COVID World – Resist!

Iain Davis

Protesters demonstrate against stay-at-home orders in California, April 2020 (AP Photo/Mark J. Terrill)

COVID 19 is being used to create a global fascist dictatorship. From New Zealand to the the U.S, so called western democracies have adopted and developed the Chinese model of technocracy to create a single biosecurity State.

This globalist corporate State is to be centrally controlled and administered by a distant global governance cartel of appointed bureaucrats. Tasked only to serve the interests of a tiny, disproportionately wealthy group we can call the parasite class.

Every aspect of your life will be monitored and controlled, as we move towards the ultimate surveillance State. Your ability to work, to socialise, to travel, conduct business, access public services and to purchase essential goods and services will be dictated to you, and restricted, by the State, based upon your biosecurity or immunity status.

This transformation process is well underway. You are no longer a human being, you are a biosecurity risk. As such you may be removed to a military controlled quarantine camp as and when the State sees fit. Detention without trial will be the norm. All protest will be outlawed unless the protest suits the agenda of the parasite class.

You will not leave home without it.

Your children will no longer be your own. They will belong to the State. Parental consent for medical procedures will be presumed or, in the case of mandatory procedures, not required. Once the biosecurity State is firmly established consent will be a distant memory.

We have a diminishing window of opportunity to stop this global fascist dictatorship. Violent protest will not work. Not only are they morally indefensible, they are tactically naive.

Violence is the language of the oppressor. The global State holds total dominion over instigation of the use of force. To crack down, in response to a violent uprising, is the fervent hope of the oppressor. It allows the State to exercise more, not less, authoritarian control.

In reality, to stop it, all we need to do is refuse, en masse, to comply. We must do this with our eyes open. It won’t be easy and many of us will face harsh punishment from a desperate tyrant. However, if we don’t stand up now, we are condemning future generations to unimaginable levels of slavery and misery.

In order to foist this upon us, the apparatus behind it has invested billions in propaganda. The fascist technocracy, presently being constructed at an alarming pace, requires our cooperation. Without it, the biosecurity dictatorship cannot gain its desired authority.

Our representative democratic systems are not what our forebears gave everything to build. The parasite class have hollowed them out, replacing the organs of State with their own, leaving only the shell as a chimera to maintain our delusions and keep us believing that we have a semblance of control.

It is a fool’s errand to attempt to use their system to win our freedom. It is designed to control us. Appeals to their courts will never deliver justice to us. Temporary, small victories will always be overturned. Nor can we vote harder expecting yet another of their puppets to save us.

The purpose of the representative democratic apparition is to centralise all global power in the hands of the parasite class. This course is inexorable and, while we persist in our electoral folly, we will not alter it.

We must build something new to replace it. The obvious solution is the decentralisation of all power to the individual. We must construct a voluntary society.

Without us, without our obedience, the parasite class is currently nothing but a group of ineffectual, wannabe plutocrats, sat on piles of paper, created from nothing and worth nothing. If we don’t obey, there are no rulers.

Should we refuse to use their monetary system, their usury will be fruitless; if we decide not to pay their taxes, we cut will off their economic exploitation and if we never vote for their bureaucrats we won’t consent to their nominated, elected aristocracy.

We are the scientists and the engineers, the doctors and the nurses; we are the builders and the architects, the mechanics and the farmers; we are the soldiers who kill and die for their enrichment, we are the police officers who enforce their unlawful rules; we are the people who build and work in their factories, we are the office workers and bank clerks who administer their system, the shop workers, the programmers, the writers, the artists, the teachers and we are the people who, through our belief in their mythical authority, allow the parasite class to control us.

We are the meek, we are the receivers of all knowledge and all wisdom. We possess all the technology we need and we are the experts. It is our world, leased from our future generations, not theirs. Without us the parasite class are utterly incapable of controlling anyone or anything.

We must create, not destroy. We must liberate science, technology, art and knowledge itself from their occult control. We must build alternative decentralised systems, enabling humanity to live as a coexistence of free, sovereign beings. We must focus upon self sufficiency, we must support each other, turn our backs on the control systems of the parasitic State and build our own autonomous communities.

We must refuse to comply with any and all attempts to centralise power. We can do this by rejecting, outright, the concept of authority.

No one ever has any right to tell anyone else what to do. But nor does anyone ever have the right to cause any harm or loss to another human being. We can live in harmony because we are capable of respecting each other equally, without reservation. We know this.

Not a single human being on this Earth has the right to order any other to obey their authority. None of us possess this power. Therefore, this power can never be derived from us. We do not have it to give. The State’s claim of authority, gleaned from their electoral anointment ceremony, is a charade. Their authority does not exist in reality, only in our imaginations.

We don’t need anyone to tell us how to live. Nor how to deal with the tiny minority incapable of taking responsibility for their own actions. A voluntary society would be a society without rulers, not a society without rules.

We don’t need their systems of authority to live in relative peace and harmony and we never have. Spontaneous order is all around us. We already live the overwhelming majority of our lives free from State control and without the need for anyone to impose any rulers upon us.

A disease, or a control mechanism?

With a few exceptions, no State compels the farmer to grow crops, no State coerces labourers to pick the harvest or engineers to design and operate packing plants and no State forces anyone to transport the produce to market nor any consumer to buy it.

This system isn’t controlled by any single authority. It is an intricate, often global, network of free individuals, each acting in their own best interests, creating a harmonious social order way beyond the operational control of any State. The State has no part in this social order of immeasurable complexity.

This ordered social construct, bringing food to the family table, is entirely voluntary. Our society is built from millions of such systems and trillions of voluntary actions and exchanges that happen every day. The voluntary society already exists. All we need do is recognise it, and then seize it. The State is, and always has been, entirely unnecessary. It is a hindrance, not a utility.

What benefit does the State and its regulation bring to our food supply chains? It claims to protect it. Protect for whom?

It removes the free market to protect the profits of multinational corporations. It imposes taxes, raising everyone’s costs, to pay for its wars of neocolonialist exploitation. It forces wages down, it cuts the margins for everyone from growers to retailers, pushing some into poverty to be preyed upon by the same corporate State.

Its food standard regulations, supposedly designed to keep us safe, effectively reduce food quality, creates massive waste, reduces nutrition, causes more sickness and lengthens the queues at the pharmacy. Again for the benefit of the parasite class and their pharmaceutical corporations.

In a truly voluntary, free market what would a supplier gain from providing low quality, expensive produce to consumers? They would quickly go out of business.

Only State regulations can possibly facilitate lowering quality, while raising prices, without anyone in the supply chain, other than the oligarchs at the top, profiting from it. Corporate profit is the bottom line and the State’s sole purpose is to protect it.

Yet, somehow, we remain convinced that society could not possibly order itself spontaneously, without the forced coercion of the State. Despite the fact that, in great measure, it already does. We neither lack the ability nor the knowledge to build a voluntary society. We lack the confidence, because this pernicious system is purpose built to rob us of it.

We are taught, practically from birth, that respecting authority is a virtue. To obey is to be good, disobedience is punished. What could we be if instead we taught our children to think critically, that all of us have equal, inalienable rights, never to cause harm or loss and to take responsibility for themselves because there is no claimed protection from any authority?

Unfortunately, once we enter the education system the doctrine of authority is vigorously reinforced through perpetual repetition and the systemic application of reward and punishment. We are taught what we are allowed to know. This prepares us to be productive workers and responsible members of the State.

We are then permitted to work until we are no longer productive, with every last ounce of profit milked from us, as we shuffle off to our graves on pharmaceutical life support, before the State swoops in to hoover up the remnants of our lives.

This is not done for our benefit. We are programmed to believe in the farcical notion of a benevolent State. A State which exclusively serves the parasite class and one in which our lives are the real commodity.

COVID 19 is not a high impact infectious disease, it has low mortality rates and is absolutely comparable to influenza. It isn’t even clear that is can be identified as a disease at all. Sadly, it seems the vast majority of us are so adapted to our authoritarian environment that we are incapable of ever questioning anything we are told by our superiors.

“Non-Violent Resistance”
by Judy Baca

COVID 19 is nothing more than a casus belli for the Third World War. As the representatives of the State openly admit, that war is a hybrid war. Just as there is no such thing as a healthy human being, nor is there any distinction between war and peace.

All is war and we are the enemy. The military objective is to grind us into docile and compliant slaves, serving the new normal State.

We must face reality. In the new normal, driven by the “Fourth Industrial Revolution,” our labour is no longer required. We are destined only to consume, and that consumption is to be ruthlessly controlled. As are we.

There is no black and no white, no right-wing nor any leftists, there is no gay and no straight, no Republicans nor Democrats, no Conservatives nor Labour supporters. These are just some of the divisions forced upon us by the parasite class, and its compliant lapdog the mainstream media, to keep us divided and to stop us realising the truth.

We are in this together. All of us. No matter where we live or what we believe. We are all part of a single, inviolable truth.

Call it God, Allah, Yahweh, the Divine Spirit, the Universe, Mother Earth or Natural Law, there is one truth and we all understand it. Cause no harm, cause no loss, take responsibility for our actions and treat all with compassion and respect.

We are not merely a random cluster of atoms. We are sovereign spiritual beings. We have purpose and every life has inestimable value. We stand together or divided we fall.

You have a choice. Choose wisely.


You can read more of Iain’s work at his blog In This Together


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Nov 13, 2020 3:06 PM

The obvious solution is the decentralisation of all power to the individual. We must construct a voluntary society.

Unfortunately, this will not work.

Power (e.g., wealth) tends to concentrate. New technology is the literal creation of power. Technology (knowledge), once created, cannot be destroyed. Therefore it cannot be very much controlled.

We have reached a point where there is so much accumulated technological power, and in turn so much subsequent concentration of it, that the previously achievable pushbacks via collectives of personal power (e.g. revolutions, of all kinds) is finally being obliterated.

I do not currently believe there is an escape. I’m praying, I’m begging, to be proved wrong.

Nov 13, 2020 3:27 PM
Reply to  Norm

My point deserves a much longer explanation than what I gave above; I’m working on it.

I’ll say at this point that all your solutions above can be overcome by technologies — most perniciously, those technologies that invade the mind — psy-ops (via propaganda, education systems, etc.), drugs, nanobots, and God knows what else exists that we’ve never heard of. In fact, this is exactly how we got to where we are today.

Jul 8, 2021 9:51 AM
Reply to  Norm

Posts like this are part of the problem. You’re part of the problem. Either you value freedom or you don’t. Either you choose to live in fear believing there is ‘no escape’ or you choose to fight for the end for it. Whatever that entails. And yes, that might result in you giving your life dying as a free being with your values and integrity intact rather than living as a compromised slave to these dysfunctional satanic parasites. Yes, satanic. Because there is something very evil possessing and controlling these psychopathic puppets. If you cannot see that this is also a spiritual battle then your own reliance on the system’s technology and control methods, your lack of courage and your dispiriting comments are an insult to those who ARE prepared to stand up for what they consider worth fighting for and their own moral and spiritual integrity.

Dylan Jones
Dylan Jones
Nov 1, 2020 11:16 AM

During the last night of the year, kings rested uneasy on their thrones. They knew that at these liminal times, society stood on its head and the ruler’s contract with his people came under review.
MasqueRAID of the Deep State

Sep 28, 2020 3:38 AM

While non-compliance will always be more effective, the dirty little secret that the parasite class don’t want you to know is that they don’t have enough cops and soldiers to enforce what they want enforced, even if violent protests do break out.

Plus, there is always the risk that soldiers and cops will defect when they realize they are being asked to kill civilians in order to enforce unjust, unreasonable laws.

Morever, if mass non-compliance does happen, they can’t imprison everyone who refuses to comply, otherwise they lose the machinery and labour they depend on to generate their wealth.

The government of East Germany let the Berlin Wall come down, because, as early as five years before the event, the government began to see signs that mass revolt was on the verge of breaking out and would quickly become unmanageable if they didn’t ease up and give the people greatly expanded freedoms. They also knew that their Russian sponsors had no appetite to intervene, as their regime was on the brink of collapse as well, for different reasons.

Sep 26, 2020 7:48 AM

“Your ability to work, to socialise, to travel, conduct business, access public services and to purchase essential goods and services will be dictated to you, and restricted, by the State, based upon your biosecurity or immunity status.”

The controls will not be restricted to health. It will cover all sorts of cooked-up infractions that arise from impossible regulations. As Kirkpatrick Sale said, delegation of authority causes every polity to deteriorate once it exceeds a population of about 10 million. What we are seeing is the follow-up to globalisation – that brought nothing but misery and devastation to almost all peoples. It will also shield the clueless and demented oligarchy in the face of the coming climate apocalypse.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Sep 26, 2020 3:33 AM

To me, it’s much more about identifying the significant truth.

Jumping up and down about lockdowns and freedoms is EXACTLY what they want us to do. That’s what they trigger us to do and plan for. It’s a mug’s game.

If we say, “This is a Psychological Operation. There is no “novel” virus and, in fact, you tell us you’re duping us with alleged patients coughing all over the show in ICUs, etc.” or words of that nature that will be far more effective than “resisting”.

Tell them that they’re duping us and identify how they TELL us they’re duping us. They’re TELLING us. All we need to do is call them out.

They always TELL us. We need to TELL them back.


Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Jul 8, 2021 11:09 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

The only way you can do any of what you recommend is if you have the freedom to do so. Without freedom of speech and action truth can’t be heard. Freedom is the first principle which allows the others space to exist.

And no, ‘they’ don’t want us jumping up and down about freedoms and lockdown – which is why they are making it increasingly difficult to do so.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Jul 8, 2021 11:30 AM

The fact that they are making it difficult for us to do doesn’t mean they don’t want us doing it in the first place. It’s a process. Initially, they do want us jumping up and down and then perhaps when they have us cowering after wearing masks and in lockdown for months at a time they’ll really put the boot in – do you not see how controlled it all is, how they have all the handlers and agents provocateurs at the events and so on.

Everything is controlled, Sophie, and it all goes like clockwork. The narrative is all planned, the slogans are all planned, the resistance is all planned – they know it’s going to happen and they simply curate it accordingly. It’s all planned and controlled.

The “freedom” slogan is definitely from the controlled opposition. If there’s no virus, no need to fight for freedom, all we need to fight for is truth – and that’s what they massively suppress with their mainstream and controlled opposition propaganda – Dolores Cahill et al with their BS about yes, virus but response inappropriate.

I agree with you on freedom of speech, that’s for sure. We have no freedom of speech because all the MSM ban comments that oppose the narrative. So sure we have no freedom of speech. Generally, I believe, if you have freedom of speech all other freedoms follow but we don’t have that … at all. We are massively censored but then now our peers censor us too, don’t they, even our friends and relatives both censor and censure us. It’s utterly appalling.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jul 8, 2021 3:13 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

We need to be careful not to attribute omnipotent, god-like levels of power and coordination to our foes. This demonstrates a defeatist mindset. If I were our foe, I would exploit such a weakness, play up to it. Whatever line we pursue to resist, there are mortal, human institutions at the core of this, in all their senile glory, imbued with power by we the people. They are symbols, projections. And I believe this ties into your point about simply refusing to participate in this circus, refusing to play along. Which is a good point, with such a mindset humanity can topple these corrupt institutions in an instant.

It DOES need to be raised in the right way, though, or otherwise it can have a chilling, creepy, ‘controlled opposition’ vibe, along the lines of ‘don’t resist, it’s what they want you to do, spend your time quibbling about whether viruses exist until this all goes away’.

I am NOT saying that’s what you’re saying 🙂 I am simply illustrating that how we sell it is SO important for our morale, and also that the right balance is required between refusing to partake in a corrupt game and resisting its effects upon us by rejecting its attempts at control.

And in fairness, I think that line has been adhered to quite well throughout all this.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Jul 11, 2021 1:34 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Don’t be so darn silly Petra. These are flawed, confused human beings not Marvel comic supervillains. They get stuff wrong sometimes, they miscalculate, they overreach. Trouble is you have an unfalsifiable hypothesis that assumes a priori all their goofs, errors and general dumbness are intentional. The only result of that is to disempower yourself and empower them.

Sep 25, 2020 7:30 PM

BEAUTIFUL!! Absolutely perfect! It don’t get no better than that speech/article….I could see myself reading this whole thing, if front of the whole world, or someone else that could show the power and the feeling between each sentence, as this WAS powerful, with very much feeling put into it.
Now where, and how many places can I find, to put this, so that every American can see it, and read it, and then THINK about it??

Sep 25, 2020 4:58 PM

The World Economic Forum has infiltrated America’s public health agencies and scientific academics. They have hijacked our science turning it into social engineering science. We need to stop running around like scared little lab bunny rabbits. We need to get out from under the parasite class who run their criminal information warfare [io] [iia].
Who gave this parasite class, the 1% of the 1% to play God without permission? 
As a programmer and computer engineer who writes code and algorithms, I am very concerned that we have zero accountability, let alone discussions or peer-reviewed critical analysis of how dangerous it can be when these oligarchs have the ability to rule over our own bodies by algorithms.
Last week I had another disconcerting conversation with one of my colleagues who is an Artificial Intelligence consultant and works as a sub-contractors over at the Atlantic Council think tank, and he commented on how, ”It’s now all about hacking the human brain and our biological bodies- that keeps those damn Technocrats so obsessed.” He jokingly complained how feels like a drug dealer now, ” Our algorithms are light years beyond predictive behavior analytics, and once they realized this it became like an insatiable drug they fiend for. So now we sell them the perfect drug. Invisible power to control.”
These shadow brokers and contractors have become the drug dealers for the cabal of elites. Providing dazzling code for push-button control. 
The engineers of this social science work under line items as Info Operations [io] , [iia] Internet Interactivity Activities, the more polite acronyms for reality hacking. They just let the algorithm rule us now. 
The problem is there are not many familiar with how far advanced AI, machine learning and much other dark technology ( developed by outfits such as DARPA) have become . It will enable these corrupt technocrats to usher in a ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution.’ 
A revolution that will forever change what it is to be human. A near-future where the promise of human 2.0 is only reserved for this parasite class, while the rest of humanity suffers as our own bodies and brains become the raw resource of energy to exploit. 
These parasites are the same psychopaths who constructed our global central banks of fiat currency. A monetary system with a record of failure. We are now are witnessing once again how their worthless fiat currency, backed by corruption, debt, liber accounting fraud, manipulation by algorithms, their obfuscation of our real monetary value- precious metals, and ongoing manipulation of the public’s perception through wars, bubbles, manufactured crisis after crisis and now pandemics.
This parasite class has a historical record of brutality when they have failed to find cover for their own failed systems.
In America our own CDC (Center of Disease Control) is just one of many institutions that their algorithm enjoys infecting that will diminish all its legacy equity of trust into dust. In this new world, we all have become disposable on their fast track to trans humanism. Equality my ass. 
The algorithm does not care about our health. If it did all these natural treatments would be available, instead, we let them make us sicker and abuse the psyche of all our children. The psychological torture of weaponized algorithms attacking our mental well being and threats of arrest for going to church, running our lives as games. Excuse me folks, but this is called Terrorism. 
How are they getting away with it? 
It all sits on the PCR test which is scientifically meaningless but has become their perfect weapon for social engineering. The entire Scientific community understands the amount of trickery that a PCR can have without set standards of its sensitivity markers to detect the virus. All with no proof for the RNA being of viral origin. 
Now the question is: What is required first for virus isolation/proof? 
We need to know where the RNA for which the PCR tests are calibrated comes from. PCR is extremely sensitive, which means it can detect even the smallest pieces of DNA or RNA — but it cannot determine where these particles came from. 
That has to be determined beforehand. 
In the context of SARS-CoV-2, we so-called conspiracy theorists are still waiting for the proof of whether the electron-microscopic shots depicted in all these science teams in vitro experiments show purified viruses. 
What’s quite frankly the most exhaustive case of gaslighting- would be the FDA’s own printed words. 
As I pop my daily Vitamin C, zinc, and vitamin D – I see that all too familiar label ‘ These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA ….’ 
But I will tell you that what has been evaluated by the FDA is the PCR testing functionality. And they read as follows where the FDA admits that:
“positive results […] do not rule out bacterial infection or co-infection with other viruses. The agent detected may not be the definite cause of disease.”
Perhaps the most astounding is the actual PCR Test Kits own medical inserts ( distributed by Roche ) reads:
 “ These assays are not intended for use as an aid in the diagnosis of coronavirus infection”
For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.”
Then what the fuck is real science now? 
This parasite class are good for one thing. Creating fake money, fake science, fake realities, fake threats and fake perceptions. All to feed their insatiable need for control. 
The whole C19 house of cards pandemic now sits on the PCR test. This is all code. DNA, RNA. 
Another big concern. Our brains have no intrinsic fire-wall for this new code that these mad scientists are infecting us with. Fuck cyber attacks. The real threats are the psychological attacks that have already dismantled our attention spans. 
Social media was the contagion that destroyed our sense-making and once they get their medical hooks into everybody our own bodies down to our microscopic cells will be ruled by their algorithms. 
They had their deep hooks in Silicon Valley and Shanghai long ago planning for their ‘Great Reset.’ They write code. Viruses are code. 
This war was coded, gamed, simulated and now being played. On us. I am not saying this sarcastically. These games they are playing are killing us. 
The covid19 pandemic is not based on classic virology or real science. 
It’s a new social science. Not valued by ethical skepticism. Novel in that it can disregard a gold standard in satisfying the four Koch’s postulates because it’s a type of new science where they can write their own code. 
We are on the path of becoming just another upstream of data to be mined for reflexive control over our own bodies and brains. Stop writing code for these bastards! People need to realize that the Emperor wears no clothes. 
To use fear as some form of bio-API to social engineer us into pieces of code where they can control us bit by bit, is an abomination. 
Now we somehow must all submit to their demands as a solution for a better future for ecological and equitable fairness. My ass. These are the very same problems that these fuckers have created that plague humanity in the first place. 
Welcome to the Technocracy- where we the people have become the serfs as raw resources and energy for their Fourth Industrial Revolution.  

Dec 20, 2020 5:29 PM
Reply to  AFEKT IOT

Great comment. Very true in all details, as much as I know. However in order to motivate people to face the truth, a bit more is needed, I think….

Eyes Open
Eyes Open
Sep 25, 2020 1:47 PM

A simple choice to make:

We live freely with nature and its viruses and risks


We choose a lifetime of face masks, vaccines, surveillance, chips and immunity passports to keep us safe instead

comment image

Sep 30, 2020 10:50 AM
Reply to  Eyes Open

I don’t see that choice being extended. I see coercive compliance to inhuman systems of control, or alignment under sovereignty of being.

To speak of which is to speak of that which is not IN the world of masking agenda set in conflict.

Sovereignty of being is not subject to its experience, but while we struggle to change our experience we divide the parts we want from the parts we don’t and divided, are ruled over. So restoring wholeness or releasing the ‘divide and rule’ mindset of action and reaction, is not about changing ‘them’, or validating and reinforcing an ‘us’, or a ‘me’ set apart and against the hated, feared or denied.
To be lord over our own subject is to give the experience we are having, all the meaning it has for us. This truth is not IN the world and this is because this world is made in and of confusion that sets the outer experience as lord, and denies the truth of wholeness for the meanings that are given a world made in anger, identified in and seeking reinforcement, as a me or a we set over and against a you, a they or an it.

The choice to identify IN the world does not know its freedom, for the world is the experience of being locked down in an identity set in fear and attack, and masked in seeking virtue set in grievance.

The guidance for how to be within the world comes from …

This post continues on:

Sep 30, 2020 10:53 AM
Reply to  Binra

And are you going to resist and fight back or surrender to serfdom?

Sep 30, 2020 10:08 PM
Reply to  John

What exactly do you mean by resist and fight back?
I don’t believe you mean anything real – so much as to generate an identity from what you are against.
Serfs actually had some rights under the feudal system. Watch some of terry Jones documentaries on medieval history.
Human lab rats wont have any rights unless granted by the controllers.
How do lab rats fight back against their oppressors?
They dont. they are simply conditioned.

If you are not a lab rat, stop acting like one.
What is it to be truly human?

Eyes Open
Eyes Open
Sep 24, 2020 10:20 PM

Governments have declared war on their own people using an exaggerated health pandemic as a Trojan horse to impose tyranny.
When governments become totalitarian, dictatorial, fascist,
All politicians have to be branded ‘criminal’.
Human societies around the world this year, have been suffering tremendously, paralyzed by absolute terror and fear,
Because behavior psychologists working with fascist governments have created a very schizophrenic situation by changing citizens’ behavior through NLP behavior modification, dividing people by playing them against each other, forcibly destroying lives, creating utter confusion, panic and fear.
Governments and psychologists must be all held legally responsible for all the harm, the psychological damage, and the deaths that this highly unethical behavioral modification is causing to millions of people around the world, in what are supposed to be democratic, advanced and free nations!
There should be hundreds of cases against these governments, politicians and psychologists in all the courts of the world.
The U.N., E.U., W.E.F., W.H.O., I.M.F., World Bank, Reserve Banks, Corporations, Intelligence Agencies, Governments, Oligarchs, they should all be very worried and afraid of the legal consequences akin to the Nuremberg trials for “crimes against humanity” that they will be facing for creating and supporting this Marxist revolution and illegal coup against democracy and all the people of the world?
Politicians have finally failed! Why?
Revolutions in the past have always been of the head.
That’s why they have failed.
Can’t you see, all those revolutions have failed?
French or Russian or Chinese.
Now we have a Global Marxist failed revolution in process.
Why have all revolutions been a failure?
The reason, the deepest reason, is because there was no heart.
They were only from the head, they lived on logic.
And life is illogical.
Marx is logical, life is not logical.
Marx is bound to fail, the failure is intrinsic in the very choice.
A new vision of freedom, truth and respect is needed in the world, a new vision which will be as scientifically honest as possible and consciously intelligent.
The masses who are already fully hypnotized by society, by the government need to de-hypnotize themselves.
De-hypnotize from the governments constant programming from birth to death, from so-called education and state propaganda through controlled media and press.
Also to obtain complete freedom from all government intelligence agencies and their ongoing around the clock surveillance, illegally monitoring of every word, reaction and move.
The government is constantly trying to keep you so propagandized, so totally hypnotized that you never become aware of the great slavery that you are living in.
They do not give you any time to see the truth.
They keep you confused, afraid and obedient, constantly engaged in one narrative or another.
Before one lie is discovered they create ten more.
They keep new lies ready so there is never a gap, never an interval left between overlapping narratives, because in that gap you will be able to see and recognize the full enslavement of your own life, and the utter madness of your governments sociopathic misrule.
But once you have seen through their lies and propaganda, you cannot remain part of it anymore.
You have seen that the house is on fire.
You will have to jump out of it!
Your eyes will no longer remain clouded, you will no longer remain a programmable slave.
You will be able to see that which is, because your mind is now free of all lies, propaganda and suggestion.
You can finally see the truth.
But there are always foolish people who are ready to become new victims of the politicians words, clever, fine words and all their bogus narratives.
All their systems made of words are nothing but houses made out of playing cards.
George Bernard Shaw used to say: Build a system that even a fool can use and only a fool will want to use it.
Fools are many and they can be exploited by these clever, criminal, cunning people.
Politicians are sociopathic, criminal, and very cunning people.
They are experts at using fine words with such skill that you cannot see their lies in the loopholes.
Because you can’t see the loopholes you start believing in their words.
Belief as such is a bondage!
Freedom, intelligence and truth are possible only if you are totally fearless.
Remember, if you are afraid you cannot be awake.
You will always be kept afraid by politicians who are fully exploiting this fear.
The fear of the government is nothing but the fear of violence, the government can kill more powerfully than anybody else.
The fear of the police because they can kill you, they can shoot you.
What is the fear of the magistrate and the law?
Because the magistrate has the power to send you to prison and they can even give you a life sentence.
The entire consciousness of the individual is surrounded by, and is made of fear.
It is always present on some surface of the mind.
This fear, whatever be the form of its manifestation, is basically the fear of death.
Death surrounds all through life.
It can come at any moment and from any direction.
From this death, which is possible at any time, fear is only natural.
Fear is the shadow of death, and unless you know that you are deathless you cannot be free of fear.
And unless you are free from fear you will not know what freedom is.
All these things are interconnected.
Meditation is the state of awareness, having your eyes fully open, only then you are capable of seeing.
You can simply see what is right and what is wrong.
And when you see what is right and what is wrong you can’t do the wrong, you can’t go against the right.
A meditator naturally follows that which is right.
When you live in your truth, when truth is your very breath, then goodness follows as a shadow.
Then arises a revolution, the real revolution which can fully transform through freedom, truth and love, each individual on the planet.

Eyes Open
Eyes Open
Sep 25, 2020 1:40 PM
Reply to  Eyes Open

Someone else called Eyes Open..

The above comment is not mine.

Sep 27, 2020 7:11 PM
Reply to  Eyes Open

“Marx is logical.” “Life is illogical.” Wrong on both counts.

Sep 24, 2020 9:42 PM

Yeah, great idea. Just in case corporations weren’t predatory enough, let’s get rid of the only powerful institution that can face them down and happens to have some accountability to the little people.

Do we get a choice to freely choose to have a powerful institution that isn’t exclusively controlled by money? Or do we only get the option to be slaves to money and die as soon as we get sick enough and we have spent our last money on some profiteering healthcare provider?

Sep 24, 2020 8:32 PM

I’d like to say something about violence. Or rather, not say something about it, because what can we say about the sudden, desperate act of violence? It happens. Sometimes there is no way around it. It has to happen at those times.

On the other hand, let’s say something about a STRATEGY of violence. That is to say, violence as a declared means, planned, programmed, manned, supplied, declared, laid out… to achieve some supposed distinct end (means as distinct from ends, that cultural fiction of ours). That’s where we fall into using the State’s number one tool (or tool par excellence: State = strategic violence; they even brag about it). And that’s were you are, should you triumph, unavoidibly set to reproduce the oppression of the former Lord of the Armies. Mind you, should you not triumph (which is very likely given the current distribution of the systems and tools for violence), you will be imposing, on yourself, and on others, the ends that every means have ingrained in them, therefore causing more suffering all around and strengthning the System itself.

Sep 24, 2020 2:41 PM

I agree with the title of the article but I am really, really, fed up of the constant allusions to China and the “Chinese model of technocracy” which exists in the author’s imagination. There is no doubt China has a very different system but those of us who have never lived there and don’t speak any of the languages or read the scripts used there are limited in our ability to get first-hand unfiltered knowledge of China.
Some facts 1. China locked down a tiny proportion of it’s population. The equivalent for Italy would have been locking up the province of Bergamo, Brescia and Lodi, e.g. In the rest of China life continued with far less restrictions than in most of the OECD. 2. Life in Wuhan is far more normal now than post-lockdown OECD. 3. If you remember the exact sequence of events a lot of the pressure for the Wuhan lockdown came from the West, with all the digs about Sars 2003.
4.Unlike the rest of the OECD, China actually had some good reason for its localized lockdowns in Hubei: the new year mass migration was about to start and Wuhan is a big rail hub. It didn’t want a repeat of Sars 2003. As the only country with a surveillance system organized enough to detect the new virus, it had little idea what it was dealing with.

And yet for all of Jan+Feb, most of the OECD sat around snickering and playing geopolitics. Then they imposed a draconian patchwork of rules devoid of all logic.

The China bashing is getting so tiring and frankly, when that’s how an article starts out, I am not motivated to read the rest.

Sep 25, 2020 7:42 PM
Reply to  rraa

Well your last few words are just nothing but a shame. You’ll miss out on what I like to call, a very empowering speech/article. It was wrote with a lot of feeling for truth, and freedom. I want to read it, screaming every word, to everyone in this country! That’s how GOOD it was! Well, how good I thought it was anyway. So all I can say is…you missed out on a DAM good article! But then, you seem like the kind, that wouldn’t feel a thing, after reading it, anyway. And the whole thing, would have been wasted on you too. Again, what a shame…

Sep 24, 2020 1:36 PM

“In reality, to stop it, all we need to do is refuse, en masse, to comply.”

How about joining the big Anti Lockdown Demonstations on Saturday 26th at Trafalgar Square in London for a warm up?

Bill Rice, Jr.
Bill Rice, Jr.
Sep 24, 2020 11:06 AM

If the Big Brother-like draconian “safety measures” imposed on the population don’t serve as a wake-up call to the public, I’m not sure anything will. It used to be college students led or started protests. The college students – who are now being treated like prisoners – have been as docile and quiet as a meek lamb. I think we have become a world of “sheeple.” But the author is right – SOMEONE better start acting soon.

Sep 25, 2020 8:33 PM
Reply to  Bill Rice, Jr.

Well, if a lot more countries, join up together, over there in the Middle East, and decide they all are tired of the bickering and fighting between those two VERY important countries (one of them, being WAY more important than the other, of course), and they all decide to make peace with that one important country, then I have a feeling that they’ll put enough pressure on that one certain particular leader (who has CONSTANTLY said no to peace, for YEARS, even with an offer of BILLIONS of dollars, even that was declined),to make that peace, that for many years, has been out of grasp, from SO many leaders that have tried, down through the many years.
Ok, what am I trying to say? If enough leaders over there say YES to peace with….ISRAEL…which one by one, these countries ARE saying (surprisingly), and then they ALL look at…PALESTINE, to say yes to the peace, I believe Trump might step in then (after the demands and the threats, and the beatings, etc etc, make this Palestinian leader so beaten down, that that leader HAS TO say yes, and ok…FINALLY!), and hand him this paper, that basically says, we had to make sure you’d keep the peace you finally agreed to, and we’re making a stipulation, that you HAVE to keep the peace for…7 YEARS..at least. (This amount of years, will be on the peace treaty/contract.) And after that, you can do whatever you want…
So you want a leader? Someone to come along and fix everything? You know the saying, be careful for what you wish for? lol….ENTER SATAN, the Antichrist, and the False Prophet.
The 7 year contract that the Palestinian leader just signed with Israel, just started the 7 year Tribulation period…the beginning of the end…hell on earth. This is now, when the antichrist will show himself in person, and proclaim himself, in front of the whole world, that HE is “god”!! (finally, we know it wasn’t Hitler, or those many others, that people foolishly has said was “him”, down through the many years. I wonder, who’s the lucky guy THESE days, that everyone is calling the antichrist??). This is also the time, when everyone has to take the “mark of the beast”, etc etc…

And now you know, what COULD happen. You know Trump has been saying he wants to be the one to bring peace between them two (which president HASN’T said that?). Trump has had his son-in-law, to work out the “kinks” of this deal, which speaking of, Trump calls his “peace deal”….the “Deal of the Century”….how bout THAT? I’m pretty sure, that he’s already got this 7 year peace plan drawn up, and just waiting for signatures.

So how long has Israel and Palestine been fighting? How long has everyone in the world, been asking them two countries/leaders to make peace? And no matter WHAT any leader has said or done, the Palestinian leader has said NO. True blue muslim he is…to hate Israel with every fiber in his being. Remember he’s calls us, the U.S. the “Great satan”, and Israel, the “Little satan”? Wait, isn’t it the other way around? lol….

Anyway, no way, no how, nobody has been able to bring peace over there. So I’m thinking I’m calling my thoughts of how this peace is going to come, the “back door” way. Get a bunch of leaders from over there, to agree to peace (two countries already have said they will make peace with Israel, and more are ready), and THEN everyone of them, turn, and look at Palestine. If he says NO now? The heat will be turned up on him, until the answer is YES. What every president down through the years has tried, has now been done. Wonder if Trump thought of this, and is now orchestrating it. If he is, he’s way smarter, than I give him credit for! What a sly fox….! But if this is the prophecy, that me and all Christians are looking for (not really!), then Trump has just opened a HUGE can of worms, and life for EVERYONE is never going to be the same again! I can sure hope and pray I’m wrong about all this, but I’ve always wondered…no ONE man is able to bring peace in this world (or to these two countries), and the bible says there WILL be peace between them two, soooo, the question remains….HOW ELSE, would a peace plan come? The idea I just explained, would be the most perfect way!! Non-direct way.
Sorry so long….

Sep 23, 2020 6:20 PM

Bravo Iain. You have said it truly. Funny how I always knew it but could not see until I retired.

Wayne Vanderploeg
Wayne Vanderploeg
Sep 23, 2020 4:05 PM

Iain Davis weren’t you in Seattle a few months ago? We’ve been looking for the people funding the Anarchy. Hmmmmm. You don’t happen to have black clothing, a gas mask, helmet and bullet proof vest in your closet by chance?

Jeff Johns
Jeff Johns
Sep 23, 2020 4:29 PM

Try reading the article again and rebutting his arguments point for point. Smear tactics are for the lazy . . . or for those who serve the official narrative.

Wayne Vanderploeg
Wayne Vanderploeg
Sep 23, 2020 5:25 PM
Reply to  Jeff Johns

Sorry but I am referring to all of the points, collectively. This is the voice of a nutcase. This could have come directly from an American Antifa document for all I know. You assign the term laziness. I call call it craziness. People have had some form of leadership since the beginning, whenever that was. A young liberal neighbor of mine tried to needle me about simply dividing all of the land in the United States up evenly among the population and let everyone live independently. Geeze. Are you one of those. I am not attacking but simply pointing out the similarities. There will never ever ever be Utopia on the face of the earth. We have known that resources are finite for a long long long time. Before Robert Malthus announced it in his book in 1798, An Essay on the Principle of Population. People need leaders. Hunting and gathering went out with the melting of the glaciers and will most likely be popular again in a few hundred thousand years, give or take. But until then, we need some kind of order and that can only come about with leadership. Hungry mobs won’t hesitate to take what belongs to you. That’s where the lazy part comes in. Lazies taking from hard workers. Kind of like what’s happening now. We need leadership.

Sep 23, 2020 6:16 PM

What part of Point-for-Point did you not get?

Wayne Vanderploeg
Wayne Vanderploeg
Sep 23, 2020 6:33 PM
Reply to  Owen

“Sorry but I am referring to all of the points, COLLECTIVELY. This is the voice of a NUTCASE.”

Jeff Johns
Jeff Johns
Sep 23, 2020 7:11 PM

You are missing the gist of the article, which highlights the dangers of the growing surveillance and biosecurity state, and the corruption of leadership in service of a growing technocracy–not the fact that leadership merely exists. Have you the capacity to grasp these developments and their implications?

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Sep 23, 2020 7:36 PM
Reply to  Jeff Johns

Mr Vanderploeg is a disruptive troll – no point trying to reason 😉

Sep 24, 2020 7:28 AM

Troll or not, and the ad hominem attack notwithstanding, he does have a good point. The article is excellent because it not only exposes the built-in dysfunctions of the perception of reality as per the status quo, but it also proposes a different, new reality.

The question is how the society proposed by the author can be achieved and, more importantly, maintained.

Various systems can exist, and appear workable, in theory. Practical implementation, however, is a different ball of wax.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 24, 2020 9:30 AM

“Hunting and gathering went out with the melting of the glaciers and will most likely be popular again in a few hundred thousand years, give or take.”

So it’s a question of “popularity”? Can everyone who doesn’t want to do it still shop at Tescos?

Sep 26, 2020 8:14 AM
Reply to  George Mc

He seems to imply that hunting and gathering was at a peak during the Ice Age. Perhaps he has some revolutionary discoveries on that.

Sep 24, 2020 3:18 PM

And yet were not those “hungry mobs” being LED their entire lives?

Wayne Vanderploeg
Wayne Vanderploeg
Sep 24, 2020 5:01 PM
Reply to  InnerCynic

It’s so easy to incite an electronic riot. Sorry. My bad. But yes, they are being led. They have been conditioned, no doubt. It’s been happening since the beginning of written history. What does that say?

They figured it out.

Leaders have been scheming ways to stay in power all that time.

However, democracy is way better than a monarchy or dictatorship. Temptation, greed and tyranny. All human. We all are flawed. Survival of the fittest. Preservation of your lineage by protecting and promoting your descendants. Blah Blah Blah. It’s not arguable.

Extended pontificating to prove what? You know where I am going….

Pick at it all you want. Prove you are smart. Great. It’s clear that most of you are.

But you are wrong in doing so.

It’s like the Corona virus.

Irrefutable facts

Sep 24, 2020 9:43 PM

We just need to step out of the system. Its as simple as that.

Sep 25, 2020 8:39 PM

Funny, I made a LONG comment above, to someone else, who said that “we need a leader”….Funny ain’t it? They call for peace, when there is no peace….
Need a leader? Keep up with the news. Watch for a 7 year peace plan, to be signed, between two certain countries….and then??

You’ll have your leader!!

Sep 23, 2020 11:43 AM

¡Ojala! (a Moorish word taken in Spanish expressing hope, possibilities and faith)
The children – tell the children, don’t let the state indoctrinate them.
Thank you, Iain, lovely article.

austrian peter
austrian peter
Sep 23, 2020 10:04 AM

Bravo and hear hear! I can say no more – you have taken all my words.

I will indeed resist – I am doing so every day – I am part of this in which we are all in together.

Let them that will see bear witness to this battle for the hearts and minds of every single beautiful human being on this precious earth.

Sep 23, 2020 11:40 AM
Reply to  austrian peter

I want to resist. I really do. And with my colleagues and acquaintances and friends I’ve planted seeds and tried to lightly nudge them in the direction of truth, reason, empathy – and away from hysterical fear.

And I reaply felt like I had gained ground. But twice now since this tyranny has started, I lose all that ground with my peers seemingly overnight. I obviously don’t watch cable news or scroll through fb/IG/whatever, but it seems like there’s waves of fear porn and propaganda that seem to undo all the progress one might make trying to get people to wake up. On friday I might have two or three colleagues nodding their heads as I outline just how absurd and tyrannical lockdowns and covid policy has been, but then over the weekend the cable news creeps blast everyone with god knows what and I come to work Monday to be looked at like I’m some sort of monster by those same people, folks loudly proclaiming that the “anti-mask protestors are so stupid, somebody should just shoot them all” (three times now I’ve overheard peers speaking about how dissidents on the covid issue should be murdered… because “it’s better to be safe than sorry! they are too dumb to be in our society!”

It’s all very jarring and terrifying to me. Hard not to feel like I’m surrounded by people who would have me killed if the press or an authority told them it was necessary or okay… I mean they’re explicitly saying it, while I’m around, fully aware of my position on this.

My principles and convictions are battling with my survival instinct… I do have to live and work with these lemmings.

austrian peter
austrian peter
Sep 23, 2020 12:23 PM
Reply to  pokwok

I share your frustration, pokwok. But they have done it throughout history – pilloried the good guys – Germany were very good at it in the 1930s.

My only advice is to grin and bear it – trying to convince those that chose not to see is a waste of energy IMHO:

Sep 24, 2020 3:47 AM
Reply to  austrian peter

I have read this quote before on this site – so appropriate. “The welfare of the people in particular has always been the alibi of tyrants, and it provides the further advantage of giving the servants of tyranny a good conscience.” Albert Camus. Post it on your office wall, pokwok! x

austrian peter
austrian peter
Sep 24, 2020 5:56 AM
Reply to  Glenda

Many thanks Glenda. I keep a file of worthy quotations – this adds to it. 🙂

Sep 24, 2020 3:22 PM
Reply to  pokwok

I’ve had the same thing happen with my friends over the course of many years. They’ll ask you a question about some topic, so many I’ve lost count, and like your own acquaintances they will nod agreeingly throughout your explanations, and the next time you have a visit its as though everything you said previously never happened at all

John Scott
John Scott
Sep 23, 2020 8:06 AM


It’s warfare…and this is not a war being waged between humans, but rather against humans by the select semi-human 1% rulers. This is no time to become embroiled in futile ‘us against them’ diversions that pit ‘normal’ human beings against one another. Because all humans are suffering, all are indebted, all are discriminated against by the ‘unseen’ inhuman rulers, the archons. Avoid becoming seduced by, and drawn into, futile disputes. So-called ‘race wars’, ‘gender difference’ or police violence (which is perpetrated by all colour spectrums reciprocally), are all being manufactured and promoted deliberately by the so-called elite to maintain their historic ‘divide to rule’ agenda.

Instead, what we need to do is maintain our vibration – our mental, emotional and spiritual energy. This is how we affect change on the planet, this is how we raise the vibration – by not yielding to fear and confusion. For while you become seduced by carefully orchestrated fear tactics, you continue to overlook the fact that these entities are terrified that humans will dis_cover their own, innate indomitable creative power, which would subsequently render them powerless and impotent. And at the same time, focussing our ‘attention’ on negativity serves only to feed and nourish the very perpetrators that are being decried. 


Sep 23, 2020 10:37 AM
Reply to  John Scott
John Scott
John Scott
Sep 23, 2020 8:04 AM


‘Throughout millennia we have become closely identified with and focussed upon being solely the experiencer of the adventures of Consciousness on earth. So doing, we have completely lost sight of the fact that we were originally directly involved in the creation of the process as a Whole. An essential oversight. Today, we continue to contribute actively towards the development and maintenance of this reality, but in what capacity?

‘Whatever we observe to be outside of ourself is intimately related to whatever else is occurring both from within and throughout Consciousness.

Our so-called external reality is merely a projection of whatever film is being played from within us. And we are the light that projects the images onto the screen, which we then perceive to be our ‘reality’. As we are both simultaneously a singular manifestation and an integral component of Consciousness, this represents the way in which we show ourselves what we have yet to undertake.’ (7)

This is veritably the time of reckoning. How does the prospect of universal vaccination sit with the notion of universal Love? The time has come to use our innate imagination on a more universal scale. ‘The operative essence of evil is to kill imagination, the luminous epinoia (“hyper-intelligence”) that is endowed in humanity.’ And as the Nepal shaman put it: “We shamans were here million years before the cross and other symbols were discovered by humans. The cross is the opposite of shamanism.” (8) Evil, then, is the enemy of ‘live’ – the opposite of this living imagination that only humans experience and from which their creative genius finds expression. This is the prize that these unseen Archontic entities seek to harness, once and for all, but against the best interests and will of All.


Sep 24, 2020 7:07 PM
Reply to  John Scott

I’m at the point where I think humanity as a whole, appears to be a lost cause. I’d rather we all go because Mother Earth shakes us off for the vermin we are and have been up to now. Those of us that know the truth have not changed anything for the better thus far, and we’ve had a long time to do so. The psychos in charge don’t strike me as giving up their power strangle-hold, even if that means literally going “scorched Earth” over losing control. Looking around and seeing how many fellow humans willingly give up their divine right to exist freely let’s me know that we simply do not have the numbers needed to effect any meaningful change as quickly as it’s needed at this moment. At this point I simply hope that beautiful Earth rids herself of the only lifeforms stupid enough to continually crap where we eat and I hope it’s soon. This sure ain’t living.

That said, all of you enlightened, kind and truly decent commenters here are a wonderful lot and I wish you and yours all the best until this madness ends, one way or another, for us all.

John Scott
John Scott
Sep 25, 2020 8:25 AM
Reply to  SEF

Hi SEF. I can appreciate your down-heartedness, not to mention despair. It is important to recognise, however, that the “psychos in charge” can do nothing without YOUR consent. By all appearances, many of the individuals parading around in fancy dress/masks have ‘given up the (holy!) ghost’ so to speak. They will consent to become injected by a vaccin designed to alter their DNA via RNA manipulation, and thereby modifying and irrevocably losing their ‘human being’ status. Thereafter their life can be taken with impunity, in accordance with Cosmic Law which can no longer protect them as they shall represent a ‘mixed’ human/animal species.
In the meantime, it is equally important that you, a long with many others in our midst, refuse categorically to play their ‘game’. Refuse all tests – how can you test for something the identity of which has yet to be clinically defined? – and, obviously, all vaccinations. If (and it’s a big ‘if’), we are all going to die, wiped off the face of the Earth, then at least die with dignity, true to your convictions and without ‘consent’.
Inasmuch as an expression of sovereign, divin being-ness, I refuse categorically to be intimidated and drawn into fear by a minority group of toxic psychopathic entities that do not originate from, and have earned no place on, Mother Earth.
Stay true to yourSelf.

Sep 25, 2020 11:39 AM
Reply to  John Scott

Thanks, John. I am not afraid, but I am incredibly angry about the load of stinking lies we’ve been fed our whole lives and now it’s worse than ever. I’m also incredibly disappointed to see so many of my fellow humans falling in line with this b.s. without one hesitation or questioning anything. I have no plans to wear a mask (I actually can’t wear one due to a medical issue, but people treat you like human garbage so I don’t go out for much these days) let alone get any kind of vaccine for any reason. But I also do not plan to “live” like this for any long period of time. Death would be a welcomed relief to the exceptional American freedom I’m experiencing here in Connecticut and I feel empowered knowing I can choose to check out if things get any worse.

Sep 25, 2020 8:55 PM
Reply to  SEF

Umm, there are more and better ways, like MOVE! Find some land or a cheap mobile home on some cheap land (heck, I dunno, something like that), and go live in a place where there are hardly any people around….
“Feeling empowered knowing that you could choose……&^%$#???”

I wish I could use a bunch of intelligent words, but if that ain’t the most CHICKENEST (chicken-est) way out, then I don’t know what is!!!!!

Find a hobby, get a life! Find like minded people in a chat room, or a suicide watch web site, or something! You need help! There is NOTHING worth doing, or SAYING what you said! There are a LOT of things, that you can find to do, that can replace that thought, or feeling….use your intelligence!! Don’t let others dictate what you do or think, in life. Their probably loosers like you wouldn’t believe!! Your smarter than them, you know you are…I’m done with my ranting now.
(I’m sorry, but I get terrible upset with someone mentions what you did. Only because I tried three times, when I was younger, and the third time, I said….NEVER AGAIN. I know better now, and I know if I feel that way again, to just get busy doing something…anything. Get your mind off of it, and then who knows….something good might end up replacing it. You wouldn’t want to miss out on something like that, would you?? Didn’t think so…:)

Sep 26, 2020 12:23 PM
Reply to  joanofark06

Your response is all about your interpretation of what I wrote based solely on your life experience, not mine, and you totally missed the mark but thanks so much for your kind reply.

Sep 29, 2020 5:50 PM
Reply to  SEF

Reading what joanofark said, I had to reread what you said, sef. And I saw what she meant and I agree with her. I know what you felt seeing many people believing this bs, as my own cousins were ones of those. Don’t let such bring you down and I think you need to plan to live a lot longer, as when you die the world has one thinking person less.

Usually it is said that the solution comes after the problem, but for me it’s the problem that comes after the solution. That means the solution is created first then the problem to be its pair. We live in dualistic world, right? If the problem existed first, there might be problems with no solution. This doesn’t fit dualism. But if the solution existed first and only after it existed that the problem came into existence, this fits the dualistic world or realm we live in. Life is easier looking at things like this.

Sep 29, 2020 7:09 PM
Reply to  jkb

Thanks jkb. I understand what you’re saying. However, I feel great relief and peace knowing I have that option should things get ugly. Others see it differently and good for them. I have worked far too hard and too long improving my health (after having it thoroughly trashed by our glorious medical industry) to be forced into mandatory vaccines or whatever other treats are in store. My body, my life, my choice. And it’s not a choice I would make lightly at all.

Sep 25, 2020 8:44 PM
Reply to  John Scott

Doooo Whaaaat??? I’m laughin! Cause I don’t WHAT you are talking about!!

Sep 23, 2020 5:43 AM
Sep 25, 2020 6:09 PM
Reply to  Antonym

What am I missing that this comment was given 3 downvotes?

Sep 23, 2020 1:45 AM

They want resistance, they are behind most the resistance groups

Sep 23, 2020 10:37 AM
Reply to  Barzini

not real resistance.

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Sep 23, 2020 1:18 AM

“There’s no black and no white, no right-wing nor any leftists, there is no gay and no straight, no Republicans no Democrats, no Conservatives no Labour supporters. These are just some of the divisions forced upon us by the parasite class, and its compliant lapdog the mainstream media news, to keep us divided and to stop us realizing the truth.”

Wayne Vanderploeg
Wayne Vanderploeg
Sep 24, 2020 5:10 PM

Nice post! Thank you.

Sep 22, 2020 11:36 PM

Morally indefensible to use violence to protect your loved ones? Maybe in your moral framework, but not in mine. I call that position a “position of weakness”.

Look to history and you will discover that it is the most violent that come out on top. The author is ready to welcome defeat, this is the familiar way of creating the “at least we tried” excuse when not really trying. Nothing is more contemptible.

Anthony Broomfield
Anthony Broomfield
Sep 23, 2020 6:43 AM
Reply to  aspnaz

You dont seem to get it do you. If you start getting violent what is the quickest way to shut you up? Go straight for your “Loved Ones”
When your family is locked up, or simply disappeared who are you going to shout at about that?

Sep 23, 2020 12:55 PM

The Vietnamese should have just taken it? You are a coward, same as me, but the difference is that I feel, hopefully incorrectly, that I am soon going to have to man up and fight to protect my loved ones. My loved ones will be with me, my vision is Vietnamese guerrilla warfare. Where else could it possibly go?

sharon marlowe
sharon marlowe
Sep 23, 2020 3:21 PM

I don’t think you seem to get it, Anthony. With that kind of thinking you may as well sign up with the establishment. All throughout history people have sacrificed those closest to them in order to overcome oppression. Many many people are doing it now in Venezuela, Syria, Yemen, Palestine, Afghanistan, Iran, etc. Whenever totalitarianism occurs, there may be a fight against it;)

Sep 24, 2020 10:13 PM
Reply to  aspnaz


like here.. Violence was necessary to protect the generator from the police but it was largely peaceful resistance. Bare in mind the police had been going around taking generators all night to silence all the other stages.

Sep 22, 2020 10:27 PM

“Healthcare” is a linguistic trick: It is the name for a system that robs individuals of their bio-sovereignty and turns them into “cash cows” from cradle to grave; whereas, Health Care is actually a person’s personal decisions of what to consume, how to live and what to expose themselves to (soaps, cleaners, radiation, toxins/pollutants in the air and on your body, at your job and at home, etc.).

In other words, “Health Care” should be (is) a personal responsibility — how one cares for themselves — not a benefit from one’s employer or the state; whereas, “Medical Treatment” is a term for what we sometimes need due to injury, illness, etc. (and should be available to everyone and should be of the highest quality & standards universally… but they’re not).

Related, here’s a good talk on Personal Health and the four most important things to choose NOT to expose yourself to (fluoride, aluminum, glyphosate and wi-fi):

Sep 22, 2020 11:17 PM
Reply to  X X

Not sure why, when I post a video link, a different video appears upon refreshing my browser.
Anyway, Here’s the title & shortlink for the video I want to share:

“Dr. Klinghardt on Light vs Dark, Heavy Metals & Toxins”

Sep 23, 2020 7:23 PM
Reply to  X X

Apparently a software bug causes these intermittent video shuffles. When it happened to me here a while back, I flipped into “Am I going crazy, or could I have posted the wrong video?” mode.

Later I saw “my” video displaying on someone else’s comment. I belatedly wondered if the problem was on my end, but other commenters reported that it’s a recurring problem on this platform. Hope this reality check helps.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Sep 23, 2020 7:28 PM
Reply to  Ort

It’s not a problem with this platform. It’s your browser cache not refreshing properly. The correct video is embedded but what you see is the last video you browser loaded.

Sep 24, 2020 1:04 AM

Thanks Ort & Admin1.
It’s all about communication.

Sep 22, 2020 9:52 PM

comment image 

Sep 22, 2020 9:53 PM
Reply to  ZigZagWanderer

Melbourne street art … courtesy of SOTT Sign of the Times website.

Eyes Open
Eyes Open
Sep 23, 2020 12:14 AM
Reply to  ZigZagWanderer

This is in fascist hell-hole Melbourne?

Sep 24, 2020 3:59 PM
Reply to  Eyes Open

According to the caption on SOTT https://www.sott.net/

Dylan Jones
Dylan Jones
Sep 22, 2020 9:21 PM

Symbiotes versus Parasites

Just 10%…

“Earlier in this book, I talked about Professor Hideo Higa, who developed the unique microorganism EM. He explained to me that within the world of microorganisms, 10 percent of microorganisms are harmful. But there are also only 10 percent of beneficial microorganisms. He refers to the remaining 80 percent as wait-and-see microorganisms. They watch until either the good or the bad microorganisms emerge as the victors, and they join the stronger of the two.

I find that there is a correlation to what goes on in human society. Within our society there are people, about 10%, who have the ability and feel the call to make this world a better place. But many of these people have not yet become aware of their destiny. I am quite sure that as more and more of these people awaken and begin to employ their consciousness in prayer and action, the vast majority of the population – about 80% – will also join their numbers.”
Masaru Emoto

In the UK that’s 6.6 million people needed to reach critical mass and then the “wait and see” will join.

Dylan Jones
Dylan Jones
Sep 22, 2020 9:12 PM

Neither bullets nor ballots…
Counter-economics: THIS is what a REAL revolution looks like

Grace Johns
Grace Johns
Sep 23, 2020 12:36 AM
Reply to  Dylan Jones

In that case y’all need to move to Mexico

Sep 22, 2020 8:52 PM

Do something different.

Sep 22, 2020 8:16 PM

Military takeover is much more dangerous this time around. I predict that the next meme will be banana trees with a guy siting underneath musing, ‘I didn’t know we were still a republic’.

But tropes about coups and banana republics will miss a significant change.

Once upon a time the military was part of civil society and would intervene only when the interests of that society were threatened.

We liberals didn’t like that, especially as the military often represented a conservative, for example deeply Catholic, perspective and it tended to resent popular democracy but still it was a product and part of society that we respected so long as it confined itself to the barracks.

It could also be the case that the military served corporate and sectional interests but it did so as an (albeit elitist) part of society.

Today the very DNA of the military is corporatised. Much of it is privatized and profit driven and it has become part of a largely privately-controlled national security corporate behemoth. I avoid the phrase “security state” or “state security” because “state” is only a label justifying its finance from the public purse. It is instead owned by stateless international corporations with alliances and loyalties of which only those on the inside are fully aware.

Officers have been subjected to training by NGOs, financed by oligarchic foundations, to hypnotize the next generation to believe that there are new values for a new world: loyalty to your international, borderless cadre, and to the faceless men of that cadre, overriding any ties to your own people or to the land of your birth.

There is no longer a civic element to the military’s role. It answers exclusively to corporate interests and to the faceless men. That makes it reckless in a dangerous world.

Sep 22, 2020 9:01 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Yes, and not just the military, Moneycicus. Just about every important/influential organisation in the world, from governments down, has been taken over by the cabal.

Sep 22, 2020 9:27 PM
Reply to  Tony

That would be ‘Moneycircus’ btw. Big fingers, little keyboard 😁.

Sep 26, 2020 8:29 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

The Empire offers training to “promising” people in various vital industries including politics, military, engineering and economics. Declining such training may be unhealthy for your prospects.

Sep 22, 2020 8:13 PM

It’s distressing that people come on here to disparage the memory of Andre Vltchek – who died or was killed today – on the basis of scanning a couple of his articles. For those of us who have been reading his articles for years it is a sad day indeed. Andre was a unique voice. He always headed for the poorest places on earth to document the stories of the people there, their history and their suffering. Here is a short extract that has very contemporary echoes…

“In Indonesia, for years and decades, I have been interviewing hundreds of poor men and women who are living in a gutter, then shitting into filthy canals in cities like Surabaya, Medan and Jakarta, using the same water to wash their dishes and themselves… People who barely survive on a less than $1 a day, were proudly declaring on camera that they are not poor, that they are doing well, and that their country is just fine.

A few streets away, the newly rich, sit in their luxury SUV’s in epic traffic jams, watching television, going nowhere, but proud that they have moved up the rungs on their class ladder.

What a success! What an absolute success of fascist, neo-colonial demagogy and the ‘market economy’!

The Indonesian model is frightening, but it can be defeated. It succeeds only when the people refuse to fight, when they submit to terror.

In Indonesia, individuals are expected to surrender to brutal family and religious control. From birth, people here are conditioned: they live with fear, which is confused with ‘love’. First it is the potent fear of father, then of the priest, of the teacher. And then it progresses to fear of the military and capitalist dictatorship. In the end it becomes a paralyzing fear of ‘everything’, which stops every rebellion at the embryonic stage.

It is pathetic and depressing. It is working. But definitely not everywhere!”

Sep 22, 2020 9:32 PM
Reply to  Molinos

Yes, the usual suspects, under whatever aliases they currently use, always disparage our leading lights. It’s a dead giveaway that they are insidious trolls.

Rest in power Andre. Your work will be treasured and built on.

Sep 22, 2020 11:34 PM
Reply to  Molinos

Well forgive me for “disparaging” the WORK of a journalist, not his life. So sanctimonious.

How strange of me to dare question how a Russian emigre journalist with American citizenship could ever possibly work for the CIA.

You do know that most journalists are on the payroll of the intelligence community, right? Especially the foreign correspondents.

I don’t have endless sympathy right now for journalists. Seeing as how they didn’t do their jobs worth a damn, their entire careers.

If they had done their jobs we wouldn’t be in this fake lockdown.

When was the last time a journalist revealed that governments are not legitimate but a front for organized crime? That intelligence agencies are the ones committing acts of terror against their own citizens?

The last time anyone even came close to admitting that was Annie Machon. A woman whistleblower, not a journalist. Revealing that 7-7 was an inside job.

And what did the press do?
Ignored it.

Assange tried to change the journalist game because they weren’t doing their jobs, and the press hung him out to dry.

When was the last time a reporter revealed that stock market crashes are faked? They use algorithms to crash the market. They blow up bubbles to bust them for one reason only, to move the wealth up the pyramid. Yet does a single journalist explain that, or do we hear endlessly about CDOs, mortgage backed securities, liars loans and rating agencies?

Citibank. Deutsche bank. JP Morgan. Barclays, HSBC are all LAUNDERING MONEY.

Money from drugs, crime and human trafficking. Why? Because they are a front for the cryptocracy. Because central banks are the major shareholders of retail banks.

Where’s the articles about that?

There’s trillions of dollars of fake stocks and commodities circulating that you think you own and there’s not a single story about it anywhere, except on one lone internet site from an investigation that a legal rights org. undertook.

When was the last time a journalist revealed that scientists are writing bogus and fraudulent papers, with results that are unrepeatable, and with references that are junk? A journalist didn’t reveal that. One scientist had to step out on his own and tell the truth.

Or that the NIH has been running a global racketeering organization with CDC, FDA, NIAID, DARPA, NIAID and PHARMA?

Nobody has the balls to go anywhere near that story.

There are laws being broken right now and there’s no revolution. Nobody is taking any action. Why? Because journalists aren’t doing their jobs!

When was the last time a journalist had the balls to report that vaccines injure? Mike Wallace?

But journalists spent no wasted time maligning and smearing Dr. Wakefield and Robert Kennedy.

And if journalists were doing their jobs why aren’t they exposing Covid as a massive fraud, apart from this site?

I’m so tired of waiting around for journalists to tell one single truth when they’ve been peddling the left-right lies forever and beyond.

And I should be grateful for all the lies we’ve had to endure until a disaster like this happens when people finally wake up to the truth. But it’s probably twenty years too late to do anything about it because they’ve lied to us all with pointless articles because their editors wanted to fulfill some political agenda for the intelligence community and so journalists have omitted the ugly truths we all needed to know.

Do you know most of the world lives in abject poverty? What the fuck have you ever done about it? Or him?

We are supposed to what? Feel guilty about how destitute the lives of Indonesians are, so we can feel lucky about living in a world that’s totalitarian, devoid of kindness, community, meaningful art and culture, but instead filled with endless violence, police brutality, pollution, poison and fucked up with endless wars nobody wants except the cryptocrats and warmongers?

Good job journalists. Pat yourselves on the back.

Sep 22, 2020 11:59 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Fuck off troll
You’re revolting.
Are you going to piss on Andre’s grave too?

Sep 23, 2020 1:10 AM
Reply to  Tony

You people come onto our fora and btl’s spamming them with ‘right-on’ posts to make us believe that you are on our side. But you always give yourselves away by claiming that the only people in our community, the only ones with direct access to mainstream media, are always ‘controlled opposition’, CIA assets, MI6 assets, etc, etc. Your trollery is so brazen, it’s fucking comical.

Sep 23, 2020 6:17 AM
Reply to  Tony

I agree Tony.

Sep 22, 2020 6:24 PM

Had billions of us ignored their usury-based banking, their network TV news, their Facebooks and Instagrams, then today we might have a fighting chance.

But that’s not what happened. The majority has been enthralled with these tools of control; and will merrily if indirectly participate in any act of violence. As long as there is something to be gained, and/or the façade is glowing and shimmering.

Let’s face it: If the parasite class were to vanish tomorrow, who would replace them? Every power transition I studied has been a mirage — from decolonization to the fall of the Berlin Wall. That’s what parasites do: They mutate and reincarnate. At best they hand over to safe-hands-type new leaders whose actions will cement the logic of the “defeated” old system.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Sep 23, 2020 12:58 AM
Reply to  Dayne

Hello Dayne: I totally agree. Nearly all revolutions simply reboot banking and property management cartels. The “royal” classes are playing chess, while the slaves continue to play checkers.

Sep 22, 2020 6:17 PM

I ordered a t-shirt with a design I made on Zazzle. It had the words, GOD exists” on the front with an image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus above it. On the back of the t-shirt, it said, “Covid-19 does not exist”. After I ordered, I received an email from the Zazzle Content Management Team refusing to process my order because they said it violated their content guidelines.

Sep 22, 2020 7:33 PM

Very telling. However making T-shirts is low tech and why not give the business on a barter basis to someone you know? Build the agora and avoid cash – two birds with one stone.

Sep 22, 2020 11:28 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

That’s a good idea. But how would I start doing that? What are the steps that I would need to take?

Sep 23, 2020 9:35 AM

The hard step is breaking our habits and creating a new economic lifestyle (personally I’m a walking compendium of mistakes) but oaks grow from acorns, don’t they?

T-shirts are like newspapers: there’s the text/copy, the pictures, the layout and the printing. You may be able to do one or all those roles. There are many technologies, from hand printing to seeking out professionals with equipment. See T-shirt Printing on Transfer Paper

Sep 24, 2020 6:07 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

I was thinking about the text and copy and going to the printing shop. I’ll look into printing onto transfer paper. Thank you for your help. I agree with breaking out of this immoral system and establishing a moral one.

Sep 26, 2020 8:34 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Some tailors have the CAD-like sewing machine to darn any design.

Sep 22, 2020 5:17 PM

Tory MP Danny Kruger apologises after ‘forgetting’ to wear face covering on one-hour train journey


Sep 22, 2020 5:36 PM
Reply to  ame

Feel pity for the poor people of Devizes.

Sep 22, 2020 4:25 PM

Sent a letter to our son’s school by recorded delivery last week, and got this (for the time being) reassuring email in response:

Thank you for the letter you have sent regarding your son. I would like to assure you that our school will NEVER inoculate, vaccinate or perform any test on a student without full consent from the Parent/Carer. Such medical procedures will be carried out by fully qualified medical professionals at all times. We will always write to you in advance and you have the option to decline at that time.

I hope this will set your mind at ease and we have attached your letter to your son’s file as reference.

Sep 22, 2020 4:19 PM

Blah blah. The people deserve what they get. Only a REAL catastrophe will change anything. Stop banging your heads against the wall. The 99% are sleepwalking and will jump off the cliff when ordered to.

The only thing that will change anything now is a REAL devastation that will leave the military and police forces (and pretty much everyone else) unable to function… Forget the “parasite class”- they are nothing but shades . It is the police and military that call the shots, LITERALLY.

Homo pseudosapiens signed its death sentence years ago-this is just the slow motion clusterfuck of modern civilisation. Enjoy the show if you can – this is now the War On Death and guess who loses…(hint,it’s not Death).
Rejoice in the certainty that every single one of those motherfuckers will die a ghastly death and will come to realise or a brief moment just what monsters they became, before being swallowed by OBLIVION.

Sep 22, 2020 5:02 PM
Reply to  ANNUL

Strongly felt, strongly felt… well we got the oil out of the ground, we exponentially grew in numbers, we enjoyed the speed and visiting the planet. Now the same guys who made a fortune from oil are pulling the plug. And it’s not pretty. They are now making any form of protest or refusal to comply illegal and punishable by incarceration… get rid of those first. They were there when India peacefully protested, they had time to figure it out.
The compliers are being suffocated and will be poisoned w vaccine… This article is incitation into breaking the law… it could very well be a bait. If nit it’s naive. Go back to the drawing board mr. Davis

Sep 22, 2020 5:17 PM
Reply to  Theobalt

Spreading the word? As I was reading this article, national media was broadcasting the opinion of an expert, pertaining an attempt to poison Trump with a letter.. she’s a french lady sigle mother from the suburbs of Mtl, named Pascale Ferrier! The expert commenter was explaining that sites (like this one), push to violence, by starting slowly with jokes and memes.. leading to more virulent comments, and basically fill more vulnerable people with the wrong idea… she attempted to cross the border where she was arrested and will stand trial in Buffalo for attempted murder and terrorism… I know it’s hard to believe when you’ve visited it, but she will miss the town of St-Hubert

Sep 22, 2020 5:21 PM
Reply to  Theobalt

Expert was basically linking this crime to us. Bet it will therefore become a crime to discuss anything subversive… selfish people irresponsibly filling the heads of vulnerable leading to crime… they would have planted this, it wouldn’t have worked better

Sep 22, 2020 6:45 PM
Reply to  Theobalt

Yeah, that’s right. 24 hrs after we first heard of this, we got her full name and location on national radio

Karma Kommando
Karma Kommando
Sep 22, 2020 5:59 PM
Reply to  ANNUL

The police and military in this part of the world are just tools. Furthermore there are less and less police doing their actual job in the UK. “A functioning police state needs no police” as Burroughs said, and this comrades is where we are heading, all to rapidly for my liking.

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Sep 23, 2020 3:00 AM
Reply to  Karma Kommando

I’ll match your “the…military…are just tools”

with “the Devil’s greatest trick was convincing the World He doesn’t exist,”

and raise you a “violence is the form of Power from which all other forms of Power are derived.”

S Cooper
S Cooper
Sep 22, 2020 3:59 PM

“Violent protest will not work”, “resistance is futile,” … and so the cliches leading to capitulation, devastation and death continue.

Self defense is not violence it is survival, it is intelligence. When suicide is not an option fighting is.

Now for some Malcolm

“We suffer political oppression, economic exploitation and social degradation. All of ’em from the same enemy. The government has failed us. You can’t deny that. Any time you’re living in the 20th century, 1964, and you walking around here singing “We Shall Overcome,” the government has failed you. This is part of what’s wrong with you, you do too much singing. Today it’s time to stop singing and start swinging.”

“This is why I say it’s the ballot or the bullet. It’s liberty or it’s death. It’s freedom for everybody or freedom for nobody.” 

“You don’t have a revolution in which you love your enemy. And you don’t have a revolution in which you are begging the system of exploitation to integrate you into it. Revolutions overturn systems. Revolutions destroy systems.”

Iain Davis
Iain Davis
Sep 22, 2020 4:54 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

I did not say resistance is futile and nor did I say we don’t have the right to use force if we have to defend ourselves. What I said was that only the State has the “authority” to instigate force. Which it does.

If you lob a brick at a police officer you are a violent thug. The State has all the communication means at its fingertips to frame your use of force as the evidence it needs to crack down.

If a police officer shoots you in the head with a rubber bullet, which is morally just the same, it’s your fault as they were only “doing their duty” and exactly the same propaganda techniques will be used to undermine the whole purpose of your protest.

I accept that we may have the need to defend ourselves using force, that is our right and I am no pacifist, but this is always a “lose lose” for any movement and a “win win” for the State. So it is best avoided as it is tactically naive.

It is fine imagining that we can take up arms against the State but, even in the U.S, the people have small arms and the State has tanks and strike aircraft. Perhaps eventually that will result in victory if there is anyone left to notice.

So why on Earth would anyone want to go down the path of violence when there are an innumerable number of alternative strategies that will not only be more effective but less expensive in terms of human lives? Even if that means facing imprisonment the alternative of armed insurrection is absolutely the very last option anyone should ever consider.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Sep 22, 2020 6:19 PM
Reply to  Iain Davis

Like old musicals?

(and yes it is corny). But one of the reasons for “social distancing and face diaper protocols” are to make popular organizing difficult.

Is it going to take the corporate fascist psychopaths crashing the banking system, cutting off the food supply chain, turning off the power and cutting off all communications for humanity to recognize its perilous position? On the matter of survival “it is no-holds-barred.”

Despite whatever may be said here “bank runs”, “food riots” and “martial law” may indeed become part of the landscape in the “New Normal.”

Sep 22, 2020 11:45 PM
Reply to  Iain Davis

Violent protest will not work. Not only are they morally indefensible, they are tactically naive.

If you accept that we have the right to use force, then why did you write this? Words are so confusing these days: same words but diametrically opposed meanings?

Iain Davis
Iain Davis
Sep 23, 2020 11:55 AM
Reply to  aspnaz

No one has the right to instigate the use of force. Only the State claim this right and it is not one that exists in reality.

Everyone has the right to use proportionate force to defend themselves.

Violent protests won’t work because they are always used by the State to claim more power for itself. (tactically naive)

As we have seen repeatedly, if a protest isn’t violent the State is prepared to start the violence itself. Either directly or through the use of agent provocateurs.

This is because the State craves violence. Violence is one of its favoured means of control and allows it to “protect” us.

I fully accept that violence may be unavoidable and certainly large scale protests, which are easy for the State to infiltrate and orchestrate, run the risk of spiralling into violence.

Which is why I suggest decentralised, ad hoc, forms of resistance (listed elsewhere in this thread). Not only will they be more effective (if done in sufficient numbers) but aren’t as tactically naive as standing on the barricades.

Sep 23, 2020 12:32 PM
Reply to  Iain Davis

I agree with your view regarding violent protests, they are a waste of resources.

I disagree with the way you couch your opinion in terms of rights, mostly because I don’t understand what is a “right”.

My main issue was with your implication that violence is morally indefensible. I have a problem with that phrase because I can think of endless scenarios where violence is the morally correct option: the classic, your child is being attacked.

I see violence as a tool, the motives of the person wielding that tool determines the morality.

The guerrilla warfare used by the Vietnamese proved to be successful against armies and other government forces. We may need to learn from the Vietnamese to get our countries back.

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Sep 23, 2020 3:03 AM
Reply to  Iain Davis

there are an innumerable number of alternative strategies that will not only be more effective but less expensive”

Please name one.

Iain Davis
Iain Davis
Sep 23, 2020 11:40 AM
Reply to  Fact Checker
  1. Refuse to wear a face mask
  2. Don’t shop anywhere that doesn’t accept cash
  3. Don’t buy any of their media
  4. Don’t take their vaccine
  5. Don’t use a smartphone and don’t download their tracking apps
  6. Grow as much food as you can
  7. Don’t vote
  8. Buy local produce if you can
  9. Form collectives for everything from home schooling to sewing bees
  10. Use counter economics
Sep 23, 2020 12:39 PM
Reply to  Iain Davis

A good list for where most of us are at the moment.

Do you think peaceful protest is necessary or do you see it as completely futile?

I am beginning to see it as futile because I am running into more and more people who are really angry about this oppression, they are getting there on their own. It is better to use that energy to get rid of the government.

Eyes Open
Eyes Open
Sep 23, 2020 12:15 PM
Reply to  Iain Davis

There are many forms of violence.

Your argument presupposes that the current lockdown being imposed on the country is not ‘violence’.

That the cowardly and sadistic SAGE-crafted psychological torture, that’s pushing some vulnerable people to suicide through the inhumane culture of social distancing, face mask wearing and isolation is not ‘violence’.

That Government policies; contrived to push people into hunger, despair and homelessness – in one of the richest countries on earth – are not ‘violence’.

That controversial care protocols that initiate the death process in the elderly and the terminally ill via the withdrawal of water, food and medication in hospitals and care homes are not ‘violence’.

That blanket DNR notices tagged to specific ages and groups, as well as fast-tracking ‘consent’ for the sake of expediency is not ‘violence’.

That heartbroken relatives should be denied visits to loved ones in their final hours, or even after death is not ‘violence’.

That the cancellation of life saving medical treatment is not ‘violence’.

That the criminalisation of the natural human state is not ‘violence’.

That the fear porn disseminated daily by the MSM is not ‘violence’?

That mandatory face masks for shop staff (likely to increase lung infections) is not ‘violence’?

I would say emphatically that lockdown is inhumane violence.

Sep 23, 2020 12:42 PM
Reply to  Eyes Open

We only pay tax because of the threat of violence. Who in their right mind would hand over that much money without knowing where it will go and, in most cases, having not voted for the people doing the spending!

Sep 23, 2020 12:49 PM
Reply to  Eyes Open

When I was living in Africa, my mother drowned the puppies produced by our bitch. It may sound terrible, which is the reaction I receive from some, but back then it was the responsible thing to do. In those days, there were no vets in black Africa sorting out dogs. Our bitch used to bleed around the house every month, just part of life. We need to relearn to live with nature, learn to live more with our friends and more independent of the government.

Sep 26, 2020 8:45 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

What defeated the Empire On Which The Sun Never Sets in India?

Sep 22, 2020 3:52 PM

Talk today of bringing in the army to keep order in the UK. Led me to recall this which was posted on the OffG website in mid-August….

Some of us warned that it was a sign of things to come everywhere. Oh how we were mocked. “Don’t be so foolish.” “I’ll remind you of this when it doesn’t happen”. I paraphrase but that is the essence of the comments received. Whose mocking now?

Sep 22, 2020 3:53 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

Thats an excellent video. Completely nails the PCR bollox.

Sep 22, 2020 4:12 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

Correction. Talk today of turning the Home Counties into Northern-Irelandscapes.

Find the like-minded in your community, and organise for self-defence.

Action to end the interminable unlawful lockdown

Sep 22, 2020 4:19 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

So if it’s happening in NZ it must be happening in the other 5eyes countries on October 1st. Canada. US. Australia. UK.

Sep 22, 2020 4:41 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

Sorry – ‘Who’s mocking now?’ 😀

Karma Kommando
Karma Kommando
Sep 22, 2020 3:49 PM

It’s not the state per-se, but the kind of state and who controls it. I was quite happy muddling through in British democracy. But I think that may be a thing of the past.

sharon marlowe
sharon marlowe
Sep 22, 2020 3:49 PM

After reading this part,

“Violent protest will not work. Not only are they morally indefensible, they are tactically naive.”

…I’m suspicious of Iain Davis. The moral defense for violence has always been “violence in defense”. You can use violence to defend yourself and others. You can believe in the value of non-violent protests for victims of oppression, but to state that violence doesn’t work, is immoral and naive, is wrong. Iran lost over a million lives when Hussein invaded it. Iranians defended themselves with violence for eight years. It worked.

Sep 22, 2020 5:37 PM
Reply to  sharon marlowe

Some people helped them, the same people who are right in our face and have no intention of helping us… think some more

Sep 22, 2020 5:43 PM
Reply to  Theobalt

If there’s opposing forces (big ones), we will be aware of the winds of change believe me, and we will be called to join. That’s gonna be an easy decision. It will be right there… and the benefits will be obvious, and the forces to join will be, as surprising as it will seem, very recognizable. It will be your own army, your govmnt, technocracy, a nation, a group of nations, I don’t know… but it will be big enough to be clear.

sharon marlowe
sharon marlowe
Sep 22, 2020 5:53 PM
Reply to  Theobalt

blah blah blah go jump in a lake

Sep 22, 2020 6:47 PM
Reply to  sharon marlowe

Is that how you react when asked to think

Sep 22, 2020 4:54 PM
Reply to  Tony

Yes. It’s not just about what he wrote in the past, so much as what he would have written in the future. That is the way that journalists are ‘filtered’ out of the system, clearing the pipes of any ‘debris’ that might deflect TPTB’s near term plans.


Sep 22, 2020 5:25 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Note he died in the same Istanbul district as White Helmets’ founder James Le Mesurier back on Nov 11th 2019. See the thread below.

Sep 22, 2020 5:39 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Thanks for that. I find a lot of ‘Researcher’s’ posts to be mischievous. And I strongly suspect that he is the erstwhile American poster ‘Objective’, who used to lie about being British.

Sep 22, 2020 8:22 PM
Reply to  Tony

Wrong on all counts.

I’ll take note to skim over your comments in future.

Sep 22, 2020 9:06 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Thanks for confirming that you are the reincarnation of ‘Objective’.

Sep 22, 2020 9:44 PM
Reply to  Tony

I’m not a he, either.

But if he’s so special to you, I guess you can search for him online or in the “boys looking for boys” ads.

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Sep 23, 2020 3:07 AM
Reply to  Researcher

You’re a slow learner, ‘Searcher.

I quickly realized all “Tony“s should be more or less disregarded on OG.


Sep 23, 2020 11:33 AM
Reply to  Fact Checker

FC, you are a breath of fresh air in a weaponized biosphere.

Apparently, they don’t like facts around here.

I haven’t slapped any trolls in many years, so I am re-learning.


Sep 22, 2020 5:46 PM
Reply to  Tony

Sorry I’m all out of “shocks”

Eyes Open
Eyes Open
Sep 22, 2020 3:40 PM

Our lives are being destroyed for this 👇
comment image

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Sep 22, 2020 3:37 PM

This individual sounds like someone reciting a speech during the now defunct Arab Spring or Occupy movements. The rhetoric is appealing, but implementation of these “ideals” will never take place. Here are some reasons why: >

The Legal Ownership of All Souls by the Vatican… Since 1306!

Quotes from: The 1st Trust of the world

“Unam Sanctam [look it up] is one of the most frightening documents of history and the one most quoted as the primary document of the popes claiming their global power. It is an express trust deed. The last line reads: “Furthermore, we declare, we proclaim, we define that it is absolutely necessary for salvation that every human creature be subject to the Roman Pontiff.” It is not only the first trust deed in history but also the largest trust ever conceived, as it claims the whole planet and everything on it, conveyed in trust.

Since 1933, when a child is borne in a State (Estate) under inferior Roman law, three (3) Cestui Que (Vie) Trusts are created upon certain presumptions specifically designed to deny, forever, the child any rights of Real Property, any Rights to be free, and any Rights to be known as man or woman, rather than a creature or animal, by claiming and possessing their Soul or Spirit.

Each Cestui Que Vie Trust, created since 1933, represents one of the 3 Crowns representing the three claims of property of the Roman Cult: Real Property (on Earth), Personal Property (body), and Ecclesiastical Property (soul). Each corresponds exactly to the three forms of law available to the Galla of the BAR Courts: corporate commercial law (judge is the ‘landlord’), maritime and canon law (judge is the banker), and Talmudic law (judge is the priest).
What is the real power of a court ‘judge’? Given what has been revealed about the foundations of Roman Law, what is the real hidden power of a judge when we face court? Is it their superior knowledge of process and procedure or of magic? Or is it something simpler and far more obvious?

The rest is history…

Sep 22, 2020 4:54 PM

1933. There’s that date. So the entire Vatican is up to its neck in this tyranny. No wonder they gave the Jews to Hitler. Which of course, explains why they protected their pedophile priests.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Sep 23, 2020 12:42 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Hello Researcher: The Vatican posses legal title and sole ownership of hundreds of thousands of tax free properties, along with major assets and investments under tax free status. Vatican authorities and operatives have been protected by the Swiss guard for centuries.

I see I’ve aroused the ire of persons who believe they and their children should continue to be treated as chattel property.

What is the significance of chattel slavery?

Chattel slavery is a specific servitude relationship where the slave is treated as the property of the owner. As such, the owner is free to sell, trade, or treat the slave as he would other pieces of property and the children of the slave often are retained as the property of the master.

The Cestui Que Vie Trust is no joke, and it’s agenda is quite clear.

Sep 23, 2020 2:21 AM

Thank you. I always find your comments informative and interesting.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 22, 2020 3:34 PM


Double whammy:

“Irish teachers to vote on strike action over dangerous pandemic teaching conditions – that are safer than UK”

The Irish conditions are so appalling that teachers may have to strike and yet these conditions are still safer than in the UK! In other words: “Good God, you Brits! You’re putting up with stuff that’s worse than what the Irish are striking over!”

Note also curious bit underneath:

“Tory policies and Labour’s lack of objections have led to an exponentially-rising second wave of infections in the UK, with England fuelling most of the increase – yet even the new, brief lockdown being mooted for the UK does not involve school closures, even though school outbreaks are endemic and the government’s own scientists acknowledge schools are contributing to the rising ‘R rate’.”

Another 6 months is a “new, brief lockdown”?

Karma Kommando
Karma Kommando
Sep 22, 2020 3:51 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Great to see the left lapping it up.

Sep 23, 2020 4:50 AM
Reply to  Karma Kommando

that’s what they’re for, to shill for the Official Story. if even the “opposition” believes it, it must be true.

Sep 22, 2020 5:56 PM
Reply to  George Mc

How many teachers have died of the deadly Covid19 in Ireland since this scam started.? Anyone ?

Sep 22, 2020 10:01 PM
Reply to  Grafter

Well 99% are dead inside here in Ireland.

Sep 23, 2020 7:14 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

Yes, I seem to remember that James Joyce wrote a story about that!

Sep 22, 2020 3:29 PM

“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”

Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn The Gulag Archipelago

Sep 23, 2020 4:52 AM
Reply to  Seansaighdeor
Sep 22, 2020 3:27 PM

The insurmountable obstacle to people resisting the parasites’ clutches is, well, The People. The vast majority do not care if a particular rule is good or bad or right or wrong; or even if it is detrimental to their interest. They’re focused on one thing and one thing only: whatever it happens to be, it’s a Rule Of Their Society. They don’t look beyond that one frame of reference.

If their society’s rule says wear a mask, that’s what they’ll do; if the rule says stand a certain distance, that too is what they’ll do. It would absolutely never occur to most people to set their critical observations above their society’s rules. “Yes, I think it sucks – but it’s the Rule!” Period, end of discussion as far as most people are concerned.

I just returned from Walmart (which would explain the bad mood). You can always tell who’s uncomfortable wearing the required “face covering.” I saw maybe – maybe – one or two who I would say were genuinely uncomfortable; but most clearly had adapted to the regime quite nicely – especially those who had their children with them (got to set an example!).

It’s obvious beyond words that the majority of people will adapt to almost any rule laid down. And they could care less where said rule came from or who propagated it. It’s a RULE OF THEIR SOCIETY. Therefore, it is dogma.

Steve Church
Steve Church
Sep 22, 2020 3:43 PM
Reply to  Howard

Jesus, Howard, you shop at Walmart? How revolutionary! You probably had to drive there, as well.

Sep 23, 2020 2:53 PM
Reply to  Steve Church

I’m sorry, I didn’t get the memo that shopping had become a revolutionary statement. I’ll try and do better in the future.

Steve Church
Steve Church
Sep 23, 2020 6:32 PM
Reply to  Howard

I didn’t get a memo, either. I just happened to figure out that feeding the beast may not be the way to starve it.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Sep 22, 2020 4:50 PM
Reply to  Howard

Have you noticed that the term “We the People” is being used more and more frequently? Very happy to see that we are narrowing down to what the problem seems to be: there is still no class yet which we might call “WE”, a block conscious of its existence and common interests, and strong in number, and we are beginning to see the necessity of building one. “THEY” is the only class in existence today; THEY are organized in WEF, WB, IMF, IIR, CFR, Fabian Society, and much more; meet regularly and plan things far ahead in time; help each other, yes, help each other gladly because they realize that the fall of anyone of THEM means the fall of everyone; money means nothing to them because they’ve got all the land, which is the real wealth, but must use it to keep us busy in the system and thus to maintain their privilege. They can’t afford a second of distraction lest the whole edifice falling down on their heads.

Sep 22, 2020 4:54 PM

You might appreciate this talk from Pete Evans with David E. Martin on that very subject.

“Humans Win” – David E. Martin

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Sep 22, 2020 7:32 PM
Reply to  Cyd


Sep 22, 2020 9:25 PM
Reply to  Howard

“Couldn’t” care less, surely? Call me a pedant, but “could care less” means the exact opposite of what you are trying to say.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 22, 2020 3:22 PM


“Covid restrictions for England could last six months”

You should have cottoned on to the use of language by now. There is no “could”.

“People in England should now work from home if they can”

Movement towards a Matrix style hive civilisation.  

“Different households not allowed to meet indoors in Scotland from Friday”

Emphasis on the above mentioned hive.

“Pubs, bars and restaurants must close at 22:00 from Thursday in England, and from Friday in Scotland”

Movement towards curfew.

After which we get the scare statistics for the requisite psychological closure.  

Eyes Open
Eyes Open
Sep 22, 2020 6:55 PM
Reply to  George Mc

The joy of life; in fact life itself has been cancelled. That’s how it feels. Politicians suddenly seem like tyrant oppressors.

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Sep 23, 2020 3:14 AM
Reply to  Eyes Open

“Seem”??! They’re not tyrant oppressors: they’re democidal executioners.

The Herd is being liquidated, once and for all.
Just a hop-skip-jump three-step:

Isolation; impoverishment; vaxecution.

Sep 22, 2020 9:29 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Aye. Softening us up.

Sep 22, 2020 3:14 PM

We deal here with a psychopathic elite that do not hesitate to wage wars, commit genocides, torture and starve entire nations. But you advocate to peacefully resist? When things get tough they will kill you quicker than you can say Jack Robinson.

Sep 22, 2020 9:35 PM
Reply to  dada

Let’s get Spirituel (Spirituel) as Olivia NJ almost sang. Spirituel has a double meaning in French – Spiritual, as you would suspect, and Wit.

These rank morons arrayed before us are utterly bereft of Joy / Humour / Wit. Let’s take the piss out of them, film it, and share it.

The combined UK police and armed forces cannot control a population of 66 million.

Sep 22, 2020 3:04 PM

the sum
the some
the sum of all are fears
Dr. Neil M. the brain Ferguson ,model err 2.2 million deaths in the usa
2.2 million dead

Dr. Neil M. the brain Ferguson
imperial gates rockerfella world economic forum team gb plc
500,000 people dead
500,000 dead

Dr. Neil M. the brain Ferguson
250.000 dead
250.000 dead

Dr. Neil M. the brain Ferguson
thousands could die

dr neil the brain ferguson

1000s of cases a day hundreds of cases a day 50 cases a day
some cases a day and even more sum than that
and even more exponential growth

BoJo Unveils New National COVID-19 Restrictions As Cases Surge, Warns They Could Last For Up To 6 Months

“14 days to flatten the curve”?
“14 days to flatten the curve”?
“14 days to flatten the curve”?
“14 days to flatten the curve”?

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 22, 2020 2:53 PM

More backlash: singer songwriter Jason Isbell (I would personally call him “Who?”) has blasted Van Morrison for being irresponsible about COVID yadda yadda. (And I would have supplied a link to Rolling Stone, but my computer was assaulted and nearly crashed by a million pop ups thanks to the pathologically aggressive consumer capitalist bullshit system.)

OK I’m really going out on a limb here. Recall the “crazy conspiracy” stuff about John Lennon’s assassination? Oh but he was just a “pop star” to the establishment, surely? Nothing to worry about! Well – consider that these stars of the olden days did indeed not only accumulate vast crowds of fans but, since the 60s anyway, were considered to be “serious” and even “political”. A potential problem. Unless they “wise up” and back off into religion (Dylan) or cynicism (Jagger). If, however they naively keep on thinking that power can be given to the people and peace should be given a chance …then some stern measures will have to be taken. Bye bye Beatle.

But Van? Interesting case. JL had only reached 40 and was showing signs of a comeback. This on the verge of the crucial Thatcher/Reagan neoliberal turn. Battles ahead. The miners in Britain and the flight controllers in the US were getting uppity. So the last thing this previous “reset” needed was a rocker inspiring those spotty kids to go all Che Guevara.

But Van is a grouchy old git who can be relentlessly slated as a “has been”. So he may just go away.

Nevertheless… just think of the propaganda coup if say a little bit of concentrated COVID were to be slipped to him (mixed with a more reliable poison since the COVID may not work after all). Think of the headline:

COVID Denier dies horribly of COVID!

That’ll show ‘em. “Don’t you mess with us!”

Sep 22, 2020 3:41 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Graeber was poisoned and died earlier this month.

JL was probably assassinated. He spoke out against the war and mocked the CIA.

Sep 22, 2020 7:22 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Graeber’s death is indeed untimely. He was one of the foremost thinkers on Universal Basic Income and the economy of bullshit jobs, as he termed them. Given the WEF’s Great Reset – Graeber would have been a powerful voice.

I only came to his most famous book during Event Covid and it struck me that the lockdown was very much based on his idea that a large number of jobs are unproductive in a formal sense.

The takeaway for me was Graeber’s argument that jobs serve an unmeasured social function: people put up with the misery because it is a way of caring, or interacting with others, even when they know the job has little material productive value.

Turns out Graeber was much better known than I’d realised. He had a platform — would have had one of the biggest platforms — from which to criticize whatever economy TPTB and the WEF have in mind.

Thus, for my money, there is a chance he was regarded as a piece of grit that could deflect their plans.

Sep 22, 2020 8:28 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

He reported having a soapy taste in his mouth and being ill for a month. There’s something very suspicious and untimely about his death. He’s not here to utter the words jubilee when the market crashes.

His wife was pinning some bizarre stuff on Pinterest two days after his death. Very “Eyes Wide Shut”.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Sep 22, 2020 10:49 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Dave Graeber’s dead as well as Andre Vltchek… I didn’t even know about DG.
These complete psychopaths running this operation will have no problem rubbing out anyone they think will be dangerous to their plans.
And Andre was a writer here at Offguardian as well.

Eyes Open
Eyes Open
Sep 23, 2020 12:26 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Universal Basic Income is just another exploitation scam dressed as socialism.

Sep 23, 2020 1:36 AM
Reply to  Eyes Open

UBI officially recognises that a growing subset of the population as redundant, effectively a cost to the system. It is then only a small step to start considering ways of cutting that cost. Once they own you, they can discard you, maybe actively controlling births?

Eyes Open
Eyes Open
Sep 23, 2020 7:03 AM
Reply to  aspnaz

It’s actually the other way around. Capitalism has unemployment built into it, to control inflation. The Reserve Army Of Labour is why there will always be more people than jobs. It’s no accident.

UBI is fake welfare for the victims of capitalism, designed to further exploit and control, and to serve as PR to sugar coat a brutal system.

Sep 23, 2020 1:05 PM
Reply to  Eyes Open

But at the moment corporates can use the promise of jobs to get tax breaks. When you have UBI the politicians are less dependent on the corporates – which is why it may never happen – but the advantage to the politicians is that the people become totally dependent, so are easier to control, as you say, which will enable the likes of Bill Gates to introduce his “one child policy”.

Unemployment is the result of technology and the idea that everyone should be working. Political parties have pretended that new types of jobs will appear with new technology, but we can all see that those jobs are low pay “minimal human brain required“ sort of jobs. There is no escape from this, so eventually everybody will depend on handouts.

Sep 22, 2020 6:04 PM
Reply to  George Mc

 Jason Isbell  ??? An amateur compared to Van the Man.

Sep 23, 2020 11:47 AM
Reply to  George Mc

my computer was assaulted and nearly crashed by a million pop ups thanks to the pathologically aggressive consumer capitalist bullshit system.

try here:


the last thing this previous “reset” needed was a rocker inspiring those spotty kids to go all Che Guevara.

following the model set by the RFK assassination, the function of MK-ULTRA Manchurian Candidates is to be observed at the scene, firing a gun loaded with blanks, while the actual hit is carried out by professionals. this eliminates the problem observed five years previously, wherein the designated patsy says on live TV, “I didn’t kill anybody, I’m just the patsy.”

consider if this model doesn’t exactly fit the Lennon hit. of course, sometimes even the professionals screw up, as in the attempted Reagan hit, shortly thereafter.

Trusted Astrology
Trusted Astrology
Nov 27, 2020 6:02 PM
Reply to  THX-1143

You should try this method it will work definetely.