WATCH: Spanish Doctor Shoots Down Covid19 Myths

Front-line doctor attacks media, questions need for vaccine, before interview cut short

A doctor being interviewed on Spanish television clearly went off-script and used his air time to fact-check the press, contradict the fear porn and question the need for a vaccine.

In a peculiarly affirming spectacle Dr Luis de Benito, from the El Escorial Hospital in Madrid, had scathing words for the media’s coverage of the Covid19 pandemic, and a reassuring message for those of us afraid the entire medical establishment had lost its collective mind.

After he questioned official statistics, said fear was being deliberate inculcated and suggested a vaccine would not be necessary the interview turned overtly confrontational and was cut short by the studio.

Here are some choice quotes. On the surge of new cases:

The data can deceive and confuse us. In health centres we administer only PCR tests so we will find many positives […] we classify these positive tests as “Covid19” […] we are creating confusion by announcing “Covid19 cases are increasing!”, but in fact that is not true […] at the moment we see an increase in cases, but that is only because of an increase in testing.”

On the need for a vaccine:

Well, of course it’s always profitable to talk about a vaccine, especially after having inculcated the fear to believe it is necessary.”

On media-backed hysteria:

The first thing we need to vaccinate against is fear because of all the social panic we have created. We doctors are perplexed by this.”

On the planned second lockdown:

Measures have been put in place to confine everyone in September by making them believe they have behaved irresponsibly over the summer […] It’s more profitable for people not receive care […] strategically it works, but we [health care workers] don’t believe it’s right or practical from a medical point of view.”

Our thanks to the people who sent this video to us on social media, and YouTuber Ivor Cummins for uploading and translating it.


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Nuria Arfa
Nuria Arfa
Sep 3, 2020 1:48 AM

Dr. de Benito, Hospital El Escorial (Madrid) is the doctor who “shocked” the presentes. “His intervention was an example, which we hope other doctors and nurses will follow, who have been forbidden to speak. My advice is to follow your conscience and don’t be afraid. I am left with the phrase: “You have to be vaccinated against fear.” Fear is the real virus and it is wreaking havoc. He is the king of this epidemic and he is changing us all, even the strongest“ (Google translator 🙂 This is an extract from an article talking about the already viral tv Interview. The doctor said his hospital had three patients out of 150 beds. It was amazing how the “journalist” tried to push the Spanish Government’s fear agenda but Dr. de Benito did not surrender! After going viral, this doctor has no appeared anywhere anymore.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Aug 24, 2020 7:05 AM

OK, didn’t watch it.

Please tell me those who did. Is it said there’s no virus?

If not, it’s controlled opposition, OK?

What is so very, very important is the actual truth versus a half-truth, which is, of course, a half-lie, which effectively is simply a lie. The perps are so very good at pushing out a big fat lie along with what seduces those who don’t swallow the big fat lie but is, in fact, a big fat lie too.

Two big fat lies:
1. Pandemic
2. Virus but lots of things wrong with the story.

Truth: No virus

It is utterly imperative to get the actual truth not some ludicrous half-truth. That will not work. If a half-truth was OK the perps wouldn’t spend millions pushing out the half-truth in order to suppress the actual truth. Why is this simple fact so difficult to get across?

To fight a lie you need the actual truth, not a pathetic half-truth.

The purpose of all the propaganda surrounding this alleged pandemic is to suppress the truth, namely, that there is no virus.

So they’ll wheel out doctors saying this that and the other but unless they say clearly:


then they’re controlled opposition of one kind or another. They might be genuine in that they aren’t aware that there isn’t a virus and they’ve been fooled by the numbers or whatever or they might be opposition who’s in on the lie.

It don’t matter, paid or unpaid, it’s the truth that counts.

Aug 25, 2020 11:02 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

I imagine most people would watch or read what they wish to comment on, and respond accordingly, rather than just making up what they wish to refute, and then expound upon it without the bother of actually considering what was presented, rather like the sort of individual who thinks they can guess what you think and then admonishes you for what they believe you think, without bothering to ask what you think.
Or perhaps make up their own ‘truth’, without the effort required to inform themselves, and declare all other observations to be invalid. Or perhaps they just wish to make a speech about something which obsesses them; a sort of solipsist rant. For greater clarity:
Definition of solipsism
: a theory holding that the self can know nothing but its own modifications and that the self is the only existent thing
also : extreme egocentrism

Anyway, it’s worth the 10 minutes to watch the video, and if you did watch it but claim to have not, then that’s a different condition which I am not competent to diagnose. The doctor is basically telling them there is currently not a treatment crisis, though it was very busy in the spring, and they argue with him, and he jousts quite well. It’s actually quite amusing, and demonstrates the total corruption of the MSM which is perversely amusing in its own tragic way as it attempts to frighten viewers for no particular reason other than to frighten them, which is standard procedure.
Of course, when all this blows over, and the vast majority of the public has figured it out the MSM will then begin the blame process, such as how did it happen, thereby getting two narratives from what was basically a normal annual/semi-annual event of variable severity.

Of course there’s a virus – there are Trillions of them out there, and occasionally some cause trouble, more trouble than others. The average human carries some 380 Trillion viruses at any time, along with over 300 Trillion bacteria. These numbers are pretty well inconceivable for the mind to comprehend. Each human is like a universe of viruses and bacteria, and just about all of them work for us.


However, new external infectious viruses mutate every season, and are usually defeated by the immune system without us even knowing. The current Covid is one such virus; maybe 80% of people won’t even know they’ve been infected and it passes away, the next 15% may have something like a cold or the flu, and the last 5% may have to be hospitalised and treated. Of this last 5%, fraction of a percent may die, in the same way that the seasonal flu kills people. This happens every year in many countries.

However there is a non-biological virus, the political virus of fear that is being employed to frighten ignorant people who don’t take a little time to investigate but choose to be influenced by bureaucrats with an agendum, and lazy politicians, as alluded to by the doctor interviewed. Or:

“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.”
― H.L. Mencken

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Aug 26, 2020 7:04 AM
Reply to  Roberto

Preamble to response

If there’s one insult I take great exception to, Roberto, it’s that of solipsist. Oh my goodness, that so does not apply to me. It does apply massively to my identical twin though and sometimes I look at her and wonder how we came from the same egg.

To give a recent example: we have both argued over the moon landings for years to the point of utter insanity and beyond. She has a very annoying way of arguing that is full of scoffing and scorning with no logic, reason or evidence to back it up – this is a woman who has a degree in computing science and applies logic all day in her job. She derides me for believing that the audio of the astronauts communicating with mission control is unfakeable (the first piece of evidence that turned my thinking away from the moon landings being faked when I first went to check them out after waking up to 9/11 (or half-waking up to it)).

I say to her, “Yes I believe the audio is unfakeable but that isn’t the argument I use to other people. I’m not interested in my belief, I’m interested in what I can put forward as an argument that cannot be disputed. You, on the other hand, are all about your belief. You think your belief acts as evidence.”

I put this to her in an email:

Using Occam’s Razor I make the case that the audio is real as follows:
1. There are hours and hours of it and thus for it to be fake we’d ask the question, “Why would they fake so many hours when they didn’t have to.”
2. There have been no signs of fakery identified and thus if it were fake, we’d simply have to assume it was faked with no particular reason to do so.

Please correct me if I’m misstating your case.

I state with authority using no identifiable logical or evidence-based reasoning:
The hours and hours of audio are fakeable therefore they are faked.

Did she come back and say that I was misstating her case? No, she couldn’t do that because that is, in fact, her case. In black and white in an email it looks even more absurd than when she’s telling it to me and yet it doesn’t worry her that her case is ludicrous beyond belief. This is a person who is perfectly capable of logic and yet her ingrained belief that we didn’t go to the moon blinds her from the most glaring lunacy (unintentional half-pun).

It is the way my sister reasons and many others (whichever side of the conspiracy fence it’s on) that makes me despair. People are simply led by their beliefs, not evidence, no matter how much they may claim to be evidence-based thinkers.

I am not a solipsist because it is of great importance to me that I put forward an argument that cannot be disputed, that is, it is objective and is not simply based on my beliefs.



Controlled opposition is utterly massive, Roberto, and I’m sick of it. I’ve had controlled opposition up to here and I really don’t wish to engage with it any more than I have to.

The job of controlled opposition propaganda, whatever other purposes it has, is always to distract from the simple truth, in this case, there is no “special” virus.

You say “of course, there’s a virus, there’s trillions out there”.

Yes, of course, Roberto, there may be trillions out there (I wouldn’t know) but there is not the “special” virus they claim out there. There is no evidence of that as clearly shown in this article:

I have done my work on this alleged pandemic to prove that it is a psyop and I present evidence from a number of angles. Psyops always give themselves away quite deliberately – the purpose of propaganda is not to inform or persuade but to humiliate – so they TELL us this is a psyop with nonsense about patients in ICUs coughing all over the show, presaging at the 2012 London Olympics opening ceremony and a number of other things. This psyop is “hidden in plain sight,” we see the “revelation of the method” all over the place – it’s a typical psyop as all psyops are – they always show the typical signs.

Because people tend to get wound up in the propaganda I feel it is my job always to get back to the simple truth: there is no virus – or if you need me to state it very clearly, Roberto, there is no evidence of a “special” virus, there is no evidence of SARS-CoV-2. When a doctor says there is no virus, I’ll get interested but otherwise they are controlled opposition – either they genuinely don’t recognise there’s no virus or they’re in on the psyop. Either way I’m not interested, I’m only interested in the truth because the truth is of utmost importance, utmost. Half-truth is a lie the same as pandemic is a lie, it’s no better and the perps know that. They know that the actual truth is what counts, not half-truth. Half-truths make great lies.

It absolutely must be the truth and the truth is that there is no special virus. If you don’t get that you may as well believe in the pandemic, the lockdowns, the masks, etc.

Fish & Chips
Fish & Chips
Aug 26, 2020 9:42 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

It does apply massively to my identical twin though and sometimes I look at her and wonder how we came from the same egg.To give a recent example: we have both argued over the moon landings for years to the point of utter insanity and beyond

I’d love to meet your sister over a coffee and get her perspective on your relationship. That’s assuming your “sister” isn’t Flaxgirl., ie you.

As for the lunar landings, the Soviets and Chinese, and even radio amatuers, were tracking the spacecraft in realtime and their emanating radio signals.

The missions really happened. If they had not happened, any cover up would have immediately been outed by the Soviets and Chinese, it would have been an amazing propaganda coup for them that the US missions were faked.

If you understood and lived through any of the Cold War you would understand and know that lunar missions actually occured.

The mission success was also a massive propaganda success for the USA, and it had to look great for TV and media. Therefore, in case the real photos were poor quality or corrupted by radiation, they would have prepared backup high quality photos from their training sessions. That’s why there are some inconsistencies, but the missions clearly happened, otherwise the Soviets and Chinese would have told everyone.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Aug 27, 2020 2:49 AM
Reply to  Fish & Chips

I hope you understood from my comment that I recognise the astounding achievement of the moon landings and it’s my sister who doesn’t. However, while I used to use the argument that the Russians would have called them out I don’t use that argument any more. I know that at the top they’re all in it together – it’s all very murky up there. Some people say the Cold War is a bit of a beatup – wouldn’t have a clue if that claim is true but nothing would surprise me.

Russia knows that 9/11 was a psyop (in fact, I believe they were involved in exercises with the US on the day) but have they ever called it out? Has any nation ever called it out – properly that is? People from Middle Eastern countries tell me that their leaders have called it out but we don’t hear it in the media here. I think if they called it out properly we would be able to hear about it – they have media channels we have access to such as the Iranian Press TV for example.

Aug 28, 2020 6:23 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

So you still haven’t watched the video?
It’s not about all the stuff you’re on about.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Aug 28, 2020 3:05 PM
Reply to  Roberto

All the stuff I’m on about?

All I say, Roberto is:

— there is no virus and tons and tons of propaganda is generated to cover that simple fact, as well as having other purposes, of course.

— it is utterly pointless not recognising the above fact and acting is as if there is a virus but there’s lots of things wrong with the story. You may as well swallow the official story holus bolus. Only the truth of no virus is of any use and we know that this truth is extremely important because they push out the big fat there’s-a-virus-but-there’s-things-wrong-with-the-story lie themselves.

I did watch him for a few minutes. Very smiley, seems like in-the-know controlled opposition. As I say, anyone who doesn’t say there isn’t a virus is controlled opposition whether they’re in on it or not.

Fish & Chips
Fish & Chips
Aug 26, 2020 9:30 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

OK, didn’t watch it.

Please tell me those who did. Is it said there’s no virus?

I cannot imagine being so arrogant that I could ever ask such a question.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Aug 27, 2020 2:41 AM
Reply to  Fish & Chips

This psyop has been going on for 8 months now, Fish & Chips. I knew from Day One they’d be wheeling out the doctors bleating about this that and the other wrong with the story without ever saying the simple truth that there is no virus.

It’s not arrogance, it’s fedupness and I guess laziness. I probably should have watched it just in case – gee by golly – this was a doctor telling the truth. I did eventually watch actually and to me it felt very stagey. It seemed to me the doctor was too smiley about the nonsense claims.

I do need to be careful though because I missed the very important article, COVID19 PCR Tests are Scientifically Meaningless, and it was only through a comment on another article that linked to an abbreviated version of the article on the Bulgarian Pathology Association site that I came back to OffG and read it properly. The authors may well still be controlled opposition but in this case they’re telling the truth – or mostly at least. They always tell us the truth somewhere along the line. Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth have done a fabulous job, absolutely fabulous … except for the nonsense about the molten metal at Ground Zero. I do wonder what the purpose of that lie is.

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Aug 23, 2020 7:09 PM

Thank you OffGuardian, you gave me the best laugh of the day so far. The woman journalist was just doing her job as a good interviewer, that is soliciting the opinions of the guest. But the information was getting out of hand, so they had to call in an emergency attack dog to sow some discredit. But this doctor would have none of it and gave as good as he got. 🙂

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Aug 23, 2020 8:23 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

Or to paraphrase Jaws, we’re gonna need a bigger attack dog.

Aug 22, 2020 11:58 PM


Dr. Mikovits is very courageous imo

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Aug 26, 2020 9:01 AM
Reply to  Stregs

I’m afraid, she’s controlled opposition just as Judy Wood is with her nonsense on her “What happened to the buildings?” nonsense on 9/11. The Wuhan lab stuff … that’s to distract and undermine the case against the pandemic. The truth is: there is no “special” virus. There is no virus, manufactured or naturally occurring. This is a psyop and as a psyop it has no need or want of a virus. Ironically, they can only work make the propaganda work WITHOUT a virus. Working around a real virus, naturally occurring or manufactured, would be utterly impossible.

Aug 22, 2020 10:41 PM

lol the journalist accidentally pulled the curtain back when he slipped up and said ‘we have lost control haven’t we’…..mockingbirds must control the narrative

Aug 22, 2020 10:31 PM

Yeah, an sane Spainian Doc. an of course, he is dead on, and the subjects, doing the intervju in the end resorted to the usual irrelevancys of strearing the debate into been about Idiots, well, If I where the doc. I would be more frank and say most people are indeed idiots.
Some even after months of articles, explanations, ripping the official narratives into shreads, exposing the fraudelent test regimes, to the even more dangerous vaccine hysteria witch is the sole reason for twisting this eh…scamdemic to be about cases as for to prolong the propaganda into the comig atum so they can once again scream about cases instead of this false narrative regarding infected, and the counter attacks never seeces to amaze me, its like telling your dog ime and time again, dont piss on the carpet, and forgets that the dog is deaf.

DNA, and the PCR (Protecting the Corona Raket) I have seen some clips, eh…. about or from an row of uh….. DNAs, and what stiked me, is that they shows us a strain/string off, lets say 12 bytes long consisting of amino acids, witch are by the way made up by 4 types of amino acids, and then this is inter linked into something that looked like an chain of 12 bytes long, on/or an helix, whatever, the thing that was intresting, is, what was we de facto watching, an sequence, of amino acids, witch could be anything, and if this PCR testing is as bad as I think it is, this “blender” or whatever they use to create the soup of organic matter witch this PCR then manages to find an sting of 12 bytes and they claim is from an virus, souns as far I could judge to be pure hoggwash, this sequence could be anything/everything, and how on earth could they then say it was an Corona virus, when our body is packed to the brim with viruses, bacterias, lord knows what else and so on.
Well, they claim that since they claim they have an sequence witch they then compare this sting of 12 amino acids against, and how on earth can we then be shure the claim on the referance is even true, when so far they have failed to show us an real virus for that matter.

People tent to think that if you just mention DNA, oh…. then thats like fingerprints, and is cutting edge science, and as long you use the pitch word DNA then its setled, right, but is it.
To me this sounds more like an sales pitch than anything else.
DO correct me if I am wrong.


Mark R. Elsis
Mark R. Elsis
Aug 22, 2020 9:47 PM

“If not us, who? If not now, when?”
President John F. Kennedy

It Is Up To Each One Of Us To Share, Send, And Post This Message Until It Goes Viral

Worldwide Peaceful Revolution, From September 16 – 30, 2020, In The U.S. At Washington D.C.
Share With Family And Friends, Send To A Few Websites Daily, And Post On All Social Media

If You Would Like To Help, Have Positive Suggestions, Or For Media Inquiries, And Interviews
[email protected]

Join together for a two-week peaceful revolution to take back America
And every country on earth for the protection of our future generations
Tens of millions of determined people gathering together worldwide in solidarity
Organized by a decentralized grassroots movement of people throughout the world
Locations are at Washington D.C. and the capital of every other country on earth
Come for September 16, 2020, or stay for a few days, a week, or two weeks
A revolution for everyone who realizes we must stop this unrelenting tyranny now
Manufactured through a fake pandemic to seize complete control of humanity
This is not a divide and conquer, Democratic, Republican or Independent issue
This is the most important issue facing all Americans and every person on earth
Whether you want to admit it to yourself or not, the oligarchy has declared war
They’ve long-planned and are now implementing heinous crimes against humanity
Our backs are to the wall, and it is truly now or never for the majority of us
Join together, or we will lose what remains of our freedom and liberty forever

As Many As 28 Million People In The United States Could Be Evicted In The Coming Months
by Michelle Conlin

50% To 60% Of The 28 Million Small Businesses In The U.S. Could Go Under This Year
by Kevin Baxter

There Will Be 72,556 Extra Suicides This Year In The United States Because Of The Massive Unemployment
by Mark R. Elsis

The Annualized 49.1% (-49.1%) Quarterly Plunge in Household Survey Employed Was
Consistent With A Real Second-Quarter 2020 GDP Annualized Collapse of 50% (-50%)
June 2020 ShadowStats Alternate (Using Real Numbers) Unemployment Rate Is 31.2%
John Williams’ Shadow Government Statistics

As Of July 30, 2020, There Have Supposedly Been 672,159 Deaths From COVID-19
I Say Supposedly Because Of The Outrageously Exaggerated Way Deaths Are Counted
Isn’t It Interesting That China, Hong Kong, And Niger Have 3 Deaths Per Million People
Malaysia, Nigeria And New Zealand Have Only 4 Deaths Per Million People
Singapore, Slovakia, And Chad Have Only 5 Deaths Per Million People
Kenya, Venezuela, South Korea, Somalia, And Mali Have 6 Deaths Per Million People
Australia And Paraguay Have Only 7 Deaths Per Million People
Japan, Zambia, Lebanon, Cuba, And Sierra Leone Have 8 Deaths Per Million People
Morocco Has Only 9 Deaths Per Million People
Congo And Libya Have Only 10 Deaths Per Million People
There Are 170 Countries (85%) That Have 100 Or Fewer Deaths Per Million People
Why Does The United States Have A Supposed Death Rate Of 469 People Per Million?
We Are Overweight, Unhealthy, But Mostly Numbers Are Inflated For Ulterior Motives

Even Taking Into Account, The Grossly Overstated COVID-19 Numbers Recorded
Healthy People In The United States Still Have A Survival Rate As Follows
0-44 Years 99.96%, 45–64 years 99.76%, 65–74 years 99.06%, 75+ years 97.75%
This Is A Far Cry (10 Times) From The Intentionally Fear Induced 3.4% Death Rate
And 2.2 Million Deaths That Were First Deceivingly Projected For The United States

As I First Stated On February 26, 2020, By Doing The Math On Numbers From China (from A Wall Street Journal article)
This Is Not Even An Epidemic And Is Light Years Away From Being A Pandemic
What About The 5.6 Million Children Under Age Five That Die Yearly From Starvation (that equals 15,333 deaths daily)
Isn’t It Telling How We Don’t Hear Anything At All About This Never-Ending Genocide Of Children
But Yet We Are Inundated 24/7 By The Blatant COVID-19 Lies Of The Mainstream Media

For hundreds of links to learn their plan of our enslavement via medical tyranny
Go to EarthNewspaper.com and search for COVID, COVID-19, Corona, Coronavirus,
Vaccine, Vaccination, or other keywords, and find hundreds of articles and videos:
All The Honest News Fit To Publish

EarthNewspaper BitChute Channel with over 1,100 videos uploaded
With hundreds of videos explaining COVID-19 from honest intelligent Doctors

The Worldwide Peaceful Revolution For Future Generations
And The Full Restoration Of Our God-Given Unalienable Rights,
That Among These Are Life, Liberty And The Pursuit Of Happiness
And To Provide New Guards For Their Future Security
September 16, 2020, Through September 30, 2020

Thank you for your help, only by joining together can change the course of history.

Aug 23, 2020 6:24 AM
Reply to  Mark R. Elsis

In Canada, the government suspended Parliament for a month, also conveniently dissolving the committees of inquiry regarding blatant government corruption. Scheduled after Parliament reopens is a Throne Speech which we are told well in advance that the ‘initiatives’ of the government will include a Green, Carbon Neutral program.
Nothing revealed about the 100% ‘budget’ deficit, and rampant unemployment and economic collapse caused by Parliament being suspended earlier this year for months and a blank cheque appropriated to fight the ‘pandemic’ by handing out ‘free’ money to lockdown victims, with no parliamentary debate and literally no oversight.
Look for more of this Carbon Neutral nonsense elsewhere.
The enviroMENTALists do not give up – it’s an industry, manned by innumerable bureaucrats with the objective of destroying wealth and shutting down productive capacity so we may all romp in green fields, consuming according to our needs and producing (or not), according to our wishes.That’s what Karl said would work, and considering he didn’t work but somehow survived on everyone else’s money, it must be true.

Aug 23, 2020 9:15 AM
Reply to  Roberto

What lies are you spreading about Marx now? Claiming he never worked is a lie in and of itself! Best thing about anti Marxists is they’ve never read any of Marxs work it’s not too hard to see

Aug 24, 2020 6:03 AM
Reply to  Koba

Read Wheen’s biography – and I think it was meant to be sympathetic, or maybe even a hagiography.
Perhaps scribbling nonsense while running up debt,even though a friend is stealing money from his rich family to support you living in a mansion could be considered work.
Like many kids I did read some of his work – a real snooze, tainted by a fundamental flaw: somebody and their minions have to be bosses and they lived very well indeed while everyone else starved, pretty well the standard model for such systems. One of the early steps by Lenin was to move into the confiscated nobleman’s estate Gorki, now an attraction where Lenin’s custom Rolls Royce Silver Ghost (with skis!) is still exhibited.
I have also objectively studied Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky, and autobiographies of some of the people who worked for them, and you may be surprised to hear that I recognize Stalin’s astounding achievements as well as his failures, a view certainly not in line with the current demonisation of him. I don’t think anyone else could have won that war, especially after getting the runaround for 3 years from the West. Also, he lived in humble circumstances.
Lenin and Trotsky I consider monsters.
Trivia: Trotsky published a book (Title: What Happened? :)) after he was kicked out of Russia and lived in a magnificent seaside villa (now a ruin, but last offered at €4.4 million) off the coast of Turkey.

Aug 24, 2020 10:14 AM
Reply to  Roberto

Lenin was moved into Gorky after his first stroke and on the advice of his doctors – it also effectively meant he ceased to be head of the Soviet government as it is pretty remote from Moscow and the Kremlin. As for Trotsky, that island was used in the Byzantine Empire to exile opponents, and it was as much an open prison for Trotsky as a villa. He was there for four years but never set foot in that time on the mainland and was under Turkish police surveillance. He finally moved on after one of his associates there turned out to be working for Stalin, and the Turkish government may also have applied pressure as the USSR government constantly complained about Trotsky being there. (Assange in the Ecuador embassy is perhaps the nearest modern equivalent.) As to working for a living, shortly after being exiled Trotsky made some money (ie. paid work) by writing a long article and having it published in the Western press. For this he was denounced in the official Soviet press – “Mister Trotsky in the service of the bourgeoisie”. I guess you’re damned if you do and damned if you don’t…
The offer price for the villa at Prinkipo might be inflated by the place’s historical associations, whether or not it is “magnificent”. In the UK, places are listed buildings for less and that puts up the value.
Stalin was certainly the poorest of all these people by origin – he survived smallpox as a youth but retained the facial scarring, usually airbrushed in his photos. Better-off people in the Tsarist Empire were inoculated – poor kids in the Caucasus like Stalin were not. Smallpox has a 30% mortality rate, which makes it far more lethal than Covid, but it was just accepted as a fact of life.

Aug 24, 2020 10:26 AM
Reply to  Waldorf

An additional point about the place Trotsky stayed was that it was called the Yanaros mansion. Yanaros was a Greek and huge numbers had been expelled from Turkey in the “exchange of populations” with Greece, although some wealthy Greeks stuck around until the 1955 Istanbul Pogrom. The availability of a rundown villa to house someone politically controversial under controlled conditions may have arisen from that. Trotsky was a guest but not exactly an honoured one.

Aug 25, 2020 4:20 AM
Reply to  Waldorf

Gorki was Lenin’s from 1918; his first stroke was in 1922. It’s only about 5 or 6 miles from Moscow, actually quite close for a ‘dacha’, (but really more like an English country estate) . You may be remembering that he recuperated from his attempted assassination there in 1918.
The Turkish government would certainly have him under surveillance, as would any government that allowed his presence, considering that the communist party was made illegal in Turkey. At that time, although the earlier revolutionary fervor had subsided in much of the world, Trotsky’s big dream was worldwide revolution, and any nation would be remiss not to monitor his activities and those of his followers and steady stream of visitors. He was not allowed to publish in Turkey for obvious reasons.
The villa’s price (don’t know if it sold) was certainly to a large extent based on its historical interest; if purchased it was not allowed to be a private residence but only to be restored, and preserved as a museum, hopefully by some benefactor/philanthropist. Ironically, there seem to be many wealthy philanthropists (useful idiots?) with such interests, so maybe Turkey will get lucky.

Aug 23, 2020 8:57 AM
Reply to  Mark R. Elsis

Well said mr Elsis

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 22, 2020 5:50 PM

That clip shows up another time tested device of propaganda when the guy comes in to defend the official line by saying “Are you calling the entire population idiots?” I.e. the one querying the line is made out to be attacking those already playing along with it.

Aug 22, 2020 5:49 PM

What was particularly interesting about that video is that the Doctor seems to suggest that the Spanish govt have already put in place measures for another lockdown event in September. Around 4.47 in the video he suggests this is a ‘planned’ event.

Be interesting to see what happens there over the next few weeks….

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Aug 22, 2020 3:48 PM

Wow! Allot of angst in the comments. I can’t say I blame the commentators, as the corona debate was largely hijacked by the “usual suspects” early in the game. Many are feeling the screws being turned even further, as rights and legalities of a free society disappear.

I came across this link earlier today. Please disseminate widely. >

August 18, 2020

Aug 22, 2020 12:48 PM
Aug 22, 2020 10:44 AM

Would be a very profitable vaccine to inoculate against fear for sure. But but aren’t those drugs mostly illegal? But lying and fomenting fear is legal.

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 22, 2020 5:35 PM
Reply to  John

If you could inoculate against fear, the entire political system would collapse!

Aug 22, 2020 10:43 AM

The doctor was definitely off-message.
There is a principle in courts for lawyers that they do not call a witness without being absolutely sure what the witness will say because it could end up being detrimental to their case. If the witness might go off the script, it is far better not to call him. They definitely regretted interviewing this one even though it is TV news and not a courtroom.

Aug 23, 2020 4:08 AM
Reply to  Waldorf

yeah but I have no regrets seing it

Aug 22, 2020 9:41 AM

Good Dr. Keep telling it how it is.😊

Aug 22, 2020 4:19 PM
Reply to  Bob

There have been many doctors on the front line and previously respected real epidemiologists telling how it is from early days (‘the chart will show rapid climb up, pause, climb down, end, herd immunity’) but they have been almost immediately censored, their videos or articles removed from view except on the second-level-of-news sites (the ‘black market’ of news/videos, but allowing for the fringe stuff which most people can effectively screen without help).
Especially important, the good doctor states infections are not ‘cases’, one of the greatest headline number inflators of the ‘crisis’. We can only hope his career is not threatened, as has happened with so many others.
The shock of these two media people attempting to gang up on the doctor and argue with him when they realise he’s going off-message, and when he tells them he’s been working with and for patients all the time the reporters were sitting in a TV Studio is priceless!

Mark R. Elsis
Mark R. Elsis
Aug 22, 2020 9:16 AM

Join The Worldwide Peaceful Revolution, September 16 – 30, 2020, In Washington D.C.

Mark R. Elsis
Mark R. Elsis
Aug 22, 2020 8:50 AM

Join The Worldwide Peaceful Revolution, September 16 – 30, 2020, In Washington D.C.
eMail Family, Friends, Your Favorite Websites, And Post On Free Speech Social Media
Or Remain Apathetic, And You Will Get What You Deserve, Enslavement And Tyranny

Aug 22, 2020 3:44 PM
Reply to  Mark R. Elsis

This a a counter-revolution to the Occupy action planned at the same time to surround the White House?

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Aug 22, 2020 8:18 AM

I would be interested to know if this doctor suffers retribution in any way for these comments. If there is anyone who lives in Spain or follows events in Spain out there, it would be good if they could keep us posted of any developments.

Aug 22, 2020 6:21 AM


Tom Welsh
Tom Welsh
Aug 22, 2020 10:49 AM
Reply to  axisofoil

You have posted a link to a file on your own computer, which no one else can see. If you want to share that file, find it on the Web and post that link. It should start with http:// or https://, not file://

Aug 22, 2020 3:45 PM
Reply to  Tom Welsh

nice of you to help : )

Tom Welsh
Tom Welsh
Aug 22, 2020 4:50 PM
Reply to  VoxiPop

Mon plaisir!

Aug 22, 2020 7:10 PM
Reply to  Tom Welsh

Thanks Tom,
It was a video link from 2009. I will try to re post later. It is important. Below is a partial dialog about it.

Sister Teresa Forcades is a Benedictine nun who also happens to be a physician specializing in internal medicine. She also has a Ph.D. in Public Health as well as a degree in theology from Harvard. So she’s obviously an extremely intelligent and well-educated woman, highly qualified to speak out against a medical crime against humanity. She herself admits that if she were still practicing medicine in a hospital setting (in other words, for money) she might not be brave enough to speak out against the medical/pharmaceutical cartel. But as a nun, she has no personal stake in maintaining the status quo (in other words, money) and can use her medical knowledge as a spiritual work of mercy. I think it’s of paramount importance that anyone considering getting the flu vaccine listen to what Sister (Doctor) Teresa has to say. As she says in the video “money cannot buy health or life.”
Sister Teresa explains that in February 2009, the pharmaceutical giant Baxter sent 72 kg. of the seasonal flu vaccine to 16 labs in Austria, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, and Germany to be distributed to the populations in the next two months. But thanks to the scrupulosity of one Czech hero who worked as a lab techician, an evil, genocidal plan was uncovered. This Czech lab tech decided to run a test on the vaccine material received from Baxter by injecting the material into ferrets in the lab. All the ferrets died from the vaccine.
Only then was it discovered that live Avian (Bird) flu virus was mixed in with the seasonal flu vaccine sent from Baxter pharmaceutical. This would have had the effect of creating a new virus by recombining the seasonal flu virus with the Avian flu which would have produced a highly contagious, highly lethal vaccine. Once this vaccine was innoculated in the general public, being both highly contagious and highly lethal, well, you get the picture. Only due to the extra efforts of a single Czech lab tech, was a catastrophe of epic proportions averted. Sister Teresa asks why this explosive news was not covered by the media or the politicians. By the way, she says that it is virtually impossible that this was an accident, given the extremely high standards employed in laboratories, and for 2 virii to be found mixed together like that is just inconceivable as an accident. It was a deliberate contamination of vaccines that were to be administered to the general public. She even says that one must assume malicious intent, given the series of extraordinary coincidences which would have been necessary for this to have been an accident.
Are you getting the picture? They had the vaccines all set to be shot into people’s arms, but a single Czech lab tech literally saved the world. Their nefarious plan was foiled. But the next “irregularity” she notes is that the World Health Organization (WHO) has changed the definition of a pandemic from a highly contagious infectious disease present in multiple countries with a high mortality rate, to just an infectious disease present in multiple countries. In other words, if only a few people in several countries have the same virus or symptoms (since they’re no longer verifying in labs whether patients even have the A-H1N1 virus anymore), then it’s a pandemic even if relatively few people are dying. Why is this significant? Because, says Sister Teresa, the WHO changed their regulations in 2005 stating that in the case of a global pandemic, the WHO can override national sovereignty and order countries to take certain measures with their populations. Dr. Margaret Chan, head of the WHO, declared in June that the swine flu is now a pandemic – even though hardly anyone has died. The WHO is an arm of the United Nations. So it appears that they’ve decided to go ahead with the “global pandemic” scenario anyway, the way they had planned it when they thought the lethal vaccines were going to be administered. More on this later.
Other factors which should raise the hair on your neck include: the vaccine for the A-H1N1 (swine flu) virus will be administered in 2 doses, which is unprecedented, as the effects of a double dosis are as yet unstudied. Also, the use of the coadjuvant squalene (which caused Gulf War Syndrome in vets vaccinated against Anthrax) is dangerous because it will trigger the immune system to react 10 times more strongly to the vaccine than a normal coadjuvant. Squalene is an excitant or accelerant which directly targets the immune system to react 10 times more powerfully than normal. Does this sound safe to you? There’s also the risk of Gullain-Barre paralysis which can be permanent. So Teresa asks: compared to the risk of getting the flu and spending a few days in bed, is it really worth it to risk auto-immune diseases, paralysis, or contaminated vaccines that cause God-knows-what side effects? These warnings apply to the seasonal flu vaccine as well as the “swine flu” or H1N1 vaccine, so don’t think the regular flu shot is safe. In summation: the swine flu (A-H1N1) is more benign than the seasonal flu, and the seasonal flu is only minimally fatal. So the risk of the flu vaccines outweighs the benefits.
Sister Teresa intimates in video #6 that there have always been people throughout history who have wanted to control the world. This is nothing new. The Romans, the Incas, etc., have established empires with the intention to civilize other peoples and bring order to the world. But these days, she says, there are also people who think we have an over-population problem as well. Put the two together, i.e, a group of people who want to control the world and who think a huge number of us need to be eliminated, and a clear picture starts to emerge. I believe that even though their plan to innoculate people with the contaminated vaccine was thwarted, the WHO (et al) have decided to go ahead with their plans to declare a pandemic and at least soften us up for the final kill.

Aug 22, 2020 8:18 PM
Reply to  axisofoil

Is this the video/link? If not, it’s in the ballpark:

BELL TOLLING for the Swine Flu (ENGLISH subtitled)

Aug 23, 2020 3:11 AM
Reply to  Ort

This is it. Thanks.

Aug 23, 2020 3:11 AM
Reply to  Ort

That is the one- very important piece of the puzzle in that clip and in axisofoil’s comment.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Aug 22, 2020 3:15 AM

The presstitutes are the real virus. Purveyors of relentless fear mongering to help usher in an authoritarian fascist police state that will rival 1984 in its oppression.
Even though it was positive and heartening to see quite a backlash against the announcement of mandatory vaccinations here in Australia this week, the alleged ‘journalists’ in this country are now pushing the no jab, no play mantra.
No vaccination, and you will be denied access to a whole range of activities like cafes, pubs, cinemas, sporting events and even workplaces. Some employers have even come out and said they should have the power to sack people who refused to get the vaccine.
This is where this is all heading. Total control over everyone. And the MSM will continue to smear and demonise all those who speak out against the covid narrative, like the dutiful little servants of the 0.01% that they are.

Aug 22, 2020 1:29 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

“The fake news media are the greatest enemy of the people”, as Trump has been telling us for years.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Aug 22, 2020 1:45 PM

Because the Fake News presstitutes exist to serve the 0.01% and too propagate the Establishment narrative.
Presstitutes: refer to Paul Craig Roberts who often uses this term, and where I pinched it from.
And they’re also cheering on the establishment of a fascist police dystopia. Think of a cross between 1984, Soylent Green and Brave New World, with a hefty dose of Kafka.

Aug 22, 2020 2:57 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

A “hefty dose of Kafka” indeed. In fact, I would argue there’s as much of “The Trial” in the COVID madness as “1984.”

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Aug 22, 2020 3:08 PM
Reply to  Howard

Tried several times to finish The Trial… never could for some reason. I’ve already used ‘surreal’ approximately 263 times to describe this madness the World has been plunged into, as well as referring to The Mad Hatters Tea Party quite often… Perhaps I should start referencing The Plague – Camus, or maybe A Clockwork Orange… or One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest.

Tom Welsh
Tom Welsh
Aug 22, 2020 4:52 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

“One Plaguey Clockwork Orange Flew Over The Mad Hatter’s Trial Party”?

But we still have to work in “The Castle”, “1984” and “Brave New World”.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Aug 23, 2020 1:53 AM
Reply to  Tom Welsh

Excellent! I’ll go with your first sentence Tom…

Aug 22, 2020 5:41 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Kafka didn’t finish it either. Its disjointed character reflects the fact that he never actually finished it.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Aug 22, 2020 7:38 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

All apt.

Alice’s wonderland is one that conjures this very flavor of nuttiness, but add pistachios and walnuts to the other great lot of comparisons and you’ll soon arrive at a Baskin Robbins 31.

One candidate: Kafka’s “In the Penal Colony”.

Wait, that was just a dream I had of future feculence, waiting in the wings.


Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Aug 23, 2020 2:42 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

In The Penal Colony is most definitely waiting in the wings John. However, the last 4 days or so, the “media” in Australia along with senior politicians have been pushing the No Jab No Play mantra, and some employers have come out and said people that don’t get the vaccine should be sacked.
It’ll be like a social credit system tied in with a health immunity passport. All with apps on your phone, like they do in China.
I hope your week goes well in the sunny climes of SoCal🌞

Aug 23, 2020 2:44 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Or, instead of dirtying the good name of literary figures by associating their works with the COVID craziness, as we have all been doing, we could simply post a picture of Mssrs Gates and Fauci ordering Satan to kneel before them.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Aug 23, 2020 3:01 PM
Reply to  Howard

Or…. a picture of Gates and Fauci getting jabbed in their you know where (don’t think about it) by a 6 foot long…. syringe. Full of their magic elixir💉💉

Tom Welsh
Tom Welsh
Aug 22, 2020 4:53 PM
Reply to  Howard

For a real live example of a Kafkaesque trial about to take place in Scotland, see Craig Murray “Preparing for my Trial” (and previous blog articles).https://www.craigmurray.org.uk/archives/2020/08/preparing-for-my-trial/

John Ervin
John Ervin
Aug 22, 2020 7:43 PM
Reply to  Howard

For me, the one story that towers sbove all the rest, au-dessus de la mélée, is Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Masque of the Red Death”. I’ve posted it before, but it’s free online.

SO à propoe. He’s like that

Aug 23, 2020 2:38 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

And for our political circus unfolding before our eyes, a serving of Mr Poe’s “The Man That Was Used Up.” Nothing says American Politics better than General ABC Smith.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Aug 23, 2020 6:14 PM
Reply to  Howard

Thanks, didn’t know that Poe. Reading it even whilst we Poe-st, every last Bugaboo and Kickapoo of it….

“C’tun scandale!” ~ Georges Marchais


Aug 22, 2020 3:28 PM

Many of us have known that for decades before Trump ever said it.

Tom Welsh
Tom Welsh
Aug 22, 2020 4:55 PM
Reply to  kevin

But you have to credit him with saying at least one true thing. Which, in my book, puts him leagues ahead of most other politicians.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Aug 22, 2020 7:54 PM
Reply to  kevin

Thanks! Bev Harris posted my tagline at her blackboxvoting.org site in 2005 about fake reform of electoral fraud here, and I had never seen the term again (in MSM) until Trump used it 10 years later:

“Fake Reform. FAKE NEWS about Fake Reform. Fake Voting.”

PLAGIARISTS ! Ive been holding it in. No longer.

Someone “corrected” that nerdfully to “false reform” but the “fake” had more stickum.


John Ervin
John Ervin
Aug 22, 2020 7:31 PM

Too bad Trump has the “fake news” culprits exactly backwards almost all of the time, like calling Roy Cohn his mentor (ugh mehh yech shriek).

But even a broken clock is right twice a day

Aug 22, 2020 5:44 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

This has been the end game from the start. It was very obvious to those who were willing to look beyond the propaganda.
This is the plan for every country if they get their way.
Is there much resistance building against it in Australia?
Surely the legal experts will be all over this.
Are the public fighting back?

Aug 22, 2020 11:38 PM
Reply to  Paul

I am not sure where Gezzah is but in Sydney i do not see any resistance to this scamdemic or to the no jab no pay/play position recently introduced by the health minister Greg ‘sounds like’ Hunt.
In my sphere of influence most have stopped talking to me about it or stopped talking to me at all.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Aug 23, 2020 7:06 AM
Reply to  Paul

Hi Paul… as Stregs said, there is almost no public pushback here in Melbourne or around Australia for that matter.
The very large majority seem to support the lockdowns and draconian measures, such is the high level of brainwashing, and irrational fear in Australia.
The last protest in Melbourne a few weeks ago, just 7 people showed up. Prior to that about 2 months back in Melbourne (before Stage 4 was instituted) there was a protest with maybe 350 – 400 people in a park away from the CBD.
There was a protest in Brisbane yesterday with perhaps 300 people there. I just watched a video stream of it, and the guy panned round the crowd.
There are protests planned for all main cities in Australia on September 5th. Melbourne Stage 4 lockdown was meant to end on Sept 13th, however the other thing is, you’re not allowed further than 5 kms from your home, and the cops will have a heavy presence at the train station next to where the protest is meant to take place.
So all those coming into the city on public transport – it’ll be like shooting fish in a barrel.
There are 2 law firms who are undertaking several class actions against both the Australian Federal Govt and the Victorian State Govt, including one for unlawful imprisonment.
The disgusting Chief Health Officer in Victoria has stated today that this ‘covid normal’ (stage 3 or 4 with lockdowns) will “probably continue until Christmas”.
So, I won’t even be back selling the mag before October. Or November. Or sometime. And many hundreds of thousands of people will be out of work in Melbourne also.

Aug 23, 2020 1:19 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

I hope the legal challenge wins.

What is happening in Australia is insanity.

How do people think they’re going to survive when the economy is trashed.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Aug 23, 2020 2:10 PM
Reply to  Paul

Saw a video of a really big protest in Dublin yesterday, would have been thousands there, maybe 10000?
That will never happen in Australia. Maybe 10000 in the whole country combined, if you’re really lucky?
And in Berlin there was up to 1 million, and thousands in other places like Serbia, Bulgaria, The Netherlands, about 15000 in Montreal.
New Zealand seems almost as apathetic as Australia from what I’ve seen, tho there’s a new political party over there called New Zealand Public Party that is anti lockdown.
I have a feeling a lot of people here think everything will basically go back to normal after the lockdowns are over. That’s how much cognitive dissonance there is here.
A lot of people are going to be in for a huge shock. Enjoy your week Paul👍

Aug 23, 2020 3:43 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

The tide is slowly turning in Europe but the vile media try to portray these protests as far right.
Hopefully more will continue to wake up in your part of the world.
Thank you and have a good week yourself.

Aug 22, 2020 3:08 AM

WOW this was fiery exchange!!! needs to be seen everywhere

NEW: “RestingRiskFace” Masks Unlock Phones /Lockdowns>More Cardio Attacks Than Virus Deaths /Interview:Gates’ Horrific India+Africa Vaccine Backstory plus – YouTube Censored Vet’s Speech Video Alt Link

Aug 22, 2020 2:54 AM

Hooray for the Spanish doctor! No science or medical team has been able to isolate the SARS-CoV-2 virus, therefore the COVID-19 illness does NOT exist. I read through the medical papers claiming isolation, but they utterly FAIL to achieve isolation. Hence, they’re fraudulent! 

This hoax is being perpetuated by the ruling class & corporate establishment to rob us of our wealth & rights. The COVID-19 tests are 0% accurate. Wake up!

Aug 22, 2020 1:39 PM
Reply to  eZorro

To keep saying there is no virus will do zero to expose and stop those corrupt political and financial interests using it to further their own agenda. It’s hard to understand why so many posters peddle this story; such claims really do resemble conspiracy theory or hoax, which makes it so much easier for the authorities to belittle and ignore valid criticism.

Germs Bond
Germs Bond
Aug 22, 2020 3:55 PM

Before saying that you should supply evidence for the existence of the virus. It seems silly to declare a virus and challenge the world to disprove it.

Aug 22, 2020 5:50 PM
Reply to  Germs Bond

Exactly. We are around 6 months or so into this and still no scientific evidence shows virus isolation.
Even if the test was accurate it’s allegedly testing for a virus.
You cannot test positive for a disease and have no symptoms and it just magically goes away in 10 days.
How exactly is the Covid19 disease being clinically diagnosed ?
How many of the deaths worldwide were clinically diagnosed as having suffered from the disease?
Can anyone share the data as I can’t seem to find it.

Aug 22, 2020 6:58 PM

The onus is on the so called medical, science, and political authorities who claim a virus and the COVID-19 illness without having isolated the SARS-CoV-2 virus in the first place. You can read the medical papers for yourself, because it’s clearly documented in them that they did NOT isolate the virus. That proves this COVID-19 pandemic is a fraud and a hoax.

Your statement makes no sense about saying that there is no virus will do little to expose and stop those corrupted political and financial ineterets using it to further their own agenda. You and everyone can see in the evidence right in the medical papers that NO virus was isolated, its FRAUD! Hence, that is just one way of many to help in exposing the corruption of the political and financial interests using this hoax to further their own agenda.

BTW, speak up if you have any ideas on exposing this fraud.

Aug 22, 2020 2:05 AM

PCR is a waste of time and money…..we don’t even know what we are testing for! It throws up loads of false positives to what I do not know.

Why are doctors being ignored and censored they are giving true facts while others are looking for alternative facts.

What can we do ? How do we oppose those who wish to take our freedoms away?

Aug 22, 2020 6:00 PM
Reply to  tish

It’s supposed to be testing for the genetic code for SARS-CoV 2 as supplied by the WHO.
The issue is if the virus has not been isolated then whatever else was in the lung fluid from patient zero will show a positive test.

Even if the test was accurate it can only detect a genetic material, it cannot determine if the virus is active or not.

Also depending on how many times they amplify the cycle will also affect the results.

To the best of my knowledge no country actually releases the data of how many cycles of amplification these PCR tests are going through.

It’s completely meaningless.
The only worthwhile data is how many hospitalisations due to a clinical diagnosis of the disease and how many died with the disease.

The WHO protocol means a positive test and death within 28 days will be sufficient or in the absence of a test it’s acceptable for a natural death to be recorded as Covid19 based on symptoms.

All countries follow these guidelines which are a deliberate attempt to inflate fatalities.

Aug 22, 2020 11:44 PM
Reply to  tish

Imho there is virtually nothing we can do, the apparatus is too all encompassing.
The only alternative i see is to go off grid and leave society to their own demise, which is not practical for most of us.

Aug 23, 2020 2:17 PM
Reply to  Stregs

I know

Aug 22, 2020 1:55 AM

Bless the Spanish news.

So very contented that content producers are producing content to prove the contention that the narrative is a pixel thin construct of an ill-conceived contusion of coercive counter-contentedness.

Aug 22, 2020 1:25 AM

Why is it that doctors on the frontline treating ‘the pandemic victims’ keep being silenced ?
Okay, I may have said it a million times and I may have to say it a million more….I doubt anyone will do anything except send me to a glamping hut for quarentine.

PCR tests….what is this testing for ! I don’t know and if pressed I don’t think anyone knows.
We cannot isolate the pathogen (I am really sorry, Robert you must be spinning in your grave) We cannot as of today isolate any antibodies to the illness we can’t isolate !

So, please don’t even think of a vaccine. A vaccine against what? being human ?

Aug 22, 2020 1:47 AM
Reply to  tish

The virus is harmless, the authorities know that. There is no point in trying to prove how harmless it is, that boat has already sailed. TPTB have moved onto implementation of their control systems, they don’t care what you think about the virus, their plan is past the stage where debate about medical issues could disrupt the plan.

I hate to say it but this video is pointless, we have seen this stuff so many times and it voices the same stuff we are already convinved of, yet oppression under the guise of covid protection continues. Our protests are making no difference, the world is being locked down and our worst fears are coming to pass.

We are soon to be very tightly controlled prisoners, some in China and Victoria already are. It looks like Hong Kong will soon also demand monitoring of all citizens: the China system requires you to scan your phone at any public facility, such as restaurant, gym, subway, supermarket etc. They track your every movement during the day and decide whether you can enter the facility you are trying to visit.

Aug 22, 2020 4:22 AM
Reply to  aspnaz

Mmh ! something was harmful, the question is what? Why did people present at hospitals with symptoms of altitude sickness ? Why was giving them ‘forced’ oxygen tearing their lungs apart? ……… it is an odd thing, but 5G masts resonate on the same frequency at which the human body absorbs oxygen.

There were a number of masts put up undercover of lockdown….is there more than one thing going on here ? I don’t use an outside phone, but I think these masts are tracking movement of people via phones and I have no doubt at all that increase tracking is the name of the game, so why comply….no tracking device means you can’t be traced ! We did survive without mobile phones.

I believe there is a hidden agenda, of course there is and it started long before covid-19. An exercise maybe, let’s see how compliant they will be. We were compliant, infact some are frightened to use public transport or allow their children to go back to school the exercise worked too well.

I think something rather sinister may be rearing it’s head, I live in England. In England certain areas which have a high ratio of BAME are undergoing harsher measures of lockdown because there have been ‘spot increases’ of covid-19. So, I guess covid-19 is still being ‘used’ in England as a means of control. This has the feel of a ghetto situation, people cannot move out of the area and by the same token people outside the area cannot move into the area.

I think covid-19 will go out in a blaze of glory….a vaccine, yep Mr Gates will provide one. When you are vaccinated you get an emblem to wear on your coat….it is of vital importance that you wear it because if you refuse the vaccine you get no emblem. As, you walk along the street at one glance people will know if you have had vaccine or not. If you have said ‘no’ people you know will stop talking to you and stop looking at you. The emblem may be different but it’s effect will be the same..we are being primed for ghettos. The ‘blue circle’ will only be worn by the vaccinated. You see, the end game has always been eugenics. The name and movement started in England over a hundred years ago by a man named Sir Francis Galton…nothing to do with science. I am sure you will know that. Hitler fancied a go at Eugenics in Nazi Germany the unwanted wore the emblem, of a yellow star.

That will be the lockdown and military regime needed for eugenics in the 21st century.

Raymond ffoulkes
Raymond ffoulkes
Aug 22, 2020 11:52 AM
Reply to  tish

Crackpot conspiracy theories do the cause harm, not good…

Aug 22, 2020 12:17 PM

A very well thought out, well organised and original response Raymond.All you forgot was the obligatory witticism about a tin foil hat.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Aug 22, 2020 1:47 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling


Aug 22, 2020 8:00 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Speaking of which, the other day I wrote this in an e-mail to a fellow COVID skeptic and dissenter:

I was thinking of the pejorative term “tinfoil-hatter”. As you probably know, long before “Truther” was invented to slander rational skeptics and contrarian dissenters, this putdown originated in the idea that crazy conspiracy-theorists wore tinfoil hats to keep the Brain Police or extraterrestrials from monitoring their thoughts. “Tinfoil-hatters” were “kooks”– the kind of people who swore that Martians were communicating with them through the fillings in their teeth.

It recently occurred to me that COVID True Believers who religiously practice the sacrament/fetish of mask-wearing are the real “tinfoil-hatters”!

Aug 22, 2020 9:40 PM
Reply to  Ort

Pretty much hit the nail on the head, Ort..

This lot differ in that they never question anything important. Their idea of a searching question is ”Siri..do I need the bathroom??”

They log on and look around to find out what they think and believe. The information is already circulating amid the tribe of fellow knowledge-dodgers.

They wear what the tribe wears. think what they think, have the same enemies, same heroes, same ideas. There might be 10 thousand of them.But if they all believe one crock of sh*t they all think it’s truth because so many of them think it.

They remind me of an old poster of yesteryear. Loads of flies parked on and hovering over a dollop in a field with the line ” a million flies can’t be wrong”. It’s true, they can’t. Not if that’s what they like to eat 24 /7..

Aug 22, 2020 11:53 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

lol @ ‘siri do i need the bathroom’
Thanks Jura for a much needed morning giggle

Aug 23, 2020 2:55 AM
Reply to  Stregs

welcome 👍

Aug 22, 2020 11:51 PM
Reply to  Ort

or as i like to call them face nappy wearing bedwetters 🙂

Aug 22, 2020 1:06 PM

I don’t go in for crackpot conspiracy theories Raymond. Although, I mabe a crackpot….that’s a moot point 🙂

Aug 22, 2020 12:59 PM
Reply to  tish

Good points tish…

It’s odd that Gates, who makes headlines for his generous ‘philanthropy’ and the billions he ‘gives’ away to save us all (It must be true, because the mainstream have orgies about it) is reluctant to use the plasma of recovered patients.

When recently asked why the plasma of virus survivors wasn’t being used to help others, which medicine, not software, suggests is always a good move, he squirmed in the headlights and said two words : ”too expensive”.Unusual for a man who – according to his paid mainstream puppets- has a passion for giving billions away that is only matched by his passion to ‘cure’ the world with his (quote) ”Final solution”.Could it be that the healthy plasma holds no cure, which would suggest the carrier of it never actually had a virus to overcome ?That would cause a house of cards a few hundred storeys high to collapse.

It’s true to say Gates also had his ‘tattoo’ ready to roll before the virus had been released( or activated). We all saw his twisted mug present at his pre-arranged photo shoots as he held it up for the mainstream photographers. He said they would contain our personal data ; date of birth ; job ; financial status – and more. He promoted this as a way to keep us all ‘safe’. How does knowing someones health records and financial status and criminal record keep someone else safe from a virus ? And why does someone who has had a vaccine that works need to fear someone who hasn’t had it ?

A month before the Covid thing became a global fashion sensation,( November to be precise), Google were allowed to access everyone’s medical records. Coincidence ? Ask the CIA. If they’re not rifling everyone’s data via a Gates phishing hole.on Facebook and Twitter they might email you back

The RFID chip idea was first floated, then ‘promised’ by the Rockerfellers in the 1970s. It was a long term goal before Gates was a name. Gates has since been the biggest funder of their other baby- the Johns Hopkins University.The very building in which the initial ‘hypothetical’ dry run for a global pandemic and subsequent lockdown was rehearsed by Gates and his fellow ‘billionaire philanthropists’ in 2010.

His ‘tattoo’ is the ‘badge of conformity’ . Worse, the brainwashing of the gullible to snitch and ostracise non-conformists will lead to a majority of the population accepting that a lack of conformity( taking the chip) should lead to the cutting off from money and medication as a ‘punishment’.So the thinkers will have two enemies ; the lunatics with the poison and the lunatics with the lack of thinking skills or energy to learn.The gormless eaters as i call them.They’ll eat any crap they’re fed if it means they don’t have to think.

So what is causing the damage to the people ?

Much has been said by the mainstream about the 1918 ‘Spanish’ Flu. That’s a useful marker to use to help them achieve their goal of scaring the population witless. After all, it shifted 50 million of the lower classes off the planet with a virus. Significantly, the two years leading to 1918 saw the erecting of thousands of telephone pylons spanning thousands of miles. In terms of technological advancement this was a huge step into the future. What did it do to the ionosphere ?

In comparison to today’s mobile technology it’s safe to say that it would cause a ‘net’ of extremely low frequency ( ELF) radiation.But low isn’t zero either.Maybe the two are not connected and it would be wrong to conflate them like this.But it has to be said that it wasn’t a bog standard flu.

The most likely to survive a pandemic of this kind would be the younger, stronger generation.But this was not the case. The highest mortality rate was in the 20 – 35 males.Not the elderly and frail. And, I suppose it could be argued that given that the demographic that spent far more time outside than any other was that of young men who were forced to march and fight across thousands of miles in WW1 1914-1918.

The year before this hit the mainstream were besides themselves with excitement fawning over the mighty Elon Musk putting a record number of satellites into the atmosphere for mobile technology. He had also ( coincidentally) had a new investor climb onboard for his other ‘project’ – Neuralink. That’s the one that involves slicing the brain tissue of the gullible ( drugged) to implant yet another chip.So we’d have a tattoo chip and a brain chip.

*Is it making sense now why Gates the software billionaire has been given charge of this phase of our existence rather than medical people. We’re being morphed with AI to become half man half software

5 G is damaging. Even landline phones are. The electromagnetic waves have caused Bees and other small, insignificant species to die out. It’s been observed.But the damage it could do wouldn’t be visible in our blood. Like this virus isn’t. It wouldn’t ‘ present’ as something you could isolate and treat. Like this virus isn’t. But it’s rolled out.And so were Musk, the ‘robot /man’ dreamer’s satellites.

Aug 22, 2020 1:54 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

You can expose Gates without very questionable speculation about 5G. See his latest interview in Bloomberg Businessweek where he repeats scary but totally false claims about HCQ and its use against covid19. Gates says that ‘effective cures are coming’, meaning his dodgy vaccinations, but that will depend on the effective elimination of HCQ, as in the UK and much of Western Europe, where big pharma controls the advisory process and even medical journals like the Lancet, which have smeared HCQ and then been forced to withdraw their ‘research’. The UK’s death rates are one of the world’s highest. By contrast, countries routinely using HCQ have about 80% fewer mortalities. Israel, Turkey, India, Taiwan, Singapore, Algeria, Indonesia and many more have all escaped our fate. Hiding this truth is for me the most sickening and criminal aspect of our useless, lying MSM.

Aug 22, 2020 2:08 PM

I’ve exposed Gates on a lot of things. And on recent threads on this site too. It just moves topics too fast.

The most recent exposure being his weak answer to the logical non- mainstream, non-scripted Q and A he got trapped into. He was asked about why plasma from recovered patients hadn’t been considered for use or used as it would likely be beneficial if this is a virus of any corona strain. The billionaire philanthropist who continues to throw billions to universities to find the stats he likes said it was -quote- ”too expensive”. Whereas another 12 months of pumping billions to the WHO and his various hospitals, TV stations and universities isn’t. I think that says ‘too expensive” to Gates means it would cost him and his friends too much as they have their ( philanthropic) money invested in the potential windfall from the money that 192 governments will have to pump into the pharma companies producing whatever treatment he pretends is a cure.

The Lancet took the dollar too. A sure sign that the medical profession has turned into a street walker that will turn tricks now.The Lancet was the symbol of integrity and always has been.Now He’s bought them too. Once upon a time they’d have exposed him.Now they see the dollar signs and new cars and houses on the horizon.

Gates has too much money invested in poisonous vaccines; poisonous Monsanto; Lieber’s and Musk’s neuralink and nano technology and chip work.There is no other logical, rational explanation as to why world leaders rubber stamped the media to lie about danger, had medical doctors -with medical answers- silenced, and anyone exposing lies ostracised.No other sensible explanation exists that would explain why all of this was done in favour of handing it all over to a software magnate who is descended from America’s most high profile eugenicists.

Aug 22, 2020 2:31 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Exactly Jura

Aug 22, 2020 2:53 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

What dissappoints me is that there is noone, out of 330 million Americans, willing to kill Gates. That is what tells me we are at the end of modern civilisation and all that is in front of us is collapse …. Chinese as well as American. He is so vunerable, yet nobody steps up, not even tries. Sure, he has a few hundred guards, but in a helicopter he is an easy target, yet none of these gun-proud Americans will slay him. The cowardice of Americans will ensure that they die by their own sword.

Aug 22, 2020 5:41 PM
Reply to  aspnaz

we need Gates to champion civil rights ( real civil rights not BLM-for-the-camera-we-don’t-know-what-the-F*K-we’re-really-doing-but.film-it-anyway-rights)or upset Israel or a Bush. That way a ‘lone gunman’ would be found like they did for JFK,RLK,MLK, Reagan.

Aug 22, 2020 5:45 PM
Reply to  aspnaz

How do you know this? Anyway, only a fool would discuss such a plan on the Internet.

Raymond ffoulkes
Raymond ffoulkes
Aug 22, 2020 3:40 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

“Observed” by whom?

Aug 23, 2020 1:55 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Concerning Gates, I cannot help but wonder where all these guys with Kermit the Frog like voices are coming from.

Aug 23, 2020 3:18 AM
Reply to  John

Have you heard Zuckerberg..it’s Kermit 2. Amnd he’s married to a pig. At least Gates’ wife seems a decent fella..

Aug 22, 2020 1:43 PM
Reply to  tish

Did you notice how authorities in England threatened to jail church-goers but did nothing to stop huge BLM protests or Muslim prayer meetings?

Aug 22, 2020 1:56 PM

God forbid the White, British, straight, non – Jewish, non – Muslim, heterosexual church goers get away with anything in England.Anarchists.

Aug 22, 2020 2:36 PM

Yes, I did….neither is right or good. I guess this pits church goers against BLM protesters and muslims. We need unity rather than division

Aug 22, 2020 1:44 PM
Reply to  tish

Aug 22, 2020 2:42 PM
Reply to  Mucho

Scary isn’t it, Mucho

Aug 22, 2020 1:49 PM
Reply to  tish

As you seem to live in the UK, there seems to be many powerful and honest groups of resistance you can join. You are lucky I should say. As I wrote elsewhere, where I am there is none, or rather each seems questionable: one as I said may well be a covert operation without any transparency (the leader has multiple false identities) to round up dissenters. Then I tried to find another, and thought I had. I read many criticisms of it however, what convinced me it was dodgy, was after much effort finding its leader (at least that one is transparent, doesnt hide who he is in real life)’s written piece dating from many years ago where he tried to say Hitler had been too villified, and that he had successfully tried to implement socialist policies. That shows 1) he doesnt know his history, 2) no one who would have had good intents even minimally would have done what he did (Im not saying even the worst dont have redeeming aspects, usually in their private lives: he apparently took financial care of the French woman he had a child with during WW1, and provided for them both…).
Anyhow Im not saying this one movement is not genuinely minded to get rid of the current dystopian scenario, because they do give good analysis and seem the only one in the country fully cognizant of the global agenda, but somehow that Hitler comment made me reluctant to get in touch with them. It says on their website to register, telling them in what way you could contribute, i.e. education, environment, science, so on and so forth, and that they have their people everywhere, and someone will meet you. But what also worries me is the crazy idea they have that they form the true transition government and seemingly in 2015 were saying they would seize power. Its just so mad.
Somehow its as fishy as the other…

So Ive given up Tish of linking up with locals. Have no idea where the true honest, intelligent resisting locals are (I mean the ones who do it through the covert operation site are honest, but they are too naive as they dont realise they are being blacklisted: they dont seem to have even tried finding out who are behind the site… They’d be surprised if they did. And hence joining them anywhere would be imprudent as there may be some covert person there to
find out who they are.

Aug 22, 2020 3:12 PM
Reply to  hope

I know what you mean Hope, which group should I join and why.

Aug 22, 2020 9:48 PM
Reply to  hope

You don’t need to herd. That’s where it all went wrong in the first place.Why not be followed rather than look for a leader..

No online groups will be effective in any real resistance, Real resistance, like back in the day. enjoyed a degree of success because they could remain covert. Once you’re online you have a group stuck on your tail as soon as you log on. This is why the final steps of the Dystopian dream are being implemented now.People get filled with rage and find an angry poster or a photograph of Gandhi and try to save the world with a pithy quote.

Aug 22, 2020 2:44 PM
Reply to  tish

Owing to it’s beam-forming technology, 5G has been weaponized and is able to induce this “silent/happy hypoxia” in a targeted person. That is the only new disease that doctors have seen this year btw (well, new outside of the military that is). It’s when patients have very low oximeter readings which doctors previously thought were not compatible with consciousness, yet here they are fully compos mentis. Low red blood cell counts are causing low oximeter readings that are somewhat misleading as much of the patient’s oxygen will remain absorbed in blood plasma instead. This will cause oxidative stress throughout the body overtime though and oxygen therapy, especially the government-mandated ventilators, just exacerbate that. The patients need anti-oxidant therapy, e.g. hydroxychloroquine, methylene blue, high-dose vitamin C, + zinc.

This paper details the biological effects of millimetre microwave radiation: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mX1fSrTzvWIxJBOC0Q8POLD0XhBQSpDv

Red blood cells are actually sequestered in bone barrow during this toxic state and will return to circulation once it is corrected.

They primarily targeted BAME, especially those working in the NHS so that they could pretend the disease was being caught off the sick. In reality, contagious diseases are a myth. No extensive study under controlled conditions has ever been able to show that person-to-person transmission of disease symptoms ever happens. The US Navy did one during the “Spanish Flu”, in which they failed to make any of the volunteers sick: https://sci-hub.se/10.1001/jama.1919.02610310005002

Similar studies have been done with the common cold that revealed no sign of contagiousness.

Of course, this is all being done to force vaccination on us, and in future all vaccines are likely to have an extra ingredient in them — reproductive hormones associated with foreign proteins which will cause your immune system to produce antibodies against your own reproductive hormones making you infertile. This has already been tested on young girls in Kenya: https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/a-mass-sterilization-exercise-kenyan-doctors-find-anti-fertility-agent-in-u

That’s how the Fourth Reich intend to achieve their 500 million population target as stated on the Georgia Guidestones.

Aug 22, 2020 9:57 PM
Reply to  scowie

The Guidestones were conceived in America.There was no reason for a Fourth Reich.America rescued the doctors, eugenicists, weapons experts and rocket scientists. They were supposed to stand trial and hang with the rest who were executed at the show trials. Because America wanted to cement a partnership with them as they too harboured ambitions of world domination at any cost.The cover was basic for the sheep ‘‘ we didn’t want the Russians to employ them’‘ ( even though the Russians never tried to).

So the Third Reich never ended. That was for the punters to see. They merely changed venue and did the work in the background ( so we all thought they were history) while Uncle Sam’s ‘heroes’ ran riot all over the planet. But they were part of the allies. The saviours.Not the Nazis surely. It’s all just a series of coincidences that have lasted 75 years so far..mission almost accomplished..

Aug 22, 2020 10:12 PM
Reply to  scowie

Very informative Scowie, yes people presenting at hospitals did have low oxygen saturation levels…they called it ‘happy hypoxia’ because the very low level of oxygen saturation should have rendered people unconcious. However, people were alert and seemingly okay…a mistake was made…the people needed blood transfusions of oxygenated blood not forced oxygen.
forced oxygen killed people with happy hypoxia or symptoms of altitude sickness.

HCQ plus zinc may have prevented deaths. Sadly we didn’t have the chance to use HCQ and zinc in fact all information about HCQ was repressed and it was pulled from prescription. There was also another ‘anti malarial’ postulated to be effective, extract of sweet wormwood and other herbs. This was used in Madagascar and was offered to all countries free of charge.

I do believe in ‘germ theory of disease’ ie Koch’s postulates.

The highrer ratio of covid -19 cases is something that is still ongoing in England…so tighter lockdown measures are ensuing in those communities. I don’t think anyone knows why that is, but the majority of people living in these communities belong to BAME. I believe also that G5 masts interfere with oxygen absorption across the board.

I think apart from ‘germ theory’ we are reading ‘off the same page’ The objective is eugenics by vaccination ie sterilisation of young females and males.

I believe in a Fourth Reich’ others believe the third Reich never ended especially after operation paper clip… I believe the US were guilty of war crimes for what they did in operation paperclip. I also believe, like you that the Georgia Guidstones are some sort of ‘ten commandments’

Aug 22, 2020 2:48 PM
Reply to  tish

You are a looney, but I have a soft spot for looneys. I don’t really give a shit about the technicalities of what happened, I really don’t. Whether it was a fake virus, 5G, microwaves, aliens … whatever. All I know is that our freedoms are being taken away, so if you want to post something relevant to the people on this board, shut the fuck up about science (corporations own science, so your contribution is like pissing in a well) and lets start talking about why we are not as free as we were 6 months ago and what we can do about it.

Aug 22, 2020 9:26 PM
Reply to  aspnaz

Well not a very polite reply and I guess in my experience people who descend to profane language have lost it right there and then….perhaps you would benefit from thinking about that.

Aug 23, 2020 1:52 AM
Reply to  tish

Why drag 5g into this when Covid is supposedly in places without 5g? Just because Covid is a fabricated panic does not mean that the 5g conspiracy is valid. Linking the two is dumb unless there are persuasive experts and data out there to back up what you say. And arguing about it is also a waste of time when we have far bigger issues to deal with … if we don’t get jobs back some of us may be suffering starvation like that of the poor in locked down Manila slums.

Aug 23, 2020 2:03 AM
Reply to  aspnaz

The UK is in the shit: you are 1xGDP in debt, are soon going to be leaving the EU market, have a conservative PM bringing in hard-left policies like lock down etc etc. Tying 5g into this is craziness: 5g will not unify the anti lockdown movement, it will scare off the wavering by appearing to be just various levels of looney!

What is really disappointing is the lack of massive protests in the UK. With UK people demanding “you must wear a mask to protect me” I know my judgement of my fellow Brits (not just Brits, to be fair) is completely wrong and I no longer recognise my fellow man.

Aug 23, 2020 2:27 PM
Reply to  aspnaz

My opinions obviously are different to yours. However, I will fight until my last breath to allow you to say what your opinions are. That is what is being eroded the right to free speech, again my opinion

Aug 22, 2020 10:05 PM
Reply to  aspnaz

 ”All I know is that our freedoms are being taken away, so if you want to post something relevant to the people on this board, shut the fuck up about science (corporations own science, so your contribution is like pissing in a well) and lets start talking about why we are not as free as we were 6 months ago and what we can do about it.”

You needed this scam to realise your freedoms are being taken away ? Has your head been up your back end that long ?

Our freedoms have been eroding for over 30 years. Since 2000 they’ve all but gone.

Were you too busy being an expert on what’s relevant and who should speak about what and to whom ?Or are you really as ignorant as your post suggests.

One right we’re losing is free speech. You might have read about it on a board somewhere. Or maybe you’ll hear about it in 20 years and think that’s new too.

It’s ironic that those who fight to keep it have to put up with free speech that spills out of the mouths of halfwits like you.

*OffG..there’s a difference between free speech and moderation of the site.

Aug 23, 2020 2:07 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

You moan about loss of freedom then call for action from the moderator? My brain is going to explode soon!

Aug 23, 2020 2:57 AM
Reply to  aspnaz

too late

Aug 23, 2020 12:18 AM
Reply to  aspnaz

If you thought you were free ‘6 months ago’ its very clear that you have never ‘thought’ at all

Aug 23, 2020 2:19 AM
Reply to  Stregs

I didn’t say we were free 6 months ago, But I can see why the UK is in the shit if losing this latest round of freedoms is okay because loss of freedom has happened before: how dumb of me not to realize.

This round does, of course, involve mental gymnastics: I am now responsible for keeping everybody else safe by wearing a mask! Too much responsibility and I have no respect for the people I am supposed to be keeping safe.

Aug 22, 2020 1:41 PM
Reply to  aspnaz

As I know of many cases and fatalities from wu-flu here in Brazil, your claim that it is harmless is a terrible insult.

Aug 22, 2020 3:00 PM

Really? You are so naive that you cannot see the corruption of state systems? So why isn’t the overall death toll in Brazil higher than last year? Here in Hong Kong 70 people have died of Covid this year and 120 have died of flu: last year, at this time of the year, 180 had died of flu. Does that spark a reaction in your brain, does that make you want to ask any questions about those numbers? This is not personal, this is about stats. I don’t give a shit whether you are insulted, in fact you response makes me think that your question was not about facts but about emotions.

Aug 22, 2020 1:12 AM

Update from Hong Kong:

China has implemented health passes in some cities. You can only enter restaurants, sports centers, subway and other buildings by showing your health pass which is only issued if you have had a negative Covid test. Not sure how often the retest is. The pass is provided by an app on your phone – so you have to carry a compatible phone. This is happening now and is being rolled out to more cities!!

Kiss-ass HK politicians, Beijing supporters, are trying to bring the system to Hong Kong. The HK government has already said that it will not open gyms and bars until over 5 million have been tested for Covid.

Oppression is here. All those conspiracy theories were right. Makes me feel sick!

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Aug 22, 2020 2:31 AM
Reply to  aspnaz

That’s what the filth media and Govt are now pushing here in Australia after the backlash against the announcement of mandatory vaccinations earlier in the week:
The vaccines won’t be mandatory, but it will be no jab, no play, whereby, yes, choose not to get the vaccine – but you won’t be allowed in places like cafes, pubs, cinemas, music concerts, and as I’ve seen reported, public transport.
Regards the health pass app on people’s phone in China, where people are denied access if they get a red X, The Corbett Report showed how that system operated on one of their recent reports.
Dystopia, Orwellian, Kafkaesque, take your pick – this will eventually be rolled out everywhere, including Aussie.

Aug 22, 2020 11:03 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

I agreed with your comments above , but what know one is talking about is that if people choose to get the new <poison> vaccine how can someone be locked out of the economy if they don’t take the vaccine?, based on the science that the non vaxer’s could not infect the vaccinated therefore eliminating infection/deaths while the non vaxer’s use the low mortality stats as their own personal risk guide. the non vaxed group could not be classed as dangerous to the vaxed group therefore locking out the economy would be disproportionate based on the science . that’s my logic.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Aug 22, 2020 12:06 PM
Reply to  david

I know David, but ultimately, this isn’t about the vaccines or the virus. It’s about total control over everyone.
Excellent video on The Corbett Report on this very thing where he looked at what they’re doing in China with the Social Credit system, and whereby to gain access to buildings, shops, public transport, you had to have an App on your phone, your ‘social credit’ standing was linked to your phone app.
If you got a green tick you were allowed entry everywhere. If it came up with a red X, you couldn’t enter.
There were App readers at the entrance of buildings with security guards there checking that people swiped their phone on the reader.
I believe this is the sort of thing they will bring in everywhere.
That’s how they will shut people out.
Employers here in Aussie are now openly stating that employees who refuse to get vaccinated should be fired. They want the power to do this.
That video was on one of the recent Corbett Report videos – may’ve been in the Who Is Bill Gates series.

Aug 22, 2020 2:19 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

No vaccine No Job and this is just the begining

Aug 23, 2020 12:23 AM
Reply to  tish

Agree. Its already here in Aust, no jab no education & no jab no Govt assistance

Aug 22, 2020 2:02 PM
Reply to  david

David, yes a mandatory vaccine is one thing being proposed. If you say no, you are a dissenter and as such would be locked out of the economy, and at the moment it looks like quarentine camps would apply.

I understand,herd immunity against covid-19 should give the dissenters no risk anyway.

However, the fact is you cannot make a vaccine for a pathogen that has not been isolated and that is the problem you cannot make a vaccine against something unkown.

The exisitance of ‘covid-19’ has been used in different ways to control people 5G masts are just one example.

At the end of the day, it’s never really been about a virus or 5G masts it has been an exercise in control and compliance.

The objective is total control and the practise of eugenics to ‘cull’ the population.

Of course there are the people like Gates, Fauci and others of ‘the good club’
who will be exempt from the rules of lockdowns or anything else.

That is what people should look to ‘a few who can control the world scenario’ and how do we stop it…..I don’t know the answer. I think it lays in the unity of people rather than division of people. I guess this is the slogan that comes to mind

”The people united will never be defeated’

We, the vast majority of the people should look far beyond a virus and unite…it is the only thing that will stop the horrific vision that lays ahead…..Huxley’s vision in ‘A brave new world’ will become The New World Order.

Aug 22, 2020 3:09 PM
Reply to  tish

Stop talking science and rationale, this is about control of the population by a small group of very rich people, like Gates. This is what biblical scholars would describe as the end times.

Aug 22, 2020 3:22 PM
Reply to  aspnaz

I know

Aug 22, 2020 10:08 PM
Reply to  aspnaz

So forget science, let’s refer to an ancient story book..

Aug 22, 2020 6:10 PM
Reply to  david

What will happen and is now floating around in the dark world of big pharma is the vaccine will officially only offer temporary protection to the ‘virus’.

Everyone will be expected to have their shot every so often to ‘prove their health status’.

Gates and big pharma make a fortune.

Aug 22, 2020 4:21 AM
Reply to  aspnaz

After China and HK, the toughest clampdowns are in Australia and NZ. Who’s your daddy?

Aug 22, 2020 3:16 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Victoria is worse than HK. Are you doing my daddy?

Aug 23, 2020 12:26 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

The City of London Corp is Australias daddy thats for sure.

Aug 22, 2020 1:14 PM
Reply to  aspnaz

There is no test test for covid-19. The virus has not been isolated and neither have any antibodies been located from those who have recovered from covid-19. In fact there is no test that can say +ve or -ve for covid 19

PCR tests are a waste of time, money and effort. How do you test for an unknown ?

Aug 22, 2020 3:11 PM
Reply to  tish

Okay, so you have discovered that they were lying to us. So what? You think that TPTB are open to rational discussion about what to do next? Get a grip.

Aug 22, 2020 3:27 PM
Reply to  aspnaz

I doubt it. It has been a long term goal of TPTB

Aug 23, 2020 1:14 AM
Reply to  tish

What can we realistically do to opt out of this oppression? Is there any way to opt out? Is there a way to dodge the bullet?

Aug 23, 2020 2:22 PM
Reply to  aspnaz

As an individual, I personally would refuse any vaccine and may end up in a’quarentine camp’ That is my choice.

Aug 22, 2020 1:08 AM

Because THEY taking piss blatantly

Aug 22, 2020 1:06 AM

This can go massive.

Aug 22, 2020 12:35 AM

Best video.

Aug 22, 2020 1:03 AM
Reply to  Marfanoi

Make it massive then

Aug 22, 2020 12:33 AM

Doctor No

Aug 22, 2020 12:25 AM

Spain fully logged on.

Aug 22, 2020 12:30 AM
Reply to  Marfanoi

To nonsense

Aug 22, 2020 12:24 AM

He is on it and fuming.

Aug 22, 2020 12:21 AM

Good 1

Aug 22, 2020 12:18 AM

The doctor makes great points about vaccines. Of course this is just one of the ludicrous aspects of the drive for mass vaccinations. The mainstream even admit that people up to the magical cut-off age of 45 are essentially immune to the effects of this ‘virus’. So what was the justification for mass,recurring vaccinations of these age groups again?

Aug 22, 2020 1:49 AM
Reply to  kevinpk

Why do they have to justify anything to you? Unless you are prepared to risk your life killing them they have no reason to take your opinion into account.

Aug 22, 2020 10:12 PM
Reply to  aspnaz

If any power, political or medical, decide to take your freedom to choose away and abuse your civil and human rights, they should have to justify it .It’s part of our freedom. You know, part of our ‘rights’ you were allegedly concerned about when you were trying to insult someone else for effect further up the thread..

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
Aug 21, 2020 11:37 PM

Absolutely wonderful. The interviewer is like one of those cartoon characters who, having gone off the cliff, is still frantically running in mid air. The laconic doctor is priceless.
What most people,who will never see it, would make of it, I dread to think. I just watched a “nurse speaks out”video on the “outside the box” channel. She was reporting empty wards and no essential healthcare happening, BUT the rest of the staff oblivious and awaiting, with bated breath, the MIRACLE VACCINE that will make everything wonderful again.
The media spell is so powerful, it still shocks me how deeply everyone is hypnotised. Even those witnessing the reality at first hand can’t see it.

Aug 22, 2020 12:16 AM
Reply to  Nixon Scraypes

”The media spell is so powerful, it still shocks me how deeply everyone is hypnotised. Even those witnessing the reality at first hand can’t see it.”

Like you and I, they had no obvious reason to think politicians would lie, news programmes would lie , and history books would lie as well as schools. Why would they ?

Depending on which roads you walk down and the company you meet, you either remain in that trance or wake up and go back over it and dig.

The longer you spend in a trance the harder it is to snap out and the harder you fight against others trying to wake you..The thought of your ideal world view being wrong after all this time is too hard to face.So, they get up every morning and go to sleep..

Germs Bond
Germs Bond
Aug 22, 2020 6:09 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

“They get up every morning and go to sleep.” I love that.

Aug 22, 2020 12:45 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

There are different components within the spell.
Different ways of looking at them.
The power of the mind operates upon its predicates.

If you are already identified in the body, and in a medical technologism as the saviour or protector of the body, then its priesthood reveals the word of the god from whom you receive and keep its life as your own- saved from fear of pain and loss.

There is a lie and the father of it, or if you prefer, invested self-illusion, upon which minds are predicated as a false foundation and as a split loyalty between conflicting foundations. That a split mind can cover itself as a world of mutually agreed definitions that effect a masking out of truth for the sake of self-illusion, is to mask in virtue – or self-justified judgements that seek funding or reinforcement.

Invested beliefs become sacred cows that prevent growth of an expansive whole in all its parts – and drives growth of parts set against the whole and set in the voice of authority for the whole – as Guide or Protector.

A masking in virtue is a hollow deal that delivers unto further dependencies or powerlessness WITHIN the frame of the deeper self-investment. Attack in the falsity of the mask is to join IN the mask as a contested identity or truth from which our self or reality is derived.
Virtue is fed upon as a form in which to present ourselves, or bolster and boost a lack of immunity, wholeness or resilience of unified purpose, for the appearance of seeming to have it. This is the mind of possession and control, or the cultural distortions of weaponising and marketising everything to prop up private agenda against exposure and undoing within a living wholeness that does not support it – and so it is supported with and by sacrifice, limitation, denial, contraction, division, conflict, and depletion, to operate CONTROL as a private bubble seeking virtue in self-isolation – but lock-stepped in mutual reinforcements against the terror or void of loss of self – as ‘control’ to feared chaos of underlying identity conflict, and indeed doubt of existence.

The need I see is of a bridge between the mind of its bubble and the embracing Field of a Living Wholeness – that is relational being and a quality of communication that embodies primary virtues of being rather than mimicking of masking in the forms of attempts to replicate life in our own image.
It is the latter that induces fear, frailty, lack and so is driven to seek control by which to maintain its own projection.

Aug 22, 2020 1:22 PM
Reply to  Binra

 that is relational being and a quality of communication that embodies primary virtues of being rather than mimicking of masking in the forms of attempts to replicate life in our own image.
It is the latter that induces fear, frailty, lack and so is driven to seek control by which to maintain its own projection.”

What ‘induces fear‘ is the two choices we have become trapped within. One is to believe a virus is raining on us and killing us. The other is that we need a vaccine and a chip that will be able to track our every move and every conversation and transaction.It will render us dogs on a leash.

It’s the proverbial rock and a hard place. They’re what cause fear.And, of course, that the psychopaths who have brought it about have no conscience or humanity in them and are proud of being self proclaimed Godless nihilists who see us as vermin.

To cripple or kill us is nothing to them.I’m afraid it really is this simple.We are all small bugs trapped in a large bell jar.On the other side of the glass are those who have us trapped.New age jargon and books or random esoteric allusions won’t serve anyone, I’m afraid.

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
Aug 22, 2020 1:03 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

I was just going to say exactly what Mr. Bond said. My variation on the theme is~ Woke but still dreaming

Aug 22, 2020 2:53 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

When I woke up this morning I had the following words in my head, ‘If you lose you don’t sleep anymore.’

I thought this might mean if people are vaccinated with a nanotech toxic soup we may not be able to go into sleep mode and die as we can’t survive without sleep, (one way of killing a percentage of people off), then I thought once the totalitarian state is in place not even the snitches or people who just want to continue a quiet little life and not face the reality of the situation won’t be able to, they won’t be able to go ‘back to sleep’ again.

Also being vaccinated with nanotechnology that fuses us in an electrical grid with AI and 5G, maybe we will never be able to stop our thoughts as they are being manipulated and controlled. Then I went a step further and imagined one of these evil psychos actually in your head like they were really there but you had no choice but to do what they say, I mean, imagine Bill Gates right in your head and almost manifest before your eyes, or hovering over you in bed, overlaying any thoughts you had with his own! That is pure hell!

So it’s essential we don’t lose the fight for the human soul that is taking place right now!

Aug 22, 2020 6:22 PM
Reply to  Seaweed

You’re closer to the truth than you think, Seaweed..

If you think Orwell’s Dystopia that.s already here.They’re just waiting for the prison walls last few bricks to be laid on our prison.Then think Huxley’s Brave New World and his theory of ‘Soma’ you have our’ dumbing down’ ‘medicine.Whereas Huxley’s world between the world wars had pills we have digital and nano technology.’

The Nano is working feverishly in the background towards transhumanism. They claim it isn’t ‘other than human’. But they’ve lied about everything else.If they said it was to reduce us to flesh robots there’d be riots( real ones) all over the world.The vaccines will make it an inevitability or necessity.If something should ‘go wrong’ it won’t be their fault.After all, they were just trying to ‘save the race from a lethal pandemic’. So the disclaimers been put firmly in place during the last 6 months of rehearsal.

I don’t go too far down this avenue.I keep the good cards to my chest. But you’re on the right track. That was a glimpse of tomorrows new world you saw.Once it’s in place we won’t even remember this one.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Aug 22, 2020 8:28 PM
Reply to  Seaweed

I developed my own (2) maxims several years before all this, as a shield against overwhelming incursion, and I believe it: “God has means of communicating with His children along infinitely discreet channels.”


“God is the ONLY secure repository of true intel.”

That is the pith of all (intel) Scripture, based on what was left us as generic but core guidance, as said by His Son:

“I will not abandon you.”

“Even the Son does not know the day or the hour, but only the Father.”

There are good reasons. Some believe it , some don’t.

Aug 22, 2020 10:15 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

I wonder where the’ ONLY secure repository of true intel‘ was when millions died in WW1, WW2, Africa’s victims of starvation and vaccines, Two Iraqi Conflicts and Spanish Flu.Millions of innocent ‘children of God’.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Aug 23, 2020 12:52 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

That’s the “Constant Canard” of anti-theists, or whatever we call:

“My Man gone me done me wrong” I think is the blues modality.

Fact is, he allowed His only Son ~ in my own Blues rendition~ to die brutally on a cold bloody Cross.

Makes no sense, on the face of it..

Even on the Holy Face, of it: the night before that bloody hell, Jesus Himself addressed Him in petition: “If only this cup could pass from me … yet not my will, but Yours be done.”

Makes no sense, on many levels.

In what passes for today’s context, it makes even less sense.

Only in a certain context, the most important, does it make sense. And that’s the spiritual one.

If you look anywhere around you, you’ll see people who do the heavier lifting, the “sacrificial victims”.

They are, literally, “taking the hard foul for the team”.

Sometimes the foul is SO hard, the team so ageless, all mankind itself, that most cannot even see, let alone “do…the math.” It’s an arc of justice so long, and one that bends so hardly, and slowly, toward Justice, that most people aren’t willing to do *THAT* math. They not only often don’t have the functional patience, the daily or hourly kind, they don’t have the long patience that may even stretch beyond this lifetime?

That’s why I say, “I’m dying to live.”

It’s someone’s Anniversary today, in the RC Church, who had that kind of patience, that literal crown of patience (ipso facto) which is the temporal translation and embodiment of “faith” — found in the noblest natures.

The Feast of the Queenship of the Virgin Mary. August 22 among Catholic Christians. Thatv”Arc” of the New Covenant. “That indestructible temple in Whom was contained Him Whom nothing can contain.”

“Queen”, as in what 1Thérèse (Martin) de Lisieux 150 years ago rightly called “nobility of soul”.

I admit, it ain’t always too pretty, but I never put that on God. In a good book I have, nowhere do I find a page that promises us a bed of roses. (Down” here”, i.e., the functional attic of Hell.)

Au contraire! He says the truest and best will have a bloody road to go.

It’s spiritual math, I call it “theonomics”. The great Thomist philosopher Étienne Gilson, called it “mathématicisme”.

To balance out the equation in so much disorder, it’s a hard fact, but true, that many are called to very hard lots, but it sets the arc of justice to the right bend in the end. And not a micron of innocent blood goes uncounted.

That will enrage certain minds, I know, because I’ve had my own tantrums, *especially* when I’m caught short in a situation where my own failings or mistakes have led to a lowered boom! The reeling mind may ask an even bigger Why when crushed in its own innocence.

But, when I think about it, I discover that, even at our best, that Repository has each of us, and all of us, on a need-to-know basis.

I have once known a great prophet once, and even he, who seemed to know just about everything, confided, “I really don’t know that much. I can work with it, that’s all.”

That humble, and that great.


“God only knows.
God has a plan.
The information’s unavailable
To the mortal man.”

— Simon & Garfunkel

“The lot falls into a man’s lap, but the disposition is of God.” ~ Proverbs

“Man proposes, God disposes” — Augustine

Franz Liszt, Franciscan composer: “It is man’s fate to endure the unendurable.”

Like I said in the above post, “Some believe it, some don’t.”

More to the point, really, some accept it, some don’t.

Or very very slowly, like me. If you read any of my other threads, I’ve been thriwn some wild curve balls! And that’s just a fact, Jack!! Whether strikes or balls, or both (i.e. intentionally beaned, such as every Houston Astro’s got comin’) they were surely off the wall.

The only choice was to accept them, or become less of a person.

But every single act we make, socially, every step we take, is based in some form of faith, in some way. And every good one is priceless to God.

No matter how hard the verdict, how heartbreaking the event, there will be a tomorrow.

Always, since “death” doesn’t end a life, it only changes it.

There *will* be reparations. “Though I thought I’d labored for nothing, in vain, spent my strength uselessly, YET MY RECOMPENSE IS WITH THE LORD.” That’s a Prophet speaking.

And we’re all dying to live, aren’t we.

Aren’t we?

Aug 23, 2020 3:15 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

”Fact is, he allowed His only Son ~ in my own Blues rendition~ to die brutally on a cold bloody Cross.Makes no sense, on the face of it..”

Yes, it is a tad harsh in terms of discipline really.But sitting with a bucket of popcorn to watch 2 world wars and a few million starve to death while atom bombs are thrown at innocent Japanese children was his biggie.

”Makes no sense, on many levels.In what passes for today’s context, it makes even less sense.”

Just no sense then. I agree.

”Makes no sense, on many levels.In what passes for today’s context, it makes even less sense.”

No, they’re lied to by their government who want a war and to make money. These are just cannon fodder.Every last man is collateral damage.The work of a man unhampered by a loving God.

”I admit, it ain’t always too pretty, but I never put that on God. In a good book I have, nowhere do I find a page that promises us a bed of roses. ”

Then why throw the Bible around or a God or faith ‘down here’ where the starvation, poisoning, murder and genocide are happening.Millions have have had faith and believed that the Lord God would save us all or that his sacrificed son was ready for the encore. And all those people are dead.And forgotten.

”It’s spiritual math, I call it “theonomics”. The great Thomist philosopher Étienne Gilson, called it “mathématicisme”.”

I bet he was fun at parties.

”not a micron of innocent blood goes uncounted.”

You miss a point. If the bloods innocent, then it shouldn’t be spilled.

”But, when I think about it, I discover that, even at our best, that Repository has each of us, and all of us, on a need-to-know basis.”

 So God runs a sort of CIA or Mossad in Heaven. That would explain a lot.

”I have once known a great prophet once, and even he, who seemed to know just about everything, confided, “I really don’t know that much.”

 He was a useful contact then.

”That humble, and that great.”

Just useless.

”“God only knows.
God has a plan.
The information’s unavailable
To the mortal man.”
Simon & Garfunkel”

Would that be the disciples Simon and Garfunkel then. Cabaret at the last supper.

”And we’re all dying to live, aren’t we.Aren’t we?”

 We’re just wanting to have a life with no psychopaths abusing us and damaging our children.At least the beast they worship shows up..

John Ervin
John Ervin
Aug 23, 2020 6:23 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

JC wrote: “You miss a point. If the bloods innocent, then it shouldn’t be spilled.”

What’s the “point” of claiming that the point’s been missed, if you ignored all my points, ignobly quoted one comment out of context (truncated the end), didn’t answer any of the questions posed, and really disingenuously (i.e. purposely) missed my entire argument? Which is painfully obvious (the connection of all social necessary acts of faith and their manifest interconnection to the arc of very long faith).

Exhibit A: Jesus unjust and shameless murder as a conspiracy theorist.

Exhibit B: His consequent rising from the dead, in that there was no personal guilt to eternally hold him.

Which was THE point. And my point.

Your using my response as a mere springboard for the same old same old of your accusations of God, while He contends with absorbing the deadliness of man’s collective free will, and the fallen spirits’ corrupted free will, is not an exchange, and even far less a debate.

Not so good. As a lengthy “reply”.

I pretty much anticipated that kind of thing, with your “past as prologue” contributions, but it was worth putting some of the argument for any other “passersby”.

Aug 23, 2020 3:21 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

My points were clear and relevant to what you were preaching.

Your lack of understanding and anger tell me two things.

You’re a man of God. And you explain anything from that particular book as a matter of faith when no proof can be found or any evidence to support any of it’s alleged promises.

You should pray to your particular God fro more understanding and less bitterness. Or at least how to keep the latter buried.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Aug 23, 2020 3:52 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

“Do you like farce?”

You can do better.

Aug 23, 2020 12:32 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

The saying ‘It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled’ is spot on sadly

Aug 23, 2020 3:15 AM
Reply to  Stregs

sure is..

Aug 23, 2020 12:28 AM
Reply to  Nixon Scraypes

Agree, the mass hypnosis is frightening

Bob Gillis
Bob Gillis
Aug 21, 2020 11:28 PM

The most significant part, in my opinion is when a man, perhaps the news producer, intervened to say “we have lost control of the interview”. Admission of bias and agenda, if there ever was one. They did the same to a former chief of health care for Manitoba, Canada when he countered the official narrative.

These are corrupt people.

Aug 21, 2020 11:10 PM

Dr Benito :

” Are those sick or just positive cases ? Because the data can deceive confuse us.”

Key word – deceive.

Dr Benito :

” So we are creating confusion by announcing ” Covid 19 cases are increasing ! While, in fact, it is not true. There is an increase, but not for patients who have a pathology of Covid 19..And having a positive PCR test does not necessarily mean that we are sick”

Now it get’s interesting…

Dr Benito :

” I have no idea what was planned…AS for the rest, the decision to suspend consultations or surgeries affetcs the blood supply in the blood banks and personnel”

On the Vaccines..

Dr Benito :

” Well, of course, it’s always profitable to talk about a vaccine.Especially after having inculcated the fear to believe it is necessary. We need to sell it”

Software magnate, Eugenicist and creator of computer viruses (and non-medically trained ) Bill Gates :

‘ I picked this one up ( ” How To Lie With Statistics” by Darren Huff ) after seeing it on a Wall Street Journal list of good books for investors. It was first published in 1954, but it doesn’t feel dated..One chapter shows you how visuals can be used to exaggerate trends and give distorted comparisons. ..”

That was number 6 of Bill’s Top 6. It has a string of fawning sycophants praising him in the comments section.All him or other CIA assets i suppose. Among the other 5 were gems such as :

‘The Bully Pulpit’ ( Doris Kearns Goodwin):

  ”How does social change happen? Can it be driven solely by an inspirational leader, or do other factors have to lay the groundwork first?”

‘On Immunity’ ( Euela Biss) :

 ” The eloquent essayist Eula Biss uses the tools of literary analysis, philosophy, and science to examine the speedy, inaccurate rumors about childhood vaccines that have proliferated among well-meaning American parents” ( so a pro-vax Bible then)

It’s not difficult to re -trace the route that Gates has walked to become the poster boy of global destruction , or the mass genocide of humanity on behalf of the Nazi inspired Nihilists that use him to launder their money.And, despite the philanthropy of him and his friends, the destruction continues to cut swathes through the world’s population as the billions they give away bounces back with interest..

His choice of reading material, his career in Microsoft who are in bed with the CIA and his family history ( three generations of Eugenicists crusading to butcher the number of humans on the planet they seem to think the own because of the money system they created says so). The money invested into damaging or deadly vaccines has been well invested.Nobody who invests in pharma makes loss. The mountain of corpses is a bonus.

Almost just as much has been invested into Monsanto, the world’s most famous and well protected poisoner of crops and various species of bird ad insect as well as humanity.The billions they have had o pay out for the havoc they had caused is astronomic. It reached a point where it looked likely that they’d be prevented from further trading. But that would have cost a lot of big investors money. Plus it would also prevent the human race from any further poisoning.But at the last minute, Obama, the great humanitarian, signed the Monsanto Bill. This has basically given them a free license to carry on but, as from that day, no longer with the worry of having to face any prosecution for any damages or death they are responsible or.

J’accuse Mr Gates :

” Mr Gates, we have all read the many papers detailing the many meetings you attended, many called by you, with your fellow billionaires. Your self-proclaimed ‘philanthropist’ friends that claim they are desperate to give billions of dollars away in the interest of saving the planet and humanity.The cynics among us still believe there’s no such thing as a free lunch.Some of us whisper that the billions you invest in research finds it’s way back to you-with interest( profit) via the deals struck with big pharma companies and the collecting of patents.But I digress…

You claimed that this pandemic was definitely going to occur as long ago as 2002.More recently, you said it again in 2017 and were joined in that conclusion by Tony Fauci.Could you explain how you were so adamant with no foreknowledge or scientific evidence please?

If this is a naturally occurring / evolved virus, nobody could have known. This, i suggest, would support the theory of it not being natural, but man made.And I would suggest that any men who were in possession of this knowledge could confidently predict that it would arrive and when it would arrive.

Recently, you and your wife have given interviews in which you confidently( again) speak of a second pandemic and insist that any doubters ( those wacky conspiracy theories with all their fancy ideas about wanting actual evidence of the viruses’ existence) will definitely ‘pay attention this time’.

On behalf the normal section of the human race, I apologise for refusing to sit and pay attention to you. I had no idea you were given the power of the world leaders and that your words as a software magnate were now more valid than those of the medical world your people had removed from as many public platforms as possible.Can I ask you now, this time ahead of the event, how you can be so sure that A- the second pandemic is coming and B- how you know those doubters will listen this time.It sounds like the vengeful words of an angry power. Who do you represent, Mr Gates, that speaks for medicine, money, pharma and world leaders ?

Finally, Mr Gates, I need an answer to this.

You were recently asked why, as we allegedly panic as the deaths ( allegedly) rise, why it wasn’t a good idea to use the plasma taken from patients who had overcome the virus and made a full recovery as it have would contain the anti bodies in it.And we could do it now. No need to wait 12 months and experiment with vaccines that are likely, according to Fauci : ‘to harm or kill 1% of the world’s population’ ( 100,000,000 ).Your reply was short and to the point.You didn’t say it wouldn’t work.You said it was ”too expensive”.

Yet we continue to read about the billions you’re paying various universities to come up with statistics that suggest a global vaccination programme is needed.And then there’s your other hired hands the WHO…”

Aug 22, 2020 1:32 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

J’accuse Mr Gates ainsi que

Aug 22, 2020 1:51 AM
Reply to  tish

Merci mon amour 😉

Aug 21, 2020 10:44 PM

Once again, here’s our friendly GCHQ doctor ‘explaining’ things to us (he’s not actually a medical doctor)…


That was back in July. In recent weeks John Campbell has been backpeddling on all the vaccine stuff, because the spooks/psychos realise that a large percentage of the public are not buying into it.

Campbell is still pushing the covid con (2nd wave, 3rd wave, and on and on) because that’s what slimy bastards like him are paid to do.

Aug 21, 2020 11:01 PM
Reply to  RobG

Zero interest in watching that cunt.

Aug 22, 2020 6:23 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

Don’t mince your words mister biscuits 😉

Aug 21, 2020 11:14 PM
Reply to  RobG

First time I’ve actually started to watch any of his broadcasts but soon had my doubts when he referred to “tentatative [sic] research…”!

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Aug 21, 2020 10:40 PM

“We’ve lost control,” said the anchor, stepping in as Dr Luis de Benito took charge, trying to berate the doctor, but he wouldn’t budge, and put the anchor in his place, reminding him which of the two of them was on the front lines in April. A media pleasure moment, a rarity nowadays.

Aug 23, 2020 12:46 AM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

Agree, that little insight ‘we have lost control haven’t we’ was a rare glimpse of what a success Operation Mockingbird was

Fish & Chips
Fish & Chips
Aug 21, 2020 9:48 PM

Great verbal battle of MSM lies versus medical truth.
That’s surely our Willem’s Spanish cousin !?

Aug 21, 2020 9:37 PM

I have attached a link to a conference of the Spanish Doctors for the Truth conference in Madrid on 25 July. This group was set up when they were inspired to do so by the similar Doctors’ group in Germany. The founder of the latter, Dr Heiko Schoening, was in attendance and was a speaker at the Madrid conference.

To those here who like to complain about sub-titles this will give you a real opportunity to have a moan. 😉 Even I will concede they are not good here but nevertheless it is easy to get the gist of what is being said, and it is consistent with the evidence opposing the MSM narrative that has been presented already over and over by international scientists and doctors.


Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
Aug 22, 2020 8:20 AM
Reply to  JudyJ

Judy, any links to English Speaking Doctors for Truth?

Aug 22, 2020 10:09 AM
Reply to  Dr NG Maroudas

If only there were! Of course there is the Frontline Medics group in the US. But, as far as doctors in the UK and Antipodes are concerned, it would seem that they must have all (with a handful of exceptions) been taught completely different medicine from their foreign counterparts.

I see that a doctor in Canada has been castigated for suggesting that lock down isn’t necessary and supporting the use of the hydroxychloroquine/zinc combo.


Aug 21, 2020 9:20 PM

James Corbett’s latest video: ‘What is the WHO’ is worth a watch (apologies, Willem and those who aren’t in the Corbett fan club 🙂 )


Apart from outlining some of their dodgy recent history, big pharma links and quite worrying amount of power over every state in the world, we should all be asking why nobody seems to see the danger of one organisation (BMGF) being the 2nd biggest, maybe soon the biggest, funder of a World health organisation. He also talks about the previous ‘Scandemic’ H1N1 which has relevance to what’s going on now.

Aug 22, 2020 6:16 AM
Reply to  MBiriamW

those who aren’t in the Corbett fan club


If “the virus” is just a glorified cold, James Corbett’s documentaries are glorified gossip. Safely tucked in the sunny climes of western Japan, Corbett earns his living solely relying on the consumerism he condemns, the consumerism where there is always that one more thing to get before things turn around, where there’s always the same single producer and dealer of stuff for the masses, awaiting for an injection of virtual epiphany while sitting passively in front of their screens. And the epiphany actually comes, but soon you crave for more “must watch” videos…

But of course, – you’ll say – no one asks you to pay, it’s all for free, if you wish so. So, why complain?

Answer : Because this is, and has always been, about our collective fate. Let’s keep an eye on the ball.

But Corbet does offer a solution to it, a solution so simple and straightforward that 99% of the people have never heard of the name he calls it, and apparently no one has ever reported successfully practicing it on the basis of his appeals.
To those facts he appears quite indifferent. People show more impatience for getting a snack than Corbett does for his solution for humanity at a historical crossroad.
Of course, Corbett satisfies the moral duty of ‘offering a solution’ and as a result … if nothing gets done, he can take a stance worthy of a lawyering pig : he’s done his part, the fault is rather of his ‘dear friends,’ his audience, that they haven’t lived up to his impeccable standards…

Feels like a cult?
Could it be a controlled opposition?
YOU decide.


Aug 22, 2020 10:33 AM
Reply to  Dors

Just don’t watch him then. It was a suggestion on my part not an order!

BTW, it seems as if calling somebody ‘controlled opposition’ is fast becoming another method of undermining dissent, just like ‘conspiracy theorist’, ‘anti-vaxxer’ and ‘(whatever)-denier’.

Aug 22, 2020 11:07 AM
Reply to  MBiriamW

BTW, it seems as if calling somebody ‘controlled opposition’ is fast becoming another method of undermining dissent,

Oh, it was worn out about four years ago already. But it still gets traction, including among recent commenters on Corbett Report. The above post was … tongue in cheek. James Corbett made something satiric a couple of years ago, stated clear it is a satire, and plenty of people responded as if it is real. That just shows how difficult it is to convey or interpret correctly the tone on the internet. The Internet pioneer Jacques Vallee wrote 1-2 books in lament how internet channels of communication fall far short of what has been envisaged – and is technically possible.

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
Aug 22, 2020 12:11 PM
Reply to  Dors

Yes, the tone is so important,gestures,facial expressions, and general demeanour too. It’s often unnoticed. There’s Pearly Gates with his strangled puberty croak and spastic gestures that speak to me more loudly than his words. Then there’s his little eyes peering with suspicious calculation and so much more. Stop me before I start on Medusa G.

Aug 23, 2020 2:54 AM
Reply to  MBiriamW

“it seems as if calling somebody ‘controlled opposition’ is fast becoming another method of undermining dissent”

Paranoia knows no limits. Once you start throwing around such accusations all too easily, using the power of suggestion.. also using simplistic notions of motivations (what motivates people) there is no end to it.

Tom Welsh
Tom Welsh
Aug 22, 2020 10:54 AM
Reply to  Dors

Or… could *you* be “controlled opposition”?

Aug 22, 2020 10:57 AM
Reply to  Tom Welsh

…YES!! Absolutely 🙂

Aug 23, 2020 2:43 AM
Reply to  Dors

“Could it be a controlled opposition?”

Feeding paranoia?

Perhaps a ninety percent of the conspiracy theory crowds consists of Ortega’s self satisfied modern democratic mass man, a type of man who is ever hostile towards elites and everything which he senses to be more intelligent, greater, different and more successful than himself. This man is constantly paranoid, he is the holy cow of democracy, a spoiled aggressive assertive creature. According to this man, who thinks himself to be the measure and inventor of all things, it is always elites who, not only now, but according to some, throughout known history, have stood in the way, nay, who have always sabotaged the creation of mass man’s utopia.
Hence, most of the conspiracy theorists, themselves just above the level of mediocrity, are feeding this type, a certain type of rebellious mass man among modern mass man, with material to feed his mostly vain indignation. The big dogs fighting are elites versus rebellious mass man, they make the most noise, as they both consider themselves to be visionaries and the only rightful owners of the world. Both of them are vain, both are copycats, hijacking ideals from the ideals of Humanism, of which the representatives are, and have always been the few. Both of them are mostly vain noise. Both ordinary man and elites have always, throughout history persecuted and killed humanists. But they are now running with humanist ideals as if these originated from them.

These ideals though, in the hands of both will become derailed and perverted, robbed of their spirit. In the case of humanist ideals in the hands of contemporary establishments, they will cleverly be utilized, in the service of hypocrisy, corruption and lust for power, they will become a deception (already the case). At the hands of self satisfied mass man though, the ideals become petty and devoid of their grand spirit, self satisfied mass man will stop evolution in accordance to his limited vision. The elites want to use these ideals, accompanied with science and technology in orde to gain more control and power, their desire is to speed up and transform as quickly as possible, self-satisfied mass man on the other hand thinks himself to be complete, he want things to remain as they are, or at best to change in accordance to his extremely slow capacity of change.

Aug 21, 2020 8:51 PM

Hmm, the difficulty here is that people are not skilled to deal with people who suffer from such severe mass psychosis like the Corona scare, no fact, no data, no reason (arguments concerning proportionality) is going to convince them otherwise (only very few). The mass psychosis will assert itself, group think is enormously powerful and it is a safe heaven, hence the clumsy arguments of the guy who interfered in the last minutes. They want it to be true, like Christians want god to exist.
You can also observe that they (the media) are targeted at keeping on the play with all the psychotic theatricality belonging to the Corona scare, so they constantly replay scenes with people with masks, ambulances, shot of hospital personnel, etc. etc. The populations, at least those who have caught the scare also replay the theater it in their own way. Notice also the crude and subhuman modern science-technology based character of the scenery.

Like children do the frighten game with each other, or like Christians playing fear of hell, except that it is now secular authorities scaring the flock with the Corona scare and the human caused climate change scare.

There is always something to learn from things, if not already clear, it must now become clear that in despite of technology, science and education, in despite of its claims, modern society, at large is as primitive as ever in history, especially of post WWII society it appears even worse (mass dumbing down through tv, media and pop culture?).
Still only very few are the torch bearers of progress, of progress through science, reason, humanism and beauty, and all of them as ever in history are slandered, harassed, ridiculed or ignored by society and its establishments. The only progress which is made in this respect that they are no longer put to death.

Now, playing-acting is what we do all the time, and what society does all the time, facts are deadly, they bore one to death, reality is boring, it is crude, but we need a collective play which is more beautiful, more inspiring, aesthetically and emotionally. As long as society plays games of fear wich are born out of lust for power, control and sadism, we non believers will have to play alone.

Aug 21, 2020 8:02 PM

I think this Spanish doctor is incredibly fed up with the lies and propaganda that he speaks out the truth and may not have his job for long.

Aug 21, 2020 7:03 PM

compare and contrast

Aug 21, 2020 10:11 PM
Reply to  ron

‘Solidarity’ in this sense will mean compliance and dependence. They love top down imposed solidarity like this, it gives them opportunities to appear big and responsible, it gives them opportunities to push big policy, which aids their ambitious vanity. Many national politicians will play the game along with the global elite, though in their own way, the latter will make them look independent and in control, as if they have a mind of their own.

Be sure that imposed solidarity has the worth of a fart, if not the latter is at least of benefit to the digestive organs.

Aug 21, 2020 11:40 PM
Reply to  ron

I agree that, vaccination programs by consent are the best. When you make them mandatory, you show your true colors. When you convince people through propaganda, making use of convenient and popular assumptions, ignorance and credulity, and very important, making use of emotional arguments, this will benefit your imago. It will make you sound reasonable and responsible, but not dictatorial.
The most intelligent ones will opt to first set up a non mandatory system, an ubiqitous propaganda campaign and of course much attention to means and facilities. Also, one cleverly has to leverage the social control system, so that people whom are slow or unwilling are pressurized, not by authorities, but by other people, at home, at work, friends etc.
Next, one has to make life harder for those who are not vaccinated, for instance the vaccination being obliged by employers, so that you need it to keep or get a job, obliged to access certain places, obliged to travel etc.
Perhaps mandatory is an option somewhere in the future, but the most intelligent foxes among the establishments and politicians will opt for a non mandatory system first, so that later on they can seize upon a forged opportunity to make it mandatory without coming across as dictatorial, and without coming across as easily setting aside human rights.

Patience my friends, one needs to have patience, and trust, trust in ignorance, credulity, ambition, trust in the power of fear, trust in the many ordinary people among the masses who happilly will try to force others in line, trust in those commercial classes eager to make a buck out of it, etc.

Aug 21, 2020 7:03 PM

I was anticipating the headline to read, “Spanish doctor shoots down DRONE”.

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Aug 21, 2020 6:47 PM

The funniest part us that last scoundrel, pretending to be a journalist, that got so frenetic!

These “journalist” are pure scum.

Aug 21, 2020 6:27 PM

It’s very hard to see a doctor in ther UK, even though the surgeries are empty. Perhaps this is because the powers that be don’t want too many people asking doctors wtf is going on. It will get harder to keep a lid on and doctors would have to lie to patients because they certainly know what’s happening. They are part of the problem and need to tell the truth. How ironic that just a few short months ago the majority of the population were clapping for the NHS. They should be ashamed of themselves.

Aug 21, 2020 5:50 PM

Amazing interview by this doctor. If there were more like him the world would have a chance.

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Aug 21, 2020 6:48 PM
Reply to  kevin

In Portróikal (former Portugal) we’ve ZERO like that one!