The Machine Stops

The second half of short-story double is The Machine Stops, by EM Forster. While technically more science fiction than horror, there’s no denying terrifying nature of the world Forster shows us.
This left a mark on me when I first read it in high school, and has been a favourite ever since. Chillingly dystopian, disturbingly prescient, beautifully written and not without a glimmer of optimism – It was first published over 110 years ago, but has arguably never been more relevant.
Happy Halloween Everyone.


“The machine is much, but it is not everything.”


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Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Nov 3, 2020 1:27 PM

The benefits of industrial enterprise:

The Dawn of Aquarius

It’s a steel grey morning
No sun within the keep
The giant continues sleeping
Foreboding in his breast

The hills lay dank and angry
There is soot upon the leaves
Black eternal sentries
Send smoke above the town

What price to pay for freedom
The gods are surely weeping
For the children lost their way
Sometime before the dawn

Riverview Park
Pittsburgh Pennsylvania
March 29, 1975

Nov 2, 2020 3:50 PM

Some hopeful news from my town, Salt Lake City, Utah. I live in a neighborhood that goes over the top for Halloween. One neighbor passes out homemade donuts, another spends weeks building a new haunted house in their yard leading to their porch every year, others are just known for giving out generous candy/snacks. Every year, people drive to our neighborhood and drop their kids off to trick or treat here. I was worried this year about how it would go, but we got candy and decorated in hopes people would come. And they did! I would say it was slightly smaller than normal, but still many large groups showed up. About 90% were not wearing masks. We went to a fire at a neighbor’s front yard, not a mask in sight. A guy dressed as Jesus showed up and blessed the gathering. I was pleasantly surprised and went to sleep feeling contented. In the news, there was a large concert/party called “The Protest at Halloween” at a local lake (it’s been warm this fall). They reported between 2,000 and 10,000 people showed up. The original organizers said they were harassed and intimidated by local authorities and cancelled the event, but people still came. They released this statement, which was published in the news: “We find it both disheartening and concerning that some within our society have allowed fear to supplant basic rights of assembly, giving individuals within the media and some public servants the ability to control what we consider to be a ‘pursuit of happiness,'” https://www.ksl.com/article/50041477/thousands-attend-halloween-party-in-utah-county-until-police-arrive I don’t hear about any of these events till after the fact. I may need to join Facebook just to stay up to date on the protests. I’ve heard our town has been criticized in national news for something from Facebook called… Read more »

Nov 2, 2020 9:34 PM
Reply to  LKing

I trust you’re being facetious, but please don’t join Facebook! I generally strongly oppose telling people what to do, but despite my skeptical agnosticism I believe that when someone says they’re thinking of joining Facebook or Twitter, the angels weep and the fires of Hell momentarily burn brighter. 😉

Nov 2, 2020 9:52 PM
Reply to  Ort

I tried a long time ago and got too bummed out. This site is the closest I get to social media. I do feel like I’m missing something though, I have no idea how else to find out about protests. I don’t go to church and now I don’t even go into work (not that anybody there would be free to admit to protesting.)

Nov 2, 2020 10:48 PM
Reply to  LKing

I know what you mean. I do check Twitter links when someone recommends them, albeit grudgingly.

It’s probably because of my bad attitude, but when I do glance at Twitter posts I find the layout confusing and difficult to parse. It’s easy enough to spot the item of interest, but it’s surrounded by a buzzing, blooming confusion and clutter of text and images. Again, it’s probably circular to say that I just don’t find it attractive.

Nov 2, 2020 11:05 PM
Reply to  Ort

Yep agreed. It has a trashy look to it that is unappealing to me, and the interface is awful. I think it makes sense to people who have been using it for a long time, so the complexity was incremental for them.

Nov 3, 2020 12:44 AM
Reply to  LKing

BTW, as you might infer from my commenting style: when Twitter first arrived, I declared it a bankrupt means of worthwhile communication on the grounds that “anything that can be said in 140 characters or less isn’t worth saying”. 😉

Nov 3, 2020 4:47 AM
Reply to  Ort

OTOH, some people here seem to think that the longer their comments are, the more time we will actually spend reading them.

Nov 3, 2020 4:25 PM
Reply to  Ort

I take it you don’t respect haikus then! 🙂

I have noticed a unique flair to your writing, but you don’t seem particularly verbose to me 🙂

Nov 3, 2020 8:04 PM
Reply to  LKing

Thanks, I think. I know I’m wordy; for instance, my e-mails usually run in paragraphs– almost all of the ones I receive are a sentence or two long. C’est moi!

I admit that for some odd reason, I was never able to warm up to reading poetry. But I do respect haiku, and working within traditional formal strictures.

Twitter’s limit isn’t designed to promote concise, pithy comments, or for esthetic reasons– it’s just a blunt instrument to grab maximum dumbed-down eyeballs.

I also enjoy fortune-cookie fortunes!

Speaking of formal poetry: a few years back, the local Jack & Jill Ice Cream Company got into trouble for accidently distributing batches of ice cream containing eggs, but failing to list “eggs” on the label. To honor this contretemps, I composed a limerick:

Jack and Jill their eggs did chill
It wasn’t on the label
Sue got sick
She’d had a lick
And now she’s wearing sable.

Nov 3, 2020 9:06 PM
Reply to  Ort

Well hey, if you’re a limerick writer and you like haiku, you’ve already got your foot in the door with poetry.

I have the exact same issue with lopsided email responses. I find myself better able to communicate with writing where I have time to formulate my thoughts and pick the right words. Whereas you and I seem to enjoy writing, I think people who aren’t that way would rather talk in person and just see email as a straight communication of data instead of a unique opportunity to share personality and style.

Nov 3, 2020 10:01 PM
Reply to  LKing

I agree completely– no surprise there.

Sit me down at a keyboard with a blank page to fill, and my stubby fingers just go galloping away.

But it’s obvious that for many, writing is truly a chore, and even irksome. It’s as if they’re laboriously forming words using a stylus and clay tablet, or a chisel and a slab of granite. 😉

Nov 3, 2020 10:24 PM
Reply to  Ort

Exactly, and you’ve said it better.

I hope you have a nice night. I just saw a news headline that said some large percentage of people have called Election Day the most stressful day of their lives! I’m “working” for another hour and then going to make a big pot of pasta.

Nov 3, 2020 5:08 PM
Reply to  Ort

I don’t know if this is accurate – and I don’t care. But I blame Twitter for the incessant and incessantly obnoxious trend nowadays to preface everything under the sun with a Hash Tag. May the Hash Tag end up in the same garbage heap with COVID-19!

Nov 3, 2020 8:08 PM
Reply to  Howard

I couldn’t agree more.

And as long as we’re tossing garbage into the Memory Hole portal of the dustbin of history, don’t forget the obnoxious “-gate” suffix.

It was clever for about five minutes during the Watergate Scandal, but has lived on and on as a monument to fatuous, lazy journalism and commentary.

Nov 3, 2020 6:19 AM
Reply to  LKing

In Germany there are local Telegram groups where people go to organize offline action. Maybe there is one where you live…or you can start one 🙂

Nov 3, 2020 4:25 PM
Reply to  Someone

Thanks! Have just been reading about Telegram. I did not know it existed.

Nov 2, 2020 11:24 PM
Reply to  LKing

Your “hopeful news” comes right out of Trump Country….You sound like a big fan.

Nov 3, 2020 1:54 AM
Reply to  maxine

Utah is a conservative state, but Salt Lake City is not. I voted for Jill Stein. I still think it’s good that people are fighting against the lockdowns, mandates, etc. I don’t think Trump should get any credit for that?

Nov 3, 2020 5:54 PM
Reply to  LKing

Glad to hear that….I voted for Jill too….Again, voted Green 2020….Trump shouldn’t get credit for anything but neither should Joe Biden…. It’s a disgusting system whereby one is stuck with 2 Wall Street, endless war making candidates….Voting for Joe is not voting for anything, just someone who is not Trump….I know Off-Guardian agrees with you on COVID….I have my doubts….Don’t know what to think but still wearing my mask, just in case.

Nov 3, 2020 6:12 PM
Reply to  maxine

I have not voted this year and am not sure I will.

“I know Off-Guardian agrees with you on COVID” – how so? I don’t have a definite opinion on covid, other than that I don’t think people should be forced to cover their faces, isolate from their families, close their businesses, be contract traced, or any of the other measures that are undertaken in its name.

Nov 3, 2020 8:20 PM
Reply to  LKing

Well indeed, these points are the same that O-G has been making for quite some time….I’m not out to fault you….Each to his/her own….But I’ve gotten some really nasty comments here because I’ve chosen to take some precautions.

Nov 3, 2020 8:28 PM
Reply to  maxine

Sorry to hear that you have gotten nasty comments. I know that many people here assert that Covid was fabricated. I don’t know if I understand the science well enough to say, but I do believe we should be allowed to choose how we want to react to it, without coercion or force.

Thank you for elaborating on your opinion, I’m glad to understand more about your thoughts.

Nov 3, 2020 4:56 PM
Reply to  maxine

Once again the tired conflation of respect for civil liberties with Trump/Republicanism.

Nov 3, 2020 5:14 PM
Reply to  nondimenticare

It’s only a fraction of a Hash Tag about Mr Trump – and a mountain of gold about some way, however slight, to protest the lockdown. That’s why I think – and of course could be dead wrong – that this one particular election is all about one thing and one thing only: are you pro-lockdown or anti-lockdown.

I just vote for Mr Trump – not because I like him, nor because I imagine my vote in any way affects the Empire; but because I am profoundly anti-lockdown.

As for voting Third Party (which I did previously), I find even the Socialist Party a bit too right wing for my liking.

Nov 3, 2020 6:03 PM
Reply to  Howard

Voting for a Fascist/Mussolini/Hitler type, I find unpalatable….I think it’s much more than the lock-down issue….It’s about halting Fascism….But I can’t see where Joe Biden will be much help.

Nov 3, 2020 6:07 PM
Reply to  Howard

Yes you have made a good point about the election. I swore about a year ago that I wasn’t going to vote ever again. And then this shit happens. I’m waiting a few more hours to decide.

Nov 3, 2020 5:53 PM
Reply to  nondimenticare

Thank you! I was baffled and insulted by maxine’s comment!

Nov 3, 2020 8:10 PM
Reply to  LKing

I truly apologize but please let me know how I insulted you?

Nov 3, 2020 8:20 PM
Reply to  maxine

Admittedly I’m a sensitive soul, but I posted something about “hopeful news” and then you said it back in quotes like that, as though it was the opposite of hopeful. You also accused me of being a big fan of Trump in the middle of “Trump Country.” So I guess my perception of your entire post is that it was full of disdain for me and the place where I live.

Nov 3, 2020 8:27 PM
Reply to  LKing

You sound like a lovely person and I’m truly sorry that my words insulted you….I did wrongly assume that Salt Lake City was Right-Wing (Trump) territory….Glad to hear it’s not!

Nov 3, 2020 8:49 PM
Reply to  maxine

Ditto! Utah is right wing and SLC is probably more right wing than other cities due to it being founded by Mormons who essentially run much of the state. And I myself do have some opinions that would get me labelled by some as right wing such as being in favor of the right to own firearms.

However, I have only ever voted for Jill Stein and Ralph Nader. I was raised in Las Vegas by leftists, my grandfather was a democrat Nevada state senator.

Phew! I have gone far too deep into this for any sane person. It’s been very interesting to hear from you and I hope you have a lovely evening.

Nov 2, 2020 7:30 AM

China seems discomfited by Sweden’s success with “covid”. A CGTN documentary could only quote individuals whose elderly parents died at care homes. But was that due to a failure of government policy or to capitalist corner-cutting?

However, CGTN was balanced. In effect, it admitted that Sweden seems to have escaped a resurgence unlike the rest of Europe. Its economy is suffering somewhat because its trade partners are suffering from their own unsound measures.

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Nov 2, 2020 3:13 AM

“The human mind, in taking us down the path of technocracy, has become the adversary of life itself and collaterally the adversary of the human soul.”
Konrad Lorenz

Oh by the way, Corbett’s most recent video describes the isolated technology dependent lifestyle envisioned by technocratic sociopaths. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYZZxxYBrS0&ab_channel=corbettreport

Nov 2, 2020 10:51 AM

Hi Charlotte,

Long time since I have heard Lorenz’s name mentioned. I think Lorenz was influenced by Steiner and the advent of a technochracy that deploys technology for ignoble purposes as a form of mechanical occultism or black magic. Hence it becomes the adversary of life and of the human soul in the service of Ahriman the great deceiver who wishes to steer human evolution on an entirely different course .

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Nov 2, 2020 11:32 AM
Reply to  -CO

OR he might have been influenced by his experience during WWII. “Lorenz was assigned as a military psychologist, conducting racial studies on humans in occupied Poznań under Rudolf Hippius. The objective was to study the biological characteristics of “German-Polish half-breeds” to determine whether they ‘benefitted’ from the same work ethics as ‘pure’ Germans.
Lorenz later described that he once saw transports of concentration camp inmates at
Fort VII near Poznań, which made him “fully realize the complete inhumanity of the Nazis”.

dr death
dr death
Nov 2, 2020 2:51 PM
Reply to  -CO

yes the quest for the singularity and cern odysseys all fit this blueprint.

Nov 2, 2020 3:54 PM

As of last week, my company has us working from home again (upside is, I don’t have to wear a mask) so I can believe that Corbett is correct. There is a “surge,” a “second wave,” an “upswing,” our cases are “skyrocketing” and we’re all “horrified” that our fellow man is “not caring enough to mask up” and shut up.

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Nov 2, 2020 7:00 PM
Reply to  LKing

“Shut up” and capitulate that’s the symbolism behind the mask.

Nov 2, 2020 7:12 PM

Agree, and it really works on me. I’m a soft-spoken person and have to work up courage every time I speak, the mask has made it so I just rarely speak at all in public now.

Nov 2, 2020 7:19 PM

Forgive me if this has been posted here before. I saw it on Twitter the other day and was struck:


Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Nov 3, 2020 12:54 AM
Reply to  LKing

Virtual lives are easier to control.

Voxi Pop
Voxi Pop
Nov 2, 2020 12:46 AM

Thank you for bringing this literature to my attention. I need a break. The glimmer of hope would help too. : )


ANATOMY OF LIES: Deep State Laptop Propaganda Pushback-
It’s Pizzagate 2.0, A Fake Document, Russia’s Fault, Deep Fake Porn/
“Infocalypse” Deep Fakes 90% Online Content Soon/
Giuliani Smeared/
Ex CIA: Scorecard Program Reliably Steals Elections

Nov 1, 2020 9:12 PM

She never let on. She never told me. She knew there was something wrong. She kept going to see her Doctor, and they kept telling her there is nothing wrong you…so she wrote a book about it. I know I Know her, but it is stil a great book…Its kind of written like a Schoolgirls Diary. She homeskilled her kids, and her husband is a Rock Guitarist, but none of them are famous…

Eventually she asked her Parents, if they could pay for her to see another Doctor…

Buy her book, they are going to be even more skint now.

Her Family are lovely People…but they wil get by. He is dead clever, and their son plays bass in one of his Dad’s bands…

I didn’t know them that well, and I bought her book on Amazon

She kept telling The Doctors I am not All Right. They treated her as if she was drunk, but she never drinks alcohol. I hope they are all O.K. I don’t do Facebook anymore, and maybe the Alzheimers are kicking in on me, so I will go upstairs to find her Brilliant Book and her name…I might even do a photo of it…

Wha a Lovely Girl, Wife and Mother….

“IT’S ALL IN MY HEAD: How to Survive a Brain Tumour and Find Peace of Mind”


comment image

She is my mate,


Nov 1, 2020 8:15 PM

Has Off-G gone bust?

Never seen nor heard of her before…but She is a Rock Star…
She had her Breast’s Cut Off. They told her she had Cancer, and Maybe she did..My brother got it when he was 29…and he did take the chemo. He was very seriously ill. I was convinced he was going to die that night…it was like I was saying good bye
A week later, well yes, he had gone a bit bald, he was taking his 4 kids swimming. He was very religious and He was very Clever…he lived nearly another 30 years….didn’t quite make 60.
I am still here at the age of 67, fit and healthy – well could be better…I was a lot fitter when I was 24, but it still works.
I think there are two reasons that so far I have so far as I am aware, never had cancer, and neither has my wife, is because she reads all these magazines about eating healthy food, and when our kids came hom from school, they didn’t ask their Mum for a Mars Bar – They asked her for a Raw Carrot…and ate it…
If this doesn’t get through The OFF-G Spam Check….Their are other websites…, and I do need to Dance
“”Kate Shemirani live interview on Camelot TV Network with John and Irina Mappin”



Nov 1, 2020 8:12 PM

Hi Everyone ,

While on the subject of the prospect of a dystopian future if nothings done about the cosmocracy and it’s influencing machine. I would like to bring your attention to a new smack in the face movie trailer on Pandemic Predictive Programing entitled SONGBIRD where the cosmocrats are setting us all up to be cooked via Covid- 23 nonsense. If you have not seen this trailer already I suggest that you do so fast as this movie has not popped up out of the woodwork to simply entertain us all it bears a clear message of things to come.

Nov 1, 2020 7:50 PM

the machine never stopped
we at the rockerfella skank zio foundations

hyper innovate

full myspace face visualization freedumb is close

after we flatten the curve again and again
like the end times year zero of the bolshevik revolutions

the survivors
lets get back to work

Nov 1, 2020 7:35 PM

So I googled her name. She hasn’t said anything I disagree with yet, but I am sure she will. I tried to skip the intro been watching it for about 10 mins.

“Kate Shemirani live interview on Camelot TV Network with John and Irina Mappin”



dr death
dr death
Nov 2, 2020 2:48 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

why do you persist in fouling the comments with your inane drunken ramblings, when sober you can be quite perspicacious and somewhat interesting.

Nov 1, 2020 7:08 PM

I bought some sailing rope yesterday and slung it in the boot of the car. So if I get stopped during the latest lockdown I will say I am looking for a suitable tree to hang myself if lockdown finally tips me over. I anticipate a wily cop saying surely there are trees closer to home. It is then that I will inform the officer that it has to be the wonderful Cedar of Lebanon whose branches stretch out in horizontal waves of stunning beauty. As there are no known trees of this variety in Merseyside the nearest is in Burnley, hence my journey. I have also made it my business to find every noteworthy Cedar of Lebanon in England and Scotland (see The Tree Register) so I will never be caught out. I will also make clear that in this instance the mission is purely reconnaissance and the desire for a hug – if not a person then what better than a Cedar of Lebanon

Covid Nurse Dancer
Covid Nurse Dancer
Nov 1, 2020 9:56 PM
Reply to  Molinos

Cheer UP!
You are welcome to join my team and I in one of our new NHS Dance Videos!

During the new lockdown we are all excited and fired up for another round of singing and dancing our way through the long days of boredom – just like we did during the first lockdown.

We dont expect to be busy as all surgery and all routine Cancer Screening, Heart Disease Screening, and Stroke treatment are suspended to free up capacity for the influx of Covid patients, and people dont like to bother us for more mundane ailments.

It was great last time, we have spent our days dancing, singing, and acting whilst getting to walk to the front of any and all ques after work to collect all sorts of freebies.

We will of course post our best videos on TikTok, Youtube, and Facebook – just like we did during the last Lockdown.

Come and join in the fun, hospitals are like empty fair grounds during lockdowns and are great to play around in. Best of all we get paid too!

Anyway, PM me for our Hospital address and I will buzz you in.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Nov 2, 2020 12:19 PM

And I’m sure you are looking forward to the on-street serenade of rattling pans, clapping, and general noise-making as the general public celebrate their heroes.

“We love Big Brother…” …oops, sorry, wrong nightmare..

Nov 2, 2020 5:38 AM
Reply to  Molinos

Sent: one digital hug

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 1, 2020 6:46 PM

I was on John Steppling’s Facebook page and he had a link to a video by Mike Yeadon – and it has been blocked! The big clampdown is now underway. The rulers know their bullshit is being stretched to the utmost limit and an oppositional volcanic eruption is on its way.

Nov 1, 2020 7:56 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Not in the HoC with Sir Ttilat Bill as leader of HMO it isn’t.

The trilateral billionaires seem perfectly happy with the status quo and the repressive lockdown(s) and get their paid-for servant, Sir Keir Rodney starmer, to say so.

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 1, 2020 5:26 PM

Latest on Beeb site: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-trending-54738471 “How I talk to the victims of conspiracy theories” I had no idea you could be the “victim” of a conspiracy theory. So how does that work? There you are quietly minding your own business in lockdown heaven when a huge hulking conspiracy theory with blood red fangs comes swooping down to bite you? “Sebastian’s mum is one of the leaders of Britain’s conspiracy community. He spoke exclusively to the BBC’s specialist disinformation reporter Marianna Spring about the impact that his mother is having on public health – and their relationship.” So you can also have a “conspiracy community”? Reading down – ah such a familiar ring! Lizards and Nazis . But here comes the Hollywood movie retribution bit. A guy who doesn’t believe it gets struck down with the deadly lurgae. As does his wife. He recovers. She doesn’t. The moral? It would appear that if you reject the MSM account, THIS WILL HAPPEN TO YOU! “Reporting on conspiracy theories is not about clamping down on healthy political discussion. And of course there are valid debates about the still-developing science. There’s a lot about this virus that we just don’t know.” “Healthy” discussion should be centred on that “still developing science”. How about peculiarly malleable science? “They are tales of sinister plots – supposed plans to implant microchips in the world’s population and kill and enslave billions. Or completely unscientific ideas – that the virus somehow “doesn’t exist” and that the health authorities are completely wrong.” The “health authorities”? Which health authorities? “Unfortunately, some people are so entranced by these fictions that that they lose their grip on reality. Some take it to extremes. I’ve been sent abuse, even death threats.” Phew! What a bunch of nutters! “But what about those who are only… Read more »

Catte Black
Catte Black
Nov 1, 2020 6:16 PM
Reply to  George Mc

This is awesome! Will be sharing. Thank you

Nov 2, 2020 8:03 PM
Reply to  Catte Black

Am I alone in this? Often when I return to OffG after going to a fellow commenter’s link the screen is filled with a large yellow star – so large that I cannot see it in its entirety. Very occasionally, instead of the star there is a large black wedge of some sort. Is this meant to be a warning about the site? Quite creepy.

Nov 1, 2020 6:42 PM
Reply to  George Mc


A conspiracy theorising Archbishop has written to Trump.
Now, you don’t have to be of a religious nature to see the importance of this letter.
Whether the Pres. will take heed of it is another matter…

Nov 1, 2020 7:01 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I know nothing about his Mum. I may vaguely have heard her name before as someone who got up on stage at Trafalgar Square, but I have never read or remembered anything she said.

Does Sebastian work for The BBC? Has he been completely Brainwashed to hate his Mum?

I find this really sad, but I don’t blame him, nor his Mum

I blame, the now openly Disgusting Organisation


How much lower can they go to reach the ultimate depths of Depravity? Brainwashing a Son Against his Mum, and then putting it on TV for Millions of people to see. These are real people, it is not a drama show using actors.

We do know about The White Helmets.


George Mc
George Mc
Nov 1, 2020 7:32 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

I have become so cynical re: the news that I don’t take anything they say at face value. Whether these presented individuals even exist is something I don’t automatically assume. And even if they do, I think I’m still right to be suspicious since these people will not be as they are shown.

Nov 2, 2020 5:49 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I was walking around Vegas once with my video game addicted husband at the time. We came across a parking lot setup for a pre-release demo of a highly anticipated video game, and they asked passersby if they wanted to try it. He tried it and then was roped in to an interview with their camera crew. They initially asked him what he thought of the game and then weren’t satisfied with what he said. They kept getting increasingly hostile with the suggestions and how animated they wanted him to be. Eventually they decided he wasn’t compliant enough and stopped trying to get him to interview. It was a weird experience and now I roll my eyes at everything I see on the news or in any supposed “talking to people on the streets” type footage.

Nov 2, 2020 6:06 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Next time someone tries to tell me there’s a tiny invisible enemy out there that uses children to attack grannies; knows wether you’re travelling for business or pleasure; knows when you’re most vulnerable ie leaving the table to go for a wee; can tell the time etc Should I follow the guidance and “Sit them down and just discuss it for hours until they realise what they’re saying is not true”?

Nov 2, 2020 6:36 AM
Reply to  George Mc

So, they admit to having a “specialist disinformation reporter”.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Nov 2, 2020 12:23 PM
Reply to  mgeo

Quite. We are supposed to believe their job is to counter disinformation, whereas it is really to generate it.

dr death
dr death
Nov 2, 2020 3:10 PM
Reply to  George Mc

ha, its the ultimate form of gaslighting, hunting and harrassing concerned citzens, liberally salted with mockery and ridicule all the while nurturing and nourishing a draconian nightmare for a dysgenic evil kleptocracy that pays their wine and coke bills.

Nov 2, 2020 5:38 PM
Reply to  George Mc

There is a type of post that appears every so often on Reddit. It is usually (supposedly) an 18 or so year old who has just got out of custody of their “crazy anti-vaxxer mom” – they are all grown up and have just got all their vax for the first time, and want everyone to congratulate them for overcoming their imbecile mom or dad, becoming woke, and for surviving all their jabs. The comments are all full of people praising them for being so smart and having the courage to go against their parents. It’s really bizarre and always disturbs me when these pop up.

I say “supposedly” an 18 year old, because I believe that less than 10% of the posters on Reddit are who they say they are.

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 2, 2020 6:54 PM
Reply to  LKing

Yes it’s Orwell’s world now. If not the world of Philip K Dick where anything could be true. Or false.

Speaking of which, I just caught a blast of the news with medical people rushing round a hospital and lots of serious droning voices and then the sound of someone having a nervous breakdown or perhaps just having a crap and I just zoned out.

Nov 2, 2020 7:39 PM
Reply to  George Mc

It’s the same in the news where I am. I would be more interested in watching someone on the toilet.

Nov 2, 2020 10:05 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Our official propaganda outlet obviously thought they had a ‘coup’ story with Kate Shemirani’s estranged son. they just forgot to put any facts or evidence into their piece of fluff.

Brian Sides
Brian Sides
Nov 1, 2020 5:25 PM

Some pleasant experiences of not wearing a mask and encouraging others not to wear a mask. I have to my sins worn a mask once. I was having a blood test. I was asked to wear a mask and I complied without a whimper. I did ask the nurse why the mask did not cover the ears , could not the virus enter by the ear. All I got in reply was I don’t know. I have been challenged just a few times about not wearing a mask. But they seem content when I say I am exempt. I have presented my ebay exemption card once. I did have a Paddington the other day. A man gave the dreaded stare. But at the checkout they seem quite happy that I am not wearing a mask. I have had few smiles from unmasked checkout staff sometimes with visors. Any visitors to my house I tell them no mask is needed I have been showing prospective tenants around. As they approach the house they go to put there masks on. I tell them there is no need for a mask. They seem instantly relieved and once inside the house are relaxed. They quickly forget that they should be according to the ever changing rules / laws be wearing a mask. I have lost count of how many and how often the number of rules / laws I have broken. Visiting my brother for his birthday I must have broken at least 3 or 4 rules/laws. On the plus side I see more people not wearing masks in the shop but still few. But alas I see more people wearing masks walking in the street. In Wales we have this strange sight of goods that are taped off. In B and M there… Read more »

Nov 1, 2020 6:44 PM
Reply to  Brian Sides

When I see people with a mask on it reminds me of that film “Alien” where they have this “thing” stuck on their face…

Nov 3, 2020 10:27 AM
Reply to  richard

Or genital faces with body shame.

Nov 1, 2020 4:40 PM

Fallacy of bourgeois liberal concept of rights is nor better visible than in case of medical rights and freedoms.

From WHO

  • Freedoms include the right to control one’s health and body (for example, sexual and reproductive rights) and to be free from interference (for example, free from torture and non-consensual medical treatment and experimentation).

So experimentation using non-approved experimental tests, drugs or therapies or vaccines like in case of Covid violates international law and medical human rights.

But still all those individual rights can be annulled by consent of individual Sought and Obtained mostly by coercion, threats, intimidation, manipulation or lying or simply bought by some monetary compensation making de facto all the rights of individuals meaningless as far as actual practice of governments or private parties is concerned.

We do no need right to refuse to be experimented on but hard unequivocal prohibition of such practice so no one is ever asked to be guinea pig under whatever noble or frightening narratives.

COVID showed this vividly when doctors revealed their inherently bad intentions violation for Hippocratic oath for carries advancement or just to keep their jobs.

this COVID medical hysteria must be stopped by medics as it is they who gives such crap credibility aura.

Nov 1, 2020 4:16 PM

Since everything these days (The End Times?) boils down to Masks, I’d like to present a very, very weird take on Masks. But not so weird it ignores the Mask as a symbol of social acceptance.

Since I absolutely believe geoengineering – climate engineering (i.e., climate disruption) – is occurring, and has been for several decades, I also accept that the atmosphere is filled with toxic climate disrupting particles (heavy metals, polymers) that rain down on everyone – and are breathed in constantly.

Perhaps you see where I’m going with this. Masks might actually help filter some of these nano-particles out. If that’s the case, then in a perverse sort of way those who wear their masks everywhere like good little sheep might actually be extending their lives by breathing in less in the way of climate altering particles. Thus providing a way for the ruling elites to cull the disobedient, who (like me) will never wear a mask unless it’s to purchase needed goods and services; while preserving the obedient, who wear their mask everywhere, a while longer.

So the Mask is an all-purpose tool of oppression. Aren’t the rulers clever?

Nov 1, 2020 4:27 PM
Reply to  Howard

Hmm no. The harms caused by long term mask-wearing far outweight any potential good.

Nov 1, 2020 5:18 PM
Reply to  Howard

The masks don’t filter those toxic particles out.

Nov 1, 2020 5:32 PM
Reply to  livingsb

Okay, thanks. I wasn’t sure – and didn’t wish to undertake a search to determine how big a nano-particle is. Especially since the very existence of such particles is denied.

Nov 1, 2020 5:47 PM
Reply to  Howard

Here’s a very informative article on mask wearing written in 2016. Masks are basically a security blanket and/or a symbol of submission.


David Macilwain
David Macilwain
Nov 2, 2020 10:33 AM
Reply to  Howard

It’s not just that masks don’t work – but that they can’t, because if you can breathe through it then virus particles can pass through with impunity. But masks are also bad for you and bad for US. It’s a masquerade:


Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Nov 2, 2020 12:30 PM
Reply to  Howard

I assume that nano-particles are so named because they have sizes of the order of nanometres. Definition of a nanometre from Wikipedia:

The nanometre (international spelling as used by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures; SI symbol: nm) or nanometer (American spelling) is a unit of length in the metric system, equal to one billionth (short scale) of a metre (0.000000001 m).
Symbol: nm
SI units: 1×10−9 m; 1×103 pm

In my words, one thousand millionth of a metre.

The following definition of nano particle is from nature dot com :

Nanoparticles are particles that exist on a nanometre scale (i.e., below 100 nm in at least one dimension). They can possess physical properties such as uniformity, conductance or special optical properties that make them desirable in materials science and biology

Nov 1, 2020 5:47 PM
Reply to  Howard

All manipulation. “I can’t breathe,” shuts down and appropriates the most obvious slogan against masks.

It shuts down those who would criticize pollution — the tangible pollution that is ignored by the same powers who propose to tax you because the climate is changing. Who want you to choke while they obsess about carbon dioxide that you cannot feel – while diesel particulates and monoxide you certainly can.

You can’t breathe, dear? What right do you have to breathe?

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Nov 3, 2020 1:55 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

I clearly recall seeing the “freeway blog” banner of “I can’t breathe” driving on the 101 one morning, and thinking, Alright! At least SOMEONE is balking at this mask business!

Only that evening did I learn about the whole “Floyd-Chauvin” grotesquerie, and I thought, You’ve gotta be kidding me. It was obviously a preemptive coopting of the phrase.

Nov 1, 2020 3:23 PM

limited hangout data collections

tavistock or AI twatters like legend tony 1 comment gets 20 up ticks next 15 down

cats playing with the mices
guardian or off downside up
upside down

different faces same destination

5g zio prison grid

my last comments only show on my computer funny that
i exist here when using mine
i assume obrien or big brother gave me the one uptick

nice touch
but why bother

Nov 1, 2020 2:15 PM

Blimey, The UK Online Mail, which has the biggest circulation in The World for an online newspaper – which is free to read including The USA, has really gone to town on Hunter Biden


“EXCLUSIVE: National security nightmare of Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop containing phone numbers for the Clintons, Secret Service officers and most of the Obama cabinet plus his sex and drug addictions – all secured by the password Hunter02

Businessman and self-confessed drug addict took the laptop to a back-street IT store in Delaware in 2019
Scale and sensitivity of its contents – easily accessible to a hacker – is only revealed for first time today
Included Joe Biden’s personal mobile number and numbers for former President Bill Clinton and wife Hillary
Were also personal documents including Hunter’s passport, driver’s licence, social security and credit cards
Laptop also showed he spent $21,000 on one ‘live cam’ porn website. Were also sex act ‘selfies’ of him”

Is this in the Guardian? They can hardly blame The Russians.

Almost last chance to go to a pub. Most of them cannot survive another lockdown. They will simply go bust..


Nov 1, 2020 4:01 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

This is “release and step back”. Chinese blackmail is now the least damaging revelation.

Sarah Westall’s latest guest presents convincing analysis that we are in the presence of peodophila/incest on exactly the level represented by Pedogate. Now we see why there was a full court press to defend the Podestas and Comet Ping Pong.

Kakistocracy is not just the rule of the worst — it is rule by the techniques of the worst: advancement is granted on condition of abasement. Only those who degrade themselves will be allowed to approach the levers of power.

This is why people’s peccadilloes cannot be ignored in regular politics, while being elevated to an untouchable sainthood of debauchery via identity politics.

You don’t get to be Queen Victim In Chief – or King Whose Dalliances Shall Not Be Mentioned — while also using the self-same below-the-belt techniques to secure dominance in regular politics.

This is why the Biden family sex ‘n crime is toxic.

This explains what we know about the rituals of Skull and Bones. It explains Tony Blair would rather suffer being known as Little Bo Peep than Little Boy Blue. The path to the House begins in the cottage. Sorry, mate, but it’s all out there. You profited by it. You live with it.

The Biden story also leads place no one wants to go.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Nov 1, 2020 5:03 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

From the article in that last link (The Independent):

Neil Tennant, a former Labour donor who has stopped giving money to and voting for Labour because of ID cards, says: “My specific fear is that we are going to create a society where a policeman stops me on the way to Waitrose on the King’s Road and says, ‘Can I see your identity card?’ I don’t see why I should have to do that.” Tennant says he may leave the country if a compulsory ID card comes into force. “We can’t live in a total-surveillance society,” he adds. “It is to disrespect us.”

But as of Covid-19 we now do live in a total-surveillance society, and seemingly, the mainstream Left (or pseudo Left) are loving it. (I don’t know if Neil Tennant supports it, to be fair, but plenty of other celeb Lefties do).

Nov 1, 2020 1:53 PM

The Australian ABC has ample space for the presidential dogs museum that “shows the loving side of US presidents”.

But they have no space for US dogs brought to Abu Ghraib to torture Iraqis, and no space for the 10th anniversary of “Iraq War Diaries” where Westerners went on rampaging killings in Iraq.

Nov 1, 2020 1:28 PM

once, it was the hands that generated the tools that commanded the noise, then came the machines repetitive clatter, the hand disarmed to little more than a silent assistant, body impoverished and intelligence modified – But before natures connection was weakened…a message was attached to the collapsing precipice. What from then, would you project to the future ?
And now, will another injured reminder, be bound for transport, or will the old words suffice, and raise us to answer.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Nov 1, 2020 1:21 PM

Once again,those two alleged scientists Witless (Witty) and Unbalanced (Valance) have set in motion the further tanking of the economy, significant increase in unemployment and the destruction of small to medium size businesses. Their scientific and analytical skills are seriously lacking. It is quite obvious that the figures are nothing like they are presenting. What they are presenting are wild projections going into February. These projections have no foundation in either fact or evidence. Firstly, last week didn’t they say that 350,000 per day were now getting CV-19? In my book that’s I think, 3.5m per week and growing according to them. By this standard, I must necessarily assume no Lockdown or restrictions are further needed as we must surely be at Herd Immunity levels now. They both have significant vested interests to protect too. Unbalanced has personally invested £600,000 in a company that is going to develop vaccines and Witless, at the end of his tenure, is taking up a very lucrative post at WHO. So, Valance will settle for nothing less than a vaccine because he has a significant amount of money invested in it and Witless will not go against WHO to protect his future job with them. These are powerful vested interests for two Senior Government Scientists who see to have acquired some seriously messianic tendencies. At Yesterday’s Press Conference Unbalanced had almost to be dragged kicking and screaming to agree with Johnson’s upbeat view of the medium and long term prognosis. These two are highly dangerous individuals, incompetent, deliberately ignoring the real facts and statistics and pedaling wild, unsubstantiated predictions based on what has now been internationally condemned and discredited Ferguson’s model. Couple this with a Prime Minister who is not built in anyway for any sort of responsibility, it is a dangerous, toxic combination. There is not enough national and widespread condemnation of Witless and Unbalanced.… Read more »

Nov 1, 2020 6:03 PM
Reply to  Jo Dominich

Then, I ask, what’s the point of this? The point once again, is to save the biggest wasted of public money this country has which is the NHS.”

You affect not to have heard of the “Great Reset”- while attacking our national health system. Who’s side are you really on?

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Nov 1, 2020 8:14 PM
Reply to  richard

Richard I had the misfortune for years and years to work with the NHS. The reason I took early retirement is because I couldn’t stand it anymore. We are blinkered in this country about them. These lockdowns have nothing to do with the virus but to protect the NHS, all the slogans show it. The NHS is there to protect us not to shut down in the alleged worse health crisis since the war. I am definitely not on the side of the NHS on this. They are incompetent, treated like heroes and all the time, they have been completely underwhelmed by this alleged virus. Yet, they all keep their highly paid jobs, are delighted they don’t have to deal with pesky patients and are sitting pretty. The rest of us meantime, are losing their jobs, businesses and livelihoods due to this incompetent mass of bureaucracy. Johnson said yesterday that people should still go to the NHS with non Covid conditions. What a load of BS! The NHS are very adept at blaming people other than themselves. People are trying to get GP appointments, hospital appointments, diagnoses etc. It is the NHS that has put up a brick wall to this. Yet nothing is being done to force them to open their doors again. The biggest bunch of money wasters in the country. Great reset be damned.

Nov 1, 2020 6:42 PM
Reply to  Jo Dominich

The coronavirus, the NHS and public health in general are simply a cover. This is about the far-right trying to shut down the real economy so that their billionaire cronies can profit. and public services and the rights of ordinary people can be emasculated.
Johnson, Witty, Hancock, Valance and the rest are simply stooges of the American intelligence agencies, who are trying to destroy the UK with Brexit and the coronavirus..

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Nov 1, 2020 8:16 PM
Reply to  Thom

All eyes on the American election then. If Trump wins it has been well and truly rigged just like ours in December. Noticed in a key State that the democrats had to cancel a public event because armed Trump supporters were going to cause carnage.

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Nov 1, 2020 11:00 PM
Reply to  Thom

It’s worse than that, it’s about the Great Reset, which itself is cover for massive depopulation. Very few of us will make it into the clean shiny green world of the Great Reset and those that do get there, will likely end up wishing they hadn’t.

Nov 1, 2020 6:55 PM
Reply to  Jo Dominich

Johnson can’t sack Whitty or Vallance. He doesn’t get a say in the matter. It’s way above his pay grade.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Nov 1, 2020 8:17 PM
Reply to  Tony

Tony, of course he has a say in the matter. He can disband SAGE and sack the pair of them.

Nov 2, 2020 10:08 PM
Reply to  Jo Dominich

Jo, Johnson can’t sack Whitty or Vallance. They are above him in the pecking order. They are employed by the people who control Johnson.

Nov 8, 2020 10:55 PM
Reply to  Jo Dominich

The Chief Executive of the NHS should be fired, along with all his managers.

Carren Mills
Carren Mills
Nov 1, 2020 12:15 PM

There is nothing inherently dangerous about AI & Technology, they are benign, it is how they are used that is important. AI power is being exaggerate as cover for human authoritarianism & exploitation.

Cars won’t even be able drive on our roads truly autonomously for at least another 20 years and even then they may as well be on rail tracts because of the dedicated infrastructure they will need to stay safe, but we will live in a dictatorship long before then.
Automation is a fraud, but oligarchs like Elon Musk, like to spread fear about it, in preference to the fear that we should genuinely feel for their rise to power and their concentrations of wealth. Forget AI, it’s oligarchs and concentrations of power and wealth that you should worry about. This is not a new age, Marx was very familiar with this story over 150 years ago, it’s still called class struggle.

Nov 1, 2020 3:35 PM
Reply to  Carren Mills

On this, I don’t claim to be right, so I have no problem if you take this with a grain of salt.

I do happen to believe technology is dangerous in and of itself. Though not religious, I find the Garden of Eden fable relevant. “Do not eat of that fruit!” makes it all but impossible not to “eat of that fruit.”

Similarly, “Do not use this technology for evil!” makes it all but impossible not to use it for evil. Besides which, the world is full of those who would have no use for any technology that could never be “used for evil.” Beginning with the “evil” of obtaining resources to create the technology – which, as history amply demonstrates, consists of displacing those who might sit atop such resources as technology’s creation requires.

So even when technology is still on the drawing board, there is “evil” afoot. And how can something created in “evil” ever be expected to accomplish “good?”

Nov 3, 2020 11:09 AM
Reply to  Carren Mills

The mind that defines in order to possess and control is ‘unconsciously biased’ and believes such a mind of judgement is necessary and right. There is an original mind – before a masked mind of private judgements because a new normal – that remains un-maskable or re-discoverable. The machine mind is a mechanical conditioning reaction to judgement that literally know not what it does, but is predicated to a locked-down split off, distanced and masked under tyrannous narrative or mythic identity. That this generates the replacement of a living humanity by systemic and technological displacement – and so as Howard below intimates there are deep archetypal patterns here. Because we ARE in the realm of such a choice, we have the freedom to recognise there IS choice and choose NOT to use the mind that frames us in false choices. This means to ensure that tools and systems are truly serving human goals and not sacrificing human being to private agenda that at some level represents a fantasy of control given priority in the mind and therefore power. That such manipulations and technologies MASK in the human good, as concern or protection is, part of their PR or self (and other) justification. Whether they in fact are or do serve the whole is a matter of the discernment of the heart, which arises from a true willingness to open communication. It could be said that we have become trapped in a machine mind that effectively programs how we think, excepting that at a deeper level we are the Maker of the thought we accept and align in. There is a choice. The particular corruption that initiated the crony capitalist era was mass production, energy cartels and the shift of decision making from governing institutions to backroom cabals. The re-tooling of… Read more »

Nov 3, 2020 2:22 PM
Reply to  Binra

There is an original mind – before a masked mind of private judgements BECAME a new normal – that remains un-maskable or re-discoverable.

Nov 1, 2020 12:15 PM

The Machine Stops – short movie

Nov 1, 2020 11:42 AM

For those who prefer to listen, this is a decent quality LibriVox reading.

Phil McAvertie
Phil McAvertie
Nov 1, 2020 11:37 AM

The new lockdown is a sham. Take a look at the slides which accompanied yesterday evening’s announcement here:


Look at the shaded blue areas on slides 4 and 5. On the day where the last actual data are available, the “worst case” starts at a value more than double the actual value!

Jan J
Jan J
Nov 1, 2020 1:31 PM
Reply to  Phil McAvertie

Good catch! Such a variability «fan» needs to start expanding from the Current point of last observed “actual”. (There is no variability in the observed figure). This suggests that the projection is old, and you can see that the actual line is actually in the lower bound of that projection 😉 . Or they are just making stuff up. the people that made this are morons at either rate.

Besides, aren’t they bundling flu, pneumonia and Covid now in the UK? Real big shocker that there are flu cases at the start of the flu season 😷

John Goss
John Goss
Nov 1, 2020 11:28 AM

You really need to watch this. Well, not you so much as the others.


It is so indicative of the Machine’s means of controlling us, especially the bubble-mask, that makes you look like a “fuckwit”. I also wonder how you could get through a door wearing such a contraption! His pseudonym is Max Igan, an Aussie and travelling musician.

John Goss
John Goss
Nov 1, 2020 11:55 AM
Reply to  John Goss

You can get a bubble-mask for £250.


Alternatively, you can buy a pushbike!

Nov 1, 2020 12:44 PM
Reply to  John Goss

I’ve got to liking Max Igan a lot. One of the great things that’s happening is that tribal politics and religion is taking a back seat as people focus their outrage on the genocide that is being carried out before us.

I don’t follow Max all the way down the new age path but that doesn’t matter: he articulates what’s being done and directs the essential anger. Enough that YT deleted his channel though he’s long established at Bitchute.

John Goss
John Goss
Nov 1, 2020 4:31 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Yes thank God for Bitchute and Banned.

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 1, 2020 10:22 AM

Seems Rishi Sunak has suggested people in the arts “retrain”. No more live music, no more theatre etc. What’s left? A masturbatory hive culture?

Nov 1, 2020 4:03 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Whenever dictators rear their heads and begin their evil business, it’s always artists who are first to go. The artistic temperament is diametrically opposite the authoritarian temperament. When Augusto Pinochet took over Chile, one of the first to go was Victor Jara.

Nowadays, they don’t have to murder artists; they merely shut down all avenues of expression. And make way for celebrities and super-stars.

Nov 1, 2020 5:44 AM

Almost everyone I know, knows it’s Bollocks.

I do Not Wear a Mask. I do not have a Mask.

Yet you still keep wearing your masks, and I will not even speak to you, cos I can’t hear you muffling your words behind that mask that you insist on wearing

I want to have a conversation with you, not a masked up zombie..who’s words i cannot hear nor understand unless you take your mask off.

Do you go to bed wearing your mask?

Just asking


Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Nov 1, 2020 1:28 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

I am of the view that there now needs to be a serious campaign of civic disobedience by everyone, by the hospitality industry, by the retail sector, by the British public, defy these illegal rules, this illegal lockdown, the destruction of our civil liberties and our society. If 95% could do this and hit the streets at the same time as they are showing us how to do in Italy and many other European countries.

This is a shit show. Johnson needs to sack Witless and Unbalanced, kick them into touch to prevent them telling more lies, destroying the lives of millions of people, business and young people yet they are unelected, totally unelected.

I was out and about in town today, people are really very very angry, not a mask in sight with the exception of three elderly people. Way to go.

Nov 1, 2020 3:23 PM
Reply to  Jo Dominich

Time for the UK Spring. Ground zero Parliament Square. Fan out, occupy every borough centre..and stay until ‘they’ capitulate. Warm clothing and sandwiches.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Nov 1, 2020 7:58 PM
Reply to  Watt

I’m in! Bring on those sandwiches!

Nov 1, 2020 4:40 PM
Reply to  Jo Dominich

Wow. Where do you live? Here people wear masks even at the anti-lockdown protests.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Nov 1, 2020 7:59 PM
Reply to  Someone

I live in Matt Wancock’s constituency! People here are angry today. Wetherspoons was buzzing with nothing but anger, real white hot anger at this second lockdown.

Nov 2, 2020 11:41 AM
Reply to  Jo Dominich

Get a large group of Wetherspoon’s clientele. March along to his house. Knock on the door and ask WTF he thinks he’s playing at. Behind their political personas these vermin are just mere mortals like everyone else. Up close and personal should get his attention and may just cause him to soil his undergarments

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Nov 2, 2020 1:35 PM
Reply to  Norbertrand

If I knew his address, I would. Living in a tiny market town in his Constituency it’s a nightmare right now. I have though, just signed the Petition on Lockdown Sceptics for MPs to take a 20% hit on their salaries!

Nov 1, 2020 3:25 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

it would seem that hardly anyone knows you are a project
code named defective obrien

Nov 1, 2020 5:31 AM

once, it was the hands that commanded the tools that generated the noise…then came the machines repetitive clatter, the hand disarmed to little more than a silent assistant….body impoverished, and minds modified….but, before natures connection was weakened, a message was attached to the collapsing precipice. What from then, would you project to the future.
And now….will another injured reminder be bound for transport, or will the old word suffice – and raise us to answer.

Nov 1, 2020 4:13 AM

$30 of Halloween candy. One family of 3 kids came; that’s it. The rest were obedient to California’s ban on Halloween. Unbelievable– it couldn’t be enforced. I fully expected beggars. sad

Nov 1, 2020 2:32 PM
Reply to  Penelope

Over here in the countryside we live and play, take care of the livestock and enjoy dinner with friends. My acquaintances in the urban area nearby are terrified. Fully captured.
Poured like sand into a bottle to sit still.

Nov 1, 2020 2:33 PM
Reply to  Penelope

Sad. I’m appalled by most people’s submission to this burgeoning tyranny.

Nov 3, 2020 2:27 PM
Reply to  kevin

Glad – I’m overjoyed at your refusal to submit kevin!

Nov 1, 2020 9:39 PM
Reply to  Penelope

Ah, such is the treacherous ambivalence of “Trick or Treat?”

This year, the poor beggars– or, strictly speaking, their hapless caregivers– have fallen for the cruel Trick of the official Megadeath Virus of Doom narrative.

Voxi Pop
Voxi Pop
Nov 1, 2020 1:05 AM

Hotline: US+China Top Brass Crises Talks/ Wall St Expects 20% Plunge/ Car Slams Mecca Grand Mosque/ Democrat Immigration Filmmaker Votes Trump/ UN: Stop Greening The Sahara!/ Covid Gaelic Gulag/ Legal Pot Psychosis/ Clown Runs OR Health Dept
BOMBSHELL REPORT: Hunter Biden With Young Black Woman + Malia Obama Coke Credit Card Photo Reported by Christian News

Nov 1, 2020 12:32 AM

I watched Boris’ 3 1/2 minute presser twice- once with and once without sound to confirm what I thought I was seeing though there’s no way to truly confirm this speculation I suppose.

As I watched the second time with the sound off, and just looking at him and his eyes and reactions, ignoring the words, as he was reading his eyes and manner seemed quite afraid- wondering if anyone else saw this.

For the past few days I have been sensing that something has gone terribly wrong with those “best laid plans” of the Not-So-Great-For-The-Mass-Of-Humanity Reset. I can’t quite put my finger on it. It’s as though they have the destructive part but forgot they need to account for having the constructive part (on their terms of course) and now they need to buy some time. I do think there is desperation within the halls of power which can make them more stringent in their measures.

Isn’t it funny how their “health measures” are defined by mass media manipulation, coercion, authoritarianism and brute force. When does the health part kick in?

Nov 1, 2020 1:21 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

I agree, Boris looks frightened to death.

He looks very guilty as he knows he’s going to destroy millions of lives.

He is fully aware the lockdowns are going to lead to extra deaths in care homes, people too afraid to get medical treatment to attend hospital, and he’s destroying businesses.

He’s a puppet and is reading a script. He may or may not agree with it but yet he’s willing to do it anyway.

For this lockdown to be justified on the basis of a computer model from Ferguson and imperial college London who have no credibility left as they are always sensationally wrong is an insult to the people of England.

After the fiasco of the first lockdown Ferguson should have been arrested and Sage disbanded.

It beggars belief.

Boris will be remembered as the man who destroyed the UK.

May Hem
May Hem
Nov 1, 2020 5:22 AM
Reply to  Paul

He looks to me both frightened and very tired.

Nov 1, 2020 10:06 AM
Reply to  Paul

How does Neil Ferguson sleep at night? He breaks his own rules.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Nov 1, 2020 1:41 PM
Reply to  Jay

He breaches lockdown rules and goes and shags his mistress!!

Fen Tiger
Fen Tiger
Nov 1, 2020 1:59 PM
Reply to  Jay

He was interviewed recently on BBC’s Life Scientific , came across as quietly arrogant in my opinion.

Nov 1, 2020 2:43 PM
Reply to  Fen Tiger

What does he have to be arrogant about when he has been wrong about everything his entire career?

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Nov 1, 2020 7:47 PM
Reply to  kevin

A whopping big salary, a secure job and protection for his mistakes!

Nov 1, 2020 9:31 PM
Reply to  Jo Dominich

I always come late to comments threads, and often experience the bittersweet phenomenon of finding that someone else has posted several comments that I might’ve posted had I arrived earlier.

Here, you had already written exactly what I was thinking!

Of course, I admit that my comments would almost always be more long-winded.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Nov 2, 2020 10:45 AM
Reply to  Ort

Hi Ort, we all need to keep posting to spread the message!

Jura Calling
Jura Calling
Nov 1, 2020 9:31 PM
Reply to  Jay

Easily. he laughs at sheep and counts pound coins.

Nov 2, 2020 8:53 AM
Reply to  Jay

Sociopaths like that simply do whatever they please. The rules are strictly for other people, which is how he sleeps at night.

Nov 1, 2020 10:55 AM
Reply to  Paul

i am sure this will be deleted but who is boris?

is he not just a foreign agent

born in new york from a family of turkic donmeh

everything is going to zio plan

Nov 2, 2020 8:54 AM
Reply to  gorden

A useful twerp.

Nov 1, 2020 12:02 PM
Reply to  Paul

Old but still well worth a watch, Rappoport ridiculing “Professor” (of deceit) Neil Ferguson and exposing some of his crimes as well as loads of other quality info. https://bitchute.com/BSHuK6UOFbzd/boJ4sz53BLE4.mp4 Here is a link to an article showing the details of Ferguson’s claim that 100,000 Swedes would be dead by July if they had no lockdown. His lies are what the government refer to as “the science”. https://www.aier.org/article/imperial-college-model-applied-to-sweden-yields-preposterous-results/ Sweden is STILL below 6,000 recorded covid deaths, using the same bent system as they use over here, and of course we know the death toll is a complete fraud anyway. Any one claming that people have died from a virus which has not been scientifically proven to exist is on very shaky ground at this stage in the proceedings. They are mislabelling deaths all over the shop, have been from day one, which has been proof all along this is criminal, because you wouldn’t need to mislabel deaths in a real pandemic, only sick, disgusting, amoral, criminal scumbags behave in that way, and they have used trick in the achieve this, because they are scum. Flu has all but disappeared, we are also learning, and it doesn’t matter if patients have respiratory symptoms or not anyway, it’s all about the manipulation of the death certificate, to get covid on the death certificate, and inflate the numbers, come what may, and they’ve changed the law of the land to facilitate this, just for covid, in the Coronavirus Bill. They have multiple ways to achieve this which are all being “exploited” to full effect, the main one involves creating the illusion of a pandemic with the positive “cases” from the fraudulent pcr test, testing anyone who comes near a hospital, that’s where people are guaranteed to die and so these just about to die… Read more »

Nov 1, 2020 7:32 PM
Reply to  Mucho

The BBC are enemies of the people.

I refuse to watch them.

Nov 2, 2020 8:56 AM
Reply to  Paul

If only they worked alone…
But they are part of a very large, and very corrupted, mainstream – media conglomeration.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Nov 1, 2020 7:52 PM
Reply to  Mucho

Not to forget of course that the inestimable Professor Carl Henegan has shown, empirically, that 17.6% of infections are not CV-19 at all but in-hospital infections (i.e. MRSA etc).

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Nov 1, 2020 1:40 PM
Reply to  Paul

Paul, excellent observations. What’s worse Starmer is unfit for the office of LOTO. The only opposition and dissent is coming from an ever growing number of Tory backbenchers. The lockdown in France is not because of the spread of CV-19 but because Macron really is up against it, really up against it.

We need now to follow our fellow European and worldwide counterparts get out onto the street en masse and really demonstrate as the Italians and the French, Germans and many other countries are. The Italian Government appears to be caving.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Nov 1, 2020 2:11 PM
Reply to  Jo Dominich

Not the British way issit? Too much stiff upper lip etc. The only time we get excited is when we’ve had far too much to drink, when the shops open for the January sales, or watching men chasing round a muddy field after an inflated leather ball.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Nov 1, 2020 7:53 PM

I guess you’re right Mike. Shame though.

Nov 1, 2020 3:56 PM
Reply to  Jo Dominich

YES! Yes! Yes! Out on the street. Which is, of course, the Exact opposite of what is being ‘ordered’. Ordered? Fuk off.

Nov 1, 2020 7:37 PM
Reply to  Jo Dominich

I see Starner is voting in favour of the lockdown.

What a weasel.

You are correct in saying the only way to stop this is to protest and refuse to comply.

A lot of people have buried their head in the sand and just hope if they comply they will get their normal lives back.

What they don’t realise is by complying they are prolonging the agony and destroying it for the rest of us.

The government have no intention of relaxing the lockdown in December. Michael Gove has already hinted today it might need to be extended.
They are slowly boiling the frog.

Unless there is mass protests this is going to continue until spring with possibly a slight relaxation over Christmas.

Nov 2, 2020 9:03 AM
Reply to  Paul

Sturmer is doing the same as Democrats in the USA have been doing for a long time now: Erasing the difference between themselves and their official opponents.
It occurs to me that reconciling differences is a positive thing when normal people do it, because the aim is usually to arrive at a conclusion which will be to the greater good.
But when politicians do it, something is very wrong. It means that one set of principles has capitulated to the other – because the money which has changed hands requires it.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Nov 2, 2020 10:54 AM
Reply to  Paul

Paul, I think you’re right. Come 2nd December Witless and Unbalanced will no doubt trot out some more wildly faked figures. They seem to be lumping the flu in as CV-19 cases too so they are desperately trying to make something huge out of something that is virtually non existent. It’s down to Johnson now to shut them up. Protecting the economy is far more important than the flu. I haven’t yet heard either of them say anything about the 80% unreliability of the PCR test.

The problem I have is, if this is meant to be the ‘saviour’ that will bring that fictitious R level down, then I must necessarily assume that from 2nd December, Job Done, that all restrictions should be lifted and life return to normal. But no, it’s going back to the three tier system. If that is the case, then they should have stuck with it.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Nov 1, 2020 2:14 PM
Reply to  Paul

I agree, Boris looks frightened to death.

Maybe in his alcohol- and coke-fuelled dreams he sees the pitchforks.

Nov 1, 2020 6:18 PM

surely “Not the British way issit?”

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Nov 1, 2020 7:49 PM
Reply to  richard

Not so far…

Nov 2, 2020 7:58 AM

Nov 1, 2020 3:27 PM
Reply to  Paul

“The forest was shrinking, but the trees kept voting for the Axe, for the Axe was clever and convinced the Trees that because his handle was made of wood, he was one of them.” ~Turkish proverb

Nov 1, 2020 6:20 PM
Reply to  theguvnor

Yeah, if Boris had any integrity he would resign…

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Nov 1, 2020 7:55 PM
Reply to  richard

Ahh, I hate to be cynical but err what’s the alternative in the Tory Party to him? Not a lot of choice there is there? One fascist too many.

Nov 2, 2020 9:38 AM
Reply to  richard

‘Resign’ isn’t in the family dictionary.

Nov 1, 2020 7:38 PM
Reply to  theguvnor

Good analogy.

Nov 2, 2020 9:36 AM
Reply to  theguvnor

Nice proverb.
It’s a pity that Turkey didn’t take it more to heart, being currently in an even worse state of fascism than we are…
I haven’t forgotten that when Erdogan didn’t like the small majority he acquired at an election several years ago, he simply called another one which DID give him a nice working majority.
How’s that for selfless devotion to the people of the country…!
It’s like betting on a racehorse, and, when it loses the race, you just have a rerun, increasing the dose of amphetamines and steroids until it wins…
This OffG page certainly covers the same ground nicely, by pointing out how much of what is going on in our world today is not at all okay.
It is, in fact, criminally not okay.

Nov 2, 2020 9:20 AM
Reply to  Paul

It does indeed beggar belief.
But I honestly don’t think the man has the wit to destroy the UK.
He is a place holder, who will eventually be an ex-place holder, and in any case, at least to my mind, the destruction of the UK began way back when he was just a juvenile twerp and not the adult specimen we see before us now.

Hard to pin down specific dates, but Thatcher’s years come to mind…

Nor has Boris really anything to be frightened of…

In a few years he will be knighted, and known as Sir Boris; his salary will be very nice, thank you, and he will make an additional fortune touring the country in a nice vehicle of some sort, relating the details of minor scandals at various elite establishments and possibly any senior citizens’ nursing homes lucky enough to survive this covidiocy.

He will not fear an event like the French Revolution, since of course we British don’t do revolutions, but, even if we were to surprise everybody by having one this Christmas, I am sure an escape route for him would be given a very high priority.

HM Government
HM Government
Nov 1, 2020 1:48 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

perhaps some carefully targeted mockery would help to further destabilize their Great Fascist Virus Reset campaign.

please download, print, and distribute widely.



comment image

Napoleon IV
Napoleon IV
Nov 1, 2020 2:09 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

en France aussi, il y a un grand besoin de moquerie, pour aider à déstabiliser leur campagne de Réinitialisation du Grand Virus Fasciste.

veuillez télécharger, imprimer et distribuer largement.



comment image

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Nov 1, 2020 2:09 PM
Reply to  Napoleon IV

Now this has given me the first hearty laugh since yesterday’s news! It’s got the measure right hasn’t it?

Jean Wilson
Jean Wilson
Nov 1, 2020 4:13 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

Can we look forward to “The small Re-set”?

Nov 1, 2020 4:17 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

Maxwell, you don’t suppose there is somewhere a collection of men of action who will stop the madness, do you? But no, if so one would expect to see an end to lockdown.

Nov 1, 2020 8:13 AM
Reply to  Penelope

It would be twice as effective if Women of Action participated,maybe?

Nov 1, 2020 10:05 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

Someone else has said this too. They’re reading from the same global script. Either bribed, coerced or blackmailed. It’s a global coup.

All the empty testing centres as well. They are probably designed for a different purpose in the near future.

I hope the UK adopts assisted suicide laws as New Zealand and a few other countries have done recently. We know what it’s about, they want rid of the population, but I’m not an activist. I’ll take assisted suicide to escape this nightmare.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Nov 1, 2020 8:01 PM
Reply to  Jay

I think you’ll find the empty testing centres will be used for mass DNA harvesting!

Nov 2, 2020 9:40 AM
Reply to  Jo Dominich

And vaccinating, of course…

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Nov 2, 2020 10:39 AM
Reply to  wardropper

Ah yes, forgot that one but everyone who is being tested from 9th October is already having their DNA loaded onto the National Database (the only one being the police one of course) without their consent or knowledge. Vaccination. So far, I haven’t met one person who will take it. Have looked at the clinical trials though and it’s grim. Some of the people taking part have died at least two women in America living at completely opposite ends of the country have acquired the very same very rare neurological condition, the death of a 28yr doctor in Brazil who was taking part died last week and counting. The drugs companies are all saying it has nothing to do with the drug but the FDA in USA have, I believe, suspended the trials. All I know is that, prior to taking part in the trials, these people were healthy and alive.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Nov 1, 2020 1:32 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

Great comments. I tend to agree with you. However, I had a large glass of whiskey to hand (on which I nearly choked) and it looks to me as though, yes you are right about the grand plan collapsing especially given the massive demonstrations around the world, but also, and please do not take this comment as defending Johnson because he is a buffoon and an idiot, but he looked drained, tired and rambling. I don’t think this sits at all rightly with him. He needs to get rid of his two Medical and Scientific advisors, very quickly as well.

Nov 1, 2020 3:37 PM
Reply to  Jo Dominich

I don’t think he is enjoying being PM. He is too lightweight for the role, although I do not see him as especially malignant in intention.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Nov 1, 2020 8:04 PM
Reply to  Waldorf

I’m going to say this, we could have had a serious minded politician as PM now (i.e. Corbyn) who would have shored up the NHS rightly or wrongly. I am in no doubt Cummings is behind a lot of this. He’s Totalitarian. What is certain though, this whole thing is beginning to backfire on Johnson and his Cabinet. There seems to be end in sight to this madness.

Nov 1, 2020 6:32 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

The first time I read your post, I felt like agreeing. After I reflected, reviewed it,…. 1. The frightened are politicians, rather than the top levels of decision-makers. And it’s perfectly alright for lower-tier criminals to feel fear in execution of the criminal tasks given to them from above. 2. Recollections: France c. 2011, Croatia in the 1990s : each had a president who was apparently a nutcase. Russia in the 1990s, and the USA in the 2000s, each had a president who was hardly functioning. All of them presided over enormously destructive policies. Many of them without a silver linen. They presided over them to the end. …with nothing to stop them. That extremely destructive policies are doable is an empirical fact 3. Some reasons. A. The levels of compliance are very high. Compliant masses, – even when they do what we dream about, namely : resist the establishment en masse simultaneously – are likely to do so ineffectively. Simply, everything takes practice, including rebelling. B. Of course there will be resistance. Of course the resistance will grow. It’s anticipated, and prepared for (https://twitter.com/LibertyBlitz/status/1286676504529850368) The utter vacuousness, mental bankruptsy and transparency of the kakistocracy’s fabrications is politically irrelevant. Simply, with each new trick, a proportion of the populace gets distracted, and a number of distractions of different kinds results in loss of a critical mass of people that can counteract effectively. C. That “something has gone terribly wrong” can be a subject to Occam’s Razor, and is morally risky because, by appearing as ‘good news,’ it leads to self-complacency. Visualisation: in one corner of the ring we have a kakistocracy that can hardly stand on its legs. In the other corner, the masses, also groggy. They’re the main actors: the Godzilla and King Kong, watched by us, puny, comparatively… Read more »

John Goss
John Goss
Nov 1, 2020 12:28 AM

Bit of a prophet Mr Forster.


“Yet the attempt to “defeat the sun” aroused the last common interest that our race experienced about the heavenly bodies, indeed about anything.”

This is before the full subjugation and capabilities of the machine are revealed to the reader. I’m interested because “defeat of the sun” is something I have only come across in the Russian Futurist movement with Kruchyenykh’s “Victory over the Sun” (победа над солцем) in 1913. It never occured to me till reading this that this envisaged victory possibly stems from Verne’s “Around the world in 80 days” so to do it in less than a day would be seen as defeating the sun. What else could t mean.

Anyway, thanks for introducing me to this cheerful short story. I will sleep all the better now. 🙂

Nov 1, 2020 10:33 AM
Reply to  John Goss

This is an early cautionary tale against centralisation, globalisation, loss of local resilience, unifomity, cultural domination, etc.

Nov 1, 2020 12:23 AM

Official News

“It will begin at 00.01 on Thursday 5 November and finish at 00.01 on Wednesday 2 December – which is very different to the first open-ended lockdown. The delay before it kicks in is to allow MPs to vote to approve it on Wednesday, which they are expected to do with a small Tory revolt.
Is it the same as the first lockdown?
No, but it will be very familiar. Pubs, restaurants and non-essential shops will close, along with entertainment and leisure venues – including gyms – as well as hairdressers and beauty salons”

My Wife is Furious..I don’t quite know how to calm her down,except to say it will be OK…Our Grandchildren will be round tomorrow..and they really love you.


Nov 1, 2020 12:18 AM

She looks like my wife’s mate except she got off her arse and protested.

Nov 1, 2020 12:15 AM

If a vulnerable person with mental health issues, who is forced to self-isolate against their will following a positive PCR test succumbs to suicide, who is culpable?
comment image
comment image

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Nov 1, 2020 1:48 PM
Reply to  Jay

Ah, well said. I too am of the same view. However, since we are not allowed out and they have no right of entry into anyone’s house I’m not quite sure about how they are going to achieve this. I am not having any test of any sort.

Oct 31, 2020 11:41 PM

No one believed me in March. I thought I had already had The Corona Virus, and Laughed it Off. It made me a bit weak- as if I had a mild flu, and I was a bit deaf in one ear – but I fixed that -with ear drops from Asda – mainly urea (piss) and hydrogen peroxide – blondes use it..and it bubbled in my ear – loosening the ear wax, most of which came out on my wifes pillow as I was cuddling her in my sleep… I continued to go to gigs, and I told everyone..I had it first – but it’s nowt to worry about..just like a bad cold basically.. So I realised almost immediately (cos I did 9/11) that this was far worse than any Virus- and No one understood what I was trying to say. I just knew they were trying to kill us off, and will continue to do so. I had no defence against this, except I had a nice garden..so to keep busy and get exercise, I bought a rotavator -which scare’s the sh1t out of me..I certainly wouldn’t let my wife use it – its like a bucking bronco ..but is very good at digging up soil for potatoes and other vegetables My wife just screamed at me..They have shut down almost Everything Again… I said, well I did tell you in March, that the virus which is relatively harmless, if it exists at all.. is Extremely Powerful… How many people do you know who have died of COVID?? One person – her Mate’s Dad – over 90 years old. So it is not going to go away, unless you stop wearing Masks. If you continue, you are likely to look pretty much like this…The bacteria accumulates in your mask,… Read more »

May Hem
May Hem
Oct 31, 2020 10:50 PM

In trying to impose their illusion of a tech paradise, the would-be controllers (ie the billionaire’s club), fail to see that they are themselves under an illusion.

Soon, they will be forced to see that over-control leads to chaos, the lack of control. Too much yang will revert naturally to yin.

Nature always finds a balance.

Nov 1, 2020 7:18 AM
Reply to  May Hem

These are people who find themselves having power far beyond their wisdom. They subscribe to life extension, transferring consciousness into virtual words, inter-stellar travel, etc. – for themselves. They actually believe that a yellow metal is equivalent to wealth. Their clever acolytes reinforce their delusions. If essentials run out – by design or disaster – how many days or weeks would they last before the mob reaches them?

Nov 1, 2020 9:40 AM
Reply to  May Hem

If nature revolts, they’ll simply blame it on climate chage and over-population. An acceleration of the Great Reset will be the only solution considered. “See, Greta was right!”.

Those narratives are already in place.

Nov 1, 2020 11:27 AM
Reply to  Edwige

Yeah I noticed it. They’re desperate to cause mass death in Africa/South Asia/Latin America and when they achieve it, they’ll turn and say “yeah we told them to stop having so many babies”. I can’t stomach this narrative anymore. It’s the reason why I distanced myself from the environmental movement.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Nov 1, 2020 1:50 PM
Reply to  Someone

I think this climate change shit is just another psy-op. If they are saying we only have 10 years to save the planet then why bother? I am pretty certain that nature one, is a truly wonderful thing and secondly, that it has it’s own natural cycles, you know, ice ages, etc.

Nov 1, 2020 5:11 PM
Reply to  Jo Dominich

It isn’t to save the planet – it’s to save humanity. The planet doesn’t care if it’s hospitable to a species of ingrates or not. It merely laughs at the “God” who gave the ingrates “dominion” over all existence.

The planet is all ours now; we own it, we control it. Meanwhile, the planet prepares to shed yet another skin and keep turning.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Nov 1, 2020 8:06 PM
Reply to  Howard

Interesting point of view. You might well have something there.

Oct 31, 2020 10:41 PM

New Rules for London…

Don’t Touch

Don’t Hug

Don’t Kiss

Don’t Make Friends

Do Not Smile

Do Not Laugh

Do Not Travel To Infected Areas…

The Groundhogs are Still Here – First Band I saw in Oldham about 1969.

I went Cherry Red, and I hadn’t met her yet

“Tony McPhee – Graveyard Blues”



Nov 1, 2020 1:21 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

“New Rules for London… Don’t Touch Don’t Hug Don’t Kiss Don’t Make Friends Do Not Smile Do Not Laugh”

You’re not paying enough attention. A few weeks ago, our beloved The Guardian
<strike>promoted</strike> demanded ‘No Eye Contact’.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Nov 1, 2020 8:07 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Calling all people of London. Get out there. Public displays of affection to the max! Defy Big Brother!

Oct 31, 2020 10:13 PM

I don’t understand what the new rules if any are.

A majority of our Family were born and brought up in London

My wife and I were born and brought up in Lancashire

Are we allowed to visit My Wife’s Mum maybe a couple of times before Christmas..and stay for a few days.

She is 87 years old now, and lives alone in her own home, and I am dying to see her again.

Can I travel up on The Train (under no circumstances will I wear a mask)

Will fill me car up with Diesel Tomorrow at one of these Garages, where you can pay at the pump.

I am determined to see my Mother-in-Law for Christmas.. She is a Total Angel – Heart of Gold just like her Eldest Daughter (she says to me in a quiet whisper….)

“Christmas In Lancashire”


Oct 31, 2020 10:20 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc


I guess no mother in law jokes from you.

But you still crack me up. Keep copying your posts, however.

Nov 1, 2020 1:49 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

“She is 87 years old”

If you can infect many of those 87 y.o. with Covid then you’ll be permitted and encouraged to visit as many as possible. That’s good for the statistics and good for the public health system.

Also, make sure you follow the directive from the Memory Hole department: Make sure, those 87 y.o don’t pass any anti-Empire information on to the kids, before they die.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Nov 1, 2020 2:11 PM
Reply to  Careful

Yes, fits completely with those NHS DNR notices doesn’t it. Only the older person and their family don’t know it’s on their file!

Jura Calling
Jura Calling
Oct 31, 2020 10:00 PM

‘‘ It happened that there were three monkeys in a cage. Suspended at the top if the cage was a bunch of bananas. There was a ladder from the floor of the cage up to the bananas. One of the monkeys, who was both clever and agile (and also liked bananas), decided to head up the ladder to grab a banana. Imagine his surprise (not to mention that of the other two monkeys) when suddenly a fire hose washed down the cage, blasting all three monkeys over to one side. Cold and shivering, the three monkeys regrouped and thought about what had happened. Monkeys don’t have a real long memory and, after a while , a second monkey thought again about the bananas and headed up the ladder. Same thing—a fire hose washed all three monkeys over to the side of the cage. They picked themselves up, shook themselves off and hoped the sun would come out to warm them up. After another couple of hours, the third monkey couldn’t resist and he went for it. Sure enough, same result—fire hose and cold, wet, miserable monkeys. Finally, all three monkeys became convinced that going for the bananas was a bad idea, and went on with the rest of their lives. One day, the zookeeper drafted one of the monkeys for another exhibit and replaced him with a new monkey. The new monkey arrived, looked up at the bananas, looked over at the ladder and couldn’t figure out why the other monkeys hadn’t gone for the bananas. He headed for the ladder and got about 1 rung up when the remaining “experienced” monkeys tackled him, dragged him to the floor and pummeled him into submission. He quickly concluded that climbing the ladder wasn’t a good idea. A week later, the zookeeper… Read more »

Jean Wilson
Jean Wilson
Nov 1, 2020 4:21 AM
Reply to  Jura Calling

Excellent post. Thanks Jura. The power of our beliefs is truly amazing. This is why it is so important to question, to research and to reach one’s own conclusions.

Most modern ‘education’ systems banned this sort of thing many years ago.

May Hem
May Hem
Nov 1, 2020 4:25 AM
Reply to  Jean Wilson

Is this how we will educate kids in the future?
comment image?fit=1020%2C361&ssl=1

Nov 2, 2020 10:33 AM
Reply to  May Hem

At this rate, I’m afraid it’s a certainty…

Jura Calling
Jura Calling
Nov 1, 2020 11:41 AM
Reply to  Jean Wilson

Thanks, Jean..

Private versus state education, Jean. State education is a production line. It trains, it never teaches. You get told the ‘facts’ that the books propagate and at the end of the year you have memory tests they call exams. But even if you get top marks you haven’t learned anything. Just a reflex. And kids who raise a hand to ask a question are shot down.

It’s all part of the dumbing down process. Generation by generation the bar gets lower as the attention span gets shorter as the exercise becomes more pointless. You need to learn two things in school now. Obedience and submission. Because if you don’t, you’ll struggle fitting in anywhere when you leave and join the workplace. ”We don’t pay you to think” is the slogan that will rule your life.

Challenge that and you’ll be reminded how the conditioning works..ask the monkeys..

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Nov 1, 2020 12:46 PM
Reply to  Jura Calling

Hello Jura Calling: In light of the last two thousand years, an excellent post.

Monkeys don’t have a real long memory and, after a while , a second monkey thought again about the bananas and headed up the ladder. Same thing—a fire hose washed all three monkeys over to the side of the cage. They picked themselves up, shook themselves off and hoped the sun would come out to warm them up.”

The above paragraph nails the myriad complexity of collective thought processing…

Jura Calling
Jura Calling
Nov 1, 2020 12:59 PM

Thanks Paul. Good point.

Nov 1, 2020 9:25 PM

It also brings to mind moderate progressive-liberals in the US.

Despite repeatedly being manipulated, betrayed, and ultimately washed away by a thoroughly corrupt and decadent political party, they invariably pick themselves up and hope that clinging to absolute faith in lesser-evilism and “incremental change” will bring about the return of the salvific sun.

Wile E. Coyote
Wile E. Coyote
Nov 1, 2020 3:56 PM
Reply to  Jura Calling

Do you have any links to provide us with your sources for that all to logical info about the third gen sterilization?

Nov 1, 2020 9:19 PM
Reply to  Jura Calling

FWIW, I know it’s beside the point, but it didn’t occur to me to think of the monkeys as “silly”.

Accordingly, I didn’t have the slightest inclination to laugh at the poor monkeys. I identified with the monkeys. Thus, I was preoccupied with rage at the sadistic zookeepers. 😉

Jura Calling
Jura Calling
Nov 1, 2020 9:30 PM
Reply to  Ort

Exactly Ort. Hopefully others will spot that and see the point 😉

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Nov 3, 2020 2:50 AM
Reply to  Ort

Yeah, but the mythical monkeys actually were tortured by the hose.

Current-year humans allow themselves to be manipulated by flimsy, phony horror-stories that only succeed because the masses are all too eager to suspend their disbelief, and renounce their rational faculties.

Real humans are far more culpable than the parabolic monkeys.

Nov 3, 2020 7:41 PM
Reply to  Fact Checker

I can’t argue with that. If there were humans in that cage instead of monkeys, just the sound or rumor of gushing water would be enough to send them scurrying away from the bananas.

Nov 2, 2020 10:22 AM
Reply to  Jura Calling

Interesting story, but we are not monkeys. If you want a bit more detail on that bald statement, I would start by admitting that the observation of all animals, insects and birds shows that the group transference of significant experience, whether instantaneous, or handed down through generations, is clearly a highly sophisticated, and powerful, phenomenon. One explanation for this comes from Rudolf Steiner, who often mentioned that animals have a “group soul”, which encompasses large numbers of individual animals. In a sense, it “looks after them”, and sees to it that serious threats to their existence are learned by the entire species. Just think how difficult it is to swat a fly… No fly which had never been swatted before could be expected to survive its first swatting, since it has had no practice in avoiding it – except for the fact that countless generations of flies have practised avoiding everything which comes at them quickly, and the group soul therefore appears to have retained the necessary information to ensure than future flies will always have this in-built security. The interesting thing about this idea is that we have no reason to believe that individual flies are actually self-conscious to the point of realizing what they are doing when using their amazingly effective reflex action of avoiding the fatal swat. Now look at us humans: We are individuals to the hilt, and proud of it, yet the flies’ reflexes put ours to shame, and we also see our children making the same stupid mistakes that we made when we were children ourselves… Which means that if we are to believe that there is such a thing as human evolution at all, then it must be focused upon something other than quick, life-saving reactions, at which we are often pretty hopeless.… Read more »

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Nov 2, 2020 12:51 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Reminds me of Rupert Sheldrake’s theories about Morphic Resonance.

Jura Calling
Jura Calling
Nov 2, 2020 2:04 PM
Reply to  wardropper

I’m not sure you grasped that the story is a parable. Hence ‘parable’. It’s talking about conditioning and learned behaviour. It’s about recognising the best way to avoid punishment and lack. Behaviour . If you want to look for something more literal look around you. We’re almost a year into an exercise ordered by oppressors who want to pummel us into submission when they win the war of attrition. What better example to see their machinations in motion. They wrote this story about a pandemic that is deadly. It’s also stubborn apparently. It’s really difficult to say more as open minded medical folk with no agenda other than getting rid of the so called virus are being kept away from doing so. Instead we have papers outlining our exercises, Our rewards and punishments being based on our ‘adherence’ ( obedience is a word they daren’t use). The scripts and plans were drawn up by ‘behavioural scientists’ ( they used to be called behavioural psychologists pre- covid). And the strategy to combat the virus has been handed to a software magnate and a group of big stock holders in the companies that are waiting to produce a vast amount of vaccines ( which also has the software magnates’ financial interests at heart).No doctors. No virologists that aren’t holding stock in vaccines. Yet we’re all being told to keep’ away from the bananas’ or we’ll be ‘flushed away’ to another domestic prison sentence or fines. It’s all intended to programme us into accepting the mythical ‘new norm’ ( they won’t say martial law).Part of this ‘new norm’ means total compliance and submission. Most will give it because they fear a global economical collapse( too late it’s happened already) and the uncertainty of being put in a domestic ( or eventually real) prison and… Read more »

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Nov 3, 2020 3:06 AM
Reply to  Jura Calling

Planet of the Apes is brilliant!
Dr. Zaius is the true hero of the story:
He’s RIGHT about man’s irredeemable nature!

More important than the “Damn you all to Hell!” monologue, is Zaius’s observation right before it. When the young ape asks, “What will Taylor find in the Forbidden Zone?” Zaius responds, “His destiny.”

He doesn’t mean Taylor’s destiny. He means mankind’s destiny.

Oct 31, 2020 9:38 PM

I’ve always thought this story is amazingly prescient!

Oct 31, 2020 10:14 PM

Agreed. I only read it recently; I was especially amazed by the hand-held communicator “plate” that displayed faces, exactly like smartphone “face time”.

Oct 31, 2020 9:01 PM

I re-read this story a few months back while in the midst of this mania. I guess the current reading list could be considered “companion pieces” to the time frames we are currently living in. What struck me about this story is how it had somewhat of a blase’ sense of horror to it if that makes sense. What I took from it wasn’t just a concern for dependence on technology but more vital, at least to myself, was the denial of what it means to be human. And this is precisely why we must wake up every day and give no quarter to the technocratic monsters that are trying to configure a dystopian and lifeless world that reflects their anti-human image. As I walk around where I live it is disturbing to see how many people have ceded their sense of humanity for this phantasm that seeks to destroy them. How do they do it? How in the hell do they put that mask on so willingly each day? Where is their inherent resistance to such a ghastly thing? A quote from Corey Morningstar: The devolving of physical relationships and whole societies, up against an accelerating, digitalized, virtual world is not a social dilemma. The leveraging of COVID-19, waged as a weapon against the citizenry, is not a social dilemma. Rather, this is the strategic destruction of the social. A social dismantling. A social deliquesce. A social nightmare. For the Fourth Industrial Revolution to take hold, our global society must be socially engineered to accept, even prefer an artificial existence over that of a physical one. The saturation of the collective psyche with language and framing such as “tech for good” is strategic, a key method and means of obtaining the social license required for the Fourth Industrial Revolution and… Read more »

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Nov 1, 2020 1:55 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

Actually, where I live there is virtually no compliance with mask wearing except only when entering a shop or getting on a bus. Otherwise, I would say 95% of the people outside are mask free.

Nov 8, 2020 3:06 AM
Reply to  Jo Dominich

Lucky you.
Where do you live?
I am in the Northeast US, where masks are gleefully embraced.. people still wearing them while alone on the sidewalk or in cars, even (especially) the elderly.

Nov 1, 2020 5:30 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

To me, the truly horrifying part of the story was when the lady tells her son: “Be quick, Kuno; I am in the dark wasting my time.”

The wonderful, miraculous “dark” that our bodies absolutely need to maintain any semblance of health – and it was a waste of her time.

But then, how many others cannot bear darkness or silence? Imagine what sort of truly “transhuman” monstrosities we would have evolved into if our ancestors had had the means to completely erase silence and darkness from their lives.

Oct 31, 2020 8:44 PM

Reminds me of the film Virtual Nightmare where a virtual consensus reality is created in a post nuclear world for the survivors.

ARORA machine creates the direct broadcast virtual reality that people live as their true reality (DBDR) where everything appears normal but is far from it.
But the scam by the elite who perpetrate the DBDR broadcast is eventually rumbled and ARORA is destroyed. However, the people still dont see things any differently and continue as if the mind control signal was still being broadcasted by ARORA. Worth a watch on YouTube.

Oct 31, 2020 7:32 PM

Why wife on Seeing The News – as I was Tidying up The Kitchen..came Screaming at Me…

They have shut down my swimming pool. I have only been back twice. How are our Grandkids going to learn how to swim???

Yeh, but are the pubs still open?

I don’t watch TV.

They are all completely Mad – These Psychos in Control Telling us what to do

Is their no Resistance, except from The Scousers..


Gym now reopened

Kids just got back

Delighted to see them back together.


Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Nov 1, 2020 1:30 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Hey T,

Not gonna tell us that Hawkwind had an album with this title ?

That is your usual schtick, when your not on about your family.

Do you reckon they are going to be in the 500 million ?

How much are they paying you ?

Nov 2, 2020 10:39 AM

I don’t think he receives notifications of replies…
Just writes what he feels like – our participation is not required.