WATCH: The Jones Plantation

The first half of our halloween short-story double bill isn’t a horror story in the tradiional sense. But it should certainly frighten any body who has been paying attention to the way world is going.


“One cannot change reality by changing the words you use to describe reality. Look beneath the rhetoric, and glimpse the truth.”

Mr. Jones owned a cotton plantation and many slaves. One day he was talking to the owner of the plantation next to his, and mr. Jones was lamenting the fact that times were tough. He was having to work his slaves harder than ever and was having trouble with some of them being disobedient or trying to run away.

The other plantation owner said he knew someone who could help.

Day one

One day Mr. Jones called his slaves together so a man named Mr. Smith could talk to them.

Before beginning Mr. Smith whispered to Mr. Jones, “Whatever I say do not contradict me or interfere and I promise you your slave troubles will end.”

My name is Mr. Smith”, he said to the slaves, “and this may be the happiest day of your lives. From today forward you will no longer be slaves but free men.”

Mr. Jones was so shocked he started to step forward but Mr. Smith gestured for him to remain silent. He did so, only because the other plantation owner had spoken so highly of Mr. Smith’s skills.

“You are no longer the property of Mr. Jones”, Mr. Smith continued, “you are free. No more would you be forced to labor for the benefit Mr. Jones. Now you can work for yourselves.”

Now the slaves were all murmuring and looking at each other, many were smiling, many were looking puzzled.

“In fact you are now free to leave the plantation whenever you want”, Mr. Smith said, “however, since we are surrounded by other plantations, if you leave some other plantation owner will likely claim you as his own the moment you set foot on his property! So, I urge you not to risk your newfound freedom by doing something so foolish. Instead I suggest that you stay here. No longer is slaves but as willing participants and part owners of this plantation. Yes! This is now your plantation!”

Mr. Jones bit his tongue to keep from objecting.

“For now we might as well leave Mr. Jones in charge,” said Mr. Smith, “since he’s the only one with any experience at running a plantation. which is quite a complicated thing to manage, but he will no longer be your master but just another worker on the plantation. In fact he will now be using his organizational and management skills to serve you.”

“Whatever problems you may have had with him before, you are now all equals and you need each other to make this work. If we all cooperate and work together we can all reap the benefits together! In honor of this happy occasion I present you this new symbol of togetherness and cooperation. This flag which shall be the emblem of the new free Jones plantation!”

He held up the new flag, but most of those listening were still too amazed to respond.

“And this shall be our motto,” Mr. Smith announced, “we work together as free men for our mutual benefit. Pledging our allegiance to the Jones plantation, which stands for prosperity liberty and justice for all! To celebrate, everyone has the rest of the day off. Enjoy your freedom do as you please and be back here tomorrow morning, bright and early, so that we may begin work on this great and noble new endeavor as equal freemen!”

Finally convinced that Mr. Smith was serious, the former slaves applauded and cheered.

Day Two

“We all want this plantation to do well”, Mr. Smith said at the beginning of the next meeting, “so we can all share the benefits. We all know that it takes a lot of effort to make a cotton plantation work. Just because you’re all free doesn’t mean you can stop working. In fact, since you’re now working for yourselves, I expect you to work even harder than ever before. But now with pride and joy, knowing that you’re working for yourselves.”

“Of course, there still have to be rules; if everyone just does whatever he wants the plantation won’t produce anything. This experiment will fail and we’ll all starve! You should be thankful that Mr. Jones has agreed to stay on to lend his knowledge and skills to this endeavor. And I trust you all do your own part to make this work.”

“Several of you have been chosen to act as project supervisors to manage different aspects of the operation, to make sure everyone is doing his assigned job, to make sure the rules are followed and so on. The rest of you may head out to the fields to start your first day of work as free men.”

Day Three

The next morning Mr. Smith had a grim expression on his face as the daily meeting began.

“I have an unpleasant duty to do today”, he said, “yesterday Charles was caught keeping some of the cotton he picked. Presumably to sell for his own personal profit. That is against the rules. That is stealing. For that Charles must be punished.”

Two men tied Charles to the whipping post.

“I take no joy in this”, Mr. Smith continued, “but you must understand: if we do not maintain order, if we do not have rules that we all abide by, then the plantation will fail and we will all suffer.” The whip cracked against Charles back. “But, if we all pitch in for the common good, then we can all prosper. Being free doesn’t mean you should be selfish and greedy. We must each do our assigned duties, and obey the rules, and then we can all benefit and each of you will receive your appropriate share of the profits.”

A young man named Samuel stepped forward.

“But if you and Mr. Jones decide the rules, and whip us if we disobey, how is that any different from what we had before?”

“How can you say that?”, Mr. Smith asked, “I’m shocked! You were slave before! Now you’re free! Things still need to be managed and organized by those best qualified to do so. Do you know how to run a plantation, Samuel?”

“Well no”, Samuel answered “but if we’re free, why do we get no say in what the rules are and how things work?”

“I’m surprised at your ingratitude”, Mr. Smith answered, “none of you know how a plantation is run so you’re in no position to be making decisions about how things are done here.”

“You don’t seem to appreciate all the things that Mr. Jones provides for you. From protecting you from all the outside threats you know nothing about, those who would come here capture and enslave you if not for Mr. Jones protection, to making sure that you all have food and housing; tools to work with; you’re cared for when sick and injured, and so on.”

“There wouldn’t be a plantation at all – no cotton to pick no land to plant and harvest – if not for him. You should be grateful that he’s made possible the level of comfort you now have. Your lives would be far worse if not for him. Nevertheless, as free and equal participants in this endeavor, from now on at each meeting any worker may have two minutes to ask questions or voice suggestions or complaints.”

With that the workers all seemed satisfied and headed out again to the fields to pick the cotton.

Day Four

“I have a big announcement”, Mr. Smith said as the daily meeting began, “Mr. Jones cousin is here, and not just to visit and see how our project is coming along!”

“It has been decided that, from now on, you will be deciding who will manage the plantation. Of course this job can’t be done by just anyone, but every three months we will have a special meeting, at which all the workers will vote on whether we think Mr. Jones should run the plantation, or whether we think his cousin Mr. Johnson should run the plantation.”

“That means that ultimately you are in charge, because you will be deciding which man you want running things on your behalf. If you don’t like the way things are being managed, you now have the power to change it.”

Amazed and pleased the workers headed out again to the fields, to pick the cotton

Days passed. Months passed. A year passed. And the plantation continued to operate as before.

Sometimes Mr. Jones was in charge, sometimes Mr. Johnson was in charge, but the day-to-day routine stayed exactly the same. The workers worked hard, long hours every day and still had little to show for it. Every day the meeting would begin with them all reciting the Jones plantation motto:

We work together as free men for our mutual benefit. Pledging our allegiance to the Jones plantation, which stands for prosperity, liberty and justice for all.

One day Mr. Smith announced “Samuel has asked to say a few words this morning, and whatever the rest of us may think of his ideas and opinions, we are all free here. And that means we are all allowed to speak our minds. So Samuel, you have two minutes, begin.”

Samuel stepped forward looking scared.

“I was excited when all this started”, he began glancing nervously at Mr. Smith and Mr. Jones, “but don’t you all see what’s happened here? Nothing’s changed! We’re all still slaves!”

There were grumbles of disagreement from the crowd.

“They tell us what to do, and whip us if we don’t. They still make all the rules and punish us if we disobey. They let us make suggestions, and complain about things, but they never really change anything. They let us choose between Mr. Jones and Mr. Johnson, but what’s the difference? The situation stays the same. We do all of the work and they take as much as they want, and decide how much they’ll let us keep. They live in luxury, made rich by the cotton we pick. We do all the work and have to build our own huts, grow our own food and take care of ourselves. They leave us just enough that we don’t revolt or run away.”

“This is not freedom! We’re all still slaves! They’ve only changed the words they use, but nothing else has changed. They say we’re all free and equal but we’re not, they command and we obey. That’s not freedom, that’s not equality. They say we’re free to leave, but all that means is that we’re free to be someone else’s slave.”

Why should we work or obey the rules? We didn’t agree to this! They made the system, they forced it on us, they control and rob us and call it freedom! They’ve deceived you into thinking that being able to choose which slave master you’ll work for is the same as being free! It’s not! Open your eyes!”

“If you keep what you produce they call it stealin’, when they take what you produce they call it sharing and fair distribution. Can’t you see that this is all…”

“Your time is up, Samuel” Mr. Smith announced calmly. At his gesture two supervisors grabbed Samuel by the arms and led him to the whipping post. “I’m sorry Samuel, but you’ve broken the rules. There are rules against encouraging others not to work, and encouraging others to break the rules. You’re only hurting all of us with your discontentment and your complaining and your disobedience.”

The whip fell and Samuel let out a grunt.

“Without rules without order all would be lost. Without law there would be chaos. We can’t just behave as wild animals, each doing whatever he pleases. We must all follow the plan, and all do our duty for the betterment of everyone. And those who do not must be punished.”

The whip fell again and blood flowed freely from Samuel’s back.

“Samuel it is you are stealing from the others when you don’t do your assigned work. You are making more work for others when you disobey the rules. It is you who are endangering the future of everyone else here. You are the thief, you are the criminal, you are the one trying to destroy the arrangement that keeps us all safe and prosperous.”

At every lash of the whip the other workers cheered louder and louder. Some yelling curses at Samuel.

“Being spoiled and selfish you complain about everything, talking as if you’re oppressed. But you are the one ruining things, you are the one keeping us from being all we could be. It is your greed and your rebelliousness that is hurting all of us.”

“They all play by the rules”, Mr. Smith said, gesturing at the others, “what makes you think that you don’t have to? You think you’re above the law?”

There were loud yells of agreement as the whip fell again.

“We must maintain order,” Mr. Smith proclaimed, “to make this plantation great, to make it so that we can all be happy and prosperous. To have the society we want there have to be rules. We all have to contribute our fair share to this great endeavor, and we cannot tolerate actions and attitudes that seek to undermine the amazing things that – together as free men – we have achieved and will continue to achieve!”

Mr. Jones was smiling as he gave Mr. Smith a pat on the back. The crowd was cheering so loudly that none of them had noticed that Samuel had died.


The Jones Plantation was written and animated by Larken and Amanda Rose. You can watch their interview with James Corbett here or visit their website here.


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Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Oct 31, 2020 8:07 PM

We are being inundated with professional trolls multi-posting under different identities. If this cyberattack continues we may have to ask people to confirm an email address before posting. This is counter to our instinct for unrestricted access – but we may have no choice.

just a heads up.

austrian peter
austrian peter
Nov 3, 2020 10:31 AM

Well said Admin – I have no problem with confirming my email address as i am sure all supportive readers will agree. I value all the wonderful work you do and help us all understand our slavery. Keep up the good work. 🙂

Nov 2, 2020 7:02 PM

and then Nigel came along with the Plantation party and repeat and repeat and repeat

Nov 2, 2020 3:39 PM

That looks like the world I know. Sadly.

John Goss
John Goss
Nov 1, 2020 9:57 PM

Another story so apposite to slavery today.

The Dude Abides
The Dude Abides
Nov 1, 2020 8:42 PM

OT but related — I’m sorry to hear OG’s being inundated with professional trolls, which isn’t surprising to say the least. One can hope that things will simmer down when the farcical US “elections” and its highly anticipated “fallout” is finally in the rear view mirror.

From the rest of us to the admins, editors and contributors at OG: a great many thanks for all your hard work.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Nov 1, 2020 8:59 PM

Thank you! The occasional note of appreciation helps a lot

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Nov 1, 2020 9:45 PM

Thanks very much, Dude! 😀

Nov 1, 2020 8:14 PM

a good essay along similar line by author Frank Scott
Calling this “our democracy” is like slaves referring to “our plantation”

he writes…
a constitution written by the original 1% to assure that the other 99% would never threaten their power and control, only allowing supposed revolutionary amendments that allow a greater professional servant class and guarantee that the overwhelming majority continue to react to the spectacle of a variety show that passes for an electoral process, as people are convinced that the right to vote is the essence of democracy, with little or no consideration about what there is to vote for

currently the expression of the alleged fascist putz in the white house while his alleged liberal foes engage in the most repressive reactionary politics in the usual guise of democracy in America: Our evil is lesser than their evil. Vote for polio or you’ll get cancer!

Nov 2, 2020 3:46 PM
Reply to  8thAvatar

Indeed. I hate American exceptionalism. I think it’s mindless, and, as a Christian, I find State worship appalling. That doesn’t mean that I don’t think that we should care about our neighbors and communities and, yes, country. But I put principles before blood, so am damn well not going to worship the State. I just watched the Highwire video in which Del interviews Tony, the restaurant owner in the US who stays open but bans masks. That’s awesome, but their State worship was off putting. Del and his friend, who are good people and take up causes I believe in, yammered about the righteousness of Thomas Jefferson, a freaking slave owner, and the noble founding fathers. They weren’t noble. Del either hates and ignores history or he’s got issues. And of all the States to worship…

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Nov 1, 2020 5:46 PM

When Mr. Knightley posted the interview link with the Roses and James Corbett, I wish he would have included the fact that a large part of the interview revolved around the Roses and other collaborators working at warp speed on a full length feature film based on the animation, with actors, hopefully to be shown in theaters if they still exist when it is complete.

John Goss
John Goss
Nov 1, 2020 5:38 PM

Any singers/musicians want to make this a reality? Tune: Phantom of the Opera. Andrew Lloyd Webber. No need to hit that E6 at the end. Any Scream will do! Is that Webber again, with Rice this time?

Coronavirus chimera(with a hat-tip to Andrew Lloyd Webber who seemed to spot it first)

A novel pathogen, from China came,
Creating wrath again, in panic’s name,
Corrupted media, planted you’ll find,
Coronavirus chimera is there, inside your mind.
Your rent is overdue, do not forget
Its power over you, grows stronger yet.
The job you used to have, is left behind,
Coronavirus chimera is there, inside your mind.
Those who have seen your mask, draw back in fear,
Nobody dares to ask, if you are clear,
It is a harbinger, germs of all kind,
Coronavirus chimera is there, clouding your mind.
In life’s known viruses, from colds to flu,
Corona chimera, possesses you,
It is no different, but you are blind
Coronavirus chimera is there, inside your mind.
Sing my angel of panic
Beware coronavirus chimera
Sing for me
Sing my angel of panic.
Sing for me

Nov 1, 2020 6:24 PM
Reply to  John Goss

Sang this whole thing through in my head and thoroughly enjoyed it haha!

John Goss
John Goss
Nov 1, 2020 9:56 PM
Reply to  John Goss

Anyway it’s presented in the spitirt of wiki commons, that is free to use.

John Goss
John Goss
Nov 1, 2020 11:26 PM
Reply to  John Goss

“spitirt” should read spirit. Looks like I’ve been hitting it!

Nov 2, 2020 3:48 PM
Reply to  John Goss

That’s a nice thought.

Paul Downey
Paul Downey
Nov 1, 2020 5:30 PM

To see just what is going on I would recommend drawing a clear distinction between work as a social constuct and what you were taught about work in Physics classes at school.

I’ve known for over 50 years that I’ve had access to over 100 slaves working 24/7 just for me. I call them my Energy Slaves. I’ve flown LHR to LAX with my bike, cycled across the continent to JFK and flown back to LHR, 9,000 air miles and paid for by nothing more than the energy contained in 5 Mars bars. So for 50 years now, if asked what work I do for a living, I reply none at all, all my work is done by fossil fuels. Did you all mess about in O level/GCSE Physics? If you look, you might find you have never done a days work either.

This, of course, is real Emperor’s New Clothes stuff.

Then check out what has happened to oil supply since 2005 and you should be well on the way to discovering, for yourself, just what this pandemic is really all about. I am afraid that the physical world and its constraints are oblivious to the social constucts that dominate your world. Sorry.

Paul Downey
Paul Downey
Nov 1, 2020 5:51 PM
Reply to  Paul Downey

I’ve never used more than 100 calories of energy to do a days work, so half a Mars bar. So I could exchange 10 days work (5 MBs) for some bits of paper printed with coloued ink(which most folk call “money”) to buy my air tickets.

Nov 1, 2020 10:03 PM
Reply to  Paul Downey

Biogenic fossil fuels are as big a lie as Agw and this mindspace pandemic.

John the First
John the First
Nov 1, 2020 3:34 PM

I am delighted to see that on day four democracy has been introduced, the dictatorship of the masses and their self-chosen slavery, lead by the most shrewd among them.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Nov 1, 2020 12:49 PM



“I’m waiting for someone to link Monty Python’s Spam spam.

Anyone? Please?”

(bearing in mind that comment-video roulette will probably kick in and an utterly unintended video may play in its place…! laugh)

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Nov 1, 2020 7:41 AM

Thus has the cage betrayed us all, this moment, our life, turned to nothing through our terrible attempts to insure it. For Bigger’s tragedy is not that he is cold or black or hungry not even that he is American, black; but that he has accepted a theology that denies him life, that he admits the possibility of his being sub-human and feels constrained, therefore, to battle for his humanity according to those brutal criteria bequeathed him at his birth. But our humanity is our burden, our life; we need not battle for it; we need only to do what is infinitely more difficult – that is, accept it. The failure of the protest novel lies in its rejection of life, the human being, the denial of his beauty, dread, power, in its insistence that it is his categorization alone which is real and which cannot be transcended.

James Baldwin – Everybody’s Protest Novel

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Nov 1, 2020 4:13 AM

Hello Administration: I had no problem understanding the message of the parable, yet it would seem quite a few chose not to… I believe Charlotte Russe’s comment defines the point of the article exactly. Good Samhain to you and associates.

Nov 1, 2020 7:00 AM
  1. The article hits too close to home.
  2. It is imperial election insanity time.
posted eartlier
posted eartlier
Nov 1, 2020 10:09 AM

”This story is garbage. We don’t vote for the private interests that actually own and thus control things, and they don’t ever talk of “fair distribution”. Infantile libertarian dreck.”

posted earlier

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Nov 1, 2020 3:25 PM

Hello posted earlier: I guess you’d rather live under the boots of an authoritarian dictatorship than study the rational intent of true libertarian goals. The libertarian “party” was hijacked by CIA and Mossad operatives shortly after it began to acquire a following.

CIA and Mossad enjoy the limitations of Tweedledee – Tweedledum two party systems…

Voxi Pop
Voxi Pop
Nov 1, 2020 1:06 AM

Hotline: US+China Top Brass Crises Talks/ Wall St Expects 20% Plunge/ Car Slams Mecca Grand Mosque/ Democrat Immigration Filmmaker Votes Trump/ UN: Stop Greening The Sahara!/ Covid Gaelic Gulag/ Legal Pot Psychosis/ Clown Runs OR Health DeptBOMBSHELL REPORT: Hunter Biden With Young Black Woman + Malia Obama Coke Credit Card Photo Reported by Christian News

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Nov 1, 2020 12:31 AM

Just a thought:

Interesting, how life at Jones’ plantation for an average worker describes the final stages of predatory capitalism or socialism with Chinese characteristics. In other words, both economic systems are similar in that they inevitably devolve into a capitalist dictatorship ultimately producing a one world structure governed by sociopathic gangsters.  

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Nov 1, 2020 4:16 AM

Hello Charlotte Russe: Exactly! Lemmings playing follow the leader…

Nov 2, 2020 1:58 PM

We are all slaves on the digital plantation….and only going to get worse

S Bastad
S Bastad
Dec 31, 2020 4:33 PM

Which is exactly what Marx predicted. Fusion of State and Corporatist Capitalism. Not necessarily agreeing with his prescription however

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Dec 31, 2020 4:59 PM
Reply to  S Bastad

A Stalinist technocracy on AI steroids.

Oct 31, 2020 10:08 PM

I look forward to the reboot of this video, where the characters are wearing masks and practicing social distancing– and Mr. Smith looks a bit more like “Dr. Doom” Fauci.

Nov 2, 2020 3:51 PM
Reply to  Ort

But it’s here. We’ve been watching it. And I’m scared. But not scared enough to obey.

Oct 31, 2020 8:32 PM

slaves cheer?

Oct 31, 2020 8:08 PM

One cannot change reality by changing the words you use to describe reality. Look beneath the rhetoric, and glimpse the truth.” I’m at the starting gate here with this quote and have some issue with it. Reality as experienced and reacted to is absolutely predicated on the ‘words’ and ideas accepted and used to define it. An infectious threat has a very different response to a toxic exposure and weakened immune function. It is true that whatever we are accepting as our judgement or concept of reality is wrong or at least partial, and so to NOT react from our judgements and their self-reinforcing conditioning of perception-response, is the opportunity to apprehend the situation as a whole – and as a gift of wholeness rather than a manufacture of partiality. All words operate definition, and the fear and control mind seeks to define so as to gain or maintain control. So a true word is revealing of the hearts recognition of an integrity of being, While a twisting of the meaning, can seem to create new meanings or ways of seeing a world as reflecting power unto ourself rather than as witness to truth. So my witness is that we are already operating a corrupted ‘reality’ as the result of weaponised words that operate self-contradictions under social narratives. And yes to release or rest the mind that makes such a masking overlay is the allow the glimpse of a reality that cannot be defined in words, but can and does offer a foundation from which to think, speak and act congruently, and to perceive a world with which we are truly with, to the point of recognising truth that is not IN the world – but can be reflected, recognised and shared through it. The masked world is locked down… Read more »

May Hem
May Hem
Oct 31, 2020 10:32 PM
Reply to  binra

Thanks for these wise words Binra. As you say, we can be easily fooled by “weaponised words” to keep us submerged in illusions.

This reminds me of the famous book, “The Alphabet Versus the Goddess“. The Conflict Between Word and Image is a work of critical theory by American surgeon Leonard Shlain, published in 1998. Shlain argues that learning written language, especially alphabetic language, alters human brain function in a way that emphasizes linear thinking over holistic thinking.

The covid scam language is very left-brain stuff. But Nature always finds balance, so there is hope.

Nov 1, 2020 12:51 AM
Reply to  May Hem

Interesting book. I’ll look into it.
I have a sense that anything in its time and timing is in a context that we no longer have available in derivative forms. For we are always within the time and timing that is current.
But as an intuitive in a willingness for reintegration to wholeness of being, I look to the baby in every bathwater, so as not to invest in demonising errors – which then associates them in imagery and symbol of terror.

I feel for language itself as a channel of communion or resonance that is to the heart of all that is – even in the simplest shared moment, but that the forms, images and linear conceptual frameworks all became taken as thing-in-themselves. Like falling into our own imagery, thought and modelling and be-living our experience so fully as to take the mapping for the reality.

The covid agenda has this stepping into the computer model in various ways that reiterate the same pattern.
For sure computer interface alters human brain function!

As accept alignment with our true nature we seek-and-find balance within what is, rather than persist in an ‘out of balance’ state at cost of sacrificing (the) living.
Cynicism and despair are caustic and destructive. Hope, faith and knowledge are constructive or integrative, I feel hope as a disposition of life rather than set in specific invested outcome. Our potentials are beyond measure. But our potential for imbalance is limited by unworkability.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 31, 2020 7:13 PM

I’ve just been viewing one of the Craig Murray forum threads and -oh how we must twist and turn to avoid the bad manners of suggesting a … gasp! … conspiracy! Note this comment:

“The handling of the crisis is so politically skewed and perhaps purposefully incompetent. This give you the choice to either side with the incompetent government, or side with the incompetent government.”

Ah a choice between incompetence and incompetence. Quick! Get that cross and garlic ready to ward off anything else. But note also this: “purposeful incompetence” ISN’T incompetence!

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Oct 31, 2020 10:23 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Yes it’s clear to some of us that incompetence has so far been the government’s secret weapon. I mean just how could fools like Johnson and Hancock be behind what seems to be a very nasty conspiracy. Of course, they are not behind anything and are simply paid off bit players who are working to the globalists script. Buffoon Jonson and clown Hancock have got away with their Laurel & Hardy act so far, but I feel that the natives are now beginning to get rather restless and hopefully the government’s cheating game might soon be up.

Even some BBC watchers and Guardian readers are starting to feel that something about the government narrative just doesn’t add up.

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 1, 2020 8:26 AM

There are various defenders of the the Covid faith over on the Murray site (most notably a real nasty piece of work called Clark) who are desperately writhing around to keep the virus narrative plausible. But they are coming under increasing pressure from those who, even despite themselves, are honest enough to start to suspect.

Nov 1, 2020 9:10 AM
Reply to  George Mc

The phrase ‘a dollar short and a day late’ always comes to mind when I read Murray’s efforts. Murray’s handlers finally got their man to mildly question the coronavirus narrative a week or so ago, so things must be getting ropey.

Nov 1, 2020 1:49 PM
Reply to  Thom

so says craig murray – according to this vid…

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 31, 2020 6:56 PM

I see Sean Connery has just died. Please allow him the dignity of NOT dying of Covid!

Oct 31, 2020 7:13 PM
Reply to  George Mc

the hunt for red October I(Halloween)

Oct 31, 2020 10:07 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I liked Connery, although I never got into the Bond films.

That said, for some reason the goofy idea popped into my head that it would be really cool to see all of the living Lesser Bonds serving as pallbearers.

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Oct 31, 2020 11:23 PM
Reply to  Ort

Sean Connery and Roger Moore head and shoulders above the rest

Nov 1, 2020 12:14 PM
Reply to  Ort

I was reading through the comments rather quickly Read this one about the pallabearers and thought (as I kept scrolling) Oh my God, yaaaaa!

I had to scroll back and see who came up with that idea.

Ort – no surprise.

(Never a Bond fan either but loved Connery. Met him once on the set of The Great Train Robbery a million years ago in Ireland. I guess there was no security back then because I just wandered onto the outdoor set and started chatting.)

Nov 1, 2020 12:16 PM
Reply to  Judith

That was supposed to read “pallbearers”, not “pallabearers”. They live too far north to travel down for services.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Nov 1, 2020 2:41 PM
Reply to  Judith

It was hard not to like Sean Connery. I liked the early Bond films, and his films like “The Name of the Rose”.

I believe that he used to get a regular bollocking (for non-UK readers, that’s just a verbal telling-off and not anything more “exotic”) from his good friend and fellow-Celt, Stanley Baker, for living abroad for tax reasons. (Baker, who died far too young, thought this was unpatriotic).

Nov 1, 2020 5:48 PM

Yes, “Name..Rose”

“Man Who Would be King” with Michael Caine.

I am an ardent fan (pre-Downton I always boast) of British film and television. Have been watching for almost 50 years. I mentioned it on this board before. I know some of the actors were actually Welsh, Scottish and Irish, but it seemed they ended up in Britain.

Or the US for tax purposes.

Nov 1, 2020 9:06 PM

I enjoyed Connery in the “Space Western” movie “Outland”.

To borrow Gene Roddenberry’s concept blurb for the original “Star Trek” series, “‘Wagon Train’ to the stars”, “Outland” is “High Noon” to the stars.

Nov 2, 2020 4:10 PM

The best Robin Hood movie (“Robin And Marian”) in my opinion was Connery’s. It’s old (1976). But it was great. The sword fight between Robin and the Sheriff, played by Robert Shaw, looked, I’m guessing, the way such a sword fight by such characters in that time period would have looked like.

Other than that, I found Connery’s movies to be, like Harrison Ford’s, slick productions lacking heart. They were bankable actors and the movies they did didn’t have to be stellar.

Nov 1, 2020 1:51 PM
Reply to  Ort

“The Hill” is a great Sean Connery film.
“Zardoz” is worth a look too…

Nov 2, 2020 4:11 PM
Reply to  richard

Zardoz is absolute cheese! But it’s thoroughly entertaining. And weird.

Nov 2, 2020 4:01 PM
Reply to  Ort

I hated the Bond movies. The romance angle ruined the movies. They weren’t full on romance and they weren’t full on thriller. They therefore never quite worked. There was one with Christopher Walken that was kind of okay. (We are going to have different faves, Aren’t we?) I like (loser) Daniel Craig’s Bond however. His Bond is, absolutely, a guilty pleasure for me, since I don’t think that MI6 agents can under any circumstances ever, ever, ever be heroes. I avoided the last Bond movie for the longest time, intending to never see it, but relented when I was bored out of my skull and couldn’t find anything else to watch. It was good as entertainment. If I can ignore the propaganda, and the entertainment value is high, I will allow myself the treat of watching something produced by the entertainment/ military/ intelligence – complex, which will be destroyed soon enough and good riddance to it.

Oct 31, 2020 6:37 PM

To revolt against a government because it is a system, is to attack effects rather than causes; and as long as the attack is upon effects only, no change is possible. If a government is torn down but the rationality which produced it is left standing, then that rationality will simply produce another government. If a revolution destroys a systematic government, but the systematic patterns of thought that produced that government are left intact, then those patterns will repeat themselves in the succeeding government. Robert M Pirsig This society depends on belief. Its whole structure is that of auto hypnosis, control through government narratives and propaganda. Its whole structure is based in creating robots and machines, not individuals. It needs dependent people, so much so that they are constantly in need of being tyrannized, so much so that they are searching and seeking their own tyrants, their own Adolf Hitlers, their own Josef Stalins and Mao Zedongs. Belief is a deep need in people. Why is it a deep need? Because without belief you feel like a chaos, without belief you don’t know why you exist, without belief you cannot feel any meaning in life. No significance seems to be there. You feel like an accident with no reason at all to be here. Belief gives you a support to live by, it gives you a certain meaning, howsoever false It gives you a certain blueprint for life, how to move, where to move. Without belief, the question arises. Why are you? Who are you? A person without belief has to be very, very courageous. To live without belief is to live in the unknown, to live without belief is a great daring. Belief is given by society, because belief is the bridge between you and society. Belief is the… Read more »

Nov 1, 2020 2:35 AM

my finger hurts from scrolling down

Nov 1, 2020 9:00 PM
Reply to  Theobalt

Funny, my finger gets numb. This raises the interesting semantic question of whether “pins and needles” discomfort qualifies as “hurting”. 😉

Nov 1, 2020 9:51 PM
Reply to  Ort

Into voodoo as well?

Nov 1, 2020 2:04 PM

As an anti-theist I am not defending religion when I notice that the globalists want to destroy or merge Christianity into a world religion to accompany their world government.

Nov 2, 2020 2:06 PM
Reply to  richard

Ahhhh…Chrislam……the conditioning has already begun with the masks….and the piggy eyed messiah (T Bliar) has done sterling work with chrislam !….a covid cult a climate change cult and now a religious cult….never before have so many choices been available for your brainwashing

Nov 3, 2020 7:31 AM

How can you know light if you are darkness? How can you know love, how can you know life if you are not that? Only the same can feel the same, the similar is needed to know. Why do you miss a living Christ? Everybody is waiting, for a day to come when the world would be reborn and there would be peace, eternal truth, and life. What you expect has come, but you know it not? This has to be understood deeply, because it must be something very deep-rooted in the mind, in the very nature of the mind. It is not an individual error, it is not a mistake committed by this person or that person. For millennia it has been committed by the human mind. The present is so narrow that the mind cannot catch it. The moment the mind catches it, it has already become the past. So the mind can remember the past, can desire the future, but cannot see the present. The past is vast, the future also is vast. The present is so atomic, so subtle, that by the time you become aware, it is gone. And you are not so aware! A very great intensity of awareness is needed, only then will you be able to see the present. You have to be fully alert, if you are not totally alert, the present cannot be seen. There is this danger in belief, it makes you feel that you know the truth. And because it makes you feel that you know the truth, this becomes the greatest barrier in the search. The best way to avoid truth is to remain lost in belief. What are you so afraid of? Who is this who is afraid? It is precisely that one who is afraid… Read more »

S Bastad
S Bastad
Dec 31, 2020 4:30 PM

Sounds like Osho

Oct 31, 2020 6:31 PM

I have concluded that tragically, the people who posted this story didn’t understand that it was libertarian, small government, anti-left wing clap trap. That is as charitable as I can be. That is where we are at folks. I could weep.

I quote from the story:

”……..when they take what you produce they call it sharing and fair distribution.”

that’s right, redistribution is ‘evil’, in this tale.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Oct 31, 2020 6:35 PM
Reply to  Patrick

I think it’s actually a critique of the oligarchy that promotes itself as egalitarian when it’s actually exploitative.

Nov 1, 2020 2:08 PM

I think it describes democracy. The trouble is, shit floats.
Those that want power for it’s own sake will always rise to the top.
Even well written constitutions can, over time, be undermined. As we have seen.
Maybe it’s time to clean out the Aegean Stables…

John the First
John the First
Nov 1, 2020 3:45 PM
Reply to  richard

“It has been decided that, from now on, you will be deciding who will manage the plantation. Of course this job can’t be done by just anyone, but every three months we will have a special meeting, at which all the workers will vote on whether we think Mr. Jones should run the plantation, or whether we think his cousin Mr. Johnson should run the plantation.”

It describes democracy, but it is built into it that the people have no choice but between voting for Johnson or Jones, all members of the powerful establishment. The narrative is designed this way because the writer is a member of the Western Holy Church of Democracy, the latter cannot be blamed, one must always, like Admin1 above and all the rest blame an elite.
So, the idea here is that the problem is that the democratic people only have a choice between to members of an elite (oligarchy), so it is this elite which is in the way of the realization of the true democratic utopia. Basically the narrative is that of a false democracy, the people being victim (even their cruelty described at the end of the narrative cannot be blamed). Altogether it is the usual victim complex narrative which is thé leading narrative in a democracy.

Nov 1, 2020 6:26 PM
Reply to  richard

Who set up democracy to begin with?

In the American Colonies, it was members of the Peerage, the ruling bloodlines, who created and signed the founding documents.
They still own 99+%, and rule through both of the two allowed corporate national political parties today.

USA is doubleplus gooder than the USSR, which only had one central political party.

Oct 31, 2020 9:35 PM
Reply to  Patrick

It’s just an allegory that we have all been living on a plantation. Don’t get hung up on one sentence.

Nov 1, 2020 2:48 AM
Reply to  Patrick

Absolutely spot-on. This story is garbage. We don’t vote for the private interests that actually own and thus control things, and they don’t ever talk of “fair distribution”. Infantile libertarian dreck.

Nov 2, 2020 4:14 PM
Reply to  Patrick

I support redistribution and sharing but I didn’t really sense that the authors were trying to knock those things per se. They were knocking the liars who offered those things but had no real use for them.

Oct 31, 2020 6:27 PM

Here it comes… UK government leaks that it’s about to deny many people the ability to earn a living; the day after the group of knaves and fools who support it lobby for the introduction of UBI:


I’m sure there’s no need to go over again why UBI which might seem cuddly and progressive on the surface is really nothing of the sort.

Oct 31, 2020 9:38 PM
Reply to  Edwige

UBI will be rescinded unless you give up your property and all assets forever. That’s the plan people don’t understand. That’s why this is Agenda21 and not a virus. That’s how they will force move people off their land.

Not the ruling class of course, just everyone else.

May Hem
May Hem
Oct 31, 2020 10:37 PM
Reply to  Researcher

And those who refuse the UBI will be called “NUBIs”, or No UBI, classed as outlaws, and eliminated wherever possible.

Nov 1, 2020 6:27 PM
Reply to  May Hem


Nov 1, 2020 2:51 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Nonsense. UBI will be used to maintain and grow debt among an even more disenfranchised and expanding permanent underclass. You’ll have assets, they will just be minuscule and cost you your whole allowance, forever.

Jean Wilson
Jean Wilson
Nov 1, 2020 3:56 AM
Reply to  Clyde

and your assets will be confiscated when you can no longer pay your debts, so off to internment in the nearest strong city for you and yours.

Nov 1, 2020 5:03 AM
Reply to  Jean Wilson

You can’t pay interest if you’re in a camp.

Jean Wilson
Jean Wilson
Nov 1, 2020 9:42 PM
Reply to  Clyde

Your captors won’t care. They’ve got your assets and you are now excess to their requirements.

Nov 2, 2020 2:12 AM
Reply to  Jean Wilson

That’s not how it will work. You’re worth far more as a welfare consumer than you are in a camp being paid for. It’s why wage slavery is superior to chattel slavery

Jean Wilson
Jean Wilson
Nov 2, 2020 3:41 AM
Reply to  Clyde

Clyde – you won’t be paid for after you’re dead. Their aim is de-population. The most profitable and obedient will be kept as slaves.

Nov 2, 2020 6:00 AM
Reply to  Jean Wilson

Rubbish. Population growth is slowing everywhere. They don’t require your fanciful scenario. Do you suppose there will be an evaluation process to determine who is profitable and obedient and then a systematic culling of those who don’t meet the criteria?

Nov 2, 2020 2:11 PM
Reply to  Clyde

I think perhaps you missed the canadian document outlining the process of debt forgiveness…you surrender your property and assets and you take part in the vaxx program for c 19 & c21 and you are given a passport and allowed to travel freely even during full lockdown conditions…if you dont you are a security risk so you will be hauled off to some form of camp and given a choice….take part,surrender your property and assets and get with the programme…if you decline you will be detained indefinitely and YOUR PROPERTY AND ASSETS WILL BE SEIZED ANYWAY….dont think this is going to happen ?…buckle up baby…its in the post

Nov 2, 2020 3:15 PM
Reply to  magumba

Can’t say that I saw that story. Perhaps because it doesn’t exist?

Nov 2, 2020 4:19 PM
Reply to  magumba

Links? I know that Dan Dicks has looked at it. What do you have?

Nov 2, 2020 4:18 PM
Reply to  Jean Wilson

The nearest ‘strong’ city? Smart, for sure.

Nov 2, 2020 4:16 PM
Reply to  Edwige

There’s no need here. I learned about the two versions (rightwing and leftwing) of ubi long ago and marvel at how no one talking about that today seems to know about those two versions.

Oct 31, 2020 6:00 PM

Are you too frightened to get angry? Some have good reason: we have no off switch. Should quarantine our full character. But then we try to avoid provoking others, coddling the criminal.

Need to meet Bill Gates in a dark alley.

Have you built a computer? If not, you have no idea how amateur much of the software and hardware is.

Apple and Windows fanbois notwithstanding, has your phone crashed recently? Then why does your computer? I suspect the reason is the powers need your phone to be working flawlessly.

As for PCs and Mac’s, low-level consumption of movies and music is enabled. The moment you use computers to create content it’s a much worse experience than the most advanced phone. Your PC is deliberately hobbled.

The military use computers to fly planes. Boeing’s civilian models are obviously an unfortunate exception. Could you use your computer to fly a plane? Not stable? It does less. Should be more stable.

Are you being undermined?

Oct 31, 2020 6:40 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Anger does nothing good for my Blood Pressure, which sometimes gets high.

We do however have two yoga mats in our house, and I have never done yoga in my life, and my wife is p1ssed off with doing it on zoom..and me trying to get the bloody thing working…the vision was O.K., but I couldn’t get the sound working – though the rest of the class could hear us and see us on a Friday morning, till…we got cut off by the teacher.

I just assumed none of it was working

It made us both laugh. She hasn’t been back since, and probably won’t be allowed to now….have they shut the Yoga Classes too – for Too Much Farting in Class?

My wife does tell me what its like. A few old blokes turn up too.. but its mainly fit women – of all ages. It keeps the old blokes fit too.

If the swimming pool is shut too, that will Really Piss Her Off. She does have a few mates who go to demos too and Scream – cos they haven’t received their Pensions yet.

Every Girl in My Class.

comment image

Loads of Fireworks and Zombies at the moment where we live walking up and down our road.

It is Halloween


Nov 1, 2020 6:01 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Cutting corners, incorporating obsolescence, etc. follow from usury, relentless growth, etc. Tech. products are easier to mess up deliberately, as we see in the growing mountain of discarded goods.

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Nov 1, 2020 5:22 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Linux: HP Prodesk with Ubuntu 18.04… 0 (ZERO) crashes; $0 in prank protection.
MS Windows 10: my wife that uses it for bookkeeping is chagrined; she won’t mention what she pays!

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Oct 31, 2020 5:29 PM

Ask the Indigenous of North America. They lived by social democracy, but when the Yanks and Perfifdious Albion came on the scene, your ancestors possibly, they “put out by the oligarchs to destroy the minds of a gullible population, who exist in an intellectual vacuum.”

So the perps come to NA and convince the settlers that the land is all theirs, and that the Indigenous don’t belong on their own land. What has Marx have to do with this? Nothing! This is incestuously grown ideology… the Yanks need enemies or a whipping boy.
What modern U$A gifts to the rest of the world is nothing but the same…

And, no, I will give the lack of censorship on this site on par with Unz Review.
As poven by your posted diarrhoea. you are full of shit.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Oct 31, 2020 5:40 PM
Reply to  Ernest Judd


Oct 31, 2020 5:47 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

You occasionally get a compliment.

Oct 31, 2020 6:09 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

“And, no, I will give the lack of censorship on this site…”

Oct 31, 2020 5:15 PM

I especially liked the bit where they called out ‘redistribution of wealth’ as wrong and as theft, Yo man, too right! I’m thick and poor and I hate socialism and love Corporate exploitation, especially when I’m the victim.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Oct 31, 2020 5:44 PM
Reply to  Jackdoor

“I especially liked the bit where they called out ‘redistribution of wealth’ as wrong and as theft”

So you’re siding with the cynically deceptive and evil Plantation Owners in this parable? The ones tricking the slaves? Amazing. I imagine that using sarcasm on you must get equally fascinating results! Keep it up.

Oct 31, 2020 5:59 PM

Woosh…..straight over your head……The point of the tale is to portray our governments & democracy as the criminals, not the owners. No plantation owner will practice ‘redistribution’.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Oct 31, 2020 6:46 PM
Reply to  Fecxt

Did you fail to notice the wealth was NOT in fact redistributed?

The wealth and power remained unchanged – only the words were altered to fool people into believing themselves ‘liberated’ when they were still enslaved

Governments are synonymous with the oligarchs and run the the world for their benefit

Oct 31, 2020 9:24 PM

The wealth, the fruit of the Labour of the ‘former’ slaves, was redistributed to the ‘former’ slave owner. It’s not a word I would chosen.

Whilst appreciating your point about ‘trolls’, I wonder if the problem here is the use of sarcasm and the failure of other to recognise it?

Oct 31, 2020 7:16 PM
Reply to  Fecxt

Hmmm no the point of the tale is to portray the owner as the oppressor and Mr. Smith as the liberaloid propagandist that whitewashes the oppression taking place.

Oct 31, 2020 10:29 PM
Reply to  Someone

Key word is ‘redistribution’. Socialist redistribution. Pay attention it occures in the story. Don’t say what you think the sotry is, look at what the story really is.

Nov 1, 2020 4:41 AM
Reply to  Tosh

Lol and why is “what the story really is” what YOU think it is?

Oct 31, 2020 5:12 PM

Fascinating to watch the Biden inc*** story break over the Corporatist Media.

Two tribes of CIA are fighting: One controls ABC (and got ABC kicked out of Russia in the early 2000s) the other, CNN. The former breaks the story, the latter licks up the spittle and runs with it. A battle to control the narrative.

Anderson Cooper could, of course, be a stand in for Hunter Biden – the tortured offspring of admittedly much-practised pervents.

His Vanderbilt grandmother was an acolyte of the Omnipotent Oom. The Bidens are lacking in such imagination. But then you have modern-day wannabe Oom and near neighbour Keith Raniere processed through the courts, another example, should we need one, that even our darkest tendencies run to the banal nowadays.

Gary Wilson
Gary Wilson
Oct 31, 2020 5:02 PM

We are ruled by our own self delusion.

Oct 31, 2020 5:15 PM
Reply to  Gary Wilson

I’m deluded by my own ruler.

Oct 31, 2020 5:39 PM
Reply to  Gary Wilson

My wife usually tells me what to do, and I say Yes. Great idea…, and sometimes it is, even if it was my idea in the first place, when I subtley suggested it. Otherwise , I almost always agree, and carry on as normal. Just say yes – Great idea, then she is a Happy Girl, and knows she has succeeded in telling me what to do..even if I haven’t done it yet.

I have to admit, some of her ideas are Totally Brilliant, even if I didn’t at first quite understand.

It’s about doing stuff together, and forever telling her how Brilliant She is, and how much I love her.

She thinks Boris Johnson is about to announce All The Pubs and Resteraunts are Shut until New Years Eve..

But we are still celebrating Halloween

Pumpkin – cut out face and a candle light inside

Grandkids might turn up later tonight

Don’t let These Arseholes in control get to you.

Ignore them, and carry on as normal as best you can.


Oct 31, 2020 4:51 PM

This story was O.K., but a bit tame…

Meanwhile Gilad Atzmon’s Analysis is Brilliant. This is well worth reading particularly if you voted for both Jeremy Corbyn and BREXIT as I did.

Gilad Atzmon is a Musician and Writer who lives in England, but was born and grew up in *Redacted* He is an extremely intelligent man. Unz is *redacted* too. I think he is an American *redacted* Maybe an analogy is someone like me, who gave up smoking at the age of 21, and couldn’t stand the smell of tobacco smoke, but never really cared before.

“Corbyn and the Tyranny of Correctness”



Oct 31, 2020 5:17 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

There is Nothing wrong in being right.

Oct 31, 2020 5:17 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

comment image

Oct 31, 2020 4:35 PM

Bill Gates Sued For Forcing Staff To Watch Child Rape And Murder.

Rather than plough through the stuff, Microsoft and Google could just refuse to carry porn. This is industrial, it is no longer an OZ free speech issue.

He’s not much better than the Bidens


As someone told me this morning, regarding Bill Gates, “it seems that some of his friends are pedophiles and he’s aware of it, but then he shuts his mouth, he doesn’t want to ‘interfere’…”


Nov 2, 2020 2:14 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

You can have your sweeties back uncle Bill…you aint sticking all that in me

Oct 31, 2020 4:34 PM

”……..when they take what you produce they call it sharing and fair distribution.”

God damn those socialist stealing our money to give to the hungry and poor.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Oct 31, 2020 4:25 PM

This article has been doing the rounds for almost a month, and was never more than boilerplate nonsense to begin with and not relevant to the forms of coercion applied universally today.

Oct 31, 2020 4:44 PM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

It is very relevant, it is anti-democracy and anti left. State of the art right-wing propaganda.

”……..when they take what you produce they call it sharing and fair distribution.”

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Oct 31, 2020 7:56 PM
Reply to  Jason

Yes they CALL it fair distribution – but it ISN’T, it’s merely the slave owner taking all the benefits of his slaves’ labour.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Oct 31, 2020 11:52 PM
Reply to  Jason

State of the art circa 1950 perhaps? America embraced Fascism fully when we invaded Korea in defense of democracy we were assured that year.

Nov 1, 2020 3:19 AM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

The Good Guys redistributed the corporeal material of several million North Koreans with aerial bombing to save them from the evils of socialist redistribution.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Nov 1, 2020 1:12 PM
Reply to  Clyde

True , but in the end were defeated in Korea by Mao , and his poorly equipped but motivated million man army , who then allowed us to claim it was a draw to avoid being nuked himself. In that vein Vietnam was simply Korea part 2 also a disastrous defeat for America.

Oct 31, 2020 4:19 PM

Entertaining video, if a bit simplistic.

Nov 2, 2020 4:25 PM
Reply to  livingsb

The simplicity is perfect. And I think that the lesson is a good one for our covid 1984 time. It was the theme of my last blog post, which has really taken off for some reason. It seems like whatever is used to censor me (zero views on some days) now and then comes off and I become visible or something. The post isn’t anything unusual.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Oct 31, 2020 3:56 PM



“Do the idiots who run this site not realise that people can see that that is a perfectly normal comment.”

It’s not working, “Wilton”. How many comments with the words “horse,” “gun”, “ranch” and “ron paul” are we supposed to read as “normal” around here?

Oct 31, 2020 4:11 PM

Whats not working?……… are you scared that people might start thinking or discussing here. I wonder do you not understand that this is a place for ideas and debate?….. of course you don’t, because for you it is just a propaganda vehicle. That is why you censor, people are getting in the way of your propaganda and you are sulking, because we are not meant to challenge it.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Oct 31, 2020 4:25 PM
Reply to  Jason

“Whats not working/”

This garbled attempt to fuck the site up while pretending to be aggrieved seekers of Truth, “Jason”! Laugh. I know bullshit when I see it; your team might want to diversify the comments a leeetle bit for verisimilitude. Eh?

Oct 31, 2020 4:41 PM

You are fucking up the site by censoring every fucking comment

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Oct 31, 2020 5:09 PM
Reply to  Jason

Rebuttal is not “censorship,” Jason/Sue. If you don’t want me to rebut your bullshit, stop SPAMMING a site I come to read for my own intellectual pleasure. Your masters have shut down the theaters and fucking clubs and the best cafes, can you just get the fuck out of my reading space? Thanks.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Oct 31, 2020 5:36 PM

I am genuinely sorry that you’re feeling this way, and I understand. I think after the election it will ease down, hopefully. A2

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Oct 31, 2020 6:08 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

No biggie, Admin2. More irritated than anything else… certainly not mega-down… and triggered by the virtual proximity of the weakest, shitty, useful-idiot prongs of TFIC.

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Oct 31, 2020 6:07 PM

I have the right to determine IF your “garbled attempts” at agruments are worth my time or not. I certainly do not want your comments censored and neither does “Jason” deserve to be censored.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Oct 31, 2020 4:31 PM
Reply to  Jason

Like, explain this one, “Jason”:

Oct 31, 2020 2:55 PM
Reply to S Cooper
I understand the far-right want to eradicate the far-right from history, then they can pretend it is normal and normalise fascism. You fall for that shit if you want, but I’m not, I was ‘unlucky’ enough to get a good education.
Feel free to define the new powers, the new politic here ?…………oh you can’t what a surprise.


Oct 31, 2020 3:59 PM
Reply to S Cooper
Feel free to define the new powers, the new politic here ?…………oh you can’t what a fucking surprise.
Define the NEW political landscape please!…… If you can’t, then we better use terms that do………. no ?

Are you and “Sue” married, “Jason,” ? Which one of you is the Butch Bot?

Oct 31, 2020 4:40 PM

I change my account because it is the only way to get aroud the spam filter. which blocks every second comemnt. Is it that difficult to understand?

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Oct 31, 2020 4:46 PM
Reply to  Jason

“I change my account because it is the only way to get aroud the spam filter.”

If the SPAMMERS would stop SPAMMING, “Jason,” the SPAM filter wouldn’t be necessary. It’s funny how that works, isn’t it. “Jason”?

And how many identities do you need in order to keep posting comments featuring the very vague and virtually meaningless:

Feel free to define the new powers, the new politic here ?…………oh you can’t what a fucking surprise”… ?

I mean, in case you haven’t noticed, you’ve got that sentence posted here more than once today. Along side the person and/or bot who keeps using the words “ranch,” and “ron paul”. Is it on your team or is that another contractor?

Oct 31, 2020 4:51 PM

Of couse it is repeated, because you blocked it every time, so I repeated it of course. you are so dishonest.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Oct 31, 2020 7:48 PM
Reply to  God

Steven Augustine isn’t censoring anyone – he’s just a reader and commenter – though an above averagely discerning one

Oct 31, 2020 4:52 PM

Oct 31, 2020 4:51 PM
Awaiting spam check

Reply to  Steven Augustine
Of couse it is repeated, because you blocked it every time, so I repeated it of course. you are so dishonest.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Oct 31, 2020 4:58 PM
Reply to  yemnber

Honestly, you’re like a child wearing a Chinese finger trap. Stop multi-posting, it only dumps you in spam more often! You’ve been told about a thousand times.

Oct 31, 2020 5:21 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Stop calling all comments you don’t like spam and you might have some readers by the end of this year, If you don’t YOU WONT.

There is only one thing worse than a propaganda site and that is a propaganda site that pretends to be for free speech.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Oct 31, 2020 5:42 PM
Reply to  Jackdoor

I didn’t call it SPAM, reread and sit down.

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Oct 31, 2020 5:37 PM

Still doesn’t require censoring!
Hey Admin! Censor anyone that wants censorship!

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Oct 31, 2020 5:49 PM
Reply to  Ernest Judd

Please can you guys stop hurling abuse at each other. I am a mod, and it is my job to keep things on topic. If people abide by our comments policy here you will not have posts removed. It’s really that simple. A2.

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Oct 31, 2020 6:08 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Yes, I agree! I have no problems with comments I don’t like and I do not wish to have any censored. But Stevie wants it. Just tell him “that dog don’t hunt”.

Oct 31, 2020 6:18 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Not true……. you have an agend.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Oct 31, 2020 6:34 PM
Reply to  Godly

Well we’re a bit shit at it, if so. Cast your eyes over all the comments claiming what you’re saying, and the other wide-ranging opinions, and you’d see that.

Jan J
Jan J
Oct 31, 2020 3:53 PM

What is up with all the negative comments on this one? I found it to be a good parable, though somewhat simplistic for the crowd that usually hangs here. I guess this is the kind of story that could actually be used to wake up some sheeple from their slumber. That’s why you’re getting so many bizarre comments maybe? 😉

Oct 31, 2020 3:15 PM

Who are the slave owners?…….. Democratic government of course, not oligarchs….. no never the nice oligarchs ….who fund this shit?

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Oct 31, 2020 1:31 PM

If you guys at offG keep on with this “Awaiting spam check” BS you’ll lose many readers!

Oct 31, 2020 3:54 PM
Reply to  Voz 0db

It is, indeed, becoming tiresome.
You’d think an algorithmic bot would remember whether one was a trouble-maker, or a well-informed reader who sometimes uses strong language to express his outrage at what is happening to our entire race right now.
“Awaiting spam check” is far too reminiscent of the good ol’ Graun’s obnoxious style…

Oct 31, 2020 4:14 PM
Reply to  wardropper

It is really getting on my nerves.

Oct 31, 2020 4:20 PM
Reply to  Jason

Very annoying.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Oct 31, 2020 4:34 PM
Reply to  livingsb

I suppose the SPAM CHECK wouldn’t be necessary if SPAMMERS like “Jason” weren’t so busy SPAMMING. Ironically. Right, “Jason”?

Oct 31, 2020 4:48 PM

You mean if ‘Jason’, would stop challenging the articles and just treat the like scripture you mean? Your definition of ‘spam’ is comments you don’t like, or agree with, and you want to censor them.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Oct 31, 2020 5:18 PM
Reply to  Jason

Nah, I mean if you would just post the sentence you keep posting (over and over again) once. Be even better if that sentence made sense. Does it? Please translate this from SpamBotic to English, Jason/Sue:

“Feel free to define the new powers, the new politic here ?…………oh you can’t what a fucking surprise”

Nov 1, 2020 12:26 PM

I’m waiting for someone to link Monty Python’s Spam spam.

Anyone? Please?

Nov 1, 2020 8:52 PM
Reply to  Judith

Ask, and you shall receive 😉 :

Nov 1, 2020 10:02 PM
Reply to  Ort

Oh my God! Thank you! Why can’t we just cancel all debates and watch Monty python episodes. Still funny after all these years….

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Oct 31, 2020 1:30 PM

It’s boring! Just look outside your home prison…

In the meantime get ready for the next pandemic.

comment image
source: https://phys.org/news/2020-10-bacterial-virus-salmonella-strain.html

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Oct 31, 2020 4:00 PM
Reply to  Voz 0db

Is a “Diapper” (sic) a device processing, erm, two apps at once… or something?

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Oct 31, 2020 6:43 PM

No! The 2nd ‘p’ if for pe nis since They will forni cate every slave that doesn’t obey.

So you’ll need a special diapper indeed.

Oct 31, 2020 4:07 PM
Reply to  Voz 0db

Shame spelling has also gone down the toilet during the last ten or fifteen years.
‘Diaper’ has only ONE ‘p’.

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Oct 31, 2020 6:43 PM
Reply to  wardropper

read the link of the image!

Nov 1, 2020 6:15 PM
Reply to  Voz 0db

Noppe. Sstill don’tt gett itt…
Not in the mood for an IQ test right now, thanks.

Nov 2, 2020 4:31 PM
Reply to  wardropper

English is fried. It’s a wonder those of us who are literate can notice those who aren’t (or mistakes made by those who are), with the way the whole language has been mutilated.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Oct 31, 2020 1:20 PM

Clever article, but the point is Not humorous. The 14th Amendment only served to enslave the balance of America’s civil populations.
An excerpt from:The 14th Amendment Is Unconstitutional
Judge L.H. Perez

We learned that the 14th Amendment was: 1) fraudulently, unlawfully, illegally proposed by the U.S. Congress rendering it null and void at the outset; 2) ratified in the Southern states by ‘rump legislatures’, literally by military force at bayonet point — threat, duress and coercion — rendering it null and void in the second instance; 3) had nothing to do with giving freed slaves citizenship status and instead created a new status of citizenship for all Americans (U.S. citizens rather than Citizens of our respective states) which in effect enslaved us all; 4) dissolved and replaced constitutional law with the ‘Laws of Commerce and Admiralty‘… and 5) in a very real sense became a new constitution within the constitution.”

Complete text: http://www.sweetliberty.org/fourteenth.amend.htm

Also: The Original 13th Amendment was overwritten during Lincoln’s term. Why? This was an overt act of treason against the people. The Civil War covered the tracks of Northern industrial interests, and pretty much eliminated the opposition…

I rather doubt readers will take the time to review the entire page…

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Oct 31, 2020 5:16 PM

You Yanks are just too much! The humour is that you actually think this complaint is unique, and only Yanks have experienced this phenomena around the world! All* “Western” “Civilized” “Democratic” nations have done this, repeatedly, taking the “guidance” from Yankee politicos without a wimper, and many non “Western” “Civilized” “Democratic” nations get the wrath of ‘Yankee Exceptionalism’ via sanctions, toxic diplomacy or pyrotechnic rendition.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Nov 1, 2020 3:50 AM
Reply to  Ernest Judd

Hello Ernest Judd: I’m not a “Yank”. I’m a private individual. Sort of like the other 7 billion persons on the planet who are trying to stay alive. I hope to live log enough to educate people who don’t know jack shit about history…

Oct 31, 2020 12:08 PM

A superb alternative explanation for Operation Covid: war on China:

Oct 31, 2020 12:39 PM
Reply to  mgeo

Rather interesting, but someone should take those blinkers off Lief so he can see that if anywhere deserves that grim future, it’s the USA.

Can’t wait for the ‘Yellow Peril’, though. May they be interesting times.

Oct 31, 2020 2:50 PM
Reply to  mgeo

Yes a superb explanation for what is going on. In fact this is exactly what the Imperialist West does all the time. Now, it looks different due to the size of the targeted country: China.

To support resistance and incite a population to revolt against their government, engineer an economic ruin to weaken a country in preparation for a milatary invasion are all standard procedures that the criminal Western/Anglo-Saxon sphere excels at.

Nov 1, 2020 5:43 AM
Reply to  Careful

My description of the article was somewhat incomplete. China is only a major stumbling block. The true goal is turning everyone except the masters into slaves or corpses. HG Well described such a world in Time Machine. Perhaps Alex Jones’ “Prison Planet” also inspired them. The intended victims include most of the ordinary wealthy.

Nov 1, 2020 1:59 PM
Reply to  mgeo

continually emerging evidence suggests the slaves-or-corpses goal is what they want to achieve.

Nov 2, 2020 5:56 AM
Reply to  mgeo

Here’s a broader view of the coming “event horizon”, that covers social media brain-washing.

Oct 31, 2020 12:05 PM

This story is a so dishonest. Democratic Governments are not slave owners, they are the ONLY route to equality, and justice. It is only they that can tax the rich & regulate and provide for the majority. That is why this story is aimed at making them the enemy. It is a story written by ‘slave owners’. They tell you democracy is corrupt but provide no alternative, is it dictators we are supposed to support or is it a gun, and a ranch, that they think are our salvation?

How about we campaign against corrupt government? No? I wonder why not, is it because the Corporations who hate democracy are the ones corrupting it and pushing out propaganda against it.

Oct 31, 2020 4:01 PM
Reply to  Tutter

The ‘democracy’ of which you speak died quite recently at home in its TV couch.
We have now reached the stage of looking for a suitable alternative.
Try to keep up, folks.

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Oct 31, 2020 5:43 PM
Reply to  Tutter

Uhhh… where is “Democracy”?

Oct 31, 2020 10:35 PM
Reply to  Ernest Judd

it taught you to read.

Oct 31, 2020 11:57 AM

And on Day five: all the books by Karl Marx & socialism were hidden and new stories were written by the oligarchs which demonised the idea of democracy, as evil, and depicted it as the slave masters, despite sound democracy being the only viable salvation of the people.

Wayne Vanderploeg
Wayne Vanderploeg
Oct 31, 2020 11:38 AM

Hate mixed fonts…….

Oct 31, 2020 2:55 PM

Particularly annoying is that heavy italic used to display quotes. it is one of the worst font ever for the purpose it is used here. Webmaster was told about it before but they are stubborn.

Oct 31, 2020 9:59 PM
Reply to  Careful

I offer a fervent “Amen!”, albeit with some trepidation.

Anyone who approves of that execrable font may react to criticism by doubling down. To me, the puzzling thing is that this site generally has a lovely layout and fonts– the horrible hyper-italics are the exception that proves the rule.

Oct 31, 2020 11:30 AM

This story is such an obvious fraud, like all far-right propaganda it uses the truth about corrupted government to undermine democracy, when democracy is the only route to fair distribution, social justice, equality, opportunity and social mobility. There is no other route.

What is the route to justice recommended here? Destruction of democracy, Dictatorship heroes, A horse, a gun, and a ranch? Perhaps they want total Corporate power run amuck as Ron Paul and all the Corporate oligarchs want…..of course they do.

This is quite disgusting piece of propaganda, put out by the oligarchs to destroy the minds of a gullible population, who exist in an intellectual vacuum. It only works because Marxism, political science, political history, or any history for that matter has been erased from the peoples minds.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Oct 31, 2020 1:42 PM
Reply to  sharon

 “like all far-right propaganda”

“Again with CORPORATE FASCIST right left paradigm (terminology). You are such a sheeple. The words are PORT and STARBOARD. Haven’t you ever been on a ship.”

Oct 31, 2020 2:55 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

I understand the far-right want to eradicate the far-right from history, then they can pretend it is normal and normalise fascism. You fall for that shit if you want, but I’m not, I was ‘unlucky’ enough to get a good education.

Feel free to define the new powers, the new politic here ?…………oh you can’t what a surprise.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Oct 31, 2020 3:51 PM
Reply to  SueTaylor

Alas some poor sheeple just love their CORPORATE FASCIST masters, their servitude and their face diapers, right up until the time Doc Billy Eugenics’ Euthanasia Death Shot is flowing into their veins.
comment image

Poor, poor, sheeple. Baaaaaah!

Oct 31, 2020 3:59 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

Feel free to define the new powers, the new politic here ?…………oh you can’t what a fucking surprise.

Define the NEW political landscape please!…… If you can’t, then we better use terms that do………. no ?

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Oct 31, 2020 4:14 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

“Feel free to define the new powers, the new politic here ?…………oh you can’t what a fucking surprise.”

Note the all-purpose ambiguity of the Jason-bot’s language. It’s borderline-incoherent but scans as “provocative” if you aren’t really paying attention. And, miraculously, it mirrors the language of the Sue-bot:

“Feel free to define the new powers, the new politic here ?…………oh you can’t what a surprise.”

That’s a pretty sloppy use of bots!

Oct 31, 2020 10:38 PM

You failed so you attacked me…..you loose.

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Oct 31, 2020 5:46 PM
Reply to  SueTaylor

When a large dog drops a massive dump of feces on your front lawn, do you ponder what side to polish?

Oct 31, 2020 11:29 AM

What no demands to gather at Trafalgar Square today?
No calls for twatterSpoons coach parties from the North?
Not out burning masks?

Remember this Halloween – you have called for the unnecessary horror of packed ICU’s and deaths – May they haunt you for ever!

I have pretty good proof now of testing being curtailed in London for last 2/3 weeks hence artificially reducing positive test results which should have resulted in pub and restaurant closures at least two weeks ago.
Done by the underhanded manipulation of StrangeLove Cummings US contractors fixing the operation to reduce the number of random tests being conducted.

Murderers the lot of them !

Oct 31, 2020 11:29 AM

This idiocy is anti-‘big government’. If only Ron Paul and the libertarians had their way, we’d all own a gun, a ranch and the free market would keep us safe, and solve all our problems.

The rich would not get richer, 100 wealthy familes would not become 10 wealthy families, then 5 and then 1. They would never create monopolies & cartels and price gouge and extort the population. They would not totally deregulate themselves, so that vaccines could kill without liability and airplanes would fall out of the sky becauseof shortcuts, and thy could censor everything that challenged their interests. None of that would happen if you had ‘small government’.

Oct 31, 2020 4:05 PM
Reply to  sharon

That is a gross mischaracterization of Ron Paul as a human being.
The man is decent. He is a doctor, and understands people. He is also intelligent.
The only negative thing about him is that he is getting on in years, and probably won’t be able to talk sense for all that much longer.

Oct 31, 2020 10:40 PM
Reply to  wardropper

I agree, I’m sure he is a lovely man, as I am sure Bill Gates is, but Ron Pauls economic theories would be very unkind to a lot of people.

Nov 1, 2020 6:43 PM
Reply to  Tosh

I think what is often forgotten about Ron Paul is that he is far from being an unkind man. I really don’t think he would, as a doctor, accept the likelihood of any of his policies being unkind to people.
Which brings us to the problem of defining, ‘unkind’.
To take an extreme example, stopping Pol Pot in his tracks might have been considered unkind by his family and closest associates, but WAS it unkind?
All these things have to be measured case-by-case, and insofar as Paul had certain people in his sights as targets, we need to be honest and impartial in trying to assess his justification for doing so.

Oct 31, 2020 11:19 AM

Day 5: they infantilism the population and called taking back control via democratic government theft. They demonised socialism and called equality, mobility, fairness and access to healthcare & education stealing.

Oct 31, 2020 11:17 AM

It is amazing that a site that presents itself as intelligent, can push such junk propaganda and
present government redistribution as theft. Crazy nonsense & Intellectual idiocy. Sooooo dishonest.

Oct 31, 2020 2:49 PM
Reply to  sharon

Sharon, it’s hard to believe anyone could so completely miss the point of this presentation. Simply changing the name of something doesn’t in and of itself change the nature of that something. And simply changing the title of someone setting the rules doesn’t change the nature of that someone’s role vis-a-vis everyone else.

This is not a political proposition; rather, it’s a social proposition. How a society is ordered is primary; what it’s politics happen to be is secondary. Something called Democracy can be many things, depending upon how a particular society functions. It can be participatory, wherein people select who will be considered for a particular position; or it can be authoritarian, wherein a group selects who will be considered for that position, and the people merely vote on one or two or more contenders.

Oct 31, 2020 3:05 PM
Reply to  Howard

Respect Howard, but a critique of capitalism, like the one above – albeit for 5 year olds, that also condemns democracy as corrupt and as thieves, is not a healthy thing.

The people who write this stuff are clearly pointing us in the direction of dictatorship, as the solution. I know that because it offers up no solution, it just offers up destruction. At least Marxism gave us the Soviets as a vehicle for popular opinion to be represented.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Oct 31, 2020 5:01 PM
Reply to  SueTaylor

“Respect Howard, but a critique of capitalism, like the one above – albeit for 5 year olds, that also condemns democracy as corrupt and as thieves, is not a healthy thing.”

That’s a pretty patronizing tone coming from a troll bot (human or otherwise), “sue,” but if you were attempting to make a sincere point (which you clearly aren’t, since one of your alter-egos just confessed, up-thread, that he’s multi-posting under various names), I’d have to observe that your reading skills are fairly poor if you don’t get that the parable you’re attempting to bury isn’t attacking democracy (however we might experience such a thing in a perfect world) but cynical “plantation owners” who offer faux-democracy in order to control a population. Remind you of anything? Laugh. Rhetorical question, Jason/Sue! Carry on.

Oct 31, 2020 10:44 PM

Whoosh again, you clearly don’t understand the agenda behind these parables and don’t understand what their aims are. The word ‘redistribution’ exists here for a reason, why don’t you go away and find out why, you pompous fool

Nov 1, 2020 12:31 PM
Reply to  SueTaylor

I could, of course, be mistaken but I think the authors of this article/video are anarchists. Or support some type of anarchy. I have seen a video or two of interviews.

The term could also be “agorist”.

I cannot link but if anyone is interested the Larkin’s have been interviewed on the Corbett Report.

Nov 1, 2020 3:20 PM
Reply to  SueTaylor

Sue, there’s a kind of plague going around right now. You may have heard of it: it’s called “Solution Or Bust.” It consists of one major symptom: no one is ever allowed to present a problem unless they also present a corresponding solution.

“Solutions” are not always possible. Let me give just one – admittedly grim – example. Suppose someone is sick and goes to the doctor; and the doctor runs some tests then gives out this bad news: “You have a terminal condition.” Demanding a “solution” of the doctor is superfluous, irrelevant and absurd.

Not everything contains the seeds of its solution. In the context of this article and presentation, the closest thing to a “solution” is becoming aware that there even is a problem. Because if it is never recognized that a problem exists, no solution is even remotely possible.

Calling a society “democratic” and stepping up to a voting system has no meaning if those who elect someone are given no say in what that someone does once elected.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Oct 31, 2020 4:04 PM
Reply to  Howard

“Sharon, it’s hard to believe anyone could so completely miss the point of this presentation.”

Not if they’re paid to pretend to miss the point and to affect outrage, having “missed” it. Or, you know: if they’re just a (marginally-coherent) bot.

Oct 31, 2020 10:46 PM

Why would anyone be paid to be HERE? crazy

Oct 31, 2020 11:10 AM

Marx wrote a very complete & detailed critique of capitalism, which doesn’t infantilise the reader.

Which rightly states redistribution and ownership of the ‘means of production’ by the people, is the only way out, which it is. Ownership via government, through shares or though cooperatives, there are many options to take control back from oligarchs.

Oct 31, 2020 11:01 AM

This is quite disgusting piece of propaganda, put out by the oligarchs to destroy the minds of a gullible population, who exist in an intellectual vacuum. It only works because Marxism, political science, political history, or any history for that matter has been erased from the peoples minds.