GM Cotton in India is a template for ‘monumental irreversible catastrophe’

An interview with Aruna Rodrigues

Colin Todhunter

Cotton is the only genetically modified (GM) crop that has been officially approved in India and has been cultivated (illegally then legally) in the country for more than 20 years. Although GM mustard has been approved for commercial cultivation by India’s apex regulatory body for GM crops (the Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee, GEAC), a public interest litigation led by Aruna Rodrigues is before the Supreme Court challenging that decision and commercialisation of the crop is on hold.

The push to drive GM food crops into India has been happening for many years. Back in February 2010, the government placed an indefinite moratorium on the release of Bt brinjal after numerous independent scientific experts from India and abroad had pointed out safety concerns.

Minister Jairam Ramesh therefore rejected the commercialisation of Bt brinjal. He imposed a moratorium on its release till such time independent scientific studies establish the safety of the product from the point of view of its long-term impact on human health and the environment, including the rich genetic wealth existing in brinjal in India.

The moratorium has not been lifted and the conditions Ramesh set out have still not been met. Regulatory processes have been shown to lack competency, possess endemic conflicts of interest and demonstrate a lack of expertise in GMO risk assessment protocols, including food safety assessment and the assessment of environmental impacts.

Not to be deterred by any of this, the GEAC is now facilitating final-stage trials of a new Bt brinjal (event 142). It also seems dismissive of the Supreme Court-appointed Technical Expert Committee (TEC) Final Report in 2013 which was scathing about the prevailing regulatory system for GM crops. As a result, the TEC recommended a 10-year moratorium on the commercial release of all GM crops.

Immediately after the 2010 moratorium was announced, the GEAC carried on regardless and went straight ahead and sanctioned fresh trials for the new Bt brinjal. It appears that developers-cum-lobbyists were actually sitting on regulatory bodies as event 142 was proceeding, granting biosafety clearance and claiming all tests are complete, despite data being kept out of the public domain.

I recently contacted Aruna Rodrigues to discuss the current situation.


Colin Todhunter: The government has asserted that hybrid insecticidal Bt cotton in India has been an outstanding success and argues that it is a template for the introduction of GM food crops.

Aruna Rodrigues: The metric used to pronounce the grand success of hybrid Bt cotton is adoption/total production data as opposed to the real measure of performance, which is yield expressed as kg lint/ha and for the farmer, total net income/ha. The error is so basic that it is embarrassing that supposedly leading public sector scientists can err in such manner. But this is deliberate because the official agenda to promote GMOs is being openly espoused without any factual data or science to back a decision of such profound importance and irreversible ramifications.

They want to use hybrid Bt cotton as the model to introduce other Bt crops, principally food crops. And indeed, thousands of field trials of Bt crops have never been stopped, not even when the central government overturned the commercial approval of Bt brinjal a decade ago and imposed an indefinite moratorium.

CT: Renowned international experts have argued that we now have definitive evidence of the failure of Bt cotton in India, not least in terms of stagnant yields, pesticide use that is back to pre-Bt era levels, increasing pest resistance and rising input costs.

AR: The scientific evaluation of Bt cotton is the work of eminent scientists: Prof Dr Andrew Gutierrez, with Dr Hans Herren (World Food Prize Laureate), Dr Peter Kenmore (former head of FAO Plant Protection) and Dr Keshav Kranthi (former Director of the Central Institute of Cotton Research, India’s apex cotton institute). Together, they have nailed the data and analyses of hybrid Bt cotton to provide conclusive proof of its definitive failure. (See ‘International scientists highlight failure of GM Bt cotton in India’ on GMWatch.org and ‘International Webinar on Bt Cotton in India: Myths & Realities’ on YouTube)

The use of hybrids has played an important role in the failure of hybrid Bt cotton, the development of the yield plateau in India, high production costs and low productivity. The data show that suicides increase with economic distress, (Gutierrez et al; ‘Bioeconomics of hybrid Bt cotton and suicides’ in the process of being published by Environmental Sciences Europe) – low yield, rising costs and low net income. The low yield is related to inappropriate hybrid Bt varieties and low planting densities and falling net revenues due to stagnant yield, unstable cotton prices and escalating costs of production.

Also entering this equation are insecticide-induced pests and insecticide resistance, increasing resistance in pink bollworms to Bt toxins and the vagaries of weather on hybrids. American bollworm resistance is also increasing. By 2013, pre-Bt era of 2002 levels of insecticide use were surpassed. It should be noted that reducing insecticide use was the raison d’etre for the Bt technology; it has no trait for yield.

Most hybrid cottons are long season of 180-200 day duration that increases the opportunities for pest resurgence and outbreaks. Additionally, hybrids require stable water and more fertiliser.

In 13 years, the cost of cultivation increased 302%. In 15 years, there was a 450% increase in labour costs. Costs of hybrid seed, insecticide and fertiliser increased more than 250 to 300%. And net profit was Rs. 5971/ha in 2003 (pre-Bt) but plummeted to net losses of Rs. 6286 in 2015 (Kranthi: Cost of cultivation).

CT: How does the performance of Bt cotton in India compare with elsewhere?

AR: Hybrid Bt cotton was designed to increase yield and quality, but India’s global rank is 36 in terms of yield out of the 75 cotton growing countries. This ranking leaves India behind at least 21 major producing countries, including many in Africa, which do not employ GM cotton and cultivate only open pollinated varieties. The top eight producers use high density plantings of appropriate varieties that are approximately six-fold higher than commonly used in India. Herein lies the solution for India in the potential of high-density short-season cotton.

CT: The use of long-season hybrids in India seems unique. You and others have argued that the only reason to combine GM technology with hybrids was to serve as a value capture mechanism: for the seed companies to extract profit at the expense of farmers because in India international property rights on seeds cannot be enforced like they are in the West through signed contracts. But there have been other implications. Can you say something about these hybrids?

AR: The use of hybrid cotton is unique to India, being sold as a value-capture mechanism to enable seed companies to safeguard their profit and side-step intellectual property rights concerns. The hybrid technology disallows seed saving by millions of small farmers who cannot be controlled by threats of lawsuits. There is no other reason why hybrid technology was used; but it added significantly to the failure of Bt cotton.

Non-hybrid cotton varieties in other cotton growing countries are grown at densities of more than 100,000 plants per hectare, which is at least five times higher than India’s national average density of 18,500 plants per hectare.

Scientific trials conducted with non-Bt varieties in all the cotton growing states of India and in more than 6,894 demonstrations in farmer fields by government agencies during 2012 to 2016 unequivocally show that high density planting results in higher yields compared to the most popular high priced Bt cotton hybrids.

Furthermore, long staple desi cotton varieties also give consistently high yields above the national average of Bt cotton hybrids. The high price of hybrid Bt seed engenders low planting densities in India that contributes greatly to low yields.

High-density short-season planting of non-GM straight line varieties of desi cotton and American cotton species that interrupt the lifecycle of the pink bollworm is required. This simple insight has important implications and provides the basis for a proven solution against pests.

CT: Bt is a toxin encoding gene. And yet the proposal is to incorporate it in brinjal, a vegetable that is eaten across all sections of Indian society. Can you say a little about Bt toxicity and the implications for brinjal?

AR: The question of the toxicity of Bt proteins is circumvented by the regulators accepting a discredited version of cry toxicity based on a Monsanto myth that Bt toxins are only toxic to alkaline gut systems of insects, not the acidic stomachs of mammals. There is plenty of proof that Bt proteins are indeed toxic to both humans and animals (Schubert letter of Nov 2009 to Minister Jairam Ramesh, when he called for a scientific review of Bt brinjal). Failed Bt cotton is indeed the model for hybrid Bt brinjal and for monumental catastrophe.

CT: Bt brinjal has been sanctioned for final-stage field trials. If, in 2010, Hybrid Bt brinjal was deemed unsuitable for India, given that these trials are going ahead, what if anything has changed?

AR: Nothing has changed. The Bt gene is still a Bt gene and it is a toxin. It is worth reading an excerpt from the letter Prof David Schubert wrote to Jairam Ramesh in 2009:

It is virtually certain that within the vast Indian population a large number of people eating Bt brinjal are going to be or will become allergic to this foreign protein; this number cannot be predicted and some of the immune responses will likely be severe, causing anaphylaxis and possibly fatalities.

Since there will be no way of tracking these adverse reactions within the population, and since once Bt brinjal is commercially grown, its genetic presence within a major calorie source for the Indian population is irreversible, a simple decision has to be made. Is the negligible benefit of Bt brinjal worth the clear risk?

My conclusion is that it is not worth the risk and that it would be a profound disservice to India if Bt brinjal were allowed to enter her food supply.

We now have the immeasurable advantage of the definitive assessment of the failure of hybrid Bt cotton across all relevant measures. We must use this knowledge to the benefit of our nation and Indian agriculture. Bt Brinjal Event 142 is also planned in hybrids that will increase seed costs and prevent seed saving.

One thing is crystal clear and it is worth repeating for warning and emphasis: hybrid Bt cotton is a negative model for hybrid Bt brinjal; for a monumental irreversible catastrophe.

Virtually no safety testing/risk assessment protocols were carried out for Bt brinjal more than 10 years ago. It stands as the only test case where the raw data was subsequently assessed by several eminent international scientists. They found a virtual vacuum. None of this engenders confidence in the regulators as responsible or trustworthy.

Furthermore, GMO contamination in what is a centre of diversity is of paramount importance. Our regulators have an uncanny ability to focus on two crops (mustard and brinjal) of great genetic diversity. There are about 9,000 accessions of mustard in our gene banks and India is a centre of origin/diversity of brinjal with the richest germplasm in the world.

I only have questions of our regulators because the things they do are fundamentally in error. And the list is endless. They also want to open up Indian agriculture to the second front of GM technology, herbicide tolerant crops, when chemicals (e.g., glyphosate) are documented to pose serious environmental and health risks.

The only option is to stop all environmental release of GMOs, because we are at serious risk from our own regulators. This is not just petitioners’ stance in the Supreme Court. Four official reports support the petitioners and two of them belong to the Parliamentary process in India of Parliamentary Standing Committees (PSCs), which are appointed across party lines. Both PSCs were unanimous that Indian regulation is seriously awry, both for a lack of expertise and an endemic conflict of interest. Both PSCs recommended a moratorium on GMOs.

CT: Given the vast genetic diversity of mustard and brinjal in India, developed over millennia, it is clear that ‘need’ has not been established for these (or any other) GM crops. Why is the government pushing so hard for GMOs?

AR: We don’t have independent regulation in India, not just in the sense of the regulators themselves, but also attendant ministries and institutions are rife with conflicts of interest. They promote GMOs. The glaring example is the regulatory body called the Review Committee on Genetic Manipulation of the Department of Biotechnology, in the Ministry of Science and Technology (DBT). In this case, the DBT funds GM mustard development and also promotes it. The GEAC has historically had a serious conflict of interest with the line between the regulators and the regulated difficult to distinguish and partly explains why the government is pushing GMOs so hard.


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Categories: GMO, India, latest
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Ben Marsh
Ben Marsh
Aug 24, 2021 8:31 PM

Thanks for sharing this! I’m delighted with this information, where such important moments are captured. All the best!

Oct 9, 2020 1:43 PM

Isn’t the imposition of poisonous GM agriculture on Indian farmers tied strictly to the assistance from the US to build more modern nuclear reactors in India?

And that was a major achievement to destroy the natural world by the Bush administration.

Oct 9, 2020 7:30 PM
Reply to  Round

Indeed – the Indo-US Knowledge Initiative on Agriculture

Oct 9, 2020 11:43 AM

I don’t buy the GMO story. I simply need to look at the Golden Rice case. I don’t by the organic story either. There is no evidence that anyone has died from eating GMO products and there is no evidence that anyone has died from wearing cotton that is GMO.
The GMO argument is simply a fleecing scheme.The glyphosate case is a fleecing scheme aimed at Bayer-Roundup because they have money for tort law lawyers.

Farmers should have a choice of what they want to plant based on market demands. Consumers should have a choice of Non-GMO or GMO or Organic.

Nothing should be forced on anyone,. Not the consumer or the producer.

Oct 9, 2020 9:32 AM

Small-scale organic farming is more efficient than “modern” methods. It produces ~70% of all food on ~25% of all land. Studies in several countries show that organic farming (“agroecology”)
:- increased yields by almost 80% on average
:- was significantly more energy-efficient
:- out-performed industrial agriculture in diversity of food produced, soil health, efficiency of irrigation, robustness of supply chains and protecting jobs
:- could feed the current and expected human population without additional land
:- is a bulwark against profiteering. 
:- can revive abandoned and even parched lands.

Fascist collusion and discrimination against it takes these forms:
:- allocating only ~1% of agricultural research
:- restricting irrigation, finance and basic services
:- offering poor advice, e.g. non-traditional crops or mono-crops, even pressure to abandon farming
:- leasing agricultural land to foreign parties
:- discriminatory regulations on seeds, operations, appearance of food, marketing, etc. that undermine sustainable practices and healthy food
:- selective inaction, e.g. against false food labels.

The so-called “free trade” agreements represent the worst of trans-national imperialism. The CPTPP treaty, concluded in 2018, makes no economic sense to some of its parties. They even undertake to join UPOV (“Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants”) which prohibits farmers from replanting their own seeds. I think it is awaiting ratification by the last few traitors.

The results include the displacement of small-scale, native and marginal farmers (including those farming animals), the loss of traditional products, poverty, the sale of farms to the industrialists, agricultural gigantism, waste and food insecurity.

Some Indian farmers have woken up from the trance. They practise organic farming including methods that seem archaic. They are teaching compatriots overseas. They face good demand, even for exports.

Oct 9, 2020 8:38 AM

It’s worth rewatching Jeff Gibbs’ documentary Planet Of The Humans now we know more about the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset. Look closely and you’ll identify a similarity between the motives and modus operandi of the billionaires driving the renewable energy industry — and the beneficiaries of Event Covid and the Great Reset.(as I posted earlier this week). John Steppling’s article on Off-G shortly after the film’s release justly criticized Gibbs for ignoring the toll of the military in the destruction of lands and livelihoods, along with the huge impact of military research and weapons manufacture on mining, pollution and the diversion of productive capacity into warfare. The manufacture of weaponry is one of the top three industries and central to the fortunes of the billionaires. Its secondary function is get the state to pay for wars so that it can reap a third profit by seizing land and resources. So it’s a stunning omission from the film. Any industry that can earn huge profits making weapons while generating further income by deploying those weapons, in order to secure access to resources against the will of the local population is a not only a deadly awesome industrial machine but a class issue. CARBON, THE GIFT THAT KEEPS GIVING Gibbs does dedicate a third of the documentary to the billionaires who misdirect, misinform and manipulate the green movement. He shows how they use the oldest trick in the book: fake grassroots movements who cheer for subsidies to go to those same billionaires; and who call for ‘green laws’ that force the population to use the product produced by those same billionaires. The taxpayer gets to pay twice. Three times if you count the cost of pollution that’s ignored, while the population is diverted by the carbon emissions trade. Oh, they pay… Read more »

Oct 9, 2020 10:39 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

I’ve done a big rewrite so if you are interested, please follow the link to read.

Oct 9, 2020 3:46 AM

As sure as the sun goes down daily, as sure OmG has an anti India piece.

One is practically made to believe that GMOs were invented in India, and that PR China, South America etc. are GMO free.

Oct 9, 2020 10:45 AM
Reply to  Antonym

Why don’t you submit a piece relavant to the region of your research, fore different regions are selected for trialling different capture and control – and culling methods.

The pattern has a core root ‘mindset’ and the persons and agencies are of that pattern – with the targets being selected according to ‘profile’.

OG gives a platform for Colin’s research.
What is your problem with that?
Why do you want OG to be the BBC?

In what way is this anti-India?
Surely the disclosure of such attack on India (and perhaps of all who wear GM cotton?) is if anything anti GM?

You say this to every article by Colin.
What’s your real intention here?
You have a window of opportunity to use your mind before GM humans – unless of course such a program runs behind the scenes already – which of course it does as the modification if not genetic control, yet.

Oct 9, 2020 12:08 PM
Reply to  Binra

antonym = pollution (most of the times)

Voxi Pop
Voxi Pop
Oct 9, 2020 1:50 AM

I just wish India could be left alone.

PELOSI PUTSH: Remove Prez For Incapacity/
SHOCK: PULITZER PRIZE LIES On US Founding.Scholars Demand Retraction!/
Explainer: Trump Win=Huge Lobbyist Losses/
Trump.GOP Targeted With Virus?/
Can’t PAY 50% In US To Take Vaccine Now/
Police Pushed Back In Trafalgar

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Oct 8, 2020 11:14 PM

GM cotton is even better than the “COVID” CRISPR vaccine!

Brian Eggar
Brian Eggar
Oct 8, 2020 8:53 PM

I believe over 250,000 poor farmers have been driven to suicide over the introduction of Bt Cotton.

Not having any expertise in this field, I would be tempted to replace all this with industrial hemp which has hundreds of applications but it would definitely be of the non GM variety.

Oct 9, 2020 10:47 AM
Reply to  Brian Eggar

Better practice is not hard to envisage – but the ability to initiate and unfold the endeavour doesn’t fit or find acceptance in the dominant narrative.
This applies to anything true.

Oct 8, 2020 7:44 PM

Doing your sunbathing will help the situation. At this time of year there is still some nice sunny periods. Keeping levels up now will mean levels will remain well above what the covid cult hopes thru the winter. All the better if people see you sunbathing or better still see lots of people sunbathing. Atleast 30 minutes a day is recommended but given the situation it would probably be good to do even more.


Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Oct 8, 2020 11:21 PM
Reply to  Simon

Just don’t forget to NOT apply “sun blocker” or “sun protector” that blocks UVA/UVB!

Also the best time for exposure (15/30 minutes) is when the sun is at noon.

Oct 9, 2020 11:13 AM
Reply to  Simon

Taking a leaf out of the reptilian playbook – consider a UVB basking light for winter – and or supplements. Just be aware of the eyes and UVB. There may be some vibrational thing with mercury vapour lighting – but everything in this world is an alloy of risk-benefit – and then there’s what we make of it. I don’t know of stats for UVB levels of exposure but my sense is that the ‘magnetosphere’ is weak during very low Solar activity allowing more cosmic ‘ray/particles’. On different days I sense different conditions and act out of a sense of relationship with body and with Sun. As for toxifying or undermining support for life in earth – the solution has to be in the roots, and soil and yielding back to root cause may be the only way of becoming a true seed from which to extend a truly creative basis for life. The toxicity has a psychic counterpart that is within our ‘psycho-genetic’ template or it would not be manifesting. Possession and control rise from fear of loss of face or masking control over a private locked down world. The adaptation to such a world is dependent on its conditions such that disclosing Full Communication would merely be destructive to such consciousness. The body is not an end in itself – or else it sets a dead end. That which creates, or arises as life through the body is whole, but the use to which it is put can become so identified in as to lockdown, mask in and defend appearances within the always changing, as if setting the mask against a life that becomes ‘death’. Without fear of death in the body, continuity and development would not have the focus of protection. But when fear of death becomes… Read more »

Oct 9, 2020 11:34 AM
Reply to  Simon

The second link is effectively a hit-piece against vit D supplementation. The phrse ‘synthetic’ vit D is a strange one. Innumerable studies and experience with supplementation have not supported the insinuation of toxicity. While I could go into that the fear-porn of such messages is not equally focused on pharmaceutical interventions.

So it has worth in terms of stress and receptivity but food will not come close to what the Sun can give even in a few minutes. Avoiding rickets is not an optimal level.
Stress is inverse to Heart connected life.
The change and challenge of stress is part of life, but a stress-based sense of self is a stuck record or a dead end.

Actual benefit of sunlight may be more than Vit D – ie cholesterol sulphate – and charge – re Pollack’s EZ water effect. The first link is good to note that there may be adaptations for receptivity in winter, but generally there is less light and more indoors toward polar latitudes in winter.

Oct 8, 2020 4:01 PM

Thats new: ‘’Awaiting spam check’’

Evil criminal spammers,…..of course……but I’m still none the wiser why you delay comments. You are not checking spamming, because you block the first post, not only the follow up attempts to get a comment posted after you have blocked the first. God only knows what you are up to.

Oct 8, 2020 4:11 PM
Reply to  Dexson

logging checking checking logging
check check word check oohh deleted
logged filed

Jasper Wind
Jasper Wind
Oct 8, 2020 3:37 PM

I’m not being rude, I just want to be factual when I say, that most people here are completely clueless when it comes to economics or geo-politics, which are the drivers behind a lot of current events. Many of you were coaxed out of your shells into ‘political maturity’ by the alt-right during the Brexit ‘operation’, into a period where many of the fundamental bricks of our economy had already been destroyed. You were attracted by the Brexit campaign but had never before had an interest in geopolitics and economics, so are not at all equipped to understand either.

Without a solid grounding, you are so easily deceived and susceptible to hypnosis, where opportunists will sell you the classic Nazi narrative of NWO or as Hitler called it the ‘international jewish conspiracy’ dressed up and renamed for modern consumers as the ‘globalist’ conspiracy, and encourage you to spend your ‘2 minutes of hate’, ranting at the software merchant, Gates or the Jews’ Soros or Nat Rothschild’s, or even international bodies like The League of Nations, (Ops!…that was Hitlers gig). I mean, The United Nations, IMF, World Bank or WHO, which are bodies that simply represent the interests of their most powerful national members, namely the USA/Anglo-sphere, and are not capable of holding autonomous opinions or policies, that are not approved by their members.

Try to avoid being led by the nose by these charlatans, be more critical, don’t let them get away with easy lies. Ask: who really steers the UN; who really controls the WHO? The US who has been threatening it by withholding funding for decades as well as bulling it’s own vassal states to vote in their national interests via threat or diplomatic bargains. And always ask the most important question of all; who really gains?

Oct 8, 2020 6:43 PM
Reply to  Jasper Wind

“classic Nazi narrative of NWO or as Hitler called it the ‘international jewish conspiracy’”

You’ve put your finger (probably accidentally) upon the grand deception. The Nazi narrative was the NWO.

A cursory examination shows it was the international bankers, lawyers and corporations who put Hitler in place and then, when he failed, relocated the senior nazis, their scientists, top SS men and spies, to the Americas or to run the shiny, new, post-war Germany.

A deeper investigation reveals the role of the Nazis and their backers in an effective takeover of the nascent CIA, the formation of the BND and through the Otto von Bolschwing cohort, the penetration of the highest levels of U.S. government.

As for Europe, the Nazi plan always was the unification of the continent. The plan was completed by the CIA-Gehlen SS which financed the major players in the European movement.

Oct 8, 2020 8:07 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Have you read “A Century of War” by F. William Engdahl and incidentally “The International Jew” by Henry Ford?
I thought that after the hefty reparations placed on Germany after WW1 which brought the country to it’s knees that Hitler kicked out the bankers with the result that the Jews called for a world-wide boycott of German goods.
Germany however, started to prosper and were contemplating running a rail network down to the oil-bearing lands and so had to be smashed down again i.e. WW2.

Oct 8, 2020 11:36 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

You are the guy Jasper Wind is talking about, who has fallen for ever BS story going.

messenger charles
messenger charles
Oct 8, 2020 10:28 PM
Reply to  Jasper Wind

You must live in Hasbara Street Tel Aviv. LOL

Oct 8, 2020 3:16 PM

How the Gates family funded Starbucks – and why they did so.

Bill Gates Sr. died last month, aged 94. One story revealed just a few years ago by longtime Starbucks CEO Howard Shultz is that Gates put up most of the money to buy the firm, which at the time had six coffee shops.

One can only wonder how a penniless barrista came onto the radar of the Gates family who rubbed shoulders with the likes of the Astors and Rockefellers, and were more likely to found in the Federal Reserve boardroom than the corner cafe.

Puzzlement grows with reflection upon the company’s stratospheric rise. After all, a global diaspora of Italians had been serving much better coffee for decades and with all their skills in the restaurant and hospitality trade, had never made that much money from it.

“Starbucks likes to tout the fact that since it stopped using milk that contains Monsanto’s rBGH growth hormone, it uses “GMO-free” milk.

That may be true. But by its refusal to switch to USDA certified organic milk, Starbucks is a huge promoter of the GMO agriculture model—because dairy cows are fed a steady diet of GMO feed, including corn, soy, alfalfa, and cotton seed.

That’s an unhealthy diet for animals. And an unsustainable model for agriculture.

Starbucks peddles mostly non-organic, GMO (junk) foods and drinks

Starbucks may use GMO-free (non-organic) milk in its coffee drinks, but only 1.1 percent of its coffee is certified organic.”

Source: https://www.organicconsumers.org/essays/five-reasons-boycott-starbucks

This is John Williams – Bill Gates Controls Starbucks | The Untold Story

Oct 8, 2020 3:50 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Fell foul of the edit timer.

I found no evidence that the Gates’ directly own stock in Starbucks, in contrast to the video title. That’s not necessary in order for Starbucks to serve Gates’ interests.

Global capital hides behind cross-shareholdings and front companies (here are the five main Starbucks shareholders). As we’ve seen with Gates, Soros and Rockefeller they fund public or public sector initiatives in one area that boost their interests in another. That seems to be what’s going on with Starbucks.

The long running TV series Friends (NBC-General Electric, 1994) prepped the public for the idea of permanent singles whiling away their lives in coffeeshops. By that time Starbucks was a major company with 425 stores – up from just six when Gates Sr helped Shultz buy the company in 1987. By 1996 it had doubled again.

John Goss
John Goss
Oct 8, 2020 3:09 PM

A big worry of mine about GM crops is that world-stage manipulator George Soros put loads of his grossly distasteful income into it. As though he was not getting enough payback from destabilising countries with his colour revolutions! Be wary of Soros. His money is in groups like Open Democracy which purports to have our interests at heart but is in fact another information gleaning and money-making racket.

I bought a beautiful orchid from Sainsburys for my wife. It was so beautiful that I wondered if it would be possible to cultivate others from it. The answer is no. Though they are beautiful they are barren. That is the plan, I believe, with humans.

In years to come, if these slave-drivers get their way, all grown food will be barren. To eat you will have to buy theirs. Now is the time to buy and store seeds. That is what the elites have done and are doing in a vast underground complex. If people who refuse to be micro-chipped want to eat, storing seeds and pulses is essential. I worked much of this out from a beautiful orchid I bought my wife.

Apologies that this does not address the problems with GM crops that India faces. But people should be aware we are moving forward into an unpleasant future.

Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
Oct 8, 2020 3:34 PM
Reply to  John Goss

Store some ammunition along with your seeds. You might need to protect them from the gene-patent police.

Oct 8, 2020 3:09 PM

‘Awaiting spam check’ is new to me at OffG! Are others suffering? I really hope this isn’t a device to prevent publication and thus free speech. Anyone afraid of critical thinking will welcome such tactics.

Oct 8, 2020 4:55 PM

I’m happy to see my fears appear unfounded, thanks OffG.

Oct 8, 2020 3:03 PM

Note the corporate effort to take over India’s democratic processes, namely its regulatory expertise, so quietly substituting its private interest for the public interest. This global process has advanced much further in western nations like the UK, where ‘independent’ science advisors are beholden to Gates and/or big pharma, not to the British nation or to advancing scientific knowledge. Cleaning out all such expertise is essential to restoring democracy and nation, but I can’t see Doris ever having the balls to so so. He’s no Trump battling Fauci, the CDC, and irrational, ongoing lockdown.

R Anand
R Anand
Oct 8, 2020 2:48 PM

Aruna is right.

Several Indian administrative officers and ruling party politicians are corrupt, not just financially but also morally.

Select large companies, domestic and global, and the global oligarchy (which includes Indian ultra wealthy as well) are trying to pursue hideous agenda in India as well.

But they will fail.

Oct 8, 2020 3:04 PM
Reply to  R Anand

They succeeded in places like the UK, France, and NYC.

Oct 8, 2020 2:38 PM
Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Oct 8, 2020 2:08 PM

An informative if somewhat redundant read . Without GMO , populations would never have risen to this point , 8 billion and increasing 80 million + /year to begin with. A die off of humanity now seems to be in the works regardless ?

Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
Oct 8, 2020 3:39 PM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

Jim, you are spouting utter rubbish. GMO does not feed the world. If it ever does, our worst nightmares will have been realized. John Goss says on this thread, store your seeds away safely before the gene-patent police come along to confiscate them.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Oct 8, 2020 4:10 PM
Reply to  Dr NG Maroudas

Many of us store seeds but it is not related to what is to come ‘ The Green revolution of which GMO is a major component has been feeding the world since the 1960s when populations began to skyrocket.

messenger charles
messenger charles
Oct 8, 2020 10:32 PM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

Michael Meacher MP reported that Canada did GMO trials for 7 years and experienced no increase in yields over that period.

Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
Oct 8, 2020 10:48 PM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

Jim, you dear old Greenhorn, you really ought to educate yourself about that overhyped Green Revolution — the first of the great Greenback Cons. Try reading some articles by Colin Todhunter for instance.

Jim's Bile Duct
Jim's Bile Duct
Oct 8, 2020 5:08 PM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

You get an extra helping, Jimbo.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Oct 8, 2020 2:07 PM

The number of anti-GMO studies on the internet boggles the mind, yet agribusiness bribery and graft of government officials stacks the deck against farmers and consumers alike. Here’s just one example of thousands of pages on the subject: >

April 7, 2010

According to the Human Genome Project, the act of genetically modifying something like organic cotton has its own ripple effect from the potential environmental impacts of unintended transfer of trans genes through cross-pollination and unknown effects on other organisms (e.g., soil microbes), to the loss of flora and fauna biodiversity. With no regulation of GM cotton, GM produce is entering our food and feed chain as cottonseed oil and cake. (Did you know that we eat more of the cotton crop than we wear?) Genetically engineered cotton has all kinds of stuff we’ve never eaten before: viral promoters, antibiotic-resistant genes, special bacteria. Organic food producers are very concerned. This problem will continue to grow as fourteen new GM varieties of India’s staple crops were approved for field trials that began in 2005.

Oct 8, 2020 2:02 PM

Reflections on the mourners’ response when an official interrupted a funeral to stop a son comforting his mother.
Or rather: It’s Your Funeral – Stand up now


Oct 8, 2020 1:53 PM

the skies all over the world have been are being sprayed
bug spray for humans
synergy is all for the germ theory lie to continue

electrical seeding blood full of toxins heavy metal parasite
vaccine 5g provides the blood brain breach broken barrier

the modi and his donmeh scum are owned in tel aviv.

this is a post modern cull using technolgy

round up the cattle round up ready
monsanto becomes bayer banka bolshevik nazi
shiva destroyer of worlds

now get out of my office palmer and shut the door gently

Wilton Hoe
Wilton Hoe
Oct 8, 2020 1:49 PM

Since the target of this article is monsanto, I’d just like to muddy the waters a little. When I first heard about Bayer intending to buy Monsanto a while back, I wrote a few comments in the Guardian business section, stating that as soon as the deal was done the US ‘justice’ system will open the flood gates to legal claims against Monsanto and demand massive compensation, in the billions. After the deal was done, my prediction came true and I found myself watching repeated adverts on YouTube calling any American who had used Monsanto’s Roundup and also had cancer to call in and join a class action against Monsanto. This is the same drumming up of ‘victims’ we saw in the BP oil spill. When calls went out to all businesses in the Mexican gulf area to immediately make a claim. All claims were immediately approved by American judges of course regardless of validity. The campaign against Monsanto culminated (since overturned) in an award of $2 billion to one cancer sufferer, whose illness was attributed to Monsanto’s Roundup, in a jury trial, where the threshold of proof is extremely low. Bayer offers almost a bottomless pit of money for the US ‘Justice’ system to loot and they will ultimately attempt to get control of the company, like they succeeded in doing with BP. The US ‘justice’ system extracted $65 billion from BP, deposed the British head and put an America CEO in charge, for the failure of BP’s US subcontractor, Halliburton. They have also extorted $30 billions from VW for the ‘emissions scandal’, which I have no doubt the US regulators passed as acceptable for years, until they decided to increase US revenues, After all the US is not famous for its environment concerns, and the US Justice system… Read more »

R Anand
R Anand
Oct 8, 2020 2:55 PM
Reply to  Wilton Hoe

Apt, very apt insights.

Oct 8, 2020 3:12 PM
Reply to  Wilton Hoe

“The US is a criminal enterprise that uses a conspiracy of Corporate, Judicial and CIA to extort trillions from overseas companies.”
Of course it isn’t! Nations are not conscious agents, guilty of crimes. You smear the entire nation as if it were the Great Satan with poor expression like this. Why not attack the tiny corrupt elites responsible instead of inciting anti-American bigotry? I’d say they care for their nation’s reputation about as much as you do.

Oct 8, 2020 4:04 PM

I can only assume that you are visiting us from another planet and that human history is unfamiliar to you.

Oct 8, 2020 5:11 PM
Reply to  Wax

Actually, I have a BA in History, an MA in Philosophy of the Environment, a PhD in Public Understanding of Science, and about 30 years of teaching experience around the world. Your assumption of my ignorance suggests no tolerance or empathy for those from other worlds or people with opinions unlike your own. Some would call that bigotry or xenophobia. You also chose to smear my character rather than address my question: can the US nation be a guilty agent? You aren’t forced to avoid critical thinking, you know. Again, maybe fear of the unknown or unfamiliar is the problem.

Oct 8, 2020 7:51 PM

If you have those educational credits you don’t deserve them.

Read: ”Corporate, Judicial and CIA”

Your foolish accusation: ”Nations are not conscious agents”

Who said nations were ‘Conscious agents’,whatever that is, certainly not me. I named the culprit’s

Oct 9, 2020 8:43 AM
Reply to  Wilton Hoe

The deals do not arise from just treason or blunder. Always consider blackmail or direct coercion.

Oct 8, 2020 1:42 PM

Hannah Arendt on Loneliness as the Common Ground for Terror and How Tyrannical Regimes Use Isolation as a Weapon of Oppression

“Terror can rule absolutely,” writes Arendt, “only over men who are isolated against each other.” Yet in this condition they can still farm, still create, still shape the world around them. It is when tyranny stays the farmer’s hand that isolation becomes something worse: loneliness.

In isolation, man remains in contact with the world as the human artifice; only when the most elementary form of human creativity, which is the capacity to add something of one’s own to the common world, is destroyed, isolation becomes altogether unbearable… Isolation then becomes loneliness.


While isolation concerns only the political realm of life, loneliness concerns human life as a whole. Totalitarian government, like all tyrannies, certainly could not exist without destroying the public realm of life, that is, without destroying, by isolating men, their political capacities. But totalitarian domination as a form of government is new in that it is not content with this isolation and destroys private life as well. It bases itself on loneliness, on the experience of not belonging to the world at all, which is among the most radical and desperate experiences of man.

Peter Jennings
Peter Jennings
Oct 8, 2020 1:30 PM

If the GMO cotton was grown illegally then the farmers must have been getting these illegal seeds from somewhere. One can bet that Monsanto were in there from the very beginning, legal or nay.

If India continues down this route then the days of Indian farmers saving seeds for the next crop is over. Monsanto wants the farmers to return every year to buy their one shot seeds.
Indian farmers should be aware of the pitfalls of trusting big agro after many Indian farmers in the recent past committed suicide when left destitute because the seeds they were supplied with were duds.
Monsanto offered to resupply at the same price as before, which for many farmers was a debt too far.

Oct 8, 2020 1:14 PM

Jenny wood Oct 8, 2020 1:08 PM Awaiting for approval Government ‘lockdown’ aims…… Every day erodes freedom of speech. Every day tyranny grows. Every day builds a Stasi spy infrastructure on the back of ‘contract tracing’ Every day increases the national debt. Every day more people snitch on their neighbours, rotting our culture. Every day destroys more of the economy. Every day increases unemployment. Every day increases Amazon’s market share. Every day increases MasterCard and Visa market share. Every day increases the download of google’s (CIA’s) tracking & House Arrest app. Every day inserts more US tech into our lives. Every day adds to the destruction of local culture, theatre, clubs. hobbies, local cinemas. Every day destroys the health of the sporty. (me) Every day destroys the existing education system. Every day takes travel restrictions more permanent. Every day extends the Presidents/PM’s power and makes dictatorship permanent. Every day makes parliament more irrelevant. Every day reduces human contact and the spread of political dissent. Every day increases mental illness. Every day creates more mask related illness. Every day hides the US economic & dollar collapse. Every day moves more retail on line, killing the heart of our cities. Every day offers up more bankrupt British firms for take over. Every day is a fall in property prices. Every day is a bankrupt small business increasing Corporate market share. Every day is a bankrupt small restaurant for replacement with chains. Every day creates another desperate person who will work for very low pay. Every day means more dead cancer patients. Every day keeps medical care away from those who need it. Every day of lockdown extends the life of the ‘pandemic’. Every day of lockdown means more suicides. Every day more children are abused. Every day a child absorbs the fear.… Read more »

Denny Kirk
Denny Kirk
Oct 8, 2020 1:46 PM
Reply to  Trinton

and…..Every day the world gets closer to a Global Police State which is the real aim of the Transnational Capitalist Class as they protect Global Capitalism. This is the real reason for the plandemic of Covid19. Peace.

Oct 8, 2020 1:54 PM
Reply to  Trinton

every day some bugger tries to pit the left against the right

Kitt billious
Kitt billious
Oct 8, 2020 2:17 PM
Reply to  richard

Why don’t you try and write something interesting and stimulating, like others try to do. Instead of boring us with you idiot-one-liners, borrowed from other people ideas?

Oct 8, 2020 3:26 PM
Reply to  richard

instead of the enemy that we both face…

Oct 8, 2020 3:18 PM
Reply to  Trinton

Every day anti-American bigots incite hate against millions of innocent people with US passports.

Oct 8, 2020 3:51 PM

And every day a little piece of a troll’s soul dies.

Jenny wood
Jenny wood
Oct 8, 2020 1:08 PM

Government ‘lockdown’ aims…… Every day erodes freedom of speech. Every day tyranny grows. Every day destroys more of the economy. Every day increases unemployment. Every day increases Amazon’s market share. Every day increases MasterCard and Visa market share. Every day increases the download of google’s (CIA’s) tracking & House Arrest app. Every day inserts more US tech into our lives. Every day adds to the destruction of local culture, theatre, clubs. hobbies, local cinemas. Every day destroys the health of the sporty. (me) Every day destroys the existing education system. Every day takes travel restrictions more permanent. Every day extends the Presidents/PM’s power and makes dictatorship permanent. Every day makes parliament more irrelevant. Every day reduces human contact and the spread of political dissent. Every day increases mental illness. Every day creates more mask related illness. Every day hides the US economic & dollar collapse. Every day moves more retail on line, killing the heart of our cities. Every day offers up more bankrupt British firms for take over. Every day is a fall in property prices. Every day is a bankrupt small business increasing Corporate market share. Every day is a bankrupt small restaurant for replacement with chains. Every day creates another desperate person who will work for very low pay. Every day means more dead cancer patients. Every day keeps medical care away from those who need it. Every day of lockdown extends the life of the ‘pandemic’. Every day of lockdown means more suicides. Every day more children are abused. Every day a child absorbs the fear. Every day working from home demonstrates, potential for outsourcing jobs overseas. Every day this country is more indebted to international capital. Every day means more welfare cuts in the future. Every day of extreme lockdown reduces the chance of Scottish… Read more »

Oct 8, 2020 1:57 PM
Reply to  Jenny wood

another day another donut – mmm donuts!

Oct 9, 2020 8:34 AM
Reply to  Jenny wood

You grow a little more isolated from other humans, except for approved virtual interactions, and learn to see this as normal. For now, you masters allow you to be with your immediate family – except for the elderly or those with certain infectious diseases. Later, the masters may extend this rule.

Oct 8, 2020 11:50 AM

Of the CIA operations being currently run against India, the one that caught my eye a few years back, was the repeated rape cases, horrific incidence, which fed into the formation a mass movement for ‘women’s rights’. It is a racist and imperial imposition on indian culture, a trashing of their own cultural evolution towards women rights, for the western version of feminism, beloved of the neoliberal Corporate west.

The ultimate aim like it has been is the west is to force women into the workplace to reduce overall salary levels and inflate asset prices. Like in the west now, to buy a house, run a household, have a family, you need two incomes, rather than just the one as was the case in the 50/60s in the west.

Indian workers will never be allowed to enjoy that luxury and will move directly to the two income working family household and will feel very ‘modern’ doing it, not appreciating how they have been conned.

Oct 8, 2020 1:08 PM
Reply to  Grafton

Nah. Being a slave in the marketplace is still better than being a domestic slave. My mother was a domestic slave and now she has nothing of her own.

Oct 8, 2020 1:20 PM
Reply to  Someone

She owned half of all her husbands wealth.

Oct 8, 2020 1:22 PM
Reply to  Trinton

No, she didn’t. And even if she did… What wealth!?

Oct 8, 2020 1:31 PM
Reply to  Someone

It is a fact she owned half her husbands wealth.

Oct 8, 2020 1:40 PM
Reply to  Trinton

No, it fucking isn’t. This is only true if you’re married on universal communion regime.

Oct 8, 2020 1:33 PM
Reply to  Someone

It is a fact she owned half her husbands wealth. That was my point, they were poor on one salary.

Oct 8, 2020 1:37 PM
Reply to  Nexton

Men always seem to forget that domestic work is UNPAID. If it isn’t equally shared between the spouses, it’s literal slavery. Doesn’t matter how rich your owner is, or how well he treats you. A cage made of gold is still a cage, and you’re still a prisoner.

I would NEVER swap my very own, hard-won-in-the-marketplace bread for a golden cage. NEVER. And yall know you wouldn’t either, otherwise you’d have done it already.

Kitt billious
Kitt billious
Oct 8, 2020 2:11 PM
Reply to  Someone

Whatever……As I said the change being imposed on India is western in nature and does not respect or allow Indians to discover their own route to emancipation, in their own time.

Oct 8, 2020 5:27 PM
Reply to  Someone

Actual slavery involves real slaves, not western housewives with freedom of choice. To see the difference, consider how Islamic Mauritania sells women from its enslaved black African minority (about 600,000 at present) to rich men in Saudi.


Oct 8, 2020 6:25 PM

Lmao you sound like a libfem

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Oct 8, 2020 2:04 PM
Reply to  Someone

Funny how the “lesser evil” argument shows up everywhere these days ? Regardless of the fact that it is a GIGO connivance to begin with. Good arguments both pro and con have been made over the millennia as to which form of slavery , domestic or industrial is less onerous . Most African Americans seem to believe that domestics got more perks than in the agribusiness/marketplace end of US slavery .

Oct 8, 2020 4:38 PM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

What do you mean by “these days”? Men have been whining for AGES about how everything was better when all women were domestic slaves.

Oct 8, 2020 5:32 PM
Reply to  Someone

To say that men in general miss ‘domestic slaves’ is slanderous or bigoted. Some men miss women as housewives and mothers, or even as ‘homebuilders’, and so do many women stuck in horrible jobs. Would you ever attack men in nations where women aren’t expected to be breadwinners?

Oct 8, 2020 6:21 PM

“Housewife” = domestic sexual slave

Oct 8, 2020 7:54 PM
Reply to  Someone

Except when she has a headache.

Oct 8, 2020 7:56 PM
Reply to  Nuster

Rapey comment.

Oct 8, 2020 5:20 PM
Reply to  Grafton

I don’t know about India, but the CIA under Gina Haspell is reportedly running an operation against Donald Trump and his efforts to prove how Obama and the Democrats are involved in Spygate and the ongoing, ‘rolling coup’ against his presidency. Before posters start scoffing, they should recall how the MSM always scoff at such claims too, and at the hated Trump since forever. But we can all trust the MSM, right?


Oct 8, 2020 11:48 AM

The Fraudian has an article on “the miracle” transforming Chinese pig farming.

The miracle turns out to be…. AI! It also points out that a previous alleged viral outbreak was used to close down most small-scale pig-farming (they can’t be trusted to be bio-secure you know) and rams home the message by quoting some guy that you have to be “an idiot” to try to raise your own animals.

Oct 8, 2020 12:52 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Pigs – Rams. I see what you did there.

Oct 8, 2020 11:36 AM

AR disappoints somewhat in relying on terms such as hybrid and Bt, rather than just GMO. There is also no mention of the promotion of Bt cotton seed oil as food; this is another vaccine-like approach to poisoning and sterility.

After so many deaths for decades, despite court prohibitions and mass protests, the oligarchs in the “largest democracy” are second only to those in the “greatest democracy” in their greed, venality and brutality.

R Anand
R Anand
Oct 8, 2020 3:03 PM
Reply to  mgeo

This statement of yours “After so many deaths for decades, despite court prohibitions and mass protests, the oligarchs in the “largest democracy” are second only to those in the “greatest democracy” in their greed, venality and brutality.” is so very correct.

Indian trillionaire oligarchs are among the worst.

Oct 8, 2020 5:34 PM
Reply to  R Anand

What about Saudi or Chinese trillionaire men. Are they morally superior in some way?

Oct 8, 2020 11:31 AM

I was very suspicious when Alex Salmond was suddenly removed from the SNP leadership by what were clearly false accusation of sexual abuse, to make way for the current leader of the SNP Nicola Sturgeon. It looked like a MI5 operation and a fix up. I was confused because I liked Nicola Sturgeon and thought she looked solid, with good policies, sometime a bit loony but a true socialist, I thought, and determined to liberate Scotland from Westminster.

How wrong I was, and I was right to be initially suspicious. Nicola Sturgeon is now doing more to wreck any chance of Scottish independence than any British PM could every hope her to do.

So is she a useful idiot being worked into a Covid lockdown frenzy, or is she just an MI5 operative? Given her path to power, I now tend the latter.

Oct 8, 2020 2:00 PM
Reply to  Goefton

idiot why not agent tool doing the job according to the script

all government leaders are scripted actor

jimmy krancky is a boy a girl no a boy

i am very suspicious of scotch folks the scotch not scots with names like sturgeon and salmon or aberdeen
all a little ashkanazim like britain,maxwell,janner,mcalpine,may day may day 2 much johnson

Oct 8, 2020 8:00 PM
Reply to  gorden

You’re right about the names, very in our faces, they wil be laughing at us over that one. I wonder if they refer to them as the ‘fresh water’ breeders.

Oct 8, 2020 2:04 PM
Reply to  Goefton

How independent is Scotland within the EU?

Sherman Toothe
Sherman Toothe
Oct 8, 2020 2:38 PM
Reply to  richard

”How independent is Scotland within the EU?”

A lot more independent than England and Wales are going to be after they sign their unique ‘trade deal’ with the USA.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Oct 8, 2020 3:51 PM
Reply to  Sherman Toothe

Scotland has for most of the last millennia been a cross section of loosely allied or at war with each other small states with alliances or under the control of France in the main . Even today its leader Ms Sturgeon and former leader Mr Salmond still draw pay cheques from Brussels and England . The Catholic grip on the Scots only began to end with James 1 being appointed King of England

Oct 8, 2020 6:18 PM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

What about today’s grip on the Scots by Sturgeon et al? No complaints?

Oct 8, 2020 6:17 PM
Reply to  Sherman Toothe

Richard asks a good question about reality and the present, while you fear a dark future without stating any evidence.

Oct 8, 2020 5:39 PM
Reply to  richard

A veritable zinger!

Oct 8, 2020 5:39 PM
Reply to  Goefton

So MI5 wanted to end the movement for independence by replacing Salmond with Sturgeon, knowing that Sturgeon would mess up? That’s Intelligence people for you.

Oct 8, 2020 8:02 PM

if Salmond were a genuine patriot, he would be a loose cannon and do better than sturgeon in bringing devolution.

Oct 8, 2020 5:35 AM

This had to be expected after India moved closer to the US in the Quad. India has still not understood that cooperating with China and Pakistan would make them stronger than working with Japan, Australia, and the US. Divide and rule has worked for the US once again.

It will be 5 to 10 years until India will start to see the true face of the US. Maybe that had to be expected, too.

Oct 8, 2020 11:27 AM
Reply to  Wilmers31

But Chinese communists threaten India’s borders and massacre its soldiers. Japan, Australia and the US are all trusted trading partners and geopolitical allies.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Oct 8, 2020 4:02 PM

Hardly trusted or geopolitical allies , but deeply invested trading partners to be sure. India still gets most of its weaponry and oil with the support of the Russians .

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Oct 8, 2020 3:56 PM
Reply to  Wilmers31

Divide and conquer is actually working for India at the moment , which has a very long history of strife with its Northern and Eastern neighbors Pakistan and China.

Oct 8, 2020 5:26 AM

Bill Gates has his hand in this pie as well. He needs to meet the thirsty widow in the near future.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Oct 8, 2020 4:13 PM
Reply to  livingsb

True enough much of Mr Gates’ software is written in India and he has imported millions of Indian techies into the US to keep wages down through blatant manipulations of US immigration laws through bribery.

Oct 8, 2020 6:56 PM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

Yes and his vaccines are always tested on Indians first.

Oct 8, 2020 9:21 PM
Reply to  Someone

Gates is India’s latest raj. 

The British Raj in India was a reification of the Western imperialist “White Man’s Burden”. 

In the final decades of the 20th Century, that ostensibly high-minded term was gradually rejected and discredited as paternalistic racism. It was replaced with the anesthetic “liberal interventionist” term “Responsibility to Protect”– a phrase that was neatly reducible to handheld-devices’ social-media and texting-friendly “leetspeak”: R2P.

Like old poisoned wine poured into new skins, it’s the same toxic brew, now with a new improved “brand” or logo. 

Likewise, Gates, scion of the quintessential White Men of yore, purports to bring the gifts of Western Civilization– buggy, pricey software and buggy, pricey vaccines– to the Indians Sitting in Darkness. I expect that Gates feels that the natives harmed and killed by his projects are “collateral damage” who are proud to sacrifice their lives and well-being to his noble causes.