The Covid-spreading farts of death

Notes from a diary of desolation

Tony Sutton

August 18, 2020
10 am

Before the Covid-19 smackdown, coffee was a mid-morning ritual. Jools and I would drive to our local cafe, order coffee, chat to the server, read the papers, and indulge in mindless banter with acquaintances for half an hour before fleeing when the ravenous lunchtime horde of schoolkids stormed in. Now the cafe has re-opened, so we decide it’s time to slide gently into the New Normal.

Uh, oh, it’s like walking into a crime scene. Most of the tables are taped off with black and yellow hazard tape. The staff wear masks and plastic face shields, the cashier sheltering behind the additional security of a large plexiglass screen. Jools attempts small talk as she orders, but it’s impossible without shouting, so communication is limited to raised eyebrows and shrugged shoulders.

As we find a space to sit, the floor manager jots Jools’s name and telephone number into her notebook. “Contact tracing! In case we need to track you down later…”

Another associate shuffles past, his broom pushing unseen germs away from our path.

“Bugger this!”, mutters Jools, scanning the newly-sterile environment. “It’s a scene from One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. Let’s get outta here before Nurse Ratched comes in with her bloody needles”. She nudges me towards the exit and freedom.

Outside, we sit at the only table not taped off. There’s a large blob of concealed filling from a muffin congealing on the table. I cover it with serviettes that keep blowing away. Cars idle, their exhausts spewing noxious fumes, within touching distance in the adjacent drive-through lane. A driver stares, unfathomable eyes peering over tightly-fitted mask.

We drink quickly and leave.

11:30 am
We’re driving past an old people’s retirement warehouse, where eight unfortunates died at the height of the pandemic. “Hold your breath”, I tell Jools, reminding her of how, as kids, we tried not to breathe the germs that might be escaping from the hospital close to our home in England. We laugh as we realise how those childhood fears refuse to die . . .

1 pm
I’m walking to the shopping mall. Halfway along the route, detouring down a narrow path, I spot an elderly woman walking, head down, towards me. A few metres before we meet, she looks up, sees me, and dashes to one side, her back against the fence. Stunned by her reaction, I spin around. Zombie attack? Big dog with dripping fangs? Nope. Then I realise, it’s me she’s scared of. Well, perhaps not me – just my breath! . . .

1:15 pm
The mall is almost deserted. I nose around a few shops, avoiding the large bottles of sanitiser at every entrance. Then I spot a sign in the bookstore welcoming back customers.

That’s nice, I think, before reading a big poster with seven instructions explaining how to be a considerate shopper. Rule Number Three advises that, once inside, “Please do not remain in the store longer than necessary”. I give it a miss.

Instead, I head to the food court for another coffee. I’m not thirsty, but it’s the only place I’m allowed to sit down, remove my mask, and breathe freely. There are a dozen or so mainly-unoccupied tables, each separated by a self-isolation chasm, in a space where there used to be 50.

A guy stands up to leave, whereupon a cleaning lady, masked and visored, swoops in, disinfectant spray in one hand, paper towel in the other. She smears gunge on everything, finishing with a vigorous scrub of the seat. Clearing away the Covid-spreading farts of death, I assume. We make eye contact. A small shrug of the shoulders, her mask twitches slightly. Was that a smile?

2:15 pm
Walking home, there’s hardly any traffic, and not a soul in sight. I wonder what happened to the kids who are on holiday from school and their parents who aren’t allowed to go to work.

Where are they? Are they all sequestered in their home jails, hiding behind locked doors and tightly-drawn curtains awaiting that fateful Covid attack?

Turning a corner, there’s a family of four ambling in front of me. Slowing down, I dodge into the lane where I’d met the old lady earlier. Must be careful – perhaps they are the zombies she was so afraid of…

5:00 pm
Cameron, our teenage grandson arrives to stay for a couple of days. After a curry dinner, he digs into his backpack, retrieves his PS4, and hooks it into a big-screen computer monitor. The rest of the evening and half the night will reverberate with laughter as he plays Fortnite with his on-line pals.

He’ll crawl out of bed at 3 pm tomorrow, ready for breakfast. We don’t judge: What else is a 13-year-old expected to do after months of lockdown, daily scare stories and forced isolation?

6:00 pm
The TV news tells us Ontario has fewer than 100 new cases of Covid-19 and no deaths. Our town (population 40,000) has, according to the local paper’s website, just three remaining cases, and a total of 11 deaths, including those eight oldies who died at the end of March.

The figures couldn’t really be any lower, but fear, not logic, is now the great emotional driver.

The kids are due to go back to school, but terrified parents are adamant that they will stay at home until the government slashes class sizes. Ontario premier Doug Ford blames the leaders of the teachers’ unions, whom he accuses of “playing politics”.

The teachers, whose series of rolling strikes was interrupted by the pandemic, respond by charging Ford’s government with “playing with children’s lives”.

Immovable object meets unstoppable force. Crashing impasse awaits inevitable compromise. Old Normal. New Normal. Some things just don’t change.

Tony Sutton is the editor of ColdType magazine – www.coldtype.net. He lives in Georgetown, Ontario.


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Categories: coronavirus, latest
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Sep 7, 2020 10:53 PM

“Executives at Moderna are selling off their stock to the tune of tens of millions of dollars, leaving those watching the company’s COVID-19 vaccine wondering what’s up.
Plus, an investigation by NPR revealed even more “irregularities and potential warning signs,” leading Daniel Taylor, an associate professor of accounting at the Wharton School, to tell NPR that, “On a scale of one to 10, one being less concerned and 10 being the most concerned, this is an 11.”
“Advocates have questioned whether it’s appropriate for executives to privately profit  before bringing the vaccine to market, especially when American taxpayers have committed roughly $2.5 billion to the company’s vaccine development and manufacture,” NPR said.”
SOURCE: NPR September 4, 2020 as reported by Mercola.com

Sep 7, 2020 1:15 AM

…bureaucratic pseudo-science


… Bureaucratic Pseudo-Science

Sorry I can’t quite hear you, could you please say that again?


Sep 6, 2020 9:25 PM

Fiction, masquerading as fact. Lies, lies lies

Tony Sutton
Tony Sutton
Sep 18, 2020 10:44 PM
Reply to  argentine

Nope, all true!!!

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Sep 6, 2020 7:15 PM

About that image… It’s not bad! But nothing can beat this one,

comment image

Sep 6, 2020 10:38 PM
Reply to  Voz 0db

It’s a powerful image, but every time I see it I wonder if that glorified pet cone was donated or sponsored by the Coca-Cola corporation– that red background and white “swoosh” looks a lot like the Coke™ logo.

Also, since I’ve only seen this one photo, I’m curious to know if this is really a “thing”. I’m not questioning or criticizing your use of it, but I’d love to have a better sense of whether this absurdity has caught on.

I once would’ve assumed that employees would simply flatly refuse to degrade themselves by wearing such an appalling appliance, but now I just don’t know.

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Sep 7, 2020 8:32 PM
Reply to  Ort

You can read it here

The photo is just a depiction of that nonsense!

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 7, 2020 1:17 PM
Reply to  Voz 0db

I wonder what they can be made to do next? Standing on one leg and shouting “dooby dooby dooby” is the best way to repel the virus which is sensitive to those very sounds shouted from the required angle.

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Sep 7, 2020 8:32 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Well… at this point the Herd of Morons will do ANYTHING!

Sep 7, 2020 2:37 PM
Reply to  Voz 0db

Well I’m not going to Maine in the near future, that’s for sure…

Gerallt Pantycagal
Gerallt Pantycagal
Sep 6, 2020 2:25 PM

I can’t go out anwhere where there are masks without being freaked out. At the moment they’re not mandatory in Wales so I haven’t been forced to wear one. It’s hardly worth living in this.

Sep 6, 2020 3:20 PM

Yes, I went to the local government center (small town) about 6 weeks ago and I haven’t been out since. Looking at people wearing masks and doing the social distancing dance was too much for me. I hate stupidity in what are usually normally intelligent people but again, I see that about 95% of the population are just above primate when it comes to anything the government wants.

Sep 9, 2020 2:41 AM

Same. In a small town here in BC (Canada). Went to the local farmer’s market on Saturday for the first time this summer. It’s outdoors. Plenty of space. 95% of people wearing masks. ugh! Won’t be going again. Too weird. Only one very nice vendor took her mask off and stood beside us to point out and chat about her wares (we purchased some).

On the bright side, my daughter and I encountered 100% normal people several times on Sunday. Buying their things from Craigslist. An “awake” mobile cafe owner. No masks, no distancing. no fear, lots of smiles. Made our day. In February, who could have imagined mundane interactions would now be a cause for delight?

Sep 6, 2020 1:09 PM

What is actually going on in the world today? Another way of asking the same question is, “What are the really, really rich guys up to lately?”. Well, the same things that they have always been up to. No reason for it to change. They are trying to make the world a secure place for them to keep their place at the top of the food chain. No surprise there but the tactics are getting more out in the open. For instance, they have just wrecked the entire Western economic situation on purpose. Yes, it was going to happen anyway but this made it their choice of timing. I would think that the actual purpose is to wreck the entire world’s economy, reshuffle the deck and make it a permanent situation where they will always be on top. No more French Revolutions! A King getting his head lopped off by peasants has had them nervous ever since. I don’t even blame them for their attitude anymore. I mean, look what happens when you let the average human have a say in things and it is the average human that is the biggest threat to them. We have too many people on this planet. Face it, it is true. All of these wars and starvation is caused by said infestation. To a super rich guy these people are doing nothing for the long run health of the planet anyway. Our cities are just crawling with too many eaters demanding penthouse condominiums. The wars and famines work okay sometimes in culling the herd but with all of these nuclear bombs laying around falling off of the shelves, can you blame a guy with a trillion bucks for trying to get things back under control? I don’t. Dang, I wish I could have… Read more »

Sep 6, 2020 12:21 PM

the hubris brought on by the usa enforced condition of decolonisation at the end of WWII lives on in uk like an embarrassing tattoo. it’s going to be even harder for the usa to get through their fall.

Sep 6, 2020 12:04 PM

was that a sinister sanitiser drowning not waving?

Sep 6, 2020 2:43 AM

I am not the first to realise that Americans have gone completely INSANE. Please do not spread this Insanity to The UK, nor the rest of Europe… We actually get on O.K. – might squabble about fish in the North Sea, but what the fuck would you Americans know about that and we like The Russians and Their Gas, do not expect us to buy much of your American Fracked Gas…. Whilst you Americans self devastate your own country, do not expect us to agree… You were always a bunch of twats – You liked The Beatles and Led Zep, but you were so Racist, Jimi Hendrix had to come to England to get a Gig… You Yanks haven’t got a lot going for you and try and blame The Ashkenazis for blowing up your Twin Towers… Whilst You are Doing it To Yourselves. It was not a British idea to Defund Your Own Police, though The Tavistock Brainwashing may have had both a British and Zionist connection (I will ask the Saker to work out The Details – who you think is Russian but actually lives in Florida… From what I can see, sat in my peaceful Fairy Glen, in my home and Garden in England… The USA has gone completely Insane Defunding The Police, was not a British Idea And if you want to kneel to BLACK People, then fine.. Do you think I could give a fuck, whilst The Whites are Torching most of your Towns and Cities.. and The BLACKS are on my side… Nowt wrong with the colour of your skin. In England – we are just watching, whilst The USA goes up in Flames. I suggest we don’t copy them. There is nothing we can do about it in England. The USA is Destrorying… Read more »

Sep 6, 2020 3:22 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

You Limey Imperialist swine! Which Empire was it where “the sun never set”? You crybaby little turds lost your empire in 1945 when WE took it away from you because you had screwed it all up and the natives were chopping your soldiers up into little pieces of meat wearing little red coats and singing “God Save the Queen”. Aren’t you the same guys that used to tie “darkies” to the business end of a cannon and scatter their guts all over Punjab? Take your Holier Than Thou bullshit elsewhere. The world would have been a much more peaceful place without your Churchills and Nelsons. Pull those statues down and replace them with Ben Kingsley or whoever that was!

Sep 6, 2020 3:40 AM
Reply to  Jim2468

right on good points

Sep 6, 2020 3:47 AM
Reply to  Jim2468

right again. you both have true points to present. thing is, you both agree that the good old days were not so wonderful. we all need to stick together on this one, it’s an existential issue for humanity now. not some egotistcal nationalistic pissing contest.

Sep 6, 2020 3:49 AM
Reply to  lawrence

let’s all get together now

Sep 6, 2020 4:21 AM
Reply to  Jim2468

Us British may well have been not very nice, but when I was born and about 3 or 4 years old My Dad – showed me a Globe of the Earth.

I asked him what were the Pink bits, which comprised about One Third of The Planet Earth (not including The USA which was a different colour)

He said well that is ours – a Third of The World is British

So I looked further at The Globe – and Saw a little Island off The Coast of Europe.

We were tiny compared to the rest of the world, even if we included Ireland which we didn’t

How did we do that Dad?

My Dad travelled across The USA from West to East in the 1930’s He left his ship in San Farancisco – and met it again 6 months later in New York. He was alone and worked, any where he could that would give him a job, and they did, so I have probably got lots of brothers and sisters in the USA as well as China.

My Dad was a Roman Catholic, and wouldn’t use a condom.

Back in The UK in 1939, he met my Mum. Got married and got her pregnant, and volunteered. He was working at an airfield very close to where I live now, with The NAZI bombs dropping all around us, getting The Spitfires Back In The Air as fast as they got back

He knew -you have just got to shoot The NAZI’s down – or they will kill you.

So do not try and rewrite my Family history

We are still here.

Where do you come from?

Wouldn’t you defend your Country, when it is being bombed to shit?


Sep 7, 2020 2:42 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

“Wouldn’t you defend your Country, when it is being bombed to shit?”

Problem is you couldn’t and needed the very country you just disparaged. Twice! These brave United states soldiers lost their lives saving your azz. If it wasn’t for them you would be doing the Nazi goosestep. You think you’d still be getting on in the UK.

And I’m sure the poor Africans you say you have on “your side” had the very same hope of defending their home from the British Empire.

Wasn’t the British the first country to embrace Eugenics in the modern era Mr Francis Galton, even before the Nazi’s? And you want to lecture on racism.

David G Horsman
David G Horsman
Sep 7, 2020 7:27 PM
Reply to  Hank

Here here! And have we not also forgotten our debt to Stalin! Ingrates!

David Meredith
David Meredith
Sep 6, 2020 12:43 PM
Reply to  Jim2468

ha ha ha! limey imperialist & crybaby turd – great descriptions!

David G Horsman
David G Horsman
Sep 7, 2020 7:24 PM
Reply to  Jim2468

Well fine then! But America still sucks. Thank goodness Canada has always been a peaceful inclusive place…🤔

Sep 6, 2020 3:37 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Spread a bit love. Robert Plant was just a kid, and he has had a tough life lost his kid and stuff, Never met him nor most of the rock musicians from Birmingham, nor Wales for that matter..whilst All The British Musicians nicked a lot of stuff from BLACK Americans, they never stole anything from White Americans..Yeh The Beach Boys were O.K. Maybe the height of Astubury Dukes – I forget The Details – and Neil Young – but he is a Canadian, and Rush and they are too…Most of Your Best Musicans already live in England or fairly close by – they have their retreats – in the mountains in Morocco and such places…The ENGLISH side of the Atlantic Ocean…

“Robert Plant – Big Log”


Sep 6, 2020 3:48 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

right on, however it can’t stop here can it?

Sep 6, 2020 12:16 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

i’m in ireland.
everybody rolled over from day 1.
most people wore masks pre-mandate.
some put them on children.

Sep 6, 2020 12:34 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

“Americans have gone insane”
Sorry Tony but I would expect more wisdom from a man of your age and experience. America is completely controlled by a group which doesn’t identify as American first. So everything you see about America, and everything it does, is by their hand.
You have to make this connection at some point or you can never call yourself red pilled.

Sep 6, 2020 6:15 PM
Reply to  ZenPriest

Well said.

David Meredith
David Meredith
Sep 6, 2020 12:38 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Most Americans are sensible good people, just like most people in all countries. Unfortunately it is the machinery at the top that causes the problems.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Sep 7, 2020 3:39 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Hello tonyopmoc: Your suggestion for Americans: “Go on – Fuck Yourselves.”

“People are far more polite in London, Paris, Belgrade and Moscow.”

I guess you don’t live in any of the above named cities…

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Sep 8, 2020 9:40 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

And too many in Canada are becoming self-hating.

Sep 6, 2020 1:05 AM

“We’re driving past an old people’s retirement warehouse, where eight unfortunates died at the height of the pandemic.” What pandemic?!

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Sep 5, 2020 11:19 PM

CURTAIN CALL The running theme expressed in Sutton’s diary entry is anomie.  Every part of his daily routine has been disrupted by COVID. Not one location previously enjoyed provides relaxing social interactions.  A warm welcoming local coffee shop is now more like a visit to a sanitized lab.  Microscopes should be the decorative centerpiece at dining establishments.  Self-check every item to ensure it’s germ free–how unappetizing.  Western populations are becoming paranoid obsessive-compulsives. I’m sure many are suffering from dermatitis resulting from constant hand-washing. This used to be considered a neurotic condition now it’s the “new normal.” The other obsession is mask wearing. You see people “alone” running, walking, or biking with a mask firmly affixed to half their face. There’s no one around yet they feel threatened–who will they catch COVID from–a local scampering squirrel. And now you know why from March to June 2020, Jeff Bezos got richer by an estimated $48 billion. COVID caused millions more to shop online. Consumers don’t want to be hassled by all the COVID craziness. Interesting, how 40 million Americans filed for unemployment during the pandemic, but billionaires saw their net worth increase by half a trillion dollars.  While everyone is obsessed with following “medical rituals” billionaires are consolidating all wealth–their cure for COVID is neo-feudalism.   In any event, earlier in the day I was watching a NYC YouTube walking tour and commented about not being able to clearly hear a YouTuber with a mask impaled to her mouth.  Some of the responses to my comment were a little over-the-top:  “Get used to it! ; what do you intend to do? Hibernate? It is the reality we all have to face, if we wish to be safe; Masks or ventilators you choose!!”   Oh by the way, did you hear AMC Theaters are reopening August 20, but not the public schools………AMC is the world’s largest movie theater chain with more… Read more »

Sep 5, 2020 11:31 PM

“who will they catch COVID from–a local scampering squirrel.”

Thanks for making me laugh out loud.

We’ve got loads of squirels here too, and the ocasional hedgehog

Sep 6, 2020 10:30 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Early on, I tried to encourage the squirrels in my small back yard to wear masks, or at least practice social distancing when I open the back door to give out peanuts.

They pretended not to understand, of course. All they care about is that peanut.

But surprisingly, so far I haven’t noticed any dead squirrels littering the lawn– not even one coughing critter!

Sep 7, 2020 6:34 AM
Reply to  Ort

They’re working on it: version 2 or covid-21.

David G Horsman
David G Horsman
Sep 7, 2020 8:04 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

The true horror of hedgehog farts is you don’t hear them coming. By the time you smell them it’s too late! Little bastards…

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Sep 8, 2020 9:56 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

I went for a bike ride to a hiking trail about 15km out of town, Nelson, BC Canada. This trail is a gateway to absolute wilderness
For the first time in 30 years of going there the parking lot was full (8 vehicles in 6 spaces!). I rode up just to just under 2kms when out of the forest up the trail were 5 hikers all wearing masks. I recognized none of them of course, but neither did they show any recognition of me. When they saw me they visibly panicked, and got rather beligerant at my non-mask condition!! When I passed them i said, “This is my neighbourhood. Please leave.”

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Sep 6, 2020 3:13 AM

Very interesting, Charlotte.

Sep 6, 2020 4:15 AM

Yes, very sad how so many have given up their minds to the media programming. I’m convinced this has been for many years long in the planning, with dreadful education, popular entertainment, false news, rockefeller funded Flexner report and ensuing medical industrial complex, military industrial complex, big agra, big oil, etc etc. It’s not surprising that deductive reasoning is in short supply now.

If the global B&G DNA altering vaccine plan is even partly successful, the aformentioned mind controlled and their idiot offspring will evolve into complete robotic idiots. Even without this mind debilitating substance messing up the human genome, there are already too many idiots! This is going to get very interesting. I wish anyone reading this and generally, all of humanity, including present idiots, the very best for the future. GOD help us all.

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Sep 6, 2020 5:02 AM
Reply to  lawrence

The good news–the future generation of robotic idiots will be too stupid to know they’re being suppressed.

Sep 6, 2020 5:55 AM
Reply to  Charlotte Ruse

This is already the case. They already don’t know. I hope for all of humanity, which includes even the annoying idiots, can be cared for and not abandoned by a cold fascist styled technocracy.

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Sep 6, 2020 1:21 PM
Reply to  lawrence

“The real hopeless victims of mental illness are to be found among those who appear to be most normal. “Many of them are normal because they are so well adjusted to our mode of existence, because their human voice has been silenced so early in their lives, that they do not even struggle or suffer or develop symptoms as the neurotic does.” They are normal not in what may be called the absolute sense of the word; they are normal only in relation to a profoundly abnormal society. Their perfect adjustment to that abnormal society is a measure of their mental sickness. These millions of abnormally normal people, living without fuss in a society to which, if they were fully human beings, they ought not to be adjusted.”
― Aldous Huxley, Brave New World Revisited

Sep 6, 2020 4:25 PM

Huxley nails it. This dreadful and despicable term “new normal” describes a world that will drive all reasonable people crazy, and the “well adjusted” will be so oblivious to everything most corrupt.

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Sep 6, 2020 7:53 PM
Reply to  lawrence

Nothing good will come from state-capitalism, neo-feudalism or heightened AI surveillance.

Sep 6, 2020 8:38 PM

It’s such a sad video.

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Sep 6, 2020 11:32 PM
Reply to  RNAsplicer

Haven’t you heard it’s the “new normal,” get used to it. 😈

Sep 5, 2020 10:18 PM

Their time is short –

Zophar’s Sermon on the Wicked Man

Job 20 Then Zophar the Naamathite answered and said:
“Therefore my anxious thoughts make me answer,
Because of the turmoil within me.
I have heard the rebuke that reproaches me,
And the spirit of my understanding causes me to answer.
“Do you not know this of old,
Since man was placed on earth,
That the triumphing of the wicked is short,
And the joy of the hypocrite is but for a moment?
Though his haughtiness mounts up to the heavens,
And his head reaches to the clouds,………….…

Revelation 12:12 “Therefore rejoice, O heavens, and you who dwell in them! Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea! For the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, because he knows that he has a short time.”

The cause of mankind’s enslavement is that nations have allowed Cabalist bankers to create the medium of exchange (currency, credit) in the form of a debt to themselves when free governments could easily create this necessary commodity, debt-free. Success in society now depends on criminality and treason: complicity with this massive fraud and the pernicious agenda it represents.

In 1976, insider Harold Rosenthal revealed that this subversive agenda already extended to every aspect of Western life……………………..”


“……..That is what I mean when I refer to corrupt governments. Any one who sacrifices the interests of the people for the benefit of profit-makers is a traitor. He is the fifth columnist of to-day-the enemy inside our gates.”

Australian Senator Richard Darcey Hansard 12 November 1941

Sep 5, 2020 11:59 PM
Reply to  Caltrop

1 Timothy 6:10
For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

Luke 16:14
The Law, the Prophets, and the Kingdom
Now the Pharisees, who were lovers of money, also heard all these things, and they derided Him.

2 Timothy 3:2
For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,

Sep 5, 2020 10:01 PM

An, hehe, careful stoll in whats become an reality detached from sanity, when our nations have become like an free range open asylum where the people from the soft tissued wall comaprtment ruls our nations, and I as an hobby antropolog find this really intresting, and I am afaird if confrims what I suspect, most of the people are simply to stupid, I dont bother to hide that anymore.
An an tibute to those of us that finds this somehow ironic.

Warren Zevons. Splendid isolation.

But never the less, have an nice day, and take care.


Sep 5, 2020 10:57 PM
Reply to  mikael

Like that, but I have no musical talent whatsoever, and amplified electric guitars are not allowed, so I am trying to play, sometimes a bit at the same time, both an original wooden African drum, and a Chinese steel leaved hand drum. I am amazed at the level of sound, from two completely unamplified instruments. I can’t play my violin either, nor the accoustic guitar (must check the strings and tuning).

My wife and I are hoping to hold a Garden Party soon – inour back garden and invite some of our friends, some of who’m are musicians.

The neighbours haven’t complained yet, even when our Grandkids came round during the full lock down, splashing and screaming in the paddling pool.

We weren’t allowed to do that but did.

Apparently we may be O.K., providing that no more than 30 people turn up, otherwise i might be facing a fine of £10,000.

If there is only 29, then it should be O.K. until the Police turn up again.

My lad has agreed the time and date, with them, and has indicated to them the size of the data, which they want to copy at their local Data Centre. Hopefully it should work out well.

I think we should be allowed at least one party this year, after all the shit we have had to endure.

There is absolutely nothing political about it, except no one is allowed in to our house or garden, if they are wearing masks, except under very unusual circumstances.

We make allowances for that.


Sep 6, 2020 5:16 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

thank you for sharing Tony. May you have a great party and hugs for your grand kids

Gerallt Pantycagal
Gerallt Pantycagal
Sep 6, 2020 2:33 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

I’d like to come and stand nearby to hear any sounds of joy that might escape the confines of your garden, please.

Sep 7, 2020 6:46 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

This gets everyone used to oversight of movement, e.g., you submit the list of IDs (phone numbers: names may not matter soon), the “intelligence service” Peeping Toms either verify with each one or track their locations at the party by GPS. Switching off phones may become illegal, or at least require a police report.

Sep 5, 2020 9:11 PM

I am feeling very low at this moment. I just feel like curling up into a ball and having a bit of a cry. Except there are no tears… just a hollow centre, with encroaching tendrils of dread.

But I will not give up. Giving up is not an option. Tonight I just need to tune out the world’s madness, breathe deeply, and go easy…

I must remind myself that to feel defeated is not a defeat, but a temporary feeling. And a reminder to stop moving for a while, to rest and be patient, and to allow energy and strength to replenish. Tomorrow is another day.


Sep 5, 2020 9:56 PM
Reply to  ity

yeh, I know how it feels ity. same here. I will try and send you a big emotional hug and cuddle through the internetty thing

“Beatles She Loves You”


Sep 5, 2020 10:22 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Thank you. Hugs gratefully received.

Denny Kirk
Denny Kirk
Sep 5, 2020 10:17 PM
Reply to  ity

We need you and the world needs you. We need sane people to speak to the rest of the insane people. If you feel alone, dejected and isolated you must be doing something right. Hang in there. We need you. Peace.

Sep 5, 2020 11:08 PM
Reply to  ity

It can feel very lonely on this side of the fence. And the world is going through so much now. It’s hard to comprehend and it’s hard to find your bearings as it can feel like shifting sands. There seems to be many good and intelligent people who care passionately enough to post and comment on this site and your are one of them so don’t give up. Be kind and gentle to yourself and give yourself time to heal and build up more strength. Take it easy for a little while.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Sep 6, 2020 3:16 AM
Reply to  ity

Every day I contemplate killing myself. I cannot stand all the lies and people believing them. Drives me mad. Every so often I find yet another lie from the past and I try to tell myself, “You lived with all these lies in the past (and no doubt there’s so many more to be discovered) and life went on fine, you can just carry on the same.” But it doesn’t work all that well especially with the biggest lie ever in our faces constantly now.

Sep 6, 2020 5:21 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

This world needs soldiers to fight the good fight. You must live to fight another day. Rest and then take action.

David Meredith
David Meredith
Sep 6, 2020 12:45 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

No you must never contemplate killing yourself Petra. We need you along with all the other sensible people commenting on this post.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Sep 6, 2020 1:00 PM
Reply to  David Meredith

Thanks, David. If I felt needed that would change things but what bothers me is that there have been people like all of us throughout history, right? But people have never learnt. People have never cottoned onto how they psyop us, how they humiliate us with their complete and utter nonsense and shove it in our faces. The Great Fire of 1666 was a psyop and where is this written? Gloria Moss wrote an article for Off-Guardian and that’s about it as far as I can tell. There are so many parallels between 9/11 and that event 350 years ago but who’s pointing them out? The history books tell us a completely bogus story just as they tell us a completely bogus story about 9/11 … and probably will forever more. You can’t tell people – they just won’t listen or only too few will.

County Girl
County Girl
Sep 6, 2020 7:55 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Thank you for the link Petra. Fascinating article about the fire.

Sep 7, 2020 10:48 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Are you saying that no one can tell you what you are unwilling or unready to hear? The mind of the deceiver is not in a body – but it will hide you there and kill you there – over and over as the means to run ‘As If’ upon the death of truth – while you look for truth in what has more in common with a computer model given reality by invested reaction. The point of waking up – is not waking others up to that you are ‘awake’. Interacting with nightmares is a way to persist in them while seeming to have a virtue to offset the cost of playing them. When dreams fall apart they become more and more obviously fake – and yet within a mind and experience that remains unquestioned – and compelling. Being right at expense or as pretence of being happy (whole) is lacking the natural radiance or shine of joy in being. Fractal reality isn’t going anywhere – so much as a patterning of infinite perspectives and potentials. However in the insistence of going somewhere else or getting out of here, is a polarised mind-set in refusal to listen. This is also part of our freedom. When we recognise our freedom in our NO, we have uncovered a choice that reactive ‘no!’ masks out or covered over. That an underlying ‘program’ runs regardless the shifting forms and meanings, is because it is given permission to run in our own thought. That means we still ‘get something out of it’ that we either believe we want or need at some level that may not be apparent on surface, or may be part of a complex of beliefs that run hidden in our own mind – and yet may so easily be seen in… Read more »

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
Sep 7, 2020 4:29 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Yes the date is a giveaway, then there’s the monument. Once you know about the codes and symbols you see them all over the place. I find it very interesting, it adds another dimension to looking. Here we are hurtling through space and we don’t fall off the planet. It’s a miracle, sometimes a rough ride but WOW! The fact that anyone finds out anything is quite amazing and it’s not surprising that a lot don’t, we all find out different things and it’s great to share them. It’s odd but you’re the only person who’s mentioned the Fire, I never saw the OffG article but I’m just about to.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Sep 8, 2020 11:48 AM
Reply to  Nixon Scraypes

So you knew that the fire wasn’t as reported in the history books, Nixon? I had no clue until I saw the article.

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
Sep 8, 2020 4:17 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Anything to do with The City is suspect. I have a book, The Empire of the City which suggests that the Empire was not so much British but
C of L~ish. Then the666 in the date is an alarm bell. Then I saw the video that is linked in the article a while ago and found a book with lots of accounts of the fire. My assumption is that they wanted to rebuild the city and torching the old one was the simplest way. Also the Phoenix~fire symbolism is part of their mythology. They’re like that.

David Meredith
David Meredith
Sep 7, 2020 5:49 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Thanks Petra, well the slimy murdering psychopaths want most of us dead so let’s not give them what they want and most definitely not by our own hand. I haven’t read the fire of London link yet but I can certainly understand what you mean about the parallels. It is amazing that most of the world think that 9/11 was planned and carried out by Osama Bin-Laden and associates, when in reality some of us know a lot about the truth and that those buildings were designed to withstand multiple aircraft strikes. It is clear to many, including myself that the downing of the towers and building 7 were controlled demolitions.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Sep 8, 2020 11:39 AM
Reply to  David Meredith

Thanks, David. Just to say 9/11 isn’t what 99.9% of the population think, believers of the 19-terrorists-armed-with-boxcutters story and those who recognise controlled demolition.

Nope. 9/11 wasn’t a terrorist attack but very, very significantly it wasn’t a “false flag” either.

9/11 was psyop, it was a PSYOP, it was P-S-Y-O-P, it was a psyyyyyyyyyyyyopppppppppp.

This is the key thing to understand about 9/11.

It was a psyop, not a terrorist attack and not a false flag.

Are you wondering what I mean?

The term “false flag” makes us think that a crime was committed by a group who blame another person or group for the crime, right?

And when we think of 9/11 the essential crime is the killing of 3,000 people, right?

If we move away from the term false flag and use only the term psyop and use it exactly as the term means then what we might consider is that 9/11 was really two psyops.

They psyopped those who believe the terrorist-attack story but they also psyopped those who recognise controlled demolition. They’ve psyopped all of us.

The pivotal truth of 9/11 is that death and injury were staged. That is the pivotal truth. The jumpers were faked, the loved ones, the witnesses, the people in the buildings, the journalists at the scene – all scripted actors. The planes were faked too of course.

All the evidence is clearly there and as a friend of mine who has no interest in these events but listens to me anyway says about the staging of death and injury:

“It’s the only thing that makes sense.”

This is a link to my pages on 9/11.

David Meredith
David Meredith
Sep 9, 2020 11:23 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Thanks Petra, I wasn’t thinking of any difference between false flag and psyop. I certainly believed up to now it was a false flag event but did not believe there were any real hijackers or hijacked planes. I am extremely surprised about the all the deaths, injuries etc being faked with so many people being involved (or appearing to be involved). So it seems I’m in the second psyopped group, believing that the whole thing was set up but approx 2750 people did actually die in the event. It is certainly staggering to think that with so many people involved that something so huge could be pulled off in broad daylight or under huge clouds of dust. I have to admit that I’m having difficulty with this part but that doesn’t mean I don’t believe it. In that case they would have had to clear the towers before the aircraft hit, so would approx 3000 people not be aware that the buildings were empty if they had all been evacuated or told to stay at home that day?

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Sep 10, 2020 7:30 AM
Reply to  David Meredith

A number of the 3,000 people were made up and we can see that companies such as Marsh McLennan, Euro Brokers, Cantor Fitzgerald and others were in on this operation. Loads of individuals and organisations had to be in on it.

It’s all smoke’n’mirrors, David, and I don’t know how they did it exactly. This is what I do know:

— It’s very, very easy to make a case for staged death and injury and I’ve done it here:

— No one has given me a skerrick of evidence favouring real death and injury over staged so far.

What does that strongly indicate?

Simon posted this video showing an Executive Vice President at Euro Brokers, David Clark, giving his testimony to school children of his experience on that fateful morning. I could only stomach so much although I may go back and force myself to watch more of it. Notice how he doesn’t seem comfortable. I think it must be harder to lie to a bunch of innocent school children. If you watch it and think his testimony is genuine please let me know. If you recognise it as not genuine how do you explain it according to the real death and injury hypothesis?

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Sep 10, 2020 7:33 AM
Reply to  David Meredith

And these are some pretty hilarious “miracle survivor” stories.

Gerallt Pantycagal
Gerallt Pantycagal
Sep 6, 2020 2:42 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

I have been having increasingly similar thoughts; it’s quite hard to tell anyone. As you say: the biggest lie ever. And simply exposing it to people doesn’t change their minds, when they simply cannot comprehend the notion that mainsteam media could report anything that isn’t true.

Sep 6, 2020 8:21 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

understanding what is going on is at once both depressing and liberating…

Sep 7, 2020 10:26 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

It is what you choose to accept into your mind that determines your experience. You cannot live mine for me 😉
You are standing in or for a madness – while saying you cant.

I thought of you when I watched this shortie (The Jab – featuring Glaxo Smith Kline) as I recall comments you levelled against one of its characters.


Sep 6, 2020 5:17 AM
Reply to  ity

strength to you. may you banish all fear.

Gerallt Pantycagal
Gerallt Pantycagal
Sep 6, 2020 2:38 PM
Reply to  ity

I feel like crying too every day. It’s incredible how some humans see a dystopian nightmare because there is no crisis, and others see a dystopian nightmare because they perceive the threat of a pandemic. Anyway, perhaps this with make you laugh and bring you some joy; it did me…


Sep 5, 2020 8:52 PM

I am not going to roll over and let disinformation go unchallenged no matter how many times a small group of disinformationists post their minimizing off topic, distractions. There is a concerted effort to muddy the waters around these global crimes, to try and mitigate them by claiming viruses are dangerous and contagious, or 9-11 never hurt anyone, or Trump is a savior and there are no nuclear weapons. I have seen so many people claim it’s all “just opinions” but based on what? Some vague notion that viruses exist because you were propagandized into believing instead of questioning? Or that there’s no harm from EMF-EMR because you don’t understand the cumulative effects of radiation on cells? Or the false belief vaccines are safe, because you haven’t researched the toxic effects of vaccines, that contain harmful and unnecessary adjuvants? How many people here who believe in viral contagion through aerosolized droplets have actually investigated the legitimacy of vaccinations or viruses? There is no original paper for the isolation of HIV. That’s what Kary Mullins and Peter Duesberg found when they started investigating. HIV has not been isolated or purified either. It has not been proven to lead to AIDS. Yet a HepB vaccine experiment has been linked to AIDS. Viruses are an industry, a deadly, money making industry. Where profit is the motive, the science should be checked, evaluated and be above reproach. That has not happened. What’s happened is that the web of scientists and academics within the vaccine industry are the only ones who get funded to do the basic research and that makes the science highly questionable and likely fraudulent. I have found evidence of fraud and racketeering within the vaccine and virus industry and the NIH. It’s all very well to have “opinions“, but if you… Read more »

Sep 5, 2020 9:41 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Regarding HIV-AIDS, it appears, for all I know, that serious homosexual promiscuity, in the context of say seriously unhygienic activities, perhaps in context with drug abuse and various psychological factors is the main cause of a collection of symptoms. I speculate that this cannot be admitted due to reasons of progressive ideology… aside of established financial interests, and interests regarding reputation.

Sep 5, 2020 10:07 PM
Reply to  Researcher

it was good science at the time because that was what you did

No comment required here.

David Meredith
David Meredith
Sep 5, 2020 9:58 PM
Reply to  John

You should read “The Great AIDS HOAX” by Terry C. Fry in 1991. You can also watch this video which is very informative:

Sep 6, 2020 12:41 AM
Reply to  David Meredith

not many good videos exist of terry fry man he nails it here.
great video

the germ theory is a lie
we live in a world dominated by the corruption and murderous lies of louis pasteur the bankers friend.

bechamp gives truth to the pasteur lies.

i had a cup of coffee the other day with raw milk that i had left out for 4 days
it tasted great

supermarket milk is poison

Sep 6, 2020 5:34 AM
Reply to  gorden

right on!

Sep 5, 2020 9:48 PM
Reply to  Researcher

“you’ll never know the truth about anything”

It might very well be, and certainly in such cases as mentioned that you will never know the truth, but that you are stuck in a position of knowing loads of fact, all too inconclusive to arrive at any certain truth.

Sep 5, 2020 10:53 PM
Reply to  John

We have enough facts on our side that directly contradict everything the NIH, CDC, WHO and NIAID claim.

I think anyone claiming medical or legal intervention for a virus that has never been shown to exist, owe the burden of proof for all the outrageous measures they have taken, and they have not done that satisfactorily.

In any court of law with an unbiased judge they would lose this case.

It has no merit.

Sep 7, 2020 7:40 AM
Reply to  Researcher

In 2017, Dr. Stefan Lanka established in the Supreme Court in Germany that the cause of measles is not a virus, contrary to the claims of the medical industry.

Sep 6, 2020 5:35 AM
Reply to  John

Sounds like good scientific methofd to me. keep digging for the truth, don’t give up looking!

David Meredith
David Meredith
Sep 6, 2020 12:50 PM
Reply to  John

Never say Never.

Sep 6, 2020 5:32 AM
Reply to  Researcher

The true “viruses” of all humanity are all of the above mentioned criminals and cabals. They are: 1) either in some kind of panic to achieve their ends ASAP or 2) they think they have the whole planet wrapped up right now and are pushing their agendas well in advance of agenda2030. It would appear to me that time is running out. Are there any “White Knights” willing to fight for all of humanity? People with real skills to elimanate these threats?

Sep 6, 2020 5:53 AM
Reply to  lawrence

The theory of a virus as an alien invader, compromising the otherwise healthy organism is as simplistic as the theory of psychopaths and a cabal. Apparently society is not immune to such ‘viruses’ and parasites. Even more, they can flourish well and easy in the organism.

Sep 6, 2020 6:08 AM
Reply to  John

Well put. To further elaborate, there should be a balance between negative and positive in the microbiome so that a balance can be achieved. Homeostasis you know, at least a hope in one’s life for reaonable health. We all need it.

Right now we are seeing an imbalance of power, and pathogenic elements are showing an alarming degree of overwhelming strength. We need a good antidote to eliminate some of these fuckers.

Sep 6, 2020 3:43 PM
Reply to  lawrence

One of the antidotes is for people to work out and imagine different scenarios an visions of how to live, and by which means they can progress and develop. It is vision and imagination by means of which the big powers work, they overwhelm with big ideas and big fear. If people get locked up in current reality through fear (of death, disease, privation, etc), they are a paralyzed collectively, and the big ‘visionaries’ can steal the show.

As long as the minds of people remain attached to media too much, they are paralyzed and controlled to some degree. One way of balancing is to keep check with some contemporary reality only to a limited degree, one disease of our times is obsession with news, which is a dictatorship of reality, also a reality defined by certain agendas.

Sep 6, 2020 3:52 PM
Reply to  lawrence

People are obsessed with facts and ‘truth’ these days, this website has it as its creed. They try to fight only with facts, they have not understood that imagination and vision is still more powerful. The power of imagination and vision is what the big ambitious and power hungry use. You cannot fight that with just cold facts, you have to use your own imagination and vision as an alternative. You have to think about where you want to go, you cannot stand still pointing only to facts, the future is always a question of imagining something first, especially in these fast changing times, vision is key, and vision is always partly non fact based.

Sep 6, 2020 4:34 PM
Reply to  John

I hear Lennon’s song, Imagine.

Sep 7, 2020 7:03 AM
Reply to  Researcher

A professor (maybe Kary Mullins or Peter Duesberg) recently described a conversation with Montainger. When asked for the exact published research that established the existence of HIV virus, Montainger tried a few distractions, and then moved away as if to talk to someone across the room. So much for medical “science”, public interest and concerned governments. Experiments on depopulation started some time ago.

Sep 8, 2020 6:27 PM
Reply to  mgeo

It’s Mullis actually. For some reason autocorrect won’t let me type Mullis.

Yes. Mullis suspected Montainger was a fraud, and I concur.

The way the scientific community functions is that the NIH-NIAID-DARPA-DOD use and fund international collaborations, science journals, academic institutions and thousands of scientists to perpetrate the fraud so it appears that because the same kind of fraud is being “discovered” at multiple academic institutions or research institutes, and multiple journals are publishing junk papers, the fraud appears legitimate to the outside world.

I actually think there’s very little research being done that could ever be replicated. Which is what John Ioannidis discovered.


Sep 5, 2020 8:37 PM

This Will NOT Be allowed Again. RIP Mark.E.Smith of The FALL, from Salford, Manchester. never knowingly met him – he was a bit younger me, but we almost certainly went to the same gigs, before he got a band together. When he did, he had a great attitude with journalists who turned up from London trying to interview him in his local pub. Total classic. I guess Oasis, learnt a bit from him.

One of the Best Musicians, I have never seen live play. Don’t worry about it. He wouldn’t. You almost certainly will not like him, and you will think he has no talent.

“The Fall – “What about us?””


Sep 5, 2020 9:48 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Love The Fall Tony, I don’t think Mark would have taken any of this shitty covid farts of doom crap.

Sep 5, 2020 9:51 PM
Reply to  ramona

Wow i didn’t post this video of Robert F Kennedy!

Ienot Mikhail
Ienot Mikhail
Sep 5, 2020 6:38 PM

Sadly real, everywhere. “Hysteria” is the REAL “plague”. And most people “absorbed” in front of their TV sets, all the day.

Sep 5, 2020 8:31 PM
Reply to  Ienot Mikhail

Is it hysteria or have they ‘folded’?

Do people collapse under the ‘blitzkrieg’ of pressures downwards, sideways and from within – all at once.

Perhaps faith in life is finding you cant fold – you cant sell out yourself and others.
Or maybe faith is already assigned to fear’s protection?

Sep 5, 2020 10:26 PM
Reply to  Binra

All I know is that hysteria is a serious form of emotional turmoil which has a very tiring effect, the state can only be prolonged for a limited amount of time before it has taken too much of the nervous system.
Fear on the other hand, it contracts, it paralyses, it can be short and intense, but also prolonged, subtle and continuously on the background. It can be invoked by touching the right buttons so to speak, leave one in a state of partially dumbing down paralysis for a long time.

Hence, fear since long time has been thé method to gain and keep power. Fear of the devil and hell is what they used in history, throughout centuries. Nowadays such buttons do not work on a great amount of people, so they use more primary and collective buttons, the collective fear of death and disease.

Sep 6, 2020 10:51 AM
Reply to  John

Yes indeed. Another perspective is that of the ‘freeze’ reflex. This becomes ‘passive’ and in a sense paralysed. Fear can contract to react as fight or flight – and all the psychic-emotional deceits and disguises of both. Freeze has more of a ‘Stockholm syndome’ in which the captured is effectively tooled by the ‘overwhelming force’ as the maker of the new ‘reality’ in which it then adapts, having no sense of escape and no longer even thinks of escaping – for questioning its reality ‘re-opens’ much greater fear. And so the ‘Fall’ to a state of limitation and control, hard set in rules that are mapped in as unquestionable. This is how we make a world apart. Fear of the devil is of its being revealed AS US – and unworthy of life or love. The shifting forms have never changed the underlying archetypes. Trapped in overwhelming pain and hate IS hell, and any dissociative state offers a masking over and mitigation of such self-hate. What is not obvious is that any fear – reacted from as true becomes invested with our reality, and once invested in, operates as a captured or defended attention. The thing that sets this up is the wish reality be different than it is. The mind is a capacity to live out experience ‘as if’. Truth can then seem to be lost, violated, abandoned, rejected and betrayed. But truth never has been ‘as if’. Truth is, ‘as is’. Pursuing a private mind or imaginative ‘take’ on reality is not a sin, but when we give priority to this over our true relationship we can judge ourself guilty instead of releasing it to accept what is – as it is. This ‘private agenda’ is founded on a sense of sin, guilt and fear, operating a mind… Read more »

Sep 6, 2020 3:11 PM
Reply to  Binra

“‘UN/globalist NWO agenda”

Alleged human caused climate change (and also just ‘climate change’), COVID, 911.

Characteristic of it is fear mongering, by that you can determine the character. Characteristic also is that these threats are much bigger than the individual, also bigger than what small groups of organized individuals can handle. It can only be handled on the biggest level, thus individuals, small groups, but even nations have to comply to what is decided on the greatest level. Hence, more and more power is drawn to the greatest level.

Aside of the listed ‘threats’, there are also several smaller ones which bring about increasing uniformization of ideology and a bureacracie of top down imposed procedures. The Metoo hysteria for instance.

Sep 6, 2020 3:20 PM
Reply to  John

What is also typical of it, that these issues are originally real problems and concerns, though a great diversity of them, asking for a great deal of solutions.They are then captured by them, joined together in big grand narratives, causing big collective fear, these big grand narratives are then even joined together if possible (climate change and COVID for instance), and all power, authority and alleged capacity of dealing with them is consequently drawn too the highest level.

Sep 6, 2020 11:03 PM
Reply to  John

Indeed. The corollary that I feel needs mentioning is guilt.
If simple fear of changing climate meant coming up with strategies for survival in more challenging conditions, we might come up with many.
But it isn’t really about the fear – excepting as leveraging human guilt – that expects and demands punishment or retribution.

And so the childhood trick of shifting blame and consequence to others – while getting away with – and persisting in the crime is institutionalised as a top-down narrative for human guilt, self-hate and collective sacrifice in which the population are induced to be the ‘sin eaters’ for a corporate plunder and disregard for life.

The demand for collective limitation is the attack on indivuality – and indeed ‘making us safe’ in terms of potential threat to a control narrative.

Sep 7, 2020 12:03 AM
Reply to  Binra

It’s the old tricks in new forms. Softened though, more refined, adapted to secular zeitgeist ideals and in context (science for instance). Guilt and blame, repentance, but also promises of betterment, outer compulsion instead of inner incentive, compulsive moralism, etc. I dare say that these psychological mechanisms are collectively inherited and work mainly in the Western world, as they are part of its religious history. These mechanisms are still part of the Western psyche, they have a power over the psyche regardless of whether one is religious or not.

Sep 7, 2020 10:02 AM
Reply to  John

A sense of self-lack that is concurrent with a loss of connected and felt aliveness works the trick of substitution and displacement. While we operate from a sense of lost or denied, deprived, rejected, abandoned or betrayed life, we are set in the mind of surviving it, and seeking to get it back, get even, possess, defend and control. These are archetypal patterns of identification and behaviour that come out of a pre-religious or ‘mythological’ prehistory – and are reiterated in each one’s entry or induction to the social acculturation to our physical experience – as our loss of ‘inner’ or synchronous connection to a focus in our body-sensing, family identification and cultural mapping. So I am not arguing with what you said but indicating a substratum of which I see the ‘mind of fear under guilted identity of control’ as a development or unfolding of belief and experience of psychic fragmentation, defended against repeat of its ‘separation trauma’ – and thus reiterating the forms or archetypes of its unconscious definitions. That which we give meanings to and which as a set meaning is given priority in the mind, operates as power over the mind. That this can be deeply conditioned responses that may have almost no conscious involvement is evident when we open or live willingness to question our reality-experience or allow such question into a conscious awareness. Whatever the original virtues of any cultural or social expression, their masking in, will degrade and devalue to the point of inverting or reversing their meaning. Living the territory of directly felt meaning is not at all the same as mapping out a set of meanings in some proprietary sense of ‘truth’ or ‘reason’. Nor are such movements the same as thinking about the meanings of such ‘proprietary’ meanings and weaving… Read more »

John Goss
John Goss
Sep 5, 2020 6:32 PM

It’s even worse in France. None of the cyclists in the Tour de France wear masks when cycling. They need the air. Practically all the spectators do. Then when the stage is over cyclists mask up. It must be a condition of holding the event to further enforce the narrative. One cyclist interviewed today, Latvian Toms Skujiņš did not wear a mask when interviewed, but most do. For NEW NORMAL read ABNORMAL.


Sep 5, 2020 7:48 PM
Reply to  John Goss

A bit like The Yoga Class, that didn’t happen last Friday morning – cos they obey the law, and you can’t do Yoga if wearing a Face Mask.

Hopefully the swimming pools will remain open, for the next few weeks…before November/December and people start to get flu again – when they will almost certainly kick in LOCKDOWN Version 2.

There is no easy way out of this, whilst 75% of the population in The UK remain Brainwashed…

At least The UK, is not yet The USA – the scenes there scare me to shit too.

However, it most certainly can happen in the UK too, as it did in 2010, when Croydon was lit up in a ball of flame, as were some other parts of London.

It happened so quickly..no warning

I really empathise with The Fireman, the Police, and The Nurses

The people in The Front Line.

They just do it, when confronted with a mob.

They didn’t run away in 2010.

God knows what’s going to happen next.

New York is currently being evacuated…20% of New Yorkers are getting out as fast as they can.

There is no Law and Order. They have defunded the Police, who are resigning en-masse too. There is no point in catching a violent criminal burning the place down, if the next day, they are released to do it again.

Nothing of this is published in the UK Press

It’s even happening in Washington DC

“Rand Paul recounts being surrounded by protesters as he left the RNC”


John Goss
John Goss
Sep 5, 2020 11:41 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Hi Tony,

The riots in NY appear to be a spin-off of the Black Lives Matter movement.


John Goss
John Goss
Sep 5, 2020 6:09 PM

It’s even worse in France. I just watched the latest stage of the Tour de France. None of the cyclists wear masks, except when they’ve finished cycling. It must be a condition of taking part. Cyclists need oxygen. Practically all the spectators wear masks. For “New Normal” read “Abnormal”.


John Goss
John Goss
Sep 5, 2020 6:38 PM
Reply to  John Goss

I’ve posted a similar comment above because the link for me does not work. I have no idea what is going on.

Sep 5, 2020 8:33 PM
Reply to  John Goss

Copy and paste – but having done so and ascertains it works (though the video isn’t allowed in UK)

John Goss
John Goss
Sep 5, 2020 11:12 PM
Reply to  Binra

Thanks Binra.

Sep 5, 2020 5:53 PM

Here is the speech from Robert Kennedy at the Berlin rally on 29th August

Sep 5, 2020 7:14 PM
Reply to  sam2

what he doesn’t seem to mention is how racist the germ theory is. If someone is claiming a virus makes people sick then the real causes which can be racialy biased are covered up. Reality is there is a large number of people allegedly dieing from viruses and many of those are in Africa whereas many of these “antivaxers” rarely mention anything outside the US. ‘vaccines’ require refigeration so you can imagine what could happen in Africa in some remote village miles from any power supply. All it would take is a power cut somewhere along the way in this vast continent and the whole batch of vaccines is significantly more harmful.

Sep 5, 2020 7:18 PM
Reply to  Simon

people are people
We all need strong immune systems to keep healthy. Good nutrition, sunlight (for vit D) clean water, all help.

Sep 5, 2020 7:47 PM
Reply to  Simon

It’s exactly what this is all about. These groups like the WHO have been running rough shod marching into villages and ‘vaccinating’ people and now the chickens are coming home to roost. If there hadn’t been this controlled opposition and the actual issues were looked at in a unified way then it might have been dealt with decades ago and there wouldn’t be a situation where health advocates could be marginalised with such slurs. Animal agriculture also needs to be considered and how that is a main part of the vaccine industry with all these billions of animals being farmed every year given vaccines. That surely causes a attitude problem. They certainly don’t ask the animals if they want to be ‘vaccinated’. They have put health advocates in a very weak position with this right wing, nationalist, keto, ‘vaccine safety’, anti pop culture, anti-feminism, anti-gays etc. propaganda. Do you think the gays might know a thing or two about HIV?

Sep 5, 2020 8:40 PM
Reply to  Simon

Germ theory is a theory. The weaponising of a theory for loveless agenda is another thing.
My sense of RFK is he tunes in to the most likely place of leverage (or weakness) within the system – that he is trained to know about. And so there are loads of things he doesn’t give highlight to. He was brought into this by US mothers – despite misgivings – and became an advocate for transparency and accountability.
Again in this speech he didn’t even mention vaccines (if I recall) but the use of ‘pandemics and wars’ to leverage control over people. He have a speach addressing the same core sickness as Nazism in our times in support of human freedoms.

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Sep 5, 2020 5:44 PM

I am far from a big fan of FDR, but his famous statement in this age of the New Abnormal certainly rings true – “We have nothing to fear but fear itself.” Or even better yet from Frank Herbert:

“I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.”
― Frank Herbert, Dune

Ienot Mikhail
Ienot Mikhail
Sep 5, 2020 6:35 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

This “Litany Against Fear” is just SUPERB. Many thanks for quoting it..!

Sep 5, 2020 5:29 PM

Here’s the link.

Direct to the world bank / world integrated trade solution site.


Each product has a separate ID.

The list is from 2018.

This is the same kind of documentation that was on the Federal Register for the vaccine technology licensing in 2018 for Coronaviruses and mRNA vaccine technology licensing agreements that were patented in 2017 and applied for in 2016 at various patent offices.

All the vaccine technology extends from original gain of function virus technology done by bioweapons researchers in labs in the US and the vaccine technology itself is through international collaborations and grants with multiple academic institutions.

NIH also removed dozens of their own federal register notice listings from their website after the dozens of vaccine products and patents were exposed.

This fraud is global and has been going on since the 1950’s with the polio scare campaigns.

Vaccines are products designed to harm the health of humans, especially children, and contagious viruses are fiction.

Sep 5, 2020 6:26 PM
Reply to  Researcher

The NIH and the CDC are prime examples of the corrupt DC establishment or ‘swamp’ which Donald Trump promised to drain if elected. But it’s not easy; Trump the greatest outsider and anti-politician in US history is virtually alone in Washington (even the Republican establishment fear and hate him), and he can’t even fire career millionaire bureaucrat Dr Fauci, who has done his best to rubbish GCQ and prolong lockdown, just like the WHO, the Democrats, big pharma, Bill Gates and Xi Jinping all want. So we Trumpers really hope that Trump’s victory in November will empower him to remove the rot, especially now that he knows just how deep and extensive the swamp really is. In 2016, he was relatively ignorant; not any more.

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Sep 5, 2020 7:32 PM

Thanks for participating, Trumpbot.
Have a TrumpTreat.

Sep 5, 2020 10:56 PM
Reply to  Fact Checker

You’re a ray of sunshine in a dark winter, fact checker.

John Deehan
John Deehan
Sep 6, 2020 1:11 AM

Donald Trump was bailed out by the American Cosa Nostra, cerain financial Wall Street houses and mentored by Roy Cohn. Hardly draining the swamp more akin to opening the sluice gates.

Sep 5, 2020 6:39 PM
Reply to  Researcher

My head teacher had Polio, when he was a kid. He was extremely talented, but very disabled in one leg. He was a nice man, and he did his best for me. I took the Polio vaccine delivered on a sugar cube. The idea that all vaccines don’t work is as completely ridiculous as taking a flu vaccine now.

They weren’t actually trying to kill us after WWI and WWII. The human devastation was so appalling – some entire small towns in Lancashire such as Accrington, had lost nearly all their young men.

They were tring to keep the survivors alive.

Contagious viruses are not a fiction.

However, some of the stuff you write is correct.


Sep 5, 2020 7:25 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Polio cases can be traced to vaccination programs.

Sep 5, 2020 11:03 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Simplified, there are roughly two theories.

The one theory sees something which it calls a virus as an alien external invader, which unknown by the organism can wreck havock if the organism does not find ways to neutralize it soon enough. Hence vaccination, introduction of a weak form of the virus in order to prepare the body for the invader.

The second theory departs from the idea that only a compromised organism, already being in a state of susceptibility (which might not yet be expressed significantly) can be subject to the destructive effect of some type of organism-alien substance. Both physical and psychological conditions are considered to be the cause.

The latter theory has trust in the wisdom, so to speak, of nature, and assumes a certain power of the mind. The former is a distrusting outside enemy theory, where nature is hostile, and the mind has no power, it is a purely physical cause and effect. At best there is some negligible effect of the mind involved, though it is taken with a grain of salt.

Mind the characteristics of these two views, they tell you a lot.

Sep 5, 2020 11:57 PM
Reply to  John

There’s a third theory.

One that you did not consider. There never was a virus.

Multiple Studies Predicted Governments Become Authoritarian in Response to Pandemics.

Sep 6, 2020 2:30 AM
Reply to  Researcher

What are you saying, that there is no Covid virus? What I was referring to is the theories in general, not the specific Covid case (The Bill Gates Promo virus). Without Gates’ virus, we still have the concept of a virus.

The third theory then would be that there is no organism-alien patterned substance which can affect he organism, attack cells in the characteristic way like viruses are supposed to do (different from fungi, bacteria and what else)?

“Multiple Studies Predicted Governments Become Authoritarian in Response to Pandemics.”

You do not need studies to predict that, that medical science would be used in the way it is done can be predicted by knowledge of human nature. This also includes the ‘soft science’ of psychology by the way. That science in general would be abused has also already been foreseen long ago, you do not need to be a prophet or an expert to realize that.

Sep 8, 2020 6:54 PM
Reply to  John

That’s exactly what I’m saying. That the virus theory as dangerous pathogens is fictional.

In fact, the symptoms the CDC lists for Covid19, match radiation sickness and radiation poisoning, even including cytokine storm syndrome which has occurred after multiple radiation treatments and exposure.

So I would suggest that a contagious virus is as good a cover story as any for the multiple goals that are being achieved including mass vaccination, mass surveillance, censorship, travel restrictions, forced business closures, social re-engineering, the rollout of the 5g surveillance grid weapons system, economic re-engineering, data collection, gene modification, depopulation etc.

Any external toxin, when a population is exposed could appear like a virus. Whether that’s external radiation, tainted water, pesticide residues on food, airial spraying, heavy metals in soil, prescription drugs, or even vaccines themselves.

I don’t think viruses are contagious by aerosol droplet (if they exist) and I definitely don’t think that zoonotic transfer exists.

Sep 6, 2020 2:57 AM
Reply to  Researcher
Sep 8, 2020 6:32 PM
Reply to  John

That’s why there’s no virus.

The test kits are the DNA collection device for the immunity passport-global-ID-digital currency.

Sep 7, 2020 8:01 AM
Reply to  John

The human microbiome includes 60 trillion microbes. It contributes to metabolism, immunity and recovery. Many healthy people have “dangerous” microbes.

Sep 7, 2020 1:21 PM
Reply to  mgeo

I’m sure about that, though remember that it be bad taste to discuss such impressive trivia with a woman you are trying to win.

Sep 5, 2020 7:28 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Vaccines don’t work and polio was eradicated through sanitation, good nutrition, clean water and better living conditions.


Sep 5, 2020 7:32 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

UN Forced to Admit Gates-funded Vaccine is Causing Polio Outbreak in Africa


Polio Vaccination—Still Causing Polio After All These Years


History of vaccines.


When autopsies were done of the flu victims of 1918 by Anthony Fauci et al, they found they had died from a bacterial infection. There was no substantive evidenced of H1N1 as claimed.

The evidence for viral infection and transmission of viruses through droplets is almost non existent. What little exists, is paid for by the groups who benefit from pandemics and vaccination programs.

With the advent of electricity and radar and ever more radio frequency, tv and electro magnetic activity, it makes us more susceptible to infections and disease.

There are substances in vaccines in the adjuvants they are known to cause cancer and numerous other diseases.

The vaccines are not safe and they are unnecessary.

Sep 7, 2020 8:08 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Treating people for malnutrition and stress (from exploitation), and addressing pervasive exploitation and dangers (even food and medicine) is not in line with the supreme religion of the “free market”. However, rescuing this free market at public cost from time to time is reasonable.

Sep 5, 2020 9:21 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

You make the same error of assuming that because the effects are real in your direct experience, then the story provided is also real. Because the narrative tells you all you need or want to know it would never enter your mind to question it. Polio was coined to include many things, But is primarily resulting from neurotoxins. The same basic formulae as for covid applied. Big PR – Big fundraising. Big vax. Cures denied or ignored. Shifting of diagnostic parameters. Vax damage denied and assigned to different ‘diseases’. Simian Virus contamination with strong carcinogenic reaction kept secret while the vax proceeded unchanged. Transmission of paralyses via vax. All ‘too big to fail’. There is a history of which you are unaware – and perhaps would rather stay unaware. The good news is toxins don’t HAVE to be used biocidaly in Big Ag and cures such as very high dose vit C (IV in extremis), counters toxic damage. But when virology opens billion dollar markets from what should have been criminal proceedings or at least huge litigation for costs against them, toxicology is paralysed from having the funding or the voice to move or speak. Polio did not ‘spread’ in families. Many parts of the world never had an outbreak. People believe what they want to believe or what fits into what they already believe. Hence fear of virus has been cultivated and primed to leverage fear, funding, control, and compliance. There is no ‘contagious’ disease in the Ayurvedic or Chinese traditional models. Biology – as distinct from virology, is like Climatology as distinct from AGW focused ‘research’. Cells are symbiotic. They also communicate extracellularly. How humans interpret their world is always initially the projection of their own intentions. Cells produce ‘viruses’ under toxic stress, insult or exposure. If you… Read more »

Sep 6, 2020 2:08 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Have you read Janine Roberts ‘Fear of the Unknown’? She went to medical conferences or read the transcripts. ‘Primitive’ was the word used by the British vaccine safety officer to describe the monkey kidney soup. My sister got Polio in the late ’50s and had had the vaccine.

Sep 7, 2020 7:55 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Sugar going through the mouth and stomach can convey a vaccine?

flashlight joe
flashlight joe
Sep 5, 2020 7:23 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Was given a polio vaccine in spring of 1955. Three weeks later was in the hospital with polio. According to my Mom, it was a different kind of polio. Go figure. I don’t trust vaccines either.

Sep 5, 2020 8:01 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I did a simple search about 30 mins before i saw your comment .. “WITS covid-19 test kits 2018” . It came up in the top 4 so is very easy to find .

Sep 5, 2020 9:02 PM
Reply to  Andrea

Yeah. But Tony and Arselicker were claiming it needed to be checked for veracity.

It was obviously legitimate from the URL.

Sep 5, 2020 9:26 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I agree it does. I’ve been having a delve around .The HScode used is a code given to a “product category” rather than an actual product. PCR tests have been around for years so will have been imported/exported going back god knows how long. For “user” purposes it could be possible that by inputting Covid 19 Test into any search on the WITS site that instead of it defaulting to PCR Tests or whatever the “official” category is named, it just keeps your initial search wording there. I’ve never used the site before and am far from knowledgeable on how coding works. So over to those that have more technical understanding than I have.
Would dearly love to catch the xxxxs out but I’m not convinced that we have with this one.

Sep 5, 2020 11:00 PM
Reply to  Andrea


Sep 5, 2020 11:51 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Can you help me understand which of my sentences is false please. I have no desire to mislead anyone and just want to understand the info better. If what the data and wording looks to be on the surface are fool proof then I will be delighted and shouting about it from the hill tops as it could be a major turning point. However as I said when I delved around to better understand the HSCODE and how they are allocated I came to the conclusion I posted. So rather than such a sharp response to me please be kind and help me understand. We are on the same side and we all just want to get to the truth and get this nightmare over with. I have no agenda beyond that.

Sep 6, 2020 2:27 AM
Reply to  Andrea

That it needs to be checked.

The date says it all and so does the Covid19 reference all over the page, even at the bottom. There are no other years or other kits.

The world bank does not send out PCR diagnostic kits to the world. This is the first time it’s happened.
They are paying for this operation that’s why it’s on their site.

Are you being obtuse on purpose?
Have you not seen PLANDEMIC?

There’s a paper trail a mile long. This is just more proof in a long list of evidence.

Sep 6, 2020 10:06 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Yes there are Covid references all over the page however where are those references being pulled from? These are in Bold, which leads me to think that these references are pulled from the search criteria. Also it references Covid Test Kits/Instruments, apparatus used in Diagnostic Testing. PCR tests are instruments, apparatus used in diagnostic testing. A more common “laymans” term is now Covid 19 test. Therefore “is it possible” that for user friendly reasons this terminology has been added.
Just because I am questioning this data does not mean I don’t believe that this whole covid situ is a scam. I just prefer to not take anything at face value and question everything no matter which side of the coin the info is coming from.
I sincerely hope you are right and I am wrong with my thoughts on this data. However I am not prepared to except it as conclusive proof when I can see possible gaps in it.

Sep 7, 2020 1:40 PM
Reply to  Andrea

“these references are pulled from the search criteria”

It is a well known fraudulent technique that websites dish up texts which are used in searches in search engines, in order to direct the people to that site, though the content of the site does not really related to the search phrase.

For a serious site to mix search data with existing matching data would be u curious thing.

I’ve been experimenting, as your suspicion makes sense.

Now try this:


What we are seeing here is not what that what paranoia all too easily accepts to be?

Sep 8, 2020 7:03 AM
Reply to  John

I think the wording I used ie “search criteria” confused things. I am not IT orientated so clearly have not used the right terminology. When I said “search” criteria I wasn’t talking about the URL. As I think you have figured out John I was talking about how you search for the info once in the data base/system.

John the First
John the First
Sep 8, 2020 12:52 PM
Reply to  Andrea

The URL is a user friendly URL which contains a conversion into \search criterium\ of the parameterized search criteria. A known technique.
The datasheet does not need to be made of fixed data from a database system, it can be made of fixed components being pulled together and data calculated on the fly. Obviously, the user friendly URL pulls up ‘data’ according to its part.

Sep 8, 2020 7:01 PM
Reply to  Andrea

I checked the website. The only time it has been changed is on the day it was exposed 4th and on the 6th.

Therefore your theory is FALSE.

Sep 8, 2020 9:45 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Reseacher I have no problem with you disagreeing with my theory however to write FALSE in capital letters comes across as a little aggressive and has an undertone of accusation to it. I may be wrong in my theory, in your opinion, but I am NOT being deliberately misleading as you have implied. So far there is nothing in any of your responses that you have given to me that has helped me understand how I may be wrong. So it’s clear this is going nowhere and no matter what I say it’s likely you will throw more accusations at me so let’s agree to disagree on this one.

Sep 7, 2020 1:45 PM
Reply to  Andrea

Now try this:


“All Countries did not exports Medical Test kits to World in 2016”

If you know the search technique in the URL, you might find data again,if you know how to replace country/ALL

And so forth:


Actually one should have the reference URL, the start page which contains the search form.

Sep 7, 2020 1:50 PM
Reply to  Andrea

In short, basically your search reference theory appears to be right. And your alleged obtuseness amounts to keenness.

Sep 7, 2020 2:01 PM
Reply to  John

As a programmer, thinking about it, technically it makes sense. Say you’d be a retailer, in 2020 you ad a new item to the catalog of what you buy and sell. You could then automatically search the previous years on that item and get a sheet of data, possibly many of the columns which present numbers consist of fixed data which does not change over the years? At any rate, it requires expertise to explain more of it.

Sep 8, 2020 7:02 PM
Reply to  John

Except it wasn’t changed until after it was exposed.

I checked the wayback machine for all the URLS.

John the First
John the First
Sep 8, 2020 8:00 PM
Reply to  Researcher

“Exposed”, you could be a good author of conspiracies, the sheet which is publicly available on the internet has been ‘exposed’. Right on, that’s how you do it, use literary devices to create the tension of suspicion.
It is interesting to see how ‘the people’ engage in creating their own drama of oppression including the building of a narrative with literary devices.
Surely everyone needs drama, but I feel like I am in a low brow movie or the second act of a democratic drama with the title ‘The Low Brows’ Detectives,The People versus The Elites’?

Sep 7, 2020 2:11 PM
Reply to  Andrea

It also appears something has changed,

“The data here track previously existing medical devices that are now classified by the World Customs Organization as critical to tackling COVID-19″

Had this text been there before? It appears also the product description has changed. Nothing which paranoia has can make a fact of righteousness from though. They could have centrally changed the name of the item, now listed as ‘Medical Test Kits’.

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Sep 7, 2020 6:32 PM
Reply to  John

This could be a legitimate correction, after some “metadata overreach” created erroneous entries, or it could be an ongoing damage-control scrub.

No way of knowing.

EDIT: The emotionally-loaded term “tackling” in the new disclaimer suggests this is a phony, overwrought excuse. “Tackling” is the language of a propagandist, not the actuaries who seem otherwise to manage this system.

John the First
John the First
Sep 8, 2020 1:10 PM
Reply to  Fact Checker

What happened is that the evil men on top gave orders down the hierarchy to prepare for the covid-19 scam, finding out through their spies that conspiracy theorists found evidence of preparation as the name of the virus had not been officially published at that time in 2018. They themselves then called the head of the programmer section, and shouted, ‘what do these programmer morons not understand about the number 19 in the name of the virus!’, ‘change that data immediately’. The programmers then, being used to thinking logically, without much imagination, legitimately replied that they could not have known that 19 stood for the year of discovery, as listing an item for a problem not yet discovered seemed not logical.

Sep 8, 2020 7:03 PM
Reply to  Fact Checker

I checked the wayback machine. They are just covering their asses. It was not changed before the exposure date. Not ever.

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Sep 9, 2020 4:00 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Nice work, Researcher.

Sep 8, 2020 8:59 AM
Reply to  John

I was looking at the WITS site on sat and also researching HScodes on other sites to understand how things were classified and coded. I don’t recall seeing this wording being used on any site I visited. So I believe it is new wording and has possibility been changed sometime between sun and early mon (BST).

Sep 8, 2020 7:05 PM
Reply to  Andrea

So are you going to admit you were wrong?

The wayback machine and url history are solid proof.

Sep 5, 2020 4:58 PM

My boss who s a very smart guy (kidding), and thinks I m nuts and conspiracist, told me that is circulating the theory, that the virus was made to make people die, so I suppose when vaccines will be out he s going to get it the sooner possible, so he can survive, not to lose a great mind like that…

Sep 5, 2020 5:14 PM
Reply to  15v15

The virus is in the vaccine.

Viruses aren’t contagious by aerosol droplets.

Sep 5, 2020 6:28 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I can’t buy unsupported claims like that. Evidence?

Sep 5, 2020 7:34 PM

Find me the paper that shows they are. It doesn’t exist.

Sep 5, 2020 9:37 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Toxins are blown around or settle in certain topological and meteorological conditions. They can and do travel the globe and can enter the atmosphere from outside as well as from volcanic or human industrial activities. Viral response to toxins then seems to be a contagion. Fred Hoyle and others extensively researched this but under the belief that it is viruses that travel. _IF_ any extracellular communication moves within or between species, it runs on the similar basis as media messaging. It has to find receptive terrain in which to operate AS information that MAY include instructions. Where I feel this does happen is the Biome – as inclusive of the microbiome. But again – not as ‘infection’ so much as quantum level communications. “It may shock you to know that all the world’s bacteria have access to a single gene pool, which has provided an immense resource for adaptation, manifesting an array of breathtaking combinations and re-combinations for three billion years! Any bacterium—at any time—has the ability to use accessory genes, provided by other strains, which permits it to function in ways its own DNA may not cover. The global trading of genes through DNA re-combinations provides for almost endless adaptation possibilities. Therefore, what has been done to one has been done to all. Widespread use of antibacterial agents is both futile and disastrous. Future life sciences and medicine will comprehend the more effective use of agents to stimulate positive adaptation of bacteria resulting in chains of supportive symbiosis. In the presence of love, these positive adaptations naturally occur. In the presence of hatred and fear, negative and resistant strains of bacteria are more likely. Life forms are ever changing, and yet the basic chemistry of life remains the same. Do not cling to forms that are passing, but seek… Read more »

John Ervin
John Ervin
Sep 5, 2020 4:51 PM

TUESDAY NIGHT (SEPTEMBER 8) BROADCAST COVERAGE OF RFK JR. AUGUST 29 SPEECH IN BERLIN & GARY NULL COMMENTARY (ALL CURRENT COVID RELATED) AT KPFK.ORG (LOS ANGELES) — ARCHIVED FOR 60 DAYS (STREAMING ONLY) “SOMETHING’S HAPPENING” SHOW: TUESDAY NIGHT, Sept. 8 12-1 Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. “Truth” SEPTEMBER 04, 2020 Season 2, Episode 1 of “TRUTH” with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. In the first episode of our second season “TRUTH” with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., he and Vaxxed 2’s Polly Tommey covered a variety of topics including: The inaccuracy of mainstream news accounts of the August 29 Berlin Protest: wrong on the numbers and wrong on the nature of the rally itself Similarities between what’s happening today and the origins of Nazism in Germany: censorship and creating fear. How authoritarian efforts are destroying the middle class while tech barons such as Gates, Zuckerberg, and Bezos are making billions Creating a new form of media among “awakened” people to counter the misinformation of mainstream media Vaccine mandates CHD’s lawsuit against the University of California for mandating flu shots for all faculty, staff and students Dr. Fauci’s tenure at the NIH The launch of CHD’s new publication, The Defender, on September 10 Waterkeepers: What it is and how it started (All episodes can be found on CHD’s social media, and on the CHD Channel found on Peeps TV, a network on Roku. Roku is accessible from any Smart TV and can be purchased separately for older TVs.) Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. CHD is planning many strategies, including legal, in an effort to defend the health of our children and obtain justice for those already injured. Your support is essential to CHD’s successful mission. http://www.childrenshealthdefense.org GARY NULL SHOWS: Listening to Gary’s… Read more »

Sep 5, 2020 4:39 PM

Why does it take so long to approve a comment?

Sep 5, 2020 3:17 PM

Will you look at this.

Alison McDowell consistently has more solid knowledge of the economy of power informing this agenda than most other commentators.
But she’s an unreconstructed hippy acedemic so everybody is programmed to give her little weight.
Where’s the moderate left?
There she is.
Othered into near irrelevance.

Sep 5, 2020 3:48 PM
Reply to  Croach

This needs to be verified. Got a tweet this morning with 2018 on it for distribution to countries. It’s smashes the whole plandemic cognitive dissonance that’s in full effect.

Sep 5, 2020 4:54 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

I agree it needs to be verified. Entire websites, can be cloned and edited, but it looks pretty legit to me as does Alison McDowell. None of this should surprise anyone. The evidence that This COVID-19 bollocks, and associated “Economic Events”, have been well planned, gamed and tested for years is overwhelming. If you have got absolutely loads of money, it is not difficult to recruit absolutely loads of people, and do numerous psyop tests on them, to be pretty confident, you can pull this off on a world wide scale.

How long it will last is another matter. My recent personal interactions with real people face to face, indicated to me, that they think it is a load of bollocks too, and quite happily take off their masks, when asked.

However, this terrified me, though I do like his Derbyshire/Yorkshire hand built brick wall (its to keep the sheep in) He has a very similar accent to me, but I couldn’t watch all of this. It was making me feel ill.

“Ritual Public Shaming”


Sep 5, 2020 5:13 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Everything you post is disinfo and minimizing. You do it constantly. For all the people who say they’ve seen you post this crap for years, they just don’t realize you are part of the disinfo.

You should be ashamed.

Sep 5, 2020 6:12 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Your verbal attack on me, made me blush. I guess the reason you did it, is because I linked to Paul Joseph Watson aka Alex Jones’ – young kid running mate. So you assume, I am a right wing nutjob.

The last time I voted was for a prospective Labour MP. She didn’t get in, but I did vote for her. The reason I did was because I thought Jeremy Corbyn, who I have seen cycling on a Sunday afternoon, whilst waiting for a bus to go to the pub, was the best hope of saving the Labour Party from the right wing Fascists such as Tony Blair and Sir Keir Starmer.

You should do more Research, before you lash out your vent on people like me, or change your handle. You give the impression of being about 17.


Sep 5, 2020 6:27 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

No. It’s because you suggested it was cloned.

You clicked on the link.

You cannot clone a URL.

I’m tired of seeing your off topic posts and your theories about how you believe the virus is real.

You are trying to minimize how important that WITS/World Bank website is with some link I didn’t bother clicking on.

Yes. I do believe when you post about yourself constantly, on topics where people’s lives and livelihoods are hanging in the balance is at the least narcissistic and minimizing and at the most purposefully distracting and disinformation.

Sep 5, 2020 6:31 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

You give the impression of an old fool, or an egocentric prick.

I didn’t click your damn link.

I don’t have adverse opinions of left and right because they don’t exist.

People who believe in the left or the right are hoodwinked.

I do not post links to disinformation, and if your link has anything to do with Alex Jones then it is disinformation and meant to incite people into feeling antipathy towards people for their political views.

Sep 5, 2020 6:43 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I found nothing in Tony’s post to justify your attack. Why not disprove his claims with evidence?

Dave Lawton
Dave Lawton
Sep 5, 2020 11:08 PM
Reply to  Researcher

And tell me what medical research were you involved in? Oh the Variola Virus virus can travel a mile on air currents.

Sep 5, 2020 6:18 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

All this stuff mixing mentions of black lives matter protests into covid discussion is to provide cover for the racist nature of the covid cult. Vitamin D is a main factor and people of colour died in e.g. new york disproportionately because the germ theory is racist. the germ theory is also very similar to racism conditioning people into well germ theory as opposed to terrain theory.


Sep 5, 2020 6:41 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

This link takes you to Paul Joseph Watson’s excellent new video on how BLM public shaming strongly resembles what happened during the ’Cultural Revolution’ (ie communist terror and elimination of all those with opposing opinion) in China. It is indeed terrifying. Sadly, many posters here only ever trust other leftists, not ‘free speech extremists’ like the fearless Watson. That way they can learn nothing. But relevant to your point about money buying influence and media control may be this report on Gates’ latest investment:


Sep 5, 2020 4:56 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

I just went to the site. It’s real. It’s not a clone. Each item has an individual code therfore it’s not metadata. Each country has a breakdown.

This explains why the IMF was attempting to bribe the Belarus President to lockdown.

As I have been consistently stating the IMF, WHO, UN, WEF, World Bank, BIS are behind this Covid19 fraud and the lockdown.

Central banks control nations, and the institutions within each nation such as governments, security state apparatus and militaries.

Sep 5, 2020 6:51 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I can agree with much of this, except your claim that ‘central banks control nations’. Mere profiteering rarely drives tyrants, if at all. Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Xi, the mad Mullahs were/are all motivated by much more grandiose dreams and utopian visions than the bankers they seek to control. I also find it most interesting that the global institutions you list all see Donald Trump as enemy #1, not today’s unelected tyrants. Logically, that fear and loathing should make Trump your great hope, as it did for me.

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Sep 5, 2020 6:06 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

Interestingly, the 2018 entry contains the following references. (Notice the “2nd Edition”.)

HS Nomenclature used HS 2017

HS Code 300215: COVID-19 Test kits

HS Classification Reference based on Covid-19 medical supplies list 2nd edition, prepared by World Customs Organization (WCO) and World Health Organization (WHO)

The link to this “2nd Edition” text is a dead end. “Page not found.” Seems to suggest an incomplete scrub?

Jan J
Jan J
Sep 5, 2020 4:31 PM
Reply to  Croach

That’s from The World Bank site. It can’t Be fake, so either it’s a real proof of planning, OR It can be some kind of metadata renaming. We do this all the time at work, we rename a metadata item description to better fit current realities with the effect that historic description (but not DATA) also changes. maybe it used to say PCR kits, now They renamed it Covid19 kits and it applies retroactively. Of course, anyone could check this simple hypothesis by checking if they (the WB) have other categories for PCR tests.

Sep 5, 2020 4:41 PM
Reply to  Jan J

No. This is proof.

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Sep 5, 2020 6:13 PM
Reply to  Jan J

None of that would explain the source, according to the references at the bottom of the pages, as “Covid-19 medical supplies list, 2nd edition.”

Not that I’m not open to alternative explanations, but the metadata-overreach theory doesn’t account for the specificity of the data source.

Jan J
Jan J
Sep 5, 2020 7:51 PM
Reply to  Fact Checker

Good catch. But can they be that stupid? That’s why I’m a bit hesitant on this… Looking more at the data, we see Switzerland up there. Is that because of Roche perhaps? They seem to hold the patent for PCR tests and they are big in diagnostics… A good question to ask at this point is if PCR tests are “generic” or primed for a certain viral DNA at manufacture? I.e the DNA that is amplified, is it chosen at the “swab” level or the “laboratory” level? This would matter to the extent things can be “premanufactured”. I myself have no idea but would like to know.

Sep 5, 2020 9:11 PM
Reply to  Jan J

They’re not using the PCR tests to detect a virus. The virus doesn’t exist except in a lab. They are collecting DNA and probably covertly delivering a biological.

Jan J
Jan J
Sep 5, 2020 9:27 PM
Reply to  Researcher

The PCR test does test and amplify for a segment of DNA, if that is COV SARS2, some random junk DNA or whatever is surely up for debate, but my point here was more if the test kit is a tabula rasa or pre-primed for a genetic sequence. To establish if the kit itself can be made in advance. But whatever. And while I believe COVID19 to be an actual conspiracy, I find it hard to believe my local GP would be in on it. Besides, he already has my DNA by the buckets 🙂

Sep 5, 2020 11:19 PM
Reply to  Jan J

You do NOT KNOW that they are using the RT-PCR test at all.

The tests go to a lab. We do not know what happens to those tests. We do not know if they run a test at all and neither does your GP. All he gets is a notification from a lab.

Patients in hospitals were marked Covid19 when they had tested negative. Some people had not received the results of their tests back after 2 weeks.

Some people who never were tested were contacted and told they tested positive.

You are assuming they are doing what they claim and I know for a fact that they have lied about almost everything from the beginning.


I have read the patents. I have seen the agreement. This is the technology they claim is in the mRNA vaccine.

That agreement was first signed between the NIH and Moderna starting in 2015.

This is fraud to claim it is a novel virus when it is not a novel virus and no virus has been proven to exist.

There are a dozen smoking guns, yet you pretend that this still isn’t proof.

Sep 7, 2020 9:04 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Are swabs from deep in the nose novel? Seems like a good way to introduce infection – to sustain a minimum level of panic and emergency laws. The claim is that it is better than a throat swab. Why not a blood – at least for those about to be discharged? Is it because there is no evidence of infection in blood?

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Sep 6, 2020 12:27 AM
Reply to  Jan J

But can they be that stupid?”

The most glaring takeaway from the Event 201 phenomenon is that THEY DON’T CARE IF PEOPLE KNOW and maybe even THEY WANT PEOPLE TO KNOW.

The Event 201 roundtable participants don’t even speak in the future conditional tense. They speak in the future imperative tense.

It is nothing less than a videographed, publicized record of a conspiracy. And they want it out there. Because the discoverer has only two choices: 1.) doublethink and continue to subscribing to the Narrative and thereby semi-consciously joining the conspiracy, because grappling with the Truth is too much to bear; or 2.) accept authentically that the conspiracy is self-evident, but there is still nothing you can do about it and thereby being exquisitely aware of your impotence and the their omnipotence. Either way, the Machine benefits: it either gets a new loyal bio-slave, or utterly demoralizes a would-be challenger.

(There’s also Option 3: the viewer not understanding what on Earth they’re looking at let alone its implications. I think the vast majority of humanity falls into that category, and like Westworld‘s Dolores, “It doesn’t look like anything at all to them!”)

This particular revelation could just be an oversight born of sloppiness by World Bank functionaries. The sloppiness itself is born of self-assurance, apathy about the Herd’s level of knowledge, and confidence that the Great Reset is a fait accompli.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Sep 6, 2020 2:09 AM
Reply to  Fact Checker

Not an oversight. Everything you say is 100% correct, no need for last paragraph.

It’s revelation of the method.

This quote says what you say in different words.

The purpose of propaganda is not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponds to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control.
Edited quote from Theodore Dalrymple, aka Anthony Daniels, British psychiatrist.
​My emphasis.

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Sep 6, 2020 3:08 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

You’ve definitely got me there.
Very apropos quote.

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Sep 5, 2020 5:48 PM
Reply to  Croach

It’s actually quite astonishing how little attention McDowell is getting.

Her meticulously-researched and -documented findings flesh out the precise picture of what is being rolled out, in excruciating (and morbidly fascinating) detail and magisterial scope. She has even pounded the pavement like the kind of beat reporter that hasn’t really existed since the internet was born, going to conferences of the Constructors and gathering primary source documents.

She answers the rhetorical questions that seem to finish most of the articles on Off-Guard, Corbett Report, etc. She answers, concretely, all the questions of “what is the endgame? what is the vision? what do old Billy-Boy and Muskie have in mind once they’ve got us all pig-chipped?”

She is telling the next chapter of what is in store for everyone, but even freethinkers are ignoring her. I think part of it must be that it feels safer to keep things in the realm of speculation, and to stare directly at the headlamp of the freight train barreling at us is too much to bear, even for hardened truthers.

(Plus some of her hippie-dippiness can be off-putting, especially her bias in favor of “little brown bodies” and against “whiteness,” but c’mon, everybody is motivated by some ideology or another, and when it impels somebody to do singularly revelatory work like she is doing, you’ve got to take the good with the bad.)

EDIT: Posted comment before clicking the link. Holy shit, WTF???

Sep 5, 2020 6:08 PM
Reply to  Fact Checker

Yeah. I found dozens of patents and dozens of documents on the NIH site proving they have been running a racketeering operation for years in conjunction with dozens of the most prestigious universities in the world like Harvard, Stanford. MIT, etc, under the direction of DARPA, US Air Force, IARPA, NIAID, Mitre, Rockefeller Foundation and Navy Intel.

The proof is there for any journalist who cares to dig.

Nobody is digging. They aren’t looking on purpose. It’s off limits.

Sep 5, 2020 6:25 PM
Reply to  Croach

This link is apparently from 2018 mentions ‘COVID-19 Diagnostic Test instruments’. I haven’t visited tho. wits.worldbank.org/tariff/trains/en/country/CAN/partner/ALL/nomen/h5/product/902780

Sep 5, 2020 9:05 PM
Reply to  Simon


Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Sep 5, 2020 2:50 PM

Weird how a mock of the covid panic turns in to a 9/11 nut-bar venting session, featuring the inside job nonsense? A number of successful conspiracies and several wars were spawned by this Saudi air attack on the bankster towers .

S Cooper
S Cooper
Sep 5, 2020 3:35 PM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

“nut-bar venting session”

Pray tell, who specifically do you mean? Tell us why you believe them to be a “nut-bar.” Please be detailed. Thank You.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Sep 5, 2020 7:57 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

I did not use the term” nut bar venting session” but wish I had ?Those who introduced the 9/11 inside job CIA inside joke into a mocking article on the covid panic scam is who I refer to. Glean the comments to establish who began this off topic nonsense.

Sep 5, 2020 3:37 PM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

consider the possibility that this is the wrong forum for your Official Conspiracy Theory disinfo.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Sep 5, 2020 7:50 PM
Reply to  THX-1143

You should have done that before going off topic with your silly disinformation.

Sep 5, 2020 3:56 PM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

Totally agree.
Already wondering when someone will throw JFK into the mix just to make their point?

Sep 5, 2020 3:59 PM
Reply to  NoNickYet

I hear it was a Magic Bullet what dunnit.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Sep 5, 2020 8:08 PM
Reply to  THX-1143

It was proven the satisfaction of most Americans that “the smoking man” from the X-Files assassinated JFK .Thinking of viruses that series with it various biological attacks is being rerun on Amazon Prime and seems a lot less campy this time around.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 5, 2020 5:38 PM
Reply to  NoNickYet

You are either trolls or stuck in an ancient and long since collapsed media model.

Sep 5, 2020 5:57 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Okay, I’ll admit it, I’m a troll

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Sep 5, 2020 8:08 PM
Reply to  NoNickYet

Me too, but then troll has hundreds of definitions these days?

Grace Johns
Grace Johns
Sep 5, 2020 7:28 PM
Reply to  NoNickYet

Perhaps your in your expertise can explain to us how a bullet goes in one side of a man, exits, turns around and goes back in the other then

Sep 5, 2020 5:26 PM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

I agree the discussion below, got really silly, but if you think 9/11 was a Saudi air attack, you are as naive as Petra, who I can no longer be bothered arguing with. She has got the religion “Everything is Fake”, cos many Terrorist events are faked. I happen to know someone who was in one of The Twin Towers, when they were being demolished. No one told her it was just a psychological event. She, the grandmother phoned the mother of twin baby girls my wife was childminding. Then the phone went dead. For 36 hours we thought she was too. She was very lucky. She disobeyed instructions, ran down the stairs as the fireman were running up, and ran for her life across the streets of New York. Nukes work too – look at the state of Beirut – and that was just a tiny one.
Some people annoy me, but if they have got the religion, there is no point in arguing with them. They usually mean well, its just that they are a bit thick. A part of their brain, has been switched off, and occupied with mush. Most people can’t take the truth, because it is so terrifying.


Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Sep 5, 2020 8:11 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Please read Chomsky on the dangers of the false intimacy encouraged on the Internet , and quit boring me with your alleged lifes details. A form of trolling that I find annoying.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 5, 2020 5:41 PM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

Actually it was the mock of COVID that is the later event. The mistrust of the official story was primary. But then you don’t exactly have your finger on the pulse.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Sep 5, 2020 7:59 PM
Reply to  George Mc

The 9/11 report is the official story buttressed by the CIA inside job/inside joke/misinformation campaign, and you have bought it lock stock and thermite paint !!!

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Sep 5, 2020 8:14 PM
Reply to  George Mc

The story/article we are commenting on now, reread my post slowly perhaps?

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Sep 5, 2020 6:25 PM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

Written by a man who obviously believes that three huge steel beamed skyscrapers, still with asbestos cladded fireproof beams, can be dropped into their own footprint by collisions with two jets. First time in human history that any steel beamed high rise has ever collapsed from fire, yet three in one day. I am sure it is just a coincidence.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Sep 5, 2020 7:35 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

You may believe what you wish it won’t make it true? Your post is off topic. The article is a mock of the covid scam.That the deep state offed JFK MLK and RFK among hundreds of others in the 1960s-70s, The Gulf of Tonkin incident did not happen, Reagan’s CIA became the largest cocaine distribution network on Earth and he was aware of that, the Saudis brought down the bankster towers, there were no WMDs in Iraq, neither North Korea or Iran has deliverable nukes, and the Covid panic is a monstrous lie, are just facts we chose to avoid

Sep 5, 2020 7:50 PM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

So were ‘the Saudis’ motivated by the CIA, their hate for bankers, money, Islamist hate for infidels, or something else? Evidence for your favoured theory please. About covid; the Wuhan team were doing dual function or ‘gain of function’ research, ie collecting and investigating deadly new pathogens that might cause future pandemics in order to develop vaccines etc, but also identifying potential new bioweapons for the huge and fast expanding Chinese military. Chinese communists, of course, love the fact that very useful leftists hate and demonise the Americans as much as or even more than they do.


Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Sep 5, 2020 8:52 PM

I’ve been asked and answered this question at length dozens of times on these comment sites . The Saudis pre 9/11 were losing position and prestige in the mid-east . Finessing us into an attack on Iraq Syria , the real and very successful conspiracy , while distancing us from Egypt and Turkey and even Israel is now closer to the Saudi and Russian regimes , has reshuffled the roster in that region to Saudi Arabia’s distinct advantage. Biological warfare/terrorism/covid were always on the cards as Mr Kurzweils Singularity emerges. it is now the drop in replacement for Islamic terrorism . There are no longer any Chinese communists since Mao died.

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Sep 5, 2020 9:45 PM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

Right! Let’s focus on the covid-1984 scam. The 9/11 FF has been essentially solved by anyone with two working synapses and the will and desire to do so. In truth, it was a sloppy operation in terms of a cover-up. Had more holes in the official story than a round of Swiss cheese hit by both barrels of 12 gauge bird shot. And the covid-1984 operation is for all the marbles. But I regard it as a high risk operation despite the fact that the “cabal” or whatever one wishes to call this group owns the media, big pharma, big ag, the governments, “education” from the cradle, and “medicine.” I see a glimmer of hope in this. Why did they take such a big risk? Here are some possible answers.
1) They regard the 99.999% as too brain dead to figure it out and think beyond the fear porn. Maybe they are right. As Goebbels said, “Tell a lie big enough and repeat it constantly, and the public will come to believe it.”
2) Even if much of the public does see through it, they still control all the assets necessary for survival as well as the instruments of force if need be..
3) But here is the glimmer of hope. While the internet was created as an instrument for eventual total mind control, they underestimated humanity’s creativity and ability to use it as an instrument of self-education. They needed to lock down the planet in an Orwellian nightmare before it was too late. This forced them to move up their time table to their detriment.

Not to name names, there is a commenter here who is probably too bright to believe what he writes, and his primary job is as a distraction. Don’t fall for it.

Sep 5, 2020 2:50 PM

For the people who agree with “Dors” and for anyone who believes there must be a virus, otherwise why would China show videos of people collapsing? Yeah. Why would China show videos of people collapsing? China is one of the most surveilled, secretive and censored countries in the world. And China is in conflict with America, in trade wars, Hong Kong, and 5g, supposedly. Yet, they let the world see what they did in response to this “virus”. That is highly suspicious. The world comes together for a virus, because they all care about citizenry health so much. That simply defies logic. The enemy concept of nation states is fictionalized and hyped so that populations believe that “their” government is protecting them from the dreaded “other” ‘bad’ people in a foreign land. Yet they all work together like best pals in the UN. Do you see the disconnect? America and China squabble with each other in the “media” yet Google/CIA give their AI to China, US corporations give their IP to China and the NIH-DARPA fund the Wuhan bioweapon lab in the millions. Do you see the hypocrisy? Political parties act like mortal enemies in the lead up to an election, yet work together against the people when they pass unpopular bills. Do you see the pattern? Divide and conquer. The nation state as a “protector” is an illusion. It’s a psychological trick. In reality, the nation state interferes with your life in ways they really don’t have the right or the reason. Conspiracies happen every day: When corporations shred studies proving harm. When PhRMA executives bribe government officials. When governments hide corruption by feigning incompetence. When banks are caught laundering money. When cartels are rigging markets or price fixing. When corporations cook their books with the help of accounting… Read more »

Sep 5, 2020 2:35 PM

Please remember what covid-19 is about. It certainly isn’t a virus. It is about eugenics. Eugenics does not and never will have any scientific basis….It is based primarily on how a person looks, how usefull are they…..if they are useless we get rid of them.

We have seen the advent of quarentine camps in some countries, other countries will follow.
The target is to get rid of the ‘useless’.

A +ve PCR test, whilst having nothing to do with covid-19, will buy you a ticket to a quarentine camp.

Q. how do we get rid of the bodies?

A. covid-19 is a deadly virus that has claimed thousands upon thousands of lives. These people tested +positive they have sadly lost their lives to covid-19

Sep 5, 2020 2:44 PM
Reply to  tish

The oppressed of the world have been under a Eugenics Watch for thousands of years. They are used, then used up, then disposed of. ANYONE who imagines they have a right to rule over others is, by default, a member of the Eugenics Club, divine right monarchs being Charter Members.

Sep 5, 2020 5:04 PM
Reply to  Howard

Thanks for your reply Howard the term Eugenics was thought of by a man called Sir Francis Galton in the UK around 200 years ago. It was basically about who he thought could breed and who he thought should not breed. He basically used his breeding hypothesis on photographs and measurements. The photographs were taken inside workhouses, prisons and poor areas. He measured heads, length of foreheads, distance between eyes among other things. His theory was basically only the affluent shoud breed and those whose photographs and measurements he had taken should be discouraged from breeding. These photographs and measurements were compiled into a book.

The Nazis took to the theory of eugenics for selective breeding od an Ayrian race.

Eugenics was welcomed with open arms in US in fact enforced sterilisation was still being carried out in some states in 1974

This is of some importance since genetic theory was a well known and research based science long before 1974.

It is my belief that eugenics is ultimately the end game of covid-19 fiasco.

Sep 5, 2020 6:02 PM
Reply to  tish

American Eugenics was very active and already implemented throughout government with medical experiments.

They exported that theory to Germany and Hitler.

America and Great Britain supported Hitler in secret and created WWII to weaken Germany and destroy Russia.

Eugenicists run the world.

When Eugenics became unpopular after WWII, they changed its name to crypto-eugenics, then social biology, and now it’s called bioethics. But Eugenics is actually at the heart of modern allopathic medicine, through the genome project, vaccines, virology, and the neurological sciences including psychology and psychiatry.

The vaccines are designed to change DNA and the bodies’ immune response to create a sub class of humans while killing off the weak, immune compromised and elderly.

The central bankers are all eugenicists like Bill Gates, Ted Turner, Fauci, Zuckerberg, Soros and Musk.

They have ancestral clubs, secret societies, belong to Greek sororities and fraternities at academic institutions, which hide the malevolence of the cryptocracy cabal’s true beliefs.

They believe genetics, races, blood type and genetic traits determine intelligence and character, therefore they believe they are inherently superior and should dominate and decide who lives and who dies.

They have no empathy or compassion, since those traits are not encouraged within their families or friends and are actively consciously discouraged.

They populate the media, entertainment industry, academia, government and industry and they enrich themselves through their proximity to the top of the pyramid of money, through inherited wealth and social status, and through their direct access to insider information.

People have been falsely taught they live in a democracy or a meritocracy where anybody can achieve wealth and power but that is a lie, since economic mobility is almost impossible in a world that is so tightly controlled by psychopaths and sociopaths.

Sep 5, 2020 8:19 PM
Reply to  Researcher

People have been falsely taught that democracy has failed. Hitler did the same, and it’s absurdly naive. There only ultimately two forms of government: that which controls people (autocracy, dictatorship, empire etc) or that which is controlled or at least greatly limited by a defined people or demos (democracy). Only democracy prevents endless tyranny through regular elections; only democracy gives power to the people to reject and replace frauds and failures or choose radically new agendas; only democracy confers greatness to those who successfully serve the national interest instead of their own; only democracy obliges leaders and ruling classes to serve them rather than enslave them; only democracy allows entire peoples to have a say in determining their collective future; only democracy allows peaceful revolutions through the ballot box (as with Brexit and Trump). All of which means those who spit at democracy and the dumb plebs are the very useful tools of the globalist elites, who do exactly the same thing.

Sep 5, 2020 9:19 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Father of eugenics was Sir Francis Galton…..he just said who he thought shouldn’t breed. US may well have taken up the baton then with enforced sterilisation.
Hitler used eugenics and genocide in an attempt to realise his ‘dream’
Certainly, overt eugenic practice was evident in USup until 1974.

Sep 5, 2020 9:30 PM
Reply to  tish

The time and state of the world is ripe for eugenic theory to be applied once more….covid-19 has laid the ground for Gates et al to bring in their own brand of eugenics. I know all types of pseudonyms cover what it actually is………yes, we need to rid the world of ‘useless eaters’ is their belief.
A deadly virus needs a vaccine…..call Bill He has a few to deliver I just weep for the world

Sep 5, 2020 9:34 PM
Reply to  tish

I cut meself off half way through researcher. The missing bit ia awaiting approval !

Sep 5, 2020 10:58 PM
Reply to  tish

Galton was just keeping it in the family -check out his cousins and his cousin’s backers. This agenda has been going on far longer than 200 years. Wiki is totally disinformation…..

Sep 6, 2020 3:06 PM
Reply to  Mikalina

Hello Mikalina, yes I know Galton was the cousin of Charles Darwin-I know when Darwin set off on tour of The Galapagos Island, he went on a ship hms Beagle and it was someone with the name FitzRoy who gave Darwin the opportunity to sail with them, in the capacity of naturalist who backed that….it’s a long time since I went to school. That is memory from school not wiki.

Yes, it is a rose by any other name would smell as sweet’ were eugenics is concerned, of course the pratice had gone on under different names for more than 200 years. However, it was Sir Francis Galton who coined the term ‘Eugenics’ he is in fact know as the father of eugenics….again memory from school

For Galton ‘eugenics’ meant well born therefore suggesting wealth or wealthy people should procreate in opposition to the people who were basically poor, in prison, or in lunatic asylums…he compiled his ‘book’ for the theory of eugenics on the basis of photographs he had taken of those that he didn’t like the look of plus measurements of circumference of head, distance between eyes, length of forehead …… O level biology time in school.

Theory of eugenics is a misnomer there is no scientific basis to under pin a theory of eugenics… I guess the name sounded ‘scientific’, so they kept it Again O level biology info from school

And here we are 200 years later still using the term eugenics, whilst meaning cull the ‘useless eaters’ Eugenics does sound better me thinks Not in school any longer, but it doesn’t take a genius, which term do you prefer eugenics or useless eaters they mean the same think

Sep 7, 2020 9:27 AM
Reply to  Researcher

The recent mass protests in some countries caused no spike in infections. The restrictions, all without basis, may be meant to eliminate
(a) those who feel the greatest need to socialise through stress; they are unsuited for the cages or silos of the future
(b) those who insist that political and civil servants serve and fear us, not vice versa.

Sep 5, 2020 8:03 PM
Reply to  tish

The abortionist government-funded body, Planned Parenthood, stands accused of practising eugenics today, especially of black babies. Activists say 15m black babies have been aborted since the mid 70s, and that African-American women abort their babies at 4x the rate of white American women. Babies can now even be killed on the day of their birth in some states like NY, should mothers so decide. Tragically these lives don’t matter to BLM, whi hav3 never even mentioned them, while the anti-abortion movement ‘black babies lives matter’ attracts extreme hostility from the anti-Christian left. Hillary Clinton, also accused of being a eugenicist, is certainly a great supporter of abortion and Planned Parenthood. Trump opposes, saying life begins at conception.

Sep 5, 2020 9:52 PM

I know how widespread eugenic practise is. In India and China termination of female foetuses is around 75% I agree that while BLM it seems ironic in the face of abortion and killing of black babies. I am neither pro or anti abortion I think every woman has an individual story to tell and no-one has the right to judge. I personally believe that life begins when the foetus is viable

Sep 6, 2020 3:04 PM
Reply to  tish

I love this kind of thing – not because I’m cold hearted; but because I love anything which exposes the ruling elites as the loony tunes they actually are.

If one carries the Eugenics paradigm to its logical conclusion – i.e., only the aristocrats breed – then there will be no one left to do the slave labor needed to support an aristocracy. Clearly, the eugenicists are not thinking their dream world through to its logical conclusion.

Granted, the current crop perhaps imagine AI and robotics will fill the void once they eliminate all “undesirables.” But, I suspect, in that they would be in for an even bigger surprise. Namely, who will fix the robots when they inevitably break down.

Any way you cut it, the ruling elites are nothing but a pack of Mad Hatters with delusions of grandeur.

Sep 6, 2020 3:35 PM
Reply to  Howard

Hello Howard…..I know there will be no-one left to be to do the jobs of the ‘servants’ and who will fix them when they break down…..is a fantasic point. Yet, somehow Gates, Musk and their ilk will chip and pin…..and I guess then we must move to ‘Brave New World’ and think about the Epsilons…..granted they will not be grown in jars in a particular cocktail of chemicals…..instead they will have a chip in their brains’ to make them fit for the job they are needed for. Another point to dwell on is invitro fertilisation. We had the first ‘testube baby’ in 1978 I think. I wonder how long could you sustain life for an embryo in a bigger test tube or jar…..maybe a chemical cocktail will not be needed but a chip will do the job. I guess a grow them to order situation. The marriage of nature and AI is a something that was mooted quite a long time ago now. The extended phenotype, Richard Dawkins

Sep 5, 2020 7:54 PM
Reply to  Howard

Democracy stops the worst eugenicists AKA mass murdering dictators, like Hitler, Stalin and Mao. Imagine how the world would have been different had Russian, German and Chinese plebs enjoyed the right to vote after discovering their dear leaders’ true nature and objectives.

Sep 5, 2020 2:23 PM
Sep 5, 2020 3:58 PM
Reply to  TFS

Vaccines are safe and effective Remember!!

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Sep 5, 2020 2:05 PM

When will journalists stop playing the covid scare card? Reporting of incongruity has become a major social disease. Would there have been any wide spread “compliance” if television sets had been the first inhabitants to die?

I’ve posted this video before. I think the presenter has connected some very large dots.

Your Body is Their Weapon – We’re all Patients Now
July 21, 2020

We can thank the Rand Corporation and other NGO “think” tanks for contributing to the destruction of all rational debate…

Sep 5, 2020 2:50 PM

To be alive now is to be a bio-hazard. Not just humans, but all living beings are viewed by our Artificial Intelligence soon to be masters as threats to – and this is the totally loony part – as threats to Other Bio-hazards! (You can’t make this stuff up – unless you’re a ruling elite.)

Sep 5, 2020 8:46 PM
Reply to  Howard

Globalists are typically Malthusians who fear the fast-growing human population as a threat to the global ecosystem and their own future. Back in 1986, Prince Phillip notoriously commented that, if reincarnation were real, he would like to return as ‘a killer virus’ that would ‘lower population levels’. Maybe he’d been listening to Bill and Melinda Gates on what might possibly avert the planetary disaster they also fear deeply. Or maybe they heard him and thought ‘Aha!’


Sep 7, 2020 9:40 AM
Reply to  Howard

During the “Moon Race”, they regaled us with tales of “astronauts” undergoing internal and extenal sterilisation for “germs”.

Sep 5, 2020 8:38 PM

Like everyone else, journalists’ opinions tend to be controlled by fear and other emotions, but they must also contend with corporate owners who impose a party line, usually to serve their political agenda and ambitions. Those more sceptical must conform or face reprimand or dismissal, as critical thinking is not allowed in public. That extra fear and control is why independent and citizen journalists are, on average, more trustworthy and more informative than MSM hacks. Maybe posters are now ready to listen to people like Alex Jones more than the corporate outlets which always demonised and then de-platformed him, and to fight those who censor independent voices on principle, rather than support them or remain silent as they did before. Because posters now know they could easily be next.

Sep 5, 2020 1:55 PM

In reality, humans are very nearly indestructible. We can go for a week without water and for months without food. If you ever tried religious fasting – abstaining from food and drink from sunrise to sunset – you’ll know that when the time comes to break the fast, you’re not even hungry. It takes so little sustenance to keep us going.

My great-grandmother gave birth to 13 kids in a house with no plumbing; she died at 93 as a result of a fall. Never saw a doctor in her life; there was no affliction that local herbs couldn’t cure.

The very notion that a bout of flu – modified or not – can decimate humankind is simply preposterous.

Sep 5, 2020 3:27 PM
Reply to  Dayne

As long as people believe there is a flu virus there is a ready to go cover story.

Sep 5, 2020 4:01 PM
Reply to  Dayne

Seems like the reverse psychology is that humanity is the virus that needs dealing with!
The planet is a shit hole after us.

Sep 5, 2020 9:02 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

The planet will recover. Besides, it was a shit hole at least 5 times after evil Mother Nature destroyed it through natural cataclysms. Ask a freezing or burnt dinosaur. The idea that humans can destroy nature as a whole rather than the reverse is irrational or arrogant or mere superstition. The Sun could explode tomorrow, for all we know. However, global elites certainly share your fear that plagues of common human vermin are destroying our not so collective future. As for me, I loathe globalists but love animals and nature, and am very proud that my nation is a leader in encouraging more respect for the natural world. Long may the British fight to extend rights and respect to the non-human realm.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Sep 5, 2020 5:06 PM
Reply to  Dayne

If you look a bit closer at the lives of people back then you’ll notice that back in Victorian times it was normal to lose half your offspring during childhood to various diseases. Moving forward in time you realize a simple infection from a cut sustained while working in the garden could be life threatening. Its easy to lose touch with these notions; I’m old enough to have parents who grew up in that time and were quite paranoid about infection despite being quite robust personally. (My mother was also one of 13 kids — London Irish — so it must have been that temporal sweet spot between ‘reproducing like rabbits to offset losses’ and ‘every kid survives but fortunately there’s some kind of social welfare to prevent starvation’.) One problem with modern medicine is that it interferes with evolutionary ‘survival of the fittest’ — in the bad old days of poor public health and no viable medical care you either had a strong constitution or you just didn’t make it. Now everyone makes it, for better or worse. Aristocracy has always understood the importance of breeding — whether its farm animals or dynasties stock selection was paramount to achieve long term goals — and eugenicists tried to apply these notions to a population as a whole. This fell into disfavor because of the subjective nature of the notion of ‘fittest’ — we all like to think of ourselves as the chosen stock (eugenicists obviously put themselves at the top of the heap!) and these days in particular any notion of selection is anathema. Denying it won’t make it go away, though — like everything else political you might want to turn your back on it but others’ wont and their choices will directly affect how you live (and sometimes,… Read more »

Sep 5, 2020 5:44 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

In your final sentence, I would take out sometimes and insert probably.

Sep 5, 2020 8:51 PM
Reply to  Dayne

Trump and Bolsonaro both initially and correctly compared covid19 to the deadliness of other flus, but got crucified by critics saying they cared nothing for people’s lives. Fear rules reality.

Sep 5, 2020 12:59 PM

My faithful email account has suddenly locked me out citing ‘security reasons’.

Unable to remember the damned password. Lost years’ worth of writing, correspondence, memories.

Can’t help but be paranoid and wonder if it’s connected to ‘coronavirus’.

Sep 5, 2020 1:01 PM
Reply to  Jack

Unable to remember the damned password.

here’s a thought: next time, write it down.

Sep 5, 2020 5:41 PM
Reply to  Jack

Err. Just look about how to reset it!

Sep 5, 2020 6:01 PM
Reply to  Jack

I scratch all of my passwords on the inside of my eye glass lenses.

Sep 5, 2020 12:30 PM

Mr Sutton,

You seem to be a journalist and publisher – though while you have reprinted Jonathan Cook , you ruin it by giving his erstwhile Groanster Monbidiot room too! So a bit of a curated egg to me at this juncture.

So kindly do a investigative journalism of your local mega global DS conglomerate CGI running most of the 5+1 eyed big data.

And their involvement in electoral mechanisms throughout the world.
Especially their emergent and ‘decisive’ roles in Postal Votes in the ‘western democracies over the last decade.

Got anything for us Tony? Are you a good egg or just another regular ‘not a real journo’ types prevalent around this parts?

Sep 5, 2020 1:03 PM
Reply to  DunGroanin

real journos, of course, know when it’s time to get with the program.

Sep 5, 2020 4:02 PM
Reply to  THX-1143

Shut up ya alcoholic

Andy B
Andy B
Sep 5, 2020 12:00 PM

Amazing how YouTube is running itself. They don’t want you to know what some of Australia’s citizens have tweeted about Dictator Dan and the Victoria lockdown. I’ve just uploaded a deleted video – but not on YouTube. No wonder we’re getting Zach Vorhies and others spilling the beans. ‘DON’T LET THE PEOPLE BE HEARD – INSTEAD LET THEM BE HERD!’ seems to be the ethos. ‘Let’s support the WHO and Bill Gates – without question!’ Well, I never voted for the WHO or Bill Gates, so how democratic is that?


Jim Yost
Jim Yost
Sep 5, 2020 9:31 AM

Farts of Death? Would that be Bill Gates and Dr. Falsie?

Sep 5, 2020 8:56 AM

The author uses ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO’S NEST like it’s some badge of authenticity.

Has he really not worked out who Ken Kesey was by now?

Sep 5, 2020 10:25 AM
Reply to  Edwige

Was he not a guinea pig in the mk ultra experiments what the book was based on?

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Sep 5, 2020 8:43 AM


There’s no virus, there’s no numbers, there’s no nuttin’. That’s the important message to get out.

Not: the numbers don’t add up to pandemic and the response is ridiculous but there are no numbers of any kind.

There is zero evidence of the alleged virus or the alleged illness it’s causing.

Excellent article explaining how the science shows there’s no virus or illness.

And this is my post debunking the abysmal attempt at the debunking of the article above which only strengthens its credibility.

Seansaighdeor (IANA)
Seansaighdeor (IANA)
Sep 5, 2020 8:58 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

If there was no virus can you explain what was happening in Wuhan in February and March?

There were videos of people dropping in the street at one point. The chinese then instigated the most extreme lockdown policies in Wuhan even sealing people within their homes. Similarly there was an ‘outbreak’ of something on the Diamond Princess. The numbers in both those cases were similar in terms of infections and deaths. Those numbers have also been consistent across a wide range of countries.

Also I have nursing friends abroad and they reported people dying of something around March and April. There were covid wards in Spain and people were dying on those wards of something.

Their take on that was that it was the result of the release of a bio-hazard.

Sep 5, 2020 9:34 AM

people dying of something

oooh, very scary.

Sep 5, 2020 10:26 AM

Have you seen any people drop dead from the Con vid this side of the world?

Do you know how PROPAGANDA works yet ?

Sep 5, 2020 10:51 AM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits


But I have seen videos of people apparently dropping dead in Wuhan. Unless they were completely made up then people were dying there of something.

Similarly in Italy, Spain and Iran although Italy did revise their figures.

Health professionals in Spain were suggesting it was a bio-hazard and the role of the US military, Faucci and the Wuhan lab hasn’t been explicitly explained.

My point was that people appear to be dying of something and that was a response to the comment that this was all a hoax. For it to be a hoax no one would have died of anything. Even the revised CDC figures at least say 6% died directly of something called covid.

The evidence therefore suggests that this is all a hoax and that no one died of anything is therefore palpably untrue. Whether it was only 0.1% of people who died of ‘covid’ (whatever that is) is evidence that it was not a ‘hoax’. That suggests that govt’s panicked and quickly chose to use this event as a chance to re-order society and re-engineer our daily lives. It suggests unscrupulous govts using propaganda as a tool to facilitate that.

A bio-hazard may also explain the paranoid reactions of govt with the mask policies and lockdowns. It doesn’t directly suggest a hoax which is the reason for my comment.

But thanks patronising me anyway.

Sep 5, 2020 11:03 AM
Reply to  Seansaighdeor

Unless they were completely made up

no, surely the government would never just make something up.

Gavin Sealey
Gavin Sealey
Sep 5, 2020 11:30 AM
Reply to  THX-1143

Not the government. Every government in the world would have to be just making the same thing up.

Dave Patterson
Dave Patterson
Sep 5, 2020 12:00 PM
Reply to  Gavin Sealey

but they do that when ordered by some higher power – we all know the 911 ‘official story’ is idiotic, but they all insist it is true – likewise Saddam’s ‘weapons of mass destruction’ – complete lies, we all know that now, but the major governments won’t admit it – etc, including this current ‘covid is like the plague!!!!!!’ BS

John Ervin
John Ervin
Sep 5, 2020 5:18 PM
Reply to  Dave Patterson

Good point, the real point.

L. Fletcher PROUTY wrote a book, that was disappeared for years like Paul Manning’s “Martin Borman, Nazi in Exile”, in 1970 “THE SECRET TEAM: The CIA and its Allies in Control of the United States and the World” and that title alone speaks volumes about global control of the Press/MSM+ al.

That title shows Prouty’s assessment a half century ago, and it’s only gotten worse. Much much worse. I contend that there is nothing exempt from removal, though often by oblique or circuitous means.

When Robin Williams was suicided there was a worldwide blackout on the item of his next day cremation. Only TMZ and one other fringe site carried the story, his widow’s eulogy (“he succumbed to the terrorist in his brain”) and aftermath. So the ghouls left that teaser, but didn’t add any data at all for nearly two years. Then they retrofitted the web with a few links about it. Again, just teasers.

That process augurs terrible conditions that caused it, and a hit from on “high” that was called, and then silenced.

Apparently … “WorldWide” — on the vast web(s) of “die Spinne”.

Sep 5, 2020 12:04 PM
Reply to  Gavin Sealey

Every government goes along with the moon landing hoax

Sep 5, 2020 12:27 PM
Reply to  Geoff

Doesn’t make it true

Sep 7, 2020 1:01 PM
Reply to  Patrick

Doesn’t make what true?

Sep 5, 2020 12:28 PM
Reply to  Geoff

Sep 5, 2020 1:52 PM
Reply to  Geoff

July 1969. When the collective consciousness of the American public landed on the moon.And stayed there.

Sep 5, 2020 2:30 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

somewhat plausible at the time, but considerably less so, fifty years later.

Sep 5, 2020 2:49 PM
Reply to  THX-1143

It was like those unintentionally funny 1950’s sci-fi B movies. But without the good acting, props or plot 😉

Sep 5, 2020 3:01 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

fake (1968):

Sep 5, 2020 3:02 PM
Reply to  THX-1143

“real” (1969):

Sep 5, 2020 9:07 PM
Reply to  THX-1143

so that’s why Captain Kirk never replies to my emails..

Sep 7, 2020 1:05 PM
Reply to  THX-1143

I don’t even think it was plausible at the time, I’ve never believed it, even at the time I had no argument against it it just sounded impossible.

Steve Church
Steve Church
Sep 5, 2020 4:13 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

I was on the island of Ios, in Greece, when the woman in the news kiosque said to me, You must be very proud to be an American today. They just landed on the moon! I replied, Oh, really? and wandered off to the restaurant to have breakfast. Whether they did or not made little difference to me at the time. And at that time, Ios was a pretty much forgotten little island with one vehicle (an old Chevrolet station wagon) and a lot of donkeys. It was paradise. Wanted to stay forever. But the day I was leaving (school, you know), an Egyptian guy sat down at our café table and said that he had just purchased land to build a hotel overlooking the harbor. If true, I knew that my little paradise was soon to be destroyed.

Sep 5, 2020 4:24 PM
Reply to  Steve Church

Steve Church
Steve Church
Sep 5, 2020 4:31 PM
Reply to  THX-1143

Not bad. Thanks. I could riff on this for quite some time, but gotta go.

Sep 5, 2020 9:08 PM
Reply to  Steve Church

That’s what ‘progress’ looks like unfortunately.. :/

Dave Patterson
Dave Patterson
Sep 5, 2020 6:01 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

more like it got lost in space never to return …

Sep 5, 2020 9:27 PM
Reply to  Dave Patterson

Fear not The tangerine one has sent his ‘space army ‘ to go where no man’s gone before…

Sep 5, 2020 1:41 PM
Reply to  Gavin Sealey

That sounds as mad as all the counties in the world agreeing to lock their citizens up, making them wear masks without being able to show any evidence of the existence of a virus

Sep 5, 2020 1:49 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

yah, that could never happen in the real world. but I think I saw something like that on some TV show, a few days ago. those Hollywood scriptwriters, what will they think of next?

Sep 5, 2020 2:23 PM
Reply to  Gavin Sealey

You seem to be under the illusion that governments are sovereign and not controlled by greater forces.
Follow the money, as always.

Sep 5, 2020 6:56 PM
Reply to  Gavin Sealey

If you read the books of Professors Antony C Sutton, Carol Quigley, Guido Preparata, you will see how the pieces knit together. Eg why did Wall street fund both the Bolsheviks, the Nazis fund their industries and infrastructure whilst all were sworn enemies of the capitalist western democratic world.

Dave Patterson
Dave Patterson
Sep 5, 2020 11:58 AM
Reply to  THX-1143

surely not!!!

Sep 5, 2020 11:12 AM
Reply to  Seansaighdeor

A deadly bioweapon which viscously attacks the already nearly dead?
How complex

How about this was just a live exercise?

There was nothing new or novel about this so called VIRUS

Same exact viruses already in circulation that’s doing its job for nature and the already symbiotic relationship with VIRUS and MAN.


Dave Patterson
Dave Patterson
Sep 5, 2020 11:58 AM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

a ‘viscous attack’ – interesting trying to picture that …

Sep 5, 2020 12:06 PM
Reply to  Dave Patterson

Yes a bioweapon weaponised with straps on and dildos and projecting ky jelly for them closed up orifices !!

Dave Patterson
Dave Patterson
Sep 5, 2020 12:10 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

you’d be an interesting, if a bit scary, guy to have a beer with …

Sep 5, 2020 12:33 PM
Reply to  Dave Patterson

never mind pictures, it’s on video:

Dave Patterson
Dave Patterson
Sep 5, 2020 12:51 PM
Reply to  THX-1143

I think you mean ‘the news’ to a lot of people ….

Dave Patterson
Dave Patterson
Sep 5, 2020 12:02 PM
Reply to  Seansaighdeor

people do NOT ‘drop dead in the street!!!!!’ from a flu-like illness, so right there you know the ‘authorities’ are issuing BS of some kind for the highly dumbed down population to get all scared over

Sep 5, 2020 11:11 PM
Reply to  Dave Patterson

Excuse me, Mr Ma – could you just drop down as if dead when I blow a whistle and my mate films you and I’ll give you a smart phone -ta.

Sep 5, 2020 1:38 PM
Reply to  Seansaighdeor

Do you have any idea of how naive you are? Do you also take the word of a salesman trying to sell you a used car? You saw a video of people dying in the streets in Wuhan….you say. But you did not know that at all. All you KNOW is that you saw a video that had a guy, a girl or a dummy laying on a sidewalk. That was all you could actually know. But you immediately blow it up into a world pandemic. Now be quiet, keep your hands away from your keyboard and actually THINK for once in your life. Use your own brain and not anyone else’s brain. Isn’t what I just said true? True without any doubt? Does that make you start to wonder about how many other things you saw on a screen that also may have been untrue? Okay folks, I did my bit!

Sep 5, 2020 1:57 PM
Reply to  Jim2468

some unidentified person, in some unidentified place, falls down for some unidentified reason.

well, I guess that proves it. the global fascist police state is obviously the only possible solution.

Sep 5, 2020 3:59 PM
Reply to  THX-1143

Please correct me if I’m wrong, but are not most of them wearing a face mask?

Sep 5, 2020 4:26 PM
Reply to  NoNickYet

well then, maybe they shouldn’t have worn a mask, if they’re that dangerous.

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Sep 5, 2020 6:41 PM
Reply to  NoNickYet

Yup! – *Asphyxiation*…

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Sep 5, 2020 6:40 PM
Reply to  THX-1143

Those Wuhan videos at the time reminded me of this…

(…- Another poor blessed Convid victim succumbs to teh ‘Dreaded Lurgi’ – *Heh*!):…

Sep 6, 2020 4:27 PM
Reply to  THX-1143


Sep 5, 2020 4:17 PM
Reply to  Jim2468

Oh do fuck off.

All you know is that I saw a video that had people dropping in the street bit YOU know it was fake.

That kind of comment is just the reason I posted what I have above.

Believing this was a HOAX is just the same evidence free thinking you are attempting to critique. You patronising prat.

I have at least tried to put together a thread of what may have happened. A bio weapon was released in China and the western govts have panicked scared the populous and then used this as an excuse to re-order their societies. That is a reasonable stance to take.

The evidence at least suggests as much without firm details. You have no more evidence that this is all hoax then I do that the people who may have died in Wuhan may have died from a bio weapon but at least its a relevant question.

People like you are just as much in a cult for the hoaxers as the mask wearers believing that somewhere out there a deadly virus stalks the land.

I have an open mind on it but despite the conflicting evidence you mind is fixed. I don’t believe nor have ever believed there was a deadly virus stalking this land. I have taken no social distancing precautions nor worn a mask. I was also in London last Saturday protesting lockdown and the govts removal of our liberties. Were you?

Sep 5, 2020 5:41 PM
Reply to  Seansaighdeor

And there you have it. This guy called ME a moron! You show me where I said I KNEW the video was faked. You can’t because it didn’t happen. The record is right here for anyone to read. I try to help you out and what do I get, I get a big F word. I was wrong about one thing. You are not naive. That would be giving you too much credit. No, you are just the average dum-dum that runs around with a voters card in his purse. See, Democracy does not work because if you look at any bell curve you would see that dum-dums like this clown outnumber the smart ones by about 20-1….at least. Oh, and you misspelled a lot of words too. Looky here, junior, I wouldn’t be caught dead in a shithole like London. Have you guys invented anything lately. Last invention to come out of GB was that bag that is tied to a horse’s ass. By the way, do you still wear yours?

Dave Patterson
Dave Patterson
Sep 5, 2020 6:08 PM
Reply to  Jim2468

c’mon kids take it outside, the adults are trying to have a conversation …

Ewan Duffy
Ewan Duffy
Sep 5, 2020 5:47 PM
Reply to  Seansaighdeor

Many years ago, I saw a man pass out on O’Connell Street in Dublin. It must have been Covid 16, the less virulent version of Covid 19 /s

Dave Patterson
Dave Patterson
Sep 5, 2020 6:07 PM
Reply to  Seansaighdeor

actually all we know is that you SAY you saw a vid with somebody dropping dead in a street, that someone (must have) told you the guy dropped dead because of the corona virus!!!, and evidently you believed this, and started extrapolating about what it all must mean – I’d just tell my kid to brush his teeth and get to bed he’s starting to imagine things …

Sep 5, 2020 9:35 PM
Reply to  Seansaighdeor

Trump said that the global authoritarian response to covid19 was a hoax, so the media twisted his words to mean he’d said wu-flu didn’t exist. Because Orange Man Bad, of course. Same shit with HCQ: Trump was the crazy fool recommending a very dangerous drug used very safely since 1955! The very dangerous drug which, when used routinely and correctly, we now know, reduces fatalities by almost 80% compared to countries banning it. But you are unlikely to see any MSM reports about that research just yet…


Sep 7, 2020 10:12 AM
Reply to  Seansaighdeor

Videos of military battles, riots, bombings of hospitals, etc. have all been faked (or misrepresented from the past/elsewhere) many times. The Russian Interference mania in USA went on for years. All from “respectable sources”. Was anyone ashamed after being caught out? In my country, to oust an inconvenient state government, they filmed a “riot” over water shortage using extras – until exposed.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Sep 5, 2020 10:42 AM

There were videos of people dropping in the street at one point.

There’s fakery right there. People don’t drop in the street due to a virus. Is that given as a symptom by CDC? Nope. They give us quite a number of other symptoms that could apply to any number of different illnesses but they don’t give us a symptom that would result in dropping in the street.

Most stuff they tell us and show us is propaganda, Sean. The science says No Virus.

Gavin Sealey
Gavin Sealey
Sep 5, 2020 11:40 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Actually people dropping dead in the street in the early stages of the pandemic would be consistent with the evolution of a virus that needs live hosts to spread. Less lethal strains would spread more easily and would partially explain why the mortality rate in all countries declines rapidly after an initial spike even where the infection rate continues to rise.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Sep 5, 2020 11:58 AM
Reply to  Gavin Sealey

I’m afraid I choose the hypothesis “psyop with classic over-the-top signs” to explain people dropping dead over “evolution of a virus” just as I choose the psyop hypothesis to explain alleged COVID sufferer, Tara Jane Langston, coughing all over the show in a London hospital ICU and her family’s inbox being flooded with mail from online trolls accusing them of hoaxing. Now why and how would that happen in the normal world?


Sep 5, 2020 1:54 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

I’d like to think if i ever dropped in the street there’d be enough people to rush to their phones to film me.Failing that, some compassionate genius might use their phone to call the emergency services and get me a software expert.

Sep 5, 2020 3:28 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling


Sometimes you can be far too generous JC!

Sep 5, 2020 8:56 PM
Reply to  Philippe

To be honest, i wanted to say lying, creepy, perverted daddy’s boy but wasn’t sure i had enough ink left 😉

Deplorable D
Deplorable D
Sep 5, 2020 4:43 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

So few people even ask such questions: 1. Why was someone filming that particular guy walking down the street? 2. How did they just happen to be filming him at the exact moment he dropped dead? 3. Who are these people who are randomly filming other people walking down the street?

No one seems to have an answer.

Sep 5, 2020 8:58 PM
Reply to  Deplorable D

or 4. What kind of virus is it that sees somebody walking along a street with no worries, no breathing difficulties and no coughing only to suddenly shout ‘Boo!’ and knock it’s host over and dead.

Maybe tiny planes flew into them all..

Sep 7, 2020 10:32 AM
Reply to  Deplorable D

Not just one guy. Enough guys to call them people. Shuffling along and then keeling over, like a flash mob. As this is a once-in-a-lifetime photo op, the guy recording bravely soldiers on for posterity.

Deplorable D
Deplorable D
Sep 5, 2020 4:38 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Everything is being blamed on the virus right now. I had a discussion with a fellow yesterday that started like this, “A neighbor of mine has a friend who has a neighbor who saw a guy who just recently had his legs amputated. A friend of that guy said COVID caused the amputee to become diabetic and the doctors had to amputate his legs.”

Of course, my response was, “Any story that starts with ‘a friend of a neighbor of a neighbor of a friend told me’ is suspect. Regardless, you are telling me the guy was infected with SARS, developed COVID, which caused diabetes so bad he had to have both legs amputated over the course of 5 months?”

But the fellow was having none of it. It was absolutely as he told it because COVID kills everyone. He heard it was so.

The general population just does not know how to think critically. One poll recently showed over 60% of people believe they will catch COVID and die. I know polls are rubbish, but based on my own experiences talking to people I will say these numbers are not too far off. With the recent admission of the CDC that only 6% of the deaths declared are actually due to COVID, the perception now is the CDC cannot be trusted. Trump controls them and they are now lying to us (after being totally reliable for the past 6 months) in order to get Trump re-elected. Even when you can show people the IFR numbers, they swear those numbers are fake and the death rate is 10-20%. Recently the New York Times ran an article about the bogus PCR tests, and now even the NYT is considered part of the MAGA movement. The confirmation bias is incredible.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Sep 6, 2020 2:24 AM
Reply to  Deplorable D

The general population just does not know how to think critically.

Some people can’t think critically and some people can but refuse when they’re invested in their belief – which is an awful lot. This is what I think the main problem is, not so much that people can’t think critically, although that is a bit of a problem but it’s more that they are invested in their beliefs and cannot be coaxed out of them even when the evidence is clear in their face. One thing is for absolute sure and that is people do not judge by the evidence or if they kind of do what they do is select one or two pieces of information that may very weakly support their hypothesis and use those without considering that ALL the evidence must support their hypothesis – every single bit.

Sep 7, 2020 11:19 AM
Reply to  Deplorable D

A friend said the hospital “nearly killed him” recently, for an unrelated illness. Yet, his faith in the medical establishment remains unshaken. He said covid is deadly because… a taxi he had spoken to found the outside of a major hospital – that was devoid of people – creepy enough to dissuade him from waiting for another fare. His explanation of why clinics and other hospital departments are closed regardless of urgency was… to reduce crowding. A model citizen.

Sep 5, 2020 1:39 PM

Maybe it was the result of a bio hazard in that case. Just not covid 19. The Wuhan lot are in league with one of Bill Gates’ many lab chimps. Have a look for Charles Lieber / Harvard / Wuhan / Gates.

Sep 5, 2020 4:20 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Thanks will take a look. I agree there does appear evidence that yes the Wuhan lab and Gates mob are very closely tied. That was the reason I posted above.

I’m just puzzled no one is asking those questions any more.

Sep 5, 2020 9:12 PM
Reply to  Seansaighdeor

Think about it. When this band of bastards operated out of Berlin 1939-45 and used German accents, a lot of people thought that the Nazis were evil and privately questioned Hitler and Co’s logic and humanity.But there was a good reason they never asked questions publicly…

Today they’ve changed the camp to Washington. They haven’t changed the dream.

Julain Assange. Now there’s a man not afraid to ask questions..

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Sep 6, 2020 4:51 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Julian may be unafraid to ask questions but unfortunately he’s been conned … as we’ve all been.

The Collateral Murder video was faked as a way for intelligence asset, Chelsea Manning, to infiltrate Wikileaks to spread disinformation as well as no doubt get important information.

Wikileaks is all about “verified” documents. They’re a little naive to think that government documents may well come from the alleged source but governments can fake their own documents, of course! The PNAC document speaking about a new Pearl Harbour is “genuine” but it was produced to persuade the 9/11 truthers who would inevitably emerge into thinking that rogue elements within the US government were so committed to their evil agenda they’d be perfectly capable of “sacrificing” all those poor people in the buildings in their quest for world domination … but the evidence clearly shows that 9/11 was a psyop through and through, not the “false flag” or “inside job” that the propagandists push at us.
https://occamsrazorterrorevents.weebly.com/wikil eaks-controlled-opposition.html

Sep 6, 2020 5:31 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

October 15, 1998: Future 9/11 Commission Executive Director Zelikow Says ‘Public Assumptions’ Shape Views of History. ‘Zelikow says that : ”Public assumptions often grow out of “searing event:particularly ‘searing’ or ‘molding’ events take on ‘transcendent’ importance and, therefore, retain their power even as the experiencing generation passes from the scene.” In a previous publication, Zelikow had written about how a “catastrophic terrorism” event could constitute a momentous, history-shaping milestone:  ” “An act of catastrophic terrorism that killed thousands or tens of thousands of people… would be a watershed event in America’s history.… Like Pearl Harbour, such an event would divide our past and future into a ‘before’ and ‘after’” Now, we can call that conspiracy theory.But it isn’t is it.And it doesn’t take a subjective reading of his words or the implied sentiment. It’s that ‘sacrifice for the greater good’ philosophy isn’t it. The greater good being the legitimate reason to enforce a Patriot Act and an excuse to infringe upon the civil and human right to privacy that we all should enjoy.All in the name of a supposed terrorist group. That is the added justification ; ”its’ for your safety and the safety of our liberty, not because we wan’t to teach you how to bow in thanks and live in fear of the invisible enemy” It’s the philosophy of the chess master;sacrifice what and who you need to if as long as you beat your enemy.It may be using gas m; it may be bombing a harbour close to the mainland; it may be felling the twin towers.But we know their real enemy ; freedom,and those who defend the right to it and fight for it.And those people will be guilted into believing that they’re unpatriotic and don’t have any compassion for those blown up in their places of work… Read more »

Sep 5, 2020 2:21 PM

5G rollout began in Wuhan. HF Radio waves can cause flu like symptoms.
5G is part of the infrastructure for the new AI/slavery normal.
I bet that’s all there is to it. If you think about it it’s quite a logical theory. If people started getting ill in 5G rollout locations then there would be outcry because it’d be obvious 5G was causing it.
Invent a virus to pin the blame on. Label 5G skeptics as nutters job done.

Sep 5, 2020 3:46 PM
Reply to  ZenPriest

I have been very sceptical of a direct flu – 5G connection for the simple reason that people who are nowhere near 5G have been reported as dying of something unusual. But what if it wasn’t the people nowhere near 5G who were dying of something unusual? I have speculated on this site (a couple of months ago) that we appear to be dealing with two entirely different conditions, lumped together under the banner of ‘Covid-19’. One of those conditions has been identified by flu-like symptoms. In other words, it’s the flu. The other appears to result in pulmonary oedema (as highlighted by Willem on here ages ago), likely to have been brought on by problems with oxygen levels. Now, I haven’t been able to check where the pulmonary oedema victims were from or whether they were anywhere near 5G, so this is all pure speculation (or even fantasy, depending on how unkind you want to be). But, it would be a very simple matter to hide such deaths within a wider, normal flu epidemic, call it covid, inflate the figures, prohibit autopsies etc etc. We know the rest. I’m not suggesting 5G is being rolled out specifically to kill people – there are far more efficient ways of doing that (something in the water, for example), but if pulmonary oedema is a side effect experienced by certain individuals with specific weaknesses, who are exposed to 5G, then it would make sense to hide those ‘in plain sight’, as it were. Also, I’m not suggesting that there isn’t a very insidious reason behind the roll-out of 5G. I think there is. I suppose my point here is that we have no idea how many layers of deception there are underlying this entire scam, but had I been organising something like… Read more »

Sep 6, 2020 12:19 PM
Reply to  Philippe

Exactly. They thought of this. They had to, for the scam to work.
5G makes people ill. So they had to invent an illness/virus which would ‘affect the whole population’. Then the plausible deniability is “there are lots of Covid cases nowhere near 5G” – and this fools most people but not me.

Sep 7, 2020 11:29 AM
Reply to  Philippe

Northern Italy, Mexico City and N. Delhi are among the most air-polluted places. That easily accounts for many deaths. The covid emergency may provide an excuse for the political thugs to appeal to their plutocrat masters to make some changes.

Sep 8, 2020 9:02 AM
Reply to  mgeo


Re Italy, I remember commentary at the time that Lombardy is the most polluted place in Italy and one of the most polluted in Europe.

Ewan Duffy
Ewan Duffy
Sep 5, 2020 5:49 PM
Reply to  ZenPriest

Explain Iran – no 5G there, unless, maybe, Israel has setup a covert 5G network in the country to kill people (see how easy it is to start a conspiracy!)

Sep 6, 2020 1:48 AM
Reply to  Ewan Duffy

Tell me the death numbers then

Sep 6, 2020 12:06 PM
Reply to  Ewan Duffy

Remember any SARS type illness can be called Covid, and remember the tests don’t work properly.
In case I have to spell it out for you, it wouldn’t be difficult to make up some death numbers for Iran would it.

Sep 7, 2020 11:32 AM
Reply to  Ewan Duffy

Look up diluted sarin. There is an imperial drone base in N. Italy.

Sep 5, 2020 9:25 PM
Reply to  ZenPriest

Another angle is that Google were granted access to everyone’s medical records a month before they pretended a virus had hit.

If all medical records are going into a universal data bank that’s a huge data bank. Then add Bill gates’ RFID chip with everyone’s personal data( why?) on being in a universal data bank.

Then consider every high street bank being closed, every central bank being closed and all money being crypto currency.Tata’s a far bigger bank of data.

If our personal details, medical, financial etc are to be tracked and followed, along with every financial transaction in the world, it’s going to need a more powerful piece of kit than we’ve ever needed and it will have to be peppering the planet and blanketing us above.

Around the same time the Google trick was pulled, the Americans were wetting their pants over ‘amazing’ Elon and his hundreds of satellites being sent up to sit next to the Trump ‘Space Army’.

The ‘virus’ was the lever to the 5g. If the 5g trials have caused internal damage to humans then that’s what it is, not a virus. EM’s do hurt.

But the virus was ‘telegraphed’ in 2017 by Fauci and Gates as arriving in 2020, And the so called symptoms people have suggest it’s either an exteranl factpor hurting lungs or a man made virus from the labs where Fauci and Gates bake their little buddies to go get them some more money..

Sep 5, 2020 11:19 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

This happened, then this happened, then this happened…..

No, the media told you ‘this happened’. You are discussing the latest part of a soap opera given to entertain you while they…. yeah, what?

Sep 6, 2020 4:25 AM
Reply to  Mikalina

So Google hasn’t grabbed anyone’s medical records.Gates hasn’t expressed a goal to rfid chip anyone.There isn’t anyone collecting or analysing data.Elon Musk hasn’t put a record number of satellites up there.Gates and Fauci didn’t warn about a pandemic arriving before the end of Trumps term in office.And those two men have never made a penny from pharma.It’s all rosy in the garden after all.Why were we pissed off ..

Sep 6, 2020 12:22 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Too many coencidences soon becomes a mathematical impossibility.
I remember my colleagues creaming over Elon’s satellites and “how pretty” they looked. Morons.

Sep 7, 2020 7:44 PM
Reply to  ZenPriest

and that’s why they were dumbed down from day 1..

Sep 7, 2020 11:42 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

A while ago, a Swede told me his country recognizes the medical complaint of being electro-sensitive. Do they know something we don’t?

Sep 7, 2020 7:44 PM
Reply to  mgeo

Possibly. Or maybe they suspect rather than know.But how does your friend know ? Rumours can catch fire fast in times of national secrecy. Can he or she provide sources ?

It’s reminiscent of just pre-1918 when a vast amount of telephone masts spread across the world. Shortly after, so did the Spanish flu .Some quarters suggested a certain sensitivity to electricity.Some are more sensitive than others.Another odd aspect of that flu was that by far the largest group to become infected were young men.Which coincides with the largest group of men across Europe and the world fighting WW1 being that group.

In the 1990s, for reasons known to only themselves. the American Bio weaponry labs tried to re-create the Spanish flu but make it far more damaging and deadly.

In between those two dates, the American military were frequently used as lab rats without their knowledge. used to gestate a variety of nasty and terminal illnesses, poisons and LSD.So it makes you wonder if they were being used in WW1..

Sep 8, 2020 9:04 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Electro-sensitivity in Sweden: The very first item I searched for:

Why would USA want to recreate the “Spanish” flu? They were the ones who exported it – through the vaccinated soldiers they sent to fight the good fight. But then, anything is possible in that country. After all, they lost all the spec and data for their brilliant space and Moon programme, leaving only superb photos, grainy videos and nostalgia.

Sep 8, 2020 2:35 PM
Reply to  mgeo

Thanks mgeo

I agree. Since the Nazis set the CIA up there it’s gone to crap.They’re so busy organising death and invasions in between bitching with the other idiots the FBI they miss minor details.

The most shocking, dramatic even in History caught on camera was JFK having his head shot to pieces.They ‘lost’ his brain. They ‘found’ a missing bullet in the hospital that wasn’t in the body and they managed to mismatch the real bullets with th wrong rifle planted.

They managed to ‘collapse’ building 5 at the WTC. 47 storeys 8 hours after the towers fell.Nothing hit it. It somehow rigged itself up with a few tonnes of explosives invisibly.

Sirhan Sirhan is still in jail for shooting Bobby Kennedy from the front even though the the shots in his back and the back of his head killed him.

Evil place.Evil ideology.Noithing there can be trusted.

Sep 5, 2020 3:31 PM

Hey! David Blaine can fly! It’s on video! Drrrrrr…. drrr…. drrrrr…


When people aren’t allowed outside, aren’t allowed to socialize, and spoon fed propaganda, their ability to investigate things is heavily mitigated – which is exactly why Blaine was able to pull this off.

The Covid hoax is the exact same magic trick. Relabel normal mortality, euthanize elderly, no novel symptoms, and fraudulent tests.


…Or go ahead and believe David Blaine flies around because it was caught on video. Freedom of thought is important, unfortunately the Covid narrative would allow otherwise.

Sep 5, 2020 3:45 PM
Reply to  WorldParole

BTW – if you doubt me, I would investigate altitude sickness and interview experienced mountain climbers.

Blaine is, and always has been, a street magician. A good one? Yes. But this performance and its popularity is proof of how duped everybody is.

Sep 5, 2020 3:46 PM

Its vitamin D deficiency as usual. The people falling over (if it wasn’t faked) could be to do with 5g or the pollution. there was like a winter smog so all the car fumes and factories smoke etc was all sitting there. In anycase it certainly isn’t any proof of a virus when there has never been one causing people to fall over before or since. It could be any number of things. Why would there happen to be someone filming on these few occasions someone fell over with a ‘finished’ and ‘unquestionable’ explanation for why it happened? https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0960076020302764

Ewan Duffy
Ewan Duffy
Sep 5, 2020 5:43 PM

So someone drops in the street and it must be COVID 19. The person could be diabetic. They could have had a drop seizure. They could have fainted due to any number of causes.

Sep 5, 2020 9:26 PM

Your post is far too evidence-based for popular tastes here. They typically want to blame evil western governments for wu-flu (almost none use this RACIST name!), not Yellow Man Good and his nice communist dictatorship, even if knowing that Gates and the WHO are Xi’s best friends. I usually ask those who deny the existence of covid19 to explain why Wuhan researchers so proudly and frequently published their success in isolating deadly coronaviruses from bats. Many are still freely available online. Maybe you will find these links useful:

General discussion of the Wuhan Institute of Virology and associated risks

“Isolation and characterization of a bat SARS-like coronavirus that uses the ACE2 receptor”
A 2013 paper reporting success. Note that the Wuhan scientists (helped by the British virologist and apologist Peter Dansak) only selected viruses in horseshoe bats directly transmissible to humans.

Sep 6, 2020 12:37 PM

People dropping in the street. Lol it’s cute how naive you are.

Sep 5, 2020 9:20 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

There is zero evidence of the alleged virus or the alleged illness it’s causing.
Excellent article explaining how the science shows there’s no virus or illness.

Let’s imagine we are actually facing a person that thinks otherwise.

We’ll be under pressure to be neat:

The arguments on your link are fine. Yet,

There was a reported series of events that looks exactly like a viral infection.

A virus may well be

Never isolated

and, at the same time,

Real. Existing. And dangerous.

Because… look at the reports in the media, in the most diverse possible countries and cultures. From North Korea and Iran, to the US & UK. Hey, mortal enemies to each other. … yet agreeing on this.


Because of a hoax involving all of them?

How about using Occam’s Razor?

Truth: the virus was not isolated or purified.

That’s what you claim with certainty and clarity.

That does NOT make the story over.


Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Sep 5, 2020 11:01 AM
Reply to  Dors

They’re all in together, Dors. It’s a global conspiracy, sure. Ronald Bernard, Dutch ex-high finance operative, who dealt with the power elite says at the top they’re all in it together – race, religion, whatever, doesn’t matter at the top. He says there’s 8,000 to 8,500 people comprising the media tycoons, the oil barons, Kissinger, Soros, the Royal family members, etc. Nuclear weapons are a hoax so the MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction thing) between North Korea/Russia and the US – all complete BS. Nuclear bombs were not dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki – all a hoax.

“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”
HL Mencken

Interview with Ronald Bernard

Nuclear weapons hoax

Sep 5, 2020 11:23 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

tell it to the Hiroshima and Nagasaki survivors.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Sep 5, 2020 12:02 PM
Reply to  THX-1143

Well, I’d tell it to this one if I had the chance.

The Incredible Story of the Miracle at Hiroshimahttps://www.bluearmy.com/the-incredible-story-of-the-miracle-at-hiroshima/

Doncha love it?

They love their “miracle survivor” stories. We see them at Hiroshima, Pearl Harbour, 9/11, Christchurch, Las Vegas … and now of course we see them with COVID – that lucky 90-year-old lady who was at death’s door … but miraculously recovered with potato soup!

Sep 5, 2020 12:48 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

right. the Catholic Church peddles ridiculous superstitions, so everybody else is lying, too. especially the Japanese, everybody knows how Catholic they are.

makes perfect sense. you can’t argue with logic.

Sep 5, 2020 4:09 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Canada tariffs for COVID-19 Diagnostic Test instruments and apparatus by country
Year: 2018
Additional Product information:COVID-19 Test kits/ Instruments, apparatus used in Diagnostic Testing
Category: COVID-19 Test kits/ Instruments, apparatus used in Diagnostic Testing


Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Sep 6, 2020 2:14 AM
Reply to  ame

That’s a good one.

Sep 7, 2020 11:53 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

We could almost root for covid. It has caused a miraculous drop on cases of cancer and heart disease. It has even reduced flu and accidents substantially.

Sep 5, 2020 12:14 PM
Reply to  THX-1143

It was all in their head

Sep 5, 2020 12:41 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

yes, reality is what white people say it is.

Sep 5, 2020 12:19 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Petra, the book about nuclear weapons by Nakatani convinced me it was a hoax. Not many people accept this but I think if one was to carefully read “Death Object” by Nakatani one would be convinced

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Sep 5, 2020 12:33 PM
Reply to  Patrick

I was reasonably convinced in all of 5 minutes by someone else and took a little longer to be totally convinced but eventually got round to reading that book which is well-worth reading.

And the nomenclature is very interesting:

Bomb – Fat Man
Plane – Bocscar (with 77 on its side – reminiscent of Flight 77, the phantom plane that 84 cameras didn’t catch penetrating the Pentagon, no?)

Bomb – Little Boy
Plane – Enola Gay (name of alleged pilot’s mother)

Sep 5, 2020 1:09 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

I was reasonably convinced in all of 5 minutes

well, that just shows what an ignoramus you are. knowledgeable people can’t be convinced of anything in five minutes, much less that hundreds of thousands of people are lying about massive US war crimes.

but according to you, the US government would never kill anybody. they’re just so filled with loving goodness.

Sep 5, 2020 3:50 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Where’s your pivot to sustainability Petra?

Sep 5, 2020 12:44 PM
Reply to  Patrick

right, a single airplane appears in the sky, and one minute later, the whole city is flattened, and 100,000 people are dead.

clearly a hoax.


Sep 5, 2020 12:44 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

The governments are all in it together.

But the scam was orchestrated by the WHO.
The WHO issued the directive for these PCR tests knowing perfectly well it’s not testing for a new live virus.

The WHO issued the guidance for how ‘Covid19’ deaths are to be coded.
No clinical diagnosis is required and no autopsies carried out.

Every country follows the WHO guidelines and bingo there’s your manufactured pandemic.

A perfect example of how the few control the many.

Sep 5, 2020 11:08 AM
Reply to  Dors

Well put. Now we are all armchair virologists we are discovering that despite the plethora of letters and numbers, it’s a primitive field. Virologists and vaccine producers are meddling with things they do not understand.

Even The Guardian admits it:

Sep 5, 2020 2:54 PM
Reply to  martin

Because the viruses are only in vaccines.

Dave Patterson
Dave Patterson
Sep 5, 2020 12:07 PM
Reply to  Dors

glaring hole in your argument – ‘look at the media’ – these people are NOT known as ‘reliable witnesses’ for anything, although they are known as willing and eager purveyors of gov’t propaganda and lies .. when in doubt, best bet is to not believe anything they say, esp when they are up to ‘wow! look at this ‘fact’ – that means you MUST do something!!’ – only intelligent reaction to that kind of thing is ‘wait a minute or 3 jack while I check around a bit .. don’t wait up for me …’

Sep 5, 2020 4:26 PM
Reply to  Dors

How do you explain them using ‘vaccines’ in all these supposedly different countries? easy. They all have the same fake allopathic health care system and are predisposed to do what the WHO says since they are subsiduaries of that drug cartel. It is not just the one virus that is fake but most all their diagnosese.

Sep 7, 2020 12:09 PM
Reply to  Simon

To keep their licenses, doctors must adhere to the current party line. They must avoid direct confrontation even if it means applying fraudulent or dangerous treatments. Some are willing to go along with the salesmen. At least, they will be safe from the lawyers.

Another comment mentioned a lady being healthy up to 94, and using only natural herbs. Why do you think they kept immolating “witches” in the past?

Sep 5, 2020 5:03 PM
Reply to  Dors

If you use Occam’s Razor it becomes even *more* likely that there’s no virus.

Tee ell
Tee ell
Sep 5, 2020 10:32 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

To convince people more widely, you’ll need to come up with the counter narrative.

At the moment, “they” have an explanation for the fact deaths were above average, and you don’t.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Sep 5, 2020 11:18 AM
Reply to  Tee ell

Where’s the evidence for “deaths above average”?

Sep 5, 2020 12:22 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Death were only above average at the time of the lockdown and for a few weeks afterwards. Excess deaths such as they were were CAUSED by the lockdown policies i.e. transferring old and sick people from hospitals into care homes, excessive and aggressive medications, ventilator use etc etc

Sep 5, 2020 4:44 PM
Reply to  Patrick

There is even evidence these lockdowns existed so without any evidence of a virus it is the most likely cause. The virus theory doesn’t even fit with a similtaneous surge from no where in all different countries precisely when they introduced the measures. There was even a considerable period inbetween Wuhan and the lockdowns in Europe when the virus was not doing anything and then it suddenly appeared making it obvious it is a completely bs explanation.

Dave Patterson
Dave Patterson
Sep 5, 2020 6:21 PM
Reply to  Patrick

not to mention a good deal of statistics inflation …. (aka lying about everything …)

Sep 5, 2020 5:01 PM
Reply to  Tee ell

…explanation for the fact deaths were above average, and you don’t.

April spike…

Violent crime
Drug Overdoses

Also be aware that there is always variability in mortality from year to year…

Dave Patterson
Dave Patterson
Sep 5, 2020 6:22 PM
Reply to  WorldParole

you need to add something like ‘outright lying’ to that list

Sep 6, 2020 1:38 AM
Reply to  Dave Patterson


VIctor G.
VIctor G.
Sep 5, 2020 12:25 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Hi P., Bologna …

Sep 5, 2020 8:31 AM

Covid-spreading farts of death

at 1m30s :

Sep 5, 2020 8:33 AM
Reply to  THX-1143

Sep 6, 2020 12:27 PM
Reply to  THX-1143

What shite

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Sep 5, 2020 9:12 AM
Reply to  THX-1143

LMFAO – could they push the nonsense in our faces any more than that?

VIctor G.
VIctor G.
Sep 5, 2020 12:30 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Have you booked your flight to NYC to personally investigate the 911 hoax yet?
All you need is one small crack in the narrative and you will become the president of the world.
Why not start investigating the 300+ fake firefighters? It should be easy to track down their fake families and get one to confess. All it takes is one …
You go, girl!

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Sep 5, 2020 12:37 PM
Reply to  VIctor G.

Don’t need to do any of that, Victor, but if you’re so convinced that 3,000 people died and 6,000 were injured on 9/11 (or however many you believe did die and were injured) then my $5,000 10-point Occam’s Razor challenge is always there, languishing unresponded to. No one has come up with even a single point so far.

Sep 5, 2020 5:12 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

this dude brian clarke appears to have been giving talks about him experience. I was listening to it and then was thinking hmm maybe he is bsing. then i was thinking he must be pure evil to lie like that. he says the building move some feet when the plane hit and there was like the wing coming thru the wall. there was a mysterious air bubble helping him rescue this guy and the transport network conspired to get him home by 2 o clock or something. It is interesting tho like he says each floor was like an acre in size. These were some collosal buildings and totally insane to build in the first place. what I wonder is how anyone can trust to go in such buildings if they believe they can just collapse like that.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Sep 6, 2020 2:36 AM
Reply to  Simon

It’s criminal, isn’t it, tell those poor school children all those lies. Couldn’t bring myself to watch the whole thing. Stopped when he said that his co-worker, Susan, had seen someone jump and was all upset so he took her to the ladies’ room while he went to his office to call his wife. Says the plane went all the way through. Yeah, right.

He’s just hired to do a job. You can tell he’s a little nervous. Other agents seem so comfortable telling lies. Perhaps he was a little nervous because he was telling those massive porkies to children. I think somehow people feel worse telling innocent children massive lies.

Dave Patterson
Dave Patterson
Sep 5, 2020 6:29 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

hang on, I’m not following something here – all the airplane stuff is probably fiction one way or another, but the 3 big WTC buildings came down, I don’t think they faked that – and at least the two big ones had to have a lot of people in them, if they had people at the doors turning away everyone coming to work that morning we surely would have heard something about it, and there’s no way all those people would have gotten out after the explosions, whatever caused them – so a lot of people had to have died when they came down????

Dave Patterson
Dave Patterson
Sep 6, 2020 4:26 AM
Reply to  Simon

the buildings were standing and used for over 30 years, I don’t think they could have been gutted like that overnight, or even over the few weeks previously, without someone noticing .. could be a fake picture too …

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Sep 6, 2020 3:02 AM
Reply to  Dave Patterson

I don’t know how they did it, Dave, it is a bit of a mystery. They ran drills in the subway apparently so that would have delayed people going to work plus the alleged attacks occurred before normal office hours. Plus lots of floors, seemingly, were empty and a number of companies were in on it. Plus, of course, the fires could have been set on empty floors and perhaps they genuinely evacuated a number of people.

You will notice there are no images of people actually being evacuated from the towers – at least I haven’t seen any – but even if there were who’s to say that the evacuation wasn’t filmed on another day.

The thing is we don’t have to know how they did everything, the evidence clearly shows that death and injury were staged. We can also see that media and emergency responders were scripted – seriously – how could all these people be in on the callous murder of their fellow citizens?

I make my case at the link below and have issued a challenge for anyone to come up with the opposing case and no one has responded so far.

Sep 5, 2020 8:30 AM

Good observations. The case for the jury is: what manner of fascism do we behold? Beware of cupcake fascism, by Tom Whyman (2014) “If you wanted to found a fascist reich in Britain today, you could never do so on the basis of racial superiority or militaristic imagery. But you could get a huge mass of people to participate in a reactionary endeavour if you dressed it up in nice, twee, cupcakey imagery, and persuaded everyone that the brutality of your ideology was in fact a form of niceness. If a fascist reich was to be established anywhere today, I believe it would necessarily have to exchange iron eagles for fluffy kittens, jackboots for Converse, and the epic drama of Wagnerian horns for mumbled ditties on ukuleles. Fascism is a certain sort of response to a crisis. It is the reactionary response, as opposed to the radical one. There is now such a critical mass of infantilised subjects in our society that we see its tropes at work aggressively. Typically, any middle-​class man or woman up to their forties is an infantilised subject nowadays. It is everywhere, from the most trivial examples: a waste bin with a little picture of a sad puppy — “It’s not my fault my mess doesn’t get cleaned up”; a napkin dispenser that says on it “Please Only Take One of Me”, (this latter is something I once saw in the House of Commons cafeteria; even those in positions of power are in the grip of infantilisation). A child does child-​like things in order to explore the world, in a way that equips it to confront that world for what it is, and what the child will be as an individual. So the child is open to possibility. And the child always has sticky fingers,… Read more »

Toby Russell
Toby Russell
Sep 5, 2020 10:10 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Our immaturity is the heart of the matter. Unless we address that, we will get nowhere.

Sep 5, 2020 11:57 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Great post Moneycircus. The authorities/media/corporates behave like a narcissistic parent.Just look at the dumbed down “cartoon” type adverts put out by the government and various corporates over the years. This behaviour causes dehumanisation and society acts accordingly. Now as you rightly pointed out real children (not adult children) push boundaries, they take risks, they explore, they make mistakes and they learn best when they are given the confidence to do all those things. As adults , many have lost that ability. A wise man once told me “Never lose the child in you. Always explore, learn,look for possibilities and never be afraid to make mistakes.” Love my dad, he’s a good man.

Voxi Pop
Voxi Pop
Sep 5, 2020 8:29 AM


Gates Grip On Main Stream Media Exposed/Mexico Working With Russia’s “No Gates” Vaccine Program/ 50 Day WHouse Siege Planned/ CDC Speeding Vaccine To US Public Nov.1/ Intel Firm Tracking You With Common Phone Apps “to your doorstep”

Sep 5, 2020 8:19 AM

And even though this very second I may have covid (or a cold/ear nose and throat infection) it’s been incredibly mild and still find the measures to be extreme

Sep 7, 2020 12:24 PM
Reply to  Koba

Anyone with any “related” symptom may worry over issues such as (a) steps before venturing to the clinic/hospital (b) will they isolate me? (b) what will happen to my job/family? The worry alone weakens immuunity. It’s altogether devilish.

Sep 5, 2020 7:27 AM

Covid 2m distancing signs ripped down near me. Things are moving!

Sep 5, 2020 8:20 AM
Reply to  Thom

I’ve been tempted to take my tin of spray paint and doing a “their is no deadly pandemic” campaign

Dave Patterson
Dave Patterson
Sep 5, 2020 12:16 PM
Reply to  Koba

try ‘there’

Sep 5, 2020 1:21 PM
Reply to  Dave Patterson

or “they’re”, just for variety. correct English is for losers.

Dave Patterson
Dave Patterson
Sep 5, 2020 1:40 PM
Reply to  THX-1143

being proud of being ignorant strikes me as more associated with being a loser and once you get into aggressive ignorance, well, the barbarians are at the gates

Sep 5, 2020 2:03 PM
Reply to  Dave Patterson

being proud of being ignorant

what about being incapable of recognizing sarcasm?

Dave Patterson
Dave Patterson
Sep 5, 2020 2:38 PM
Reply to  THX-1143

well. if you can’t spell very well, you probably can’t write sarcasm quite as well as you think either – if you tell a joke and nobody laughs – is it because they were too stupid to understand the joke, or you didn’t tell a very funny joke? Perspective, I guess. ‘correct English is for losers’ isn’t a comment most people would easily recognize as ‘sarcastic’ I think. I guess one of those things where you had to be there to get it or something …

Sep 6, 2020 6:01 PM
Reply to  Dave Patterson

My bad but I blame this websites weird propensity to massively alter my autocorrected texts

Sep 6, 2020 2:06 AM
Reply to  Koba

Scandemic had been sprayed on a local sign but removed recently. The authorities must he worried the people ate onto something.

Sep 5, 2020 7:16 AM

I am so melancholic about the ‘old normal’ consumerist shopping facilities, how charming and messy these were..

Sep 5, 2020 6:23 AM

Next week is the 19th anniversary of 911. Helping to make sure it is not overlooked, Richard Gage talks about his upcoming conference, which will be online on September 11th, on ae911truth.org.

He is joined on the STG Report by Matt Campbell who is seeking a new inquest for his brother Geoff Campbell, who was murdered on September 11th 2001, on the 106th floor of the North Tower.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Sep 5, 2020 7:54 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

A&E for 9/11 Truth despite doing a wonderful job on explaining the controlled demolitions are a front organisation, Moneycircus. I do wonder if Richard Gage is genuine or in on it. I think he has to be in on it. What an actor, if so. The perps knew that a small but significant percentage of people would cotton onto the giveaway controlled demolition so they had a very special propaganda strategy all planned. They would gag the recognisers of controlled demolition with controlled demolition – they’d shove it down our throats – and they made a big showcase of WTC-7’s implosion as part of their campaign. WTC-7 didn’t have to come down on 9/11 any more than WTCs 3-6 did (they all came down later). They brought it down with all the journalists scripted to comment on its resemblance to controlled demolition to keep us all focused on that and away from the planes. You will notice that many prominent 9/11 truthers (but not David Ray Griffin) are very ambivalent on the planes even though it’s as clear as day that all four plane crashes were faked. When you recognise the plane crashes are faked, however, then you get that those 265 deaths in the planes were faked and that might make you wonder about the other 2,735. If they faked the 265 alleged plane passenger deaths then why not the other 2,735? And, of course, that is precisely what they did. 9/11 was a psyop. 9/11 wasn’t a “false flag” and it wasn’t strictly an “inside job”. It was a psyop. 9/11 was a psyop and in psyops you don’t do things for real unless you want them for real. They wanted they buildings down so they brought ’em down. They didn’t want plane crashes (and couldn’t have done… Read more »

Sep 5, 2020 8:52 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

If a psyop is prepared sufficiently well, those who present an alternative narrative necessarily become part of the psyop. We saw that with Mark Lane and the public execution of JFK.

Matt Cambell’s efforts get a new inquest for his brother Geoff are antidote enough. The witnesses and their relatives are always a thorn in the side of the criminals. Hence the huge number of witnesses to the JFK murder that met an untimely death.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Sep 5, 2020 8:57 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Yep, controlled opposition is everywhere. They tell us that Lenin said “The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves,” but, of course, power has always recognised this. The thing is controlling the opposition is simply an essential part of controlling us all. It drives me completely nuts. Any opposition you come across you have to push up the “controlled opposition” filter big time and they’re always tricking you.

Sep 5, 2020 9:45 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

So by that premise OffG and all of us Covid ‘deniers’ are actually serving someone else’s agenda? Our independent thoughts are not our own? This takes some untangling (in my brain).

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Sep 6, 2020 2:53 AM
Reply to  dus7

The thing is they make it a little bit easier for us when you know how. They always give us the clues above and beyond any naturally occurring anomalies in their story. True, controlled opposition gets very tricky but when you recognise the gratuitous clues even when CO are trying to trick you you’ll probably still end up with a pretty good version of the truth. It’s a matter of putting all the pieces together so they fit properly. It also helps to understand the basic MO of psyops.

For the big ones such as 9/11 and COVID they will have two major streams of propaganda: one for the masses and one for those who doubt the story.

Because I knew they had two for 9/11
1. 19 terrorists armed with boxcutters, 3,000 dead, 6,000 injured
2. Controlled demolition, ambiguity on planes, 3,000 dead, 6,000 injured …

… but where the reality was simply controlled demolition, no planes, staged death and injury

I predicted they’d do the same for COVID.
1. Pandemic
2. Virus but not pandemic, numbers don’t add up, response inappropriate

And they did. Logic tells you there would never be a real virus. It simply wouldn’t work at all for them and they like to keep the actual reality simple. They like to do it all through smoke’n’mirrors. They wanted the buildings down so they brought them down, they didn’t want any of the other stuff so they didn’t do it.

The reality is generally pretty basic, while the propaganda is massive with loads and loads of little substreams: Wuhan lab, hydroxychloroquine, masks – effective or not, lockdown – appropriate or not, people dying in ventilators (doubt that’s true but it might be – but it’s all about pushing buttons, true or not) etc.

Seansaighdeor (IANA)
Seansaighdeor (IANA)
Sep 5, 2020 9:07 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

‘did they have to kill anyone in WTCs 1 and 2? They didn’t…’

So all the jumpers and people hanging out the side of the buildings trying to breathe were what? Holograms – please explain?

Sep 5, 2020 9:41 AM

this persona claims that they were thirteen-foot-tall dummies. it’s the airplanes that were holograms, supposedly. the concrete dust was also a special effect, for some reason that escapes me.

Sep 5, 2020 3:15 PM
Reply to  THX-1143

NSA disinfo. They come here to discredit the entire narrative.

We are discussing the lockdown and the illegal measures governments have taken and she is posting about 9-11.

What does that tell you?

Sep 5, 2020 3:41 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I see no reason to differ from your conclusion.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Sep 5, 2020 10:52 AM

The jumpers were dummies and they could have had people hanging over the sides of the building at another time and inserted the footage and also used dummies.

I cannot say how they did it all, Sean, but I wouldn’t say the evidence presented is particularly compelling, would you? Where they have the people waving the smoke looks as if it’s being pumped out. It seems to be coming from particular points in the building in a controlled manner.

This is a clearly photoshopped photo of a man in the hangman position that they brazenly put on the front cover of TIME. They’re so damn brazen.

Sep 5, 2020 11:05 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

see, I told you so.

Sep 5, 2020 11:32 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Don’t play with people’s souls. The jumpers were the most horrific, the most tragic, the most humane memory of that day. They fell like rain. The sheer number is censored, as are most of the photographs of them. The government wanted us to watch “planes” ad nauseam and absorb the chants of Bin Laden, Bin Laden. The government did not want us roused by nausea and disgust and then outrage to anger at the ranks of humans choosing to commit suicide. Choosing between suffocating as they clung to searing metal, or being brutally whip lashed by the wind before the impact that severed their limbs and turned their bodies to pulp. That is why most of the photographs quickly disappeared from the web. If they were, as you claim, Photoshopped the government would have made the most of the images. The emotional impact of the jumpers appeared to frighten the government. It was the one moment they veered from the plot. I believe they hadn’t thought people would try to jump off the Towers. I can’t forget them, even though I was thousands of miles away in front of a television screen. “They jumped to escape the smoke and the fire; they jumped when the ceilings fell and the floors collapsed; they jumped just to breathe once more before they died. They jumped continually, from all four sides of the building… For more than an hour and a half, they streamed from the building, one after another, consecutively rather than en masse, as if each individual required the sight of another individual jumping before mustering the courage to jump himself or herself. They were all, obviously, very much alive on their way down, and their way down lasted an approximate count of ten seconds. They were all, obviously, not just… Read more »

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Sep 5, 2020 12:24 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

I’m very sorry to say, moneycircus, that it’s all propaganda and fakery and I’m sorry that it had such an impact on you. In my own case, I paid barely the slightest attention to 9/11. I remember hearing it on the news on my way to work and thinking surely this is a joke but then obviously realised it wasn’t. Even though I believed it was 19 terrorists for 13 years I also felt immediately a sense of being manipulated so I simply didn’t look at it very much at all and so it didn’t really impact me. I was determined not to get caught up in any anti-Muslim type BS so I simply kind of avoided it – or at least that’s how I remember it.

I really don’t understand why people don’t get it. 9/11 was a psyop, OK? It was a psyop. It is not part of the MO to kill people in psyops when you don’t want them killed. Do you realise how many people needed to be involved? Do you see how all the media people are scripted? They’re all in on it. So many people – in on it. What 9/11 was apart from the buildings coming down was a massive Full-Scale Exercise comprising many smaller exercises and drills and many of the drills are admitted to – drills not admitted to are those producing the obviously “drill” injured people.

I have put forward a 10-point Occam’s Razor case for death and injury being staged on 9/11 and I’ve issued a $5,000 challenge for anyone to put forward the same exercise for death and injury being real and the challenger can choose their own judge from the field of emergency response. No one has responded so far.

Sep 5, 2020 1:27 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

In my own case, I paid barely the slightest attention to 9/11. I remember hearing it on the news on my way to work and thinking surely this is a joke but then obviously realised it wasn’t. Even though I believed it was 19 terrorists for 13 years

it just goes to show what a clueless idiot you are.

Sep 5, 2020 1:26 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

there’s no use in arguing with disinfo ghouls, they’re completely shameless.

Sep 5, 2020 1:52 PM
Reply to  THX-1143

Settle down, no need for that. You could always bring your own analysis. What is it?

Sep 5, 2020 2:44 PM
Reply to  Shin

aircraft flown by pre-programmed autopilot crash into upper floors of large buildings. fire ensues, several hundred tonnes of kerosene making a not insignificant contribution. stairways are smashed or on fire, people above crash zone are unable to escape. faced with being burned alive or asphyxiated, some prefer to jump.

sometime later, pre-placed demolition explosives bring buildings down at near-freefall speed. pre-planned wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are initiated on a false-flag pretext, of which they are actually not the result, but the cause.

what’s your theory?

Ewan Duffy
Ewan Duffy
Sep 5, 2020 6:06 PM
Reply to  THX-1143

While I don’t discount the WTC7 demolition theory, what did the Deep State do with those people who wired the building for demolition?

Sep 5, 2020 6:17 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Hey, didn’t I see the same thing faked in that movie with the big grasshoppers in Chicago? It was “The Beginning of the End” and starred none other than Peter Graves, I think his brother played one of the grasshoppers.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Sep 6, 2020 3:06 AM
Reply to  Jim2468

Just saw the trailer. LOL. Never been a fan of horror movies involving creatures – not because I find them too scary but because they just seem so utterly ridiculous.

Sep 7, 2020 12:40 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

The link seems to show one genuine jumper in multiple poses. However, there are reports of quite stiff corpses falling. A lady overseeing the corpses of jumpers gathered on a sidewalk reported that none had any identification or personal effect such as a purse or jewellery.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Sep 8, 2020 11:54 AM
Reply to  mgeo

What link shows a genuine jumper, mgeo?

No one having IDs is just one of the many unbelievable anomalies they push in our faces. How would none of them have IDs? Sure, women would probably jump without their bags and thus not have IDs (although you’d think they’d keep their jewellery on) but for men not to have any ID on them?

Sep 5, 2020 3:12 PM

Don’t even bother. She is on the NSA payroll as are thousands of university hacks, specifically to spread lies that governments don’t kill and maim and to discredit all the legitimate scientists and academics who have already proven the crimes and the genocide.

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Sep 5, 2020 4:02 PM
Reply to  Researcher

It is a thing.
There are, however, also plenty of good-faith researchers who for some reason insist that every phony event, like the Mandalay Bay operation, had “no bullets” and “no bodies” and so forth. I actually wouldn’t claim to know for sure one way or the other in that case, but I’ve been disturbed by the insistence by very good friends of mine that they can “prove it was 100% faked on every level.”
Not only do these “proofs” tend to be unconvincing, but I tend to think actual carnage is a feature not a bug for these “people.”
Why fake something when you can hire an ex-Nicaraguan death squad to spread some real misery?

Sep 5, 2020 4:23 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I agree.

She is also posting the covid is a hoax meme above also. A meme I think is evdience light. However that appears to a more popular theory round here. Not sure why….

Sep 5, 2020 9:12 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Agree. Indian Point nuclear power plant is the big white elephant in the room, imo. If there was such a thing as a terrorist attack, handled by the devious mastermind Osama bin Ladin, wouldn’t he just dive bomb one plane into Indian Point? Two active power plants that have accumulated something like 60 years of stockpiled radioactive waste.
There would be no more New York if that occurred. Hence the reason why it didn’t.
Indian Point is situated only 40 miles north of the WTC. Only 24 miles from the apparent flight path of flight 11(north tower). Basically it flew right over the top of it and chose, instead, the more difficult task of hitting a small target at 500 knots at sea level. Yeah, right.
The whole plane theory is nothing more than make believe. Just my opinion, Cheers!

Sep 5, 2020 9:44 AM
Reply to  Shin

Sep 5, 2020 10:17 AM
Reply to  THX-1143

I am a retired mechanical/hydraulic engineer with close to 40 years experience in the field. Everything from repairing small cars all the way up to passenger jets. The simple fact that an aluminium plane can fly at 500 knots, at sea level, without breaking apart is immeasurable. Before the plane would have even hit the parameters of sea level it would have resisted and gone into shock.
The fact that a pilot, supposedly, controlled an aircraft at this rigours, banked and hit he’s target with 100% accuracy is not only beyond the laws of physics but laughable. Keep watching photo shots as much as you want.
It’s your choice. Cheers!

Sep 5, 2020 11:15 AM
Reply to  Shin

why does it have to fly at 500kn?

Journal of 9/11 Studies — Plausibility Of 9/11 Aircraft Attacks Generated By GPS-Guided Aircraft Autopilot Systems

Sep 5, 2020 1:17 PM
Reply to  THX-1143

What? The 500 knots is in the FFA transcripts and the 911 Commission report. You could drag that back to 400 knots and scenario would be the same. Big aluminium planes at sea level simply cannot handle that load. It would make zero difference if the plane was on auto pilot. Do you know what load even means? Go cuddle your teddy bear instead of telling other people to fuck off.

Sep 5, 2020 2:18 PM
Reply to  Shin

so according to you, the Official Story must either be absolutely true, or absolutely false. either the airplanes flew at 500kn at sea level, or there were no airplanes at all.

more imaginative minds might be able to conceive of other possibilities.

It would make zero difference if the plane was on auto pilot.

you’re the one who brought “pilots”, and what they might or might not be capable of, into the issue. if autopilot systems were incapable of turning the aircraft, they wouldn’t be of much use. the fact that the aircraft is banked at the moment of impact shows that “100% accuracy” is not what happened; if so, the necessary course correction would have been made much further out.

Do you know what load even means?

yah, it’s what you’re full of.

Sep 5, 2020 2:33 PM
Reply to  THX-1143

Planes did not fly into the buildings! Science stipulates it very clearly. A bomb went off, a very big one, followed by a hell of lot of other very big ones To think for a second, and believe, that aluminium wings could slice through shear steel and leave an imprint is an utter moron. Which you have clearly shown you are. Talk about disinfo, your a flatout idiot that hasn’t given one once of a view point except smear. Go on, lift up that skirt, grab hold of ya nuts and make a call.

Sep 5, 2020 3:25 PM
Reply to  Shin

try throwing a glass of water at a wire-mesh window screen. see on which side the water ends up.

in this image, note that most of the steel columns are dented, but intact. only the aluminum cladding has been knocked off them. the only ones which are actually smashed, are where the engines, fuselage, and landing gear passed through.


as for your skirts, nuts, and phonecall reference, I didn’t understand it, so you’ll have to explain whether this was intended as a misogynist or homophobic slur.

Sep 5, 2020 3:43 PM
Reply to  THX-1143

What silly analogy is that. Water against a wire mesh window screen? What is this, kiddy yard. Try throwing an aluminium ball, as hard as you possible can, against 1cm rigid steel. You would be lucky if it didn’t rebound and knock you out.
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Isaac Newton.
Whatever crushes is also crushed. Isaac Newton
Laws of Physics.
Not one of these laws where observed that day.
Not One!

Sep 5, 2020 4:12 PM
Reply to  Shin

how about a lead ball?

Whatever crushes is also crushed.

aircraft smashed into unrecognizable fragments, except for engines and landing gear struts. building facade badly damaged, but steel columns mostly remaining, except for those impacted by same engines and landing gear.

seems to check out. good point.

Sep 5, 2020 4:28 PM
Reply to  THX-1143

Yet on 911 that wasn’t observed, was it. What we all can clearly see is an imprint, through shear steal, of an airplane. Left and right wing tip exposed like a Wile E. Coyote impression. Made out of nothing more than an aluminium airplane. No crushing, no resistance, no equal force. Simply an aeroplane cutting through butter. Well done!

Sep 5, 2020 4:46 PM
Reply to  Shin

you clearly didn’t refer to the image I posted, so here it is again. the wingtip impressions are where the aluminum cladding has been knocked off; the steel columns there are hardly dented. note also that most of the facade area is actually glass, which is why the wire-mesh window screen analogy is relevant.


Sep 5, 2020 6:30 PM
Reply to  Shin

Uh, I’m no physicist and I’m just throwing this out there but, lead is very soft compared to steel plate but I KNOW that a plain lead bullet can pierce steel because i do know something about shooting at stuff with lead, non-jacketed bullets. So, just because something is made of aluminum does not mean that it cannot do a lot of damage to steel I-beams.

Sep 6, 2020 12:05 PM
Reply to  Shin

Thanks for stating this Shin, I spent my working life in oilfield engineering and completely agree. Obviously anyone with structural experience knows if they look.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Sep 5, 2020 2:33 PM
Reply to  Shin

FDA transcripts and 9/11 reports were the meat and potatoes of the conspiracy to protect Saudi elites , who financed the operation for their own personal gains , quite successfully as it turned out.

Sep 5, 2020 2:50 PM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

I couldn’t agree more.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Sep 5, 2020 2:30 PM
Reply to  Shin

The Aircraft that impacted the shoddily built bankster towers were not flying at 500 knots?

Sep 5, 2020 2:41 PM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

I don’t think planes even hit them Jim. The whole scenario is completely implausible. Unless of course physics decided to have a day off. I was simply making a point that is was implausible and flat out impossible. What do you think?

Sep 5, 2020 3:31 PM
Reply to  Shin

sure, the laws of physics completely exclude the possibility of airplanes crashing into buildings.


Sep 5, 2020 3:32 PM
Reply to  Shin

You should read Philip Marshall’s book. It explains everything.

Sep 5, 2020 4:26 PM
Reply to  Shin

That’s dishonest and lacks any merit to the main point.

The point isn’t whether a terrorist flew anything. It was a government operation from the beginning to pull down the towers and WTC7 to justify the endless wars, so why would they fly into Indian Point?

You are disinformation 1.0 lite.

Sep 5, 2020 4:48 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Do you have trouble reading? If! I’ll spell it out again, if a terrorist attack…..calling me out as a disinfo? what, are your panties getting wet because you can’t understand a basic comment. Fucking grow up. What a waste of a site this has become.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Sep 6, 2020 7:37 AM
Reply to  Shin

When people say things too ridiculous just ignore them, Shin. I think there are sufficient people who don’t say utterly ridiculous things – even if we all have different opinions.

Sep 5, 2020 9:31 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

I think we’ve had quite enough of your ridiculous disinfo already; why don’t you fuck off somewhere else?

Sep 5, 2020 11:25 AM
Reply to  THX-1143

Why don’t you fuck off

Sep 5, 2020 11:33 AM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

no, you.

Sep 5, 2020 3:27 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

Petra is on the NSA payroll.

She writes about sustainability BS for Macquarie University and the NSA-WEF.

Why is she always off topic and minimizing the crimes that are happening right now?

People did die in 9/11, in all the wars and in all the terror operations.

People died from being forced onto ventilators when all they needed was oxygen. People died from being denied treatment for other conditions due to the lockdown.

That’s a crime. Petra is minimizing and avoiding talking about those crimes.

People are committing suicide and losing their homes and savings as a result of this lockdown and that’s also a crime.

People die from vaccines and that’s a crime.

Yet Petra continually minimizes the real harm and the real crimes in favor of some absurd narrative, as a disinformation campaign to muddy the waters.

It’s disinfo 101.

Sep 5, 2020 3:52 PM
Reply to  Researcher

wow, I didn’t imagine that anybody would actually use their real name here.

I guess when you’re on the payroll, you’ve got nothing to worry about.


Ewan Duffy
Ewan Duffy
Sep 5, 2020 6:10 PM
Reply to  THX-1143

“wow, I didn’t imagine that anybody would actually use their real name here.”

I do.

Sep 5, 2020 3:09 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

When are you going to pivot to your WEF sustainable talking points Petra?

You are such a fraud.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Sep 5, 2020 3:14 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I know nothing about the WEF, Researcher. I have no idea what you’re talking about.

Sep 5, 2020 4:01 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Why don’t you know about the WEF and the Great Reset?

You write about “sustainability”.

Yet you don’t know about the World Economics Forum’s sustainability program rolled out through their Great Reset.

It’s been in action for 50 years so I’m not sure why you are so unaware of their role in this lockdown and their role in the UN, and their links to the IMF, the WHO, the CFR, Rand, Mitre, CIA, NSA, G30, World Bank, BIS.

Why don’t you know about any of this, and why are you always posting about 9-11?

What has 9-11 got to do with the crimes being committed right now?

What you have you done at your university to protest the lockdown with other academics and to co-ordinate a response to the Australian federal government and the NSW state’s responses to an illegal lockdown and a mandated vaccine for perfectly healthy people?

Why don’t you mention those issues?

You’ve already been exposed.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Sep 6, 2020 2:04 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Just talking about the psyops I do write about is effort enough and even there I make little headway. Why do people feel I’m obliged to talk about any particular thing? You go ahead and talk about it Researcher. Make that your job and let me do mine.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Sep 6, 2020 3:20 AM
Reply to  Researcher

What has 9-11 got to do with the crimes being committed right now?

Actually, a great deal, Researcher. A great deal. 9/11’s MO is very similar to this psyop’s MO (and the MO of other psyops) so it’s most instructive to understand 9/11 properly so that you can understand this psyop. I’ve done an exercise showing the parallels.

Sep 5, 2020 8:23 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Straight up sgt report is controlled opposition that considers everything it doesn’t like as social communism or some such deranged shite and architects and engineers haven’t had any new architects and engineers since it’s inception and still claims two of the three towers to fall that day fell in 9 seconds when its way to easy to prove that to be wrong. 9/11 was an inside job and those 9/11 groups have done more harm than good

Sep 5, 2020 9:04 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

It looks that a part of the psy-op is the popular string of three digits. If so, by using that instead of describing the events with one’s own words, one presumably aids the Cryptocracy’s psy-op. I wonder how this looks from your perspective.

Sep 5, 2020 9:53 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

There seems a glaring lack of Risk Engineering in the A&E story. If you had gone to the trouble of wiring up and setting charges for controlled demolition would you really want to have some bozo fly a plane into it? Wouldn’t that carry an unacceptable risk of stuffing it up?

Or if they miss altogether and plough into Manhattan, or the drink – what then? Just push the T handle anyway? How are you going to explain that? Bad enough with WTC7, but if the whole shebang comes down on a whim NIST is really going to be challenged….

Sep 5, 2020 10:08 AM
Reply to  martin

would you really want to have some bozo fly a plane into it?

Journal of 9/11 Studies — Plausibility Of 9/11 Aircraft Attacks Generated By GPS-Guided Aircraft Autopilot Systems

Wouldn’t that carry an unacceptable risk of stuffing it up?

not if the individual detonators are radio-controlled.


Sep 5, 2020 10:41 AM
Reply to  martin

Numerous professional pilots have said they could not have flown the reported planes into those targets, the variables are just too great. Not least, the reported speeds were beyond the endurance of the reported planes at near ground level (767s and 757s) and would have stressed the airframe to disintegration.

But this is an unnecessary diversion. The implosion of the three WTC buildings on its own is evidence enough.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Sep 5, 2020 11:17 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

You’ve got it from a number of different angles.

1. In psyops it’s just not the done thing to do something for real unless you want it – so beneath the psyoppers’ dignity to do something for real rather than psyop us into it. So not MO.

2. As you and Shin point out, the physics wouldn’t allow it and then we’re talking remote-controlled adding another layer of complexity.

3. Clear evidence of video fakery in a number of ways.

a. Disintegration of the plane doesn’t match what it should according to crash physics – see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xuhNR6lx97E&feature=youtu.be

a. Size of plane object is too small.

b. It doesn’t glint in the sunlight as a real plane would.

c. It’s approach is shown from a number of different angles which don’t match up. See interesting video by Allan Weisbecker where he speaks about the fakery with a friend who’s a famous photographer. In the initial meeting the friend agrees it’s but in the second meeting he reneges. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQ04UjoErP4

4. Plane wreckage not consistent.

And then we have the pièce de résistance. The nose cone popping out the other side.

There’s no doubt other giveaways but that’s certainly enough.

Sep 5, 2020 11:29 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

The nose cone popping out the other side.

sure, tell us some more of your ridiculous lies. see if you can spot any “nose cones” here:

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Sep 5, 2020 12:10 PM
Reply to  THX-1143

We are shown it pop out in this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WH5InKzdQHw) and a witness, Mark Walsh, confirms seeing it, “ream right into the side of the twin tower exploding through the other side.” Mark’s excited demeanour doesn’t seem consistent with someone who’s just witnessed a shocking tragedy. Now why might that be? (https://youtu.be/f-pLwI7dcQ0?t=56s)

Sep 5, 2020 1:34 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Now why might that be?

because he’s a government disinfo operative, just like you.

there is, however, plenty of “exploding through the other side” visible in the video above. as you would expect, when a large airplane crashes into a building whose facade, by area, is mostly glass.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Sep 6, 2020 2:00 AM
Reply to  THX-1143

LOL. because he’s a government disinfo operative, just like you. The first part is totally correct but you haven’t supplied the reason for a disinfo agent performing in such a manner. Why does the disinfo perform in such a manner? That is the question, isn’t it? Why not who. Why? All my bleating about how they give us the signs hasn’t penetrated, has it? I do not know why that is, I really don’t. When I first heard it myself I latched onto the utter golden nugget that it was and never let it go. It features in my comments all the time. Revelation of the method. To understand psyops and to understand how they control us it is utterly essential and makes analysing psyops a doddle to recognise that they always give us the signs. This is why I was able to accurately predict that ALL the media stories about alleged patients and “miracle recoveries” would be unconvincing and most often utterly ludicrous. It’s all so easy to work out when you recognise the MO of revelation of the method. There are a number of reasons they give us the signs but I think the edited quote below provides an excellent reason. The purpose of propaganda is not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponds to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control.… Read more »

VIctor G.
VIctor G.
Sep 5, 2020 1:23 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Bologna … Have you decided to take the 5 grand you offer on your website and go investigate yourself yet? That kind of money will buy you a nice 4 weeks in NYC. Time enough to get your hands on proof that there were zero victims … proof was important once. Maybe you remember those days?

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Sep 5, 2020 2:43 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

The thing not seen on this attack by the Saudis , were it an inside job , are the secondary explosions that take out structural supports, that controlled demolitions require as the building drops?

Sep 5, 2020 11:19 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Numerous professional pilots have said they could not have flown the reported planes into those targets

they said that about the alleged crash at the Pentagon. if any significant number of actual airline pilots said that about the WTC crashes, please provide a reference. it doesn’t have to be all or nothing, and it probably doesn’t require human pilots.

Journal of 9/11 Studies — Plausibility Of 9/11 Aircraft Attacks Generated By GPS-Guided Aircraft Autopilot Systems

Sep 5, 2020 3:04 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

I think the importance of the AE story is it provides a refuge for educated Americans who want to see it as a conspiracy within government. The events happened as on TV, plus some assistance, and it’s a whodunnit. Nobody much else is implicated. Blame it on Israel if you like. Once it becomes a media hoax the complicity spreads far and wide. America becomes a different place.

And of course it is – senior level people in all of the institutions of state and academia etc etc must know. But for them it is the world they live in, and it puts them in a superior class. Leaders have been deliberately sacrificing their own people for great causes for a long time, did that stop at some point? The victims all still died for America, but not in quite the way they might have chosen. And the numbers may well have been inflated for effect.

To outsiders with no belief or loyalty to the Land of the Free I agree, it might seem irrelevant. But then we miss how Covid was done in much the same way. Back in January we had blood soaked mattresses on TV News here in Oz.

Sep 5, 2020 4:07 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

It doesn’t matter how, what matters is who and why.

Phillip Marshall wrote a very good book called “The Big Bamboozle” and he and his two children and their dog were assassinated under highly suspicious circumstances.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Sep 5, 2020 2:36 PM
Reply to  martin

To pre-wire a controlled demolition on a working building of that size would take months , hundreds of men ,and thousands of pounds of explosives . An impossible process to cover up.

Sep 5, 2020 3:34 PM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

unless the people organizing the demolition job are the building owners and the building security company.

Ewan Duffy
Ewan Duffy
Sep 5, 2020 6:13 PM
Reply to  THX-1143

But not a single one of them has broken rank since to say that they worked on the demolition of the WTC towers?

Sep 6, 2020 2:40 AM
Reply to  Ewan Duffy

this is the standard “somebody would have blabbed” argument. the explanation is, that the sort of people who are employed for this sort of job, know perfectly well that if they do blab in any public way, they will be dead in less than 24 hours. this provides a strong disincentive for them to do so. if they hadn’t already demonstrated their loyalty to their employers, as CIA operatives or Special Forces thugs or whatever, they wouldn’t even be considered for this kind of work.

such people tend to have a short expiry date anyway. maybe they were all loaded onto one of the helicopters that were supposedly shot down by the Taliban over Afghanistan, and are no longer available for blabbing of any sort. like the ones who supposedly disposed of Osama bin Laden. dead men tell no tales.

Sep 6, 2020 10:13 PM
Reply to  THX-1143

Thanks for this.

One handy example is the top-secret Manhattan Project that produced the first nuclear weapons. It was led by the United States with the support of the UK and Canada.

It was active from 1942 to 1946, and involved hundreds of people in multiple countries. Nobody blabbed!

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Sep 8, 2020 5:34 AM
Reply to  Ort

The Manhattan project was no secret to the millions, required to make it happen, the citizenry of New Mexico, and thousands of US academics . Only a careful but constant historical rewrite make it seem otherwise.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Sep 8, 2020 5:29 AM
Reply to  THX-1143

So the thousands of employees that ebbed and flowed through these edifices saw nothing unusual for months as the 2 bankster towers was wired for demolition???

Sep 5, 2020 6:45 PM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

Difficult, yes. Impossible, no. But really, these arguments about controlled demolitions always end up going nowhere. JFK gets shot by one man or 10 men. Does it make any difference anymore? Maybe one man was paid by 10 men or 10 men were paid by one man. What is important is WHO paid the men and why…..and then prove it. But no one ever did that or even tried to….except, maybe Jim Garrison. Everyone gets sidetracked into nonsense that doesn’t really matter. You could have a photo of the supports with HE wrapped around them and it wouldn’t get you any closer to solving the crime anyway. Forget about 911 already and start thinking about the here and now. You guys are a pain in the ass.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Sep 5, 2020 7:31 PM
Reply to  Jim2468

I was just replying to one of said “pain in the asses”. By the tone of your post difficult but not impossible? I think that you are also of that ilk ,a pain in the ass..

Sep 5, 2020 12:50 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

The keto diet is the controlled demolition. The virus is the planes. The inside job is the controlled opposition antivax movement…

Sep 5, 2020 1:54 PM
Reply to  Simon

How do you know it’s not the vegan diet that is the controlled demolition? It seems to be more and more promoted by the parasite class these days, as part of the global warming narrative.
PS. I’m vegan, but for purely ethical reasons, and this corporate push for veganism is very off-putting to me.

Sep 5, 2020 2:50 PM
Reply to  Tep

maybe the corporations are vegan, for purely ethical reasons, too.

Sep 5, 2020 2:56 PM
Reply to  THX-1143


Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Sep 5, 2020 5:19 AM

Twilight of the human race.

I stopped enjoying the mordant humor months ago…

S Cooper
S Cooper
Sep 5, 2020 5:52 AM
Reply to  Fact Checker

Speaking of bad gallows humor in poor taste, to break the ice.

One Kyle Rittenhouse, one AR-15 assault rifle, one thousand rounds of ammunition and one padlocked auditorium of MASK NAZIS. Voila! Instant Quentin Tarantino “Masterpiece.”
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