CCDH – The Centre For Cancel Culture And Digital Hypocrisy – Part 1
Iain Davis

The Center For Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) are a UK based organisation who have misspelled “centre” in their name. Perhaps they have opted for the U.S spelling in the hope of selling their peculiar brand of morally bankrupt censorship to the American propaganda market.
The Anti-Vaxx Industry, is a propaganda leaflet with two main objectives. The first is to create a false dichotomy in the public imagination and the second is to build a public-private censorship grid in anticipation of forthcoming government legislation. This is proposed to censor legitimate scientific opinion and evidence based debate on a wide range of issues the government and its corporate partners would rather silence. Including any questioning of vaccines.They insist that anyone who has any doubts about any vaccine rejects all vaccines outright. This isn’t true but the CCDH are censors and propagandists, not rationalists.
Comically, they claim they are a non-governmental organisation (NGO). While technically plausible, their network of links to government, globalist think tanks and private corporations is extensive.
The CCDH espouse the social reform and political philosophy of progressivism. This advocates alleged progress through the advancement of science, technology and economic development. In the UK this is commonly associated with the political movement found on the right wing of the Labour Party and is the dominant ideology of the Parliamentary Labour Party (PLP).
While still maintaining a putative commitment to representative democracy, it has much in common with the concept of Technocracy and, with the addition of a commitment to maintaining the global dominance of the transatlantic alliance, it is the basis of Blairism. It’s acolytes, such as the CCDH, consider themselves enlightened progressives. However, this sense of elitism produces an intolerance of all opposing views.
There is a strong tendency among progressives to label anything they disagree with as right wing and quite frequently far right or antisemitic. They call themselves radicals and whatever they deem not to be progressive they label as hate. Their language is merely a device used to promote division and create hatred among their followers for anyone or anything the doesn’t toe their progressive doctrine, including their own fellow party members.
Though they see themselves as left wing, there is very little within the progressive movement that could be described as being on the political left. Progressivism has far more in common with the modern centre and centre left of the Conservative Party and there is considerable agreement and ideological overlap between the two.
While falsely claiming a position on the left of the political spectrum, their neoliberalism is far from the traditional socialist values of the social democrats who form the rank and file of the Labour Party membership.
In the modern cancel culture we passively allow to flourish, with it’s deplatforming, demonetisation, censorship and refusal to engage in either critical thought or debate, the word “Fascist” is overused and frequently misused. Its linguistic power, as a stark historical warning to us all, is being lost in the mire of progressive banality. So it is worth considering what we really mean when we say “fascist”.
In 1935 in The Doctrine of Fascism the Italian dictator Benito Mussolini wrote:
The Fascist conception of the State is all-embracing; outside of it no human or spiritual values can exist, much less have value. Thus understood, Fascism is totalitarian.”
The Fascist State ……makes its action felt throughout the length and breadth of the country by means of its corporate, social, and educational institutions, and all the political, economic, and spiritual forces of the nation, organised in their respective associations, circulate within the State.”
And in Fascism: Doctrine and Institutions he said:
The corporate State considers that private enterprise in the sphere of production is the most effective and useful instrument in the interest of the nation. In view of the fact that private organisation of production is a function of national concern, the organiser of the enterprise is responsible to the State for the direction given to production.”
A Fascist State is a totalitarian public-private partnership where all policy, speech and expression, economic activity and production is controlled via a beneficial arrangement between government and a network of non governmental organisations such as Unions, think tanks, private corporations and “official” charities.
The individual is removed from all decision making because elections are either banned or meaningless, and those who make policy decisions aren’t elected anyway. They form a technocratic elite. There is no diversity of opinion and all information is controlled by the Fascist State.
Any dissent or questioning of the doctrines of the State is considered to be disinformation and is censored. The Fascist State attempts to control opinion through propaganda, censorship and punishment. With the assistance of censor organisations and propagandists, like the CCDH, such a State is currently under construction in the UK.
Anyone who promotes this form of corporate state, who advocates the corporate censorship of information and decrees that the only source of truth is the public-private State and its representatives; those who propose that the free exchange of ideas, freedom of speech and expression be limited by this corporate State; people who call for those who question the “official” truth to be punished, ostracised or identified as “other” can accurately be described as Fascists.
In modern terms, with the degree of control made possible by the rapid evolution of communication technology, we could refer to them as Technofascists. Thus understood, the Technofascist seeks to seize control of the information highway (the Internet) in order to advance their own scientific, technological, economic and historical truths while excluding all others. They will not tolerate any challenge to their progressive ideology.
CCDH Propaganda
CCDH vaccine propaganda is focused upon polarising opinion. This fake division is created through CCDH disinformation. Like many propagandists before them, they deal in inaccurate, empty generalisations. They hope to convince their consumers that anyone who ever questions a vaccine must be a nutter. The same dross was recently promulgated the UK Conservative Prime Minister.
By misleading people that there is no scientific basis for some vaccine scepticism, nor any legitimate concerns about vaccine safety and efficacy, the CCDH are creating fake social divisions in the hope of building real ones. In order to achieve this aim, the CCDH assert that anyone who asks any questions about vaccines is driven by hate and is therefore an extremist who threatens public health, ultimately posing a threat to national security.
They are creating the ludicrous, fake bogeyman of the public health terrorist. The alleged anti-vaxxer as subhuman, a vile, hateful extremist. They are “other.”
The CCDH propaganda narrative on vaccines is part of a wider slew of nonsense which underpins government efforts to censor the internet and freedom of speech. In the UK we were due to get our first clear sight of the legislative censorship grid with the arrival of the Online Harms Bill.
However, it appears there is a delay in the legislation.
In Part 2 we will discuss the CCHD’s links to government, think tanks and parliamentarians, but it is notable that it is the Labour front benches who are among the most eager to censor freedom of speech. Although petty political point scoring is also a likely factor contributing to their outcry.
The Online Harms Reduction Regulator (Report) Bill sets forth the envisaged role of the regulator who will be empowered to police the Internet, if and when the Online Harms Act comes into force. OFCOM have been selected as the regulator of online service operators which the proposed legislation defines as any Internet service or platform enabling human beings to communicate or exchange ideas. This includes web hosts, because they host websites which have comment sections and forums.
The scope of the proposed censorship grid is limitless. OFCOM will have a the power to regulate, “any other harms that OFCOM deem appropriate.”
In the meantime, the CCDH are part of the network of so called fact checkers and censors who are using their incredible and seemingly disproportionate influence, suddenly garnered from nowhere, to police opinion on the social media platforms. We will explore how this occurred in more detail in Part 2.
The White Paper, which the Act will be based upon, clearly identifies any and all criticism of vaccines as a target for the censorship network:
Inaccurate information, regardless of intent, can be harmful – for example the spread of inaccurate anti-vaccination messaging online poses a risk to public health. The government is particularly worried about disinformation……Disinformation threatens these values and principles, and can threaten public safety, undermine national security, fracture community cohesion and reduce trust”
Like the government, the CCDH are careful not to mention any of the scientific or historical evidence which questions vaccine efficacy and safety. Instead, they label all who do cite this evidence as radical extremists.
The opening statement in the CCDH’s vaccine propaganda claims:
Vaccines are one of the most consequential, safe, efficient and effective medical discoveries in history. Few other inventions have saved so many lives.”
While it is true that some vaccines have been beneficial in the eradication of disease, there is little evidence that vaccines alone have achieved this. The vast majority of the reduction in mortality rates occurred as a result of broader public health improvements, prior to the widespread use of vaccines.

While the CCDH blithely claim all vaccines are “safe,” they are the only medical discovery where the manufacturers have blanket indemnification against any loss from injury claims. It is not an act of “hate” to ask why this needs to be the case if they are so safe.
The CCDH state that anyone who asks such questions has fringe and extremist views. They claim consideration of vaccine safety and efficacy should not be permitted and sharing any information or evidence which questions vaccines should be banned. For example, they deny people’s right to know any of the information we are about to discuss. They claim it is all hate driven disinformation which presents a threat to national security.
When trialling a vaccine, inoculated animal test subjects can be deliberately exposed to the targeted virus in a challenge trial. The results from challenge trials have blighted all previous attempts to develop a SARS-CoV vaccine.
While the test subjects developed the hoped for antibodies and proteins, when they were challenged with the virus their immune systems were found to be hypersensitive. This induced life threatening illness and caused a range of serious health conditions.
The interferon gamma (IFN-y) induced protein IP10, encoded in humans by the CXCL10 gene, is thought to be a possible cause of the cytokine storm which leads to Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS). Persistent high levels of IP10 send the immune system into overdrive. Much of the immunopathological damage sustained by a small minority of SARS infected patients is thought to arise as a consequence of interferon gamma (IFN-y) related cytokine storms. Italian researchers noted:
Accumulating studies indicated that the cytokine storm caused by SARS is mainly related to IL-1β, IL-6, IL12A, IFN-γ, IP10 and MCP1, and the cytokine storm caused by MERS is mainly related to IFNγ, TNFα, IL15 and IL17A.”
It is therefore somewhat concerning that during the challenge trials for the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 (AZD1222 SARS-CoV-2) vaccine, currently being developed in by Atrazeneca and Oxford University, the following was noted:
Cytokines in serum were analysed after challenge to monitor immune responses. We observed an upregulation [increased cellular response] in IFN-γ at 1 DPI in ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccinated animals, but not in control animals.”
While an upregulation in IFN-y potentially has both beneficial and harmful inflammatory effects, we don’t know what the long term IP10 (CXCL10) levels for inoculated test subjects were because it wasn’t investigated in the vaccine trials. However, an upregulation in IFN-y suggests the possibility of the overexpression of the potentially lethal cytokine storm inducing CXCL10.
The ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 study only checked IFN-y upregulation for one day post inoculation (1 DPI). Then again, this really isn’t of any concern for the multinational corporations, like Astrazeneca, who make vaccines. As usual, they have been given immunity from prosecution. They have no liability for vaccine injury, and therefore have everything to gain and absolutely nothing to lose.

Having found these results in all of the 6 macaque monkeys they inoculated, the Astrazeneca Oxford team felt this was nothing to worry about and went ahead with large scale human trials. The results of these trials raised further reason for concern.
Contrary to the claims made by the mainstream media (MSM), this was not a randomised double blind placebo controlled trial (RCT). Instead of an inert placebo, the human test subjects were either given the Astrazeneca / Oxford vaccine or the MenACWY vaccine.
The possible side effects of the MenACWY vaccine include headaches, nausea, fever, elevated heart rate, loss of consciousness, paralysis and seizures. Using the MenACWY vaccine as your control, to measure relative safety, will probably provide a favourable safety profile providing the recipient of your new vaccine doesn’t immediately drop dead the moment you inoculate them.
The people who were selected for the Astrazeneca / Oxford Phase 1 and initial Phase 2 trial were all in good health and aged between 18 – 55 years. The median age of the participants was 35 yrs. The average age for those requiring COVID 19 hospital treatment is at least 60 years.
COVID 19 risks increase appreciably with age. In the UK, more than 89% of those who have died “with” COVID 19 were over 65 years old.
The UK government have announced their intention to initially vaccinate those in the at risk group and front line key workers. These are primarily older people with serious comorbidity.
With the exception of younger key workers, the initial phases of the trials didn’t test the vaccine with the demographic who will be the first to receive it. While the trials have now been expanded to include some older people and children, early results indicate the need for considerable caution.
Of the vaccinated group 70% reported fatigue, 68% headaches, 60% had muscle pain and more than 50% ran a fever. In addition, 9% reported temperatures of at least 38°C and an alarming 1% reported a high fever of more than 39°C.
While researchers stated that these adverse reaction were “well tolerated,” by the relatively young and healthy test subjects, the same cannot simply be assumed for older at risk groups.
These adverse reactions present a far greater health risk to the most vulnerable in society. The demographic which the vaccine is supposed to protect.
These early trial outcomes have been met with universal, uncritical praise by the UK MSM because the Astrazeneca / Oxford vaccine did stimulate an immune response. However, evidence is now emerging that up to 60% of the population may already have general immunity. If this is the case, the relative benefit to vulnerable people, in light of the adverse reactions, would appear questionable.
According to the CCDH none of these concerns have any basis in either fact or science. By urging the precautionary principle, I am one among millions labelled as a radical extremists by the CCDH.
CCDH Fact Lite Claptrap
The CCDH state that SARS-CoV-2 is:
…a pandemic that will only be overcome by the most ambitious vaccination programme in human history.”
This is not a fact. It is merely the CCDH’s opinion. One that ignores the scientific evidence which shows that people who have already been exposed to other coronavirus strains, which is pretty much the entire population, have developed some level of T-Cell immunity to SARS-CoV-2.
However, unlike the CCDH, I think they have every right to express their opinion. Just as I and millions of others have every right to express ours.
In a free and open democratic society, that values freedom of speech and expression, the dialectic can be used to exchange logical arguments to arrive at new knowledge and understanding. This is not possible in Technofascist State. Opinions are censored to protect the interests of the public-private partnership.
Like most good propaganda there are elements of truth within the CCDH’s report. They quite rightly highlight that some leading so called anti-vaxxers are trying to make money from the growing number of people who question vaccines. While paywall protected content and internet marketing on social media are perfectly legitimate business models, we should be more sceptical of claims made by those who have a vested commercial interest. Like pharmaceutical corporations for example.
Central to the CCDH’s vaccine propaganda is their questionable estimate of the profits made by some who doubt vaccines. They claim this is evidence that all who have concerns about vaccines are quacks and charlatans.
The CCDH allege that the worst offenders leverage economic influence with social media giants to “radicalise” gullible fools into becoming hate filled “extremists.” This premise is fundamentally flawed for a number of reasons.
Firstly, if we agree with the CCDH that possible financial incentives render all associated opinion on a subject null and void, we can reject the majority of pro vaccine arguments outright. The pharmaceutical industry’s U.S. social media ad-spend is projected to exceed $4 Bn in 2020.
In the U.S. alone, they invest more than $30 Bn annually on MSM advertising and devote more resources to political lobbying than any other industry.
However, while the CCDH insist that the paltry sums generated by the alleged anti-vaxxer fraudsters exposes their racket, it makes no mention at all of the staggering economic power of vaccine manufacturers. The profits to be made from the estimated $46.9 Bn global vaccine market, conservatively projected to eclipse £107 Bn by 2027, are completely irrelevant. Or so the CCDH would have you believe.
While good propaganda contains elements of truth, it is mainly disinformation. The CCDH make the following claim:
The format of groups makes their members ripe for the process of radicalisation…These secret spaces allow for deeper radicalisation.”
This is unadulterated pseudo-scientific claptrap. According to the Cambridge English dictionary “radicalisation” is defined as follows:
The action or process of making someone become more radical in their political or religious beliefs”
Questioning the efficacy and safety of vaccines is a public health issue, neither a political nor a religious belief. The CCDH use of the word “radicalisation” is nothing other than a cynical attempt to associate people who have some concerns about pharmaceuticals with extremism and ultimately terrorism.
This is deliberately deceptive language from the CCDH. Even if we accept their preposterous notion that asking questions about a drug can ever be “extremist”, there is absolutely no evidence at all that individuals can be radicalised simply by talking to people online.
The most complete scientific review of the research literature into supposed online radicalisation was carried out by a team at Deakin University. They found no evidence that using Facebook, Twitter or Instagram turned people into extremists.
The former U.N. Special Rapporteur Ben Emmerson issued a report to the U.N. in which he said:
There is no authoritative statistical data on the pathways towards individual radicalisation.”
CCDH Take Hypocrisy To A New Level
In the space of a few months the CCDH have been instrumental in censoring a number of leading websites, writers and broadcasters they don’t agree with. The technofascist book burning presents a far greater threat to our “way of life” than any of the information they have been instrumental in censoring.
Cited as “experts” by the mainstream media and policy makers, their CEO Imran Ahmed has recently been appointed to the Steering Committee of the UK government’s Commission on Countering Extremism Task Force (CCETF).
The assumed role, backed by the public-private corporate State, of the CCETF, and the CCDH, is that they will gather the evidence of “hateful” opinion. Their subjective judgement will then be used to form policy and censor information.
The UK government’s Commission on Countering Extremism (CCE) 2019 Document called Challenging Hateful Extremism defined, what they call, hateful extremism as follows:
- Behaviours that can incite and amplify hate, or engage in persistent hatred, or equivocate about and make the moral case for violence;
- And that draw on hateful, hostile or supremacist beliefs directed at an out-group who are perceived as a threat to the wellbeing, survival or success of an in-group;
- And that cause, or are likely to cause, harm to individuals, communities or wider society.
In her forward to the report, the CCE lead commissioner Sara Khan noted:
There is a fear that countering extremism can undermine civil liberties and in particular, freedom of expression……. Authoritarian regimes have used ‘counter terrorism’ and ‘counter extremism’ to silence dissent and criticism. Hateful extremists seek to restrict individual liberties and curtail the fundamental freedoms that define our country.”
In Britain our national identity is, in great part, founded upon our shared belief in fundamental freedoms. These were recorded as the custom of the people in our written, codified constitution the Magna Carta.
Parliamentarians have done everything they possibly can to deny the existence of this codified written constitution for 800 years. They falsely claim the supremacy of Parliament and have unnecessarily re-written their version of our constitutionally guaranteed unalienable rights and freedoms in, among other declarations and Acts, the 1998 Human Rights Act.
These rights and freedoms include freedom of expression (eg. freedom of speech and publication both online and off), the right to a fair trial, freedom of thought and belief, freedom of assembly and association, respect for privacy (including of information) and protection from discrimination in respect to these rights.
Unlike an inviolable constitution, like the Magna Carta, legislation is simply a set of rules written by governments. It means nothing. Legislation can be rewritten, overturned or ignored as any government of the day sees fit.
For example, the recent 2020 Coronavirus Act not only suspends all alleged democracy, it removes the freedom of association, the right of physical and data privacy and reinforces existing powers of detention without trial.
Clauses about national security and public health in the 1998 Human Right’s Act, enable government to claim the authority to ignore all our rights. Any government’s legislative protections of our freedoms and rights aren’t worth the paper they are written on.
If we truly valued our constitutional customs, freedoms and rights this wouldn’t be possible. However, we don’t and so government can do anything they like to us anytime they wish. Nonetheless, these so called freedoms and rights are supposedly important to the self appointed truth tellers at the CCE, its Task Force and the CCDH.
These pretensions to care about rights and freedom take hypocrisy to a new level. CCDH state:
CCDH have also forced social media companies to…..remove hateful or dangerous speech…….solutions have proven effective against a number of different types of hate and misinformation, like identity-based hate, climate change denial and health misinformation. The aim is to produce practicable, efficient and scalable strategies and tactics to counter hate and misinformation globally.”
The CCDH and their global partners determine what constitutes misinformation and disinformation; they identify who is and who isn’t a fringe movement; they say what constitutes hate and what doesn’t; they decide what the scientific consensus is and they are the arbiters of all truth, the sole custodians of reality and they determine what you can or cannot say. Rights and freedoms be damned.
The CCDH are among those who seek to restrict individual liberties and curtail the fundamental freedoms that define our country; they espouse supremacist beliefs, as only they, and the burgeoning technofascist State they represent, can ever possibly be right; they direct their hate at an out-group, in this instance anyone who questions vaccines; they perceive the groups they hate as a threat to the wellbeing, survival or success of an in-group, that in-group is the government and its globalist corporate sponsors; their dangerous demonisation of people, their intolerance, deceptions, persecution and censorship already has and will cause harm to individuals, communities or wider society and in their leader, Imran Ahmed , they advocate imprisonment for those he labels anti-vaxxers, which is an act of violence.
If we accept the Commission on Countering Extremism definition then the CCDH, and associated State committees, are “hateful extremists.” But what purpose do such counterproductive and irrational labels have?
Everyone, including the CCE and the CCDH, have the right to express their views and partake in robust and open debate. However, the CCDH supremacist beliefs render them incapable of doing so, as they cannot tolerate anything which contradicts or challenges their ideology and objectives.
By looking at the sprawling web of policy makers, thinks tanks and corporate interests, which form the in-group the CCDH represent, we can reveal exactly who these supremacists are. With the willing complicity of this dangerous body we call government, absent any democratic mandate, the CCDH have already assumed authority and are systematically removing our freedoms while ignoring our rights.
We need to familiarise ourselves with these people who claim exclusive possession of all truth. We are heading towards a real Fascist State and, in Part 2, we’ll take a look at some of those who are taking us there.
You can read more of Iain’s work at his blog In This Together
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Davis is a Jew, kill him
Troll alert. “argentine” just posted “Ahmed is a Jew, kill him” on part 2 of this article. Thus trying to divert attention for the sake of applying the “anti-Semitism” card.
FFS! Off-Guardian. Remove the comment by Argentine.
There is no way to flag comments.
Not sure I approve of the way the guy in the photo’s bike’s been carelessly leaned against that hedge.
After all…Black Bikes Matter!
“A human rights activist from Belarus has claimed the security forces once threatened to kidnap her son when he was a month old.”
It happens in the UK too. In 2013 a writer – with his own website – wrote articles about the false flags. He did an excellent job of showing the incident in London was one such drama with ‘crisis’ actors and a dummy for a dead body. His local police force, on behalf of their masters targeted him. One of the things they did to him (amongst many other things) was to threaten to take his baby grandchild into care. His adult daughter and her child lived with him at this time. The local council and social services involved due to the lies of the police. Luckily authority did not succeed with taking the child, but they did other things to this writer, including a court case, witnesses did not appear, written statements only. The witnesses did not exist in the names they used in their roles as crisis actors.
The writer still has his website, targeted constantly by the powers that be.
You got the link please?
I agree that the bombing was staged and a psyop. Once again, it was interrupting a so called ‘drill’ that was already underway. It was a cover up and the Brazilian who was pumped full of bullets later by the SAS is evidence of something that stinks. But the guy you’re talking about brings a lot of crap he gets on himself with his over the top swearing and accusations. I’d also say that his attempts at photo analysis to expose crisis actors is often embarrassing.
He spoils his writing and the points he makes with trying to sound like a 1970s skinhead in a middle aged man’s body.he actually gives others who pursue truth and a way to expose it a bad name and plays right into the hands of dickheads like Ahmed.
I wasn’t talking about a bombing in the particular incident I was referring to above. I didn’t mention the actual incident as the writer cannot mention it now due to restrictions, and I’m not sure whether his readers can refer to it elsewhere. We cannot mention it on his website. It did not involve a Brazilian guy, or the tube and a bus. The Brazilian guy was the fall guy in that case.
In the case I am referring to the ‘victim’ did not actually exist as the person he was portrayed as, in fact the ‘victim’ did not exist. His ‘family’ were played by crisis actors. It took place in 2013 in London and involved one ‘victim’.
As for the writer’s skills in photo analysis, they are excellent. I agree he sometimes is a little ‘over the top’ in comparing one person to another. Are you saying that he deserves to be punished by the powers that be, even though he has done nothing wrong and broken no laws? Punished because some people may see him as a little eccentric, or punished because he can see the truth and spells it out to others?
”. Are you saying that he deserves to be punished by the powers that be, even though he has done nothing wrong and broken no laws? Punished because some people may see him as a little eccentric, or punished because he can see the truth and spells it out to others?”
I don’t think anyone should be arrested or persecuted or harassed by the police. If they break the law then yes.If they haven’t, and they aren’t then no. And if anyone is arrested or publicly accused of committing a crime when he hasn’t, then he has the opportunity, and in this case proof, that the police have harassed him and defamed his character.It also stands for the powers that be.They should be made to prove that the culprit has passed on lies or broken a law.
The man you’re talking about says the bombing was fake and a psyop and crisis actors were involved. In the Lee Rigby case he said it was faked, as was the existence of Lee Rigby, and that crisis actors were used.When Jo Cox was stabbed to death on the street he said it was faked and that crisis actors were used.
With each incident, he posted photographs that were alleging to show crisis actors.There are ‘similarities in the ear shape’ and so on. I don’t know you, you don’t know me.But I bet our ears are of a similar shape…
If he’s going to plaster that on a website as accusations and claim he’s exposing the truth, he has to provide evidence of his truth and of the official narrative being lies. In the three incidents we’re talking about here , people were never seen again as they were killed.They left loved ones behind to deal with it.Making accusations and bizarre photo analyses is just trying to court controversy. Didn’t he do the same with the Manchester Bombing of the Ariana Grande concert too ? Photographs of victims who survived were feigning injuries and pretending to have prosthetic digits etc, and those limping were doing so for a camera ?
His house was raided by melodramatic police about 10 years ago. He or a family ,member filmed it.He displayed it on his site as though it was proof that the authorities found his exposures ‘dangerous’.He became the self proclaimed underground rebel. In his house anyway.
He can write if he wants.And he chases some good causes.If he reels it in and grows up he’ll get a bigger audience.Nobody wants mad rants in their face.He won’t sell many tee shirts and mugs that way.
‘In the three incidents we’re talking about here’ quotation from your comment above. I only mentioned one incident in my comment re: the threat of having a child removed. I am not talking about three incidents, only you are.
‘Nobody wants mad rants in their face.’ quotation from your comment above. The writer I was talking about has not performed any mad rants in anyone’s face – he is writing on a website. The readers chose to connect to his website. If they don’t like what he writes they don’t have to link to his website. It sounds to me as if you don’t like what Chris writes. So why are you looking at his website and reading it?
. ”It sounds to me as if you don’t like what Chris writes. So why are you looking at his website and reading it?”
You’ll notice that the incidents / psyops / stories i cited are years old.That was when i read it, went through the other stuff, and drew my conclusions.
I’ve looked at a lot of sites that claim to be ‘alt’ and wanting to expose the truth.It takes a lot of sifting before you end up with a select few. If you don’t look you don’t know. I maintain that if he can write- which i believe he can- and he wants to expose the mainstream BS, then he should. But to over sensationalise and use over the top language for effect and shock value he’s shooting himself in the foot. The photo analyses made a lot of people walk away because, like most others with little photo programmes, they look forced.If you have to work that hard to sell an idea and opinion the opinion is weak. Evidence, names, sources- they’re different.
With so much censoring and so many shills getting in amongst truthers to derail the cause, credibility and integrity are all important. If we want loud noises and shocks we know where Alex Jones went.He can stay there.
This is not Fascism any more than it’s communism, capitalism, or whatever way which people have been ruling over others. It’s Totalitarianism and it really always has been. Have there been periods of abatement? Sure but it was biding its time til the technology caught up.
There is no correlation to what’s about to happen unless you look to science fiction.
Let’s face it, the internet was a complete trap. Coupled with portable computers (mobile phones) we were baited and fell for it. If this were 20 years ago it couldn’t have happened. I fear only Divine Intervention will prevent the inevitable technocracy.
So argue among yourselves over politics or strategies or whatever. It’s too late for that don’t you think? Will there be some smoking gun of info that will suddenly get everyone to think rationally? Is there a political hero coming in to save the day? A martyr who will rally the people? A revolution? If it hasn’t happened yet, it’s not gonna!
I think part of this plan is to so overwhelm us that we’re completely demoralized. We’re grieving the loss of what we thought we had. We fear the future and probably rightly so. We’re angry at people we thought could think. We’re in despair. We grasp at nuggets of info confirming why we should be upset while watching pod people succumb to raw evil. It’s nothing new, we’re just not used to it at this level. I suggest we carefully contemplate solutions that can realistically make a difference in our sphere of influence and where we will honestly draw our line in the sand. Not because it will change the outcome but so we hold our head up as free individuals.
“Then again, this really isn’t of any concern for the multinational corporations, like Astrazeneca, who make vaccines. As usual, they have been given immunity from prosecution. They have no liability for vaccine injury, and therefore have everything to gain and absolutely nothing to lose.”
This is the most significant point–we’re all at the mercy of billion dollar pharmaceutical companies whose first objective is profit.
“The United States Supreme Court reached a decision, concluding that federal law protects vaccine makers from product-liability lawsuits that are filed in state courts and seek damages for injuries or death attributed to a vaccine.
In the 57-page opinion written by Justice Antonin Scalia, the Supreme Court explained that the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (NCVIA or Act) preempts all design-defect claims against vaccine manufacturers brought by plaintiffs seeking compensation for injury or death caused by a vaccine side effects.
The Court’s 6-2 decision reasoned that “a vaccine side effect could always have been avoidable by use of a different vaccine not containing the harmful element. The language of the [NCVIA] thus suggests the design is not subject to question in a tort action. What the statute establishes as a complete defense must be unavoidability (given safe manufacture and warning) with respect to the particular design.
The family that brought the lawsuit against Wyeth (now Pfizer) argued that their daughter suffered seizures as an infant after her third dose of a diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis, or DTP vaccine in 1992. They also stated that she had serious developmental delay caused by the DTP vaccine, and that a safer alternative had been available but not made available. Eventually, the vaccine was taken off the market in 1998 and replaced.
Pfizer argued that a Supreme Court ruling in favor of the family would have sparked countless lawsuits, including some claiming links to autism, and threatened the supply of childhood vaccines.”
Now that’s a pretty stunning ruling– the Supreme Court reasoned “a vaccine’s side effect could always have been avoidable by use of a different vaccine not containing the harmful element.” Gee wiz, so when you roll up your sleeve and get injected with a substance causing an untoward reaction it’s not the pharmaceutical company’s fault you were just unlucky and unfortunately were injected with a substance from a bad batch. Other than that, you have nothing to worry about—next in line………..×2048
What are you worrying about?
Vaccines are SAFE.
Well, ok, maybe the odd one isn’t, like Thalidomide.
Or the Gulf War vaccine.
Or some of Billy Gates’s less successful efforts in India
But don’t worry about any of that, unless you’re a hate speech anti vaxxer.
Luckily we’ve got Newsguard and Zuckerberg and Luke Harding to weed out all these miscreants.
Certainly puts my mind at rest.
You forgot Opioids advertised as non-addictive, but in the US is responsible for 70,000 deaths each year.
“ Vaccines are SAFE.
Well, ok, maybe the odd one isn’t, like Thalidomide. “
FAKE FACT from paul.
Thalidomide was a sedative used to treat morning sickness in early pregnancy- which ended up causing deformities in the babies.
Not therefore a ‘vaccine’.
As a drug it seems to have been effective since in treatment of some diseases but isn’t prescribed much – probably as it is out of patent!
Glad to be of service, Paul.
And what about the other ones he sited? All good right— soooooo your point is what? that both allopathic drugs AND vaccine kill and maim? Your right!
Well said– ahhhh how people forget…
I wonder how many judges took the pharma envelope beforehand. It smells like a Warren Report.
The worst part for me is that their rationalising it by saying basically ”if you get financially compensated, then thousands more will have to be as well so tough”. It’s indirectly conceding that the vaccine had damaged en masse..
A great example of placing capitalism and greed above the sanctity of life.
Yep, they’re afraid thousands will
sue for damages.
“The CDC and FDA established The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System in 1990. The goal of VAERS, according to the CDC, is “to detect possible signals of adverse events associated with vaccines.” (A signal in this case is evidence of a possible adverse event that emerges in the data collected.) About 30,000 events are reported each year to VAERS.
Between 10% and 15% of these reports describe serious medical events that result in hospitalization, life-threatening illness, disability, or death.”
Aug 12, 2020 6:26 PM
Awaiting for approval
Covid will last until the 3rd of November and the US election, the fix is in, the US is converting into a dictatorship from that date and the Covid scare will lock down the population to prevent a civil war.
European states should detain all US personal in their capitals until it becomes clear who is in power, to prevent CIA operations in Europe. The US could decay into a civil war following the loss of the world reserve currency.
I think you will find it’s going to be all UN member states. The UN have been increasing their power for decades. First through non binding agreements Agenda 21. Then binding agreements through Agenda 2030. We are all screwed.
Christ…Do you know what the UN is?….have you any idea how stupid what you said is.
The UN is a meeting room for foreign diplomats from 180 odd countries. It has no opinion, it has no autonomy, it has no power. Keep away from geopolitics, you have no idea what you are talking about.
I don’t claim to be an expert but have done a lot of research over the last twenty years, sufficient to form a view which I am happy to defend along with your right to disagree.
I know exactly who the UN are.
The 193 nations that make up the UN do reach agreements between the leaders of those nations. Those agreements are then presented as “recommendations” which each country follows, regardless of which Party you vote for.
The WHO is an agency of the UN. The WHO Director General is also worthy of scrutiny not least for his actions in a leading role of the TPLF. Also because of Dr. Ghebreyesus leadership incompetency, Ethiopia was affected by Cholera almost every year during his tenure and actually his refusal to declare an epidemic actually caused the disease to be disseminated throughout the country. His character can also be gauged by his idea to put Robert Mugabe forward for a Nobel Peace Prize!! Could we wish for a better leader of the WHO??
May I suggest you do some research into the Club of Rome..
” his refusal to declare an epidemic actually caused the disease to be disseminated throughout the country. His character can also be gauged by his idea to put Robert Mugabe forward for a Nobel Peace Prize!! Could we wish for a better leader of the WHO??”
Actually, you’ve just described the perfect set of ticked boxes that the actual leader of the WHO would be impressed by.That being nihilist and eugenicist, Bill Gates.
Gates is the WHO biggest financial supporter. It’s his blood running through it’s veins.Dr Ghebreyesus just dances when Bill throws his loose change.Like every other sponsored ventriloquist dummy he pays in varying institutions.
You got it one.
If you would like to know more about his “qualities” and suitability for the task his master has set (namely saving humanity by reducing world population) you should read this report by the Amhara Professionals Union Research Department produced in April 2017.
Unless people wake up before this winters flu season, which is unlikely given the tight control of the media, there is little chance we can avoid this. As I said in my earlier post, we are all screwed.
Thanks Carla. That, along with Robert Kennedy’s organisation ( PDF is available on that too) should be circulating non stop until people wake up and stop being stupid ( i can’t spell sheeple any more)
This post from Frances Leader is beginning to become a reality.
Pretty much does. It also- coincidentally- marries up exactly to the dates set for the rubber stamp that will render the human race, and freedom as a memory. As history. Something to be wiped from the global hard drive and collective memory.The books will go as well.It will be like we were never here.
A New World Order would never work today. We can think and feel and reason.So the race needs to be gone.Only a fraction left. And that fraction will be Robots made of flesh with dead eyes and minds.
Step one is technology ( nano ) and medicine ( vax). Step 2 is waiting( suffering). Step 3 is rescuing us with more technology and medicine( as above). They call it the ‘morphing’ of the amazing new religion , AI, and the old religion of humanity. ‘The best of both worlds’ will be the sales pitch. In reality,it’s the biggest and, most savage, virulent Trojan Horse that , through the well named ‘Gates’, the Nazi’s achieved by setting up in America as the CIA. Microsoft was and is theirs. And 2030 is lights out.
LOL!!! Do you know what the UN is– clearly not– wow! either you are a badly programmed bot or just……
Covid will last until the 3rd of November and the US election, the fix is in, the US is converting into a dictatorship from that date and the Covid scare will lock down the population to prevent a civil war.
European states should detain all US personal in their capitals until it becomes clear who is in power, to prevent CIA operations in Europe. The US could decay into a civil war following the loss of the world reserve currency.
The ideological fascism of the west was a direct creation of Roman Imperial state and its XX century reincarnations in a state form, symbols and fascist paraphernalia was directly drawn from Ancient Rome where fascisms was equated to civilizational revolution toward social progress similar propaganda angle to that of Stalinism.
And in fact 20th century fascism was reincarnated by global oligarchy specifically to fight Bolshevik revolution in the midst of collapsing European imperial order. inspiring other revolutions all over the globe including massive class struggle in US before and after WWI.
Shocking ignorance demonstrate those who think that Fascism and fascist political and capitalism based socioeconomic ideology including politicizing medicine and science is somehow alien or contradictory to methods used by American ruling elites since inception of US.
Ideology of fascism is bread and butter of American economic and political system.
Best example to illustrate the case is Benito Mussolini former socialist from PSI dissolutioned by its bourgeois social-democratic bent dominating Second International, effectively abandoning interests of working class and peasantry in Italy serving bourgeoisie and petty bourgeois instead.
The typically raise of Nazism in Germany was blamed on results of catastrophic German loss of WWI, political,chaos, mass national humiliation and dissolution about Weimar Republic expressed by revolutions, western interventions, loss of national cohesion and political structure by losing territories in the east and west as well some German colonies , rampant corruption, crippling war reparations and series of depressions, unprecedented until then hyperinflation, all culminating in 1929-33 Greatest economic depression far exceeding that of US with local famines massive poverty and unemployment and other deep social consequences including pandemic making German desperate for safety, economic security, law and order and for jobs resulting from steady economic growth. But that was no reason for people to allegedly turning to fascism as supposedly appealing ideology. They did not spontaneously accept or delude themselves to accept such repulsive Nazi ideology.
They were subjected to preplanned comprehensive psychological warfare as we are today.
The raise of fascism in Italy did not fit German pattern as supposed natural process as Italy emerged tired but victorious from WWI, industrially developed, quite prosperous, among ruling class and bourgeoise.
Raise of fascism and massive support from people in Italy was from the start, not a natural social development but orchestrated political project run and massively supported by ..guess who? US oligarchic elites countering threat of Bolshevik, Sapartacist and other ongoing revolutions in Hungary Germany, Finland etc.
The Split of PSI in 1920 into core PSI, PCI run by Togliatti and Gramsci backed by triumphant Bolsheviks and FdC (fascists) lead by former socialist Mussolini backed by local industrialists and American anti-Bolshevik forces funded by Wall Street .
To counter Bolsheviks, Fascists adopted many of their ideas and twisted them into populist bent targeting workers and peasants away from ideas of self governed socialism into idea of state capitalism supposedly explicitly run for benefit not only elites but of entire population in unity as a nation.
They proposed “national socialism” to lure population with popular elements of socialism, welfare, healthcare, free education and full employment to the trap of autocratic dictatorship of rampant nationalism and hence clandestine exclusionism inside and outside the country.
In a way they proposed phony substitute for classless society, aimed at Ideological attack on Bolshevism, with supposed unity of rich and poor for good of abstract concept of nation, something that Americanism shares.
The peculiarity of fascism [and Americanism] is that it preaches unity of a nation namely 99% +1% all-together as one, applies segregation, alienation under guise of warm inclusiveness stating that all are needed by abstract/mystic concept of fatherland to prosper. And that they most of all must obey what’s “best” for the nation as determined by elites.
Fascism as Americanism posit false notions of unity and inclusiveness in twisted way of calcified medieval hierarchical caste society.
Everybody if obedient, is being welcome and their contribution if not compensated, is however appreciated and praised.
The farmers are supposedly needed by the nation to toil their fields, workers to labor in factories, artists creating art to express national pride, journalists writing articles to “truthfully” praising the nation’s hard work and valor of illustrious leaders, doctors work hard to save us from diseases and improve national health to keep all ready for national tasks defined by leaders, capitalists working hard applying capital for purpose national wealth, strength (not profit by social mission) and government/corporate, managers leaders, rulers working hard for all the people working for the nation.
Those who do not contribute positively to fascist projects, have no agency under fascist system or have no voice and are declared pariahs, marginalized, discarded, alienated exiled from the nation which leadership’s morality and wisdom is always beyond reproach.
Majority of Germans never knew about death camps or torturous medical experiments of German doctors and rejected such idea as conspiracy theory as honesty and morality of Nazi professional cadre and leadership was never questioned until bombs start falling on German cities.
Amid COVID psych op, inverted totalitarianism turns into open fascism or true Americanism of fusion of capital and state unleashing terror of ignorance and condemnation of reason (as Horkheimer wrote about subjective reasoning, or individual truth of a nation peddled by Nazism) and cultish ideology of submission to power behind identity politics of social division presented as unifying the nation political force.
Parallels are shockingly clear we are living under fascism.
Facism was created in Italy, there is your tenuous link to the Roman world. The Italian fascist stole the nationalism and militarism but Rome was a dictatorship and a tyranny, it is hard to call it a fascist state in the same way Germany was, or America is.
Germans knew what Pogroms were, they were as old as European states, there was nothing new in the murder of Jews, so they knew what was happening.
Aug 12, 2020 6:41 PM
Awaiting for approval
Reply to Kalen
Fascism was created in Italy, there is your tenuous link to the Roman world. The Italian fascist stole the nationalism and militarism but Rome was a dictatorship and a tyranny, it is hard to call it a fascist state in the same way Germany was, or America is.
Germans knew what Pogroms were, they were as old as European states, there was nothing new in the murder of Jews, so they knew what was happening.
I wrote that symbology of Italian and in part German fascism was adopted. Even Mussolini party Combat League, ”Fasci di Combattimento”referred to Roman legions fighting barbarians of western decadence. Content was of course modern.
Nazis in turn always referred to First Reich I.e, Roman Empire of German nations starting around 800 AD. Third Reich was supposedly the last Reich rulimg tje world for 1000 years or more, longer than Roman Empire.
Good and accurate critique.
You are spreading disinformation about the Roman Empire.
Mussolini and Italy has NOTHING to do with the Pax Romana.
You’d know that if you realised just how many Roman ‘Caesar’s’ were NOT from ‘Italy’ they even had Africans in the highest positions.
Slaves could be king!
Imran Ahmed was Angela Eagle’s PR man during the summer of lies known as #Brickgate, when we were told Eagle’s constituency office window had been smashed by Jeremy Corbyn supporters. It took six months but eventually the police report was released and we discovered that this story had been the product of a fertile and hateful imagination. I would suggest the originator was Imran Ahmed. Being local, and to fill the vacuum, I took it upon myself to carry out some detailed investigations. More about Imran Ahmed here:
Why am I not surprised that these Blairite vermin keeping popping up to spread their lies
AVG Age of “Death by Covid”:
Austria 80+ years Source EMS;
Canada 86 years Source HCSC;
England 80+ years Source NHS;
France 84 years Source SPF;
Germany 82 years Source RKI;
Italy 81 years Source ISS;
Spain 82 years Source MDS;
Switzerland 84 years Source BAG;
United States 80 years Source CDC;
Sweden 86 years Source FOHM
A “global pandemic” is certainly not defined by age of deaths EXCEEDING the normal lifespan with no young healthy people are affected.
I will offer up just a few broad comments and put details to them if you wish:
1) There is no excess death toll due to virus- that death toll is due to policy shifts and attribution to “Covid” is patently false when not outright administrative corruption by health officials;
2) Above “excess” death toll is an artifact of nursing home mismanagement- 60% of “covid deaths” from nursing homes + or – 3%- once that is taken away we have near record numbers of low mortality rates in country after country;
3) The average age of “Covid deaths” worldwide EXCEEDS the normal lifespan of citizens of those countries- that being 81 years old with on average 2.5 comorbidities- think about that;
4) Average number of weeks of life lost due to “Covid” is a mere 1-3 weeks and that’s without consideration of having died “from” or “with”;
5) PCR tests used to determine “cases” are a diagnostic fraud- inventor of PCR test, Kary Mullis, asserted PCR tests were not designed for diagnostic purposes;
6) Cases which are determined by flawed PCR tests are purposefully juiced up in numerous ways- want details?- this is not simply more tests=more cases we are talking medical and institutional fraud- why did the CDC change years old policies on March 24th, April 14th and June 13th with each change designed to increase number of “positive” test cases;
7) The WHO changed it’s definition of pandemic in 2009. Why? What preceded this in 2007?
8) In the annals of pandemic since the year 350 this one ranks 23rd out of 24 in overall deaths as a percentage of population worldwide. The swine flu pandemic of 2009 (coincidentally the same year the WHO changed that definition) ranks 24th. These two pandemics are several hundred (thousand in some cases) % points lower in mortality rates than past pandemics- how did they even make the cut;
9) The “deaths from Covid” are from a specific demographic- pandemics are noted to impact mortality rates of a broad demographic. That demographic is not merely the elderly but the most fragile of the fragile of the elderly who could die from any infection in their condition;
10) “Deaths from Covid” are from specific locations. Pandemics are defined (supposed to be) by cutting across a wide swath of geographic regions. This pandemic has the habit of only impacting densely populated areas and more specifically the elderly in those areas and more specifically nursing homes- in the US for example if we eliminated just the deaths from NJ and NYC nursing homes we would not be having this conversation. In Italy same would be said if we eliminated deaths from elderly in Northern Italy- same elsewhere Belgium, spain, Canada, Sweden etc.;
The above 10 points are the short list.
If people would stop wearing masks and stay off the internet and cable news for a week no one would know there was such a virus in existence.
You can’t stop living the lie until you stop telling it.
All excellent points.
It is even scarier than that, Because they know everything you say is true, yet they continue the lie. So you need to ask yourself a difficult question, WHY?
Number 11: why big Pharma would want to focus on developing Coronavirus vaccine in emergency mode, dangerously bypassing well established scientific protocol only to test vaccines predominantly on healthy children and adults who are not vulnerable to COVID or whatever it is, at all.
Answer: huge size of market, huge profits, blanket legal and medical and expected manageable adversary side effects among young aimed at skewing trials’ to positive results despite deadly toxicity, medical blunders, deception, fraud, lack of efficacy, coverup and corruption stemming from insufficient testing and maddening dash for the prize money: massive orders paid by global taxpayers.
Exactly. How many trials involve the elderly?
It’s absolute gibberish from big pharma to say the vaccine is producing an immune response to defeat this virus if it even exists.
The immune system of the overwhelming majority of people would fight it off.
They know damn well.
Complete scam.
True any poisons induces strong immune response. By itself it means nothing.
What real vaccine tests must prove is that those specifically induced by vaccine antibodies block viral receptors of extra cellular viral body and disable, prevent infected cells from reproducing viral proteins without killing human cells. In fact most antibody tests follow LISA protocols not full neutralization and hence are indirect detectors of specific antibodies on the top of lack of even basic purification preventing determination which hi particular ingredient of biological soup is active and which are acting detrimental to patient.
The concept of vaccine and vaccinations in context of Koch postulates and genetically stable bacterial pathogens and few slowly mutating viral pathogens is valid as long as it is not about mass vaccinations but driven by circumstances for specific epidemiological threats and targeted toward vulnerable population. In case of COVID, vaccinations of elderly may be an option where concentrated older population lives if Koch postulates are met and only after long and exhausting vaccine development process is strictly followed.
So far we have none of this. Only hype and big Pharma race to cash register regardless of guaranteed deadly consequences.
On top of that, the ingredients in the injections will aid in the dumbing down of the world population to an even greater degree, and that takes precedence, above any financial gain.
Great summary
Your AVG Age of “Death by Covid” is fascinating. It would be a pity to go without direct references to the source for each of the figures*. To just claim the facts without reference would raise suspicions in the average person, to whom it is also arduous work to check each one. Best,
(*) or an authoritative source for all
Agree- and it is arduous work- which I have done- you need to go to each of those agencies listed individually.
I will be posting a more referenced and detailed report in the future.
It is a good job the CCDH wasn’t around when Galileo was proposing his ‘fringe’ theory that the Earth revolved around the Sun in opposition to the ‘sensible’, ‘common sense’ view that the Sun revolved around the Earth.
Oh wait ……
He faced the Cardinals Countering Devilish Heresy.
LOL, I can imagine Snopes stamping Galileo’s conspiracy theory as “False”
I actually do believe Galileo’s heliocentric views were false, there is no real evidence to support him, only systematic propaganda and assumptions, whereas Aristotle and the vast amount of Geocentrics did provide reasonable logic. The heliocentric view, like evolution, is only theory, buy is pushed as fact, as for over a century continues to fool the masses of the world, it was created by a cult of Sun worshipers, who venerated the solar invictus, but the psychological motive was to alter people’s cosmological and psychological view, so the earth was no longer seem the centre but the sun would be, so our planet and its inhabitants can be portrayed as insignificant and not with a divine special purpose, only the elite occults in the hierarchy, young children, and some considered fringe religious lunatics really know the truth, that both the sun and moon do orbit the Earth, this actually is one of the great unspoken conspiracies, that underpins the modern alien ideology, people have been brainwashed to believe it, and to ridicule people like me who preach Geocentricity, the occults not only indoctrinated the public to venerate the sun, apart of the luciferianism, to lose cosmic perspective, to cast doubts of Abrahamic scriptures, but also to distort their minds from logical rational thought. Aristotle would be appalled and I am too tbh. The most recent tactic over the years is to create vast numbers of videos on YouTube, and many web sights, which lumps geocentric views in with the crazy, illogical flat earth beliefs, conflating the two very separate issues as one, the earth is a globe, yet it is stationary, has never moved, and doesn’t travel round the sun, but vice versa, the sun travels round us. If you can convince the public a stationary object is hurtling through space at incredible speeds then what else, a false world war, a false pandemic, delusions of all sorts can occur
Exactly, absolutely correct. The universe is geocentric, not heliocentric and the scientists know it, which is why it is hidden from the masses due to the societal implications that would occur if people accepted the fact that the universe is geocentric.
Voltaire “Our wretched species is so made that those who walk a well-trodden path always throw stones at those who are showing a new road.”
The key to the Great Cronyvirus Cover-Up . . .
That’s the Wiener brothers, Obama and Clintons Pizzagate thing.The child abuse ring.I didn’t hear the coronavirus mentioned.
It’s very clear coronavirus has a political angle: COVID-19 Is Beating Trump, Aug 3, 2020 by Michael Spence, David W. Brady
Project-Syndicate is used by the NeoLiberal elite to circulate messages they want you to absorb:
Moneycircus, The last time I read anything published on Project Syndicate was Yanis Varoufakis warning of totalitarianism. ( And Project Syndicate also publishes Bjorn Lomborg. I sometimes wonder what makes the Neoliberal elite want the public to absorb their messages.
The need for credibility. Of course you must include some “alternative” voices though I’m not sure if those two are outside the mainstream.
This was before the cronyvirus psyop was activated. Now in this New World Order all the old crimes have almost been swept away. Let’s see how things pan out. Hillary, the bride of Moloch, is due to appear in court on September 9.
You’re right, Reg. Sydney Powell’s comment is absolutely relevant to what’s happening now, including Event Covid.
Priority number one is to get Clinton/Democrats/Deep State back in control of the White House to batten down the hatches. There is loads of money at stake in the profit-driven health scams.
I suspect the Green New Deal-Agenda 21-Great Reset crowd are using a related event, the monetary crisis, to advance their agenda opportunistically.
I’ve posted this before but this explains the above:
Tedros, Fauci, Gates and Co. can only be understood if we shake off the blinkers and understand how corruption and politics work. We have to try to see the crookedness from inside, because crooks don’t operate independently. And there’s a thread that links them all.
Charles Ortel has shown how the Clinton Global Initiative was “a confederation of con artists that would meet in NYC around the time of the UN General Assembly in September of every year from 2005-2016. The Clintons controlled who got in, and all the journalists were eager to get in to hob nob with leaders, presidents and billionaires. They would get up on stage an announce their charitable intentions.. their ‘commitments to action’ which in charity is B.S. It is nothing, not even a pledge. Real people who give money to charity don’t want their names out there. They give a check. They don’t say, ‘I might get around to making a pledge, put me up on stage’.
“The Clinton foundation had never been audited even though it started in 1997, it had never been lawfully organized. By 2004 they had been fighting AIDS internationally… and the dimensions of what we are talking about is billions of dollars.” — Charles Ortel, investor, philanthropist and investigator of Clinton corruption on Jason Goodman’s show.
Step two is to look at the links between the Clinton “charities” and Bill Gates.
Philanthropy News Digest: Efforts of Gates, Clinton Foundations Increasingly Overlap – July 22 2006
“I think what you’re seeing is the beginning of what you might call the first super NGO…with overlapping interests and a great deal of resources,” said former UN ambassador Richard Holbrooke, now president and CEO of the Global Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS in New York City.”
From Influence Watch:
“CGI was widely criticized for the perception that it was just a vehicle for special interests to buy access to then-Secretary of State or Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. During her time as Secretary of State, 44 companies that lobbied the State Department together had pledged a combined $3.2 billion toward CGI initiatives.”
“Throughout the years, many of these activists have used CGI to announce the creation of policies such as a $25 million on foreign aid program for East Africa [You guessed it, the charity run by Tedros of the WHO, the health minister of Ethiopia] sponsored by the Obama administration, JP Morgan, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and the Rockefeller Foundation. The final CGI conference was held in September 2016, prior to the November election in which Clinton was defeated.” (link appears to be damaged)
After the Clinton Global Initiative was closed in 2016, the same game switched over to Chelsea Clinton:
For those suspicious this is just anti-Democratic, anti-Liberal slander .. Ortel points out that the attack against Whitewater “strikes very close to the Bush skeletons” which only got worse when Bill Clinton expanded his Foundation activities into the Bush Tsunami and Katrina efforts, which Ortel describes as a fraud and then the Clinton-Bush Haiti initiative which “was yet another fraud”. @ 01:18:00
Your summing-up is bang on the money, Money. Yes, this is a massive operation to ensure no one among the elites has to face the music for anything. They’ll simply throw scraps at us, like a Bernie Madoff or a Jimmy Savile or an Epstein.
It’s ever more blatant.
It’s the same friends of Epstein who are the Technocracy who are behind The Great Reset and who are, simultaneously, profiting from Event Covid.
It’s a racket.
Billionaires who built their fortune on monopolies and government subsidies… turn around and stage a fake crisis to milk the taxpayer.
The WHO is not a government body. It is an agency* run by Bill Gates, with a chief, Tedros, installed by the Clintons. Its power lies in its ability to influence governments to open the sluice gates.
On the WHO’s say-so, governments release a flood of taxpayer cash to corporations (big pharma) or to charities (run by foundations run by corporations).
What the….?
Gates or Clinton says HIV AIDS needs billions > WHO gives its imprimature > governments send $$$ > Gates and Clinton.
Haiti earthquake? Hey, everybody. Give your donations to Bill Clinton. He’ll… err… do something with it.
It’s a heist.
Why does Clinton, Gates or Rockefeller have to be the middle man? Besides the latter two are invested in the companies that will profit from the drugs, surveillance, foodstuffs and pesticides anyway.
They’ve found a way to profit twice! Take the donations/taxpayer money to make the product, then sell the product back to the taxpayer. Or, in Clinton’s case, just take the money and run.
Mafia long ago gave up on whores or the numbers because the money is easier, bigger and safer in government contracts. Bureaucratic corruption is where it’s at.
That’s why they call Sydney the honey badger.
The Empires decline and fall is full of the perversions of these who believed themselves living Gods. They are demented enough to see their ‘Rome burn’ and Not Give A Damn as their dynastic ambitions fail so so publicly.
I don’t get you. You’ll have to be a bit clearer please.
She digs and gets the goods.
A proper hard skinned , truth seeking lawyer, who has retrieved Flynn from his previous traitor lawyers and the DoJ’s original machinations- in the process of which she has got hold of a LOT of material that leads to ALL the coup conspiracy and it seems from the clip – the smoking guns of plenty of other nastiness by the professional politicians.
Only in America now – I don’t think Gareth Pierce woul be able to do a Guildford 4 retrial anymore here.
However from Sydney’s brief it looks as deedee is going to have to take a bullet along with his bovver boy Steele.
Oh dear. Truth hurts?
It is nice to see someone who knows what the term fascism means. But I fear that through constant misuse the term is beyond saving. Many people are simply going to continue to use the word as nothing more specific than an empty pejorative.
All too much clinging on to historical definitions has its disadvantages, history does not repeat iself in our rapidly changing societies. Totalitarianism takes on more refined shapes, also based on a mix of ideological ideals. Collectivism is the umbrella term, Nazism, communism and democracy are all collectivist ideologies. Collectivism is the dictatorship of the masses, which in a democracy becomes implicitly shaped by oligarchy (the current situation) which may then move on towards a dictatorship under the guidance of a dictator.
One could argue that fascism requires a rare kind of power addicted strong leader, so far there is no such leader of such a rare nature in sight. Personally I prefer the term ‘crypto communism’ to describe the current state of affairs, and where it is heading (towards the current Chinese model). The word ‘crypto’ points to deception and inversion, different from the plain and bold ideologies. This type of refined deception, the deceptive marketing and professionalized demagogy is new to our times, or rather not new, but it has advanced and it is more refined compared to historical situations.
If you focus too much on historical models, you will see current reality through a specific all too rigid lens.
The vice-like grip of the moneychangers keeps the yoke firmly on the neck of humanity . . .
Surely, you mean the Knee on the neck of… 😉
Or the boot on the human face. Knee on the neck reminds me too much of Georgie boy the porn star, the martyr of the normies.
CIA’s costs & disciplinary procedures.
Dept of ‘Justice’ Banking/Corporate fines = we is taxing your arse.
$100 billion dollars US phony nuclear ‘deterrent’ = we got a little ‘protection’ racket going.
One terror attack = you are going ‘off-piste’.
Burn down a national monument. = you are way out of line.
PM sex scandal = we warned you.
Big mother fucker terror attack. = You have crossed us. This is your last chance.
Economic sanctions. = We are destroying your country.
Civil unrest, CIA coup. = We is bringing you down and will murder and torture you al
‘Burn down a national monument. = you are way out of line.’
I never thought about this one….wonder what caused the fire at Windsor Palace….
CIA’s costs & disciplinary procedures.
Dept of ‘Justice’ Banking/Corporate fines = we is taxing your arse.
$100 billon dollars US phony nuclear ‘deterrent’ = we got a little ‘protection’ racket going.
One terror attack = you are going ‘off-piste’.
Burn down a national monument. = you are way out of line.
PM sex scandal = we warned you.
Big mother fucker terror attack. = You have crossed us. This is your last chance.
Economic sanctions. = We are destroying your country.
Civil unrest, CIA coup. = We is bringing you down and will murder and torture you all.
Grace on that doll. It has to be stressed that this is the Satanic agenda. To destroy the children.
Have you ever read a fairy-tail to your children? ……..For gods sake. get a grip.
Piss off, prick.
Scratch the thin veneer of vulgarity and below we find……
You find a fist coming at your face and you on your knees crying and begging for mercy
No, that’s what the Drag Queens are for.
Only the fairy tales the Tavistock Clinic tell children and parents. Pure evil.
fairy tails are evil, that is the point of them.
I shall give you the benefit of the doubt by suggesting that you haven’t actually watched the video beyond 1 minute 45 seconds.
You need a hobby.
You need to stick your real name up your arse and grow MUCH …
Blagodarya, Tim.
All-ways, a pleasure… 🙂
If i could have double downvoted your completely SICK FAKE CHARACTERISATION,
I would have and if we were to meet, face to face, something to avoid, i would bring you down to earth physically, then psychologically, then intellectually and finally…
Philosophically. You complete Putka !
Diew lay le mo chau hai… meaning, go and lick your mother’s smelly ***t,
In Hong Kong. A cantonese expression, conveying utter contempt for your mother,
And you, naturally. Go get a real job, instead of sucking dick…
Apologies to other readers for the baseline, but A Troll is a troll and
A doll with a fucked up childhood, quite clearly!
Clearly, you have no actual conscience, usually the result of
Pathetic Parents. Or were you preyed upon, as an orphan child?
The programme’s ticking along nicely for the paedophiles in power…
It used to be about teaching kids about reproduction, birds and bees, where babies come from. Then it was about teaching children at a ‘much younger’ age as we live in a dangerous world.Yes, they got that right.
So it went that children were taught about reproduction but not as a way of explaining where we come from, but how the act is ‘pleasurable’ and nothing to be afraid of.And it can be ‘fun’.This is the crap they feed kids of 5 years old. All the time in the background, the world is up in arms as powerful people in high places are caught or accused of paedophilia.Even more get their friends to cover it up.
So, sexualise the children( they’ve already stopped running around and playing as much as they used to), then normalise sex. That leads to the lowering of the age of consent as the world becomes ‘enlightened’.It’s a coincidence that ‘forward thinking’ schools are allowing the education of infants about changing their gender and other explorations of their sexualization.It stinks of agenda. You can see by the timing of each step.
The doll in this video is intended to ‘teach’ that pleasure and fun is associated with the touching of one specific part of the body.The age range of dolls like this ? Well it isn’t aimed at 16 plus years of age is it..
So the British government has ordered 60 million jabs of a, as yet, undeveloped, untested, Covid vaccine, for a mandatory?…. vaccination program.
With a vaccine that will be the first of its kind, not fully tested, for a common cold virus type which has been up until now impossible to vaccinate against, and for an illness which 99.6% of the population will suffer no proven long lasting ill effects. ……said Alice to the Mad Hatter.
And it’s the rna Vaccine remember!
There may be hope. Our local Five Eyes newspaper reported that those nasty Russiand are rushing through a COVID vaccine. The article below it headlines that we, on the other hand, will be very careful and test adequately. Meaning? There could be a positive outcome – no vaccine imminent, or possibly forever – simply because we must do the opposite of what the hated Russkis do.
Tweeted a link to article, UK Government’s pointless Covid-19 vaccine; the ultimate in vaccination for the sake of being vaccinated. A response (not dealing, of course, with any of the content – not even the bit about all the test monkeys falling ill): if the internet had been invented in 1950s, polio would still exist, with the implication being that a vaccine cured polio. Well, putting aside the issue of vaccines merely hiding symptoms, this twitter user (joined May 2020) was pointed to evidence (John Rappaport) of decline of polio due to better living conditions.Response: “Yeah I’m going to believe people who have studied the disease for their entire lives and the research instead of your personal little blog.” Or, I’m here to pour scorn on the information linked to so that those on the plantation won’t follow. A PR operative’s technique as old as the internet.
By the way, regarding the statement “COVID 19 risks increase appreciably with age” – also correlating is exposure to NHS treatment.
By the way, and despite the difference it won’t make:
Right wing: anarchism (absence of government, not chaos).
Left wing: statism (either through government’s own arms, or licensed out to corporations [fascism]).
Join the Mafia party:
I see Putin thought, if the US is going to have fake virus, then I is going to come up with a fake vaccine, and if anyone wants to call me out, then make my day punk, I got a lot of information on a non-existent virus to publish, if you want to call my bluff baby.
Fake problem
Fake reaction
Fake solution
And buckets of fake information on a fake VIRUS
Putin the quinticiential KGP officer, who plays the west’s bluff with a double bluff and counter bluff…….check mate to Russia…… And you Yankees better say my snake-oil-vaccine works or you is toast.
Aug 12, 2020 2:38 PM
Awaiting for approval
Reply to Arsebiscuits
Putin the quintessential KGP officer, who plays the west’s bluff with a double bluff and counter bluff……check mate to Russia…… And you Yankees better say my snake-oil-vaccine works or you is toast.
If you’re interested in scientific studies that objectively question vaccine safety Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s site (Children’s Health Defense) is quite excellent. They’ve also refused to be sucked into the corona-hysteria vortex, which naturally makes them doubly “hateful” no doubt in the eyes those like CCDH who hope to censor and outlaw any and all critical thought that strays from “official narratives” –
(“Oceania was at war with coronavirus; therefore Oceania had always been at war with coronavirus!”) – Orwell quote – were he still alive to witness our current madness
Orwell witnessed his part of madness as a footman for the British Empire …
Meaning apparently that Orwell couldn’t possibly have anything meaningful to say about propaganda to those who are so very – “pure of heart” – am I to deduce from your comment?
Ideologies are a ten a penny. You only hear about the ones they put money behind. There are loads of think tanks, theorists and scriptwriters. It’s the producer that matters. Mr Moneybags. Without him you don’t have a show.
Power sets up the political system, not the other way around. Yes, there are belief systems and theorists and grass roots politics but there is plenty of evidence that Big Label Political Systems and the Ringmasters are controlled by Big Money.
It should not even need stating.
Power exists outside of politics. There was power when it used religion rather than political ideology to control people. There was power before there were parties. There was power before there were parliaments. There was power before there were nation states.
The first consideration of power brokers should be, ‘what system of rule do we want?’
The second consideration should be, ‘how do we disguise our influence so that system upholds our interests while not revealing our hand, so that the system is not compromised by the people’s discovering our presence behind the curtain?‘
The third consideration is our golden share: ‘how do we pull the plug if we need to shift things in a new direction?‘
The Founding Fathers of the U.S. followed this pattern. Power created the political system, not some latter day Moses slipped the Constitution by God.
Personal investment in any particular ideological theory doesn’t change this. It’s the same diversion that goes by the twin names of politics and sports.
It doesn’t matter if Benito used pitch for the Blues (back when Blues were reds) before he joined the Reds (who were… err) because the games are rigged anyway.
In fact the Blues (who were really reds) had this thing called Progressivism and they really loved Benito, even when he started calling himself a literal fascist. With the war and all, that got problematic and the Blues had to drop the Progressivism label for a while and become Liberals. But now they’ve brought back the Progressive label just as we enter the 1920s.. sorry, the 2020s. Once again there’s this fascist thing and they’re selling tickets to watch the show under the same old banner, Progressive. And they’re buying it.
The totalitarian system that is being locked down is fascist because it it corporatist, but it borrows elements from its siblings, the variants of communism.
The ideology that gave birth to those systems is not Hitler’s nor Marx’s. It belongs in large part to those who gave board and lodging to those scriptwriters and published their works, and who paid to put on the show. Those same financial interests also financed Trotsky and Lenin and financed the Chinese state in ways we don’t yet know.
This is not hidden. The tax-exempt Foundations write about it all the time. The Corporations (the foundations are just their shop windows) have been active in shaping all the major political shows — the wars and the political systems that result.
Their minutes show they’ve been working to the same script since at least 1910. Before that it appeared in several variants, all related, like chapters of a book. Cecil Rhodes wrote one chapter, the Freemasons around the French Revolution wrote another, the Rothschilds wrote one, as did the early Illuminists around Jacob Frank, then there’s a chapter by Francis Bacon and so on.
Think of Power as the editor of this book. This is not one single movement or club but there are consistent threads. Ultimately, however, nothing happens without the Producers, Mr Moneybags, who puts up the money for the show.
“The Corporations (the foundations are just their shop windows) have been active in shaping all the major political shows — the wars and the political systems that result.”
An excellent point. Politics became an arm of business long, long ago.
But behind it all is the battle for and control of resources. The human animal does not consume/eat or drink “power”, he/she eat/consumes food and drinks water. One does read of “power riots”, one reads of “food riots.”
Follow the money. All good bankers know that. This is where power flows from, authority flows from politics.
And no matter what stripe the system wears, it shares one common thread with all others: it cannot and will not abide anarchy. I’m speaking of course of actual, literal anarchy – not some organized grouping that’s fixated with the term because it sounds really cool. Anarchy is to organization as water is to an oil spill.
the guy above or is it a girl with a stick on beard
is she on hormone therapy
what is it
looks like london
mongrel city for the world
cannot see any tattoo mark of the beast
my life already
so it must be a very naughty non semite
a khazar pirate
on the make
as one of the deleted comments already mentioned
this really is a 13th tribe issue
is it not
my life already
The surreal dystopian events of the past five months can not be explained by a single narrative or “conspiracy theory.” One can document how disparate events have been deliberately and maliciously manipulated and misrepresented but there is no single theory that is able to account for all of them. I think there were many powerful players with different agendas, and the result was a “perfect storm” of manipulation by fear, cowardice,
incompetence, power lust and, of course, greed. Ironically, they have unleashed various forces over which they are losing control, forces which ultimately may destroy them.
all governments and media everywhere on earth are all synchronised putting out the same (false) messages at the same time all year, and you don’t think there is a single entity moving it all?
world economic forum event 201 – bill and melinda gates of hell – and everyone else funding the who and hoping to make a killing (intended) on poisonous vaccines.
and nobody voted for any of them.
i bet you don’t consider yourself that naive do you?
The amount of money to be made on a possible vaccine is trivial in comparison to
worldwide economic losses resulting from the supposed pandemic. How can Bill and Melinda Gates maintain control over hundreds, if not thousands, of other oligarchs who have been losing money and power as a result of it? This is just one of the many agendas. It is just too simplistic to explain all of the different phenomena that have been occurring. Perhaps it was the original genie let out of the bottle but the many “unintended consequences” have taken over and are out of control.
when you are at the very top losing a few billion is nothing. Real wealth accumulates in these donw times (property and more slaves). They play the long game 50-100-200 years. They are not like most of us, on the whole who can barely think beyond the day.
That may have been true in the past but this new batch of the obscenely rich is a completely different breed. They aren’t especially talented or intelligent, just monumentally greedy. The problem is that all the money they have accumulated by nefarious means comes from an enormous global Ponzi scheme based on illusory “future value” and the endless creation of money backed by nothing. This money is virtual and illusory, and will have little if any value when the U.S. economy collapses and the dollar drops precipitously in value.
Which is why they are running the scam. 1) blame the virus so they don’t get dragged from their beds 2) drag in real assets from those who go under first and cement their legacies.
you really are that naive, fair enough.
first, the winner of the pretend vaccine lottery for the pretend disease will earn hundreds of billions of dollars. not trivial at all.
second, the same powers that were running the world during waterloo are running it now. follow the money, or the shareholders of the private central banks whose ponzi you are aware of.
and third, they are not accumulating ‘illusory future value,’ they are accumulating, land, property, companies, raw materials, communications, and infrastructure, plus they own all governments. we don’t have any national assets any more really do we?
Let’s dispense with the ad hominem snarkiness, why don’t we?
A couple of hundred billion dollars is about what a single oligarch, Jeff Bezos is supposedly worth, and represents less than 1/400th of the total world’s total GDP (.25%), a rather trivial return for such a
massive global undertaking. Furthermore, real estate values will be be devastated in the West because of the economic devastation and much of work being done remotely at home as a result of the lockdown. As for factories, where are they? In the devastated rust
belts of the U.S. and the U.K.? The same applies to raw materials
needed for factories. Haven’t you heard of globalization?
One of the unintended consequences is the most extreme political polarization the U.S. has experienced since the Civil War. Any sort of rational political discourse has been made impossible. Whatever the outcome is in the November Presidential election, it is clear that the losing side will not accept the outcome, and the U.S. may be headed for some sort of secession or civil war that will have global consequences.
Reply to daz and Platov:
Question is IF we’re looking at forces (plural) bringing on this monstrosity are they divided and vulnerable to their own ego limitations and greed. This has been the path historically re “forces which ultimately may destroy them.”
unfortunately no. i’m sure there are egos and fights among the lower ranks, but the ship is steadily steered and will not be going off course any time soon.
Dystopian Tomorrow!
it is Bill Gates job to be greedy, and it is your governments job to regulate him. Stop blaming the tools.
Its not my government i’ve opted out.
It is not Gates’s “job”. He has chosen that path.
I am a musician, and, like most performers, I have to teach to make a living.
The teaching is my job. The performing is my life and who I am.
As for the government. We all know what its job is, but it doesn’t do it.
The tools you mention are the media, and they don’t do their job either.
So, when the media don’t do their job, and when the government doesn’t do its job, and when Bill Gates has chosen to play God, we have a situation which needs fixing. Perhaps you could help, Fixer?
They are all blameworthy, even if they try to shrug it off and hide behind somebody else.
What has been planned is simply horrendous to contemplate. In many ways you are lucky in the UK or the US or Germany, you have straightforward, honest, known figures speaking out and trying to organize some form of resistance. You may not agree with all they say, like all humans they may make mistakes, but they are fully trust worthy. You also have trustworthy news sites like OffG, etc. Its not too complicated in those countries to meet in real life trustworthy peoples trying to fight back.
Where I live, its so complex that you have got no clue who to even trust. Every time you think you’ve found someone, some group, you realise you havent, because they are to begin with not transparent, they are adept at using psychology to make you feel they are the opposition, when in effect they may be working for goodness knows whom. There is no news site you can trust, not even those claiming to give the proper information: they may be, but they obscure the important info by focusing on the superficial, and are led by dubious people, the main one by someone with multiple fake identities.
There is an absence of that category of figures coming from a transparent trustworthy knowledgeable background.
This can wear you down.
The only people Ive found to trust within the country are 2 or 3 from English speaking countries, who are equally at a loss.
Evidently everyone is especially concerned with what is happening where they live, and I have not seen any analysis or article on English alternative news sites of the situation in the country I live in. The situation there is increasingly worrying, and the worst in it is the total isolation you find yourself in, not trusting anyone. International travel and quarantine measures make it hard to leave and anyhow what do you do when all you own is within the country?
try here:
For English speakers :
Yes Ive known that site for many years now. But what about a reliable site within France itself?
why does it have to be hosted in France, if there are French-language articles discussing the situation in France, on a site run from French Canada? that way, it’s outside the jurisdiction of the French government, and can’t be censored or shut down by them. maybe that’s why you can’t find a comparable site hosted in French territory.
Sorry I didt mean hosted in France, but discussing regularly the situation in France. This is what is hard to find.
I don’t trust any of the big voices that are speaking out in the UK. Simon Dolan, who runs the Keep Britain Free campaign is a right wing millionaire who lives in Monaco. Freedom for whom?
Zero UK politicians are protesting lockdown. Labour politicians are championing lockdown. A Conservative MP is welcoming the New World Order.
Unions are silent. Socialists are silent. I do not even trust this site.
Every morning is to wake with a jolt of depression and fear. Human compassion is disappearing by the day.
I don’t know a lot about Simon Dolan.
However, if he is a millionaire (whether right or left wing) and lives in Monaco, that kind of puts him beyond the reach of the UK govt. In my opinion, this gives him slightly more of a chance than a well-meaning lawyer of modest means (if there is such a thing) based in the UK.
I’m not emotionally invested in him – I’m probably too cynical – but I do wish him well. The more people who annoy the establishment, the better.
The ruling class will always prefer fascism over socialism, and millionaires are more closely aligned with the ruling class.
Simon Dolan’s plans to set up a school that teaches family values and excludes unions, as well as his quoting of Ayn Rand rings alarm bells for me. I remember the 80s when the Tories were going after gay people and single mothers. It was a horrendous era.
At the same time, credit where its due I suppose. If he manages to derail the New World Order, then we should be grateful. However, it seems the New World Order (billionaires) are likely to sacrifice people like Dolan.
It should be the unions who are leading the fight.
More than happy to accede to your greater knowledge of the man.
I agree that people like Dolan are just as likely to be sacrificed as the rest of us. Maybe he recognises that too, so his endeavours are selfish. However, if the achievement of his selfish desires benefits everybody else then I say let him have at it. Maybe his modest millions don’t put him in a position of joining the ‘elite’, but they enable him to at least have a crack at the politicians. I suppose you have to pick your battles.
I also agree that the unions should be leading the fight but my personal perception is they were all (or at least the major ones) infiltrated and subverted long ago – controlled opposition, as it were; sometimes not even opposing anything – look at the teaching unions at the moment.
he’s hired butler-sloss’s nephew as barrister for the appeal.
Don’t you think by not trusting the OffG editors, or sites like uk column, and so on and so forth, not to trust Peter Hitchens or Jeremy Corbyn’s brother is akin to a fear of humans? I dont mean you have to agree with all their views and aims, but they are trustworthy, i.e. they are not working for covert agencies and this comments section is not a place to get the email or IP addresses of their readers to give to whoever. Nor are they trying to deliberately to mislead you by making you focus on one aspect of the question, while obscuring others that they know are important. Humans also make mistakes. Its normal if no one gets it quite right. But if you write to them bringing their attention to important open source well evidenced material, they will have a look at it, and not systematically cast it aside. If you try finding out about them, you dont end up either finding a shady past, an association with shady characters, nor do you end up finding that their identities are all fake, and if you tried to further find out, you wouldnt go from one fake identity to another fake identity, and in the end, realise there is no such person in the real world.
Hitchen is a shining light, Piers Corbyn is a useful idiot. Another Icke type to make truthers look mental.
Indeed, we can all have opinions about them, but they are who they are for better or worse, I mean none are working for dark ulterior motives connected to some covert organization, with the aim of finding out who has those opinions, and undermine dissent.
Frankly if you lived in the country I live in, you’d breathe a sigh of relief to find any equivalent to the two, whatever may be one’s opinions about them.
Than thank G-d that your mind is free and spread your ideas like a virus…..
“Every morning is to wake with a jolt of depression and fear.” – This is true and why you most focus on your local community and making peace with the earth.
There is no such thing as a group which can be trusted; nor even an individual. All we can do is realize he or she or it has a reason for believing what is believed, however convoluted the reasoning process that led to the belief.
If I like the particular belief, I will thank them and try to respect it; but I will not join them in promoting it. I may choose to promote the belief; but I will work independently. There is no other rational way to approach another’s belief system.
Sure, but isolated we can only go so far. Isolating people who have non-mainstream ideas, and in this particular case, isolating those against the narrative, is a long known policy. Only united in at least the common purpose of constructing a world where each of can live according to our wishes, in harmony with others, but not necessarily in friendship and agreement, can we possibly undermine what is going on. At the moment the worst may still be to come, so its best not to be too divisive.
To unite we need to trust one other that I am not aiming to undermine your life and you’re not aiming to undermine mine. So that we cannot do so, the virtuality of the internet’s world of pseudonyms has been easily manipulated to create distrust, to infiltrate dissent, control it, etc.
In the end only under our real names as real people, only in total openness and honesty, can we stand up.
I’m a pessimist (i.e., a realist); and as such I accept that what is going to happen will happen no matter what. No force for evil (i.e., power) has ever been stopped in its tracks at the point of its greatest strength.
Even though the USA is thankfully on its last leg as the global bully, those “behind the scenes” are fully in charge. There is in reality no difference between one person standing alone and a million standing together.
The situation in Belarus is a case in point. After 23 years in power – and after winning another term with 80% of the vote – President Lukashenko is being challenged by a growing “Color Revolution” which sprang up almost out of nowhere. You probably already know Belarus is one of only a few countries which did not impose a lockdown regime. Is it just me or does it seem a bit contrived that after 23 years of corruption, a “revolution” is only now occurring? If Lukashenko manages to retain power, Belarus, rest assured, will soon look like Venezuela after two decades of US led sanctions.
What’s going to happen will happen; and will continue to happen until finally the vast majority of people have had enough. And that’s when we had all better run for cover, friend of the people along with foe of the people.
The irony that seems to be lost on most of the left is that censorship leads to the sort of sclerotic society that resulted in the downfall of the Soviet Union, and which will eventually lead to the collapse of the CCP as corruption, inefficiency, brutality and internal contradictions take their inevitable toll.
The west once had the edge and deservedly so, yet to many, China is the new darling. However, it seems to be a question of when, not if, the UK, Europe, China and the US collapse under the weight of their own sleroses.
No wonder Vladimir Putin is usually seen grinning. Having seen off communism, Russia is on the up and up, freed both from Communism and from the crazy woke ideas that Russians clearly have no time for.
It does seem that the CCDH are more interested in appropriating public funds in order to ease the introduction of what can only be described as an untested vaccine for a population which is already over this flu virus.
There is some evidence that this ‘DEADLY VIRUS’ had already been and gone before gov’t charlatans began their kneejerking, making lots of money for their favourite corporate friends on the way.
These groups are not left-wing groups but career agitators and gov’t paid useful idiots. They will adopt any political leaning that gets the job done It wouldn’t be so bad if they actually knew what they were talking about, but they hide their shortcomings under reams of dogma and double speak. They care little for the medium if it means plenty dollar.
Vaccine? We don’t need no stinking vaccine!
I thought that applied to all NGOs i.e. there are plenty of organisations that are not connected to government. But those who specifically have to tell you they are “non-government” are AT IT.
Chuckle, i could hear your intonation…
The CCDH listing at Companies House:
Dr Siobhan Marie Mcandrew is listed as a Director, with profession listed as ‘University Lecturer’.
There is a Dr Siobhan Marie McAndrew listed at the University of Bristol:
She is listed as being a member of the faculty for ‘Sociology, Politics and International Studies’.
So a total rank ignoramus where vaccine technology is concerned. She should be excoriated in brutal terms for claiming fact checking capability where no expertise exists. She is a total ignoramus where climate science is concerned, so is totally incapable of any comment on the validity or otherwise of any climate science research, modelling or other nonsense put out by the climate chaos brigade.
Secondly, there is a ‘Kirsty Jean McNeil’ listed as a Director of CCDH, profession ‘Charity Executive’.
Her LinkedIn resume is at the link below:
She is a PPE graduate of Oxford, surprise surprise. She is a left-wing do-gooder who was a SPAD under Gordon Brown and has ‘worked with leaders of charities’. She has worked with AIDS charities, but does this mean she has any technogical competence? I frankly doubt it.
So what we have here is a couple of technologically ignorant women thinking that they can completely suppress all comment about which they are incapable of carrying out due diligence on its accuracy, its respectfulness etc etc.
I can tell both those women here and now: some of the most hateful and disgustingly disparaging rubbish I have had hurled at me online has come from ‘left wingers’. I have had the same from some ‘right wingers’ too, but the worst came from the left. So them being left wingers does not make them ‘compassionate’, it just makes them strident authoritarians.
These two women need public grillings the like of which would make them beg to have Andrew Neill instead. There can be no question of them trying to wriggle out of their technological ignorance, nor can there be any question of allowing them any right to claim they are fit to judge technological matters.
Both are strident frauds if they think they are fit to be ‘fact checkers’ on either vaccine technology or climate change.
If they challenge that, then both are absolute haters of justice, competence, excellence, impartiality and humanity.
What would you expect of arts graduates, after all??
Gravitas are now pumping the notion of new Chinese “Seeds of Terror”… sent by mail.
Get the picture? Threatening food supply, drawing attention away from GMO corporations,
That wish to own your mind and every thought.
Just print in English on the packet ” Made in China ” and ask Johnny Wrong to pop them in the post and hey presto… another Pandora Plandemic of global dissinformation.
Treating people like fools is easy, for Corporate spews,
With unlimited budgets for mind control… the
“War on Terror” begins @home, simples,
Do not let terror rule your daily concerns,
Or over your doorstep, without question.
Lock it out, Now, L.I.O.N.
Stop funding Terrorists.
Ignore the News and never pay2play with mind control.
After WTC7, are you completely dumb…?
If so, please wait in line for your vaxpack.
Some thoughts on the insanity that has engulfed the world . . . Here is a taster: dogs can sniff out the cronyvirus!
It would appear from the ‘dog sniffing’ article that the intention is to use them at transport hubs, recreational events e.g. concerts and sporting events etc. The implication is that if the dog takes a liking to you you can expect to be treated like a drug trafficker. Presumably the police aren’t going to suggest that you go ahead and enjoy the event you’ve paid to see or the holiday you’re about to embark on. No, it’ll be orders to go straight home and isolate, or end up in the slammer! Yeah, that’s really going to work, isn’t it?
Those people pushing the mask-wearing and face-shield shit totally disgust me.
Aside from the guy taking the piss with his opening-jaw masks, those dogs should be dragged into the midday sun and executed.
Their crimes against people are staggering and need to be avenged.
I bet the dogs are far more accurate than the fake test.
Based on what CCDH is saying, there can be no question about the following:
I think there needs to be a follow up to this article, naming names of CCDH key employees. They need Red-Top-style investigations into their private lives, professional lives etc to give them the chance to put a noose around their career necks.
Any of them caught doing drugs: OUT!
Any of them screwing married women: OUT!
Any of them insider trading: OUT!
Any of them ex employees of Vaccine companies: OUT!
Any ever funded by Bill Gates: OUT!
There is a part 2 which does expose the connections of the CCDH CEO and the board of Directors.
Just a little harsh on arts graduates, Rhys. I’ll give you two out of three for your assessment. 😀
B.A (Hons)
Someone clearly thinks I’m a “cretin” or, preferably, hasn’t got a sense of humour!
There is a positive side to all the censorship, ‘fact-checking’ and shutting down of comment forums, however – ‘too many’ people are clearly not buying the offiicial narraitve. Another positive is that more people are seeing through sinister organisations like Facebook and Twitter.
What are the odds that none of these fascists have ever worked at medical research bench?
This article makes some clear points regarding the processes of authoritarian society, but it classifies ‘fascism’ in terms of those processes, whilst largely ignoring the ideological clash between 20th century fascism and totalitarian communism. Old dictionaries would almost all have defined fascism (at least in part) as ‘anti-communism’, and it is well understood that it emerged as a reaction to the Bolshevic revloution and Communist organising accross Europe. Fascism gained support amongst a portion of the population, because they looked East and saw in Bolshevic Russia a society that they didn’t want to live in. Sure, there is more to it than that, but too many Leftist writers cannot admit this historical fact.
This article also ignores the fact that Neoliberalism is considered ‘right wing’ by those on the far Left ( as it fundamentally enforces market monopolies through state power for the profit of plutocrats) , but it is considered ‘Left wing’ by those on the far Right (as it has broken down nation states, traditional values and destroyed ethno-centrism -except in Israel – all for the benefit of transnational capital).
The ‘nazis burned books’ goes the meme, but is it at all relevant to ask “which books” ? (By that I mean one might understand nazism better if one considered which books were being burned, rather than nececssarily re-consider one’s approach to freedom of expression).
We are clearly entered into a period of authoritarian disintegration, but the label ‘fascism’ sits uncomfortably. Huge numbers of people are entering Western countries, facilitated by those countries governments. That is not ‘fascistic’. The establishment seems to be promoting the interests of ethnic minorities, whilst demoting those of the majority ‘natives’. This is not fascistic. The head of the WHO is ‘a communist’. China rises as the US is systematically deconstructed. Rainbows are a kind of universal symbol of wokeness everywhere (remember to read up about those nazi book burnings !).
The descent into medical totalitarianism is not fascism, unless one considers it under the broadest definition as simply a nexus of state and corporate power. (And note that even early USSR had an economy not too dissimilar to that now operated in the USA). Clearly we are not turning communist either – there will be no workers councils running the show.
‘Politics is but a veil over religious disputes’ – once you get that things make more sense.
I take your point. However, this is part 1 of a two part series. In the second part I explore the network of connections which the CEO and board of CCDH represent. It is this specific combination of government and private corporation which I suggest is unique to the brand of totalitarianism called fascism and, as you rightly say, it is private ownership (and capital) which most clearly delineated the fascists from the communists. I draw no moral distinction between to two here. When we look at those connections it will hopefully be clear they all unite under the transatlantic umbrella of progressivism. I understand that the OG intend to republish that article shortly.
I look forward to reading that Iain.
Still not sure how to really differentiate these totalist systems on those grounds mentioned.
I am not a close reading student when it comes to the history of the USSR, but I had never heard of this early period of revolutionary soviet russia being one of free market capitalism, until recently.
(And this is before we consider the contributions of Anthony Sutton).
I am persuaded that if we want to in any way consider a moral distinction between the two, then we must look at the moral frameworks from which the main protagonists of either system emerged. Has truth been told about each in equal measure ? (Has truth been told about anything ?)
There was no revolution in Russia, it was a coup.
There is no need to differentiate. The money and control all went to Jews. And what we have around the world today is the same.
“authoritarian disintegration”……Enacted and enabled by a vast army of public servants which we are all paying for. They exist quite comfortably in their world of guaranteed paid remuneration doing their public “service” secure in the knowledge that the monthly pay cheques will continue to appear no matter what happens to those outwith the confines of guaranteed state provision. It’s a world away from the reality for the millions who work and struggle to keep their heads above water on a daily basis and who now face a bleak and very uncertain future regarding their worth in this dystopian nightmare. I would like to see all public employees involved politically in this scam, especially government ministers and their health “experts”, be subjected to an immediate 50% wage cut to show solidarity with the many who will suffer hardship at this time for “although we may be separated we are still together”, as the new message states.
Posted on another thread, but it also fits in here. A group is preparing a legal challenge to the coronavirus act based on the assertion that the virus has not been proved to exist. The details are here – I think its worth a look :
I was interested to see that the campaign group had received no response from the UK Government to the request to provide evidence of the existence of SARS CoV2. This is clearly the standard M.O. for the UK Government when they are pushed into a corner. I wrote to them three times last year to ask for the legal basis for the detention of the Iranian vessel Grace 1 on its way to Syria. I never received a reply or even an acknowledgement. There was only one conclusion to draw from that.
The conclusion is you are not worthy of a response. Not my view of you, just their view.
Indeed. Time after time they show complete disdain for the very people they would claim to represent.
There is no evidence anywhere that there is a new virus called Sars Cov2.
Covid19 is the new pneumonia that people may develop if they have SARS-CoV 2.
How exactly are they diagnosing the pneumonia?
Well no one knows.
What exactly is this new pneumonia?
Deaths are being recorded as having Covid19 pneumonia based on a dodgy test alleging someone as having the virus.
It’s completely different.
The only data that really matters is how many people died after being diagnosed with the pneumonia.
That data doesn’t exist.
The scam is in how they word everything.
Meanwhile, the usual Satanic ritual resumes in Afghanistan . . .
WHO Director Tedros Adhanom – Gay, Red Terrorist Heads Global Lockdown
(Video- Tedros trying to score at his local gay bar/gym)
Tedros Adhanom is an Ethiopian biologist, public health researcher, and official who has served since 2017 as Director-General of the World Health Organization. A non-physician implicated in genocide; he is just the person to oversee the destruction of civilization.
The Nazis went after gay people too. See the monument in Amsterdam in memory of those LGBT folk who were sent to Nazi death camps.
Nazis were a front for corporations while presenting themselves as a workers’ party.
The pink swastika element is interesting but a sub plot. Homosexuals were heavily represented in the Nazi party from the beginning – and there’s much written about Hitler’s own sexuality. The famous book burning photograph was taken outside a psychologiists’ sex therapy clinic that many of the Nazi leadership were said to have attended. The burned books were their records.
The Night of Long Knives coincided with Anti-Jewish Laws in June/July 1934. It seems that a decision was taken to purge the party or institute scapegoats – both Jews and homosexuals – at the same time.
Excellent article and focuses clearly on the level and the length of the Deep States’ propaganda exploits.
I had to smile when Russia announced the other day the Sputnik V vaccine, as it appears Gates and his Gang have been countered by Putin and at the same time routed. I’m not talking about the production of a vaccine, as that is another argument, but the propaganda game itself.
As Iain rightly sates:
“While the CCDH blithely claim all vaccines are “safe,” they are the only medical discovery where the manufacturers have blanket indemnification against any loss from injury claims. It is not an act of “hate” to ask why this needs to be the case if they are so safe.”
The core of the argument is, as is stated on his website:
“If profit is a determining factor for vaccine availability, then clearly we are looking at a business enterprise, not a public health program.”
So taking this as one of the main issues of Government and Big Pharm in cahoots attempting to dupe the public, Putin has exposed them in one quick “Jab” so to speak. The WMSM is now full of the argument of Sputnik V being developed too quickly and perhaps it’s not safe. So the safety argument, which Gates thought he had settled with his blanket indemnification clause, is now out in the open for a wider public debate! What a move by Putin? Let’s hope other pundits keep up the pressure on this.
I take great pleasure in the Graun falling for this and especially their “Spin Master General” Luke Harding. In an article which first appeared under the novice’s pen, Peter Beaumont and swiftly amended and embellished [not quite reaching his usual plagiaristic standard] showcasing Harding’s obvious Russophobic flourishes under the banner:
“Russia approves Sputnik V Covid vaccine despite testing safety concerns”
It makes a wonderful read for those who can see how the Graun has been suckered by their own desire to smear anything Russian. First they scream about the safety issues [which is great]. Then they scream about nepotistic priority with Putin’s daughter being given the vaccine. What Harding and Co purposefully fail to mention is that in Russia the vaccine will not be mandatory, but voluntary.
It’s a gem of an article which requires more dissection than I have time for here. But it exposes the duplicity and contradictory stupidity of the WMSM and their Deep State spin on Russia and of course the race to make vast profits from a supposed vaccine.
At this point they don’t give a fuck what you or I think. It truly is an Orwellian world. They can contradict themselves from one day to the next and still believe both points of view. Or, what seems more likely to me, they are aware of their bullshittery but their job is to force us to swallow it because these people serve some really hellish masters.
I suppose if people still got the flu despite there being vaccines for both cold and flus it would make it pretty obvious. They could of knocked a corona vaxx up years ago otherwise. It is a simple process:
Thank you Simon for posting the video. I am now reading her book ‘Fear of the Invisible’ which has in it the items she relates with such marvelous humour and disgust. So clearly written, understandable to someone new to the field.
Not having read earlier comments, I made a sentence-long one to this effect above. Now I see this superior posting making the same point. Thank you.
Why wouldn’t you become an anti-vaxxer if this thing was coming at you . . .
Upside down cross sums it up, everything Christ stood for turned on its head.
It’s deliberate. They know exactly what they are and they rub it in our faces and dare us to do anything about it.
We’re fooked, there’s no political opposition to this & violent unrest is a simple gift to the state & its thugs. Somehow pleading with your torturer to stop with protest marches & petitions aint gonna get it done & the alt media is slowly but effectively being shutdown.
So how do you push back on a system that’s been preparing for this for decades, until we wake up & accept democracy is a failed experiment, a lightly veiled tyranny, “fascism” that relies on force, where centralized government only works through fear, threat & violence. Its only sanctions against the unwilling, is theft through fines, incarceration in a cage upon conviction, or brutal violence where the state has asserted its right to lawfully kill dissenters where we have been forbidden to defend ourselves and face all of above if we try.
I repeat again to those academic pigeon holer’s who think their brand of socialism is different, kinder, fairer or more equal, how do you justify taking my freedoms for your security? Whats right about stealing my inalienable rights for your safety? How is my forced enslavement the moral high ground? Why do you believe you know whats best for me, when you wont accept any other opinion but your own?
Baal worship rules –
“Trump Heroically Defies a Lawless Supreme Court”
“Normally, presidents of both parties rush to raise their arms in surrender whenever the black-robed life-tenured politicians on the high court demand it.”
The Chemarims or Khamarim are the black -robed priests of Baal , who were appointed by the kings of Judah to conduct worship In high places .
Chemarims ”Idolatrous Priest” , comes from the root word Kamar meaning “to be black” and explains the ” idolatrous priest ” wore black garments in Zephaniah 1:4. This is what judges, priests, rabbis and Cohen’s wear today ..
In the “Wizard of Oz” the “Wicked Witch of the West” was dressed in black, the color that symbolizes the pagan Babylonian king NIMROD, alias SATURN [The original name of Rome itself was Saturnia]. Black is a sacred icon of The Knights Templar, and interestingly the “color of choice” for the robes of judges, priests and the Speaker of the Houses of Parliament .
On “Good Friday,” all the clergy at one time wore black.
From the depths of the Swamp emerges Donald Trump urging re-erection of the toppled statue of #Albertpike Supreme Commander of the Scottish Rite of Masonic Satanists.
Hebrew is read from right to left
Strong’s Hebrew Concordance 98
agam: a marsh, muddy pool
Part of Speech: Noun Masculine
Transliteration: agam
Phonetic Spelling: (ag-am’)
Definition: a marsh, muddy pool
TRUMP IS THE SWAMP / Trump’s Jewish Elite MAFIA & The 5 Dancing Israelis
Looks like the last shreds of civilization are going fast.
I wonder how long the next Dark Ages will last…
They’ve planned for at least a thousand years
nobody plans a dark age, it is a falure of all, even the evil.
“The Center for Countering Digital Hate is a not-for-profit non governmental
organisation (NGO) that is funded by philanthropic trusts . . .”
They don’t tell us who these trusts are . . .
Probably funded by the George G Gibberish and Anthony T Drivel Newspeak Foundation
And the Gates of Hell Foundation . . .
In heaven, there are no Bills 😉
Montreal people say “fuck you” to jumped-up little commissars . . .
A fair number of people say that all over the world. But the “authorities” are not listening.
We’ll have to insist, I fear.
And that won’t be pretty.
“This struggle may be a moral one, or it may be a physical one, and it may be both moral and physical, but it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.”
~ Frederick Douglas, 1857
Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.
Neither should it be. What they’re doing ain’t exactly attractive…
Methinks that pushback is expected and also prepared for, with all the “security” forces onside.
So, no, it won’t be pretty. But if sufficient pissed-off citizens involve themselves, it just might work, as the cops and defence force personnel prefer to be on the winning side.
However, the cops, plus their wonderful new crowd-control weapons, probably carry a hundred times more weight per man than an ordinary person in an outright confrontation. That knowledge will make them feel invulnerable to us.
So, roughly speaking, 10,000 of us march on Whitehall, or the Capitol building, or whatever, and it only takes 100 police to stop us…
Actually, that has clarified pretty well in my own mind the scale of the opposition we face if we are to rescue a sane society from the ashes of this mad one.
Yes, I understand. However, I’m unsure that the imbalance of power would prove to be as dramatic as you state, wardropper.
Peaceful marching will accomplish nothing.
But pissed-off people do not march peacefully.
I believe it’s the only hope.
I fear you may be right.
The “Occupy” movement had the right idea – not merely to peace-march, but to sit there and refuse to move until somebody with authority listens. But we have seen how easily the media undermine that sort of thing…
All they have to do is an interview with the fat, jolly, green-haired lady, or the dangerous looking punk, and the movement is written off – finished. The other thing the media do is to show up an hour before an advertised protest meeting, or an hour after everyone has gone home, and take lots of photos of nobody there. It’s obvious, but it seems to work.
Pissed-off people marching on the media would undoubtedly be the best first step, demanding the reinstatement of the real journalists who either resigned in frustration, or were sacked for telling the truth.
“Not every item of news should be published. Rather must those who control news policies endeavor to make every item of news serve a certain purpose.” ~ Joseph Goebbels
Yes. That’s where we are today. Thank you Joseph.
(Not that any of that was his invention… It’s all as old as wickedness itself)