The False Flag Poisoning of Alexei Navalny

Max Parry

Tuesday, Sept. 22, 2020: Navalny poses for a photo in a hospital in Berlin. (Navalny instagram via AP)

On August 20th, Russian opposition figure and self-styled “anti-corruption” activist Alexei Navalny fell seriously ill while in mid-flight from Tomsk, Siberia to the Russian capital. The Moscow-bound plane was abruptly re-routed to make an emergency landing in the Siberian city of Omsk where the anti-Kremlin politician was subsequently hospitalized for suspected poisoning and placed in a medically-induced coma.

Two days later, Navalny was airlifted to Germany in an evacuation arranged by a Berlin-based “human rights” NGO at the request of Pussy Riot spokesman Pyotr Verzilov. His transport on a medically-equipped plane with German specialists was permitted by the Russian authorities who now stand accused of culpability in the alleged attack, all in the midst of the ongoing pandemic.

While the Russian doctors in Omsk (who saved Navalny’s life) maintain they did not find any evidence of chemical weapons substances in his system, upon examination the German government quickly announced that its military lab had discovered “unequivocal evidence” Navalny was poisoned by a Soviet-era Novichok nerve agent and demanded an explanation from the Kremlin — without providing any of said evidence to Moscow or the public, of course.

Despite being the supposed victim of an extremely deadly military-grade nerve agent, three weeks later Navalny came out his comatose state and off ventilation, defiantly vowing a return to Russia. Was he ever tested for COVID-19? At this point it seems more likely than this propaganda stunt we are expected to believe.

It is unconvincing precisely because it follows a pattern of improbable events questionably attributed to the Kremlin. As many have noted, the incident strikingly resembles the alleged March 2018 poisoning in Salisbury, England of disgraced former Russian intelligence officer Sergei Skripal and his daughter, Yulia, visiting from Moscow which caused a similar diplomatic row.

Skripal, who had been a double agent for MI6 and served ten years imprisonment for high treason, was exiled to the UK after his sentence in a spy-swap between Russia and Britain in 2010. While residing in southern England, Skripal was reportedly in close contact with a security consultant who worked for the author of the salacious but fabricated dossier on US President Donald Trump’s alleged ties to Russia, former British intelligence agent Christopher Steele — and may have even been the source of its unverified contents.

Skripal and his daughter were discovered unconscious on a park bench, but were said to have been initially contaminated hours earlier by the extremely fast-acting substance applied to the door handle of his residence. Similarly, Alexei Navalny is said to have been contaminated by a water bottle in his hotel room, not in the tea he drank at the Tomsk Bogashevo airport cafe before boarding his flight as originally believed.

How is the elapsed time in both of these cases possible?

The toxin, in Navalny’s case, was also not discovered until examination in Germany, meaning a bottle laced with a chemical warfare agent was transported all the way to Berlin?

None of those who came to Navalny’s aid or treated him suffered any noxious effects, unlike the Skripals where multiple police officers at least showed minor symptoms. Still, both Navalny and the Skripals fully recovered from their supposed exposure to an extremely lethal toxin considered even more deadly than sarin or VX gas.

After their release from the hospital, the Skripals immediately went into hiding which has left the enormous questions surrounding the incident still unresolved two years later. However, the damage was already done as the UK government immediately blamed Moscow and more than 100 Russian diplomats were expelled by Britain and its Western allies.

Months later in June 2018, two British nationals were the victims of an accidental poisoning (one fatally) after they discovered a discarded but unopened perfume bottle containing the same poisonous agent. Then that September, Scotland Yard released CCTV footage of two Russian men alleged to be GRU military intelligence agents in Salisbury at the time of the attack.

However, no verifiable evidence was ever provided by the British government showing that the two were responsible, though it was conveniently claimed that the would-be culprits clumsily left vestiges of the fatal chemical agent in their hotel room.

So, not only is Russian intelligence incapable of carrying out successful assassinations, but carelessly unable to cover their tracks? The premise was already absurd enough but made even more fanciful by Britain’s refusal to comply with the Chemical Weapons Convention in providing Moscow with requested samples of the toxin which purportedly poisoned the treasonous ex-spook and his daughter. Thus far in the Navalny case, Germany is following the same script.

What a coincidence that the attack comes just as Nord Stream 2, the second line of the massive natural gas pipeline under construction from Russia to Germany opposed by the US and several NATO allies, is near completion.

Suddenly, the diplomatic fall-out has put the controversial project in limbo, with Chancellor Angela Merkel and the German government under pressure from Washington to withdraw from the project which would increase Russian influence on Europe’s energy infrastructure and rival the US’s costlier exports.

As pointed out by Die Linke’s Dietmar Bartsch, where were the calls to halt the purchase of Saudi oil imports after the grisly murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi? It is clear that the Anglo-Americans are simply desperate to halt the resurgence of Moscow on the international stage, threatening their German counterparts with sanctions as the final sections of the pipeline conveying Russian gas across the Baltic Sea is being constructed.

The attack on Navalny could not occur at a more auspicious time for the Atlanticists and a worse time for Moscow.

The notion that Russian President Vladimir Putin would try to assassinate an opposition figure who holds a minuscule 2% support amongst the population, far behind other opponents nonexistent to Western media, but the one who just so happens to be favored by Washington, is contrary to any reason or common sense.

Not to mention, at the exact moment it would jeopardize a project essential to Russia’s economic growth and frugality, as the pipeline would link Moscow with Western Europe bypassing neighboring transit countries such as the Ukraine (also opposed to Nord Stream 2) which have costly transit fees.

Is it really the Russian government who stands to massively benefit from this fiasco?

The answer to “cui bono?” could not be more clear: US, Saudi and Emirati oil and gas interests, not the Kremlin. Russia was also recently the first nation to develop a COVID-19 vaccine candidate with its Sputnik V registered in August, an international competition that has been heavily politicized by Washington which is eager to cast aspersions on Moscow’s accomplishment.

Meanwhile, Germany is also the one Western European country where Washington’s anti-Russian propaganda is falling flat, as recent polls consistently show that the vast majority of Germans don’t see Russia as a threat, likely a result of their high rate of media literacy.

Despite Navalny’s recovery, there are already calls to legislate a ‘Navalny Act’ as a follow-up to the Magnitsky Act, a bipartisan bill previously passed by the US House of Representatives in 2012 under the Obama Administration. The Magnitsky act sanctioned Russian officials accused of being responsible for the 2009 death of Sergei Magnitsky, an unscrupulous Russian tax lawyer who helped dodgy international financiers like the US-born British tycoon William Browder commit massive tax evasion in Russia.

Magnitsky died under mysterious circumstances while in custody awaiting trial for facilitating Browder’s skullduggery and suffering from poor health, with the Russian prison officials first accused of depriving him of medical treatment and then allegedly beating and torturing him to death.

The fascinating 2016 documentary The Magnitsky Act: Behind the Scenes explores the case from the perspective of Westernized Putin critic and filmmaker Andrei Nekrasov, who through the course of his investigation unexpectedly discovers that the mainstream media narrative of Magnitsky’s death was a fiction concocted by Browder. Suddenly, Nekrasov’s entire perspective on Russia comes into question and the film takes on a metanarrative of the nature of propaganda itself.

What we are being told about Navalny is likely another fairy tale like the implausible story forged by Mr. Browder about the death of the auditor he hired to enrich himself exploiting Russia’s tax loopholes. Incredibly, the American-born investor is the grandson of Earl Browder, the leader of the Communist Party USA during its heyday until his expulsion at the end of World War II.

When the wartime US-Soviet alliance fell apart and the Cold War began, the elder Browder proved more loyal to American imperialism than the communist movement and presided over the liquidation of the CPUSA until it was reestablished with his dismissal as General Secretary. Having grown up in a Russian-speaking family, decades later his grandson decided to cash in on the collapse of the former Soviet Union through various investment ventures as manager of the hedge fund Hermitage Capital Management.

When Putin succeeded Boris Yeltsin and numerous oligarchs went into exile or landed themselves in prison, Bill Browder was forced to flee the country after defrauding the Russian government of millions with the help of the late Mr Magnitsky.

One of those banished oligarchs, billionaire media tycoon Boris Berezovsky, also died under dubious circumstances in the UK when he was found hanging in his apartment bathroom in Berkshire, England in 2013. Like Magnitsky, Putin and the Russian government were suspected of involvement in Berezovsky’s death by the media without a shred of evidence, even though his suspicious purported “suicide” actually came shortly after expressing a written willingness to return to Russia and reconcile with Putin — which almost certainly would have been a stroke of good luck for Russian counter-intelligence and a threat to the West, not the Kremlin.

Berezovsky had been close with a former agent of the Federal Security Service (FSB, the KGB’s successor), Alexander Litvinenko, a defector renowned for claiming he had been ordered by Putin to assassinate Berezovsky and subsequently lived in the UK as a consultant for British intelligence until his own polonium poisoning in 2006, the first of a series of episodes framing Moscow. Consistently, however, in every one of these cases it is never the Kremlin which stands to gain.

There is a reason Putin consistently polls over 70% in favorability with the Russian people and that is his directing the country away from Western domination under the ruinous neoliberal economic policies of his corrupt and inebriated predecessor Boris Yeltsin. Yeltsin’s administration auctioned off the former state-owned assets to foreign investors such as Browder and oligarchs like Berezovsky.

Meanwhile, Navalny has a level of support well under 5%, with recent polls placing him behind the Communist Party’s Pavel Grudinin and the ultra-nationalist Vladimir Zhirinovsky. While Navalny’s own rhetoric has shifted over the years, he has controversially maintained his own cozy relationship with ethnic nationalists who make up a significant amount of his right-wing populist base, even co-organizing annual marches dominated by racist skinheads.

Navalny infamously coined the slogan “Stop Feeding the Caucasus!” advocated by xenophobic nationalists calling for the defunding and secession of the Muslim-majority North Caucasus from Russia, while making frequent Islamophobic statements and stoking anti-immigrant sentiments against Central Asians.

You would never know this reading Western media who have completely sanitized Navalny’s politics (if they ever address them at all), while they remain obsessed with the perceived ingratiation between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin even though the former’s politics have far more in common with Navalny than the Russian President. Given the US support for far right nationalists in the 2014 anti-Russian coup d’etat in Ukraine, Washington has no qualms about backing fascists to undermine Moscow.

In 1831, Russia’s most famous and revered poet, Alexander Pushkin, composed To the Slanderers of Russia, a patriotic ode in response to members of the French parliament who were advocating for a military intervention to assist the Polish uprising against the Russian Empire. Pushkin asserted that the Polish uprising was an inter-slavic “ancient, domestic dispute”, while the Poles considered it an issue of national independence which their European allies were eager to exploit against Moscow.

For the great Russian writer, the Polish alliance with the tyrant and invader Napoleon was unforgivable. He also reportedly communicated to General Alexander von Benckendorff, the chief of the Tsarist secret police assigned to censor and surveil him, that the Europeans were still bitter over the failed French invasion of Russia in 1812 and had not yet attacked with weapons but were doing so with “daily mad slander.”

Fast forward nearly 200 years later and little has changed in Russia-West relations.

The only thing that has arguably transformed is Russia’s standing on the world stage following the collapse of the Russian Empire in 1917 and the Soviet Union almost 75 years later, the latter of which was masterminded by a Polish-born National Security Advisor, Zbigniew Brzezinski, whose Russophobic worldview was a product of the deep-seated “ancient, domestic dispute” Pushkin wrote of a century earlier.

Contrary to the Western portrayal of the resurgence of Moscow in the new millennia under Vladimir Putin as neo-tsarist expansionism, post-Soviet Russia is actually a relatively weak capitalist state that has found itself a target of regime change by the West which seeks the colonization and balkanization of Eastern Europe.

The US invasion of Iraq in 2003 caused a spike in oil prices that generated huge profits for Chevron and ExxonMobil, but also had the unintended consequence of benefiting Russia’s state-run oil industry just as Putin was re-nationalizing its energy assets and banishing financial criminals like Browder and Berezovsky.

While its strength and influence has certainly been restored, its foreign investments remain low even in the Ukraine where Moscow has been accused of territorial expansion with the so-called “annexation” of Crimea, where the mostly Russian-speaking eastern Ukrainian population actually voted to join its neighbor in a referendum.

Russia may no longer be an empire (or communist), but yet it remains in the crosshairs of Western imperialism, whose political leaders and subservient corporate media are still conducting the “mad slander” that Pushkin opined.

Max Parry is an independent journalist and geopolitical analyst. His writing has appeared widely in alternative media. Max may be reached at maxrparry@live.com


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Sep 29, 2020 3:43 PM

The Russians will not return his clothes unless Berlin gives a complete disclosure of what they “found”. Its all Nordstream 2 rubbish.

Rick Giombetti
Rick Giombetti
Sep 28, 2020 3:26 AM

Of course, this a false flag for Washington to use to pressure Berlin to cancel Nordstream 2. The fact that Nordstream 2, an agreement between parties who have nothing to do with Navalny, is being made an issue is enough for me to conclude the whole thing is staged.

Sep 28, 2020 10:33 PM
Reply to  Rick Giombetti

Hard to see Pompeo not all over this like the dirty shirt he is .LOL.We lied we cheated and we stole.

Sep 27, 2020 11:00 PM

As we know the Russians made the anticovid vaccine which proved to have serious side effects in 50 % of the cases, after being tested on 2 subjects: Putin’s daughter and Navalny.😉

Sep 27, 2020 11:04 AM

To introduce a light-hearted comment, I watched BBC’s Casualty last night in which they had an emergency where three patients were brought in with suspected nerve agent poisoning and they had to lock down the hospital whilst investigations were carried out, and with all the little resulting in-house dramas. One of the paramedic characters in the series is ‘Russian’ ( a case of ‘cultural appropriation’ by an Israeli actor, Uriel Emil?). As soon as it was declared to be a nerve agent emergency he retorted “I suppose the Russians did this as well!”

(It turned out to be a personal revenge attack with an organophosphate pesticide.)

Jan 31, 2021 10:55 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

It’s no more ‘cultural appropriation’ than Laurence Olivier playing a Danish Prince! Uriel is a fine actor. And all this identity nonsense has no place in art. (I’m Russian by the way).

Feb 1, 2021 12:34 AM
Reply to  Eric

Thanks, Eric. Yes I agree with you entirely. I was being facetious in making that remark as it highlights the hypocrisy in Western society that ‘cultural appropriation’ is forbidden when it relates to certain ethnic or racial groups but not others. The concept of ‘cultural appropriation’ in most contexts is a complete mystery to me! I say ‘most’ as there may well be circumstances where it is genuinely something to be deplored but I would be hard pushed to come up with an example.

Eric Blair
Eric Blair
Sep 27, 2020 2:01 AM

Yep…Novichok, the super lethal one-drop-is-all-it-takes poison that never kills anybody. So “Putin” can supposedly manipulate elections from afar and brainwash millions with subversive Facebook ads but he can’t get his spies to arrange a proper assassination? Hmm…me thinks somebody’s been telling porkies.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Sep 26, 2020 10:24 PM

It is straining credibility somewhat — the idea that a state entity should poison someone with a deadly nerve agent, fail to actually kill them and then leave traces around for a week or two to be found as evidence.

Judging by the events following this incident it looks like its really connected with geopolitics — probably Nord Stream 2 which for some unaccountable reason seems to have attracted much more attention than you’d expect for a simple gas pipeline. The doctors at Omsk found that Navalny had dangerously low blood sugar (suggestive of a diabetic coma induced by an overdose of insulin) and found no traces of a nerve agent. We in the West contradict this by implying that all doctors in Russia are corrupt, incompetent or under the thumb of the Kremlin (which in turn implies that the Kremlin, that all seeing, all knowing, all capable font of malevolance, is incapable of carrying out a simple assassination).

This obviously has echoes of Salisbury, a scenario that might have passed muster except for a couple of details, one being that the pair were discovered by someone who was practically the only person in the UK who had hands on experience of this kind of nerve agent. The other was that the agent is both non-lethal get sufficiently lethal and persistent that it required quiet a bit of theater to manage the scene. Anyone who’s got a basic understanding of chemistry and has read accounts of WW1 gas attacks would know that this just doesn’t add up but it was enough to get the press up and running, the politicans fired up, sanctions in place and so on.

Anyway, in our Alice in Wonderland world scenarios are adjusted to fit the narrative, not the other way around, so why would anyone be surprised?

Sep 26, 2020 3:38 PM

while I will not argue the main thesis of your analysis- with strong pro Russia bias- I will just call an attention to one of your arguments; Western envy to peddle Putin plot to poison Nalany – because Russia was the first country to come up with Covid vaccine.

As science has it- there is no way to come up with a safe vaccine unless it has been on trial for several years. I am not anti- vaccine, but anyone who allows to be injected with stuff heralded as “safe and effective” after a few months trial must be either brainless or desperate- or both. Regardless of which country came up with a ” breakthrough”

Sep 26, 2020 5:50 AM

Sorry, was drunk. Good that you didn’t publish this.

Sep 26, 2020 3:42 AM

This sort of thing might have some credibility if different targets had been chosen, like the Chechen terrorists given sanctuary in western countries. They have a great deal of blood on their hands, including that of many children. It would be understandable if they were targeted.

Even the use of a biological weapon is not entirely implausible. The Chosen Folk regularly use nerve agents and poisons to murder their victims. Yasser Arafat, and similar well documented escapades in Jordan and UAE. Then there was the poisoning murder of Hugo Chavez. Probably many others that have passed unnoticed.

But targeting pathetic nonentities like Litvinenko, Skripal, Navalny and the like makes little sense. They aren”t worth the cost of the air fare. They are obvious expendable sacrificial pawns, stooges who have outlived their usefulness to their western intelligence handlers, but still retaining some value as grisly props in their latest theatrical production..

But using WMD to take out targets makes even less sense. There are countless more suitable poisons to choose from. The Borgias found that cantarella was perfectly adequate for their purposes. They certainly wouldn’t have risked poisoning themselves and half of Italy with novichok, and could have taught the KGB a thing or two. Or if that’s a bit old hat, there are plenty of more modern standbys like thalium.

David Macilwain
David Macilwain
Sep 26, 2020 12:50 AM

Good overview Max, and perspective on Russian background that is invaluable. The strange circumstances of Navalny’s “poisoning” were of special interest to me in Australia because of their strange coincidence with the screening, on four consecutive nights, of “The Salisbury Poisonings”. As I explain in this look at the Navalny hoax:

I wrote a letter of “warning” to SBS in advance of the screening, before hearing the news of Navalny’s unexpected illness, the news of which then coincided nicely with the revival of the Novichok tale in the minds of the partly locked-down and mostly dumped down populace. But the significance of this was really that it exposes the whole fraud to far more serious criticism because it is so f**ing obvious that stopping the Nordstream was the main object of the stunt, and that the claim of Novichok was transparently false and quite impossible.
It is the subscription to the lie by other European leaders and NATO heads that is the most worrying aspect, and the most incriminating. Will they really be satisfied with just cyber-war?

Max Parry
Max Parry
Sep 27, 2020 1:11 AM

Thanks David! I usually read your stuff over at American Herald Tribune but I actually missed this one.

Sep 25, 2020 11:21 PM

CCTV footage is not physical evidence.
Deepfakes, “Movie Magic”, etc.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Sep 27, 2020 3:28 PM
Reply to  Igor

For some months now, since the $250m development of video tech for a recent Star Wars sequel, there is available to all (for a few bucks) the option to “Photoshop” any video, and legal experts suggest that soon no live footage will be acceptable as evidence in courts.

Sep 25, 2020 10:17 PM

Still waiting in vain for Russians to start dying like flies in the contaminated towns of Tomsk and Omsk
No decontamination efforts or testing, no one flocking to the A&E departments , no mass rallies of Russians demanding the towns to be closed down, swabbed and cleansed
No photos from the germans of Hazmatted efforts to protect the hospital workers or visitors to Navalny’s bedside, no emergency vehicles scrapped and buried, no disruption to normal service
Were the Russian visitors given covid tests and quarantined ?
Did anyone even ask about this?

Sep 26, 2020 10:38 AM
Reply to  Francesca

Let’s see some lethal “Novichok” first. And let’s hear what Skripal and his daughter have to say.

Sep 25, 2020 10:02 PM

Amongst the many puzzling aspects of the Navalny’s poisoning there’s one that stands out.

As the N’s friends in Tomsk learnt about the emergency landing, their boss in agony, they invaded the hotel room to collect anything of any ‘value’ (that’s according to one of the raiders and also Ms. Pevchikh in a BBC interview – discarded wrappers, pieces of paper, empty plastic cups, towels and also three bottles of water, one of which found its way to Germany where a German lab found traces of Novichok not in but on the bottle.

This is what puzzles then. How did the friends of N know that it was one of the bottles that was polluted with the nerve agent on the outside, how did they know which of the three bottles it was? How they and Ms Pevchikh avoided getting themselves polluted by the nerve agent.

A rather clumsily designed false flag op, but for the MSM scribblers that’s good enough.

How low has the West sunk.

Emily Durron
Emily Durron
Sep 25, 2020 9:15 PM

Not to mention, at the exact moment it would jeopardize a project essential to Russia’s economic growth and frugality,

NordStream2 is in no way essential to Russia’s economic growth.

That kind of nonsense is like saying “HS2 is essential to Britain’s economic growth”.

Sep 25, 2020 11:24 PM
Reply to  Emily Durron

More essential to Germany’s independence from ZIONATO’s energy sources.

Sep 25, 2020 9:06 PM

Did anybody bother reading this stuff past the first couple of lines?

Sep 25, 2020 9:45 PM
Reply to  richard


Sep 26, 2020 6:18 AM
Reply to  richard

If this single sentence is all the argument you can furnish to the debate, richard, you shouldn’t have bothered.

Sep 26, 2020 2:01 PM
Reply to  richard

Yes and I’m reading it through again because I want to fortify my thought against the constant barrage of lies that we in the West are subjected to.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Sep 27, 2020 3:47 PM
Reply to  Avery

“…reading it again…I want to fortify my thought against the constant barrage of lies…”

That kind of discipline and alertness is for me a key aspect. As often and early as I suspect M$M reporting, it’s key to my overall health that I read all these kinds of things to defend against that relentless barrage. As much now as I catch, I still benefit immensely, as any inquirer would, by reading about all the “ploys” –twice– that they are trying to slip past us.

Each and every one helps toward the overall integrity of our stance(s).

And thanks for pointing out one the go-to tricks of Intel, shooing and shaming readers away — from an adequate digestion of warnings.

Like waving of one’s hand against flies on food. Hoping we’ll all head to the sticky webs.

Michael McNulty
Michael McNulty
Sep 25, 2020 8:26 PM

This western anti-Russia hysteria is developing Nazi undertones. It’s getting dangerous.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Sep 27, 2020 3:57 PM

The Nazi “tones” (not so “under-“) have just been all along underground unabated, not so much developing.

They are dauntingly developed enough, in “secrecy” while the West slept, comfortable with its consumer goods.

They only show themselves now, more and more, to test how much and how “well” the Public has been programmed to accept them, or model them, as the “new” coool.

May I say that dauntedness is not an option?

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Sep 25, 2020 6:20 PM

Novichok sucks… as a highly deadly poison!

But as a beauty cream and weight loss treatment… it’s AWESOME.

comment image

Sep 26, 2020 7:36 AM
Reply to  Voz 0db

Also available as a spray on perfume?

John Ervin
John Ervin
Sep 27, 2020 4:07 PM
Reply to  Voz 0db

“Just Believe” — so, like so many other beauty cremes, it’s faith-based.

Sep 25, 2020 6:08 PM

The demonisation of Russia after the oligarchs were expelled or jailed by Putin has to be one of the greatest tragedies of the 21st century. Everything was Russia Russia Russia (in a good way), crazy Russians, beautiful Russians, business booming, then Russia Bad, Bad, Bad, in the most clumsy and obvious propaganda barrages that could be imagined.
It seems that every time Russia wishes to be welcomed to the West, Something Happens.
In this recent history, first the looting, then the attacks after the till was cleaned out.

Peter Jennings
Peter Jennings
Sep 25, 2020 5:32 PM

Can there be minor symptoms of a highly deadly chemical warfare agent? IMO, those police officers who were affected obviously had something else dropped into their tea at breaks.

The bullshit coming from the German admin is the same bullshit put about by the British admin and shows very well that both admin are having their strings pulled for them. These strings are being pulled not for the benefit or safety of the public but to satisfy a narrative for more aggressive warmongering. Deemed a crime at Nuremberg, but now largely forgotten.

When the German people, and the people of europe in general, find out that their planet isn’t warming but cooling, they are going to want relatively cheap gas from where ever they can get it.
The US admin promise all this expensive gas for europe yet have little to no infrastructure to deliver such promises. When/if they do, the gas price will be a lot higher. They call it leverage. The US will just use europeans as cash cows to help pay off their massive debt.

Sep 25, 2020 5:18 PM

I think Navalny may have been poisoned by herbal tea containing ackee fruit, (Blighia sapida). It can cause fatal hypoglycemia.

“The unripened or inedible portions of the fruit contain the toxin hypoglycin A and hypoglycin B, known as “soapberry toxins”.”
“Minimal quantities of the toxin are found in the ripe arils. In the unripe fruit, depending on the season and exposure to the sun, the concentrations may be up to 10 – 100 times greater.”

“Tea prepared from the leaves is beneficial in curing respiratory ailment like Asthma. Its fruit is also used for the treatment of Cold, Nasal Blockage, and Influenza. Ackee is a good herbal treatment for curing Eye related ailments like Conjunctivitis, leading to irritation and redness in the Eye.”

The leaves are good but the unripe fruit can kill you.
Think about it, Navalny was seeing an eye doctor and may have feared the covid. He did not eat anything, just drunk some herbal tea that he thought would be good for him. It may even have been an accident.

Sep 26, 2020 11:21 AM
Reply to  RON

Comments like this may soon be illegal under an Unauthorised Medical Advice Act.

Sep 27, 2020 1:54 PM
Reply to  RON

Well, and this is to the reply below mostly, it certainly awaken me to be careful when “prescribed” a natural cure to some illness… Thanks…

John Ervin
John Ervin
Sep 27, 2020 4:20 PM
Reply to  RON

Why not just fabricate a credible double for Navalny, as the CIA has been doing for decades?

See: the Oswald double “doppelganger” recent book (apologies for the Amazon link, I use it for the enlargement option for the book cover):


el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Sep 25, 2020 5:04 PM

Why do our Overlords, the Parasite Class, and their political gofers bother with this nonsense? After the Skripal “incident,” are there a majority of morons in the western hoi polloi who won’t scoff at it? If not, one can only assume that they make this crap up to insult and irritate those of us with IQ’s over 70, as opposed simply to proceed with their prearranged agenda such as trying to cancel the second northern gas pipeline and planting more troops on Russia’s doorstep.

Sep 25, 2020 4:41 PM

At some point the EU needs to say no more.

Sep 25, 2020 4:39 PM

video link does not work.

Sep 25, 2020 4:19 PM

I’ve cancelled my order for some Novichok- it doesn’t work!

Sep 25, 2020 4:31 PM
Reply to  Davem

Only if you snort it

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Sep 25, 2020 10:52 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

snorting it is just like snorting Chinese glue!

S Cooper
S Cooper
Sep 25, 2020 4:04 PM

It would appear the war racketeer corporate fascist game plan (strategy) is to pick a corrupt nonsensical clown and make them appear viable. It was through ‘the luck of the draw’ they came up with this joker. How pathetic.

Sep 25, 2020 3:30 PM

More bullshit to feed the bread and circuses for the (perpetrator owned) media to sell to normies for them to debate and keep in a fearful state of mind.
A load of crap.
How do you know Navalny is fake? He’s alive.

Sep 25, 2020 3:30 PM

‘Western Imperialists’? Come on, this ancient Marxist terminology no longer persuades. Russia and Putin are very obviously being demonised by progressive or globalist politicians and pundits. Evil Orange Man Bad is merely Putin’s puppet, remember? Clever Russians made dumb western voters choose Trump and Brexit? Sure thing. By contrast, what some critics of the left speculate is that internationalists and globalists fear white Christian Russia could form a new alliance with white Christian Trump that will rekindle populism and nationalism, rewrite global geo-politics, wreck plans to neuter the world’s greatest free democracy, and so prevent the rise of their precious, authoritarian NWO. It is leftists who are raising the false flag against Russia, no longer communist nor imperialist, so distracting us (intentionally or not) from the real threats today: militant Islamism and Chinese communism, two forms of violent supremacism being assisted and ushered in by ‘progressive’ western elites. Now that argument makes sense to me.


Sep 25, 2020 3:14 PM

“A bipartisan bill was introduced on Thursday by Senators Chris Coons (D-Del.), Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), Ben Cardin (D-Md.), Mitt Romney (R-Utah), and Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) with the aim of punishing Russian officials “complicit in brazen violations of international law.”

Pre-planned, pre-authorized. All they needed was a faux poisoning.

Let’s examine where this is headed.

As tensions between Russia, China and the US escalate over staged events such as the faux poisoning, faux Russiagate, the faux virus, faux election meddling, the faux Democratic and Republican enmity, a faux impeachment and the faux divisions in the intelligence community, where does this all lead?

To a seemingly more fragmented and chaotic world. A world on the brink, where a war has been orchestrated and planned, to hide the financial crimes of the cryptocracy, to depopulate, destroy, starve and terrify.

Watch carefully for more staged events in the months to come. This agenda is psychopathic and monstrous.

Sep 25, 2020 2:59 PM

I’m taking this vial of Novichok that I bought back to the shop. The stuff clearly doesn’t work. It’s meant to be lethal, for God’s sake!

Now, where did I put that receipt…

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Sep 25, 2020 2:50 PM

Great article thanks for it . Like an episode of Spy versus Spy from the old Mad Magazine. The outrageous plots and killings ramp up as the the various international security forces find new ways to exploit the Information Age for their masters. Brits should remember that Churchill began his career as a “Journalist” whitewashing war crimes in South Africa circa 1900.

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
Sep 25, 2020 2:33 PM

If the completely amoral, lawless and psychopathic nature of Western oligarchy isn’t apparent to citizens of the West by now – one doubts the chances of any such awakening ever taking place.

We now live in a world where endless false-flag propaganda pseudo-events ordered and orchestrated by Western elites are simply “explained” to the general populations by the latest variations and mutations of what is essentially the completely absurd – yet tried and true – “magic bullet” fairy tale version of reality.

Sep 25, 2020 2:56 PM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz

one doubts the chances of any such awakening ever taking place.

It won’t. I had a disheartening experience last night with a close relative who has become enraged because I won’t support Biden/Harris with sufficient enthusiasm (this relative is becoming dimly aware that I don’t support the ticket at all). I was not trying to convince, careful to respect this person’s right to vote their conscience, but I was not backing down either on what I believe (although only the simplest expressions thereof). It’s clear that the inconsistencies, obvious absurdities are taken at face value, never questioned, and if you question any of it in anyway that evinces disloyalty to tribal causes, you are a monster.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Sep 25, 2020 3:20 PM

By any chance has your relative started to entreat you to wear, at all times, the Official Groper Joe Face Diaper yet?


Sep 25, 2020 3:27 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

To their credit, they have listened patiently over the last month or two as I occasionally — briefly and cautiously — have expressed my concern about the obvious covid psy-op. It was only last night out of exasperation that they stood ground on their own position, “pEoPLE aRE dYINg!”

Sep 25, 2020 5:25 PM

Oh man, I feel for you. So many of my family members, who are my best friends, seem to believe that we will all be immortal (and that they will look/feel like superman forever) as long as we are not exposed to Covid. Since people aren’t dying as much now, they are saying “Serious life altering long term effects! There are people who still experience brain fog 4 months after Covid!” My sister lost hearing from a bad cold a few years ago. I tried to get Obama to close down the country and mandate everyone to wear masks so nobody suffered this serious long term side effect ever again, but people weren’t compassionate back in ’15.

Sep 25, 2020 8:43 PM

To quote Greta Thunberg:”Ecosystems are collapsing, people are dying!”
And The Offspring:”The more you suffer, the more it show you really care.”

Sep 26, 2020 1:24 AM
Reply to  Mishko

Is Greta suffering?

Sep 27, 2020 4:08 PM

how dare u, how dare u

Sep 27, 2020 4:08 PM
Reply to  theobalt

nah she seems fine

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
Sep 25, 2020 3:20 PM

I can’t speak for other places, but here in America even the remote possibility of some accidental chance encounter with “reality” is studiously avoided at all costs by the vast majority of the citizenry. So much easier to simply let the well groomed, polished talking-head multi-millionaires from MSM tell one what to think, how to vote, and who today’s “two minutes hate” should be directed toward.

The best educated and most “liberal” young professional class now considers themselves “woke” because they obsessively attempt to remember to use the “preferred gender pronoun” while interacting with the checkout person at their high-end organic food store – while somehow and quite miraculously simultaneously managing to avoid any and all conscious awareness that LGBTQ people of color about the planet are being bombed, droned, tortured, starved and brutalized daily – all with their tax dollars and in their name with the full support of the political party they proudly swear allegiance to.

Experience has shown me that simply pointing out this rather clear incongruity will result in complete cognitive and emotional melt-down in such “enlightened” and sensitive souls – so divorced from the realities of planet earth are they at this point.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Sep 25, 2020 3:28 PM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz
Sep 25, 2020 3:30 PM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz

Another incongruity in a long list is how defunding the police is going to miraculously create better outcomes. A void in law enforcement is going to work out well in crime-ridden impoverished communities. It’s going to work out even better when the chaos becomes disruptive enough to justify a centralized, Federalized police force that is even less accountable to the populace than the local police forces are.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Sep 25, 2020 4:30 PM

Whether one cares to acknowledge it or not, they (the corporate fascists) have already ‘federalized’ the gestapo and filled it with psychotic ‘alumni’ of all their ‘overseas’ adventures. Of course some call it ‘militarization.’ That is part of the problem. Some jobs program, eh?

“I can hire one half of the working class to kill the other half.”

~ Jay Gould (ascribed)

Sep 25, 2020 9:52 PM

No, the police should be abolished forthwith, if not sooner.
The police are clearly the cause of all the crime.
This will cease immediately as soon as they are defunded.
And the duty social worker and the mayor/ governor are perfectly capable of dealing with the next school shooting between them.
They could take it in turns.

Sep 26, 2020 1:32 AM
Reply to  paul

So we’re going to replace police forces with “community support”. My understanding of social workers is that the police are called at the first time of serious trouble. What happens when seriously underfunded police forces are overwhelmed by the failures of kind/compassionate/caring(TM) counseling approaches?

Sep 25, 2020 9:10 PM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz

“ I can’t speak for other places, but here in America even the remote possibility of some accidental chance encounter with “reality” is studiously avoided ”🤣

Sep 25, 2020 3:33 PM

Try wearing a Trump hat to find out how many people fear evil monsters

Sep 25, 2020 11:32 PM

Hey, 20+ US military Generals support the pedo sniffing, near brain dead candidate.
Good enough for them.
Elections are a sham.
The real rulers/owners never change.

Sep 25, 2020 3:31 PM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz

Western. Lol. Normie term.
The oligarchy are truly international. Perhaps only having national allegiance to Israel.

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
Sep 25, 2020 4:22 PM
Reply to  ZenPriest

Right. The “oligarchy” in Namibia, Nicaragua, Malaysia and rest of the poorest 95% of planet earth certainly must be right there at the helm – all jointly controlling planetary false-flag and propaganda operations along with all the endless wars and military operations that invariably somehow manage to magcially benefit “western” corporate and political interests – “oligarchy” being “truly international” and all. A rather laughable notion indeed.

Mark Millward
Mark Millward
Sep 25, 2020 5:01 PM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz

How many nations signed up to Agenda2030? There is your proof that the oligarchy is truly international. “Its a big club and you’re not in it” applies to OffGuardian readers and the poor of the world alike. Granted Freemasons likely represent a sharply lower share of population in Nicaragua or Yemen compared to the US.

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
Sep 25, 2020 5:35 PM
Reply to  Mark Millward

What nonsense. When even major global powers with the size and military power of Russia and China can’t buck the Western power structure without constant harassment and sanctions and military threats – it is disingenuous at best to watch the poorer less powerful nations of the world buckle under Western pressure and suggest the reason is simply that “willing compliance and shared interests” are at play. Ask Venezuela, Nicaragua, Bolivia, Libya, Syria, Iran, Ukraine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Cuba, Honduras – well, how about any nation that doesn’t toe the line – what the consequences are for disobedience to the master.

Mark Millward
Mark Millward
Sep 25, 2020 5:45 PM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz

Dear Gary, you appear not to understand that your narrative is missing some rather large pieces of the jigsaw. These pieces are necessary to understand that the bits you are focused on are the kabuki theatre distraction. The real action takes place at tiers above where you are looking. I’d suggest Winterwatch.net as a place to start. Don’t bother giving me the circular firing squad treatment, there are plenty of OffGuardian readers who have made the leap in cognition. Look further.

Sep 25, 2020 5:32 PM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz

I am talking about the source of everything corrupt and untoward, which is the oligarchy that overwhelmingly controls the international trade and politics. The source. Do you get it normie? Cui bono. The source does. Who is the source? Even an average intellect student of economics could answer that if they were honest.

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
Sep 25, 2020 10:09 PM
Reply to  ZenPriest

ZenPriest and Mark Millward – Forgive me for having little patience for trolls and idiots. At least some of us here mourn the decline in the intellect and quality of discourse that has taken place at this comments site since the great covid scam brought out the trolls en masse.

Sorry, but when I see anyone attack another person’s post using the government’s own trolling format of – (“The 4 D’s: Deny, Disrupt, Degrade, Deceive”) – I immediately assume troll or idiot – and no, it doesn’t really particularly matter which now does it?

My favorite is seeing the trolls/idiots support and like the posts of the other trolls/idiots. (“kabuki theatre”) indeed.

Sep 25, 2020 10:41 PM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz

You write like a typical guardianista. Full of flair but lacking insight. Face it you are too average for even these pages, banging on about woke millennials – this is rather below our station.

Mark Millward
Mark Millward
Sep 26, 2020 2:00 PM
Reply to  ZenPriest

Doesn’t he just!

Sep 26, 2020 2:33 AM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz

Troll Alert.

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
Sep 26, 2020 6:53 AM
Reply to  Roberto

Indeed. Indeed.

Sep 25, 2020 6:13 PM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz

You know there are millionaires and billionaires all over the world, including the poorest nations, don’t you? How do you think they got rich? By accident? By participating in the rape of their own countries. 

After the Second World War and the introduction of the World Bank and IMF to indebt nations, there was no East or West, simply a conglomeration of global interests raping the planet. 

Ever heard of Mahathir, Marcos, Suharto, Sultan of Brunei, Park Chung Hee, Pol Pot, Antonio de Oliveira Salazar, Jose Eduardo Dos Santos, Paul Biya, François Duvalier, Obiang Mbasogo, Idriss Deby, Yahya Jammeh, Charles Taylor, Siad Barre, Gaafar Nimeiry, Hastings Kamuzu Banda, Gnassingbé Eyadéma, Zine El Abidine Ben Ali? 

I could go on and on but you get the point. The interests of the inhabitants of the poorest nations have always been exploited and will continue to be exploited by the cryptocrats who run the world. Denying that fact is pointless.  

Currently there are 19 dictators in Sub-Saharan Africa, 12 in the Middle East and North Africa, 8 in Asia-Pacific, 7 in Eurasia, 3 in Americas and 1 in Europe. 

In the West we live in public-private dictatorships called democracies, only they aren’t democracies because the will and welfare of the people is blatantly ignored, just like it is in the poorer nations.

As the covid scam continues and the WEF, UN, WHO, WWF, IMF, WTO, World Bank, Club of Rome and other globalist organizations get their way, soon you will see the median income of Western nation’s inhabitants drop to the same levels as third world countries as the “Great Reset” intended all along.

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
Sep 25, 2020 10:35 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Surely you have a better grasp of post-WWII history than to pretend that the former colonial world is simply plagued by greedy monsters ready to feed off of their own people with the West an innocent bystander? How many assassinations of progressive Third World leaders by the West might be needed to convince you otherwise? How many coups? How many ‘color revolutions’? How many invasions? How many counter-insurgency wars? How many sanctions of food and medicine?


Mr. Swanson’s list is rather compelling if one is somehow unfamiliar with how the world works.

Of course the most predictable thing in the world is that immediately after a Western intervention to remove progressive or nationalistic leaders who might hope to engage in something like minor land reform, or perhaps dare to spend more on healthcare or education – the West (led by America) will insure that the most monstrous of dictators enjoys our full support decade after decade, uninterrupted, our vaunted ‘concern for human-rights’ being simply a propaganda slogan and fig leaf for we in the West to use when we yet again think its time for yet another coup, or invasion. But you knew that – surely.

If a half-a-million dead Iraqi children are “worth it” to the West – one can only imagine how many more dead innocents are “worth it” globally, decade after decade. How many peasants in Indonesia slaughtered in 1965 as “communists” might be “worth it” in order to install our guy, you know the kind of fellow you mentioned, one who would gladly participate in – (“the rape of their own countries”) – in order to enjoy endless Western support.

Well, we don’t really have to “imagine” any of this now do we? We can simply count the bodies and examine the wreckage caused by the West overthrowing or attempting to overthrow, blackmail, threaten, intimidate, invade or sanction literally EVERY progressive or nationalistic leader in the West’s former colonies who refuses to submit or who showed any interest in improving the lot of their own people at expense of neocolonial “profit” margins.

Your pretense that this mayhem is some freaking mystery of human nature unrelated to 500+ years of colonialism – now morphed into savage neocolonialism – is of course completely unsupportable by the historical record – if you dare someday choose to look.

Sep 25, 2020 10:48 PM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz

The West. The big, bad West! The one which built that beautiful and prosperous civilisation.
You never mention the parasitic group which have infiltrated and own much of the West.
Not surprised looking at your name.

Sep 25, 2020 11:12 PM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz

Straw men? Is that all you have?

The West, colonialism, intelligence agencies, governments, corporations are a tool and you’ll soon find out that China, technocracy and mass surveillance and the digital dollars are the new tool.

The monetary system is the tip of the pyramid. Why do you think the BIS has complete immunity from all laws, it’s own police force?

How can you not know how the world functions?

It’s highly organized and has been operating through usury, wars, slavery and divide and conquer for thousands of years.


John Ervin
John Ervin
Sep 26, 2020 5:35 PM
Reply to  Researcher


Can you give us names, sources, links?

Sep 27, 2020 2:38 PM
Reply to  John Ervin
John Ervin
John Ervin
Sep 27, 2020 3:14 PM
Reply to  Researcher

My, my. May be a one-stop shop for understanding the structure of viruses.

That much is evident, by just a glance at the members list and related, though we may go deeper.

Thanks for the link to some relevant research, researcher.

Sep 26, 2020 11:37 AM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz

The deposed leader of Malaysia is appealing conviction. Besides his record-breaking larceny, police found about $0.32 billion in cash and valuables alone in his home. Some African leaders did far better. At least Philippines and Egypt failed to recover the loot of their former dictators. Somebody remind me: which civilization colluded with these crooks.

Sep 25, 2020 3:32 PM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz

Note that the western oligarchy is composed of ‘progressive’ globalists like Soros, Gates and the Clintons, never by conservatives and nationalists like Trump who threaten their power.

Peter Jennings
Peter Jennings
Sep 25, 2020 6:06 PM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz

I believe that at any one time there is 30% of the population who see the bullshit straight off the bat, 30% who will eventually see it, and 30% who will never see it. Which means 60% of the population is eventually up for grabs, due to my calculations.

Apparently, 30% is deemed a critical mass, so 60% must be positively hysterical. The shysters that be cannot help themselves but use the same bullshit over and over. Even the most dim witted of the 60% will eventually see the pattern.

Sep 26, 2020 1:32 PM
Reply to  Peter Jennings

After all this time (at least a full century) of obvious patterns, it doesn’t seem like we’re even close to 60% of folks “getting it”. That middle 30% seem to repeatedly fall asleep after waking only momentarily. They’re not fully connecting the dots.

Sep 25, 2020 2:03 PM

I really enjoyed that articel, good stuff.

Sep 25, 2020 12:33 PM

If you all would like some serious background on Magnitsky- myself and a few others did an entire investigative piece on Magnitsky/Browder et al. Years ago., 2011 to be exact,.at the suspicious deaths blog


Magnitsky and Browder had ties to Edmund Safra (banker)
Who died under very mysterious circumstances
Edmund Safra was in Jeffrey Epstein’s little black book
You can go deep down the rabbit hole on Magnitsky. bankers and the plunder of Russia
Which continues to this day. That’s Navalny’s role. A destroyer

Sep 25, 2020 3:37 PM
Reply to  Penny

Does this make you a Putin defender? BTW, John Roberts, US Supreme Court Justice and so-called ‘conservative’, is also on the flight log of the ‘Lolita Express’, Epstein’s private flying brothel. Only I don’t know how many times he flew with Epstein and underage friends. Bill Clinton did so 27 times, I believe.

Sep 25, 2020 5:32 PM
Reply to  Penny

Thanks! I’m looking forward to reading the rest of the blog too.

Sep 25, 2020 6:34 PM
Reply to  LKing

I think we did some good work on Bob Marley as well.

Sep 25, 2020 6:50 PM
Reply to  Penny

I just read that one too, and I’m stunned. I’ve never heard this before. I live in a town with a high skin cancer rate (lots of white white people, hot sunny summers at high elevation). I tell people I intentionally tan for the vitamin D, I don’t have the family history or skin type to get skin cancer. I’ve been told that even Marley was susceptible to death by melanoma. You have enlightened me. I will read more on this subject. Thanks for the blog, really interesting info.

Sep 26, 2020 2:53 AM
Reply to  Penny

The pic with the Komsomol hankie – priceless!

Sep 25, 2020 12:32 PM

Meanwhile, Navalny has a level of support well under 5%, with recent polls placing him behind the Communist Party’s Pavel Grudinin and the ultra-nationalist Vladimir Zhirinovsky …

Max Parry is actually being rather kind to Alexei Navalny whose level of support among the Russian electorate is 2% or even below depending on the source doing the polling.

One reason for such low polling is that Navalny has a criminal record which prevents him from registering as a Presidential candidate when Presidential elections are called. He’s been convicted of embezzlement and bribing others in two court cases, one involving a state-owned timber company in Kirov region, north of Moscow, and the other, older case involving the Russian branch of French cosmetics company Yves Rocher.

The kind of groupie support Navalny attracts also seems very dodgy. His eye doctor Anastasia Vasilieva carried out a stunt in April 2020, during lockdowns in the Moscow administrative region and surrounding regions, in which she and some others in a convoy of cars tried to deliver PPE supplies to two hospitals in Novgorod region. She and her pals broke the lockdown laws in both Moscow and Novgorod regions. Not only that but the PPE supplies did not even carry certification so when they reached the two hospitals, the staff there couldn’t even use the supplies.

Vasilieva claims to be head of a doctors’ union but for such a union, it seems to have very, very few members and hardly any branches in other parts of Russia where doctors work.

Another character to watch is Maria Pevchikh who scarpered off to Germany with Navalny and avoided being questioned by Russian authorities over the “poisoning”. Pevchikh was the lady who picked up the water bottle in the hotel room where Navalny supposedly stayed during his last night in Tomsk. Pevchikh spends a good part of the year in London where she runs a chain of bookstores in the UK and Australia, and has British residency.

Sep 25, 2020 7:35 PM
Reply to  Jen

Whichever Russian official allowed Navalny’s transfer to Germany should be doing about 20 at Magadan; cutting trees and mining for diamonds..
Not having been “poisoned” in Russia, and being on probation for his criminal convictions, Navalny was not free to leave with his entourage & toxic water bottle.. There was also a covid travel ban in place, which somebody might have noticed..
When will ‘dear partner Merkel’ explain how he was “poisoned” on her watch, and not in Russia?

Sep 25, 2020 12:24 PM

Navalny would be inciting for the separation of,or the ” defunding and secession of the Muslim-majority North Caucasus from Russia” not because of xenophobia (that would be the excuse or the means) This is something the 5 eyes desire. Navalny is just pushing the cause

Sep 26, 2020 12:07 PM
Reply to  Penny

Its unimportant, really. The anointed subversive just follows the talking points he was given. With his property in Russia just seized for separate crimes, he will now be a sort of Radio Free Russia in Germany. Like the one-man Syrian Observatory in London.

What keeps the oligarchs up at night is Russia turning every sanction into an advantage, and its leader enjoying sky-high popularity. It is too late to freeze Russian dollar balances; the government has already dumped almost all of it. The cultural subversion also seems to have fallen flat.

Sep 25, 2020 10:44 AM

Navalny suffered from a spell of Nordstreamitis.

Sep 25, 2020 12:18 PM
Reply to  0use4msm


Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Sep 25, 2020 10:41 AM

I have already stated elsewhere that what is now required is a demonstration to Western mentally subnormal cretins what real poisoning by Novichok looks like. It will involve putting 100 members of Western Governments and MSM brothels in a sealed room with CCTV cameras, then releasing novichok into the room to show how long they last before all being dead and gone.

That video must be put up on Youtube so the whole world can see what happens to those poisoned by Novichok.

When that happens, the entire German Government resigns, every single UK lickspittle who has mouthed bullshit about Navalny receiving weapons-grade Novichok poisoning will kill themselves and all diplomats in Moscow from Western Embassies can go and work in Siberia for a living…..

Alternatively, the West can create a sample of Novichok that miraculously will only make someone ill rather than kill them. Before demonstrating that cocktail on a Western diplomat, they will make the samples available to Moscow for chemical analysis, the sample for use on the Western diplomat will be kept in a secure unit monitored by CCTV of both Russia and the West. Moscow will agree on the composition and then the demonstration of potency carried out. Charite hospital will be on hand to cure the western diplomat 12 hours after they become subjected to the dosage.

Then we could rid ourselves of these farcical theatrics which are not worthy of the words diplomacy, terrorism or medicine in any way whatsoever.

Sep 25, 2020 11:17 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Once again rhys you are the voice of reason here,as you are on craig murrays site. I have seen footage of novichok poisoning, as my father showed me once,as a medical professional he had access to material like that with his work. After seeing that even a fool would understand that neither skripal nor navalny were victims of this toxin.

Sep 25, 2020 11:57 AM
Reply to  Nick

There is no footage of novichok poisoning.

It is not even clear that novichok ever existed (apart from in some folks minds).

Sep 25, 2020 2:34 PM
Reply to  Nick

There is no footage of novichok poisoning.

It is not even clear that novichok ever existed (apart from in some folks minds).

Sep 25, 2020 5:15 PM
Reply to  nicktoo

It could be that entire box of ‘ChokkyNov-TM’ chocolates he devoured before boarding the flight, Greedy pig.

I think he just had a bad case of the trots, nothing more.

Sep 26, 2020 7:54 AM
Reply to  nicktoo

The footage was of manufacture going wrong. It is merely a group name given to a toxin and very much does exist. It is now used as a narrative due to “well novichok sounds really Russian,dunnit?”

Sep 25, 2020 3:00 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

No such demonstration will work. Every attempt to demonstrate obvious absurdities is dismissed by cognitive filters that maintain the cognitive dissonance.

John A
John A
Sep 25, 2020 10:11 AM

One quibble:
“The Magnitsky act sanctioned Russian officials accused of being responsible for the 2009 death of Sergei Magnitsky, an unscrupulous Russian tax lawyer who helped dodgy international financiers like the US-born British tycoon William Browder commit massive tax evasion in Russia.”

Magnitsky was an accountant not a lawyer!!!

Sep 25, 2020 12:19 PM
Reply to  John A

Magnitsky was an accountant not a lawyer!!!

Yes, he was. And that important fact is always glossed over.

Sep 25, 2020 3:17 PM
Reply to  Penny

The UK government “claim” he was a lawyer. Where are his background and education details?

Sep 25, 2020 4:39 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I linked to a piece that three bloggers had done in 2011 (myself included) – when Magnitisky’s occupation was reported on.
read through it all- check the references

and btw you can still find this information Magnitsky’s actual occupation – not just at suspicious deaths.

That would validate their claim he was a lawyer? Other then that he was employed by a law firm. Just to remind you that NOT everyone employed at a law firm is an actual lawyer-
There is office staff, para legals and the like.
Which should really not need to be stated because it seems quite obvious

Has the UK government provided details on employment and education?
And if so can you provide a link to the information here?

Sep 25, 2020 4:42 PM
Reply to  Penny

edited for clarity

Has the UK government provided details on employment and education?
Details that would validate their claim he was a lawyer? Other then that he was employed by a law firm?
Just to remind you that NOT everyone employed at a law firm is an actual lawyer- There is office staff, para legals and the like.
Which should really not need to be stated because it seems quite obvious
And, if the UK government has provided details can you provide a link to the information here?

Sep 25, 2020 7:12 PM
Reply to  Penny

Thanks. I’ll read your piece.

The UK didn’t provide any details that’s why I asked.


But since Browder is a member (as was his grandfather) of the cryptocracy, Jamison Firestone the same, and Hermitage looks like a front for organized crime, money laundering and the CIA, I would guess that there’s no actual information on his education available.

Sep 25, 2020 8:19 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Yes, Firestone is really interesting.. in my opinion they are a front group, most probably for money laundering (as you suspect)- just look at the background- The ties to Tulane University are suspicious enough!
That’s a rabbit hole itself- Lee Harvey Oswald- Cancer and Vaccines- JFK

Even wikipedia’s vanilla coverage leads one to view this group suspiciously


“Firestone graduated from Tulane University in 1988 and Tulane Law School in 1991.[1] In August 1991, shortly before the fall of the Soviet Union, he moved to Moscow, Russia and co-founded the law firm Firestone Duncan”

And of course he moves to the Soviet Union just before the fall (plunder ready)

“One of Firestone Duncan’s employees was a Russian accountant, auditor, and lawyer, Sergei Magnitsky.[11] Among the companies that Firestone Duncan represented was Hermitage Capital Management, co-founded by American-British financier Bill Browder.”

Firestone Duncan/Browder and Magnitsky

Sep 25, 2020 9:51 AM

The “numbskullary” or maybe that should be dumb skulduggery of the British secret services that run under the banner oxymoron “British Intelligence” is legend.

These morons love to portray their endless attempts at global domination as some kind battle against James Bond style fictitious enemies. What they fail to do though is differentiate between reality and fiction. What they cannot realise is that people who live in the real world are more savvy and are hardly ever taken in by their fantasy factory fabrications.

Needless to say that the Navalny stunt is part of a long list of similar escapades. Some of the most notable listed above by Max Parry in this excellent summary. The one scenario though that most blatantly exposed the ongoing charades was the murder of Russian journalist Arkady Babchenko. Who after great headline grabbing acclaim across the WMSM; inconveniently came back from the dead… Breaking the sacred rule of fabricated Russian hit job stories, don’t appear in public too soon after your so called demise. But this actually served to underlined the over reach of the Ukrainian SBU, the well known go to fabrication factory of the MI6/CIA for all thing pretending to come out of Russia.

Finally the thing that now connects the British establishment coup of the last vestiges of democracy is their man – numbskull Boris. He was their man in the Foreign Office for the Skripal nonsense and now their man in Downing Street for the Con-of-a-virus plandemic. So remember that a whiff of the most deadly agent in the word can kill you – FEAR! So don’t buy into their racket – stay clean…     

Sep 25, 2020 12:05 PM
Reply to  Tutisicecream

None of this absurd narrative is indicative of the stupidity of the British intelligence services or that of the government.

Instead – and far worse – it reflects their estimate of the British public’s level of intelligence and credulity.

Saddest of all, they’ve got the overwhelming majority of Brits pegged about right intellectually – falling somewhere between a geopolitically ignorant 13-year-old and a braindead chimpanzee.

John Deehan
John Deehan
Sep 25, 2020 4:54 PM
Reply to  Frank

About 60% of the UK population eligible to vote have voted in the 2019 GE. Of those about 35% voted for the moron Boris. Therefore, the majority of the population did not vote for him but because of the First past the post system he can claim to be elected by a majority. It’s a fiddle and undemocratic I know.

Sep 25, 2020 3:39 PM
Reply to  Tutisicecream

The intelligence agencies like most government departments, and NGOs and charities, are tools of crooks for their criminal economic interests and enterprises. Under the guise of keeping us safe.
The media, owned by the same people, is the tail that wags the dog. I concede you’d need a small number of departments to look out for our country and people but no one would give a flying fuck if 99% of these departments didn’t exist.

Geoff Bridges
Geoff Bridges
Sep 25, 2020 9:48 AM

Brilliant article.
Even the US State department supporting Amnesty International have been putting the boot in against Russia on this. I also pointed out to them it was most likely a false flag event and “cui bono”.

Sep 25, 2020 9:41 AM

Dmitry Orlov has an interesting theory on this


Sep 25, 2020 9:59 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

That’s more credible than anything the governments are saying.

Sep 26, 2020 8:01 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Thanks for this. It falls into the category of “It’s funny because it’s true.”

In other words, the analysis is cogent and persuasive but also quite amusing.

Sep 25, 2020 9:19 AM

Maybe Navalny could get some health advice off Putin because he certainly seems to have discovered the secret of eternal youth, indeed if anything he seems to get younger as the decades pass.

It seems like the Anglo-American-Zio empire is still using the Mackinder playbook. No united force can be allowed to dominate the Eurasian landmass so Germany and Russia must be kept at loggerheads. The only wonder is that the Germans and Russians keep falling for it (or it would be if the elites of both countries weren’t thoroughly infiltrated and controlled to take their marching orders from elsewhere).

The big difference with the Russians is that it seems most ordinary Russians understand that their elite don’t have their best interests at heart. They’ve seen thorugh the propaganda and know the elite are at best self-serving and at worst positively murderous. It’s the fundamental understanding that most Western populations, who think they’re so much more sophisticated, refuse to face up to.

Oh and guess what, Pushkin was yet another freemason.

Sep 26, 2020 12:22 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Like Japan, most Germans and Russians remain under collective amnesia concerning WW2 and its aftermath. Though Russia wasn’t a loser, it had its share of crimes to forget. I don’t mean that the other Allies weren’t guilty of even greater crimes; the difference is that they wrote history – and propaganda up till today.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Sep 28, 2020 8:54 AM
Reply to  Edwige

Literary Freemasons get tender treatment.

Sep 25, 2020 9:03 AM

There is another reason why the globalist cesspit is trying to undermine Russia – it’s Christian Revival:

Sep 25, 2020 12:07 PM
Reply to  McMurphy

Small hats media are leading the charge

Mark Millward
Mark Millward
Sep 25, 2020 5:07 PM
Reply to  Koba

Love it!

Sep 25, 2020 9:02 AM

Go on any video on YouTube about this navalny nutter it’s comments section is filled to the brim with 77th brigade psychos calling for nukes to fly. But my mild anti war posts get deleted

Fish & Chips
Fish & Chips
Sep 25, 2020 8:20 AM

That substance with incredible chemical and physical substances called Portonchok strikes again.

Sep 25, 2020 7:57 AM

This is an excellent write-up, successfully capturing the varied players, narrative fantasies and implications surrounding the energy and financial interests behind the sanctions and the attempts to sabotage German relations with it most obvious eastern business partner.

One thing’s a constant – the asinine level of these farces that are as badly scripted as they as they are laughably implausible.

In these days of Behavioural Insight Teams I wonder if the psychologists attached to military intelligence are pitching these fairytales at what they imagine to be the public’s mental capacity.

Yet the public has a love of mystery. It is the military and political mind that is incapable of creative thinking. To understand is to forgive up to a point.

It seems to be the bureaucrat’s mental capacity that is spread so thinly. The billionaire patrons behind the intel services have succeeded in dumbing down the population but not half so fast as they’ve dumbed down politicians, civil servants and intelligence operatives.

A banal acquiescence to scout-level team building and a cult-like response to simplistic social management theories have left society in the hands of drones. The equivalent of dancing TikTok nurses in Savile Row suits.

Sep 25, 2020 9:14 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Entertaining and informative as always Moneycircus

Sep 25, 2020 7:44 AM

Semi-professional skeeve and confessed drug addict Charles Rowley claimed he found the package – unopened – with the perfume bottle in it in a charity bin, presumably in Amesbury (where he lives) but possibly in Salisbury which is about 8 miles away. Pictures of the deadly bottle feature a whacking great applicator on top of it which looks like it was designed by the same people who conceived the Thunderbirds marionette cartoon.


Trouble is, even though the bottle pictured is only a model, it allegedly looked exactly like the Nina Ricci ‘Premier Jour’ perfume of which it was an alleged duplicate. They look the same to you? Remotely?


So the clever Russians not only designed a perfume bottle which looks nothing like the product it was meant to duplicate, they must also have designed a corresponding box with plastic inserts and the Nina Ricci logo, since the bottle featured would not have fit in the real box.

Rowley further claimed he became contaminated himself when he was trying to fit the applicator to the bottle. So he must have opened the package and tried to put it together, rather than simply presenting the unopened box to his lady-love. Who does that? More to the point, can you show me an example of an atomizer perfume in which the atomizer portion comes separate from the bottle? And in which the bottle is capped, else the perfume would slosh out or evaporate? But the cap and the applicator have the same thread, otherwise the latter would not fit? What company does that? Certainly not Nina Ricci.

Rowley claimed he splashed some on his hands while trying to put on the applicator, and that the substance was oily, not like perfume. But he quickly washed his hands with water, and although he became very ill, he was thereby saved from death by a nerve agent ten times as deadly as VX. The late Dawn Sturgess was not so lucky, allegedly spraying it on her wrists at his home in Amesbury, almost immediately getting a headache, and then was discovered lying in the bath in a very bad way.


But now we learn it was actually gifted to Ms. Sturgess at her flat, which is being torn down after being left empty since her death.


Either way, she is on record as having admitted herself to hospital. The trouble with that is, there is no hospital in Amesbury. The nearest is in Salisbury, 8 miles away. How did she get from near-comatose in the bath in Amesbury to admitting herself to hospital 8 miles away?

Sep 25, 2020 7:00 AM

I wouldn’t trust the Germans, I know them. I grew up there. Where you have Germans you have cheating.

Diesel cheating, VW cooperation with military dictatorship in Brazil from 1965 to 84, now paying compensation, cheating with BMW sales figures, cheating after reunification stealing our family’s land in Prenzlauer Promenade 191, Cum Ex fleecing, Deutsche Bank. Wherever you look in Germany there is fraud, cheating, and deception.

Why would I believe the Charité?

Sep 25, 2020 9:06 AM
Reply to  Wilmers31

About ten years ago rudolf hoess, son told the BBC (I know I know) don’t trust zee Germans and at first I thought q bit of WW2 guilt and fear was what I saw from the old man and sense of paranoia but no the sauerkrauts are as bent and dodgy as Britain and America. Amer as Intelligence agencies are renowned for overthrowing foreign governments Britain’s is known for propagandising against its own people and for blackmail but Germany’s intelligence agencies are well known for using child rape as a tool on a massive scale. Scary shit.

Sep 25, 2020 9:35 AM
Reply to  Wilmers31

I lived in Germany for many years and worked plus lived with them both in West and Eastern Germany. “ Where you have Germans you have cheating”. Stereotyping to a tee much in the same way that the English all have stiff upper lips.

I was living in East Berlin just after Die Wende and observed how ordinary East Germans were ripped off by West German companies plus very wealthy investors. I watched how University Professors, lecturers were thrown out of their jobs because of a change in ideology plus students had to retake their degrees because the Bonn government refused to accept DDR degrees. So your point about your family’s land being stolen by West Germans has validity.

However, in any large corporation in any country in the world you will have cheating. Ask the daily commuters on the UKs privatised railways who have to pay some of the most expensive season ticket fares in the world whilst this supposedly privatised industry receives vast subsidies from a government which does not believe in socialism.

Look at the American Banks how many trillions of dollars have they received from causing a financial crash because of fraud or the famous bribery cases involving billions of pounds for armaments exports from BAE to Saudi Arabia. Look at Imperial College London’s fanciful estimations for Covid -19 whilst receiving over 4 hundred billion dollars from Bill and Melinda Gates Foundations.

It’s not the vast majority of the ordinary Germans who are doing the cheating it’s the trait of greed in worldwide corporations and the corrupting of top bureaucrats in organisations such as the WHO, UN and many other official bodies.

Sep 25, 2020 4:05 PM
Reply to  Brianborou

Mostly Dews.

John Deehan
John Deehan
Sep 25, 2020 4:36 PM
Reply to  ZenPriest

Mostly selfish greedy people who are totally self centered and have no empathy with their fellow man. It is widespread across a narrow section of all nationalities and ethnicities.

Sep 25, 2020 4:41 PM
Reply to  John Deehan

No. Those traits alone do not explain the results, which are only possible with a shared identity, national and spiritual, and unity of purpose.

Sep 25, 2020 6:48 PM
Reply to  ZenPriest

I disagree. You only have to look at some of the most evil people in history. Eg Stalin ( Georgian), Hitler ( Austrian), Genghis Khan ( Mongolian), General Tojo ( Japanese), Churchill ( English) and a whole plethora of despots, dictators, trillionaires and billionaires. A multitude of nationalities, ethnicities from wealthy families, poor families etc. The only common denominator was they psychopathic, with no empathy to their fellow man whatsoever.

Sep 25, 2020 4:04 PM
Reply to  Wilmers31

You are missing a key ingredient when you say “Germans”. There are Germans and then Germans who identify as something else first. Who are widely known for their unscrupulous ways.

Sep 25, 2020 5:20 AM

The idea that Russia somehow became a free country with the collapse of Communism is insane – it’s fully controlled

John Ervin
John Ervin
Sep 25, 2020 7:05 AM
Reply to  Barzini

More like a Chapter 11 bankruptcy. A “reorganization” with an emergence that has most forecasts making them a much more major player in the near coming years.

So what if they rebranded? On Wall Street, like Capone’s Chicago, religion and ideology are meaningless: just the Usual Suspects to be rounded up to “legitimize” the current causus belli.

Looking back over the past 200 years surely a pattern becomes clear.

Sep 25, 2020 7:55 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

Russia was taken over in 1917 – they’ve been serfs ever since

John Ervin
John Ervin
Sep 25, 2020 10:28 PM
Reply to  Barzini

They were mostly serfs before, too. My favorite people. A lot of glorious serfs.

It’s usually the countries that develop a large comfortable middle class that bother me the most… USA, much of Europe.

I spent 7 years playing street ball in E. LA (“Born in East LA” Cheech Marin) and never was I treated with such a big quantum of brotherly love, despite major gang activity, flying bullets, knives, I saw a small share. But always love. For whatever reason.

A lot of joy in the blood of serfs, whatever their load.

Maybe I’m a serf!

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Sep 25, 2020 8:52 AM
Reply to  Barzini

Can you name a country which is not ‘free’ in the objective sense of the word, not the propaganda sense.

Sep 25, 2020 7:54 PM
Reply to  Donald Duck

Nearly all countries are now controlled by the banking cartel – Russian lost it’s freedom in 1917

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Sep 26, 2020 10:50 AM
Reply to  Barzini

That’s if it had any freedom in the first place. It was ruled by a Tsarist autocracy, just as the uK was ruled by an imperial royal family and monied oligarchy. And since 1913 and the establishment of the Fed the US has been ruled by a bankinhg oligarchy.

Offhand I can’t think of any country is ‘free’ in any meaningful sense.

Zoran Aleksic
Zoran Aleksic
Sep 25, 2020 8:57 AM
Reply to  Barzini

No country is as free as Germany.
And not every fool is a poet.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 25, 2020 1:45 PM
Reply to  Barzini

Russian joke:

Q: What did capitalism manage to do in a single year that communism couldn’t do in seventy?

A: It made communism look good!

Sep 25, 2020 5:20 AM

Off-Guardian, you do yourselves a disservice by posting this rambling, incoherent propaganda on your website.

It puts into question everything else you publish – some of which I read with pleasure.

I’m a Russian emigre and am quite familiar with much of what the author talks about, from an internal Russian point of view.

His knowledge of Russian political figures including Navalny, Russian opposition politics and the Russian penal system is amateurish and Wikipedian.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Sep 25, 2020 6:42 AM
Reply to  George

Did you address any of his points, in your Wikipedian ad hom diss of the man, or is your statement of “Russian emigré” status bona fides enough to cover?

We thought so.

Sep 25, 2020 9:10 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

Russian emigres especially after 1917 have a very long history of lying to and for the nation they arrive in

John Ervin
John Ervin
Sep 25, 2020 2:12 PM
Reply to  Koba

That’s very true. Look at the the late George de Mohrenschildt, befriender of Oswald, as one example.

There are some glorious exceptions to that, among those we’ve heard about, lest we forget the really good ones. (I’m thinking about the “White Russian” anti-Bolsheviks, some of whom, despite ‘privilege’, were excellent people. I try to keep a balanced take on them, ever since I read Tale of Two Cities as a lad, and it was noticeable to me even then that Dickens nobly pointed out a number of heroes among the French nobles of that day, quite a number of whom were on the side of the sans culottes. In fact, it was ironic enough that a lot of those saw Madame la Guillotine in the Reign of Terror rush hour of beheadings! But, like many Russians who were executed in 1917, the situation was the same for the French gentry, just being of the wrong side would get them swept away in the “mad rush”.)

Zoran Aleksic
Zoran Aleksic
Sep 25, 2020 9:02 AM
Reply to  George

By the name you’re using it’s obvious how immense is the love you bear for your native country. You must be speaking for the millions in Russia. Or the US, Germany, or your brotherly Lithuanians, Poles and other Banderstas.

Sep 25, 2020 9:09 AM
Reply to  George

Navalny is classed as the number one threat to Putin which is odd because he’s like the 14th most popular political figure in that entire nation. 0.2% of the popular vote is proof he’s not what the west says he is. Now it would be interesting to know which hut in Norfolk you posted this from on behalf of the terrorist British army

John Ervin
John Ervin
Sep 25, 2020 10:34 PM
Reply to  Koba

Navalny is palbably, ah, what’s the word, absurd….even from afar. Like that gal, what’s her name, who just ran against Lukashenko in Belarus. And we think his landslides are “fixed” — in our M$M epiphanies?

Maybe someone should take a less than perfunctory look at their tomato cans they place against him! And v. Putin!

Sep 26, 2020 12:38 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

If Russia is fixing/interfering in the US elections – and maybe the UK elections too – why is it so sloppy with its own “dissidents”?

John Ervin
John Ervin
Sep 26, 2020 5:23 PM
Reply to  mgeo

Good call, why oh why? All that is notably absent.

The whole planet has become an “Emperor’s New Clothes” setting, mise en scene.

Says a lot, that we don’t hear about any of that, doesn’t it.

And we’re getting all these lamentations from “OUR” M$M! But they excise those truths.

Who knew. Like the whole joint is totally hypnotized (which Is actually credible, now).

Speaking of that little boy calling out, “but he’s got no clothes!” –I was a very little boy when I first began to pester my teachers with questions of that ilk, and really rather shocked that ZERO of the other students ever did. Zero, ever. Were they being coy? And Zero teachers, too. Of course that means I was living in a very conservative area then. I just looked it up, demographics, and found it’s billed as the richest city, per capita, in USA Inc., which shocked me a little, I had no idea it was that bad! Newport Beach, Californi(c)a, the site of the TV show The OC, though I’ve never watched it.

Here propaganda and rich GroupThink was force fed to you with mother’s milk. (My mum was the lone exception, pretty rad left, in many ways, though demure about it, had to be, here. Strange way to grow, IF.)

Now, 60 years later, it’s much the same, an enclave, but having grown 10 times bigger, has at least a few progressives. Tokens, really. The irony is that I had to come back here six months ago, provisionally, with all the mandates and strictures, just to be able to navigate, as I know the lay of the land and it’s also many times easier than elsewhere.

If this charade keeps up, I may just have to move, anyway, as the whole scene is just a bit too rich for anyone’s blood, or liver.

I took some photos of the 1st BLM “protest” in early May, just as evidence, and there was never a rich kid quiet riot at the Newport Pier, or on Earth, more preposterously plastic — well, at least not since the Brooks Brothers Riot of Miami, late 2000, a well-heeled effort to thwart the Gore/Bush Recount. (Fun Fact: If you look at the videos of the pantomime, you might see that well known “activist” holding a placard: U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts, in preppy attire. Amazing. “Only in America” lol )

What a World. I’m thankful I didn’t have kids, at least in some ways.


Moscow Exile
Moscow Exile
Sep 25, 2020 12:08 PM
Reply to  George

If Navalny wrere really so popular in Russia, if he were of such great political import, then why, after the alleged assassination attempt against him by a specially updated, delayed-action “weapons grade” nerve poison that never seems to work, were there not any spontaneous, massive protests throughought the length and breadth of Russia by Navalnyites?

When Sergei Furgal, former governor of Khaborovsk Province in Siberia was arrested on charges of corruption, there were weeks of continuous demonstrations throughout that city by thousands of citizens in his support.

And Navalny? The silence from his supporters is deafening: no demonstrations, no protest marches.

Why? Because most Russians dont give a flying f*** about that US agent.

I write this as an emigré, an English one who has lived 27 years in Moscow with his Russian wife and 3 Russian children.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Sep 25, 2020 2:32 PM
Reply to  Moscow Exile


John Ervin
John Ervin
Sep 25, 2020 10:40 PM
Reply to  Moscow Exile

A Flying Flock? It’s that time of year that all the swallows leave San Juan Capistrano, our nearby sacred tribal ground in the OC.

Maybe the Russians don’t give any of those, either?

John Ervin
John Ervin
Sep 25, 2020 10:41 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

What The Flock!

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Sep 26, 2020 11:00 AM
Reply to  George

As soon as I saw ‘Russian emigre’ alarm bells started to ring. Other terms that come to are IMF, NATO, CIA, MI5, Atlantic Council, Council For Foreign Relations, The Guardian, Washington Post, New York Times, WTO, NATO, Integrity Initiative, Lady Arbuthnot, Keir Starmer, Labour Party Conservative Party, Liberal Democrats, SNP, US Republican and Democratic Parties MI6, MOSSAD, and on and on. The Fog Horn Army. Bought and paid for by the Bankerist elite.