Beirut Explosion Lays Groundwork for Regime Change Push
However the explosion started, it looks like it’s only going to end one way.
Kit Knightly

It’s been three days since the explosion that destroyed a large part of Beirut’s port district, and though the cause is still unclear, the political fall-out is taking shape.
The official story is that nearly 3000 tons of Ammonium nitrate, stored in the warehouse there for nearly 7 years, was ignited by a fire. Early reports were of a fireworks shipment, that has since been refuted.
Although this seems improbable, and the details about the Russian ship abandoning its cargo so long ago almost too convenient, there’s no direct evidence, so far, that it is untrue.
The lack of clarity has seen speculation run rampant. Some people have suggested the explosion was some new technology or even a nuclear device. We have seen no evidence to support this as yet, and the independent scientists we asked told us the visual evidence was consistent with a nitrate explosion.
Some videos claim to show something – perhaps a missile – landing. But video evidence is easily doctored or misattributed. CNN has reported the video was altered, but “what CNN says” and “the truth” rarely intersect, and if they do it’s accidental.
For its part, the Lebanese government seems to be panicking, having already placed sixteen people under arrest and frozen the bank accounts of various local government officials.
In short, we don’t know exactly what happened yet, or who is to blame. But we do know what we’re being told to think, and how the press reports the story, and what agenda they pursue on the back of the incident, is almost the more important issue.
Today has seen protests on the streets of Beiruit, seemingly a peculiar response to what is reported to be a simple industrial accident, but it’s also an extension of the protests which have been off-and-on since last summer. Maybe tellingly, these on-going protests have never featured on Western front-pages before now.
The Guardian has an opinion piece, published yesterday and headlined “Lebanon is no stranger to disaster – but this is like nothing we’ve ever seen”. According to the author Kim Ghattas, the people of Lebanon are angry, this explosion was the last straw:
How much more can one country and one people take? Is this a turning point? And if so, towards what? Full revolt and true change for a new beginning or total helplessness and defeat?
And, according to the author’s bio:
Kim Ghattas is a senior fellow at Carnegie Endowment for International Peace”
…which makes them essentially a paid representative of the US State Department. This is a clear indication of where this is probably going.
Elsewhere in the Western press we’re being told that the people of Lebanon are angry, over and over again. And the Guardian reports that rioters are being beaten and tear-gassed.
Emmanuel Macron was touring the city, and we’re told that crowds chanted for him to “do something” and “help us”.
a crowd gathered around him and shouted their anger, using slogans including “revolution!” and “the people want to bring down the regime”
Reuters has already called it a “revolution”.
Are these protests organic, or being stoked from the outside? It’s hard to say, but only somebody willfully naive could discount US or NATO involvement at this stage.
That a blast which, though destructive, resulted in relatively little loss of life could so quickly escalate into political unrest, and even the phantom suggestion of regime change, seems unlikely.
So, whatever the cause of the explosion, it’s certainly being seized as a political opportunity. And, historically speaking, it’s very rare the US doesn’t have some hand in creating its own opportunities.
If this is a push for regime change, it is an oddly timed one, given the state of the Covid19 narrative. Perhaps sign that a distraction is required, or perhaps a sign that some people in the heart of the deep State are sick of his “pandemic” BS, and just want to do what they do best…unseat governments and steal resources.
Whatever shape this fallout takes, spare a thought for the people of Lebanon. Because no matter how it starts, crowds on the streets demanding NATO members “take action” never ends well for the Middle East.
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While no one is denying the initial blast was fertilizer (wonder how it got there and who blew that up…), the secondary blast appears to be the first use of a small tactical nuke against a civilian population…. who benefits the most from destroying one of the largest ports on the Mediterranean? Well that largest port is now conveniently Haifa, Israel, and this obviously disrupts all of the supply chains to certain players in the region…. check out the B61-12 missile that debuted this year… a small fighter jet mounted rocket with a tactical nuke the size of a baseball….. not saying, just saying….
Those who labour under the delusion that the peoples of the Middle East are “untermenschen” only fit to live under medieval political Islam and/or corrupt dictatorships and that only malign outside influences can lie behind aspirations for better governance in this part of the world should educate themselves starting with Edward Said’s works on Orientalism to understand how rascist this is.
The Labour Party are so similar to the BNP in their intersectionlist(racist, homoephobic etc) beliefs.
There is a significant difference between them, however.
Our Zionist friends tried to take over the BNP but failed, so they had to bankroll “Tommy Robinson” to whip up Islamophobia instead.
Whereas the Labour Party is now just the political wing of Mossad.
In 2018, Netanyahu openly threatened to attack this particular location, as reported in Haaretz. The explosion has been described by Zionist politicians as “a gift from God. A day of joy.” Though one would scarcely expect anything else from these psychopaths. You don’t have to look very far for Dancing Israelis. Surprisingly, it denied responsibility and offered aid, though the only people Israel has given aid to before are ISIS. Maybe Hezbollah should blow up Haifa as a tit for tat. Israel is just a pathetic weak welfare whore, leeching off anyone it can. Given the Zionist policy of targeting civilians and destroying infrastructure, it is scarcely surprising that videos apparently showing a missile have emerged. CIA spooks have spoken of a deliberate attack, and the Zionist narrative of an accident is clearly beginning to unravel. The Soros style demonstrations in Beirut mirror similar US orchestrated anti-hijab demonstrations in Iran. There is a long history of US/ CIA puppet governments in IMF predators are lurking in the wings. The whole world is becoming increasingly weary of the repeated threats to destroy Beirut and Lebanon. It is clear that Mossad and the Zionist Regime are the genocidal monsters, not Hezbollah. Hezbollah is probably the only homest organisation in the country, trying to deliver vital services and welfare to the people. The story will continue to unfold. The conclusion: “Yep, that was Israel. Our Zionist chums up to their old tricks.”
@Paul: “US orchestrated anti-hijab demonstrations in Iran”
That’s good for a giggle in these days of Western orchestrated His’n’Hers Hijabs.
a security specialist on london glr when israel is mighty did slip up by stating the damage would have been worse if the explosion had of been at ground level?
this was a few hours after the big bang
what quick work what intel
decapitation strike on hezbollah
after the china russia covid fraud in rockerfella lockstep with billy gates
partners as putin no dout calls them
who khazar ashkanazim
the zio-fraudian seems to be now employing reCaptcha to block commenting
is there a get around?
as for Lebanon
a typical zio/u$a problem reaction solution dirty dog op
Donald Trump said the explosion was an attack and that the US would help the Lebanon.
Who would attack the Lebanon without first gaining the approval of the USA? Mind boggling. A confusion tactic by Trump.
Who might be fingered for the act?Russia perhaps, or China?
Russia and China are strong players in the Scamdemic. Either might be publicly accused but only as part of an old pal’s act to deflect from the true perps.
The strike probably devastated the Hezbollah leadership or some vital infrastructure but a nuclear strike on a densely populated city – if indeed that’s what it was – is a bold and desperate step even for a psycho like Israel.
I wonder what Hezbollah was hiding under that grain silo?
Probably nothing…
The demonstrators are using the Soros clenched fist symbol seen in Serbia with Otpor and in a score of other places.
Huge colour revolution style demo in Beirut today.
What are the odds on the government falling and some Gweedo/ Bolivian Anez/ Lebanese general type figure in the pocket of the CIA and their Front Groups forming a “Government of National Salvation” and promising elections that never happen?
Followed by Head Stooge Goy and Fatso Pompeo demanding Hezbollah disappear to keep their Zionist wire pullers happy?
Paul, this is too serious for me to bet on; but you are right, the game is on, the dice are rolling and the stakes are high.
Alia iacta sunt.
on zio radio global glr london this morning an arab? specialist?
said today is an historick day in beirut the people cannot take any more corruption
and this slaughter of the innocent and yesterdays beating of protesters with sticks is the trigger for change
sounds like the script when they said gadhaffi was about to slaughter his people just before nato got out the depleted uranium bombs
hezbollah and russia seem pretty quiet
maybe the bang was to clear a lock jam in the One Belt, One Road
always a good idea to ask qui qui bono
israel did sell the china a port last year
partners in crime
This news seems highly relevant to this discussion:
Both her Grandmother and her Sister – her Great Auntie (they were very old) insisted my New Girlfriend was a Princess.
I knew that the moment I saw her…
But they insisted – “You don’t understand Tony”
She is a Real Legitimate Princess – they didn’t use the word Genes, but I knew what they meant.
According to them King Henry VIII fucked about a lot in his travels to Lancashire.
If you are the King, I couldn’t really blame him, though he did get a bit of gout.
I am not related. My family history comes from both Western Scotland and North Western France.
I am not originally English
But my wife is.
So 38 years ago, these two old girls, travelled to London..
We picked them up at Euston Station and they stayed with us for a few days.
We were just walking with them through Hyde Park, and The Queen Mother turns up in her Rolls Royce looking complete magnificent..
She waved at us, and we waved back.
So then I took them both to Hever Castle, and we went inside to look at the Paintings of All King Henry VIII’s wives..
They both insisted.
They both mentioned the name Catherine
I looked at them, and I looked at the Paintings, of who’m they claimed to be their Great Great Grandparents – and I most definitely could see The Family Resemblance
Both My Wife and Her Mum (who is stil alive too) didn’t dismiss the idea completely..though to be fair they probably thought the fairy story was a complete load of bollocks with one important message.
If you Really Are a Princess
Keep Your Gob Shut.
Both my wife and I loved Princess Diane.
She used to take her kids to the English National Ballet on the South Bank in London, and sit in the cheap seats at the front, with her kids, like we did with ours.
No one thought anything much of it.
London was different then
She used to go to the Gym, right opposite of where I used to work in Fulham.
I am not claiming, I ever actually saw her, but loads of people did, including my wife.
The entire world was gutted, when she died.
I have never seen so many flowers all over London.
I just had to see them, and Cry
If you are a Princess, Don’t be Shy
Speak Out.
The c’nts are probably going to kill you either way
She is with Me
You lost me tony with your admission of love for Diana.
This whole thing does mimic recent history, secretive intelligence agencies creating an event to stir up popular dissent & mass civil unrest for regime change.
It has CIA, MOSSAD, MI5/6, DGSE or what ever the french equivalent is written all over it. The hoax/false flag/fake narrative just irritates the senses, amateurish analyses of every detail is speculative nonsense.
It was clearly a very serious event, i have no doubt a horrendous “accident” there’s no point questioning the fact a store of volatile negligently managed chemicals is responsible for this disaster. But was it an accident that happened spontaneously or did it take some planning? I doubt we will ever know or find out the truth for sure & that’s why/how these things are plotted. Plausible deniability.
Civilization is being manipulated by malevolent actors against peoples freedoms! The greatest con trick is that the masses can’t see how those psychopaths responsible are using a form of socialist communist strategies to corral the herd into slavery. I know it offends many here to criticise “socialism” its not the socialist values of the 60s & 70s to empower the poor. Its a fraud to assert dominance by a tiny minority over all of us to tyrannical globalism, using fear to facilitate authoritarianism.
We have to push past the divisiveness of the new faux-left distractions of identity politics & liberal academia, brainwashing & guilt tripping us into conformity, it may be tragic & personally devastating, but these events are just theatrics to distract from the real agenda, the real fight is for our freedom (if we ever really had any) the irony is uniting the masses to defend individual freedoms is the holy grail, likely impossible in a social species that uses manipulation as tool for power! So far its not going well, I think its going to end badly for most of us.
Pray tell, what exactly is inherently ‘socialist communist’ about these so-called strategies? The faux-left uses identity politics to accuse dissenters of being ‘racists’, ‘nazis’ and ‘deplorables’ while the faux-right glibly labels everyone else ‘Marxists’, ‘Communists’, etc. as if these terms are interchangeable with ‘Satanists’. Neither ‘side’ actually studies or understands political theory. They are more often than not simply bleating to the call of their shepherds like good little sheep.
So tell me again what’s inherently ‘socialist communist’ about what we’re seeing. Because plutocrats have been dividing and conquering, raping and pillaging, thieving and destroying at the hands of their gullible mobs long before ‘socialist communism’.
Leftists attack dissenters (is non-leftists) as deploreables, fascists, white supremacists, dumb gammons, little englanders, etc etc. Don’t you wonder why they insult and sneer at powerless fellow citizens, rather than the very powerful plutocrats oppressing us all?
because leftists crave to be doing the opressing, they care not of the individual only what they can get from the individual (servitude to their ideology).
I do hate to selectively highlight parts of sentences or paragraphs in case it takes a comment out of context. But i wish to answer your criticism in a adult manner. So:
Collectivism! All forms of societal doctrine are “socialist” from crony capitalism to communism.
And that is the problem, intellectual politicized theory, it only lasts for as long as its on the page once you attempt to implement it, its corrupt.
I have to add (not at you directly) socialist snobbery really is unhelpful, nostalgic following of idles like Deb, Marx, Lenin etc really is pointless, socialism is what the collective zeitgeist call it not what obsolete purest want it to be.
But you wont find a authoritarian (true) Capitalist/libertarian/, socialism/communism only survive because of authoritarianism no conpetition or personal ingenuity is tolerated because it undermines the collective.
And yet you found a need to mention only the latter.
It seems you’ve assumed I subscribe to a political ideology. Calling for definitions and expecting people to use precise language doesn’t mean one advocates for the subject matter under discussion.
And really, collectivism is a very broad term. Of course this word carries with it an even broader range of social, economic and political connotations that may or may not be true. People are social beings and communities are all ‘collectivist’ in one form or another.
This is why I pushed back on your comment. These buzzwords really mean nothing unless they’re defined within some social or political context, but it appears that you just don’t seem to like ‘collectivism’ in ANY form? Perhaps you should live in the wilderness by yourself, like a snake!
“And the rulers get richer while the peasants get poorer and the rulers laugh all the way to the bank while the peasants fight amongst themselves with the weapons furnished by the rulers.” – Some Guy probably
You’ve not really understood the point have you?
You started with a stroppy response, from that one can only deduce your a disgruntled leftist who worships the “old” socialism of the last century. The rest of your comment really went down hill from there so i stopped reading it.
Your original comment correctly identifies the problems, but deflects blame onto a phantom bogey, the evil ‘socialists’ and ‘commies’. This is what the establishment does to confuse and hamstring the populace into compliance. And here you are bemoaning the divisiveness of the faux-liberal left. Do you not see the irony? I was merely attempting to point this out, although I don’t think I was successful.
I think you meant sloppy? The irony grows!
It seems you have it out for what you think are ‘leftists’ and ‘socialists’. I am neither, but I suppose anyone who disagrees with you must be a ‘leftist Marxist’!
And those who strive to make a show of being some kind of intellectual should really learn to spell “you’re” correctly.
Socialists & communists are evil, there’s nothing more evil than taking things that aren’t yours & forcing everyone to conform to YOU’RE ideals.
Nope I meant stroppy, you are one of 2 things young or unfamiliar with the English language, maybe both.
& that’s how i know YOUR a leftist, thinks you know better than everyone else, tells others what they (should) think & when you find you have no rational argument resort to personal attacks.
I thought you socialists occupied the high moral ground? How do you know whether or not if i have dyslexia or learning difficulty rather than a simple GRAMER error, its a bit nasty implying others are stupid.
Another reason i know YOUR a marxist is despite everything i wrote your greatest interest was in a few words criticizing socialism.
This covid crisis has been managed according the socialist handbook, whose refusing to work? whose refusing to open schools? who made such a fuss about wearing masks? which countries are the most draconian? whats the mantra behind lock down ? All socialist values even if not socialist governments.
Communism socialism Marxism Leninism take your pick. It’s always the same shitty result, collectivism – which is always a mass herd managed by a ruling class.
But keep yourself lost in definitions so you can avoid the issue.
One prison built on Epstein’s island to hold them all. What a GREAT RESET that would be.
If anyone knows of somebody called Elijah Magnier, I wholesomely recommend you check out his twitted page
interesting stuff
it should be of interest to understand the hezbollah position
it was magnier who touted the new ground rules the hez had laid down with israel
the new rules of engagement
this hit atomizes those old rules
this hit is meant to be a trigger for yet another arab spring
these are slow weaken exercise hollowing out the country
hiding behind accident these things happen will leave the ngo zio regime change folks organizing riot and the next accident which will be blamed on the government
Beirut: “It was not an Accident”. Former Member of Israel Knesset Declares Lebanon Blast as “Gift from God”.Former Israeli Member of the Knesset Moshe Feiglin gleefully hailed yesterday’s devastating explosion in Beirut as a “gift” from God in time for the Jewish festival Tu B’Av.
Moshe Feiglin: MK-Ultra.
there very open about what they think feel etc
anyone says the same get screamed anti you not what
Yeah, you get called a ”Friend of Jeremy.” ;o)
What a moron. Anyone arguing “why there is no God” can use him as an example.
always a good idea to check out the chabad website
as it tells you all about the so called jewish holidays
timing is everything as are the numbers
Just like when Netanyahu said about 9/11 and the invasion of Iraq:
“We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq,” Ma’ariv quoted the former prime minister as saying. He reportedly added that these events “swung American public opinion in our favor.”
They always push it in our faces.
Blackstone to Acquire Ancestry, Leading Online Family History Business, for $4.7 Billion 05 August
all thoses idiots fooled into going on theses sites and giving them all your intel on the bases that you might be ancestry to some lord king queen popstar
you numptys
Heard about this today. My stupid cousin did that…now they own part of my DNA : (
Key excerpts from Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah’s latest speech surrounding the Port of Beirut disaster. Courtesy of the Saker:
Please, everyone, listen up:
When an event is broadcast 24/7 around the world, the first suspicion should be psyop. If the event involves death and injury do an internet search for event name + “injured” and check to see if it looks like injury is real. If it’s a psyop it won’t and they won’t even try to make it look very real because sloppiness of fakery is part of the MO. In the case of pandemic check the patients.
You can ignore the changing explanations for what caused it, you can ignore the speculation about who’s responsible, cos that’s all propaganda … in fact, it will all be propaganda whatever it is. All propaganda. Lots and lots of propaganda to distract, confuse and keep people arguing.
The best guess for who’s responsible for psyops is “the power elite” as far as I can tell. I don’t see how you can get more specific.
To edit a quote from Theodore Dalrymple:
“The purpose of propaganda is not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponds to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control.”
A similar quote from Thierry Meyssan’s articles on propaganda at
The aim is to stop people thinking by feeding them an incoherent message. Bypassing logic the aim is to reach people on an emotional level.
“In classical propaganda, the aim was to tell coherent stories, if necessary by concealing certain facts or falsifying them. Not anymore. We no longer try to convince with beautiful stories, if necessary by getting comfortable with reality. Instead we are addressing an intermediate state of consciousness through which we convey messages.”
Gerard Holmgren, a brilliant pioneering 9/11 researcher had this to say:
“The official story required either that one descended into total intellectual senility in order to still believe it – perhaps deliberately made ridiculous for that very purpose – or else that one keep one’s intellect alive but destroy almost everything that one had previously believed about how society works. If the real story had just been a kind of hover between LIHOP and criminal negligence as promoted by Ruppert, then people probably would have been able to fit that into their existing social models. So it wouldn’t have had the destructive effect. But the cartoon like nature of the script left no middle ground. Destroy all your social paradigms or destroy your intellect in defending them.
I naively expected that most people would choose to keep their intellect alive and shift their social paradigm in accordance with what the evidence told them. But the perps knew better. They were so confident that most people would rather trash their intellect in order to hang on to the basics of their political beliefs, that they deliberately gave them a story which required lunacy in the true sense of the word to believe.”
The major piece of the puzzle that Gerard didn’t have at that time – not sure if ever did because, sadly, he died quite suddenly in 2010 of a brain tumour and not all his work is available – is that death and injury were staged and that was the pivotal truth that really threw a spanner in trying to accept the truth of 9/11, which the perps knew only too well.
I just got a message on FB from someone who has family in Beirut:
Dear Petra, my family and friends live in Beirut. I lived in Beirut for 16 years and I myself have lived through several explosions and war scenes.
I can tell you this footage is NOT propaganda … I wish it were but it’s not. This explosion occurred at Port Beirut… close to Gemmazieh and the popular Beirut downtown area- an area that was painstakingly rebuilt to its former architectural beauty.
Real people have been injured, real people have lost and had their homes destroyed. My sister in law has injuries to her legs from the shattering glass. My close friends had to evacuate their homes… my friends whose homes were not damaged are out there helping their families and friends clean up. The footage is real.
Please do not add insult to the terrible pain of my fellow Lebanese by further dismissing their pain and suffering.
Rather open your heart and send healing to these people who have endured years of political instability and despite all, remain resilient!
So people have been genuinely injured and, of course, it’s thoughtless of me not to consider that even if people are evacuated … look at all the destruction. So this is some kind of hybrid event. Never encountered that before. I will pull back on my comments.
Yes, the Lebanese people need the support of all on a human to human level. But they need to be left alone and then ask for support on their terms. These people are proud and great people whom we should respect.
We can still keep an open mind and support.
Huh? why is a Facebook post changing your mind? Is that the evidence you’ve been waiting for?
A FB post is changing my mind to a degree, Sharon, and why not? Don’t you think it should considering its content? The footage I link to of the two women is obviously staged and I’ve seen other images that also look staged so there is definitely staging going on. So far, though I’ve not been aware of events where injury is staged and genuine injury occurs although that isn’t to say that hasn’t been the case I’m just not aware of it. I’ll have to be more careful in future.
What I need to do is look more closely. I’m anticipating that the genuine injuries from glass shattering or other genuine injuries will play a very minor role – if any – in what the media put out. I’m anticipating that the vast majority of the injury we’re shown will be staged injury – they like their stories very controlled and may deliberately exclude genuine injury – but I could be wrong – perhaps they will incorporate it, especially if people are posting their own photos on social media.
My FB friend also told me that the toxic dust from the chemicals is dark and sticky – hard to clean up in people’s homes.
My approach is insensitive. Because of the manipulation we’re subjected to I react too much the other way. I’m like a sniffer dog who just zones in on fakery without considering that there is massive destruction which will affect people’s lives enormously – and they’ve had to endure this for so long as my FB friend points out.
Petra, I appreciate your pull back. I know you mean well, and you are sometimes correct. Some terrorist atrocities in my view are totally faked, where the entire event was staged.
I maybe wrong, but off the top of my head, I think these were faked, and no one died – but some people may have been injured in the panic
Most recent ones in London
Christchurch (New Zealand)
The ones that I think contained elements of fakery, but were also very real – with real innocent people dying.
London 7 July 2005
Totally real and maybe nukes were used too
New York – 9/11
Bali 12 October 2002
Beirut – 4 days ago
I have massive respect for Thierry Meyssan. In my view his track record re events is second to none, so I am going to repost this, that someone below posted.
“Israel destroys East Beirut with a new weapon”
by Thierry Meyssan
Some people are incredibly evil, and they kill their fellow human beings just for fun. They actually enjoy it.
I largely gave up analysing terrorist events several years ago, cos it was doing my head in.
The vast majority of people I meet are completely normal and trustworthy. There is nothing evil about them, even if most have been brainwashed to wear masks. They will soon get fed up with it.
So there is hope.
That’s what I should do, Tony, but I don’t.
We shall continue to agree to disagree on 9/11, Tony.
Events are staged / engineered by the usual culprits. People certainly die. they couldn’t get away with faking them all.
Quite honestly, this is the first staged event I’m aware of where I know for certain injury was real. Every other staged event, including 9/11, it’s easy to see how it was all faked. If they managed to do it for 9/11 where allegedly 3,000 died and 6,000 were injured they can certainly do it for other events, however, in Beirut it is quite hard to see how they would manage to avoid injury (if not death) and they obviously haven’t.
This is my webpage showing how they faked death and injury on 9/11. I’ve also issued an unresponded-to challenge on providing points to show that it wasn’t.
No such thing as the power elite. There are no pictures on the Internet of a power elite. You know what else they don’t have pictures of? Real aardvarks. All the images of aardvarks on the Internet are fake. Why would they hide the real identity of aardvarks? Because aardvarks have been ruling us since the beginning of earth, 14 years ago.
They do have pictures, Sharon, of people such as Kissinger, the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, George Soros, the Royal Families, the Bushes, the Clintons, the Bilderbergers, the media magnates, the members of the Council on Foreign Relations, top echelons of government, the 13 bloodlines, etc. We can have a tiny idea of who they are (many, of course, whose names we have no clue of) but I don’t know how they arrange things between them. That I certainly don’t know and I’ve never seen any material on the subject.
Former high-finance operative, Ronald Bernard, says the power elite comprise about 8,000-8,500 and he says at their level race, religion, etc don’t come into it.
But those people can’t be the power elite, because according to you, all those people do is fake –they just stage everything, evacuate everyone, and use actors for their theatrical crimes. No one dies in their productions, right? so why worry about them.
These people are in the arms industry, Sharon, they don’t fake everything and they often fake things in order to commit the real destruction. They faked 9/11 to go and destroy Iraq. What they show us is fake though, OK, sure they’ve showed the physical destruction of a part of Beirut but the injury they’re showing us is fake, even though real injury has occurred. See how there’s these people in the middle of nowhere all bandaged up. What about the unbandaged people with compromises to their bodies? No, it’s just people with bandages, spots of blood showing through their bandages, or people covered in blood but no compromises to their bodies.
The guy who allegedly lost his legs in Boston, Nick Vogt aka Jeff Bauman, seemingly lost them in Afghanistan due to an IED. They didn’t splash images of that across the media, though, did they? they only splash the fake Boston bloodfest.
Fake gruesome image of “Jeff”.
Story about Nick’s miracle survival. Yes, this did sound like a genuine miracle survival of the IED – then again how do we even know he lost his legs from an IED. Perhaps it was through some kind of accident, even a friendly-fire type thing. You just never know where the lies start and end, do you?
There’s faked staged stuff, but I don’t think your judgement on what is fake and what isn’t, is very good at all.
So give me one example, Sharon.
Just go back to the pages of images of bomb-blast victims. You didn’t think any image was convincing. I say your judgement is awful.
I understand why you say that Sharon but when you’ve seen real victims it makes more sense. As I say some may be real but in those its too hard to see them. Also some of the alleged atomic bomb victims may also be real but they were victims of other bombs. So if we discount the Hiroshima ones and the ones where its hard to see can you give a specific link to one where you think the victim is real.
I have seen real victims. You make less sense, Petra.
You know an interesting case of a victim I saw, the image of which bothers me every time I think of it. Someone on the net argued that an alleged bombing victim at Boston wasn’t real because there was no blood – can’t imagine where that shot was taken because it always feels like a bloodfest to me. Anyway, in response someone posted a video (deleted) of a man who’d just lost his legs from a bombing (I’d say an IED) who looked as if he was from India or neighbouring country. There wasn’t any blood right at that moment, it’s true, but nevertheless it was utterly horrific … and looked absolutely nothing like the alleged Boston victim.
So you’re reluctant to specify a particular image of a bomb victim, Sharon.
I will tell you bombings which I claim are staged and then you can choose an image of a victim from one of these alleged bombings and tell me if you think it’s real.
Manchester 2017
Mogadishu 2017
Bologna station 1980
Brussels bombing 2016
Boston 2013
Oklahoma 1995
Pearl Harbour
Bali 2002
Parsons Green tube bombing
Alternatively, you can give me what you believe is a genuine bombing event (unevacuated area) for which there are images and I’ll have a look at them.
You need to back your claim with specified images, Sharon. You can’t just say I don’t make sense without specifying images.
When I say an event like 9/11 was staged, I mean it was planned and carried out by the same regime claiming to be the victim–the U.S.
When you say an event is staged, you mean that it was literally a stage play with actors and fake blood.
When I say the U.S. carried out a false flag event on 9/11, I mean that the corporate/military structure of the U.S. regime allows for very few people to know that they are a part of the event, taking orders from the top-down without question.
When you say that 9/11 was staged, you mean that there are thousands and thousands of people acting in a play.
We are worlds apart in our views and our actual perception of the event. You’re introducing a faith-based ideology based on your lack of ability to scrutinize realistically. Your view is impossible in real life. It’s imaginary movie-thinking.
I believed that the people said to have died on 9/11, did, in fact, die:
— until 2014 because of terrorists in planes
— from 2014-2018 because of the US government
So for 17 years I, like you, believed that the 3,000 people said to have died on 9/11, did die.
In about June 2018 I changed my belief – it was starting to crack before that but I had the epiphany then. You can do it, too, Sharon. You would have overcome cognitive dissonance to accept that the US government was responsible for 9/11, right? You needed to overcome cognitive dissonance for that.
Your mind doesn’t have to fossilise at false flag/inside job/3,000 people cold-bloodedly and callously killed by the US government on 9/11. It does not have to fossilise there but I assure you that’s what the power elite count on, that’s what they were aiming for so please don’t believe exactly how the power elite want you to – resist!
I can see that people will overcome the cognitive dissonance required to accept that the US government killed all those people but for some reason they baulk at actually, no, the US govt were responsible for 9/11 but they faked the deaths and injury. I do not know why that is as surely, it makes more sense that they didn’t kill them. A friend of mine who has no interest in these events but listens to me patiently responded when I asked her if she had a problem accepting the people didn’t die:
Logically, it makes more sense that the US government didn’t kill those people, doesn’t it? not when they didn’t have to. Globally, I’d say currently they pull off psyops on a greater than weekly basis. It’s insane. Even though I assiduously avoid the news I catch a psyop here there and everywhere. It was a piece of cake for them to make out 3,000 people died and 6,000 were injured on 9/11. The sloppiness of the fakery is ludicrous. They don’t rely in the least little bit on realism in their psyops. That’s beneath them. It’s beneath their skills and dignity to try to fool us with realism. They like to twist the knife, they like to make fools of us, they like to throw their psyops right in our faces so they don’t use realism – at all – what they use instead are psychological tricks.
We can tell that 3,000 people didn’t die on 9/11 from the propaganda campaign targeted to truthers to make us believe that they did – we don’t even need to give a glance to the pitiful purported evidence for death and injury, we can tell from the propaganda campaign.
1. The PNAC document to make us think the perps would stop at nothing in their agenda for world supremacy, even cold-bloodedly and callously letting their citizens die in their staged event.
2. The massive stuff on Israel. The perps make it seem more plausible that the people in the buildings were killed by getting Israelis to do it. I KNOW this because that was how I reasoned myself.
“Oh, they got Israelis, outsiders, to commit the dastardly deed, they couldn’t have got US citizens to kill their fellow citizens like that.” But the Dancing Israelis caught in the white van with explosives dust is propaganda. I swallowed it totally myself but it’s hilarious nonsense. Of course, all made up. It’s ludicrous.
3. The people targeted in the buildings. I swallowed the BS about auditors coming in to check out fiscal wrongdoing. No doubt there’s loads of fiscal wrongdoing going on but they pushed out targeting of the auditors to make us believe they had a motive to kill the people in the buildings. It’s nonsense.
I think that’s enough.
So, Sharon, from both evidence of propaganda directed at us, the truthers, and from the ludicrous physical evidence of death and injury we know people didn’t die. Please understand we have been propagandised to believe in death and injury and there is absolutely zero evidence of real death and injury whatsoever.
The reason they propagandised us is to hamstring us in getting out the truth. While we are armed with an important truth (controlled demolition) but an equally important lie (real death and injury) we’re screwed. People won’t accept that the US government killed those poor people in the buildings (and in this they’re correct, it would never be their MO). Then again trying to tell truthers, actually, no, they didn’t kill those poor people is proving equally difficult. So perhaps they’ve got us well and truly screwed regardless … just as they knew they would.
If you have a single skerrick of evidence that anyone died on 9/11 please let me know what it is. And if you don’t have that single skerrick of evidence please, I beg you, pls accept that that indicates a change of belief needs to happen.
Just to add. I thought I’d do a little looking up of the Nick Vogt story in Afghanistan and I found that the soldier standing next to him, Calvin Pereda, didn’t survive the blast of the IED. I looked up Calvin and I have to say this text on the Honour the Fallen feels phony to me. It seems to have intelligence fingerprints on it, however, I’m not going to pursue it further, there is a limit to trying to work out fakery.
CV season 3 was running out the BLM has taken it toll energetically especially here in u,k
Bs19 show needs new story lines and twists and the rites are coming
In the meantime
a trusted terrorist or accident bomb explosion is always a great distraction especially as they worked ritualistically full moon and moslems eid spikes it even more so.
children go back to school next month and the new look school and school uniform is terrifying. dont worry schools story’s will be coming up
Staycation is a new terminology added to the BS19 dictionary as holidays are far too dangerous and some employers saying they wont pay for the 14 day quarantine period if employees go
Don’t want to risk it.
everything is now all risk according to the news and media and the politically sold out you tubers
when one goes you and leaves virtual world the real world isn’t that bad
Possibly but I tend to think most events are all planned a long way in advance. My feeling is that they know exactly what they’re doing – they make us react but as they’re so very experienced in controlling the narrative to control us there’s not so much reaction on their side.
I remember seeing a video by a guy who knew people within the power elite and he said none of them have bunkers because they always know what’s going to happen – they don’t need some hideyhole in case it all goes wrong. They ensure it will not go wrong for them and they’re always in control. It’s as Orwell said:
They’re not reacting to us, they control the narrative to provoke exactly the reactions they want from us. They know what percentage of people will react this way and what will react the other. It’s all under control.
What is really in their favour is people’s allergy to the truth no matter whether they’re on the side of the power elite or allegedly against them.
The truth is so simple for the COVID-19 pandemic. There is no special virus.
It’s so utterly, utterly simple. But you do not see that simple truth anywhere at all except in comments Below The Line. There is no media in any shape or form saying there is no virus.
The truth is equally simple for 9/11. It was a completely staged psyop except buildings were damaged and destroyed.
Practically nowhere do you see that.
People have an allergy to the truth. It’s taboo, it’s too confronting or something. While people have an allergy to the truth or consider it too taboo, the power elite have us completely screwed … and, unfortunately, I don’t see that situation changing.
Just to add:
Consider the breathtaking, flagrantly against-Newtonian-physics audacity of the Emperor’s New Clothes, 9/11, and then consider what the most prominent critics of the powers that be, Noam Chomsky and John Pilger, have to say on it.
It is truly laughable.
When you strip away all the empty fluff and manipulative spin, there are basically only four often-overlapping pieces of information that really matter in the big picture: (1) where the money is going, (2) where the resources are going, (3) where the weapons are going, and (4) where the people are going. When it comes to understanding world dynamics, accurate information about these four things is the only real news you’ll ever encounter. Everything else is empty narrative spin meant to justify, distort, or distract from information about these things.
If you ignore everything else and only focus on finding the most accurate information possible about these four items, you will have an infinitely clearer understanding of what’s really going on in the world than someone who trusts news reporters to walk them through it.
That’s interesting. And how do you work those things out?
I’m having my posts removed, especially those opposing the rampant anti-Americanism on this issue. This is very, very bad news for off-Guardian and freedom of expression.
Let me qualify my anti-americanism then. It is because of the violence and war crimes perpetuated by the American beginning with the Nuking of Hiroshima, destruction of Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Panama and the death squads of South America.
Gulf war 1. Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Palestine, Venezuela, Cuba.
and white racist stralya taggin along for every u$a massacre while apartheiding the first nations peoples with extreme prejudice!
The U.S. is the world’s leading terrorist. The American empire needs to collapse, it’s a failure. Filled with a bunch of war-mongering lying pricks. Fuck the U.S. 😉
True, you forgot to mention the host’s parasite though, Zionism/Israel. If the parasite is left without its host, the US, it will immediately jump on another suitable one.
Straight from the troll guidance manual.
get over yourself! your posts are not that important that they need censoring
Or even answering, except for amusement.
If your posts are indeed being removed, then I have even more respect for OffG.
i blame the cabal
“only somebody willfully naive could discount US or NATO involvement at this stage.” Sorry, I don’t accept claims unsupported by reason and evidence, as they so often amount to slander or malicious gossip. Besides, being naive is never ‘wilful’ or chosen behaviour. I’d say it’s simply naive to suspect US or NATO involvement but not involvement by Israeli forces or those threatening the Israeli people, such as Hezbollah and the Islamist dictators who fund and arm these and other extremely violent terror groups also. Do you condemn or condone their violence? Or is violence wrong only when American?
I only condemn violence of aggression.
Meaning mostly NATO, American and Israeli aggression.
Local groups that lash out at imperial occupation, be it hard or soft imperial power, are protected under international law.
As we in South Africa leaned, the Apartheid regime, backed by western and israeli interests i might add, the ‘terrorists’ turned out to be freedom fighters.
It is slander to label Hezbollah as terrorists.
Wake up, be on the right side of history.
We are watching you, like hawks.
howz covid Langley bot boy
Hezbollah is a heroic Resistance Movement.
Without them, Lebanon would still be under Zionist occupation and covered with filthy illegal settlements and murdering rabid settler thugs, just like the West Bank.
Unlike the genocidal Zionist Terror Regime, Hezbollah doesn’t target civilians.
It prefers to target the Zionist kiddie killers, who shit their pants and run like rabbits to their Shabbos goys in Congress when they have to face real men, instead of gunning down little Palestinian kids with their British supplied sniper rifles and dum dum bullets..
Macron will certainly help Lebanon and we all know what type of help the poor Lebanese people will receive!!!
It’s not often that I disagree with Kit – never, in fact – and of course he states that we really don’t know anything as yet. However, this section doesn’t ring quite true to me:
“Some people have suggested the explosion was some new technology, or even a nuclear device. We have seen no evidence to support this as yet”
Especially the bit about “or even a nuclear device”.
I obviously don’t know any more than Kit about this event, but there is always the evidence of our own eyes, plus the wise encouragement to “see what you see; not what you are supposed to see”.
As I mentioned in a recent comment, what I saw was a nuclear explosion, just as I saw a controlled demolition in the case of WTC7.
I’m only pushing for due emphasis here. If a man of my considerable age, who has seen many, many videos of undisputed nuclear blasts – some large, some smaller – can see immediately a nuclear blast in the Beirut footage, that is not something to be dismissed lightly. As I said, I do not know what happened, and I would need to know exactly which “independent scientists told us the visual evidence was consistent with a nitrate explosion”.
For my part, I will of course admit that I have never seen an ammonium nitrate explosion where anything like 3,000 tons of the stuff were involved, so I cannot claim to know anything for certain either. I just want the small-nuke possibility to have its rightful place in this scenario. The area devastated was, after all, pretty large, and that big white ball, for example, resembled only nuke events in my experience of explosions.
Here, for comparison, is the ammo compartment of HMS Barham igniting in WW2:
Horrendously dramatic, but no white ball:
Also, why is NOBODY talking about the deep layer red soil and sand thrown up in the mushroom cloud – and the depth of the crater which was filled by the sea – which indicate a massive UNDERGROUND explosion – such as in a bunker complex – not a surface blast.
Also, most of the energy of the second blast seems to have been directed upwards – even the sea water being vaporised and blown off was directed mostly upwards – not ‘outwards’ indicating an underground explosion.
Everyone seems too quick to say ‘fertiliser accident’ – nothing else to see, move along.
Those people who are asking very forensic questions are being ridiculed / dismissed or lumped into the ‘conspiracy nut’ camp. Why?
Questions should be, and need to be asked.
Why rack your brains for the exotic when 2,750 tons of bog-standard common-or-garden-variety ammonium nitrate fertilizer – the IRA’s favourite explosive – lying ready to hand, right next to a great big storehouse of fireworks?
I wish I could Link you to Randall Jarrell’s essay on the decline of the English murder mystery (no, not the essay by George Orwell). Jarrell said that the reason Sam Spade and Philip Marlow were taking over the murder mystery was that, instead of investigating exotic tropical poisons in drawing rooms, Spade and Marlow investigated ordinary murders by the means to hand.
No brain-racking here. Just keeping my eyes open. I urge you to look at the video I linked to above. Just because something is “exotic” doesn’t mean it won’t occur, and, in today’s political chaos, practically everything is exotic.
I see no similarity between the battleship’s ammunition cargo blowing up and the big Beirut blast.
I have always remembered a teacher’s advice from long ago: “Seeing, and looking, are not at all the same thing.”
@WarDropper: “in today’s political chaos, practically everything is exotic.”
Today’s political chaos is caused by ordinary run-of-the-mill political thugs, and their “means to hand” are anything but exotic.
Con-911 was simple everyday controlled demolition by nano-thermite; there was no nuclear device because no such device is needed to bring down tall buildings into their own footprint.
Con-WMD was a simple lie; there were no Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq because Scott Ritter had destroyed them all.
Con-Novi was a cheap Gothic thrill by a demented clergyman’s daughter. The only person who allegedly died of an exotic poison was a poor down-and-out druggie; and he died weeks after the Gothic Horror Show where men in fluorescent protective gear were going around demolishing things because an alleged highly deadly instant-knock-down poison was loudly proclaimed to have been released in the town.
Con-19 is a simple lie; the novel virus that Chinese scientists identified as Covid-19 turned out to be no more virulent (no pun intended, but let it stand) than the common cold.
Like Randall Jarrell says, in the real world cheap thugs use crude tactics and commit murder with the means to hand.
“The cheaper the hood, the gaudier the patter”. — Sam Spade.
You try to disagree with me, Dr. NG, but so much of what you say is beyond dispute, and of course I see that and agree with it.
Where we do differ is on origins and agenda, and we don’t see the same patterns in what is currently going on. No problem. One sees what one sees.
“Exotic” is also a word with some shades of meaning. I consider the evil in our midst to be an exotic creature, but also an abominable, thuggish (as you say) and unintelligent one – rather like a monster in a computer game.
Anything that is possible cannot be honestly discounted without compelling reason.
The truth is out there. The true explanations for all these events are by definition unlikely. Anyone who cant comprehend this is a moron or an average to be ignored.
@WarDropper: “If a man of my considerable age, who has seen many, many videos of undisputed nuclear blasts – some large, some smaller – can see immediately a nuclear blast in the Beirut footage, that is not something to be dismissed lightly”.
Certainly, years of experience cannot be dismissed lightly. For instance, the most convincing witnesses for Con-911 being a case of controlled demolition were firemen who saw molten steel running free in the gunnels, and a controlled demolitions expert who happened to be there, took one look and said to himself, I’ve seen that before.
Your Link to HMS Barham shows first a slow fire then a sudden series of explosions; dense smoke ejected at high velocity in all directions, consistent with detonation of high explosive by fire, followed by secondary blasts from various magazines with different types of high explosive ammunition.
The Beirushima footage that I have seen looks similar in outline: first a relatively small relatively slow fire with white smoke, then suddenly a huge blast with dense smoke of a reddish brown colour. But there are significant differences too: inside the slow fire one can see many small explosions — Chinese crackers exploding inside their burning warehouse, they would assist the fire to detonate sacks of ammonium nitrate in the neighbouring warehouse. The red colour of smoke from the blast could indicate nitric oxide NO2, but the normal decomposition product of NH4NO3 is nitrous oxide N2O (laughing gas) which is colourless: NH4NO3 —> N2O + 2H2O, and this thermal decomposition is self-accelerating — but not explosive. Therefor, someone has suggested that the sacks of nitrate might have been surreptitiously ‘doctored’ with paraffin oil over the years, to turn them into an IRA type of Improvised Explosive Device.
I am afraid I did not notice a huge ball of white light. Kindly point me in the correct direction, or to the correct Link.
It is the speed of what I call a “white ball” which caught my attention. It is part of some effects which are essentially instantaneous – very characteristic of the first split second of a nuclear blast – whereas the HMS Barham blast, while very spectacular, is clearly not instantaneous.
The “ball” I refer to looks, not like white light, but more like the ball – or wall – of water vapour instantly created by – and immediately modified by – the “Baker” Bikini Atoll underwater nuclear test in 1946:
You will notice in both Beirut and Bikini, the ball of vapour suddenly appears well away from the centre of the blast, then disappears in the intense heat.
Of course Bikini was much larger, but neither of them has anything remotely in common with the warship’s catastrophic blast.
Wardropper, thank you, I had not noticed that rising wall of vapourised water, and have no explanation for it. Another reader has suggested an underground weapons storage bunker. If the Lebanese Army has any integrity the explanation will come out in the course of their investigations; if not, some public spirited professionals will come out with it, like Architects and Engineers did for the truth about the falling buildings in Con-911.
Re explosion inside warship, 3 more points occur to me: 1. Black smoke: diesel, the ship was carrying a lot of diesel fuel as well as a lot of ammo. 2. No flashes of light: firstly because the flashes took place inside the hull, and secondly could not penetrate the thick black smoke. 3. No rising wall of vaporised water: Could this be because the water around the ship was protected from the force and heat of the blast by the enormously strong steel walls of that warship?
Thank you too DNG.
Here are my thoughts on the warship:
1. I think the diesel is simply burning, while it was the ammo which caused the blast.
2. I did notice at least one large flash of light as the explosion occurred, but one would expect that.
3. It looks to me as if “the enormously strong steel walls of that warship” gave way like cardboard in the blast.
We agree on almost all points.
My only reservation is: admitted that the top of the vessel “gave way like a cardboard box in the blast” could not the bottom of the vessel, backed by the inertia of water, have forced most of the blast upwards into the air, hence prevented the formation of a rising wall of white water like the one that concerns you at Beirushima?
Ball of Bright Water: from an underwater nuclear blast of 17kT.
Is this the point at issue?
“VIDEO UNAVAILABLE”, unfortunately…
The interesting thing about that ball/wall of water vapour in Bikini/Beirut is that it seems to appear out of nowhere, rather than issuing directly from the very centre of the blast. This is a characteristic of nuclear events from everything I have seen in many other videos of such explosions.
Also at one point in the warship video, you can see what looks like a whole deck open up like a can of sardines and twist backwards. (0.23 sec) After all, ammo like that was designed to blast steel apart… I’d be interested to know how much of the ship was still intact as it sank. Apparently the wreck has been found, but I haven’t come across any details on that yet.
“Video unavailable”? Try this one:
I wonder whether the Bikini effect which you call “instantaneous” and “not spreading out from the centre of the blast” might be some sort of electromagnetic wave travelling at the speed of light, which pumps up molecular energy to a level where water literally falls apart — a sort of super superheating — before the slower elastic wave begins to spread?
You have certainly opened my thinking to watch out for at least one other cause than the crassly obvious “means to hand” which I usually reach for when considering terrorist atrocities.
Ah… the days of saturating the woid with more bollocks, as usual.
So, do I have to dril you sheeps in how to make up shit, aka assumptions based upon videos with an quality that we pased by a decade ago, or more.
I looked as some eh…. videos, first the missile one, with eh…. IR camera, and all that was in that was One frame that showed an streak coming down from an angle that would point into Lebanes territory and had to be shoot from considerable heights, witch again would imply an senario I find questionable and the IR was fake, it dont work that way, like nightwision googles, a.s.o. so I dont belive based upon this inconststencys this video is genuine at all.
No missle moves that fast. And the jet sound, again, from all the videos I so far have watched there is nothing on it, even wapor trails from missiles witch was the first thing I was paying attention to, what is in the frame if you dont look at the fire/exsplosion it self, witch confirms as far I can judge there was no external objects anywhere.
Videos or similare coming from security cameras depends a bit on how old they are or if they are new with Hquality images, like the Pentagooon cruice missile isnt that obvious is due to the monitoring systems images, witch are cutt, either by the second or whatever, but its not roling constant, its cutted up into frames, so, if you have something moving like say right under the speed of sound, in that video I gave you it will cover the entire ground within one single frame, the luck was that one of this frames had that AMG 86 on it, I have seen another one where it stands out crystal clear, but again, since the images are cutted, you have to go frame by frame, watching it just role, you want see it, or if, just as an disturbance, not clearly.
The second fake video I have seen regarding this event, is the one showing us something hanging in the air, just before the large explosion happened, again, take an long hard look at it, the cloud of the fire is more or less clear, the uper corner where the so called object is located isnt, witch makes the image of this object blurry, despite the clear smoke, despite the relative sice of this onject witch they claim was present and dropping another object witch again isnt clear at all, the uper corner is entirly blury, what it is, I dont know because its simply impossible to see anything because of the low picksel image, witch means this was cut into the frame and I dont belive this video either is nothing but fake, sorry, 100% fake.
To give you another ex. remeber the IDFs claims about the video showing some people doing something in the Golan heights, remeber how bad the image quality was, the only thing you could see what some people, like shaddows move along or beside an road, when I know this video is made this way, the standard quality of this kind oof military equimpents are much, much better, but as usually IDFs gives us an low quality video witch infact dont tell us anything, when in the real world it would be crystal clear HD images and if they had shown us the real images I bet we would see much better this people they claim was doing something, I am amazed by how people cant see this, regarding this videos, makes you go hummm…
Regarding the Lebanes Gov, yup ask Harakiri about France, yeah, the familys conections etc to France, they are rotten to the core, and nepositms, corruption, greed, incompetance, etc, is and have been Lebanons problem, and the wests control over the Gov is obvious, and then we have Hezb, when most of the so called fact finders asume that Hezb controls everything and base their row of more ASSumptions on that Hezb must have had an weapon storage in that same location, is of course the fundament they contiue with creating more ASSumptions.
Of course, create the path you then walk on, is standard propaganda tech, so lame it hurts but people stil walk on it once its layd out, to create something else.
And again, I bet most of the coments regading the event, havent bothered to read the Safy sheet I gave you from Orica them self, even the red/brown cloud is explained in that sheet and the explosion to, even they stated that in an minore stack, of just hunderds of kilos, they recomended an safty distance of 1 kilometer from the fire if it was to ocure.
Be careful, dont bite into everything, just because they claim its this or that, just use your own head and be a bit critical, trust, but verify.
so many ports
so many bangs
destruction of food grain silos
random just ran dumb
bad luck
lebanon already on it’s knees
currency down 80%
these things happen
for zero reason
could happen any time
nothing to see here
ports are old fashioned
in the age of amazon
and drone delivery
qui bono
will qatar fund redevelopment
what about the donmeh house of rothschild saud
china purchased the biggest port in is not real
russia building investing in ports in syria
mossad cia city of london blow shit up
another gang invests
general sir frank kitson wrote a book templat long ago about low level operations
david sterling sas hit and run
death by a thousand cuts
gordon once said quiet wars sometimes need big bangs to arrive at a tipping point
is it not already
they both seem quite quiet on this subject
israel has already poisoned itself many times over
depleted uranium tank and jet bombs abd missiles
the dust drifts back across the borders
down winders and all that slowly the region will be dead or sterile
oded yinon never sleeps
one world in radiation
one world swimming in 5g
I hope you’re saving all your poetic discourses on political mechanics.
you should publish your collected works in a book, or something.
the ashkanazim run publishing
they say i am anti semite
i say i am semite
it is you khazar pirate
who are against semite
the kill ratios prove it
in answer to your question
the words go out many are deleted
like sand
running through your fingers
gone forever
some times a resonance may remain
picked up
by cosmic aerial
random words
for random fellows
and all that
Seen some graphic footage just now of body parts and limbs all over the motorway adjacent to this explosion.
No bloody way was that an accident.
accidents don’t kill people?
No not once ever. Definitely not. Accidenrs don’t kill. Only killing causes accidents.
Accidents can kill, but Beirushima was no accident.
Body parts and limbs? I’d like to see that. All I can see is staged injury. When there’s a real bomb I can assure you injury looks very, very different to what they present for this phoney fake show. It’s horrific. It’s difficult to fake bombing injury because a bombing of an unevacuated area of this magnitude would cause maiming and we see none.
Perhaps the body parts and limbs look like the ones for the staged MH-17 crash?
Nobody seeing that explosion would expect there NOT to be body parts all over the place.
I don’t see how some graphic footage would help establish the cause, unless a note with a detailed diagram of the area, along with some unused ignition fuses, was found in the trouser pocket of one of the body parts…
I am becoming increasingly nervous by the changes in ‘our’ American controlled search engines, which is rendering them as almost useless.
I searched today for ‘is covid a pandemic’ & ‘definition of pandemic’, but what followed was a list of propaganda by the main players, who have succeeded in destroyed our countries and whjo have wrecked our lives.
It takes repeated searchers before you can get to a pre-2019 definition of pandemic and really explore the subject. It has been getting worse and worse over the past year and I expect soon all questions will be met with statements of obedience and warnings on how dangerous the truth can be.
try here. it’s undoubtedly controlled, but the control criteria are different, and probably less obstructive for western dissidents. Russian dissidents might have a less favourable opinion.
This is the current tendency. New normal for the search engines. Never find what you need but what they think is appropriate for you. Lots of filters.
If you compare Google to what it used to be 10 years ago you will see huge manipulation of the search results. In many areas.
the complete censorship world
OMG! How easy is it to get people jumping up and down all the better to control them.
All you have to do is stage shit and push out loads and loads of propaganda about it.
It is r-i-d-i-c-u-l-o-u-s-l-y easy.
And don’t bother in the least little bit about making it realistic. Nope. Just any old person can google “Beirut injury” and in a trice they will find the most unconvincing injured person you can imagine. You can use EXACTLY the same MO each time and people still never catch on. How many bombings of an evacuated area have we seen so far … and how many more to come? …
… 9/11, Pearl Harbour, Bali 2002, Mogadishu 2017, Bologna station 1980, Manchester 2017 (except not even a bombing there) and on and on.
People have no idea what a bombing with real victims looks like. They’ve scrubbed the internet of images of real bombing victims. In a way you don’t want to see them because they are horrific but in another it’s good to … so you can vomit at the nonsense they show us for bombing victims now.
I can tell you that Bali 2002 was real.
What ‘they’ do (as they did there) is add some staged photos or fake IDs to the plot for narrative control.
That not all the footage from ‘terrorist attacks’ or ‘accidents’ are real, does not mean that the event didn’t happen.
If you look at all the images for Bali none of them are convincing. Additionally, I know someone whose father worked next door and he said that when he was asked to go and help with the injured he found no injured to help.
I know someone else who knows the wives of two brothers, one of whom was allegedly killed in Bali and the other who was badly burned while two other brothers were injured. The brother who was badly burned definitely looks very badly burned, however, in staged events they use people who’ve been injured and killed in other incidents. The bomb in the Sari club in Bali was a nail bomb. I find it hard to see how burns were the major injury from a nail bomb and, in fact, it seems there was much talk of burns generally as an injury. Maiming and shrapnel are generally more the result of nail bombs as far as I’m aware, not burns but, in any case, I think there’s enough evidence to say it was a staged event. If there isn’t a single convincing image of an injured person presented by the media with additionally the testimony of someone who knows someone I know saying there were no injured to help that’s enough for me.
Additionally, it was under Little Johnny Howard’s watch. Other staged events under his watch were:
Port Arthur and the two refugee boats (August and October) just before the November 2001 federal election which sandwiched 9/11 – and guess where Little Johnny was on 9/11. The big boys had given him front row seats in Washington to the big phoney event.
What makes you think that Bali 2002 was real?
I was there.
And what did you see, Willem? There would be people who were at the Ariana Grande concert who think that there was a real bombing. I know someone who was in NY on 9/11 and saw a plane … nevertheless we know real planes didn’t penetrate the buildings. You may have seen the bandaged people they show us in the images but that still doesn’t mean they were real victims. However, I don’t know what you saw. Can you positively say from what you saw that people were really injured and killed?
I’m going to have take back my question about hiding the real. It seems they may well have done this for Beirut. All the injury I see looks fake and yet I’ve been informed by a Lebanese friend that her sister-in-law suffered injury from shattering glass.
Just to clarify: the bombings are generally real (not in Manchester 2017 though) but they are of evacuated areas so the event is half-real but obviously if the area is evacuated the event is of a completely different nature. Do you think there is genuine injury in this event? If so, why? And surely you’re not going to tell me, Willem, that they show us fake injury and hide the real?
Have you any credible footages to say Manchester wasn’t a bombing.
Just I’ve not heard or read anything to say it was staged yet.
I most certainly have – I’ve done a webpage on it. And there’s a YouTuber, UK Critical Thinker, who’s from Manchester who’s done great work on it – amazingly detailed. Most of his stuff has been pulled down unfortunately but some of it’s been put back up and mirrored and hopefully still there somewhere. I’ve just checked my links and the two to his videos are still working.
Manchester was a hoot, it really was. Sooooo ridiculous.
It might be worth going to and putting Manchester into the search – just looked and there are some good videos there.
never trust a local on the spot artist or actor as witness
speaking english to others who reply in english
art does not exist any more
unless you count the b thing and gelatine israeli arts projects
the video above reminds me of tim bells bell pottinger
white helmets
khazars have to control all the news flow that is why actors read the news
to suggest everything is fake is not my position
the control the satanic deception is in the second unit layering and positioning
through story telling emotion casting of memes giving structure to the actuality
as is said controlling the narrative is all
operation cast lead the images exist bestial demonck crimes did not need any structure
as the story was never told
“People have no idea what a bombing with real victims looks like. They’ve scrubbed the internet of images of real bombing victims.”
Except for the fact that there are countless images of bombing victims on the Internet. Nigeria, India, Indonesia, Syria, Iraq, etc. Images from over a hundred years to the present. I used Google, DuckDuckGo, StartPage, and Ecosia and was easily directed to pages and pages of bombing victim images.
Hezbollah certainly would have let the world know if what happened in Beirut was fake. Nassrallah didn’t even imply that it was fake. Yesterday he sent condolences to the families of the victims, and to the many who are now homeless due to the explosion.. He said that Hezbollah does not store weapons in the Port, and that there should be a thorough investigation.
“Blasts in Beirut ‘tragic humanitarian crisis’: Nasrallah“
Sarah Abdallah, Vanessa Beeley, Eva Bartlett, have not said anything about the victims being fake–actors. Have you checked any sources who are in Lebanon, or who regularly report on Lebanon like those three?
Thumbs down.
Sharon I can’t find any images of real ones – lots of images of fake injured brought back to bombing sites – lots of those yes. If you have found images of what you believe to be genuine victims of bombings I’d very much appreciate links to these images because I simply can’t find any. I could in the past but not now.
I searched on duckduckgo for images of bomb victims and this is what came up, however, I cannot see any genuine bomb victims. The nuclear bombing of Hiroshoma and Nagasaki were staged – yes there were bombings there but not nuclear bombs and so the images we see for alleged atom bomb victims we know are fake.
Some of the images may actually be of genuine bomb victims but you can’t see them well enough to know so as far as I can tell from all the images you can see at the link above there is not one I can identify as a genuine bomb victim. Please tell me which ones you think are genuine. I’ve seen them in the past and they look very different – truly, they are horrific.
I do not judge by what admissions are made – who knows how things carry on at the top – or what this person or that person says – what I judge by is the evidence presented. Every single image of a bomb victim presented easily fits staged (which is an impossibility for a bombing of this magnitude) and the woman shown here is very, very obviously a crisis actor.
“Sharon I can’t find any images of real ones – lots of images of fake injured brought back to bombing sites – lots of those yes…
The nuclear bombing of Hiroshoma and Nagasaki were staged – yes there were bombings there but not nuclear bombs and so the images we see for alleged atom bomb victims we know are fake.”
Who is “we”? Are there other people besides you who think that every image of a bomb blast victim is fake?
Since you can form coherent sentences, I’m not going to assume you’re insane. But I am going to assume that you can type while asleep, and I’m not going to wake you up. Your victimless world is better than the real one;)
I just read this book yesterday about the fakery of nuclear weapons and the fakery of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
I am in communication with someone else who’s also writing a book on the subject. I have done some research and there is a YouTuber subculture that also recognises the fakery of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It might sound farfetched to you and it did take me by surprise about a year ago when it was brought to my attention although it only took me about 5 minutes to come around to the idea, especially as I’d just learnt that alleged leaker of Israeli nuclear weapons secrets, Mordechai Vanunu, is a fake. His story in Wikipedia is quite amusing. So Vanunu’s being a fake supports the idea that there are no nuclear weapons. Israel doesn’t have any nuclear weapons secrets because there aren’t any nuclear weapons. They don’t exist. I mean, come on, no one believes that North Korea has any, do they, I mean, come on!
Consider, Sharon, just at the outset:
The two bombs’ names were Fat Man and Little Boy and the pilot named the alleged plane that was going to drop the horrendous bomb on Hiroshima, Enola Gay, after his mother.
Do you not find that a little strange? Why would the pilot name his plane at all and why would he name this machine that was going to drop this monstrous weapon after his mother?
We have been and continue to be massively hoaxed, Sharon, and you can choose to wake up to that fact or not. I certainly don’t blame you if you choose not to. I cannot say there’s any great advantage in it.
Just to add I do not think the world is victimless. Not at all. They don’t show us the victims though they just show us fake. I know WWII was real even if Pearl Harbour and Hiroshima were phoney events in it and I know there were millions of victims of WWII – my father was very lucky to survive the torpedoeing of his navy boat. So ironic. He really was a miracle survivor not like all these ludicrous miracle survivor stories they tell us about people from these fake events.
There are real victims and there are also fake events. The two co-exist and no doubt in many cases it is the fake events which lead to the situations producing real victims.
Hi Sharon! Is this the first time you’ve encountered Petra? This is what she does. We don’t know for whom but a good guess will probably be very close to the truth.
HI Petra! You’re back! Could you please offer your bona fides in evaluating “real” bombing victims? Just what is your experience? Your C.V.?
The fact that you include Bologna in your roster of staged events indicates very clearly for whom you work. Keep your damned hands off Bologna, it doesn’t help your diabolical cause.
BTW, why don’t you take your $5K and go to New York for a month or so. You can track down the family members of the NY Firefighters. You have more than 300 opportunities to prove your theorems. Good odds. When you hit the jackpot, you’ll become an international superstar.
Yes, Victor, but I haven’t read Petra for a while. So I read Petra’s latest poop and decided to step in it:D I hadn’t heard of the “YouTuber subculture that also recognises the fakery of Hiroshima and Nagasaki” before, so I checked it out the last couple of hours or so. Here’s one of their masterpieces I watched, called, “The Nuclear Hoax”:
I can’t even replicate that kind of stupid with an all-knowing-aardvark theory. It’s flat earth level dumb.
It’s true. People don’t realize how easy it is to fake things. I suppose Hollywood has accustomed them to accepting that whatever they see on a movie screen is totally factual…
For the record, long before anyone had a personal computer at home, I had a Hallowe’en party at home, where my family used red paint and common gelatin to make ourselves look like monsters. The results were actually pretty horrific, since we had the artistic sense not to overdo things. Realistic, and horrible, preserved on film too.
Also, crucially, the best of the common cameras available at that time took photos of higher quality than the blurred rubbish thrown at us by the “live” media today. I would post one of them here, but I don’t want to embarrass my family after all these years…
I can practically hear my deceased parents’ gasps of horror if they were to see the results of buckets of red paint carelessly thrown at our modern media’s “disaster actors”, but that’s because they lived in an era where media lying had not yet become blatantly obvious, and therefore not generally suspected.
Then again there is mounting evidence that there is a new type of bomb being used in the M/E.
The US and it’s puppets are always pretending they have new special weapons and even leak to the alt-right conspiracy nuts that they have alien technology. to freak their enemies out. When the reality is they can’t even match Russian defense systems, the S-400, hypersonic ICBM’s, tanks and jets. The US pretended to go to the moon to cover up for their failing technology. I don’t know what was special about this bomb, it was just big.
US generals briefed Trump of their opinion that this looked like an attack. I imagine such experts would know, but obviously realise they could be feigning ignorance of the truth. I say ‘obviously’ because there’s absolutely nothing new about pretending ignorance. It’s not an American trait only. Many non-Americans ignore the ongoing genocide of Christians in the once Christian Middle East, while those who say Israelis are the aggressors or ‘imperialists’ of the Middle East constantly feign ignorance of the truth about supremacist Islamism and its oft-stated goals of ‘annihilating Israel’ (and then all other infidels). Of course, they may have been duped by ‘real’ anti-Israeli bigots. But maybe they were duped too….
It is your Zionist friends who routinely threaten to commit genocide, and who act upon those threats.
A Zionist Cabinet (Justice!!!) Minister called Shaked called for Palestinian mothers to be exterminated so that no Palestinian children could be born.
The Times Of Israel, a national newspaper, quite openly advocated genocide and called for the extermination of the Palestinians.
Two rabbis published a book called “The King’s Torah”, calling for the murder of all Palestinian children.
Israel and its Zionist billionaire Fifth Column in the US have threatened to attack Iran with nuclear weapons so regularly that it is now virtually a daily occurrence. Of course Shabbos Clinton threatened to “obliterate” Iran.
There have been similar threats to commit genocide in Lebanon, Gaza, and Occupied Palestine. That these threats are not idle is amply demonstrated by its endless catalogue of war crimes and atrocities. There was the ethnic cleansing of Palestine in 1948, involving war crimes of a Nazi character committed on a Nazi scale, following on from an extensive terrorist campaign by the Jew terror gangs. In just one of its series of many pogroms against its Gaza Concentration Camp, 20,000 tons of bombs were dropped on the population, a higher explosive yield than the Hiroshima bomb. Zionist settler thugs routinely kidnap, torture and murder Palestinians with complete impunity. Threats to commit genocide in Lebanon are so commonplace that they now pass virtually unnoticed.
The Zionist Regime is the only openly and institutionally racist and genocidal state in the world.
Palestine is a Nazi death camp. Israel commit war crimes against it every day and night of the year.Palestinians are trapped. Yet nobody wants to rescue them in the name of freedom. No ‘war of liberation’ for them. They have no oil or opium.Israel are allowed to do this in the name of a God and by quoting an alleged statement that God made in a religious book. But if you criticise them- you’re an anti semite and face prosecution and being ostracised by everyone in the name of ‘social justice’.
Yep, no Responsibility 2 Protect for the Palestinians.
They are just goy Untermenschen, cockroaches.
Plane heard overhead in video
The timing of the jet flying overhead aligned perfectly with the first explosion… It was difficult to tell if there was a jet overhead with the 2nd explosion due to the noise from the eruption in the first fire… That could’ve been a good cover though, although the initial fire was possibly enough to ignite the nitrate… It would have to be a really tiny device to go unnoticed with all the various cameras capturing footage… I reckon that whoever made the strike (if it was one) wouldn’t have used a very noticeable jet… It would’ve been done on the ground with a timed device.. RIP for the souls who died capturing the film on their phone..
Earlier however, a witness told Gulf News that something fell from the sky before the explosions; others said they could hear aeroplanes before the blasts. “We heard a plane, then an explosion, like the ones we used to hear in 2006 Israeli war,” a Lebanese woman told Gulf News.
There was a fire that lasted for a while becofore the explosion. That’s an important detail and it does look like wreckles neglect that might have been exploited. But if i were to blow up the fertilizer i wouldnt start a fire and then hope it blows up and then whats up with the red smoke too?
The red/brown gas is consistent with nitrogen dioxide – which is released when ammonium nitrate is heated or combusts. This does not necessarily mean it was an accident however.
Cut’n’Paste from the Saker’s correspondent in Lebanon, with a message of condolence and hope from the Reverend Sayyed Nasr’Allah:
“Sayyed said that even if this explosion was caused by sabotage, the point now is for the Lebanese state to uproot and rid itself of internal enemies (whether out of negligence they are enemies, or out of intentional malice)– If the state cannot do that, then the belief in Lebanon as an entity and an idea may be completely lost, even for Hezbollah
– in general, the speech was 1) one of compassion towards Lebanon and its people, and 2) turning the apparent threat (against Lebanon and the Resistance) into a major opportunity.
– Sayyed said this disaster could in a positive sense, allow Lebanon to get out of the (economic and political) siege and difficulty that it was in
– So it seems Hezbollah sees real possibilities in this track (and not as some thought, that the U$A will be able to continue besieging Lebanon [economically] as it was doing prior to the disaster). To illustrate [this point] there are many oil tankers on their way to Lebanon from Iraq via Syria (this is a major development), not to mention the changing international (particularly Western) political attitude towards Lebanon and support for it (even if only publicly at this moment)
– Perhaps what Sayyed was saying about looking Eastward politically and economically (in addition to any Westward options) will now be an undeniable (an option that opponents of the Resistance cannot possibly argue against)
– Sayyed said all those who think we are besieged [alarmingly], and who are [despondently] launching political and media campaigns following the disaster, must know that the Resistance is way too powerful today, and that the whole regional situation is different”
Alia iacta sunt
Your first paragraph pretty much says it all and should be applied to the US and its various vassal states worldwide.
First para is not mine but a quote from Rev.Nasr’Allah, well known for clear thought and forthright speech .
I agree with you: this insight by Rev.Nasr’Allah clarifies what the restless populace of the U$A might be feeling when their hive minds buzz angrily about “civil war in Amerrkah”.
Do other nationalities suffer this ‘hive mind’, or is it only American people, so famous for their democracy, freedom, and suspicion of politicians? Also, the ‘hive mind’ idea typically refers to communist tyrannies like China, with no free speech, human rights only on paper, and lots of notorious concentration camps with organ harvesting. Do you really fear the great democracy that guarantees such things more than the autocracy that always destroys them?
@NicS: “Do other nationalities suffer this ‘hive mind’, or is it only American people [ie, Yussies], so famous for their democracy, freedom, and suspicion of politicians?”
It is usually from Yussie sources that one hears about this wonderful freedom of opinion in the U$A. Thoughtful European visitors such as deToqueville (1831) and Einstein (ca.1930) noted the opposite: a curious conformism, which deT attributed to an inevitable side effect of democracy: a tendency to agree with the majority.
Anyway, I picked up the word ‘hivemind’ from Flickr, where it seems to represent a snapshot of all the snapshots received in a given period. A sort of Zeitgeist in images:
And here is a snapshot from my favourite Flickr photographer, Silvrmn; he likes to capture the Zeitgeist around Obamaland (the ultrawealthy Rush Triangle of Chicago):
Yes they’ve always put on a good show. The trouble is that they actually believe it.
Only American people, so famous for their gullibility and assumption that political leaders make any difference.
Is ‘hive mind’ an American quality? I thought communists and cultists suffered this problem. Also, could you explain US motives for seeking control over Lebanon? Islamist motives are already well known by those who think outside their hive mind.
Bad wording. I read The Saker article and tried to be less wordy.
I’d like to know what counts as a ‘vassal state’, and by what mechanism ‘the US’ (which Americans, exactly?) controls these nations’ sovereignty, politicians, elections, laws. When do friendly nations become ‘vassals’? Do you mean like member states of the EU overruled by Brussels, or maybe NK’s relationship to its communist masters in China?
Well you could start here:
by what mechanism ‘the US’ controls these nations’ sovereignty, politicians, elections, laws.
Epstein didn’t kill himself.
The EU is a good place to start. The US couldn’t re-invade Europe, since their experiment with the Nazis didn’t quite work as planned. So they promulgated the idea of a United States of Europe (the EU) to supposedly counter the threat of their former allies, the Russians (who actually won the war), and presto! you have a bunch of vassal states. Otherwise, you just go round the world overthrowing any country that doesn’t toe the GloboCap line.
Why should they invade countries like Germany and Japan?
They are already occupied. They were invaded in 1945 and are still occupied. Our American friends never went home. They have been occupied for 75 years.
Britain is occupied.
Afghanistan and Iraq have been occupied for 20 years.
Syria is occupied.
50 countries in Africa are occupied by US troops.
The vast majority of the countries on the planet are occupied by US troops. With well over 1,000 military bases.
Very few are not – Iran, Venezuela, Russia, China.
These countries are constantly threatened with economic strangulation and military aggression.
Incidentally, having a lot of satellites does not indicate a position of strength.
Nazi Germany had many satellites.
Italy, Hungary, Rumania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Slovakia. Vichy France. Finland. Spain.
When things went pear shaped, they all switched sides and stabbed their erstwhile masters in the back at the first opportunity, like rats leaving a sinking ship.
The same thing is starting to happen to the US, regardless of which trained monkey occupies the White House.
What counts as a vassal state?
America’s many contemptible, yapping little poodles, Britain being the prime example. Britain is more of a US satellite than the old GDR ever was of the Soviet Union. The EU countries, which subordinate all their economic and foreign policies to comply with Washington’s instructions. Canada, Australia, Japan, South Korea. The various petty Gulf dictatorships. Countries throughout the world run by CIA orchestrated coup regimes, obvious examples being Ukraine, Bolivia and Ecuador, to name but a few at random. Some targeted countries, Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Russia and China, have been targeted for reduction to a similar status, but have thus far escaped this fate. The list of obsequious, servile, grovelling satellites is not comprehensive. It is long and (very) undistinguished.
Trump was merely being honest for once when he said that the Saudi dictatorship would collapse in a fortnight. Or that South Korea couldn’t do anything without his permission. He has made similar assessments and pronouncements about most of the above satellite states at one time or another.
What mechanism is used to control these states?
Get it straight from the horse’s mouth. “Money.” ” Suitcases full of cash.” Most of the politicians of these countries are bought and paid for like street corner whores.
Many are threatened and blackmailed in Epstein-type operations.
The media in those countries has been similarly corrupted and suborned.
Where bribery, blackmail and threats fail to produce the desired result, campaigns of smear and vilification follow, directed against individual politicians like Corbyn, who are insufficiently obedient and compliant. Or against entire countries, like Iran and China.
This is often combined with economic terrorism, attempts to strangle the economies of entire countries. Venezuela is just one obvious recent example.
Blatant interference in the political life of those countries. Funding opposition political parties, inciting and orchestrating violence, as in Bolivia and Ukraine.
Creating, funding and orchestrating terrorist groups like the Contras, MEK, ISIL, Al Qaida, and a whole alphabet soup of others, which are unleashed against target countries (Syria, Iran, Nicaragua and many others), often culminating in terror bombing and outright invasion (Grenada, Panama, Iraq, Afghanistan amongst others.)
Which Americans?
Not Joe Sixpack. Not the 99.99% Not The Deplorables. The powerful, vested corporate interests. The 0.01% The transnational billionaire class. Wall Street. The banksters. The military and intelligence establishment. The oil companies. The Zionist elite sitting atop the entire pyramid. The media controlled by 6 Zionist billionaires.
Hope that explains it.
Oh, and incidentally, DPRK is fiercely nationalistic and resents its history of domination by Japan and China. China has very limited influence over DPRK.
I commented on this already: when does a state become a vassal? When controlled by Brussels, perhaps? Also, which Americans fix elections and policies in other sovereign states?
“A fool can ask more questions in a minute than a browser can answer in a week”.
You’ve got a little reading to do. Confessions of an International Hitman by John Perkins or anything by Doug Valentine will put you, more or less, in the picture.
Which Americans fix elections?
An alphabet soup of CIA Front Groups.
Bogus human rights groups and charities like Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch.
It’s a coincidence. Lots of things can happen randomly. No need for an explanation. It’s just that the same people benefit every time.
Why isn’t money random too? Why don’t we all get a taste of power. A chance to rule. Why don’t I become a billionaire. I could say, hey, it’s just a coincidence.
Instead we have rich people and entrenched elites. Powerful countries, slaves at their feet. That’s the theory part.
They deserve their money? So it should come to them naturally. The Universe smiles on success. No need to hold on to it greedily or conspire behind the scenes, because plenty more will come.
Yet they guard their wealth aggressively and multiply money ferociously. Why? When coincidence should favour us all.
That’s my coincidence theory.
This is from Michael Parenti
‘Those who suffer from conspiracy phobia are fond of saying: “Do you actually think there’s a group of people sitting around in a room plotting things?” For some reason that image is assumed to be so patently absurd as to invite only disclaimers. But where else would people of power get together – on park benches or carousels? Indeed, they meet in rooms: corporate boardrooms, Pentagon command rooms, at the Bohemian Grove, in the choice dining rooms at the best restaurants, resorts, hotels, and estates, in the many conference rooms at the White House, the NSA, the CIA, or wherever. And, yes, they consciously plot – though they call it “planning” and “strategizing” – and they do so in great secrecy, often resisting all efforts at public disclosure. No one confabulates and plans more than political and corporate elites and their hired specialists. To make the world safe for those who own it, politically active elements of the owning class have created a national security state that expends billions of dollars and enlists the efforts of vast numbers of people.’
I’d say the conspiracy theory most swallowed and spewed out by the left is that capitalism is evil. Freely-agreed trade to mutual advantage is evil? An inanimate system of trading is evil? Now that’s crazy.
The trading system is very much animate and the “freely agreed” part only applies to a seriously limited number at the top. Everyone else is dependent on these mysterious forces happening away in the aether above their heads. In fact – even then, the ones at the top have limited freedom since they are constrained by the inexorable law of profit maximization.
My response, that the left’s greatest conspiracy theory is that capitalism is evil was absurd because it is an inanimate system only, has disappeared. How depressing. Is this site turning into the Guardian?
Your response was not only plainly visible but I already responded to it. Look, NicS, if you’re going to lie, try to make it less obvious.
Are non-Americans also ‘people of power’ who meet, conspire and plot to maintain their control? You’ll be telling us next that these evil Americans are the creators and puppeteers of innocent leaders like Xi Jinpeng and his concentration camps.
Where did he say otherwise? Do you think everyone here lives only to demonize the American people (as distinct from the US Govt.)? Are the Rothschilds American? The Royals? The CCP? Yet they’re all élites, too.
Self styled “elites” (Fr. “chosen ones”). Actually plutocrats, autocrats and hereditary numpticrats like our Royals.
The old favourites are always the best.
Nice to see those concentration camps being recycled.
We could do with some human soap and human lamp shades as well, though.
You appear immune to conspiracy theories that the only evil guys in our world are American.
You appear unable to understand the quote of Michael Parenti
He understands it perfectly well and is simply exercising the old “divide and rule” manoeuvre.
Good … outed …
Mainly in fertile imaginations, of which there are many here; fertilizer storage explosions are quite straight forward. Enemies would not detonate this particular lot with hundreds of mini firework explosions.
By seeking a conspiracy behind everything, the real ones get diminished, something the FBI, CIA, MMS etc. love.
Yeh . but a Solar Cooker sould work quite well in Israel..basicaly it is just a box, largely covered in clear glass – and it cooks your food on the beach.
Heven’t you tried it yet – just think slow cooked lamb.
Everything except the line drawing , somehow got deleted as I pressed SEND.
It is a Solar Cooker
The Green Lobby quite Obviously did not like the Rest of what I wrote. that Solar Power was almost completely useless a Cooling Down a box covered with Solar Cells.
I thought that was Pretty Aggressive.
I spent 30 minutes writing it, and hadn’t even saved it to my computer, and they deleted the lot, before I pressed Send
Fuck You Sunshine
You were reading it as I was typing it.
can I have my words back?
Form History Control is an Addon to Firefox that will save your words.
But if you’re worried about other people reading what you type… it may be a security risk. It does not seem to save banking data or that kind of form entry. So far as I can see, it’s safe.
I think it’s more likely you accidentally deleted something or your computer glitched out than the ‘Green Lobby’ were real-time monitoring your keyboard. That’s getting a bit too Luke Harding. 🤨
ALWAYS make a copy of longer posts
Israel and the USA are utilizing soft target strategy for the ME going forward due to the fact that they don’t have the manpower or finance to take on China and Russian Federation. In brief, SARS-2-nCoV-19 is an intentionally deployed bioweapon that is precursor to thermonuclear world war three. Biological warfare has been waged to undermine the economy worldwide so that China cannot overcome the USA.
The Middle East is undergoing complete regime change in Iran, and Lebanon, as well as Venezuela. Cuba is even likely to be a target as well.
The USA and Israel have gone rogue since September 19th 2020 when the REPO market imploded resulting in the BlackRock Inc. takeover.
SARS-2-nCoV-19 was engineered and designed to destroy worldwide architecture. Hitting Lebanon with a small thermonuclear explosion is mere false flag to foment war in the ME resulting in Israeli takeover by means of stealth.
All regime change garnered by the CIA has the exact same playbook every time.
I’m sure Chinese communists agree with your every word here: “Biological warfare has been waged to undermine the economy worldwide so that China cannot overcome the USA.” But maybe choose ‘overtake’ rather than ‘overcome’? The first term is for peaceful competition, the second means conquer, which is very aggressive and militaristic, and we all know Chinese communists are very honest, good people. Careful now!
Utter conspiracy theory.
I worked with Dhiroo for several years a long time ago in Fulham at London Computing Centre (We didn’t realise at the time, that even then we were a lot better than Imperial College – which I now feel like spitting on as we Walk to The Royal Albert Hall to see eg Hawkwind 50th anniversary with my Wife and Ex..
Dhiroo, saved up all his overtime – and said no I don’t want to get paid for it…Is it O.K if I use all my holidays and time in lieu for the last two – and maybe a bit of next years, and take nearly 3 months off (We all knew he was going to come back) in fact I saw him in a new job, after we had all been fired…
He went off to Live in very remote part of India for a few months, where his family originally came from, though he was actually born in East Africa, and had never been to India where his family originally came from.
He was on the opposire shift to me most of the time, and he came back to London and told me what it was like…
When it hadn’t Rained for nearly 3 Years, and then it did whilst he was there.
Talk about Celebration Time
The Best High Anyone Could ever get
“We are Going To Live”
The Rain meant they weren’t going to Starve to Death, and may have enough food, when it grows to get through to 1995, when we all got fired again
It has been incredibly dry and hot here in South East England, so I am watering my Veg now. We are not going to be here, and can only hope for an occasional thunderstorm. We have got someone to come in and feed our cats and stroke them, but they do not like her Rottweiler.
I have taken almost everything out of the shed -its about 50 degrees Centigrade in there 35 Degrees Centigrade Outside It is very Hot for England. Hopefully it wil be cooler in Wales.
“Peter Gabriel – Red Rain”
Tony, mulching your crops and not digging your soil helps to retain water: wood chips are a great solution in arid areas: they absorb moisture in winter, then release it downwards into the soil, whilst protecting the moisture in the soil below from the summer sun’s rays.
I am starting to grow some tree-like plants solely to chop young branches with leaves off each year to put down to protect my soil.
There are also crops which survive longer bouts of dry weather well: these include carrots, parsnip, beetroot, spring onion, fruit trees, berry bushes (like raspberry, blackberry etc).
All in the SE should think carefully before applying the rules of vegetable growing in the wetter western parts of the UK to the hotter, drier SE of England.
E J Magniers take on the event:-
Just because the Western Media reports something does not mean the situation on the ground reflects that.
Many countries have sent immediate aid to Lebanon and I am sure that the Lebanese are far more interested in allying with such generous people than with murdering bombers from the USA.
Exactly Rhys. The Western Media(MSM) are the epitome of propaganda. The end point of discussion amongst all their slaved, hypnotized minions.
Propaganda in whose interests? Trump’s?
My response concerning who the MSM propaganda serves was deleted. What minion did that, I wonder?
“Murdering bombers from the USA”. What a slander, and zero evidence or reasons to substantiate it. So were these bombers sent by Orange Man Bad? And you mean individuals rather than aircraft, right? But not wearing suicide vests, presumably. I wonder: Do those Islamist guys who wear vests to blow up teenagers at rock shows also sicken you as much as those invisible Americans obviously do? How about the Chinese communists harvesting the organs of Uighur Muslims and Tibetans in concentration camps? If you don’t protest such non-American evil, with the mountains of evidence proving it to be real, is your moral compass maybe malfunctioning or jammed? Who or what fixed your pointer onto American people as evil?
My questions concerning whether you condemn murdering bombers who aren’t American and what evidence you use to make your accusation appear to have been deleted. Will I have to backup and repost, like I have to do at sites like Daily Express? Do Off-Guardian posters endorse the suppression of free speech, like the Graun does, and which posters here say they condemn?
If I were to say there is one country that has attacked Lebanon (most of its neighbours actually) with airstrikes as recently as 2015. That same country threatened to attack Lebanon’s infrastructure on the 31/07/2020 (Benny Gantz). How ignorant must one be to assume it couldn’t possibly of been them. Did Hezbollah have weapons stored under the warehouse, most likely. Did Israel find out, you bet lookup netenyahu’s UN speech 2018. He hold up a map of Beirut with 3 underground missile production sites marked near the airport. Did Israel expect that big a bang, maybe not but there is no reason for Hezbollah or Israel to tell us the truth. So swallow down the fake news narrative as the truth is too horrible to accept and the lie is so plausible it almost makes sense.
”How ignorant must one be to assume it couldn’t possibly of been them.”
That did what ?
Agree the “Ignorant” line was too much, apologies. It was certainly not aimed at anybody here.
”Yeh – I still think is was nuke – if some of the missiile shots may have been faked..”
How do you fake that ? And why do you think it was a nuke ?
”I have been trying to work out, when they do it to The City of London, where you would least expect it, if it is just about survivable, where we live, not that far from Headley Court in Surrey.”
When who do what and why ?
Just so you know, ‘under’ the warehouse was the Mediterranean Sea, it was a dock after all. Get a grip.
Mr Bishop are you aware of the underground chambers now? I suggest you research before jumping in. Are you also aware the Med is not under the dock, its close, but not under. Really unhelpful spreading misinformation, and inaccurate geography facts.
Could Hezbollah and Iranian funders have staged a false flag attack to destabilise Lebanon and seize control, do you think?
The real culprits, a certain shitty little country to the south, might try to claim that to cover up their own skulduggery. Standard projection.
From Benjy’s 2018 UN speech…
Yeh – I still think is was nuke – if some of the missiile shots may have been faked..
The thing that made me start thinking was the Radiation Graphs.. I wanted the Seizmics but when this kind of shit happens, you have got to act really fast, and ask questions, and I diddn’t ask until the next day
It might have been :Lebanon a few days ago..
I have been trying to work out, when they do it to The City of London, where you would least expect it, if it is just about survivable, where we live, not that far from Headley Court in Surrey. I have met at least one of our Young British Soldiers, minus at least one leg, in my local pub with his mum and dad.
I didnt let on. cos though I have two legs, my inherited muscualar disease can make me a bit slow to get up…
I invited this young soldier up to dance,,and he walked there completely normally.
No one would know, except me – cos we got on really well – he said it was shark attack
I introduced him to my wife
She could see us dancing together..
We all dance together (she didn’t know), so She just Danced With Him
It’s a good thing to do, when you get your legs blown off.
Such a Beautiful 26 year old Boy minus 1 leg.
The IED, did not do in his face just took off his leg
Nice Man.
so it turns out that when you volunteer to invade other people’s countries and kill millions of them, you can’t necessarily assume that the violence will always be entirely one-way. sadly, the hired killers for imperialism may occasionally experience a minute fraction of the death and bloodshed that they are delivering to the ungrateful natives.
well, what a surprise that is. who would have guessed it?
You seem to be channelling Soviet propagandists from the 1930s. Who are these ‘hired killers for imperialism’ please? Also, does Chinese communism also have hired killers and imperial intentions?