5 Ways “The New Normal” is Getting Worse and Worse
From mandatory masks to mandatory tests to mandatory track-and-trace, the roll-out is on.
Kit Knightly

It’s been a big few days for the New Normal narrative and, through the deliberately cultivated haze of confusion, it’s not hard to see the world they want to build is taking shape.
1. Australia’s Curfew
The state of Victoria, and the city of Melbourne, have declared a “state of disaster” and instituted a lockdown and curfew. The state’s 6.3 million inhabitants, nearly 5 million in the city, have to follow these restrictions:
- Workplaces and shops that are not deemed essential will close or reduce their hours from Wednesday midnight but services such as supermarkets, petrol stations and doctors will remain open.
- “Permitted” or essential workers will have to carry a special permit to work outside the home.
- There is a nightly curfew in force: between the hours of 8pm and 5am you cannot leave home except for work or to get or provide urgent care.
- You must stay within five kilometres of your home to shop or exercise.
- If you leave the house to exercise, it should be for only one hour each day.
- While up to two people can still exercise together, people should shop on their own – groups in public, even from the same household, are no longer allowed.
- Schools will shift to remote learning except for vulnerable students and children of permitted workers.
- Childcare centres will close to all but vulnerable children and those of essential workers.
- Funerals can continue with a maximum of 10 people but weddings are off except for rare, compassionate reasons.
Since march, Australia has had 247 Covid19 deaths, across the entire country. The median age of these deaths is over 80.
2. UK Dcotor: “Men should take female hormones to prevent Covid19 infection”
Dr Amir Khan appeared on ITV’s Good Morning Britain today, suggesting men – who are notionally at increased risk of coronavirus infection – should take a contraceptive pill filled with oestrogen. His theory, which he did not support with research, is that the oestrogen will boost the male immune system.
Hormone treatment is a big deal, potentially dangerous and seriously life-changing. To suggest its use to treat a disease which is harmless in over 95% of cases is borderline insanity, especially with no research to back it up. We tweeted about at the time, but GMB’s twitter account has since deleted the video.
At a time when doctors are named-and-shamed (and even fired) for suggesting a known safe medicine like HCQ, or sites like ours are branded “misinformation” for pointing out that PCR tests are unreliable, that a man should appear on national television making such ridiculous claims boggles the mind.
3. Mandatory Masks Weren’t Enough
Dr Deborah Birx recently announced that people in high-risk areas or multi-generational homes should consider wearing masks at home as well.
Elsewhere, The Guardian ran an article titled “You’re already wearing a mask – now consider a face shield and goggles”, which echoes Dr Fauci claiming that “perfect” virus protection would involve wearing visors or googles over your eyes.
4. Door to Doors tests in Leicester
Independent Journalist Anna Brees recently posted this image to twitter:

It has since been confirmed genuine. In the UK city of Leicester they are literally going door-to-door to test people. The mayor of Leicester said on the Leicester council website:
Testing is vitally important as it provides us with the information we need to track the virus […] That’s why we’re helping to run the biggest testing operation in the country, mobilising around 500 volunteers to support door-to-door testing, particularly in areas of the city where positive test results have been higher.
That’s not all the testing news either, new 90 minute tests are set to be used in schools as soon as possible, with a DNA based test set to be rolled out nation wide in September which will “eliminate false negatives”.
There is not one word in the article about “eliminating” false positives, which are very common in all PCR-based testing. So prepare for a huge wave of “new cases” when these tests enter wide circulation.
5. World Economic Forum pushing “immunity passports”
If you don’t like being forced to wear masks (and/or visors), or being placed under house arrest or (for some reason) under a curfew, or indeed, having to take hormone treatments…well don’t worry. Because the World Economic Forum has the solution – immunity passports.
This is not a new idea, it’s been floating around for months, but now the WEF is actually pushing an app that…
uses blockchain technology to store encrypted data from individual blood tests, allowing users to prove that they have tested negative for COVID-19.
It goes on to say that using this kind of app is the only solution to getting everything back to (the old) normal:
CovidPass could also allow hotels, cinemas, theatres, sporting and concert venues to reopen safely.
If you think this all sounds like something from a dystopian novel, well you’re right. But there’s a silver lining. The app which uses your medical history to decide if you’re allowed to travel will be real environmentally friendly:
CovidPass commits to mandatory carbon offsetting for each flight passenger, to preserve the environmental benefits of reduced air travel during the crisis.
So there’s that, at least.
It’s not hard to see the pattern taking shape here. Increasingly strict social controls on what you can wear, where you can go, when you can go there and so on and so on…and then the proposed solution.
A brief test and a little app that tracks your movement, or labels you nice and clean, a brand new vaccination for anybody who wants it (and most of the people who don’t) and then we can get back to normal.
It is manipulative blackmail of the worst kind, and it appears to be working.
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Thank you for sharing this information with us. I hope you are right, that nobody has this under control, at least in UK and US, and that it’s just ongoing chaos. Although, considering what has already happened, and including expedited development of unproven vaccine technologies by companies driven, and well-organized, to secure profits during the deepening economic slowdown, the line between safe and unsafe mandatory vaccine can quickly become murky https://gadgetscomparisons.com/
Thank you for sharing this information with us. I hope you are right, that nobody has this under control, at least in UK and US, and that it’s just ongoing chaos. Although, considering what has already happened, and including expedited development of unproven vaccine technologies by companies driven, and well-organized, to secure profits during the deepening economic slowdown, the line between safe and unsafe mandatory vaccine can quickly become murky. href=”https://gadgetscomparisons.com/”>gadgetscomparisons.com </a>
Speaking of immunity and steroid hormones: there are indeed steroids that enhance or better said control the normal immune response: derivatives of DHEA – Androstenediol and – A~triol which protect against lethal infections, cancer and radiation. They were tested with success. Problem is that the steroids are very easy and cheap to produce, and so god forbid that someone should get read of infections or cancer with a few bucks, and not with shamlesly expensive inefficient drugs that keep the industry rolling. Estrogen on the other hand, has no known function as antiviral, but it favorises the autoimmune arthritis as shown in several studies when it outruns the testosterone within the synovium/ articulations. The good side of Estrogen is that it stimulates the telomerase and the neuronal development. However the men don’t need to take Estrogen cause the testosterone thru aromatization converts into it in the right amount at the right place and time.
Our manmade hell just got a lot hotter.
“It’s not hard to see the pattern taking shape here. Increasingly strict social controls on what you can wear, where you can go, when you can go there and so on and so on…and then the proposed solution.”
“A brief test and a little app that tracks your movement, or labels you nice and clean, a brand new vaccination for anybody who wants it (and most of the people who don’t) and then we can get back to normal.”
Except that, it isn’t the pattern we are seeing at all.
Covid-tracking apps? The UK appears to have given up on it, the countries that have them aren’t releasing any data on their effectiveness because apparently they don’t have it, and there are growing suspicions that what they are hiding is that very few people are using the apps at all.
Vaccine? Well, why aren’t we seeing it already, if that’s the plan? Oooops, we aren’t seeing it because it isn’t ready, because, wait for this, it’s a real vaccine for a real disease. And there are reports and worries that the vaccine may not be very effective. Not a very good world domination plan, if the vaccine doesn’t work very well, right?
You just wish that this was a plan by the elites. In that case, somebody, somewhere, would have control over the situation. The truth is, nobody has this under control.
I hope you are right, that nobody has this under control, at least in UK and US, and that it’s just ongoing chaos. Although, considering what has already happened, and including expedited development of unproven vaccine technologies by companies driven, and well-organized, to secure profits during the deepening economic slowdown, the line between safe and unsafe mandatory vaccine can quickly become murky.
C’mon Doly, it is not yet about whether the tracking app works well or whether the vaccine is ready. It’s currently about sowing the seeds that make these dystopian ideals acceptable to the masses it’s about behavioural compliance and coercion It’s about laying the groundwork, the plans for future implementation once the masses have been manipulated to the level of acceptance.
Well, guess what, maybe the vaccine will not be designed to protect us from a disease which isn’t proven to exist. Maybe there is something else going on with the vaccine. Maybe this is all a show to give us the impression that they are searching so hard for a vaccine. At least the do not have full controll yet. But that may change.
We are not seeing it yet for two reasons
1) They think we are stupid but they know we’re not morons (unlike you) of the worst kind, that would believe they can manufacture a vax in a few months. (They better get onto isolation and purification soon eh?)
2) They haven’t finished the conditioning process, they will lead us into the developement narrative but also need to dehumanize us some more, break us down so even anti vaxers will lose their will and resolve, and will end up begging to have bill take genetically modified organisms and inject them into their little arms. I’m dying to see how they convince the sheeple to accept DNA altering hydrogel and nanobots..It won’t be difficult, bring in a technocrat to worship and lift the veils of public fear, we will give our old selves to him, give our id-entity away so we can enter the new normal.
The great reset can not be rushed, in their desperation they will fail.
The ultimate goal of all this seems to get people tested & vaccinated. So the question now should be – What will be in that vaccine that they want to force everyone to accept it?
The elites have long been in favour of reducing the world’s population.. I actually agree with them, but by education not by injecting people with anti fertility antigens. If administered on children it could take 5 to 20 years to realise what’s been done and too late. It’s very strange how keen some are to mandate vaccines for children.
You cannot patent anything originating in nature, however the minute you alter the ‘things’ genetics it’s game on. The people have been waking from their wetiko,from how they were bonded and securitized through a document that created a ‘juristic person’or persona, legal fiction that we were deceived into taking as id-entity. We became corpses (corporations), in the world of the dead. We became surety to the BIS for national debt and in our blissful slavery, the black robed magi could summons one of the dead to appear in the occult world of commerce, without the knowledge required for salvation, we must come out of babylon..we been baby-lon time.
Brilliant research from Joe Imbriano, The Fullerton Informer, here. What we are experiencing at the moment is the setting of the stage for the planned electro magnetic attack on humanity, causing many many health effects to all ages, which will be blamed on coronavirus. This presentation gives great evidence including proof of how they have already been messing around with this in schools in the US. A must watch
They have already started talking about the re-emergence of Kawasaki disease in children, hypoxia etc. They even let us know in the Olympics opening ceremony psyop. They are testing the weapon getting ready for the big massacre
Please, what nonsense.
Hello Mucho: Joe Imbriano has been attempting to inform the civilian public regarding electromagnetic dangers for many years. Like many others in the electromagnetic health community, he’s been ridiculed, censored, and ignored. I’ve watched most of his presentations, and his analysis has always been consistent and well informed. Like all other wireless technologies, 5G communications are totally unneeded. How did mankind communicate prior to wireless?
See: Dr. Samuel Milham (epidemiologist) regarding the increase of modern disease since the advent of electromagnetic broadcast.
When the media insists something is a mystery, it only means they’re paid to remain clueless, or are indeed, clueless…
Yes Mucho respect to Joe! If people understood what they are supporting, they would wonder how they could have been so stupid
The aim is isolation from society. Let me explain my somewhat-pissed theory:
We will see what happens next …
China was only ever a laboratory for western interests in the past 100 years. Does this put current events in a different perspective?
John Taylor Gatto: Experiments by U.S. education innovators in China in the 1910s.
Thoughts like this don’t spring full-blown from the heads of men like Dr. Wilson of Topeka. They have to be planted there.
The Western-inspired and Western-financed Chinese revolution, following hard on the heels of the last desperate attempt by China to stop the British government traffic in narcotic drugs, placed that ancient province in a favorable state of anarchy for laboratory tests of mind-alteration technology.
Out of this period rose a Chinese universal tracking procedure called The Dangan, a continuous lifelong personnel file exposing every student’s intimate life history from birth through school and onwards. The Dangan constituted the ultimate overthrow of privacy. Today, nobody works in China without a Dangan.
By the mid-1960s preliminary work on an American Dangan was underway as information reservoirs attached to the school institution began to store personal information. A new class of expert like Ralph Tyler of the Carnegie Endowments quietly began to urge collection of personal data from students and its unification in computer code to enhance cross-referencing.
From The Underground History of American Education (2006) by John Taylor Gatto: https://book.douban.com/annotation/34355932/
In 1961 it was JFK in his inaugural address who raised up the Prussian principle of the state and education when he lectured, “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.”
By 1996 Time magazine could assert that, “Democracy is in the worst interest of national goals. The modern world is too complex to allow the man or woman in the street to interfere in its management.”
The same year Johns Hopkins university stated that since the 1960s the American economy had grown massively but workers’ real disposable income had not… “Indeed, after inflation was factored in, the purchasing power of a working couple in 1995 was only 8 percent greater than for a single working man in 1905.” (Fat and Mean, David M. Gordon, 1996)
China, like Germany and Russia was just a laboratory for major corporate and financial allies like Morgan, Astor, Whitney, Carnegie, and Rockefeller. U.S. educationalists had used China since the 1910s as a guinea pig to update the Prussian system of education-as-social-control. Then they brought it home to America, along with the Dangan, “lifelong personnel file”.
Where did we go to since the 1960s? “All have been indoctrinated to believe that the American experiment, which promised ordinary people sovereignty over their own lives, was wrongheaded. Schools and the media reinforce the idea that ordinary people are too stupid to look out for themselves… or to make decisions, even intimate ones, like how to raise their own children.
From A Short Angry History Of Modern Schooling by John Taylor Gatto – https://youtu.be/8_5h0aO8ZaE
re: The Underground History of American Education (2006) by John Taylor Gatto
Certainly one of the most informative and intellectually arousing books I’ve ever read.
I appreciate your thoughtful analysis.
Gatto and Luther both made a slight miscalculation in their take on that wonderful conception of sovereignty, personalized.
At root, an over-simplification.
In the midst of our woes the original High Priest encouraged us in the dream of personal sovereignty by saying that when we have been “perfected by suffering” we can become as the Master.
“if I were King!”
But clearly if it cost Him His own life such a stunt would likely not be too easy for us.
Apparently we have a lot more digging to do, judging by the news. Personal sovereignty has become harder these days for “every man his own priest”. It is seemingly impossible if we rely on our own efforts alone.
As we find ourselves here digging deep these days, this particular week falls on the 75th anniversary of the atomic bombs dropped on Japan.
The nation that did that offers us substitutes without end, it looks like.
But what that American Prussian System of Education has always had as a product en masse shows a different result.
“Though thou art worshipped by the Names divine of Jesus and Jehovah,
Thou art still the Son of Morn in weary night’s decline.
The lost traveler’s dream underneath the hill.”
— Blake
u.k under Conservative has 2 child credit policy
Hey everyone how can i find out if this study is reliable? I mean, it is funded by the Who and Pfizer so let’s say it is doubtful.
it basically shows no relationship between symptoms and the time it took people put in a dodgy dormitory building to show negative test result. if they had symptoms how come they ‘recovered’ at the same pace as those who had no symptoms? basically it took 4 weeks for all people to calm down in a dodgy building that caused them to test positive for some stress related bit of genetic material regardless of whether they had diagnosed symptoms or not. If they are trying to argue there is an ‘incubation period’ these results do not show it.
Like climate change, the corporates are throwing out buckets full of false information in order to get you totally confused. They throw out so much that you have no chance of either reading it all or knowing what is right. So stop, find a group of scientists that write about this stuff and you think is dedicated to the truth in this field. It will take some work but is your only choice.
Exactly. and there are enough scientists with career histories of honesty and integrity to ignore the multitude of paid shills coming out of the woodwork.
Nobody should ever be listening to the likes of Neil Ferguson of Fauci, except whilst delivering food to their prison cells.
For covid facts there is OG, of course, but for pure facts and references to the latest studies and data, I have been very impressed with this site … https://swprs.org/a-swiss-doctor-on-covid-19/
Oh! What a wonderful image!
On death row, I trust…
Well this is interesting. I came across an article in a greek news website that said that this research proves that covid asymptomatic are infectious to the general population. Instead, this dodgy research shows that asymptomatic in quarantine with symptomatic can develop symptoms. Do I understand things correctly? Thanks for your responses. ( This is the greek article https://www.news247.gr/ygeia/koronoios-poso-molysmatikoi-einai-oi-neoi-asymptomatikoi.7692922.html )
How about purifying the viral suspect first? Instead, we are rounding up everyone in the crowd with a shard of RNA that seems to match what was found on the swab from the DNA-soup taken from the first alleged victim.
Like any argument, if a foundational premise is wrong, the conclusion will be wrong, BUT for chance, even if the internal logic is correct. And this is precisely what is fallacious with all the discussions regarding COVID-19.
In short, even if you don’t know you have a disease, you do! — because it is symptomless.
You make excellent points.
If the ‘virus’ has never been isolated you can’t test for just virus particles.
Whatever else was in the lung fluid of first patient is going to trigger a positive test result and it’s obviously something that most people have in their bodies.
That’s why the WHO mantra is test test test as they know many people are going to test positive.
PCR tests test for the genetic code of alleged viruses. They cannot be used as a diagnostic tool and they are definitely not testing for Covid19 pneumonia.
Depending on how many times they amplify the cycles they can pretty much make everyone test positive if they wanted too.
A virus and a disease are 2 completely different things.
Deaths have been recorded on the base that everyone who has tested positive for this claimed virus and have died have developed the disease.
How many people with Covid19 on the death certificate have had the pneumonia confirmed by x ray and complete blood sample. This critical information cannot be found.
How the WHO can say if someone tests positive and dies it’s acceptable to put the cause of death as the virus when the pneumonia is not proven is ridiculous and a complete fraud.
The media, politicians and criminal scientists know this and are just fooling the gullible and trying to destroy the credibility of anyone who challenges them.
These idiots wearing masks and gloves and sanitising their hands all day are oblivious to the fact the above mentioned are laughing at them.
The reason why so many people are testing positive with no symptoms is because there’s nothing wrong with them.
We are being told on a daily basis that ‘infections’ are ravaging across Europe but no one seems to be getting sick or dying anymore.
Mortality across Europe at the minute is below the average.
There is much conversation from some scientists about antibodies, T cells, the alternate and independent media sites promoting the pcr tests test for colds but they are either controlled opposition or completely misinformed and don’t further their arguments at all.
Sars Cov2 has never been scientifically proven to exist and has never been scientifically proven to cause the new Covid19 pneumonia.
Until proven all data and statistics are meaningless.
When in a hole stop digging, Kit.
Fuck you dick head: the likes of you are taking my freedoms away. Where do you live, maybe we can sort this out in a local pub, if you have the balls to back up your bullshit.
Some of us know that we have to earn what we have, what do you offer?
Away and go and do some real work you 77th troll.
Your all the same. You provide no evidence for your comments.
Notice the new weasel words: “covid-related” deaths. Someone must’ve clued them “died with coronavirus” wasn’t working anymore.
Still using testing positive as cases instead of hospitalizations.
Yes. The narrative morphs constantly.
You’d think the mass stupid would notice but….
Everything these days is “covid related”. My guess is that 70% of people do not believe this shit, despite what the polling people say, so it is just a matter of waiting until people get pissed off enough to hang these fuckers.
I hope most sincerely that you are correct…
I’d say your right but the majority of these people are just hoping this all blows over.
They don’t realise it won’t until they have the backbone to start saying no.
“died with coronavirus” = “coronavirus + (blunt head trauma in a car accident – a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head – being placed on a ventilator and given an over-dose rather than a therapeutic dose of hydroxychloroquine – cancer – being 85 years old with multiple co-morbidities and circling-the-drain already, etc. etc. etc.).
Doing a Google search on this issue will bring up literally endless MSM disinformation articles on the topic – all defending corrupt over-counting of covid deaths – as in – “of course we’re not seeing over-inflation of covid deaths you freaking conspiracy theorist!”
Here’s a new one (to me anyway) check into the hospital for elective surgery or whatever, get tested for coronavirus, positive results mean you are counted as a covid hospitalization.
Nice racket huh?
Added bonus: anything botched with covid on the diagnosis is indemnified from a malpractice suit.
That description will also cover people who die due to lack of medical treatment as the hospitals are closed and those who kill themselves due to COVID restrictions.
A very ugly swindle indeed.
same with aids hiv related deaths, all related death where medication side effects
it a old spin
It is almost as if ‘they’ are using the Biblical Beast System as a model.
But that is just crazy, right?
“And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name” Revelation 13 vs 17.
So, Government permision to work, go to the shops for essentials (buy and sell), and get stuck with a needle (leaving a mark) to obtain a number (Government covid-passport) sure sounds a lot like the beginning of the Beast system to me. All that is missing is the oath to satan.
Wow – some people of faith will have some tough decisions to make soon –
“And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads” Revelation 13 vs 16.
Note the word “causeth” – not forced. Sounds like Covid tyranny ‘causing’ scared and unemployed and hungry people to do things they might not otherwise.
Pain and death resisting the Beast System in this life, or pain without death forever if you loose your Soul by volunteering to take the mark (covid jab?) – it will be a tough choice, and many who say NO! whilst sat at home with a full stomach may say YES! in a few months when they are starving and homeless and offered food and shelter ‘if you only get your covid shot’.
Many of the people we are dealing with are Satanists, I suspect, so they are using the Biblical template.
On Good Friday, coming up to the holiest day for Christians, Bill Gates unveiled a new Microsoft VR commercial featuring Marina Abramović, of Spirit Cooking fame. The person notorious for the Satanic parties we learned about from John Podesta’s cryptic emails.
The public response was immediate and horrified, forcing Microsoft to back down.
Videos from Australia show the police violently seizing Lockdown protesters the moment they quote the ‘mark of the beast’. Why so touchy?
The Rockefellers’s history was maniacal and evil, even before they set up the Nazi eugenics project. Next to Rockefeller the most culpable Nazi enabler was IBM, which provided the computing system to racially profile the Reich… That’s right, the company behind Microsoft.
The same foundations and money are behind Event Covid. During the 20th century those Corporations promoted the ideological thinking and training and technology that led Governments to murder hundreds of millions of their own people.
What Corporations and Governments are doing today, on a manipulating, underhand and insidious global scale, can only be called coordinated evil. I can’t escape that conclusion.
I have, on occasion (increasingly rare these days) discussed the satanic elements of current events, only to be met with the response, “I don’t believe in satan”; completely missing the point that even if you personally don’t believe in satan, the people doing this to us DO believe and act accordingly.
I am an atheist myself but try to keep up with the various magical theories re gods, devils, angels and demons to better know my enemy.
Agreed, Philippe. People ignore this at their peril. They take the same approach to child trafficking: “I wouldn’t do that. Therefore it’s not a thing.”
The elite don’t tend to advertise, so you’ll only read about it at the fringes https://www.bustle.com/p/6-women-reveal-why-they-became-satanists-2984953
Satanic influence often exists without the formality of religion. The elite love ritual, which is used to enforce loyalty and secrecy in their secret societies, from Skull and Bones to elements of Freemasony.
“The very word, secrecy, is repugnant in a free and open society”
It’s disappointing how many people take the same attitude to all sorts of things that they ‘wouldn’t do themselves’. Child trafficking is a perfect example – they cannot conceive of something so horrible, therefore it cannot exist within their worldview.
Interesting article. I was struck by the photos of these women – three of the six had nose rings. It’s probably nothing, but it did leap out at me.
The article portrays satanism as some sort of antidote to the strictures and biases of formal religion and religiously-guided government policies, focusing on their temple’s stance on bodily autonomy, gay rights, gender equality etc etc. In principle, I don’t have a problem with any of those things, so I should be in favour of satanism, right? Except …
We know, via various exposes, whistleblowers etc, that the other side of satanism – the ritual child abuse and murder, the sacrifices etc are very real and embraced by more of the elite (a misnomer, if ever there was one) than I am comfortable thinking about.
Agree absolutely re secrecy.
You are correct. This entire sequence of events is planned and executed by human beings who are inspired by evil, through the lures of power and wealth, down through generations. The Christian esotericist, Rudolf Steiner, spoke about all of this during the first twenty-four years of the past century. He warned of the use of electro-magnetic energy being used to harm people, and also specifically warned about the use of vaccinations that would be designed to make people become less able to experience spiritual reality, so that they would become totally materialistic. The plan being to create a world in which humans not only did not believe in the existence of a soul, but no longer cared.
The propaganda machine, the mainstream media, has succeeded in making people on the “liberal/”left” spectrum unwilling to even consider the possibility that they are absorbing agendas, that are promoted through cleverly woven lies. People from the “opposite” political spectrum seem to be much more open and aware about what is really going on. Especially about the warning given by St. John, in Revelations, Chapter 13. Through my whole background is from “the Left” going back for generations, and all of my family and friends are evidently brainwashed and unable to think for themselves now, more than ever, having grown intensely afraid as a result of believing everything they hear and read coming from the media, I somehow “escaped” many years ago.
I am old enough to not care that much about what is left of my life, this time around, but I feel terrible about the children who have to live through the years ahead, as this nightmare totalitarian New World Order comes into being.
There was a large protest in Berlin on August first, for freedom: They seem to have been a sophisticated, aware group, overall, as they were not merely protesting the mask mandate, but the entire agenda of which it is just the current stepping stone. The mainstream media claimed it was only a crowd of twenty thousand, so you can be sure it was much larger than that. Living in the States, I heard nothing about it from the media.
One of the organizers of this event in Berlin is a man who attended the Waldorf Schools in Germany, He is now a journalist, Ken Jebsen. His talks are worth listening to, as he is a particularly insightful thinker.
Flee to the hills, I say!
I saw a cool kid with just that flight motto on the back of his t shirt, and he was very obliging when I asked to take a photo.
And young as he was, maybe 16, we were yet both on the same page as to the meaning. He got it.
A lot of people do. Not enough tho
I really wish I lived in an area with far bigger hills right now……
When the night goes wild…
Mytea, your posts are normally better than this!
Sorry, your post was to some music vid when I posted the above. not sure what happened …. mod magic!
I really admire Ben Swann. I used to watch clips of him when he was on a local TV station (of a major network… in Florida perhaps but I can’t remember) during the 2016 primaries. He suddenly just disappeared. I guess he was fired for not sticking to the corporate script while Sanders was still in the race and the Wikeleaked emails were being released. I wish it was possible these days for him to be saying what he said here on a major network where, unbelievably, too many people still get their “facts”!
And here- who are these people?
Those at masks4all are essentially con-artists whose stock in trade is psychological manipulation.
Bio of their leader:
Jeremy Howard, Co-Founder & Leader
Distinguished Research Scientist at USF; Founding Researcher and Deep Learning Researcher at fastai; Member of the World Economic Forum’s Global AI Council
Bio of original founder:
Petr Ludwig is a keynote speaker and author of the bestselling book The End of Procrastination, a book dedicated to overcoming the habit of putting off tasks and responsibilities. His book has been translated into 17 languages and sold hundreds of thousands of copies worldwide.
Petr is a founder and CEO of a company Procrastinationdotcom which applies the latest scientific findings in neuroscience and behavioral economics to help individuals and companies in their growth. His core fields of interest are purpose at work, value-based leadership, and critical thinking.
So again shouldn’t all lefties and critically thinking Marxists be excoriating and/or lampooning such creepy capitalist con-artists like Jeremy Howard and Petr Ludwig?
Instead as they catapult the codswallop of Covid they are now not only promoting this brand of charlatanism but have also fallen for it themselves. I think that defines an absence of critical thinking skills.
Lung infections, asthma attacks, anxiety attacks for all.
So true.
But profits for some…
Wow, what a loathsome organisation.
The ‘woke’ MSM ‘Liberals’, Democrats, ‘Democratic Socialists’ et al are not true Leftists or Marxists.
The very first national “democratic socialist” government in history was the Noske regime, which took power in Germany on Nov 9, 1918, and proceeded to bloodily crash the mass insurrection by workers and the military ranks, in the process summarily executing former “social democratic” members of the Reichstag (the German parliament) Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht (on Jan 15, 1919, in Berlin), took till 1923 before the repression was complete, ensured there was little organized opposition to the Nazi takeover 10 years later. Social democratic regimes have repeatedly done the same, most recently Hollande in France and Syriza in Greece.
Capitalism and Communism are two sides of the same coin. They work together, contray to any statements or appearances.
How pithy … Are you a journalist? Or someone’s bride? Or …
Point 5 is particularly poignant!
This link below might be worthy of an article in and of itself.
One might ask why is it, even as the “official narrative” cites that “risks” from Covid are at an all-time low, that the shrieking for mask compliance is at an all-time fever pitch. Who is driving these PSA/Media campaigns that hammer the manipulated mask message non-stop into everyone’s brains.
Lots of money being made off these “simple, innocent protective” masks. Do your part citizen and put your tax dollars into the slush fund. Is it for health or is it for money:
The people who own and run the media, of course.
Any questioning of the official narrative about Covid is liable to censorship. Today, on the Guardian US website, there was an opinion piece from a woman asking why an apparently well-educated friend of hers believed in ‘conspiracy theories’ about the Covid pandemic. I wrote a comment as follows:
“Well maybe there is a real conspiracy after all. People have been persuaded by fear to surrender many of their normal civil liberties, and anyone who dares to suggest that there may be alternative ways of handling this pandemic (which is only serious for a minority of vulnerable citizens) are silenced. What about the case of Dr Simone Gold? She was sacked from her job, and a video in which she appeared (discussing the potential benefits of hydroxychloroquine) was taken down by YouTube, Facebook and Twitter. An article in The Lancet, rubbishing claims about this drug, had to be removed 12 days later because it was based on a flawed and un-peer reviewed study. Yet every day we are bombarded with doom and gloom telling us how deadly the virus is and how anybody asking pertinent questions are dangerous troublemakers.”
Within 5 minutes, one other person had agreed with me. Shortly afterwards, my comment was removed as ‘violating the community standards’. No surprises there, then.
‘ anyone who dares to suggest that there may be alternative ways of handling this pandemic (which is only serious for a minority of vulnerable citizens) are silenced.’
True. This happened to me in esteemed medical journals, lay man press and some alternative blogs: they all censor without giving an explanation why alternative views are not allowed.
Still if you look at the streets in NL (with temps up to 30c) nobody is interested in the covid scam. It’s like 2 different worlds here: the world of the media vs the real world.
What happens when the media present a freak show, and nobody cares? – That’s what I now see in NL…
What they might do is introduce fines for those who are not listening.
But that is tricky. Whereas I think that the majority of people in NL are now simply minding there own business (not caring about the covid narrative), fining people for not listening to the narrative will definitely wake up people that what the media is selling us, is bullshit. And for those who see through the scam, the organ (of the mainstream media) will not work anymore.
So it is equally likely (in NL) that this may pass with a whimper. For instance in NL, they decided that all government officials are expected to fully return to work on 1 September onward (ending their long vacation), which can only happen if the danger of Covid has passed.
One can always hope can’t he? – We’ll see.
The ‘conspiracy’ is real. The official narrative is false.
If there weren’t any coronaviruses the ruling class would have found something else to use as their trojan horse instead. And if health was the real issue, medical treatments would not have been cancelled and health care would be free for all.
‘Coronavirus TM’ is about exploitation and control.
Neil Clark warns of the dystopia to come
A commentor on this site (I’m sorry – I can’t remember who) recently linked to a book on Amazon (Quorum (Random Skies Book 1) by Jim Cheshire) with a suggestion to read the back cover summary, drawing parallels between the story and what is currently happening.
Well, I bought the book and am currently about 4/5 through it.
My personal view is that, in ten years time, it will be classed as a history book. It talks about a false flag pandemic followed by a false flag war, followed by totalitarian government controlled by elusive billionaires and bankers; enforcing mandatory digital ID, cash being illegal and on and on.
I am not connected with this book in any way, but I suggest you read it; if only to get some idea of how bad things could actually become. Whether the situation pans out as in the story is anybody’s guess, but it should at least serve as an incentive to try and prevent this fictional scenario coming to pass.
Any questioning of the Off-G narrative about Covid is liable to slander and threats: see aspnaz Aug 7, 2020 10:34 AM above.
Ya big baby. Grow a pair and say something rather than throwing out slurs that mean nothing.
Second wave? £36 million to build, and £7 million to take it down and throw it in a skip!
“what a waste of fucking money that was”
”So the British government has ordered 60 million injections of the, as yet undeveloped, Covid vaccine, for a mandatory vaccination program.
Against a vaccine that will be the first of its kind and not fully tested, for a virus type which has been, up until now, impossible to vaccinate against and for an illness which 99% of the population will suffer no long lasting ill effects from.”
…….said Alice to the Mad Hatter.
Sounds more like the Red Queen. (Wasn’t she a closet Germaphobe?)
Guardian headline: ”Extreme droughts in central Europe likely to increase sevenfold”
They have become a parody of themselves.
There’s a serious honesty and integrity drought at the Fraudian, that’s pretty clear.
It is ironic that they are going to realty need the suppression that they have created via Covid, to stop the food riots that will follow covid. But that is the idea, it is a CIA created coup.
Totally agree. This Op has just so many of the trademarked prints of that crowd from a to z. It’s not unexpected, but it has fatal flaws…
indeed, many flaws but the US is getting used to failing these days.
So they want to turn everything on earth into a capital investment market.
Including us.
That involves embedding sensors in everything and everyone so real time data can be fed back to a central hub for collation, analysis and regulation by supercomputers.
But human behaviour is too complex and socio-economic structures are too multi-layered for existing AI to cope with.
So instead of waiting a few hundred years for technology to become workable they’re forcing everyone to behave in a manner that is easier to reduce to to 1s and 0s.
And they’re doing it now because they broke the previous economic system by using the exact same methods of measurement and management.
Because those methods, by their very nature, encourage participants to game the system to death.
Remember the guy in whose portfolio you might be lucky enough to exists’ own privilege and status will be based on the perceived value of his assets.
We’re all going to end up like Woolworths.
It’s not going too work.
They’re just going to end up breaking everything.
Much is made of their psychopathy, but not enough of their extraordinary stupidity.
Which are both ants in comparison to the cosmic monolith that is their hubris.
These people need to have the last paragraph of Ozymandias tattooed onto their stomachs with a rusty letter-opener.
And they are anything but socialists or communists or Marxists.
They’re totalitarian hyper-capitalists.
Actual Facists.
In fact Marxism or more correctly Leninism or even Stalinism are probably the only schools of thought that offer any practical actionable solutions on how to deal with these people.
The defining characteristic of the Left is that they never admit to responsibility for anything.
The left? Its PORT to you landlubber.
It’s the mob who attacks anyone who dares to say anything they don’t like; and regardless of whether or not they know why they don’t like it.
That is so warped.
I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: “Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them on the sand,
Half sunk, a shatter’d visage lies, whose frown
And wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed.
And on the pedestal these words appear:
‘My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!’
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare,
The lone and level sands stretch far away.”
Percy Bysshe Shelley.
He was way ahead of his time. A lesson to learn in that poem, for sure. But they never will.
Perfectly executed iambic pentameter as well.
One of my favourite works of all time.
A lighter note in counterpoint, from Dennis Miller at DMV:
“I am Ozymandias, Clerk of Clerks, Look on me and despair.”
He may have put the cart before the horse, and without the proper registration, but it still “strikes a chord”.( From “Rants”.)
Thanks for that lesson—it will teach
To after-warriors more
Than high Philosophy can preach,
And vainly preach’d before.
That spell upon the minds of men
Breaks never to unite again,
That led them to adore
Those Pagod things of sabre sway,
With fronts of brass, and feet of clay.
I was going “right on” till the last sentence. Lenin’s and Stalin’s were completely abominable distortions of Marx’s basic analysis.
I wouldn’t disagree with you.
I’ve never been much for ideologies so much as ideas.
And I never thought I would ever be advocating anything Stalin.
Yet nonetheless,
as our new overlords like to say,
‘for every task there is a tool’.
Lenin/Stalin is where we’re going, i.e. totalitarian rule, Marx is what we need, more stuff like the Paris Commune and direct democracy.
Leninism was the enslavement of the masses under the guise of liberation, in order for rich Jewish bankers to capture control of the country.
Stalin had the right idea with his purges of the Bolsheviks, the real reign of terror.
Stalin was the ultimate Bolshevik, took the ideology to its logical conclusion, decision-making so centralized it became the exclusive province of one person.
any practical actionable solutions on how to deal with these people
The key findings are as follows:
Ref https://www.covid-19-map.it
Lombardia: 16806 dead “with” S-C-2, Sicilia: 283, Campania: 435, Lazio: 863 – please explain.
Lazio: population 5.8 millions, Campania: population 5.8 millions, Cicilia: population 4.9 millions …
Are you challenging Steve Bannon’s work. the CIA have been working hard in Italy.
Steve Bannon wins case to set up Italy political academy
like clock world he and all the alt right brought and paid for goons all repeated the CCP fault mantra because the west would never do this to it people ever! and the Conservative government would never do this. nope nope nope
CCP did it and the Conservative government all in unison had to follow WHO orders
This is aimed at simpletons
CIA had already some strong roots in Italy due to the interesting relationships James J. Angleton (CIA Chief of Counterintelligence 1950-75) had there, beginning from his school days when his family lived there. It bore fruits from his spook presence that are almost all bad. Even he admitted something like that, or worse, on his deathbed (source: NB last two pages of “The Devil’s Chessboard”, 2015, and also Joseph Trento’s “The Secret History of the CIA”).
A recent biography I just bought gives a lot of detail, Jefferson Morley’s “The Ghost” also recent. (He wrote an earlier book, “Wilderness of Mirrors” which is one of Angleton’s favorite phrases.)
Morley has written it a long time, as has Tim Weiner, about the CIA and both have slammed it as an unsalvageable agency.
But are they as independent as we all need? Is anyone?
Douglas Valentine has a lot of credit with MLK family, who called him as expert witness in their ’99 Memphis trial.
He wrote also a recent book with a title something like “THE CIA AS ORGANIZED CRIME.”
I had the privilege of having Dave Emory tell me, energetically, “The CIA *IS* the world’s biggest Mob”, when I had mentioned that Sam Giancana had said (shortly before he was assassinated) that they “are two sides of the same coin.”
Thanks, that’s really good background.
That’s a great reading list you referenced John. I’m right there with you.
Ages and co-morbidities’ ?
… or different agendas?
And the weather
Which part of those stats do you wish to have explained? Specify.
Why so many dead “with” S-C-2 in the North compared to the south?
The primary, almost exclusive, reason is due severe air pollution in Northern Italy. It is the 2nd most polluted region in all of Europe behind a region in Poland which still relies heavily on coal fired plants. The lungs of those who live in N Italy are under heavy duress and the consequences are the obvious upper respiratory infections.
There are also numerous other toxins found in N Italy, dioxins e.g. and horrendous water quality due to poor pig farming practices- toxic agricultural run off. The Po River Valley is a cesspool and filled with toxic particulates- convection currents serve to trap these particulates in the atmosphere. It is true that there is also an aging population in Italy- oldest in Europe I believe. Keep in mind the average age of those who died were around 82 and averaged 3.3 co-morbidities.
I will link to one article and give titles to a few others- this site seems to not like multiple links.
I will also say there are a few flaws in your premise since it cannot be said these “excess mortalities were caused by S-C-2 for a variety of reasons.
One is that there has yet to be a definitive specification of what exactly is SarsCov2 but I will not argue that point here.
The next is that Italy, as you will see in one of the articles titled below*, has been experiencing extraordinary rates of excess deaths due to ILI (they simply called it interstitial pneumonia before this year) for about 7-8 years now- that goes back to the pollution issue.
The last point on that I will list here is that Italy, like so many other countries, altered policies that had a severe impact on the care homes. This was a case of euthanasia and they, unlike other countries, are currently having hearings and lawsuits on this matter.
Also keep in mind that different countries report cases and deaths in different ways: in Italy, Covid-19 was being listed as the cause of death even if a patient was already ill and died from a combination of illnesses. The scientific adviser to Italy’s minister of health stated: “Only 12 per cent of death certificates have shown a direct causality from coronavirus.”
Here are some articles- hope this helps:
Italy’s polluted Po Valley gasps for fresh air- Feb 28, 2019
Nitrogen dioxide and fine particles are threatening Po valley air quality- Dec. 5- 2019
Investigating the impact of influenza on excess mortality in all ages in Italy during recent seasons (2013/14–2016/17 seasons)- Volume 88, Nov. 1 2019, International Journal of Infectious Disease- Good data here wrong conclusions
The association between air pollution and the incidence of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis in Northern Italy
Industrial pollution, lung problems abound, flawed health care infrastructure, et al. (I have read multiple times).
This might be worthy of an article in and of itself.
One might ask why is it even as the “risks” from Covid are at an all-time low the shrieking for mask compliance is at a fever pitch. And who is driving these PSA/Media campaigns to hammer the manipulated mask message non-stop into everyone’s brains.
Lots of money being made off these “simple, innocent protective” masks. Do your part citizen and put your tax dollars into the slush fund:
And who is this group?
if we have to wear masks to survive (ie shopping for food, visits to doctors, dentists, etc) perhaps many people could faint/swoon and fall on the floor in public – acting of course – claiming a deficit of oxygen. It would be difficult for them to deal with this.
another way for we rebels is to wear some sort of mask, but cut hole for mouth and two small holes for nostrils. Well, you’re still wearing a mask, aint ya?
I needed to visit my doctor today to have some stitches removed. the receptionist informed me i had to wear a mask or no treatment. (Masks are not yet obligatory in Queensland Australia where I live). Most reluctantly i donned the mask they gave me as I wanted the stitches removed. I then found one of the ear bits broke, so it dangled off one ear. Another way to rebel – break one of the ear bands.
One thing this COVID matter has demonstrated is how tightly controlled the mainstream media truly are. The past four months have shown a practically military cohesion in the panic mongering, WW2 style of emotional blackmail propaganda and sheer relentless monotony of it all. No diversity of opinion has been glimpsed at all. And sure as hell no humour. That latter matter is another giveaway and highlights the old time propaganda aspect i.e. levity is totally crushed. There is no room for critical thought at all.
It is as complete as the old Soviet union, we are under total control.
I recall hearing about a meeting between Soviet and American dissidents where the Russians found the Americans insufferable because the Russians KNEW the Soviet Union was a totalitarian state but the Americans, even though they claimed to be dissidents, sincerely believed that the US was a genuine democracy.
The situation of Soviet dissidents was an MSM preoccupation in the American and Western media. The underlying assumption being the USA etc. were “free”. Soviet dissidents and so on who contradicted this tended not to be reported.
For example, in 1981 just about everything about Poland was an obsession in the British media. It was almost as universal a subject as Covid. Except when Lech Walesa praised Bobby Sands, IRA hunger striker who had just died. This off-message moment went largely unreported in Britain and I only found out about it years later.
Not sure if we are under total control. But the lamestream media definitely is!
You need to look at who owns and runs all these agencies. ‘Tightly controlled’ would not come into it. They are purely a tool to manipulate the world, by the people who want control of it.
It’s that simple.
Absolutely right. A handful of mega corporations own over 90% of the media in the US. That media is absolutely a tool to further corporate (global corporate) ends. Yet, so many still consider it the only believable source of information. The human mind is a strange, strange thing.
Irish Times and Irish Post regularly post fear-porn titles like today –
5 further deaths
andSpike in icu cases to 14
. In reality, 4 of the 5 deaths were from April-June, and 8 of the icu cases are‘suspected` cases.
All of the male population can rest at ease, you are getting enough synthetic oestrogen already. All the synthetic oesrogen from packaging in water supply can change you from a blue to and pink and then there is synthetic oestrogen from contraceptive pill in water supply as well….all those fish swimming around not knowing what gender they are…it’s awful. We must change our laws at once transgender fish lives matter.
video unavailable?
Shame. It’s a funny parody of Kanye West’s stupidity. But i forgot it was made a few years ago. He can’t be stupid now in the current climate.Because he isn’t white.So, i’ll take this opportunity to apologize to Kanye, to all black people ( rappers or otherwise) everywhere, to all species of fish ( gay or otherwise) and all transgender infants who have yet to be told which gender to choose by their adoptive immigrant mixed race LGBT parents. I would also like it on record that I apologize to Israel ( just in case).Above all, I apologize to the CIA and their Video platform.
Is this what the new racism homophobia looks like.
As I say to you people all the time, why would you care what color people are or how others find love, is any change to their lives going to make your life any better ? You in hating blacks and gays have become a useful tool of the CIA.
As I say to you people all the time It is just a joke that led on from fish changing gender because of synthetic oestrogen levels in water. I believe a politician somewhere in US suggested that if men took the contraceptive pill once every 2 weeks that is would help to boost the male immune system if covid-19 was contracted because a higher number of men than women have died from covid-19.
However, seeing as covid 19 has failed Koch’s first postulate, it could just be that fact that more men than women die anyway.
They lose the will to live 😉
Probably get blogged to death 🙂
“I believe a politician somewhere in US suggested that if men took the contraceptive pill once every 2 weeks that is would help to boost the male immune system …”
I think it was a Dr Khan (although Dr should have a question mark after it) on Good Morning Britain who made that suggestion a couple of days ago. Whether he was the first to do so, I cannot say.
Well,I think he would make the medical profession cringe, if he is a doctor of medicine…..but look what is happening to doctors of medicine in US they are being pulled ofline for giving sound medical advice that HCQ works! The reseach is there to back up the claim. They are being silenced ….why would any one do that?
I guess Dr Khan’s suggestion is small fry (pardon pun) in comparison to what is happening in US. I don’t know if you have seen the blog about the US doctors…it was on here for discussion a few days ago. It is well worth a read.
I saw the article and the video of the doctors’ press conference in Washington. The Nigerian doctor was very compelling and passionate. I liked her a lot! I believe their website has been taken down and at least one of them now faces court action, but don’t have any further detail.
The problem, as we all know, with HCQ is that it’s cheap, it’s safe if used properly and it works. Not a great combination if you’re looking to make trillions out of a spurious vaccine.
I think Dr Khan’s little faux pas was part of a wider strategy to confuse idiots and see just how far they can push the ridiculous. Applied Psychology 101 (now where have I seen that number before?) – keep the population afraid and confused and they will yearn for clear directions to follow, however bizarre those directions might be.
Yes, Phillipe it was a source of sadness that the video was pulled. The doctors were so passionate and they spoke with the validity of research behind them.
Of course we all know why HCQ was pulled, no profit in it. And, yes it does sit right with the Fauci’s in this world. Personally, I think that America’s regulationary body should strike Fauci off the register.
I guess the reason he hasn’t been struck off is because the American Doctors Registering Board are also corrupt.
Yes, Dr Khan is either stupid or part of some plan…without knowing what he was a doctor of stops further comment.
We find ourselves in strange times my friend….
You know, if Boris Johnson really did have covid-19 he will be awash with antibodies to it, as will every other person who has had the virus and survived. Why has a plasma bank not been set up, we could save lives.
Covid-19 remains unseen, however an antibody to it would carry it’s mirror image….and that would be of extreme importance when it comes to making a vaccine.
Boris doesn’t need a mask either, he’s immune now and he does not need to have ‘whatever’ injected into his arm either.
If he had wanted to instill confidence in people he could have donated plasma, so why hasn’t he ?
Dr (or more accurately Professor) Amir Khan is a GP. He practises in Bradford.
My goodness you would think he had more sense than to say something like that…..I know you say he is a GP, what is he a professor of ? I am afraid my mind boggles at the stupidity of what he claimed to be a ‘serious suggestion’ What do you think of him ? and thank you for your message
Until I read this, I had always thought he was OK, even ‘cool’ (you should understand I know of him only from his media appearances). I believe his Professorship comes via his postion as an Honorary Senior Lecturer at Leeds and Bradford Universities (but I’m guessing here). You can find further details here: https://gprecruitment.hee.nhs.uk/choose-gp/gp-career-stories/Dr-Amir-Khan
He should have had more sense than to suggest something like that..oestrogen ! We could have men walking around with HRT patches on…… I know you say he is a GP what is he a professor of ?
You know I have been thinking about covid-19..no one has isolated it and no-one who has had it seems to have anti-bodies to it. This is really odd. I can only believe from the evidence or lack of evidence at the moment that the virus does not seem to exist…..so what next. Robert Koch will be sorry he postulated anything now. Thanks for your message, my messages seem to go missing and then return…so don’t worry if you get an echo !
He should practice harder
August 3rd Phillip, frontline doctors
Iam unsure if you got reply Phillip. If Dr Khan is a doctor of medicine the profession will be cringing. Yet look at US frontline doctors are being ‘silenced’ for trying to show reseach that suggests HCQ is a preventative/cure for covid-19 Why are they being silenced ? Off Guardian blog August 3rd a good read Phillipe
Got your reply – thank you 🙂
Aug 6, 2020 6:36 PM
Awaiting for approval
Reply to JuraCalling
Is this what the new racism homophobia looks like.
As I say to you people all the time, why would you care what color people are or how others find love, is any change to their lives going to make your life any better ? You in hating blacks and gays have become a useful tool of the CIA.
Yes it does. If you live in a state of permanent stupor and sleep. If you ever wake up, shout me. I’ll explain some complexities to you. Things like basic English, humour, sarcasm and what day it is.
In the meantime I’ll remains a ‘tool for the CIA’ to frighten all the paranoid sheep who have nightmares about having to think.
( kudos on your virtue signalling.George Soros and son send their indifference).
What day is it ?
yellow I think
No not yellow- it’s yesterday
What colour was the fish before oestrogen was imbibed ? Was the man gay before eating the crabsticks …. or is this a case of homopiscesphilia 🙂
The fish was pink.It was androgynous.And i can’t answer your final question as it seems to be anti semitic.I’m taking no chances 😉
A pink androgynous..mmh! It wasn’t anti semetic no foreskin involved
you have a great eye for detail..i love that in a scientist
I love when you talk dirty tish..
Thanks to hope for finding this:
“The nasal swabs being used (called nasopharyngeal or oropharyngeal) are incredibly long (around 6 inches or 15 cm) which means they reach to the very back of our throats. Is there any medical reason why the swabs must be this length? These particular COVID tests are PCR tests; I have covered in other articles how flawed and unsuitable PCR tests are. Could these COVID tests be used to surreptitiously infect people (with some disease-causing agent), deliver the vaccine (which they claim they are still developing) or even implant people (with nanotechnology such as microchips)?”
I wonder why, if the ‘virus’ is spread via droplets from mouth or nose, a test could be a simple cough into a jar? anyone know?
I guess they just can’t find the COVID so they just keep digging, like some manic nose picker.
Seriously, I think Jim Stone is onto something. Think of one part of the body from which you could not dig out a chip?
Are the COVID Tests a Way to Surreptitiously Infect or Implant People?– The COVID PCR tests are administered with a 6 inch (15cm) long cotton swab through the nose, which goes to the very back of your throat. Why?
— The swab touches the sensitive cribriform plate with direct access to your brain. Is there an ulterior design to these tests?
The policy has helped Amazon get a larger market share in the UK economy.
The policy has helped Amazon get a foothold in food supply.
The policy will drive many small and medium sized businesses out of business.
The policy has increased the profits of Visa and Master-card by killing cash translations
The policy has enabled US track and trace software on all Android and OS phones.
The policy has increased the role of CIA remote working software (Zoom).
The policy has made political demonstration illegal.
The Policy has concealed the banking-run/currency crisis that the USA is currently suppressing.
Regarding viruses in general:
My wife who works in a hospital asked three different doctors about surgical mask and they said that these are intended for health personnel that knows how to use them. This knowledge includes how to wear the mask and for how long before you change it for a new one.
None of these doctors recommend surgical masks for the general public, don’t cough or sneeze on other people and wash your hands and you’re good.
Please, see “20-year OSHA-approved PPE expert Destroys the Mask Narrative
They are being used as Swastikas of obedience, not for disease prevention.
Perhaps your wife would ask them to repeat those factual statements on a popular public platform…
Sat 8th Aug
London, Brighton, Glasgow, Cardiff, Belfast, Plymouth, Bristol, Liverpool, Newcastle, Birmingham, Southampton, Leeds, Manchester, Nottingham, Edinburgh and Aberdeen
There’s also @freenation – @StandUp2X – Keep Britain Free (@britainfree) and numerous others.
See also the German and Italian resistance sites acu2020.org and r2020.it/
Thanks, bob. I’m intending to go to the Liverpool one.
I see that the train company from where I am in Wales has an alert on the website saying “essential journeys only” permitted. Well, hard luck to them…I do consider it essential! 😀
I’ll give that a look too
”…..take back your power and sovereignty.”
using…that tied old hackneyed phrase? You Brexit fanboys can’t stop yourselves can you.
Got a better Idea then?
is this what you do all day..sit accusing everyone of being some label you like using. Did somebody steal your sweets ?
Hmmm… Brexit was the pilot and was hugely successful.
Conofavirus is the main show. And yes, hackneyed phrase it may be, however, the sentiment it encapsulates is sorely needed.
no.. they are rolling this out because of so called populism.
there will be no brexit.
Sims v. Aherns, 271 SW 720 (1925) “The practice of law is an occupation of common right.” “Because of what appears to be a lawful command on the surface, many Citizens, because of their respect for what appears to be law, are cunningly coerced into waiving their rights due to
US v Minker, 350 US 179 at 187(1956)
Supreme Court of the United States 1795 “Inasmuch as every government is an artificial person, an abstraction, and a creature of the mind only, a government can interface only with other artificial persons. The imaginary, having neither actuality nor substance, is foreclosed from creating and attaining parity with the tangible. The legal manifestation of this is that no
government, as well as any law, agency, aspect, court, etc. can concern itself with anything other
than corporate, artificial persons and the contracts between them.” ——————————————–Main v Thiboutot, 100 S Ct. 2502(1980) “Jurisdiction can be challenged at any time,” and
“Jurisdiction, once challenged, cannot be assumed and must be decided. ———————————————Stock v. Medical Examiners 94 Ca 2d 751. 211 P2d 289 In Interest of M.V., 288 Ill.App.3d 300, 681 N.E.2d 532 (1st Dist. 1997) “Where a court’s power to act is controlled by statute, the court is governed by the rules of limited jurisdiction, and courts exercising jurisdiction over such matters must proceed within the structures of the statute.” “The state citizen is immune from any and all government attacks and procedure, absent contract.” see, Dred Scott vs. Sanford, 60 U.S. (19 How.) 393 or as the Supreme Court has stated clearly, “…every man is independent of all laws, except those prescribed by nature. He is not bound by any institutions formed by his fellowmen without his consent.” ——————————————–Porter v. State , 391 N.E.2d 801, 808-809. “When governments enter the world of commerce, they are subject to the same burdens as any private firm or corporation”
The graph showing percentage of tests which return a positive result:
Just been reading things like the blather from Medialens et al who are structurally incapable of actually questioning what is going on. There is clearly a cult emerging which is tied to a kind of absolutist ‘pathology of care’ , commonly seen on the Left. “One Death would be too many” etc.
There is a major cross over with ‘Woke culture’, which ties neatly with the extremist trends in identitarian Leftism that have co-incided with Covid19. (Some suggest that behind the scenes, Frankfurt School enthusiasts like David Nabarro are directing UK covid policy).
Why can’t Lefties answer the straight forward points raised here and particularly on the Right over the past four months? The same questions remain unanswered as if they were never asked. It is simply because to answer those questions would demand a re-examination of the core political foundations of Leftism. In my opinion, this issue has aligned the Left with plutocratic aims, and it is precisely this which is leading us into tyranny.
I should add that I have followed the opinions of several Rightwing people (from the authoritarian state power end of that spectrum) who say basically the same thing as most on the Left : that lockdowns, distancing and masking are examples of collectivism’s effectiveness against societal threats. So if that last comment read as a swipe at ‘Leftism’ per se it is more that they are traditionally closely aligned with state power, and that this transformation which we are witnessing is funadmentally a grab of power by the forces of the state (through its ‘caring protector role’ -as generally perceived).
Fascists don’t care if they are left or right. Whether corporations control the government or the government controls the economy is irrelevant when they are the same people. Revolving doors and all.
IOW left v right is a false construct to divide citizens from taking back their power in the age of corporate rule.
“The difference between the ideal socialist system, where government controls business, and the present capitalist system, where business controls the government, is far less than many people suppose.”
(or something quite close to that, written by GKC more or less a century ago)
If you really think the Left are running things, I cannot imagine how you define Left.
It’s not that the Left are running things. It is that a mindset has taken hold that unites the Left with the corporatists and Right authoritarians.
An insightful point about the “absolutist pathology of care”. The duty of Papa Government to identify and eliminate all risks. An identitarian culture that says any challenge from any direction is an existential threat: to my feelings, to my sense of identity, to my space (however I define that) or to health and physical safety.
The existence of an opinion that confronts mine, whether spoken or presumed, is as dangerous as a loose tile in the swimming pool that I have never visited.
Government must fix that already. Before anything bad happens. And Right authoritarians are more than happy to be given that power.
I presume your cited “insightful point” is supposed to be an illustration. of left wing thinking. However, there is nothing left wing about such thinking. Indeed, “identitarian [sic] culture” is integral to fascism.
Fair point. It shows that we have to retire those beloved shorthands Left and Right. Or we call out most of the “left”, the youth and academia for being fascist.
If people would recognise who the Progressives were, people wouldn’t be half so confused.
The faux left are fascist. Andrew Doyle, using the twitter persona Titania McGrath, provides excellent satirical entertainment exposing their authoritarian lunacy.
If you look at what has happened to the Left in the past few decades, it resembles the travesty of BLM and real marchers supplanted by hirelings, as washed away as by any tsunami. I have seen that process MY ENTIRE LIFE.
Real reformers sinking maddeningly in a quicksand of paid off fake reformers. You know?
I have had this tattooed on my sensitive skin since the crib: my father founded the United Nations Association in LA and yet we were so at odds between Left and Faux Left that we came to blows in my teens. (He’d boxed at UCLA and knocked me out for a five count once shortly before we parted paths.) Then he disowned me and told me he’d rewritten his will, the day I left his manse for good at 17.
Without all the gory details, I saw up close and personal how a supposed left-leaning liberal and “philanthropist” had been groomed since before his Harvard Law days to be a “sleeper” West Coast cabal operative, long planned.
I overheard him talking a few times about the de Molay Society in those days (junior Freemasons) and I was unfamiliar with the term, so I asked, but I never forgot that he always changed the
subject. He disguised from me that he had several clients who were 33° (Armand Hammer, Burl Ives, and others, and I wasn’t even paying that much attention.)
His reward for that, as he was readying to release two films on nuclear disarmament for the U. N., was assassination in April ’82, the very week they were to be pre-screened, and signed off by him, so apparently they were scuttled.
I mention a number of these US events because I have found that they have more significance than I knew, and can merely hope that they’ll be passed on to researchers who have the chops to connect the dots.
Word of mouth ain’t gonna cut it (if anything still can).
But we can still Hope.
Also: Roberto Calvi was hanged as a staged suicide, also in ’82, and he was the CFO for Banco Vaticano, and another “exalted” Freemason.
I was intrigued, or baffled, to find out the other day that his (bogus) Lodge Grand Master, Licio Gelli head of P2 had been nominated then for a Nobel Prize for his writing, and the entry had been recommended by Mother Teresa!
I was really startled, as Freemasonry has been formally denounced and forbidden to communicants by 11 Popes.
Gelli was asked in an interview what he most wanted to be?
“Puppet Master.”
Very fascinating. The closing “Puppet Master” sent a chill through me. I always think of these sorts as puppet masters (who love yanking the strings and watching all the rest dance).
To my mind it’s the disingenuousness abroad in the lands that pretends to worship at the altar of Science whilst deforming all the proportions that are the essential fabric of all science, just to get a talking point. (Or, alas, a “mandate”.)
An interesting parallel, à la Machiavelli: we see Covid stats spiked, puffed, amplified in orders of magnitude if need be, or massaged to that end, to make their argument to protect us, and the very same news outlets have taken the numbers of pedophile priests for similar agendas, spearheaded by all the same MSM major outlets (aka Usual Suspects: NYT, Guardian, Globe et al., world without end). They always neglect to point out that Catholic Church membership is by an order of magnitude larger, as when comparing India to California, 32 times larger.
But NEVER (check it out) is there any disclaimer: “Readers: this number has to be divided by ten or twenty to be comparable to any of the other major denominations.” I’ve never seen that.
In San Diego we had a trial run on the Covid Ponzi Scheme a couple years ago, when the Diocese was pressured to stop all reception of the Eucharist under both forms: only the Body, but not the Blood.
AND no Holy Water available at the exits.
The reason? There had been an “outbreak” of Hepatitis-B among the homeless population (which is larger than elsewhere, in SD). The Body was permissible, in wafer form, but the liquids might spread the disease.
For any resesrchers interested, or historians!, youll see interesting and rather eerie parallels in the shell game there: first the ban was lifted after a long while, then put back, then lifted, then back… Then we all relaxed for some months.
Then Covid hit.
(In the 1980s, in LA, there were the McMartin School witch hunts, which ended the school. It turned out later IT WAS *ALL* FALSE ACCUSATIONS. But the damage and their utter devastation was done. They were finished. Like Al Franken’s Senate career. Or Placido Domingo’s presence, here.)
The central theme here is proportionality and using science and MSM as (colluding) escapes from its meaningful scrutiny.
(One of the latest casualties is William Preucil. Regarded by many as the world’s premier concertmaster, among orchestras, and as talented a violinist as ever lived, truly. I mention him especially since, in the late ’90s we sang 40 concerts with him, when I was in Cleveland. Yet, outside of N.E. Ohio his name is not that known except in professional
circles. Yet: WaPo, NYT, and NPR all had multiple articles –hit pieces really– about sexual misconduct, with nary a day in court even, that led to his firing a few months later, October 2018. Now, I’ve been looking for news about him in the two years since, and that is what Nature abhors: a perfect vacuum.)
There is an element and M.O. in each of these events that is strongly suggestive of the trademark ops of one “agency”: highly systematized cooperation at certain “higher organization” echelons of Freemasonry. And the historical fingerprints are abundant, as in Calles and the Cristiada, or Cristero War in Mexico, about a century ago, or the black op against Rome in the Vatican Banking Scandal 40 years ago. Or the MSM witch hunts against that Church, currently.
See where I’m going with all of this? (LOL😷) When you compare them, the dots of all these “examples” are *all* remarkably “similar”.
And “they” at the very least were all certain to “make an example of them”. Each. Isolate, in some way, then take down.
Just sayin’
Also found this very fascinating. I’ve always been one for connecting apparently disparate elements and understanding what those connections divulge with regard to the big picture. I wish more people engaged in lateral thinking.
Moneycircus is right, I made the argument that the situation has (in general) warped Leftist thinking to such an extent that their political stance on Covid is doing the work of propagandising for the elites. As wealth and power gushes up to small handful of billionaires, and private corporations take direct, full, unaccountable control of the dollar economy, most poeple on the Left proclaim either ‘agnosticism’, or support for the narrative which has facilitated these changes. The issue of health has turned it all upside down. It is so foundational to the core of Leftist thinking – they have campaigned on health for over a century, that they cannot step back and ask the basic question of, “Is this proportionate ?”. For them ,”of course it is proportionate, even the lives of ninety year olds must be saved and to hell with the economy, THIS ARE HUMAN LIVES AT STAKE !!”. Is it just me who has heard that from the Left ? Is that not what you have read ?
I am not saying that ‘the Left are running things’.
Plutocrats, spooks, info-warriors, and central bankers are running things, and they will use avenues of state power or corporate power to advance their agendas. They will seek to subvert and co-opt the traditions of ordinary people from all walks.
To say that there is nothing ‘Left’ about identity politics is just absurd in my opinion. The pages of most of the prominent Leftwing publications are full of woke literature, and the whole philosophy traces back to academics who regarded themselves (and were/are regarded) as ‘of the Left’. Do you deny that much ?
People are saying that “Antifa are fascists”, or comparing the black militiamen marching through London to Mosley’s blackshirts. They are not though, they speak the language of the Left, they wave the flags of the Left, they focus on the targets of the Left. The Left have not always been aligned with democracy, remember ?
Yes, but the notions of the left on Covid are all but a cautionary tale to them, and like the Parable of the Sower where the seed is sown on rocky ground, the propaganda doesn’t have much root. A little counter and they see the error of their ways. That’s what I’m seeing here. They’ll get angry, some even stay a little angry, but because they’re basically well meaning (I’m talking about the real ones) they won’t get violent or treacherous.
And they start to think, instead of going deeper into shock! I’ve had words with a lot of neighbor Californians. And the entire spectrum presents.
Shaking them out of their trance. Then there are scores of others who aren’t agnostic but just don’t know quite how to address this. After all, it was ALL custom made to be baffling, at least broadly.
So keep preachin’ I say!
Read an interesting book by Thomas Szasz back in the early 2000s called Pharmacracy: Medicine and Politics in America in which Szasz maintained that totalitarianism would come to “advanced” democratic societies through public health. A strategy that would result in people asking for the totalitarian transformation. I’ve thought of that book almost every day since the end of March.
Well stated. I was wondering if I was alone in thinking that, Steve.
Yes once again I concur. I have read the sentiment that, in the argument between the Leftist pro-lockdowners and the anti-lockdown skeptics, it is apparently the latter who demonstrate a “fanatical certainty” in their stance – this naturally from someone who aligns with the former. I would say that at least some on the pro-lockdown Left have demonstrated a sneering superciliousness to the matter. And that furthermore they are the ones who are most vulnerable to the charge of fanaticism since the deadliness of the virus is the initial claim and so the burden of proof falls on them i.e. the pro-lockdowners are the ones pushing the initial movement, the anti-lockdown skeptics are the ones who are refusing to simply accept it.
Agree George. I only see fanaticism on the side of covid-maniacs.
Court orders city of Strasbourg to remove requirement of #mask-wearing in public spaces!
Im afraid you are quoting a court order of May 25. Earlier some other French municipalities had ordered the mask to be ordered outside, but everywhere it had been revoked under court order. Given the now increased restrictive regulations, it is now mandatory everywhere, even outside, in many of these places, including Strasbourg.
For Strasbourg, see:
Preston next on the lockdown list
Public Health England currently counts all deaths of people who have tested positive for Covid-19, meaning up to 10 per cent of those recorded could be wrong
I know there’s more more “informative videos” out there on corona virus than you can shake a stick at but..
“Dr.Doloris Cahill, Phd in immunology”video on YouTube said more to me than most. It doesn’t baffle with science or battle with it either. It’s not short but it is concise. If you want an intelligent overview for the layman, this is it. Sorry can’t do links.
A must read about the testing:
Does anyone know how the testing is done here in their countries, especially European ones? Is it as described in the article? Because this is truly scary, especially as in Leicester they’ve created a precedent in Europe of going from door to door to test.
So anyhow they’ll have their 2nd wave like that…
Jim Stone — “Many of the tests, (all of them that use the incredibly long swab around 6 inches or 15 cm) take their samples from the cribriform plate, which is a millimeter thick bone at the top of the nasal cavity that is perforated with many holes that go directly into the brain cavity.
“If you wanted to sabotage someone by planting a clandestine brain virus, nanotech, or plant a chip in someone, this would be the place to do it because perhaps a doctor could get a chip out but individuals certainly never could without perforating that very thin bone (that is not really even bone, it is about half nerves) and anyone attempting to do an extraction from there would likely end up killing themselves.”
If so, this makes the Rockefeller plan evil beyond belief.
Dr. Rajiv J. Shah
President, The Rockefeller Foundation
Yes indeed, this is the most evil and scary piece Ive read so far. Somehow I dont even have sufficient imagination to even have thought this could be the case.
Im already totally taken by surprise by the amount of utter immorality that is definitely proven. Evidently we have all read about Nazism, etc., and it was a particular topic that had interested me: I mean how you turn a whole nation into accepting all that and make ordinary people do the most terrible things.
Somehow I had been complacent that it can only happen in some cultures, not in those where there is a tendency to disobey the law.
I didnt think anything near that could happen in our lifetime.
What we are seeing today, both from authorities, and from populations is chilling.
Regarding the tests, they are being made slowly compulsory in many countries. Im not sure what we should do about it. Given in the country Im in, there is simply no real understanding, no outlet voicing, digging out, analysing the real info, not even a lawyer trying to bring a class action or a well-publicized action. On the contrary they’ve created what may well be a bogus info site to find out who the dissidents are or channel their anger into less important matters, possibly to eventually create some protest where they’ll have their infiltrators, and thus have the violence to justify marshal law. I have no idea.
Id advise people to go to the countryside and not stay in cities if they are in such countries. In a city you’re caught like a rat in your home if there is a local lockdown…
What to say, except good luck to all and to take care not just of yourselves, but of people around. Real basic human cooperation, without which our species would not have survived until today, is now more critical than ever. Unfortunately it seems that its begun to go the other way: utter desperation, overnight loss of earning, are making people act against one other. We must realise our own survival becomes eroded unless we stand united. Sometimes I wonder what terrible deeds those of us alive today have done that God/Life is making us go through this. And we are so unprepared. I have not yet found one person who had any inkling this was coming… People had time to prepare for 1933, it was a slow process throughout the 1920s. Forefront thinkers had warned.
All I was worried about before all this was a bank run and what to do with savings. I knew I had to leave the country I live in for safer shores after they had introduced former emergency laws into common law, but it did not seem urgent. Its not easy to leave a place after spending most of your life there.
I thought I could slowly over 5 years find a more congenial place.
I thought I had more time to plan to get out too. I also thought it be an economic crash that would usher in the next phases of totalitarianism (the crash and massive devaluation of the dollar is still coming but…). I never imagined the speed with which one could feel trapped and hadn’t thought of this being accomplished through a pandemic strategy. Just talking to my mother today about how it took no time at all to get to a place where an American passport is virtually useless. It’s very, very demoralizing to feel so trapped (and thinking constantly about potential ways to avoid a mandated vaccine or even test while still being able to earn a living). Anyway, your post really hit home with me.
I had an inkling. I was on wgdr.org 15 years ago and the gist was that it was a slow rolling tsunami building, from the Underground Reich. Dave Emory at http://www.spitfirelist.com has been saying on the air for several years and in big font at his site, “Mankind will be plunged into an abyss”. He bills himself as “anti-fascist researcher.” The late Jim Marrs, source of JFK film, wrote a 2008 book, “Rise of the 4th Reich”.
He’s been chronicling this for 35 years, as was Mae Brussell, both tracking its movements like a coming 5 storm.
And here it is. Made “landfall”. Discernible as a Psyop Blitzkrieg.
How many will survive? Will they like the new “incentives”.
As serious a situation as I’ve ever seen, for real.
But you have to not forget to laugh, too.
If masks and visors are so effective then let those who want to wear them wear them and let the rest of us who don’t go about in peace.
Agreed. I am willing to take the risk.
But it’s not about health, is it?
Exactly the reason we all need to drastically increase our disobedience.
“Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience. Our problem is that people all over the world have obeyed the dictates of leaders…and millions have been killed because of this obedience…Our problem is that people are obedient allover the world in the face of poverty and starvation and stupidity, and war, and cruelty. Our problem is that people are obedient while the jails are full of petty thieves… (and) the grand thieves are running the country. That’s our problem.”
Howard Zinn
ohhh, the big ‘WE KNOW BEST!!!!!’ mommas don’t like that attitude!!!! – if you’re too stupid to know what’s good for you, they have a RIGHT to force you!!! (I’ve been dealing with these people for most of my life, starting with growing long hair way back in about 1964 in small-c conservative southern rural Ontario, they’ve been pissed at me ever since – and me at them. Then came mandatory seat belts – and on and on and on …
I would wager that the personality disorder collective running…whatever SARS-CoV-2 is…were aware of this and hence the idea of pitching/framing it as a preventative measure for others, not the wearer per se.
This very easily allows the pitting of individuals against each other and deftly slides the burden of proof away from where it should be, that is, those claiming the mask wearing is preventing others from being infected, on to those who refuse to succumb to fear and lies.
There is no doubt in my mind that we are dealing with assholes and creeps in this and everything political/militical/corpritical/bankical but we would do ourselves a disservice by not recognizing that some (many?) of these same weenies are no dummies either.
more people who are doing rather than not doing
Coming up: the most extraordinary thread I’ve ever written. On how we blew over £150m and Andrew Mills (a Government adviser) seems to have made a fortune
Looks like blatant theft of public funds. Orders for goods that can’t even be used because they don’t meet standards. Were the masks ever made?
lot of pretty blatant theft of massive amounts of public funds all over the world enabled by the covid phantom menace – but the sheepies are too scared to notice or comment … biiiiiig opportunities for the ‘investment’ crowd … esp those of ‘questionable’ morality (which would include most of them)
saves live save nhs mantra whilst they spend 150million of items that dont work
there will be more of theses story’s in the coming future or due to CV there wil be a news blackout on the story’s
i bet you the QC on the case gets his area shut down local lockdown on the day he has to go to court
as the old saying goes never trust a Tory
Hopefully some smart people will video themselves using the test kits……on soup or fruit and not saying a word until the results come back. When the inevitable happens the video should be posted everywhere possible.
I ran this through my head quickly : you must mask up and glove up when doing the test. You must get a couple of witnesses with their own videos. So about 3 or 4 videos of the same “soup” test. Something watery (like a scotch broth) and some protein in e.g. chicken and ham.
It’s time to stop whining constantly about the nightmare we are heading towards and instead fight back…..but fight back cleverly so individuals don’t come up against the oppressive boot of the state in their own home.
We also need some form of visual identification so we can see who are free thinkers and who are the sheep. T-Shirts and badges spring to mind, quite what is printed on them needs to be discussed. There are many sites where people are expressing their concern and I think it’s time for some coordinated fight back. Sites such as Anna Brees, Vernon Coleman, Carl Vernon.
Olive farmer crete. 11:11:20
I’ve been fortunate enough not to wear a mask yet, mostly because I’ve cut shops out of my life and most social events have been cancelled so I’m down to outdoor markets and walking the dog as activities out in the world, but, someone gave me a home-made mask that looks like its made out of an old duvet cover or pillow case, so I’m going to embroider ‘psyop’ on it, just in case of an emergency like I have to take the dog to the vets or something and they won’t let me in without a mask.
Of Melbourne Victoria’s 162 deaths, 153 were from aged car homes.
I’ve known a lot of aged cars that died …
And the Police in Melbourne are breaking car windows and dragging people out of their cars because they won’t say where they are going? Unbelievable.
Why we must think again about Covid19 vaccines being immune from prosecution
The government uses anecdotal evidence to mandate masks but rejects andecdotal evidence to allow Hydroxychloroqine.
as they do for vaccines …
Rappoport on the corrupt son of a pig who is head of the CDC . . .
He obviously passed that test with flying colours. Memo: Suitable for promotion.
The agenda. In a very short video.
I’m almost lost for words. Whoever designed and manufactured that should be bound and delivered to the most militant feminist Harpies in the world with instructions to feel free to do whatever you want, the worse the better.
I haven’t plowed through all 435 comments so unsure if anyone else has picked this up. The quote is from an article in Russia Today but, before anyone cites this as false news coming from this source, the data cited come from the ABC and a reference is given.
“Putting the numbers into perspective, a total of 221 people in Australia have died from Covid-19 so far this year. In 2019, 1,146 people died on the roads, that evens out to around three deaths a day and makes driving statistically five times more fatal than coronavirus. Surely by the Victorian tinpot dictator’s logic this means cars should be banned immediately? After all, people are dying.
What makes this decision even more insane is when one looks at flu statistics for 2019. Last year more than 310,000 Australians were hospitalised with flu and over 900 died. By all metrics that makes flu a worse threat than Covid-19 but police weren’t granted Stasi-like powers during the flu season. Millions of people weren’t confined to their homes and threatened with AUS$5,000 fines for not having a good reason for being out of their homes”.
Flu season which struck down 310,000 Australians ‘worst on record’ due to early outbreaks
ABC Sunshine Coast / By Tara Cassidy
After 5 years of watching the fake news media and the MSM’s ongoing transformation from news reporting to inform citizens, to opinion-shaping to control dumb plebs via bias, distortion, and omission of key stories, I find Russian media sources refreshing and more trustworthy these days. They haven’t left their communist, truth-denying bad habits behind completely. But the western corporate media’s similar new habits more than compensate.
The irony is~that is probably what they will do. “It has come to our notice that driving is even more dangerous than than the most pernicious disease that has ever wreaked havoc on mankind and regretfully we must…….
900 did not die of flu. They simply had been diagnosed with flu at the time of their death.
Excellent statistics which prove beyond any doubt that this whole Conofavirus is nothing to do with saving lives.
Deaths to pedestrians in one year number 156 (In Australia in the year ending April 30, 2020, there were a total of 156 road deaths involving pedestrians – https://www.statista.com/)
So, I feel that complicit dickhead Daniel the Spaniel should ban walking, as clearly, it’s a dangerous pursuit.
Unfortunately, we are surrounded by total idiots, with an IQ sufficient to just about put one foot in front of the other.
Cue the riots…
~ Mankind is getting dumber by the day
I read that Pakistan has ended/eased its long lockdown after 6000 (‘Covid’) deaths. The country has 200 million inhabitants.
I have not looked it up, but I would guess that if the UK sees an average of 1500 all cause deaths a day, Pakistan must see somewhere in the region of 6000 all cause daily deaths in a normal year. So that is one day of death for destroying the country.
I am expecting aliens to land soon, as it would make more sense of all this.
“I am expecting aliens to land soon”
Please don’t give the freaks behind all this any more ideas… Can anyone honestly say after what we’ve seen over the past few months 75%+ wouldn’t unquestioningly take it a face value if they ran that in sync around the world!
I understand, why the authorities and international bodies are doing it, but I cannot help but wonder, what do people, like this Dr Amir Khan expect to profit by their boot licking actions, in the and they will suffer the consequences as all of us!They are not so essential as they think they are, their have role is similar to that of capos in concentration camps!