Three New Reads – August
Philip Roddis

There’s been more than one reason for my long silence on CV-19, so readers might forgive me – if they forgive me on nothing else – for so long an introduction to my first read of the month, by the Oxford theoretical epidemiologist, Sunetra Gupta.
My second read’s a characteristically close argued piece by Craig Murray on the transparency – in and of itself worrying – of the UK government’s attempts to silence “Russia trolls”. Yes, we know who they are by their use of the dog-whistle term, cui bono?
Finally, for the second time in less than a week, I’m offering in all seriousness a piece on China by that crypto-marxist outlet, the Economist. Try as it might, it can’t quite conceal its grudging respect for Mr Xi’s China!
We may already have herd immunity – interview with Sunetra Gupta (4426 words)
I’ve been having a hard time over Covid-19. It’s not that I lost a dear friend to it in May. It’s more that, while I’m open to the views of some sceptics – Kit Knightly at OffGuardian, Profs Bakhdi and Wittkowski, Prof Piers Robinson and the Swiss Propaganda Group – my refusal to commit on a matter I don’t know enough about enrages or disappoints even some of my friends.
I’ve spoken of a religiosity of tone in many who challenge the idea that CV-19 is as serious as claimed. They may be right, though epidemiologists have been telling us since SARS 2003 that a global pandemic is a matter of when not if. (See Mike Davis, Planet of Slums author and one of my three April reads.)
Is this the big one we’ve been promised for the best part of two decades?
I don’t know, though I suspect not. But my agnosticism angers some. Which begs the question, what are they doing? It’s clear what those named in my opening paragraph are doing. They are tireless in alerting us to their view that we’re sleepwalking into ever more dangerous losses of liberty, or at the very least have bought into a suboptimal response to a threat overstated.
Like Professors Bhakdi (his open letter to Chancellor Merkel ignored by mainstream media) and Wittkowski (censored by Youtube) Professor Sunetra Gupta, my first read, insists that even on clinical, let alone socioeconomic grounds, wholesale lockdown is not the way to go.
But my experience is that those who apply Believes/Does Not Believe ‘the official narrative’ on CV-19 as the acid test of a person’s right to be heard on pretty much any subject are zealots. Yes, this is a moral judgment. And unlike those named earlier, most do nothing. No, this is not a moral judgment.
My point – I paid top dollar for this insight from a flawed but brilliant spiritual teacher – is that the importance of the internal babble we call thought is more overegged than even the most draconian of claims by the CV-19 ‘official narrative’. How could it possibly matter a bean what a person believes, if no practical consequences follow?
It’s the same with 9/11. There’s a hard core of ‘truthers’ for whom a person who Gets This Wrong need not be listened to on any political matter. Not only is this an absurd piece of reductivism.* Again the question is begged: what does it matter what we believe unless belief informs praxis?
We can’t all be writers or epidemiologists. But we can all apply our energies and organisational skills to advance causes we hold dear. If we mean business, why would we confine ourselves to sneering at the saps who’ve been taken in? It might make us feel good about ourselves, but it’s lousy salesmanship.
I take the questions arising from CV-19 and governmental responses seriously, but less so than the war fever on China (too similar in its drivers and implications to that on Russia for either to be viewed in isolation from the other).
Even on its own terms I don’t see the question – is CV-19 truly as bad as they say? – as the most important. That honour goes to one more pressing, more practical, and in principle capable of uniting sceptics, agnostics and believers. Who will decide the terms on which lockdown ends and how will we resist our rulers’ inevitable attempts to saddle us, as they did after 2008, with the bill for its immense economic consequences?
But back to Sunetra Gupta. Call me a dirty lowdown agnostic, but might my promoting her here be an act almost as useful as sneering at the deluded?
The Russian Interference Report, Without Laughing (5233 words)
…the UK was asking its paid propagandists what they thought of Russian propagandists. Every one of the witnesses makes their living from postulating the Russian threat. They said the Russian threat is very big indeed.

…the Intelligence and Security Committee Report on Russia is so flawed it is tempting to mock it.
But it calls expressly and repeatedly for the security services to be actively involved in “policing the democratic space” and castigates the security services for their unwillingness to interfere in democratic process.
It calls for tough government action against social media who refuse to censor and remove material it believes inspired by foreign states.
It accepts Integrity Initiative’s Christopher Donnelly and Ben Nimmo as good identifiers of material which should be banned – though Nimmo stated that use of the phrase “Cui bono” is indicative of a Russian troll
…It remains the most important single fact in British politics that, despite the fact almost everybody now acknowledges it was a disaster, nobody ever lost their job for supporting the Iraq war. Quite a few lost their job for opposing it, Greg Dyke, Carne Ross, Elizabeth Wilmshurst and Piers Morgan among them. It is a simple matter of fact that the Iraq War’s biggest cheerleaders dominate the London political and media landscape, whereas there is no critic of the Iraq War in an important position of power.
As the drive towards war on Russia (and more immediately China) continues apace – see my recent post, Our beautifully democratic wars – former UK Ambassador Craig Murray applies his forensic skills to the risible notion that “Russia, rather than deep disaffection of the less privileged classes, ’caused’ Trump, Brexit and even support for Scottish Independence.”
Xi Jinping is trying to remake the Chinese economy (3529 words)
Mr Xi is not simply inflating the state at the expense of the private sector. Rather, he is presiding over what he hopes will be the creation of a more muscular form of state capitalism. The idea is for state-owned companies to get more market discipline and private enterprises to get more party discipline, the better to achieve China’s great collective mission. It is a project full of internal contradictions. But progress is already evident in some areas.
As in my post earlier in the week on Huawei, I’m again recommending a China piece from the Economist. The well read red keeps tabs on that organ, whose mood music carries truths liberal media daren’t deliver.
Not that this fascinating read, replete with every prejudice in the Economist book – above all private profit good; state control baad – reveals any deep state secrets, or highlights fissures within Western ruling classes on matters China.
It’s a good read simply because its look at China’s economy, under Xi’s stewardship, is not only more detailed than anything you’ll get in more general media. It is also, for all its obligatory deprecations, shot through with what looks suspiciously like grudging respect.
*Jan Oberg – Syria blogger who actually makes frequent trips there, splendid writer and photographer, and one of the few pacifists I truly have time for – has been attacked for not “speaking out” on 9/11 as an inside job. His response? “I blog only about things I know with certainty.” With you all the way, Jan.< a href=”#i”>^
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Reading this makes one sad. It is like reading an excerpt from the daily journal of “a nowhere man.” So sad.
By any chance is he paying homage to Gogol or Dostoyevsky? Or is it Goncharov’s Oblomov.
Isn”t he a bit like you and me?
In some ways perhaps …though I do have a point of view, which has cost me.
Also I am sans face diaper/nappy and I fight corporate fascist psychopaths, not grovel down before them and tongue wash the heels of their blood stained jackboots.
It’s a fence-sitting article.
I reckon the time for that is over.
War talk again!
Remember when the wall came down, glasnost , cold war OVER
We all hoped for a peace bonus, how short lived was that!
the western experiment in the former ussr was a disaster for the general population there
People sold their state bonds just to get food on the table , profiteers were more then willing to buy them up at fire sale prices hence oligarchs
Few years later western coupe d’etat in the Ukraine
Crimea very unhappy with the new leadership in their country, held a referendum ( observed by the west ) 87% turned up , 97 % of them wanted to join Russia so Putin accepted no resistence what so ever , yet the “democratic” nations in the west were very upset ( brexit only had very narrow victory no such scenes ) , a war followed, Russia had many interests in the Ukraine and support all gone
Malysian airliner shot down very suspicious , sanctions and sanctions, and despite verbal agreements to keep nato out of the surrounding countries the west just did that I call it plain provocation
Russian agression? the US has 9 aircraft carrier groups Russia has one , and this vessel needs to have a tug on standby US has close to 1000 Army bases around the world Russia just a hand full
Communism!? yes Stalin was a terrible dictator but currently in Russia many many churches have reopened under today’s leadership
the annual ww2 celebrations hardly mention the ussr guess nobody wants to remember the casualties to that country far outnumbering the west!
China may be a slightly different story yet I don’t advocate hostilities with that counrty either
What is this with us here in the west and our sometimes constipated opinion of our selves always looking for an enemy ,is that all we can bring?
Of the 2 greatest communist dictatorships in history, the bloodiest and most tyrannical may be communist China, where an estimated 60m people were murdered or starved by their own government. By contrast, the USSR only caused the deaths of around 30m of its own citizens. Those who care about human rights should know very well how the communist horror in China remains undefeated, as 3m Uigyurs, Tibetans and other undesirable people now in the CCP’s many hundreds of concentration camps can attest. I wonder if the Ecommunist report mentions their plight: they fear enforced sterilisation, gang rape, torture, murder, and organ harvesting, all sanctioned by the regime of Emperor Xi. And the CCP is building many more camps, as the Indie reports. Of course, many posters here seem very unaware of this history, or that it’s peanuts or western propaganda when compared to the horror inflicted on the world by the great Satan USA. Maybe they aren’t so free of Guardianista thinking as they should be.
And the USA have slaughtered about 30 million of other nations citizens
That’s right Lefty Left – keep up the estimated estimates of estimable billions so the US can have what it has always needed: the justification of liberating millions from their estimated slavery by killing them.
Some ‘historians’ with an obsessive hatred of anything ‘Left’ prefer to ignore how millions of Soviets gave their lives fighting against the Nazis. We owe the Soviet Union a debt of gratitude. We might all be speaking German now if it wasn’t for their sacrifice.
Funny how the United States helped Nazi war criminals escape to New lives in America and South America after the war.
Careful now, you’re starting to sound “anti-American”!
Yes – with the exception of the Uigyurs which is very contestable – no honest person could or would dispute these figures, including me.
However the figures of those states targeted by the west in the last few centuries sort of evens things. Western imperialism is every bit as barbaric as has been around a lot longer than communism. Did you know for example that when the British put down the Indian Mutiny in 1857 up to 800,000 Indians died as a result of this action and the induced famine that followed. Moving on to the twentieth and 21st century how about the US record, in Indo-China, Korea, Japan, Latin America, the middle-east. How about Madeleine Jana Korbel Albright. You know the one who said that the deaths of 500,000 Iraqi children died because of US santions, was ‘Worth it.’ What about the drone assassination programme carried out under Obama? Whoops there goes another Afghan wedding party. All of which are illegal under UN law. I could cite many more examples but can’t be bothered.
Not only is your position hypocritical and one-sided, it is deluded, dangerous and full of sanctimonious BS
The Pilgrim Society deserves more than a cameo role in all this.
An Anglo-American Establishment society formed in 1902, the patron of the society is Queen Elizabeth II. Meriting only 600 words on Wikipedia, we are expected to believe it is just a supper club for incoming U.S. ambassadors.
Playing host to names like Rockefeller, Mellon, Luce, Rothschild, Cecil, Windsor, and their servants such as Kissinger – and merging with the William J. Donovan Foundation, founder of the OSS and CIA – it’s probably more than a leg of the rubber chicken circuit.
If any individuals have been at the hub of the alliance with the fascists before, during and after WW2, it is the people you find as members of the Pilgrim Society. Averell Harriman, Hitler’s banker, was promoted to the Marshall Plan in which position he could dole out contracts to rebuild the Europe he had just destroyed.
The greatest coup was, probably, seizing Germany’s gold which has been funded all their activities since, buying the post war governments from Italy to Japan, launching the career of Rockefeller prodigy Heinz Kissinger, setting up the United Nations as a control mechanism and establishing the Chinese technocratic state. Recently the vehicle for the pursuit of their interests has moved beyond the failing UN, to a League of Democracies.
Given that background, it is unthinkable that Event Covid could happen without the say-so of these individuals.
‘Vaccine’ specialist AstraZeneca is a spin off of British corporate behemoth and munitions manufacturer ICI, or Imperial Chemical Industries. It’s closely tied to the Wellcome Foundation’s Pirbright Institute that holds the patent to Coronavirus.
A big player in the high-finance world of biotech was Lord Nathaniel Mayer “Victor” Rothschild, banker, scientist and intelligence officer. Rothschild reshaped the biochemical industry in a paper for the Heath and Thatcher governments that moved government biotech activities into the private sector, as a front for the state and the munitions-warfare industry.
The land for the Pirbright Institute was given by Henry de Worms, 1st Baron Pirbright (1840-1903) a British MP whose paternal great-grandfather was Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744–1812), the founder of the Rothschild banking dynasty.
Would that be a connection connected?
American Intelligence Media, Aug 26, 2020 : Henry Kissinger Sold out America to the Pilgrims Society
Remarkably British Movietone was asked to publicise the Pilgrim’s Society some years ago, giving us visual confirmation of the Society’s influence:
The dude in the shades is Edward Grey, 1st Viscount Grey of Fallodon, who was one of the architects of WW1. His well-dressed buddies are, one may assume, the people who profited from WW1.
In 1914 Grey asked future U.S. president Herbert Hoover if he might borrow his motor-car for a Sunday afternoon drive. “A clear picture begins to emerge of Herbert Hoover’s connections with the hidden power controlling British and American politics. He had assisted Alfred Milner in South Africa. He held shares in the Rothschilds’ Rio Tinto Company… He had aided the South African mining millionaires Abe Bailey and Alfred Beit; all of whom operated at the innermost core of the Secret Elite…
“Matters would have been so different if oil had been blockaded from the Central Powers from 1914. The senior executives of all the great oil monopolies, trusts and merchant banks were close to their governments and moved inside the circles of influence. Rothschilds in London and Paris acted as agents for Allied loans, Marcus Samuel and Henry Deterding (Royal Dutch/Shell) met with Sir Edward Grey, Winston Churchill and senior cabinet ministers. Rockefeller and J.P. Morgan had instant access to Mandell House and President Wilson; they were already in his gift. The political, financial and business worlds operated with mutual co-operation.
“Why then did they fail to take concerted action to sever Germany and the Central Powers from oil? Is greed a sufficient answer? No. Primarily, the Secret Elite was determined to destroy Germany in a prolonged and exhausting war, not defeat her in a manner which left the primacy of British domination undecided.”
The modern pharmaceutical industry is the offspring of the petrochemicals, biochemical and munitions industries. The same people we meet above.
Prolonging the Agony: How The International Bankers and their Political Partners Deliberately Extended WWI by Jim Macgregor, Gerry Docherty
Those parties most involved in engineering fear, lockdown and other official responses to covid19 appear to be the US pharma giant Gilead (maker of next-to-useless Remdesivir, funder of fraudulent research against HCQ in the Lancet and elsewhere) and of course infamous ‘philanthropist’ Bill Gates, best friends with Emperor Xi, main funder of the WHO, a funder of the Guardian and reportedly many government advisors, among other interests. I can see these and many other globalists like ex-Nazi George Soros and their puppet institutions and NGOs manipulating governments against the voters’ interests, but not the reverse. Can anyone imagine Boris controlling Gates?! Ho ho. The question is, are Gates and other great supporters of globalism, like the EU and U.N., motivated by their desire to maintain the evil ‘primacy of British domination’, I wonder?
As I have been saying follow the MONEY.
Now drag your history back a bit further – to the Waterloo cover story.
How did Wellesley become a key front man from being a obscure runt of his family? The foundation’s on myth of the Rothschild fortune.
Same with Rhodes? Another runt psychopath who suddenly had the world at his feet as a barely out of his teens.
The bankers going back to the BoE, the setting up of Nation States with the Westphalian Treaty.
Go forward to the scam of the East India Companies and the scam of the ‘contract’ of the Balfour declaration that ties the potus and the creation of the Fed with WW1 and the mincing of the young men of Europe who were a threat by demanding freedoms and security.
The great aim of WW1 was not Germany- it was and is still that unattained one of RUSSIA. It was also Palestine and the Levant and the Silk Road to the Chinese which were under control through opium and gunboats.
Who had the Opium ‘contract’?
The Sasoons.
That was why the Romanovs had to be annihilated forever rather than take asylum with their cousins the Royals.
The history section is there – even if it is not widely taught in school textbooks. They hide in plain sight and revel in their supremacy.
They created Capitalism and Communism with JS Mills and K Marx as the proxies. As they created central banks and nation states.
The only truth they hide is Money and it’s control by them.
Through the lie of Tax Payers Money – which if all the dots are seen and connected brings us to the ancient road which joins the Old City directly to BrexShit and the attempt to install the supremacy of the secretive and opaque WTO over transparent Laws and International Courts.
Should we fear nation states more than empires, communist dictatorships and Islamist terror states, would you say? Also, why should we trust international courts, as you do? Is it because national democracy with leaders chosen or rejected by the dumb herd is so awful?
Yes, it’s the ability to reject our leaders at the next election which is the source of democracy – fiddled elections notwithstanding.
I understood that no parliament could tie the hands of future parliaments ie that all laws are up for reassessment and yet we have them signing up to UN agendas 21 and 30 and without a bye your leave to the people.
We are signed upto many secret treaty without parliamentary debate and vote through the ages.
That is the ancient system that needs breaking into a million pieces.
There were no nation states until invented by the treaty of Westphalia.
England wasn’t one of them! Being a backward bunch of kindoms.
International Law applied equally without exception to ALL the people’s of the world is the only rational, sane, fair system.
No indispensable countries. No special privileges. No superiority.
Freudian slip of the year.
When the New Zealand economy was opened up Geoff Bascand of the New Zealand Reserve Bank stated on New Zealand Television:
And then there’s this sort of hope and expectation that the world will open up and we’ll see economies improve AND NOT BE AS BAD AS WE WANTED.
The bankers are waging a Holocaust against us.
That’s no exaggeration, says Prof Michel Chossudovsky. The act of closing the global economy is an act of genocide.
It is a war by finance capitalism on real businesses, traders and farmers. The bankers have destroyed small and mid-sized enterprises and the big players will consolidate and buy up their assets for nothing.
Shutting down an economy is an absolute disaster. The idea that you are doing this to protect public heath is a lie. it is unprecedented in world history. It is destroying the lives of millions of people and it is not spontaneous, nor is it due to the virus.
Orders were given through the WHO, UN and WEF to flat-line the economies of 196 countries.
Now you are about to be asked to bail out the government – with higher taxes and a raid on pensions and savings The people will have to pay for this so-called Act of God, that was really an Act of Bankers.
Covid-Gate, The Political Virus – Prof. Michel Chossudovsky
Bankers will do anything, up to and including war and global destruction, in order to maintain their grasp on the wealth and lives of others.
The Vampire Squid – the Killer Bankers Are Humanity’s Enemies
That video begins with the notorious anti-Semitic mural praised by Jeremy Corbyn, which stereotypes and demonises greedy Jewish bankers in a manner shockingly similar to what happened in Nazi Germany.
I’ve tried, several times to flag some of the vile antisemitic comments I’ve seen here, but admin is disinterested.
You, however, find an opportunity to bash Corbyn, and use it.
how can anti khazar ani ashkanazim be anti semetick?
you are not semite old chum just 13th tribe pirate
Frankly, not so many of the people in that mural look particularly Jewish, and none of the bank managers I have spoken with in recent decades has looked Jewish either.
Of course what goes on behind the scenes is a different matter, but to me the picture shows what bankers, Jewish or not, are doing to our world.
They and the media are public enemies Nos. 1 and 2.
There’s nothing anti Semitic about this image. It’s a reflection of reality. Only insane people can’t deal with reality.
The intolerance BTL for different views as above is on par with Iran and Saudi Arabia in 2020, Russia in 1935, China from 1950 onwards etc. Anybody with a different view is being attacked: no different from the actions of the five eyes’ $ 0.50 cents troops in Ukraine, California etc.
Well no-one’s attacked you yet – apart from the down-votes which won’t hurt you.
This is just not true.
I have myself sometimes written comments with which others have disagreed entirely, but I have never felt “attacked” here, except from one or two trolls who are well-known – and well-ignored. This isn’t a site for people who want to attack others, and, for the record, disagreement is not an attack.
The reason people go on about Russia and China is the same group that spin the covid lie also like to war monger, set nation against nation its profitable for them. So people are nationalized like fools they believe that even with a political and economic monopoly they “choose” and have a democracy .
Us v them the hallmark of an out of date despot.Racism, nationalism any ism that divides works for them but not for humanity.
Nationalism unites a nation, racism divides it. US Democrats and leftists always say America is a racist nation, they never say ‘America First’. Their divide and rule tactics are transparent; they do not aim to represent or defend all Americans, only those they don’t call racist (ie Democrat voters). In fact, leftists everywhere turn American against American, Briton against Briton, Venezuelan against Venezuelan, and so on forever. But US Democrats never say racist to their billionaire globalist friends, corporations and bankers, who pretend to care about ‘humanity’ and ‘our global future’ while screwing mere nations for the power and wealth created by their dumb peoples. By contrast, Trump offers national unity and love of the entire nation as the cure to racism and hate: “When you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice”, and “We all bleed the same blood of patriots”(inaugural speech). But Democrats hate nations and so can only call him a racist, obviously.
I think I understood your comment.
You say, I think quite rightly, that the average American is not racist – really that racism doesn’t exist – but that the democrats etc. use it as a device to cause division.
Then however, you go on to say that Trump offers “a cure to racism and hate”.
Oops, you lost me…
This was not to Richard its to left the lefty. You lost me at democrats . The so called different parties with allegedly different ideology so that people could identify with it were invented to rope people into voting.Giving their willing and keen consent to be governed.
With the economic and political monopoly we have( and note ” no matter who you vote for the govt always gets in” GC) most get tricked by the insane us v them winning narrative of the media circus perpetuating the the democracy dogma. Presidents and PMs get appointed by the banking cabal that fund it leaving the taxpayers on the hook.What a scam it is what a ponzi scheme.
Nationalizing is a tool of those controlling for wars, divide and conquer. You are part of the universe and the earth , a human Being not a nation/political party( concept) .But if you see ” rule by the people” in nations under the UN simultaneously suffering the mass incarceration and forced to subject to medical experimentation then what can I say. All the isms come down to the ego (us v them) which are control mechanisms that people are unaware of. You can’t be aware of what the govt is doing if you are fighting a mental or physical war against each other hating on appearance of difference (race, nationality, gender, religion).
https://worldchangebrief.webnode.comCDC: US Total Covid Deaths Numbers Dramatically Wrong- 153,504 Reduced To 9,210/ Lockdown Protests Worldwide/ Catholics Sue WHO For Human Rights Abuses/ Draconian Hawaii Highway Lockdown
sorry for the double post – messed up my link
ok that’s correct finally
https://worldchangebrief.webnode.comBREAKING CDC: US Total Covid Deaths Numbers Dramatically Wrong- 153,504 Reduced To 9,210/ Lockdown Protests Worldwide/ Catholics Sue WHO For Human Rights Abuses/ Draconian Hawaii Highway Lockdown
The CDC Story Could Really Be a Gamechanger Folks! j
Twitter is reportedly banning both Gateway Pundit and Trump from retweeting this official news release from the CDC site. I tell you, that Trump is the worst ever tyrant. Imagine a president being censored by his nation’s own social media. What a weakling.
As a Californian I think the last word on “China” comes in the form of rail transport. Our state has been struggling to build a high speed rail line, initially from Los Angeles to San Franciso, a process that’s taken many years and absorbed mind-boggling amounts of money. (UK readers will have their own version of this called “HS2”.) While we’ve been dithering around not building much the Chinese have build 7500 route miles of high speed rail, a complete system. They’re able to build the actual trains as well (we don’t have the infrastructure to do this, its pretty much the same in the UK.)
So, you can go on about Xi, CCP or whatever but it doesn’t alter the facts on the ground — while we screw around filing endless lawsuits and writing scads of articles telling us that we really don’t need all this new fangled stuff the Chinese are just beavering away doing what they do.
Anyone who doubts that the Chinese can produce semiconductors is in for a very nasty shock. Sure, there will be near term disruption (which is hurting US suppliers, BTW) but once the supply chain disruption has been smoothed out they’re be back, stronger than ever.
We are ruled by very, very, ignorant people, people who have absolutely no idea how the world works.
One of your best posts here.
I have been buying stuff direct from China, for the last 20 years, and still am.
Buying stuff from The USA, which I have occasionally done, is a nightmare.
O.K. – some of your kit is O.K., but by the time it arrives, we have already got the Chinese stuff up and working in England
Check out Linn Dinh. Even he gave up on the USA and went back home to Vietnam.
“While we’ve been dithering around not building much the Chinese have build 7500 route miles of high speed rail, a complete system.”
haven’t been dithering around,…. have been fighting very expensive wars in the middle east,… trillions of dollars wasted,… no money left for trains. CUI BONO.
You are completely deluded. Or a dis-informationist. Our rulers know how the world works, how else could they rule over us.
Philip Roddis has a right to express agnosticism over whether COVID-19 is as serious as governments, the MSM and corporations – with a vested interest in promoting particular solutions (usually technology-based band-aid type solutions like vaccines) to deal with the disease – say it is, or not. All the commenting about how he should do this, that or the other to educate himself on the nature of COVID-19 misses the point that he is making: that regardless of whether COVID-19 is as serious and deadly as it is claimed to be, or no more serious than influenza, the way in which governments, the MSM and other particular individuals, organisations and corporations are dealing with the disease – the selective use of lockdowns, the breathless reporting of new cases of people testing positive for a virus that will not cause any problems for at least 90% of those people, the focus on technocratic solutions rather than on the underlying social, political, economic, ideological underpinnings of the context in which COVID-19 has been allowed to thrive as a “pandemic” – that is the real issue.
The commenters who waste their time trying to convert Roddis into a zealot like themselves to oppose the mainstream view are no better than their opposite numbers trying to beat them into doing a 180 degree switch into becoming COVID-19 vaccine and lockdown advocates. Indeed, when people divide themselves into these camps, they become more fodder for more divide-n-rule tactics by The Powers That (Should Not) Be.
The issue should be the way in which the “pandemic” is being used to prepare and force nations around the world to give up their freedoms and accept continuing police-state rule. The disease will pass eventually but the consequences of the methods used to deal with the disease and to deflect people’s attention away from what is really important – that is, could we have dealt with it better when it first appeared, rather than simply copy everybody else in using a blunt sledgehammer approach such as national lockdowns when selective quarantining would have sufficed? – will remain.
jen, I know you mean well, but when I was a kid, I was taught both English and French and the word précis. My English teacher explained it to me.
You used a lot of words, but didn’t say anything new.
I do understand. You are the same as Philip Roddis.##
You have bought the official story hook,line and sinker.
You never even questioned it. Why is that? You are obviously highly intelligent.
Have a nice day,
It’s a question of priorities, who rules Society and for what purpose. What other way can we deal with this sort of social situation except by Socialist Revolution?
Doughnuts are eaten by queers, therefore – queers eat doughnuts – QED.
Public fear of the pandemic is the keystone in manufacturing assent to the drive towards 4IR (for which the continued police state is required).
Therefore it makes perfect sense to address that first and comprehensively.
I also think that once an individual can understand the scope, extent and nature of the deception regarding Sars2 they can begin to recognize the same regarding all the other major socio-economic/political issues that are subject to the same level of distortion and manipulation.
Reading 4IR marketing materials from the WEF, IMF etc. almost all the ‘plans for the near future’ that will impact the majority of people most severely are being presented as being justified to protect the public from ‘infection’ and ‘biohazard’ – the ‘contactless society’ for example.
‘The disease’ is never going away, rather exactly what ‘the disease’ is will shift and twist to suit the aims of those in charge.
The whole point of lockdown etc. is to normalise the current extreme measures and fix them in the public mind as a reasonable response to ‘potential contagion’ and perhaps to other vague, invisible threats.
They’re trying to establish biosecurity states as a means to new, supposedly perpetual (good luck with that) multi-capital investment markets.
Their central justification vanishes if there isn’t actually a meaningful biosecurity threat in the first place.
Trying to convince people that Iraq War2 was an illegal war of aggression driven by ulterior motives would be a lot more difficult if we didn’t first definitively establish that there weren’t any weapons of mass destruction.
If the disease has already passed, it would explain the renaming of ‘Covid-19’ to ‘Coronavirus’ (of which there are seven, including the common cold) and why desperate governments are using asymptomatic ‘cases’ to justify lockdowns.
According to Dr Wolfgang Wodarg (video below) coronaviruses have always been in the mix. They are here to stay. So the notion of a disease passing is disingenuous or naive.
It is possible the MSM view is uniformly biased and agenda driven, seeing as most of it is owned by the same ruling elite.
I think about the residents of Melbourne who are living under curfew and police intimidation. This is the ‘zealousness’ we should be criticising.
“Cui bono?” is the same as “Follow the Money”.
Either way, ends up pointing to the same group of people.
Obviously, somebody doesn’t like that question being asked.
At some point, “cui bono” may be determined to be anti-Semitic hate speech.
Any source that parrots the official 9/11 narrative is not to be trusted. 9/11 truthers are often disinfo shills so discernment is important.
To throw the whole Covid-19 epidemic into perspective it should be emphasized that every year there are between 294,000 and 518,000 deaths from influenza. You can read about this here:
300,000 to 500,000 dead from influenza every year.
300,000 dead in a good flu season.
500,000 dead in a bad flu season.
You may ask why there is no global lock-down for influenza.
You may ask why the media shows no concern at all for the hundreads of thousands of mainly elderly people, who are dying at this very moment, due to this under-reported (because it happens every winter) influenza epidemic.
What is the difference between dying from pneumonia caused by Covid-19 or dying from pneumonia caused by Influenza?
Before there was easy testing of Covid-19, all instances of pneumonia were assumed to be pneumonia caused by Covid-19. In this way you had immediate and comprehensive care. If you had insisted that you had pneumonia caused by Influenza you may have been assigned to a back ward somewhere while the important cases were attended to. In this way many deaths due to pneumonia caused by Influenza have been listed as deaths due to pneumonia caused by Covid-19, whether they were or not. This skewed the statistics completely out of shape.
Something similar, but worse, has been admitted to have been the case in Italy (and USA and UK).
“But Prof Ricciardi (Scientific Adviser to Italy’s Minister of Health) added that Italy’s death rate may appear higher because of how doctors record fatalities. “The way in which we code deaths in our country is very generous in the sense that all the people who die in hospitals with the coronavirus are deemed to be dying of the coronavirus.” From here.
Prof Ricciardi also said: “On re-evaluation by the National Institute of Health, only 12 per cent of death certificates have shown a direct causality from coronavirus (Covid-19), while 88% patients who have died have at least one pre-morbidity – many had two or three.”
The UK’s Chief Scientific Officer, Sir Patrick Vallance, stated: “It is worth remembering again that the ONS (Office for National Statistics) rates are people who’ve got COVID on their death certificates. It doesn’t mean they were necessarily infected because many of them haven’t been tested. So we just need to understand the difference.”
Policies to exaggerate the lethality of the virus? Who benefits?
On March 25th, New York Governor Cuomo issued an executive order forcing the transfer over 4,500 Covid-19 patients from hospitals to their nursing homes (old-age homes). In the following weeks the nursing homes saw 6,000 deaths from Covid-19. The decision drew fire as soon as it was announced from medical experts, nursing home operators, and the families of residents. However, it was forced through anyway. Similar orders were given in a few other states. See here.
When the Justice Department requested data (26 August) from governors Andrew Cuomo of New York, Phil Murphy of New Jersey, Tom Wolf of Pennsylvania and Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan, on their orders requiring nursing homes to admit coronavirus patients, Cuomo and Whitmer dismissing it as a political charade saying that “At least 14 states – including Kentucky, Utah and Arizona – have issued similar nursing guidance all based on federal guidelines….” See here.
Playing Russian roulette: Nursing homes told to take the infected. California, New Jersey and New York have made nursing homes accept Covid-19 patients from hospitals. Residents and workers fear the policy is risking lives.
You could make a strong argument that the USA’s deadly coronavirus problem is largely a nursing home problem, dangerous everywhere but far more prevalent in a half-dozen or so of the country’s more heavily and densely populated states. What’s more, many of these states enacted coronavirus response policies that likely put nursing home residents at higher risk for infection. See here.
Policies to deliberately spread the virus? Who benefits?
Add to that the elderly people dying already from the common strains of coronaviruses. Co-infection also exist. Even people testing positive for COVID19 could be infected by an influenza virus.
I have an expression that I always tell people. 2/3 of the time I will be wrong but I’m happy to change my opinion when faced with new facts. Initially I started out thinking that this must be serious and we needed to focus on testing and protecting the vulnerable. But the more data that comes in, and I’m grateful to many but especially Children’s Health Defense for a lot of information that I discovered. I’m clear that those with preexisting conditions are vulnerable but for the rest of the population whatever seasonal flu is passing through is mild. The CDC just published updated numbers showing that less than 9700 people died of Covid-19 alone. Everyone else had at least 2 pre existing conditions!
What this shows is the number of people in poor health and if you have ever watched the Truth About Cancer series (you can see the first 2 episodes of the original series and the first of the Eastern Journey on YouTube), you will realise just how poorly prepared our doctors are since they know practically nothing about nutrition and how doctors are hamstrung by the top down decision making of the NHS which dictates what treatments can and cannot be used.
Consider that in Japan doctors by law can use any treatment that they believe will help their patients and they are orders of magnitude more successful than UK doctors in treating coronavirus patients as well as just about every other disease. And you never hear of reports about the Japanese health care system running out of money or having quality of care issues. I would wager that the author’s friend would still be with us if UK doctors could take a similar approach.
And pneumonia remains one of the biggest killers of the elderly.
The Truth, well the best you can find it, with an open objective mind, although harsh, is actually quite liberating.
I am not suggesting it is likely. it has only happened to me once, that a live TV Crew, sticks a microphone in my face, and says speak, and I did, but if it happens again, though I am not seeking it, I know I am on steady ground.
The Truth is Like a Rock.
You have something to stand on, and defend the next question with a cutting smile, and no bullshit…..Do you want to see The EVIDENCE?
Louise Hampton is Doing Brilliant.
One brave little girl can make a difference. According to the Daily Mail, she’s a Mum too, so she is almost certain to get on the telly too. I reckon she has the balls to do it.
I think we are actually making some progress, at last.
Its just that we are all getting pissed off, with at the end of the day
“Is a Load of Bollocks”
She has got nice eyes, and a lovely sweet smile, and totally brilliant timing.
She reminds me of my ex from 40 years ago
Lovely Girl
What was it Blackadder said to Baldrick after listening to his War Poem?
Something like: “Well it started off ok, tapered off a little in the middle and the less said about the end the better”…
You talk the talk but do you walk the walk? What’s the truth, Tony?
To go with “three reads” here is an August “watch.” Alison McDowell of Wrench in the Gears taking questions and explaining what her in depth research has show – regarding what our betters have planned for we mere plebs going forward:
Yup, Cui Bono, uh… was used by the ancient Romans, thousands of years ago, or the more upto date, Follow the Bricks, hehe, but I dont expect the present “experts” to know that much, not that I doubt there are some genuine smart people out there, but then again, its about power, why on earth are we in the year of the lord 2020 stil in this cold war mindsett, that alone is the beacon that shows how deeply they have sunk into the mud, by them self and tries to blame everybody else for their own faults, and then the drivel about Trolls, uh…. jesus, this is pathetic.
Have you read Foucaoults pendelum, by an Italian called Umberto Eco if not, I recomend you to do so.
The reason for not going after the Chines, and not bothering to attack Russia, is more to the fact that they are not the problem, the NATO is, the North Atlantic Terror Org. run by an man witch I consider to be rotten to the core, the pathetic ex-junkie Stoltenberg witch I could write more about but like me, I dont bother to dive into the stupditys of the youth, all thoe I know much more than what He would like.
The Brits, again, its more like reality have dislogged it from whatever world they live in, rule Britania, and of course this days its not the sea that matter, but Banking ind. but the result remains the same, the trubble is, that Russia and China dont want to be rule by the Leauge of the Robber Barons, the BIS and its bitches like IMF, ECB, witch stil live in an detached reality we call the MMT (Modern Monetary Theory) and like some people like to riddicoul religious people, when I call the Politicians with their prodjections of reality witch is much more dilutional what than an crack head think it is.
But do you really want to know about our history, european for that matter witch we all know from the school days to the present swindling on f.ex. the TeeVee and Interne….. sorry, sorry thru the Goolag. Do you know whom created this, fable, do you really know anything (I beg to differe, I dont mean to say this to you in OffG, this is for the readers) , I wounder, because so far I know, much of what we think about and think we know about world history, is just made up and I once again, ask the Africans to look at old maps, they tell you what you need to know, its right infront of you, ours to.
And I will give you two names, seach them up and dig in, and you will be slackjawed.
But the way, they are Jesuits, the inventer of the Tower of Babel.
Joseph I. Scalinger an French dude and a Jesuit eh…. learned.
Denis Petrau or known as Dionysius Pecanil another Jesuit dude and French.
The lies and forgerys runns deep, much, mcuh deeper than what even I could imagine.
The came their latest trick, the Scamdemic, and like the MMT this was/is foundated on an solid floor of pure hoggwash and the reason for this to even be is due to the MSM, witch of course gets its orders from their owners, tanked think tanks to even more bonkers NGOs, witch is so religiously fundamentalistic that it would make any religious nuttcase blush.
Yeah, now even the swindelrs admit that they indeed eh…. was a itchy bitchy tinny whiny bit of scale, when they now say that only 6% of the so called CONvid deaths was eh…. based upon the Virus, while the rest was more, complicated due to comorbiditys etc etc.
But you will not read this in the MSM, nor any politicians for that matter.
So, to round it up I will not say what book this opening quote is from, but this book is exeptionel, and rear, and this book is also the reason I like to roam second hand book stores, you never know what you what you can find, and I found this just like that, since I know a bit about history, I usually dont waist time on most of it, not until I find something I know is unusual or is far more intresting.
Take this as an challange and here is the opening quote:
” Here lies the reader
who will never open this book.
He is here forever dead ”
Blessed be the peacemakers.
You lost me with your reference to MMT.
Dear Mikael, are you really a ruski or are you fake?
Your reference to itsy bitsy teeny weeny – (yellow polka-dot bikini)
gives your age away at least…
The writer is sitting on the fence (I hope it’s a nice broad wooden fence) while I am stuck in a room in a shared house with Covid/lockdown fanatics. These middle class lifetime lefties and radicals are truly frightening in their complete susceptibility to media generated collective hysteria and fear. They are appalled by protests against lockdown/masks such as those that took place yesterday.
I have found solace with the working class people on my street who have long viewed the dictates of our parasitical masters with suspicion, but when I was spotted talking to them by a male Covid Stasi in my house I was warned that I should avoid talking to others lest I spread the virus to them.
So Philip I put this to you. When Belarus applied to the IMF for a billion dollar loan they were told it would be granted on one condition: impose lockdown. According to President Lukashenko “… the IMF continues to demand from us quarantine measures, isolation, a curfew. This is nonsense. We will not dance to anyone’s tune,” as reported by the Belarusian state news agency on 16 July, 2020. Less than a month later the riots in Minsk started.
Maybe the IMF is deeply concerned for the health and welfare of the people of Belarus. However I think we can safely give that one a no. That only leaves one other reason, they want the whole world in lockstep on lockdowns. Now why should they want that? That is the question and it’s a sort of weird one.
The other major resets were 1933/34 under FDR and 1979/1980. The latter had been thoroughly prepared and its objectives clear: return to the status quo ante (1920s) but on steroids. There was a lot of value stored in nationalized industries and utilities that could be plundered. Some of it could be used to buy off the populace with cheap British Gas shares, for example, that were sure to rocket in value, and the massive discounts on council houses in the slyly titled right-to-buy.
The FDR reset is too complex to get into here but what were they offering? A huge range of rights for workers, a foot on the neck of Wall Street, full on economic growth. What wasn’t there to like for the majority of American people? The question remains – how did he get away with it? I’m not convinced by the communist threat.
But this reset? What are they offering? More fear and more poverty and more Stasi? That’s the problem for this reset. It is offering nothing and taking what little remains away.
Thanks to OffGuardian for keeping me sane through very rough times.
“I have found solace with the working class people on my street who have long viewed the dictates of our parasitical masters with suspicion, but when I was spotted talking to them by a male Covid Stasi in my house I was warned that I should avoid talking to others lest I spread the virus to them.”
I also have such a dictatorial person around (not a ‘leftie’ though). When you have lefties circling around you, you are definitely in the wrong place, even without the current scare.
Anyway, I wonder how many people are in the same position. Divide and rule, where normally one could get along with the people around you, the tolerance and tact of people are now put to the test to the extreme.
I normally mostly avoid media (relatively ever more), even without the current scare, I do listen to a classical music station regularly, and my clock radio is tuned to it for waking up. Usually I manage to avoid their progressive climate change propaganda by turning the radio of temporarily in time. But this Corona scare is obsessively ubiquitously present and voiced, so that am often just too late to silence the first words, which always contain ‘c*r*n*’, ‘c*r*n*’.
Yuck!! I just want enjoyable music.
The classical music scene, being high brow or still elite is unfortunately hijacked by neo-progressives, so they attempt to, in between the music, to spread their propaganda. Or even to combine the two. Indeed, the ordinary working class people sphere seem to be the last resort, but this is not just related to the c scare.
I am not even interested in this medium initially, an ‘off-spring’? of the most despicable medium in the West, The Guardian, but one needs to hear about people whom are not that delusional from time to time. The way of treatment by off-guardian of the c*r*n* issue at large, also not moving toward extreme conspiracy theories certainly enjoys my respect.
Loved this. I can’t speak to much of my family any more (they fit your description).
I see the CIA are getting in at the basement level in the New People’s party currently being developed in the USA, with their ;Global warming scam;. Until the global warming scam on the left, or the Fascist far-right are gone, we are doomed to a future of misery.
> I see the CIA are getting in at the basement level in the New People’s party
But of course! I saw the nominal head of that latter thing speak (what a cuck!) a few months ago, and said to myself “this is going absolutely nowhere” [by design]..
You drive by haters need to get a grip.
It being Sunday today’s sermon is about the ancient and reinforced lie of TAX PAYERS MONEY.
Here comes the full-on barrels of hard BrexShit header rotten apple just desserts with that mendacity of ‘TAX PAYERS MONEY’ still being used as the abracadabra spell – meaningless as it always has been and engrained onto the general populace’s ‘common sense’ by Maggies Purse bashing people’s brains to mush.
The Obsessive Groan is in ecstatic orgasmic joy with it with full on spaffing all over its dumb pleb readers – who will no doubt also get a golden shower with their gobs wide open full of the shit they bought by slighting JC because their presstitute favourite whores, told them told them to.
1st the hardly concealed glee of a US style cable ‘news shows’ with more US billionaires finally getting their hands on the beeb as it will be privatised and its back log of shows monetised for ever and profits removed from taxation offshore – under the guise of the beeb being a propaganda bitch for the DS! No doubt the lie of TPM will be used to leave it as a NPR waif – yup no more local TV for you plebs. No more jobs for life nepotistic jobs for the bbc upperclass families too – eat shit mofos for selling the BS/JC bs and stuffing Bozo’s spaff down the viewers throats. LauraKoftheCIA will be given too seat as will the Fartage and there will be no independent ombudsman to stop daily lies as we are robbed of our remaining dignities and security won by our grand parents who would best be attached to dynamos in their graves now as they certainly won’t be able to afford burials in the coming BrexShit Utopia!
Secondly apparently we will be shipbuilding in Appledore in North Devon by a AIM listed company led by a wideboy BrexShit head who bought it for a few million after it was closed down and is expecting the Government to hand them £billions of contracts to build support ships for the aircraft carriers which will never be in use! Arguing also that he wants to build boats to patrol the Channel against desperate immigrants. The moron continued
‘Wood also hopes that Brexit could lead to a boom in new fishing trawlers, if the UK secures a deal to expand the UK’s fishing rights post-Brexit. “Brexit is good,” he said.’
No mention of TPM being wasted to provide a few jobs, making a AIM listed company into a major funnel for billions from the magic money tree that really exists.
Third , we get the heart warming story of paid and bussed thugs from Cummings home region, many who also attended the ‘protests’ yesterday as could be heard by their gobby accents and head banging hair cuts and the odd ones who failed to conceal their BrexShit headery as ordered.
‘In recent days Britain First has entered multiple hotels across the country which are being used by Home Office to accommodate asylum seekers during the pandemic.
In one video, posted on social media, group members can be seen entering a hotel in Bromsgrove, near Birmingham, knocking on doors to ask residents where they come from and accuse them of wasting taxpayers’ money.’
As the original JC told the original temple merchants – render unto Caesar what is his!
As our recently crucified JC told the same truth – there is a magic money tree and they are hiding it in the Cayman Islands.
There is just the great lie of TPM and BrexShit foreign billionaire vampires getting their fangs into what remains of British fair play and good humour.
Love it 17 drive by down votes so far , not one denial. 🙂
Aug 30, 2020 9:54 PM
Awaiting for approval
The Economist so obviously edit the graphs & charts to exclude the UK or US when the figures go against them, or expose them as the worst in the list. The economist is replete with lots of pro Anglo-sphere editing or lies. Such a lying rag, we need to laugh at them more.
The Economist so obviously edit the graphs & charts to exclude the UK or US when the figures go against them, or expose them as the worst in the list. The economist is replete with lots of pro Anglo-sphere editing or lies. Such a lying rag.
Excellent picks Mr Roddis.
Craig Murray should be given the highest accolades for his reporting of the Salmond scapegoating trial and the DS behind it – which is threatening him with ruin without a jury trial too.
It is the even further addition to the Dreyfus level judicial perversion in the U.K. couped junta state that we live in.
Xi has over seen the greatest raising of the poorest in history already and with the Russian muscle and tech innovation will be the planets saviour.
All in all a great future awaits. But I will say the lack of focus on the basic fact of Money is the biggest veil and illusion that still persists. An illustration follows in my next comment.
If it ever gets out of instant jail censor in time… the new MO on Ogee.
The Covaids hoax is from the same playbook they have been using for decades. For those of us who were in our twenties in the 1980s we are all too familiar with it. It’s all built on fear of the invisible. Janine Roberts wrote a brilliant book of this title on the HIV hoax. It shows you just how corrupt the system is and has been that this stuff has never been exposed after all these years. I never met anyone who knew anyone who died from HIV. Funnily enough I can say the same about the Covaids.
Also very similar to the Global warming hoax which is aimed at wrecking the world, economy in a similar way.
The SCAMDEMIC is a scam (a horrendous one) not a hoax. The Corporate Fascist Oligarch Mobster Psychopaths are perpetrating this crime against humanity not as a prank but to enslave all of us.
It’s very difficult to figure out what the author is saying about the pestilence. All I get is that he’s not saying anything but Gupta might be right but so what. He doesn’t mention that the casualty figures are of those who died after testing positive for covid, OF covid, without reference to any co~ morbidity. Is this common practice in medicine? Does this not arouse his curiosity? 40,000 deaths from a corona type virus, one reads, is not unusual and has never inspired a lockdown anywhere ever in recorded history. This does not pique his curiosity either. He manifests some of the symptoms of intelligence but he certainly hasn’t caught it. He may be suffering from Advanced Meanderous Waffle though, a condition prevalent in soi disant intellectuals.
“Advanced Meanderous Waffle”
I might nick that, if I ever get to a mask free pub again.
They will be issuing straws next.
Poke it through your mask and suck.
We’ll be doing the same in the soup kitchen,the way things are going.
#Scamdemic “Reset” Fulfils Protocols of Zion
A synopsis of the Illuminati’s blueprint…
Phillip Rodis really should read a little on the fraudulent actions by the WHO over the past 2 decades. In particular the altering of the definition of what actually is deemed to be a pandemic. He may well not be aware that change removed any criteria for numbers of people sick and number of people dead, but that still triggers emergency responses which are now far greater in their reach than when it did include the original criteria.
Or maybe he should watch the documentary TrustWHO, even if it’s only the last section where the then director, Margaret Chan admits that the biggest issue facing the future of the WHO is private funding, which leaves the organisation unable to steer itself nor avoid being unavoidably controlled by the deepest pockets.
Or if he was really stuck for reading material how about looking at Event 201 and seeing how the plan of action was well in place and ready to be rolled out right on cue when the next ‘deadly pandemic’ (an oxymoron now pandemic’s legal definition doesn’t require sickness or death) strikes.
He could even ask himself the question, how on earth did they know how this would pan out from the offset, to the point where all around the world laws were changed along the lines of the UK’s Coronavirus Act in sync from vast legal paperwork that could never have been prepared in the short space of time between the new virus being ‘discovered’ in China and those legal changes being made. Only a fool could be led to believe they were no prepared well in advance.
But it seems as every aspect of life is being changed as a result Mr. Roddis prefers to read pretty much anything, just as long as it doesn’t cover the topic of coronavirus.
And lastly maybe he could ponder the question that how on Earth we can have 2/3 of Europe experiencing far fewer deaths over the past 6 months than 3 of the past 5 years whilst experiencing the ‘deadliest pandemic the world has ever experienced’ as we are told on repeat. Not exactly the ‘big one we’ve been promised’. Well except from the response that is.
Ignorance really is no excuse, but how anyone (especially one claiming to be open minded and aware of the twisting of the truth in favour of the money that goes on in government and media) can ignore the points above without it even stirring a little interest to find out a bit more about what’s going on just boggles my mind. And that’s without looking at patents on strains of coronavirus, associated test kits and history of the corporations and individuals behind them (including the inventor Kary Mullis insisting PCR tests were for research purposes only and not to be use for diagnostics as they are not accurate enough). It’s a little bit more than smelling a bit fishy, it stinks to high heaven, so much it amazes me anybody takes the words of the players who have been deceiving and spinning such as Fauci, Neil Ferguson, Gates etc etc at face value when we are now on round 3 of their bullshit if you count SARS1 and H1N1 but ignore Ferguson’s wildly inacurate Mad Cow Disease predictive computer models.
The comments here are more interesting than the article.
As soon as I read the navel-gazing, self-referential first sentence, which seemingly assumes we the readers were waiting with bated breath for this particular commentator to weigh in on the Issue of the Day, I skipped down to the comments.
Any published commentator with half a brain who is still sitting on the fence regarding the fake Covid-19 plandemic scam is not to be trusted. And my feelings were confirmed when a commentator below (Sharon Marlowe) said that Mr Philip Roddis, nearly 20 years after the event, was not sure if 9/11 was an inside job or not.
I have a respect for Philip but we have disagreements. On the topic of 9/11, he came round to doubting the official account. However, from the comments he made, it seems he subscribes to the “Let it happen” rather than “Made it happen” view. I think “Let it happen” is wildly illogical if you consider how the “inside job” team could not possibly have been able to guarantee the effect they were looking for purely by just suspending the defense system. Also, if they just let it happen, that means the basic supposition of the official account i.e. that the US really does have a formidable enemy out there, stays intact. Indeed, didn’t the MSM itself eventually come round to the notion that Bush “knew in advance”?
The official story has so many holes and inconsistencies, that only the most blind government supporter has any faith that what they are saying is the truth.
> As soon as I read the navel-gazing, self-referential first sentence
Hear, hear, Fact Checker: who the f*ck exactly is Philip Roddis™, and why in the world would we be waiting with bated breath for *his* opinions?
Looks like Philip Roddis™ is going along with Ms. Johnstone’s “it’s just all so murky and confusing!!!” approach to the civil-liberties-destroying faux-pandemic..
More gaslighting, IOW-
The Coming War on China – True Story Documentary Channel
True Story Documentary Channel
The Coming War on China, from award winning journalist John Pilger, reveals what the news doesn’t – that the world’s greatest military power, the United States, and the world’s second economic power, China, both nuclear-armed, may well be on the road to war.
Nuclear war is not only imaginable, but planned. The greatest build-up of NATO military forces since the Second World War is under way on the western borders of Russia. On the other side of the world, the rise of China is viewed in Washington as a threat to American dominance.
To counter this, President Obama announced a ‘pivot to Asia’, which meant that almost two-thirds of all US naval forces would be transferred to Asia and the Pacific, their weapons aimed at China. A policy which has been taken up by his successor Donald Trump, who during his election campaign said “We can’t continue to allow China to rape our country and that’s what they’re doing”.
Filmed on five possible front-lines across Asia and the Pacific over two years, the story is told in chapters that connect a secret and ‘forgotten’ past to the rapacious actions of great power today and to a resistance, of which little is known in the West.
An urgent message for Australians, we outnumber them big time
There’s compelling evidence so-called “nukes” don’t even exist. Hiro/Naga were firebombed, Read the excellent “Death Object: Exploding the Nuclear Weapons Hoax” by Japanese author Akio Nakatani. Here’s another interesting article:- “On This Atom Bomb Anniversary You’re Being Lied to About Hiroshima – and Much More to Make You Fearful” – By Daily Bell Staff – August 06, 2016 – it includes lots of great links… Fake covid, fake nukes, the whole world’s a stage, that’s not to say there won’t be conflict, just not as you’re imagining it. I no longer trust Pilger, nor any “journalists”, not anymore. I do my own research from now on. BTW, presidents, prime ministers, chancellors etc, they are all mere puppets…
Bemused by John Pilger’s silence over lockdown, especially when he’s in Australia, which has become a police state.
If a relative of mine had died of Covid-19, I would want to know how they had arrived at such a definitive conclusion. What science did they use to know beyond any doubt?
When PCR tests are a travesty, and Bulgarian pathologists are claiming people have died with it, but not of it, what am I to think?
We are allowed to ask these questions when the air is thick with political coronavirus skulduggery.
My mind is fatigued from this can of worms.
I was one of those fashionable house husbands in 1998 then and sat 2 hours through Hercules, a cartoon film. My son seemed completely engrossed.
But when it finished he suddenly said to me
“what the hell was that about”
“Call me a dirty lowdown agnostic…”
How about, “indecisive”? Or, “going along to get along”? Or maybe, “weak-minded”?
If Phillip Rodis is still “agnostic” nearly two decades on from the 9/11 event, then maybe by 2040 he’ll still wonder about the plandemic of 2020…
There’s something trending on Twitter that may be interesting(first time for everything). It’s the CDC’s weekly report. Table 3 is what’s trending:
“Weekly Updates by Select Demographic and Geographic Characteristics”
“Table 3 shows the types of health conditions and contributing causes mentioned in conjunction with deaths involving coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death. The number of deaths with each condition or cause is shown for all deaths and by age groups.”
94% of people reported to have died of covid19, the CDC reports have only died with covid19.
Well-said, thank you!!
And I would bet that, of the 6% “of Covid” deaths, cause of death was not established by post mortem but was ‘assumed’ for a significant proportion of them.
Dear Philip,
” It’s not that I lost a dear friend to it in May.”
So your mind is already made up.
How do you know you lost a dear friend to it in May?
Maybe your dear friend had Pneumonia or something else, and you were told he had COVID, and you accepted it without question.
Trust in authority is quite overwhelming, and affects the vast majority of people, so they stop any kind of critical analysis, and just accept what they are told, and do what they are told.
I know someone, who died at the age of 91, and the family was told that he died of COVID. They too accepted it without question.
Maybe he would have died anyway. 91 is not a bad innings.
I also know a bloke who is 96, and he is fine.
It will take more than a cold to kill him off.
The covid panic is proving to be a far grater threat to what remains of humanities freedoms and civil rights than any ginned up war with China.
Just “grudging respect” for China? David Rockefeller could trump that…
Lockdown? More accurate term is ‘Lockup’, along with ‘Anti-social distancing’.
Why would no action follow from beliefs about 9/11 or Covid19? I guess if you aren’t an activist, no actions follow from any of your beliefs.
Why does Off G aloe his views- if ever there was an ex CIA being controlled Op…..😴😴😴😴