This Week in the Guardian #11
Every week (or, rather, most weeks, since the coronavirus torpedoed our schedule), we like to highlight three or four stories that go full-Guardian, but don’t require an entire article of refutation.
We encourage reader-participation here, so if you come across something you feel should be included in the next edition either post a link below, or send us an e-mail.
Wearing a mask is simple, easy and unselfish. So why wouldn’t you?
The Guardian’s resident book critic-slash-blogger wants you to wear masks. It’s selfish not to, and someone she apparently knows in Hong Kong wears one all the time, so why shouldn’t we all?
Don’t muddy your heads up with the science, or the hard questions of civil rights and individual sovereignty, just wear the damn mask. Apparently it’s really important.
Who will choose the next US president – the American people, or Facebook?
Jonathan Freedland is the Guardian’s worst of the worst. Everything every other Guardian columnist does, Freedland does more and worse. He is unendingly smug, belligerently dishonest and incredibly hypocritical. Happy to cheer on war one week, and then mournfully chide warmongers the next. To attack “tyrants” who are an enemy to democracy in one breath, and call for massive restrictions of civil liberties without a pause.
This week his problem is with tech giants, most specifically Facebook. He thinks they have too much power…and they aren’t using it. I didn’t completely understand it either.
Basically, he’s attacking free speech. Obviously he doesn’t say that’s what he’s doing, but he’s doing it nonetheless.
Freedland thinks Facebook is giving a platform to people who don’t deserve it, and in turn exposing too many people to “misinformation” and “hate” (the two terms are very much interchangeable apparently).
If Facebook don’t use the power they shouldn’t have to stop people saying things Jonathan doesn’t like, well then World governments should step in and break them up for being a dangerous monopoly:
At the moment, the social media giants enjoy legal protection from such liability in the US. Politicians could change that […] and break the big companies’ “monopolisation of information” by legislating a citizens’ right to donate their own data to smaller organisations […] elected representatives are not powerful enough to do that alone. They’d have to work together, governments across the globe. They’d need the backing of advertisers, withdrawing their pounds and dollars from companies that give a platform to hate.
Of course, if social media companies refuse to “give a platform to hate”, well then they aren’t a dangerous monopoly, and the government can leave them alone.
You’d be forgiven for thinking it’s a threat. Because that’s exactly what it is.
The four types of climate denier, and why you should ignore them all
This is what we’ve come to in the Western press. Long screeds of smug prose making offensive and malignant generalisations about huge swaths of the population who have done nothing but disagree with you…and then, without a shred of irony, accusing them of being unreasonable.
It’s not everyone who’d be ballsy enough to try the “Everyone who disagrees with me is wrong, but proving that is a waste of my time!” line of argument, but the Graun’s Environmental editor is here to cast hubris to the wind and give it the old-fashioned college try.
Undeniably certain to get you lots of Twitter shares and Facebook likes (from people who are likewise absolutely positive they’re correct but just don’t have the time to actually prove it), this line of argument is not without drawbacks. Not least of which is perhaps the smallest danger of seeming to come over as a little smug or arrogant to some of the “shills, egomaniacs and fools” who are inclined to disagree with you.
A real cynic might go so far as to suggest bluster and abuse is a cover for a weak argument.
This isn’t about the subject matter. This is about the destruction of ethical debate. The complete disregard for honest discussion, and the attack on the right to disagree.
It is through this undermining of the idea of civilised discourse that propagandists generate a fake “consensus”. Anybody who steps outside this “consensus” is summarily “othered”, de-humanised and dismissed.
It happens all the time.
It happens with climate change, it happened with the Ukrainian coup in 2014, it happened with the Skripal “poisoning” and you can see it happening live with the “pandemic”.
Even those people who should know better, who work in independent media, are not immune. We at OffG have been black-balled by erstwhile colleagues for daring to host articles on both sides of certain issues, and blocked and abused by others for our editorial line on Covid19.
These are anti-rational positions, ones which – right or wrong – poison the fabric of society by eating away at some of the core ideas behind human civilisation: Free expression, mutual respect, and honest argument.
Whatever the subject – whether its climate change, or racism, or Russia or Covid19 – there is NEVER an excuse to exclude people from the debate, to use abuse in place of argument, or to refuse to engage in civilised discourse.
BONUS: Make-your-own-Mask guide
…and we’re back to masks again. Man, they really want people to wear these. Even if you have to make your own out of a handkerchief and an elastic band (both famous for their anti-microbial properties).
Appearing first back in May, and being regularly updated since, the “What kind of mask do I need?” page of the Guardian is a contradictory delight. For starters, never once do they question whether you even need to wear a mask, despite substantial scientific evidence that they do nothing at all. Indeed, until very recently, the WHO was recommending only symptomatic people should wear them. Other papers have basically found they do nothing to halt the spread of the flu.
You can ignore all that, the Guardian sure does. Instead just cut up some of your old t-shirts or strap a kleenex to your face with some hair ties, and – BINGO – you’re virus proof. Just make sure you wash your hands before AND after you cut up that t-shirt that’s been sitting in your dresser for years, with all your other clothes, and tie it to your face.
* * *
All told, a busy week for The Guardian. And we didn’t even cover that Papua New Guinea’s Covid cases have DOUBLED IN A WEEK!…from 30 to 60, or the now-routine sexism in the name of anti-sexism .
Did we miss anything? Tell us about it in the comments below, and keep an eye out for articles that should go in the next issue.
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The Groan reporting the massive attempt at spin to obfuscate the Labour report on the various chicken coups which failed to dislodge Corbynites ( until succeeding with the help of a foreign powers GAUNTLET) . By seriously reporting a complete illogicality of a defence by the neolib blairites:
‘ In contrast, the official said, there were emails showing Corbyn’s team tried to push election resources in 2017 towards protecting loyalist MPs in safe seats, at the expense of marginal constituencies.’
Right. The Corbynites apparently chose to waste resources on safe seats in the drive by shooting attempt sudden election by Trezza in 2017 – the one she apparently decided to have after going for a walk up a mountain and communing with her ‘voice of god’!! And would have lost by a few thousand votes across many marginal seats.
The remaining deranged guardianistas are about to finally see their false gods being revealed in a fairly public court case. Good.
Damian Carrington’s article is hate speech.
I have checked the law on hate speech in the UK:
<< (1) A person is guilty of an offence if, with intent to cause a person harassment, alarm or distress, he—
(a) uses threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour, or disorderly behaviour, or
(b) displays any writing, sign or other visible representation which is threatening, abusive or insulting,
thereby causing that or another person harassment, alarm or distress. >>
There are still some of us who refuse to be harassed for holding heterodox beliefs.
If OffGuardian pressed charges against him for his ‘climate change denial’ article, win or lose it would be a wonderful irony, what with his own fixation on there being no such thing as bad publicity (which itself embodies the irony of his NOT ignoring the ‘deniers’ he’s asking us to ignore).
Re: hate speech law: is that England, or England and Wales? There is English Law (which sometimes applies to Wales too – although Wales is diverging since devolution), Scottish Law, and Northern Irish Law. We don’t have a ‘UK’ law system for these matters.
Sorry — England and Wales.
The nuclear clock (meant to represent how close we are to Armageddon) is currently standing at 100 seconds to midnight. (i.e. to the big showdown)
So how does the Gurdie react?
And the comment section below contains such insights as
That last one is a hoot! Do you honestly think, Gurdie reader, that YOU will be one of the chosen to sit and observe?
But the fact that our Gurd is giving space to luxury escape routes for 1% of the 1%, instead of fretting about The Big One landing tells you everything you need to know about their mindset.
If anyone has got the ear of someone in the Russian Embassy, please pass this on.
Ha ha ha ,
To go with the Russians (Putin) supported BrexShit LIE – as shown by the intelligence report; we now have that Russia (Putin) ‘hacked’ Liam Fox’s PRIVATE email to leak the negotiations to sell the NHS and everything else to the Yanks- to STOP BrexShit LIE.
No names sources or investigation. Nothing about the US billionaires interference in BrexShit referendum or the general election.
Nothing further about the Revolutionary Communist Party and it’s minions running Bozo’s government, pushing through a hard BrexShit, and its defacto leader Clare Fox being elevated to the Lords by Bozo or the role of ‘Spiked’ fake left media or its clones in Alt media being supporters of the neocon US global robber and DS fronts dressed as Alt left/right skins.
We need Bill Binney to look at Fox’s email server to see who exactly hacked the DOCTORS private email.
The flip flopping Russians? OBVIOUSLY they can’t be SEEN to be supporters of BrexShit ( they aren’t)
Come on O-Gee and Kit, the game is long up – let the suckers know they have been suckered as always intended. Both the Foxes are cavorting like champions! As are you.
Rob Kapito spoke of 50 idle trillions, and he is an expert even though he did not say where they are and who owns them. My guess would be they accumulated in the Cayman accounts of weapons companies’ shareholders accounts.
Fed prints money, it gets spent on weapons and their producers make a mint when they get regularly used on the battlefield. You must ensure conflicts are never resolved so the accounts of bombs, plane, and ship makers swell = plenty of money to privatize the NHS. Why should you not have a dysfunctional system like in the US?
It’s pretty silly to look for the sources of leaks. Anything on a digital device is public knowledge. Don’t input things which people should not see.
Britain will probably end up like the Ukraine: Fight a long and hard fight for independence; then once you got it you understand the implications and look in the mirror with horror. If money is getting tight you can drop the expensive and senseless 5G surveillance network, cancel Trident, and get out of NATO which costs more money and lives that it’s worth.
Money has NEVER been tight.
If we need more- it is just spent into existence.
Just like credit cards, mortgages, overdrafts, loans and EVERY penny of Government employees wages and purchasing.
The armed forces of the USA are a wholly SOCIALIST setup – all paid for by government created money – just as any public service.
The only problem humanity has Is the ancient and new global robber baron bankers and their minions who STEAL that money by refusing to pay their share of taxes on it and buy REAL ITEMS OF WEALTH which they then hide and use as their shadow exchange system.
BrexShit is not independence it’s the SELLING of our newborns and their progeny BACK into permanent slavery to these ancient masters AND HANDING BACK ALL THE GAINS OF REGULATIONS AND SECURITY of our grand parents – because many are thick as shit and listen to arseholes like Fartage and BrexShit shills because it’s on MSM or AltSM like this site.
I love the simplicity in your statewment:
“The armed forces of the USA are a wholly SOCIALIST setup – all paid for by government created money – just as any public service.”
This would be an excellent topic to expand upon in an op-ed, and eviscerate the MMIComplex, as that includes CoVid1984.
But how do governments create money? I thought they took ours. Similarly, if the US military is a socialist setup, where did these unnamed socialists get the money? Makes no sense. Socialists famously exploit the fruits of our labour and business much more than the evil capitalists, so killing the economy. Ask a Venezuelan for current examples.
The Government just spends the money into existence.
That is a definition of public service being provided by a government.
What is commonly debased by the individualist lie as ‘socialism’.
They are. They certainly aren’t funded by private entrepreneurs are they? The forces aren’t reliant on taxpayers are they? The nuclears weren’t funded by investments were they? The MIC doesn’t lose earnings when the economy takes a down turn does it?
Their lobby control just gets the WH to spend into existence money for $500 spanner’s. Abracadabra! Just like that.
well siad
I will continue to read the Guardian, despite my 2 gripes, which I started when they’d helped Edward Snowden. It is necessary to read what another side says because you can only address an issue when you see it and its proponents clearly. Number of readership does NOT mean agreement and sympathy for everything.
Secondly, participating in a fringe network is less productive so unless a publication emerges which is very widely read and has a comment function reading the Guardian must remain an acceptable activity while grinding teeth.
I agree – and here is the latest example of how that Obsessive Groan abuses its readership to create divisive memes for its DS masters whilst reinforcing/trashing its rep/readers – its like Charley Brown and Maisy over and over sucker balling.
‘ While the pandemic lockdown has raised significant concerns for everyone, we want to know whether it has brought additional difficulties for the LGBTQ+ community. Being able to embrace your sexuality or gender identity has a positive impact on wellbeing and resilience. Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people are more likely to suffer low self-esteem, depression, anxiety and other mental health issues due to discrimination, social isolation, and rejection. ’
A mighty TWO HUNDRED supposed responses resulted in today’s earth shattering report that plays into their bs reputation.
Tossers / spaffers / wankers / Jerkoffs
(variations of the first for these eho don’t know the first)
LUCY, not Maisy.
Yes sorry it was a long time ago! 😂
No objection to this post!
I have two gripes with the Guardian: Here in Australia we have a huge debate about our meat-in-the-sandwich-situation. For our livelihoods we need to work with China, but our politicians emphasize enmity and the military aspect, spending more and more money on our participation in the arms race. It is rare that a comment function is activated in the Guardian for these topics as they know many Australians are against us spending gazillions on supporting a US monopoly. So – the functionality of the comment function for such topics has a glitch. I have experienced it several times now. Would that be from the software companies supporting the US monopoly, Australian anti-China forces disliking all discussions, is it from the Guardian or Australian cyber security/warfare? It is extremely peculiar that this occurs for that one topic repeatedly. Quoting NGOs are a constant annoyance in the Guardian. NGOs come in many guises. NGOs are hobby horses for people who have time and money to meddle in politics but are too lazy to seek a mandate. They are called Institute, Group, Society, Conference, Fund, Foundation or some such like. George Soros’ Open Society Foundation is the most famous and the list of his organisations in the former East Block countries is on a Canadian museum site called maltwood (!?). When it became all a bit too obvious Soros paid for International Crisis Group. What a laugh, more and more crises. The Guardian quotes people from these organisations or just the organisation without a person’s name. making them look like qualified, learned opinions when that’s just another hobby horse’s neighing, intending to influence the reader. Who would know the Berggruen Institute, and its manager Katherine Keating or the German Marshall Fund’s international activities? An article by Peter Hartcher in The Age (Melbourne) quotes… Read more »
“NGOs are hobby horses for people who have time and money to meddle in politics but are too lazy to seek a mandate.” Nice phrase, although I’d say ‘trojan horse’ rather than hobby horse
I’d add a gripe about the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funding a newspaper which reportedly hasn’t made a profit in years. No wonder they sanctify the guy and help sell mandatory vaccines, while demonising the deadly HCQ which could make big Pharma redundant (and also void Gilead’s projected $21bn profit from almost useless Remdesivir)! Then there’s the hideous, sneering anti-British bigotry and the total absence of a single word ever in favour of Trump. Sorry, no balance or tolerance there. The Guardian doesn’t do news, just lots of very partial, predictable and past-it opinion. Stay clear except for laughs.
You have no choice in Hong Kong, it is the law.
Covid-1984 Newspeak: Lockdown is Freedom!
The Guardian view on lockdown creativity: a freedom for female musicians?
Good recaps , however reposting Guardian diarrhea seems counterproductive at this point. Since Facebook ,Twitter ,and Huffpost have already set the narrative “covid is deadly” in stone.
Surely, given the geopolitical gravity of the new cold war narratives for humanity, the Guardian will no doubt be covering this story and the testimony of Bill Binney former NSA technical chief showing Russia had nothing to do with those DNC emails and all evidence points to Obama’s CIA as perpetrators of a massive propaganda operation. Meanwhile the face of the smug smiling psychopath Obama graces the cover of Rolling Stone – like a rock star:
NOTE: This news-report was submitted, in advance, to each of the following 40 mainstream news-media, offering it as an exclusive, to: ABC, BBC, CBS, FNC, NBC, New York Times, Washington Post, USA Today, Guardian, McClatchy, Wall Street Journal, The Atlantic, The Nation, The Spectator, The New Republic, Time, The Week, Progressive, Jacobin, New Yorker, Vanity Fair, Economist, National Interest, Rolling Stone, Huffington Post, Salon, Slate, Business Insider, Politico, The Hill, The Gray Zone, The Intercept, The Daily Beast, Vice, Spiked, Bloomberg, Truthdig, Truthout, Vox, Common Dreams. None accepted it. None of them wanted their audience to see it. So, this article is now being submitted for publication, free of charge, to all English language (and a few other) news-media, simply in order to make known to as many of the public as possible, the information that it contains.
😏 you should add this site to your list.
Binneys investigations by the way are OLD news – he revealed it years ago. Ray McGovern at Consortium News has been on it from the beginning. Craig Murray too. And the old soldiers at Pat Lang’s SST site. Hey probably moa too!
As the election moves towards the high gears – no doubt more such ‘revelations’ will be trotted out to knock the stuffing g out of misguided Obama/Clinton saints worship.
Yes Binney’s investigations are “OLD news” to those who access some very specific independent media sites. For most of the Western populace it is “old news” that they of course have never encountered before and quite likely never will as it will never be covered by MSM.
But of course you know that.
You trying to bizarrely equate Binney’s material with some support of Obama/Clinton when he’s actually placing guilt for the Russiagate psyop directly and squarely on Obama and his CIA – is well, to be quite generous, completely disingenuous at best. But of course you know that too.
I’m not at all saying Binneys analysis is supporting Obama / Clinton.
Exactly the opposite outcome actually.
Probably my phrasing. Sorry to give that impression.
For me, the greatest injustice seems to be about the coincidental death of a young man, murdered in a supposed robbery, who may have otherwise have been happy to reveal himself as source and whistleblower.
It is nasty. He is dead.
He must not be forgotten.
Well you missed all the Silly Season shoving in of articles they have been sitting on and revelations, to divert to the usual suspects and divert from the revelations- which I asked you about several times.
Such as this little pearl:
This is dated 31st May – only published today – 1st August when most wont be paying attention.
‘Bannon has fostered extensive links to global far-right nationalist movements in an attempt to unite “the Judeo-Christian West”. He has also described UK Islamophobe Tommy Robinson as the “backbone” of Britain, defended Viktor Orbán, Hungary’s nationalist prime minister, and praised anti-immigration French politician Marine Le Pen, among others.’
‘Another common theme emerges with Bannon’s views on Brexit. “There is one choice: hard out, no deal.’
‘“Guys like Boris and Dominic Cummings came and they were very important but they were quite late to the party,” said Bannon, whose Breitbart resolutely backed the campaign to leave the EU.’
‘On the day that article 50 was triggered, Farage was filmed with a pint of beer thanking Bannon and Breitbart. “You helped with this. Hugely,” he said.
Bannon also admits that he briefly met Aaron Banks, the insurance businessman who co-founded the pro-Brexit Leave.EU campaign.’
For you drive by down voters and others who may think I might in some way be defending the Obsessive Groan ( I certainly am a daily hater of it, but they have a few real pearls occasionally allowed space) try also this Silly Srason article brushed quickly under the carpet.
Whilst down voting do say what you don’t accept about that piece of journalism.
The anthropogenic global warming “science” is incredible. Literally. I have no idea how anyone who is scientifically literate and aware of the data can believe it. The hypothesis holds that increased carbon dioxide causes increased average global temperature. In the past one hundred years, there has been a constant increase in carbon dioxide. From 1020 to 1940 there was a slight warming trend; from 1940 to 1975 there was a slight cooling trend; from 1975 to 1998 there was a slight warming trend; since when there has been neither warming nor cooling. So over the past hundred years, carbon dioxide has constantly increased, yet the average global temperature has risen, fallen, risen and flat-lined. And all this movement has been around 14C, sometimes a little below, sometimes a little above. What is remarkable, is not global warming, but just how constant the average temperature is. There is no correlation between carbon dioxide levels and average temperature, and the absence of correlation shows the hypothesis to be flawed. Of course, if you point this out, you are a denier.
The sentence beginning “From 1020…” should read: From 1920.
I think that the terms “denial” and “hate” should be added to “conspiracy theory” as mind-control terms.
Also “equality”.
I’m starting to really research this, I have a degree in biology, I was taught that Agenda 21 was good and climate change is real….This whole Covid bolloks is such a huge fraud that I’m now forced to question many other issues, that I previously labelled “Tin hat” I like to think of myself as a rational person….Wish me luck!
Good luck with your research. Mine started when I read the Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change Assessment Report 4, the one that won the Nobel Prize. It was an eye-opener. The first thing I found was that many references were in fact activist literature, rather than peer reviewed scientific papers. The second thing I found was that often even when the papers cited were scientific research, they often did not support the assertion being made in the text. This led me to look at the way the Assessment Report had been written. I found that the Summaries for Policy Makers were written first and the “science” was written to support them. Next I looked at the IPCC itself. I found that it is a political organisation, which as a matter of international law is required to find anthropogenic climate change. The more I researched this, the more I found that Climate Change is nothing but pseudoscience.
Stick around. You ain’t seen nothin’ yet. Things are happening all around the world; but most “climate scientists” are conveniently ignoring them – not because they contradict the overall idea of climate change but because they present stumbling blocks to the kinds of policies “climate scientists” are seeking to put in place.
I may have recommended in a previous thread the documentary “Planet Of The Humans”; if not, I now offer it in evidence that most “climate scientists” are self serving individuals promoting certain agendas which, if enacted (such as the horrendously mis-named “Green New Deal”) would be much worse for the climate overall than the burning of fossil fuel.
The only advocate for a more responsible climate paradigm I’ve encountered so far is Dane Wigington of And it’s telling that he pillories almost the entire “climate science” community – even though he accepts, based on evidence, the tenets of Climate Change.
Climate scientists I have spoken with cannot even explain how energy is transferred from a battery vie a pair of wires to a light bulb and when they can I might listen to them.
Off topic!
Anyone know who the behavioural scientist are advising govt? Isn’t it time they were put under the spotlight for what they have and are doing? What if the public demands their freedoms taken away and they spend the rest of their lives in jail? I would have no problem seeing the people responsible for instilling trauma into young childrens minds doing life sentences, they know the first 5 years of every childs life is key to how they turn out, then we have the deaths due to folk being too frightened to seek medical help, the list goes on and on, I feel it is time to out them. They are obscene far more than the ones we see in plain view, these Orwellian nazi bastards hide in the shadows. It important we get proper justice and get all those responsible from county councillors all the way to the top. GITS, what is telling is that things are going pear shaped in England, more and more folk there actually waking up, whereas we in Wales have shown no resistence, no questioning, just pure unfetted obedience, we have become a nation of cretins along with the Scots and Irish.
Can’t wait to see Johnson and Cummings, Fauci, Gates etc in prison for their crimes against humanity. It’ll take time, maybe years, but people will slowly open their eyes to the propaganda. I have moments of despair but then hear about the demo in Berlin of a million or so people, censored by the msm. And if this psychological game continues for months even years to wear us all down, well given that human nature is diverse, a certain percentage of people will just say eff off and form their own networks and communities, on and offline.
Maybe a percentage of people will want to be vaccinated and play the game of gleefully snitching on others and do all the virtue signalling bs, or just be dutiful citizens who believe their government and ‘experts’ know what is best for them, well that is their choice. But 100% of the people cannot be controlled. And it won’t take much for the attempt at mass hypnosis and subjugation to collapse once a certain level of basic common sense is manifested by ordinary folk in all our diversity, as it’s all there in us, sanity, community spirit, caring for our families. It’s just being warped and obfuscated by the mind control of the psycho cabal, as it has been for generations.
Time for a change, for our New World Order, not theirs.
“Can’t wait to see Johnson and Cummings, Fauci, Gates etc in prison for their crimes against humanity.”
Hear! Hear!
Gates and Charlatan Anthony S Fauci (S for Sociopath), should be publicly executed for the millions of innocent lives they’ve already destroyed to date and they haven’t even started to roll out the rest of their abominable genocidal agenda yet.
Those two are by far the most evil wolves in sheep’s clothing, Satan ever put breath into. .
I wish I could disagree about your cretins assessment but I cannot. All I can say is that it would take a mighty effort to out do the pathetic show of obedience in Scotland. I’ve been in Ireland recently and although they generally do what they’re told there was no sign of the OTT nonsense going on here in Scotland, ie. infrared temprature guns & one way arrow systems etc. Then again I was in a rural area so not sure about the major towns and cities.
They vote in people who admit they are left wing socliast nutters. English folk just vote for the same in the guise of fake conservatives.
We’re a nation which has meekly lived under English rule for centuries. The obedience to the ludicrous diktats of coronavirus-world isn’t surprising.
“lived under English rule for centuries” one of the biggest lies you have ever been taught. The English don’t rule England and haven’t since at least Edward the Confessor. Even Ælfræd was probably a Franc.
Okay, I’ll rephrase it – Wales has meekly lived for centuries under the rule of the people who’ve been in charge of the mongrel country known as ”England” during that time.
You really don’t like the English do you…..England is just a vassal for those that were previousely Freench Barons and Danes…before that the same royal bloodlines that have controlled Europe since at least the fall of this side of the Roman Empire. Probably even before that….who knows….
I take people as I find them. I’ve met plenty of English people that I’ve got on very well with. But I’ve also met many others who’ve got a terrible attitude. I wish it weren’t so, but it is.
Sorry for my somewhat arsey previous response. Can’t resist it, sometimes…
It’s fine don’t worry. My other half is an interesting mix of welsh, jewish and english 🙂
All I can say is what a police officer said to me a few weeks ago (I really respect this PC who I had just met)….I was saying police officers mostly seem to be wankers and he said ‘well you know some of them are, plenty of people I work with I cant stand’. For the first time ever it occured to me that there really are some good coppers. Because I am mixed race and heritage I really don’t judge people by nationality…sure I find other ways to pidgeon hole people though.
Very decent of you. :o)
I’ve never been able to stand coppers. I just can’t understand why anyone would want to be in that position of authority. It’s true that there’s the occasional decent person among them, though. I was once in a hospital bed next to an ex-copper. He was one of the nicest people I’ve ever met.
The good ones are not popular and dont get promoted. The popular ones amongst foot soldiers are the ones they make examples of and actually sack when they do something wrong….keeps the troops in order. I think it grinds people down that job…..they end up leaving of depression or become bent/robots like most of the rest.
Start by checking these scumbags out,
To rig or not to rig an election Jul 18, 2018 In October of 2016 President Obama said that it was ridiculous to think that anyone could rig the elections. . President Barack Obama said “no serious person” could rig an election in the U.S. while at a joint press conference with Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi. . Obama is responding to comments from Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, whereby he expressed worries of the democratic process being undermined. . “I’ve never seen in my lifetime or in modern political history any presidential candidate trying to discredit the elections and the election process before votes have even taken place,” Obama said. . . How’s that for a twist! Obama didn’t think the voting machines could be rigged; Trump did. . Since voting machines are now computerized, who is to say that those computers cannot be hacked? I have yet to meet an unhackable computer. Even military computers have been hacked at various times, and presumably, their systems are among the most secure. . Perhaps the ex-president had failed to read the New York Times Magazine article from 2011 entitled, The Myth of the Hacker-Proof Voting Machine. Or he forgot it. Or he was just lying. The article concludes this way: . In the 15 years since electronic voting machines were first adopted by many states, numerous reports by computer scientists have shown nearly every make and model to be vulnerable to hacking. The systems were not initially designed with robust security in mind, and even where security features were included, experts have found them to be poorly implemented with glaring holes. . . Then there is this article that just came out, saying, . The nation’s top voting machine maker has admitted in a letter to a federal lawmaker that the company installed… Read more »
Nothing can be hacked, not the right sort of elections, not the looming digital currency.
Except when it can…. the Russians….
One of the few joys left is watching them squirm when two of their narratives contradict each other.
Blaming the Ruskies is a great excuse. Left the toilet seat up, sorry wifey it was Vladimir. Had you secretary suck on your cigar, sorry sweetheart it was Vlad again *zips up pants*.
Yeah, damn russkies..they did everything. Ask Uncle Sam, he’ll tell ya…
Thank God the good ol’ boys in the yoo ess of ay never stoop to such trickery..George Bush Jr and Trump slid into Washington due to the majority of the 100 million voters recognizing their long record of political success, intellectual prowess and integrity as people 😉
At least the computerized election machines will give you a paper print-out, in case there’s a recount. If we’re all forced to vote from home with mail-in ballots this year, then you’ll have NO proof you voted at all! And as a bonus, if there are no physical polling stations, no one can do exit-polling either. So how are we supposed to detect fraud?
Was any check made for fraud in the last general election?
Only poll watchers. It was fun watching the lib dems vast swathes of paranoid poll watchers.
Yes, a few states were recounted at the request of the Greens:
Your last point touches on the fact that were you motivated you could create a hardened voting machine. It wouldn’t be conspiracy proof though.
My supplemental bonus pick from the sick bag [which goes under the flagship name of the Guardian] has to go to:
“Hobbycraft reports 200% boom in online sales since start of pandemic”
Where the British love affair with home crafting shows no sign of abating…You will understand from the puff piece of an ad that the future is in model making. Not the type “fear-headed” by the infamous Prof “deathvader” Ferguson, but the cottage industry kind [which is no doubt expected to replace real jobs for you young-uns and wrinklies!].
Comfortingly though we are assured:
“During lockdown many Britons returned to the crafts and hobbies of their past as a way to fill their days – and in many cases to make their own protective masks. Sales of jigsaw puzzles and board games raced away, while wool shops have reported a revival in knitting, particularly from [unemployed] teenagers and young people.”
Before you wander out with a tear in your eye to go buy a loaf of Hovis, a warning for those young readers in the kiddies club: “the Guardian appears to be serious about this shit.”!!
Here are some articles from RTFrance:
Of course I know that OffGuardian arose from Guardian readers, but The Guardian is so pathetic that I can’t read it. So, for me, RTFrance is more interesting to look at. RT will publish every fear-mongering article about the plandemic, and they’ll also publish articles like the first two I linked to. At the same time, Russia is going to mass vaccinate its public in about two months(it doesn’t say in that article whether or not the russian people can decline to take the vaccine). Russia’s position on the plandemic is very disappointing. It’s like seeing those pictures of Putin enjoying himself with Bush and Netanyahu.
I also checked out Caitlin Johnstone’s twitter today–first time for me in months. Wasn’t she taking the position of ‘wait and see’? Well I didn’t see any tweets about the plandemic or mandatory masks in the last week of her twitter comments. She’s waiting still, I guess.
I also stopped by Moon Of Alabama today to see if “b” changed his tune from the last time I checked out his site in May. Doesn’t look like it.
God, I know just how you feel! I still can’t believe I fell for all that BRICS stuff several years back. What a sap I was then …
Unfortunately, I think we’ve now lost Caity. Her COVID-position was not good, but I gave her the benefit of the doubt on that one. Then came the BLM/Antifa riots in the US, and I tried to point out to her on Medium that this was just a corporate/NGO-backed color-revolution that had nothing essentially to do with Floyd-Chauvin incident, except that they were using it as an excuse for something that had been in the works for years.
But she wouldn’t hear of it! She really seems to think all that statue-toppling was a completely spontaneous, grass-roots reaction to police brutality.
It’s hard to imagine how somebody like her could have seen right through Maidan, but then get taken in by CHAZ/CHOP. Yet that’s what happened. So I gave up on Caity.
I’m such a sucker living in hope, that I still wish BRICS will destabilize the IMF:D
And sadly, the American Revolution 2020 is about as exciting as watching an PBS propaganda series while passing it off as a documentary of “true events”. .
I would much rather watch your average PBS documentary than watch this. 🙁
People in HK wear the mask all the time because they are a) SCARED OUT OF THEIR MINDS b) culturally highly hive minded c) culturally authoritarian centered d) Consume ungodly amounts of mainstream media e) ignorant
I think it has more to do with pollution levels.
that and MSG consumption lol
Freedland sounds like another tiresome, predictable yes man like that other accident of nature, Piers Morgan. These are the idiots we want removing from all platforms. Unless it’s one that’s about to have a speeding train pass. The word hate is an abstract noun. It’s subjective. What does it look like ? What does it smell like ? It can’t be defined. We can have our own subjective idea. One man’s hate is another man’s indifference; One man’s love is another man’s indifference. So nobody can list what hate comprises with a view to ban and censor. By all means, ban or censor threats or vile language. But opinions that contain neither are examples of free speech. If I say I hate something or someone then that’s my opinion. It doesn’t mean I’m right. It can’t.It merely means i have an opinion and a voice.Nobody has to agree or live by my lofty opinion. They can agree if they feel the need. They can argue too.It’s just debate. But there’s an election coming .Not in the UK, but the US. The last one there was like a surreal online game. The campaigns were fought through emails and twitter and hackers.I’m not that convinced anyone was away from a screen long enough to count actual votes.And once the publicity – shy Trump was crowned King of all the Matrix the world became confusing place and a little mentally unbalanced. No other president has been so forensically studied by the world than Trump.Partly a morbid fascination like in the days of yore when people were allowed to visit lunatic asylums as though they were human zoos. Partly to see if they’re in a nightmare. Partly for a laugh.And of course to find out who we’re supposed to be hating or falsely accusing… Read more »
The destruction of the West has been covert enough over the last 30 years. But the balls are out of the bath now. Now it’s just a blatant full tilt demolition with generous dollops of control “for your well-being” thrown in. Most people have been convinced that the politically correct shake down over the last 30 years is advancing Western society into a magical age of equality etc. It sure isn’t.
Meanwhile, there’s a billion+ consumer market waiting in China to fleece. Billions of brand new emerging middle class customers to pay up for insurance, medical, health care, phone plans, internet, new cars, registration, electricity, gas etc.
The West will get the Chinese-like control system…and the East will get freedom…the freedom to spend and be fleeced. The plan is so old. It dates back to the early 20th century and probably the late 19th century.
It’s just business. With maybe a little spite thrown in.
The same characters at the top…the stupendously wealthy families that have existed in the modern age… over the last couple of hundred years or more are reaping the rewards and patting themselves on the back for “managing” the world’s people with acumen, making the tough decisions that need to be made. They’re all deluded psychos.
Very true Matt. But the deluded psychos have all the power, money and weapons. That levels out the handicap of being vastly outnumbered..
Nah they have the authority. They have very little power.
So how do we overthrow them
Stop wanting to be them. Live in the moment. It’s hard I get caught back up in it, but accept that while evil exists only then good can too.
Oh Wow…..someone I know, probably Emmanuel in Nice( French Musician ) hacking John Ward’s blog??? You are not supposed to do this…so I sent it to my Son….Do you know any of these people??… Did you give some of them a lift? cos it looks almost exactly like Your French Boat…inside and out…I think we may have been tracked, but it made me laugh out loud
How the hell could anyone know???
My son, hardly ever takes any photographs
When the storm gets going there is no time for that.
I do, but I am not trying to keep us alive at the time
..I am just hanging in watching The Captain – Our Son and our Grandchildren, and I occasionally turn my camera on, and never edit anything What us what you see is what you get
This is a mild introduction to Sailing – but it does look like very much like my Son’s boat… I do have some photos of some of the crew, but they are not up for publication without their permission.
beautiful people = mainly girls.
catch fish – it’s what we do. Most of my Genes, since at least 1601 – come from the coast of North Western France..
“Why does the Bay of Biscay have such bad reputation? #17”
Love this conversation.
Free minds might help.
They never try to hurt.
It’s been scientifically proven “baby diaper masks” prevent the spread of coronavirus disinformation and all related misleading COVID fecal data. 😆 Incidentally, just last week Fauci said: “If you have goggles or an eye shield, you should use it,” Fauci noted goggles would provide “perfect protection of the mucosal surfaces.” Stay tuned–hazmat suits are next……….. Will mandatory mask wearing ever end–more than 40 million people in the US are annually infected with the flu–might face coverings be promoted as a permanent accessory………
Aug 3, 2020 12:37 AM
Awaiting for approval
To be honest I prefered “Sounds”, even the “NME” to The Guardian – even when it was based in Manchester. It’s gone seriously downhill since.
Did the Guardian ever publish The Truth about The Official EU Report, that was going on in Serbia in 1999?
Did they f’ck..just a bunch of wasters and slime..None of them are journalists -they are parasites..
Did The BBC say anything except lies as usual
Let me summarise it cos it seriously did my head in
During the war -Bombing Yugoslavia to hell basically…designed ny Bill Clinton and Anthony Charles Lynton Blair and powered by The RAF and The USA Bobers but that was just ahead
as they bombed the country to hell
Meanwhile in the country towns of Serbia The Kosovo Liberation Army, and I know who was in control of them, but they are completely unmentionable..
they just went round looking for the best looking Serbian teenagers – both boys and girls -and said come this way..they didn;t know where they were going…
Still alive to keep their organs fresh…
They opened their bodies, put their organs in deep freeze, and quickly sent them to the UK et al for old fat bastards like me to have their organs replaced.
I never realised The Human Race could be so evil.
My Ex-Girlfriend’s family from 40 years ago come from Serbia.
I can never tell her, nor my wife that such evil exists in the world.
They are innocent, beautiful, pure and nice.
The knowledge of such evil, they seriously do not want to know.
It’s hardly going to make them feel better is it?
I can’t corrupt their soul.
To be honest I prefered “Sounds”, even the “NME” to The Guardian – even when it was based in Manchester. It’s gone seriously downhill since.
Did the Guardian ever publish The Truth about The Official EU Report, that was going on in Serbia in 1999?
Did they f’ck..just a bunch of wasters and slime..None of them are journalists -they are parasites..
Did The BBC say anything except lies as usual
Let me summarise it cos it seriously did my head in
During the war -Bombing Yugoslavia to hell basically…designed ny Bill Clinton and Anthony Charles Lynton Blair and powered by The RAF and The USA Bobers but that was just ahead
as they bombed the country to hell
Meanwhile in the country towns of Serbia The Kosovo Liberation Army, and I know who was in control of them, but they are completely unmentionable..
they just went round looking for the best looking Serbian teenagers – both boys and girls -and said come this way..they didn;t know where they were going…
Still alive to keep their organs fresh…
They opened their bodies, put their organs in deep freeze, and quickly sent them to the UK et al for old fat bastards like me to have their organs replaced.
I never realised The Human Race could be so evil.
My Ex-Girlfriend’s family from 40 years ago come from Serbia.
I can never tell her, nor my wife that such evil exists in the world.
They are innocent, beautiful, pure and nice.
The knowledge of such evil, they seriously do not want to know.
It’s hardly going to make them feel better is it?
I can’t corrupt their soul.
And there was scumbag George Soros helping to destroy Yugoslavia.
RIP Sean Gervasi
The Guardian is barely worth taking the piss out of thesedays, so ridiculous has this rag become.
I’m sure this has probably been posted here before: a Rockefeller Foundation document published in 2010. It’s called ‘Lock Step’ and tells you everything about what’s going on at the moment, and, perhaps most importantly, about what’s going to happen next…
Anna Brees continues to post testimony from ‘ordinary people’ on her YouTube channel. These individual videos are well worth watching.
Good luck, everyone.
That’s pretty much the way I feel. Who cares what they write. Do even THEY care what they write? Maybe they’re all on automatic pilot.
BOSS: “Here’s the line we’re taking today!”
HACK WRITER: “Yeah sure whatever. As long as the cheque’s in the post.”
Who’ll choose the next US president? Big Bad Vlad and his troll farms, that’s who!
I’m not sure if you’re being sarcastic or not. If you’re not being sarcastic I can only assume you’re some little twat from the 77th Brigade, et al.
You do realise that you are all going to be put on trial for crimes against humanity, don’t you?
I was being sarcastic. Next time, I’ll put the following words at the end, just in case: I’M BEING SARCASTIC.
Yay, I know that one.
It’s called Poe’s Law apparently.
Why give 77bgd all the stick?
13 sig reg deserve some too
lol i thought your comment was very irreverent, I couldnt have framed a response better.
You say a fake consensus is generated for global warming, implying you don’t believe in A.G.W. In this tweet, you recommend @CompromisedNGOs to ‘genuinely combat AGW’, and if you wish to combat something you obviously believe it. Do you believe in A.G.W. or not?
Russia Plans For First Mass COVID-19 Vaccinations In October
lazar if i recollect is very close to putin a chabad guy
looks like another russian winter
thank you ashkanazim
multi shot vaccine ?
clearly putin is a believer in pasteur and his banker scam germ theory
Yawn. See my post to Gwyn.
rob g
you reply to me via another reply
the first reply was weak your second weaker
you are weak
if you are yawning maybe you should retire to bed.
do you sleep in a sleeping bag
to save on time
as sheet cleaning can be so time consuming
is it not….
on the subject of putins vaccine schedule
he is in rockerfella lockstep numbnuts and the russian people like the china men will be forced to take it
gee g you can have my dose of astro zeneca smith klein bayer glypho 5g track and trace vaccine shots
my gift
my pleasure
why not get into your stained sleeping bag
and get some shut eye
bobby gee g
Russia’s Covid vaccine is ready to go and will be rolled out to front line workers in October. Does anyone know anything about this vaccine I can’t seem to find any info on it. On a lighter note Gates must be as sick as a pig!
Well, provided Russia’s front line workers are under 80 and have no underlying morbidity problems, the vaccine could consist of distilled water, they’re going to be ok. The Opportunity to mess with Bill Gates’s head tho, priceless.
Its probably all just another evil Russian plot. Or an evil Chinese plot. Or an evil Iranian plot. Or some combination of the three.
And it will get plottier when Trump is recorded asking Putin what exactly IS in the vaccine and should he take it with hydroxychloraquine (sic)?
At the same time Mr. Biden et al are checking in with THEIR Russian friends to see if Russian’s will still have to wear the mask after they’ve had the vaccine.
(and could they not have come up with an easier antidote than 6 syllable med? How about “cough syrup”?)
Russian hackers stole the vaccine from brave NHS key workers whilst they danced on evil chinese tiktok.
And eating Iranian pistachio nuts while dancing on a Persian carpet.
And the hackers did it with the help of big meany right wing extremists from the Brexit Party….conincidentely brave liberals have discovered in a new study in response to the hacking that anne widdacombe causes childhood obesity, adhd and may have links to al-qaeda.
“This isn’t about the subject matter. This is about the destruction of ethical debate. The complete disregard for honest discussion, and the attack on the right to disagree.”
Couldn’t agree more.
The 2 problems are:
1. The democratically elected authoritarian Right legitimized that approach by the Centre/Left/Greens through its own actions over the last decade in particular.
2. The general public does not just not care, it now actually wants it that way.
It has abandoned freedom and as such does not deserve it anymore.
I am absolutely certain, that the woke cancel culture will result in a backlash to the Right, that will then see them cancelled.
And so on.
If the general public wnated it that way they wouldn’t have voted for Brexit. This COVID nonsense is the elite throwing everything they have to get the plan back on track……the tighter they clench the more scared they are…
The real question should be, why would you be considering wearing a mask “in the first place”? This is a tricky question for all the mask-lovers, so please save your breath and go to the next comment.
“mask-lovers.” A more apt moniker would be MASK NAZIS
Here is something to ponder. If one thought Orange Hair Bozo or Groper Joe were bad, the next Führer for the newly formed NATIONAL MASK NAZI PARTY will be ‘Doc’ Billy Eugenics himself.
Maybe it’s out of devotion?
Something in the article prompted a beloved memory. As young Roman Catholic girls we were required (required being a polite way of putting it) to wear a covering on our heads when entering the church. No if’s and’s or but’s about it. No medical exemptions.
Most of us wore hats or “mantilla’s”, pretty pieces of lace that sat anywhere from on top of your head like a cap, or hung down to your shoulders like a veil.
If you happened to have forgotten your hat or mantilla for the First Friday Mass that you attended accompanied by the Contact Tracers of the Day – nuns – you had to think fast because you were not getting into the church with your head in flagrante.
Hence there were always one or two of us that sat through the liturgy with a piece of kleenex bobby-pinned to the top of our crown.
You just hoped the kleenex was clean.
I will wear a mask on one condition. That it’s Priti Patel constantly sat on my face as I go around the supermarket.
The “Four Types of Climate Denier” article proved to be the stage for my permanent banning from the Guardian.
I always thought I’d go out in a blaze of glory – but in fact was red-carded for a mild comment just before the end of play. No-one noticed, no-one cared.
Thats because the guardian dont want comments that disagree with their opinion.
I was finally given my permanent Guardian ban (and the ban extends to commenting on all sites associated with my Google account) in mid March for posting a link to a peer reviewed article by a world renowned scientist in a reputable journal of medicine.
As appalling as that is, I sort of get a kick out of so obviously having the moral high ground.
And being able to show the article in question and explain this is why I can’t comment on YouTube has been a very successful icebreaker in terms of convincing friends and acquaintances that what’s currently happening is malicious fraud.
I’d love to read that incendiary article, Croach.
You’ve probably already seen it.
It’s one of Ioannidis’.
He’s not exactly calling conspiracy.
It’s all pretty mild and measured criticism.
Which I guess is why it was considered so dangerous.
So why wouldn’t you?
I’m selfish!
Who will choose the next US president
The neoliberal cabal (facebook).
The four types of climate denier, and why you should ignore them all
Like everything else the liberal left are pushing down our throats they have no rational arguments to defend their pseudo science nonsense so they just ignore any form of debate.
Make-your-own-Mask guide
Here’s one i made earlier.
“Creative ways one can use old panty hoes when not robbing a bank.”
Good improvisation. I particularly like what she’s done with the legs and crotch.
If only the Freedlands of this world knew how ridiculous they were…
They would probably stop.
“They would probably stop.”
No, they would not.
Why do they get called ‘presstitutes’?
They can’t keep their ideas together, but still get paid.
I still don’t think they realize how ridiculous they are.
They may know they are lying, distorting and manipulating for a living, but deliberately looking like an idiot is supposed to be unworthy of anyone, except a clown.
Admin are you aware that posts are sometimes marked “Awaiting for approval” while the poster is typing the first words (not editing a post that’s already been marked ‘awaiting’)?
Summit goin’ on.
all my comments today have been marked waiting approval.
they deled my comment about the absence of a warning concerning the signs of a lokk down in their and guardian publications. goes to show it is very important law.
don’t read the guardian and never will
Aw, c’mon, why don’t you check in once a month, just to “know thine enemy”…?
The guardian is a brilliant reference book for stupid media tricks.
kind of like sniffing ma finger after scratching ma ass when nobody is looking.
Exactly. You know what nobody else knows: Precisely how bad things really are…
Because it traumatises me to wear one or to see other people wearing one in this context.
a hipster in camden today on the bus today
challenged me about my maskless face space.
he said i was putting lives at risk
i said well if the germ theory was true i could possibly have a small effect on someone else who was not wearing a mask.
as you are wearing one you are super clean and safe if the mask is part of your belief system.
i then told him i was jewish
i then corrected myself and said
actually i have a confession i am actually khazar ashkanazim and we self identify as jewisher
we and are goy little helpers run the world for satan.
before i could accuse him of being anti semetick new hitler he moved downstairs
A man after my own heart. A shop keeper and mask denier today asked me if I had pulled the Jew card when in other shops who were enforcing this bs. He had me in stiches #bantz
Because it’s foolish.
Also, no one’s asked me to.
Why are off Guardian, like the Guardian, pretending there is a new virus that causes a new disease when there is not.
All the Guardian memes are in big bold case letters.hmmm.
You’re trolling – just stop, you’re bad at it and it’s boring
Instead of that, why not this.
Masks are absolutely essential when holding up stage coaches. Stage robbers who don’t wear masks have made a huge fashion faux pas. They will be banned from further appearances, and will never again be able to get on the catwalk.
I’m going to wear my full face motorcycle helmet everywhere I go, even if I drove a car (but not in the car). It covers my mouth, nose, eyes and forehead.
Another option is to wrap a white towel around my head and face, with a slit for my eyes.
“We have nothing to fear, except fear itself”, war monger Franlin Delano Roosevelt.
That was then and this is now.
how about the askanazim actor herbert lom
playing arab with great relish
yes sir the ben yussuf head gear is perfect for a country tea room or train or tube travel
muslin weave black flax,nettle and hemp linen head gear
for the crusader around town
I can’t resist repeating the tail end of a comment I posted in April:
I guess we should feel sorry for old-school muggers and holdup men (and women). Showing up in a mask used to strike fear and terror into the hearts of their victims, without even having to brandish a weapon.
Now nobody is taking them seriously any more, and they’re having a hell of a time applying for those new extended unemployment benefits for the self-employed.
You may be overly optimistic saying a masked man (or woman) “used to strike fear and terror….” They still do. It is absolutely terrifying to walk into a grocery store and find oneself surrounded by a host of zombified beings posing as humans (myself included since No Mask=No Food in my state).
I find myself almost wishing someone would pull out a gun and say “This is a stick up!”
Absolutely. I will hand-over EVERYTHING if you will just take that mask off.
Or at least take it off when you get outside.
Indeed, many do not take them off when they get outside. I’m convinced they regard the mask as something akin to getting a gold star on their homework. It’s rather sad how many people live for these little tokens of approbation.
Guy I was chatting to today took his mask as he left the shop and was on the verge of tears because of it. He doesnt want to break the law. I’m glad I follow G-d’s laws and not that of some poxy neoliberals.
It isn’t even really the Law. It’s a bullying trial, with us as guinea-pigs. They just want to know if there are any limits at all to what they can get away with, and I promise you they are making detailed notes…
Agree 100% with your analysis both in terms of law and taking notes. The Police, or most of them know it too – which is why they don’t want to enforce it. Many are all too willing to ignore their oath in enforcing many laws that run contrary to it….if the letter of the law was followed most Police Officers would be in jail for breaching their judicial oath….
Very true. I also suspect a depressingly high percentage of doctors are breaking their Hippocratic oath on a pretty regular basis. Perhaps they just sign it without reading it…
The good people of this world basically seem to lack the sheer muscle to withstand the bad ones, but since that battle is many thousands of years old, I’m not going to lose sleep over it…
I didnt mean judicial oath of course I meant oath of office. It amazes me how the Queen has been forced to sign laws such as gay mariage which have forced her to breach her coronation oath.