OffG Recommends….V for Vendetta
An earnest and thoughtful film, memed into caricature and deserving of a renaissance.

“OffG Recommends” is a new series we’ll be putting out intermittently commenting on books, film, television or other arts and entertainment. This November 5th OffG heartily recommends V for Vendetta. Its themes are newly relevant, and its message could not be more timely.
Unfortunately – or maybe deliberately – all most people remember of V for Vendetta is the now infamous Guy Fawkes mask. It became the symbol of Anonymous, and then it became a joke. But the film deserves more than that.
Released in 2005 – bizarrely, a time we can now look back on as much more politically aware – it is an adaptation of an Alan Moore graphic novel set in a dystopian alternative Britain.
The story centres around a masked vigilante, V, who plans to bring down the fascist government of Britain by blowing up the Houses of Parliament and inciting mass demonstrations and anarchy. I won’t go into the details of the plot, because that would defeat the purpose of recommending you watch it. Suffice to say, there is intrigue, action, philosophy, conflict and romance (in the classic sense).
It is a comic book movie, and thus bound by the conventions of the genre. There is a linear narrative. There is a love story. There is a conclusion. There is cartharsis.
These are the hallmarks of popular fiction that so rarely apply to the real world. And though they are well done and interesting, they are not what makes V for Vendetta so memorable.
The casting is brilliant, and the performances good without exception. But what makes the film great, truly great, is the writing.
It was written by someone who truly sees the way power works, and the world it builds is the most realistic dystopian vision ever put to screen. It is our world…but ever so slightly different. People look the same, dress the same, talk the same…but they are scared. All the time. And controlled. All the time.
There are curfews and censors and quarantine zones. Secret police, with limitless authority, stalk the streets and harass the public. The state broadcaster tells nothing but fanciful stories that barely resemble reality, in order to keep people calm and under control. Nobody really believes them, but nobody does anything about it either.
Every evening a former military intelligence officer appears on his nationally televised talk show to spin jingoistic propaganda about the state of the nation. Other television, music and art is all subject to government screening before appearing in public.
…and this world was built as the result of a virus.
In the original graphic novel – written in the 1980s and set in the 1990s – the dystopia was created by nuclear war. But in the 2005 movie, set in the year 2020, it’s a virus. Poetic, no?
In the movie – unlike our less dramatic reality – the virus was “weaponised”, allegedly released as part of a terrorist attack. The public, hysterical with fear, empowered the state to destroy all their freedoms. Elections, protests, free speech. All gone.
The dynamics of this fascist power are well observed. From the corruption of government and military personnel sitting on the boards of big pharmaceutical companies; to the faux-camaraderie with the every man, expressed by an elite which lives a secret life of opulence and indulgence; to the barely-concealed fragility of the entire system.
For, though the power is concentrated and the system appears monolithic, all it takes is a small push to topple it. This insecurity is felt by all those in power.
Late in the film, as the government is beginning to lose control of the narrative, the High Chancellor (John Hurt) gives this speech to his Head of Media:
What we need right now is a clear message to the people of this country. This message must be read in every newspaper, heard on every radio, seen on every television. I want this country to realize that we stand on the edge of oblivion. I want every man, woman and child to understand how close we are to chaos. I want everyone to remember why they need us!
…what follows is montage of created media narratives and news footage – exaggerated, contrived or invented whole-cloth – designed to terrify the public into submission. This cynical understanding of the media is lacking in almost all films, especially those which claim to satirise the news or television industry. That the news could be, and regularly is, an entirely fictional narrative to serve a government agenda, is a fact even most alternate media personalities are slow to understand.
Aside from the themes and world building, the script is eminently quotable. From “artists use lies to tell the truth, while politicians use them to cover the truth up.” to “Beneath this mask there is more than flesh, beneath this mask there is an idea…and ideas are bulletproof!” and “Our integrity sells for so little, but it is all we really have.”
And, of course, a quote that could be made for our modern world:
You wear a mask for too long, and you forget who you are underneath it.”
So go find a copy of this film, and watch it to mark this November 5th. Witness the dystopian vision of England which – in 2005 – seemed like “something that could happen one day”, but has become something that is actually happening right now, in front of our eyes.
Early in the film V hijacks a television broadcast and gives this speech:
There are of course those who do not want us to speak. I suspect even now, orders are being shouted into telephones, and men with guns will soon be on their way. Why? Because while the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power. Words offer the means to meaning, and for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth.
And the truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn’t there?
Cruelty and injustice, intolerance and oppression. And where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and soliciting your submission.
How did this happen? Who’s to blame? [T]ruth be told, if you’re looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror. I know why you did it. I know you were afraid. Who wouldn’t be? War, terror, disease. There were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense. Fear got the best of you.
It could hardly be more apposite.
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“Dismember, Dismember the 5th of November,
Gunpowder’d reason lost the plot,
I see no reason, just governmental treason,
Yet fear-mongers care not a jot.”
Guise and Dolls part 1- Guy Faux and the None-Powder Plot
Indeed it’s an excellent movie but It’s intriguing to see how today’s government propaganda regarding immigration and intolerance are ironically pushed in the movie. The government portrayed in V took the opposite view to the uniform fascistic consensus we see in governments just about everywhere today. They are pushing for the very same issues that V was championing- The one exception being peadophilia which is now being pushed as a positive thing
could you please review the best telelvision of the last 20 years that was Channel 4’s original Utopia series…..watching it again recently made it stand out like a beacon especially given the current circumstances we are enduring….not for everyone admittedly…ultra violent and very Very dark humour…but my god its like drinking a fine wine with your eyes
So, I watched it (thank you for the recommendation) and for me what it was missing (implicit, perhaps, but missing) was the peer pressure that’s a key part of the experience of living in an authoritarian society. The society in the film is caricatured as the government, the media and the police against the people; in practice a majority of people side with the government.
@Sharon Marlowe (forgive the following long comment please!):
I don’t want to start treating The Matrix like a canonical text (laugh) but within the reality of the narrative, we find:
Neo: [in pain] I thought it wasn’t real.
Morpheus: Your mind makes it real.
Neo: If you’re killed in the Matrix you die here?
Morpheus: The body cannot live without the mind.
And Morpheus also instructs Neo/ us:
My theory is that The Matrix is actually a sophisticated (committee-generated) bit of psychological programming designed to subvert “resistance,” and the concept of “heroes of The Resistance,” on several levels*. I also think it mirrors the earlier, less sophisticated “morality play theater” of, say, Castro’s Cuba, which was set up to play in the minds of the audience as a Noble Failure; a cautionary tale. Ie: “Maybe Fidel is “right” but the price you pay for being “right”… or “red-pilled” (in the 21st century version)… is poverty/ misery/ very little fun. The blue-pilled people in The Matrix are the lucky ones… they get to eat steak and date the “lady in the red dress”. People take The Matrix as a seminal millennial manual (tongue twister) for revolution, but it’s the opposite, and, anyway, how can you fight The Matrix as Neo does? By being able to dodge bullets and punch through concrete! How to apply that to Real Life? The net message of the movie is negative.
Ditto re: V! As you write:
And, again: what’s the subliminal takeaway, having the guy who famously played Agent Smith donning a Guy Fawkes mask to play the “hero” in V? I think the Wachowskis are festooned with more red flags than a May Day Parade in Moscow in ’57! laugh
Years ago I “debated” with Jaysun Horsley after he wrote an article accusing Stanley Kubrick of being a Tavistock project (ie that Kubrick’s films were essentially dictated to him by handlers), which I find both ironic and ridiculous: Kubrick’s films are full of anti-Authoritarian, anti-Aristocrat subversion. So Horsley, a fairly visible parapolitical commenter/ researcher considers Kubrick’s canon to be highly suspect… while also being the author (Horsley, I mean) of the following amazing comment:
The propaganda/ programming is so effective that the paradoxes it generates are nearly implausible!
I think you’re absolutely right to question the apparent evil in V’s actions: maybe the evil is not merely apparent and incidental but deliberate and essential. And maybe Overall Mind-Fuckery is (as ever) the goal.
*As an action flick, The Matrix was topnotch entertainment, although, philosophically, it was not, in my opinion, amazing: any well-read science fiction nerd was already familiar with the basic concept (even the pilot episode of Star Trek, c. 1965, got there first, with apologies to Plato). What was new were the “bullet time” SFX and they were incredibly new and expensive (fishy) and effective… and whoever made that effective first Matrix obviously had nothing to do with all the stinkers thereafter (which probably really were directed by Lana and Lilly).
That was very very interesting, Steven, thank you:)
“My theory is that The Matrix is actually a sophisticated (committee-generated) bit of psychological programming designed to subvert “resistance…”
Just like christianity, as Neo was a Jesus figure in the first film(I didn’t make it through the follow up films)?
“Just like christianity, as Neo was a Jesus figure in the first film…”
I found it a crappy film to watch and take its predictive programming as an example of the erasing of human consciousness.
Jesus (not Christianity) offers the way that opens from freely releasing the mind of vendetta. Or action and like reaction.
The mind set in vengeance has to mask (subvert) that message into another version of the same old religion.
Resistance to What Is – is a mind set in its own experience of what its own judgement dictates. It does not know what it does, for knowing your purpose is the fruit of aligning in What Is. Denial, denies its own knowing as if to hide guilt for fantasy.
That identity taken from fantasy is not supported by reality generates the experience of life as attack, treachery, unworthiness and reframing AS the scapegoat for accusing and attacking its own sins externally – as if to escape them.
Such a defence is unmindful that its fantasy WOULD attack or deny truth if such were possible. The belief that we have done so is a belief that operates like a pathogenic or pathological and treacherous hijack to a sense of separated, denied and masked off ‘reality’, that has all the reality we give it in exchange for being hijacked or ‘saved’ from truth feared, hated and resisted.
The idea I am expressing is of a mind reversal that sees itself and thus everything backwards. It is in the same theme as ‘easier to deceive than to convince another that they are already deceived’. No one can see or hear what they are as yet unwilling to accept.
If you have opened as intuition of Life – you have a basis from which to notice, question and recognise and accept true. Otherwise ‘thinking’ seeks to model, replicate and substitute for the relational extension of this moment of awareness existing – as all of this. One is limitless and the other sets rules, filters and hierarchies.
So I have just put it on- I love this movie- and I just want to say Cyrano de Bergerac. If someone else has said it – yay!
The speech is alliterative and musical and music plays such a large part. I suspect this is important.
Ooh how very exciting for many anti maskers around here.
‘ Protesters gathered as part of the Million Mask March, an annual anti-authoritarian demonstration that this year attracted a significant number of people angry about the latest wave of Covid restrictions.’
So. If I have this right. The way to protest against being masked. Is to. Have a Million mask march.
A few years later, although I came from Manchester, I was working in Fulham from 1981-1995..just off The Kings Road near The Harley Davidson Motor Cycle Centre and Chelsea Football club.
Many Years later, a bloke I had been working with in another part of South London…sent me this, and asked if I knew The Lion.. He had my met my wife. Yeh it was pretty mad, but no one caused anyone else any harm..Pricess Di walked freely right opposite to the Gym I worked at. No one gave her a hard time. London was a village then. So there were famous people who lived there. So what? We got on all right -could even talk to each other in the pub.
Still Is.
This broke my heart – cos I didn’t know..
“Christian the Lion: Original Viral Video”
If you want a Turkey for Christmas,
I suggest you place your order now..They are still running round the fields close to where we live now.
Last year we ordered one from the Supermarket Online…weeks in advance
They did phone us up in advance on 23rd December…to Apologise
“We have run out of Fresh Turkeys”…So I told my Wife.
She was not amused
My Wife Does Not Do Frozen Turkeys
She wants them Fresh
She might look a Veggie, but too Many Sprouts make Her Fart
And on Boxing Day She is a Knockout with My Special Treat
Bum In The Air
She looks as shy as fuck.
I just realised that when I did an in-depth critique of that BBC article headed “Covid: The things we’re not being told as lockdown looms”, I didn’t have to go past the headline. The paternalistic BBC, voice of the state, talking about things “we” are not being told?! And who is withholding the info? Is the Beeb a heroic independant investigator “talking truth to power”? So they’d want you to believe. And even a cynic like me didn’t immediately realise this absurd self-contradicting nonsense.
I am currently reading Lemmy’s book, and it is as funny as hell.
I don’t think he missed much out…I just got beyond the really heavy bit of a lot of his friends killing themselves, by sticking needles in their arms, including the girl he was most in their arms.It is probably the Best Anti-Heroin Book and Sticking Needles in You completely by-passing your normal boday defence systems.
Number 1. Your Skin
Number 2. Your Lungs
Number 3. Your Stomach
Number 4. Your Guts
Number 5. Your Thumb
Number 6. Your Fingers
Number 0001 Your Mum’s Breast
Hey You’ve been Born
Lemmy mentioned in his book after Hawkwind and Being a Roady for Jimi Hendrix…about one of the Record Promoters who had a tax problem. Instead of the taxman taking it,,he went to the bank with £1000 all in £20 notes and said can you convert that into 1000 £1 pound notes please.
They sprayed the audience with 1000 one pound notes
I thought that was sweet.
I am Awaiting spam check
Hope you’ll include this documentary in your recomendations which is an excellent overview of how we arrived here and it opens doorways of vision for how it can be… A sequel has just been released detailing the working prototypes of the revolutionary technology which has been suppressed for decades… An evolution of Teslas vision against all the odds, and as many of you will know, the death of many beautiful scientists and inventors who dedicated their lives to the development of the free energy technology….
Was released in 2012 and is prescient in relation to what is now playing out.
Thank you Captian Spock: “Thrive” was considered a very avaunt guard film at time of it’s release. I’ve watched it several times since released and disseminated it on various sites. The only issue I had with the film was the ending waxed far too positive…
Breathtaking idealistic naivety.
I have been following Cory Morningstar’s twitter feeds and she (he?) has been developing the idea that the deliberately contrived covid panic will cause an increasing desire for authoritarian rule. It sounds a lot like the rise of support for the Nazis during that collapse of the German economy leading up to WW2.
But to justify such fear, it is essential to ensure that all the various strands of society “get with the programme” hence the importance of Left compliance. Speaking of which consider this:
Shelley Tasker, a healthcare assistant at Treliske hospital in Cornwall, made a public speech contradicting the horror stories of overflowing NHS wards. Note how this appears in the Daily Mail. I did a search on the name alongside various Left publications and came up with not a single hit. And if those Left sites were to hear of it, they would waste no time in telling you it was covered by the Daily Mail and was therefore right wing propaganda.
But – engage paranoia mode – I wouldn’t put it past the deep state to manufacture various protest events like this one and then reveal that the speaker was put up to it. They may be reserving that manoeuvre for later when more skepticism is bound to rise.
In the meantime, the fear is relentlessly ratched up and up. From Cory’s FB page:
“The masks serve the Fourth Industrial Revolution roll-out in multiple ways, but perhaps most importantly, they ensure “COVID-19 fatigue” is not allowed to disrupt the “great reset”. We must not be allowed to forget. We must not be allowed to go back to “normal”. The masks are a constant reminder to which there is no escape.”
Cory is a ‘she’
Just to add a complementary observation: since I’m a US resident, I only infer from osmosis that the “Daily Mail” is considered an inferior tabloid newspaper catering to proletarian reactionaries and/or uneducated unsophisticates.
This reminds me of an overclass/state-security (CIA) technique or process implemented after the JFK assassination; it was part of the same Big Lie-protecting propaganda campaign that foisted the fraught pejorative term “conspiracy theorist” upon the public.
Sadly, but also infuriatingly, seemingly stalwart and incorruptible elements of the left/liberal mass-media in the US refused to countenance criticism of the official account of JFK’s assassination. Like Noam Chomsky, the leftist muckraker’s muckraker I.F. Stone also vehemently declined to investigate dubious aspects of the official narrative, and reportedly angrily rebuffed other journalists who contacted him to share controversial leads or seek his support.
Independent journalists who’d been regularly published in respectable leftist publications like “The Nation” discovered to their surprise and consternation that “The Nation”‘s editors rejected and refused to publish well-researched articles that challenged the official cover story and the scurrilous Warren Commission whitewash. Of course, mainstream/corporate mass-media venues, apart from some modified limited hangouts, also uniformly declined to publish material that called the Big Lie(s) into question.
So for the next several years, the only publications willing to publish this controversial material were “men’s magazines”– mostly what came to be called “soft-porn” magazines, firearms-enthusiast publications, etc. The writers who’d been shunned by the above-cited leftist media were driven to these venues in order to get their suppressed truths out, and also to get paid for their work.
This circumstance neatly set up a new self-sealing basis to discredit the articles and demean the journalists who wrote them. Now, the Pharisee class of “respectable” journalists and pundits could sanctimoniously and contemptuously denounce and condemn the writers and their output on the grounds that they only produced fodder to fill columns in salacious “girlie” or “tit” magazines.
It’s déjà vu all over again!
OK I’m going to try this for a third time since the voracious spam filter seems to be devouring my entries at a hell of a rate:
I apologise for my insularity. The Daily Mail is a Tory paper and definitely not for proles. Here’s a quick guide:
All the media, not just MSM, is on the same short leash held by the CIA. In USA it has been forever. That’s why people like Greg Palast expatriated to GB, because it’s a mostly hopeless scene back here. I learned about that the hard way.
Michael Parenti summed it up, “As long as you sit in the yard by the peg you will not feel the leash. It’s only when you stray that you will feel the restraining tug.”
Joe Bageant, the “leftneck” from Winchester VA, was hugely popular online. After he died in 2011, his NZ publisher said he couldn’t even find any US publisher for his very popular works to bite.
“That speaks volumes.”
As someone put it, “The CIA doesn’t care what you do as long as it’s something they want you to do.”
Or write. They cover that with impending masks.
This post is about keeping yourself warm in The UK This Winter.
1. It may get exceedingly cold for 3 months, that it hasn’t done since 1963, when my older brother and I built an igloo around Christmas time..We didn’t quite trust the ice was think enough on Crime Lake, but it most certainly was on the Rochdale canal..We could see fish frozen in the ice, it happenned that quick.
2. If you live in a modern well insulated house, which is all electric, and absolutely no other form of heating, except cuddling together on a very big fluff dummet – stuffed with duck feathers or equivalent, with 2 cats and/or a dog…You are extremely likely to get COLD When There is a Power Cut, that goes on for 3 months – in an anti-cyclone, even if The Russians who the UK Governmet has spent the last 5 years seriously oissing us off – don’t cut off our gas. the French wil be the First to Cut Off our Electricty
3. It is not nice being extremely Cold. I once arrived home in Oldham, almost frozen solid to my BSA250. I had only been to see my brother in Rugby. Most of my bits still worked, so my My sister and my other brother peeled me off the bike, brought me into the house – and stuck me in front of a roaring coal fire, to try and dethaw me. It was almost as paindul as the after effects of having my appendix surgically removed – that’s the one inside – the other stil works
4. If you live in an old house with a chminey and a gas fire, that might be the only think you have got to heat your home. The chimey, ventillation and airflow is incredibly important , so buy youself a carbon monoxide detector – they are cheap. not the same as a firedetector. Cleanout your fireplace now – I used a vacuum cleaner, though you need to be careul if its a coal effect gas fire, or you may suck out the sand crystals that are supposed to be there. Clear al lthe sdust and shit out, and see if you can light it. the sparky thing might of stopped working, and the pilot won’t light. Have you got a long match or a gas lighter – to light the gas cooker..
5. Have you ever been Camping?
6. Have you got a torch?
7. How much Food, have you got now, in your home inc tent to live in, if you can’t get more supplies.
Think about these problems. These things happen
These Bastards are out to Kill Us.
But all this cooling is really caused by global warming. Don’t try to understand this. You have to be a climate scientist to understand such Doublethink.
Everything is fine. They have to kill us to save us. Results may vary.
Apologies if this has been posted before. The 4000 deaths a day claim at the weekend that was used to bounce the UK into lockdown number 2 was exaggerated even on its own terms by a factor of 4, and it looks like they knew it at the time
The UK’s Chief Scientific Advisor Patrick Vallance has “apologised for any confusion caused”.
I don’t think any country has managed 4000 deaths a day from COVID. The USA numbers were a bit over half that at the April peak.
Thanks! Brilliant.
Just watched it again (by searching for it on Bit Chute) and agree that – with some adjustments to context and players – it’s just as relevant now, if not much more so.
10 out of 10
Someone should really do a short film like V for Vendetta. Using shots and material from current events. Showing how police harass, beat people and force masks on them, showing the masses with masks on.
If it was done right, it could be very shocking to see a dystopian movie made of events happening today, it could make it very relevant and empowering. If it was done right…
You could do a $0 00 budget buster Youtube film to great effect, simply by alternating short clips from reality TV of the more Draconian outtakes from the Plandemic in such places as Melbourne, and MSM “coverage”, with comparable moments in the film.
Compare and contrast, back and forth, and at times paralleled action in split screen, it would be an imposing take.
That would be very easy to do. All that is required, is to string together, some of the strongest stuff uploaded to youtube immediately after “an event”, before it is edited or deleted, and seamlesly merge it together. This does require some basic editing skills, but even I can do that with free software such as Videodub.
The main problem with this, is to get it published, such that loads of people will see it, but even that is not enough.
One must accept that V for Vendetta was made, with the full agreement and physical access of the UK Government – event to the Houses of Parliament, the local Underground in Westminster etc..
So the UK Government must have been completely complicit in the Production of The Film, and probably directed it.
They are not all thick, and I am slowly beginning to realise their agenda.
The reason I have not even attempted to do this, is because I get my adrenaline high from being there, taking the videos and photographs, using the best kit often mobile phones – to get the best sound quality. I do it for fun not to make any money out of it, cos I am not a professional photographer. I have massive respect for anyone who is.
I find editing the most boring job there is.
Steve Pieczenik, who I do have some respect for, cos he told the truth about Osama Bin Laden’s Death in 2001, appears to have had his very latest video banned already. Someone posted it earlier today here on Off-G.
I don’t know if it is true, but I am completely convinced the US Election is bent.
I have heard that the Netflix series “The Barrier” is pretty close.
Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television by Jerry Mander
Premise 1: Technology is not neutral_
Premise 2: TV is a fixation technology_
Argument 1: TV conditions us to accept someone else’s authority.
Argument 2: TV facilitates consolidated power through the colonization of experience.
Argument 3: TV physically conditions us for authoritative rule.
Argument 4: TV has inherent biases.
Appropriate critical thinking skills are generally not the product of a hypnotized and indoctrinated set of faulty parameters… Television and films place the viewer into a hypnotic alpha trance wherein the viewer becomes susceptible to idealization.
How to override constructive communications between patients (civilians) and physicians (fascist regimes), and magically turn authorities into destructive dictatorial deities. >
Delphi Method | RAND
The outcomes in terms of society, are classes of various groups who believe they are more informed or privileged as a result of fallacious or fictitious information.
Hi Paul
Can you really imagine what it would happen if TV was to be eliminated – it beggars the imagination.
People would have to think for themselves for a change and that would be dangerous!! Perhaps art and crafts would flourish again and there might be more social interaction and conversation between family members and others.
Then anthother problem arises namely, the cell phones that have turned most people into robots which are just as bad as the problems due to TV – if not worse!
Hello -CO: I enjoy your sarcasm… Perhaps too much…
Cell phone users are completely unaware that cell phone devices are intentionally engineered to addict the user to the pulsed frequencies in use. The pixelated format on the screen is also purpose designed. Motorola (of Israel) did quite a bit of research regarding potential uses. Cell phones are military grade weapons, so let’s buy one for our kids and get them up to speed…
Hi Paul
Search for “Scalar Wars” it is a paper on energetics, bioenergetics and psychoenergetics programmes. Let me know what you think if you have not already seen it.
Replace “TV” with “organised propaganda”.
Hi mgeo
When martial law has been declared and the bullets run out they’ll use the guillotines that the late Ted Gunderson allegedly first made public. Ted was an ex F B I agent who was subsequently poisoned by arsenic. Just another conspiracy theory? check out the details and make up you’re own mind.
I dig it, Jerry Mander, gerrymander.
A recent review of Mr. Mander’s book from 1978 can be seen at Youtube:
Thanks Mishko. The presentation is quite good. People are grossly in denial regarding television “programming” and video addiction.
TBH I switched my TV watching for YouTube watching,
but because of my being banned from YTrecently
my video consumption will diminish miraculously.
(being accused of hatey speechy behaviour, I myself am close
to being convinced it is because of my remarks on the Rona)
Ah, so 1984 wasn’t the ma ual.
V was!
“No candidate nor media outlet hash done a story about the intense push by global elites and corporations during Covid lockdowns for a transition to ‘natural capital’ being spearheaded by the so called Natural Capital Coalition. This corporate greenwash scheme by some of the world’s largest corporations and NGOs to privatize nature and natural resources worldwide has not been mentioned once in this long campaign.
Coupled with a move to crypto-currency, it would eliminate the idea of national currencies, moving a globalized financial system out of the hands of the state and the citizens to whom the state is theoretically accountable, and into the hands of private interests.
Vote however you want, but do not labor under the illusion that the many ominous threats to citizen driven democracy worldwide will abate after this election. With all political protest essentially outlawed under the paternalist authoritarianism of government Covid restrictions backed by the power of the state, these threats are just beginning.”
Don’t despair George,
If a miracle happens and the Common Law Court , the New Chartists, the British Constitution Group, the TPUC,the UK Column and associated organisations and the people unite, there may still be a chance to deal with those behind the threats of which you anticipate.
…a marvelous, incredible movie. Many thanks for remembering it for us.
OT, but remember Carole Cadwalladr of Grauniad and Integrity Initiative fame? Turns out her “award-winning” reports on Cambridge Analytica and “The Russiaman did it” were part wishful thinking, part fiction, with a heavy dose of codswallop.
The advantage of the corona scare is that it allowed off-guardian to grow up, publishing some quality articles. You can’t always publish quality like that, so it regresses to the level of kiddo cult articles, celebrating some pop low brow trashy quasi philosophical movie, trying to be deep.
I’d rather say that most broadly the popularity of the dystopian movies signifies the character of society, the democracy is impotent and negative, it produced a low level psychic atmosphere (fear, violence, and a bleak future), as the rule of mediocrity is impotent to envision a potent positive alternative. So for those left behind, between the fight of the intelligent potent oligarchy and the democratic impotency, the recommendation in this article is to indulge in dark visions by means of its ghastly negative and violent pop culture.
The nature of the government in V… the real emerging totalitarianism, not the movie version, is explored briefly by David Ellis.
At its heart is a new military concept of perpetual hybrid war with Russia and China, along with regional intervention in places like Africa’s Sahel. At the same time the British army becomes part of an international US-EU machine of relentless, low-intensity war.
All of this is pretext for the normalization of martial law at home and pursuing the interests of the corporatist, state industrial complex abroad. This includes mineral and resource grabs under the guise of humanitarian intervention, which are required for the construction of smart cities, the Internet of things, and the effective waging of electronic warfare on the civilian population.
As for the citizens, the Fusion Doctrine blends the military and policy, redefining the relationship with the citizen through corporatist state surveillance, constant monitoring of the population, behavioural manipulation, influence operations and propaganda in the name of countering “disinformation”.
Thus you can see that the proposition that we are in a perpetual war is essential — it is the justification for all that follows.
David Ellis Report: Totalitarian Transformation
General Sir Nick Carter is acting as the bell boy of the warfare industry, as the policy he proposes is transparently geared to creating supply and demand for the military industrial complex.
Objectively, there is no evidence that Russia poses more threat than any other nation concerned with its own interest. In terms of intervention abroad, Russia pales in comparison to NATO. That is why its military spending is less than 1/10th of that of the U.S. and NATO. Russia has at most 21 foreign military facilities of some description compared to more than 800 for the U.S. alone, in more than 70 countries.
Forgive me for I have sinned. I disinformed. Not the facts. They’re correct. The spin is wrong.
That’s a cardinal sin for a journalist who must repeat the talking points of the military. I failed to begin from the premise that Russia is an existential cliché… sorry… threat.
China is much more of a competitor and thus potential threat. Unlike Russia which basically pumps oil and gas, and has an economy about the size of Italy, China is in spitting distance of overtaking the U.S.
Thus it is not I who have disinformed. You can see that all the Ra-Ra-Russia is a cover for the fact that the Western military states are locked in the devil’s embrace with China.
It is China that bought the Bidens, lock stock and two smoking barrels. Russiagate was a hoax.
Why can’t the West admit that it fears China and that Russia is just a whipping boy? The answer lies in the nature of the West’s relationship with China. The Western Military Industrial Complex relies inherently upon China; Western industry and politics is heavily penetrated by China; and to a large degree the dependence is mutual.
To declare China the principal enemy would require facing the implications for national security that everyone from Silicon Valley, Social Media, Big Tech and every other industry is as much in bed with the Chinese as Hunter Biden.
One would think after years of the MSM promoting the Russiagate narrative 24/7, only for it to be definitely proven a hoax, that Western populations would no longer trust the MSM. But then one would have thought the same after the Iraq WMD hoax. Still, most believe, their faith unshaken.
Sorry to keep picking at this scab, but too many still believe that an evil super-villain sitting in his remote underground headquarters dispatched 19 Lone Nuts to wreak havoc in the US on September 11, 2001.
China’s weakness is that it needs energy that it cannot produce. Russia solves that problem with its endless supplies of oil and gas.
The West can beat China alone by cutting off its energy. China plus Russia, howver, is unbeatable.
I would suggest that the war that we have been, and are being subjected to has nothing to do with Russia or China in the minds of the military.
It is a quiet war that is being waged against us all with silent weapons at the moment by those who wish to establish global domination and they will not stop until that goal is achieved. It will get nasty and noisy as time goes on unless these people are stopped. But that cannot be done unless people and organisations unite. Unity is strength that’s why they are trying to divide people in every way possible.
That’s right, it’s going on everywhere including Russia and China.
The way things are going at this current juncture it looks like we’ll all be eating Soylent Green issued by the government’s Soylent Corporation in the not too far distant future. The US has already several thousand guillotines and FEMA camps
ready and waiting to welcome dissenters.
Hi Ame
Have you applied yet – the pay is a tad higher for guillotine operators!
Great stocks of hollow-point bullets, not gullotines.
Old news but still fun. The Grayzone takes a closer look:
The Huckster & The Hack: UK Govt Report Undermines ‘Heroes’ Of Cambridge Analytica–Russiagate Scandal
Self-styled whistleblower Christopher Wylie and The Guardian reporter Carole Cadwalladr earned film deals and flashy awards by blaming Brexit and Trump on a sweeping conspiracy between data firm Cambridge Analytica and Russia. A British government investigation shatters their claims to fame.
OT but what the Hell?:
I posted this on a mainstream Left site (to little effect) but I want to expand on it here since it addresses my problem with the Left I.e. complete sense of disillusionment and even betrayal over the COVID matter:
Marx once said that the ruling ideas of an age were always the ideas of the ruling class – because those who own the physical means of production also own the mental means. The latter refers to the production of ideas – which in turn refers to the relaying of ideas. In our time, the most significant transmitter of ideas is the mainstream media (MSM) by which I am referring, more than anything else, to television.
(The internet cannot really be counted since it is like a vast sea of conflicting views which quite possibly adds up to complete nullity. Nevertheless, the net threw a significant enough scare into the ruling class to drive them into a froth about “fake news” and the setting up of multiple “watch dog” sites with the intention of directing all information management back to that centralised and easily controlled area. The WSWS has also noted this – so the Left were wise to this issue too.)
The MSM are the central relayer of ideas. And the MSM relay the ideas of the ruling class. This has been acknowledged by the Left all down the line. Most egregious example: the scarcely believable smear campaign against Jeremy Corbyn culminating in a scarifying (and content free) character assault from the BBC 6 O’clock news on the day Rabbi Mirvis attacked him. Corbyn was the first Labour leader in four decades to believe what Labour are supposed to believe – as opposed to Blair’s Labour (Thatcher’s finest achievement by her own admission). Corbyn was a threat to that economic model known as neoliberalism.
Now the Left could see all this clearly. And there was even a burgeoning awareness in some Left quarters about “The Deep State”. The WSWS noted that Ruth Smeeth – Blairite prominent in the demonization of Corbyn – was described in a Wikileaks document as a “strictly protect” US informant. Indeed the WSWS even made noises about suspicions over 9/11. No doubt this was to the consternation of the inner core of the mainstream Left anxious to ward off any contamination by conspiracism and maintain their starry eyed belief in open and honest Western systems.
So we have a Left savvy to media machinations and even showing signs of awareness that conspiracies do actually exist.
Then came COVID and it all flew out the window. The Left as insightful opposition – even as ANY opposition – seemed to disappear overnight. Gone as if they never existed. And perhaps they never did.
And it’s all the more galling in that the MSM, dubious at the best of times, become vastly more suspect when they get hold of ONE story and promote it to the exclusion of all else. Why was there no hesitation in that Left scramble to embrace the COVID story? My conclusion is that, to put it bluntly, this is a set up. The Left were never a true opposition.
And there is more basic conclusion. Our “democracy” is a pantomime where the rulers decide the plan and then make it appear as “the majority decision”.
As one example, I am listening to Radio 2 right now and hearing about how Trump is a bad loser who protests about voter fraud because he can’t accept that “the people” have rejected him. And the DJ has put on a concerned voice to explain all this while we have caller after caller who agree that Trump is a child who rejects “democracy”. And I’m not a Trump supporter. But I know that the oligarchy have rejected him so they can go back to their “smiley face” liberal version of America.
Perhaps more to the point – Trump is a Covid skeptic and that’s a serious obstacle to the next phase.
The internet very much counts- the internet for the masses is google, facebook, instagram and twitter.
Trump seems to be a long way from being a skeptic of any kind… US politicians are not paid to have thoughts of their own.
I would guess that Trump probably doesn’t have much time or opportunity to think much and may not be that bright anyway. But I reckon he’s too much of a live wire for the overlords to be happy about. And as with Corbyn and Brexit in the UK, there was clearly a bit of unexpected development with Trump’s election. It created a confusion out of which we got a glimpse if how the system works. Because many of Trump’s outbursts were too near the mark. That’s why he has to go.
Big mistake taking as gospel misinformation from the CIA Party or any other CORPORATE FASCIST PROPAGANDA outlet.

I do believe you’re right.
But he got the convid, took the medicine and was better the next day, like a good boy
Professors Carol Quigley and Antony C Sutton wrote about this long ago. It’s a form of a Hegelian principle thesis – anthesis= Synergy. For example, Sutton asked the question why the Money trust ( Wall Bankers, City of London, oligarchs) funded both the National Socialist Parties, the Bolsheviks and the Capitalists all supposedly ideological enemies. He concluded there is no left or right, it’s the vast majority of the human race against a very very very small nucleus of very powerful, very forward thinking, very evil group!!!
Yes I’ve been thinking about having a look at Quigley and Sutton. Did they – or someone of like mind – not say that there is no major social movement that doesn’t have immense funding behind it – and which is therefore, at least partly, a weapon of the rich?
Sutton also said that the Transnational financiers decided long ago the quickest way to instigate change ( the Hegelian strategy) was war. Hence why they instigated WW1 and WW2.
Google “Fuckery is afoot” and you will be led to the article that proves that the election is being stolen from Trump by fraud.
“In the original graphic novel – written in the 1980s and set in the 1990s – the dystopia was created by nuclear war. But in the 2005 movie, set in the year 2020, it’s a virus. Poetic, no?”
Ideations hinting of things to come are often implanted throughout popular culture functioning as a psychological preparation. That being said, it’s important to highlight the film’s final scene dramatically depicting massive rejection of a repressive sadistic government as the population joyfully rips off their masks.
I think the masks on the faces of the children being fed into the sausage grinder of education in the Pink Floyd movie The Wall were a better statement and far more prescient of what the future would be than V? The Guy Fawkes mask becoming an MSM parody of dissent and protest. Protest itself having become just another reality TV event .
“Protest itself having become just another reality TV event.”
That’s exactly right, the CIA takes all available events and turns them into their own, shifting meaning closer incrementally over time into the end-all be-all of their overlords, the “Almighty” Commodity.
It’s a long way and time since the revolutionary poem “The Revolution Will Not Be Televised” to the current worship of The Bottom Line where all things are placed in their Wilderness of Mirrors, the ongoing campaign to hijack all meaning and monetize any value..
Anything can be commodified, if you debase it enough.
Yes, but you must take into consideration the antipathy felt towards Bush and Blair when this film was released. It resonated then that’s why those masks became symbolic and now are a bit of a parody.
However, at this point I’d like to rid myself of the suffocating medical masks and the scamdemic.
SITE NOTICE: For perspective, this is the fact-free post that the OP is attempting to dignify here.
I posted a comment on this movie arguing that V for Vendetta’s purported disdain for fascism was belied by its promotion of homosexuality as antidote. Those who disagreed with my post confined their engagement of my observation to either name-calling or a restricting of the understanding of fascism to WWII, a laughable, given the context, move which, even then, didn’t help their case. Most telling of all, my combox opponents, refused to engage the issue of homosexuality advancement itself, preferring to cite the advancement of virtuous, altruistic acts by the same-sex attracted. Who knew homesexuality consisted in helping the persecuted across borders or cracking codes? Such recourse says everything about my opponents’ confidence in their position. Like the Covid-narrative pushing media, why do they promote what they cannot defend?
Finally, an OffG. administrator stepped in, removed the “Reply” option, praised himself for his generosity in limiting his censorship to just this and blamed me for his action: I was guilty of being “offensive.”
Repeat after me: offensive speech is not speech I don’t like; offensive speech is not speech I don’t like…” Offensive speech is speech that offends against truth; that sacred thing which facts, when the connections between them are not suppressed, attest to.
All of which raises a question: If OffGuardian truly holds that “ facts really should be sacred”, that the Covid narrative is based upon fear and manipulation of data, and that censorship of argument, even the unfashionable, is a no-no serving only corrupt rule, then why did it censor me and that on an appeal to the same subjectivity as the Covid controllers of discourse/ society make use of: “We are not bound by a sound analysis of the data; just our own reading of it”?
Is it facts or is it subjectivity which is sacred?
Is it fearlessness in the face of or fear of corrupt power which allows the corrupt to lord it over the populace?
OffGuardian’s reaction to my post throws its own commitment to a principled fight against Covid tyranny into question. Does it not know that “imitation is the highest form of flattery”?
Just as calling out the weaponisation of viruses offends only against blind obeisance and not reason, so too calling out the weaponisation of homosexuality offends only the same oligarchic rule that promotes both to maintain itself.
Well the Wokowskis transgenders wrote the screenplay so I’m very sure they had selfish reasons to try push that narrative in the film. As they do with all their films is always this protection of their own inner landscaping
alexa have i got any virgin money credits left in the gas meter
have the police worn them
the army g4s or serco
the mask is a rite ritual
club member
who are the v mask wearers
the revolutionary televised
all actor agent
walshingham strategum
2012 the analogue was switched off
uptick down ticklers
is all we got
no we are different here
we know the score
sorry got to go
amazon at the door
Ya forgot ask a nazi
SITE NOTICE: This comment is illustrative of the sorts of troll infiltration tactics we receive a lot lately. The OP says something mildly bigoted, takes great offence and cries foul about censorship, beckoning to others for support. They then slip in an anti-semitic remark, to attempt to discredit as many people as possible. I am not stating that this was the poster’s intent, it may be a coincidence in this case, but it is a pattern which turns up with frightening regularity, and deserves to be flagged up. The below emphasis was added -ed.
Yes, projection is the name of the game played here. Project your own crime onto the victim to get away with it. “The Jew cries out in pain as he slaps your face” is a great, and censored, encapsulation of the mind game at work.
Please be very fucking aware of who you are in bed with on this thread, all those commenters who upvoted the OP. If you’re agreeing with this post too, you can take that shit elsewhere. Thanks, A2
The original post was a good example of why not to censor. It led directly to a wonderful reprise of WH Auden, a favourite poet of mine when young.
You see, Admin, good can come out of bad if you let it. You just have to stand your ground. That does not mean threatening to cancel people.
There is in this day and age a growing list of topics which it is forbidden to mention. That list will only lengthen. On principle, being a contrarian canute, I often veer to the dodgy and upvote. For example, if one is genuinely discussing the topic of the Pink Swastika, the self-admitted observations of the Harvey Proctor right wing of the Tory Party for example, or the concentration of the media, objectively, in certain hands.
It’s just uncomfortable. That doesn’t make it not exist.
However, if an original post has caused offence there is, I agree, no justification for repeating it. Once is enough.
In the history of the fight against censorship there were famous battles like the Oz Trial. At the time they seemed righteous. Now, with children, I’d like to go postal on the peddlers of porn. However I know that it is always used as the justification for censorship.
As the UK government is doing right now.
My honest feeling is that the damage caused by sex trafficking, exploitation, premature sexualization and the blatant degradation of morals is greater than anything someone could say against my ‘race’ or person.
I have the right to scream in silence. No one is listening to that cause.
I did not censor. There are other sites far more in need of your warnings than this one. I know you’re all afraid that a good thing will get taken away from you, this site representing a beacon of open and educated free-speech as it does, and I’m sure that’s why this sort of reproof is never far from anyone’s lips. However…. following your own advice, sometimes constant interference, when you are only partially privy to the full picture, is not always needed. The day I start saying things like ‘I’m hearing your concerns’ and otherwise agreeing with your every word in glossy corporate speak, that is the day you should be worried about losing this place. Let that be your guide, not racist trolls. Good rule of thumb there.
based on a comic book by woke satanist alan moore, a cultish individual of dubious character and personal hygiene.
He smelt like the risen dust off the blue mould of a aged dog shite.
Transgenders area tiny subset of the populace, harmless fetishists usually wealthy enough to indulge their delusions. Somewhat similar to old car fetishists who actually do some environmental damage? That the are promoted and used as focal points in Hollywood , Washington and all over America is insane.
Alan Turing
“Most telling of all, my combox opponents, refused to engage the issue of homosexuality advancement itself, preferring to cite the advancement of virtuous, altruistic acts by the same-sex attracted. Who knew homosexuality consisted in helping the persecuted across borders or cracking codes? “
My reading of Stephen Fry’s character in the film wasn’t so much an advancement of homosexuality per se; more a single embodiment of all the most heinous ‘crimes’ as decided by the govt – a homosexual, a tv host who poked fun at the establishment, a man who collected forbidden art, a man who owned a copy of the quran and a man who was prepared to help an individual who was wanted by the govt.
I suppose the film could have had several characters, each portraying just one of these ‘crimes’, but they chose to embody them in a single one.
I didn’t see it as promoting a homosexual agenda.
Am I missing something?
As for Alan Turing, was he a genius at breaking codes because he was homosexual; or was a brilliant code breaker who just happened to be homosexual?
Are you perhaps reading more into this than it warrants?
I don’t disagree with you, but wanted to point out that the lesbian prisoner who passes her life story in notes to V who passes them to Evie is also a hero in the film. When it flashes back to how she got there, it shows homosexuals as one of the main groups of undesirables.
True – I’d forgotten her.
As you point out, it maintains the theme that homosexuals are one of the main groups of undesirables, along with Muslims and, apparently, Americans.
I still don’t think the film is some kind of treatise on how ‘the gays’ are taking over.
Yep, agreed
Hey really there is no need to over think this one- it’s pretty simple- you’re an idiot.
Not the point, and it seems disingenuous at best to divert from it.
As Mort Sahl said of the 60s assassinations, “Humanity is the cause here.” About the time he was blacklisted a half century past, though still doing standup near SF at 92. Sitting down.
It must be terrible to be gay and repressed. The inner turmoil must be excruciating.
I spend/waste a lot of time challenging ideas and bigotries, that have no rational or logical basis, followed by misguided people, people who I basically respect. But I think when someone, like you, who has reached a certain age, you are no doubt not a young man, yet failed to understand, some of the very basics of life, like love, compassion, friendship, and even their own sexuality, how it developed and how it is beyond change, then I think you are beyond help and beyond contempt.
You are pursuing evil, bitterness and hate purely for the pleasure it givers you or to fill the emptiness in your own life, regardless of the harm you may inflict on the very most vulnerable in our society.
You are a vindictive bully, who has isolated the weakest in society, the most vulnerable and you trying to get others, spiteful like you, to turn on them. In my view you are beyond contempt, beyond saving and have gone beyond the boundaries of humanity. 6 million jews, Gays and liberals were murdered by the Nazis, by peopler like you. You are aware of that and you are not unhappy about that. People should know that that is what you are.
Since you are no doubt a lover of free speech, which gives you the right to victimise others, I am surprised you are so upset with the targeted abuse you have received. But like all bullies, you don’t like receiving what you give.
Homosexuality is innate in most mammals , humans included, and as such does not lend itself well as an issue to the fight against tyranny , unless hatred is invoked and notions of equality are discarded and replaced by the “morality” of religious fanatics and demagogues looking to increase their power over the masses.. “If you can’t get a woman , get a clean old man “. A refrain often heard in the navy comes to mind ?
You are attempting to defend a pretty much one line, fact-free piece of bigotry and hate speech as if you’re some dignified defender of free speech, and covid!? How repellent you are. What makes it even more obnoxious is your grandstanding, attention-seeking behaviour. You are clearly feeling proud of yourself, and you’re milking this banal, brain-achingly unoriginal crap as if you’re some crusader. You aren’t. You’re a very bigoted and undignified person, and you’re well catered for in other areas of the internet.
It is quite, quite repellant.
I am a mod, and it’s my job to moderate. It’s only ever trolls who immediately try and conflate that with censorship. Be on your merry way now. A2
“You are attempting to defend a pretty much one line, fact-free piece of bigotry and hate speech as if you’re some dignified defender of free speech, and covid!?”
Citing my defending my post as evidence of its indefensibility is a pretty lame defense of your own move to censor it.
Resorting to attacking my person instead of my point is nothing but evidence that you cannot refute it. Neither is a sneer a refutation.
Your recourse to charging me with “hate speech” violation is the oligarchic-approved method of shutting down free speech. When you get to define what hate speech is, you can’t be guilty of hate. How convenient.
“Covid defender” ?
May I have proof- at least of this?
“How repellent you are.”
Sneer, not refutation.
“What makes it even more obnoxious is your grandstanding, attention-seeking behaviour.”
Recourse to judging my intentions in lieu of refuting my post.
“You are clearly feeling proud of yourself, and you’re milking this banal, brain-achingly unoriginal crap as if you’re some crusader.”
Well, actually I am feeling a little proud of myself, and you are not helping me feel any less so, with your recourse to ad hominem attacks in lieu of my point.
“You aren’t.”
I’m not what?
“You’re a very bigoted and undignified man,”
What is bigoted or undignified about objecting to the weaponisation of homosexuality?
“and you’re well catered for in other areas of the internet.”
“Go away!” Is the best you can do? I repeat, why do you promote what you cannot defend? This is your brain on fear; not reason.
“I am a mod, and it’s my job to moderate. It’s only ever trolls who immediately try and conflate that with censorship.”
You initially took away the ability to reply. “Let truth and falsehood grapple/ whoever knew truth to fare the worse in battle?”
I plead guilty to making my point provocatively in my original post. But is that really unwarranted? Homosexuality has replaced Feminism as the proxy-fighter vanguard for oligarchy today and is being used to destroy Christian civilization and its concern for the poor. Read Michel Foucault. His pact with oligarchy redrew the relationship between Labour and Capital to a self-serving, disastrous deal of, “ Give us unlimited sexual appetite and we won’t complain about your economic policies.” So now we can get MacDonald’s fries in a rainbow colored box and that’s social justice. BLM stands for the gay agenda and both stand George Soros’ agenda. Is Soros opposed to the Great Reset and Covid regulations? Who doesn’t know this?
Invite me all you want to prove my point, but don’t defeat yourself by running away from it and headlong into the arms of irrationality.
A: Doing so in the provocative way you admit you did, when such things should be expressed in a nuanced, thoughtful, unprejudiced way, which recognises and distinguishes the individual person from the ‘weaponised’ culture you’re depicting. It’s not fucking rocket science, alright, if you present yourself like an ignorant, gay-bashing hooligan that’s on you, my friend, and you give a responsible mod little choice. Trying to dignify it with an adolescent, victimised screed is just a waste of your time. I give zero shits.
The timing of your anti-semitic remark is also extremely suspicious. I don’t actually trust you’re posting here in good faith. If I’m correct in my suspicions I expect you’ll try to milk this a bit more, but rest assured everyone’s seen this a lot, and it has little impact. I suggest you quickly put this behind you and abide by our Comment Policy. Thank you. A2
Please stop accusing people of being “bigots” just because you don’t like what they say. Your use of social pressure to quash conversation is oppressive. He has not broken the rules so why does the Admin have to get involved anyway? Maybe putting more pressure onto the person to adopt your standards and stop thinking for himself?
He did break the rules, and I explained why above.
You didn’t actually, you gave us your personal opinion regarding his style, the lack of nuance, but you did not identify those parts of the comment policy that he tripped over. You didn’t state anything of substance. I am guessing you are accusing him of being “grotesquely racist, abusive or spammy”. Judge, jury and executioner, despite his comment drawing the attention and input from many other participants. He must have hurt your feelings.
Felix said ‘homosexuals make the best fascists’ and then went on to hijack the thread pompously ‘defending’ that stupid comment and managing to be racist to boot. Is this a hill you really want to die on? Move on.
In the film V for Vendetta they pack explosives into a tube train designed to head under parliament in one of the secret tube lines , with obvious similarities to the gunpowder plot . The real explosion on the underground tube trains the happened on July the 7th 2005 probably caused a delay in realising the film.
The article compares how media manipulation was used in the film to how media manipulation is being used with coronavirus.
There was also much media manipulation regarding what happened on July the 7th 2005 .
Stories put into the media that had allegedly came from security or reliable sources.
Stories that would later be changed completely contradicted or just forgotten as the narrative changed. As with most news the media know that most people have the memory of goldfish. The newspapers and other media seem able to completely forget a story that they have reported in depth over a period of time and start reporting a completely different story as if the previous story never existed. There are almost never any corrections or explanations of why the previous story reported with authority has been abandoned or was wrong. Often the new story has less rather than more authority with many contradictions.
This is what we get for reporting. A story is issued from government or security and published not questioned.
The official information published at the inquest into the July the 7th 2005 bombing was that each of the train carriages had a number of large holes in the floors. No attempt was made to explain how it was possible for each of the train carriages to have a number of large holes in the floors. One hole per train carriage was assigned to a bomb placed by the alleged suicide bombers. If it would take a bomb to make the one hole what would it take to make the other holes?. This is one of the many questioned that was never asked.
And why the jagged edges of the explosion hole were pointing up? For the same reason global warming makes it colder. Don’t you know any science?
So let me get this straight….The Great Reset.
Why not then, take on a far easier task, than saving the World and make the ICC and UN do its work, saving a far greater number of deaths and tackling ‘Global Warming’, whilst placing the likes of Johnson, Blair, Cameron, Obama, Hillary, Kissinger and their ilk, behind bars?
Oh, it’s got nothing to do with the lives of average Joe, and everything to do the CORRUPTOCRACY and their Benjamin’s!
I can here it now………THE GREATER GOOD!
No they want to kill us all off slowly and extract a lot of wealth from the population cull from each nation in the process
[Updated. A2]
Our summation is like as yours as 2 peas in a pod: the true gist of the P(l)andemic in a nutshell. “Como dos gotas de agua.”
They did it at Manzanar to Japanese-Americans 70 years ago. I pitch that as often as I can in my travels, as a glaring template for what is currently happening. (I remember first hearing concretely in some detail about Manzanar in 1984’s “Karate Kid” where Mr. Miyagi opens up about how his wife and newborn died there, while he was in Europe fighting with distinction for the US in WW II.)
An imaginary threat (as per usual) that the immigrants might collude with Hirohito and Tojo was all the pretext they needed to incarcerate the mostly affluent Japanese-Americans along southern coastal California, many our neighbours here, and when they got out two years later? Their mansions in Pacific Palisades: new owners well ensconced there. Their sailboats? Sailed away. Their priceless ancient Japanese
artworks, in someone else’s very private collections, owners unknown.
My mum told me tales of her ex-husband’s (my father) Law School Dean, whom she knew from parties and events and shared cab rides home. She had seen him on L.A. TV several times in her later years, he was lamenting how he had cast the deciding vote to incarcerate them at Manzanar (Dean Erwin Griswold of Harvard Law School, who later became Solicitor General under LBJ & Nixon — who said crime doesn’t pay, you simply need go high enough?!)
If it hadn’t been for my Mammy’s tales, and other items about my father’s clients such as Armand Hammer (whom she hadn’t met but knew some key things about) I might very likely have not connected a lot of these dots, submerged in background clutter even so, for years.
Just to say, I *could* have picked some of it up elsewhere but likely would have missed it.
Such as having my huge initial flash, while returning Mom the favor of tales about 20 years ago, how Jerry Rubin — hairy bandanna-ed leader of the Yippies at the Chicago Democratic Convention in 1968 — was run over in his business suit in the 1990s on Wilshire Blvd. after teaching a class to future stockbrokers at UCLA — and then I flashed how her once and former husband, my father, had been found suicided in his locked Lincoln a few years before, only a few blocks away, the next street over from Wilshire, also in his 3 piece “power suit”. And lawyer to many stockbrokers.
And then it struck me all at once, as the details and stars aligned side by side, that both dad and Rubin most clearly had been “pure” Intel assets or agents.
That was 20 years ago, such epiphanies were new then.
And piecing facts about both over the years ( and Abbie Hoffman, Rubin’s Yippie co-leader and also later stockbroner type & also equally, clearly, “suicided”) my initial hunch about them both was proven right on the money, and then some.
But the point most pertinent here is that Griswold, on TV and in his memoirs, and radio etc etc, lamented that several generals etc had warned him the Japanese here were no real threat, but he voted to incarcerate anyway, and it was the one decision he had made that he *later* said he most regretted in his lifetime.
So the question follows hot on the heels of his convenient confession: if he was so remorseful, where was any follow-up talk about reparations to these subversively scammed and victimized internees? Nothing?
Ah, now we’re talking cash money, and that’s a bundle to ask higher up, where national TV consciences undergo a sudden if gradual fragmentation once off the air.
And relevance of all that 68 years ago is made manifest in this Covid global application of Manzanar principles: using a plausible pretext for coincidentally busting enough businesses into bankruptcy by repeated strangulating Lockdowns, then evicting them from their foreclosed homes, until the oligarchs have just about enough to pay off the Chinese loan shark, more or less, as well their 5th yacht and its payments etc. The same thing was done here with “bailouts” by the public prons, while the moguls had trillions in savings, proven.
[**Mike Davis, whom I greatly respect (“Bastards of the Party”, “City of Quartz”, “Planet of Slums”) was on Tuesday night as the polls closed and, not surprisingly, he made an appearance, with great voice problems like RFK JR., but also further enhanced his reputation as hard core by being one of the very few, to date, from the US Left with the cajones to call out the Bogeyman Bug / Magic Virus (“Now you see it, now you don’t”) while saying the next shutdown will be “an Extinction Event”. I instantly thought of: us + dinosaurs.
This was on Democracy Now, archived, and of course Ms. Amy Goodman didn’t really go there but I give her props for being one of the few people in US Media to have him on a show, as she has done with others like him.)**]
Manzanar and Enron California 2000 are all the precedent (proven in courts, etc.) you need to show that this whole scam is just their global replica, amplified across national boundaries, all which have been ignored for decades anyway.
Speaking of Presidents who won Georgia, Biden just moved ahead of Trump in that state, a few minutes ago, so that should probably translate into his being the next President. Seemed relevant (last Democrat to win Georgia was Bubba).
An other movie which gives an insite to the current situation regarding the takeover of governments and institutions by pigtech is the 007 “spectre”.
To better understand it, you should first research “spectra and meltdown” the 40 years old backdoor to access among others, every login codes and passwords of all computers and internet
Discovered in 2016, it is still used today as all new computers and mobile devices, instead of changing the architecture of their processors and shutting it down, are still using the same design in theIr chips making it active, even today on the brand new devices.
This movie present a narrative of tearing down the system. But heres the catch. The new system they want to build is the NWO.
So you see the rebellion of V, is only to a percieved narrative that is being given to us on a plate by the elites, that instead of seeing through as the propaganda it is, we are eating it right up. But the hegelian dialectic is what the secret societies specialise in, and that is PROBLEM, REACTION, SOLUTION.
I recommend this movieAnonymous – Government Controlled Opposition Psyop
Amber Lyon lol
“there is a linear narrative”
seems clear to me that there are at least a pair of parallel narratives
2nd scene:
The actions of V and Evey Hammond are mirror each other closely, to the extent that profile shots have V facing Evey and vice-versa as if they are mirror images (the “silver screen” is of course reflecting the audience also; V also dons his mask on the camera, effectively putting a V mask on everyone watching!)
and in Jordan tower, as V says “but if you are looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror”, while Evey’s face mirrors V’s on the TV set in front of her…
There are countless examples of this mirroring throughout the film, most obviously at the end where several dead characters remove the V mask in Parliament Square subsequent to the demolition of the Houses of Parliament.
Did V really exist? Was he just an idea? “It is not an idea I miss, but the man”. Certainly V couldn’t have succeeded without Evey, Finch, or even Creedy.
“He was you. He was me. He was all of us”
Isn’t it curious how all those “conspiracy nut” sites are turning out to be prophetic? This is turning out to look awfully much like a “prison planet”. And the Beeb continues to shove out menacing tales of covid tragedies where the bereaved say, “We never thought it would happen to us.” Surely more and more people should be coming to at least suspect that these articles are coded threats. This is covert war on the population. And meanwhile the Left, if they are not joining in with he panic spreading, either remain curiously silent or blather on about the usual shite (elections, court cases) as if nothing unusual is happening.
“the usual shite” LOL! – thanks
why do you think they never to took the time to refute the conspiritards, but merely mocked them.
they didn’t need to refute, because the average ignoramus has his infotainment to refute them.
Truth passes through three stages: First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as self-evident.
I think the reason they didn’t refute is because they couldn’t refute, so all they could use was mockery.
The left are banking on lockdowns because Mr Toad didn’t do it soon enough. He let thousands die to keep the profits rolling in. They’ll never let go of that one so we will be locked down for ever, almost
V for Vendetta used the London Underground for some of it scenes. This happened prior to the 7/7 bombings.
The July 7th Truth Campaign.
Remember 7/7? It was the event that made sure people were split into 2 distinct camps arguing over the Official Conspiracy theory being true and those, the in the other camp, the deniers of the Official Conspiracy theory.
In the malaise, we all got screwed. We took our eye off the ball, shame on us, because the two sides fought, whilst the people most affected at the time needed our total support for them to get the answers they were entitled to from the Government.
We’ve never recovered…….
The ones who took their eye off the ball were those who believed the official narrative without question. Honest answers from the government were never going to be forthcoming in any case.
I think both sides took their eye off the ball.
The Official Conspiracy Theory deniers challenged the other group on the the merits of the their case. They never challenged the other side on empathy and the need to support the families of those killed, same as 9/11.
Isn’t this a bit weird?:
“New lockdown: Manchester University students pull down campus fences
Students have torn down “prison-like” fencing erected around their campus on day one of England’s new lockdown.”
Don’t you live the scare quotes there? The fencing isn’t really like a prison.
“First-year Management student Megan, who did not want to give her surname, said: “Morale is really low, we’re really disappointed we didn’t hear about this beforehand and about the fact it went up without any explanation.
“They’re huge metal barriers, they’re connected to one another and there’s literally no gaps.
“There is fencing around the whole outside, we feel like it’s completely unnecessary. It makes it feel like we’re in a prison””
But don’t worry:
“President and Vice-Chancellor Prof Dame Nancy Rothwell said …”Alternative security measures, including additional security patrols are being put in place.””
“Alternative” measures?
Gordon White over at Rune Soup occasionally puts out a list of ‘truth dressed up as fiction’ movies to watch.
Here’s his latest list
John Hurt superbly/ironically cast this time as the oppressor/big brother face, as opposed to when he played Winston in 1984
I thought he was miscast as Big Brother. Perhaps because of the Winston baggage. He looked like someone who had been through the mill, as opposed to someone projecting a sort of bogus otherworldly strength.
I once saw Hurt emerge from a pub in central London’s Theatreland. He was a bit flushed in the face and looked as though he had imbibed freely. (Another actor I saw in the same condition in or near the same place was Michael Elphick.)
John died of pancreatic cancer. Michael died aged 55 of a heart attack, “complicated by his drinking problem”. Very sad really.
Small, but significant, correction:
V is from 2006–not 2005. I remember it acutely because I was gripped by the heady horror of my full-blown proselytizing 9/11-Truther mode at the time, which only started in 2006 while I was living in NYC. (I also just checked my copy of the blu-ray.)
And when I saw it in the theater, I was…Blown. Away.
As much that they got away with making this movie as by the movie itself. It was such an immediate, unmistakable and (seemingly) daring gesture to 9/11 Truth, that I couldn’t believe the consensus of censorship in Hollywood would allow this brain-child to come to term. But now, I think I have a more nuanced understanding of Hollywood, and its function as in both predictive programming and Revelation of the Method.
It’s interesting that the article makes no mention of the true auteurs of this strange masterwork, the WACHOWSKIS (formerly known as the “Wachowski Brothers”). Their exploitative-but-profoundly prescient oeuvre, of the Matrix and then V, suggest that they are (or at least were) a carefully chosen vessel to reveal the fever dreams of the DARPA Deep Mind, and their role(s?) as enigmatic prophets of Techno-Tyrannical Transhumanism was only embellished by their eventual metamorphoses into gender-bending pioneers of bodily self-engineering.
Gender-bending is almost entirely fallout from incessant Intel psyops, trust me. Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
More to the point, the hen or the rooster?
Besides division and conquest in wholesale, a lot of it has been micromanaged retail, with various incursion into personal lives, dividing people from their original selves with “other” selves. The poet Adrienne Rich made a career out of mapping hers, but you begin to wonder when you look into her origins and trajectory.
Some whisper of that comes with her famous rejection of the Clinton’s offer of the National Medal of the Arts.
From her letter 20+ years ago to them:
“Art means nothing if it simply decorates the dinner table of the power which holds it hostage.”
Great quote. Up there with “We leave… much that is undone… to those that can remove one of truth’s protective layers.”
““We leave… much that is undone… to those that can remove one of truth’s protective layers.”
How anyone can fail to grasp the hint in that remark, btw, I’ll never understand…
‘Then, he [1st 🌒 Man in the Moon Neil Armstrong] made a bizarre remark.
He added: “We leave you much that is undone.
“There are great ideas undiscovered, breakthroughs available to those that can remove one of truth’s protective layers.
“There are places to go beyond belief.
“Those challenges are yours in many fields of not the least is space, because there lies human destiny.”
Sounds to me like he was tripping — not an unusual effect some have noticed on those who made lunar trips of one kind or another.
Either that or the protective layer he himself removed made him some kind of poet.
All the early astronauts were military men, so it’s no surprise that several made the quantum leap as Space Cowboys.
It’s more simple than that, they just never went to the moon.
That’s why I typed him as the 1st Man IN the Moon.
It sounds like he’s signing the whole project as surreality served up to us with its branded layer of protective truth.
It’s an engaging choice of words, from the 1st Luna-naut.
Frankly, though, I actually believe they did go. It seems clear the Russians as rivals could have likely disproved the moon visit with some ease, if it had been bogus, or fabricated. They had the tech then to know.
The Russians were in on it and happy to play the prestigious role of Number Two (how many of their space “successes” were faked as well?) and Nixon’s “wheat deal” (among other things) would have been one of the pay-offs. Here’s the alibi version of that wheat business:
“We” had the tech to get people into low Earth orbit (Skylab level or perhaps higher, between 200 and 400 miles up) and that’s where they remained until it was time to come down. I mean, we have the leaked footage of them faking the “shot of the Earth from near-lunar distance,” in which they place a semi-transparency over the capsule window, cutting the window-filling (low orbit) Earth down to a “distant”-seeming fragment. Beyond the fact that 1969 tech was not even close to being up to the task (I believe Space-X shows what’s necessary: super-computer-control of guidance et al), isn’t that proof enough? Well, that and the terrible fate of Gus Grissom…
* Because the CIA were all on vacation that year?
That’s not been proven, and the tech *was* there in 1969. I have close relative who worked quite deep at the programming end on the Space Shuttle for TRW, which was only a handful of years later. Another, the longtime fiancé of my divorcé mom, told me tales of inspecting the sites at Houston, alarmed at the sloppiness and poor QC there, just months before the Cheney/Grissom/White horrific fire. He had feared something like that. And I myself did night time security at a plant nearby where I passed the infamous Shuttle nose cone each watch, back in 1977.
A few dots can be connected that would make an elephant appear on the graph paper, but adding a few more would show it’s really a rhino.
So, what? The jury is not in. I’ve heard a lot of arguments from both sides, but having been around many people involved first hand with the projects, I’m persuaded it was a real thing, and real landings. I don’t see that many obstacles to credibility between a human moon landing and our parallel engineering adventures at the time with unmanned craft to much farther places.
But, I could be wrong.
I’m just not thrilled with people who militantly state that I am. That’s all a deep pit of dubiety.
Exactly, they are brainwashed assets. The idea that NASA in the 60s pulled off not one but several manned explorations of the moon’s surface, and then brought them back to earth in the vessels shown in the videos is really not far off from Santa Claus and anyone who believes it in 2020 is hopeless (and probably wears a mask inside their car while driving alone in the middle of nowhere, and calls us tinfoil hat conspiracy theorists because that’s the term used on “social” media)
I was always a little stunned about how much “resistance” (largely expressed as ad-hominems) I’d face, in “Lefty” and “Conspiracy Theorist” forums, when posting material pointing out the absurdity of the NAZA/ UNCLE SAM claim that they pulled off a miraculous, timeline-of-progress-hopping feat of navigation/ propulsion/ life-support with 1969 tech… a feat as yet unmatched, with vastly-more-powerful 21st tech, by any other industrial nation… and did so repeatedly! And then sort of shrugged (after proving that Uncle Sam is a “god”) and quit. I mean, “radicals” seem to be able to accept the notion that Uncle Sam kills… and they accept the notion that Uncle Sam lies… but not about that. Whenever I posted such NAZA-debunking material, I invariable heard from somebody, in the thread, whose “uncle” worked in Mission Control! Laugh. And even if that were true, just one of the times someone made that claim, the “need to know” compartmentalization of all Top Secret military/ Intelligence projects would merely mean that engineers and math wizards, in their vintage headsets at Mission Control, in the ’60s and ’70s, were being fed phony telemetry (etc). No network of spy satellites orbiting the Earth, at the time, to check up on that… conveniently. I scratch my head at that profound gullibility of even Educated Masses until I remember how many Educated people fell/fall for rhe Christianity trick… the greatest Whopper of them all. After that, the NAZA hypno-trick is a piece of cake.
“Fact Checker” used the term in the post to which I replied. But gender-bending seems accurate enough, if not perhaps a little too understated, as it’s more than a mere bend, or 2, when both Wachowskis had their male sex organs surgically removed.
it is merely post modernism’s obsession with the nihilistic narcissistic self and the collision of the average bore with his own terminal dullness and the possibilities inherent in torpid late stage consumerism, stage managed from behind the curtain.
‘i’m a genderbending pan sexual slut man that sux tatooed slugs’
please look at me, i can juggle and code.
tavistock is very happy.
Although I’m always startled and stunned when I meet trans people, just to be honest, maybe a dozen in the last five years, it’s mean to just dismiss their potential and worth as people. To caricature them.
We’re all children of the same Maker, and for people who have problems with theism, simply sub “divine” — or even “conscience” — since conscience at its deepest depth is divine enough.
Interesting post.
V for Vendetta (2005) Release Info
Release Dates:
USA 11 December 2005
UK 17 March 2006
Thanks Tony.
imdv often uses the “Sneak Preview” or “Advance Screening” date for the “release.”
However, if you image-search “v for vendetta teaser poster,” they all reflect a wide-release date of March 17, 2006.
I believe the release in UK, earmarked for November 5th 2005, was delayed due to London bombings of 7/7?
Created and copyrighted 2005, screened 2006 due to an unspecified delay according to (hold yer nose!) wikipedia, and wouldn’t have been screened in the UK before the US as it was a Warner Bros film.
V for Vendetta was originally scheduled for release by Warner Bros. Pictures on 4 November 2005 (a day before the 400th Guy Fawkes Night), but was delayed; it instead opened in the United States on 17 March 2006 to mostly positive reviews from critics and was a box office success.
Every post for 3 weeks now goes to the ‘spam check’, even with no links.
It makes it pointless to comment on most things as no coherent discussion can be had when some replies get delayed hours. Hence rarely post anything nowadays.
This is one if my favorite films of all time and the content particularly rings true now. We need a V and people willing to fight to overthrow this sadistic American empire.
The fantasy of rebellion. V is already out of date.
People graze between planes of unreality. The re-election of their reality TV star is stolen from under their noses and, so far as I can see, even Trump’s supporters are going along with it.
What ‘we’ have done to poorer countries is coming home to us: the Phoenix Program and the Fusion Doctrine in Vietnam. The CIA and the Greek Colonels, the Latin America — in Uruguay, Brazil, Chile… It’s coming home.
Spend your time instead on anything by Costa-Gavras. Better Z than V.
Follow with State of Siege (1972) and Missing (1982).
A True Story of Shocking Violence, Mystery and Corruption: Costa-Gavras’s Z (1969)
That said, it’s a welcome addition to Off-G. At a time when the Corporatist Media barely offers the chance to read between the lines, the work of film makers and writers can help us understand the present.
Corbett has a series on popular culture. Tom Secker at Spy Culture has another.
Back to V. You may think I am suggesting you abandon all hope and watch something darker. That’s not so. But don’t let fantasies of rebellion obscure the bind we are in. Most people have not begun to perceive their predicament.
Ask Greek people what they think of the CIA to this day. Or consider who was employing Klaus Barbie for a very specific role in Latin America. The corruption learned from Mexico’s PRI and the Color Revolutions is being deployed in the United States as I write. It was only when people objected to the fixing of their elections by the international business elite that policing descended into a bloody hell.
As for the thousands upon thousands of Nazis who were placed within the post-war American and European system: just pragmatism, you might say, with a Kissinger-style shrug. No it was not pragmatism. It was ideology shared by those who put the Nazis in power in the first place.
That is why I vote for Costa-Gavras because he abjures Hollywood’s formula of the wandering hero’s redemption and holds up a mirror.
Douglas Valentine, Peter Dale Scott, even Hannah Arendt showed us that what goes around, comes around: imperial governments will one day bring the tools of of torture and repression home to suppress the citizenry.
Costa-Gavras put that into popular culture for a wider audience.
Costa-Gavras’ films are gems. In terms of what goes around comes around, I could never understand how anyone with knowledge of Latin American politics could fail to make a connection between the Rockefeller/Kissinger/CIA-sponsored coup in Chile on September 11/73 and the coup in the US on September 11/01, likely involving the same key players.
Before Valentine there was Lt. Colonel Fletcher PROUTY who subtitled his “The Secret Team” book already a half century ago: “…the CIA and it’s Allies in Control of the United States and the World”.
Most all of what we see at the practical level has been choreographed by them like a slow Doomsday Waltz.
I told a guy at my table a few years ago when he asked me what I really wanted, “Just for the CIA to clean up its act, that’s all.”
He told me, “Brother, there ain’t a mop big enough in the whole world for a job like that!”
I should have known.
Costa-Gavras is a good guy? He simply plays a role on the left side of the fake dialectic. He made HANNA K, a Zionist love-in; he made CONSEIL DE FAMILLE with clear implications of incest and paedophilia; he made MAD CITY with everyone’s second favourite Scientologist; he happens to be cousin to another Hollywood director Penelope Spheeris as they do like to keep things in the bloodlines.
STATE OF SIEGE is about CIA torture instructor Dan Mitrione. Among those who were so moved by Mitrione’s death they played his benefit were Frank Sinatra and Jerry Lewis.
Compared to V, an updated spaghetti western in which the lone hero rides into town. I almost want to get a couple of coconut shells.
Costa-Gavras is not a “good guy”. He is a damned fine director whose output is more powerful commentary than the recent spate of dystopian flicks. Which doesn’t mean I vouch for all of it.
Good on you guys for doing some popular culture criticism. The 2005 movie with the virus is just wow.
I watched a 2003 episode of ‘Rosemary and Thyme’ a few days ago. It featured a yew tree. Which was referred to as the Tree of Death. This was coupled with conversations about GMO and such. Very interesting to see this in 2020.
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T Carlson –US System Under Attack/
Ongoing List of Election Anomalies
The Presstitutes are actually censoring the President of the USA at the moment.
This is totally unprecedented.
I’m no fan of Trump.
But if you don’t understand where this is going, well, you should go eat breakfast with Orwell’s pigs.
Maybe that’s why Lee Harvey Oswald and the Dallas cop (JD Tippett) he supposedly killed chose “The Pig and Whistle” diner in Dallas many a morning in the year before JFK “passed” through, or so witnesses said, the ones who were never called.
I don’t know about Oswald but Ruby certainly knew many cops in Dallas, which may have simplified getting close enough to Oswald to shoot him.
My info is from “CIA Rogues” by Patrick Nolan of Dartmouth. He end notes that Ruby can be seen in archival footage on Saturday night, near the room where they were quizzing LHO. There’s a lot of info, a torrent, surrounding it all. But it seems clear Oswald knew Tippett prior. And there were TWO Oswalds at the Texas Theater. Rabbit holes abound in what the agents called “The Big Event”. See the two faced cover photo of the recent book: “Döppelganger: the Legend of Lee Harvey Oswald” it’s a picture is worth 1000 words thriller. And real, I believe.