12 Steps to Create Your Own Pandemic
Or How to Turn a Harmless Virus into Boundless Profits for You and Your Friends
Nils Nilsen

Imagine that you had the resources and influence sufficient to create a global pandemic, what would you need to do? How would you get started? And how best to turn it to your advantage and boost your profits?
We have the answers right here. A simple 12 step plan.
1. Find some vague criteria for what constitutes the symptoms that you want people to look for. Anything subjective that a lot of people can identify with is ideal. Let us take memory problems and/or confusion + a few common ones from the Covid list. Tiredness, aches and pains are common and subjective enough. (For covid19 the symptoms are: fever, dry cough, tiredness. Less common symptoms: aches and pains, sore throat, diarrhoea, loss of taste or smell, a rash, or discolouration of fingers or toes)
It would be a good idea to take something that is very common in old people so that we can use death from old age as proof of the lethality of the new virus.
2. Then we would need something biological to test. Any RNA sequence would do, as long as it is not present in the whole population. If it were, someone might claim herd immunity very quickly. Actually it could be an RNA sequence that does not really exist in humans but something that could exist as contamination in labs, e.g. in dust or water.
That would be enough for a RT qPCR test to pick up as a false positive. Many RT PCRs have false positive rates of 3-5 % and that would be plenty to create a scare. (When it comes to Covid, the false positive rate is impossible to know for sure, since we don’t have a gold standard to check against, but for many other similar tests, the average false positive rate is over 3%. And different labs are testing for different sequences.
We can count on over-stressed labs to be more prone to contamination than labs taking part in research knowing they will be checked for accuracy, the ones that gave over 3% false positives. Maybe the error rate for the average stressed lab is as high as 8%. BMJ counts 5% as a reasonable estimate. With 8% we would have all positive tests in the US explained by false positives)
3. Then we are all set to go. We just have to claim that we have discovered a new cluster of symptoms and that is related to a new RNA sequence. It starts with memory loss, and confusion. In other words this is a neurotoxic virus, and it leads to death in all the ways old people can die, by strokes, heart attacks, pneumonia, kidney failure, sepsis, organ failure, dehydration.
It doesnt matter if the patient was close to deaths door anyway, because of existing problems. We can always claim that without our new virus, they would not have died. Who could counter that?( just like Covid; People die from all kinds of disorders that they already had before the got the Covid test)
4. By some miracle we have already discovered exactly the virus that is responsible among the millions of different viruses that exist in any cubic centimeter of air. So we already have a RT PCR test read to go. This makes us look like very competent researchers. Of course we have bought stock in the major testing labs ahead of time.
We’ve bought stocks in the biggest vaccine manufacturers also of course. That will be the biggest money maker finally, hopefully for years since it will be difficult to get antibodies to something that doesn’t really exist.
5. So now we just have to spread the news that a new deadly pandemic is spreading all over the world, and every country has to start testing. We can count on the 5% hypochondriacs in the general population to come forth to be tested first.
It will always take some time for each country to get started ramping up their testing, so the graphs are guaranteed to look exponential in the beginning.
6. All you need now is for people to bring their old and confused elderly in for testing, and with 5% false positives, we will soon have most hospital beds filled with old sick confused patients.
We can count on doctors to treat them aggressively. Most of these old people will be on a coctail of drugs already, so adding a few more drugs as “heroic treatment” will be sure to push them over the edge.
Many will have pneumonia from the seasonal flu, so we can just prolongue this by putting them on ventilators. Then they will die a month later and we can say it wasn’t the flu since the flu season should have stopped a month earlier.
7. The graphs of numbers tested positive will be exponential in the beginning, but flatten off as the testers reach their max level. After some time the lab technicians will be exhausted and tend to become sloppy, the pressure for testing will be relentless and the labs will get dirtier and dirtier, and we will get higher and higher false-positive rates.
Usually the media will be satisfied with reporting just the number of positive tests, but in case anybody should think of checking proportion of positive tests compared to total number of tests, they would get higher number each week because of overworked, error prone lab workers.
Eventually, society will run out of hypochondriacs who will come for tests voluntarily, and many will have understood that should they test positive, they will be put together with really sick people, unprotected, since they all have the same virus…So the curves will flatten and start going down.
8. If you want to destroy the economy during the pandemic, you will get some programmer to make a prediction of millions of deaths (actually 70 million die every year anyway, so that is not really difficult) if we don’t lock down society.
We just have to scare them to lock down right before the curve flattens (when we are running out of the 5% hypochondriacs) and all the politicians will think they saved their country.
9. Just for fun, to see how strangely we could make gullible people act, we could invent different strategies for protection. Social distancing can look really funny in a supermarket, and all the original ways of saluting is interesting , leg touching elbow touching (even if we cough in our elbows now).
We could make a lot of money on masks, gloves and sanitisers too.
0. In order to make money on vaccines, we will start testing antibodies. Here the false-positive error rate is even greater, so we may easily get 10% with antibodies just from false positives. But on retest, we will statistically get only one percent testing positive if we test the same people.
That means that we can claim that we will need many boosters of the vaccine. In order to maximise the profit, we may put something in the vaccine that makes people sick and then we can cure them with a very expensive drug produced by a company we have already invested in. But to be sure maximum number of countries will pay almost any price for the vaccine, we have to wait until they are really desperate.
1. We can always count on several waves of the virus since the common flu and colds will come every year and kill hundreds of thousands like every year, and 3-10% of them will test false positive for our virus every time.
So we have a fantastic moneymaker for years: Expensive tests, expensive drugs, and expensive vaccines for 7 billion people every year.
2. We can count on doctors being sure that they are right in all they do. They will counter each other in every turn, and since there is no real new disease to cure, the research will run into endless blind alleys. This will prime all doctors for accepting a vaccine.
We just have to make sure there is no cheap effective drug commonly available. If so, we can always pay some doctors to make up some numbers to publish (like the fake negative HydroxyChloroquin research in the Lancet).
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Making money is nice I guess for them. But there’s a much bigger reason and you can call me crazy if you want to. But I think the whole “Coronavirus pandemic” was made up just so that Donald Trump would not be re elected!.
How else are you gonna get an election full of mail in ballots that are highly susceptible to manipulation and outright cheating? That’s my theory.
& being that Twitter only censors the TRUTH…like this article & election fraud…I think I’m on 2 something. And seeing how #BuildBackBetter is on Bidens agenda why not use #THEGREATRESET & also that George Soros is all over the New Biden plans. See his PRESIDENT elect transition team. Search it !
Test, test, test stratagy advocated by WHO and CDC is key element of this covid conspiracy . This rtpcr diagnostic test will test positive in 5 percent population tested which will be huge as hundreds of millions of test will be conducted finding millions positives . In these millons positive some will die due to other causes and these deaths will be attributed to covid, some will have other symptoms which again will be falsely attributed to covid, some will have no symptoms and they will be called asymptomatic cases. This test rtpcr is key element of conspiracy . You stop testing covid will disappear without causing anything adverse.
I just love that report. It is so right on. There is also another way to make people seem sicker, then they really are or to make them sick period. Add something to say a Flu vaccine. That might even make for a positive PCR test. For HIV there were about 70 reasons, you could test positive, even when you had nothing wrong with you. Now we have this https://shadowsbearsoutlook.blogspot.com/2020/09/flu-vaccine-linked-to-covid-19.html Now they did not test any of the vaccines but they should do that. I bet they had the so called covid in some of them. That is my guess. I found a cluster of babies that had the very same symptoms as covid right after they got the flu vaccine. The doctors were mystified by that and could not figure out what happened. So I am guessing the vaccine has something in it. If anyone had a few of those vials left, testing them might be a good idea. Like in Italy, France, Spain, UK, Iran etc. I have this gut feeling, you see. The babies really made me think about that one. The moms are also really thinking about that one too. Hey I could be wrong. LOL When you have something to cover up you have this. Just think about it. They failed to look for a few things, when doing autopsy’s. There is a lot of tunnel vision going on. Lots of blood clots in the autopsy studies. Hey flu vaccines can do just that. Then you call it covid. Best layed plans of men and mice I must say. https://rainbowwarrior2005.wordpress.com/2020/09/08/a-vaccine-commercial-from-government/
I have trouble believing this is not satire, yet I have encountered Germans for whom Covid is almost a religious movement…
Of course you have to own or control the mass media to bombard and program the uncritical masses with a massive fear campaign so death, doom, helplessness and hopelessness are inscribed in their psyche. The elderly whose life force is diminishing due to over-medication, poor diet, dehydration, anxiety and social isolation will be the most susceptible to the “pathogen” due to their pre-existing respiratory and physical conditions rather than the virus itself! Young people who are obese, have respiratory conditions, smoke E-cigarettes (vaping) and whose diets are full of artery clogging non-nutritious “Frankenfoods” GMOs and poisonous additives will also be prime candidates for the the mortician.
The fear mongering, lock downs and self-induced economic collapse will create hysteria, depression, sociogenic illnesses, deaths of despair to prime us for their already created “solutions” be they masks, vaccines or the coming economic reset (social re-engineering), the imposition of their neo-feudal Brave New World (New World Order)..
Absolutely correct! You’ve nailed it. There’s no virus. Viruses don’t even cause disease, but we’ll take advantage of the fact that nearly all people and doctors are programmed to believe they do. It’s horrifyingly brilliant.
Quite some stuff here on 9-11 and the corona scare. But look ‘people’, they are united in another fear scheme, and they are signaling that in despite of corona, lots of things should change, because else ‘We are all gonna die!!’ (to imitate Icke).
Sea levels rising!, droughts and floods!, water supplies are threatened!, the mountains are gonna move!, your gonna need to consume differently!, etc. They’r also keen on stressing that the fact that you have been producing less off the so ‘dangerous’ CO₂ during lockdown doesn’t change a thing. So if you thought you are of the hook..
Talking about alarmism, they appear alarmingly united in pseudo science and hunger for power. Let the show go on.
People need to relax a bit though, here is a cartoon to download for free, edifying entertainment.
Establishment hobby tag cloud:
‘Whole of Society Approach’, ‘pandemic preparedness’, ‘pandemic readiness’, ‘Cross-Sectoral Cooperation’, ‘better global coordination’, ‘society as a whole, including political leaders, opinion-makers, teachers, and citizens in general’
Full text from the EU:
“7_ Cross-Sectoral Cooperation:
Whole of Society Approach
Recent health crises (like SARS, the H5N1 epidemic and the A(H1N1)2009 influenza pandemic) have demonstrated that many more sectors were involved in health crisis prevention and response than the ‘traditional’ health sub-sectors (human and public health on the one hand, animal health on the other). Sectors like the environment, wildlife, agriculture, transport, media, and the schools, to name a few, are also key. Crosssectoral cooperation aims at involving all relevant professional sectors in a common goal, in this case, health crisis prevention and where necessary, response, along with encouraging a contribution to global health. The experiences of H5N1 and H1N1 have also shown that efforts towards better health should not be limited to specialists but should involve society as a whole, including political leaders, opinion-makers, teachers, and citizens in general.
8_ Pandemic Readiness
While pandemic preparedness refers to efforts to prevent, manage and mitigate the effects of a pandemic, pandemic readiness refers to an ongoing status in which all sectors of society are continuously ready for a pandemic, or indeed any major health risk with the potential to disrupt normal life. The global response to the H5N1 and A(H1N1)2009 influenzas resulted in a fair level of pandemic readiness in some countries, while more work is required in others.
9_ Communication:
Explain Uncertainty
Communication has been a challenge during the H5N1 and A(H1N1)2009 crises. In spite of many efforts, it is often perceived as insufficient and sometimes contradictory. Health risks are changing with globalisation, and new strategies – including better global coordination – must be designed and agreed upon for communication efforts. One way forward is probably through better explanation to the public and frontline professionals that ‘the experts do not know it all’ and that in fact they often ‘do not know.’ Although this may complicate the life of political decision-makers, candid statements on what is certain and what is not clearly known might increase confidence in times of crisis, and avoid the ‘damned if you do, damned if you don’t’ phenomenon.”
By the way ‘Explain Uncertainty’ means to manage uncertainty and doubt.
I bet a million dollars they used the PCR testing BS, for all those flus too. They have been using it since HIV came to be. I was reading somewhere the other day they used it in 2007 I think it was, for a flu one. Stupid me didn’t keep the link. Slapping myself up the side of the head. It was from Australia I think. I sort of tripped over that one, when looking for the yearly death tolls. So if they used it so did everyone else around the world I guess.
I think the UK scientists are now in a collective state of advanced paranoia to the extent their delusions have overwhelmed them. They need to be Sectioned. We are now being asked to believe that, despite the ONS figures last week showing CV-19 had all but flat-lined and more people were dying of flu, along come the Scientists this week and make statements such as “people have more chance of winning the lottery than avoiding CV-19”. Now winning the lottery is, I believe, 1 in a 14 million chance. On this basis then, if I were Boris Johnson, I would say, well, firstly, do you stand by those figures and where’s the evidence for them and also, on that basis I’ll lift all the restrictions because obviously, none of them are working so we’ll go with herd immunity. Go full on Sweden in other words. It seems to me as though lockdowns, hand sanitising and social distance haven’t made an iota of different. That these scientists come from Imperial College says something. Now we’ve got, with not a shred of evidence to support it, Scientists saying in the first week in September over 6,000 CV-19 cases a day were evident but there is not a single shred of evidence to support this. Another idiot from IC said we are losing control of the virus and that the rate was doubling every 7 days or so. Where’s the evidence for all of this. But, I spy a correlation with this mass hysteria raising, propaganda and fake news. It is quite obviously being promoted because Boris Johnson is making such a pig’s ear of Brexit he needs this smokescreen to divert attention away from this corrupt Government.
There is no second spike they are manufacturing one out of nowhere in order to obfuscate other serious issues in this country. The rest of Europe and the world seem to be almost back at normal functioning, no second spike no second wave. I blogged some months ago on here that, as soon as things started to get back to normal then they would move to engineer the alleged second wave. Well, spot on prediction. What I say to these Scientists proposing a two week lockdown during half term in October is this, they should either be laid off and have to apply for their jobs back or work without pay for three months so they can understand what it is like to lose your job, have no money and have to sign on to UC. They are lying, they are proposing remedies to a crisis that doesn’t even exist and most countries are saying has been completely eradicated or in serious decline. There isn’t any evidence at all to support the propaganda. Why is it the British feel they always have to be better, different or exclusive to the rest of the world.
Was that Neil Ferguson by chance? No one and I mean no one should listen to a word he says. He is way off his rocker. I guess dear old Bill Gates needed another scare thing and gave him more money for a new scary story. RT news had a report about him and his blathering on. He of course should be in jail. Just my take on things. Maybe the police should check his financial records etc. Maybe check his phone calls, emails etc as well. For once in their sorry lives, the police should do something right. Neils predictions, are just ludicrous. He must have gotten his education from a cracker jack box.
HI Bill, I’m not sure who it was but it was from Imperial College. Professor Pantsdown himself (Neil Ferguson) is now saying there needs to be a second lockdown as numbers are doubling every 5-7 days. The Government are currently quoting him despite his original predictions have been widely derided around the world.. You are right, he should be in prison. My question is where are the FACTS and where is the empirical EVIDENCE. Projections, especially by IC and Professor Pantsdown are worthless, faked, and proven to be wrong.
And all those extra deaths just happened for no reason? Because it just happens that everywhere there have been peaks of extra deaths, just as this virus, that you allege is an invention, showed up. The deaths are imaginary, too? Well, what about my friends and relatives that actually caught this virus and had symptoms that were more severe and lasted for longer than any flu they ever got before?
There are NONE EXTRA DEATHS! MOST Countries like Germany, USA, SWEDEN (lower as ONLY 1 IN 20 YEARS before) and MUCH MORE has 2020 LOWER(!) MORTALITY as years BEFORE. But where were in this much WORSE regulary TIMES Masks, Lockdowns… TYRANNY as now 2020? Such a absurde FARCE running. But now is a REAL DANGER RERUNING, as every year, the FLU! But this year the criminal SCUM aka our Governments will CHANGE/DECLARE FLU to COVID19 deaths…!?
You know Doly, you raise excellent points, but you need to realize that a major statistical error has been made since the beginning of this panic-demic and that is no “null hypothesis” control group is ever presented as a much needed validator of the powerful and frightening claim that COVID-19 is causing “extra deaths”.
Statistically speaking, the “null hypothesis” is what would happen to the same group of people if no COVID-19 was present…in other words, how many of those deaths would have happened irregardless of the virus.
The fact is, without that information, its impossible to actually assign any statistically relevant information about COVID-19 deaths. Remember, in the US, about 51 THOUSAND people die every week, and this number is absolutely tied to the overall population of the US, so without knowing how many of these deaths would have occurred without the virus, we really don’t know about your “extra deaths.”
But, so let’s say I concede your point and say COVID-19 ALONE HAS killed some otherwise healthy people (the WHO claimed 2 weeks ago that this number is about 6% of the number claimed by the hospitals, who of course have an powerful economic incentive to over claim deaths from COVID-19 as they get $13k from the federal government for all virus-based deaths, but I digress here)…its simply part of the human condition that deaths from random events are going to occur sometimes, but we have all learned to live with this fear but don’t change our entire way of life and take away our simple pleasures and shun human contact and literally destroy our economic engine because of it!
Why do people live in California when the know, FOR CERTAIN, that someday many of them will die from a powerful earthquake? According to Fauci, these people should be forced to wear airbags around them at all times, right? Businesses in those zones deemed highly likely to be hit should all be closed “for the sake of public health”…why isn’t there a huge clamor for this?
Newsflah: People die. Especially those at or beyond normal life expectancy age. Even more so for those who have preexisting conditions (2.6 on average for “covid death”). But sure play the moral ranking of death virtue signal card, it’s been pretty effective at exploiting the naivety and general good intentions of the masses thus far.
But they are NOT dead. What are you whining about?
I advise you to read Mark E’s line:
“… you need to realize that a major statistical error has been made since the beginning of this panic-demic and that is no “null hypothesis” control group is ever presented as a much needed validator of the powerful and frightening claim that COVID-19 is causing “extra deaths”.”
Another commenter raised the oxymoron of:
“Decision based evidence”, as opposed to, “Evidenced based decision making.”
I don’t think profits are the goal. This is simply what happens when demonic psychopaths are allowed to have unconstrained power. The alleged “goal” of a vaccine has already disappeared, along with all the other alleged “goals”. If you want to use pharmaceutical analogies, this holocaust is nothing more than Viagra for psychopaths.
It’s a pandemonic, not a pandemic.
Polilstra, spot on. Daniel Andrews in Victoria must have a permanent hard on with all the power he’s deriving.
Some good points but dont plug the Hydroxy crap
Good article on Western Capitalist link between Pandemic and Profit, by Iranian Islamic Communist reporter Ramin Mazaheri taking time out from the U$ 4Yearly Circus to say, Told You So.
[Banks have been quietly receiving huge government handouts under cover of Con-19, but they are not trickling it down to small / medium size businesses, except in Germany. Bankruptcies expected. (Suicide rates already on the rise).]
[Compared to Germany the U$A cannot preserve its own medium-sized Mittlestand businesses which are the backbone of German economic strength. Germany relies on local banks to save local businesses. And Germany’s huge share of the Con-19 bank bonanza 52% of all coronavirus aid approved by the European Commission will increase German supremacy.]
“Germany will be fine. But in other countries daily bread and violence will kill more than the virus does” — comment by my grand-niece Dr.Talisa Lewis MD, visiting Germany at start of Lockdown.
“Many RT PCRs have false positive rates of 3-5%..”
This is incorrect and disappointing. One evaluation of the test in China (Dept. of Epidemiology & Biostat., School of Public Health) found 80% false positives (reported at offG). Another evaluation (under Dr. GH Zhuang in Chinese Journal of Epidemiology) found that “nearly half or even more” of those tested positive did not have the virus; PubMed (USA) removed the relevant article under some vague excuse. A third study (HK University) found the reliability to be “22-80%, depending on how it is applied”.
It’s accuracy is 0%. There is no evidence of “the virus” even existing so how can a test for it have any accuracy? Dr Kaufman says emphatically there is no sars-cov2 like there is no measles virus, flu virus etc. If there was it would be so easy to do the experiments to isolate the virus. You just filter it and put it thru a centrifuge.
If you only want to hear the discussion about covid, start from 57:30.
Exactly my point wrt exploitation of false positives (specificity)
It sounds like Pinky and the Brain hatched this plan.
OZ Voices Of Sanity/
Comey To Testify.Top 41 Spygate Cronies Subpeonaed/
Carlson Talks US Color Revolution/
Biden Campaign Handpicked Alleged Pedo/
CA County Declares Health Crises Over/
Beheaded Jesus Wrong Skin Color
I’m still waiting for the morning news to announce that this was, indeed, all an exercise – for our own good – in establishing the preparedness of our populations for a REAL emergency, which might occur at some time in the future…
I honestly think not a single head would roll either…
Well, exercise is good for you.
And also, any protests would be stamped out for violating “social distancing” and the rules against mass gatherings…which of course would remain in place.
A thought on RT qPCR and why pawpaws, goats and other random non-human-snot samples test positive: RT qPCR relies on reference genes in order to normalize the result. If your “covid” sequence is some random thing that is ambient (even if it is viral), then the even lower quantities of housekeeping gene RNA in the input sample will result in a seemingly high concentration of the “covid” sequence.
This is an innocuous enough explanation for all those positive tests of effective blanks, but of course I don’t believe the people who cooked this up are innocuous.
The practical takeaway is that if you want to test negative and you have some control over sample acquisition (e.g. home test kits), then you probably want some human cells in your sample. I would recommend mucous membrane from non-respiratory organs. I can think of various fluids that resemble snot but come from a different part of the body.
It would be better to use apple sauce, record the event with a smartphone and go to the media if the result comes back positive.
The issue is that applesauce doesn’t have any human cell content. It has nothing to do, really, with the consistency of the medium (despite my snarky suggestion). If you are normalizing to human housekeeping genes, you need human cells. Otherwise you are dividing by an infinitesimal fraction, thus resulting in a large value.
That’s not my point.
The ‘testing’ regime is part of the fraudulent agenda. Hence why goat and pawpaw samples in Tanzania proved positive for Covid.
Self made applesauce, which is the best, I dare say has human cell content..
I think that doctors who might have some flu vaccines left send in a swab with those on it on it an give the vaccines a human name like the Pressy did with the Paw Paws. That would be fun. I bet they would test positive. Maybe even test some water out of the tap. You know fun stuff.
Oh, I can’t be doing with this malarkey. “Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not after you.” My favorite Nirvana quotation and I was never really a fan of theirs.
I mean, Kurt Cobain was a bit of a plank with a guitar. He was no Eric Clapton. God rest his soul.
Still, his live garage grunge rock was awesome at times. I will have to fish out that old youtube video I had of early Nirvana.
Like a bit of classical as well. Pachelbel Canon in D major I think is my favorite. There’s a good version on on youtube. I’ve got a bit of a thing for one of the violinists on it. Cute. She’s not Russian, though, so I’m not really bothered.
(I don’t know what it is about Russian women. They have this effect on me. Sadly, it isn’t reciprocated, lol. Sigh. I digress.)
Good to see Peter Hitchens standing up for Julian Assange this week. Better than that silly plastic Scotsman’s efforts. It’s okay, I’m just winding up his mockingbirds. Well you’ve got to give the dogs a bone sometimes, haven’t you?
As usual gordon is almost the lone voice of sanity on this thread. (I make no claims to such mental lucidity). Well, Gordon and Messrs Goss and “opmoc”.
Well, life goes on.
For now.
Ah pretty prolly – you may find want to check up in that ‘paranoid’ quote being attributed to the rock n roll suicide icon.
I first came across it in a Pynchon book.
I thought it was a PK Dick quote. But I think his was a variation: “A paranoiac is someone who’s just figured out what’s really going on.”
Best cure for covid19 is rest. You don’t even need hydroxychloroquine.
And sunshine
And nutrient-dense food – ie meat, fish, seafood, and eggs
And no processed food
And absolutely no seed – aka vegetable – oil
“meat, fish, seafood, and eggs”
really no. most likely that is why you got pneumonia in the first place and it will probably finish you off.
Moronic advise – the basis of which claims all vegetarians die!
Fats/oil are essential. Overly refined or oxidised oil – heated or purified using solvents – is another matter.
I think this article is well constructed and on the mark. However the author makes one major error regarding the motivation of the top level scamdemic “perps.” The primary objective is not financial gain in the traditional sense. With the rise of central banks such as the Fed, which have the “legal” right to counterfeit as much currency as they wish with a keyboard and mouse, and more importantly, buy up the whole physical planet including people’s livelihoods and homes with these fake fiat units, they really do not need the scamdemic. Their actual primary objectives are so outlandish that most people simply cannot wrap their heads around it. The first thing one need understand is that the ops is run by a global pyramidal power structure with a military style compartmentalized need-to-know in operation. Only that eye pictured at the top of the 13 level pyramid on the back of a 1 unit Federal Reserve Note knows the complete game plan.
The police and military enforcement arm are as clueless as attack dogs. The politicians, never bright to begin with (just look at Johnson and Trump), just do what they are told by their handlers and pretend to be the “deciders,” perpetrating the myth that voting matters.
Objective #1: Destroy the middle class through destroying the global economy and make surviving people dependent on the government dole for continued survival. Transform society into a technocratic, fascist world government which will be a form of high tech feudalism where the 99% have absolutely no rights or freedom.
Objective #2: Transform all of humanity into the transhumanist model. Biologically Huxley, with his insiders’ knowledge as a member of the Fabian Socialists, got it right 85 odd years ago with the elimination of fecundity and parenthood where new “people” will be grown in tanks and raised by the state. What Huxley did not incorporate into his novel was the technology whereby these people will quite literally live their lives in a virtual matrix emanating from a global AI “cloud” via very high speed microwaves (starting with 5G). Eventually the current head gear will no longer be necessary and discarded. However his “soma” dreams were a near miss for his day.
What I find interesting at this moment as a 74 year old American ex-pat in Latin America is that the Cabal has now had their 7 months of “shock and awe,” weakening the knees with fear of the vast majority, and even those most dimwitted and/or mesmerized sheeple are beginning to understand that this unprecedented change in their lives for the worse has nothing, in reality, to do with a fictitious virus. To paraphrase Dylan’s “Idiot Wind” (the title is actually most appropriate),
You didn’t know it, you didn’t think it could be done
In the final end [we] won the war
After losin’ every battle
Well, hope springs eternal. While Dylan apparently wrote this song primarily to a bitterly estranged lover, I see a lot of it prophetically to 2020 (and beyond) and addressing the Cabal leaders who are perpetrating this global scam. Maybe it could become the official song of 2020 with a few changes. Perhaps a more current refrain line might be, “The idiot wind blowing non-existent germs at your masks…..”
Indeed, for the most intelligent, money is only a means. Power and status (fame) is the objective, you can never have enough of that. That financial gain is an object is the projection of the common people, who have never eaten from the apple of power and fame, and who’s thoughts and concerns are small time. As for the rest of your narrative, including the ramble about Huxley, it is wholly low brow projection, peoples paranoia. The most intelligent know as well that the transhumanist stuff is merely a worship of technology, they are not stupid lovers of technological toys, or engaging in the infantile fantasy of AI singularity, they leave this to the small time believers.
The common people and their infantile conspiracy theorists are not in the position to imagine any of the motives and ways of those who are in a position of being addicted to or seduced by the prospect of power, as they simply, and luckily for them, are far removed from the experience and its particular kind of psychological kick. Hence the clumsy vulgar fantasies of conspiracy theorists.
Perhaps they hired Aldous Huxley as a popular novelist? So the people, instead of using their common sense and inherent love of freedom would be lead down the path of fantasy, in order to have something to play with.
Lol. “Infantile conspiracy theorists.” Are you aware that the “conspiracy theorist” meme was released in a classified memo by the CIA in 1967 to its widespread Project Mockingbird toadies in a two paged white paper. For some reason, perhaps a clerical error, that paper was released under a FOIA request. I have it as two one paged jpeg’s on my hard drive. Last I looked it was still available for download. The CIA undertook this action hoping to short circuit the growing research regarding the JFK public murder. It proved to be a success beyond their wildest dreams, at least to the clueless. I regard the proper term as conspiracy analyst 🙂
I believe you give the ruling elites way too much credit. As history has shown, they are just as clueless as anyone else regarding the prime mover of humanity: unintended consequences. Their cluelessness comes from imagining their ability to rule equates to omnipotence.
One of the 9/11 Neocons said they create their own reality and others can write about it. Hell, any two-bit hood can create his own reality. The trick is getting the created “reality” to align with the real thing. And that is a trick no human has ever mastered.
Quite a few humans have mastered that trick, “getting one’s created reality (hypothesis, equation, theory, experiment) to align with objective reality (the Laws of Nature)”.
What is the use of your magnet and your coil of wire, Mr.Faraday?
What is the use of a newborn child, Mr.D’Israeli? Some day you will be able to tax it.
Oh, I understood a long time ago that all this coronavirus craziness isn’t so much about money, but power.
Unfortunately, one of the hallmarks of psychopathy, or sociopathy, is that no amount of power is ever enough.
An insatiable lust for power is a sad commentary on just how insecure those who lust for it really are.
That lust for power is based on insecurity is rather a bit of popular sentimental nonsense. These people can be extremely intelligent and talented, with superior capacities, extremely disciplined, no reason at all to feel insecure.. on the contrary. It is lack of love, the feeding of feelings of superiority (the latter not wholly undeserved..) and increasing selfishness which is the issue. Ordinaray man is not capable of developing so far, if even because of incompetence and lack of inteligence, which is his luck, he remain satisfied with much less.
Very good! You pointed out the same omissions I would have, but with a better overall presentation 🙂
Go for it then. What stopped you?
Deborah Tavares
I think this is correct, everything fits:
IT’S ALL CONNECTEDhttps://andreacecchi.substack.com/p/its-all-connected
Agreed, makes more sense than anything I’ve read to date. Thank you for posting the link!!
The iditios are those who don’ t understand that Huxley wrote that book as a warning , not as a recipe for what he would like to see.. They are the same illiterate idiots who tortured and killed writers and artists in fascist and communist states.
IMO, Eric Blair aka George Orwell became thoroughly disenchanted with the agenda, and he wrote 1984 as a warning. I believe by his writings in later life, that Huxley approved of his technocratic Brave New World. As I am sure you are well aware (not being an “iditio,” Huxley was Orwell’s French tutor at Eton and inducted him as a student into the Fabian Socialists. Also that his grandfather was Thomas, Darwin’s “bulldog,” and his brother was Julian, a famous eugenicist and biologist. Darwin was one of the richest men in Britain having married into the Wedgwood fortune. His cousin was Thomas Galton, who is the father of Eugenics, which started in England and then spread to the US and Germany, and they had a close relationship. If I am correct that Huxley in truth approved of the technocratic system described in his book, then I might imagine that I would no longer be a “killer of writers and artists” 🙂
“and even those most dimwitted and/or mesmerized sheeple are beginning to understand that this unprecedented change in their lives for the worse has nothing, in reality, to do with a fictitious virus”
If only this were true – unfortunately I see no evidence of this awakening at all…..
I am an OAP with asthma. I had Covid-19 in November/December 2019 (7 weeks total). Luckily for me, I didn’t know I was supposed to die.
Or a cold. (Same thing probably).
Could you do us a favour please and ask your GP if you will need a vaccine once they invent one and , if so, why, if you’ve already had covid 19.I’d be interested in his / her response.
“You could get re-infected”. Anything is possible,better be safe than sorry!
Anything is possible if its not an actual virus.True. But if it’s what we’re being told by the masters of the universe then re-infection isn’t really realistic. Not unless we’re talking in a few years when a ‘booster’ would be made available.
If this thing is real, then it’s being governed by outside unnatural forces, not natural ones.That suggests the same masters have the technology. But they haven’t got an answer that makes any sense when asked why the medical logic from early suggested that the best way forward was to take plasma from the recovered patients. Gates, the computer man, said it was ” too expensive” then went back to writing his 50 monthly cheques for a tens of millions he pays universities and medical centres to find what he says he wants finding.
There are strange videos about this on YouTube but I think that this may have been what they did during Jonah and Noah’s times too. That whole Noah’s Ark thing is actually about gene and DNA HARVESTING/GENETIC ENGINEERING & I’ve always known it.
Those fires in California were probably started by weaponised beams. And all these floods and hurricanes are the result of nano engineering.
Don’t be afraid.
“Weaponized beams”, more commonly known as ‘lightning’?
‘Lightening’ doesn’t melt down metals while preserving intact trees…or perhaps 9/11 was lightening afyer all?
Lightening, your words, would be bleaching laundry.
Lightning is an atmospheric discharge balancing electrical poles.
I never wrote lightning melts down metals.
Metals conduct electricity to ground.
911 was thermite.
I wish ZeroHedge would quit posting OffGuardian articles; the dolts and tards are here now.
Do learn to spell afyer all .
Amere typo error; no need to be so smug. You can ‘spell-check’ the following articles at your leisure:
No, ‘weaponized beams’ as in your mother’s eyes…
It’s possible that I am going mad but something tells me not. If they can access human mRNA and alter it then they can create tidal waves and Tsunamilike flooding too. Seeing as the earth’s been flat all along and they lied to us about that, nothing they do will ever again surprise me.
The flat earth movement is growing around the world.
Please go back from whence you came, and leave this good site alone .
There must be some cat video forum where you could find the attention you need.
“weaponized beams” – why not just matches?
Reality is always FUNNY!
oy vey, how dare you use sarcasm and logic in this rayziz opressive way?
The government is your friend, us norse/nordic know this well.
Here’s today’s hearing in Parliament:
Witness(es): Professor Carl Heneghan, Professor of Evidence-Based Medicine & Director, Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine, University of Oxford; Dr Thomas Waite, Director, Health Protection, Joint Biosecurity Centre; Professor Sylvia Richardson, Director, MRC Biostatistics Unit, Cambridge Institute of Public Health, University of Cambridge
These government paid “experts” all seem to ignore that this virus is harmless to the majority of people with a healthy immune system. They all talk as if we are facing a new strain of bubonic plague. which will destroy vast swathes of the population. Pouring petrol on an open fire describes their approach. They are the enablers of this “New Normal.”
Agree- watched it and all of them avoid discussions about what you describe- including Heneghan.
I looked at their website.
They claim that their conclusions are evidence based while they are not as they do not consider at all documented manipulation, fabrication and fraud of official data sources taken instead as evidentiary truth as well as they ignore much more supported by hard data alternative interpretations of evidences and refrain from criticism of official interpretations, blatantly false exaggerated COVID narratives and associated fear mongering and devastating socioeconomic economic measures that defy evidences.
They are fraud themselves holding and reporting contradictory positions now claiming that about 50% of COVID transmission (meta data review of hundreds of papers on the subject of SC2 transmission mechanism in 2020) is based on fecal matter, admitting that SC2 was supposedly present in sewage samples taken in Europe in summer and fall 2019 (over six months before “pandemic in EU) . All that stunning revelation without revising their fundamental position of danger of this phantom pandemic and regarding efficacy of testing and lack of connection between SC2 and COVID.
They failed in their stated mission not surprising as Oxford is a front runner in at least $250 billion a year vaccine race.
Dr.Wodarg was pushed out of similar Evidence medicine panel in Germany exactly because he was one of the first who questioned entire official COVID narrative as fabricated, not evidence based at all or interpreted with huge political bias ignoring striking medically and epidemiologically viable alternatives shared from the begging by many top experts in the field.
Just to remind that even “evidences” are not revealed truths but are subject to vigorous scrutiny and debate about methods techniques, meaning, relevancy and models and interpretative pyramids used to understand them. And such very debate is actively suppressed or denied sadly also by those who pretend to seek the truth.
“Are eyes a window for the virus?”. Its getting crazier by the day. But don’t worry, the author of this article says –
“we shouldn’t start advising large-scale behavioural changes (such as wearing goggles alongside our face masks) until they have been independently confirmed.”
Death is the only sure way not to get THE VIRUS. If you are afraid of the virus, go jump off a cliff and your worries will be gone.
aspnaz – Maybe your worries will be gone, but your death would still be classified as a covid case if you had been recently tested as positive.
This happened today- can someone in the UK upload it:
Carl Heneghan speaking at Parliament.
It was a lie-fest.I stopped watching when I heard that SERCO had been awarded 190 million pounds to track and trace.
Criminal. Everyone in that video should be prosecuted for treason, fraud, crimes against humanity and conspiracy.
When you analyze the reason behind suspicious untoward events the first question you often ask is cui bono? Who stands to gain? One logically assumes crimes are often committed to benefit their perpetrators, especially financially. Most would find it inconceivable that “$116 billion Gates” is still more than eager to secure a ton more. Philanthropy is extremely profitable and knowing that Gates quickly established the “Therapeutics Accelerator” an organization of several pharmaceutical companies in search of a COVID vaccine. In fact, the “Billionaire behind TikTok committed $10 Million to the Bill Gates-backed Accelerator. The Accelerator was launched in March as a $125 million fund, initially backed by the Gates Foundation, and the Wellcome Trust and Mastercard. In early April, Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan’s philanthropic arm CZI announced a $25 million gift to the fund.
The Accelerator’s mission is to coordinate research, remove barriers to drug development, and scale up treatments to the coronavirus with fast and flexible funding. It is working with the World Health Organization, researchers, governments, the private sector and global regulators to fast track drugs related to COVID-19.” Germany’s CureVac, a biotech has the backing if Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
CureVac priced its initial public offering at $16 a share. The stock soared nearly 250%.
CureVac is the company competing with Moderna (MRNA), Novavax (NVAX), BioNTech (BNTX) and Pfizer (PFE), it’s backed by billionaire Dietmar Hopp, the co-founder of German software giant SAP (SAP). Interesting, how owners of Software companies morph into vaccine producers.
Hopp, owns nearly half of CureVac. The German government and Big Pharma leader GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) are also involved. https://www.forbes.com/sites/angelauyeung/2020/05/11/billionaire-behind-tiktok-commits-10-million-to-a-bill-gates-backed-accelerator-for-covid-19-therapeutics-treatments/#333a79111591
Here’s a bit of info about swine flu scam in 2009: “The swine flu pandemic has been named as the “most ambitious scam and corruption of our time” after pharma has been found to be in bed with the World Health Organisation.
Journalists from Denmark have reported links between the World Health Organisation and pharmaceutical companies where firms have been covertly paying top WHO scientists. In the meantime, pharma profits from flu drugs have soared.
The journalists from the newspaper Information claim the public and political hysteria to swine flu is a result of an efficient public relations campaign, spearheaded by the WHO experts that have been prejudiced by pharma’s ready cash.
The lead target in the allegations is Dutch doctor Albert Ostenhaus, who has promoted the need for vaccinations through the WHO and the media and headed a panel that advised the WHO to announce that swine flu had reached pandemic level. Reports claim Ostenhaus is paid by several vaccine manufacturers and the Netherlands government is believed to be investigating his activities.
Other WHO advisors are understood to also advise big pharma and have been allegedly concealing their pharma-funded salaries.
Meanwhile, further questions have been raised about the WHO’s independence over the H1N1 flu virus after various documents found medicines and vaccinations were mentioned more than 40 times while traditional hand washing and the use of masks to combat the disease were only mentioned twice.
The pharma industry is expected to make between seven and 10 billion euros in 2009 from the sales of swine flu related drugs.” http://www.pharmatimes.com/news/swine_flu_labelled_a_conspiracy_984175
When it comes to pandemics the ghoulish pharmaceutical industry are literally and figuratively eager to make a killing. However, they are not alone the big banks and Wall Street used COVID as a pretext to transfer trillions to their already deep pockets. Every billionaire has swarmed around the virus/crisis extracting and consolidating wealth.
The security state hopes to seize the opportunity to heighten AI surveillance, while gruesome globalists are excited about implementing the “2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” which many say harkens back to Rockefellers LOCK STEP agenda– a world of top-down government control and authoritarian leadership.
The coronavirus, is turning out to be very similar to 9/11 in that a worldwide crisis once again evolves into a ruling class multiple purpose golden opportunity.
Great research Charlotte. Thanks.
Covid 19/11
“.. remove barriers to drug development”
Followed by barriers to drug autorisation/purchase by governments, followed by barriers to rollout.
Here are two phrases that might serve as an antidote:
passive resistance,
Liberator .45
None of this has anything to do with making money – the people behind it literally print money from thin air
A US doctor speaking out
Clear, concise and cool.
Dr. Stillman is the personification of medical ethics.
Fact is we are all human. The gullibility and groupthink of the masses is mirrored perfectly in the technocrats and billion-poodles.
They are as vulnerable to error as the rest of us. Anyone who ascribes infallibility to another based on the size of his wallet needs his head examined. Perhaps with a stick.
Off topic, curse you, OffG when your Twitter feed alerted me to a rich sewer via this link:
I suspected that Owen jones was a little weasel, all the more repulsive for donning a “Left” veneer. But then again, doesn’t that makes him a perfect front for The Graud?
At this point I had a whole series of Graud quotes to rebut but sanity prevailed and I realised the trap of being lured into that bottomless fount of excrement. Suffice to vomit up this:
Oh that’s enough. But here’s a laugh. There’s a new book that tells you the – ahem! – true story of Labour under Corbyn. On Amazon it has gathered a near unanimous overall 5-star rating from 88 reviews. But here’s the fun part. The title of the product is given as:
Hmm. 88 reviews and it’s not due to be realised till next year on April Fool’s Day?
Somebody’s havin’ a larf!
Just too funny with truthful overtones – I am still laughing 🙂 I will quote your article next week!
Dr Sanjeev Sabhlok resigns from the Australian Govt as a protest at the tyranny unfolding in his country
Mountains of evidence has been around for months, but respect to Dr Sanjeev Sabhlok. The world needs more like him.
Advance Australia Fair.
Dr. Sabhlok is a Hero.
You had a presenter like that on Sky news? Cool
If we could only get a couple of health officials to do the same here and there
…and everywhere!
Don’t need one on venus, u should specify that
Quite true.
It is challenging to find a health official on Venus due to their propensity to maintain an invisibly vaporous form and go on holiday to Jupiter quite a lot…
(The Jovians give them a generous vacation discount).
“I’m sorry sir dr. Fleiman is not back from Jupiter yet. I could try to fit you in when he passes by Mars, unless he can find a container available on the subspace network, in which case he be here last week to see patients.”
Dr Stillman
Dr Myhill
Dr Kendrick
So don’t hold my breath is what ur sayin’
they will not stop unless we all say NO
Thanks for the link mate
A man of professional and personal integrity. As far as I am aware – and I may be wrong – he is the first government or NGO official worldwide to resign on a matter of principle over the handling of the ‘pandemic’. I wonder if this will resonate with others who are feeling similarly challenged morally. It doesn’t please me to see people resigning to prove a point, but it is necessary in these unprecedented circumstances and I can only hope that, if there is any justice, such individuals will move on to better things when they are eventually vindicated.
‘Lies are being told everywhere’: Alan Jones
Who could possibly have foreseen?…. the mega-rich just got a lot richer:
The cashless society part of the agenda… in China even the beggars won’t take cash:
Beggars belief…
…just EXCELLENT. Many thanks for share it..!
Quote from Office of National Statistics website:
“Of the deaths registered in Week 36, 78 mentioned “novel coronavirus (COVID-19)”, the lowest number of deaths involving COVID-19 in the last 25 weeks and a 22.8% decrease compared with Week 35 (a difference of 23 deaths), accounting for 1.0% of all deaths in England and Wales.”
And in the same week influenza and pneumonia were mentioned on 874 death certificates.
These figures should speak for themselves, overriding anything the media says about ‘cases’.
Known and documented effects of electromagnetic frequencies on human health:
A full length documentary by Sacha Stone
Published March 23, 2019
Listen carefully to stated health effects in the video. Regarding tissue and cell hypoxia: >
Please Read carefully. Note the effects of millimeter waves on tissue oxygen metabolism.
“Biological Effect of Millimeter Radiowaves” (Published in 1977)
The confluence of health effects from a distinctive “new” virus and the escalation of electromagnetic devices for crowd control and civil surveillance are more than suspect.
I live in a small town in Sweden. About ten days ago I was out walking at around 10pm and I heard loud electronic chirping of birds coming from one of the buildings. There were no birds anywhere in sight and the sound was obviously being transmitted for military/mind control purposes.
Could you perhaps tell me what it was that I heard?
Elevator Muzak. Seriously.
Elevator what? Are you taking the mickey? Wait till you see for yourself what they’re up to these days.
Sorry, it’s called Elevator Muzak?
Muzak Corporation specialises, I think, in that mind-numbing music designed to make you shop.
Hello Dee: Thank you for your interest and inquiry. I discovered plenty of information regarding “Frey Effects” on sound perception years ago. The “Frey” information was primarily concerned with persons perceiving microwave ringing in their ears whilst working within military radar facilities. The first studies were performed in the early 60’s. They only reinforced personal experiences I had in sound studios during the advent of “digital” recording.
The link below is a pretty pedestrian reference, but does relate valid information regarding the potentials of 5G broadcast.
Will Rollout Of 5G Millimeter Waves Dramatically Activate The “Frey Effect”?
March 25, 2019
[“In 1960, biologist Allan Frey, then 25, was working at General Electric’s Advanced Electronics Center at Cornell University when he was contacted by a technician whose job was to measure the signals emitted by radar stations. The technician claimed that he could “hear” radar.
Frey traveled to the facility where the man worked and stood at the edge of the radar beam. “And sure enough, I could hear it, too,” he said. “I could hear the radar going ‘zip, zip, zip’.” Frey went on to establish that the effect was real—microwave radiation from radar (and other sources) could somehow be heard by human beings. The “hearing,” however, didn’t happen via normal sound waves perceived through the ear. It apparently occurred somewhere in the brain itself, as microwaves interacted with the brain’s cells, which generate tiny electrical fields. Frey proved also that many deaf people and animals could hear microwave radiation. This phenomenon came to be known as the Frey effect, or simply “microwave hearing.” “]
THE WORK OF ALLAN H. FREY • Cellular Phone Task Force
None of these facts are humorous…
Well formulated, and it raises questions about whether the process could have worked if there was serious doubt in general as to whether there are such things as viruses at all.
The people who died of “Covid-19” were already in the NHS’ clutches.
Covid-19 as a modern day variant of an antique technocratic control device
the germ theory illness and death cult
surgeon doctor nurse medical physic
a religion of death
old is new and old again
fabian society malthusian banka run syco
new babylon
And they will virtually all have had a long history of multiple vaccinations. Now once more they are ramping up the influenza vaccination campaign and no doubt there will again be the stronger version, laced with something extra special for the oldies and infirm. It really can’t get a lot more obvious.
2 many
old folks
the doctor a god a friend
he only wants the best for
never hurt ya
the nurse an angel
oncologist a saint
all these specialists
all of these chemi culls
just for you granny
and free as well
ha ha
200 billion pounds free
Who can take tomorrow, dip it in a dream
Separate the sorrow and collect up all the cream
The candy man, the candy man can
The candy man can ’cause he mixes it with love
And makes the world taste good
The intense flu jab campaign strikes me as grossly irresponsible whilst there are genuine concerns amongst many experts that having a flu jab makes some people particularly vulnerable to the more extreme effects of SARS CoV2 infection.
It’s worse than irresponsible, it’s an intentional killing spree.
Perhaps this article may be useful for CORPORATE FASCISTS looking to improve upon their next SCAMDEMIC but will Off-Guardian be posting anything in the near future on how humanity will be ridding itself of the disease of CORPORATE FASCISM? Thanks.
Hello S Cooper: The solution for corporate fascism is to ban all forms of corporate syndication world wide.The creation of locally originated currencies and exchange rates are key. Monetary usury fees (the use of interest and bond arbitrage) of any kind, should be strictly prohibited. Also the implementation of direct democracy with guaranties of direct civilian participation. See: Direct democracy – Wikipedia – Complete text: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Direct_democracy
There are quite a few points of interest in the video presentation below. In light of a planned world wide financial “reset”, I believe the most salient points begin at approximately 1 hour 30 minutes into the film. >
BEYOND Bravo-7 -2020 Edition
My pet Eel who lives happily in the stream over the back fence next to the Punga fern and enjoys a simple life, but travels extensively, said:
“Splort blop-blop.”
Which loosely translated by my Kea means:
The Sheep nodded and said:
“Baa ba ba baaa…”
Being fluent in Sheepese I can translate:
“NEO-NIHILISM is the operand philosophy.”
Will this ridding involve massive violence and the revolutionary capture of both state and economy?? Ridding the Soviet Union, China and other communist utopias of 120m ‘capitalists’ and ‘imperialists’ who opposed the new system certainly did.
The coming bloodbath is for the 95% and it will make the USSR/Chinese versions look like a walk in the park.
No doubt Bill Gates is already funding research into a corporate fascist vaccine.
Eel says:
that would be a ‘corporate fascist regime’?
The virus is or was initially deadly and was indeed manufactured by the Chinese military. That’s the claim by Li-Meng Yan, the escapee virologist and whistleblower who has risked her life and family back in China to publish her detailed research on the matter. But with the exception of Tucker Carlson on Fox, the MSM won’t be taking her seriously. I also doubt anyone here will be much interested in the rantings of a scientist actually involved in covid research.
The fact is the existence of a virus has not yet been scientifically confirmed.
And numbers tend to show there has not been anything. So, whether or not there has been a failed attempt at using some bioweapon by US or China is just speculation and rumour, a path down which Id rather not go.
Yes. If there is no such animal, that political twaddle dies.
To be fair, we are suppose to be open minded, ready to question anything… we are opposite of fanatics. So although some virus is not confirmed, some could just as well eventually be confirmed then… I couldn’t even read her paper, so I can only speculate… I do smell a rat, mainly because there’s no explanation in her story. The virus is man made, it either escaped or was deliberately spread, regime is on my ass, i’m very brave. Repeated through her interview… that we got taped anyway so why repeat? As much as I sympathize to her hypothetical story veracity, I can also ask myself like in most things, why am I not offered more explanation about this,…in familiar terms please
Ive been asked to write all this for a scientific society (the only one I would call scientific today: its aim is to reestablish real science), and could put the link here once its done and has appeared.
Indeed you are fully right, it could very well be. Thats why I said so far it has not. Now we may have one’s opinions as to whether it shall ever be. My personal opinion is no, given that external viruses that come and contaminate you and are transmissible man to man through the ambient air, has so far in history never been corroborated.
But once again that does not mean it wont. This is why you need in science a wide variety of approach: some approaching diseases from the internal terrain
perspective, and some from the external viral perspective, and see which stands the ground better. So far immense attempts have been made since early 20th century to evidence the external virus thesis, and all have failed, while the internal terrain thesis has long received so little funding that there hasnt been that extensive work.
Now this evidently changes everything regarding cure as well as in the present case regarding measures if there is no viral contagion…
The fact is you cant implement measures assuming something which has never been evidenced as being the case…
All this talk about lab work on deadly viruses (man made or not) might just be to instigate fear and anger, in which case prove to be effective. Thank you for taking the time. I, of course am very cynical about the whole operation, have been since January…. and it makes me very suspicious (i’m polite here), about that Chinese woman whistle blower on Fox.. But the cynicism is only my chosen language, not my “philosophy”
The facts are that some scientists already agree with Li-Meng, but have mostly been deleted from social media. Meanwhile, those saying covid19 has natural origins or claiming that the lab origins theory has been ‘debunked’ (false) never get banned. Jack Dorsey et al are not scientists, so why trust their very selective judgement? Perhaps they are also using ‘not scientifically confirmed’ as a way to silence dissent and prevent critical thinking, just like you and many governments do. Interestingly, Chinese virologists in Wuhan weren’t afraid to publish their progress in isolating coronaviruses from horseshoe bats, using the prestigious Nature magazine to do so on various occasions. This one from 2013 shows how they only sought new pathogens which could transmit directly to humans. I hope posters won’t be afraid of this science too.
Isolation and characterization of a bat SARS-like coronavirus that uses the ACE2 receptor
The Covid19 cases I’ve seen on tv seem to be suffering from symptoms of radiation. Are you aware that Covid19 symptoms like OXIDITIVE STRESS are also symptoms of radiation?
People with quicksilver tooth fillings, women with IUDs, those with metal kneecap replacements – ANYONE with high amounts of any metal in their body is likely to suffer more. Because metals seem to attract it. Recently had my IUD removed but before I did I was bedridden from skeletal & muscular pain, confusion, fever and a headache.
Yup I believe you…
So confessions our evil enemies announce are false but the ones we offer are genuine?
virus are dead entity debris
sort you polluted terrain out
become aware of the electo magnetic pollution in your head
5g is your problem
“become aware of the electo magnetic pollution in your head
5g is your problem”
If she didn’t mention fauci or the cdc funding the wuhan lab research on gain of function corona virus, she’s fake.
And if tucker didn’t ask her about that, he’s fake too.
Tucker is an accomplished fake, but a fake nevertheless. Li-Meng Yan is a CIA asset, whether she knows it or not.
You already know the U.S. has invested in the Wuhan lab. Funny how you airbrush that out.
This is false and looks like a cheap smear. I have said on several occasions that Dr Fauci used US taxpayers’ money to continue coronavirus research at Wuhan after Obama banned it in the US as ‘too risky’ in 2015. This was probably illegal. Also note that Dr Fauci and various western labs and scientists associated with the Wuhan team are NOT ‘the US’, the nation which so many posters here constantly and superstitiously treat as some evil demon, and which they wish to smear according to their political prejudices. What such posters should do is face the awkward reality that evil people don’t only have US passports, that Xi Jinping is very obviously a murdering dictator or Yellow Man Bad.
Your link is to Fauci defending the undefendable, not much we didn’t know there. Fauci is de facto part of the US government, which itself then becomes at fault. Why is Fauci not under arrest? Your comments regarding Xi Jinping need some substantive evidence, otherwise they cannot be taken remotely seriously.
Very true..Gates, Fauci and Lieber. They had the gain of function funding and research reinstated. Then they were able to predict a pandemic with certainty.Because no naturally evolved virus has been found yet- it either isn’t there or isn’t natural.
The FBI arrested Lieber( the fall guy and gates puppet)in December 2019.If he had nothing to hide why did he lie about being on the Wuhan payroll for the last 10 years..And how come the Chinese doctor arrested trying to leave America for Wuhan had 21 vials of ‘brown stuff’ from Lieber’s lab..
Quite apart from the issue whether there is any virus, disease or valid test, there was certainly an effort to create a disease:
The germ theory was a fraud from the get go. Pasteur falsified his research and confessed on his death bed saying the germ is nothing, the terrain is everything.
Some are raising big doubts about this,
More questions about Li Meng Yan, Mark Crispin Miller, 9/17/20.
And today i got an email from Nikki Haley for the Trump campaign, basically pushing the Li-Meng Yan line. You really fell for it.
What virus?
The global economy has crashed again in the run-up to November’s USA election all due to Trump’s Trade War with China. The Trump administration deployed the bioweapon SARS-2-nCoV-19 ahead of the election because they knew the global economy was imploding again mid September 2019 when the Primary Dealer Credit Facilities for the serial felon Wall Street behemoth bank holding companies ruptured in the Overnight and Daytime REPO lines of credit forcing Chair-lackey Powell of the Federal Reserve to call in BlackRock Inc. for hedge fund assistance to Wall Street’s NYSE.
Share Buyback culture morphed into propping up the stock market via high speed algorithms for high speed trading. Now instead of tulip bulb mania we have worthless stock mania where six stocks outweigh the listings of all.
Facebook, Google, Apple, et cetera, cannot rise forever just as housing prices cannot rise forever.
The glue that binds the world in Finance Capitalism is dependent upon the foundation pillars of six stocks that are overvalued multiple times over into irrationality. This is why Warren Buffett is fully out of stocks in the NYSE.
Six months into this monumental fraud , I still haven’t met or know of anyone who has had this flue ? But both media and government propagandists assure me it is getting worse ? Where are the bodies?
At least, if we survive, this sort of article is excellent nourishment for future generations who might never have suspected that the population of the world could be so shockingly easily manipulated. I think I’ll keep a copy.
Perhaps successful manipulation depends on beginning with the non-real, or at least the potentially non-real – I refer to virus belief.
Indeed so. We’re going to have to replace virus belief with good old-fashioned microscopes and hands-on chemistry/biology laboratory experiments again. People have forgotten what they once knew from experience.
I still remember way, way back to my first year at secondary school, when the chemistry and physics teachers carried out experiments right there in front of us, sometimes allowing us to carry out our own.
After only one year of such a fascinating introduction to chemistry and physics, the subjects became “theoretical”, which meant learning formulae and statistics without any possibility of relating them to actual events in natural, real life, short of setting up your own laboratory in your back garden…
At that point, those interesting subjects became, overnight, an utter chore, with only a certain type of student continuing to find them worthy of attention, and I still feel the bitter disappointment I felt then at the sudden emphasis on theoretics rather than on practical experience.
The subjects were now indistinguishable from arcane mathematics, and those students who thrived on this dead, and deadening mutation, are probably now the Faucis and Gateses of the world, interested in science only inasfar as it can be made a useful tool for gaining money, and not as an inspiration for further human mental development, knowledge and evolution.
In such an environment, our scientists now demand to be respected and followed based on a book they have written, but a book which is unintelligible to any who did not attend the same university or had the same professors teaching them.
Interestingly, YouTube still has quite a number of fascinating professors showing us very relevant experiments (although not always explaining exactly what they are doing), and I sometimes feel it is not too late after all to regain my former enthusiasm for chemistry and physics…
Good point about corruption in science education, but what I meant was belief in viruses as a real phenomenon spawning terrible behavior. There is doubt that such exist, you see. Think of the many previous bogeymen put forth societally to drive past agendas! That said, I’m willing to admit that viruses may exist; I don’t know for sure. This very uncertainty, I’m seeing, makes people crazy.
I didn’t mean to hijack your point, and I certainly have the same doubts as you do. I just used your phrase “virus belief” as a springboard for my take on the general awareness of science and its legitimate – or illegitimate – relation to our daily lives…
Have you been manipulated by those theorising that the virus isn’t real? If not, then virologist and coronavirus expert Dr Li-Meng Yan must be a complete fraud, and has risked her life and family in China all for nothing, except for a few million evil dollars, right?
Rodchenkov Mark II.
If there is a guilty Chinese bio lab out there then it’s producing vaccines. Wuhan was the first city in the world to receive 5G rollouts. They didn’t mention that on the news at the beginning of this “outbreak”, did they?
50 million people died as a result of the electrification of the atmosphere 1918-1920 aka The Spanish Flu.
Watch Deborah Tavares’ video about NASA’s document on nano and other technologies being used as a weapon against humanity. There’s no virus out there.
The existence of viruses is apparently now an open question. When I was much younger, it wasn’t. I still have a lot of reading to do on this, but blaming China or Russia for the deaths of Joan of Arc and Mozart is getting old. The West has never been short of murderers…
Koch’s Postulates not being met as to virus reality is not me being manipulated nor any theorization.. Dr Yan is a virologist, thus takes them as actual.
Top countries for 2019 flu vaccine ranked highest for Covid mortality.
Lowest countries for flu vaccine mostly ranked lowest for Covid mortality.
Source: Johns Hopkins et al.
In every case of attributed Covid deaths per million exceeding 250, every one of those has more than 49% flu vaccination of elderly.
Countries with high flu vaccine coverage experienced up to 20 times more Covid fatalities per million as of July 2020.
There seems to be a tipping point at about 50% vaccine coverage correlating with Covid fatality but not above that level.
The flu shot in 2017 also correlated with exceptionally high deaths during the flu season caused by an A virus subtype H3N2 that was poorly matched to the vaccine – something the flu vaccine can do: making you more vulnerable to those flu viruses that are not matched to the vaccine.
Is There A Flu Shot / COVID Link? – Questions For Corbett
This was one of my very first questions months ago, when I was reading the papers on cytokine storm syndrome.
I thought there might be a link, because I found a pattern where viral “outbreaks” coincided with vaccination campaigns.
With AIDS. Polio. TB. Smallpox. Ebola. Measles.
Also very relevant for explaining hugely differing national performances against the pandemic is who could use HCQ or not. Nations that did had almost 80% lower fatalities.
Andrew, on Peerless Reads, seems to imply that the richest countries falsely inflate the C-19 ‘danger’ the most, thus bringing in hegemony and hierarchy to the topic. Did I get that right? He uses only government – published graphs.
Well in the UK, the govt has done both, over and under-inflate the numbers. In fact, it’s the numbers game, that created the confusion and hence the fears, in the public’s reaction to the Virus. At the beginning, because Bojo was pushing his ‘survival of the fittest’ agenda, it behoove them to play the numbers down. But once we were forced in to full ‘pandemic’ mode, with its fear-driven format, it became necessary to ramp up the danger. So now, the BBC, the Guardian, well, the usual suspects. now use the term “deadly virus” to describe it.
I’m unsure what ‘bringing in hegemony and hierarchy’ entails, but I’m very sure that big pharma’s capture and control of the regulatory process and even politicians in highly advanced nations like France, the UK and US is massive. Complicit authorities were indeed manipulated into grossly inflating the risks. By stark contrast, poor nations without markets for expensive new treatments have no interest for big pharma, and had to rely on HCQ, the off-patent wonder drug used safely for decades. Result? No mass fatalities or severe lockdowns.
Fortunately, the greediest over-extended their hand. In recent decades, they caused multiple mass trajedies in a number of developing countries through various vaccines. There were even riots. These peoples have not forgotten.
And depressingly, most people have fallen for this plan hook, line and sinker, to the point where they now police complete strangers by ordering them to put on a facemask, or by phoning the police and snitching on their neighbours.
Im sure the psychopaths behind this agenda already knew how the large majority would act on news of a dangerous ‘pandemic’.
And such is the level of fear amongst the populace, I’m sure many will be very willing to get jabbed.
Re: Im sure the psychopaths behind this agenda already knew how the large majority would act on news of a dangerous ‘pandemic’.
Over the last couple of decades there has been an extensive preparatory phase of testing the psychological responses of the general population; and it covers such characteristics as credulity, docility, complicity, etc. It’s going to be a big shock to people when (if) they finally face the truth.
I suspect TPTB are pleasantly surprised by how readily most people internalize the lies.
Inadequate education + superlative schooling have created Dory in Finding Nemo.
The story that capitalism is evil (rather than the story that some individual capitalists, like anyone else, are greedy exploiters) has been deeply internalised by millions.
Isn’t it an odd coincidence how “some” individual capitalists (who presumably go against capitalisms’s generous soul to become “greedy exploiters”) always end up as the main – and ultimately the only – movers?
That’s due to the monopoly power of government. Corporations lobby them to create barriers to entry. The government is the problem – I’d assume you’d see that posting on a site and article such as this. Perhaps I was wrong.
Yes and the govt has to create and maintain the conditions for capitalism to function i.e. capitalism is as dependant on the state as any other economic system. The corporations – which are expressions of pure capitalism – behave as you would expect capitalists to behave i.e. by lobbying for their advantage.
Isn’t it an odd coincidence that every time a “free” capitalist economy undergoes a cylical crash, there is no shortage of welfare money raining down on the indispensible captains of industry – the “job creators” – that will supposedly “trickle down” to the rest of us?
I too have serious problems with many self-labeled “leftists”, but how is capitalism benign?
Capitalism always puts profits before people. Always.
And what’s profit if not avarice?
Isn’t the love of money the root of all evil?
Or is that a myth?
Greed (or lack-driven identity) gives rise to evil.
Profit is growth and expansion – but what does it profit a man to gain a ‘world’ and lose his-whole?
In other words self interst needs to be in alignment with the whole – not sacrificing the whole nor sacrificing TO the while. (This was what Jesus calls the Father’s will – and is the true will of a connected heart – as distinct from a fear-reactive identity that overrides and masks over the heart as ‘control’.
Capitalism – like any ‘ism’ is a system of thought. Systems are only as worthy as the people who operate them. The integrity of the social order as a whole and as its individual relationships is the life and truth and way of it – not the ‘system’. The intent to replace human relationships with systems operates the sacrifice of the human potential to machine thinking. But this IS the nature of the replacement of the relational heart with such thinking. It DOES the thing it thinks to correct or defend from.
Capitalism was corrupted by cartel monopoly. What ran under the name of capitalism was a rigged system of fronting appearances of competition. The capture of regulatory institutions completes to operate the end of the pretence of capitalism, as the open replacement with globally orchestrated, locally enforced, centrally planned ‘economies’.
The failure to understand the nature of machine-thinking of a control mentality masking over self-lack works the deliverance to evil. But the willingness to release such allegiance and identification opens the Receptive, to a recognition of wholeness and connection in place of the ‘prodigal’ seeker of a personal profit. based on false premises.
That false premises can be shared is the replication and reinforcement of a way of ‘thinking’ that masks off our true awareness or relational being in favour of a personal bias, that grows to become an exclusion zone or defended lockdown against ‘threat or rival’ using the forms of relationship and communication as a means to GET – much like an addiction that only thinks and sees according to its ‘need-lack’.
Capitalism is more than a system of thought. It’s a system of behavior. And that behavior has always been corrupt, because it puts making profit aka filthy lucre aka Mammon before everything and everyone else.
Ok I assumed you knew that behaviour follows thought. Internalised thinking is being called a ‘normal’. It is conditioned reaction running on internalised structures of thought.
If you did not think it profited you to write your post you would not have expended the energy.
Demonising a personified image of a conflict gives you a seeming certainty of identity set AGAINST what you judge as hateful.
A conflicted identity is what I called a ‘lack-based’ sense of self, and this seeks certainty in its world. (See above)
There is none, but you can die trying, or indeed sacrifice everything worthy in your life to a false god (Mammon).
If you are open to communication from beyond the world of Mammon, then you are open to being identified truly by your Source-Nature and Creator – and be certain of this by your gratitude for recognising the Christ in others.
If you give away only what you hate, you set the measure of your own receiving. You can give a true witness to the hurt beneath the hate – as you are moved. That others are masked over and lost to their innate integrity of being, doesn’t mean you have to relate to their mask as the measure of your own.
The ism – is a thought system.
The ist – is a follower, adopter or adherent to the thought system – or one assigned such a label by others.
But as a precise meaning, the term is useless in my view.
Polarised breakdown of communication is maintained by such corruption of the currency of meaning.
Greed can be for anything that is felt lacking – including control. Money is then no more than a means to leverage more and more control and yet there will never be enough.
It is up to you to set the priority for your life – not anyone else.
I don’t follow the caveat that “behavior follows thought” because there are more types of behavior — esp the behavior associated with capitalism — which isn’t thoughtful. I don’t equate ideological behavior with thoughtful behavior. An ideologue only considers his/her own set of ideas. Thinking implies that the thinker is considerate of a wide range of ideas, esp ideas which contradict his/her own. Then there’s instinctual behavior and emotional behavior. And then there’s belief-based behavior, which I surmise is more ideological than thoughtful. I don’t consider avarice particularly thoughtful. I doubt that you do.
An ideology is an “-ism”. It might be interesting (but not necessarily productive or profitable) to discuss (in terms of a compare to and contrast with) differences between an thought-system and an ideology, but that’s too pseudo-intellectual or even bona fide intellectual for me.
I’m not really into intellectual exercises just for the sake of sophistry. I don’t like being thought of as a sophist, so I prefer not to behave as one.
As I always ask, what makes you think people not sharing your political views or not rioting violently against oppression are gullible, passive and docile? Don’t rich global elites think about dumb plebs in similar fashion? If such elitists saw and respected ordinary people as their equals rather than look down on them as ignorant inferiors, would they ever try to manipulate and exploit them?
I can find dozens of examples, but this is probably the epitome of credulity, docility, and complicity:
Autism — The Most Glaring Aspect of the Deterioration of Health Among Our Kids?
By Anne Dachel, CHD Contributing Writer, Age of Autism Editor, LossofBrainTrust. com
Aug 21, 2020
We’ve watched the numbers explode with no end in sight. Over the last 20 years the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have routinely updated the autism rate:
2001: one in 250
2004: one in 166
2007: one in 150
2009: one in 110
2012: one in 88
2014: one in 68
2018: one in 59
2020: one in 54
In 2020 a study included New Jersey where the autism rate was found to be one in every 32 (3.1%) children, 1 in 20 boys. New Jersey is often credited with having the most accurate autism numbers because of their reporting system. Still, nowhere in the sparse media coverage of the 2020 increase did anyone express concern that the New Jersey rate might really be the rate for the whole country.
And prior to 1988, virtually nobody had heard of autism. But the PTB knew what was coming, and that’s why the general population had to be premptively programmed.
“He’s artistic!?”
Glyphosate and the rest of poisons they’ve dumped on every, single one of us.
Btw; as a class, the most stupid people are the intellectuals, the technocratic toadies, and the inbred aristocrats. And this is a theme I’ve been developing.
We may have common ground here. I believe in the greater gullibility of the university-educated, professional classes compared to regular working people. And I certainly agree with you about intellectuals, with two qualifications: first, not all are stupid, just as all Muslims are not potential mass murdering fanatics. We must always beware bigotry, a lesson I learnt in my leftist days. Second, note that intellectuals and academics in the humanities are almost always leftists. Those with ‘right-wing’ opinions (ie those not approved by leftists) are astonishingly rare, and get mocked, bullied, deplatformed, or hounded out for their views. The late Roger Scruton was one of these, but I doubt anyone here could read him with an open mind, after so many decades of his demonisation. This process culminated in his dismissal as unpaid advisor on architectural beauty for the foul Maybutt administration, while suffering from the cancer which recently killed him, and which followed a very nasty leftist smear campaign. Even Tories fear right-wing intellectuals these days.
So I take it you don’t regard yourself as one of the ‘dumb plebs’?
cancelled – wrong comment
You like to frame your payload, don’t you.
Here’s the blueprint, or at least the major one:
‘Mindspace’ – Influencing behaviour through public policy‘
Yes, I had a skim through that. I didn’t find it particularly impressive.
I don’t think it’s intended to be ‘impressive’. What an odd response.
I meant that their understanding of human psychology doesn’t impress me.
Well, they seem to hve been quite successful with the Brits, don’t they?
What they’re doing is behaviourism, rather than psychology, and it’s been understood for a couple of thousand of years. They know how to separate people from their humanness, but they are lost when people choose to make the reconnection.
Q: Are they being successful on the behaviourism side?
A: Clearly not; the majority voted for Brexit and MAGA, and they are in a desperate panic trying to reverse both.
Well yes, but they call themselves the Behavioural Insights Team, based in the Cabinet Office, so they’ve never said they’re ‘doing psychology’. As to separating people from their humanness, I ‘d say its’ precisely their understanding of human motivations, fears and so on, that makes them so effective and of course, fucking dangerous!
Put it together with the propaganda experts, it’s the perfect storm.
If you feel like (just for information or entertainment…cause it won’t change anything!!) look for Terror Management Theory.
This is a scientific theory that’s been around for a while now.
It basically says that majority of people will turn ultraconservative when exposed (real or imaginary/psychological) to situations with high “death saliency”….meaning when prospects of dying appear to be high….
So, you didn’t need to wait for new research to know what people would do when scared with dead bodies all around.
That’s just the thing. There are not dead bodies all around but people are acting as if there are.
And to point out the inconsistencies, which illustrate the lack of a pandemic, is met as an attack on their fear and panic as genuine. They feel safer in an irrational mental state.
They need the overblown fascist response to make themselves feel safe and comfortable.
As I said, it’s enough to just BELIEVE “there are dead bodies’ to make you act as if there were ACTUAL dead bodies.
It’s all a matter of perception cause what we call “reality” it’s nothing but a mental construct and at societal level is the same, an agreed mental construct, a “mass hallucination” ( see Mckenna… without the psychedelics 😊)
As with climate crisis.
Hitler famously used fear and loathing for Jews, communists and gays to boost Nazi popularity. Demonisation is an ancient but effective strategy: communists scapegoat evil capitalists and imperialists, Islamists traditionally do the same with Jews and other infidels, green extremists do it with climate crisis deniers and rich whites. But I don’t think calling these mongers of fear and hate ‘ultra-conservatives’ is accurate, unless of course you want to practice what they do.
Appreciate the link Ramdan, and really good to hear from you again👍
I’ve never been to your country (or even the northern hemisphere) but I’m certain things there are completely sane and rational and calm, compared to what is happening here in Melbourne.
I’ve noted numerous times, that what is driving this is people’s irrational fear of their own death… as this study looks at.
Which the disgusting media plays upon to the fullest.
And such is the high level of fear here, they are fully supportive of these fascist measures as Igor points out.
Just out of curiosity, are you in Havana or out in a more rural area?
Hope your weekend goes well🙏
Fear rules, including most of those in government. No psychopaths needed for this drama, just growing scientific illiteracy.
It could be that not knowing the nature of what you’re trying to deal with produces bad behavior. This is a charitable interpretation of this current destructiveness.
One only needs to look at the twitter feeds of celebrities who have taken the red pill and woken up, to see the vitriol and Establishment evangelism from so many. Ian Brown (Stone Roses) and Noel Gallagher (Oasis) have really copped for it.
The intro to that movie that I linked to in another thread recently (One By One) sums up this dystopia perfectly:
“When the end comes, not only will we not see it coming, we’ll embrace it, and pay 30% for the privilege.”
Senior moment: “dystopia” was supposed to be “cognitive dissonance”.
I know… and to Ian and Noel, you can add Novak Djokovic who has been pilloried as well for his stance on vaccines. I’ll check out that movie, tho my phone data is very low at present.
Yes, I’ve noted with bemusement all these celebrities making loud pronouncements how they’ve all tested positive or been sick, etc etc.
Incidentally, was a big fan of Stone Roses when they first appeared along with The Boo Radleys and Pale Saints.
Such a massive contrast to how things were back then to how things are now.
Because they really do think that it’s so dangerous to life and limb, that they have to sick the police on their neighbours. And I suspect, there’s a degree of self-gratification involved as well, y’know, being a ‘good citizen’ and all that.
Excellent article on Global Research William, read it twice! I agree that what is happening is very tied in with the Great Reset and the Strategic Intelligence Platform.
And, yes, tragically, a great many people won’t survive this monstrous crime, especially, as you say, in the Global South.
As for the ‘Left’ who have swallowed the scamdemic without questioning the mainstream media narrative, look no further than 3 prime examples of absolute treachery: the grotesque Worldwide Socialist Website, the vicious Tim Anderson who has really stuck the boot into anti lockdown activists, and the odious George Galloway.
Caitlin Johnstone gets an honorable mention for finding the draconian measures ‘irrelevant and boring’ and attaching the label of ‘rightist wingnut’ to the pregnant woman who was arrested for a Facebook post a couple of weeks ago.
Thanks for your efforts👍
Much appreciated. However, I’ve now been branded a ‘conspiracy theorist’ as a result of this essay, as if… Some lefties are worse than hardened Jesuits.
Victorian Government economist Dr Sanjeev Sabhlok stands up to the tyranny:
Thanks Eyes… I saw that on my newsfeed yesterday, tho reported by an alternative website I think.
I salute him, coz he’s one of the very few public servants in Melbourne with actual ethics and principles.
I am begining to see a snitch on your neighbours strategy in UK…new spike, mainly young people. Interviewer asks older people would they report anyone in groups of more than six older people say YES they are putting us at risk mmh!
Masks are the killer: every person who has died of Covid in Asia was a fanatical mask wearer … makes you think!
The majority (probably all) of the elderly people weren’t even dying of the virus but it’s being chalked off as a “Covid” death to keep the Covid death count high, the feamongering going and the $$$ coming in. These are old people with a wide variety of multiple serious medical conditions. They’re are on multiple toxic medical drugs that cause serious adverse reactions. Many were in and out of the ER & urgent care departments well before the arrival of this “new” (manufactured) virus. They were dying from pneumonia, COPD, cancers, cardiovascular diseases, adverse reactions to toxic medical drugs, etc. and some number of them died from complications of being put on a ventilator and other assorted iatrogenic deaths.
If you look back in recent history it has become almost a yearly thing, since 2004, to fabricate an epidemic or a “near” pandemic for the benefit of Big Pharma. In those past years there was always a huge problem in sustaining the narrative (lie), that being not having an appropriate number of dead bodies to illustrate that there was a health emergency. This year they took care of that by stuffing the most fragile along with “newly tested” at-risk patients together in horrible conditions in nursing homes.
They pushed the fast forward switch on the slow motion abattoirs that are nursing homes and put more people in them to up the death toll. That is what happened- there never has been a pandemic it is an outright fraud and crime.
This is a very informative video from an unlikely source- a former death records clerk- highly recommend watching all of this even though it is an hour- perhaps OG can put this up- can someone save to bitchute:
Did they give them flu shots in nursing homes? That’s what I want to know.
I’d like to see the stats on flu shot percentages in mortality rates for the elderly. Or RX drugs. Don’t they just dope nursing home patients to keep them immobile? Death by drugging. Leading to bedsores. Sepsis. Or pneumonia.
You’d think this would be the CDC’s job to comb through the medical records to find statistically relevant correlations and investigate.
But that’s the opposite of what they do. They are like an arm for industry, hindering public interest and inquiry. Obfuscating real science and hyping fraud.
The CDC is another highly corrupt element in the DC establishment, afraid that Trump will win again and get much more serious about draining the swamp.
Is the Pope a Catholic? 😀
I think he may well be….let’s just hope he is a man and not a woman who was planning on making plum jam
What’s really worrying is that they’re rolling out flu shots in schools. WTF????? Children were never considered to be an appropriate population segment for flu shots. This is an outright sinister development.
Kids are already forced to take a test to attend schools in Quebec, stuffing the lineups at clinics… I didn’t know that
Is it any worse than the numerous and increasing shots they are subjected to in infancy and before kindergarten? The ones that supposedly have nothing to do with autism?
Btw, flu shots are routine in nursing homes. That they are legally obliged to ask the next of kin for permission is the only proviso.
Also remember (a) the mandates to doctors (b) the “inducements” to hospitals.
What do you think killed the people in the old folks homes? Was there an actual virus?