From Smedley Butler to “7 Days in May”…to Trump Today?
From FDR to JFK, the US Deep State has a long history of attempting to overthrow the POTUS.
Matthew Ehret
At this week’s Labor Day conference, President Trump threw down the gauntlet in opposition to the Anglo American military industrial complex. Inspiring both hope in many onlookers that the age of America’s “endless wars” might finally come to an end, but also fear that an emergency Military Coup was nigh.
This danger was enunciated by State Senator Richard Black (a former Colonel and intelligence officer) during a September 5 conference.
In his powerful speech which won the ire of top Pentagon brass, Trump called for finally bringing America’s troops home, and ending the “endless wars” saying:
I’m not saying the military is in love with me; the soldiers are. The top people in the Pentagon probably aren’t, because they want to do nothing but fight wars so that all of those wonderful companies that make the bombs, and make the planes, and make everything else, stay happy. But we’re getting out of the endless wars…Let’s bring our soldiers back home.”
For those devout Trump haters who are unwilling to accept the possibility that there has been an active coup run against the President for the past 3.5 years, or that the oncoming economic meltdown (unleashed under the cover of COVID-19) and general civil war danger within the USA might usher in a coup d’etat…think again.
The fact is that America has come closer than many think to total military dictatorship under Wall Street/London controls on more than one occasion, and unless the lessons of history are quickly internalized, then not only will this happen again, but it will accompany a new world war from which very few lives rich or poor would be spared.
The Fascist Economic Miracle Solution of 1932
1932-1934 was a period of history that saw the world torn down into a deep depression which the people of Europe and America were told by their media, could only be solved by the “economic miracle solution” of a new system of governance known as “fascism”.
This “fascist economic solution” took hold in Europe with the quick rise of Nazism, Franco and Mussolini’s Corporatism as well what later became Vichy France.
In English Canada, the League for Social Reconstruction was ready to take power in 1932 and French-speaking Canada was quickly embracing the Nazi-inspired political party of Adrien Arcand.
The British governing class, led by the royal family were fully backing Nazism, and Sir Oswald Mosley’s British Union of Fascists was rising faster than ever.
All of these movements came in different flavors but were united under a cold utilitarian philosophy of government, a devout love for eugenics (the racist “science” of population control) and addiction to City of London/Wall Street money.
In the United States however, things weren’t going as smoothly.
The Rise of Franklin Roosevelt
Even though the financial elite of Wall Street had pulled the plug on the system four years earlier, the population had still not been broken sufficiently to accept fascism as the solution which Time magazine told them it was.
Instead, the people voted for one of the few anti-fascist presidential candidates available in 1932 when Franklin Roosevelt was elected under the theme of taking the money lenders out of power and restoring the constitution.
In his March 4, 1933 inaugural address FDR stated:
Practices of the unscrupulous money changers stand indicted in the court of public opinion, rejected by the hearts and minds of men. True they have tried, but their efforts have been cast in the pattern of an outworn tradition. Faced by failure of credit they have proposed only the lending of more money.
Stripped of the lure of profit by which to induce our people to follow their false leadership, they have resorted to exhortations, pleading tearfully for restored confidence. They know only the rules of a generation of self-seekers. They have no vision, and when there is no vision the people perish.
The money changers have fled from their high seats in the temple of our civilization. We may now restore that temple to the ancient truths. The measure of the restoration lies in the extent to which we apply social values more noble than mere monetary profit.
During FDR’s famous 100 Days, an all-out war was declared on the “economic royalists” that had taken over the nation. Audits and investigations were conducted on the banks in the form of the Pecora Commission, and the biggest financial houses which had spent billions on fascist parties of Europe were broken up while speculation was reined in under Glass-Steagall.
Meanwhile a new form of banking was unveiled more in alignment with America’s constitutional traditions in the form of productive credit and long term public works which created real jobs and increased the national productive powers of labor.
Many people remain totally ignorant that even before his March 4, 1933 inauguration, Franklin Roosevelt narrowly avoided an assassination attempt in Florida which saw 5 people struck by bullets and the mayor of Chicago dying of his wounds 3 weeks later.
Within days of the mayor’s death, the assassin Giuseppe Zingara was speedily labelled a “lone gunman” and executed without any serious investigation into his freemasonic connections.
This however was just a pre-cursor for an even greater battle which Wall Street financiers would launch in order to overthrow the presidency later that year. This effort would only be stopped by the courageous intervention of a patriotic marine named Smedley Darlington Butler.
Who was General Butler?
Born in 1881 to a family of patriotic Quakers, Smedley Butler quickly rose through the ranks of the military becoming the most decorated military figure of US History- a record he holds to this day with multiple medals of honor, an Army distinguished service medal and Marine Corps Bruvet medal (to name just a few).
By the end of the British-orchestrated meat grinder known as WWI, the General had become an activist patriot giving speeches across America in denunciation of the private financiers steering America’s war-driven economy. Speaking to veterans in August 1933, the general said:
I have spent 33 years being a high-class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer for capitalism…I helped purify Nicaragua for the international banking house of Brown Brothers in 1909-1912. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1916. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City [Bank] boys to collect revenue in. I helped rape half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street…In China, I helped see to it that Standard Oil went its way unmolested…I had a swell racket. I was rewarded with honors, medals, and promotions. I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was operate a racket in three cities. The Marines operated on three continents…”
In spite of his outspoken criticism of crony capitalism, Wall Street’s elite simply presumed all men had their price, and Butler was probably just indignant because he was never given a big enough piece of pie.
The Wall Street Putsch is Launched
These financiers needed someone like Butler to channel the rage of the striking veterans of WWI across America who had been fighting for the bonus pay promised them years earlier but which didn’t exist due to the 1929 collapse.
A force of hundreds of thousands of disgruntled seasoned soldiers was exactly what was needed to overthrow Roosevelt, but leadership was sorely lacking, and General Butler was their man for the job. He was a war hero who was seen as honest and loved by the veterans. He was perfect.
Under the guiding hand of JP Morgan’s Grayson Prevost Murphy, two representatives of the American Legion (Commander Bill Doyle and bond salesman Gerald MacGuire) approached Butler in July 1933 for the job of rallying the Legion’s veterans and began dropping hints of a larger coup plot. Butler became suspicious, but continued playing along with the plan to see how far this went up the ladder of power.
Over the course of the next several months, Butler discovered that America’s financial elite centered around John Pierpont Morgan Jr., the Harrimans, the Melons, Warburgs, Rockefellers and Duponts were at the heart of the plot. These men used their agents such as Gerald MacGuire a Morgan-affiliated bond salesman, Democratic Party controllers John W. Davis and Thomas Lamont (both occupying directorships in the House of Morgan), Robert Sterling Clark (heir to the Singer sewing machine fortune), Grayson Prevost Murphy and Harriman Family investment banker Prescott Bush.
All of these characters had become well known “investors” in European fascism, owned the biggest media platforms including Fortune and Time Magazine (both of which promoted Mussolini extensively for years), and controlled the levers of industry.
Luckily, the 1932-1934 Pecora Commission exposed these forces publicly as the architects of the great depression, making their ability to acquire popular support and sympathy more than a little difficult.
Outlining his Committee’s findings Pecora had written publicly:
Undoubtedly, this small group of highly placed financiers, controlling the very springs of economic activity, holds more real power than any similar group in the USA.”
Butler Blows the Whistle
When the time was right, Butler blew the whistle by approaching the Special Committee on Un-American Activities (the McCormack-Dickstein Committee) which began an investigation on November 20, 1934.
Unlike the Committee on Un-American Activities which made its reputation destroying patriotic lives under the communist witch hunt of McCarthyism, this earlier version was aligned to FDR and dedicated solely to identifying Nazi activity in America.
At first sceptical of the general’s claims, the committee soon substantiated everything over the course of a month-long investigation and made their findings public to FDR and congress on December 29, 1934.
An invaluable part of the hearings were the testimonies of journalist Paul Comly French whom Butler recruited to act as the general’s intermediary with the bankers.
Butler told the committee that MacGuire stated it “wouldn’t take any constitutional change to authorize another cabinet official, somebody to take over the details of the office—to take them off the President’s shoulders” and that “we’d do with him what Mussolini did to the King of Italy”.
When French asked MacGuire how the coup would help solve unemployment, MacGuire responded:
We need a fascist government to save the nation from the Communists…It was the plan that Hitler had used in putting all of the unemployed in labor camps or barracks—enforced labor. That would solve it overnight.”
Although the full transcripts were not made public, Butler did get the message to the population by giving his story to as many journalists as possible and recorded a message to the people in 1935 which should be listened to in full.
The Aftermath of the Exposure
This exposure, alongside the Pecora Commission findings, and earlier failed assassination attempt gave FDR the ammunition he needed to force America’s deep state into submission (at least for a while). As I outlined in my recent paper, FDR’s fight to stop a central bankers’ dictatorship started from the earliest days of his presidency to his dying breath on April 14, 1945.
Incredibly, after the sanitized and redacted 1934 report was published, the committee was disbanded (to be reformed later under a fascist mandate), and the thousands of pages of transcripts were buried for years- only officially made public in the 21st century- the contents of which can be found here with censored testimony in red.
The coup plotters lost no time forming a new organization on August 22, 1934 called the American Liberty League which spent the next decade sabotaging FDR’s New Deal. This group made every effort to promote an American alliance with Axis powers (until 1941’s Pearl Harbor attack), widely financed eugenics, and after FDR died, acted as the driving force behind the McCarthyite police state in America during the Cold War.
This deep state coup in America overthrew the FDR/Wallace vision for a post-war anti colonial world order founded upon a US-Russia-China strategic alliance which I illustrated in a recent seminar:
This Anglo-American fascist organization also gave birth to such think tanks as the American Enterprise Association, Heritage Foundation and CATO institute which incrementally made Austrian school economics a part of the American right. Anyone wishing to understand what created the Frankenstein Monster called “neo-conservativism” during the last 60 years would not get very far without understanding the role of the American Liberty League and its hell spawn.
In the early years of the Cold War, certain elder statesmen of WWII still held power and rallied to educate an incoming young President Kennedy who was about to show a short but valiant resistance to this cancerous imperial growth within America.
The Deep State Plot Against JFK
The danger of World War and a military coup arose again during the short lived administration of John F. Kennedy who found himself locked in a life or death struggle not with Russia, but with the Military Industrial Complex that had become dominated by the many Dr. Strangeloves of the Joint Chief of Staff and CIA who fanatically believed that America could win a nuclear war with Russia. Kennedy’s valiant efforts to achieve dialogue with his Soviet counterparts, move towards peace in Vietnam, support of colonial liberation, promotion of space exploration and advocacy of a Nuclear Test Ban treaty made him a target of the Deep State of his time. During this period, this effort was led from the top by JFK’s two most powerful American opponents: Allan Dulles (director of the CIA) and General Lyman Lemnitzer (head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff), both of whom were proponents of pre-emptive nuclear war, architects of the Bay of Pigs regime change trap and advocates of Operation Northwoods (an ultimate “inside job” precursor to 9/11 which JFK subverted).
As historian Anton Chaitkin recently reported:
Lemnitzer had displayed what his faction viewed as his qualifications for this role back in August 1960, when, as Army chief of staff, he announced that the Army was all ready to “restore order” in the United States after a nuclear war with the Soviet Union—to bring back normalcy just as the military does after a flood or a riot.”
This plot was detailed in a quasi-fictional book written by investigative journalists Fletcher Knebel and Charles Bailey published in 1962 entitled Seven Days in May and swiftly made into a famous film with unprecedented support by JFK himself who gave the film crew and director John Frankenheimer full access to the White House, advisors and materials for the film which he believed every American should see.
In the story, a patriotic lieutenant discovers the plans for the coup which is scheduled to take place during a vast military drill whereby a President who is close to finalizing a de-armament treaty with Russia will be incapacitated in a bunker while a military regime takes over America.
Tragically, where the lieutenant is able to expose the plot and save the nation in the story, by the time of the film’s 1964 release, JFK had been deposed by other means. Now 56 years later, history has begun to repeat itself with distinctly 21st century characteristics… and a viral twist.
Today, a new systemic meltdown of a $1.5 quadrillion derivatives bubble has similarities to the 1929 crash and other similarities to the 1923 hyperinflation of Weimar. While the coronavirus may or may not be used to trigger this new blowout, one thing is certain: a new fascist coup should be taken more seriously than ever. President Trump’s repeated calls to revive the policies of Abraham Lincoln, end regime change operations and endless wars abroad and work with other sovereign nation states in opposition to world government ideologues is more important than most people realize.
So rather than stressing about who might be on the 2020 ballot, it is wiser to ask the question: Where are the General Butlers today?
Originally published by The Saker
Matthew Ehret is the Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Patriot Review, a BRI Expert on Tactical talk, and has authored 3 volumes of ‘Untold History of Canada’ book series. In 2019 he co-founded the Montreal-based Rising Tide Foundation
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Dan Bongino on Spygate, etc (Dec 3, 2018)
How precious that this article takes Trump, who contradicts himself every time he opens his mouth (or Twitter), seriously when he says anything at all.
Great to see this article here, thanks. Lets’s hope more leftists start realising that Trump and a restored, functioning democracy are their best allies than the creeping authoritarianism we all loathe .
Smedley Butler concluded the facts after regretting an endless slaughter for profit. He certainly isn’t alone. Numerous generals have steeped down or been sanctioned since 1933…
Most civilians are completely enslaved by media induced illusions, and those who allude to know – really don’t “know”. The developed world (including all military adventures) have been owned and controlled by trade and banking cartels for centuries. >
The Holy Grail of Who Runs and Controls All. Part 2
What’s your starting date for ‘the developed world’? Would it be after white British and American Christians ended slavery, probably the only culture in human history to do so? Also, are people in the undeveloped world morally inferior or superior in some way?
You continue to talk in conflicted semantics… My point was to encourage readers to watch the linked film, then perhaps follow up with their own research.
Slavery was not ended by the ending of the American civil war, and the 14th Amendment only served to enslave the rest of America’s civilian populations. Abraham Lincoln was a member of the B.A.R and sold the American Republic to the same European banking interests that his forefathers revolted against.
I’ve read many of your comments, and you continue to waste readers time with some personal agenda that doesn’t include any comprehension of history.
Excellent and well informed piece. For a visual version of this and more, I highly recommend the documentary film “From JFK to 9/11: Everything is a rich man’s trick” by Francis Richard Conolly which was heavily censored by YouTube as soon as it started to become viral. YouTube later even removed Francis’ entire channel without any good reason obviously. The film can be watched still in YouTube, I have it on my channel with greek subtitles, but I don’t believe it will be there for much longer. Currently I am trying to copy my channel to bitchute, it won’t be long until it is available as well.
https://worldchangebrief.webnode.comTREASON: Election Transition Integrity Project/
NY Cabbies Shut Down BBridge/
Supreme Frontrunner Lagoa/
DOJ Investigation Terrifies Dems.66 Devices Wiped/
FBI Director Compromised/
OZ Thought Crime/
Danish TV: Kids Chat With Nude Adults
Thank you! Finally some alt news aside from offgaurdian! Been looking for this type of thing for ages! is also a very good source
If you ignore scary labels such as ‘alt-right’ or ‘far right’ given by failing MSM outlets and censorious, close-minded leftists, then there is a wealth of critical thinking and news awaiting you online. Sites I now use regularly include Breitbart, Gateway Pundit, Conservative Woman, Spiked, American Thinker, Daily Caller, the National Pulse, Quillette, and the Epoch Times. All these provide what I call news plus: the big MSM stories with missing facts, scepticism and critical questioning restored, the many stories which the MSM ignore for reasons of ideological bias and corporate control, and no absurd, pompous pretence about being politically ‘neutral’. On Twitter I recommend independent journalists like Mike Cernovich, Orwell & Good, and Dr James Todaro (for truth on covid).
The nemesis to US democracy occurred when banksters took control via the Federal Reserve Act: “J.P. Morgan, bailed the government out of a
financial crisis in 1895. Recognizing the nation could not continue to rely on wealthy individuals to stem an economic and financial crisis, he got Congress to pass the Aldrich-Vreeland Act on May 30, 1908. The legislation provided for the issuance of emergency currency and created the eighteen-member National Monetary Commission, chaired by Sen. Nelson Aldrich, to determine what changes were necessary to the nation’s monetary system and laws related to banking and currency.
In January 1911, Aldrich unveiled a plan that, after a year of revision by the Commission, was presented to Congress in 1912 and called for a National Reserve Association.”
In other words, a group of wealthy bank owners runs the Federal Reserve. While the Board of Governors is an independent government agency, the Federal Reserve Banks are set up like private corporations. Member banks hold stock in the Federal Reserve Banks and earn dividends.
At the beginning of the 20th similar to now a cabal of wealthy families controlled the US: “In 1918, U.S. total wealth hovered around $200 billion. John D. Rockefeller, according to a contemporary Forbes analysis, controlled $1.2 billion in wealth at that time, giving him over half of 1 percent of the nation’s entire wealth…….Similarly, in 1929, the country’s total wealth sat around $350 billion. At that time, the stock of the DuPont corporation remained privately held within the Du Pont family. The DuPont corporation held a 36 percent stake in General Motors, a company then worth $3.1 billion.”
The US government as well as the security state has always served the interests of the ruling class. Of course, after the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution wealthy families were concerned something similar could happen throughout Europe and in the US. Let’s not forget, that in the US during the early 20th Century there were powerful communist and socialist parties as well as labor unions willing to aggressively fight for workers rights. The ruling class feared these powerful Leftist organizations and this is what really spurred on FDR’s willingness to initiate the concessions resulting in the New Deal. The wealthy “momentarily” capitulated to the working-class fearing a revolution. But undeterred they financially backed every fascist movement in Europe, especially Hitler hoping he would conquer Russian and eliminate communism. As it turned out, it didn’t quite go that way………
After WWII the bankers, Wall Street, and the industrialists were determined to abolish every part of FDR’s New Deal. That’s one of the prime reasons Henry Wallace was forced off the ticket and replaced with “idiot Truman.” Truman, established the CIA and the rest is history. The wealthy have always controlled the US Government, but after WWII the security state became increasingly more powerful and the “new” Empire was on its way.
It’s surprising, that “old man Joe Kennedy” never gave his son Jack the lowdown on how things actually operated within the government’s inner
sanctum. JFK, didn’t realize if you get in the way of BIG power and money your days are numbered.
If we jump forward to 2020, I don’t see a FDR or a JFK in our midst. However, I do see two reactionary right-wing political parties primarily controlled by the military/security/surveillance/corporate state determined to carry out a very similar agenda.
Over the last four years, there’s been an internecine battle between segments of the ruling class over foreign policy, especially Russia. Interestingly enough, it’s the Democratic Party who appears to be the bigger warhawk when it comes to Russia. These neoconservatives are adamant about maintaining the Old World Order established after WWII. That includes NATO and all the unending humanitarian interventions making the security state and ancillary private contractors extremely wealthy, while bankrupting the middle-class and working-class.
The recent COVID epidemic further illustrates the tensions within these factions on how to utilize a crisis to best advance the security state’s insidious programs. The one thing they’re all in agreement about is extracting as much wealth as possible from the COVID phonomena, however, the segment of the security state supporting Biden wants to seize this moment to implement heightened AI surveillance, contact tracing, etc…..This group dislikes Trump only because he can’t effectively carry out their fiendish agenda. They prefer a slick Obama-type who is able to successfully bullshit the public into believing reactionary anti-working-class policies and unending military interventions serve their interests.
Almost – but no cigar.
The Bolsheviks were also part of the bankers long term target of gaining control of the wealth of Russia by demanding control of the Money system.
(as they have been doing across the world over a millennia and increasingly since the Treaty of Westphalia, the basis of ‘nation states’ which would then have ‘National banks’ (owned privately!) to ensnare the populace into creating real wealth that would become ‘owned’ by the Banks.)
The Romanovs had to be totally destroyed so no future progeny could rise.
The Russian spirit has been too great to be dissipated by that attempt at chilling of the head and putting Lenin in it with the fake religion and prophet created for the purpose -Marxism. Just as Capitalism was the fake religion created for the countries of the west they already controlled (also by another of their fake prophets JS Mill.
Such truth is hidden by your comment- I don’t know if it is on purpose or out of ignorance.
The Bolsheviks lasted two seconds before the entire revolution was hjacked by Stalin who eliminated all intellectuals opposing this co-option. The Marxist vision of the revolution was never realized. Instead a bureaucratic tolitarian mess surfaced. And that’s what remained in place until it was cannibalized by Wall Street.
What went on when Lenin was in charge was also evil. Marxism is not the solution to anything.
Revolutions are messy–For centuries the Romanovs ran Russia like Medieval feudal lords. It was only a matter of time before they destroyed themselves. Their British Monarchy relatives wouldn’t allow then to seek sanctuary in England–they feared it would instigate a revolt. So much for blood is thicker than water.
That being said, Marxism in a way is the most efficient form of capitalism. Marx actually believed in free trade– free of the parasitic class who live on “finance capitalism.” Those are the banksters, Wall Street, insurance industry scamsters, and real estate scoundrels like Blackstone and Warren
Buffett. Finance capitalists are interested in devolving capitalism into neo-feudalism.
In any event, what would work best in the US is a “mixed economy.” Significant industries affecting the lives of the entire population should be nationalized, ie. healthcare, energy, education, etc… The monopolization by entrepreneurs should NOT be permitted, however, small business ownership should be encouraged and “re-industrialization” is imperative.
For a quite thorough analysis and deconstruction that shows how Marx’s imaginary was captured by the capitalist ideas I recommend the work of Cornelius Castoriades, the major intellectual force behind the legendary magazine “Socialism or Barbarism” and the ideas of the May ’69 movement.
I also reccomend Michael Hudson:
That’s recomend. 😁
That was an excellent read. Thank you!
Whatever its faults, capitalism functions and thrives without violence, coercion or a controlling political elite. Marxist societies require all these things just to survive. Marxism/socialism is a political system requiring very big, controlling government to impose its morality of equality on society. By contrast, capitalism is an economic system which imposes no morality and in which everyone is free to produce jobs and wealth. It is an economic way of life based on the freely-agreed exchange of goods and services to mutual advantage. Socialists produce nothing of economic value, so need the wealth of capitalists to exist and to parasitise. Can Marxist controllers ever renounce violent coercion of the free people and societies who created capitalism? Let them find an example and prove me wrong.
“Whatever its faults, capitalism functions and thrives without violence, coercion or a controlling.”
What planet do you reside on? A mixed economy is the best approach–nationalizing key industries while small businesses continue to INDEPENDENTLY thrive.
Oh please! There are innumerable examples throughout history where capitalists use violence against any challenge to their hegemony. The fact that its not appearing to be violent to you personally at a particular time is simply because you’re not presenting a threat.
Marxism isn’t a political ideology as such but rather just a way of describing the economy of the world. It doesn’t contradict capitalism although it does idenitify shortcomings in it (its grossly inefficient, for example). Over the years there have been attempts to form societies on Maxist principles but they’ve suffered from idealism — attempts to be ‘new and revolutionary’ — and from the incredible hostility of capitalists. No expense is spared to isolate and bring them down. Even the mixed market philosopies of economists such as Keynes who proposed mechanisms to damp down the wild swings (‘boom/bust’) that pure capitalist societies are prone to have come under considerable pressure. The one thing that capitalists dread is that a non-capitalist society should turn out to successful and prosperous (and even ‘free’) so considerable resources are devoted to ensure that this won’t happen, even if as with the case in China it happens after the event.
Did Wall Street also organise the Soviets’ massacre of 40m of their own citizens, the ones who refused to bow down to the Prophet Karl and his communist creed and Russian disciples? Wow, how devious these demonic US capitalists are. Did evil Americans also make Communist China, Vietnam, Cuba, North Korea, Cambodia etc slaughter another 80m innocents over the last 100 years? How about the 3m Uigyur Muslims facing torture and death in Xi Jinping’s concentration camps right now? To whom is Wall Street selling their organs, exactly? Are you seriously saying that Marxism is a great thing really, if we just try, try again? To be convincing, you may have to find a worse capitalist democracy in modern history to exemplify what you see as true evil.
I stated in my original post Stalin was a dictator who murdered anyone who might oppose his authority. How many millions have died in imperialist wars? How many in India and Africa did Churchill slaughter?
As I stated a “mixed economy” would be the best way to salvage the decaying Empire. Of course, that would mean ending imperialist wars. Maintaining a strong military ONLY to be used for defense.
There is no doubt that the various revolutionary and anti-colonial movements that have occoured over the last 100+ years have resulted in wars but its not a case of “people bowing down to their Prophet Karl” or not. Let’s start with Russia — a country that was very recently feudal with a huge population of very poor people used as cannon fodder for an autocracy that was part of a gilded elite of Europe (all related, as well). The war precipitated the 1917 revoluutions but what we do? We invaded the country (both the UK and US) and when that didn’t work after a long and bloody civil war we economically isolated the country, hoping to strangle it into submission. We were concerned about our own populations; not in the US so much but the European nations had been bled dry by this war and were annoyed and about ready to kick the old order out. No expense (or lives) spared in the preservation of the old order, which gave rise to the New Order in Germany and that mess. Meanwhile Japan was playing Imperial Power, subjugating bits of China (brutally), then invading the areas that the European colonial powers ‘owned’, kicking them out and installing themselves as the new masters (in the “Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere”). We defeated the Japanese and immediately tried to re-install the old colonial masters, going as far as using defeated Japanese troops as mercenaries in Indo-China (aka “Vietnam”) to hold the fort until the French could get their act together. Post war history has been one of receding direct colonialsm; its not been pretty at times (e.g. Partition of India, partition of Palestine) but the signature feature has been the rise of nationalist movements which we (the west/US) have relentlessly opposed. (We made a hell of a mess of Vietnam trying to save it from Communism……)
Anyway, read some history. There’s tons about. Don’t get it off the TV or youTube. There’s too much here for me to write in a blog post but just to sum up — you’re totally, horribly, 100% wrong in your picture of how the world works, you need to figure it out.
Really the winners of WW2 and the sacrifice of 20 million of their people, in that effort, which resulted in stopping a hegemony of terror under a single US superpower, happy to rain a few nukes on any resistance. By being able to counter that threat was in your opinion a…
“ bureaucratic tolitarian mess” ?
Really Charollete??
You are however correct the Marxist vision was not realised – it wasn’t revolutionary, it never has been that anywhere, it was simply another arm of the Money Makers to carry on what they had being doing for centuries – getting their hands on public treasuries – by hiding behind Capitalism and it’s supposed opposite Anti Capitalism while hiding the gaze from the reality of Money and their monopolisation of it.
As the truth of that simple lie threatens to fall like scales from our eyes , just like realising there is no Santa, God or Eternal Life Beyond, the Money is threatened and invents daily lies and propoganda, mayhem and even murder to keep the curtain in place.
So I am genuinely sorry to say still no Cigar Ms Ruse but thanks for the thread.
My comment had nothing to do with diminishing the millions who lost their lives during WWII. If truth be told, Stalin had wanted the US to enter the war earlier, but the US industrialists were too busy financing Hitler.
It should also be note, 20 million Chinese were also killed during WWII.
They do not dislike Trump. Trump has no opposition. It’s manufactured.
There’s no battle going on in the “ruling class”. They use a manufactured dichotomy to confuse and obfuscate the truth about their goals from the public.
Same with the New Deal. It’s already been abolished by both parties. It was a joke anyway. Some rancid crumbs thrown to the masses. A ploy to stop a revolution or insurrection.
FDR was a member of the same eugenics and gene based cabal that run the world, as is Trump.
RussiaGate has already been exposed as a joint international and planned operation conceived by the very same forces backing Trump.
Foreign policy objectives are achieved no matter which party is in power because these objectives are not based on factions or in-fighting but on long term strategic geopolitical goals that are set in stone.
The Fed isn’t just American. It’s global. Central banks everywhere are all owned by the same cabal. That includes China and Russia.
We’ve had global governance all along. Nation states are an illusion as are “democracies” and the left-right political spectrum.
That was a mixed bag of half-truths and spurious garbage.
No. It’s all documented. Your disinformation is half truths with “deep state” scare tactics blaming think tanks like the PNAC instead of Trilatetals, or Bilderberg, or CFR, or the UN, or the World Bank, The Club of Rome, the BIS, or the IMF, or the WEF.
Your game is to make people look anywhere but where and how the real players operate.
And your tactic of placing your disinfo at the top of every page the day after an article is published is TRANSPARENT.
Disinformation Tactic 101.
In your opinion. My facts regarding FDR and the Federal Reserve are all true…
That wasn’t my point and you know it. Everyone already knows about the Federal Reserve Charlotte.
I find your view quite appealing as it would explain a lot, but I really need more documentation to take it more seriously. Any references? Hard evidence etc? Even testimonies.
What exactly do you want to know?
How the cryptocracy functions?
How Butler was set up by the cryptocracy after he started speaking out against the wars?
How FDR was a member of the cryptocracy and sold to America as a man of the people?
How seven million Americans starved and died during the period 1932-1933?
How the cryptocracy back both sides of a war therefore they always win?
How two thousand years of debt slavery creates wars, famines, civil unrest and faux democracies?
How the global Institutions that we have been relentlessly told by the corporate owned and Intelligence Community controlled media (particularly those institutions created in the 20thC) are imbued with authority and respectability, when all they are is a front for racketeering, war profiteering, debt slavery, tax havens, financial fraud, market rigging, drug running and organized crime?
Let’s start with this article out today. Banks caught laundering trillions.
Yep, DC loves Trump the puppet really. And global governance, which has of course always existed, even decided to profit from the extinction of the dinosaurs.
Hello Charlotte Russe: You may find the linked video interesting. The Zeusian Revelations site has been taken down many times, but you may still find it on occasion. >
The Holy Grail of Who Runs and Controls All; Part I
You don’t need this kind of drama to depict the ruling class as being horrific. Their everyday actions are despicable enough. How many millions died in imperialist wars and how many die each day from starvation.
Hello Charlotte Russe: I agree with much of what you’ve posted above. Most readers comments contain no depth of knowledge regarding the economic implications of Socialism, Communism, and/or Corporate/syndication. They simply regurgitate the dictates of their “educational” systems…
Costs of the War on Terror since 2001
It’s just another way to distract and divert. It will only get worse as the population becomes more ignorant.
Let me guess: the CIA runs the world and human evil only begins when you receive a US passport.
Your claim that “This group dislikes Trump only because he can’t effectively carry out their fiendish agenda” is unconvincing. You should try taking seriously Trump’s threat to ‘drain the swamp’, and the unending series of establishment attempts to remove him for precisely that reason over the last 4 years. Trump is the anti-politician completely opposed to their corrupt agenda, which is why swamp critters/Clinton gang/FBI/CIA/Chamber of Commerce/neo-cons/Republican elite all want Biden!
And maybe look again at the Trump tweet the article cites:
“I’m not saying the military’s in love with me. The soldiers are. The top people in the Pentagon probably aren’t because they want to do nothing but fight wars so all of those companies that make the bombs and make the planes and make everything else stay happy.”
I mentioned in my original post that the different factions within the ruling class are hassling over foreign policy, particularly Russia. In fact, Biden is running to the right of Trump on foreign policy. Oh by the way, Kamala Harris who would become president once brain dead Biden is disposed of his an empty vessel Hillary puppet.
“With infections rising at rates last seen before the full lockdown in March, around four million people on low incomes and in receipt of benefits, who cannot work from home, will also be given special “stay home” payments of £500 to compensate for lost earnings over their two-week isolation periods.”
Whaaaat ???
On south Africa, we don’t even get a cent
Yeah. They’ll let the whole of Africa starve. That’s the ultimate aim of covid with its long term objectives of crashing the world economy. Depopulation.
If you don’t already realise, That The New American Fascists in Control are trying to cause Division and Conflict, between Black and White people, even in ENGLAND, then they haven’t got a clue
Sure we have got both Black and White People living in England
We Grew up Together.
We never really noticed, the colour.
We are all pretty much the same in England, especially London and Manchester
We never noticed any division, nor any difference
Beautiful People, are Beautiful
We didn’t particularly notice the different Colour of Our Skins
I suggest You American and Israeli Fascists Go Back to Where You Came From, which most certainly is not ENGLAND
Go on. Go Away.
You are not wanted here.
Go Back to where You Came From.
Most Ashkenazis, Back to Eastern Europe – They have got absolutely nothing to do with Isreal or Palestine… There is no genetic connection whatsoever..
We like Jewish People here in England, We just Can’t Stand You Americans
Canadians and Aussies are O.K., They also can’t stand You Yanks
Go Home
You are not wanted here in England
All The Quality Americans moved out of the USA, years ago, and live with us without any problem here in The UK and the rest of Europe and Mexico
The USA is The Shithole of the Planet.
American Fascists, Go Back home to The USA, and Kill Each other for all we care
Put it on in TV in High Definition..
I do note that you are already doing that.
Leave us alone – if you want to kill each other, then get on with it.
Nothing we can do to stop it. You Americans don’t like each other.
Do not try and infect us with your Evil and Hatred
Fuck Off and Die
You are not exactly Flavour of The Month
Compo! You old rascal – I am not sorry – I will not let you get away with that utter CRAP LIE.
“ We never really noticed, the colour.”
Enoch’s (Powell) ‘RIVERS OF BLOOD?
National Front???
All the racist epithets that were regularly strewn around by the tiniest children to their grand parents and graffiti and Jim Davidson (a racist comedian) ?
‘White Mans Burden’ & ‘’Gollywogs’ & ‘10 Little N*****s’ ?????
Your rewriting of history cannot stand.
Your claim of some happy clappy Engrrrrland is bs.
‘Jerusalem’ !
Rule Brittannia!!
Land of Hope and Glory!!!
Who do you think you are kidding Compo you old rascal?
Enoch Powell was speaking weeks after the assassination of MLK and months before that of RFK. There were indeed rivers if blood, even if his analysis was faulty his observation was accurate. The liberal elite simply preferred not to notice.
But he was predicting the British future.
Do you even know the racist history of Britain?
East India Company and the British empire bringing racism, eugenics, drugs, corporate rule and perpetual war to the world through their proxies, Israel and the US.
You can’t understand a single world event in the past or the future if you won’t acknowledge that the seat of power resides through the City of London Corp and central banks.
Britain and the US aren’t even in the top 30 most racist countries in the world. Better hate India and Lebanon instead, which social science researchers say are by far the worst (though Communist China with its holocaust against Tibetans and the Uigyur Muslims, who are ethnic Turks, is clearly much worse. But no researchers allowed). You can’t understand a single world event if you won’t acknowledge the science.
Whataboutery ? A little maybe ??
I can play that game.
So in your list South Africa wasn’t a ‘racist country’? Apartheid isn’t racist? As goes on against Palestinians by Israel?
It’s so great to see the amazing respect and trust with which UK leftists treat people like Tommy Robinson, Nigel Farage, Katie Hopkins, or William Rees-Mogg and his kids. It’s so important that those who preach equality should practise it too, even when the other is not a leftist. Those thugs spitting at Mogg’s kids or threatening Robinson’s wife and kids with rape and beheading or forcing Farage to have personal security 24/7 for the last 15 years or so must all be evil Yanks.
You seem surprised the Left and Right are the same?
I keep saying there is no Left/Right. Never has been.
It has always been and is , Above and below.
So, some stil dont get it, do you, while we try to be optemistic, try to persive beyond the evil Gov of the Imperial banana republic to maybe in our insanity try to hope that somehow, they will change the way, they dont, we can debate up and down into various political directions, but it ends up with that we have to deal with an nation so far out that any kind of sanity is dismissed, flat out, because even the people belives their exceptionality, they god given right to do whatever they want just because they are the greatest nation of earth, it dont matter if some see the same when 300 millions dont give an rats ass about the world, they simply dont care, that is from the fly over states to NY, the universe isnt geocentric, the entire universe exists because of them, and they reflect that in their mentality.
One of the best British bands ever, Big Country, the flame of the west.
One of my few favorites.
How to we then cope, we cant, Trump is the last elected president, I know that, He is the personifaction of the Angel of Death, when he wanted to nuke North K. and wack Syria back to the stone age, attack Iran, etc, the worst part of it is even ironic, He was stopped by someone whom have the nickname Mad Dog, and yet, most Americans dont care, because they belive the propaganda, they know that its their “duty” to fight dicktatores, to impose “democrasy and freedom”, and they will do it.
The flame of the west will burn everything down.
Mark my words, and you have been warned.
It’s global. Not US centric.
Those poor Iranian dictators, Islamist terrorists and CCP prison guards in Xi Jinping’s concentration camps. As they order the hanging of gay teenagers in public, blow up racist schoolgirls at disgusting music events, and remove valuable organs from screaming Uigyur Muslims, they must all be shaking in constant fear of evil monsters with US passports coming to enslave them for all eternity, just like you do.
USA already has Fascism and has had for centuries.
The Corporations are the hidden hand in the vests of the politicians.
They even publicly admit it. “What’s good for General Motors is good for America.”
So where did fascism start centuries ago, and can non-Americans also practice it? What about African-Americans or Native Americans? Are they as fascist as their evil white oppressors, innocent, or just in the B team?
Butler is a fake. His exploits were fictional.
Butler is examined thoroughly in these pdfs:
The New Deal was written (as was the Affordable Care Act by Sick Care Insurance firms under Obama) by Big Business. They also served as civilian administrators of The New Deal. The “plot” was cover to make The People believe the lie that an ultra wealthy patrician was a “Man of The People”.
Same as now, when trillions of government money is to be used for financial relief during the current viral panic, very little of those funds reach The People, most funds stay with the big Banks and their cronies.
Miles is misinformed. He contradicts his own theory of collusion with Butler and with Assange.
Butler was set up because of his criticism of the wars. They needed to get rid of him. He died at 58. He was probably poisoned with a compound that caused a fast spreading cancer.
He was discredited and smeared with the fake coup.
So what do we do with This New NAZI State of ENGLAND?
I know some of my friends want to do, what we did in 2003, which was over 1 Million of us come together in London 26th September 2020
It is Even More Important Now.
The FASCISTS have taken Control.
I am a bit older, and I can’t do it myself alone, like I did in 2003…
But I can,if I have got loads of Friends coming with me.
I don’t know if it will make many difference, it didn’t last time, but if we don’t try and make the effort it is going to get very much worse.
“Historical anti-war protest in London: 15 February 2003”
2 Million ordinary people like you and me walking for Peace Against War.
Text your Friends or use Facebook if you haven’t yet been Banned.
Can us ordinary non-leftists also protest authoritarian governments and insane lockdowns, or have you banned us as evil fascists, dumb gammons and white supremacists as per usual?
As you can imagine, I was always pretty useless, but when I got a bit of self confidence, it wasn’t really about that. I was never into parading stuff, in fact it was very Private, I might show the occasional photo, and my Mates at work would think wtf?
Don’t mix work with Pleasure.
She is still totally Fucking Beautiful
She is my Ex from 41 years ago, as is My Wife of nearly 40 Years, who has just walked in, after an afternoon and evening with her Girl Friends.
Us mere bloke’s can’t compete
They will eat us up and have us for Breakfast, and spit us out if we cheat.
The girls talk to each other.
Us blokes don’t have a clue.
We are The Prey.
I Like Girls.
Much prefer Girls to Men most of who’m seem to be completey up their own arseholes, especially the musicians.
I prefer the Real Thing
what the fuckshit?
Maybe in vino veritas…
Delusional from the word go, Starts by putting forth FDR and his New Deal as some sort of salvation when it was a program of consolidating elite rule in the US and proceeding to the post WWII US-led New World Order, designed during the war by members of the Council on Foreign Relations whom FDR appointed to high government offices. And all the way to… Trump? Since i can’t vote for 0 stars, i’m not voting.
Yes. And those atrocious works programs, creating slave labor and unsafe working conditions in remote areas causing thousands of deaths, taxing workers at around 80% of their meager $30 a month wage, with an estimated seven million Americans total, perishing from famine during the depression and the decade that followed.
A similar parallel to what went on in Russia during the same time period.
A veritable re-writing of history.
Butler was set up by the cryptocracy to expose a faux plot, making FDR appear heroic, when he was a member of the cryptocracy himself. A clever way to neutralize and smear Butler, thanks to Prescott Bush et al.
Meanwhile, back in today’s world, the fight against oppression and slave labour continues:
The game of “taking sides throughout history” is a telltale sign of an ideologically motivated shill. A tiresome process of reinforcing the officially-sanctioned consensus history, in this case to dummy up some cartoonish precedent for–as you say–the War on Trump!!!
It’s like the commentators right before Wrestlemania XXVXII showing clips of past Wrestlemania’s and drawing infantile parallels between the rivalry of Current Heel vs. Current Face, and the Great Historical Showdown of Hulk Hogan vs. Macho Man Randy Savage.
One of my earliest wake up moments came at the age of 12. I was an avid TV wrestling fan, really got emotional about how the refs were letting bad guys get away with all sorts us. That evening, the good guy, Red Bastien, was being hammered in a corner by the bad guy, i forgot who that was. The camera feed was switched to the camera behind the corner, and someone didn’t tell the wrestlers, because you could see they were both laughing, talking to each other. And then Bustien noticed, and his face went “Oh s__t,” he said something, the bad guy looked up, and his face went “Oh s__t” too. They then went into this strangulation thing, but i was a lost cause. I don’t think i ever watched again.
Hating Trump and the many millions who love and support him sure helps the globalists. No wonder they spend billions funding the unprofitable MSM and BLM, a Marxist insurrectionist movement posing as a civil rights group. Divide and rule works so well, and is just what leftists seeking power always do too. Evil Jews! Demonic capitalists! Foul imperialists! Dumb gammons! Stupid sheeple! Racist whites! Deplorable Trumpers!
FDR also signed Executive Order 6102.
You see this gold? Now you don’t, we took it.
The people will decide…..
Delusional. I wish I could give this article zero stars.
Take pieces of reality and history out of context and twist them into fantasy to support a ludicrous theory of Trump as a savior fighting China, globalism and the military industrial complex.
This article is like a bizarre genomic mutation resulting from a ménage à trois between Qanon, Bannon and Zero Hedge.
Trump is part of the shadow government that controls the deep state.
OG jumped the shark.
Dramatic terms here: OffG (or at least this article) is delusional, a fantasy, ludicrous, a genomic mutation, and Trump must be evil rather than saviour. You sound emotional and rattled, an impression made much stronger by zero evidence or reasoning for your many claims (unlike the article you reject so strongly). If you want to convince others, why not prove that Trump is just joking when he says he wants to ‘drain the swamp’? Why not show your evidence that the FBI, the CIA, most Republicans, the DC establishment, Dr Fauci and the CDC, the military-industrial complex, all neo-cons of the Bush era, the Chamber of Commerce, 99% of the MSM, Hollywood, big pharma, big tech billionaires and their censorious social media, Wall Street, Xi Jinping, the Iranian dictators, communists, Islamists, and most western leaders do NOT fear and loathe Trump, and want him gone in November? You’ll need some pretty good arguments that Orange Man Bad is just their obedient puppet really, because there are mountains of evidence showing the opposite. The alternative is to reassess the rationality of your judgement.
Fascism is alive and well. WWII never ended. Digital Eugenics…
US military is still occupying Europe and Japan 75 years later.
Thoughout history, no human was truly bad until evolution inexplicably produced the US passport, and evil people possessing them began to walk the Earth. Yet since that momentous event, endless millions have loved, admired and wanted to live in that hellish evil land, home of the Great Satan himself. Such is the power of delusion.
The deep state has already taken control of the US. Trump is not in any way comparable to Smedley Butler, a man who actually believed in our Constitution and stood up for it.
I do not understand the belief people have that Trump somehow stands outside of the deep state. He is their handmaiden, bought and paid for. He is most certainly not antiwar. We just got another space force under his lackeydom. No doubt he was having another piece of beautiful chocolate cake for this:
The deep state has put their people in place down to the county commissioner court level. bgates has actually given direction to these very low level lackeys on how to best harm and control the people of their community, people whose rights they were sworn to protect. Yes, it is that bad.
We are fighting for our very lives here and around the world. Trump is not on the side of the people, any more than many of the lowest level betrayers at the city and county levels are. Some of these people have true hearts and those are the people who deserve our support.
If the deep state had not already taken control, none of what has happened could have happened. This quick implementation of butchering our elderly and our Constitution, stealing the people’s minds and lives– This was years of planning, years of putting lackeys in place, years of stealing trillions of dollars. Please do not think otherwise.
How do you explain Trump constantly being attacked? The Deep State has control of the media. Any and all of Trump’s accomplushmdnts are down played. He is smeared and demonized by the media, well beyond anything I have ever seen. I think it is because they are trying to get rid of him. Trump may be the source of many other problems, but I do not believe he is part of the Deep State.
Trump is attacked by the ruling class owned media because he’s not engaging in imperialism like his predecessors. Also, he’s crude and unsophisticated, which damages the image of ‘democracy’.
I wonder if ‘Covid’ is a desperate replacement for US imperialist attacks. Instead of foreign nations – the whole of the human race is being turned into cash cows.
In the recent past, Tulsi Gabbard in 2020 and Dr. Ron Paul in 2012, the Media has ignored candidates as if they did not exist.
Keep in mind that in 2016 the Media covered Trump.
Trump was put up as a ‘stalking horse’ candidate to neutralise all the Republican candidates who had agreed to crown Queen Hillary for her lifetimes service to the cfr and global Bankers for whom she is a high servant and handmaiden.
Trump was supposed to lose. He knew it, he played that pantomime villain role for his supposed friends the Clinton’s. He attacked her crassly, he stalked her on the stages.
That is why the media supported him, why the ‘comedians’ even regularly had him on – to reenforce his goofiness and unpresidential qualities etc.
They stopped laughing as the final results came in!
Including Trump – I watched his face.
But then the Clintons and the DS were turned on him to make him stand down so they could have week Pence and appoint their people again and the lies escalated – from being Putins bitch, to the golden shower and pornstars and other hookers and golddigers of New York playboy scenes were thrown against him in a guine coup attempt.
That was when Trump and his camp realised they were supposed to roll over and lay down and how the Clinton’s were not who they seemed.
I’ll point you to his inaugural speech, watch it again , that is one of the most honest presidential addresses of the last hundred years.
Or as one dumb (too dumb to realise there are active microphones on that stage even after the speech and departure if the new potus) ex president said to his not so dumb daddy ex president “ that was some weird shit”
The inaugural speech contained the words “when you open your heart to patriotism, there’s no room for prejudice”. That means love your compatriots no matter their skin colour, gender, religion, or political opinion. So can leftists love non-leftist compatriots as much as they love leftists, so ending inequality and prejudice, as Trump advises? He sees and says ‘Americans’, not hyphenated Americans. He unites, if you choose to join America First. The unity of a nation is what the globalists most fear and oppose.
They are still covering him!
They cover him daily. It’s wall to wall Trump coverage. Billions of dollars worth of free press.
In shit. Racist, Putin’s puppet, pervert, dictator, moron etc etc. Remember?
He is absolutely engaging in Imperialism. It’s documented and undeniable.
Nobody is attacking him except the media because that’s their job. It’s a get out the vote tactic.
They have to create what appear to be oppositional forces for the Hegelian Dialectic to function.
Otherwise people will see the con.
Or maybe you will strengthen the con with completely unsubstantiated claims like these. There are mountains of evidence that Trump is enemy #1 of the deep state and global elites, but if you don’t prove them false with reasoned argument, how will you ever persuade anyone you have superior knowledge of Trump? At present, your post only provides us with good evidence of your hate for Trump. That’s a big herd you belong to.
Biden will obey Trump’s predecessors
Trump is viciously attacked in parts of the media. What’s missing from what you’re saying is the other parts of the media, to include the MSM, which uncritically lauds him. Both are real. So it becomes necessary to look at Trump’s actions and make your judgment on that basis.
Trump’s mentor was a man named Roy Cohen. I refer you to Whitney Webb for a really good history of this relationship and the many deep state connections which this relationship entailed. Her site is called:
Unlimited Hangout.
Trump is connected to Jeff Epstein. He is actually friends w/the Clintons.
As citibank chose Obama’s cabinet, GS chose Trump’s. His major donors are in connection to Israeli intelligence and he has connections to his own set of intelligence officials. Bill Barr, his AG is about as deep state as one can get.
Moving on to vaccines, Trump is shoveling billions of dollars to companies who are going to inject many people with an internal track and trace biometic system, along with a highly dangerous interference in every cell in the human body. He will have the military to “help” people get their injection for an infection w/a 98+ survival rate. Doesn’t that seem strange?
As another person mentioned below, the intense spying on Assange, along with his indictment (which protects deep state war crimes) is the work of Trump. Citizens rights has been trampled and the govt. has become more draconian and secretive with the Trump administration.
That, and a host of other things spells deep state to me.
I just ran across this video. It puts so many pieces of what is happening together.
The problem with that theory is that the police are already an arm of the cryptocracy. They are wholly controlled by the cryptocracy and organized crime, so replacing them with a mercenary privatized police force or using the military won’t make any difference.
The Police do not serve or protect.
Defund the Police is a diversionary tactic. To remove the responsibility of police crimes, policies, corruption, training and tactics away from the governments and politicians.
What you say is partially correct. Many police come from the communities they serve and they will not participate or only participate to a point. In the US we have Constitutional Sheriffs and they won’t participate, period.
There is a reason why the military rotates people at a maximum of two years. They don’t want soldiers to develop caring and respect for the people they are with. Soldiers are not allowed to see others as human beings. The army does this to soldiers on purpose. Even so, you will see our soldiers come to know and care about the “other”.
Further, the police and our military take an oath to our Constitution. I grant you that way too many people who take that oath couldn’t care less about it. But there are more people than you might think, who do.
Mercenaries take no oath. That is why the Federal Reserve chose mercenaries as their army against the people and our Constitution. I have seen mercenaries stop atrocities, but it is very rare.
There is a difference.
Strong cities is the same kind of NGO as ICLEI, and Resilient Cities network, now called the GRCN.
Guess who? UN. For ICLEI and Rockefeller for GRCN
Private public partnerships to remove decisions from local councils and cities, under the faux sustainable umbrella flag. That’s how they installed 5g without anyone understanding it’s in the antenna at the top of the LED streetlights. It’s hidden. Why did they hide it? Because it’s a weapons and surveillance system.
The people who are involved in these NGO projects view them as a money making vehicle, but the rest of the world is oblivious to how our fake democracies function: Through criminal collusion, racketeering, no transparency, no accountability and plain old corruption.
Even the Red Cross and UNICEF are fake organizations set up by the cryptocracy. NGOs are a scam. They are tax avoidance schemes. That’s the history of philanthropy and John D. Rockefeller. Gates and Buffet are simply carrying on the Rockefeller NGO scam of distributing vaccines as mini medical time b*mbs.
I should add that this film is showing the way that plutocrats are taking over. Police are part of this but this film goes into much more behind the situation we confront.
(I tried unsuccessfully to put this after my response to your statement about police.)
If the police do not serve or protect, then why fund them?
Do you know what a straw man is?
Gates, Soros, nice Mr Xi and his party, the very honest WHO, UN, and EU, the caring World Bank, the very sane Mullahs of Iran, friendly Jihadists and communists, generous big pharma and big tech, the neo-cons and military-industrial complex, the DC establishment or ‘swamp’, the FBI, the CIA, the MSM, gentle BLM and Anti-Fa, Greater Funberg, XR and all very balanced green radicals, anyone liking woke and practising cancel culture, the very modest, very intellectual nobility of Hollywood, and most very rich, decent, honest and courageous Western leaders like Macron, May, Merkel and Blair, all fervently express their undying hostility to the evil Orange demon, just like you do. You certainly have great company, and your resistance comrades gratefully welcome you into their fold, along with all the other useful tools I mean allies in the fight against Satan.
Your reply is a form of invalid argumentation. I gave real arguments for why I think as I do. You did not take on the arguments I made. Instead, you are making a personal attack which colonists of trying to link me with organizations which I also agree are evil.
Please tell me why you think what I said is incorrect. Address what I actually wrote about. Show me how I have made in error in my claims. Otherwise, you are engaging in something which is unworthy of any person who means to get to the truth at hand.
Why am I reading incessant duplications of the same talking points (from verbatim to almost verbatim) here in the comments from ostensibly different people, cluttering up the site? He, she, it, or they are even replying to herself/himself/itself/themselves, apparently believing that constant repetition make something true. I guess “they” are taking their cue from the success of the COVID story.
I worry that there are people/entities taking advantage of the open-comment policy of OffG to litter the site with their comments in order to destroy it.
Well yes, but Off-G is not a Fascist Regime. I know their coment system could be better, it pisses me off too, when my innocent comment goes into “waiting for Approval”, which may never appear again, or if it does, it is hours later, which makes the comment irrelevant in terms of the conversation.
Most trolls using multiple IP’s expose themselves, cos they can’t remember which handle they are using on which laptop / mobile phone / IP address.
It must be a nightmare being a moderator here, and they are probably doing it for nowt.
It’s free to post here, and often I enjoy the comments, more than the articles, some of which are totally brilliant – like todays.
You can always send them some money. I have, and I might do it again.
It’s better than The Guardian.
Don’t expect too much for nowt.
They have got to pay for The Bandwidth, and The Defence Against Denial of Service Attacks, and Catte Blacke and Kit Knightly Research and write Brilliantly, and they even let me write here. They haven’t banned me yet, I am sure the time will come. It usually does.
Things could be worse, you might have Luke Harding, or even worse George Monbiot moderating your comments. I admit I used to rather like George Monbiot, but Luke Harding has always been full of shit, and seems quite proud of it. Useless TW@T
Tony, I agree with everything you’ve said. I’m thankful every day that comment is open to all, but I’m just concerned for the site and Catte Black and Kit Knightly, and the moderators, that new readers might read a long string of silliness and give up on OffG.
I too have donated and plan to continue.
*FORMER* adviser Neil Ferguson urges a second lockdown.
Is it a case of:
‘Do as I do’..
‘Do as I say’?
Eyes Open left the “best” part out of this scandal. At the time of the visits, Ferguson had earlier tested positive for CV-1984 and was in a two week publicized quarantine. As to why he broke this quarantine he told the on-Guardian reporter:
“I acted in the belief that I was immune, having tested positive for coronavirus, and completely isolated myself for almost two weeks after developing symptoms.”
Antonia Staats shared the same household with her husband and children. Her husband was since reported at that time to have CV-1984 “symptoms,” perhaps the sniffles.
I bring this up to show the hypocrisy and psychopathy of Ferguson (who was on Gates’ multimillion dollar payroll at Imperial College). This Ph.D, is supposed to be an expert in viral epidemiology. By the standard BS at the time, since he tested positive for the virus and was in quarantine, he would have been highly contagious. So he exposed his paramour twice in an exchange of what the fictitious General Jack D. Ripper of Dr. Strangelove referred to as their “precious bodily fluids,” which undoubtedly would have passed it on to Antonia and her children. However, I would maintain that Ferguson knew well before he released his absurd and ludicrous paper on the future dangers of the “pandemic,” which purportedly resulted in the lockdown of both the UK and USA, that it was all a load of ballocks, and he was simply following Gates’ instructions in return for a lifetime’s worth of potatoes.
How does he still retain influence? Didn’t he resign?
I’m guessing his lack of conscience allows him to accept financial reward from Gates & Co in exchange for pushing fascism.
The Media give air time based on Name Brand Recognition and “Market Visibility.”
“Influence” at this point is wholly independent of official jurisdiction or standing.
“Consensus Reality” can be engineered by anyone, as long as they’re on the TeeVee.
Since it’s been a whole two months since Ferguson was disgraced and ousted, the TeeVee people can be safely assumed to have forgotten that episode entirely, and to have backslid into their previous vague awareness that he is one of the Superheroes who saved us from Covideath…
This guy makes my skin crawl, beady eyed fearmonger reminds me of Heinrich Himmler
The CIA fed Johnson the doctors that gave him cover, for the ‘lockdown’.
Then the US social media fed us fear about the lockdown.
Next the CIA’s political wing, the Alt-right, fed us the information that exposed the lockdown as a fraud. (off-Guardian)
Now the CIA lead the marches in London, and make gallant speeches about freedom and challenge the ‘lockdowns’.
This is a standard CIA coup, with a popular uprising……. they put on a good show and everyone will soon buy into it. The price for this show ?……the destruction of what was left of our democracy, done with the collusion of Johnson and senior ministers.
After they take power they will simply impose a different flavour lockdown at will.
They are trying to censor this comment here.
This is what happens when you stop taking the pills.
And did the seven dwarves help with CIA planning?
I look forward to an article, here, celebrating the fact that a major political party now opposes the lockdowns.
The Social democrats, Oh no, they won’t tell you about it, because they are trying to funnel you into the political wing of the CIA, The alt-right.
The left and right wings, dating back to the seating arrangements of the 18th century French parliament, is the old divide and conquer strategy going back to Sumer and the Roman Empire. Works every time. Unfortunately, these left and right wings are attached to the torso of the same hideous bird. A real divide would be between the people who believe in the non-aggression principle and that each human is born with sovereignty given by the creator and not any state. The collectivist statists, who loudly claim that the rights of the collective overrule the rights of the individual and are to be determined by the “dictatorship of the proletariat.” I am still waiting to meet Mr. or Ms. Proletariat – always seems to be some murderous psychopath like Pol Pot cloaked in gibberish either from the left or the right.
I’m glad to see your cast of villains belongs to the real world rather than to the alternate reality evoked so earnestly and frequently on this forum. More please!
The Liberal democrats also oppose the Lockdowns, so you don’t need to join the National Front to to oppose them now.
The CIA fed Johnson the doctors that gave him cover, for the ‘lockdown’.
Then the US social media fed us fear about the lockdown.
Next the CIA’s political wing, the Alt-right, fed us the information that exposed the lockdown as a fraud. (off-Guardian)
Now the CIA lead the marches in London, and make gallant speeches about freedom and challenge the ‘lockdowns’.
This is a standard CIA coup, with a popular uprising……. they put on a good show and everyone will soon buy into it. The price for this show ?……the destruction of what was left of our democracy, done with the collusion of Johnson and senior ministers.
After they take power they will simply impose a different flavour lockdown at will.
They are trying to censor this comment here.
Another effect of not taking the pills is memory loss, especially the ability to remember your name.
Why would the CIA want to destroy democracy? They have been involved in disinformation campaigns, but I believe their motuve is their own quest for money and power, which was working fine under a democracy with crooked politicians. They primarily want to ensure their drug running, people running and similar criminal enterprises can continue without disruption. Trump has been interfering with some of the people smuggling and human trafficking. I believe the real culprits are the globalist elites and bankers — Rockefellers, Rothchilds, and other ultra wealthy. They may use the CIA from time to time, but I do not think the CIA is driving this. I also do not see the connection between alt right and the CIA.
”Why would the CIA want to destroy democracy?”
But have they succeeded? Or could evil Trump actually be trying to save/restore it?
Piers Corbyn is CIA? I never knew that!
Potty Piers is dangerously pro-British and pro-democracy (long-term Brexiteer), and also calmly scientific (understands that human-caused climate change is only theory, and under constant challenge). Keep well clear, comrades. But Brother Jez the people’s hero (except in Rotheram and various depraved ‘red wall’ communities of dumb working gammons) knows better and shows his righteousness and relevance to the British working class by also supporting violent but very noble Palestinian warriors crusading against evil Israelis, whose very existence offends peace-loving, tolerant leftists all around the world.
In “light” of current trends that have left many countries indebted (or bankrupt) to the IMF and other such criminal agency, I thought this might be of interest: >
Excerpted from: Bank for International Settlements – Wikipedia
“The BIS was established in 1930 by an intergovernmental agreement between Germany, Belgium, France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Japan, the United States and Switzerland.[4] [5] It opened its doors in Basel, Switzerland on 17 May 1930.
The BIS was originally intended to facilitate reparations imposed on Germany by the Treaty of Versailles after World War I, and to act as the trustee for the German Government International Loan (Young Loan) that was floated in 1930.[6] The need to establish a dedicated institution for this purpose was suggested in 1929 by the Young Committee, and was agreed to in August of that year at a conference at The Hague. A charter for the bank was drafted at the International Bankers Conference at Baden-Baden in November, and its charter was adopted at a second Hague Conference on January 20, 1930. According to the charter, shares in the bank could be held by individuals and non-governmental entities. However, the rights of voting and representation at the Bank’s General Meeting were to be exercised exclusively by the central banks of the countries in which the shares had been initially subscribed. The BIS was constituted as having corporate existence in Switzerland on the basis of an agreement with Switzerland acting as headquarters state for the bank. It also enjoyed certain immunities in the contracting states (Brussels Protocol 1936).” [End quote]
Complete text:
The most pertinent comment on the thread being ignored.
Looks like this place is a limited hangout distracting everyone from the truth about the bankers being at the top of the food chain and the deleterious and undisputed effects of radiation.
Who’s going to save us? The man with no name? The good, the bad, or the ugly? My inspiration is a rather lovely woman~ Carrie Madej. If we take the vaccination it’s game over. We’ll be semi robots in no time. Only I can chose my fate, whatever it may be. You cannot die another’s death and none can die for you. That’s why you must be number one and never number two.
That’s right. ‘We must wait for the vaccine,’ is a lie. It will be followed by another and another and another. Each more experimental, in response to God knows what hysterical fear mongering event..
Poster child Gates has already said as much.
This madness stops with the refusal of the first and any other injectable that’s cooked up to meet political objectives.
The liberal democrats now oppose ‘lock downs’.
This is a standard CIA coup, with a popular uprising……. they put on a good show and everyone will soon buy into it. The price for this show ?……the destruction of what was left of our democracy, done with the collusion of Johnson and senior ministers.
Now the CIA lead the marches in London, and make gallant speeches about freedom and challenge the ‘lockdowns’.
The CIA fed Johnson the doctors that gave him cover, for the ‘lockdown’.
Then the US social media fed us fear about the lockdown.
Next the CIA’s political wing, the Alt-right, fed us the information that exposed the lockdown as a fraud. (off-Guardian)
The CIA fed Johnson the doctors that gave him cover, for the ‘lockdown’.
Then the US social media fed us fear about the lockdown.
Next the CIA’s political wing, the Alt-right, fed us the information that exposed the lockdown as a fraud. (off-Guardian)
Now the CIA lead the marches in London, and make gallant speeches about freedom and challenge the ‘lockdowns’.
live london
Excellent exposure of brutes versus peaceful resistance. Peaceful sunny day, friendly crowd. Enter polis and they wade in. Then a riposte. That punch on the rogue cop will go round the globe! Viva UK resistance!
Maybe we should also cheer moral progress among the persons in blue, instead of only demonising them as always violent. On the big BLM marches, those racist pigs certainly knelt in shame begging for forgiveness, right? But to no avail: the peaceful protestors still gave them (and a horse or two) a very good beating, and almost none got hurt or arrested, I believe. And when those XR heroes bravely and cleverly destroyed Cambridge University lawns to save the planet, the pigs again proved their wokeness by closing streets to evil cars and workers on behalf of the marching toffs they never even threatened with arrest. Lastly, the plod even escorted and protected frightened Muslim youths to where working class yobs were waiting to hear Tommy Robinson campaign during the last Euro-elections, so that they could beat up tattooed morons and throw half-bricks at their white supremacist wives and kids, and without much risk of arrest by the racist pigs at all. So the UK police aren’t always so violent or bad, are they?
Indeed. Just that now and again a bad apple seems to show up, like a reprise of 29 Aug. just gone. The later crew a bit too boisterous for public consumption. Charging with weapons drawn, plus weaponised horses. Could be worse, I suppose.
This is a standard CIA coup, with a popular uprising……. they put on a good show and everyone will soon buy into it. The price for this show ?……the destruction of what was left of our democracy, done with the collusion of Johnson and senior ministers.
they are trying to censor this comment here.
The CIA fed Johnson the doctors that gave him cover, for the ‘lockdown’.
Then the US social media fed us fear about the lockdown.
Next the CIA’s political wing, the Alt-right, fed us the information that exposed the lockdown as a fraud. (off-Guardian)
Now the CIA lead the marches in London, and make gallant speeches about freedom and challenge the ‘lockdowns’.
See? Next you’ll forget to breath.
Lack of oxygen can lead to hallucinations.
Probably typing furiously, changing sock puppets with mask affixed firmly in place.
Commie claptrap.
Claiming that nazism and austrian economic enthusiasts are totalitarians and the communist ideologies espoused by so many are freedom quickly moves one into the area of war is peace, etc nonsense.
Here is an irrefutable fact. Communism murdered ten times more people than did nazism.
Choke on that fact, suckas.
Revealing juxtaposition.
But do you support the poster’s views on the evils of communism? As a little test, compare your reaction to someone wearing a t-shirt with a) the swastika (extremely rare and out of fashion) and b) the hammer and sickle (so common it’s a cliche). If you only fear and hate a) and its wearer, you’ve been brainwashed.
Yes it’s all just a fashion statment to you. Along with “irrefutable” numbers dead which can be expanded in any direction you want.
The CIA fed Johnson the doctors that gave him cover, for the ‘lockdown’.
Then the US social media fed us fear about the lockdown.
Next the CIA’s political wing, the Alt-right, fed us the information that exposed the lockdown as a fraud. (off-Guardian)
Now the CIA lead the marches in London, and make gallant speeches about freedom and challenge the ‘lockdowns’.
This is a standard CIA coup, with a popular uprising……. they put on a good show and everyone will soon buy into it. The price for this show ?……the destruction of what was left of our democracy, done with the collusion of Johnson and senior ministers.
And eat.
Off Topic but Important:
Simon Dolan (not me BTW) is crowdfunding a legal challenge to the government lockdown. There is plenty of supporting legal documentation so it all looks legitimate. I have made a pledge. If others can, that would be brilliant. £281,000 so far, but £325,000 targetted.
the guys a multi millionaire how come he hasn’t put he money in
He’s said he’s financing it. The crowdfunding is a way for people to show their support and to get involved — otherwise it’s one guy’s project and easier for TPTB to portray the challenge as the obsession of a lone nutjob
He’s rich. Why can’t he afford it himself?
A far-right site trying to turn Trump into a lover of peace and a hero. Sounds right.
Far right would precisly mean to exceed extermination of certain group’s?
What’s worse than that?
Is just seeing trump now as somewhat human now the a worse offence than the extermination of gypsies? Which I don’t think they had extermination camps in nazi germany did they?
Calling someone far right today is the equivalent of calling a cheating spouse a Pedophile?! Totally deranged
I call people far right who are far right. If you don’t like your label, then change your politics.
What is my politics?
Do you like your label?
What is your politics?
Labeling is just a from of facist censorship anyways to justify being a hateful person and assume it’s others who make me mad
Just anyone he’s not in agreement with you is far right? 😂😂😂
That’s an easy way to categorize for you Im sure.
You might want to hide from your political history, but I don’t have to let you.
I was a massive fan Julius Caesar back in the day.
Mesopotamia was a daft empire
Zoroastrianism was a nice a nice day out on Sundays to flex my theological muscle
Jean Claude Van Damme was great in universal soldier
Now what was it you were saying?
Is that what passes for ‘clever’ in your local pub?
It’s was nonsense amalgam of nothingness to answer the stupidity to know ones self or any political standard
If you can’t differ from sarcasm and literalism then your not that clever are you?
Which should we trust: our own judgement, or the judgement commanded by someone else’s label?
Why not trust your own judgement of the individual and/or his opinion rather than blindly trust the judgement given by a label? Didn’t millions of Germans come to accept and trust Hitler’s sick labels for Jews?
What an odd comment – diametrically opposed to reality…
People here do not worship Trump, but they do hope that anything he does which ruffles the feathers of the Establishment will turn out to be better than having yet another fool who just can’t say no when it comes to war and its profits.
I say, “hope” advisedly, because I’m not under any illusions as to Trump’s mental integrity or his vision for the future.
As for “a far-right site”… Well, “right” and “left” have ceased to have any meaning for a long time now. It’s time to catch up with 2020. Only money has any meaning in today’s politics, and OffG draws attention to that every single day.
It may surprise you to learn that money has neither a left, nor a right bias, but Conservatives do tend to put all their faith in it. That’s your actual “far-right”. An obsolete, decrepit, decadent, disintegrating relic from the fallen ancient Roman Empire.
He has increased military spending in the USA to the highest lever in history. What the fuck are you talking about ? Any site that tries to make that man a hero are also a bunch of crooks.
Called inflation buddy.
Liar. No it isn’t ‘buddy’
True but todays dollars are almost worthless and stolen long before the actual military get any of the loot .The US military is decrepit and has been defeated in every conflict it has caused since WW2 except Panama. Today we have less than 50000 combat soldiers in the field or trained up to effective levels . CIA unaccounted for use of mercenaries for its own purposes not withstanding . Our antiquated nuclear threat and willingness to use it , and massive bribes disguised as foreigner aid keep a major attack from occurring
After 8 years of Obama, the US military was in seriously bad shape. One of Trump’s greatest priorities was to restore it, not because he wants more war (the opposite is the case) but because he knew making the USA great again could not happen without its military pride and strength. You are free to reject this opinion, just as Trump is free to uphold it. Both are opinions, not crimes. Neither you nor Trump are crooks because of your opinions. Only fascists and totalitarians would say otherwise.
I have NEVER seen this site try to make Trump “a hero”.
And you ask ME “what the f… are you talking about”?
In nearly 4 decades of observing politics, no political leader of the day ever really impressed or inspired me in any way whatsoever. I too hated the system and bemoaned corrupt, posturing politicians who abuse us for private or corporate gain, who think democracy means exploiting working people rather than serving them, who form a ruling elite that prevents all and any radical candidates challenging or imposing major reform on the pompous, dysfunctional, unrepresentative establishment. I’d been longing for a leader who would turn his back on the elite, who wasn’t in it for personal or ideological advantage, who would walk his talk and deliver what he promised to ordinary voters. To my great surprise, I discovered that Donald Trump, the greatest political outsider and anti-politician of our time, probably the most reviled and mocked leader in modern history, thought the same as I did, and much more besides. But although most still demonise Orange Man Bad, I don’t therefore worship him as Orange Man Good. I just think that a rebel punk president who sees and constantly calls out political greed, corruption, injustice, dishonesty and ineptitude, who so effortlessly provokes the elite into revealing their insanity and hate, who promises and strives to ‘drain the swamp’ in which accountable democracy and once representative politicians have sunk so deeply, just has to be far, far better than all the others, simply because none of them has even acknowledged that the swamp exists, or could even dream of the courage needed to oppose it. But Trump can, as he channels Ronald Reagan’s greatest wisdom: Government is the problem, not the solution.
There’s a lot of good sense in that comment.
I’m no Trump-bot, but he’s probably smarter than he looks…
Jason Lock
Sep 19, 2020 2:38 PM
Awaiting for approval
‘’….President Trump threw down the gauntlet in opposition to the Anglo American military industrial complex when both inspired hope in many onlookers that the age of America’s “endless wars” might finally come to an end’’
What a load of shit, trump is as much a part of the military industrial complex as Obama and Bush were.
The truth is the USA can’t afford a war now with runaway debt the Dollar is only hanging by its fingernails to credibility, and the truth is that the Russians and the Chinese would win any ground battles the US tried to start, like they have in Syria. So suddenly you are willing to pretend that Trumps, one in a long line of warmongering criminal presidents, is anti war, how ridiculous and gullible you people are, suddenly believing every word the CIA feeds you.
A slight correction here: The USA can ALWAYS afford another war, because wars generate money. They have known that for a very long time.
The sheer chaos caused by war conditions enables our soulless “authorities” to do whatever the heck they like. Just look at what they have already done under the cover of Covid…
Wars rarely generate money, they cost money, have you ever seen a history book? Or have you seen the USA’s budget deficit…….. 60% borrowed, from themselves.
The US positively thrives on its deficit. The Fed just prints more money, and the war profiteers get what they want in spades.
The fact that it is, as you rightly state, a deficit, is immaterial, although there are signs that the decades of thriving on deficit cannot go on indefinitely.
The US has lost money to the point of being bankrupt since Vietnam . Those who profit from perpetual war moved offshore after our defeat in Korea. The American masses should be differentiated from the elites are far goals and quality of life is concerned . Much of America is increasingly “third world” !
I don’t doubt that the war profiteers have multiple homes all over the world. Why wouldn’t they?
And of course I am talking about the “elites” when I refer to the USA generating money from war.
The American masses, like the UK masses, the Syrian masses, the Iraqi masses and the African masses, NEVER actually want war.
what’s runaway debt, got to do with the price of fish?
are you suggesting, that if the nukes don’t actually succeed in killing off the human race, due to “technical failures” that ordinary Americans, will be looking at each other, saying blimey we are still alive, but that they can’t afford to buy a Chinese Toaster or Kettle?
You Americans used to make your own, and so did us British.
It can’t be that hard. Its just that we have got really lazy…
But if we can’t have a cup of tea or coffee (shit we import that too) or a piece of toast for breakfast, we will have to make our own toasters and kettles.
It’s not exactly the end of the world, except most of us will probaby be in concentration camps by then, for criticising the government, and calling people like Matt Hancock a complete and utter cretin.
This rambling nonsense kind of reply, is common here, I assume it is preferred to addressing real issues.
Thanks for your appreciation. With your attitude, I guess you must be a brainwashed American, and for your information Thomas Edison did not invent the modern electric light bulb.
He was merely working on developing an earlier British invention, the origins of which are largely Italian
You Americans did not invent either Television, nor the Modern Digital Computer. I won’t bore you with the details, nor mention the truth, that Americans, have never walked on the moon.
I wouldn’t like to pop your bubble.
Your bullshit, fear, uncertainty, doubt, and assassination of innocent people capabilities, and obnoxiousness is however in a world class of your own.
Have a nice day,
No, I’m not American, although you did sound racist there. But being Anti the oppressor class is not a bad thing.
That’s oppressor shaming.
“we have got lazy”
More disinfo, blaming workers for decisions made by bankers and corporate CEO’s to offshore jobs to developing nations for slave labor wages.
‘’….President Trump threw down the gauntlet in opposition to the Anglo American military industrial complex when both inspired hope in many onlookers that the age of America’s “endless wars” might finally come to an end’’
What a load of shit, trump is as much a part of the military industrial complex as Obama and Bush were.
The truth is the USA can’t afford a war now with runaway debt the Dollar is only hanging by its fingernails to credibility, and the truth is that the Russians and the Chinese would win any ground battles the US tried to start, like they have in Syria. So suddenly you are willing to pretend that Trumps, one in a long line of warmongering criminal presidents, is anti war, how ridiculous and gullible you people are, suddenly believing every word the CIA feeds you.
Fascinating article, extremely well written, and from which I learnt a great deal, that I didn’t know. The comments on The Saker’s blog, where this article was first published on September 11th are well worth reading too.
I retain an open mind about President Trump. I think he is extremely limited in what he can actually do. However, he hasn’t started any new wars, so far as I know, and is most definitely less evil than this cow.
“Clinton on Qaddafi: We came, we saw, he died”
”I retain an open mind about President Trump.”
Do you?
after his 1.5trillion dollars tax give away to the richest.
after his 9 trillion dollars to Corporate & Banks during Covid
After his acceptance of many millions without healthcare.
After the biggest increase in military spending in US history
After removing almost all environmental restrictions in the country.
And you remain open minded do you? I’m not sure that is the way I would describe it.
”I retain an open mind about President Trump.”
Do you?
after his 1.5trillion dollars tax give away to the richest.
after his 9 trillion dollars to Corporate & Banks during Covid
After his acceptance of many millions without healthcare.
After the biggest increase in military spending in US history
After removing almost all environmental restrictions in the country.
And you remain open minded do you? I’m not sure that is the way I would describe it.
Smedley Butler was the most important American military general not because he is the only solder to win two medals of honor but because his battle experience taught him two things 1) that, as a leader, giving your all with your troops, is essential, and 2) that troops should defend their communities interest, not the corprate interest. A highly important concept for a country that considers itself a Democracy…
However he was unable to stop the machine gunning of protesting bonus veterans by MacArthur and Eisenhower in DC during the 1930s . A low point in the history of the US military?
Of course you’re right Jim, thanks…
A wonderful article for its historical accuracy which is totally rejected by our elites and their supporters of course ? The only flaw is that it presupposes that the US the prime mover in this process , which is demonstrably untrue . A form of political propaganda and hubris ala Albright’s “America as the necessary country” notion and the now revitalized
“lesser evil” trope making the rounds on comment sections as the election nears.
Second lockdown protest in Israel:
it’s what they have been doing to palistine for years, they’ve got it coming.
Re: So rather than stressing about who might be on the 2020 ballot, it is wiser to ask the question: Where are the General Butlers today?
The guiding principle is “Where we go one, we go all”; but you know that already.
Michael Flynn’s 4th of July message:
Is the whole world being terrorised with ‘Coronavirus’ lockdown legislation to remove Trump?
For some strange reason ‘Covid’ has polarised and galvanised political allegiances into the nonsensical ‘Trumpism means freedom (to not wear a mask)’ versus ‘Democrats wear masks to virtue signal’. It’s insane tribalism, far removed from science.
I’m sure there’s plenty of Democrats who feel unwell when wearing face masks and plenty of Trump voters who feel safer wearing face masks.
My main anxiety is not Trump or the Democrats but human beings who seem unable or unwilling to investigate past the MSM narrative.
Trump is irrelevant. It’s a distraction. It’s all optics. An illusion.
People need to let go of Trump and step into the light. The light of reason and logic.
All politicians are placed.
That includes everyone ever elected. Sanders. Ron Paul. Rand Paul. Kucinich. Gabbard. AOC.
They don’t get there without the political backers behind the scenes.
It’s a club.
I agree. I’m not interested in Trump. I was afraid warmonger Hillary Clinton would win in case she would start WW3. But they are all part of the facade.
Just trying to understand why so much of the ruling class owned media hates Trump so much.
When discussing Trump and deep states, surely Trump being used by Netynyahu to further the aims of Israel deserves a mention.
Doing stuff to help Israel is the low hanging fruit – the Dims are not going to attack Trump for helping their paymasters.
Trump has made joyfully sensible statements similar to one at the top of the article before. And then in the next breath he’ll do something cruel and dangerous like nullify the Iran accord and slap sanctions. He’s a patchwork of opinions that have no philosophical weave to them, and he acts on the exigencies of the moment, mostly related to what he sees as advancing his personal and political aims.
The question is whether he’s enough of an antagonism to the military and intelligence apparatus to make them take action. That’s a big order. The feud is all so out in the open that anything done would look overt and clumsy.
The election looks like it will throw everything into a tizzy. It really is serious.
Wow! Thanks for the history lesson & the links.
I agree elsewhere, Matthew Ehret regularly is found on the Strategic Culture web site and is always compelling.
I guess this article will cause quite some cognitive dissonance among Trump haters… LOL
A reasonable ‘101’ primer by Ehret. The kind that makes an appearance here occasionally when some cover is deployed. He is but another string of the bow as is the Saker and countless other such sites which regularly come into existence and fade after burning bright to gain the viewers eyeballs , like so many fireworks, while the real heist of daylight robbery of your house goes on!
The article should at least cover the background of the decision to frogmarch the US boots on the ground WW1 by Woodrow Wilson a puppet of the MONEY Elites that first set up their privately owned ‘Fed’, then got their puppet in Britain to make the Balfour Declaration – a written ‘contract’ guaranteeing the pound of flesh, widely published instantly – that allowed the centuries Great Project to be green lighted and an anti war young USA was moved into full imperial stormtrooper/mercenary/pirate mode to finally deliver the great prize that had been resisting their demands (Russia/Great Game etc)
Much is revealed by looking at more sensible time frames and as always ‘following the money’.
Much is equally ignored and manipulated by selective Limited Hangouts.
This is the MO of many a MSM/ Alt-media sites. The principle of herding by pretend opposites providing a pincer to keep us, the readers, pacified and pliable while the greater lies are told and the Money Elites plans for this century are allowed to be actioned.
For these who still believe old and new propaganda – ‘we won the war’, ‘exceptionalism’, ‘indispensability’, our ‘cultural superiority’, Hollywood Fantasies – and still BELIEVE they chose BrexShit, didn’t choose Corbyn and think Russia/China and their SCO and BRI Is the ‘enemy’ whilst being distracted about the virus being a con – you missed the worm by getting out of bed late , but a few of us here are happy to brew the coffee for you to smell – if you can just pull yourselves out of the dream stupor that we have been suffering under for centuries.
Start by reading the daily reporting of the greatest political trial of the century happening at one of focal points of the Ancient Money Empire in the Old Bailey. (Which OhGee and it’s tweedledees in the MSM EQUALLY DAILY IGNORE) – by Craig Murray and a paltry handful others , which OhGee refuses to republish here, while publishing a dozen articles straight beating dead horses, deliberately ignoring the truths being revealed in that court – which speak directly to the substance of Ehrets piece.
Here’s an easy link for anyone wanting to read up on what is currently happening in court with regards to Julian Assange.
As Craig Murray says;
Have you seen the light? Ask yourself why not a single article has been republished here!
Not one!
What is Oh-Gee avoiding?
“Please share this article by every means at your disposal as all of us reporting this truthfully are suffering extreme social media shadow banning and other suppression.”
‘The court heard a great deal more truth than it could handle today, and great effort was put into excluding more truth. The US Government succeeded in preventing John Goetz eyewitness contradicting their promulgation of Luke Harding’s lie about what Assange said at El Moro. The US Government also objected, successfully so far, to Khaled el-Masri’s giving evidence on the grounds that he will allege he was tortured in the USA. Given that the European Court of Human Rights and the German courts had both found el-Masri’s story to be true, only in the wacky world of Lewis and Baraitser could it be considered wrong for him to tell the truth in court.
That is what Oh-Gee avoids even as they give Ed Curtain ample reprints and a book review today too!
I rest my case. 😉
I was merely supplying pertinent information that you had obviously omitted from your original post. Quite ironic really, considering…
I was avoiding being accused of being a shill as many here are with their daily links to the many Alt-news factories.
And I am very happy you posted a link and gave me an opening to repost it!
Instead of browbeating everyone with your superior IQ why don’t you offer some solutions and guidance so that you might actually help people find the truth?