WATCH: Progressive Hero Margaret Sanger Was a Racist Eugenicist

Cancel Culture is gunning for more statues – this time of Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood. She is a person who, you could say, deserves it more than most. Being a eugenicist and a racist who wanted to remove “diseased and defective” and other “weeds” from the American bloodline.

The news here, rather than someone else being “cancelled”, is the U-turn being conducted by the liberal media, who were defending Sanger from accusations of being a eugenicist and racist only four short years ago. Time ran an article defending her reputation in 2016, and Snopes have “fact-checked” many claims in their corrupt fashion. PolitiFact, which we at OffG have recently tangled with, ran a long piece proclaiming assertions Sanger was a racist “false”.

Will these people acknowledge the about-face? No. Sanger is a racist now, and has always been a racist. Just as we have always been at war with East Asia.

Will the people they called “conspiracy theorists” get an apology or a re-evaluation? Of course not.

Will the possible racist and eugenicist roots of Planned Parenthood get any kind of examination? Don’t hold your breath.

Will anyone even DARE to mention that Bill Gate’s dad ran Planned Parenthood? Never in a million years.

James Corbett’s video covers it all, in his usual rational and well-researched approach.

For an audio-only version, plus sources and show-notes, click here.


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Aug 8, 2020 9:46 AM

This recent clip from Tucker Carlson is on the same topic, he even brings up Planned Parenthood and Margaret Sanger’s totally racist plan in the founding of this insidious organization. Strongly recommend viewing, about Kanye West’s perspective on abortions, coming from an unlikely angle. Weird to see these kinds of perspectives on Fox, which I used to detest, but now it’s CNN and MSNBS that are the dark forces to avoid.


Dave Lawton
Dave Lawton
Aug 7, 2020 11:25 PM

Not forgetting racist Henry Ford who was best friends with Adolf Hitler and it is his Ford Foundation which is funding BLM.Any bets they won`t take his statues down.

Hugh Mungus
Hugh Mungus
Aug 6, 2020 5:52 AM

22.5 million baby executions under PP in the last 50 years. Where’s the Holocaust memorial for that evil?

David G. Horsman
David G. Horsman
Aug 5, 2020 9:09 AM

He has really hit his stride when the time is right.

Aug 3, 2020 10:13 AM

Corbett makes insightful connection between birth control (preventions of conception and abortion) , population control via socioeconomic means (economic eugenics, famines, water and environmental pollution and economically driven vulnerability to climatic disasters and pandemics ) and political control (political eugenics, selective preference for conception, breeding and child development) required by system of capitalism to maintain social structure dominated by ruling class.

In capitalism no reforms can be made that undermine system of class based power, profit and exploitation by ruling class leading to extreme socioeconomic inequality based social class structure that fuels social divisions and conflicts.

And hence institutions for social control and that includes abortion and vaccinations among other things have been devised to serve interests of ruling elites as they deal with but not solve for benefit of humanity inherent problems of capitalism namely commodification and socioeconomic valuation of human life making some more worthy to live than others according to dictate or markets.

We must realize that neither birth control nor early vaccinations serve ultimate interests of health of children or parents welfare but are band aids applied by ruling elites preventing any real social change that would eliminate problems at their systemic core, those institutions, we are told, are supposedly trying to solve.

In fact vaccinations and population control as well as mass political or medical surveillance are aimed not to solve any people’s problems as they would easily find solutions informed by universal principles of humanity like caring and sharing equitably according to basic needs like good health and human dignity that brings free of fear social peace. But they solve ruling elites’ most critical problem of holding on and expanding power among increasing demographic growth of population born into society designed for extreme inequalities that threaten elites reign.

Aug 3, 2020 6:54 AM

American Birth Control Movement | Jewish Women’s Archive


Jewish women served as directors and staff at the Birth Control Clinical Research Bureau (BCCRB), later called the Margaret Sanger Bureau, which opened in New York City in 1923. A legal loophole allowed doctors to prescribe birth control if it seemed “medically indicated,” or if the patient’s physiological condition would make pregnancy …………………

Finally, Jewish women’s activism in the American birth control movement also included close association with Margaret Sanger and other national birth control organizations. Two of Sanger’s primary assistants, Anna Lifschiz (1900?–?) and Fania Mindell (1891–1969), were Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe. Lifschiz worked as Sanger’s secretary between 1916 and the early 1920s. Mindell, a Russian immigrant who trained in the United States to be a social worker, helped Sanger set up the Brownsville clinic in Brooklyn, administered the clinic during its first week of operation, and read birth control literature aloud in Yiddish to their many Jewish clients. When police shut down the clinic on obscenity charges a week later they arrested Mindell, though a judge later reversed her sentence, a fifty-dollar fine, on appeal…………………..”

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Aug 3, 2020 2:26 AM

If Medicare-for-All was implemented in the US women would have access to free gynecological care and organizations such as Planned Parenthood would no longer be necessary. Margaret Sanger’s early 20th political ideology should not be used as a way to discredit pro-choice advocates.

I couldn’t resist–😈

S Cooper
S Cooper
Aug 3, 2020 3:07 AM

“Medicare for all” means one is forced to buy a crummy substandard policy (with a large deductible) from a for-profit insurance company. Why not do yourself a favor and find out where Planned Parenthood is getting its funding. Honest SOCIALIZED MEDICINE now!

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Aug 3, 2020 4:21 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

You’re totally ignorant about Medicare. Under Medicare one chooses their doctor. Sellout Sanders had the right idea when he said Medicare should cover subscribers 100% and expand its coverage to include dental, eyeglasses, and hearing aids. The private insurance industry and pharmaceutical companies are mafia organizations.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Aug 3, 2020 5:43 AM
Reply to  Charlotte Ruse

You don’t get it [medicare] yet do you? My wife does. One has to purchase supplemental insurance (parts B-D) through a private insurance company. What do you think they are running commercials for? The coverage, or lack of it (exceptions/loopholes) are awful. Not to mention many physicians do not take it through various “underhanded means” Believe you me, It stinks! If you live long enough you will see. What is being sold to you about it is a pile of dog pooh. SOCIALIZED MEDICINE is the way to go.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Aug 3, 2020 6:48 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

Oh yes, one has to buy. It comes right out of ones Social Security whether one chooses a provider or not.


“The Great Pandemic BIG LIE” should not come as any surprise to those who know how things in the US actually operate.

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Aug 3, 2020 11:16 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

Medicare only pays 80% you need to purchase supplemental insurance which is much less expensive than non-Medicare insurance. That’s why I pointed out in my previous comment sellout Bernie was correct in saying Medicare should be exoanded to cover subscribers 100%……In any event, Medicare is one of the most popular social programs. Many older people joke its the only good part of turning 65………In fact, most seniors woukd not have access to any medical care if it wasn’t for the existence of Medicare.

Your cynical comments do not serve the interests of the US public……

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Aug 3, 2020 1:51 AM

Another bullshit rewrite of history? Ms Sanger like Ayn Rand another modern feminist, has been assigned attributes of intellectual gravitas and opinions she never held using newspeak and doublespeak which would amuse both Chomsky and Orwell. Ms Sanger helped introduce birth control to hundreds of millions of women since the 1960s . A form of freedom for which she is never credited , or forgiven by our rulers as birth control is now becoming associated with Eugenics. Ms Clinton as a young republican tried bootstrapping herself to the radical feminist cause briefly until the powers that be deemed Ms Sanger toxic and decided a limited amount of bra burning was permissible but panty burning verboten?

Aug 2, 2020 9:40 PM

Apologies, I don’t understand how the edit function works here

Aug 2, 2020 9:38 PM

I did drive my wife to the pub today. I didn’t stay. In fact I didn’t even go in. She told me what it was like 2 weeks before on a Sunday afternoon in the pub garden, where they have heavy rock musicians ( most our friends) playing very quietly. She is home now, and gave me an update…. “They were all asking after You” ” I got told off for talking. and then I was told to sit down ” She might be able to take being back at school, but I have already been there and done that, and do not want to end up in jail, for saying what I think Two of my friends have already been warned off by the thought police. I did suggest independtly to both of them to calm it down a bit on Facebook…, or the police will come round and tell you off. At least England is not the USA yet…but it seems to be heading that way. Personally, I think we should tell The Yanks To F@CK OFF Let’s point our Nukes at Them. (Don’t give me all this bollocks about the code) (can’t be launched without The American Government’s Permission?) – You Haven’t got one – look at the bloody state of your American Government. You make even Boris Johnson look good. I like submarines. I think The French will join in. They don’t like The Yanks either, they have already told them to fck off once, and left NATO (which I thought was class) and most German’s feel the same as us English too. “The Beatles – Yellow Submarine” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2uTFF_3MaA Send The Americans Home, and they can work at rebuilding their own country. We do not need Americans here in Europe. They are not doing anything useful.… Read more »

Aug 3, 2020 1:35 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

fuck off tony

Aug 2, 2020 9:34 PM

I did drive my wife to the pub today. I didn’t stay. In fact I didn’t even go in. She told me what it was like 2 weeks before on a Sunday afternoon in the pub garden, where they have heavy rock musicians ( most our friends) playing very quietly. She is home now, and gave me an update…. “They were all asking after You” ” I got told off for talking. and then I was told to sit down ” She might be able to take being back at school, but I have already been there and done that, and do not want to end up in jail, for saying what I think Two of my friends have already been warned off by the thought police. I did suggest independtly to both of them to calm it down a bit on Facebook…, or the police will come round and tell you off. At least England is not the USA yet…but it seems to be heading that way. Personally, I think we should tell The Yanks To F@CK OFF Let’s point our Nukes at Them. (Don’t give me all this bollocks about the code) (can’t be launched without The American Government’s Permission?) – You Haven’t got one – look at the bloody state of your American Government. You make even Boris Johnson look good. I like submarines. I think The French will join in. They don’t like The Yanks either, they have already told them to fck off once, and left NATO (which I thought was class) and most German’s feel the same as us English too. Send The Americans Home, and they can work at rebuilding their own country. We do not need Americans here in Europe. They are not doing anything useful. I admit they used to be… Read more »

Aug 2, 2020 7:47 PM

I read that Sanger was literacy-challenged, socially dysfunctional and – well, we’ll stop there because I don’t like to give space to thoroughly nasty people.

Heck. I will. Was Margaret Sanger’s nymphomania (according to her grand daughter) the reason she was so fixated on copulation and childbirth out of wedlock? Exactly the reputation she built for herself and then projected on those segments of society where she thought she could blame people for being ‘worse’ than herself.

Was that the root of her desire to fix the rest of society? J.D. Rockefeller was the same. A very ugly individual for whom one might have sympathy except that he was also sour and miserly and ruthless. He projected his burden on the world, seeking to cull humanity of what he perceived as people more ugly than himself. Reprehensible, disgusting individual.

Or perhaps he was just wreaking revenge on those he’d already forced into penury. Rockefeller also tormented his children, and had such a hang up about his own ignorance that he paid Dewey to bring up his sons as dyslexics.

Bill Gates has a serious mummy-daddy submissive problem… he is a stuttering robot. Sorry but in the interests of identifying his personal situation, accuracy can be brutal. He needs help.

Of course, he brings to mind many of the fake heads of corporations from Bezos to Zuckerberg to Musk, who look like they came off one production line.

If our Universities were remotely professional, our psychologists would be at liberty to examine the top of society as well as the bottom. They are not and society, which pays their salaries, is the loser. Psychologists could have been useful rather than a curse.

This is kakistocracy. The rule of the worst.

Aug 2, 2020 8:20 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Afterglow: We small people are expected to shoulder our burdens and go to work each day; the ultra rich have all the money in the world to fix their problems and they have no justification for inflicting their neuroses on the rest of us.

Aug 3, 2020 6:32 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Are there any statistics on how many people have a private income large enough to equal say the average income? I think we would be surprised just how many do.

Aug 2, 2020 9:47 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

It’s interesting how “ugly” people tend to grow more ugly the more powerful they become. Madeline Albright is the perfect example. Never a raving beauty, she did present an aura of dignity and refinement at the start of her career as Secretary of State. But by the time she was finished wreaking havoc on the Middle East for the sake of the Empire, she was just about as homely as a human being could get.

I’m reminded of a Benny Hill joke, referring to a fictional lady; it went something like this: “Everyone’s entitled to be ugly, but she abuses the privilege.”

Aug 2, 2020 6:03 PM

At this time in our political history, when the left doesn’t really exist anymore as a political force in the west, because our governments have been turned into machines for the implementation of, deregulation and neo-liberal policies, drawing us deeper and deeper into a spiral of destitution and exploitation. It is no surprise to me that the fantasy of the ‘evil’ left still needs to be propagated by the US and it’s secretive agents. But as hitler showed you still need an enemy even when you have totally over run the citadel. So the fingers were still being pointed at the jews long after they lost any real standing in German culture or even economic power. Fascist states often culminate in genocides, it’s the inevitable outcome of their policy of blame and demonization. So I have no doubt that there will be mass murdered of ‘leftists’ among others as the US reign of terror builds up momentum. The US deep state have been at war with and been demonizing everything liberal and the left wing for 70 years now, from McCarthyism to operation Gladio in Europe, to e Vietnam war, so it can not be easily stopped even though the real political left has been so decimated, that the CIA had to create their own controlled ‘leftist’ opposition, like they needed to create their own terrorist group sin syria, the ’woke left’ Or the fake left, who only address non economic polices because the corporations that run them don’t want them address real popular issues that concern the population. The war on the left is a foundation stone of the US military and the US spying conglomerate, they can not remove it, it is hardwired in, it is integral to every part of the machine. And because of that millions… Read more »

Aug 2, 2020 5:12 PM

If you read the Wikipedia entry on Margaret Sanger, you would think she walked on water.

BTW, unrelated to this. I heard a clip (on Dane Wigington’s Global News Alert for Aug 1st) of a CBS interview with Bill Gates. I nearly fell off my chair: the reporter asked some pretty tough questions regarding the vaccine he’s currently touting – and boy did he stammer and mumble looking for an answer. Does anyone else know anything about this interview?

Aug 2, 2020 5:05 PM

I can’t verify this story but what is hghlighted is shocking – is this really the NHS and police force we want in this country?


I’ve never been a fan of the Mail

 “police violently dragging grieving father from terminally-ill six-year-old daughter’s hospital bedside and wrestling him to the floor after doctors insisted she be left to die -“

Dave Lawton
Dave Lawton
Aug 3, 2020 1:49 AM
Reply to  bob

Well you don`t know the whole truth so you cannot judge.I have seen events within the NHS when I worked there years ago when the police have been called because there has been a act of physical violence against a member of staff and like starting a fire in the toilets.And that was just one incident I could write a list.The media is quick to condemn.It will all come out in the wash.


S Cooper
S Cooper
Aug 2, 2020 4:29 PM

Pro Choice and family planning are good things. Women should be able to have abortions should they want them. That said, we are not going allow racist eugenicists and “MASTER RACE types” to use Pro-Choice and women’s issues to further their pernicious program/agenda. The final arbiter of whether there are too many humans on Earth or not is NATURE itself. Eugenics is just a cover for inequality and greed.

Billy Eugenics hawking BIG PHARMAS Euthanasia Death Shots with a smile is particularly slimy.
comment image

S Cooper
S Cooper
Aug 2, 2020 5:38 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

Using THE BIG LIE fake narrative of “the Return of the Black Death” to further enrich/engorge themselves and do some “social-political engineering” (force their pernicious agenda) on humanity without its consent, shows just how sleazy these economic parasites are.


Aug 2, 2020 4:02 PM

is this the sort of NHS ‘care’ we can now routinely expect?


“Heartbroken tribute to ‘firecracker’ Durham mum who died after doctors said cancer was Covid-19”

Aug 2, 2020 2:46 PM
Aug 2, 2020 3:57 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Avoid Google – it’s censored to the hilt

I suggest the above revision to your comment no offense meant.

Aug 2, 2020 7:33 PM
Reply to  Objective

The metaphor doesn’t quite work but in a way it does: every damned story that goes through Google is censored.

Fact is, you are oblivious to the censorship until you try a search engine of search engines.

I know it won’t last. The thrombosis-ridden ovoids of what passes for military nowadays will lean into action, push the soda aside, and cancel.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Aug 2, 2020 10:49 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

What’s a search engine of search engines, and can I get one?! A2

Aug 3, 2020 12:38 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

I don’t know either, but it sounds very “meta”. 😉

I. Rose
I. Rose
Aug 2, 2020 2:42 PM

Let’s please separate the eugenicist agenda from our autonomy over our bodies, without exceptions! Including the autonomy of the gestating female’s body!
Before the medicalization of health, before racism & eugenicists there were healers most often women whose craft was ripped away by misogynists, eugenicists & racists.
That eugenicists got on the abortion ban-wagon must not distract from women’s right to autonomy over their own bodies.
Western medical history is ripe with neglect and abuse of the female body. Unfortunately for its origins, Plan Parenthood filled & fills a dire need.
May independent women’s community health clinics flourish again & may the knowledge of deep healing resurface for the benefits of all.

Aug 2, 2020 3:30 PM
Reply to  I. Rose

I agree.

Aug 2, 2020 4:37 PM
Reply to  I. Rose

tell me more about this ban-wagon that you speak of.

Aug 2, 2020 5:31 PM
Reply to  covidiot

Oops. Yes, I realize now the “ban-wagon” in case of PP is s.c. “Pro- wagon” 
However, It’s the abortion issue bandwagon, the “targeting” and “mobilizing” of one facet (pregnancy) of what is in effect a whole female person in her body, family, community and in the world. Used for someone else’s own monetary, political or ideological interests.

Aug 2, 2020 4:56 PM
Reply to  I. Rose

It’s a complicated issue and on a small tribal like scale things seem easier to manage. Unfortunately since things have been hijacked it’s not such a simple issue. For instance I agree that women should have access to knowledge and safe procedure. However these clinics are most prevalent in minority low income areas. Should we the people pay for these procedures for women? Probably no. Especially when it goes against people’s fundamental core values and ethics. Especially when fetuses are sold and traded on the dark market.

I rose
I rose
Aug 2, 2020 6:01 PM
Reply to  cMQ

What the state should pay for or not is a whole separate discussion. The state, however has no business infringing on one’s body, not in matters of forcibly inserting needles nor deciding on pregnancies and abortions.
And I would guess that these clinics were usually community and grants supported. They were certainly not very expansive to run nor were they fanacialized like all of ‘mainstream’ health-care industry today.

Aug 2, 2020 9:45 PM
Reply to  I rose

I agree with your reply.

But I think it’s worth noting that if it is indeed the case that “these clinics are most prevalent in minority low income areas” it’s because all clinics tend to be established in (minority) low income areas.

It’s a generalization, so there are exceptions– but the residents of majority higher income areas have access to private, or more elite, health care, and are in a better position to pay for it.

How fortunate that those who are able to pay to play can, some believe, confer the social bonus or dividend of not being a blight on the public conscience!

Aug 2, 2020 9:55 PM
Reply to  I. Rose

It’s interesting that humans are one of the few, if not the only, species dominated by males rather than females. It’s interesting too that humans are on the verge of destroying all life on the planet. Maybe we should change course before it’s too late.

We could start with that odious expression “She’s carrying my child.”

Aug 2, 2020 2:26 PM

watch whilst it’s still up

Everything most important about COVID in 15 minutes – Denis Rancourt zoom talk to community group

Aug 2, 2020 3:23 PM
Reply to  bob

Denis Rancourt’s explosive allegation: that the mask policy is a government attempt to cover their near-criminal responsiblity for excess deaths, by getting everyone to buy into the COVID lie.

The moment the WHO announced the pandemic, a peak of excess mortality occurred simultaneously in very many states and countries. This mortality peak came much later in the flu season than usual and it was a much more narrow peak. Thus it was not natural.

So it was an artificially-created peak – created by isolating elderly people, stressing them by separation from their families, closing them inside where infection could spread. It was government policy that killed vulnerable people with existing conditions.

It was more than irresponsible, it was close to criminal. It was not based on science but simply playing Simon Says with the WHO.
Governments now want to cover that up. They do that by convincing people there really was a dangerous pandemic.
The best way to do that is to convince everyone to wear a face mask.

If you are so frightened that you wear a mask in the middle of summer you are personally investing in that lie. It is a powerful psychological way of convincing people that the government did the right thing, tried to protect us and is not guilty in any way.

Aug 2, 2020 3:45 PM
Reply to  bob

That’s an excellent video. Possibly the best I’ve seen during these last few months of madness. Thanks a lot for posting it.

Aug 2, 2020 3:50 PM
Reply to  bob

Thanks, Bob.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Aug 2, 2020 2:08 PM

If they are now going after dead Eugenicists, they will have to add Winston Churchill to the list and Oliver Wendell Holmes, you know the one everyone refers to by saying “You cannot shout fire in a crowded theatre” and perhaps they will call for the boycotting of John Harvey Kellogg’s corn flakes. In fact this list would be seriously long, as just about all educated people from the late nineteenth century to the Second World War were believers in the science of Eugenics: it was seriously fashionable, much like various contemporary science issues.

Aug 2, 2020 2:16 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

People then believed in eugenics like they believe in global warming now. There are no limits to human stupidity.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Aug 2, 2020 3:28 PM
Reply to  paul

Over its history Planet Earth has been through periods with surface temperatures far higher than today. Yet somehow life on it has been able to muddle through. Some people should “get a grip.”

Aug 2, 2020 3:52 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

I will never look at Oliver Wendall Holmes in the same way again.

I cannot quote it, but I read one of his quotes in a report that Corbett did and I nearly fell off the chair. Vicious.

Aug 2, 2020 5:07 PM
Reply to  Judith

Plus, it was said specifically in the context of the Supreme Court case regarding sterilization. It went something like “Three generations of idiots is enough!”

S Cooper
S Cooper
Aug 2, 2020 10:27 PM
Reply to  Howard

“Three generations of idiots is enough.” So when are they going to start with The Family Bush?

comment image

Aug 2, 2020 2:06 PM

What’s a “reproductive justice leader”? And wasn’t Billy boy Gates’s daddy involved with this Sanger bitch?

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Aug 3, 2020 1:55 AM
Reply to  Reg

Add your photo to the Bush family idiot album ?

Aug 2, 2020 2:04 PM

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Phew! I’m exhausted. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. I can’t take this anymore.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Aug 2, 2020 1:25 PM

So, history is too be whitewashed again. Much appreciate your investigative skills James, and in this video you laid it out for all to see just what Sanger represented.
Two things that grated tho: seeing Hilary Clinton gushing about Sanger; tho granted, that is very appropriate given who Clinton is, and also hearing the word Woke several times.
I am getting sick to death of hearing that word… Woke. Along with the rancid cancerous crap known as Identity Politics. God forbid, much more of this fake Woke shit and I may even turn into Crispy or William H Bonney.
What a number these ‘concepts’ – these vacuous, narcissistic dogma’s have done on the Western World. Because boil them right down, and they’re just another form of Fascism: censorship and control of others. And now people are losing their jobs and being ostracised because of these very ‘ideas’.
Take away all the distractions, all the ism’s, all the divide and conquer tactics, and our real enemy is still the 0.01%.

Aug 2, 2020 2:33 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Gez, me old china – no amount of that fake Woke shit could turn you into anything even remotely resembling Crispy or Billy-boy Bonney. ;o)

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Aug 2, 2020 2:36 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

I was going to say Louis Proyect… but that might’ve taken it a bit too far…

Aug 2, 2020 2:45 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

You did say Louis Proyect…because he and Crispy are one and the same (as correctly identified by one of the Admins on here).

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Aug 2, 2020 3:42 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

Jesus…. seriously? I had no idea. Well, well, that explains the nastiness and foul language. Now and again, I have a break from here for a few days, don’t read all the comments, so miss startling revelations like the above.
Hope your week goes well Gwyn, and it’s less insane and irrational in the UK (except for the Govt) than it is down here in Melbourne…

Aug 2, 2020 4:28 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Thanks, man. I’m sorry that things have gone so crazy over there. The forces of darkness (aided and abetted by the gullible masses) are trying to take over…but there’s a fightback going on, too.

Take good care of yourself.

Aug 2, 2020 12:32 PM

Planned Parenthood jumped before it was pushed. It was clearly afraid of where the BLM movement would go next.

Irony is layered upon irony. Planned Parenthood is sold to the same political audience as Black Lives Matter. Cognitive dissonance much? They hope to limit the issue to Sanger’s racism. Maybe in the Corporatist Media they can. Many Black voices see a bigger issue are awake to the eugenics and the targeting of Black populations.

No it’s not just about numbers of babies. It’s equally about fatherless children and the social policies that push that disastrous outcome. The uncanny way that welfare and affirmative action policies keep Blacks “in their place”.

This is a chink in the eugenicists’ armour and we shouldn’t lose the opportunity to push the dagger home.

Aug 2, 2020 2:35 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

As pediatric neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson points out, Sanger and Planned Parenthood were “not particularly enamored with Black people. And one of the reasons that you find most of their clinics in Black neighborhoods is so that you can find a way to control that population.”

Aug 2, 2020 4:00 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Moneycircus, I wrote along the same lines in the Corbett comments. As far as jumping before being pushed.

My first thought listening to the story is that Planned Parenthood is getting ahead of what could be a big shite storm as relates to BLM. It seems like a PR move rather than an altruistic measure. Which is mostly what’s going on these days.

I couldn’t agree more with the uncanny, subtle, insidious ways Blacks are kept “in their place”. That and the masks keep me in a state of absolute astonishment and terror.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Aug 2, 2020 12:12 PM

Would it have been far easier and more honest to have said, “To Hell with propagation of the faith, that women are not ‘baby factories’, have a right to their bodies and that families should not be saddled with members they can ill afford and do not want.” Instead one gets identity politics, appeals to clowns in white sheets and political propaganda bs, such as ‘the white mans burden’ and the natural superiority of the Anglo Saxon race.

Eugenics seems to be a hold over from the old Calvinist notion of THE ELECT (ie THE ENTITLED), just another by product of greed– the inability of some to accept the concept of the equal-equitable apportionment/distribution of resources and democratic governance for ALL.

Does humanity need socialism in the spirit of Eugene Victor Debs. Does it ever.

PS. Know who was also an early American eugenicist (and close associate of Margaret Sanger)? Katharine Hepburn’s mother, Katharine Martha Houghton Hepburn.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Aug 2, 2020 3:23 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

PPS. Sanger was for birth control but was opposed to abortion.

Aug 2, 2020 11:29 AM

Pretty much all true of Marie Stopes as well…

Aug 2, 2020 11:28 AM

The sad thing about people like Sanger is that their failed ability to persude leads them to believe in the use of force to get their way. Too thick to persude, so she will kill off the thickies with force. Something wrong there. Feudal peasants were part of a system that required workers and bosses: the peasants both worked their lord’s land and would be recruited to defend that land should the lord start looking like an easy push over to the neighbouring lord. Without the peasants the lords would be overrun and would not have any agricultural profits. In other words, Sanger advocated for removing the people who gave the rich people their wealth. Without the poor there are no rich: the rich “do” nothing, they organise and fund others to “do” stuff then they skim the 90% off the top – making sure the “doers” don’t get enough cash to fund their own projects and thereby challenge Mr Rich. The rich don’t build their superyachts, they need poor people to build their superyachts. Only when robotics makes the grade – robots designing and making new robots – will the rich have no use for the poor, but this is still just a dream in the minds of the rich and is centuries away, if ever. Same with the other extremists, like Gates, who are currently using bs16 to create laws to control us, laws that will be triggered by fear and enforced by violence – as ultimately all laws are – because they don’t have the intelligence to persude people of their theories because they cannot work out an implementation of their theories that is acceptable to a significant majority. We all know that richer people with good healthcare have few children. The solution to the population issue… Read more »

Aug 2, 2020 11:04 AM

I’m starting to think that eugenics might not be such a bad idea. Stop the so-called elites breeding, and you’ve got yourself a much better world.

Aug 2, 2020 4:51 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

comment image

Aug 2, 2020 10:38 AM

I wonder which organisation(s) eugenic propopnents would hang around?

Propably ones with zero accountability, bang around the ‘population control’ mantra…..

Who would you have on your list?

Aug 2, 2020 11:41 AM
Reply to  TFS

In the early Thatcher days a number of these scum were members of the “Pedophile Information Exchange”, until it was shut down in the 80s.

It appears that they subsequently moved to Epstein Island: Epstein, Gates, Mountchildren-Windsor, Clinton and, of course, lots of little boys and girls.

Aug 2, 2020 9:07 AM

The Real Masters of ‘Cancel Culture’ – The Pro-Israel Lobby

Aug 2, 2020 9:38 AM
Reply to  ame

The Saudis have been very quiet lately, and I’m guessing they might approve of the face coverings, puritanical laws and breakdown of freedom of speech. Just a thought.

Aug 2, 2020 9:56 AM
Reply to  Thom

actually the Islamic terrorist and jihadist as well as school shooting have you noticed ? they all taken a huge break during BS 19 due to self quarantine isolation and BS19 is such a deadly contagious virus bio weapon, it scared the terrorists.of doing an attack.
they cant take the risk of contamination of there rucksacks bomb belts or passports being left contaminated or bullets,.
Suicide bombers dont want to spread BS19 !
this deadly disease virus stopped terrorist attacks ad school shootings. in 2020

It’s a miracle

Aug 2, 2020 8:06 AM
Terry martin
Terry martin
Aug 2, 2020 7:44 AM

I think she had a point, too many out of marriage/relationship pregnancies that the state funds because a baby should only be brought into the world if you have the time and the money. With the current depreciated wage system and the overpriced rental prices once again only the elitists can afford to drop an egg.

Aug 2, 2020 9:30 AM
Reply to  Terry martin

if your discussing elites the state the very Conservatives (U.k) back in 2010 has a 2 children limit with child benefit payments. so the system doesn’t pay for children to be breed that non research you tube regurgitated crap.
The system does pay massively to foster children so broken homes has huge financial benefits and also comes with targets to hit.


Aug 2, 2020 12:00 PM
Reply to  Terry martin

People mostly make rational decisions. In the short term people may get emotional, but their long term decisions are generally rational. If people are having excess children and using state funds to support those children then the fault lies with the state system: the system is somehow encouraging them if they do that. The poor people are thinking straight.

Governments are generally very stupid in that they like to create one-size-fits-all systems for everyone except for the very rich. As the lockdown-everyone policy demonstrates, they often cock things up big time: the UK bs19 figures are some of the worst despite the UK fiddling those figures from day one.

Similarly with social policy, the mandarins in government can’t seem to understand why poor people don’t make the choices that the they would make. Why would a poor person waste their unemployment benefit on fags and booze: the mandarin does not understand because the mandarin is an idiot. That is the first problem, a lack of understanding and a contempt for rational decisions that the mandarin cannot understand. There is no solution: the mandarins are idiots at the best of times, they are politicians as much as their bosses.

remo morris
remo morris
Aug 2, 2020 7:15 AM

SNOPES are batshit crazy conspiracy theorists escaped from the Fort Detrick ‘immortalised cell-line’ called VeroE6 Monkey Kidney cell.
They need to be wearing masks at all times.

Aug 2, 2020 6:59 AM

A snake has shed a skin.

Aug 2, 2020 4:15 AM

Der Fuhrer Jack over at twatter listed this link as “unsafe” but I ignored the lil’ Nazi.

Oh as an aside there is video of Antifa now burning crosses at their riots in Portland AKA “mostly peaceful protests” according to the Mockingbird Media.