WATCH: A Message to New “Conspiracy Theorists”
James Corbett’s latest video is an important and timely message – “Welcome!”
So, it’s 2020 and you’ve fallen down the rabbit hole. Disorienting, isn’t it? Well, don’t worry: you are not alone. On this special edition of The Corbett Report, James Corbett welcomes all the newcomers to the reality-based community and gives them some tips and advice that he’s learned along the way about navigating this world of lies and cover-ups.
For links to sources and show notes – plus an audio-only version – click here.
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A conspiracy tidbit: >
Excerpted from: A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence
Published: 09 November 2015
Biosafety and biosecurity.
“Reported studies were initiated after the University of North Carolina Institutional Biosafety Committee approved the experimental protocol (Project Title: Generating infectious clones of bat SARS-like CoVs; Lab Safety Plan ID: 20145741; Schedule G ID: 12279). These studies were initiated before the US Government Deliberative Process Research Funding Pause on Selected Gain-of-Function Research Involving Influenza, MERS and SARS Viruses ( This paper has been reviewed by the funding agency, the NIH. Continuation of these studies was requested, and this has been approved by the NIH.”
These people make a living from the death and suffering of others. They are grave diggers and ghouls.
Parasites is the better term, IMO
I watched this video on Sunday, and somehow missed this being posted here. Maybe one of the reasons was being disorientated by the demented ravings of Dictator Dan here in Victoria.
Lots of excellent advice, and tips from James Corbett, and along with Offguardian, Global Research, Wrong Kind Of Green and occasionally, UK Column News; The Corbett Report is a vital resource for those of us who are awake to the machinations of the 0.01% and their hired minions.
Yes. Very good suggestions. What I found inspiring was the suggestion that people don’t allow the narrative pushed by the MSM to shape the way they live their lives, formulate thoughts, etc. I live my life kinda away from society – I live in the woods, work from home, only play the occasional concert. I don’t have TV and I choose carefully my sources of information. But I imagine that for people who live more of a conventional life, work at an office with tons of normies, watch TV, etc., this would be very useful. The realization to what extent one’s reality is shaped by others, to what extent they don’t control their own lives.
I barely watch any MSM unless it’s mentioned here or another independent site. I have large film and music collections which have helped keep me relatively sane during lockdown in Melbourne.
This isn’t meant to sound like a cliche, but for me, music is food for the soul, and for my mental state, especially if I’m having a rough day.
The only time my TV goes on is to watch one of my films, or an occasional cooking show, tho they’re basically repeats of repeats. The rest is just junk.
Hope your week has been going well✌️
Good for you. I hear you as far as music, I’m a musician (even though I make a living doing something else) and indeed, music has helped me get through some pretty tough times. It’s akin to meditation.
Stay well …!
If I want to see dystopia in real time, I can watch the Trump-Biden debate.
Thanks James! I recently had a surprising moment where a family member said something along the lines of “Bush did 9/11.” And it was amazing since 10 or so years ago at family get-togethers it would have been laughed off or shouted down. I think the Jeffrey Epstein saga and the access to these conversations via the internet has opened the doors for many younger people.
To digress a little, I grew up in the Mormon church and stopped believing when I was about 11. When I told my siblings that I thought the founder, Joseph Smith, was a liar, it was shocking and I think heartbreaking for them. They thought I was lost. With the internet, many Mormons are now able to hear historical accounts from outside the church of what Smith did and who he was, and many have left the church who I don’t think would have otherwise.
I think the same thing is happening with the truth about empires and government/media propaganda. Many of us are finding ourselves labelled conspiracy theorists, a group we had previously though of as crazy or idiots. I’m looking forward to a day soon when more people join the club.
With the internet, many Mormons are now able to hear historical accounts from outside the church of what Smith did and who he was, and many have left the church who I don’t think would have otherwise.
It certainly works that way for the Scientologists. L. Ron Hubbard could be seen as a mid-twentieth century version of Joseph Smith, who decided to cruise the seven seas, rather than organize a wagon train to Utah, as Brigham Young did. (“If you want to make a million dollars, start your own religion.”)
Please post some references to what you consider reliable accounts of the early history of Mormonism, for amusement value, if nothing else.
Hi THX, I agree that there are many similarities with L. Ron Hubbard.
When I left the mormon church as a young teen, I hadn’t read any non-mormon accounts of early mormonism, I just knew what we had been taught in church. We had actually been told that to read other than the official church documents was evil and would lead one astray. I had read a lot of Edgar Allan Poe when I started seminary (which in mormonism was an early morning church class for teens before regular school), and I remember sitting there reading from the mormon scriptures a story about a man trying to escape a town and having to cut someone’s head off to leave, and I started to get the feeling that it was totally made up and sounded like it could be an Edgar Allan Poe story. It was so long ago that I’m not sure what else had contributed to the end of my belief in the religion. My mom made me keep going till I was about 15, and by then I had been rolling my eyes at it for a few years.
More to your point, I have a cousin who left the church because she found out in around 2008 that Joseph Smith was a polygamist. I don’t know where exactly she learned that, she just told me that she had been reading about him on the internet. In the church it had always been taught that Brigham Young (the second prophet) was the first to receive divine calling to polygamy. The church has since admitted this and tried to smooth it over with its members.
To clarify, the mormon church told us that to read books about mormonism by non-mormons would lead one astray. We weren’t dissuaded from reading other regular literature.
I am afraid I am a pessimist.
I read all the alternative news and watch excellent reports like this but feel that the reach and overreach of state and deep state is now so pervasive is now so extensive that there is nothing anybody can do to reverse the situation.
Watching the documentary “Shadowgate” it is the private corporations with their mirror of the information collected by the NSA and GCHQ that now control everything and no government can now control them.
All your worst fears will come to fruition and there is nothing we can do about it.
Agreed. The deck is stacked, as they say.
My faith in Jesus Christ is keeping me confident & hopeful for a new beginning after this temporal world is no more.
God bless protect & help us all🙏
I don’t want your false god’s “protection”, thanks.
Brian, WRONG! There is ALWAYS something people can do about any situation – it is simply a matter of how much personal personal effort / pain / loss an individual is willing to endure. Once Tyranny passes a certain point the effort / pain / loss required to reverse it grows exponenially, but it is never too late fight back. The problem is that the longer oppressors / tyrants are allowed to continue, such as to the point we are at now when people begin to feel the weight of the boot pressing on thier necks, only violent action can remove that boot. Dont believe me? Then I suggest you learn history – the last 2000 years or so should yield plenty of examples of revolutions, civil wars, gorrilla wars, freedom fighters taking violent action against oppressive states / invaders etc. The State currently have a complete monopoly on violence and seem to feel justified that they can use violence and weapons against peaceful and unarmed people. At the moment it is ‘simply’ jackbooted riot police showing thuggery against people they know wont fight back and / or are otherwise defenceless, but this will move on soon (the US are already well advanced in this with thier paramilitary police and MRAP patrol cars). I fear that we are close to the point of a Northern Ireland style Police State being rolled out throughout the UK – but this time the State will have even greater adavantage – such as exponenially more sophisticated methods of control and surveilance in the electronic communication and financial realms and a more passive population. Make no mistake, if people want thier freedom back they WILL eventually have to fight for it, it will never be given back without a fight (or serious and real threat… Read more »
“the last 2000 years or so should yield plenty of examples of revolutions, civil wars, gorrilla wars, freedom fighters taking violent action against oppressive states / invaders etc.”
Dude. Planet of the Apes isn’t real history. Just a movie.
Hey Fact Checker,
Grow up.
That guy made a profound comment – one of the most cutting and potentially important I have seen on this site for some weeks, and you take the p-ss out of a spelling error with a pathetic joke?
Let me tell you something, Jokes and playtime are over. It is a time for Adults now, not children and jokers.
But if you are are happy to walk to the train stations and sit down on the box cars laughing and joking then dont let me stop you – just dont p-ss all over a very serious warning made by an Adult and directed at other Adults.
Laughter and black humor aren’t detrimental but are simply one more tool in our arsenal against our oppressors who wish us to live in fear, suspicion and hate, expecting us to turn against each other at the slightest provocation.
When we sit in judgement instead of understanding, when we cast virtual stones or aspersions, we play into the hands of the annihilators. Be mindful of that.
I actually sympathize with your attitude on this point, but the set-up was just too good!
It was funny and it didn’t feel like laughing AT, but with. We’ve all been victims of the keyboard’s mistakomatic function.
I mean, just the two word phrase, Gorilla Wars, is fucking funny.
Too irresistible to pass up.
Someone was going to make that joke.
I was proud to get there first.
If I don’t do it, you know somebody else will. But it’s the way you tell them. The “dude” is the touch for me, I cracked up.
Good luck being serious and reasonable and adult with the other serious and reasonable adults out there. This is serious business!
Hilarious comment!
That’s all very heroic and lyrical but the only result is senseless ruin of and loss of lives- the wiser course of action is to disengage. This is not a case of a small elite lording it over “the people” who are assumed to be the good guys. This is the tyranny of the (dumb & dumber & bloodthirsty) majority. This is the legacy of at least 2000 years of fakery and the inevitable end game for a culture built on an “end times” salvationist scenario which sees human beings as domestic animals that must be herded and sheltered against constant external threat.
Don’t forget that the Gulag Archipelago was created by those that piggy~backed on the violent revolution and then indulged themselves in the hideous sadism they adore and tortured and killed tens of millions,TENS OF MILLIONS. And then created a slave state of dreary politically correct uniformity, hideous architecture and environmentally destructive industry, professing the exact opposite. People lie, people lie and deceive, when they mean something else completely, as jj cale said. Those banksters ain’t stupid. What’s born in blood thrives on it.
They want you to despair, that’s their aim. Every small action counts. There are billions of us and several thousand of them. The web they’ve constructed is vast, but they aren’t impervious to being exposed.
We have to be smarter and tougher. They aren’t exactly the epitome of manliness. Look at Gates. Rockefeller. Trump. Johnson. These psychopaths are a joke and they’re not particularly bright.
You just don’t get it. These guys are backed by millions of men and women who are extremely manly and intelligent (either like psychopaths or like dogs are intelligent) and can probably kill the average off-g reader bare handed. That ‘s the endless supply of meat that mans the “security services”(lol) , police and military and mercenary forces. They are not a joke and they have serious gear to more than even the odds in their favour.
if you think there are “billions of us” you may be disappointed on the front line.
Pull down their monetary system of debt slavery and their web of hierarchy collapses. We don’t need to fight them in the streets. That’s not what I was implying.
Yes and no. Rationally you are right, but the world is not rational. It’s alive which is the most mysterious thing. Life is not scientific,it is not artificial, it’s alive and endlessly creative. Laughter is transformative, look at those pathetic coronoficials on TV with their long lying faces and laugh. Laugh deeply and profoundly and you will share the laughter of the gods. Cultivate it, work at it, put great effort into it and it grows. Watch out for every opportunity to exercise it. Don’t forget what the bard said, and I quote, cough~ There is a tide in the affairs of men which taken at the flood leads on to fortune. Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and miseries.
On such a full sea we are now afloat and we must take the current when it serves or lose our ventures. Optimism is the only choice we have ever really had and it often works!
I was tempted not to watch this especially after viewing up to the Pepper statement in support of those who had been questioning 9/11. Because this is aimed at neophytes into the conspiracy theory arena I felt I might have been wasting my time. Nevertheless I persevered. What James Corbett says is sound. Save your links.
I noticed in particular last night how Google images prevents you getting the image you require. You know there must be images but you can’t find them. Nicaragua has had a very good record of few COVID-19 deaths without locking down yet can you find an image to support your article on this. The answer is with great difficulty. In the end I found a link to the main Managua newspapers (all in Spanish) but one of them had a Facebook page replicating the stories – in English. So after two or three hours I found a good photo to accompany the article.
I had a note about Nicaragua from another source, so yes, it is suppressed.
Thanks John. Where I am (Australia) the video content is blocked by BBC, Can you tell me the name of the video so I can try and locate it from another source please.
You could also consider downloading opera browser as it has a basic vpn you can use to change your country of origin which ‘may’ allow you to use video streaming services from other countries
Thanks Magumba. I got some pictures in the end. But whatever search engine I tried there was no success.
The video is “A message to “New Conspiracy Theorists”” by James Corbett.
Google images prevents you getting the image you require.
sometimes, Yandex works better. no doubt they have their own censorship filters, but not necessarily the same ones.
Yes, I tried that. And Dogpile. But it was like if you wanted a pretty view of mountains, all right, but people. No chance.
I know where to go now.
here is link to show notes and both audio and video
YES I watched the whole thing , a lot of info, but most of all some good guidelines that James required over time through experience!,; especially the emphasis on the importance of history!
Yet being in this mind set can become uncomfortable at times, and we tend to revert back to this “good tasting MSM burger ” it makes us feel so good about ourselves, but stay awake about the ingredients and the “cooks” That prepared that “food”
Great piece James !
I haven’t watched this yet but I accessed it via your Twitter feed. Although it was posted there 8 hrs ago there isn’t a link via your main website home page – hence no comments in case you were wondering!