This Week in the Guardian #15
These past weeks the Guardian has (sort of) decided we shouldn’t break international, and Covid19 might be racist.

Every now and then (it used to be weekly, but then a pandemic happened) we like to highlight three or four stories that go full-Guardian, but don’t require an entire article of refutation.
We encourage reader-participation here, so if you come across something you feel should be included in the next edition either post a link below, or send us an e-mail.
Breaking International Law is Bad…Sometimes
This story fits in this long-delayed edition of TWitG, because it’s a slow burner.
Back in September it was revealed that the UK’s proposed Brexit deal would breach the Good Friday Agreement, and thereby technically break international law. This proposal was met with fury by people who a)Didn’t know we break international law everyday or b) didn’t care.
Of all the hollow condemnations of Boris’s blow to Britains “international reputation”, The Guardian’s probably rang the most hollow (well, maybe second most…OK, fine, third most. Geez but there’s a lot of monstrous hypocrites out there.).
Jonathan Freedland, for whom hypocrisy is a natural habitat, ranted about the UK’s reputation at length. Talking about “international law” quite a bit, but somehow managing to not use the word “Iraq” even once.
More directly, a Britain that declares its willingness to break international treaties – including one it signed only a few months ago – announces itself as a rogue state, by definition. As the former Tory leader Michael Howard argued, such a country will never again be able to scold, say, Iran if it breaks its nuclear promises, or China when it reneges on its commitments to Hong Kong. We will have amputated the finger we like to wag in the face of others.
That he managed to squeeze out this turd of a sentence without being struck down by the gods of hubris is a very real argument in favour of atheism.
However, The Graun’s newfound love of international law was – as love affairs so often tend to be – shortlived and insincere.
Just two weeks later we were treated to a review of the kinds of missiles that the US military use to carry out “targeted assassinations” in Syria. Apparently they’ve got blades on the front which kill people nice and fast, which is just lovely.
The fact these military operations are entirely illegal under international law, and in fact constitute a war crime, somehow didn’t merit a mention. Much less three of four opinion pieces about what such extra-judicial murders do for America’s “international reputation”.
Most glaringly, on the very same day that good old Jonny Freedland was waxing lyrical about the UK’s international reputation, the Guardian also published a podcast interview with Alastair Campbell where he talks about battling his depression.
The good old Graun actually regularly publishes columns by Campbell, where he gets to talk about how sad he’s feeling, rant about Jeremy Corbyn and just generally go about his day without being indicted for war crimes. Which is a pretty good result for a man complicit in the murder of 100,000s of innocent people.
This week the UK Parliament passed the second reading of a bill permitting agents of the British government to break any law they deemed necessary in pursuit of “intelligence”. Two weeks prior they passed the Overseas Operations bill, which essentially legalised torture
Despite these bills being condemned by Amnesty International, none of the Graun’s editorial staff were moved to make remarks on the topic, and there was certainly no further eulogizing of Britain’s “international reputation”.
Covidentity Politics
OffG’s view of the coronavirus “pandemic” is that it is nothing like as dangerous as we are being told it is, that the numbers support this view, and that the entire situation is being worked into public hysteria to excuse an authoritarian crackdown and unprecedented reductions in personal liberty.
The mainstream view is that this is a very serious disease, with the potential to severely damage our entire society, overwhelm our struggling hospitals, leave millions of people dead and tear apart our civilisation.
Whichever of these is the case, the whole situation is certainly far too serious to be distracted by shallow and ridiculous.
For example, focusing on whether or not “female voices” are being “drowned out” of the Covid conversation is totally absurd. Likewise, concerning yourself with whether or not a skin rash website has an appropriate number of ethnic minority examples would seem to be rather…silly.
You could argue that adding this kind of vapid political distraction to the “pandemic” narrative is evidence it’s nothing more than a psy-op policy roll-out.
After all, if it was really serious, we’d all have more important things to talk about, wouldn’t we?
Western spies privately blame Russia’s FSB for Alexei Navalny poisoning
Apparently the Western intelligence agencies have all “privately” decided that Russia was responsible for the “attempted poisoning” of Alexei Navalny. This will surprise literally nobody, what else were they ever going to say?
Of course, the reason they’ve decided this “privately”, is that they have absolutely no evidence it’s true. But having no evidence has never stopped The Guardian reporting anything, especially when it comes to Russia.
It’s been around 60 days since Alexei Navalny was allegedly poisoned with “novichok”, and in that time The Guardian has published over 40 articles and videos on the subject. All of them, obviously, toeing the party line that Putin was responsible. None asking any of the obvious questions, and none less accurate or more obviously propaganda than this piece.
You can probably already guess who it was written by.
There’s no real need to get into the details except to point out how far the novichok narrative has fallen. Remember 2018, when novichok was one of the deadliest nerve agents ever created? The New York Times called it “the nerve agent too deadly to use”.
Well now, three failed assassinations later, it turns out novichok:
can cause a heart attack or asphyxiation if administered in a high enough dose.”
Oh, sorry not “failed assassinations” because – unlike the Skripals – the Russians didn’t want to kill Navalny:
the operation was designed not to kill Navalny but to send him an unambiguous warning and to force him into exile […] If [the FSB] had wanted to kill Navalny, it could have done so.
So we have a story about “deadly nerve agent” (that never kills anyone), being used in an assassination (that wasn’t an assassination) written by a journalist (who doesn’t do journalism) in a “newspaper” (which is anything but new). Very neat.
BONUS: “Goodbye civil rights…”
In “This Week in the Patriarchy”, Arwa Mahdawi is concerned about civil rights in America. She doesn’t mean because of the lockdowns and or medical martial law or the censorship, or Julian Assange being put on trial for simply being a journalist . She means because the newest member of the Supreme Court is a Catholic with *gulp* differing political views.
It’s dumb and shallow and it really ticks me off. There are bigger problems than one Catholic in a group of nine judges.
* * *
All told, a busy few weeks for The Guardian. And we didn’t even cover the covid sniffer dogs or this unspeakable weak act of moral cowardice.
Did we miss anything? Tell us about it in the comments below, and keep an eye out for articles that should go in the next issue.
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Kit Knightly, this is off topic but I’ve sent you a piece on vaccines and incentives to kill.
Can’t wait for the Guardian to have an article on the Iranians sending hate mail, threatening people to vote Trump.
Trump, who has imposed sanctions on them, murdered their top general are now running a Pro Trump campaign?
Putin probably explained to the Iranians how mind fuck with the Americans and MSM.
This article, good though it is, needs to be proofread for typo’s.
The Guardian appear to be finally admitting that a vaccine is no solution to our current situation.
If you’re pinning your hopes on a Covid vaccine, here’s a dose of realism.
The piece, by a David Salisbury, former director of immunisation at the Department of Health, ends with this;
So, it looks like we could be living under lock-downs for years to come if the PTP keep in control.
And all this supposed disaster control is for what? If we believe the official death rate from covid, this still only equates to approximately 1 death in 7000 people. Even if the death rate doubles, that’s still only 1 death per 3500 people. And yet these low figures somehow justify the destruction of society caused by lockdown.
So if these lost individual lives are so precious, and such a tragedy, why not the individual lives lost to pollution? Or to traffic accidents? Or lost to the ravages of capitalism. Or to the wars of capitalism? Why no lock-down to prevent these preventable deaths?
Those self righteously backing lock-downs can seem very selective about which deaths are significant, and those which are not.
Flu vaccine just killed 5 in S Korea. Immunisation suspended again.
I spoke to someone recently about what was going on, how these crimes are obscene, how we are being manipulated and lied to on a grand scale, how the whole thing is based on fraud. He was very relaxed about it all, taking the view that nothing had really changed, it was nothing to worry about, just a blip, implying that I was crazy for believing there was anything worrying going on at all. Then the penny dropped, so I came out and asked the question…….”do you read the Guardian?”. The reply was “yes”.He then accused me of being a Daily Mail reader, haha.
I had a similar encounter with a Guardianised woman who said the same thing. It was a strong denial that much had changed.
Guardian readers are a lost cause, they are some of the most brainwahed people on these shores, because not only do they believe the bullshit, they believe in their own superiority over others, they are convinced that The Guardian is a bastion of truth. It’s remarkable. Hats off to the controllers for their work on these people, you have to hand it to them, they’re very good at brainwashing people into having fake belief systems.
It would be great to hit the streets with cameras and record interviews with positively identified Guardian readers, so we can document their manipulated minds for all to see. I can’t think of anything more amusing than listening to their brainwashed thoughts, laid bare
Interesting slant in the Guardian Australia today about the horrific deaths of 4 babies in Adelaide due to the lack of a proper children’s ward there. Under normal circumstances the sick babies would be transferred to Melbourne, but this has not been permitted due to corona restrictions. Notice how the Guardian fails to mention coronavirus or lockdown once in the article:
Compared to the Daily mail:
Millions of law abiding citizens around the world, incarcerated in their homes by cruel government diktats, are asking ‘what crime did I commit?’
Courageous Constitutional Lawyer Rocco Galati speaks at ‘End the Lockdown’ protest – Toronto, Canada. 17th October 2020
Billions of citizens. With millions of clueless bureaucrats trying to micro-manage the economy, but unable to formulate explicit plans and pilot-test them.
The Guardian has belatedly decided to confront the issue of the harm caused to the young by the lock down, and have just printed an article “Figures lay bare toll of pandemic on UK children’s mental health“. Not that they blame the lock down of course. They just repeatedly put all of the blame onto the ‘pandemic’, as if this virus has effected mental health all on its lonesome.
It goes without saying that the Guardian takes absolutely no responsibility for their relentless fearmongering that will have caused many to have developed the mental health problems.
Stop chipping at the edges. What is needed is a crowd funded MSM publication where we can go to find out what the world is up to. And what better site, in English anyway, than Off-Guardian! Start a crowd fund, use all that journalistic talent, move it! I will dip into my inadequate pension and find a fiver – or at least a photograph of a five pound note – to start it. Please………
I have heard this stated many, many times, but I have never come across an explanation of how our leaving the European Union breaches the Northern Ireland Peace Agreement (the treaty lodged with the United Nations). I suspect that the people who make such claims have never read the actual treaty.
The Guardian must visibly toe the US line or they couldn’t sell in the US which is desirable for several reasons.
What irks me every week is their mentionings of think tanks and NGOs without mentioning who funds them – so that we can see which agenda they push. These organisations often change their names or form sub-organisations that look innocent or semi-official but they are all influencing organisations. Soros’ Open Society organisation had become so notorious that they formed an “International Crisis Group”, as if they could or wanted to address crises.Here’s another one:
The Open Society Foundations in Ukraine › newsroom › the-op…
Ukraine’s International Renaissance Foundation is part of the Open Society Foundations and has been supporting Ukraine since 1990.
It’s like whack a mole with these people who like to spend their money on influencing.
Oh poor Washington consensus/London /CFR/Chattam House /Brookings Institue/or ROME agenda and on and on. How brittle and frail is our western democrazia. More like the fascist ashlocks are losing the narrative game.
With regards to International law. The fascist mongrels ussually use the term . “Well established international principles. IE: Bomb the shit out of Jugosalvia the ME and the Maghreb.
OH I forgot ,remember the Persian tanker that had to go around Africa and was delivering needed fuel for the poor Syrians due to the Ceaser law and the blatant stealing of Oil by those freedom loving US defence forces.It was ceased off the coast of Gibraltar.
One thing is 4 sure the MSM along with all those fascist cohorts that call themselves bastion of freedom (our politicos) r loosing any credo and face. This has all become one massive ship of fools.
Post Scriptum: Our we ready to abandon ship. I have long time ago.
“There are bigger problems than one Catholic in a group of nine judges.”
Yes, true. Such as six Catholics in a court of 9 judges, which is what we in America would be facing if Barrett is confirmed. (Technically a seventh, Gorsuch, was raised Catholic but now is reputedly Episcopal.) That’s an overwhelming majority.
What is concerning about that is that the influence of small, cult-like groups like Opus Dei and the Federalist Society within the Supreme Court is wildly out of proportion with their general representation within society. Both groups have radical conservative, extremely unpopular, secretive agendas that they appear poised to begin to implement.
The American people ca. 2020, for instance, are not clamoring for condoms to be banned or for gay marriage to be made illegal, but these groups are pursuing such policy changes. Should said policies be rammed through at the highest level, large swaths of the media will then retroactively assign a public will to them and legitimize them. Unless people are aware what agendas are at play here.
Catholic Church has a big investment in promoting the agenda of the 4th Industrial Age, along with all its intended sins. They claim ist to “help the poor”. As usual.
It seems the COVID saga is now reaching for a poetic grandeur. I just heard a TV news reporter announce something like “And as the winter approaches and the clocks go back, there is sadly no turning back for the virus. There is no light at the end of the tunnel.”
I assume we can look forward to more of the same. Like:
“As the leaves fall, the COVID figures rise!”
“The leaves pile up like the victims gasping their last”
“The white of the snow mirrors the paleness of death”
“And another thousand who will never see another spring”
“This is not the end. This is not even the beginning of the end. But it is perhaps the end of the beginning”.
Shouldn’t be too long before Johnson does his sub-Churchillian version of that.
And…we’re not even properly in yonder looming tunnel, just yet!
Or, to get all Song of Ice & Fire:
Valar Marghulis…fur COVID!
admin 2 thomas robinson win’s prize for spam of the week and it only Tuesday
are 10 part essay allowed now?
Unfortunately, our time machine is being serviced this week. I must graciously beg your forgiveness and thanks for taking the time to keep us on the straight and narrow, you know what rascals we are here. 😉 A2
Pfff…not the ”our time machine’s being serviced” excuse. The oldest one in the book! ;o)
NOTE FROM ADMIN: Please post a URL link to longer texts. Short extracts only. Thank you. A2
Oct 20, 2020 5:35 PM
Awaiting spam check
Reply to thomas robinson
There are 11 parts to this shit, so spaming is banned is it? except for neo Nazis.
Do not multi-post, it achieves nothing. Also this spam was up for 6 minutes before you weighed in so uncharitably. It’s the naughty step for you. A2
”weighed in so uncharitably”
one of your Nazi backers were they?
oh fuck off XD
Dear media, the funding is not the fucking problem, the problem is the fucking shut down you dishonest criminal cunts.
In what circles did you grow up? In the broth’l around the corner?
(Groaniad front page item, Tuesday 20th October 2020):
“Wales orders “firebreak lockdown and leaves England going it alone”.
I am reminded of the apocryphal headline: “Fog in Channel – Continent cut off”.
They are cutting the help to destroy the businesses of Manchester. It is going to go to shit.
Manchester, you have no choice, you need to revolt.
”AN official government report warned more than 200,000 could die from the impact of the coronavirus lockdown as a result of hospital delays and a severe economic downturn.”
19 Jul 2020
The neoliberals destroyed the north of the US in the 80’s first, then they destroyed the south, they are following the same route.
US deep state orders: Macron, Johnson Destroy your country’s now! we don’t care how you do it, we are going to buy up the ruins with trillions in worthless dollars, do it now or get out of the way.…….
Whilst people are suffering greatly at the hands of this hoax, be aware that the bigger hoax coming, intent on creating just as much poverty, suffering and death, is the ‘Global Warming’ scam, which will be even worse. Worse because it is not so easy to prove it a fraud, and most of the sheep will go along with it. Even up until the point they are being shipped to the incineration chambers to save the planet. I wouldn’t even be surprised if they didn’t cheer as they, and their families, were put into the chambers.
Can’t helping think that with all the looting going on from the Public Purse, that the UK having the Qui Tam (False Claims Act) on it’s books might have been a good idea.
Nobody should be making a profit in this Pandemic, and tests for any new vaccine should be tried on members from GSK and the UK Parliament.
When people agree to the test for GSK, they should equally share the profits among themselves, and if they die, profits should fall to their relatives. It seems only fair, given that we should honor their sacrifice.
Leaking to us that it is all a hoax, whilst simultaneously locking us all up, is an interesting strategy. But I hope Johnson has got a very fast car waiting at the back door of number 10, ready to whisk him of in his private jet back to the USA, because when the penny finally does drop, the population will want to see him & his cabinet hanging from the downing street trees.
I hope he’s got an electric car. He will then find out how difficult it is to get a charge in many areas, especially remote ones, and he might be looking for somewhere remote to hide out for a bit.
I only wish that was true, I just don’t see any form of rebellion happening, the army will be on the streets, and the idiots will be taking pots of tea and arrowroot biscuits out to them .
I’m hoping that this years baubles dangling from that rather splendid spruce that Norway sends the UK every year will include whittyless valice cockhands and cummstain with the prize position at the top being reserved for the johnson …preferably inserted into his jacksy to lower intestinal tract depth….the lower branches can be decorated with the lesser minions as a warning to others
Looking at the failed CIA coup in Bolivia, it seems like the CIA has lost it’s touch, things are not working out as planned these days, so I hope to see the Covid operation fall to pieces pretty soon.
They’ve been leading all day with the Manchester “dispute”.
It’s the ideal constructed narrative – a story that impresses that there is a real choice between the parties while not offering no lockdown as one of the choices. It’s as synthetic as Bill Gates’ lab-grown meat.
burn ham is a legend
anthony lynton toilet trader tory blair trained him well
burning burn ham is are che
history will show his iron spirit against all the odd’s
he showed the musselims who hated are free dumbs in the ariel grande gladio manc bomb bings
andy like his friend tory blair is a great friend of israel
we can prevail if we believe in his plan
i beleieve it is called the oded yinon.
craig murray said it best england must be destroyed
balkanized each council each region must do as they wilt
with a donmeh new york born turk boris in london
we can build a new jerusalem here hare here
”anthony lynton toilet trader”
you lost one point for homophobia. not a good look if you are trying to appear satirical and clever.
i am gaydar
i am semite
i am not clever i hate liars cheats and blackmailed zionist tools tis all
good night jo jo
shut the door gently on your way out
and try less lipstick next time
oink oink
Can’t understand Burnhams worry about this hoax, he old the first ever NHS hospital to the private sector when he was health secretary, another out and out bliarite who runs with the hare and hounds, complete phoney.
can’t understand?
he is a payed agent a tool
his days in government health
public private partnerships
selling england by the pound.
actor for hire
There’s one line that stands out where someone complains that some else is “unwilling to take the action that is required to get the spread of the virus under control”. I have a feeling we’re going to see a lot more of that line. I think the “required actions” will be gradually becoming more and more …demanding!
U.k 3 tier system explained
What a dodgy web site, are they collecting names?
what a dodgy website what website its a meme
on a website.
I just had the misfortune to ‘tune in’ to the latest UK press conference…caught about ten minutes (well, that was all I could stand!). It was the usual diet of scare-mongering doom and gloom, and blinding with meaningless graphs which showed a normal seasonal trend in viruses but they didn’t tell us that of course. But something very simple that should immediately have rung alarm bells for anyone with an open mind was a map showing the whole of England coloured throughout with traffic light colours (or similar). Red meant severely increasing numbers of ‘cases’, amber was ‘slightly increasing’ areas and green was areas ‘staying the same’. That was it. To any logical mind, wouldn’t you expect to see some areas, however small in size, showing an improvement since last week (or whatever the relevant reporting period was)? But no, according to govt statistics such areas don’t exist. Hmmm….
stats start at medium so tier 3 is the next one up sound serious colored in red ow danger fear porn
i no a lady who brother friend at work his mate who he works with, well his friend cousin aunty got it. !!
i wonder how many people who got the flu vac who then had the bs19 test got a yes you got it text message
Another couple of things that Jonathan Van Tam said (as he went through the expensive pictorials in great detail) that could only be described as off the scale despicable fear mongering:
That was as much as I heard him say in the space of about five minutes. I dread to think what else he said when I wasn’t listening.
They were not ‘lies’ because, with regard to the first statement, over eighty is over sixty, and also the use of the word ‘particular’ is relative to the risk faced by younger people and simply omits to say that the risk of serious illness for anybody over 60 in relatively good health is minimal in the whole scheme of things. And, with regard to the second statement, ‘linked to’ is synonymous with the now infamous ‘with’ as opposed to ‘because of’, and he doesn’t say ‘linked to all these cases’.
The upshot is that any viewer not of a critical disposition will be inferring that they have everything to fear if they are over 60, and that any case is highly likely going to result in hospitalisation or even death, so overwhelmed hospitals are almost guaranteed.
These complicit ‘experts’ really are the dregs of society.
Well said, Edwige; and you’re bang on the nail with what is just a piece of political theatre.
Sir Keir Starmer could hold a press conference tomorrow and call out all this covid stuff for the obvious bullshit it is; and then we might be back to normal, whatever that is.
What really distressed me about Burnham’s press conference this afternoon was all the dead bodies laying on the ground behind him (not).
We will have amputated the finger we like to wag in the face of others……lol that how these old mother hen see themselves…? The rest of the world sees a middle finger and nothing more
New from The Graud:
“Overdispersion” is the latest shiver inducing buzzword. Oh hang on, he’s another one: “superspreading”.
Sorry, the panic is getting to me now. I can’t quite focus.
What’s this?: “At first glance, this seems wildly inconsistent with what we know about ….”
I wasn’t aware we “knew” anything at all. And that seems consistent with that “wildly inconsistent”.
Oh wait, here’s a definition:
“Simply put, overdispersion means that a minority of infected individuals are responsible for an unexpectedly high percentage of transmission.”
Oh that’s excellent! Implication: even a single case might be enough to wipe out the entire planet!
Blah blah big groups must be avoided. And the emphasis on the concept of “explosive”.
Love this: “Reinfection is at least possible”. You should know by now that “at least possible” means “apocalyptically inevitable”.
Nah that’s enough terror masturbation for now!
If I remember correctly, the only “proven” cases of re-infection were in people who didn’t get any symptoms 2nd time around, fully consistent with the rt-PCR test finding old, inactive virus-du-jour, some other old, inactive virus, or basically any old bit of genetic material which could have come from anywhere, including the person’s own body. i.e. proving bugger-all.
Ah yes – “the rampant killer virus stalking our streets”. The only stalking going on is the mobile phone stalker ap, the ‘test and trap’ one.
Quote: “To fully comprehend the severity of the Coronavirus Act, we must first examine the mechanisms of secondary legislation, otherwise known as Statutory Instruments (SI’s) – powers used to bypass parliamentary process altogether when amending existing legislation.
SI’s are lesser known but powerful devices, that discreetly push forward profound and controversial changes to Britain’s laws without the buffer of democratic debate or scrutiny by Parliament. Instead they are convened by a small group of MPs, in short, low-key debates. Or, arbitrary rule by an inner-circle operating from within the shadows, with the highest disregard for democratic principles.”
The Dummy’s Guide to Authoritarianism (Or, the Long Kiss Goodbye to the Good Life)
Bring on theCovert Human Intelligence Sources (Criminal Conduct) Bill 2019-21
Perhaps most startlingly, the list of organisations that will be able to issue licences to commit crimes goes far beyond the intelligence services. Any police force is included, as are the armed forces, HMRC, the Home Office, the Department of Health, the Competition and Markets Authority, the Environment Agency, the Food Standards Agency, the Financial Conduct Authority and the Gambling
In essence they can kill you for disagreeing with them
Hello ame: Military thugs get to wear all kinds of fancy costumes, receive “free” medial care (which eventually kills them), are allowed to prance around in glorious parades, and get a handsome pension for slaughtering “other” civilians.
Civilians get diddly squat and cower behind masks…
Yes the ‘heroes ‘ will be on the streets if the serfs decide they’ve had enough , which will never happen, and they’ll happily fire their rubber bullets at the crowds if need be with no hesitation whatsoever, no time for them
“..Department of Health, the Competition and Markets Authority, the Environment Agency, the Food Standards Agency, the Financial Conduct Authority”
None of these deal with “disagreements” per se. It is obvious that the plan is far more sinister.
” Politics latest news: North East leaders will tell Government to ‘sod off’ if Tier 3 restrictions imposed ”
About time someone did.
sorry tonyopmoc it now become theater this americanization of local officials and council verse state government is theater for the braindead milkshakes to keep the sheepal all confuse in who to blame!! as IF
The government asking permission from a locals LOL during a plandemic scenario pure theater
learn about regional seats of government (RSG)
the councils are for profit corporations registered in the city of london
in times of war in state of emergency
cometh the hour cometh the council corporations
is it not obvious that these council leaders out rank the privicouncil the star chamber mi5 and mi6 and even the army and even the queen if she is still in power?
yes sir local council hero will correct this demon ocracy of westminster dolphin square kindergarten party freaks
ame, Yeh, I agree. Its spelt theatre here. I admit the American spelling makes more sense than theat rer, but The Police in England, Like The Firemen, The Bin Men and The Teachers are paid by The Local Council, financed by the local council tax. They are not paid by Central Government, but by Local People. So if we want to keep our pubs gyms and swimming pools open, we can, and tell the Government to ‘sod off’ and ask The Police to protect us. We pay their wages, not theses nonces in Westminster, most of who’m should be in prison.
Please explain for me who reads this stinking pile of dog poo… apart from the faux left liberal virtue signalling woke bunch of lobotomised cretins. Who?
I skim read a few of the linked articles and just thought… what absolute bollocks.
Oh, and speaking of virtue signalling, I’m still pissed off that Newport County and Tranmere Rovers were issued with a ‘please explain’ by the EFL for not bending the knee in support of Black Lives Matter.
Why are English (and Welsh) Football teams having to bend the knee?
By the way, this column is the only time I’ll look at anything in this ‘newspaper’.
I can explain:
The people who still read that stinking pile are those who are old enough to remember way back when the rag was not so unremittingly sickening.
It’s a kind of nostalgia for the old days, as well as a feeling of loyalty towards one’s former allies. As with all sentimental attachment, critical thinking tends to have very little to do with it.
The better-educated, or brighter, elements in the working class found a resonance there which did not automatically support the sort of things which money-loving Conservatives wanted to do to our society – including the attempt by Thatcher and her ghouls to deny that there even was such a thing as “society”.
Back then, however, there really existed a “right wing”, or a “left wing”, and there were stories of the right wing utterly despising the Guardian to the following extent:
“Do you read the Guardian?”
“No, but I stepped in some once.”
Now it is the shattered remnants of the left wing which take the very same attitude towards that horrible paper.
It no longer wipes its bottom, nor does it use a deodorant.
Good explanation W… And yeah, I’m old enough (58) to remember such a thing as an actual left wing and right wing, and the Miners Strikes and the utterances of That woman from Grantham, and the absolute destruction she visited on the UK, especially in the North of England.
I had a number of expat English customers here in Australia who held a party to celebrate on the day of Thatchers funeral. They had moved to Aussie from places like Wigan or Rotherham or Rochdale.
The ludicrousness of footballers playing for English and Welsh teams going down on one knee in that way still makes me laugh. The incongruity of it! It makes no sense at all.
Many of the players are black, of course. When I see them do it, it reminds me of John Carlos and Tommie Smith, the athletes who gave the Black Power salute on the podium at the 1968 Olympics (and suffered for it). Hmm…Black Power salute, or going down on one knee…which of those is the more appropriate gesture? ;o)
(Hope you’re well, Gezzah).
I didn’t even know about it until I saw that story in BBC football, where I catch up on results and other football stories.
The incongruity of it indeed… I think the EFL has been taken over by Neoliberal ideologues pushing all this PC crap. Yeah, I’m okay, still have a roof over my head and food in my cupboards. Have a good week Gwyn.
That PC crap gets everywhere. Like the sorry, stinking mess that it is…
Glad to hear you’re doing okay, mate. And thanks a lot; you have a good week, too. :o)
bending knee is done to the queen / king to be knighted sir’ed or suck cock usually there meaning is servitude to kingdom doing the whore’s dirty work
but fundamentally a ritual not necessary BLM .
the faux left liberal virtue signalling woke bunch of lobotomised cretins.
Your starting to sound like them the opposite of what you think your not
I just thank fuck the guardian has a relatively low circulation. I live in one of the poorest areas of the UK, have done all my life and never met anyone who reads it. The best selling newspapers round my way are the daily mail and the mirror, the guardian is a newspaper read by the middle classes mostly. If you check out the daily mail website and take a look at the comments on Covid stories it’s very encouraging. If the views on those comment sections are representative of the views of daily mail readers in general it would seem like the penny has dropped for a lot of people.
Peter Hitchens on covid shit maybe
Yes, how are the mighty (corrupt and venal) fallen. Once upon a time the Graun was a campaigning paper which stood up to the abuses of power and a social-democratic political dispensation. In the earlier days of the Manchester Guardian, the then editor C.P.Scott – Comments are Free, but facts are sacred. It was the same C.P.Scott who opposed the South African war 1899-1902. As a result both the offices of the Manchester Guardian were attacked by jingoistic mobs as well as Scott’s own home which required police protection. Even in the 1960s and 70s the Guardian was regarded as a campaigning centre-left publication. That was then, this is now. The Guardian is now a business publication not a campaigning journal registered in the tax haven of the Cayman Islands in the Caribbean. The metamorphosis is complete. It is a rag among other capitalist rags, not worth the paper it is written upon.
Thanks for the heads up on that. I sell The Big Issue magazine here in Australia (my factory job went to China) and I’d say the majority of my customers read The Guardian, along with the several friends I have left, tho with the scamdemic, all of them believe there was a pandemic and they fully supported the social distancing and facemasks. A few others who were full on covid zombies I detached myself from. I have my doubts about how many are waking up in Australia. The media here has been truly vile especially demonising and smearing any people going against the Covid narrative.
The Daily Mail comments section is my new playground….i can get away with blue murder there compared to f/book or youtuba (where my bans neccesitate 3 accounts) ….however….the penny may be dropping but the level of indoctrination exhibited by some of the posters scares even me
Have a look at this! Unbelievable. Another dancing doctor video has emerged in India filmed in the past few days. They really are taking the p*ss now and rubbing it in our faces. ‘He’s doing it to cheer up Covid patients’ purportedly. If Covid patients were ill in a hospital ward would they really appreciate this blaring music? Empty bed beside him? Obviously nothing more urgent to do. The best bit is when the film stops rather abruptly when his face shield falls off.
Nurses stopped making TikTok videos once they realized they offended the public, who had cancelled their cancer screenings and other treatments in order to lighten the workload for doctors and nurses busy with Covid.
Hospital administrators took steps to punish nurses for making dance videos in work hours, while they were on full pandemic alert.
Just joking! Nurses have thanked the public for clapping and applauding the “frontline workers” by doing even more majestic dance moves.
Nurse magazine says “express yourself” on the taxpayers’ dime while the public nurse themselves at home.
Unable to stop those nurses dancing, public relations staff have been forced to put a positive spin on it, or a maybe a twist, suggesting nurses are really giving musical advice on how to fight Coronavirus… and raising spirits… while in Australia’s detention camps it’s full-on party time.
From what I’ve read, even stroke victims are reluctant to go to a hospital and face the Moon Landing nonsense.
After seeing that video, I’ve suddenly got the urge to smash things. ;o)
Hi Gwyn
Yep, the more I see things like this and read about where we’re heading, the more I get frustrated with those who refuse to open their eyes to the deception.
The only sense of relief I’ve had in the past few days was making contact with a couple who live two roads away from me who are completely as one with us on this. After initially coming across each other on a local community discussion forum, I met up with them (outdoors 😀 ) on Sunday and it was so heartening (in relative terms) to discuss everything with people who know and understand exactly what you’re talking about. As I said to them, I feel like we are not just ineffectual drops in a huge ocean, we are molecules in drops in the ocean.
We are thinking of going down the route of producing punchy factual leaflets that we can post through letterboxes to at least make people sit up and think. If we’re lucky we might inspire doubt in one out of a hundred!
I hope the forthcoming Welsh ‘Firebreak’ lockdown isn’t too onerous for you. That reminds me, I must get to the garden centre this week before it kicks in. Geez, this is all driving me nuts. One day (maybe?) we’ll manage to have our planned get-together.
I’m really happy for you that you met those people! They sound cool. And I’m still kicking myself for not getting my arse into gear sooner in order to come to meet you. Note to self: Stop procrastinating…
Your idea about distributing leaflets is an excellent one. There are plenty of people out there who are having doubts about the whole thing. I’m sure that your success rate will be much better than one in a hundred. :o)
It was a relief to me to find that one of my colleagues is of the same opinion as us about what’s going on. And another of my colleagues was very interested to hear what I had to say about it (and has since been asking me about it again).
Thank you for your kind words, Judy. Oh, and the second we’re able to meet up, I’ll be heading over to your neck of the woods. :o)
Hi again, Gwyn
I’ve just come across this. It’s not your work, is it! 😉 Seriously, it will be encouraging to everyone fighting this nonsense.
That’s excellent! It’s made my day. I wish I could claim credit for something like that… :o)
(Thanks very much).
Brilliant…exactly what’s needed! Many thanks.
I agree, Watt. It’s exactly what’s needed. But the credit must go to JudyJ. :o)
Indeed. Addressed! 🙂
This is exactly what is needed. Incorruptible newsprint. This well produced paper can have a rich social life as it spreads (like yon bloody virus! Bwaha!) And..a .pdf, if you like. All ready to prunt. Lifts my spirits no end..Happy Day! Thanks again.
It’s gone from the ridiculous to the absurd.
A brilliant way to wake people up to the covid con is to find some great videos on the subject, then go to your hight street and play them through a loud speaker so everyone can hear the content. People will be very interested to hear this stuff, because all dissent has been censored
“the UK Parliament passed the second reading of a bill permitting agents of the British government to break any law they deemed necessary in pursuit of “intelligence”. Two weeks prior they passed the Overseas Operations bill, which essentially legalised torture”
Doesn’t this make the UK the most (or second most) dangerous mafia on Earth?
In answer to your question: Yes.
How odd that as the COVID house of cards continues to collapse, the MSM coverage becomes increasingly hysterical with what appears to be expectation of an endless series of lockdowns with funny names to (as one news item revealingly put it) “buy us time”. Time for “restructuring” I.e. for a wrecking spree whose duration is being desperately prolonged until it reaches the point where it cannot be undone.
when the lockdown story gets boring for the clueless a) kill a black person or b) burn a church or C) decap a christian
AND REPEAT always draws the MPD attention from he Bs19 story lies
The only opposition to the lock-down is that they are not tough enough. These people are barking mad.
I lasted 2 minutes on the guardian comments page today before GCHQ locked me out. I was just repeating facts. I would like to see the Guardian shut down.
Not been allowed to comment on it for nine months, and the same with the Mail, in fact no comments at all show up in the mail from anybody, yet it may say 347 go to the comments and it’s blank!
The CIA have:
Weaponised a normal event: Climate.
Weaponised a normal event: Flu.
The World Health Organization (WHO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations – wiki
I think you mean the U.N. don’t you?
Go and look up what the UN is. The UN is a chamber where all the nations of the world meet and vote on stuff. The agenda normally dominated by the US and their vassal states. It has no independence of it’s own, because it has no military or organisation capable of dictating anything to anyone. How stupid do you think people are?
Have you heard of UN Agenda 21? Set up by globalists who have gotten all western govs to sign up to it.
The Guardian is now 100% troll in the comments section, there are no real people allowed.
Why is this not remarked anywhere. Total propaganda. I assume US agents, because even a retarded British solder would not destroy their own country, the way they are doing.
They are going for broke. They know a lengthy jail sentence awaits them but are desperately clinging onto hope that if they double down they can somehow continue with their terrorist atrocity and get away with it. They must be shitting themselves badly. Don’t blame them. lol.
I will continue to be as worried about the people who plan to lock them up as the ass-holes who back them. We, the people, don’t come out well form this, either way.
I understand your concern.
What do you suggest?
They still have a comments section?
A colleague of mine told me that when he recently went to a nearby town, he saw a group of people in the street who were addressing passers-by via a P.A. system. They were talking about the effects of lockdown, with a particular focus on the way they affect younger people.
Many people stopped to listen to what they were saying, and anyone who did so was politely (but firmly) encouraged to take off their mask. When people who were joining the audience saw that no one else was wearing a mask, they seemed happy and relieved to take theirs off, too.
Shortly after this happened, the town went into a local lockdown (which is being blamed on university students). Confining people to their homes is a handy way of heading off any such dissent, ain’t it?
They would like to ‘trace and track’ the people who heard the speaker, I’m sure.
That’s ‘trace and trap’.
Ireland and Europe’s Viral Outlook – what does the Latest Data say?
It is pretty clear from the data that all the excess “corona deaths” were caused by the panic propaganda campaign. A virus wouldn’t peak similtaneously in all different countries where as the effects of panic emails received similtaneously from the WHO etc would cause similtaneous deaths. What is worse is that this is a routine annual event so the usual “flu outbreaks” are also caused by panic due the germ theorists refusal to listen and persistant criminality. It is systematic murder of the elderly who could be living healthy lives given proper food and lifestyle advice.
They are clearly trying to annualise this event by transferring the fear to the normal flu.
I have no doubt they are the same people who organise terrorist bombings. These are utter psychopaths behind this. Peoples health is the furthest thing from their interest imaginable.
The recent attack in France was clearly a set up, they even have the new laws ready to run off the back of it. they don’t even hide it anymore from the interfilgent segment of society, as long as they can kid the idiot masses, with their candles.
This should be repeated often, and said loud and clear!
Anyone has any doubt about this?
Yes. Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food.
You should have stopped at “Let food be your medicine”. They have made even that difficult, by poisoning our food.
You are free to follow your news outlet of choice, to pick your tribunes.
Jeffrey Toobin is a choice if you want the New York echo chamber to tell you, The Michael Flynn Dismissal Is Another Shot in Trump’s War on the Mueller Investigation; The Roger Stone Case Shows Why Trump Is Worse Than Nixon; and Despite the Coronavirus Pandemic, the Government Is Still Targeting L.G.B.T.Q. Rights.
Toobin is a mixologist. He takes the measure of moment and has a keen ear for the stories that play in the NYT, the New Yorker and on CNN. Then he weaves them together to provide a tapestry that reinforces your safe, middle class, small-c, frankly rather tame world view — while magically making you feel a bit liberal and edgy.
It’s a cocktail, not unlike the way the modern back bar genius reinvents grandpa’s gin with a squeeze of the lemons and a firmly modern twist.
Is it a surprise that Toobin should take the measure of himself while on a Zoom conference?
Do we care that he chose to mix it up while he thought the camera was off — but still in the middle of a virtual meeting with his colleagues?
There is a connection. He’s not alone. CNN reporter Richard Quest caught with sex toy in Central Park. Yes, it’s old but still chuckle-worthy. You can almost hear him pleading with the police: “but he’s my handler”.
It’s not an accident. It’s a world view. I just can’t quite put my finger on it.
Finding Toobin has written a book on a subject is a sure tell that the official version of that subject is pure manufacture. Patty Hearst, OJ Simpson….
Only the existence of a movie is a bigger giveaway. From UNITED 93 to DEEPWATER HORIZON to…. take your pick.
I refuse to seek out the sordid details, but perhaps Toobin just wanted to show his fellow Zoomers the mask Little Jeffrey wears.
Britain only breaks international law when the US tells us too, whether it is Iraq, Syria or Brexit. We are like the weedy boy at school trying to prove himself to the school bully. Boris Johnson and his vassal regime are quite prepared to ruin the country and its reputation over Brexit and the coronavirus scam because that’s what their American controllers have told them to do.
The conflicting stories and agonised indecision of late are the result of the rulers being unsure how to sell these twin scams and disasters to the British people.
PS This is the real Thom. I’m afraid to say there has been an imposter in our midst posting under the same name!
More and more I try to work out the West’s geostrategy for world domination. It is plainly obvious that the US Navy’s intimidatory tactics in the South China Sea is, if I may say so, ‘fishing in troubled waters’ China must be destroyed. In addition Russia is being surrounded by newly Americanised and virulently Russophobic States complete with short and intermediate nuclear tipped rockets aimed at Russia. Colour revolutions from the Baltic to the Black Sea. Russia must also be destroyed. The Ruling Elites in the wests have ordained it. The populations of the west are obviously being prepped for a war against the ‘evil empire’ When this is finally accomplished the world will be able to live in Peace and Prosperity under the leadership of the Anglo-Zionist empire. Yes, and the MSM says so, God’s in his heaven and all’s right with the world.
To call this a geostrategic plan is, whatever way you look at it, utterly demented. Going to war with Russia, a state which has developed hypersonic unstoppable missiles is not a good idea, but never mind the grand strategy has taken care of that by simply ignoring it. Even the more rational elements in the Deep State and MSM – e.g. The National Interest – have admitted that America has no way of stopping those weapons.
Thus an unwinnable war against powerful nation states is bad diplomacy. But just for a moment let us consider the far fetched notion that the AZ-empire conquers the world. How would the economic system – neoliberalism, globalization – actually work? Well it never has worked, at least for the overwhelming mass of humanity and it is a system with inbuilt structural faults and anomalies, rather like the flying money-sink the F35 ‘fighter’ plane which has never been tested in real war games and would almost certainly fail.
The criminally insane entrenched in the military industrial complex, the various spook agencies, the Think (Thick)Tanks, the MSM, the military, the Foreign Office are going to take us to the precipice on the basis of a completely ludicrous theory and strategy. This is the ultimate and irreversible crime against humanity.
Have a nice day everyone.
Emmanuel Goldstein is very real Winston.
Aye aye Luke Harding ……..where’s Ann Applebaum and Ed Lucas?
Along with the usual tsumani of corona lore, the BBC may be launching a new feature:
“Coronavirus morning update: 5 things you need to know about the coronavirus pandemic this Tuesday morning.”
So the virus has adopted the sport pattern i.e. it has its own special slot. Perhaps this is also an attmpt to move the entire news body over to a “corona-service”. That link certainly looks like a kind of “mini-news”. It even ends with a “cute bit”:
Ah you see – even in the middle of the apocalyptic plague, it’s good to have a bit of that old “competitive spirit”!
And it gets better:
The BBC are utter scum. Nobody should pay their “licence fee”.
Why?…… So ComCast Corproation can buy them up? wake up, you are a useful idiot of US corporations? A state owned media is an important voice in the long run, especially if we get our democracy back.
You really think getting our democracy back is an option?
Neither the BBC nor ComCast would allow it, and you admit yourself that the BBC is state-owned media.
Have you looked at “the state” recently?
It’s the identical twin of the BBC.
Doubt comcast would keep Fiona Bruce and Vanessa Feltz in 6 figue luxury…and that’s good reason enough.
Do you remember the Falklands War George? Well, of course you do. Well, I can remember very clearly when BBC Radio 4 (the FM service at least) went over to being a Falklands War service. Brian Redhead was the chief cheerleader. (I expected better of him). Those of us who opposed the war felt very alone at the time. Kind of like now really, although of course we do now have Off-Guardian and a few other voices of sanity.
What’s so weird for me is that I genuinely used to think that The Guardian was a stand-up, totally independent source of news before, with a predictably comfortable classic liberal bias yes, but one I was used to and could temper with reading other sources. Now however, when I read it, all I can hear is the Ministry of Truth practically dictating the news..? Is it me, or did The Guardian change?
maybe the Ministry of Truth was dictating the news all along, but have periodically adjusted Official Reality in accordance with the requirements of the Inner Party. previously, the Party required that the Ingsoc Daily News be such that borderline dissidents such as yourself could still swallow it with becoming overtaken with waves of cognitive-dissonant nausea, but the situation has now changed, bigger plans are afoot, and you’re now an unperson, and as such, your opinion no longer matters.
When was that, Julia? 1840?
In the 1960s The Guardian was already known as a satirical attack on newspapers, and most of its readers as deluded snowflakes.
I’m afraid it’s you and me …
“What’s so weird for me is that I genuinely used to think that The Guardian was a stand-up, totally independent source of news before”
I’ve never read it but… maybe it was.
I used to read the Daily Mail ’till 911 happened.
After the US introduced the Patriot Act, the UK puled the Civil Contingencies Act off the shelf (I think that’s what it was called).
The Daily Mail never mentioned it as it was going through parliament but when it was passed they started running editorials saying what a bad piece of un-democratic legislation it was.
I have never read it since – nor any other newspaper for that matter – tho I do monitor them to see how low they have sunk.
I’m grateful to you for continuing to publish these. It’s now months since I last looked at the Guardian. I can’t even bear to click on the links you post to the articles you’re ridiculing. I’ve got past being amused of even outraged by the shitrag’s vapidity, dishonesty, and hypocrisy, and am now simply sickened by its ongoing existence.
don’t hesitate to tell us what you really think.
maybe it would be more soothing to have a regular feature entitled “Smarmy Lying Asshole of the Week Who Should Be Hanging from a Lamp-post”.
for the first installment, I nominate the fake-left scumbag poseur contained in one of the final links. no, not the COVID sniffer dogs, who probably can detect the actual flu, but are likely unaware that their honest work is being used in the service of the greatest fascist hoax in the history of the world.