To all long term Covid sceptics…
Catte Black

First published on Catte’s Facebook page.
To all long term Covid sceptics.
Let’s take a moment to embrace the strength of our position.
From the outset when the official response was a brief lockdown to ‘flatten the curve’ we were telling people this was just the beginning.
We predicted there would be more lockdowns, increased policing, suspension of democracy, mandatory vaccines, a permanent ‘new normal’.
And we were correct.
We pointed to the data – not the media fear porn – and said the virus was not unusual or dangerous and no measures – beyond normal flu season precautions for the vulnerable – were necessary.
And we were correct.
Embrace this.
The Covid hysterics have lost the argument – and you have won it.
You don’t need to concede anything to their destroyed and absurd argument in a mistaken attempt at reconciliation. All you do by that is undermine the most important truths.
The pandemic is a scam aimed at initiating a new and terrifying degree of global control over the human body, mind and society.
You can’t meet an agenda like that half way – or find common cause with those promoting it.
All you can do is use the weapons of truth to defeat it.
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“The pandemic also exposed and worsened long-standing health inequities that research has shown to disproportionately affect racialized people — particularly Black and Indigenous communities, where social services, housing and access to amenities were already lacking.”
What’s behind a spike in teens charged with murder?
“Crystal Village”
Will the Poor Always Be With Us?
Before the ‘lockdown’, the average unemployment rate was about 3.7%. It quickly spiked to about 15% after the ‘lockdown’ and has fallen since but not down to as low as before the ‘lockdown’. In early 2021, the national unemployment average was 6.2% (which is much higher than before then ‘lockdown’). In November 2020, 245,000 jobs were added to the U.S economy which was the slowest decrease in the unemployment rate since the ‘lockdown’. There were still over 9 million Americans who were ‘unemployed’: . 48 states in the U.S saw a big increase in unemployment from January 2020 to January 2021: . 8 million people fell into poverty from the beginning of the ‘lockdown’ until November 2020: . In February 2021, The Commission on Human Rights says that forced evictions during a pandemic violate international human rights law: . As of mid-February, 2021, more than 10 million homeowners are behind on mortgage payments. The federal eviction moratorium was extended until June 30th 2021. The extension doesn’t apply to tenants renting their homes. The deadline for them was March 31st 2021: . Many have already been evicted or at risk for eviction. According to Census surveys on week 28’s chart from April 14th 2021 to the 26th of 2021, every state in the U.S has at least 5.5% of adults living in households not current on rent or mortgage where eviction or foreclosure in the next two months is either very likely or somewhat likely. That number is at least 20% to 28.4% in 41 states, 28.4 to 38.3% in 26 states which is over half the country, and 38.3 to 54% in 12 states. *Over half the states have at least 1 out of 4 of their residents at risk for eviction: . In the beginning of May 2021, a federal judge in Washington DC took aim at ending the ‘eviction moratorium’. The judge said “the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention does not have the authority under the Public Health Service Act to impose a national moratorium”. It is the 6th time a federal court expressed wanting to end the ‘eviction moratorium’:… . There is currently $455 billion dollars of unspent stimulus money (which is a huge percent) from the first bills. Some is from the Federal Reserve and unused loans for companies. *The money not going to companies resulted in many jobs lost. It is a crime to have so much money wasting away while the economy and American people are struggling:…/articleshow/79399238.cms?fbclid=IwAR0hM_cDQhCTmSj5r5RKPZSSI6Hu_gJbNzbHE-BbwNrROCk38GBHpFL_VdA . Back in November 2020, the ‘coronavirus’ adviser for our current president said that “We could pay for a package right now to cover all of the wages, lost wages for individual workers, for losses to small companies, to medium-sized companies or city, state, county governments. We could do all of that.” *This shows that the government could easily use ‘stimulus’ money to help out the people and the economy: . Since that money was supposed to be used to help people and the economy and hasn’t, it has resulted in more businesses closing, more people entering poverty, more deaths plus millions and millions of lives all around the world ruined. If not used to help the people and the economy immediately, it will result in further death and destruction of lives. $700 billion of the ‘stimulus bill’ passed in December 2020 is not going to be spend until 2022: . *Money from the ‘stimulus bills’ is not going to where it should be and is not being used nearly as quick as it should be. We must demand that the money be used to help the American people and economy or else many more people all over the world will go into hunger, poverty or homeless every single day unless we do something. Look over the information on this website and help spread the word so we can get this mess finally fixed. Be aware, be informed, think for yourselves and come to your own conclusions. The truth shall set you free —
Whoever wrote the article is a doctor?
They are working on sars-cov-3 and Covid-20 as you read this. It is going to be even scarier.
I’m not a skeptic. I KNOW there is no virus, no virus illness and – of course, no pandemic. I KNEW it from Day One when they told us in that giving-us-the-clues vehicle, Wikipedia, that Chinese cobras and many-banded kraits were alleged reservoirs of the virus. Then and there I knew it.
And because I understand the fundamentals of 9/11 and psyops in general I made the following predictions:
1. That the alleged COVID-19 pandemic would display the typical hallmarks of a massive psyop.
2. That ZERO evidence would emerge that favoured the hypothesis of the existence of a “novel” virus over the hypothesis that the “novel” virus was completely made up.
3. That ALL the media stories about alleged COVID patients would be anomaly-ridden and/or completely unconvincing.
4. That there would be ludicrous “miracle survivor” stories.
5. That there would be two major streams of propaganda pushed out: one to the masses and one to the skeptics. In the case of the masses, pandemic with massive response required and in the case of the skeptics, virus but not pandemic and response inappropriate. Reality: no virus, no nothing, Emperor’s New Clothes par excellence.
6. That loads of mini-streams of propaganda would be pushed out to engage people and divert them from the simple truth of No Virus. So, loads of argument about what response is required – masks, sanitising, social-distancing, lockdown, etc; the figures! Oh the figures!, up and down and round and round; Hydroxychloroquine as cure and so very, very much more.
I have to admit and admire, Petra, that you were one of the first to put me on the scent of absolute nil data really existing about the virus. I was no slacker, though, with my brittle forensic tools aggregated over the years, they were enough, as I began to dig — and within a short time span, days, hours, I’d seen enough to have a pretty firm sense that the entire narrative was entirely contrived as a blueprint for total control.
That said, I always leave the door open a crack o the chance I could be all wrong, or have made a crucial misassessment, if for no other reason than to keep me honest. And other concerns.
But my take is voiced by Vernon Coleman: “biggest and most dangerous hoax in human history”.
Though in NATO lands et al., we seem to never flatten the curve, for herd immunity to pandemiological StierScheisse.
Hypnotic mass-marketed media, without doubt.
Thanks, John. Yup. After recognising the true nature of 9/11, it occurred to me that only what is wanted for real is done for real in psyops … and it makes so much sense, right?
1. According to their MO, it’s all about the psy part it’s all about psy. They luuurrve duping us.
2. They absolutely do not need to use reality to make us believe things. They can make us believe almost anything regardless of how badly it fits reality … and, in fact, they WANT it not to correspond to reality. They want to overegg the omelet. They like to push the ridiculousness of their staging right in our faces, make us gag on it. It helps them keep us under control better because it reduces us to being idiots and idiots are easier to control than thinking people.
The purpose of propaganda is not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponds to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control.
Edited quote from Theodore Dalrymple, aka Anthony Daniels, British psychiatrist.
3. Reality wouldn’t work anyway! You can’t have a virus jump from Wuhan to Northern Italy to the Ruby Princess, etc just as you cannot remote-control 200-ton airliners travelling 500m from the ground around metropolises full of skyscrapers and get them to penetrate 500,000-ton steel frame buildings. The very idea is ludicrous.
People seem to be so much more comfortable with the notion of some element of reality in psyops when, in fact, reality (uness wanted) is completely antithetical to the nature of psyops. Reality plays no role, it’s all about mind control.
Excellent points, Petra, all, marked by me for further honing and sharpening.
I want to address them later, after I wake up.
But first, I wanted to make sure I thanked you for introducing me to Dalrymple/Daniel, it’s like reading my twin! Lol, those are all thoughts I’ve had in recent years, a bit scatteredly, so it helps that he’s done a deal of the heavy lifting to codify and spell out the process.
More later, while I recaffeinate!
(But it IS a “process”, Intel(s) have a very detailed methodology about how they generate these (mass) deceptions –and above all, the general state of mind– and it’s paramount, Job #1, for people to see them, in these days of The Emperor’s New Covid’s. And the many others.
In “The Sorrow and the Pity” by Ophuls (Woody Allen went to great lengths to get it released in USA in the ’60s). Pierre Mendes-France talks about how he would most like to see propaganda dissected and exposed for “la jeunesse” — he leans on the importance of educating French youth to recognize and spot propaganda, so they would be less likely to undergo another “Vichy” takeover, which is the subject of the movie.
I think he and compatriots must have done a lot of work on that cause, since clearly by the time I got to Paris in 1974, there was a large chunk of the younger demographic that could spot steer manure, especially out of “Manhattan”.
Though not all, surely, and I think it may have regressed since then a good deal, as CIA and allies have been equally relentless to deceive them, via Madison Avenue. I saw them hard at work in the more Americanized parts of the City of Lights in 1975.
And a lot of US money was being poured into “advising” French advertising.
£4£&$4$+€4€ !
“Only among people whose minds have been weakened by a sort of mesmerism could so transparent a trick as that of advertising ever have been tried at all.”
~~ G.K. Chesterton, “What I saw in America” 1932
Reading up on Dalrymple, he seems like a classic case of “inversion psyop” as though he were what they had wanted Chesterton to be, but wasn’t. They’ve tried to weaponise Chesterton in the USA forever, but he is too much their “reactionary manqué”, Christopher Hitchens even spent his last breaths reviewing GKC in an Atlantic article by that title “The Reactionary”. But GKC’s thought is much too generous to shrink to fit their needs.
Enter Dalrymple, and he’s their GKC, he takes our trains of thought on psyops but gives them a classist slant. Seems almost intentional, like an elite psyop. Inverted.
But what you quoted by him is very accurate, just that the blame is reversed, since it’s the elites themselves that are the ones MOST psyopped. I went to a pricey school with them (such as a Rothschild, etc) and I saw that starkly then. They just think they’re in control. But they’re just more exalted puppets than those lower down the strings. Right?
Yep. Press on. Give no quarter.
Just picked this up from You Tube, I doubt it will be there next week;
Dan Clark
18 hours ago
From A “front line” NURSE PRACTITIONER.. Speaking out…
Basically you would have to be brain dead already to submit, but judging from the number of people willingly restricting their oxygen intake, I’d say there are already MANY who will and are offering themselves up for this invasive PROCEDURE. because it’s NOT a test for Covid., it doesn’t exist! We are “testing” for 2 things.. your submission to willingly have your body violated, for the pretence of finding fragments of previous cold remnants. NOT for Covid 19. this assault is dangerous!
This information comes from my colleague and doctors. Brain access, is through the nose. the test has another purpose than what the drug pushers say! Inserting a test bar deeply into the nose, causes hematoencephalic barrier damage, can also damage endocrine glands (e.g. hypophysis). that’s why testing hurts so much! the purpose of this deep violation, is to break the barrier and create an entry into the brain for every infection.
When wearing a mouth and nose mask, bacteria and CO2 mask are collected and transported to the brain through the nose channel. the barrier’s task is to protect you from brain neurotoxins, heavy metals, bacteria and other toxins. if endocrine glands are damaged, symptoms such as muscle weakness, blood circulation, visual disturbances etc. may develop. there is no legal basis for this physical intervention it is also a mass violation of physical immunity!
Wake up to the assault. YOU are being violated along with your rights, no wonder so many “covid survivors” have long term issues. anyone would after being subjected to this most sensitive body violation! Anyone who would submit to this needs to wake UP!
And the fact checkers are more than welcome to check that”
This hidden side entrance is through the so-called regio olfactoria (olfactory region) on the roof of the nose where the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone and cell layers of the nasal mucosa separate the nasal cavity (outside world) from the brain (cerebrospinal fluid).Jun 22, 2015
Through the nose directly into the brain: Biberach researchers .
Nose-to-brain drug delivery approach: a key to easily accessing the brain for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease
Nose-to-brain drug delivery approach: a key to easily accessing the brain for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease NCBI.NLM.NIH.GOVNose-to-brain drug delivery approach: a key to easily accessing the brain for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease
Drug transport mechanism from nose to the brain: The upper region of the nasal cavity (known as an olfactory region) remains directly connected to the brain (frontal cortex; especially olfactory bulb) via olfactory nerves. Along with this, the middle and the largest region of the nasal cavity (the respiratory region) remain supplied with the trigeminal sensory neurons and blood vessels. When the drug administered into the nasal cavity, firstly it has to pass the mucociliary clearance in the vestibular region. Further, the drug molecule reaches to the internal portion of the nasal cavity where it comes in contact with the blood vessels (respiratory epithelium) and neuronal network (olfactory and respiratory epithelium) (Crowe et al., 2018). From the blood vessels, the drug entered into the systemic circulation and distributed throughout the body as per the relative volume of distribution. This systemic bioavailability remains as the minor route of drug transport to the brain in which the drug entered the brain via BBB. While another route (primary route) of brain drug delivery is the direct neuronal pathway, in which the drug follow intracellular and extracellular transport mechanism to enter into the different regions of the brain via olfactory and trigeminal sensory neurons (Figure 1) (Lochhead and Thorne, 2012). The exact mechanism of drug transport from the nasal cavity to the brain is still a different issue among scientists although; it was supposed to follow the combined way to enter into the brain. Moreover, the drug transport mechanism depends upon various factors such as nature of the drug, type of delivery system or dosage form, a device used for IN application, formulation parameters, experimental and physiological conditions. It remained observed that the excipients added to the formulation to improve the drug retention time (like a gelling agent, and mucoadhesive polymers), a permeation enhancer, and the drug carrier system significantly affect the drug concentration in the brain. Additionally, the drug absorption through the neuronal pathway more promptly happens if the formulation remains targeted to the posterior upper region (olfactory region) of the nasal cavity (Dhuria et al., 2010).
How much more will the SHEEP need?
I think OffGuardian and many other sites need to publish on its Twitter feed, daily.
taking 3&4 into account = Houston, we have a problem.
You could include a 5th figure. In the absence of ANY Covid-2 virus in the wild, this is the number of false positives that would happen with the number of people tested at 1.
just read through the comments here and it seems the majority of the posters are blissfully unaware that as each hour passes their own demise marches silently onwards….arguments over anything but wtf are we doing collectively to halt this scheittshow.
Its just another page of people exhibiting the common new malady of ”fingers in the ears rocking back and forth humming lalala” .Is it really blind acceptance and lets talk about anything other than what is going to be effective in stopping this scam…now i understand it isn’t exactly good personal security practice to discuss how to overthrow democratically(coff…cambridge analytica anyone) elected governments on open web sites but it appears it hasn’t even entered into the fringes of many posters imaginations.
Yes its a scam…you know….I know….they know….everbody knows….those that dont need to be left in peace and ignorance it is,after all ,their choice
Yes i really do not care about the fact your uncles brothers sisters niece had it….honestly…not one ounce of fuck shall be given whether they lived or died
Tell that to the people who have died/go to a covid ward/the relatives of ‘victims’…again my tolerance level of emotional blackmailers is at the level of ‘the sooner you are tucked up in an nhs bed with a dnr ‘ the happier i will be
The time to spend hours in debate over the source/actuality/existence/non existence is AFTER the present set of podium puppets issuing edicts and decrees are suspended from ropes like cheap christmas baubles because as it stands no amount of signing online petitions (examples please on a postcard of the last tyrannical government brought to its knees by online petitions and peaceful demonstration) will shift these political squatters.
Oh and btw if anyone thinks democracy will be any kind of answer and perhaps the power of the ballot box can be utilised you need to give your head a wobble….that last bastion of the deluded was cancelled in the cronyvirus act…your future leaders will be selected and installed with absolutely no input required from you…..ever again
Absolutely brilliant post Dion…
The whole voting for a leader system is a total scam. As was shown by the election of the Imbecile Bush in Amerika.
Here in the UK it has become more and more blatant that the, for want of a better word, ‘elite’ are pulling the strings. Never more so when rutting pig Bunter Johnson was ‘elected’.
The ‘elite’ showed their hands when Dom was exposed, as the man who had his hand up Bunter’s backside and was calling all the shots. A spook who has never been elected???
Forget voting ever again, or taking part in their voters extravaganzas on TV, where you are conned into believing that your opinions count. THEY DON’T.
Just go about your business.. opt out of their pantomime. If you haven’t got a job then work in the black economy and forget paying taxes. They don’t bother so why should you? Your taxes only pay for the military industrial complex – illegal wars, police state and the perks in Westminster like their call girls and coke courier service.
Here’s a biopic of Cummings in his own words..
>>I read Ancient & Modern History at Oxford University (graduated 1994).
I worked in Russia 1994-7 on various projects.( research in following post..)
I was Director of Research then Campaign Director of Business for Sterling and the ‘no’ campaign (to stop Britain joining the euro) 1999-2002.
I worked on various projects 2003-7, including trying to stop the EU Constitution being enacted (2004-5) and helping to run the referendum campaign against the North East Regional Assembly (2004) which won 80-20.
I was Michael Gove’s main adviser September 2007 – January 2014, with a break May 2010-December 2010. (NB. BBC people in particular: I said in September 2013 I was leaving and I left voluntarily in January 2014, do not put me in your lists of ‘people who were fired’ as you are prone to.)
I have never been a member of a political party.
I run a company, North Wood, that tries to solve problems (management, political, communication). (Mm Operation Northwoods)
Email me on: [email protected]
Amazing what a little research turns up..
This article is long and would take up too much space to post the lot but I’ll give you some snippets.
>>>Dominic Cummings, presently a powerful and wealthy 47-year old special advisor to British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, was hard at work in Moscow and Samara for three years, between 1994 and 1997. The three Cummings years in Russia were a period of fierce undercover combat between MI6, the British foreign intelligence agency, and Russia’s reviving foreign and counter-intelligence services, successors to the Soviet KGB — the SVR
That was also the time a junior MI6 spy named Christopher Steele (of the Skripal fame?) was running operations in the Volga region south of Moscow, starting in Samara. When his cover was blown in the spring of 1993, Steele was evacuated to home office to train replacements. Just over a year later, after graduating slowly from Oxford, Cummings’ time started in Samara. Since then Steele has become more successful at running operations and agents in Washington; Cummings more successful on Downing Street. (…) (…)
Cummings states that “on leaving university his adventurousness found its first outlet in going to Russia for three years. He helped set up a new airline flying from Samara, on the Volga, to Vienna. The KGB issued threats, the airline only got one passenger, and the pilot unfortunately took off without that passenger. Cummings is a Russophile, speaks Russian and is passionately interested in Dostoyevsky. In 1997 he returned to London.”
By the contemporary investigative standards for detecting Russian agents, sleepers and fellow-travellers set by the British Government’s Integrity Initiative, Cummings’ Russian connection ought to have attracted more attention than it has. (…)
An American named Adam Dixon, currently living in Connecticut, who said he had employed Cummings in Russia, paying him to commute weekly between Vienna and Samara. According to Dixon, “I met Dominic Cummings in the 1990s, when I was working with a Russian partner to develop a regional airline Samara Airlines into an international carrier – in order to link the city of Samara (an economic and intellectual power on the Volga River) directly to Europe.(…)
I gave him some responsibilities which he then quickly led me to regret, because he leveraged the fact that we now ‘needed him’ to sometimes behave as he liked, which included offending people that we needed to get on with – and this could be very counter-productive.”
“Left to himself, he would dress out of his laundry bag and had a silly objection to wearing a tie, and he was usually unshaven and often looked hung-over and unwashed.(…)
Sources in Moscow from the Anglo-American banking, investment and night-clubbing circles of the time say they never knew, and do not recognize, either Dixon’s or Cummings’ name. They are skeptical of Dixon’s Samara airline story and of Cummings’ role in it.(…)
An FSB source says that at the time in the Volga region, Samara, and especially Saratov, were gateways for opiates and hashish smuggled in from Central Asia, “Samara was also a convenient distribution point for synthetic drugs like ecstasy with the right connections,” the source adds.
A Durham city source claims that during Cummings’ time as a bouncer at a local nightclub owned by an uncle, (Which Cummings now owns..) the club had a reputation for drug dealing, and the club’s bouncers for their involvement. “I know,” according to the Durham source, “the door is a key location for keeping out drug dealers and sometimes for letting in preferred dealers. At the very least, a robust doorkeeper would be acquainted with the dealers if only by threats and established dealers pointing out new competitors.”(…)
The British press has also failed to notice that in the years Cummings was in Russia, the entire British intelligence establishment in the country “fell foul of the KGB”. The trouble for the British started in 1993 with the arrest and exposure of Vadim Sintsov for spying. The Platon Obukhov case followed in April 1996. A British intelligence source believes that Steele was one of the MI6 agents rolled up in 1993. For more details on Steele, click to read. (…)
The period of Steele’s tour, then Cummings’ employment with Dixon, was disastrous for John Scarlett, the MI6 station chief in Moscow in 1993-94, and for more than 30 other British spies who were expelled in 1994. More expulsions followed from Moscow and from London in 1995 and 1996.(…)
From John Helmer – Dances with Bears.
There is far more to this post which I would recommend people to read to see just what and who is controlling our Government, and it certainly isn’t the rutting pig Johnson.
You a doctor Dion?
You a shill Marc?
The Pandemic is a scam? So why is Mr Trump in hospital?
To carry an official story so loaded with self contradictions that he has to prop it up.
Even CDC’s own figures put this alleged super killer at less than half as lethal as seasonal flu.
..what about Boris?
What about Boris?
You understand that many people inluding scientists/medical people (when they are not being silenced) are saying the repsonse to Covid is an overeaction,hence the terms Scamdemic, Scaredemic, and Casedemic being used?
That Mr Trump is ill….so what?
They tell us he’s in hospital, don’t they? Any piccies? If so, they could just be photo ops, couldn’t they? I’d say he’s just taking a little break in the lead up to the election. He needs a little rest. Trump knows as the rest of us do that there’s no virus. Of course. … and he knows about a few other fakes as well.
“We have done an incredible job. We’re going to continue. It’s going to disappear. One day — it’s like a miracle — it will disappear. And from our shores, we — you know, it could get worse before it gets better. It could maybe go away. We’ll see what happens. Nobody really knows. The fact is, the greatest experts — I’ve spoken to them all. Nobody really knows.”
“If the economic shutdown continues, deaths by suicide “definitely would be in far greater numbers than the numbers that we’re talking about” for COVID-19 deaths”
Love the way he bags out the Obama administration for their alleged ineffectiveness on H1N1 flu cos that was a big fake as well just like 2003 SARS, MERS, Zika, Ebola, etc. Seemingly, AIDS was as well. I somehow find it hard to get my head around that one but who’s got AIDS these days? It’s hard to imagine all the gays maintaining constant vigilance in their sex lives, especially when you barely hear about the illness killing people anymore … oh yes, except in Africa where Africans are raping babies because they think it’ll cure them of AIDS.
The faked crash of PS-752 in Tehran
Trump: “It was flying in a pretty rough neighbourhood.” (nonsensical for a plane being shot down, right?)
The man standing next to Trump ostentatiously hides a smile (typical sign of staged events).
Evidence of fakery – the photos are ludicrous and video, Seats & People, by Melbourne analyst, Peekay, is quite hilarious
Covid19; Certificate Of Vaccination I.D.
I accidentally clicked on your mask link above and was so happy I did! Thank you! ♥
It all reminds me off the 1990s, when we here in England were told that at least a quarter of the population would die from AIDS. We were told to abstain from sex, and anyone suspected of having sex would be publicly shamed for spreading HIV/AIDS. (Public shaming for not wearing a mask today). The newly-invented PCR test was wheeled out and anyone testing positive was said to have HIV. — Yes, heard it all before.
Dr Fauxi didn’t save us from that one too, and misdirection claimed everyone was guilty.
And … 30 years and still no vaccine.
That was also Fauci maneuvering (i.e., suppressing, manipulating, coercing, conspiring, lying)► for prestige & profit at the expense of Millions of lives lost and immeasurable suffering & public fear.
Excellent advice – I continue the good fight with my mighty pen and thank heaven for OffG – one of the most active truth sites I know.
Total bunk IMHO. You people in the UK don’t have any grasp of Gain-of-Function deadly man made Pandemic Pathogens.
Top Epidemiologist in the world is Marc Lipsitch.
Coronaviruses are what bioweapons are made from to be turned into weapons of mass destruction like rDNA retroviruses. RNA is not amenable to vaccine or any known antidote.
Catte is completely wrong ii her misinformation and propaganda to downplay this deadly man made Pandemic Pathogen SARS-2-nCoV-19.
COVID-19 is the disease that SARS-2-nCoV-19 inflicts upon victims young and old, Catte.
I’m a signatory and charter member of the 2014 Cambridge Working Group. You are misinformed or a propagandist IMHO.
Why go to the trouble of creating a potentially uncontrollable new pathogen when you can seize on a flu variant and scaremonger with infinitely malleable figures?
The CIA & U.S. Army went to the trouble of manufacturing a deadly man made Pandemic Pathogen at the behest of the .0001% Oligopoly because U$D Petrodollar hegemony is now defunct and the USA is insolvent along with the God damned European Union and the abysmally worthless Euro dollar. In brief, that’s why the World Economic Forum is heading the transition to Blockchain Tech and Modern Monetary Theory this upcoming January.
American exceptionalism built the Euro Zone union, and BoJo is taking the edifice apart with his hard BREXIT which will topple the European Union into the drink.
Bioweapons provide ground cover for the pernicious criminal activity that is presently going on in terms of the Wall Street & City behemoth serial felon investment banks and bankster slimedouchery.
The Psyop is designed for control via bioinformatics. Propaganda no longer works wonders as the Internet has allowed a majority of the population to see through the ruse of governance and their age old propaganda campaigns of influence peddling.
Petrodollar supremacy is dead and Americans don’t like losing control over the world population. This bioweapon provides Americans with a new control network outside of the Petrodollar hegemonic control over energy.
Unfortunately for them, their smarmy little enterprise is doomed to failure. History shows that few totalitarian regimes last very long.
People are beginning to wake up to the scam and are less and less inclined to comply.
Passive resistance is the only thing that works with tyrants. They can try to jail or even kill all those who refuse to comply, but after a certain point, they will discover that they can’t kill or jail everyone without losing their slaves, or losing control.
The biggest reason why they are trying to lock everyone down is because they have stolen all the wealth, are trying to steal more and enslave everyone into the bargain. They know that this kind of behaviour, if it continues, is likely to result in their demise as there are not enough police or soldiers to save them from being held accountable.
What you are discussing badly is the extent, quality and quantity of “their” weapons. Good luck with that approach.
even a mule will not work for you if it is sufficiently mistreated
Almost right is still a lie. Are you a troll playing obvious lies to bring out folk like us to highlite the truth?
It’s not just the flu, George, it’s any old thing or nothing at all. The flu alone wouldn’t work for their psyop and it just wouldn’t be the MO to simply swap out the flu for COVID-19. The media story for every patient they show us in hospital is highly anomalous and/or unconvincing in other ways. The alleged patients are obviously actors and the tests they use obviously return results on a relatively arbitrary basis although presumably the RNA they use will pick up more sick people than healthy but I really wouldn’t know.
We have yet to identify the long term effects?
Fort Detrick U.S. Army epidemiologists already know the long term affects as they
manufactured SARS-2-nCoV-19 via utilization of a herd of pigs before deploying it on Wuhan China’s Hunan Fish Market via glass ampule so that the US Administration could then foist blame upon the CPC and Xi for the outbreak that has imploded Finance Capitalism due to the Chinese New Year exodus of travelers from Wuhan.
Exactly our view MOU thank you.
MOU – I had thought about the earlier vaping incident last summer. One Hypothesis is this — the first release was possibly made in mid 2019 in only one nation, the USA. It was sent via Vaping Solutions from China (but not necessarily by the Chinese Government) to online customers. It was a trial run from an unknown protagonist.
It caused Vaping Pneumonia in many Vaping product users with 2,800 being hospitalized and 68 deaths. The patients had Bilateral Viral Pneumonias (of unknown etiology) with Ground Glass Opacities seen on CT Scans (typical of Covid 19). The US closed Fort Detrick in August, presumably because perhaps they were fearful of a leak there? No other nation using Vaping products worldwide was affected.
Peter, this bioweapon is currently mutating so that in the final analysis we will find myriad diseases caused by the outbreak.
BIG Pharma is going to make a pretty penny on this outbreak with cocktails of drugs instead of a panacea vaccine.
I will probably opt for the Russian Federation vaccine as I trust their research whereas I don’t trust the Pharmacologists in the West.
Thanks yet again MOU, and agree. My doctor friend who has been involved in genetics says the same thing. I am too old to worry about a vaccine that won’t work anyway. I understand they are using messenger RNA for the first time – untested, according to my doctor.
I posted a reply to you, Peter. Where it disappeared to is beyond moi?
Long term affects are known in terms of the fact that this bioweapon has, and will mutate into larger disease clusters for young and old alike.
Cheers, MOU
Agreed MOU, I share your views entirely.
(Sars-cov-19, etc) has yet to be isolated to conform with kochs postulates. There are claims that this has been done but once you dig a little it is clear it has not fully been achieved (at least by those who claim to). tests and testing is dubious. plenty of room for subjectivity, deniablity and manipulation of information. The information is balkanized by design to fracture groups of thought and create wedge divides in the population. narratives are strongly controlled. I believe there is much truth to your claim, but it is not absolute or exclusive. you need to be less dismissive and arrogant for one, use some evidence to buttress your claim secondly. United we are strong, Divided we are week
“According to Koch’s postulates, as modified by Rivers for viral diseases, six criteria are required to establish a virus as the cause of a disease”
“Although our study does not fulfill Koch’s postulates, our analyses provide evidence implicating 2019-nCoV in the Wuhan outbreak.”
Truth is that I am a Remote Viewer that witnessed the U.S. Army manufacturing the chimera with a herd of pigs at Fort Detrick. I also Remote Viewed the CIA instructor that instructed the embedded U.S. Army soldier/CIA Intel Officer on deployment of the bioweapon SARS-2-nCoV19 in the entrance way of the Hunan Fish Market in Wuhan China post-Wuhan Military Games departure time for the US contingent that participated.
The CIA and U.S. Army were tasked to deploy the bioweapon by the Trump administration when the Primary Dealer Credit Facilities of the Wall Street behemoth serial felon marquee Bank Holding Companies blew the REPO Overnight facility & Daytime Facility mid September 2019.
Development of the bioweapon occurred between 2010 and 2019. The Wuhan BSL-4 laboratory had no involvement in the release of the bioweapon as it is an act of war on the part of the USA due to China’s upcoming hegemon status in contradistinction to the demise of USD and Petrodollar supremacy which forces the World Reserve Currency issue to the fore.
This January the World Economic Forum is launching the worldwide financial reset with Blockchain Tech and Bioinformatic Control of all populations in the Western world, and beyond.
I need no empirical proof of what they are up to as I have already done all the Counterintelligence needed to accuse the USA of covert war against China and the world population.
The CIA murdered and genocided everyone in the World Trade Center buildings in 2001 so that they could impose control upon the world via the Middle East and their oil reserves. The USA attacks anyone and everyone that attempts to undermine their Petrodollar supremacy because that’s how they control the finance and world reserve currency.
Now the EU finance brokers want an IMF imposed basket of currencies to replace the unipolar USD so that control is multipolar and not in the hands of demented narcissistic text book Psychopaths like Trump.
Trump’s administration vetoed the moratorium placed on Gain-of-Function research so that the NIH could resume building the bioweapon we are now faced with all over planet Earth, and beyond.
Coronaviruses are bioweaponized via Gain-of-Function molecular technology to become nCoronaviruses which are novel Coronaviruses that are rDNA retroviruses without antidote or curative vaccine to date.
HIV has no known vaccine manufactured to date, and neither will SARS-2-nCoV-19 as no known retroviruses have antidotes/vaccines and we can expect the same for this bioweaponized nCoronavirus.
I realize how incredulity is strained when I state emphatically that I Remote Viewed the planning, manufacturing, and deployment of the bioweapon SARS-2-nCoV-19 prior to the news cycle articulation of events unfolding today. The evidence of my research is not admissible in any court of law that I am aware of, but nonetheless I, for one, am 100% positive that we are dealing with a deadly man made Pandemic Pathogen that was manufactured by Fort Detrick and deployed by the CIA/U.S. Army contingent embedded in the Wuhan Military Games 2019. Deployment was via glass ampule smashed onto the ground in the entrance way for the Hunan Fish Market located in Wuhan China.
you need to lie down and take your meds…
I really feel empathy for gaslighting moronic text book Psychopaths like you that respond to honest commentary with ‘take your meds’ antagonisms.
I have an Honours B.A. in Experimental Psychology, imbecile. I also have Enhanced Reliability Status for employment purposes with governance. At no time would I ever embellish or lie about what I have Remote Viewed vis-a-vis bioweaponry manufactured by the USA.
You need to crawl under that rock you just crawled out from under, text book PsychopathBOY.
If you are what you say you are then why can you not get the name of the virus right?? Last time I checked the virus that causes the disease Covid-19 is called SARS-CoV-2
Total bunk use of “IMHO”. You minions in GloboCap don’t have any grasp of Humility-as-Means of productive, respectful discourse.
Most people here understand “gain-of-function”, “chimera”, mRNA, etc.; however, since this is not a Scientific/Medical Chat Room, or a private MD/PhD discussion, the conversation is about sharing thoughts, ideas, opinions, information, links, etc. for the sake of expanding awareness and exploring avenues toward truth…
I enjoy reading OFF-G articles because the writers are excellent at their work. I can’t always agree with their research, but I do like all the writers for their ability to write much better than I can.
I’m not on OFF-G to piss anyone off. I just like the writers here and the discourse is much better than elsewhere too.
Cheers, MOU
Cool. Thanks for that reply.
I realize, because I don’t use Social media, I may be a little more sensitive to hostile (for lack of a better term) language… I jump on it sometimes because it works; creates division and provokes counter-attacks (in defense).
Let’s all be careful with our language & tone so we can be as constructive and productive as possible.
hard to tell sarcasm , irony: we each can/might observe our reactions to language?
Perhaps one day, in the not-so-distant future, a schoolkid will read in his History Book:
“The primary reasons for the collapse of Western Civilization were “texting” and “commenting”, as these methods & forms of communication were incompatible with accurately expressing and construing irony and sarcasm, a process which is critical to any functioning civilization.”
I wasn’t being sarcastic earlier; just lazy phrasing.
There is sufficient publicly available evidence to conclude that Covid is indeed an engineered coronavirus. Ispso facto it is almost certainly a bioweapon. However . . . that doesn’t require that Covid be particularly dangerous or more dangerous than a bad flu. It’s quite possible this bug was primarly intended for economic and psychological disruption, rather than mass casualties. After all, the USA started a “full spectrum” war against China several years ago. My guess is the release of this this flu bug in Wuhan was an American false flag, intended to cripple China’s economy and to blame China for the pandemic, not to kill large numbers of people. A more lethal bug would be hard to hide and would likely to trigger nuclear response, or at the very least a reciprocal pandemic aimed at America. In fact, I suspect that kind of tit for tat response is likely. Such ongoing wmd escalation is likely to evolve into world war three.
Another possibility is that the USA intended the virus to be more lethal, but their design failed. Or perhaps natural biological mechanisms of Mother Nature defanged the bioweapon.
A more likely scenario is that globalists in both US and CCP used both sides labs to cripple and control US and global economy to bring the rest of the world into a lockeddown completely tracked and traced society much more in line with the CCP’s. Fauci paid CCP labs to continue work the US outlawed. Might want to watch Plandemic and pay attention to David Martin’s work.
You hit the nail Dimly Glimpsed. It was delivered by the non competing Military competitors in the Military Games..
The four star security Lab in Wuhan were investigating an antidote for it, when they were warned by the US that it could escape – in 2017!!
”Coronavirus shock: Scientist’s warning to Wuhan lab in 2017 exposed”In 2004, the World Health Organisation confirmed SARS – a distant relative of COVID-19 – had escaped twice before??Richard Ebright, a molecular biologist at Rutgers University, noted this incident before the opening of the Wuhan lab as a cause for concern. WHY?
WUHAN’s level-four biosafety lab caused concern for scientists back in 2017, ahead of its opening a year later, unearthed reports show.The Wuhan Institute of Virology, a level four biosafety laboratory around 12 miles from the seafood market, marks the epicentre of the outbreak. China installed the first of a planned five to seven biolabs designed for maximum safety in Wuhan in 2017, for the purpose of studying the most high-risk pathogens, including Ebola and SARS, and finding antidotes to them. Not ‘developing them.’
The Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory, housed at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, was set up in the hope of helping China contribute to research on the world’s most dangerous viruses. It was the first-ever lab in the country designed to meet biosafety-level-4 (BSL-4) standards, the highest biohazard level, meaning that it would be qualified to handle the most dangerous pathogens.
BSL-4 labs have to be equipped with airtight hazmat suits or special workspaces that confine viruses and bacteria that can be transmitted through the air to sealed boxes that scientists reach into using attached high-grade gloves.
There are about 54 BSL-4 labs worldwide.
China’s first, in Wuhan, received federal accreditation in January 2017.
COVID-19 is the disease that SARS-2-nCoV-19 inflicts upon victims young and old, Catte.
Odd statement. How many of the young in this particular plague episode?
I’m just exhausted of the irresponsibility of news outlets using the words, “diagnosis, cases, and infections” for PEOPLE WHO ARE NOT SICK and the millions who don’t see how obvious it is that this is the twisted organized and coordinated effort by the media to purposely put the NOT SICK on an EQUAL medical level as the actual sick, to distort and confuse so that more and more people are terrified into compliance. It’s really a crime against humanity. At this point does anybody have any doubt whatsoever that whatever they are really testing for will turn up “positive” in every single human being alive? Heck I’ve read that every human has forever chemicals and teflon or in our bodies. Once a safe number of people have completely acquiesced to the domination and obedience allowing total surveillance of their lives and injections in their bodies, they will get “certified” and the world focus will be to hunt down the rest of us in the name of social responsibility.
There are 10s of thousands of persistent organic poisons, teflon being just one. They have spread across the entire biosphere. The banned ones are still around. Industries are creating new ones all the time.
There are plastic micro- and nano-particles in food, the water supply, drinks in containers, and the air. Then, there are the heavy metals, resistant pathogens, and bio-war. The medical industry must be optimistic.
not to mention world wide contamination resulting from the detonation of more than a thousand nuclear devices and several nuclear power plant failures
Kary Mullis on the PCR test
Dr Amanda Vollmer on the “Common Particle” – ie the scam being perpetrated in the C-19 testing.
Both very short but informative videos to help us all see the picture.
I am gladly warmed to see Catte Black back.
I don’t know about winning an argument, but resting in the truth is very different to fighting for – or against illusions backed with emotional or financial investment.
I don’t myself use truth in the frame of war – but I understand that we need to hold to truth to remain free of deceits that set war within our own mind and defeat us by stealth and guile – and targeted profile.
The principle weapon of this war on life and humanity is deceit, and recognising where we have or can be deceived is part of growing in responsibility and presence of mind – or indeed heart and mind as one.
The NWO – under all or any of its ‘fronts’ is a hollow control agenda running as an alien abduction or occupation – for it renders cognitive dissonance or a hollowness filled with groupthink that seeks to mask in virtue, to evade looking within upon the feared exposure of lacking truth and therefore driven to hide in narrative identity that seeks righteousness by seeking only to attack its own sins in others.
The virus theory is a reflection of a psycho-pathogenic mind.
Much of what we seek to attack, deny or suppress as disease is the functioning of the body in its healing or immune response. The war on life is the symptom of fear and hatred of life – which is largely masked from a surface awareness as a means to mitigate the fear, pain and loss. Often in ways that compound the toxic debt and ignore and override the needs of others.
Fear and hatred is in our heart, in our relatinships and our world and wishing it wasn’t or engaging in self-denials of guilt and sacrifice do not resolve or begin to address it – but generally push it deeper while we become even more unreal (dissociated and alienated) as a result – but masking in All The Right Correctnesses.
Love of humanity and love of freedom are one to me and yes it is easy to see all that is ugly, unfree and inhuman. But I am free and I choose not to make that the priority though which to perceive and experience this life. Because, it is infinitely more than anything I think or experience, and so a basis to think and experience differently – when old habits reveal themselves as self-defeating or meaningless in the light of who I accept or recognise to being now.
I don’t seek to undermine anyone in what they are moved to take on in love of freedom, Because we have to always start with what we have and where we are – and this cannot ignore or bypass what we actually believe. As an agenda I have no time for the covid payload, but to those in fears that have any willingness for relationship, I look for ways to acknowledge them as beings of choice even if I do not join with their current choice. Every meeting is a unique event and a templated mind is not free or loving for being ‘right’.
A war against our humanity calls for restoring awareness of what is truly human to our demeanour, expression or endeavour, in the little things as in the large.
I’m not into fear and guilt driven control agenda – no matter what the masking pretext is. But I recognise I still have points of identification within such a mindset – for it is by such that can still be triggered to reaction by which to run in the frame of a deceit unwitting. Therefore I am not smug, but actively engaged in a ‘re-educative’ and reintegrative learning and acceptance – and it is a crash course – even though much of the disturbance within what is revealing itself was already part of my life.
I cannot give, tell or inform anyone of anything they are not already of a willingness to see, or hear, recognise and accept. The ‘Way’ is freedom. Not ideals or projected models to which freedom is sacrificed to ‘power’ so that old choices can be demonised destroyed and denied and a New Freedom Order magically replace as if NOT founded on murder.
I knew the whole thing was a fake in January 2020 when a chinese eye doctor claimed to be witnessing the outbreak of a new ‘deadly’ SARS like virus…..hmmmmm. I guess your average chump doesn’t know the difference between a virologist and an ophthalmologist.
The RT-PCR test published by Drosten and unleashed on the world by the WHO is given the green light on 23/01/2020
He hasn’t seen the virus yet being the genius he is he comes up with a test by assuming it is related the SARS-CoV-1 virus (another Drosten fraud of course).
“In the present case of 2019-nCoV, virus isolates or samples from infected patients have so far not become available to the international public health community. We report here on the establishment and validation of a diagnostic workflow for 2019-nCoV screening and specific confirmation, designed in absence of available virus isolates or original patient specimens. Design and validation were enabled by the close genetic relatedness to the 2003 SARS-CoV, and aided by the use of synthetic nucleic acid technology.”
The Chinese CDC publish their paper ‘proving’ the existence of the covaids virus on 03/02/2020 about 10 days LATER.
Now scroll down to just above the methods section and read it.
A pneumonia outbreak associated with a new coronavirus of probable bat origin
The study provides a detailed report on 2019-nCoV, the likely aetiological agent responsible for the ongoing epidemic of acute respiratory syndrome in China and other countries. Virus-specific nucleotide-positive and viral-protein seroconversion was observed in all patients tested and provides evidence of an association between the disease and the presence of this virus. However, there are still many urgent questions that remain to be answered. The association between 2019-nCoV and the disease has not been verified by animal experiments to fulfil the Koch’s postulates to establish a causative relationship between a microorganism and a disease. We do not yet know the transmission routine of this virus among hosts. It appears that the virus is becoming more transmissible between humans.”
What more needs to be added. If you still think there is a novel virus out there causing anything well I don’t know what else I can do to cure your stupidity.
Finally, a concise synopsis of the sad state of affairs we are being subjected to. Short, sweet and sticky. Copy / Paste and pass on to those you care about.
As much as i agree with the content of the article in that covid is being used as a weapon to break down society, in a way that is deeply traumatic, I want to strike the balance on one point, and that is the fact that the virus itself is quite a nasty one when it really gets into these human bodies.
You’ll quite rightly say that it’s only affected a small % of people so far and most of them are elderly…. Can we take a moment to send a a loving thought and respect to all the elderly people and millions of people who are quite rightly anxious about catching covid due to their underlying health conditions??
In my experience it’s easy to remain detached and in a certain state of denial when you have remained free of serious infection. It would be interesting to see how people responded if they actually became seriously ill, and we don’t yet know how it will affect the population this winter….
I say this because i have a dozen or so friends now, who are all under the age of 50 and they look after their health, mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.. It has stopped them in their tracks as it has been a torturous ordeal for them through the past 4 – 5 months… It has been humbling to me, and has called me to review how i’m relating to the actual virus itself, beyond the perversions of the media and authoritarian institutions who are manipulating the game.
… And yes.. i know that the consequences of how it’s being dealt with are causing havoc and ill health way beyond the actual virus itself… All of that needs calling out, but to call covid a hoax, as many people are, is simply a polarised delusion in it’s own way.
Where i am now, is to hear once more the invitation from Mother Nature, in that our attitude and behaviour is destroying the planet and also making us very sick on all levels, and so we have been given an opportunity to pause, reconsider, realign and change our ways… We have to respond to that invitation on an individual basis and also collective, but for sure we can’t wait on institutions of power leading the way with that one.
It’s time to reclaim our relationship with the land…. Form small communities and get growing real food… Step out of the rat race, once and for all…. Projecting our frustration onto computer screens won’t resolve the situation.
Let’s tend the grief which has risen within us, and evolve.
Peace and love.
A more obvious case of concern trolling has never come my way. “While I absolutely agree with you just let me grab a moment to completely undercut that first statement of mine and sell the official fear narrative in the thin guise of disagreeing with it”
This virus is no nastier for the unfortunate minority than any other coronavirus or flu virus. There is always a small number that get complications from relatively harmless infections. This one is no different.
If that were not a fact, imagine the streets lined with dead homeless folk suffering the plight of this dread disease worse than anyone else alive. And how many prison morgues would be piled high with bodies by now since the prisons are the most concentrated points of infection on the planet.
BTW. Loved that concern trolling. Will use that again soon. Thank you.
And there’s this bit:
“I say this because i have a dozen or so friends now, who are all under the age of 50 and they look after their health, mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.. It has stopped them in their tracks as it has been a torturous ordeal for them through the past…..” etc etc.
This is a familiar manoeuvre: e.g. “A baby is dying horribly in my arms even as I speak…” or, on another level, “I happen to live in the very country you are talking about and I can assure you that …..” etc etc.
Captain Spock might just have got away with “one or two friends who…” but “a dozen or so….”? That was the point at which I stopped reading.
Try to keep an open mind!
I don’t know if Star Trek authorities consider it “canon”, but I’ve heard that Vulcans can be extremely gregarious.
Yeah it’s funny. How about this too:
“It has been humbling to me, and has called me to review how i’m relating to the actual virus itself, beyond the perversions of the media and authoritarian institutions who are manipulating the game.”
After which our Vulcan gives us more perversions and manipulations.
A very balanced and sensible view, its clear that covid is real and for those that die old or otherwise its a sad and probably scary reality, its also clear that the fear is being manipulated for sinister purposes and they are in my view more terrifying for far more people. I wish the majority took your humble and sensible view and started caring more, for others and the world that supports our existence. If people all focused on love and care for the gift of life and earth no government could control that… i know its fantasy its sad but most likely this will end in a very dark way.
Perhaps we would care more for those who need it if we (the healthy) were not LOCKED DOWN! Siege warfare locks down the healthy. It kills the sick first for their lack of care, services and food. Then it kills the healthy by making them sick. You are concern trolling. Please stop. Register the fact that whatever has made people sick it is nothing that Gates / Fauci / WHO / Ferguson or any of their minions has told us it is. You are following fallacy of the single cause. It’s mal-nutrition, air pollution, water pollution, police state tactics – it is democide. And you apparently want more. Please move to Stockholm and learn from the present occupants and all the literature they are most likely familiar with on Stockholm Syndrome.
Exactly – I am in an at-risk household and the universal lockdown if anything increased our risk by making it impossible to get food delivered for a couple of months at the height of the pandemic. There is no benefit to our household at all from a universal lockdown. The caring thing to do is, to not lock down and to provide accurate advice based on science rather than on rhetoric and pharma lobbies. Followed by targeted help to those who actually needed it and didn’t get it, for example helping care staff to isolate with the people they were caring for.
Yeah Sam…. I’m on a continuing journey of checking in with whatever cognitive dissonance i’ve locked into throughout this as each new experience comes my way in life, and for sure i’m well aware of the fact that there is a sinister political/corporate agenda playing out, and like the majority of people on here (based upon the comments) i was blinkered to the fact that as well as the sinister gameplay, there is a new viral condition that we’re being asked to deal with (more than likely concocted in a lab.) It’s easy to strengthen assumptions and opinions when viewing the situation from a distance on a computer screen, and just going with facts/figures/statistics… Some people like to keep on repeating that it’s no worse than the flu, and for most people that is accurate, but friends of mine and many other people have had this condition and in comparison to the worst bouts of flu they’ve had through the years, they say that nothing comes close to what they have had to endure for months now… I also have a friend who is a very sensitive homeopath and she told me that it’s a very tricky illness to treat when it gets right into the system.. Thankfully, along with her peers they have been working on remedies for the different stages of the illness and are having success with their patients.
It’s always interesting to read people’s reactions to a statement made which is only calling for a bit more consideration for the many people who are suffering, whilst at the same time stating that i’m in agreement with the manipulation game which is going on… Clearly indicates to me that we need to be taking more space and time to relax and ease the stress in the nervous system, so as to not to be so aggressive and reactive when somebody tries to open a window onto another perspective…
For me, it is healthy to agree with some points which a person makes when they resonate with my experience, but also to hold a different perspective at the same time…. Take good care.
Funny comment. Before I quit FB, I was a member of a group discussing CV in realistic terms in the country where I live, and regularly somebody popped up and wrote something along the lines of what this clown says, i.e. “the brother of my friend’s girlfriend had CV and it was the worst experience in his life” … “I agree with that we’re being manipulated, but think about the vulnerable” … etc. etc.
There were other provocateurs, trying different sh-t. Obviously, the objective is to engage people in an inane argument, sometimes a fight, to sow the seed of uncertainty, and all sorts of other tactics. There is no point in responding to the above – it would be a waste of time, a waste of energy even if the entity who wrote it didn’t have malevolent intentions.
The m-effers are playing a dirty game, everybody needs to watch what they’re saying and to whom. Think Nazi-occupied Europe during WWII or the 1950s in the communist bloc.
@Jacob: ““the brother of my friend’s girlfriend had CV and it was the worst experience in his life” …”
Yep, heard the same dramatic utterance from Cambridge when Con-19 Theatre of Fear opened; long before Covid-19 could have spread from Wuhan city to that little country town in England: “Jenny had Covid-19, she said it was the worst flu ever. And Gary has had Covid-19”.
Everybody wants to be interesting.
I had it,felt crap Saturday/Sunday. Tired Monday to Thursday all better Friday. Coughed like I smoked 60 a day. For most it’s a medium to heavy cold, I saw somebody say last week say that they ‘put their big boys pants on and got on with it’, can’t think of a better way of putting it.
Mike, that’s the spirit: just stay at home till no longer infectious (about a week) then ‘put their big boys pants on and got on with it’.
Yep. I had whatever “it” might have been. Couple bad days. I had an insight since the wife got it a week earlier and we dealt with it. Epsom baths, sleep, chicken soup, and good supplements with zinc ionophore teas. Artemisia, licorice, A, C, E, D, Zn, Sn, Mg, cabbage soup with plenty pink salt too.
Hot and cold packs too. If i believed Pasteur cultists, I’d have had a blood test. Few months later the dogs got the same. Dry cough was most telling early sign. Each got it for a few days, each on separate days. Had to hold each dog down for the first day to keep em from coughing that dry hack out of control. Bad kennel cough. Kept their throats coated with ground up cooked veggies with lots of salt and licorice.
Covid is NOT NEW.
Common human coronaviruses, including types 229E, NL63, OC43, and HKU1, usually cause mild to moderate upper-respiratory tract illnesses, like the common cold. Most people get infected with one or more of these viruses at some point in their lives. This information applies to common human coronaviruses.
There is no vaccine to protect you against human coronaviruses and there are no specific treatments for illnesses caused by human coronaviruses.
Most people with common human coronavirus illness will recover on their own. However, to relieve your symptoms you can:
If you are concerned about your symptoms, contact your healthcare provider.
You know the drill. Your throat feels scratchy, you start sneezing and coughing, and pretty soon you’re in the grip of a nasty cold. To add insult to injury, all that big-time misery is from a tiny invader — a living thing called a virus.
And it’s not just one you need to dodge. There are more than 200 that can lay you low.
It’s likely that someday you’ll have a close encounter with one of these types:
There are also a lot of viruses that doctors haven’t identified. About 20%-30% of colds in adults are caused by these “unknown” bugs.
How and When They StrikeCold viruses have a lot in common, but each type has its own style, too.
Rhinovirus. This bunch is most active in early fall, spring, and summer. They cause 10%-40% of colds. You’ll feel plenty miserable when you catch one, but the good news is they rarely make you seriously sick.
Coronavirus. These tend to do their dirty work in the winter and early spring. The coronavirus is the cause of about 20% of colds. There are more than 30 kinds, but only three or four affect people.
RSV and parainfluenza. These viruses cause 20% of colds. They sometimes lead to severe infections, like pneumonia, in young children.
“They” are also trying to distract us from their choking surveillance, NSA, Palantir, you name it. They get millions/billions of $$s for collecting data.
We do not know which data, by which means they collect them, and what exactly are they going to do with them. Check out Palantir and other companies of such like. And then they scream blue murder when the Chinese are doing it.
They are expensive for the taxpayer and are not producing anything productive in any shape or form.
Since COVID-19 is allegedly a disease caused by the alleged SARS-Cov-2 virus, but no such virus has ever been isolated and therefore has never been proved to cause any disease, I can’t see how one could refer to COVID-19 as a disease.
Yes, people are getting sick and dying; that happens all the time. And every premature death is a sad occasion. And yes, there has been a slight increase in excess mortality this spring, chiefly because there were fewer deaths in previous years and because of some mismanagement and other factors.
There are no data indicating that COVID-19 is not a gigantic hoax.
Covid19 is not a virus, that is your problem. Covid19 is the term for a set of symptoms noticed in a number of seriously ill patients.
There is no doubt that the clinical symptoms of Covid19 have occurred in 2020.
What is up for grabs is what the role of SARS-CoV2 is in those clinical symptoms.
I’m afraid that you’re wrong about the alleged role of SARS-Cov-2 because no such thing has ever been isolated and for all intents and purposes doesn’t exist. It can hardly therefore play any role in anything.
As to the fact that people get sick and die all the time, for various reasons, that’s pretty obvious.
See my post at the top of the page Rhys?
The uptick in mortality is easily explained by the lockdown measures’ affect on the vulnerable. The lockdown was the opposite of protecting the vulnerable.
You’ve been busted
How form small communities and get growing food from Mother Nature ( WITH Mother Nature) if the Directors of this Agenda seek to eradicate any form of social community under the guise/lie of protecting us/protecting you ???
I appreciate and empathise and embrace your idealism of some post-apocalyptic future of being self sufficient in communes, a al News From Nowhere, etc, but, instead of sitting on the fence feeling sorrow for those who have got this new bug called Death(!!!!!] why not face the reality that this corona/covid narrative is being used to kill your dreams?
There has been plenty of time and evidence available for the UK government to reassess there policies and end these lockdowns and social distancing etc but they are not going down that path
They obviously have a different agenda
That all sounds good, respectful and open minded. One problem. You have no idea if your friends had this virus that virus or any virus. Yes. I had a case of the symptoms so outlined and attributed to this virus and it was bad. As bad as any and I have seen more than my share in decades. Just the same, the science on this is so fraudulent in so many directions on so many levels, you have no idea what you just wrote about. What you can say with some certainty is that there is something or more likely things going around that is and has torn up you and your friends and me and mine. But cv1984? No. Not likely. And even if Fauci / Ferguson / Gates official stories had shreds of truth to them, we all should know by now that they attacked the world with a nothing burger and a lot of hype on a bioweapon that is easily defeated and bypassed with any good zinc ionophore some zinc some D and a decent diet. Ironic that countries in Africa with horrendous low standards of living have blown this thang out with a little HCQ and age old medicine. Good luck and please open that mind a little wider soon. Thank you.
If HCQ defeats it then why was it “as bad as any”?
Surely you would be cured immediately if it actually worked.
I did not know about zinc nor zinc ionophores at the time. Your presumptions all point in a direction that makes the truth seem a lie. Please stop and consider Uganda or all the other countries that put the lie to your memes that this is a horrible unstoppable condition that we need a vaccine, contact tracing, lockdowns or any other tripe that crushes poor and old folk to death.
Consider Sweden who proved the whole thing a hoax and they did not use HCQ either.
Perhaps you might consider who is attacking us (and you if they are not paying you to be a concerned troll).
No. I did not claim that. You are outright lying.
There’s no evidence a virus exists. No scientific evidence that would stand up in a court of law.
You are misinformed. Very misinformed. You don’t know what you had. It could be any type of biological agent. It could be radiation sickness. It could be a reaction from the flu shot. Did you have the flu shot last year or the year before?
A virus cannot be diagnosed by a RT-PCR test.
What was your medical diagnosis?
My mistake. I replied without checking your identity. I thought you were replying as other concern trolls here replied. Now I think I see your perspective and I agree. It is not an identified source of disease in any way shape or form.
I was not lying. I thought you were taking the Faucifraud perspective and claiming that hcq didn’t work and that we are dealing with a deadly disease and on.
You are wrong about how well informed I am. My point is that no one knows what they had and that everyone presumes what they and I had and did not have.
Get real. You think I took a flu shot? Ironic you missed nutritional deficiencies and chemical toxicities in your list. I am familiar with Keri Mullis. I gave you my diagnosis. I was sick. Symptoms all matched the current list of questionable symptoms save one. That one symptom added last to the list: no symptoms.
I stayed home, warm, well fed and slept and ate and took hot epsom baths and recovered. Everything the medical martial law proponents are trying to force on us is the opposite of what’s needed. The only changes I would make to that treatment now is more alternating ice and hot packs and more zinc, zinc ionophores, A, C, E, D, K, Io and MG. I might add nebulized peroxide.
None of these changes have anything to do with Faucifraud. These are proven strategies for improving outcomes. For years. And yes all I require to consider something proven is empirical evidence. My own and my doctors’. Even and especially when labeled anecdotal.
Please stay heathy and read up on folk like Mercola since you and I are both going to be actively pursued as examples of what happens to heretics who doubt Faucifraud if either of us get sick.
I only meant you lied about my comment and my intent. My only intent is to find the absolute truth.
I was just trying to get your perspective on the value of HCQ since I don’t believe that Fauci et al would leave that HCQ study in the NIH database if it was genuine.
They’ve had years to plan this operation. They must have run simulations and war gamed every possible outcome.
Wasn’t a lie, Mistook your intent. Thought you were one of previous concern trolls. Didn’t check names.
Red herring makes more sense. Then again, liars will sometimes tell the truth, unless they suck at lying. So to dismiss the possibility that HCQ works just because liars said so is unwise. Even if it works marginally well, that’s enough to finish the whole plandemic with their own dogma. Facts and logic are enough to finish it, but normies will believe junk spewed from their tv presenters regardless of self contradictions.
Had family member tell me about an in-law who was required to voluntarily get tested last week. Took a minute for her to understand the oxymoron. She didn’t used to say junk like that. Current programming does that to people. It’s like being trained to sing off key. If we want normies to come around, and we need them to, then we need to let them learn when they are off key.
Dr Rashid Buttar – Brain Surgeon, and Professor Delores Cahill – Immunologist & Molecular Biologist. advocate Hydrochloroquin.
Why post links that aren’t relevant. I posted my answers below. Read them.
I’m not interested in anything any “doctor” has to say regarding HCQ.
I’m interested in verifiable science and facts. Clinical trials are not reliable they are easily manipulated.
There’s no virus been proven to exist as yet and there’s no clinical diagnosis for covid, because the symptoms are too varied and vague. Coincidentally Covid19 symptoms are identical to radiation poisoning.
Therefore any study on HCQ is pointless.
I am well aware of the nanoparticles and toxic ingredients in vaccines.
Pathogenic viruses do not occur in nature and they are not aerosol transmissible, they are inside vaccines.
Add Chromium, Honey, and garlic to that list and Coloidal silver spray…
If I am now correct about what I presume to be your perspective, you might find Dave Martin useful. Thank you.
If the suppression of HCQ does not convince people that academia is bought and paid for, nothing will.
Why can’t you grasp that most of academia has been lying about viruses and vaccines?
That they purposefully put forward a bogus study so they could withdraw it?
There is no VIRUS. Therefore HCQ cannot work against something that does not exist.
That’s a big therefore. HCQ can work to improve outcomes whether or not that entails working against something. Getting zinc into the cell is a helpful thing on mammals. Quercetin, Artemesia, Licorice, Ginseng are all probably less problematic than HCQ and work well. Agreed that Tom Cowan and friends are probably wayyyyyyyy more accurate in their take on believing Beauchamp more than Pasteur. Pasteur was after all at least as criminal as Ancel Keys.
BTW, which withdrawn study are you referring to? The one that was done by the organization Faucifraud ran in 2005 that found that all coronaviri are eliminated by HCQ? I think that one was never withdrawn.
Whether or not you believe Beauchamp over Pasteur, it’s usually faster acting to learn Faucifraud’s dogma and crush their proponents with the constant self contradictions inherent in their frauds. Just like Faucifraud’s claims that masks do not work and then suddenly they do and governments must mandate them. And yes that study from May, 2020 is still up on CDC’s website, although it’s Google has made it all but impossible to search.
The study the Lancet withdrew.
DARPA developed an entire product line around the cure for lab created viral vectors and it isn’t HCQ.
Do you know that HCQ blocks the hERG channel? It’s cardiotoxic. So too, Azithromycin. Why do you think they put two toxic medications together as a cure?
Coincidence? There are no coincidences.
They planned this operation for more than 20 years. Do you really believe the HCQ SARS study? It’s clickbait.
That makes more sense in terms of why it hasn’t been censored yet. I do not see the sense of azithromycin at all. And like a number of docs already say, why use a drug when quercetin works better with fewer side effects.
Also why use an antibiotic for a “virus”? Antibiotics don’t work against viruses, supposedly. Is it a bacterial infection, or a virus?
DARPA developed a line of immunity products under the radar, through a contracted private company, based on Quercetin, they sell to the military and first responders.
That may be why they pushed the ineffectual HCQ on the unsuspecting right.
Quercetin doesn’t work through its zinc ionophore action. It has a number of other mechanisms of action against pathogens. It binds ubiquitously. It works against all types of pathogens: Bacterial. Fungal. Parasitical. Viral.
I doubt there’s a virus in circulation because the mortality rate figures are the same as last year. In Italy and the US.
I really don’t see the value in HCQ. I think it was used as a red herring.
The value I see in it is that if it works, and it looks like it does, then the premise for the entire emergency is gone. That means the premise that justifies a vaccine, contact tracing, lockdown everything. Bank accounts and jobs are still wrecked. At least there’s a chance for a non-ccp life. In real world, basis for emergency never existed with or without HCQ. Again, using their own dogma to contradict their other dogma is easy enough.
No. That wouldn’t stop the lockdown. It’s already morphed into the UN’s and WEF’s sustainable mantra and climate crisis.
I’ve read all the papers. I read the old SARS research back in March. The important and significant studies have been removed from the NIH database. They have nothing to do with HCQ.
Agree with zdb’s replies here to you. The facts:
:- Some people are facing severe respiratory illness, plus various symptoms that differ by country and medical competence.
:- The cause is less important; some have suggested low-dose sarin from drones, 5G, etc.
:- Effective cures (“theraputics”) are being suppressed. How do you think Africa is getting by? Do your own research. E.g. This shocker from China:
China also used intraveneous vitamin C to great affect in some cases. A few doctors in NY did as well. Talk about suppression of real knowledge. Jon Rappoport has a few blogs on the fallacy of the single cause and how all the worst hit regions on the planet are also the worst polluted regions on the planet.
Rappoport makes sense too just in terms of the stats for years on pneumonia deaths near Wuhan and Milan. Pollution is one of the biggest epidemiological factors in pneumonia deaths.
‘‘ You’ll quite rightly say that it’s only affected a small % of people so far and most of them are elderly….”
Not quite is it. The only people making statements along this line are supposedly scientists, behaviourists and others who don’t know.They pass it to politicians who then book time to use the mainstream platforms to pass on the lies.What you’ve misunderstood is that we’re officially all in the same danger.The death spike for the elderly is only bigger as , from early, it was advised to all doctors that those over a certain age were not to be treated in a lot of cases( rather than the ‘old normal’ of giving them more intensive care). This is eugenics in practice. A virus is two things; microscopic in size and indiscriminate.It doesn’t have preferences. It targets human beings. In 1918, the Spanish Flu, which the MSM keep trying to draw parallels with, claimed the largest amount of lives in the young males( 20-35) demographic.
”As much as i agree with the content of the article in that covid is being used as a weapon to break down society, in a way that is deeply traumatic, ”
It’s being used to justify and rationalise the underhand way that the governments have pre-scripted narratives of fear and public perception.It;s in black and white that, regardless of the actual dangers of the pandemic, the fear of the public had to be manipulated to remain high.The very word’ pandemic’ has misleading overtones.All Pandemic refers to is the area , or areas, in which the virus is present. It has nothing to do with how lethal or deadly it is.But, ask any average mask wearer if a pandemic is deadly or serious, you won’t get many answering in the negative.
”All of that needs calling out, but to call covid a hoax, as many people are, is simply a polarised delusion in it’s own way.”
It’s been continually ‘called out’. Those online who do it publicly and spread the questions and demand answers are removed from the internet.That’s by those who rule over us. The same people informing us about their virus.People have continually asked why it hasn’t been isolated or shown on a slide.No answers.No explanations. People have asked why the man leading the battle has no medical training but billions invested in the vaccine industry.Tell me who’s delusional.
”Where i am now, is to hear once more the invitation from Mother Nature, in that our attitude and behaviour is destroying the planet and also making us very sick on all levels, and so we have been given an opportunity to pause, reconsider, realign and change our ways”
Where you are now is next to some speaker blurting out mainstream bullshit.Unless Mother Nature’s doing impressions of course. Explain the natural process of creating a deadly virus in a lab.Or the process of poisoning the water deliberately with chemicals.Whose ways need changing ?
”Let’s tend the grief which has risen within us, and evolve.”
Let’s stop smoking weed and imagining we’re at f***g Woodstock. No grief has risen.Anger is being agitated by an elite Nazi party of brain damaged lab chimps.
Right. To the point. But there’s not much point anymore in reiterating any of the above. It’s obvious. Provocateurs of captain spock’s ilk want to engage people in this kind of refutation of the bullsh-it in order to detract you from taking defensive action or perhaps counteroffensive. The tanks are rolling in and the enemy’s army is invading us. There is no more time to be convincing ourselves that it’s happening.
“It’s a nasty disease, therefore…” is a rhetorical argument that’s popular with the media and people who follow the media to know what to think. Rhetoric is a lousy way to deal with a disease. It allows the state to get away with mass killings of elderly people while admonishing the young to not kill their gran. It allows them to pretend to care about public health while ignoring the storming success of the Castillo et al randomised controlled trial of a vitamin D metabolite, which found it largely eliminated the need for ICU treatment in hospitalised COVID patients. It allows them to get away with mass testing without establishing the false positive rate of that testing, a parameter that’s crucial to know and that wouldn’t be particularly hard to measure if they actually cared about public health.
What you think of as covid isn’t a ‘virus’ but an attack on life, consciousness and health.
Mother Nature can be recognised rather than demonised as a virus or germs, and anti-biotic and toxic thinking and behaviour can be uncovered as poor choices that can be replaced by better choices. However, everything that is leveraging of human guilt and fear – in the subverted Green and Left identity – operates a diversionary deceit and control agenda under a mask of concern. So covid just as CO2 is a narrative leveraging of fear and guilt to capture and direct weak or conflicted minds to an appealing narrative evasion of their own conficts – as some sort of justice warrior set in saving us all – but actually delivering the thing you think to counter.
Covid waits on proof as an isolated and new virus.Covid (or Sars Cov2) is not a proven cause of disease or death. The invested belief in viruses as the cause of infectious disease is a negative ‘religion’ or fear driven narrative identity seeking magical protection. And as a result of the wartime propaganda machine and globally orchestrated shutdown of economy and lockup of people while denying freedoms that are fundamental to a human existence, many have been driven past their tipping point into a stockholm syndrome support for their captors, and many more ‘incentivised’ to compliance.
The nature of the hoax is not to deny its efficacy as a hoax, and your post illustrates this.
You can invite or inspire a more conscious and cooperative relationship with our bodies and our living world without feeding or propagating the intent to effectively render humans beings as viruses and lab rats for genetic and technological control systems that may require devolution of consciousness to be bearable. If you are not aware of what is behind the drive to ‘make us safe’ you are wishfully ignorant.
There’s and education extended you, or a biosecurity state under which none of your dreams have any support – excepting as a profiled identity to be targeted and nudged or incentivised to seel your soul to protect.
The more I think about this Covid Scam the more I come to the conclusions that it’s all about creating Hyperinflation to wipe out the debts of the Banks & ‘your’ Savings with a secondary bonus of control by vaccine chipping the sheep ……………
BUT Saving the Banks is objective No.1
Am I wrong ?
No. Absolutely correct
Saving banks, destroying public services and pehaps even culling the “unprofitable” citizens.
Even the concern trolls can not touch that. I want to hear them talk about “thank you sir may I have another” when all their wealth and resources are gone and they are give food laced with sawdust in the breadlines.
Bingo. It’s all about the banks.
And if they start a war, it will be to cover up the crimes of the banks.
No, you’re not wrong. There is a massive robbery underway and the bankers and their ilk are trying to avoid being held to account by using a virus with a low fatality rate as justification for locking everyone down and prevent them from reaching the bankers and their rich friends.
plandemic / scamdemic
What folks should also be focussing on is that the way includes the destruction of the internet as we knew it by search engines totally controlling access to information (anyone using the internet since 2000 has seen it go from a truly wonderful resource to a total whore’s drawers of censorship).
Part of any victory must involve mass migration away from Google onto new search engines dedicated to informing their users and not obsessed with charging exorbitant fees to advertisers.
Those who have engaged in brainwashing (namely the MSM) need to be punished too. Their trustworthiness rating must drop through the floor….
Have you any experience of open source internet use, such as Linux?
I’m curious to know what people’s experience is and is it a step away from the ‘big boys’ completely?
Captain Spock: I think a way forward currently is simply distributing curated lists of links of websites (including this one) that can act as portals, in multiple versions and constantly revised, to the “free world”. Then, we’ll need to wait for new, powerful-enough comprehensive open-architected, open-DB search engine(s) to not only be developed, but also implemented and maintained without interference from the Big Brothers.Darker days are ahead before the light comes. (BTW, as Linux is an operating system, it is only one piece of a full open internet puzzle.)
Blockstack and other similar platforms will emerge as open source, decentralized internet alternatives. It’s just a question of time.
I do and plenty of it, but since it’s off topic all i will say is this.
Search Youtube and the web for Linux , FOSS and privacy. You’ll have to be quick though before it’s erased by the evil Google algorithm
I have heard that open source and Linux are more lanes in the information abattoir controlled by 5eyes. Feels like we need to rely on the people we have come to know and trust and keep discerning as we are here on offguardian.
unfortunately, the ‘weapons of truth’ are not enough. the best you can hope for is a compromise. perhaps a long term armistice, similar to the korean war.
make no mistake, this to is a war. the enemy is real and extremely powerful. as such there can be only one outcome; total victory or complete defeat. no middle ground or half measure in this fight. think nazi germany in WWII.
Speaking of long-term, “possible late effects of a corona infection”: from stroke, heart attack and liver failure to delusions are all represented. If even the last hypochondriac doesn’t finally pick up the phone now and ask the emergency doctor if he can be saved, even this panic-mongering won’t work anymore.
This is very well said.
I want to link to an important video which gives a lot of unknown backstory and how it will be attended to by one group:
Pam Popper rocks.
She does! I linked to the wrong video, sorry. Here is on the correct one:
in English? Subtitles? Nice to see courts FINALLY taking some action. Courts in US recently ruled governors of Michigan and Ohio violated Constitution in their emergency decrees. Florida’s governor already dialed it back and declared state open. Sounded like he’s killing all the fines and sentences.
In “Postscript on the Societies of Control” Giles Deleuze said something very similar:
…That was a prescient warning from over twenty years ago. Long before the ‘likes’ of Alphabet/Google, FB, Instagram, and the rest really even got going with their data mining, surveys, and ‘erm ‘Likes’ ….and all the algorithmic bullshit-binary rest. Now we have an almost total field psychology modulation of agentic ‘free will’, individual ‘rational choice’, and the corporate endocolonisation and “self-steering*” of nearly everything.
[Gk: kybernētēs; kubernáō – “I steer, I drive, I guide, I govern:” from Lt: gubernatorial => self-governance, governmentality. Hence: the self-regulated, self-governed individual (“dividual”) whose ‘free will’ steers them along the socio-economically governed waters of their own pre-piloted collective commodity-cultural media channels.]
Although the spatio-temporal binary boundaries of work/leisure, inside/outside, self/avatar, individual/corporation, are breaking down and beyond blurred for many – particularly for millennial “digital natives and “Corporate Man” – self-regulation and self-governance are not merely confined to the internalised internet culture. It is almost everywhere and everything that is subject to a “Warholian Infamy” phantasy of digital replication of replication in infinities of regressions ….without an original copy or register of a Real in-sight.
As of Saturday: the ‘big plan’ is to “Save Our Rights”? That, to me, represents the Eternal Recurrence of the Societies of Control. Given the “clear and present” actualisation of bio-fascism: the ‘alternative’ cannot be the feedback (behavioural regulation, cultural modulation) into the very same set of normalising social-cultural practices that produced this very occurrence of bio-fascism. If it is: that does not seem very clever to me:
Only a complete break, and a near total inversion of individual value-preferences and “steered” social-cultural practices, well away from the “Old Normative” can possibly save us from the “New Normative” of perpetual bio-fascism. Like, 180-steer the Other-centred Way!
The “Samsaric Spectacular” to “Save ‘OUR’ Rights” is thus an eternal ouroboros ….the serpent biting its tail to free itself: from itself …from suffocating within its own poisoning and self-tightening skin.
Clinging to our old lives, our old intentional habitus, within the same old ‘free’ market state social-cultural organisation (“There is no society”; “There is [still] no alternative”; the stillborn-TINA). The ‘alternative’ media offers no credible alternative.
Except, perhaps, the “Great [Re-incorporated] Re-Set” of saving ‘our’ rights?
(“Global Re-Set”: I’m sure I’ve heard that term before, somewhere?)
There is no one as yet free in a Society of Control: because the very sense of ‘freedom’ is pre-assigned, pre-modulated, and pre-mediated as behaviourally consensual, normalising, and recursive as “Our Rights” ….and >my< liberties ….and >our< ‘freedoms’.
[NB: the privatised, exclusionary, and ethno-exceptionalist possessive pronouns].
As in an evermore remotely digitised “reward and modulate” culture management cybernetic. ‘Steering’ in circles of feedback within a token-token identity reinforcement schedule of market-allocated esteem capitals – not merely limited to the econometric ….but applied by rights to all >our< ‘lifestyle’ capitalism.
Well, >our< lives and >our< freedoms are globally oppressive and murdering at distance the rest of the people and planet at an exponentiating rate – even if currently on hold. But we want a ‘Great Global Re-Set’? Where is there any alternative? And where is there any real distinction and distance from ‘Them’ – the hidden influential steerers and governors?
That seems to be ‘Us’ then?
In six months – very few if any – have been seeking “new weapons”. Or to deconstruct ‘neoliberal humanism’ – the sole source of >our< rights and self-governance. Which is neoliberal necropolitcs to the excluded and exteriorised Other ….the rest of humanity and the biosphere which extends the right to life for all. And then we go and take it away – into privatised possession – by dint of >our< statist Rights. That is morally and globally all wrong.
For the umpty-first time: it is in the language-faculty that we will find the “common sense commonplaces” and pre-mediated behavioural dispositive schema (the paradeigma and praedicamenta of privatised properties, private possession pronouns, collective individuality [sic], and subjected self-regulated identity). Which are the unexhumed contents of the unconscious habitus or Collective Cognitive Unconscious (CCU).
The CCU: which is circularly organised, dualistically hierarchised, categorised, binarised, and classified with signification capitals to pre-produce, produce, and recurrently reproduce ever more imperfect and shady lifestyle copies of Platonic – now neoliberal – Humanism. Which is wrong, wrong, wrong, on every cognitive level. And neoliberal necropolitics to the exteriorised Rest. But will continually actualise the behavioural feedback cycles of the biopolitical “Samsaric Spectacle” until we intentionally break the flow.
Unless you actually want the ‘Great Global Re-Set’ to bio-fascist reproductive phantasies of unconscious elimination of all Life: just to preserve >our< inhumane Rights to self-regulation? In which case: Western nihilism and death …chosen by ‘free will’.
It’s the language, stupid. You need to change the concepts to find “new weapons”. Ask Deleuze. Or more thorough still: exhume the contents of the Cognitive Unconscious for all to realise. If you cannot change the language: you can at least become aware of its Mutually Assumed Dualistic (MAD) representation patterns of self-government.
No, it is not gobbledygook. Gobbledygook is following the same MAD, redundant, and maladaptive murderous behavioural patterning for 2,500 years and pretending you are all right with that. And when the (possibly last) chance comes to change our cultural ways: the ‘Woke’ decide to do it all again ….by saving >our< Rights for >us< by excluding the living Other all over again. That’s the self-caused, self-governed Eternal Recurrence of gobbledygook all right and all over again!
Good grief get a grip on how to communicate effectively and resist the urge you have to advertise your ego
Blah blah blah
The weapon of truth won’t ‘cut it’, but this will
I laughed when I heard Donald Trump tested positive for Covid and is convalescing. (How can someone convalesce when they’re not sick?) No doubt he’ll be exempt from further TV debates when he develops Long Covid too. A joke. A farce
But I can’t laugh at the barbarity
I remember a shop worker I chatted to who complained of being unable to breathe with a face mask. A full day. The violence of it. I hope they don’t get a lung infection
And if a thug physically assaults you, at least you can call the police. You can’t call the police if the assailant is Pharma

Trump has the “deadly virus” !! The BBC inserts this…..
“Some of Mr Trump’s family members who attended the debate were seen not wearing masks.”
See what can happen to you if you don’t wear a mask ?!! OMG !!
Just listening to Jeremy Vine on the BBC talking boll*cks about Trump. Going on about how “unfortunately we just have to see how the illness progresses and takes its course”. No thought given to the fact that Trump and his wife are asymptomatic and are unlikely to develop any symptoms. Or the possibility that the test was a false positive. Or that the test is meaningless to begin with. Jeremy Vine passes himself off as a presenter and journalist. Journalist?? The BBC fact checkers should be doing their job and censoring that disinformation.
Agreed. Considering the destruction of everything that’s happening under Covid the BBC are fascism enablers.
I don’t trust Anna Brees either. Steve Bannon then more religious tweets. Is the religious Right opportunistically using ‘coronavirus’ as a mass proselytising exercise?
Journalism is a lost term nowadays. In fact Vine seems to be a rare element on our public broadcaster who at least gives airtime to sensible medical opinion on this virus.
…and some not so sensible!
Trump has tested positive – well, maybe but for what? It ain’t for the friggin virus that’s for sure. No, but he’s definitely a positive something. Unfortunately I can’t allow myself to swear.
I see that Elon Musk’s refusing the vax and calling Gates a ‘knucklehead’ has had a mention in the MSM. Strangely, for the alternative media it’s a non-event. Nothing to see here, move along. Hmmm…
Elon Musk. King of knuckleheads. An idiot who believes he can launch 20,000 radio emitting satellites into low Earth orbit without depleting ozone or disrupting every single life form on the planet. A completely ignorant fool denigrating an idiot. The new normal…
maybe, but if you’re locked in a freezer and somebody you know to be an idiot offers you a key…
Which key is Musk offering? He’s happy to profit off making the vaccine machines for the masses but won’t take the vaccine hai meself or let his children be injected with it. Just a greedy, arrogant, self-entitled prick.
You might want to learn about his dad and the technocrats.
That’s because Musk is selling neuralink. Perhaps we all see through his limited hangout. He’ll tell the truth about Gates but have you heard Musk sell the technocracy jive on plugging into AI?
I just heard on the radio 74,000 people are expected be ‘starved’ to death of healthcare in the UK by the end of this. They are one of the many targets of this multi headed Covid hydra.
And the Left, including the Labour Party, stood by and watched through their Covid visors.
As did the WSWS.
Yes! Where is the Labour Party, I don’t mean the red Tory party under Starmer, And what happened to all the rabid anti semites in the labour party? Did they just evaporate?
“what happened to all the rabid anti semites in the labour party? Did they just evaporate?”
They’ve gone for the moment. But the next time there’s a whiff of a leftward movement or the slightest criticism of Israel, you can bet the scream of “Anti-Semitism” will erupt again.
I mean ‘really’ where are they? Ken Livingstone, Chris Williamson, Jackie Wilson, Mark Wadsworth et al?
Not a peep from them.
Oh how I long for a Gerald Kaufman, and Anthony Wedgwood Benn, even though they were opposed to one another…
Men who had no fear of the truth, and never missed the opportunity to stand up and say it.
Gerald’s only mistake was in supporting Kinnock and Bliar…
Just shows what good con men they were.
The red Tory party is under Bendy-Bus, Bog Brush, Bozo, Bolshevik Boris.
Emergency spending should fix that.
In the Democratic Republic of Kanada, after running a ‘budget’ deficit of 100% and decimating the economy for no particular reason, billions more will be spent to alleviate the abuse of deserving patients who were deprived of treatment due to the requirement that hospitals and medical services be left vastly underutilised (except for the most deserving members of society, viz politicians, hookers, junkies, criminals, and The Homeless), in order to flatten the curve, presumably to stretch out the outbreak, etc … blah, blah, blah, zzzzzz, so tired, where’s the masque, sorry … mask, running out of food, or maybe not, old guy with sign on street corner reading ‘world ends tomorrow’ collecting donations in tin cup it’s his lifetime career, still waiting … so many worries, must read today’s leader for encouragement and insight – oh no it’s another crisis.
MSM and Politician IQ test question #1: What is the difference between infections and cases?
Correct answer: Cases are more frightening.
“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed – and hence clamorous to be led to safety – by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”
– H L Mencken
Cynicism is rarely disproved. – anon
i’ll remind you that what passes for healthcare in 2020, didn’t exist in 1920. and what passed for healthcare in 1920, didn’t exist in 1820. etc., etc., etc.
the point is, humanity did exist and even thrived and progressed. it’s been doing so for thousands of years. wide scale availability of electricity is less than 100 years old. central air, automobiles, airplanes and TV, are all recent inventions. humans however are not.
Oct 2, 2020 11:41 AM
Awaiting for approval
France is also using race baiting like the UK is, in the media this week. The British are pretending to be invaded by refugees in boats and the French are kicking off a discussion on Islamic separatism.
What a bunch of frauds and liars these people are.
Divide and rule always works.
Not if we live holistically, undividedly.
Did you mean to say ‘It always works on me’ – ?
Or does it not always work,
The phrase is trotted out as if we know what it means but what doe we mean and do we include ourselves or presume to be divided off in judgement over the evil manipulation of hapless or witless others?
France is also using race baiting like the UK is, in the media this week. The British are pretending to be invaded by refusgees in boats and the French are kicking off a discussion on Islamic seperatism.
What a bunch of frauds and liars these peoole are.
Here’s what I said on 20 March 2020:
I take no pleasure in being right. I do take some encouragement from the fact that some who were with the fear-mongers are now coming to accept that responses to the virus are disproportionate, but I struggle to see why it has taken so long and why there are still so few. On Wednesday, only twenty-six members of the House of Commons voted against the renewal of the authoritarian Coronavirus Act 2020. How much harm has to be inflicted before the majority of the people recognise this madness for what it is?
On MARCH 20. Who would have thought we’d be reading AGAIN today.
Me, I wrote this at about the same time.
“It’s time we started asking why.”
The answer is quite simple. The “Authorities” are doing the exact reverse of what they are claiming to do. I don’t necessarily blame them, because they are brainwashed too, as are the vast majority across most of the world.
They are trying to kill most of us off, and I think they are highly likely to succeed.
This used to be a crazy conspiracy theory – which even I didn’t take seriously.
The Georgia Guidestones (1980) are hardly Stonehenge “Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.”, and have always been dismissed on the basis, that the USA contains some very rich and powerful religious nutters, but it seems we completely underestimated how powerful they are. The “elite” Malthusians are almost certainly of British origin.
I never thought they could pull this off on a world wide basis, but they have. They have succeeded in terrorising almost everyone.
It’s not COVID – The Coronavirus that will do it, but the panic reaction to it, and the total crashing of the world wide economy. Supply lines are certain to break down, and in fact already have done for the most vulnerable.
Not only do I see little if any resistance to this madness, most people are fully engaged and a part of it.
The only response I have to it, is to become as self sufficient as possible, by digging up my garden to grow food. Most people think I am nuts, and think everything will be back to normal in a few weeks time, but the people in control, would not have crashed the entire world economy in pursuit of their Malthusian Agenda, to give up after a few weeks, when their well designed plans, all based on the most powerful psychological techniques are working so well, just as they envisaged, and game tested starting of course with 9/11 – where most people still believe the official story, which is literally impossible, because it does not conform with the most basic laws of physics and maths.
“The Georgia Guidestones (1980) are hardly Stonehenge “Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.”, and have always been dismissed on the basis, that the USA contains some very rich and powerful religious nutters, but it seems we completely underestimated how powerful they are. The “elite” Malthusians are almost certainly of British origin.”
Totally agree there Tony. The ‘sheep’ are still chained up in the cave?
”Plato’s Allegory of the Cave.”
A plausible, but revolting agenda:
“Instead of taking the bait and condemning China for the release of a virus that has never once been identified, look toward China to see what is in store for all of us if this assault on freedom is not stopped. While China has Communist leadership, and has had draconian levels of tyranny, China’s growth and prosperity over the past few decades have been directly related to the U.S. in that American businesses and government had very much to do with the success of the buildup of China. This was by design. Even considering the only Chinese BSL-4 lab at Wuhan where this so-called virus was supposed to have started, there were very close ties and an intense presence with the U.S., and the U.S. funded that lab until the end of September of last year.
China is now being used as the model for the U.S and the world, and has built a technocratic design that is sought by the U.S. and the rest of the globe. The idea of a totally controlled society is not only alive and well, but is being implemented in China. Millions of cameras, mass surveillance, credit scores, forced lockdowns, color codes based on behavior that allow or do not allow the citizenry any capability to move or sustain life; all electronically supported by the state are present. And this is only the tip of the iceberg, as the technocrats seek to monitor and control every second of every life. Australia is currently advancing some of these policies, and the rest of the west, including the U.S., seeks to do the same. This is called a global reset for good reason, as the rest of the world will follow the staged, supported, and planned lead of China. They are all working in concert, so what you see in China and Europe is what the U.S. will bring here at the first opportunity.”
So many speak of this COVID-19 madness being an “assault on freedom.” Really? What freedom? The very fact that these totalitarian measures were so easily put in place demonstrates that there is no freedom – there’s no “there” there. You cannot assault the dead.
How do you choose to see this?
Is that a choice?
Have you any choices as to the meanings you give or receive as your own experience and from which you grow or develop and unfold the themes of your life?
Freedoms shared generate a cultural development but if freedom is assigned to a masking identity set over fear as a ruling out of freedom for illusion of security, then we can believe we are free while creating ever more complex rules and regulations of thought, word and meanings – that effectively mean we are free to hurt ourselves and suffer as at the hand of others. of circumstance and of a past made in anger or confusion.
That the covid coup was sprung so effectively is the result of the long preparations laid down over generations.
If there were no rightful possession, it could not be stolen or dispossessed.
If there were no truth, illusions could not mask in it to pass off as real.
Freedom in being is inviolate, but freedoms shared are cultural developments of consciousness. You can do whatever you so choose, and live the consequence.
Most people are identified or ‘locked down’ and masked in the body as the arena of freedom. But the body is a limit – unless restored to its true function of communication. If we choose to use the forms of communication as a weapon or means of control, then they become a means of subjection and pain of limitation and loss. Because this is the human condition it is rarely questioned – but if it is in fact a human conditioning, then the willingness to question it, may be the willingness to move through fear rather than let fear frame, think and direct your mind and experience. The invitation to question our reality is itself impossible to even see, unless such a question is already stirring or moving within us.
It is possible for many here to notice that some who are locked down in a covid defined reaction, cannot be reached, and will wilfully defend against messengers that do not support their alignment under state provided identity.
There is a lot going on that is reiterating hidden aspects of our psychic development that we are free to notice if not so invested in narrative reaction or conflict such as to otherwise rule out.
Perception control has an antidote – but it is upstream to the drama, and cannot be used to interfere with the freedom of others to have their experience. Which is the human experience in it full gamut of tragi-comedy – but overlaid or running upon a life otherwise forgotten, denied or discarded and kept hidden.
A friends wife contracted Corona at the workplace. She said it felt like having a cold, nothing more. After a test to confirm, and 7 days of self isolation, it was gone, and none of the family members she had come into contact with, including the in-laws, showed any signs of illness and still don’t 3 weeks later.
For this reason alone I will remain a sceptic.
I strongly suspect, that if the COVID test, tests for anything (even though it is obviously unreliable), it is more likely to show a positive for anyone who has had a cold or flu within the last few weeks or months.
Very few people die of a cold, and most people get at least one cold every year. Colds are much more common in winter, probably because of less sunshine and vitamin D, which boosts the immune system.
Most children going back to school in the autumn will get a cold within the first few weeks or months. Their parents will probably catch it too. This is completely normal, and until now has never been anything to worry about.
Now the incessant propaganda has turned most people paranoid.
The real agenda has little or nothing to do with a virus.
It is about Mass Authoritarian Control and Depopulation
Welcome to the Kill Zone, which is being locked up in your own home.
yes tony! nice one.
We and others I know are aware of what’s truly going. Never before have I heard so many speak of the covert evil being carried out in the name of keeping us safe.
Back to what I posted earlier. The saddest thing is hearing my friend say his 78 year old mother is changed woman due to lock down. Both her physical and mental health have suffered.
You are the virus! – coo coo cachoo!
(not quite John Lennon).
If you allow your posts to be a conclusion it also serves the agenda of fear.
So it has to be a stepping stone of recognising some sort of death cult.
How does it get into our minds and pull all the levers?
Is our back door left open and unwatched?
Having a cold is not evidence of having caught anything at the worplace or it having been caused by “corona”. A positive test result doesn’t confirm anything.
Thanks for this Simon
Full post at:
Word Sorcery as the reframing of life in sin, sickness and death:
To you (and others like you) there is ‘like a cold’, but under new rules it constitutes great threat to society – especially the most vulnerable, and so it doesn’t matter what you experience or feel or know. As a ‘threat’ you have to be controlled and the sin of selfishness drilled out of you. Behold an inhuman race to the bottom of guilted shame, self hate set in self denial, given power as Guide and Protector.
Word sorcery defines perception in a ways such as to ‘crown’ fear of contagion as the usurper of sovereignty. True Source is not the word we give, but a word given truly. We have to listen to discern truth in our heart. If you choose not to look there you are running on derivatives that in a sense operate as a short-hand substitution for fact. If not an artificial intelligence of strategic algorithm set in its own loop of self-reinforcing dissociation.
Medical sorcery backed by corporate-financial, political and media support – from its highest levels of leverage, reframes perception and response to see others and expect to be seen as vector of threat. It does so by redefining not just symptoms associated with sickness as a call for state backed behavioural interventions, but translates a state of basic health absent any clinical symptoms as ‘risk of contagion’.
It does this under the self-crowned role of ‘making safe’ with respect to projected fears fed into models or trends that are themselves adjustable – as are the exact definitions and parameters of the ‘virus, disease expression or etiology, along with tests and testing parameters.
Narratives generate fear, which generates funding and sacrifice, which is controlled by predators and opportunists, who become the structural social framework for the extrapolation or stripping out of wealth under pretext of help, aid or health protection, while not only impoverishing, but also undermining health by all manner of toxic interventions or mandated conditions – along with the training or conditioning to slave status.
The science on transmission of ‘infectious disease’ is modelled, statistical and at best deals in actually observed patterns, cycles and correlations, but simply runs on the predicates of virology as ‘settled science’.
Science should be based on empirical data that has to be interpreted for human significance in response to specific questions that arise from narratives or models that are found to best fit or match empirical and repeatable or predictable experience.
The capacity to buy the ‘science’ that provides support for an invested or marketised model, is the shift from science to groupthink and computer models of arbitrary entities by which to both cover for lack of substance and generate new but phoney ‘paradigms’ for leveraging allegiance and support for the imposition of sacrifice as a moral willingness to enter a self-reinforcing cycle of debt, disease and death.
That we can willingly give our reality to false idol or idea is not evident under the belief it protects us from greater fear. Mythic and symbolic representations mask for and model our world as a defence or survival under threat. The illusion of the rational is in its ignorance of the underlying archetypes that for the most part run subconscious to a surface level of masking justification. Logic can operate upon insane premises to insane results that make ‘sense’ to those who accept such premises as their ‘normal’ or self-evident reality.
Coming back to EyeSeeEwe’s experience, the recognition that you are being ‘had’ is after the regulatory structures have been rolled out to apply to almost every social transaction and communication.
Continues at
Now they are injecting covid? anecdotally the flu vaccine is giving people positive covid results.
Makes sense since the PCR tests for rna exosomes which would respond to a flu vaccine. The whole point of adjuvents in vaccines is to inititate an immune response.
I’m really not sure how potent “weapons of truth” are. Most people are just interested in the common narrative, they want to act, think and believe what other people believe. Anything outside this narrow field of vision is heresy (or “conspiracy theory” according to the current jargon). This is not really compatible with “truth”, it’s more like “shared fiction”.
Shared fiction is the basis for all large scale human cooperation. Think about what a fantastic construct religion is – large scale obedience and massive mind-control and behavior-modification, by what staggering and complex tools you wonder? Nah, just a bunch of fairy tales told enough times in a sombre voice… tell a lie enough times, it literally becomes the truth for the masses.
Some will say they are not religious, that’s fine. But most people DO believe in shared fictions. Fictions about how our institutions work, our economies, etc etc. To have true knowledge and understanding of the world, you need to break free from the fiction.
tell us how you feel
how does that make you feel
this is the story
does it make you angry or sad or both.
emotion story ark as simple as possible
bbc tavistock stories
we can already see the power of nostalgia
the way were
call in the radio show and tell us how great it was matey
is was such a laugh such fun robert zion elms you would not believe it apples and pears stone the crows.
A I computers now collect these stories some real many fake and add them to the darwin super computer genome.
the story of the uk is a lie written by the city of london
that state within a state
just because it is a fiction
does not make it not real
like coroni crown novel virus fiction
for a good 75% of the population the story is good enough
the sheep so called sleep when when eyes are open
the black sheep herds them they follow to slaughter
many seem content enough in compliance
the msm is all about the story the fiction with emotion
always poor novel
If it makes you feel better
Gotta live, right ?
Nice one.
Fiat money (ie most of it everywhere) is the ultimate shared fiction. It only holds value because we all believe and act as if it does, even though it is created out of thin air every minute of every day.
Some don’t believe, but fear they will be invaded if they renounce the faith.
With good reason. The banks don’t like leaving anything to chance – if they don’t finance it, they don’t control it.
There are only a few countries left that are independent of the western banking system. If memory serves, they are in the Middle East. Imagine that.
Plato’s Allegory of the Cave” Jan?
Truth resonates as communication shared.
Resonance is the point of recognition.
Awareness of truth is Self-Awareness and has no necessary object, condition or perception.
I commented above that the phrase ‘weapons of truth’ is an oxymoron – but in the sense of holding firm against any residual or unowned temptation to be taken in by emotion-backed socially pressured untruth, is our willingness for freedom in truth, as distinct from freedom set in illusion.
Your fiction of religion is a current and popular social construct but I say to you that nothing can ever come between you and the truth of Who and What you are – regardless the factions of a split mind set against itself and seeking reinforcement externally.
This post continues on
Where’s the sign that says masks are horse feed bags?
I don’t know how horses feel about feed bags, but my Eastern tenderfoot opinion is that at least feed bags provide an enjoyable snack for the wearer.
The only silver lining to masks that I can think of is that it may spare onlookers the sight of crooked or rotten teeth, and reduce the miasma of acute halitosis.
Very disturbing video from Dr Bodo Schiffmann, ACU colleague of Dr Heiko Schoening. He alleges that three children have died in a week in Germany as a direct consequence of wearing masks. He has been accused of spreading fake news but it isn’t clear whether it has been officially refuted – not that that would mean anything. I think he would have much more to lose than gain if he were making this up. So I know who I trust.
Looks legit to me, or he is an exceedingly good actor. I can’t think of any possible motivation for making it up.
I appreciate that he probably can’t name the Children for reasons of confidentiality, but it should be possible to provide further evidence substantiating his allegations, from for example the Doctors who treated the Children, unless they too are frightened for their jobs, or lives. Germans have long memories.
Hardly any Doctor has come out publically in the UK. However, I do know what the Very Senior NHS Management are like. One Consultant tried to, but was too afraid to give his name.