Anthony Fauci: 40 Years of Lies From AZT to Remdesivir
As the planet’s “Virus Tsar” since 1984, he has spread misinformation and ignored critical questions. The consequences could hardly be more fatal.
Torsten Engelbrecht & Konstantin Demeter

Last week, US president Donald Trump committed a kind of blasphemy by attacking Anthony Fauci, his pandemic consultant and practically the spokesperson for the White House regarding COVID-19, saying that:
People are tired of hearing Fauci and all these idiots. He’s been here for 500 years. Fauci is a disaster. If I listened to him, we’d have 500,000 deaths.“
A remarkable statement of historical dimension, since Trump is the first American head of state to cast doubt on Fauci, who has acted as the virus tsar for no less than six presidencies: Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush Jr., Obama and Trump.
To make it clear, the logic behind Trump’s attack is scientifically unfounded. He refers to a statement of Fauci he made some months ago, according to which people should “not wear face masks.”. But even if all Americans had followed this advice, it would not have lead to a single extra death.
The simple reason is that the COVID-19 death rate data show unambiguously that a viral cause for the excess mortality seen in some countries, including the US, is virtually impossible — and that instead the massive experimental use of highly toxic drugs is the key factor in this context, as I recently outlined together with Claus Köhnlein MD, in an in-depth analysis for Real News Australia.
But on one point Trump hits the nail on the head: Fauci is simply a disaster, because he has been telling the world one lie after another for decades, while his presence actually feels almost as if he has been there for 500 years. And tragically, the mass media sell them to their audience of billions as a kind of gospel.
An example is — there’s no other way to put it — the downright shameful four page interview with Anthony Fauci in Germany’s best-known news magazine, Der Spiegel, published recently.
Shameful because Fauci here, too, is doing what he is a master at, namely, hoaxing the world — and Der Spiegel has been hoodwinked by him and, in admiration for the man dubbed by The New Yorker as “America’s Doctor,” which is a euphemism of the highest order, has forgotten to do its job: to ask critical questions.
The initial question alone is unworthy of a journalistic medium:
Dr. Fauci, you once said of yourself that you had‚ a reputation of speaking the truth at all times and not sugarcoating things. Can we hope to get a few samples of previously unspoken truths from you today?”
And Fauci answers:
Of course! I will always give you truth. Just ask the question and I’ll give you the truth. At least to the extent, that I think it is, right [laughs].”
Fauci: 36 years as the Modern Munchausen
What a farce. What Fauci thinks is right may be true for himself. But his statements do not stand up to an objective examination of scientific evidence.
Therefore he is not only “Dr. Wrong”, as he has been called recently by the conservative economist Stephen Moore, but actually “Dr. Baron of Lies”, because he must be aware that he is telling the untruth or that there are well-supported doubts about his theses. Especially because, since the beginning of his “reign” as global virus tsar in 1984, he has been repeatedly confronted with critical questions by many people (including me).
And what was his reaction over and over again? He just silenced and ignored the inquirers.
This is why his answer to Der Spiegel, “Just ask the question and I’ll give you the truth” is also a downright Fauci lie.
Unfortunately, he gets away with it not least because even world-famous personalities like Brad Pitt buy his lies and sell him to the world public as thoroughly sincere.
This is what happened on April 25, when the Hollywood star portrayed Fauci on Saturday Night Live. With a Fauci wig on his head and with the virus tsar’s typical raspy voice Brad Pitt spoke: “Until [I am getting fired by Trump], I am gonna be there puttin’ out the facts to whoever is listening.”
And at the end of the performance the actor took off the wig and said in his own voice: “To the real Dr. Fauci. Thank you for your calm, and your clarity in this unnverving time.”ix
But the only truth in these statements by Brad Pitt is that we live in “unnerving times.”
In fact, not outlining the facts, but saying the untruth and not answering is a characteristic behaviour that runs through Fauci’s entire 36 years in which the now 79-year-old has been director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). And this has very serious consequences.
Because with a current annual budget of almost six billion dollars, Fauci’s institute is a giant in AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and autoimmune research — while he himself is perhaps the most powerful man in the global virus circus.
The abundance of lies Fauci puts into the world is so great that you don’t even know where to start to enumerate them all. One of the many topic fields he is sending out factually untenable statements to the whole world is without question COVID-19. In order to become aware of this, one has to realize that:
- a) the RT-PCR tests are scientifically meaningless in detecting so-called SARS-CoV-2 infections,
- b) even according to orthodox researchers so-called SARS-CoV-2 is not excessively dangerous
- c) people, referred to as COVID-19 victims, probably did not die of so-called SARS-CoV-2 but of non-viral factors such as cancer and other serious underlying diseases, the experimental administration of highly toxic drugs and/or invasive ventilation.
Thus, Fauci‘s narratives about the alleged novel coronavirus become downright a fairy tale. And a fairy tale teller, a modern-day Munchausen “Baron of Lies”, Fauci has been since he became the director of the NIAID in 1984 — the year Ronald Reagan was US president and AIDS was put on the world stage.
This was a turning point in modern world history. Since then the virus hunters enjoy god-like status, and this was accomplished by lies and deceit. Fauci played a decisive role in its creation, and the parallels to the “installation” of COVID-19 are striking.
How Fauci’s Falsehoods turned AZT into a “magic bullet”
How could this happen? Not least due to the swine flu disaster in 1976 in which 50 million US citizens were persuaded to get vaccinated, resulting in side effects in 20 percent to 40 percent of recipients, including paralysis and even death, the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) came into unsettled political waters at the end of the 1970s.
As a result, the great contemplation began at these two most powerful organizations related to health politics and biomedical science.
In fact, Red Cross officer Paul Cumming told the San Francisco Chronicle in 1994 that “the CDC increasingly needed a major epidemic” at the beginning of the 1980s “to justify its existence.” And the HIV/AIDS theory was a salvation for American epidemic authorities.
As a result, “All the old virus hunters from the National Cancer Institute put new signs on their doors and became AIDS researchers. [US President Ronald] Reagan sent up about a billion dollars just for starters,” noted Kary Mullis who received the Nobel Prize for his invention of the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) which plays a central role in the context of COVID-19. “And suddenly everybody who could claim to be any kind of medical scientist and who hadn’t had anything much to do lately was fully employed.“
Among those who jumped over from cancer research to AIDS research, the best known is Robert Gallo. “HIV didn’t suddenly pop out of the rain forest or Haiti. It just popped into Bob Gallo’s hands at a time when he needed a new career,” as Mullis, who unfortunately died last year, noted with a wink.
And it started with big lies. The most important one was announced in April 1984 by Gallo, working under Fauci, when he claimed in a press conference that gained worldwide attention that „the probable cause of AIDS has been found.“
NB. Gallo’s papers were printed in the journal Science over one week after his press conference and also after he had filed a patent application for an antibody test later misleadingly named “HIV test”. Thus, nobody was able to review his work prior to his spectacular TV appearance, and for some days afterwards.
This presented a severe breach of professional scientific etiquette. And as review later showed Gallo’s studies did not deliver any proof for the virus thesis.[1]
Mullis confirmed it as well:
People keep asking me, ‘You mean you don’t believe that HIV causes AIDS?’ And I say, ‘Whether I believe it or not is irrelevant! I have no scientific evidence for it!’ I might believe in God, and He could have told me in a dream that HIV causes AIDS. But I wouldn’t stand up in front of scientists and say, ‘I believe HIV causes AIDS because God told me.’ I’d say, ‘I have papers here in hand and experiments that have been done that can be demonstrated to others.’ It’s not what somebody believes, it’s experimental proof that counts. And neither Montagnier, Gallo, nor anyone else had published papers describing experiments which led to the conclusion that HIV probably caused AIDS.”
Mullis even had the opportunity do ask Montagnier personally about a reference proving that HIV causes AIDS. But he couldn’t name one. “It was damned irritating,“ as Mullis reported. “If Montagnier didn’t know the answer, who the hell did?“
Of course, whoever is in possession of a solid peer-reviewed study that proves that HIV causes AIDS may please present it to me or my co-author!
I have searched for such a study by myself, but haven’t found it, either. I have also approached Anthony Fauci and his NIAID several times asking them, among other things, to send me such a study showing that HIV is a retrovirus that causes a deadly infection. Finally, I was told by Hillary Hoffman from the NIAID’s News and Science Writing Branch that:
Dr. Fauci respectfully declines to respond to the questions that you emailed.”[2]
About this practice of refusing to answer questions Horace F. Judson, historian of molecular biology, wrote in his book The Great Betrayal: Fraud in Science:
Central to the problem of misconduct is the response of institutions when charges erupt. Again and again the actions of senior scientists and administrators have been the very model of how not to respond. They have tried to smother the fire. Such flawed responses are altogether typical of misconduct cases.”
Calling AZT trials “scientifically controlled” is like referring to garbage as “haute cuisine”
Such behavior, which smells of misconduct, runs like a golden thread through Fauci‘s 36-year history as director of the NIAID.
A particularly blatant example is the approval of azidothymidine – commonly known as AZT – that became the first authorized AIDS medication. The basis for this was the so-called Fischl study which was published in July 1987 in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) — and already then Fauci was in charge of federal AIDS funding.
John Lauritsen, journalist, Harvard analyst and active in the Gay Rights Movement since the 1970s, had viewed the FDA documents on the Fischl study and came to the conclusion that the study was “fraud”; the Swiss newspaper Weltwoche termed the experiment a “gigantic botch-up” and NBC News in New York branded the experiments, conducted across the US, as “seriously flawed.“
Even the FDA toxicology analyst Harvey I. Chernov concluded — months before publication of the mentioned pivotal AZT study – in an FDA document obtained under the Freedom Of Information Act by John Lauritsten that:
The available data are insufficient to support FDA approval [of AZT].”
The Fischl experiments were, in fact, stopped after only four months, after 19 trial subjects in the placebo group (those who did not receive AZT, but rather an inactive placebo) and only one participant from the so-called verum group (those who were officially taking AZT) had died. Through this, according to the AIDS establishment, the efficacy of AZT appeared to be proven.
But the Fischl study was not even worth the paper it was printed on. Not only was it financed by AZT manufacturer Wellcome (today GlaxoSmithKline), which is clearly a conflict of interest, but it was “clear that Fauci‘s NIH and the FDA had far too ‘cozy’ a relationship with Burroughs-Wellcome,”as Lauritsen writes.
Apart from that, the study was stopped after only four months. A clinical trial observation period of only four months is much too short to be informative, considering the usual practice of administering AIDS medications over years, or even a lifetime.
Moreover, the Fischl study had been conducted in a downright fraudulent manner. “It is almost beyond the bounds of probability that the mortality data could be correct,” as Lauritsen states. “There are many ways that errors can occur in research. But in this particular study the most parsimonious explanation would be deliberate fraud.”[3]
For example, the double-blind conditions of the study (according to which neither the researchers nor patients should have known who was taking AZT and who was taking placebos) were no longer existent after a short time. NBC lead reporter Perri Peltz stated in 1988, that almost immediately everyone knew who was getting what. Patients told how they can distinguish AZT from placebo by the taste.
Furthermore, the FDA documents show that the study results were distorted. For example, sicker patients were placed in the placebo group or because the group that swallowed AZT (and therefore had to cope with the severe side effects) received more supportive medical services than the placebo subjects.
NBC reported that there was widespread tampering with the rules of the Fischl trial. The rules had been violated coast to coast, and if all patients with protocol violations were dropped, there wouldn’t be enough to be able to continue the study.
Fauci’s History of Ignoring Critical Questions
On 27 January 1988, NBC News (Channel 4) broadcasted the first of Peltz‘ three-part exposés on AZT.
When preparing this report, we repeatedly tried to interview Dr. Anthony Fauci at the National Institutes of Health. But both Dr. Fauci and Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Frank Young declined our request for interviews.”
“Welcome to the club, Perri!” wrote John Lauritsen in his book The AIDS War: Propaganda, Profeteering and Genocide from the Medical-Industrial Complex.
When it comes to questions of HIV or AZT, the Public Health Service bureaucrats and “scientists” won’t speak to me either; they have also refused to speak to the BBC, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Radio, Channel 4 (London) television, Italian television, The New Scientist, and Jack Anderson.“
The same happened to me recently when I sent Fauci, and his NIAID, questions regarding the Fischl study — to this day I have not received any answer.[4]
Of course, Fauci was willing to talk…in media that did not ask critical questions and only let him pray down his advertising messages.
On February 19, 1988, Fauci appeared on the televisioin program Good Morning America, as Lauritsen writes in his book. And he was asked why only one drug, AZT, had been made available. He replied:
The reason why only one drug has been made available — AZT — is because it’s the only drug that has been shown in scientifically controlled trials to be safe and effective.“
But “this brief statement contains several outstanding falsehoods,” as Lauritsen points out.
First, there have been no “scientifically controlled trials” of AZT; to refer to the FDA-conducted AZT trials as ‘scientifically controlled’ is equivalent to referring to garbage as la haute cuisine. Second, AZT is not ‘safe’: it is a highly toxic drug — the FDA analyst who reviewed the toxicology data on AZT recommended that it should not be approved. Third, AZT is not known objectively to be ‘effective’ for anything, except perhaps for destroying bone marrow.” [5]
Nevertheless, Fauci did not get tired of spreading factually unsubstantiated statements about AZT throughout the world. Even this year, at the end of April, Fauci was not afraid of promulgating the untruth about AZT during a White House meeting about Gilead’s drug remdesivir, by saying “the first randomized placebo-controlled trial with AZT… turned out to give an effect that was modest” (more on remdesivir below).
By the way, the inventor of AZT himself, Jerome Horwitz, said he was so cloyed with the drug that he “dumped it on the junk pile,” he “didn’t [even] keep the notebooks.“
His invention AZT was a chemotherapy-like drug of extreme, not to say fatal, toxicity and “so worthless” to him that he “didn’t think it was worth patenting,” as former BusinessWeek journalist Bruce Nussbaum writes in his book Good Intentions: How Big Business and the Medical Establishment are Corrupting the Fight against AIDS, Alzheimer’s, Cancer and More.
In the mid 1980s Fauci promised the world they would “develop a vaccine for AIDS” rapidly. But even 35 years later such a vaccine is not yet in sight — and this despite the fact that, according to calculations since the 1980s governments alone have funded HIV research with well over half a trillion US dollars so far, with annual US Federal budgets that are now around 35 billion dollars, compared to 0.9 billion in 1987.
Is the Watergate phenomenon — follow the money — also evident here? To this Charles Thomas, molecular biologist and former professor of biochemistry at Harvard and John Hopkins Universities, said:
Too many people are making too much money out of it. And money is stronger than truth.”
Same Old Scam: From AZT to “swine flu” vaccines, PrEP & remdesivir
The list of Fauci‘s assertions, which he must know he cannot substantiate scientifically, is almost endless. This cannot be stressed often enough.
In the context of so-called “bird flu” (H5N1) which was exaggerated to a world threat by the WHO, politicians, scientists and the mainstream media between 2003 and 2005, Fauci predicted that “even in the best-case scenarios” it would “cause 2 to 7 million deaths” worldwide. As the journalist Michael Fumento writes in his article:
Dr. Fauci’s recurring disease ‘nightmares’ often don’t materialize.”
In fact, even the World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that by May 16, 2006, H5N1 had killed “only” 100 people.
Equally unsubstantiated was Fauci’s aggressive promotion of H1N1 influenza (“swine flu”) vaccine in 2009. Back then he was reassuring that serious adverse events were “very, very, very rare”. Unfortunately, this statement was also irresponsibly unfounded, because the underlying studies were fast-tracked ones and lacked solid double-blind placebo-controls. There were also heavy conflicts of interests.
To make matters worse, only one year later, in 2010, the Swedish Agency for the Regulation of Prescription Drugs reported cases of children and adolescents suffering from narcolepsy after a swine flu vaccination — a neurological disorder that leads to a disturbance of the circadian rhythm (the biological clock that regulates the sleep-wake cycle).
Further analysis confirmed that the Pandemrix vaccine also caused the disease in vaccinated people in other countries. That the swine flu vaccine causes narcolepsy has been confirmed by the courts.
Nevertheless, Fauci did not let himself be put off.
In December 2015, for instance, the NEJM published his article Ending the HIV–AIDS Pandemic: Follow the Science. In this piece he made a case for “dramatically scale up HIV testing and treatment around the world” — including preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP), i.e. “using ART [antiretroviral therapy] for HIV prevention in HIV negative persons.”
That is to say, healthy people should take highly toxic drugs. But here again: As self-assured as he presents his statements, he was not prepared to substantiate them factually.
In my mentioned request to the NIAID, in relation to his 2015 article about PrEP I asked:
- In your NEJM article you write that the IPERGAY study showed that ‘persons who took PrEP… were 86% less likely to acquire HIV infection than those taking placebo.’ But in which study it has been shown that HIV is a very special retrovirus that causes a deadly infection?
- Or in other words: If even Luc Montagnier admits, that on the images done by electron microscopy of the cell culture that he used he “saw some particles but they did not have the morphology typical of retroviruses”xxxii — in which study it has been proven that HIV, which is said to be a retrovirus, is a deadly retrovirus?
- In your article you are making a case for “dramatically scale up HIV testing”—but in which study it has been proven that so-called HIV tests are in fact HIV tests?
- Do you agree that:
- so-called HIV tests respond “positive” to a wide range of physiological conditions
- HIV test kits were approved only for blood screening
- these tests do not claim to diagnose infection
- proteins such as p18 or p24 are not specific for HIV, and that
- there is no gold standard for an HIV test?
If not, which of these statements is wrong, and why is it wrong? If yes, why should we “dramatically scale up HIV testing”?
- You say in your article that “the early promise of durable effects from combination therapy has been realized for many patients.” But how can we conclude that ART being introduced in 1995/1996 is life-prolonging and responsible for having decreased the number of AIDS deaths in industrialized countries if:
- in 1995/1996 only a fraction of patients received ART
- statistics from the CDC and the RKI clearly show that the number of AIDS deaths actually reached the peak (mortality summit) as early as 1991,
- no reliable statements can be made as to whether a single drug and ART are life-prolonging, since the basic prerequisite for this is lacking: a solid placebo-controlled study that has demonstrated the superiority of the drug/ART?
Unfortunately, as mentioned, Hillary Hoffman from NIAID just let me know that:
Dr. Fauci respectfully declines to respond to the questions that you emailed.”[6]
Another example of a Fauci farce is Gilead Sciences’ rapid-release drug remdesivir, which was approved on May 2, 2020 in the context of COVID-19 for emergency use only. A few days before, the NIAID director claimed that a study found remdesivir would reduce recovery time and reduce mortality.
This can only be described as another scandal in which Fauci plays a central role—especially when you look at the fraudulent way in which the drug was approved and which is very similar to the way AZT was authorized in 1987.
An article from the Alliance for Human Research and Protection (AHRP) — Fauci’s Promotional Hype Catapults Gilead’s remdesivir — brought up the following painful subject:
Fauci has a vested interest in remdesivir. He sponsored the clinical trial whose detailed results have not been peer-reviewed. Furthermore, he declared the tenuous results to be ‘highly significant,’ and pronounced remdesivir to be the new ‘standard of care.’ Fauci made the promotional pronouncement while sitting on a couch in the White House, without providing a detailed news release; without a briefing at a medical meeting or in a scientific journal — as is the norm and practice, to allow scientists and researchers to review the data.
When he was asked about a recently published Chinese study on remdesivir, in The Lancet (April 29th , 2020); a trial that was stopped because of serious adverse events in 16 (12%) of the patients compared to four (5%) of patients in the placebo group, Dr. Fauci dismissed the study as ‘not adequate.’
But while the Chinese study that Fauci denigrated, was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multi-center peer-reviewed, published study in a premier journal, The Lancet, with all data available, the NIAID-Gilead study results the remdesivir approval is based on have not been published in peer-reviewed literature — nor have details of the findings been disclosed.
“However, they were publicly promoted by the head of the federal agency that conducted the study, from the White House,” as the AHRP underlined. “What better free advertisement?”
By the way, regarding Fauci’s financial relations with Gilead, there is a petition that requests that he discloses them, since he hasn’t done it yet.
What the virus tsar also failed to disclose to the public in his promotional pronouncement of remdesivir was that the primary outcomes of the study that led to its emergency use approval were changed on April 16, 2020. Changes in the primary outcome are posted on
Where previously there was an 8-point scale, which also included the deceased patients, from then on there has been only a 3-point scale, which leaves the deceased patient out of the equation and which at the same time only measures the time until recovery or being released from the hospital.
“Changing primary outcomes after a study has commenced is considered dubious and suspicious,” as the AHRP pointed out. And Reuters News reported that respected prominent leaders in the medical community — such as Steven Nissen MD, the chief academic officer at the Cleveland Clinic and Eric Topol MD, director and founder of the Scripps Research Translational Institute in California — were unimpressed by remdesivir’s tentative, modest benefit at best.
Referring to the Lancet report, Topol stated:
That’s the only thing I’ll hang my hat on, and that was negative.”
As for the NIAID modest results, Dr Topol was unimpressed:
It was expected to be a whopping effect. It clearly does not have that.”
The change in primary outcome measures raised serious red flags for scientists; but was largely ignored by the mainstream media which mostly repeated Fauci’s promotional script.
Steve Nissen told The Washington Post:
I think that they thought they weren’t going to win, and they wanted to change it to something they could win on. I prefer the original outcome. It’s harder. It’s a more meaningful endpoint. Getting out of the hospital early is useful, but it’s not a game-changer.”
As you can guess, all the questions I have asked the NIAID regarding remdesivir have remained unanswered as well…[7]
How toxic remdesivir is, is also shown by the fact that just recently, on October 2, the European Medicines Agency (EMA), the regulator of medicinal products of the European Union, started a safety review of remdesivir. Reason: Some patients taking the drug reported serious kidney problems.
About two weeks later, on October 15, the WHO reported that in its own trial named “Solidarity” which started in March this year remdesivir not only failed to produce any measurable benefit in terms of mortality reduction, but that it also didn’t reduce the need for ventilators, or the length of hospital stays.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s organization Children’s Health Defense pointed this out on October 23 on its website. Fauci, by contrast, again remained silent about this study.
But Gilead shot ahead and commented in all seriousness “it is unclear if any conclusive findings can be drawn from the [Solidarity] study results,” because the trial hadn’t been peer reviewed or published in a scholarly journal.
But this comment is downright ridiculous.
On the one hand, it was no less a figure than Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the WHO, who initiated this multi-center, global Solidarity trial (more than 11,300 adults with Covid-19 in 405 hospitals in 30 countries) for the very reason that:
Multiple small trials with different methodologies may not give us the clear, strong evidence we need about which treatments help to save lives. This large, international study is designed to generate the robust data we need, to show which treatments are the most effective.”
Moreover, Gilead forgot to mention in its statement that the pivotal trial of remdesivir leading to its emergency use approval, as outlined, had not been peer reviewed and published in a solid journal on the day of its approval (May 2nd), either, and that it was seriously flawed.
Nevertheless, the study funded by Fauci’s NIAID has been finally published on October 8 in the New England Journal of Medicine (ie in the same journals as the fraudulent pivotal trial of AZT). The only alleged benefit reported was a shorter recovery time for patients receiving remdesivir compared to those in the placebo group.
But this result has no validity, not only because of the seriously flawed underlying data. The way in which this drug got its approval is very reminiscent of the outlined fraudulent way in which AZT received its approval in 1987 in an alleged placebo trial. But in reality, almost from the beginning, everyone knew who was getting what (AZT or placebo) and patients even had their pills analyzed in the craving for the alleged miracle drug.
Who wants to rule out that this did not happen with remdesivir as well?
Especially since the placebo subjects in the remdesivir study did not receive a real placebo. Instead, the bulk of the patients got a “placebo” containing the same ingredients as remdesivir except the agent, for example sulfobutylether-beta-cyclodextrin, which can cause serious damage.
hydroxychloroquine illustrates Fauci’s mendacity
The story of the drug hydroxychloroquine also illustrates Fauci’s phoniness. At the end of March, US president Trump called this agent “a gift from God”, while Fauci warned against jumping on conclusions.
On May 27, Fauci even stated on CNN about hydroxychloroquine, “The scientific data is really quite evident now about the lack of efficacy.”
And his comments came days after the Lancet published a 96,000-patient observational study that concluded that hydroxychloroquine had no effect on Covid-19 and may have even caused some harm.
Too bad that shortly after, this Lancet study was retracted, because:
several concerns were raised with respect to the veracity of the data and analyses conducted by Surgisphere Corporation and its founder and our co-author, Sapan Desai.”
Hence, Fauci’s assertion on May 27, “The scientific data [about hydroxychloroquine] is really quite evident now about the lack of efficacy,” was definitely a voluntary false statement, simply because at that date Fauci must have known that scientific data backing his claim did not exist.
Or as Politico put it on May 27:
There is no data yet from randomized, controlled clinical trials of hydroxychloroquine—the gold standard for evaluating potential treatments.”
In fact, in 2005 the Virology Journal published an article concluding that chloroquine (of which hydroxychloroquine is a slightly milder derivative) is a “potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus” dubbed SARS-CoV-1, as health care expert Kevin Corbett points out in a Twitter post on October 26. And so-called SARS-CoV-2 is claimed to be genetically related to so-called SARS-CoV-1.
Of course, the Virology Journal study lacks validity because the science behind SARS-CoV-1 and SARS-CoV-2 is totally unfounded, and not least also because the study was just a cell culture and not a patient trial.
But Fauci is the world’s number one herald of the official corona narrative, and the study has been conducted by CDC scientists. So he should actually be totally convinced that chloroquine (and thus also hydroxychloroquine) is helpful in the context of corona.
Nevertheless, Fauci was unequivocal on Wednesday May 27, saying that “the data are clear right now” that hydroxychloroquine is not effective against the coronavirus.
This is why I asked Fauci’s NIAID, “How did Anthony Fauci come to his conclusion on May 27?”[8]. But I have not received an answer to this question, either.
Conversely, this does not mean that the effectiveness of the drug has been properly proven. Let’s not forget that hydroxychloroquine is far from a candy, it can have many serious side effects and even be fatal by causing cardiac arrhythmias, for example. Especially if it is given in higher doses, which is what happened in the treatment of so-called COVID-19 patients.
As mentioned, the experimental administration of high doses of potentially lethal drugs such as hydroxychloroquine is the major factor for the excess mortality observed in some (but not all!) countries. “I agree about hydroxychloroquine overdosing, both from a reduced function point of view and toxicity,” writes me Yale epidemiologist Harvey Risch by e-mail.[9]
Risch belongs to the best-known researchers who see a potential curative effect in the drug. The relevant studies with COVID-19 patients “all showed significant benefit for high-risk outpatients,” says Risch.[10]
A view that is also expressed, for example, in the almost 40-page inquiry of Paul V. Sheridan to Fauci with copies sent to President Trump and others.
But even if we assume that administering hydroxychloroquine in lower doses alone, or in combination with an antibiotic and possibly zinc, to so-called COVID-19 patients may help decreasing the hospitalization and mortality risk, for instance, there is definitely no solid proof that this is due to an antiviral/anti-SARS-CoV-2 effect, as claimed. So the only conclusion would be that the positive effect is due to hydroxychloroquine having an anti-inflammatory effect, antibiotics clearing pathogenic bacteria and zinc boosting the immune system and metabolism function.
Furthermore, it must be considered in this context that administering hydroxychloroquine alone or in combination with an antibiotic and maybe zinc cannot be at all a sustainable long-term therapy nor does it represent a real causal therapy.
This approach also just follows “modern biomedicine’s basic formula with its monocausal-microbial starting-point and its search for magic bullets: one disease, one cause, one cure,“ as American sociology professor, Steven Epstein, writes in his book Impure Science — AIDS, Activism and the Politics of Knowledge. An approach that finally is just escapist.
This was expressed by Allan Brandt, a medical historian at Harvard Medical School, stating in his book No Magic Bullet: The promise of the magic bullet has never been fulfilled.
Apart from that, there is only one way to prove that a drug or a combination of agents help reducing mortality or hospitalization or is effective in relation to any other clinical endpoint, that is if you do compare it with a real placebo.
As Marcia Angell, former Editor in Chief of the New England Journal of Medicine, states quite rightly in her book The Truth About the Drug Companies:
If there is really doubt about whether a standard treatment is effective, the FDA should require that clinical trials of new treatments have three comparison groups—new drug, old drug, and placebo.”
Unfortunately, there is no such placebo-study for hydroxychloroquine and COVID-19 showing that this drug is superior compared to doing nothing.
In this context, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. wrote on August 2 on Instagram, Fauci “insists he will not approve HCQ [hydroxychloroquine] for COVID until its efficacy is proven in ‘randomized, double blind placebo studies.’”
On this point one can indeed only agree with the virus tsar. And at the beginning of June, researchers reported the results of the first gold-standard clinical trial of hydroxychloroquine in Covid-19, concluding that it did not perform any better than placebo.
But here as well Fauci’s hypocrisy shows up in the end. Not only did the results of the said “first gold-standard” placebo study become known only at the beginning of June — thus a couple of days after Fauci made his unfounded claim that “The scientific data [about hydroxychloroquine] is really quite evident now about the lack of efficacy.”
Also, “to date, Dr Fauci has never advocated such [placebo] studies for any of the 72 vaccine doses added to the mandatory childhood schedule since he took over NIAID in 1984,” as Robert F. Kennedy Jr. also notes in his Instagram post. “Nor is he requiring them for the COVID vaccines currently racing for approval. Why should chloroquine be the only remedy required to cross this high hurdle?”
Fauci follows Big Pharma’s track
Additionally, the following question must be asked: Why do Fauci and his compliant companions focus on a “magic bullet” oriented symptom treatment medicine and not on causal therapies that take lifestyle factors such as nutrition, industrial toxins, exercise and psyche into account?
That can only be because people who occupy the highest positions of power such as Fauci obviously are on the side of pharmaceutical companies.
“Dr Fauci’s peculiar hostility towards HCQ is consistent with his half-century bias favoring vaccines and patent medicines,” as Robert F. Kennedy Jr. states. “Dr. Fauci’s double standards create confusion, mistrust and polarization.”
In this context, Kennedy Jr. points out that:
HCQ’s patents are long expired; pills cost 30¢. [And] HCQ might compete with Dr Fauci’s vaccines including the Moderna vaccine for which his agency owns half the patent and Dr Fauci has invested $500 million in taxpayer dollar.”
The emperor of worldwide virus research also has ties with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, who in turn is associated with Big Pharma and other powerful industries, and the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) that is associated with powerful industries as well.
In 2012 Fauci was named one of the five Leadership Council of the Gates Foundation-created Global Vaccine Action Plan.
The Gates Foundation also invests directly in Fauci’s NIAID (around $1.5 million in 2020 and around $7.5 million in 2019). And not least through Fauci’s vested interest in remdesivir, the circle closes when one realizes that the Gates Foundation owns more than $1.3 million in Gilead stock and more than $3.2 million in Gilead bonds.
So it is just jaw-dropping how Fauci can bloviate in the interview with German news magazine Der Spiegel mentioned at the beginning of this article:
I stay completely apolitical. I never, ever, get involved in politics… I have been neutral throughout the six presidents that I have served.”
With this assertion Fauci conveys a completely unrealistic picture of the reality which resembles a Fata Morgana in which politicians rule, companies keep the economy going and science tracks down the facts in completely independent manner — without getting significantly in each other’s way or even corrupting each other.
Besides, scientists are in no way immune to careerism, greed, and thirst for glory. Even though they are often perceived as such, scientists are not saints, they are humans with virtues and faults. Even Robert Koch and Louis Pasteur whose claims laid the foundation for the whole virus mania, were demonstrably career-obsessed science fraudsters.
No doubt, we are living in times in which politicians are less and less in control of politics and in which the influence of powerful industries is so great that the independence of research is no longer guaranteed in many areas.
As a 2004 Lancet review of Judson’s aforementioned book The Great Betrayal: Fraud in Science points out:
Judson paints a dark picture of [biomedical] science today, but we may see far darker days ahead as proof and profit become inextricably mixed.”
Fauci himself is the personified expression of this alarming development and thus far from being “completely apolitical,” in fact the opposite. Against this background, it seems just comprehensible that there is even a petition titled “#Fire Fauci.”
- [1] Steven Epstein. Impure Science—AIDS, Activism and the Politics of Knowledge (University of California Press, 1996, p. 73)
- [2] Author’s email communication with the NIAID media team (among them Hillary Hoffman) between January 9 and 30, 2018
- [3] John Lauritsen. The AIDS War. Propaganda, Profeteering and Genocide from the Medical-Industrial Complex (Asklepios, 1993, p. 77)
- [4] Author’s emails to the NIAID on August 24 and 27, 2020
- [5] John Lauritsen. The AIDS War. Propaganda, Profeteering and Genocide from the Medical-Industrial Complex (Asklepios, 1993, pp. 71-79)
- [6] Author’s email communication with the NIAID media team (among them Hillary Hoffman) between January 9 and 30, 2018
- [7] Author’s email to the NIAID on August 27, 2020
- [8] Personal email from September 11, 2020
- [9] Personal email from September 9, 2020
- [10] ibid.
Torsten Engelbrecht is an investigative journalist from Hamburg, Germany. The updated version of his book “Virus Mania,“ co-authored by Claus Köhnlein MD was published in 2020. In 2009 he won the German Alternate Media Award. He was a member of the Financial Times Deutschland staff and has also written for OffGuardian, The Ecologist, Rubikon, Süddeutsche Zeitung, and many others. His website is
Konstantin Demeter is a freelance photographer and an independent researcher. Together with the journalist Torsten Engelbrecht he has published articles on the “COVID-19” crisis in the online magazine Rubikon, as well as contributions on the monetary system, geopolitics, and the media in Swiss Italian newspapers.
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Did Fauci tell you to write this drivel? Kary Mullis said the PCR test does not and CANNOT be used to diagnose anything. It’s useful in laboratories to multiple a molecule so it can produce enough of a sample to be useful to study, but it CANNOT determine if that substance causes any illness.
One molecule doubled is two molecules and if you multiply each sample 30 times, you get ~one billion molecules of whatever you sampled. That only proves that you have a larger sample size.
Fauci puts out facts the way braver men put out fires … passing all over them
You have theorized that the likely effect of hydrochloroquine in the treatment of sars-cov-2 is anti-inflammatory. No. The effect of hydrochloroquine is to force the cell to admit more zinc than it naturally would. Cells will admit a very limited amount of zinc normally, so hydrochloroquine is really tricking the cell to admit more. The real powerhouse here is the zinc. It stops the virus from replicating. If hydrochloroquine plus zinc are used before a certain percentage of the alveoli of the lungs have been destroyed, the virus can be halted and the patient will again be able to circulate oxygen through his or her blood supply.
I’m not sure why you call hydroxychloroquine a dangerous drug, it actually has a pretty low toxicity. Chloroquine is a more dangerous form of the drug and this was used before hydrochloroquine was developed. I took hydrochloroquine as a prophylaxis for dengue fever when I was in my 40’s, with no ill effects. Plus, bonus, no dengue fever. My good friend who has lupus takes it now. She has also had no ill effects. The CDC vilified it and called it a dangerous drug during their politicization of the covid pandemic, but even they have now quietly re-allowed its usage. I think it’s perfectly safe at low dosages, just not the mega-doses that WHO was encouraging. But then, WHO’s director is a non-doctor, an ex Marxist terrorist from the Ethiopian Tigray People’s liberation Front who was hand-picked by the CCP. I think I’d trust my own experience with a drug before I would trust his.
Well, congratulations to Fauci! The European Union just spent 226 million euro’s voor Remdesivir!
Covid 19, 226 milioni di euro spesi dall’Ue per il farmaco Remdesivir sconsigliato dall’Oms. “L’Italia l’ha acquistato per 51 milioni” – Il Fatto Quotidiano
Back in the 1990s when rivers of money were flowing towards AIDS research relative to other diseases, I developed my own personal conspiracy theory to explain it: At the time, AIDS was initially considered a “gay man’s disease”. I figured that a large number of power brokers in Washington must have all been closet homosexuals terrified for their life after their covert sexploits and that they therefore directed huge amounts of funding towards it. I’ve never tried to scientifically test my hypothesis but I always get a chuckle out of it.
OK, but “…it would not have lead to a single extra death.” should be “led” to. “Lead” is a heavy metal used by plumbers and such.
This article should be read out loud on speakers in every European city and towns.
1.Jeff Nelson – Twitter Oct 30, 2020
“Fauci has known since at least July that most Covid “cases” are false. The US routinely uses 42-45 cycles, Fauci says any positive test above 35 cycles is a false positive. This is what the whole pandemic is based on – fake test results. Watch Fauci admit it.”
2.Brief comment.
One of the very few times that Fauci has told the truth, Western media mainstream doesn’t care a fig about it, they just keep on saying a bunch of shameful lies about Covid !!
3.How is it possible ?
“Presstitutes Embedded in the Pay of the CIA: A Confession from the Profession” by Udo Ulfkotte, Andrew Schlademan (Translator), John-Paul Leonard (Preface by)
The eagerly awaited English edition of “Bought Journalists” was suppressed for three years under the title “Journalists for Hire” — and still got 24 five-star-only Amazon reviews from would-be readers. 18 months on the bestseller list in Germany. Now it’s finally here!
Ever get the feeling the media tries to manipulate or lie to you? You have plenty of company! And you are right — the facts are in. A world-class media insider has blown the whistle on what really goes on inside the media industry.
Author Udo Ulfkotte was a respected journalist for 17 years with Germany’s newspaper of record, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. He begins this explosive exposé by first owning up to his own career, where he had to sell out to have the job. He then reveals the deceptive tricks and secret networks of power within the media. How perks are used to bribe journalists and opinion makers to twist their reporting. How the tone of corruption is set from the top — play along or quit. How the long arm of the NATO press office enrolls the media to get Europe to support more foreign wars.
Reference and continuation:
Barnes & Noble Presstitutes Embedded in the Pay of the CIA Udo Ulfkotte
4.Best regards.
Fabrice, greetings from Italy
That silly little bastard should be tried as a traitor and executed.
great work, thank you!
This video pretty much sums up Fauci and what we are all going thru . Trump got scammed by him to shut us all down . Watch what he said 4 years ago . How could he know this then if not part of the cause of it happening now? >
The CONCORDE trial on AZT (zidovudine) was a complete catastrophe, most people don’t know that.
· Seligmann et al ”Concorde: MRC/ANRS randomised double-blind controlled trial of immediate and deferred zidovudine in symptom-free HIV infection” Lancet 1994; 343: 871-81,
“The results of Concorde do not encourage the early use of zidovudine in symptom-free HIV-infected adults. They also call into question the uncritical use of CD4 cell counts as a surrogate endpoint for assessment of benefit from long-term antiretroviral therapy.”
“In all, 99 Imm and 38 Def participants stopped trial capsules because of adverse events. In only 16 Imm and 2 Def was haematological toxicity the main reason; in the rest it was predominantly gastrointestinal or neurological symptoms (headache) or malaise (table 6). One or more blood transfusions were received by 18 Imm and 11 Def while they were taking trial capsules.”
Some participants survived only by blood transfusions.
The substance class of nucleoside and nucleotide analoga remains the backbone of the alleged therapy, but today at much reduced dosage,
· Gardner, “HIV treatment and associated mitochondrial pathology: review of 25 years of in vitro, animal, and human studies.”, Toxicol Pathol. 2014 Jul;42(5):811-22,
“In 1988, the suggestion that the first antiretroviral drug, zidovudine, was the potential cause of muscle pathology in HIV-infected persons resulted in structural and biochemical patient studies demonstrating acquired mitochondrial dysfunction. Assessment of subsequent nucleoside analog reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NRTI) antiretroviral drugs has indicated that mitochondria are a common target of NRTI toxicity in multiple tissues, leading to a wide variety of pathology ranging from lipodystrophy to neuropathy. Overwhelmingly, these complications have emerged during post-licensing human studies.”
“Millions of patients have been treated with mitochondrially toxic NRTIs and these drugs remain the backbone of antiretroviral rollout in much of sub-Saharan Africa.”
In the last decades the dosages have been reduced dramatically and HIV+ measured people under therapy live longer. That is not good because these substances are highly toxic.
It is not possible to distinguish the side effects of the medication from the presumed effects of a virus. That should be a problem.
· Hart et al. “Inflammation-Related Morbidity and Mortality Among HIV-Positive Adults: How Extensive Is It?”, J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2018 Jan 1;77(1):1-7,
“Everyone in our investigation was taking suppressive ART. Thus, we can only speculate whether the grade 4 events are due to underlying HIV disease or to ART.”
The evidence how toxic these substances are is overwhelming, but nobody looks into this.
What can the additional effect of a virus be? Today it is mostly forgotten that the original AIDS population in the US in the 1980s was severely ill without any new virus from a putative zoonosis in Africa around 1930. And the bystander cell problem is not solved until today, that is, mostly uninfected cells die. This refers to the one big question, how does HIV-1 cause AIDS. It is not answered until today.
All of the original patients were drug addicts which had multiple classic infections due to frequent unprotected anal intercourse.
· Gottlieb et al., “Pneumocystis Pneumonia – Los Angeles“, Morbidity and mortality weekly report, Vol. 30, no. 21, June 5, 1981,
We tried to collect the literature on this topic and put it into a context of other interpretations of the data. It inevitably leads to a questioning of the HIV=AIDS dogma. And it leads to the question if the personal attacks and the defamations of critics of this dogma are not mainly motivated by the fact that these medications are mostly harmful.
· Comments on the “one big question“, „HOW DOES HIV-1 CAUSE AIDS?“, Coffin und Swanstrom (2013),
There is only one point I would take issue with this in-depth defrocking of an ignominious fraud.
It is around the testing of HCQ and what constitutes an acceptable trial.
If we accept Prof. Didier Raoult’s (Director of the university clinic Méditerranée Infection in Marseille; France) assertion that there is no ethical justification when a patient is before his physician he should not receive the most efficacious treatment available then how could the physician prescribe a placebo? This would be criminal!
So what is left to understand from this approach? Only comparative studies that are not conclusive although showing that the clinic’s approach has resulted in far less deaths than in other approaches.
Like my cousin (70) said to me when I shared two correlational studies from Spain and India between Covid19 mortatlity and zinc deficiency – also not conclusive – he said, “Don’t care about the doubts I am going for it.”
Dider Raoult resigned the French national panel for public policy on Covid19 deeming that there were to many undeclared interests for the panel to function correctly (he never imputed any bias or false witness, just that people with financial interests had not recused themselves.) He is now the object of a character assassination campaign by the media and associated “scientific” schills.
Interestingly, there was no RCT for Tamiflu, and data on low efficacy and side effects were not published for several years. In that case, ethical concerns were invoked as a reason for not requiring and RCT.
I remember people saying Fauci was a crook back in the 80s during the AIDS crisis. If only he’d been dumped then, we’d have perhaps been spared all the heartache of today.
We are missing the point here.
Fauci is a master of deception because he is a Jesuit
That is the whole purpose of Jesuitism, to deceive to gain power.
First time to my knowledge a leader of a state has actually set a likely limit to the BS, though he does not utterly reject it.
It could be said the Chinese have already done so, but while I don’t call it the “Chinese virus” I take Chinese official statements with a pinch of salt.
It will be interesting to see if others start doing the same, suggesting this thing is licked by next spring, of if they keep up with the “forever virus”.
Hi everybody,
it’s funny how one sometimes gets derived on the internet, when searching for something completely different, that’s how I got here. Have read some of your articles of course concerning the all time present virus and of course the commentary section which is very refreshing to read!
So the same happened 2 days ago when I searched for infos concerning HIV, this also being a virus, discovered more the 40y ago and still no vaccination. During my search I stumbled upon a page called Immunity Research Foundation, whos admin is John Lauritsen. Completely unfamiliar with him, AIDS, HIV I started reading on his page and found a lot of interesting information. Amongst others an interview from 1987 by Lauritsen with Dr. Peter Duesberg. When I read that name a déjà-vu came to my mind together with other names like Gallo, Montagnier et Fauci.
Of course I read the interview and I understood from where that name was familiar. At the end I just sat there in front of my notebook in bewilderment. Because not only did I find the name of Kary Mullis and his discovery of the PCR-Test, but also learned about the AZT Story and the book by Lauritsen: “Poison by prescription” and much insight what a virus is and that it is impossible to find it by using the PCR. While reading the interview I thought if one replaces HIV with covid19 it would match what Dr. Duesberg explaines. He explaines it in a way that even me, with no scientific background, understands. I also understood, that he has been right all along. What a waste of foundamental knowledge for that specific community.
The Interview:
Dr. Duesberg has written the book: Inventing the AIDS Virus. Only to be found veeery expensive in international bookstores.
Spot on. I’ve been saying this for months. COViD 19 is a faithful rerun of AIDS with the same cast of characters. Surely HIV has been run through Koch’s Postulates by now right? Oh yes here is an article about it on the NIH website. They attempted to run it through Koch’s postluates but didn’t get clear results. But since HIV (whose existence is still never proven absent this failed verification) was ‘the cause of AIDS in most cases’ they consider the HIV / AIDS hypothesis valid. This ridiculous circular reference is the exact opposite of science and only yields an indefensible conclusion. The best evidence we have 35 years later is that what we thought was HIV was just junk DNA produced by bodies under heavy assault from other factors including malnutrition, drug abuse and other STDs. A mischaracterization that is common in virology and genomics. Save for the part where real scientists admit their mistAkes.
Gallo and Fauci received a specimen from Montaigner and tried to patent immediately upon receipt as their own discovery. Simultaneously shielding themselves from inevitable questions they knew they couldn’t answer. This is known and not even debated. They then spent nearly ten years in court litigating this claim only to finally admit they lied. If I’m not mistaken Montaigner, despite winning the Nobel Prize for it’s discovery has questioned the existence of HIV, the HIV AIDS hypothesis. He was kicked out of an AIDS awareness organization that he founded. And has simce become convinced the holistic medicine has scientific merits which he has set out to prove. That’s how much faith a Nobel Prize winner lost in the system over this ordeal. Mullis, to his credit, never had faith. He demanded science and never saw it u til the day he died.
Now look at COVID 19. CDC admits they never had any specimen of it at all to this day. The sequence that is now the global test standard was derived by ‘consensus’ from just 37 base pairs, augmented with existing library sequences to produce a 30000 base pair sequence. Every functional feature was put there by guesswork. And when that sequence was synthesized and put back into himan cell lines there was, in their own words, “no viral replication”. They admit to listing as COVID deaths “deaths by intentional or unintentional injury” (read “murder and suicide”). It’s beyond preposterous. Likewise even today you can have AIDS in Australia and not have it in France. These so called viruses are ghosts that nobody has been able to verify in 35 years
Folks we need to be bold enough to say the thing that all the science points to:. HiV does not and did not ever exist. COVID 19 does not and did not ever exist. It’s what the science says clearly and anyone claiming otherwise must meet the burden of proof or be shamed as a charlatan.
Quick point on virology too. We keep hearing about this Wuhan Lab. About gain of function experiments in viruses. But do we even know that this is happening or exists? Was ebola real? It was never known to infect humans and after a lot of hype seems to have disappeared. When we hear about ‘chemical weapons’ they are always neurotoxins and not viral. We never see them.
Little is published about them and almost no real verifiable proof of their existence beyond scare stories. I’ve worked in clinical research for years yet COViD has given me new and compelling reasons to doubt germ theory comp!etely (because REAL scientists never stop questioning). AIDS is unequivocally a case of Terrain Theory. COvID seems to always have comorbidities which puts it in this category as well. Are viruses even real? Are we seeing nothing more here than the curtain being pulled back on a fraudulent wizard of Oz? On the grandest of scales? Hard to argue there are from more questions than answers.
“Quick point on virology too. We keep hearing about this Wuhan Lab. About gain of function experiments in viruses.” I looked into the original papers which published the first genome. Weirdly, it was almost simultaneously published by two teams, maybe even three. I am still looking into that part. If you look closely into the gene sequencing methodology and conclusions you realise that the declarations that the a) the virus is “new” b) the virus is SARS related c) has some relation to bats are nothing but dodgy STATISTICAL conclusions.
i.e. to create a “new virus” you don’t need to create anything in a lab.
All you need to do are find some pneumonia patients who are not responding to treatment, take a sample, try and match it to whatever your objective is (they specifically tried to match it to SARS and create SARS 2.0 and hey presto job done. The only people who have the qualifications and lab equipment to refute you are never going to get published even if they do refute you. It is really more a question of statistics and using the various software programs rather than doing anything in a lab by which you can declare a virus to be “new”. Remember that over 50% of pneumonia doesn’t have any known pathogen. We don’t know most of the pathogens which are floating around.
One team, which was the official Beijing team simply sequenced the genome, nothing more. No interpretation.
It was the second team working closely with Western scientists that declared it was SARS (SCARY) that it was bat related (cue the batsoup stories).
I am still researching this, I could be wrong but this is my preliminary understanding.
Both the Lauritsen and Duesberg books you mention are available as free pdf’s. I used duck duck go searching for the titles, and was able to find pdf’s listed on the first page of search (from the US).
thank you very much, yes I’ve found those too. But I would very much like to have the book. Have found one in Florida for 60$ but they are charging the same amount for postage. So I just wait for some bookstore here, where I put it on my wantlist.
John Lauritsen also extensively researched and pointed out how Burroughs Wellcome had invented amyl nitrite ampules as a pharmaceutical…
…which was then used to develop a $50 million a year (about $1/3 billion in today’s dollars) market for “poppers” among gay men. They used this as a stimulant/euphoric and numbing agent against the pain of…let’s just say certain physically dangerous activities they called “sex.”
Amyl, butyl, and isobutyl nitrite “poppers” were an absolute fixture of 1970s and 1980s homosexual clubbing/bar life.
The hideous truth that everyone dances around is that there is a likelihood of far greater than zero that “AIDS” among gay men was immune system collapse by a combination of biologically disruptive and destructive activities accelerated by the pandemic not of a virus, but “poppers” use/nitrite exposure. The drug itself led them to pursue more and more dangerous/intense behaviors.
It was in fact gay men’s groups that organized the first drives I heard of in the 1980s to ban “poppers.”
For a good time, read Bruce Nussbaum’s book, mentioned by the authors above, regarding how Tony Fauci took Act UP! for a ride regarding clinical trials for AZT.
These Pharma and “public health” moguls are absolute demons. They sell drugs that make you sick, then sell you more expensive drugs to manage the symptoms. At no point along the way does “health” actually come into the picture…just more and more consumerism delivered with more and more state coercion and surveillance.
Nitrates and nitrites are not only biologically disruptive, they appear to supercharge the effects of other biologically disruptive chemicals.
Just a couple articles; many others exist.
Thank you very much Mrs. Watcher. Actually my main aim is to rehabilitate Dr. Duesberg, without wanting to be presumptuous, I feel it such a shame, as they have deprived humanity of one great scientist, not to speak of what they have done to him. I would so much like to know what he thinks of todays hoax concerning C19.
Enemies of humanity and sub-human parasites, in no particular order
Edward Bernays
J Edgar Hoover
Chaim Weizmann
Otto Warburg
The Rotshchild inbreds
Royal inbreds
Henry Kissinger (Nobel Prize winner!)
Alan Dershowitz
George Bush
George Fuckin Bush
ANthony Fauci
Neal Ferguson
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
Teresa Tam
Michael J Ryan (extra special scumbag)
please add to the list
Roy Cohn (an associate of Trump in his younger days). Died of AIDS in 1986.
Roy Cohn died of AZT.
Why Otto Warburg ?
How is one to now turn Covid-19 denial into a pan virus denial? No one died of Covid-19! Really. HIV a hoax! Really? I stoped reading. Photographer turned Covid Expert second guesses WHO.
Wrong website, try reddit!
If you saw “No one died of Covid-19!” you clearly never even started reading.
“ COVID-19 (excess) mortalities: viral cause impossible—drugs with key role in about 200,000 extra deaths in Europe and the US alone”.
Who said this and what exactly does it mean?
I have no idea. I thought we were discussing the above article. Your quote isn’t in it.
Sincere apologies, really did’nt mean to confuse you. You see I have this bad habit of clicking on links as I read the article, to try and make sense out of the mishmash, and this one was fairly high up, one that the Authors wrote for
news of Australia.
It states that all the deaths were caused by aggressive treatment and not by Covid-19. Once again accept my humble apologies.
Easy – stop projecting your own denial into your smear of others.
HIV does not = AIDS – nor does it CAUSE AIDS.
But the belief in the above will continue long after the Fact is revealed.
You get something out of it, or you would drop it like a hot coal.
Bunts. There is some truth in what you say. Not all those who catch HIV develop AIDS but most of them do . There are also cases of AIDS due to other causes and not HIV. That is not new, it is well known. However that HIV is the causative agent of AIDS in most cases is the case and has been proven beyond doubt.
One of the side effects (sic) of ART – the replacement for the outright fatal AZT – is AIDS.
AIDS is an umbrella term for a range of conditions and not a virological condition.
The human inmmundeficiency virus or retrovirus is not proven beyond doubt to exist – in that there is scientific controversy. You can settle your mind as you will.
Just one link to your proof beyond all doubt would support your claim.
As to what is diagnosed as AIDS – this depends where you live, how you live and all manner of shenanigans.
I am not suggesting you should believe me, but from all I have read and seen and continue to see replicated in covid, along with a growing appreciation of terrain theory I would require compelling evidence.
Your finishing phrase is scientifically meaningless.
And why have we got a different terminology then? Because HIV is a retrovirus which was newly found to infect man and actually has been proven to exist. Unlike your suggestion that there is a scientific controversy, there is none. Some crackpot ‘scientists’ many not working in the field deny its existence. The main body of science and medicine don’t .
AIDS on the other hand is a clinical entity with many causes. The mason cause is the HIV viruses 1and2. But there are other causes, but these are much less common. In the case of COVID-19 not everyone who catches the virus SARS cov2 develops a disease many are asymptomatic or have mild symptoms. The only sane discussion is as to whether the virus causes sufficient death and morbidity to warrant lockdown. The denial that the virus exists belongs to Lala land. You can remain there if you like.
Crackpot scientists!
La la land!
Your world is your oyster.
So you read the NIH publicatiom, available on their website right now that concedes that HiV is not present in many AIDs cases? Or did you just cover your eyes and ears and scream “liar” like a child? I think the answer is clear.
Know what? Tony Fauci doesn’t think HIV causes AIDS either.
He and his cabal invented a new disease, “idiopathic CD-4 lymphocytopoenia,” to account for all the cases of AIDS that showed zero HIV even by their ridiculous testing protocols and propaganda framing
Fauci AS. CD4+ T-lymphocytopenia without HIV infection–no lights, no camera, just facts. N Engl J Med. 1993 Feb 11;328(6):429-31.
Laurence J, Siegal FP, Schattner E, Gelman IH, Morse S. Acquired immunodeficiency without evidence of infection with human immunodeficiency virus types 1 and 2. Lancet. 1992 Aug 1;340(8814):273-4.
Ho DD, Cao Y, Zhu T, Farthing C, Wang N, Gu G, Schooley RT, Daar ES. Idiopathic CD4+ T-lymphocytopenia–immunodeficiency without evidence of HIV infection. N Engl J Med. 1993 Feb 11;328(6):380-5.
Mrs Watch. Thank you. Did you read any of the papers? I did and got a very clear message. Could you please me tell me what your conclusion is beyond the title?
Looking forward to your informative comments.
“The leaders of two controversial pandemic simulations that took place just months before the Coronavirus crisis – Event 201 and Crimson Contagion – share a common history, the 2001 bio warfare simulation Dark Winter. Dark Winter not only predicted the 2001 anthrax attacks, but some of its participants had clear foreknowledge of those attacks.”
This event has been is been well researched and documented, and participants are known persons. “Dark Winter” was a mentioned label in the recent presidential debate. Why?
All Roads Lead To Dark Winter
Complete text:
“Conversely, this does not mean that the effectiveness of the drug has been properly proven. Let’s not forget that hydroxychloroquine is far from a candy, it can have many serious side effects and even be fatal by causing cardiac arrhythmias, for example. Especially if it is given in higher doses, which is what happened in the treatment of so-called COVID-19 patients.”
I’ve been saying it and saying it: HCQ is toxic. Why would I add a toxin to my body when my body is attempting to detoxify?, aka attempting to fight off a cold. Other than that, HCQ, in the right dosage, apparently, has some sort of benefit to sick people. (That’s not logical, I realize, but I am going on reports. I have no specialized knowledge. I only know that I’ll pass on, or say ‘no thanks to’, toxins, especially at a time when my body is trying to expel them.) I do not accept the conclusion that HCQ is useful in the fight against covid 19 because I absolutely do not believe that covid 19 exists.
Well said. I also do not believe any virus exists as there is no evidence that the dead particle they study under an electron microscope or live one in a culture is pathogenic. It’s never been proven. The only thing they can say is that it is present in an infection, but no direct causality has been established to the infection, ie the germ theory which was disproven 100 years ago or more.
All pharmaceuticals are toxic.
The issue of zinc deficiency – linked to arsenic toxicity is not the covid cover story – but is actual disease.
The benefit of HCQ in low dosage is not direct. It is simply in its enabling the intake of zinc into cells that are starved of zinc. There are other alternatives that also operate this function. The function in its timing saves dying from hypoxia – so you are free to die in some other time and place because you are still living the time of your life.
You have a false knowledge in making your belief about covid 19 a means for denying the disease conditions it is being assigned to.
Puritanical thinking is often impractical.
We are ongoingly toxified – try reading ‘what really makes you ill’ – and to some extent we are still alive and functioning – though degraded or compromised no doubt.
Fear and panic culture in treatments leveraged by design in my opinion, not only kill by malpractice, but by neglect of other treatments such as vit D, IV vit C.
I am persistently critical of the claims for covid19 – at all levels of its narrative – but I am no less critical of your chosen identity in ‘not believing it’ as a means be right.
A fantastic article by Torsten Engelbrecht & Konstantin Demeter. Thanks to them, and OffG.
I thought it was excellent as well.
Fantastic as in full of fantasy?
Orage, Really!. Are you able to substantiate that assertion at all please..
Anybody here believes that a Joe Biden president would not have followed NIAID maestro Fauci’s initial directions?
A survey conducted by the odious ABC here in Australia (yes, I looked) found that 64% of Australians will very likely get jabbed when the vaccine becomes available. A further 21% said they were somewhat likely to get vaccinated.
A woman interviewed in this article stated “I’m looking forward to the vaccine so we can all be safe again”.
And to further show the absurd level of brainwashing in this country, a Facebook post on Germany and France locking down had people gushing how wonderful Daniel Andrews was, how he’d done an amazing job and how Victoria had ‘taken it on the chin’ for the rest of Australia.
Stark raving nuts.
Australia’s % of Covid-19 fatalities is an eye watering 0.0035%. Total scam.
Yes… but try explaining that to all the quivering sheep here. And what exactly did those people die of? The flu in Australia virtually disappeared this year.
My dentist and many other supposedly intelligent and educated sheeple believe that the measures in Australia eradicated the flu!! ….. they refuse to accept the very blatant case of Occam’s Razor- the flu didn’t go anywhere, it is all being counted as “covid”.
I know! That’s why cases have virtually gone in Australia, coz it’s spring here, and cases are rising in the UK and Germany, etc coz its autumn.
Believe me, I wonder at the stupidity of people as well…
We should all be celebrating the disappearance or near-disappearance of flu. Whatever happened to it? Where did it go?
Um, I think it’s called another name now Waldorf… The perpetrators of this scamdemic must be amazed at how well their plans are working. Sigh.
Australia is toast! GTFO of there!!!
I know. I realised that when the panic buying of toilet paper began 8 months ago… There’s no international flights out of Melbourne until mid 2021 I think?
For controversial or unpopular issues, the propaganda industry relies heavily on (a) opaque surveys of opinion, even for cut-and-dried tangible matters (b) twisted questions (c) falsifying the results.
Thanks for the reminder M. Sometimes I have a bad habit of taking things at face value, and yes, I’m very aware of how dishonest and disgusting the MSM are. Yet I repeat what I see. Sigh🤷♂️
Tho I was also going by how completely compliant Aussies have been with the lockdown measures…
Speaking of ‘dishonest and disgusting MSM’, the ‘Deputy Political Editor’ of one of the UK rags has already published a brazenly propagandistic article declaring the UK Labour Party under Corbyn guilty of widespread ‘antisemitism’, in advance of the release of the Tory-friendly ‘Equality and Human Rights Commission’ report into this manufactured issue. Don’t be surprised if ABC Radio National yet again sycophantically interviews John (“tax avoidance is a basic British freedom”) McTernan singing the same tune.
And don’t expect any MSM stenographer to explain what they mean by ‘antisemitism’ – except a reference to the widely debunked IHRA ‘definition’ which talks about Israel in 7 of its 11 ‘examples’.
Nice to hear from you again CM!
Yes, I saw that earlier about Jeremy Corbyn and the naughty word on the bloody ABC. Or was it The Spectator? Somewhere anyway. I looked at the heading and skimmed the first paragraph.
How different this vile organisation, ‘Aunty’ is, to say back in the early 1990s. Yes, I know, two words: John Howard.
The only time my stereo goes on is too listen to one of my Cds. I don’t even listen to any radio anymore after the community station started pumping out Russiagate baloney and the their political ‘commenters’ were straight out saying Putin got Trump elected!
Hope you’ve been well and you’re lucky, at least Sydney hasn’t been as insane as Melbourne…
Thanks GP. I’m well, hope you are too.
You’re right about the deterioration of the ABC in the Howard years. At that time, I used to defend it but it pains me to say I no longer can. It has been cowed, and the influx of ex-News Corp types has simply speeded up the process.
Glad you’re listening to your CDs. As a classical man, I’m looking forward to Beethoven’s 250th birthday in December when I’ll be listening to some of “his” greatest recordings of the last 90 years. All via my own CDs, of course, not by listening to ‘Aunty’ who, having once been our chief patron of fine music, alas no longer seems able to tell a great performance from an ordinary one.
Take care.
Anti-semitism is discrimination against a special race. It is reserved, in that even a genuine semitic person may be denied its protection. It applies even in countries and disciplines that deny the existence of race.
No sympathies there- Corbyn should really have known better than to fall into that very old trap.
The trap Corbyn fell into was to imagine that the way to deal with false allegations was to make concessions to the accusers. Fatal! You do not get rid of blackmailers by giving them what they want. They just come back demanding more – as we saw.
The same with covid in thinking a rational debate is possible, allowed to happen, or would make any difference – apart from being weaponised as a way to string out the narrative while all eyes are away from the action.
Yes I sigh that so many feed upon polls intended as predictive programming
They subconsciously want to make themselves extinct- they know they are parasites on this planet.
I eat other life to survive in the body. I don’t invest in the ‘hungry ghost’ of Getting a life, but partake in a giving and receiving. Parasitic symbiosis in fungi is associated with clearing the dead. If we become dead in life, we attract the ‘parasite’. This way of seeing does not give demonic power to fear, but uses the fear as a call to align in life. Oops! I was taken for a ride there.
If you take a special identity against the role of death as if to gain life, it will always be set in the frame of what you are against.
The death-wish is much more pervasive than we think.
In any self-judgement or self rejection, hate and shame is the desire to kill. This is part of the old normal (as I an choosing to use the term). Bringing the dark to light is a different response to the attempt to eradicate or excommunicate it.
What we resists, persists.
Learning not to feed the troll, is different than scapegoating and driving out those whose behaviours activate the belief they are or might be infectious.
Your passion is not wrong. I am not seeking to deny the life in you. But if we are not aligned for life it is because we are giving energy and focus to the problem that then feeds on what we are giving it.
The sense of self-protection from violating change can set itself against all change and effectively download itself to an algorithm or machine thinking that cannot feel or know the life it has this escaped, conquered or con-trolled.
Thanks for the moment of reflection.
You can see why taking over the schools is part of the “long march through the institutions.”
I’ll bet the interviewed lady has one of those t-shirts or coffee mugs that says “I F—ing Love Science!”
Buy your 2020 fall season Science now! Don’t miss the newest fashions in fear and totems for voodooing it!
It is literally a new religion being cobbled together and propagated before our eyes.
Just a reminder that the word “propaganda”–propagation–is what the “Society of Jesus” (Jesuit order) was created for: to try to shove back into darkness the illumination of merchants/money masters/usurers in the temple challenged by the 15th century printing press and increasing literacy.
They called it “counterreformation,” but really it was “counter-citizen-journalism.” Or as my 17th and 18th century American ancestors would have called it, “counter pamphleteering.”
“Therefore he is not only “Dr. Wrong”, as he has been called recently by the conservative economist Stephen Moore, but actually “Dr. Baron of Lies”, because he must be aware that he is telling the untruth or that there are well-supported doubts about his theses.” There’s no two or more ways about it. Fauci is a liar and a gangster. There’s been enough reportage (Children’s Health Defense, The Highwire) about him that that is now crystal clear. He’s out of benefit of the doubt.
View these short excerpts: “Fibs” and “Gangster Tony Fauci And HCQ”
“Therefore he is not only “Dr. Wrong”, as he has been called recently by the conservative economist Stephen Moore…” I get a blank page for that link. I tried twice. The first time, I got a pop up telling me something about ‘Beast’. I clicked it away and the page went blank. The second time, I got only the blank page. I’m on Pale Moon.
Thank you Arby! Do you want to say that if you click on the link it doesn’t work? If yes, try, for example, the ABC News article “Doctors cry foul as White House targets Fauci, CDC”, in which it says “Stephen Moore, told The Daily Beast on Monday that he is working on a more detailed memo titled ‘Dr. Wrong’ for the White House with the express purpose to ‘go after Fauci.'”
It seems that it’s my Pale Moon browser. It gives me all sorts of problems. I just love it when my solutions are also problems. I quit Firefox for Pale Moon when Mozilla jumped on the censorship bandwagon. When I tell them at Pale Moon that I’m having problems, I’m bombarded with jargon and essentially told to figure out for myself. I hate geeks. Anyway, I’ve got the article. Thanks.
Nice photo…
The classic body language of, “What? ME, lying…?”
He could be saying “Why would you wear a mask? They only make you feel good but might actually cause problems.” Or he could be saying “Why wouldn’t you wear a mask? You would be keeping yourself and your loved ones safe.”
I reckon he’s singing, “He’s Got The Whole World in His Hands”.
Victoria OZ Premier Pushes Foreign Troops/
Plunging Flu Rates Baffle “Experts”/
Purged Conservatives Catalogued On!/
”New State Of China” Vows Overthrow of Old/
Paris Hilton Was MK Ultra’d/
Models In Goofy Virus Gear
NOTE: The new (reference to 1984) website has ALL the recently purged sites and is a great tool!
While I think this article is well written and researched, I have a few bones to pick with the authors in relationship to the safety and effectiveness of HCQ and zinc with an azithromycin chaser. First, proper studies are expensive and need grant funding. The reason that no rigorous double blind studies have been conducted on the efficacy of HCQ is that The Big Club has decided not to grant them. But we have a lot of data from Vladimir Zelenko (USA), The Frontline Doctors headed up by Simone Gold, and others that its use is both safe and effective. HCQ was approve by the FDA in the mid-60’s for use against malaria, and when prescribed in reasonable dosage, is considered over 60 years to be a very safe drug. In most countries prior to this year it was OTC. The Oxford study used 2400 mg of HCQ per day without zinc, a dosage considered to be potentially lethal. It was obviously a hit job piece. Dr. Zelenko and others found the regimen to be effective in the early stages of respiratory distress while the Oxford study focused on serious to critical hospitalized patients. Zelenko claimed that the agent which actually deactivated the virus or made it impossible to reproduce was the zinc, and the HCQ’s job was to open the ion channels in the cell membranes to allow a lot of zinc ions to enter. Zelenko used 220 mg of zinc sulfate which is equivalent to 50 mg of elemental zinc. He probably chose the sulfate salt because it is a powerful valence 2 anion and would allow the easiest release of a plus 2 zinc cation into the system. His protocol included 200 mg of HCQ per day, roughly 8% of the dosage of the Oxford study. Furthermore the protocol was for a period of only 5 days.
US law permits doctors to prescribe drugs which are FDA approved even if they were not tested against a specific disease or set of symptoms. It is referred to as an off-label prescription. Its primary disadvantage to doctors is that they are less protected against malpractice suits if they do not have a total Big Brother seal of approval. Because of this, the cult is putting pressure on pharmacists in the USA not to honor the prescriptions, which is probably illegal in the old normal as opposed to the new abnormal. I won’t go into the Frontline Doctors findings for the sake of brevity, but they are easily found.
I am not a big fan of drugs and Rockefeller medicine to say the least. I even have serious doubts regarding the germ theory of medicine. At the age of 74 I take no prescription drugs and rarely any OTC ones, though I do take nutritional supplements. I only mention this to allay suspicions regarding my prejudice in this matter. I believe that practically all pharmaceuticals do harm to the body, but may be necessary in emergencies when one has abused their body long term. But I feel that despite being an excellent article, the authors, trying to be “fair and balanced,” shortchanged HCQ and zinc.
Finally, the emergence of a safe and effective treatment against this purported virus (which has never been proven to exist) must have terrified the death cult which currently runs our planet. It threatens their agenda of destroying the global economy and forcing continuous injections upon every soul on the planet which will permanently alter their genetic make-up, and it had to be suppressed at all costs. Since I have no reason to believe that SARS-CoV-2 has any physical reality, it might not be illogical to assume that the HCQ protocol may be effective against a large range of respiratory infections which would make it doubly unpalatable.
I feel the same, el. I believe HCQ probably works. I confess to not having ever heard of it before coronaverse but it seems reasonable. It’s worked for malaria for years, hasnt it? Dr. Sherri Tenpenny recommends it also. Given in proper doses with the zinc and arithro –
It certainly sounds more promising than ventilators.
I live in southern Mexico in retirement. When I first came here only addictive drugs were by prescription. Then about four years ago they added antibiotics. My wife is prone to severe bronchitis, so I decided to get some HCQ just in case. But they had just sold out. My pharmacist told me to come back in 3 days and they would have more. Three days later it was by prescription only. In general. this class of drugs never gets put on prescription only here. Gee I wonder why this was done, but I am just not smart enough to figure it out?
However there is always Dr. Brownstein’s procedure with dilute hydrogen peroxide and iodine in a nebulizer which knocks it out quickly enough. There is also 75 grams of sterile sodium ascorbate taken in a drip IV, but I can’t find it here and it is only by prescription in the USA. That will knock out just about anything according to cardiologist Thomas E. Levy who wrote Curing the Incurable.
Isn’t it something about changing the requirement for HCQ? God, how blatantly obvious.
I tried the little bit of hydrogen peroxide in a big pot of steam after hearing about it. Didn’t have a nebulizer. I wasn’t that bad so I’m not sure how efficient it was. But I didn’t actually get sick so…. Have heard about that vit c intravenous also.
But I’m just gonna wait for the magic potion that makes everyone and everything go back to normal!
And makes Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, and lotsa other people very very rich(er).
A sodium ascorbate is a version of vitamin C, ascorbic acid.
For intravenous use, you can’t use straight ascorbic acid (I don’t think) because it’s too acid, but sodium ascorbate is pH neutral. But IV needs to be administered by a qualified person.
Best thing is to get hold of vitamin C powder (look for l-ascorbic acid powder). Hopefully you can order it online. Take it orally in water or juice. Dilute to taste. If its too acid, you could add about the same quantity of sodium bicarbonate (aka baking soda). It fizzes up and makes a sort of fizzy drink, which is actually sodium ascorbate, approximately pH neutral. (I wouldn’t try IV with home made sodium ascorbate though).
Also essential (IMHO) is vitamin d3 and vitamin k2. Also vitamin A (liver is a good source if you can eat it}. Also zinc, selenium and magnesium. The bisglycinate forms of minerals are usually well absorbed.
Yes. More specifically, sodium ascorbate is the sodium salt of ascorbic acid which dissociates when added to water. Ascorbic acid is moderately acidic with a pH of about 5 and one would not want to add it directly to the blood stream, particularly in large quantities, but the main reason to use sodium ascorbate is that ascorbic acid is only moderately soluble in water while sodium ascorbate is highly soluble.
I take my daily vitamin C as you describe which I buy in kilo bags. A level teaspoon (about 5 grams) with a level teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate in a half glass of water. (My wife takes it in Mango juice but I am a glutton for punishment.)
The thing about vitamin C is that it exerts a strong osmotic pressure on the colon. There is a daily quantity called the bowel tolerance level which usually runs between 7-15 grams a day. The more stress the body is in, the higher the BTL goes, as the ascorbic acid is broken down as it is used by the body. So you can only take so much before the rest is immediately pooped out as diarrhea. (It can be used as a safe and non-toxic laxative as well). But to knock out a severe infection, you need 5-10 times the amount of the BTL which is why it is done as an IV, bypassing the digestive system. You can get around this partially by taking quality liposomal vitamin C which is a lot more expensive to use daily, but it is still not as effective as an IV.
Liposomal Vitamin C seems the best, followed by Ester-C. These are non-acidic so you can swallow large amounts (grams) without stomach trouble.
Iodine is a carcinogen :/
Without that horrible carcinogen one would be a cretin as a child and have a huge goiter as an adult. Cancer would be the least of your problems.
Well, I got to thinking about this, sort of wondering where you got the idea that iodine is a carcinogen despite the fact that most people do not get enough of it for optimum health. And then it dawned on me that you must have read something about Fukushima and iodine. There is a radioactive isotope of iodine which does not occur in nature, specifically iodine-131. It is a decay product of nuclear reactions involving uranium and plutonium. Iodine-131is a beta particle emitter and also gives off powerful gamma rays. The principal areas of the body that iodine concentrate are the thyroid gland and female breasts. Obviously a powerful gamma ray emitter in these organs increases the risk of cancer. Iodine-131 is tremendously radioactive with a half life of only 8 days. The good news with this is that it disappears pretty quickly. Prior to Fukushima, Pacific kelp was probably the healthiest source for iodine supplementation, but at this point I would recommend mineral sources. There are 3 dozen isotopes of iodine but only one occurs in nature, iodine-127. It is not carcinogenic and essential for life.
Really? You are misinformed or misinforming.
Iodine is essential to living cells.
Why not support such claims?
Because you cannot?
There was also a treatment used in Madagascar -extract of sweet wormwood and other herbs that was working there. The president offered the treatment freely to any Country that wanted it. In Madagascar children in school were drinking it. I remember looking at ‘covid-19’ deaths at the time and the number was very small.
Interestingly, the treatment is usually used as an anti-malarial somewhat like HCQ….. It suddenly dropped off the radar and I must admit I haven’t checked Madagascar’s death rates for a while.
I don’t believe covid-19 exists, obviously it hasn’t been isolated….antibodies seem low on the ground and supposidly it can be caught again. We have also been told that an unidentified virus has mutated….pardon ?
I know statistics are given to present a seemingly ‘bleak outlook of number of covid-19 deaths’ but statistics can be scewed to make them say what you want them to say eg 30% for or 70% against depending on what context you wish to use them. Also, you need to remember that a financial gain was made from putting covid-19 on death certificates.
Bill Gates has book on a shelf behind him called ‘How to lie using statistics’ I have seen it a few times, looks like an office or home study room setting….a friend pointed it out to me.
That being said people have died of something and I am going to give a personal example…my friends mother 77 years old was taken to hospital at dinner time because she had low blood/oxygen saturation levels. At tea time she was dead….duly the death certificate stated covid-19 as cause of death…..what did she die of…there is something out there which is causing illness….many people were showing signs of altitude sickness on addmission to hospital..why?
In the case of my friend’s mother a 5G mast had been erected about 18 months ago right next to where her mum’s bungalow was situated.
I know it is easy to jump to conclusions that are not there….but as I that lady died of something.
France too killed off the HCQ combination treatment by restricting it to seriously ill patients. It ignored the recommendations and protests of doctors led by Prof. Didier Raoult. At one stage early on, all government stocks of both HCQ and masks for medical staff disappeared (report by Pepe Escobar, Asia Times, 2020-03).
Well, one should be sympathetic toward our Owners. They are having a hard time keeping the fatality numbers up, even throwing in a motorcycle accident here and there and execution by ventilators, and now have to revert to a fake casedemic to bludgeon the economies of the planet.
Interesting comment. Thanks.
Dearr el Gallinazo! Thanks for your post. You say my co-author Konstantin and I “shortchanged HCQ and zinc.” Please allow me to reply the following:
I personally thank you both for ‘Virus Mania’.
I would willingly read more of your perspectives in this field.
I commented on 4. on this page above. It is not anti-infammatory but aiding zinc intake – as I understand. Arsenic may be involved in zinc deficiency. Such toxins are pervasive and cumulative.
HCQ is not intended as a long term therapy.
I addressed puritanical liabilities above also.
I also would love to share in freedom from the fear of viral contagion (biological or otherwise).
A lot of 5. is by the desisting the use of toxic modes of living. This is a deeper issue than its symptoms.
We are basically on the same page, particularly in terms of that meretricious twerp,Fauci, and I think this article stands besides James Corbett’s epic three part video profile of Bill Gates. I would like to see Fauci indicted for 120,000 counts of manslaughter, if not second degree murder, for his execution of gay men with AZT, and Robert Gallo indicted for felony fraud. And of course Gates for the death and crippling of a half million children in India with his deadly polio inoculations and intentionally sterilizing thousands of girls in Africa.
We are all in a war to save humanity against these monsters, and you and I do differ in tactics. I have recently read Lester and Parker’s book, Firstenberg’s Invisible Rainbow, and am in the middle of The Contagion Myth (which had the distinction of being banned by Amazon but is available for download in iOS and Android formats from Barnes & Noble). So I am leaning heavily toward a full acceptance of Terrain theory, but still have a few unexplained mysteries with it, such as the measles parties of my youth in the 1950’s.
I don’t know how HCQ and zinc work. If one accepts the germ theory of viruses, then Vladimir Zelenko’s theory is plausible. The HCQ opens up the ion channels of the cell membrane and the zinc deactivates the virus. If one rejects the virus as a pathogen, then I am clueless. But studying Zelenko’s results as well as the Frontline Doctors group organized by Simone Gold, and others, I have no doubt that it drastically reduces symptoms and appears to eliminate deaths from respiratory disease when applied early on. And I say “respiratory disease” since we all know that cv-1984 is a fabricated hoax.
We also all know that the Cult, and I will not enumerate their frontmen further, relies on one weapon alone to manipulate the public, and that weapon is fear. If HCQ and zinc can eliminate fear of the fake virus from a large percentage of the global public through an effective treatment, they will lose this war. The public simply will not tolerate lockdowns and restrictions bludgeoning the world economy or take their DNA altering, Warp Speed inoculations. Sometimes the idealized and the perfect can be the enemy of the good. To end Rockefeller medicine we first must prevent “a boot stamping on a human face, forever.”
Thankyou for your companionship.
The communication of information within the biome of all life and in specific species as within an organism is for me the nature of life. The means for this are many and synchronous – ie not a linear central control system! One of these modes is through exosomes – which may be the broken fragments of cellular material that carry information from their experience. This allows a communication – which may be via bacterial, or particulate medium, to operate. The receptivity to any update’ may respond in any number of ways. Not so different from sending packets of information over the web that contain executables that are only activated under specific conditions. This model for me allows a communication that is in itself life supporting and not pathogenic – particularly relating to changes and challenges to life such as toxic conditions and perhaps trauma that is laid down or stored in the body.
Virus as pathogen is assigning our human mind to a viral packet.
Has anyone accounted for how ‘a bit of code’ can hijack a living cell in order to then replicate itself? Bill Gates could offer an answer but he knows it isn’t the virus that ‘does’ it but the crafted exploit to a systemic back-door. A breakdown of integrity to conditions of disorder is part of imbalance – without which balance could not be found and lived.
The equilibrium – is always in motion and so is not static and so is always moving to and from balance and the idea of homeostasis is similar. So all kinds of conditions are activated and then deactivated and many of these operate millions of times per second. The issues that arise under toxic and unsupported or malnutritive conditions, are where function is compromised or blocked so as to fail to complete. But I don’t separate out parts of such function and call them pathogenic just because they are found at the scene of the ‘crime’.
I wrote not so much to tell you anything you don’t already know but as the willingness to trust to writing where I am at that includes the idea of communication, but within a field or resonance and relevance.
Shooting the messenger is the liability of any defended model when a greater perspective knocks on the door.
I just watched a Dr Fuellmich – a lawyer who with others is on the case. He and others like him may move toward the direction you are hoping for.
I desire to see the use of fraud and deceit checked and blocked from further destruction via mind-capture as the prerequisite for anything else.
We will see.
Belief in masking cover story is very deep set. No one can begin to release what they are not aware of running under, and are predicated to defend it as their life. When what is toxic rises up from denial or encapsulation to be released, we experience it as reliving ancient trauma and reiterate whatever it costs to get the lid back on – as a kind of mind-capture or mind-control from a sense of conflict that invokes such control as the means to limit intolerable pain, fear, guilt. In that sense we are all like ‘shaped charges’. I don’t call for sympathy, but uncovering our own and coming through it in any sense opens a recognition and compassion for life. Love of life and humanity supports us through the unthinkable. Not for who we seem to be, but for who and what we truly are.
“Der Spiegel has been hoodwinked”
Anyone who still can take anything published by DER SPIEGEL as serious journalism should either consult a psychiatrist – because I would take it as a sign of a deep seated mental disease – or be laughed out of the room as a nut job of the finest order.
Depends on your tolerance towards those believing utter bullshit and if you see it as a mental disorder or just a personal failing.
I only look at this rag when I need a good laugh and Rachel Maddow is unavailable..
looong time ago I used to advice my foreign friends who wanted to improve their german by reading der SPIEGEL. Since in 2009 publishing on it’s front page “The World Virus” in huge letters, followed by lurid articles inside, I do not look at that weekly anymore. I read lately that Gates has donated which for me means der Spiegel has died!
Anything which involves Gates, Fauxi(intentional misspelling), and other notable frauds, leaves me breathless with doubt and mistrust.
When I see them support anything, I stop and ask myself ‘what do they have to gain by promoting whatever it is’.
They are both grifters of the first order. That’s how they got to where they are as spokespersons for the globalists.
First time I saw Fauxi my spidey sense tingled. As more facts regarding his involvement in various claims of vaccines over the years, just increased my doubt that he had my best interest at heart with his pronouncements. Watching his face in the clip when Trump lauded the HCQ cocktail as a possible prophylactic for the kung flu(Covid19), just increased my alarm. Shortly thereafter, HCQ cocktail was being denigrated as not good, by the usual suspects led by Fauxi. Totally blew his credibility for me. How could a therapeutic taken by billions of people for decades to combat ‘respiratory’ problems be suddenly so deadly, or ineffective?
The only answer I could discern was that somebody had something to gain by decrying its use. Further exploration revealed that the HCQ cocktail was relatively cheap, had negligible side effects(except in certain cases), and was readily available. Simple answer is that Gates, Fauxi, big pharma, et al could not make a bundle off of its use in relation to the kung flu. And, it didn’t make folks slaves to the right crowd, big government and the medical ‘experts’. The mask thingee and social distancing are just readily visible signs of that enslavement. Those who adhere to the word of the overlords will follow their dictates, whether or not it makes sense or is logical, given past studies regarding the effectiveness of those measures in preventing much of anything.
I’m not a scientist, I don’t play one on TV, but I did sleep at a Holiday Express one time long ago.
The authors of this article and the many contributors who commented on it, have given me much to think about. Thank you one and all.
Who Voted In Davos? How Data-Driven Government and the Internet of Bodies Are Poised To Transform Smart Sustainable Cities Into Social Impact Prisons
People are tired of hearing Fauci and all these idiots. He’s been here for 500 years. Fauci is a disaster. If I listened to him, we’d have 500,000 deaths.“
TRUMP NEVER SAID THIS ( Listen to the video )…. What else have you MISREPRESENTED. This is the THIN-EDGE of the WEDGE ???
Dhan Hurley
I wish to thank the authors for another well researched, poignant and frank article, much needed today. And, thanks to OG for publishing it for us to be able to read it and better understand how we are so influenced by evil people who seem to be coated with teflon.
I would not be surprised in the slightest if Fauci actually carried a carpetbag on him whenever he leaves his house.
Teflon? I thought it was slug slime.
I’m a complete fan of the book “Plague of Corruption” because I’ve spent a good deal of time researching the weaponizing of cancer and other nefarious bioweapons, both Dr. Fauci and Judy Mickovitz worked together at Fort Detrick’s bioweapons facility. Do the looking your self it’s all available on the internet.
I accidentally printed out 2 copies. But gave them both away.
I find Janine Roberts ‘Fear of the Invisible’ to stand with the article author’s Virus Mania as a very worthy read. I stand with Judy Mikovic in her rights and in gratitude for her willingness to blow the whistle on (unavoidable) vaccine contaminants – quite apart from those by neglect or design.
But Judy has an understandable axe to grind and a very deep personal investment in virology as a means to save humanity and this makes her current witness conflicted.
If you watch her being interviewed by Andre Kaufman who treats her with honour and respect, you may draw your own conclusions.
The attempt to hack human biology is similar to computing in some ways. various apparently unrelated conditions can be generated as a basis for natural immune response to fail. Negative synergies that show up when we need to draw on our resources – are then attributed to the immune response as if that were the disease and not the cure.
Mikovic worked at F Detrick AFTER it had been decommissioned for biological weapon research. Did you really READ the book?
The predicate of an identity set against fear of contagion is not in my interest to promote.
That the plague is of corruption and dishonesty is to the point.
All of this in in context. I already accepted and integrated much of what Judy revealed. Perhaps if that had been my first time, it would have impacted me more but at the same time fed the psyop of virus as warfare, rather than as a trojan for the ‘defences’ that kill us or deliver unto evils such a global biosecurity state.
Speaking of the Covid ‘vaccine’- Lower the bar and use the wider population as the test subjects.
Scientists Debate How Much to LOWER THE BAR on Covid-19 Vaccine Potential- Disconcerting
Absolutely. Let’s lower the bar some more.
Think of that next time a moth dies by flying into a candle in your home.
The candle that caused its death by covid19 was not vaccinated in time…
“Oh, come now; you’re just exaggerating, Mr. Wardropper. That’s ridiculous.”
But Is it really so far from the truth…?
The desperation of the vaccine investors to see huge amounts of money in their bank accounts as soon as possible is what is ridiculous here.
Hi wardropper
“The desperation of the vaccine investors to see huge amounts of money in their bank accounts as soon as possible is what is ridiculous here.”
“And I sincerely believe with you, that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies; & that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale”
Thomas Jefferson cited in a letter to John Taylor
– May 28, 1816 –
On Sunday, on the BBC’s Andrew Marr Show, Fauci asserted that the only way a person can be immune from the virus is by a vaccine. Either Fauci does not understand how vaccines work or he is a liar.
He’s a liar, a paid shill for Big Pharma and Bill Gates. He has no empathy for people, only for his own celebrity status and pocketbook.
Oh, it’s far far worse than that.
He is part of a global cabal that has made him very very rich over the past 40+ years. That cabal is, and has been for at least a century now, literally conniving to turn your biology–your natural developmental phases, the ills flesh is heir to, the sundry accidents of life, your very genes–into the new realm of real estate. For ownership, licensing, speculation. And for 24/7 oversight by automated surveillance, record-keeping, and analysis in a human hive where you cannot even access food and water without higher permission.
This is New Sumeria–or Babylon. The existing forms of real estate, the monetization and regulation and central control of land, food, air, water, freedom, movement, home, relationships, language, history, etc., are not enough for the global cabal. Their carcinogenic ideology of perpetual growth isn’t giving them enough money and power and reach and thrill and board-room war backed by propaganda.
So they want to manage your biological existence exactly the way that Big Pharma–which owns Big Ag–manages livestock. You as a commodity. Owned. And eventually, when they have put enough of their products into you that you can be branded theirs, you will have to pay them for the right to exist. As their property.
That is what Obamacare was about. Moving humanity in the direction of forever having to rent a place in line–invisible, unownable, rentier-price-tagged territory–from Big Pharma, never knowing whether it will actually help you when you need it, or just turn you away saying, “Sorry, hospitals are all closed for Tik Tok Nurse Dance Day.” Or, “You’re over 60, time to die now, we want your pension/savings/house.”
(You can search for the Associated Press piece from 1996 in which the Vaccine Establishment was talking about how that year’s flu shot had among its three components one for the Type A Wuhan flu virus that was known to be hard on elders and people with existing medical problems.)
I wish I were being hyperbolic above. But the writing has been on the wall at least since 1980–the Chakrabarty decision of the US SCOTUS.
Eight years earlier–1972–Mohan Chakrabarty had applied for a patent for a genetically modified Pseudomonas organism that he claimed could break down petrochemicals “for dealing with oil spills.” (That obviously was a carefully chosen case given the globalists move to the Petrodollar and associated high-profile environmental messes.) I cannot recall how many lab years preceded that, my point being only that gene diddling goes back way farther than most people realize. I don’t mean things like classical plant breeding or asexual reproduction, I mean literally jamming one life form’s genes into another life form.
Sidney A Diamond, patents and trademarks commissioner appointed by Jimmy Carter, overturned the decisions of both the patent examiner and patent appeals board (for Chakrabarty and his high-powered employer appealed the examiner’s decision that microbial life forms could not be patented), at which point the case began working through the legal thicket on the way to SCOTUS. SCOTUS decided 5-4 that a life form could be regarded as licensible, ownable property.
The twist is that, by insertion of novel genes into an existing organism, it is regarded as “man made.” So what happens when these “man made” organisms find their way into other organisms? I’ve never been able to get a straight answer on that from anyone in the legal, medical, or other biological professions. They dismiss such questions with a variety of tactics.
What is notable to me is that Mohan Chakrabarty gene-diddled this Pseudomonas organism for his employer…General Electric.
Within weeks of the election to the White House of General Electric’s puppet–GE mouthpiece and front man Ronald Reagan–Sidney Diamond left the patents and trademarks commish job. Died a few years later iirc.
Even more interesting, in the decision, SCOTUS said explicitly that any remedies to protect life forms from this sort of enslavement to corporations needed a Congressional/legislative remedy.
Good luck with that, what with the Dems in Congress shoveling money into their crime families from the CCP and the GOP on the side of Big Pharma’s Big Ag subsidiaries, which have been profiting hugely from PRC enslavement of a billion antlike workers.
(When I worked for a Land Grant college of agriculture I took calls pretty much weekly from farmers all over our region wondering if I or someone knew anything about “Orientals sneaking through their grain/crop fields.” I won’t digress there; I presume Off-Guardian readers can parse that for themselves.)
The lugals of ancient Sumeria figured out how to use their then-new communications technology of durable writing to create documents asserting this thing called “ownership”–of land, of people, of the things people created on land with their labor. They created both proto-capitalism and founded the fields of accounting and finance…tied to the temple.
Within that link you will see reference to the action, or story, or meme, of Jesus Christ expelling “money lenders” from the temple. That is a more powerful, based, revolutionary, and liberating action, or story, or meme than most people have any idea, and you don’t have to be religious or a Christian to appreciate it. That it keeps getting passed down shows just how deeply opposed many people are to having the Most High occupied by the Most Vile.
We have lived within this system our entire lives, though some of us have had corners of our lives where we can escape. At least till recently. Now the likes of Fauci and WA state governor Jay Inslee have created a campaign of fear porn and a Stasi-esque army of snitches eager to turn their neighbors in for the frissons of righteousness the exercise supplies them. Every last iota of human contact has been polluted with this fear porn propaganda campaign.
And God forbid you try to trade goods and services with your neighbors. The GloboCabal calls that the “shadow economy” and has all sorts of ideas for how they can capture, control, and tax all that activity.
My apologies for running on, but since much of the above was my professional specialty as a policy analyst for many years, I’m often saddened by the MSM refusal to engage it as a topic of impact for their audiences. It’s hard stuff to translate from Cabalese, but I have found that many “just regular people” viscerally get what’s at stake…and how…and why.
“Viscerally”. For me, I call it my ‘spidey sense’, or bs detector. Both have been going off louldly and insistently for quite a while now. And, not just for this latest case of horsepuckery.
At 79y.o., I had thought I’d be enjoying my golden years in relative peace and quiet. With all the skullduggery being outed each day, I may only be allowed to rest in peace, when I actually do.
Thanks, Mrs. Watcher, for the further enlightenment via your comment.
Fauci understands how vaccines work- he sees the dollars signs they bring in just fine
What he’s obfuscating is that humans develop immunity to viruses on their own thanks to their wonderful immune system- he doesn’t want you to know that your body has this capability- he wants the masses to believe they have to rely, be dependent on big pharma.
Or we can say he’s a liar-
It’s not just greed. Capitalism is his and his parasite/predator class’s religion. They have a sacred duty, conveniently, to get rich and it doesn’t matter how they do it because they are twisted. The very ungolden rule that they follow: ‘riches for the strongest’.
There is no either/or scenario here.
He’s a greedy, lying psychopath.
Fauci, that is.
Or both?
Steve, I’ll take the latter, or door #2, whatever.
not notice a theme/ pattern >? same story since how long
typical – concentration the sole blame on one person tried and tested lone patsy fall guy aka – Lone Nut Syndrome” case close – back to sleep
The occult cryptocracy processes the group mind of the masses mainly through psychodrama.”
I think very few of us here are blaming only one guy.
My list, for example, is long…
I bet no one read the link so they wont understand the few sentences i wrote
I read some of it and stopped at the familiar exaggeration of the murder of JFK being “the greatest conspiracy of the 20th century”. Disposable garbage. Americans sure think very highly of themselves. Those who still haven’t gotten over their christian conditioning will keep looking for Jesus.
I guess that follow the money has always and will continue to be the best route to the truth. The arms industrialists need wars and big pharma needs viruses.
you nose nothing
i was in the army navy
and pharmacy
get in line with the programme soldier
if we all believe in the virus
if we except it as the enema
we can wins
winner takes all
now dig that latrine
peel them spuds potato
Enema is right.
Spread those ass cheeks wide open (but keep your mask on please)
The monied industries simply arrange for their people to be the regulators, whether banking, pharmaceuticals or whatever. This provides them the illusion of legitimacy, just another sordid form of corruption. Bankers starve us and Big Pharma poisons us, both with impunity.
Hello Rancid: Very succinct and to the point comment. Bankers and lords have been the enslavers of civil populations for thousands of years. They modify the illusions of legitimacy using cleverly devised talking points and mass hypnotism.
Nearly 20 million people a year die of starvation, whilst bankers hire public relations firms to gorge the populace with fear. The covid scam is just another useful theme.
He has “crook” written all over him
I could see him as a minor villain in “The Sopranos”.
Like Neil Ferguson these people are allowed to continue, so justice seems to be impossible to be applied while they create disaster after disaster. I hope that if Trump wins he can make sure this fraud gets sacked (at least, if not sued).
I’ll state it again like I have many times over the past 5 months: if hydroxychloroquine (plus zinc) were to ever be recognized as an effective treatment for COVID-19, there would be no social distancing, no masks, no lockdowns, no expensive medical treatments (i.e. >$3000 remdesivir), trillions of dollars saved, no new abnormal, and no vaccines. Bottom line.
p.s. hydroxychloroquine, as a potent zinc ionophore, may be effective against many other diseases involving zinc deficiency, not the least of which is the flu and other cash cow viruses. Shhhhh! Don’t tell anyone or someone might do some research along these lines and obliterate a dozen major revenue streams.
Further report on encounters with the mainstream Left:
(And I know none of you give a shit about this but what the hell? I’m a lonely guy and this info may come in handy should you choose to venture into these halls of self-blinding idiocy.)
I have already spoken of the stages of reception: they ignore you, then they sneer at you in various ways. But then, if you persist, it may turn out that one of them has the decency to ask you for your view. So – with a sense that you are finally getting somewhere, you take a lot of time and effort into giving your view. You don’t phrase any of it in an offensive way because you want to engage in some kind of profitable discussion. And you also put it in Marxist terminology to “make it easier for them”.
And then you post it and sit back and think, “Now let the fruitful exchange commence!” And you wait with a certain apprehension for the respones to come in.
And then…
An hour goes by. A day goes by. A week goes by. And every time you log on to the site, you feel you are watching tumbleweeds rolling past. And you realise: they were just “humouring you”. You may as well not have bothered. And the most depressing thing is that you just know that when the topic of Covid comes up again on the site, the commenters will go back to square one, blowing raspberries at skeptics, calling them “intolerant”, refusing to answer a single issue you raised etc.
And I may be jumping the gun here because it’s only been a day. But it’s happened before exactly as described above.
Maybe the problem with sites is that like people they work better as networks. Even with a roster of contributors any site has its character: think of it sitting in the corner of the bar. Some evenings you go in for a drink and you nod but you avoid conversation. Not tonight, Joseph. Another evening you can’t stop chatting, you stay too late and pay for it dearly.
We all have our favourite sites but they don’t talk to each other. So again, it’s back to the bar but this time there are five people there, whom you know on chatting terms, but for some reason they don’t click.
Maybe that’s a good thing – seeing as Mr MOA doesn’t want to talk to Craig who’s too busy to talk to Off-G but the Saker’s flying visits are brief but entertaining.
Then there’s a gaggle who are all very opinionated but the traffic’s one way: all lip and no ear. In the snug there’s the chorus: they don’t really welcome new information; they only play ‘let’s agree’ so the conversation feels stagnant.
The good forums are few and far between (we are fortunate in this one) but it would be nice to see some way to cross-pollinate. Thanks to the inscrutable rules of Event Covid we may have to put the tables and chairs outside and maybe that will attract more passing traffic.
That is probably the best description of the site social situtation I have read!
This is sadly no forum, it’s a comments section designed for mobile phones (the death of the internet for intelligent public discourse).
You cannot keep track of discussions, and hence there are no discussions apart from brief back-and-forths.
@ George MC: I know how you feel. But on discussion forums your comment slides down out of view and not many are curious enough to scroll and scroll. Moreover nowadays everybody looks at a screen the size of 10x6cm which makes it tedious to read. That’s why most young people have no idea what’s going on in the world, because they are used to just reading tiny sentences and couldn’t bother to read more.
Languages and conversation will slowly die if this continues.
I always write on my Dell notebook, here or per email, no smartphone for that ;o))
The other day I was out to a beach and a public park area.
There, a young woman drove by me with her face covered in something that wonderfully fit the color of her jacket.
Recovering from astonishment, I came across a man in his fifties dressed in a formal suit, who I’ve seen previously. On some of those earlier occasions, I’ve overheard him speak of some buildings, as if they’re his own creation. An architect, likely. He was now sitting on a bench, alone, looking at an open book on his lap. The book’s pages contained tables. Unlike previous occasions, over the man’s face was a mask! I looked around again and confirmed to myself : no one was around him.
It looks like an intelligent person mercilessly insisting on analysis is making an elementary oversight: is it not a good situation to speak out?
I reflected, and soon returned to the bench. It was empty. So, I walked further down the paved path.
There was the young woman biker again. On a crowded bridge, she stopped and took off her face covering. Exactly at the only place around that featured a crowd of people, she took it off.
A little further away, there was the ‘architect,’ talking with another man. Both had their masks off.
I paused.
To make things clear: this apparently, insistently analytical person wore the mask when all alone, and pulled it down when having a conversation.
After I came back home, I opened OffGuardian and looked at the arguments here.
Imagine how they appeared to me.
Nor it’s just my perspective and my impressions.
The emotional and sensual basis of all reason has argued by novelists and hard-core neuroscientists alike.
Outside, looking at what I saw, at moments I feel cornered due to my focus on reasoned arguments. And then I tell myself: no need to feel so: relate to life more broadly. Consider the world’s diversity and its fluctuations. The days when reasoned arguments looked like the crucial thing are, for now, largely gone. Now, what I see, looks to me like kindergarten or elementary school environment. At school, one could speak fundamental truths that went against the accepted narrative, and be ‘popular’ : i.e. attract attention, and even envy. Often, the authorities allowed that to happen. Be that guy: that maverick model who lives and speaks as freely as possible, … as long as you’re allowed to. Be ‘the light’ source. The sun doesn’t worry about being the only star in the radius of light-years. It just does its job. That’s my outlook at the present.
And I’m thinking to myself: schools, we all say, indoctrinate. But just as it is demonstrably and provenly true that one can’t learn by listening to the truth, for the same reasons we can conclude that one can’t be indoctrinated by listening to lies. The learning and the indoctrination happen through what people do….
I’m actually interested in your dealings with these Left mainstream sites. Some of them make my head spin, and I wonder what planet they’re on.
I’ve actually been on both Craig Murray and Lockdown Sceptics the last couple of days, and noted the articles and comments at both, tho I haven’t commented myself yet. Also noted that Lockdown Sceptics gets a massive number of comments, think over 2700 on their most recent story alone.
This morning, even went on The Canary for about 4 minutes or so! I don’t think I’ll return to that one. I don’t know of many where you can have an input (yes The Corbett Report is another)
Anyway, hope your week is going well George…
The Canary is, in my view, a big fail. I have lost all interest in Craig Murray. He’s a smart man and I appreciate his support for Julian Assange, but… As far as I know, he repeats the lie that there’s a pandemic. Early on when I asked about his position, I was told (by a site mod or someone) to talk about in the forum. I had no idea what he or she was talking about. I clicked on the link and found an awful, cold, sterile forum of some sort. And no Craig Murray in sight.
At least the Offguardian forum can get, er, a bit colourful at times! There’s a lot of sites I won’t be returning to, and some I now view as controlled opposition. Second day back at work, and just heading to the train station.
I hope your weekend goes well Arby.
I know that you’re dealing with a lot where you are. Hang in there.
UPDATE: I did get a response – indeed several, all from the website owner who is a thoroughly decent guy. I responded to him whilst acknowledging that we were talking from possibly incompatible paradigms. Predictably I did not get – and do not expect to get – a reply from Mr “Gosh I’m so smart and you’re so dumb” defensive gobbledegook guy.
Positive ‘cases’ can be – and are – manipulated at will by playing with the cycle threshold (Ct) of the PCR test; See (& references therein)
“The first one I will call solving the “casedemic.” This is the elevated number of cases we see nationwide because of a flaw in the PCR test. The number of times the sample is amplified, also called the cycle threshold (Ct), is too high. It identifies people who do not have a viral load capable of making them ill or transmitting the disease to someone else as positive for COVID-19.
The New York Times reported this flaw on August 29 and said that in the samples they reviewed from three states where labs use a Ct of 37-40, up to 90% of tests are essentially false positives. The experts in that article said a Ct of around 30 would be more appropriate for indicating that someone could be contagious—those for whom contact tracing would make sense.”
Even the experts who demur seem to be expressing just opinions, as opposed to definitive requirements. What kind of technology is this? Can we build a bridge based on opinions?
The research involving the allegedly new virus SARS-CoV-2, only used 37 base pairs from actual sample tissue and filled in the rest (around 30,000 base pairs) with computer generated sequences, i.e. they made it up. The other of the COVID admissions is equally as stunning: after testing they found that SARS-CoV-2 could not infect human tissue.
SARS-CoV-2 is a stitched-together, Frankenstein virus, because it is a computer-generated, digital, abstract creation, not a real living virus. It has never been properly purified and isolated so that it could be sequenced from end-to-end once derived from living tissue; instead, it’s just digitally assembled from a computer viral database. The CDC scientists state they took just 37 base pairs from a genome of 30,000 base pairs! That means that about 0.001% of the viral sequence is derived from actual living samples or real bodily tissue.
So, the next time we ask why a software magnate is leading the war against it and why medical doctors are being silenced as the rest get paid to lie, we finally know the answer. It’s 99% computer virus. And where do all roads lead when tracing the history of the computer virus and cures ? Altogether now….
The quote :
“Whole-Genome Sequencing ….
We designed 37 pairs of nested PCRs spanning the genome on the basis of the coronavirus reference sequence (GenBank accession no. NC045512). We extracted nucleic acid from isolates and amplified by using the 37 individual nested PCRs.”
Interestingly enough, in the next paragraph, the CDC scientists say they used “quantitative PCR” for further analysis/construction, which goes against what Kary Mullis, the inventor of PCR, once said – namely that “quantitative PCR is an oxymoron” since PCR is inherently a qualitative technique not a quantitative one.
Quote 2 :
“… we examined the capacity of SARS-CoV-2 to infect and replicate in several common primate and human cell lines, including human adenocarcinoma cells (A549), human liver cells (HUH7.0), and human embryonic kidney cells (HEK-293T), in addition to Vero E6 and Vero CCL81 cells. We also examined an available big brown bat kidney cell line (EFK3B) for SARS-CoV-2 replication capacity. Each cell line was inoculated at high multiplicity of infection and examined 24 h postinfection … No CPE was observed in any of the cell lines except in Vero cells, which grew to >107 PFU at 24 h postinfection. In contrast, HUH7.0 and 293T cells showed only modest viral replication, and A549 cells were incompatible with SARS-CoV-2 infection. These results are consistent with previous susceptibility findings for SARS-CoV and suggest other common culture systems, including MDCK, HeLa, HEP-2, MRC-5 cells, and embryonated eggs, are unlikely to support SARS-CoV-2 replication. In addition, SARS-CoV-2 did not replicate in bat EFK3B cells, which are susceptible to MERS-CoV. Together, the results indicate that SARS-CoV-2 maintains a similar profile to SARS-CoV in terms of susceptible cell lines.”
PE stands for cytopathic effect or cytopathogenic effect and refers to structural changes in cells caused by viral invasion. No CPE was found in any of the human tissue cells, So, even by the rules of their own game, SARS-CoV-2 is not an infectious agent for humans.
There’s more, but limited space prevents it’s inclusion.
To sum up.
*Gates / Fauci ‘predicted’ that Trump would face a global pandemic before the end of his term for sure. Not probable -definite That was in 2017. It isn’t possible to predict a novel virus turning up with that degree of precision.
*State leaders are being instructed that their earlier orders weren’t decisive and firm enough. Not oppressive enough. Gates said back in June that that was the problem with wave 1. That those who were more oppressive were closest to eliminating the virus ( that nobody had or has yet found).Thus providing a justification for insisting state leaders were more aggressive against us when wave 2 arrived.
*Yes, Gates also predicted October would see wave 2. Again with no explanation of how , where or why other than to say it’s the weather. Why should we have listened ? Because he also ‘warned’ that ‘next time we’ll pay attention’. In true Nazi parlance with true Nazi arrogance and assurance.
*We want to know how he was able to make such pinpoint predictions . We want to know why they haven’t been able to identify the virus by isolating it. Because it looks for all the world like it isn’t there.
*This evidence explains just why it isn’t there. Why it can’t be in human hosts. And why the whole ‘defence’ is being run by a software ( computer ) magnate- Gates– who invests his own and his friends money in vaccines.
Sally Fallon Morrell and Dr. Thomas Cowan of the Weston A. Price Foundation.
Well thought out and summed up Jura, thanks
Great article. But I do have to take exception calling him the “Baron of Lies.” I think he deserves elevation to being referred to as the Princeling of Lies. But he does lay down a slick rap. My wife is totally taken in by this psychopathic twerp which has caused some friction in the household. I think if one does a hit parade countdown of the 20 MD’s most responsible for needless deaths and suffering, Fauci must take the Oscar, or in this case the Baphomet. In terms of sheer numbers, Josef Mengele was a mere piker in comparison.
Fauci’s acceptance speech will be to thank society for their acute lack of intelligence. We couldn’t have done without you. Then big pharma and so on……….
On second thought Fauci might be relocated to first runner up as I just remembered that Guillotine was a medical doctor.
His name was Guillotin – no ‘e’.
I think there originally was an “e”, but it was accidently lopped off during one of the early trials of the apparatus.
Thank you, I stand corrected. Though his fabulous invention does have the ‘e’ at the end, at least in the USA.
The Americans always have to go that little bit further I think el Let’s take a scientific paper in England we have method in America you get methodology
really ! I hope I spelt that incorrectly in your vocabulary and correct in my own
“Red Cross officer Paul Cumming told the San Francisco Chronicle that the CDC increasingly needed a major epidemic at the beginning of the 1980’s to justify its existence. And the HIV/AIDS theory was a salvation for American epidemic authorities.”
Bureaucratic bloodsuckers opined about how CDC needed pandemics to justify its existence sort of like how NATO needs wars.
Torsten Engelbrecht & Konstantin Demeter cited several riveting correlations between AIDS and COVID which bears repeating. In both diseases the testing process is “questionable” and those who test positive often are asymptomatic never acquiring AIDS or COVID.
Also people don’t actually die from AIDS or COVID, but of diseases which affect their immune system. In the case of AIDS HIV destroys the CD4 T lymphocytes (CD4 cells) of the immune system, leaving the body vulnerable to life-threatening infections and cancers. it should be noted, COVID does NOT affect more than 90% of the population, but is most devastating to the very elderly or those with compromised immune systems.
Another interesting correlation relating to AIDS and COVID is that drug companies are quick to advance “expensive” pharmaceuticals possessing dubious efficacy, but are highly noxious. In the case of AIDS the drug AZT is extremely toxic particularly affecting bone marrow suppression. The results are so severe that up to 50 percent of all AIDS patients cannot tolerate AZT. With COVID Fauci was quick to promote remdesivir. It was quickly approved on May 2, 2020 for emergency COVID use. “A few days before, the NIAID director claimed that a study found remdesivir would reduce recovery time and reduce mortality.” However, it was later determined to be ineffective while causing kidney issues.
You sort of have to wonder about the relationship between Gilead Labs and scientists who advance ineffective dangerous toxins as treatments.
Mainstream media news commentators relentlessly shriek “trust the scientists,” however, history proves scientific theory is not always objective or free from political ties and financial connections.
Two cases! Face nappies are still compulsory in Victoria. 25km travel distance still applies. Groups of no more than 10. Kids in schools need to wear masks along with the teacher. These are just a few of the restrictions still in place. This without any scientific merit.
The world continues to let themselves live in this obvious fraud, no questions asked.
So much for critical thought, let alone basic, simple questions for the wellbeing of yourself and family. Those days seem to be gone.
Society has gone stark raving mad.
Stupidity has become the new normal.
I just read a report about all the toxic substances in disposal masks and that Occupational Health(U.S.) recommends they not be worn for more than a few hours due to these highly toxic substances, possibly causing respiratory illnesses, even cancer. Even cloth masks, if made from new fabric, are impregnated with chemicals. A friend’s mother who had a fabric shop became extremely ill and died of a respiratory illness from inhaling these chemicals: it is known that workers in Chinese factories also become ill and disabled from the chemicals.
There are numerous modern sources of harmful gases, e.g. motor vehicle fumes (even inside a vehicle), fumes from new products (such as clothes and plastic), paint, insecticides, herbicides.
If one or more pupils faint or feel dizzy due to the masks, is there a secluded place where they can rest without masks? This is just a rhetorical question.
My daughter is in 7th grade and she says all her teachers have taken to wearing hospital scrubs at the school. It’s a weird dystopian world out there. I wonder if these people realize that more people die yearly from medical errors in the USA than Covid has killed?
How crazy this world has become.
There are people who force us to limit the most essential for our survival and that is
BREATHING, pure fresh air and the worst of it, the criminal part is, they force small
and younger children to not breath properly. It would be too elaborate to explain the
harm it does especially to children. (there is enough to find on the internet about it). Parents should unite to demonstrate against this criminal act which touches the most defenseless.
Take your children out of school for gods sake. I really boil with rage.
They deprive children of seeing smiling faces, facial expressions, they only see zombies in school and on streets. It is just too much to bear.
Anyone got personal info about the shopping restrictions in Wales?
Welsh Government updates list of goods that can be sold during lockdown – PA, Oct 27
In supermarkets, only 10 types of product can be sold:
Amazon to Expand Shipments of Nonessential Items …That was back in April… so it seems that Amazon had advance notice. The first ban came into place during the spring panic, now it’s coming back.
A further clue where this is going: Amazon has launched a new ‘Climate Pledge Friendly’ label in September to encourage its sellers to “create sustainable products”
Amazon’s global logistics business is somehow sustainable. The rest of you aren’t.