Together Apart: The Social Distance Backstory
Sinead Murphy

In the midst of outrage at restrictions on our living arrangements, issued by a UK government that has lost its orientation to reality, two questions arise.
The first continues to receive fulsome treatment, at least in non-mainstream media. It is: How can such restrictions be necessary?
The second is less frequently addressed. It is: How can such restrictions be possible?
We have, for months, been mulling over, What makes them do it?
Here, I consider, What makes us take it?

From his isolation bunker, during his quarantine with ‘Covid19,’ prime minister Boris Johnson assured the people of Britain that, after all, there is such a thing as society.
This was to reprise a theme of his predecessor, Margaret Thatcher, who famously said, ‘There is no such thing as society.’
In between Thatcher and Johnson, another Conservative prime minister, David Cameron, successfully ran an election campaign based on his vision of a ‘Big Society.’
Despite the wrangling over its extent, what all three recognize is the adjustable character of this thing we call ‘Society,’ which may be emphasized or, not or expanded or not, because it is a function of kinds of government and not, as we might imagine, a set of grass-roots relations between people living out their lives.
It is true, there have always been societies. But when we refer to ‘Society,’ we refer to a quite particular mode of human relations oriented towards the management of populations.
This management has not trod heavily on those populations. It has not ridden roughshod over them or put their noses to the grindstone. On the contrary, it has worked on and through their very hearts’ desires, rendering those desires explicit and tethering them to strategies for their realization.
The result: an endlessly satisfied populace whose ways of living are available for infinite readjustment, even wholesale suspension.
Our lives are now social lives, and social lives are regulated vertically by abstract concepts and the strategies that apply them, not horizontally between beings in communities.
Our lives are now social lives, and they grow more rigid and more meaningless, and more vulnerable to revision and cancellation, every day.

The latest target of the UK government’s ‘Covid’ restrictions are students at universities, now consigned to virtual life and learning, or, if they arrive at actual halls and campuses, to bubbles and quarantines and curfews. There is disbelief, at such overbearing micro-management of student life. But really, we ought to have seen it coming.
Three years ago, before ‘Covid’ was on the horizon, a university lecturer responded to his students’ concerns that they were not being facilitated in efforts to compensate for missing class. He sent them an email, detailing ways in which they might resolve the problem. Among these ways was listed one ‘strategy,’ that of ‘asking a friend,’ for their notes from the class or a verbal summary of its content.
The strategy of asking a friend: the easy reciprocity of student relations, apparently not abroad, but compensated for by an institutionally approved strategy for producing a friendship-effect.
One thin strand of student life – asking a friend for their lecture notes: separated out, made explicit, recast as a strategy, and returned with a newly-acquired susceptibility to institutional regulation.
Once this is achieved with a sufficient number of strands of student life, the side-to-side associations of student life are cut through by top-down abstractions and the strategies to make them work. No unplanned afternoons drinking beer in the sun – debating ideas just encountered, maybe – only #beerinthesun afternoons, sponsored by a local brewery.
No first-day friend from the queue to register for your subject, only the Student-Buddy assigned to you by the Mentoring System.
Everything you desire, just as you desire it, only too explicit, too strategic, for life.

And as with student friendship, so with friendship generally, which has for some time now been remade as a social phenomenon and thereby brought under careful control.
The average Facebook user has three hundred and thirty-eight friends. Three hundred and thirty-eight. In the Victorian novels, of Dickens for example, characters are often described as having a friend. One friend.
Consider the complex arts of friendship: the sympathy and the judgment, the commonalities and the compromises. How is it possible to negotiate these pleasures and pains with three hundred and thirty-eight?
It is not possible, for even the most virtuosic of friends. Which is why we have acquired this terrible habit – born so innocently of our hearts’ desire for friends: the habit of relinquishing the arts of friendship in favour of ready-made protocols that allow us to negotiate what would otherwise overwhelm.
Just select a response from the dropdown list – a click on the ‘Like’ button will do – and another so-called ‘friend’ is kept happy for now, albeit in fairly rigid style and with possibilities for meaning reduced to having, simply, responded something rather than nothing, and with the so-called ‘friend’ recast as a cypher for strategies of friendship rather than a living breathing being to have and to hold.
Little wonder that asking a friend for notes from a missed lecture has had to be recast as a strategy framed and recommended by an institution. For, friendship now just is a set of social strategies, its gestures selected from easy, ready-made options, less and less reliant upon our active participation but shivering through us as we mouth its script and push its buttons.
We speak now of finding friendship, even of finding love – not of finding a friend or a lover. In our relations with one another, we are mediated through the abstract concept – friendship, love – which blocks horizontal interactions between beings with vertical strategies for realizing social possibilities.
When I find friendship now, when I find love, the person with whom I find it has also found friendship or found love. It is to friendship, or to love, that we both appeal, which are generic possibilities, and not the friend or the lover, who are specific realities. This allows us – compels us, rather – to conduct the relation according to strategies of friendship, strategies of love.
These strategies are ‘oven-ready,’ convenient. But they do bequeath to us a new and enervating task, a task that has come to be synonymous with the social: that of making contact between my friendship and your friendship, my love and your love.
Our mania for contact is born of our rechannelling, as beings whose primary mode of relating is with Society, as social beings.
But contacts are anaemic and precarious, not at all like friends and lovers in flesh-and-blood. The administrative satisfactions we may derive from making them and managing them are accompanied by a constant, low-level hum of dissatisfaction, at the poverty of our horizontal living, at the lack of meaningful interaction between us, at our sense that we have yet to find a friend.
We yearn, as a result, for real friendship, but our yearning only leads us through another cycle of social strategizing. On Tinder, men are more likely to attract positive attention if they include in their profile a photo of themselves, taken outdoors with a dog. Presumably, it makes them appear more ‘real,’ the descriptor which is the most commonly used in Tinder biographies.
Such is the rigidity of our modes of interaction, they are effortlessly regulated by a limited stock of explicit and generic concepts and strategies, offered to us on a plate by the social media to which we appeal to solve the problems that it creates.
And the saddest thing: as our relations with one another have been turned strategic, they have begun to require strategies to be endured. Without a strategy, they are overwhelming. Without a strategy, they are an assault. We log onto Facebook, and the assault is immense – three hundred and thirty-eight friends, like nestlings, beaks open, demanding to be fed.
Small wonder we cleave to the strategies; small wonder that once again we move our cursor to the drop-down list and suppress our dwindling capacity for human sympathy with our ever-growing habit of survival.
If one lives horizontal relations, one aims only to survive with the top-down strategies that have replaced them. And the value of surviving comes quietly to exceed the value of living, as we lose our appreciation for the complex nuances of life in our constantly refreshed relief at garish promises of salvation.

Social media is a tautology.
The social, for all that it names for us what is desirable in life, the play that compensates for work, that which brings us together, is that which first prised us and continues to prise us apart, that which mediates between us so that our interactions are rigid and predictable, rather than common and habitual, and requiring, therefore, of mediation.
And though we revel in the social skills that allow us to excel on social media, there is always that underlying anxiety, that everything on which the meaning of our lives relies is something from which we might, at any moment, be locked out.
We consult the wealth of guides, which promise us the key – to friendship, to love – because we sense that we are abroad at the behest of Society and that Society can change the rules at any time, and that, if it does, we may find ourselves excluded, without any kind of friend, without even a so-called ‘friend.’
Not so many years ago, the language of ‘reaching out’ to one another began to enter our social interactions – I reached out to Jill the other day; hadn’t seen her in a while. Our language carries implicit acknowledgements, echoing sadly of our strangeness to one another.
Reaching out, to what is not easily available, to what is retreating, to what may or may not be within our grasp. We’ve been doing it for ten years, perhaps. Not longer than that.
That we are now beyond reach is not something new. That we are now two metres apart. That we are now distanced. A jolt, it seems to us. And yet, what else has been the social in our age than the contracting out of our interactions, their mediation, their micro-management, all of which has set us apart, at a social distance.

Now we are given strategies for hugging. An associate professor in cellular microbiology recommends that we distil our hugging to the hugs that really matter, that we decide whether it is safe ‘to go through with it,’ that we point our faces in opposite directions, that we not touch the other person’s face or clothing with our face.
A professor of comparative virology warns that spontaneous hugging is out of the question. Preparations must be made, hands washed before and after. And the breath should be held.
Only strategic hugging, acceptable. Only so-called ‘hugs,’ allowed. It is the endgame of our social mediation, of the separating out and careful administering of the strands of our shared, heretofore real, lives
Of recent years in the UK, there has been a great propensity for hugging, especially among young people – intense hugging, not just a cursory embrace. Our hugs have seemed forced. As if there was too much at stake. As if not enough comfort could be had. As if, somehow, these were the last hugs in the world. Which now, of course, they were.
The social, despite its branding, is nothing other than distance. And its natural spacing is the six feet in which we are now buried alive. Across which two outstretched arms cannot reach. The depth of a grave.
We might have been more prepared for what Giorgio Agamben has recently observed; we might not see it as contradictory, but as written into the destiny of Society: that the absolute cessation of social relations would ultimately be the maximum form of social participation.
Stronger Together is daubed across government sponsored placards in our shops and public places. But so is Together Apart.

At the very beginning of its ‘Covid’ ‘lockdown,’ the UK government called for volunteers to offer help to those who might need it in the weeks ahead – those living alone, those with infirmities, the old, the vulnerable.
The call was immediately answered by seven-hundred-and-fifty thousand people, all with the urge to be a friend to their neighbour but with simply no idea of how to do it.
Devising strategies for it at short notice was not the priority, and so reports began to trickle out, of the frustration and disillusionment of the volunteers, almost none of whom was employed in any way.
The impulse remains, then – if only as species memory: the urge to associate with one another, to help one another, to keep one another company. But the urge lacks established horizontal pathways, familiar and embedded outlets to make it effective, to give it meaning. Suspended in thin air, it grows weaker and gasps for breath, and travels more and more unresistingly along the channels set up for it.
How many of those untasked volunteer helpers – how many of the expectant three-quarters of a million, waiting patiently for their friendship assignment – at last spent their drive to be a friend to their neighbour in the hastily cobbled strategy of Clapping for Carers, standing outside their prison-homes every Thursday evening at eight o’clock, squandering their hopes of living together in a meaningful way in another generic and entirely ineffective strategy.
Such reversals of fortune in our would-be horizontal relations, such headings-off of our vestiges of community spirit, do act upon us in the end, sucking the life from our urge to really live together and rendering us as passive applicants to social themes and the strategies that let them filter through our bodies: today we take the knee, tomorrow we take the test, the day after we take the vaccine, our hearts’ desire for real friends callously repurposed as availability for social possibilities, of which we are only the conduits.
Meanwhile, in the first twelve weeks of ‘lockdown,’ seven hundred people in London are reported as having died alone in their home, with no one for company as the curtain fell on their lonely life, with no one even to notice they were gone.
Only the stench of decomposition at last raised the alarm on these friendless souls, some of the vast fallout from the essential indifference, the chilling distance, of our so-called ‘social lives.’
Sinead Murphy teaches Philosophy at Newcastle University. Her most recent publication is Zombie University: Thinking Under Control (Repeater, 2017).
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this is the best article I’ve read to date on this issue, truly chilling. Just before corona, I had consciously made a decision to cancel all my social media accounts, and connect physically with my neighbours and generally people around me, building a small community. This desire springing from the same deep gut feeling of dissatisfaction with true community and horizontal connections being replaced by fake ‘social’ managed ones, expressed here. I had 271 ‘friends’ on Facebook, hardly any one of whom is now in my life after I left.
I would like to call it ironic that corona put this to a halt, as my neighbours are now too frightented to set foot in my home. I wish it were merely ironic though, I feel it is worse than that. This is just the next step in our society ever changing in ways I truly despise. I will do everything I can to make that true connection though, no matter how difficult it is being made. I made a vow to myself to turn off that smartphone and computer, and head out into real life and I will stick to it. The only reason I am on the internet is to read sites like this one, to keep some sanity.
JUST WEAR A FUCKING FUNCTIONAL FACE COVERING for a short amount of time, wash your hands and avoid touching your mucous membranes or facial hair for fuck’s sake. No need for a global conspiracy. Just exercise common fucking sense and none of this would have happened. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH
What amount of time?
This shit’s been going on for 8 months in Washington State USA.
Hahaha, that’s an hilarious satirical swipe at the covidiocy of covidiotic covidiots.
Protest today in Germany at lake Konstanz. Heard something about a planned protest where people switch off their mains power at a certain time to show the scale of the resistance.
Apostasy = from, I stand.
We are living through the great apostasy.
Remdesivir some studies suggest when taken for Sars-Cov-2 results in reanimation of oncogenic viruses leading to probable increase in cancers.
Herbalists defeated every plague in history.
Milk Thistle is what one needs.
High gravitational and vibrational electromagnetic fruit and veges – melons -all berries – grapes – apples – green salads
Fight microbial infections and alleviate respiratory discomfort with
oregano oil, lemon Mertel is 3 x stronger than tea tree oil, will kill anything.
Black walnut hull‚ pau d’arco bark‚ cat’s claw bark‚ goldenseal root‚ olive leaf extract‚ thyme leaf‚ buttermut bark‚ barberry root. Pine needles boiled and breathed in, Pine needle tea has huge concentration vit c and so much more.
Elecampagne Root / Mullein /Marshmallow Root /leafs / Lungwort /Angelica Root / Dandelion Root and keep the bow movements moving
NO mobile or electric tek near your body! electric central heating of at night and keep some windows kept open
Why did they give Trump and Boris remdisivir then? A coordinated plot to kill both of them? Why not just use “novichok” LOL?
BEWARE TRANSHUMAN MUSK: His Covid Vaccine.Brain Linking.Starlink 5G./
DARPA Microchip Ready By 2021 – Are You?
Censored Doc Warns Humanity: mRNA Vaccine Skipped Animal Trials/
MI Court Stops Gov’s Covid Powergrab/
Dark Journo Talks Deep State
Without that smart phone at the end of your arm it would have been impossible to sell This Pandemic.
Well said.. I’ve often thought at the start of this, that this pandemic would not have been possible before the age of social media, The complete handling of people’s perceptions, like with colour revolutions would not be possible when done just through the papers and tv, no you need to reach people as they check in with their phones, multiple times a day to propogate the illusion of danger and fear so completely. They nearly got to mandatory vaccination with the Swine Flu pandemic ten years ago, but I think without real take up of smart phones and social media back then, it was only possible to take it so far. Now it is possible to go all the way. We’ve had ‘dangerous’ viruses every couple of years.. Mers, Sars, Zika, ebola… but only now is everything in place to so totally control pubic opinion… it will be a difficult gravitational pull to escape this time.. so total is the manipulation of our perception of the event.
• • Check these two documents from Dr. Stefan Lanka:
+ Andrew Kaufman short video:
+ Andrew Kaufman new long interview / presentation:
“Before we announced public virus sequences from cases with 2019-nCoV, we relied on social media reports announcing the detection of a SARS-like virus. Therefore, we assumed that a CoV related to SARS is involved in the outbreak. “
Symbolic of inhumanity, isn’t it, the photo in the article of the people wrapped in plastic, plastic between them, and wearing masks.
The Apparatus IS the Agenda.
the readiness to comply and distance is rooted in fear of realisation that much of what is accepted – is a lie – being the design is constructed to survive by supplanting fact with fiction, so importantly, repeated through the generations – the fabrication strengthens as its dependents weaken – ultimately, the whole so empty, its devotees will actually crave falsity and revile sincerity – thus societal grace will develop into little more than a fake layer of warmth to assist in concealing the erroneous reality.
A bizarrely compelling idea.
The masses don’t desire freedom, though an appeal to their very limited conception of freedom is really the last resort, much more than appeal to fact. If it doesn’t work, you’ll be among the many among history suffering herd spirit and all what is base and collective, aside of the suffering under some elites.
Articles of the same writer abot the Covid sam, other subject than the scam which is democracy.
So, end democracy, or reform and renew it? The other option, dictatorship, has a poor record.
Democracy ends itself, it always has through history, it has a poor record too.
And dictatorship is not the only other option, that everything else than democracy is dictatorship is propaganda of democracy itself, based on a falsification of history and simplistic narratives. This scam is actually greater than the scam of the Corona virus.
Reality is not so simple as the people versus elites, the first into freedom, and the latter into control and abuse. As the Corona scam makes it visible that ‘the people’ are not just victim, misguided or ‘brainwashed’. Once they organize and attain some power, there are multitudes among ‘the people’ eager to keep it at whatever cost.
Great article, says it all simply and beautifully – many thanks.
53% of U.S. adults “very concerned” about covid
This recent poll indicates that around 50% of the US public are still firm believers in covid. And I suspect this is effectively a base-line level in that it won’t change regardless of evidence or facts.
3 Oct 2020
Public concern over the novel coronavirus remains unchanged . . . with 53 percent of U.S. adults indicating that they were “very concerned.” . . . The level of concern is down from the 65 percent of Americans who indicated they were “very concerned” about the virus in early April. While it dipped back down to 51 percent in mid-June, the level of concern spiked again in early August, reaching 62 percent.
According to Morning Consult:
In Friday’s poll, the share of adults who said they were only somewhat concerned about the virus (29 percent), not concerned about it (17 percent) or didn’t know or had no opinion (1 percent) . . .
The survey, taken Friday afternoon among 905 registered voters . . .
the fact that a full 47% of Americans are “not very concerned” about COVID-1984, is surely heartening news. they’re going to have trouble keeping the scam going, with that kind of approval rating. even some of the very concerned, are going to start noticing that they’re barely a majority, and wonder why.
just an anecdote, I know, but one that really made me happy. At the beginning of all this misery, my mother stated she doesn’t even want to see me anymore unless I would have the Gates vacciiiiiiine (to be pronounced in whiny tone of voice). Now, in a conversation this morning (of course videocall – let’s not hope for too much at once) she expressed her unwillingness to take it herself and her serious doubts about all the panic being spread.
Being that the OffGuard is one of the most prominent (if not the only) Covid-Hoax-Savvy open forums on the Internet, the Shill Activity directed this way is, lately, reaching epic proportions. The goal is clearly to A) make a mess of the sincere conversations/ debates in the comment threads and B) delegitimize the discourse and content hereabouts. The Shills are scurrying about like roaches when the kitchen light’s flicked on.
Remember the first time a so-called “Flat-Earther,” in a thread about chemtrails or 9/11 or vaccines… ever challenged you to prove the Earth isn’t flat? And you actually went to the trouble of doing so, because you thought you might be doing something noble by educating a lost soul…?
Don’t waste your time, Comrades…!
It is you who is the shill here, bud. Go back to school. I bet that was public school.
Classic shill-speak.
If that was sarcasm, well done. Shills are my only friends.
Classic shill-speak indeed but it’s right about one thing: I went to a “public school”. In Chicago.
Your not switching any lights on by posting a bunch of scientism cult bullying techniques.
Good afternoon to you, Sir, and do fuck off with your laughable Shill-or-Ignorant Strawmen of Medieval Shit-Stirring Kit (typed with a smile). And haven’t TFIC given you the Winter 2020 schedule of talking points to “debunk” A) molecules B) Gravity… yet? Well, don’t wait for TFIC to tell you, show some ambition and start a nano-bullshit campaign of your own! You can be a GOLD STAR DISINFO LEADER in your own thread sector! Remember, whenever anyone questions the sinister actions of a Corrupt Plutocrat or Regime, dash right in and question the fabric of Reality itself! That’ll pull the rug right out from under any radical critic and muddle any critical conversation the poor fucker is attempting to initiate! (high five)
(PS Has anyone modern debunked the sperm theory of mammalian reproduction yet? I bet there’s SJW money in that…!)
Addendum: while you’re sneering at the Intellectually Dishonest Dawkins, have a quick look at your own reliance on transparent hucksters like Chopra and Sheldrake. What’s worse, Dawkins’ faith in theory-thief Darwin or your faith in Charismatic Post-Scientism a là Sheldrake, with its silly gimmicks and hooks based on zero lab-based evidence but thoroughly grounded in a flare for Marketing? But wait, let’s examine the own-goal you scored by citing a text referring admiringly to Luc Montagnier… a fucking virologist. You attack me for stating my belief in the existence of viruses… then copy-and-paste a text treating a virologist as an authority figure! Hilarious.
Do you even read the crap you post before posting it…?
(Not to mention your ridiculous assumption that I’m pro-vaccine; what I am is pro-pharmaceutical-product-safety; I assume the vast majority of vaccines are either unnecessary or unnecessarily risky and the appropriateness of which, even after the product is free of heavy metals and other contaminants, must be determined on a case-by-case basis. The tragedy being that of course Big Pharma can’t ever be trusted, nor its on-the-payroll doctors but neither can we trust the dogmatic ignorance of a bunch of YouTube savants raised on a steady diet of “Truth Tellers” who just happen to have books/ DVDs/ lecture-courses to sell: meaning YOU, Oh Wise One)
(rolls eyes and pedals away from the cinders on his environmentally friendly Flame-Mobile)
I certainly did not attack you for your belief in viruses. You came on here and alleged people asking for evidence for Sars-cov2 being a pathogenic virus were tying to muddy the waters. Since you have no evidence you are obviously in the scientism cult which poses as being pro science and then fails to actually provide any evidence for their assertions instead relying almost exclusively on disinfo tactics like your rant huffing and puffing in indignation. Gary Null may be a virus believer but he also is quite well versed on exposing the scientism cult and it was in that context I referenced his analysis. Luc Montagnier may be a virologist but his work on water memory doesn’t lend much support for injecting even the most minute quantity of foreign material into the body.
“You came on here and alleged people asking for evidence for Sars-cov2 being a pathogenic virus were tying to muddy the waters.”
Har. I did no such thing. I’ve been mocking the people who believe in these Virtual Plagues since c. 2009. Care to try again…?
Spot on. We can try not to engage directly with those who seek to ‘poison the well’. Leeches.
I think it’s useful to flag their catshit as catshit (in case any innocent readers come along and get diverted by it)… but any attempts to “educate” or “convert” shills is obviously a waste of time. But how to tell deliberate shills from unwitting shills?
Things are so fecking mad at the moment would you want to take a bet on this…
The psychopaths have completely trashed the global economy. There’s no going back on this, and it will mean massive civil unrest on a scale never seen before.
Many of us are pondering: what’s the game plan here? What’s the end game?
At the moment I still have no idea.
Nice pic. If the public don’t swallow the alien bit they can change the caption to “Here’s what COVID does to you!”
Perhaps “here’s what lockdown does to you” would be more appropriate, as there’s no covid.
It is about American Empire and an attempt to survive, when their end is near.
They are like a starlet who refuses to leave the stage, and if they have to burn down the whole world to stay in the limelight, then they will. US Dollar policy: : ‘Last man (currency) standing’.
Scare stories about the “American Empire” remind me of the paranoia about ‘reds under the beds’. Except McCarthy had lots of evidence. Maybe today we should fear the expansionist, warmongering dictatorships of communist China and Islamist Iran instead of the Great Satan USA, with the horrible human rights and freedoms it inflicts on all Americans regardless of skin colour. Or worry about increasingly Islamist Turkey about to inflict genocide on Christian Armenia, so completing the work of the Ottoman Empire. So many terrible regimes in the world, and their murdering leaders don’t in fact carry US passports. Meanwhile, Trump the peacemaker. The times they are a changing.
The top U.S. general in the Middle East on Wednesday confirmed plans for partial troop drawdowns in both Iraq and Afghanistan before the Nov. 3 election, as President Donald Trump seeks to fulfill a campaign promise to end America’s “endless wars.”
President Trump 9.9.20: “I’m not saying the military’s in love with me. The soldiers are. The top people in the Pentagon probably aren’t because they want to do nothing but fight wars so all of those companies that make the bombs and make the planes and make everything else stay happy.”
“Trump has broken a 39-year-old streak of American Presidents either starting a war or bringing the United States into an international armed conflict. The last president to avoid doing so was Peace Prize laureate Jimmy Carter,” Tybring-Gjedde wrote. “I’m not a big Trump supporter,” Tybring-Gjedde said. “The committee should look at the facts and judge him on the facts — not on the way he behaves sometimes. The people who have received the Peace Prize in recent years have done much less than Donald Trump. For example, Barack Obama did nothing.”
“Many of us are pondering: what’s the game plan here? What’s the end game?”
Our Overlords who are pulling off this scamdemic have made their game plan exceeding clear. In a nutshell, a techno-fascist neofeudal society with no middle class, consisting of roughly 90% at subsistence starvation, 9.9 percent technicians and jackboot enforcer thugs, and 0.1% aristocracy and oligarchs. As the Georgia Guide Stones read, the eugenicists’ wet dream of global population reduced to 500 million in a matter of a couple decades. (That’s about 94%.) The elimination of gender and parenting. (Re-read Fabian Socialist Huxley’s Brave New World for details.) A Luciferian global religion. Humans with nanochips embedded everywhere connected with 10G into an AI hive mind truly putting them into a virtual matrix. Bill Gates mandated altered DNA injections to turn us into genetically modified vegetables. While not great literature, The Hunger Games gives one a taste as does (renegade Fabian Socialist) Orwell’s famous quote “If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – forever.”
The one thing you can’t fault our masters for is that they didn’t make their intentions clear. One might ponder why they have been so open about them. The two leading theories are:
1) They are deep into the occult and they know that the greatest karmic crime is robbing another sentient being of its free will. Like a shyster lawyer, they figure that they can escape the karmic consequences if they announce their intensions before hand. The mass of humanity thus made their silent acceptance so no free will was violated. Not our fault that you didn’t read the fine print.
2) We pissants are too f@@king stupid to see what they are doing to us and too feckless to react to it anyway, so might as well rub it in before it is completed. One of the sterling features of our Overlords is their intrinsic sadism.
Hope that helps, Rob.
Ding ding ding! Too often we use ourselves as the model when trying to figure out others, but if you aren’t a sadistic psycho who actually gets off on creating misery, and killing (wtf was Abu Ghraib if not Donnie Rumsfeld’s sexual fantasies made flesh? And an orgiastic opportunity for his minions to act out? As in all concentration camps), you will have difficulty understanding the bigger picture. Think about it: until .00000001&er lifespans are drastically extended, what’s the point of all this? TFIC have been involved in this project for generations (if not centuries) knowing full well, the vast majority of them, that they wouldn’t live to see the “Great Work” fulfilled. Still, they stuck with it, and indulged in their patient and sinister machinations, to move the thing forward. And “forward” to what? We’re all going to die eventually, anyway, so what’s the fucking point? The real point of the “Great Work” is the power to manipulate billions, to destroy struggle-built human systems, over and over again, like a creepy kid kicking down anthills, in the guise of War or Economic Depression… to make a city full of the helpless scream, to lie on a scale unimaginable to your victims, to wade in rivers of blood (conjuring the essence of one of their favorite creations, “The Old Testament,” with its psychopathic god modeled explicitly on themselves…). Even a Kapo (like a cop or some “public health official”) who decrees that some 85-year-old granny should be pointlessly, recklessly, cruelly isolated from all human contact for the last six weeks of her life… how is such a creature decreeing and/or enforcing this kind of gratuitous sadism if he/she isn’t actually totally fucking getting off on it? The “Great Work” is an alibi. The real point is Pure Evil.
It’s Psychos (not turtles) all the way up.
Yes, it is strange that this “great project” can be pushed forward relentlessly for millennia until an exponentially exploding technology has finally reached a point where it can be fulfilled in spades. Seems contrary to “human nature” in general, and especially to psychopathic human nature. Makes one wonder if we are alone in this vast universe.
This is the kind of philosophical problem worthy of serious study. There’s probably an answer somewhere in the concept of “tradition” and the psychological mumbo jumbo that will bind generations to certain rituals, proudly and inexhaustibly (re) enacted. But, as you say… before even the invention of the transistor, or the harnessing of electricity itself, how could any of TFIC have foreseen that what must have seemed incredibly farfetched in 1650 (Global Mind Control)… would verge on being conceivable in 1950, start looking like a do-able thing in 2000 and be, by 2020, very nearly a fait accompli, justifying centuries of patience…?
Of course, it wouldn’t hurt to be able to look (in the guise of an historian) at the Aristocracy’s notes/ diaries/ decrees/ secret-meeting-minutes and sonnets on the subject. You know they exist: what narcissist doesn’t tirelessly record and mythologize his/her narrative?
Re: being alone or not in the Universe: even as a former Sci Fi fanatic it strikes me that we don’t fully appreciate how astronomcally unlikely our Existence is. I think there’s very probably Life out there but it’s also overwhelmingly likely that most of it is protoplasm or has gotten as far up the ladder as woodland creatures. I feel if there were Super-Intelligences anywhere near us, we’d know already: why would they bother to hide? Do we “hide” when we walk across a field of beetles…? The scariest thought of all could very well be that WE are pretty much the most “advanced” thing going. Just entertain the notion for long enough to give yourself chills…
The existence of humanity is only “astronomically unlikely” if one accepts the 3D mechanistic model of the universe, and that life evolved through the random interaction of atoms and molecules. While I did believe this for the bulk of my 74 years, I now find it both ridiculous and impossible unless one suggests an eternity of time, not the meagre 12 billion years since the big bang. Time to drop the Newtonian billiard ball model of the universe and get with quantum mechanics which has been dragged screaming to the conclusion that one cannot exclude the effect of consciousness from an experiment.
Second your take that humanity is simply like a beetle to higher intelligences is not the actuality IMO, and only the most malevolent ones hold humanity in contempt, But explaining my position would take a lot of pages if not a book. Finally why do most predators hide from their prey? I never saw a lioness stalking a wildebeest waving the Union Jack.
“Still, they stuck with it, and indulged in their patient and sinister machinations, to move the thing forward. And “forward” to what? We’re all going to die eventually, anyway, so what’s the fucking point?”
To them, it’s all about their so-called bloodline. Which is ridiculous and makes them even more ridiculous but I think they take it seriously. Can I prove this? No. But one only has to look at a “Royal Family” photo to see something very wrong. Was Neville Chamberlain an early “peace wager” or did he only want a seat at the Big Table?
And the real point is Pure Evil, as you say, but it’s evil with a nod and a wink. One thing that has prevented us pissants from realizing what the hell was/is taking place in front of our faces is overall ignorance regarding the occult or “hidden knowledge” which also has been staring us in the face since forever. Maybe something else Chamberlain had in common with Hitler.
“To them, it’s all about their so-called bloodline. Which is ridiculous and makes them even more ridiculous but I think they take it seriously.”
This is what I’ve often wondered: are they actually, with their bloodlines bullshit, preserving the “superpower” of their Psychopathy?
Is there any evidence that plebs worry less about continuing their bloodline than do the globalist elites? I thought continuing the species was a universal goal in nature. I’m also wondering about your talk of ‘pure evil’. I don’t deny that our current predicament may be a religious rather than a political struggle, nor am I questioning the existence of evil. What concerns me is the great problem of identifying its agents. Hitler located evil in German Jews, Stalin in capitalists and imperialists. Many millions died because of such delusions, which, with hindsight, we can now view as the projections of truly evil men. By contrast, I don’t see any evil in the politically powerless Royal Family.
‘civilization’ was their baby, they are the families that were there at the beginning ,they have had several attempts at ‘utopia’ over the millennia.
you said it when you mentioned the great work, though I suspect you don’t really understand it.
“you said it when you mentioned the great work, though I suspect you don’t really understand it.”
Ha ha. Oh Dear. I’m this close to receiving the Esoteric Wisdom of The Ages from a comment-thread avatar, in an online forum, on a Monday night. Goethe would be green with envy.
I think it’s them playing “God” thinking that man has power over or equal to the Divine, to be gods. Becoming perfect. Conquer death or at least prolong it. Not that we shouldn’t strive to improve our spiritual natures and understanding of things beyond the senses (it should be our main focus IMO), but dark occultists use ancient knowledge to benefit themselves at our expense. They are using us as energy sources just like in the Matrix movies. And we’re being sacrificed to give them power.
They lack humility especially when it comes to those whose power and true divinity they will never achieve. Jealous little humans. How pathetic.
If people would look at the occult more, we might stand a chance in the coming decade. How many people see the covid hoax “safety” proclamations as rituals? Masks, distancing, hand-washing… all dark occult rituals that are, if anything, a mockery of humanity. 9/11 was a satanic ritual, of that I am sure.
This talk of ‘overlords’ makes me wonder if the UK government is one of them or just their gullible servant. If the second, then we should defend or rescue them from Gates and big pharma. I found the following exchange to be revealing. Boris reportedly doesn’t respond to tweets or emails from UK voters, but he immediately responded to this tweet by a famous US billionaire:
Great to see the UK commit vital funding to ensure COVID-19 vaccines are available for the world’s poorest people. PM @BorisJohnson’s plan will improve the way we prepare for future crises like this.
— Bill Gates (@BillGates) September 26, 2020
Fantastic to have your support Bill. We will work with our friends around the world to ensure vaccines reach the poorest and deliver our five point plan to protect humanity against another pandemic.
1:57 PM · Sep 28, 2020
“The welfare of humanity is always the alibi of tyrants”, said Albert Camus.
The political class is certainly not the Overlords. They are simply the middle management gofers for the Overlords, charged with moving their agenda forward and keeping the illusion that the pissants have some choice as to their condition through a vote. They are here today and gone tomorrow, but gone very comfortably with a thank you for your service. I think your little exchange between Boris Badenov and the Princeling of Darkness says it all. We don’t even really know the names of the true Overlords. The highest we can see is the bottom rung of upper management on the pyramid of power, the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds, the Black Nobility, and some exalted billionaires.
On another note I find it interesting that both Trump and the top bananaess of the EU should come down with cv-1984 simultaneously. Oh my gosh!! If these icons of strength are endangered, I am totally terrified that my sojourn on this mortal coil is coming to an end. Well, they have to do something to “give fear a chance” until the “traditional” flu seasons rolls about when they can showcase cv-1984 deaths even when conjoined with motorcycle accidents or stage 4 cancer.
Laughed out loud – love it
This made me smile (and dance). I’d love to know what is it that makes some of us doubt and others believe the story. There appears to be No rhyme, rhythm or reason to the discrepancy. But I wonder… if it’s a reflection of true Open heart and open mind, a willingness to be vulnerable and trust in the power of love and to stand up for what we believe and fight if we have too.
This is a very good point that I also agree with. It seems self-evident to some.. from the getgo even.. like it’s easy to ‘smell a rat’.. for others.. you could hold up the evidence for foul play in front of their noses, yet they don’t smell anything. Is this a spiritual matter? Cognitive dissonance? Cowardice? Surely all are aware of love, all have the capacity for love and to do what is right. Maybe it’s just that perception can be so cleverly controlled that people can be diverted to ‘doing what’s right’ (e.g. vaccinating children with potentially dangerous consequences because they believe it’s going to save them from disease) that they are indeed fighting ‘with love’ for the truth they believe even when it’s the wrong truth.. ‘stay at home save lives’ is another one…. but why don’t people see it when the dictate is shown to be false? That’s the bit I don’t get.
I see that many people don’t hesitate to stand up and fight against the many millions of white people they call racists, fascists, white supremacists etc. Others stand up to denounce and chant the ‘Great Satan’ and burn flags etc. But I can’t see how this behaviour reflects the power of love or open minds.
You do go on – I read a bit and then it became interminable. Suffice to say that an enlightened author in 1954 said it better than me:
Austrian Peter, I’ve read some of your articles and enjoyed them. I really enjoyed every word of Sinead Murphy’s layered and poetic essay and didn’t find it the least bit interminable. Your comment has sharpened me up to perhaps be a tad more critical of your own next article.
I was rushing at the time, but no excuse, it was a good article and I should have said so. But please do be critical of my scribbling – it’s what will sharpen me up too! 🙂
I’ve long heard of this article, but took the trouble to scan read it this time. Thanks for posting. p36 and 42 particularly interesting. The maths and physics make sense too. The ‘found on a copier’ sounds fanciful… such things are believable, but provable? But the arguments in the document seem sound nonetheless. And look where we are today…40 years later.
Thanks Julian. I have my doubts about the authenticity too – no way I know of checking.
Britain was perfectly ready to embrace social distancing – they’ve been practicing it for centuries. Don’t get too matey, mate.
Quite right (I speak as a Brit). And things like the elbow bump? Brits (of my generation) hardly ever shook hands anyway, except under certain circumstances which only occurred from time to time. I mean normal Brits; not politicians and the like.
Thats because these lockdowns and sociopathic distancing have been done before. We had already been living in the aftermath of previous attacks by these germ theorists which are obviously designed to sabotage social organisation, community etc and allow terrorists to do the organising. The bullies in school for example were manifestations of the “wheres your mask, keep your distance” mentality.
But are the terrorists you mention terrorising our government too? Or is UK government their willing agent (as opposed to unwitting dupe or puppet)?
Fear born of ignorance; the root of evil.
All I would add to this wonderful essay is that the reader should understand and keep in mind the actual powers at the top of the vertical oppression. It is not clueless, expendable at a moment’s notice, government officials.
Spiritual wickedness in high places.
The concept of evil has fuelled war, persecution and genocide throughout history. It makes groups believe that they are fighting a just cause against an ‘evil’ enemy and that once the ‘evil’ people have been killed, peace and goodness will reign supreme. Hitler, Stalin, Mao, today’s dictators all believe(d) they were fighting for the common good and thus against the evil ones standing in their way. Millions of innocents died because of this false judgement. Millions today falsely judge people with Islamic beards or carrying US passports as evil. So the great challenge is how to avoid attributing evil falsely, a mistake which evil must encourage. We don’t want to get it wrong, or confuse ‘evil’ with ‘mistake’. Dennis Prager explains further: “The lockdown is a mistake; the Holocaust, slavery, communism, fascism, etc., were evils. Massive mistakes are made by arrogant fools; massive evils are committed by evil people.”
You have been posting unalloyed bullshit for weeks.
Do us all a favour and fuck off.
Worth reading on over amplification of old DNA in the PCR test. New York Times says: “C.D.C.’s own calculations suggest that it is extremely difficult to detect any live virus in a sample above a threshold of 33 cycles.”
The test is for an RNA sequence (fragment); the inventor of the test emphasised it cannot detect (or rule out) live virus.
WE, or the 95% of the population are ‘doing it’ because those desiring that we DO IT, hold control over the Politicians (front-line authoritative figures providing gravitas to the deception) and the MASS MEDIA (mind induction conduit); they also employ the best Mass Behavioural Psychology Specialists in the world.
This combination brought the world to a standstill in 24 hours. Unless humanity can get it’s act together via something like, 90% of humanity will be history (UN Agenda 21).
great thinkings
don’t get me started on “networking”
With Trump, its all theatre. Don’t believe a word. Even the kids have sussed that out, though their parents haven’t got a clue.
What the hell is that thing?!
dunno, but it made me laugh
“healthcare workers”! Right…
“healthcare workers”! Right…
No,,, Tik Tok dancer.
Yep… dancing during a “TERRIBLE PANDEMIC”!
They should had made that PoS with a dance move.
Hideous! Virtue signalling doctor about to faint because she can’t breathe properly in the mask and because she’s spent all day vaxxing kids against their parents’ wishes.
That, or perhaps the statue was redressed and repurposed to reflect the current Megadeath Virus of Doom zeitgeist.
It looks like it might’ve originally been a piece Global War on Terror-era sculptureganda, with a framing component removed: The Unknown Passenger Passing Through an Airport Metal Detector.
Looks a bit like Greta Thumpberg.
Too white,,,,,take it down.
it’s in Latvia, everybody is white.
Bad racist Latvia. They must import lots of non-whites now to fix the problem and build the multicultural paradise so many already enjoy. Oddly, no-one ever argues that non-white societies, like China, Saudi, India and Nigeria, need to import anyone, white or otherwise.
Even more oddly: Who the Fuck has argued that anyone needs to export “non-whites” to Latvia? Except you, just now? When shouting between yourselves, do you use two voices…?
It’s interesting, but I used to respect “health care” workers.
Now? I’d like to see them all hang on the same gibbets as journalists.
Its in Latvia. Believe it or not, I sold a car on ebay to a bloke from Latvia. He flew over to collect it. I told him everything that was wrong with it. It had failed its MOT.
He offered me £450 for it, which was the highest bid. He trusted me, and flew over from Latvia – £25 on EasyJet, and drove it back to Latvia. His mates in England had checked it out. They seemed very Russian to me, but I like people from Eastern Europe, and can’t tell the difference, except they drink even more than me. I have always found them completely honest and generous in a drinking match, and they always win.
The Americans can’t compete.
To ship an old German car to the USA, would cost a fortune, though I do know some people who have imported old American Classic Cars to the UK
Americans used to be Class.
Many people say such generalisation is problematic, but I’m pretty sure you intend no harm with your comment about classless Americans. By contrast, some really do see those with US passports as agents of Satan.
Perhaps it sounds a little heartless, but when Trump, Johnson, Macron, Trudeau, Morrison, Ardern etc. actually die of covid, I’ll be listening. Prominent politicians, “diagnosed” as “cases” which have “tested positive” – and, if sick at all, are certainly not sick enough to attract significant concern from anyone – these indicate something much more serious: A profoundly sick system, which really ought to be ignored by all of us.
The effective bullying which is now going on fits into the usual two categories:
a) The bully who, when ignored, gets bored and goes away.
b) The really nasty bully who cannot be satisfied until he has reduced his victim to weeping powerlessness, or until his victim rises up and punches him in the eye.
It is becoming clearer by the day which kind we are confronted with, and, as the point of this excellent article shows, our task is to find out why we take it.
When we realize that it is because we are weak and lazy, we’re going to have to pull up our socks and deal with this abomination appropriately.
Many people constantly abused as dumb gammons, little englanders, xenophobes, racists and white supremacists must surely want to punch their abusers in the eye. Naturally enough, people from cultures with violent reputations are much less likely to suffer such abuse from those unlike themselves. For example, western comedians have built their careers by insulting Christians, but would never dare mock those from more aggressive religions, in which an eye for an eye counts as justice. Is that double standard owing to prejudice, cowardice, or just natural self-preservation?
How and when did you suss out this alleged truth? Sharing your knowledge would be helpful for Trump-haters, who often parrot second-hand opinions in obedient fashion.
@Geoff S:
Exactly. COVID is obvious nonsense but if viruses “don’t exist,” French-kiss someone with an active Herpes eruption, three times in as many days, and document the result. I was initially relieved, early this year, to find that OffGuard is a bastion of Covid-See-Through-ers (unlike many supposedly radical dissident sites)… but felt increasingly dismayed by the “rebelliously” (self-sabotagingly) Medievalist approach to science displayed by so many commenters. I believe there was a time (not super long ago) before all info was tainted and controlled by “sCIAnce” and empirical evidence leads me to believe that classical mechanics, electrical engineering, the bulk of Astronomy and the bulk of Virus Theory, et al, are fairly reliable. What is absolutely corrupt is Big Pharma. Baby and bathwater are absolutely separable, as are the Generally Useless (and Evil) and The Generally Useful (and necessary).
Ah but there’s the problem: anything WE can read and act on, so can TFIC. If we don’t take TFIC seriously enough to be aware of the danger of that, all of this talk is worse than pointless.
So are you claiming based on anecdotal evidence you have pulled out of nowhere, that novel viruses must therefore exist and be aerosol transmissible because you believe Herpes is a virus and highly contagious.
Do you even know where Herpes came from? A bat perhaps? Or a pig? Or a bird?
Or maybe, just maybe, it came from a bioweapons lab, and found its way into a vaccine.
No real Researcher, would choose the handle you chose, unless they were really young, and had never actually done much if any Research
Still some of your posts are really good.
17 still at school?
You will get better.
I would recommend Pure & Applied Physics, Maths, and Engineering, if you can find anyone to teach it, rather than the story of physics and maths which are now taught in most schools, as if it is a history lesson.
It’s not just theory, you need to get your hands on too, to see if it works.
She probably really fancies you, but you are spending too much tiime on here, and you don’t realise. You should talk to her or him.
I used to be young too. I know how you feel.
Just take a deep breath, calm down and try not to stammer.
So do you have an actual argument against what he said or nah?
Classy. Grow up Tony.
Are you indicating that you can’t read? (Rhetorical question)
I believe (and stated) that viruses exist. I believe “Covid” is a meme. I believe that I have caught colds by being sneezed on; I believe that I have caught various strains of the Flu similarly. I also believe that if “Covid” were real and virulent as once claimed, quite a substantial chunk of Europe would be dead or dying by now, because the masks (not to mention the shawls, scarfs, sleeves and fishnet stockings) are ridiculous voodoo-prophylactics.I believe that a firm grounding in the Sciences will not only inoculate one against the cynically pseudo-scientific Lies of TFIC but against the muddle that ignorant zealots like you spread in a transmissably aerosolized cloud of anecdotal catshit.
Thanks for seething,
Proving that current scientific knowledge is wrong or incomplete is what scientists do constantly, and the progress of knowledge depends on this process of falsification. 1000s of highly trained scientists may believe that humans are uniquely responsible for dangerous climate change, but that doesn’t make them correct. If they are sure it does, then they are denying the possibility of progress in climate science. They put their faith in dogma, not sceptical thinking; they are no longer doing science when certainty defeats scepticism. Establishment scientists who refuse to revise their knowledge in the light of scepticism and critical feedback are not being scientific, no matter how ‘firm their grounding’ in the Sciences. What gives people a firm grounding in the value of scepticism, much more so than with a technical science education, is philosophy.
Wuhan researchers sought, found, stored and studied many viruses both novel and with potential to infect humans, from Chinese horseshoe bats. Their work has been openly and proudly published for years and remains online. Also online are old fears that one big reason the Wuhan Institute of Virology exists is to develop new bioweapons for the enormous and fast-growing communist military.
“Isolation and characterization of a bat SARS-like coronavirus that uses the ACE2 receptor”. Google this to see 2013 research from the Wuhan team on how they located novel coronaviruses in horseshoe bats, and how they isolated those able to directly infect humans.
“anything WE can read and act on, so can TFIC”. Yes but thats akin to saying you won’t use open source software because the code is easily available for inspection by malicious black hat hackers – that doesn’t mean its less safe or should be avoided.I don’t think there is a way to avoid malicious actors from accessing anything, so I prefer it is fully open and in daylight.
Of course. they can and will take notice of anything that they may ‘need to deal with’. Doesn’t mean that they will be able to derail everything. Who knows what we might find if we establish a respository of useful thought, stripped of all the chaff.
I’d rather go down fighting and say I tried to do something than regret and think ‘what if?’
I’m in utter agreement with your sentiment. I’m just worried about the tactical issue that the psychopaths we’re up against are seriously, relentless, bloodthirsty and obsessed with “winning” at all costs. They’re fighting this as the actual War that it is… whereas we’re all still rather polite, decent and reasonable (well, most of us are: laugh). I suppose I’m thinking that any organizing will really have to be done largely off-Web.
“the psychopaths we’re up against are seriously,”
(looks like I forgot to insert the adjective there; maybe it was “deranged”)
“They’re fighting this as the actual War that it is… whereas we’re all still rather polite, decent and reasonable”
I wish that wasn’t true but it is. I also agree that much organising will have to be done offline. But I think a knowledge pool online would be an invaluable asset to assist in that.
I’m sure a wealth of uses would be found
Yes, the real fight will be offline. But we can’t let each local struggle become isolated and alone.
We could do with a private Slack group or something similar to discuss real options and keep shills out (actual shills not people we don’t agree with). With the number of people here in agreement on issues, IDK why we don’t buy land together and build some tiny houses
The slack thing would be fine for small groups, and am not opposed to the idea, but my understanding is its more project oriented and not tremendously scalable. Still, it could be a useful platform to get the ball rolling.
Am also totally on board with buying land. I can chip in a score. Maybe even manage a pony if I skip the kebab tomorrow. How big a plot does that get me?
Slack can go as huge as it needs to be and it can be project driven but doesn’t have to be. A large group of authors used it as a forum – there’s a general thread, you can make topic threads and have PMs. Only prob we had was that on a free plan, there’s a rolling limit of 10k messages which is irritating to lose stuff. We moved to a paid plan, I think it’s less than $100/yr
I don’t have land to sell, swamp in FLA or otherwise but I see a few alternates talking about moving to Mexican hills and the land can be pretty cheap here, so long as there aren’t gringos around
But has the herpes virus been isolated? If not, sorry but it can’t be proved either.
I mean, it might even exist, but the burden of proof of something’s existence is on those who claim it, right?
Clearly an Arts student. You don’t understand the scientific method. Do you think your Gedankenexperiment with Herpes is meaningful? Germ theory is simply wrong. In fact as a famous physicist would have put it, it’s not even wrong. The problem is you have been so brainwashed by the indocrination camp you went to that you are unable to see outside of what you have been told. You are incapable of real analysis hence your claim about a ‘Medievalist’ approach to science. You don’t even know what science is. This applies to the vast majority of medical students by the way.
Hey I was an arts student and I do understand the scientific method…
“You don’t even know what science is.”
I must say I thoroughly enjoy the methodically scientific way you’ve generated this disparaging profile of me, and my level of education, based largely on the fact that I disagree with you. Brilliant. But I get nearly-identical responses from Flat Earthers, too: what can I deduce from that… that won’t offend you? In fact, with the advent of “Covid,” I’ve read more such coments, than ever, from (Covid-Believer) people presuming to know much (much) more about science than I ever will. I guess that means that it’s just a convenient pose to strike, in a comment thread, and nothing more? Yes, that sounds about right.
Those who smear critics rather than refute their arguments usually feel threatened. They are seeking to silence or negate the threat. A classic example would be the medieval clerics who sometimes succeeded in burning to death the scientist ‘heretics’ with theories contradicting orthodox opinion. Their new ideas threatened the power, privilege and prestige of the Church. Today, alarmist scientists and politicians fear and smear experts who criticise the establishment theories that ‘our house is burning down’, and that only guilty humans cause climate change. Fergusson, Whitty and Vallant similarly defend their very shaky theories about preventing pandemic, arrogantly assuming infallibility and refusing all sceptical opinion. If only they were scientific enough to realise how they are betraying science.
Germ theory is simply wrong.
germ theory postulates that various diseases can be transmitted from one person to another, while in close contact, and uses the word “germ” to refer to the causative agents thereof.
the evidence that supports this theory is known to every person on earth, through direct personal experience.
if you want to argue that this idea is “wrong”, you’re going to have rather an uphill climb.
if you knew anything about “science” yourself, you would cite some contradictory evidence, but of course you can’t do that.
There is no evidence that viruses actually make people ill. Correlation is not causation, etc. The big giveaway is the ludicrous concept of “asymptomatic carriers”…
You see, if we had a well-known poison or drug such as say morphine and we gave a large dose to 100 people who have never had that drug before, we can be sure that pretty much all of them will experience the drug’s effects.
This is not the case with viruses, and viruses of course are not bacteria nor are they living entities. They are theoretical constructs.
Nor is there clear understanding of what viruses are and why they’re there.
That someone is immune to something we call ‘virus’ suggests the existence of immunity, not the non-existence of viruses. Also, why saying ‘viruses don’t exist’ so matters to you beats me. Wikipedia, admittedly not the most reliable authority, seems clear: “A virus is a submicroscopic infectious agent that replicates only inside the living cells of an organism. Viruses infect all types of life forms, from animals and plants to microorganisms, including bacteria and archaea”. If we replaced the ‘covid19 virus’ with ‘the covid19 plague’ or even ‘the wu-flu’, would it matter or affect our current predicament in any way?
What experience would that be? They got sick soon after someone else? That is not any sort of evidence there was contagion. They could for example have both been experiencing low vitamin D levels. The weather conditions could have been similar, their food might have been particularly low in biophotons, they could have been drinking alot etc. There were other times someone coughed and they didn’t get sick. I can post evidence but you haven’t actually posted any evidence, just made a claim that everbody has experienced something when they haven’t. In anycase to prove the germ theory you have to do much more than find an association because you are trying to prove causation rather than association.
There are plenty of times that people have been in close contact with other people who had symptoms of e.g. heavy colds, but have not caught the disease from those people. (And indeed, ditto with more serious diseases, but let’s keep this simple). Direct person experience.
How do you explain that? (I know how I would explain it, but I’d like to hear your version).
It’s called your “Immune System”.
Why not define science to help the less informed? You could cite Karl Popper, who taught us that “the growth of knowledge depends entirely upon disagreement,” or Richard Feynman’s wonderfully succinct formulation that science is ‘belief in the ignorance of experts’. The basic lesson is that those who aren’t sceptical about current knowledge are also preventing or even denying progress in knowledge, as medieval clerics once did. By treating science and scientists as infallible oracle or authority rather than as critical interrogators and improvers of establishment ‘truths’, they are being unscientific. See infallible experts Whitty, Fergusson and Vallant, all science graduates I believe, for confirmation of this accusation. BTW, my knowledge of science didn’t come from my arts degrees in history and philosophy, but from public understanding of science, the main disciplinary resource on which my PhD in science studies was based.
Most people know sod all about Science and most people won’t have a clue what TFIC means. I know some people here write a load of bollocks, as if they have never caught a cold, or even thrush, but what Geoff S is asking for is Off-G to introduce censorship, and refinement, as if they haven’t got enough to deal with already with a buggy comment system, they acquired from somewhere.
I know its not perfect but nothing is. If they start buggering about with it too much, they will probably make it worse. If it works reasonably O.K. then don’t try and fix it, unless you have thoroughly tested the fix, which in a live environment such as this is extremely difficult to do.
Am not asking for censorship at all on the main existing space. Leave it as is. What I’m asking for is a separate section which would have a form of limited censorship in that comments wouldn’t be deleted, simply anything off-topic would be moved to somewhere else. It could be completely technically separate from this and if the owners are too busy to run it, I am sure that a handful of volunteers could be found. I’d be happy to and I’m sure others would too.
“but what Geoff S is asking for is Off-G to introduce censorship”
I think he’s just suggesting a “phase two”. I’ve often felt the same thing. After 20+ years of initially attempting to convert the naive, then spending the latter half of that in an echo-chamber of Every Possible Variant of All The Major Parapolitical Theories (with a hellish number of variants on the variants)… it strikes me now that the Theorizing has become a kind of energy-draining trap. It’s also quite weird to have spent so much time being the “troll” on Mainstream sites… and end up here, where everyone is already “clued-in” attitudinally but still arguing about the details. You can’t treat people here like “sheeple” (as I was just treated, coincidentally, for suggesting that viruses are real, even if “Covid” is a hoax)… but, still: all of us can’t be right… right? And how will we ever know? A Zero Sum cul-de-sac for the Skeptic?
So, I think Geoff S. wants to move forward. If Parapolitical Thought were a Uni, we’d all have graduated by now.
PS I wonder how many people who think I’m a Dupe for believing in the reality of viruses… also think I’m “scientifically illiterate” for not believing in the Apollo Hoax? Eh?
Thanks for this, in case there is any doubt, this hasn’t misrepresented my position in the slightest, and is more eloquent than I achieved
On a side note, the constant challenges from the “viruses don’t exist” contributors have ramped up significantly on this topic, perversely in precise ignorance of the main thrust of my original point. I think its a perfect illustration of the need to move on from this random talking shop approach
the constant challenges from the “viruses don’t exist” contributors have ramped up significantly
an economical response would be to assume that such personas are effectively disinfo shills, whether or not they’re consciously aware of it, and treat them accordingly.
I concur that a consistently scientific evaluation of the publicly available evidence, would lead one to believe in both the reality of something called “viruses”, and the unreality of something called the “Apollo Moon Landing”.
Alright then: THREE of us have found TWO topics we agree on: Time to start a movement…!
And let’s not forget the classic:
Thats not actually any sort of evidence to supporrt the existance of ‘sars-cov2’.
I’m not concerned about the reality or lack thereof, of the alleged COVID-1984 virus. to claim that infectious diseases in general do not exist, is simply idiotic.
The terrain theory holds that it is the unhealthy terrain that is what matters. The germ theory is disproven by their own data e.g. most ‘covid’ deaths are amoung the elderly. For the germ theory to be true there would not be ‘comorbidites’ or ‘asymptomatic carriers’ or any of the other bs excuses to try and work around an obviously false theory. The terrain theory doesn’t actually need to prove that there is no ‘infection’. It only needs to prove that there is no ‘infection’ in healthy terrain and that thus maintaining a healthy terrain is what matters. Viruses are a particular case where there isn’t even any isolation of the supposed ‘infectious agent’. It is you who is broadening the topic to ‘infectious diseases’. Would you call sleep a symptom of “disease”?
“The terrain theory holds that it is the unhealthy terrain that is what matters.”
Okay, you win. Because this is by far the most moronic new pseudo-sciency riff out of the festering crack in the YouTubiverse you consider “knowledge”. Or maybe you’re just doing your job. Btw: Have you heard the Fire Department’s new safety tips regarding the “terrain theory” of burning buildings? Oh, never mind.
Why should anyone follow this scientific opinion rather than competing theories which contradict it?
Have you looked at the evidence published by the Wuhan team? They have collected, stored and analysed thousands of infectious pathogens over the years, including various novel coronaviruses with high infectivity and pandemic potential for humans. Here’s one of their online papers (duckduckgo):
Isolation and characterization of a bat SARS-like coronavirus that uses the ACE2 receptor
Hmmmm, wouldn’t scientists confirm that moon rocks do in fact come from the moon via the Apollo landings? Haven’t they already? In this case, there appear to be many shills for the conspiracy theory that something called the Apollo Moon landing was a hoax. I find that as unconvincing and as oddly-motivated as stories denying the reality of viruses.
I know sod-all about Science, but I know what TFIC means: tongue firmly in cheek!
TFIC = the fuckers in charge
Thanks. I guessed “the forces in charge”, so I wasn’t too far off.
I dare you to read the whole page on Epstein-Barr Virus. Read it and come to your own conclusions. But don’t post from a place of ignorance and oft-repeated propaganda.
Why did you verbally attack me..several weeks ago, for no reason that you explained at all.
Look in the mirror yourself.
I reckon you are sad and lonely, shy, but highly intelligent..
You think us old people have stolen your world.
You are probably very beautiful when you look in the mirror, but think you look like shit.
I used to be like you, but as I got older I got better and began to understand myself a little bit more…and I do like what I see.
If you can’t love yourself, then you are f’cked.
I merely pointed out your disinformation and minimizing which I find to be harmful considering the seriousness of the situation we are all facing. Not just you, Tony, but all of us.
You attacked me verbally, so I held up a mirror to you and retaliated.
The majority of your content is simply to talk about yourself which appears highly narcissistic and overly self-involved.
Self indulgent stream of consciousness probably isn’t appropriate for the situation those of us face who are trying to protect our children and actually conduct research in the areas of disease, and therefore bear witness to the fraud of pharmaceutical corporations, science and academia.
Theobalt called you out on your hypocrisy and I laughed out loud, because he was spot on.
“I merely pointed out your disinformation”
Can you please give me a link to the disinformation you claim I wrote, and your response to it, except to be personally abusive to me?
And then you did it again.
I never attacked you in any way, well a bit today, but I was gentle and subtle about it.
I reckon you are a girl. Apologies if I heve been referring you as a he.
If you are, that’s fine with me.
Cheer up. It’s not all bad.
“I reckon you’re a girl”
What’s that supposed to mean?
The day when you claimed the world bank link to Covid19 tests going back all the way to 2017 could be a clone.
Which you knew it wasn’t. But instead you tried to minimize the link, claim the virus was real, and other forms of minimization I’ve witnessed on every thread.
That was disinformation. Then your two other sidekicks piled on and did the same thing.
Highly suspicious behavior.
And then you abused your position of access to the back end of this site, by accessing my email address here, and then searched for my details online through that address.
You are an absolute disgrace.
Tony, I’ve decided to ignore your comments from now on. You’re simply trying to distract us from the main topic.
That could also be great advice for the many millions taught to be ashamed of their British identity, rather than proud of it.
“I dare you to read the whole page…”
Even on the playground, I found that tactic lame.
You didn’t read it because you are not interested in any point of view that conflicts with your false beliefs.
But your beliefs aren’t your own if they can’t be challenged.
“You didn’t read it…”
I love how kids think they’re the only ones who’ve read the remixed/ rehashed/ recycled tropes, Gifs and memes they seem to think are new? It’s almost like a lyric from a Rolling Stones song…
There’s no tropes. The first link details people’s personal experiences after vaccination.
The second is references to articles on EBV that are not rehashed.
Whereas all you’ve provided is fear porn and herpes propaganda with a challenge you’d hear from a 6th grader in a schoolyard.
Wow, that’s a whole new world for me to consider! You’ve shown me something entirely new! Must now re-think everything, seeing as I used to believe quite blindly (naively, even) in Big Pharma’s industrial junk-poisons, embraced unthinkingly by the average cow as an unquestionable Good! Thank you, super-clued-in Internet Stranger, for your esoteric knowledge!
Well, if you ever have sex… oh, never mind.
Is it possible that his beliefs might be true and your point of view false?
It’s possible but highly unlikely. Based on logic and reason, his conclusions don’t bear out.
Since there’s no SARS-COV2 virus has ever been isolated and purified, and the genome published emanates from China, the information we have for the existence of a virus is likely based on fraud. Statistics and modeling fraud. Test diagnosis fraud. Genome sequencing fraud.
If we include the data on the CDC website and other data from the CIA’s factbook, it appears that there’s no difference in overall mortality statistics from 2019 to 2020.
Substantial evidence for “no virus”. Likelihood of a virus, extremely small.
Looking back through the evidence and studies of the SARS virus, there are similar anomalies. So too, with Swine Flu. H1N1. AIDS. Polio.
There is a pandemics industry based on economic epidemiology.
There is a medical industry of vaccines based around the manufactured threat of contagious viruses.
It’s more likely that the contaminants such as those classified as “Herpes viruses“ are in vaccines, given that outbreaks of certain diseases coincide with vaccine programs going back to the late 1800’s and earlier.
Hard to argue that something is up when cancer cases in the last 120 years have increased from affecting 1 in 200,to almost 1 in 2. There has to be some causality.
I find your posts extremely interesting and in line with many of my own thoughts, ideas, opinions. A few years ago, I did quite a bit of research on lupus, EBV, Mono, and came across similar studies. But what I also found was, the link not only existed between all 3 of those viruses and vaccines, they were also highly prominent in certain types of cancers as well. IMO there is most definitely a connection and relationship between all 3 (vaccines-viruses-cancer)
Yes. That is what I have found consistently.
When and where outbreaks of certain “transmissible” diseases occurred, vaccine programs were initiated.
There appears to be a link between vaccines, “viruses” and auto immune disorders, Cardio Vascular disease, diabetes, hypertension, Cancer, neurodegenerative disorders, asthma and allergies, etc.
These diseases stem from immune dysfunction and chronic inflammation from external and/or introduced sources, which induce epigenetic changes. I’m specifically interested in the treatment of these diseases with phytomedicinal formulations.
I’m in full agreement, SA; a very good comment. See George Mc’s downthread, as well.
Will do, Carey!
Are you sure it’s not a canker sore?
I thought that everybody knew that canker sores are caused by the herpes virus. if they look the same, it’s because they are the same.
Well no even the allopaths don’t claim canker sores are caused by ‘herpes virus’ .
OK, please explain what a virus is and how some are supposed to cause diseases.
Your argument is the same as that of the apologists of religion (baby, bathwater etc), and essentially legitimizes the lie.
There’s no locked down dystopian police state for cold sores.
Excellent expose of the essential sterility of information per se. Yes, it’s how you use things, and we’re using advanced digital communications unintelligently. Humanity the self-destroyer.
Social distancing and in effect the lockdown go back to the class essay by a 14 year old in 2006.
Would be useful if the hospitality industry contributed towards this brave woman’s legal fees
I don’t want to live in a country without freedom, where protest is banned
Go on BLM protests and plod will kneel to you
A long and strange article from Sinead Murphy, and I too did not read all of it, because it felt
like I was being slowly manipulated.
Hard pass, sorry.
It started off O.K. The theme was O.K., the images great, but would have been very much better if it had been less than a quarter the size. She just needs a decent editor who is ruthless, and brings out her best. That applies to a lot of articles here, but who am I to criticise? I can write loads of bollocks too, especially when drunk. Most people now can’t understand anything longer than a text message. They have the attention span of a goldfish. Is that a piranha in the other bowl?
With all due respect, that is not a justification for shorter articles, but a reason for people to wean themselves off the drug that is Twitter.
the author is clearly suffering from a terminal case of academia. the classic symptoms are pretentiousness, verbosity, and the unnecessary complication and obfuscation of ideas that people free from the disease would find quite simple and obvious.
I find generally, that the more highly ‘educated’ a person is, the more they have lost touch with clarity, simplicity and their own feelings – and the more vulnerable they are to being hoodwinked. I doubt anyone who calls themselves an “expert”.
I agree firmly with the hoodwinked bit, but also argue that getting hoodwinked depends on how vulnerable you are to fear and fear-mongering. The professional classes are in fact more vulnerable to fear-mongering, being both its victims and its agents simultaneously. Fear is more contagious and defeats healthy scepticism more effectively among the highly-‘educated’ classes, as I explain here:
I think there is a D-Notice on the roll out of track and trace in the UK. there is a news blackout on the subject.
Every venue in the UK is making ‘logging-in’, handing over you identity compulsory as soon as you go in, and not a mention in the press, and it is totally censored on youtube.. Nobody is talking about it. While the police are being told to not download the app on their phones because of ‘security issues’? I can tell you what that means, it means google can tell anyone in the UK to stay home, under house arrest, whenever they like.
The Truth Behind NHS Track & Trace—Trace:8
Serco runs the US patent office. Serco used to be RCA GB.
Every venue in the UK is making logging-in compuylsory aas soon as you go in, and not a mention in the press totally censored on youtube.. Nobody is talking about it. While the police are being told to not download the app on their phones because of security issues?
I think there is a D-Notice.
A decent article from a limited perspective to be sure .” Beware the false intimacy of the Internet ” , Chomsky , made social media a tautology from day one of the Computer/Information Age , circa 1980.
Off Topic:
Anyone seeing any odds being placed on Pelosi becoming President?
Trump -> Pence -> Pelosi
Strap in
Trump has gone from no symptoms to mild symptoms to hospitalisation on at least half a dozen different medications in about 36 hours.
This particularity ploy worked out rather well for Boris Johnson a while back boosting his poll numbers and credibility. Trumps October surprize will consume media mavens for the rest of the month , as Mike Moore muses in an article he posted today , on the likelihood of this being just another ploy by Trumpenstien . Mr Moore believes in the covid pandemic , but also thinks Trump is the greater evil , cognitive dissonance in full view perhaps ? Mr Moore seems to be the only leftist , American style , to have the balls to make such a suggestion as of today?
On hearing of Trump’s infection, Michael Moore expressed his sympathy by saying his “thoughts and prayers are with covid19”. I can see how such a comment reveals his TDS, but not his balls, and certainly not that superior empathy and tolerance which leftists so often claim to possess. To defend their moral superiority, I’d say leftists should condemn Moore’s inhumanity and hate, not amplify it uncritically.
If you can believe Trump and the MSM…
Trump famously mocks and condemns the ‘fake news media’ as ‘the greatest enemy of the people’, or the ‘media wing’ of the US Democrat party. Your lumping Trump with the MSM as equally fake only makes sense if you can show us a better source of truth. Note that ‘truth’ and ‘leftist belief’ are not synonymous.
The pro-Trump news sites didn’t disinform me like that. Posters sick of the censorial, fake news MSM and unafraid of non-leftist news selection and opinion should try the Daily Caller, Zerohedge, Breitbart or Gateway Pundit for a very refreshing change. I first turned to these sites about 5 years ago, and after reading them in tandem with the BBC, CNN and Guardian for a few weeks, soon realised how many crucial news stories and critical perspective I had been deprived of for decades by the corporate media. I could also see what deeply bigoted and biased perspectives the MSM continues to feed us, such as the absurd pretence and smear that all critics of leftism can only be fascists or racists etc, never truth-tellers or critical thinkers.
It’s all bullshit. Watch it play out. The end game is more masks and more rules and regulations. Both left and right will come together on that while still staying apart. This is all a sick joke.
Sadly, I think you are absolutely spot on, JoeC.
I think this episode of Covid Dystopia is jumping the shark.
Yea verily, Joe C and Judith: it’s all bullshit, and the very few + their minions are trolling us *so hard*, showing their utter contempt for the citizenry.
Adding: note that they “just can’t agree™” on any more stimulus for The People, despite bailing out the plutocrats over and over since March..
apparently they’re not worried about an uprising at all.
It’s funny how nobody uses the term “soap opera” anymore…
Stay tuned for the rollout of the replacement term: hand-sanitizer opera.
I’d say being a leftist or non-leftist is largely irrelevant to how vulnerable you are to fear and thus to manipulation by fear-mongers. But authoritarianism is another matter. Recent global history suggests that leftists resort to authoritarian systems and dictatorships much more frequently than do non-leftists, and with much greater longevity too. Vietnam, Cuba, China and North Korea all have around 7 decades of continuous communist rule, meaning no freedom of speech nor legally-guaranteed human rights. If we ignore various undemocratic Islamic societies, are there any dictatorships today not based on Marxist teachings?
The video is downright scary, but you can put that down to one ignorant cop.
What is completely horrific is the volume of comments, almost all celebrating the tasering and arrest of a mother watching her son playing football, who was not wearing a mask, because she has asthma, in an almost completely empty stadium in the open air.
I know they are all brainwashed, but I am beginning to give up on them. Why should I care about the likely fate of such horrible people, when they quite obviously don’t care about anyone else. In fact they are like a baying mob, just waiting for the witch to burn, not realising that she will probably outlive them, as they queue up at the slaughter house.
“A recording of Kitts’ unfortunate encounter soon went viral on a subreddit called ‘Justice Served’. Reminiscent of an episode of Charlie Brooker’s dystopian sci-fi series Black Mirror, redditors plastered the site with emojis celebrating Kitts’ electrocution. Virtual awards, bought using real-world currency, were gifted to users who disparaged the woman’s mask-less antics. ‘Makes breathing inconvenient. For mouth breathers’, remarked one user. ‘If the taser didn’t work, should he have shot her?’, asked another. “
Why would you believe comments that could be posted by the covid terrorist network are from the general public? Most likely they are from the covid terrorists given there interest in the matter and the years of obvious comment spam they have been doing. Anyone who has been paying attention to ‘vaccines’ will have seen they routinely and constantly “flood the space” and have been doing so for years. An early example was the sudden appearance of whole networks of blogs such as science blogs which you can trace a lot of writers too on other less obviously phama industry sites. This is a 2009 article so it has been going on for ages.
Cos I have been on bloody Facebook, recently just for a 2 hour test and it is nearly as bad here in The UK. I am not arguing with Brainwashed Sheep who I have known for years, when they try to ridicule me, for writing basic facts. I don’t want to meet these people down the pub. In fact I don’t want to meet them at all. I probably won’t even turn up at their funerals. It’s all very well saying its just a dog, and its not the dog’s fault it has got rabies, but the fact of the matter is that the dog has got rabies, and I am keeping well clear. I don’t want to get infected with their paranoia, and there is no way I am going to wear a mask.
I can’t change what they think. I tried months ago. It had absolutely no effect then, and it will have no effect now. They are a lost cause. They will be wearing masks till the day they die. This will not end, until they take them off, and they won’t.
Sad But True.
Two hours on FedsBook. And “they” are what’s wrong with the world.
Do you ever hold a mirror up to yourself?
No joke. That commenter is, um, well, you know..
how about you?
there might be people on your facebook but they wouldn’t be representative of the public either. could be some people recruited by the same scientism cult that likes to act really condescending and has put training manuals on how to be a utter sociopath in book shops for these people to purchase. That doesn’t negate my point that there is actual primary level spam coming from the recruiters rather than recruitees in this terrorist network. It is odd you would go on a tangent and use your private facebook which nobody can confirm as evidence for why you can assert categorically a public article hasn’t got any comments from the covid terrorist network but is public sentiment. Why would you want to promote that perception?
> but you can put that down to one ignorant cop.
Yeah, bullsh!t you can..
Sports page of yahoo. Lol. This is the equivalent of burying a story in the back pages
A feminist’s dream come true:
A scientific (real or imagined) support for not sharing a lift, among other places, with a man.
If you are fiercely independent, now you can now prove it with more actions.
Among the biggest winners, you find antidepressant manufacturers.
Well… I’ve started to use my 2002 ICE vehicle since the start of OPERATION CUVID. Before I was using public transport!
Air pollution is more effective at killing than this alleged new RNA! With luck my pollution (emissions) might cause the early death of a few politicians, or millionaires or billionaires… and this is great!