“Time for bed” says Corona

Covid rules tighten in the UK, with talk of future curfews and national lockdown

Samuel May

The numbers of positive tests – henceforth to be known as ‘cases’ apparently – has recently EXPLODED, coincidentally after a lot of testing has been done. Has the false positive rate of the tests been taken into account? Who really knows, but we suspect not.

And all over again, we sit and wait for Euromomo to update once a week… heart in mouth, in a way no population has ever done before. Yet this is where our attention has been inexpertly directed for a second time, and if it felt laboured the first time, this time it feels like death warmed over (if you’ll excuse the pun).

Meanwhile, as most will be aware, on Tuesday 22nd September Boris Johnson announced some new rules to ‘address’ this situation. To be honest, they seem more like a random list of tweaked parameters in a piece of modelling software than any sort of practical or logical method of combatting an epidemic.

The new guidelines involve reducing the numbers of people who can attend weddings to 15, introducing a 10pm closing time for all places which serve food and drink, as well as encouraging people to work from home.

Masks must now be worn in cabs, employees in ‘close contact services’ are now legally required to mask up, presumably this includes retail and hospitality etc.

Businesses will need to display the NHS QR code, and will face stricter rules to make their premises ‘COVID Secure’, including fines of up to £10,000 for ‘repeated breaches’. The penalty fine for not wearing a mask or observing the ‘rule of six’ has gone up to £200 for a first offence.

You must also wear a mask unless you are seated at a table within pubs and restaurants. You can now only receive table service in pubs and restaurants, although this was later clarified to mean ‘licensed’ premises, so have no fear, this does not apply to McDonalds!

Once seated at a restaurant table, I am curious as to how one is supposed to observe proper procedure for safely removing a face covering, once one is confined to the table area and mustn’t leave the table without a mask…

I guess one should probably bring multiple masks, multiple gloves, a container suitable for hazardous material and perhaps they’ll wheel the hand sanitiser over with the condiments?

It’s lucky this is a play-pretend sort of apocalypse/furloughed holiday, where we don’t really have to feel in any danger and the rules don’t really have to make any sense.

Oh, and apparently the UK government expect these measures to be in place for 6 months, amidst hints at potential curfews and national lockdowns to follow. No mention of the elderly people these measures are supposedly protecting, I guess they’ll stay locked up for Christmas, if they manage to stay the right side of the NICE scoring system till then.

James Donald, please play us out.


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Categories: coronavirus, latest, UK
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John the First
John the First
Oct 2, 2020 5:20 AM

I wonder, my contempt for democracy might be greater than that of the greatest psychopath, so I cannot put myself in the position of those people who believe in it.

But for those adherents of democracy, even when sceptical about politics and politicians (while these actually consists of representative chosen by the people.. from the people), when confronted with the current madness and utter extreme ridiculousness of the views and policies invented by politicians (even somewhat a surprise to me), how do you deal with this, how do you explain this?
Isn’t this like some person you know, or thought you knew, and figured to be relatively sane and reliable got temporarily very very insane, and you cannot just pass over it when it is over? You have to adjust your vision of him or her permanently? The old normal cannot return, as you image is shattered to pieces.

Sep 28, 2020 8:09 PM

I think George had a better way of halting the scamdemic. https://youtu.be/JSbT7JVNEU4
Covid is novel Flu live with it.

Sep 28, 2020 10:37 AM

COVID is now ENDEMIC. The only way to eliminate COVID is for a severe world wide lockdown – no mixing no sex no food production etc – and this would lead to mass starvation. In farming, foot n mouth is eliminated with kill zones and zero movement zones. Wonder if the gov will go to “kill zones”?

The vaccine would control outbreaks but not eliminate COVID.

So let’s tell SAGE, we just need to protect the over 75’s and healthworkers must wear full protective equipment when working with the elderly.

COVID is endemic and it is not a pandemic.

Sep 27, 2020 6:01 PM

Two peaceful approaches: (i) Vote with your money. (ii) Full Tax Revolt.

Complain about your liberties being removed, and then shit on those same liberties by acquiescing to loser demands by businesses and the state. Pure insanity.

Eric Blair
Eric Blair
Sep 27, 2020 2:15 AM

Hey who needs social contact when there’s Zoomed, Fakebook, Twatter, the Bezos Store, crApple and Microsloth. When delivery drones hit the skies, VR becomes ubiquitous and silicone sex dolls have AI chips only the untouchable scroungers and politically incorrect will have to deal with “human contact” while the Guardian reader types can spend their entire lives in a shoebox apartment enjoying the new paradise they helped create.

The people pushing for this dystopia are literally working to destroy humanity and turn everyone into a cyborg slave. The darkest nightmares of Orwell, Kafka, PKD, Huxley, Gibson et al are becoming a reality and most people have no idea at all what is happening. If you tell them, or attempt to show them, they will call you insane and run away from you as fast as they can.

Remember, believe only what the “fact checked” media says!

Sep 27, 2020 6:12 AM
Reply to  Eric Blair

As predicted by EM Forster in The Machine Stops, 1909.

Sep 26, 2020 2:12 AM

Thank you.

May Hem
May Hem
Sep 26, 2020 12:23 AM

One of the main reasons for lockdowns is to further enrich the billionaires. This is how they are doing it.

This is an interesting article from Prof. Michael Hudson, whose economic articles I follow. He claims that the US is saving the financial sector, not the economy.

The neoliberal rent-extractive plan is for private capital to buy monopoly rights to repair the nation’s bridges by turning them into toll bridges, to repair the nation’s roads and highways by making the toll roads, to repair sewer systems by privatizing them. Schools, prisons, hospitals and other traditionally public functions. Even the police are to be privately owned security-guard agencies and managed for profit – on terms that will provide interest and capital gains for the financial sector. It is a New Enclosures movement seeking monopoly rent much as landlords extract land rent.

Western civilization distinguishes itself from its Near Eastern predecessors in the way it has responded to “acts of God” that disrupt the means of support and leave debts in their wake. The United States has taken the lead in rejecting the path by which China, and even social democratic European nations have prevented the corona virus from causing widespread insolvency and polarizing their economies.

The U.S. corona virus lockdown is turning rent and debt arrears into an opportunity to impoverish the indebted economy and transfer mortgaged property and its income to creditors.

These outcomes are not necessary. They also are inequitable, and instead of being a survival of the fittest and most efficient economic solutions, they are a victory for the most successfully predatory.

Privatize everything. I call it ‘pirate-ization’.

May Hem
May Hem
Sep 26, 2020 4:45 AM
Reply to  May Hem

Forgot to include website reference for above comment.

May Hem
May Hem
Sep 26, 2020 4:46 AM
Reply to  May Hem

Hudson does get one thing wrong, however. The ‘pandemic’ is certainly not an ‘act of god’, as we all know.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 26, 2020 9:50 AM
Reply to  May Hem

I note that the “Act of God” is in the very title. It is the customary refusal to join the biggest dots of all. And it pretty much negates the power of the whole article – since all the dubious manoeuvres described can be justified by that claim “We were just responding to something that came out of the blue!”

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Sep 26, 2020 8:09 PM
Reply to  George Mc

…and of course, those lovable klutzies may have made a few boo-boos in the process, but hey! They’re only human!

Sep 27, 2020 6:07 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Hudson’s non-explanation of the plandemic can be read down, i.e., given no more weight than being one man’s opinion. Doing this, the merits of the remaining article come to the forefront. Cheers

Sep 26, 2020 11:02 AM
Reply to  May Hem

This has been the neocon/lib trick for centuries!
It’s why nation states were set up, given privately owned ‘public Bank’s’ and why the XR/elfin Queen Greta children’s fairy tale is put into play for the great resource grab that the next generation will be encouraged to die for.

There is nothing new in that. The Pandemic is just another crises not to be missed making profit from for the Original Grand Robber Barons… nothing new at all.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 26, 2020 11:22 AM
Reply to  DunGroanin

“nothing new at all”

Entire world stops for 6 months. But hey nothing to see here!

Sep 26, 2020 5:35 PM
Reply to  George Mc

The world still turns.

There will be bigger natural events from volcanoes too meteorites that will do much much more damage – you’ll be objecting to them screwing up your personal life too no doubt.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 26, 2020 6:28 PM
Reply to  DunGroanin

My “personal life”? The “world still turns”? Honestly Dunnie have you no grasp of anything? The entire socio-economic edifice of the Western world is undergoing the most radical transformation since WW2. Everyone is in terror of their livelihoods. Every single industry is hovering on the brink of collapse. Yeah just a minor inconvenience – even a bit of fun!

Sep 30, 2020 1:45 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Murdoch and the Big Banks aren’t doing too badly. Oh, and the Real Estate industry in Oz is going gangbusters … well, according to Murdoch and his political blunt-instruments anyway

dr death
dr death
Sep 26, 2020 8:14 PM
Reply to  DunGroanin

you really are a sad wanker.

Sep 29, 2020 12:27 AM
Reply to  dr death

Hello what’s this horrible smelly turd that suddenly appeared? It talks!
Hello Turd!

Home Camera Drone
Home Camera Drone
Sep 25, 2020 11:16 PM


Ex-MI5 Agent warns of new lockdown and self-isolation monitoring technology to be sold via Amazon in the form of a ‘Home Security Camera Drone’.

He states that this is the next stage of enforcement of house arrest / lockdown / self-isolation to come late 2021.

Apparently hundreds of people can be monitored in real time by just one operator with this technology and the smart meter electric system (which can detect when a fridge door is opened, a light switched on) and the metered water supply (which can detect when a tap is used or toilet flushed).

Check out the flying wi-fi live view home camera drone:

Sep 25, 2020 10:14 PM

Scapegoating for anti elderly genocidal policies of government and medical authorities begins:

2 Charged In Veterans’ Home COVID-19 Outbreak That Left 76 Dead”

austrian peter
austrian peter
Sep 25, 2020 8:38 PM

There are just too many comments to read all of them – so bravo to 99% in favour of crucifying this ridiculous charade.

Sep 25, 2020 6:47 PM

As I am directly affected by the latest round of tightened coronavirus restrictions I looked up the Stockport FAQs. The first question is whether the number of positives are increasing because more tests are being carried out. It is the ratio of positives compared to numbers tested that is important in determining whether the infection rate is improving or deteriorating when comparing one week with another. If the infection ‘rate’ is lower then the problem is reducing. The answer to the first question is a clear admission that no account is taken of the number of tests carried out.


Sep 26, 2020 12:56 PM
Reply to  JudyJ
Sep 26, 2020 1:16 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

And a graph more relevant to UK


Sep 25, 2020 6:46 PM

comment image

austrian peter
austrian peter
Sep 25, 2020 8:28 PM
Reply to  Simon

Well done Simon, I follow you remorselessly!

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 25, 2020 5:50 PM

I don’t think that anything shown on the news is a random matter. And with that – and with the proviso that I never gave a shit about the Royals either way – I’m curious that in the latest news bulletin, we’re told about the appalling losses in livelihoods due to the deadly contagion etc. followed by an item by item breakdown on the vast sums used for various Royal excursions. As with the BLM protests, this isn’t the kind of thing they usually want to draw your attention to.

So, what does this portend? Are we supposed to vent our fury on the Royals? Or is this a precursor to announcements of how the Royals have so generously decided to forgo all that frippery? (And are therefore “in it with us all together”?)

Sep 25, 2020 5:47 PM

Went to buy a pint earlier as was warned as I entered that a mask was required. ‘I’m here to buy a pint’ I replied ‘Not to buy the lie’ Insisting I use a mask on offer I withdrew my custom.From elsewhere:
IF 6 ft works why the masks?
IF both work, why the lockdowns?
If all 3 work, WHY THE VACCINES?
IF the vaccine is safe, why the ”NO LIABILITY’ CLAUSE?

austrian peter
austrian peter
Sep 25, 2020 8:30 PM
Reply to  theguvnor

Hear, hear and bravo. Rightly said!

Sep 26, 2020 12:57 AM
Reply to  theguvnor

Quite right! Or, as we say in the US, “too much like right”.

As you well know, the problem is that once one has climbed into the “better safe than sorry” bubble, logic and reason are readily dodged. 

The useful idiot True Believers in the official Megadeath Virus of Doom narrative will chirp back unarguable trite nostrums, e.g. “It’s a belt and suspenders approach, dontcha see?” and “Every little bit helps!”

Sep 25, 2020 5:12 PM

The absolutely crucial point of this entire charade is not that the public is being lied to; or being brought to its knees in fear; or being primed for some sort of technocratic dystopia from which there will be no escape; or being trans-humanized.

No, the piece that holds all other pieces together is simply that the vast majority of people do not care in the least what the outcome is. They might be healthier; they might be unhealthier; they might die; the cure may make the “disease” look like a pirate’s treasure; the vaccine may turn them into frogs. None of that matters.

The one and only thing most people understand and respond to down deep in their marrow is that these are their society’s rules; and it is their highest purpose in life to abide by their society’s rules. This is why the public cannot ever be enlightened or in any way educated. All the facts, all the science, all the statistics, all the ethics are as irrelevant to the majority as little gray aliens living in Number 10 Downing Street or the White House.

Society’s Rules rule.

austrian peter
austrian peter
Sep 25, 2020 8:33 PM
Reply to  Howard

Check – you have it in one. There are few people who are prepared to stand up and be counted – but it has ever been so, from Galileo onward in recent history and for eons before that.

East European Alien
East European Alien
Sep 25, 2020 11:09 PM
Reply to  Howard

Excellent comment! Unfortunately years of programming societies to binge on fluoride (through toothpaste, but also fortified communal water) does bring it’s fruit… Of course it can’t be the only factor, but accidently most of the awaken people I know are for long time a fluoride-free toothpaste users. And the best bit is not only the consciousness becomes brighter, even the teeth are getting much healthier then!

Sep 26, 2020 1:29 PM

Even a “natural” or “herbal” toothpaste may contain a long list of unpronounceable stuff. Consider using a brush without it. It also masks any bleeding.

Sep 26, 2020 1:33 AM
Reply to  Howard

Very true, although society’s rules are of course the rules of the ruling class. Their highest purpose in life it to submit to the ruling class.

Given the attitude of the vast majority, I find it astonishing that we have ever had any freedom at all.

Sep 26, 2020 6:05 AM
Reply to  Howard

But in fact it’s not true in almost any other case that the near-entire mass feels an urgent need to obey what Their Betters say. On the contrary, with most things there’s an often large majority who distrust the government and mainstream media.

That’s why it’s so bizarre that there was such a near-universal willingness to obey lockdown orders, at least among those who have some financial wherewithal to do so, and why that obedience has often been so enthusiastic.

To give an example this site often has discussed, almost all formerly “anti-authoritarian”, “radical”, “leftist” types not only joined the stampede but have served as junior propagandists for it. Now these are persons for whom self-alleged distrust of government and media came as naturally as breathing, and yet where it comes to Covid they believe these speak as the voice of God.

Well, we can dismiss such apostates as having been frauds all along who finally unmasked themselves. But that still doesn’t explain the broader mass. I’m still working out my ideas on that.

Sep 26, 2020 3:04 PM
Reply to  Russ

I suspect what we carelessly refer to as “leftists” have generally picked and chosen when, where, why and how to oppose government mandates. They seem to home in on mandates which pick on a particular group only; but completely ignore mandates which apply indiscriminately to all members of society.

Which also goes a long way toward explaining why the masses so readily took to the COVID-19 scam. The lockdown was applied “fairly” (i.e., to everyone equally). Somehow that may have made it appear actually less dictatorial to people – kind of the ultimate irony: clamping down on everyone gave it an air of legitimacy in people’s minds, which clamping down only on certain groups would not have.

“Herd Immunity” is nothing compared to “Herd Mentality.”

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Sep 25, 2020 5:04 PM

A brief story from Sunday’s English-language Cyprus Sunday Mail:

Covid fines

20 people who attended an anti-coronavirus restrictions protest on Saturday were fined EUR 300 on Monday by police looking to prosecute the organisers of the rally.
The protest in Eleftheria Square in Nicosia, which is the second held so far, was attended by hundreds of people, who were not wearing masks or social distancing as per the protocol issued after the first one. The protest was organised by people against coronavirus restrictions, face masks and 5G.
On Saturday, the police said they had received permission from the personal data protection commissioner to record the protest. They recorded everything with a drone.
Following the protest, the twenty people were fined, and police said they would seek to prosecute the two organisers and a speaker at the event.

austrian peter
austrian peter
Sep 25, 2020 8:34 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

Coming to a town in UK near you soon!

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 25, 2020 4:22 PM

Van gets grilled:


“The extravagant amount of outrage expressed over the weekend that Morrison will shortly release three new songs which he has written to protest against the safety measures being taken to stop the spread of Covid-19 was commensurate with his exalted status.”
The “extravagant amount of outrage expressed” by who? By the great British public? Well of course! Van is weird, one of a minority! How to explain the apostasy of this (grudgingly admitted) great artist? Don’t worry. A bit of solid analysis is on the way: 

“That he now finds himself in bed-wetter Conspiracy Theory terrain is far from a simple twist of fate. But then the Belfast poet, Tom Paulin, once presciently wrote “Morrison comes not out of traditional Protestantism, but evangelical Protestantism. That’s the foundation of his imagination – he is testifying”. And there is his wilfully capricious nature. ..That Morrison is now testifying that we need to “stand up, speak up and fight the pseudo-science” about Covid-19 (as he said last week) may just be – to be overly charitable

Oh how kind of you!

“….an inarticulate expression of his life-long contrariness.”

Just going against the grain for the sake of it, then! Ah but maybe things ain’t so innocent:

“Or maybe like WB Yeats (whom he is frequently compared to) he has taken a turn to the dark side late in his career.

Cue Twilight Zone theme!

Sep 25, 2020 11:34 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Irish times make you puke to be honest.

Sep 25, 2020 4:19 PM

Another New Labour apparatchik pops up to say lockdown isn’t going far enough, this time it’s Sadiq Khan. Has anyone asked him how he knows that “the virus” will be so bad in three months that he’s already scrapped the New Year’s fireworks?

The recent sacking of Douglas Alexander from UNICEF pulls a curtain back on where some of Blairite flotsam washed up. I wonder where some of the others are lurking?

Of course the Conservatives are no better, Johnson’s masquerade that he imposes his restrictions reluctantly is manifest bs. The UK two-party system has been exposed to be exactly the same as what Carroll Quigley said it was in the USA.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 25, 2020 4:10 PM


It should not be forgotten that the number of students and teachers infected should ultimately be zero.

If COVID cases are more than zero, then it is unacceptable and presumably grounds for another lockdown!

Sep 26, 2020 2:24 AM
Reply to  George Mc

The only way to achieve zero of a real pathogen is for the liars who are telling us it exists with their 90% false positive tests layered in with other dogmatic lies to start lying in the other direction and tell us that it no longer exists. How difficult will that be? For them.

Sep 25, 2020 4:07 PM

As a matter of urgency the chief medical officers, chief scientific advisers, health secretaries and leaders of the 4 nations of the UK must do a live televised demonstration to prove the PCR test is testing for a virus called Sars Cov 2 or Covid19.

They must unequivocally prove a positive PCR test equates to an infectious person who is suffering from Covid19 disease.

This needs to be backed up with a Complete Blood Sample and an X ray.

Until that happens the claimed number of cases and deaths being attributed to this test are scientifically meaningless and policies being made into law are illegal and a violation of human rights.

If these people have been caught lying they must be arrested and charged and resign with immediate effect.

Sep 26, 2020 1:32 AM
Reply to  MaryLS

Yes they are indeed lying.

They will never do what I suggested as they’d be caught out.

Sep 25, 2020 4:03 PM

They will be instructing us to do a silly walk soon…

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Sep 25, 2020 3:04 PM

The latest rubbish from Hancock:


I quote: ‘Up to 10,000 people a day are contracting Covid-19 in Britain’, Health Secretary Matt Hancock has said.

  1. Provide evidence that Covid19 diagnoses are based on the definition of Covid19 provided by Mayo Clinic here: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/coronavirus/symptoms-causes/syc-20479963
  2. Specifically state that you will resign if the sole ‘diagnosis’ of ‘Covid19’ is a PCR test without any actual clinical symptoms being monitored, analysed and diagnosed.
  3. Demonstrate that there have been 10,000 hospital admissions a day across the UK, as Covid19 requires hospitalisation, whereas a common cold or mild flu does not.
  4. Refuse to give any more Press Conferences until you have issued the entire media with a proper medical definition of Covid19, which specifically excludes PCR positive tests as any basis for defining disease.

I remain 100% confident that Hancock will never resign on a matter of principle, that principle being that he is misdefining ‘Covid19’ in a manner designed to promote lockdown and the decimation of the UK economy, something Rishi Sunak has refused to resign over, when any person representing UK citizens would resign immediately and aim relentless fire at the Government for continuing to do.

But I offer him the opportunity to declare his lying incompetence in a way that the MSM will gloss over….

Mr Chops
Mr Chops
Sep 25, 2020 2:34 PM

You just couldn’t make this shit up………….

Except they are – the BBC that is.

Whilst I remain is splendid isolation from all BBC output – I occasionally look at the BBC Sport’s web site. I have always loved my sport and whilst I can no longer pretend that watching it without a crowd is in any way interesting, I maintain my ‘habit’ by occasionally looking at the BBC Sport’s web site.

So from the live Premier League news feed we have these consecutive reports………….

Newcastle boss Steve Bruce says more coronavirus cases in football are inevitable after David Moyes and Neil Warnock both tested positive this week.

Leyton Orient were also forced to postpone their EFL Cup match with Tottenham on Tuesday after a number of their players tested positive, resulting in Spurs being given a bye to the next round.

“Obviously with the cases rising so alarmingly in the country, even though we’re very, very secure in our own bubble and when we’re here at the training ground, I think we all sense a security that everyone around us is OK,” said Bruce.

“But as soon as we walk out the door this virus is out there. Footballers, managers – we’ve seen Moysey – we hope that they’re all OK. They’re not going to be immune to it just because they’re footballers, unfortunately.

“We have to get ready for that challenge as well because I think it’s pretty inevitable it’s going to happen.”

And then this…..

West Ham assistant Alan Irvine spoke to the media to preview Sunday’s game against Wolves with manager David Moyes self-isolating after he, Issa Diop and Josh Cullen tested positive for Covid-19.

“He’s fine. I’ve spoken to him several times this morning and he’s not feeling any symptoms,” said Irvine.

“He hasn’t felt any all the way through. It’s a bit frustrating for him, but he’s working on things.

“I’ve spoken to Josh and Issa too and they’re both fine.”


Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Sep 25, 2020 3:06 PM
Reply to  Mr Chops

Quite, they are not ill, the people they work with are hugely fit and healthy young people, so they are the lowest risk category imaginable.

Take it easy
Take it easy
Sep 25, 2020 1:55 PM

The more we talk about pandemics, the less we need to talk about Press Freedom.

Make no mistake, Assange was kidnapped from the Ecuadorian embassy. He is facing extraordinary rendition to a gulag in the US.

A convenient way to break up Assange supporters is accusing them of breaching public health regulations.

Sep 25, 2020 8:45 PM
Reply to  Take it easy

Assange is a psy-op, just like Snowden, etc…..

Sep 25, 2020 12:15 PM


“The paradigm we are dealing with here is as impervious to counterevidence as past theologies, and just as habituated to denial in the face of facts.”

(Unequal Freedoms. John McMurtry)

Sep 25, 2020 12:15 PM

There are times, this days that makes you wounder, where have science gone, where on earth did they dig down comon sense, have they eradicated logic, redlined to extition, and to then try to explain facts is to day an fight witch I sometimes have compared to M. Cervantes Don Quixote.
I just have to make an short explanation to the people whom stil dont get it, this entire enteprice aka CONvid 19 is based upon something as solid as liqifyed manure, thats it, dont need to dive deeper because it will just stink more, manure, liqifyed smels worse than just solid shit, every farmer knows that.
Some dont get that, when the CDCs and Whomever, claimed that the DNA strain of Nucs in an spesific arangement witch was given by them nobody else, somehow is expactly indentical to what we know as Cromosone 8, to then trie to reduce that testing critics by stating that this is nonsense, then the stater dont say why did this description of this strain, witch we got from the source, is just that, an exact copy of C8, how you get that strain, by shaking, sceaming and kicking etc, dont bloody matter, you can reverse, invert to kingdom comes, it stil dont bloody matters because the sequence is sett, from the begining to be exactly the same as C8, and whatever reson or whatever argument somebody comes up with is just because they dont understand science, thats why we say, the map isnt everything, if you dont know the terain, like you dont see the Amazon jungle or an desert just be stearing into/onto an map.

To me, as Einstein so briliantly stated it, if you cant explain science to an 6 year old child its because you dont understand what you are talking about, I like it when its cut down to the core, and I found something that do that, since I have worked with QS (quality systems and manuals in Ind.) I also focused on cutting sequences down to the bare minimum, to make language so simple but to keep the core of whatever we intended to describe intact to relay knowledge of the process, language is important but language can also distort, confuse and lead you into an dead end by been to advanced, I am never impressed by the shere number of words uttered, I like those than can keep it to the core, and simple.

I read an coment in Nomorefakenews, J. Rappoports blog witch do exactly what I have described above, keep it simple, the logic is briliant, the lines writen is science as it sould be, and I cant underline it more than I dont know whom wrote it but thanks, you nailed everything to the proverbial wal.
Joz lee says, and I quote:
“These Coronavirus Trials Don’t Answer the One Question We Need to Know”:
-IF 6 ft works why the masks?
-IF both work, why the lockdowns?
-IF all 3 work, WHY THE VACCINES?
-IF the vaccine is safe, why the ”NO LIABILITY’ CLAUSE?

Have an nice day, and take care.
And since we are in the more educated mode, I give you Finnish history cpmpressed down to 9 min and 36 sec.
Sibelius Finlandia.
I dont listen often to this, because it makes my hart and soul bleed and the older you get the longer it takes to recover.


John the First
John the First
Oct 2, 2020 5:45 AM
Reply to  mikael

What is in our minds is as solid as liqifyed manure. Most of what in it is fantasy, often solid fantasy not related to anything real and solid. So you can cook a lot of that, of which all of history provides not just examples, but is mainly a testimony of. In our extremely ephemeral times, even solid fantasy guiding the minds in the past is exchanged for ephemeral fantasy.

Sep 25, 2020 11:47 AM

UK national debt reaches record levels because of Covid…


However the Fraudian reports not to worry because a) it’s less than expected and b) it’ll be going down soon because of the government’s plans (plans which the Fraudian has done nothing but criticise for not spending enough). It scarecely needs mentioning that as usual there’s no analysis of who exactly the money is owed to and on what terms. It wouldn’t be those who had a few trillion in bail-outs when the whole thing kicked off, would it? Anyway, given that and that this is an “unprecedented crisis” and “we’re all in this together” the money’s obviously coming on ultra-favourable terms…. isn’t it?

Their new favourite fear porn is that “the virus” is becoming more infectious which they like so much they’ve got two stories on it.

Sep 25, 2020 3:08 PM
Reply to  Edwige

To simplify it is simply corrupt here.
Forty thousand tests a day at four hundred dollars each is +/- SIXTEEN MILLION DOLLARS A DAY for our fourteen million population in Ontario.
So corrupt.

Sep 25, 2020 3:42 PM
Reply to  Edwige

The Belgian newspaper “Het Laatste Nieuws” reported that 30000+ covid tests per day cost the country in excess of a million euros…

Sep 25, 2020 11:45 AM

saw this on news and wondered at the increased potency of the ”virus” at night :))))

Sep 25, 2020 11:27 AM

From some of the feedback I’ve seen this week non-mask wearers are now the subjects of a govt enabled version of the Milgram experiment.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Sep 25, 2020 3:11 PM
Reply to  Seansaighdeor

The bottom line with any experiment like that is that everyone has a breaking point where the value of sticking to your conscience is outweighed by the torture being inflicted upon you.

I have little doubt that Hancock would engage in torture as long as he had cover and plausible deniability.

He did provide cover for the deaths in Grenfell Tower after all….

Sep 25, 2020 11:14 AM

You can’t make this suff up:


“A new COVID-19 mutation appears to be even more contagious, according to a study — and experts say it could be a response by the virus to defeat masks and other social-distancing efforts.
Scientists in a paper published Wednesday identified a new strain of the virus, which accounted for 99.9 percent of cases during the second wave in the Houston, Texas, area, the Washington Post reported.
The paper, which has not been peer-reviewed, said people with the strain, known as the D614G mutation, had higher loads of virus — suggesting it is more contagious.”

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Sep 25, 2020 2:26 PM
Reply to  elsewhere

a response by the virus to defeat masks and other … efforts”

So now they are outright ascribing conscious agency, malicious intent and devilish cunning to the unseen Evil among Us.

Could Covidus also be possessing the souls of non-mask wearers, inhabiting their bodies and enslaving them into doing Its nefarious mischief???

(To ask, of course, is to answer…)

Sep 26, 2020 12:49 AM
Reply to  Fact Checker

But, armed with this startling new information, maskless rebels can confound bumptious inquirers with this paradoxical justification: “I stopped wearing my mask because I don’t want to piss off the virus even more!”

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Sep 25, 2020 3:18 PM
Reply to  elsewhere

How convenient that there is no weblink to the original paper, leaving you merely with a link to the Washington Post (which is a scientific journal with such a high negative ‘impact factor’ as to render it worthless in terms of credibility, reliability and accuracy), eh?

No comment can be made on this claim until the original paper is made available to the public: from now on, there can be zero role for the MSM in providing credibility or otherwise to scientific research. They are all bought prostitutes and serve no role in educating nor informing the public.

Sep 25, 2020 3:32 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Indeed, but if you Google “David Morens Covid D614G mutation” you can see that the “news” is spreading like wildfire…

Sep 25, 2020 6:59 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

It’s here if you want to waste a few minutes:


Unlikely that the media will mutate from Pharma zombie whores into human species. My apologies to both zombies and whores who are far more honorable than today’s media criminals.

just a person
just a person
Sep 25, 2020 3:52 PM
Reply to  elsewhere

“Doctors are seeing a huge increase in patients who have been shedding abnormal amounts of hair, and they believe it is related to stress associated with the coronavirus” – New York Times, headline.

“How to deal with a friendship “Quiet Season”” – another New York Times headline.
This one makes me particularly sick, personally knowing someone who has considered suicide due to the “friendship quiet season”.

Sep 25, 2020 8:27 PM
Reply to  just a person

Hair loss = Radiation.

my parents said know
my parents said know
Sep 25, 2020 5:03 PM
Reply to  elsewhere

The D614G sequence can be purchased here, it appears.

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Sep 25, 2020 5:25 PM
Reply to  elsewhere

Can we stop wearing those stupid masks, then?

Sep 25, 2020 5:38 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

Now that is good scientific reasoning. Just like excess antibiotic use caused resistant bacteria, all those masks caused this unfortunate event. I would (sarcastically) even go as far as positing that masks are causing new covid cases, because now that we are all wearing them the second wave is here regardless…

Sep 25, 2020 9:52 PM
Reply to  elsewhere

I hope the positive side of that one is that we can take the masks off.

Jean Wilson
Jean Wilson
Sep 25, 2020 11:51 PM
Reply to  elsewhere

so, a new strain of the virus, D614G ….. Deception614Grows.

Sep 25, 2020 10:52 AM

First they came for the Old People in Care Homes, and no one spoke out
End off!

Sep 25, 2020 12:00 PM
Reply to  TFS

you are so right …but they do not listen …
time for education is over —

they didn’t get this over the last few decades, they won’t now.
don’t waste further energy on people asleep.

The time is GO!
prepare !

Eyes Open
Eyes Open
Sep 25, 2020 9:54 AM

Gov’t is terrorising citizens with lockdown and fear. We cannot visit family and friends. There is an epidemic of depression and anxiety. No gatherings over 6. Mandatory face masks. University students locked down and banned from returning to their families at Christmas.

Absolute cruelty.

No lockdown in Belarus yet UK Gov’t attacks its human rights:
comment image

Sep 25, 2020 11:49 AM
Reply to  Eyes Open

Does Belarus have about 3m Uigyur Muslims and Tibetans in almost 300 concentration andd/or labour camps where they face slave labour, torture, gang rape, murder, enforced sterilisation and organ harvesting? Does Belarus have huge political influence over global trade and investment, the UN, the global media and various western governments, like communist China does? Does the Belarus dictatorship offend ‘progressive’ western politicians while the brutal dictatorships of China and Iran do not? What blind, empty posturing by the UK, which is mostly ruled by its pompous, politically-correct bureacracy or deep state, not by Boris the fascists’ puppet.


Eyes Open
Eyes Open
Sep 25, 2020 12:07 PM

If I could move to Belarus, Sweden, Iceland or Norway – I would.

You’re not in the UK where life has been cancelled.

Take it easy
Take it easy
Sep 25, 2020 1:43 PM

But if those Chinese bought American bombs and carpet bombed the Uigyur population then they can get all the applaud in the US congress, get all the Nobel prizes and walk tall on the global stage. Huawei 5G products would become mandatory in the FIVE-EYES countries.

As to Tibet, The leaders of Western Democracies had always the idea of support the Tibetans for the sole purpose of bleeding the Chinese government and let Chinese people kill each other.

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Sep 25, 2020 1:48 PM

New York Post, you’ll be linking to the Guardian next.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Sep 25, 2020 12:20 PM
Reply to  Eyes Open

The mind numbing hypocrisy is so off the charts, a Hollywood script writer would struggle to make a believable story from it.
Three words: Yemen, Iraq, Palestinians.
And of course, many more words can be added to that list.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Sep 25, 2020 3:19 PM
Reply to  Eyes Open

We bombed 1 million people in Iraq but Putin allegedly poisoning Navalny is an outrage.

John Scott
John Scott
Sep 25, 2020 8:42 AM

The ‘rule of 6’ is designed to prevent individuals from socialising, in the sense of being social, enjoying social interchange of humour, compassion, ideas and love. We are sufficiently inventive as a species to devise and develop ways and means of sidetracking these authoritarian policies.
To meekly comply is to ‘consent’.
To fall foul of fear is, while innerstandable, nonetheless equally counter-productive.
Stop projecting into the ‘future’; how do you choose to live, as expressions of sovereign, divine human being-ness, in this moment, here and now, today? Finding the answer to that question is your sole purpose of any interest here on Earth today. All the rest boils down to insignificant diversions.
No tests. No masks. No vaccinations. No question!

Sep 25, 2020 9:32 AM
Reply to  John Scott

if your in a q or shop with more than 6 people then i suppose this is breaking the new law

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 25, 2020 6:14 PM
Reply to  John Scott

Not that I’m one to read big significance into numbers but wasn’t 6 the number of Patrick McGoohan in The Prisoner?

Sep 25, 2020 8:27 AM

Even by her wretched standards Polly Toynbee’s latest finds new depths to plummet.

How can the dissenting scientists like Carl Heneghan be explained? They were against lockdown from the start and have the personality trait of not being able to admit they were wrong. Projection much? When has Toynbee ever admitted she was wrong? Needless to say, there’s no attempt to evaluate the two cases, apparently because “deniers” don’t have one.

Given conflicting advice she advocates the precautionary principle and only rejects Johnson’s measures because they don’t go far enough. As usual. the precautionary principle works in only one direction and the ill health and death caused by lockdown treated as if simply doesn’t exist.

Feeble psycho-babble, projection, ignoring of counter-arguments and evidence…. there’s plenty more crimes to take into consideration (a gratuitous side swipe at men obviously) but that’ll do for now.

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Sep 25, 2020 9:16 AM
Reply to  Edwige

There is only one thing worse than the Graun’s hopeless attempt at journalism and that’s the readership. Pin-up boy for these cretins is Sir Keir Starmer. This is the guy who apparently going to lead Britain out of the Tory wilderness. Actually the aforesaid gentlemen in a dyed-in-the wool Blairite, member of Labour Friends of Israel, Kinght of the Realm and QC, admirer of Gordon Brown who gave independence to the Bank of England to impose austerity measures on us, and the guy who sold the UK’s Gold reserves at record low prices at the end of a 20-year bear market, fully backed the war on Iraq, did and nothing to stop Assange’s persecution, believes in a neo-liberal globalist agenda.

Any hope that Labour would be a vehicle for social justice or a torch carrier for a new moral enlightenment has gone. The party is once again a clanging empty vessel with a dull eyed captain – desperately in search of any electoral cartography that will get them into Downing Street.
Not for nothing did we say months ago that nobody with any morals or self respect should remain in Labour – but even we didn’t envision just how bad it would get and how quickly. 
But look, you can vote for Labour if you want – I understand the tribalism.
I also understand the argument that one must first compromise principle to gain power; then like a jobbing magician you can bring out your principles again, pulling them out of a hat like fake flowers at a children’s birthday party – TADA! We fooled you electorate, we DO have principles after all! 

Trouble is, Keir Starmer doesn’t have any principles – after all, as he delights in telling the corporate media oft and over…
– he is not Jeremy Corbyn.

Sep 25, 2020 9:46 AM
Reply to  Donald Duck

And he is a member of the Tri-laeral Commission

Sep 25, 2020 10:57 AM
Reply to  Donald Duck

I think you are being too kind re Starmers attitude to Assange, I believe he actively pressured the Swedish authorities not to drop the Assange case.

Taking of Assange, seems judge Skippy is really bending over backwards to help the prosecution team.


Sep 25, 2020 11:37 AM
Reply to  Donald Duck

My comment mentioning Starmers active pressure on the Swedish authorities not to drop case was here, now removed. I did link to the current report of his ‘trial’ by the pub landlords namesake, is he persona non gratis on these pages?

Sep 25, 2020 11:46 AM
Reply to  Donald Duck

He’s a millionaire socialist. Labour is history.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Sep 25, 2020 3:25 PM
Reply to  Grafter

Ah, but his dad was a toolmaker and his mum was a nurse.

So he could be Genghis Khan and his antecedents would be perfect.

Sep 25, 2020 12:31 PM
Reply to  Donald Duck

There are many reasons to admire Jeremy Corbyn. These include his principled stand against racist, colonialist Britain and its evil armed forces, his brave attacks on ‘racist Israel’ and touching support for fallen Islamic warriors who kill anyone with Israeli passports, his famous search for peace with misunderstood Islamists by offering them tea and talks, his endless and highly effective insults against great foreign threats like Trump, while taking care never to offend nice Chinese and Islamist dictators, and his very wise decision to switch from Leave to Remain and abandon Labour’s absurd promise to respect dumb gammon Brexit voters. Nor should we forget how Jezza carefully ignored working class hysteria and racism over endless mass immigration and the poor grooming gangs. Not once did he accept criticism by those warning of electoral disaster and betrayal of Labour’s whole mission to be the party of the working class. Starmer can hardly expect to match such achievements.

Sep 26, 2020 5:44 PM

‘ Labour has sacked three junior shadow ministers who joined with Jeremy Corbyn and 14 other Socialist Campaign group MPs in breaking the party’s whip by voting against the second reading of a controversial armed forces bill.’


You are sorely mistaken if you think you have won and Blairism neocon statusquo is restored.

By ‘killing’ JC they have made Corbynism much much more powerful as there are now dozens more of his principled type in Parliament and millions more voters out here.

Buster Bloodvessel
Buster Bloodvessel
Sep 25, 2020 9:44 AM
Reply to  Edwige

These people have been peddling their agenda for a long time :-

Quote from Arnold J Toynbee

“…..In the world as it is today, this institution can hardly be a universal Church. It is more likely to be something like a League of Nations. I will not prophesy. I will merely repeat that we are at present working, discreetly but with all our might, to wrest this mysterious political force called sovereignty out of the clutches of the local national states of our world. And all the time we are denying with our lips what we are doing with our hands…”

Buster Bloodvessel
Buster Bloodvessel
Sep 25, 2020 9:51 AM

Here’s the whole quote :-
“If we are frank with ourselves, we shall admit that we are engaged on a deliberate and sustained and concentrated effort to impose limitations upon the sovereignty and independence of the fifty or sixty local sovereign independent States which at present partition the habitable surface of the earth and divide the political allegiance of mankind. 
   It is just because we are really attacking the principle of local sovereignty that we keep on protesting our loyalty to it so loudly. The harder we press our attack upon the idol, the more pains we take to keep its priests and devotees in a fool’s paradise—lapped in a false sense of security which will inhibit them from taking up arms in their idol’s defense. The local national state, invested with the attributes of sovereignty—is an abomination of desolation standing in the place where it ought not. It has stood in that place now—demanding and receiving human sacrifices from its poor deluded votaries—for four or five centuries. Our political task in our generation is to cast the abomination out, to cleanse the temple and to restore the worship of the divinity to whom the temple rightfully belongs. In plain terms, we have to re-transfer the prestige and the prerogatives of sovereignty from the fifty or sixty fragments of contemporary society to the whole of contemporary society—from the local national states by which sovereignty has been usurped, with disastrous consequences, for half a millennium, to some institution embodying our society as a whole. 
In the world as it is today, this institution can hardly be a universal Church. It is more likely to be something like a League of Nations. I will not prophesy. I will merely repeat that we are at present working, discreetly but with all our might, to wrest this mysterious political force called sovereignty out of the clutches of the local national states of our world. And all the time we are denying with our lips what we are doing with our hands…” 
(“The Trend of International Affairs Since the War,” International Affairs, November 1931, )

Sep 25, 2020 11:32 AM

Arnold Toynbee mocks the people with their idols while admitting he is silent and secretive about he idols he intends to erect in their place.

Toynbee should have been cleansed from the face of the Earth, along with all his descendants* — the treatment his Milner Round Table clique dealt to the Romanovs and to the working class through World War 1.

  • One of those descendants is a snooty, cawing Graunaid harpy. It’s not too late to make amends.
Sep 25, 2020 1:40 PM

Note Toynbee’s great regard for democracy and the voters’ right to choose leaders and destiny! These lesser people than himself are ‘poor deluded votaries’. The sneers from today’s leftists and remainers may be new, but ‘dumb gammons’, ‘little Englanders’ and ‘low-information voters’ express very similar elitist hate of nation and fear of the working class. Luckily for the great unwashed, their self-annointed saviour Arnold Toynbee will save them from their evil selves. Hitler, Stalin and Mao and today’s top contenders for global salvation without religion and nation promised no less. Toynbee’s choice of religious metaphor is also fascinating; he sounds like a despairing ex-Christian who has turned to globalist ideology for salvation, and is now on a born-again mission to force his vision of earthly paradise onto the rest of us. How horribly familiar.

Once again, thanks for this excellent window into the mind of the UK’s tradition of intellectual elitism.

Sep 25, 2020 12:51 PM

Great quote. The UN, EU, Soros, Gates, and the globalist left elite would all recognise and applaud the idea of destroying entire nations and their evil sovereignty. If we could only end people’s primitive love of their own nations, history and identity, then of course all wars, poverty, pandemic, exploitation and suffering will end (capitalism may take longer, as globalists still need it to draw their modest salaries). But killing patriotic love of nation requires taking over any remaining democracy states may have. Very dumb voters always vote wrong and can give us mass murdering tyrants and warmongers like Trump, or even Brexit. But after removing ignorant majority rule AKA people power, we will all be able enjoy peace, prosperity and full human rights under the rule of nice dictators like Xi Jinping and the mad Mullahs, or maybe under their wise EU fanclub. Then we can fully experience life as increasing lockdown maybe forever.

Sep 25, 2020 11:57 AM
Reply to  Edwige

It’s hard to go more politically correct than Queen Toynbee the pompous leftist control freak traditionally does in the Guardian toilet paper. But note her attack on Boris the leftists’ puppet: he isn’t being quite as authoritarian as she would like. More government now! says Polly.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Sep 25, 2020 3:21 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Just ignore her. You know she is off with the fairies.

No point giving yourself high blood pressure nor weakening your immune system through stressing your brain out.

Sep 25, 2020 5:37 AM

They are telling us, the economic slump is due to the pandemic. However, the main reason for the faltering economy seems to be the political and economic war with China.

Morphing into a Police-State is also a necessary step for war preparedness. They don’t want many protestors on the street.

Sep 25, 2020 9:18 AM
Reply to  Round

That’s presumably why they want the khaki wearing bullying heros’ immune from prosecution ? I wonder will the population be out with their silly union flags waving them on?

Sep 25, 2020 1:55 PM
Reply to  Geoff

Attacking flag-wavers is brave and perceptive. We all know how people who love their country threaten the future and our freedoms.

Sep 25, 2020 1:59 PM

fuck off imbecile

Sep 26, 2020 6:38 AM
Reply to  Geoff

In all practical terms, imbecile is the correct word.

In newspeak, a ‘Ramsay Scholar’ is more fitting.

Yes, it’s the Ramsay Center, the Howard-Abbott thing, bribing universities to run a degree in their version of Civilisation.

Eyes Open
Eyes Open
Sep 25, 2020 10:01 AM
Reply to  Round

comment image

Sep 25, 2020 1:11 PM
Reply to  Eyes Open

Exactly. But does Vanessa (choose to) believe that there’s a pandemic. I ask because I really don’t know. If she chooses to believe that there’s actually a pandemic, I have a problem with that.

Eyes Open
Eyes Open
Sep 25, 2020 1:23 PM
Reply to  Arby

Agreed. Buying into the ‘pandemic’ fuels the dynamic.

She put ‘ ‘ around the word virus though.

Sep 25, 2020 1:47 PM
Reply to  Eyes Open

I missed the virus in marks. That was welcome.

Sep 25, 2020 1:57 PM
Reply to  Eyes Open

And the same elite censor anyone who threatens their power, which means silencing anyone revealing that communist China gave us the virus. Lots of posters here want to help them, sadly.


Sep 26, 2020 5:47 PM
Reply to  Eyes Open

She changed her tune again?

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Sep 25, 2020 3:25 PM
Reply to  Round

The economic slump is due to the fascist Government’s response to a minor epidemic.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Sep 25, 2020 5:30 AM

I sincerely hope for the people in the UK reading this that things don’t reach the level of unmitigated madness, complete with fascist thuggery from the cops, that has been the case here in Melbourne.
Because its been absolute hell. A lot of people here are in really desperate straits, and I know for me, it’s a struggle just to maintain sanity some days.
And again, we see the harshest measures in the Five Eyes countries. And, yes, very obviously this agenda is not about our health or keeping us safe. Only the wilfully blind and those who refuse to look at any evidence outside the MSM believe its about keeping us safe.
Keep up the excellent work OffG.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Sep 25, 2020 8:54 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Even worse the vile Brett Sutton racially attacked Afghans, is trawling through old folks deaths going back to July to keep maintaining the lie of the deadly virus. Thankfully some journos. like Jewel Topsfield are telling the truth, they are dying of fucking malnutrition, thirst and neglect like they did all over the western world months ago. As for the Dan and Jenny show, a re run of the vile Aboriginal kids are thugs and losers who must be in adult prisons, but wait, when the courts said it was illegal they told the courts to get stuffed.

I never, ever thought I would say this, but SA Premier has been the least hysterical of the lot, we are as free as birds and never really got locked up.

Meanwhile the big brave men are cowering like crybabies over a trivial virus.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Sep 25, 2020 10:02 AM

Awww Marilyn, what I would give to be wandering around Adelaide Central Markets right now with a coffee from Zuma’s and a cake from Jamface!
No one will be held to account here in Melbourne. No one will fall on their sword. No one will be sacked.
Yes, Stephen Marshall may have been a lot smarter than Deranged Dan The Lying Conman, but at the end of the day – this agenda is global.
Because ultimately its not about a virus or even vaccines. But they are the vehicles being used to bring in a radical global reset and institute a social credit system, via health immunity passports (or similar) and the Fourth Industrial Revolution and Internet of Things.
Incidentally, Stephen Marshall bought the mag off me a few times at Norwood when he was merely the local MP.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Sep 26, 2020 10:25 AM

Well, I admit I was wrong: “no one will fall on their sword”. Today, Victorian Health Minister Jenny Mikakos resigned from both her job and from Parliament.
I haven’t read her speech, but saw something in my newsfeed that mentioned she wouldn’t have her integrity challenged.
Interesting development, tho I think she is being used as the sacrificial lamb to save Andrews and probably Sutton.
We’ll see what else develops.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Sep 26, 2020 12:41 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Jenny should never have been a minister again after locking up those Aboriginal kids in adult prisons even after the courts said it was illegal, this is her second failure strike, but I do wish Dan would stop listening to Bill
Bowtell of the Grim Reaper fame, Raina who is always wrong and works for a defence and security department and the god awful smug whinger Sutton.

Eyes Open
Eyes Open
Sep 25, 2020 10:08 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Things are terrible in the UK. How can I say that I don’t want to live in this world without sounding melodramatic?

Simpleton idiots are reusing dirty cloth face masks without washing them – and developing coughs and lung infections. A gift to the Covid agenda.

The cruelty is blatant.

UK University students are locked down. Mandatory face masks. The joy of socialising banned. The Scottish Gov’t has even banned Uni students from returning home to their families for Christmas.

I see things as they are: fascism or anti fascism. It’s that simple.

The MSM is a fascist entity. The NHS seems to be heading that way. There is a split in the Conservative Party. The Labour Party is fascist.

The UK is being destroyed. Freedoms and civil liberties that WW2 veterans gave their lives to save, are being destroyed.

I’m sorry I can’t help you personally.

Melbourne must resist.

comment image

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Sep 25, 2020 11:46 AM
Reply to  Eyes Open

Agree with everything you said, and appreciate the screenshot of Vanessa’s tweet. It’s bang on true. And yes, the tiny number of elites behind this evil agenda have not a shred of basic decency or humanity in their bodies because psychopaths are unable to feel compassion or empathy for those they are destroying.
They have their minions everywhere, like Daniel Andrews here in Victoria or Jacinda Ardern in NZ or Justin Trudeau in Canada. And the buffoons in the UK.
All doing the bidding of their real masters. Hope your weekend is good my friend👍

Eyes Open
Eyes Open
Sep 26, 2020 11:44 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Heard about the Bill in Victoria. Thinking of you. Hope you’ll be OK. Hope Australians and the World wakes up.

Noticed in 22nd Sept article ‘COVID World – Resist’ by Iain Davis, someone in the comments called ‘Eyes Open’ too. Not me. A different avatar too. Dunno if it’s a coincidence or impersonation, so this is the last time I’ll use that name.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Sep 26, 2020 12:16 PM
Reply to  Eyes Open

Hi Eyes, yes, I’m okay, thank you for asking🙏 I have stacks of food at home, and money in the bank.
Yesterday, a customer who periodically contacts me, inquired how things were, and asked if they could help out financially, which I accepted, albeit reluctantly, coz, well, pride, and a fierce independent streak.
Development here in Victoria that the Victorian Health Minister, Jenny Mikakos has resigned as Minister and also resigned from Parliament. Said she could no longer serve Daniel Andrews and would not have her integrity challenged, or words to that effect.
However, I don’t see Andrews or the Chief Health Officer, Brett Sutton doing the same thing.
But as we both know, this agenda is not just in Victoria or New Zealand. Its everywhere, and very ominous signs for the UK now. I think you guys are the next testing ground.
I hope there’s a really huge turnout at Trafalgar Square later. Will try and watch a live stream of it.
Sorry to hear some one nicked your name. If anyone tried that with me they will get a right bollocking. Gezzah is my nickname and Potts was my mums maiden name.
I hope your weekend goes well, cheers.
Oh, and as for the troll moron having a go at you for using a Vanessa Beeley tweet, just ignore him.

Sep 26, 2020 2:41 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Your reply helped to lift my spirits. Glad you’re ‘OK’, all considering. That there are good people in the world is the only thing keeping me going atm.

Jenny Mikakos resigned? Because she disapproves of the police state situation?

I’m horrified by the MSM and journalists. Do they want technofascism for their own kids and grandkids? Same goes for the scientists. Who wants a world of surveillance apps controlling our every move? Endless hand sanitiser that destroys healthy gut bacteria and QR codes to see a doctor or enter a shop? No thanks.

It’s already bad in the UK. I’ve been profoundly depressed and anxious. It’s living hell. Can’t stop worrying about a friend. Lockdown’s destroying everything. The idiots who believe there’s a deadly virus are the last straw – ‘let’s stay prisoners in our homes forever and ever’. That’s what they want.

Strange too, those who are supposedly anti-lockdown yet pro-mask and tracking, inadvertently perpetuating the lie. Some well meaning celebs too are talking about ‘mental health’ under lockdown, but focusing on the symptoms rather than the cause. Lockdown is the cause. It must end for everyone’s sake.

I hope there’s a huge turnout at Trafalgar Square. The protestors who are campaigning for everyone’s freedoms are true heroes. Yet half the public, politicians and the MSM demonise them.

I’ll pick a random generic name from now on.

Stay strong. The rest of Australia must protest and stay vigilant. They’ll be next.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Sep 26, 2020 3:06 PM
Reply to  John

John is very common… there’s quite a few John’s come here already!
But do what you need to do my friend. Been watching a much better quality live stream from Trafalgar Square on Ruptly. Massive massive turnout.
No, I think Jenny Mikakos resigned coz she felt her ‘reputation’ was being insulted and her integrity ‘challenged’.
It’s midnight here, so putting on soothing Post Rock music – band called Hammock and zzzz zzz zzz. Enjoy your weekend, take care. There are people out there that oppose this evil agenda. I’ve just seen many thousands of them in London!

Sep 25, 2020 12:24 PM
Reply to  Eyes Open

Don’t invest any further into Beestly red brown nwo gatekeepers.

Just a bit of friendly advise .

I have decided to prepare a hard rain for all these involved …

No more mr nice guy.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 25, 2020 1:10 PM
Reply to  DunGroanin

So you’re God now?

Sep 26, 2020 9:38 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Delusions of relevance, perhaps.

Sep 25, 2020 2:22 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

To avoid wilful blindness, look at the independent sources who can inform you with mountains of evidence about the real enemy: communist China and the western globalist elites (Soros, Gates, Biden, the Clintons, their corporate cronies etc) who kow-tow to the red emperor for huge profit and favour (OffG’s outdated and strident anti-American bias usually prevents it focusing on communist or Islamic evil). Just like communists, globalists fear the dangerous democracy that gives dumb plebs the only real power they have to remove failed and fraudulent leaders, to limit the elites: their votes. The Five Eyes has no relevance to this fear; this security alliance was established back when western leaders still understood the huge existential threat that communist tyranny continues to pose to the western way of life. Sorry, your fear of this group cd an only reflect your leftist indoctrination. Today, most of our leaders, also wilfully blind to what communism means, just want to appease China and win lucrative trade deals, despite the holocaust Xi Jinping and gang are conducting against Muslims and Tibetans (Trump alone has imposed sanctions, and is also encouraging a growing alliance of Pacific nations like Australia to contain Chinese aggression in terms of militarism and predator trade deals. Merkel and EU say little and do less).Thinking that a security alliance is what controls our ruling classes and their outrageous over-reaction to the wu-flu is naive conspiracy theory. You have to understand the values driving the decision-makers, often in lockstep.



Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Sep 25, 2020 3:29 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Here we have a large supine sheep-like population who believe what the TV tells them, what MSM websites tell them. They are all economically illiterate and seem to think we can smash the economy to smithereens and there will be no consequences.

They are going to go bankrupt unless they already have a pile of assets. The public sector will go bust because there will be no taxation revenues. Money printing will send inflation to Weimaresque levels if that is what they try.

The aim is to sell the UK State to the lowest bidder…..by driving asset values through the floor.

Those performing the euthanasia went to Eton, Oxford and worked in London.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Sep 26, 2020 10:40 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Your first paragraph described people in Melbourne to a tee. I know a number of people, that despite the absolute devastation of the economy here with many businesses closed forever… things will just go back to how they were before the ‘pandemic’.
They actually believe this. I’ve also seen a lot of pro lockdown, pro new normal people stating (presumably without even blushing) that the… “restrictions have to stay in place until the virus is gone”. True.
They obviously don’t read Offguardian or watch The Corbett Report or look at Swiss Propaganda Research then!
Obviously they don’t even have an understanding of viruses or the immune system. As you say, it’s all from the MSM.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Sep 26, 2020 12:44 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

I have to say I grew up 4 miles from Victoria on the Sa side and realised quite early in life that Victorians are thick as bricks, the Victorian branch of the family were hicks.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Sep 26, 2020 1:28 PM

As a New Zealand citizen, I can’t really make any comments on Australians even though I’ve lived in both Adelaide and Melbourne. I will say, here it’s much more anonymous and less friendly than Adelaide, and people do seem in much more of a rush.
You do know that Sutton was at the Burnet Institute before he became CHO, and that Institute received very generous grants from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
I know that sounds a bit ‘conspiratorial’ but that seems to be a very common pattern. Gates and WHO seem to be in the background of a lot of these officials. Saw a photo of Gates with Jacinda Ardern as well from the start of this year I think it was.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Sep 26, 2020 5:17 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

NO conspiracy at all, Gates runs world health these days

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Sep 26, 2020 5:19 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts
Sep 25, 2020 5:14 AM

Looks like, having gotten spectacular results with the first part of the experiment in social control – the vast majority of the masses meekly obeyed the initial “temporary in order to flatten the curve” lockdown without the slightest question – the system has been moving on to the second part: How far can they push people with an endless constriction-relaxation-constriction-relaxation. (Not that things have ever gotten truly relaxed.)

Of course the social control experiment is just one of governments’ many motivations for the terror-lockdown assault, but it’s especially pernicious since it’s already becoming a full totalitarian vector.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Sep 25, 2020 12:18 PM
Reply to  Russ

The real question comes when the State is insolvent and Sunak, Johnson et al have to tell the people who they are selling the nation to, having wilfully bankrupted it with no regard to their electors’ wishes.

At that stage, I would not lay a single penny on Cabinet ministers not being murdered…

Sep 25, 2020 1:59 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

The sooner the better

Sep 25, 2020 2:45 AM

As well as conditioning society for the vaccine, Boris, Sturgeon and co are imposing fascism on the UK.
Our every move controlled by the government.

They are deliberately trying to provoke a fight back and have been doing so for months.

They must be amazed there has been no huge pushback so far.

It will happen and once it does they will use it as an excuse to impose martial law.

Sep 25, 2020 7:00 AM
Reply to  Paul

That will depend on how many and who is pushing back…..your message is nihlist!

Eyes Open
Eyes Open
Sep 25, 2020 10:27 AM
Reply to  Paul

comment image

Peter Jennings
Peter Jennings
Sep 25, 2020 2:54 PM
Reply to  Eyes Open

Maybe the tougher the restrictions, the higher the bribe payout?

Sep 25, 2020 1:14 PM
Reply to  Paul

And, remember, people VOTED for those gangsters. Please, people, stop voting.

Sep 25, 2020 2:28 AM

Ian Brown’s excellent contribution to the fight against the coronavirus nonsense:

Eyes Open
Eyes Open
Sep 25, 2020 1:31 PM
Reply to  Gwyn


[Intro: Ian Brown]
We don’t need no stinking badges

[Chorus: Ian Brown]
Just a little seed, makes a big tree
Standing on its own, thriving all alone
Just a little seed, makes a big tree
Grows so high, gonna touch the sky
Just a little seed, makes a big tree
Spreads roots deep, branches far and wide

[Verse 1: Ian Brown]
Masonic lockdown, in your hometown
Masonic lockdown, can you hear me now
From the top down, soul shot down
State shakedown, mass breakdown
Global orders, riding over borders
Get behind your doors for the new world order
Doctor Evil and his needle
Doctor Evil with a masterplan
A forced vaccine, like a bad dream
They’ll plant a microchip, every woman, child and man
A plan to chip us all, to have complete control
The land, the sky, your soul

[Verse 2: Ian Brown]
Peace like silence in the snow
Free to do exactly as your told
Obey, consume and die
And up to heaven for your pie up in the sky
Sleep walking, dreaming, you best believe your lying eyes
Geoengineering, making more than patterns in the skies
5G radiation, beamed to Earth from space by satellites
The scientist and mediatrist
Trying to tell me 2 and 2 is 5
‘scuse me while I mention the strategy of tension, mass mind manipulation
Psychological operation
The general population, hypnotised, right in front of your eyes
Drama and lies
Look into my eyes

[Chorus: Ian Brown]
Just a little seed, makes a big tree
Standing on its own, thriving all alone
Just a little seed, makes a big tree
Grows so high, gonna touch the sky
Just a little seed, makes a big tree
Spreads roots deep, branches far and wide

[Verse 2: Ian Brown]
Masonic lockdown, in your hometown
Masonic lockdown, can you feel me now
Masonic lockdown, soul shot down
State shakedown, a mass breakdown
Put your muzzle on, get back in your basket
Get behind your doors cause living here is drastic
Doctor Evil and his needle
Doctor Evil with a masterplan
A forced vaccine, like a bad dream
They’ll plant a microchip, every woman, child and man
A plan to chip us all, to have complete control
The land, the sky, your soul

[Outro: Ian Brown]
Na, Na, Na, Na
Na, Na, Na, Na, Na
Na, Na, Na, Na, Na
Na, Na, Na, Na, Na
Na, Na, Na, Na
Na, Na, Na, Na, Na

[Outro Sample: Bill Gates]
“I mean we’re taking things that are, you know, genetically modified organisms and were injecting them in little kids arms, we just shoot ’em right into the vein.”

“But you don’t have a choice, people act like you have a choice”

Sep 25, 2020 1:45 PM
Reply to  Eyes Open

Put your muzzle on, get back in your basket…

A very amusing line. This song gives me energy. I’m now going to listen to it yet again. Thanks for posting the lyrics!

Eyes Open
Eyes Open
Sep 25, 2020 1:35 AM

comment image

Sep 25, 2020 1:15 PM
Reply to  Eyes Open

I absolutely agree with that Tweet.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Sep 25, 2020 3:15 PM
Reply to  Eyes Open

Civilian populations need to wake up. You can’t expect “governments” to put people on trial in courts systems that are owned and controlled by international banking cartels.

Governments and courts are plainly owned, and you’ll never buy back personal freedom or National sovereignty applying for a new loan… Ask Julian Assange how well international legal systems have treated him the last 7 years…

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Sep 26, 2020 12:46 PM
Reply to  Eyes Open

Especially for the slaughter of tens of thousands of old pple with no dignity or care. This crime is making my blood boil yet the scumbag pollies claim they died of covid and then they are off the hook for their crimes against humanity

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Sep 25, 2020 12:59 AM

Boris Johnson’s “New rules” sound like a New Rule tirade from Bill Marr…

Like many other countries, Great Britain is hopelessly indebted to mafia cartels who own and control the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, and the Bank for International settlements. The Sleeping Beauty motif is quite apropos. >

Excerpted from: The Great Reset Fraud – Strategic Culture Foundation
Matthew Ehret
July 15, 2020

“Due to the pervasiveness of oligarchism, mass exploitation, wars and pollution have lain waste to ecosystems and countless human lives alike, and as the neo-liberal order continues to careen towards the inevitable breakdown of a 2 quadrillion dollar derivatives bubble which our un-repentant decades of decadence has caused, very serious choices will need to be made.

False Remedies to the Oncoming Meltdown

Many false solutions will be presented as society wakes up to the burning building it is trapped in, and unless our minds have become aware of those false solutions, (not to mention those arsonists managing this fire from the top), then many well-intentioned souls from all walks of life may sign onto their own death warrants and accidentally usher in a solution far worse than the disease they sought to remedy.”

Complete text: https://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2020/07/15/the-great-reset-fraud/

Voxi Pop
Voxi Pop
Sep 25, 2020 12:56 AM

Belgium Roars: No Medical Justification For Emergency Measures/
Crusader Fights FBI For Damming Epstein Records/
Biden Sputters On Corruption.Supreme Pick/
Space Force Deployed To Qatar/
The Great US Conservative Migration/
Stop Fawning On Military Generals

Peter Jennings
Peter Jennings
Sep 25, 2020 12:34 AM

It seems the gov’t is hell bent on closing those businesses that survived the first wave of gov’t mishap and mismanagement.
Or perhaps they are just hell bent.

The 10 o’clock bar was introduced during wartime. It seems the gov’t has entered a war state, this time on their citizens. Quite soon British businesses will be going for a song, probably into the hands of hedge funds and liquidators or alphabet soups.
From the Labour party mowing down their grassroots to the Tory party now mowing down theirs. It’s a topsy-turvey world run by the topsy -turvey, who don’t want a middle class.

Of course none of the new improved guidelines will impact the plans of gov’t stooges. For them it will be business as usual because the rules do not apply to our wannabe overlords. They have deemed that six people is a group free from harassment yet a seventh person constitutes a conspiracy to endanger grannie with a fate slightly worse than a common flu. A flu we see year after year.
For that eventuality, of having seven desperate criminals loitering and talking to each other, the full force of the state is needed to strike fear of gov’t into the hive mind.

No democratic gov’t worth their salt would implement such measures on their people and no democracy worth its salt would let such measures stand. This is no longer about a virus, that has been and gone, just like the flu.

Emily Tock
Emily Tock
Sep 25, 2020 7:36 AM
Reply to  Peter Jennings

Deathknell for some locally-owned pubs in Ireland? https://www.irishexaminer.com/business/companies/arid-40037132.html

Sep 25, 2020 12:09 PM
Reply to  Emily Tock

Wetherspoons is the equivalent of a supermarket. Their pubs have zero character. They are vast homogenised drinking dens selling discount alcohol to the masses and undermine the existence of a real local pub. They are ideal for the mask wearing dummies who sit at their tables eating cheap food and guzzling their cheap beer. Sadly this is the kind of operation which will embrace the “New Normal” and profit from it.

Peter Jennings
Peter Jennings
Sep 25, 2020 2:32 PM
Reply to  Grafter

Wetherspoons try to design in the character, whereas most pubs in Blighty have a natural character brought about over hundreds of years of use. In fact most of our traditional pubs are amongst the longest running businesses in the country. They survived wars and bombings. They survived decades of political mismanagement and fraud. Yet it seems they won’t survive this gov’t.

The present gov’t is frightened to death that the public will gather in bars and discuss the present mass fraud, the forfeit of rights, the introduction of martial law, and try to organise themselves. One cannot do that on social media for the obvious reasons.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Sep 25, 2020 3:42 PM
Reply to  Grafter

Actually the Wetherspoons where I live was a godsend to many pensioners, providing cheap food of a reasonable standard and warmth during cold days of winter. Say what you like, but it had nothing to do with face masks. It was about pragmatic targeting of an active elderly market.

Peter Jennings
Peter Jennings
Sep 26, 2020 11:15 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Fair comment.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Sep 25, 2020 3:41 PM
Reply to  Peter Jennings

It takes a special kind of psychopathy to be the party that both championed Entrepreneurship from 1980 to 2015 and now seeks to euthanase patients not in any disease state whatsoever.

Whitty, Vallance and Hancock should lose 100% of their assets and give it all over to all the SME owners they have bankrupted. The alternative should be firing squad….

Ewan Duffy
Ewan Duffy
Sep 25, 2020 8:17 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Firing squad is too good for them. Solitary isolation for life and no medical treatment for any illness.

Peter Jennings
Peter Jennings
Sep 25, 2020 11:06 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

They should never again be trusted with another public post anywhere, ever. That will place them back into their correct pigeon hole and they will have to work for a living. No more public purse, sitting around dreaming up gavage for the British public.

Everyone runs across a shyster when dealing with private companies, especially global ones, however there has never been so many employed in gov’t and they have never been sooo blatant.

The advice being given by gov’t is directly proportional to the capacity of that gov’t to extrapolate technical and scientific info and make decisions accordingly. Fill an office with pseudo-scientists and a politician wouldn’t know they were talking to a charlatan.

Maybe the Eton system is broken and they are now chucking out rejects that cannot tell a charlatan from a hole in the ground?

Sep 25, 2020 12:00 AM

In November the US oligarchs will have “proven” – thanks to a lot of cash going to wind up the population and their brain-dead whore politicians – that democracy is no longer a workable system. No doubt they plan for their cronies to take over instead of an elected “populist” president (populist means disobedient in this context).

I am wondering how long before the same oligarchs decide that it is time for the UK to be brought under control: were I a billionaire, I would consider the Johnson to be a pretty good crony, so may leave him in place. He is certainly trying to prove himself at the moment, 10/10 for effort.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Sep 25, 2020 3:44 PM
Reply to  aspnaz

And amazingly, many who hate democracy have bolt holes all over the world to hide in if the civil war actually arrives. You will not be seeing them standing up for their princples: they will be getting the hell out whilst the getting the hell out is still possible.

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Sep 24, 2020 11:23 PM

Last July in Charleston, S.C. Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) introduced a color coded system identifying daily COVID-19 alert levels in the Charleston area.
The four level system includes Code Green, Code Yellow, Code Orange, and Code Red.
comment image

Sep 25, 2020 9:40 AM

they did the same type of color system on the USA people before the Iraq afghanistan ILLEGAL invasion

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Sep 25, 2020 11:21 AM
Reply to  ame

Yes they certainly did to instigate fear in order to establish greater social control, ie. the Patriot Act.

Sep 24, 2020 11:22 PM

The Johnson is behaving like a cast sheep, spinning around in its own mess: kindly put it out of its misery.

Sep 24, 2020 11:14 PM

I wonder why John Lennon was shot dead…

Sep 25, 2020 6:40 AM
Reply to  RobG

Lennon was probably a faked death. Miles Mathis?

Sep 25, 2020 6:21 PM
Reply to  zdb

the disinfo shills are hard at work today. go take it up with “flaxgirl”.

Sep 25, 2020 9:38 PM
Reply to  THX-1143

who dat? and you would never consider him for a possible controlled opposition? you don’t think he sold drug culture ?

Dave Lawton
Dave Lawton
Sep 26, 2020 12:01 AM
Reply to  zdb

Mathis is full of woffle..He takes nine pages to explain how a battery light bulb circuit works and gets it wrong.

Sep 24, 2020 11:05 PM

Thanks for advertising the government directives by supposedly criticising them. Most round here might have missed them otherwise!

I read them it says this :
‘ For other indoor settings, employers should assess the use of face coverings on a case by case basis depending on the workplace environment, other appropriate mitigations they have put in place, and whether reasonable exemptions apply.’

And this :
‘ Those who have an age, health or disability reason for not wearing a face covering should not be routinely asked to give any written evidence of this, this includes exemption cards. No person needs to seek advice or request a letter from a medical professional about their reason for not wearing a face covering.’

And this :
‘ In the context of the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, a face covering is something which safely covers the nose and mouth. You can buy reusable or single-use face coverings. You may also use a scarf, bandana, religious garment or hand-made cloth covering but these must securely fit round the side of the face.’

lol “ religious garment ”

Bozo the clown goes from post boxes accusation of terrorist islamist clothing being evil to legitimising it in a genuine U Turn and no one is supposed to notice!

The triple whammy ;as I have long mentioned) is upon us. With Sir Keir, the able butler, being groomed for the GNU to follow the hard BrexShit that Bozo is given the chance to deliver. To get his seat at the table.

All seems to be on course especially with the supposed draconian Covid mask measures. Which clearly are not.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Sep 24, 2020 11:44 PM
Reply to  DunGroanin

So, coming from your position of shilling for the government fear porn narrative from day one, is suggesting I am ‘supposedly’ criticising this situation a little bit rich? Are you the equivalent of the boy at school who threw worms in people’s hair, only with you it’s revolting levels of hypocrisy? Kindly go flick your bogies and play with your brexit figurines somewhere else. And peace be with you 😉 A2

Sep 25, 2020 3:48 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

“Are you the equivalent of the boy at school who threw worms in people’s hair, only with you it’s revolting levels of hypocrisy? Kindly go flick your bogies and play with your brexit figurines somewhere else. And peace be with you,”

This is a great piece of writing, which surely reflects an experience spanning many decades. Honestly, very good.

I don’t recall throwing worms. But just about remember flicking bogeys.

Sep 25, 2020 8:28 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

You reveal yourselves to be so very very small, when you speak. Are you all just sad little Brexiters? His comment was very imformative, yo uhave not right insulting him. I hope you leave and he stays.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 25, 2020 10:27 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Yes indeed it’s s the greatest assault on the entire socio-economic and political system in our lifetime and Dunnie drones about Brexit and court cases and gives us the old throwing of tomatoes at the designated political clowns as if nothing is happening. If he was in Hiroshima while the bomb was falling he’d be complaining about the price of shampoo.

Sep 26, 2020 12:28 PM
Reply to  George Mc

The people in Hiroshima had NO IDEA of the type of bomb dropping in them you utter and complete sociopath – making light of mass murder and encouraging the faster spread of Covid so your bosses can do their dirty under camouflage – get your lilly livered unmasked face down to Trafalgar Square and hug and kiss as many as you can – post the photos – you are obviously not risking anything.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 26, 2020 4:55 PM
Reply to  DunGroanin

Ah so Hiroshima and COVID seamlessly merged. And I helped you do it!

Sep 25, 2020 11:12 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

I’m gonna take a guess and say Dun has a friend……

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 25, 2020 1:17 PM
Reply to  jamie

Or an alter ego.

Ewan Duffy
Ewan Duffy
Sep 25, 2020 8:18 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I think the term is sock puppet.

Sep 25, 2020 12:39 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Ah No 2,

Very kind of you to attend on me.

(Are you claiming to have written the piece or do I misunderstand?

I am NOT shilling for the government as any foole would ‘no – that’s YOUR job. As is your PROJECTION to divert from my clear quotation that the regulations are not as draconian as you make out.

Gird your loins No2 and prepare to do massive No2’s! As I have stated to one of your favourites here already and will reiterate as fair warning – I am calling time on your little Red-Brown village of fools and your Marcyists and your 77th little games. No peace – you just escalated this war to hot, you guys and girls – you started it – I will finish it.

Be seeing you 👌

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 25, 2020 1:20 PM
Reply to  DunGroanin

“you guys and girls”

The return of Jimmy Savile!

Sep 26, 2020 12:33 PM

What do you perceive as threats?
Your and the sites exposure?

Sam posted as Admin 2 not under his own name – sock puppetry for sure!
Why hasn’t he responded? And you have stepped in?

With Ad hominem by you as usual ‘post drunk’, ‘psychological disturbance’

Sep 25, 2020 6:19 PM
Reply to  DunGroanin


— the sure sign of a government disinfo operative.

Sep 26, 2020 12:37 PM
Reply to  THX-1143

How so? I am a free thinking individual posting my opinion and own researched links – as you would know if you followed my posts over the years – actual hordes of paid trolls it seems are encouraged to drive-by-shoot down votes in my direction as well as adhoms by the site mods amongst many other abusive name calling.

Sep 25, 2020 8:29 AM
Reply to  DunGroanin

Thanks, good comment. It did not warrant the weird admin comment.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 25, 2020 3:58 PM
Reply to  DunGroanin

You may also use a scarf, bandana, religious garment or hand-made cloth covering but these must securely fit round the side of the face.’

lol “ religious garment ”

Bozo the clown goes from post boxes accusation of terrorist islamist clothing being evil to legitimising it in a genuine U Turn and no one is supposed to notice!

Talk about homing in on the most miniscule irrelevancies and trying to blow them up into cataclysms!

Sep 25, 2020 9:40 PM
Reply to  DunGroanin

Are you expecting any due process from employers on any of these measures? And intelligent empathy towards employees.

Sep 26, 2020 12:44 PM
Reply to  zdb

Yes I am. It is early days.
The winter hasn’t started yet.
Flu will be restricted because of the measures.
We should have locked down pubs and restaurants when we opened schools.

Schools are open because Bozo the clown promised it to his BrexShitheads – but many are already empty as any positive test is sending hundreds of kids home to self isolate – but Bozo will keep saying they are open!

Bare faced lies by MSM and agit prop by Alt media – both working for the same ultimate boss – whether they like it or not.

Sep 24, 2020 10:49 PM

As stated on the previous thread, it’s all in the timing. It’s there in plain sight.

As the rise of Scientific Capitalism gathers pace, so too does the narrative holding the red herring firmly in place. The alleged ‘scientific behaviourists’ are hardly Freud. This is very basic classical conditioning thrown in a blender with it’s brother, operant conditioning.

There was a clue in the publication of the SAGE paper. That was within a day or two of announcing there was a pandemic.But, given the amount of contributors, it was clearly written weeks, possibly months before any pandemic was announced anywhere.

You can not predict a virus that has evolved naturally.You can only identify and announce it once it arrives.Think about it.How can anyone predict a virus is say 90% fully formed and picking up pace ? It’s impossible. Yet Gates and Fauci announced a pandemic would be here in 2020. They both said it in 2017, the same year Fauci’s ‘baby’ the NIH announced they were re-instating gain -of -function research so they could produce deadly viruses allowing man’s ‘intervention’.That’s like two burglars with long criminal records predicting that The White House would be burgled in 2019 and it happening and them being in the grounds. Would detectives really say there’s no reason to seek a warrant for their arrest ?

Let’s have a quick reminder of the high priests of Scientism so far. The Pope is Gates, Fauci is a Cardinal.Their emblem is the eagle. Just like the Roman fascists and the Nazi fascists. They just saw more room and potential in the new America.They moved in and they took control in 1933.

Gates sponsors many liars.Or, to be accurate, he donates very large amounts of money to reputable establishments and, in turn, they drop their pants and prostitute themselves.They readily allow themselves to do as they’re told for their sugar daddy freak child.The result is that Gates, on behalf of his back seat driver( his real sugar daddy) and the elite who drive DARPA and the CIA has cornered the market of every health organisation on the planet, all the big pharma boys and the world’s licensed Nazi poisoners, Monsanto.All food, water, medication, and agriculture ( and climate) are under their control.

The latest whores to dance for Bill are doctors. Forget ethical motivation.Forget any oaths they may have sworn once upon a time.They, for a fist full of dollars, will call anything ‘coronavirus’. They’ll lie on death certificates.They’ll block autopsies.They’ll prevent loved ones from saying private goodbyes to anyone they consider a statistic with the blanket answer ”they belong to the coroner now”. All this for money.

One of Gates interests is Glaxo Smith Kline.

Patrick Vallance, in the UK, is a ‘scientific adviser’ to the government.He’s the one pushing the SAGE rules and directing the public to jump through hoops and hide from a virus nobody can show us.

Vallance has £600,000 invested in Glaxo Smith Kline.

Ask yourself whose narrative he’ll push.And, come to think of it- where the f**k did he get that money to invest ?

September 22nd : Canada sign an agreement with GSK and Sanofi to buy 72 million vaccines.Not cheap either.Canada was the first country to roll over and beg every time Gates or Fauci said anything.This was stage one 2 days ago. Be ready for everyone else to sign the same agreement.But it needs to be sold as urgent first.

September 23rd : The second wave picks up and record deaths and positive tests are in the news.So the hard sell is beginning.

September 24th : Hancock announces the new track and trace app. he says everyone will benefit.Do we trust the word of this lying little toad ?

The brat was in his new job for weeks before being found out.He was the minister for digital and leisure ( yep- a real thing, honestly). Calling on his immense experience in software ( he worked for daddy’s company for years) he introduced an app. It was soon exposed as a surveillance app that stole everyone’s personal data.If we did that we’d be prosecuted. He was promoted.His background in software equipped him well for the position of health secretary.It’s as though his bosses had been told that software, technology and data were about to merge and become one with human health and wellbeing…

You can see it day by day. Problem, reaction, solution, as David Icke repeated frequently before the pond life had him silenced. If you want to enforce prohibitive measures on the people and invent draconian flavoured penalties, you’ll meet with resistance and possible anarchy.So, you’ll need a pretty watertight reason.Easy. Just say that the alternative is mass illness, mass death and a lost war fought against a pandemic.

Tell them the longer it goes on the more damage will be done to them, the economy and that unemployment will rocket.Have the chancellor deliver grave warnings( when’s the UK budget ?). We’ll have the ‘covid budget‘ and the’ covid laws‘.Covid is the new Austerity. They’ll get to enforce their vice-like grip on us as it will be a solution to soothe our troubled minds.See- not their fault( again).

The repetition of mantras trains the mind and numbs the will.The repetition of restricting movement trains the body to slow down.This triggers the brain to slow down too.It’s basic psychology.It’s a slowing down of the individual to make priming that individual easier. It will make the stubborn more malleable to extreme changes in their own life and the culture in which they have customs and social norms that have evolved over hundreds of years.

The most important mantra they want to drive home is ”the new normal”. It’s important to get everyone to say it and be fashionable by doing so. Make it ‘catchy’. It will disguise the darker intention, which is to allow a ‘new’ normal to be the normal. We can only have this if we kill the old normal.The customs and norms that have evolved over hundreds of years. The people will repeat and spread it and not give a thought of what the real new normal will entail.It will be a culture of obedience and fear of extreme penalties. A culture of Totalitarianism. An Oligarchy across the globe will organises the rest of the world by caste. Scientists will be of high caste; politicians jut beneath; menial workers below that; finally those who are too old, too ill or just unable to work, will be the pariah / outcast caste; the untouchables of the old Hindu formula

The individual will accept change even if refusing to embrace it. They’ll weigh it up. At the end of the day it’s the lesser of two evils; any rescue and release will do.And, let’s face it, no matter how comparatively small the less than 1% is in number, it makes no difference when the majority of the 99% were willing to unquestioningly build their own cells brick by brick.

Sep 25, 2020 12:19 AM
Reply to  JuraCallng

Excellent comment .

Eyes Open
Eyes Open
Sep 25, 2020 12:43 AM
Reply to  JuraCallng

‘Sugar daddy freak child’ 😂😂😂

Sep 25, 2020 2:39 AM
Reply to  JuraCallng

Hancocks are now bred to order.
Conspicuous hole in your research team?
…Your government?
…Your police department?
Fill it with a Hancock.

Honestly, it’s like watching three-year-olds playing with modelling clay…

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Sep 25, 2020 2:57 AM
Reply to  JuraCallng

Brilliant comment Jura. “The repetition of mantra’s trains the mind and numbs the will”… an initiation ritual, so eventually people won’t even think about the ‘new normal’ anymore. It becomes… the normal. Chilling.

Anthony Porter
Anthony Porter
Sep 25, 2020 5:55 AM
Reply to  JuraCallng

From your comment:
“You can not predict a virus that has evolved naturally.You can only identify and announce it once it arrives.Think about it.How can anyone predict a virus is say 90% fully formed and picking up pace ? It’s impossible. Yet Gates and Fauci announced a pandemic would be here in 2020. They both said it in 2017, the same year Fauci’s ‘baby’ the NIH announced they were re-instating gain -of -function research so they could produce deadly viruses allowing man’s ‘intervention’.That’s like two burglars with long criminal records predicting that The White House would be burgled in 2019 and it happening and them being in the grounds. Would detectives really say there’s no reason to seek a warrant for their arrest ?”
You’re right on the button there, as well as the rest of what you’ve covered. Really well put. All of it.
Yet I know for a fact that many, even most of the compliant, sleepwalking masked zombies have at least been told about most of what you’ve discussed there. They are aware of the lies being told, but still gleefully acquiesce to the dehumanizing, society destroying edicts and mandates. Many of them also know that these bizarre ‘mitigation measures’ will have only a minimal, if any effect on the spread of any virus, let alone covid-19, which most of the (masked) buffoons now realize is not the ‘deadly pandemic’ they want us all to live in fear of. They know it’s really nothing more than a slightly more severe strain of the seasonal flu. Yet they still obey without hesitation, without question.
Those useful idiots are the ones to blame for this and something needs be done about them. This huge flock of sheople all following in lockstep to their own demise, are the willing collaborators, who walk among us. Our true enemy. If they could only be stopped from obeying our unelected, deep state oppressors and voluntarily exchanging their freedom and civil rights for servitude to the evil tyranny that has already ruined our economy; and are continuing their planned wanton destruction of our way of life: the whole thing would just collapse within a few days.
Forget Bill Gates, Fauci, Deborah Birx, ‘Big pharma’, Trump, Soros, ‘the left’ and The Rockefellers, the WHO / UN, et al. All of them would be totally powerless to invoke any of their sick, humanity loathing RESET agenda, without the help of their huge army of our indoctrinated masked, fellow citizens. The collaborators, the ‘Karens’ who validate all of the ridiculous and divisive, anti-humanity mandates such as wearing face masks in public, ‘social distancing’, no large gatherings of people, etc., thus enable the whole agenda to proceed, by their voluntary compliance.
It’s them: the obedient masked zombies we’re fighting, or should be fighting. They are the actual enablers of this despicable scam and therefore, they are effectively our subjugators.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Sep 25, 2020 12:25 PM
Reply to  Anthony Porter

There’s nothing new about this. ‘Four legs good, two legs bad’, transmuting into ‘Four Legs good, two legs BETTER!’ The transition of biddable sheep since ancient times.

It was ever this…

Terry Edge
Terry Edge
Sep 25, 2020 6:06 PM
Reply to  Anthony Porter
  • GSK has worked regularly with the massive PR firm Burson Cohn & Wolfe. 
  • BC&W also represents the world’s largest flame retardant producers. 
  • GSK together with Imperial College set up the Engineered Medicines Laboratory in 2015. Imperial is currently trialling its new coronavirus vaccine. 
  • Imperial College also has a long history with BC&W.
  • Imperial’s fire science lab has played a major role in blocking changes to the UK’s furniture regulations which would lead to the removal of flame retardants in sofas and mattresses. 
  • Vallance is also Chair of the Grenfell Inquiry Scientific Advisory Group which at a meeting on 23 October 2019 (minutes here), recommended nothing much needs to be done about flame retardants where the fire is concerned, even the massive amounts that were burned in internal products.
  • Another member of SAGE, friend of Vallance and Chief Scientific Advisor to MHCLG is Professor Alan Penn. At a recent virtual conference about Grenfell toxicity, Penn answered my questions somewhat oddly by praising the effectiveness of flame retardants. When questioned about this by myself, firefighters, cancer research professionals and green industry representatives in follow up correspondence, he was unable to provide any proof for his claims and is now refusing to answer at all.
Sep 25, 2020 7:36 PM
Reply to  Anthony Porter

Thanks for that Anthony..I agree…the war for minds ha been going on for 100 years.They have upped the ante now , boosted by their new arms and power.There’s us and there’s them. The Grey are in the middle is no man’s land and the sheeple graze there asleep.They represent numbers- a majority.To us it’s support, to them it’s more supporting ‘data’.We can’t win this one.They have all the ‘cybercrack’ and other bells and whistles. It’s the sheeple’s ignorance that’s going to sink us.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Sep 25, 2020 12:24 PM
Reply to  JuraCallng

Vallance was paid in ‘share options’/shares when he was a senior Executive for GSK.

He didn’t need anything near £600k to buy those shares.

But he would certainly have been able to buy them over 5 years even if he hadn’t had the options. If he knew it was a no-risk bet….

Sep 25, 2020 7:44 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

The ultimate in inside information. They bought the horse, fixed the race and doped the opposition.And if they get reported it will be to themselves.Gotta love democracy..

Ewan Duffy
Ewan Duffy
Sep 25, 2020 8:24 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Agreed. My sister works for Intel (has done for over 20 years) and has a 6 figure value of shares in the company earned over the years, notwithstanding that she is staff – not even a manager. Someone at Vallance’s level would receive substantial stock over the years as part of his remuneration.

The fundamental issue is that he was not required to divest himself of all investments where a potential conflict of interest could arise.

Terry Edge
Terry Edge
Sep 25, 2020 6:06 PM
Reply to  JuraCallng

Sorry, I posted this reply to the wrong comment earlier:

  • GSK has worked regularly with the massive PR firm Burson Cohn & Wolfe. 
  • BC&W also represents the world’s largest flame retardant producers. 
  • GSK together with Imperial College set up the Engineered Medicines Laboratory in 2015. Imperial is currently trialling its new coronavirus vaccine. 
  • Imperial College also has a long history with BC&W.
  • Imperial’s fire science lab has played a major role in blocking changes to the UK’s furniture regulations which would lead to the removal of flame retardants in sofas and mattresses. 
  • Vallance is also Chair of the Grenfell Inquiry Scientific Advisory Group which at a meeting on 23 October 2019 (minutes here), recommended nothing much needs to be done about flame retardants where the fire is concerned, even the massive amounts that were burned in internal products.
  • Another member of SAGE, friend of Vallance and Chief Scientific Advisor to MHCLG is Professor Alan Penn. At a recent virtual conference about Grenfell toxicity, Penn answered my questions somewhat oddly by praising the effectiveness of flame retardants. When questioned about this by myself, firefighters, cancer research professionals and green industry representatives in follow up correspondence, he was unable to provide any proof for his claims and is now refusing to answer at all. Details of the Grenfell toxicity scientists here.
Terry Edge
Terry Edge
Sep 25, 2020 6:14 PM
Reply to  Terry Edge

More apologies! It’s necessary to read between the lines of the Grenfell SAG report. They’re saying that flame retardants will be looked at in accordance with what was recommended in Tier One but nothing about FRs was recommended in Tier One. Also their recommendation not to test inside contents is very significant, in that dioxins and other poisonous residues from the flame retardants that produced the majority of toxic fumes that killed people, from burning internal products like furniture, would be in those content remains. Vallance will be well aware of that. They also say they’ll go with Aecom’s advice on looking at FRs in Tier Two but Aecom has already indicated strongly that they do not think there’s any point in doing so. Aecom, by the way, was appointed by MHCLG to do the toxicity work on the Tower but this was not done via a tender as is required by government good practice. Then again, MHCLG is the chief department responsible in effect for causing the fire so they won’t want anyone independent looking at it.

Sep 25, 2020 7:47 PM
Reply to  Terry Edge

Good stuff Terry, thanks. He needs stringing up by his balls.So does Cummings.There’s as much chance of finding a pair on either as there is of finding a covid 19 virus.

Terry Edge
Terry Edge
Sep 26, 2020 11:21 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

It’s frustrating because no matter how exposed these people are, they just continue in place, supported and protected by the government. Another example is Sir Ken Knight. He’s been in the pay of the chemical industry for many years (allegedly). He was Pickle’s right hand man at DCLG; a fire service guy but hated by firefighters since he advised the government on making cuts to the service back in 2013. He also played a direct role in blocking changes to the furniture regulations, to preserve flame retardant profits. He signed off the cladding that went on Grenfell as “safe”. He was appointed Chair of the Grenfell Independent Experts panel. I wrote an 8-page document detailing his vested interests and sent it to the MHCLG minister but nothing was done. I also named Knight as corrupt in a select committee meeting last year. He went underground for a bit but I’ve just discovered that British Standards have put together a new committee of committees to handle all fire safety matters, including the furniture regulations and Grenfell, and guess who’s been appointed as Chair? You wonder how much this is just incompetence and how much is taking the piss; or probably a bit of both.

Sep 26, 2020 3:21 PM
Reply to  JuraCallng

Lifting the ban on gain-of-function research in 2017 was a sham. See what they were doing in 2015:

Sep 24, 2020 9:54 PM

There is nothing to be frightened of.
It kills fewer than the ‘flu.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 24, 2020 10:25 PM
Reply to  Einstein

It was never the virus that was scary.

Sep 24, 2020 11:10 PM
Reply to  Einstein

Because amongst other learned ways of dealing with serious flu patients there are mass yearly flu jabs.

There will be no Covid jabs for at least another year.

Your vapid comparison of Covid with the annual flu is a deliberate attempt to conflate the two.

Sep 24, 2020 11:33 PM
Reply to  DunGroanin

You still trying to defend your position that we should all be shit scared of this virus? I thought you were the sort who was flexible enough to accommodate new data, data demonstrating that it is about as harmless as the flu. Obviously not.

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Sep 24, 2020 11:41 PM
Reply to  DunGroanin

Still peddling your trite Big Pharma nonsense.

Sep 25, 2020 12:17 AM
Reply to  DunGroanin

Nope, they are similar in morbidity, mortality and contagion.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Sep 25, 2020 2:47 AM
Reply to  DunGroanin

One virologist interviewed on the radio did a quick back of the evelope calculation and figured that the death rate was about six times that from seasonal flu.

The biggest difference between the two is that Covid has a large incubation time where the infected person doesn’t feel ill but is capable of infecting others. It was this that spooked everyone at first.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 25, 2020 8:46 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

“did a quick back of the evelope calculation”

Well I’m convinced.
