Facebook Censors Defense of “Unite for Freedom” Protest

Jill Kirkwood posted this on Facebook. It was censored. Can you think of a single good reason why?

If you find yourself ‘disapproving’ of the massive protest in London yesterday which was ignored by the BBC (yet they reported on the Berlin protest), if you find yourself agreeing with the completely distorted and misleading propaganda/disinformation in some other trashy tabloids, if you find yourself believing that we were all a big group of fascists, because there was (apparently but not seen by me), a fascist flag spotted draped somewhere at a height, (which had nothing to do with us and was away from the main body of people), despite the fact that one of our main concerns is the loss of freedom resulting from the policies of this oppressively authoritarian government, shame on you.

We were all there because we question government. When the masses are supporting kids wearing masks in schools, we are the people who have spent entire evenings trawling through peer reviewed science and censored information and are wondering who makes these decisions when more under 19s died from flu, and it now turns out that every one of the supposed Covid deaths had serious underlying conditions.

We are the people who have spent months of our spare time studying independent epidemiologists who are ignored by the media and who are saying that more lockdowns will result in a 15 million NHS backlog and resulting in thousands of unnecessary deaths, more increases in domestic abuse and rocketing suicides.

We are the people who are asking why are we destroying the mental health of millions of healthy people by fining them for having kids parties and preventing them from freely meeting up with who they want to, in any location, when they are not at risk, but at the same time BLM protests where statues were pulled down get the police kneeling and full support from the establishment.

We are the ‘mad conspiracy theorists’ who have studied the origins of the PCR test, and understand that entire areas are being locked down based on either false-positive results, or positive results that have not detected a live virus, but dead remnants of viral fragments that cannot be called ‘infections’.

I can tell you from being at the protest yesterday that I am absolutely fuming at how this diverse group of intelligent and well informed, sane human beings are being deliberately smeared and ridiculed. I have had it with what is going on in this country. Sometimes I feel like screaming with frustration, particularly at the insane desire to follow nonsensical rules without questioning.”


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Steve Jack
Steve Jack
Sep 6, 2020 11:31 PM

Brilliantly put. Thanks for speaking for us.

Sep 5, 2020 2:09 PM

I have never been censored for most of the ideas which I entertain, when attacking democracy for instance. In our democracy, being the dictatorship of mediocrity, ideas which are outside of the reach of mediocrity and its settled beliefs are inconceivable, so as they are inconceivable they pose no recognized threat. Only those ideas and views which are on the agenda of mediocrity, where mediocrity is fighting over and slaughtering each other for are at risk to be censored.
One might even say that during a dictatorship of elites, these elites also breeding offspring which are raised intelligently, the situation might give rise to an empowerment of such ideas, as the intelligent would value them according to their worth, even when hostile to them. Even the suppressing of ideas means to give them a certain force. Rebellion of a small percentage of people among elites, (which has historically been the cause of enlightenment) might consequently bring about the empowerment of ideas which during a period of democracy like modern democracies are wholly powerless through mass mediocrity.

In our democracies, a Socrates would not even be put to death, he’d be at best be subject to ridicule, if not overruled by mass fighting. If he’d die in the war of democracy, it would be accidentally because he happened to be unfortunately in between warring parties, attacked by some mean dog of whatever which party.

Sep 3, 2020 11:05 PM

A good reason… Fasictbook is a tool of the elite. All social media (what a joke that tile is) is the same. Patreon is in the crap, Facebook losing accounts, Twitter full of trolls. What a wonderful distraction from the (fake) reality out there.

Oh and another reason… MONEY. Farcebook, cannot upset it’s sponsors/owners, in exactly the same way as traditional media outlets.

Sep 3, 2020 2:23 PM

Good company here
Coronavirus is a “mental illness”, according to the husband of a government minister.”

Sep 3, 2020 4:54 AM

Facebook is a private company they can do what they like.
Poring over PCR results does not make you a PCR expert. Believing 15 so called experts who agree with you whilst ignoring thousands of others is sometimes called cherry picking.
Complex public health issues cannot be dealt with by street protests, nor, I hasten to add, by politicians. Politicising epidemics by other side is problematic. Two wrongs do not make a right.

Sep 3, 2020 6:52 AM
Reply to  Orage

Totally wrong arguments. Truth with facts in total coordination with common sense and destroy opposition goes first, above all. Then expertise follows. Science has a long history about one man show heretic person and groups who overturned mass beliefs. Truth with strong facts and arguments is not afraid to face opposite opinion and never resort to propaganda, by hiding alternative views and threatening with political, professional, financial, social and life extortion.
With PCR , among your fictional number of experts is the inventor of it. Even if we assumed , in good will, that progress has been made to reverse his reasoning, different observations and facts are way far to support hypothesis. There is no even a need for one to Digg deep into technical details and unproven assumptions of an unknown common gene present in the so called virus particle and all other problems of the hypothesis. There is a huge list of problems. Practically, it is well known for cases like 70+ ATHLETES tested positive in US and then had same day tests elsewhere turned negatives. Same case in Larissa, Greece a few months ago, 36 people in a common structure positive from gov official test units and then went to a private laboratory, by their own will, and proved to be all negative. Total practical unreliability of the maximum extent of 100%. Official excuses about contamination (* with what? ) will not make it. There are way more cases, even official withdraws of kits and statements. There is scientific research showing up to 30% false positives. There is no other cross verification of positives. There are so many problems and long unanswered list along with silly efforts. I mean with failure for undoubtedly reasoning. There is nowhere a proper debunking, full to the point and in total, regarding the opposition of official story, that is overwhelming. So do not try to sell expertise status, facts first please.

Sep 3, 2020 1:42 PM
Reply to  Vasilis

As I say, cherry picking. Currently 26 million infected worldwide, different governments, different ideologies, from ‘democracies’ to autocracies, from north to south and east and west. And you quote two possible anomalies. Yes the world is not perfect. Yes science is overturned, but by science not by members of the public pontificating about something they know nothing about. Yes some scientists make big discoveries then go rogue. None of this proves the overarching discussion made here that SARS Cov2 is a figment of the immagination, an artifact or just a mild flu.

Sep 3, 2020 11:10 PM
Reply to  Orage

Lets be open about this, many scientists pontificate and know little about SARS Cov2. And science is a bit of a closed shop… open to only those “qualified”. I learnt a long time ago not to get in to a discussion challenging science… I was hounded and lived in fear the Inquisition would come knocking…. yes I am implying a similarity to religion. Oh bugger there I go again. Slips safety chain on door and closes curtains.

Sep 4, 2020 9:19 AM
Reply to  Oscar

Being paranoid does not exclude the possibility that they are out to get you. Like many professions, scientists and doctors have hierarchies and are also sadly dependent on funding and approval by big money and political regulation. There is nothing intrinsically religion like in science, just the contrary. Please do not confuse, science with how it is applied. Generally I believe that scientific truths despite attempts at suppression have a way of being established merely by the fact that they confirm natural phenomena and their consequences. Take for example man made climate change, the science only warned us of it happening, the warnings were ignored but nature has a way of standing up for itself.

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Sep 4, 2020 9:47 PM
Reply to  Orage

Complex public health issues cannot be dealt with by street protests, nor, I hasten to add, by politicians.

So, the full on censorship of ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING contrary to the manufactured narrative is NOT evidence? Even personal observations of protests? Even the censorship of the CDC article just recently revealed on this website. The CBC will NOT allow the link, or even a reference phrase towards that link?

If we are NOT in a tyrannical relationship with the entitled, why do we have a Military, Medical, Media Industrial Complex that has become indisputably in LOCKSTEP with each other?

Sep 4, 2020 10:28 PM
Reply to  Ernest Judd

I think you may be confusing big pharma , part of the MIC with jobbing medics. As I said a misapplication of a discipline does not discredit the discipline itself. Of course you can protest as much as you like but in general protest should be limited to not harming others.
I am not familiar with what you say about CDC, please provide a link.

Steve Church
Steve Church
Sep 2, 2020 5:24 PM

I just don’t get it. Why does everyone think FB is so important? Because someone said so? Because a lot of people use it? So what. I’ve never used any of the so-called social media, and my life has continued. Have any of these so-called social media sites ever really changed anything? Think of the Palestinians. We’ve known about their situation since 1948 and things have only gotten worse. Why any decent site, like OffG, for instance, uses any of the tools provided by billionnaires is beyond me. There must be a better way.

Sep 2, 2020 7:27 PM
Reply to  Steve Church

I agree with you. Ive never in my life used FB or any other social media. Frankly, its always been known they are highly monitored, also why should I? Life is in the real world, not in the virtual one. One has real friends, whats all this having millions of friends. And putting personal photos and stuff for everyone to see. Frankly this me, me, me culture shows how void life is for most. Anyhow the psychological damage time spent on FB does is known.
And what I dont understand is that today when we need to unite and we are still a minority, why is so much being discussed by supposed dissenting groups on FB? In France only on FB can you find most of them. It totally defeats the purpose they have of remaining anonymous.

Steve Church
Steve Church
Sep 2, 2020 8:55 PM
Reply to  hope

Why remain anonymous?

Sep 3, 2020 5:49 PM
Reply to  hope

Well it’s best that since you and your friends are not at all affected by what’s going on just stay out of it. We’ll fight this battle without you.

Sep 3, 2020 5:55 PM
Reply to  Ekim

If our intelligence community during the world wars , did not worry or check to see what or who the other side was, I don’t know where we would be today. I don’t think they were Users of NAZI PROPAGANDA.

Sep 2, 2020 7:39 PM
Reply to  Steve Church

There are many better ways but there is no community solution to be found anymore. The internet belongs to the corporations that own the hardware, and most people are just not intelligent enough to get back to pen and paper- they are enthralled by the flashing lights touch screens and “smart” tech. Fo the 95% the internt is Google and their social media. ehy literally do not visit any other websites and many do not even understand what is really meant by “website” as they only have a mobile phone and apps.

WIthout engaging with Gewgle, Fakebook and Twatter, you simply cannot reach anyone on the internet, because it is not an open space.

The internet was never free – it is a tech intended to control human culture from the start.

Sep 4, 2020 8:51 AM
Reply to  Swiftier

Love the response mate haha

Sep 2, 2020 10:47 PM
Reply to  Steve Church

It isn’t about what you use.I don’t use it either- that doesn’t make it unimportant.

FB is important because it’s the most successful pen to ever draw in such a large number of internet users for surveillance and commercial advertising, making it a prime patch of virtual land to attract sheep and breed more.

It’s held a majority of users bigger than any majority in any other area you care to talk about.It shapes the attitudes and thoughts of those sheep who, in turn, decide what the societal  ‘ norm’ ( old or new)is to be.

It’s a haven for the short attention spanners.Those with an aversion to thinking for themselves but a penchant for repeating what they get told to repeat.And thus we get the societal rules of the sleepy folk.The majority.And where do the rest go to try and wake these unfortunates up ? Facebook.Then they too can be watched, read, listened to and tracked.

If it wasn’t such a powerful and treasured tool of surveillance by the intelligence communities of the US, UK, Israel, Germany and Russia, it would be put out of business in a heart beat.That makes it important.

Steve Church
Steve Church
Sep 3, 2020 8:49 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Thanks for your reply, Jura. And the correction. Sadly, my own daughter, raised to be critical of all this, works for a Norwegian media company as a branding consultant, of all things. She and her husband are totally screen-addicted, as will their son, no doubt. My brother, over in the US, is having the same problems with his kids. They just don’t get it. As they say here, “Ah la la!”. I prefer “Bande de cons”.

Sep 3, 2020 3:41 PM
Reply to  Steve Church

Thanks Steve..

Sorry to hear that. On the one hand you feel angry and want to bang heads together for their sake.But you know it wouldn’t work, such is the nature of that beast called Addiction.On the other hand you want to give up and walk away. But you can’t because of reason 1. You feel it’s your duty to save them from themselves. It’s vicious circle.Keep watching. You”ll find something relative to them that you can use as you way in.

Steve Church
Steve Church
Sep 3, 2020 6:19 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

I’ll watch from a distance of benign neglect. For birthdays, holidays I send books.

Sep 3, 2020 6:57 PM
Reply to  Steve Church

I hear that.

All we can do is try.

We can never be guilty of failure, only of aiming too high,

A mistake we can make with increasing ease as time passes..

Steve Church
Steve Church
Sep 3, 2020 7:08 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Funny, that. “Aim High” was my old school’s motto.

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Sep 4, 2020 10:49 PM
Reply to  Steve Church

And the entitled in our society has a motto:

“Aim high, hide mediocrity and express hubris”.

Sep 3, 2020 5:37 AM
Reply to  Steve Church

Like others here, I barely use it.

Nevertheless, it’s impossible not to notice that whenever I see some one looking at a mobile phone, more than half the time they’re on Facebook. However much I might hold it in contempt, for millions of people, it is their main source of news.

That’s why it’s important.

Steve Church
Steve Church
Sep 3, 2020 12:32 PM
Reply to  Galahad

Have to agree.

Sep 3, 2020 5:45 PM
Reply to  Steve Church

It’s because million of people , unlike like you, DO BELIEVE IN SOCIAL MEDIA., and these are the people that influence the billionaires that shape your Life.

Steve Church
Steve Church
Sep 3, 2020 6:15 PM
Reply to  Ekim

One quibble. I don’t for a moment believe that all those people influence the billionaires. I think it’s the other way round.

J. Swift Jr
J. Swift Jr
Sep 2, 2020 3:43 PM

I’m sorry but NO. This NOT censorship!!!

By establishing a narrative that this is censorship you are normalising the idea that “social media” (ad serving, data mining websites run by private corporations in tandem with “intelligence services”) are the new normal, the new public domain within which we must all operate.

Just no!! facebook can delete whatever it likes because it is a website that DOES NOT BELONG TO YOU.

Anyone involved in social media is a parasite- if you use social media you are patricipating in the destruction of human culture and deserve to be gagged, blocked and deleted.

Sep 2, 2020 4:06 PM
Reply to  J. Swift Jr

Strictly you’re wrong – there are laws such as common carriage that require companies in a monopoly situation to offer identical service to all without prejudice.

The libertarian meme that it’s their company so they can do what they like is ridiculous. Maybe in some pure ideological libertarian nirvana but not in the world we inhabit: a cursory look at the law makes that plain. What’s happened is governments refuse to implement the law where giant corporations are concerned.

Politicians and bureaucrats are corrupt as you can see from the UK, Irish and U.S. tax authorities for example.

You’re spot on about normalising social media and its parasitical nature.

Sep 2, 2020 7:32 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

The point is : they will do what they like on their website and they have the money to ignore laws by simply buying the legislators. They are not providing an essential service or product and should not be seen as such.

Sep 2, 2020 3:01 PM

Sep 2, 2020 2:43 PM

The anti vaxx movement is controlled opposition to shield the neo nazi covid cult. Dr. Len Horowitz explains how they talk about “vaccine safety” and how “they are not opposed to vaccines” etc. He says the whole thing is a scam and a “deadly genocide”.

Sep 2, 2020 3:19 PM
Reply to  Simon

Simon, I am not anti vaxx. Some vaccinations (mostly very old ones) are extremely useful and save lives.

I am not anti Ketogenic/Paleo/Atkins diet either, though I certainly wouldn’t recommend it. However, I am aware of some – even people my age, who were even fatter than me, and have gone on it, and and are now thinner than me, and appear more healthy than they were in their 20’s, now in their 60’s, than they were in their 40’s.

Oh and there is this most beautiful girl promoting it. She has had lots of problems, physical and mental, not really surprising considering she is the daughter of a famous shrink, who has also had some very serious problems as a result of taking drugs – I think the street name for them is benzies.

I think she is telling the truth. I think her Dad is telling the truth in an interview I saw fairly recently. She was distraught about the state of her Dad (though a medical professional, he had taken drugs prescribed for him, for lack of sleep and anxiety, that are prescribed to millions).
Her Dad realised his massive problem, which was so awful, he was very close, to taking the final solution – and it wasn’t even heroin – something far worse ( Drugs – Benzodiazepines (Benzos, temazies, jellies, eggs …http://www.urban75.com › Drugs › benzos urban75 drug information: a huge online resource of drug information)

“(Reposted) – Peterson Family Update June 2020”


Sep 2, 2020 8:43 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Vaccines do not “save lives” – this is just bullshit you have been repeatedly told and does not stand a basic logic test: vaccines are supposed to be preventative inoculants- they are not medicines.
You do not (and cannot) know if someone who was vaccinated would have died without it, and the same viruses exist in people who do not get ill- the entire concept and technology of vaccines is a big criminal lie.

J. Swift Jr
J. Swift Jr
Sep 2, 2020 4:19 PM
Reply to  Simon

This is most likely a waste of my time but for the sake of others : I think this should be obvious: the chances of obtaining a ban on vaccines and an indictment of the crimes of the pharma industry are much much smaller than the chances of obtaining legislation that prevents mandatory or coercive vaccination.
People are quite adamant about vaccinting (and otherwise totally owning and shaping the lives of ) their children, and nobody is getting in the way of that, because collectively our culture is …”cognitively diverse” in PC lingo and will fall for “think of the children” every time.
This is why “anti-vaxxers” are grouped in with “holocaust denier” – these folks are so neurotic and scared of life that they perceive any anti-vaccine talk as a direct threat to their children.

In their blinkered mental fog and general cognitive dysfunction, they have a laughable misunderstanding of biology and viruses and, even though they believe that the government-approved injections make their child immune, they still think that a non- vaccinated child somehow poses a threat to their vaccinated child because… who knows what other dirty bugs it may be carrying? or maybe the vaccinnes don’t work 100% , or the un -vaccinated child becomes a breeder of more virus mutations, etc etc.
This is the religious-like paranoid scizophrenia that passes for scientifically informed thought in the rational age, and you have to be quite diplomatic when dealing with it as it may well be incurable.

Sep 2, 2020 2:17 PM

Stop using their websites you stupid morons!

Sep 3, 2020 3:19 AM
Reply to  Jim2468

Nice sales pitch 👍😉

Sep 2, 2020 1:52 PM

Where is John Pilger when you need him ? What were all those great in depth documentaries about where he exposed the depravity greed and destruction wreaked upon us by the global mafia ? Why John did you expend all that effort in the past when here you are now being faced by the very same adversary and you are silent ? Are you complicit in their agenda ? Or are you a coward ?

Sep 2, 2020 2:22 PM
Reply to  Grafter

John Pilger has no excuse. He has already been fired from almost everywhere. However he may well have been warned off – just look at what we have done to your mate Julian Assange.

But there are a hell of a lot of people like John Pilger, who have been deadly silent since 9/11.

I wasn’t, but I am not a media celebrity. When I realised the official truth about 9/11, was impossible, cos it did not conform to the most fundamental laws of physics and maths, I told everyone I knew, and showed them the evidence. This included all my collegeaues at work. I didn’t think about – they were all highly intelligent. I thought they would get it straight away, and I whilst being very much a Techie, was in a Senior Management Position.

My collegues at work, and almost everyone I knew socially, and I knew a lot of people, thought I was having a nervous breakdown. Some later apologised, after I resigned in 2004.

They said, sorry – you were just one of the first ones to get it right.

I was not going to Retract The Truth, for a job I no longer enjoyed.

I instantly knew, some of what was going to happen – like massive war and destruction, but I never thought we would come to this. Not in my lifetime.

But here we are.

I recently signed off from Facebook with 3 letters and nothing else, deleting almost everything since the start of this COVID. I didn’t think anyone would notice, but they did. A lot of people, thought I was having a nervous breakdown, whilst I remain convinced they are completely brainwashed.


Such is life, and I can’t see it getting any better, unless people like my friends actually wake up and react, before they get injected.

Nothing I can do about that. They think I’m mad.


Fish & Chips
Fish & Chips
Sep 2, 2020 3:17 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

John Pilger has no excuse

Yes he does Tony, the man is 80 years old, 15 years past official retirement age. Neverthless, he’s still active producing very important content, as I’ve posted above.

Sep 2, 2020 3:42 PM
Reply to  Fish & Chips

Yeh, I understand that. One step more, and you are silenced.

Your voice is no longer heard.

I had no idea he was that old.

Good Man.


Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
Sep 2, 2020 8:49 PM
Reply to  Fish & Chips

Eighty! And more energy than most. Shame on you put down artists. Maybe he’s investigating something else,there are other things going on.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 2, 2020 3:44 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Well, bearing in mind Pilger’s advanced age as detailed below, I still think there’s a certain familiar device here which I have labelled “The Chomsky Shuffle” i.e. posing as a radical “truth talker to power” (and even doing good work on that) but nevertheless backing off on the …um…more sensitive issues. To be fair, I don’t know if JP is actually backing the “We’re all gonna die next week!” mantra whereas our Noam really did front it for 9/11 bullshit.

Sep 2, 2020 4:46 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Chomsky can go and fuck himself even if he is 91.

He has always been financed by The Military Industrial Complex and The American University MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology…which used to be nearly as good as Imperial College in London, who until very recently were Streets ahead of both Oxford and Cambridge.

The Yanks could never really hack it , except by stealing it

Like the Chinese, they nicked a hell of a lot of stuff off us British, and said they invented it.

The Americans used to be very good, but are now pretty useless toads seemingly now in self destructive mode.

They are killing each other now.

Maybe we should just watch, but that is a bit hard on some of my family, who still live there in The USA

The rest of them scarpered quick, back to England and Germany.

My Nephew is an American Child – Born in The USA.

Now living in England with an American accent.. I guess he is about 10 years old now, and looks just like my Grandkids who speak English (English).


Sep 2, 2020 2:25 PM
Reply to  Grafter

This is what I simply don’t understand. Previously reliable journalists who looked into every aspect of eg government budgets,foreign investments, wars, trade deals, international agreements – seem not to have looked at any aspect of the corona virus and COVID-19. And surely this is the biggest hit to health and economies around the world since WWII. The MSM have circled the wagons and not allowed anything other than the ‘official’ line or they have vilified and ridiculed even highly qualified people who step out of line. I’m totally baffled and scared at what the world has become in a matter of months.

Sep 2, 2020 3:18 PM
Reply to  Robyn

covid cult are neo nazis. they put out black lives matter story to make them look like the anti racists. then the controlled opposition anti vaxxers moan about “BLM protests where statues were pulled down” so the actual neo nazi covid cult can claim the opposition are the racists. this then will keep journalists on the side of the neo nazi covid cult and deter people from anti vax. they manage veganism in a similar way using animal rights activists to undermine the movement. the vegans obviously know about vitamin d so they are kept in the pro vaxx fold scared away from anti vaxx by the right wing angle and the carnism.


Sep 2, 2020 4:15 PM
Reply to  Simon

It would be ever so nice if only the real world were just a myth; but it doesn’t appear to be. Labeling everything that attempts a compromise between two forces of society – especially when one of those two is holding all the cards – does not necessarily constitute “controlled opposition.”

What you call “anti-vaxxers,” such as Robert Kennedy Jr, are in reality chipping away little by little at the almost totalitarian power of Big Pharma. Without them, there is absolutely no chance that a corona vaccine will not be totally mandatory.

Bottom line: I do not wish to be held down and pumped full of God knows what. Robert Kennedy Jr and the “anti-vaxxers” are not only the best but the only hope of my avoiding that fate.

Sep 3, 2020 3:30 AM
Reply to  Howard

”What you call “anti-vaxxers,” such as Robert Kennedy Jr, are in reality chipping away little by little at the almost totalitarian power of Big Pharma. Without them, there is absolutely no chance that a corona vaccine will not be totally mandatory.”

Imagine if only one slave chipped away hoping to build the great Pyramid.

Robert Kennedy is calling us to arms. We’ve heard him.Our move.

Sep 3, 2020 3:13 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

People are slowly beginning to wake up to the unnecessary horrors inflicted on people, especially children, by Big Pharma. As little as two years ago I had no idea children were being given so many vaccinations – and that even newborns are given a vaccination for Hepatitis B (which is supposedly sexually transmitted).

Or that pediatricians are routinely paid $400 for each child they vaccinate. What passes for a Medical Establishment in the US today would make a Middle Ages blood letter and leech applier look like Hippocrates.

Sep 3, 2020 3:46 PM
Reply to  Howard

Too many doctors have sold their soul. They already receive nice salaries, it’s greed.They are the last people who deserve to cry for funding for their ‘stretched resources’.

The US have made Monsanto grow out of control.It’s become a Nazi party globally.The distance between the officers and their respectable suits and desks hide it.But not if you know what you’re looking for.

We are waking up and spreading the truth. Now we have to get them into the street for a fight.

Sep 2, 2020 9:51 PM
Reply to  Robyn

Robyn, you cannot rely on journalists whose rag is owned by the .01%. Posters above trying to defend Pilger because of age are no better than those who perpetrate this scandal on the gullible masses. We know what they are doing and Pilger’s silence in these events amounts to complicity regardless of age. Where is his voice now ??

Sep 3, 2020 3:27 AM
Reply to  Robyn

It was very important to instruct the media of their jobs before the date for the launch of this virus was decided.
In the UK they entered into a contract called ‘in together’ ( paraphrased). They were to stick to the plan made by the governments beforehand. They were to only rad out the ‘facts’ as told to them and print them vocally and visually in such a dark and foreboding way it would ensure the fear of the public remained high and grew higher.Because fear if the best strategy to win conformity. Part 1 of SAGE laid this out. Anyone stepping out of type and script wold be fired. They were / are told it would be wise to keep their opinions quiet.

That David Icke is ‘kept quiet’ and medically trained doctors are is evidence that this isn’t a news story per se; it’s a government psyop intended to manufacture our consent for them to finish their job.

Fish & Chips
Fish & Chips
Sep 2, 2020 3:11 PM
Reply to  Grafter

FFS, the man is 80 years old! That’s 15 years past official retirement age!

When at his prime, his ground-breaking programmes like ITV’s World In Action were then dismantled so that he couldn’t continue to broadcast the hard truth to many millions every week.

Nevertheless he’s still working and just released free on YouTube his documentary film The Dirty War on the NHS

Last year he also released a film called The Coming War on China which warns about WW3.

So despite his very senior years he’s still producing amazing content. Because the MSM don’t help him, and because perhaps you can’t be bothered to follow him, there’s no valid excuse to be so disingenuous to this anti-Establishment super trooper.

In fact, I’ve recently noticed similar scurrilous accusations against other such anti-establishment super troopers such as George Galloway, Craig Murray and others. My personal view is that these are part of a nasty PSYOPS campaign to discredit them; it’s happened previously, and it’s happening now, and it will happen again.

Sep 2, 2020 6:15 PM
Reply to  Fish & Chips

I’ve previously admired Galloway but in the last year or two, he’s lost the plot a bit. At one time he would destroy an argument with a devastating rebuttal, now he just silences anyone he doesn’t agree with. Sadly, I don’t think he’s been the same since the thug Neil Masterson attacked him.

Sep 2, 2020 4:06 PM
Reply to  Grafter

I believe Mr Pilger, as too many other respectable journalists to name, has fallen into the trap of categorizing the causes they fight for hierarchically. Right now, as doubtless everyone knows, John Pilger is understandably concerned about the increasingly bellicose stance of the US against China (and now Russia).

I don’t think it’s hyperbole to suggest that he attaches more significance to US warmongering than to corona lockdown; and that if he takes on the latter, he will never again be allowed to be taken seriously on the former. The fact that the two are inseparable (as was 9/11) seems to escape these journalists.

Sep 2, 2020 1:21 PM

“if you find yourself believing that we were all a big group of fascists, because there was (apparently but not seen by me), a fascist flag spotted draped somewhere at a height, (which had nothing to do with us and was away from the main body of people),”

This is directed at believers, people we are not only prejudiced to a great degree, but deliberately out to take a single instance, to prove their case. It is no use addressing such people. Waste of energy and words, and why should such people be shamed, everyone is entitled to his hostility and prejudice. Psychologically it also has the effect that for the readers who are not like that, it invokes a feeling of, ‘we are not that dumb’, etc.

I cannot think of any reason why such a thing would be censored on Facebook, such childish games and expressions of emotions are typical for Facebook.

Sep 2, 2020 12:57 PM

Censorship? Surely you jest. I’ve never heard of Facebook censoring what someone had for lunch; or that someone had a good bowel movement; or praise for some public official (like Dr Fauci); or the winner of a Bingo tournament (when Bingo tournaments were still allowed); or the truly clever way someone makes their own face mask.

The most absolutely frightening thing imaginable is not that the ruling class may be planning to pump us full of ID nano chips; or take away our kids. No indeed. The thing that would put the fear of Jesus in any thinking human is that the things listed above are what matters to most people.

Big B
Big B
Sep 2, 2020 12:56 PM

I can’t be bothered to answer everyone below: but here are some points. Not only is science possible within language: it is impossible with an external referent. Which is the basis that the observer is within the system observed: not external to it. Not only has science realised this – post-Kuhn – many aspects of science have embraced the ontological turn. Not least the humanities. Nature is far too complicated to model objectively: that is the myth of scientism. See Box’s axiom: “all models are wrong – but some of them are useful” ….for a more pragmatic view of scientific modelling which even arch-physicist Stephen Hawking came round to.

Objective science excluded humanity from the start: as did philosophy. The scientific worldview is reductive, mechanistic, perspectiveless, analytical, and amoral and profoundly anti-human. An ecological systems science has been burgeoning. One which includes the observer within the observed system as an active and relational participant in something called life: the very thing science excluded from the start.

If you think human reality is brought forth from something other than the language-faculty: it is probably because you think of language as other than a species wide faculty ….that which makes us human. And language works at the species level as a behavioural coordination of action. We are not going to change the universe of discourse: but we could be aware of its effects and behavioural patterning. Which are rational-historical and conceptually abstracted generalisations that have accumulated over the millennia to be reified as metaphysically ‘true’ and ‘real’.

This whole conversation is a conversation about a conversation in infinite regress: with no extra-linguistic external real. Shoot the messenger: but that is the way it stays until we have a moratorium on meaning ….and stop pretending that meaning is sense and reference across a non-existent subject/object or self/other divide. Until we do: the divisions are somewhat arbitrary ….like the ‘1%’.

Why not the 10-12% of global high consumers that are blighting the lives of the real 90% ….the ones you claim to speak for? That is not metaphysical or abstract: but a concrete fact of Nature. That is because the global lifestyle consumption class includes almost everyone in the UK. And in the other High Income Countries: which have their wealth developed by the 90% ….and the exclusionary scientifically externalised whole of Nature. Which we are killing with our ‘unity for freedom’.

Ecology and humanity are totally inclusive multiplicities of diversities of life in a dynamic system of complexity. Hell, even the baby lion in the Disney film understood that everything that exists: exists together. Every strategy has to include the whole of humanity and the whole of Nature ….which, systematically, are the same thing. And what the rest of humanity needs is to be free of the ethical egoism of a ‘1 v 99%’ ressentiment phantasy and the consumption lifestyles of the 12% ….that’s us. That’s real: not the metaphysical realism of the pseudo-99% of bleedin’ heart liberals!

J. Swift Jr
J. Swift Jr
Sep 2, 2020 4:42 PM
Reply to  Big B

People in the UK (and other similarly infected cultures) cannot help themselves- the allure of being on top of the food chain is too strong of an illusion. It is comical to think of British snobbery when you realise their standards of living are so pathetically low compared to most of the world.

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
Sep 2, 2020 9:01 PM
Reply to  Big B

Sorry to be so flippant, but is your alias a nod to the drum solo by Brian Bennet of the Shadows?

Sep 2, 2020 12:09 PM

The Groaniad: House speaker Pelosi pictured having hair done in San Francisco without mask

“Many feel this could be a Dominic Cummings-style moment in the US, where even Democrats who had been following coronavirus guidelines begin to stop.”

Sep 2, 2020 11:11 AM

The covid cult are neo nazis so they set up controlled opposition movement of right wing anti vaxxers to shield them. This is why they do not talk about vitamin D and actual health solutions. The germ theory is racist coz vitamin D production varies with race.

Sep 2, 2020 11:16 AM
Reply to  Simon

This controlled opposition movement actually have been promoting the keto diet which increases the health problems such as pneumonia in the general public. There is people taking the lettuce off their burgers because of these neo nazi keto crowd.

Sep 2, 2020 11:50 AM
Reply to  Simon

That fuck is a raging alcoholic.

He’s drunk off all them bloody fermented fruits he wants everyone on.

Sep 2, 2020 4:40 PM
Reply to  Simon

Here’s a clue: when anyone comes calling with a “Diet” that will take care of all your dietary and nutritional needs – run like hell! Because you know a scam is at your door.

Sep 2, 2020 4:45 PM
Reply to  Howard

p.s., I wish we could edit these comments so if we think of some little clever tidbit, we could fit it in. Instead of saying a scam is at your door – I would have liked to play the intellectual and say: Because you know Procrustes is about to kick in your door.

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
Sep 2, 2020 9:04 PM
Reply to  Simon

Heaven help anyone that mentions straight hair.

Sep 2, 2020 11:06 AM

Personally I think the USA’s deep state is backing both horses: the oppressive fake-left, which has nothing to do with left-wing principles of the past, rather is a more Stalinist form of fascism only paying lip service to civil rights, OR the authoritarian ‘Trumpian’ far-right, which is a more traditional form of fascism.

The fake left, with it’s forced vaccinations, social credit scoring, their War on the Carbon units (us), censorship and group think, are just as bad as the other horse in the race, the far-right with all their racism, demonetization of the intellectuals & liberals, militarised police brutality, surveillance, looting of the economy and blatant Corporate extortion.
I think the Deep state is just sitting back waiting to see which horse will win the race, but either way we lose as both mafia families see us as the real enemy.

The deep state is so powerful now that they can easily ‘disappear’ any real political opposition. Any non-aligned anti-Covid protest group will rest in the shadows, at the peripheries of the internet, unless allied to the far-right.

Facebook is an arm of the CIA so administer this polarization. It looks to me like the populations compliance to their own economic destruction, with very little opposition, is favoring the fake-lefts version of tyranny, unless the far-right can turn it around and use the ‘truth’ about the Covid scam more effectively.
Which tyranny would you prefer?

Sep 2, 2020 11:53 AM
Reply to  God

Look what they’re doing to Lukascheko now since he called out the IMF and their controlled demolition of the economy and not wanting their blood money.

Within days there was agitators straight in to bring down the Belarusian president.

Sep 2, 2020 2:30 PM
Reply to  God

I think you make really good points but the fake left also supports mass surveillance, economic looting, and corporate extortion. In fact, the fake left are the global corporate fascists. They’re also much more of a threat because their power is global, as Covid has demonstrated.

Fish & Chips
Fish & Chips
Sep 2, 2020 3:24 PM
Reply to  God

I think you’re spot-on with that observation.

Sheldon Wolin coined the term Inverted Totalitarianism in his book in 2003, as the emerging form of government in the US. In simple terms, people believe they have a democracy, but it’s illiberal and increasingly authoritarian. Now it’s cemented fully not only in the US, but all the 5 Eye Nations.

Sep 2, 2020 10:29 AM

The “Under Attack”, may happen very soon, and include everyone who receives a new unlicensed vaccine. This is so outrageous, when I first saw a reference to a very short consultation document below, I was far from certain that it was an Official UK Government document. I dug further and found the full document. This is probably the most important thing at the moment, as there are now strong signs that the COVID propaganda is wearing off.

The effect of an unlicenced vaccine, may well be permanent and lethal. Vaccines and everything else potentially dangerous are thoroughly tested, over a log period, and only licensed, when authorities deem them safe. If they haven’t been licensed, they are not deemed safe.

It is as scary as hell. They are considering mass vaccination on an unprecedented scale of unlicensed vaccines. The reason they are unlicensed is that they haven’t been sufficiently tested. For all they know, they could give everyone cancer, or the equivalent effects of thalidomide.


The consultation period ends on Friday 18 September 2020, and is open to anyone though effectively unpublished and buried. It is most certainly bad news, and deserves massive publicity and critical response.



Sep 2, 2020 10:54 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

this is h.ow I have written to my (tory) MP.It will not do much but at least he is on notice
I have received notice that the Government requires representations by 18th September next with regard to changes to Human Medicine Regulations to support the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines but it appears that representations are mainly welcomed from certain stakeholders.
As one of your constituents would you please let me know whether you support pharmaceutical companies being exempt from product liability in law and if so why?
Would you table or support an amendment to any propsed legislation in this regard that should pharmaceutical companies be so exempt any government of the day
will accept full responsibility for any loss of life or injuries to health resulting from such exemption.
Finally I know that you are a vigorous opponent of totalitarian regimes particularly Russia and China.
Will you therefore be campaigning against the renewal of the Coronavirus Act 2020 which has enabled many draconian measures against fundamental freedoms to be issued.
Thank you and I look forward to your reply

J. Swift Jr
J. Swift Jr
Sep 2, 2020 5:29 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Here’s something for their consultation: I can’t be bothered to post it there but maybe someone can.

Given that:

-The “novel coronavirus” has yet not been isolated, purified and shown to be a pathogen;

-That the tests used to determine “covid-19” infections are the PCR tests which are tests developed for manufacturing puproses and not for diagnosing disease;

-That the threat of “covid-19” to human populations is demonstrably no greater than that of the flu, (as only a small percentage of people is vulnerable at all) and the number of casualties are no greater than those of the flu;

it appears that this entire exercise is purely for the benefit of vaccine makers. 

There is no rational justification for mass vaccination or mass quarantine of the entire population. I note that “lockdown” is a term derived from the prison system and will have significant psychological impact (expressed as increased crime and mental health breakdowns) in years to come.

I suggest that no government would want the added liability of unlicensed vaccines, given that vaccines are already known by the FDA to cause cancer: 


The UK government is already liable for crimes against humanity because of its imposition of measures ostensibly taken to manage a falsified pandemic dictated to the media by the intelligence services, acting to promote the interests of the WHO’s funding bodies.

The lockdown measures have taken an immeasurable toll on human health, psychology and financial wellbeing, pushing millions into unemployment and/or debt, and causing the manslaughter by neglect of unknown numbers of elderly people, left to die alone, their relatives blocked from seeing them…

The measures are based on fraudulent science and computer models, which are used to make decisions that are destroying the lives of millions.

Given what I stated above, any “covid-19” vaccine promotion would be obscene.

It would also be fraudulent, given that there is yet no pubished proof that a “novel coronavirus” is the cause of a new disease since such a virus has not been isolated, purified and shown to be a pathogen. 

It will not be possible for this easily accessed or deduced information to be contained or censored, and WE WILL COME AFTER YOU

der einzige
der einzige
Sep 2, 2020 10:26 AM

When I read these constant crying that facebook or youtube is censoring something, I think that I am dealing with idiots.
What the fuck were you expecting a retard? That the system will give you a platform to be anti-system? These platforms are designed to control and spy on you, not for you. When you get it.
The only way to win is not to play their game!!!
Stop feeding all those cockroaches and leave once and for all these “social networks”! Try to live LIKE REAL HUMAN BEINGS, talking, listening, hugging, looking at the eyes of your parents, friends, neighboors, and not watching all the fucking day your smartphones like mentally retarded idiots!

Sep 2, 2020 11:00 AM
Reply to  der einzige

indeed, this is well within the category of “What did you think was going to happen?”

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Sep 2, 2020 11:51 AM
Reply to  der einzige

No one is surprised at the censorship – that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t call it out. We can at least make the process difficult for them.

der einzige
der einzige
Sep 2, 2020 12:15 PM

Then you will have no problems answering my question on another topic
I think the best way to make it difficult would be to not have an account

Sep 2, 2020 3:58 PM
Reply to  der einzige

if it is a scam they will be part of it, so don’t expect an answer.

Sep 2, 2020 3:55 PM

Christ!….. You censor just as much, so get off your high horse.

Sep 2, 2020 10:11 AM

Two moments there was some revelation of the method about the corporate-state media:

1) David Rockefeller –
“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years……It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years”.
2) Three Days of the Condor –

The latter was made by Sydney Pollock, known Israeli intelligence asset and the fount of all wisdom in ‘Eyes Wide Shut’. He isn’t bravely revealing the truth here, he’s rubbing our noses in it.

The only surprise when the corporate-state media censor opposition is that anyone’s surprised.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Sep 2, 2020 10:38 AM
Reply to  Edwige

Pollock was “amazing” as Victor Ziegler in EWS… now look up “Ziegler” in German (“brick-maker”… close enough to “mason” for you?) and add that “victor” to it and there you have it. Stanley being witty.

Sep 2, 2020 12:17 PM
Reply to  Edwige
Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Sep 2, 2020 2:23 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Excellent! Been looking for this…! The file wouldn’t play but I downloaded it: many thanks for the tip!

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Sep 2, 2020 2:28 PM

(Lovely resolution on this copy, too)

Sep 2, 2020 10:11 AM

For a bit of light relief in all this doom and gloom why not try Bolton’s Death Map….


Sep 2, 2020 10:01 AM

This creepy Manchester Labour Council leader Andy Burnham is outraged that lockdown restrictions are being lifted.

“Overnight we’ve had restrictions released in two boroughs where we’ve got a rising number of cases – in one case in the red zone.”

Noticeable in these protestations is the ever growing popularity of “infection rates” which conjures up subliminal images of dead and dying at the hands of this highly contagious and terrifying virus.

Voxi Pop
Voxi Pop
Sep 2, 2020 9:54 AM

Can i just say to everyone DITCH FACEBOOK NOW!!!!!!!!!

I will never and have never had a FaceB account….call me psychic ok? cause i deserve it after all the sheeeeet I’ve taken trying to shake sense into my fellow human beings. I regularly have to take the bad side of insurance agents, teachers, good regular folks gobsmacked at why in the world WHY would anyone not be on Facebook.


Sep 2, 2020 1:59 PM
Reply to  Voxi Pop

Well, I’ve had a FB account for about 10 years and used it almost exclusively to see what my grown-up kids are doing, since they live abroad.
I have the usual number of FB “friends”, running in the hundreds, but on the few occasions where I have decided to stick my head above the parapet and try to inform them of what is becoming of the human race to which I had thought they belonged, guess what… Suddenly I have NO FaceBook friends…
So much for the meaning of FB friendship. I need better friends than that.
Today, I’m going to ditch FB, (I gather it’s not an entirely simple process) and I’ll just phone my kids.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Sep 2, 2020 2:17 PM
Reply to  Voxi Pop

… can we toss the TV’s out the back windows while we’re at it…?

Sep 2, 2020 9:51 AM

A site that ruthlessly censors its own pages, thought ‘awaiting approval’ complaining about Facebook for censorship, you’ve got to laugh.

Sep 2, 2020 11:05 AM
Reply to  God

To learn who rules over you, find out who you are not allowed to criticize.

Sep 2, 2020 11:21 AM
Reply to  THX-1138

I see three people (down voters) are cheering their own censorship.

Sep 2, 2020 7:20 PM
Reply to  THX-1138

Here its don’t criticize the CIA’s Wikileaks or agent Assange, Russia (you must be anti USA) ,stay on the powerless ” woke alt right” narrative.

Sep 2, 2020 7:24 PM
Reply to  God

Censorship if rife here.
Its a controlled opposition site.
It should be ” Off shoot of Guardian”

Sep 2, 2020 9:42 AM

The cross-border regime that brings us the modern Security State is deeply occult. No, not the Nazis and Thelema but perhaps more spooky than you think.

The cryptocracy, at its simplest, is the observation that the elite empower themselves by hoarding knowledge, and denying it to those they control. In the same way the elite schools today still teach the classics, the philosophers and techniques of government down the ages, building in their dynastic offspring the mindset of ruler. Knowledge for them and ignorance for the rest.

Until the Enlightenment, the people understood the concept of all that is seen and unseen, the latter belonging to the metaphysical, the religious and the occult (simply meaning that which cannot be seen). After the Enlightenment the people were increasingly driven into specialized labor while a ruling elite retained to itself the “unity of knowledge”.

This was the background to one of the great police states: Elizabethan England, in which the population was forbidden to think or live in terms of the world to which they had been born. A massive recalibration of the popular mind was in order.

Queen Elizabeth I was guided by three top officials: her spymaster Walsingham, the bureaucratic master manipulators William and Robert Cecil, and her mystic John Dee.

Spook: 1/ to make frightened or frantic : scare especially : to startle into violent activity (such as stampeding) 2/ a ghost or one who treads lightly behind the scenes 3/ a spy or servant of the cryptocracy.
Spookery: matters relating to spies and espionage.
Witchery: to mezmerize, stupify, entrance, brainwash, hypnotize or control the mind.
Witch: medium, medicine man, conjuror, necromancer.

The three elements of government: spying (in manu occultatum, the hidden hand), bureaucratic manipulation (amalgamation) and mysticism (Kabbalah, Fremasonry, alchemy) are far more consistent elements of government than most people think.

The mystic element is employed at each stage: in the gathering, interpretation and misrepresentation of information; which is then subject to amalgamation through the bureaucracy; with the result being alchemy, or the turning of base human matter into gold or, yet more desirable, even irresistible: transcendent power.

In his 16th-century writings John Dee (with Edward Kelley) claimed that angels had revealed the Enochian magic — the key to the Book of Enoch.

No not Enoch Powell, one of the few great intellects to sit in the British parliament in recent times, whose reputation was damaged by his deeply insightful though wholly unprophetic Rivers of Blood speech in April 1968, which largely observed the blood flowing at that time in the United States (MLK had been assassinated earlier that month, and JFK five years before).

John Dee didn’t call it Enochian but Angelic magic. It was the Freemasons of the 20th century who revived Dee’s work and called it Enochian, blending it with the Hermetic Qabalah.

It has given us powerful social and political movements, from the Thelemic and Rosicrucian to the Wicca, which is said to have adepts at the summit of politics.

Occult insight has been tightly bound with the most powerful forms of government – from the Freemasonic foundations of the United States, the secret geometry of Washington DC, the occult passions of the the founders of NASA reflected in its emblematic chevrons, to the LSD mind-benders of the Tavistock Institute and CIA whose research closely mimicked the journeys along the astral plane in which western occultists recorded their psychic experiences in a scientific manner.

Perhaps they desire to Enochulate the rest of us.

Continued: https://moneycircus.blogspot.com/2020/09/all-along-watchtower-and-other.html

Sep 2, 2020 10:00 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

”The cross-border regime”

Have you heard of the USA? it is the most powerful country in the history of man and has 800 military bases around the world in 80 countries? maybe you could look it up?

Sep 2, 2020 10:23 AM
Reply to  God

Hi Jim 😉

Sep 2, 2020 2:11 PM
Reply to  God

At this rate the USA is ratcheting up some very ungodly karma for itself.
That sort of power never lasts.

Sep 2, 2020 10:08 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

SAGE all seeing know all adept A sage is typically defined as an extremely wise personmystic or spiritual teacher. In Hinduism, the sages are divinely inspired philosophers, saints and leaders with direct knowledge of the Universal/Absolute Truth. 
U>K The Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) provides scientific and technical advice to support government decision makers during emergencies.version is AI and a group of sub human ? who are the opposite of the above lying deceitful evil controllers

nice catch M.C

Sep 2, 2020 10:48 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Queen Elizabeth I was guided by three top officials: her spymaster Walsingham, the bureaucratic master manipulators William and Robert Cecil, and her mystic John Dee.

make that four top officials.

Sep 2, 2020 12:05 PM
Reply to  THX-1138

Elizabeth was the first appointed CEO of the new Banker owned Nation state tasked with rolling out the global conquest after the Italians, Portuguese, Spanish and Dutch had been used up.

Her daddy would have been extremely upset at the way She handed over the Treasury and destroyed the ancient Tally stick monetary system of England to be replaced by ‘minted coin’ controlled by the pseudomystics and emergent technocrats and scientists – the supercomputers of the time – such as Newton.

Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
Sep 2, 2020 11:24 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

@MoneyCircus: “the elite schools today still teach the classics, the philosophers and techniques of government down the ages”

Robert Graves remarked, somewhere in The White Goddess, that from an Establishment viewpoint the most valuable Legacy of the Olympian Religion (the Classics) is how to Lie in Public with a Straight Face.

Sep 2, 2020 11:58 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

And you left out the great Beast himself? The whole 20thCentury experience? Sometimes, frequently, I think you misdirect by exclusion … just saying, that is how PR works too.

Sep 2, 2020 2:09 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Indeed I have heard it said that the influence of secret societies in all walks of political life is far more pervasive than people realize. That would include all the brotherhoods and sisterhoods you mention, and it would explain a lot of what is going on now.
As usual, one is stumped for a solution, but it’s just as well to know anyway.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Sep 2, 2020 2:15 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

This is quite an interesting thread that walks well the fine line between the Little Known and the Far-fetched. I believe the secret to institutions of great power (pyramids floating like icebergs; only the tips visible) lies in continuity, which rests on tradition, which often stretches back for centuries or millennia (and, symmetrically, the plots/schemes of the powerful perhaps extend to centuries in the future) and that the Greatest Secret of the Mystery Traditions, reserved for the Adepts, is that there is no Metaphysical Force moving the World: there are only the occult machinations of powerful families/ institutions who have harnessed nature with science and leverage technology for increasing control. That’s the secret they save for the few who take real power as they come of age: “YOU” are God.

The Devils and Angels (and demons and reptiles et al) are psychological archetypes that may often be as a result of genetic expression. I’ve often wondered, for example, if the byzantine (no pun intended) breeding schedules of the “aristocracy” were minutely-calculated efforts to preserve and amplify the genetic profile(s) for the “super-power” we call psychopathy? The last thing you’d need, if you were going to administrate the world’s human population as unsentimentally (a war here, a famine there) as though they were cattle… would be empathy.

Anyway, it’s a great mistake for most academics, and mainstream students of politics, and aficionados of Realpolitik, to dismiss “The Occult” as mere kitsch, and camp, for the weak-minded. There are ordering structures and patterns of association connecting the most arcane symbols to the biggest banks and the most dominant weapons manufacturers and it would be silly to ignore the evidence merely because it is too subtle, or covered in dust.

Sep 2, 2020 3:06 PM

I believe that The Most Evil Book In The Universe discusses such issues, but it would be imprudent to post a reference here.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Sep 2, 2020 3:49 PM
Reply to  THX-1141

(Cool name; is there a secret ref in the diff between 1138 and 1141?)

Sep 2, 2020 4:38 PM

there is not; that is merely an attempt at eluding the effects of previous imprudent posts in this forum.

the book in question is called The Procedures of the Educated Youngsters of Scientology. or something like that.


J. Swift Jr
J. Swift Jr
Sep 2, 2020 5:52 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

There are non -kabbalistic pagans that have nothing to do with this, but are continuing the indigenous spiritual traditions of Europe from before the Romans, and before the judeochristian assault and forced conversion.

You are seeing patterns that are not necessarily under human control and assigning far too much power to weaklings whose days are numbered. What we’re seeing now is the last desperate attempts to hold onto power and a status quo that is doomed as surely as a sand castle is.
The occult signs you’re observing are there because they are under the influence of psychic parasites and predators, who basically occupy human bodies to feed on human fear and survival anxiety. The rituals are their subservience rituals and the hocus pocus is their mind control algorithms- but they do not realise they are the first meal for their hungry pseudo-gods.
What will freak a lot of people out is that this is a lot more extensive than the 0,0001% elites… anybody desperately trying to hide from their own mortality and their humanity is chosen for some tough lessons.

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
Sep 2, 2020 9:40 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

What you say about the Enlightenment resonates. Inlightenment, Unlightenment, then there’s making less heavy, aha I shall look at your site,sight,side, he sighed.

Sep 3, 2020 5:06 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Thanks to all for the responses. A lot of people seem to agree that occult ‘ways of seeing’ are as influential as belief – that these are simply the archetypical way that the management has interpreted the world and its manifold ‘signs’.

At the same time it is, as Steven says, foolhardy of “academics, and mainstream students of politics, and aficionados of Realpolitik, to dismiss “The Occult” as mere kitsch” when it clearly plays such a role in the rulers’ thinking.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Sep 2, 2020 9:17 AM

I was at the August 29th Protest in Berlin and felt a surge of Love for the people around me. On Facebook I had a “corrective” “fact-checking” warning-sticker put on a logical, carefully-vetted, fact-rich post on the topic and though a handful of my Facebook friends (mostly people I’ve known since college, too far away to otherwise hang out with) see the blatant Truth as I can, nobody rushed in, on Facebook, to help me tell off the propagandists. Then I wrote a short story… dedicated to my favorite contemporary writer on this general topic, John Steppling (poor Dave McGowan is long-dead)…


George Mc
George Mc
Sep 2, 2020 8:45 AM


“Likewise, the COVID-19 pandemic, which has brought devastation to the working masses in the US and around the world, has served as the occasion for all arms of the capitalist state to be mobilised to organise the greatest-ever redistribution of wealth to the heights of society.”

Ooh that penny is teetering so much on the edge of connection ….no….not quite…ah could this be the fall?:

“Up to this point, the response to the pandemic has been dominated by the social prerogatives of the ruling class. But another social force is entering onto the scene: the working class, which is increasingly coming into struggle against the ruling elite’s back-to-work campaign.

The working class are going to storm in with their demand to ….stay at home? Keep wearing masks? Keep running away into the corner to stay “safe”?

The penny is securely snatched back from the edge! Up the revolution!

Voxi Pop
Voxi Pop
Sep 2, 2020 10:00 AM
Reply to  George Mc

you know, the inevitable hubris of the rulinglings eventually topples them…has been true in human history. the only thing we face differently is …technology…will that make a difference in this chapter, for the elite..otherwise they were always outnumbered. And they know that.

Sep 3, 2020 3:38 AM
Reply to  Voxi Pop

One bomb can wipe out a country. One deadly virus ( AIDS, SARS) can wipe out a race. This is science.It only takes one man to release either. It won’t matter how many of us there are then. Where do you think the fearlessness of these psychopaths comes from. It’s knowledge of their power.

Andy B
Andy B
Sep 2, 2020 8:05 AM
Sep 2, 2020 8:00 AM

I see there’s two weeks of extinction rebellion staged ‘protests’ arranged to kill any momentum gathered. It couldn’t get mote obvious.

Sep 2, 2020 1:22 PM
Reply to  Borncynic

Irrespective of whether one supports them or not, one of their more extreme founders was given ten minutes’ airtime on today’s Jeremy Vine show (presented this week by Vanessa Feltz) to explain their grievances… not a luxury granted to lock down protesters.

Voxi Pop
Voxi Pop
Sep 2, 2020 7:49 AM

Obama Advised NBA On Boycott/ Taxpayer Funded NPR Promotes Looting / Dozens of Governors “Friendly” With China/ Rumor: Chinese Troops Infiltrating Canada Through Port and Reservations/ Virginia Reduces Penalties For Assaulting Police

There is strength in unity friends, remember we are all here from all over the world,and there are so many just like us.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Sep 2, 2020 7:08 AM

Just watched a video now of a pregnant woman here in Melbourne, handcuffed and arrested in her home, in front of her 2 children, and charged with incitement.
Why? Because she posted on Facebook about the protest in Melbourne on Saturday. She’s been arrested for talking about going to the protest. Yesterday, 2 men in Melbourne were arrested and charged with incitement for the same thing.
Which I believe carries a fine of $20000.
Melbourne is now a Fascist Police State.
The cops here are completely out of control. Talking about protesting is now Thought Crime here in Australia.
What is happening is unbelievable.

Sep 2, 2020 8:26 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Yes Gezzah, I think Australia and NZ are the worst, but its worsening everywhere. Fascist would be a mild epithet. Its beyond fascism. Its moving towards the frightening totalitarianism of Germany in the 30s or of South America in the 70s, where they didnt care less whether you were man, woman, young or old, pregnant or not, they tortured you and killed you horribly. Thousands were disappeared in each such country…
In each place it took years for the population to wake up, and in Germany what would have happened if Hitler had been intelligent and not gone to war with all and sundry and especially with Russia?
If he hadnt expressed the wish to dine at the same table as Churchill (thats the main reason Churchill turned against him: he could not accept that an upstart created by Club England could dream of being his equal)? What would have happened if there had only been an Eastern front? Given France was collaborationist and many continental countries were borderline, what would have happened in Europe?
Pinochet was in power for 17 years.

Is this what we want?

Unless we realise this and act accordingly, and keep thinking it will be over by next year, that this certainly will end soon and get to excited that more and more are realising, we might get into a fix. Certainly lets hope, but a constructive hope is one which is able to look at the worst possible scenario and prepare for it: then you know that for that hope to realise itself requires all of us to act, beyond just expressing our distress in comment sections. No one cares if we only do that. Thats precisely part of the agenda. For us to live on the internet. Im not denying the psychological need to do so given we have little possibilities of meeting in real life.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Sep 2, 2020 8:59 AM
Reply to  hope

Thank you Hope. I appreciate your feedback and take on board everything you say. I’m just feeling a bit numb at the moment, actually just reread Pastor Niemoller’s poem a while ago.
No one is coming to save us here in Victoria. And the Australian Federal Govt certainly won’t intervene.
As you point out, this agenda is global, not just confined to Australia and New Zealand. What is happening here will be rolled out everywhere.
Wishing you a good day.

Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
Sep 2, 2020 9:13 AM
Reply to  hope

@hope: “What would have happened if there had only been an Eastern front?”

The Red Army would have chewed up the remaining 20% of the Nazi Army that was left after the Battle of Kursk. And Germany would have been spared 75 years of U$ military occupation, de facto and de jura.

PS: Pinochet did not simply _”remain”_ in power; he was _put_ in power by a murderous U$ coup (Kissinger) and released from the UK by mass murdering, anti-Hijab, British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw.

Sep 2, 2020 11:24 AM
Reply to  Dr NG Maroudas

Thats precisely it, none of these happened without powerful forces putting these people in power. That is why they can remain in power so long.
Isnt that why we are in danger today? Because its not the doing of this or that
head of State, but is being piloted by more powerful forces?

About the Red Army: Its a controversial issue because without a Western front, Germany could have concentrated all its forces on the Eastern one.

I agree with you that eventually the Red Army would have won, but it would have taken many more years, and many more victims. It may also well be that the world that would have then followed would have been a much better one than the one that has unfolded since ww2.
Its just that we who just want a humane life to be returned we are caught in that worst period… And unless we manage to get some strong support for this, and frankly given the absence of support from a powerful country, we should take into account that we might be in for a long haul. This is why we have to review the way to proceed, but not in comments sectors. At the moment we are being naive to some extent in the methods, we are all idealistic, but we need to be effective. We are also scattered and isolated, and divided. Not only in the OffG site, but even reading other sites, you come across sharp words between peoples who basically all want the same thing: the return of a human life, and for this the end of measures and the end of the more subtle dehumanization agenda. Those of us who want this we have to stop accusing one other of being left, right, pro this, or anti this, of believing there’s a secret agenda, or believing there is no secret agenda, and accusing one other of being stupid and seeing conspiracies everywhere, or of failing to see them.
We have to unite. That needs powerful leadership: the current dystopia is unprecedented, just like every past dystopia must have seemed unprecedented to the people who were victims of them. Each time new methods, new ideas were needed.
The actions are not coordinated. The Germans and Americans are the most effectively trying to unite it all under one umbrella.

The fact is I am realizing with former academic colleagues and former co-students from university days that people are adapting: those who are not questioning may be unhappy about some restrictions, but they are at peace. They’re not inordinately fearful of falling ill. They’re not financially affected, they dont mind the masks, the measures…
Their frustration at not being able to travel for work and social reasons, not seeing people in real, is far less now than it was to begin with. They have sufficiently like-minded peoples around them locally. And they are adapting to the dehumanized internet world in which they are now fully immersed for professional and social reasons. They in fact love it, and do not understand why Im upset about it.

Certainly a total economic collapse with massive unemployment and loss of your house and inability to have access to food, i.e. malnutrition and hunger, if it does hit the middle and upper middle classes in large numbers, will bring all this to an end. So, there is an attempt to ensure that the collapse remains under control. 1) there is increasing recruitment at the lower end into not just the army or police, but essentially in mercenary forces (so called private security firms). Apart from reducing unemployment it would also provide the coercive forces to control dissent and enforce a fuller dystopia.
2) at the upper end they are trying to make the jobs stay by digitalizing them, and most are accepting, and as I said enjoying it even.

So whether or not the collapse will affect sufficient numbers to generate the
revolt necessary to put an end to what is happening, hopefully yes, but one would have to look at the matter more closely.

So thats the question isnt it? Are we in for a long haul which only a few of us cannot accept, and will have to live with it for many years to come, possibly the rest of our lives, or will this end soon because the apple is too rotten (i.e. they’ve gone too far) and hence it will all fall, aided by the minority of people of good will?

Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
Sep 2, 2020 2:15 PM
Reply to  hope

” without a Western front, Germany could have concentrated all its forces on the Eastern one.’

Which is why the Red Army was able to hug and tear up 80% of the Nazi Wehrmacht. There was no Western Front even though Stalin begged Churchill and Roosevelt to open one; just a Phony War in the West while Anglo Zionazi Capitalist Armies sat on their hands and gloated over their two biggest rivals tearing each other to pieces in the East.

I agree with the rest of your prognosis, but it has always been thus: up and down, forwards and backwards. Remember that video of rabbits who turned into a sort of underground termite colony: blind, hairless, groping around and chewing roots underground, with only one monstrous female queen from which to procreate the race.

HG Well foresaw those rabbits, just as he foresaw the atomic bomb, as a possible future for the human race. “In the kingdom of the blind a one-eyed man is king” — but not if they want to operate on him to remove a squashy bulge on his head which is obviously causing him pain when they poke around it.

Sep 2, 2020 9:29 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Yes, Gezzah, I’ve just watched it as well. And we are still being assured there’s nothing fascist about this behaviour?? Imagine if it had been filmed in China or Belarus…the MSM would have been all over it.

Here it is, ordinary, vulnerable, respectable citizens arrested for what? For daring to question government policy. Handcuffed, computers confiscated….and all in front of her distressed children. For supporting a freedom protest on Facebook.


Take care, watch your back.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Sep 2, 2020 9:49 AM
Reply to  JudyJ

Thanks Judy… Enjoy your day in North Wales, and your walk later, if you go.
A lot of people here are outraged about this video. And this woman isn’t the only one. There’s been a few people arrested in Melbourne in the last couple days for the same thing.
I’m going to take some time out and regroup. Take care👍

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Sep 2, 2020 10:23 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

This is another Melbourne incident. It looks like the Stasi got to the comments first; and it’ll be interesting to see how it changes later on.

‘How did you find me?’ Startled mum-of-four, 27, cannot believe THREE cops managed to find her at home after she urged Melburnians to go for a walk at the same time on Facebook

– Megan Kira, 27, posted a call for Melburnians at exercise at the same time daily
– Hours later police arrived to ask whether she was inciting people to gather
– Stage Four lockdown only allows 1hr of exercise a day in groups of two
– Police explained their visit was due to recent protests in nearby Dandenong

By Nic White for Daily Mail Australia
2 Sep 2020

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Sep 2, 2020 11:31 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Fortunately, they managed to live-stream the arrest.

Pregnant Mother Arrested in Front of her Children in Authoritarian Australian Covid Crackdown
Sep 2, 2020

A young pregnant mother, Zoe Lee, was arrested today in her own home over a Facebook post allegedly inciting an anti-lockdown protest in Victoria. Zoe, 28, was handcuffed in her lounge room in front of her children on Wednesday afternoon and charged with incitement. Several officers entered the house in Ballarat, northwest of Melbourne, with a search warrant and began reading the young mother her rights. “Excuse me, incitement for what, what on Earth? I’m in my pajamas, my two kids are here,” she said in obvious confusion. “I have an ultrasound in an hour because I’m pregnant.”

Ms Lee’s alleged offending post linked to a since-deleted “Freedom Day Ballarat” event she created for 11am on Saturday. “Anyone from Ballarat please join us in our fight for freedom and human rights!” she wrote on Sunday with a link to the event page.

The increasingly hysterical mother insisted she wasn’t breaking any laws by creating and then promoting the event. “Actually you are, that’s why we’re arresting you in relation to incitement,” police replied. Ms Lee offered to delete the post as her boyfriend James Timmins tried to mediate while cradling their infant child in his arms. “How about she just doesn’t do the event? It’s not like she’s done it, she made a post,” he said. Police were unmoved, telling her: “You’ve already committed the offence.” Ms Lee was by this point crying so much she could barely protest “I didn’t realise I was doing anything wrong”.

Police said they would seize all electronic devices in the house including those belonging to Mr Timmins and Ms Lee’s sister.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Sep 2, 2020 12:13 PM

Thanks for both your replies Lost…
You’re looking at what Victoria has become, as will be happening around the rest of Australia and the World in the not too distant future.
Many of the commenters on the MSM Facebook pages are behaving like ravenous Hyena’s. They cannot contain their glee, and are applauding the cops for arresting this woman. And the abuse being hurled at Zoe is shocking.
They have lost their humanity.
I’m going to take a break from here for a week or two, and am seriously thinking of deleting my Facebook account. This is really doing my head in. Take care.

Sep 2, 2020 2:45 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Gezzah. This is a reaction to Abbott’s recent criticism of the extreme measures taken by Scummo and his Gestapo state premiers.

This girl is being made an example of, just in case anyone considers aligning themselves with Tony Abbott.

The astounding thing is the way the ABC delivered the story as being an absolutely normal event. “Police arrest criminal” kind of stuff. And as you so rightly point out, the dumb-as-dog-shit public see it the way it is sold.

This is a very brazen, very frightening display of power.



Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Sep 2, 2020 2:58 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

They have lost their humanity.”

This entire transformation has been, in large part, a massive revelation that the vast majority of those who once appeared to be people had already sacrificed their humanity, through generations of complicity and allegiance with the evil governmental regimes of the world. It has brought to the fore the Herd’s hypocrisy, Its petty cruelty, and Its previously-latent bloodlust.

For those with eyes to see, this Revelation is designed to illustrate that the Herd has become demonic, deserves Its fate, and is in fact goading on Its own destruction by Its very wickedness.

Aldous Hexley
Aldous Hexley
Sep 2, 2020 6:39 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Thinking of you and wishing you well, Gezzah.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Sep 3, 2020 8:23 AM
Reply to  Aldous Hexley


malcolm ripley
malcolm ripley
Sep 2, 2020 1:34 PM

Gloves off now. The names of all these “only following orders” fascists need to be taken , recorded and posted. There will be a day of reckoning, no authoritarian state lasts forever and there are always trials at the end. The guy with the badge is going to jail within a couple of years and his collegues need to know this to make them stop and think. Nuremberg post WW2 established that “following orders” is no excuse for doing something illegal or against humanity. There are also post WW2 UN human rights being broken here so not only do the cops go to jail but those who gave the orders, the judge who signed the search warrant etc etc.

This list should include everyone who goes out of their way to enforce this appalling behaviour including the mask wearing brown shirts who accost unmasked children and disabled for being exempt!

Sep 2, 2020 7:07 AM

Many free thinkers have posited the idea that one of the goals of this psyops operation is population reduction: a culling of the useless eaters. But what if it’s a kind “weeding” selection procees instead, picking out the type brains needed to enter the next metamorphous of the human evolution? How would they do that? Well anyone stupid enough to get a vaccine would be culled or sterilised voluntarily while those with a more developed intellect (not influenced by the herd groupthink) would be selected as the material to form this new AI entity. But the free thinkers would have to be taken forcefully! As the next step seems to be hooking up the human brain to some kind of AI matrix one has to ask: does AI want these mask wearing morons and their flabby intellectually lazy minds? I doubt it, it’s going to want quality intellects (the people who read Offguardian or globalresearch.ca). Watch out fellow free thinkers, it’s coming for you!

Sep 2, 2020 7:55 AM
Reply to  Drooze

Drooze I’ve had very similar thoughts. Natural selection in action.

Sep 2, 2020 8:47 AM
Reply to  Drooze
malcolm ripley
malcolm ripley
Sep 2, 2020 1:41 PM
Reply to  Drooze

Actually quite simple : a vaccine that sterilises people! That’s why it’s so quick they already know the DNA sequence for sterilisation they need one last check to confirm it’s effectiveness hence the mosquito release in the US……..prove me wrong 😉

Joking aside they could put anything in a vaccine and nobody would know. Now that is very scary.

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Sep 2, 2020 3:06 PM
Reply to  Drooze

Sorry, but the Vax is a loyalty test: those who get it will be permitted to persist in their half-life because they will have demonstrated their amenability to be useful, harmless bio-slaves. Collectivist subservience will be the very trait for which the Machine selects. Refuseniks, on the other hand, will be the ones culled. The Machine will have no use for independent, individualistic types. They will be (and are being) identified, isolated, ostracized, starved and dispossessed.

There is an artificially-selected speciation process underway: the survivors will either be collectivized, homogenized Herd of pig-chipped bio-slaves, on one hand; and on the other hand the technopolistic Masters of the Universe managing the Herd.

So you’re right that a weeding is occurring, but you’re wrong on who the “weeds” are.

Sep 7, 2020 12:05 PM
Reply to  Fact Checker

Yeah I know, that’s the general thinking but it goes against the basic tenets of agriculture: a farmer will always save his/her best seeds to replant them the following year. What has brought us to this critical point in our evolution, with the development of technology and human intelligence, is the work and innovation of free thinkers (Galileo, Darwin, Marx, Einstein, artists, scientists, poets, philosophers…) not auxiliaries (mask wearering Joe six pack). Einstein (free thinker) invents the theory of relativity and the Gatekeepers incorporate it into the matrix. These fascist psychos (Kissinger Rockefella etc) control the grid and the auxiliaries maintain, buttress and guard its existence. It’s their world and they control it but it feeds off the free thinkers for its nourishment as the Gatekeepers/ auxiliaries are not too bright (but cunning) and are incapable of creation. That is why the the right wing contribute almost nil to the arts. The arts are almost totally dominated by leftists (commies, anarchists, feminists) and gay men. AI doesn’t want the brain of Joe six pack it wants the people who access OffGuardian. The grid keeps the lefties at bay because they are a virus which could destroy it but once it has total power it is the the free thinkers that will continue to nourish it and the auxs will be culled. Watch out my friend it has you in its sights. Just a thought could be all BS! 🙂

Sep 2, 2020 5:40 AM

Coronavirus state of emergency extension passes Victorian Parliament’s Upper House. 6 month extension.
Strangely the same day Victorian positive cases went up. Also the same day that the National accounts will confirm Australia is officially in a recession.
You would be hard pressed to make this crap up, but they have.
We are doomed!

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Sep 2, 2020 6:46 AM
Reply to  Shin

Hi Shin… 6 more months of the State of Emergency thanks to the absolute treachery of Samantha Ratnam (Greens) Andy Meddick (Animal Justice Party) and Fiona Patten (Reason Party).
Their vile votes got this over the line.
Heads up: reliable sources are saying the police will be blocking main road entries into the City on Saturday with roadblocks, and public transport; trains, buses and trams will almost certainly be stopped, and there will be a heavy police presence around the Shrine.
Just letting you know this. I wish you the best of luck.

Sep 2, 2020 7:03 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Cheers for the heads up Gezzah. Yeah bloody Greens, didn’t expect anything less.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Sep 4, 2020 6:23 AM
Reply to  Shin

Shin… the Melbourne protest has been postponed. All the organisers have been arrested and charged with incitement.
Today, the cops actually broke down the door of another person, James Bartolo, and arrested him. You would have seen the video of Zoe Buhler being arrested in her home the other day. They are out of control.
The cops were going to be on all public transport questioning everyone where they were going, including trams.
I’m having problems with my email for some reason. Let me know if you get this please.

Sep 4, 2020 8:15 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Hi Gezzah and yes i just received your email. Thank you very much for letting me know. I could not be anymore disgusted with what is happening right now. Take care mate!

Sep 4, 2020 8:33 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Did you get that email i just sent Gezzah?

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Sep 4, 2020 8:55 AM
Reply to  Shin

Hi Shin, yes, got both your emails just then, but for some weird reason, not getting other emails. Just read another story then of a young aboriginal man on his way to work at the Melbourne Tunnel beaten up and assaulted by the cops, that he had to get medical attention.
The Federal Govt needs to intervene now… but they won’t, coz they have signed up to Agenda 2030.
It’s so out of control here. I’m almost expecting a knock at the door because of quite a few posts I made on Facebook. Yes, seriously thinking of deleting it, but mainly due to the censorship.
The cops will be all over public transport and also at the stations and I havn’t even got money for bail if I was arrested. I was going to take a break from here for a week or so, but needed to warn you.
Sorry to hear what happened to your friend today. Take care.

Sep 4, 2020 9:30 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Cheers Gezzah, very much appreciated.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Sep 4, 2020 10:10 AM
Reply to  Shin

Last update Shin, then I’ll leave you in peace. A lot of people are saying they’re still going to protest in Melbourne regardless of the postponement notice. A majority are saying to ignore it and go, but a smaller minority are saying don’t go.
There seems to be a split going on. Regardless, it’ll be almost impossible to get there by public transport. That’s all, no further updates.

Sep 2, 2020 9:18 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Watch your back mate.

You’ve mentioned on here already that you’ve been ‘visited’ by the forces of law and order oppression, so they know where you are.

Not suggesting you cave in to the thought police, by any stretch. God forbid.

Just be careful.

Best wishes!

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Sep 2, 2020 9:30 AM
Reply to  Philippe

Thanks Phillipe. There are a lot of us here in Melbourne feeling the same way today.

Sep 2, 2020 6:51 AM
Reply to  Shin

“emergency extension passes Victorian Parliament’s Upper House”

…………because of ‘Greens’ support!


Sep 2, 2020 7:26 AM
Reply to  Richard

Yeah i know Richard, Cheers.

Sep 2, 2020 8:30 AM
Reply to  Shin

So what’s left to be done? The only thing comes to mind is riots, that or nothing else. At least you don’t need a permission for a riot!!!

Sep 2, 2020 10:19 AM
Reply to  Max

Hi Max. Rioting isn’t the answer, it will just catapult the truth further backwards. Australians hate riots with a passion. It simply sends the wrong intention. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for protesting though.
What i think needs to happen is a concerted effort from doctors, physicians and scientists that haven’t been corrupted to find a voice for the truth and general well being of their patients. They signed an oath and they should be reminded of it every day. There is a small band a doctors in Australia already on the move displaying these concerns. Written truths regarding lockdowns and the absence of evidence have been submitted to Andrews and he’s Chief Health Minister lackey.
This is just my opinion. Cheers and take care.

Sep 2, 2020 2:56 PM
Reply to  Shin

Australians hate riots with a passion”

After living in QLD for well over thirty years, I would have to disagree with that, Shin.

I have witnessed many riots in many pubs on Friday and Saturday nights.

Seriously hardcore, alcohol-fuelled, pissed-offness, by aggressive Aussie males. Lots of damage done to both man and property.

I have seen bucket-loads of Aussie ‘moral fibre” in the land where Ned Kelly is a national hero.

But it’s AWOL now.

Sep 3, 2020 3:24 AM
Reply to  JohnEss

Hi John and hope your well. Yes a small minority of drunken hooligans love nothing more than a good old fashioned riot and donnybrook. I have witnessed a few myself down here in Melbourne back in the day. I was more talking about the vast majority of Aussies that simply despise them. It solves nothing and flips the main message on its head, the science. Have a good day mate and take care up there in Qld. Cheers!

Sep 2, 2020 10:36 AM
Reply to  Shin

And who are being made the heroes of this Australian oppression? The Alt-right and Fox news, arms of the Corporate machine & billionaires that benefit most from the ‘lockdown’ and authoritarianism.

There isn’t a libertarian bone in Fox’s body, yet we are told they are the champions of freedom. The US who run this Covid scam in their 5-eyes states, are again promoting the far-right to win victories in their dominions.

Sep 2, 2020 5:21 AM

I belong to a Facebook Group, and a member posted something about a Government vaccine consultation. I didn’t know anything about it. Please have a look, and complete it if you wish:

Sep 2, 2020 9:01 AM
Reply to  Gizmo007

It is as scary as hell. They are considering mass vaccination on an unprecednted scale of unlicensed vaccines. The reason they are unlicensed is that they haven’t been sufficiently tested. For all they know, they could give everyone cancer, or the equivalent effects of thalidomide.



Sep 2, 2020 5:01 AM

Always remember non muzzled anti lockdown protestors = crazy people risking lives
BLM rioters and professional trouble makers not wearing masks acting as (paid?) counter protestors = people who think Epstein killed himself and definitely not risking lives because being virtuos gives them immunity! I’m still going to ATM’s and touching things and I have a compromised immune system

Sep 2, 2020 3:55 AM

You do censor here.
And its ironic that Herr Rockefeller’s Guardian writers here say they started off Guardian came here because of the censorship, not in order to maintain controlled opposition narrative- which is what is being done here insidiously .
You can see this in the fact checker that off Guardian shoot still maintains “moderate rating” at the Ministry of truth.

Sep 2, 2020 9:27 AM
Reply to  Anabel

Thank God you’ve suddenly and mysteriously arrived here to let us all know, and just in the nick of time.

If not for your warning, heaven only knows how far we could have been misled by the controlled opposition of Off-G and its rag-tag band of regular commentors (and some very new and suspiciously vocal ones as well – not you of course. I’m convinced you’re genuine). I’m sure none of us want to be bamboozled by a controlled narrative – insidious or otherwise.

You are truly our guardian angel.

Where did you say you came from?

Sep 2, 2020 9:51 AM
Reply to  Anabel

I see that you are censored so much that you’re allowed to post the same comment twice. Not only censorship but psychological manipulation as well!

Sep 2, 2020 3:54 AM

You do censor here.
And its ironic that Herr Rockefeller’s Guardian writers here say they started off Guardian came here because of the censorship, not in order to maintain controlled opposition narrative- which is what is being done here insidiously .
You can see this in the fact checker that off Guardian shoot still maintains “moderate rating” at the Ministry of truth.

Sep 2, 2020 4:19 AM
Reply to  Anabel

Agree Anabel most readers don’t know about controlled opposition and there are so many CO shills here. https://notpublicaddress.wordpress.com/2020/07/01/how-to-spot-a-fake-or-cia-funded-alt-right-blog/

Sep 2, 2020 5:03 AM
Reply to  Chaos

Call it what you want chaos but it’s not alt right theirs literally no such thing

Sep 2, 2020 6:01 AM
Reply to  Chaos

Your not for public address site was hilarious it’s literally just some random weirdo saying “if you don’t believe every little thing I believe you’re all sheep” and it thinks that the CIA does anti American propaganda to make Russia and China look good so Marxist bankers (da fuq) can come in and do something or other! While you’re right off guardian censor people and assange is a puppet everything else was hilarious. The only thing it got right was the race riots in America are staged

Sep 2, 2020 3:05 AM

Slightly OT, but ‘funny’ (?!): CDC halts most rental evictions until end 2020

Realizing that this was nothing short of an invitation to stop paying rent, a CDC official said point blank this “is not an invitation to stop paying rent.” It was unclear how many in the audience laughed. “The order makes clear that a renter who cannot pay his or her full rent should pay an amount that is not unduly burdensome, and as close to payment as possible.”
As for those asking just why on earth a decision to halt evictions is being made by the CDC and not say… Congress, an official said “the CDC director has authority to take measures that he’s reasonably necessary to mitigate the spread of communicable disease.”
“Congress has delegated broad authority to HHS, the Surgeon General and CDC, to take reasonable efforts to combat the spread of communicable diseases, and frankly I think it makes sense for those authorities abroad because we don’t know for any given situation or scenario what steps will be needed to stop the spread,” an administration official said. “I think, in this particular order, the CDC has made a very compelling case that it is quite problematic at this particular time. It’s focused on this particular pandemic, which is obviously the uniquely powerful grasp in the nation’s entire history in terms of the effect it’s had that for a bunch of reasons in particular, that the home has been sort of the focal point of people social distancing and building, sort of a safe space themselves over the past few months, and also the fact that if people get kicked out, they may end up in overcrowded congregated living facilities or homeless shelters, and that is a potential recipe for a big spread of COVID-19.”

Asked why that authority wasn’t being used to enact a federal mask mandate, officials refused to answer because the question didn’t “have to do with the call at hand.”

Aldous Hexley
Aldous Hexley
Sep 2, 2020 2:33 AM

Australia: young man gets six months behind bars for breaching quarantine (sneaks out of confinement to see his amour)


One million in Berlin (?), 57,000 in Trafalgar, thousands elsewhere,

Call for a new people’s party, anti-corporate party (finally) 400,000 sign up


Establishment Press Real Clear Politics reports Trump closing to within three points on Biden.


Aldous Hexley
Aldous Hexley
Sep 2, 2020 4:34 PM
Reply to  Aldous Hexley

Forgot to add that Dr. Scott Atlas, new advisor to Trump on the virus, is being villified in the deus ex MSM press, which I think a good sign. Having noted that Atlas and Trump are pushing herd immunity while protecting the most vulnerable, The Washington Post turns to reference to Sweden in support of this policy as “reckless” then adds:

“That this approach is even being discussed inside the White House is drawing concern from experts inside and outside the government who note that a herd immunity strategy could lead to the country suffering hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of lost lives.”

This sounds a lot like predictions from the original.flawed models back in March and April, an essential to propaganda being do not clarify or update; repeat repeat repeat the Big Lie.

Sep 2, 2020 1:50 AM

<your inner voice>
another soul crushed ...
So, has the penny finally dropped ../?
Yes ?
No ?
The game is over …!
you know it is. if you have been listening not just since the covid BS. You know ? there are still people out there believe 2 planes brought down 3 High rise in NY in 2001. Since then ? They know they get away with anything. A – N – Y – T – H – I – N – G !!!!! ..and they are proving it this year…

Now stop being silly and LISTEN while you still can .

You know its ‘over’. Its ‘done’! ‘the game is up’ and nothing stops the dark days ahead

stop wasting energy… keep your loved once save . have a plan ! ….prepare!

Sep 2, 2020 5:05 AM
Reply to  RUN!NOW

This message brought to you by the 77th brigade

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 2, 2020 8:28 AM
Reply to  Koba

What message? It looked like more random word generation to me.

Sep 2, 2020 11:21 AM
Reply to  Koba

you’d think they could invest in some people who understand what quotation marks are for.

Aldous Hexley
Aldous Hexley
Sep 2, 2020 4:23 PM
Reply to  RUN!NOW

Troll Handbook 101 continued::

stay on establishment message at all times–be afraid, be very afraid, be bleating afraid and hysterical . . . trot out your inner psychopathic worm . . .

Sep 5, 2020 12:59 AM
Reply to  Aldous Hexley

sorry I dont have time to check much but cheers this verbal diarrhea cheered me up
You absolute fools
Go back to sleep.

Enjoy and worry
Rinse and repeat .

Aldous Hexley
Aldous Hexley
Sep 5, 2020 1:34 AM
Reply to  RUN!NOW

You got it! Passing the nandbook test convincingly. Congratulations.

Sep 2, 2020 1:19 AM

Who are the 15 people who sat on the WHO’s expert committee that declared Phase 6- global pandemic?

Let’s get that question answered and begin looking into their potential conflicts of interest.

Aldous Hexley
Aldous Hexley
Sep 2, 2020 1:42 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

Good question. And given the number of demonstrators at this time what is The Committee’s authority to rule over us with edicts as to destroy our way of life? Who or what has given them this authority?

sharon marlowe
sharon marlowe
Sep 2, 2020 4:39 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

It appears that one person each from 34 nations make up the Executive Board of the WHO(though the representative for Guinea-Bissau is not named in the link below)
Professor Chris Whitty

Mr Mikhail Albertovič Murashko

Ms Zhang Yang

Dr Harsh Vardhan

Admiral Brett Giroir

Sra. Carla Moretti

Mr Kwaku Agyeman-Manu

Mr Abdulrahman Al Owais ..etc., etc….


So all these people, plus 26 more, declared the phase-six pandemic on March 11th, 2020. The WHO Director General was Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

You mentioned 15 people from WHO’s expert committee. There is a section on the WHO website called, “WHO Expert Committee”, but the last update there is a meeting in 2019.

Freeborn John
Freeborn John
Sep 2, 2020 1:13 AM

When you catch somebody in a barefaced lie and they just turn and say “so what, what can you do about it”
That’s your Government that is.

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Sep 2, 2020 12:49 AM

“Unite for Freedom”… I Thought that we were living in Free and Democratic Western, First World Countries?!

Why do we need to unite for that?!

“Lockdown ‘killed two people for every three who died of coronavirus’ at peak outbreak”

source: The Telegraph

Considering CUVID-19 most likely killed ZERO humans it seems reality is that the lockdown achieved killing all! Nice score!

But the funnier is this one:

comment image

What was Mr Lincoln whining about?!

comment image

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Sep 2, 2020 1:52 AM
Reply to  Voz 0db

I don’t have the artistic skills, but this is a thought for a banksy-style graphic.

Title: Lockdown Slaughter

– Arranged like three monkeys – see, hear, speak no evil
– as above with NHS face masks – stuffed into ears for “hear no evil”
– tilty head, asinine smile
– male and female versions

Sep 2, 2020 5:07 AM

Banksy is a fake anarkid type stencil artist and a favourite of the bourgeoisie

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Sep 2, 2020 7:49 AM
Reply to  Voz 0db

‘Our service was dead’: NHS worker under investigation after claiming coronavirus is ‘a load of b*****ks’ and admitting she did ‘f*** all’ during the pandemic


Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Sep 2, 2020 8:09 AM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

The PTB have lost the public!

Comments 11786

#1: Good on her.
Up: 16469
Down: 2897

#2: Under investigation for telling the truth?
U: 15156
D: 1795

#3: The truth will all come out. She’s only under investigation because every NHS worker for a Hospital trust had to sign non disclosure which she just breached. She isn’t lying, the Hospital I work at was EMPTY during the peak.
U: 13289
D: 1075

#4: The virus is real, the overreaction is BS!
U: 9682
D: 635

And it goes on!

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Sep 2, 2020 11:59 AM

#4: The virus is real, the overreaction is BS!

In reality one can not say that.

We can say that there is a piece of RNA (that someone labelled “SARS-CoV-2”), and that’s pretty much all we can say!

Saying that that piece of RNA is a virus is YET TO BE PROVEN.

Big B
Big B
Sep 2, 2020 12:25 AM

Well I have found myself distancing from the travesty – or is it tragedy – at Trafalgar on Saturday? What a strategic blunder having Icke and Corbyn. 5G?

Forty fucking years me and mine have been trying to get an ecologically based politics going in the UK: based on sound scientific evidence ….and it seems you spaffed it all in an afternoon. And the undercurrent I’m hearing from you is that ecology and sustainability – do not ever mention morality – is an elite propaganda sent to fool us – the ultrawoke. To anyone who actually believes that: you total fucking morons.

Whatever scientific moral highground you had, you lost. You are a complete laughing stock and any credibility that the anti-Covid science had is lost. And it was a supreme dent in an illegitimate regimes credibility. I personally had 5-6 “normal” people questioning their governmentality. Not any more. 5G!

It is going to take years to recover any possibility of an affective, affirmative politics – one that is globally compassionate and extends the right to a co-equal life to all globally. Well done for taking a golden opportunity and turning it into a political fiasco. And stop fucking congratulating yourselves on being so woke. You put affirmative politics back a decade at least. Science is their weakness. There is shit loads of science that actually totally undermines the dominant power structure. Some of which I have tried to highlight. In the spirit of Gramsci: we have to use our population intelligence leveraged against any weak spots we can find. The main one being the inevitability with which the regime presents itself. 5G causes Covidiocy? When they stop laughing: I reckon you made them secure for another millennia.

With this crude “1% v the 99%” populism: who are you going to have next time ….Steve Bannon! We’ve got actually extant bio-medical fascism and the ultrawoke ‘resistance’ is a total fucking joke led (in the public’s eye) by Icke and Corbyn. Please do not plan another rally. And thank Facebook for showing a little sanity ….they are actually doing you a favour.

We had 90 years to prepare for this: and we learned precisely nothing. For the record: it was the heritable tradition of the language – the consensual instituted faculty of a Mutually Assumed Dualism ….MAD, of which I am bloody fuming. And the genetic MADness revolves around the co-imaginary <I> ….the <I> that is the fasciscular root and telos of totalitarianism. If anyone had learned anything: it would have been that the externalisation and reification of reality by the operative constructivism of the <I am> conceit is the only generative process in play. The non-externalisation of which leads to an ecological holism that radically transforms reality into humanity. There is no 1% per se: you did it to yourselves and you can only ever realise that for yourself. There is nothing outside your co-constituted imaginary <I am> reified from the reflexive reinforcement of a consensual descriptivism. I told you years ago language refers to nothing outside language. It still doesn’t.

Nonetheless, if you want to claim to speak for the 99%: you have to have a global perspective. Which is more or less universally rejected round here. And do not mention Nature: it is a hoax invented by the 1%. What a sad waste of talent and honourable intent.

Sep 2, 2020 1:37 AM
Reply to  Big B

Oh …. so YOU were the guy in the helicopter.

Sep 2, 2020 12:40 PM
Reply to  ZigZagWanderer

Very good.

Sep 2, 2020 2:38 AM
Reply to  Big B

You lost me at:

” Forty fucking years me and mine have been trying to get an ecologically based politics going in the UK: based on sound scientific evidence ….and it seems you spaffed it all in an afternoon. And the undercurrent I’m hearing from you is that ecology and sustainability – do not ever mention morality – is an elite propaganda sent to fool us – the ultrawoke. To anyone who actually believes that: you total fucking morons. “

You need to take better care of yourself mate.

Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
Sep 2, 2020 4:42 AM
Reply to  Big B

@BigB: “It is going to take years to recover any possibility of an affective, affirmative politics – one that is globally compassionate and extends the right to a co-equal life to all globally.”

It has taken 21,000 years so far. Keep going!

“Hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on Earth, as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts as we forgive those who are in debt to us. For Thine is the Kingdom, and the Power and the Glory — for ever and ever. I believe.”

Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
Sep 2, 2020 5:45 AM
Reply to  Dr NG Maroudas


Sep 2, 2020 5:04 AM
Reply to  Big B

”Forty fucking years me and mine have been trying to get an ecologically based politics going in the UK: based on sound scientific evidence ….and it seems you spaffed it all in an afternoon.”

Do you blame David Icke and Corbyn and 5 g for the forty years of nobody picking your ideas up ?

”Whatever scientific moral highground you had, you lost.”

 You seem to have us confused with those climate change sheep.

”It is going to take years to recover any possibility of an affective, affirmative politics – one that is globally compassionate and extends the right to a co-equal life to all globally”

What do you mean by ‘recover’ ? When did we have any ?

”You put affirmative politics back a decade at least. Science is their weakness. There is shit loads of science that actually totally undermines the dominant power structure. ”

We stood up to a dictatorship that has partnered up with the scientists that have been granted power; the technocrats.It isn’t their weakness, its their new army. They’re creating power from that and we stood up.

”5G causes Covidiocy? When they stop laughing: I reckon you made them secure for another millennia. ”

 You are over – emphasising 5g theories. Is that for a reason ? Is it because you prefer to talk about speculation rather than the larger part of the protest being about the real lies of covid 19 and it’s death toll and prognosis aimed at controlling our freedom through trauma -based fear ?You need attention distracted from that ?

”We’ve got actually extant bio-medical fascism and the ultrawoke ‘resistance’ is a total fucking joke led (in the public’s eye) by Icke and Corbyn.”

 And yet its’ Bill Gates and the leaders he allegedly advises who are creating legislation to oppress anyone refusing a vaccine for a virus they refuse to show us. Tell me that bit about ‘ bio- medical fascism again while i check how long the list of lying doctors has become today..

That second to last paragraph was some trip.No clue what you were even trying to say..

”Nonetheless, if you want to claim to speak for the 99%: you have to have a global perspective. Which is more or less universally rejected round here. And do not mention Nature: it is a hoax invented by the 1%”

It’s 99.9 % really. And they have a global perspective. They want to preserve it, let it breathe without being sprayed with poison or have it’s lungs choked.The less than 1% continue to try to become God .To harness nature and to hijack humanity and re-direct the species.To turn individual human beings into data.

To believe that is anything other than nihilistic and psychotic is what the 1% invented as the hoax. Nature was already here. Those who are easily fooled have bought the lot. Haven’t you.

Sep 2, 2020 5:09 AM
Reply to  Big B

TLDR; I agree with your icke assessment! Bringing to second son of god and Resident lizard detector was a ploy by the elites to discredit the protests and I’m still to meet anyone who thinks 5G caused all this. That seems to be a msm stereotype and anime pushing 5G caused this needs a very public slap. Icke is a MASSIVE shill

jane randall
jane randall
Sep 2, 2020 5:57 AM
Reply to  Big B

Too many words, too early, double negatives….I need to go to work….

Sep 2, 2020 6:36 AM
Reply to  Big B

Well I can see why your eco message never hit the big time: lots of incoherent babbling about “you”, whoever that is, but the “you” obviously did something bad! Shouldn’t you be aiming your bile at the unions, the Labour party and other virtue signalling “caring” people and asking them why they are destroying the jobs and freedoms of the people of the UK by supporting lockdown to selfishly protect themselves? Where was the “left” on Saturday?

Sep 2, 2020 8:02 AM
Reply to  Big B

Forty fucking years me and mine have been trying to get an ecologically based politics going in the UK: based on sound scientific evidence

the externalisation and reification of reality by the operative constructivism of the <I am> conceit is the only generative process in play.

I told you years ago language refers to nothing outside language. It still doesn’t.

so, for forty years, you’ve been working on your project of revolutionary social transformation, based on the denial of objective reality. which just by pure coincidence, is the same ideology promulgated by academic postmodernism.

one wonders what kind of “science” is actually possible, based on the foundational assumption that language refers to nothing outside itself. but there’s no use trying to explain it, since there’s no external reality that any explanation could possibly refer to; hence the outpourings of meaningless, although pretentious, verbiage that you habitually produce.

it seems likely that the solipsistic bubble that you float around in, while denouncing the efforts of poor deluded idiots to engage with the objective reality they are foolish enough to believe in, is approaching the point of imploding in a flash of light and hot air. fortunately, when that finally happens, your metaphysical ruminations will be no less relevant to the nonexistent universe outside your own mind, than they already are.

anyway, good luck with all that.

Sep 2, 2020 10:47 AM
Reply to  milosevic

Two identical comments from two different posters within 5 minutes of each other; a phenomena I’ve now observed on several occasions recently in other OffG articles BTL. Definitely sus.

Sep 2, 2020 11:32 AM
Reply to  Asymmetric

there’s a simple explanation; the first pseudonym has apparently been banished to the pre-moderation doghouse, which often results in the post appearing many hours late, or never. so I tried another one, which went through immediately. what would you suggest?

Sep 2, 2020 12:42 PM
Reply to  THX-1138

That admin gives an explanation. —– But why the change of moniker?

Sep 2, 2020 12:40 PM
Reply to  Asymmetric

Maybe there is a very simple explanation: the original post was flawed and the reply posters both decided to pick the low hanging fruit. Keep it simple! When was the last time anyone in government was able to coordinate anything, let alone within a few minutes? Reality is more complex.

Sep 2, 2020 8:06 AM
Reply to  Big B

Forty fucking years me and mine have been trying to get an ecologically based politics going in the UK: based on sound scientific evidence

the externalisation and reification of reality by the operative constructivism of the <I am> conceit is the only generative process in play.

I told you years ago language refers to nothing outside language. It still doesn’t.

so, for forty years, you’ve been working on your project of revolutionary social transformation, based on the denial of objective reality. which just by pure coincidence, is the same ideology promulgated by academic postmodernism.

one wonders what kind of “science” is actually possible, based on the foundational assumption that language refers to nothing outside itself. but there’s no use trying to explain it, since there’s no external reality that any explanation could possibly refer to; hence the outpourings of meaningless, although pretentious, verbiage that you habitually produce.

it seems likely that the solipsistic bubble that you float around in, while denouncing the efforts of poor deluded idiots to engage with the objective reality they are foolish enough to believe in, is approaching the point of imploding in a flash of light and hot air. fortunately, when that finally happens, your metaphysical ruminations will be no less relevant to the nonexistent universe outside your own mind, than they already are.

anyway, best of luck with all that.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 2, 2020 8:33 AM
Reply to  THX-1138

Excellent point.

Sep 2, 2020 10:27 AM
Reply to  Big B

the only thing you can do with propaganda media like bbc, guardian is switch it off. not expect them to suddenly change and moan for decades that they don’t.

Sep 2, 2020 12:44 PM
Reply to  Simon

They are doing their jobs: if you want shite pumped into your brain, then watch the BBC. Not just BBC news, anything produced by the BBC with the exception of maybe sport and radio 3. The rest is a steaming pile. If you haven’t worked that out then you probably need the shite to activate your brain.

Sep 2, 2020 12:18 AM

Sep 1, 2020 9:51 PM
Awaiting for approval

Why does off guardian censor posts that don’t support their narrative?
I.e Like How CIA’s Wikileaks used to do pre damage control of whistle blowers and agent Assange .The info leaked was nothing people didn’t know that govts torture then these same ” woke” people locked themselves up.

Sep 2, 2020 12:47 AM