HBO’s ‘Welcome to Chechnya’ is latest anti-Russian Cold War propaganda

Max Parry

In 2017, explosive allegations first emerged that the authorities of the Chechen Republic were reportedly interning gay men in concentration camps. After a three year period of dormancy, the accusations have resurfaced in a new feature-length documentary by HBO Films entitled Welcome to Chechnya.

Shot between mid-2017 and early last year, the film has received widespread acclaim among Western media and film critics. Shortly after its release last month, the Trump administration and US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced an increase in economic sanctions and imposed travel restrictions against Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov and his family, citing the putative human rights abuses in the southern Russian republic covered in the film.

Most of the boilerplate reviews of Welcome to Chechnya have heaped particular praise upon the documentary’s novelty use of ‘deepfake’ technology to hide the identities of alleged victims in the cinematic investigation. Yet at the closing of the film, one subject who previously appears with his likeness concealed by AI reveals himself at a news conference without the disguise — rendering the prior use of synthetic media fruitless.

Maxim Lapunov, who is not even ethnically Chechen but a Russian native of Siberia, is still the only individual to have gone public with the charges. Despite the obvious credibility and authenticity questions regarding the use of such controversial technology, it has not prevented critics from lauding it unquestioningly.

Unfortunately, even some in alternative media have been regurgitating the film’s propaganda such as The Intercept, a slick online news publication owned by billionaire eBay founder Pierre Omidyar whose financial ties to the national security state and U.S. soft power institutions conflict with the outlet’s purported mission.

Notably, The Intercept’s glowing review of Welcome to Chechnya was written by Mehdi Hasan, a journalist who also works for Al-Jazeera, a news agency owned by the ruling emirs of Qatar, a theocratic dictatorship where homosexuality is actually illegal.

The documentarians follow the work of a purported network of activists who evacuate individuals like Lapunov out of the Caucasian republic. This is the film’s primary source of drama, despite their encountering seemingly no difficulty from the local authorities in doing so.

We are then subjected to random cell phone clips of apparent hate crimes and human rights abuses going on, but at no point does the film crew even visit the Argun prison where the anti-gay pogroms are alleged to have taken place.

In 2017, the imperial hipsters at Vice news were given unrestricted access to the facility where nothing was found and the warden adamantly denied the allegations — but not without expressing his own disapproval of homosexuality which was assumed by his interrogators to be evidence of the detentions having occurred.

In the HBO documentary, a similar hatchet job is done to Ramzan Kadyrov, whose uncomfortable denial of the existence of homosexuality in the deeply conservative and predominantly Muslim republic is implied to be proof that the purges must be happening.

One may recall this same sort of smear tactic was previously done to former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. However, Kadyrov and the warden’s predictable responses to the subject serve only as confirmation bias, not confirmation.

The selective outrage in response to the alleged purges, like all things Russia-related, is highly politicized. Western viewers would have no idea that of the 74 countries worldwide where homosexuality is still criminalized, Russia isn’t among them.

In more than a dozen of those nations, same-sex activity is punishable by death, a few of which happen to be close strategic allies of the United States, including Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

As recently as 2017, the US was one of 13 countries to vote against a United Nations Human Rights Council resolution condemning countries with capital punishment for same-sex relations to avoid falling-out with those allies, most of which have legal systems established on their respective interpretations of Sharia law.

While the local authorities of the Muslim-majority Chechen Republic have been allowed to introduce some elements of the fundamentalist religious code by the Russian government such as the banning of alcohol and gambling and requiring the wearing of hijab by women, as a federal subject it is still ultimately beholden to Russia’s secular constitution.

In fact, it was Kadyrov’s predecessor, Alu Alkhanov, who hoped to govern Chechnya with Sharia law, not the current administration. Credulous audiences would have no clue that Kadyrov actually represents the more moderate wing of Chechen politics because there is absolutely no history or context provided, a deliberately misleading choice on the part of the filmmakers.

The absence of any historical background deceptively suggests that the anti-gay sentiment in the mostly Muslim North Caucasus is somehow an extension of the homophobia in Russia itself, despite the autonomous differences in religion, culture, and society.

In the last decade, the weaponization of identity politics has been central to Washington’s ongoing demonization of Russia and its President, Vladimir Putin, with the issue of LGBT rights particularly given significant attention. While homosexuality is decriminalized, there is admittedly no legal prohibition of discrimination against the LGBT community in Russia.

In particular, human rights groups have condemned the notorious federal law passed in 2013 known as the ‘gay propaganda law’ that forbids the distribution of information promoting “non-traditional sexual relations” to minors, which entails the banning of gay pride parades and other LGBT rights demonstrations.

However, the measure enjoys widespread support among the Russian people whose social conservatism has been resuscitated by the Orthodox Church since the breakup of the Soviet Union. It is rather ironic and hypocritical that the West has since taken issue with this turn, considering it facilitated that political transformation.

In reality, the reason for the relentless vilification of Putin has absolutely nothing to to do with the exaggerated plight of gays in Russia and a lot more to do with the reversal of policies under his predecessor, Boris Yeltsin.

In the nineties, the mass privatization of the former state-owned enterprises during Russia’s conversion to capitalism resulted in the instant impoverishment of millions and the rapid rise of the notorious ‘oligarchs’ which the West characterized at the time as progression towards democracy.

In the loans-for-shares scheme, a new ruling class of bankers and industrialists accumulated enormous wealth overnight and by the middle of the decade, owned or controlled much of the country’s media outlets. The oligarchs held enormous power and influence over the deeply unpopular Yeltsin, who would surely have lost reelection in 1996 without their backing and the assistance of Western meddling in the form of massive loans from the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

While economic disparity and corruption persists today, overall the Russian economy has been rebuilt after its energy assets were re-nationalized and brought back under state control by the Putin administration, resulting in improved living standards and income levels for the last two decades.

By the same measure, the Russian people can hardly be blamed for associating homosexuality with the unbridled neoliberalism, vulture capitalism and draconian austerity imposed on their country by Western capital.

It is also truly paradoxical that the notion of “Russian oligarchs” has become synonymous with Putin in the minds of Westerners when many of the most obscenely wealthy oligarchs of the Yeltsin era now live in exile as his most ardent political opponents after they faced prosecution for their financial crimes.

Not coincidentally, the initial reports of the ‘gay gulags’ in Chechnya were published in Novaya Gazeta, an anti-Putin newspaper partly owned by former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev, the very man who ushered in the economic liberalization which auctioned off the state assets to oligarchs like co-owner Alexander Lebedev.

Gorbachev’s reforms, particularly that of perestroika (“restructuring”), also had destructive consequences for the national question and ethno-regional interests.

Lenin had famously called the Russian Empire a “prison house of nations”, in reference to its heterogeneous range of nationalities and ethnic groups. The dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 especially re-agitated ethno-national conflicts in the Caucasus, a region that had enjoyed several decades of relative harmony and stability under socialism with rights and representation that did not exist in pre-revolutionary Russia.

While Azerbaijan and Georgia were granted independence, Chechnya and many other municipalities remained under federal control of the Russian Federation, as sovereignty did not constitutionally apply because it had never been an independent state. Not to mention, its oil and gas reserves are essential to Russia’s very economic survival.

The jihadism which plagued the Caucasus was an outgrowth of the US-backed ‘holy war’ in Afghanistan in the 1980s, the brainchild of Zbigniew Brzezinski, National Security Advisor in the Jimmy Carter administration. It was the Polish-born Brzezinski who not only authored the geostrategy of arming the mujahideen against the Soviets but the efforts to turn Russia’s own large Muslim minority community against them.

This was mostly unsuccessful as the majority of its 20 million Muslims (10% of the population) are harmoniously integrated into Russian society, but the Atlanticists did fan the flames of a militant secessionist movement in Chechnya that erupted in a violent insurgency and became increasingly Islamist as the conflict dragged on.

For Washington, the hope was that the West could gain access to Caspian oil by encouraging the al-Qaeda-linked separatists rebranded as “rebels” vulnerable to its domination in the energy-rich region.

The collapse of the USSR already escalated hostilities between the intermingling ethnic communities of the region, but the antagonisms were intensified by CIA soft power cutouts like the Jamestown Foundation fomenting the secessionist insurrection.

As the separatist movement grew increasingly Wahhabist thanks to US-ally Saudi Arabia, its more moderate nationalist faction led by Akhmad Kadyrov eventually defected back to the Russian side. The elder Kadyrov would pay the price when he was assassinated in a 2004 stadium bombing in Grozny during an annual Victory Day celebration, with his son becoming one of his successors.

The Kremlin’s support for the Kadyrovs should be understood as a compromise which prevented the more radical Islamists from taking power, which apparently Washington would be happier with running the North Caucasus.

What a human rights utopia Chechnya would be as a breakaway Islamic state, under the salafists which during the Chechen wars committed unspeakable acts of terrorism including the taking of hospital patients, theater goers, and even hundreds of schoolchildren as hostages.

One can be certain that if there aren’t anti-gay pogroms going on in Chechnya now, there definitely would be without the likes of Kadyrov in power.

In the documentary, what the Chechen leader does implicitly acknowledge may be occurring are individual honor killings within families and clans, a social problem common in other Muslim countries such as Pakistan, and certainly not a human rights issue particular to Chechnya. Many instances of honor killings in the Muslim world have included homosexuality as a motive for the extrajudicial killings by relatives of victims believed to have betrayed the family honor.

On the other hand, Kadyrov himself has overseen the establishment of unprecedented reconciliation commissions to address the issue of honor culture, blood feuds and vendetta codes of Caucasian tribes. Kadyrov’s promotion of reconciliation has made significant progress in reducing such killings which were rampant during the Chechen Wars as family members would often seek to avenge the deaths of loved ones.

Now that the region is in a period of relative stability, peace and economic recovery, with the once devastated city of Grozny now known as the ‘Dubai of the North Caucasus’, the West is suddenly feigning concern over human rights.

The swift end brought to the conflict by Putin was another reason for his becoming a target of Washington who had been counting on the balkanization of southern Russia.

In a pinnacle of imperial projection, the explanation for Putin’s rise to power has since been revised by the Atlanticists to his having somehow secretly masterminded the 1999 Moscow apartment bombings while director of the Federal Security Service (FSB, the KGB’s successor), as if the neocons hope to deflect all of the longstanding rumors about the Bush administration and the 9/11 attacks onto the Kremlin.

Except this Machiavellian conspiracy would be a lot more believable if the Chechen wars had not been going on since the early nineties, with much worse terrorist attacks already having been committed by the separatists, such as the taking of thousands of hospital patients as hostages in southern Russia.

Since the end of the Chechen Wars, on the flip side the US has also backed Russian opposition figure and Putin critic Alexei Navalny, a right-wing Islamophobe who has pledged to secede the North Caucasus while comparing its Muslim inhabitants to cockroaches.

Despite his anti-immigrant rhetoric and minuscule 2% support among Russians, Navalny has been depicted as a “pro-democracy” and “anti-corruption” campaigner in Western media, who have been crying foul over his recent suspected poisoning in Russia and ensuing comatose airlift to Germany.

If only the naive American liberals who read The New York Times and The Washington Post had any idea that Mr. Navalny has far more in common with the dreaded Mr. Trump than Putin does.

Meanwhile, the US has already experienced blowback for its nurturing of terrorism in the Caucasus in the form of the Boston Marathon bombings, which recently returned to the news when convicted Chechen-American perpetrator Dzokhar Tsarnaev’s death sentence was vacated on appeal last month.

In the aftermath of the April 2013 attacks, it was revealed that Tsarnaev’s deceased older brother and co-conspirator Tamerlan Tsarnaev had been radicalized attending seminars financed by the Jamestown Foundation while traveling abroad in Tblisi, Georgia, and the brothers’ uncle Ruslan Tsarni had previously been married to the daughter of high-ranking US intelligence officer Graham Fuller, Brzezinski’s CIA station chief in Kabul, Afghanistan, during the Afghan-Soviet war.

It also came to light that ‘Uncle Ruslan’ had previously worked for the CIA-linked United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and established a company called the Congress for Chechen International Organizations which funded Islamic militants in the Caucasus.

Despite the astounding ‘coincidences’ surrounding the Tsarnaev clan, Uncle Ruslan was never considered a person of interest by the FBI, who had ignored warnings by the Russian FSB of Tamerlan Tsarnaev’s extremism prior to the attacks.

Two years before Putin’s election, Zbigniew Brzezinski, the prime mover of the West‘s plan to dominate the globe by using Islam to bring down the USSR in delivering the Soviet equivalent of the Vietnam War, wrote in The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives (1997):

…The last decade of the twentieth century has witnessed a tectonic shift in world affairs. For the first time ever, a non-Eurasian power has emerged not only as a key arbiter of Eurasian power relations but also as the world’s paramount power. The defeat and collapse of the Soviet Union was the final step in the rapid ascendance of a Western Hemisphere power, the United States, as the sole and, indeed, the first truly global power.”

Those words were written before the return of both Russia and China on the world stage, developments that have thrown a monkey wrench into Washington’s plans which the Russophobic Warsaw-native did not anticipate in his blueprint for Western hegemony.

When the US-backed headchoppers in the Syrian war nearly had control of Damascus, just a thousand miles or so from Sochi, the threat of jihadism returning to the Caucasus became very real.

Beginning at the Munich Conference in 2007, Putin had begun to criticize the monopolistic expansion of NATO on Russia’s borders — but after the subsequent overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi where Moscow witnessed Libya transformed into a hotbed of terrorism like post-Saddam Iraq, the prospect of the same happening in Syria was an existential threat that could not be tolerated.

In mainstream media, reality has been inverted where Moscow’s self-defense has been portrayed as expansionism, even though the so-called “annexation” of Crimea was virtually nonviolent compared to the Nazi junta initiated by Washington in Ukraine and the Russian-speaking people of Donetsk and Luhansk who voted to join Russia did not wish to end up like those massacred in Odessa. Besides, is the US not currently annexing northeast Syria?

The Crimean parliament and Syrian government invited Moscow, while the same cannot be said for the US presence in violation of international law.

Those with no respect for the sovereignty of nations in Washington would prefer Americans to see Russia as an adversary. During the Cold War, the threat was communism, but with capitalism restored in Eastern Europe, it became necessary to manipulate liberals into perceiving Russia as a ultra-conservative regime.

They must also keep Americans from knowing the true history of US-Russia relations — that Russia was the first nation to recognize American independence when Catherine the Great’s neutrality during the Revolutionary War indirectly aided the Thirteen Colonies in their victory against the Loyalists and Great Britain.

During the War of Independence, the Russian Empress had maintained relations with the U.S. and rebuffed British requests for military assistance. The Russian Empire also later helped secure the Union victory during the Civil War, with an Imperial Navy fleet off the shores of the Pacific preventing the Confederates from landing troops on the west coast and deterring intervention by the British and the French.

Then as Allies in WWII, while the U.S. was victorious in the Pacific, it was the Soviets who truly won the war in Europe, a feat the Anglo-Americans are still trying to take credit for to this day.

Unfortunately, despite his promising rhetorical embrace of détente with Moscow that has made him the subject of political persecution, Donald Trump has proven to be every bit as hostile toward Russia as his forerunners. With the latest actions taken by his state department regarding Chechnya that are right out of the Brzezinski playbook, the idiom that “the more things change, the more they stay the same” certainly applies to Washington and US-Russia relations.

Max Parry is an independent journalist and geopolitical analyst. His writing has appeared widely in alternative media. Max may be reached at [email protected]


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Sep 4, 2020 5:20 PM

Yawn. Self-important homophobic drivel. The fact that US policies are known to be imperialist does not change the fact that human rights violations against queer people continue unabated throughout the region. This whole piece lacks nuance. It engages in the same kind of simplistic unintelligent thinking that it accuses the documentary of promoting. You can criticize the US and the documentary on legitimate grounds while also acknowledging and condemning violence against queer people.

Fish & Chips
Fish & Chips
Aug 30, 2020 9:05 PM

Nothing surprises me about this unfortunately. The US and its allies are on the warpath to break apart Russia into its constituent 6-7 regions, and control each one.

The prize is the seizing of over $100 trillion of natural resources, that’s excluding what’s under the Arctic Shelf.

There’s no peace to be negotiated with these warmongers, it’s either surrender or fight against them. We live in exceedingly dangerous times.

Aug 31, 2020 7:22 PM
Reply to  Fish & Chips

Biden is parroting all the BS about Russians putting bounties on US troops.
The truth is whatever suits your convenience from one moment to the next.
Like us living under the Rule of Law and an independent judiciary.
Like Putin being an evil cartoon villain who controls and rigs every election in the world.
Like Corbyn being a terrorist, a communist spy and anti semite.
Like China putting 50 million Uighurs into concentration camps and turning them into soap and lamp shades.
Like COVID being literally worse than the Black Death, unless we can all get vaccinated and microchipped by Bill Gates.
Like there are only 12/11/10/5/3 years left to save the planet, as Little Greta has explained to us.
Like…..whatever you want.
Just invent your own reality.
Whatever floats your boat.
That’s the way the world works now.

Jack Cooper
Jack Cooper
Aug 30, 2020 3:27 PM

Another big piece of propaganda that is Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War. Is it just a coincidence that at a time like this they are making games where Americans are shooting up Russians in highly destructive battles?

Voxi Pop
Voxi Pop
Aug 30, 2020 2:40 AM

https://worldchangebrief.webnode.comINVESTIGATION: Seattle/Portland Terrorism Part of Planned US Coup Attempt With “Protesters” Trained In Syria / “Peaceful Protesters” Attempt Cementing Officers Into Fiery Grave
WORLD CHANGE ROULETTE – Govt Flux In Japan. Canada.NKorea. Mali.Lebanon. Belarus.Israel. EGuinea and More/ World Political Risk Map
BREAKING: Top US general tells Congress the military won’t play a role in the 2020 election

Jihadi Colin
Jihadi Colin
Aug 30, 2020 2:24 AM

The history of Chechnya depicted here is a little superficial. You can’t really talk of Chechnya and act as though its attempt at secession came out of the blue; the Chechens have resisted Russian power since the 19th century, and during WWII Chechen collaboration with the Nazis made Stalin deport them all to Central Asia. So a Chechen insurgency was always a possibility. However, the Chechens had also been integrated into the Russian Empire’s military and then the Soviet armed forces: the first self declared leader of Chechnya, Dzhokhar Dudayev, had been an air force bomber commander posted in Estonia. This meant that the Chechens also had military training and access to weapons; the CIA didn’t have to take the trouble of providing them. It was in any case Boris Yeltsin and Mikhail Gorbachev (and I will never understand why Gorbachev has still not been arrested and tried for treason) who lay the powder train that led to secession. As for Akhmad Kadyrov; he wasn’t a “moderate”. In 1995 he was the (Sufi) Grand Mufti of Chechnya and declared jihad against Russia. However, during the de facto independence of Chechnya from 1996-99, he swiftly found himself marginalised by Wahhabi imports like the Saudi Barbarian terrorist ibn Khattab and his converts (too many to mention, but Shamil Basayev is the most infamous of them). By 1999 Kadyrov, utterly disillusioned, was more than ready to change sides. The deal was sweetened by being promised the post war dynastic presidency of Chechnya. Another warlord who was the former mayor of Grozny and who also fought on the Russian side was Beslan Gantamirov, whose militia actually formed the spearhead of the Russian advance into Grozny. And about Ramzan Kadyrov: westernaganda can’t forgive him from turning Grozny from “the most destroyed city on earth” in… Read more »

Aug 30, 2020 1:08 AM

The bitter UK and USA behave like a woman scorned by Russia. What happened to start this hatred between the thugs in London/Washington and the thugs in Moscow? Wouldn’t it be better if these thugs just topped each other and left the rest of us alone?

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Aug 30, 2020 12:03 AM

LITTLE DID HE KNOW We now know Francis Fukuyama’s notion about the “end of history” after the dissolution of the Soviet Union was pure bullshit. Misguided Fukuyama believed the ascendant Western liberal democracy occurring once the Soviet Union was dissolved would be: “the end-point of mankind’s ideological evolution and the universalization of Western liberal democracy as the final form of human government.”  Little did he know dimwit Bush and psychopath Cheney would invade Afghanistan and Iraq just a decade later and squander whatever chance there was to create a planet which would not be in a permanent state of siege.   The tenacious cockiness of PNAC neoconservatives is just stunning. This disgusting bunch is backing Biden to the hilt, and currently their tentacles are firmly fixed in Trump’s administration in the form of Pompeo et al.   https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2020/08/22/pers-a22.html Ironically, if the US avoided the last two decades of “lost cause” wars the Old World Order would not be in such a mess. However, rapacious sociopaths can’t be denied their chance at unilateral hegemony, even if it leads to their ultimate demise.  The contradictions are endless, however, it doesn’t stop the same old tiresome sectarian tactics from being used to balkanize nation-states. The mainstream media news sells wars by proliferating horror stories to justify humanitarian interventions. Somehow they want ignorant liberals to believe bombs, drones, bullets, or economic sanctions are humanitarian–Orwell would be proud. In the case of Russia, it’s been nonstop security state concoctions.  Everytime the Orangeman sought some kind of rapprochement the Democrats and their pitbulls on CNN or MSNBC accused the buffoon of being a Russian Agent. The internecine battle going on for the last four years between Trump and factions of the security state has been something to behold. They lost Russiagate and Ukraine-Gate was a flop when they thought it could expose Biden and his son as profiting from the death… Read more »

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
Aug 29, 2020 11:51 PM

I only read the beginning of this very lengthy piece before I had to put my oar in! It sounds like the movie is a definite “guardian film of the year”. It made me think about how intelligence is not awareness. People who probably have very high IQs are often as thick as a brick when it comes to real world lying and deceit. An extremely erudite and loquatiously expressed opinion can be,well, full of shit ! I don’t mean the article, I agree with it as far as I read, just expressing my feelings about how people are deceived by stuff like this film. It’s late!

Aug 29, 2020 11:34 PM

The so called Gay Propaganda Law is virtually a carbon copy of Britain’s previous Clause 28, introduced by Thatcher to outlaw the indoctrination of children.

What happens if you fall foul of this law?
Are you shot at dawn by the KGB, or exiled to the icy wastes of Siberia?

Not quite. It carries a maximum $50 fine.
A little bit weedy for an evil cartoon villain dictator like Putin.

By contrast, gays face the death penalty in Bonesaw Bin Salman’s Shady Wahabia, or 5 years in Qatar, with its Russia bashing mouthpiece Al Jazeera.
And they’re both our best mates.
Bonesaw chairs the UN Human Rights and Women’s Rights Committees, thanks to British support.
Amazing what some juicy fat oil deals and juicy fat arms contracts will do.

David G Horsman
David G Horsman
Aug 30, 2020 11:00 AM
Reply to  paul

All this over a $50 fine? Vs life in prison for breaking windows in a riot in the US? That’s suspicious isn’t it?

Aug 30, 2020 7:13 PM

Yep, a whopping 50 bucks.

Aug 29, 2020 8:30 PM

Extremely informative article….This “Russia Did It” rot begun by Hillary Clinton’s anger at losing the 2016 election is indeed abominable….But I take issue with the statement that “The Russian people can hardly be blamed for associating homo-sexuality with unbridled Neo-liberalism, vulture capitalism”, etc….Sorry, there is no excuse at all for hating Gays whether by Russians or anybody else.

Aug 29, 2020 7:45 PM

But the story doesn’t mention how Ramzan flew his stallions into Moscow for a race night at the Gipodrom. That had a certain latter day Romanesque dash to it.

comment image

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
Aug 29, 2020 11:52 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Top style

Peter Jennings
Peter Jennings
Aug 29, 2020 6:02 PM

USadmins will always hate President Putin. It was he and his admin who stopped the rot in Russia.

US neocons were hoping that after the USSR disintegrated it would descend into civil war. A civil war which they would direct via ISIS wannabes.

The warmongers in the west have shot their bolt with Kadyrov when they assassinated his father. Balls must run in the family.

Aug 29, 2020 5:46 PM

The article ignores Trump’s great efforts to end the criminalisation of homosexuality around the world, perhaps because of the author’s painfully obvious anti-American bigotry (like a Guardianista on steroids). What’s more, despite deploring all the gay persecution and suffering in Chechnya, he fails to condemn or even investigate its very obvious cause: Islamic homophobia. But criticising that takes real courage, as we all know how Islamists may respond. By contrast, intoning ancient slurs against evil Brits and Americans never does. Leftists know very well they will suffer no repercussions legal or otherwise when they spit at the advanced, tolerant, western nations who created their freedoms and human rights. Perhaps they fear rejection and outrage by other leftists should they fail to criticise those whom leftists, Islamists and communists all know to be agents of Satan, the evil enemies of their chosen race.


Aug 29, 2020 8:08 PM

trump the perv who rapes women great example dr hunt

Voxi Pop
Voxi Pop
Aug 30, 2020 2:30 AM
Reply to  ame

this is just a baseless talking point without merit. NEXT

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 29, 2020 11:13 PM

Damn straight, Lefty Left! It’s America’s God given mission to end prejudice in all those backward countries by “liberating” the oppressed population by annihilating them!

Aug 30, 2020 1:25 AM

The left should be cheering on the homophobia in Muslim countries, it is after all what the majority in society want and in the leftist mind society comes first, the individual second. So being a homosexual is being like someone not prepared to wear a mask: an outcast.

Voxi Pop
Voxi Pop
Aug 30, 2020 2:31 AM

good that you spotlighted this – there are SO many initiatives the Trump White House have done that NEVER have gotten any attention because of the wailing CIA Media drowns out all talk of progress and accomplishment.

scott work-shy
scott work-shy
Aug 30, 2020 9:43 AM

(to the tune of “I fought the law” everyone)

When I left the left,

then the,

left won,

When I left the left,

then the,

left won…

Aug 29, 2020 2:44 PM

Weirdly enough today I had correspondence with someone who truly believes the Kremlin is the root of all evil, and I said to him “why have the anti gay stories the media loved to trot out a few years ago disappeared?” and then this appears

Aug 29, 2020 5:50 PM
Reply to  Koba

Note the religious identity of Chechnya’s ruling culture, compared to which Putin looks like a gay rights champion. This oppressive nation has also produced a number of very effective soldiers of Islam, AKA suicide bombers.

Aug 29, 2020 11:39 PM

Lavishly funded by CIA and Zionist Front Groups, as “Tommy Robinson” and Geert Wilders collect their lavish Zionist stipends.
Nothing like playing both ends against the middle.

Aug 29, 2020 1:23 PM

“Meanwhile, the US has already experienced blowback for its nurturing of terrorism in the Caucasus in the form of the Boston Marathon bombings..”

Blowback? Is that what the Boston bombing was?
I don’t think so. Not even close.
Blowback as a concept was launched into the public’s reality by the CIA as a way to deflect from their dirty activities.

It’s circular reasoning and it’s a very flawed argument- The topic was written on twice at my place

2014: The logical fallacy of “blowback” Intoxication with the blowback mind virusAnd again in 2016: Blowback: Begging the Question/Petitio Principii and Circular Reasoning
Circular reasoning is when you attempt to make an argument by beginning with an assumption that what you are trying to prove is already true, In your premise”

Why is is included in this authors piece?

Collectively we need to understand how much language and words that are used create our reality. Our beliefs.

Words create our reality and I find the use of the term “blow back” highly questionable. Suspicious. And misleading.

Aug 29, 2020 5:54 PM
Reply to  Penny

In the reality familiar to many, mass-murdering Islamists actually exist and were not in fact created by evil Uncle Sam. Yes, some Muslims really do say and believe in ‘death to the infidels’. You might consider how very strong, negative emotions like fear or hate prevent clear reasoning and fair judgement. Would that be your reality?

Aug 29, 2020 9:31 PM


I think you missed the point, entirely. The concept of blowback is a meme began by the CIA to obfuscate their dirty dealings. So, right off the bat it’s questionable.

Further more, when we think logically, we need to understand before someone claims “blowback” they have to provide EVIDENCE of that being the case.

In the case of the Boston Bombing there is sufficient, IMO, evidence to demonstrate that was a false flag operation. Including, but not limited to the presence and involvement of a known CIA agent. Not Just “Uncle Ruslan” but one Graham Fuller was also involved.

Unless Mr Parry can provide sufficient evidence to back the idea of “blowback” up he shouldn’t be making that claim. Because it’s equally possible and more likely to my mind that Boston bombing was an operation.

I wrote many a report on that incident at the time..
Here Or here: Wow! Chechens in Boston. Framing Russia? Not a surprise.
and so many others.
The intelligence agencies had sufficient footings in Chechnya and sufficient motivation to undertake this act in order to blame Russia.

Concluding: Unless Mr Parry provided proof of blowback- it should not be claimed to be blowback because it’s a logical fallacy- a flaw in reasoning known as circular reasoning .

As for “negative emotions” rhetoric- It’s seems that might be a problem you have?

Aug 29, 2020 11:43 PM

ISIS, Al Qaida, and an alphabet soup of head choppers and throat slitters, all proxies created, funded, paid, armed, trained, transported and orchestrated by their CIA/ Mossad/ MI6 handlers.
Useful idiots one and all, cannon fodder serving Washington and Zionist inbterests..

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
Aug 30, 2020 12:02 AM
Reply to  Penny

I may be misunderstanding but doesn’t blowback mean every action has an equal and opposite reaction? That’s generally accepted as a pretty accurate observation of how things tend to fall out.

Aug 30, 2020 1:28 PM
Reply to  Nixon Scraypes

“doesn’t blowback mean every action has an equal and opposite reaction?”

It could mean that? But, could does not mean it’s a given. It’s just a possibility.

Additionally we aren’t talking about Newtonian physics.

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Aug 29, 2020 12:44 PM

They do need to spread a lot of anti-Russia PROPAGANDA if they want the herd of moron slaves to believe in Them and do what They want!

Aug 29, 2020 2:46 PM
Reply to  Voz 0db

The herd outnumber us and genuinely believe Epstein kipped himself, that a deadly pandemic is killing everyone and that 9/11 was only 19 men in hijacked planes with no assistance whatsoever except for bin Ladens money.

Aug 29, 2020 6:04 PM
Reply to  Koba

How elite shepherds could know the countless minds and correct destinies of the inferior dumb sheep always mystified me, until I recalled the Prophet Karl’s infallible teachings concerning the ‘false consciousness’ of the working class herd. His enlightened disciples must guide the poor mindless masses out of the valley of darkness and the control of evil capitalist demons.

Aug 29, 2020 5:59 PM
Reply to  Voz 0db

I hear more hate for the slaves than for those enslaving them. Surely you don’t envy the elite’s masterful control over the herds of dumb morons and gammons?

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Sep 1, 2020 5:50 PM

It’s not hate… It’s just me stating a FACT!

Aug 29, 2020 12:40 PM

The sufferings of the Chechens was precisely due to the American arming of Wahhabist fanatics among those Chechens who were Muzzies.
Chechenya was sacrificed for American realpolitik. The Yanks have tried the same in Syria and the Ukraine and the Yemen.
The peoples mentioned all suffer all because the Yanks want to keep Sadist Barbaria on side.

Aug 29, 2020 6:19 PM
Reply to  Einstein

I heard that ‘Muzzies’ have famously been outlawing and executing gays (also infidels) for about a thousand years before your great American Satan even existed. True to this tradition, gay Chechens are being persecuted, imprisoned and tortured by Islamic authorities in Chechnya, as they are in all Sharia-controlled Muslim societies today. But not in the democratic USA or UK, both global leaders in creating and enforcing human rights and freedoms, and where today gays can even get married in church and have babies together. Remember all that?

Aug 29, 2020 8:13 PM

…the democratic USA or UK, both global leaders in creating and enforcing human rights and freedoms…

A preposterous thing to say. Do you know nothing of history?

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
Aug 30, 2020 12:23 AM
Reply to  Gwyn

Here we have what I’m just guessing to be a great example of something I can’t name but is obvious. Left the left points out that the west is tolerant of homosexuality. Gwyn says they’re intolerant of other things. I have no equity in the matter so I claim referee status and say you’re both talking of different things and there’s no Case to answer either way. This is an example of how things get muddled and nothing is ever sorted out. The agenda goes forward and any opposition is neutralised by quibbling over nothing.

Aug 30, 2020 6:21 AM
Reply to  Nixon Scraypes

Thats why Lefty is on this site .That entity “Lefty” is incoherant,just throws “off ” topic points, in leading the discussion all over the place.There is just no point in engaging with it.

Aug 29, 2020 11:50 AM

Yet again Max Parry’s journalism graces the O-Gee site , thanks Max!

Aug 29, 2020 11:51 AM
Reply to  DunGroanin

The rest of my comment went into immediate purdah!

To be released at the pleasure of the censor!


George Mc
George Mc
Aug 29, 2020 12:18 PM
Reply to  DunGroanin

The “rest” of your comment? I have never experienced an “awaiting moderation” sign on only part of a comment.

Aug 29, 2020 1:50 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I reposted the first sentence- to see if that was acceptable.

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 29, 2020 2:10 PM
Reply to  DunGroanin

You’re just impatient. One of my comments had to wait some hours to appear. But it eventually did so. (I had no idea why there had to be moderation since my comment had no links so I’m guessing that there must be a system whereby certain words cause triggers? Or maybe it’s a case of too much traffic at once?)

Aug 29, 2020 4:36 PM
Reply to  George Mc

5 hours so far…

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 29, 2020 5:11 PM
Reply to  DunGroanin

I assume it’s the big one below. See? All’s well that ends well!

….or maybe not. I just caught a glimpse of this:

They even invented Marxism….

That one again, eh?

Aug 29, 2020 5:16 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Yes that one. Only took your intervention George you miracle shadow worker. Enjoy the protest?

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 29, 2020 6:33 PM
Reply to  DunGroanin

You know, some things really are coincidences.

Aug 29, 2020 1:28 PM
Reply to  DunGroanin

Are you serious? Or facetious?
He’s another Eric Zuesse- I explain why in a comment awaiting moderation

Aug 29, 2020 1:51 PM
Reply to  Penny

I posted at 11.32 am read it for yourself. 😉

Aug 29, 2020 11:32 AM

Yet again Max Parry’s journalism graces the O-Gee site , thanks Max! See there are proper journalists out there that should be published here daily, instead of the stooges and make believe ones that refuse to state their credentials… (I suppose the mask was slipped a bit too much in the recent weeks eh? ) Max, wasn’t there some Russian General who was bigged up by western media (ie the NWO) around these times and was touted as a possible challenger for the Russian presidency? The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation started off in 98/99 I think as a direct defensive manoeuvre by the Russians/Chinese and Central Asian States that we’re refusing to hand over their resources to the 7 sisters. Coincidentally than, how the hanging chard election of Cheney and his monkey was ordained to promote the military intervention of boots on ground, body bags, and HEROS, what could not be achieved by proxy islamists. Yeah we all know it was a false flag to inspire the western youth to rush to their mindless killing of civilians for the GREAT GAME and the 7 SISTERS.., I think a brief inclusion of the Great Gamers delusional Final Victory over the Czars refusal to set up a ‘National Bank’ owned by ‘private international families’ which has been running for centuries- would benefit readers. They even invented Marxism as they did JS Millism, (and the proxy jihadists of the time, the Bolsheviks and ‘communism’) to overcome the deep Russian character that ensured the freedoms of hundreds of people’s and cultures of Russia. Our role (England’s) as flunkies of the old Money, going back to the setting up of the BoE and encompassing their general, Wellington and their CEO Rhodes and their man Churchill and the rest of the toerags since the 70’s, including the… Read more »

Aug 29, 2020 6:25 PM
Reply to  DunGroanin

I had to wade through a lot of unsupported claims before finding the inevitable ‘BrexShit’ slur. Don’t you a think a more positive outlook might earn more support for your objectives? Which reminds me: what are they?

Aug 29, 2020 9:38 PM
Reply to  DunGroanin

“See there are proper journalists out there that should be published here daily, instead of the stooges and make believe ones that refuse to state their credentials…”

credentials aren’t necessary to gather information into a cohesive presentation-
and you lost me on the rest… it all seems kind of jumbled.
sorry 🙁

Aug 29, 2020 10:58 AM

Looks like Oceania is still using the Bernard Lewis “Arc of Crisis” playbook. The sudden concern for the Uyghurs comes from the same source.

Aug 29, 2020 6:38 PM
Reply to  Edwige

I talk about the terrible plight of the Uigyurs a lot, but see no national leaders condemning communist China for the 3m now in concentration camps, except Trump. Merkel certainly doesn’t, keen as she is for favourable trading terms with communist tyrants. Gates also admires Emperor Xi, while dissing Trump constantly. How depressing. But denial of horror is nothing new. Apparently, many people today still refuse to believe that 6m Jews were slaughtered in the Nazi camps, while at the time, millions simply could not accept that such evil was possible, despite all the reports and evidence coming first from survivors and then governments. Denialists today, either the friends or the useful tools of Yellow Man Bad, must also ignore or falsify survivors’s reports of what has been happening, if they want any credibility at all


Aug 29, 2020 11:48 PM

Why limit yourself?
Go large.
Surely by now there must be at least 6 million Uighurs in “Chinese concentration camps”, being turned into soap and lamp shades at this very moment.

Aug 30, 2020 1:42 AM

I may be missing something as a holocaust sceptic, but are you able to link to one photograph of dead Jews in a gas chamber during the second world war. There are millions of war pictures, but that one event, the opening of a gas chamber full of dead Jews, seems to be not only a pivotal event in the Jewish and Western story about Israel but also the only event missing from the photographic record.

Voxi Pop
Voxi Pop
Aug 29, 2020 10:50 AM

INVESTIGATION: Seattle/Portland Terrorism Part of Planned US Coup Attempt With “Protesters” Trained In Syria /Peaceful Protesters Attempt To Cement Officers Into Fiery Grave https://worldchangebrief.webnode.com/

Aug 29, 2020 7:04 PM
Reply to  Voxi Pop

Trump wants such disgustingly violent extremists (all AntiFa and BLM radicals) designated as domestic terrorist groups, but has so far failed to overcome deep state resistance in the government now stalling on this. Meanwhile, leftists, Democrats and the MSM refuse to condemn hate and violent criminals, talking endlessly and absurdly about ‘peaceful’ protestors instead. They thus cement their reputation as obvious frauds and liars. Their double standard on violence and hate (it’s fine or heroic when leftists do it) is a key reason why I left the left. More interestingly, just imagine the endless media coverage and reaction if those rioting, looting, burning, and attacking the police wore MAGA hats or KKK outfits! Sadly, that thought experiment is unlikely to impress many posters on this forum, however much they pontificate about ‘critical thinking’, ‘open minds’, and avoiding the ‘dumb herd’.

Voxi Pop
Voxi Pop
Aug 29, 2020 9:44 PM

i can’t believe you are getting downvotes – must be trolls. True liberals leave this lefty movement – I did when Hillary became The War Candidate in 2016 – not one regret.

Aug 30, 2020 6:15 PM
Reply to  Voxi Pop

Voxi Pop is I Left the Left

Voxi Pop
Voxi Pop
Aug 30, 2020 8:53 PM
Reply to  Lurch


Aug 30, 2020 11:34 PM
Reply to  Voxi Pop

You were never a “leftist liberal”… the only people who constantly use these leftist labels and closed arguments like you do are old school Conservatives.

Voxi Pop
Voxi Pop
Aug 31, 2020 9:54 PM
Reply to  Lurch

do you think you are some kind of psychic? cause you definitely are not, Madame Lurch “Knows All’ Whoooooooooooooooooooooooo

Fact is I’ve always been liberal, lived in Cali for 20 years, but started to split from them in the 90s on over illegal immigration – illegals filled all the jobs at half the wages in babysitting, gardening, house painting, bussing tables, you name it, all the jobs we needed to get by. and the Dems told them to march for “their rights” when they were illegally there! it was ridiculous. and the beginning of cognitive dissonance for liberals. So Madame Lurch, you need to clean the rust off that crystal ball cause you are way off base.

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 29, 2020 10:42 AM

Don’t forget who HBO are:

Home Box Office (HBO) is an American pay television network owned by WarnerMedia Studios & Networks and the flagship property of parent subsidiary Home Box Office, Inc. Programming featured on the network consists primarily of theatrically released motion pictures and original television programs as well as made-for-cable movies, documentaries and occasional comedy and concert specials.

(From Wiki)

They are the new Hollywood which, in itself, was always the propaganda arm of the Western powers. Which is acceptable only if you bear in mind the entertainment aim. As one critic labelled the fellow network Starz hit “Outlander”, it all amounts to “gorgeous drivel”. Perhaps the documentaries funded by these outfits could be labelled “pseudo-gritty drivel”?

Aug 29, 2020 7:18 PM
Reply to  George Mc

You’d be very hard-pushed to find any Hollywood celeb or insider or funder or studio openly saying anything positive about Trump or any conservative thinker whatsoever. Hollywood is a bastion of the resistance, of woke, of virtue-signalling leftist romantics, of hate for Israel and support for communist China etc etc. No walls or guns are good for superior Hollywood types (except for their walled mansions and armed security guards, of course). They like to fund BLM and other virtuous leftist causes instead, in order to feel and look good. Hollywood’s leftist bias has been obvious for decades, but it’s much stronger now. The drivel you reject is 98% produced by leftists. So what’s new about HBO? MAGA hats in their board meetings?

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 30, 2020 9:08 AM


George Mc
George Mc
Aug 29, 2020 10:12 AM

These smear pieces have to be aimed at the prejudices, which are reflections of the lives, of their audiences. Most people in the affluent West have no experience of real devastation or violent persecution. And with the rising affluence, the claim of various outrages seems to be on a declining scale – from the anti-Semitic genocide of WW2 down to the “hate” crimes of the present. The very notion of “hate” marks a diminution of accusation. I predict that after the anti-gay matter, we will have anti-transgender. Then leading on to horrific prejudice against Billie Eilish fans to horrific prejudice against those who prefer one brand of toothpaste to another.

Aug 29, 2020 4:18 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Don’t forget to worry ourselves sick that some poor innocent mask wearer might one day be killed by an anti-mask terrorist; thus putting most of the people in the world today at risk. Something must be done, I tell you, to nip this fledgling horror in the bud.

Iron Masks. There’s no other way.

Aug 29, 2020 7:21 PM
Reply to  George Mc

To really feel what it’s like to belong to a hated minority group, just wear a Trump hat around for a few days, especially on campus or on protests against evil statues and white supremacists. It’s a real lesson in prejudices and in understanding how many hate-filled bigots infest modern western society, I can promise you most sincerely.

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 29, 2020 8:03 PM

The point of these smear campaigns is to demonise a country in order to mobilise against it. I don’t think America is going to demonise America.

Aug 30, 2020 6:24 PM

MAGA wearing racist white trash rednecks must be tolerated as long as they wear their hats in their own basements, bedrooms, or closets where they profit from the socialisms they feel they alone deserve. People should be protected from their propaganda, bad clothing, and lifestyle driven ugliness.

Aug 29, 2020 9:19 AM

Fascinating and informative article. Thank you.

Aug 29, 2020 9:12 AM

Of course this is all western Cold War propaganda but it should not inspire praises for Putin and his men like Kadyrov either. From truly democratic standpoint I am far from condoning or excusing Putin’s 20 year Highly nationalistic Political record or his state capitalism, oligarchic cronyism friendly economic policies or his Social policies Highly impacted by power of Russian Orthodox Church but he deserved credit for trying to balance his own political interests as a member of global ruling oligarchy facing belligerence Of US/western faction of imperial globalists that ironically helped him to play nationalistic and populist political game at home presenting himself to those who oppose him as .. lesser evil than Yeltsin like western supported puppet and to those Who support him as epitomizing long historical Byzantine political tradition In Russian fierce independence that even Soviet Union adopted. Sadly, Putin’s Ultimate devoid of analyzing reality reaction to Coronavirus hysterics, despite Early loud opposition to his COVID lockdown policies from Russian medical profession (not from politicians) , well fit into his Old Russian authoritarian style of rule based on fear and chauvinism that perhaps will be culminated by Pompous title of president for life. In that sense there is political clarity of national interests epitomized by interest of Russian state that made Putin politically acceptable even by his staunchest internal opponents with exception of western parrots. Case in point is Chechnya’s first war handled by US puppet Yeltsin vs Second Chechen war handled also via means of psy-op operations by Putin misread by the west as Yeltsin man and allowed to take over. The consequent Georgian war ( to stop NATO expansion) and Syrian war (fought solely because of key role Of Chechen terrorists in ISIS command, not to protect Assad who by then was already protected by… Read more »

Aug 29, 2020 9:06 AM

Watch this instead

The awakening movie that Rik Mayall was making when he had a ‘heart attack’.
A cafe worker is violently jolted from her day-to-day existence when offered the startling revelation that this world may be on the brink of destruction, revolution, or both.

One By One (2014 Film) Rik Mayall https://youtu.be/kLPPNyAnwCA

Aug 29, 2020 10:43 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

The movie explicitly discusses population reduction by vaccine at 50 minutes.

In the following clip he exposes 9/11.

…like Icarus, he flew too close to the sun.

Aug 29, 2020 11:08 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

You’re a very naughty movie. I’ll have to spank your bottom.

“They are using this orchestrated ruse to get the public to accept big brother type controls. Then they will intentionally reduce the population by mass genocide on a scale never seen before. There are several ways: more staged events, orchestrated conflicts, and the use of bio-engineered diseases.

It could come in vaccines. Women are encouraged to get sterilized, maybe they’ll use cervical cancer jabs.

Bio-engineered pathogens are being created to eliminate ethnic groups.

Population reduction programmes could reduce 95% of the population. Eugenics is the pseudo science of culling the excess population  It will be done in a barbaric fashion, using draconian methods and this global holocaust will probably come out from under the UN.

You can imagine us being frogmarched away from our homes in a martial law kind of way and no one bats an eyelid.

Thirteen out of every 14 people.

In order to stabilize world population they want to dispose of six and a half billion people.”

Aug 29, 2020 11:14 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Rik Mayall happy and healthy moments before death, says friend
Comic Strip co-founder Peter Richardson speaks of shock at Young Ones comedian’s unexplained death aged 56

The producers of the movie put it on YouTube but there is no telling how long Goolag will allow it to remain.

In Mozilla Firefox get the Add On Easy Youtube Video Downloader Express https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/easy-youtube-video-download/

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Aug 29, 2020 8:04 AM

“essential principles of our government” is that of “peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none.”[5] He also stated that “Commerce with all nations, alliance with none, should be” the motto of the United States.

Thomas Jefferson 1801

Please note:

‘No foreign entanglements’

How very different is US foreign policy today. At the present time Europe has let itself become a US military-political occupied zone being prepped up for a war against Russia, a war that in many respects has already started although not yet hot. If/when the shooting starts Europe will be the battlefield. Putin has already stated that no future wars will be fought on Russian soil, Europe should be well advised to head the warning. But Europe has Petainst scum for governments who are abetting this lunacy.

This all part of the long-term strategic agenda of the crazy neo-cons who, along with the deep-state, national security agencies and MSM are determined to have their hot war against Russia. How this lunacy has come to prevail is one of the great mysteries of the modern world.

Aug 29, 2020 6:43 AM

Fascinating how the ‘West’ always finds the path of biggest possible damage in most endeavours where they stick their dirty little nose in.

Why don’t they say it outright so we know what we have to fight? Do they really want an ISIS type caliphate from Grozny to Urumqi?

Aug 29, 2020 7:41 AM
Reply to  Wilmers31

Perhaps you mean, ‘West’ as far as it has become the Anglo-Zionist empire. The latter the parasite, the former, the corrupted host.

johny conspiranoid
johny conspiranoid
Aug 29, 2020 8:57 AM
Reply to  Wilmers31

“Do they really want an ISIS type caliphate from Grozny to Urumqi?”
Yes, if it helps them control resources.

Aug 29, 2020 12:29 PM
Reply to  Wilmers31

U mean dirty big nose.