Covid Positive – Messages of Hope

The image above is called Sanity, Her Son, and the Credulous and was sent us by an artist from Washington State named Jordan Henderson. We’re publishing it because we think it’s a powerful visual representation of our current situation – and a powerful message of the importance of celebrating the spirit of human warmth and connectedness that is currently under attack.
Recently our Admin pointed out to us a conversation BTL where some of our regular and respected commenters were regretting a lack of positive message from us over the covid19 New Normal psyop.
Fair enough. We agree that some affirmation is needed during this spiritually draining time.
So – here is our new category “Covid Positive”. A place for people to post their own positive experiences – large or small.
- Do you have information about a demo being planned – tell us below and we will help publicize it
- Did you have an affirming experience of solidarity with other non-pod people you’d like to share?
- Do you have writing, artwork, anything that expresses that human warmth and connectiveness currently being so nakedly attacked?
- Anything else positive, hopeful or affirmative of the human spirit you would like to share?
Post links or info below or email us at [email protected] and we will publish the best (the ones we like most!) ATL.
Here’s the artist’s commentary on his painting:
This painting is the culmination of a long, careful, visual exploration of the world that I see today, the world that I see when I go to get groceries, or run an errand. The mundane world only looks boring because we are used to it, we see it everyday, but the prosaic has never been more than a deceptively simple facade for a fascinating place where nearly everything we do has spiritual, and ethical significance. Often we must observe the everyday world with great care to perceive these things, but sometimes they surface in an obvious manner. Imagine throwing dust on an otherwise invisible person, masks are like that; power struggles, and beliefs are now proclaimed, for all to see, with a prominent symbol.
And here’s the image again – stay positive and sane!

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Please use this thread for positivity. There are several hundred other Covid threads for you to discuss all the negatives. And don’t talk smack about the painting guys – c’mon – this is the hopeful thread you all wanted – be hopeful.
be hopeful? Is that an order? I’m sorry, I come here to express myself freely, and I’m really hopeful this platform is not just another moralizing venue, where you have to embrace a certain vue of the “Universe”. Sort of a “la la platform” if you will. You march with us or you’re sacked… (Let see what happens to me now, but this was a do or die)
“To have a right to do a thing is not at all the same as to be right in doing it.”. — GKC
Case in point.
and i’m wrong because (ok I’ll bite)
You’re wrong for exactly the reason the admin said: You have literally every other thread to say whatever you want, but they want to reserve just this one for positive comments.
Well, look on the bright side anyway: at least they didn’t disable downvotes to reinforce the positive and optimistic theme of the thread.
Lol, thanks… yes i’ve never seen the downvotes work so well..
OffGuardian removed my comment from earlier in this thread. And here I thought they didn’t do those things. In fact, I’ve defended OffGuardian from accusations of others that they did remove comments:(
I don’t remember seeing it, so it must have been removed before I perused the thread. I’m curious about what you wrote, but there’s no point in asking you to repeat yourself– unless you want to test the possibility that it was somehow removed unintentionally.
To add the obligatory note of hope: I would hope that in the unlikely event that the moderators were of a mind to censor comments that didn’t reflect the recommended theme, they would post an explicit warning to this effect.
I gave my impression of the painting in the article above. It said it looks like a horror movie scene, like a zombie movie. To me, it’s like the heaven/hell metaphor–how can you be happy in heaven while beings suffer eternally in hell? I saw the anguish on the little girl’s face and thought that it’s very difficult to take something positive out of that picture. My fellow citizens are engulfed, emotionally and physically in a totalitarian society. Meanwhile the image of the little boy is sad. He’s represents how childhood could be, instead of how the little girl is experiencing it.
Anyway, that’s how I felt when I saw that painting. I wrote about it, it was posted, then they removed it. It was not a spam-thing. I thought removing it was wrong, Ort:)
I saw your comment below and actually answered it… they don’t like you Sharon, but I do… I did criticize your comment in my reply though..
Thanks, Theobalt:D
You know damn well it isn’t an order. As Admin makes quite clear, you can take your scowl to the hundreds of other Covid threads which will accommodate you nicely.
In any case this isn’t an either/or situation at all. Just think, you can comment here too! ANY other thread has plenty of room for the many negative aspects of this farce, but it’s a nice initiative to have a page or two where those of us who have not yet committed suicide can lift our spirits for a few minutes.
Or would you prefer to ORDER us not to…?
“Please use this thread for positivity.”
That’s why I haven’t commented yet. I can’t think of anything. But I’ll keep trying!
I find it positive, even crucial, to visit the toilet and dump all that sh… at least consider it’s existence for a solution… I just got ofended to be adressed like a child. « There, here are a bunch of toys, you children play here » Like the rest of the world is not burning out
A big plus for me is that I don’t get so many unexpected visits from unwelcome guests. My idea of Hell – even worse than the Covid lockdown – would be if everybody was compelled by law to visit everyone they knew as often as possible. But perhaps that’s just me…
No, it’s not just you!
My idea of hell is the tons of consumerist work-slaves driving around senselessly all day in their noisy cars, such a delightful silence in my house and garden during the first lock down.
Hi Admin,
Being positive is such a denialist position and is not really positive at all as it is a rather cowardly position to take, the kind of positivity we see when people cant face the truth around them and beam with smiling faces to be positive and hopeful and looking into the future where things are better.
The only way to deal with issues that we are currently facing is to accept the current reality and experience whatever emotion arises whether it is anger, sadness, cynicism or regret, all human responses to reality.
Our only limitation is to know and own that response and deal with it responsibly.
If we deny our humanity with prudish expressions of positivity we are cutting ourselves off from that which is fundamentally and brilliantly human, so sorry can’t agree with you on this.
Please don’t apprehend this post as it is in keeping with goodness and belief in human nature.
Yeah. What u said
Oh jfc you guys. Some people said in another thread “hey wouldn’t it be nice if offg published something positive for a change” and here offg is saying “ok, there it is”. Just for once try to not make it all about your own Very Important Opinions.
I wanted to reply but quickly changed my mind because I understand how unreceptive you are to the subject of positivity.
You just held a mirror up to your own face.
‘Someone’s’ comment merely implies a certain lightening up.
Now why should that create such a song and dance…?
It’s no more complicated than, “Write whatever you like, wherever you like, and here’s a place – strictly for those who want it – to make an effort at finding a solution to terminal depression.”
Exactly what is your definition of “POSITIVITY”?
Agree!…That’s what I was trying to say above.
“Being positive is such a denialist position”
My little theory is that nothing is ever complete and finished before it is wholly perfect, and what is perfect is good. From every negative thing, it being imperfect and thus unfinished, however experienced as negative, creativity can extract something good out of it, and increase the good though the negative. The negative is no thing on itself, but the absence of the potential of the good (which is called the positive in this article), which awaits realization. This is not taking a blind eye to the negative, but rather to give it not the status of permanence and completeness which it does not deserve.
I hear you but your understanding of positivity seems to be limited…
There is the positivity of denialism or ‘bypassing’ to use the popular term these days..
There is however a positivity… A celebration of life, which is always present deep within the human spirit… A positivity that we can tap into, no matter how dreadful the external situations.. For one of the best illustrations of this then we can revisit, or read for the first time, Viktor Frankls’ book ‘Man’s Search For Meaning’ which documented his time of imprisonment in a concentration camp… I’ll allow him to explain it to you.
If gothic works for you, sure why not?
Quote a bit of Baudelaire to go with it.
Or perhaps Gaugain who coined some eye-raising expressions in his time.
Joie de vivre, that’s the ticket.
Hopeful (positive) or not hopeful (negative), it makes no big difference since the outcome will remain the same….They give courses in positivity training these days, as if the planet exists for the purpose of making us all happy….The planet doesn’t give a damn either way.
Ok well, I’ve had many moments of despair and hopelessness over the last few months like I’m sure many reading this have. Nevertheless there have been many extremely positive moments during that time also, so I’ll share some of the first few that come to mind:
1) More time with my children. The first day of home schooling was a nightmare, as I quickly realised that balancing working from home and being a full time teacher was somewhat trickier than anticipated (to put it mildly!). Unless I kept my 8yr old well exercised, each day would inevitably descend into shouting matches and tears (my 1yr old was oblivious but she duly did her bit, chipping in with some random meltdowns in support of her sister – her impression of a house alarm with no off switch was particularly impressive).
So, myself + partner decided to squeeze in a mini adventure each day. Instead of staring blankly at the TV or phone screens, we’d throw a makeshift picnic together, hop in the car and try and find a new spot of greenery in our crowded northern city. And more often than not we succeeded! We found many pockets of idyllic woodland carefully hidden, often between grim housing estates, and explored to our hearts content. It wasn’t quite The Sound of Music, but we had many blissful moments, in direct defiance of lockdown rules – which for me made them all the more sweet.
The weather was consistently hot and sunny during spring, and we took full advantage. We found wildlife in the heart of the city, in places we least expected. And those memories made with my children and GF running, laughing, crying, exploring and picnicking outdoors are something no one can ever take away from us (Dementia read that last sentence with a wry smile and a raised eyebrow, but he can fuqk off for a few years yet).
2) The realisation that our Western system, which I’ve long considering deeply flawed and anti-human, is breaking down. And yes, it has many, many benefits, but ultimately when you see our plastic-filled oceans, our parasitical pharmaceutical and fast food industries, PC culture, invasive surveillance and our utterly corrupt and incompetent ruling class, then there’s something cathartic in seeing it’s true dystopian face revealed in all its ugliness, as has increasingly been the case as the year has gone by.
Sure, there’s plenty of dark times ahead, but it’s always darkest right before dawn, and I think we’ve been given the shock to the system we desperately needed to rouse us from our sleepwalking. We have a fantastic opportunity to expose our system for the shallow, materialistic, selfish and anti-spiritual dystopia it’s become, and start sowing the seeds for a brighter future for generations to come. Yes, it’ll mean plenty of personal sacrifice, but have we become so spoiled that our children’s futures are not worth sacrificing for? Personally I’m scared and filled with self-doubt, but I’m also embracing finally having some purpose and meaning in my life.
The first step to overcoming any addiction is admitting that it exists, then facing it head on. I think we’re at that point as a society; we’re like the chair-bounds slobs at the end of Wall-E being confronted with our lazy, dependent and self-destructive lifestyles, and change is imminent. We’ve been shown the true face of our psychopathic, uncaring and utterly incompetent ruling class, and we have some tough decisions to make, ones that will ultimately lead to our salvation or destruction. It’s going to be a tough fight, but it’s one I’m certain we can win.
As I write this, my daughter has just come over, unprompted, and given me a big hug, and I’m reminded that the beauty in life is always present. Sometimes, in order to truly see and appreciate it, we need the dark side of life to show itself.
YT account Cassius shared a collaboration of dutch DJ Paul van Dyk
and german singer Peter Heppner named Wir Sind Wir.
Intensely beautiful with associations of loss and hope.
Ive seen no shaming where i live – columbus, ohio. thats been nice. the masked and unmasked seem to be tolerating eachother just fine here which i must say is nice and great contrast to what ive seen in videos of other places.
The elite have a mission and have gone far too far. So far as to discredit their attempt.
Covid is a gigantic hoax, what wants eliminating is those behind it.
For those philosophically inclined and interested in art and beauty, I refer to my website with the works from the humanist philosopher Friedrich Schiller, Oscar Wilde, etc. (the works are in the English language)
See the works ‘Aesthetical and Philosophical Essays’.
It is important to realize that the Corona scare is a ‘type of’ thing which finds its basis in our science-technology worshiping hyper-regulated modern society. However strange it may seem, it is basically rooted in the dictatorship of reason, misapplied reason, and reason which falls short of facts… or apparent reason. It is also based on severe physicalism, historically unprecedented physicalism (or ‘materialism’).
Also on the website, the works of Oscar Wilde, another aestheticist. To convey the essence of the works of both in the most compressed manner: to evolve in a balanced manner, humans need to aspire both to beauty and reason, not just reason. Aspiration to beauty is not just a luxury, it is a basic requirement in evolution. Without it, it will lead society to shipwreck.
Some quotes from the works of these philosophers-poets:
“Art is individualism, and individualism is a disturbing and disintegrating force. There lies its immense value. For what it seeks is to disturb monotony of type, slavery of custom, tyranny of habit, and the reduction of man to the level of a machine.” Oscar Wilde
“We know that the reason makes itself known to man by the demand for the absolute—the self-dependent and necessary. But as this want of the reason cannot be satisfied in any separate or single state of his physical life, he is obliged to leave the physical entirely and to rise from a limited reality to ideas. But although the true meaning of that demand of the reason is to withdraw him from the limits of time and to lead him from the world of sense to an ideal world, yet this same demand of reason, by misapplication—scarcely to be avoided in this life, prone to sensuousness—can direct him to physical life, and, instead of making man free, plunge him in the most terrible slavery. Man raised on the wings of imagination leaves the narrow limits of the present, in which mere animality is enclosed, in order to strive on to an unlimited future. But while the limitless is unfolded to his dazed imagination, his heart has not ceased to live in the separate, and to serve the moment. The impulse towards the absolute seizes him suddenly in the midst of his animality, and as in this cloddish condition all his efforts aim only at the material and temporal, and are limited by his individuality, he is only led by that demand of the reason to extend his individuality into the infinite, instead of to abstract from it. He will be led to seek instead of form an inexhaustible matter, instead of the unchangeable an everlasting change and an absolute securing of his temporal existence. The same impulse which, directed to his thought and action, ought to lead to truth and morality, now directed to his passion and emotional state, produces nothing but an unlimited desire and an absolute want. The first fruits, therefore, that he reaps in the world of spirits are cares and fear—both operations of the reason; not of sensuousness, but of a reason that mistakes its object and applies its categorical imperative to matter. All unconditional systems of happiness are fruits of this tree, whether they have for their object the present day or the whole of life, or what does not make them any more respectable, the whole of eternity, for their object. An unlimited duration of existence and of well-being is only an ideal of the desires; hence a demand which can only be put forth by an animality striving up to the absolute. Man, therefore, without gaining anything for his humanity by a rational expression of this sort, loses the happy limitation of the animal, over which he now only possesses the unenviable superiority of losing the present for an endeavor after what is remote, yet without seeking in the limitless future anything but the present.” Friedrich Schiller
For those not philosophically inclined, there are numerous activities and platforms for political activism.
I’d add here, don’t be hopeful all the time, aspire to beauty in al its multitude of forms, elevated or humble, music, painting, sculpturing, gardening, craftwork, interior decoration, etc. etc. To be hopeful is the positive side of the negative of both still active and energy consuming positions. To be passively inspired by some form of beauty is to be relieved of these opposites, to be immersed completely in beauty, to be without worry and everything which is a strain, if even for a short time. To create beauty also means to be immersed in an activity which is without worry, or the effort of keeping worry away. Through art you are free of all of this.
People are organizing! Here are a number of events coming up in a few days, organized by Hugs-over-masks.
Riverton, Utah. August 30th.
Dallas, Texas. August 30th.
Many events in Canada, August 29-30th.
United we stand.
Well this Sunday I had a delivery to take at work and the bloke operating the wagon spent the ENTIRE TIME in disbelief that people have fallen for it. At first he was trying to scope where me and my workmate stood on this: my mate said “I’m just bored of it all now” and he is one of those people who at the very least initially fell for it. However when my head popped into the back of the wagon I said this is the biggest con in history! After that you couldn’t shut him up nor I! It was extremely cathartic and my workmate tried to question what we said after the wagon left and after explaining a bit more about Tanzanian fruit tests and my own experience of 6 hospital visits and one admission at the height of all this and telling him my 6 hospitals were EMPTY his tune changed.
Newcastle RVI? Empty
Newcastle Freeman? Empty
North Tyneside hospital (rakelane)? Empty
Wansbeck hospital? Empty
Blyth community hospital? Empty
Cramlington A and E – essentially our regions death Center? Empty.
But that 25 – 30 minute conversation with the driver was soooooooo good! Actual human interaction without the Brain dead aspect
I write a weekly “Letter from Great Britain” to my American readers which also supports my self-published book (no MSM publisher would take in on for obvious reasons!):
A great little portable little instrument the RKI GX-2009 Oxygen Sensor. It measures oxygen levels in every place. I would suggest people going to demos, as well as others, buy this. Watch the following video, if you put it under each type of masks, it starts beeping within 5seconds warning you the oxygen level is below what it should be (the minimum level defined safe by OSHA, the US federal government occupational safety and health administration.
(and given when you put it under a mask, there are evident gaps all round, so it shows even with these gaps, its unsafe for the wearer).
Keep this with you: and thus make a quick demo to mask wearers; or put under yours if you are forced to wear a mask and it will keep beeping loud.
Evidently for those of us in other countries, we should find out what the safe level is defined to be. But frankly if it is much lower than that of the US, then the question should be asked: why are we elsewhere in need of less oxygen.
And guess what?! Amazon used to sell it, and no longer does!!!
Anyhow the original shop is in California. But we should find a way of getting it. Found that some countries do have at least one online shop selling it.
Now none give the price, so may not be cheap. But may be worth it.
There is always some commerce jumping into a gap, taking advantage of the situation, so we have to buy again what we do not need… In time, certain parties are emptying your pockets through corona scare, climate change scare and 5G consumerist toys. Then the alternatives jump into the gap to sell all kinds of expensive equipment to measure radiation, to protect from radiation, to measure oxygen levels, and what more.
You’d have to donate to state propaganda through taxes, and then donate to alternative media to hear the other side. Etc.
Ultimately, effectively, your wallet is twice drained..
Recently a rave took place in the South of France, about 10,000 people dancing and enjoying themselves (and pissing off the locals and the police). Nice to see people having fun and not frightened of socialising.
In English:
News reports of righteous resistance to COVID restrictions, especially when the resistance involves people congregating and enjoying themselves, are often “rebutted” by dire follow-up news reports.
The mask-media– er, mass-media– consent manufacturers promoting the official Megadeath Virus of Doom narrative have been flogging the theme of “person(s) who publicly scorned the official COVID narrative and/or publicly flouted the Sensible Public-Health Restrictions contracts/dies from COVID”.
Since the mass-media consent manufacturers present themselves as rational, righteous (Stern) Adults or Parents speaking down to a captive audience of Children, it’s no surprise that they rely on this finger-wagging cautionary tale to frighten and cow the hapless, infantilized public.
So we may be treated to a “bombshell” follow-up to the effect that an alarming number of persons participating in this streng verboten recreation have all since come down with severe, even fatal, cases of the Virus of Doom.
It reminds me exactly of the written and unwritten “morality codes” governing Hollywood-produced movies– mostly movies made before the 1960s “sexual revolution”. Whenever couples engaged in illicit non-marital physical relations or were otherwise wicked and immoral, the script called for them to be killed off.
In the old movies, for instance, teenage couples necking in cars at lovers’ lanes, and/or “loose women”, were inevitably devoured by the star monster/extraterrestrial. (Actually, although I don’t enjoy the horror-movie genre, this remains a standard plot point in that genre.) They were flouting social conventions; they had to die.
So too with COVID rebels. It’s the authorities’ way of reinforcing the official dogma that the wages of COVID skepticism is death.
I understand what you are saying, that when the msm covers and event they are not doing it for purely factual reasons, there is a hidden agenda/subliminal propaganda message there, it’s a narrative they are spinning, and the link to the English site I posted is an msm bullshit site for expats in France, so the article is click bait and will freak some readers out about nomadic lawless mask-free youth roaming the land (how dare they!) but also there is a bit of jealousy there as they have dared gather en masse to party for 3 days and not get fined/arrested (how dare they, again!)
I posted the link not to analyse the msm but to pass on the message that large groups of people are getting together and not following the scamdemic regulations. The law may come down on them at some point like the law came down on travellers in England during the Battle of the Beanfield in 1985 and through subsequent leglislation and police harassment but this is a page for positive comments so I’m not going there, instead I hope the free party scene continues to flourish and grow in numbers, they are part of the resistance to the totalitarian regime controlling us and dancing is a symbol of freedom of movement, it’s good for the health and it’s fun!
Very positive, and I can’t help but offer a smile to the many people walking on main streets with their children, unmasked. All the kids on our street play in the street, unmasked! We live near a busy beach in a big city, and only 1 or 2 out of a hundred have masks; fine, the rest are having fun. Bonus: no mask tan line!
I actually did see a big strong man in a main street the other day, with one of those gas-mask style things on with the window and pipes, but then, pre-covid you did see the occasional bicycle riders wearing them too.
Here’s some good news – today, the Catholic Archbishop of Sydney Australia advised his flock not to take the injection saying “makes use of a cell line cultured from an electively aborted human foetus”.
The Aussie guvmint is giving confusing messages (as usual), saying it had agreed to secure 25 million doses of the potential COVID-19 vaccine from AstraZeneca if it clears trials. However, the big drug company says it has made no such agreement.
Anyway, if they try to inject me (its not a vaccination), I can claim to be catholic. This old atheist is amazing herself! If there’s a way to avoid the needle (without threats or punishmets), i’ll try it.
LOL! Whenever you want to convince Catholics to not do something just say it comes from an aborted foetus. 🤭
Heres whats goin on in Italia
I am hopeful and positive.
What this massive global contemptable fraud has done is expose the authoritarians for what they are!
Each one of those in official capacity who has not stood up and visibly opposed these heinous measures is culpable of supporting a global regime change so dastardly that it can be barely beleived to be true – but now we have seen, felt and experienced it first hand leaving us all in no doubt to the true nature of authortarianism.
This means that now the politicians and supporting agency’s are going to be under very close scrutiny, their behaviours logged and recorded like never before, their decisions carefully considered and evaluated under new reality of awareness that has been revealed to us.
The new reality is one that bares down from a perspective of life, livlihoods and existence where freedoms have been impinged and survival threatened. not by disease but by authoritarianism.
The same tricks that have been used to manipulate public perception for over a century will now be disseminated and awareness will grow.
It is easier than ever before to recognise true evil used by the hand of authority
Things will never be the same – they will get better.
That is the self prescribed mandate for life for all.
Came across this the other day. Thought it was beautiful and came into my mind when I was reading this page, so thought I would post it here. Don’t need to be religious to respect the beauty of these words.
”Lord, make me a channel of thy peace –
that where there is hatred, I may bring love –
that where there is wrong, I may bring the spirit of forgiveness –
that where there is discord, I may bring harmony –
that where there is error, I may bring truth –
that where there is doubt, I may bring faith –
that where there is despair, I may bring hope –
that where there are shadows, I may bring light –
that where there is sadness, I may bring joy.
Lord, grant that I may seek rather to comfort than to be comforted –
to understand, than to be understood –
to love, than to be loved.
For it is by self-forgetting that one finds.
It is by forgiving that one is forgiven.
It is by dying that one awakens to Eternal Life”
Lovely words but I think you need to be ULTRA-religious to make sense of the last line….What indeed does it mean?
It appears something to be found out individually, not by explanation, which is per definition second hand.
New Zealand Has A Positive Push Back Group Called “Plan B” Trying To Bring Sanity To the Lockdown Ideas and Other Covid Debates – Much Needed! Support them esp if you are southern Hemisphere. They are having a free webinar tonight and every Monday.
Also, these are headlines today
Study: Global Lockdowns=Copycat Mimicry/ UPDATE: Fla Live Missle Plot Thickens/ MUST SEE: Lee Smith-Ongoing Coup To Complete Obama Policies/ Surprise! Gates Runs Global Food Too
FINALLY – 13 Actual Verified Deaths Attributed to Covid-19 🙂
Another end of day (at least in Europe!) reminder of next Saturday’s protest gathering in Trafalgar Square, London at 12 noon. Anyone from across the country and beyond who wishes to oppose the UK’s handling of the ‘pandemic’ should do their utmost to attend and/or persuade family and friends to attend. The Government and the media need to be placed in a position where they cannot simply ignore those who don’t agree that ‘the science’ supports their actions. The more who attend and the louder the voices, the more difficult it will be to ignore.
Through following various Twitter links I have discovered there is a Group called Truth Seekers UK which also has regional Groups. The parent group and the regional groups each have their own Facebook page. To see messages etc you have to apply to become a member but that just involves clicking on a request button and waiting for a confirmation email.
I am in North Wales and there is a choice of groups up here: TS Merseyside, TS Cheshire and TS Manchester. The reason I was interested in the groups was that they are arranging coaches down to London on 29 August and presumably other regional groups are doing likewise.
The Merseyside coach is picking up passengers at St George’s Hall Liverpool to depart at 5.50 a.m. and at Chester Railway Station at 6.30 a.m. I believe they may still have spare capacity if anyone is interested. The TS Merseyside group website is
Not being a frequent user of Facebook I found the page a little difficult to navigate but scrolled down far enough to find details of the coach. It’s £22 return, but £4 might be refunded if the coach is full. Being in N Wales and with other commitments I won’t unfortunately be able to make the journey myself but others may be able to. Likewise, people might want to connect with TS groups in their own areas, especially if they are able to arrange transport in numbers to London.
Unfortunately Judy, Id love to come, but cant because of the quarantine UK imposes… Also it would prevent me going to it anyhow: Ive got this nagging feeling that on the 29th they are going to make sure those quarantined are actually in their quarantine location.
Why do I have a nagging feeling that the government is probably even now considering an emergency lock down on parts of central London to take effect from Saturday morning, affecting movements of people and transport? Let’s hope I’m wrong.
I know Judy. Ive also been wondering if the lockdown was not put in place precisely to prevent people from coming as it came into being exactly 15 days before France and NL were put on quarantine list, and the former is the main transit route for cars and trains, and I guess Schipol in Amsterdam is a major hub for air travel on the continent. Wonder if quarantine will be lifted the following week?!
I wonder if Germany will also put in last minute measures… Or is the pressure too strong that they dont dare.
Some people in France I found out are trying to organize something on that day in Paris, but you come to know of it only if you search quite hard on twitter. And the key words I put in, interestingly led to it the first time. When I tried with the same key words later, it no longer gave me the info! So twitter is highly censoring.
On Sep 12th there is a major protest in Paris, led by the Gilets Jaunes, which will also include anti-measure people. But Im reluctant to join anything in France, because unlike UK at least here frankly the police do beat you up badly and goodness knows you may be maimed for life.
Also Judy I tried to put another post about it, but its awaiting approval surprisingly. But am going to put a shorter version on top, hoping it gets through. Please read it, might be interesting: an oxygen sensor to take to the protest.
This is a long piece (link below) putting forwards a number of concepts which I hope will bring both hope and put forward a workable strategy. I believe that the power in this reality only has that power through its ownership of the means of production of money as debt. So long as we human beings accept that position then we will always continue in the same paradigm that has brought misery to us all for centuries. So we must take that power away from them, and with it the ability to corrupt everything. I put forwards the argument that we are at an epochal turning point coming as a result of the birth of a “world mind”, the birth of a collective consciousness across our world. Evidence of its nascence can be seen here. . More human beings = more cells in that growing world mind, more connectivity = more neurons. I believe that the power recognises this coming world mind and has rushed into this crisis to prevent its birth. I believe they have erred and, for the first time in centuries, they have exposed themselves to an opposition which they cannot control. They ARE, naturally, controlling much of the opposition whilst “burning books” through internet and media censorship, ergo a successful strategy must come “from nowhere”, be rapid and unexpected and especially be leaderless ( as “leaders” can be controlled, bought, assassinated, bribed, blackmailed etc.). The most powerful weapon we have is the many millions of maverick minds that oppose this evil, but they are mavericks with different views. How can we become WE and quickly enter the field? Only through a meme. To break into the consciousness of the mind controlled masses WE must be seen everywhere, WE must become the crowd, WE must draw them to us by the sheer weight of our numbers. This must involve a symbol, and I suggest in the article the numbers 11:11. WE should have a name, and I suggest Warriors of the Rainbow. The numbers because WE are fighting a demonic evil, a Wetiko virus, and those numbers stand for an angelic intervention (and which side, religion aside, are WE on? Good, or Evil? Is this not a spiritual battle – not a religious war but a spiritual war?) The rainbow has been stolen by the power and misused, but the Warriors of the Rainbow were foretold in Hopi prophecy and boy its a prophecy that should be fulfilled and meets the emergency of these times fully.
A meme can go viral if enough human beings spread it quickly enough. Imagine if every comment you saw on every forum, if every demonstration you saw just this: “I am a Warrior of the Rainbow. My number is 11:11” Or even just the numbers 11:11
How soon would we become a world wide WE?
Surely that’s what’s required, and nothing else will do.
Thanks for the opportunity to share, OffGuardian. Here’s the link: ….
Perchance been listening to Rune Soup? (Wetiko) =)
Never heard of it, but will search for it now, thanks. I am a Warrior of the Rainbow. My number is 11 11
I have a sign on the door of my business:
“Non-CoVid1984 compliant.”
Apologies if this has already been posted. There is a peaceful protest March on Saturday 5th September in Edinburgh. Assembly meeting point is at the car park at Arthur’s Seat at 1pm and then a walk to Holyrood. The main aim of the march is to highlight the devastation caused by the Government’s reaction to Cov-Sars 2 and the continuing restrictions, lack of any balanced debate with medical professionals who continue to question the main stream narrative.
Good news. The more the merrier, so to speak,
Indeed, Watt. I work for the NHS (not that that makes me any more or any less qualified to have an opinion but it has given me an insight into the handling of this virus from a work perspective. ) Am happy to see these protests happening around the world.
A few covid- positives. Functional families having more time together is positive. Working at home , eating many meals together. No commuting. An increased awareness of others health and also increased awareness and permission to stay home when sick. Discovering your own essentials. Less shopping. Appreciation for community, and the little things, like coffee shops. More time outdoors.
One could wonder, what is the use of trend followers changing their ways, experiencing some benefits, but in the context of being forced? Will they stop being trend followers and cause a revolution?
Big-tech and big corporations now no longer need the consumerist work-slave economy to the extent they needed it before. Your work at home is and will become more and more dependent on the systems of big-tech. They will roll out 5G for the average trend follower, making their life at home comfy, spinning an ever greater web, which they have spun while the trend follower was a hyper-active consumerist and modern work-slave. While the trendfollower may enjoy some local enjoyments which he had forgotten about, your ability of mass organization is taken away. You are basically made more dependent.
MARVELOUS, BEAUTIFUL, I believe in that Faith..! A BIG “Thank you..!” to the author of this Message of Hope. Turn off the TV sets and believe in your strenght, please..!
I guess it’s hard to remain positive in the face of ‘chaos’ and so I remember school and Greek mythology….when Pandora opened the box and released chaos into the world, all that remained was hope…..a short bit, but it has a profound meaning for the times we are living in. I have hope in humanity…..
Has a song called schkamm, and it is insane it only has had 479 views at time of posting, I would like to see it entering the charts, just need to find that way, let the state know we can manipulate shit too, the tweet should be going viral, but with only 479 views its not going to happen, it’s good, trust me, and admire the art and the musicanship of the man, would be fucking hilarious if it found it’s way into the top ten, all we have to do is look at the criteria and work on it, i would happily buy this song over and over again makes more of a statement than banging a 100 quid at #KBF for a review that wont go anywhere as we seen the beast we are up against. But making this popular, that is people shit, more people means more good shit will happen, use every weapon we have to turn back this tide, I think it is cheeky to top 1% thinking they are the queen bees, wake up and go get the pitchforks out. Should be marching on their house/castles/mansions in the same urgency the mob marched on Dr Frankenstiens house.
Excellent! I’d quite happily buy it over and over again, too.
Studs Terkel said, Hope has never been known to trickle down. It has always sprung up.
How about this? The lockdown revealed the true nature of the media I.e. how efficiently all those “free channels” melded together instantly to back this manoeuvre. It also revealed how truly shitty some TV programmes were when denied the studio audience. “Have I Got News” being the obvious example. It was sobering to hear Merton and Hyslop’s attempted witticisms hit total silence apart from the strained laughter of each other.
I’ve had the occasional look at HIGNFY in its new format. Purely because the telly’s always on where I work. Cringeworthy stuff.
I’ve also been watching some things on the All 4 on-demand service at home. Which includes adverts, one of them (by the WHO) aimed at children. It’s all about the importance of washing one’s hands. It features characters from Peppa Pig singing to the tune of ”Row, row, row your boat…”. Put-my-fist-through-my-laptop-screen stuff.
A positive outcome that I can see is that more people will read about vaccines and virology, as I am doing. (Janine Roberts ‘Fear of the Invisible’). Also question what healthcare and aged care really means.
I used to feel isolated but now I feel vindicated and amongst friends, thanks to off-G. I don’t feel the same need to proselytize my friends and family, I feel confident and educated rather than anxious and resentful. The mask wearers are just getting on with life. At some point these people will decide it’s time to go to the beach…you can’t have lockdowns for ever. It will snowball.
Society will change, but it has probably changed already. I asked my 23 yr old daughter how she felt about a micro implant that could be scanned for her vaccination and other records. She said she was not particularly in favour but would accept is a normal if it happened.
My expectation is the PTB will call a halt once the exercise is over and the new powers and systems are in place. It may happen more quickly if they ‘lose control of the interview’ – like ScoMo backed off. The great question is the vaccine, there are a great number of people qualified to do peer review, will they step in? Will large numbers refuse?
I’m trying to read Ms Robert’s ‘The Vaccine Papers’. Almost un-pickupable! Who said jungle juice?
‘Fear of the Unknown’ came first and is very readable. She takes you thru it as she herself learnt.
Appreciate your publishing this painting, because, for me, the portrayal of the mother and her son is not only joyful, but is about maintaining our humanity, our spirit, and being true to our own nature rather than becoming a submissive, fearful, soulless person who willingly gives up their freedom, because the Govt and media told them they had to.
And its deeply sad that some covid cult moron will regard this painting as the equivalent of Nazi propaganda. For some, it’s just too late.
The lockdown resulted in improved air quality.
Hard to tell while we’re wearing face masks.
More than made up for improved air quality with hypoxia and inhaling toxins from textiles straight into our brains.
Sharp humour.
The trade off to that is the laybys, hedgerows & parks are now full of discarded muzzles & gloves. I guess it makes a change of scenery to the free plastic carrier bags that used to decorate our countryside now we have to pay for them-another money making scam on the back of the climate lie that everyone fell for.
Yay happy clappy morning.
I believe there was a mega Positive Covid gathering in Trafalgar Square yesterday? Must have been at least 2 (of the regular readers who said they were attending a few days ago), unfortunately I couldn’t make it, as the congestion charge runs at weekends now! And as you know public transport is a no no without mask nazis… (hmm why did I just think of that phrase?)
Anyway being a Sunday, what spiritual sustenance can be had from today’s sermon?
Life is going along nicely. Kids and parents are happy to be tested and paid for it! The government magic money tree is in overtime and spreading hundreds of millions to its mates who are getting government contracts without any tenders or fitness of purpose or business track record.
Thousands are being recruited and paid hundreds of £‘s per week to get a infrastructure of home testing done – so Laddy Dildo Harding can claim success and be allowed to lead the full privatisation and burial of the NHS in hard Brexit free England – huzzah.
I personally am getting plenty of fresh air and exercise and teaching many the glories of Green Bowling and enjoying the best cricket batsmanship for decades by an England player. We are having plenty of mask free moments along with the odd shop/public transport masked ones! Hey apparently there are a lot fewer colds and people sneezing on everyone and also no food smells and discarded smelly wrappers as they don’t eat on the buses anymore!
Silver linings eh?
Anyway guys(?) girls(?) as there is no byline can someone help with who authored this piece? Seeing as there is a general allusion to some in the prologue:
‘ ..Admin pointed out to us ..our regular and respected commenters were regretting a lack of positive message from us… We agree…our new category “Covid Positive”. ’
Who are the ‘us’,’our’,’we’ in the blurb?
As for the positive painting! What can I say about how ‘inspiring’ it is ? It sort of reminds me of …ah hang on , now I see why I had that thought earlier!
In fact that boy ought to be carrying a little drum shouldn’t he?
And these grey folks , they …they ..,are hiding their big snozzes! Aren’t they!
How stoopid do they think we are! Well done Jordan Henderson for spotting THEM.
I AM SPIRITUALLY enlivened enough to have a mega frei up witha visit to the nearest M&S for a lunchtime barbecue followed by rolling up on the green fields of Eurasia later – better warm up the tanks!
Amen. And Hope and Glory to you brave brave little Volk and folk out there in your repressive hoods.
The Trafalgar Square demo is on August 29.
I realise you feel foolish and betrayed – because the “pandemic” you believed in has been revealed as a terrible lie, but that does’t justify semi-coherent hate-rants aimed at both sides. Calm down, you will be better for it. And don’t try to puncture hope in others because you don’t have any.
The pandemic is proved real. It caused 70000 excess deaths by our political failures in the U.K.
Many more than necessary.
That alone is a fact no one can disprove.
As you know No1.
I feel happy and contended that we stopped even more Excess Deaths and are going to be a lot more prepared this winter than in the spring.
Even if some arsehole friends of BrexShit bully Cummings and his bum gums from the North are filling their boots by running the Covid testing scam, along with the bunch of pollsters who are being rewarded for their collusion in the December coup.
And that poster …really?
I’m Elvis. That alone is a fact no one can disprove.
They say the best medicine is laughter
I have from the start taken the mickey out of the silly rules
Laugh and the world laughs with you , cry and you cry alone.
When asked to obey certain silly rules like where to stand or walk
I normally reply would you like me to hop or I have heard the latest government dictate is we have to stand on one leg and whistle Dixie. I enjoy the puzzled looks I get. Sometimes they frown and sometimes they smile.
Some good news in South Wales things are fairly normal. You see some waring face masks. There is a little bit of anti-social distancing. Schools are still closed.
Do not know if that is good or bad. Never learnt much when I was at school.
You mostly learn to be punctual. You are supposed to learn to obey orders somehow had the reverse effect on me. Even the cane and six of the best did not work.
Limit watching the news to about 10 minutes a day. To much doom and gloom and to many lies.
When and if the madness will end who can say.
Here in South West Wales, it is very different, it is not the holiday makers as such but people I grew up with, frightened to death of the tourists, local Tesco in Cardigan wins my award for the most dystopian display of idiocy I have ever seen, even the managers are wearing masks, personally I would be marking their cards as any rational person would not put those people in charge of a bag of parsnips let alone in charge of a dept with several sane rational people working underneath them, go down the road to the local Aldi and the vibe is entirely different, B&M is almost Tesco-esque but they have a few staff there who are bright bubbly bouncy and a sheer joy to be served by. The shops in the villages near the coast, wear masks, they ask people to wash their hands before going in, I refused.
Very odd knowing people for over two decades being frightened of the one thing that keeps our economy ticking over here, that being the holiday makers. Also worth pointing out that Dyfed Powys police has been the most enthusiastic in issuing penalty notices to folk having a sandwich on a near deserted beach of caught outdoors without good excuse.
I know what you mean
At the height of the fear some of my wife’s friends came to my house door wearing masks and wont dare come into the house. My own daughter did not want me and wife visiting worried about new born baby. Other friends did not want us to visit. I know loving two people that a loving the furlough one a teacher.
As Robin WIlliams said Don’t worry be happy
I’ve also taken great delight in ridiculing our many aspiring Gestapo, especially when out shopping amongst the masked, subservient masses. My eldest daughter and I have now taken it upon ourselves to entertain the aforementioned herds of obedient cattle with spontaneous outbreaks of singing, dancing and play fighting, and see if we can detect a smile from behind their state mandated muzzles. It’s hard to know how they feel about it, but it’s keeping us amused : )
Or, just alternative sources, cut out poison pills like BBC/Sky/Ch4.
Earlier this week, lawyer Dr Rainer Füllmich, one of the founding four lawyers of one of Germany’s extra-parliamentary inquiries into the corona crisis, announced (German) a US/international class-action suit against relevant state governments as well as the manufacturers and sellers of the various PCR tests that “cannot identify an infection”. The lockdown measures are entirely based on the PCR tests, which, he claims, are entirely unfit for purpose. The suit is being brought by a major US law firm, because US law permits international scope.
I’ve been following the inquiry since it began. It had gathered enough information by the fourth hearing to make Dr Füllmich very confident that such a case can be tried and won. His opinion is obviously shared by the US law firm. His announcement, linked to above, exudes confidence and cool professionalism.
This is very good news! Developments like this are much needed. Thanks for sharing it, Toby.
Here’s one politician who isn’t bought and paid for.
A concerned mother from Rainham [Essex, UK] has criticised her local councillor for claiming the government has inflated the seriousness of coronavirus.
Stacey McCann’s youngest child suffers from severe asthma and she is worried about him being exposed to Covid-19 if he returns to school in September.
She has been working with the Boycott Return to Unsafe Schools (BRTUS) campaign who contacted her local representative, Councillor David Durant, on her behalf.
They asked Cllr Durant if he would support the government in fining parents who refuse to send their kids back to school next month.
However, Stacey was shocked when he told her “the government has decided to vastly inflate the seriousness of coronavirus and launch a vastly disproportionate response which will make the cure worse than the disease.”
Cllr Durant said almost no children have suffered from or transmitted the virus and sent her a link to a website which claims the government has acted illegally by enforcing a lockdown.
Is this an “American” thing? to be honest I have never seen much negativity here, most commenters seek to enlighten and supply links for folk to have a look at, very few troll here and they are easy to spot, I have no idea what the motivation or aim is behind this article. I love the picture, very good, I also love off-guardian and the old adage of not trying to fix shit that aint broke springs to mind.
Odd article imho, it would be hard to cover the protests here, day by day the numbers grow, huge as one, in Dublin yesterday, but we have twitter for that, perhaps retweeting the footage and messages on twitter would be the way to go? I got no idea and still baffled why this article is here, the peeps at off-g do a wonderful job and many hard hitting articles have cheered me up no end knowing I am on the right side of rational and sane thought.
I think the idea was more that people share info about protests ahead of time, so those who are otherwise unaware they are taking place will have the time to organise transport etc to get there.
We do hear a lot about protests after the fact, but that doesn’t help anyone who doesn’t know of their existence beforehand get involved, which I for one would like to do more of.
Hopefully Trafalgar Square next Saturday is going to be a big one.
What about starting between us a hospitality network? Traveling is certainly very hard, but on top of it, some may nonetheless have to travel for work. However then the problem arises: if you need to be a lodger, share a house, it certainly would be extremely imprudent to do so where the others are not fully cognizant about what is going on. For the measures everywhere are likely to change, could worsen, and you dont want to end up with people that will then enforce all the measures even when there is no direct coercion.
An example: someone needed to go to UK, but the people she was supposed to stay with said that for the 14 quarantine days, she would not be allowed out of her room and see anyone. So she had to cancel.
Also they may enforce testing and so on or themselves go and be tested. And this may in case of a positive result (given the tests are rubbish, its either random or depends on the whims of the person doing the test, or possibly there may be already lists of people who will incessantly be told they are +ve, so as to have them locked up in quarantine) lead to tracing, and its not safe.
Hence you can only stay in ”safe houses” so to say.
A modern day underground railroad system is desperately needed again like never before. And on a far bigger scale than the last.
To hold a belief in the purpose of life. To believe in being part of a greater reality. To dream of a future where love is the foundation of our actions is not our reality at the moment, far from it. But that does not mean that it is not mankind’s destiny.
To hold the dream is not only a mere positive affirmation, it is the vital component of creating that vision.
Positive thinking and reassurance is not ignoring the current conditions, it is, I feel, the way we overcome them.
Positive thought, positive action and positive outcomes.
We have to dream.
thank you
Saturday 29th august 2020 Trafalgar square 12pm. Stand up x march.
Marching for humanity 🙏
“Berlin Invites Europe“, “Celebration for Freedom and Peace”, 29 August 2020.
For the Berlin demonstration on 1 August, they predicted 500,000 would come. It may well have been more than that. This time the organisers are saying 10 million are coming. If that sort of number turns up in a city of around 3 million inhabitants, the streets will be full indeed!
Furthermore, the plan is to occupy the Straße des 17. Juni for two weeks, or until the Merkel regime ends the corona-crisis measures. In other words, the organisers and whoever participates in the occupation, are going to occupy / block off a major historical street in Berlin until the state ends its antidemocratic approach to the corona crisis.
Toby, are you in the UK or on the continent? Does anyone know if there is any group going from France? And are there particular friendly guesthouses to stay at for it?
I live in Leeds, UK. People are indeed travelling from France, Holland, Belgium, Italy, and elsewhere, but I’ve not looked into how that is being organised as I am not going to Berlin. I’m sure searching the internet for “Berlin Invites Europe” will get you something helpful. Good luck!
You van try the website Honk for Hope, I think they have groups from Alsace going to Berlin. Here are the stops
Payed my ticket today.
I want to be able to look at myself in tge mirror and say “at least you tried!”
It’s a collective of groups going under the name of ‘Unite for Freedom’, which Stand Up X are participating.
The photo looks like it’s Barovsky’s website but here’s a link to the event flyer:
Here’s the crowdfunding page for the event btw. They’re at around £5500 and are aiming for £9500 to cover P.A. / stage etc.
This is a very important point which needs to be stressed. It’s a collaboration of all anti-lockdown movements and opposing voices. And no one is required to be a ‘member’ or ‘supporter’ of any specific group to participate. It is for anyone and everyone throughout the UK to go along to if they oppose the Government’s ‘pandemic’ control measures.
And it intentionally ties in with simultaneous events in Berlin and Canada, and maybe elsewhere.
I quite like StandupX, they seem to include everyone, be they flat earthers, 5G or whatever, feel more at home supporting them than I do the far right groups, whose agenda I haven’t quite worked out but I am mighty suspicious about their motivation, and having stood against them for most of my late teen and adult life, it would feel like a betrayal if I was to support such groups, I couldnt march for freedom with the likes of Tommy Robinson et al, just wouldn’t feel right, but StandUpX I could, they even have a party vibe going for them, the atmosphere appears to be very very good natured and more in line of the protests that first arose in San Franscisco that led to flower power, I may be wishful thinking there but I think a flower power esque fight back would be just the ticket.
What about those of us living in Europe, meeting up in real life, in some country that allows people to meet, to
1) get to know one other
2) have some discussion groups
3) talks
Ive been thinking for months this is necessary. This in particular would be good for those of us isolated in countries where there is nothing reliable going on in terms of meeting like-minded peoples.
I like this idea! I would be on!
Thanks Doro. Lets see whether we can proceed somehow despite all the measures put in place to prevent traveling.
In France you can invite up to 10 people to your house. Well that would a start.
Where in France are you? I live 25 km from the french border, close to Neuf-Brisach. In Germany we can meet with up to 50 persons, I think. Outside even more.
And they say football players are dumb!
Here’s ‘something what I wrote’ in tribute to those who refuse to be ‘normal’ – the type of people who, ultimately, are our only hope of breaking away from Covid-1984…
Here’s to boys who like boys, girls who like girls and men who like to wear dresses. Here’s to the woman who doesn’t want to look like an anorexic stick insect from some vile fashion magazine and who knows she is the equal of any man. Here’s to those who don’t have any interest in telling others how to live their lives but have an interest in the lives of others, those who can shed a tear for their fellows, who know it’s not always about “me, me, me” and always remember that “there but for the grace of God go I.” Here’s to those who recognise the power of Love and know that the life we live in this world is but a small fraction of our total existence.
Here’s to those who will not accept that a system that hands out opportunity and privilege based on how rich your parents are is neither justified nor justifiable, to those who believe in a level playing field for all. Here’s to those who are, every day and in every way, angry with the world even in the face of their own powerlessness and who don’t know when to shut up about it, refusing to go quietly into the night. Here’s to those who aren’t ready to be the people other people think they should be, who just won’t dress appropriately for their age or do the “sensible” thing. Here’s to those who don’t believe a word they are told, who will always check the “facts” and the “research” before coming to a decision that is entirely their own, be it right or be it wrong.
Here’s to those who accept they are different and revel in it, who enjoy standing out in the crowd, who know that they are unique and wonderful individuals but no more unique and wonderful than any other individual. Here’s to those who nobody loves, those who society has cast out to sleep in the street as though they were nothing more than human garbage. Here’s to those who won’t accept authority and see it for what it is; an attempt by flawed, sick and dangerous people to gain power and control over others so that they can satiate their own perverse desires.
Here’s to those who are appalled by the brutality we inflict on animals and weep at the way we rape the world that sustains us. Here’s to those who feel outrage that 1% of humanity controls as much wealth as the other 99% does collectively, who are disgusted that even a single child should starve to death in a world of plenty. Here’s to those who have principles and beliefs and who stick to them even when there’s a price to be paid for doing so. Here’s to those who have strange ideas and say stuff that they shouldn’t say, who say “maybe things are not all they seem to be” and who carry on saying it even when others are laughing in their face. Here’s to the gentle, the kind, the loving, the caring; here’s to the meek and to the day when they shall inherit the Earth.
Here’s to the old man standing on a street corner, protesting at the way things are, waving his walking stick in the air and shouting incoherently at passing traffic. Here’s to the different, the strange, the eccentric, the odd, the looked down upon, the ignored, the outcasts, that funny bloke from number 37. Here’s to the freaks. Here’s to the future.
Taken from my book ‘A Curious Book (Light)’….available at Amazon (forgive the shameless plug!!):
Although I still can’t say I know anyone in real life who shares my rejection of the Covid Death Cult (and I increasingly feel the great need to find such people here in northern NJ and in some way organize with them), in some small ways I think I’ve influenced others.
I go on group hikes, and when they resumed the hikes they did so with “restrictions”, which boiled down to having to carry a mask and put it on whenever we meet other hikers, or wherever we can’t properly anti-socially space out. (To be fair, most of the leaders seem to be content to recite this boilerplate at the outset of the hike but then don’t hassle anyone who’s not complying. But the recital is enough to intimidate some people.)
Several times, where at the outset everyone else was carrying or even wearing the superstition trinket and only I openly had none in sight, it seemed like within a few minutes several others put theirs away as well.
I don’t know for sure that seeing me completely flout the mask order was what encouraged them, but I think at least in some cases it did.
So there’s one small step toward what I hope eventually will be a giant leap.
Good for you! I’ve not worn a mask since this nonsense started, and have no intention of complying. As I said to my daughter whilst shopping, if the government announced that putting soiled underwear on their head would prevent cancer, most people would have at least two pairs wrapped around their thick skulls. I’m hoping my disobedience inspires some similar sentiments in others.
I truly believe the virus is on it’s way out. I will not give in to hysteria-panic. I honestly believe we will all be fine. Kids are going back to schools. By June next year, the virus will be leaving
The cases thing is really going to be a cornerstone. They’ve already cancelled opening day for a school in Belfast set for Monday after a single case among their staff.
If that’s the baseline to keep the twinkle twinkle brigade happy you know we’re in for silly season.
The unions will welcome the chaos and say I told you so
It has been a hoax from day one. Planned years in advance. That is why they displayed a huge coronavirus logo at the opening ceremony (ritual) of the London Olympics. The issue we must deal with is the fact that our governments are controlled by criminals. That’s it. That’s the virus…..criminals in the givernment. Saying you believe the virus is on its way out is saying you believe whatthe lying criminals have told you. Which is BS