“Do you remember a winter without a cold?”
Thoughts about the corona crisis and how to move on thereafter
Daniel Jeanmonod MD

In the context of the current overwhelming worldwide COVID-19 panic wave, this text has as goal to provide, on a differentiated scientific basis, a different view of the corona crisis than the one still dominantly presented in the mainstream media and used by many governments and their experts to maintain protection measures imposed on whole populations.
Scientific data as well as propositions based on them will be presented, bringing together what many scientists, medical doctors, economists and lawyers have already claimed in the past months. The panic wave and the subsequent scaremongering have not allowed until today that these voices be heard sufficiently. The present specific contribution will concern the potentially deleterious and even fatal role of emotions in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Dr. Joel Kettner, professor of Community Health Science at Manitoba University and Medical Director of the International Centre for Infectious Diseases declared in March 2020:
I have never seen anything like this… I am not talking about the pandemic, because I have seen 30 of them, one every year… But I have never seen this reaction, and I am trying to understand why…”
Dr. David Jones declared recently, concerning the corona crisis, in the New England Journal of Medicine:
History suggests that we are actually at much greater risk of exaggerated fears and misplaced priorities”.
Common cold viruses invade the planet every year causing multiple, dominantly benign yearly “pandemics” (using like Dr. Kettner the term pandemic to define a worldwide viral distribution, without consideration of its dangerousness). They produce indeed, in a high majority (up to 99.5%) of their infections, either zero or mild symptoms like a sore throat, runny/stuffy nose, cough, sneeze or headache.
They represent the most common human infectious disease, adults having typically two to three infections per year, and children even more. Over 200 virus types are implicated, the main ones being rhino-, corona-, adeno- and enteroviruses as well as influenza, parainfluenza, human respiratory syncytial and metapneumoviruses. They can become dangerous mainly for frail, sick and old individuals, and their lethality can go as high as 8% in nursing homes (Ioannidis).
Like the influenza virus, they mutate regularly to counteract the protection gained by the human population thanks to its immunization. Common cold and influenza viruses produce respiratory tract infections (RTI), which are fatal for 2.6 million human beings per year worldwide (Roussel).
The COVID-19 Pandemic
Some common cold (and flu) viral epi- or pandemics are stronger than others. They last at least two months, rising, plateauing and receding spontaneously. The COVID-19 pandemic episode has as its source the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the last corona mutation. On many points, it obeys the typical characteristics of common cold infections.
For example in Italy, 95% of the fatalities happened for patients suffering from one up to three or more pre-existing morbidities, and the mean age of the deceased patients was 82. Such a mean fatality age is very close to the average life expectancy of developed, e.g. European countries (83.6 years for Switzerland).
Many studies have recently indicated that at least 80% of COVID-19 infections are indeed asymptomatic leading to a final corrected infection fatality rate (IFR) between 0.1 and 0.2%. This is comparable to a flu pandemic.
Immunity and the “second wave”
Recently, the evidence has arisen that the immunological response of the human organism follows at least 4 mechanisms, three using antibodies and a fourth a lymphocyte type, the T cell. Boyman and collaborators make an estimation that the published percentages of positive antibody presence in various populations can be multiplied by 5 (e.g. a 15% result amounts then to a 60% population immunization).
This goes well with the evidence presented above of a large number of infections with no or few symptoms, and represents a percentage able to provide a so-called herd immunity.
More evidence is also firmly accumulating that cross immunizations between different corona strains is frequent, so that human beings already infected earlier by another corona strain will be protected against the risk to get a severe form and might even remain asymptomatic (see here, here, here and here).
This can explain the high amount of benign or even asymptomatic forms in children, who share their virus loads frequently and efficiently thanks to their close play and interaction behaviors.
That a sufficient and efficient amount of herd immunity could develop itself in the current human population fits well with the presence of completed daily death toll curves (number of deaths per day) of the COVID-19 epidemic episode in a large number of countries. Daily death toll curves have indeed started their regression since the beginning of April in many countries worldwide.
These curves manifest the typical dynamics of biological non-equilibrium self-organizing systems, developed in this case between the human population and a virus[1]: the human population reacts by immunization against the virus, which for its next invasion develops a mutation allowing it to colonize again human organisms.
To go on having new human hosts, it makes sense for the virus to be lethal for only a small proportion of them and to mutate to counteract human herd immunization. As mentioned in the Introduction, common cold viruses are continuously present among us, with seasonal fluctuations, and the positive tests collected today may well represent the amount of seasonal viral presence (see below).
Viral mutations and propagations as well as human population immunization are parts of our planetary biological reality for as long as we know. The currently obtained immunity allows to ascertain that the SARS-CoV-2 corona mutation is now well known by the human population, thus eliminating the risk of a severe “second wave”, profiled repeatedly these days.
The fearful expectation of such a severe “second wave” rests on the history of the Spanish flu: there is no basis for an adequate comparison between then and today: at that time, there were no antibiotics, and the flu, worse than common cold viruses, kills mucosal cells, opening the pulmonary tissues to the aggression of bacterias, with estimations of up to 97% of deaths in 1918 caused by bacterial superinfections[2].
To further question this “second wave” fear, there is evidence for the presence of another viral epidemic between the two world wars, causing a brain infection and providing an additional explanation for the presence of more than one peak.
Positive Tests
The count of PCR positive tests, regularly presented in the media and used currently by politicians to reinstall measures, is not an appropriate marker for such a purpose. It should be used only for patient-based diagnostic contexts.
As described above, common cold viruses are present every year in the human population, with winter maxima. As they have until recently not received much attention from virologists and epidemiologists, we have no idea how they exactly distribute themselves and fluctuate along the whole year.
We have thus no so-called baseline, or norm data on the usual situation to compare with the positive tests recorded now: there is no way to claim normality or abnormality for the current data. The scientific basis is thus lacking to introduce a mask obligation in different in- and outdoors activities, particularly at a moment when many countries present a completed daily death toll curve.
The number of positive tests, which depends directly on the number of tests being performed, should never be used, but only the percentage of positive tests. At the moment, for example, the percentage of positive testing in Switzerland is 3.1%.
This small percentage will comprise, in addition to active infections, a number of PCR test false positives (wrongly positive test results), positive tests through reaction to residual non-infectious viral fragments, and additional ones due to cross-reaction with other corona strains.
As Prof. Gupta mentioned recently, only death rate (as given by daily death numbers and by population excess mortality), is indeed relevant to monitor a pandemic situation. Using positive tests to do this represents a scientifically unsound approach. An approach which maintains an on-going activation of threat and fear in the population.
Stress, panic and excess mortality
Like other viruses including the influenza virus, the infection by coronaviruses can activate, in a small percentage of infected individuals, an inflammatory and immunological (auto-immune) overresponse, named “cytokine storm”. This one may lead to transient up to life-threatening tissue damage in the lungs, and it is the mechanism at the source of different auto-immune disorders.
In animal experiments, stress has been shown to activate cell death in the limbic (behavioral/emotional) brain (see here, here and here).
In humans, there is firm evidence that stress correlates with the appearance of many diseases[3][4][5], including auto-immune ones.
A stressed emotional human (paralimbic) brain can become overactive, disturb body tissues and cause cell death through its many output pathways.
These may activate excitotoxic, oxidative, auto-immune, inflammatory, endocrine and vegetative mechanisms. Thus, human negative emotions like fear, sadness and anger are in position to jeopardize human health, up to a fatal level. This has been described in the field of anthropology through the description of the potentially fatal evolution after the chamanic practice of the kurdaitcha men called “pointing the bone”. It consists in the pointing onto a victim of a ritual bone which activates a lethal “spear of thought” inducing death, without great suffering, over days to weeks.
This ritual may have served kurdaitcha men along the millennia when a member of their community would become dangerous. The power of an idea and its related emotion, i.e. fear and the conviction of the necessity to die, is exemplified here in a most impressive way.
One may also cite, among many other stress-based diseases, the Takotsubo stress cardiomyopathy, or broken heart syndrome.
An integration of the psycho-emotional factor, so important in human medicine in general, becomes immensely relevant in the context of the corona crisis: dramatic up to fatal evolutions (see below) have to be considered as caused by social isolation and confinement measures leading to reduction/suppression of democratic freedom and basic human rights and activities. Three factors are proposed here to directly co-influence the amount of critical cases and deaths:
- the baseline level of anxiety in a given human population
- the suppression of freedom by limitation of democratic human rights
- the suppression of basic human interactions through isolation and confinement.
The disruption of social bonds is a severe issue for all primate societies, and in non-human primates, isolation in itself can lead to death.
The analysis of the mortality of a population with the goal to check if there is a so-called excess mortality, allows to document if a given epidemic is particularly dangerous and thus causes an unusual rate of deaths. In some countries or regions, excess mortality peaks have been indeed recorded, which have completely receded since mid May.
We have to integrate that a percentage of the secondary excess mortality related to the COVID-19 will be due 1) to stress, mainly fear and panic, associated with the pandemic threat, but also 2) to the consequences of the applied general lockdown and isolation measures.
Just to mention a few: psychosocial and economic destabilization with increases of violence, anxio-depressive states and suicides, decompensation of health frailty due to social isolation, destabilization of psychiatric and demented individuals, reduction of medical care to the whole population (mainly in the domains of cancer care and cardiovascular disorders), and reduced quality of care in homes and hospitals.
After having overloaded hospitals and medical practices, people shied away from them and became reluctant to visit them, staying home and risking dangerous evolutions and death away from proper therapeutic interventions.
In addition, governments blocked elective treatments and interventions in hospitals, with a risk of increased morbidity and mortality. Recent studies indicate a higher mortality of the intubation technique, which was initially promulgated widely by Chinese doctors, as compared with the much less drastic delivery of oxygen by mask or nose tube. The general lockdown prevented also an optimization of the protection of nursing homes, where, as expected, most fatalities happened.
The excess mortality as a consequence of general lockdown measures can be expected, already today, to be in the range of the 100 thousands (e.g. among many others, 10,000 additional non-COVID deaths from dementia in UK).
Two last comments must be done concerning the COVID-19 lethality/excess mortality:
- different questionable up to fully inadequate certification methods (e.g. COVID-19 death certificates based on suspicion, without tests nor autopsies) have been implemented in many countries, leading to inappropriately high lethality values,
- an Italian analysis has shown that 88% of all deaths attributed to the SARS-CoV-2 virus happened in fact in the presence of, but not due to it, hence the expressions to die from or to die with the virus.
A multicausal context leading to a fatal issue has to be integrated here, the virus being the drop of water that makes the vase overflow[6] for frail, sick and old individuals, due to premorbid conditions, viral combinations46 and bacterial superinfections[2].
Lockdown, distancing and isolation
General confinement/lockdown and isolation measures have led to the worldwide distribution by media of frightening images and situations, e.g. Chinese families being locked (with bolt and screw!) in their apartments, Wuhan dead streets swept with disinfectants, patients surrounded by alien-looking fully masked and dressed-up doctors and nurses, police control maintaining the full closure of north Italian villages, etc.
Any human being taken to the intensive care unit and realizing that he/she is now no longer free to leave this whole nightmare, to get back home to his family, experienced without any doubt the worst possible emotional stress: being trapped helpless in a life-threatening situation.
Fear not to survive, desperate loneliness and panic invade the emotional brain, defense mechanisms fall down and may open the way to a full-blown, potentially life-threatening viral infection. Confinement may increase in addition the vulnerability of the human organism to new pathogens, as it might have been the case with the war confinement at the end of the first world war during the development of the 1918 flu pandemic.
Evidence of the very partial relevance and efficiency of general confinement measures is provided by the absence of a higher death toll experienced by Sweden, which has an even lower death rate than countries like UK and Spain, where these measures were largely applied.
The application of general distancing and confinement measures leads unavoidably to a huge amount of questionable or even unmanageable decisions. The subject of the adoption of more or less strict measures creates unavoidably fractures inside social groups.
Even worse, different measures, which make minimal or even no sense, have been imposed by states and pushed by fearful individuals and groups, encroaching on democratic freedom and basic human rights. It is clearly not desirable for the people to be limited, controlled or threatened by the government it has itself chosen.
An example of a questionable lockdown measure is the school closures. This measure is not evidence-based, i.e. there is no available scientific study demonstrating its efficiency, it has been introduced from country to country because another country had done it before.
Leaving children to interact at school and playground (and leaving active adults to work and also interact) can be seen as the best way to advance herd immunity, which should develop as fast as possible to reduce the exposition time for old, frail and sick individuals.
By chance and importantly, children and healthy active adults have an absolutely minimal risk of being endangered by SARS-CoV-2. There are thus sound reasons to doubt the usefulness of the introduction of this measure and even to consider it as counterproductive.
Locking people inside and closing public and natural spaces, particularly parks in cities, are meaningless measures: the contact with nature and fresh air and movements are as essential as going to work, they are of utmost importance for the health of all, optimizing body defenses against aggressions. People have been demanded to keep distance in the streets, but were not trusted to do the same in parks or on beaches, where there was more space to keep distance.
Locking people inside has been a meaningless and deleterious measure, and one may wonder how inhabitants of large cities could cope with it at all. One has heard of the experiences of older people locked in their rooms in nursing homes, receiving their food in front of their closed door in absence of the provider, and visits by families resembling a visit in jail…
The suppression/limitation of the access to the medical and spiritual domains was fully inappropriate, deleterious and inhumane. It did not respect the basic human rights for care of body, mind and soul. Not only COVID-19 patients but also all the other patients hospitalized for other reasons could not get their visits.
In general, but particularly in the middle of a crisis, the support by dear ones fulfills the social and spiritual needs which should never be touched or withdrawn, taking the risk to alienate human beings from their vital psychosocial and spiritual environment.
Why couldn’t a close visiting family member apply the same safety precautions in the hospital as the medical staff? And religious services could have been performed with the same distance recommendations as for other civil sessions, which have been maintained because they were deemed indispensable.
General confinement measures, because of their psychosocial dangerousness, should be kept only in the context of exceptionally high epidemic lethality. Now that it is clear, to the contrary of what has been propagated by the WHO, that we are not facing a killer virus with a 3.4% fatality rate and thus 30 times more deadly than the flu, these imposed measures should be abandoned completely.
Obviously, isolation of sick people and usual measures of precaution or isolation to reduce viral transmission around old, sick and frail individuals remain relevant as always.
Seen at the ethical level, the corona crisis highlights the fact that any considered limitation of the right for self-determination, freedom and basic human rights would have to be based on a sound, profound, open and balanced multidisciplinary analysis, with a clearly positive risk/benefit ratio. It would have to be presented to the people and voted upon.
With the corona crisis, we have cumulated, in the absence of such an analysis, severe collateral damage, with measures applied against a threat which did not justify them.
Contact Tracing
Tracking infected people can be questioned from both ethics and efficiency points of view.
First, population control in itself represents an unacceptable breach into the private sphere of citizens, and every human group should defend itself against any attempt to limit its democratic freedom.
Second, the rapidity with which European countries for example lost track of the chain from “patients 1” onward underlines a well-known extremely fast and efficient viral propagation, questioning the possibility to stop it by tracking virus and carriers in the human population.
This happened in northern Italy in a matter of a day or two and in spite of very fast and extensive confinement measures. Many additional examples have been mentioned where no explanations for viral transmission could be found. Like for confinement measures (see above), such tracing would have only to be considered in the case of high dangerousness, absent for COVID-19.
Finally, the WHO does not recommend contact tracing in the management of flu epidemics.
Science, Politics and Media
In the intensive and extensive, worldwide field of the corona crisis, an open, deep, careful, multidimensional and thus unbiased study of the whole situation with presentation of pros and cons and risk/benefit balance analyses is fundamental.
This was not provided, and no open dialogues between different views of the situation have been provided. Scientific and medical experts, mainly microbiologists and epidemiologists, are the ones to provide relevant information to politicians. They will have to realize that they have held in their hands the power to modulate the state of mind of the whole human planet, activating a worldwide powerful chain reaction of fear and panic.
The media have and still relay a heavily dominant amount of panic-activating information maintaining fear in the whole human population. The corona facts are continuously distorted, numbers taken out of the usual epidemiological context to induce fear.
The threat has been maintained until today about the impending possibility of imposed reinstallations of protection, isolation and confinement measures and thoroughly relayed by mainstream media, consolidating a state of fearful expectation and of long-term threat and doom. The people should now be left in peace, and they should find again their self-determination.
There has been much too little discussion on the theme of ethics concerning the limitations of freedom, self-determination and basic human rights. Recently, for example in Germany and in our country, popular and political movements have begun to rise against the insidious risk for democracy of a state-imposed health dictature.
Some epidemiologists enjoying power positions as state advisers have repeatedly profiled catastrophic death prognoses, basing them on digital models and falling fortunately largely beyond biological reality. In our country, prognoses were indeed produced with death tolls between 22,000 and 60,000 with peak in June or July, whereas until today the swiss death toll stands between 1,700 and 1,800.
Obviously, questionable and even wrong model postulates have been applied, but these experts do not seem to be ready to recognize their errors, with their devastating worldwide consequences.
A worrying episode has developed in different countries concerning the treatment of COVID-19 by the drug hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), well-known for years in the treatment of malaria. It is very interesting and probably directly relevant that this molecule has been recognized since years as efficient also against autoimmune diseases (see above). Early on, Chinese, French (twice), German and American (again, twice) colleagues have treated COVID patients with HCQ, and published their positive results.
Evidence that the treatment with HCQ can reduce the hospital fatality rate is indeed growing steadily, posing a central question on the resistance or even interdiction to use this medication option in some countries.
For example, a European government and its experts, insisting on the necessity to wait for solid evidence-based studies but not considering the urgency of the situation, forbade the prescription of HCQ by doctors. This was supported by a study in the Lancet, claiming not only an absence of benefit with the HCQ intake but in addition increased cardiac complications and an increased mortality. Soon, the evidence was brought up that this publication was fraudulent, and it had to be retracted.
Two most worrying observations are to be made here:
1) the publication ethics by medical and scientific groups claiming the highest level of scientific quality is questioned, and
2) governments, by forbidding the prescription of HCQ, have blocked the ethically fundamental and untouchable patient-doctor relationship.
Politics and medical experts have presented themselves here under the worst possible light. It must also be highlighted that the current availability of an inexpensive medication against SARS-CoV-2 shows the whole vaccination issue in a different light, leaving time to perform proper research toward a safe and efficient vaccination for frail, sick and old individuals, just as for the flu. Indeed, the lethality of COVID-19 does not imply any requirement for a large-range vaccination.
It is not folly to wonder about a possible SARS-CoV-2 outbreak out of a laboratory, as laboratory manipulations or containment errors have been considered possible for the swine flu or even affirmed for the bird flu and the first SARS corona mutation60.
It is the role of scientific experts and politicians to uncover and suppress any research on viruses which may give rise to potentially dangerous new strains, and the WHO should enforce such control worldwide. In addition, reflections on worldwide animal care and maintenance are most relevant.
Propositions for today and tomorrow
Fear and panic about COVID-19, kindled by inaccurate scientific communications spread over the whole planet like a bushfire, causing the chaos we observe every day on the news. The corona crisis has brought to light that the human planet has currently a high anxiety level and must be treated gently, just like a human patient in a sensitive phase of her life!
On the basis of the data mentioned above, it may be claimed that the COVID-19 pandemic should have been dealt from the beginning as a usual flu pandemic, with protection focused on the frail, sick and old, who would have demanded and received appropriate protection measures for themselves, but without counterproductive obligations and limitation of their activities and freedom.
Weakened and old people may anytime demand voluntary isolation measures toward their familial, social and nursing environment. Nursing homes should have masks and hand disinfection at disposition for staff and families, if protection is wished by residents. Staff members should not work in more than one home. Residents should be induced to go out and walk (e.g. in city parks kept open!).
Imposed freedom restriction and isolation is inhumane, counterproductive up to lethal for old and weakened residents. In Germany, a petition was issued by German citizens between 64 and 78 years old to Mrs. Merkel, demanding self-determination and choice in end-of-life issues, and claiming their preference for a worthy death in the midst of their beloved ones rather than an isolated and heartless state-imposed passing.
The proposition here is not to extend reproaches about the measures taken abruptly and under enormous pressure by governments during the first two or three months of the pandemic development. With the data available today and in fact conclusive at least since May, it has to be however realized that general confinement, isolation, distancing and tracing measures should be stopped in all the countries where the daily death toll peak has been passed.
General lockdown measures against COVID-19 have already contributed to excess mortality experienced in different countries and discussed above. Maintaining them would be useless and deleterious. Children and working adults have to interact so that the human population gets as early as possible a sufficient herd immunity, thus protecting the old and frail.
The progressive exit out of the lockdown is an emotional trap: rejoicing that things get more normal again is constantly opposed by the anxious expectation that the unlocking would go too fast, in spite of the reassuring scientific evidence mentioned above.
Media should relay informations from all possible environments and tendencies. They have however provided the world population with an avalanche of homogeneously biased informations maintaining the dominant panic-activating message about a purportedly high dangerousness of COVID-19.
They hopefully will soon get the message not to exert pressures on politicians in the future, and to be deeply aware that they can contribute to the worldwide activation of powerful anxiogenic mechanisms, if they do not provide balanced informations from controlled sources.
A “new normality” for our future can only make sense if it is centered on a deeper understanding of the integrative dynamics between us and viruses.
As viruses need us to exist, and as life processes always seem to make sense, we may consider that the nightmare of the global planetary killer virus will stay the subject of interest for film producers and amateurs of strong emotions. There is indeed no way for us to conceive life without viruses. They are everywhere, around 50% of our own genome is of viral origin, and they may well be “more friends than foes”[7].
Our main foe is fear activated by a biased and heartless science, by propagandist media, and by fearful politicians. Older pandemics, which are at the source of deep atavic plague memories, were in most cases due to bacterias and related closely to precarious human life conditions.
The only catastrophic viral pandemic was the 1918 H1N1 flu, which killed millions, but developed in the chaotic and unhealthy aftermath of the first world war. Panic is no appropriate, even no feasible way to integrate our life with viruses.
It would bring a future filled with fear for the next pandemic and destabilization of the worldwide human psychological and economic environment. A deep and definitive change of attitude has now to be kindled in proper scientific and sociopolitical contexts, to avoid such a bleak and undesirable future.
8 Take Home Messages
1. Corona viruses are one of the viral agents of the common cold, which, just like the flu, invade the whole planet every year. They cause largely widespread, mostly benign, yearly pandemics of respiratory tract infections.
2. COVID-19, the infection caused by SARS-CoV-2, the current corona mutation, is not more lethal than the flu, with a 0.1-0.2% infection fatality rate.
3. An immense majority (95%) of fatal evolutions happen in old and frail individuals with premorbidities, with an average age of death at or above 80 years old.
4. Antibody studies, cross immunization with other corona strains and the completion of the death toll curve in many countries are strong evidence that the human population is developing herd immunity against SARS-CoV-2. In this context, a severe “second wave” for SARS-CoV-2 is improbable. We may rather expect a new cold episode from it just like every year, but of regular or even weak intensity thanks to the gained herd immunity.
5. PCR testing of SARS-CoV-2 presence does not give any reliable prognostic evidence of its infectious power and lethality. The monitoring of the pandemic state and evolution is given only by the daily evolution of fatalities. In Switzerland as in many other countries, there is no longer any excess mortality attributable to the COVID-19 pandemic. Positive test rate is low (around 3%), and tests have as always a technical false positive rate and react to inactive viral fragments or to other corona strains.
6. Only in a small percentage of COVID-19 patients, the SARS-CoV-2 virus may, like the flu virus, activate an immunological and inflammatory overresponse, causing at worst fatal pulmonary organ failure.
Stress and emotions like fear, anger and sadness may 1) stimulate this overresponse, 2) cause cell death in the emotional brain and 3) trigger therein deleterious overactivities, with resulting cell damages in body tissues.
General isolation, distancing and lockdown measures, by limiting social contacts, freedom and basic human rights, add to the death toll through an upsurge of psychosocial and economic destabilization, worsening of psychiatric and demented individuals and reduction of medical care to the whole population. We have thus a combined causality for an excess mortality of COVID-19, a significant part of it being not due to the SARS-CoV-2 virus itself but to the worldwide COVID-19 panic wave and the imposed introduction of drastic and inhumane measures.
7. We are not facing the feared planetary killer virus, in spite of the inappropriate initial message of the WHO and different experts. The presented data speak for an urgent stop of all general lockdown, distancing and isolation measures. The world should revert back to the appropriate, routinely applied approach to respiratory viruses: to keep optimal protection measures for the old, frail and sick, as we have all learned to do year after year against the flu.
8. Common cold (and flu) viruses are ubiquitous in space (on the whole planet) and time (year after year). They are thus unavoidable, but cause fortunately mostly benign infections. We just need to protect specifically the populations at risk when a viral wave gets stronger than usual.
Text updated and expanded from the contribution “Think deep, do good science and do not panic!”, by D. Jeanmonod, R. Jeanmonod and F. Neirynck, published by off-guardian.org on April 7th 2020.
Daniel Jeanmonod MD, Professor Emeritus of Neurosurgery at Zürich University and Physiology & Neuroscience at New York University
[1] Smolin L. The Life of the Cosmos. Oxford University Press (1997).
[2] Raoult D. Épidémies, vrais dangers et fausses alertes. De la grippe aviaire au COVID-19. Michel Lafon (2020).
[3] Pelletier K.R. Holistic Medicine, from Stress to Optimum Health. Delacorte Press (1979)
[4] Pelletier K.R. Mind as Healer, Mind as Slayer. Allen and Unwin (1979)
[5] Simonton O.C. et al. Getting Well Again. Bantam Books (1978)
[6] Reiss K. and Bhakdi S. Corona Fehlalarm? Zahlen, Daten und Hintergründe. Goldegg Verlag (2020)
[7] Moelling K. Viruses, more friends than foes. World Scientific Publishing (2017).
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Well, the second wave occurred. I agree that mainstream institutions stoke fear, but cherry-picking evidence for a rosy outcome is not a better alternative.
I did not experience a common cold this past 2019-2020 flu season. My son came down with a really bad fever last year in December that kept him out of school for a couple of days. Now when I tell people this, most of them react as if I told them he had a terminal cancer diagnosis. I didn’t get sick from whatever he had, despite being in close contact with him. Which led me to conclude what he had was nothing new. And had me wondering by March why millions all over the world were being encouraged to go mad over a common viral illness.
I would like to know if b of the MOA-blog contacted the author of this article to check the sources, references, data used in it?
The Moon of Alabama claims to have debunked this. My interest in corona is minimal, so I’ve neither read this piece nor the Moon of Alabama’s supposed debunking, but I thought I would let people know.
I have let the Moon of Alabama know of this comment.
Oh dear… and now another 6 months of B clutching his Covid pearls. Just when he got back to doing some actually sporadically useful analysis. Damn!
You folks at Off-G really upset him this time.
Hey! Why don’t you debunk his debunk job? I expect his head will explode.
I’ve rarely found MoA analysis useful.
Lon, long before Covid
Our world stumbled into the new year with a conspicuous heading of “2020” exhibiting the same mindless purposefulness as any other year. The WHO announced the pandemic and the world froze. This was to be the first pandemic played live on social media. The messages of panic and doom amplified ten-, hundred-, thousand- and million-fold. Unprepared, the governments lurched into the unknown. Collateral damage was just an afterthought in the all-consuming struggle against one disease, which, while deadly for some, constituted at most 2% of all deaths worldwide. Was this the best strategy to counter the threat? This question will linger over humanity for decades to come while a Stanford University group has estimated that years of life lost from Covid-19 in the US will be dwarfed by years of life lost from lockdowns by a factor of 10!
The number of people on this page who seem to have guzzled (and douched with) the Plutocrats’ Eugenic Kool-Aid about “overpopulation” is alarming. Who exploits more of the planet’s resources… billionaires or Serfs with secondhand bicycles? Any billionaire panic-stricken about “carrying capacity” might nobly consider exiting the planet himself, alleviating enough resource-pressure to clear space for hundreds of thousands of Serfs. Turn all the golf courses into community farms. Name the community farms after the billionaires who once toddled around on them: it would be the least we could do.
Meanwhile, a little parable about “Capitalists” and “Communists”…
Regarding the 1918 flu and perhaps applying an once of caution that indeed also applies to vaccines:
Aspirin Misuse May Have Made 1918 Flu Pandemic Worse
Stunning, simply stunning.
Our Emeritus Prof, in simple layman’s terms single handedly lays to waste the entire Covid madness.
Brilliant, humane and inarguable.
Isn’t it funny how our Emeritus professors have been so independent and honest.
It’s as if those who still rely on the state for their living and status are totally compromised and fearful of being honest.
From one Sinclair to another 😉 :
“It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.”
— Upton Sinclair
There’s just one important thing not addressed, Alicia.
There is, in fact, no evidence of the designated SARS-CoV-2 virus having been purified and isolated, an essential process for being able to test for it, and thus the tests being used are not testing for a specific virus. All that’s happening is that tests are returning positive or negative results in rather arbitrary fashion and where the result is positive the person could be suffering from a number of illnesses or nothing at all which is why there are a large number of allegedly “asymptomatic” cases. They’re not asymptomatic! They’re “false positives” which are connected to the fact that the test isn’t testing for a specific virus.
This article is really the best on the alleged virus that I know of:
A summary below:
— No distinctive specific symptoms for COVID-19
— Admitted lack of gold standard test for COVID-19
— PCR test used inappropriate for viral testing (its purpose was manufacturing not testing). Clear example: Faith in Quick Test Leads to Epidemic That Wasn’t.
— No clear evidence of origin of RNA used in test
— Authors of scientific papers claiming isolation of virus admit that purification of virus not actually done and seasoned virologist admits lack of awareness of any paper showing purification of virus
— No evidence of what is said to be the virus, SARS-CoV-2 causing COVID-19
— Test results are irrational (many individuals producing different results on multiple tests) which would only be expected when the testing method used is against scientific testing protocol
— The test contains “q” in its name, RT-qPCR, which should stand for quantitative, however, it is admitted the test is qualitative meaning it cannot test viral load which means they cannot test how many viral particles are carried in the body. For people to be considered infected a viral load needs to be determined.
— High Cycle Quantification (Cq) values undermine validity of test and some PCR tests have high Cq values (Drosten test has 45). The inventor of the test, Kary Mullis, has this to say: “If you have to go more than 40 cycles to amplify a single-copy gene, there is something seriously wrong with your PCR.”
— Before starting with PCR, in the case of presumed RNA viruses such as SARS-CoV-2, the RNA must be converted to complementary DNA (cDNA) with the enzyme Reverse Transcriptase—hence the “RT” at the beginning of “PCR” or “qPCR,” but this transformation process is “widely recognized as inefficient and variable,”
This alleged pandemic is a Psychological Operation in the form of a “live” pandemic exercise in which we see very typical hallmarks, one being that they give us gratuitous clues that, in fact, there is no pandemic.
Clues include:
— Unconvincing patients coughing all over the show in ICUs
— People laid out dead on hospital floors
— Ludicrous miracle survivor stories
— Hospitals being erected ludicrously quickly in China
In psyops they only do things for real when they want them for real. They don’t want a real virus and it wouldn’t work for their story. Control of the story is everything: to have it erupt here and there as they want it to and they want the numbers to go up and down when it suits them. There’s no specific virus. It’s all smoke’n’mirrors. When you blow away the magic propaganda dust there’s simply nothing there, nada, niente, zilch. It’s the Emperor’s New Clothes par excellence.
Article is similar to the findings on swprs.org which seems trustworthy.
Let natural selection take its course. Oh wait, trillions of dollars can’t be milked from that.
Heh, heh…
Sometimes I wish natural selection was something you could nominate people for
– Paul Vonharnish –
Do countries that are NEVER cold (eg. Philippines, Tanzania, Brazil, even Austrialia)… get colds/flu…? I suspect not, yet somehow they have Covid?!
Is this a serious comment?
Well, lack of vitamin C and especially D in winter.. how does that translate over there
People can still get low vitamin D in hot countries since they cover up with clothing/ sun screen, stay indoors, have darker skin generating less vitamin D and often a lot of “health advice” to keep out of the sun. Iran, China and Brazil have low levels for example.
The USA is said to not have particularly low levels but this is acheived by fortification of dairy products which would not work for people who do not eat dairy such as some ethnic groups who might also produce less due to their skin colour and those who just are not fond of it. They also have a lot of obesity which would confound the problem. The vitamin D levels might also simply correlate with some other benefts of the sun and thus fortification might not work as well. Vitamin D is involved with calcium which is used in the buffering of acids.
Thank you
Yes. Even goats and pawpaws have Covid in Tanzania.
Dozens of my acquaintances in Nagpur , In India are tested covid positive but none of them has any significant illness for 4 weeks or more. Four of them were put in covid hospital and discharged in 10 days without any treatment other than vitamin tablets. None required ventilator, Oxygen. Even viral fever and common cold which occurs more in this season every year is more severe than this
One point wasn’t made in this article (which is superb). Flu kills many more than Covid-19 has, and this even in light of the fact that mass flu vaccinations are done each year.
Mechanics of terror: those incapable of doubt, who are driven by existential fear into believing in absurdities are those who commit or allow most atrocities.
Stupidity and willful Ignorance is not benign. but is extremely deadly when exploited by fascist elites.
Incapable of doubt yet intoxicated by fear — a terrifying combination.
Millions of adult COVID cult members turned into doubtless and fearful child soldiers ready to eradicate any dissent that may question authorities or dogmas that gave new meaning to their continuing for decades pain and suffering.
It all has far less to do with doubt and fear than with reverence for authority. I truly believe that for most people it doesn’t even matter if they doubt a given policy; all that matters is that it is official so it must be obeyed.
Most people seem to have accepted very early on that disobedience of even foolish dictates will lead to apocalyptic consequences. I haven’t a clue how one would de-program that sort of thinking.
“e.g. Chinese families being locked (with bolt and screw!) in their apartments, Wuhan dead streets swept with disinfectants, patients surrounded by alien-looking fully masked and dressed-up doctors and nurses,”
The author, being a medical expert rather than an expert in international politics, does not appreciate an important distinction between the reaction of the Chinese govt — rational, rapid and extremely effective in stamping out the original Wuhan strain of disease Covid-19 and restoring the Chinese economy, on the one hand — and the reaction of affluent Liberal Democratic Western regimes — irrational, prolonged and suspiciously ineffective in containing a mysterious new disease Con-19, as well as being extremely damaging both to the peoples of the affluent West and to their economy.
I have posted many times on the need for this distinction, thanks to the editorial freedom allowed by OffG editors to all viewpoints.
I am sorry but I don’t see how exactly the Chinese benefited by this total lockdown policy when the virus itself has been proven to be no more lethal than the every year common cold coronaviruses. To me it seems like a lot of people are obsessed to show how the Chinese are doing things better. Yes, they are, in terms of social control, and economic output. I am sorry, but these goals do not express or give any meaning to a lot of people, including myself.
Other countries did much better, without hurting their economy, or limiting individual freedoms, such as Sweden for example.
@Tryfon Farmakakis: “I am sorry but I don’t see how exactly the Chinese benefited by this total lockdown policy when the virus itself has been proven to be no more lethal than the every year common cold coronaviruses.”
The Chinese govt was well aware that Wuhan lab is a U$ Bioweapons Lab allied to Fort Detrick, Virginia U$A. They were thoroughly prepared for a U$ bioweapons attack. As soon as Chinese scientists sequenced a Novel Corona Virus with similar characteristics to disease in care homes around Fort Detrick, they Launched rapid and thorough Civil Defense Program Against Novel Pathogens. After a few months China lost interest in Covid-19 because, as you correctly say, Covid-19 turned out to be ordinary Bird Flu; also the original Wuhan strain died out, and Chinese economy went rapidly back to normal.
That is how the Chinese benefited from a totally aware and thoroughly prepared Communist government that works for the benefit of its people as a whole and not for the benefit of a cabal of super rich Anglo Zionazi Capitalist parasites.
The evidence is simply not consistent with your claims. The virus is nothing more than an ordinary coronavirus with a less than 1% mortality. The promotion of the scare associated with it is clearly co-ordinated and multinational, if not global. China is on board, as is Russia and Iran. Old ideas of conflicting national interests don’t seem to apply to this narrative
I tend to agree with Admin1’s reading of reality on this one.
This is a wrong comment, please delete it. (I wish I could do it myself but it seems the only option I have is to edit my comments)
“The promotion of the scare associated with it is clearly co-ordinated and multinational, if not global.”
Yah. As I’ve said elsewhere, what happened to Sweden (and others). Did they not get the NWO e-mail?
The media monster is undoubtedly global, but the idea that some malevolent individuals are co-ordinating this mess for their malign pleasure is pure paranoia.
Admin1, you have more power here than anyone else. Your role here is specific and does not include the promotion of your own opinions.
Admins should be strictly neutral when working in their capacity as administrators.
Have the decency to post as an ordinary commenter or button it!
If you don’t mind.
Pretty please.
Ah well strict neutrality is a very elusive matter and the call for it usually comes with a dose of hypocrisy.
And “the idea that some malevolent individuals are co-ordinating this mess for their malign pleasure” is a straw man. This isn’t about “personal pleasure” (cue big moustachio man cackling with evil intent). It’s about maintaining power. And the individuals aren’t so much “malevolent” as cooly pragmatic.
Iran ??? currently under the Russian nuclear umbrella to avoid being attacked by US and Israeli/Saudi interests is not a global player in the “Great Reset” humanity is being forced to endure..
Admin, I have written several times in OffG: The Chinese govt lost interest in Covid-19 and removed Lockdown when they realized that ‘The virus is nothing more than an ordinary coronavirus with a less than 1% mortality’ (as you and TF rightly affirm). We are on the same page there.
Where we differ, is that few people realise the runup to this scare: the Viral Biowarfare Program which started in the 1970 (to my knowledge) because I met a senior Visiting Fellow from Israel’s Bioweapons Lab at Imperial Cancer’s newly formed virus effort. Fort Detrick was a U$ centre for weaponising viruses until people in neighbouring care homes started coming down with a flu that affected the lungs. Fort Detrick was closed down (cough, cough) ie, its virus research was moved to Wuhan. The Chinese govt quite rightly prepared a thorough Civil Defense Program, and quite rightly — and highly effectively — unleashed it when Covid-19 appeared in Wuhan with the same Respiratory Symptoms as previously found in hospitals around Fort Detrick.
I hope this finally makes my view clear: there is a vital distinction to be made between the highly effective and short CDP in China which stamped out Covid-19 in a few months, and this ridiculously ineffective and suspiciously prolonged Lockdown of the Liberal Democratic Freedom Loving West.
PS Sweden is a special case. The Swedes do not practice Lockdown but they scrupulously validate Sweden’s credentials as a fully paid up member of the Assange-persecuting Anglo Zionazi Capitalist West by reporting a similar “High Case Load” of false positives as UK and U$A do. (I gave the figures in a previous post).
From today’s Saker Vineyard, China Update:
“China will not need a sweeping coronavirus vaccination programme because the pathogen is effectively under control in the country – at least for now. Gao Fu, director of the Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CCDC), said that large-scale vaccination would only be needed if there was a major outbreak, like the one in Wuhan in February. “This is an issue of balancing risk and return”.
Lockdown would never have happened without chineese influence. they have been wearing masks for years but it is due to the air pollution not a virus. why do you support their cover up of the effects of the bad air?
Wait a minute. So, there is nothing suspicious to you in that the Fort Detrick facilities were moved to mainland China? And there is nothing suspicious to you in this story here? https://reclaimthenet.org/facebook-censors-tucker-dr-yan/
How do you interpret them?
Dr.Yan is a fake like Dr.Fauci and Dr.Ferguson, well paid pseudo-scientific apologists for the Anglo Zionazi Capitalist Con-19 $cam. Refutation of Dr.Yan’s credentials in Hong Kong Press:
“HKU responds to the media concerning a former staff member’s TV interview, 11 Jul 2020
Dr Yan Limeng was a post-doctoral fellow at HKU. She has left the University.
While HKU respects freedom of expression, Dr Yan’s past or present opinions and views do not represent those of the University.
HKU notes that the content of the said news report does not accord with the key facts as we understand them. Specifically, Dr Yan never conducted any research on human-to-human transmission of the novel coronavirus at HKU during December 2019 and January 2020, her central assertion of the said interview.
We further observe that what she might have emphasised in the reported interview has no scientific basis but resembles hearsay.”
And why do you take the, unsupported by any evidence, word of the Hong Kong University administrators as the truth? It is not only Yan and her three fellow scientists who have claimed that the virus is of artificial origin. Other preeminent scientists have too, among them a former Nober prize winner, Luc Montagnier. Also what Yan claims is that the virus was engineered in the Wuhan labs. This seems to agree with your version of the events that the Fort Detrick facilities were moved there. Yan and her fellows in the paper did not prove that the virus is of artificial origin but showed that is very likely that it is so and urged for a relevant investigation, which of course never happened. Instead censorship is being enforced on anything relevant everywhere, both in the West as well as Russia and China. Nevertheless you had nothing to comment on this. It seems to me like you are contradicting yourself here, and it also seems to me that the evidence support the assertion that the Chinese government was implicated in this from the get go.
The Chinese Virologist is connected to Steve Bannon.
So “The Daily Beast” (which is behind a paywall by the way, so I can’t read it, and I wonder how you did and got convinced also repeats the official narrative, as does “Asamnews”) is credible and the “New York Post” (they also repeat the official narrative) is not. Why is that? The only argument that is standing against the research by the Hong Kong scientists is that it was not peer reviewed, but they say that there is complete censorship about the topic in peer reviewed magazines as well as in the media, which as far as I know and understand is true and extremely worrying and suspicious, don’t you think?
I am sorry, but you are not convincing.
By the way this is the link to the study in case you didn’t even make the effort to find it, since it is not given in any relevant online news report: http://gnews-media-offload.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/14100542/The_Yan_Report-.pdf
i agree amin. the rockafella foundation and the big tech companies (and others) have been active in china for many years. I think they cooperate together to gain more control and profit. national boundaries are not important at all.
the propaganda about conflict and competition is just more distraction and helps to keep people confused.
I tend to agree with Admin1’s reading of reality on this one.
To me it seems like this international cabal, which in its highest levels penetrates and controls both the Chinese and Russian governments, are trying to promote China as the successful paradigm of how a society should be organized and it is no coincidence that they are all presenting it as such. Both the Chinese government openly, as well as the western ones with their imitation of its most totalitarian measures. This is to me a preparation of the global populace consciousness to slowly accept China and its values and social constructs, as the next world leader.
A government that cares for the benefit of its people would never allow the emergence of billionaires among its ranks while others still live in poverty. It would look for more egalitarian, socialist and democratic solutions, something that I don’t see them doing at any level. What I see them doing is increasing social control, monitoring etc. A stable course towards an Orwellian society were the individual is good as long as it obeys and produces.
China’s paradigm is the envy of global tyrannies of all political stripes and has been slowly implemented since the Information Age began circa 1980. Covid has become the “good crisis” necessary to complete this Global Reset . Welcome to the Global Termite colony ?
Re Communist China: Jamshyd comments BTL on Islamic Communist Iranian reporter Ramin Mazaheri’s report on the increasing strength of two modern Communist countries vis a vis tired and flabby Anglo Zionazi Capitalist Uncle $cam.
“Iran’s moral stand on humane values, its economic resilience, its modernity, its homegrown system of governance that has withstand the test of time, its scientific / technological & human capital development (in the face of the most draconian sanctions in history) tells the Chinese that Iran is an ideal partner. The Chinese are courting Iran, as I have read the interview of former Iranian ambassador to China who happens to belong to the conservative camp, and he corroborate Ramin that the $400bln 25years comprehensive plan was introduced by Xi during his visit to Iran, but added that Iran had been delaying the signing of the deal up till now because of the JCPOA [to give the West a chance to honour JCPOA].
The fact that demonization of China is now a bipartisan project in the US, and that Iran’s own strength is a key element for the success of the Chinese BRI, gives Iran more leverage in sealing that 25 years comprehensive agreement. The JCPOA may not have yielded economic gains for Iran but it paved the ground for future cooperation with China.
[Comment by NGM: Admin1 says “China is onboard (with the West’s imaginary Con-19 $cam). I think it is rather “the West” which should turn its back on Uncle $cam Micawber, forever hoping for something to turn up, and “get onboard” a new Axis of Realistic Social Development which is beginning to stretch from Syria through Iran to China and Russia.]
And to back up my view of reality with some evidence, what have you got to say about this story? https://reclaimthenet.org/facebook-censors-tucker-dr-yan/
Dr.Yan is a fake like Dr.Fauci and Dr.Ferguson, well paid pseudo-scientific apologists for the Anglo Zionazi Capitalist Con-19 $cam. Refutation of Dr.Yan’s credentials in Hong Kong Press:
“HKU responds to the media concerning a former staff member’s TV interview, 11 Jul 2020
Dr Yan Limeng was a post-doctoral fellow at HKU. She has left the University.
While HKU respects freedom of expression, Dr Yan’s past or present opinions and views do not represent those of the University.
HKU notes that the content of the said news report does not accord with the key facts as we understand them. Specifically, Dr Yan never conducted any research on human-to-human transmission of the novel coronavirus at HKU during December 2019 and January 2020, her central assertion of the said interview.
We further observe that what she might have emphasised in the reported interview has no scientific basis but resembles hearsay.”
And why do you take the, unsupported by any evidence, word of the Hong Kong University administrators as the truth? It is not only Yan and her three fellow scientists who have claimed that the virus is of artificial origin. Other preeminent scientists have too, among them a former Nober prize winner, Luc Montagnier. Also what Yan claims is that the virus was engineered in the Wuhan labs. This seems to agree with your version of the events that the Fort Detrick facilities were moved there. Yan and her fellows in the paper did not prove that the virus is of artificial origin but showed that is very likely that it is so and urged for a relevant investigation, which of course never happened. Instead censorship is being enforced on anything relevant everywhere, both in the West as well as Russia and China. Nevertheless you had nothing to comment on this. It seems to me like you are contradicting yourself here, and it also seems to me that the evidence support the assertion that the Chinese government was implicated in this from the get go.
The Chinese Virologist is connected to Steve Bannon.
So “The Daily Beast” (which is behind a paywall by the way, so I can’t read it, and I wonder how you did and got convinced also repeats the official narrative, as does “Asamnews”) is credible and the “New York Post” (they also repeat the official narrative) is not. Why is that? The only argument that is standing against the research by the Hong Kong scientists is that it was not peer reviewed, but they say that there is complete censorship about the topic in peer reviewed magazines as well as in the media, which as far as I know and understand is true and extremely worrying and suspicious, don’t you think?
I am sorry, but you are not convincing.
By the way this is the link to the study in case you didn’t even make the effort to find it, since it is not given in any relevant online news report: http://gnews-media-offload.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/14100542/The_Yan_Report-.pdf
You may be right about China’s rapid response and motives to covid . However the new Chinese mandarins are neoliberal internationalists, and don’t give a damn about their “masses” anymore than India , Russia , Indonesia , or the US and its various western satraps Germany , France , and England . .
I don’t agree with you on this. However, I’m only replying to point out that Fort Detrick is in Maryland.
Thanks, Howard. All those Olde English placenames! I learned at school that Sir Walter Raleigh named Virginia after the virgin queen Elizabeth. And now Wikipedia informs me that Mary Land honors Queen Henrietta Maria (1609-1669), wife of Charles I (1600-1649), King of Great Britain and Ireland, who signed the 1632 charter establishing the Maryland colony. Nice!
PS from Pepe Escobar on Sinofobia in today’s Saker:
d dan on September 23, 2020 · at 7:52 pm EST/EDT
Rostislav says: “Isn’t it strange that this virus narrative did not spread to Shanghai, and Shenzhen, yet freely spread to the rest of the world?”
I find it strange that some people would think this is strange. China applied decisive actions to lock down Wuhan, scientific methods and medical deployments to contain and treat the virus, strict social implementations to isolate infected people, strong political and professional leadership, optimized resources allocations and personnel mobilization, logical national balancing of economic vs health priorities, … etc.
Most of the rest of the world did only a fractions of what China did. So what do you expect?
A great, very interesting, well researched and presented essay, but it lacks one vital component: The author clearly believes that medicos and politicians and others ‘over-reacted’ in a blind panic to the over-exaggerated danger of the virus, which they based on information provided by either incompetent ‘experts’ such as Imperial College’s Neil Ferguson, or those experts and the manipulated, lying mainstream media (which he acknowledges) were incentivized to ‘lay it on thick’; all to terrify the public, so they would accept, even welcome the over-the-top, repressive response to the ‘deadly pandemic’, they believed threatened their very existence, (thanks to the incessant, rampant TERROR campaign being propagated 24 / 7 by the hysterical, lying media).
Most of us here realise that is not the whole story at all.
The lockdowns and all the other bizarre violations of people’s freedom and civil rights abuses were and still are today, a rather cleverly planned ruse to introduce the UN’s planned (over several decades), totalitarian New World Order, by stealth.
The NWO is essentially global tyranny for all, under a centralized one world government, that will along with the fourth industrial revolution (i.e. cashless society, constant tracking / tracing / surveillance, ‘smart cities’ etc.), control every aspect of our lives.
Under this abominable new regime, ruled by unelected bureaucrats in the WHO / UN, the WEF and phoney billionaire ‘philanthropists’ and other bottom dwelling swamp creatures; there will be no freedom of movement or speech, no human rights, no love, no humanity for anyone. If all of humanity doesn’t WAKE UP and RISE UP as one angry entity and reject the entire agenda, with strong opposition through unrelenting civil disobedience, life as we know it, will abruptly end and end very soon. Few will survive under this despotic regime they have planned for us.
Nobody wants this appalling ‘new normal’, so why accept any of it by ‘obeying’ this tiny, humanity loathing bunch of sub-humans, who ultimately plan to destroy our whole way of life and eventually exterminate us for THEIR ‘greater good’?
The author of this beautifully written article, doesn’t appear to realize that this ‘pandemic’ has been well planned over a long time and will be used as kind of ‘secret weapon’ to declare war against all of humanity. We need join together and RESIST this tyranny right now, or it will be too late. .
Great comment. Please attend Trafalgar Square on Saturday if you can.
I think he stayed away from political analysis, but stating all the medical reasons why this is bs
True I think, but it’s still disappointing that he doesn’t mention the obvious: that the medical reasons are just a ruse, a Trojan Horse which the oligarchy fabricated for the purpose of
hiding (albeit rather poorly), their real (political) NWO agenda.
Yes, everything you have stated is correct. The major scoop the bankers and billionaires had in 1913 was the Federal Reserve act which meant that the US’s finances, ability to set interest rates and printing of money was completely controlled by private banks.
Moreover, the NWO had been planned from before WW1 as outlined by authors such as Professor Antony C Sutton who was at first mystified as to why Transnational financiers from Wall Street and the City of London had financed the Bolshevik Revolution plus supplied them with loans and built up their infrastructure eg industrialisation via technology transfer from the US, UK etc. Indeed, many of the same financiers and companies financed plus built up the National Socialist dictatorship.
Why would a capitalist country with capitalist banks and corporations aid ideological enemies bent on their destruction. Answer hegelianism thesis + antithesis = synthesis which resulted in WW1 leading on to WW2. Furthermore, despite the US being at war with Nazi Germany, it still supplied them with raw materials and oil via Prescott Bushes friends and Standard oil. Indeed, Chase Manhattan has a Bank in Paris right throughout WW2. The results of WW2 was the UN, IMF, WB, WEF, WHO and the “ foundations “ plus “ thinktanks” complete control over US foreign policy, intelligence services, military services and educational services.
The notion that China is an opponent of the NWO belies certain facts. The Chinese Wirtschaft Wunder was financed by and technologically assisted by Rockefeller’s Banks and 300 of the largest US corporations. Again, the question is why would the most capitalistic country with an absolute loathing of anything to do with communism fiancé and build up an ideological enemy which state publicly to destroy the capitalistic imperialistic West. Answer, NWO, they have no truck with nationality or nation states and have openly stated their intentions to destroy the nation states of the world from the time of Alfred Milner, Lionel Curtis to David Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger with its plethora of fronted organisations such as the Council For Foreign Relations, Trilaterals, Royal Institute of International Affairs, Bildeberg group to the World Economic Forum.
Naturally, their control of the MSM, academia, publishing and education ensures any mention of their history and plans is suppressed, ridiculed and smeared with the “ conspiracy theorist “ brush. Neither China nor Russia will prevent this only as you have stated “ all of humanity “ will !!
If stopping what’s coming depends on humanity itself rising to the occasion, then it is already a fait accompli. Our only salvation is simply that, once in place, this New World Order cannot and will not last.
Our greatest ally is, ironically, our greatest enemy: the psychopathy of the maniacs who envision and work toward this insane goal. The psychopaths will turn on each other once they’ve gained the whole world (and, of course, long ago lost their “souls”).
The satisfaction, right now the only satisfaction, is knowing it will fail. Because it cannot and will not be stopped.
“Our only salvation is simply that, once in place, this New World Order cannot and will not last.”
Great comment Howard and I totally agree. It can’t be stopped but we can hope that it will crash and burn itself as the psychopaths who want us to serve them in their dystopian NWO, discover it cannot be anything like what they’d hoped for.
History has shown time and time again that it cannot work. Lies are eventually exposed and people stop believing them, even humanity hating psychopaths. Evil never lasts long, but they keep trying. The problem is always the same and they never learn from the same mistake they repeatedly make – the same ever-present problem can never be resolved: We’re people, all unique, with thoughts, feelings and free will, not programmed machines and even if we were, we’d still never behave the way they think we should.
i agree. also, we human animals are all connected even though many of us live with the illusion of separation. the parasite class are very disconnected from this reality if they believe they can control and/or kill most humans. They are also human (yes, really) and will be just as affected as the rest of us.
the laws of Nature will always apply – all life is connected and Nature always finds balance. But who can say how long this will take?
Truly superb comment.
I agree that the article was excellent, bar the author’s shockingly naive and uninformed view that this fiasco was the result of overestimations, inaccuracies and mistakes.
Anthony – you say “No-one wants this New Normal (vomit-worthy phrase)”, but I’m sure that very few people are yet aware of the dastardly things that are planned for humanity.
On the topic of those plans, I listened with dread, fascination and finally optimism to Mark Windows on today’s Richie Allen Show (23rd Sept.). He starts at around the 30minute mark with an hour of clear, illuminating info. Rather than attempting to educate the masses by slogging over scientific facts and statistics, maybe encouraging them to listen to this would open a few eyes about the sinister Planned Outcome? i.e. working backward from the goal, people might more easily understand the milestones and steps planned and those already ticked off.
Still people write these articles assuming the politicians and doctors are merely incompetent.
The evidence is overwhelming that every action taken was planned over a decade ago with very, very specific social goals in mind. The following are incontrovertible:
You can keep the list going, it goes on a long way further.
Well put Rhys. Yeah to us it’s patently obvious, but they either cannot or will not see the HUGE elephant in the room.
yes, very strange. even only being exposed to tv propaganda as i’ve been the last couple of days,it’s clear to see. to me, anyways.
They are demonic sociopaths. Giving any credence to a discussion of health on their terms is a big mistake. It is only implementation of real healthy living that can counteract the darkness these entities represent. Getting some sun on your skin, eating ripe fruits and fresh veg to cleanse the lymphatic system, creating a protective garden environment to insulate you from occult influence etc.
“Still people write these articles assuming the politicians and doctors are merely incompetent.”
No, Rhys, it’s a minority view here, but I do not accept this analysis.
You have no evidence that this shitshow is planned – yours is a paranoid viewpoint.
The belief that humanity is composed of essentially two groups:
An innocent, powerless, generous group of kindly right thinking “good” people on the one hand, ie:
and a guilty, powerful, greedy group of malevolent wrong thinking “bad” people on the other hand, ie:
is pure paranoia!
This is projection. There is no “us” and “them”. Humanity is composed of a morass of greedy, selfish, nasty … sometimes good, occasionally kind sometimes stupid at times clever individuals.
Yes, it’s a shitshow. Yes, the media is culpable. Yes, the politicians are culpable. Yes, Gates is not to be trusted and Cummings is a sh*t, but that does not mean that they are all in it together, working as one sinister cabal bent on the destruction of the human race.
I used to read Dr Who books as well. I like old James Bond movies. They are fiction. Not reality!
I agree. I really can’t see how this “all in it together” could be organized but feel free to educate me.
More straw men. No-one is saying they are all in it together. Nor is anyone (deliberately!) aiming for the destructrion of the human race. There are groups aiming to maintain and extend their power.
There is also a general “Them” and “Us”. It’s called class war.
US and them must be considered an original founding principle of organizing all forms of government in the human species. Class warfare , always disguised , is a late stage development of that overriding human drive to acquire power over others.
Incorporating the old “Follow The Money” meme into the picture paints it with a different brush. Who profits from the lockdown and its every ancillary aspect? That would be the billionaire class exclusively. No one else profits.
Billionaires (i.e., the ruling elite) seem always to increase their wealth whenever the mass of humanity lose some of theirs. The economy is nothing but a gigantic see-saw. The evidence surrounds us.
At what point do we stop writing it off as pure coincidence and start calling it by its old fashioned name again: exploitation? If Mr A wishes to increase his wealth by exploiting Mr B – how does that avoid being a Them vs Us dynamic?
Suggest you read Professor Caro Quigley’ s ( Professor at Harvard, Princeton, School of Foreign Service at George Town University, consultant at US Department of Defense, Navy, Smithsonian Institution, House Select committee on Astronautics and Space Exploration, mentor to US President Bill Clinton) books, Tragedy and Hope, Anglo American Establishment. He offers plenty of first hand evidence because he was an insider.
In addition, suggest you read Professor Antony C Sutton’ s ( Professor at the University of California, researcher at the Hoover Institute foremost world authority of USSR’s economy) books Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution, Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler, National Suicide, The Trilaterals, America’s secret Establishment, The Federal Conspiracy or Professor Guido Preparata’ s book Conjuring Hitler.
All come to the same conclusion. A New World Order which David Rockefeller, Kissinger and many others in the establishment have never denied what their plans plus intentions are.
You can read many of those books for free on archive.org
I’ve read Arthur C Clarke and Douglas Adams whose world views attempted to transcend humanity?
There is *always* an us and them. In every domain of existence. Polarisation is built into culture. We take sides against others at work, at home. at play.
Perhaps Covid disrupts some oppositions. Nevertheless globalist plutocrat / ‘elite’ v nationalist / ‘populist’ defines a political rivalry around which the same interests coalesce.
That they’re often mutually antagonistic doesn’t alter that. Trotskyite ‘Refugees Welcome’ ‘socialists’ are on same side as global capital who they otherwise imagine themselves opposed. Similarly sexual deviants / feminists etc side with Islamic puritans.
People can desire the same outcome or share the same foe for different motives or agendas. Russia and US fought on same side then turned their fire on each other. Splintering rivalries is the norm throughout human existence at every level. European teenagers siding with black power activists is no different in principle.
Globalism is de facto coalition of interests whose unifying principle is the dissolution of the nation state as principle of political identity for Europeans peoples, such that Europeans should have no more right of abode in their own homelands than new arrivals from across the globe.
Left wing causes have been captured by global capital. Owning the opposition is a form of insurance. BLM/Antifa can be understood as counter-revolutionary, i.e. to resist ‘populism’ which threatens ‘elites’.
BLM is racial resentment mobilised in the service of ‘globalist’ interests. Which isn’t to say the resentment isn’t real, only that it’s being exploited for ends which bear no relation to the motives of the rioters and looters themselves or their more earnest ‘intellectual’ soulmates.
Transforming the West / Christendom into an amorphous mass of consumers with no shared loyalties greater than to their Netflix or football teams is as amenable to public sector professional classes as the purveyors of bread and circuses. Thus global capital and ‘deep state’ in political lockstep.
No one’s put the point more pithily than GK Chesterton writing a century ago, whose words have never been more prescient:
“Bolshevism and Big Business are very much alike; they are both built on the truth that everything is easy and simple if once you eliminate liberty. And the real irreconcilable enemy of both is what may be called Small Business.”
Thanks. I read off-guardian for a bit of sanity as most of my siblings (one a QC), friends, some professional engineers, etc. are hypnotised by the mainstream media and the announcements by the country’s chief medical officer and the state chief health officers (Australia). What hope for us when minds are so closed.
Most of their false beliefs could end if they stopped watching tv.
TV seems to hypnotize people. Perhaps it’s the beta brain waves changing to alpha waves.
Your brain waves change when you watch TV:
“In an experiment in 1969, Herbert Krugman monitored a person through many trials and found that in less than one minute of television viewing, the person’s brainwaves switched from Beta waves – brain waves associated with active, logical thought – to primarily Alpha waves. When the subject stopped watching television and began reading a magazine, the brainwaves reverted to Beta waves.“
TV has not been christened the Idiots Lantern for nothing.
I think we get it:
The most horrendous atrocity any group of humans has ever perpetrated on their own kind in the history of the world, and they are utterly shameless about it.
So what are we going to do?
This admirably informative article doesn’t cover that.
We need help here.
The “Spanish Flu” is often brought up to scare people. But there is solid evidence from thousands of autopsies that indicate it was not flu at all but bacterial pneumonia. And the source was a vaccine experiment initiated by the Rockefeller Institute on US soldiers.
Just a thought, as I’m fascinated by the way a J.D. Rockefeller or a G.H.W. Bush perceives himself and his role in this world.
Uncountable money enables uncountable actions. It is not possible that each of those acts is well considered and researched. Money gives rise to spontenity, a scatter gun with more shots missing the target than hitting.
It must take a huge effort of will to close their minds to the consequences of their actions, and take credit for the one-act-in-ten that had a positive outcome.
With all the misery that causes, how much harm and ill-will can the Rockefeller family and their money spread in the world before they identify themselves with evil?
In 1918 Spanish flue deaths occurred due to secondary bacterial pnemonia especially Pnemococcal pnemonia which has 75 percent mortality without antibiotics which were not available then
Last weekend we met our first ‘recovered Covid’ person that we know personally. This person and his wife are grandparents who look after three grandchildren full time. The entire family was infected but only he became significantly ill, he was out of action for several weeks with the full set of symptoms. His wife — a person who has kidney problems so might be regarded as ‘at risk’ had only mild symptoms and the children were hardly affected.
So, this really is like a cold in that people go through cold and flu season year after year without being infected while others have months of off and on misery (not to mention the spectrum in between).
Given what we know now we may think that the original reaction to the pandemic was overblown. The disease tore through communities, hopscotching like a wildfire and leaving most people unaffected or hardly affected while a significant number became really ill (and in the US, died). The next couple of months will tell whether the reactions were justified as countries who thought they had this under control get surges of cases. This article does talk about the detremental effects of panic; I do think that confused messaging and in particular the way that politicians have tried to shape the scientific message to their own ends has caused significant harm and needless concern. This virus is really not a big deal compared to historical pandemics, its really only hyped up because of our modern expectation that every symptom needs immediate and effective treatment (we’re slow to take precautions but quick to demand remedies — not a very safe situation in a profit driven medical environment!).
The only coronavirus victim I know personally is an overweight 30-year-old man with a useless degree who is has never been able to hold a job for more than a couple of months. Recently he and his wife posted a GoFundMe page because covid supposedly wiped them out financially — the wife was legitimately in an industry hard hit by the lockdowns, but the husband lost his job (one in a long series) from a company that is doing OK, supposedly only because he had covid. He is now unable to work because of his “weak lungs”. I’d have some sympathy except that he was an exceptionally obnoxious pro-masker on FB, and a huge drama-magnet long before covid.
Since March, my response to the Covid panic has been show me the bodies ? I have a large extended family and to date none of them report having or knowing anyone with this particular strain of flu ?
The supposed large number of American deaths due to Covid are a result of a general tendency to politicize all statistics . A careful parsing of US stats shows that death due to Covid is way down the list that sees almost 7000 Americans die daily.
So Boris has introduced these new measures as he wants to keep this disease from spreading.
Well just how exactly is he going to do this when he can’t prove the new disease even exists.
Yes it’s the tests. But as the test isn’t testing for any disease let alone a new disease and no clinical diagnosis is required to qualify you having this new disease, just how exactly is he going to do this.
Ah maybe he meant the virus.
Well if the test isn’t testing for an active virus and is prone to huge false positives then how exactly can he stop the spread of the virus.
Ok it must be the deaths.
So he wants to stop Covid deaths then how can he do this when a Covid19 death is someone who tests positive from a test not testing for an active virus and dies within 28 days no matter what the cause of death is.
Maybe he’s relying on the autopsy then.
But how can this be when no autopsy is being carried out if Covid19 is on your death certificate.
I smell bullshit and lots of it.
Same with Premier D Andrews in Victoria, Australia.
Most people already know the tale is covered with bullshit. Attorneys continue to fail against the terrorists in control of the world’s governments, and the planned financial reset is only a reshuffling of the cards… So here’s some entertainment while the house burns down.
August 18, 2020
The flu was disappeared in Australia:
It is important to note that due to the COVID-19 epidemic in Australia, data reported from the various influenza surveillance systems may not represent an accurate reflection of influenza activity. Results should be interpreted with caution, especially where comparisons are made to previous influenza seasons. Interpretation of 2020 influenza activity data should take into account, but are not limited to, the impact of social distancing measures, likely changes in health seeking behaviour of the community including access to alternative streams of acute respiratory infection specific health services, and focussed testing for COVID-19 response activities. Current COVID-19 related public health measures and the community’s adherence to public health messages are also likely having an effect on transmission of acute respiratory infections, including influenza.
• Activity – Following a high start to the 2020 interseasonal period, currently, influenza and influenza-like illness (ILI) activity are lower than average across all systems for this time of year. At the national level, notifications of laboratory-confirmed influenza have substantially decreased since mid-March and remain low.
• Impact – Given low case numbers of laboratory-confirmed notifications for influenza, it is likely that there is minimal impact on society due to influenza circulation in the 2020 season.
• Severity – There is no indication of the potential severity of the 2020 season at this time. In the year to date, of the 21,079 notifications of laboratory confirmed influenza, 36 (0.17%) laboratory-confirmed influenzaassociated deaths have been notified to the National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System (NNDSS).
• Virology – In the year to date, the majority of nationally reported laboratory-confirmed influenza cases were influenza A (87.2%).
• Vaccine match and effectiveness – Given low case numbers of influenza in 2020, it is currently difficult to assess vaccine match and effectiveness.
Eight months ago, the intelligent amongst us suspected that this would be the case: just the flu, now called Covid. The government is your worst possible enemy.
This is the key point: There’s NO open dialogue expressing different points of view. In addition, there’s a constant effort to suppress alternative scientific data and opinions. When scientific evidence is censored by mainstream media news and all social platforms it logically casts suspicion on the official COVID narrative. If everything is on the “up and up” then there would be no need to suppress materials contradicting the state’s narrative. In fact, if mainstream media news was truly interested in educating the public they’d welcome numerous analyses by an array of epidemiologists and virologists.
The Fairness Doctrine a FCC regulation introduced in 1949 was repealed by “snake Reagan” it required holders of broadcast licenses to both present controversial issues of public importance and to do so in a manner that was—in the FCC’s view—honest, equitable, and balanced. Now it’s all one-sided propaganda. Cable news guest commentators are all security state hacks who repeat the same garbage over and over again. They all have the identical analysis reaffirming each others bullshit all based on national security state scripts.
You don’t understand, covid is so dangerous that any message that contradicts our politicians and public health officials (all of whom unquestionably have our best interests at heart) is a public health menace and must be terminated with prejudice. You must not do your own science. Staying apart keeps us together: it’s for our safety.
“Staying apart keeps us together”
Yes, but exactly who is us?
Maybe ‘IridescentAnaconda’ should have included <sarc> tags for clarity?
Looks like satire to me, a rather witty parody post. 🤣
Yes I know it was parody, but my question was not. Who benefits the “most” by creating chaos throughout the West.
Ah okay. Who benefits most? A number of selfish phoney ‘philanthropist’ billionaires, a gaggle of unelected, humanity loathing oligarchs in the WHO / UN, the WEF, the Rockefellers the Rothschilds, and of course certain Gates funded multibillion dollar pharmaceutical manufacturers. A tiny group of self appointed swamp creatures who think they are above God, because they have lots of money and who now CONTROL billions of us at our expense, because most of our fellow citizens, complied and obeyed their dehumanizing edicts, because they were either totally duped by the media’s non-stop terror campain and / or were too docile and weak to resist them.
They will exterminate us eventually, if we allow their takeover of our world to continue unchallenged as it is at present.
Human overpopulation 8 billion and rising by more than 80 million /year, is leading humanity toward extinction in the near future . Most of us accept that .This attempt at regulating it is a result of the masses being unwilling to face that reality and responsibility , thereby leaving it in the hands of our elites , who always act in their own interest . Despite the delusional but alluring notion that unlimited growth in a finite world is possible.
This is really accurate and yet at the same time extremely uncomfortable to face. Elites will solve the problem, but in a way that benefits them only. I don’t know what the best solution is, while at the same time recognizing the outrage and the injustice.
I believe turning Eugenics into a dirty word and attaching it to Nazism was a grave error made by English and American elites in the run up to WW2 for starters . The notion that human life is somehow “sacred” but that of a cow , pig , or chicken is not is clearly wrong , and has led us to this disaster now taking shape.
Ok Jim, please do your bit to reduce the world’s overpopulation problem if that’s what you really believe. Yeah, seriously do us all a favour.
You’re obviously in bed with them and whatever you are, you’re clearly not human. 😠👎👎
“Elites will solve the problem, but in a way that benefits them only. I don’t know what the best solution is,”
There is no ‘problem’ as such other than an invented one. Just a rumour supported by the same lies and desperate fear mongering which this ‘pandemic’ ruse is supported by and, therefore no ‘solution’ is necessary; other than the misinformed gullible fools who believe it, need to stop paying attention to it and dismiss it as the long ago debunked, nonsense it all is.
That whole evil myth which sadly many people believed and feared, all started in around 1970 following the publication of what basically turned out to be a great a sci-fi novel, titled: ‘The Population Bomb’, written by a truly nutty professor and humanity loathing Malthusian: Prof Paul Ehrlich of Stanford University, first published in 1968.
ALL of his morbid predictions failed to eventuate which according to him, were supposed to have come to fruition in the latter part of last century.
Despite the obvious fact that his dire predictions of doom were founded on nothing but his personal misanthropic worldview and devoid of any real scientific evidence to substantiate any of them, naïve and deluded people such as yourself and the evil Club of Rome who assisted the UN oligarchy to fabricate their pseudo-science based ‘climate catastrophe’ myth, (which like the covid19 scare was meant to terrify the scientifically illiterate public into lockstep obedience and voluntary servitude); still believe the teachings contained in his debunked, tome of of puerile hokum.
The resources available on this planet are finite. I don’t know what number of humans it will support (I doubt you do either) but at some point there will be too many. Are we at that point now? I don’t know. Neither do you. But the planet has a way of self-regulating, and it is incumbent upon humanity to figure out how to live within our resource bounds (whatever they are) rather than assume it is possible to keep growing without limit.
“The resources available on this planet are finite.”
Eradicating the top thousand billionaires should ease the pressure off resources quite nicely for the next two centuries or so.
Let me try to be totally neutral here, because I can see this from your perspective, Anthony, and Anaconda’s.
It’s not so much that the problem is “invented.” It’s that the problem is a function of a certain “point of view.” And you’re right that it’s a self-serving point of view on the part of the Malthusians, but that doesn’t mean they don’t truly think it is a problem.
From the decimation of North American megafauna by the crossers of the Siberian land bridge in the Ice Age, to the steady anthropogenic extinction across the world over the 20th Century, the increase in human population does indeed have detrimental effects on the environment, by certain metrics. I’m not saying one can’t conclude that the enrichment of human civilization is not, ultimately, preferable to the preservation of biodiversity…but I’m not saying that’s the only conclusion either.
In any event, the People-Who-Think-There-Should-Be-Fewer-People are in charge. They have the power and they are running the show. And frankly, the Herd’s mindless and eager acceptance of their own subjugation and impending democide has not exactly demonstrated their high value…in the grand scheme of things…
You are not neutral just another of those that is certain his point of view is true , on little evidence to be sure. Evidence of a mass crossing of a Siberian land bridge at the end of the last Ice Age is dubious as well, mores likely Asian sailors on the Pacific or Europeans working their way across the Atlantic on the receding ice.
Ehrlich was right his time frames were slightly off , he being overly optimistic in regards to human rationality. Choosing the Ostrich position , head in the sand , I see no problem is appealing those of little courage and less sense.
Simple and inexpensive solution – family planning clinics offering free and voluntary vasectomies, abortion, and contraception, funded and supported by governments.
These have worked well in the past (eg Bangladesh and Thailand) to humanely reduce populations. Most have now had funding removed and no longer exist.
This type of population stabilisation is also empowering to women, who can choose to cease being baby machines. The new world order doesn’t want that!
Nor does the pope, who is a big part of the new world order brigade.
WHO / UN, the WEF, the Rockefellers the Rothschilds, and of course Gates. In other words, it’s all the globalists and they ALL support Biden and hopes he wins. It should also be noted, that China would be delighted if Biden is the next president. The Globalists welcome AI heightened surveillance and want to economically remain deeply entwined with China. Meaning that the standard of living for Western workers will continue to decline as China expands and consolidates its hegemony. China has invested a lot into princeling Hunter and they want payback for this investment.
YES great comment finally someone who gets exactly WHO has engineered all this. The same people that engineer all such scams and atrocities.
Others have already answered: it benefits a very few, not the many.
The more people that switch off, the more the ad revenue plummets. The more the ad revenue plummets, the sooner those channels file for Chapter 11.
If the purpose of the news is propaganda it won’t go away.
Yes, but how to speak to the nation to switch off tv. An add on tv surely.
The Information Age technology has given propagandists complete access to everyone’s intellect and emotions . Your concept of what TV is somewhat dated ? Large TVs are simple panels that present the new gods’ wishes in HD no less . Turning them off is no longer possible or desired by the masses ?
The so-called ‘smart’ TV’s also contain a camera and microphone. They are data-miners/surveillance spys, just like mobile phones, computers and any of the other growing number of ‘smart’ appliances. (all for consumer convenience, don’t you know).
My small TV is old and not very smart or used. I record some selected programs to watch and fast forward through the ghastly ads. My laptop is new and has a band aid stuck over its camera. microphone is turned off – but i bet it is still data mining me all the time.
I installed solar panels even though these come with an obigatory ‘smart’ meter. I have bought another meter to measure the harmful emissions and use copper materials to shield these. I am desperately trying to be a bit smarter!
I agree . Every I-phone idiot also records your actions if he or she finds them suspicious , inappropriate , or illegal . Most buildings have discreet surveillance installed , public gathering places , parks , malls , highways , train stations , bus depots , airports , etc., are all now monitored as well . Natural gas meters are about to become “smart” where I live ! Billing, installations , and service requests having already been moved to computerized equipment operated off shore by companies like Accenture.. The battle or skirmish as it turned out over smart electrical meters was fought and lost several years back ? The mostly for profit electrical utility company will not buy power surpluses generated by residential customers.
The well-meaning (I assume) author accepts the entire Rockefeller health care ideology. I do not. I can’t use a lot of this information simply because if I did then I’d be repeating falsehoods.
The twiteratti…
“I want to do the right thing but why are these restrictions not being applied to grouse shooters. Is there a class thing here or do we turn a blind eye to these pathetic humans”.
“Can you please limit the numbers of shoppers in shops, no mask no entry, Queues outside help as a constant reminder to all – it is still out there. “
“Anti-maskers should be fined twice as much as everyone else. They’re not doing anyone any good and they’re just a bad example. It’s a violation of our health rights that they’re allowed to be without a mask in enclosed spaces.”
“Make all 18 to 30 year olds stay at home for a month and watch the rate drop.”
“I’m saddened, shocked and embarrassed by not only the attitudes but blatant selfish nature of seemingly thousands of people who can’t see past themselves. This country survived a world war and u snowflakes are crying because your asked to stay home and wash your hands. Disgrace.”
I’m saddened, shocked and embarrassed by not only the attitudes but blatant selfish nature of seemingly thousands of people who can’t see past themselves. You know: the ones who work from home, let others bring groceries to their doorstep, and turn a blind eye to the millions who have lost their jobs, the children whose social development is being severely warped, the desperately isolated and suicidal, etc…etc…etc
but, but, they’re helping their communities “stay safe”. Let’s give them all a clap. after all, we’re all in it together by staying apart and controling the virus. aren’t we???
For me the isolation is the big issue. I’ve had advanced lung disease for 15 years now and had to give up a long term career in engineering when I couldn’t keep up the 50+ hour workweeks. I took early retirement, downsized, moved to cleaner air and took a part time job to provide extra income, but more to keep me active socially. For 5 years it’s been just perfect and my health though still declining has been relatively stable. Then the stupid virus. I worked through the height of it without a mask and without a sniffle. I wasn’t worried because I support my immune system. Then the mask mandate hit and I was forced to take a leave of absence which is 2.5 months now. So no extra income, no socialization. Then friends and family started in on my refusing to wear a mask as well as my “alternative views” and now most no longer talk to me. Great. Even more isolation. So the virus may not kill me, but I’m more and more depressed and desperate as winter starts closing in. And without a mask I can’t get my hair cut or get new glasses which I desperately need. If I put on a mask, my O2 drops dangerously within minutes. I’m trying hard to stay positive, but my life totally sucks right now. So that’s one reality with this stupid virus. But I still talk to co-workers and they’re home schooling, working nights…. good freaking lord. Though I worry for me, I worry for others much more so. I can’t imagine homeschooling children all day and then going to work till 11:00 at night. What the hell. And the poor kids not being able to socialize with their friends and interact with teachers, etc. What kind of message are we sending to them. This is just pure insanity plain and simple.
Just be thankful you had a decent childhood and life – it’s the kids growing up in the middle of this that are true victims, proper Brave New World stuff
Are you aware, Nikkibop, that if one suffers from any among various medical complaints (psychological, respiratory etc.), you are certainly exempt from the mask mandate? You don’t specify your country of residence, but the following link pertains to the UK, and lists the various exemption categories:
an excerpt from this government. site:“Exemption cardsThose who have an age, health or disability reason for not wearing a face covering should not be routinely asked to give any written evidence of this, this includes exemption cards. No person needs to seek advice or request a letter from a medical professional about their reason for not wearing a face covering.
Some people may feel more comfortable showing something that says they do not have to wear a face covering. This could be in the form of an exemption card, badge or even a home-made sign.
This is a personal choice and is not necessary in law.
Access exemption card templates
For exemptions in different parts of the UK please refer to the specific guidance for Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales”.
So here’s wishing you free and natural breathing, hereonin!
p.s. I too have been shunned for my ‘alternate views’ on what’s playing out, and my heart bleeds for what children are undergoing in the name of health security…
Sent from my iPad
Covid is a mental illness running rampant through the weak, coseted mutton of the modern world.
Aspnaz, says it all really.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again- it must be understood that Covid is not an epidemiological event it is a Business Model. It was a manufactured “pandemic” from day one. If you look back in recent history it has become almost a yearly thing, since 2004, to fabricate an epidemic or a “near” pandemic for the benefit of Big Pharma and assorted financial Leviathans.
One has to begin with that assumption to comprehend what is happening full throttle right before our eyes.
“Here I have secret contracts that were signed in Germany between GlaxoSmithKline and the German state. As a simple Member of Parliament, officially I am not allowed to view these contracts. They were posted on the Internet by whistle blowers in Germany.
These contracts specify exactly what needs to happen when phase 6 is announced: what amounts of vaccine doses the states have to buy, etc.. Such contracts were concluded by most states before the criteria have been changed.”
Andrej Hunko, German MP in a speech at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on 24.06.2010 speaking about the bogus Swine Flu “pandemic” of 2009.
He is of course right on almost everything. But he doesn’t realize that this plandemic was never about health but to reset the financial system (great reset) and install a mirad of dystopian policies while they are at it.
Obvious. Going cashless a forerunner of reset as predicted multiple times by Christine LaGarde formerly IMF now in another banking entity. Here in Australia, so many esp. small businesses going cashless eventhough the RBA say there is very little risk getting virus off physical cash. Now, all the banks seem to be reading from the same script that due to customers preferring to bank online, many bank branches will be closing and also many branches will be open half days til mid-day!
I do not know why does the author assumes that mythical RNA “SARS-CoV-2” is a virus?!
Can the good ADMIN reach him and ask him for the scientific papers/studies, done at least by two different groups, where it’s demonstrated that a new virus exists?
Thank You…
Here’s a few.
Should keep you busy. (lol). (PS: not author obvs).
Well… NOT A SINGLE one of those links serve any purpose!
But it seems you still believe…
What I got from his article is that there are a variety of viruses coronas and influenzas and so on… hundreds… He mentions that some of the tests can be triggered positive by dead viruses and other residue of the immune system… that what is claimed identified as the Sarscov2 is no more than one over hundreds… so weither or not it actually exists makes no difference… the reaction to it was brutal, and harmful… No more reason to isolate, confine, restrict, close shops, suffocate in a mask than previous years… No impressive number of deaths… nothing… I’m glad he stated that the one of the numbers not mentioned but relevant, is the ratio between number of tests and positives, hearing the number of new cases daily always making me scream. He also says that the ratio itself is boosted by false positives… Goes through effects of fear and anger on immune system… And in a convincing way… I think he nailed it.
What they call “SARS-CoV-2” is just another small piece of RNA. Just that!
Do not forget that at least with one RT-qPCR protocol they made a primer with 100% match to Homo sapiens C8…
so add that to the “can be triggered positive by dead viruses and other residue of the immune system…“
I do… I don’t have one of those since 2008!
An excellent and useful article. I read the previously published version but must admit that I had forgotten the strong message about the severe detrimental impact that fear and stress can have on the immune system even leading to death. When I see and hear how fearful and stressed people are it doesn’t surprise me at all that they may risk becoming more vulnerable to disastrous consequences, not helped by the Government and media telling everyone that no one is safe.
It may be petty, but my only issue with the article is one standalone sentence:
It isn’t clear to me what the authors perceive as a ‘new normality’ which warrants this sentence. The statement seems rather incongruous when the underlying message to be drawn from the rest of the article is that there is no reason to see a need for a ‘new normal’.
Fear and stress is exactely what the state terrorists want. Everythign they do is psychological torture designed to keep the people weak and passive.
Well he is knocking down the term “new normal”, stating that if people want to be normal about viruses, they should learn that they are not terrible, and that we benefit from spreading them to teach our immune system.. rather than exfoliating our hands to the point of bleeding, and stuff our faces into masks.
It’s tempting to define the debate as a health issue. ‘Coronavirus’, ‘Covid’ or ‘Covid-19’ is not about health.
We can decide to live with nature; including viruses, which may take us when we’re old and sick, but after a life fully lived, the way it’s always been.
Or we can accept the offer being made by Pharma and our governments: vaccines (which may make us sicker over the long term) and surveillance and a lifetime of compliance..
.. Then we suddenly realise.. we don’t have a choice in the matter anyway.
We can’t choose the former option, even if we wanted to, because there’s no offer being made to us. This is a global fascist coup.
Not offered? They just won’t leave you alone if you don’t do their bidding: we are ruled by mentally ill leaches.
The so called virus is just a dead piece of genetic debris. It is not alive and so can not say oh look people have gained “immunity” it is time to “mutate”. The supposed mutation is a random event and so in theory over a period of millions of years there would be a vast number of mutants all at once inside peoples bodies and very many more appearing all the time. In other words the theory doesn’t make any sense. There wouldn’t conveniently be just the one strain of flu per year to make a new ‘vaccine’ for.
They will come up with obscure explanations for why these supposed viruses are a winter phenomenon like that people spend more time together indoors or that the humidity levels are lower but these make little sense and are obviously driven by the germ theory agenda. What makes sense and is supported by the evidence is the vitamin D levels which can be raised by continuing to subbathe into the autumn and winter.
Vitamin D is involved with the stress factor as it is apparently blocked by cortisol.
So it’s got to do with Calcium and Dr Morse says calcium is used to buffer acids so what it might be is the unhealthy diet rather than “the virus” has the body in an acidic state. Then along comes the low vitamin D levels from winter and/ or stress and this reduces the amount of calcium buffering causing the adidosis to get worse tripping someone into a detox?
The zinc treatment might also have to do with this acid buffering, vitamin d and cortisol.
I have been waking up every morning for six months now in awe at what the hell is going on.
Anyone with some smarts could see already in February/March that this was not what the hypochondriacs (our actual national leaders) were touting it to be. Today it is 10 times more evident that it’s just a common cold, but media and politicians are still treating it like the Bubonic Plague or the Spanish Flu.
It’s like a televised farce being played out except it is not funny; people are really suffering over nothing. How can our leadership be so utterly disappointing and intellectually uninspired? I would have thought it is their job to be smarter than the average man on the street. If not, why the hell do we need them?
I consider myself average intelligence, but I would have done a better job than BoJo, because I would have never have ordered a lock down or even social distancing for a day (yes, I think even Sweden was over vigilant); and I genuinely believe less people would have suffered and died as a result, not to mention a destroyed economy. So why the hell are we deferring to BoJo? I mean just looking at that spineless excuse of a man, you wonder where the political system failed.
The biggest farce is paying £100,000 to a bunch of mentally subnormal cretins calling themselves BBC newsreaders. They should all be on minimum wage as all they do is uncritically allow propaganda to go forth unhindered.
BBC are the worst but all the other mainstream broadcast news outlets run a close second. I watched the Sky Newspaper review last night. Sonia Sodha (jeez, what a manic airhead) and Isobel Oakeshott were on, with Anna Botting in the chair. I’ve had little time for Oakeshott in the past but she has been saying recently that the reaction is vastly overblown and disproportionate. She made the sensible comment that of total deaths being registered in the UK every day, only 1% were ‘Covid’ deaths (I checked the ONS weekly figures up to 11 September and she is right 9811/99). Botting completely threw a wobbly and exclaimed “Well 1%, that’s one in a hundred, sounds an awful lot to me!” I can only presume she heard “1%, Covid, deaths” and that was enough for her to make up her own narrative. But she had obviously completely misconstrued what Oakeshott had said. Unfortunately because they are doing all these discussions remotely the usual person to person interactions are compromised and I don’t think Oakeshott caught what she said, so it went unchecked, with 90% of people at home no doubt thinking like Botting.
Well, aren’t you assuming, then, that Politicians, Govt officials, news broadcasters, media officials, et al had the choice to voice anything BUT the status quo? And keep their jobs? Or perhaps, even, their lives?
I am thoroughly disgusted with what is going on in my city, state,and country, and I have left a few vituperative messages on my Governor’s phone machine, but I have no doubt that if any of them (Officials) went against the narrative they would not have their job for long. I harbor no doubt about that. It would be like voting against going to war in Iraq in 2003.
Yes, South Dakota, has apparently bucked the system and I applaud, but you will notice that none of the major US cities has done anything but go along with the facism.
I’m not excusing those in the system. Wouldn’t it be brilliant to have one of them say “Absolutely not!” and opened everything up, in a press conference where no one is wearing a mask.
But I do not expect that at all. Not until the magic potion vaccine is up and running.
I am telling you folks, when you drive along a roadway on a beautiful late summer day in New England and see EVERYONE walking, running, sitting, strolling IN FACE MASKS you are hit with the reality of this thing.
It is a fait accompli. I would love to be proved wrong. But it’s already late September. Those masks aren’t coming off for at least the next 6 months. And then who knows what wave they’ll invent next.
something happened to him, it’s like he’s been abducted by aliens and then they ‘fiddled’ with him🐵
Yep, The Groaniad is still at it. While millions of working people see their livelihoods annihilated, the real concern is:
Anne Helen Petersen on Millennial burnout: ‘There’s no decompression time’
“How Millennials Became the Burnout Generation became an instant online sensation, passed around between overworked friends and shared widely on social media, often accompanied by a crying emoji or a gif enthusiastically clapping in agreement. The piece put words to our collective exhaustion and roiling anxiety. As Petersen outlined her own inability to accomplish small tasks, drawing a link between the piled up laundry and unmailed letters and the crushing strain of our imbalanced working lives, her “errand paralysis” rang true for the rest of us.”
It’s dunno whether to laugh or cry time, down at the Groan, where after months of watching people struggle under Covid and the Lockdown… the journalists are still stuck up their own arses.
“the journalists are still stuck up their own arses.”
moneycircus, this is the first thing that the Guardian’s HR department looks for in new job applicants.
It’s the Guardian. What do you expect? I generally peg my nose before reading any of it.
So let them go bankrupt stuck up their own arses.
Seriously. The sooner not one person reads the Guardian, the sooner its nonsense will no longer be printed.
It’ll get worse. I hear the dreaded ‘R’ number will be policing the streets to ensure we all conform.
It may get “worse”, but you don’t have to let it get to you.
mmm, okay.
The SCAMDEMIC is being used as cover for a host of political economic maladies, not the least of which is total financial collapse. The WAR RACKETEER CORPORATE FASCIST OLIGARCH MOBSTER PSYCHOPATHS believe (mistakenly) that they will not only survive it but benefit from it. They are wrong. It is time for humanity to fight.
Fight? Hey man you sound really whacked out! Are you ok? Conspiracy theorist??
Haha I’m mocking the normie.. I totally agree with you.
What a racket they couldn’t cure a cold now they give you a injection jab for the flu aimed at the old which i believe also helps increases alzheimer’s dementia if it causes autism etc in the young then this the opposite spectrum
When did that appear to be normal ?
if there is a worse time ever to have anything injected it would be now.
Flu vaccination and the increased hospital admissions never gets tally’d up it ‘s alway something else like there other illnesses.
There is also a thing called shedding which people get when they take there Vaks
You got to be a milkshake of the highest order to be on a site like or with the intel out there and take there jabs vaks or any thing free (medical inoculation wise in 2020 onwards)
Culling season is not just animals
Thank you for this. It made clear to me yet again something I recall from 9/11 i.e. that the most obvious and easily demonstrated incongruence can be swiftly swept away by a combination of techniques: shock-and-awe manoeuvres, overload of information, diversions etc. In the case of 9/11, it was easy to get swept up in all the details about plane schedules and the melting point of steel etc. without realising the fundamental issue: that evidence was lacking for the main points of the official account.
In the case of COVID, there was an accumulating and increasingly acrimonious dispute over medical and statistical details and then an additional layer of partisan political accusations. And it was easy for me to forget what initially roused my suspicion – indeed it wasn’t a case of “rousing”. It was my disbelieving retreat at a ferocious assault: the sheer ruthlessness and relentlessness of the media panic mongering. It came across on such a basic animalistic level that it bypassed everyone’s rationality and left them inarticulately raging at something they couldn’t seem to grasp. And the very emotiveness gave itself away as something calculated. It was as if a magic spell had robbed everyone of the ability to make intelligible noises. All they could do was spout intricate technical jargon that was beside the point. And all the while their basic instincts were telling them what was wrong: they were being emotionally manipulated.
And – I’ve said it many times but I’m afraid I have to keep coming back to it – a “double whammy” in sub-rational shock came for me with the inexplicable position of the Left sites I normally visit. While they normally provided a critical commentary (and, I have to admit, a sometimes suspicious role in presenting a “softened” version of policies that the government was going to implement anyway), with COVID they seems to vault over the head of the Right so that the entire polarity of the political spectrum seemed to become reversed.
Ultimately it all seems to come down to an observation often made by the “nutty conspiracists”: the mechanism of “Ordo Ab Chao” or “order out of chaos”. To achieve the previously unthinkable, a swathe of destruction must first be implemented.
Indeed many conspiracy theorists are paranoiac nutheads, as the idea order out of chaos is derived from the philosophy of Hermeticism and Gnosticism, it means that they believed that the universe is created out of chaos, subject to laws, and thus an order. Man is also continually creating his order out of the order of nature, and his own order, based upon his reason. Also creating order out of what to him is relatively ‘chaos’.
These demagogic conspiracy theorists have been digging with their nutty heads into translations of historical texts, with their glasses of paranoia on, with their inherent hostility against any elite, anything other than ‘the people’. Playing the people out against any elite, and consequently people pick this up and parrot it around. These people also use the latin phrase, as it sounds very mysterious, and darkkkk, wooow. Much of this paranoia is actually originally derived from modern Christians, they see the devil everywhere, in former times, they burned people who entertained alternative Gnostic theories at the stake, calling them heretics, subject to the corruption of the devil. Today they merely slander them, calling it the work of the devil, their ideas are then also picked up by secular conspiracy theorists, who consequently scale it down, removing god and the devil from it, replacing the devil with evil elites, and god with ‘the innocent people’.
you can call someone “evil” without invoking the devil or referring to such. It’s just an expression…
It’s just a judgment.
Especially in the secular world, the word evil is not just an expression, it is a powerful word. It is not just something bad, it is the height of it. It is used where common knowledge of ordinary human vices do not suffice, it is where the application of common psychology and modern psychology ends, or were it becomes extreme.
The backbone of conspiracy theory is paranoia. It is predicated on the notion that there are groups of shadowy, very powerful, evil figures who want to destroy you.
That is almost a textbook definition of paranoia.
The paranoid person is unable to accept their own capacity for evil and manipulative behaviour, so instead project that onto politicians and other famous clowns such as Bill Gates.
This doesn’t mean (as the paranoid person would immediately assume) that I like Bill Gates, big pharma or politicians.
They’re a scummy bunch. But such is the nature of much of humanity.
I believe Gates to be a well intentioned, but potentially dangerous individual who uses his wealth to buy influence for his pet projects, principally vaccination.
Someone on twitter recently commented that he felt that Gates was so used to being surrounded by yes-men who always agreed with him, that he could never conceive of himself ever being wrong about anything.
“who uses his wealth to buy influence”
You’re a conspiracy theorist!
He’s a scum but well intentioned is what you’re saying… He’s a criminal. He made a operating system that did not work, purposely. To make more money out of it, leaving populations and businesses draining cash and efforts to fix it… have you ever tried to figure out the number of hours lost on a crashed pc, per employee, per department, per office floor, per building, per city, per country, per week? He did it for decades… and we paid… No wonder he’s the brain of choice for the destruction of a large chunk of humanity… they put him straight on vaccines… Have you ever been around criminals… they are not like us… they are “wise”, You work, they shake you down…
Note that I didn’t have to use the words, God, Satan, Nazis, Fascists, Democrats, Left, Right… yet… it is what it is… Big golf course for the criminals, free of homeless…
They plot on this all day, and they laugh at their victims… “wise”… Well now I heard that they are going after the banks who are closing an eye on dodgy accounts, money laundering… That’s new… they’re going for the little criminals now… come on, pay off… They’re going for everybody…
Help, Help, the paranoids are coming for me!
yeah, been around plenty, and in the end, they LOSE.
To other criminals… anyway, we’ll see won’t we…
Imagine yourself to be in the position of Gates. You are pushing a crummy operating system onto the world by means of highly doubtful commercial practices, to say the least of it. Sure, you want a market, but you are pushing it to the extremes to conquer the whole emerging market. You are pushing away competition, you are violently pushing away diversity.
Imagine you believe in vaccination, and you want to vaccinate not just a limited amount of people, but the whole world. Take into account here that by being in that business, being in the picture, by neseccity you wil be confronted with counter arguments about vaccination, and you will know that a considerable amount of people are allergic to some substance. Imagine that you still want to push it, not just on a modest scale, but about the whole world. In this case we are not talking about an organization, organizations become blind machines, the people there operate within that machine. We are talking about one individual (or two if we count his wife in)
Now, would you be so bold? Would you not have doubts, would you not grant alternative visions to work things out? Would you not allow for a diversity of approaches?
It is absolutely sure that it takes a certain kind of rare ambition, extending itself over about the whole world, being sure of itself to a degree which is rare among people, and highly dangerous. This is far removed from ‘good intention’ which might be based on wrong practices. It is an ambition which pushes anything else aside, imposing itself violently, prettified by an appearance of good intention. Actually, such good intentions, imposed on about half of the world are the new method of the vainly ambitious and power hungry, they are its pretty clothing.
Not method, excuse
If put myself n the place of psychopaths often in my life, they don’t return the favor
I think they do that too, the difference being that they do that because they want something from you, or control you, for a different reason.
You need to look at the 2010 Rockefeller report to see where this came from. And you need to look at how Bill Gates as organised his business empire to be totally aligned to the plandemic.
If you think that was just luck, you need to ask whether you are capable of critical thought….
The minds must be prepared first. The ideas, the visions are worked out on the highest level, these are consequently distributed through the lower establishment channels, these are then consequently scaled down and distributed through the democratic channels of mass mind (media).
The ideas and visions as based on modern zeitgeist ideals and mass awareness, for instance environmental awareness, evolution, they derive their enormous power from that. These mass ideas and ideals are seized upon and transformed, also tailored to appeal to mass psychology, so that they are hooked into the mass psyche through subconscious psychological mechanisms. The modern concern for the environment for instance, which is normally worked out in a diversity of ways is seized upon and transformed so that global dogmas are created, hence, human caused climate change which then psychologically appeals to mass fear and the psychological sinner complex, and general concern, good intentions.
These things then become extremely powerfull mass thought constructs, like religions, extremely powerful. Environmental awareness is just one example, all modern ideas and ideals have been hijacked and transformed into enormously powerful vessels to attain more wealth and above all, to extend power.
Re: That is almost a textbook definition of paranoia.
That’s because it was groups of shadowy, very powerful, evil figures who wrote the text books; eg:
Group photo 1909 in front of Clark University. Front row: Sigmund Freud, G. Stanley Hall, Carl Jung; back row: Abraham A. Brill, Ernest Jones, Sándor Ferenczi.
This is assuming that being paranoid is a bad thing?
Call it what you will – I fully cop to it. Why? Because in my lifetime I have witnessed:
JFK, RFK, MLK, Malcom X, Viet Nam, Cambodia, Kmer Rouge, Golden Triangle (Heroin run, CIA), Latin America, Attica, Pentagon Papers, Watergate, Iran Contra, Mena Airport, October Surprise (Iranian Hostages), Stolen elections, 9/11, 2008 Financial disaster, Enron, Savings and Loan, Poisonous Vaccinations (with no reporting or accountability), and a long list of “suicides”.
That’s the short list.
You bet I’m paranoid. I prefer to call it “realistic”, but I say tomayto, you say tomahto.
Like they used to say in the 70’s, it’s not because you’re paranoid that you’re not being followed… (especially when the guy following you is not even hiding, and tells you he’s following you)… I appreciate a useless rhetoric as much as the next guy
“shadowy, very powerful, evil figures”
Nice literary device, you are becoming an artist.
Once there was a king, he was unfortunately surrounded by shadowy, very powerful and evil figures …’.
Oh no, this time there is no king…
Once there were a democratic people, and in time they became guided by shadowy, very powerful and evil figures …
Please continue.
Re: “shadowy, very powerful, evil figures”
I copied the phrase from John Pretty, but then inverted the perspective. There may be a named, rhetorical device for this, but I don’t know what it is.
“I believe Gates to be a well intentioned, but potentially dangerous individual who uses his wealth to buy influence for his pet projects, principally vaccination.
Someone on twitter recently commented that he felt that Gates was so used to being surrounded by yes-men who always agreed with him, that he could never conceive of himself ever being wrong about anything.”
Wouldn’t that make him a shadowy, very powerful, evil figure who wants to do things that will destroy you? This would involve a joint enterprise conducted in secret, perhaps with good intentions.
“shadowy, very powerful, evil figure”
Is this the phrase of the day?
Your entire post is a text book example of psychobabble obfuscation. The now familiar mantra whose purpose is to have everyone gazing into their mirrors and fretting over the state of the fluff in their navels while they are getting shafted.
“Someone on twitter recently commented that he felt that Gates was so used to being surrounded by yes-men who always agreed with him, that he could never conceive of himself ever being wrong about anything.”
These are common sense psychological approaches.
My point was that you can trace the various concepts and narratives distributed by various conspiracy theories, and how they borrow from each other, and how these ideas float around being accepted more generally, without any knowledge and study of the source. If you happen to have studied their sources, you can see how unfounded the interpretations are, these are not based on ‘healthy paranoia’ or skepticism, but based upon in built hostility. There is no way you can read and interpret these works without such ‘glasses’.
“Conspiracy theory” is a valid investigative mode. There ARE conspiracies. It is not a matter of paranoia to suspect any specific conspiratorial group. On the other hand, to rule out all conspiracy theory is to cripple yourself. (Like the Douglas Adams character who wore glasses that automatically turned black whenever something that disturbed him showed up.)
Straw man posturing. “You” are not important. They are looking to secure their power.
Sure. Just give us your text book definition and say that’s what we meant.
Ah psychobabble alert. The autonomous individual floating free in a completely just world who therefore only has himself to blame. (And note the word “clowns”. How cute and cuddly they all are!)
“Human nature” alert coming. It’s in us all – so what the hell?
How sweet of you. Could be the plot for a Disney movie.
Almost veering close to an actual insight there. Yes indeed – we are made by our circumstances and Gates has been raised in a power hierarchy where he is a god. And that’s how he thinks and behaves.
Congratulations for turning everything I said on its head. There ARE conspiracies. They go on all the time as even the MSM readily admit (official account of 9/11 itself a conspiracy theory) and the “order out of chaos” thing was an observation of a very down to earth fact: that when systems are thrown into chaos, a new order can be imposed.
The order out of chaos was not a very down to earth fact, they took it from ancient philosophy (using the Latin phrase), it entered the general conspiracy theory parrot circuit, you took it from them, other people will take it from here. You then turn it on its head by making it a common idea.
OK forget the Latin phrase. Obvioulsy that was a bad idea. It’s a principle: you want to change something but know you’ll get resistance. So you cook up a little disaster that sends everything to hell (and please don’t give me the etymology of the word “hell”). Then once it’s all nice and liquified, you can come in and shape it anyway you want.
I like it it much better when it is put into words in your own way indeed. The concept of hell is indeed a general very old common one.
I would add to it something contextual.
In the nineteenth century, the idea of evolution became popular among elites, today that idea is generally accepted also by ordinary people. If you would have talked about progress and transformation even to elites in historical times, they would consider you to be crazy, let alone the ordinary people… Everything remained the same for a long time, except for times of revolution, but these were not triggered under the generally accepted idea of evolution.
So, the general popularly accepted idea of evolution and the movement it allows is the zeitgeist idea hook, which is the basis of the power and appeal which the concept of transformation and change has these days. Hence today the world is full of prophets and people who are ‘drunk’ on it, if you only have to take a look at some TED talks. They hook into a powerful idea and or are consumed by it.
Another one is that our times are transformative, everything already changes rapidly, so you hook into a situation which is in itself already very unstable which makes it easier to move things. Add to that, the distribution network is in place, by means of modern ubiquitous fast communication technology, where ideas are distributed instantly around the globe, the minds being connected to it almost everywhere.
You did tresspass the conspiracy theory rules of creation of big narratives this time though, you need to accompany the English translation with the original Latin phrase, so that it remains in its proper context of mysterious Illuminati theory. The English translation is normally added to it because the readers mostly don’t know the Latin phrases.
Absolutely: as soon as you see the BBC going into full scaremongering mode 24/7 for more than 1 week, you know a scam is ongoing.
Bojo’s address to the nation can be found here.
The shuffling, mask wearing, fear-laden folks must be loving the imposition of a full-blown police state.
Feck them all…
💖💖💖Thank you Rob.
No point in arguing to get over it, the societal contagious disease called mass mind, which distributes and amplifies itself through the democratic channels, amplified by ubiquitous technology, is going to be used in one or another way, else these channels and what is echoed there has no intelligent function at all, it be mere totally ineffective chaos. These channels are being used intelligently now, dumb and blind mass force must be directed and channeled. Once this gigantic ship of mass force has been created, it can only be stopped by leading it to shipwreck.
Democracy is a dangerous play with mass mind, risky business, playing with blind mass forces, we are seeing the result of it in the context of modern means of distribution and globalization. You loose one way or the other, as they have multiple schemes running, if the one fails they can invent new ones, the mass ship is on course, and speeding.
There’s always a point in arguing!
Because, you know, part of the scheme might be that we stop arguing peacefully with each other and instead start banging our fellow’s heads. That’s divide and conquer.
Keep talking to others! The masses are just scared because they understand so little. Acknowledged, “Enlightenment” is an old pair of shoes, but maybe not the worst thing to aim for.
If you have to argue with all the believers you meet, you are defeated by sheer quantity and credulousness, aside of that, it is useless, the issue requires considerable effort and time of investigation, short discussions are far from sufficient for that. Also, it interferes with your normal relation with people, it is designed for that, the ‘peace’ is already disturbed.
In the southern hemisphere where spring is upon us, I’m sure we will be bombarded with news from abroad about the so called second or third wave devastating Europe and the Americas. The common cold will be elevated to covid status. Already, after speaking to my family in Spain, they are bracing themselves for more lockdown and restrictions. Quite willingly mind you. People are scared. Too scared to worry about freedom. This is a slow burn. It will take years for people to realize what has happened and by then it will be far too late. The frog will be cooked in the pot. Already served.
I’m sorry but this pseudo-scientific bullshit is at the core of the Big Fucking Lie. This is precisely the language of scientism, the new religion, which presents these entities called viruses as livign organisms with murderous intent…. “It makes sense for the virus”..
In fact virology is a SCAM SCIENCE- made up causes for made up diseases.
The truth is that viruses are bits of “genetic material” that THEY DON’T KNOW WHAT IT DOES- they don’ t really know (or care) what “causes”the flu, and never will, because the fundamentals of western medicine are based on a deliberately falsified concept of human health as a state of perpetual warfare (and now the human body as the “hardware” that needs regular “updates” via anti-virus vaccines) and in need of expert supervision with industrial medicine while all traditional natural treatments and cures are “snake oil ” and “unproven”…….
This is the core of the issue and why the lie is so effective- because it is based on a well established mountain of lies which the average person cannot hope to understand as it requires understanding of biology and genetics, as well as their limitations.
They invented a problem, then they invented a “solution” and sold it to governnents en masse, who forced it on their populations in a belief of doing good, modernity, hygiene, progress, etc.
Everyone on this site is banging their head agaisnt the wall trying to undrstand how this scamdemic can be so effective and have such mass compliance- The simple anwswer is this is because of over 100 years of indoctrination about viruses which has no basis in reality- it is nothing but scientific dogma taken as fact. On top of that we have the over 100 years of indoctrination that the men in white coats are there for our health and well being,and those jabs will “save children’s lives”…… Nothign could be further from the truth, and the road to hell is paved with good intentions….
The average person is too well meaning to be able to comprehend the existence of such parasites and hence is unwilling to examine the information even when they have the mental capacity to do so… Humanity will never be free of this until the fake science behind viruses and disease is exposed.
The snippet you quote is perfectly in agreement with evolutionary theory and what we understand about virulence. Of course viruses have no consciousness. But they replicate and follow evolutionary patterns.
Here’s a good old undergrad lecture: https://oyc.yale.edu/ecology-and-evolutionary-biology/eeb-122/lecture-21
I’m sorry, but in my opinion there’s no scam to that one!
I’m glad the author understood a bit of evolutionary medicine, which is underrepresented in MD’s curriculae, though it is a field that could give us a lot of optimistic insight on the current situation.
Evolutionary theory is just that, a theory. Perceiving “patterns” is not enough. Science refuses to entertain the notion that the entire biosphere is a massive, composite organism with a kind of unified intelligence because it still supposes that (since “god” is a primitive superstition) human consciousness is the highest intelligence around. Hence they cannot get out of the mentality that life is ultimately the result of random mutations with survival of the fittest- the competitive model that technocracy loves so much.
If what they say about viruses was true, then human beings would never have made it long enough to invent vaccines, because the sheer maths behind DNA/RNA would ensure the emergence of killer viruses long ago.
The idea is that, if a killer virus emerges in a subpopulation, it would kill that group too quickly to spread. Look at Anthrax and Ebola, where that frequently happened in the past.
Evolutionary theory is a theory that is well established, and although people tried hard, there has been no sufficient evidence to falisfy it.
Yes, it’s a theory. Even Conservation of Momentum in Physics is a theory. The fact that it is a theory is not sufficient to doupt that it is relevant for our lives.
It is just a theory and should not be accepted as fact, which it is almost universally.
As is all of science, which they have made up to obscure the fact that everything is God-created.
It refuses to entertain that notion because the small hats who rail against God wrote the bullshit science books.
The science behind viruses and diseases is not really the problem.
The problem is mass brainwashing brilliantly summarised by Moneycircus below.
It works, and I cannot think of any defence to it. Still at least 75% of people do not want to know. They will not even listen to any argument, that questions the propaganda they are fed on a daily basis. They may even get very angry with you, as if you are challenging their religious or political beliefs that they have held since childhood.
I think it highly likely that most of the people spreading the propaganda believe it too.
I thought by now, there would be some improvement, but I see very little evidence of it.
We are in very big trouble.
The propagandists, such as Edward Bernays, Joseph Goebbels and many others, realised long ago that a certain section of the population work in a group or herd mentality. By the use of repetition, hyperbole, control of the MSM and the use of so called “ experts “ the passive learning of the required message would enter the subconscious and the recipients would believe it is they who came to the conclusion about the New Black Death.
Moreover at the Nuremberg trials, Goering was asked how did the Nazis convince ordinary people to go to war and commit unspeakable crimes. Easy he said convince the population that they are in danger, constantly repeat the lie and denounce anyone who opposes this perceived threat as traitors and pacifists. It works in any society. The old and tested methods always seem to work time after time eg WMD or September 11 th 2001.
I agree, Tony that we are being manipulated by the Johnson regime, but I don’t agree that “we are in very big trouble”, that’s a bit melodramatic for my liking.
My advice. Remain calm and silently give them the middle finger.
I feel the same way, Tony.
Yesterday I had to pick up an item I needed for dinner on the way home from a friend’s. I had to a choice to pick it up a bit out of my way at a store where I never have a problem not wearing a mask, or picking it up very close to home at a store where I always have a problem.
Ever the optimist, and thinking “it’s only one item”, I stopped at the store close to home. I almost made it out of the store until, while waiting in line to pay, a customer said to me “They can give you a mask at the courtesy desk”.
I said “I have a medical condition. Can’t wear one.”
She said “Oh, OK” and walked away.
I should have left it at that but I said “As if I need a reminder after 7 months?”
She turned and said, “Well, I’m sorry, I’ve never seen anyone without one”
And there you have it folks.
WE are now the anomaly.
It does my head in. I am going to have to face that in 2 hours time.
“it makes sense for the virus to be lethal for only a small proportion of them”
Virus meeting:
Don’t kill too many humans guys, these are after all what we depend upon, so control your bloodthirst, if you really don’t like ‘m, part of us should sacrifice themselves, killing the hosts they depend upon, sacrifice like Kamikaze pilots, for which they will be granted proper honour. But for the other part, we should change our strategies from time to time, so we can survive against their defens system. One big rule, never do them all however you dislike them, if too many of us do that, we shall have to take measures against them ourselves.
I’m living with a viral infection inside my neck, have been for 15 months now, the symptoms are very real, j believe I contracted the virus from a tick on an animal, virus is called lymes disease, and there are hundreds of thousands of us with it, it invades parts of the body, how would you explain this, and all the other infectious diseases, they are real, surely ?! People are obsessively worrying about an alleged covid infection whilst all along there are many of us truly suffering real long term infections, at least I know that God knows the truth of it, if I have anything left to cling to in life that’s all I need
Andre Vltchek died today in Turkey. Whilst his death is considered suspicious and is being investigated, I have just found this which he wrote 4 weeks ago, which I found very interesting.
He too may have been a victim of COVID Lockdown. Here are few extracts.
“I spent almost five months in a brutal lockdown in Chile”
“And instead of improving, my health deteriorated in that monstrous lockdown, where I was facing bare, depressing winter Andes, and the 160-average pollution levels (US AQI). When I was finally departing, I could hardly walk and had to use a cane.”
“This new and hopefully short-lived era of COVID-19 terror is throwing us, human beings, back to the middle ages, where continuous anxieties and images of horrors were masterfully manufactured, even mass-produced, in order to poison our existence and strip us of dreams, of power, and joy.
Throughout the middle ages, at least in Europe, suffering and fear were habitually glorified. Joy and desires were suppressed, often chastised.”
“The battle against COVID-19 has to be also fought by thinkers, by artists, by all those who can make life meaningful, or at least bearable.”
Sad news about Vltcheck –
Andre Vltchek’s death is being treated as suspicious by Turkish police.
He died while travelling overnight in a rented chauffeured car from Samsun to Istanbul – a journey that takes about 9 hours by car. His wife tried to wake him up when they arrived at their Istanbul hotel at 5:30am but he was unresponsive.
At the time Vltchek was suffering from diabetes and had a paralysed leg, and was taking two kinds of medicine.
One wonders why Vltchek decided to travel by car when he could have travelled by plane, given his past history of frequent air travel, often over very long distances. Or had this decision been made for him?
RIP Andre Vltchek.
what is a dido harding
is it a man a wo man
a baby yeti boyfriend girlfriend of witty
are all these folks from antartiika a
are these the beasts admiral bird was fighting in 1945 -46
send them all home i say
back to hell
(Moderated for the fourth time today. Thank you for your service).
Logical arguments about the common cold don’t matter. The behavioural psychologists have identified that the people will obey if threatened with a virus.
Probably these highly paid psychologists simply clocked that the most common children’s schoolyard game is tag or “you’re it”.
This is passing “the lurgey” by touching someone and running away from the “infected” person.
The oldest nursery rhyme regularly sung in primary school is “Ring-a-ring of Roses” which dates from the Great Plague with its final line, “a-tishoo, a-tishoo, we all fall down”.
Great insight. Salary 100k. Thank you very much.
But these scumbag psychologist drones are correct that fear of “the other” is the easiest way to make them obey the most ridiculous, even counterproductive rules.
Highlights from UK Column meets Crowdsource the Truth.
You’ve never been moderated here moneycircus.
Ring a ring of roses has nothing to do with the Plague. It’s just a nursery rhyme.
Excellent- the charts on the disappearance of the flu tell the story.