9 Demolitions and 1 Fire
Questioning the events of 9/11 is key to understanding the geo-political landscape of the 21st century.
Just as you cannot understand the Vietnam war, or the presidencies of either Johnson or Nixon, without looking through the lens of the JFK assassination – you cannot hope to understand the dynamics of the War on Terror, or the invasion of Iraq (and others) without asking questions of the 9/11 narrative.
Nevertheless it remains a difficult topic to introduce to people. It’s complex and can seem too multilayered and confusing.
As AE911Truth have been saying for the last few years, Building 7 is the smoking gun. Its collapse is inexplicable in the official narrative, and yet many people still have no idea it existed. This is no accident.
This little vid is our contribution to getting that message out. Please share it with anyone you know who still laughs at “twoofers” and has never heard of nanothermite.
Then share this independent expert saying Building 7 is a controlled demolition. And Larry Silverstein himself, the building’s owner admitting in an unguarded interview they had decided to “pull it”.
As the new normal descends and the world is changing for the worse all around us, it’s never been more important that people are woken up to the way our world is run. We have uploaded the video to youtube, twitter and bitchute. Please share it widely.
It’s never wrong to ask reasonable questions, or seek rational answers. Encouraging this process at times like this is key.
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If you’ve ever watched the video of an F-16 fighter jet being launched via rocket sled into a block of concrete, you’ll know the F-16 completely disintegrated on the block’s surface. You’ve probably seen the damage colliding birds can inflict upon a plane’s fuselage.
From 9/11, we can watch a slow-motion video of a jetliner melting through box-steel and eight floors of concrete without so much as bending, crumpling, cracking or fragmenting. We can witness over and over how it was completely absorbed before there was any hint of an explosion. If someone could replicate that with an experiment, I’d love to see it.
Larry Silverstein said ‘pull it’ meaning ‘pull the firefighters out’. ‘Pull it’ has never been used in the lexicon of controlled demolition. It’s been debunked. You’re spreading lies. This whole thing is a Harry Potter-esque world of extremely detailed fiction. Give it a rest. Go out and live your lives.
and why did he not say pull them ??? if he referred to a group of people ? btw. I highly doubt that the fire chief would ask some Geldsack how he has to do his job, it would have been the fire chiefs job to decide wether to pull his people out or not, it would not have been the job of Geldsack Silverstein, a professional firefighter does not need to ask a dumb Geldsack (who propably knows nothing about firefighting) how to do his job. But sure we all believe in inferno proof arabic passports.
Try better next time government plant
oh yes you’re right! He admitted causally and without hesitation during a televised interview that the building was deliberately destroyed.
You continue to believe your fairy stories in order to seem cool and boost your ego.
Ok , let´s forget about the interpretation of the expression “pull it”and innstead focus on the video attached to this article ; are you or are you not able to tell which one of the ten buildings collapsing that wasn´t a controlled demolition , but instead a “weakening of structure due to several small office fires” ?
Please let me know.
’lets forget about the lie told by the page relentlessly campaigning for truth.’
sorry, I can. It undermines the whole thing.
Are you actually for real? You base the believability of this entire theory on whether “pull it” meant “pull the firefighters out” (which makes zero sense) or meant “take the building down”? That’s nuts.
Trying to access this page via Twitter gives me this:
Ooh scarey!
Yes Twitter is trying to con people into thinking we’re a phishing site because it doesn’t like the info we put out
The BBC reported that WTC7 had collapsed twenty minutes before it happened.
The BBC timing of the report of the Salmon Building collapse is absolutely questionable, yes …
However, not as bad as the screening/s, on virtually every international TV channel – Arabic looking people, celebrating a (past) festive event, totally unrelated to 9-11 and using the footage to falsely claim that the joviality was in celebration for the obviously catastrophic terror event of 9-11. Talk about dangerous race-baiting …
To date – NOBODY – has yet been held accountable for providing and co-ordinating those falsified video screenings to/by all the major networks. Just the extraordinary precision, timing and logistics of the operation would have required unimaginable amounts of forward planning and therefore, necessitated an inquiry, at the very least. Albeit, we’re ALL obedient sheeple, aren’t we? … so no need to explain that which our ‘masters’ feel should be accepted without compromise …
Who distributed those videos to the networks and suggested their use???
I will attempt to add my insight to the many instances of commentators calling out various events as “psyops”.
Point 1 ) All experiences are subjective and part of individual or collective history.
Point 2 ) Your first experience of a psyop most likely occurred when you were first encouraged to smile or take a spoonful of mush.
Point 3) Your second experience of psyop most likely occurred when someone frowned at you for no reason you were able to fathom, because the water was still pretty shallow – so to speak.
Point 4 ) Life is a series of psyops. History is worth investigating…
Point 5.) Every experience in life is a psyop…
This says quite allot: “It’s never wrong to ask reasonable questions, or seek rational answers. Encouraging this process at times like this is key.”
Thank you…
Let’s cut to the chase, ie, cut the crap:
Dancing Israelis.
Reported by locals, caught by the police, and eventually deported even without any trial.
They admitted on Israeli TV their mission was to observe the attacks, it’s still on YouTube.
Israel either organised, or else aided and abetted this atrocity.
No doubt they had local help.
Some bastards shorted airlines and got very rich because they knew what was about to happen.
Some people got the call not to turn up at their 911 office that day.
It happened.
Thousands died.
I saw it with my own eyes.
Anything else is a dastardly Mossad PSYOPS disinfo campaign.
Stop fucking about, accept who’s responsible, and move on. We’ve got even bigger problems with the evil bastards today.
If we’re cutting to the crap, it’s the small hats. Again. As always.
Problem is… government apparatchiks continue to use 9/11 as a prextext for fear mongering, mass surveillance, police/military state policies including censorship and unlawful detention, and forever wars.
If only they would let it go, maybe we could move on, but they won’t ‘cos it was the “New Pearl Harbor” to kick off 21st century imperial fascism.
How many hours would it take to rig building seven for controlled demolition?
About two months solid. A huge amount of framework to get to and then hide from view to avoid discovery.
I think it may have been done for Building 7 but not the others. They collapsed due to their design.
About 2 months to rig those buildings for demolition, you estimate.
Spot on. That’s exactly how long a company owned by the Bush family were at work on the lift shafts of all 3 buildings — under armed guard to keep away onlookers, and with Israeli “performance artists” from Mossad “performing” up and down the liftshafts on ropes’ and photographed standing near something that looked like a switchboard.
My son-in-law who is a construction engineer, tells me that lift shafts are the main structural column in modern high rise buildings.
The explosives that brought down these buildings can be applied to columns like paint. Not bundles of dynamite with wires all over to give the game away.
judy wood’s great book “where did the towers go?” is authoritative and yet banned from discussion on many 9/11 sites.
Yes, the whole thing in hindsight reminds me of Lahaina. Why were there papers floating down? Why in Lahaina were there trees still green and standing despite the tremendous destruction of anything that had metal? Very fishy. So many questions for anyone that cares to or is able to observe, or see what they see despite the propaganda.
it takes a lot of time and effort to rig a building for explosives with wires running everywhere.
how long does it take before you find a new name?
That’s right: it takes about 2 months. Which is exactly how long that Bush company and those Israeli “performance artists” from Mossad were working in those buildings. See post by Fish and Chips at 11.06 pm.
“Its [building seven’s] collapse is inexplicable in the official narrative”.
As is collapse of the other two buildings. The regime’s official report is based on a Neil Ferguson type Mathematical Model, whose details are even more opaque than Ferguson’s labyrinthine code — because “publication of the Official Mathematical Model would be against the National Interest of the U$A”. End of rational argument.
This is just a SMALL steel structure being demolished with explosives… The end pile comparison with 2*400+ meters tall WTC buildings is a fun sight!
That is a beautiful, small scale illustration.
Why didn’t the Bush government order the air force in the air after the first tower?
They could have been there in a few minutes.
because that would have spoiled all the fun, obviously.
Hank, that was the first suspicious activity of the Bush/Cheney regime: forbidding the Air Defense to intercept suspicious planes on day 911. Their second giveaway occurred on 912: the regime forbade planes to fly out of the U$A — except for one plane which flew the Bin Laden family home from Bush’s ranch and back to Saudi Arabia. I deduced that the Bin Laden family had visited to warn Shrub Bush what was going to happen on 911, and Cheney decided that was the right day to switch off Air Defense. In those days I still thought Osama done it, but Anglo Zionazi Capitalist regimes never let a good atrocity go to waste when they could blame it on some resource-rich little country not yet owned by the AZC.
Their third giveaway was to blame it on Muslim extremists from Saddam Hussein’s Baath regime in Iraq. Anyone who lives in the Middle East knows that Jihadi Extremists and Secular Baath are mortal enemies; it was an obvious lie by designed to subvert the U$ Army from its proper role of Defense, and spend U$ “Blood and Treasure” to carve up oil-rich Iraq for the benefit of the oily Bush/Cheney regime of oil executives and oil billionaires.
Interesting info, but Saudi Arabia is far from little – 4 times bigger than Spain!
KSA: big area, big income but small population 34,081,631.
U$A bigger area, bigger income and 10 times bigger population 334,914,895.
In spite of which the Ussies had to call in help from their 20-country Coalition of the Killing in Europe. What a rotten bunch of cowardly liars, thieves and murderers.
Bush/Cheney had the some of the armed forces in ‘Standdown” for the period the “attacks” took place.
A coordinated war game was also going on in the Northeast.
But the real kicker… THERE WERE NO AIRPLANES!
wow, the No Planes disinfo shills are descending thick and fast, these days. it must be a special effort for the anniversary.
so… just how fast was that second “plane” moving? Is that speed credible for that aircraft. Check out pilot Lear’s affidavit…
Remember when NIST were less than scietific about WT7 collapsing at nr free fall speeds until they were forced to offer a correct?
All staged, TFS. Every man and his dog was in on this psyop aka a massive Full-Scale Exercise comprising many smaller exercises and drills. They’re all actors. As if Danny Jowenko had never seen the collapse of WTC-7. It’s astounding how many people were obviously in on it and just acted out their parts.
They tell us the truth right in our faces.
The whole perspective on this event changes when you get the pivotal truth: death and injury were staged. Why are so many on OffG so resistant to this obvious-when-you-think-about-it truth? Surely, you cannot all be so indoctrinated in the 3,000 dead, 6,000 injured lie? It’s an obvious lie right from the start because we know the plane crashes were faked. Why on earth would they introduce an element of reality that they didn’t want into a massively concocted story? Why not have a complete confection? What is so extraordinary about the whole event being a complete confection apart from the incontrovertible collapse of the buildings?
we know the plane crashes were faked.
“we” don’t know any such thing, except for Shanksville, and possibly the Pentagon.
in the delusional fantasy world that you inhabit, everything that you believe is true, by definition.
Why on earth would they introduce an element of reality that they didn’t want
nothing that you don’t want can intrude into your reality, but others are not necessarily so fortunate.
it must be gratifying, to be able to just make up fundamental principles of the universe according to your slightest whim, and expect all of objective reality to conform to them.
the incontrovertible collapse of the buildings
are you really so sure it’s incontrovertible?
maybe the WTC buildings never existed in the first place. maybe all the video and images depicting them are CGI fakes. maybe all the people who claim to have seen them first-hand are crisis actors. maybe New York City and its inhabitants don’t actually exist, outside of Hollywood movie sets.
maybe you, yourself, are just a figment of somebody’s imagination, a minor character in a hallucinogenic dream.
that sure would explain a lot.
note to admins: this troll and its disinfo spam are becoming acutely repetitive and boring. I’m sure I’m not the only one who thinks so. can’t something be done about it?
LOL. Love your note to admins milo. Good luck!
Lol, If Admin touches you, Admin is a troll dear
The $5,000 is still waiting for you. You just need to present 10 points that favour “real” plane crashes over “faked” for whichever plane crashes you believe were real.
The aircraft accident investigator I referred to earlier, Col. George Nelson, Colonel, USAF (ret.) makes a slightly fuller case on the Firefighters for Truth & Unity website and he clearly indicates he has a massive problem with the lack of a single serially controlled part from the crash sites.
You told me to get my own aircraft accident investigator. I got one who was a colonel in the US military no less and this is what he says. Can you please explain why you don’t accept his words?
United Airlines Flight 93
This flight was reported by the federal government to be a Boeing 757 aircraft, registration number N591UA, carrying 45 persons, including four Arab hijackers who had taken control of the aircraft, crashing the plane in a Pennsylvania farm field.
Aerial photos of the alleged crash site were made available to the general public. They show a significant hole in the ground, but private investigators were not allowed to come anywhere near the crash site. If an aircraft crash caused the hole in the ground, there would have literally hundreds of serially-controlled time-change parts within the hole that would have proved beyond any shadow of doubt the precise tail-number or identity of the aircraft. However, the government has not produced any hard evidence that would prove beyond a doubt that the specifically alleged aircraft crashed at that site. On the contrary, it has been reported that the aircraft, registry number N591UA, is still in operation.
American Airlines Flight 11
This flight was reported by the government to be a Boeing 767, registration number N334AA, carrying 92 people, including five Arabs who had hijacked the plane. This plane was reported to have crashed into the north tower of the WTC complex of buildings.
Again, the government would have no trouble proving its case if only a few of the hundreds of serially controlled parts had been collected to positively identify the aircraft. A Boeing 767 landing gear or just one engine would have been easy to find and identify.
United Airlines Flight 175
This flight was reported to be a Boeing 767, registration number N612UA, carrying 65 people, including the crew and five hijackers. It reportedly flew into the south tower of the WTC.
Once more, the government has yet to produce one serially controlled part from the crash site that would have dispelled any questions as to the identity of the specific airplane.
American Airlines Flight 77
This was reported to be a Boeing 757, registration number N644AA, carrying 64 people, including the flight crew and five hijackers. This aircraft, with a 125-foot wingspan, was reported to have crashed into the Pentagon, leaving an entry hole no more than 65 feet wide.
Following cool-down of the resulting fire, this crash site would have been very easy to collect enough time-change equipment within 15 minutes to positively identify the aircraft registry. There was apparently some aerospace type of equipment found at the site but no attempt was made to produce serial numbers or to identify the specific parts found. Some of the equipment removed from the building was actually hidden from public view.
The government alleges that four wide-body airliners crashed on the morning of September 11 2001, resulting in the deaths of more than 3,000 human beings, yet not one piece of hard aircraft evidence has been produced in an attempt to positively identify any of the four aircraft. On the contrary, it seems only that all potential evidence was deliberately kept hidden from public view. The hard evidence would have included hundreds of critical time-change aircraft items, plus security videotapes that were confiscated by the FBI immediately following each tragic episode.
With all the evidence readily available at the Pentagon crash site, any unbiased rational investigator could only conclude that a Boeing 757 did not fly into the Pentagon as alleged. Similarly, with all the evidence available at the Pennsylvania crash site, it was most doubtful that a passenger airliner caused the obvious, but small hole in the ground and certainly not the Boeing 757 as alleged. Regarding the planes that allegedly flew into the WTC towers, it is only just possible that heavy aircraft were involved in each incident, but no evidence has been produced that would add credence to the government’s alleged version of what actually caused the total destruction of the WTC buildings, let alone proving the identity of the aircraft. It is time to apply the precautionary principle.
As painful and heartbreaking as was the loss of innocent lives and the lingering health problems of thousands more, a most troublesome and nightmarish probability remains that so many Americans appear to be involved in the most heinous conspiracy in our country’s history.
You told me to get my own aircraft accident investigator. I got one who was a colonel in the US military no less and this is what he says. Can you please explain why you don’t accept his words?
there’s nothing to explain, because I don’t disagree with any of that. I have never claimed that the large aircraft observed crashing into the WTC towers must necessarily be AA-11 and UA-175. there doesn’t seem to be any publicly available evidence, one way or the other.
nor have I claimed that Shanksville and the Pentagon must be the sites of airliner crashes. Shanksville clearly isn’t, and it doesn’t seem that the available evidence at the Pentagon is sufficient to reach a definite conclusion, either way.
do you have any other BS arguments that need refuting?
OK, so they’re going to put forward some kind of nonsense for the alleged plane crashes. In a previous comment you gave a link to a pdf that presented purported evidence but what you really need is evidence that FAVOURS “real” over “staged” not just some purported evidence that might fit either hypothesis. Do you have any evidence that favours staged over real and if you do then I invite you yet again to respond to my $5,000 challenge that has been languishing unresponded-to for a good couple of years no.
I simply don’t understand it, milo. If I passionately believed something and someone offered me $5,000 to prove my belief I’d absolutely jump at the chance – both for the money and to prove my case. What more incentive could one need? If you offered me $5,000 to prove all four plane crashes were faked I’d get professionals (or certainly try to) to validate my 10 points.
The thing is though that getting professionals to validate your case is no easy matter. Sure, there’s A&E for 9/11 Truth but they’re a front organisation. Their purpose essentially is to keep focus on the buildings and away from the more revealing plane crashes (we might ask if the 265 deaths in the plane crashes were faked why not the other 2,735?) and thus right away from staged death and injury.
So I googled another relevant profession “aeronautical engineer” and what did I come up with? 60 signed onto A&E for 9/11 Truth who talk about the BUILDING COLLAPSES not the PLANES, the BUILDINGS. We have to wonder why they don’t give their expert opinion on the plane crashes.
So I’ll await your evidence that FAVOURS real over staged, milo, and cannot fit both hypotheses.
I’ll await your evidence
it’s become quite clear that there is no type of evidence that could possibly be produced, that would be acceptable to you, and consequently, there is no use in engaging in these ridiculous debates. anything that disproves your preconceived hypothesis, you will simply denounce as “fake”. it’s a non-refutable, and therefore non-scientific, theory, without any connection to objective reality, and serves no purpose except to disorient and confuse people.
Excuse me, milo, if I don’t buy your reasoning for not presenting evidence. You could always present it simply to support your argument to other commenters couldn’t you? You act as if it’s just me who holds the wild theory that all four plane crashes were faked on 9/11 but starting back right at the beginning, pioneering Australian researcher, Gerard Holmgren, worked out all four planes were faked. So sad that there’s still people carrying on about real planes. It’s simply ludicrous in the extreme.
Ya just copped out, did’n’cha, milo, cos ya got none.
And we know why. The perps are utterly scrupulous and meticulous in their MO. Complete bastards, true, but they give us every opportunity to call them out … and yet we obdurately look away and do not do it.
Two features of every single psyop that I’m aware of:
— Clues that they’re staged: sloppiness of execution, poor expression, grammar and spelling (beyond what one might consider “sloppy journalism”), over-the-top ridiculousness, discrepancy between show and tell, the actual truth, smiling grievers, things that don’t add up, contradictions in the story, physical impossibilities, Masonic numbers and symbols and on and on.
— Total absence of a single piece of evidence faked so well that it can be used by believers of their stories to defend their belief. When you blow away the magic propaganda dust, there’s simply nothing there.
It’s interesting. I came across a website set up and defuncted in the early 2000s and this is what the owner, Angie, said back in 2004.
There’s also been another possible motive for the 9-11 attacks that I’ve speculated about since the beginning. Have you ever wondered why the 9-11 official story was so implausible and so sloppily put together? (you know, the simultaneous hijacking of four different planes by people armed with mere boxcutters, the suicide notes found in luggage that inadvertently didn’t make it on the planes, Arabic flight manuals left in cars in the airport, and a million other things they did which seem like obvious plants, or things they didn’t do or create which would have squelched many of the 9-11 skeptics early on.) It’s as if they want us to see through the whole thing. Could the perpetrators, in fact, want a 911 Truth Movement to flourish? And if so, why?
Perhaps the perpetrators are deliberately setting up the U.S. to be the bad guy to the rest of the world, perhaps to give the rest of the world the notion that they’d have to consolidate to fight the sole superpower, getting us that much closer to a one world government that so many global elite long for. Perhaps the ‘transparent 9-11 inside job/ mass murder deliberately painted on others for a non-ending war pretext’ is just a part of that, part of the intentional plotting to have the U.S. be seen as the real rogue nation that others must get together to fight against.
Everywhere you look, it seems, the U.S. goes out of its way, against its interests, to put itself in the worst possible light. The U.S. could easily have, for example, planted weapons of mass destruction in Iraq to make itself look better, but it didn’t. And the U.S. could perform identical horrible actions around the world without the seemingly intentionally abrasive and arrogant foreign policy pronouncements which alienate our allies’ populations. And why has the U.S. media and even governmental officials taking a liking recently to reporting on war prisoner abuse when they’ve never paid such close attention to it so close in time to it before? It’s hard to believe that the sloppiness of 9-11, and these other items, are just due to the incompetence of those in charge, and so I speculate.
Good point, Petra. The passenger planes might not have been real. There might not even have been some secret U$ military planes without “registered serial numbers” pretending to be civil aircraft flying into those buildings. There might not have been any plane at all — just a holograph. On this point your $5K bet still has no takers.
But other points are sure and no longer up for bets:
1, Those 3 buildings were demolished by standard method of multiple thermite explosive charges wired up in the liftshafts.
2, Only the Bush / Cheney regime could have done it (with help from the Netan Yahoo regime in Israel).
3, Thousands of U$ citizens were murdered (except for the owner of those buildings (Larry Silverstein) and other dual U$/Israel citizens who did not turn up as usual at the WTC that day.
note to admins: this troll and its disinfo spam are becoming acutely repetitive and boring. I’m sure I’m not the only one who thinks so. can’t something be done about it?
Are you trying to suspend yourself?
You have a tendency to push things a little far do you…
I’ve been complaining about this PSYOPS agent called Flaxgirl / Petra for at least 2 years. It brings this erstwhile site and noble efforts of the publishers and contributors into disrepute, in my opinion.
Regardless, it carries on and on top we get a flood of lizard nutters turning up and lapping up the Flaxgirl / Petra PSYOPS crap.
The PSYOPS is certainly working on bringing the site down, I’ve noticed many longstanding regulars now only posting rarely, even given up altogether.
Personally I used to avidly read the articles here almost daily, now I quickly pass by just once in a while. I also stopped my sub.
It’s a great pity because this site was unique and excellent and jad massive potential. Now trashed by Brigade 77 etc.
Petra is not a psyop
Agreed. She makes a good point. Where is the evidence for plane crash. Where is the plane’s engine, and other identifiable fragments? Did New York mayor Giulani have them shipped away on a fast boat to China along with all the other evidence from those wrecked buildings?
after being terrorized by the events, they released the truth which is even more terrorizing. Then we can just deal with our emotions w pills and booze, and still develop a little cancer on the side, for which we won’t be treated
What is so extraordinary about the U$ regime — the U$A had already gone on to murder 20 million people in the 20th century after WW2 — then celebrating the birthday of “The New American Century” on the 11th Sepember 2001 by spectacularly murdering 3,000 of their own citizens? (except for Larry Goldstein and all those other dual Israeli-U$ citizens who did not turn up for work at WTC on that day).
I’ve no idea if anyone pays you to spread disinformation, or perhaps you’re just disconnected from real events. Regardless, the proven facts are:
Dancing Israelis.
Reported by locals, caught by the police, and eventually deported without any trial.
They admitted on Israeli TV their mission was to observe the attacks, it’s still on YouTube.
Israel either organised, or else aided and abetted this atrocity.
No doubt they had local help.
Some bastards shorted airlines and got very rich because they knew what was about to happen.
Some people got the call not to turn up at their 911 office that day.
It happened.
Thousands died.
I saw it with my own eyes.
Anything else is a dastardly Mossad PSYOPS disinfo campaign.
Stop fucking about, accept who’s responsible, and move on. We’ve got even bigger problems with the evil bastards today.
I’m really sorry that my comments have put you off so much, Fish & Chips, I really am sorry about that. There’s lots of commenters whose comments I don’t like or which simply don’t interest me and certainly the comments from commenters who’ve abused me I skip over. I really don’t understand why a single person’s comments would put you off so much. I skip loads of comments and – to be truthful – often I’m really more concerned about simply putting my own comment because I’d really like to get across what I believe to be the pivotal truth of 9/11: death and injury were staged. And it’s proving to be a very, very big battle.
But for me having loads of comments I don’t like I embrace because I absolutely love the lack of censorship. I do not want anyone’s comments no matter how much I don’t like them censored (unless they’re hate speech or inappropriately sexual but those comments rarely appear and if they do the commenter is simply given a warning I think) so skipping over comments I don’t like feels like nothing at all. I absolutely love the lack of censorship.
Yep, I swallowed the Dancing Israelis and the explosives dust in the white van. Can’t believe I swallowed it but I did – hook, line and sinker.
Yes, the Dancing Israelis are real in one sense – showed to us on video – but totally fake in another – it was all staged. Do you seriously think that Mossad agents would be caught on camera jumping for joy?
When I saw the Dancing Israelis and the article about the explosives dust my thinking went exactly how the perps wanted me to think. They controlled my mind (and, of course, lots of other people’s minds). I was mind-controlled to think, “I get it, they got Israelis – outsiders – to do the dastardly deed of bringing down the buildings to kill those poor people, they wouldn’t get their own US citizens to do it.”
But when I woke up to staged death and injury I recognised that the Dancing Israelis was propaganda and like so very, very much 9/11 propaganda, essentially designed to maintain truthers’ belief in the key lie of 9/11: real death and injury.
I have a webpage on psyops and I’ve presented a $5,000 challenge to those who support hypotheses that oppose mine. I don’t really know what else I can do to establish my credibility. Perhaps you can suggest something.
Perhaps “Occam’s razor” is a phrase used by unintelligent people to justify the claim that the only answer they can think of must be the right one?
I have reread that site about 5 times. Post some new stuff.
< We’ve got even bigger problems with the evil bastards today. >
Correct: we let them get away with Con-911, so they escalated to Con-19.
Yeah, when you read or watch some or most of the debunkers you see that their initial premisses are that we are tinfoil hat wearing nutcases, that can belive such an thing as this event been an FF, and then they go on into technicalitys witch they just ignore reality, and so on, to metal structures and onto the rigging of this explosions, and says that alone is impossible, and uses their own reasons to refute everybody else, this is classical “debunkers” as we are debunking the official narrative, but the main problem stil is that people are just plain stupid, i dont old back when the truth is, stupidity, period, I have watched and debunked so many videos of whatever happened that I am stil amazed that people in general tend to even ignore facts, no matter how true they are, hurmf.
How is that possible, we can argue to kingdom comes, but the sad thing is, our MSM have the people by their balls, and some even think jet fuel can burn down an highrise building, witch is so far of facts that it is possible to go, it simply isnt physicaly an possibility.
There is only one truth, this towers and building 7 was taken down by CD, period, you can even see the charges popp, on WTC7, and also on the Two towers, it was an perfectly exectued demolition, and its borders to art, this people knew exactly what to do, and did it.
But the second thing is, the MSM, and what some people think is live TV shoots, witch is again far from the facts, even political debates are rigged in such an way that the TV control room have an smal time frame to where they can intervine or cut the debate out and switch to something else, and sometimes you can see that, on live TV when the object intervjued is suddenly cut off, thats because of the control room have knowledge in forehand and can deside to cut the sceenery out of cut the intervjued object off.
WTCs where just that, fake, special effects, and its not even hard to do it, the only thing they needed to know is the time line, again, if its minutes behind they had all the time they needed to place whatever they wanted into our TV widow frame.
This one is about that.
And never forget the Units, Brigades and so on, to those that “belives”, everything the MSM tels them to belive, not that they are stupid, not all of them are, but some of them do induce false claims just to be eh….. covering up the bollocks, like the Pentagoon so called attack, there isnt an shread of evidence of any kind of comerisal plain, as the Shankswile Flight 93, wich was entirly an bogus show.
But I somehow like this, I take this 9/11 as he litmus test, do you belive the official story or not, I stil stand by what I have always said, they lie about everything, all the time.
Some years ago someone made the valid point that the wildest conspiracy theory over 9/11 came from the criminal Bush regime itself – that it was planned by a man in a cave in Afghanistan, then pulled off by nineteen men none of whom were trained to fly airliners, and who brought down three steel and concrete buildings with two aluminium aircraft.
Their conspiracy defied physics on that day. They performed magic! That’s got to be the craziest conspiracy theory of them all.
Yep. Pioneering Australian researcher, Gerard Holmgren, wrote a great satirical piece, Debunking Conspiracy Theorists – Paranoid fantasies about 9-11 detract from real issues
It’s amazing to think he had so much worked out so early on and it’s as if that pioneering work has in many ways been lost. Others seemed to have had a lot worked out too, however, controlled opposition was out in full force from the start so it’s hard to know who back then was genuine and who was controlled opposition, in the know, and simply trying to keep control of the story as best they could.
theories about conspiracies are not Conspiracy Theories, if it is the government that asserts them.
for example: is RussiaGate, the theory that Vladimir Putin and others conspired to secretly control the President of the United States, a Conspiracy Theory? apparently not; it is certainly never described as such. on the contrary, it is those who claim that no such conspiracy ever existed, who are the crazy Conspiracy Theorists in this case.
Magical belief:
“Credo _quia_ absurdum est.” (I believe _because_ it is absurd).
You got to give the public hoak.
See Parts I and II below first:
Part III
This is what some journalists said:
Vince DeMentri, WCBS reporter
“It was almost as if it were a planned implosion. It just pancaked.”
Note his smile as he says the word “pancaked”.
Al Jones, 1010 WINS reporter
“And I turned in time to see what looked like a skyscraper implosion. It looked like it had been done by a demolition crew, the whole thing just collapsing down on itself.”
Dan Rather, CBS News Anchor
“Amazing, incredible, pick your word. For the third time today, it’s reminiscent of those pictures we’ve all seen too much on television before, where a building was deliberately destroyed by well-placed dynamite to knock it down.”
Brian Williams and David Restuccio
Conversation between Brian Williams, MSNBC News Anchor and David Restuccio, FDNY EMS Lieutenant about WTC-7, the third building to collapse at the WTC on 9/11, after its collapse:
“Can you confirm it was No 7 that just went in?” [“Went in” is a term used in controlled demolition that comes from the fact that the buildings fall in on themselves.]
“Yes, sir.”
“And you guys knew this was comin’ all day.”
“We had heard reports that the building was unstable and that eventually it would either come down on its own or it would be taken down.”
We absolutely know that Brian Williams and David Restuccio are scripted from their extremely specific words. So they were scripted and the others not? I don’t think so.
Other examples of the journalists telling us so very clearly about the events of 9/11
9 11 01 Video Clips Dan Rather Would Rather Not Show You
9/11 News Coverage: How 36 Reporters Brought Us the Twin Towers’ Explosive Demolition on 9/11 – Graeme MacQueen and Ted Walter
See Part I below first:
Part II
Why put so much effort into suppressing the truth of staged death and injury?
The propaganda strategy aimed at the truthers is as follows:
1. Gag the truthers with controlled demolition, allow the fact that a number at least will also recognise faked plane crashes but generally try to make out that there’s uncertainty with the planes
2. Maintain their belief in real death and injury through fake loved ones, witnesses, survivors, Israelis being the demolition men, etc
in order to stymie the truth thus:
The truthers armed with an important truth, controlled demolition, but an equally important lie, real death and injury, will get nowhere because the general population will not come at the US government killing all those people in the building and in this, ironically, the general population is correct where the truthers are not! That would never be the US government’s MO. Sure, they used 9/11 as an excuse to invade and kill in other countries and also kill their own soldiers – far, far more people than were allegedly killed on 9/11 – so it’s not that they didn’t kill the people in the buildings out of concern, it’s just that killing people when you don’t want them dead is not part of psyop MO … and they needed complete control of the story. Having the loved ones of 3,000 people they murdered running amok isn’t in any way compatible with “control of the story”. They also needed to involve media and emergency response, as clearly evidenced by the conversation between Brian Williams and David Restuccio (see below), and there’s a limit on the number of people you can have in on the callous and cold-blooded murder of 3,000 fellow citizens.
Journalists – candid or scripted?
Much is made of the allusion made by journalists to controlled demolition on the day of 9/11. I thought it remarkable myself but after I learnt how they always give us the clues and especially after I figured out staged death and injury the pennies started to drop. What is vital in a psyop is control of the story and if we consider that 9/11 was a psyop in the true sense of the term (not a half-hearted semi-psyop where the US government callously allowed 3,000 people to be killed for no good reason) in the form of a massive Full-Scale Exercise comprising many smaller exercises and drills … that the media would have been scripted makes a lot of sense. This fantastic video, using the music of the song Free Fallin’ by Tom Petty, produced by Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth who, astoundingly enough, are a front group, showcases the journalists on the day.
The journalists “telling” us in their allusions to controlled demolition performs two functions:
— it “gives us the clues” which is part of the MO
— they avoid “implicating themselves” by speaking of fire. If they had spoken of “fire” bringing down the building then truthers would begin to suspect that they were “in the know” and this would start to crumble the real death and injury myth. Truthers would start to think, surely, all these journalists couldn’t be in on the callous murder of 3,000 of their fellow citizens.
< the general population will not come at [ie, believe in] the US government killing all those people in the building and in this the general population is correct where the truthers are not! That would never be the US government’s MO. >
This is the core of Petra’s psychotic fixation — and not only hers: Petra and “the general public” simply cannot believe that a U$ regime would kill thousands of its own people simply to make a few $Billion more — and to please Israel. Dear sweet innocent Flaxgirl.
“I am not going to embarrass our closest ally over a few dead U$ sailors” — POTU$A Lyndon Johnson’s comment when Israel deliberately strafed U$ sailors on U$$ Liberty in order to drag the U$A into a war with Egypt.
Part I
The focus has always been on what brought WTC-7 down although nothing could be more Emperor’s-New-Clothes-like than its collapse by perfect implosion. The question, “Why collapse WTC-7 on 9/11?”, however, has never been explored and yet there are good reasons to do so.
They needed the twin towers to come down in dramatic fashion for their terror story but they didn’t need WTC-7 to. In fact, if you go by seemingly logical thinking you really have to scratch your head and ask why they would offer us its beautifully graceful collapse on a platter. What could be more incriminating?
WTC-7 … the building not hit by a plane yet it came down in 6.5 seconds in perfect symmetry! My, what a smoking gun!
Did it contain the control centre for the operation? Is that the reason? Even if it had surely they could have managed that circumstance without showcasing its perfect implosion on the day. Surely, they didn’t have to bring down WTC-7 on 9/11 any more than they had to bring down WTCs 3, 4, 5 and 6 which came down later as WTC-7 could have too.
Perhaps it wasn’t a case of having to … it was a case of wanting to.
I can only guess but this is what I suggest.
If you consider that the pivotal truth of 9/11 is that death and injury were staged and that we can identify significant propaganda targeted at truthers to suppress that truth then bringing down WTC-7 in a perfect implosion when it played no role in the terror story and the fact of its perfect implosion being more incriminating rather than less must surely mean it had a role in the significant propaganda campaign designed to suppress the pivotal truth of staged death and injury.
Grab the truthers’ heads and focus them on WTC-7, on pure, in-your-face controlled demolition to keep them away from the more revealing faked planes which immediately put a big hole in the 3,000 dead claim (allegedly 265 in planes) and might lead us to wonder if perhaps deaths in the buildings may have been faked just like those in the fake plane crashes.
There’s no need to spend a second on analysing how the buildings came down on 9/11 if we prove (and it’s very easy to do) that the planes were faked. If planes were faked then obviously the buildings came down by a controlled means – the propagandists have the truthers focused on the buildings while minimising focus on the planes all to divert from the staged death and injury. WTC-7’s collapse is extra to those of the twin towers, the perfect implosion, the magnificent smoking gun, that keeps the truthers’ focus exactly where it’s wanted – on the buildings.
WTC-7’s perfect implosion on 9/11 is a massive distraction to aid in suppressing the pivotal truth of staged death and injury.
As soon as I saw the twin towers collapse or to be more exact turn to dust in mid air ejecting girders out as it fell through the path of greatest resistance. I new this was not a natural event.
When you watch a movie you will see a car crash they often try to make it as dramatic as possible. The car will burst into flames and even explode sometimes times with a huge explosion.
But real life is not like that. When a car crashes it rarely catches fire. If the car does catch fire it is very rare it leads to an explosion. If there is an explosion of the fuel it is normally a small explosion.
But what is depicted in the movies is normally not quite impossible it is just on the edge of what is possible but most unlikely in the extreme. Of course you know what you are watching in the movie is a not a natural event , that it has been carefully prepared is probably not a single shot but multiple shots from different angles. With the fire and explosions carefully prepared and triggered. It is a carefully prepared and executed illusion.
One has to accept the arguments against controlled demolition are valid. To prepare the towers for explosion in secret would be nearly impossible. That there should have been more obvious explosions as with other controlled demolition. That there should have been clear evidence after the collapse of detonator cord and the like during inspection and site clean up.
So you have two seemingly impossible choices that either the collapse was natural due to the circumstances or that it was prepared and executed with out it being detected and exposed. Some will choose one of the possibilities that they think more probable while others will choose the alternate explanation.
One has to accept that it will never be possible to prove. Other near impossibilities could be chosen from the 9/11 story like passports of hijackers being found amongst the crash sites.
One could look at other events like the assassination Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife and what led to World War 1 and other world events that have led us to our current predicament.
Evidence provided by physical laws overwhelmingly outweighs speculation about the difficulty of laying explosives. We have no idea really what the situation was in any of the buildings as far as laying explosives was concerned so “seeming impossibility” doesn’t really apply, it’s mere speculation.
However, there is no confusion between a collapse by fire and a collapse by controlled demolition and we know that high rise steel-frame buildings do not collapse by fire.
The pivotal truth of 9/11 though is that death and injury were staged and the perfect implosion of WTC-7 which wasn’t required for their terror story and is really only known by those interested in the truth about 9/11 was a kind of Trojan horse – it’s all about focusing the truthers on controlled demolition, away from the planes (cos if we recognise the fake plane crashes we’ll automatically know that 265 didn’t die in planes and then we might start to wonder that if they faked those deaths then they might have also faked the 2735 in the buildings). Yes, WTC-7’s collapse was a “gift” to the truthers to keep them diverted from the pivotal truth of staged death and injury as so much other propaganda was … and still is.
Let’s say WTC7 was brought down by a controlled demolition using nano-thermite. Everybody in the could, potentially, learn how to do that. The list of suspects is not narrowed down in any way.
well no – whoever rigged the buildings for demolition would have to have unrestricted access to the support columns and been permitted to bring in the nanothermite, wiring, cutter charges and (possibly) conventional explosives and set them in place. It would take weeks to do this for a building the size of WTC7.
Yes, it would take weeks. And it would need a large construction crew: like the Bush family company that was working for weeks on the liftshafts under armed guard to keep away sight-seers.
Many years ago, I viewed a very similar video depicting numerous controlled demolitions and reached the conclusion that the official 9/11 narrative was utter bullshit. Most people want to forget about 9/11, although the US is still fighting the same wars for nearly two decades. But when you only have 1% of the US population serving in the military no one gives a fuck–the apathy is overwhelming. I was surprised, that even the WSWS website neglected to mention 9/11, practically every thread on their site is dedicated to COVID.
@CR: ” I was surprised, that even the WSWS website neglected to mention 9/11,”
Not surprised. I’ve been saying it for years: WSWS are the Trots. “Controlled Opposition” is the modern name.
It’s quite a sophisticated enterprise……The site prior to COVID did have some very fine political analyses–of course in the end leads to nowhere……..
Like I’ve said before, I’ve been filled with dread ever since the obvious demolition of those three buildings were not questioned in the slightest by 90% of the population. It was an indicator of worse chicanery to come. I mean why not push it, if the general public really is this stupid. Why not up the agenda now. Exactly what they are doing. Far too little resistance. There must have been some major celebrations immediately following 9/11 by the “elite” scum – they pulled it off and they pulled it off with less than expected resistance…
Yes, they pulled off 9/11 just like they pulled off JFK, RFK, and Martin Luther King.
Let’s not forget the millions that marched in cities all over the world to protest against the post-911 Iraq invasion. Millions from Rio to Tokyo, from London to LA.
And they did that anyway, too. And they are still doing it – 19 years later.
I was just posting about MLK, JFK, RFK, Malcolm X…another awful indicator for those 4 to be murdered with very few ripples overall.
Yes indeed. Millions did march and it was ignored. Another bad sign.The lack of reaction to that.
On the bright side, there are more people waking up to the reality of things. Way too few, though.
Evil is running amok.
They will continue to do it until the average person is aware of who is doing it. It is really not that difficult with a little looking into it.
When the Kremlin ever gets blown up, make the KGB the first suspect, if you want to attract the attention of wingnuts and deep cellar cases.
Never suggest Murphy’s law, because everything is planned long before by unfailable “agencies”.
Rather than talking about wingnuts and other silly ad hom, why not cogently explain how WTC7 could collapse symmetrically at free fall acceleration due to asymmetrical damage and fire. Simple physics – knock yourself out.
reality is anti-semitic. everybody knows that.
The CIA trained hundreds of Jihadis imported through Saudi Arabia on main land USA for later ME usage – deniable cannon fodder. A US Jeddah consular officer complained about this but was shut up; he went public later.
Then 19 of them went unexpectedly “freelancing” on NYC airports. For WTC7: a few others could have worked on the ground with explosives – they were trained for that.
Straight after 9/11 all holding Saudi papers were flown out of the US, while anybody else was grounded = CIA signature.
You are suggesting a group of terrorists managed to haul tons of explosives and drilling equipment into three WTC buildings, and spend a month or more drilling, hammering and wiring every tenth floor for demolition – without being detected?
I don’t buy the story that 9/11 was a government operation.
Taking over the airplanes would be easy – getting on a domestic US flight in the 1990s was like getting on a bus, there was no security as terrorism had not yet arrived in the USA – and flying the planes into the towers would be relatively easy as they stood so much taller than their neighbours in a flat landscape – the real pilots took off and the rest was easily doable by the terrorists.
The building 7 demolition is an interesting story and my inclination is to go for the more mundane explanation: maybe the owner of the building, who was already planning its demolition, saw an opportunity to make a quick buck and so did a deal and pulled in a demolition team to do the job. The work of an opportunist that could not be questioned later because of all the nationalism resulting from the attack. Using opportunities is how rich people get richer.
That said, always good to question.
You haven’t done your homework.
Good luck.
It’s easy for you to say flying planes into the towers was “easily doable by the terrorists”, but real pilots say the opposite. Take Captain Dan Hanley, for example, who lost his job and pension at United Airlines for speaking out. Look up uninterruptable autopilot for a more likely explanation, if in fact the planes were the claimed commercial airliners of the official deception.
Not buying the story makes no difference to my view of the world and doesn’t mean the story is not true, just that I don’t buy it.
I know the government and people who have bought the politicians don’t care one iota for us, they are megalomaniacs who get off on causing other people pain. The fog of lies and excuses for their bad behaviour makes it difficult to determine exactly what they are doing, but we all know they lie, they cheat, they decieve, the bribe, they blackmail, they threaten, they torture, they murder.
Whether they killed a few thousand in NYC, or whether they paid a terrorist group to do it, or whether they paid the Saudis to pay a terrorist group to do it or whether a foreigner did the paying makes no difference to my view of the world. Someone paid them to do it, exactly who that was is still speculation in my mind, I am yet to be convinced of who is the real guilty party.
The operatives who died were obviously guilty, but there was more to it and I still don’t buy the OBL story.
Now, if someone was to do an investigation into the assets and finances of the terrorists’ families over the past ten years, then maybe we would see something to give us a clue as to the identity of the person/people responsible. You can bet your ass on one thing, the guilty party has been to Davos.
It was but not in the way most truthers think. It was a psyop in the true sense of the word, not a “false flag” or an “inside job” per se but a psyop through and through. It took the form of a massive Full-Scale Exercise comprising many smaller exercises and drills where the only physical realities of the day were damage to and destruction of buildings. The planes were faked and death and injury were staged.
Those in on it include:
Elements in government and intelligence
Media networks including some journalists
Response agencies including some employees
Corporations and banks including some staff
The list goes on
Bullshit. Stop making up shit and pretending it is fact. I have no problem with people believing what they want to, but don’t present it as fact without clear evidence supporting what you say.
So some buildings fell down: how they fell down is irrelevant, whether it was partially faked is irrelevant. What is relevant is who did it and why. Focusing on falling buildings is a distraction.
I’m trying to take the focus OFF the buildings where it has been massively placed and ONTO the pivotal truth, staged death and injury. That’s what I’m trying to do. I make my case at the link I posted above if you’re interested.
I read the article you posted and it is simply not credible in my view. With so much mobile phone footage of the second plane crashing into the tower, the whole “it was faked” is just nonsense. So this was supposedly a fake plane? If you were staging this event, wouldn’t it be far safer to actually do it than to try and stage it – staging it is much, much more difficult and requires that a very large number of people never tell what they know – unrealistic in a city full of all sorts. The fake crashes theory is just nonsense.
Sure, a lot of 9/11 has not been explained, but there is also a lot that has been explained, don’t fall for the ridiculous theories that have written to simply distract you from asking the more serious questions.
Because 9/11 was essentially a massive Full-Scale Exercise comprising many smaller exercises and drills where death and injury were staged lots of people can easily be on it without too much drama. People talk, of course, they do but they don’t get on the media and talk. I have to admit I do find it utterly astounding that there are no genuine 9/11 whistleblowers I’m aware of – a few fake ones but no genuine ones calling 9/11 for what it is – a psyop in the form of a massive exercise. The other thing is that they don’t have to talk. The perps actually TELL us themselves with all their pathetic fakery. This probably eases the need for those involved to “let off steam” in a sense. They know that the truth is writ so very large out there for people to see if only they look properly.
The thing is one must always always judge by the evidence not by what one considers plausible or implausible. Always by the evidence. When you say “not credible” you need to be more specific.
I haven’t fallen for any theories. I started to wake up to staged death and injury when I came across Simon Shack’s site in maybe early 2017 which points out fakery of the alleged dead people way back in 2009. I have to say some people say that even though he’s pointed out the pivotal truth of staged death he’s still controlled opposition and I think there’s some merit in that claim. I think if he explained it as I explain it on my website where I add the injured into the mix, the propaganda strategy and other elements he would have persuaded me immediately but because I was still under the spell of the propaganda indicating that there were targets in the building the US government wanted rid of, loved ones such as Bob McIlvaine and various other things it took me I’d say a good year or two to finally work it out. Admittedly, my page isn’t persuading people very well at all but I’m sure I would have been persuaded if the case for staged death and injury had been made more fully by Simon because I knew very soon after I woke up to “inside job” in 2014 that other events such as Sandy Hook and the Manchester bombing were completely staged events.
The penny finally dropped while half-watching a YouTube autoplay video on alleged hero, William Rodriguez, janitor and “last man out” of the North Tower before it fell. What prompted my realisation was the seeming contradiction of Rodriguez’s incriminating claim that he experienced explosions in the basement before the building came down (suggesting controlled demolition) and his receiving bravery awards for rescuing “hundreds” of people. Why would the government award someone who provided incriminating evidence against them?
So all the people who normally work in the twin towers, people going to work every day, were in on the scam, as were all the people who saw and filmed the planes crashing into the towers.
Just not credible. If someone came up to me and told me that from tomorrow onwards we are going to do this scam called 9/11 and that I must pretend that I never worked in the twin towers (and brief my family, my friends, my children etc that I never worked in the twin towers) because from tomorrow onwards the story is going to be that this other person, this dead person, was actually doing your job etc etc.
That is what I mean by not credible. Every employee in each tower, or who knew people who worked in the towers etc would have to be in on it. Not feasible. These are finance people, not spooks.
It would be a lot easier just to do it rather than fake it.
Sherlock Holmes
So you’re not saying the evidence I present to support my hypothesis is not credible. What you’re saying is my hypothesis as a whole is not credible because there are things you find difficult to difficult to explain. That is not the best way to approach an hypothesis. If there is compelling evidence for an hypothesis unless you know that certain things required to support it are actually IMPOSSIBLE then the compelling evidence stands as credible.
It is not an impossibility that there was no one in the twin towers before they came down. Nothing impossible about it at all.
A possible scenario:
Many floors were unoccupied.
People told not to come in to work before 9am because something being done in the buildings.
Subway drills holding people back (I think this is claimed as fact)
Fire created in empty floors where the alleged planes hit.
The relatively small number of people (if any) in the buildings were evacuated after alleged plane hit.
So not necessarily a huge number of employees in on it although there would be some, of course. If you consider that 9/11 was a massive exercise comprising many smaller exercises and drills the way we can look at it is that there was the remarkable coincidence of the occurrence of a terrorist attack while loads of drills of one sort or another were going on.
You don’t need to explain the complete situation, all you need is sufficient evidence to prove your case with no evidence contradicting it. It is not an impossibility that everyone was evacuated from the buildings (with very few in them in the first place) before they came down so there is no evidentiary element against the hypothesis in its seeming implausibility.
As I say, I’ve put my case for staged death and injury and no one has responded to my challenge supporting the opposing hypothesis.
This is speculation and I disagree. The loved ones of 3,000 people running amok when controlled demolition is so obvious would be a nightmare to deal with. Also, too many people needed to be involved. We can see that emergency responders and reporters are scripted in this event.
Speculation? This is all speculation! I bring my whole life experience to my opinion, it is as valid as your opinion. To me it is a superior opinion. You offer nothing to convince me different, that’s all there is to it.
I’m talking in technical terms here. I do not offer my opinion, I offer evidence that supports an hypothesis. To say “It would be a lot easier to do it rather than fake it” is technically a speculation as you do not have access to all the things that would make it easier and all that would make it harder. In any case, it’s not necessarily as simple as easier and harder it’s about MO.
People believe it was an inside job because it gives them a sense of identity and superiority. It makes them cool, edgy, different, contrarian. It’s about ego.
People believe it was an inside job because:
Nobody but the Bush regime could have ordered the U$ Airforce to stand down and not protect New York on the day.
Nobody but the Bush family could have ordered a Bush company to work on the lift shafts for two months under armed guard.
Nobody but the Bush / Cheney regime could have ordered the Dancing Israelis from Mossad and their explosive-carrying van to be set free without enquiry.
Nobody but the Bush / Cheney regime could have set up an official enquiry with falsified crucial parameters in a Report that was then hidden under Official Secrets Act.
Nobody but the Bush / Cheney regime of oilmen and oilwomen executives in big oil companies were looking to profit from the takeover of Iraqi oil and its sale in U$D.
All towers that fell on September 11, 2001, were controlled demolitions.
It would be good to see skyscraper collapsing because of internal chemical or electrical fire. It would make Even better point for deliberate demolition.
It’s never happened so can’t be shown
Kensington tower had electrical fire followed by chemical fire, burnt worse than WTC but no collapse.
Personally topics like these I find are the equivalent of arguing whether LHO could get 3 shots off in 6 seconds with Mannlicher Carcano.
While that discussion is had no one is looking at the why.
The why like the JFK story makes uncomfortable reading. Psychologically it presents many problems to those casting a casual view whose understanding of the world has been completely informed by the MSM alone. Most people cannot grasp the reality of the world they live in and more often than not don’t want to.
The price for that is walking around in a cloth mask. It is uncomfortable and slightly degrading, humiliating even but hey, everyone is doing it. Gotta keep each other safe after and there is a virus so better safe than sorry. People for that reason want to believe. They will pay that price if they can stay ignorant of reality.
Looking at the back story of the why of JFK like 911 presents a complex and confusing view of the world. It is also a glimpse into the reality of who runs this world, how and why.
Until you take that leap all is just theatre. But once you go down that rabbit hole the world is very different place. Happy pig or unhappy philosopher?
Great comment. The cost of ignorance is increasing all the time. It includes wearing a mask, social distancing, loss of basic freedoms. At what point do people feel the price of ignorance is too high? Any point at all or maybe never?
The problem is that people do not realize that they are living in ignorance.
The propaganda was successful and they will tolerate anything they are told to tolerate.
it is really no longer possible to ask with astonishment, “How could Germany let that happen in 1933?”, since our own people are now right up there with them.
After all, protesting on the streets is so impolite, and it might even be dangerous, what with covid and everything… (sigh…)
Yes, Attny Dan Sheehan alludes to this in his lecture series at University of CA at Santa Cruz (2012-2016) It’s when you become illusioned through becoming totally disillusioned.
I do understand how Germany let that happen in 1933. I understand a lot now since seeing my first documentary of 9/11 in 2014 and beginning the journey down the rabbithole.
And yet, after almost 6 years of reading and watching and listening to what I would consider the real history of the USA – I am still utterly completely totally shocked, awed, dismayed and enraged at the masked army I encounter every beautiful sunny New England day that I travel the streets of my neighborhoods.
I still just cannot believe it. Understand it? yeah. Believe it, nah.
And, yes, it’s a direct line from November 22, 1963.
The importance of 9/11 is what it reveals about the true nature of those who rule over us. You might describe them as arrogant, venal, corrupt, irredeemably ignorant, delusional and ideologically, driven, devoid of any moral worth, and most people would say, “So what? River water flows downstream, hot air rises, politicians are scummy low life.” Then just shrug their shoulders, go home and drink their beer.
Accepting that people like Blair, Bush, Sarkozy, Cameron, Clinton, Trump and their ilk are scum sucking filth is not much of a stretch.
Accepting that they are actually psychopathic, evil mass murdering subhuman filth, a thousand times worse than the Myra Hindleys and Geoffrey Dahmers and Ted Bundys, the worst serial killers and child killers who have ever been dragged through our penal system, is more difficult for some people to accept.
They wouldn’t do that, would they……….murder thousands of their own people …………..they wouldn’t get away with it, …………….would they ?
This requires a certain amount of courage, and it is understandable some people would prefer to stick their head in the sand and take refuge in comfortable delusions, rather than see their whole belief system go up in smoke.
Rather than accept that everything they have been told and come to accept, and the whole historical narrative, are nothing but a pack of lies.
That 9/11 and most of the “Terrorist” attacks over the years, the Gladios, the Northwoods, the Iraqi WMD, the Skripal and Navalny theatrical productions, Tonkin Gulf, the Iraq Incubator Babies, the Syrian Gas incidents, the Human Bodies Turned Into Soap And Lamp Shades, and virtually everything else, are just that……a pack of lies.
And that they have been had, they have been suckered, they have been done up like a kipper. That is difficult for them. So some of them prefer to continue to believe that buildings just collapse of their own accord, and millions of people are killed in non existent gas chambers.
One problem here is that it takes more than just courage. It also takes education and intelligence.
Many of us here have certainly experienced being unpopular among our peers because we asked questions which they lacked the courage to ask. But where did those questions we asked really come from?
They came from having been decently educated in the basics of physics, chemistry, mathematics and biology, as well as from years of experience in the real world.
But too many people find the real world boring, and they therefore seek excitement in fantasy, alcohol and drugs. That’s why they don’t ask those questions, and it’s why they want everybody else to be just the same as they are.
They have an “Off” switch for their minds, and they use it a lot.
“education and intelligence”
And intellectual discipline (very rare).
And above-average memory, most of all.
Memory is taken for granted by people that have it.
It’s easy for those with true memories not to appreciate that most people really live in a, perhaps, 18-month moving window, before which is fog, peppered with only very vivid memories of acutely personal, emotional matters. It is not that different than anterograde amnesia, from the perspective of someone with a longer memory.
At rehearsal with my bandmates several weeks ago, I pointed out the similarities between 2020 and the H1N1 scare-hysteria in 2009, and argued that if not for the lockdown, this episode would be as little-remembered as 2009.
They didn’t understand my point, precisely because they had absolutely zero recollection of the 2009 episode. None. At all. So they were able to just shrug it off.
Then, at rehearsal two weeks later, they didn’t remember the conversation about 2009, two weeks earlier, at all. Again, zero. Just like the workhorse Boxer in Animal Farm, they can’t keep A through D, plus E through H, in their brains simultaneously.
For most people, the real world slips out of mind, never to return, much like dreamstuff does for us. They are simply not equipped to understand reality, as we know it.
Sounds like they drink too much… 🙂
But you make a good point.
My own experience is interesting here, since I have, as a classical musician, a very good memory for notes, and regularly perform complex music from memory. On the other hand, my memory for other things in my life seems to be pretty average.
Then, to cap it all, I have also been a music teacher for many years, which has required me to allow for recognizing and adjusting to different levels and types of memory in my students…
One thing I have found is that humour can sometimes offer a way into our amnesic acquaintances’ memories, whereas taking a serious tone with difficult emotional material can make them assume all sorts of pompous mental attitudes on our behalf, which puts them off…
“Sounds like they drink too much…”
Well of course! What do you think rehearsal is for??
“On the other hand, my memory for other things in my life seems to be pretty average.”
I have a feeling you are both modest, as well as simply lacking in appreciation for how much better your memory is than is that of the vast majority.
“One thing I have found is that humour can sometimes offer a way into our amnesic acquaintances’ memories…”
As Maya Angelou so perceptively said, “People won’t remember what you said. They won’t remember what you did. But they’ll remember how you made them feel.”
That’s true. Some people like Chomsky and Galloway seem to have taken a “tactical decision” to go along with the nonsensical 9/11 narrative.
You could say this is cowardice. But they seem to have reached the conclusion that if they challenge the 9/11 hoax, all the powers that be will focus exclusively on this issue, and their activism over things like Palestine and financial criminality will be drowned out by the MSM and officialdom.
I’m not saying this is correct – but Galloway turns the official narrative against the m – you’re supporting terrorist groups in Syria and Libya who killed 3,000 of your people on 9/11, etc.
Do you know I have an easier time accepting “They wouldn’t murder thousands of their own people, would they?” than I do accepting that during this tyrannicovid people have died without loved ones at their bedside. I just really have a hard time believing that the powers that are controlling this would actually let that happen.
I do have a friend who’s brother was in a nursing home. He had MS. He was not elderly but could not take care of himself. She was not allowed to visit with him and they both knew he was going to die. And he did. Without his only living relative with him.
And this happened everywhere. A fellow I knew growing up got suddenly sick and ended up in the hospital dying. He was allowed one or two visitors at a time. He could not have his wife and two sons and two grandchildren with him when he died. Not to mention his six siblings.
I know it sounds crazy but I just cannot believe that the government would allow that to happen.
I would be in prison right now if this had happened 2 years ago when my father was dying in assisted living. They’d have had to drag my out in cuffs.
That really is disgusting. They didn’t murder the people in the buildings but they are obviously depriving sick and elderly people from seeing their loved ones when they really need to. It certainly sets one back on one’s heels. I wonder how they get around it for themselves and their friends in not seeing loved ones in homes and suchlike. No doubt they have special privileges but I wonder how they do it without it being obvious.
Where there’s a will, there’s a way.
you mean the hand-crafted human-skin lampshade that I just bought from Amazon is a fake???
Yes, if I were you I should demand a refund. I got one for my bar of human soap.
They murder their own people, Paul, in various ways but they didn’t murder the people in the buildings. 9/11 was a psyop that needed to involve a lot of people including emergency response staff, journalists, and many others. It’s simply not in psyop MO to kill people you don’t want killed, especially when it was so easy for them to fake the death and injury (the evidence presented is simply laughable) and they ENJOY duping us. They really get a kick out of it. Not murdering those people doesn’t make them less evil, it’s just that they didn’t do it, that’s all and it’s very important to get that fact straight because it gives us so much insight into how they propagandise us. The propaganda strategy to maintain truthers’ belief in the lie of death and injury is really quite fascinating.
Squibs above the impact zone. South Tower.
Most of us have encountered ” pancaking floors compressed the air and blew out the windows” theory favoured by believers.
This piece of film kills the popular (mechanics), pancake squib theory.
It shows the (intact) upper section of the South tower immediately before collapse with a large number of very powerful squib ejections exploding out of the building.
The video should play from 58.27 .
Apologies if this is something you have seen .. I put it here for those who haven’t.
Here’s the number one reason WTC7 was pulled. Money:
“Back in April 2000, one year and five months before the attacks, “Lucky Larry” held a meeting to discuss plans to replace building 7 in 2002. As reported by Veterans Today:
“We got the designs. And the first design meeting was in April of 2000. And construction began shortly thereafter, in 2002.”
I’m taking some artistic license here:
Interviewer: This building. Would you tell me what happens?
Danny Jawenko: Yep, nice controlled demolition.
Interviewer: It happened on 9/11.
Danny Jawenko: FUCK OFF!
Danny Jawenko:
Blind test with one of the world’s greatest experts in controlled demolition, conducted February 22 2007. That’s what made it such a powerful interview.
Sadly Jowenko died in a single car crash on a straight road in the village of Serooskerke, Zeeland, on 16th July 2011.
I don’t think so, Moneycircus. Yep, I lapped up the tragic story myself but when I woke up to staged death and injury I realised that there is no way in the whole wide world that Danny, controlled demolition expert, was unfamiliar with WTC-7’s collapse and it was all a pantomime. Notice how when he looks at the twin tower collapses he’s all totally bamboozled as if the way they came down was just too bizarre and he didn’t recognise the collapses as controlled demolition. Yeah, right pull the other one.
Off-G has a horrible bug where it mixes up all the videos in a particular thread (at least it does when I view in Firefox. If I use Goolag Chrome it doesn’t seem to happen, so maybe it’s Mozilla). I think you posted the right one the first time.
The way to get around it is to put the short YouTube URL (Copy Video URL) in the body of the text .. as well as the “watch” URL as the very last line of your post. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILFCDPjwSBw).
If the videos get jumbled, fellow readers can still see the correct link in the text of your post.
i posted a video the other day and another video played when i checked later
then i spent loads of time trying to upload the original video yet it kept changing the video
i thought it was gremlins and left it
Thanks for at least confirming, or reasonably postulating, that it’s another horrible bug.
A couple of weeks ago I was perplexed when a video I’d posted was replaced by a different video next time I visited the thread. I was pretty sure I’d posted the correct one, but I re-posted it as a reply to the first video. Then I noticed that the video I’d posted originally was displaying on someone else’s post.
So I e-mailed Off-G to report what I assumed was a problem on their end. Afterwards I realized that perhaps the mysterious video-switching might be a problem on my end– but my Full Moon browser never scrambled comments-thread videos before, here or elsewhere.
In any case, I didn’t get a response and later when I checked all the videos seemed to be restored to their original places.
Perhaps Off-G should add a dedicated post informing visitors about the mysterious glitches in the comments platform, including the allegedly mysteriously quirky SPAM filter. I do realize that the technobarbaric nature of computer design, both hardware and software, will always contain “crazymaking” traps that throw non-technical persons (and even trained geeks) into that distressing “Am I going crazy?” surrealistic doubt.
The videos don’t change. What happens is your browser retains the last YouTube video YOU watched and you see that in place of the one you embedded. It’s purely local to your machine. If you clear your browser cache the problem will go away.
We NEVER change people’s embedded videos. We don’t have time or any inclination and it would be unethical.
WTC7 demolition certainly is the crux that leads one to look at the whole event with new eyes.
There are other pieces of evidence though that cut through to the truth, the ones that naysayers can only avoid.
Such pieces as the tiny bone fragments found atop the Deutsche bank building adjacent to the Twin Towers. Bone fragments exhibiting such a degree of fragmentation that only high-powered demolition charges can account for.
No way over, under or around such evidence, only through.
You can always count on the BBC to give you the story before it happens.
just how much did Larry Silverstein make from the demolition of WTC7? Wasn’t it him who said ‘pull it’?
He said to ‘pull’ 7 so he couldn’t have made a claim, surely.
He saved billions in demolition and asbestos removal costs from the towers going down. That should have been subtracted from the insurance payout. It was a total fraud by Silverstein but also by the insurance company.
Any honest company would have questioned how come he bought the buildings for so little just weeks before they collapsed.
Any honest assessor or surveyor would have known that the buildings were detonated in a controlled demolition.
I wonder what kickback he gave them.
If the insurance company was AIG, that’s CIA anyway (founded by an OSS guy)
The greatest example of “lightning” in history 😉
Anyone in the way who rolled over and played ball got to keep on living 🙂
it’s almost certainly the case that carrots and sticks work more effectively in combination, than either one by itself.
an obvious example of this principle, is the long-running Epstein Operation.
The Corbett Report did an episode about this last week. Silverstein went through an elaborate operation getting the buildings insured. He had to use about 25 different insureres because he was insuring them for so much.
And this was just weeks before 9/11. Some of the policies hadn’t even been set yet.
Lots of details on that Corbett episode.
Money Circus, you have earned your name: “It was a total fraud by Silverstein _but also by the insurance company_.”
They were in on Con-911 for sure.
< It was a total fraud by Silverstein but also by the insurance company. >
This is a very important point. Rarely made because it implicates the Big Money associates of the Bush family regime. The association between Grandpa Vannevar Bush, Big Anglo-U$ money, the Nazi party and Anglo-American financing of the Nazi war machine goes back to the 1930s-1940s. There was a lull after the Soviet Army destroyed the Nazi war machine and a wave of Socialism replace the Fascist regimes and Fascist sympathisers that had sprung up over most of Europe in the 1920s-1930s.
On 11th Sept 2001 the Empire struck back!
What could turn these buildings into pyroclastic dust, spreading the remains over Manhattan? When the dust settled there was virtually no rubble and some big hot holes in the rock remained where mighty buildings once stood. As if a small volcano had erupted in the basement of each building, yet there are no volcanoes in NYC. The heros, the first responders, so many of them having lost their lives disproportionately from illness and disease. A cataclysmic event indeed.
See the diagrams of the “artists” in residence at the Towers — Gelatin, The B-Thing.
@Money Circus: “Gelatin, The B-Thing.”
Thanks, MC, the penny has dropped: Gelatin (explosive) is the B-Thing to Nanothermite (high explosive).
Padon moi, for the lenght.
Yeah, I liked the video, it infact tels the truth smack into our faces, there is no doubt about that at all.
I have worked with steel, and standed beside an 35m long and 5.5 dia. m oven with 1250 deg C as the main temp to flush out any moisture because to create pelets, you use water, (thereby the problem with toxics like Dioxsides) wich is the fundamental item we created, to use in the oven where you liqify pelets to molten steel, witch is higher regarding temp in the range of 2000 deg C. do you understand that, for metals as this suport colums inside the twin towers to become even plastic it have to be above 1500 deg C. and thats when the metal becomes soft, and from then on, britle, if you use mechanical force againt that, its what we define as white hot, red hot is lower than 1600, etc.
The second fact, no fuel fire can melt steel, its not physicaly possible, look at other ex. like tankers exploding etc, the explosion may rip holes in the tank, but it never melts it, aluminum is not steel, and have an much lower grade before melting, steel is much worse/better, thats why its used in tankers, etc.
To then claim this twin towers came down because of crerosen is riddicilous by it self, it simply cant, period, the only way to take this towers down was due to controlled demolition, and every image/video of this event tells us just that, how some people cant see it is for me the living prof of total ignorance, nothing else than just plain ignorance.
Thats why no highrise since or before the twin towers went down have done the same because everything else my burn, but not the suport colums or the sole structure of the towers, no way in hell.
This time I will again give you an video wich is good, stil not the one I am looking for but never the less tels everything you need to know, to take down this sice of buildings, even with CD, you need to soften the base, just look at this demolition video OffG have here, and keep that in mind hile you watch this video I have linked to.
I didnt bother to watch the so called debunkers, again they just drool nonnsense, build everything on shere ignorance and so on.
Then comes what I find even more disturbing than the case about WC 7, witch is glearingly obvious, again, CDemolition, period, and why, etc, is also an debate but I dont tuch that now.
This time I give you something I my self watched on the Tube, it took some years from the initial WTF moment, to realising that this was indeed 100% fake, it simply never happened, and again the contradictions are so jaw dropping hughe its borderlining hillarious.
First the images, this video is the same as the one I watched that time.
DO that look like an fully loaded airplain crash site to you, does it.
Its all fake, and do look into the back ground, where the plain, where they claim it somehow bounsed into, that dont either look like anything, what really happened, well, I guess again, an AMG 86 cruice missile slammed the ground and exploded, period, an comerisal plain, no way.
And the video where they claim they replicated the crash, that confirms the fake video when it shows the plain went straight down, not freezebeen into the fores, and on top of it, they found some scraps years after.
Yeah, how, eh… convinient.
I was also looking for images of people standing on the same site where the so called plains entered the twin towers, I cant remeber witch but I have seen them but I need some more time to find them or do others have them, because this images tells something else than the official bollocks we are been spoon feed.
I was also looking for images of people standing on the same site where the so called plains entered the twin towers
“It’s never wrong to ask reasonable questions, or seek rational answers.”
Okay then, why would WT7 need to come down as well? If it’s all a conspiracy to justify Afghanistan and Iraq invasions, wouldn’t the massive deathtoll and collapse of WT1 & 2 be more than enough?
Asking for a friend.
You mean the clear scientific data pointing irrevocably to controlled demolition should just be ignored because YOU can’t think of a good reason for anyone to do it.
“It’s never wrong to ask reasonable questions, or seek rational answers.”
And I get an arsey response from the Admin? Nice.
It was an arsey question and you know it. Plus I don’t believe you have any friends.
the point being, that we don’t know exactly what the objectives of the 9/11 organizers were. but it did come down, in a manner that cannot be plausibly explained except by controlled demolition. to then ask “why”, is at most a secondary question, and cannot reasonably be used to argue against the intentional nature of that event.
9/11 a 20 year old event of little importance today . A political football that the various factions love to play with. The how of it having replaced the real question why , because how you believe it happens identifies your political position.
Try this then:
Ask how AND why…
You might also try to pinpoint the very moment when it suddenly dawned on you that learning from experience was a futile pursuit.
For the record, no educated person has ever agreed with you on that…
The crucial importance of this event from only 20 years ago lies in the fact that many of the criminals involved are still alive, and an example needs to be made of them before they wreck everything decent on this earth.
Colin Powell thoroughly embarrassed himself, to be sure, but he was small fry, and the names of the others are still firmly in the memory of those whose attention has been caught by the amazing fantasy concocted from the actual facts.
For whose record ? Flat Earthers and pro Saudi Islamophiles of various ilks perhaps ? Colin Powell and his bosses are in the main no longer players on the world stage , his son having more influence these days . Time for the “left” to find more unifying issues ?
I’d normally try to answer, but I don’t know where to start on your befuddled reply…
Of course Flat-Earthers would agree that learning from experience is a futile pursuit, but I specified, “educated person”.
Why did you miss that?
Education and indoctrination are synonymous in the so called information age?
You mention it is an event of little important, yet it like the JFK assassination are used to demonise anyone with a healthy questioning attitude seeking someone to furnish them with uncontested scientific facts.
Compared to the JFK coup, 9/11 American version, was of minor significance. JFKs assassination having set in place permanently the spy agencies as the dominant policy making group in the US. The Saudi attack on the bankster towers was just another too good to waste crisis , that ultimately benefited the Saudis more than anyone else..
so, which of the above videos did you think was an office fire?
The how of 9/11 american version never much interested me , and I’m quite willing to the accept that Saudi soldiers of Allah hi-jacked and flew two airliners full of fuel into the bankster towers 19 years ago, causing the shoddily built monuments to greed to collapse. The myriad of conspiracy theories and disinformation that has and continues to be churned out over the years is impressive. However as I mentioned I saw the original footage on a cell phone camera the day after the attack and the how is a settled issue in my mind !
You are either poorly informed or a shill.
The towers were not shoddily built. This lie has been refuted even by NIST.
There is NO footage of the first plane.
You contribute nothing but noise here. Perhaps this is your aim.
You are either poorly informed or a shill.
but “flaxgirl” ISN’T???
There is NO footage of the first plane.
what’s this, then? (at 24:30)
It’s some kind of flying object, yes, but it’s not clear if it’s a plane.
you mean it’s an Unidentified Flying Object?
maybe it’s Superman.
I think they probably thought WT7 would have sustained more damage so its collapse would look less out of the ordinary.
I suspect its collapse has something to who had offices there.
WTC1&2 didn’t collapse. Say what you see.
They exploded, floor by floor, from the top to the bottom.
Why wasn’t the “demolition” done straight after WT1 or WT2 fell then? If it was all set to go,the massive dust clouds would have obscured everything.Why wait hours, knowing that “demolition” would be caught on multiple cameras?
You are assuming that the controlled demolition happened when it did because that is when it was supposed to happen.
You preclude the possibility that something went wrong, that they had to carry on and raise the small possibility of discovery by the now visible controlled demolition against the REAL possibility of discovery, if they didn’t conceal the evidence.
Having said all that, the controlled demolition stands on it own.
the possibility that something went wrong
yes, the scheduled meeting with Flight 93 sadly failed to occur. after hours of frantic deliberation, the event organizers concluded that they really didn’t have any other option, and the demolition went ahead, without plausible pretext.
Compared with the extensive and long research which has gone into this matter, there is too much distracting conjecture here, taking us far from the subject of this concise article.
Both the “how” and the “why” are very well covered elsewhere on the internet. Those interested only need to look.
Maybe 7 was scheduled to come down in the morning, also. From the looks of it it was already rigged.
Maybe tha’ts why the 23rd floor was evacuated – if you believe Barry Jennings story.
There were a lot of important offices there, SEC, Secret Service…
Maybe something went array and it did not come down according to plan, but since it was rigged they would not be able to let anyone back in the building, and would certainly have been found out (although they would lie about that also). They had to pull it to get rid of the evidence. ?
What’s not to believe about Barry Jenning’s story? Of course we believe it. It has the ring of truth! That’s why they had to disappear him…
Oh, I didn’t mean to cast suspicion. Just that not everyone believes.
It was a sensitive building with various security services having offices in that building. There was a lot of evidence in that building that had to be ‘forgotten’. Same with area hit in Pentagon. Destroying records.
Given the need to pull it down, they were somewhat compromised by witnesses who attested to the fact that explosions had gone off in the basement prior to its collapse sometime later.
Barry Jennings (RIP) was one such witness.
Also Danny Jowenko (RIP) the dutch demolition expert who testified on television that the WTC7 collapse could only be due to controlled demolition.
Perhaps there was something in that building that had something to do with the controlled demoliton of the other two?
That’s it.
It was the closest secure location from which the detonation could be managed without fear of discovery.
Barry Jennings in the above interview explains how all the intel and security agencies would have been active in 7 during an emergency so it must have been occupied earlier in the day.
By the time he witnessed the explosion in the basement of 7 it had already been vacated.
Jennings’s testimony is crucial. That’s why he has disappeared.
Why was the NY Office of Emergency Management empty — unless something was being done from there that required all regular staff be expelled?
If the building was emptied because of damage by debris from the Towers or evacuated because of danger — what time did evacuation take place?
The 9/11 Commission never asked such questions.
Jennings’s testimony is crucial. That’s why he has disappeared.
surely you mean “died under unexplained circumstances”.
He could also have been given a new identity. The video made of him recanting his far more believable prior testimony has something extremely artificial and suspicious about it, a bit like the fake ISIS videos. It’s possible the culprits gave him some “national security” bullshit and shoved him down the “witness protection” rabbit hole. Either that, or he was offed. But at any rate he was clearly menaced into making that recanting video.
Sounds like it was occupied and quickly evacuated just before he got there, going from his testimony of the warm coffee and half eaten sandwiches on level 23 – just before the towers were hit?. Incredible video.
Sure you can ask questions. You shouldn’t conflate the clear and obvious evidence of controlled demolition with not knowing why it was done though. However it seems there was important.investigations into high level fraud stored solely in WTC7:-
[WTC 7] contained offices of the FBI, Department of Defense, IRS (which contained prodigious amounts of corporate tax fraud, including Enron’s), US Secret Service, Securities & Exchange Commission (with more stock fraud records), and Citibank’s Salomon Smith Barney, the Mayor’s Office of Emergency Management and many other financial institutions.
As with the missing trillions that were likely invested by Dov Zakheim (Rumsfeld’s predecessor) in his company that was working on technology to fly planes remotely, other investigations screeched to a full stop.
These suggestions aren’t proven as motives, but WTC7 is an open and shut controlled demolition. IMO much the same applies to the endless arguments about the technology used nanothermite,/ nuclear explosions / directed energy etc. These are very secondary considerations compared to the fact of mega false flag elite terrorism.
Like the Murragh building in OKC it was a depository for documents relating to high level fraud and accounting investigations.
I do find it amazing that in the U.S. it is so easy to halt an investigation just by burning the evidence, killing the witnesses and murdering the investigators. And nobody bats an eyelid.
It is still truly the wild west.
“It is still truly the wild west”
And therein lies the conundrum.
MC, pardon me for popping this old chestnut.
“I went to the Wild West and I Lectured on Opera. When I told them Rossini was dead they asked, Who shot him?. — Oscar Wilde.
OK. I agree that is a reasonable question. There are three general questions regarding the WTC 9/11 “incident.”
1) Who did it?
2) Why did they do it?
3) How did they do it.
Answers to 1 & 2 are quite straight forward while 3 is still cloaked in some uncertainty.
1) Top politicians, generals, and three letter intelligence agencies of the USA and Israel. Classic False Flag operation.
2) I can name 10 reasons to do it while barely pausing to catch my breath. Some are more important than others. Start the wars in the Middle East; destroy the US Constitution Bill of Rights; accelerate the USA toward a Stasi state government, biggest gold heist in human history; raise Boy Bush’s tanking approval ratings; destroy “nasty” documents in WTC7 involving fraud investigations; gigantic and public occult human sacrifice where the Twin Towers represented the occult symbols of the pillars of Boaz and Jachin in the First Temple; make Larry Silverstein, Nutsy Yahoo’s BFF, much, much richer; put the American public into a state of PTSD as well as unfounded pseudo patriotism; have Larry avoid the billion dollar expense of removing the asbestos cladding on the steel beams, which existence makes the soot fire collapse official story that much more absurd. OK. That’s 10 – there are more.
3) Exactly how it was done is still partially clouded in mystery. I have the 3 pound book by Professor Judy Wood sitting on my bookshelf called Where Did the Towers Go? Judy was at the time an asst. professor of materials engineering and a very qualified person to do a forensic investigation of WTC. Her approach was “simply” to make a forensic crime scene investigation of exactly what happened and educated guesses as to how it could happen. No who done it or motivations. My major was in chemistry and some of the book might be challenging to people without physical science backgrounds. Lot’s of algebra but at least no differential equations 🙂 She documented the dustification of WTC 1 and 2 and can only explain it by a use of a “directed energy weapon” which weakened the atomic bonding between atoms in the structural (and human body) molecules. Also, there can be little doubt that nanothermite was used to cut the beams very quickly. As nanothermite is not considered to be a very powerful explosive, there is strong evidence that they were also used. A steel beam weighing tens of tons was thrown across the street and imbedded in a floor of a building over ten stories high like a giant spear. And we have the testimony of the witnesses including first responders who survived (at least immediately). Some also have suggested that nuclear bomb cores (micronukes) were used though Wood discounts this saying that they would have certainly broken the “bathtub” and flooded the entire area with water from the Hudson River.
OK. Let’s move on to your question as to why the controlled demolition of WTC7, recently proven beyond a reasonable doubt by the U. of Alaska, Faribanks dept. of civil engineering and sponsored by Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, was “necessary.” I can offer two reasons. That building was constructed in the 1980s while the core of the WTC was in the early 1970s. Larry Silverstein was the principal in its building and it was insured by him. It is also speculated with fairly strong evidence that there was to be a third jet collision into WTC7 which never happened due to a f*@k-up. This is not the ridiculous “let’s roll” story of PA which has been thoroughly debunked on factual grounds, but may have involved what actually did happen to that aircraft. When Larry told his toadies to “pull it,” he did so because he could wait no longer for the collision diversion and was terrified that first responders would soon re-enter the building and discovered the unexploded controlled demolition materials in place. But to answer your question in one short phrase – because Larry wanted to collect more money.
For a terrific analysis and exposé of dear Larry, please watch the inimitable James Corbett’s:
What’s good for Danny Jowekno is good for me.
There were multiple reasons, a question of killing multiple birds with one stone.
WTC 7 was many things.
It was the location of virtually every US spook organisation and every dodgy US organisation you can name. It was the control centre for the whole operation. Flattening it destroyed all the evidence at a stroke.
It was also the headquarters of the Securities And Exchange Commission, which at the time was carrying out high level investigations into an assortment of multi billion financial frauds and scandals. All these died a death when WTC 7 was pulverised.
An unknown but huge amount of gold bullion stored in the vaults of WTC 7 conveniently disappeared when it collapsed. Just one of many great mysteries surrounding the building.
When Lucky Larry Silverstein bought the WTC complex, the first thing he did was to double the insurance. He included a new clause specifying he would get a double payoff if 2 buildings were destroyed on the same day. He needed to ensure at least 2 buildings were destroyed to get all the shekels. In case WTC 1 and 2 didn’t both come down as planned.
I ask people how many buildings came down on 9/11. At least 99% answer me 2. When I tell them about building 7 they all invariably give me that deer in the headlights look. They never ask me why it came down.
Tell your friend that “pulling” WT7 saved “Lucky” Larry Silverstein a lot of expensive demolition because all 3 Towers were due for expensive demolition as an Asbestos hazard. As it was. the terrorists who brought down WTC not only saved him the expense of demolishing 3 asbestos-ridden properties (which he bought cheap because of their asbestos problem) but made him a Lotta Lucky Loolah.
Apparently asking a question against the Official Conspiracy Theory narrative supported by TheCanary labels one as Truther Loon and Troll.
TheCanary (The Piece in Question):
In particular:
As The Canary has previously argued, conspiracy theories that claim the attacks were part of some kind of ‘inside job’ by the US government are far-fetched and arguably even harmful to the cause of opposing needless war
My Question:
Tell me how a man with limited ability in flying a general aviation aircraft took over the flight of a jet and flew the flight profile he did into the Pentagon? That’s part of your Official Conspiracy Theory, which after one paragraph already looks dodgy.
Peter Boltons response:
I was wondering how long it would take for the Truther loons to show up and start trolling – and all on a piece on a completely separate subject… Well, it was 25 minutes. Even less time than I had predicted…
My Further Response:
Well If I’m a Truther Loon, then as my intellectual superior if you could point me in the direction that answers the question I posed, you will have acquitted yourself as a adult. I do suspect that an adult repsonse, answering the question will not be forthcomming. Am I right?
Further Response:
Why is it that a rational question asked of statements in the piece in question, are trolling?
“Tell me how a man with limited ability in flying a general aviation aircraft took over the flight of a jet and flew the flight profile he did into the Pentagon?”
He got lucky. Just because something is improbable that does not make it impossible.
where’s the fucking plane?
Read this, fucking idiot:
He got lucky. Just because something is improbable that does not make it impossible.
Doesn’t cut the mustard. It’s right up there with ‘A failure of Imagination’ as an explanation.
Given that your extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, i’ll wait in anticipation with your more detailed explanation based on the flight data recorder and what he did as a pilot from taking over control of the Jet to hitting Pentagon.
Strap in, the response should be definitive.
That you think my claims are extraordinary is telling. I know nothing of the flight data recorder etc. Unless what the plane is supposed to have done before hitting the Pentagon is physically impossible then my point stands.
Fuck me, you didn’t disappoint.
Even I wasn’t prepared to be that underwhelmed with your response, but you exceeded my expectations by some margin. It’s not a response of an adult entering into a discussion in good faith, and I’m not sure you could get a job with Brigade77.
Your claim is even more extraordinary in your extraordinary arrogance about the large level of ignorance of recovered flight data recorder, the published data and what it tells us about the supposed pilot, who in your opinion, whinged it.
Your lacking in explanation as to what the pilot did means you have no point OF ANY WORTH.
Now in aeronautical parlance, Foxtrot Oscar!
TFS….I’m not trying to be a wise guy but, if they faked the entire 911 attacks….couldn’t they fake a flight data recorder?
I understand you are not trying to be wise.
The issue is did a numpty pilot do what the flight data recorder says a numpty pilot did, or does the flight data recorder show that a numpty pilot was not in control?
Things like use of autopilot, changes in altitude, and deviation from normal flying practices etc etc
It’s a simple question. The Commission Report should have answered it.
Nobody KNOWS who was actually flying the plane. They have all assumed. That’s just a thought I had as I read your reply to TFS. There was never any real investigation. Speaking of investigations…..whenever Congress has an “investigation” it is always a cover-up. Notice how nothing ever happens AFTER one of their investigations?
Yes, like some one impersonating an astronaut to fly a rocket to the international space station. Look those porkers have wings!!
It’s interesting that sites like the Canary who portray to be left wing are totally unwilling to tolerate the idea that there is no length the establishment will not go in order to cower the population in order to achieve their objectives.
There is plenty of evidence to support this from the dropping of the A bomb over Hiroshima to the false flag operations to start the Vietnam war.
Yet, the Canary along with a number of ” left ” wing sites like Skwawkbox refuse to accept that the establishment evidence for the ” pandemic” might be tainted. Which begs the question why.
It would seem they need to revisit their slogans such as believing in open investigative journalism and daring to publish articles the MSM won’t touch.
Controlled opposition.
Journal of 911 Studies — Plausibility of 9/11 Aircraft Attacks Generated by GPS-Guided Aircraft Autopilot Systems
No-one with a brain, after 10 minutes of research, believes Blair’s official conspiracy theory fairy tale about 9/11 (but all maskers do- think on that).
However, most of you here seem to have fallen for the lies from the SAME demonic monsters who rule over you about the Beirut explosion. Indeed, given that the Big Bang coming in October will almost certainly include the nuking of Iran with similar small tactical warheads, the importance of Beirut today over 9/11 cannot be overstated.
The point is similar tho- just as there have been many conventional fires and demolitions of skyscrapers to consider, there have been many small and massive explosions caused by modern fertilisers, and similar chemicals- either at manufacturing plants, storage facilities, or terrorist attacks. On the other hand, just as with 9/11, no-one in the general community had first hand experience with the form and nature of a state-of-the-art first world military class daylight attack on a large civilian port.
9/11, for the two main towers (and not WTC7), was a form of demolition never witnessed before. The giant steel skeleton core of both buildings melted away in seconds to allow a “jellyfish out of water” effect. A separate floor by floor chain of explosives timed for visual effect.
Beirut likewise had its “SMOKING GUN”- the perfectly spherical plasma ‘fireball’ caught on one frame of video towering over the massive grain storage building adjacent. The spherical aftermath ground zero damage caused by the classic atom level disintegration effect of a nuclear device.
The have been large numbers of fertiliser blasts to compare with- none of them ever have the spherical plasma ball- none of them ever make the solid ground vaporise. But they got away with Beirut because of the pure ignorance about what a nuclear blast represents.
We should be talking about the ‘smoking gun’ of Beirut today, for that is current and such tactical warheads are about to become normalised in warfare as Blair normalised the use of depleted uranium. Instead, when Trump, with France and the UK, launch massive strikes across Iran very soon, the Beirut identical blast damage at each location will be blamed on Iran’s storage of ‘explosive material’. Image hundreds of ‘Beiruts’ all across Iran in a day- for that is what is coming.
I am not a person who is apt to believe anything without some type of reliable proof to back it up. Watching building 7 come down is all that is needed to fulfill that requirement. It is possible and even likely that the towers 1 & 2 came down due to being hit by large aircraft at high speed. I use the word “possible” and “likely” because I can’t prove it. But how on earth could a building like 7 fall in such a manner because its supporting structure had been randomly damaged due to a fire? That simply violates all common sense. It should have collapsed (if at all) in a lopsided manner. This corner here, that corner there and then maybe somewhere toward the middle but off-center anyway. But no, the whole building, over 45 stories, comes down all at once as if the entire bottom floor had been kicked out by a gigantic boot. Ridiculous.
ask Larry Silverstein
I assume “Larry” is the guy with the insurance policy? Yeah, okay, I looked it up. I would get nothing out of Larry unless there was a gallows right outside the door. THEN it would all come out. But Noooooooo! No, we torture ice cream store clerks in Benghazi instead.
No, it is not “likely” that the towers came down due to aircraft impacts only. Here is the evidence against that theory:
Kevin, I said I don’t know if the planes could have brought the buildings down alone. Neither do you. You watch a video and you are certain that you know. Pretty much, most people here will admit that they have all been fooled at one time or another by a video. Maybe you were. Maybe you are right too. I don’t know. You are only repeating things that will have no effect on anything. All of that is already out there. Be original and you could win a cookie.
Did you look at the information from the link I provided? It’s only an introduction so you should be able to read it easily enough. Then we can have a discussion.