019. Belarus, with no lockdown and no social distancing, was one of the countries with negative excess deaths. This can only mean two things: (1) That the excess deaths in Western countries were caused by media panic-mongering, and (2) That COVID-19 was LESS dangerous than a normal seasonal flu.
Got an answer to this yet, Kit?
Is the definition of a z-score (variance, measured by SD), really supposed to be such common knowledge that it requires no explanation. Just the raw number of excess deaths, or as a percentage of the baseline, would have been far more useful and intuitive.
…Please delete this moderators? I replied but didn’t realise my photograph would come up!
You look perfectly lovely Sarah 🙂
Don’t worry – it’s very unlikely that anyone here will ever meet you, and if they did, there must be quite a few other people who look very similar to you. And as ‘Fan’ below says, you look fine. Much better than me anyway.
The spike looks big because it’s a z-score. Excess deaths in that age group are in the region of 150-200.
The answer lies here unfortunately:
I don’t know about the DNR issue you flag, but I’d say your explanation about the tiny sample size effectively solves the mystery (or at least renders it irrelevant).
Another “excess death” issue I’d really like to see addressed in depth, is how the “baseline” number of expected deaths is calculated, and whether it is a fair benchmark.
For example, in the recent Yale study in the US they apparently just used a weighted average of the number of all cause deaths from the last three years to calculate the baseline of expected deaths for 2020. But this seems wrong to me because the U.S. population got both larger and older over that time period. More old people with higher expected mortality rates should yield a higher baseline of expected deaths.
I couldn’t find exact population breakdowns by age and year, but I did a rough calculation based on a linear extrapolation of aging trends from the census. That adjustment alone raised the baseline of expected deaths by almost 3%, which would reduced the calculation of “excess deaths” over baseline by about 60,000.
The media is straight garbage on everything to do with covid. And it doesn’t seem like there are any real data analysts on the job either. It is very depressing.
I just found this stuff in the last few months, and afaik the DNR methods available were not much help against covid. So while the who seem to have been found, Im not sure the how is so clear cut?
An illusion it will be, so large, so vast it will escape their perception.
Those who will see it will be thought of as insane.
We will create separate fronts to prevent them from seeing the connection between us.
We will behave as if we are not connected to keep the illusion alive. Our goal will be accomplished one drop at a time so as to never bring suspicion upon ourselves. This will also prevent them from seeing the changes as they occur.
We will always stand above the relative field of their experience for we know the secrets of the absolute.
We will work together always and will remain bound by blood and secrecy. Death will come to he who speaks.
We will keep their lifespan short and their minds weak while pretending to do the opposite.
We will use our knowledge of science and technology in subtle ways so they will never see what is happening.
We will use soft metals, aging accelerators and sedatives in food and water, also in the air.
They will be blanketed by poisons everywhere they turn.
The soft metals will cause them to lose their minds. We will promise to find a cure from our many fronts, yet we will feed them more poison.
The poisons will be absorbed trough their skin and mouths, they will destroy their minds and reproductive systems.
From all this, their children will be born dead, and we will conceal this information.
The poisons will be hidden in everything that surrounds them, in what they drink, eat, breathe and wear.
We must be ingenious in dispensing the poisons for they can see far.
We will teach them that the poisons are good, with fun images and musical tones.
Those they look up to will help. We will enlist them to push our poisons.
They will see our products being used in film and will grow accustomed to them and will never know their true effect.
When they give birth we will inject poisons into the blood of their children and convince them its for their help.
We will start early on, when their minds are young, we will target their children with what children love most, sweet things.
When their teeth decay we will fill them with metals that will kill their mind and steal their future.
When their ability to learn has been affected, we will create medicine that will make them sicker and cause other diseases for which we will create yet more medicine.
We will render them docile and weak before us by our power.
They will grow depressed, slow and obese, and when they come to us for help, we will give them more poison.
We will focus their attention toward money and material goods so they many never connect with their inner self. We will distract them with fornication, external pleasures and games so they may never be one with the oneness of it all.
Their minds will belong to us and they will do as we say. If they refuse we shall find ways to implement mind-altering technology into their lives. We will use fear as our weapon.
We will establish their governments and establish opposites within. We will own both sides.
We will always hide our objective but carry out our plan.
They will perform the labor for us and we shall prosper from their toil.
Our families will never mix with theirs. Our blood must be pure always, for it is the way.
We will make them kill each other when it suits us.
We will keep them separated from the oneness by dogma and religion.
We will control all aspects of their lives and tell them what to think and how.
We will guide them kindly and gently letting them think they are guiding themselves.
We will foment animosity between them through our factions.
When a light shall shine among them, we shall extinguish it by ridicule, or death, whichever suits us best.
We will make them rip each other’s hearts apart and kill their own children.
We will accomplish this by using hate as our ally, anger as our friend.
The hate will blind them totally, and never shall they see that from their conflicts we emerge as their rulers. They will be busy killing each other.
They will bathe in their own blood and kill their neighbors for as long as we see fit.
We will benefit greatly from this, for they will not see us, for they cannot see us.
We will continue to prosper from their wars and their deaths.
We shall repeat this over and over until our ultimate goal is accomplished.
We will continue to make them live in fear and anger though images and sounds.
We will use all the tools we have to accomplish this.
The tools will be provided by their labor.
We will make them hate themselves and their neighbors.
We will always hide the divine truth from them, that we are all one. This they must never know!
They must never know that color is an illusion, they must always think they are not equal.
Drop by drop, drop by drop we will advance our goal.
We will take over their land, resources and wealth to exercise total control over them.
We will deceive them into accepting laws that will steal the little freedom they will have.
We will establish a money system that will imprison them forever, keeping them and their children in debt.
When they shall ban together, we shall accuse them of crimes and present a different story to the world for we shall own all the media.
We will use our media to control the flow of information and their sentiment in our favor.
When they shall rise up against us we will crush them like insects, for they are less than that.
They will be helpless to do anything for they will have no weapons.
We will recruit some of their own to carry out our plans, we will promise them eternal life, but eternal life they will never have for they are not of us.
The recruits will be called “initiates” and will be indoctrinated to believe false rites of passage to higher realms. Members of these groups will think they are one with us never knowing the truth. They must never learn this truth for they will turn against us.
For their work they will be rewarded with earthly things and great titles, but never will they become immortal and join us, never will they receive the light and travel the stars.
They will never reach the higher realms, for the killing of their own kind will prevent passage to the realm of enlightenment. This they will never know.
The truth will be hidden in their face, so close they will not be able to focus on it until its too late.
Oh yes, so grand the illusion of freedom will be, that they will never know they are our slaves.
When all is in place, the reality we will have created for them will own them. This reality will be their prison. They will live in self-delusion.
When our goal is accomplished a new era of domination will begin.
Their minds will be bound by their beliefs, the beliefs we have established from time immemorial.
But if they ever find out they are our equal, we shall perish then. THIS THEY MUST NEVER KNOW.
If they ever find out that together they can vanquish us, they will take action.
They must never, ever find out what we have done, for if they do, we shall have no place to run, for it will be easy to see who we are once the veil has fallen. Our actions will have revealed who we are and they will hunt us down and no person shall give us shelter.
This is the secret covenant by which we shall live the rest of our present and future lives, for this reality will transcend many generations and life spans.
This covenant is sealed by blood, our blood. We, the ones who from heaven to earth came.
This covenant must NEVER, EVER be known to exist. It must NEVER, EVER be written or spoken of for if it is, the consciousness it will spawn will release the fury of the PRIME CREATOR upon us and we shall be cast to the depths from whence we came and remain there until the end time of infinity itself.
The trick is it’s actually the protein that screws up teeth and much else besides. Sugar is energy.
Well, thats a fine, knock-down argument – no gainsaying that, a succinct rebuttal, well argued, irrefutable logic, etc. etc.
Huh. Strange that my dental health has been perfect since I switched to a gluten-free, high protein ketogenic diet.
Consumption of refined sugar actually correlates really well with dental caries, it’s one of the most well-established relationships in medical science. Still, I think micronutrient status and the consumption of demineralizing antinutrients are also important factors.
The secret covenant is so secret, so immensely secret, that it is online….
Have UK GOV plc released post March 2020 suicide figures yet?
The figures are manufactured according to the required narrative. They’re constantly being tweaked. Look at this bit of fictionalized content called something like The Stage Magician Manages His Audience [ ] These books foresaw all this twenty years ago. We’re sleepwalking into some weird dystopian gulag. If someone calls you a conspiracy theorist nowadays, it’s hardly an insult.
Yup, they dont give up, the Fauxi thing, is going full trotle into insanity, and the Yellow/Orangutan is limping after, and now talks about full facial protection kits, with sheild, and face dipers thruout also inside your own house, yeah, I wounder if this is an new Gov revenue stream, huh, since everything else is sliding down to the bottom of the pit.
And instead of people dying all over, they now whines we are infected, of coure, after not doing that much for months they finaly have kicked the Swab hysteria into warp drive and everybody, of course since they use the swindle we know as PCR, (Protecting the Corona Raket) and “others” equally shitty test regimes, and forgets to enlighten us all about the fact most of the anual flus are de facto in whats defined as the corona virus family witch is in the hundred range, so any living, human would have some of this resting in our system to any given time, but the MSM dont bother to tell us that, nor the shitty test regime, witch can give you the result you want, just run the blender some rounds more and presto, the DNA/RNA shows us, uh…. something, but somehow, despite the sky rocketing numbers of uh… infected, they have to fake the stats to make it look like people are dying from it, somehow.
The fascinating aspect of the number jerking is that this raket is to keep been ongoing to the next flu wave comes witch is rught around the corner and I bet the war typos are been keept red hot to that day, witch of course is an corona strain, yeah, buckled both ends.
What is amazing is what Bozo the Clown is doing with Britain, its like something pushed reality into an different modus this year, something weird is going on, mass pshycosis, or generat dementia, an black hole sucking sanity into it and the collective gonitive abilitys went down the drain, the MSM is gone barking mad, even my wife and I laughs “hysterical” by all the insanity we are spoon feed from the PC-infested, an contagious decsease witch is much, much more dangerous than this itchy bitchy tiny whiny thing called Corona, and the row of experts, god have mercy makes this dance macabre complet.
I find the Brigade people hillarious, jesus they are indeed delerious, and tries after months of exposure of this scamdemic to twist it to be eh…. an empidemic, hehe, my advice, not shure you like it, is do continue, because, like others, Unite 8200/Black Box etc, makes people aware of your existence, if any doubt, that one is slowly eroding, so you have my deepest gratitue, we couldnt do it any better than what you are already duing your self, schmucks, since I know your supervisores are reading this massage them self, har, har, har, thanks.
Yup, life, an sexual transmitted condition with an deadly outcome, nobody survives that, are you scared enough, huh, intellegence this days if I am going to spice this with an analOgy is like trying to catch butterflies with your buttcheeks, if you want an challange or an new way of exserice your self.
But then again, Brigadiers, we are after all civlised, I do wish you all to have an nice day.
Go ou…sorry, this days the only way of getting some “sun” is probably more, ugh, higly lightly if you stick your head into your ownen, and please do remeber, do not smoke.
In addition to suicides, deaths due to domestic violence also appear to have increased during lockdown. Probably predominantly in this younger age group. These and the suicide figures will become available some time, but not in the near future, because inquests have to take place.
Are you sure about that….the changes to laws were wide and rapid….its almost a miracle so many law chnages were drafted so quick…..take mental health law and the process to get someone sectioned…very easy now…mask causing you distress….ahhh you must be mental….
Maybe they’re fatter?! One could also point out that the Euromomo statistics doesn’t include all EU countries. Although I’m not aware of any other easily available statistics (in English) on mortality in every European country.
It is obvious that the virus is only deadly depending on where you live. Why is there not an investigation into this phenonenon? Or is that the medical hoax has been carried out with too much zeal in some areas.
Yes indeed, it’s hard to be consistent when telling lying lies.
To be a good politician, the lies you are telling today have to be consistent with the lies you told yesterday.
You must never have been in The United States of Amnesia, then.
it could be genetics…as you might know the genetics of england is different from whales is differen from scotland is different from the continent…
to the editors: There is someone(or something) giving a down vote to nearly every thoughtful comment. Any way to get rid, its obviously the same person nd the down votes aren’t constructive.
What’s England’s 5G like? Remember when they 5G’d up a paramed company and 3 parameds died suddenly with bad hearts all in one weekend?
I’ve decided to both repurpose and paraphrase the Madeline Albright line about the half a million Iraqi children who died from U.S. pushed sanctions. In Ms. Albright’s own words: (“I think this is a very hard choice, but the price–we think the price is worth it.”)
My new version is: (“impaling the heads of a half-a-million dead oligarchs on pikes was a very hard choice – but the price – we think the price in order to save humanity is worth it!”)
I’m thinking this will make a good bumper sticker heading into the next phase of their covid operation.
That many? Also “Black Sites throughout Langley Land” and the criminal elements operating therein need dispatching to the four winds ASAP, as well.
I just picked a nice round number.
The more impaled oligarchs, the better.
Love it.
“People over six feet tall are more than twice as likely to be diagnosed with the coronavirus, the results of a new survey reveal.”
Are we paying these health freaks to produce this crap ?
Latest reports show that the most seriously affected group to be diagnosed with covid tend to average approximately 5 fingers on each hand.
It seems that 77th Brigade is out today, down voting anything they consider to be against the fake official narrative. Trolls in uniform!
It was also reported a few days ago that men who are balding are more likely to suffer serious symptoms of Covid19.
Presumably the intention is to scare the sh*t out of men with premature hair loss.
Come on – you guys are kidding right?
I’m not even going to check that link because if you are not kidding and they are really suggesting that utter shite I’m going to jump.
I wish I could tell you that these were fabricated. And the MSM who publish this nonsense have the audacity to describe anyone rationally questioning the propaganda being spun as ‘conspiracy theorists’ and calling for them to be silenced. ‘Dystopian’ is the perfect word to describe the society we are living in right now.
p.s. Please don’t jump! We need as many people as we can get to continue the fight to prove that there is still intelligent life left on Earth. 😀
OK. Maybe just jump on a few heads instead?
I read a study that says trans women are immune to it.
Scientists have discovered another deadly pathogen, even worse than COVID: they are calling it the Peekaboo virus.
Doctors are sending anyone with Peekaboo straight to I.C.U…
Feel free to groan or downvote!
23 Mar 2020 Lock Down Day. 24 Jul 2020 Mask Up Day. Nov 2020 Bend Over Day?
Nov 2020 could possibly be vaccine day, or testing day, anyhow something or other…
or the third wave.
They could test out the vaccines on 77th Brigade.
I swear/hope bend over day has come and gone, coz
(for some totally unknown reason)
my ass and the back of my neck was killing me like never before in may!!!
Off Topic: readers should be warned to only read sites whose editors are known, i.e. who are who they claim to be and are known. Be warned of sites (in whatever language) that are anonymous, i.e. whose editors are anonymous, especially those created for the covid purpose even when they appear to give proper information (they usually give you proper information, but subtly steer you away from the real questions).
If you have corresponded on those sites and think you know who the people behind them are because they have given you their supposed names in email exchanges, I would then urge you to do some search and make sure that the names indeed relate to people with the characteristics they claim to have. Anyone honest who would have given you their name, but claimed they are remaining anonymous on their site for reasons of prudence, can be found on some registry of their country. So always countercheck (ask them for some personal info, like profession or some other info you can check.).
But not be warned about Off Gaurdian that still refuses the fact there is no disease called covid and continues to debate details, face masks and political corruption?
There is no new disease called covid.
Covid is the big lie .
Why deal in anything but the exposure.
I know some readers here do read one such site, and I just wanted to say they are probably being listed as the email address they comment from is being taken.
Anyhow, this was just to warn readers to be careful of something quite sinister.
This has nothing to do with OffG and other honest sites that act in full transparency. It was not a comment on what people’s exact views are.
Thank you, hope.
“Covid is the big lie.”
COVID=Certificate Of Vaccination ID.
Wait until it gets to the point where we cannot go out into public places, travel, shop, or go to a doctor, without proof you are not a “risk” to others.
it is from the latin prefix -co together, completely and videre, to see. see together.
read somewhere when read right to left as in Hebrew that it is the name of their most dread demon of confusion or something or other. He is probably given the title of blog demon.
already that way in China.
You are getting very close to the nub of what’s going on. A down vote from 77th Brigade is a sign they are worried.
they dellited my comment about they and the guardian not warning of the signs of lokk down in their content. goes to show how important a law it is.
There is no real evidence that there is a disease known as Covid-19, it might well be just the flu. The utterly unreliable PCR test looks for a small strand of RNA that they say comes from the SARS-cov-2 coronavirusvirus, though that is not proven and the virus itself has never been isolated.
Extremely poor advise. Pseudo-anonymity is the only defense against the woke mob.
Im afraid I know what I am talking about in one particular instance. Its up to people whether they wish to be blacklisted by visiting or commenting on some dubious sites which appear to be created expressly for the purpose: to find out who thinks differently.
That”s a very fair point, only 77th Brigade would down vote it.
Who writes is of no importance at all. Currently you are on your own, being fooled non deliberately or deliberately serves as a test of your own credulity. If you fall into the trap of subtly being steered away for instance, you can learn a lesson from it. That you will ever find out the real and whole truth is very unlikely.
Why people below 65 died excessively on England and not in other countries?
I do not know but that warrants broad investigation analyzing all those deaths closely especially comorbidities and circumstances of individual deaths including mental state, medical protocols and drugs used, deadly delay of life saving treatments, misdiagnoses, malpractice, mismanagement of patients amid circumstances of total medical practice immunity for also for unqualified staff forced to follow untested protocols under state of medical emergency.
Before that happens if at all let’s consider circumstantial evidences.
First such a peak in weekly mortality alone does not indicate that the excess is big or it even exist as it is narrow. The correct way is taking into consideration entire epidemiological season from October first and September 30 since only then we may consider excess mortality as unusual meaning exceeding at least 2-3 standard deviations from expected, long term calibrated value to population changes (z-value). Z value of one or two or even three (99% confidence) may still indicate normal seasonal fluctuations of death numbers. Was there or was not excess mortality in this age group must be firmly established as other countries do not show it.
Second, such a sharp peak is never a natural phenomenon of infectious diseases as more people are dying slowly but steadily as epidemic progresses. Instead it resembles aftermath of nuclear blast in Hiroshima and Nagasaki or obliterating Dresden or Hamburg or Warsaw in WWII where massive casualties in 0-100 y.o. occurred or deliberate systemic mass murder Rwanda style. In other words such peak if real, not just an administrative reporting artifact, strongly indicates deliberate genocide.
Third, introduction, by medical authorities worldwide, strangely vague, confusing, nearly catch all and hence meaningless definition of COVID death coinciding with observed exponential increase of excess deaths reported as primarily COVID caused or related, may in fact have impacted procedure of determination of cause of death skewing reporting and hence over-counting of all deaths, by multiple reporting of the same deaths and piling up reporting numbers in short reporting period and/or continuous revisions , first the revisions of original cause of non-COVID death than upon PCR testing of the same body, suspected, preliminary and final determination of the same deaths again and again often reversed finally by pathologists findings weeks later never corrected by WHO or JHU and other global reporting outfits like Euromomo recently both by advocates of COVID pandemic narratives. OFFG provided clear evidences of that manipulative chaos in England.
Fourth, denying of access to general health care services, canceling rems of millions of doctors visits and treatments or surgeries whatever age under guise of COVID emergency very likely caused excess deaths in the age brackets outside of COVID target groups and degree of that phenomenon depends on general state of health in entire population. In fact most of that also strangely defends on local, specific policies applied by authorities in response to COVID hysteria.
Fifth, deliberate pushing of global economy into depression induced extreme social stress among all age groups in fact as studies suggest it induced war like mild to severe cases of mass PTSD as people are overwhelmed by fear proliferated by mass media, fear of death including love ones on whom we depend, fear of losing job, fear of evictions fear of future of our children, paralyzing fear and desperation felt locally in very different ways and culturally mitigated in numerous different ways with different degree of success and failure resulting in succumbing to psychosomatic or mental disease often leading of social de-cohesion and collapse of family and community support structures and wave of systemic policies induced suicides.
The COVID experiment conducted by global oligarchic elite on living organism of society can only be equated to mass torture and mass murder.
All the liberals and the smiley-faced daytime TV presenters are clutching their pearls over coronavirus (previously Covid-19).
No one gave a f*** when people were dying from Tory austerity – 130,000 premature deaths, 111,000 DWP deaths/suicides, 500+ homeless deaths in 2018.
Who will care when millions die from cancelled NHS treatment?
Indeed. We are under attack. Death by withholding resources. Winter past they came for the elderly and infirm. We need to proceed with refutation of this ominous nonsense.
Tories andf Labour are the same. Why people still fall for this “the tories are the badies” nonsense is beyond me. It doesnt matter who you vote for – the government always gets in.
Dr. Kary Mullis was an American biochemist who won the Nobel prize for his work in microbiology. He invented the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique that the authorities are using to justify this multi-billion pound vaccine plan. He died on the 7th August 2019.
More here:
PCR technology is a manufacturing technique and was not intended to be a diagnostic tool. Its inventor says clearly, it CANNOT be used to ‘diagnose’ a viral infection. That was not what he invented PCR for. Depending on the number of cycles used in the process, they can multiply or ‘amplify’ the result; if they use 30 cycles, say, they have a negative, but up it to 42 and it becomes positive. In other words as a test, it is completely meaningless.
It is no coincidence that suddenly, positives for the ‘virus’ in China suddenly dropped – the ‘test’ can be made to give whatever number they want.
That is why they do not want to talk about Koch postulates as they require purification of pathogen and then analyze its proteins and RNA . What they are analyzing is RNA soup sample taken from a dirty dish serving many different soups where almost any RNA chain fragment can be found in minute quantities to be amplified to the level of detection by PCR process.
I’m very impressed by this experiment, just wish I knew what the hypothesis is (of the lead principal investigators)? Here’s to hoping we are among the chosen few to proceed into the future here on earth.
Isn’t there some fates worse than death?
There has to an official spike because “not enough” British people are buying into the official narrative in order to enforce masks and so on
77th Brigade down voting again and we’re paying for these trolls in uniform.
Unfortunately I think this will be used by the Lemmings and Deviants as proof that England have been ‘crap at lockdown’ and the other countries have all been good little countries and done as they’re told.
My first thought was that maybe it’s cos Brits are less healthy, but then I read it’s only England. Which is indeed puzzling, and potentially sinister.
Has England had a much faster rollout of 5G than everyone else? If so, it would certainly lend credibility to my deep concerns around 5G.
Strange, that same theme keeps coming up where I live across the pond. I regularly see/hear comments like “Japan/Korea/Europe were able to get this under control but we’re too selfish to buckle down and eradicate this thing!! Our grandparents who banded together during WW2 would be ashamed.”
I was genuinely thrilled yesterday to hear about the protest in Berlin.
Perhaps Neil Ferguson has swapped his computer for a wiggly line machine and changed his name. Otherwise it’s down to those not so jolly hockeysticks rearing their ugly heads again.
Someone below suggests suicides but the clue is in where it is England and wherd it isnt. Scotland Wales NIrelandRest of Europe. Ihave lived in Scotland and I cant believe they have a suicide rate less that the rest. Since the dividing lines are essentially lines of regional organization, I would suspect this is likely error in either the counting or the collating of the statistics. And I would not discount deliberate error. The data would need to be examined with higher resolution as somebody else below also suggests.
Given the amount of BS flowing from most governments would you even begin to believe anything these people say. I’ve changed my old joke about how do you know when a politician is lying? When their lips are moving. Now it is how do you know when a politician or their public health officials are lying? When their lips are moving.
But how can we tell with those masks on?
From what I read and hear, this phenomenon is because the unique straon of COVID 19 in circulation as well as causing breathing difficulties, anosmia and very severe athletes foot also causes people to fall of motor bikes, ride pedal cycles into heavy gods vehicles, slip and plunce a hundred feet or so while rock climbing, choke on cherry stones., shut themselves in walk – in freezers or spontaneously combust.
My evidence is purely anecdotal of course, but anecdote is at least as reliable as official statistics.
Most broadly, hyper-regulated overcrowded modern societies are suffocating.
No. Choking on peanuts is the culprit.
Malcolm Kendrick also made this point in his blog a few weeks ago.
Crazy batshit lies is what the Skripal affair is. Just pue unadulterated batshit.
If you want to survive Covid-19 take Milk Thistle every day.
I drink lots and lots of gin and tonic (Schweppe’s, with quinine, of course).
It works wonders.
When treating myself, I took 30 grams – sic! – of vitaminC, as sodium ascorbate crystaline powder, in plenty of water, every day for the three days that it took me to see it off; stirred and sipped every quarter hour right round the clock AFAP. I was never worse than a bit ropey and lazy the whole time.
The idea is to keep your tissues saturated in C continuously. How much varies. When ill you *need* a lot more. Been doing this for over 25 years, every time I get the smallest indicator that a cold or flu might be having a go. I’ve *never* been down with either in all that time, though I used to suffer previously. When well, I also take two-to-three grams – sic! – of slow release C in tablet form daily, as a prophylactic.
Big-dose C, whether by mouth or intravenously, has no serious side-effects, and virtually none that are even trivial. It also has no known LD-50. Many users are known to have taken much bigger doses, with nothing but good effect. The authentic medical record is full of clinicians *curing* major fearsome diseases from the ’40s onwards with big-dose C. But it has to be BIG! Don’t worry: there has never been a single report – that I’ve ever seen – of any adverse consequences.
BTW, I turned 80 just after this incident. The terror-storm about covid-flu, especially as a sure-fire killer of oldies, is mainly a blizzard of deceits. If you are otherwise healthy, and take care to fortify your immune system – which C does admirably – there’s no need to panic and wall yourself up. Actually, that’s more likely to cause trouble. Been out and about in the sun and air, walking and cycling, and mingling promiscuously, throughout this whole silly panic. Having always refused flu shots, and having maintained this imperviousness to the coronas in all this time, through C, I saw no particular reason not to respond as I always have before to the annual flu season.
The one data point about this whole business that I trust 100% – the account by London front-line doctor ‘dan’, who runs The Lifeboat News website, of the vicious weeks-long illness which covid caused him, followed by weeks more of poorly convalescence – persuades me that there is something more than usually nasty about this flu. dan, as an ICU consultant, presumably copped a heavy load of the virus. But I suspect that that’s all it is, in fact: an unusually swinish flu. Like any flu, it can kill you; but it needn’t.
Go to David Saul’s excellent ‘’ website for comprehensive, very-high-quality information about all this. A votre sante!
quercetin, ginseng, artemesia are also all zinc ionophores. remember to take zinc with them.
Take whatever the hell you like….it wont protect you from something that doesnt exist except in the minds of people who are A financially corrupted or B stupefied by the constant onslaught of propaganda and outright lies
And as an aside ….good morning 77 brigade you bunch of traitorous bastards….you do realise that shortly after the day of reckoning that will come, you and the members of the behavioural insights team have appointments with rough men with long ropes ….I look forward to seeing your Mussolini and Ceaucescu impressions
Excellent revelation, thanks.
Actually take a look rather than piss in everyone elses pocket.
You want to survive Covid-19 then consume Milk Thistle.
dont drink a certain other type of milk.
What causes of death correlate with the excess deaths? Are they strokes? Heart attacks? What is the cause of death listed? If it is strokes then it is Covid.
In mean time definitive proof has emerged showing UK government and FT have been lying all along about the Skripals.
Regarding Kit Knightly’s final question.
We may never know for sure since death certificates attribute to covid each and every death.
This said, possibly one should also consider social class, i.e. living conditions. For one thing is sure: since the 1980s, the living conditions of the less privileged part of society in England has plummeted in comparison with the rest of Europe. I remember even in those days, the shock Europeans had going to Northern England. Since then, it has become nearly Dickensian. I must admit that when from the continent I went to Southern/Eastern England in 2018 after about 10 years, I was myself shocked.
So possibly deaths should be studied not just by age, but income group.
I’d say study those compiling the England death statistics, both their methods and motives. Our very competent top science advisors have already denied us the HCQ treatments now ending death and pandemic in many nations around the world, remember.
Perhaps I was not clear. What I meant is: you cannot fake total number of deaths. So there must have been more deaths among the younger generations in England than elsewhere in Europe during the lockdown. So why was this the case? Could it be that the living conditions of lower income groups in England are far worse than on the continent? Could it be that that is the reason of higher deaths in that agegroup or even others? They died because if you’re locked up in those conditions you are likely to die because the conditions are not congenial to a life which no longer has an outdoor component.
I did not mean they’d died of covid.
“you cannot fake total number of deaths”
It’s just a number, much like the official unemployment rate in the US, which is reported as 5%, when the reality is 20+%.
Or Soviet Production numbers.
Or the daily price of Gold as “fixed” by the LBMA.
Any number provided by a government is suspect, especially when it is used to support extreme measures to be applied to a Population.
No need to actually provide corpses, as no one is verifying the claims.
Could be any number of things:
Add your own theories.
statistics were just as much a fantasy in their original version as in their recti-fied version. A great deal of the time you were expected to make them up out of your head. For example, the Minis-try of Plenty’s forecast had estimated the output of boots for the quarter at 145 million pairs. The actual output was given as sixty-two millions. Winston, however, in rewriting the forecast, marked the figure down to fifty-seven millions, so as to allow for the usual claim that the quota had been overfulfilled. In any case, sixty-two millions was no near-er the truth than fifty-seven millions, or than 145 millions. Very likely no boots had been produced at all. Likelier still, nobody knew how many had been produced, much less cared. All one knew was that every quarter astronomical numbers of boots were produced on paper, while perhaps half the population of Oceania went barefoot
Nothing but payback for Brexit.
This is what happens when you falsify statistics and count virtually any death as a CV-19 death. We aren’t really testing either so we don’t have a baseline. So, these are either blatantly falsified statistics (the NHS are used to fiddling their figures, been doing it for years). Or, they are the deaths of people in this age group that have been refused life saving hospital treatment due to the Hospitals being shut down. CV-19 is not a killer virus.
They have been predicting the alleged ‘2nd wave’ since the beginning. What figures are they basing this on. Well, it is apparently here. Yet the hospitals remain 95% empty, the Nightingale hospitals totally empty. I haven’t seen the 1st wave yet.
I strongly suspect they are serious falsified figures to justify further restrictions on our civil liberties. At least the Germans and other nations are out there demonstrating against them. We need to mobilise or ignore these unreasonable restrictions.
The second wave will consist of ordinary colds, flu and an epidemic of lung infections caused by prolonged use of face mask.
On Twitter yesterday a tweet written by the husband of a woman who’s currently hospitalised with a nasty bacterial lung infection, which she contacted through wearing face masks all day.
Yes, you are right. The evidence just does not fit this alleged ‘2nd wave’. There are many Governments around the world that are not buying this wearing masks BS in some countries that’s because the people took the streets and they were forced to abandon it. The Dutch Government has said there isn’t anything like enough evidence to support the contention that it prevents infection. As the husband on twitter showed, the consequences are worse than not wearing them.
The spike occurred during the lockdown. It rose with the imposition of the draconian measures and it disappeared with the easing of those measures. It could be caused by the lockdown measures or it could be caused by something else. Without knowing the causes of those deaths, it is impossible to say whether the spike and the lockdown are merely correlated or whether there is a cause and effect relationship. The government has known about this spike for over a month, but as far as I can tell, it has made no attempt to find an explanation for the spike. This apparent lack of curiosity suggests that the government may well know the lockdown measures are the cause. The government did, after all produce a report (which they happened to keep very quiet about) on 8 April 2020 that considered how many people might die as a result of the lockdown measures.
See categories 2, 3 & 4 in particular.
Thank you for that link Steve.
All the more useful, since it is from government itself.
I have personal experience of someone who died as a result of ‘self-isolation’.
I tried to explain to his family, that there was practically nothing to fear – to no avail – they were sold on the idea of imminent extinction. Perhaps if I had known of this paper at the time, I might have made a difference.
For next time.
It only came to light just before parliament recessed, when Chris Whitty referred to it before a Select Committee. I suspect this was a gaffe, particularly as Matt Hancock stated on 10 April 2020 that the government have not made any attempt to assess the number of people who would die as a result of the government’s lockdown measures.
What’s your blog called again Steve? I’ve forgotten
Here’s a link:
Here in Brazil, a fireman friend and student of mine works on the suicide hotlines in the capital, Brasilia. Prior to the quarantine, Brazilians were killing themselves at the rate 0.5 per day. It’s now 33 per day. He warns that this shocking information is classified information, which is why the local media aren’t reporting it. I wonder why that news is censored! So do posters believe that Brits, with their more severe lockdown, are faring any better? Or that long-term lockdown and quarantine reduce the overall pain and suffering caused by the wu-flu?
Ha ha ha ha – Kit throws a dead cat on the table! And runs away.
Hey Kit why no article celebrating the elevation of the fake Revolutionary Communist Party establishment fascist front and rabid BrexShit head honcho Clare Fox to the Lords for the great works for the status quo fascist Anglo Imperialism – along with the Off-G alma mater and template SPIKED!
The fake revolutionary agit-prop groups that are just mere fronts and shadows of the spooks and MSM. Just as much as the fake fact checkers.
Nothing to say? Too busy celebrating?
Hey even the On-G managed to sneak in a silly season article on it- when the Cath’s away?
Along with one on the great beast Bannon, chest thumping for coordinating Brexit and the fascist alt-right groups across Europe, written on 31st May released yesterday online for today’s Obsessive !
When no one will be paying attention.
Yeah – never mind looking at that eh Kit – you’d rather we sniffed your dead cat !
Don’t you think its about time you replaced that snot infected, bacteria riddled mask?
Concerning hallucinogenic states brought about by chronic hypoxia, Dr. E. L. Lloyd notes that they may be similar to the hallucinations experienced by climbers at altitude…
Upon examining the studies on hypoxia he found that “abnormalities in the cerebral neurochemistry involving one or more of the interconnected neurotransmitters, dopamine, serotonin, and beta-endorphin had been reported in all the conditions associated with hallucinations.”
Erotic Asphyxiation – Wiki
Note the ‘erotic’
Well, Kit,you asked for it! You had to put the E word in.
“Unprecedented spike in deaths of 15-44 year olds unlikely to be due to Covid19″
Well, because there is no COVID19 ‘virus’.
Medical technology company Becton Dickinson and Co said it received an order from the UK government for 65 million injection devices to support Britain’s COVID-19 vaccination program,
see here:
Dr. Kary Mullis was an American biochemist who won the Nobel prize for his work in that field. He invented the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique that the authorities are using to justify this multi-billion pound vaccine plan. He died on the 7th August 2019.
More here:
However, its inventor says clearly, it CANNOT be used to ‘diagnose’ a viral infection. That was not what he invented PCR for.
Depending on the number of cycles used in the process, they can multiply the result; if they use 30 cycles, say, they have a negative, but up it to 42 and it becomes positive. In other words as a test, it is completely meaningless.
COVID=Certificate Of Vaccination ID – without which, you will not work or eat.
quit terrorising people making claims about what “will” be. covid is corona virus disease according to who.
“quit terrorising people”
If you find that my mere words ‘terrorise’ you, then perhaps you are a little too sensitive to be attending the comment sections of current affairs sites like this.
Stress may be bad for your immune system, and for those of the ‘people’ you presume to represent.
a warning is required for all content containing signs of a lockdown. the tollerance towards this is 0%. why are you trying to claim i should not be sensitive to such conditioning efforts? this is not current but history.
As I keep posting to those claiming that wu-flu is somehow not real, you’ll need to convince the Wuhan researchers who successfully identified, isolated and studied coronaviruses in bats as long ago as 2012. They proudly explained how they only selected viruses that would transmit directly to humans, as published in this Nature magazine report, one of many explaining their progress over the last decade:
Isolation and characterization of a bat SARS-like coronavirus that uses the ACE2 receptor
there is alot of pollution in china so ofcourse there is real respiratory problems aswell as motiv to find a batty excuse. so they used a pcr test to find similar particles. so what?
Absolutely true.
Refer to Wuhan province. Pictures of the city were shown on BBC and ITV, where the ‘virus’ was supposed to have first appeared. The air was quite obviously thick with smog, and yet none of the reporters bothered to mention this. Even small amounts of SO2 (the by-product of fossil fuel burning, particularly lignite) in the air will cause illness. The people there have been protesting about this, for years while now, and little is done by their government to improve things. The ‘coronavirus’ is a hoax to cover for the government’s lack of environmental action that has resulted in a serious health issue for their people.
MSM report here, where middle-class Chinese are buying £3000+ aircon systems to keep their children’s lungs safe whilst indoors (no need to read the MSM commentary, just look at the video’s.) The air pollution is horrendous:
I am amazed that people like NicS the commenter, who generally have a sceptical approach to the media, have fallen for this one. Now, someone with a bad cough or ‘flu-like’ symptoms is jumped on by the media as a ‘possible’ or ‘likely’ to have the virus, and added to the total for the outbreak.
All done on behalf of big pharma and the security apparatus. Even in Europe, the people ‘self-curfew’ themselves, and not a baton or riot gun in sight, there, or in China.
“the Wuhan researchers”
And what, do you think, will the CCP do to scientists whose ‘results’ do not fit with their agenda?
Will they laugh heartily, and say ‘publish anyway’?
A quote from your link:
“PCR was conducted to amplify…”
The operative word.
Dr. Kary Mullis was an American biochemist who won the Nobel prize for his work in that field. He invented the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique that the authorities are using to justify this multi-billion pound vaccine plan. He died on the 7th August 2019.
More here:
However, its inventor says clearly, it CANNOT be used to ‘diagnose’ a viral infection. That was not what he invented PCR for.
Depending on the number of cycles used in the process, they can multiply the result; if they use 30 cycles, say, they have a negative, but up it to 42 and it becomes positive. In other words as a test, it is completely meaningless.
Look the test can be standardised to a number of cycles and only signed off if the appropriate number of cycles were performed.
Of course you can falsify data by doing 10 extra cycles, but if there is any paperwork, it will be in there and the test procedures can be flagged up as unsound.
Bring out your dead!
I was thinking about past major pandemics that have plagued humanity and thought it might be pertinent to briefly compare the worst to the one we are currently faced with. Perhaps it may add some perspective to the situation we now find ourselves in..
*The Plague of Justinian.
Took place in the year 541 AD and was claiming up to 10,0000 lives per day in Constantinople. Bodies were so numerous that they were stacked inside buildings or left in the open. Over a third of Constantinoples’s residents died and the ‘plague’ (probably (bubonic) eventually spread to Europe where, according to the ancient historian Procopius, killed at least 25 million people. The actual death toll may have been much higher.
*The Black Death.
Started in 1347, probably from the east and invaded Europe. It lasted around five years, killed somewhere in the region of 50 million people which was estimated at half the population of Europe. Whole populations of towns were wiped out and it was said that the living spent most of their time burying the dead.
*The great plague of London.
This took place in 1665 and at its peak was claiming the lives of 8,000 people each week.
The wealthy fled to the countryside leaving the poor as the main victims. London’s authorities tried to contain the infected by quarantining them in their homes which were marked with a red cross. Total death rate was estimated at between 75,000–100,000—around 25% of London’s then population—before the outbreak eventually subsided and was finally extinguished by the Great fire .
*The third plague pandemic.
The first two major plague pandemics began with the Plague of Justinian and the Black Death. The most recent, the so-called “Third Pandemic,” erupted in 1855 in the Chinese province of Yunnan. The disease traversed the globe over the next several decades. The worldwide outbreak would eventually claim some 15 million lives before petering out in the 1950s.
*And now we have the 2020 major pandemic that has spread across the world at lightning speed locking us in our homes, shutting down economies and spreading fear and trepidation to billions of people. However, compared to its historical forbears this ‘plague’ really is something of a damp squib. Apparently, we can catch it or pass it on by inhalation, exhalation, touch, coughing, sneezing, and even when standing less than two meters from another person it can ‘leap’ across to contaminate. It can swim, is carried on currency, clothes, books, and, according to some, can even be transmitted by the evil eye.
This plague really is a bugger and judging by governments across the world this is a pandemic like no other and because of it we have to be locked in our homes for our own good.
The only problem of course is that this is a plague in search of a cause and indeed in search of victims. This deadly disease is notorious by its absence of dead and dying. No piles of bodies with this one. No towns or villages wiped out and barrows being pushed about to carry off those who have expired. It is unique in that no one knows anyone who has either had it, or indeed has it , save the so called Covid deaths that affect those in their eighties or over and who’s word on these are only released to us by official decree. It is called a Coronovirus, which to anybody who knows even the minimum about these things indicates that it is a ‘cold’ to varying degrees. So, we have the world locked down because there is the possibility of catching a cold..
What are we to make of it? Historical plagues were real because the dead and dying smacked everyone in the face and survivors had hard experience of the reality of it. This Covid plague does not present us with physical evidence that we can measure by experience. All we have are media assurances, dictated by government decree, that somewhere out there in the great blue yonder lies something that we cannot touch, cannot see, cannot feel, cannot smell, cannot comprehend and cannot see anyone so affected within our society. Never the less, we are constantly harangued that if we let down our guard, it will jump on us and deliver us towards a fate worse than death. In other words: this plague is real all right but it is a plague of fear, and that fear is stoked every day by a corrupt government and a compliant media..
Even with the Black death there were those who were genetically unique and naturally immune. Today, as we face this plague of ‘Fear’ there are those of us who are, in a similar vane, ‘naturally immune’.I would reckon that the naturally immune frequent places like this web site and as others have said, perhaps it is up to us to go out and appeal to those who also possess this immunity—they’re just not aware of it yet.
Plagues of the past were treated by medical ‘experts’ using bloodletting, leeches, lancing and other crude techniques which we now look back on with ridicule. Today, we are urged to wear masks, refrain from visiting our families, cease all methods of touching and affection, stand at least two meters apart and perform ridiculous gyratory movements in our efforts to avoid other people. All of this advice is given by today’s medical ‘experts’ complete with their plethoras of diplomas and degrees. I cannot help but think that the doctors of the middle ages might be worthy of more credibility.
The plague of 541 was brought to earth in a comet from space.
‘Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire’ by Edward Gibbon – Chapter: ‘The year of the Comet – AD 540’
Yes, Lord Sumption said this alleged ‘pandemic’ is at the bottom of the list in terms of anything as compared against previous genuine pandemics as you say. I guess the last one was the Spanish Flu after the War?
Ask yourself a simple question.Why do you refer to these events as plagues? Where did you learn this?
This is what happens when you believe everything you are taught in their indoctrinaction camps and do no research. There is no proof the Black Death was a plague caused by a microbe. In fact the way it spread contradicts this idea. Even mainstream ‘scientists’ accept this. What you aren’t told.
It almost certainly wasn’t a bacteria or virus. Why? Because we now know Germ theory is invalidated.
Agreed, Kevin. Despite the very serious, trenchant scientific challenges to Germ Theory mounted by Ryke Geerd Hamer and Stefan Lanka, amongst others, this is ignored in the mainstream media, or mentioned only to be denounced and ridiculed.
It is simply assumed a priori Germ Theory is 100% correct and can never be challenged or contradicted in any way. The evidence against it is rejected automatically and without scrutiny. This is a sure sign that our age is not one dominated by science, as claimed, but rather one dominated by corporatism, credentialism, and technocracy.
These where then at least a plague of deaths. These days for instance, we suffer from the plague of literalism and factualism..
‘Urged’? ‘Advice’? You are generous to authority and its control over millions. I’m betting that medieval people had much more freedom to ignore the experts and their advice than we do.
” that medieval people had much more freedom to ignore the experts and their advice than we do”
According to the ideological narrative we live in the era of freedom, but aside of being relatively freed from the slavery to have to toil and sweat for our most basic necessities, we are broadly in a wide range of areas more enslaved than any historical human.
The doctors of the middle ages might certainly be worthy of more credibility even because the number of amount of things they treat and the methods they employ have exploded since, which raises the number of wrong practices. Additionally, the interests in medicine have exploded gigantically since, it being a multi billion if not trillion dollar industry…
Excellent essay. Thanks for taking the time and effort to write it.
the excess mortality for italy isnt that substantial compared with the media hysteria appearing earlier than elsewhere. excess deaths appear to arrive latest in scotland wales and ireland. a part of the 1918 propaganda was that young people were effected but this may have been due to them trying the ‘vaccines’. i think it looks like stronger influence of the americans over nhs england inline with brexit. i did see on cnn them trying to make the case that covid could effect young people.
The 1918 ‘flu’ was actually a fungus, that had learnt to thrive within the lungs of humans. Most probably, it arose from the conditions in no-mans-land, where human bodies were being buried and re-buried by constant artillery barrages over the years of the Great War.
My granddad got it when he was 12, he was a smoker, and he described to me how the pain was so bad in his head, it had him banging it against the wall.
He went into a coughing fit, and a large, blood covered mass, somewhat smaller than a ping-pong ball was ejected, nearly choking him in the process. After this, he recovered.
He lived to 76 years.
hmm maybe fibres from wearing a mask irritated his lungues leading to coughing up a blood stained cotton ball. good thing they didnt put him on a vent.
It was 1918.
Only the wealthy could afford a doctor.
And my Granddad was working class.
They were on their own when they got sick.
And, I can say it was certainly no ‘fur ball’, from his description.
Nobody wore masks – because they did not work.
Therefore cremation is from the point of hygiene the best thing.
How did Americans make me support Brexit?
It was reported the other day that some 21,000 have now died because their treatment of other serious illnesses had been curtailed, hospitals shut etc.
Can we assume that at least a few, including teenagers, will be among those completely unnecessary deeaths – all the result of the coronavirus panic and partly because of the British refusal to use the HCQ/zinc to control it.
So we have 21,000 extra deaths so far and clearly of the 40,000 plus who have officially died of the virus – many thousands would be alive today with HCQ.
Who is responsible for this ban?
It would appear TPTB have indeed some other agenda.
And those 21,000 inconvenient deaths seem to have raised very few eyebrows.
it is much worse because the covid deaths were people who were about to die anyway where as the non covid ones could have had much better chances. then there is all the new lives prevented by interfering with couples meeting for the first time. it could be predicted 60 years ago there would be baby boomers becoming old.
” it could be predicted 60 years ago there would be baby boomers becoming old”
Considering that many many things which can easily be reasonably predicted are not acte on, but that in the area of pandemics they pump millions into research and prevention, this may rouse some suspicion..
Hi Emily, I think we need to start from the point that there is no pandemic and no virus. There is a ‘flu’ going around may be but that’s it. HCQ is not that positive – may be it’s worth your while to look into that a bit more. The question is, as you say, I strongly suspect most deaths attributable to CV-19 are, in fact, more to do with dying of a lack of life saving treatment. That is called institutional manslaughter I believe. The second big question is, as we are not really testing here, where is the evidence of any virus at all? The hospitals are closed. They are 95% empty. Mortuaries are not reporting a massive increase in deaths and funerals to the point they cannot cope. Why are the hospitals closed. We are allegedly in the midst of the worse health problem since the war and the NHS response is to shut down with the staff all on full pay Doesn’t make sense does it? Third question is the way we are recording deaths is down to the discretion of the Doctor concerned. They don’t have to test for CV-19 they can just certify it as a cause of death. They seem to be doing it with one hell of a lot of deaths as CV-19 is not a killer virus. So, if you get tested positive in February (and there are a lot of false positives in the test) and get run over by a bus in July, that is certified as a CV-19 death. When the Italian Health Institute cleaned their data, they found that 96% of people that died (all in the 80yrs+ group) had died of their long-term co-morbid conditions not CV-19.
As Churchill said, there are lies, damned lies and statistics. We are seriously falsifying the numbers and are cooking the books in order to create a crisis out of nothing. As we are not testing in any sort of meaningful numbers, we don’t even have a baseline from which to start. The only virus going around is called bullshit and fake news. Steer well clear of them.
Yes it’s a manufactured crisis.
They have no intention of ever going back to normal. Boris talking about normality by Christmas is bullshit and just part of the psyop.
Each restriction is a compliance test. The more people that comply they add on another.
It’s laughable that anyone thinks this government is trying to protect the people.
In fact the reverse is true. We need protected from the government.
They are slowly preparing the nation for the vaccine.
The real fun and games haven’t started yet.
People will begrudgingly accept masks but they won’t accept the vaccine.
If you follow closely the government actually are planning for mass unrest.
They probably can’t quite believe there hasn’t been a massive pushback yet but it will come.
The only way to stop this is for everyone to refuse to comply with masks, lockdown etc.
Then they would lose credibility and have to stop.
Yes Paul, the 2nd wave now is entirely manufactured. I am not wearing a mask. Nobody has said anything yet. We need to act collectively though so, I hope the sheeples get some gumption, take the damned masks off and hit the streets. Dissent is growing slowly. Most people I chatted to around here are truly fed up with having to wear a mask. Really fed up.
You don’t need to deny the reality of the wu-flu in order to criticise or condemn the reaction to it. Both covid-19 and the new and absurd authoritarianism are real and worrying.
No they are not. COVID isn’t real because there is no reliable test that can identify it. PCR technology is a manufacturing technique and was never intended to be a diagnostic tool. This is why Kary Mullis strenuously and angrily objected to the use of his invention in this way, and why the same person can test negative and positive simultaneously.
Further, Ryke Geerd Hamer and Stefan Lanka demonstrated germ theory to be wrong – several decades ago in Hamer’s case – but this truth is a priori dismissed as too outlandish. In other words, certain tenets are are held to be unassailable in advance – no matter how much evidence is against them – thus mainstream medicine is truly more of a fundamentalist religion than a science.
Spot on.
The inventor said clearly, it CANNOT be used to ‘diagnose’ a viral infection. As you correctly point out, that was not what he invented PCR for.
Depending on the number of cycles used in the process, they can multiply the result; if they use 30 cycles, say, they have a negative, but up it to 42 and it becomes positive. In other words as a test, it is completely meaningless.
It is no coincidence that suddenly, positives for the ‘virus’ in China suddenly dropped – the ‘test’ can be made to give whatever number they want.
The ruling class are getting rid of the old and the sick. Anyone who can’t work for the ruling class.
It should be a national scandal shouldn’t it. The Courts have never allowed euthanasia via legal challenges for very good reason. The NHS have been trying to kill off the elderly for years – they’ve got free reign to do it now.
I dare say, the virus is the virus of fear and masked hate. And this is truly the only one global pandemic.
John, you are right it is.
Doctors successfully using HCQ cocktails to save thousands know that “the countries with the highest mortality from COVID-19 are also the countries that have demonized chloroquine the most, i.e. Western Europe and part of the United States.” They also know that their efforts to spread their life-saving information are being blocked by the MSN, social media giants and big pharma (namely Gilead, whose paid experts reportedly fabricate Lancet research against HCQ, threaten independent experts and frontline doctors like Didier Raoult of Marseilles, and stuff official advisory panels). I think these are the stories which most expose how our governing institutions have been captured and corrupted by monied interests, and which therefore most deserve our critical attention. The UK and French authorities have been among the very worst performing globally; compare to densely populated Taiwan (23m), where doctors have been using HCQ routinely since the beginning of the pandemic and where there is no more crisis and total deaths are in the low hundreds. By contrast, UK experts are hobbling our doctors and so killing us rather than protecting us.
The statistics re HCQ are unarguable.
And remember the outcry over ventilators and lack of?
Death traps.
Check out Indian Tonic water.
Most, including supermarkets, contain HCQ and with a zinc supplement are better as a preventative, than nothing.
At last people are wakening up to this masking scam.
And in Germany …
“This is the reality of society today. It is the outcome not of ‘fake news’ or an expression of that equally vacuous and fallacious invention, ‘post-truth’ society. This is an outcome of state-backed ‘fake news’, where the threat of the Coronavirus and steps taken to deal with it have institutionalised an exaggerated sense of uncertainty and fear among millions of citizens around the world.”
Donald Trump has long condemned the ‘fake news media’ as “the greatest enemy of the people”. Whatever ‘state’ backs the MSM, it is most certainly not Trump’s administration. Remember how he famously recommends HCQ, opposes obligatory masks, and wants to end lockdown? Maybe you should say ‘deep-state backed fake news”, and get on the Trump train. No-one frightens the elites more than Trump, which is why they manipulate society to hate him.
Not mentioned by the BBC.
The BBC are not a news channel and not even pro Tory.
Their job is to push the official narrative using fake news and propaganda.
They are enemies of the British people.
Exactly. The Biased Broadcasting Corporation are the puppets and agents of woke culture, AKA cultural Marxism. So your ‘official’ misses the mark.
Report on RT
Not a lot else that I have seen……..
Bloody hell this is good news. Good on them.
Estimates on the number of protestors in Berlin range from 800,000 to 3 million. Germany’s mass media are bizarrely claiming that 17,000 to 20,000 turned up. Yesterday may well prove to be a significant turning point.
Germany striking back against fascism like this is historically poetic, to say the least!
I agree. Footage from the air calculated 2.2 million, I read. Poetic indeed if Germany manages to quash fascism.
new video by….
Department of health and social care (blackmail video)
Testing is free, quick and vital to stop the spread of coronavirus.
So let’s get tested and get back to the things we love.
posted twice due to approval ?
That video is a vile piece of political blackmail.
This ‘testing first’ bs is bass ackwards.
Modern clinical diagnosis and treatment derives from symptoms. Patients present at hospital or their doctors with symptoms. The symptoms allow a disease to be diagnosed. If the symptoms are generic, then testing (blood tests, urine tests, XR ray, CT scan,etc) may be carried out to differentiate possible causes.
In order to work backwards from test, the test would have to be 100% specific, and that is highly unlikely. For the covid tests, it is correct only in about 60-70% of cases, little better than guess work. Coupled with the endemic nature of coronavirus presence, it serves simply as a means of propagating and sustaining induced fear.
No testing helps flatten the infection rate curve….flattening the curve, flattening the curve, flattening the curve.
Ah yes, but the ‘test’ returns a lot of false positives they also cannot distinguish between a dead virus and a live one. So, if you had a cold or flu a year ago (both covid viruses) and your body’s immune system dealt with it and it is now dead, the test won’t recognise that. Good eh?
‘Get tested so we can justify lockdowns until the vaccines come. Cases may be asymptomatic, but who cares. Tests may be inaccurate, but who cares. We need a cover for justifying endless lockdowns.
We don’t care if you die of a heart attack or cancer but get tested.
Government Funded.Bill Gates refunded. Another ‘hero’ busy on camera as we’re all dropping dead in the streets..where are the rest – dancing ?
I mentioned this same anomaly months ago! I think there have been many more suicides than reported by the MSM, but unfortunately there is typically a long delay before suicide stats are made public.
As posted previously: my fireman friend here in Brasil says suicide rates have jumped from 0.5 per day pre-pandemic to 33 per day now. He also says this information is classified, but couldn’t explain why.
Perhaps because of the propaganda against hydroxychloroquine led to the worst covid medical management anywhere? I’m a retired medic.
Hopefully you’ll help me promote the independent, global data sources on Twatter who have been exposing fraudulent anti-HCQ research sponsored by big Pharma and reporting on the many nations avoiding mass hospitalisation and death through HCQ treatments. For example, densely-populated Taiwan (pop 23m) has been routinely using HCQ since the early days of the pandemic and now has no pandemic, while its total fatalities remain in the low hundreds. Top sources include Dr James Todaro and Covid19Crusher, and they are obviously not doing their great work for dollars or political gain.
Because the guy holding the marker pen skidded when he drew that bit.
Probably too much gin in the old mask George!!
Until we know what these younger people died of we cannot begin to fathom why there should be so many. Suicides? Poisonings? Accidents? Flu jabs? there will be a causal link of some sort, but without an accurate cause of death we won’t figure it out. Because it has been heavily stamped on, the link between EMF (including 4 or 5G) and deaths should at least be examined before it is dismissed.
Maybe so many more young rioters in the UK spread more infection, thus skewing the stats
Maybe the data analytic was diagnosed with BS 19 and one of the side effects is muddling of figures.
Come school season nearer September the story’s of possible children spike in Bs19 will smash the news and airwaves and fear the parents up and they will scream and the politrickons will say ok ok ok we care we listened, we will close things down to protect the children and schools and make sure the children and parents get first dibs after the old, disabled, venerable and poor on the friendly BS19 newly renamed for vaccination.
and any side effects will be classed as symptoms of BS19
Yep here go the teachers again wanting another year off work on full pay!
I suspect cashiers and stockers in busy supermarkets don’t applaud teachers. Along with anyone else not guaranteed a state salary through the taxes we are forced to pay.
Ame, that’s the truth of it!
As of 8.00 pm tonight (in 2.5 hrs) Melbourne will be going into Stage 4 lockdown for 6 weeks, until mid September. Curfews will be in place every night from 8.00pm, and people will not be allowed to travel further than 5 kms from their homes.
A State Of Disaster has been declared, with 7 more deaths overnight, all over 70, with 2 of the deceased in their 90s.
All sporting events are cancelled, including playing golf by yourself. Some public transport is restricted and further restrictions will be announced in the next couple of days, but for now, it seems most businesses will stay open. Restaurants and Cafes will be restricted to takeaway only.
It seems to be on a par with what occurred in Leicester and New Zealand.
And driven by hyperventilating fear porn from the MSM in the last month, tens upon tens of thousands all rushed out to get tested, and hey presto, guess what?
Big spikes in positive cases. According to the presstitutes.
Not one word of how many have died from the Flu this year. In fact, the Flu doesn’t seem to exist anymore in Australia, along with other illnesses. I read somewhere that over 600 people died of the Flu last year in Australia. Those attributed to Covid19 deaths is now 208.
So, Melbourne becomes Leicester for at least 6 weeks from tonight.
Good luck, Gezzah. I’m in Adelaide nervously watching developments in Melbourne. Andrews, Sutton and the rest are truly appalling.
There were actually 705 flu deaths in Australia last year up to September, and that was only the laboratory-confirmed cases. The estimated total number is in the thousands. The average Australian doesn’t have a clue about infectious illness. If they knew, who knows what hellish dictates they would want enacted?
I wish I’d never left Adelaide. But I’m not psychic. Australians, especially all the idiots here in Melbourne don’t have a clue coz they get all their ‘news’ from the MSM presstitutes, and lap up the fear mongering and disinformation like its the gospel truth.
I’d say the vast majority wouldn’t even have heard of John Ioannidis, Knut Wittkowski, Sucharit Bhakdi, Dolores Cahill and others.
705 Flu deaths last year, and yet the MSM have been completely silent on this (as far as I know). The answer is obvious. Thanks Sam👍
Those you call idiots aren’t lying. Why slag them off?
I think you should blame the average government official rather than those hard-working Australians.
Hi Gezzah! Last year(2019) over 900 Infuenza linked deaths in Australia. 2017 had over 1,100 deaths. I’ll check this source and get back to ya.
Have a good day.
im not sure there is any ‘flu deaths’ data. usually there is only flu lumped together with pneumonia data.
Correct Rachel! The ABS( Aussie Bureau of Stats) do lump Influenza and Pneumonia together. From the 1st of January through till April 28th of 2020, their has been 805 deaths. I’m still searching for better related data.
Cheers![email protected]/mf/3303.0.55.004
Thanks for the links and your reply Shin. Hope your week is good✌️
You also Geezah! Take care mate.
its one of the tricks they use to promote the ‘flu vaccine’. manufacture a perception of “flu deaths”.
Imagine the far greater motive big Pharma has for demonising off-patent HCQ, which costs around $10 per patient. It’s also proven to be much better than Remdesivir, now priced by US manufacturer Gilead at $3,200 per patient. That’s our taxes they are stealing.
Masks will ensure this bullshit virus survives. That’s the whole point of mandating them. The testing is all about masks. Hang in there Gezzah.
Thanks Joe, didn’t get notification of your reply, was answering another reply and saw it.
Are you in Australia as well? The whole thing is bullshit, and if any of the sheep from my work or my housing organisation contact me in the next week, I’m liable to say a few loud words beginning with F and C and hang up on them. The sheer idiocy and lack of rational thinking and total trust in the MSM just floors me.
If you’re in Aussie, good luck to you. Queensland or NSW next. I think they’ll be ‘spreading the love’ to other States.