WATCH: The Jab – How the WHO Faked a Pandemic to Sell Vaccines

In 2009 the W.H.O changed their definition of “pandemic” in order to create an artificial panic and sell billions of doses of untested flu vaccines, ruining at least 1300 young lives.

This brilliant short video from the Children’s Health Defense concisely summarises the corrupt tragedy of the H1N1 vaccine, and how that situation should serve as a warning to the whole world today.

A brief summary:

  • Governments all over the world sign “sleeping contracts” with pharmaceutical firms to buy flu vaccines in the event of a pandemic.
  • In 2009 the World Health Organization changed its official definition of “pandemic” to a much looser one (with no requirement for anyone to have died).
  • Just weeks later they declared the H1N1 flu a “pandemic”, despite minuscule numbers of deaths
  • This triggered sleeping contracts worth billions.
  • Governments were legally obliged to buy up and distribute untested flu vaccines.
  • The vaccines caused serious, life-long side effects in over 1300 children.
  • Legal immunity meant no pharmaceutical firm paid any compensation, instead reparations were paid by taxpayers
  • Many of the scientists who advised the WHO declare a pandemic were later revealed to have financial interests in vaccine manufacturers.

This shocking recent history has been totally memory-holed in the mainstream, but serves as a dress rehearsal for our current “crisis”. Watch the video, share it widely. It has, quite obviously, never been more important or more relevant.

Many thanks to the subscriber who brought this to our attention. It’s great to have readers who are always on the ball, makes our job so much easier.


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Apr 5, 2021 9:56 PM

Blow your lies out your diseases ass!

Jack R
Jack R
Feb 6, 2021 12:51 PM

We are dealing with psychopaths that have captured our government’s and media.

Gregory Paul Martin
Gregory Paul Martin
Feb 6, 2021 2:44 AM

Agreed 💯

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Sep 4, 2020 2:07 PM


1. What about adults?

2. What about African children (and adults)?

3. In this sentence, “Documents obtained by plaintiffs in a series of European lawsuits revealed that GSK knew about the mounting adverse events associated with Pandemrix in the winter of 2009 – including a 5.4-fold increase in death,” what does the 5.4-fold increase in death refer to?

Eric McCoo
Eric McCoo
Sep 3, 2020 1:19 PM

The amazingly prescient UK channel 4 vaccine based drama ‘Utopia’ is now available on Amazon Prime UK. Made in 2013, looks quite a lot like 2020.

The American version will be available soon.

Read about it here

Summaries of Utopia episodes


Sep 2, 2020 11:55 AM

There is no virus. It isn’t real. It is the “sunny side up” slave diet causing the delerium.

Sep 2, 2020 11:53 AM

In February 2020, a WHO spokesperson clarified that “there is no official category [for a pandemic]”


We are under a global takeover of power executed by the WHO (on behalf of those who fund it).
All governments must annul any and all agreements they have made with the WHO or be culpable for crimes against humanity. There cannot be a central world governing body dictating compulsory medical interventions, disease control, medication or medical practices!!! This is a greater threat to humanity than any disease.


Sep 2, 2020 12:14 PM

It is organised crime. They must have their assets seized to pay for creation of food gardens for the people. The law stipulates entities that do no warn of signs of a lock down in their publications must pay a fine of all their assets to be used for creation of food gardens for the people. These warnings are so that it can never happen again that such organised crime becomes entrenched and to allow for research into such SOALD publications. A publication may include such documents as acts of parliament, constitutions, financial instruments, registration of a corporation, company and patents etc.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Sep 2, 2020 8:46 AM

“Sleeping” contracts … “Pandemrix” causes “narcolepsy”.

Are they having a little laugh?

This is misdirection, folks. For God’s sake please wake up to the misdirection.

Why does this video speak of 1,300 cases of narcolepsy and cataplexy in European children FOR LIFE while this on this webpage we see the same affliction for 1,300 people.

Big difference between the specificity of children and the non-specificity of people.

How do they know that this alleged narcolepsy caused in children will be for life?

What reason do we have to believe this statement of 1,300 cases of narcolepsy caused by this vaccine?

The important truth is that there is no virus. Geddit?

Do not get carried away in all the propaganda about vaccines, lockdown, masks, sanitising and all the rest of it.


Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Sep 2, 2020 9:10 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Just to add: every single thing I look at that is in opposition to the official story I always look at through the “controlled opposition” filter and I recommend anyone interested in the pursuit of truth does the same. In fact, you could say “controlled opposition” is my default bias.

As allegedly said by Lenin but understood by power everywhere:

“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.”

And, of course, anything that has slick production values and has a lot of currency is especially suspect.

I’ve become aware that “conspiracy theory” is a subject that quite a number of philosophers are interested in and it seems there are two main schools of thought:

Generalism (the thesis that we can evaluate conspiracy theories as a class) and

Particularism (the argument that we should assess particular conspiracy theories on their evidential merits)

As soon as I learnt of this phenomenon I knew immediately that among the particularists there would be genuine particularists as well as at least one controlled opposition agent. Sure enough.


John Ervin
John Ervin
Sep 2, 2020 11:01 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Petra, you wrote:

“And, of course, anything that has slick production values and has a lot of currency is especially suspect.”


That indicator came to mind, and stayed, after I saw two pseudo-documentaries by National Geographic, attractive to many viewers on account of their very swank production values, one of them on 9/11 and the other on The Unabomber.

The public really should be given, and hugely needs, “remedial education” — to be alert about all such glossiness, and radically skeptical of any “Hollywood” productions, such as anything NG puts out.

I won’t even go into their content, just laughably manipulated to achieve a “market interests” end. Each, a “pure” pack of lies. I haven’t been able yet to cure the nausea that ensues whenever I see their logo, so I stopped after those two specimens.

Glossiness is used to add credibility, though it’s hard to say why. I guess there is a mechanism in the “American (ized)” mind that locks in, “Well, if they went to all that expense it must have validity.”

And debunking that is made harder by the ban on any national thinking along the lines of conspiracy, or dishonest state propaganda.

If the façade is maintained endlessly, then the rulers have found most people are fain to contest such an overwhelming juggernaut. Minds balk at the task, instinctively.

But it’s an oddly learned “unnatural instinct”.

I sensed its presence while still in “short pants”, and progressively I grew more alarmed and on edge that so few others did, they had turned off all their “smoke” alarms!

But I made a vow early on that I would stay on guard, as it was recognizable as having long term and likely fatal consequences.

It’s good to see you adopted that reductive approach.

It’s just a kind of daily mega-vitamin for the mind everybody needs to take daily. Like Linus Pauling’s massive mega-doses of Vitamin C.

Just more so.

Margaret Phelan
Margaret Phelan
Sep 2, 2020 2:24 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

On the same track: BEWARE Simon Reeves and Stacey Dooley Propaganda Poster Babes for the Anti juggernaut. Don’t be fooled by their pretty faces, and their ordinary- ness. They are tools, bought and paid for by the Cabal who own them. Skilled in the art of brainwashing.

Sep 2, 2020 11:26 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

The covid cult are neo nazis so they set up a right wing anti vax movement to shield them. Actual health advocates expose how the germ theory is racist due to differences in vitamin D production.

This controlled opposition actually have been promoting the keto diet inorder to undermine peoples health which is also racist since different races can’t cope with dairy products.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 2, 2020 9:45 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

That there is no virus – or at least no special virus – is what almost everyone here is saying. This is not contradicted by that search for a vaccine. And the vaccine will most definitely be real. And, since the virus case has been overstated, the most we can hope for from the vaccine is that it will do absolutely nothing (apart from raising lots of nice dosh for its makers).


Aren’t children people too? Aren’t you splitting hairs here?

And why are you always resistant to the idea that actual people are being actually harmed? Even if it were true that the vaccine doesn’t cause lifelong narcolepsy for the affected children, the fact that it did cause harm over a crucial period of their lives is enough to affect (and even destroy) their lives forever.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Sep 2, 2020 11:47 AM
Reply to  George Mc

I am not resistant to the idea that people are actually being harmed, George. I KNOW people are being harmed. Nevertheless, one of their techniques is pushing out propaganda against themselves even if it’s propaganda that resembles what they do for real. It’s important. While what they do for real might be very similar to this Pandemrix thing the difference between what they actually do for real and what they push out as simulated truth is very significant. If it wasn’t they would bother with it. They must always have control of the story. This is how they rule us – control of the story.

Yesterday, a friend told me of a colleague with children who’ve all got head colds and are being made to stay home and have had to undergo four tests which they’ve found traumatic. Right there you have harm. And I’ve heard too many stories about children being affected by vaccines not to believe that they can affect children badly.

Of course, people are children but it is not splitting hairs to point out that in one story we are told “people” and one story “children”, because “people” suggests people of any age while “children” means an age range – medically this is always significant. And, in fact, if we just base our questioning on the video above we have to wonder why ONLY children are affected.

But the big clue that it is complete BS is that that they tell us the children will have narcolepsy for life and they can’t possibly know that. If this were genuine they wouldn’t say that, George. They’re always giving us the clues. Please don’t wave away clues as mere anomalies. That’s a special anomaly that simply wouldn’t occur normally.

Also, come on, George, “Sleeping” contracts … Pandemrix … narcolepsy.

Can’t you see how they’re having a laugh?

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 2, 2020 1:20 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

I’m sorry but I don’t follow that last bit:

“Sleeping” contracts … Pandemrix … narcolepsy.

County Girl
County Girl
Sep 2, 2020 2:31 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Wakey, wakey George. TPTB are always laughing at us – it’s being pushed right under our noses. If it helps, repeat the last 4 words of your comment out loud.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Sep 2, 2020 2:38 PM
Reply to  George Mc

The video has just appeared even though it’s related to a vaccine being administered in the flu season of 2009 so we’re now in the time of an alleged pandemic and narcolepsy is a sleeping disorder.

However, George, I think I’ll have to eat my words. There is evidence in various scientific papers of narcolepsy being a side-effect of the vaccination and there’s an Irish woman, Aoife Bennett, who took GSK to court after developing narcolepsy two weeks after getting the vaccination when she was at school. I don’t know that I trust any scientific papers now after the BS we’ve been subjected to on this fake pandemic but as there seems to be reasonable evidence that Pandemrix caused narcolepsy I accept that it was. I do find it odd that they said the children would have it for life. Maybe it’s because once a person suffers narcolepsy they always have it for life regardless of the cause.

Aoife Bennett’s life seems pretty awful now.


I have to say there’s something about that video that feels as though it’s controlled opposition but I have to accept it isn’t.

Sep 2, 2020 4:55 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Unless you’re a controlled oppositionist posing as opposition to critics of controlled opposition.
A mighty maze, but not without a plan.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Sep 3, 2020 1:57 AM
Reply to  Roberto

Everything I say is so transparent, Roberto, I think it strange that people suspect me of being some kind of agent.

I’m still not sold on this video being genuine – it seems to have a mocking tone that’s inappropriate for the subject and I notice a couple of occult things such as the shhh sign and people dressed in weird suggestive-of-death bird costumes, however, I have no compelling evidence against it being genuine so I accept it is – until I find any evidence to the contrary if I do.

Even if this video is genuine I think it’s always good to keep in mind that the power elite push things in our faces. They do it all the time.

Sep 3, 2020 5:22 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

There is an inverse example of “we have to wonder why ONLY children are affected.”, though it is in reference to a different affliction. Only children are NOT affected by the ‘covid-19’ virus. They are at virtually zero risk, if you consider that NO children (age 0-19) in a population of 15 Million have died in Ontario, Canada, a government which has an aggressive policy in classifying deaths from this ‘pandemic’, as do many or most governments in the world.
I read this from the government’s dashboard (I follow several such dashboards in various locales – they show similar patterns). In the 20-29 age group, only 4 have died, and age 30-39 has 7 deaths – in both of these age groups, this would be considered negligible risk – in a total population of 15 Million. Yet I see increasing numbers of these cohorts willingly wearing masks – outdoors! Ignorance is epidemic.

As a side note to various references to the ‘new’ virus not existing – I have to say again that the most usual and normal annual event is that mutations of viruses make their presence known and cause little or much grief depending on how the immune system functions. In some years children have been affected disproportionately, in other years, such as 2020, hardly or not at all. The worst approach with children with this particular virus is not to expose them to infection, because they do not fall victim to it and they do not transmit it, according to various epidemiologists, studies, statistics, and advisories (even from WHO), all ignored. The effect of isolation, apart from psychological damage, will be to weaken their immune systems.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Sep 3, 2020 1:30 PM
Reply to  Roberto

I think the statistics of which age groups are affected and how they’re affected is compelling evidence along with much other evidence that there is no special virus. No other virus affects produces the same statistics agewise as this one and it has other unique characteristics too. There is zero evidence that says that all illness and death isn’t from what it has always been from.

Sep 3, 2020 4:02 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

“… the most usual and normal annual event is that MUTATIONS of viruses make their presence known and cause little or much grief depending on how the immune system functions.”

” … zero evidence that says that all illness and death isn’t from what it has always been from.”
What would that be?

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Sep 4, 2020 2:42 AM
Reply to  Roberto

I recommend Paul’s comment below, Roberto. I think he expresses very well how they’ve pulled off this psyop.


Margaret Phelan
Margaret Phelan
Sep 2, 2020 2:39 PM
Reply to  George Mc

All vaccines contain a preserving agent. Thimerosol is the most dangerous and was banned in some countries in 2001, but not before it had done irreparable damage to thousands of children. And still they continue to poison our children with Aspartame.(Do the research)
”What is Thimerosal and Why Should I Care?Thimerosal is a mercury-based vaccine adjuvant (preservative) that causes a number of brain-injuring problems, with autism among them. Thimerosal is also a human carcinogen, mutagen, and teratogen that also interrupts the immune system and interrupts proper foetal development.
Thimerosal, is metabolized into toxic, and highly dangerous methylmercury. From there, the methylmercury is converted into the even more harmful, persistent, inorganic mercury that is retained in our physical tissues to wreck havoc on our health. For the immune-sensitive, this is the equivalent of a one-two punch. That must be why the World Health Organization (WHO) thinks thimerosal is ‘safe.’ It follows right along with their covert agenda to thin the herd.
There is no safe level of exposure to this neurotoxin, yet it is still used widely by Merck, Eli Lilly, and numerous other pharmaceutical companies. It is also still used in almost every flu vaccine currently administered.
According to Hooker, hundreds of thousands of babies born between 1991 and 1997, had their vaccine files analyzed by CDC epidemiologist Thomas Verstraeten, MD. Hooker says that this, “proves unequivocally that during 2000, CDC officers were knowledgeable internally of the very high hazard of autism, non-natural sleep problem and speech disorder associated with Thimerosal exposure.”
CDC as a Murderous AgencyThese alarming facts, along with the testimony of hundreds of whistleblowers like Kennedy who exposed the CDC as a dangerous, even murderous, government agency that cannot be trusted. They have lied to scientific bodies, fixed data, and withheld important information that could have prevented any number of autism cases, among other health dangers”
How many people even know this?

dr death
dr death
Sep 3, 2020 10:45 AM

An adjuvant is not a preservative, it is an additive to vaccines that promotes an immune response in the immune system ,and a deadly toxin like mercury (thimerosal) is perfect.
So much drivel being spouted on this board.

Sep 3, 2020 9:39 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Petra I think the main point is that people don’t realise none of the governments across the globe actually are claiming that anybody died from this alleged new virus.

A death coded as a Covid19 death is anyone who tests positive and dies within 28 days even if it’s not the cause of death.

There is no clinical diagnosis required and no autopsies carried out as per the WHO guidelines.

This is why the media and politicians always refer to x number have died after testing positive for coronavirus.

The tests even if they were reliable are testing for a snippet of a genetic code which the WHO have labelled as a virus even though it’s never been isolated and purified.

The test could be showing positive for absolutely anything and there’s a strong chance people are testing positive for their own genetic material which would explain why so many people have no symptoms at all as there’s nothing wrong with them.

And what exactly is the amplification cycle being used. We haven’t been told.

One thing for certain is that they are not testing for a disease. The politicians and media keep referring to Covid19 as a disease they’re testing for and it’s nonsense.

No one has explained how someone gets diagnosed with a disease by PCR, there’s nothing wrong with them and then after 10 days it just magically goes away.

It’s bullshit.

There is no concrete scientific evidence that PCR is testing for any live virus and there is absolutely no evidence that this new Covid19 pneumonia exists. And even if it did no clinical diagnosis is required.

As you correctly point out this is a false flag.

The WHO are advancing the financial and business interests of their biggest investors in the Gates Foundation and big pharma.

Governments in return get to transfer wealth from the small and medium businesses to the large corporations.
They also get to impose complete control over their citizens and the only way people would ever accept this is by a pandemic.

The governments and media have combined to launch a full psychological attack on their own people and tell their citizens they are only doing this for our safety.

Do you remember the slogan ‘we’re all in this together’.
Yea right. These people are only interested in their bank accounts and power.

Most people have been brainwashed but thankfully some of us are awake and can see through the propaganda.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Sep 4, 2020 2:41 AM
Reply to  Paul

Excellently put, Paul.

A death coded as a Covid19 death is anyone who tests positive and dies within 28 days even if it’s not the cause of death.

There is no clinical diagnosis required and no autopsies carried out as per the WHO guidelines.

The tests even if they were reliable are testing for a snippet of a genetic code which the WHO have labelled as a virus even though it’s never been isolated and purified.

The test could be showing positive for absolutely anything and there’s a strong chance people are testing positive for their own genetic material which would explain why so many people have no symptoms at all as there’s nothing wrong with them.

Just one thing, Paul. I stick to the term Psychological Operation or psyop and eschew the propaganda term “false flag” as it implies that a particular crime has been committed and the only discrepancy is in WHO committed the crime, not WHAT the crime actually is. Part of the propaganda strategy can be to push out that the “crime” is different from the actual crime in order to cover the essential truth.

Thus for this psyop the perps, as controlled opposition, are pushing that there’s a virus but there’s all kinds of things wrong with the story and the response is inappropriate. Of course, there are all kinds of things wrong with the story and the response is inappropriate (if there really were a virus) but the main point is that there is no virus and thus we need not discuss “all the things wrong with the story (except as they relate to the existence of the virus at all)” and we certainly don’t need to discuss the inappropriate measures because in the case of no virus obviously zero measures of any kind are required. All the things wrong with the story (except as they relate to no virus) and objection to the measures are a form of distraction propaganda to keep us away from the simple truth: no virus.

It’s also helpful that people will tend to find the simple truth of “no virus” too confronting. People can cope much better with the idea that a virus has been blown out of proportion and they’re using it as an excuse to implement certain measures of control but the fact is that unless you confront the actual truth you may as well swallow the pandemic story holus bolus. And the perps know this and that’s why they push out so much controlled opposition jumping up and down and inciting others to do the same, knowing that it will have zero effect.

The same applies to 9/11. The perps, as controlled opposition, push out controlled demolition massively (to the small number paying attention) with minimal attention on the planes and where they do address the planes they try to make out that there is no clarity on the fact that all four plane crashes were faked and thus no one died in a plane … because the fact that the deaths of the 265 plane passengers was faked might lead us to question whether the other 2,735 deaths might also have been faked … and the evidence clearly shows they were – but, of course, they were as it would not be in the MO at all to let those poor people in the buildings die, not when they could so very, very easily fake it apart from other compelling reasons.

Sep 2, 2020 5:16 AM

I belong to a Facebook group and one member posted this about a vaccine consultation. I didn’t know anything about it until now. Have a look, and complete it if you wish:


Jose Silveira
Jose Silveira
Sep 2, 2020 12:59 AM

I had already watched the video, which I then tweeted and emailed, to pass it on.
However, the comments below…
It’s going to take me a week to go through all of them!

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Sep 1, 2020 11:07 PM

Just a thought…….

This might sound cynical, but I don’t believe the WHO, the Davos crowd, and all the other internationalist slime would’ve pulled the same pandemic stunt on Obama as they’re doing to Trump. Gangster pharmaceutical companies like all the other multinational businesses made a “killing” while Obama was in office, and I’m sure the 2008 financial crash might’ve stirred thoughts about using a pandemic as a pretext to transfer funds to the failing banks and Wall Street. However, the pandemic theatrics weren’t necessary since CItigroup appointed all of Obama’s administration and the bailout was forthcoming.  And besides, Obama’s speeches were adored by affluent liberals, the dumbass naive public, and the national security state who seized the moment to expand as many military interventions as possible.  It seems in 2009 the creepy biomedical fascists took the H1N1 flu “pandemic” only to a certain point, and decided it wasn’t the right time to trigger the 2020 level of craziness.   

John Ervin
John Ervin
Sep 2, 2020 12:35 AM

Sort of makes sense, for “just a thought”.

Let’s hope they don’t think 2020 is the right time for “mass extinctions”. Etc.

God can always find a nearby 6 mile meteor, if absolutely needed, but I take a cue from the Pope, who called a Jubilee Year of Mercy 5 years ago, and in that spirit I lift a glass to nicer outcomes!

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
Sep 2, 2020 1:09 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

(“Let’s hope they don’t think 2020 is the right time for “mass extinctions”. Etc.

God can always find a nearby 6 mile meteor, if absolutely needed”) –

– Thanks John I needed a reason to smile today and you gave it to me. Then again, my sense of humor is a bit warped I do admit.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Sep 2, 2020 8:44 PM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz

I only meant it as a worst-case scenario.

Things will look up, Gary, they always do.

Look no further than the dinosaurs to prove that. They had to wait 66 million years, but they finally got their own Theme Park.

That’s huge, in USA as we know it.

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Sep 2, 2020 5:07 AM
Reply to  John Ervin
Sep 1, 2020 9:45 PM

I must admit the ‘swine flu’ of 2009 has always made me wonder ! It was the same configuration as the influenza pandemic 1918/1919 H1 N1 and yet was no were near as deadly, of course in 2009 we could treat bacterial secondary complications such as pneumonia, which we couldn’t do in 1919. Yet, it appears that the catotonic state of children in 1919 (see film awakenings) did happen in 2009.

I know language around ‘pandemic’ is sloppy you go via outbreak to epidemic to pandemic and I can’t remember numbers now.

Why was is confirmed as a pandemic with so few cases? It seems as though someone was prepared to order enough vaccine to treat a deadly pandemic. How could this have been known before H1 N1 hit…….seems odd. The strangest thing is why wasn’t it as deadly……can same cofiguration influenza viruses have variable effects….that is the only answer I have been able to come up with.

I know that genetic disorders can express themselves in different people…..forgive my spelling but I guess we all know about The elephant man.

John Merrick had a condition called neuromfibromatosis…as I said a genetic disorder it’s expression was extreme in John Merrick, yet some people who have neurofibromatosis have one or two small benign tumours……so it’s a bit like we can tell you, you have got it, but we cannot tell you how badly it will be expressed.

In the case of H1 N1 in 1918/19 a very severe expression but in 2009 H1 N1 quite minor.

Was it a natural or engineered virus in 2009…the evidence sugggests it wasn’t natural, it was expected and therefore I am going with engineered….now you can all batter me

Sep 1, 2020 7:13 PM

Just to add one more thing, this sequence witch the CDC/whatever claimed was due to the eh…… virus, is spesifyed in their own words, in one way only, an sequence of AmA, nuckl. not reversed, not twisted, painted, dipped in cream, sprinkled with parmesan, or iverted etc, but given by them as Da Suckvence, do you get that, and no matter how they debunk this, the truth is, its all in the Sequence given from the people whom claims this is their prof of uh…. something, not ours, then the fact it maches cromosone 8 is what, an coincident, right.

I bet, IF you reversed that sequence, just to say it that way, I belive it stil would mach something in our DNA/RNA structure, but that maybe what, toe nails, dick sice, etc.


Sep 1, 2020 6:58 PM

Here’s one for you. Name an organisation which is prominent in current affairsl but questions can be asked of their accountability and where do they all seem to be based?
WEF – Geneva where do they meet – Davos
WHO – Geneva
BIS – Basel
FIFA – Zurich
Looks like we need to ‘ring fence’ Switzerland

Sep 1, 2020 7:08 PM
Reply to  theguvnor

Forgot to add IPCC – Geneva

Sep 2, 2020 6:26 AM
Reply to  theguvnor

And the WWF

Sep 1, 2020 6:54 PM

I had to write this while I have it.

I watched some debunkers, the people whom debunks everything incl this PCR test regime witch I linked to and some others did, and again, they, either dont get it right, or lies about their so called debunking.

DNA consist of 4 different Amino acids, named as AGCT, and the RNA have AGCU, and is an not an double helix but an single sting with this AmA attached, and this are of course sequenced, and that sequence dont contain one of the 4 main AmA as found in the RNA namely U, that one isnt in this at all, all the sequences are AGCTs, and this test was made to find Proteins, and cormosone 8 is an protein.

DO read the coments on this one.

When you think about that, and an mitrocondial genome whom is circular DNA mol. contains 16 569 nucleotides, and the PCR test snaps and compares only an part of it, like 18 characters long, this is the reason for finding and giving an posetive result reagarding Papaya and Goats and even engine oil witch came back as not as an negative, but just indecideable and the rate of false positives must be exseptional.

I am not the slightest surpriced if this is true, and I hope others will be more clever than I am, since I took this on eh….. foot, as I stil think about it, but I am convinced this test, witch the inventore spesificly warned aganst when they wanted it to be used to detect Viruses witch are RNA, and when you know the sequence, I bet you can find it everywhere because they use the DNA foot prints when they seach for positives.
The difference is just that DNA is the main frame, the RNA is the local processores, but they are by basics the same, the only difference is in one of the AmA, and when you look at the paper I link to you, there is nothing in this that have anything to do with RNA, no matter what, reversed or not, I dont understand that, reverse, what, when their 18 char. matched since the DNA is over 16500 char. long and then you rather question the methodic because it seems to me this is used by large to detect DNA, NOT RNA.
And then you have the process of taking out this Sequnces, I wounder, and do this process fragment the cells or whatever they do or take that sample from, liquify it, chops it, etc, and then you take that soup and runs an test to find an squence 18 char. long, from an helix of 16500 bytes.

Like the saying goes, we are 98% monkeys, we are also 98% turtles, dolpines, etc, to maybe papaya/goats, and no wounder they tested this respective to be positive, do you understand until I read something much more comprehensible about this and with images on how and what, I stil think this PCR test was constructed to create this wast numbers of false positives for the single purpouse to have an fundament for claiming this, eh…. CONvid is an virus witch causes an pandemic, something stinks high heaven.


Sep 4, 2020 12:13 AM
Reply to  mikael

Believe it or not, the New York Times actually ran an article that claimed a survey of PCR tests were revealed to be overstated because the PCR test is amplified until a positive result is obtained that is essentially meaningless and certainly non-threatening, in other words, benign. Thus PCR tests may actually be only 10% actually positive, itself meaningless because positive tests are not ‘cases’. Considering that a positive test headline number is presented as a ‘case’, only 10% of those positives may be considered as infections, and most infections pass without symptoms so are not ‘cases’ requiring attention or treatment, and considering that the story came from the NYT, one of the champions of scare-mongering (i.e. anything anti-Trump), this is a surprising story indeed.
Is the NYT jumping ship?

Sep 1, 2020 5:29 PM

“By the 18th of September the government via the HMRC website wishes to hear public opinion on the release of a C19 vaccine by the end of the year”

Replying to @itsjillgardner
get your yourself over to the http://Gov.uk website and add your opinion.

They sneak this through without letting the public know they want opinions.

If you actually care about our health, children and society, make your voice heard now!


John Ervinj
John Ervinj
Sep 1, 2020 8:29 PM
Reply to  bob

There was a famous uprising in England some hundreds of years ago, rabble led by a charismatic commoner. (Brits will know more of the details than a Yank, likely, so this just a QuikGuide.) The King had them all come to his front Gates (pardon the pun) to let them vociferate their grievances. Once they had dispersed, and after thanking them, he had them all identified and later dispatched.

A similar strategy in our times was to take out ads to gather “evidence” from eyewitnesses on the Grassy Knoll and the JFK hit, “Did you see *anything* — anything at all?” Many of them died in the next few years.

Well, that should be familiar history to posters here.

The strategy contrasts like day and night with two LAPD detectives (coincidentally with a shared history not only in CIA but South American “contra” death squads as well) who were detailed to form the S.U.S. (Special Unit Senator) duo that “interviewed” (interrogated and intimidated) eyewitnesses of the Bobby Kennedy murder, but that’s an eyeful too long (though revealing) to repeat here, but is covered tellingly in “CIA Rogues: the Killing of the Kennedy’s” by Patrick Nolan 2014. (Witnesses were told by the LAPD in charge, something like, “It couldn’t have happened that way, you must have seen ______________ this. Everyone else saw __________________this. A number of the eyewitnesses, some quite young, were brave enough to complain, once out of that “loop”, to other parties. And now, 50 years later, at least we have their complaints, long suppressed, etc.)

Given the “rogue” approaches of many governments, more blatant and flagrant by the year (if not the hour) I thought it worthwhile to “come clean”, myself, on the time-honored tactics, and some of the more modern ones, since it always helps to have as many multiple maps of a minefield as are available. Hopefully from the right side.

Sep 2, 2020 12:15 AM
Reply to  John Ervinj

The first story about the charismatic commoner and the King was good, it conveyed the idea in a compressed, simple, and powerful manner After that it got tediously detailled, too much parenthesis and acronyms, vulgar and confused, which is characteristic of society and news media. If people of the future can read our modern expressions, they will think we were nuts.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Sep 2, 2020 12:49 AM
Reply to  John

Well, for trolls maybe too many details, but who needs them, anyhow —

— and besides, C’MON, the details I gave are of an incalculably important historical impact, in all of this, however they play, and are the sort of thing serious and sincere students at this site value as clues to the big picture.

Besides coming from the dissident “reprehensible” son of the attorney for Philosophical Research Society, whose founder was hypnotizing Sirhan as the hypno-programmed Patsy for RFKs murder.

But, Oh, pardon the detail!

I won’t otherwise comment on your” comment”.

(Just a thanks for drawing more attention to mine!)

Sep 2, 2020 11:35 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

““reprehensible” son of the attorney for Philosophical Research Society, whose founder was hypnotizing Sirhan”

This sentence is wholly literary responsible, it invokes the imagination in a pleasant way. The issue is the mix of style, you can’t mix literary style with the vulgar realism style of news media, or in general, the vulgar realism of modernity.

Sep 1, 2020 5:03 PM

Faith in PCR Test Leads to Epidemic That Wasn’t

Here’s a summary of a whooping cough epidemic alarm in 2007 that turned out to be false:

  1. There was a doctor who had a cough for longer than usual (two weeks)
  2. After a while few more health workers started coughing leading them to believe it was an epidemic
  3. PCR technique was used and it showed large amounts of positive results
  4. 1445 health care workers ended up taking antibiotics and 4524 were immunized against whooping cough.
  5. After 8 months of panic, the health care workers received an email from the hospital admin that the whole thing was a false alarm.

A few excerpts from a mainstream report:

At Dartmouth, when the first suspect pertussis cases emerged and the P.C.R. test showed pertussis, doctors believed it. The results seem completely consistent with the patients’ symptoms.

Anyone who had a cough got a P.C.R. test, and so did anyone with a runny nose who worked with high-risk patients like infants.

“The big message is that every lab is vulnerable to having false positives,” Dr. Petti said. “No single test result is absolute and that is even more important with a test result based on P.C.R.”


My comment: The lockdowns were hasty, unwarranted and despotic.

Sep 1, 2020 4:48 PM

One of the most disconcerting discoveries in clinical medicine was the

finding that children with congenital agammaglobulinaemia, who could

make no antibody and had only insignificant traces of immunoglobulin

in circulation, contracted measles in the normal fashion, showed the

usual sequence of symptoms and signs, and were subsequently

immune. No measles anti-body was detectable in their serum (the water

part of blood minus clotting factors and cells).

F.M. Burnet. Measles As An Index Of Immunological Function. The Lancet—Hypothesis, Volume 292, ISSUE 7568, P610-613

The only immunity Vaccines grant are to the manufacturers who are legally immune from accountability and responsibility.

Jose Silveira
Jose Silveira
Sep 2, 2020 12:46 AM
Reply to  jack

I’m gonna steal your last sentence!

John Ervin
John Ervin
Sep 2, 2020 2:37 AM
Reply to  jack

Thanks, Jack for the quotable: (“The only immunity Vaccines grant are to the manufacturers who are legally immune from accountability and responsibility.”)

Be certain I would have thought of that cutting quip, in time, but you saved me those vanishing brain cells, so needed elsewhere.

It reminds me of those famous last words of the South African “diplomat” in Lethal Weapon, “Diplomatic Immunity”.

And Danny Glover’s “retort” is capped by “It’s just been revoked.”

Let’s hope theirs is less irrevocable than they presume….

It’s an interesting parallel though, in the 2 covers of immunity, being so abused.

As I posted elsewhere, maybe if a class action lawsuit was brought in the World Court by several billion victims of their over-reach?

There surely is some such way to make them wish they had never heard the word “$yringe”.

We should find it.

Sep 1, 2020 4:16 PM

Manipulation of population via so called government decrees, rules, supposedly to help people, are appealing and in fact are scams and delay tactics to keep false narratives about COVID via propaganda of deed.

From ABC about California’s “caring” Governor who destroyed people’s jobs via criminal, baseless lockdown and then exposed them to vicious evictions… which could be further postponed if one declares on paper that COVID exists and it was COVID alone by itself, not governor illegal usurpation of power that took their jobs and hence governments was right.

The proposal Newsom announced would also ban evictions for unpaid rent because of the coronavirus for money owed between March 1 and Aug. 31. Tenants would also have to sign a document saying they have a financial hardship because of the virus..

The bill would not forgive the missed payments. Tenants would still owe the money. Landlords could sue them to get the money back, and a judge could order them to pay it. But tenants could not be evicted.[if pays at least 25% of rent otherwise will be thrown on the streets]

How this disgusting puppet of Silicon Valley billionaires think about millions working people, whose jobs he took away arbitrarily for last seven months, will be able to pay back rent owed as lockdowns are being continued, unemployment pay reduced.

it is all sham to stifle criticism and exposure of COVID pandemic hoax that according to recent CDC report (late August) killed ten thousands people at most (flu killed over 40,000 this mild year alone) Which is 17 times less than publicly reported numbers and 300 times less than early March fraudulent projections used as motivation for doomsday scenarios believed by fearful people and supposed lesser evil of destruction of economy than supposed extinction of human species.

Fearful people are not to be dismissed as they are real and present danger to society. it is fear that leads to immoral and irrational ideology of extortionist lesser Evilism COVID fanatics embraced on orders from dead liberal class. They want us to act self destructively against our own health, survival and common class interests of ending vicious exploitation of our labor and commodification of our bodies for medical or other interests of profit.

Those who see COVID psyop solely as issue of individual freedom are deluding themselves as it was the very exploitation by capitalist class’ devised liberalism and supposed individual freedom of massive expansion of wealth of few and control over many that created tremendous inherent inequality under capitalism and unprecedented concentration of near absolute power in few oligarchic hands that step by step eroded all previous liberal illusions of social progress.

Human Society has been reduced to individualistic mob of mindless sheeple pushing on the gates of slaughterhouse to get in first. The rest, under brutal assault, is meandering aimlessly deaf and blind to death closing in.

Only systemic changes, creation of fundamentally equal, equitable and egalitarian, directly self ruled by the people, society can prevent continuation and escalation of attacks under guise of war, pandemic or climate or anything else, on people who simply work for living, their children and livelihoods.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Sep 1, 2020 10:13 PM
Reply to  Kalen

KALEN wrote:

“Only systemic changes, creation of fundamentally equal, equitable and egalitarian, directly self ruled by the people, society can prevent continuation and escalation of attacks under guise of war, pandemic or climate or anything else, on people who simply work for living, their children and livelihoods.”

Too true. Is there, anywhere, a realistic strategy for doing so, to stem this here onslaught?!

One may appreciate a number of points you make, though the ones about Newsom ignore the cold and bitter truth, and better truth, that he is in almost the identical situation Gov. Gray Davis found himself in 20 years ago, when he got himself ousted by well-organized (or at least well-funded) rogue right-wing forces as en flagrante delicto* they pinned their own supervillain California Energy Crisis “Y2K” (of which *ENRON Ken Lay was 6 years later found guilty of, on all 21 counts of fraud and sundry crimes: ergo, not a conspiracy theory, but a -convicted- conspiracy super-felony, just to be clear) on our old Harvard School ROTC alum and Vietnam war hero (G. Davis).

Our (California residents’) reward was to be stuck with deadbeat Lay’s $9 bill. bill, and as he worked a backdoor deal, stuck with a Viennese weightlifter, as Gray’s Austrian “replacement” (Yes, Virginia, I don’t make these things up, you’re only just still too young to believe it.)

Lay, in his younger years in Omaha, NE., was also a prime investor and shaper of ES&S, Election Systems and Software: don’t let’s get started, since I was supposed to do a TV segment but had to opt out at the last moment, a chart demo on how the other key player, Diebold, huge in CA vote rigging, gave us voters here in 2003 their touchscreens — “Accuvote”, lol — which when numbers crunched gave Ah-nold a 250% greater margin of victory than his average “victorious” margin in precincts where other systems were used.)

When Lay was driven physically out of California like the incarnation of a demon, or that his supervillainous crimes suggest (though the demon itself seems to be rearing it’s hideous head again– is that you, Kenny Boy?) the Democrats were long touted in all the main presstitution$ as the fall guys, even as overrun with armies of plants as they were (trust me, I ran the Dukakis campaign for an area of a million voters in urban LA and handlers abounded “even” then, only nothing like these days! I poked my nose into to Linda Sanchez’ victory party in 2002 and it reminded me of the Gary Hart mob of phonies a quarter century before, but with a bit more salsa, policed everywhere by wolves in sheep’s clothing, or sheep dip. I could feel “the heat” within mere moments! And it had been turned up.

Meanwhile, all the same, the state has moved farther and farther left, or “blue”, that is, “as if”, despite a Republican Reich here straining to stem the pink tide, as the Reep has dwindled constantly in stats like the dodo did, if not the dinosaur (though a close likeness, metaphorically). Despite Republican best efforts to bend that curve, the trend is for California to break off the continent, just like the real-time outcome of one of our disaster movie earthquakes, and reinvent itself in the Pacific as an island.

So much so that, like French Canada, or Hawaii, there have been some polls suggesting we have the numbers to pass a measure to secede from that old suspect construct: everyone’s favorite bogeyman: Unkkkle $kkkam, aka dba USA.

As if to make sure that Governor Gavin had not missed the bigger point, the sight of those aforesaid wolves circling his door, and also to get in his head, there were even the first recurrence of utility companies “rolling blackouts” just days ago! since the scourge of Kenny Boy Lay a generation ago.

I’ve been comparing the CV19 scam to that here for months, they are so similar. “Speak of the devil and he appears.” Is that YOU Kenny Boy? Sipping a piña colada on your private island, after they had to vacate the sentence on your 21 counts in 2006 when you suddenly, if conveniently, died a couple months later,AND your family was “entitled” to keep your (our) $9 billion “estate”?? Could be you. Sure SMELLS like you. You know, like oil? Kinda crude.

When you get to 70, as I will be soon, you notice these things.

Painting Newsom with the same brush as Davis, in ALL these several shades of StierScheiße, is clearly one more from the global palette of these revolting Colour Revolutions.

And that pallette ain’t got ANY pink, or the primary colour whence it derived.

Meanwhile, offering the alternatives of democracy and or democratic socialism presupposes that there is ample enough supply of gifted leaders of such a March leftward. (GKC put it in almost those words, also in the 20’s….but of the past century.)

When Nazi Rogues wolfishly circle our landscape “seeking whom they may devour” of that number of competent socialists,and Democrats, it may help explain why the number in US & UK is so scanty?

And why we are more overrun by plants than any Amazon rainforest.

As facts-in-evidence for my “slam-bang case”:


Exhibit A: JFK

Exhibit B: RFK


Exhibit C: MLK

Those State acts, and facts, are too too often overlooked in explaining this, which easily leads to the question: but, purposefully?!

Since they are SOOOOOOOOOO obvious.

Especially here?

Jus’ Sayin’

John Ervin
John Ervin
Sep 1, 2020 10:40 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

Greetings (and what’s more, telling info) from The People’s Republic of California and the Left Coast (those pink jewels drenched in Nazi Wolfen saliva) “seemingly” breaking off the continent leftward:



Sep 1, 2020 3:43 PM

Apparently New Zealand was free from Covid-19 in the community for 102 days.

Then a Covid-19 virus materialized from nowhere and spread, or was spread, to a hundred or so.

The RNA sequence of the virus did not match any other viruses sequenced in New Zealand.

No one knows where it came from.

However, it seems people in New Zealand are completely stupid.

They just accept that they don’t know where the virus came from, instead of drawing the obvious conclusion;



Sep 1, 2020 8:55 PM
Reply to  john7

The RT-qPCR test is not fit for diagnostics: according to the scientist who won a Nobel Prize for inventing it: Kary Mullis.

We know the test doesn’t work, therefore the ‘mystery’ of where the ‘virus’ came from is no mystery at all.

False results from a test known to be not fit for this purpose.

A phone survey of 15,000 randomly selected Kiwi’s indicated the majority know this as a simple fact.

Off course most Kiwis live in the deep bush, only come out at night and don’t have any telecommunication devices. Nor do they speak any discernible language.

Barry from the statistical accountancy service suggested we survey citizens instead. An idea which sounds almost plausible BUT if we need to get more Kiwis tested why on Earth would we test citizens let alone survey them about testing Kiwis when we all know the test doesn’t work?

In some avenues protests have been contemplated…. Yet again we return to the fact you can be as pro the testing as you like.

It still doesn’t work.

Testing times indeed…

Love New Zealand.

Jean Wilson
Jean Wilson
Sep 1, 2020 11:25 PM
Reply to  Kiwijoker

I suspect N.Z. is one of the ‘safe’ places selected by the billionaire’s club as an escape from social/economic collapse. The very wealthy have been buying land and building mansions/bunkers in the many remote places in that country.

The small, gun-less population of N.Z. and fairly unpolluted environment, surrounded by thousands of miles of sea, plus an obedient, chosen authoritarian government makes this a safe haven for the rich.

Sep 2, 2020 12:32 AM
Reply to  Jean Wilson

In NZ we all have billions of dollars and underground bunkers.

We’re just not allowed to discuss it with anyone.

The cows, sheep and tourist attractions are actually just a fluffy frontage.

New Zealand has been planning to dominate and control the World for the last one thousand years.

And finally, now that all the bunkers are built and the gold has been stashed, we are playing our hand for total world power.

We’ll be nice though.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Sep 2, 2020 5:31 AM
Reply to  Kiwijoker

Here we have known a retired aerospace engineer, Northrop Stealth Bomber technology, he told me, and he was ranting to me something like your tale for several years. Apparently, by his inside info sources (although through a website as well), the ancient Chinese dynasties, displaced by Mao & Co., had sequestered brick upon brick of gold bullion, by the billions, in caves, and after the 2016 elections they were going to come forward and announce to the world that they would use their unknown and unexpected financial preeminence to reset the global economy.

There, they would then say, “all fixed”.

I pointed out to him in April 2017 that I, for one, was getting restless that the Chinese royals had not (yet) stepped forward and made everything good. He reassured me confidently that I needn’t worry, the timetable had been slightly adjusted, but just to wait.

I kept anticipating an update, but suddenly he stopped showing up at the gym where he had been a fixture for many years. And, whatever the reason, we haven’t seen him since.

But it sounds from what you say that a similar scenario exists in New Zealand. There sure seems to be a lot of gold unaccounted for. That might explain why Fort Knox was empty when DSK asked for a tally, right before he was so rudely stung by the Sofitel maid a few days later. And there went his near lock on the French Presidency.

Did you stash it in caves, like the royals of China?

If so, great minds think alike.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Sep 2, 2020 5:43 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

The Chinese royal families also indicated that they would be nice, too, and absent their claim to world control, I am pleased to know the kiwis are giving us similar indications, since they seem to be the only other real option.

Whew, that’s a relief.

Just when some were losing all hope! Timely.

Sep 2, 2020 7:15 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

Insightful read John, thank you.

For clarification as to where we store our vast stashes of hidden gold in New Zealand…

We have carefully deposited it all (well most of it) inside active volcanoes around the North Island.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Sep 2, 2020 8:10 PM
Reply to  Kiwijoker

You’ll admit that there may be better security protocols (in the event you find yourself in the molten throes of a Krakatoa 2.0).

My California ’49er gold digging Confederates and I are available pro bono to help you find a better stash site.

Sep 3, 2020 3:53 PM
Reply to  john7

New Zealand, 5,000,000 population.
Cumulative deaths, first ‘wave’, 4 months: to end-June, 22.
Deaths: second ‘wave’, 2 months: to 3 Sept: Zero, Cumulative 2020: 22
Risk: .0000044, or .00044%, or 99.99956% of NOT dying from the virus.


Also: Infections are not ‘cases’. Repeat.

And: Francis Bacon, 17th Century, paraphrasing:
“To repress nature makes nature more forceful in the return”.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Sep 1, 2020 3:14 PM

Brilliant video by Children’s Health Defense

Listed as number five in the summery: “Governments were legally obliged to buy up and distribute untested flu vaccines.” This is true.

Point: The people (as government) are legally obliged to pay the cost of such distributions.
Two: We (as the affected parties) are the “test” subjects…

For those who wish to inform themselves and others regarding vaccine efficacy, do a web search using the term: “vaccine Gain of Function“. It’s all there in black and white.

Sep 1, 2020 2:56 PM

Also, check out the show notes on James Corbett’s recent Q&A video about the W.h.O

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Sep 1, 2020 1:07 PM

A great article and an accurate accounting of how the covid panic was sustained as the search for quick profits poisons everything.

Sep 1, 2020 12:56 PM

It all joins up . . . for example, Sir Patrick Vallance worked at GSK from 2006 until he was appointed the UK government’s Chief Scientific Adviser in March 2018, then made Chair of SAGE in March 2020. GSK has close links with Big Chem, including the powerful flame retardant industry. Both work with the huge PR firm Burson Cohn and Wolfe who operate a revolving door policy with staff from amongst others Imperial College. Imperial of course advise the government on covid policy. They also played a major role in preventing changes to the UK’s furniture flammability laws which would have massively reduced flame retardants in our furniture.

Sir Patrick Vallance is also Chair of the Grenfell Tower Fire Scientific Advisory Group. Last year this group slipped out a statement that in effect said they do not believe it is necessary to look at the role of flame retardants in the Grenfell fire. Even though burning flame retardants in internal products were almost certainly the main cause of death. Government advisers to Grenfell keep claiming that the fire was not toxic, without of course providing any evidence. (The same thing was claimed by the EPA after 9/11 of course, only for them to admit many safe years later that in fact the fall-out was extremely toxic.) Just this morning, vans turned up at Grenfell Tower to remove internal residues but the government isn’t saying why or what’s going to happen to it. I wonder why.

Sep 1, 2020 12:55 PM

These fake opposition like Del Bugtree refuse good idea to have warning on all content containg signs of a lock down. You can be sure if these wanted to stop this shit happening again they would see the sense in making sure future generation were warned every time a piece of content had the slightest sign of a lock down.

Sep 1, 2020 12:28 PM

when tyrannies take over it is because people volunteer their liberty voluntarily.” A bold pronouncement, but what we have come to expect from Lord Sumption, former Supreme Court judge, in his campaign to defend civil liberties under lockdown


Sep 1, 2020 3:24 PM
Reply to  bob

Sumption and these lawyers deserve praise. Where are the others? Does their silence mean they support the destruction of the rule of law?

Sep 1, 2020 12:15 PM

“The US Center for Disease Control (CDC) has quietly updated the county’s horrific Covid numbers to show that only 9,210 of all the 153,504 deaths recorded actually died from Covid.
The other 94% had 2 to 3 other serious illnesses and the overwhelming majority were of very advanced age; 90% in nursing homes making the virus as lethal as the 2019-2020 flu season.
*The CDC is not an independent agency. It is a vaccine company and owns over 20 vaccine patents. It sells about $4.6 billion of vaccines every year”

from the Slog

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Sep 1, 2020 7:53 PM
Reply to  bob

RE: …9,210 of all the 153,504 deaths recorded actually died from Covid

I don’t see where this info is shown at the CDC link you provide.

Sep 1, 2020 11:46 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

Look at comment above Table 3 in the first link. 9210 is 6% of the total death figure.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Sep 2, 2020 12:56 AM
Reply to  Ross

I appreciate the reply but I don’t see those two numbers anywhere on Table 3 (9,210 or 153,504).

Sep 2, 2020 1:56 AM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

“ComorbiditiesTable 3 shows the types of health conditions and contributing causes mentioned in conjunction with deaths involving coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned.”

9210 is 6% of 153,504 (rounded)

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Sep 2, 2020 2:59 PM
Reply to  Ross

Yes, I know what the paragraph above Table 3 says. But I still don’t see 153,504 anywhere. Also the table does not show a category for COVID-19 as the “only cause.” I don’t see how the table supports the paragraph you quote.

What I think is more interesting, is from Table 2 (2/1/2020 – 8/22/2020):
“All deaths involving COVID-19 (an inflated # to be sure) = 164,280
“Deaths from all causes” = 1,778,821

164,280/1,778,821 = 0.092, or less than 1% of all deaths have any (real or imagined) relationship to COVID-19. Whether we call these deaths excess or not, this amounts to statistical noise. For this we shut down the world?

Sep 1, 2020 11:26 AM

SSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOO let me get this right as facts are so sacred!!!!!!
the who who can’t stop wars as that cause’s well a s few illness’s
can dicktake to countries which has more gdp than them and weapons.
and tell them all to shutdown handsaznitser themselves and wear masks even though they told you masks dont work its even on the packet of masks it doesn’t work just in case your to thick  social distant etc

this is a very complicated story bare with me

Countries that don’t get on according to the world view said ok bill your scientist are correct our own scientist are thick our own intelligence services are thick as fuck as well.

Okey 140 countries all over the world all in unison except a few like Sweden etc
said in 50-70 different languages for humanity we as different political views and religious views and we (remind idiot voting olks we don’t get on()
this year we will all get on together for the love of the human race and planet and only a vaccine can help us. even though it may not work fully or work at all and have a few sideffects

and most importantly apply the science for this deadly pandemic.

YOU yes you must be fucking thick to believe this who gates horseshit
and you yes you must be totally brainwashed to believe your selected elected all decide to do this for your benefit health and safety as they cared and they as elected officials cant do anything about this as will they all in union listen to the science because of who and gates

Sep 1, 2020 2:54 PM
Reply to  ame

I mean most of these sentences are incoherent so I don’t know if it’s worth responding to – but pretty clearly there are all sorts of factions and corporations and governments who are finding ways to benefit from this.

It’s a shockingly small minority of elite who got this conspiracy rolling, but all manner of rulers and economic elite are finding ways to benefit and push agendas on top of this. All at the expense of common people obviously, but its not like it’s only Gates and WHO that benefit from all this. Clearly.

This is the nature of modern government, really. To perpetrare and then exploit panic and chaos and desperation, all the while framing themselves as saviors. It’s an old trick, that seems to always work on idiots like you.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 1, 2020 3:47 PM
Reply to  ame

As Pokwok says below, this appears to be written in a kind of stream of consciousness pidgin English so it’s probably not worth responding to. But – there are a few howlers here:

We’ll skip over the WHO involvement with war thing. Haven’t a clue what that’s about. Also, the implication that the WHO has GDP? But the big issue is this odd idea that since these precautions against the virus don’t work, that’s supposed to let the WHO off the hook? As if “dealing with the virus” was ever the issue!

But perhaps the weirdest thing is that the comment ends up agreeing with OffG – as far as I can make it out anyway! Nobody believes our “selected elected” do this, or indeed anything, for our health and safety.

Sep 1, 2020 4:24 PM
Reply to  George Mc

you responded anyway
howler ! more like sadness of watching the possessed madness is you going back out and voting for the same people in different suits which you will again and most will on this site.
I never agreed with Ofg from day one who posts easy idiotic videos blaming WHO and bill gates as some lone pasty gunman crap aimed at simpletons who dont research nor even under stand the basic’s of symbolism etymology linguists etc

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 1, 2020 4:50 PM
Reply to  ame

Are you using some kind of random word generator there?

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Sep 2, 2020 1:50 AM
Reply to  George Mc

I’ll take a crack at answering this question on ame’s behalf:

Banana hammock!

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 2, 2020 8:19 AM
Reply to  Fact Checker

That makes a lot more sense!

Sep 1, 2020 4:01 PM
Reply to  ame

Indeed. Only a thicko could believe in it.
The near complete lockstep of the world’s governments, media and businesses points to the fact that they are all controlled by the same people.
There’s not much else worth debating than who these people are and what they have in store for us.

Sep 1, 2020 4:32 PM
Reply to  ZenPriest

Unless it was a loads of coincidences and a bit of bad luck and a few mistakes
couple of clerical errors and over the top government polices !!?? eerr nope

then without a doubt there is a force beyond the optic of people minds and basic sight running this through people
i can see it , nice to see you got the glasses on to

Sep 1, 2020 11:26 AM

Funny how Trump is the only politician named in this video. And trying to suggest Trump is pulling the wool over people’s eyes is pathetic and desperate.

All this happened before Trump but you might as well join the crazy left and blame him for everything that happened decades ago.

Sep 1, 2020 12:44 PM
Reply to  Hank

he did sign of 1.2 billion to gavi in February off 2020
he also signed 27 march 322 period trillions to his mates and gave the people 1k
but slaves love there oppressor
and from tv video the brainwashed believer the selected elected has there best interest at heart even now

Sep 1, 2020 1:54 PM
Reply to  ame

amazing how you can spell when you want to…
this has been in the planning for decades.
That said, Trump has been a huge disappointment.

Didn’t drain the swamp – hired it.
Didn’t fix the corrupt voting system.
Didn’t build the wall.
Didn’t fix the health system.
Didn’t pull back the troops.
I’m sure others could double this list quite easily…

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Sep 1, 2020 8:06 PM
Reply to  richard

If Trump were really opposed to this agenda as some of his supporters suggest, why has he not fired Fauci and changed Covid policy? The reality is that Trump is no more running the show than senile Biden would be if he gets in the WH. US politics is run by and for the interests of Big Business. And the corporate sector that is the biggest buyer of political influence in the US (and maybe the world) is Big Pharma.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Sep 2, 2020 10:25 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

Coolidge, Reep Prez, allegedly said, “The business of America is business.”

Whoever said it, that says it all. All that needs to be said.

Which it behooves all to note, house arrestees as we all are now, we need to mostly get out of its way, since in the eyes of the Ponzi schemers we are an afterthought, and not always that lightly tolerated. Especially since voting process has been so endlessly gamed for 20 years that they don’t really need much our good opinions if at all. Perhaps our best option is an intensification of diplomacy. Who knows, there still is wiggle room, but rather gtimly narrowed?

Einstein said somewhere that the story of his life was mostly a tale of what was needed to get out of the way of an elephant stampede.

It’s so like Trump to sport the mantle of a populist outsider when he’s one of the most compleat insiders of them all. Always has been. His Uncle John Trump of MIT seized Tesla’s papers when the latter died, then lied about them, as head of OAP.

That’s a Scion of outsiders?

Serious? Yanks as a whole are as naive about what counts as newborn babies. It’s so ridiculous. Joe Bageant brought out how literacy here has plummeted to near nil. A lot can be blamed on cabals, but not all of that. Many can read, but almost allergic to books or printed substance.


Remember life before YouTube? Bookz ?

John Ervin
John Ervin
Sep 2, 2020 9:09 PM
Reply to  richard

Like a long laudry list. Or, in Trump’s case, a money-laundering list. I mean, that’s WHY the Mobs installed him in the Big Round Room in the first place. All the rest was smoke.

1600 Pennsylvania Ave: Casino “Royale”.

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Sep 2, 2020 2:54 AM
Reply to  Hank

Trump is the only one who is currently U.S. president, and who is currently threatening to use the military to forcibly inject American’s in Project Warp Speed.

So…kinda makes sense he’d be mentioned?

(Also, it mentioned Margaret Chan, Wolfgang Wodard…)

Sep 1, 2020 11:02 AM

‘This shocking recent history has been totally memory-holed in the mainstream,’

No it hasn’t

‘but serves as a dress rehearsal for our current “crisis”.

Because you never let a crisis go to waste

I find it somewhat amazing to see OffG moving away from a beacon of sanity, as they were in February-March, towards a ghost house filled with demons who are after our bodily fluids. What OffG should do is calling this thing what it is: collective madness, or at least that is what it is for those who want to stay in the ghost house. But they don’t: they participate in the madness.

Perhaps it’s just a lack of imagination. Everyone can get a story right every once in a while, just by chance. So OffG got it right, by chance, in March-April. But by now, they are so far of the scale of what I would call: ‘rational’ that I might as well read the MSM. Different demons there, yet the same nonsense.

Sep 1, 2020 12:01 PM
Reply to  Willem

Like any media outlet they know how the Limbic system works and have every bit of research done to play and toy on the collective conscious,

and know how to push the bloody buttons of the masses as they are given the manual by the psychopathological overlords who installed them!

Sep 1, 2020 3:31 PM
Reply to  Willem

please give examples in your answer

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 1, 2020 3:49 PM
Reply to  Willem

I might as well read the MSM. Different demons there, yet the same nonsense.

Nonsense to the left, nonsense to the right, into the valley of nothing rode Willem!

Sep 1, 2020 11:00 AM

RFK is a controlled oppositon vaccine supporter.

Sep 1, 2020 12:02 PM
Reply to  Simon

Says the guy who’s got his own vested interests in a pharmaceutical company?! Lol

Sep 1, 2020 12:39 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

These controlled opposition are a huge threat.

Sep 1, 2020 12:48 PM
Reply to  Simon

What a horrible cunt

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 1, 2020 3:50 PM
Reply to  Simon

They certainly are a huge threat. But to who?

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Sep 1, 2020 12:15 PM
Reply to  Simon

If only RFK Jr really was in control, then we wouldn’t be in the huge Covid mess created by Bill Gates and his underlings at the WHO.

Sep 1, 2020 12:30 PM
Reply to  Simon

How about playing the rest of that video because what he was most likely to say is that he wants VACCINES TESTED. ABSOLUTELY SAFE. SAFE AND EFFECTIVE.

He might be controlled opp. I don’t know. I hope not.

But stop with manipulative video editing.

And by the way, this same video is being used in a political advertisement for the fellow running against RFK Jr’s nephew for Senator of Massachusetts.

Just sayin’.

Sep 1, 2020 3:39 PM
Reply to  Judith

I don’t think he’s controlled op, just smart. If vaccines are actually tested to be safe and effective, they will fail.
They’ve had 100yrs to prove their claims of safety and efficacy and all they’ve done is piggy back on improved health through better nutrition and hygiene while causing chronic and/or permanent injury to many and enormous social and economic cost.
The drag their corruption has put on humanity’s evolution is staggering.

Sep 1, 2020 4:02 PM
Reply to  Cyd

That’s how I feel but you articulated it better than I could.

There is an enormous finesse within the world of politics which I imagine the clan of Kennedy is well aware. I would imagine that he is aware also of the weight his name (still) carries, advantageously and not, and he has to be cognizant of the consequences of that.

Also, RFK Jr is a lawyer.

In pretty much all of his interviews he stresses that he must be correct in anything he states because Pharma will pounce.

I’ve watched him in several interviews with several different people over the past months and he seems very passionate about the vaccine injury cause.

Sep 1, 2020 4:37 PM
Reply to  Judith

Indeed. And the fact that pharma insists on indemnity for vaccine injuries and refuses to test for safety (or to show the results of their failed tests) is low hanging fruit to a sharp legal mind. He and his group have won quite a few lawsuits already. Same with Del Bigtree and his group.
We need to support all the people actually willing to stand up and fight.
And knowing what RFKjr has already been through in his life, I think he’s got remarkable courage.

Sep 2, 2020 2:29 AM
Reply to  Cyd

Yes, so do I. He has actually said in an interview or two that when it comes to the vaccine fight he will “die with his boots on”.

I think that’s pretty significant for anyone to say, but especially a Kennedy.

Sep 1, 2020 9:00 AM

I think it’s important to point out that the entire COVID-1984 script was previewed in a big-name Hollywood movie from 2011, right down to “bats”, “pigs”, “China”, and “social distancing” (!!!!!). Presumably they based this on the Rockefeller “Lockstep” documents, but it’s strange that there would be a nine-year delay between the propaganda preparation for the synthetic event, and the actual real-world rollout — enough that almost everybody would have forgotten about it. Does this indicate that COVID-19 was originally supposed to be COVID-12, but they had to postpone it, for some unforeseen reason? The proximity of the movie release to the 2009 H1N1 psyop suggests a connection.

more discussion here:



Sep 1, 2020 9:07 AM
Reply to  covidiot

bittorrent link here, for those who would like to check it out:


Sep 1, 2020 12:06 PM
Reply to  covidiot

In the lockstep document it had invisioned that this outbreak would happen in 2012.

Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
Sep 1, 2020 12:18 PM
Reply to  covidiot

@Covidiot: “Does this indicate that COVID-19 was originally supposed to be COVID-12, but they had to postpone it, for some unforeseen reason?”

The reason being, it takes time to organize a Global Con. Just like there was a lag between a thriller/movie about terrorist planes ramming a high rise building (I forget its date) and the actual rollout of Con-911 2001 and Coalition of the Killing 2003.

Sep 1, 2020 4:02 PM
Reply to  Dr NG Maroudas

Also, maybe the technological infrastructure wasn’t ready yet.

Sep 1, 2020 7:43 AM

Last Friday afternoon, the fine men of Whiteminster ever so quietly put a “consultation” document about Covid19 ‘vaccination roll-out’ onto a rarely-visited page of the Gov.UK website


Sep 1, 2020 8:16 AM
Reply to  bob

Who’s in charge? Note the military references and language.

‘COVID-19 is the biggest threat this country has faced in peacetime history… Effective COVID-19 vaccines will be the best way to deal with the pandemic. Any vaccine must… be shown to meet the expected high standards of safety, quality and efficacy before it can be deployed’.

‘The preferred route to enable deployment of a new vaccine for COVID-19 is through the usual marketing authorisation (product licensing) process.

‘However, if there is a compelling case, on public health grounds, for using a vaccine before it is given a product licence, given the nature of the threat we face, the JCVI may take the very unusual step of advising the UK government to use a tested, unlicensed vaccine against COVID-19, and we need to make sure that the right legislative measures are in place to deal with that scenario’.

Sep 1, 2020 11:18 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

They commited massive crimes with lockdowns causing many deaths and people are just letting them continue and handing over half their income to these crooks so they can fund further crimes?

Sep 1, 2020 12:04 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

I don’t know ‘who’s in charge’ but I can clearly state that you don’t need a vaccine for something of a ‘health matter’ for which the survival rate is at least 99.9% – we are still alive here aren’t we??

Sep 1, 2020 12:21 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

And the government document refers to identifying “priority groups to receive the vaccine”, not “priority groups to be offered the vaccine”.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 1, 2020 3:58 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

The military angle has been there from the start. Note the similarly between the COVID coverage and war propaganda: We are under a deadly threat and there’s no room for doubt. Doubters are dangerous i.e. the “enemy within”. All media must be commandeered under the monotonous single story which is all that is allowed. Best of all, this scaremongering has most not only accepting police state conditions but actually demanding more!

Then the constant hankering back to the world wars along with canonization of health care workers whose stories are always accompanied by mournful piano strains.

But then as Smedley once said, war is a racket and, since we haven’t had one here in a while, something must be done about this to boost a big cash bonanza for the military, police and pharma services.

Sep 1, 2020 5:42 AM

At least Trump was right regarding the WHO! Totally corrupt…needs scrapping

Sep 1, 2020 7:36 AM
Reply to  davemass

Trump still reminds me of that bit in “The Exorcist”, where the old priest warns the younger one:
“The demon is a liar. He will lie to confuse us. But he will also mix lies with the truth to attack us. The attack is psychological, Damien, and powerful. So don’t listen to him. Remember that – do not listen.”
At any rate I find it impossible to believe Trump could scrap the WHO. Too many people with even more money than he has wouldn’t like it, so they would stop him.
I think he knows it too.

Peter Jennings
Peter Jennings
Sep 1, 2020 8:21 AM
Reply to  davemass

99%, if not 100% of global organisations created under the UN since WWII need investigating and purging. They may well have been created with good intentions, however, today they are controlled by corruptible shysters who do the bidding of their donors and sugar daddies.
They are the real threat we humans face.

Sep 1, 2020 8:41 AM
Reply to  Peter Jennings

“They may well have been created with good intentions”.

They weren’t – as any familiarity with the origins of the UN and its Rockefeller connections shows. Read Julian Huxley’s introduction to UNESCO to see how eugenics was baked in from the start.

Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
Sep 1, 2020 12:23 PM
Reply to  Edwige

“I support the strong by reducing the weak to impotence”. — Albert Einstein’s bitter motto for the UN’s predecessor, the League of Nations.

Sep 1, 2020 4:06 PM
Reply to  Peter Jennings

Shysters yes.

Tom Welsh
Tom Welsh
Sep 1, 2020 9:43 AM
Reply to  davemass

Mr Trump is often right about things that most people get wrong. Partly, no doubt, because of his cynical, sceptical nature. He can easily spot crooked scames because, as they say, “It takes one to know one”.

Personally I find it immensely reassuring to have a US president who is openly cynical, cruel and immoral.

So much better – and easier to cope with – than a smooth snake in the grass like Obama or Clinton. Or a fake folksy simpleton like Dubya.

People – especially Americans – bitterly hate Trump for revealing what goes on in Washington. They don’t mind all the murder, torture, larceny and cheating – as long as they are not told about it.

Sep 1, 2020 10:59 AM
Reply to  Tom Welsh

Well said. This is precisely what most people don’t get.

Politicians are slaves to an owner, or slaves to a delusion – stories they tell themselves and each other about their noble mission to save the world.

There is no freedom of action in politics and the only freedom of speech is your career suicide note. Politics is a branch of bureaucracy. It attracts snivel nosed seekers after sinecure. That’s hard to admit. So they are masters of the art of projection.

Politicians are cynical, cruel and immoral. Thus they are the last people who will be publicly cynical, cruel and immoral. That would give the game away. Instead they do it behind your back and in secret and always blame it on someone else.

“Don’t blame you, don’t blame me, blame the man behind the tree.”

Trump, not being part of their club, gets to wave their pretensions in the face of politicians. That’s why Trump gets to be cynical, cruel and immoral – openly, with aplomb.

A part of the electorate doesn’t like this: those who buy into the delusion – about their noble mission to save the world. Trump is waving their pretensions in their face, too.

Sep 1, 2020 3:41 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

yeah, but ‘ansome is as ‘ansome does..

Sep 1, 2020 4:24 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Right. And we’re all just ignoring the fact he’s been naked from the waist down bent over a barrel for Israel for 4 years. Got it.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Sep 1, 2020 5:38 AM

Absolutely criminal. Thanks for this short but illuminating video on this corrupt organisation.
Regards the current scamdemic, I’m convinced tho, that this is about much much more than vaccines.
Yes, they’re part of it, but they will be used as a vehicle to usher in a technofascist dystopia; viz a social credit system, health immunity passports; no jab, then no play, and almost certainly no pay, biometric id, and total control over everyone.
Again, refer to The Great Reset and the Strategic Intelligence Platform at the World Economic Forum site.
Latest news from Melbourne is the cops are saying they will be arresting people in the coming days who have been promoting or advertising the Freedom Day protests set for:
11.00 am at the Shrine Of Remembrance in Melbourne on the 5th Sept.
This is what it’s come to now, like how they arrested 76 year old Solihin Millin a few days ago and charged him with incitement. And the fact a lot of people in Melbourne are cheering for this, and praising the police makes me despair at the state this country is in.

Sep 1, 2020 7:39 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Yes, they really are that sick.
The American Constitution even indicates what an American’s duty is when his government ceases to serve the people, but nobody dares to do it.

Sep 1, 2020 8:01 AM
Reply to  wardropper

aren’t you referring to this?

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.


Sep 1, 2020 8:09 AM
Reply to  covidiot

Indeed I am.
Thanks for the relevant quote, and apologies for my sloppy labelling.
I’ve been up all night, after deciding to have a sort of OffG vigil and reply to some commenters… must sleep . . .

Tom Welsh
Tom Welsh
Sep 1, 2020 9:48 AM
Reply to  covidiot

Unfortunately the Constitution has been “interpreted” out of recognition by the traitors who pass for judges. The men who wrote it were determined that the federal government should not have the power to lord if over the people by force; but all the measures they enacted to keep the government under control have been shaken off.

As a result, the USA now has hundreds of thousands of heavily armed soldiers, sailors and airmen quartered inside the country.

It was already too late to rely on the Declaration of Independence in 1861, when the Confederate States of America declared its independence and was then crushed in a brutal war that claimed nearly a million lives and left the South ruined and impoverished.

Sep 1, 2020 10:30 AM
Reply to  Tom Welsh

the Confederate States of America declared its independence and was then crushed in a brutal war that claimed nearly a million lives and left the South ruined and impoverished.

well, maybe they shouldn’t have done that, then.


Sep 1, 2020 1:56 PM
Reply to  covidiot

You’re defending a slave state? Idiot!

Sep 1, 2020 2:02 PM
Reply to  Barovsky

it appears that you are the idiot, because I am doing no such thing.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Sep 1, 2020 1:20 PM
Reply to  Tom Welsh

Good post however , Reconstruction , after the Lincoln assassination and the looting of the prostrate south that resulted ensured that the north embraced the south’s political and cultural views within a generation and continue to do so on the global stage.

Sep 1, 2020 9:32 PM
Reply to  covidiot

When I was a kid I memorized it listening to the 5th dimension so I went looking for it on the youtubes. Looky what I found:

Sep 2, 2020 3:09 AM
Reply to  Cyd

Wow – 50 years before “Hamilton”!

This is terrific. Love this group. Listen to them, still, all the time.

I’m glad I lived in the 60’s/70’s. Music, talent, supreme.

Thanks for this, Cyd.

(And Glen Campbell – still cry at “Lineman for the County”)

Sep 2, 2020 3:28 AM
Reply to  Judith

Me too! The last of the free range kids.

Sep 1, 2020 8:18 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

I just watched Sol’s interview with Vic Police. He wants to take it to court – wonder if we will ever hear anything more. He is demanding Andrews and Sutton et al be arrested.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Sep 1, 2020 8:35 AM
Reply to  Glenda

I watched part of Solihin’s interview but not all coz I was really low on phone data. What dignity from him. He is truly inspirational.
I’m so angry about this Glenda, and I’m revolted that so many in Melbourne (and Australia) are cheering on Andrews and the police and demanding tough actions against those standing up for everyone’s freedoms… including theirs!
Some good news today that a group of 13 Doctors in Melbourne have written a letter to Deranged Dan pointing out the massive suffering caused by the lockdowns in Melbourne and demanding a meeting with him.
They point out there is a huge amount of anger here and that a lot of their patients are at breaking point.
The Greens have proven what gutless, snivelling opportunists they really are by voting for the 6 months extension of the state of emergency.
We’ll know the results soon. The Victorian Parliament are voting on it this today.

Sep 2, 2020 3:49 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Excellent about the group of doctors. I certainly won’t be giving any labor party candidates my vote. Palascuk is just as bad! Yes, Sol was terrific, but what a strange contrast between this dignified gentleman and the cop who as nice as he was, sounded, well, uneducated…. It was obvious, as Solihin pointed out, that both Andrews and Sutton are pig-ignorant about such things as the importance of Vitamin D – reminded me of Andrews saying if people want fresh air they should go and open the back door! WTF?! I am also really angry about the fact that no-one in the media broadcast the Berlin rally. The RFK speech was brilliant. and here am I resorting to listening Alan Jones and Andrew Bolt because they are actually giving us some real facts! My head is spinning….

Sep 1, 2020 11:32 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

The cult hangs out on those news sites pushing their agenda in the comments. it isn’t a real reflection of “people in Melbourne”.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Sep 1, 2020 11:55 AM
Reply to  Simon

Fair point Simon, and I get what you mean, however before my street vendor job was suspended, I used to speak to a quite a lot of people every day; only met 6-7 who called this out as bullshit and greatly exaggerated.
Admittedly tho, they were in fairly wealthy middle class areas, where people are probably more trusting of the MSM, and less likely to jeopardise their social status or friendships by ‘rocking the boat’ about covid.

Sep 1, 2020 1:15 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Though I live in the suburbs, not the inner city, there are lots of drug addicts and drug pushers in my neighborhood. Without exception, these are the folks who never walk around wearing a mask or keeping their “distance” from others.

What a world we live in when the supposed dregs of society are our only hope of finding a way out of this madness.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Sep 1, 2020 2:00 PM
Reply to  Howard

I live in one of the poorer suburbs in Melbourne, tho it is being gentrified somewhat. At the two large shopping centres either side of me, have not seen one single person without a facemask. Even when I’ve gone for a walk in the surrounding streets, the few people I see are wearing masks. On almost deserted streets!
Walking down to the local supermarket yesterday, I saw one lady walking round a park, the only person in the park – off a suburban street with literally no car traffic. And she had a mask on! In Australia, people are much more conformist.

Sep 1, 2020 3:01 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Believe me, it’s only because my neighborhood is the acknowledged drug capital of Harford County, Maryland, that I encounter so many people not observing the lockdown protocol. Needless to say, those who come to buy their drugs are generally wearing masks – a great way to hide one’s identity.

Sep 2, 2020 3:20 AM
Reply to  Howard

Hey guys, a little heartening news.

I was in a very popular and well-known coffee franchise today, in New England, USA, the only one unmasked as usual, waiting for my order. A fellow about my age (60+), masked, approached me and quietly said:

“I’m sorry to bother you, do you mind if I ask you a question – does anyone say anything to you for not wearing a mask? Because I don’t want to wear one but I’m afraid, you know….”

I told him that generally – no, no one bothered me. Especially in places with a young staff. I told him about my twat of a bank manager who would not let me in the bank even with my medical exemption card and so I said OK, I’ll leave – with my money – and took my money to a new bank.

He said “Wow, you have courage”. which I thought was hilarious. I don’t feel that way at all. I just can’t stand wearing the bloody things and I won’t condone their place outside a hospital.

Anyway, we chatted a bit more, I said “Good Luck – most people don’t want to wear them!” and I left.

So, you see, you never know when you are making a little difference.

Sep 2, 2020 3:54 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Do people get fined for not wearing a mask? I heard somewhere they are fined for putting out a garbage bin after curfew. Is this true?

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Sep 2, 2020 4:58 AM
Reply to  Glenda

Hi Glenda… the State of Emergency in Victoria was extended for another 6 months in a vote overnight thanks to the absolute treachery of the Greens, the Animal Justice Party and Fiona Patten from the Reason Party.
It’s complete insanity here now. Two more people arrested yesterday for helping organise the protest on Sept 5th, and reliable sources are saying that all entrances into the City will be blocked on Saturday and manned with roadblocks and that public transport – trains, buses and trams will be stopped and passengers checked where they’re going. You can only be 5 kms outside your home if you are going to work, and have a work permit on you.
People are saying they’re going to get Taxis into the city, tho my financial situation is so bad, I can’t even afford a taxi. I just feel pretty lousy to be honest.
Yes, you’re fined $200 for not wearing a facemask outside your home, and nearly everyone caught without a mask on is arrested.
Yes, that’s true about the guy putting out his bins. I actually saw the video of it. He’d put his bins out, and was followed onto his property by 2 cops after they had driven past and saw him.
Have a good day Glenda👍

Sep 2, 2020 5:48 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

O Gezzah I am so sorry for you and wish I could help. Alas I am a dependant and have very little money of my own. I do hope Sol manages to pull something together as this is just insane. One would so not expect it of a labor govt! It is draconian to say the least. Take care and stay in touch xx

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Sep 2, 2020 6:19 AM
Reply to  Glenda

Thanks Glenda✌️Try not to get too personal on here but my housing organisation is helping and they’re dropping off some Coles gift cards tomorrow. They have been very supportive. A friend in Adelaide, who believes the MSM narrative about the ‘pandemic’ has been helping as well.
Him and his partner have been giving me their child support money each month since June. Have tried to gently point out evidence that blows the covid narrative out of the water, tho the response is either silence or its dismissed as ‘alt right’ or deemed inaccurate (by fact checkers). So, it’s like walking on egg shells.
Appreciate your concern Glenda, but I’ll be okay. Gonna take a break from here for a week or so, need time out.
Take care✌️

Sep 2, 2020 9:45 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Was going to give Big Issue a call tomorrow to see if I can help. Am appalled that there is no help for you guys, as in jobkeeper etc. Please stay upbeat, better days ahead. Hugs

Sep 1, 2020 4:31 AM

(H1N1 2009 swine flu) x (2010 Rockefeller Foundation “Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development”) = COVID19 crisis


Sep 1, 2020 4:00 AM

People want to get on with their lives. It seems there are three ways to do this. One is to try to ignore Covid entirely. This seems impossible because traps have been laid at every door. Testing, surveillance, disinformation, compliance, intrusion into our very computers and working tools. If you are part of the corporate bureaucracy this may work, because in a strange way you ARE Covid.

Another approach is to lash out in all directions, demanding freedom ‘as was’ and pushing back against each and every affront to our lives: smartphones, surveilled email, 5G, the credit-debt trap. In doing so we are forced to reject conventional employment, even conventional locations: perhaps this works if we band together with others, go off grid and ‘back to the land’. We become invisible.

A third approach is to engage the enemy. To seek to identify exactly who is behind this. The targeted approach perhaps allows us to avoid this enemy, to inhabit different planes in the same space. And if most people want to comply, to live in parallel but jostling for space, for land, for rights. This is the most political option, setting oneself against the conspiracy by seeking to define it.

It entails the risk that we let the wrong people off the hook, deceit being nine-tenths of war. In this case we have no option but to throw our bodies upon the gears. The opportunity is that we find allies, discover that ‘the elite’ is neither uniform nor united and we push back together. We must dig for victory, not earth but information. To be forewarned is to be armed. We become the dissidents but we survive only by looking the enemy in the eye, in tense and permanent opposition.

What doesn’t make any sense is to sit at the computer, describe how criminal, evil and conspiratorial they are — and then to go make a cup of coffee.

Which is it to be?

Sep 1, 2020 12:27 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Thanks, M. As I type this I am looking at my mug of coffee in front of me in a different light! But you are right. I agree I need to be more pro-active now. The time has passed for just sitting back and hoping that others will fight the fight!

Sep 1, 2020 3:46 AM

Gosh, just came across this Guardian article by accident really. Reading it is surreal and then you get the begging for money at the bottom , saying they have no billioniare owners. Of course they are ‘owned’. By the same person who funds WHO.

Anyway, what strikes me about this is if it was anyone other than Trump pushing for a fast track vaccine, that would be fine. But as its him pushing for one before the election, this is irresponsible and dangerous. This article is venomous – you can tell just by reading it the opinion is formed by wanting to stop Trump, and nothing to do with public health.

Sadly this is what we face. A cynical political battle all around us, masquerading as journalism and concern for health.


Sep 1, 2020 12:38 PM
Reply to  Loverat

Articles like this and condemnation of Trump for what he said also give the public a false sense of belief that ‘they wouldn’t dream of rolling out an unsafe vaccine, would they’. Six months, twelve months, two years…whatever it is, it will not be proven safe. I try explaining to acquaintances that ten years minimum, if ever, is the standard because it is TIME that is the principal test of safety. But they really don’t grasp it. They all seem to think that any side-effects would be spotted within days of administering the vaccine.

Sep 1, 2020 3:35 AM

Unfortunately for the herd the lying media haven’t mentioned this so it mustn’t be true

Sep 1, 2020 12:34 AM

The WHO has ‘previous’ for this evil. You don’t attract Gates and the people he fronts for by being less than evil after all.

AIDS hit the headlines in 1981 [ more or less]. But as is the protocol in the dark labs of death run by these creatures, much work and many years had been invested already.The long term goal, as usual, to create a virus that could destroy our only defence- our immune system.Once they defeat that we’re gone.The money they could make in the meantime to ‘fix’ the destruction they’d covertly caused, was a big cherry on a big cake for big fat cats. Ask Robert Gallo and Tony Fauci or Bill Gates.AIDS was the culmination of years of hard study.

These people seem only to use labs and funding for two purposes. To maim or kill people and to make obscene amounts of dishonest money.

1972 :

“An attempt should be made to ascertain whether viruses can in fact exert selective effects on immune function, e.g., by …affecting T cell function as opposed to B cell function. The possibility should also be looked into that the immune response to the virus itself may be impaired if the infecting virus damages more or less selectively the cells responding to the viral antigens.”

(Bulletin of the W.H.O., vol. 47, p 257- 274.)
* This is a clinical description of the function of the AIDS virus.

Mid 1970s

The incidence of AIDS infections in Africa coincides exactly with the locations of the W.H.O. smallpox vaccination program in the mid-1970’s (London Times, May 11, 1987). Some 14,000 Haitians then on UN secondment to Central Africa were also vaccinated in this campaign. Personnel actually conducting the vaccinations may have been completely unaware that the vaccine was anything other than what they were told.


The Hepatitis B vaccine study appears to have been the initial means of planting the infection in New York City. The test protocol specified non-monogamous males only, and homosexuals received a different vaccine from heterosexuals. At least 25-50% of the first reported New York AIDS cases in 1981 had received the Hepatitis B test vaccine in 1978. By 1984, 64% of the vaccine recipients had AIDS, and the figures on the current infection rate for the participants of that study are held by the U.S. Department of Justice, and “unavailable.”

And, for good measure..

Researchers at the US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (or USAMRIID) at Fort Detrick in Frederick MD have reconstructed and modified the H1N1 Spanish Flu virus, making it far more deadly than it ever was back when it was responsible for the 1918-1919 flu pandemic that killed over 20 million worldwide.

Let’s not forget that the 2009 stunt also had another purpose. It was to prime the population across the world for a pandemic.Fake or otherwise.

The thing about fear is that if it scars us deeply enough we won’t gamble on the cause of it being real or fake.The longer we’re exposed to it will deepen that fear.We’ll just want to be made better; calmed; reassured. With this in mind the meeting of the Gates Billionaires was convened 12 months later, 2010 at the Rockerfeller Institute.

The aim of the meeting of these noble ‘philanthropists’ was to draw up imaginary ( hypothetical) scenarios of a pandemic similar to the SARS one. The goal was to come up with an ( imaginary) behavioural programme of fear and punishment( or preparedness as they call it) used primarily to control and crush any resistance. All imaginary.

They imagined that social distancing, self isolation, mask wearing and vigilance against ‘rebels’ was the way to go. They stressed on said paper that it was by no way ‘’ a prediction’’, just imaginary scenarios they could consider so they could save us all should one suddenly happen.

And here we are today.In their ‘imagined’ pandemic.Held hostage by an imagined pandemic that’s been spread by an undetectable virus across the globe.Imagine that.

Over time, hidden truths morph in the dark soil of deceit into something much worse.”

Sep 1, 2020 1:53 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

I’m sure you’re familiar with Kary Mullis’ opinion of Gallo and Fauci.

Sep 1, 2020 2:33 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

I read a little of what he thought in a Rolling Stone article. He minces no words.

I tell people all the time that if he hadn’t so conveniently died last August we would all be stomping at Country Music concerts this summer.

It seems to me he’d have had none of it.

(By the way, this is Judith from the USA. I noticed another Judith commenting today also)

Sep 1, 2020 4:31 AM
Reply to  Judith

Before his death, PCR test inventor Dr. Kary Mullis and colleagues* probed some inconvenient truths.

How does a virus change its mode of transmission? Does it count the number of victims before deciding to break out of the risk group because almost all the risk group are infected? There are no statistics. There are only estimates from people who have a vested interest.

Sound familiar?

*Dr. Kary Mullis
Dr. Rodney Richards
Neville Hodgkinson
Dr. Christian Fiala
Rian Malan

Why I Began Questioning HIV (from The House of Numbers) https://youtu.be/vaMZ4NyNCwI

Sep 1, 2020 12:49 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

This is fascinating video. Thank you.

Sep 1, 2020 3:05 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

I’ve watched a couple of Judy Mikovitz interviews and noticed Gates ‘fact checkers’ have been sent to discredit her. Says a lot..

Sep 1, 2020 4:58 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

I found this very relevant to COVID-19, especially with regards to poor testing regimes and false positives.

HIV Testing (From the House of Numbers DVD) – HIV Testing 101, False Positives: Causes and Factors, History and Evolution of HIV Testing, Reading the Fine Print: HIV Test Inserts, The Changing Criteria of Western Blot Testing, Deciphering Test Results for False Positives, Examining the “Gold Standard”, Rapid Testing in High Risk vs. Low Risk Populations, HIV Testing Campaigns

HIV Testing (From House of Numbers: Anatomy of an Epidemic, 2009) — https://youtu.be/OajiyoWmKiE

Sep 1, 2020 2:03 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Apparently, the PCR ‘test’ produces 70%, yes 70% FALSE positives! And to pour salt on the wound, the PCR is not even a testing device, it’s a factory for reproducing fragments of whatever DNA it finds in our much abused, sacred bodies.

Sep 1, 2020 9:41 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Gallo’s ‘inaccurate’ interpretations were amended a few years later and a few billion pharma dollars later too. He and Fauci made a killing.

Some of these scientists- the ones who have no dark agenda to make money without worrying about ethics or honesty-could make a decent team to have a public Q and A with Gates the software magnate.

I’d love to see Robert Kennedy and Judy Mikovits attend that too.We never will. The elite would kill at least one of them.

Sep 2, 2020 3:24 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Are you familiar with the story behind that Gallo paper? It was Mikovitz and Frank Ruscetti’s paper that Fauci confiscated. It’s a very funny story. Judy Mikotivtz tells it in some of her interviews.

Got her off to a great start, as a 25 year old Phd, with Fauci in 1986

Sep 2, 2020 4:25 AM
Reply to  Judith

I watched a couple of her interviews.A smart lady and one of integrity with ethics. No wonder Fauci and Gallo had her ruined and closed down. She exposed what they could have prevented but had chosen to get rich instead despite the millions of dead and dying of AIDS. The Gates ‘fact checkers’ have been re- writing that chapter feverishly.Which only makes her story more credible..

Tom Welsh
Tom Welsh
Sep 1, 2020 9:50 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

And his opinion of PCR as a diagnostic test.

Sep 1, 2020 2:34 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

That’s some synopsis, Jura calling. Thank you.

Sep 1, 2020 3:09 AM
Reply to  Judith

My pleasure Judith, Spread and share 🙂

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Sep 1, 2020 3:49 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Hello JuraCalling: Excellent list of time lines. Nearly all modern disease (such as AIDS, Ebola, and Lyme disease) are manufactured bio-weapons sold for profit.

Sep 1, 2020 4:07 PM

Hello Paul. Thanks..

You know, i had that list on a memory stick from 8 years back just before fakebook banned me.It actually begins a few hundred years ago and ends around 1998. It’s huge.Not to mention chilling. The way this has been panning out I had to dig it out.I dug a lot of old stuff out. I was quite surprised that some of the things were almost( well probably deliberately) prophetic.If the nonsense continues there may well be a thread that will be relevant to it and i’ll post the lot 😉

Sep 1, 2020 12:34 AM

I wonder who would take over if the present Chief of the WHO was required to fall on his sword… Have we spotted any promising new blood yet?
What an abominable institution that has turned out to be – and was almost certainly designed to be…
I see the biggest obstacle to those who want to get back to the “true normal” as being the sheer number of corrupted people involved. It’s so easy for them to hide behind each other. Anybody have some answers for that?

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Sep 1, 2020 9:52 AM
Reply to  wardropper

You simply have to get elected, use the ‘Emergency Coronavirus Act’ powers to fire each and every one of them and deny them the right to employment henceforth.

The corrupted ones need to have done unto them that which they would do unto the unsuspecting, honest majority.

They have proven, after all, that they are unworthy of the freedoms granted to men and women of good character…..

Sep 1, 2020 1:36 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Are you up for it, Rhys? I’d vote for you, but I suspect they wouldn’t let anyone with a functioning brain-cell anywhere near the campaign…

Sep 1, 2020 12:27 AM

Hats off for the real journalism now mostly abandoned by the increasingly discredited MSM.

Sep 1, 2020 12:22 AM

Beijing has told Hong Kong to test 5 million people. That testing starts today, 1st Sept. It is volutanry but they have threatened to make it compulsory if there are insufficient volunteers: over 400,000 have already registered online.

Anybody with a brain will not get tested because a positive result will see you placed into a quarantine camp and all your contacts will be force tested – yesterday I had to explain the consequences to a friend who lives alone, has a dog and is very sociable and wanted to take the test “because it is free”. I told him I would not be meeting up with him in the near future if he is going to do stupid shit like get a test.

Because this is a Beijing idea it gets the support of the Beijing mob, including the China Bank of Communications which is offering its employees HKD 500 to get tested, something that is against the bank’s own interests on the ground but like all politics in China, they will get their reward from Beijing in the form of additional lucrative business.

The HKFP did an analysis of the test: out of every 1000 tests, 40 will be positive. Of the 40, ten will be real positives, the rest will be false positives. There is no way of knowing which is which so all 40 are sent off to quarantine camps. There is no talk of second tests at the moment, but that may change as the number of positives increase. If you are unlucky enough to be in the 40, the chances are that you will be given the virus through the quarantine camp rather than be protected from the virus. Either way your friends will not be happy.

Sep 1, 2020 12:31 AM
Reply to  aspnaz

Finally a poster with some firsthand knowledge of how communist China operates. Thank you. Do you also have any word on allegations in the media that large groups of HK democracy protestors were forced onto trains with unknown destinations?

Sep 1, 2020 12:38 AM

I haven’t heard that story over here and I suspect it is not true, after all, even Jimmy Lai, the owner of Apple Daily, and arguably the biggest democracy ring leader, is out on bail. I believe Joshua Wong is free but not allowed to leave Hong Kong.

Sep 1, 2020 12:45 AM

For those of us who are not Chinese, however, what matters is how WE operate.
We all know that China is communist.
Bad China! Naughty China!
But in practical terms there really isn’t much point in focusing on Beijing when you live in Clapham or Lubbock…
What are OUR “authorities” doing right under our noses?

Sep 1, 2020 8:22 AM
Reply to  wardropper

“I left the left” is just here to scream about the evil left responsible for all that is bad.

Sep 1, 2020 1:33 PM
Reply to  Waldorf

How can people even be bothered to write such obsolete drivel…
Must be a paid job.

Sep 1, 2020 1:38 PM
Reply to  Waldorf

The left that supports the destruction of jobs through lockdown but immediately calls foul play when someone criticizes China. That left?

Sep 1, 2020 3:40 AM

Oh dear china bashing and you’re bo thy repeating CIA/Epoch times lies! Remember how at the start of the scamdemic that people were sharing videos of people fainting in summertime and passing it off as covid deaths I. The streets or how the Chinese have mobile gas vans (they don’t) or how 20 million phones went off indicating a huge death toll (also a lie)? Good to know you went from left wing to right wing (a total mindfuck 180) all over a disagreement with a tiny section of the left so you went walkies. The right will love puppets like you Who have others doing their thinking for them

Aug 31, 2020 11:33 PM

Fakery Flim-Flam and Fantasy.

this Convid…isn’t it really just the incontrovertible culmination of years of compliant decrepitude – another feeble step in the life of human evolutionary lunacy – and when compared to the myriad of interlaced fabrications past- what size of element is it ? ….and as i’m shining a light on the stygian gloom, it’s 2020 – so where is that 24/7/365 Moon Cam ?

Sep 1, 2020 12:25 AM
Reply to  Doctortrinate

“Isn’t it really just…?”
No, it isn’t, Doc.
It’s the first time in my life that I have vowed never to forgive the “authorities”. That’s what it is.
The finest, wisest, most intelligent and most creative people on the planet have been forced into the position of doubting their own sanity, thanks to the creation, distribution and marketing of an insane atrocity with nothing but greed behind it.
If I was into cursing, I’d be in favour of a really black one here…

Sep 1, 2020 12:36 AM
Reply to  wardropper

Do your greedy ones have a clear identity? Many posters seem to agree with Beijing that evil Americans per se are behind our hell, as if Trump, Clinton, Gates, Bezos, the Neo-cons, Bush and Obama were all somehow in on a conspiracy together, on the same team, rather than deadly rivals (Trump vs the rest). I’d say that Beijing just wants the Wuhan lab with its massive collection of deadly pathogens in notoriously poor freezers to be forgotten ASAP, which is par for the course for a corrupt communist dictatorship. They know what Chernobyl did for the Soviet reputation!

Sep 1, 2020 12:54 AM

Except that those who dig deeper know very well that Trump, Gates, Obama, and a heck of a lot of other well-known people ARE on the same team.
The ringleaders are understandably coy about drawing attention to themselves (we are, after all, talking genocide here – who wouldn’t be coy…?) and it is they who have conspired for a very long time, as a great many articles and comments here have outlined.
The people you mentioned are simply convenient front men for now – superficial, willing, wealthy distractions.

Sep 1, 2020 2:39 AM
Reply to  wardropper

Yes, I was thinking the same thing. They all play golf together.

Sep 1, 2020 3:04 AM

They’re called The World Economic Forum.
Spend just five minutes on their website and you will have no doubt.

Sep 1, 2020 3:43 AM

You mean the two American owned labs in Wuhan? Mr I had a conscience but now I’m a sociopath for reasons I can’t explain

Sep 1, 2020 2:45 AM
Reply to  wardropper

Yes, I have come to feel the same way. After several years of learning about the real history of my country, America, I had come to realize we were not really all we were cracked up to be – the land of the free, the home of the brave. So, OK, it was good to be aware of that.

But it was not long after March 13 of this year that I actually became angry. Really really angry. I,too, feel that this is unforgivable.

I’m very into cursing, but I’ll keep it to myself.

Sep 1, 2020 2:49 AM
Reply to  Judith

Just be careful… Folklore would seem to indicate that cursing often backfires…

Sep 1, 2020 3:17 AM
Reply to  wardropper

Well, that explains it.

(My life.)

Sep 1, 2020 3:35 AM
Reply to  Judith

Aw… I’ll preach a bit then (slightly hypocritically) Perhaps you could turn over a new leaf? Curse the evil in the world, but perhaps not the people?
I know, that’s really hard sometimes, and I do curse the TV every day while I watch the “news” with my wife.
But, there is a tool which I find does help, and that is to remember that there are very few young children who would ever wish to do evil deliberately… Something must happen to those children, and, whatever it is, I don’t believe they do it to themselves. The catalyst comes from outside.
Of course when they grow up into genocidal monsters, they have to be stopped, whatever it was that mutated them…

Sep 1, 2020 11:58 AM
Reply to  wardropper

I believe The catalyst is simply sociopathic parents, reinforced later by a sociopathic milieu

Sep 1, 2020 1:58 PM
Reply to  Peewee

Brutal, but probably true…

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Sep 1, 2020 9:55 AM
Reply to  Judith

The UK is no better. OK, when we had the Empire the methods of killing were more crude, but the intentions of the rulers were exactly the same.

I suspect if you look at France, it will not be any better either.

Sep 1, 2020 5:06 AM
Reply to  wardropper


I imagine there’s more to this than avarice – for many generations, the body has pecked upon the feed of order – that the ailment, even then there were those who were shouting of the dangers ,but were mocked, rejected ,…the structure of self perhaps too strong for many to resist, their animal too hoggish and desirous to tame – awareness/oneness being a struggle too great when a little serving meant a platter of ease, enough to hide the song – the one turns all things to crumbs – but elevates us – to birds of the heavens

Eyes Open
Eyes Open
Sep 1, 2020 1:24 AM
Reply to  Doctortrinate

I love your comments. Artistic genius.

Aug 31, 2020 11:20 PM

I’ve already seen this. It one of CHD’s many useful short vids. See their Tony Fauci video. It’s excellent. “Dr. Fauci and COVID-19 Priorities: Therapeutics Now or Vaccines Later? (Video)” / https://childrenshealthdefense.org/video/dr-fauci-and-covid-19-priorities-therapeutics-now-or-vaccines-later-video/

Aug 31, 2020 11:03 PM

Interview with German Velasquez from 2016:

He puts a fine point to it- simply stated, the WHO is not a health organization it is a private corporation/cartel that serves the business interests (and provides cover for) of multinational pharmaceutical companies.

This is precisely the role the CDC plays here in the US (for US pharmaceutical companies and their vast tentacles) and I suspect the same is true for most national “health” agencies in the “Western” sphere.

The money-driven institutions have completely hijacked America’s health agencies–the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), FDA, Health and Human Services (HHS), National Institutes of Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), National Institutes of Mental Health, and the USDA– authentic scientific inquiry of any sort is virtually impossible in this climate.

During the past two decades the lines dividing the pharmaceutical industry and the federal health agencies has been disappeared to put it kindly. The revolving door between private interests and top government employees at these agencies is well documented. One of dozens if not hundreds of examples of this is former CDC director Julie Gerberding who left government to become president of Merck’s vaccine division, a move that earned her upwards of $3 million in stock options.

CDC members own more than 50 patents connected to vaccinations.

Each of the 12 members of the CDC’s ACIP Committee- these are the people who are responsible for adding to and/or altering the national vaccine schedule. Does anyone believe for a second that given that these CDC members have direct financial interests in this matter that they can remain objective and unbiased in creating vaccine policy?

A significant number of ACIP committee members receive direct financial returns when more vaccinations are added to the current schedule. Many own vaccination related patents.

Some examples of patents owned or shared by members of the CDC and/or ACIP committee are;

1) Nucleic acid vaccines for prevention of flavivirus infection
2) Various vaccination testing methods
3) Adjuvant patents
4) Assays that assist vaccine development
5) Vaccine quality control

Members of the CDC also own stock shares of the pharmaceutical companies responsible for supplying new vaccines to the public. Others receive research grant money, funding for their academic departments, or payments for the oversight of vaccine safety trials and on and on.

Aug 31, 2020 11:28 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

There appears to be near endless journalism opportunities here. Let’s see where OFFG takes it.

Sep 1, 2020 12:27 AM
Reply to  LuckyLui

Agreed. This a very interesting discussion about WHO. Maxwell, just above you, for example makes some very interesting observations.

I guess in a way WHO has become a criminal organisation, conflicts of interest a plenty, bungs, bribes, run for the benefit of a few individuals with specific agendas. Just like the western war and regime change machine – now evolved into a world protection racket. Piracy on the high seas, sanctions galore, starving out those who don’t comply. But behaviour normalised in the media.

You know, its takes alot to untangle and unravel, I suppose because there has been no functioning mainstream investigative journalism for years and all this crime goes unchecked. The media are part of the same racket. This left to just a few uncorrupted and intelligent experts and independent journalists brave enough to speak out.

It is true evil when you get your head around some of it.

So, lets see where this all goes.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Sep 1, 2020 9:58 AM
Reply to  Loverat

I think you will find that the owners of mass media are another racketeering gang of cartel partners. That is why the media has not functioned for 20 years.

Sep 1, 2020 12:28 AM
Reply to  LuckyLui

I agree, but we can’t just sit back and let OffG take all the responsibility.
Here we get the information, but we can’t let it remain here.
After all, the world’s libraries are full of information which nobody uses…

Sep 1, 2020 1:31 AM
Reply to  wardropper

I agree. The waiting for OFFG reference was wholly in regards to validating what I have suspected for sometime –that they are controlled opposition. This may be an over simplification, but in my view, it has been obvious for some time the real story starts with the isolation of the alleged virus. Yet, OFFG largely chooses to run with whack-another-stupid-coroni-narrative type stories, all which just happen to follow and inadvertently (or otherwise) function to legitimize the official narrative.

Prior to the plandemic I would frequent the library on the regular (they are still closed as part of the coroni theatre).