‘Remember Remember the 5th of November…’
Government malfeasance and deception is not new
Gloria Moss
At midnight tonight, November 4-5 a second lockdown begins in the UK, with scant justification and amid a storm of propaganda. On the same day at the same time 415 years earlier another momentous event was announced, amid a similar storm of propaganda. While not obviously connected in any way the juxtaposition reminds us that official narratives always require interrogation and always will.
The gunpowder plot: 5 November 1605
According to historians of the gunpowder plot, the official story of this event concealed the extent to which the British establishment of the day may have enhanced their popularity and personal profits by pushing a version of events that drew Britain into decades of profitable war against Catholic Spain and Portugal. Most recently,this view has been expressed by John Hamer (in his Falsification of History) and by Webster Tarpley (in his videos about the Gunpowder Plot). The earliest and fullest account however occurs in John Gerard’s 1897 book, What was the Gunpowder Plot?
Gerard’s detailed investigation concludes that “the government consistently falsified the story”. Since this is the earliest account to openly declare this, and since it predates the CIA’s label of ‘conspiracy theory’ by some seventy years, it is worth reviewing the evidence underpinning this statement. For, understanding the context will highlight the problems that undermine the faithful reporting of events.
So, within the constraints of this article, we will look at a sample of the evidence presented by Gerard and follow-up by considering the lessons for the current government’s handling of the second lockdown decision. Before looking at the anomalies highlighted by Gerard, let us remind ourselves of the main elements in the official narrative.
The official story
According to the story released by Sir Robert Cecil in November 1605, there was a Catholic conspiracy in 1605 to blow up the House of Lords on 5 November, one that involved thirteen men and extended up to the Papacy itself. The conspirators had allegedly constructed a tunnel to a cellar in Westminster Palace, in which 36 barrels of gunpowder were left with a view to blowing up Parliament.
Part of the official story also recounted how the plot was revealed ten days before the opening of Parliament on 5 November in a letter delivered to a Lord Monteagle. This allowed the plot to be ‘foiled’ at midnight on 4 November. Guy Fawkes had allegedly planned his getaway to Flanders, but he and his co-conspirators were instead executed, and the English peace treaty with Spain, signed in 1604, was sidelined allowed to give way to a century of war between the two countries.
In fact, so great was the perceived threat to national security that it was officially compulsory in Britain until 1859 to celebrate ‘Guy Fawkes Day’ on 5 November.
Does the official story stand up to scrutiny? In 1897 John Gerard opined that
the official narrative bristles with contradictions…and with falsehoods.
Gerard highlighted a number of anomalies. Below are some of the most notable.
Anomalies in the official narrative
In terms of the official motives for the attack – the destruction of Parliament – Gerard quite reasonably asks why Catholic plotters would wish to blow up Parliament when it housed not only Protestants but also all of the country’s leading Catholics? He asks moreover why, if the plot was foiled at midnight on 4 November, when 36 barrels of gunpowder had been left in the ‘cellar’ under the House of Lords, the opening of Parliament was allowed to proceed on 5 November. For, he reports that there is no evidence that the barrels had been removed.
These are important points concerning the motives but the anomalies do not stop there. For Gerard goes on to highlight an extraordinary number of these, with just a small sample summarised in the following nine points:
- Breaking the news: the anonymous letter by which King James 1 learned of the plot was delivered in the first instance to Lord Monteagle ten days before the opening of Parliament. It was brought to Monteagle’s house at Hoxton where he had ordered dinner for himself, despite his not having resided at this London property for at least 12 months. After this, Monteagle received a bequest from the king equivalent to c.£20,000 a year with around £6,000 of this offered in perpetuity to his heirs.
- Operations HQ: the base of operations was said to be in a house near to Parliament but access to this was only available to one of the alleged conspirators, Thomas Percy, when Parliament was not in session
- The cellar: the so-called ‘cellar’ used by Guy Fawkes was located at ground level under the old House of Lords, a chamber on the first floor. It was capacious (measuring 77 feet in length) and not a secure location since the Lord Chamberlain is documented as entering the room with no difficulty on 4 November.
- The tunnel through to Parliament: it is alleged that the conspirators had been digging a tunnel through to the ‘cellar’ since January 1605. However, Gerard quite reasonably asks how this activity could have gone unnoticed not only by the government but also by the entire neighbourhood? For example he asks, how would the mass of soil and large foundation stones from the cellar have been concealed? The official story stated that the debris was concealed beneath the turf in the adjoining garden but the great foundation stones could not have been so easily hidden. What of the noise from breaking down the wall – why was this not noticed? How, moreover, would timber beams have been secretly passed through to the ‘cellar’ to shore up the roof? No evidence has subsequently been revealed of any tunnel.
- Gunpowder: in 1605, the manufacture of gunpowder was a government monopoly. So, given that the 36 barrels allegedly deposited in the cellar by the conspirators would have amounted to a massive 4 tons (more than a quarter what, in 1607, was delivered from the royal store for all purposes), Gerard asks how could this have been obtained? He also asks how:
- the first 20 barrels, allegedly stored at Lambeth could have been ferried across the river, down Parliament Place (‘as busy a quarter as any in the city of Westminster’) without attracting attention.
- He also points out that after the plot was uncovered, ‘minute and searching’ inquiries were made concerning the conspirators (their haunts, lodgings, where they purchased the iron bars laid on top of the barrels) but no questions were asked concerning the source of the gunpowder and who had provided it.
- Arrest of Guy Fawkes: the accounts of this are inconsistent. According to the King’s book, Fawkes was arrested in the street; according to a letter from Sir Robert Cecil to the Ambassadors overseas, he was arrested in the ‘cellar’; in his confession of 5 November, Fawkes speaks of being caught in his own room.
- Opening of Parliament: the gunpowder was discovered at midnight on 4 November but the peers met as usual in the House of Lords that day. As Gerard writes:
‘It cannot be supposed that 4 tons of powder could have been so soon removed or that the most valuable persons in the State would have been suffered to expose themselves to the risk of assembling in so perilous a situation’.
- Getaway by boat: it was said that Guy Fawkes was preparing his getaway by boat from London Bridge to Flanders, with a boat from Parliament stairs to convey him to the ship. However, on 5 November it was high water at London Bridge and, as Gerard colourfully points out, ‘to attempt to pass Old London Bridge against the tide would have been like trying to row up a waterfall’.
- Official accounts: Sir Robert Cecil was at pains to transmit the official story to the King of France on 6 November, including reference to 36 barrels of gunpowder, but his account was contradicted by that of the French embassy in London which only mentioned a single barrel of gunpowder.
The gunpowder plot: contemporary doubts
Gerard’s doubts were voiced nearly three hundred years earlier in 1605. So, the Bishop of Armagh and primate of All Ireland, a prolific scholar and church leader, was heard to say that if the papists knew what he knew, the blame of the Gunpowder Treason would not lie with them. Then, ten years later in 1615, a spy, Floyde, testified to having frequently heard various Jesuits say that the government were aware of the plot several months before they thought fit to ‘discover’ it. Moreover, there was a death-bed confession by the servant of one of the alleged conspirators, Robert Catesby, that he and Sir Robert Cecil met on three separate occasions in the period leading up to the night of 5 November.
Lessons for today
Now to the second event happening at midnight on 4/5 November, the second lockdown. The decision to lockdown Britain for a second time is one that is supported, like the official gunpowder plot narrative, by a story of fear and terror but in fact, perusal of official statistics and the legalities of the lockdown point to a lack of logic and evidence and an inappropriate use of the law. Taking the statistics first, weekly deaths during the previous lockdown were 4,000 -10,000 times higher than in the previous 3 months when coronavirus deaths were in fact 5% below average rates. Then, in the period of July to September following lockdown, weekly deaths fell to 1-2% below average, showing that the experience of lockdown precipitates, not diminishes deaths (see the official figures below).
It is only fair to ask then why any government should recommend a second lockdown when the first one only triggered a sharp rise in deaths. In terms of the legal argument, Lord Sumption has soundly rebuked the government for failing to use the Civil Contingencies Act, imagining that they did this in order to escape scrutiny. He went on to say that the government has misused the Public Health Act 2008 and the new Coronavirus Act since these both allow the isolation of sick persons but not of healthy people.
So, what lessons can be drawn from a comparison of the Gunpowder plot and the events leading up to a second lockdown on 4/5 November? As we have seen, the official story of the gunpowder plot is one that collapses on even cursory scrutiny. The anti-Catholic sentiment that this gave rise to spearheaded a hundred years of war against Spain and Portugal, with profitable gains to Britain. Moreover, Sir Robert Cecil, a key actor in the drama, was a member of an influential London group informally known as ‘the war party’. This group wanted to push James into a confrontation with the Spanish Empire, from which the group’s members hoped, among other things, to extract great personal profit. So there was a clear conflict of interests here.
In terms of the decision to pursue a second lockdown, the four men involved were: the PM, the Chief Medical Office (Professor Chris Whitty), The Chief Scientific Officer (Sir Patrick Vallance) and the Chancellor (Rishi Sunak). At least three of these could be said to have conflicted interests in a decision to extend lockdown.
Firstly, the PM because of the profits that his father stands to make from his novel, ‘The Virus’ that was republished in spring 2020 following its earlier publication in 1982.
Then, Sir Patrick Vallance because of his substantial shareholding in GSK, the pharmaceutical company that with Sanofi will supply 200 million doses of their Covid vaccine to a global inoculation scheme.
Finally, Chris Whitty since he received a £31K grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, a group heavily invested in the creation of a PCR test and vaccine.
Interestingly the only person without immediate and obvious vested interests, Sunak, was reportedly hostile to the idea of a lockdown.
This is not to automatically impugn the other three men but merely to state that 415 years have perhaps not done much to add the kind of checks and balances to decision-making that would guarantee transparency within government and ensure that self-interest plays no part in decision-making.
In 1605, the misrepresentation of events led to the persecution of Catholics in England and beyond its shores. In 2020, the decision to impose lockdown at just after midnight on 4 November is one that will affect everyone in Britain and extend the economic war waged against the people. It is time that people learn from the lessons of the Gunpowder plot and fight for the replacement of a system that lacks transparency with one that will offer the checks and balances appropriate to a modern democracy.
Gloria Moss PhD FCIPD writes about historical and management topics and will be speaking at the ‘Questioning History’ conference on December 18th-20th, not far from London. This conference will delve into official history and the extent to which it delivers us a false rather than true version of events (details here).
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My take on all this is they are trying to break our will down to resist so they can control us. The end goal will be to bring all nations into a New World Order where every person on earth will have a digital ID implanted into them which will give them total and absolute control over everyone and everything on earth. The chip will also tie us into a crypto currency system used for financial payments.
I’ve so had it up to here with the falsification of history. People tell me I’m obsessed and I am but then I cannot get away from it. I feel as if I’m in a glass box and everywhere I turn there’s history falsified in front of me even when I’m not remotely looking for it (although admittedly my radar is always switched).
A couple of days ago a news item popped up on my phone stating the Yorkshire Ripper, Peter Sutcliffe, had died in prison, age 74, of COVID. I knew that was BS so I wondered if it could be that the whole story of the Yorkshire Ripper was a fabrication, one that had disturbed me quite a bit when it came out in the early 80s. I went to that extremely reliable source for the coded truth underneath the propaganda, Wikipedia (known to be edited by intelligence agents), and whaddya know, the story doesn’t add up.
An example of contradiction – second bolded piece of text contradicts first and the mention of “impact tore the toe off the sock and whatever was in it came out” seems odd, no? We’re told a stone was in the sock so why refer to “whatever was in it” rather than simply say “stone” and really? the impact tore the toe off? Lots of other things that do not seem convincing.
Sutcliffe assaulted a prostitute he had met while searching for a woman who had tricked him out of money. He left his friend Trevor Birdsall’s minivan, and walked up St Paul’s Road in Bradford until he was out of sight. When he returned, he was out of breath, as if he had been running. He told Birdsall to drive off quickly. Sutcliffe said he had followed a prostitute into a garage and hit her over the head with a stone in a sock. According to his statement, Sutcliffe said, “I got out of the car, went across the road and hit her. The force of the impact tore the toe off the sock and whatever was in it came out. I went back to the car and got in it”.[20]
This afternoon my mother told me about a book by Gavin Maxwell which referred to the massacre of 11 Sicilian villagers at Portella di Ginestra on May Day 1947. According to Wikipedia, the massacre was prompted by a desire to punish local leftists for the recent election results.
The massacre took place twelve days after a surprise victory by the People’s Block (Blocco del popolo) – a coalition of the Italian Communist Party (Partito Comunista Italiano, PCI) and the Italian Socialist Party (Partito Socialista Italiano, PSI) – in the elections for the Constituent Assembly of the autonomous region of Sicily on April 20–21, 1947. The People’s Block obtained 29.13 percent of the vote, while the Christian Democrat Party got 20.52% and the Common Man’s Front and Monarchist National Party came third and fourth.[1]
Further on:
It was later determined that machine guns had been fired from the surrounding hills, as well as by men on horseback. Eleven people were killed, including four children, Serafino Lascari (15), Giovanni Grifò (12), Giuseppe Di Maggio (13) and Vincenza La Fata (8). Twenty-seven people were wounded, including a little girl who had her jaw shot off.[5]
The attack was attributed to the bandit and separatist leader Salvatore Giuliano.[6] … In an open letter he took sole responsibility for the murders and claimed that he had only wanted his men to fire above the heads of the crowd; the deaths had been a mistake.[5]
It’s funny how you constantly see the same items. “Shooting above the heads” reminds me of the crew of the HMAS Adelaide shooting across the bow of the staged “children overboard” refugee boat just before the November 2001 Australian federal election which resulted in a victory for John Howard following the August staged Tampa affair and the events of September 11 when Little Johnny just happened to be paying a “surprise” visit to Washington.
Another similarity between the two events is the claim of a mixup – we’re meant to believe that killing people for real when they were instructed to shoot above their heads was a “mistake” just as we’re meant to believe that the message about refugees throwing their children overboard resulted from a communication mixup.
I know nothing about machine guns but I’d imagine that back in 1947 the sophistication of those weapons would have been such that it wouldn’t be so easy to kill people from surrounding hills. More importantly, the question arises: if only 29% of the Sicilian electorate voted for the People’s Block while 20% voted for the Christian Democrats why would the killers indiscriminately kill the villagers, including children, who may well have voted for the Christian Democrats even if they did participate in a May Day celebration? Aren’t most celebrations, even more political ones celebrated by most villagers? We have to wonder also why the article only provides the percentages for two parties totalling 50% – mightn’t it be interesting to know exactly what made up the other 50%?
Just like the “children overboard” event we are told about lots of stagey finger-pointing … which so very surprisingly ended up resulting in what we can only guess was a show trial and fake “disappearing” of witnesses and fake killing of perpetrators. We are told one of the alleged perpetrators, Pisciotta, died when he took a cup of coffee with what he thought was a tuberculosis medicine but which had been replaced with strychnine.
“Within an hour he was dead and his autobiography disappeared.”
Oh dear, if only he’d lived, the truth would have all been revealed in his autobiography!
Similar to the Gunpowder Plot we are told of people being advised beforehand:
Gunpowder Plot
Then, ten years later in 1615, a spy, Floyde, testified to having frequently heard various Jesuits say that the government were aware of the plot several months before they thought fit to ‘discover’ it.
Massacre at Portella di Ginestra
However, [Giuliano’s] lieutenant Pisciotta and other witnesses claimed that a few days before the massacre, on April 27, 1947, Giuliano had received a letter, which he destroyed immediately after reading it. He told his gang: “Boys, the hour of our liberation is at hand.” According to the witnesses, the letter demanded the massacre at Portella della Ginestra in exchange for liberty for all of the gang.[5][13]
Who knows what the purpose of this staging was, assuming it was a staged event, but I’d guess its purpose was to fire up members of the Communist Party so they’d go nuts (aided by agents provocateurs, of course) and, in fact, a national general strike was organised – thus making the party seem a destabilising influence and an undesirable party to vote for. It certainly makes way more sense to me than committing a massacre as “punishment of local leftists for the election results”.
Thanks for the essay on the Gunpowder Plot, but the rest is bonkers. You need to come up for a better reason for Borifice’s complicity in the lockdown than the fact that his dad published a crappy book in the 1980s and stands to make 50p from republishing it. I mean – that’s a joke, right? Also, one would expect an exponential rise in deaths through the first half of the previous lockdown. After all, the rising number of deaths was the reason that the country went into lockdown. It makes no sense to claim the lockdown CAUSED the excess deaths!
A cause comes BEFORE the effect, that’s how you tell the difference. A survey showed that in all countries with reliable death-records, the increase in deaths happened after the Lockdown not before. (search ‘questions for Lockdown apologists’ by J Pospichal, 23.5.20 on medium.com).
You might find it helpful here to peruse my book ‘The Great British Coronavirus Hoax’
Great article. So interesting and brilliantly written. Was great to meet you last night and enjoyed our wonderful conversation. Love Claire and Richard
I think it would be more profitable and certainly more favourable to your mental health to stop thinking about the COVID matter in terms of disputing its reality. Get to the real point: the underlying restructuring which COVID is a cover for. At present, this means the increasing immiseration of the population, the increasing deaths (not caused DIRECTLY by the virus), the reprogramming of the Western citizen mentality to a desperate deferential peasant mind, the deliberate destruction of the public services, the gutting of all social safety nets and the final transfer of social life to a virtual realm.
Great work Gloria…..! Interesting that only the faces change not the nature.
Suggesting that Boris Johnson may favour lockdown because his father could gain a few extra grand from his reissued novel spoils this interesting piece. Rather than such unfounded speculation and unnecessary character assassination, why not mention Boris’ great failure to lead, as shown by his obvious deference to Whitty and Vallance, their collective scientific illiteracy and irrational fear of a threat so clearly much less dangerous and damaging than the policies adopted to address it, and this ruling group’s known admiration for and connections with Bill Gates?
I will accept your high-minded approach as soon as Johnson Père donates his royalties to charity or to the NHS.
“Dismember, Dismember the 5th of November,
Gunpowder’d reason lost the plot,
I see no treason, just end of old season,
Yet Warmongers care not a jot.”
Guy Faux and the None-Powder Plot
Grandad Gladio
“It will be enough to show that, whatever its origin, the conspiracy was, and must have been, known to those in power, who, playing with their infatuated dupes, allowed them to go on with their mad scheme, till the moment came to strike with full effect.”
John Gerard
What Was the Gunpowder Plot?
How many times has this narrative played out through history?
interesting that the lockdown didn’t start on Monday but on Thursday the 5th November!! Is this another two fingers to us? They don’t want us to celebrate our British Festival of Guy Fawkes?
The only festivals in future will be those imposed by the UN and the BBC..’The International day of….’
Supposedly, it was to allow Parliament to discuss and vote on the matter on Wednesday.Not that there was ever any doubt that M.P.s would fail to show the slightest opposition to the executive whatsoever.
You was allowed from lockdown 1 out independence day
Experiments with smallpox vaccines go back to the 1600s… hand in hand with the use of smallpox for warfare and the links between plague and mass hysteria.
Jan Irvin is not everyone’s cup of tea but this is an illuminating discussion with Holly Seeliger.
It ties in to the Royal Society and Harvard University, the Salem Witch trials and… back in England, the Black Death or bubonic plague which culminated in the Great Fire of London in 1666 and the consolidation of power by the City of London.
#2 Jan Irvin & Holly Seeliger: Harvard’s Darkest Secret: The Salem Witch Trials and Mass Hysteria
Covid— Is indeed novel, it is unique as the only virus with two legs.
All the World’s a Phage — Viruses that eat bacteria abound
Viruses consume up to 40 percent of the bacteria in Earth’s oceans each day.
They may even guarantee our food supply.
Are we sure that viruses are the enemy? Are we sure we need Bill Gates-Rockefeller to wipe them out…. if he even knows what the **** he’s talking about?
Perhaps he does. He wants to control our food supply, with GMO seeds and artificial meat. We know that for certain because $$$ speak louder than words for these people. We can see where they invest. Does Bill Gates-Rockefeller see viruses and the natural world as competition, as his enemy in his bid to create a sterile world in which he controls the food supply?
Is it a coincidence that he’s waged war on Carbon Dioxide, that gas that keeps our greenhouse green, as well as on viruses that destroy bacteria that would otherwise lay waste to the food supply?
Bill Gates appears to be a brain-traumatized, suppurating toad,
Apologies to the house of semper bufo
That’s completely unfair to toads! 😉
The virus is a superstition, like demons, which is what it evolved out of. Belief in ‘them’ is a sign of severe mental illness. The disorder known as delusional paranoia arising out of insecurity due to poor health and education. The cure for this poor health is eating more fruits and salads and improving ones lifestyle and environment.
I’m sure we basically agree on the principles involved here, but belief in viruses is certainly not a sign of severe mental illness.
A year ago, EVERYBODY believed in them, for Pete’s sake, and it took an outrageous fraud like this covidiotic one to make some people do a bit of homework on the issue.
Let’s have in mind that it can undermine good science to exaggerate any issue to the point of hysteria, and we know that the existence of all sorts of things is not perceived by the general public.
A good, critical, sceptical and analytical education system is the answer to that problem – not admission to an over-crowded mental institution.
It can be a very dangerous delusion if it leads people to advocate for lockdowns, ‘vaccines’ and mask wearing. Such people could very well be less of a threat if kept in a mental instituation whilst they eat their fruits and salads and recover their sanity. Tony Wright says in this lecture that he believes that humanity is mentally ill and has been for thousands of years. It is a very serious problem that has been getting worse due to lack of fruit in the diet.
I would say it’s the lack of high quality organic meats than fruit.
Yet thats all Jordan Peterson ate leading to a visit to Russia to try and get off Benzos whilst his wife got cancer.
Im sure it was the mental stress of being vilified as the insurgence of anything that didn’t appease identity politics that sent him I’ve the edge?
I’d want a break from reality too
If one person’s experience is used to dismiss the necessity for high quality organic meats then you’ve absolutely no argument.
See how long we would all last just eating plants.
Who funds this group that Patterson
promotes so often? One funder includes Searle Freedom Trust. From the founders bio-“In 1977 he successfully recruited Donald Rumsfeld to become CEO, whereupon he became Chairman, a position he held until the company was sold to Monsanto in 1985
Fruits and salads may not cure clinical depression, but junk food is responsible for a myriad of illnesses.
Studies are now showing junk food and sugary snacks cause impaired cognition.
It is understandable, one can choose to ignore these facts if they have interest in promoting junk food as well as promoting pharmaceuticals.
Merely looking at an apple or grapes can make you feel better, especially compared to looking at anti-depressant tablets.
Nutrient dense food is the answer, whether it be from animal or plant sources. Because our food supply is pretty unreliable in terms of nutrients, this is why I support the idea of vitamin supplements, and certain mineral supplements, plus good quality sea or Himalayan salt to provide extra trace minerals.
And obviously eliminating junk food, and pollutants of all kinds, as far as that is possible.
People who cared have known this for decades, e.g. The Weston Price foundation, but many others. The medical profession have lagged behind badly, or have half-baked ideas about it, or completely wrong ideas (such as the long-standing phobia of eggs and animal fats). With a few, rare, honourable exceptions, of course. But the latter are people who, by and large, have gone against the official tenets of their profession, and have usually been criticised for it.
“The medical profession have lagged behind badly”
They are conditioned to focus on Disease and ignore Prevention and Good Health.
the medical profession have a phobia of eggs and animal fats? when did this happen?
I don’t see any cave man drawings chasing a fruit with a spear.
Perhaps fruits still had horns, antlers, legs, and tails back then!
Official advice for as long as I can remember has been to minimise intake of eggs and animal fats. Probably started in earnest in the 1970s, although fear of cholesterol had started way before that.
I don’t know where you are, but in the UK, they seemed to quietly back way from the advice about eggs, say in the last 5-10 years, but I’m sure that many people, including G.P.s still think that eating more than about a couple of eggs per week is bad for you.
Eggs contain cholesterol, yes, but it’s actually been known for decades that the amount of dietary cholesterol bears very little relationship to the level of cholesterol in your blood.
I haven’t read all of it, but raypeat dot com wrote that linoleic and other essentials were toxic. Saturated fats are ok, and unsaturated fats are toxic. I haven’t checked the references, though.
“By contrast, the saturated fat in meat and butter raises cholesterol and is one of the significant causes of heart disease.”
I’ve read about one study showed that cholesterol intake had no effect on cholesterol level and lately one study showed that those having heart attack had normal level of the LDL. I don’t remember the %.
Belief in demons like belief in virus although two different things are not a sign of severe mental illness or even mental illness. The world of the subconscious and beyond is veil and what lurks there takes many forms and is given many explanations on many levels.
To dismiss such as a malady of the mind if I may say could be an idea borne by one of stunted experience.
For instance merely the suggestion that clinical depression could be cured by eating fruit and salads and improving ones lifestyle completely misses the point.
They could always be fed junk food and left in the institution to rot or we could consider a criminal sentencing. Atleast they wouldn’t be harming the rest of society but that wouldn’t be very kind.
Criminalising the mentally ill…?
FIRST RALLY for GLOUCS & COTSWOLDS @Piers_Corbyn + SandiAdams +more Sat 7 Nov 12:30
Well, Now I know. Thanks Gloria. I liked V but had no clue about any of the story.
This piece serves as pertinent parallel and an important historical reference to today’s false flags and myths. The myths create so much harm, yet so much profit for a select few.
From the obvious lies of wars, to the lies in science and medicine, the myths in our culture, politics, economy, monetary system and history, always rewritten by the victors, by the perpetrators of the grand lies.
The statistical lies of mortality rates, the myths of viral contagion and the centuries long myth of vaccines preventing disease are devastating to civilization but easily proven false. This is why the legal cases and common law mandates must be promoted and spread by us as individuals and groups.
The irony of so many foundational falsehoods in our society creates a general sentiment oppositional to the truth, due to most holding belief systems based on lies. Lies people have been told since childhood. Lies people tell themselves.
The false belief that their opinions are their own.
“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.”
Arthur Schopenhauer
In response to a Guardian article about Nigel Farrage’s rebranding his party as an anti-lockdown campaign (it was a hit piece, naturally), I posted the following observation:
‘Why does The Guardian keep spinning propaganda that to be against a general lockdown is a right-wing position (or even a right wing conspiracy theory)? I consider myself to be on the left but there is a good deal I agree with in the Great Barrington Declaration. This is simply not a left/right political issue – it seems to have become another front in US-style ‘culture wars’ that have nothing to do with any real politics.’
The comment was immediately censored by the moderator. It does rather suggest that my criticism was a bit too close to the bone for their comfort.
Did they just delete it? (bastards).
On which it is worth pointing out that Guardian hate figure Heneghan (boo, hiss!) has clashed with new boy John Bell (hurrah and huzzah!) for the latter’s financial emoluments.
Everyone should take note of Teresa May’s Question in Parliament this week. I paraphrase, ‘Are the figurers driving government policy or is the policy driving the figures’.
That is very brave of her, she is accusing the government of lying and if anyone should understand what is happening on the inside, it is her. She is telling us the government is lying. And unlike most MPs and Ministers, she is not a US agent and interested in the well being of the country. A true Brit, who tried her best to save us from the worst of Brexit. History will look kindly on Mrs May for standing up and being counted.
No one ingratiated herself more with the security state than Theresa May. Possibly out of some fetish to be dominated by a uniformed, brass-buttoned, leather-strapped master, perhaps just for the venal opportunities presented by her husband’s conflicts of interests.
Or, more accurately, interests in conflict.
May played the key role in setting up the Rapid Response Units across NATO countries, which have been central to rolling out Event Covid, from the psychological manipulation and coordinated government actions, to policing and propaganda.
Remarkably she even adopted the demeanor of a sourpuss, uniformed killjoy. She and Cressida Dick could be demented twins.
I’d say Theresa May is more of the strap on aficionado type myself that’s personally made in the shape of britain trying to find a EU shaped hole to peg away at.
What on earth on you talking about NATO rapid response has nothing to do with Covid.
It’s integral. It is a mechanism set up to control narrative and Covid is narrative. Almost entirely.
Perhaps. But, like Israel, the UK is a very important servant of the US and the transnational capitalist class that directs the entire US-dominated Corporatocracy. May is a B.
The US don’t share. mainly because there is no reason to.
The character of monsters is… monstrous. Don’t expect nice. Like a pack of wolves, If they aren’t working together to take down a prey, they’d devour each other. In fact, In the case of the Corporatocracy, directed by the transnational class whose members include those in the military industrial complex, some hot war here and there is necessary – for profits, with a side benefit being it feeds the illusion of independent and sovereign nations whose leaders come from the people in a meaningful way. Capitalists don’t give a damn. If the US (or the US/UK/Israel if you prefer) didn’t dominate, then it would be some other powerful predator State.
Arby, I’ve come to believe that the US is a subsidiary of the British Empire. The empire that never went away. The true seat of power is in the City of London. But there is a transnational capitalist class; the City is merely where the parasite happened to find its host. They care nothing for nationality, really.
But, in a weird kind of feedback loop, the UK serves US interests by supporting it in its international ”adventures” (i.e., warmongering for financial gain). For PR purposes only.
The Christian Bible sees the US and part of a duo world power actually.
I should have said that the Christian Bible sees the US and Britain as a duo world power.
Hello Gwyn: Correct! Perhaps someone on this forum could explain this document. >
Who runs America??? Where do our income taxes go???
Supplement No. 99 [June 2012] 10.8221
1984 No. 1817
The Social Security (United States of America)
Order 1984
“Whereas at London on the 13th February 1984 an Agreement on social security between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of American (which Agreement is set out in Schedule 1 to this Order and is hereinafter referred to as “the Agreement”) and an Administrative Agreement for the implementation of the Agreement (which is set out in Schedule 2 to this Order and is hereinafter referred to as “the Administrative Agreement”) were signed on behalf of those Governments:
And Whereas by Article 27(1) of the Agreement it is provided that the Agreement, except for Part III, shall enter into force on the first day of the second month following the month in which each Government has received from the other Government written notification that all statutory and constitutional requirements have been complied with for entry into force of the Agreement: […]
Complete document: Evi-Doc_13_Supplement_99_Volume_10
You really need to peruse the whole document to get the joke…
I haven’t made it through the whole document, but the ALPHABETICAL LIST OF STATUTORY INSTRUMENTS really gets my juices flowing…
(Thanks, Paul). ;o)
Hello Gwen: Here’s more information regarding establishment of the Social Security Trust and assigned parties. >
Excerpted from: Cestui que trust (constructive trust)
[At birth] “That ward/vessel is a now a Vessel of the United States, documented by registration under the laws of the United States and subject to its laws and jurisdiction, and the Title goes to the Alien Property Custodian in Washington, D.C. In a maritime in rem action, jurisdiction over the person of the “defendant”, the vessel, is premised upon the presence of the vessel within the district in which the court sits.
The only vessel they have jurisdiction over is the trust, that is evidenced by the CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH, establishing the three points of jurisdiction NAME, SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER and DATE OF BIRTH, the Federal Reserve account under the supervision of the Secretary of the Treasury who is also the managing trustee for the Social Security Administration and governor for the IMF.”
Complete text: http://stopthepirates.blogspot.com/2010/09/cestui-qui-trust-strawman.html
The International Monetary Fund is key to understanding why British royalty controls aspects of Supplement No. 99 [June 2012] 10.8221
Not brave at all. May is setting herself up for a legal defense after the fact. Voicing something that is understating the obvious is the opposite of brave.
Theresa May knew all about this Covid19 plan and COVI-PASS when she promoted the VST Enterprises payment-immunity card-global ID-vaccination program in Zimbabwe in 2016, and in India.
So don’t even try to insinuate that she and nearly every member of Parliament who all signed gagging orders over a 5 year period directly in relation to this operation, are not fully part of this agenda 21-2030.
They will all be held legally liable and put on trial.
I would like to think you are correct but I fear her actions were inspired more by a base petty desire to stiff Bozo.
Along with the brilliant 39 backbenchers who voted against it. May abstained rather than vote against.
Hub Culture Davos 2020: Victoria Alonsoperez, Founder of CHIPSAFER
I shall feel a lot safer when I get my chip.
they are stalkholder in the great reset
You bet. Victoria doesn’t exactly look like she was dragged up in the favela. But isn’t it nice, how the old black dealers are now selling a new green deal.
The story of the “Gunpowder Plot”, as recounted here by Ms Moss, reminded me strongly of the “Skripal poisoning” affair. Just as many unexplained loose ends and inconsistencies, and a similar complete absence of credible motives.
If it’s permitted on this site, I would like to share this cartoon which wonders about Mr Assad’s possible reasons for his alleged “poison gas attack” on Syrian civilians.
Oh, and the destruction of the battleship “Maine” in Havana harbour, which gained the Spanish absolutely nothing and led immediately to the total loss of their colonies in Cuba and the Philippines.
It is good to see readers reiterating that the rule of Common Law takes precedent over Maritime Rule and Admiralty Law. The United Nations is attempting to overthrow all civil and Common Laws as part of the covid agenda (see Agenda 2030).
Below is an example of anti-agenda activism. >
The Covid-19 Genocide of 2020 – Claire Edwards (720p) – 21:13
Claire Edwards has been arrested in Austria for what she says are just an excuse/bogus charges of fines. The speech Ms. Edwards gives is stunning. Please disseminate widely.
Seizing and performing citizens’ arrests is an excellent proposal. Though I doubt we’ll get close to them by planning. Serendipity can be a bitch, though.
“Jacinda” Ardern, “Theresa” Tam, “Michelle” Obama and spouse (for it was planned on their watch), Matt Hancock, Emmanuel Macron, Tedros Ghebreyesus, the U.S. social media frontmen and the DARPA-MIC bots like Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Jack Dorsey, the Google Brothers, Mark Zuckerburg and their complicit wives, Eric Schmidt… Georgi “use your real name” Schwartz (Soros)… Ali Kemal (Boris Dönmeh Johnson)…
Oh, Lady Justice is salivating, if only we’d feed her. She’s ready to “come out” if only we’d indulge her.
Everybody has the obligation to act upon these criminals against humanity. Nuremberg trials or summary justice. Either will do.
Nuremberg trials were fatally flawed. They were victor’s justice. Still, I guess that to the extent that what is meant by those trials is justice for huge crimes, that’s not such a bad idea.
At least Goering gave them a run for their money. I mean, he was a bastard, but he was a clever bastard, and died by a means of his own choosing, and not the hangman’s rope.
Indeed. Refresh my memory. How did Goering die? Thanks.
He befriended an American guard who smuggled him in a suicide capsule. Found dead in his cell I believe.
If you feel like listening to “The Order of The Day”, on BBC Radio 4, in today’s episode, there is an interesting little snippet about Goering at Nuremberg.
One episode each day (Mon-Fri), only 14 minutes each. Fascinating stuff.
Do you think an MP guard would do such a favour? Then, you may also believe that the poison Slobodan Praljak swallowed to kill himself in court was also a personal favour.
I’m just going by what I learned from a documentary I saw about the subject. We can see from his behaviour in the court which was recorded on film that Goering had a strong personality and could be very persuasive. Even the prosecuting council seemed very wary of him. He’d been cleaned of his drug habit while in captivity, so his mind was quite alert.The American in question was probably young and impressionable, and may have had German heritage. I don’t know if he was MP or just a regular GI. He might not have been a guard, but more of an orderly, serving the prisoners their meals.It’s quite a few years since I saw it.
The Wikipedia entry for Goering names two possible American “suspects”: one a lieutenant, and one a private.
So, what’s your theory?
Jason Ardern…?
“Everybody has the obligation to act upon these criminals against humanity.”
You do not have access to these elites, you are dust to them, a number in the statistics, you are a mere number of statistics in the collective system of democracy anyway, the quantity of the mobs of democracy, including their political representatives, they are on the protective front rows, and by sheer quantity, ubiquitous presence and collective imbecility, they will crush you. In other words, such big words of heroism, a call to fight against the big ones is impossible in a democracy, it is ridiculous.
Everyone who is in favor of democracy has made himself a number, exchanged quality for quantity, through quantity power democratic power has been gained, and when that quantity is going to crush you, it is silly to complain about a force one has supported himself. The democratic mobs have never been in favor of freedom, they are the other most powerful actor in this game, a tyranical force greater than any elite. The mobs will come and hang you by the neck in a tree, without the elite having to lift a finger, or say a word…
Hello John the First: All these “elites” have home addresses – many have multiple addresses. Most have trees and lamp posts near by…
Wish I could say it here, Paul. I’m Indonesian, and saying such publicly may cause me problems.
Summery justice would be an appropriate response to the karma these pricks and pricketts have bestowed…
And here’s a link to the Covid19 Genocide 2020 document including references, for physical and digital circulation.
I don’t agree with Robert Kennedy’s version of history. His anti-communist ranting is off putting. Covid 1984 has precisely zero to do with communism.
RFKJr? No-one can totally represent our personal beliefs and understandings of current reality (except us speaking for ourselves). The question for me is always whether the opinions and content provided by such sources out-weigh the flawed views included. RFKJr is great re vaccines. I think it’s a mistake for such experts and quality content providers to allow political references or current tropes re socio-political issues (smoking, gender ID, etc.) into their material. Really, Tony Heller should stick to climate, Richard Wolff to economics, RFKJr to vaccines and environment, and so on.
Perhaps. But let the chips fall where they may, I say. I prefer to know more rather than less. That’s the weakness (from civilization’s standpoint) of technocracy (not to be confused, as everyone does, with technology); Everyone is specialized into stupidity. Robert Kennedy could be just as fierce a champion of health freedom if he broadened his area of interest to include the unorthodox thinking of Andrew Kaufman and Thomas Cowan, for example.
RFK Jr and Dr Kaufman have discussed vaccines on video so they do know each other. One, an attorney, focuses on vaccine safety as well as clean water, etc. while the other, a doctor, is dealing with Covid and allopathic vs natural healing. Every professional has his/her specialty. In fact, Kaufman and others with a traditional medical education and experience have to start all over when switching to natural remedies and theories.
We, of course, as lay ppl (not to assume who/what you are) are free to spread our wings in any and all directions, not needing to be ‘qualified’ in any of them.
The culture of smoking is affects children’s health. What is causing the explosion of trangenders, that also concerns them? It may be the pervasive hormone analogues and hormone disruptors, effective at parts per trillion. That is why RFK Jr. writes on such matters.
How can there be a “culture of smoking” when tobacco suppression efforts have been in high gear for decades and decades? While commercial cigarettes are doubtless unhealthy, tobacco and nicotine themselves are not the evils they are said to be.
The sense that there’s an “explosion of transgenders” is at least partly due to media feeding the public any emotional issue they, the public, are likely to react to. Finding the causes of ‘non-standard’ societal roles is important, but meantime, I wish we could just respect everyone (who isn’t clearly evil).
As you say, the threats to children, which are many, may well include our toxic air, water, soil, and food. We must include unsafe vaccines as well as other dangerous and over-used medications, too.
So many dominoes of ‘common knowledge’ in both history and current events are falling now as lies are revealed, we watch in amazement and find it difficult to adjust to new realities.
The Illuminati-Freemason bankers created and used communism in the Hegelian Dialectic model, by creating the two oppositional binary choices (Communism vs Fascism) to get their synthesis (Corrupted Controlled Capitalism) from their thesis and antithesis.
So it’s relevant since the bankers and governments are using the pretext of a virus to create global economic catastrophe and social re-engineering.
And the current plan of the Bankers is to force people to give up property ownership, asset ownership and all possessions, FOREVER and instead be beholden to a bank stipend in the form of UBI directly from the IMF. But only if you go on the vaccination plan.
This is what’s coming:
And this:
And this is what’s been announced:
That’s the core of this entire scheme. An entirely new economic, monetary, and social credit system using a totalitarian global diktat based on communism and collectivism but actually using private corporations in an unchallengeable totalitarian role. It’s actually a synthesis of fascism and communism. The absolute worst aspects of both, combined.
Acknowledged. I’ll have to look into the links when I’m half awake to do it. Thanks.
I am pretty sure that anti-communism isn’t something most people who shake their fists at communism think deeply about. I’m pretty sure that anti-communism is what is called a hot button, created by the powers that shouldn’t be as one more way to distract and divert people from important matters affecting them. (like BLM and all of the cultural stuff having to do with lifestyle choices, which isn’t to say that the transgender movement isn’t also something more sinister and tied to things [like transhumanism] that are more sinister). Which isn’t to say that I’m not interested in what you elude to.
Why anyone would defend tyranny on either side of the faux political spectrum is bizarre to me. It’s the same kind of debt slavery whether you have communism or capitalism if your central bank is owned by private parties and voting is meaningless in both scenarios.
Why Americans like Kennedy would use the word, is obvious. Because it’s the only word many in the US will recognize and understand in terms of combating so citizens can retain private property and basic civil liberties. If people feel some allegiance to the word communism – which is nothing more than total government enslavement – then that’s just conditioning.
Why do we even need a government? There’s absolutely no need for the kind of tyrannical, evil structure and system we are all forced to endure. It’s already slavery as the system existed before Covid19 and to try and take the last vestiges of freedom away from people, using lies, faux climate science and a fake virus is beyond any left-right labeling. It’s genocide.
The left and right labels were used to divide and create fear but as I suggested on another thread a few weeks ago, if that’s what it takes to wake people up to what is really happening, then we should use any means necessary. Even fear.
Available on BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/SEcTR7RPgAbW/
dus7, thank you. Claire Edwards gives a complete rendition of the crimes against us & correctly calls upon us to arrest the guilty. An inspiring presentation.
I would only disagree w the idea that covid is nonexistent & is really 5G-illness. I think the Intell people plant these ideas as a method to get otherwise influential people to discredit themselves. Like flat earth
No virus has been proven to exist — no virus, no disease.
The script has been well and truly flipped on us. We, the people who oppose lockdowns, who can see the damage they do and want to prevent it, are the reckless ones, the ones who supposedly don’t care about the well-being of others. They’ve even got some bullshit studies which try to associate doubts about the coronavirus nonsense with psychopathic tendencies!
And people in their millions will, with depressing inevitability, believe the lies. They can be convinced of anything, no matter how absurd.* They are easy prey for those who are behind this scam.
*For example: ”Jeremy Corbyn is an anti-Semite.”
man of the people children of men
i am here for you
tony benn
i called my son hilary
what ho
tally ho
corbers corbyn like anthony wedgewood benn before him
is complicite blackmailed or actor
in performance piece
not art exactly
unless you are into demonology.
the clowns never call it out for they are the system
corbyn like churchill and boris piffefallen all have khazar
agents or actors hired hands blackmailed
tis all
This is the modus operandi of psychopaths. Classic theme in abusive relationships for example – the victim is the crazy one. Truth is turned on it’s head. We’re now all in an abusive relationship with our wise masters.
Re: ”Jeremy Corbyn is an anti-Semite.”
The first paragraph is sarcasm btw!
“no matter how absurd”
Like Mencken wrote in Notes on Democracy, the more absurd it is, the better for the democratic mob, the more they are likely to believe in it. They love sensation, cheap and gross sentimentality and the accompanying uniformism. Hate, fear and slander are also the sphere in which they normally live, in which they flourish well and feel at home, so they are having their best time with it, this tailored to them by the great demagogues, whom are geniuses of crowd and mob psychology.
They make it so easy for those demagogues, though! They’re like putty in their hands.
One new effort in psychology is to define suspicion or rejection of food additives as a mental illness.
Please check this out as there will be an attempt today to arrest Boris Johnson and his cabinet ministers under common law…
The call is to support it through sharing and also lighting a fire at 6pm today.
It’s a bold move and i personally support the spirit of people taking it forward no matter how it ends.
The criminal fraud Boris Johnson has committed started long before Covid-19. It started precisely the moment, him and all his conservative peers in the NeoLiberal Western sphere, [it started the moment] these monsters swore under oath to protect their people. They swore an oath without a shred of belief or commitment to carry the duty of looking after their citizens. They come to power with self-serving agendas and they only protect their friends who help them consolidate their power in government. They regard other people as enemies.
That site is running but “the bernician” has succumbed to the death of a thousand bots
The podcast was okay on YouTube. Sounds promising, but of course the police and the media most certainly can’t be trusted to assist Michael in any way…
Yeah.. It’s a long shot for sure… The vast majority of the media won’t be supporting it for sure, although i’ve been pleasantly surprised with a lot of the conversations taking place on talkradio and lots of people are tuning into that… Some unlikely supporters of the cause, for me most notably Richard Madeley of Richard and Judy fame who i’m sure is well respected by many middle of the road folk of a certain generation who will now be starting to see things differently.. Every little bit counts.
That’s right. I can’t imagine the lawyers not playing false with him either, I’m sure they make deadly oaths to their Inns of Court or whatever. Then again, there must be some decent people in the law game, caught in the system, but longing for a breath of fresh air. Is he naive, am I? The palpable hostility I get posting on the local forum convinces me he will get little support from the man in the street. Non maskers are murderers! Ten people were burned at the stake at midsummer solstice in my little town in the Marian Persecutions and I know that one more would be no big deal. BUT this really looks like the endgame to me, do I want to feast with the heroes in Valhalla, the righteous in heaven or the craven in the streets of transition town until I’m kindly euthenised. Scary days indeed.
All throughout Elizabeth’s reign they were doing false flags against the Catholics too. Shame that Francis Bacon was involved in this ugly business. He and his brother Anthony called Robert Cecil “El Diavolo.”
”Retired Nurse Arrested by Hull Police for Saving Her 97 Year Old Mum from an Inadequate Care Home”
A middle class finally realise that they are also targets of the police state they have been voting for years. Surely it was never interned to affect people like us !
Saw that video last night. One of the most vilest, and disgusting things I’ve seen during this scamdemic. And all the total covid morons that cheer on the police….
we all know the story of guido fawkes and co.
we know it
we where told it eons ago
and coming forward
we where told it we read it
we watched the bbc history of it.
simon scharma laurence rees
they told us how it all went down
so it must be so.
the truth will out and so it did
because we know the story
they told us it.
the whole
poor patsy
that guy guido
they told A story
not the
that’s how it goes
lies deceit deception
live your life in truth the best you can
you are sovreign
much history like the virus is novel
My prime of youth is but a frost of cares,
My feast of joy is but a dish of pain,
My crop of corn is but a field of tares,
And all my good is but vain hope of gain.
The day is gone and yet I saw no sun,
And now I live, and now my life is done.
The spring is past, and yet it hath not sprung,
The fruit is dead, and yet the leaves are green,
My youth is gone, and yet I am but young,
I saw the world, and yet I was not seen,
My thread is cut, and yet it was not spun,
And now I live, and now my life is done.
I sought my death and found it in my womb,
I lookt for life and saw it was a shade,
I trode the earth and knew it was my tomb,
And now I die, and now I am but made.
The glass is full, and now the glass is run,
And now I live, and now my life is done.
Chidiock Tichborne
Quite. Young Guido
OswaldFawkes was a patsy. Who would ever have thought it?Thats deffo a poem man.Keep it up.
part 2 of the open letter from Cops for Covid Truth
These measures are referred to as biosecurity measures and are captured under Subdivision B of Division 3 of Part 3 of Chapter 2 of the Biosecurity Act 2015. [28] (Emergency and public health powers, at the States and Territories, do not provide a carte blanche to breach an individual’s human rights by isolating them, or detaining them or testing them without the proper required notifications and risk assessments first). There is an inter-governmental agreement [29] which places the Commonwealth in the lead as well as the Australian Health Sector Emergency Response Plan [30] . This ensures that the States and Territories act to compliment the Federal Legislative Framework. Article 7 of the international convention of civil and political rights states “no-one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment, in particular, no-one shall be subjected without his free consent to medical or scientific experimentation.” [31] Article 27 of the Vienna convention on the law of treatise “A party may not invoke the provision of its internal law as justification of its failure to perform a treaty.” [32] Article 7 of the Australian human rights commission Act 1986 states “no-one should be subjected to torture or to cruel inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, in particular, no-one shall be subject without his free consent to medical or scientific experimentation. [33] Section 109 of the commonwealth of Australia constitution states “when a law of a state is inconsistent with a law of the commonwealth, the latter shall prevail, and the former shall to the extent of the inconsistency be invalid.” [34] With federal and international legislation breaches, it will be taken that we are complicit and consensual in their undertaking on the people of Australia, potentially rendering us criminally liable under the Crimes Act 1914 [35] , as well as the Criminal Code Act 1995 [36] . Many members of the force are fed up with the approach to enforce oppressive rules placed upon the population in the name of COVID-19 and the looming mandatory vaccinations. We feel a real calling to do our part to stop this oppression, so we are writing to you to raise the following issues:- • Police Force employees have ‘choice’ as to whether or not to receive vaccines; • The Police believe that all members of the community also have choice around receiving vaccines; • Police do not participate in any way in the forcing of vaccines upon the population; • That the Police Association start preparing to defend Police employees who choose to not be vaccinated • To raise the alarm that there is a global dictatorship occurring and the Police Force is being used as a tool to push these global and corporate agendas upon the population; and • To warn the Police Force not to simply acquiesce to these requests, rules and laws and to act in the best interest of its population, not tyranny of government. Recently letters have been written to our leaders from the legal fraternity, including high profile Judges and QC’s [37] , The Australian Institute for Progress penned by 30 public 6 | P a g e intellectuals including 15 professors of relevant disciplines, one of whom is an advisor on health and well-being economics to the UK government [38] , Advocate Me’s open letter to all leaders seeking to review disproportionate response to SAR-CoV-2 [39] , as well as hundreds of doctors from the medical fraternity [40] . Despite the government continually parroting that they are following the advice of ‘the experts’, all these requests have been ignored and the police used as the enforcers of these senseless rules. We ask that you consider the information provided herein and the NSW Police Force statement of values: – Each member of the Police Force is to Act in a manner which: ▪ Places integrity above all; ▪ Upholds the rule of law; ▪ Preserves the rights and freedoms of individuals; ▪ Seeks to improve the quality of life by community involvement in policing; ▪ Strives for citizen and police personal satisfaction; ▪ Capitalises on the wealth of human resources; ▪ Makes efficient and economical use of public resources; and ▪ Ensures that authority is exercised responsibly. Many of us believe that we are removing our own rights and freedoms by enforcing these rules upon the community, including our family and friends. And the community are confounded by the intensified police enforcement around peaceful freedom protests and how inconsistent this was when compared with the Black Lives Matter protests. This contradiction is further destroying public confidence. We are reaching out to all our fellow police officers across the country, to write a similar letter to their respective police commissioners, or sign our form at https://advocateme.wixsite.com/copsforcovidtruth to show your support for this stance, which we have called Cops for Covid Truth. With trust in our police force now seriously eroded, we ask you to consider now challenging the necessity of the ongoing restrictions to restore community trust, by being an integral part of returning our State and Country back to normality. Regards Alexander Cooney Senior Constable Coffs/Clarence Highway Patrol NSW Police Force Grafton Police Station 5 Duke Street Grafton NSW 2460 And other signatories All source reference links below:- 1. https://www.imperial.ac.uk/news/196234/covid19-imperial-researchers-model-likely-impact/ 2. https://www.smh.com.au/politics/federal/australia-prepares-for-50-000-to-150-000-coronavirus-deaths-20200316-p54amn.html [LINK FIXED – A2]
Hello maram: The letter is indeed a needed message, but like most such letters of demand, it dulls it’s own blade with too much verbiage.
The point of demand should begin and end right here: “Section 109 of the commonwealth of Australia constitution states “when a law of a state is inconsistent with a law of the commonwealth, the latter shall prevail, and the former shall to the extent of the inconsistency be invalid.”
Common Law is the Law of the land. Maritime and Admiralty laws are laws of the Sea. Under the laws of Sea, all individuals and possessions are considered as salvage…
Seventy plus police officers have blown the whistle on the Globalist agenda being pushed onto the people of Australia in an open letter (see advocateme.com) exposing the Coronavirus deception.Calling themselves ‘Cops for Truth’, they are calling for fellow police in other states to join them in their fight against Government tyranny and medical fraud. They are refusing to be used to impose a global dictatorship on Australians.
October 26, 2020 To: Michael Fuller Police Commissioner of New South Wales
RE: Open Letter Concerning the Police Enforcement of ongoing COVID-19 restrictions
We are writing to you to raise concerns we have about the use of the police to enforce the ongoing restrictions placed upon our citizens relating to COVID-19, which has seriously eroded community trust in our great police force. Since the Attorney General Declared a State of Emergency for the novel coronavirus, our governments have acted upon certain powers to impose restrictions on its citizens, using the police to enforce their rules. Due to the novel nature of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, most people concurred that certain restrictions should be followed, until more was learnt about the virus.
With the initial modelling from the Imperial College in the UK [1] and the Peter Doherty Institute here in Australia, indicating a catastrophic number of cases that would severely burden our hospital system and could result in up to 150,000 Australian deaths [2] , it is easy to comprehend why our governments would respond as they did and why the vast population would comply. With these frightening projections it became evident that we needed to find a way to quickly diagnose the disease.
Yet the Centre for Disease Control in the US states that “no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available”. [3] So even without the virus being isolated, the RT PCR test was picked to become the gold standard for testing. We note that the modelling was later found to have serious calculation errors, such that experts who later reviewed it have said “no serious scientist gives (it) any validity”. [4, 5] And now the RT PCR test has been proven to be unreliable at best, with the inventor stating it should “never be used to diagnose infectious disease”, because it cannot tell if what it detected is alive or dead. [6, 7, 8] This test is still being relied upon to make critical decisions in the interest of public health and safety. In the same way we cannot use an inaccurate speed detection device to proctor a civilian’s speed, the same must be demanded of a faulty RT PCR test and as such, police should not in any way mandate testing for covid-19, or rely on any outcome of the results.
Now that we have almost 12 months of statistical data that can be relied upon, in place of flawed computer modelling, these statistics show a reality that is far from the modelling projections, which were relied upon by National Cabinet in their response. 2 | P a g e For example, we now know that around 45% of people who contract the virus are asymptomatic [9] and asymptomatic transmission is between 0-2.2% [10] . We also know that 80% of people who contract the virus will only have mild symptoms [11] and it is overwhelmingly the elderly and immunocompromised who are at risk of severe symptoms that could result in death. [12] At the time of writing, the world-wide survival rate for covid-19 is 97.3%. [13] The ordinary flu is 99.9%. [14] Furthermore, statistics clearly show that while the confirmed cases may be on the rise, the percentage of deaths is plummeting. Here are some statistics which reflect this reality: – 3 | P a g e Sweden and Taiwan did not enforce lockdown on its citizens like much of the world did. Although Sweden failed to take better precautions to protect the elderly in the early stages, their death rate is comparable, and Taiwan’s is outstanding: – The statistics show there is a high infection rate across the globe, but very low deaths; regardless of whether there was forced lockdowns or not. What we can derive from analysis of this is that these two distinctly different ways have resulted in much the same outcome
. 4 | P a g e We note from the recent Federal budget, huge debt and unemployment, is that our lockdowns have created a series of problems that now seem to outweigh the threat this virus poses. In our line of work, we know that the socioeconomical problems created here will transpire into a greater threat down the track, as people struggle to deal with the collateral damage this is causing. We have been told that the advice from the World Health Organization is a key aspect to the National Cabinet response, yet Dr David Nabarro of the WHO recently stated “We in the World Health Organization do not advocate lockdowns as the primary means of control of this virus,” [15] So in spite of the facts, as they stand now, it would appear that the National Cabinet has been lagging in its capacity to adapt to the reality of the situation and this is causing them to fail in their duty to respond in proportion to the risk. The risk being overwhelmingly with the elderly and immunocompromised. [16, 17, 18] What is even more concerning is the prohibition on prescribing hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19 [19] , when over 121 peer reviewed scientific studies have shown it to be effective in treating and preventing the disease [20, 21, 22] . Instead, the federal government has done a vaccine deal with AstraZeneca [23] and Australians told we cannot expect to go back to normal until a vaccine arrives. AstraZeneca has been found guilty of offences relating to off-label or unapproved promotion of medical products, making false claims, kickbacks and bribery, consumer protection violation, healthcare offences, government-contracting violations and more. Since 2000 they have been fined over US$1.1billion dollars for these offences and violations. [24] Still, they have been granted protection from future product liability claims relating to its COVID-19 vaccine [25] . Alarmingly, Prime Minister Scott Morrison stated they will make the vaccine “as mandatory as you can possibly make it” [26] , in spite of the criminal record of its producer, their exemption from liability claims, the fact we already have at least two approved and extremely safe medications in Ivermectin [27] and hydroxychloroquine; shown to be effective treatments and the reality that the virus does not pose a serious threat to the healthy. It seems these decisions appear to be corporate interests, not in the best interests of public health and wellbeing as is claimed.
All this indicates that the ongoing restrictions on the healthy population is a disproportionate response, yet the police are still expected to continue to enforce these measures and at risk of being forced to vaccinate against a disease that is showing not to be virulent, with a vaccine that has had no long-term safety studies and then forcing it upon the population. The evidence would suggest resources are better directed to protect the vulnerable. We are concerned with the legitimacy of the actions we are being told to take against the citizens of Australia. States and territories cannot rise above the commonwealth constitution as well as international treaties we are signatories to, yet this is occurring. Under the state of emergency, the emergency requirements are qualified and restricted by the significant fact that emergency requirements and directions cannot request an individual to be isolated, detained, tested, vaccinated, medically treated or bodily searched in the absence of a biosecurity control order issued to the individual
. 5 | P a g e These measures are referred to as biosecurity measures and are cap
They said nothing about NWO and that conspiracy BS. What they should know is that the US will want to get exclusive control over their Rare Earths, and will do that by staging a coup to achieve a far-right government, like the ones you support.
advocateme down.
I was quite surprised to see this. Here’s a link:
Wonderful! Thank you I did not know of this magazine.
So…. Let’s talk Q. Still trusting The Plan?
I’d be interested to know if people here could state a guiding or operative principle of “the plan”.
Q GREAT awakening Make America GREAT the GREAT Reset doesn’t feel or look that GREAT
The so-called “Great Reset” is referenced only once by Q, and that’s in a link. They probably don’t see it as a serious proposition.
Oct 30, 2020 11:38:45 AM EDT
https: // time.com/collection/great-reset/
This is not about R v D.
This is about preserving our way of life.
If America falls, the World falls.
Patriots on guard.
The “Great Awakening” is an overarching theme, and although it’s referenced extensively, it hasn’t so far played much of a role in operations. My understanding is that there is an expectation that the plan will lead to a massive expansion of awareness among the general population. However, I think most people will simply carry on regardless with their usual level of apathy. It should also be noted that the awakenings at a personal level are likely to be difficult and painful. See:
Similarly, MAGA is of course the main theme of the Trump campaign, and it’s essentially synonymous with the overall objective of the plan. However, the operations tend to work toward objectives which are more specific and definable; and there has probably been more emphasis on exposing “fake MAGA” than in actually promoting the concept.
Sigh…. you mean the transparent pysops that sucked in a lot of people, who, sadly, were looking for someone else or something to save them? That Plan?
Even now tonight, I see quite a lot clinging onto the idea that The Plan will come into fruition in the next few days, because, according to the latest ‘drop’ – all the ballots had secret watermarks on them to prove voting fraud. Apparently.
They’re nothing if not imaginative )
Hey Moneyc,
About as much as I ever did.
I only started looking at Q and Qanon at the start of this year, so about three and a half years late, which,incidentally, is when I also started looking at Off G (and UK Column).
What a combination, boy !
I would say, if it is a NSA psyop, it’s been hugely rewarding and interesting reading, especially from some of the genius anons, ( a fair percentage are also quite sceptical).
Certainly, they have pointed me to places that MSM never would and simply asked, ‘What do you think ?
You mentioned you used to work in the, er, media….which bit ?
Is it not obvious that all In June 2019 the WEF signed an exclusive partnership agreement with the United Nations to accelerate the implementation of the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development which has been adopted by all 193 UN member countries.
This is being played out by all the 193 members.
Of course it is Government malfeasance. In fact ii is Global Government malfeasance.
Guido and co. should have stuck to the original plan, which was to fly time machines disguised as 747s into the House of Lords. Despite their lack of competence even in flying time machines disguised as very small planes, they would have somehow, inexplicably, acquired the know-how to manoeuvre these larger craft into the building.
Said building, which was constructed using a steel frame (which was unusual for buildings of that epoch, but never mind), would have collapsed due to the heat generated by the explosion of the time-machine fuel (even though time-machine fuel is known not to burn at temperatures high enough to melt steel).
Even had they gone with Plan A, the outcome would have been similar; but instead of war with Spain and Portugal and the persecution of Catholics, the authorities would have identified the mastermind behind the plot as being a man in a cave in Afghanistan, and used it as a pretext for invading the Middle East and for general demonisation of Muslims.
And that would have been the story of 5/11.
I’m sure that the firework companies (among others) were in on the whole thing.
Which reminds me, in the film version of “The Ipcress File”, part of the cover story for the spy unit operated by Major Dalby, and to which Harry Palmer gets transferred, is that it is an office or depot of the Astra Fireworks Company. I don’t think that was chosen by chance.
I’ve somehow stumbled my way through life without having seen that film. I’m currently watching a lot of spy/conspiracy things (e.g., Utopia, A Very British Coup). I shall add The Ipcress File to my to-watch list. Diolch!
Croeso iawn mêt!
It’s definitely worth seeing. I have it on DVD and bring it out from time to time. Some good bonus material on the edition I have. It’s by far the best of the “Harry Palmer” films (and the first). Also quite evocative of the 1960s, although not quite the “swinging sixties”. A slightly more sophisticated vibe going on there.
Funeral in Berlin is good too, but lacks the John Barry score.
IMO its the best thing Michael Caine ever did (along with The Man Who Would Be King).
I also recommend “The Parallax View” if you like conspiracy films.
Thanks for the recommendations!
Oh, I just remembered, Without a Clue. Caine, Kingsley a great comedy double act Sherlock Holmes spoof.
We could talk all night about Michael Caine, but then I’d have to mention “Sleuth”, with Laurence Olivier. Having to act in a two-hander opposite “Larry” at his best was a tour de force.
UK Column News – 4th November 2020
The U.S. election is an international collusion effort to fix an election result, involving:
This has been an open, prepared, coordinated effort — unless all the media and politicians had the same crystal ball.
Alex Thomson: The UK and US have been bombing the hell out of other countries telling them they must have democracy.
Becoming more excess as time goes on. Press claims NHS will maintain normal service – but the numbers show that’s to happening. In Scotland Excess Deaths at home said to be up 45%.
Health Service Journal (HSJ) Exclusive: Hospitals 70pc more full than April
Nationally acute trust occupancy is 84 per cent as of 2 November. Confirmed covid cases occupy 10 per cent of beds.
— this is propaganda. The level of occupancy is normally 85% at this time of year so occupancy is completely normal.
REVIEW: Changing Behaviours: On the Rise of the Psychological State by Rhys Jones, Jessic Pykett, et al.
Animal Spirits: How Human Psychology Drives the Economy, and Why It Matters for Global Capitalism
George A. Akerlof, Robert J. Shiller
Brian Gerrish: This is further evidence of the influence of the Mindspace Document – virtually every part of government is involved in Applied Behavioral Science, the Behavioral Insight Team and influencing.
Alex Thomson: We have an enemy who doesn’t like us and doesn’t like our humanity and wishes us to respond on command like Pavlov’s dogs.
Simon Dolan questions the legal validity of advice such as: The Government must urgently consider the human rights implications of Covid measures says Joint Committee on Human Rights, Sep 21, 20202
Dolan focuses on the question: would compulsory medical intervention be justified.
BMJ: Compulsory medical intervention versus external constraint in pandemic control
Alex Thomson says this is a fact-free, philosophical speculation based on the idea that ‘we got away with’ compulsory treatment for mental health patients so probably we can get away with compulsory vacations.
Continental judges and human rights lawyers would probably accept this philosophical argument, independent of whether it is right or wrong.
Under Common Law this is common assault. The principle is no treatment without consent.
Alex Thomson: The UK is now saying the UK Supreme Court will be the last word. So there is a turf war going on. But behind the scenes the EU and the UN are actually less inclined to give our rights away than the ECHR in Strasbourg that has a long history of telling states they must not champion the rights of the individual. The EU is not a member of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg because the EU has its own court in Luxembourg.
Where there is a jury people will say compulsory medical intervention is wrong. Where there is not a jury the judges will philosophize and stroke their chins and say, we’ve got away with this before.
Demand for a ‘written’ constitution for the UK from Sir Charles Walker MP:
Ali Kemal, prime minister, aka Boris the Turk:
Alex Thomson: Rather than written, the technical word is codified. When the Queen was tutored by Fabians she was told, like us, that we don’t have a written constitution. It was John Hurst and John Bingley who discovered the Declaration of Right which had been so obscured that the House of Lords told Bingley he was the first person ever to ask to see it.
The game is that we supposedly don’t have a written constitution. The Deep State has always wanted to cast off any external international law and repatriate it — so that we will not have Common Law codified but hand picked people and NGOs… who will put a mishmash of God, immunity and human rights.
A YouTuber known as swilliamism is worth listen to on this topic.
A Dissident’s Guide to the Constitution.
UK Column News – 4th November 2020
In the Telegraph it appeared among the obituaries, puzzles and cartoons.
Alex Thomson: “Be A Lert”. The Home Secretary is just trying to look busy.
BBC asked what was being done to counter this elevated threat. Priti Patel said JATAC is an independent body. That’s Joint Asymmetric Threat Awareness and Counter.
This agency is not independent, any more than the new Joint Biosecurity Centre.
Expect more armed police.
Echo: Army called in to help make sure businesses following covid rules
Brian Gerrish: The Resilience Forum is a huge body with no separation of powers between the executive, legislative and judicial arms of central and local government.
THE GREAT RESET – EUROPEAN CENTRAL BANK on move to digital currency
Digital euro enters consultation stage: “central bank money that you can rely upon.”
Alex Thomson: The only solution is to do what dissidents have done through the ages which is to barter and be as self sufficient as possible.
Open Letter Concerning the Police Enforcement of ongoing COVID-19 restrictions
How about maskers shop before midday and normal people shop after midday? Good compromise position. Who can object to that?That way they can have their period where they feel safe and normal people can go out later without needing to be exposed to the insanity.
Because coddling them in their delusion will only lead to even more demands to shelter them from reality.
If you give a mouse a piece of cheese, he’ll want a glass of milk.
That’s a brilliant graph. It demonstrates that not only do lockdowns disrupt the economy, prohibit people from enjoying themselves, play to a manipulative agenda but they also kill people.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Thanks for that. I think I”ll pich it!
Thanks for this interesting article Gloria relating to the past, and present day United Kingdom. Nothing much seems to have changed regarding the behaviour of those who rule. Did it ever?
Growing up in New Zealand, every year on November 5th was Guy Fawkes Night, where fireworks were let off, and massive bonfires lit. A yearly highlight, especially if you grew up in a small country town like I did, where nothing much happened.
Most restrictions have now been lifted in Melbourne, tho mandatory facemasks and social distancing stay in place. I empathise with all of you in the UK about to go through more grinding lockdowns and restrictions. Personally, I actually found the second lockdown here in Melbourne a lot tougher to deal with than the first.
I think it’s really important to link up with other like minded people, especially in your own suburb or town, coz we need the support of other human beings, and vice versa.
The bastards behind this scamdemic are waging an unprecedented psychological war on humanity. They are going all out for control of the planet.
I’ve been through some really tough and terrifying situations in my past, which I believe has helped me get thru this year (so far) and I’ve also put my faith in the Universe. I know that may not be a popular topic with some, but I think having faith of some sort is really important in immensely challenging times like this.
Good luck….
Great post Gezzah! I, like you, look to my faith during these times. It gives me great comfort. It’s at times such as these when you are confronted with your own mortality. Sadly, especially in the west, people fear death. That will be sorely tested going forwards. We are at war with the state and it’s gonna be a bumpy ride until we can defeat these soulless psychopaths!
Thanks TT👍And yes, the creatures running this scamdemic are soulless. They are also thoroughly corrupted by power and wealth…
Hear, hear!
Great article as is Gloria Moss’s article on the Great Fire of London 1666.
It’s just amazing how the psyop MO that we see today is manifested so far back … and possibly for centuries before.
All the over-the-top anomalies which they push out at us. They luuuuurve doing that: making their story so very much more ludicrous than it would be if they tried to make it as realistic as possible.
Reminiscent of:
Reminiscent of:
I’m sure that Guy Fawkes and gang simply played patsy and were not executed but were sheepdipped (given new identities and shipped off elsewhere) just as I’d bet the following is false about Jean Hubert and he was similarly sheepdipped (just as Lee Harvey Oswald was not really shot either). It just continues century after century without people catching on. How is this possible? Everything is STAGED.
And now with the alleged virus. There simply isn’t one and all the stuff about to lock down or not to lock down, masks or not, social distancing etc, etc, etc is all distraction propaganda. How can they keep fooling us like this? How can we keep swallowing their nonsense?
“It’s just amazing how the psyop MO that we see today is manifested so far back … and possibly for centuries before”.
The same is true of their culture creation. Shakespeare and The Beatles are operations from the same playbook. Both produced huge amounts of content in improbable time frames; both’s works contained cultural references that they couldn’t possibly have known if their backgrounds were true; both show technical knowledge of their craft that they couldn’t possibly have had; both are defended by legions of “critics”; both seem to critique official narratives but don’t really; both are surrounded by secret society and occult markers once you know how to spot them; all this and more is explained by a defence of “but genius”.
The link is made explicit in “Billy Shears”.
P.S. This isn’t to say the plays and music can’t be enjoyed on certain levels – merely that the narrative of their origins and purpose is a fiction, a ‘legend’.
And the Beatles weren’t even that good.
I mean, they were good, but far from geniuses. Come on.
Any notion that the Beatles were controlled (Tavistok Instiutute) were dispelled in 1968 with the release of the hit song While My Guitar Gently Weeps. It spoke of an inverted, perverted world in which we were never told of the dangers. And sadly told us that the floor needs sweeping. It was anti Illuminati because Harrison and Lennon came back from India with a huge wakeup to the mess humanity was in.
They were executed all right. Actually some died in a gun battle when the house they were taking refuge in was attacked. Life was cheap in those days.
Most people believe Lee Harvey Oswald was shot dead too, Mike, but the lack of a still shot from the alleged live footage of his shooting matching the famous photo indicates the shooting was staged.
Where is the clear evidence that Guy Fawkes was executed.
alwite Petra my several pence worth
Where is the clear evidence that Guy Fawkes was executed.
a story told to them it’s now in their heads repeated to others even celebrated yearly
it doesn’t necessarily matter now if it fake it’s like christmas or voting it become tradition( another name for a ritual) thats when it becomes dangerous to break, even if you could 95% will stil;l revert back to it
always interesting reading yuor post
well executions were public then – so presumably someone was hanged, had their bowels cut out and burned and head cut off? 🤷🏻♀️
Those were crisis actors. Dontcha see?
Yes, however, Lee Harvey Oswald was allegedly shot on live TV but we can see from the fact that no still shot from the footage matches the famous photo that the shooting was faked. Live TV! If they can fake live TV why not fake a public execution one way or another.
It’s wishful thinking to declare that because something could have happened, it is more likely too have happened. You need evidence.
We need evidence either way.
If the Gunpowder Plot was, in fact, a fabricated event why would we believe any part of the story without clear evidence and/or good reason to believe that part?
Why would they kill those involved in the story for real? For example, we know that Lee Harvey Oswald wasn’t shot for real from the fact that there is no matching still shot from the live TV footage that matches the famous photograph (https://occamsrazorterrorevents.weebly.com/lho-shot-tvphoto-comparison.html), indicating multiple takes. Additionally, the shooting doesn’t look in the least convincing. That fact, of course, doesn’t mean that Guy Fawkes wasn’t killed but, a priori, if an event is a fabrication surely it is more likely than not that all parts of the story we’re told are a lie rather than some parts real without evidence or good reason. If the power elite kill their patsies in their fabricated events who will volunteer and might they not they value these people for other tasks too? If they can pull off duping us with the rest of the fabrication why not just as easily pull off the part where they allegedly kill the alleged culprits. They don’t call them Psychological Operations for nothing.
We can infer that there are people today in possession of the truth of historical events which has been passed onto them through the centuries just as the fabricated truth is reproduced in history books century after century. No doubt, 9/11 will go down in the history books as a terrorist attack for centuries to come but the truth will also be coded in historical records for those designated to be in possession of that truth.
It has been shown that intelligence agents edit Wikipedia (https://off-guardian.org/2020/03/07/wikipedia-a-disinformation-operation/) and I believe these people are some of the “curators” of the coded truth.
A hallmark of staged events is contradictions in the story (there are always signs – part of the code).
On the Guy Fawkes’ Wikipedia page we see under Introduction:
“Fawkes fell from the scaffold where he was to be hanged and broke his neck”
… while under Trial and Execution we see …
“Weakened by torture and aided by the hangman, Fawkes began to climb the ladder to the noose, but either through jumping to his death or climbing too high so the rope was incorrectly set, he managed to avoid the agony of the latter part of his execution by breaking his neck.”
The way we are presented with the three possible ways Fawkes died seems a little odd. Why does it say “fell” under Introduction but “jump” or “climbing too high so the rope was incorrectly set” whatever that means under Trial and Execution. We can see that “falling” or “jumping” might be confused with each other but how is “climbing too high so the rope was incorrectly set” confused with jumping or falling and why say “fell” under Introduction but “jumping” under Trial and Execution? If Fawkes was aided by the hangman how did he manage to climb too high especially if he was weakened by torture … or jump or fall? We are told that a scaffold was purpose-built for this momentous occasion but seemingly, nevertheless, Fawkes’ hanging was screwed up badly with quite a lot of vagueness about what went wrong. Not very convincing is it?
Thanks, ame. I understand that persistence of belief. Even when I know something is different from what I’ve believed while I recognise the falsity intellectually, my actual change of belief is not quite so clear cut. Nevertheless one must try one’s best, right? When you recognise the evidence says you must change your belief you should do your level best to change it. It might take some effort.
Well, I have no clear evidence. Who could have at this juncture? But official type sources give a place and a date of execution. And supposedly Fawkes fell (or jumped) off the scaffold, broke his neck, and avoided the hanging and drawing part, but was still quartered.
See also the Wikipedia page for Guy Fawkes.
However, even if they weren’t formally executed, why would the state go to the trouble of giving them a new identity and then letting them disappear? Surely much easier to quietly “disappear” them in a different sense?
Oswald: I didn’t find the text in the link you posted particularly convincing. The still photo and the 4 video frames correspond pretty well to me, allowing for them being taken from different angles.
Also, someone they claimed was Oswald was taken to a funeral home, later visited by FBI agents (we have the evidence of the funeral director) where they asked to be left alone with the body. This is probably when they faked the palm print on the Mannlicher-Carcano rifle, said to have been used by Oswald to kill JFK.
That body was later buried. There were suspicions that what was buried was an empty coffin, or someone else’s body, but I thought it had been exhumed, and confirmed that there was a body in there, and that it was Oswald’s. I saw a documentary about this (there have been so many documentaries…), and I can’t remember the full details, but, as with Fawkes, I can’t see any reason for the state, or the real perps, not to have simply killed the patsy, or have him killed.
Yes, I know that Oswald had intelligence connections (whether FBI, CIA or military intelligence, or all three; not to mention his documented military career, and his highly suspicious “defection” to the USSR, and his even more suspicious return). Anyone who has done even a brief investigation into the JFK assassination knows that. It doesn’t mean that he couldn’t have been killed after he’d served his purpose; in fact it seems highly likely that that is exactly what would have happened.
For what it’s worth, I don’t think Oswald shot Kennedy with that rifle, or shot anyone with any firearm that day, i.e. I don’t think he shot Officer Tippit, either.
But then, I’m just a conspiracy theorist.
Seriously, Mike, seriously? I’d be willing to bet $50,000 that no still shot from the footage can be matched against the photo. Would you be willing to bet the same? Please watch the video from 18 seconds in and notice how little time from the moment of the alleged shooting LHO is standing before he falls, how little time we see his mouth open and how immediately people are crowded around him. There is no way on earth a photographer would have had time to snap the shot with his mouth open. Moreover, the people in the frame are placed differently in relation to him and are not even all the same people.
Please exercise some rigour in your analysis.
So if the power elite bump off all their patsies how willing do you think people will be to play patsy for them? People always go for the “they don’t care about bumping people off” line. I agree they don’t care about bumping people off but it’s not the way they do their psyops. They enjoy their operations all being about the PSY part with reality ONLY playing a part where they want it. It’s just their way. They luuurve duping us so they simply don’t want to introduce reality into their operations unless they want it.
Is the point at which I stopped reading this article. Gerard was not an impartial investigator. He was complicit in the plot. He was a Jesuit priest and a criminal. His account of the plot was nothing other than an apologia, a work of propaganda.
We can see that controlled opposition curates history all along but I wouldn’t reject what they say out of hand as often I think they might even be the best source of truth … as long as you know how to read it.
For example, prompted by Gloria’s article on the Great Fire I checked out those said to have died. I suspected that James Shirley, the playwright, who allegedly with his wife was placed in a refugee camp after his dwelling was burnt down and who allegedly died with his wife on October 29 almost two months after the fire (Sep 2-6), probably didn’t, in fact, die. One source tells us he died of “fright” and “exposure” while another source mentions only exposure.
Typically of psyops there are a number of anomalies:
— there are two different versions
— it seems strange to die of “fright” almost two months after the fire
— it seems strange that both he and his wife would die on the same day
— it seems strange that a 70 year-old illustrious playwright would be in the situation of dying of exposure
I wondered if James may have had some desire to disappear for some reason – I’d say in a lot of psyops some of the faked dead are people who want to disappear for one reason or another. I wondered if perhaps he owed money. I looked up his oeuvre and discovered The Gamester, a play “noteworthy for its realistic and detailed picture of gambling in its era.” So what do you think, Steve? Think he might have some gambling debts he needed to escape and didn’t die of “fright” or “exposure” at all?
I prefer evidence to speculation.
Sure, Steve. Evidence is best. However, a priori, there is absolutely no reason to believe any of a story that we know is full of lies, is there? When a story is full of lies then everything told in the story is suspect and, in fact, it might be said that we should err on the side of tending to treat every single thing as a possible lie rather than the truth … in the absence of evidence for its veracity.
This is what drives me utterly crazy. The 9/11 story is so full of lies:
The buildings
The planes
The passengers who allegedly died in the planes
And yet truthers are indoctrinated with the belief that while the plane deaths were faked, they only partially evacuated the twin towers when they could so easily have fully evacuated them just as they did WTC-7 which means our being told that 3,000 people died and 6,000 were injured on that day has no credibility without evidence for the claim (the number of dead falls over immediately with the plane passengers) … and there isn’t any. There’s none. Quite the contrary. There’s significant evidence that death and injury were staged.
Can we not get into the fake 911 argument? It’s essentially unfalsifiable which is something we should be wary of. People can also take offence to it, especially if photos of jumpers start being posted etc. While it’s broadly on topic, I suggest it’s only broadly so, therefore please only touch on it broadly without getting bogged down and taking the focus away from discussing this piece in context. Thanks, A2.
Sure they can just as they take massive offence to the suggestion that the US government cold-bloodedly and callously allowed people in partially-evacuated buildings to die.
Avoiding giving offence is antithetical to the truth. When you analyse what the power elite gets up to you cannot afford to be emotionally invested in their story, especially when, at the outset, you know at least half of it is false. I don’t want to offend people, I want to provide them with clear evidence of the truth. If they take offence I’m afraid that’s their problem. I take offence to people taking offence to what I say but not providing a single piece of evidence to defend their belief. That offends me greatly … but what can I do about it?
When you say the evidence is unfalsifiable I think you make false assumptions. You don’t have to prove that no one died – and I don’t make that claim.
What I claim is that:
— death and injury were staged
— a massive truther-targeted propaganda campaign has been implemented to maintain truthers’ belief in real death and injury.
There is significant evidence for both my claims and none – not a skerrick – that contradicts it.
Well perhaps you could state at some point in what way your hypothesis can be falsified, on an appropriate thread. The reason I point it out here is to illustrate that it is a contentious, bottomless issue which can easily polarise and upstage a piece BTL, not so we can get into it here. Thanks, A2.
Sam, this is my case for 9/11 if you’re interested.
Just to add: we can probably infer that the power elite wish to keep a record of real history but rather than write it in books kept in secret vaults – which might always get out somehow – they write the real history right in front of our eyes but in coded fashion so that you only understand it when you know the code.
Just checking, Steve, when you say “complicit in the plot”, you mean he’s just perpetuating the lies told almost three centuries before? He’s part of the perpetuation of the falsification of history.
When I said he was complicit, I meant that he was a participant, albeit a passive one. He knew about the plot well in advance and he gave some of the conspirators absolution for the planned action via the confessional ritual.
My apologies, Steve. I assumed from the article that the date 1897 indicated that the author was born centuries later than the event – terrible laziness on my part. John Gerard prompts me to think of Thomas Vincent, also a cleric, who wrote about the Great Fire and who – from the little I read of what he wrote which was simply shocking writing – also strikes me as a “curator” of the story.
The John Gerard who wrote the book is not the same guy who was a contemporary of Guy Fawkes. Same name – different man.
Thanks for the correction.
The gunpowder plot to blow up the houses of parliament
Did not include any gunpowder and was no danger to the houses of parliament.
Many stories of what was in the barrels. As gun powder was strictly controlled they had to come up with plausible alternatives.
As for the number of barrels many different numbers were reported but non confirmed.
Many different stories of where the barrels were and how they were discovered.
Many stories of how the plot was uncovered and those captured
Suspicious pardons of some involved.
The objective was achieved with property being seized and war with Spain.
As with the Coronavirus people only know what they are told.
But the people can be told what the government or those that control the government want them to hear.
A big lie (German: große Lüge) is a propaganda technique. The expression was coined by Adolf Hitler, when he dictated his 1925 book Mein Kampf, about the use of a lie so “colossal” that no one would believe that someone “could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously”
You do know that Hitler was criticising the technique?
Yes, but that’s the technique the CIA use. Accuse your enemy of what you’re doing, as a simultaneous attack and defense.
So when the CIA are proclaiming Syria used chemical weapons, CIA proxies did. Or when the CIA proclaim Iran or China hacked, the CIA or their agents committed the hacking. This is their number one modus operandi. The CIA came out of Skull and Bones, which was born from Freemasonry.
The tactic itself, is ancient.
As the US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, said of the CIA: “We stole, lied and cheated.”
The notion that one can use evidence about the CIA to deduce a conclusion about a German who died before the CIA even existed stretches the rules of evidence to destruction and then some.
No. I’m pointing out that it is an old tactic, and there’s an actual link that extends from Skull and Bones and Freemasonry in the US directly to Hitler who got nearly all of his eugenics beliefs from America.
That is commonly known. Hitler even acknowledged publicly that he got all his best ideas from the US.
I didn’t imply anything other than what I wrote which is that it’s an overused tactic by psychopaths. Psychopaths like Hitler. Psychopaths like the CIA. Psychopaths going all the way back in history.
It’s so commonly used it’s almost a joke.
You should do some reading on who really backed Hitler and the Nazis, because it was the same cryptocracy that are running this covid operation and pushing the Great Reset and the Global Currency Reset.
In Mein Kampf Hitler accused the Jews of using the propaganda technique while Goebbels accused the English. It’s similar to how when you look up controlled opposition prominent among the responses is the quoting of Lenin: “The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.” Is this quote even verified? No doubt he used the technique (whether the quote is valid or not) but as if he invented it! The Big Lie has been around for centuries if not millennia just like the controlled opposition propaganda technique.
‘The government had a monopoly on production of gunpowder’ .
Although others can make it, Novichok presumably is a Porton Down monopoly?!
Nothing changes in 400 years…
This isn’t a ‘lockdown’, it’s plain old suppression and this gov’t and others are seeing just how far they can go. This will be useful for them in future when their NWO tyranny is rolled out for good. Gov’t then will be just as they are now…puppets for big business and tyrants.
They also have to convince the public to trigger their own demise as it saves gov’t puppets rolling out martial law onto the British public, which would be a dead givaway.
Bojo waves his British flag whenever he gets the chance. However it should be a Turkish flag in his hand because his family name was Kamal before his grandfather changed it upon fleeing Turkey and landing in Bighty.
415 years on and we still have the same old shysters using the same old tricks on the public for money. There has to be a better vetting system in order to keep shysters and sociopaths out of gov’t.
Johnson was American up until it started to look too become too obvious that he was clearly working in their interests. Then he suddenly renounced it. I’d love to know the tax bill the American’s have hanging over Johnson’s head to make him coopoerate. .
Bojo must still have some family, and most probably some business ties in the US as he must in Turkey. It’s good to know that we in Blighty have a PM with his feet firmly in a number of camps.
Britain first! oh wait a minute, there’s the US and Turkey to consider. Can’t upset them. It might be bad for business.
It’s certainly ‘a good day to bury bad news’ – a new national lockdown and thousands of retail job losses just happens to coincide with a disputed US election. Almost as if it was planned that way…
Maybe I’m very naive and simple, but why can’t we overthrow the government and have a coup? With a competent, intelligent, charismatic leader (I don’t know, like V?) who can unite the dissenters and organize a full-on-take-our-country-back-by-force? I don’t know, don’t we outnumber the elite by millions? Has anyone noticed things are getting worse and worse and …. worse — and just when they can’t possibly get any worse, they do! Psychotic perversion of the US Constitution by governors to force us to wear masks, businesses close, children isolated from peers and out of schools, elderly imprisoned with no social contact; 9/11 sham; FEMA training exercises that masqueraded as terrorism (Boston Marathon, Sandy shook), global genocide, wars, corruption, endless deceit, keeping humanity drugged on fast food and industrial GMO farms, phones, apps, vaping, big Pharma, ‘likes’ on Social media… Hello?! We are de-volving into livestock for the corporate farm we call the USA. We are so brainwashed and drugged up by this corrupt, soul-destroying system that we are turning into mindless slaves. Our economy is about to collapse, crime and homelessness will skyrocket, the election is a complete bogus production with all eyes on the insanely egregious deceitful media and their endless corporate propaganda. We are heading to Mordor, folks! It ain’t gonna be pretty. Why aren’t we fighting?! Why aren’t we standing up TOGETHER and taking down this house of cards/corporate farm that’s feeding us endless lies and brainwashing us to be slaves/livestock? We need an American revolution! They did it in back in 1775 with success, I heard. I don’t know – doesn’t it feel like we are living V for Vendetta????? Sorry but I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore. If more of us stood up and fought, they couldn’t do this to us. We enable them through silence and inaction.
Because we are sheep. We want to be led. Our leaders will always be sociopaths. Revolution cannot work. Evolution? – maybe. But you may have to wait awhile.
Do you mean sheep that want to be led like this (quote from the comment above): “With a competent, intelligent, charismatic leader (I don’t know, like V?) who can unite the dissenters and organize a full-on-take-our-country-back-by-force?”
Waiting for someone (competent, intelligent, charismatic leader) to lead you to salvation? How about you save yourself, I’ll save my self, and we all lead ourselves? Don’t you think that any supposed leader will eventually turn into “leaders” we have today? Was there ever any leader in history that didn’t turn into turd?
Stop waiting for someone else to save you. You wanna rebel? Do it yourself, be the example. At this point, disobedience is the most effective way. Yes, it can put you in harms way, you can even get incarcerated or killed, but if you want change, be your own leader, and stop waiting for someone else to do it for you. Nobody can.
Good luck building an effective resistance movement with each one trying to do it their own way… Freedom is cool but a society without any rules or leadership is impossible.
Morality is the key. The more moral a society, the less laws that society needs.
Dumb down the society to create a lack of morality and you then you have more control over that society, by the obvious need for ever increasing laws.
Our personal morality therefore counts a great deal as it forms part of the collective morality.
If you want to change the world then you’ve got to change yourself first. You may even set an example…
Yeah I said rules not laws. You don’t need laws but you definitely need some rules.
Democracy did work, we were freed from poverty for 80 years, the point is to maintain it.
But only at the expense of non westerners in the rest of the world. And in any event, if it’s brought us to the point we are at now – arguably it’s a system that doesn’t work.
Anarchy – true anarchy, not the sid vicious kind – does seem to me to be a political philosophy with genuine potential – akin as I understand it to grass roots organisation of societies. It would take a large scale spiritual awakening land possibly civic revolution to get there though.
Anarchy/anarchism has been given a bad name. Incessant propaganda means that people associate it with chaos. When nothing could be further from the truth.
In my opinion, anarchism is the highest form of order, because it comes from within people. Order cannot be enforced (as is obvious from a quick glance at the state of the world, when we’ve got more laws than ever. And governments themselves are the most lawless people on the face of the planet, anyway).
Anarchism’s been practised in one form or another by peoples all around the world since the human race emerged. We wouldn’t have made it this far without it.
As you rightly say, it’s all about grass-roots organisation. With everyone having a say, and no one wielding more influence than they should. Little wonder that holders of illegitimate power have always feared and demonised it!
Because the majority of people are too stupid to see what’s happened. They still have their jobs, benefits, netflix and takeaways. They are also too stupid to believe what the world mafia has in store for us. So they’re happy.
There are plenty of people not wearing masks in public, if one looks around. Removing your mask and refusing to replace it is the very first step anyone can do to fight this tyranny.
Maybe shopping expeditions can be organised where non-sheep can get together and shop en masse and with determination.
People have to be more vocal in public and stop being frightened of peer pressure. Would one take the advice of a moron, if it was offered?
Theres not even a consequence of not wearing your mask. I get asked now everywhere but when I say in exempt they leave me alone. Anyone can print off an exemption card from the governments own site.
I think people wearing masks deserve to get ill. They are making themselves less healthy and facilitating our imprisonment.
If more rejected the mask than didnt it would all fall apart.
This is true, ZenPriest, except that I would say that most people are wearing them because they actually believe in the narrative.
I’m sure people who work and have to wear them would LOVE to rip them off, but by and large, I think most think that they are necessary.
And I’ll wager that many will continue to wear them even after the magic vaccine.
There is some talk regarding those wearing masks all day who may develop cancer of the lungs. They are breathing in fibres from the masks which if lodge in the lung will fester and cause problems. Maybe more grist for the scamdemic figures.
Miners should know all about developing lung problems because of coal dust particles doing the same. Blue Asbestos was banned for the same reason.
All the best
Honestly, Peter, I don’t know where you live, but where I live I am always, for the past 3/4 months the only person in the area – whether outside or indoors – that is not wearing a mask.
I live in and travel through wide open neighborhoods and cities with lots of parks and rec areas and I will tell you that I am the only person sans mask. All summer and into the Fall.
And inside stores? I am always the only person. And I shop in stores a lot.
I am not writing this to be argumentative, only to say that no one is waking up to anything here but “exploding cases”.
And as of tomorrow the governor has made it mandatory to wear them in and outdoors. And curfew from 10 PM – 5 AM.
It’s getting worse if one can believe it.
(Massachusetts, USA)