Hymn for a Broken Empire: Republican National Security Officials for Biden

Binoy Kampmark

If fodder is needed for the argument that a Deep State is running wild and determined to depose President Donald J. Trump, this will surely help. In a statement by self-titled “former Republican National Security Officials”, a hand-on-heart allegiance is made to Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.

The authors are intent on moving the incumbent out of office, “profoundly concerned about our nation’s security and standing in the world under the leadership of Donald Trump. The President has demonstrated that he is dangerously unfit to serve another term.”

These former security officials, who include former Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage and former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency and National Security Agency Gen. Michael Hayden, see Joe Biden as the better horse. He has “the character, experience and temperament to lead this nation.”

They might have their disagreements with him, but there would be “the time to debate those policy differences”. In the immediate future, Trump had to be ushered out of office to stop his “assault on our nation’s values and institutions.”

The message is regaled in the language of defending democracy, the very sort of fragile creature such individuals have not been averse to mutilating in the past. But it is also couched in terms of cod psychology. The term “unfit” is used four times. This lack of fitness was demonstrated by bad character, corrupt behaviour, the inability to lead “during a national crisis.”

What is particularly galling for the authors is that Trump dared interfere with the National Security Family, offices of the imperium that should run without disruption and melodrama.

This mismanagement, as they term it, involved the dismissal or replacement “often by tweet” of “the secretaries of State, Defense, and Homeland Security, the Attorney General, the Directors of National Intelligence and the FBI, three National Security Advisors, and other senior officials in critical national security positions”.

The signers also take issue with the president’s spread of “misinformation”, the undermining of public health expertise, attacking officials at state and local level “and wallowing in self-pity.” He had demonstrated greater interest in re-election “than the health of the American people.”

Misinformation is a good point. Trump has been exceedingly inventive to the point of fiction in coping with the COVID-19 pandemic. He takes of the root of conspiracy. But it is also worth noting that many of these former security officials who take issue with him were not averse to getting on the well-laden wagon of misinformation when it came to launching a war against Iraq in 2003. The administration of George W. Bush was stacked high with true believers allergic to the findings of UN weapons inspectors.

Then Secretary of State Colin Powell, who put in an appearance at the Democratic National Convention just passed, gave a show of supreme mendacity on February 5, 2003 before the United Nations. “What we’re giving you are facts and conclusions based on solid intelligence.”

What was solid was the premature adjudication of the matter: Saddam Hussein had to go, and fictional weapons of mass destruction would do nicely as a pretext.

The result was the commission of what is loftily described as the “supreme international crime”: the crime against peace or what is sometimes, if awkwardly termed, a “war of aggression”.

In 2005, criminologists Ronald Kramer, Raymond Michalowski and Dawn Rothe gazed forlornly at the US-led invasion of Iraq and concluded that it, and the subsequent occupation, violated international law. State crimes had been committed and “state officials responsible for the violations of law pursuant to the invasion and occupation of Iraq are guilty of war crimes.”

The signatories of this pro-Biden note also have their noses out of joint at Trump’s compromising of the Department of Justice, his libelling of federal judges, and those who “sought to uphold the law.” He insulated himself from accountability, fired officials who commenced investigations or testified against him, threatened whistleblowers, promised pardons for silence “and blocked prison time for a political crony convicted of lying on his behalf.”

Smelly stuff indeed, till you consider what took place in the Republic after September 11, 2001. During those dark years under GWB, the rule of law was given a right royal thrashing, and was barely able to walk after that. Warrantless surveillance of US citizens was conducted with the specific purpose of avoiding the law altogether.

Torture was modish, given a shining light as a preferred method of military interrogation; inventive apologias and seedy justifications could be found through the DOJ for it use. The “Bush Six” – Alberto Gonzales, David Addington, William Haynes, John Yoo, Jay Bybee and Douglas Feith – rode high on stallions of bare legality. The Central Intelligence Agency got bold and ugly with its Rendition Program. Guantanamo Bay became code for human rights violations and legal purgatory.

In 2005, Human Rights Watch suggested that the then Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, CIA Director George Tenet and Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez, formerly the chief US commander in Iraq and Gen. Geoffrey Miller, former commander of the US military detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, be investigated for allegations of torture.

In 2011, HRW released a further report arguing for “a broad criminal investigation into alleged crimes committed in connection with the torture and ill-treatment of detainees, the CIA detention program, and the rendition of detainees to torture.”

To date, these dark retainers of executive power remain free to go about their business and whitewash a sullied era. The Obama administration ensured that no prosecutions would take place.

The vocal, boisterous defenders of a cause are bound to be those who have, along the way, fiddled and forfeited it. Be wary, claimed E.M. Forster in “What I Believe”, of the cohorts overly keen on causes.

“I hate the idea of causes, and if I had to choose between betraying my country and betraying my friend I hope I would have the guts to betray my country.”

Trump has done his immodest bit to ransack an already soiled office. The precedent of a burgeoning imperial presidency, indifferent to caution and legality, eager to bloody the noses of adversaries, spy on citizens and evade the rule of law, was already there to emulate.

Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge. He lectures at RMIT University, Melbourne. Email: [email protected]


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Categories: latest, US Election 2020
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Sep 5, 2020 8:50 PM

Come November, there is a very good chance of civil war.
80 million postal ballots – anything is possible.
Makes the 2000 Hanging Chads look pretty tame by comparison.
The Democrats are in really Loony Tunes territory.
The Wicked Witch has already said they will not accept a defeat under ANY circumstances.
They are plotting a military coup, secession of California, and other stuff even more barking mad.
Trump made the mistake of ***not*** jailing Crooked Hilary.
If the Democrats gain power, they most definitely will jail Trump.
They have already staged 2 coup attempts – Russiagate and Impeachgate.
Whatever happens, it ain’t going to be pretty.

Robert Tate
Robert Tate
Aug 30, 2020 1:25 PM

There’s a simple criticism of this article, which seeks to justify the crimes of Trump by comparing them to the crimes of Bush (both Republican Administrations, by the way):

Laurence Howell
Laurence Howell
Aug 26, 2020 4:08 PM

Is this piece written by a staff writer at the BBC?

Should be at Buck House with the crowd chanting pedos out. He might learn something of note.

It will not be long before we have a Republic when all of the crap endured by the British People from Disraeli to Dunblane will become known and hidden no more.

Pedos run the US a well, watch this space and question more, our time has come.

Aug 26, 2020 2:19 PM

The *real* Human Rights Watch.

Human Rights Watch is a joint venture of the Council on Foreign Relations, Soros Foundation and the State Department.

Funding of Human Rights Watch include all the usual suspects in the cryptocracy cabal including Soros, Rockefeller Foundation, Ford Foundation, Carnegie Foundation and Jeffrey Epstein, among dozens of other eugenics proponents.

Human Rights Watch board consists of foreign policy and state department hacks and hawks. Interventionalists. The types who believe in order to save a country it should be bombed into the Stone Age.

Human Rights Watch is a cardboard cut out organization, formed and funded specifically to prop up the power matrix of the cryptocracy, and most importantly, to stymy any meaningful action against the central banks, eugenicists, technocrats who are the global shadow government that control the US-NATO military and intelligence organizations.

Read about Human Rights Watch in the links below:



Human Rights Watch (and other NGOs) are entirely controlled by the same cryptocracy that is bringing you a fake pandemic, an unnecessary and criminal lockdown and all the bioterror and actual terror they can muster.

The cryptoctacy’s next plan during our forced, illegal and unconstitutional lockdown is to blanket the world with chemicals and particulates to replicate an apocalyptic volcanic eruption scenario, using military arial spraying into the stratosphere to block the sun for a year or more, causing a global famine and death to billions.

Another Bill Gates sponsored global catastrophe.

“Known as the Stratospheric Controlled Perturbation Experiment (SCoPEx), the experiment will spray calcium carbonate particles high above the earth to mimic the effects of volcanic ash blocking out the sun to produce a cooling effect.“


This is their Armageddon Plot.

Aug 29, 2020 10:51 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Too true.
Roth was shilling right on cue for humanitarian bombing of Syria for years.
There is a revolving door between HRW and the State Department.
Several of its senior figures were previously running the US rendition/ torture/ murder campaign and their global gulag of concentration camps, secret prisons and torture chambers.
Occasionally they give some token condemnation of a US satellite to maintain a pretence of objectivity.
They will soon be screaming from the rooftops about the 1 million/ 3 million/ 6 million / 500 million Uighurs in “Chinese concentration camps” as soon as they get the memo from Pompeo.
This is just one of an army of bogus human rights outfits and charities.
Amnesty International, Red Cross, Save The Children, Oxfam, all of the same stripe.
All GONGOs, Government Orchestrated Non Government Organisations.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Aug 26, 2020 1:33 AM

Rather than being the usual charade, this is beginning to look like desperation.

Nancy Pelosi Labels Republicans “Domestic Enemies … Enemies of the State”
Aug 24, 2020
Democrat Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi labels Republicans as “domestics enemies… enemies of the state.” From an appearance on “MSNBC Live” with host Ayman Mohyeldin on 8/24/2020.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Aug 26, 2020 3:14 AM

She is an enemy of humanity.

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Aug 26, 2020 3:25 AM

Rather than being the usual charade, this is beginning to look like desperation.

…- *Correctamundo!!!*…

Robert Tate
Robert Tate
Aug 30, 2020 1:52 PM
  1. The GOP from Trump on down constantly disparage Biden as a “spawn of Satan” giving “free rein to violent anarchists and agitators and criminals” (the list goes on)
  2. Trump consistently associates himself with indicted and convicted criminals, and then pardons them to keep them from giving testimony against him, or for their loyalty to him.
  3. The GOP-led Senate has confirmed that Trump and his cronies did indeed conspire with Russia to manipulate the 2016 election, calling the situation a “grave counterintelligence threat.”
  4. Trump has said that the 2020 election is rigged unless he wins.
  5. Trump’s team shamelessly breaks the Hatch Act in RNC, is dismantling the Post Office (whose service is mandated in our Constitution) to keep voters from using mail-in ballots.

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Pelosi is clearly showing restraint.

Aug 26, 2020 1:09 AM

Well said Binoy.

Finn McCool
Finn McCool
Aug 26, 2020 12:27 AM

What is it about America that two septuagenarians, both smelling of piss and Old Spice, are battling it out to become the leader of the ‘free’ world? Both of them would certainly have to choose the ‘blue pill’ before either of them could be called up and coming leaders.
Does anyone seriously believe that both of these two befuddled gerontics are nothing more than symbols of the degeneracy of America? How many hours of the day are they actually awake?
I would laugh if it wasn’t for the fact that the English elected a bumbling egomaniac, with a propensity to play hide-and-seek, as Prime Minister. Boris is a man so lacking in conscience, morals and respect that he makes Genghis Khan look like Santa Claus.
To quote Billy Connolly, “Don’t vote. It just encourages them.”

Aug 26, 2020 12:13 PM
Reply to  Finn McCool

Biden/Harris is scary, is that motive enough to go and vote?

Aug 26, 2020 7:26 PM
Reply to  Finn McCool

Thanks for the ageism. 😛

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Aug 26, 2020 12:18 AM

INTO THE FIRE The audacity of security state snakes is just unbelievable. They say Trump is unfit to serve another term, however, these same creeps did not  feel any apprehension about miscreant George Bush. Perhaps, that’s because the 2000 election was rigged– mind you Russian bots had nothing  to do with that transgression–look no further than the Florida ballot box and SCOTUS. The duo of Bush-Cheney was a PNAC dream for launching the War on Terror. Sociopaths filled with hubris were ready to conquer the world. Twenty years later it’s clear these stupidos are the reason for the Empires decline. And how about smooth-talking Barack Hussein Obama the first black president (if you exclude slimeball Bill Clinton) he was a master juggler of military interventions. “In 2013, the US Special Operations Command (SOCOM) — one of the nine organizational units that make up the Unified Combatant Command — had special operations forces (SOFs) in 134 countries, where they were either involved in combat, special missions, or advising and training foreign forces.” https://www.pri.org/stories/2014-09-16/us-now-involved-134-wars-or-none-depending-your-definition-war Military expansionism is out of control, but there’s no stopping it now. The fascist financiers who control Wall Street, the big banks, and the oil industry want Trump out and Biden in. They need a slicker steward to run the Empire someone who can bullshit a wider base into accepting popular support for a war with China. Trump’s demeanor is too divisive he’s incapable of selling a World War and alluring the participation of blacks, Latinos and immigrants into the big military tent. The guileless liberals think the Dems obsession with identity politics is to enhance the lives of the marginalized, but they don’t realize the real objective is to build solidarity for war. Perhaps, that’s the reason the Department of Defense is willing to ban the Confederate flag from all military bases or to rename military bases named… Read more »

Aug 27, 2020 8:39 PM

VP Al Gore, the loser in 2000, cast the deciding vote in the Senate to accept the results of the Florida vote. Al was on board the train heading to 9/11/2001 and beyond.

Al Gore goes on to be the front man of the fake man-made global warming project and half owner of the Chicago Carbon Credit Exchange.

There is no distinction between differently branded politicians. Corporate Deep State Politics. Fascists all.

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Aug 27, 2020 10:15 PM
Reply to  Igor

True–Joe Lieberman was going to be AL Gore’s VP…..

Aug 25, 2020 10:58 PM

HRW is a State Dept – CIA front. Give me a break!

I’m so glad I don’t live in Melbourne.

Enjoying your lockdown are you? I heard it’s being extended for another 12 months. Better not go outside without a mask. Ever. Again.

They installed the new 5g and surveillance systems in the dead of night courtesy of secret cargo planes from Guangzhou to Tullamarine.

Australia went from being a vassal state of the UK, to being a vassal state of the UK and the US, to being a vassal state of China, UK and the US.


And you’re writing about Obama and Bush crimes. Obama simply moved the torture offshore. What about the extra judicial assassination? What about spying on innocent citizens all over the world and partnering with corporations to sell that data behind citizens’ backs to exploit them and enslave them simultaneously?

There’s zero difference between parties in the US or Australia. Or anywhere.

Those who understand how the world actually functions outside of the unremitting 24-7 propaganda factory already know that 9-11 and all the other terror black-ops and all these “pandemics” are inside jobs.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Aug 25, 2020 9:00 PM

I find Kampmark to be a pretty conventional “progressive” thinker. That the Democrats have moved to right of Trump on foreign policy and resuscitating numerous neoconservatives (and I would say also moved to the right of Trump on Pandemic policy too) was true by 2017 if not earlier – it’s not really news. Dems are expecting to win not by providing anything at all to their “base” but rather to smear Trump with poorly handling the Plandemic – which it is question mark how much he is actually responsible for as there had to be ruling class consensus to pull it off. This is not a defense of Trump but rather a criticism of the author. Kampmark has nothing to say about the greatest attack against working people in many decades, if not of all time – the elite Trojan horse of COVID-19(84).

Aug 25, 2020 10:05 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

To be fair .. this is a short essay focusing on the National Security Family and Trump.
The hideous betrayal of working people ( yet again ) would probably require an article of it’s own to the subject justice.

Aug 25, 2020 10:06 PM
Reply to  ZigZagWanderer

” to do the subject”

Deplorable D
Deplorable D
Aug 28, 2020 12:12 AM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

This is to assume the Democrats actually want to win. It is just as likely they are running Biden, who cannot put two sentences together, and Harris, who is so unlikable she did not make it to the first caucus, because they do not want the White House. Who would? The next term will be marred by the scamdemic, the Democrat foot-soldiers off their leash and uncontrollable, and a mounting depression. It is much better to wait and build up a treasure chest to win in 2024. Perhaps running the worst possible candidates they have, the Democrats are throwing this election away. It is much easier to takeover and increase power and control at the bottom when the people are afraid and begging for a savior.

Aug 25, 2020 8:19 PM

The pot calling the kettle black

Aug 25, 2020 7:24 PM

The Washington Post has recently provided the talking points for Antifa and ‘The Resistance’ in the electoral campaign against Trump. As I’ve argued since 2015, the Post like the Guardian deliberately misrepresents fascism, providing cover for Corporatism. How fascist is President Trump? There’s still a formula for that. Not that much, at least compared to the 20th century’s leading fascists. By John McNeill, professor of history at Georgetown University, Aug 21, 2020 Excerpt of 1/3 of the original article: “A few weeks before his election, Trump earned 59 percent of possible Benitos, which made him “the most dangerous threat to pluralist democracy in this country in more than a century”. Four years later, we can assess how fascist Trump has been in power. Hyper-nationalism. 2016: 2; 2020: 2 Militarism. 2016: 2; 2020: 3 Glorification of violence: 2016: 1; 2020: 2 Fetishization of youth: 2016: 0; 2020: 0 Fetishization of masculinity: 2016: 4; 2020: 3 Leader cult — Trump never tires of posing as the decisive man of action. 2016: 4; 2020: 4 Lost-golden-age syndrome — Obsessed with a politics of nostalgia, he even signals sympathy for those whose mourned-for golden age is the Confederacy. 2016: 4; 2020: 4 Self-definition by opposition — Fascists had no difficulty explaining what they were against: socialism, labor unions, democracy, traditional elites, foreigners — particularly those judged racial inferiors. 2016: 3; 2020: 4 Mass mobilization and mass party — Mussolini and Hitler built their own parties that enjoyed considerable popularity. Trump has with remarkable success suborned the Republican Party, making it his own. But he has shrunk it in the process, losing seats in Congress. 2016: 2; 2020: 1 Don’t compare Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler. It belittles Hitler. Hierarchical party structure and tendency to purge the disloyal — He has done his best to… Read more »

Aug 26, 2020 12:26 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

he has tried to make immigration policy more racist

Ha ha, this is hilarious. When bad shit happens the Dims blame scapegoat foreigners and when Trump tries to control immigration or bring jobs back home he is being racist. Self-interested Dim thinking, just like the Dim support for the ‘peaceful’ BLM protests.

Aug 26, 2020 8:02 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Trump couldn’t hold a candle to Crooked Hilary when it comes to corruption, mendacity, and general dishonesty.

der einzige
der einzige
Aug 25, 2020 7:18 PM
Aug 26, 2020 3:39 PM
Reply to  der einzige

How dare you come on this site and tell the sheep voters that trump there savior hero who gave 6 trillion to his friend during BS19 doesn’t want to make iseral great what kind of person are you? to tell us this type of information
i bet your  Chinese  moslems leftie who hate our RIGHT way of life.

the world biggest lockdown under GOP and conservative pretend rule was so they can bust the deep state #its all part of the plan

trust the plan

time of my Prozac and alt right daily injection and video dome documentary

der einzige
der einzige
Aug 26, 2020 3:47 PM
Reply to  ame

I believe my peace plan is better than the Trump & Kushner plan 🙂
comment image

Aug 25, 2020 6:01 PM

Biden is everything you say he is. Trump is not who you think he is. Look at his appointments, do you see a drained swamp? I don’t. At most, you can say the US has two factions of the deep state, one backing Trump, the other, Biden. I tend to think they are two wings of the same bird, good cop/bad cop.

Trump is gutting free speech through Assange and other methods. He is for mass surveillance. He appointed Fauci and Birx. He supports two space forces, loves beautiful chocolate cake with his bombs. He’s bringing the vaccine out via the military. No this is not the portrait of a man fighting the deep state.

I don’t understand how he fools people so easily, but clearly, he does. Don’t listen to him, just look at what he does. There is your answer to who both Biden and Trump are–EVIL.

The US has a chance only if we the people stand up for our rights. Neither Trump nor Biden are of any help in this.

Fritzi Cohen
Fritzi Cohen
Aug 25, 2020 6:21 PM
Reply to  Jill

Do you really think Trump has a free hand?
But re his collusion with the covidizers, check this statement out which came
from John Griffins article a few days ago in Off G. Covid from Afar:
Trump gets beaten up for anything good that he attempts, is the state of our politics.

At each stage of Covid lunacy the US president courageously defied orthodoxy, first pointing to its low risk to most people; then questioning its true nature (“I’m not sure anyone knows what it is.”); its seriousness, likening it to seasonal flu; its longevity (“It will go away”); suggesting a tried-and true remedy, hydroxychloroquine, known to work; challenging the need for lockdown; for face masks (refusing to wear one because they are ridiculous and demeaning); and so on. All these reasonable, often factual, declarations were deemed an outrageous repudiation of the science.

Aug 26, 2020 1:39 AM
Reply to  Fritzi Cohen


I think the last president of the US to have their own power was Dick Cheney. That is why I think people should vote if they want to after considering all that one can about one’s choice. Then you need to realize that in the US, the machines do the voting will of the oligarchy.
We may not even have an election (check out Whitney Webb’s site for that info.)

It is the people who must respond with the idea of freedom, justice and a will to the common good. We are it.

As to politicians, I think we have seen the disaster which results from excusing them from having personal integrity. If Trump can’t act in this way he should resign and whistleblow about how he is under the control of others who are making him do all the things that his supporters don’t want him to do but his financial backers do want him to do!

Aug 26, 2020 5:38 AM
Reply to  Jill

I can only assume this comment was written by an AI; the sentences lack coherency, context, and are obviously inaccurate (Dick Cheney was obviously never president, and had he been, anyone will know that he hadn’t had “his own power”, whatever that is supposed to mean).

This is what we have to look forward to, I’m afraid..

Aug 26, 2020 3:37 PM
Reply to  Bjorn

Hi Bjorn,

This AI has a sense of humor! Trust me, Dick was our president and he had all the power except Bush didn’t pardon Scooter! 🙂

Aug 30, 2020 6:55 AM
Reply to  Jill

glad to hear it. i was genuinly confused by the comment, and happy to be proven otherwise. that said, there is no way Cheney was ever anything but a part of the industrial-military complex!

Aug 30, 2020 3:11 PM
Reply to  Bjorn

Thank you for acknowledging the mistake. DC is part of the MIC but he is very high up the food chain (the real one).

Aug 26, 2020 2:39 PM
Reply to  Fritzi Cohen

This is nonsense.

There is no virus. HCQ is a red herring.

Every person who runs for president is vetted and approved years in advance. Every president is groomed.

And any thinking person who’s done any research on Trump knows who his backers are, they are the usual suspects, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Adelson and the rest of the cabal.

He faked opposition to Fauci or covidism but behind the public’s back he donated billions in taxpayer dollars to GAVI, he funded the vaccine manufacture, passed executive orders on vaccines last year and he’s employing the military to deploy them. He knew about the plandemic from the very first instance. He’s heavily invested in Blackrock.

He is as establishment and corrupt as any president in the history of corruption and establishment.

He lives in the swamp and it’s swampier than it’s ever been. He won’t prosecute the Russiagate organizers at GCHQ and the CIA-FBI because he was part of the entire phony set up from the get go.

Your beliefs are delusional.

Felix Culpa
Felix Culpa
Aug 25, 2020 4:31 PM

Forster philosophy as antidote?

As if E.M. Forster’s high-minded cop-out isn’t exactly what drives the statement of the former National Security officers.

They, like Forster, rationalize their misbehavior and betrayal of the citizenry, by subpoening, with its arm firmly pinned behind its back, the moral high ground to witness to their malfeasance.

And what gets missed is that goods, like personal friendship and the common good, can never be in true opposition. The man who appeals to one good to rationalize his attack on another good is signalling only that, indeed, he is up to no good.

As Forster’s fellow countryman, G.K. Chesterton put the point: “The whole truth is generally the ally of virtue; a half-truth is always the ally of some vice.”

Aug 25, 2020 3:27 PM

Read Edward Curtin’s essay of a few days ago; take a deep breath; and tell yourself there’s absolutely nothing that can be done to stop this political circus – that is, until Big Pharma comes up with a democracy vaccine that will miraculously sweep all the bullshit under the rug so that the good folks of America can return to those days of yesteryear when everything was on the up and up.

You do believe in the power of Science to make everything right, don’t you?

Aug 25, 2020 2:19 PM

To throw the whole Covid-19 epidemic into perspective it should be emphasized that every year there are between 294,000 and 518,000 deaths from influenza. You can read about this here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6815659/pdf/jogh-09-020421.pdf 300,000 to 500,000 dead from influenza every year. 300,000 dead in a good flu season. 500,000 dead in a bad flu season. You may ask why there is no global lock-down for influenza. You may ask why the media shows no concern at all for the hundreads of thousands of mainly elderly people, who are dying at this very moment, due to this under-reported (because it happens every winter) influenza epidemic. What is the difference between dying from pneumonia caused by Covid-19 or dying from pneumonia caused by Influenza? Before there was easy testing of Covid-19, all instances of pneumonia were assumed to be pneumonia caused by Covid-19. In this way you had immediate and comprehensive care. If you had insisted that you had pneumonia caused by Influenza you may have been assigned to a back ward somewhere while the important cases were attended to. In this way many deaths due to pneumonia caused by Influenza have been listed as deaths due to pneumonia caused by Covid-19, whether they were or not. This skewed the statistics completely out of shape. Something similar, but worse, has been admitted to have been the case in Italy (and USA and UK). “But Prof Ricciardi (Scientific Adviser to Italy’s Minister of Health) added that Italy’s death rate may appear higher because of how doctors record fatalities. “The way in which we code deaths in our country is very generous in the sense that all the people who die in hospitals with the coronavirus are deemed to be dying of the coronavirus.” From here. Prof Ricciardi also said: “On re-evaluation by the National Institute… Read more »

Aug 25, 2020 1:42 PM

Admin – the earlier post is stuck in the bin, if you wouldn’t mind ) On a related topic, Shadowgate merits a second listen after Alex Jones parted ways with the author Millie Weaver. This goes beyond a personality clash. The role of “alt media” sites is coming into the open. Alex Jones being sensitive to accusations himself of being an ‘Interactive Internet Activities (IIA) product with Stratfor connections, his break with Weaver is worth exploring. The meat of the documentary is not new. See Obama’s Clandestine ShadowNet by Patrick Bergy, who features in the documentary has written about it publicly for some years. Concerning much more than Russiagate, the documentary exposes the wholesale privatization of information gathering with the result that the Congressional knowledge management network appears to be hosted outside the USA. This makes the Awan brothers look like relative minnows. All the information that Snowden revealed the NSA is collecting ends up on the international market sold to the highest bidder. And it’s not even secure: the Office of Personnel Management got hacked along with the details of every American who had ever applied for a government job or a press pass. Oopsie! U.S. government funds are being given to State Department and NSA officials to set up data collection/processing operations that end up as taxpayer funding for private sector security and surveillance companies. Weaver gives the example of two arms of the state security, former Director of CIA John Brennan’s tactical intelligence and former National Security Advisor General James Jones’ operational capabilities, that merged to form Clearforce 24/7 Employee Risk Management of Vienna, VA. Hey, become a millionaire on the taxpayers’ dime! The modernization of the Smith Mundt Act in 2014 was perfectly timed for the expansion of internet influence operations, or psyops. No problem that the… Read more »

Aug 25, 2020 1:58 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Correction: Smith-Mundt Modernization Act was 2012, coinciding with the distribution of free Obama Phones.

Aug 25, 2020 2:18 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

15 years ago Pr & marketing company’s where able to buy the electors role register from a 3rd party acting on behalf on the councils.
basic PR darling….

general public is told and sold that they need to register on the electors registers as it helps with the points. (credit score) buuuullllllllllshit but sound important

ever wonder how old debts can find you at new address’s.or how private investigator used to work before Facebook or consensus made it easy.

everyone has a file Moneycircus if your in the matrix and credit check company’s first place to start as you can request it.

data is gold

Aug 25, 2020 2:27 PM
Reply to  ame

An individual’s data is protected but the local county can legally sell data en masse. Agreed – it’s been like that for decades. I cannot talk to the phone company on my father’s behalf, even though the phone company already has data about every member of my family.

To put it another way, we already have Chinese-style social credit scores – it was our credit scoring companies that advised the Chinese. It’s for the state and the corporation to know. For us to obey.

If the Brennans, Haydens and James Jones’ were just following established practice, however, they wouldn’t cling to the shadows.

BTW I’d love to see their family information splashed all over the net. Now, who pays all those hackers we hear about – Lulz and Anonymous?

Not the same ShadowNet deep state? Say it ain’t so

Aug 25, 2020 2:40 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

did you notice a Neil saunders style to this but the opposite aka the blonde conservative bird who got nicked even though i feel this is a publicly stunt elections and all
story seems dodgy and misdirected

Aug 25, 2020 2:44 PM
Reply to  ame

Event Covid is giving us all a lesson in who you can trust. It is all a hall of mirrors – and perhaps it’s better to train oneself to live that way.

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Aug 25, 2020 2:19 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

The NSA (and if memory serves US telecoms corp’s such as AT&T) also gave numerous contracts and US citizens’ personal info/surveillance data to a number of Israeli companies, most all spin-offs of the IDF’s Unit 8200 based in Herzliyah (guess who else has their HQ there?…).

Check out:

  • NCO Group (Responsible for:
  • ‘Stuxnet’.
  • Spyware allowing, amongst others, Saudi authorities to intercept comms/data from Jamal Khashoggi’s phone.)
  • Alperio
  • Elbit
  • Black Cube (Hired by Weinstein to spy on/harass actress Rose McGowan)
  • And many, *Many* more…





Aug 25, 2020 1:02 PM

The President has demonstrated that he is dangerously unfit to serve another term.”

Hahaha !! Woho heee haahaa ho !! My sides are aching ! Now how many American presidents would fit that bill ?

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Aug 25, 2020 12:43 PM

“Republican National Security Officials for Insanity give Biden Kiss of Death… – Film at 11″

…In other news:

“He is currently a principal at the *Chertoff Group*, a security consultancy co-founded by former Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff.[8] He also serves on the board of directors for the *Atlantic Council*[9], and Caliburn International, a military contractor that oversees operations for *Homestead Temporary Shelter for Unaccompanied Children*.[10][11]”


Aug 25, 2020 12:34 PM

Hayden belongs in a prison cell. He should be put on trial and executed

Aug 25, 2020 12:29 PM

The USA deep state cannot trust the commander-in-chief as he is far too immature to be a political leader given his unchecked narcissism and partisan zealotry run amok. In brief, being a hedonist confidence man with a record of fraud does not instill confidence in the public or counterparty foreign investors.

Five Eyes bureaucrats also realize that the USA leadership is not to be trusted after the COVID-19 outbreak made evident that the USA bureaucrats were appropriating PPE for exclusive use of Americans ahead of other nations that were in line for the PPE ahead of the Americans.

The United Kingdom is also keen to be rid of Trump and his penchant for decoupling markets and businesses via political posturing and narcissistic rage run amok.

Bottom line is that Trump is a fully unhinged personality that cannot be trusted by even his own people in the bureaucracy. No other bureaucracy wants anything to do with Trump due to his mental illness and unchecked narcissistic rage.

Frankly, the world now knows that Trump is only a one hit wonder with no chance whatsoever of getting a second term to annoy the Hell out of everyone on planet Earth.

USA Republicanism is wholly defunct in the ake of Trump’s unchecked mental illness foisted upon an unwitting world and public.

American exceptionalism calls for the termination of the Trump administration and presidency before he sinks USD below the zero bound.

Lastly, Nixon was terrible, but Trump is worse.


Aug 25, 2020 12:15 PM

Leftists taught to mindlessly hate Trump are the useful tools and dupes of the global elites, who fear and hate the Orange anti-politician as much as they do, and who fund and control the constant onslaught by media and Congress against him. Here’s another perspective on the extraordinary and very revealing attack this week by the Neo-con Republicans and elite allies on Trump:

“Trump opposes the neoconservative nation-building, democracy-exporting and regime changing crusades that have had a death grip on generations of young American men and women. He wants to bring our troops home.

Yes, President Trump opposes the neoliberal sovereignty-eating international agreements that have sent our jobs and industries to cheap foreign labor camps in the Third World. He opposes the notion that our government should rebuild the world. He wants to rebuild America.

For three quarters of a century, members of the Washington establishment, a government-industrial complex including academia, think tanks, defense contractors, military, lobbyists, media and politicians Democrat and Republican, have staked and made their fortunes on this “rebuild the world, kill for peace” imperial project.

Donald J. Trump opposes it. That’s why the Washington establishment hates him – and why the American people elected him.”


Trump has abandoned the global policeman role for the US and is transforming the disastrous foreign policy of the last 30-50 years. He is the great anti-warmonger, leftists.

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 25, 2020 12:38 PM

I’m on the left and I don’t hate Trump. Not that I particularly like him – but there is a certain exhilaration in the fact that his election and the response it’s had has shown up the fraudulence of the entire political stage show. And this stage show operates on a phony “sensible” opposition whose only distinguishing characteristic is in providing a humanitarian gloss to the US warmongering business as usual. Clinton and Obama could get away with any amount of foreign policy aggression because …well, because they were Democrats i.e. “on the Left” and of course that means they “don’t do any of that bad stuff”. Actually, they do but they do it with an affable grin. And the fact that the public choose to vote in such “good guys” is a sign that the US truly is a caring democracy etc.

Aug 25, 2020 2:21 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Trump called the Emperor’s Clothes.

I don’t personally think that was even his intention. Simply by not being a part of the Swamp, and by having a habit of speaking off the cuff, and calling it as he sees it — he did America the greatest service.

Trump exposed the depth of political corruption. He revealed democracy to be a charade that can only be restored by revolution.

Oh, many will nod sagely and say democracy is for children and that deals in smoke-filled rooms actually do the job better. They lie. They played the game. They talked democracy as they looted the Treasury.

If Trump were capable of taking that next revolutionary step, he would earn his place in history — not that the corrupt Rhodes Scholar (Rothschild) historians would record any of it.

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 25, 2020 3:42 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

I never felt any animosity towards Trump. That’s almost certainly due to my extreme adverse reaction to the “proper response” so relentlessly pumped out by most around me. He’s Right wing? So what? They’re all Right wing. He represents the moneyed interests? Well duh! Is Hillary the great “Left hope”?

And as for the PC offense brigade …oh fuck off and grow up! Note how criticism of Obama seemed completely off the table. Because …well everyone knows why. Re: skin colour, one of the few genuinely funny remarks on “Have I Got News” is when someone said, “Am I the only one in the world to see that Obama is white?” I couldn’t give a shit about the skin colour but when it emerges, that’s all there is. So much so that I reckon Obama must have presented the most chacterless president in living memory. Maybe this is Trump’s advantage. If everyone expects you to be a rude slob anyway – what the hell?

Aug 25, 2020 4:07 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I (think) I remember a day when people were what they were. When women spent less time on their hair than many men today. When you spoke with the voice you grew up with unless you needed a military bark or went into the City.

Then, about 20 years ago, accents and image became all the rage. Self marketing and presentation was all. The modified accents evolved until they were incomprehensible. Uptalk or rising inflection dongs like a bell, every sentence a question. I’ve a step brother I really can’t understand. All rapid-fire London mumble.

Obama was created using those tools: metrosexual Manchurian, half White, half Black. Perfect. Except they chose to brand him Black – which missed an opportunity. Here he was, the embodiment of two of America’s great cultures. Emblematic melange.

Of course this was a racisme classique (to give it a falsy posh name in keeping with the accents). Bill Clinton blurted it out: “this guy would have been carrying our bags”.

Biden was more eloquent and revealing of the neoliberal elite’s unspoken attitude: “the first sort of mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean.”

So that’s what it was all about. The racism is real, of course. They did see a White-Black man as Black. But he was also marketed as Black. Team Obama was culpable too. They were all playing the race card.

It missed the obvious and only judgement one should make: character maketh the man.

In that regard, as you note, the cupboard was bare.

Aug 25, 2020 3:58 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

We don’t need the corrupt rhodes/rockefeller/etc lot anymore, or their paradigm.
Which is why the people who have bought into and prospered from that paradigm are panicking and demanding lockdowns.
Not just physical, but mental and spiritual lockdowns.
We evolve away from their lockdowner paradigm means they lose their privileges.
Hilary Clinton was heard to say, they find out what we’ve done, we all hang.

Aug 25, 2020 4:30 PM
Reply to  Cyd

“If the people were to ever find out what we have done, we would be chased down the streets and lynched.”
— George H. W. Bush, cited in the June, 1992 Sarah McClendon Newsletter

“If that f – – – ing bastard wins, we all hang from nooses! Lauer’s finished…and if I lose it’s all on your heads for screwing this up.” — Hillary Clinton as retold by Comcast employee, Oct 2016, after witnessing Clinton’s rant following an interview with Matt Lauer.

Not surprisingly despite attribution for both quotes, Reuters and Snopes say it ain’t so.

Aug 25, 2020 5:21 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Thank you moneycircus for taking the time to post the exact quotes.

Aug 25, 2020 11:27 AM

Because the executive orders are for your benefit and the trillions in bailout is your loin share of the cake.yer!!
human compost is so he can protect the children yer.
slapping and cheating of his wife makes him a real honest man.

Cuckoo land voters are given choices via video dome hypnotized flicker picture over time and this tv series becomes there projected life in there perception of reality which is fake but real to them. each night they get another hypnotized video dome maker repeating the mantra and this keeps the hypnotized fully lock down add the synthetic food and solution’s called tap water few happy meds you got the caged chickens in there perfect environment they dont no any different there farmer (oppressor) abuser looves them he/she sends them direct electro shock treatment via texts they think theses texts are personal to them.

No matter what is done they would never believe he or she is bad they get feed synthetic solution called water chemical in foods in there caged chicken life and according to the video dome telescreen there life is amazing. this is called democracy =demon crazy

Dont you worry there be the first on the train to the abattoir
infact most will drive there honking there horn with there slogan placards stopping several time at each diner not to be force feed that poison no they will happily pay for the pleasure for there enslavement and there poisoning.

It repeats every 4 years.

wow that some brainwashing i wish it was not true

Aug 25, 2020 11:53 AM
Reply to  ame

You left out the DNC et al wolf hunting down the chickens.

Aug 25, 2020 10:33 AM

I think three years of wasted time trying to push Russian collusion by the Democrats has opened the eyes of many.

I think a shoe in for 2020.

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Aug 25, 2020 12:53 PM
Reply to  richard

*This* is the kind of ‘shoe-in’ I’d *Love* to see happen to *All* the perps involved:

Aug 25, 2020 4:04 PM
Reply to  richard

I’d vote for a shoe.

Kung flue
Kung flue
Aug 25, 2020 9:50 AM

Trump ….
What do you expect , a saint ?
He’s a NY property developer with a very colourful past, it’s probably the only thing that’s kept him above ground.
He isn’t a good guy but he isn’t “their” guy. The corruption and dealmaking that goes on in US politics is horrific. Sadly everyone owes somebody something.
The Deep State problem is with Trump in place they cannot be sure the truth won’t leak out, case in point the Weiner laptop/Awan brothers blackmail etc etc etc.
If Durham doesn’t produce anything in the next 2 weeks either the election will be “delayed” or Trump is just another one of “them”

Aug 25, 2020 11:34 AM
Reply to  Kung flue

I wouldn’t rule out some sort of manufactured October crisis and an equally manufactured “national unity” ticket of some supposedly “moderate” Republican (Romney?) and a rightist Democrat (any of them really).

Aug 25, 2020 12:45 PM
Reply to  Edwige

The Republican RINOS and never-Trumpers are in alliance with the corrupt Democrat leadership and must be feverishly considering what crisis could be next, now that Trump has survived and even thrived from the grossly-exaggerated Wu-flu pandemic, the lockdown, and the continuing, violent destruction of Democrat-controlled US cities by red fascists (the dumb plebs can see that rioters and looters never wear MAGA hats). The end of lockdown, the signs of a renewed boom and a major switch to Trump of black and Hispanic voters must be terrifying for DC swamp critters. If you hate the corrupt elites, leftists, then you should be rooting for Trump. Those privileged globalists you hate fear and hate Trump just like their violent, useful idiot street leftists are trained to do, but the elite have so much more to lose should Orange Man Bad win big. Again.

Deplorable D
Deplorable D
Aug 28, 2020 12:45 AM

What they fear is Trump unleashed. Imagine if Trump wins what he will do? It took him a long time to figure out how Washington works. He had many Swamp creatures on his staff. He also wants to be re-elected, so he was constrained by the media. Now, with nothing to lose, he will probably be as ruthless as he was as a businessman. Whether this is good or bad for America, I do not know. I do know it scares the warmongers and grifters though.

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Aug 25, 2020 1:05 PM
Reply to  Edwige

I wouldn’t rule out a full-blown market implosion… – They tend to be a September/October affair, and often follow on from an initial ‘rupture’ about a year previously then a ‘pre-shock’ the February/March in-between:…

Sub-Prime Blowout – Aug ’07 > Bear Stearns – Mar ’08 > Lehman Bros/Credit-Crunch/GFC – Sep ’08…

Repo Market Implosion – Sep ’19 > ‘Covid Crash’ – Feb/Mar ’20 > …?…

Aug 25, 2020 12:31 PM
Reply to  Kung flue

No, if Durham doesn’t produce anything the logical conclusion is that he’s part of the swamp, or has been captured by it. It would mean another establishment victory in the continuous slow coup against the elected president, and a DC swamp still undrained. As for delaying the election, that’s a Democrat objective and reason for continuing the lockdown (Trump opposes that too) as the massive attempt to bring in postal voting continues. That obviously fraudulent tactic is now the Democrats’ major hope for preventing a Trump landslide and a much stronger swamp-draining administration over the next 4 years. Failing that, the alliance of corporates, globalist deep state and their captive or subservient, Trump- hating political elites and violent leftist mobs will be plotting assassination to save their power and control over us.

Aug 25, 2020 3:30 PM
Reply to  Kung flue

The Weiner laptop/ Awan brothers blackmail / HRC closet server scandals were all under HRC /Debbie Wasserman Schulz, two Democrat leaders. The Trump – Russia hysteria was also meant to deviate attention from that mess.

Deplorable D
Deplorable D
Aug 28, 2020 12:41 AM
Reply to  Kung flue

Durham was never supposed to produce anything. It is porn to keep the base enthused. These things never need to take long. Everything in the Mueller report was known within a month. Many of Mueller’s people wrote the book. No one in the Swamp is ever punished unless they become a real liability. Then they are normally destroyed publicly and/or suicided. Durham was never going to produce anything. As people started to realize this, Clinesmith was thrown out as raw meat to keep the base happy. Everything Clinesmith did was already known. People who were following the FISA fraud figured out who it was a long time ago. So now people are saying, “See Durham is getting closer.” Clinesmith is such low-hanging fruit and inconsequential.

Aug 25, 2020 9:06 AM

The Washington Post has recently provided the talking points for the Antifa-Democratic campaign against Trump. As I’ve argued since 2015, the Post deliberately misrepresents fascism. It is providing cover to the real fascists who meet the widely-accepted definition of Corporatism. The article below is an excerpt – less than a third of the original length, so it’s just a quote, not reproduction in full. Read the full article on the Wayback Machine. For example, in the section below on economic policy – see how it hops, skips and jumps and neatly avoids the real definition of fascism, because that would expose the Post’s owner and buddies. The limited thinking on display in this article would be funny if this self-delusion wasn’t dangerous, especially in the face of medical martial law. The Washington Post: How fascist is President Trump? There’s still a formula for that. Not that much, at least compared to the 20th century’s leading fascists. By John McNeill, professor of history at Georgetown University, Aug 21, 2020 Excerpt: A few weeks before his election, Trump earned 59 percent of possible Benitos, which made him “the most dangerous threat to pluralist democracy in this country in more than a century” — but not a genuine fascist. As a candidate, Trump was an amateurish imitation of the real thing. Four years later, we can assess how fascist Trump has been in power. Instead of a possible 44 Benitos, as in 2016, the maximum is now 76. Does Trump earn more than 59 percent on his record in the White House? How fascist was Trump as a candidate? Hyper-nationalism. 2016: 2; 2020: 2 Militarism. 2016: 2; 2020: 3 Glorification of violence and readiness to use it in politics. 2016: 1; 2020: 2 Fetishization of youth — This has never been a feature… Read more »

Aug 25, 2020 9:01 AM

Trump is a Card.

Aug 25, 2020 8:15 AM

Sorry for having to quote the G, but at the time in 2002/03 it wasn’t fully on the side of the nasties yet. The war machine re Iraq needed a Goebbels and Murdoch was ideal for that role as described so expertly here in this classic:


Truth is truth is truth, regardless where it comes from. Poor old Empire, paint is peeling, foundations creeking. If/when Biden comes in the underbelly and Colluding Class will rule.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Aug 25, 2020 6:09 AM

I cannot think of any better way of driving ordinary voters into the Trump camp than lining up a long list of murderers, terrorists, mafioso criminals and fascists and getting them all to come out for Biden, whose corruption in Ukraine is beyond dispute.

Do these people seriously think that anyone on Main Street views them with anything but complete and utter contempt?

Aug 25, 2020 6:31 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

There is one good that about all of this: when the USA is no longer, America will still be there.

P R Ivy
P R Ivy
Aug 25, 2020 9:07 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

On a war front, Trump is the lesser war criminal, whatever one thinks of this odious halfwit, his war crimes are much less than his predecessors. I am of the view Americans have voted for less/no war for decades, Obama being the biggest letdown for the entire planet.

If Admin or the author is reading this, how about a mock show trial article, put all the Presidents since Regan (to keep it shorter) and put the charges to them, I will bet Trump will be the least hideous war crimes wise and Obama top of the list. DNC is like the labour party in the uk, fucked!

Given whats on offer, and the anorexic chances of a green revolution happening in the USA, I would happily vote for the lesser war criminal if it meant keeping out a potentially bigger one.

Food for thought, Maggie Thatcher when asked what her greatest ever achievement was, replied, “Tony Blair”.. Wonder what Ronald Regan would have said, looking at the DNC today, looks like they too got hijacked and look at the state of the left in the UK, socialist worker, morning star et al, all bedwetting covidcultists, Caroline Lucas from the Greens is looking for a cross party dictatorship,, We need to get the pitch forks out.

Aug 25, 2020 12:51 PM
Reply to  P R Ivy

Blimey, ‘The lesser war criminal’ is almost praise! Try this more generous view on Trump’s significance:

“President Donald J. Trump opposes the neoconservative nation-building, democracy-exporting and regime changing crusades that have had a death grip on generations of young American men and women. He wants to bring our troops home.

Yes, President Trump opposes the neoliberal sovereignty-eating international agreements that have sent our jobs and industries to cheap foreign labor camps in the Third World. He opposes the notion that our government should rebuild the world. He wants to rebuild America.

For three quarters of a century, members of the Washington establishment, a government-industrial complex including academia, think tanks, defense contractors, military, lobbyists, media and politicians Democrat and Republican, have staked and made their fortunes on this “rebuild the world, kill for peace” imperial project.

Donald J. Trump opposes it. That’s why the Washington establishment hates him – and why the American people elected him.”


John Goss
John Goss
Aug 25, 2020 11:59 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Another term of Trump is worrying. The alternative is 20 times more worrying.

Aug 25, 2020 6:02 AM

for quite a while the USA has been a mafia state indulging in mass murder, looting, and political/economic subversion. The problem everyone seems to be having is which particular set of people is in control of these essential amarican mafia-state actions.

Aug 25, 2020 8:17 AM
Reply to  mijj

US culture swept the Epstein brothers to the top.

Are we still thinking of the US as a guiding light?

Aug 25, 2020 12:40 PM
Reply to  Wilmers31

I bet your computer electronics were designed in the USA as were a lot of the standard luxuries you enjoy today, like dishwasher, shower, aircon, washing machine etc which became common appliances thanks to the Americans. Of course, the USA also brought us some great culture. Definitely leading lights! They made a difference, both good and bad, like all previous empires.

Oh, don’t forget the UK when it comes to pedos, I think the UK record is worse.

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Aug 25, 2020 1:26 PM
Reply to  aspnaz

I bet your computer electronics were designed in the USA as were a lot of the standard luxuries you enjoy today, like dishwasher, shower, aircon, washing machine etc which became common appliances thanks to the Americans.

…- All *Made in China* now…

Of course, the USA also brought us some great culture. Definitely leading lights!

…- Leading lights from the Black Dahlia murder to Laurel Canyon/Operation Monarch CIA shenanigans, on down through to today’s iteration of Weinstein/Me Too Hollyweirdness (still Monarch)?…

Oh, don’t forget the UK when it comes to pedos, I think the UK record is worse.

…- Yep, but what you’re describing there is merely a single local chapter, a node, of an elite network that is *Trans-National*: – Check out the Dutroux/Eurocrat ring in Belgium, the Catholic Clergy/Bankster ring in Connecticut, and, oh yeah! – can you say “Epstein/Maxwell”? – how about Clinton/Dershowitz/Spacey”? – how about “Clinton Global Initiative/Haiti”?…

…- Bit of a mouthful I know, but then, so was what these creeps made those kids swallow.

You’re welcome.

Aug 25, 2020 2:18 PM
Reply to  Sgt Oddball

Made in China is not designed in China. The design, the IP, the clever bit is from the states. The Chinese do not produce such chips, even Taiwan do not produce full blown CPU’s and they are a long way ahead of China.

Bits of your Mercedes will be made in China, but do you think that the Chinese are designing Mercedes, BMW, etc. Made in China is not designed in China, there is a huge difference.

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Aug 25, 2020 3:51 PM
Reply to  aspnaz

Made in China is not designed in China. The design, the IP, the clever bit is from the states.

…So what? The Chinese learn from what they copy, as with their sizeable fleet of indigenous ‘Aegis’ destroyers/cruisers. As with the Shandong – their 1st indigenous aircraft carrier, copied and improved from the Liaoning (ex-Soviet Varyag), with more on the slips and still more *indigenously designed* on their drawing boards. Same with their tech sector where they frequently lead the world in supercomputing *and* where they arguably lead the race outright for a viable quantum computer. Because of this copy-the-best policy they are already eclipsing us in design/IP, contrary to your assertion, which is mere nostalgia for a vanished past. Meanwhile they are still the undisputed factory of the 1st world west, and most of the rest of the world too.

The Chinese do not produce such chips

…Erm, Foxconn?…

but do you think that the Chinese are designing Mercedes, BMW, etc.

…Yes, I do – Here’s a selection, including new models from Hongqi Chang’an Automobile, Dongfeng and Geely:



…Then there’s the stuff they’re doing with EVs:



Meanwhile it took Apple 38 years to go from 0 to $1Tn in market cap and 2 years to go from 1 to $2Tn, virtually all of that added over the last decade was achieved via stock buybacks financed by free Fed funny-money…

…- Live in the past if you must but the days of American tech/industrial design and manufacturing supremacy are *Way* over.

Aug 26, 2020 2:40 AM
Reply to  Sgt Oddball

The USA invented all that stuff: Intel, AMD, IBM the list goes on and on. We can all steal, the Chinese are very good at it, but without the USA leading the way, there wouldn’t be anything to steal.

In any case, why are you cheering on thieves? The end result of theft is the dearth of new ideas. Not only in the country producing the ideas (USA) but also in the thieving country (China).

When the Chinese do anything greater than supply me with cheap goods produced by under-paid workers who, as a result, do not benefit from my personal standard of living, then I will give them some credit. When I say do anything, I mean anything positive, China virus does not count.

And again, who are the Chinese competitors to Intel, AMD, IBM, Nvidia etc that are powering your computer?

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Aug 26, 2020 4:45 AM
Reply to  aspnaz

The USA invented all that stuff: Intel, AMD, IBM the list goes on and on. ,,,So What? – You don’t hear Newton or Leibniz bitching about not getting royalties for inventing calculus, nor Turing and von Neumann for inventing the computer… We can all steal, the Chinese are very good at it, but without the USA leading the way, there wouldn’t be anything to steal. …- If I stole your car, I’d automatically be able to do what? – take it for a joyride? – Or maybe build a car plant and figure out how to build it *better* (aka: hacking, aka: reverse engineering)?… In any case, why are you cheering on thieves? The end result of theft is the dearth of new ideas. Not only in the country producing the ideas (USA) but also in the thieving country (China). …- So you believe in the *Rule of Law*?… – *Interesting*. Particularly considering your colonial lineage viz: America, Britain, France, Dutch, Spain… As to ‘dearth of ideas’, I hate to break it to you bub, but the *Entire* world you’re inhabiting right now was built on theft. Particularly of ideas… – Get over yourself. When the Chinese do anything greater than supply me with cheap goods produced by under-paid workers who, as a result, do not benefit from my personal standard of living, then I will give them some credit. …- Like your Soma, iCrap, you mean?… And again, who are the Chinese competitors to Intel, AMD, IBM, Nvidia etc that are powering your computer? …- Erm, these, for a start:… https://www.tomshardware.com/uk/features/zhaoxin-kx-u6780a-x86-cpu-tested https://www.pcgamesn.com/gaming-hardware/gtx-1080-level-china-gpu …- I take it you’re an American, you love your country. Want to re-live past glories, I get it – that’s *great*!… – I’m a Brit, I was raised that way too, in the shadow of your… Read more »

Aug 26, 2020 5:01 AM
Reply to  Sgt Oddball

No I am not an American, I am British, but I am not so dumb as to not be able to recognise what the USA did, still does and will probably continue to do for a long time for this world.

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Aug 26, 2020 5:05 AM
Reply to  aspnaz

…So what are you so bugged about, then?

…My personal view?: – America is an idea that is waiting to happen… – Just wish they’d *Hurry Up*…

Aug 26, 2020 5:22 AM
Reply to  Sgt Oddball

I am very grateful for all the good things the USA has done and continues to do so why should I keep quiet when they are being disparaged? One of the great things that has come out of the USA – and is now almost everywhere, including China – is the free open source software movement that has made software free, including varieties of Unix (yes, another US invention), look it up on wikipedia (another US free, open source software application), and then there is the internet, another US invention. And yes, all free! Are all of these things bad or dead because you don’t like US politics?

Aug 25, 2020 3:01 PM
Reply to  Wilmers31

Perhaps we should see Islamism or communism as our new guiding lights. Hopefully they won’t be bright enough to show us the oppression, the mass incarceration of undesirables, the torture, the public executions, the concentration camps and the zero human rights or equality before the law. I could go on.

Aug 25, 2020 10:48 PM

Of course the massacres of 100 million native Americans and 10 million Congolese and assorted scores of millions of Africans, Asians, Aborigines never occurred. Our communist chums did at least have the common decency to confine their shitfuckery to within their own borders.

Aug 25, 2020 12:58 PM
Reply to  mijj

I’d say your description fits Communist China quite well, where powerless people live in fear and can never even criticise their leaders, let alone remove them via the ballot box. Iranians have a similar problem with their murdering Islamist dictators. Hey, why not actually compare the lives, freedoms and rights of US and Chinese plebs? You don’t want to end up parroting malicious anti-US propaganda, like a useful tool of the global elites, do you?

Aug 25, 2020 10:51 PM

No, we leave parroting propaganda to you.
You do it so well.
The years of practice show.

Aug 25, 2020 5:48 AM

The DNC line-up including all those war-mongers and Republicans is the best evidence so far that it’s not DNC vs GOP, it’s the War/Corporations party vs everyone else. Anyone who can’t see that is blind or deliberately not looking

Aug 25, 2020 3:07 PM
Reply to  Robyn

The global and political elites hate and fear Trump, leftists hate and fear Trump. So the globalists are obviously very happy with leftists, especially violent BLM and heroic Antifa, dividing the resistance and very usefully fighting the dumb plebs to cover for them. I’m hoping some time soon the penny may drop, but manufactured hate runs very deep. And Orange Man Bad is white (vomit), an alpha male (shriek), a billionaire (boo) and a capitalist (gasp).

Aug 25, 2020 6:01 PM

No, they LOVE Trump, they just pretend to not like jim.
He gives them tax cuts and makes all those criminals in politics look good by comparison.
Also, no politician needs to have a programme of any kind, or any views for that matter, as showing disgust for Trump suffices.
He is the perfect misdirection – no problem needs to be adressed, the looting
of the planet and people continues unabated, as most ‘folk’ are too
upset by his bad manners to pay attention.
He personifies America perfectly.

Dave Patterson
Dave Patterson
Aug 25, 2020 5:10 AM

total crap, all the accusations against Trump are somewhere between outright lies and gross exaggeration – but a perfect example of ‘projection’ – the Obama White House and intelligence and justice bureaucracies were totally corrupt and many, many high level people should be in jail, the same people who are now desperately trying to coverup their crimes whilst falsely accusing Trump of what they were doing. And the mainstream media as well, with the general exception of Fox, desperate to hide from history their participation in, their promotion of, probably the greatest political scandal in American history, out in the open now for everyone to see, but most people don’t understand it because the media coverup is ongoing. Trump is actually an extremely good president, for the American people, truly trying to drain a very, very fetid swamp. You people at OffG need to get rid of your TDS article vetters and find your way to the right side of history.

Aug 25, 2020 5:44 AM
Reply to  Dave Patterson

Although not a US voter, I have been on Trump’s side since the beginning. You can’t complain about politics then criticise the replacement for not being a smooth political operator.

As for tweets: this president talks directly to the people, what’s the problem? He is a leader who likes to rally the troops by stating his opinion, again what’s the problem? A great president, better and more loyal to the people of the USA than any others so far in my lifetime. At least he is in touch with his supporters, not just at election time. And the battles he has had to fight have been outrageous, he has laid bare the corruption of US government.

Aug 28, 2020 4:22 AM
Reply to  aspnaz

The only supporters the Orange Faggot is in touch with are Adelson, Singer, Marcus and Saban. He is their bought and paid for puppet.

Aug 28, 2020 9:38 AM
Reply to  paul

I have some sympathy for the point of view that Trump is indebted to Jewish billionaires, but I think the reality is that Trump doing stuff for Israel is one hell of a lot easier than doing stuff in the USA where the Dims are constantly biting his ankles. I suspect that Trump was going for the low hanging fruit, he wanted some successes under his belt so he did some things to please his Jewish benefactors. As for whether they were the right thing to do, that is a whole different question.

Aug 25, 2020 6:21 AM
Reply to  Dave Patterson

Trump may be “good for the American people”, ie he brings the treasure of ransacking foreign nations through The Supreme international crime of wars of aggression back to america. I remember clearly it took him 9 days after becoming president to become a war criminal. It was a raid in Somalia if i recall correctly. With one dead yank soldier as well.

His thirst for blood continues throughout his time in office, Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Solmalia Many raids in my mama Afrika, Kenya etcetc American troops in 26 African countries, i read in mint press.

2020 begun with the assassination of general Soleimani, who was on a peace mission to Iraq, was a filthy piece of work.

Have you been watching deep state Q anon rubbish?

Aug 25, 2020 8:27 AM
Reply to  Bohdi

What you describe as blood thirst must be done or the President runs a JFK risk. He must please occasionally the layers which require wars for business.

Nearly all war suppliers are listed on the NYSE. Their products fill the warehouses and if there wasn’t war action somewhere they’d have to stop producing or fill more warehouses.

This is a vicious circle. Add to that the hatred between Iran and Israel and business will be ongoing. A day or two after it was announced that Israel and UAE have now diplomatic relations it was announced that UAE will now be allowed to buy F-35s. Billion $ business that all is.

Presidents are not blood thirsty, they have to meet expectations and business conditions. Conflicts never solved but kept simmering ensure ongoing production with public money supply.

Dave Patterson
Dave Patterson
Aug 25, 2020 9:22 AM
Reply to  Wilmers31

exactly. Trump may be president, but there are other very serious powers at work in the US that he has to deal with and placate as necessary – but I think it is clear he is pushing back, slowly but surely, and making deals as he can with them and others – the next 4 years will be very interesting, if the deep state et al don’t manage to steal the election somehow, which they are surely planning to try

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Aug 25, 2020 2:30 PM
Reply to  Wilmers31

Case in point: – I notice Raytheon just got dumped out of the Dow Jones Industrial Average index…


…A few too many unused Tomahawks cluttering up warehouses?…

…- We need another Syrian ‘chemical attack’, methinks…

Aug 25, 2020 2:51 PM
Reply to  Wilmers31

The principles Principle I Any person who commits an act which constitutes a crime under international law is responsible therefor and liable to punishment. Principle II The fact that internal law does not impose a penalty for an act which constitutes a crime under international law does not relieve the person who committed the act from responsibility under international law. Principle III The fact that a person who committed an act which constitutes a crime under international law, acted as Head of State or responsible government official, does not relieve him from responsibility under international law. Principle IV Main article: Superior orders The fact that a person acted pursuant to order of his Government or of a superior does not relieve him from responsibility under international law, provided a moral choice was in fact possible to him. This principle could be paraphrased as follows: “It is not an acceptable excuse to say ‘I was just following my superior’s orders'”. Previous to the time of the Nuremberg Trials, this excuse was known in common parlance as “superior orders”.[citation needed] After the prominent, high-profile event of the Nuremberg Trials, that excuse is now referred to by many as the “Nuremberg Defense”. In recent times, a third term, “lawful orders” has become common parlance for some people.[citation needed] All three terms are in use today, and they all have slightly different nuances of meaning, depending on the context in which they are used. Nuremberg Principle IV is legally supported by the jurisprudence found in certain articles in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which deal indirectly with conscientious objection.[citation needed] It is also supported by the principles found in paragraph 171 of the Handbook on Procedures and Criteria for Determining Refugee Status which was issued by the Office of the United Nations High… Read more »

Dave Patterson
Dave Patterson
Aug 25, 2020 3:22 PM
Reply to  Bohdi

I think you forgot principle VIII – ‘These laws apply to the other guys, not us wonderful US guys’ (the Nuremburg laws were, of course, written explicitly to go after the Germans, if they’d been applied equally, the Americans and Brits would have faced some pretty severe penalties themselves for massive war crimes (and Russians, not to forget..)

Aug 25, 2020 4:48 PM
Reply to  Dave Patterson

Quite correct.

Aug 25, 2020 7:54 PM
Reply to  Dave Patterson

When inspired by new comments, I recycle old comments from my chaotic Notepad archives. Here’s one:

I can’t resist a cynical remark about Nuremberg: despite the official narrative, boosted by high rhetorical hype (including “serious” blockbuster movies), in reality the moral of the story was “Every one on the losing side is responsible for their own actions.”

At least that’s my sense of how the Western, fka “Allied”, governments and armed forces interpreted it, from the top to the bottom of the chain of command.

The Nuremberg Principles didn’t seem to restrain the winners from blithely committing war crimes and atrocities afterwards, e.g. No Gun Ri in Korea, My Lai in Vietnam, and (literally) countless others.

Dave Patterson
Dave Patterson
Aug 25, 2020 9:24 AM
Reply to  Bohdi

no, but apparently you have been watching too much MSM rubbish, esp CNN, and other TDS WE HATES HIM FOREVER!!!!! fake news places – that stuff turns a brain to mush pretty quickly

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Aug 25, 2020 1:37 PM
Reply to  Dave Patterson

Mind you, and to the point of your original comment Dave, I’m about to OD on popcorn here following all the plot twists and outright contortions in the Mike Flynn ‘trial’…

…- *Gripping* stuff – Perry Mason ain’t got shit on Drama of this calibre!…

…Can’t wait for Durham to drop his load…

(*Grabs *Moar* popcorn*…)

Dave Patterson
Dave Patterson
Aug 25, 2020 2:03 PM
Reply to  Sgt Oddball

we just need to hope he doesn’t develop a sudden and severe constipation …. a whole gang of Obama people should have been disgraced and in jail long ago, there are obviously serious powers ‘behind the scenes’ making a very good effort at keeping as much of this outrageous scandal buried as possible … I’m kind of on the edge of my seat myself – Trump should win the upcoming election in a landslide – but there’s a lot of very corrupt people doing all they can to stop him – and obviously the dems and media are laying the groundwork for a very loud and vigorous protest when he does win, even though THEY have been doing all the bad stuff

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Aug 25, 2020 3:59 PM
Reply to  Dave Patterson

Agreed, *totally*…

Trump should win the upcoming election in a landslide

…- If he does, and I reckon it’s pretty darned likely, you’ll see America turn into something that’ll make Bedlam look like the picture of sane Quaker sobriety, lickety-split…

…- Strap-in, folks!…


Aug 25, 2020 2:34 PM
Reply to  Dave Patterson

I watch/ go to exactly zero American publications / websites, i admit i used to go to counterpunch but they became so insipid with all this Covid horseshit ….but i can not stomach going there anymore.

|Ok wait, i confess i occasionally go to antiwar. co m and sometimes mintpress.

Listen, the Nuremberg trials clearly stated that you can’t use “just following orders’ as a defense for war crimes.
Surely the buck stops with TRUMP? Who can i point a finger at? Which yank will take responsibility for all these war crimes? Who will stand trial for these war crimes? All these nameless, faceless (muzzled!?) CEO’s of the war machine?

Its pathetic, the systemic destruction of international law by Yankland.

Someone must take responsibility.

I have to blame Drumph.

I must say your assessment of Obama, the war criminal, is quite correct. I know you desperately want to believe that somehow Drumph will give America a moral spine again. But in the mean time, 4 years and counting, American drones continue to murder, American bombs continue to fall on sovereign nations.
He just gave some yank oil firm rights to Syrian oil for 25 years i believe.

Drumph took on the responsibility as the chief. He has done nothing to stop the murderous American way. Look at what he has done to Palestine.

I am under no illusions that Biden will be any better, in fact it makes exactly Zero difference which party is in power. The vicious, selfish yank foreign policy continues in exactly the same way.

Be honest with yourself.

Dave Patterson
Dave Patterson
Aug 25, 2020 3:17 PM
Reply to  Bohdi

I’m curious – so if you go to exactly zero American websites/publications – where are you getting your info? I hope to god you’re not going to say the Guardian and BBC ….. Who can you point a finger at?? Well, the short answer is the American deep state, which in turn is controlled by the international banking cartel / capitalists, the dominant group being the American capitalists at this time, of course – a very, very powerful gang whom Trump is challenging, and who took one of their prized possessions away, the office of the US President, which, for approx the last 60 years since they killed Kennedy, has been held by their puppets. That Trump has not been able to completely stop their ongoing atrocities in the last 4 years is hardly surprising, esp given their ongoing attempts to having him removed from his elected office which he has had to spend a lot of time fighting, but he has been making progress, as you will admit if you are honest. It’s not that I ‘want to believe’ Trump will give America a moral spine, I had pretty much completely given up on American politics (or any politics for that matter, all controlled by the capitalist hegemony), but when he started his run for president, and said one of the truest things any major American politician has ever said when he started calling out the fake news media, I started to get interested, and then when the entire American establishment decided he had to be taken out, it started to look real – and it still does. You are the one, I think, who needs to rework your definitions, and do a bit of honest research and quit letting the anti-Trump media dictate your opinion of him –… Read more »

Dave Patterson
Dave Patterson
Aug 25, 2020 4:12 PM
Reply to  Dave Patterson

-and I wanted to add, but missed the editing deadline, that since Trump got elected, he has been surrounded almost entirely by deep state apparatchniks who have been doing all they can to stop him and betray him, so he has had to spend a lot of time just draining the swamp creatures from his own office, which he has been slowly doing … but that he has not solved the problems the deep state created over the last 50 years in a few short years surrounded by people trying to stop him is not surprising – but now he is on his feet, with a lot of people he can trust, who are also unhappy with the corruption that has run Washington for decades helping him – if he wins the election, the real fight can begin …

Aug 25, 2020 4:12 PM
Reply to  Dave Patterson

Thanks for the answer, all this american news just filters through everywhere, even here in South Africa. I certainly never go to the BBC or the Guardian! (i used to but forgive me for i knew not what i did) , i sometimes go to the independent (HA!) but not for politricks, mostly for news on music / bands etc. but many times I skim all the way through and never click on an article. Unfortunately i pick up the mind pollution from the headlines.

Yes i admit that i had hope for Trump, he often says the right thing or i like what he says but then i watch what he does and get bitterly disappointed, he seems to be just another “yes we can” nonsense sound bite man.

I will certainly not watch fox news man, sorry, i just can’t waste my life like that. Its false hope, Biden (:D) time, allowing these bastards to carry on bombing, while giving you hope that eventually things will change for the better, but it never seems to….

It may seem like my vitriol against america is against the american people, but many of my favorite musicians, poets, artists etc are american.

I admire your belief that Trump is doing something positive and pushing against the system, perhaps i have lost hope. I really admire Robert Kennedy jnr. He seems a really good man.

Actions speak louder than words.

I leave you with this then:


Dave Patterson
Dave Patterson
Aug 25, 2020 5:16 PM
Reply to  Bohdi

too bad we couldn’t sit down somewhere and have some beers together, I think we could have a good talk, I used to feel the same about Fox, I **knew** it was just a bunch of right wing crazies and I’d just be wasting my time – but I also knew the mainstream media were lying all the time, so there wasn’t much useful out there – but then when the entire MSM starting screaming about how I HAD to HATE TRUMP!!!!!!!! like all the ‘good people’ did – I decided to have a look at Fox to see if I could get another perspective on him, and found I’d been very wrong about them – with a few exceptions, there are a LOT of very, very good people on Fox, smart, moderate, well spoken, very much non-crazies – I find the people on CNN and the other mainstream places pretty abhorrent, my skin kind of crawls and I can’t tolerate them long, but many people on Fox I’d be quite happy to sit down and have a talk with. You should not tune things out without trying them first, if you are truly interested in trying to understand this crazy world. You may be needed at some time, and you should be ready. If you watch a bit of Fox and retain your dislike, fine, you can justify it – but you shouldn’t let other people make up your mind for you.
One hippy to another – don’t give up.

Aug 25, 2020 8:01 PM
Reply to  Dave Patterson

I still can’t immerse myself in uncut, full-strength FOX News, but I think we’re having a similar “journey”.

Earlier this year, I was taken aback, and even wondered whether I’d become delirious with the Megadeath Virus of Doom, when I noticed that all of a sudden, Tucker Carlson didn’t come across as a consistently unregenerate, supercilious wingnut dweeb any more.

Aug 25, 2020 3:11 PM
Reply to  Bohdi

You should decide if you oppose all hate, violence and war, or only when it’s by Americans.BTW, what evidence do you have that Soleimani was an angel of peace rather than a mass-murdering arch-terrorist? Do you also see ISIS as disciples of peace, or perhaps noble freedom fighters? Even when they crucify or behead kids because they aren’t Christian?

Aug 25, 2020 3:33 PM

Do you mean by Americans themselves? or through American stooges like ISIS and al Qaeda?

Aug 25, 2020 4:31 PM

In an idealistic world i am a peacenik hippy, unfortunately as i get older realpolitik i find to be more appropriate.

I refer you to Article 51 of the UN charter.
“Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defence if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations, until the Security Council has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace and security. Measures taken by Members in the exercise of this right of self-defence shall be immediately reported to the Security Council and shall not in any way affect the authority and responsibility of the Security Council under the present Charter to take at any time such action as it deems necessary in order to maintain or restore international peace and security.”

not sure if the greyzone is american but i do also go there sometimes:


BTW ISIS is a proxy for the yanks, (or at a minimum useful idiots that the yanks use to justify their war crimes in Sovereign nations.) do some research man. Don’t believe the hype.

Just like al Qaida was before.

Aug 25, 2020 3:10 PM
Reply to  Dave Patterson

Fox has fallen; the Murdoch sons are globalists who hate Trump, like all the rest. Just a few Trump supporters there now (Tucker Carlson). Try OANN for news without the leftist bias

Dave Patterson
Dave Patterson
Aug 25, 2020 3:30 PM

tis not true, Fox has its share of never-Trumpers, but it is still mostly Trump supporting – look at the current coverage of the Republican convention, very, very positive for Trump, so many good speakers supporting him, and they have many interviews with him – Hannity and Laura Ingraham are strong supporters as well as Carlson, and they have many strong supporters on their shows – Chris Wallace is a joke of course, and others, but the balance is still Trump strong I think

Aug 25, 2020 11:11 PM
Reply to  Dave Patterson

There has to be a large element of desperation in all this.
Come November, the Orange Faggot may well succeed in doing an action replay of 2016, despite his own best efforts, given the corrupt senile Bag Of Bugger All they’ve dug up to oppose him.
In which case, all the Spooks and Dirty Cops, the Haydens, Clappers, Comeys, Pages, Strzoks, could be looking at some serious jail time.

It would almost be worth seeing the World’s No. 1 Shabbos reelected for the comic value alone, just to see the Mega Meltdowns on CNN and MSNBC.

Aug 25, 2020 5:10 AM

These former security officials, who include former Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage and former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency and National Security Agency Gen. Michael Hayden, see Joe Biden as the better horse. He has “the character, experience and temperament to lead this nation.”

Just to be clear they are talking about this guy.



These guys have watched Weekend at Bernies way too many times.

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Aug 25, 2020 1:46 PM
Reply to  Rando

…Remember: Alzheimers is *No Laughing Matter*, kids…

…- If the poor sod *actually* makes it to the White House, I’m betting one night at the end of January, Secret Service find him wandering Pennsylvania Avenue at 3am, mumbling to himself, in a Depends and his dressing-gown… – Then they drop the 25th on his po’ ass and it’s “Hello President Harris”…

Aug 25, 2020 3:18 PM
Reply to  Rando

Biden is their senile puppet; Trump is their nemesis. Leftists supporting Biden against Trump are the biggest, most useful dupes imaginable.

Germs Bond
Germs Bond
Aug 25, 2020 4:56 AM

Fodder for an argument for a Deep State pantomime, more like. The intention is maybe to void or cancel the election and elections in general. None of it should be taken seriously.

Dave Patterson
Dave Patterson
Aug 25, 2020 11:20 AM
Reply to  Germs Bond

I think just the reverse, I think this is very serious, either Big Brother wins forever, or Trump and the growing number of honest people around him manages to push them back for another few years.

Aug 25, 2020 3:19 PM
Reply to  Dave Patterson

There are younger Trumps. What’s more, the swamp will never be invisible again.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Aug 25, 2020 4:23 AM

Orange Hair Bozo is a clown no doubt about it. However, those mass murdering war criminal scum are as bad if not worse than the NAZIS. The sooner they have left the planet the better off humanity will be.

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
Aug 25, 2020 11:10 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

The sooner the better! Unfortunately they’re not queueing up for the privilege. In fact they are eager for that fate to be ours. Empires have never been well known for their gentleness and sensitivity. It’s the law of the wolf pack. The strongest, most cunning and ruthless leads the pack and they get to eat well and enjoy good health. Politics is a blood sport and to expect them to behave like apprentice angels is rather optimistic let alone disengenuous. Trump is Elvis, not some effete indie rocker, he’s in the Big Time,after the big crowds, the big money,the big hits and that’s what people want,like it or not.

Aug 25, 2020 3:35 PM
Reply to  Nixon Scraypes

Is everyone only motivated by lust for power, fame and fortune? Are you? Please note: Trump had all that but gave up the perfect life to run for the presidency. Now he is the world’s most hated leader and in constant risk of losing his life, and those of his family too. He has also lost a reported 3bn of his personal 8bn fortune in 4 years, yet continues to donate his entire presidential salary to good causes each quarter. Compare to Obama, who often complained about those with too much wealth, but who became a multimillionaire thanks to his privileged position, and has just bought his 6th or 7th mansion. In fact, you should try naming any other national leader who didn’t get rich off his position and his people, as Trump has done. You could also name one who actually delivered what he promised to the voters, as Trump has been doing, despite a hostile Congress and endless plots to bring him down. At the very least, couldn’t you back up your hateful accusations with reasons and evidence? Otherwise, you risk looking like just another leftist being played as a useful agent of hate and slander. The Global elites are very happy with you guys.

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
Aug 25, 2020 4:15 PM

I wasn’t implying anything of the sort. I’m sure he’s doing the best he can in a very dirty world.

Aug 28, 2020 4:33 AM

Tweedledum and Tweedledummer.
Two cheeks of the same arse.
Trained Monkey A and Trained Monkey B.
But the Organ Grinder stays the same.

Aug 25, 2020 5:04 PM
Reply to  Nixon Scraypes

All made possible by orchestrated scarcity. It is known there is enough to feed, clothe and house every person on earth. But if that happened, who would need strong bloodthirsty leaders to try and get what the guy over there has?

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
Aug 26, 2020 12:19 AM
Reply to  Howard

Just like money,make it easy, make it scarce, a license to print it,you can buy up the world.