WATCH: New Zealand to move all “covid cases” to “Quarantine Centres”
The New Zealand government announced yesterday that ALL cases of Sars-Cov-2 infection “are to be managed in a quarantine facility”.
Health Director-General Dr Ashley Bloomfield made the announcements in a press conference yesterday (August 12th). As of today, New Zealand has 36 active cases* of alleged coronavirus infection. That has not prevented the government from locking down Auckland, the country’s largest city.
Under Section 70 of the Health Act, the NZ government has the power to compel people into quarantine against their will. According to a report from quarantine centres have – among other things – “more stringent security” than isolation hotels.
According to Dr Broomfield the new quarantine rules:
Will apply to all test-positive cases and also family members who may be at risk, where appropriate.
A reminder that the PCR tests are incredibly unreliable and can return very large numbers of false-positive results.
Nevertheless, if you are in NZ, get a positive test or have any respiratory symptoms, you and your family will be forcibly taken to a “quarantine” camp. How long for and if you will leave alive is anyone’s guess.
How long before other countries start doing this?
How long before a “positive PCR” is the excuse for shipping all the dissidents and the non-compliant off to “quarantine”, where, sadly, that darn corona sees them off?
*Updated 16:15 on 13th Aug. to provide a better link and more accurate case count.
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“the countries largest city.”
Grammar Nazi: “country’s” would be correct here.
Well, since NZ has turned NaZi, it may be the new grammar reform.
I see that JA is the latest national leader to ‘delay’ an election (scheduled for September) because of the spike in coronavirus cases.
Why the surprise?
Stupid. AH dealt with the bloomfields attacking your country now, and dealt with an actual respiratory infection outbreak, not a flu hoax.
Epidemic Preparedness Act 2006 (NZ)
Section 5 (4)
The Prime Minister must not give the notice except on, and after considering, the written recommendation of the Director-General of Health...
A role currently played by Ashleigh Bloomfield.
So despite innovative make-up and wardrobe used in this theatrical image, it remains inaccurate when applied to the character virtues of the actor portrayed…
Yes, I’m sure the families of the corporate executive elite of NZ are going to have the swabs stuck up there noses and they will be off to the medical Guantanamo (“quarantine”) with the rest of the proles they test “positive”.
And be sure to wear your mask, because the Mask Gestapo is out in force these days:
I’m sure this is exactly how the police would treat a member of the wealthiest family in Melbourne if he/she showed up in public without a mask on.
I think the world’s elite are about to steal New Zealand from New Zealanders. It’s known they’ve been buying land there, but recently it was said the Christchurch shootings was a false flag event to take away New Zealanders’ guns. After all, the elite don’t want an armed population gunning after them; and if the treatment of colonial powers towards indigenous populations over hundreds of years is anything to go by, New Zealanders may soon become mere serfs in their own country. Those that are left to live, of course.
Like the Maoris are treated you mean?
Who’s the criminal?
Amazing, that sheepie with the cellphone calmly filming the scene and not bothering to help the girl… reminds me sheep’s reaction when shepherd grabs one of them to slaughter it, the rest just hang around and watch.
Yeah, well deserved.
We’ve been programed (literally) via the media to accept state violence against us. A policeman strangles a dissenting finger, then she gets charged with assault after being choked (in fear of her life) & trying to feebly fight back, then thrown to the floor like a peace of shit on his shoe, because she didn’t wear a mask! in the open air?
And the passers by watch complicity (including a police woman) because we’ve been conditioned to accept the state has the right to show such contempt for our lives & personal sovereignty.
Why bother paying police when there conduct is worse than most criminals. The police are dishonest, violent & corrupt, yet they beg for our support when criticized & most of us do! who are the idiots?
There’s a lot of hysterical nonsense posted here recently. New Zealand totalitarian? Who on earth believes this guff…oh, right, all our friends who descended here from
NZ is one of the best places to live in the world, a quiet and safe backwater tucked away in a remote corner of the Pacific Ocean. They want to keep it that way. They have a high proportion of elderly people there and don’t want them felled like trees by COVID.
Of course they’re being a bit naive and hysterical in trying to keep the virus out, it will get in sooner or later and take its natural course of action. But they’ve every right to try and they vast majority of their citizens support them; that’s democracy.
Locking up your citizens because they have the flu is neither naive or democracy.
It’s not the flu. It may even be an engineered virus due to its unexpected features.
imagine being that dumb
You would certainly know.
Oh do fuck off!
Two words dispute that ludicrous assertion, J*cind* Ar*ern, sorry i just cant bring myself to say it, its so offensive.
As a New Zealand citizen… I can’t say the JA words either…. You know she once worked with Tony Blair? All these Neoliberal ideologues who have thoroughly betrayed the populations of their respective countries.
Only just started it, but Kaczynski’s writing is as powerful as I remembered it.
You may be right Gezzah, and I’m sure there are lots of politicians and business people who will take advantage of a virus and over extend their authority.
In our commonwealth countries we do however have the ability to get together and put these people out of office ultimately, even if the media moguls make it a tough task.
> In our commonwealth countries we do however have the ability to get together and put these people out of office
Sure, sure.
“If voting could change anything it would be illegal.” -E. Goldman
New Zealand got lucky twice in a row, once with John Key, whose connections to Wall Street and the New York Fed gave him all he needed to know to help his Finance Minister mitigate the worst the 2007-8* financial crisis, and secondly with Jacinda Arden, whose Blairite tendencies and experience has helped her cohere the country under broadly-based medical advice (personified in a civil servant Director–not politician Minister–of Health). In turn, Ardern is lucky to have a baby-faced stand-in serving as her political face in much of this second time around.
I disliked Key’s generally sectional, right-wing austeritarian politics from a distance and I despised Tony Blair’s–which Ardern reflects, though not fulsomely–close up, but to fail to at least recognise some value in positive contributions from those you wouldn’t normally have over for dinner is either atavistic religious bigotry or juvenile naïveté.
* Initially misrepresented a shallow liquidity crisis when Bear Stearns first brought the deep structural failure of financialized capitalism to public attention it was still only reluctantly presented as the widespread insolvency crisis it was (and still is) as much as three or four years later.
The media moguls are bought men. Freud was an abstract psychoanalyst, Bernays was a pragmatic mouthpiece.
Bad phrasing. Read instead: “Freud was an abstracting pioneer psychoanalyst, Bernays was a pragmatic corporate mouthpiece.” The media moguls remain bought men.
I didn’t she had worked with Blair. Do you have any more details?
She/He also received funding from the Chinese communist party.
I have read her book. She says that at the time she was finding it hard to get employment and reluctantly worked for the Blair team out of necessity. I have no idea if this is true or false.
Yes, true, she worked in Tony Blair’s Cabinet Office in 2006, but claimed she never met him in person. This was in an interview she did with Stuff New Zealand.
the common link between these two bastards is the fabian society. look at its logo .its objectives.its members past and present. George orwell was a member. 1984 wasnt a prophesy,He knew the end goal . Thats why its so accurate. He knew where we were headed
They are both hardcore Neoliberal ideologues. Another commenter recommended I read Ted Kaczynski’s manifesto on the ultimate end game of Neoliberalism, which I just started doing (again). Check out a site called Neoliberalism Softpanorama which gives you a detailed description of these creatures mindsets, and how they operate. They are basically like a cult.
Takes one to know one.
Tut tut, community standards.
What i never said here name in full?
If New Zealand government had the best interests of the people in mind, they would park their bias in the trash can, listen to the doctors worldwide who have had great success with the Hydroxychloroquine cocktail and bi-weekly prophylactic dose, get it into ALL pharmacies and then get on with life.
I believe that the Gates Foundation has infected the global medical and rssearch community. There has been too much payola passed around to the “medical experts” like our corrupted Gates-linked Dr. Fauci in the USA.
Follow the money, you will find the virus. It’s called greed.
the virus is no more a threat than the annual flu
Why the overreaction?
Most of the anxious children and adult naïfs posting here, and a large proportion of their ATL fomenters, have grown up or have become ‘woke’ in a ‘social media’ age of ‘trigger words’ and ‘deplatforming’ and other sad manifestations of febrile identity politics and fragile self-identities.
They seek what they believe to be ‘democracy’ in the context of an end-times belief of themselves being aware–Nietzschean übermenshen–and the mass of others being uncomprehending ‘sheeple’, led hypnotically astray by near-omnipotent, externalized, malificent predators that are primarily projections of their own fears and anxieties–hysteria–amidst rapid change and massive disruption that can–must–only be ascribed to humanoid agency.
In other words they live for, and thus live in, a ‘democracy’ which excludes the franchise from anybody and the integrity of everybody who doesn’t subscribe to the tenets of what from the outside looks like a bizarre and impotent cult awaiting its moment of reification. It is by no means the first and, while there’s a chance that it will be, it probably won’t be, the last.
You sure your name is not Frank Spenser?
Prime Minister Jacinda Adern and Director-General of Health Ashleigh Bloomfield report on the latest COVID-19 updates and the New Zealand government’s response.
Read the Reviews for a deep insight into New Zealand’s culture on this here:
Pure genius! Excellent work. I went to an open lecture on Covid at Otago Uni about a month ago. I asked the panel to explain the results of the cruise ship, Greg Mortimer, where 81% tested positive, and there were 10 twin cabins with only 1 of the 2 occupants testing positive. Prof Michael Baker said to come and talk to him later; maybe he thought I wanted his autograph ;-). He asked me which country’s response I preferred. I said Sweden, because they didn’t ruin their economy. He asked, what damage?!!!! I replied, Cruise ships, Tourism, Airlines, Catering…..He just laughed in a nerdy way. I didn’t ask for his autograph…
We are rapidly going into the biggest economic crash in human history.
This economic crash has been purposely engineered by the psychopaths who rule us.
This economic crash will kill unprecedented numbers of people.
Come this winter huge numbers of people will be starving to death worldwide, including in the western world.
If you think I’m exaggerating do some research on how the global economy works.
Otherwise you can put on your face mask and believe all the total bullshit that the psychopaths feed you.
Nothing can stop what’s coming: The traitor’s dilemma.
You know that every other traitor is, like yourself, a treasonous scumbag. So do you:
a) rat on the lot in order to save your own skin?
b) take a deep breath before ratting on the lot in order to save your own skin?
How New Zealanders truly think…
Tuning out of the fake news media is an important message. There is much more wholesome media people can tune into that will help to collapse the false covid reality. I came across this video recently which is quite nice if you want to take your thought off in another direction.
I’ve always been a masochist and I thought I’d have a look into old Louis P, the Unerected Marxist or whatever he calls himself and I found this:
I love that “sad attempt to breathe new life into 9/11 conspiracy-mongering”. Surely it’s the offiical account that needs new life – or, to be more precise, a zombie corpse regeneration. Is there a single individual on the face of this planet (other than Louis and his fellow voodoo practitioners) who doesn’t have at least some suspicion about 9/11?
And while on the subject of this bankrupt pseudo-Marxist: see the article below – not FOR the article which is, of course, shite but for the revealing exchange below between LP and one “Yusef”. The latter wipes the floor with the former and poor old Louis is driven to make claims that Yusef is calling from a dodgy connection. Gosh Louis, that wins the argument!
It is a much more scientificaly supported position to suggest panic caused people to get sick. Their idea there is a novel virus killing people is nonsense. None of the previous viruses killed people. The very idea that there is a flu season is satanic. There was only a ‘flu vacccine’ marketing season that indoctrinated people causing the serious detoxes they claimed to be trying to prevent. When people are practicing real healthy living they won’t get those issues so the belief that every season is healthy season is a much more truthful idea.
I was curious about this Amandha Vollmer and I found this:
She seems to be involved in some business dispute with one Erica Ehm who says of Vollmer:
And we read:
And then we have Erin Taylor, a spokesperson for Facebook in Canada who said Facebook has been busy “removing content with false claims or conspiracy theories that have been flagged by leading global health organizations and local health authorities that could cause harm to people who believe them.”
All of which just highlights something that has been obvious: that the claims of the virulence of this virus have served to silence all dissent and all suspicion. And this can happen because of the claimed emergency conditions. But isn’t all this familiar? Isn’t is just like all that war propaganda that said the Russians/jihadists/whatever are coming and there’s no time to spare and no room for critical thought and anyone who insists on questioning is a traitor and creates a real and present danger? As I keep saying of the virus, how else could such a draconian imposition of police state conditions have happened? How else, other than the claim of a deadly pandemic, could you have got almost everyone to not only go along with it but to enthusiastically promote it? In this respect it is a far more potent bogey man than any human enemy.
“Vollmer’s Facebook statements are directly opposed to accepted science and advice from local, provincial, and federal governments and the World Health Organization, as well as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.”
That may be so but she could still be talking crap.
Which is we have to think everything out ourselves.
Larry WTC7, we made the decision to pull it.
Now, we either live in a world where all big buildings are wired for demo when built or this was organised over a couple of weeks before “the tragedy” because of …
If we wire one for demo, why not all 3?
It is not a big leap of the imagination, in fact is the only logical explanation..
Planes were theatre and distraction, nothing more.
Lets recap. So he is a jackass, that is his problem. On the one hand even though not many read his screeds, he is still giving Off-Guardian and Global Research publicity. But on the other hand, most of those who do read them are, like him, nasty little trolls. So it is a wash, wouldn’t one say?
That’s just pathetic. Isn’t Proyect embarrassed to be as much of a gullible fool as his nemeses at the WSWS? What exactly is “COVID denialism”? The scientific evidence is there that this panic is totally overblown and without factual basis. Did the Off Guardian just hallucinate the dozens of virologists and epidemiologists who dissent from the WHO numbers? Did the Off Guardian invent the intrinsic, well-known problems with the PCR test? And what about Stefan Lanka’s very serious challenges to theories of viral infection? Does Louis Proyect have the faintest idea what the scientific method even is?
The man is just a total embarrassment and trainwreck at this point. He cannot address or honestly refute any of the points made in the various articles published at this site, so he makes vague mutterings about the alt right instead. How is it humanly possible to be – after a lifetime posing and masquerading as an anti-establishment figure and truthteller – to be this much of a stooge and scoundrel? So, in the end, Proyect proves to be a fool and a fraud deep down, railing against and heaping scorn on the Off Guardian, one of vanishingly few sources of authentic journalism still hanging on in a world of perpetual propaganda.
The Sea Trials worked fine. His Sailing Boat has been out of the water for most of the last 6 months, whilst he cleaned all the barnacles etc off the hull .My Son has been sailing his Sailing boat for the last few weeks with his kids.
He has convinced us that it is safe for Nana and GrandDad to come now.
I have no idea where we are going…
But we are all packed and ready to go.
Hopefully meet him briefly in England at 9:00am , as my wife and I resupply his boat, try and find a place to park for the next few days, maybe weeks for free..I fancy the local council estate…can you look after my car mate?
Thank You
I am taking a copy of CJ Hopkins ZONE 23 with me. It is in The Waterproof Bag With The Bog Rolls…
No News, No Corona Mind Virus
The internet may work occasionaly a bit at a time
My son’s boat is almost entirely powered by solar power and wind
It cost me nearly £200 to fill his tanks Diesel – last year, but he doesn’t like using it.
He prefers The Wind and the Sunshine.
He is a Bright Kid – runs his own Business in London on Mains Power, which I guess pays for his boat..It’s an ISP, and he has got back up multiple sites and UPS..and it kind of just runs itself for months, most of the time.
He is only a young lad, and started off with nowt, like me, and he has never asked me for any money…just AA batteries and stuff for him and his kids’ toys and the Tiger Kite
Tony, Wife and Family
We have told our next door neighbour we are going away and we have a friend who is going to come in, and feed our cats.
She replied, well Lucy (our youngest cat) spends almost all of her time in our garden and even comes in our house, sits on our table, looking beautiful, and we take photographs of her, even when you are home.
So I reckon the cats will be O.K.
They are dead nice.
We have been neighbours since 1993.
They have kids too.
Never seen any of them wearing masks
Happy sailing Compo – off to the regatta?
Are you taking your family silver to keep it safe (Toilet Rolls) ?
Good man. Davy Jones needs more of that stuff.
If you need to read a book instead of keeping a weather eye – take one on Money. Otherwise a handy cribbage set or magnetised backgammon board.
And take your turn on watch! As the rest of the boat sleeps – You will know the concept of solidarity that protects the crew and there is no ‘me me me’ bs at sea (as there isn’t in life except by these deluded by sorcerers like Thatcher and Blair).
You may be called to go to the aid of a stranger boat or need help from stranger sailors – that is the life of the sea.
Good source of info about technocracy:
This item is too short! Much more could be said about the ‘Rahui’, as they affectionately like to call the lockdown in NZ!
I really wish they’d drop this corona crap now and just come out and say, “Look – we’re restructuring everything because the entire system is falling apart and has been for decades now. We need to impose these brutal control measures to ensure the continuation of the power structure.” At least that would stop this degrading pantomime where everyone has to pretend they actually believe this screamingly obvious bollocks.
Yes well torture is baked in to the plan. It’s payback.
Of course if they just came out and said that, a very large crowd would go and mutilate them.
Come to think of it, that’s honestly what it would take before a whole nation would rise up against them, and even then they might also have to vivisect a kitten live on children’s TV before really large numbers of people would finally say, “Okay, that’s it.”…
I think soon we had better stop being astonished at the antics of these grotesque thugs and get down to some serious remedies here. Public humiliation with real facts seems to me the best start. I suppose leaflets would be excellent tools in this regard.
Many thinking people who can foresee the coming financial catastrophe have been wondering exactly what kind of scenario the perpetrators would create in order to have somewhere to go when the diarhorrea hits the swimming pool…
Now they know. The scenario has arrived. We can expect the official announcement fairly soon.
C.O.R.O.N.A. =
4: V.I.R.U.S. =
Realtors (of the)
it’s really getting worrisome, few people seem to be able to understand that all this has NOTHING to do with some horrible plague, of which there is none, it’s all just an exercise in Big Brother coming out of the closet – you people WILL DO what you are told, no talkback, period. As someone said a lot of years ago – we control the horizontal, we control the vertical – we control everything. Peasants do as they are told. Be happy sheep or we have a nice secluded place to help you learn to be happy sheep.
I agree Dave. In France, the entire debate among even doctors and scientists against the measures is which kills more covid or lockdown. The premise for everyone is there is a pandemic. So then they go on calculating when it ended, when it began, and so on and so forth.
The first step is to justify the premise if you’re going to base your entire theory on that. It also means defining what you mean by a pandemic. Why are people using the term without a precise definition of it? In maths, you wouldnt get far if you did that. This step also involves a discussion of contagion. Is there a contagion due to a virus attacking us? If yes, justify. If no, then discuss further. There can only be 2 answers:
1) something unprecedented (something added to the environment recently that is weakening our immune system, our
terrain intérieur”?) other than viruses is killing or at least making people ill, more than usual.
2) There is nothing at all happening more than usual.
To find out if 1) or 2) holds, look closely at numbers, i.e. those deaths that cant be attributed to anything known so far. Dont quote official figures, given most dead people have been cremated, there is evidently no proof left. But still try hard, take certificates of death and try and look up past medical reports,
talk to the doctor that has signed the certificate in full confidence, telling him/her their name will not be quoted, they can speak freely, there might be ways to still unravel some of the lies. Compare these numbers with other years, not just the last few.
Unfortunately the dystopian scenario is unfolding so fast that even good scientists have had to work fast and unfortunately science cannot be done rapidly, it evolves slowly, takes time… Hence there is a complete confusion in the debate.
Rappoport on the 2009 swine flu hoax. Novichok is a rehash of that crime, with that fucking pig Fauci still in charge.
He’s a disgrace to mankind. These people should be rounded up and quarantined until they pop off.
Oh no, a new and terrifying threat – computer modelling now proves that farting spreads the coronavirus. Do not leave the house unless you have a butt plug up your arse!
My name is Alex Posoukh. I live in Canada. My background is in finance and economics. I have written a book on Covid-19 response (COVID 2020 – World in Petri Dish). Here is the link. Please let me know if you would like to know more about me and/or the book. Thank you. Alex
Hi Alex
I’ve just read the prologue and skimmed through the first few pages on Amazon. It looks really comprehensive, covering all of the angles, and flagging up the issues that raise questions unanswered by the mouthpieces promoting the scam.
Have you any plans to make it available in printed format in the UK?
It would be interesting to hear briefly what your background is and what led you to write this book.
Thank you.
HI Judy,
Thank you for your comment. My professional background is in finance and economics. My general interests extend to politics, public policy and history. I grew up in the USSR, so any issues related to governmental propaganda are particularly close to my heart. In the past, I have written books on the Russo-Ukrainian conflict, current Ukrainian and Russian affairs, personal stories of immigration and childhood etc.
As with my book on the Russo-Ukrainian conflict, I had no intention to write anything beyond sporadic FB posts for friends at the outset of the events. However, as days and weeks passed, the more I wrote, the more I became engrossed in this affair, which was clearly way beyond just medicine and biology. I was particularly stunned by the ease with which western governments and their lap dog media were able to sell the panic and ensure nearly total population obedience. And they have done it with complete impunity! The same goes for public health officers across many countries (with the exception of Sweden and a couple of others).
As I speak several languages, I was able to follow closely events in the countries like France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Russia, Indonesia etc. This gave me a wider angle from an international perspective, which enriched my diversity of sources and opinions.
When I started looking at some technical aspects related to testing, epidemiology, immunology, virology, I realized that Covid-19 was a much bigger beast to tackle. This required a more comprehensive approach in a book form. Now, this is not a in-depth book on any single issue, but rather an overview of what an average person should be aware of when engaging into the Covid-19 debate.
I am currently working on a printed version in Canada. While I don’t have any specific plans to print in the UK, it might be an idea.
Thank you,
Thanks, Alex, for the very interesting and inspiring background resume.
Being of a more senior age, I classify myself as “technologically backward and ‘old-fashioned’ ” so if it would be possible to make printed copies available in the UK at some point I would certainly be interested. I am sure I speak for many others here who share your concerns about the widespread and destructive absence of critical analysis of the ‘Covid19 pandemic’ and the international reaction to it.
Once again, I appreciate your time in replying to me and it is heartening that you found your way to the OffGuardian website which is a very small beacon of integrity in the UK (with a global readership), publishing articles and comments which raise or stimulate questions of the mainstream narrative.
All the best
Hi Judy, I can send you a word copy of the book if you wish. I just need your email address. Mine is Cheers, Alex.
Read preview and quite liked it. While I am familiar with most of the narrative, it was really nice to see some recapped themes over the past few months that are now rekindled for reflection. I just bought and downloaded the book for my Kindle from the US site. (albeit it was for free on US site)
Thanks very much for making the effort to highlight the milestones of what I believe will turn out to be the mistake of the 21st century.
HI Johan,
Thank you very much for your support. My intent was to recap and review, exactly as you have said.
Thank you,
Finance and economics
The original sinners!
I’ll pass.
Please listen to Dr. Fauci, he is a biologist, and Bill Gates, he is an IT specialist.
I did some work in NZ some time ago and things there are so similar to home (Canada) that I forgot to drive on the opposite side of the road sometimes. Yet, you see little things that are different. Experiments going on everywhere. I wish I could remember more examples but one is that McDonalds had “McCafe” coffee chains in the larger cities. The locals told us that corporate America does things in NZ to see how it works there before rolling things out in other parts of the world.
Consider the stakes involved with admitting that COVID is an easily treatable disease caused by a known virus which effects a very small portion of the population. A narrative we aren’t hearing from main stream media. Consider the fact NZ has no litigation culture (playgrounds are built without regard for children’s safety – And they’re awesome!). Consider that some Big Pharma revenues (especially potential COVID vaccine contenders) outweigh New Zealand’s GDP and they have no liability issues. Combine that with the push back on masks…
Call it what it is. Foreshadowing.
Another point is that New Zealand is a favourite escape place for the very rich who have bought land and built mansions and luxury bunkers for when they have made much of the world dangerous and unlivable. These rich folks would want an especially obedient and regulated population so they have a safe place for their families and lifestyles.
Del Bigtree – The Highwire – Aug 13, 2020
The Covid-19 Back To School Special
America Goes Herd; Frontline Doctor Jeff Barke on Going Back to School; Toxic Sanitizers with Deirdre Imus; Homeschool Expert David Rodriguez; A Very Important Call to Action
Discussion re Dr Scott Atlas – and appointment by Trump to covid panel:
I’d never heard of John Trudell until this morning. He was a Native American activist (among many other things). What he says in this video from 2003 is very prescient. Eerily so, in fact.
Definitely worth watching. Everything was in place by 2003 (and with the invasion of Iraq where TPTB intended on taking it). The “Patriot Act” and the “Model State Emergency Health Powers Act” (MSEHPA) that gives US govenors the power to decree martial law (among a host of other totalitarian powers). Trudeau, as a native American and member of AIM, would have no illusions about the real and diabolical intentions of the US ruling class.
I was delighted to find out that he was part of the group that occupied Alcatraz Island. For 19 months!
I find it interesting how in Britain, we are constantly reminded of how the Brits fought and defeated the Nazis, yet here we are, with Nazi policy being implemented left and right, concentration camps being set up in sister nations, and the average Brit wouldn’t know a Nazi if a blackshirt smacked them over the head with a board saying “Arbeit macht frei” on it. Nation of total morons. Brits are so f*****g dumb, it’s beyond parody.
They’re being amused to death as Roger Waters once sang.
Amused to Death – a fine book by Neil Postman on the digital culture that’s taken over humanity. It was written about 15 years ago. Another of his works I’d recommend is Technopoly.
I flubbed the title of the book. It’s Amusing Ourselves to Death. And it was written in 1985.
(sarc alert!)
What is there to complain about? Do get your priorities right. Didn’t you see that Boris has relaxed some of the rules as from this weekend? All announced by the press to great fanfare. Concerts can go ahead…as long as they apply social distancing. Some minor sporting events can take place …as long as they implement social distancing. Casinos can open …as long as they implement social distancing. Beauty salons can open…as long as they use PPE etc. Wow. What’s not to be celebrated? I, a healthy and not vulnerable person, have only been allowed to visit my healthy and not vulnerable brother (in Manchester) over a three week period in the past five months, and this is likely to continue for the foreseeable future. What on earth am I complaining about? I can now get my eyebrows threaded (? no, me neither!). Life’s never been so good. I clearly don’t appreciate how lucky I am.
The re-opening of Casinos was essential and an extremely urgent imperative, if paymasters are to maintain control with legal bribery within the confines of
Any new norms.
When i was young & naive, i could never comprehend how extremely wealthy people could care so little, even looking bored, whilst losing large multi million sums of money,
in a casino. After much travel, including to Macau, outside of Hong Kong jurisdiction, looking at all the seemingly pointless numbers of casinos on the Silk Road, for example, in Svilengrad, it was obvious that these locations were not designed for locals and local passing traders. But, serve as a fantastic way for me to give JudyJ an extremely large sum of money, perfectly legally and untraceble, evidence wise… just let me know when you want to collect, for that HUGE favour we discussed (wink wink) and i’ll pop down to Svilengrad and lose exactly the sum we discussed, the evening before you go gambling, and don’t forget to say Tim sent you and could you speak to Boris, as I know he has a lucky stable table game reserved just for JudyJ… xx
T&Dj lol
Exactly. Brits can happily watch an election-campaign jamboree on TV supporting an ignorant bumpkin for president of the usa, and laugh themselves silly at “those dumb yanks”, then, the very next day, go out and vote for the British version of exactly the same thing.
I don’t like to knock my compatriots, and I was perfectly happy to identify with them all my life – until this appalling covid narrative hypnotized them into revealing their essential ignorance.
Of course I am only talking about the masses – but heaven knows, they are many…
Now we know what the mask madness was all about: getting people so terrified and so worked up that they will not say a word when others are hauled off to death camps. Rather, they will be relieved that a “threat” to their safety has been removed.
I would say this has been a very dark day for humanity – except there have been no bright days to contrast it against. From the moment humans clawed their way to the top of the food chain, darkness and chaos has followed in their wake.
Cheer up its not been all bad.
I agree.
Beethoven does it for me.
His life all gone to shit after gradually worsening deafness hit him at the age of 33 – in his total prime – yet his greatest works come after that, and most of them are FULL of optimism. He does not always hide from us his pain, however:
Very serious music. I reckon it’s time for us to get serious too. In my view, public ridiculing of the ringleaders with good science is the way to go. When that becomes fashionable and goes viral, I reckon we have a chance.
More of a Vaughan Williams man myself.
Beautiful piece. I played the orchestral part on the piano recently at a student’s graduation recital, but of course the orchestra sounds much more magical…
It is exquisite, sitting back listening to this (my #1 piece of music of all time) studying a few slides of Albert Bierstadts works & drinking something warm, is heaven on earth, it takes me somewhere else in the past when we were truly part of nature, its what reminds you humans are capable of great beauty, its not all ugly.
I love music but only real music, real earthy instruments none of this electronic stuff. My mother used play the piano, i just never had the patience or discipline to learn an instrument unfortunately.
Well, I don’t know how old you are, but I was eighteen when I took my first pupil – who was 31. Then, later, when I was 31 myself, I had a student who was 65. Neither of them was Franz Liszt, but they were both musical, and they progressed admirably.
Unless you’re 103, I’d say, try it, and don’t give up 🙂
I’m not quite 103, but i’ve always liked the oboe, dont think my lungs are up to that 😉
Piano is quite comfortable by comparison.
Left and right balanced. Nice piano stool…
And I like to see beautiful pictures of nature while I listen to real music too.
It is very surprising how meek even the most boisterous characters have become now that they have been propagandised for months. On the whole they timidly follow every government diktat and will follow unquestionably what anyone in a hi-vis vest or any even lowly position of authority tells them to do.
In truth not many people are strong enough to stand up to authority particularly when it is as all encompassing as now. We are all going to be tested over the next few months – hopefully I will resist tyranny if it comes to it.
This NZ latest wrinkle in the COVID-19 set up makes it perfectly clear what the agenda is. 73 cases? Makes no sense until one realizes how true the “start small” strategy is. 73 people (3 more and they could be trombones!) plus their families: easy to round up, easy to cover up.
Then the good maskees of NZ can ape the good Germans who insisted they had no idea what was going on – they thought the folks in boxcars were just out joyriding!
Ah! people! You gotta love ’em – please: love ’em, because I sure don’t.
That is, of course, exactly the problem.
The authorities (morally and legally un-authorized, nevertheless) know very well that they have become all-encompassing, and can therefore hide behind each other so that we never find the real ring leaders of this disgusting rot in our society.
”they will be relieved that a “threat” to their safety has been removed.”
Such is the power of psychological manipulation, they will also be relieved that it wasn’t they who were hauled off, which, in turn, strengthens their resolve never to be the one hauled off.
Good little citizens, all.
As someone posted earlier today, these bastards won’t be stopped by harsh language on the internet.
Cue the riots…
Actually, might as well “cue the riots.” Because the harsh language will result in the same kind of round up as rioting. And of course the State will be waiting in the wings to appropriate any property the “infected” people might have.
(Hint: this is a very good time to be poor – I knew a lifetime of avoiding wealth would come in handy some day!)
I’ve worked hard all my life not to accumulate any wealth, i’m proud to say its been an incredible success.
I’ve learned from my mistakes and I’m sure I could repeat them exactly.
— Peter Cook
For the last 200,000 years? You are quite the misanthrope!
Its fair to say we’ve been munching our way through species & habitat for much of that time & its more misanthropic to deny the fact its both harmful to our planet and in the end ourselves. But you know what they say extinction is simply evolution in progress & we are evolving quicker now.
lets twist things a little
Imagine a middle eastern country (iraehell doesn’t count)
one of there evil ‘dictators’ said this to it people what the above idiots said
suspicions of something and the whole family will be slapped in to a medical camp
REGIME change would be screamed from the roof tops and regurgitated around the brought and paid for you tubers media
I have not seen hardly any mention of this story by the usual you tube brought and paid for.
Even pretend experts like david icke identify politics son
haven’t posted it, the Biden story’s is far to important it seems.
If anyone was under the impression that there were any independent governments:-
From the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board
Heads of government must commit and invest.
Heads of government in every country must commit to
preparedness by implementing their binding obligations under
the International Health Regulations (IHR (2005). They must
prioritize and dedicate domestic resources and recurrent
spending for preparedness as an integral part of national and
global security, universal health coverage and the Sustainable
Development Goals (SDG).
Just following orders . . . . .
Annual report on global preparedness
for health emergencies
Global Preparedness Monitoring Board
September 2019
We are very appreciative for the World Health Organization’s hosting the GPMB Secretariat and making the work of
the GPMB possible, with particular thanks and appreciation to Bernhard Schwartlander, Michael Ryan, Peter Salama,
Jaouad Mahjour, Raman Minhas, Erin Kenney and Gabriela Stern. We equally express our appreciation to the World Bank
Group as a co-convener, notably to Annette Dixon, Tim Evans, and Muhammad Pate.
Finally, we are grateful for the financial support provided to the GPMB Secretariat from the Government of Germany,
the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Wellcome Trust, and Resolve to Save Lives.
A world at risk: annual report on global preparedness for health emergencies
– ISBN 978-92-4-151701-0
© World Health Organization (acting as the host organization for the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board) 2019
A Wombat used to comment regularly at the defunked daft punk Guardian.
Did you get banned as well, or just bored to kingdom come?
Comment is free, for ten seconds, early Sunday Morning,
On some articles discussing bike lanes… other than that,
Welcome to reality: glad you jumped ship, got OffG?
wombat thank you i was never ever under any impression of a independent government
even with out WHO who are just middle people in this BS19 adventure
it goes must deeper than WHO who are just lone pasty fool guys to general public
COVID cannot be Diagnosed by PCR test hence using it for purpose of forced quarantine is terrorism.
Manufacturer Creative Diagnostics website.
<b>SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus Multiplex RT-qPCR Kit (CD019RT)</b>
Regulatory status: For research use only, <b>NOT FOR USE IN DIAGNOSTICS PROCEDURES</b>.
Datasheet COA SDS
Specificity: <b>non-specific interference</b> of Influenza A Virus (H1N1), Influenza B Virus (Yamagata), Respiratory Syncytial Virus (type B), Respiratory Adenovirus (type 3, type 7), Parainfluenza Virus (type 2), Mycoplasma Pneumoniae, Chlamydia Pneumoniae, etc.,.
<b>From FDA approval letter for Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc., RTqPCR test.</b>
Positive results are indicative of the presence of SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid; clinical correlation with patient history and <b>other diagnostic information is necessary to determine patient infection status. Positive results do not rule out bacterial infection or co-infection with other viruses.</b>
To those who deny there’s a been conspiracy to launch this Global Reset through a coup d’état:
Patrick Wood edited, with the late, great, Antony C. Sutton, the book Trilaterals over Washington (1978) and though Wood identified the pursuit of globalization there was no sign this would take the form of technocracy. It was hidden.
“When the Trilateral Commission was founded in 1973, they said they would create a new international economic order (note economic, not political). The Rockefellers who started the Trilateral Commission had a great relationship with the UN and they fed the idea to the UN which adopted it the next year.
“This new economic order was not understood by anyone, not me or Antony Sutton. We just didn’t get it. We knew it was a big deal. We knew globalization was upon us but we did not know it meant technocracy. There was no technocracy in view, in our minds, in that day. If there had been, we would have seen it. But this is what they had in mind. These global elitists in the Trilateral Commission took over the political system in the West, especially under Jimmy Carter.
“It wasn’t that they wanted political power – and I demonstrated this in my books ever since. What they were after is control over the economic engine of the world which was represented by the U.S. at that time. Eight out of 10 subsequent presidents of the World Bank were all members of the Trilateral Commission. The President of the U.S. appoints the World Bank president. Nine out of 12 of subsequent U.S. Trade Representatives were members of the Trilateral Commission. They wanted control of the global economic system so they could create a New Economic World Order.
“The had in mind technocracy. This is the system they were after. It is the only economic system in the whole of history that is an alternative to free enterprise. Technocracy is new. It’s other worldly. One of the first things Zbigniew Brzezinski, co-founder of the Trilateral Commission did, was to call Chairman Deng in China, and said we’re bringing you back into the global economic stage.
“They taught China not capitalism, not free enterprise, they taught China technocracy. That is why China is where it is today. It’s not me saying that. The global elite themselves have said that. Now Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum says it’s time for the Global Economic Reset.
“If my co-author Antony Sutton was alive today, he would get up on a stage and he’d say about five words, maybe just four: “I told you so”. And he’d walk off the stage.”
Spiro Skouras: The Global Elite & The Coronavirus Coup D’état With Patrick Wood
I watched about two thirds of the vid, but got tired of Patrick Wood inflating his own position. People have been writing about technocracy (under various labels) for millennia; Plato, Jonathan Swift, William Blake, etc. I’ve probably heard of Patrick Wood before, but can’t remember having done so.
Good point about Swift and Blake. I guess Wood has books to sell, thus the promotion. The second part of the interview is just where it gets going!
The 5+1 eyed Gollum (currently less of the US, because the potus is not really ‘one of us’ of their gang’) is struggling to keep hold of its over arching narrative, wit:
‘Final victory and appropriation over Russia & China; The retention of Africa and South America and Asia as its golden geese.’
The Toilet Roll Stampede started off in Oz – and they are trying the same with their locking in of tower blocks.
Kiwis Aherne ain’t the sweet little Mrs Smith going to Government- she is a dyed in the wool neoliberal formed in the Blairite crucible. Just as the Trudeau scion was by the neocon nazi types of Cannuks. As we know Bozo the clown Johnson and his rapist minister mates have been tasked with delivering the EU diminishing roles to EARN their ‘Seat at the Table’.
The issue of Eradication/ Elimination of CV2 is now a red herring excuse, for Saint Jacinta, as she and the billionaires who have plotted the scenario of retreat to that far away Hobbitshire of the long cloud (ignoring the deadly tectonics!) try out their latest whizz – the gathering of the future protestors against the planned transplantation of the Pathocracy and it’s minions, to their shores! No crises is wasted and prepping for the next phase is what the Ancient City’s Gollum always does.
I know a few kiwis – and while they may have been cacooned in their past – they are learning FAST how repressed they have been kept as are many a Aussie.
This particular CV2 has been delayed enough by the many measures of these not allied to the psychopathics, to allow the necessary time to formulate and start the implementation of measures to eradicate it – unfortunately it will never be eliminated now because of the 5+1 eyed Gollum’s action in perpetrating it’s spread.
You would think the Aussies at least would have had more spirit & fight in them, considering their ancestry you’d think they would be anti authority, but i fear the land down under was lost long ago to Neo-liberalism, Australia is a lost cause, reminds me i’ve got sister down there LOL forgot about her oh well australia is definately doomed.
Don’t get me wrong. I have also known some very perseptive Australians too! They know the world.
But the majority are no different to our very own shire types petrified in military town mindsets. Otherwise known as Rednecks and Commie bashers! Utterly incapable of climbing out of their daily narrative reaffirmed MSM ‘personal Opinions’
Sounds like you met my sister, she was the very definition of racist & her husband (not much better) served on nuclear subs in the UK before they emigrated & he joined the Aus navy for a while but he left unhappy that the Aussie navy was to unprofessional, think he got a job in some mine.
Patrick Wood tells movingly how his mother was forcibly sterilized by the Californian eugenicists (he is adopted) at the time when Technocracy was in its heyday, most of them based around Berkeley.
“All the Bay Area upper crusties were into eugenics. California’s forced sterilization programme continued right into the mid-1960s. You would think after Hitler and WW2 they’d shut it down. It took 20 years after the Third Reich to get the Californian progressives to abandon forced sterilization.”
“Now they’re back. The name has been changed. It’s mostly called sustainable development. They look at you and I like steers in a feedlot where all your food is pre-mixed and your force-fed and you get shots and branded, and pushed to this or that corral. This is social engineering. This is bio ethics. They really don’t care about individual human life.”
“More than 9,000 Londoners have died as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, new research revealed today. Of these, 8,502 mentioned Covid-19 on the death certificate”.
So if you “mention” something that now becomes a fact that Covid-19 is responsible for death.??
Government quietly drops 1.3m Covid tests from England tally
Almost. If you mention that the deceased had symptoms such as pneumonia, respiratory disease, or even a cold you are allowed to call such symptoms ‘covid related’ ergo the death certificate can have covid on it and the stats can continue to climb legitimately. It’s a good way to massage the numbers and the laws surrounding the accuracy of a’cause of death ‘are very ropey anyway, unless it’s a pertinent to a criminal investigation.
A new book has been written called “The Contagion Myth” ……
‘In the book we present research showing that “coronavirus” is not contagious. No scientist has ever properly isolated and purified a virus and then shown it to cause disease in either animals or humans. We believe that the best explanation for the illness–characterized by hypoxia (lack of oxygen) and widespread clotting—is exposure to electro-magnetic radiation, especially exposure to 5G millimeter technology, deployed first in large cities and then in small cities and communities throughout the world, combined with pollution, poor diet and toxins in our water and food supply, which increase our vulnerability. We argue that masks, social distancing and vaccines do no good and can only make the situation worse.’
It is by Sally Fallon and Dr. Tom Cowan. Sounds very interesting. Also, New Zealand is rapidly rolling out its 5G network. There must be some connection here.
This is a verified BS conspiracy meme. People nowhere near 5G installations, in countries that don’t have 5Gm have acquired and died from COVID (yes hypoxia and clotting).
COVID is mild or harmless to most people, but it does kill some in an unpleasant way. This is a fact. The media and political over-reaction is also a fact, but that does not follow that COVID is literally cooked up (pardon the pun).
How do you know it’s a “verified BS conspiracy meme”?
How do you know covidchok’s deadly nature is a fact?
How do you know for a fact that what the media and the politicians are doing is simply an “over-reaction” and there’s nothing sinister about it?
I wish you were right, Frank, but the 5G network is already being positioned in space via low-flying satellites, to blanket the whole planet with penetrating electrical frequencies. The whole covid hoax is a cover-up for what is called ‘the 4th industrial revolution’, ie total surveillance and control. None of this is possible without 5G. Heaps of info on the internet concerning this military weapon and spying technology – but no efforts to research health effects on humans, insects and environment. Look it up as efforts to inform people about this are quickly being censored.
“At least five companies have started to provide 5G from space from a combined 20,000 satellites in low- and medium-Earth orbit that will blanket the Earth with powerful, focused, steerable beams. Each satellite will emit millimetre waves with an effective radiated power of up to 5 million watts from thousands of antennas arranged in a phased array.”
“Coronavirus: France to be added to UK quarantine countries”
Eeny meeny miny mo – who’s next?
The UK Gov/SAGE are changing the rules willy-nilly as they go along. It’s a sadistic psyop designed to wrong-foot people and to sow anxiety.
UK holiday makers in France are suddenly rushing back to the UK to meet an arbitrary deadline, before which they can avoid quarantine. A minute over the deadline and they’ll need to quarantine.
Clueless sheep don’t question how a virus can switch on and off in line with government diktats.
I just caught a bit on the BBC about France and the conversation went something like this:
Newsreader: “And I see that virus statistics are on the rise in France. Is there a reason for that?”
French correspondent: “Well many here were not taking the restrictions seriously. Not wearing masks when they should!”
Ah – lesson learned!
“Virus statistics” means nothing. The BBC should focus on the deaths to come from cancelled medical treatments. Millions will die.
Anyone had the pleasure in the U. K in driving past or have a look e see of theses friendly looking testing centers (camps) which are now common on most areas.
They are not put up for decor and they can hold including car park converted
15.000/25.000 easy
a football cricket or car boot sale ground can hold not including carpark that many and has has the facilities all ready to go which can be extended.
Asbo Sainsbury cinema texs theses horrific shopping mules on the outside of towns they double up perfectly as camps even have personal entrance in the back end one way in and out system perfect for perhaps something like this.
they never build anything for one purpose
The first people who should go in the camps is the voters as they believe so much in the Democratic voting system which comes up with theses people friendly concepts.
If its like Hi-de-Hi! and bojo and trump and fraargde sir kier J. C and tommy 4 names are redcoats as you all dance to theses ideology’ so much and its all happy clappy then good news. nothing to worry about
You can send us all a postcard
The silver lining here in the UK is that with the economy collapsing, and Johnson and the far-right n Washington still wanting Brexit, there isn’t any scope for another lockdown or draconian measures. We can all do our bit here by hastening the demise of Johnson’s puppet regime by boycotting the big corporations and going on strike.
The boycott should start now – and that includes the banks and their money. If people refused to take loans banks would force the governments to make them compulsory (which already happens: student loans, plans for ‘welfare loans’ now underway in U.S.).
Begin to move part of your life to barter and gradually increase it.
Splendid idea.
Ditch your bank accounts (if you have savings invest in gold)
Boycott all corporations (watch bezos sweat)
Dont take out loans (sell your car)
Dont pay your mortgage!
I bet you think i’m being sarcastic, i have already done all this, but your right if you think it brings on hardship it does. My freedom is more important than those material possession, but I have to admit giving up eating is a problem & most people couldn’t grow their own even if they had the will & skill.
The hardest sell is to younger people. They may strike a rebellious pose – and then you see them in a Che Guevara t-shirt shouting, “What do we want? A Mortgage When do we want it? Now!”.
At the same time the Corporations and Foundations target them, taking advantage of their inexperience to subvert the order.
That’s our wedge: get in to that gap where young people have been told to blame their parents and boomers for all the ills of the world and then ask: why they hell are you copying them then!
Live different. Don’t chase credit. If you’re so socially liberal, why do you all want little boxes. You’re so green? Great. So let’s start with the car, the sweat-shop-made suit and fancy dress, the watch and the material stuff… and that phone.
It’s a hard sell but TPTB are the ones who opened up this gap by using the young against what they call traditional forms of society.
They would have probably purchased the Che Guevara from Amazon or similar. Unfortunately many don’t see the link between spending money with the big globalist corporations and the corrupt system that controls us. . And,
Please expand on this
For me, the use of ‘far-right’ in this context refers to the entirety of both the Republican and Democratic parties.
I dont want to know who is far right i want to know what makes them far right.
The “far-right” is the fiction which unifies the “Left”.
I’ve been trying to get a definition of it here ever since i’ve been coming here not once have i received one i dont think even they know what it means.
Wanting “definitions” of things is definitely far-right.
Like it or not we have a common language so that we can communicate, we can only do that effectively if we have clear understanding of the words we use. I dont understand what far right is so i seek an explanation with a common definition we can all appreciate.
Surely by defining it you’ve already committed the deadly sin of becoming it? 😉
No more scope for another lockdown ? Are you serious ?
The fun has only just got started. Draconian measures are “baked in”.
Until and unless any of the politicians and professional classes rediscover some basic integrity we are totally f….d .
The surveillance agenda is getting up to warp speed, the biometrics and biotechs and pharmaceuticals and going to make fortunes , it’s a gold rush for these people.
Keep in mind that SMART tech is really Secret Militarised Armaments in Residential Technology,
“The silver lining here in the UK is that with the economy collapsing and boycotting the big corporations and going on strike”
Great idea Vladimir, then the communist government will come to your rescue.
Now you see how the Holocaust narrative fits in.
“They sent them to the camps for the Jews. How dare you! How dare you compare.”
Implication: that was a one-off racist madman. Our camps are different.
(And no, he wasn’t mad. But he was backed by the same Corporations and their Foundations who are behind the Covid Camps).
The camps are a sorting, thus the words concentration and fusion.
Concentration camps, pioneered by the British and the Americans, were invented to SORT or DETAIN people according to their usefulness or their perceived threat to society, or the political need to point fingers at an enemy within.
Many were set up to provide slave labour. The NKVD was given quotas to arrest enough people to keep the GULAGs mining gold and later uranium. Prescott Bush was a director of Union Banking Corporation which owned one third of the Consolidated Silesian Steel Company near the Polish town of Oswiecim.
“When the plan to work Soviet prisoners fell through, the Nazis transferred Jews, communists, gypsies and other minority populations to the camp. The prisoners of Auschwitz who were able to work were shipped to 30 different companies. One of the companies was the vast Consolidated Silesian Steel Corporation.”
One could go on. The privatized prison companies in the USA provide cheap, forced or slave labour to companies.
Boers or Japanese, ghettoes or quarters, Chinese or “yellow peril“, gypsy or Roma, thieving or diseased, reservations or camps, Amerindian, Quechua or Carib, whether you compost them in camps or drive them off the cliffs of Sauteurs…
It amounts to the same.
It is war on the people, all the people, by showing what happens if you don’t comply.
The fury that erupts over “moral equivalency” when someone tries to draw parallels between anti-Semitism and other forms of prejudice is based on fear of losing a central narrative and the power such a narrative grants. The Nazis/Holocaust configuration has been indispensable to the construction of this central narrative whereby the entire moral order of the world can be constructed around a cartoon vision of one particular conflict to which all else must refer. Thus, we have screaming psychos in pathologically clean military outfits against wan emaciated inmates of one particular ethnic group. I’m not saying that didn’t happen. I am only saying that it obliterates all else. And it’s essential to keep it simple because simple narratives can be more easily controlled.
The dehumanisation programme continues full throttle . . .
“Set the safety example which shows you as a DNR public service employee care about the safety and health of others.”
DNR – Department of Natural Resources…or Do Not Resuscitate?
And if you happen to be skydiving by yourself, don’t forget to wear your mask!
I am wondering if better protection might be afforded by the wearing of an underwater mask and snorkel. Leave the flippers/fins at home as that might be overdoing it a bit! You would at least fool the face recognition cameras.
4 things that are heresy when talking about the Covid
1. The number of people who die with/from it is no different from flu
2. It is, like all viral respiratory diseases, seasonal
3. The test is faulty
4 .The virus spreads through air and is so small that nothing can stop it from spreading (if you believe that virology is a true science, and for argument’s sake let’s consider this true as it is based on their own standards)
The reason why that is heresy must be absolutely clear by now: when you talk about either 1 of these 4 things the narrative falls apart.
The good thing about NZ is that this horrendous measure (it appears) applies to everyone, so I wonder how much the experts, politicians and journalists there will like it to be quarantined for a disease that is not more dangerous and acts precisely in the same way as seasonal flu!
Several points worth adding here,
Stuff is owned by an Aussie parent co. and peddles identi-kit news to keep the sheeple content on both sides of the Tasman, no contrary voices allowed.
There’s a sudden news interest in so-called conspiracy blogs etc down-under, this is probably a forerunner for censoring tactics.
There’s an audio at internet archive of David Goldberg (now deceased) from June ‘19 re Project Zyphr and Project Pogo . Worth finding now that the separation of people for quarantine is becoming normalised across the World. The US has similar regs , the NZ stuff is as always a cut&paste job from Whitehall.
PCR tests also say nothing whatsoever about whether a person is infected; they have not been approved for use as diagnostic tests. One of the two extra-parliamentary inquiries currently underway in Germany into the corona crisis looked closely into the PCR tests in its fourth sitting. For any interested, here is my report on it.
This inquiry information is so important particularly as the fear wave emphasis is moving towards infections previously called cases.
My question is how can we ensure it is more widely disseminated?
Maybe offguardian could do some features on it as it progresses?
Yes. Off-Guardian; please cover Toby’s report, if you can.
That’s a question I am singularly bad at answering. I wrote my blog for years with little to no success by way of readership; I just don’t like social media, nor do I enjoy self-promotion of any kind.
That said, I’m beginning to believe that dissemination is now the least of our worries. Here’s a link to the 7th hearing, where the situation in several countries is discussed in English until about 37:20 or so. Of particular interest is the input from the lawyers from Holland and Belgium. Furthermore, the senior lawyer of the four-lawyer chair of the inquiry, Dr Rainer Füllmich, announced at the beginning of this week on his own YT channel the initiation of class-action suit against all responsible parties for damages caused by using the erroneous and wholly inappropriate PCR test as the basis of corona-crisis measures the world over. He mentions a big law firm in the US, so I think it’s a German-US action. This combined with the legal actions currently rapidly developing in Holland and Belgium – I understand Italy and Spain are involved too – and the calls for an increasingly internationalised effort, strongly suggest the tide has turned, albeit unreported by the infamous mass media.
In other words, legal ‘bombs’ are about to go off everywhere and the guilty may well be caught very flat footed. This article by The Slog suggests The Daily Telegraph is about to change tack, however, as is the Tory party. Maybe they too have sniffed the change in the weather.
I should also add a lesser known fact: The Council of Europe judged the swine-flu pandemic – declared by the WHO in June 2009 – a “fake pandemic”. In other words, there’s precedence. My report on the first hearing of the inquiry at my blog covers this important point, although that particular entry is in fact a translation of an RT article, not my own words.
Shit might well be about to get very real.
Thanks Toby for the link I will continue to follow developments there.
As to the tide turning what you have provided there has moved my hope/despair score into the positive.
Yep I was aware of the CE judgement re swine-flu by the sadly deceased rapporteur Paul Flynn.
I have been I must say not very successfully trying to do a compare/contrast of the performance of WHO and the other players in the 2003, 2009 and 2020 pandemic/epidemics.
What is clear so far is there has been a progression by WHO from an “amateurish” public body (2003) through a half way house in which many of the policies being enacted today were floated (2009) to this slick highly influential operation we see today.
This maybe a forensic exercise that the legal teams are willing to perform as contextual background to their case(s)
Yes, it’s a cloak-and-dagger operation, with the WHO as cloak. On or about 4 May 2009, the WHO surreptitiously changed their criteria for declaring a pandemic. They removed any need for there to be large numbers of death and sickness. Subsequently, all that’s needed is a ‘new’ (recently discovered) virus that’s ‘spreading’ (positive PCR tests) around the world. That gives the WHO the sort of power Big Pharma only used to be able to dream about.
Here’s a quote from that RT report:
That asterisk references:
I think it’s an ‘evil genius’ move to use an apparently non-political organisation as a front for profit- and power-driven global ambitions. Another quote from the RT report:
A quote from the article linked to in the above asterisk excerpt:
What with The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, GAVI, lobbying by Big Pharma of various world governments as major funders of the WHO, they have decent levels of control of what the WHO does; a lot of power in the hands of people who make money selling vaccines.
And all the children just got their token results for exams they never took. What clearer sign do you need that it no longer matters?
Your compliance will determine your social credit score not your skills or knowledge.
That’s exactly how the qualifications were assessed. Already children are complaining it’s unfair. Those from elite schools with smaller classes were given a higher assessment. Welcome to the Nomenclatura.
Welcome jongens, welcome. To your score. Instead of complaining, now, comply. And we may raise your score a notch.
What a nasty world these monsters want us to live in. Once the isolation, distancing and total atomisation of each of us is complete, they will be in their worldly paradise.
Very Frustrated Footnote: the number of comments I see from people who actually think this whole agenda is about ‘communism’ and installing a global ‘communist dictatorship’ just makes me want to tear my hair out. And scream.
And of course, meantime, the World Economic Forum, the Bilderberg Group, Big Pharma, the Rockefellers and the other billionaires, et al, all get a free pass.
The world’s richest people and biggest corporations have absolutely zero to do with any ism, except fascism. AAAGGH.
Had to get that off my chest…
Ah yes, those pesky “communists” are diabolical – now they are apparently stooping to using conglomerations of Western mega-billionaire oligarchs “for cover” in their endless efforts to rule the world! Who ever imagined that the – (“World Economic Forum, the Bilderberg Group, Big Pharma, the Rockefellers and the other billionaires”) – were just “communist front” organizations?
Gezza, anyone who actually believes (or is at least willing to pretend to believe) such “its the communists” nonsense is either completely brain-dead and/or a government financed troll – though I’m probably spitting hairs even making such a distinction between these options.
So keep your hair buddy – though of course an occasional scream never hurt anyone – and I find it can be rather cathartic in times such as these.
Given the draconian corona-lockdown policies ever unfolding in the various Five Eyes nations it would appear the dreaded communists have now even infiltrated that hallowed and righteous brotherhood of spys and world class criminals – and those communists are no doubt the guiding hand behind the destruction of our civil liberties. Drats! Do these commies never sleep!!!!
Thanks Gary. I’ve actually wondered that, that those making these ludicrous claims about a ‘communist takeover’ are indeed disinfo trolls out to sow confusion. However, the number of people that agree with their views…
I had a number 4 a couple weeks ago, so not a great deal of hair at the moment!
And, you’re right, it’s in the Five Eyes countries that seem to have enacted the most harshest Corona measures.
Hope your weekend in SoCal is good.
Thanks Gezzah. Warm regards to you. And yes, the Five Eyes does seem to be the belly of this corona beast. It is a fine madness that surrounds us.
Is this satire? This site must be getting brigaded because that’s exactly what it is. Interesting interview with Chris Wood about the planned Economic Reset: Technocracy rules. Can understand your frustration. I am also gnashing my teeth over this damn 5G roll out. 249,593 physicians and scientists from 219 countries have signed a petition to halt the roll out and all we get is a pathetic Background Briefing program showing activists as nutters and conspiracy theorists.
Thanks for the interview Glenda. I keep forgetting about Spiro Skouras, who is another excellent source.
Patrick Wood is THE source on technocracy. Not to diminish Corbett or Spiros but Wood is the person whose work it’s essential to know. He co-authored books on the Trilateral Commission with the late Antony C Sutton — that’s how long he’s been studying the technocrats and globalization.
Technocracy is the science of social engineering. They despise politicians and you can see that from the way politicians are mere footsoldiers, taking orders from Fauci and Gates.
Obey the science! (and we’ll tell you what it says).
The technocrat is about more than medial martial law. It cannot proceed unless a Smart Grid is imposed everywhere at the same time, says Patrick Wood.
The oligarchs balk at paying for the Smart Grid themselves. So the Smart Grid was inserted to the 2009 financial bailout package by Barack Obama. Roll forward to the financial bailout of 2020 and it may be happening again.
Stimulus grants were offered to utilities not just in the U.S. but all around the world, simultaneously. Someone was coordinating its rollout in China, S Korea, India, Japan, the UK and more. There was a parallel movement to set up a Global Smart Grid, the energy web or internet of energy, to control all the energy produced and consumed in the world from a single control point. That cannot happen spontaneously.
The move to an economy based on data has been so well hidden that people cannot see the problem. How can you fight an enemy that you can’t see. But there is a way. James Corbett and Patrick Wood
Spot on .
The way people have been beguiled into accepting their devices is analogous to the indigenous peoples being given disease contaminated blankets and fire water.
Lots of news as to how they are getting on at
Attach what ever ism you like, its authoritarian, totalitarian isms. which pretty much fits the definition of communism.
Now tell me again why i should surrender my freedom for your safety & security?
You shouldn’t of course. The point I was trying to make is if people can’t identify who the actual puppet masters are – who is driving this agenda, then we havn’t got much hope. That was the point. Humble suggestion, watch the video Glenda linked in her above comment. It explains it much better than me.
But my point isn’t whether the end goal is communism, its going to end up a communist tyranny. communist = equality, everyone must think, behave & live the same way, there is no free, citizens don’t have rights, opinions aren’t allowed.
I come back to this point over & over again, communism must by nature be totalitarian otherwise it doesn’t work. And that’s what they have in mind for us, give it what ever name you like, i use communism as an example of the past for a description of the future and that future is totalitarian technocratic tyranny.
I know there are many China sycophants here, but they never talk of the sweat shop work houses or the social credit system, the dreadful housing for the poor etc or the fact there is no political opposition allowed. There is no utopian example of communism! Because it isn’t utopian its bleak & authoritarian. What do you think china’s social credit system is & how its run if its not technocracy? getting hung up on exact definitions is irrelevant when it all adds up to one thing a tiny elite minority ruling over an enslaved majority. That enslavement is getting increasingly worse.
I don’t understand how any of you here truly believe if we had a socialist or communist government none of these draconian measures would happen. What is china’s policy on vaccination? The problem is this site is full of nostalgic socialists who have a rose tainted view of socialism as a glorious fight against the rich barons of industry, wake up the worlds moved on since the 1920s, our freedoms & rights are being suffocated. I don’t give a shit what its called or if your offended that i’ve misrepresented your personal political dogma (not specifically gezzah).
Did Stalin or Castro give up there position once communism was established? NO and neither socialism or communism will save us from technocratic tyranny, so give that notion up, only a will for personal freedom will save the human race from this dystopia.
If you want a vision of the future i humbly suggest you read Theodore John Kaczynski manifesto. i dont advocate his methods but he understood with exceptional clarity where neo-liberalism ends.
Thank you for your reply. Have a good weekend.
I’m sorry O. I wish I had’ve just simply said: ‘I wish people understood who the real perpetrators of this agenda are instead of thinking this was about communism’.
My comment wasn’t about ideology. It was about people misunderstanding what this is about. That was what I was trying to say. Clumsy choice of words.
Thanks for the recommendation of Ted Kaczynski manifesto. I actually read it a good 2 years ago.
And yes, I found it very profound and powerful. I think I’ll go back and read it again over the weekend.
Never apologize for giving your opinion.
I think we all misunderstand whats meant when we start using labels & ideologies. this place is a minefield with left & right which is why i try to avoid the left/right void,
I use the term socialist often, which is quite often taken out of context by many old school socialists from the 60 & 70s who think i am criticizing them personally, what i’m criticizing is collectivism where people think everyone should surrender their freedom for others safety & security! I have socialist sympathies but they don’t stretch that far!
You can find the manifesto audio book on youtube! the man was a nut but he understood the human condition & Neo-liberalism, its a provocative read. Good day 😉
Those claiming “communism” are actually referring to the same perpetrators as you: Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg, World Economic Forum. They just interpret it as communism rather than fascism. Totalitarianism is most accurate and includes both.
Well stated. I can’t understand the love of totalitarian China by many here and I’ve always been on the left. While I can appreciate the geopolitical aspects of China’s rise including the Belt and Road Initiative, the social credit system and other domestic measures of the Chinese Communist Party represent precisely the neo-totalitarianism we are fighting to prevent right at this moment. I believe the global oligarchs are at least partly using China as a model for their future dystopia.
How gives a shit whether it’s communism or fascism? They are both totalitarianism and not too different in my book. But you have taken the bait by not seeing the bigger picture which is about control and loss of freedom.
Thanks for finding the video, Glenda. Patrick Wood takes it right to the enemy.
“Technocracy is the science of social engineering. It is not a political system. They want to do away with the entire political structure.
Look at Fauci, it’s not about the virus. It’s about social engineering as he looks down his nose at the President: “The science says”.
Robert McNamara was a technocrat, Al Gore is a technocrat, Bill Gates is a classic example, Elon Musk, Eric Schmidt, Jeff Bezos.
These people are not communists, they’re not socialists and they’re not Marxists.”
Technocracy is related to Corporatism, however, and that’s the definition of fascism.
— Patrick Wood, the top source on technocracy:
You made me smile M, coz I watched this about 2 hrs ago, and have already posted it in 2 groups I’m in, as well as FB friends. Excellent and bang on the money.
My initial comment above has obviously been misunderstood and taken the wrong way.
It wasn’t even about communism or Any ism. It was about people not identifying who the real perpetrators of this scam are.
Have a good weekend👍
You too, Gezzah. I got so enamoured of the video I’ve taken a closer look at Patrick Wood’s analysis up top.
Comrade Gezzah, There is an idea put about by class enemies that that the Glorious Party was installed and financed by the Reactionary Powers, and that the Dictatorship of the Proletariat is nothing but rule by slogans and decree on behalf of Capital … We are sincerely grateful for your effort in countering this dangerous
viruserror, we note your many other posts, please can you report to your nearest Testing Station and you will receive your reward.Uncle Bill
As ridiculous as it may seem, just keep in mind that those who claim the agenda is “communism” are usually still referring to the Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg, and World Economic Forum. They believe these multi-billionaires have a plan for global communism or global “socialism.” To be fair, those on the right believing it is global communism are not that far from the mark. Of course it is much more accurately global totalitarianism that is on the march, but the right associates totalitarianism with communism. If the agenda of the oligarchs continues to succeed, this new totalitarianism is likely to have a combination of fascist and communist features.
Re: And of course, meantime, the World Economic Forum, the Bilderberg Group, Big Pharma, the Rockefellers and the other billionaires, et al, all get a free pass.
Of those who label the insurgency as communist, Bolshevik, Maoist, etc, I doubt there is anybody who would give any of the above a free pass. Instead, they would say that the above are working toward a common agenda. Also, that the executives (corporations and government) have been chosen BECAUSE they are aligned with that agenda.
Also, we surely all understand that the elites don’t want communism for themselves. Rather, they want communism as the means to control everyone else.
If people test positive give them HCQ. It’s cheap, it works, is got no ill effects unless you are racially from a malaria country. That’s easy to check.
So there is no need for medical martial law…. Except that is what politicians, big pharma, the security state and the Gates mafia want.
Thus HCQ must be demonized. Not only does it render the billion dollar money-spinner vaccine unnecessary… It spoils all those plans for rendition to fusion centres.
Manzanar / Whangaparāroa
hum. I wonder how many billionaires, flocking in on their private yachts & jets get quarantined? (or tested, even?)
Oh right, they get to self – isolate in their luxury bunkers.
Like in darling P R China?
Or like the old quarantine in harbouring ships?
Or like an isolation ward in a hospital?
There are already prisons for dissidents (Assange), no need for this irrational scare story.
New Zealand’s Jacinda Ardern makes more sense.
LOLZ you’re good for a laugh, I have to say. A slightly milder version of the erstwhile crispy.
I’m speechless, no really i am!!!!!!!!!
Just an FYI post on a worthwhile online conference from (Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth). The final day with feature both Daniel Ganser who has written the definitive history of Operation Gladio, and prolific James Corbett of the Corbett report. The same global oligarchic forces pushing the covid psyop are the ones who instituted the police state measures after the 9/11 psyop. This is all part of the same cloth we need to unravel together.
Limited hangout to protect the secret that the MSM construct events. Why are the incriminating impact youtubes (nose comes out other side, melt thru) left up? Because most people are ignorant of engineering and Physics and can make nothing of it. If you got top engineers and Physicists coming out with analysis and informed opinion like the few brave virologists and doctors and nurses do then it would have been shut down.
Cov-1984 works because the media are trusted not to be showing a movie.
The advantage of the Corona psychosis is that a small amount of people are forced to become aware of the nature of modern societies, how primitive they actually are, how incompetent, corrupt and spineless its authorities.
One can hardly have a full grasp of the extent of this situation. Appearances of authority and self-propaganda of modern societies always exercises a certain power over even the most critical individuals. And perhaps this saves many people from a level of disappointment which is too hard to swallow. In a century or so, they will see the utter folly, incompetence and corruption, and wonder about such barbarism. Perhaps they will not make the same mistake of boasting how advanced they are.