From Blue Shirts to Brown
Alan Hamilton

“On at least 3 or 4 occasions in the past week we’ve had to smash the windows of people in cars and pull them out of there so they could provide their details – because they weren’t telling us where they were going; they weren’t adhering to the chief health officer’s guidelines, they weren’t providing their name and their address.”
Shane Patton, Victorian Chief Police Officer 04/08/2020
On Saturday 5th of September a national day of protest occurred in cities around Australia against the unnecessary and draconian lockdowns that have been occurring across the country and which are still occurring in Victoria. Similar protests have occurred in cities around the world, most especially in Europe.
These protests are a legitimate and rational response to despotic and often unconstitutional laws that unscientifically characterize every member of society as a bio-security risk to everyone else. They are also a protest against law enforcement bureaucracies that identify responsible, civic-minded citizens as criminals if they dare to question such laws or even worse, step out of their homes in defiance of the lockdown to register their dissent.
The Australian protests occurred peacefully and without incident in most places, including Brisbane where I participated. But it was not the case in Victoria where a State of Disaster has been declared due to the ‘extraordinarily high’ number of active Covid cases there.
On the eve of the nationwide protests, mainstream news reported on the harrowing state of affairs in Victoria which was suffering from hundreds of active cases but, as it turns out, had only 20 people in intensive care suffering from covid-related illnesses. This is in a state of 6.35 million people that has 58 metropolitan hospitals and 69 rural hospitals and District Health services.
Despite the ‘extraordinarily low’ incidence of people who were actually sick from Covid 19, the Victorian Premier decided that new case numbers (>100 per day) were just too high to tolerate anyone leaving their homes for any reason other than the four exemptions provided by the government.
What he neglected to mention when insisting on preserving his lockdown was that most new cases are occurring in the under-30 age bracket: a demographic that is almost always asymptomatic to SARS CoV-2 and which has more chance of dying in a motor vehicle accident than of Covid19.
Undeterred by inconvenient truths like this, the Premier announced he had to protect the public from the potentially catastrophic medical emergency that would doubtless result from masked people walking down St Kilda Road to the Cenotaph in a socially distanced manner, so he banned all participation in the national day of protest.
Just days earlier the Assistant Police Commissioner for the North West Metro Region, Luke Cornelius, warned everyone in Victoria against participating in the Saturday protests. He referred to people who planned to protest against lockdowns as “boof heads”, calling them an “anti-vax, anti-mask, tinfoil hat-wearing brigade who were batshit crazy”.
This oddly extreme language from one of the State’s most senior police officers is not accidental. It serves a specific purpose.
In order to get ordinary well-adjusted police officers – who may have joined the force out of a desire to be of public service – to brutalize a population whose only crime is that they object to being locked in their homes for 23 hrs a day for months on end, you need to demonize dissent. If your officers on the ground can identify in any way with the people they are being told to terrorize, they might not follow orders.
This is a perennial problem for martial leaders everywhere. It’s particularly problematic when the rules being enforced are arbitrary or unjust. Hence the need to malign.
As Saturday rolled around, the police were out in force across Victoria on horseback with cuffs, batons, tasers and guns ready to intimidate, arrest and fine anyone unfortunate enough to attract their attention within the vicinity of a protest in any town in the State – even those towns where not a single case of Covid-19 has been recorded.
And here we get to the crux of the SARS-CoV-2 scam. Sure, there’s a virus out there. It’s real and it certainly kills people but we know enough about it now to know that the draconian response taken by Premier Danial Andrews is scientifically indefensible. So why is he persisting with the lockdowns?
My personal opinion is that the global program of lockdowns is a mechanism for reorganizing societies around the world along the lines of the World Economic Forum’s ‘Great Reset” agenda and all that this entails. It seems Daniel Andrews is fully on board with this agenda. But make no mistake, its coming to your state and country next.
I believe that sustained lockdowns are a “Stanley Milgram-style” experiment designed to see just how far bureaucrats in authority will exceed the moral limits of their power and how much abuse the Australian public will tolerate before they push back.
As part of this experiment, the algorithms that once monitored every nuance of our social media interactions to make frighteningly accurate predictions about us have been extended to track and predict our off-line experience as well. It should come as no surprise that both the Azure and AWS cloud eco-systems have expanded by 50% since the beginning of the pandemic.
The purpose of all this surveillance is not to better understand us as potential marketing targets (the standard explanation) but rather to better control us as victims in a system of profound inequality. Such a system is already in place across much of the world and under the guise of a health pandemic, it is rapidly being expanded to developed countries as well.
So far as I can see the whole experiment is going spectacularly well for the globalists, billionaires, and authoritarians, and very poorly for free citizens everywhere: mostly due to the effectiveness of media propaganda in driving public passivity.
A scientific dictatorship
Many medical practitioners are aware that Victoria’s management of the SARS CoV-2 pandemic is based on highly selective medical advice which doesn’t stand up to serious scientific scrutiny.
Recently a group of doctors wrote an excellent letter to the Premier advocating an alternative response to disease management, noting that more than 41,000 people die every year in Victoria, roughly 10,000 each from cardiovascular disease and cancer, yet in 7 months of a supposed pandemic less than 600 Victorians have died of Covid-19: 90% of them over 65 years of age and most with multiple co-morbidities.
The problem with the doctor’s alternative advice is that it assumes the government is merely mistaken or misinformed in its policymaking and implementation. The idea that the exercise of political power in Victoria has become pathological never seems to occur to them – despite a wealth of evidence supporting such a notion.
When governments pass laws that are extreme or unjust or which by-pass constitutional constraints, it is rarely by accident. As doctors they ought to be the first to appreciate what a pathological exercise of power means to the cultural and institutional bonds that hold a society together:
- As bio-security increasingly substitutes for health care, doctors will find that the personal confidences of their patients are no longer inviolate and that the Hippocratic obligations they once held so dear can be easily compromised by legal mandates to force-medicate people regardless of need or consequence.
- When politicians rule by executive decree the police force morphs from a public service comprised of citizens in uniform to the enforcement arm of a political clique. When this happens, public trust in the police is lost and this loss of legitimacy results in a loss of respect. Eventually this loss of respect becomes mutual and the police start to despise the people they victimize and abuse the power they have. The opening quote being a perfect example.
- Similarly with the military: when the exercise of our democratic rights is pathologized by those in power, our servicemen and women eventually find they’re being asked to apply, at home, the counter-insurgency training and urban warfare tactics they learned for battlefields abroad. This is something that has occurred since the time of Thucydides and it’s happening again.
- Even the tools we use to make sense of the world, such as the scientific method, cease to function properly when our governments become toxic. Once everyone in a society has been force-vaccinated by government decree, it will become legally impossible to prove a link between mandated vaccines and any potential vaccine-related injury. Not because the manufacturers will have immunity from liability (they will), but because there will no longer be a non-vaccinated control group left against which randomized double-blind control studies can be conducted.
Not one of these developments is accidental. All of them are known, predictable outcomes of policy decisions being taken today. And these policy decisions rob everyone of their integrity; health workers, academics, the police and the military.
When those in power have a pathological relationship to the people they rule, you know you are on a road to perdition. We can see such a pathology evolving among our politicians most clearly in Victoria with its home invasions, curfews and lock downs but it is also evident in the overreach of governments around the country.
Western Australia’s recent dispute with mining magnate, Clive Palmer, over the State’s Covid border closure is a case in point. According to the WA Law Society the Government’s anti-Palmer legislation violates several of the fundamental legal principles that underpin the rule of law in a civilized society. Such overreach is also apparent in the ASIO Amendment Act 2020, introduced into Federal Parliament by Peter Dutton in May this year – right at the height of the Covid panic while most members were not even in Canberra.
This legislation is the latest in a succession of Bills that have been passed by our Federal government since 9/11 (85 and counting) which have vastly expanded the powers of law enforcement and security agencies in Australia while limiting public oversight. The legislation effectively criminalizes the free exercise of our basic democratic freedoms.
The Dutton amendment extends powers normally applied to terrorists, to any group or person engaged in any kind of civil disobedience or protest that could possibly result in ‘politically motivated violence’. That would include the anti-lock down protests that I participated in last week.
Among a raft of frightening provisions this bill allows police and intelligence agencies to track, apprehend and question children as young as 14 yrs of age as though they were terrorists. It suspends the rules of habeas corpus and allows the State to arbitrarily restrict a defendant’s access to legal representation.
This is the sort of legislation you’d expect to find in China or Saudi Arabia, not Australia.
The permanent changes to our society that are now in place in Australia following the SARS CoV-2 pandemic mean we qualify as proto-fascist State by any measure of political freedom. This thought is anathema to most Australians and would be vociferously denied by paid-off mainstream media pundits – but probably not constitutional lawyers – because the legislative reality is that we are now much closer to full-blooded fascism than we are to the liberal democracy that existed when I was born in 1963. And we are a very far cry from the nation our diggers returned to in 1945.
The only way we will arrest and/or reverse this trend is if we all take direct, non-violent, physical (not digital) action to exercise our civic and democratic rights at every opportunity we can. The time to speak up and stand up is now. It will be too late tomorrow.
Alan Hamilton is the candidate for the Informed Medical Options Party in the seat of McConnel in the upcoming QLD State election.
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There is talk of a new lockdown in Greece, at least for the Athens area. There has been an uptick reported in cases and deaths, with nine two days ago and four yesterday. (I have returned to Greece from Germany.) Below is a machine translation of a Greek news report. Note that the dead tend to be quite elderly and have usually had an underlying condition.
240 new cases of the new virus in the country, of which 42 are linked to known confluences and 34 were detected after checks at the entrance gates of the country, announced EODY. The total number of cases is 14,978, of which 55.7% are men.
2576 (17.2%) are considered related to travel from abroad and 6297 (42.0%) are related to an already known case.
65 of our fellow citizens are hospitalized intubated. Their median age is 69. 21 (32.3%) are women and the rest are men. 86.2% of those intubated have an underlying disease or are elderly 70 years or older. 177 patients have been discharged from ICU.
Finally, we have 4 more recorded deaths and 331 deaths in total in the country. 122 (36.9%) women and the rest men. The median age of our deceased fellow citizens was 78 years and 96.7% had an underlying disease and / or age 70 years or older.
Excellent post.
“The only way we will arrest and/or reverse this trend is if we all take direct, non-violent, physical (not digital) action to exercise our civic and democratic rights at every opportunity we can. The time to speak up and stand up is now. It will be too late tomorrow.”
This could quite easily be accomplished if EVERYONE simply ditched the hideous, dehumanizing face masks, refused to observe their bizarre (anti)social distancing rules and in fact, just refused outright to comply with ALL of their draconian mandates. I.e. just ignore them and continue living as we always did up until March 2020, in our simple ‘old normal’ world. Not a perfect world, but a thousand times better for everyone than this socialist governed despotic Gulag, they’re successfully forcing us to accept and be enslaved under right now.
It’s unfortunate that so many people’s lives have already been irreversibly ruined, not to mention the many industries (especially travel, tourism and hospitality), which may never be able to recover. Also, the rampant increase in suicides, domestic violence and drug abuse, all of which contribute to the total destruction of our society and way of life, which is of course what the UN / WEF globalists desire.
This whole scam was a plan to deliberately destroy the global economy with the approval of those who most depend upon it for their survival, who were tricked by meticulously engineered propaganda and an equally ingeniously designed campaign of terror, hysterically and incessantly propagated by the UN globalist controlled and complicit mainstream media; which most of them rely upon for their (mis)information, into exchanging their freedom and God-given human rights for servitude to despots and humanity loathing tyrants who don’t care about them at all and would prefer to see them all culled from the populace.
This act of genocide dwarfs any similar acts by past tyrants such as Hitler, Stalin or Mao et al.
The zealots responsible for this treasonous crime against their citizens ought to be facing Nuremberg style courts and appropriately punished, with the death penalty, for the significant amount of needless mortality they are already directly responsible for, across our entire society to date.
I find it quite mind-boggling that these draconian measures we were told back in early March would only last two to four weeks, are not only still enforced, but are becoming tougher and more oppressive with each passing week; yet barely a dissenting whisper or voice raised in anger to be heard!
It’s the willing compliance by the dumbed-down and obedient masked collaborators (our fellow citizens) that I find most terrifying about this whole wicked agenda. They are so hopelessly ignorant and indoctrinated, they don’t even realize they are unwittingly marching lockstep into a terrifying future of absolute and permanent tyranny, which their cooperation and compliance is directly facilitating. (IOW: they’re serving as the UN’s army of useful idiots).
At last someone who finally gets it!
Sky News Australia – the only MSM resource I know of in the country with sufficient moral courage to call out this evil scam for what it is, also make the same unfortunate assumption. I often post comments to that effect below their YouTube video posts, but it’s a waste of time – only other viewers ever read the comments.
SKY News is controlled opposition
According to this childish Facebook post by a guardian columnist, anyone concerned about the terrifying developments in Melbourne and Australia is a loony who needs to be dealt with by their friends and family. Using strange sort of patronizing psychological intervention techniques. The words she uses to describe people who want evidence before they blindly accept what they are told, have to be seen be believed. Please go and read it and tell me what you think.
just shillni’ 😉
I guess the deaths of a lot of old and vulnerable people also helps the government get rid of paying billions of dollars in pensions and sickness payments, and, after all, old people and sick people don’t contribute to the economy, they’re just a drain.
Better still, perhaps we should just round them all up and given them the virus, and presto, all of this police state rubbish will just go away.
You do realise that your proposals will have an effect, perhaps the effect you want because Australia has an ageing population, and there’s no way the government’s going to be able to afford to keep them in, say, 20 years time, so what better reason to kill them all off now. I imagine that you have no old people to worry about or even care.
Besides, no one’s to blame for a pandemic, are they?
Yes, no one is to blame. All those bio-labs spread across the planet are doing god’s work: protecting crops, farmed animals and people.
In fact, most of the pension savings and welfare funds in most countries have been misappropriated. There is no money even to tackle climate disasters. This is one reason to reduce the “useless eaters”.
from the above:
“The only way we will arrest and/or reverse this trend is if we all take direct, non-violent, physical (not digital) action to exercise our civic and democratic rights at every opportunity we can. The time to speak up and stand up is now. It will be too late tomorrow”
-compatriot snatched by the oinks – dont stand around taking pictures – show them our solidarity, – Surround Them – do whatever is required to liberate the individual – if they pull, we pull, if they push, then push back – they rely on us being divided, lets show them what consolidated people look like !
Uhhh… no matter what you think they don’t have to tell you where they are going. We are FREE to travel in this country and it’s NONE of your business.
Smashing glass means you have caused private property destruction and pulling them out means you are kidnapping them and at that point you can be fired upon.
Please don’t be a STEWPID cop. You guyz aren’t even mentioned in the Constitution and by our own grace you have an unconstitutional job.
So humble yourself and be gratefool we accept and pay you uckfing idiots.
Everytime some government paid thug does this, kill them all.
When does it become Treason?
Thank you Alan Hamilton. This is a superb article. Your courage in writing and publishing it is much appreciated.
Are they all named Bruce?
No pooftas!
It’s been a long and winding road (of brainwashing movies/ TV shows/ pop hits and psyops) since Mukka went live with the blatantly militarized S.W.A.T. SHOW (not to be confused for the other hit TV program of the same name) for the Patty Hearst event (inaugural paramilitary law enforcement pageants varied from country to country, of course), way back in the ’70s, but half a century later and here we are. Who knew, when mid-September, 2001, kicked off, that all those subsequent wars would serve as practice for the Big One we’re all facing now?
As I wrote ( way back in the innocent era of fall, 2019)…
What mattered was that the majority in the Greatest Democracy believe that 9/11 = al Qaeda = Iraq. Today, few of them know that al Qaeda and ISIS are important partners of their government.
As I always say: if you can get people to believe in a Bearded, vaguely Levantine, Anus-Free Sky Giant, what can’t you get them to believe in? The sky (no pun intended) is the limit.
Is that any more crazy sounding than the ‘big bang’ or the idea that life on earth somehow magically appeared from a ‘primordial stew; of gasses and rocks?
(erm, erratum: “MURKKA” not the inscrutable “Mukka”)
The first five minutes of this video (after a few personal announcements) is reading exactly what the Australian govt. says about tests for Covid19. Right off their own site, yet look what the govt. is doing to the people.
Thank you for this link. Just when I thought things could not get more insane..people being forcibly dragged off to secret “COVID camps” based on meaningless phone call, no due process, no right to counsel etc., no contact with family. In supposedly civil and law respecting Canada. And the majority do not see what is happening. For a (dark) laugh, re-watch the original Twilight Zone episode “Nightmare At 20,000 Feet”. Sadly we will be judged to be insane and only we will connect the damaged engine to the evil gremlin. In our reality the world the plane lands in will be quite different from the one it took off from. Most will remain oblivious to the gremlin as it continues to wreak chaos and death for its own evil ends.
David, I will tell you that there are now lawyers, instead of just one lawyer, who are stepping forward in Australia and now, New Zealand. More lawyers are coming forward in the US and Canada. There is a suit against bgates and the WHO in Belgium and one part of the catholic church is also suing the WHO for crimes against humanity.
The criminals are pushing us hard because people are waking up. This isn’t a done deal for these evil people.
I’m pretty sure lawyers aren’t going to be saving us
I think you underestimate what a really good and dedicated lawyer can accomplish. Even if they do not win a case, discovery is invaluable, ideas and information are brought into the public domain which had been hidden, or if barred from the public, the missing information helps raise questions as to why information about “helping to save just one life” would be hidden!
If you are saying that lawyers alone cannot accomplish this, I agree. This is one skill, an important one. But other people can do other things and each is valuable.
In the US lawyers have already made things better to some extent. Instead of saying no one’s skill is worth anything to the cause of freeing the people, to me, it makes more sense to concentrate on doing what you can do and allowing others to use the skills they have. The more people working on breaking down the dam, the better. Everyone isn’t the same and so their way will necessarily be different. Different doesn’t mean invalid or useless.
It does get hard to understand why people call other people’s actions useless when this process isn’t over. How do you know that another person’s skill is of no use? I am being blunt because I am getting sick of people discouraging other people from trying to use their skill on behalf of freedom for us all. Maybe it will help, maybe it won’t. The only sure thing is, not trying will surely fail.
David, here is the link to Rocco Galati, the lawyer in CA. He is taking on your government, big time, and look out, he’s a genius!
Rocco’s twitter is great!
Thanks. Got it and passed it on.
Covid paves the way towards technocracy. The tech sector is dominated by Soviet-Israel. They want us to live in an AI powered tech-world, designed in Israel (5G for example) and controlled from Israel, but made in China. Israel has a licence to steal US tech (B.I.R.D and B.A.R.D agreements – “energy and agricultural co-operation” or “technology theft”, as it is more commonly known) and re-sell it around the world (to Russia and China). This is why China is able to produce all this hi-tech gear using tech stolen from the US. Australian Brendon O Connell has done lots of incredible work uncovering this and much more. Check out his stuff on Youtube, some of it is Aussie-centric. The UK will get more than its fair share of this junk being rolled out on its shores, because Israel holds so much power over British politics. Just the other day I witnessed a couple of morons from the local council sitting in their van for an afternoon while a robot painted the lines of a football pitch. They could have just done it themselves using muscle power, but they sat there and watched it, topped it up with paint. The waste they are teeing up here will be off the scale. Where is ER exposing this? NOwhere to be seen. There’s a reason for that.
That’s one way to put it. Another way is to say O’Connell is a far right anti-semitic, Russiaphobe, who has been convicted on multiple counts of hate speech.
By the way, genius, the Soviet Union does not exist, the Russian people took their country back in 1991, and despite the best efforts by Yeltsin and his western backers, they finally got full control when Putin came to power on 1 Jan 2000.
This Putin – jewish – communist – garbage is just another deep state operation to damage Russia. Last time I looked it was the US/UK and the likes of Bill Browder which have been doing the most to bring down Putin and install their puppet Khodorkovsky or his lackey Navalny, so why isn’t Putin’s “great” friend Bibi using his “enormous” power to stop this.
I could say “идти ебаться тебе” in my bad Russian, in my native Aussie it might not pass the spam filter.
Kwame Ture —
“A European settler colony is a land base where the European leaves Europe, goes to the land, takes over the land and subjugates the original owners of the land to the type of system the European imposes upon the original owners of the land. The Europeans do this by sheer barbaric force. Sheer barbaric force.
A European colony. A white boy leaves Europe, goes to somebody’s land, takes it over, subjugates the people to his way of life: politically, economically, socially, culturally. That’s a settler colony.
My wife is from South Africa. South Africa is a settler colony. Europeans leave Europe, come to Africa, our continent and rip off the most wealthy part of the continent and take it. And subjugate our brothers and sisters to a vicious way of life.
Mozambique is a settler colony. Angola is a European settler colony. Rhodesia. Rhodesia is a European settler colony. But we can use Rhodesia to understand one of the major characteristics of a European settler colony. The real name of Rhodesia is Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe is the real name.
One of the characteristics of the European settler colony is that, when the European arrives, they change the name. They change the name. They change the name for two purposes. They want to obliviate the history of the past, number one, and, number two, they want to legitimize their existence as the true owners of the land. That’s very important. Very, very important.
And we must be very careful. We cannot allow them to do that to us because our ideology must be based on a correct interpretation of history. And if we must understand that we cannot allow the Europeans to define when we begin to study an area according to their definition, we will only begin to study areas when they arrive. Before they arrived nothing happened.
Zimbabwe is the real name of Rhodesia. If you understood history, and you were studying history, you would see that we would study Zimbabwe. From the growth way back when our ancestors began to build a civilization. And we would understand Rhodesia as a barbaric interference to our way of life.
Thus, when we study Zimbabwe, we would study Zimbabwe seeing it as a straight line and understanding that Europeans imposed themselves by force upon our civilization. But if we talk about Rhodesia, we start with Rhodesia. We start with some stupid man by the name of Cecil Rhodes who was a murderer and a thief. And that’s where our history begins. Which is absolutely absurd.
Australia is a European settler colony. Israel is a European settler colony.
Israel is a European settler colony.
Some people have been studying.
Israel is a European settler colony because European Jews leave Europe, go to Palestine, take over the country, change the name to Israel, impose their culture, impose their political system, their economic system, their language, by sheer barbaric force, and oppress the original owners of the land. The Palestinian arabs. Israel is a European settler colony.
You must understand that. Because if you understand that, then you understand where we have to go. America and Canada are European settler colonies. America and Canada are European settler colonies.
America and Canada are European settler colonies but they are harder to distinguish than the others.
They’re harder to distinguish simply because America and Canada come closest to being successful settler colonies. They come closest to being successful settler colonies.
In order to be a successful settler colony, one must commit genocide against the original owners of the land. America did this. America did this. In order to be a successful settler colony, one must commit genocide against the original owners of the land. They did this and then they changed the name, and it sounds as if they belong here.
They wiped out an entire nation to take the land. Changed the name and call themselves Americans. When you call them an American, you obliviate the correct history. They are not Americans. They are European settlers, that’s all that they are. If they’re not European settlers, they’re certainly the sons and daughters of European settlers. They’re not Americans. You should not call them Americans. To do that, you misrepresent the red man who owns this land. They are Europeans. They are Europeans.”
Stokely Carmichael
(1941 – 1998)
“From Black Power to Pan-Africanism”
Whittier College, Whittier, California – March 22, 1971
You and this author are full of S***. When the Boer showed up S. Africa were empty land, except for a few very small tribes. They settled it; it is theirs. The blacks were brought in much later for labor, from the north. The eastern tribes are all still there, they ARE America. Isreal has a perpetual right by the promise of God to inheret that land and they kept it by defending itself and by defeating the Arabs; as promised in Holy Scripture.
Free Palestine from Apartheid zionist tyranny. Where 4 year old kiddies are shot in the head. Where entire families are evicted from their homes. Where unarmed protesters are shot in the back. Where children are dragged out of their beds at night and terrorised. Where babies are burned alive and the family is taunted with chants of ‘where is Ali, Ali’s on the grill’. Where Palestinians livelihoods have been deliberately destroyed.
I could go on for pages about the myriad crimes against the indigenous Palestinians who have been robbed of their own land.
Israel is a mass murdering terrorist state. That you obviously support.
There is a new fangled invention out there called a book; you should check it out sometime. The Palestinians are just as guilty of cruelty. Palestine is a made up country, they are Arabs or Jordanians. Did you know that the Rothschilds purchased very large parts of Pasestine for Jewish settlement before WW2? Last time is checked, if you paid for something then it must be yours. Yes, there are a few thugs in Israel, but there are many more thugs surrounding them.
Zimbabwe killed or kicked out white farmers and starved
South Africa heading for same result
Africa had no wheel until Euros arrived , built nothing higher than a mud hut
American natives were in the stone age when Euros arrived , practiced slavery
Africa had no wheel until Euros arrived
neither did the Incas, for that matter. maybe it’s related to the absence of horses.
built nothing higher than a mud hut
racist idiot.
ok..they stacked some stones up and that is rare
still no advancement for millennium
need horses for a wheel ?
Africans were and are the worlds biggest slave traders…to this day
you practice the racism of low expectations
Great article, one major weakness though and ironically it is similar to what the author is accusing the doctors for: misconception of reality. Calling the right to protest “democratic” implies, as the whole article does (take the Thucydides reference for example), that the Australian regime is democratic but corrupt. Sorry but no representative/electoral system is democratic in any way and the ancient Athenian democracy was light years different from today’s “democracies”. These are republican systems modeled after the Roman system, which was nothing but democratic. Actually it was intentionally non-democratic, but oligarchic/plutocratic, exactly like today’s western regimes are. I wonder when people will realize that elections are not democratic, lot is. In a democracy there are no professional politicians, professional judges or professional lawmakers. Citizens do all these directly and when it is not practically feasible, elected-by-lot bodies do it. Also there is always the possibility to recall any public official at any time. In a democracy there are no “rights” like we mean them, because these were established to protect the “citizen” (subject is the correct word) from the arbitrariness of the separate government/state. In a true democracy the citizens are the government/state. There is a huge difference between a democracy and our modern oligarchies and there is no way to change them but radically.
Excellent voice from the Ancient Greek past. Bad as democracy is, the Athenian direct democracy was better than our representative system. Likewise the point that Tryfon makes is also a call from the immediate future: Direct Democracy worked in Ancient Athens because the population was small; and it can work in the immediate future because even our huge populations can participate live in parliamentary debate and vote instantaneously on the internet.
To paraphrase Plato: Democracy is the best form of Bad Government; and Direct Democracy is the best form of Democracy.
Thanks for the comment and the good words. One detail though which I would like to point out is my disagreement with the use of the term “direct democracy”. There are no many versions of democracy, just one and the current regimes are not such. Using adjectives just propagates the confusion. Lets call our modern regimes for what they are: liberal oligarchies and the liberal part is being stripped away pretty fast now that the masters feel no threat or resistance. Sorry for the insistance on words and terms, but they are powerful. I believe Orwell made that pretty clear. For example take the current introduction by the elite of the term “social distancing” and not the use of the preexisting and correct scientifically term “physical distancing”. No accident there.
Yup. An important example. ‘social’, huh? Reminds me of ‘sheltering’ in place or wherever. It is definitely ‘the way you tell ’em’.
Most dumb soldier boy recruits have to stay dumb and follow orders – much of the Aussie populace is like the jar heads who are the canon fodder and rentathugs for their Billionaire masters – so well trained that master sergeant Abbot has been sent over to do the same for us Brits!
You just have to see the mindless police mentality teevee that comes from Oz – immigration/smuggling at airport types – to keep Oz safe! From what? The Rest Of the World? Reality?
Such obsessions , including the reinforcement of articles like this (yes it is!) is what the daily U.K. media/Alt-media, good cop/bad cop , pantomime daily presented here is about.
Meanwhile not a single bleat after a whole weeks persecution of an Aussie freedom fighter suffering a political miscarriage of justice in the Old Bailey, or Abbot or the international Law breaking ….just more ‘Oh Gee’ navel picking.
and this from a Brit? Have a look at your own Diaspora, last seen at the Chelsea Garden Show
Victoria’s Secrets… Thanks for the great article !
This is obviously a picture of a Boy Band
(with the obligatory woman included for marketing purposes)
practicing their dance moves before going on stage.
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PAX Trump Monetizes Peace Not War.Even Critics Say “Breakthrough”. NYTimes: Warcrimes?/
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Space Threat Bill Passes/
Cali Shipping Collapse/
Doc: Med Journals “For Sale”
No need to invoke Orwell, or Fascism, or Nazism, a description of the situation during the Spanish Inquisition (Schiller – History of the Revolt of the Netherlands):
“The goods of the condemned were confiscated, and the informer encouraged by letters of grace and rewards. No privilege, no civil jurisdiction was valid against the holy power; the secular arm lost forever all whom that power had once touched. Its only share in the judicial duties of the latter was to execute its sentences with humble submissiveness. The consequences of such an institution were, of necessity, unnatural and horrible; the whole temporal happiness, the life itself, of an innocent man was at the mercy of any worthless fellow. Every secret enemy, every envious person, had now the perilous temptation of an unseen and unfailing revenge. The security of property, the sincerity of intercourse were gone; all the ties of interest were dissolved; all of blood and of affection were irreparably broken. An infectious distrust envenomed social life; the dreaded presence of a spy terrified the eye from seeing, and choked the voice in the midst of utterance. No one believed in the existence of an honest man, or passed for one himself. Good name, the ties of country, brotherhood, even oaths, and all that man holds sacred, were fallen in estimation. Such was the destiny to which a great and flourishing commercial town was subjected, where one hundred thousand industrious men had been brought together by the single tie of mutual confidence,—every one indispensable to his neighbor, yet every one distrusted and distrustful,—all attracted by the spirit of gain, and repelled from each other by fear,—all the props of society torn away, where social union was the basis of all life and all existence.“
Wow great stuff.
The Inquisition is an episode that I have neglected in my studies, but this passage makes clear that it wasn’t neglected by the Borg in contriving this, its Fourth Industrial Revolution.
Dew tyranny. Like Soviet Russia.
I haven’t posted on Facebook for many months, but did tonight just as a test. and after about 3 hours deleted the results.
Some people were really honest “I am working at the local pharmacy – I have not done this before – lost my job at the local pub – and I don’t know wtf is going on, but all of these people who come up to my counter – for their drugs…I will not serve them unless they are wearing a mask”
She almost certainly believes most of this shite too, but probably doesn’t wear mask that often, except in an official capacity -known her and her rock star – they were the first to slag me off on Facebook, and they have stayed round our place numerous times.
But basically I lost about 5-0 last time I looked. Its probably 20-1 now
They like their masks and have never heard of Piers Corbyn, and have no sympathy with him..
Next Step is to Completely DELETE Facebook.
They are Almost All Brainwashed..Even Worse Than The BBC
It’s going to be tough to turn this around.
Anyone got any ideas?
They are all still wearing masks, or got one in their pocket.
This is not good.
I think we are fucked.
I believe you’re right Tony! Here in Canada, most people are quite happy to go along with the tyranny. I think we’re fucked here too
I’m unable to respond to your comment in the proper place.
My thinking is the WHO,WB, NWO people really scared that people are rebelling around the world. They are going for broke to grab back their vicious power.I know people in S. Dakota and all of a sudden, a state w/very few restrictions has tiny towns and large cities finding that they NEED to force mask citizens. Well isn’t that interesting? Just like the rest of the world needs force masking (aka forced submission and harm to people’s health) as well. And the CDC says it’s better than a vaccine! WOW, this is a full course press for all manner of draconian restrictions.
Here is a lawsuit which challenges the idea there is an emergency:
We need lawyers and we need them now. Anyone who can protest, please do it now.
Hello Jill: Excellent post. The suit appears to be well structured and may get traction depending on the acceptance of the court. Judges in small municipalities are ruling with the plaintiffs. Law enforcement personnel in some States are tending to back down on enforcement, but it’s not the same situation in Australia and New Zealand…
We definitely need to wake up the legal classes. A number lawsuits against States and/or individuals operating within States have been filed in recent weeks.
Most of the civilian public is still asleep at the switch – wearing masks and staring at their navels. Perhaps hoping god or someone else will save them. Technocrats and social psychologists have great plans for our kids, but we’re not there…
I just learned there is a court challenge in Victoria! Rocco Gallati, who is filing in Canada (see THX below) will be helping her. He is a genius. This is a courageous woman and I hope other lawyers will come to her aid!
In the meantime, even if people cannot attend a protest, even the smallest act matters.
The Ohio suit has 600+ pages of supporting documents found at The court agreed to the first hearing w/in 8 days of filing and they are proceeding to discovery!
I was particularly moved by your statement about children. That is something I cannot understand. Why are people not protecting them? But then I wonder, as so much of what is happening gets overt/covert support from oligarchic pedophiles who are trying to make the sadistic harming of children “normal”. Is that why? I don’t know.
There is obvious ritual, sadistic abuse at the very heart of covid. You can’t miss it.
Hello Jill: I’m not sure how it’s been in other countries, but economic status in the United States has pretty much dictated that parents farm their children out to day care centers. Where are the mothers and fathers? Working (slaving)…
Enforced schooling “laws”, have alienated families for at least six decades. This is an engineered disconnect of parents and children, and is clearly defined in the 10 planks of the Communist Manifesto. The manifesto is wholly oligarchic, not truly communist…
Press Release — Legal Challenge to COVID-19 Measures Filed In Ontario Superior Court
Excellent news. These types of legal actions need to replace all civil illusions regarding the efficacy of public demonstrations. Nearly all Nations and States have civil Laws designed as legal remedy. The legal classes of all Nations need to be awakened… Now.
In BC they’ve been mounting legal challenges to the mask laws at the local level by invoking the Canadian charter. I can’t find the link from the news item I read the other day.
But there’s this in Ontario, which could also be applied to any future vaccine mandates:
“Canadian Constitution Foundation suggests amendments to mandatory mask order in Ontario“
I’ve seen a lot of people break down and cry over recent months, people who understand what’s going on.
So here’s a little heads-up: the Soweto Gospel Choir. It’s a measure of human endurance and resilience…
I needed that! …Brings back memories of another life!
There is no virus. Please check out the numerous scientists who have claimed that no virus ever has been isolated, hence proven to exist:
“All antibody tests are plagued by the fact that antibodies react with agents other than those they were made against in the first place.
… What is needed, before all patients with positive tests are religiously told they are infected with what AIDS experts regard as a lethal retrovirus, is verification of the authenticity of the test against the presence of the virus itself, that is, verification against the yardstick of HIV isolation. To date, this most basic requirement has not been met and thus there is no scientific basis whatsoever for labelling an “HIV antibody” positive person “HIV infected”.
Dr. Valendar F. Turner
Or Stefan Lanka’s explanation of what “viruses” are:
Or check out the various writings of Etienne de Harven, M.D. / The Perth Group who have shown that the HIV virus has never been proven to exist.
Or David Pratts’ article:
Finally, check out what’s been written about “pleomorphism,” for a different angle of “viruses”.
To end, there is this:
“Consensus is invoked only in situations where the science is not solid enough.” – Michael Crichton
There is a virus.You are nuts.What medical research labs did you work at? “Conspiracy theories are like black holes–they suck in everything that comes their way, regardless of content or origin…Everything you’ve ever known or experienced, no matter how ‘meaningless’, once it contacts the conspiratorial universe, is enveloped by and cloaked in sinister significance. Once inside, the vortex gains in size and strength, sucking in everything you touch.” Donna Kossy
“Why is there such a conspiracy against Unicorns being real?
It’s obvious anyone who thinks Unicorns aren’t real is nuts.
How do they even keep a job?
Many people have pictures of Unicorns, and stories of Unicorns and even statues of Unicorns. So therefore they are real.
Everything you’ve ever known or experienced, no matter how ‘meaningless’, once it contacts the conspiratorial universe of Unicorns not being real is enveloped in a sinister cloak of black velvet.
Once inside it the black velvet cloak gains in size strength, sucking in everything you touch: the remote control, the furniture, the cat…everything!” Some Guy down at the pub.
Compared to what Donna Kossy is familiar with, the current narratives are rather boringly unimaginative. It has even become so plain that even some politicians and common people have adopted them. Even David Icke doesn’t mention reptilians anymore. The people are always so plain, sober and unimaginative that their mere vulgarity will rob any black hole of its mysterious power, the vortex will certainly not suck them in through the sheer weight of mass banality.
It comes down to belief if we believe there is a virus or not, because we cannot check it.
All things that we cannot check ourselves can be true or not. In our complicated technical world there’s more and more of ‘things’ that we cannot check and must believe or not. It is uncomfortable and often leads to bad results. In New South Wales, the Federal government under Tony Abbott forced them to sell the electricity sector for peanuts in 2014 and now the problems have mounted in only 6 years so that government intervention looks the only way out. Some people believed the sanke oil salesman Tony Abbott that ‘private does it better’. It is not a general natural law but those who did not believe in it were not believed as there existed no way to check and prove their beliefs. Now that we are moving into 5G lamppost to lamppost surveillance we must deliver reliable electricity for the surveillance/intelligence/war sector.
What if the virus really did not exist in the form they say and was invented as a spanner in the works to disrupt the US war preparations?
Quarantine and sick soldiers reduce the danger of war. Withdrawing US soldiers from Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria frees them up for warfare against China, Russia, and/or Iran, but the virus is quite a spanner in these works. Good!!! Lockdown is better than war.
You could go build yourself a home built scanning electron microscope.
Soldiers are front-line guinea pigs (or lab rats) for testing vaccines.
In 2017, Dr. Stefan Lanka succeeded in refuting the claim that a virus causes measles – in the Supreme Court in Germany.
Even the FDA now acknowledges that testing for a yet to be isolated virus is hit and miss, bogus science. No isolation, no adequate test, no adequate vaccine, simple really.
Now I’m an Aussie, living in the least affected area of Oz, up in the northern tropics, lots of sun, heat and humidity which our alleged virus does not like apparently. I’m a war veteran from a family of war veterans. I fought a war because I had pride in my country as did my forebears but now I look at Oz and think this place is populated by people I don’t know anymore, those who need to dominate and those that want to be dominated. There seem to be very few of us outside this Venn diagram, particularly within the younger generations.
I am fortunate that I can afford to live elsewhere and am currently looking for warm countries that have respected their populations in their response to the alleged virus. If only Sweden was warm! Any serious suggestions would be gratefully accepted?
The whole world is under attack, unfortunately.
If you have a spare million or two lying around you might be able to buy a property in one of the tax haven nations. I’d start my search there.
Madagascar. Seychelles. Cayman. Nauru. Mauritius. Samoa. British Virgin Islands.
Island nations may have less restrictive laws. Although who knows how long that will last.
Many thanks
Malaysia My Second Home? I somehow doubt Malaysia is fully onside, and Malay people hold beliefs of their own more important than all this.
Given the wife is fluent in Malay and Indonesian this may be an idea
It practises systematic apartheid. If that is your thing…
I expect you refer to ‘Bumiputera’ or orang asli (original people) entitlements. Social divisions are hardly apartheid. Nor is positive discrimination for a native population unable to compete with a closed well capitalised sector. Maybe that’s the Bumi’s problem but the British Colonial Power thought differently. My mother in law’s family were or still are rubber tappers. I thought it strange that they the workers should own the plantation. I read that it was the gift of the colonial administration in early 20C, to prevent a complete buy up and subjugation by non bumis.
Malays themselves recognise ‘orang asli’ to be not themselves but the previous inhabitants. Malaysia is interesting because ordinary established people of many countries would like to protect and preserve their uncompetitive way of life. Squatters Rights I suppose.
IMO perhaps the most devastating aspect of all of this is that the tyranny is global. Unlike in the past when one could hope to escape tyranny by moving to a different country, today there appears to be no escape on this planet. Perhaps some countries will be less affected as it all unfolds, with relatively fewer restrictions and draconian measures. My hope is that at least a few countries are available as safer havens for those able to move. As Researcher says, some island countries may be worth looking at.
A pretty steady year round temperature of 467 degrees Celsius.
Lovely people.
No Venn diagrams.
Don’t take rocket though. They don’t work very well for such travel. I’d suggest a Nikola 2000 (collapses time space fields through refractive gravito-magnetism.)
OMG its always a Kiwi. I asked for serious suggestions not the thoughts of Toothy Princesses. Away to the bottom of the garden!
Really the person downvoting u is just a prick… or female prick… (can’t say it we don’t have sex equality yet)
Stay and fight. Board a space ship and fly to the end of the world, no matter how far you run you cannot outrun the fight between Good and Evil.
“For we wrestle not only against flesh and blood but against Powers and Principles in the Heavens. — St.Paul
I once had an evil Sheep that thought it was good,
I’ve never had a good Sheep that thought it was evil.
Either way they collaborated and built a space ship together and now they live quite happily on Venus where there is no sense of dualistic absolutism.
They wrestle a lot though.
Not much else to do on Venus on account of the absence of dualistic absolutism.
Trust a Kiwi to talk about his best friend
PS Try Syria: warm country with relaxed attitude to the imaginary virus Con-19 because Syria is run by a competent London trained medic and his English wife. Or Iran. Or the warmer parts of China: the Chinese eliminated real Bird Flu virus Covid-19 in 3 months; only Wuhan city and a few connected towns were in Lockdown; Wuhan recently celebrated the end of Lockdown with a street party.
Contrary to Kiwijoker, you ate completely misleading this person
Of late, we hear very little about how Africa is doing. One article said they have low infection – from the fake test. However, there is the question of adaptingto a country there. Plus subversion from you know who.
Swedish winters were already mild even a decade ago. You would have read of fires within the Arctic Circle – at all longitudes. However, Sweden has wrecked its public order situation with an execssive rate of immigration.
Maybe Iceland given the warming alarmists predictions. I could have pants on fire Gore as a neighbour or a retirement home with Biden, Harris both Clintons and Pelosi. Makes me want to think about the theme song from Mash.
It’s getting colder. I would expect 50 years of colder weather from reduced solar activity.
The fires are from directed energy weapons. A new Maunder Minimum is on the horizon.
Try somewhere warm. Tahiti might be an option. You’ll need to pick somewhere that lets you have legal domain rights over your property with regards to communication installations and forced 5g towers or transmitters.
The two things you need to avoid if you want to stay alive are the effects of increased radiation and the vaccines.
Sweden enjoys a climate of continental extremes. Warm sunny summers, then suddenly freezing over, but still sunny, winters. I’ve experienced a week of -40C over there.
From the ridiculous to the sublime–while COVID is causing Australia to resemble a fascist state, Sweden has taken a quite different approach–they’ve handled COVID logically and rationally. Sweden, didn’t lockdown their society and as a result they’re not experiencing the untoward psychological and economic consequences seen in most other countries. Decisions on how to deal with COVID were based on facts and evidence not on hysterical propaganda.
“UK policy on lockdown and other European countries are not evidence-based
The correct policy is to protect the old and the frail only
This will eventually lead to herd immunity as a “by-product”
The initial UK response, before the “180 degree U-turn”, was better
The Imperial College paper was “not very good” and he has never seen an unpublished paper have so much policy impact
The paper was very much too pessimistic
Any such models are a dubious basis for public policy anyway
The flattening of the curve is due to the most vulnerable dying first as much as the lockdown
The results will eventually be similar for all countries
Covid-19 is a “mild disease” and similar to the flu, and it was the novelty of the disease that scared people.
The actual fatality rate of Covid-19 is the region of 0.1%
At least 50% of the population of both the UK and Sweden will be shown to have already had the disease when mass antibody testing becomes available”
Swedes have chipped themselves, voluntarily. They’re half way there already.
No country will get off the hook.
Most countries swallowed the hook, line, and sinker.
Hooks, lines and sinkers are better for catching fish,
Countries are very heavy, impossible to store on the boat and hard to fit in the frying pan.
out of the frying pan, into the fire.
Could do, but then the countries would get all burnt up on the outside and stay raw in the centre.
They chipped themselves?
Yes. Swedes are volunteering themselves to have microchips embedded underneath their skin, for ease of identity, passwords, PIN codes etc. They think it’s cool technology.
How many?
They should have used potatoes.
After studying the question as to whether any viruses cause disease or not, I am still on the fence though leaning toward No. It is certainly true that no virus has been proven definitely to cause disease by the gold standard of Robert Koch’s postulates. But I am certainly not on the fence and damn sure that there is no unusually lethal corona virus in our midst. The scamdemic varies by country, but at its actual worst it was a somewhat worse than an average flu season. And in some countries it proved to be a light flu season. Though the official CV-1984 fatality figures around the planet are a stinking pile of dog excrement, one may analyze the “death by all causes” numbers. Here is a superbly constructed, reasoned, and calm video proving that.
This is an orchestrated global coup d’etat under the direction of shrewd and psychopathic psychologists who have studied and tested people to see how they respond to oppression and their weakness. It has two primary immediate agendas:
1) Destroy the middle class by destroying the global economy.
2) The “vaccine.” Turn humans into genetically modified organisms which are no longer human. The injections will also result in 5G and beyond surveillance beyond anything George Orwell could imagine. Winston Smith would not have lasted 24 hours in the world they have envisioned. It is connected to the transhumanist movement of whom its best known advocate is a ranking corporate officer in Google.
They are using the fabled “shock and awe” approach so favored in USA wars of aggression. People are just beginning to realize what is really going on, which has given the psychopaths a significant head start.
That Australia has so far been chosen to be the poster boy of the English speaking world for this techno-fascist coup is no accident, They have been conditioned into deep wussism for decades. However, there is nowhere on this planet which will be worth living in if the people of the planet permit this to succeed. At best the better places might have a couple of extra years.
They are not similar figures to the flu.
“Total flu deaths for 2002: 753. Pneumonia accounted for the
other 65,231 deaths. Scrolling to the right are the numbers for 2001.
Again, total flu deaths were under one thousand, coming in at 257.”
This 65,000 figure is every bacterial and viral pneumonia under the sun. It is not the flu.
Are you talking about accurate figures for flu deaths? If so you might want to compare them to accurate figures for CV1984 deaths.
If you are going to compare to current figures published on cv1984 deaths (aka inaccurate), you might want to use the figures published on flu deaths by that bastion of integrity and accurate data, the CDC.
You will find these numbers magnitudes of order higher.
The decisions were not due to poor research, poor modelling, etc. The latest spin is that Imperial College prediction was based on an error from USA.
Remember all those ministries, national security committees and think tanks slurping up public funds continually.
Trump is a buffoon, but his initial reaction was correct–HOAX.
Just find the WHO list of which handled it the worst
I’m usually complimentary of the reader comments section, but today I will make an exception. Reader responses to the article are woefully self absorbed and indulgent.
Read my lips: No one will be exempt from the types of militarized goons and thugs as pictured in the article title. The pictured individuals were most likely psychotic BEFORE they were programmed to kill anyone who crosses some imaginary thin red line…
Current implemented policies in Australia and New Zealand, largely resemble the civil control policies being enforced in Lebanon, Palestine, and Yemen. Britishers are next…
On the Continent there’s a tradition of a type of police force called the Gendarmarie which has been described (Wikipedia) as a “Military force with law enforcement duties among the civilian population”. These forces are deployed primarily to manage civil disorder — demonstrations and strikes — and are very different from the civilian police. This type of police is very different from the police forces that are normally used in English speaking societies although I suspect in the UK they actually form part of the Metropolitan police (anyone know for sure?). The bunch of Australian goons depicted above almost certainly by both their equipment and general demenor are performing this function.
These forces are never under local control but belong to central government. (In the case of the EU they’re effectively under EU control — although nominally a national force there’s mutural help agreements which result, for example, in us coming across Bulgarians policing Greek strikers in Athens some years ago.)
Gendarmes in many countries are actually part of the armed forces, not the police.
Indeed. Discussing tests and who said what is mostly navel gazing, a distraction from the task at hand: protecting your loved ones.
Exactly true, these people join because it is in their DNA, they cannot think what is right and wrong, they just do as they are told because that is what they get pleasure from, control over the general public. It is the same with the military.
“Current implemented policies in Australia and New Zealand, largely resemble the civil control policies being enforced in Lebanon, Palestine, and Yemen. Britishers are next…”
What is happening in Melbourne (Victoria) is not what is happening in the rest of Australia. The incompetent and likely criminal Victorian socialist government has absolutely stuffed up their management of the alleged CV19 and the poor residents of that state suffer total deprivation. In my state, in northern Queensland it is like there is no CV19 because there isn’t. Life is almost like normal. So please don’t confuse the hard left of Victoria with the rest of us.
A good point but considering the Victoria government of the left is untrue.
Hello Epidermis: I appreciate your reply, but also believe the imposed or conditional nature of life in one local, should not define the acceptance of same in places where “Life is almost like normal”. The plight of civilians in Victoria define conditions that have been occurring for decades in the locals I mentioned.
Tactical infringement and militaristic controls against human dignity and freedoms, should never be considered acceptable, regardless of where these conditions prevail. These policies are a virulent cancer – a lethal social disease…
The group that takes credit for the Occupy Wall Street movement of 2011 has called for a fifty days siege of the White House — September 17th to November 3rd — a “cultural heave towards a new world order.”
It will go all through Election Day on November 3rd. The website for the group said, “#WhiteHouseSiege will electrify the U.S. election season — and it doesn’t stop there. Twitter is divided on the wisdom of such a move.
“Drawing wind from #MeToo, #BLM, #ExtinctionRebellion, and protests against Trump’s lethal bungling of coronavirus, we’ll inspire a global movement of systemic change — a Global Spring — a cultural heave towards a new world order.”
The CIAly Beast says it’s fake: Trumpkins Are Losing Their Mind Over Occupy Wall Street’s Faux Plans for a White House ‘Siege’
We’ll see.
Sep 17, 2020 12:29 AM
Awaiting for approval
Spot the difference!
July 31:
#WhiteHouseSiege will electrify the U.S. election season — and it doesn’t stop there. Drawing wind from #MeToo, #BLM, #ExtinctionRebellion, and protests against Trump’s lethal bungling of coronavirus, we’ll inspire a global movement of systemic change — a Global Spring — a cultural heave towards a new world order.
Sep 5:
#WhiteHouseSiege will electrify the U.S. election season — and it doesn’t stop there. Drawing wind from #MeToo, #BLM, #ExtinctionRebellion, and protests against Trump’s lethal bungling of coronavirus, we’ll inspire a global movement of systemic change — a Global Spring — a cultural heave towards a true world order.
Edited version of “Awaiting for approval”
Go to: Web Archive
Spot the difference!
July 31:
WhiteHouseSiege will electrify the U.S. election season — and it doesn’t stop there. Drawing wind from MeToo, BLM, ExtinctionRebellion, and protests against Trump’s lethal bungling of coronavirus, we’ll inspire a global movement of systemic change — a Global Spring — a cultural heave towards a new world order.
Sep 5:
WhiteHouseSiege will electrify the U.S. election season — and it doesn’t stop there. Drawing wind from MeToo, BLM, ExtinctionRebellion, and protests against Trump’s lethal bungling of coronavirus, we’ll inspire a global movement of systemic change — a Global Spring — a cultural heave towards a true world order.
‘Sure the virus is real’
This default normality of belief, operates the consent through which a medical monopoly has aligned a lockstepped compliance of corporate and institutional society to kneel on the life support and choke back the voice of a questioning or critical response.
The effect of such control is the power to simply ignore the science and the reason of any facts – by using the mind to confound itself in evasions and diversions such to to refuse to share in power of life, but to hold it for itself as power over others.
Whatever the reasons, there is a significant alignment of support for the use of deceit and destruction as the means to leverage or shape ‘change’.
I have it that the venom has to be drawn up to be undone. But hatred masks in virtue that seeks and finds social reinforcement.
I think questioning the virus is immaterial when you’re dealing with overbearing law enforcement. I’ve seen this kind of response used against people on strike in the UK many times (not to mention anti-war demonstrations and the like). Legality of action is invariably decided after the event in their favor so its pointless arguing the toss with these people.
All the Covid non-conformists are doing is providing an excuse for these people to come out of the woodwork. If everyone behaved themselves 100% these goons would still exist; they’re not you nice neighborhood coppers drafted relutantly into a role they’re unprepared and unsuited for but a specialist group of thugs employed to manage incipient civil unrest. The question should be “Who do they work for?”. You’re thinking “Brownshirt” but I really think that you’re not looking at (to use the Nazi analog) the SA but the SS. Big difference.
Incidentally, we have reason to believe that the equivalent working for the Federal government in Portland recently were made up largely of “contractors”. (…and you’re still fussing about some dumb virus?)
“Legality of action is invariably decided after the event in their favor so its pointless arguing the toss with these people.”
No arguing there indeed, unless you enjoy the embarrassing picture of the ridiculous folly of the righteousness of the fool.
Arguing polarises equal and opposite reactions – even among friends.
Just because there are those who only mask in communication in order to manipulate, doesn’t mean that that is the only basis for organising our lives or society.
If you take joy in ridiculing and shaming and ridiculing folly in others, then you set your own measure of ‘righteousness’.
Humiliation or losing face is an opportunity for humility – because without our masking assertion we have the opportunity to see differently – or take stock.
If your mask slips and others rush in to humiliate you, you may be ‘destroyed’ but only to harbour deep grievance that will seek opportunity to strike back. Perhaps through your children and their children’s children.
The deceits being used play on the sense of self-superiority in judgement set over a crisis actor or personality brand.
Assuming virtue as a result of shooting at a barn door from three paces, is low hanging fruit. Provocations and honeytraps can be scripted as the ruse you think to see through and feel superior as a result – as well as completely underestimating the ‘enemy’.
The law in practice may be corrupted, but the corruption law is what needs to be brought to full awareness. The intent to corrupt the law is giving power to the idea of law and therefore is dependent on it to claim such right.
The law in our heart is of a different order. Where you receive authority from and give allegiance to is in the recognition of your heart’s knowing.
If coercion demands compliance, give only what is due as part of your own decision for your own reason aligning in accepted purpose. But do not give it the authority or allegiance of the heart or you will be set in grievance as your authority or ‘author’.
We are already to a large extent set ‘in a world’ of grievance, envy, resentment, and vengeance – but as a conditioned reflex running as if out of control in the attempt to control.
I am not arguing with you – and when people teach themselves a lesson there can be a smile of recognition for a natural justice seen to be done. But growing from a lesson is real, regardless whether others dance over your demolition as their moment of victory set in vengeance.
You missed the point I made.
I was addressing the conditioned belief by which people are undermined, pathologised and brutalised. This particular deceit operates through viral fear assigned to ‘virus particles’.
That liars cannot be meaningfully engaged with is not obvious within the attempt to communicate when no willingness or basis for communication is present.
But where there is willingness for communication – rather than weaponised masking in communication, there is the opportunity to undo points of mutually reinforcing structure or masking in denial.
Yes – wasn’t Jade Helm about testing the placement of operatives that ‘blend in’ with the locality without attracting attention?
Deceit is weaponised to the nth degree.
There is a grievous cost to denying truth.
The lawlessness is overridden but always comes back in our face as a mask that wont come off. That cannot be escaped, evaded, repackaged, overridden.
Useless identities become unworkable.
But while the context of their experience is given support, we meet the use of identity as a captive and a weapon, for a deceit given power. While we contest in the frame of deceit, we operate the energy supply for ‘the Matrix’ – as a bot-net.
This works on many levels but relies on the polarisation of a guilting mask of fear, taken as truth and made war on as virtue or necessity.
In this sense the viral fear is assigned to people as pathogenic threats or as the cause of evils, or as the evils of obstructing a ‘better world’.
Once people give permission within themselves to act out hate on other and take joy in it, they lose access to their humanity, and become a representative of a choice, by which others can learn from, and perhaps reflect an awareness of that human choice back to a human capacity to re-cognise human choice. But by example of a choice for humanity, not by a like reaction of inhumanity.
We make choices and live the result. Many of these choices are ‘collective identity’ running as conditioned groupthink. So we don’t own our choice because we assume it is the real world – and react accordingly, as if the range of reactions is the only freedom left.
The overwhelming compliance and support for overbearing law enforcement is a captured mind – which extends from the capture of a medical monopoly.
I am not questioning the virus with regard to the nicelties of a framework of a psyop. I am suggesting to you that the very idea of pathological viruses is a psyop of an ‘old normal’. It will be upgraded to a new normal – and yes – you are the virus and require overbearing law enforcements as an agent of infection.
Clinical disease and personal risk assessments are not valid ‘currency of meaning’ in a collectivises risk management system.
The thinking that runs behind the ‘righteous bullies’ is its operating system. It feeds on victim-grievance.
Trump needs a vaccine before November and the troops are waiting, syringes in hand, to stick it into the arms of the old and sick.
The politicisation of the Covid vaccine in the US is going to become a catastrophe or a genocide depending on it’s effectiveness, They better rehearse ways the media can cover up the mass deaths and injuries because that is looking like the result.
My tip to both parties is, do what the Russians are doing, inject people with harmless plasma to avoid the mass murder that these dodgy chemicals are going to cause. The virus has almost vanished so it won’t make much difference, but at lease your legacy wont be as a mass murderer.
do what the Russians are doing, inject people with harmless plasma
reference needed. if their alleged vaccine is fake, why don’t they just skip the hoax entirely?
The Russian may very well have developed a somewhat effective inoculation. However , governments globally must be seen to be doing something ? Review Machiavelli’s “Prince” Or Rahm Emanuel’s advise to Obomber , “never let a good crisis go to waste.”
Why do you assume they cleated a hoax. they were the victims o fa hoax and found a way out of the lunacy.
found a way out of the lunacy.
so did Belarus, by ignoring it completely. what’s stopping Russia from doing the same?
The fact that Belarus is now undergoing enforced regime change
Another simpleton. Trump doesn’t need a vaccine; period. He acted early and appropriate getting public and private operations to produce PPE, ventilators, hospitals, etc. before the Democrats and media hacks could get their stories to march in lock step. The real numbers of covid deaths may never be known because it wouldn’t fit the mindless rhetoric of the panic state members of Fauci, Birx, Gates, CDC, W.H.O. etc. who want us on lock down until hell freezes over or at least until they get their drug cocktail vaccine at the ready. When we’re being told the cases are skyrocketing; who cares? It’s about the fear factor; if you can increase the testing, of course the cases will rise but the real numbers lay in the hospitalizations and deaths which are way down. Even at that, those that are designated covid-19 are oftentimes added on top of the patients already poor health and number of comorbidities. It’s a sham. The real disasters are the Democrat run states and their totalitarian lock downs which has given rise to immeasurable damage economically, health wise, up to and including overdoses and suicides all courtesy of the party that claims to care about life. Democrats are the real killers, they just want to deflect blame as they never take responsibility for their demonstrative failures. Never elect a Democrat to office unless you’ve lost your desire for any freedom and liberty you can call your own as they’ll take it away every time.
“Juicy Lucy.Ray Owen… ” freedom” Salle Jean Moulin ,le Mans 2014″
Ray Owen was singing for it in 2014. Lovely Man. We were all gutted when he died – in Reigate where he lived. Lots of my friends knew him really well. he had a little flat. he didn’t have any money..but just kept on singing and playing. that’s what real musicians do.
FREEDOM is Not Off-Topic
We have got to fight for it, like The Aussies will
They won’t take this.
Australians are Not Thick.
but they are under test.
if they wimp out, it will be exceedingly bad news for the rest of the world.
Come on where’s your sense of humour and your style and your wind up? You are nearly as good as The Scousers at it..That’s why I like you. Neither of you lot have hit me yet. You can see I am here wih my wife.
Can we have a bit of dicipline Here.
According to my wife her RockFit and Her Yoga Dancing and Meditation Classes, and her Swimming Pool/Gym are Starting Really Soon
(she says well we can’t really do it wearing masks – we need the Oxygen to keep the highly naturally enriched blood flowing through our bodies and minds, such as when we get home we really want it.)
Over 60’s Only.
I Dance to The Radio to Keep Fit. amongst other things
Use it or lose it, or it will shrivel away and drop off, long before its time.
has Admin1 gone to bed yet?
There’s no scientific evidence a virus exists as yet.
The reason most “cases” are asymptomatic is because they are not testing for a virus therefore there’s no symptoms. The test primers are common enzyme sequences and parts of the human genome.
There’s no standardized test, so it’s irrelevant whether the test is completed or not. In fact, there’s no evidence that labs are completing tests to determine viral presence.
We don’t know whether the test samples are being used to collect DNA, or whether the swabs from the pre-made kits contain a covert biological being introduced to test subjects.
The lockdown is conveniently hindering independent journalists and researchers from investigating.
As for the mortality statistics, people die every day: From pneumonia, lung disease, heart disease, organ failure, cancer, toxin exposure, radiation, old age, prescription drugs, medical errors, from any number of ailments.
The all cause mortality stats in the US and other countries are unchanged from last year, proving there’s no pandemic.
Instead, a portion of those mortality causes – pneumonia and respiratory infections – are being falsely attributed to, or associated with a virus. Usually influenza, but in this case, a novel Coronavirus.
Viruses, as dangerous contagious biological threats are a myth.
When a pandemic is manufactured, a section of the CDC called the Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) hunts fictional viruses.
The EIS exist in order to mitigate the problems from vaccine injury and other introduced contaminants or poisons. The EIS will attribute a new or mutating contagious virus in order to classify deaths as viral, to circumvent litigation in the billions, thus helping corporations, governments and the insurance industry avoid bankruptcy and scandal.
The viral “outbreaks” create a revenue stream for pharmaceutical companies who manufacture vaccines, ostensibly to prevent future “outbreaks“.
Diseases resulting from parasites and toxins in our environment have been eradicated through sanitation, clean water, nutrition, better living conditions and the banning of certain known toxins. Not vaccines.
Every pandemic “outbreak“ is based on fraud. That includes the Spanish flu.
And every vaccine is a covert biological introduction of toxic metals and nano particles that cause disease, death and injury, thus creating a circular profit model for the pharmaceutical industry and biotech who design drugs to mask disease symptoms caused by vaccines and environmental toxins.
Two centuries of scientific, government, medical and pharmaceutical fraud is on the precipice of being uncovered and finally exposed.
“Two centuries of scientific, government, medical and pharmaceutical fraud is on the precipice of being uncovered and finally exposed.”
I doubt it! Even those who protest the draconian measures imposed on us around the world still “believe” in the virus myth.
You are full of BS.
Junk paper showing a blurry image of something not proven to be SARS-COV-2 or a virus. Taken from a throat swab from someone who tested positive from the unreliable RT-PCR test.
I’m a layman, and “hard” science and abstract technical analysis makes me glaze over. But even I know that viruses aren’t identified the way, say, birdwatchers identify birds.
Setting aside the more complex and sophisticated arguments over whether viruses actually exist, if and how they are transmitted, etc., there seems to be a fuzzy notion floating in the general-discourse ether that novel, unique viruses are identified by visual inspection.
The electron microscope is analogous to the birdwatchers’ binoculars: one sees a strange object, then one examines its shape, plumage, etc. If there’s no match in the Big Book of
BirdsViruses, it may be deduced that the strange new sighting is “the virus”– in this case, the Megadeath Virus of Doom.Electron microscopy is a fascinating technology, and scientists understandably seek to provide visual images in scientific papers to corroborate and reinforce their analysis and conclusions. But this practice may lead to the simplistic conclusion that “a picture is worth a thousand words”.
yep. they have lot’s of those junk papers. they have avoided all basic precepts of science.
Well said on vaccines in general. The industry actively hunts for pathogens across the globe.
However, I must comment on “Diseases resulting from parasites and toxins in our environment have been eradicated..”. The medical industry is 2nd or 3rd largest almost everywhere. The oligarchy does not want everyone healthy. We have many new diseases from poverty and dangerous “modern” products, to replace the old ones. This is business as usual for fascism.
My phrasing was clumsy.
Rephrasing: The claim by the medical industrial complex that vaccines ever eradicated or prevent disease is false, the decrease in so-called “infectious diseases” was due to other factors and the medical industrial complex took credit after the fact.
I’m aware the medical industrial complex continues to poison us in numerous ways including vaccines, contaminated food, water, soil and air. Prescription and illegal drug warfare, environmental radiation, smart meters, herbicides, pesticides, fluoride, GMOs, fire retardants in mattresses and furniture, plasticizers, smart devices, plastic micro-particles, etc. The list is endless.
Additionally the government and military continue to experiment with geoengineering and arial spraying, ELF, VLF, EMP, HARP and the creation of unnatural disasters with Directed Energy Weapons.
It’s war on humanity.
You can understand for yourself, but not for others, though of course you can and are sharing with others – or perhaps telling people they are wrong.
But invested identity and invested corporate and institutional models – do not simply evaporate on being shown to be operating on a false or unproven assumption.
So the way of communication becomes contextually important.
In fact contextual priority is the understanding of terrain theory – as distinct from giving undue focus to a specific way of interpreting events because it confirms our already running bias.
The bias I refer to I do not seek to demonise – even if it contains ‘demonic’ or hateful masking of psychic-emotional conflict as part of its masking.
Virology is a variation of demonology.
Contagion as an evil goes back to adulteration and corruption of the true or pure.
Fear of contagion from without, masks the fear of such ‘evils’ within.
The masking over denial of our own fear, guilt and hate – unresolved and active – is the setting of a mind of control or indeed ‘judgement’.
Judgement selects – and rejects – and thus splits or divides a wholeness by which to seem to rule. Even in subjection (to its own measure) judgement will lockdown and lockout wholeness in exchange for vengeance set in self-specialness as replacing a broken or betrayed whole.
If we had perspective on the act of judgement, we would be free to release it for a gift of a current discernment, as a fresh take of presence, instead of a mis-taken presentation.
Our world is used to mask or divert and obfuscate or displace our unresolved conflicts – which can be deeply protected from healing under the belief this ‘makes us safe’.
But before the mask of the world was learned under fear, pain and confusion, is an always that has been covered over. I have just been given a gift of simple practical act to illustrate – that I shall willingly engage in after sending this post.
I shall go outside and lie down on the grass and look and ponder the world I meet in its own time and timing. If you haven’t access to grass immediately, the principle applies to getting down with and being with, as an ordinary timelessness.
If you are thinking I am giving your thinking something else to chew on, you miss my gist.
In fact thinking about, as an interjection to movement of being in act, is the ‘virus’ in the Temple – as a sense of a private capacity to take time out of the timeless to make your own private sense of creation. Imaginations are part of the Creative, but if assigned the power of the Creative, usurp our Right Mind by our own word and the fragmentation of ‘wrong-mindedness’ sets an action-reaction from which there is no ‘escape’ because it is not based in truth – and so there is no need to escape or overcome it – so much as to release energy and attention from ‘resistance-persistence’ to align in an already quality of being. What is not used, fades from non use.
Sharing in the already quality of being is the inherence of a true world.
Running off in a false inheritance is an old Story, endlessly reiterated moment by moment and down the generations.
I look to the restoration of a true appreciation – from which the false is recognised as false – rather than as a basis for self-righteous opposition cast out as a personalised investment in outcomes.
There’s no point in countering the fraud of scientists and bureaucrats with broad statements on germ theory, frequencies and the philosophy of fear. It’s ineffective.
You are of course free to hold your view.
I am not countering anything – but speaking or giving the witness of who I am, from where I am. This is not done for effect. I am not a group-think sacrifice of presence as if to gain power in some other moment that never comes.
But I join with love and freedom where I recognise and appreciate it. And so I joined with your comment – but also took it another step into the terrain or contextual arena of why deceits find willing hosts.
I often call out science and corporate fraud and false thinking – but not to engage in a battle of wills. I am more interested in releasing ‘the father of the lie’, or the wishful and fearful underpinnings to a desperate and driven agenda that proceed from a ‘war on truth’ or ‘battle of wills’. Where whole truth is feared and attacked from a false sense of possession and control – or judgement cast as truth’s replacement.
I have written many posts that have set out many details similar to yours.
But I also feel a process or movement of integration. Not of waiting for others to change. Or needing to change them. You are your own freedom to recognise your choices and change if you want a different result.
Undoing a mind of disintegrity is hardly ineffective.
The frequency or dissonance of fear works an effective block to regaining communication, within ourselves, between each other and as the basis of our existence. Any one of these three effects all of them.
Denied and projected fear IS the basis for the ‘germ feary’ – as a seed of evil that replicates in our own thought, and so is denied by limitation and division and cast out in narrative projections that never really leave the mind that thinks them.
There is a pattern here that those who are open to see may recognise – no matter what packaging the deceit is laid in.
You are the terrain – not the pathogen.
Psycho-pathy of split mind is an artefact of an imbalancing act, where attempt to hold contradictory thought and purpose masks in narrative continuity and
Doublethink is a symptom of mind-blindness. But I reflect to our capacity to see.
The idea of ‘effective’ is determined by the definition of the problem.
Allopathic interventions define the problem as invading pathogens, or breakdown of cellular integrity to pathogenic processes, and ‘heroically’ intervenes to attack the symptoms that are defined as diseases, with toxins that are believed effective not only for their capacity to suppress symptom expression, but by their ‘side effects’ or collateral damage that is a direct effect on the body and mind. The results of such toxicity and interference with body function, are then interpreted as disease development, or new disease expressions requiring further toxic chemicals to manage the ‘conflicts’.
This pattern replicates the thinking that embodies it.
The mindset is of a disembodied perception of life as a broken system, requiring external powers of intervention, (pharma) and control (regulatory capture or dependency). It believes it is your effective defence, but cannot see or know you. there is no love in it. It is invoked from a lost broken or disconnected connection within life, to seek by substitutions and hollowing or depleting addictions.
This can as easily expand to apply socially and politically and economically.
But didn’t you author the piece here on Assange referencing Human Rights Watch? HRW is one of the NGO’s created by the cryptocracy. Therefore the organization itself is a front for faux action, which actually inhibits real activism.
I think the most crucial thing we can do right now is counter the false science claims and statistics and stay away from political and philosophical theory or labels, because then we step into their trap, which becomes a quagmire of several centuries of propaganda, false history and faux science and medicine.
The cryptocracy has over eons, divided people into a myriad of religious, ethnic, political, geographical, social and class groups, to confuse people from seeing clearly where and how the matrix of control emanates and operates.
Contrary to the blame game played by the cryptocracy and academia, the problems we face are not from humanity itself, rather from a select few who believe in their right to exploit humanity through the use of fear and propaganda, brainwashing and poor education as tools of enslavement to hinder the exploited from understanding the real world around them, as opposed to the illusory world the cryptocracy have built, in order to dominate, destroy, profit from and control.
No I have never submitted an article to OG.
I call it giving true witness – that calls out the error or the lie for what it is.
I appreciate you see what I offer as theory – but I hold it to be direct observations sketched out in language that for the most part is weaponised or subverted to serve a control mentality.
I feel to trust yourself in what you are truly moved – and stay in touch with that which moves you. This calls for extending the same right to others. I don’t seek to undermine or detract from anything I have seen your write here. But where I hold a different perspective I may offer it.
I feel the blame and control game is deeply conditioned as a masking over the human mind, and not just in the fungi who sprout large to spore its reiteration and propagation in wars of coercion and deceit.
Do you play the same game by setting the psychopathogenics as The Cause of the Disease?
I look to awaken responsibility in place of guilt and blame.
One has a true foundation and the other seeks to mask in true by attacking the false in ‘other’ – the first of whom is the alienation of our Self.
I can articulate these matters but I cannot convince anyone that they are deceived and nor do I try.
But of course I see the patterns you describe being acted out in the world – but I allow what I see to reveal the mind that makes the perception – that sets or frames the range of response.
The idea of understanding to predict and control is at ‘war’ with understanding in love and appreciation. The ‘control agenda’ is written in fear of death – or fear of pain of loss.
The encryption of the mind is its ‘masking’ from knowing what it does.
I offer critical reflection to the lie and the father of it – but to serve recognition and release – not resetting the mind of hate in a mask of righteousness.
We will not stamp out the ‘mind of division and control’ without stamping out (templating) new versions of the same ‘mind’ in forms of blind self certainty.
Look at the ignorance and arrogance of the medical control narratives – that ramped up with the Oil and energy cartels who subverted them.
Control never has enough. I see the pattern in the Field – not in the objects that reveal the Field. This also is ‘terrain’ as determiner of the expression and embodiment.
As long as we are tuned in to ‘see’ as the control mind frames us to see, we teach, demonstrate and reinforce such a ‘world’.
We can start with noticing the framing of the propaganda that is fake communication, to which we have been normalise to think in.
I am not unaware that our history – going back to the pre-historic mythological era operates an archetypal development of themes.
“No I have never submitted an article to OG.“
You have the same name as an author here.
“Do you play the same game by setting the psychopathogenics as The Cause of the Disease?“
“I offer critical reflection to the lie and the father of it – but to serve recognition and release – not resetting the mind of hate in a mask of righteousness.“
Implying I am? False implication, if that was your intention.
“I look to awaken responsibility in place of guilt and blame.”
Which is exactly what I do.
“forms of blind self certainty“
Judgemental projection. I don’t seek to criticize your comments or methods, however you convey the impression of criticizing mine with your value judgements, which don’t stem from “understanding in love and appreciation“ or inclusion.
People feel a need to understand where the control matrix stems from and why it’s there due to mass mind conditioning through the Prussian method of education as indoctrination and the propaganda of white and black narratives, creating multiple false dichotomies and confusion. I merely offer a mirror reverse image to counter the propaganda so it’s easier for people to grasp the litany of untruths, recognize the pattern and begin the first step towards their own deprogramming.
Ultimately, they make their own determinations.
Birds are falling from the skies mid flight. Elephants are dying en masse in Botswana and Zimbabwe. Workers are collapsing and having cardiac arrests near 5g towers.
There’s not much time left.
I have posted replies here – like we are exchanging.
I find it hard to believe an author of any article here is called binra. And no I have as far as I recall not written on Assange or the fronting organisations you mention.
So please show your evidence or retract your assertion to my name. If it prejudiced you, it can smear me likewise. If you put forth something in your own name and don’t account for it, then it runs with your permission and support as a piece of programming that keeps you in the story you think someone else made.
When I write to the patterns or devices of the mind it has nothing to do with your person. That is your ownership or perhaps dispossession – but none the less not where I have interest in ‘battles of wills’ I have no time for that. We can share one willing-ness or play out a polarised struggle – as if it could be won.
Love is the willingness to be with what is – but not a forcible ‘inclusion’ to a ‘should be’. If you don’t feel my appreciation for you – I wont enable it by needing you to. I appreciate the gift of freedom to be myself as the experience of being loved. Most of what passes as love is masking manipulation – and unmindfully running as accepted currency – but that is rapidly changing.
I was reminded of the Peace Revolution Podcast by your choice of words.
The need to question where the ‘control matrix’, stems from rises from the recognition of it in its effects in our own experience. I don’t disagree with your assignment to the systemic protocols of application that you mention – as a sort of diagnosis for how the symptoms are derived, but as you have seen speak to the same core ‘sickness’ of the mind in error, from where I live – and through what I have lived and has lived me. The world is also a mask, and yet it can become transparent to presence rather than opaque to fear of disclosure.
Time always was temporary, but while we are doing time, we can use it to align with the timeless. For time can waste as well as be wasted. I allude to a quality of connection that can only be recognised as the basis for recognition and release of a ‘control matrix’.
I recognise biodiversity of perspectives that are fundamentally aligned in purpose that serves and aligns to freedom – but not in formal agreement or ‘group-step’ set – as you say in binary or polarised reactions. Yet we have to live the error in awareness to be the choice not to persist it.
Monopolism is death of consciousness, and the means to control always was a dead end. But it has also structured the schoolroom of experience.
I’m open to the electromagnetic matrix of our experiencing the qualities of life through patterns that can become structures that then limit, ossify and lose the capacity to serve and support life.
Resonance and frequency are the determinants of communication and exchange. Curiously we are sharing in a Projection of our own Mind – but reacting to the movie as a means to persist in blanking our Mind. This is another way of saying ‘control matrix’ for the more we identify in trying to control, the more guilt we take on, and seek to get rid off by narrative …control. It runs a self-replicating loop as the human conditioning.
There is no time like the present to connect and align in true desire.
There is no present to a driven narrative running old survival strategies as blind defaults.
Please keep giving witness to truth as you value and appreciate it from where you are alive.
This is an astute article. And no, it cannot be accidental when this many nations or states/provinces institute the same draconian oppression at almost the same time, irregardless of culture/politics/religion. And we do know the WHO and bgates have been throwing out a lot walking money to do just this cruelty.
I think people fall into several categories of compliance: 1. go along/get along 2. keeping their head down so as not to get beat up by authorities, lose a job–things that would make most people think twice 3. fascists who have never felt so alive as servants of the NWO and adore being able to force others around, to hurt them and be rewarded for abusing others–they are in love w/Covid and 4. people who still believe they are helping others.
This is really hard. I know this is coming here as well. You are being beta tested I don’t know how I can help except to say there are many of us hurting on your behalf and we want you to be free.
This is evil in body, mind and spirit–pure evil. There exist other forces but I don’t think there are predetermined outcomes. Anyone who can do something, please do it now.
The fun continues…
Ohhhhh special meetings… that’s ground for an upgraded level…
I’m in France, where eactly the same shite is going on…
… as it is in countries all over the world. They are all reading from the same script, almost word for word.
Because the small hats control all countries of the world. Anybody not got this yet?
Well it’s a global agenda. Another confirmation that we haven’t waist our time researching on these conspiracies for the past years. No country is opposing or questioning something that makes no sense
special meetings, for when ordinary meetings just won’t do.
The WHO & NWO sound like very powerful organisation, so where are their military and their generals? Stop with the fantasies, I can only laugh so much in one day.
“The pen (word) is mightier than the sword”
You think foundations owned by Ford, Gates, Rockefeller, McCormick, Rothschild,………….. do not own the majority of the planet’s resources and are not in clear ownership and control of the rulers of every country and their armies? Ok. Keep going with that fantasy. Keep believing Epstein killed himself too. Think he did it with a vaccine?
Keep reading dear… they own all the military they need
There’s actually a photo of the ostensibly risible “fantasy” heading this article, even if one wishes to quibble over the distinction between “paramilitary” and “military’.
The individual nation-states’ military and police serve as proxies for the international organizations. So this variation of Stalin’s famous rhetorical question– “The Pope! How many divisions has he got?”– misses the mark.
For the sadists and manipulators, a great time to be alive.
I have seen Ray Owen of The Original Juicy Lucy sing and play numerous times with Juicy Lucy over that last 15 years or so in pubs in South London, and at a Rock Music Festival in Cambridge. They were never particulary famous, apart from one song.
Ray Owen died a couple of years ago. Although he wasn’t allowed, he always used to cadge a cigarette off me, at half time, during his gig. He used to tell me all the stories, of when he used to play with Jimi Hendrix. He looked exceedingly like Jimi Hendrix and was a complete and utter Gentleman.
I have a few fairly recent videos of him, but had no idea, there was any really old photography of him. Alice Cooper, played Juicy Lucy today on Planet Rock. It almost certainly wasn’t Ray Owen singing. He had a much nicer softer voice.
“RAY OWEN – JUICY LUCY – Who Do You Love – 1970 03 26 TOTP”
A sort of black Iggy Pop. Who I had the privilege of seeing in concert many moons ago in Loughborough.
I think.
It’s all a bit of a haze really. I’ve never been all that sure that I didn’t just dream it …
I know what you’re doing, you’re luring me into the conversation to study me… how did you know I was such a big fan of Tom Petty at the Filmore? hun?Come on, reveal yourself… Marie is that you?
Finally available…

Might. We don’t know what they put in there
Will we be seeing one of the tactics used during the miners’ strike, i.e., the deployment of soldiers wearing police uniforms? Or are the peace officers* of today sufficiently, um, ”well-trained” to carry out orders themselves? The people who are running things might just decide to go straight to putting troops in their army uniforms on the streets, of course. We shall see.
*This is what Lenny Bruce used to call them. The parallel between that and the Welsh word for police (heddlu, literally meaning peace force) has always amused me.
Democracy has been hijacked by semanticists.
Peace force means largely “pacification” which is a term twisted by occupying armies. Even in JFK’s day many cops were given parallel training as agents. Imagine now.
Animal training also utilises the term pacification.
Has this site become anArms and Surveillance exhibition, where the US military & CIA get to show off all their wares, with special guests to BIG them up, and where and we are meant to look on feeling helpless in the face of Rome’s might? Who are you really helping by distributing their main tool…….FEAR? How about solutions? No?, Not too keen on civil unrest are you………But where are they to test their arms if not in civil unrest? Maybe you arejust happy with the fear show?
Just need to get that bacon out in the midday sun and you will have a sizzling sausage fest.
What’s going on down under is beyond belief. How people put up with this shite is also beyond belief.
But I’m now going to go a bit off topic (or perhaps not): I’m trying to track down a sailor called Robin Deasy, who back in the early 90s was attempting to circumnavigate the world in his trimaran. At the time I was also trying to do a circumnavigation, by land and sea, and I had the tentative backing of the state broadcaster in India. Just as it was all coming together, a guy called Micheal Palin got the gig with the BBC.
I should add that I have no problem with Palin, a ‘nice bloke’ who did a first class job with his circumnavigation programmes.
But I would like to touch base again with Robin Deasy, who at the time was trying to break the record of 109 days to do a circumnavigation under sail and single-handed.
Back in the day, Robin and I were in contact by post. There was no internet back then.
Was his wife called Lesley?
There is a post from Robin and Lesley Deasy on July 26, 2020 at 10:03 pm on this sailing web site.
Thanks for that Caroline. It doesn’t seem to be the Robin Deasy I’m trying to track down, but I’ll look into it further.
Why complain if you believe in a “new virus” for which there is no scientific evidence of its existence?
There is absolutely loads of scientific evidence of its existence.
It is propaganda, psychological analysis, and psychological modificaction, that has been active and refined for an exceedingly long time. It didn’t start with Edward Bernays.
It didn’t even start with The Roman Catholic Church, nor The Bible, nor any other Bloody Religion
Maybe “The Pagans” started it off, but it was an Extremely Long time ago, and then it was mainly control by Love, and Peace, not Fear.
Psychology Works. It is probably The most Powerful Science There is.
It’s just that recently it has been highly refined, and it is now being deployed across the World, By “THE EVIL” – The Americans and The Jews, both claim that they did it, whilst us British largely keep quiet.. The Russians and The Chinese, obviously Do it Too
..but no one can work out who is in control
I sincerely hope it is not the current lot of evil psycho elites, they seem a bit stupid.
They give The Mayans a bad name, and on occasion they weren’t very nice, but built Better Pyramids than The Egyptians
The Americans weren’t even in the Game. All they had was Wigwams. I don’t knock it – we’ve still got one too.
At least us British have got Stonehenge (rebuilt in the 1950’s and 1960’s)..well and Glastonbury too. They rebuild The Pyramid Stage when allowed to.
All you Americans have got is Burning Man.
The Mind Virus will Not Last if you Stop Wearing Your Mask.
You Know its a Load of Bollocks Too.
But it is very real, because you are still wearing a mask, when you have no need to.
Take it off and get a badge if you want to get your life back.
elon musk was asked what he thought the cov situation. his reply was’ mind viral immunity’ sorry dont have the link but i wrote it down and it struck a chord with me. you might thing the bloke is an ahole but i think he says things for a reason.
i think he says things for a reason.
mmm, don’t we all …
I’ll have you know dear sir that I say things for no reason at all… except for the urge to defecate… the truth that is… quite an urge
Isn’t the urge a reason?
hence the exception…
a very good one
Wow. Those two jokers are not communicating.
The main reason why OPERATION “HIV” didn’t work like OPERATION COVID is working (wonderfully) is because back then the TOOL to spread the Mind Virus Quickly and Efficiently wasn’t available… the WWW and the SMARTBRAINPHONE!
The badge part don’t see the connection, since those modern slaves are all using a mask!
Just met a girl from Melbourne who happens to live in the same town as me. Hadn’t seen her for a while. Conversation.
Bet you’re glad you’re not in Melbourne at the moment.
Oh, they’re just whingeing, they haven’t had nearly as many cases as France.
I was meaning the lockdown.
Oh, but Australians don’t listen, they’re in a world of their own, they don’t realise that thousands of people have died, they don’t know how dangerous the virus is, they have to be saved from themselves.
Or words to that effect.
She also seemed to think that what is happening in Melbourne isn’t any worse than what we had to put up with in France back in March and April. It’s true we were supposed to go out only once a day for an hour, but there were lots of ways of getting round that and the police didn’t burst into your house or threaten to arrest you for putting out the rubbish.
I couldn’t believe that a native of Melbourne, in touch with friends and relatives in Melbourne, was actually supporting Dan Andrews’ policy.
They’re always the biggest hypocrites – breaking the rules they want pushing on everyone else.
Neil Ferguson is the worst.
Neil Ferguson is a Bill Gates funded tool.
you’d think that somebody who got 80 million dollars from Bill Gates could do better than this.
She sounds like a dunce, Jane.
Isn’t it bad,
Corona virus…
Then you have to probe whether the person in question is a full believer, half a believer, a sceptic, or a heretic. If only to save yourself the headache of a discussion from time to time.
I knew they muffled the Aussies first because they were the toughest… confirms my romantic view of them. I remember that one that visited for a convention. A cyclist. We all got to a Blue Jay game in Toronto. He was yelling stuff and one of the crowd participants told him to shut up. He rose, turned back, and shouted “Who said that! Typically Canadian! Avoiding conflict at all cost!” As a french Canadian, I was ready to call him my leader, and and advise him on strategic military and democratic diplomacy. Later send Australians my version of the Statue of Liberty as a gift… But I was concerned they would just take it and never mention my good intentions. The French and the English folks, the French and the English…
Hello? (says the Lady)… Hello can I come in, it’s freezing both feet in the water… hello? I brough my papers and a flashlight… hello?
Easy to be so shortsighted when you no longer live there. No doubt she’ll be first in line for the dodgy vaccine.
Jane… I’m here in Melbourne. Its like Stockholm Syndrome on steroids. The very large majority here actually believe there is a raging pandemic and that Andrews is doing his best to protect them!!
They’re supporting the draconian measures coz they actually believe this gunk about a ‘pandemic’. And frighteningly, they’ve lost their capacity to think rationally.
It’s incredibly depressing to put it mildly and that woman you met would be typical here. I don’t know one single person who thinks this is a scamdemic. And the media have been truly revolting – lies after lies and continuously pushing the fear mongering without allowing dissenting voices. It is like East Germany 1976!
A lot of people here support the police brutality. Its just lunacy here.
That must be horrific, Gazzah Potts. Good luck in getting through it.
Thanks Jane. It’s surreal in that you actually feel like you’re Winston Smith and everyone around you is fully brainwashed by Big Brother…
I can’t currently criticise The NHS, nor the vast majority of people who work for it, because they do do their best or they wouldn’t be working there. Yes, I do admit to a series of bureaucratic failures this year with several members of my family, and one brilliant emergency success with regards to one of my Grandchildren.
I just hope and pray, they can repeat that success today, for another member of my family, the same age as me, from the same town as me (Oldham), who now at this very moment as a result of being rushed into hospital last night, is undergoing open heart surgery.
I hope he survives
He is a nice bloke.
I hope the NHS survives too. The Government is currently trying to Destroy it.
Obviously it needs Reform. It needs to go back to small and local, like it was when I was a kid, and they saved my life twice, before the age of 10. The nurses were dead sweet.
It’s hard to write these words, but I am writing the truth. Everyone is very worried and praying for him.
He’s my brother-in-law.
The NHS is in a bad way.
But it’s Not Dead Yet.
god’s lapwith all respect to you.
The article is very misleading there is nothing wrong with the scientific method its just clearly not been used in this fraud ” covid” .
There is still no scientific proof , no isolated virus no new disease .
There were not ” 20 people in intensive care suffering from covid-related illnesses” as the fact is there is no proof of a new disease called “covid”. No one has died from ” covid” as covid is 100% psyop propaganda.
Its not bio security that is in use its bio-terrorism against the people. Healthy people having their freedom of movement and association their livelihoods taken off them ,convicted and jailed without due process .Something fishy embedded in article its the big lie covid, that there is a new virus and a new disease which is a total lie.
Just came across this tweet:
Quoting :
The Telegraph @Telegraph · Sep 15 Do you think face masks are helping fight the coronavirus pandemic? Yes 37.2% No 62.8% 24,010 votes · Final results
Interesting information.
I agree it is interesting information, but it appears to me that even most of the 62.8% and much of the 37.2% are still wearing masks, when there is absolutely no need to do so.
Just get a badge. I know its a bit like wearing a yellow one in NAZI Germany, and the consequences might even be the same if The Aussies get away with it . (I note the Aussie girl dragged out of the car WAS wearing mask – so the mask didn’t do her any good (If she was wearing a badge the SS may have picked on someone else instead (PR Reasons)
Why not be brave and try it? It might change everything if people wear badges instead of masks. It’s much healthier, and if someone starts giving you any ag, just gently smile at them and point at the badge on your chest. If you don’t speak, they might think you are dumb too. Such people are not worth arguing with. They will immediately feel embarrassed. I’ve bought one.
And PAY Amazon 3 quid for it (plus postage, another 4 quid)!
Yeh, I apologise for that. I intended to make my own, or even a T-shirt, but my wife would complain. This way I can put a badge on, and look relatively normal.
I do realise it shouldn’t be necessary, but I have already encountered the Police twice. The second time, my wife asked them to take off their masks, and he did, cos I couldn’t understand what he was saying (I am a bit old and deaf – too much Motorhead)
I am really missing going to gigs.
The loads of hugs too.
Tony, I don’t wear a mask and just carry a card for emergencies. I’ve never had to use it. Nobody questions it.
Wouldn’t you have to carry papers from a doctor to verify your exemption?
No. Not in the UK. Plus good luck trying to get access to a doctor – they have all closed their surgeries.
Yeah but it is the Telegraph, who’ve taken a very ‘odd’ stand over the state’s response to the virus, I hazard to say, almost libertarian. BTW, the Tweet below this on the Telegraph feed suggests that wearing masks, gives the wearer immunity to the virus! So go figure.
More depressing, are the number people calling themselves progressive or left, who have condemned me as a conspiracy nut, a supporter of Trump and Bolsonaro and the CIA, for daring to suggest that the Great Lockdown is part of an attempt by capitalism to reinvent itself.
Yes, but the Telegraph, like all newspapers, employs people with minds of their own.
Yes, of course, when they are hired they probably have to be on the Right, just as those who the Guardian employs have to be on the Left (and these days hideously Woke).
The Telegraph has been much more libertarian than the Guardian. I think that on the whole, those on the Left tend to be more receptive to authoritarianism and groupthink than those on the Right who tend to be more individualistic and independence minded.
Socialism by it’s very nature invites groupthink and conformism to grandiose policymaking.
You may be an exception.
Aside from not covering the alarming state thuggery in Australia at all, the Daily Telegraph has come up with a new kind of censorship.
This is allowed:
How does the government justify the expenditure of £100bn on its “moonshot” for utterly redundant corona tests? Especially when the NHS remains otherwise suspended?
Aside from £1m+ each being squandered on BBC personalities’ wages, when is this misuse of our taxes going to be stopped?
We look to parliament for controlling such behaviour, so far to no avail.
but this isn’t:
How does the government justify the expenditure of £100,000,000,000 (yes, one followed by eleven zeroes!) on its “moonshot” for utterly redundant corona tests? Especially when the NHS remains otherwise suspended?
Aside from £1m+ each being squandered on BBC personalities’ wages, when is this misuse of our taxes going to be stopped?
We look to parliament for controlling such behaviour, so far to no avail.
Obviously, the second version makes clearer to people the scale of this staggering waste.
Therefore it can’t be allowed.
It will stop when people wake up, which is never, I’ve never known the interest in politics to be so low, it’s a nation of celebrity worshippers.