Nicaragua – The Country That Didn’t Swallow the Covid Blue Pill

Jorge Capelán

Tree of Life art installation, Managua Nicaragua

No curfews, no lockdowns, no “stay at home”, no psychosis, no covid-calamities. There has been much talk about the Swedish corona strategy but the strategy of Nicaragua has been by far more successful, with many fewer deaths, no “economic rescue” for big banks and only limited damage to small and medium sized businesses.

In the midst of the worldwide economic debacle caused by covid hysteria, food self-sufficient, small business based, impoverished Nicaragua, has seen its exports grow over 10% the past 8 months because it did not shut down its economy.

Precisely because it sustained its economy, it has not had to take on huge loans in order to face the emergency.

Thus, its foreign debt levels remain within a readily manageable range, below 50% of GDP. (On the other hand, the economies of neighboring countries such as Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala, are hurting badly with debt levels soaring).

I went out on Sunday afternoon in the barrio where I live in Managua. Bars full of people, even small family-run restaurants full of guests. No masks. The local convenience store which still has the “only-masked-customers-allowed” sign hanging from the door no longer refuses to let maskless people in.

There is no mask-wearing official policy in Nicaragua except for a recomendation that only patients with respiratory conditions or personnel taking care of them should wear masks. The wearing of surgical gloves by patients, on the other hand, is strongly discouraged as it poses a serious risk of contagion both of coronavirus and other respiratory diseases.

In hospitals and health care units most people wear masks, be it out of precaution or out of plain courtesy. Otherwise, in offices and shops handwashing and alcohol hand sanitizers are readily available practically everywhere.

No restrictions have been put in place for public meetings and sports championships such as the popular local baseball league have taken place without problems, as well as scores of local fairs and other traditional activities that take place weekly.

Few massive activities have been cancelled due to covid, especially Catholic Church processions, most notably the traditional 10-day-long celebrations of Saint Dominic in Managua, for which thousands of people gather every year. For the most part, people have moved around, going out or heading to the beach as normal. Over the last 3 weeks, an all-time record number of over 83 thousand people visited the Salvador Allende Port and its lakeside promenade – a big and popular public leisure complex in Managua–, according to the authorities.

Schools haven’t closed down, which is very good for the country’s school children, since they provide a nutritious meal a day to 1.2 million children, a food security measure contributing greatly to improved public health for families across Nicaragua.

Yet, with just 2-3 covid-19 deaths per week the last couple of weeks (147 in total as of September 22nd), Nicaragua is by far the least affected country in Central America. Belice has only 19 deaths so far, but on the other hand, its population is a fraction of Nicaragua’s.

As in Germany and other countries, Nicaragua’s Health Ministery does differentiate between deaths of patients “with covid” and “from covid”. That is, a person can be with covid-19 but in the last instance die from an acute heart attack, while someone else who also has covid-19 can die “from covid-19” because of an upper lung condition typical of viruses that cause Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), such as SARS-CoV-2. That is the official explanation given by the authorities in a white paper on Nicaragua’s public health response to the pandemic issued last May.

Although increased mortality due to pneumonia has been noticed (last week, 26% fewer pneumonia cases were reported, but with an increase of 8% in deaths – related but not directly caused by covid), the situation in the hospitals, health care centers, funeral parlours and graveyards is totally normal. No collapse anywhere.

By the end of April and the beginning of May, when the majority of covid deaths were reported, many people lost acquaintances, relatives or friends with comorbidities, but not even back then did the situation reach the kinds of scenes taking place in other countries. The health system never came even close to saturation point at any time.

In the Western press Nicaragua has been portrayed as a country that “did nothing” to divert the pandemic, which is totally false. Very early on, on January 21st, while the wealthy countries of North America and Europe dallied, Nicaragua declared a national epidemiological alert. That was the day after the Chinese authorities reported that country’s third death from covid-19. Some weeks later, Nicaragua’s national covid response committee elaborated a detailed protocol based on strenghtening the public health system and informing the population on a mass scale.

The strategy followed by the Nicaraguan Government was based on informing the population, taking care of the elderly and frail and strengthening the public health system, specially via enhanced control of the many diseases already threatening the population such as zika, dengue, malaria and chikungunya. The ordinary public health campaigns never stopped, with fumigation of areas with high prevalence of mosquitoes as well as routine annual vaccination programmes for children and the elderly.

The population was recommended to intensify hygiene routines and those in the high-risk groups were recommended to avoid crowds. Every institution devised plans and protocols to meet the covid emergency and in industrial complexes such as the free trade zones plans were agreed between employers and the workers’ unions in order to ensure that any eventual interruptions to production would not leave working families without an income (luckily, as it turned out, for the most part production was not very seriously affected by the pandemic).

The Ministry of Health from the very beginning has provided epidemiological surveillance for people affected by epidemic diseases typical for the time of year: dengue, malaria (both vivax and falciparum), chikungunya, zika, pneumonia, tuberculosis, H1-N1, leptospirosis, chagas disease, as well ensuring care for chronic diseases, for example cancer treatment, renal dialysis or cardiology conditions.

People with respiratory problems, cough and flu, are being given special attention and follow-up, to determine if they need further monitoring depending on their corresponding chronic condition: diabetes mellitus, chronic kidney disease, stroke, hypertensive disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pneumonia, among others.

A very successful initiative now being implemented is the program “My Hospital My Community” by which all public hospitals mobilize their specialized health care units out into their respective communities in order to actively reach out to people with various chronic conditions who for various reasons may have difficulties going to their local hospital –among them persons who are afraid of getting covid-19 if they go to a hospital.

As mentioned earlier, schools and universities have remained open because on-line distance learning is not an option for people on low incomes. However, because some parents were reluctant to send their children to school a specially designed series of television classes on all subjects have been produced and broadcast both on public television channels and on radio so that children could make good any classes they may have missed.

Facing the recurring risk of volcano eruptions, earthquakes, hurricanes as well as all the various kinds of tropical diseases, countries such as Nicaragua very much need to develop a routine system for early warning and management of emergencies, simply because those events are part of our everyday reality.

Nicaragua is among the countries most threatened by global warming and has been able to deal simply and readily with covid because since 2007 it has developed an integral civil defence and public health philosophy based on broad popular participation, a highly operational public sector and a system trained and ready to articulate cohesively all the available resources.

Whether addressing natural disasters or national public health challenges, Nicaragua over the years has built up an unrivalled organizational infrastructure that quickly mobilizes thousands of volunteer activists and public sector employees. So covid didn’t take the country unawares.

During the past 13 years Nicaragua has experienced dramatic advances. Back in 2006, before the Sandinistas returned to power, overall poverty was 48%. Today it is 24.6%. 54% of people had no electricity. Today, 98.5% have it. 70% didn’t have running water. Today 93% have it. Infant mortality was 29 per 1000 infants born. Today it is down to 12 per 1000 – a reduction of over 60%.

Almost 9 out of 10 births now take place in health centers while before most children were delivered at home. In 2006 the country had 2044km of roads (only 30% in good condition). In 2019 the paved road network was 4590km (all in good repair). The economy grew from USD 6.7bn to 12.5bn in this period.

Amidst this development in a region cursed by neoliberalism, public health has played a central role in Sandinista policies. From the outset, privatization of health care was stopped and rolled back. A new, community and family-based preventive health model was developed using sector based territorial health areas grouping together communities of between 600 to 1,000 families, equivalent to 3,000 to 5,000 inhabitants, depending on whether the sector is rural or urban.

In each of these territories, so-called “cabinets for the family, community and life” have been organized incorporating socially-engaged members of society who effectively monitor the local health situation and are able to address not only sanitary and medical issues, but also the social aspects of public health, of particular importance.

For example, the program “Todos con Voz” (“Everyone with a Voice”) assesses the overall situation of each person with disability in a household and assists, not only with wheelchairs or therapies, but also with economic support and training in order to improve the economic activity available to the whole household.

The program “Amor para los más chiquitos” (“Love for the littlest ones”) promotes better care in the family for very young children. Other programs are aimed at helping poor families with children in school age so that they don’t have to send their children to work and so on.

Public health investment has also seen a dramatic increase from USD 32 to USD 70 per capita (2018). Total health care expenditure went from USD 111.9 million to USD468.6 million in 2020. In 2006 there were 22,083 health workers; in 2020, there are 36,649, including doctors, nurses and technicians, many of them educated in Cuba and other countries.

The Sandinista government has built 18 new hospitals and there are plans to build 15 more, 6 of which are already under construction. The total health infrastructure of the country comprises 143 health centers; 1,333 medical posts; 178 maternity homes and 66 mobile clinics – way ahead per population of its Central American neighbors.

Nicaraguan authorities receive a Japan-funded linear accelerator to treat cancer patients. (Photo: Jefrey Poveda)

All this investment has a strong technological component as it shortens hospitalization periods, in many cases is much safer and makes more rational use of available health personnel. Among recent hi-tech investments are two linear accelerators to treat cancer (one of them has already been set in place, one is about to be installed) and the widespread use of laparoscopic surgeries and other modern techniques.

Recently, a molecular biology lab was inaugurated capable of analyzing evidence of several diseases, including COVID-19. This lab is the second most advanced in the region and has been recognized by the WHO as having Level 3 Biosafety.

Also, the Russian Mechnikov medicine factory was inaugurated, which can produce 12 million influenza vaccines per year. The Cuban drug Interferon Alpha-2B (successfully used to treat patients with COVID-19) is expected to be produced in this lab as well as the Russian Covid vaccine.

Hospitals, new and in progress
(Photo: El 19 Digital)

All this high-tech investment does not exclude the widespread use of traditional or natural medicine. A public health sector “Pain clinic” has been built to give treatment in acupuncture and many other traditional therapies, and specialists in those treatments are available in many health care facilities all over the country.

Nicaragua is a country where 80% of farmland holdings are under 875 acres, worked by small and medium sized producers. It is a country where small-scale family businesses drive the economy, controlling over 60% of disposable income, providing around 80% of the country’s employment and producing 90% of all the food it consumes.

So while it simply cannot afford to “lock down” or “stay home”, conversely it didn’t need to take “extraordinary measures” to face the covid emergency because it already had an immensely resilient system designed and in permanent readiness to face any and every kind of emergency.

For Nicaragua, the “blue pill” of lockdown or “stay at home” would have been pure cyanide, and since its leadership long ago took the red pill, it was able to discern the true interests behind the phony rich-country pandemic discourse and its hidden “great re-set” agenda.


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jef Jelten
jef Jelten
Nov 6, 2021 11:52 PM

We need to bomb them back to the stone age.

Marc Ledoux
Marc Ledoux
Sep 16, 2021 12:52 PM

Thank’s for this article ❤️

Sebastian Gaeta
Sebastian Gaeta
Dec 28, 2020 8:37 PM

Thank you for this article it’s one of the only honest things I can find about nicaragua rather than the western press PR campaign against the country not mandating draconian strategies. One question though that I would like to know … how do we get there? Im coming from the UK and would have got the bus up from San Jose as flights in from miami and mexico seem ridiculously expensive. I would rather not do a test (that means absolutely nothing) if I can avoid it and found one article saying its no longer necessary? But can a foreigner get in via the land border from Costa Rica? Doesn’t seem to be a clear answer. Any answers shedding light would be great from someone on your wavelength. Thanks

Nov 17, 2020 6:57 PM

Believing the Nicaragua government health statistics on Covid, is the same as believing in North Korea government data

Oct 7, 2020 7:08 AM

Did a word search after finding no references in the article. What is Nicaragua, a poor third world country’s average age? How many old folks really do/did they have? Is it perhaps possible that there were very little vulnerable people left to kill by the time COVID-19 struck, assuming all the rest of the reporting is accurate?

Oct 7, 2020 7:12 AM
Reply to  KKKCCC

Well what do you know. Nicaragua is near the very youngest median age, especially in the Western Hemisphere. No wonder their rates are (allegedly) so low.

Oct 7, 2020 7:15 AM
Reply to  KKKCCC

LOL really quite blindered to use Nicaragua as an example. As a proponent of the practice down below my comment (when sorted by newest) said openly, they “had to kill” a bunch of commies back in the day. I’m sure more than just actual commies were swept up in that don’tcha think? Not that I agree with killing anyone, but Off-Guardian sure does seem to be relishing its new right wing readership that want to believe that COVID is either a farce or the “China” virus (totally ignoring Fort Detrick and the US gov’ts relationship to such gain of function research gleefully carried out by both gov’ts I presume). https://harvardtothebighouse.com/2020/01/31/logistical-and-technical-analysis-of-the-origins-of-the-wuhan-coronavirus-2019-ncov/

Oct 7, 2020 3:46 PM
Reply to  KKKCCC

It’s the inordinate and atypical response to the Event that is usually criticised, not the existence or non-existence of some particular viral threat.
People, or more correctly, their political leaders, tend to think in terms of either/or, with no sense of nuance or understanding, things which help to implement a measured and appropriate response to any situation.
“Maskit or Casket”, stated below in your other comment is an example of such thinking that presents stark alternatives based on nothing but emotion and division and having no evidential basis for implementation; it also makes a simple slogan that can be chanted by a crowd. It is also evidence of treating a group, in this case the whole human population collectively as one; i.e. if there is a danger from a virus that inordinately threatens a fairly specific population group, lock up and mask everyone, whether they are sick or healthy, at risk or at no risk, exactly the opposite of the response needed and misdirecting resources from the afflicted.

James Scott
James Scott
Oct 5, 2020 2:34 AM

Nations that did not lie about the cause of death of their elderly people have no real Covid problems and in reality neither does any other nation.

Nicaragua had to kill a bunch of communists 30 years ago so the people pushing the Covid lie do not have much power there.

Oct 7, 2020 7:16 AM
Reply to  James Scott

Absolute nonsense. Even if you choose to group all the deaths into the normal seasonal or other causes. Just nonsense. Wear a fucking mask. That’s all we ask. Maskit or Casket. For fuck’s sake.

Tyler Prozeniuk
Tyler Prozeniuk
Oct 13, 2020 1:31 AM
Reply to  James Scott

Nicaragua has a Marxist president: Daniel Ortega. These are the policies of the socialist government of Nicaragua.

Oct 5, 2020 12:05 AM

sweet sweet madelein street, i want to be there, i want to be there

adrian costa
adrian costa
Oct 4, 2020 9:22 PM

Hola Jorge! excelente artículo!! Tienes FB o alguna página web? Quiero empaparme más sobre Nicaragua porque estoy pensando viajar para allá a disfrutar entre muchas cosas sus olas y playas. Saludos desde Perú!!

Oct 4, 2020 12:56 PM

A lot of codswallop treated as facts like “Global Warming” and this ridiculous Convid Plandemic but overall a damning indictment of the rest of the world’s hysterical rush to economic and social suicide over it.

Oct 7, 2020 7:18 AM
Reply to  Rabbitnexus

“… the world’s hysterical rush to economic and social suicide over it” which in this case “it” would mean post-capitalist neoliberal neocon bullshit where there is no social safety net, other than the one provided to us by nice, well-meaning corporations, correct?

Oct 8, 2020 12:48 PM
Reply to  KKKCCC

I’m an Aussie so not exactly. We’ve got excellent social security and healthcare. The economy of the world has been ruined by these extreme and pointless responses of lock-downs and social distancing. many have lost jobs and many have lost businesses. Indeed many have lost fortunes too in investments. The economy was screwed anyway but instead of people looking up to the guilty parties who’ve become billionaires by manipulation and corruption of institutions and governments, now they will blame a virus and imaginary pandemic. All part of the plan. Maybe culling the herd by a substantial chunk is also on the agenda. I suspect it is.

Oct 2, 2020 3:44 AM

Anyhow – it’s all about a game being played by snakes in suits –

“Pandemic board game (2008)

Your team of experts must prevent the world from succumbing to a viral pandemic.


Components: Map (Global Scale) Components: Multi-Use Cards Game: Pandemic Medical: Diseases Occupation: Dispatcher Occupation: Medic / Doctor / Nurses

Pandemic Legacy: Season 0 Pandemic Legacy: Season 1 Pandemic Legacy: Season 2 Pandemic: Fall of Rome

In Pandemic, several virulent diseases have broken out simultaneously all over the world! The players are disease-fighting specialists whose mission is to treat disease hotspots while researching cures for each of four plagues before they get out of hand.

……….The 2013 edition of Pandemic includes two new characters—the Contingency Planner and the Quarantine Specialist—not available in earlier editions of the game.

Pandemic is the first game in the Pandemic series.


Oct 2, 2020 1:02 AM

Wonderful synopsis on why we in the west did so badly and further more how we in the west just drank the kool-aid due to our sell out politicos and health departments.
Most of the Italian health fraternity made the same arguments and often referenced the 2018-19 flu epidemic in Italy. Most acknowledged that the lack of health care expenditures and further more the slashing of the health care budget in real terms., meaning that in Italy their has been a large transfer of health care funds from the public to the private sector. Further analysis demonstrated that if Italy had maintained the health care budget relative to GDP plus 1 percent they would have handled the health crisis better.
In conclusion the real question is where we the people can re direct the debate from vaccines to health care expenditure education and rebuilding our well depleted and outdated healthcare facilities. Community healthcare ,education ,metabolic health and damnation to the health care insurance industry and big pharma.
Another point that was made in this article is how the general economy works on small c capitalism small bussiness and small family farms. This style of economy redistributes wealth and increases the velocity of money which is more dynamic and resiliant type of economy when shit hits the fan. Italy in the seventies and eighties had over 60 percent of its industrial capacity was based on small family run engineering firms. Most agricultural capcity was based on small family farms and cooperatives
Look at Italia today dying neo-conservative/liberal style economy dying as we speak.

John Goss
John Goss
Oct 1, 2020 10:00 PM

An excellent report Jorge Capelán. I did a blog on Nicaragua recently but it was hard to get on the ground facts, and especially a picture to show that people in Nicaragua were going about their daily business, still congregating together and still enjoying themselves.


But this is a much more enlightening appraisal of how Nicaragua has kept its head when all about it were losing theirs, to paraphrase Kipling. Thanks for that.

fritzi cohen
fritzi cohen
Oct 2, 2020 12:25 AM
Reply to  John Goss

Would be interesting to see whether they used hydroxychloroqinine, since it is probaably
known there as a treatment for malaria.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Oct 2, 2020 2:44 AM
Reply to  fritzi cohen

I’ve heard little mention of their latitudinal near neighbor, and oft times ideological kissing cousin:


Their commonsensical and sublimely cost-effective health care system records only:

122 deaths from Covid”19″

But they have twice the pop. of Nicaragua, and somewhat more than Sweden. About 11 million citizens. (That would play out to some hundreds, ca. 7 ?, in GB. Puny.)


That’s even a smaller ratio than Japan.

Yet, I had never heard about them this long six months so I checked.

Amazing, but true.

Oct 4, 2020 1:31 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

I had been checking them too as I guessed their unique health system was dealing well with it but never saw mention anywhere. The story of Ghana is interesting too. Their president busted the WHO with samples from a pheasant like bird, a goat and a fruit like a guava or something. All came back positive for CV-19! he’s also seen the Rockefeller Foundation report from 2010 and went public. His weekly update vids vanished from search engines too after that despite everything up till then easily being listed. They’re so deeply buried you have to add a lot of precise search terms to find it. Ghana President, Rockefeller, Covid, Lockstep” together will get it to come up last I checked but nothing less than this much detail. Of course Ghana kicked the WHO out.

Jorge Capelán
Jorge Capelán
Oct 3, 2020 10:41 PM
Reply to  fritzi cohen

Yes hydroxicholoquinine is one of the drugs being used in Nicaragua, although I cannot say to which extent. India and Taiwan have provided the country with those drugs – tens of thousands of doses.

Oct 4, 2020 1:36 PM
Reply to  Jorge Capelán

In fact quinine should be in good supply there as the tree from which it is extracted grows wild in South America. India used to sell it online, I bought some back in January but its no longer for sale and no longer OTC which it had always been in India and Pakistan. Most drugs you’d only get by prescription are OTC or near as in those countries. I have bought some of the most carefully locked down drugs only available by prescription, even morphine in Pakistan and at most just had to assert I am a doctor. They don’t often question a white man especially if he throws in a couple of medical terms for it or refers to the active drug and asks what they have with it.

Oct 4, 2020 1:19 PM
Reply to  fritzi cohen

I’ll tell you what is interesting about that. Note first hydroxy-chloroquine-sulphate is just one salt of Quinine and it is Quinine that is the actual thing. (It is naturally occurring too for the record, extracted from Cinchonine, an evergreen South American tree or shrub.) The rest of the name is just a salt and others exist, some better for different routes of administration that’s all.

If one does a search for “Quinine zinc corona virus” you’ll get a tsunami of articles attacking quinine as dangerous, not effective for corona-virus etc etc. However if you limit the search dates to mid 2019 or remove 2019 altogether, ie: search from 2005 to 2018 only, then you will get many results which describe how quinine and zinc have been found to be extremely effective cure for ALL Corona Viruses! The first articles and scientific reports begin in 2005. Only some background stuff which was part of the discovery as there was a progression of knowledge but only in 2005 as a result of SARS research did it all come together and then lots of studies and lab work and even trials led to the discovery already in 2005 of its extraordinary efficacy and quinine’s mechanism as an ionophore was well established. There is an increasingly precise understanding year after year, reported in reputable scientific journals with peer reviewed articles too. ALL CORONA VIRUSES were helpless against it.

Only in 2019 did all the totally non scientific and mostly just assertions based on supposed authority of the authors articles begin to arrive and they have been so prolific this alone knocked all those hundreds of reports and articles completely out of view. This actually started just prior to the CV-19 plandemic. They began to disappear the info already then. The articles still stand, many of them are very substantial and in reputable publications it is just that they’ve been swamped by sheer volume since. Quinine was already known, proved to be effective before anyone heard it from Trump.

I actually heard about it in January from Chinese. I researched it and realised where they were coming from, not a new discovery and deduced it would be blocked and removed from access rapidly if it did work as it was cheap and out of patent drug. Same too azithromycin which was recommended if the case had progressed to pneumonia. An old reliable anti pneumonia remedy for all types of pneumonia too. For this reason I ordered a good supply of quinine and azithromycin from India. I was on the money because a week after my order, it was removed from online sale, went to prescription only in Pakistan and India where is was OTC always and doctors banned from prescribing it. Now they’re actually criminalizing it like a scheduled drug here in Oz they’re so determined nobody gets access to it. YET our mining industry, treated as essential industry and with towns, islands etc to administer in remote regions, was officially informed it worked 100% of the time, usually in 4 days and to stock them for this reason! While we’re being told it isn’t effective, the mining industry were told to stock it and that it was settled science. They were informed in February I was told by a friend in admin of one of the big ones.

Of course the reason for the cover-up is simple. If approved for use against this alleged virus, then a vaccine will not get approval for it. They don’t even have a vaccine yet, but still they’re supposedly letting people die rather than permit a known cure and the degree of deception going into denying it, is incredible. It is a historical degree of resistance in fact to any cure real or fake. This FACT is a threat to hundreds of billions of not trillions of dollars worth of vaccine profits for the billionaire class.

If this doesn’t make anyone want to buy good hemp or sisal rope and learn how to make a noose, as well as sharpen their pitchforks I don’t know what will.

Oct 4, 2020 1:26 PM
Reply to  Rabbitnexus

I’ll add that since I’ve been trying to publicize this fact since the early days, I have been subjected to the most intense censorship across the board. All high traffic sites from RT to Twitter and everything in between see my comments blocked, removed in seconds or at latest next day and gradually I’m being banned everywhere. Whether official or some sort of shadow ban, I can’t comment on any but some lower trafficked sites like this one and it wouldn’t surprise me if my comment gets removed here. I don’t think it is always the sites themselves but something else. I’ve been rendered invisible myself for mentioning it.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Oct 1, 2020 9:34 PM

Sounds like the same approach used by countries like Vietnam. Keep the population informed and partner with them to ‘do the right thing’. Covid is like any other infection, the easiest way to combat it is knowledge and common sense.

Cultures that emphasize individualism are the ones faring badly at the moment. It comes from a toxic blend of scientific ignorance and a focus on ‘what’s in it for me’. (Which, coincidentally, is exactly the brew needed to ensure that we’re unprepared for the consequences of any change to the climate, no matter the cause.).

Oct 1, 2020 9:44 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Covid is like any other infection,

what you mean like a made up masonic lie

wake up usher snap out of it

Matt UK
Matt UK
Oct 2, 2020 6:52 PM
Reply to  gorden

I love it when people try to connect freemasonry with all this bollocks. Us masons are as fed up with this plandemic as everyone else. Mainly because we can’t have any meetings. I’m master of my lodge in Yorkshire and believe me my brethren are wholly fed up with all of this.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Oct 4, 2020 1:48 AM
Reply to  Matt UK

In other words, a “Porch Mason”. My father was attorney to several 33rd degree Freemasons, and I can assure you his view (which he never shared, with me or whomever) was different at the top. He, and one of his clients, the most connected, were both assassinated (’82 and ’90) but their murders staged to look like something else. Until you dig. And we Conspiracy Realists find out that they are both presumed homicides in their PD jurisdictions (LA and San Diego).

So that speaks to the entirely Janus-faced icon of Freemasonry. In my informed humble opinion. LOL

Oct 4, 2020 1:51 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

Masonry is just one arm of the octopus. Their elite who do have a different understanding and code also manipulate their vast ‘clubs’ towards ends the lower echelons are fully unaware of. There are also religious orders however and Satanic ones. Central bankers and of course the BIS. The big daddy of all banking nobody usually has heard of. They all serve an even more secretive and smaller group who we can only speculate about. I suspect they’re not human myself, at the very top. The most wealthy and powerful people on earth still seem to genuflect to someone else just out of sight.

Oct 4, 2020 1:47 PM
Reply to  Matt UK

not everyone has identified the true power at the top. I would be precise and say the billionaire class. It is billionaires who own the vaccines and the online sales and delivery things like UBER etc which are making historical profits off this whole show and stand to become even richer if a mandatory vaccine is passed globally. They’ve become vastly richer whilst the world’s workers and business have suffered historical losses through this. many of them like Gates and Buffet, Bezos etc clearly spent the months and even years prior to this positioning themselves via investments and divestment to best profit from it. Can anyone recall Warren Buffet dumping his airline stocks in the months before it began? I do. Also Gates bribed his way to a contract to provide contact tracing worth billions 6 months before it. Millionaires are losing like everyone. many are invested in airlines for example. Not masons but the men whose money can buy entire nations and governments and who it also happens are all eugenicists with stated desire to reduce human population to half a billion or less.

Oct 1, 2020 9:52 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

It comes from the lack of science to start with. But sure, we are in this together 🤦🏼‍♀️

Oct 4, 2020 1:55 PM
Reply to  Monik

Masked Karens are not in this with the rest. They are totally onboard and were never happier now they have a cause they can excel at. Obedience to authority! Their natural cowardice and surrender of their own independence and reasoning which makes their heads hurt because anyone who tries to be honest and applies reason these days will face cognitive dissonance and that makes them afraid; makes this their ideal cause. A true answer to their pathetic bovine lives . They even get to exercise some authority over those whose independence and self confidence offends them and makes them feel stupid sometimes, by dobbing them in or even confronting these miscreants themselves with the power of self righteousness behind them. These people are the only layer of the control we’ll soon be able to reach. Remember this. They are the first line of defense of the fraudsters, they’re the cannon fodder but also the most effective brakes on anyone trying to resist. I do not see them as my fellow humans anymore. They have gone over to the devil.

Oct 4, 2020 1:41 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Unfortunately any country’s government or health system which takes it seriously and actually counts on a vaccine for it, cannot be trusted because they are playing along with what can be proved to be a hoax of the most lethal and historical kinds. Indeed, that stands for the Global Warming BS too. These two issues claim science as their grounding but are in fact complete nonsense based on the suppression of actual science and the shouting down of any challenges. Peer review is non existent in either case except for partisan peers whose connections to the fraudsters and often monetary investment in the outcome are painfully easy to establish. Peer review which censors any dissenting voices isn’t true peer review.

Oct 1, 2020 9:14 PM

Covid is the American Empire asserting its control over it’s vassal statea and re-engineering it’s own underclass into total slavery at home.

Oct 4, 2020 2:03 PM
Reply to  Goon

Nope. The American Empire is targeted for destruction and that is what the BLM/ANTIFA and Dems (with Reps slyly serving their half of the same agenda) are all about. This is globalism. Bill Gates isn’t eyeing a presidential run. he is aiming higher. he’s after the first world president role I’d wager. You have to realise that not only Russia and China are aboard, so too even Iran is playing along. The agenda is a government’s wish list and between the media, health systems, education, most politicians etc all being owned by billionaire class the ones not directly seeing enrichment of money or power are just going along to get along because that is what political power is for the most part. Same as celeb status.

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Oct 1, 2020 9:09 PM


While Nicaragua and Sweden are acting clear headed and rational, Cuomo, the murderer of more than 10,000 senior citizens seized the moment to unite with creepy Bloomberg and billionaire techies to turn the tristate area into Beijing.  Of course, this would happen in a state controlled by phony Dems who cry crocodile tears over racial injustice, but are the first to implement Chinese style surveillance over millions.  

It’s a surveillance App advertised as being totally harmless– “there’s really just an App for everything, how easy it’ll be right on your phone– a special alert to keep you SAFE.”   Of course, they’re saying all your personal info will stay anonymous. It will be anonymous to you, but NEVER to the security state who’ll morph this COVID App into an all-in-one surveillance tool. Pretty rich, coming from gangster Cuomo. Here’s some excerpts from the actual article:

“Today NY State Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced a new smartphone app that can alert residents of New York and four other states if they’ve come in contact with someone who’s tested positive for the coronavirus.
What this app will do is it will tell you if you are within six feet of a person who tested positive, and if you were within six feet of a person who tested positive for 10 minutes.”

 As an extra inducement it’s free program. It’s called a COVID Alert.  It hasn’t reached the point where the security state bills you for the privilege of allowing them to watch you like a trapped rat in a maze.

“The app works in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania and Delaware
The way it will work is when a person tests positive, the Department of Health contacts that person, asks that person if they have an iPhone, gives that person a password, that person types in their password for their phone and then any other phone that comes within six feet of that phone is on the app,” said Cuomo.

The app is also available for Android phones.

It cost approximately $700,000 to develop, sourced from both federal funding and support from the PHILANTHROPIC organization of former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who has helped bankroll the state’s contact-tracing program.”

They’re especially stressing the innocuousness of the App so the naive will willingly lineup like fools: 

“The governor and his team stressed that privacy is paramount, and that no names, location data or other personally-identifying information are involved.

COVID Alert New York does not track your location, your movement or use GPS,” said top Cuomo aide Melissa DeRosa. “It does not collect or store any personal information.

The app is completely anonymous.

Rather, “It uses Bluetooth technology to sense proximity to another phone with the same app, but not geographic location.

Google, Apple and the Linux Foundation helped develop the app.” All the tech firms that have ties to the NSA.

“The former two companies had already been lending a high-tech hand in contact tracing in states such as Maryland, Virginia and Nevada.

I think it’s going to not only bring contact tracing to a new level, but give people comfort,” said Cuomo of the app.”  https://nypost.com/2020/10/01/new-app-alerts-new-yorkers-if-theyre-near-someone-with-covid-19/?utm_source=maropost&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=news_alert&utm_content=20201001&mpweb=755-9108769-719766016

Who the fuck is it going to give comfort to? Let me answer that, the military/security/surveillance corporate state.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Oct 1, 2020 10:39 PM

The best advice I can give people is to carefully place your iPhone, Android, or other electronic warfare device on the sidewalk or floor. Stomp down hard until demolished. Send back to manufacturer…

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Oct 2, 2020 7:28 AM

That’ll work until the tyrants force all transactions to be conducted via cell phone.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Oct 4, 2020 1:50 AM
Reply to  Charlotte Ruse

Good call!

Oct 4, 2020 2:09 PM
Reply to  Charlotte Ruse

They’ll make it easier and more enhanced yet when they offer a great new chip you can get which does it all and more. Cell phones are incredibly cheap in countries where large populations of poverty stricken live. Even beggars in India and Pakistan have one.

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Oct 4, 2020 7:08 PM
Reply to  Rabbitnexus

Cell phones are cheap in poor overpopulated countries because the governments want the poor to use the little money they have to purchase tracking devices.

Oct 5, 2020 2:56 AM

Precisely my point. They make it affordable for everyone, even those who live on crumbs have them. It is more ubiquitous in a fraction of the time than Coke Cola. They’re not even covering the cost to make them in some places.

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Oct 5, 2020 3:06 AM
Reply to  Rabbitnexus

I guess that’s why they’re pushing the COVID contact tracing App.

Oct 5, 2020 5:33 AM
Reply to  Charlotte Ruse

That is lead up to one of the main items on the agenda. If you check out the following you can read a full description of what they’re doing in uncanny detail, as if it was written after this. In fact it was written about in 2010. It is written in terms of the agenda and as we’re seeing the virus real or not is only a means to an end. “Rockefeller Foundation Lockstep 2010” That is a grim read if one can add 2 and 2 in the racist white supremacist way which gives 4.

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Oct 5, 2020 11:24 AM
Reply to  Rabbitnexus

“A world in which highly coordinated and successful strategies emerge for addressing both urgent and entrenched worldwide issues… An economically unstable and shock-prone world in which governments weaken, criminals thrive, and dangerous innovations emerge… An economically depressed world in which individuals and communities develop localized, makeshift solutions to a growing set of problems.”

Oct 4, 2020 2:07 PM

Mobile (cell) phones were only ever a warm-up phase. the goal is a chip or quantum tattoo it is looking like. Nobody is going to give the phones up, except a very small outlier group. Even I know how bad they are, even off they record your location, yet I can’t toss mine despite having a new but old model flip phone I’d be best to swap to. the smart phone concept is hard to break addiction to. Soon it will be made even easier and no doubt enhanced features everyone will want by virtue of a chip. That was always the goal.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Oct 5, 2020 11:53 AM
Reply to  Rabbitnexus

I have been posting for over a year now, and the technology has been in development for a long time, that brain-reading technology is going to obsolete all the chips, apps, and really all the rest. I would prefer to think it’s a psyop and not hard copy science, but Nissan has already given us the KURO car in 2018 which has a headset that looks like a wireless headphones but is actually an e.e.g. device which interacts with the car AI.

Yet it is the one genre of comment that nobody interacts with .


Oct 1, 2020 9:02 PM

Oh Covid – the SMART virus.

-Super Racist
-Discriminates against gender, age, height and volume of hair
-Knows the time really well
-Patient, can wait round the corner until the protest finishes (particularly if it’s BLM)
-Prefers English over other languages
-Loves Happy Birthday songs in order to spread easier

Oct 4, 2020 2:11 PM
Reply to  Monik

It is “Super Virus” faster than a speeding bullet, can leap through tall buildings, and is more powerful than all the monsters you ever heard of all at once. It has every possible feature known to exist to enhance its deadly power and a few that were never known before. Of course it is politically conscious. Such a thing even has a sense of humor but that of an evil villain of course.

Oct 1, 2020 8:11 PM

Got a bad feeling the Mayor of Middlesbrough who’s defying Gov’t lockdown diktats is a Gov’t psy-op. Middlesbrough won’t lockdown and there’ll be a subsequent ‘spike’ in ‘cases’ which will give the Gov’t a ‘told you so’ justification to impose national lockdown

The Mayor should have questioned the validity of the tests themselves. No one has done this yet. In the current scenario PCR tests should be banned outright

There’s also the human rights issue:

Should the requests of the fearful during a health crisis be given priority over the less fearful who prefer to take the risk so they can continue living their lives. Should we never get in a car or drink a glass of wine because of the health ‘risks’?

Governments have no right to impose quarantine against someone’s will, based on age demographics

Oct 1, 2020 8:10 PM

Off Guardian, you should perhaps say something about the Coronavirus Act, an extension of which was voted through Parliament yesterday (Wednesday) evening…


This hasn’t been reported at all in both the MSM and the so-called ‘alternate media’. I still can’t find out if the Coronavirus Act has been extended by another six months, or by two years which was what the government wanted.

Around 80 Tory MPs revolted against an extension to the Coronavirus Act, but they were placated by Hancock’s Half Hour, who said that MPs might be given the chance to vote on further restrictions. Labour under Sir Keir Starmer voted for it almost entirely.

This extension to the Coronavirus Act allows Bojo & Co to continue to rule by decree, and to continue to completely destroy the UK economy and make millions of people destitute.

Oct 3, 2020 6:13 AM
Reply to  RobG

Labour abstained and six voted against

Oct 1, 2020 8:01 PM

I’d love to believe this, but the author spoiled it by supporting the “global warming” genocide. A long series of pictures, showing people in various stores and workplaces without muzzles, would be a better convincer than this article.

Oct 4, 2020 2:16 PM
Reply to  polistra

The article is legit. Even people who fall for the AGW hoax can get basic facts right. What is missing is the scientific understanding or even curiosity to examine the science, properly. Which means you have to take into account the dissenters too. Those who treat science or believe science is a democratic thing rather than a completely apolitical process defined by hypotheses, trials and peer review just use the word “science” as a talisman. In true science the lone dissenting voice has no less right to be correct and if that voice backs its argument with the necessary evidence then they can be right and everybody else wrong.

Anna Zimmerman
Anna Zimmerman
Oct 1, 2020 7:59 PM

This article was doing so well until the words ‘global warming’ flashed up on the screen. Sigh. I thought offG was supposed to be a propaganda-free zone?

Mr Y
Mr Y
Oct 1, 2020 9:02 PM
Reply to  Anna Zimmerman

Climate change may or may not be a result of human activities but it doesn’t matter because there’s absolutely nothing we can do about it so chill and keep your focus on other matters …

messenger charles
messenger charles
Oct 1, 2020 10:17 PM
Reply to  Mr Y

Oh climate change is definitely man made, but with HAARP and Nexrad weather control technologies – otherwise known as Geoengineering.

“Weather weapons are the future.” — President Lyndon B. Johnson

Oct 1, 2020 10:20 PM
Reply to  Mr Y

Climate fraud.
3 Co2 radiation bands
correseponds to 800C, 400C and -80C
800C and 400C occur during insolation – not anthropogenic! Thermospheric occurance.
supposedly warming from -80 heats the planet and not the sun.
AGW pure twaddle.
Trillion dollar joke

Covid ushers in agenda21 via lockdowns and restrictions and intentionally crashed economy.

Put a saddle on that trojan horse someone!

Time to wake up folks.
clock is ticking and your kids aint got no future under technofascism.

Oct 4, 2020 2:19 PM
Reply to  simonW

I actually think the AGW hoax is a sly game by the nuclear power industry/ They back both sides, including that German “anti-Greta” and both ways they have a leg in the door. Also meant to give cover to weather manipulation and the destruction of some nations and economies by predatory practices.

Oct 1, 2020 7:52 PM

No Gates ‘advisors’

S Cooper
S Cooper
Oct 1, 2020 7:37 PM


From Global Research Canada “The Pandemic that never was.”


Oct 1, 2020 9:59 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

The article is totally about keeping things in proper perspective .This whole Sars-Cov2 has been blown all out of proportion and one does not to wonder why very much .

Oct 1, 2020 7:36 PM

Coronavirus is the new flat Earth!

Mr Y
Mr Y
Oct 1, 2020 9:04 PM
Reply to  Superbuggg

No it’s not, it’s a distraction from the real problems in the world (limits to energy, debt etc).

Oct 4, 2020 2:22 PM
Reply to  Mr Y

Try opening gambit for a cull of 7/8ths of the world’s people and a distraction. Cover for the malfeasance which had brought the world economy to the brink, because we blame the virus now for what we’d have quickly realised was the doing of the billionaires and their lackey governments. All of them.

Oct 1, 2020 7:00 PM

Well the government is still going along with the hysteria by the sounds of it
Also ‘global warming’ doesn’t exist either!

Oct 4, 2020 2:23 PM
Reply to  sam2

Global warming is a cult too and so is this COVID thing. Almost religion but certainly a cult in both cases.

Oct 5, 2020 12:28 AM
Reply to  Rabbitnexus

global warming based upon guilt just like the catholic church and covid based on fear

Oct 5, 2020 2:47 AM
Reply to  sam2

BLM also I think is appealing to guilt of those whites running with it. I guess they don’t recognise that the residual feeling people have about other races is normal and so long as it isn’t irrationally negative it’s not racism, just noticing race and having instincts which are what built up tribes into cities, states and the rest. To assuage their guilt they’re trying to put it onto others. Guilt and fear. Guilt works great on the middle classes. Not so much the other ones. Fear is a great tool for driving all animals of course.

Jolly hox
Jolly hox
Oct 1, 2020 5:57 PM

The aim is the revolt, I can see the far-right all getting ready to overturn our democracy, what is left of it, with the help of a small group of traitors in power, Johnson, is provoking and provoking us to revolt, by spitting in our eyes with these absurd measures, as they release in the right wing press all the facts exposing this idiocy. When we do react, go n the streets, in classic CIA fashion our democracy will be overturned and the far-right and military will be in power, in a Classic CIA coup.

Covid is not the only scam in town, the anti Covid reaction is just as much a controlled operation. Either we get the oppression of the Covid app. and lose civil liberties under this government or we overthrow them and the fascist ride in on a white horse.

Heads we lose or tails we lose and all the exits are covered and they have started the fires.

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
Oct 1, 2020 6:17 PM
Reply to  Jolly hox

When I commented on a local forum that it looked like fascist takeover in Britain, I was told in short order that I was a right wing conspiracy theorist. That put me firmly in my place, without a doubt.

Oct 1, 2020 7:05 PM
Reply to  Nixon Scraypes

They’ll still be in denial when the tanks are in the streets and the soldiers are at their door forcing them to take a test.

Oct 1, 2020 8:12 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Yes, they will. They will never admit to being so wrong about everything. With history as my guide, my guess is, at that point, they’ll just fall completely silent and stop leaving comments online or saying anything at all.

Oct 4, 2020 2:35 PM
Reply to  kevin

That happens I agree every time. There isn’t any difference from left to Right though. each seems perfectly right and logical to themselves and the other side to be extremist nuts. Both are correct about the other side only. They can’t just manipulate one side to create an outcome, both sides have to be positioned within a pre-arranged paradigm for the desired outcome.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Oct 2, 2020 3:01 AM
Reply to  Researcher


I’m glad you highlighted that word, “DENIAL”.

That has been “Public Enemy #1” throughout this mindjob ordeal.

The biggest foe to saving changes.

Oct 4, 2020 2:37 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

Don’t forget dissenters are “in denial” to the sycophants. Both sides being played against the middle. Fear and panic is how you herd sheep. Just enough to get them where you want them but not enough to create panic and ,make them scatter.

Oct 4, 2020 2:31 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Radical left is giving them the excuse. Why cops aren’t doing much to stop it escalate and even making it worse. The right is also complicit by cheering on the violence against the leftist rioters and protesters. This gives the cops cover to go harder and increase the radical left’s culpability in violence and chaos which will eventually result in the state bringing the whole gamut of tools at their disposal but which are being kept out of it so far. When they’re ready it will all come out and watch how fast they shut it all down. The right will soon stop cheering when they realise the same tools of oppression are now permanently deployed and upon all comers. Perfect problem-reaction-solution example. I see many cattle on the right who were denouncing the electronic crowd control measures and weapons not long ago, are now calling for their use against the manipulated cattle asking for it. How neatly the masters play the cattle really. Almost makes me agree most people should be culled.

Oct 4, 2020 9:05 PM
Reply to  Rabbitnexus

I don’t think it’s the radical left. There is no radical left.

The protesters, rioters and arsonists are being paid. They’re state operatives. Mostly criminals or confidential informants. The FBI has amassed a huge confidential informant army of at least a hundred thousand, and I believe it’s mostly these people causing riots, setting fires and breaking windows. BLM leadership are organized cryptocracy devotees recruited at universities, and the rest are just elements within the black community that are young, unemployed and paid to protest. BLM has been pledged 100 million by various entities. Some of the same philanthropies that run all the controlled opposition sites and organizations. As for looting, that’s probably opportunism. Happened during Hurricane Katrina.

Maybe there’s a few stragglers that have been roped in or caught up in the organization and training of these groups, but just like mercenaries in Syria and elsewhere they are funded, directed, trained and centrally command controlled.

BLM and Antifa are both being funded by the cryptocracy.

The creation dates for those websites give away their true origins. The cryptocracy control the activist groups on the left and right spectrum, just like they control all the powerful NGOs and politicians. When you have unlimited funds, you can almost control the whole of society in a top down manner and hijack or pre-empt any populist or fringe movement that could pose a threat.

You sow seeds of confusion and stop a real insurrection by stoking civil unrest around the election.

Divide and conquer. If we look back through history, we can see the pattern. It isn’t new.

Oct 5, 2020 2:54 AM
Reply to  Researcher

I agree if one defines the Left in its traditional ideology that it is gone. That’s why I find more of it among conservatives than Liberals now. I prefer to say Divide and Rule. That’s the sort of division in play. They already conquered us. We are bovine and clueless and evidently happy to stay that way overall. They’re just ruling us or really herding us the way one does cattle. These days we’re just free ranging cattle so don’t notice the fences much but just like those sheep running around in the bush here, we get regularly rounded up and herded towards the pens to be dipped and jabbed, or fleeced and tailed. Or of course to the truck for slaughter. I think that’s what COVID is for.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Oct 5, 2020 12:12 PM
Reply to  Rabbitnexus

I busk as a musician and I’ve seen cattle herding take a new dimension with EMF crowd control tech. They send out signals which affect crowd behaviour, more or less.

Now there you have tin foil hattery as a fait accompli, not mere theory. LOL

John Ervin
John Ervin
Oct 5, 2020 12:15 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

I discussed this with someone else at a popular public open air venue who has some insight into these things, and he pointed it out before I did. He saw the same things occuring, or so he said….

John Ervin
John Ervin
Oct 5, 2020 12:04 PM
Reply to  Researcher

“The protesters, rioters and arsonists are being paid. They’re state operatives. Mostly criminals or confidential informants. The FBI has amassed a huge confidential informant army of at least a hundred thousand, and I believe it’s mostly these people causing riots, setting fires and breaking windows.”

This is basic SOP de rigueur for fascism in most places. The 2011 Cairo protests had Mubarak’s goons among the protesters provoking police, and everyone else. USA had that charade throughout the ’60s. Tiered. The Weathermen became tenured profs.

It’s becoming painfully obvious now everywhere, but it’s even more painful for most people to acknowledge it.

Oct 8, 2020 2:41 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

Tenured profs, perhaps in some cases. Some are in jail. David Gilbert, and there may be others.

Oct 1, 2020 9:06 PM
Reply to  Nixon Scraypes

No, not Fascism but communism/marxism/bolshevism. Fascism was formed to fight against communism in Europe. Fascism was nationalistic as opposed to the commintern globalism.

A real fascist government (not the hollywood misrepresentation) would be far more preferable.
The vast majority have fallen for the lies about Fascism and use the word as a pejorative epithet. The truth is not so hard to find.

Here is an excellent book that lays out the real tenets of Fascism, well worth a read:


Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
Oct 1, 2020 11:28 PM
Reply to  Ross

I agree with you. I can’t tell the difference between the results of one or the other. They’re both dictatorships and that situation attracts the same bastards~ nice opportunities to indulge their outré (light irony) habits. After seeing the hideous sadism of Bolshevism in Russia, it’s no wonder that Germany went for fascism, though try telling that to anyone!! Ouch. In life, I’ve found it much easier to get on with big bullies than inert programmed drones, though I’d rather have neither. They’re there and one has to take it as one finds it. The utopians are the worst though, anything they do is justified because it’s in a “good” cause~” it was a mercy killing” Frank Furter, Rocky Horror.

Oct 2, 2020 6:13 PM
Reply to  Nixon Scraypes

No, they are not both dictatorships.
Fascists aren’t tyrannical they are authoritarian. A fascist is strictly nationalistic and seeks only to look out for the best interests of its given nation and people. Fascism in a nutshell strictly believes that nation and people are one; anything that would harm its people harms the nation, hence this shit wouldn’t happen. A fascism is like its own religion and also strives to exploit the best in man. Fascists also tend to be authoritarian and this is a form of government that upholds popular public opinion and values to strict law.

Tyranny, like Marxism, is a system of government that has ultimate control over the masses and upholds a very unpopular decision or public opinion as strict law. You are completely using the term “fascist” out of context . If you’d say “International Marxism”, “Global Bolshevism” or even global communism, you’d be more accurate, since Bolshevik Marxist’s aim is global domination and ultimate control, through any means necessary. The cult (communism) you generally are referring to Jews and High level mason. If you are going to call out your enemy, you must call them out by their name.

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
Oct 2, 2020 9:41 PM
Reply to  Ross

I don’t like authoritarians and they don’t like me. In a fascist state they call themselves fascists,ditto for communist. To be specific, the enemy are psychopaths and any hierarchy is their happy hunting ground.

Oct 2, 2020 9:52 PM
Reply to  Nixon Scraypes

Do some research. Read the book I have linked to. Here it is again:

Fascists were not psychopaths. You have watched too many hollywood films and read too many MSM articles.

Do you want anarchy? Do you want dystopian anarchist states like we have in America at the moment?
What we need is authoritarianism but, in a altruistic manner. A strong leadership which looks out for the populace and strongly deals with fraud and crime.

You seem to be very young, possibly just out of university. You have a lot of learning to do. Read the book and find out how we have been lied to about real Fascism.

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
Oct 2, 2020 10:33 PM
Reply to  Ross

I’m seventy and read so many books. I work by instinct mostly, and it’s telling me that we are not lucky for each other!

Oct 3, 2020 10:26 AM
Reply to  Nixon Scraypes

Then you should know that Fascism and communism/marxism are polar opposites in every way.

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
Oct 3, 2020 12:29 PM
Reply to  Ross

Bi~polar opposites. They’re politcial credos forming the thesis and antithesis of a dialectic. Two Isms with their Ists, so diametrically opposed that only trouble can occur when they meet. They both advertise themselves as the white hats and end up as the black hats, I think they cause each other.

Oct 3, 2020 12:57 PM
Reply to  Nixon Scraypes

How about this for a government:

1. The power of private bankers printing our money is taken away and the government uses a national controlled system for our money. No more national debt, no more inflation or deflation.

2.Power back to the majority of the people: In the name of free debate a minority now has the power to prevent a Government carrying out the programme for which the majority of the people have voted. The first necessity is to secure the right of the majority to the action which they demand by their vote. This is impossible so long as an obstructive opposition has the power by endless talk to prevent action by Government. The will of the people is greater than the right of the minority. That first principle is denied by the practices of present Democracy.

3The House of Lords will be replaced by a Second Chamber representing the industry, culture and ability of the Nation. This Second Chamber will also contain representatives whose technical knowledge of science and industry shall be specific and detailed beyond the needs of the House of Commons, and will also contain representatives of Education, Religion, the Services, Science, Art, and every aspect of the people’s spiritual life. From this national pool of culture and ability, Government will derive a real assistance.

4. Capitalism is the system by which capital uses the Nation for its own purposes. This government is the system by which the Nation uses capital for its own purposes. Private enterprise is permitted and encouraged so long as it coincides with the national interests. Private enterprise is not permitted when it conflicts with national interests. 

5A Corporation would be established for the control of Banking and Finance as for all other industries. In this case, as in all others, the Corporation would work within the limits of national welfare as laid down by Government. The governing principle of finance will be that British credit shall be used for British purposes alone. The export of credit or capital will be absolutely prohibited.

6 Government would meet Farmers’ Union and ask how much they could expand British agricultural production each year. In return for the maximum annual increase, Government would cut down foreign imports each year by an equivalent amount, until British production had entirely taken their place.

7The Press will not be free to tell lies. That is not freedom for the people but a tyranny over their minds and souls. Much humbug is talked on this subject. What is Press freedom ? In practice it means the right of a few millionaires to corner newspaper shares on the stock exchange and to voice their own opinions and interests irrespective of the truth or of the national interest.

That is only a small outline of a government for the people.

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
Oct 3, 2020 1:27 PM
Reply to  Ross

I’m all for it. Let’s find a new land and start from scratch, like America 500 years ago! Or even consider Gaddafi’s Libya, not so long ago and I don’t mean how it was presented by British propaganda. Control of the means of exchange is the most vital thing, at least a few people know that now, not just the criminals. One thing, a change of name is definitely called for, the old one is a little tainted for public consumption.

Oct 3, 2020 2:43 PM
Reply to  Nixon Scraypes

These are Fascist tenets, copied and pasted from the book I linked to.

Oct 4, 2020 2:50 PM
Reply to  Ross

Yet none of them ever appeared in the manifesto even of any fascist state. How odd.

Oct 4, 2020 2:50 PM
Reply to  Nixon Scraypes

I was intending to retire to Libya (from Australia). It was an awesome state with enormous potential. Now it is ruined and not even fixable.

Oct 4, 2020 2:48 PM
Reply to  Ross

Sounds like a Utopian to me. So what was the point of that fanciful wish list? How about giving us one example where any of that formed part of the left or Right’s daily porridge of bullshit?

Oct 3, 2020 1:04 PM
Reply to  Nixon Scraypes

Lets look at Spain 1930’s. The communist/marxist staged a bloody take over , thousands of innocents including preists and nuns were murdered by the commintern/international brigade.

General Franco set up the Falange/fascists to fight against the communists. The Fascsists won, thereafter Spain lived in peace and prosperity under a Fascist government whereas countries in Eastern Europe under the communist boot lived under tyranny and death.

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
Oct 3, 2020 1:33 PM
Reply to  Ross

Communism is the flavour of the month at the moment, which poses some difficulties.

Oct 4, 2020 2:53 PM
Reply to  Nixon Scraypes

It is always so with Americans. Communism is not even understood by them. The left and right seem unable to separate socialism in its many forms from communism so mention of either to an American elicits a knee jerk response which is not the least bit realistic. Democratic socialism for example is as opposed to communism as any idea yet I never saw an American conservative who could see any difference.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Oct 5, 2020 12:22 PM
Reply to  Rabbitnexus

So true. And add a most dire poverty of imagination.

Oct 8, 2020 2:42 PM
Reply to  Nixon Scraypes


Oct 8, 2020 3:03 PM
Reply to  Ross

Franco et al would not accept a narrow election victory by the left and revolted, quickly capturing about a third of Spain and slaughtering their opponents. The Republicans slaughtered the rebelling soldiers and their supporters in those areas of Spain where the revolt failed, notably in Madrid and Barcelona. The Catholic Church, a wealthy institution in Spain, was also targeted. Incidentally George Orwell, who fought on the Republican side and hated the Catholic Church, regarded this as perfectly natural. Although his view that Stalinism was excessively influential on the English intellectual scene has been widely disseminated, it is less well-known that he thought Catholicism exercised too much influence.

Oct 4, 2020 1:21 PM
Reply to  Ross

not. u need to real a little more

where did hitler get the idea and plan for the nazis from ?

Oct 4, 2020 2:42 PM
Reply to  Ross

Apologists for fascism is nothing new. good arguments exist for any political concept if one takes their word for it. This assumes no other means of resistance to the murderous Bolshevism existed. I admire Hitler personally but don’t think I’d choose to live in national Socialist Germany either.

See the definition above. the USA is already a fascist state. Corporate merged with government has even made corporations real people, except giant people with rights and influence commensurate with their size. the USA is an oligarchy. hence fascist. this the Left have partly right. they simply miss the point the same oligarchs are pulling their strings as they blame those who buy into the narrative the Right is fed, namely the idea it is a democratic republic or that their votes mean anything or that the USA was ever great in any sense except immense military might.

Oct 4, 2020 2:40 PM
Reply to  Ross

Try opposing a fascist state and get back to me about tyranny. Both assert their will over people by same means. Both rob individuals of freedom and the right to choose their own path in life.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Oct 5, 2020 12:44 PM
Reply to  Rabbitnexus

That seems the point most I’ll Duce apologists miss. When I was 4 I was being vilified by the mother of my girlfriend next door, a tender 3yo, her mom had a thick Italian accent and had been raised in Mussolini Italy. She was telling all the neighbors that I was a menace because of my questioning tendencies, my allergy to cant. She had her seven year old son beat the crap out of me. She even made my family quiz me about it all. Her daughter Lorna and I were very close, heart to heart, and she fought it with tenacity, she was that fearful of my critical thinking tendencies and their influence. I opposed her with all the dissidence I could muster.

I think the family were gangsters, but ideologists.

I found out the other day that Roberto Assagioli, who I had greatly admired since I was 15, was Jailed for a month by Mussolini for “praying for peace and influencing others and other international crimes” etc.

I had a faceful of that via Sicilian immigrants at 3 to 5 years old til we moved away. Incredible. It flavored my outlook on life forevermore.

From a political paisano:

“It is a dirty truth that many people don’t find fascism too particularly terrible.”

— Michael Parenti

“When fascism comes to America it will be draped in the flag and carrying a carrying a cross.”

Oct 4, 2020 2:38 PM
Reply to  Ross

I like this better. “The concept of fascism is dependent on the merger of corporations with the state. The power inherent in government is combined with corporate power, this brings the majority of power in a nation under a small group of individuals. This is known as an Oligarchy.”

Oct 2, 2020 12:23 AM
Reply to  Nixon Scraypes

They are partially right, because the far-right are trying to take control of the anti-covid operation. Look at the people on this site, look at the people behind this site. Apart from the Liberals the fascist are getting control of the anti-lockdown debate.

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
Oct 2, 2020 10:37 PM
Reply to  god

The far right are the far left and they’re so far out they’re beyond me.

Oct 4, 2020 2:58 PM
Reply to  Nixon Scraypes

Well, I’m a lifelong Lefty who chooses to mix mostly with the Right at the moment because they’re closer to my ideals formed at the end of the 60s and seventies even if I have to hold my nose a bit with the bigotry which finds a home among conservatives. As a Muslim convert that isn’t as easy as it sounds and I usually go by my Muslim name. Still easier to tolerate than the brainless, reactionary and utterly lost in space left.

Oct 4, 2020 2:55 PM
Reply to  god

Libs are leading the pro lock-down cult. I said it above, both sides are being created artificially and both sides are being played towards the same ends. It allows the controllers to walk the desired result out as they go and keeps people sufficiently divided to easily rule over them. Divide and rule is same as divide and conquer.

Oct 4, 2020 2:55 PM
Reply to  Rabbitnexus

Put this way, half of society is always backing their moves. Enabling a veneer of legitimacy to anything they desire.

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
Oct 4, 2020 6:00 PM
Reply to  Rabbitnexus

Comparing Libya before the blitzkrieg and Australia post sniffle panic, it’s no wonder you wanted to go there, but I bet you’re glad you didn’t. Recently a lot of people have recommended the Isle of Wight to me!

Oct 4, 2020 8:45 PM
Reply to  Nixon Scraypes

Oz isn’t done yet. We’re putting together a class action lawsuit, to go direct to the High Court. They’re breaking their own laws…our laws…in their response. It doesn’t even qualify as a pandemic by our laws and the law suit is detailed and a slam dunk case. The question is only if we still have rule of law. If we can get this through it is either the info I need to turn my back on the government and defunct legal system and get serious about plan-B or it will shake the government up including the states big time. I don’t doubt it will serve as a trigger for the rest of the world too. They’re using Victoria as a Beta test I suspect. Dan Andrews is a corrupt bastard, the cops too in Victoria are crooks. They’ve had no effective opposition for more than 20 years. However once they start to come undone it’s going to see them scrambling to stay out of prison.

Yes I’m glad I wasn’t in Libya. Still I’m not yet ready for retirement as I’m only 57. I doubt I’ll be retiring anyway. Probably die in the saddle. There doesn’t look to be anywhere to go anymore so it will have to be here one makes a stand. I’ve got some interesting friends and believe we have a serious shot at annexing a new nation out of this country if I can get those interesting friends to work together and instill a bit of political consciousness into them. We’ll make our own country and it won’t be too shabby either as far as wealth goes. It depends once again on the law. International law and what is left of it. I don’t give up so long as a cause has life in it and a chance of success. I’ve been hoping for a ride off this planet for a while but it doesn’t look like that is coming so nothing for it but to fight.

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
Oct 4, 2020 11:50 PM
Reply to  Rabbitnexus

Well I really hope you succeed. I always imagined Australia as a sort of free Britain! Romantic dreams of independent pioneers! I was so shocked to see what’s going on in Victoria, it never entered my mind that Crocodile Dundee would stand for that shit, I really thought that it was only us winging poms. When I was five the love of my life emigrated to Australia with her family. Look after her.

Oct 8, 2020 2:54 PM
Reply to  god

Indeed, I was intrigued to encounter a commentator here who thought the Procotols Of The Learned Elders etc. had explanatory power for our world in 2020, rather than being a Tsarist-era forgery.
Then again, more left-wing people seem to accept the Covid lunacy in too many cases.

Oct 1, 2020 7:02 PM
Reply to  Jolly hox

You forgot one thing.

You don’t have a democracy. You never did.

Oct 1, 2020 9:12 PM
Reply to  Researcher

We do/did, it taught you to read and write.

Oct 2, 2020 12:35 AM
Reply to  Goon

My mother taught me me to read and write before I ever went to school which cost around 15k a year by the time I went. So it had nothing to do with a democracy. There’s a difference between a government that manages a bureaucracy and a democracy which has never existed in the modern world. Voting doesn’t imply democratic rule. It’s a meaningless gesture for simpletons.

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
Oct 2, 2020 10:17 PM
Reply to  Researcher

It’s very odd about reading. I read before school, and my mother must have helped me but I have the feeling that words are born with us. Next door when I was young there was a boy whose mother was Dutch but they spoke only English. His Dutch cousin visited and they used to chat away to each other and NO ONE else could understand a word of it! It was neither Dutch nor English.
Democracy is just a word that maybe one or two scholars could accurately define, but is used conversationally in a way we intuit that the other person means by it. Words are a bridge we use to communicate with each other, sometimes it works,then the words are forgotten, the bridge disappears and we are on the other side of the river. Then again,words can be solidified as laws and keep us separated on opposite sides of the divide.

Oct 4, 2020 3:04 PM
Reply to  Nixon Scraypes

I was a big reader as a small child too. I’d read many major novels and begun to read even esoteric stuff by age 12. That was the age I first read Robert Monroe’s “Journeys out of the Body” Freaked me out as I was doing it but never realised what it was till then. I got freaked because I was getting more volumes from the library and reading accounts of it by various other cultures and came across some stuff which scared me big time. Pity because I built up a fear barrier by age 15 and it stopped. By the time I wanted to do it, about 19 i had lost it and had but a handful of times since.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Oct 4, 2020 2:38 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Voting was completely privatized in any country that use machines decades ago. The companies that make and own them bar the public from seeing the process, saying it’s ‘proprietary software’.

There’s your voting. That’s your democracy.

Or, alternatively, Really Bad Joke.

Our choice!

John Ervin
John Ervin
Oct 4, 2020 2:33 AM
Reply to  Goon

What? Seriously? Hitler and Il Duce let their people read and write but they hardly styled themselves as poster boys for democracy.

Oct 4, 2020 3:05 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

USSR and China put any democracy to shame with their education too.

Oct 4, 2020 3:01 PM
Reply to  Goon

Rubbish. People in dictatorships and kingdoms learn how to read and write. Communists learned it much better than any democracy too. Soviet and Chinese education was vastly superior to the feeble US example and many other ostensibly “democratic states”

Oct 8, 2020 2:46 PM
Reply to  Rabbitnexus

After Sputnik got into orbit the Americans were worried that their education system had fallen behind and to some extent it had. But I think they perhaps had had an unrealistically low opinion of the Soviet system – a bunch of semi-literate muzhiks etc.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Oct 1, 2020 7:02 PM
Reply to  Jolly hox

 “our democracy” Whether one wishes to acknowledge it Corporate Fascism is here.

Oct 4, 2020 2:26 PM
Reply to  Jolly hox

The far right is reacting to the radical left. Both are living an artificial paradigm controlled by the self appointed elite. As far as civil war/conflict which is designed to rip the USA apart, it is absolutely the radical left who are actively pushing for this. With no dog in the fight myself I find it astonishingly obvious. Left and Right are totally artificial. Nobody is all of either but they adapt their views to match their chosen side and media ensures they each get their own specialised version of all things. Yet it is noticeable they both work in synchronicity to reinforce the main narrative.

Oct 8, 2020 2:50 PM
Reply to  Rabbitnexus

I don’t think the difference is artificial. A member of Golden Dawn in Greece for example has a different view of the world from a member of the Greek Communist Party.

Toddy real
Toddy real
Oct 1, 2020 5:47 PM

The aim is the revolt, I can see the far-right all getting ready to overturn our democracy, what is left of it, with the help of a small group of traitors in power, Johnson, is provoking and provoking us to revolt, by spitting in our eye with these absurd measures as they release in the right wing press all the facts exposing the idiocy. When we do react, in classic CIA fashion, our democracy will be overturned and the far-right and military will be in power, in a Classic CIA coup. Covid is not the only scam in town, the anti Covid reaction is just as much a controlled operation. Either we get the oppression of the Covid app and loss of civil liberties under this government or we overthrow them and the fascist ride in on a white horse. Heads we lose or tails we lose and all the exits are covered and they have started the fires.

Oct 1, 2020 11:00 PM
Reply to  Toddy real

our democracy will be overturned and the far-right and military will be in power

Wake up and smell the coffee pal. This is now.

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
Oct 2, 2020 10:23 PM
Reply to  Toddy real

Just refuse the vaccine with your right and your left brain,hand and everything you’ve got.

Oct 4, 2020 3:11 PM
Reply to  Toddy real

The far right isn’t even getting a look in and are defending themselves from being disenfranchised and criminalised. It is frustrating to watch leftists try to ignore the fact most media, education systems, judiciary and social media, as well as big silicon valley corps etc are totally Liberal/Leftist and going all out to antagonise the right whilst tearing at the state and society in every way they can. Both sides are puppets but the Left is the antagonist at this time. The left is giving the state an excuse to roll out the entire apparatus of repression but the Right is helping too, by cheering it on. All these terms you all bandy about are bullshit. fake paradigms fed to you. We all live in an oligarchical world and oligarchs only manipulate people through the right or left paradigms they do not adhere to either viewpoint, because both are arbitrary. they political leanings are neither left nor right. They believe in them as masters and the rest as serfs or stock on their farms. Politics is just how they herd the sheep. they don’t play it personally except to take a position when it assists in the herding.

Oct 4, 2020 3:14 PM
Reply to  Rabbitnexus

Trump who is an oligarchs tool if not one himself could as easily have run for the left. His last act just prior to running as a rep was to fight the Miss Universe committee on behalf of a trans entrant ffs. How conservative is that? The media campaign is to give him cred with his base today. Imagine how far a candidate would get today if BOTH sides of the media supported them?

Oct 1, 2020 5:45 PM

At work today, I let one of my colleagues know exactly how I felt about this hoax – somewhat guiltily, since I had no idea what her opinion might be. It turned out that her brother is a doctor, but not one of the more enlightened ones who goes beyond the framework of his particular field or his educational background. In other words she and her brother are both “follow the authorities’ advice” types.
When I’d finished venting my spleen – without shouting, I hasten to add – I took a moment to analyze exactly how I felt, having talked for 5 minutes about a subject which she may well have found “sensitive” or “controversial”, or which she may even have thought to be completely out of bounds to talk about at all.
To start with, I could see that she was mildly amused, though also mildly concerned, but she did listen with reasonable patience to what I had to say. No big deal. In any case, I very much doubt I managed to persuade her that there are other, more reliable, outlets for scientific news than the evening TV news, so, after stating, “Okay, I’ve said it. I won’t say any more”, I felt I might have succeeded only in revealing myself as just another trouble-making conspiracy lunatic. Perhaps in her mind that was exactly what I had done.
Still, the result of my self-analysis was that I definitely felt better.
I had not tacitly supported the criminals at work here, and the knowledge that there are other points of view is now firmly stuck in my colleague’s mind, whether she likes it or not. Over the years I have earned a fair amount of respect in my field, so it won’t be too easy to shrug me off as a misguided fool. That’s why I offer this little story as an incentive to others who might think it makes no difference at all what we try to do to stop this sickening power grab. We stand every chance of improving our self-respect, if nothing else, and with that comes the additional possibility of improving the respect we earn from outside ourselves.

Oct 4, 2020 3:19 PM
Reply to  wardropper

I’ve seen it daily almost. I have had medical people from nurses through doctors and hematologists etc. Health care professionals mostly react politely but firmly retire to a “don’t want to hear anything about it, I’m just doing my job and helping save people without getting involved. Many clearly are avoiding the discomfort which cognitive dissonance gives. I feel a bit of pity usually. One exception so far was a lab worker in hospital and admitted a few things about it all which clearly left them in limbo. This man was also avoiding making up his mind, choosing silence over dissent.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Oct 1, 2020 4:46 PM

Buried in the hype:Nicaragua is a country where 80% of farmland holdings are under 875 acres, worked by small and medium sized producers. It is a country where small-scale family businesses drive the economy, controlling over 60% of disposable income, providing around 80% of the country’s employment and producing 90% of all the food it consumes.”

The eventuality of the corona hoax will be about food, or lack thereof. Mono agriculture by mega conglomerates, and the industrialist controlled modality of food importation is collapsing. Countries with small scale agribusiness and family farms will survive the longest. Globalists know this.

Oct 1, 2020 5:03 PM

Local administration is the deal, if there’s a future.

Grace Johns
Grace Johns
Oct 1, 2020 8:56 PM

Thats why I think Mexico will be ok (as far as ok will go) despite a post today that claimed to be ‘alternate’ but quoted Bloomberg saying everyone in Mexico City and south is starving to death. NOPE. People grow their own stuff here, chickens on rooftops and it isnt illegal (yet)
We started off not being inculcated into the satanic performance but too many yanks here demanded tyranny because they think they rule the world wherever they happen to live. They’re still the only ones in masks and who jump off the sidewalk when they pass you.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Oct 1, 2020 10:26 PM
Reply to  Grace Johns

Hello Grace Johns: Bloomberg news – another prophet of financial incarceration… Mexico would do well to close it’s Northern boarder and lock the investment classes out.

Grace Johns
Grace Johns
Oct 1, 2020 11:09 PM

IDK why they don’t after the mistreatment Mexicans have received there and now the hypocrisy of Yanks running down here making their escape. (or heading for the other border. Apparently ‘move to Canada’ was top Google search after the debate) At least Mexico should build some detention centres, but they’re too decent for that shit.

Oct 1, 2020 4:40 PM

The Red Pill
The people doing this have long imagined a world in which they rule supreme, where they live in a sort of paradise.
You and me – the Gentile, if we are to live, will be total slaves. They will make sure there is no chance we can rise up.
No they will not be troubled by this. They truly believe themselves superior, and us inferior. It is their ‘destiny’.
The Gentile could not do this, being bound by the law of God (even the Atheists).
This is close to what we have now, the difference being now we still have a chance to stop it.
Know your enemy and what are its aims.
Fight or forever lose your and your forbears’ freedoms.

Oct 1, 2020 4:41 PM
Reply to  ZenPriest

Note the only ‘fight’ you need to do is to see the enemy. And try to make others see.

Oct 1, 2020 5:13 PM
Reply to  ZenPriest

Is that really true? Many of us see the enemy pretty clearly already, but we haven’t a clue as to how to stop him…
But I know from your previous comments that you do not mean this on a superficial level. Perhaps we do indeed just have to suffer for knowing the truth, and of course we wouldn’t be the first to have to do that.
Also, I really don’t think the people doing this are religious enough to follow any thought of being “God’s chosen people”.
These are the people who started wild partying the minute Moses turned his back and went off to talk to God about the Ten Commandments – probably thinking that he was really only a hallucinating looney who would never come back… They are the money lenders in the Temple and the Scribes and Pharisees who knew the text of the Scriptures backwards, but understood none of its meaning.

Oct 1, 2020 5:41 PM
Reply to  wardropper

From what I have seen, even on here, people won’t go there.
You don’t need to be religious at all. You need to understand their ideology and their motivation. Then look at history, and the present.
Once you do that, you think OH SHIT. You see their game, and you see the source from which emanates all the terror and degeneracy around us.
In my own tiny way, they are powerless. I don’t buy from them, I don’t believe their bullshit, I give them nothing. If the ordinary man could do this, all their power vanishes.
I get this doesn’t seem like a quick solution. But I can’t see any others. All I will say is that when an idea starts to catch on it can spread like wildfire.
You have to start somewhere. And in any war, you must know your enemy. You cannot win otherwise.

Oct 1, 2020 4:26 PM

Again there were no deaths from ” covid” as “covid” simply doesn’t exist.
Psyop covid.

Oct 1, 2020 5:05 PM
Reply to  BDBinc

Yes. It hurts to see the vaccine push there, as though it’s the right thing to do.

Oct 1, 2020 5:29 PM
Reply to  geo

Yip a hidden vaccine pusher and the lies that covid exists sneakily embedded in article.

Oct 1, 2020 7:18 PM
Reply to  BDBinc

I’d say it MAY not exist. I do follow Dr Andrew Kaufman’s disclosures, but it’s not absolute, unfortunately. SOMETHING is bothering us. I suspect generalized environmental degradation, which may be the real coverup.

Oct 1, 2020 7:49 PM
Reply to  geo

Covid definitely does not exist except as a mental virus as you would have to have proof of it and they do not.
No new virus and no new disease, its 100% fraud.

Oct 2, 2020 4:40 PM
Reply to  BDBinc

I believe Dr Kaufman tipped me off to this when he discussed in detail how the labs do their work. At a certain point they turn to a computer model. This raised my eyebrows, as we’re now in virtuality! He also discusses how short the RNA chain is, implying no certainty as to identification Are you saying that there are viruses, but not C-19? Koch’s Postulates not being met puts doubt on there being ANY viruses.

Oct 1, 2020 7:55 PM
Reply to  geo

Why do you call all these things an ‘it’
Why do we demonise the function of the immune-detox response as a pathogenic attack?
Is it because we are the masked over mind of the ‘predator’ seeing our own motivation in anything?

Fear reacted to generates belief without conscious evaluation. Once the belief is ‘set’ it operates invisibly as presumed reality or ‘normal’.

Oct 2, 2020 4:47 PM
Reply to  Binra

If belief can be an ‘it’, as you just said, so can a virus be an ‘it’. I personally feel that viruses may not exist at all, but I have no absolute certainty that that is so. Even if Koch’s postulates are not met, something still could exist. There was doubt about the reality of viruses right from the start. I see our current mess as the result of the mania to KNOW EVERYTHING, which has reached lunatic proportions in our information-stuffed world. There is mystery in life!

Oct 2, 2020 6:57 PM
Reply to  geo

My point is, why believe there is a singular ‘it’ to various clinical conditions and unreliable and indeterminate ‘test’ cases without clinical sickness? While that belief triggers overreactive responses that attract or divert funding and resources that in tern generate negative outcomes?

It is quite possible to know what is going on, but vested interests operate to mask in mysteries of scientific obfuscation.

The false desire is to only seek to ‘know’ the basis for marketising and controlling life. The mystery that is life is truly felt and known and shared in – but not stuffed into a control mind to be possessed and controlled. That is something else.

True purpose aligns in what is relevant and serves purpose, so to discern what is needed or how to interpret or respond wisely. Conflicted purposes operate divides to rule out truth, while masking under a narrative that seems to unify. ‘Seems’ being the mask.

Viruses or extracellular communication may indeed exist, but has their pathological agency as causation been truly established, or is it a play on ancient fears and the ability to use them for cover story (diversion), and as means to gain attention and funding, promotion and status?
Information is not knowledge is not wisdom.

So I can share in your sentiment expressed.

Oct 2, 2020 7:55 PM
Reply to  Binra

It could be that the ‘it’ was the flu, whatever that is, which ended in May. I’m seeing it that way. I don’t think we can ever know everything; we just think we can. I’m concerned with psyche/ego and its arrogance/defensiveness. Seen everywhere. Bringing harm.

Oct 2, 2020 9:47 PM
Reply to  geo

Well because ‘It’ is set as the one viral threat to rule them all and in the darkness bind them – most else paid tribute to its statistical inflation including cold, flu and a new asymptomatic condition called ‘cases’.
You are using ‘knowledge’ for knowing about and I see that as part of the mind of possession and control – or defence. Yes the ego. I hold knowledge to be an intimacy that cannot be possessed, grasped, defined and patented or fought over. You could call this anything you want or leave unnamed, but without it we run as one who knows not what we do – no matter how much we seem to ‘know’ within the world. Ignorance and arrogance are two sides of a coin.
If you truly knew what you did, you would not choose to hurt yourself. Jesus said, even as you do unto the least you do unto Me, and he didn’t mean ONLY unto the most judged against or denied. The alternative to the ego is to choose not to use it, but this means knowing what we do – so as to make another choice.Judgement splits the mind and is ignorant of wholeness, and arrogant in presuming to know. The more guilt it can find the more it can justify its role of control.
Thinking is indeed the capacity to think we are responding to reality when we are reacting to what we believe is true, and are convinced of as part of our conditioning, adaptation and survival – and so operates autmatically as reflex, with no time or process of evaluation, consideration or questioning.

We can see this as
That is the trigger-pattern within our conditioning that has to be re-routed to:
“Dont just do something. Stand there!”.
(If we do not want to be hacked and used for loveless agenda).

This is the opposite of conditioned reactions that operate out of a past that fears deep fear is happening again. A time of terror, pain and loss – generating. Everything is mobilised against this, which to say it locks down the mind to its ‘essential services’ while directing everything to fight and flight. In the body politic is also operates a ‘freeze’ response and paralysis while the threat is actively possessing (or dispossessing) the mind.

There is hatred in the human heart that can be too hateful to abide, and from which the mind recoils as a cell from toxicity, and seeks to damn, banish, eradicate and deny – by casting out to others and world. If we saw that we did this we would recognise it isn’t true. But if we want it to be true, we make sure to look away. Healing is of truth, not of magic bullets or pharmaceutical spells. But if we want it to be truly cast away from us, we want externalised diversion and displacement seeking external remedies. The comparison of hatred to toxicity has other resonances. The by products of blind selfish ‘getting’ are toxic consequences which the ego repackages to conceal and push out onto others, while generating narrative justifications of necessity or moral mitigation. Getting is driven addictive use of others and world to fill a hole, but giving and receiving share a wholeness. Self-denial or self-sacrifice is not the answer or remedy for ‘selfish getting’ but merely the attempt to get out of or get rid of guilt by limiting freedom and denying expression as ‘control’ masking as virtue.

Oct 3, 2020 4:51 AM
Reply to  Binra

Knowledge is time. Thus limited. Awareness, seeing, attention are completely different. In the latter is freedom. Experiment with it.

Oct 3, 2020 8:38 PM
Reply to  geo

The use of symbols is variable and subjective.
To find a common tongue seek and find the resonance of recognition.

An experiment in limitation is playing out.
You are the freedom to experience your gift to yourself and to experience limitation in time – as a unique perspective within the whole, set in the frame of thinking that masks over the timeless.

Attention within the field of awareness operates a focus within infinite potentials – and is the object of desire. Attention yielded to awareness is released of the bias of ‘knowledge’. Knowing is formless and not two – but to talk of this is to choose symbols that in and of themselves mean anything and nothing.

So – for my alignment in freedom is to share from the territory living me, without telling anyone who they are or should be. This invites and opens to freedom instead of playing the world of competing narratives.
i don’t mind what language and symbols you choose.
But what is the ‘territory’ of your current desire of movement as a perspective or as you say ‘experiment’?

What works for you, is your acceptance. If it was not working for you, you would not accept it – and so this begs the question of whether we know our thought and desire or mask in thinking and emotional substitution. The split mind can generate its obstacle while complaining of limitation and even dying from the attempt to overcome or escape its own script.

If you have no identification invested in limitation, you would not be sharing this focus with me now.
Freedom to experience and freedom from experience are the two sides of a coin.

George McFetridge
George McFetridge
Oct 4, 2020 4:29 AM
Reply to  Binra

Action of seeing. If it’s no good, move on.

Oct 4, 2020 10:22 AM

The ‘action’ of awareness is already movement of a wholeness.
When we notice of become aware of something useless, meaningless, purposeless or without relevance or significance to who we accept ourselves to be, then we do not ‘action’ the alighting in, aligning in, seeing through or identifying with it, and it is already behind us as we have ‘moved on’ or rather have not tarried in a ‘no good’ but abide in a Currency.
This is discernment within wholeness for resonance and recognition of the true.

The masking substitution of a mind split in judgement is actively seeking good in symbol, image and forms that inherently conflict with true Currency as the shadow of a past in which the Current is judged and found lacking and ‘not good’ – or promising and good in part – but for the spoiler. Such that getting rid of the spoiler becomes the new definition of the means to the good.

These two ‘minds’ are within us all, and the agreement to normalise and hide the split is within the means to get rid of the light of seeing as a means of ‘protecting the anti-spoiler’ agenda.

So what you said in words can signify that if it doesn’t fit or serve my rules and filters of lockdown and control, it is not given acceptance, acknowledgent or the Act-uality of beholding – but is ruled out by a past decision that is active in seeing its own stamp on the face of a present-ation – but at cost of a true awareness of presence – which beholds – and sees that it is very Good!

Thanks for the prompt for a morning meditation.
True discernment is the key to releasing insanity from a past made in desire that truth be different than it is.

George McFetridge
George McFetridge
Oct 4, 2020 6:30 PM
Reply to  Binra

Actual meditation is 24/7.

Oct 5, 2020 12:29 AM

You are always looking within – but such recognition may be masked over, and a mask of diversion and forgetting projects the realm of distance, as not here, and time as not now.
We may divide and measure as a means to set scales of meanings from comparisons, but what is, is not thereby broken into something else – excepting to the mind of a wish that truth be different than it is.
However the practical significance of this is the freedom to uncover or notice what the mask was made to hide in or keep hidden from.

I put more store in the grace of noticing, now – that any measure or comparison.

Whatever your word holds as meaning, to you – is the measure of your giving – you cannot receive what you are unwilling to give. Yet what you ARE receiving is revealing the measure of your giving – if you have eyes to see.
Thankyou for a timeless meditation – whatever time it seems to be where you are now.

Oct 1, 2020 3:23 PM

100 military officers take to streets of Birmingham to test families in Covid hotspots

soon it will be serco and g4s maybe dressed as cops or army

80million shots waiting astro zeneca smith kleinfelt and beacham
the cattle getting restless
vitamins needed
what what

There is a belief that a very powerful sick and twisted zioCABAL are the brains behind the SCAMDEMIC.

Oct 1, 2020 2:17 PM

The old Sandinista spirit lives on

Oct 1, 2020 1:46 PM

If you want to forget about Covid for a while you can watch this. DARPA and Profusa’s Hydrogel Biochip:


Then when you’re done with that 20 minute video, I suggest everyone revisit Deagel’s page on population projections for 2025.


They’ve updated it with some information in their disclaimer at the base of the page that goes into more detail about the impending economic collapse and the likely military action we’ll see going forward.

Because you’ve suspected all along this lockdown was not about a virus.

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Oct 1, 2020 2:58 PM
Reply to  Researcher

In 2014 we published a disclaimer about the forecast. In six years the scenario has changed dramatically.

So…the “scenario has changed dramatically,” but the forecast FIGURES remain the same. Funny that.

The former disclaimer specifically said that neither war nor pandemic was considered in the massive population drop, but only the “winding down of Ponzi schemes” and mass emigration due to economic collapse. Now they are saying, oh yeah it’s all war and pandemic (even if they seem to acknowledge the pandemic is a “hoax”). Leading coincidentally to the exact same outcome.

Then they have the chutzpah to say, “We expected this situation to unfold and actually is unfolding right now.” ORLY? Then how come you previously predicted an entirely different “situation” if you expected this one?

1984’s Minitrue was constantly engaged in changing records of the past to maintain control over the present.
Deagle is going one better by changing the Narrative of the future…to rationalize their past predictions for the future.
Shall we coin a new phrase for this? Perhaps Deagelian Preemptive Revisionism?

Plus, their New Future Narrative is wildly self-contradictory. They say “The Great Reset…is another attempt to extend the life of the current system.” This makes no sense on its face. The Great Reset is conceived, and is succeeding effortlessly, in energetically dismantling everything about the “current system.” Certainly it has replaced any semblance of capitalism, democracy, constitutional republic and national sovereignty. The entire civilian order has been subjugated to a supra-national Military-Intelligence-Corporate oligarchy, with China and Israel very much in the driver’s seat. What “system” does Deagel think is being preserved?

Anyway, thanks for bringing this out, ‘Searcher. Peerless work as always.

Oct 1, 2020 3:28 PM
Reply to  Fact Checker

Thanks ‘Checker. As expected, Deagel are now pushing the China, Russia, US tension story. A planned war with a planned outcome, entailing planned martial law, no doubt.

Our last hope is the lawyers. If they fail, we are on our own.

Here’s a video of Dr. Reiner Fullmich on his litigation plan challenging the validity of the PCR test. I believe the international consortium of lawyers he is organizing may contain Robert Kennedy Jnr, which is probably why he was in Berlin at the same protest.


Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Oct 2, 2020 4:35 AM
Reply to  Researcher

I expect a “war” with no bombs, but lots of TeeVee news hysteria about bombs, falling everywhere. The masses will be terrorized by TeeVee images of mushroom clouds in Tucson! And Tulsa! and Tallahassee! And [insert a place close to you here]. Then the “Civil Support Team” of the US Army (yes, I have seen the convoys on the freeways, during the height of the “lockdown”) will be deployed to evict huge swathes of people at gunpoint–because of the Nuclear Fallout(tm)–rounded up into camps and vaxecuted. (You Can’t Maintain Social Distance in Camps, Doncha Know!)

Oct 2, 2020 12:34 PM
Reply to  Fact Checker

I used to think there’s no way they would ever engage in a hot war, but now I’m not so sure.

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Oct 2, 2020 3:49 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I won’t deny it’s within the realm of the possible, but I think it will be deemed too messy by the technocratic overlords. There’s no need to bomb the sheeple when they’re already lined up, clamoring at the gates of the Abattoir, bleating to be let in.

All they need now is nice, quiet, orderly vaxecution, to put the Herd down, like good, obedient dogs when the vet bills get too high.

Oct 1, 2020 3:34 PM
Reply to  Fact Checker

anybody who claims that “China is in the driver’s seat”, is a disinfo shill.

wake me up when Xi Jinping gets this kind of reception in Washington:

Oct 1, 2020 3:42 PM
Reply to  THX-1143

Do you not understand what is going on with the currency? They are destroying the dollar on purpose. To hasten the economic collapse.

When Dimitry Orlov said the US will dry up and blow away, he didn’t explain why. Because the globalists shifted the power from the US to China decades ago.

Oct 1, 2020 4:19 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Yet China has plans to end privatisation and to place industries and businesses in worker control by 2050. The people you think are “shifting power to Beijing” are the very people pushing the China must be destroyed line and communism is evil lie.

Oct 1, 2020 8:48 PM
Reply to  Koba

That’s what they do. They back both sides. It’s what they’ve always done, throughout history.

The wars are planned. They will kill everyone on earth. They worship Lucifer. They want to destroy the world in a planned Armageddon end days.

Whatever you think you know about China you don’t. The Chinese do not have any control. They are robotic slaves.

Oct 1, 2020 4:17 PM
Reply to  THX-1143

THX my god was that cathartic to see someone else not fall for the China bad narrative pushed by so many shills. I have proof my mild pro China YouTube comments get deleted within 16 seconds but comments bordering on genocidal are allowed but everyone’s in the comment section saying CCP bots and shills are everywhere. More than likely typed out by CIA/NED/Pentagon/MI5/77th Brigade shills and bots themselves

Oct 1, 2020 8:54 PM
Reply to  Koba

How long have you lived in China?

How many years?

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Oct 2, 2020 4:45 AM
Reply to  Koba

Fake rivalries and useful adversaries are workhorses in the stable of statecraft.

That doesn’t mean the rigged-up boogeyman is actually good. They’re just staying in character in a grandiose kayfabe (Fake Wrestling Publicity Stunt).

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Oct 2, 2020 4:27 AM
Reply to  THX-1143

“Shill”? For what?

ParasitIsrael is courting China as its new host, and systematically butchering the body politic of the USA. The top US elite, most of whom are more Israeli than they are “Murrikan” (especially Trump) are fully on-board and have essentially cashed out and flown the coop already, leaving the post-9/11 police state and BLM acting as a good-cop/bad-cop rear guard.
Unit 8200 and Nuttin’-on-you are going to render down every scrap of sinew and gristle from the carcass of the US into axle-grease for the electromechanical control grid being locked over the Earth, and will present the bleeding severed head to China as a wedding gift. Then the cabal will insinuate itself deeper and deeper into China as the depopulated North America is transformed into one of Neo-Eden’s playgrounds for the Sino-Judaic conquering combine.

Watch Event 201 for Chrissakes. George Gao is sitting there giving marching orders to representatives of every sector of the US corporate oligarchy. Then as soon as he returned to China, he served up the phony-baloney “pandemic” blooper-reel clips that served as the cue to begin the controlled demolition of the US society. Orders were followed. He didn’t get feted in the Capitol because that’s not the scripted role China plays for the dumb-ass public. China is the quiet, patient transferee holding the deed to the palace, just as soon as the disgraced inhabitants are liquidated.

The US has been removed from command with extreme prejudice, and is now in Receivership. Israel is the Victorious Hunter delivering the trophy to China, the stoical new Bride.

Oct 2, 2020 12:41 PM
Reply to  Fact Checker



Oct 1, 2020 1:23 PM

Actually there were zero covid 19 deaths in Nicaragua.

Oct 1, 2020 12:53 PM

Do not let them force the covid pill down your throat. Spit it out. It’s poison. And don’t play along. It is a psy-op.

Oct 1, 2020 4:20 PM
Reply to  Xason

Sadly billions are more than willing to roll up there sleeves get a dodgy vaccine and then blame us non vaccinated people for not being able to take off masks. Despite the vaccine they’ll take.

Oct 1, 2020 12:29 PM

I’m happy that the people of Nicaragua are doing so well. It is a heartening article on several issues.

However, I am very sad to learn that they are partnering with the Russians to develop a covid vaccine. Are you kidding?

Perhaps they are accustomed to vaccines because of tropical disease, but it is still upsetting.

It seems to me that vaccines are just the next step in this re-set extravaganza.

Oct 1, 2020 1:43 PM
Reply to  Judith

Maybe, just maybe, the russian vaccine is a clever counter narrative since there is no specific disease that has been scientifically proven. Basically just inject a fancy water solution, cure nothing (or something) with nothing.

Oct 1, 2020 1:49 PM
Reply to  Jesper

Actually, I’ve been saying that’s what pharma will do. All the initial vaccines will be saline. And everyone will be cured! Masks off! Back to normal!

Except that doctors, scientists, virologists that know this is a fraud will have the vaccine tested and see that it is saline. So there goes that theory.

Although, knowing msm as we do can’t you just see them refuting that the vaccine is saline?

Oh for the good old days of just worrying about split ends.

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Oct 1, 2020 3:04 PM
Reply to  Judith

Except that doctors, scientists, virologists that know this is a fraud will have the vaccine tested and see that it is saline. So there goes that theory.”

Yeah right. Dissenting scientists can publish all the “open letters” they want, on fringe websites. They cannot stop a Narrative that is being imposed by merciless martial force. Empirical facts have absolutely no weight against the demonic spell that has been cast, because the people who will say “The Vaxines Work” will have guns in their hands.

Oct 1, 2020 3:16 PM
Reply to  Judith

Probably not going to happen. The vaccines are in blow filled seal individual syringes.

If they want to give the vaccine to the elderly first that means there’s no saline.

May Hem
May Hem
Oct 1, 2020 8:57 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I imagine the injections will have different ingredients for different groups – e.g. causing a slightly delayed death in those over 70ish (the delay to dismiss injection as cause of death); same for disabled, brown-skinned, mental health issues, dissidents (ie most of us), artists, and anyone not obedient or profit-generating for the parasite class.

Oct 1, 2020 9:30 PM
Reply to  May Hem


They seem to work in conjunction with the 5g in a couple of patents. There are hollow nano wires that can hold a payload of pathogen or mRNA and when 5g triggers a millimeter wave heating process, the payload gets released.

Oct 1, 2020 3:42 PM
Reply to  Jesper

the russian vaccine is a clever counter narrative

instead of bothering with clever counter-narratives, why don’t they just announce that the whole thing is BS? what would stop them?

Oct 1, 2020 3:51 PM
Reply to  THX-1143

They’re in on it, that’s why. This isn’t a pandemic, it’s Agenda 21, 30.

Oct 1, 2020 8:06 PM
Reply to  THX-1143

You are obviously not into Russian 5 dimensional judo chess I see. I said maybe. But one reason would be that the Russian people is not isolated from the surrounding world buzz. The Russian government wants order and control like any other so it’s got to be a bit more subtle than: – Bull shit, ugh!

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Oct 2, 2020 4:52 AM
Reply to  THX-1143

It’s a Yalta-Conference-Style compact.
All the players agree on the rules of the game, with a fixed outcome. The US has agreed to cull its population. China has agreed to delivery the ludicrous pretext for the culling, by doing a theatrical “lockdown” in reaction to a “virus” and having film crews capture a few expendable dissidents arrested by guys in moon-suits. Russia has agreed not to interfere, in exchange for keeping a seat at the table post-Reset, and not having to mass-vaxecute its own population. (They’re getting saline, all the way.)
What “stops them” from calling BS is that they BENEFIT from the US self-disembowelling on the World Stage. Why would they stop that?

Oct 1, 2020 4:21 PM
Reply to  Jesper

Your theory for me Seems a pointless stretch too far

Oct 1, 2020 3:00 PM
Reply to  Judith

I was so hoping Putin wouldn’t panic. He did.

Oct 1, 2020 4:24 PM
Reply to  Dale

I’m not pro Putin I’m not particularly against him despite my limited knowledge of his isn’trael arse sniffing but if you take a loon at the minor protests in Belarus that are bought and paid for imagine what a paid for levada Center Backed and CIA/NED led anti Putin rally would do to public opinion. But I still think he knows it’s a scam and decided to play along like most other nations. And isn’t particularly fussed about it.

Oct 1, 2020 5:50 PM
Reply to  Dale

Whatever Putin is doing, it isn’t “panicking”…

Oct 1, 2020 6:15 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Now, perhaps not. Then, yes.

Oct 1, 2020 6:23 PM
Reply to  Dale

I just don’t think he is the panicking type.
His self-control is impressive. The only thing I could imagine him panicking about would be the leakage of some video footage of him having sex with a long-dead relative – which, of course, would make any of us panic…

Oct 1, 2020 6:56 PM
Reply to  wardropper

I like Putin. My fervent desire is that he invades US and UK and restores freedom. I don’t imagine him running screaming from the room over anything. But the appearance was that he went into hiding for a time. The Moscow mayor, unchallenged, went full 1984. And the headlong rush to a vaccine conveys buying into Coronadoom. Either that or just trolling the West.

Oct 1, 2020 7:52 PM
Reply to  Dale

Oh, I think trolling the West is a high priority.
Who wouldn’t do that these days?
The West isn’t what it was…
I also doubt the Moscow mayor would do anything much to upset whatever cart Putin is driving these days.

Oct 1, 2020 7:55 PM
Reply to  wardropper

In any case, life back to normal in Russia to your knowledge ?

Oct 1, 2020 7:57 PM
Reply to  Dale

Must admit I don’t know. I have no Russian friends, and I’ve never been there.

Oct 1, 2020 7:19 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Lulz. For sure.

Probably counting his money.

Oct 1, 2020 7:55 PM
Reply to  Researcher

He’ll, they don’t pay him enough as far as I’m concerned.

Oct 1, 2020 8:57 PM
Reply to  Dale

He’s not coming to rescue you. Banksters run the world.

Oct 1, 2020 9:21 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Oh, I know. But banks are going to be working with technocracies going forward.

Oct 1, 2020 9:35 PM
Reply to  Dale

Banks are the top of the food chain. Central banks. They own the majority stake in the technocracy. They already control everything.

Oct 1, 2020 9:39 PM
Reply to  Researcher

They have the money. But they cow and bow to the NGO’s.