Assange: Ask not for whom the bell tolls

Philip Roddis

I began a recent post with this assertion:

The western world is inhabited by those who know we are ruled by sociopaths … and that much larger group which, taking at face value the surface forms of democracy informed by independent media, either cannot or will not accept this admittedly frightening truth.

You find me hyperbolic? I’d love to hear your factually based reasons. Ditto if you had a similar reaction to my many allusions to the USA – and other imperialisms defined as such by financial domination of the global south – as lawless.

I look to facts rather than lifelong imbued depictions, powerfully impressionistic and implicitly racist, of a morally superior West when all the evidence points quite the other way. Take the US Empire. It really is an extraordinary achievement by narrative managers that slavery, colonial plunder, land grabs, coups, colour revolutions to install US puppets and genocidally internecine quarrels (the last one ending in the Pentagon testing newly acquired death technology on the Japanese people) have been variously ignored, justified by half truths and flat out lies, or simply filed under the Bad Old Days before “we” learned to behave better.

The agents of this PR success story are by no means confined to news media. They also take in our entertainment industries, education systems and other ideological gatekeepers. What’s more – see my July post, political economy of our media – this success does not presuppose consciously mendacious actors. In the main, the normal incentives of career motivation apply.

Here’s what I wrote in 2016:

Journalists who know what’s good for them please editors. Editors who know what’s good for them please proprietors. Proprietors need advertisers and crave honours.

And here’s a now famous exchange from February 1996, between the BBC’s Andrew Marr and Noam Chomsky:

Marr: How can you know I’m self censoring?

Chomsky: I’m not saying you are self censoring. I’m sure you believe everything you say. But what I’m saying is that if you believed something different you wouldn’t be sitting where you’re sitting.

By 2017 Marr had honed his riposte:

I was nervous of Chomsky. When he said “if you believed something different, you wouldn’t be where you’re sitting”, I immediately realised this was not so much brilliant as unanswerable […] I had said that the Guardian and the Telegraph posed very different world views. And that journalists varied hugely in politics and temperament. Chomsky is brilliant, but a brilliant conspiracist, so no, it wasn’t a matter of the penny dropping, still less an epiphany.”

Which tells me several things. One is that Marr is intellectually vain. “I immediately realised …” can be read as defending his being lost for words at the time. Another, more important, is that he really does believe Guardian and Telegraph pose very different worldviews.

For reasons I’ve set out many times, on issues that most matter to class rule, Marr, product of a privileged but narrow education (Dundee High, Cambridge), is quite wrong on this point.

(Or have I missed some profoundly subtle yet shatteringly radical difference between Guardian and Telegraph coverage of Assad, Assange, Chavez, Corbyn, Maduro, Mugabe, Putin and Xi? My, in a world of thugs and robbers, mostly in the global south, we can thank our lucky stars that the West, with its 500 year history of altruism, is ready and willing to act as the world’s selfless gendarme!)

As for “journalists varying hugely in politics and temperament”, that is so spectacularly point missing, from an otherwise sophisticated man, as to corroborate an opinion I’ve long held. In a corrupt status quo, career mindedness begets cynicism which in turn begets, for reasons to do with our limited capacity to tolerate cognitive dissonance, its own forms of obtuseness.

Finally, Chomsky is emphatically not a conspiracy theorist in any meaningful sense of the term – read him at source on these matters – far less in the degraded sense now routinely used to dismiss arguments – not just any old argument but those fatal to illusions which enable class rule to go quietly about its business – without the inconvenience of addressing their specifics. Implicit in Marr’s usage is the very circularity of reasoning he – and this too is implicit – lays at Chomsky’s door.

Not that self interest leading to self censorship, without our being consciously involved in the process, is confined to news media. It can be detected in all ideological agencies, aided by the reality that homo sapiens sapiens, for all her remarkable powers of reason, is first and foremost a psychological rather than logical animal.

Which goes some way to explaining why myths imbibed since infancy, of the fairness of our political and judicial systems, of media independence and of a moral entitlement – nay, duty – to police the planet so often trump cold facts. Especially when, on matters which do not cut to the heart of ruling class interests, the myths are not wholly inaccurate.

It is Julian Assange’s misfortune – and ours, if we could but see beyond the ends of our noses – that the threat he posed through truthful journalism did indeed cut to the heart of ruling class interests.

But that’s quite enough from me. Here’s Oscar Grenfell, writing today in WSWS.1

The working class must defend Julian Assange!


The latest stage in the decade-long persecution of Julian Assange begins today, with the final three weeks of British court hearings for the extradition of the WikiLeaks publisher to the US, where he faces 175 years in prison for exposing American war crimes, human rights violations, coups and meddling operations around the world.

Whatever the court decides will likely be subject to years of legal appeal, but the scenario that Assange has warned of for the past ten years—that he risks being hauled before a secret US court, prosecuted for lawful publishing activities and thrown into a hellhole run by his CIA persecutors—is all too real.

The innumerable pundits and media commentators who derided these warnings as a conspiracy theory and promoted the slanders used to undermine public support for Assange have fallen silent.2 The legal travesty underway in the land of the Magna Carta either goes unmentioned in the official press, or is discreetly buried in brief columns halfway through the papers.

The hearings are only proceeding because the attempt of the British state to kill Assange by exposing him to the danger of coronavirus infection has so far failed.

Throughout the pandemic, Assange has been held in the maximum-security Belmarsh Prison, where he has been denied a mask or any other protection, even as dozens of inmates and staff have contracted COVID-19. A bail application has been contemptuously dismissed, despite the fact that Assange has been convicted of no crime, as have warnings that his health continues to deteriorate.

Assange, facing the most consequential legal proceedings of his life, has been unable to meet with his lawyers for the past six months. Weeks before the resumption of the trial, US prosecutors filed a superseding indictment, based on the lies and slanders of FBI informants, over a year after they were required to submit their final charge sheet. The transparent purpose was to inundate Assange’s legal team with tens of thousands of documents, after they had finished preparing their case, to prevent even the possibility of a defence.

As a matter of law, the US extradition request should have been thrown out as soon as it was submitted.

It violates innumerable treaties, laws and international conventions, including a ban on extraditions from Britain to the US for political offenses…

Read the full piece here.


[1] See also the observations of former UK Ambassador Craig Murray, present at the Old Bailey today for the resumption of Julian’s Extradition Hearing.

[2] Emphasis here is mine. It is my view that of all the media vilification of Assange, the worst was from the Guardian. Its columnists – from Luke Harding to Marina Hyde and Suzanne “massive turd” Moore – led the way in cutting Assange loose from what should have been his natural support base, the liberal intelligentsia.


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Face The Truth
Face The Truth
Sep 11, 2020 4:36 PM

Julian Assange, journalist and founder of WikiLeaks, faces 175 years in a US prison for his lawful publishing activities exposing genocidal American war crimes, heinous human rights violations, criminal coups and covert meddling operations around the world. The rigged show trial and grotesque legal travesty that is underway in the UK at present, all in the name of so-called International law and justice, just shows the poverty and the final defeat of a former great power, the American Empire. America has unnecessarily exposed its own fascism, its own ugly face to the world in persuit of revenge. It is the ugliest monster hiding behind a beautiful facade. America is not a democracy, it is a hypocrisy. And their politicians and ruling elites cannot win. Their whole democracy is exposed as a total fraud. Their whole justice system in the name of great values, of fairness, is simple hypocrisy. They have accepted their defeat in the very fact that they became afraid of a single individual who had no power, no nuclear weapons. They accepted their inferiority of power before a single individual, Julian Assange, Who published for the whole world to see, The horrific truth and the unlawful inhuman behaviour of the evil US empire! Regardless of the legal outcome to Julian, he has already won. We all have already won. And America lost! Power is absolutely powerless when it faces truth, when it faces innocence, when it faces love, when it faces magnetic force, when it faces meditation. Now, let’s bring Julian home safe, free and healthy. Remember, even a stronger entity than you can be defeated if you know the secret of when they are fearful and powerless. When their full criminal behavior has been exposed for all to see, they are bound to be powerless. In judo… Read more »

Grace Johns
Grace Johns
Sep 14, 2020 1:01 AM
Reply to  Face The Truth

Thats nonsense. The physical energetic force stems from your core as any yogi knows. If you activate your core you can lift a vehicle. Breath is for relaxing the parasympathetic.

Sep 10, 2020 11:03 PM

Personally, I think Assange should be extradited immediately, without further ado
After all, America is always ready immediately to hand over its citizens wanted in foreign countries and by international bodies.
Pompeo has just displayed exemplary cooperation with the ICC investigating Americans for war crimes. Couldn’t do enough for them. Couldn’t have been more helpful.
Anne Sacoolas’s feet hardly touched the ground as soon as the UK requested her extradition. She was on the first plane back.
And the gang of black marines who abducted and gang raped a 12 year old Japanese girl in Okinawa were immediately handed over to face Japanese justice. It’s not as though they were just flown out on the first plane back to the US, or anything.
The least we can do is reciprocate this exemplary cooperation.

Eric McCoo
Eric McCoo
Sep 10, 2020 10:36 AM

Re Chomsky. He was once a real political activist specialising in dissecting the media but as the world has swung to the right he has bowed and scraped to the establishment to ingratiate himself to the very media he exposed.

He was apparently very angry with Marr during that quoted interview because Marr obviously hadn’t read his book, the one they were discussing.

Sep 10, 2020 1:11 PM
Reply to  Eric McCoo

Your contribution here was actually covered in the article.
Chomsky was angry with Marr because Chomsky has never tolerated foolish argument easily, and he probably even welcomed the fact that Marr hadn’t read his book, since it gave him an even greater opportunity to show that he knows what he is talking about, while Marr does not.
Chomsky-bashing is a modern fashion. Nothing more.

Sep 10, 2020 1:44 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Chomsky is not what he was & that’s hard to deny seeing as he’s had a few blatant misunderstandings of events in the last few years.

A younger Chomsky was not so easily fooled.

Did he just get old or was he otherwise convinced by an interested Party maybe? It’s debatable.

Sep 10, 2020 9:03 PM
Reply to  LeRuscino

I reckon he’s old enough to be “just getting old”. Happens to most of us eventually. But he has more facts at his fingertips than I expect to have for the rest of my life. He’s still ahead.

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
Sep 10, 2020 11:35 PM
Reply to  wardropper

A friend introduced me to Chomsky’s work some time ago and although I agreed with what he said, I was aware that it was too late. It was based on official government documents, I think they are released after three years in the USA unlike here where it seems like centuries. My point is that you can’t un~bomb a country, by the time things are provable you can’t do anything about it. Yesterday men are no use in the present, hindsight may be useful as a teacher but how can we stop them before they do it? We’ve got to act in the present with no proof but personal certainty,and that’s scary. We could be hung as villains but there’s no other way.

Sep 11, 2020 6:27 PM
Reply to  Nixon Scraypes

I agree with what you say about Chomsky. I’d say his weakness is, indeed, in being too late, although he does some very good summaries of what is wrong right now. He is, as you rightly say, a teacher, and not a prophet.
“Acting in the present with no proof”, however, would probably get us all hanged as villains, but also, crucially, without having achieved anything.
We have to know precisely who the real villains are, and expose them – dramatically – otherwise they will continue to write the history books of the future which will whitewash them completely.

Eric McCoo
Eric McCoo
Sep 10, 2020 1:57 PM
Reply to  wardropper

I saw a Chomsky interview in which he grovelled on his knees to show how with it he was on global warming. His scaremongering was so extreme it was hilarious.

Daft old establishment kant, arrogance oozing out of every pore..

Sep 10, 2020 9:05 PM
Reply to  Eric McCoo

One just has to be careful not to call views with which one does not agree “arrogant”…
Just for example, if you are right, and you know you are right, and you say so, there will always be people who think you are just arrogant.

Eric McCoo
Eric McCoo
Sep 10, 2020 9:11 PM
Reply to  wardropper

It’s comically extreme doom mongering on a subject he has no expertise in.

Sep 10, 2020 9:53 PM
Reply to  Eric McCoo

Except that being that intelligent and possessing extremely good general knowledge does tend to give people some degree of expertise in most well-publicized matters like global warming…
We are not talking about a lazy schoolboy here, and the crap that comes out of the world’s unregulated factory chimneys, sewage systems and uncontrollable forest fires certainly ought to be expected to have an effect. Like our own human bodies, the Earth has remarkable powers of rejuvenation – if given half a chance.
But the Earth is as defeated as we are when the malady is the global equivalent of alcoholism – which, as we all know, in extreme cases, will drag even a young victim to death.
There’s a current fashion – perhaps a backlash from hysterical over-statement – to dismiss global warming altogether, but I’m not buying it.

Sep 10, 2020 1:07 AM

Five years ago I wrote

“I must remind everyone that Assange story is nothing but a demonstration of what actually western democracies are, namely abhorrent totalitarian regimes ruled by force and intimidation revealing themselves in their ugliness to anyone who seriously
challenge their hegemony as Assange did, as they impudently, and surrealistically
are twisting into absurdity or completely ignoring laws to serve their political ends.

If anyone had doubt about reality of the west and their pontificating about freedom and democracy here it is in the open with its brutality, and imperial hubris of psychopathic delusions of lowlife bullies who lust for power.”

Nothing changed and H.M. English court will soon end documented cruel torture of Assange with bloody murder. As British imperial tradition has it pain and suffering of one or million never spoiled H.M. Five o’clock tea.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Sep 10, 2020 12:31 AM

The Fed’s thin gruel includes a conspiracy to access a closed computer system by suggesting ways the password could be hacked. This isn’t exactly privleged knowledge, these techniques are well understood and widely disseminated (and any password worth using shouldn’t be vulnerable to any credible attack). The Espionage Act chages are also pretty thin but unfortuantely you find yourself in violation of that act just because the Feds say you are, its so broadly written.

I can understand Assange getting into hot water because he was publishing sensitive information. The key, though, is ‘publishing’ — he wasn’t the person who took the information, he’s just the publisher. We can debate whether his actions are responsible or not but this kind of persecution suggests that government is not only on very shaky ground but are determined to win at any costs with rights and laws be damnned in the process. This is, indirectly, an attack on all of us.

(The notion that he will get a fair trial after all the stuff that’s been thrown at him — bogus rape charges and all — is laughable.)

Sep 9, 2020 11:42 PM

I have always admired Off G….But of late I became bored as your site had become a virtual one-subject site (falsities re: Covid19)….It is a pleasure to read an article like this one about the tragic and hideous fate of one of the most truthful journalists today….Please keep it up.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Sep 9, 2020 11:11 PM

One must also not lose sight off those behind this outrage. They are psychopathic mass murdering war criminals (of the lowest order) who did want to be held accountable for their many crimes and criminal acts. As long as they exist all of humanity will not be safe.

Sep 9, 2020 8:18 PM

The truth about Kier Starmer: Pressured Sweden to pursue Assange.


Sep 9, 2020 7:24 PM

And everyone here has the one accepted narrative and believes everything the alt right media say about the cia media celeb agent Assange. Wikileaks is a CIA whistle blower honey pot to catch the damage before it leaks . The “cia approved leaks” achieved nothing but established in the media wikileaks, agents snowden and assange as something they are not .

Norm Corin
Norm Corin
Sep 9, 2020 11:10 PM
Reply to  BDBinc

Maybe. And, come on, there are multiple public narratives. Not “everyone” here believes “everything”. And you can just as easily be CIA.

Whether whistleblowers act sincerely or not, those “CIA approved leaks” you say they provide are still evidence of malfeasance, and must be examined. “The thing itself” remains in front of us, even when it distorts or tells only part of the story. War crimes and rights violations should not be conflated with, and thrown out with, (alleged) dirty bathwater — the latter should simply be accounted for with whatever evidence beyond speculation can be mustered up. What evidence can you point to?

Similarly, Bernie Sanders’ message against the financial PTB does not disappear if he is shown to be a sheepdogger for Democrats.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Sep 10, 2020 12:56 AM
Reply to  BDBinc

You seem to lose sight that this persecution/prosecution is a wholesale attack against fundamental human and political rights. Not only must we defeat it but we must pursue and remove the perniciousness behind it.

Sep 10, 2020 4:36 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

A “wholesale attack against fundamental human and political rights” is but an attack on a phantom. These wonderful sounding things never existed in the first place; if they did, Julian Assange would not be where he is today – because the whole world would have stood against it.

Human and political rights are and always have been illusory. There’s a line from “The Rocky Horror Picture Show” that perfectly captures all the rights the people ever did or ever will have vis-a-vis the ruling class: “I made you – and I can just as easily break you!”

We’re in the “break” phase right now.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Sep 10, 2020 5:56 AM
Reply to  Howard

They do exist, even for those miscreants who find them inconvenient “for their criminal resource acquisition projects.” You are correct about eternal vigilance in their safeguarding, until the blessed time arrives when such values can be inculcated in the young at a very early age. They are what will separate humanity from the rest of the animal kingdom. Hopefully humanity will live to see that day.

Sep 10, 2020 4:55 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

Good luck

Sep 9, 2020 6:08 PM

Huge amounts of evidence shows that communist China has zero human rights and freedoms, totalitarian control, constant religious persecution, and hundreds of concentration camps containing up to 3m Uigyur Muslims and Tibetans etc, who fearfully await murder, torture, gang rape, enforced sterilisation and organ harvesting. North Korea, Islamist Iran, and a few other horror dictatorships aren‘t far behind. None of what these states do to their own citizens can rationally be compared to life in the USA today, only to Nazi Germany or the Stalinist USSR . But you mention none of this, choosing instead to slander ‘the US empire’ in fantastical terms that Stalin and Mao would echo and love (to be fair, I’ve yet to see any contributor at OG condemning violent communism and Islamism, or any non-western, non-Christian, non-Jewish, non-white tyranny and crime). Yes, the CIA has an awful history, but it’s not the same thing as the USA or American people who died in their millions to achieve independence, end slavery, stand up to and defeat murdering fascists and communists, and developed and spread human rights globally. It is painfully obvious to most people that the USA today is one of the most advanced, liberal, tolerant, and least racist nations on the planet, and is still the dream home destination of hundreds of millions of poor and oppressed all over the world. Even Osama Bin Laden’s niece wears a MAGA hat these days! So can you truly not see how extreme anti-American bigotry and the disgraceful silence about real injustice and hate in non-western nations, makes leftists look as balanced, relevant, tolerant and in touch with reality as Iranian mullahs chanting ‘death to the great Satan’? Can’t you see how this hateful behaviour completely ruins any chance the left might have of reclaiming the moral high… Read more »

Sep 9, 2020 8:31 PM

What a load of waffle.

Sep 9, 2020 11:55 PM

Very disappointed.
You missed out a couple of important hasbara talking points about cannibalism, devil worship and human sacrifice in Iran and China.
Must do better.

Sep 10, 2020 12:08 AM

Appalling comment….None of the countries mentioned above claim to be the greatest and truest Democracy on the face of this Earth as America does….Which is clearly not the case….You’ve clearly bought into the American myth!….Pure hypocrisy….Look!….Right before your eyes America has abandoned one of its key Constitutional provisions, Freedom of Press!….This should be at the heart any true Democracy….But, considering the hideous treatment of Julian Assange, your great America has demolished truthful Journalism.

Sep 14, 2020 3:38 AM
Reply to  maxine

The most nauseating of many nauseating aspects of this is the professed concern for Chinese muslims.

This from a country which has murdered, butchered, starved and immiserated tens of millions of moslems on the instructions of its Zionist overlords.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Sep 10, 2020 5:47 AM

“Even Osama Bin Laden’s niece wears a MAGA hat these days!”

Well, there you have it. Murrka must not be a Feudal shit-hole backwater of cartoon violence and moronic superstitions stuffed with obese delusionals governed by genocidal billionaires at all, then. My mistake. I guess I’ll try to repatriate my ass at top speed. Osama’s niece, you say? Gives me hope.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 10, 2020 1:21 PM

Yes Lefty Left, – America has always been the empire of illusion. There’s no business like showbusiness. And you have to hand it to them – they know how to dazzle everyone into submission. The truth? Who cares about that when you have guys dressed up as cartoon mice?

Sep 14, 2020 3:32 AM

The usual farrago of lies and smears parroting the absurd fantasies and delusions of German religious neocon nut job A. Zenz, who is apparently on a self appointed divine mission to destroy China.

Sep 9, 2020 6:01 PM


There is a link in this to Clive Stafford Smiths testimony which is massively damning of US behaviour and thwarting attempts to bring it to light.

Sep 9, 2020 6:04 PM
Reply to  andy

“This remains a very important and active issue today. My current Guantánamo client Ahmed Rabbani, for example, detailed how he was sold for a bounty by the Pakistanis to the U.S. in September 2002, with a false story that he was a notorious terrorist called Hassan Ghul. He insisted from the start that he was a taxi driver from Karachi. I found him credible when we first talked more than a dozen years ago, but proving his case was not easy.  55.A key practical and logistical barrier to investigating many of the crimes committed against my clients has been the trans-national nature of the violations against them. Mr. Rabbani’s is a relatively “typical” Guantanamo Bay defence case insofar as he is ethnically Rohingya, his family coming from Burma (Country A); he grew up in Saudi Arabia (Country B); he spent some time in the U.A.E. (Country C); he moved to Karachi, Pakistan (Country D); he was sold for a bounty to the U.S. (Country E); he was rendered into the Afghan war zone (Country F) where he was taken to the CIA’s notorious “Dark Prison” for around seven months of “enhanced interrogation techniques” – aka “extreme torture”, before being taken to another secret CIA detention location we still cannot identify for sure, and then to Guantánamo Bay in Cuba (Country G). Meanwhile his rendition flight to Guantánamo in September 2004 included other torture victims who had been abducted in a number of different countries (Egypt and Thailand included), and tortured in Jordan and Morocco among other places.  56. So here we immediately have many countries with potential relevance to Mr. Rabbani’s case. Still, along with colleagues, I worked on his case for at least seven years before I was able to identify the most important fact in his case. The… Read more »

Sep 10, 2020 12:03 AM
Reply to  andy

When the Americans were paying out their $5,000 bounties in Pakistan, every village in Pakistan was suddenly missing its village idiot.
They had all been sold to the Exceptional Folk as Taliban kingpins.
“Hold on! You’d better take my granny as well!! She’s one of the top people in the Taliban!!! Shes well worth five grand!!!

Sep 9, 2020 5:02 PM
S Cooper
S Cooper
Sep 9, 2020 5:01 PM

By this time it should be quite apparent to most that the Kangaroos have taken to drink.
comment image

Free Julian Assange! Free Him Now!

Aldous Hexley
Aldous Hexley
Sep 9, 2020 4:02 PM

Noam here, in 2015 (to an approving audience), condescends on 9/11 truth architects and “what you do if you’re an expert,” adding in weary statements such as, “traces of nano-thermite in Building 7, I don’t know what that means . . .”

It’s just possible that at the great height Chomsky has (had?) ascended to at this time what puzzles him and wearies him also prompts him into making statements such as in this video, riding on the coat-trails of his magnificence over the decades, so he allows himself a lesser quality of thinking and investigating.

He also can find no possibility the Bush administration had any idea of what was to happen, despite warnings and stock market activity the day before, etc and the Bush administration’s fervent desire for an excuse to attack Iraq, which he uses as what he thinks is “proof” they could not have. Ah, the wisdom of supposition, let alone faith in the Bush administration. (But once a Centrist always a Centrist.)

The problem here, in my view, is Noam as being a bit of a simpleton, not brilliant theorist that he’s supposed to be. A bit lazy in his old age, I fear.

(BTW I have corresponded with Noam, and been a bit surprised at the bristling hostility he offers to any opposing view. Reminds me of crusty old profs from back in the 60’s when it was okay for profs to be crusty.)

Sep 9, 2020 6:53 PM
Reply to  Aldous Hexley

My take on Chomsky is similar to Corbett’s. He’s a gatekeeper of sorts.

He outlines America’s foreign policy and uses declassified and publicly available information to reiterate known geopolitics and foreign policy objectives, however, he always stops short of linking the Fed, the security state apparatus, military and medical industrial complex and the media to the artificially created crises that are clearly manufactured for profit.

If Chomsky won’t acknowledge that crises are as artificially manufactured as consent, then he can’t be taken seriously on the cause of events.

The investigations by the FBI offices in the North Tower, into three potentially catastrophic scandals and the destruction of that evidence are additional reasons for 9-11, along with almost one billion in missing gold and silver from the vaults, the shorting of the market through foreknowledge, the Office of Naval Intelligence specifically targeted in the Pentagon, the demolition of WTC7, and the subsequent war on terror, the massive profits generates for the MIC, and the removal of civil liberties and privacy, and the rise of the surveillance state and AI.

9-11 is the path to where we are now.

Sep 9, 2020 7:11 PM
Reply to  Researcher


Sep 9, 2020 7:14 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Assange has been equally as dismissive as Chomsky regarding alternatives to the mainstream 9/11 fairy tale.

So if Chomsky’s a gate keeper (which stands very robustly to reason), then so is Assange.

Sep 9, 2020 7:30 PM
Reply to  Frank

How does that follow?

Chomsky is comfortable and rich. His legacy is intact.

Assange is in jail facing life in prison.

If they take the same position, as you claim, then why is one in jail and not the other?

I would suggest that Assange merely publishes what he has direct access to, and doesn’t engage in speculation, because it would discredit the publishing status of Wikileaks and their legal position.

That doesn’t make him a gatekeeper, it simply limits his access to information from potential leakers. Since Cheney and his shredding operation destroyed the evidence to 9-11 pre Wikileaks, the likelihood of a paper trail existing is close to zero percent.

Sep 9, 2020 10:36 PM
Reply to  Researcher

So you’re arguing that Assange’s imprisonment is a guarantee of his credibility? Is Snowden’s apparent exile in Russia the main source of his status, too?

Not too hard to make them heroes of the people, is it? You just have to cast them in a role which is pitted against the establishment. Didn’t Cass Sunstein, Obama’s mentor, talk about ‘cognitive infiltration’ in that crucial period prior to the appearance of both of these ‘whistleblowers’? Didn’t he stress the importance of controlling all sides of the debate?

Can you be certain that Assange is in prison and Snowden is in Moscow, considering that the people who told you these ‘facts’ also told you about Iraqi WMDs, Skripal poisonings, Assad’s barrel bombs etc etc? Methinks you doubt their narratives or you wouldn’t be on this website.

As for this,

“I would suggest that Assange merely publishes what he has direct access to, and doesn’t engage in speculation, because it would discredit the publishing status of Wikileaks and their legal position.”


The establishment that’s apparently gunning for Julian Assange is the very establishment that would collapse like a house of cards if the facts of 9/11 came to light. And yet, Assange, like Chomsky and like Snowden, not only all go with the absurd official narrative, but use the term ‘conspiracy theory’ in dismissing them.

And yet, these actors are admired?

Well, I sure as hell don’t get it, but people need their heroes, I guess.

Sep 10, 2020 2:51 AM
Reply to  Frank

Assange, like Chomsky and like Snowden all non sequitur telling peas in the same controlled opposition pod.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Sep 10, 2020 4:10 AM
Reply to  Frank

9/11 was just one “release” in a trilogy with a long (enough) story “arc”. Sort of a real earth riff on middle Earth’s Lord of the Rings. The surreal, or archetypal, connection between that story and ours corresponded with regular spikes in sales of the Tolkien trilogy. The epic film release circled the era of 9/11.

The ‘Sixties, when I was tranced by it in ’67 and we named our fledgling magazine “Palantìr” those summer days when we were sophomoric solemn sophomores, was really our dive into the depths of the “archetypes” that were raised up to heal and entertain the various severities of PTSD cases that an unseen Sauron at CIA had raised up in us, in our throes of recovery from the bloody brutal murders of our most promising leaders. (Note that St. Oscar Romero was also riddled with machine gun bullets like a Swiss cheese while saying Mass, because he spoke up for El Salvador’s poor? Really? That Valentine wasn’t for him, it was to shock the “hell” out of those who survived. Maybe it did, since he’s just now been sainted, like another and ancient holy patriot, Jeanne d’Arc.)

I noticed the other day when I brought up online Screwtape Letters here for a short excerpt of Chapter 1, that Lewis had dedicated it to Tolkien, one of his fellow Inklings at Oxford.

Tolkien’s Rings were brought to light of day right precisely when all the moans and groans caused by JFK ’63 rose up in existential anomie and challenged us all, and at 15 all 4 books felt like medicine to me. I couldn’t put them down.

Give it a year or two from this, those youngsters who survive will probably give it yet another renaissance.

It’s good that way.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Sep 10, 2020 4:23 AM
Reply to  Frank

Snowden went to Moscow, roughly 50 years or so after LHO (Lee Harvey Oswald). Yet another CIA agent who had been sheep dipped. Both, badly.

I seriously doubt that KGB or FSB were fooled for a blink about their real natures and missions.

Their response to both is the embedded embodiment of the time-honored maxim, “Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.”

CIA U2 pilot Francis Gary Powers named Oswald in a 1960 Moscow Court as the party responsible for getting him shot down, as a Snowdenesque “fake” from Bissell’s CIA “false defector” program. See how much coverage THAT gets here in US of A. Probably 1 in a million know it. Or that Powers died in Encino (LA) in a fatal chopper crash as pilot for NBC, just before he was to testify to HSCA. Yet it seems we should know, since it validates conspiracy theories in volume. “Fool me once…

I’m talking here about the US public, of course…

Sep 10, 2020 9:23 AM
Reply to  Frank

Why don’t you find me the part in my comment where I claimed he was a hero or admired?

Your straw men and your conflations are sophomoric.

Nothing is going to happen with 9-11. It doesn’t make any difference. There’s no house of cards.

The cryptocracy run and own the world, and 9-11 can’t be proven without a paper trail. Not that it would matter. Did anything happen with the diplomatic cables proving corruption, collusion, crimes? No.

Did anything happen with Snowden’s revelations? No.

There are never going to be any repercussions for 9-11. Or any crimes of the cryptocracy.

No single person or publisher can change the course we are on.

Sep 10, 2020 12:16 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Well, I largely agree with you on most points here. Let’s please dispense with all the ‘straw man’ and ‘sophomoric’ badinage. I wasn’t trying to belittle your contribution or even win an argument, per se. My issue is with the naive manner in which these figures are regarded, not in your personal view of them or your remarks in particular.

The only thing I would take issue with is your pessimism relating to what is discoverable re. 9/11. It seems to me that Christopher Bollyn exposes mountains of incriminating circumstantial evidence which names names and includes paper trails.

Put simply, it isn’t the standard of evidence which reduces the likelihood of justice, but rather the sheer corruption and complicity of the western establishment and its criminally complicit media and legal system.

You imply the latter yourself, but perhaps you could take a look at Chis Bollyn’s work to see what Assange could have facilitated were he at all interested in actually exposing corruption and wrongdoing.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Sep 10, 2020 1:19 PM
Reply to  Frank

When the Star Wars movies juggernaut developed CGI a number of years ago, they gave everyone the capability to photoshop video and just about anything. Legal experts are saying soon videos such as George Holiday’s footage of Rodney King beating won’t even be admissible as evidence.

What will be?

Sep 10, 2020 10:17 PM
Reply to  Frank

It irritates the hell out of me when people resort to straw men or try to claim I’m implying something I’m not. I just examine the events and the facts. I don’t think there’s a way to prove 9-11 without the press getting on board, and they aren’t about to, so it doesn’t matter what Chomsky or Assange have to say. It never mattered. It still doesn’t matter. Nothing will ever come from 9/11. Just like nothing came from WWI, WWII, Korea, JFK, Vietnam, Cambodia, 7-7 etc., etc. I don’t know why people have purity or litmus tests when it comes to 9-11. There’s so much disinformation disseminated by the perpetrators and by citizens who have varying degrees of knowledge or beliefs, biases or investigative skills that it’s impossible to come to a perfect unicorn theory for the truth movement. I don’t think Assange knows he’s an agent. I think he’s been set up from day one, probably believing at one time he could outsmart his opposition, and instead he failed, abysmally. If the security state and cryptocracy wanted him out there, exposing their crimes, they wouldn’t have bothered to set him up first, with that BND asset Domscheit-Berg, then with the Swedish charges, then with the Guardian GCHQ shills, then forced him into an embassy. They’ve had a plan in place for more than 10 years to get him, and now they’ve succeeded, he’s toast. They backed him into a corner the whole way, and they did it because they want to make an example to every single journalist in the world, that this is how you end up if you cross the cabal. The people who claim he’s an agent don’t have an argument based on events. They have an argument based on “associations”. Assange was being profiled… Read more »

Sep 10, 2020 3:40 AM
Reply to  Frank

Not so fast there Sparky. In an interview Assange said “We are a leaks organisation. If you have something to leak about 9/11 we’ll publish it”.

So maybe those responsible for 9/11 keep secrets better?

Agreed on Chomsky.

Sep 10, 2020 3:34 AM
Reply to  Researcher

If by “gatekeeper” you mean clearly controlled opposition.

Sep 9, 2020 3:51 PM

I was sat on a chair this morning in my drive, carefully touching up a mark on my car with paint, and I became aware of what seemed some kind of domestic dispute between 2 boys (probably brothers) and 1 girl – late teens or early 20’s. I didn’t intervene. None of my business – no signs of violence, though the boy kept saying to the girl who looked concerned – “leave me alone, leave me alone.”

My wife saw what was happening from upstairs, and shouted to the girl, can I help?

The three of them, then moved to the other side of the road, and the boy sat down on the kerbside, and couldn’t stop sobbing his heart out.

My wife ran over to help.

Just another COVID statistic.

Just another Nervous Breakdown, as a result of the world going completely insane.

It’s even tougher for kids.

It made me sad, about a world that has gone mad.


Sep 10, 2020 9:28 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

“ It made me sad”

What makes anyone ‘sad’ is their choices in life – regrets? Got any Compo?

Sep 9, 2020 3:45 PM

The US and some if it’s vassal states, like the UK, are becoming dictatorships, it has been decided. Once you know it seems so obvious.

The USA elites think themselves Romans reborn, an empire with 500 years of a republic followed by 400 years of dictatorship. This is what they think they are and what they think they can become, this, they think, is the beginning of the age of American Caesars.

der einzige
der einzige
Sep 9, 2020 3:43 PM

Maybe this will help some who suffer from cognitive dissonance
Meet Noam Chomsky, Academic Gatekeeper


Chomsky and Mossange – controlled opposition.
9/11 – controlled demolition.

Sep 9, 2020 11:26 PM
Reply to  der einzige

Sep 9, 2020 3:52 PM

Reply to  Jim2468
I was up for that debate about Chomski, untill I saw you are using media from Corbett, that alt-right shill arm of the CIA. Add to that he uses ‘London real’ interviews, also I suspect a the CIA media group.
My interest in your point vanished at that point

Grace Johns
Grace Johns
Sep 14, 2020 1:19 AM
Reply to  Kimberlin

Do you really believe that about Corbett? I ask with genuine interest as I wonder how come he is not censored by GooToob for much more paranoid videos than others who have been obliterated.
And he turns on a dime. At the start of this when people were clamoring “what to do” he was almost irritable, saying he’s not their leader. But recently he includes literal calls to rebellion peppered into his videos to the extent Ive occasionally felt like I’m being triggered. (Or the attempt at it ((lol))

Pat Longer
Pat Longer
Sep 9, 2020 3:28 PM

Freedom : You claimed it was so important to you, you claimed you will die for it, you claimed it was built on the shoulders of your ancestors and you would stand together to defend it. But here you are, happily shovelling the dead corpses of your countrymen, your neighbors, your friends and even your family into the furness, in the hope that I will leave you alone.

It looks like you couldn’t wait, it looks like this is what you were born to do, so eagerly do you wear my uniform and turn-in those I distrust.

You claim I lied to you, but the lies I told you, were as nothing to the lies you told yourself.

Pat Longer
Pat Longer
Sep 9, 2020 3:25 PM


Victoria Police Surprise Message

Sep 9, 2020 7:13 PM
Reply to  Pat Longer

There were only 200 people at that Shrine protest. In a city of millions.

That to me, is insanity. Australia is completely controlled by its fake media and lack of access to valid information.

Sep 9, 2020 3:19 PM

Sep 9, 2020 3:04 PM
Awaiting for approval

This has become a trial on a ‘free press’, and whether it has the right to state truth to power anymore. The answer is a resounding NO, from the judiciary, politicians, the military and the oligarchs, the press no longer has that right or power in it’s fourth estate role, in an equally frail, enfeebled democracy.
But given our media is hardly free anymore, it’s become more the battle-ground for rival oligarchs and mafia families to fight out their territorial battles, or for the CIA to tell us how we should think the world is, so it is less off a loss than it might have been a few decades back.
Is this whole exerciser just the CIA, telling us how the world is?

Sep 9, 2020 7:18 PM
Reply to  Jillson

It’s the UN, the CIA, GCHQ, the NSA, judicial systems, private industry, the corporate media, the MIC etc.

They are all telling us and the world to “shut up, or else.”

It’s a message.

Sep 9, 2020 11:16 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Do you know what the UN is?

Sep 10, 2020 2:17 AM
Reply to  Kimberlin

It’s a front for the cryptocracy and the central banks.

Sep 10, 2020 2:11 PM
Reply to  Researcher

oh dear…..why do we educate you people.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Sep 11, 2020 2:56 AM
Reply to  Researcher

My old man and namesake was President of the UN Assoc. of LA for the last years of his life (the 12 years pre-assassination in ’82) and he’d been very involved since it’s inception and with a Beverly Hills client list that was stacked with 33° Freemasons. He introduced me to a lot of clients, but curiously never to any of those. (I last saw him when I was 17, but we wrote very intermittently until his “suspicious” death 14 years later.) He was rubbed out in what looks certainly like a contract killing, right as he was about to sign off on two different anti-nuclear films for the UN that he produced. (We were barely corresponding at the time, so I don’t know any “rabbit holes” of all that.) But there was such a thicket of intrigues surrounding the UN involvement (I could go on but won’t prolong that past) with Masons of the higher rank, AND Illuminati (long-time client Armand Hammer) that you would have to really find it a stretch to not think the UN was chartered as a centerpiece institution of the global machinery we’ve seen set in motion. It is all so deceptive. He took me to an International Law Convention in 1967 and though young as I was (15) the huge conference room still had quite an aroma of all the types that you can recognize in all of this. Very rich sharks, corporate lawyers in very expensive 3piece suits. I sat next to Laura Huxley in her Austrian peasant dress, in my Lennon-esque red velvet Nehru jacket, and we were a curious counter-aroma ourselves, going against the bouquet. Counterintuitively. I raised my hand and asked the keynote speaker if the World Court would protect the rights of American draft dodgers then in jail,… Read more »

John Ervin
John Ervin
Sep 10, 2020 2:28 AM
Reply to  Researcher

It sure can be construed that way. Seeing things I have seen over recent years, seeing as well headlines I have seen since March which were so glaringly (or laughably) out of joint with really obvious “nose in front of your face” facts and daily realities, I got “the message” a bit ahead of the curve of mostly all alert people I knew, certainly ahead of the stampede on TP (remember that?). I got the message, I think it was about 7pm PST in L.A. when the actual NBA games I was watching or following scores, were cancelled, thousands of fans were sent home. I was already well-prepped and on full eyes open alert as I watched keenly, only waiting for the next boot to drop. For the next half hour, then turned off all screens, disgusted and disabused, of a lot. Adam Silver, NBA National Basketball Commissioner, “got on the phone” in concert with many billionaire team owners, and all in perfect lockstep cancelled the NBA season peremptorily, then and there. Within minutes, just before tipoff games were halted then scrubbed, because French import Rudi Gobert had tested “positive” so the vast trillion dollars juggernaut came to a full stop, coast to coast. Done, “stick a fork in it”. I got “the message” then and there, and none of what has followed A-Z really surprised me, but still shocked the system well enough. I think that bizarre occurrence was Ground Zero, to coin a phrase, since as far as I know nothing preceded it, other than weeks of slight murmurs, like the slight tremors just before several of our massive LA earthquakes in the past 50 years. I jumped up when I felt those, too, and once ran out into the street in ’87 for the “Whittier Narrows” quake,… Read more »

Sep 10, 2020 9:52 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

ELF, VLF, EMF and EMP will probably be used against us in the coming months or years.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Sep 10, 2020 1:07 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Well, capitalism and free markets are a cakewalk, aren’t they, when they have a “captive audience”?

But it’s by definition a two way street, and any difficulty carries builtin opportunities for spiritual growth, whatever the price.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Sep 11, 2020 2:28 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Thanks, yes I am sensitive to these problems, hypersensitive lol.

I know people who’ve been targeted before and I have ample reasons to trust their testimony (even absent the obligatory tinfoil hats lol, in fact they’ve used tinfoil in media, for a half century, a go-to of Rush Limbaugh and known associates, to shame the public into ignoring the problem, a huge one).

Sep 9, 2020 3:04 PM

This has become a trial on a ‘free press’, and whether it has the right to state truth to power anymore. The answer is a resounding NO, from the judiciary, politicians, the military and the oligarchs, the press no longer has that right or power in it’s fourth estate role, in an equally frail, enfeebled democracy.

But given our media is hardly free anymore, it’s become more the battle-ground for rival oligarchs and mafia families to fight out their territorial battles, or for the CIA to tell us how we should think the world is, so it is less off a loss than it might have been a few decades back.

Is this whole exerciser just the CIA, telling us how the world is?

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Sep 9, 2020 2:38 PM

The wedging tool “west versus east” has become increasingly meaningless since the dawn of the Information Age/TINA Reaganomics , and the restructuring of China and Russia into neoliberal paradises circa 1980. The few serviced, by the long suffering masses globally . Mr Chomsky is a product of the 60s , 3 generations past , and should be allowed to exit the world stage since he has nothing more to add to the evolving struggle. Mr Marr is just another English sophist and status quo tout . Mr Assange another fallen soldier in an eternal struggle between the few and the many , even attempts to make him a martyr have failed . Sociopathic monsters driven to seek power exist on a planetary scale , not just in the west , and capitalism fosters their continued development as Machine Intelligence tenders for rapidly evolving A.I. now becoming common. Computer generated programs advising advising them how to make things better aka retain and increase their privilege/powers? The Singularity has arrived , but not as Mr Gates who may believe he is a god or Mr Kurzweil envisioned it

Sep 9, 2020 1:55 PM

Chomsky, in 2016, endorsed Hillary Clinton for President. With everything that he says he stands for, how can that endorsement be excused? Does anyone here know what his reasoning was?

Sep 9, 2020 2:38 PM
Reply to  Jim2468

His argument is more subtle. He felt that, as concerns nuclear arms and global warming, Trump and the Republican Party are a real and imminent danger to all of humanity, and that Clinton (or now Biden) is less of a danger. But he has always said that democracy is not simply voting every five years, but constant grass roots activity. The so-called left is very right wing, as Chomsky points out, and only mass demonstrations and constant reivindicacion and pressure can push it back to where it should be. A good example is Assange. We know that the MSM isn’t on his side and is behaving disgracefully (and predictably), but why aren’t we all writing letters of complaint (or writing to Assange in Belmarsh Prison), signing petitions, or protesting outside and making a real noise about this?

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Sep 9, 2020 2:42 PM
Reply to  Jim2468

Advanced old age and the onset of senility, buttressed by his interventionist tendencies which were always problematic ? “America the good” one of the products he has attempted to sell over his long career, was always bullshit.

Sep 9, 2020 3:52 PM
Reply to  Jim2468

I was up for that debate about Chomski, untill I saw you are using media from Corbett, that alt-right shill arm of the CIA. Add to that he uses ‘London real’ interviews, also I suspect a the CIA media group.

My interest in your point vanished at that point

Sep 9, 2020 5:49 PM
Reply to  Jinkler

Uhm, Corbett? Where did I mention anyone named Corbett?

Sep 9, 2020 7:21 PM
Reply to  Jinkler

Corbett, alt right? Not at all.

He’s an anarchist, like Chomsky professed to be until he switched out his position and told everyone to vote for Killary.

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Sep 9, 2020 5:19 PM
Reply to  Jim2468

And now Chomsky is endorsing Hillary’s male counterpart Biden.

Sep 9, 2020 5:50 PM

Does he explain how he can endorse a guy that took $16 million from Ukraine?

Sep 10, 2020 7:29 AM
Reply to  Jim2468

Its what controlled oppostion do… what they are told. That is why they now of use to the NWO due to the turn off msm record numbers of ” alt right” minds to grab and program into the cult of the helpless ” woke” crowd.

Sep 9, 2020 1:41 PM

qui bono

assange sure helped the arab spring along
what does he have to say about israel
what is his position on the ritual of 9 and 11

like saymore herschey bar
gnome chumpski
robert fist fisked
everyone can be read by the position or lack of
they take on the 911 ritual

everything else is dung pollution of the well
limited hang out

god bless
christopher bollyn

douglas reed
eustace mullins
Michael Collins Piper
Arthur Koestler

this word salad is sub committee hate speach banka pending pending deletion

Sep 9, 2020 2:17 PM
Reply to  gorden

I would recommend Arthur Koestler “Scum of the Earth”

“Arthur Koestler’s gripping tale of arrest, imprisonment, and subsequent escape to London from Nazi-occupied France. Arthur Koestler is now an essential part of the English literary landscape both as political activist, controversialist and the author of Darkness at Noon. He stands beside George Orwell as one of the key writers of the twentieth century who embraced communism but would later turn against the “party”and denounce the tragic distortions and abuses that had betrayed the great vision.”

I think I should buy “Darkness at Noon”, as England is now even more Stalinist than Stalin.


Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Sep 9, 2020 6:35 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Yes, the interrogations between the accused Rubshov, who was almost certainly, in real life, Nikolai Bukharin, and his interlocutors Ivanov and Gletkin gives a brilliant insight into the totalitarian mindset.

Grace Johns
Grace Johns
Sep 14, 2020 1:33 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

You mean the Arthur Koestler serial rapist, bullied his 4th or 5th wife into double suicide and CIA shill (although he says he didn’t know at the time) – that Arthur Koestler?

Sep 9, 2020 3:00 PM
Reply to  gorden

Thanks for highlighting Douglas Reed. It is interesting to see the negative reviews he received in his lifetime to realize how much he is in context today.

Read: “It is a feature of twentieth century politics that political forces advance by attacking what they most ardently practise, so that words mean always their opposite.”

Henry Popkin on Reed: https://www.commentarymagazine.com/articles/henry-popkin/somewhere-south-of-suez-by-douglas-reed/

Sep 9, 2020 3:11 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

another memory holed british journalist
great old book

old history but important today

Robert Wilton, Russia’s Agony (1918) and The Last Days of the Romanovs (1920)

Sep 14, 2020 3:40 AM
Reply to  gorden

yes, that’s it, chewy bono.

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Sep 9, 2020 1:34 PM


The backdrop to Assange’s trial is the 37 million (equivalent to the entire population of Canada) displaced from nearly two decades of unending US imperialist wars. “The latest Costs of War report focused on eight countries that have been subjected to major US military operations: Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, the Philippines, Iraq, Libya and Syria.

The two countries with the highest number of displaced persons were Iraq and Syria, whose populations have suffered for decades under US-led regime-change operations and military occupations initiated by both Republican and Democratic administrations. The authors estimate that 9.2 million people in Iraq and 7.1 million in Syria have been displaced respectively, in both cases roughly 37 percent of the prewar population.” https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2020/09/09/cost-s09.html

Assange, revealed to millions in documented detail numerous horrific imperialist war crimes as well as political corruption within the US Democratic Party.  Those two well-recorded disclosures were the kiss of death. Factions of the national security state conducting an internecine battle against Trump have “one” thing in common they both equally despise Assange, but for different reasons.  One group hates Assange for revealing war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan and the other segment attached to the Democratic Party hold Assange responsible for Hillary’s loss. Hence, targeting Assange as a Russian agent giving the pretext for heightened internet censorship.

 However more importantly, Assange as a political prisoner is a poster-child of journalism/publishing symbolically displayed by the national security state in a kangaroo court to terrify all others from leaking data exposing war crimes or revealing the inner insidious workings of the US corrupt political duopoly.   

der einzige
der einzige
Sep 9, 2020 1:33 PM

How many of you can afford to boycott the system? How many of you work for this system and its corporations? In the USA, 60% (maybe more) of people are working on a war machine. They can be saved only by messiah or superhero because they will not abandon their work. They will continue to carry out orders and commands dreaming in front of the TV about superhero who will do all the work for them. The herd needs a superhero. For some sheep it’s Trump or Putin for other Mossange or Snowden. Someone must tell them what to do and what not to do. For example, you must believe in the official version 911 because your superheroes told you so. You believe? Why? What’s the difference between your superheroes and Bush, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld and Cheney in this case? You believe Cheney? Why not? If it were not for Mossange you would not know that people are killed in war? And if it were not Snowden, you would not know that they were eavesdropping and spying on everyone? Did you hear about Patriot Act? What do you need Mossange or Snowden? There are no other real prisoners to whom “alt” media could devote so much attention to him? Litmus test is failed by Mossange. He is a 9/11 truth “denier” who believes the official bullshit story that AL-CIA-DA and MOSSAD cranked out about who did it. Not one piece of this shit he puts out on the street is real intelligence information. Nothing the average non moron who knows how to find information on the web about U.S. War crimes in Irag, Afghanistan etc. can’t find on their own. And more to the point, Mossange is pushing shit that legitimizes “Arab Spring” and war on Libya, Syria and Iran. Why… Read more »

Eric McCoo
Eric McCoo
Sep 9, 2020 1:48 PM
Reply to  der einzige

Excellent post.

Greenwald was assigned to The Guardian for a year and on leaving was given $250m by the new Soros, Pierre Omidyar (CIA, NSA).

MI6 fraud Carol Cadwalladr was awarded her Orwell Prize at  Vaughan Smith’s Front Line Club. So much irony.

Sep 9, 2020 3:50 PM
Reply to  der einzige

Thanks for the heads up.

Sep 9, 2020 10:34 PM
Reply to  der einzige

Your comment is brilliant- a higher standard of concentrated facts and analysis than most of the articles here- Assange is the dictionary definition of the ‘USEFUL IDIOT’. Both Assange and Snowden leaked info the Deep state wanted to leak. Snowden isn’t the sc-mbag Assange is, though Snowden was played even better by his handlers. Snowden’s leaks normalised key aspects of the Orwellian total surveillance society- which needed to move from the shadows to advance its ultimate goals.

However, today Assange is the Judas Goat normalising political persecution in the courts of the West- which is why his trial is more important than his history. While I couldn’t care less about this vile individual, his trial sets a precedent that affects us all.

And YES, 9/11 is our perfect litmus test. Almost no agent of the Deep State is allowed to publicly admit the false-flag. So ANYONE apparently on our side who claims Blair’s official conspiracy theory to be true is a bought and paid for agent of the satanic monsters who rule at the top. This site should contain no positive coverage of any denier of the 9/11 false flag- yet the pied piper Chomsky gets sickeningly lionised here again and again. Some people never learn, or only finally learn when their own head is literally resting on the chopping block.

Chomsky plays to mid-betas with his ‘preaching to the choir’ method. Assange operated at Chomsky’s level. Snowden however revealed data only truly appreciated by high betas and alphas, which is why his name is much rarer on internet resistance sites. The Deep State uses full spectrum propaganda methods, with different classes, and levels of intelligence subject to differing methods.

Eric McCoo
Eric McCoo
Sep 9, 2020 12:11 PM

Assange is a convicted hacker who got busted breaking into Nortel and set free (sprung by the American deep state).

‘A computer-security team working for Nortel in Canada drafted an incident report alleging that the hacking had caused damage that would cost more than a hundred thousand dollars to repair.

Assange, facing a potential sentence of ten years in prison, found the state’s reaction confounding.

Assange’s only penalty was to pay the Australian state a small sum in damages.


Eric McCoo
Eric McCoo
Sep 9, 2020 12:11 PM
Reply to  Eric McCoo

This is what Assange did after his release and is one of a number of smoking guns that reveal who he really is.

‘Julian told me his graduate work had been funded by a US government grant, specifically NSA and DARPA money, which was supposed to be used for fundamental security research’.


Sep 9, 2020 1:34 PM
Reply to  Eric McCoo

“It was at that moment, Julian told me, that he decided he would devote himself to exposing organizations that attempted to keep secrets and withhold information in an effort keep the masses ignorant and disadvantaged.”

How does that, back up your implication that Julian Assange is not who he says he is?

Are you unaware of the numerous people who have worked for Intelligence Agencies, or been funded by them in their education, and completely turned against them to reveal the depths of their evil, at great personal risk to themselves?


Eric McCoo
Eric McCoo
Sep 9, 2020 1:40 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

I am not aware of one who went to jail.

Sep 9, 2020 2:26 PM
Reply to  Eric McCoo

There is a long list. Maybe you should start with Susan Lindauer “Extreme Prejudice” One of the best books I have ever read. She is a real person too, and even replied to me, after she got out of jail. “What if the government decided to invent a great lie to justify a disastrous war and a questionable anti-terrorism policy? What would happen to the people who know the truth? EXTREME PREJUDICE delivers an explosive, high tension expose of the real facts surrounding the CIA’s advance warnings of 9/11 and an insider’s look at Pre-War Intelligence, told by one of the very few U.S. Assets covering Iraq before the War. For the first time, Lindauer discloses the existence of a comprehensive peace framework, which would have accomplished all major U.S. and British objectives in Baghdad without a single casualty. EXTREME PREJUDICE reveals one Asset’s desperate struggle to survive the cover ups of 9/11 and Iraq. A true life spy thriller that goes inside the Iraqi Embassy and prison on a Texas military base, EXTREME PREJUDICE exposes the depths of deception by leaders in Washington and London, in order to promote a questionable image of their successful anti-terrorism policy, and the shocking brutality used to suppress the truth of their failures from the American people and the world community. Above all, EXTREME PREJUDICE offers a critical examination of the Patriot Act from the defendant’s chair. It is a terrifying story of secret charges, secret evidence, and threats of indefinite detention and forcible drugging–in the name of national security– that readers won’t forget. “Susan Lindauer deserves unreserved admiration for this brave and moving account of her steadfast refusal to crumble under the shameful abuses to which she was subjected. She has provided us with an overdue exposure of the depths to which… Read more »

Eric McCoo
Eric McCoo
Sep 9, 2020 2:38 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

9/11 was an inside job orchestrated by the Israelis. That’s the only truth that matters.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Sep 9, 2020 2:52 PM
Reply to  Eric McCoo

Yes, erm, but, Susan Lindauer and Annie Machon and David Shayler and Sibel Edmonds all say (and so on)…

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Sep 9, 2020 3:22 PM

(just to clarify: I list those names sarcastically)

Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
Sep 9, 2020 3:33 PM
Reply to  Eric McCoo

@Eric McCoo: “orchestrated by the Israelis”.

But composed by the Bush/Cheney tunesmiths in Rat$ Alley.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Sep 9, 2020 5:14 PM
Reply to  Dr NG Maroudas

Group effort. no doubt

Sep 9, 2020 7:46 PM
Reply to  Eric McCoo

The Saudis paid for the terror op part and the flight training.

It was a joint operation between the Saudis, the US, the British and the Israelis.

In other words, it was the cryptocracy. Again. Working together against the people to divide them and enable endless war.

Sep 14, 2020 3:42 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

John Kyriakou. Bill Binney.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Sep 9, 2020 1:44 PM
Reply to  Eric McCoo

I like that “how the government inadvertently created wikileaks” narrative; kind of like how the famously radical, anti-Hegemony Cass Sunstein “inadvertently” praised the nascent Wikileaks and raised their profile for them way back on 2007. “Ooops,” right?

We can read about it from a genuinely marginalized parapolitical truth-teller who had his site deleted and his YouTube views forever fiddled with and is now a tiny voice crying in the wilderness of our perfectly-controlled Hegemony:


Sep 9, 2020 8:07 PM
Reply to  Eric McCoo

He took the money and the deal and then decided to work against them.

Problem was, he’s Australian and incredibly naive.

They probably had Assange analyzed from the time he was a child because they monitor everyone. Some people are more useful and those people are recruited in college and universities, per Milner’s Kindergarten.

Australians have no conception that their government is totally controlled by the US, global banking, the military and industrial cryptocracy.

Assange thought he was exposing his blackmailers, but instead they were anticipating and manipulating his every move and surrounding him with assets who set him up to fail and be prosecuted.

Assange probably didn’t realize until it was too late, that they had the upper hand from the very beginning and he was always the target of the whole operation.

Assange, although quite bright, is an unfortunate combination of naïveté and hubris.

He thought he was targeting them, and that leaking the truth could effect change, but the cryptocracy who run the world enjoy revealing partial truths and seeing the public fallout.

It creates confusion and that is paramount to their continued control because it conceals their obsession with death and destruction for profit and their contempt for anyone not directly related to them.

Eric McCoo
Eric McCoo
Sep 9, 2020 12:08 PM

There is a strict dividing line between those who believe 9/11 was an inside job and those who ridicule the idea. Assange is a 100% fraud, covering up for his own masters, the American deep state.

“I’m constantly annoyed that people are distracted by false conspiracies such as 9/11, when all around we provide evidence of real conspiracies, for war or mass financial fraud.”


Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Sep 9, 2020 12:15 PM
Reply to  Eric McCoo

Well at least they let YOU post that! laugh

Sep 9, 2020 12:51 PM
Reply to  Eric McCoo

“100% fraud”
How many documents revealed by Wikileaks turned to be fraud?

And among them, which is your favourite document, by the way?

Can you defend the crimes continually committed by the ‘democracy’ spreaders?

Eric McCoo
Eric McCoo
Sep 9, 2020 1:23 PM
Reply to  Round

The fact that Americans commit war crimes is useless information to any adult. That’s why Wikileaks are generally useless. It’s why they wereable to be published in The Guardian and NYT.

However some Wikileaks information from the ME triggered the CIA’s Arab Spring.

Amnesty International hails WikiLeaks and Guardian as Arab spring ‘catalysts’

‘The rights group singles out WikiLeaks and the newspapers that pored over its previously confidential government files, among them the Guardian, as a catalyst in a series of uprisings against repressive regimes, notably the overthrow of Tunisia’s long-serving president, Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali.


Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Sep 9, 2020 1:27 PM
Reply to  Round

“Can you defend the crimes continually committed by the ‘democracy’ spreaders?” Seeing as Assange works (or worked) for (at least a faction of) “The Democracy Spreaders,” we should ask him. Isn’t this the same manufactured false-binary-thinking that suggests that anyone horrified by HRC was therefore a minion of Trumpy, or vice versa? In such cases we’re looking at two heads of one hideous hydra and thinking that we’re seeing Hero and Hydra: we aren’t. The Collective We should/ could be the actual Hero in that picture, but first we have to learn to stop being so effortlessly and serially dupe-able. Most of the “threats” to Hegemony I can think of are super-marginalized and/or dead… explain to me these Super-Star So-Called Threats to Hegemony who are granted so much free screen time? The list of plants, shills, faux-defectors, controlled whistle-blowers and managed opposition is very long and is, in essence, a substantial chunk of the “Alt Media” and has been for decades. There are still people out there who believe in Alex Jones, ferfuxsake: how sophisticated is that? The Intelligence Teams are running rings around us. But, of course they are: they’re the ones who “raised” us. They controlled the content of the News, the textbooks, the Hollywood blockbusters… do you suppose their goal was to raise a couple of generations of worldly, well-educated skeptics? They wanted Docile Dupes and Naive Hero Worshipers and… they got ’em. “How many documents revealed by Wikileaks turned to be fraud?” It’s not so much that any particular Wikileaks docs/ artifacts were frauds in the sense of counterfeit, but the problem is that the “revelations” tended to flow in very focused and suggestive directions (eg, toward regime-change that just happened to be on various hegemonic lists) and the screaming absence of any material that got… Read more »

Sep 9, 2020 1:45 PM
Reply to  Round

could you put some links up assange leaked on 9 and 11
anything on israel that may have caused an internal spring or world wide outrage

Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
Sep 9, 2020 3:43 PM
Reply to  Eric McCoo

@Eric MacCoo. Your Link is dated 2010. I too believed in the Authorized Version until my eyes were opened by The Saker who said he had been converted by Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth. Browse “ae911truth”. The dirt you dug up is stale, its stink lacks freshness.

Sep 9, 2020 3:56 PM
Reply to  Eric McCoo

For an idiot, you seem to have a great facility with words. It’s a shame that the remainder of your brain seems to lack the ability to reason.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Sep 9, 2020 9:44 AM
Sep 9, 2020 9:37 AM

A excellent piece Mr Roddis – I especially love the footnote which should really be front and centre

‘ Luke Harding to Marina Hyde and Suzanne “massive turd” Moore ’

This being supposedly a counter Guardian site – it should be vilifying these dandies DAILY especially the fake rape allegers of the Groan. They used their female stormtroopers on Assange as they used the males as well to stop Corbyn.

The hypocrites – I put Rusbridger in the same camp – now big up Starmer , who as you know was in charge of the CPS that ‘did for’ JA. He already got a knighthood for it and is currently auditioning for his Lordship as the dispatcher of Corbynism and the deliverer of a HARD BREXSHIT az well as the destroyer of the NHS and public services that were the high point of postwar British social democratic covenant with the old aristos and their Money masters.

I see precious little from Oh-Gee when it comes to their raison d’etre , this being the first substantive article by an author of note (some rapprochement? Or just a bit of a hypocritical hair shirt? – we will soon see if this is just another gig leaf)

Why have NONE of Craig Murray’s articles on Assange , Salmond or even his own persecution and call for law funds been republished here?

We only get too little, too late, like warmed up vomit instead. Not much difference in my opinion to your brilliant observation:
‘ Marr is intellectually vain. “I immediately realised …”

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 9, 2020 11:46 AM
Reply to  DunGroanin

Yeah why did OffG concentrate so much on COVID? It’s not as if anyone even talks about that anymore.

Sep 9, 2020 11:54 AM
Reply to  George Mc

And not at all concentrate on Hard BrexShit, they were set up to shill?

None of you have mentioned it since ‘gedidun clown worshipping red wall falling postal vote fraud gauntlet coup’ won and like a mirage Labour AS dissolved.
And are ignoring it as the Plan A of the HBS is now brazen even for even the most dumbest of BrexShiteers to see – they will be kicking themselves for being the mugs they were!

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 9, 2020 2:56 PM
Reply to  DunGroanin

Brexit? Now that rings a vague bell. Hang on ….nah it’s gone.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Sep 9, 2020 9:33 AM

Okay, Mods: why is the second half of my original comment (reproduced below) being blocked, automatically, in my several attempts to post? Which part of it is forbidden expression? Should you adjust the algorithm or post a new Disclaimer about what constitutes the profane…?

When watching a stage magician and trying to figure out the mechanism behind the magician’s beguiling illusion one does not, even in the interest of “open-mindedness,” entertain the possibility that the trick may even be “real” and the magician may even be magical. Rule that out from the beginning and unraveling the trick becomes much, much easier.

PS The “Collateral Murder” video “leak”, the big event that put Wikileaks in the trending topics category for several years was A) not particularly damaging to anyone involved (name a high-ranking official who got fired over it) and B) not exactly shocking to anyone who wasn’t a member of the cosseted middle class American snowflake-ostrich electorate and C) was a very sophisticated bit of psychological programming that conditioned the snowflake-ostriches to accept such atrocities (hesitantly, initially… then completely) as “Normal” and even appealed to the secret subconscious desires of Western Voters who believe, foolishly, that that kind of easy, technologically super-dominant killing is done on their behalf. The release of “Collateral Murder” was the exact opposite, in intent and effect, of what it was taken to be. All we can be reasonably sure of is that TFIC behind Assange/ Wikileaks are, or were, not behind HRC. Which narrows it down, somewhat, but not much.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Sep 9, 2020 2:13 PM

Your guess is as good as mine about why some comments get picked up by the software. We are obviously not censoring though because >99% of them will get published in the end.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Sep 9, 2020 2:53 PM

Fair enough!

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Sep 9, 2020 2:56 PM

(Perhaps you could delete one or two of the duplicate attempted postings…?)

Sep 9, 2020 9:32 AM

in the wild west there is no law

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Sep 9, 2020 9:24 AM

Well, here’s the first half of the comment I posted at 8:40 (still in “awaiting moderation” limbo); let’s see if THIS gets through:

Mendax was compromised a very long time ago (in a plea deal?). Either he was a temporarily-useful asset who then was thrown to the wolves after the orange of his potential was fully juiced (as often happens) or the whole thing (especially the Embassy Honey-Trap Charade, with a low-budget cameo by Pam Anderson) is theatrical farce. Will Julian (a la Chelsea Manning) become Julia, now? Will the ongoing drama generate more Limited Hangout gold designed to spin your perception of trending topics… ? Who’s the next Mendax, Snowden-look-alike Vorhies? The people clamor for fresh celebrity-heroes to worship and be duped by! (Snowden just as phony).

Real “whistle-blowers”… like Gary Webb… are dealt with efficiently, not given household-name status and a global platform. Think, people: TFIC (The Fuckers in Charge) create/ own/ control the platforms… why would we even know who Assange is if he’d been any kind of “threat” to TFIC? How famous, to the average Guardian Reader, did Aaron Swartz get before his deletion? How famous did Mark Lombardi get? How old did Fred Hampton get?

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Sep 9, 2020 9:27 AM

(well, might as well try to re-post the whole thing): Mendax was compromised a very long time ago (in a plea deal?). Either he was a temporarily-useful asset who then was thrown to the wolves after the orange of his potential was fully juiced (as often happens) or the whole thing (especially the Embassy Honey-Trap Charade, with a low-budget cameo by Pam Anderson) is theatrical farce. Will Julian (a la Chelsea Manning) become Julia, now? Will the ongoing drama generate more Limited Hangout gold designed to spin your perception of trending topics… ? Who’s the next Mendax, Snowden-look-alike Vorhies? The people clamor for fresh celebrity-heroes to worship and be duped by! (Snowden just as phony). Real “whistle-blowers”… like Gary Webb… are dealt with efficiently, not given household-name status and a global platform. Think, people: TFIC (The Fuckers in Charge) create/ own/ control the platforms… why would we even know who Assange is if he’d been any kind of “threat” to TFIC? How famous, to the average Guardian Reader, did Aaron Swartz get before his deletion? How famous did Mark Lombardi get? How old did Fred Hampton get? When watching a stage magician and trying to figure out the mechanism behind the magician’s beguiling illusion one does not, even in the interest of “open-mindedness,” entertain the possibility that the trick may even be “real” and the magician may even be magical. Rule that out from the beginning and unraveling the trick becomes much, much easier. PS The “Collateral Murder” video “leak”, the big event that put Wikileaks in the trending topics category for several years was A) not particularly damaging to anyone involved (name a high-ranking official who got fired over it) and B) not exactly shocking to anyone who wasn’t a member of the cosseted middle class American snowflake-ostrich electorate and C) was a very sophisticated bit of psychological programming that… Read more »

Sep 9, 2020 12:34 PM

Good points.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Sep 9, 2020 1:33 PM
Reply to  Judith

Judith! Did you read the entire comment? Posted a copy here:


Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Sep 9, 2020 2:06 PM
Reply to  Judith

(Ah, I see that one attempt at posting the comment is finally out of Moderation Limbo)

Sep 9, 2020 2:49 PM

I’ve read the entire comment now, Steven Augustine.

I was agreeing in particular with your observation about Gary Webb, Aaron Swarz et al. I would perhaps add Michael Hastings to that list. There seems to be some line that shall not be crossed.

Sep 9, 2020 9:22 AM

Denying him a mask would be better for his health and given his age he is at little chance of death from COVID. So the “they are trying to kill him via COVID” destroyed a decent article.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Sep 9, 2020 9:21 AM

Erm: why is a profanity-and-disinfo-free (though possibly controversial, not-pro-Assange) comment, that I left at 8:40 am, still in “awaiting approval” limbo as of 10:20, although a comment posted at 9:03 is visible? I’m sure it’s just a glitch, but…

Aldous Hexley
Aldous Hexley
Sep 9, 2020 4:17 PM

Steven, please don’t follow in the footsteps of the many newbies that come here and start plastering the forum with complaints.I’ve been here a few months. Just in the last couple of days I’ve had posts that did not take at all (disappeared) and one that took many hours to get through. This is what happens at a site under heavy pressures of volume and attacks. In fact this Admin seems to publish EVERYTHING. Expect irregularities in when stuff appears without paranoically leaping to the conclusion Evil Admin is censoring you. If you stay here you will notice others coming along and complaining the same way. The problem with all that complaining is it starts to become a second level of irritation along with the trolls and their efforts to slow down and uglify these pages.This in turn irritates the regular readership who have become accustomed to the site.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Sep 9, 2020 5:27 PM
Reply to  Aldous Hexley

Aldous: well, to be honest, I stopped posting here a couple of years ago when I noticed some very peculiar goings on. You never know. It would be a mistake to assume that certain sites are totally safe for free expression “forever” and anyone who is turned off by easily ignored “irritations” is not, in my opinion, in the serious business of supporting free dialogue and info-sharing. Having been one of the many disgruntled-with-the-Guardian commenters who was here when the OffGuard first formed (remember when the first iteration was mangled by a near-coup instigated by a mole?) I’ve seen a few things.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Sep 9, 2020 8:03 PM

What “peculiar goings on”? We approve >99%of comments – even now when inundated with stuff about the ‘Joos’ and various concerted attacks from the 77th and similar. More get held for pre-mod, partly due to the software picking up false positives, partly due to there being a lot more trolls – but we still approve the vast majority and never censor for opinion in an otherwise real-person comment.

in other words we are doing our level best to present and preserve an open discussion forum – at our expense and free of charge.

you’re welcome

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Sep 9, 2020 8:44 PM

“in other words we are doing our level best to present and preserve an open discussion forum – at our expense and free of charge.
you’re welcome”

And I appreciate it. But how to tell the glitches from intent? We aren’t blood relatives. I didn’t hurl invective at the Mods today and the peculiarities I referred to, of a couple of years back, had to do with what appeared to be extremely selective modding (some posters were posting literal novellas of nonsense with no censure and others were posting reasoned arguments that were, strangely, or randomly, challenged; the modding didn’t seem quite objective at the time). Certainly no biggie. I’m not complaining about the free ice cream. But all thoughtful commenters, on all open forums, are doing their part in a collaborative effort. That’s the beauty of the non-unilateral Web, may it last a few more years. The most interesting thing I read here today was from a fellow BTLer. So, hugs and salutes all around.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Sep 9, 2020 11:45 PM

I appreciate all the work this site has done especially in knocking down some of the more harsher measures authoritarians of all ilks were demanding when the panic began . However , I consider myself a troll in the fisherman’s sense of the word and don’t see it as a pejorative term as many insist it is? The Internet is choc-a-bloc with propagandists , ubiquitous censors who are paid to shape the discussions with an eye toward profit usually , data miners , automated disruptive malware scripts , bots , and sock puppet networks many of them payed others just desiring to be on someones team. .

Sep 9, 2020 7:25 PM
Reply to  Aldous Hexley

Here here– unfortunately I read you piece after I sent my “give it a rest” comment. You said it much more elegantly– thank-you!

Sep 9, 2020 7:24 PM

Not everything is about you — give it a rest

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Sep 9, 2020 8:08 PM
Reply to  Torontonian

Oh do fuck off you anal, clannish git, this is an open forum, not a fucking pub. I suggest you gather a cabal of similarly anal, clannish gits to give my comments as many down-votes as is gittishly possible… in order to determine, definitively, that I don’t give a fuck about your wretched sensibilities or those of your ilk. Your type are the problem, ironically… only the ones I’m actually concerned with have Power. They aren’t cringe-inducing pissants patrolling a few square centimetres of virtual space. Laugh.

Eyes Open
Eyes Open
Sep 9, 2020 9:03 AM

Chomsky’s part of the problem too. He wouldn’t have been invited to sit in front of BBC cameras either, if he was a genuine threat to the State (he isn’t).

Shame on all members of the global judiciary and the MSM who’ve helped incarcerate Assange.

Sep 9, 2020 9:23 AM
Reply to  Eyes Open

Remember when they put Nick Griffen on QT…..

Sep 9, 2020 9:25 AM
Reply to  Eyes Open

How is Chomsky part of the problem?

He’s only not a threat to the state, as you put it, because your average joe bloggs is still spending time practicing the art of being a couch potato?

Eyes Open
Eyes Open
Sep 9, 2020 9:52 AM
Reply to  TFS

He offers zero solutions. Hence a toothless tiger.

Sep 9, 2020 11:16 AM
Reply to  Eyes Open

I dare say a less toothless tiger than you, but that’s a opinion based on zero evidence of your past works.

Could you garnish me with a link on your literary works?

Obviously a link to your works on solution that Chomsky has failed to provide would be a greate help to us all.

Eyes Open
Eyes Open
Sep 9, 2020 7:45 PM
Reply to  TFS

Have Chomsky’s books made a difference?

It’s the trades unionists, the organisers, the activists who make the difference. Those the State imprisons or murders – because they’re a threat to the State. Ie. Eugene Debs, Fred Hampton et al.

Sep 10, 2020 9:19 AM
Reply to  Eyes Open

Have Chomskys books not made a difference?

Are you saying his books should have had an outcome? Should he have set expectations on the no of riots after publication that there should have been vs what actually happend?

Does he know this?

Maybe you should ask that his books, serving no value, should be removed from publication?

Anyways…..a link to your cachophony of ‘solutions based’ books would be nice.

Eyes Open
Eyes Open
Sep 10, 2020 9:53 AM
Reply to  TFS

That’s my point. Books alone won’t do it.

Sep 10, 2020 10:27 AM
Reply to  Eyes Open

So Chomsky’s a Paper/Toothless Tiger (Books but no solutions)

and you are (No Books with Zero Solutions) what exactly?

Eyes Open
Eyes Open
Sep 10, 2020 10:52 AM
Reply to  TFS

I’m an individual who comments sometimes on social media.

I haven’t made a career from presenting myself to the world as a ‘revolutionary messiah’. My working class based, left wing views would never be given airtime on the BBC.

Sep 10, 2020 11:54 AM
Reply to  Eyes Open

He’s presented himself as ‘revolutionary messiah’?
Does he know this?
How does one become one of his disciples?

Jeremy Corbyn was a messiah apparently. Anyone who held similar views or supported him, was similarly a desciple.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Sep 9, 2020 11:30 AM
Reply to  TFS

Chomsky’s a bit of gate-keeper, in case you haven’t noticed. He thinks that getting to the bottom of 9/11 is ‘unimportant’.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 9, 2020 11:39 AM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

He actually said it doesn’t matter even if 9/11 WAS an inside job! He also thinks it “unimportant” who killed JFK.

Sep 9, 2020 1:28 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I too think that Chomsky had deviated, but I don’t agree that he has not been helpful in his analysis of JFK’s assassination. Far from it. As for the specific charge that he does not encourage others who want to investigate the matter, it think that that’s warranted. But that Chomsky has deviated is easy to demonstrate. Start with Syria. As Stephen Gowans points out, Chomsky has become an imperialist in relation to that sad story. (And I have no use for Gowans either, since he’s decided to jump on ‘the covid 19 virus will destroy us’ bandwagon.) Chomsky wants the US to do what it’s doing there. I noticed something was off when Chomsky made the incredible statement that Israel had no interest in seeing Syria regime-changed. After that deviation, he went on to jump on the Green New Deal bandwagon, which, as Steven Guinness and others explain, is essentially the Great Reset that Klaus Schwab et al are forcing down our throats right now, using the excuse of a non existent virus. (Non existent on a number of levels, I might add.)

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Sep 9, 2020 3:01 PM
Reply to  Arby

Mr Chomsky has always advocated intervention as policy but at times has suggested using less violence until deciding Ms Clinton was a lesser evil ?

Sep 9, 2020 6:13 PM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

‘Pragmatic’ is too often ‘unprincipled’. How could anyone with principles, in any universe, recommend voting for Clinton or Obama? In my cosmology, that’s also ‘faithlessness’, the position that if we – humans – don’t fix things, even if we can’t, then they won’t get fixed. That position is reasonable, if you truly don’t believe that there is a higher power and that He has a plan. I can’t condemn the man for making a decision that’s different than mine. But it’s still ‘faithlessness’, from my standpoint. If you reject a Creator who isn’t humankind, then you don’t have faith in that Creator. The problem, in regard to politics, then becomes: We ‘have to’ vote for monsters if we are only presented with monsters as candidates, and the best you can do if you’re caring and pragmatic, is to choose the least monstrous monster.

But, Really? If you see that elections are a charade, Why do you ‘have to’ participate, regardless what your position on God is?

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Sep 9, 2020 8:02 PM
Reply to  Arby

I dislike Pragmatism and consider it like Objectivism a failed attempt at philosophy, even though Objectivism was more ambitious ? I am drawn to libertarianism even though I know it does not work in this reality , but it does appeal to Idealism which has been mainly discarded in favor of Materialism. I have not voted since 1968 . I do not participate other then to mock and be entertained by the myriad of arcane facts presented.I’m sure that creatures we would consider gods and want to worship probably exist but that they would have any interest in a minor species such as us is doubtful? I do prefer Zeus or Odin to Jesus and his daddy.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Sep 9, 2020 2:57 PM
Reply to  George Mc

To those that rule , whom he has always spoken for , those statements are now irrefutable truths. The Warren and 9/11 commissions quickly became the gold standards of any discussion of those events among Americas ruling elites and wannabes looking to advance their careers..

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Sep 9, 2020 2:52 PM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

He has been a gate-keeper of sort during his whole career as a faux dissident. Never arrested , beaten , or jailed in his various media event non violent feckless marches. At this point in human history 9/11 American version is in fact unimportant?

Sep 9, 2020 6:15 PM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

Yes, Thanks to the interest of people like James Corbett, we now ‘do’ know that 9/11 was a crime, and not just, as Max Blumenthal would have us believe, blowback. And the main perpetrators weren’t middle eastern terrorists.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Sep 9, 2020 8:40 AM

Mendax was compromised a very long time ago (in a plea deal?). Either he was a temporarily-useful asset who then was thrown to the wolves after the orange of his potential was fully juiced (as often happens) or the whole thing (especially the Embassy Honey-Trap Charade, with a low-budget cameo by Pam Anderson) is theatrical farce. Will Julian (a la Chelsea Manning) become Julia, now? Will the ongoing drama generate more Limited Hangout gold designed to spin your perception of trending topics… ? Who’s the next Mendax, Snowden-look-alike Vorhies? The people clamor for fresh celebrity-heroes to worship and be duped by! (Snowden just as phony). Real “whistle-blowers”… like Gary Webb… are dealt with efficiently, not given household-name status and a global platform. Think, people: TFIC (The Fuckers in Charge) create/ own/ control the platforms… why would we even know who Assange is if he’d been any kind of “threat” to TFIC? How famous, to the average Guardian Reader, did Aaron Swartz get before his deletion? How famous did Mark Lombardi get? How old did Fred Hampton get? When watching a stage magician and trying to figure out the mechanism behind the magician’s beguiling illusion one does not, even in the interest of “open-mindedness,” entertain the possibility that the trick may even be “real” and the magician may even be magical. Rule that out from the beginning and unraveling the trick becomes much, much easier. PS The “Collateral Murder” video “leak”, the big event that put Wikileaks in the trending topics category for several years was A) not particularly damaging to anyone involved (name a high-ranking official who got fired over it) and B) not exactly shocking to anyone who wasn’t a member of the cosseted middle class American snowflake-ostrich electorate and C) was a very sophisticated bit of psychological programming… Read more »

Sep 9, 2020 7:58 AM

If Assange had only been reporting about China (or Russia).

Sep 9, 2020 7:55 AM

Using wsws as a source makes you look like a charlatan

Sep 9, 2020 6:16 PM
Reply to  Koba

Not automatically.

Sep 9, 2020 6:47 AM

That artist’s illustration will be the closest we’ll ever come to knowing what Vanessa Baraitser actually looks like.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Sep 9, 2020 11:31 AM
Reply to  Jen

Want to know what VB looks like? Here she is … https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Vanessa_Baraitser

Sep 9, 2020 12:44 PM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

Thanks for the link, Seamus. I think I’ll stick with the artist’s interpretation. 🙂

Jeff Carmack
Jeff Carmack
Sep 9, 2020 4:35 AM

Chomsky functions to reveal aspects of what’s going on so as to perform the epitome of the self-fulfilling prophecy. Par excellence.

Sep 9, 2020 9:31 AM
Reply to  Jeff Carmack

he’s a better polished and older dsvid icke. A thinking left wing mans david icke even. I love all these lefties who have chomskies books on their bookshelves…proudly on display…..i think few people actually read them.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Sep 9, 2020 4:53 PM
Reply to  Ælfræd

Here is a title for his next screed, semi autobiographical:”Manufacturing Chomsky.”

Sep 9, 2020 5:25 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

Chomsky was a powder they kept dry for many many years…..they ended that when they got him to back Killary for 2016.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Sep 9, 2020 7:55 PM
Reply to  Ælfræd

He’d probably already earned his pension, though, when they wheeled him out to do a lot of eyebrow-signaled incredulity and exasperated, no-nonsense, anti-wacko sighing… in the fall of 2001. I know so-called Lefties/ Marxists who relied heavily on Chomsky, Assange and even Zizek to inform their schizoid affectation of viewing “conspiracy theorists” with bemused condescension: the only “news” they took seriously was from the hired mouthpieces of their avowed Class Enemy, eerily.

Sep 10, 2020 10:24 AM

The only “conspriacy theorist” I take seriously is Richard D Hall. I only found parts of his Joe cox investigation to be weak. Most of the rest of his stuff is pretty solid logic wise.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Sep 10, 2020 3:06 PM
Reply to  Ælfræd

Ever tried this fellow…? The late, great…


Sep 10, 2020 3:58 PM

I have not, I will check that site out. Thanks.

Folke M.
Folke M.
Sep 29, 2020 3:34 PM
Reply to  Ælfræd

This is an encouragement into looking into cluesforum.info. They are even less of star gazers than were Richard Hall. Where is Mr. Hall, anyway? I find it difficult to find recent work by him.

Oct 22, 2020 8:06 PM
Reply to  Folke M.

Said in his last video he was working on a covid one. Probably been bumped off if he doesn’t actually work for the state lol

Sep 9, 2020 1:41 PM
Reply to  Jeff Carmack

Who knows? I can only speculate. I think arrogance plays a big role in his deviation. I noticed (and tried to point this out to a writer who I positively think is establishment, namely Alan McCleod, who is with FAIR, as is the faker, Janine Jackson) that Noam Chomsky never quotes alternative media unless it’s establishment (that is, fake) alternative media. I guess that after years of fantastic critiquing of major media and writers of fake history and getting fame from that, he doesn’t like the idea that others – no brands – can do just as much or better. He gives them no credit, even while most of them quote him and say great things about him (which he’s earned, but not recently).

He’s too close to the establishment that he’s been battling all these years. And it’s done a number on him and he doesn’t see it. He has become part of what he has been attacking.

Sep 9, 2020 4:27 AM

Last weekend, there had been 51 people shot and 10 of them died. That city is in a country that ironically decided to become the police -read butcher- of this planet we inhibit.

That country is working hard to spread democracy by all means including violence and sponsoring terrorists like al-Qaeda and so-called Allies. And one of the strategies they use to dominate the world, is poisnonig the food supply to create dependency on pharmaceutical products.