The New Normal: “Covert Moral Enhancement” for “coronavirus defectors”
Academic article suggests putting psycho-active drugs in the water supply to make people “co-operative”
Kit Knightly

Illustration by Daniel Gray
Four days ago the Conversation – an “independent source of news and views, sourced from the academic and research community” – published an article headlined:
‘Morality pills’ may be the US’s best shot at ending the coronavirus pandemic, according to one ethicist
The article’s author is Parker Crutchfield, an Associate Professor of Medical Ethics, Humanities and Law at Western Michigan University, and his argument can be broken down into four key points:
- Wearing masks and social distancing are good for public health
- People who refuse to follow these rules are “defectors” who need to be “morally enhanced”
- This moral enhancement can be achieved with medication to make people more “empathetic” and “co-operative”
- This medication should be compulsory and/or administered secretly via the water supply.
I swear I’m not exaggerating. Not even a little bit. To absorb the full horror I suggest you read it for yourself (and then read the comment section as well, it will make you feel better) but, if you’re not so inclined, here are some choice quotes:
like receiving a vaccine to beef up your immune system, people could take a substance to boost their cooperative, pro-social behavior.
Moral enhancement is the use of substances to make you more moral. The psychoactive substances act on your ability to reason about what the right thing to do is, or your ability to be empathetic or altruistic or cooperative.
These substances interact directly with the psychological underpinnings of moral behavior […] Then, perhaps, the people who choose to go maskless or flout social distancing guidelines would better understand that everyone, including them, is better off when they contribute, and rationalize that the best thing to do is cooperate.
Another challenge is that the defectors who need moral enhancement are also the least likely to sign up for it […] a solution would be to make moral enhancement compulsory or administer it secretly, perhaps via the water supply.
This isn’t just a panicked response to an unforeseen emergency, Crutchfield’s area of bioethics research focuses on “questions like how to induce those who are noncooperative to get on board with doing what’s best for the public good”, and a look through his articles reveals that this is an agenda which pre-dates our current “pandemic”.
There’s The epistemology of moral bioenhancement from 2016 and then Compulsory moral bioenhancement should be covert from just last year.
This isn’t just about masks, if it were implemented it would be a lot more far-reaching. From masks to vaccines to anything else, beyond even the “pandemic”. The author admits as much himself [our emphasis]:
But a strategy like this one could be a way out of this pandemic, a future outbreak or the suffering associated with climate change.
Happy Pills in our water to make us proper cooperative citizens? “Covert moral enhancement” to produce “superior post-persons”?
That is literally “Soma” from Huxley’s Brave New World. It can’t be satirized or exaggerated. It is the very zenith of dystopian horror. And it is being seriously suggested by research scientists in apparently respectable publications.
This may be just one article in a comparatively small (and murkily funded) magazine, but that’s how it starts.
Of course, it also further feeds into the stream of propaganda which seeks to dehumanise those who express dissent.
We’ve already been told that “defectors” are more likely to be narcissists or psychopaths, and seen them subject to police brutality with total impunity.
New Zealand are setting up “quarantine centres” where you will have to stay “indefinitely” if you refuse a to be tested.
And now it’s being seriously posited that those who refuse to comply should be subject to covert medication to render them more malleable to the “public good”.
It’s not hard to see where this is going. Show this article to everyone you know. People have to be told what their world is being turned into, while we still have the brainpower to stop it.
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can you say Miranda …
It’s obvious some patients with herpes are being enslaved to the antiviral and other supplementary Orthodox medicine just to help suppress the virus and not a cure. I have been with the virus since 2015 until I was introduced by a blogger who also narrated her story online on how she was cured of Genital Herpes after using Dr Sikies Herbal Medicine. This is a year and 2 weeks since I was delivered from genital Herpes. All thanks to God for using this Great herbalist to heal me. I have promised to keep telling good things about Dr Sikies. Please feel free to share Your problems with him and don’t forget to tell him I did refer you to Him. Thanks. Write him on mail [email protected] He deals with Alzheimer virus, Cancer, HIV, Herpes, Genital, warts, ALS, BV, UTI, Virginal infection, Genital, Wart, HPV, Hepatitis A/B, Good luck, HSV, Pregnancy, Ex back.
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The good part is, iIdon’t think it would work. Most substances which might “increase morality” basically make people more ampathetic “towards members and norms of their own in-group”. The is especially true of oxytocin. What a wonderful way to make the population more divided, if you try to posion us like that you’ll find we become even mroe strongly lockdown sceptic. The so-called ethicist who wrote that conversation article is clearly an idiotic on practical matters, a fascist politically, and an idiot on the “scale” of the covid “crisis” which is turning out to be very minor (although the over-reaction of lockdown will be a tragedy which ripples around long in to history).
Worldwide Peaceful Revolution, From September 16 – 30, 2020, In The U.S. At Washington D.C.
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I call for ALL these evil inhumane psychopath’s to be hung by the neck, until death, in the town square, for ALL to see! Not joking!! Fight evil! We will win!!
Overcome evil with Good
These evil psychopaths will not, or even know what good is!!..the only thing to do is to destroy them!!
Quite frankly I’d rather live fully including taking risks than be locked up in a “so called” aged care facility. So much for “rules of the royal commission including freedom of choice”…it is bad enough to have no other choice but to end up in “old people dump world”, but to be locked away from the very people who could be your voice when you have to wait 4 hours before you can go to the toilet and end up sitting in your own urine/faeces untill help finally arrives…or be forced to eat the garbage they call food or go hungry…just to name a tiny percentage of what’s wrong in aged care at the best of times. God forbid we might focus on employing more staff to lower the patient to nurse ratio…(in some places that’s 15 patients per nurse) have better technology available for staying in contact, paying the nurses a “real” wage, which would result in better qualified staff, better quality staff ( not just the plebs who work there for convenience or lack of jobs in small towns). So yes, I’d rather have the freedom of risk.
If you read Crutchfield’s “Compulsory Moral Bioenhacement Should Be Covert” piece, he/they are already taking into account the wary portion population who will not drink public water, enter public buildings, or vaccinate. Check out the research into using the Olfactory system to bypass the blood brain barrier, and of course, Moral Enhancement Using Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation …
How insidious
Fluoride in the drinking water that pacifies a population is ubiquitous. it worked well in Nazi Germany and also here.
Senser called this correct, waaay back in ’94 during the Criminal Justice Act shenanigans.
– Prophetic, or what?:…
“One of these days I’m gonna get sectioned
I bet they even say it’s for my own protection
Rejection leads straight to correction
*Look out, here comes a strange injection*
*They’ve got a drug to numb my erection*
But they won’t take this from me:
My state of mind”
– Senser: States of Mind.
Says it all.
The Australian government seems the new reliable go-to for the greatest insanity at the moment:
Rather like the States Alone/Together commercials
The U.S. is catching up fast
Brave New World. But with people encourage to be anti-social germaphobes, rather than the sexual libertines they were encouraged to be in “Brave New World”.
Oh no, they haven’t given up on the sexual libertinage – the Canadian government has recommended the use of glory holes for sex without facial contact and one US university recommended sex with face masks!
These ‘authorities’ are really frightened of pleasure and fun. Almost feel sorry for them.
Kit, why are against promoting peace and stability among a citizenry that will be united behind the leaders?
I can’t speak on Kit’s behalf, but I know from my own research that what you present comes at a huge price to humanity via deliberate population reduction on a biblical scale. Are you sure you and your family are safe and secure from this?
I agree. This is very much of Biblical proportions. I hope that people start reading their Bibles instead of leaving them in the top drawer of their nightstands. Or, instead of dusting off the one that they have prominently displayed on their coffee table that they dust off once a week because its so rarely opened.
Prayer is not a bad idea, either
“This medication should be compulsory and/or administered secretly via the water supply”
.. or included in a vaccine?
Cognitive dissonance is fear-thinking that uses the mind of the absentee.
Morally guilted compliance as empathy would be unbelievable but for being a normal.
The stuff that quangos, think tanks and NGO’s are spouting is a collective dissonance of surrender to group think that simply masks in virtue as if to have it.
There is no one there. You wont be able to have a discussion. They are aligned with ‘morally guilting’ others as the power of leveraging fears as part of masking over their own and shifting the focus and penalty to others. But at the same time – beneath the levels of masking – there is another human being who is under a spell of fear. While the mask is fully defended, their capacity to recognise a lack of attack and an extension of acknowledgement or appreciation, is beneath the mask and allows some moment of differentiation from a reactive defence. Fear shuts down choices to a tyrannous dictate. Love reveals the choice that can be changed for a better.
The love that is not masking as virtue but recognises by extension is of a willingness and not a self-coercion. Honesty and true witness are extended TO another. We often don’t recognise the love in life until it is withheld, blocked or denied by forms of unfeeling ‘correctnesses’ for it is the context of our lives and not a commodity to make, trade or contract into terms and conditions of blind rules.
This is Fascist ideology, pure and simple, masquerading as science, just as ‘our’ govt says it’s “led by the science”. Yes, led into the gas chambers.
I wonder if Crutchfield is covertly under employment or contract with America’s Central Intelligence Agency. His thinking seems so much in alignment with the CIA.
Isn’t Fauci’s wife Christine Grady Fauci the head of ethics of human experimentation for NIH?
Yes. Christine Grady is an American nurse and bioethicist who serves as the head of the Department of Bioethics at the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center.
“Bio-ethicists” frequently argue in favor of torture, vivisection and, in this case, totalitarianism. He isn’t suggesting pills to make capitalists less greedy and depraved let alone changes to an insane anti-social system. Nope — the “remedies” are always aimed at the working class. He’s a ruling class bootlicker and he has a bright future.
Wow, this is really worrying. I’ve just read one of Parker Crutchfield’s papers.
It opened up a new vista of knowledge I would rather not be privy to, but I’m glad I am. Is it because I live a sheltered life that I was unaware of the terms “moral postperson” and a “mere person”? Mere person is a category in which Crutchfield puts himself. But this whole field of medical ethics is totally unethical.
Subsequent to reading his paper I went searching the web for “moral postperson”. There is loads of stuff, absolutely loads. To save everyone the bother I can encapsulate the meaning of “moral postperson” in a simple phrase: “a person so brainwashed they would be prepared unquestioningly to lay down their lives for a perceived common good.” You only need a few brain cells to realise that this common good is the good of those who have you enslaved.
I’ve not come across anything so psychologically disempowering for society since the introduction of psychometric tests for job vacancies.
“Par-ker Crutch-field” “Hol-den Caul-field”
just sayin’
trolling us so hard
To summarise – we’ll slaughter about 80% of you as it will be good for the rest of us. Thanks Chrutchy.
Cynthia McKinney posted documents from wikileaks some time back. One of the links was to “Social Conditioning of Prisoners at Gitmo”. I was never able to open the link. Has anyone ever seen that information? I think it will sound familiar to us all now.
If you can find and open the link, would you please post it here?
I have been writing the president of these type of writer’s university asking which vaccine trials these writers have signed up for, you know, because they are so altruistic and pro social and all!
I generally pay attention, and so, in view of its stunning success, it’s funny how I missed the advert saying:
“Wanted: Ambitious, cunning, immoral persons for long-term, well-paid employment with secret hierarchy well above what most people think of as their “leaders”.
The successful applicants will have built an impermeable shell around the obsolete artifact which used to be known as “the human conscience” – preferably by committing an act of which a conventional citizen would be crushingly ashamed – or, even better, for which they had actually been blackmailed – and by learning to shrug off that shame.
We have a zero-tolerance policy towards any human characteristics resembling empathy, guilt or regret, and we reserve for ourselves the right to to impose ultimate maximum penalties for those who rock our boat by telling the truth.
Responsibilities will include wrecking society.
Applications may be made online, but at some point a hand-written signature in human blood will be required.”
You have to know the handshake, apparently.
I can see I don’t move in the right circles…
We should all be coronavirus defecators. Let us shit on this nonsense from a great height!
The covid cult are obviously not worried about ending up in guantanamo with a black bag over their heads. Maybe they should be?
In Guantánamo…with black bags over their heads…and forced to listen for hours on end to that video…a kind of musical waterboarding?
A musical waterboarding? touch your face.
I started listening to that with one hand covering half of my face…and ended up with both hands covering my ears.
with a black bag over your head? Don’t forget to put a warning of signs of a lock down on all published works containing them.
Why *in the world* would you post sh!te like this- just for the misdirection?
Exactly Gwyn: enough of this Maskdebating and massaging of genitals, for a-gentrification and
Pseudo-Psychological-scientific-operation. This is murder of the mind, most foul & feral faecal matter, with pure malice aforethought, that Demands total Ridicule of any mouthy masked marauder, followed by locking them down, to the nearest street lamp. Take chains, padlocks, old tomatoes and let them know what will happen to them, when we let the dogs out… where to start? Maybe, Ms. K9 Harris, chained to Joe Biden, until they can answer, honestly & scientifically …
Any basic question ?
Sounds like a plan!
Nice one Gwyn!
The CoVid1984 has YET to be isolated from any victim that has died from/with CoVid.
Until that happens, if the “Clampdown” occurs, I will not be adhering to any measures our illegitimate politicians dream up.
Yes or lets hear the argument for why the methods used to “identify” sars2 are valid and useful for setting public policy. Here in the States John Ioannidis indicated that previously other supposed strains of coroni virus are simply lumped into the influenza like bucket for reporting purposes. It doesnt take much imagination to see how this could be part of the current apparent fraud. Seems like a opportunity for some investigative journalism.
I have yet to follow any measures in apparently one of more strict States in the US (although recently I started to wear a ridiculous head band as a mask at the grocery store, I usually wear it around my neck and pull it up if requested by store personel –just to save he hassle). Maybe surprisingly I have had very little push back in general and none from authorities ie police, even during lockdown. Makes me wonder how enforcement varies from area to area.
Where I live in California the papers et al are now trumpeting “‘virus’ deaths have doubled!”- see what they did there? Mask-zombies now abound here, despite
five deaths total attributed to the Dreaded Pathogen in this County; all in care homes
with co-morbidities.
Remeber Millenial Millie, the one that exposed the people behind the riots, whom they where and what, incl whom trained this people, aka the “peacefull” protesters.
She is now, thrown into jail.
From the arrest.
Yeah, you will never read this on the MSM, and do listen to what this cop says.
You should know somethings first, I dont endorse A.hole Jones at all, but that dont move me when it comes to this woMAN, whom is one of the few that have been remarkable when it comes to give you as close you can come to the truth, and thats whu She is now incarserated in the land of the meek and the lame.
The Video they dont want you to see.
The covid cult seem to be really sexist. They are always picking on women.
Let’s see, that’s now four misdirecting videos you’ve posted in this thread..
cui bono
Am I missing something here? This isn’t A. Jones, but Spiro Skouras talking…
The thing is, when she asks in the documentary, “What would you say if you knew that etc. etc. … ?” My immediate reaction would be to say that such a scenario is now typical of the twisted creature we are accustomed to calling, “our government”. Many of us have not expected anything better from it for a considerable time now.
The two opposing scenarios with which I basically see us confronted at the moment are:
1. The Shadow State simply gets its way and we all end up as vegetables, incapable of creating anything new, beautiful or true, but only the superficial trimmings of some kind of “American Dream”…
2. Enough people stand up and rebel to cause a gigantic civil war involving most of the world, which will eventually mean everybody, including the elite, scrounging for uncontaminated scraps of ancient food and water from a bygone age, merely in order to survive…
In either scenario, life will, essentially, have no meaning at all, and only small groups of supremely creative, inspired and lucky people will be able to build towards restoring that meaning to our world. They will, of course, be opposed on all sides by the very devil, but they will fight.
The evil abominations currently controlling everything have nothing to contribute to human evolution, and they have their own extinction built into the consequences of their insane choices. But that may take some time…
We can only do our best to resist, and I certainly believe that the simple act of right thinking will ultimately lead to a future for our species. It will be tough going, but when did any wise person imply that life was going to be easy for any of us? Some are luckier than others, but we are all imperfect enough to need to make mistakes and learn from them.
My rule-of-thumb is to try only to make mistakes which will not hurt anyone but myself, but however simple that might sound, it isn’t.
BRILLIANT LINKS, Miki and you get the Gold Medal, as the FIRST PERSON EVER@OffG, who is capable of answering my most major question ever, to ALL & sundry. I swear, you will not believe how many fools, trolls and controlled opposition, from Flaxgirl/Petra to milosevic/covidiot have always failed to answer and deliberately dodged the very simple question, easy to answer, if they understood anything about computing, M.I.T. and mind control parameters, today, specifically within what was once called military intelligence, which has morphed into corporate intelligence, to dictate above any National Sovereignty! I should add, that i personally believe that milosevic knows all too well what a “Parallel Platform” is, but, his bosses do not want this subject discussed publicly here@OffG … just like Geo-engineering & HAARP potential and the connectivity of this all to the miraculous collapse of WTC7!
Define “Parallel Platform” , was my question and your second link does much more than define, giving working models and examples, naming them, just a few of them, naturally…
Good Morning CheltenHAM, spammers & spanners in the works & science of Humanities.
Knowledge is King. Not some Monarchy… and people like Bill Binney (& Weibe & myself & many others) , have been trying to raise awareness, since before millenial millie was born! My heart goes out to millie, but she HAD to expect this treatment, just like Bill and i did. Indeed, Miki, when i first started writing here about Parallel Platforms and William Binney, i was immediately targeted & challenged on everything-Sitschko by a wimpy creepy sociopathic troll, who chose the name…
William Bonney… get the picture of creating distraction and ultimately confusion?
I’m somehow sure you recall, just one ‘Bukva’ razlika/difference, from William Binney’s name.
William H. Bonney, thinking himself clever in some demented form of positioning.
Strange shit going down my end, right now Miki.
Hope you get to read this comment, seriously, Brud…
Best wishes,
Burglary? I have no idea what this is about but the second video is unavailable..
I feel we are moving from a ‘pandemic’ to another means of social control. I have always thought it could be done in a Nazi way and the aim was eugenics to cull the population.
So, what do I think ? Well a lot of people will stand in line to get a vaccination against covid-19. They will believe that they are doing the right thing….I don’t but there we go. I believe once you have had your ‘vaccination’ you will receive a blue circle patch to sew on your coat. As we walk down the street we will clearly be able to see who the vaccined are. In a similar way to how Jews were reconizable in Nazi Germany by a yellow star.
People you know will stop talking to you or looking at you because you don’t have a blue circle on show. People will be encouraged to inform on those who are not consenting and they will feel this is the correct thing to do for the public health of all.
In England at the moment we are seeing stricter lockdown in certain areas because there are higher cases of covid-19 cases there at the moment and that led me to think of Ghettos.
NZ we know are having quarentine camps at the moment for people who test +ve for something ‘certainly not covid-19’ All of the secientific evidence would suggest that covid-19 does not exist.
So, let’s think about dissenters, covid-19 and camps. It isn’t very hard to extrapolate that dessenters will be put in quarentine ghettos for the good of overall public health…is it ?
What happens then ? Well, a lot of dissenters will cave in and have vaccine if they think that they and their families will be sent to quarentine camps/ ghettos.
The hard core dissenters will be considered enimies of the state and will be subjected to ‘reconditioning’ until they comply. I know not yet what that will entail.
We move towards Huxley’s vision more and more …..if we look at what happens in ‘Brave New World’ the soma dependent, dystopian world. They read the slogans and repeat….love is hate, peace is war, etc. That is the compliant society they never question and carry on taking soma safe in the knowledge that their leaders are concerned for them and their welfare.
That is a huge mistake because herein moves Gates and his vaccines. You can be sterilised if you are a woman..if they sterilise women they don’t need to sterilise men.So, misogyny will be alive and well. You can be chip and pinned for deactivation ….ie death by AI
We will also have ‘savage world’ the place where hardcore dissenters are send. This place is devoid of anything considered to be humane. There is no welfare state, there is no NHS, there is no work….people live as savages, mostly addicted to their own brand of ‘soma’ in the form of alcohol or illicit drugs. Society will break down and mob rule will breakout. And this is our ‘New World Order’ folks
Project Zyphr , Project Pogo
An apocalyptic vision of Mad Maxian proportions, Tish. And, i hate to admit, the one that looks most likely to develop.It would be the perfect set of circumstances to breed dissent and despair.A world where we all want to get off.A world where the creatures who created this will gladly turn up like superheroes with big needles and small chips. Take your medicine and be good. It’s the Victorian savagery of the drilled skulls and rat -infested poverty.
I’ll die fighting if I have to. I won’t walk out of this life like a compliant dead -eyed robot with his hard drive wiped by these scum.And no mask will go on my face or needle in my arm.They’re for the same dumb animals who walked around with their eyes shut and mouths open far too long.
They could have at least tried to drop their obsession with trivia and celebrity and consider that the world they were ignoring is about to turn to shit for their children and theirs after them. I’ll wear whatever they want that singles me out as a non conformist. F**k them to a man.And any BS that comes my way from behind their trendy little cowboy mask will be a mistake.These herding monkey-see- monkey-do morons are something i’ll avoid.They’re the real pandemic.
Of all the viruses, past, present, and incubating in the labs of Fauci et al, the most common which keeps defying all vaccinations and mutating is the one we all need to fear. It isn’t of the Coronavirus family. Nor is it of the SARS clan. It is in us when we’re born. A few of us feel it and use what nature has given us to overcome and defeat it.No doctors needed.No medication. No freak from a software company. The virus to fear is ignorance. It spreads wide and moves fast by psychic contagion. To borrow a well-worn phrase from the TV campaigns of the 80s and 90s’ ”don’t die of ignorance”. And that includes the ignorance of other people.
Frankly I think anybody with any responsibility advocating this should be terminated – with extreme prejudice.
He looks to me like he may have taken medical ethics as a minor subsidiary discipline, while majoring in football, but I do realize that appearances can be deceptive…
He majored in narcissm and psychopathy, which from both he suffers.
It would appear that other “academics” are also busy at work with ideas about how to either manipulate mass behavior, or in the case linked below – to root out and identify potential trouble makers among we the disaffected masses before we might do something rash. The article linked below examines how measuring someone’s level of “existential anxiety” might allow authorities to predict if that person might later become “radicalized” and thus a potential “terrorist.” It is no doubt inconceivable to this author that “existential anxiety” might be the most healthy and appropriate response to an insane system.
She manages to without irony invoke TMT (Terror Management Theory) which posits that reminders of our mortality create unconscious anxiety that cause us to double-down on supporting our underlying core cultural beliefs – and turns it on it’s head. Suggesting that such “death reminders” actually might be the cause of radicalization and terrorist acts. If this is so it is quite obvious that it is our oligarchic betters constantly peddling fear of death reminders who are the core underlaying cause of terrorist acts – without a doubt. Though this is hardly the conclusion she hopes to convey with her work.
How unsurprising to see more academics both puerile and servile in their efforts to best prove themselves of service to oligarchic elites:
(“A new window to explore this link (radicalization) can possibly be found in investigations of Existential Anxiety [EA]. It has been shown that the condition of Existential Anxiety shares similarities with profiles found in some radicalized individuals—but a physical link to terrorist acts or severe radicalization has not yet been made. However, recent findings on EA could hypothetically explain the highly variable profiles found among terrorists.”)
In conclusion the author looks forward to the day we have better “measurement” tools in order to identify essentially the new “thought-crime” of “existential anxiety.” No doubt she eagerly awaits the arrive of appropriately suitable AI programs.
Damn… another sub-human…
Dan Andrews announces 33% (!) reduction in food-processing staff while claiming it won’t have any serious effect on availability:
Who knew there was such over-staffing in the Australian food industry? It sounds like a great job if there’s a one-in-three chance of being paid to do nothing!
Developments in the food chain need very close monitoring.
A rather more positive thought struck me last night:
If lockdown becomes even more fashionable during the coming weeks and months, people are going to have more time to actually THINK!
Of course not all will be inclined to do so – especially if they are not accustomed to it – but discovering their own creativity is surely more likely when people not only have the time for it, but are also left alone to get on with it.
These American “Associate Professors” are a menace. Not being full professors, they have no long-term security at all, so, if they are to have a hope of promotion, they have to make up for their lower status by publishing like mad. It doesn’t matter what rubbish they publish, but they need to be able to show a list of their output which at least looks convincing on paper.
One has to ask what kind of abusive upbringing a person has had in order to be so damaged as to think that chemical tinkering with a healthy human being’s personality is a conceivable option for an academic.
As our enemy gradually reveals himself, he shows himself to be even more horrible than any of us could ever have imagined…
I have to add that I find it Impossible to understand how the word “ethics” could ever have come to be in the author’s job description.
I’d like to see it changed to “unethics”, since the concept of what ethics are appears to be entirely missing, and the article therefore reflects quite shockingly upon the reputation of the university concerned.
When anything is taken out of living context, it becomes a symbolic placeholder for its original. The process of dissociating into false currencies of thought operates a Prodigal error of running off in false premises as if you CAN, HAVE, and ARE GUILTY of doing so.
In modern times we can be phished by a mistaken identity so as to give up our own by reaction. Running on a false basis is a self-reinforcing error that literally does not know what it does. But it runs in a virtual or model reality – like Narcissus in his own reflection – regardless the casting of such self-regard in the forms of virtue.
We may catch our own blind spots if we are self-aware, but like the ‘Men in Black’ our ‘continuity manager’ operates to restore ‘normal service’ so that a surface reality remains effective as a mask over disturbance or conflicts we are not yet ready to face, own or release.
When deep fear or terror and guilt come to the surface, we are liable to become psychotic, because it isn’t merely in our world, but the underpinning of what we took to be our mind. Questioning of our own foundations – brought to self honesty and curiosity is ALREADY a new foundation.
The business of mind control is part of mind control. There is no place for Archimedes to leverage the Earth. Those who deceive in order to get for themselves, get a self deceit. Of Course! But in the targeting of the weakness in others is the offering of an education.
If we let deceits run in our mind we will react and become invested on them. So As soon as a recognise the lack of integrity, and intent to undermine integrity, I give my disregard. An insanity is rising as if to rule or destroy the world. But after its initial ferocity, it only has the energy and life and power that we give it.
But where you give energy and attention and value is up to you.
” The business of mind control is part of mind control. There is no place for Archimedes to leverage the Earth. Those who deceive in order to get for themselves, get a self deceit..”
What does that mean ?
”But after its initial ferocity, it only has the energy and life and power that we give it.”
We never gave it any in the first place.That suggests it doesn’t need any energy from us. If it’s ‘ferocious’ without our energy it’s just ferocious. BY extension, it can re-charge as it likes.If it even needs that.
Where is ‘mind’? You may locate it in your body, your head, your heart or even your gut but who or what locates it – but mind?
There is no outside to what Mind is – yet clearly we are in relational expression of meaning shared – where is it shared? What is is that is shared and knows itself alive?
The fragmentation or split of mind can be called ‘separation trauma’
The masking of a persona serves to hide, limit and dissociate from or split from a sense of fear, attack and death or loss. You say you never gave energy to the expression of hate in rage, but I say this is how we willingly deny and forget the love that we are under the ‘mind’ of self justification.
If everything has all the meaning you give it, for you, then nothing of itself in your world has built in meaning. This is to say, that there are always other ways of looking at any event, situation, encounter or object – and you are thus Mind – under conditions that can be called conditionings or ‘normalisation’.
We live in our conditioned human world or experience as victims of circumstance, unaware of our own core beliefs and definitions that run invisible to a surface reality of their effects. Garbage in; garbage out – pertains. But we live the result of conflicted mind set in hate or grievance, masked in virtue, or stripped away to its ‘underlying pattern of self-blinding attack and defence’ that must be denied in order to maintain the face of control against death.
But is that really life? Or is it a reiteration of an ancient script that robs us of a life in spirit and in freedom of shared being?
We live in Life – and our experience of self, world and other is known or received and shared in awareness. The model of life and world we have developed, adapted to, and grown as a consciousness and cultural expression of abilities has been predicated upon a ‘separating from Self or Life’, under fear and control given authority.
That I write this as an articulation should not take away from an awareness of the nature and expression of fear as a ‘dispossession of Self’ to a fearful and contested sense of lack seeking possession and control. For the most part, we live or maintain conscious focus, in such a way as to limit and deny fear, behind and beneath a masking that the mind is invoked to provide as protection. But this ‘mind’ is the same sense of lack, possession and control that confused itself in image and form to set itself in idol or ideal that Life then seems to break, reject, abandon, attack, betray, invalidate, shame and deny.
This is asking the power we gave to illusions , to save us from the consequence of our identity investment in illusions. Self-deceit thus operates AS IF set over and apart from others as a sense of self specialness, seeking and finding the justifications or witnesses to its claim to judge as if from a mind set outside and over the Living – indeed an ‘alien will’. While you WANT this, it is your freedom to have its experience – even though the experience is of being done to, opposed, hated, denied, persecuted, rejected – but in truth and simply – unseen, unknown and unloved.
None of this will fit into a world of conflict set in reaction, nor would anyone engaged in conflict have the moment of awareness to notice, recognise, welcome and appreciate its implications. How we perceive must set the range or frame of response, and what we think – or better the thoughts accepted true of us in the moment of relationship – express in action – expressed or repressed, directly or indirectly.
The ‘normal’ of perception-response, is a conditioned subconscious routine that runs automatically as if a life of its own – and as if your own life. The complexity of applied judgement and masking in hindsight – even in the split second after an act, can reframe the sense of self in an instant to re-cast its own act in self-judging guilt and mask such guilt as a plausibly deniable self justification with insider versions for its own processing, and outer masking presentations for social reinforcement and acceptably ‘passing off’.
So what’s new? We have minds that are ingenious and yet cast us into impossible scenarios, that call on ever more layers of denial to ‘survive’ in – and which deny us the awareness of freedom by their uniquely profiled patterning to our own self-protective fear and defence. A defence that persists ‘attack’ as a masking displacement model, that feeds upon the very light and life it MUST deny to ‘survive’ as the face of control set over feared and demonised ‘chaos’ of loss.
Fear operates as belief and is acted from as true – unless owned and brought to awareness. This is no less so when fears are ‘rationalised away’ or masked over. Masking to hide is a mindset to hide in.
Mind as authority or coercive control is persisted in until it is put aside and walked out of. A Living Will is discerned in the heart of willingness and welcome. Free of coercion and reactive opposition.
To know and be truly known.
Let there be light.
They won’t think, they will numb their brains with the TV: how do you think we got into this mess. BBC, CNN etc are watched and believed by millions, that won’t change any time soon, people are addicted and do not have the motivation to kick the habit.
Well, I did specify, “Of course not all will be inclined to do so – especially if they are not accustomed to it”. I merely drew a small amount of comfort from the fact that it is more likely that some will. I am very familiar with exactly how we got into this mess.
Common sense has rarely been common, and people who know a thing or two have always been a minority. It’s as if a high percentage of our population had been genetically designed to be slaves – never asking questions, and perfectly happy to spend their lives doing repetitive tasks which serve no one except a profiteering lord.
I agree with you that some will see the light, but what will the majority do?
I know… A very vexatious question.
I’ve come to the conclusion that the majority is overrated.
After all, the majority wanted Jesus crucified, and the majority put up with Hitler for over a decade – as well as currently putting up with an iniquitous cesspool of corruption in our modern politics.
We have to relearn the worth of the individual.
Others make their own choices – including letting others make their choices for them. I cannot save anyone from themselves – no matter what.
But I can choose not to use ‘them’ as my rationalisation for not living the truth that I can recognise and align in and be the witness of – just because, and not as some attempt to validate from manipulating others.
At this timing, may are not motivated to question their choice because in their terms they take what seems to be the lesser evil as the closest to a good. I find most everyone I meet has a very different and unique background and perspective, that is not served by my trying to override that with urgent directives of danger. And this applies the same whether the danger is real or contrived, as a sense of a disturbed and needy person who doesn’t really listen because their message makes them more important.
The collectivised mind is the sacrifice of individuated presence to a social mores or mutally agreed definitions that may never have been conceptualised or verbalised but induced.
Fear sets the scene for the triggering of our core defences or strategies of separation trauma. We cannot judge another by merely external standards. But withdrawal of faith does communicate as blanking judgements, that add to the fear that there is no support for ‘coming out’ as human.
You may be right but in my experience so far, the people coming round to the OG point of view are those pissed off enough to get angry, not those thinking more about it. Everybody knows about the conspiracy nuts, just go to the MSM. The waverers have decided they want to take the risk rather than suffer the government. Although in time I expect more to believe the conspiracy view.
If you think, that I am advocating thinking about it I can only say that you are lost in your thinking. My invitation is to notice yourself – not to think some more. I don’t know what you mean about the conspiracy nuts, or the waverers, but I’m not everybody. I know the choice I am living.
Through that I recognise your freedom.
Sorry Binra my feet are firmly embedded in reality, any faux placebo of man-made spirituality (religion, myticism etc) never existed in me because I never needed it.
Populations are controlled by hope and fear: lockdown manipulates these opposing forces, offering the population hope of survival and occasionally hope that it is all over, while at the same time defending them from their worst fears.
The majority of the population buying into lockdown enables the rulers to oppress the minority who want freedom and to control their own lives. The majority supports the oppression. I am one of the oppressed: the majority are helping the rulers to oppress my team.
As for separation trauma? Are you a bereavement councillor?
I am not sorry. You are free to choose your own experience.
You have never needed anything but what you determined you have and are. Now you have an ‘oppressed powerlessness’ – and blame. This is part of our human experience – but is it your final conclusion?
No matter what we use as a framework of definition and interpretation, it remains mutable, temporary and in that sense a partial and shifting flux.
Will you consider shifting from the collectivised projection to the mind being projected?
Our thought is controlled by hope and fear, lockdown (of attempted self-certainty) manipulates these derivatives of pleasure and pain (at all levels of the human experience), to support and reinforce a ruling narrative given priority over whatever cost, sacrifice, or denial is required for the ‘survival’ of the thought-system, mind-set or identity-complex.
But the above is something that can be readily OBSERVED in ourselves, in any moment in which conflict and coercion is active as struggle or masking in a false presentation of ‘being ok’ or indeed morally justified, or compelled by ‘moral’ necessity.
If we can simply observe this ‘mind-in-act’ then in that moment we are not the character in drama – that our own mind is cast into the making, but have allowed or let into a free awareness in which new perspective rises or comes into our appreciation. Of Itself – and not as a result of man made thinking by any kind of packaging.
‘Oppressed powerlessness’ may also arise without any political-social context – as in any circumstance of powerlessness at the level of the body as well as depression or dispiriting of the mind.
I see that our exclusive identification with the body as a separator, as a mask and as a symbol of frailty requiring lockdown of Consciousness to a divided or split ‘rule’ is running like a template beneath its effects – in which hope and fear vie for control – as the presumption that ‘control’ is self and survival.
Love offers another perspective to fear and control, but the attempt to marketise and weaponise ‘love’ is to mask a hollowness in signalling virtue – or indeed ‘anti-vice’.
I am well aware that vice is as at home in seemingly religious or spiritual thought and assertion as in scientific and rational assertion, and as such I seek NOT to call on external authorities – unless we are in some already accepted culture of agreement to use terms to point to shared experience.
Reality that reflects resonance with truth of who you truly know and recognise yourself to be, is unconflicted. Call it what you will – or don’t call it anything. Our current ‘collective’ reality has many strands – including ‘prison planet’, which is only a variation on the theme of the ‘Fall’, that I prefer to call’ The Separation’.
If you can see that belief in covid-terror-threat (that is actually of our powerlessness or lack of defence against terror threat) – can and does operate as IF a fact. Then you have a basis to see that a belief in Separation from truth of love, and of power and of peace, can and does generate a whole world of fragmentation set against itself. That this is ‘physically’ locked down is a direct relationship with invested identity.
If we are phished of our truth, we can and do react AS IF to regain a stolen identity – and can then act OUT the stealing of an identity under ‘moral necessity’ running on false premises or indeed promises. That is how the mind is baited to reaction – not just by ‘Them’ but as its own narrative dictate running faithfully to past experience in which such strategy was set as the necessary survival of persisting in the human condition.
In simple terms we all learn or acquire a mask by which to ‘survive’ infancy – that further ‘adapts’ or develops through adolescence to adulthood. What is less obvious perhaps is that the mask is a worldview of largely invisible and unspoken social agreements.
Am I a bereavement counsellor?
There’s bit more of this post on:
Fear sets the scene for the triggering of our core defences or strategies of separation trauma. We cannot judge another by merely external standards.
Sounds like you are a marriage guidance councillor?
That’s an interesting idea. The broken Human Family Constellation might be seen as a kind of shattered marriage.
But no less is each of us under a fragmented or split mind, rendered ‘unconscious; by mutually agreed masking denials.
By releasing judgement set in blame, awareness is free to re-evaluate.
The blame-hate (or fear as tyrannous necessity to recoil, lock down – deny and dump on others under mask of virtue taken in self-protective ‘survival’) – may be intense, but the willingness to pause from reaction – regardless how outnumbered it seems to be – is the awakening from which a renewing of the mind occurs. One step at a time.
This is from a different ‘place’ or perspective and not a strategy within a mind of reaction. the willingness to question our own invested identity (and world-view) is the willingness to pause of reacting FROM it so as to re-evaluate. This allows real questions to move or stir and real promptings to move us to – for example – look outside ‘mainstream’ at what others say – as part of seeking and finding perspectives that offer some stepping stone of sanity. While you are correct that there is a lot of anger in OG comments – and has been even before covid as it is willing to call out false narratives that have tragic or disturbing underbelly.
But I also find humanity in many commenters here, and a lot of willingness to research.
Uncovering our feelings is part of opening self-honesty. If there is rage – there is rage. I am not suggesting we gloss over or mask out what we feel. But I am suggesting not to give such feelings authority to
The term ‘conspiracy’ is somewhat degraded. There are many ways in which negative self interest operates in unison against common enemy or fear of loss, and yet there is and has long been a globalist movement out in the open, and yet masked in all kinds of fronting organisations and wielding huge financial leverage as the ‘Establishment’ of the day.
In many ways it tools and uses invested identities’ to destroy or cancel each other. Is it a ‘Them’? or an aspect of ‘Us’?
But who are ‘We’? Where does identity construct give way to that which identifies us – and everything, truly? Does death judge all things mere passing illusion? And thus set power over all life and love as but illusions?
We may not think like this – but do we not react as if it is so?
I was surprised this article got published at the BBC, but perhaps it’s because it’s in the business section.
Why did we use leaded petrol for so long?
By Tim Harford
BBC World Service, 50 Things That Made the Modern Economy
28 August 2017
Why did the petrol companies push tetraethyl lead instead of ethyl alcohol? Researchers who have studied the decision remain puzzled. Cynics might point out that any old farmer could distil ethyl alcohol from grain. It couldn’t be patented, or its distribution profitably controlled. Tetraethyl lead could.
The crime connection
The US didn’t tax lead in petrol until the 1970s, then finally banned it as part of clean air legislation, as the country moved down the far side of the environmental Kuznets curve. Two decades later, in the 1990s, rates of violent crime started to go down. . . . You can put a dollar figure on the value of crime reduction, Reyes found. It’s about 20 times higher than the cost of de-leading petrol – and that’s before you count other downsides of children breathing lead, like worse performance in school.
Harford then goes on to ask: “How did the US get this so wrong for so long?” But he doesn’t dare to suggest that the whole thing may have been intentional. Now, of course, they have vaccines, fluoride, psychiatric drugs, etc.
The lead remains in the soil and in dry weather continues to float around in the dust causing damage into the future.
Scatterplot with median splines of weather adjusted air lead and air soil in time (daily).
Our ‘getting mode’ is a blind appetite – driven by fear of not enough or of others getting more and taking ours – etc. This isn’t a rationalised position but a predisposition to compete, dominate, prevail, possess and control.
While a little power shows up in little people as moments of blindness or indifference to others in getting for ourselves – sometimes under sophisticated self and social illusions, the temptations in the likes of energy companies for monopolising and promoting a dependency attract and possess those who are ruthless enough to give their lives to achieve it. Rockefeller stands out but the cartel interests aligned in what is now a global regulatory capture. Once the Criminal intent is enshrined in laws, protected by socially conditioned compliance and funding respectable cultural institutions, the foxes run the hen house and anyone learns in what NOT to say, question or where NOT to go. Much of this is induced but occasionally reinforced.
Science was captured from the corporatisation of its funding. Yet the belief in science as a self-correcting intelligence of integrity is its ideal – and not often in practice.
Looking up the AIDS hoax is very educational to its latest successor. the difference is not in principle but in how much the fox can swallow. This time looks like all or nothing because there is no way back for the weaponising of virus fear if it cannot launch its 4th Reich of Bio ‘security’ to make us safe.
I met one of them once – a UN corporate manipulator who lived the propaganda as if an achievement in the making – and yet knows it is simply leveraging and not based in fact.
As I see it – wherever any structure is set up, life starts to live on and through it.
the structures of carbon guilting and perpetual infection are false – but are nonetheless rolling as a bandwagon effect upon a captured mindshare.
Like a tumour, a hijacked money supply diverts nutrients and support for an encapsulated toxic event that is protected by immunity rather than cleared out. But its gross product is destructive to the life and the body – whilst running like a parasite as the hijacker of its thoughts. On some level we may buy into an encapsulated toxic event by active recoil in shock, denial of allowing into awareness and masking over in armoured and protective defences against reliving. Or in short a desire to persist in an unconsciousness of fear as a tolerable sense of life.
But to come back to the beginning – when we are then given oppportunity to GET for a sense of self that is denied, we can feel or find justification in taking it – from a deeper sense of denail that we are usually aware of.
Reminds me very much of the satirical piece by Stanislaw Lem, The Futurologist Congress.
“The book opens at the eponymous congress. A riot breaks out, and the hero, Ijon Tichy, is hit by various psychoactive drugs that were put into the drinking water supply lines by the government to pacify riots. Ijon and a few others escape to the safety of a sewer beneath the Hilton where the congress was being held, and in the sewer he goes through a series of hallucinations and false awakenings, which cause him to be confused about whether or not what’s happening around him is real. Finally, he believes that he falls asleep and wakes up many years later. The main part of the book follows Ijon’s adventures in the future world — a world where everyone takes hallucinogenic drugs, and hallucinations have replaced reality.”
They want us to live in a” moralist” Matrix, oblivious more than most already are, to what is happening around us.
If this kind of narrative came to be, wait for it to be implemented. I am praying that this is just another idiot that jumped on the corona narrative bandwagon for a hype, but considering how things have been developing in the last 6 months, if something is put out there, it’s not without a reason.
Will it be any worse than the current psychiatric medicines?
Kit Knightly, what are these pills/medications/drugs composed of, exactly? Do you know?
Does the author know? Can the substance(s) be divulged? Is there some way to get so-called world leaders to consume it?
Kit Knightly, please be more critical when you present obvious Bullshit. Otherwise what the hell are you doing here?
194 comments and nobody asked what these drugs are … C’mon … Really … That is if such things actually exist.
I’m not ordinarily so assertive but I challenge the highest authorities to divulge the composition of the so-called “morality pill”; starting with Kit Knightly.
PS We also need to ask about various possible conflicts with other psycho-active substances especially THC.
Your anger is understandable but misplaced. Whether a ‘morality-enhancing’ drug is feasible is not the point. The point is the desire to create a world in which covert medication of the unco-operative becomes the norm.
Besides I think the linked article makes it clear the author is talking about creating compliant people not moral people. And plenty of drugs can do that.
I read Kit Knightly here with pleasure and confidence in his abilities. I enjoy a substantial convergence with his ideas.
In this piece I stopped counting the word “moral” and it’s variations after the second paragraph. If the point is as you suggest, there might be more solid, unequivocal ways to express it.
That whoever wields power will do anything to consolidate and expand it is not news, perhaps not even a matter of opinion. That said, the piece should have made very clear that pharmaceutical “morality enhancers” do not, at present exist.
And never will, but the belief in remaking or remodelling human beings to fulfil a sense of self validation in the technologists is part of the response to a deeply held and widespread belief there is something very wrong with us – that we want to get rid of or make go away.
I didn’t need to read more than the opening of the article to recognise an insanity – but I also recognise such insanity is part of current training for positions of influence or consultancy and PR to those who fear to engage in real decisions – or believe and accept this simply cannot be done in the current system of regulatory controls and directed mob vilification.
the psychpharma scam – (and if it ‘works for you in your current need’ then I am not seeking to take that away or vilify your choice) – is agains a toxic dependency of diminishing returns that runs on belief – and not on fact.
It is always possible to limit life as a means to diminish problems and seem to regain control, but at cost of life and of the means to grow in responsibility within life – to a managed dependency.
The pretence of masking the managing of limited, denied and discarded life as moral, is as I say, insanity.
What is meant is that sytems operability is couched in such terms as to mask the fact of a hateful or loveless blind and callous indifference to life – which has no existence outside system parameters.
It is all backwards and bollocks.
However – if you look into those who have come through the nightmare of psychopharma as the determination to free themselves – ie
Then you may sense that some are uncovering a moral sense of truth via bottoming out under pharma, just as others do from other patterns of misplaced trust, dependency and lack of light.
Toxic disturbance is in the underbelly that a surface derivative thinks to ‘control’ or even harness as a source of power.
Magical thinking offers temporary escape – at a hidden cost.
I find it abusive to use the author’s full name three times like this, Victor Garnett.
He is pointing to an alarming issue, not creating one.
The workplace of the academic concerned appears in his article, and you are free to ask him, or anyone else who might know, what these drugs are.
However, I would advise you to address our “associate professor in medical ethics” as “Professor Crutchfield” if you expect an answer, since I have a feeling that head-butting him with “if these drugs actually exist, Parker Crutchfield, I want you to tell me what they are, Parker Crutchfield”, is likely to elicit an entry in his ignore list.
Matthew Liao talks about the type of drug in a paper about climate change . They’ve been thinking about this for a long time .
As you’re to lazy to look …….Human Engineering and Climate Change 2012 . Matthew Liao . – Pharmacological enhancement of altruism and empathy . quote ‘test subjects given prosocial hormone oxytocin ……’ and ‘ noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor increased social engagement ….’ also ‘ Neuroimaging work has also revealed that ones willingness to comply with social norms may be correlated with particular neural substrates. This raises the likelihood that interventions affecting the sensitivity in these neural systems could also increase the willingness to cooperate with social rules or goals …’
As I said earlier ; they’ve been at this a while .
One method to deal with such a psychopath is to write or call the head of the department and let them know what you think of such an individual and how that reflects on the university.
Go here to do that:
Department of Philosophy
Western Michigan University
Kalamazoo MI 49008-5328 USA
(269) 387-4390
Thank you very much for that Maxwell. This is exactly the way to go. Conspicuous ridiculing of our privileged sociopaths has a chance of being effective.
I’m so morally enhanced I’m prepared to go down fighting and take at least one.of them with me
It’s my personal battle of Malden
Thoughts must be harder
Heart braver
Courage greater
So they now need to put something in the water, so as to make us docile and compliant. I thought the fluoride was supposed to do all that. As far as I can tell the fluoride still seems to working, all too well.
Our “precious bodily fluids”…
That quote from “Dr. Strangelove” was 100% prophetic.
The entire medical industry is a sham. Our doctors are paid huge sums to apply complicated sticking plasters: mutilating our bodies and pumping them full of chemicals, causing multitudinous further issues down the line. If the same money and time was put into prevention, we would barely need doctors, they are a hangover from hundreds of years ago when we knew relatively little about the human body.
With a healthy diet and lifestyle, serious illness and disease barely exists. 98% of serious illness comes from poor diet, the rest is lack of exercise and poor general living conditions. But then having us all fit and well would not put trillions in the hands of our masters.
You know, it could just be that simple.
I’m convinced it is.
A basic truth is that people living extremely natural lives, don’t get seriously ill.
We then have to accept the price of all our advances/modern living conditions which is illness, disease and deformity.
But the truth is that most disease and illness is self-caused, and if a person lives conscientiously they can live a very healthy life, even today. This is a hard sell because who wants to admit they are to responsible, or their family is responsible for their own ill health? People are egocentric and don’t want to ‘feel bad’, so we lie and act as if ill health is mostly due to bad luck.
But our masters have created the system on purpose, for it is a way to control us. If we were clearer in body and mind, we wouldn’t fall for or buy 90% of their shit. So this system is their perfect tool.
So what to do? I educate people on diet and have had some success with friends and relatives. Small changes can yield big results, and a change in mindset which leads to a more aware way of living.
The Medical Mafia by Ghislaine Lanctot – is worth reading as a human being.
(a search soon finds results).
It could also turn up:
I watched The Myth of Contagion with TC Fry – youtube – clearly and calmly stated overview – not just on AIDS but on a corrupted system. was taken down – but is up again. But you NEED love, joy and wholeness in your heart and your life to look on corruptions without becoming corrupted.
However there are may courageous voices through the years that did not get nobel prizes etc – and even some who did but were still walled out.
But an underlying truth is that the collective has not been able to move past fear of the body in regaining freedom of mind in Spirit – as embodied love.
Fear has to be brought into responsibility to move past a sense of tyranny set in conflict. This means lifting the lid. Now we are each in our own responsibility for ourselves, but as we accept that we find others. Seeking others first as if to then move forward is the way of all agreeing to reinforced fear-in-hiding by acting out fantasy on others. (Which is what the article was highlighting).
I love reading your comments, they seem from a higher plane. I agree nothing changes until you change yourself. Living in fear you only see fear. We create our outer world with our (inner) perception. It is a wonderful thing to finally see through fear and live with love and peace in the heart – despite external circumstances.
If you find resonance then you are recognising ‘higher plane’ within your own life.
In a sense everything is always changing and this includes our perspectives – personal and collective. The sense of seeking positive change can be framed, limited or directed by how we define the negative.
To see through our fear is on some level to own it – because no one can release what they are actively disowning. The idea of panacea of magic answers is the wish that we could escape conflicts without having to address them. Hence the idea of casting them onto external surrogates and ‘resolving our inner conflicts by changing others’, or giving power to providers of magical solutions that ‘absolve us of our errors with no awareness of re-evaluation and release of the error to a true alignment. Hence the promise of persisting in the cause of negative consequences while escaping or diverting or masking over the consequences.
External circumstances can trigger emotional reaction because we have already set their meaning and react to the meanings set by what is mostly acquired and inherited conditioning, running as if it IS the conditions.
To discern what is present obliges us to bring ourselves fully present. I know we think we are present and so i may seem to be saying a truism of no consequence, But true presence is never in a masking presentation to ourselves or to others, and yet fear can set us in masking over in seeming virtues that do not heal, do not extend to the mind of others and draw a resonance of recognition, but a rather a way on not having to face or address issues we are currently unready of unwilling to accept,
For me, love is the willingness to abide with what arises to the point of recognising truth there, the recognition spontanously and synchronously shares – because that is the nature of love. The capacity to make our own private meanings and experience, is a capacity to limit our awareness of love within conflicted or split identity allegiance. While this is associated with dissonance, separations and guilt, it is the nature of our freedom to accept and align in Creation – The extension of love as a relational expansion and embrace. This is of course the opposite of lockdown, self isolating, social distance and masking in lockstep of a groupthink mind, by which to set the threat externally as a basis of protected grievance that may seek management and control but never healing.
The fundamental difference of a spiritual or unified purpose to a mind of defence set in grievance against threat, is that it calls to heal, to reintegrate, reconcile, and release conflict, by uncovering its cause in its effects, and bringing that to an awareness that undoes or heals. The extension of presence is never a merely personal act or achievement. More like our persona becomes transparent to the movement of our being. This is not hard to notice in – for example- the making of music. Giving embodiment to an inner quality of life is to participate in its being as our own – and by extension, to others.
You are one enlightened motherfucker. I’d enjoy reading a book you’d wrote.
What you are giving or assigning to me is your current sense of what you imagine enlightenment to be, alloyed with resonances of a recognition that enlivens you.
While there is a core intuition of being life innate to being alive, it can be masked and filtered by the current sense of self in imaged thought and experience. This ‘self’ is not going to become enlightened, but recognised and released to an underlying appreciation that shares or shines as its own nature.
I’ve written into OG and many other points of shared focus to the themes that underlie the expressions we suffer and often hate or wish to escape or overcome. And a sample of some of it occasionally is put into
It is worked and reworked to a book format – but you could say it is close to the movement of it inspiration but could undoubtably benefit from proofing and editing. My joy is in listening or reading with discernment or a sense of communioned being. Inspiration can be ‘as of a higher plane’ like a tuning fork or Homing signal. It can also be a resonance of relevance and recognition to anything read or met anywhere at any time. Everything depends on the mind we look with – or from. Hence my desire to ‘check in’ as my own acceptance of ‘new normal’ or received antidote to the conditioned reflex that I may not recognise I have been phished by until the resulting conflict can no longer be masked over or pretended away.
There are other places I have written in more overt or intimate spiritual terms, but in many ways the mind of the capacity to mask in virtue or ‘spirituality’ is the subverting of insight and language to ‘get a better handle’ or control over life. I an looking to identify and release fear – and its demand for control – to a relational willingness, dialogue or appreciation of shared being.
If The ‘I Am’ is enlightened – it is the true light of our being – and not of a reflected image taken as a thing in itself and baited by.
I have it that learning to lighten up on ourself is to release identity in the mask of a mistaken identity.
You mistake me for someone else – but where there is a true joy – is a wholeness of being in expression.
This quality of freedom speaks to me of truly ‘Common Purpose’ but in a qualitative freedom of association, not a quantitative conformity or compliance to any ‘ideal’ of enlightenment.
There is no external enemy, all enemies are self-created. I believe this, and yet I don’t. I know that thinking of others as enemies is mostly due to my own limited perception. And yet, is it not true to correctly identify an enemy who is trying to eradicate you (which does in fact happen)?
One of the many (supposed) paradoxes of life.
This is the limit of philosophy, and of language. Be nice if we all sat around meditating – I’d like that I think, but then what to do about these men coming to wipe us off the face of the earth?
To be Zen is to be beyond philosophy.
The mind as definition is the ‘creative’. Mind has no outside – unless locked down in the image and form of Body. But even here, we see only through the idea of ‘outside or other’. Ideas do not leave the mind of the thinker – regardless they open an infinity of potentials.
The ego cannot tolerate Infinity – as it was made to limit and mask over. Within the mask is world of reversal.
While you react to ‘enemies’, you believe in them, and at some level believe that attack is the power of your salvation or survival.
That this belief or definition is deep-set and widely held does not make it true.
The answer – if answer is the right term, is the recognition of yourself in another.
While not a popular view, I suggest we have learned to hate ourself as a projection upon others that makes then ‘other’ or judged – yet first we attack, deny or judge ourself.
The view that the mind of judgement is a two-edged sword, and a mind by which we are deceived is hardly new.
When we enter the human experience, we take on a particular focus by which to learn the world and participate in it.
Within the world of the idea you are a body is the realm of attack and death set over life in a locked-down bubble identity set in self-isolation, and masked in the body – and in the rituals and behaviours and appearances of the body – that under threat can march in lockstep to assert the masking narrative over a growing capacity to question or exceed and expand the limits of the mask as control.
I would refine your question to the core responsibility; ‘who am I?’ and where shall I stand or move to within the situation as it truly is?’.
The ‘mind that would bring your death to you’ is not a completely different thing than your own patterns of self-denial – which are generally themselves denied. So perhaps – as a guarantee that we cannot really get completely lost and locked in our own guilt, we meet our denials in our ‘world’ – but unrecognised as such – because we put them out to NOT KNOW what at that instant we could not accept, face or allow to even bring to question.
I don’t think you need to ‘learn’ how to protect your ego – as it is on perpetual vigilance. But you may want to learn how to protect you Peace, from the insinuations of guilting and fear. There is a voice for Peace – just as there is a call to war. You can think about it as much as you want – but the crux of the matter is where do you go to receive your self? Be aware that masking in virtue generates a false and derivative currency of symbol and language for felt and share meaning.
Jesus put it that what he pointed to or showed the way of was not IN this world.
But is the inheritor of a world recognised in truth.
Live the moment at hand, and live the day.
Death comes to sweep you off the face of the earth?
You can choose to see it that way.
What do you get out of it?
Can you see it differently?
Do you want to see it differently?
continued on
The closure of many medical departments during the curfew (that’s what it is) will force some people to act or eat in a more healthy way.
Yes this is true. In a way this is an opportunity for many to become their own doctors. Which does not mean I support what is going on here.
The technofascists are having a propaganda malfunction!
Top comments:
cjohal, gooch , United Kingdom, 12 hours ago
You mean the jabs you get when you’re young to make sure you keep getting ill so the government can make money?
Up/Down: 361 / 112
My Head Really Hurts, Stokesley, United Kingdom, 10 hours ago
To avoid piling more pressure on the NHS – are they having a bloody laugh!!!! My GP surgery is like the Mary Celeste where the GPs went AWOL 5 months ago. There’s one reason they’re pressing for children to be vaccinated – the GPs get a great juicy fee for hitting their vaccination targets. At my surgery you can’t get an appointment for love nor money but bring your kids down for a jab any time – kerching kerching
Up/Down: 313 / 32
Dennis, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom, 12 hours ago
I know only two people who have never had a shot for anything. I am coming on sixty and they are older than me. They are as fit as fiddles and conversely none of my children or most of my grand children are without medical conditions, so tell me, are we healthier now with all this medical support? I was let down by doctors and will never go to a doctor again unless I break a bone. After lots of searching, I believe most answers lay in food, but that’s another minefield ladened with chemicals. Peace and good luck to all.
Up/Down: 311 / 56
canwetalk, Terra Nova, Canada, 10 hours ago
Yes, overload children with multiple vaccinations ahead of the new, experimental and totally unnecessary vaccine that may put their health over the edge. People, they are killing us, in a variety of ways but they’ll keep on going until it’s done.
Up/Down: 243 / 52
Make sure children get lifesaving jabs to avoid piling more pressure on the NHS, parents are urged
— Parents are not taking their children for routine vaccinations during pandemic
— Only one in four feel comfortable taking their child to a GP surgery for jabs
— ‘National effort’ to vaccinate will help to relieve long-term pressures on the NHS
It sounds like Mr Crutchfield is devoid of moral sense, which is ironic.
Mr Crutchfield could well benefit from a very firm kick in the crutch, for want of a better place. We could all have a turn.
You get a passing personal satisfaction for venting your feelings while his thinking is reinforced as proven by psychopathic torture applied as social fun – like a KKK Sunday picnic.
If you feed the role you get the treatment you set to give out.
If the money supply for bollocks dried up he would find something more productive. But he is being tooled – and in letting fantasy take you mind, so are you. However, I appreciate you are very pissed and I can be with that and with you in that.
“Moral enhancement is the use of substances to make you more moral. The psychoactive substances act on your ability to reason about what the right thing to do is, or your ability to be empathetic or altruistic or cooperative.”
The 2,095 billionaires who inhabit the planet are so morally depraved they’d still remain ruthless psychopaths after swallowing a daily gallon dose of “Moral enhancement.”
Whats this
Thanks, I much prefer David Knight’s delivery to Alex Jones. But I think it was Jones who did something on the electric shock bracelet some years ago. It’s coming!
I think the author of that article needs exterminating.
A Question: Seemingly some Spanish lawyer claims that the European commission is preparing a mandatory vaccine law. Is this true? Does anyone know anything about this?
The problem with all the search engines is censorship and hence I have no idea how to find out.
Just had a quick look then Hope. There was talk of bringing in mandatory vaccinations back in 2017, but skim read an article from this year ‘European Strategy On Vaccinations’ and on June 17th this year, the European Commission presented a European strategy to accelerate the development, manufacturing and development of vaccines against Covid19.
It’s in this PDF document here:
‘Blueprint For The EU Vaccination For Covid19’. Sorry, unable to do links on my phone. Enjoy your weekend👍
Thanks Gezzah for searching. I did find all sorts of EU documents about a covid strategy, but yet nothing mentioning a law that could force us to have the vaccine… If there is one, as seemingly someone claims there is in preparation, it would be good to get hold of it.
How are you faring otherwise? One important thing is to sleep properly. Possibly doing some relaxation exercises beforehand. I hope that visit by the police is not
keeping you from properly resting. Im afraid that because I was then totally isolated, the visit from that man who unfortunately as it transpires with more evidence everyday was probably badly intentioned, working for goodness knows whom, unnerved me so much, I stopped sleeping. That evidently didnt help as I was consistently in a daze, and extremely tired.
So do take care.
Thanks Pete. Thats very worrying, and it should be better known.
Apparently the EU commission is now preparing some new law, and I am surprised that laws under preparation are not listed anywhere. I did search on EU sites. Ill try and see if other European nations have such laws.
lots moan about fluoride
but that is a distraction there is another 50+ plus chemicals added to the solution which is called water.
around 3pm on a Friday and usually the Thursday before bank holiday the solution called water will smell more and the reading using a device that measures the parts per millions will read more
just because it is see through and clear white many brainwashed (the solution – water helps) to think it sooo clean even some explaining how luck we are
Drugs in the water supply to dumb down the masses even more WELL that’s just conspiracy theorist nonsense !!
United kingdom southcoast water
what they forget to mention is this is also in the water legally allowed there is another 20/30 on top of the list below of other names i did not have time to copy and paste from a report i requested from the local water authority back in 2015
so this is what they call water
Gamma Lindane (ug/l) Heptachlor Epoxide Isoproturon Ioxynil Linuron Mecoprop MCPA Pentachlorophenol (PCP) (ug/l) Propazine Prometryne Propyzamide Simazine 2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxyacetic acid Terbutryne Triallate Trifluralin 2,4-DB Dichlobenil Chlorpyriphos
Clopyralid Dicamba Dichlorprop Dieldrin Diuron Fenpropimorph Flutriafol Fluoroxypyr
HCH Gamma Lindane HCH Heptachlor Heptachlor Epoxide Heptachlor 2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxyacetic acid Prometryne Propyzamide Simazine Benazolin Carbendazim Oxadixy Diflufenican Flusilazole
Metamitron metazachlor Cyprodinil Boscalid Propamocarb Quinmerac Copper Arsenic Cadmium Cyanid Chromium Radioactivity (Gross Alpha) (Bq/l) Tritium & Fluoride
It’s because they care
Invest in a berkey or similar. The filters are the main deal – you can improvise if you are skint.
But also consider simple vortexing to declump the water. Many call it structuring – but I think of it as undoing memory-information in water.
Water is not just a solvent or H2O but has social and vicinal energy properties around particulates and solvents. It is water of Life – but we have dumped more than toxins into our life support, we undermine the full cycle or regeneration and functional capacity.
But in short, filter the water – and try vortexing – it becomes silky rather than granular. If you hold your purpose in life and extend that in your home, you will be part of ‘structuring the water’ without thinking about it.
To this end – becoming aware of toxicity is a call to act. If you have no choice but to enage with a toxic world – hold your integrity of purpose as faith in your life and your body to hold the conditions of life – rather than give it the sense of weakness, corruption and abandonment.
There are some who have amazingly come back from extremely toxic conditions. It is not ultimately the world that gives us the Life but our extension of life to our world. This naturally aligns us to our needs.
The attack on our Life Support – is some kind of hatred of life given power as a result of a split (traumatised) mind.
Aligning true is just because.
Not as a means to get something or get rid of something.
This means you are worth it – just because. You don’t need any reason or external validation to become worthy. the seeking for validation in external terms leads to every kind of blind masked agenda that reinforces a sense of lack – because that was always where it was coming from.
Caring is an intimacy. Substitution for love and life do not function or fulfil us – but drive us crazy. The hollow mask in virtue because they have no substance but what they must steal to hide in. But only fear to look within makes a seeming hollow in place of a centred being.
thanks may i also add
The Nikken PiMag Optimizer II
Megahome water distiller distills 99.8% of the crap listed above and some better filter and cheaper than a berkley
Megahydate powder
fulvic minerals
Shungite crystals
Yes there are all kinds of devices or substances on the market – many out of reach (Hence I qualified ‘Berkey’ – as being the essential filters – not the product or pans they are fitted into)
Distilling is another route – but important to remineralise – or it may strip minerals from your body. My sense is more aligned with Victor Schauberger than analytical chemistry. Gerald Pollack’s EZ – and his water conferences are very interesting but I feel that we can be too quick to ‘find’ panacea from an initial discovery that needs integrative understanding. (EZ is made in the body in sunlight and ambient NIR – and is also in vegetable or fruit).
Where we likely align is in re-educating ourselves with regard to water – there is a lot of discovery that is not ‘mainstreamed’ – just as what is streamed through our pipes can be toxic.
Fear of toxins can also be toxic and proportional risks of various exposures (for different individuals) in different synergies, are hardly quantifiable.
Fear also drives a false economy, as the ‘search for health out there’.
Aligning in wholeness, joy in life, appreciation of felt qualities of being – allow a field of guidance and support for life – as distinct from seeking to avoid fear of death.
Water quality does vary greatly across the country. I’ve just been to the south coast, and I found the water to be terrible, not particularly refreshing and with definite chemical overtones. Up here where I am in the north-west the water is good a lot of the time but sometimes it has a strongly chlorinated smell. I’d love to see a proper analysis of it though.
I would guess that most of the chemicals that were found in your water supply are from agricultural runoff and from industrial effluent. I certainly recognise the names of some of them from research that I’ve done. The one we know for certain that is added as a mass medication in some areas is fluoride, so I don’t think that is a red herring as such. It’s an ethically bankrupt thing to do either way.
If I could afford to buy bottled water in glass bottles then I would, but that isn’t an option for me, so corporation pop it is, and lots of it as I’m physically very active with work and lifestyle and I don’t drink any of the obesity inducing and mind addling poison sold as beverages that are pushed on us by consumerism. If you know of any cheaper and more healthy alternatives, I’d love to know.
megahome water distiller 140£
distills 99.8 % of the crap listed above better and cheaper than a berkley
WHO: Many aspects of the immune response generated by DNA vaccines are not understood. However, this has not impeded significant progress towards the use of this type of vaccine in humans, and clinical trials have begun.[1] Nuremberg Code requires informed consent, are they telling people they are changing their DNA? Probably not
Just when you think it surely cannot get any crazier.
These ideas are often aired in a slightly surreptitious manner only to go suddenly mainstream and unchallengeable.
perhaps it’s not going to be happy pills but happy shots ? Maybe thats one of the reasons for the fixation on meditation/vaccination . Keep people regularly topped up with nice-juice with carefully selected optimised additives .
keep smiling, keep safe .
It’s much worse than keeping us all happy. Bill Gates isn’t in to vaccines just to keep us all smiling, or even to make yet more money. Bill’s very much in charge now and all governments have now signed up to his plan to make the world a very much less populous place. If it wasn’t so personal, it would seem like a good idea.
I used to follow The Conversation. It’s a waste. Most of the posters can’t get their stuff peer reviewed, so the publishit on TC. Then there are about 10 seemingly permanent commenters who get into huge, time wasting arguments with each other that can stretch into hundreds of posts in a single column. And moderation is next to non-existent. Finally, they are always begging for donations. Don’t waste your time over there.
The kind of outlet used to start the process of normalizing the unthinkable – next step is the opinion section of the Guardian
And then the trusty Beeb.
On a slightly different topic, but part of the New Normal, i.e. to prevent people from protesting against it:
I wonder whether the quarantine in place since today for people travelling notably from France and the Netherlands is not to counter the anti-measures protest planned for Aug. 28 in UK? Because if you count the days from 15, then basically the 28 would be your last day of quarantine. Possibly this is to prevent any the 500 000 apparently vacationing in France from taking part, as well as making it harder for anyone from the continent from going to UK to join the march since through France is a main way to go, and in the NL Schipol airport is a major hub, and thus possibly another common way of going to UK…
I wonder if the quarantine then will be lifted end of Aug. or early Sep. and the reason given that children must get back to school… However the worry is that it may then be replaced by the swab testing at airports (which is already the case for certain countries like Greece) and the temperature taking (which in France is pretty systematic already and not just at airports, but that too can have negative health impacts if taken on the forehead). This is worse than a quarantine as it could actually be used to put something inside you, given that the vaccine if its ever ready wont be before early 2021. So from this point of view, it may be best for anyone living in UK to accept the quarantine. As for anyone living in France, it may simply be unsafe to go even braving the quarantine, since when they return there may be mandatory testing at airports and train stations. I mean if you leave France now, you have to leave with that Damocles sword over your head, listening to the news everyday, and hoping they give you 1 or 2 days notice, which they may not, or else leave for somewhere where you can stay until the dystopian scenario is over, which could be soon as well as a long time away, possibly years…
Hi hope,
Your comments have given me an opportunity to make a couple of comments about the hasty introduction of the France quarantine edict. I will not pass judgement on whether they are indicative of cynical exploitation of stress levels in the public and an opportunity to impose, most likely, unnecessary quarantine on people, or whether they are indicative of a combination of sheer incompetence and megalomania. Maybe both?
My first comment is to ask whether it was really necessary in the circumstances to lay down an arbitrary deadline for return of 4 a.m. on a Saturday morning. I wonder who chose that deadline and what their justification was, weighed up against the panic, chaos and disruption it would unquestionably cause. A significant percentage of travellers must have been scheduled to return by the close of the weekend and, for others, it would have given just that little extra window of time to make alternative arrangements.
My second comment is to relay something that was mentioned on the TV news last night which will give a further indication of the idiots who are running this whole fiasco. The reporter was at Dieppe port, standing by queues of cars booked onto the ferry scheduled to depart at 23.59 and, I think, due to dock at 4.00. The reporter commented (as no surprise, he himself didn’t even pass the obvious critical judgement) that people were asking whether the 4.00 deadline came into effect when the ship was half way across the Channel or when the ship actually docked. As the reporter said, the ship’s management were concerned that if it was the latter, there would be far more pressure on them to ensure there were no delays because the quarantine threat hanging over all their passengers was in their hands. Government officials had been asked. Their reply was that ‘the boat must dock before 4.00 to escape the quarantine rule’. I ask you. What they are saying is that the same people already on board a ship and in ‘mid-ocean’ at 4.00 would present more of a health risk than when that same ship and people docked, say, half an hour later. Do these advisers think that ‘the’ coronavirus would have been racing to catch up with the ship as it crossed the Channel, in full awareness that a critical deadline was looming?
You didn’t take into consideration that if the ship leaves at 23.59 GMT+1 it would arrive in Newhaven at 3.00 GMT. I used to travel that route regularly and you would also have to take low tide into consideration which can delay docking. Having been stopped on several occasions by the Border Gestapo in Newhaven it wouldn’t surprise me at all if one of them suggested that a Covid-19 cloud was hanging round the car decks.
My family and I are currently in the UK for my father-in-law’s funeral (non covid). We live in France. We were originally booked on a ferry from Amsterdam to Newcastle, but had to make changes when Belgium was taken off the safe list. We couldn’t just ignore the quarantine rules as would be easily found out as we wouldn’t be in the UK 14 days. We decided to leave France ASAP and arrived a few days before France was taken off safe list. My wife just couldn’t deal with not being at her dads funeral. The funeral is Monday 17th, and it’s super stressful to be suddenly faced with authority. We live in the middle of nowhere and our lives haven’t really been affected much. I’ve been trying to talk to people about actual covid facts, but people know so little, i sound like a maniac. I just wanna get back to France, to resume our quiet life, before I’m not allowed to work, and my three kids can’t go to school again
At least 1/3 of the univs are supposed to go bankrupt. I truly hope that they do and that even more go under, that even the wealthy ones suffer financially now that they may no longer get foreign students, and even lose home ones because of the decision to give
courses online and monitor strict measures on campuses.
I truly hope that then the academics in place realise that tenure means nothing and they all have to find means to sustain themselves.
I have essentially come across in the last months 2 attitudes among academics I know: 1) the promoters of covid (for whatever reason) or at least zealous believers of the covid religion,
2) the non-gullible totally aware of what is going on, but enjoying being paid to work, and unwilling to lift their little finger to stand up against the narrative, though fully aware of its consequences, accepting to teach online, accepting all the measures put to destroy whatever remains of research and teaching.
Oh diddums – do you really think real protestors would be deterred by state thug apparatchiks to NOT protest? Wait till you see what happens when the folks realise they can’t go on their booze cruises and pissup in the costas come January.
Ah see pearls being clutched…
I meant being paid to work from home
I shall repeat what I have posted previously. A commentator I heard on the radio a few weeks ago (I’m not sure who she was but she had been invited to the studio to comment on the economic implications of lockdown) made the astute observation that people should be wary of being seen to endorse the working from home concept. It may just backfire on them. As she said, if companies realise their staff can ‘successfully’ work from home, what is to stop them outsourcing such jobs abroad for half the salary costs. Employees currently taking full advantage of the situation may wish to think again. If you’re feeling particularly cruel you might want to drop this into the conversation with some of your happy academic acquaintances!
JudyJ I appear to be a very rare person to have refused to participate in an online conference. I had unpleasant exchanges with academics in particular regarding the fact that they have accepted to teach online: they are senior tenured well known professors, had they refused, it would not have gone unnoticed. Pushing their universities to refuse online teaching, and just 1 university refusing this, would have undermined the measures, possibly made the dystopian scenario impossible.
Im sorry JudyJ, its impossible to change their attitudes, at least I failed to do so.
JudyJ if all were like you, do you think we’d be in such a state today? Frankly,
I never thought highly of these particular people, but now I have seen in all its ugliness the meaning of mediocrity.
Tax rules that require the work to be carried out in state. Expect them to become more prevalent. Many years ago, the company I was working for investigated offshoring the accountants (including me). Determined that it would lead to the companies for which the accounting was being done would no longer be deemed to be economically resident in the State due to the lack of activity actually carried out in the State and they would lose their beneficial tax status. They kept us on.
‘ Guardian staff and agencies’
In denial as the first worm explodes out of the can
Grab the popcorn!