Discuss: Huge Explosion Shakes Beirut

Image source: globalnews.ca/reuters

A massive explosion has taken place in Beirut, Lebanon, destroying buildings and sending up huge clouds of smoke.

Social media has been flooded with eye-witness videos and cell-phone footage:

Some early reports have suggested the blast was result of a fire in a shipment of fireworks, which then spread to a nitrate warehouse:

However, the governer of Beirut called it a “national disaster” and likened it to the nuclear bombings of Hiroshima Nagasaki:

…which would seem to suggest a greater impact than a simple industrial accident.

Some have speculated it was a terrorist attack, but no one has claimed responsibility and there is no confirmed political target.

Others have suggested Israel, but they have not admitted it and – again – there doesn’t seem to be a political or strategic target in place.

Both Hezbollah and Israel have denied any involvement.

We’ll update this thread as news emerges. Discuss freely below.


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Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Aug 6, 2020 8:26 PM

Our spam software has been throwing a lot of innocent comments into jail over the last few days – and we have been down an admin (me) part time for a while – so if your comment hasn’t appeared this is why.

Sorry all – be patient.

Frank Speaker
Frank Speaker
Aug 6, 2020 9:47 PM

Not really, there’s so much garbage posted BLT in recent months that the sewer is struggling to cope with it all.

Aug 7, 2020 1:19 PM
Reply to  Frank Speaker

certainly so
certainly so
so much zio bilge
word puss from sicko twisted ashkanazim

polluting the well
old kosher technique

Aug 8, 2020 1:40 PM

Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, leader of Lebanon’s powerful Shi’ite group Hezbollah, denied what he said were “preconceived” comments both domestically and abroad that the Iran-backed group had arms stored at the port.
He called for a fair investigation and strict accountability for anyone responsible without any political cover.
“Even if a plane struck, or if it was an intentional act, if it turns out this nitrate had been at the port for years in this way, it means part of the case is absolutely negligence and corruption,” he said.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Aug 7, 2020 3:22 PM

Looks like a bombing of an evacuated area, just like 9/11, Pearl Harbour, 2002 Bali bombing, 1980 Bologna station bombing, 2017 Mogadishu bombing and so many others. There are no convincing images of injury.

Bombings of evacuated areas meant to be real are a common phenomenon. The first thing you should look for any time you hear of bombings or explosions is how convincing images of the injured look.

If you look at the two people seemingly covered in blood in this video it really doesn’t look convincing and I see other images that also look unconvincing while I see none that look convincing. Also, you get the typical shaky footage which skims over the injured so you can’t see them properly. And you get the usual story which starts with it was thought it was one thing but no it wasn’t that thing it was something else.

God I am so utterly sick of fake.

This evening I’ve been reading a book on the fakery of the atomic bombs at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Very interesting although I cannot comprehend the technical stuff. Apparently, both cities had been bombed earlier with conventional bombs so they used the pre-bombing images as the “atomic bombing” images for the “dog-and-pony psyop”.

Aug 7, 2020 4:36 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Yes, OK.

Aug 8, 2020 1:44 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

If you want to see fake, just look in the mirror.

Artificial Intelligence does not yet recognize itself…

Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
Aug 7, 2020 6:30 AM

Mailman here. “A number of settlements on the eastern bank of the Euphrates River have been taken under control by local Arab tribal militias that opposed the US-backed armed formations and authorities”, the statement said. 

The main reason for the protests of the local population is the difficult social and economic situation in U$-occupied areas.”


Capricornia Man
Capricornia Man
Aug 7, 2020 6:23 AM

The Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s national radio channel is running true to its zio-con form on this one, claiming that there are “calls” (from whom?) for “UN intervention” in Lebanon. Do its “journalists” know nothing of the disastrous history of western “humanitarian interventions”?

Radio National’s interviewee of choice is an anti-government academic from the Lebanese American University who complains loud and long about the ‘misgovernment’ of the country. Wikileaks calls this institution a ‘secular and private American University located in Lebanon, accredited by the New England Commission of Higher Education’. Any ABC interview with someone from a less obviously partisan position? Haven’t heard of it.

And no word from the ABC about the damaging effect of Israel’s wars against the country. In short, classic ABC international affairs non-journalism.

Aug 7, 2020 5:07 AM

From a comment on Richard Silverstein’s blog:

If you threaten to murder someone and they are murdered that week you have incriminated yourself, particularly if you have killed many times before. Also, think about it, these explosive chemicals sat in the warehouse for years with no mishaps.

Suddenly, in the midst of new conflict between Israel and Hezbollah it goes kaboom, within days of Israeli threats.

And don’t forget the bankers. We are all being robbed as you read this. The ammonium nitrate had sat there for 6 years and decides to explode at the moment the bankers exert peak arm twisting on the Lebanese state.

Long and boring conversations over WWI won’t shake some people’s conviction that the entire conflagration involving a dozen countries (100 in total) and the deaths of 20 million people, happened because a student shot an Archduke.

No amount of geopolitical arm twisting behind the scenes, money flows, evidence of weapons flows and sales, cabinet letters, history of prior and concurrent conflicts, evidence of negotiations, collusion between supposed enemies, financing and feeding of supposed enemies – none of this information will change their mind because they’ve heard of this guy, Occam, with a talking razor.

Germs Bond
Germs Bond
Aug 7, 2020 7:07 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Occam’s razor just doesn’t work for conspiracies. It is often an excuse for the weakest thinking. Very irritating indeed.

Aug 7, 2020 7:38 AM
Reply to  Germs Bond

It seems it was Bertrand Russell who’s to blame for misrepresenting William of Ockham.

In short, he said nothing should be assumed or posited without giving a reason, unless it is self-evident (known through itself).

It seems Bertrand Russell took this and turned it the snappy meme – that if you can explain something without adding a hypothesis, less is more. But that wasn’t William of Ockham!

— a good answer I received from someone once.

Aug 7, 2020 3:26 AM

“Lebanon’s State-run news agency says 16 employees at Beirut’s port have been detained over this week’s explosion”
See how deep the Israelis/ Americans have infiltrated?

Aug 8, 2020 11:31 PM
Reply to  Antonym

Why not? The Libyan boss of ISIL turned out to be a Red Sea pedestrian and fully paid up member of Mossad.

Aug 7, 2020 12:06 AM

And on cue Macarroon descends with the flying blue monkey ‘Color’ ‘protestors’ demanding France retakes colonial control of Beirut at least.

“I guarantee you this – aid will not go to corrupt hands,” Macron told the protesters. “I will talk to all political forces to ask them for a new pact. I am here today to propose a new political pact to them.”

lol. Predictable. Too little ( yes he is a diminutive toad) and too, too late – the SCO and BRI got boots on the ground within hours.

The groan is pushing the fantasy saviour angle.

Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
Aug 7, 2020 11:17 AM
Reply to  DunGroanin

Spot on, Dungroanin, and confirmed by this article from Taxi.

The US, Israel and Beirushima; by Taxi on her Plato’s Guns website [edited]:


“Port Beirut is where China and its new Silk Road operation is fast creeping westwards to the Mediterranean, the Beirut Port docks. The U$ having recently forced Israel to cancel its Haifa contact with China, what remains now [for BRI] is Beirut Port. [To stop BRI] the U$ must either invade Beirut Port or destroy it. Evidently, the US has chosen the latter option – with Israel assigned the task. Both [hope to] benefit greatly from Beirushima.

But the fight, U$ vs China for Beirut Port, is not yet over. Chinese ambassador was in Lebanon to witness his assignment destroyed right before his eyes, and right before a signed agreement was to be made between him and the Diab government of Lebanon. Knowing the wily Chinese [Taxi guesses] they will see this as an opportunity to plant even more firmly in Lebanon by offering _both a rebuilding and a security deal_ over Beirut Port, whereas the deal before Beirushima was smaller and only for expansion and renovation. 

And here lies the crunch: is Diab’s government brave enough to face further U$-Israeli terrorism and make the deal with China, which is offering to save Lebanon from a financial double-crisis? I estimate that Diab’s mettle will be tested in this regard.”

[Alia iacta sunt]

Aug 6, 2020 11:37 PM

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I have watched the videos and I stand with what I have written lately, nothing so far is convinsing, sorry, and jet, yeah, and white light, if it was an firecracker storage it explains a lot, etc, some of this compounds are exremly famable, and so on, but back to the main case, Am. Nitrats, and since you already have seen the Nitropril HD and claims that this cant explode, without adding an fuel/reactant mix, isnt true, the mix, called Slurry is of course the explosive used on mining, but instead of drooling much more I give you the Safety Data sheet from Orica, so you can read for your self. https://msds.orica.com/pdf/shess-en-mtr-ughs-000022017701.pdf Then we have to sound of an jet, well, it can be a lot of things, beside been an jet, like firework/crackers, etc to any form of tank bursting and can create an high pitch noice, to other forms of (high) presurised equimpments, etc, etc. I dont bother to dive into this much more, and again, I go with the official narrative of this event but until I have an video that eh…. CONvinsing, I will not conclude 100% but, so far, I am not impressed nor convinced, and I have no problems with putting the blame where it belongs, dont doubt that, but then again, I dont either speculate, I have seen so much faked shit thru the years that I dont jump on anything until I am certain, either to debunk the explanation or to belive what I am watching is genuine, I have long expirience in watching idiot propaganda and knows the tricks, like the fact nobody, or few managed to see the AMG 86 an white colored air launched american made cruice missile hit the Pentagon, tsk, tsk, tsk, and the… Read more »

Germs Bond
Germs Bond
Aug 7, 2020 7:14 AM
Reply to  mikael

Crater of 600 feet diameter. Nothing else need be said because only one thing can create it. A bunker busting or otherwise buried nuclear warhead.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Aug 7, 2020 3:28 PM
Reply to  mikael

Bombing of an evacuated area, mikael.

Aug 6, 2020 7:48 PM

A few observations.
The first fire was strange. Electric looking white arcs, obviously not fireworks, as the only colour was white, and no real launches. There was also an ugly looking red fire off left, but no concommitant oil or fuel related palls of black smoke.
The second blast.
We can rule out Ammonium nitrate immediately, it forms only nitrous oxide and water vapour, both of which are colourless, so ‘steam’ might be seen.
That smoke colour.was very unusual. In my experience, only a couple of chemicals give this colour, and we can rule out bromine. The other is nitrogen dioxide. The majority of high explosives utilise formation of this stable gas (amongst others) as one of their m.os, i.e. the rapid formation of stable gases from a moderately stable precurser, RDX etc all do this.
Another speculation is that this is soil colour. I think this is unlikely, The rate of formation of the orange red cloud and the way it hung in the sky implies a gas not an ejected solid.
These are just the obvious conventional explosives.

The speed of detonation, shape of cloud, violence of blast wave may imply currently less well known explosives to ‘seal the deal’.

Frank Speaker
Frank Speaker
Aug 6, 2020 9:51 PM
Reply to  DrAtomic

Someone mentioned to me welding arcs, but there seems to be an uncontrolled small arms depot series of explosions setting off.
Then the mega explosion triggers which might be ammonium nitrate, but also appears to be something underground igniting too.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Aug 7, 2020 3:29 PM
Reply to  DrAtomic

The most important point is that the area was evacuated. Blood is obviously fake.

Aug 6, 2020 6:31 PM

4th August 2020 is 8.4.2020 or 8 + 4 = ’12’ and 1 + 2 = ‘3’ – 2020 is ’22’ so, ‘322’ Skull ‘n Bones!

Frank Speaker
Frank Speaker
Aug 6, 2020 9:53 PM
Reply to  Superbuggg

Please pass on my best wishes to your friend David Ike

Aug 6, 2020 6:00 PM

They did 9/11 – why not this?

Frank Speaker
Frank Speaker
Aug 6, 2020 9:57 PM
Reply to  paul

Who’s “they”?
The lizards?
The Grays?
The Illuminati?
The Chinese?
The Pope?
The North Koreans?
The Moomins?
The Teletubbies?
The Wombles?
The David Ike Appreciation Society?

Aug 7, 2020 5:04 AM
Reply to  Frank Speaker

There were some financial papers in the towers which could not be honoured and needed to be destroyed – so I read. If that is right, then ‘they’ would be those who benefited by not having to pay. Someone had something to hide but we will never find out who that was and what.

I remember reading the German Spiegel on the day after and they had a list of ALL tower tenants. Aha, me thinks and moves on to the next. When I wanted to have another look a day or two later, the list was gone. In whose interest was that?

Aug 7, 2020 12:15 PM
Reply to  Frank Speaker

Bush did 9-11

Aug 7, 2020 1:14 PM
Reply to  Frank Speaker

you really are weak type taper
is it any wonder you have to use big bangs
with such talmoodick weakness

Aug 9, 2020 3:14 PM
Reply to  Frank Speaker

The Amish.
Who else?

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Aug 7, 2020 3:30 PM
Reply to  paul

They are exactly the same kind of event, Paul.
Both bombings of evacuated areas.
Injury obviously fake for 9/11, blood ludicrous in this one.

Aug 6, 2020 5:30 PM

Don’t know if this has been posted:


Video at 6 seconds appears to show a missile strike immediately before the main explosion

Aug 6, 2020 6:35 PM
Reply to  bob

Yes! that footage seals it – sabotage! The fire is cover for a the guided missile! There may well have been 250,000 tons of aluminium nitrate stored fro six years, but yeah/nah -sabo-phucking-tage!

Share this flick!

Frank Speaker
Frank Speaker
Aug 6, 2020 9:44 PM
Reply to  Superbuggg

Your insight is truly incredible. You have obviously spent many long hours investigating this incident, on top of your decades of experience in munitions.

I bow to your superior knowledge and I am truly humbled by it. We are very lucky to have your wisdom bestowed upon us mere mortals on this site.

Aug 7, 2020 7:23 AM
Reply to  Frank Speaker

Cheers, thanks! You’re most welcome! Cockwomble!

Aug 7, 2020 5:05 AM
Reply to  Superbuggg

ammonium nitrate – not aluminium

Aug 7, 2020 8:26 PM
Reply to  Superbuggg

2700 tons, ammonium nitrate. Missile needs to be proved to be CGI by someone sourcing the original video sans ‘missile’. ‘Bit silly that it was inverse video and labelled by some as ‘infra-red’, stinketh!

Aug 6, 2020 7:38 PM
Reply to  bob

That video show a guided missile is described as ‘infra red’ footage, but it’s actually inverse video – ‘makes no difference unless someone would like to show that it’s CGI

Frank Speaker
Frank Speaker
Aug 6, 2020 9:35 PM
Reply to  bob

Hezbolah hates Israel.
The moderate Lebanese government hates Israel.
Both have declared the explosion was zero to do with Israel.
Yet, the Ike Invaders here spout their amazing research on to prove without doubt that those affected are wrong, that they are right.

Frank Speaker
Frank Speaker
Aug 6, 2020 10:00 PM
Reply to  bob

Is it a duck?
Is it a pigeon?
Is it a goose?
It’s an Exocet missile from the Belgrano which disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle!

Aug 7, 2020 1:56 AM
Reply to  bob

Gone already

Aug 7, 2020 1:08 PM
Reply to  bob

Bob – video gone from twitter. any other link?

Aug 6, 2020 4:22 PM

The explosion always looked too powerful for the given quantity of ammonium nitrate and from the shockwave seemed to ignite too fast (does not even burn on its own) – just from an informed amateur’s perspective.

Analysis coming thick and fast from Jeffrey Lewis ArmsControlWonk via Syrian Girl.

Orica, the world’s largest provider of commercial explosives, calculates the equivalent power of the ammonium nitrate as less than 0.5 kilotons. As Lewis puts it: “The bags say “NITROPRILL HD,” which may be a knock-off of Nitropril made by Orica. Orica sets the TNT equivalence for fire at 15 percent. .15 x 2750 = 412.5″

Syrian Girl notes the explosive power was said to be up to 3 kilotons. “Where did the rest of the explosive power come from?”

(Other estimates I’ve seen suggested equivalent to 1.8 KT of TNT)

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Aug 7, 2020 3:32 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

I think the most important point is though that evacuation was effected beforehand. It wasn’t an accident but nor was it malicious at least in terms of human death and injury. The blood is obviously fake.

Aug 6, 2020 2:55 PM

Some pointers to an air attack now:

The closest balcony video is that of people asking “what’s that” just as you hear a roar that could be a jet, immediately followed by an explosion, then the engine sound fades rapidly away.

Seconds later, the sequence repeats with an increasing/approaching noise like an engine, followed by the final explosion. https://twitter.com/Partisangirl/status/1291118931063660544?s=20 (scroll down to Syrian Girl’s translation).

There may also be the image of a missile (at that distance it is too big for a bird) https://youtu.be/n1kXo9chYhQ

Numerous images of the shockwave suggest this was not an underground explosion, despite the evident crater. https://youtu.be/QNpxflzB4Cw

This would be consistent with the information expressed here shortly after the explosion: https://www.richardsilverstein.com/

Israel targeted a Hezbollah weapons depot at the port and planned to destroy it with an explosive device. Tragically, Israeli intelligence did not perform due diligence on its target. Thus they did not know (or if they did know, they didn’t care) that there were 2,700 tons of ammonium nitrate stored in a next-door warehouse. The explosion at the arms depot ignited the fertilizer, causing the catastrophe that resulted.

If the intention was to assist the bankers in forcing Lebanon to “take the knee”, then hitting the AN store may have been deliberate.

Aug 6, 2020 2:20 PM

lebanon the once paris of the near east

biggest bang in beirut history

we where just tourists
architects engineers,chemi cull experts
nothing more nothing less

shirley you understand that

we had just left the israeli embassy

got picked up by the urban moving systems transport company
went down in the direction of the dock area for a very very late lunch
as tourists do

we never danced
we never got on top of the van truck
and did a molech jig

a long time ago some of us where trained at art school
in b thing and gelatine tech and other matters
amman,mossad shin bet

but not today

are job was to document the event

then go have some dinner and party dance
why not

then fly back to tel aviv via frankfurt,paris,london and new york cyprus malta
job done

oded yinon
the gift that keeps on
and on
and on

Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
Aug 6, 2020 1:53 PM

Mailman here. From Saker Vineyard:

Source: Al-Mayadeen, Lebanese TV channel, August 5th

Transcript: What is the history of this (nitrate) cargo? And how did it get to the port?

This cargo has been in the port since 2013, by decision of the Lebanese justice, under the mandate of the former head of government, Najib Miqati, the Minister of Transport Ghazi al-Aridi and the Director General of Customs at the time, Chafiq Mir’i.

Beirut urgent applications judge, Nadim Zweyn, decided to bring the ship into the port and empty its cargo after it was seized by the Baroudi & Associés law firm. The justice [the urgent applications judge?] did not respond to urgent requests from the Customs Department to consider moving the cargo. In 2017, the Customs Department sent a written request to the Beirut urgent applications Judge, requiring authorization to re-export the ammonium nitrate or sell it to an explosives factory.

Even more serious, the General Directorate of Security of the Lebanese State sent an urgent warning to the former head of government Saad Hariri and his Interior Minister Raya al-Hassan …


[If I remember correctly, Hariri dynasty had Links: the elder with U$A, the younger with K$A]

Aug 6, 2020 1:59 PM
Reply to  JCooper

Could be the sound of military jets – https://twitter.com/Partisangirl/status/1291118931063660544?s=20 (scroll down to Syrian Girl’s translation).

Passenger jets from the airport for comparison: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6b3EtNa7Rdc

Aug 6, 2020 1:36 PM

A note on how the news is made. Yesterday I saw a video of the first set of firefighters before they were killed in the explosion. They must have known how close the fire was to the ammonium nitrate yet they hadn’t evacuated the area which makes me think there must have been enough distance and time to put it out.
That video came from someone called Michael Horowitz without any explanation of how he got it. Today it’s all over the tabloid news including Daily Mail and here you can see a tweet from Bild asking Michael for the rights to republish. .

These photos including a second one of three guys trying to open something is being used to reinforce the mainstream narratives of negligent accident.

If we don’t ask questions this is how it will remain in the public memory when the bankers asset strip Lebanon and war crimes go unpunished. What was the strategic target: cripple Lebanon by destroying its port. Not to mention the human damage, with hospitals and medical supplies destroyed.

Aug 6, 2020 1:02 PM

like yemen

biggest grain silos
the main transport hub
for food
just gone

because of zio satanick banks currency devalued 80%
everything atomized
when you control the central bank
when you control or destroy ports

you can control who lives or dies

that is what the ngo government bodies do

oded yinon never stops
molech must be fed

or the crops may fail
the crops may fail

Aug 6, 2020 11:13 AM

It’s a bird… it’s a plane… it’s…

There’s a sensible observation beneath this video >>> https://youtu.be/n1kXo9chYhQ <<< pointing out that a bird, from that distance, would be too small to see.

Aug 6, 2020 10:53 AM

I for once agrees with Foreman Mao of Alabama in this, and to know what happened you need to read about Nitropril HD, and I also agrees with those that said it needs an binding and diesel/fuel is videly used, but it can ignite by it self without any binding “stuff” by it self and of heat, like they say about modern dynamit cube ( the main component is this was for decades and I dont know to day, but it was flour as an binder componet) witch you can throw into an fire and it will just burn but never use an hammer to hitt on it, etc, and if its been stored for years, it will become more or less an solid mass, but when this fires/explosions whom was created forhand the possibility of ignition sky rockets, and from then on the rest is history, and I feel sorry for those that tried to warn the Gov or whom ever is in charge of the ports facilitys, when they knew this was an ticking bomb, and 2700 tons of this is and have the potential of creating an massive bomb and thats what happened this time in Beirut. Well of course, this bigbags are usualy by the qubics, 1 qbm or 1.5 qbm, ( ex. one qbm of water is the eqvivalence of one metric ton) and/but the weight comes from the material witch is in this bigbags. But of course, since we are dealing with the scums of this earth, we never know, but so far, if not more or better evidences are coming up on the table, I think this was an acsident, witch we can debate our self blue on but I think this was an chainreaction of unfortunate events. To then debate the explosion… Read more »

Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
Aug 6, 2020 12:08 PM
Reply to  mikael

@Mikael: “if not more or better evidences are coming up on the table, I think this was an acsident”.

Your opinion. Mine is, unless more and better evididence is forthcoming, I suspect the usual suspects: U$ and Israel. Both suspects have form from 911.

Aug 6, 2020 10:00 AM

The Russha dun it.

The Daily Telegrunt: “At least 100 are dead and an astonishing 4,000 are injured in a catastrophe in one of the Middle East’s greatest cities. About 300,000 more are homeless.

And all because Igor Grechushkin, the Russian owner of the Rhosus ship, carrying the deadly cargo from Georgia to Mozambique, declared bankruptcy on an unscheduled stop, and was forced to abandon it there.”

If that sounds like a children’s story, told in baby language, that’s what you get, nowadays.

Aug 6, 2020 11:11 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

I came on here to flag up the same the Telegraph story – not very subtle propaganda.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Aug 6, 2020 11:22 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

The question is whether that is made up lies of the first order, narrowly true but forgoing assigning responsibility to any bombers etc or actually an unpalatable truth.

I know naathingg about this story, so cannot comment….

Sans Krit
Sans Krit
Aug 6, 2020 9:49 AM

See this Dec 20, 2019 video entitled “Large explosion of an unknown device in Syria”:

The white ball shaped fast spreading cloud is very similar to the August 4, 2020 huge explosion in Beirut, Lebanon.

Aug 6, 2020 4:13 PM
Reply to  Sans Krit

No doubt in my mind that ‘very similar’ is the correct phrase to use here.
The 1946 “Baker” underwater nuclear test at Bikini Atoll also produced a very similar white ball – undoubtedly due to the water involved – but let us not forget that Beirut Harbour is also full of water…
The only argument which convinces me that this was not some kind of nuke is basically a discussion with myself:
I have seen several ammonium nitrate explosions, (and it’s very powerful stuff) but none which looks anything like this “white ball” thing. However, I also know for a fact that I have never seen anything like 3,000 tons of this chemical explode, so I can’t be sure that such a quantity wouldn’t look exactly like that if triggered.
At any rate, after the dramatic examples of state meddling with regard to Sept11, Iraq’s WMD and now covid, one has finally reached the point of knowing that something horrid is obviously going on – something which reveals political enmity against the very people of the earth.
So why wouldn’t such evil blow up anything it chooses to? We actual people are clearly not needed by certain parasites in our corporate-political high places, but it wouldn’t even occur to them that someone else might need us.
Nothing can now be taken at face value.
And “face value” today means what the press see fit to show us.

Aug 6, 2020 9:40 AM

“ We’ll update this thread as news emerges. Discuss freely below.” 😆 Right … luckily for us there are real Journos, bloggers and analysts on the web that move a lot faster. MoA has most of it. Just as the DS front Wee-nternational Wescue struggles to get out of bed and grumbles about having to put its shiny suits and strings on before muppet attending any emergency … Plane loads of meds and kit have already arrived from Russia, Chinese peace keepers are already redeployed, Iraq is sending convoys of fuel .. hell even Syria has sent medical aid and taken patients. Egypt even is suddenly feeling a need to show some concern. The streets have been cleared up by the populace and even if they have no windows or electricity of their own they will manage with FRIENDS like these. As they remember the emergency fire crew that got vaporised by the main blast as they were trying to control the fireworks fire, caused by welders working nearby. Meanwhile Macron has put on his banker robber baron outfit to turn up and offer help by taking the place back under French control, for the Lebanese benefit of course! Trump is publicly embarrassing his lying generals who wanted him to believe it was a missile or bomb as he corners Pompeo in his Caesarean adventurism to nowhere – his sanctions on Lebanon now looking cruel and unusual as he tries to pick a fight with Hezbullah to force US escalation and boots on ground Tossers and DS stooges here and MSM try and stir up the US mini nuke theory or point to birds on a video as missiles or claim secret bunkers underneath the wharf or the usual it’s Putins Russians fault etc, as their part of the Up-Pompeo… Read more »

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Aug 6, 2020 11:25 AM
Reply to  DunGroanin

Sounds like you have had enough of this site, DG.

You’d be much happier pissing off and going to where the real journalism is, eh?

Let the freedom of speech allow the idiots to mouth their useless theories here, causing no harm to anyone as no government or executive official ever comes near the place….

Aug 6, 2020 11:54 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

nice reply Rhys. bang on

Aug 6, 2020 3:22 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Freedom of speach!!!!!

What a fucking laff

Off g have obviously banned me 😵

Aug 6, 2020 8:58 PM
Reply to  crispy

Exceptions are made for special cases like crispy. They are allowed to embarrass themselves here as much as they want.

Aug 6, 2020 10:40 PM
Reply to  crispy

I fear you may be ignored generally speaking,due to lack of relevance.

Coventry, is just not a place in the UK geographically.

77th …. or ilk.

Aug 8, 2020 11:38 PM
Reply to  crispy

Why would they do that.
We need you for the comic value.

David G Horsman
David G Horsman
Aug 6, 2020 10:29 PM
Reply to  DunGroanin

It appears that happened but explain this, damn near everyone knew, for years, that they could level that city any day they felt like it.
During an on going conflict involving regular missle strikes? Talk about bad security.

Aug 6, 2020 7:44 AM

The hand of the bankers can be seen behind the fact that three shocks have hit Lebanon in rapid succession: Currency collapse leading to political protests; Event Covid shutting down about half of the global economy; and now a $15 billion crater in the economy. It can hardly have been an accident that ammonium nitrate stored for 6 years in the port of Beirut chose this moment to ignite. Just as Lebanon’s politicians were refusing to take the knee to the bankers. More significant, all three events are directed to the same goal: monetary and economic reset, in which asset prices fall, enabling the bankers to grab more wealth and power. How does fiat currency work? Well, it’s basically worthless. If stable, we can agree that a piece of paper, a conch shell or a pair of furry dice are worth X. But when the banks themselves create the currency, by making loans (see Steve Keen) then there is nothing to support its value, especially when the production of material goods can’t keep up with the issuance of paper, conch or dice. The stock market crash is the answer! Or monetary reset, more accurately. The banks have to stay flush. They do this by deliberately crashing the economy every few decades (it’s now happening more rapidly). This lets them demand repayment of loans and seize assets – thereby replacing paper, conch and dice with real assets: property, hotels, factories, and public utilities like electricity and water stations. How do they do it? Flood the market with cheap credit first, getting people to take out loans and pushing up asset prices. Then crash the market by a number of means to trigger panic and fear. Call in the loans, seize the assets or buy them up for far less than you… Read more »

Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
Aug 6, 2020 4:53 AM

Mailman here. More from a correspondent in Beirut, this time via SyPer editor Ziad Fadel: https://syrianperspective.com/2020/08/the-truth-behind-the-bombing-in-beirut-the-zionist-connection.html “It was a mushroom cloud, but, it wasn’t nuclear. It’s what happens with Rayleigh-Taylor Instability, i.e., hot gas rises up quickly to meet cooler, heavier air above, and gets flattened into the form of a mushroom.  Let’s go back in time to late 2014 when the Russian-owned (Igor Grechuskin) ship, the Rhosus, left Georgia loaded with 2,750 tons of ammonium nitrate, heading through the Bosporus to Mozambique encountered tempestuous waters south of Turkey, made it to Beirut harbor. The Lebanese authorities seized the ship, noting it was carrying agricultural material which could be used interchangeably as explosives.  That should have been the end of the story. Zionist spies had taken note that the cargo was removed from the ship and stacked into Hangar 12 at the Port of Beirut. That information was logged by the MOSSAD which viewed its presence as an “opportunity” yet to be exploited. Iranian influence was increasing, the Zionist Apartheid State concluded that the time had come to put an end to Iran’s presence in Lebanon, by turning the people fervidly against their proxies, Hizbullah. https://www.yahoo.com/news/hezbollah-not-escape-blame-beirut-115000724.html Director of the Beirut Port Authority, Shafeeq Mir’iy wrote five letters begging for government intervention because the situation at the port had become, well, explosive. He wrote the letters on December 5, 2014, May 6, 2015, May 20, 2016, October 13, 2016 and October 27, 2017. After that, he was replaced. My source tells me that a car filled with C-2 was parked close to Hangar 12, but, was not expected to ignite the ammonium nitrate. Instead, it was meant to trigger the explosion by setting off a fire inside a storage facility filled with Chinese-made fireworks. That’s all it took. It was not a welder innocently starting a fire. It was not a mouse… Read more »

Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
Aug 6, 2020 8:30 AM
Reply to  Dr NG Maroudas

More on the ship’s Russian connection: Registered in Moldavia. “Moldova is a tiny post-soviet hellhole whose main export is girls and young women for prostitution in Western Europe: the Mr Big oligarch is a character called Lieberman, who has also served as Israel’s foreign minister”.

Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
Aug 6, 2020 8:40 AM
Reply to  Dr NG Maroudas

From Western Hammer on today’s Saker, It Was Not a Nuclear Explosion:

“It appears that someone decided to store fireworks next to 2500 tons of ammonium nitrate. I know who used to own the ammonium nitrate but I’d be more interested to know who owned the fireworks that caused the blast and how this individual/ company got permission from the port authorities to store their fireworks so close to 2500 tons of ammonium nitrate. Too many coincidences…”

Aug 6, 2020 9:49 AM
Reply to  Dr NG Maroudas

“ My source tells me…”
Pants on 🔥🔥🔥

Yup a nailed on LOSER LOON propagandist puppet – YOUR STRINGS ARE SHOWING – and you are not a doctor of any medicine

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Aug 6, 2020 11:29 AM
Reply to  DunGroanin

Playing the man DG?

Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
Aug 6, 2020 12:21 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Rhys, you are right to suspect a personal element appearing here. DoneGroaning is a good fellow and I like a lot of his comments, but he seems to have taken offence because he thinks I am pretending to be a Doctor of Medicine by signing myself as Dr.NGM.

DG, no offence meant and no offence taken. I remain your humble servant, Nicolas George Maroudas, PhD Chem.Eng, Diploma of Imperial College.

Aug 6, 2020 9:03 PM
Reply to  Dr NG Maroudas

Imperial College, a.k.a. Neil Ferguson College… At least in some fields, they don’t appear to have standards any more…

Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
Aug 6, 2020 10:22 PM
Reply to  wardropper

WarDropper, it was ever thus. My mentor, Prof.RD Harkness of UCL, explained how anomalous promotions occur: scientists are pushed up to a certain level from below, by recognition from their peers; but above that level scientists begin to be pulled from above by a gravitational attraction from the Corridors of Power. Young Neil Ferguson proved useful to the New Liebour regime by giving financially astute PM TB.Liar the answer which the Meat Marketing Lobby wanted: a vaccine would not work; consequently, tens of millions of perfectly healthy animals were slaughtered because the U$ market would refuse meat from vaccinated animals. Now, 30 years later, Dean Ferguson of IC Medical School proved equally useful to the BJ regime by his latest math: a vaccine is the only thing that will work; because Big Pharmabiz (not to mention Little Bill&Melinda) foresee $Trillions per annum in a captive global market of _mandatory_ injections of vaccine plus chip.

I have made a couple of math models here and there in my time. Ferguson’s blatantly contradictory results — no vaccine for F&M versus mandatory vaccine for Con19 — remind me of the top financier’s search for the top accountant. The great man summoned each candidate into his sanctum, and asked: “How much is 1+1?”. The winner stealthily checked that nobody was listening, softly closed the door, and whispered: “How much do you want it to be?”.

Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
Aug 6, 2020 11:01 PM
Reply to  Dr NG Maroudas

[Moderator, sorry to post this twice, but your Edit function timed out on me. This is the corrected version; kindly delete the previous version, it is unjust to Prof.Ferguson.] WarDropper, it was ever thus. My mentor, Prof.RD Harkness of UCL, explained how anomalous promotions occur: scientists are pushed up to a certain level from below, by recognition from their peers; but above that level scientists begin to be pulled from above by a gravitational attraction from the Corridors of Power. Young Neil Ferguson proved useful to the New Liebour regime by giving financially astute PM TB.Liar the answer which the Meat Marketing Lobby wanted: advice given to BLiar’s regime was, that the vaccine successfully developed at Porton Down under guidance from Prof.Fred Brown, FRS, would not work against Foot&Mouth; consequently, tens of millions of perfectly healthy animals were slaughtered simply because the U$ market refused meat from vaccinated animals. Now, 30 years later, Dean Ferguson of IC Medical School has proved equally useful to the BJ regime: his math model put the fear of the Devil into the public mind, thus helping Boris and friends impose their Dodgy Dogma: that a vaccine is the only thing which will work against Con19; consequently, billions of perfectly healthy people have been severely inconvenienced, many have been ruined and some have died, simply because Big Pharma Biz (not to mention Little Bill&Melinda Gates) foresee $Trillions per annum in a captive global market with _mandatory_ injections of vaccine plus (virus prone) Microsoft chip. I have made a couple of math models in my time. Ferguson’s — apart from being simply and wildly wrong — remind me of the story of the top financier’s search for the top accountant. The great man summoned each candidate into his inner sanctum, and asked: “How much is 1+1?”.… Read more »

Aug 7, 2020 1:01 AM
Reply to  Dr NG Maroudas

‘Twas indeed ever thus, Dr. M.
But I still think it’s time we put a stop to it.
The Earth is beginning to stink, and I don’t believe that is its purpose.

Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
Aug 7, 2020 6:28 AM
Reply to  wardropper

That means War, Dropper.

Aug 7, 2020 3:53 PM
Reply to  Dr NG Maroudas

The parasites declared war on us long ago.
It’s nothing new.
We’re just very slow to realize it.

Aug 6, 2020 12:25 AM

Lets play a bit with numbers, when the ISISraeli patsie Brevik blew an hole in Oslo, in the so called Gov square, he used the same A. Nitrat, and its by large an fertilizer, and had if I remeber correct stacked this into an van, and I guess somehwere around 1 or 2 bigbags witch what this sacks are labeled as in the ind. and they range from 1 ton to 1.5 tons as standard sice, and in the storage in Lebanon Beirut, there where 2700 tons, when the Bolshewik rat Breivk detonated the bomb it wasnt more than one maybe two, and then compare the level of destruction, maybe the Ocklahoma bombing is more known, that was also done by stacking one ot two tons of Nitrats into an van, and you got that level of destruction. So, when 2700 tons, witch means, it was much, much larger, and it was also what was known as industrial grade witch is purer, witch also means it could or was maybe intended for mining, and was even labeled HD. And when you look at the video above, we dont see the entire run up, the fire is already there, and it had been burning for longer then just what we have on tape, maybe more comes later but for now this looks like an cluster f….. and an consquence of storing bad shit on an location, that was not intended for anything like this, then we have the explosion, and I trust the Russian experts on this, since the ex. was so massive, remeber the air inside the storage house must been saturated, and to detone this, like the terror attacks you need something to set things in motion and this fire/expl. that happened minutes before would be more than sufficient… Read more »

Aug 6, 2020 2:38 AM
Reply to  mikael

Nice try at distraction, schlomo … you folks are beneath contempt.

Aug 6, 2020 10:16 AM
Reply to  mikael

It does not matter how much fertilizer was stored,the detonation speed remains the same. Ammonia nitrate does not detonate…it explodes. Take a look at West Texas fertilizer plant explosion, then google a vid of “explosion of unknown device in Syria”. See for yourself which one looks more like Beirut bomb.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Aug 6, 2020 12:09 AM

It appears the problem isn’t so much a dysfunctional government but a ‘too functional’ one. Too many parts of the government were able to say ‘no’ to any request that the ammonium nitrate be moved so it just sat there, essentially a huge bomb waiting to go off. Which it did eventually.

This kind of explosion isn’t that rare. We’ve had a couple of huge explosions in the US, in Texas, that were caused by improperly stored ammonium nitrate. Fortuantely these happened away from densely populated areas so the damage and causalties were on nothing like the scale of those in Beruit. As for the people of Beruit, by all means blame your government but its really the overpowering bureaucracy and endemic CYA that caused the disaster — the port people had been pleading to get the stuff moved but the paperwork just kept on shuffling……

Aug 5, 2020 11:20 PM

This web site is certain that it was a small nuclear device – Israel Hits Beirut with Nuclear Missile, Trump and Lebanese Govt. Confirm (continually updating) Trump confirms this was a bombing, not an accident and is immediately scourged by pro-Israel press…starting with the Daily Beast https://www.veteranstoday.com/2020/08/05/breaking-israel-nukes-beirut/ ……… Israel: Nuke bombing of Beirut Retaliation against Hezbollah Attack on Golan This was published 5 days ago as a warning. Today’s attack, confirmed, is Israel protected by Trump teaching helpless Lebanon a lesson. Defense Minister Benny Gantz on Thursday instructed the IDF to bomb Lebanese infrastructure if Hezbollah harms IDF soldiers or Israeli civilians. A senior defense official told Yisrael Hayom that Gantz issued the order to prepare such a response during meetings on Thursday with IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Aviv Kochavi and other members of the general staff. Tensions have rapidly escalated between Israel and the terrorist organization since the death of Hezbollah terrorist Ali Kamel Mohsen Jawad, along with two other terrorists, during an airstrike on Damascus International Airport earlier this month. Hezbollah has vowed revenge for Jawad’s death, leading the IDF to move reinforcements to the northern border in preparation for an attack by the Shiite terror organization. In Thursday’s meetings, Kochavi presented the IDF’s position on the matter, saying Israel must hold Hezbollah and the Lebanese government responsible for any future attack and its consequences. According to the defense official, Israel didn’t kill the Hezbollah terrorists who attempted to carry out an attack in the Har Dov area on Monday, and didn’t release footage of the incident, in order to give the terror group a chance to save face and de-escalate the situation, but that Hezbollah was not taking the opportunity. “If [Hezbollah] tries perpetrating another attack, we will see an unusual response from the IDF against… Read more »

Aug 6, 2020 12:03 AM
Reply to  Caltrop

Not likely.

Really want a nuke on Florida or New York or a French bank in retaliation?

Or any number of other asymmetric responses?

It would be assured MAD.

Aug 6, 2020 12:27 AM
Reply to  Caltrop

Shouldn’t that read “……tensions have rapidly escalated between the terrorist state and Hezbollah……”

In the 2006 war (when the Zionist Terror State got its arse kicked by the Lebanese Resistance) they targeted Lebanese civilians and civilian infrastructure almost exclusively. 3 million cluster bombs dropped on civilians. Unlike the Lebanese Resistance, who focussed exclusively on military targets.

The deterrence policy is implemented by Hezbollah, not the Zionist Regime. They have let it be known that they will respond in kind after Zionist terror attacks on its civilians. This has largely prevented Zionist terrorist attacks of the kind seen in Syria and elsewhere – because they know they will pay a price.

The Zionist account of the “Har Dov incident” is pure fantasy and disinformation. The Zionists were on tenterhooks waiting for the inevitable retaliation after killing a Hezbollah member in Syria. They basically s**t their pants and let their imagine run away with themselves. It is Nasrallah’s policy to make them wait for his retaliation as a form of psychological warfare.

Anyone who can write the above garbage must be either very deluded or very well remunerated down the hasbara factory.

Brannon P
Brannon P
Aug 5, 2020 11:19 PM

Not sure if anyones shared thsi yet. Its
from a Beirut based alternate news site. Has details not seen on other sites
Which new weapon was used in the Gulf and in Beirut?


Aug 5, 2020 9:54 PM

The shockwave seems to have had a ground speed of about 1,000 miles per hour. The red cloud was not ammonium nitrate, says UK Column Eastern Approaches correspondent, and former GCHQ officer, Alex Thomson.

The white flashes look like they were phosphor flashes. They certainly were not fireworks as there was too much smoke. The red cloud suggests that 120mm calibre mortar ammunition that was exploding. Light shell munitions stored at the site in the port area.

The port area is Sunni so there is no Hezbollah activity there. Turkey has been waging proxy wars in the region and seems to be the culprit. It is backing the Government of National Accord Tripoli government threatened by General Haftar. Only Turkey and the Italian navy back the GNA.

On July 20th, presidents Trump and Macron told the Turks to leave Libya and the Turks have responded by covering their tracks, destroying a warehouse that was supplying the Government of National Accord saraj government.

Turkey is painting itself into a corner, says Thomson, who recently reported on Turkey in What is Erdogan Playing At: Turkey’s Neighbourhood Tensions. Thomson says Turkey has overplayed its hand and is now at loggerheads with about 12 of its neighbours.

For further reading on Lebanon, Thomson recommends David Hirst, for many years the Middle East correspondent of The Guardian, who has written Beware of Small States: Lebanon, Battleground of the Middle East.

UK Column News – 5th August 2020 at 50:00 minutes https://youtu.be/D_7aAlMc_3I

Aug 5, 2020 9:14 PM

Unlike in United shiteland and such, they don’t have strict policies of what to put where and thousands of pages of nonsensical paperwork. Obviously just a bad day in a place where temperatures have been elevated like everywhere in the world. God wasn’t smiling yesterday. But hopefully the people will see who their true family is and take note.

Aug 5, 2020 9:11 PM

It seems strange this is coming just now, when:-

  1. Trump and his cronies are waging a war of economic terrorism against Lebanon, trying to destabilise the country and destroy Hezbollah in the service of his Zionist paymasters and wire pullers. They know direct military aggression is off the table, because they’d get their arses kicked again, as in 1982-2000 and 2006.
  2. For several weeks now there have been a series of very similar Zionist/ US terrorist attacks in Iran, targeting Natanz, fuel supplies and power infrastructure, harbours and shipping. A US controlled terror ring has just been smashed in Iran.
  3. The Hariri assassination report is due out in a couple of days time, all grist to the mill in the campaign of smear and vilification against Iran/ Hezbollah. – Draw your own conclusions.
Ken Garoo
Ken Garoo
Aug 5, 2020 8:42 PM

A compedium of videos taken from various angles.


The inital incident was a fire at a warehouse, attended by what looks to be fire brigade officers. There was a small explosion send some large white objects flying. A fire became clearing spreading and causing more small explosions then the massive explosion with the vapour cloud. One of the warehouses was storing about 2.5 thousand tons of ammonium nitrate impounded several years ago. It looks like a fire spread into this warehouse, triggering small scale explosions initially, then the whole warehouse as temperature reached a critical level.

Aug 5, 2020 7:54 PM

I don’t mean to Worry you, but Compare the two. On the second one, you can choose whichever location you like and which strength of nuclear bomb..

comment image


On a quick test on Beirut It looks about the size of Fat Man to me – 20KT – much the same as Nagasaki – only a little nuke.

Sick init.

They have much more powerful ones, and thousands of them.

This is not good. Playing with bangers is one thing. Playing with nukes is something else, and to be seriously discouraged.

There’s a lot of them about


Aug 5, 2020 7:39 PM

Do all posters here have to wait for their comments to undergo approval of a censor on Off-G?


Aug 5, 2020 7:38 PM

Why are two of my comments deleted and one still has yet to be permitted to be posted?

I thought Off-G was a blog that one could blog in without censorship or a 16 hour waiting period for a post to be passed for view?

Who exactly is running the comments section of Off-G?


Jerry Can
Jerry Can
Aug 5, 2020 7:09 PM

Here is a more informed view on what may have been behind the explosion:
49:46 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D_7aAlMc_3I

Brannon P
Brannon P
Aug 5, 2020 11:24 PM
Reply to  Jerry Can

Was ot deleted? Vids about covid

Jerry Can
Jerry Can
Aug 6, 2020 6:30 PM
Reply to  Brannon P

Check 49:46 as I pinned the bit about Beirut.

Aug 5, 2020 6:43 PM

Whoever they are, and I really do not know…

They just seem to be Rubbing It In.

“We can do what the hell we like – and you mere humans, can’t do anything to stop us”

I know this may seem a bit David Icke, and I don’t actually believe in Aliens visiting us from another Galaxy – even though we do have a Pretty Planet.

They do not seem Human to me.

Do not go blaming all the usual suspects.

I do not understand what is going on.

But it has to stop, or we will all lose our home.

Planet Earth


Aug 5, 2020 6:57 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

“I do not understand what is going on”, is a sincere concern for thinking people today, and your comment is well said.
The worst-case scenario, from the Book of Revelation – that Satan himself will be allowed to do his thing at some point, although only for a limited time – appears to be with us.
In fact worst-case scenarios seem to be the ones with the highest success rate in our modern world, and I find it hard to put that down to coincidence…
They, whoever they are, don’t seem human to me either.

Aug 5, 2020 7:05 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

‘ I do not understand what is going on.

But it has to stop, or we will all lose our home.

Planet Earth’

Don’t know if you ever read Kurt Vonnegut’s novel cat’s cradle? – there he talks about these people who seem to be willing to destroy earth just ‘for the fun of it’.

It’s a great novel (IMO of course..)

Aug 5, 2020 7:11 PM
Reply to  Willem

Here is my favorite quote from that book, the one about ‘father’ (the one who invented the bomb in Vonnegut’s novel) and it goes like this

After the thing went off, after it was a sure thing that America could wipe out a city with just one bomb, a scientist turned to Father and said, ‘Science has now known sin.’ And do you know what Father said? He said, ‘What is sin?

Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
Aug 6, 2020 5:01 AM
Reply to  Willem

“Did he who made the Lamb make thee?” — Wm.Blake, The Tyger

sharon marlowe
sharon marlowe
Aug 5, 2020 7:09 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Don’t you think that the “usual suspects” have murdered, tortured, crippled and displaced enough people and animals just this century to have earned their blame? But I do like your compassion, Tony:)
On another note, it sure looks like spectacular, unexplained aerial vehicles are flying within the earth’s atmosphere, and have been for quite a while. Extraterrestrial visitation is the best explanation I’ve heard 😉

Zen Priest
Zen Priest
Aug 6, 2020 8:59 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Just a suggestion but have you ever considered a people with a hatred of God, hatred of others, a belief in their own supremacy, a history of terror, and who also happen to control every industry? If not why not?

Aug 5, 2020 6:14 PM

Oh My God, Beirut looks like 9/11 again.

comment image?imwidth=1280

sharon marlowe
sharon marlowe
Aug 5, 2020 6:33 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

And likely orchestrated by the same regimes who gave us 9/11–the U.S., Israel, and Britain.

Aug 5, 2020 6:41 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Bleak, indeed.
Still, I have Photoshop-like apps in my computer that can make Disneyland look like that, so let’s not get too depressed…
Incidentally, what are the odds on the people in the picture being DS agents doing one of their 3-day total-evidence-removal jobs on the site?
On the other hand, if that WAS a nuke, nobody in their right mind would be there at all right now. One has in mind that the radioactive fallout from the Bikini Island underwater test in 1946 was considered to constitute “widespread contamination”, and I can see some definite similarities here.

Aug 5, 2020 6:43 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

nothing compared with the terror bombing which the unopposed Israeli Air Force inflicted in Beirut in the summer of 1982: carpet-bombing schools, hospitals and apartment buildings; tens of thousands of Lebanese civilians were killed by Israeli war criminals

Aug 5, 2020 8:41 PM
Reply to  ame

The Israelis were preempting a Holocaust.

Aug 5, 2020 8:38 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Except this looks like an uncontrolled explosion, not a perfectly controlled demolition, which is the only way to cause a multi story tower to implode into its own footprint.

Aug 5, 2020 5:44 PM

Lockdown restrictions reimposed in Aberdeen after cluster outbreak linked to a pub
First Minister Nicola Sturgeon announced on Wednesday that pubs and restaurants in Aberdeen, Scotland, would be required to close to manage a cluster outbreak of COVID-19 in the area. People in the region will not be able to visit other households or travel more than five miles for leisure under the rules.

Aug 5, 2020 2:43 PM

Most convincing explanation I have yet seen on The Saker Blog


This very interesting too


However its all speculation

Aug 5, 2020 3:28 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Speculation indeed. The second source accuses Israel of a nuclear attack, but no evidence. The first source names Israel and the US as responsible, but no evidence. No-one mentions the theory that Iranian missiles were stored there and then sent to Iran’s terrorist proxy army attacking Israel, Hezbollah. That would certainly invite an Israeli strike. If I were Israeli with good intelligence on this, I’d say get them first. But leftist Israel-haters are everywhere and very unlikely to investigate this scenario. They seem to have double standards. Israel has full democracy, human rights and religious freedoms for all. Gays can even marry. In the horror dictatorship of Islamist Iran, which imprisons dissidents and denies basic human rights and freedoms, gays get persecuted and even executed. Non-Muslims are second class. The great mystery is why leftists who say they oppose intolerance, tyranny, patriarchy, racism, war and inequality only express hate and support violent action against the Jewish people and state, never the Islamist tyrants and murderers of Iran.

sharon marlowe
sharon marlowe
Aug 5, 2020 4:08 PM
Reply to  NicS

You should be on TV, NicS.

Aug 5, 2020 4:09 PM
Reply to  NicS

Well, you don’t seem very objective about this, but I don’t blame you as you have probably been subjected to the propaganda, and have probably been programmed to hate. This is evidence by your “That would certainly invite an Israeli strike. If I were Israeli with good intelligence on this, I’d say get them first.”

Are you not concerned about the reports in The Independent of “Over 300,000 homeless and at least 100 dead”? I wonder if Robert Fisk is O.K., cos he lives there.
Much of Beirut, was very rich (and very poor) I should imagine that quite a few Americans, Europeans and Israelis live there, and have been very badly affected.

Conventional explosions tend not to produce this effect. Earthquakes and nukes do….see the tremble and the shake, a few seconds before ths shockwave hits. I think the priest probably survived. I doubt he did anything to deserve this.

“Beirut Priest flees for cover as debris falls during mass”

At the end of the day, we are all pretty much the same, regardless of what stuff, we have been programmed to believe.


Concerned Citizen
Concerned Citizen
Aug 5, 2020 4:11 PM
Reply to  NicS

Yes yes we all know by now that you’re a CIA shill. Time to change your username, although you’d be easy to spot since you can’t seem to figure out the use of paragraphs.

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Aug 5, 2020 4:18 PM
Reply to  NicS

This is a false dichtomy. I condemn human rights abuses in Saudi Arabia and Iran as much as I condemn Israel’s violation of Palestinian’s rights and occupation of Palestinian territory.

Aug 5, 2020 4:23 PM
Reply to  NicS

Yawn, is this a copy and paste?

Aug 5, 2020 4:44 PM
Reply to  NicS

Yours is a serious candidate for the most wrongheaded comment I’ve ever read.

Aug 5, 2020 4:58 PM
Reply to  NicS

Yes, of course. Why, in Tel Aviv they even have a Gay Pride Day. Case closed. Israel is incapable of wrong doing. Just ignore all those homeless Palestinians whose houses have been bulldozed – what do they know from Adam?

Germs Bond
Germs Bond
Aug 5, 2020 6:05 PM
Reply to  Howard

On the plus side Israel is crazy for gayness. On the minus it just dropped the atom bomb.

Aug 5, 2020 7:19 PM
Reply to  Howard

Where do people get their views on here from about Israel…same sources who the rest of the time they refer to as msm and propoganda peddlers. BBC are pedo loving propogandists when it suits, and a good source of info when they peddle their anti-Israel bias.

Aug 5, 2020 8:31 PM
Reply to  Ælfræd

Err, not from Anders Breivik like you do.

Aug 5, 2020 8:45 PM
Reply to  lundiel

Not familiar with his views funnily enough. You have obviousely educated yourself on them though. I tend to not care too much about those who use violence care or think – he’s just a small scale Tony Blair I imagine.

Aug 6, 2020 3:08 PM
Reply to  Ælfræd

Surely you jest! The MSM anti-Israel? I never though my bad back would come in handy till now. It forces me to plant myself firmly in my chair – otherwise I’d have fallen out upon reading that there was a MSM anti-Israel bias.

Aug 6, 2020 7:10 PM
Reply to  Howard

Absolutely yes. I remember the bbc a few years back covering supposed IDF shooting at “innocvent children” on the border. What they didn’t show was those very children being handed ak’s and starting fires from tyres etc. It’s always the same “innocent palestinians”. Same old same old.

Aug 5, 2020 8:44 PM
Reply to  Howard

Sodom and Gomorrah had gay pride parades.

Jura Calling
Jura Calling
Aug 5, 2020 5:17 PM
Reply to  NicS

From un-named source to un-named source to ‘speculating’ about Iranian missiles to gay rights and anti – smitism in one sitting. I only logged on to check my emails. I should be more careful.

Aug 5, 2020 5:49 PM
Reply to  NicS

…too much “cnn/abc/fox/netflix”. Turn off your tv set and get some of “fresh air”. 😉

Aug 5, 2020 7:17 PM
Reply to  NicS

Don’t defend Israel, you decend from being a free thinker on other issues to a zombie. The so called free thinkers on here don’t apply the same logic that a difference of opinions is good when talking about the big bad boogie Israel monster.

Aug 5, 2020 8:04 PM
Reply to  NicS

Gays can even marry.”
I think you’ll find that only the Arab ones can.

Aug 5, 2020 9:35 PM
Reply to  NicS

The only terrorists in the region are the genocidal Zionist Apartheid terror regime and their bought and paid for alphabet soup of terrorist proxies, ISIS, Al Qaida, whatever other names of convenience Mossad is using this week.

The Lebanese Resistance liberated Lebanon from Zionist occupation and Zionist terror by their own courage and sacrifice. But for them, Lebanon would still be occupied and covered with their filthy illegal settlements, just like the West Bank..

The Zionist Apartheid Regime is for Jews only, It is the world’s only openly and institutionally racist state. Palestinians have NO rights. Dogs have more rights than Palestinians in their occupied homeland. They live under a brutal military occupation scarcely distinguishable from Nazi rule in occupied Poland. Non Jews cannot marry Jews. Non Jews cannot own land or property. Non Jews are not even third class citizens, They are goyim, arabushim, insects, cockroaches, nothing.

The Islamic Republic operates a democratic system of government chosen by its people by an overwhelming majority in a popular referendum. Like the US Regime, like the Zionist Regime, like Japan, it retains the death penalty.

Aug 6, 2020 7:38 PM
Reply to  NicS

Looks like we’ve got the whole check list of hasbara smears and talking points there folks.

A shekel a line standard rate.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Aug 5, 2020 4:44 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

It is certainly within the realm of possibility. Though it being in the realm of probability is a another matter. If what is said turns out to be accurate it would indicate that humanity is confronted with a gang/assortment of extremely sick, disturbed, twisted, self absorbed and very selfish, criminal psychopaths that need to be removed as soon as possible.

“This struggle may be a moral one, or it may be a physical one, and it may be both moral and physical, but it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.”

~ Frederick Douglas, 1857

S Cooper
S Cooper
Aug 5, 2020 6:13 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

Well at least one psycho read my posting.

sharon marlowe
sharon marlowe
Aug 5, 2020 6:30 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

“If what is said turns out to be accurate it would indicate that humanity is confronted with a gang/assortment of extremely sick, disturbed, twisted, self absorbed and very selfish, criminal psychopaths that need to be removed as soon as possible.”

The Trump regime dropped a bomb with a mile-wide radius on Afghanistan. He bombed Syria for “entertainment”. Him and Netanyahu are certainly sick, twisted, and disturbed. I can’t think of U.S. and Israeli leaders without thinking that they’re criminal psychopaths.

Aug 5, 2020 2:43 PM

A few years back there was a massive port explosion in a Chinese port. The US just stopping arms being supplied to their victims perhaps. It must be Syria related.

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Aug 5, 2020 2:12 PM

The explosion was audible from Limassol/Cyprus.

Aug 5, 2020 2:44 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

Was it reachable by missile from Cyprus?

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Aug 6, 2020 2:04 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

I will just point out that this is about 200 km across open sea, and others confirm hearing it. I don’t have the necessary expert knowledge myself, but isn’t this important evidence as to the strength of the blast?

Aug 5, 2020 1:29 PM

british army waiting to help in cyprus ex rothschild banker boy lover macron of gay paris
on his way to help

we would like to buy your port no
it’s not for sale
ohh ok
shame if it had an accident

when you discharge a directed energy weapon at an area you are interested in
it sure cuts down the demolition costs

sometimes quiet wars
need big bangs

the currency of this country has been devalued by 80%
by the zio banksters
mini davy crockets dialed down
or directed energy weapons
destruction of the main food import areas
from fireworks?

an expert on mossad london global glr radio yesterday had a slip of the tongue when he said
the damage would have been much worse if the explosion had of been at ground level

below ground penetrating weapon perhaps?

Aug 5, 2020 2:30 PM
Reply to  gordon

Why would the British want a port there? they have Cyprus or Israel? Why would a collection of banks want a port there? this is nonsense.

Aug 5, 2020 3:47 PM
Reply to  Jilly2

it is not the british who require ports
silly billy

it is zionist banka
have ports own ports or destroy ports
fire works is it

silly jilly do you have your face mask on

fire works the bbc man said
fire works it is

oded yinon nevers stops

Aug 5, 2020 7:40 PM
Reply to  Jilly2

it is not the british who require ports
silly billy
it is zionist banka
have ports own ports or destroy ports

fire works is it
silly jilly do you have your face mask on
fire works the bbc man said
fire works it is
oded yinon nevers stops

Aug 5, 2020 12:59 PM

I’m not buying VTs take on the explosion (nuke) but looking at the crater left afterwards, I’m not sure I can believe it was caused by fertiliser either.

Aug 5, 2020 1:57 PM
Reply to  lundiel

I read a piece in Haaretz which for me confirmed VT’s take. If you want to bomb your neighbour really really horrifyingly would you directly drop a nuke on them or use explosive material that you knew was there and then through media control make it seem like your neighbour’s own negligence? According to Haaretz, “the enormous scope of the damage and the large number of people killed and wounded will raise pointed questions about the warehousing of ammunition, missiles, guns and explosives in populated areas.” So either the ammonium nitrate got some strategically surgically help in being blown up (because it cannot do so itself) and /or Israel knew there were some weapons stored there, something which seems to have been confirmed by Al-Arabiya. Then Haaretz continues: But dismantling and neutralizing these stockpiles, or moving them away from populated areas, is a sensitive issue politically, because it would mean disarming “the Lebanese resistance” and leaving the country devoid of any force capable of deterring Israel.” This confirms for me the real objective of the attack: disarm Lebanese resistance to Israel. “The Beirut port blast could now at least lead to some changes in the public discourse, and even possibly among some political leaders, resulting in a demand to remove Hezbollah’s weapons and ammunition warehouses from population centers, which the organization is likely to oppose, as it would expose it to Israeli military actions that for now are being prevented as Israel supposedly wouldn’t want to strike civilians.” I almost choked on this last sentence: Israel doesn’t care about Lebanese, Syrian or Iraqi civilians. Just ask Palestinian children. The whole article is framed around Hezbollah is if these Israelis already know exactly what happened, because probably they do. For me the most likely suspect is Israel and the normal procedure… Read more »

Aug 5, 2020 4:18 PM
Reply to  rraa

I agree that this was most likely an Israeli attack. But not your speculation that it was to ‘disarm Lebanese resistance to Israel’, as if Lebanon faced imminent invasion and occupation by Israeli forces. Good evidence here could change my mind, so links would help (but not to the myriad groups and bigots already hating Israel, please). At present, it seems you already know who the bad guys are, and they must be Israelis. Are you absolving all those wanting to destroy Israel before the full truth is known? Shouldn’t these violent parties also be suspected of involvement? We know, for example, that Iran funds and arms the Hezbollah terrorists constantly mounting violent attacks against Israel. Weapons and even warriors pass through Lebanon, where many sympathise with their cause. Also common knowledge are the Islamist mullahs’ ballistic missile program and open calls for the ‘nuclear annihilation of Israel’ (and other hated enemies). Iran’s huge military expansion in recent years and frequent aggressions against Saudi, UK and US interests are no secret. And now there are reports that this site was a vital storage point for the Iranian missiles on their way to very aggressive Palestinian militants, not yet discounted. Were you Israeli and knew about this huge threat to your people and nation, wouldn’t you strike first? I certainly would. Pacifism sucks when it helps them blow up everything you love, including your dear self. So for those who refuse to find Israel guilty before hearing the defence, who in other words hate prejudice and want to think about why Israel may have taken preemptive action against its sworn enemies rather than wanting to conquer Lebanon, a link:


Aug 5, 2020 5:07 PM
Reply to  NicS

“freebeacon”…….hahahaha. 💩🤮

Aug 5, 2020 6:08 PM
Reply to  lundiel

At first glance, I read that as freebacon.

What a cruel disappointment. :o(

David G. Horsman
David G. Horsman
Aug 7, 2020 4:58 AM
Reply to  Gwyn

That a good site name for a Canadian.

Aug 5, 2020 9:50 PM
Reply to  NicS

The only nuclear weapons in the region are the 400 warheads in the huge illegal arsenal of the Zionist Regime, targeted at all its neighbours. With its “huge military expansion” Iran spends less than 1% of what America does on its armed forces, and a fraction of what Israel does (though its entire military budget is paid for by the dumb goy taxpayer anyway.) Joe Shlomo doesn’t have to put his hand in his pocket for a single shekel. Even so, Iran and Hezbollah can still defend themselves and so tend to be left alone by the Zionist kiddie killers, who prefer gunning down little kids in Gaza with their British sniper rifles and dum dum bullets.

Aug 7, 2020 7:38 PM
Reply to  NicS

wow, you’re such an ignoramus, it’s not even worth refuting your delusional ravings.

Aug 5, 2020 9:40 PM
Reply to  rraa

Occam’s Razor.

Aug 5, 2020 2:39 PM
Reply to  lundiel

Who are VT, who do they work for?

Aug 5, 2020 5:04 PM
Reply to  Jamie

Veterans Today is Gordon Duff, an alternative opinion site, anti-Semitic, pro-Putin conspiracists which occasionally produces sensible articles on geopolitics.

Aug 6, 2020 10:19 AM
Reply to  Jamie

VT are as the names says, ex-veterans; founded in 2004 claim to be independent. I don’t follow them regularly but occasionally on some military issues I check them because they have a lot of on-the ground contacts and military knowledge. I don’t agree with their more right wing stuff or with many of their articles. In this case I was just frustrated with the Greek chorus media coming up with the accident narrative within 30 minutes of the explosion…from their armchairs in London and Washington. I don’t know anything about explosives but I do analyze media narratives on some issues fairly systematically looking at a variety of media in a few languages. I am really tired of the anti-semitic claims against anyone who explores Israel’s military actions which need to be investigated just like anyone else’s. And they have so many for such a small country it would need 100 full time employees just to stay on top of all their military actions bid and small, including against Palestinian children. Look for the Richard Silverstein’s blog Tikun Olam. He seems to confirm VT’s take and he describes himself as “progressive Jewish”…

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Aug 5, 2020 12:43 PM


Supposedly a shipment of of ammonium nitrate estimated at 2,750 tons was present for six years in a warehouse next to a fireworks factory. 

 To say that’s a recipe for a disaster is a whopping understatement, particular considering the Oklahoma City bombers used two tons of ammonium nitrate to detonate the deadly explosion that killed 168 people at the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in 1995. There’s two imperative questions which should be asked–how many were aware of the contents housed in these two warehouses and who lit the fuse………….

Aug 5, 2020 1:17 PM

One must always tread on eggshells when approaching the Murrah Building, since there is much to indicate it was not ammonium nitrate but rather carefully planted bombs inside which brought that building to ruin.

sharon marlowe
sharon marlowe
Aug 5, 2020 1:47 PM
Reply to  Howard

Sure looks like it, doesn’t it? They find I believe three undetonated bombs in the side of the Murrah Building that didn’t collapse, as reported by local news there at the time. So it’s probably the case that there were more bombs planted in the building that did explode.

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Aug 5, 2020 4:06 PM
Reply to  Howard

Actually the mushroom cloud caused by the explosion looked like a mini nuclear bomb…..

Aug 5, 2020 5:03 PM
Reply to  Charlotte Ruse

Yes, chillingly so. Since I don’t watch the news, I just saw the picture you’re talking about (on globalresearch.ca). It does indeed look like a mushroom cloud.

Aug 5, 2020 9:52 PM
Reply to  Charlotte Ruse

The Zionist Regime is known to possess miniaturised nuclear weapons, some of which do not emit radiation.

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Aug 5, 2020 11:31 PM
Reply to  paul

While it is possible to have a fusion reaction be essentially radiation-free, it is not possible yet to start a fusion reaction in a
bomb without starting it with a fission explosion. Fission always creates radiation.

Aug 6, 2020 12:32 AM
Reply to  Charlotte Ruse

They have weapons which are maximum yield, minimum yield, maximum radiation and minimum radiation. All permutations on a theme.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Aug 5, 2020 1:32 PM

Supposedly indeed ! A weapons depot destroyed by one of the various factions probably paid for by gunrunners whose sales have been soft of late , as Trump has attempted to wind down the Afghan , Syrian , and Libyan wars

Aug 5, 2020 1:35 PM

eye agree
the hole area just good not take it the floors in all the buildings
with the heat generated from the jet fuel in the fireworks it was only a matter of time before we saw a pancake collapse at free fall speeds of the hole ports

b assured
tel aviv artists b thing thing and gelatine kosher moving urban systems
and the dancing tel avivers where not in the port area
during the event

that job was outside the area filming the event

Brian Sides
Brian Sides
Aug 6, 2020 7:43 AM

A very expensive reconstruction of the explosion of Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building was carried out.
They got a truck of the same type and packed it with the same amount and type of explosive and parked it next to a concrete column. The explosion did not damage the concrete column. So they repeated the test this time taking the explosives out of the truck and putting it near the column. The explosion did not destroy or seriously damage the column but nocked it to about a 30 degrees off vertical. They somehow concluded this proved the explosives inside the truck could of destroyed the column it was next to and the columns it was not next to causing the collapse of the front of the building.

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Aug 6, 2020 11:24 AM
Reply to  Brian Sides

The Oklahoma City Bombing blast destroyed or damaged 324 other buildings within a 16-block
radius, shattered glass in 258 nearby buildings, and destroyed or burned 86 cars. Please post the link citing your theory…

Brian Sides
Brian Sides
Aug 6, 2020 1:38 PM
Reply to  Charlotte Ruse

It is not a theory it is a reconstruction test carried out that I watched
You may have to search to find it
youtube have probably buried it as inconvenient.

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Aug 6, 2020 3:02 PM
Reply to  Brian Sides

I’m surprised you wouldn’t keep a signficant file like that at your fingertips….

Aug 5, 2020 12:37 PM

Nukes normally have a EMP.

That means none of the phone footage and live streaming from explosion to being hit by the shockwave would have been able.


Aug 5, 2020 8:17 PM
Reply to  DunGroanin

“Nukes normally have a EMP.”
Well spotted.
Any silicon based (modern) electronics would have been fried.
Valve stuff would be fine.

Nixon Scrapes
Nixon Scrapes
Aug 5, 2020 11:32 AM

My dad stored loads of dynamite, TNT, mortar bombs,machine guns and other souvenirs he brought back from WW2 in the shed at the bottom of the garden. I’ve often thought about clearing it out but never got round to it. Maybe it’s time I did.
Caveat~This is satirical fiction. Not intended to be believed. I haven’t even got a shed, officer. You can’t be too careful these days.

Aug 5, 2020 11:40 AM
Reply to  Nixon Scrapes

In a few years title arms dumps will be going up all over America as demented dumb survivalists forget where and what their munitions are

Aug 5, 2020 11:55 AM
Reply to  DunGroanin

Don’t worry, Dun. We might get lucky and find the stuff that NATO lost

“Weapons and explosives caches were spread throughout Italy, and some stockpiles could not be retrieved …
In 1983, strollers in an eastern Dutch forest found a weapons dump containing dozens of hand grenades, semiautomatic rifles, automatic pistols, munitions and explosives.”

Secret Gladio Network Planted Weapons Caches in NATO Countries.

David G. Horsman
David G. Horsman
Aug 7, 2020 5:06 AM
Reply to  Nixon Scrapes

Sheds are subversive. You should get rid of it.

Aug 5, 2020 10:49 AM

You have to look at the context. The ammonium nitrate had been sitting there for 6 years. It decides to explode, flattening one of Lebanon’s main economic assets, just as talks with bankers hit the buffers. What do the bankers want? Lebanon’s assets and real estate, worth trillions of dollars, at a knock-down price, in the middle of a financial crisis. In return the International Monetary Fund will reduce some of what Lebanon owes them. Why was the ammonium nitrate there? Port and customs officials had repeatedly tried to sell, give away or otherwise get rid of the dangerous substance. Strangely, every time they tried to get a legal decision authorizing this, they got no answer from the judges. See Al Jazeera below. This was clear and deliberate inaction by judges. You wonder if somebody got to them. AJ blames this on the “corrupt political class” in general — just as U.S. news outlets have dropped what could be seen as hints about regime change: “Some officials have demanded a new cabinet to make sure that happens…” Pressure Piles on Lebanon as IMF Warns Implosion Accelerating — Bloomberg, Jul 2 What does the damage to the port mean? It sends a message that unless Lebanon agrees to the bankers’ terms soon, it could see further risk and deterioration to its poorly-maintained assets. And maybe further accidents. Trump says US generals feel Beirut blast was likely an ‘attack’ https://www.militarytimes.com/news/your-military/2020/08/04/trump-says-us-generals-feel-beirut-blast-was-likely-an-attack/ https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/08/officials-knew-danger-beirut-port-years-200805032416684.html There is so far little evidence to go on – apart from the force of the blast and the opinion of military professionals. There is no evidence that Israel was involved – though PM Netanyahu did issue a cryptic Tweet on Tuesday hinting – in the present continuous tense – of an attack on Hezbollah after Israel had defeated an attempted… Read more »

Aug 5, 2020 11:51 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

The bankers’ shakedown could easily be combined with geopolitical elements, like an attempt to kick off a regional war. “Just business” could coincide with the strategic interests of Israel, France and the U.S. for example – as has been the case in most of the mid-eastern wars.

9/11 combined private profit and geopolitics – the demolition of the asbestos-laden buildings, the massive insurance payouts, the destruction of inconvenient legal and accounting records, the options trading by people who knew in advance that airline stocks would fall.

The TPTB are old hands at this.

Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
Aug 5, 2020 1:22 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

A possible answer may lay here: China and Iran emerge as potential investors to replace We-win-You-lose econonic hitmen IMF and Uncle — which is what Rev.Nasr’Allah advised last month.

Alia iacta sunt (L. The chips are down).

Aug 5, 2020 11:54 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

US General Mattis was there just some days ago …

Israel has been expecting retaliation by goading Hezbullah all along the Syrian border

Lebanon has dropped out of the US orbit and heading into the SCO alliance and the BRI.

This may be GODS punishment in the errant and ‘innocent’ Lebanese (Sarc).
Just about all the nastiness that has happened in the ME since the Crusades has been funnelled through there!

All the Metcenaries, Spooks, fake western Journalists, White Helmet types … all happily cavorting in their boudoir of Beirut.

Looks like that’s come to a sudden stop !

The port and city can be easily and quickly rebuilt by the Chinese and protected by the Russians as the Anglo Imperialists are squeezed out like pus from their last remaining diseased pores.

Only a complete expunging of the super rich and powerful Lebanese few arms/ drugs trading families will finally free that land after centuries.

Aug 5, 2020 4:37 PM
Reply to  DunGroanin

If Anglo Imperialists are ‘like pus’, whatever must you think of all the other imperialists throughout human history?! Or of the Chinese communists and their infamous concentration camps for 1.5m Muslims, Tibetans etc today? Perhaps you should find another empire or dictatorship from any time in history which benefitted the world more than the British empire did, or one which risked its own military forces to fight slavers and end slavery in the West. I believe that achievement by white British Christians (imperialists or not) is unique, and uniquely progressive. What a tragedy that slavery is much worse today, particularly in Islamic African nations like Mauritania. The ruling Islamic Berbers there reportedly enslave about 600,000 black Africans at the moment. That compares to the total number of black Africans sold by African slavers and sent to the US during its 80 years of slavery: about 650,000. Mauritanian slavery, of course, goes back many centuries, involving millions of victims over many generations. Sadly, Mauritania never became part of the British empire.

Aug 5, 2020 10:01 PM
Reply to  NicS

Any advance on 1.5 million Uighur concentration camp inmates?
It was only 1 million originally. This source was a German religious nutjob who has never visited China but was on a self appointed mission from God to destroy the country.
This will soon be another 6 million, complete with human soap and human lamp shades. No doubt this garbage will be swallowed just as eagerly as it was first time round.

Aug 6, 2020 12:17 AM
Reply to  NicS

Your predictable diatribe failed to actually include the words ‘what about’.

Aug 5, 2020 2:05 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

This is a logical analysis. So who do you think was involved?