Face Masks: A Danger to Our Planet, Our Children & Ourselves
Cory Morningstar

It seems like only yesterday that a massive campaign against single-use plastic straws was trending. The much forgotten anti-straw trend was based on astronomical numbers; a suggested 500 million straws used each day in the US alone, with more than half a billion plastic straws being consumed and discarded, every day around the entire globe.
An estimated 8.3 billion plastic straws had come to pollute the planet’s beautiful beaches. The backlash against the straws appeared to be drive by the horrific impacts on the marine environment in particular.
Personal protective equipment (PPE) in 2020, in particular face masks, have become a new genre of pollution. The majority of face masks being purchase and disposed of are single-use surgical masks made of melt-blown fabric manufactured from polypropylene, a type of thermoplastic. The vast majority of all disposable face masks being consumed have two outer layers with a filter between them (polypropylene), made from nonwoven plastic fibres.
The paper COVID-19 Pandemic Repercussions on the Use and Management of Plastics published June 20, 2020 warns that a “monthly estimated use of 129 billion face masks and 65 billion gloves globally, is resulting in widespread environmental contamination.”
194 billion face masks and gloves equates to well over 6 billion face masks being consumed and discarded each and every day.
Based on the aforementioned paper, six months of face masks alone – equates to seven hundred seventy-four billion, while 12 months of consumption, equates to a stunning one trillion five hundred forty-eight billion face masks.
Meanwhile, “Canada alone has ordered more than 153 million N95 respirators, almost 400 million surgical masks and 18 million non-medical face masks. That doesn’t include demand from the private sector.” As a new emerging market, trees (biological communities invisible to the humancentric eye) cannot only be sacrificed on the altar of “green energy”, we can also pulverize them into face “ecofriendly” masks.
What happened to all those who cared about our environmental crises? That of climate change, biodiversity and ocean pollution?
Microplastics & Human Health
Microplastics are tiny plastic fragments less than 5 millimeters in diameter, or about 0.2 inches. They are barely visible to the human eye.
A 2019 study showed that human microplastic consumption ranges from 39,000 to 52,000 particles per day. These estimates increase to 74,000 and 121,000 when inhalation is considered. This amounts to humans ingesting approx. 5 grams of plastic each and every week, 5 grams being the equivalent of a credit card or a US nickel. Earlier in 2019, the European commission’s chief scientific advisers stated:
The evidence [on both environmental and health risks due to microplastics] provides grounds for genuine concern and for precaution to be exercised.”
More recently, on August 17, 2020, researchers analyzed 47 human tissue samples. Traces of microplastics were found in all 47 samples.
We have detected these chemicals of plastics in every single organ that we have investigated.”
senior researcher Rolf Halden, director of the Arizona State University (ASU) Biodesign Center for Environmental Health Engineering
This begs the question, what will be the result from applying microplastic materials, that is face masks, directly and securely over our air passages?
“Flock” is defined as inhaled microfibers of the plastic. “Flock worker’s lung” is an occupational lung disease caused by exposure to flock in manufacturing processes. People who work in flocking manufacturing processes inhale small pieces of the flock fibers, placing them at risk of interstitial lung disease.
Workers exposed to polypropylene flocking particles have developed flock worker’s lung. The presence of microplastics in human lung tissue was outlined by in a 1998 science paper, following the research of lung tissue belonging to cancer patients who had prolonged exposure to plastic fibers.
In addition to particle pollution causing damage to lung tissue and reducing lung capacity, it worsens other respiratory health issues such as asthma. In 2013, the International Agency for Research on Cancer, an institution belonging to the World Health Organization, concluded that particle pollution causes lung cancer.
An informal survey of a small group of health care workers by myself found that about 50% of workers noted that their masks began to fray at the end of their shift, noting fibers that itched their face and nose.”
In occupational flock, “the cutting process results in formation of airborne particles or fibers in the respirable range.” . As facemasks undergo a continuous friction with breathing, talking, and facial movements, it seems likely, if not probable, that microscopic polypropylene microfibers, in some amount, are effectively being ingested into both the body and lungs.
Particles that are not inhaled into the lungs (the vast majority) make their way into our waterways. To be more succinct, every single particle produced, that does not make its way into our bodies, will instead go in to our waterways. The particles are then ingested into the body by humans and non-human life (marine animals and fish), some of which is too, ingested by humans. Of course, in addition, we drink the water, as does non-human life.
…Is this how we protect biodiversity? Is this what we mean by protecting health?
Cloth Masks
To mitigate against this latest environmental and health nightmare, people have been encouraged to wear reusable fabric face coverings comprised of three layers of fabric.
On September 25, 2020, a University of California–Davis study found that the fabric of home-made cloth face coverings release a large amount of fibers into the air. The study underscored the importance of washing them. What is not discussed are the same fibres being inhaled and ingested.
Those in the West, and those who own or have access to a clothes dryer, will know what dryer lint is. Friction causes the fabric fibres to become loose and dislodge during the washing and drying process – resulting in sometimes little, and more often lots – of lint that must be removed after each cycle.
Consider this excerpt from the article, How damaging is breathing in microplastics? [emphasis added]:
Microplastics washed off from synthetic clothes contribute up to 35% of the plastic particles polluting our oceans. Every time we do our laundry, an average of 9 million microfibers end up in the wastewater treatment plants that cannot filter them, and because of that, these fibers end up in the ocean. Also, just by wearing synthetic clothes, plastic fibers are constantly being released in the air.
Up until now, all research was focused on microfiber pollution through laundry washing. However, a recent study shows how wearing polyester clothes pollutes the environment to a similar extent—wearing polyester clothes releases as many microplastic fibers in the air as through washing.
If microfibers are shedding off clothing, they are shedding off masks. Even cotton ones. In fact, cotton textiles (clothing, towels, etc.) often produce far more lint than other fabrics. Add to this, the inhalation of chemical laundry detergent and chemical fabric “softener” (liquid and sheet form) that many people continue to use in the process of washing and drying the masks.
It is safe to assume that those wearing masks for long periods of time are most at risk. The vast majority of this group would be minimum wage workers, who have no choice but to comply, people of colour, who are told they are more susceptible to the virus than white populations, and children in schools, where masks have been made mandatory.
Our Children
In June 2020, the Children’s Sick Kids Hospital, perhaps the most prestigious hospital in Canada, advised that children, by and large almost completely unaffected by the virus, should not wear masks and added that physical interaction and play was essential for their well-being.
We have suggested that masks not be required when children return to school.”
Michelle Science MD, MSc, FRCPC, Division of Infectious Diseases, The Hospital for Sick Children, Assistant Professor, Department of Paediatrics, University of Toronto
Close interaction such as playing and socializing is really central to child development and should not be discouraged…Overall we think it’s not realistic or in children’s best interests to completely avoid all close interaction and play.”
Dr Daphne Korczak, Pediatrics, Psychiatry
For children and adolescents, masks are an absolute no-no. Children and adolescents have an extremely active and adaptive immune system and they need a constant interaction with the microbiome of the Earth. Their brain is also incredibly active, as it is has so much to learn. The child’s brain, or the youth’s brain, is thirsting for oxygen. The more metabolically active the organ is, the more oxygen it requires. In children and adolescents every organ is metabolically active.”
Dr. Margarite Griesz-Brisson MD, PhD , Consultant Neurologist and Neurophysiologist [full transcript]
These recommendations were largely ignored by the media and, despite the warnings, the government and school boards made masks and social distancing mandatory for children.
The hospital further reported that 1500 asymptomatic children were tested, none tested positive [see this Twitter thread.]
In the following presentation, Professor Franz Ruppert explains the impact of the pandemic from a psychological point of view. Ruppert explains how and why people currently suffer when their essential needs are taken; why children in particular are extremely affected; how current “protective” measures achieve this effect; and whether these measures are justified. In relation to how masks affect children, and toddlers in particular, Rupert draws out attention to the “still face experiment”:
Put your mask away. Come back to the light. We need you.
This is an abridged extract of a longer article. You can read the full piece on The Art of Annihilation
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Fantastic article and comments as often. Have to go now to the longer version.
Two possible tweaks:
“To be more succinct, every single particle produced, that does not make its way into our bodies, will instead go in to our waterways.”
And landfills.
Mentioned because of “every single particle”.
“Rupert draws out attention”
The out looks superfluous, so I wonder if it is meant to be “draws our”
Ok, I am being picky, and you are following the original article.
I was thinking about this for a while before reading this article.
Harmful effects of masks:
United States: Mother’s son passes out at school from wearing a face mask
When is it going to dawn on even the quickest amongst those readers of agitation rags like this epublication (which amongst you has any idea of the energy requirements of even just a small electronic data centre, one now–hardly more than half a century after the first–lost amongst thousands of large, larger and enormous, data centres?) for whom migration off the planet, either literally or into hermetically sealed environments (see E.M. Forster’s “The Machine Stops”, a semi-prescient 1902 insight into a still!! barely-glimpsed future that was recently yet again referenced on this very site) is an impossible dream and that consequently, here, on this earth, the human species’ jig is up; that without any further input of any type of ecological degredation whatsover the Earth has already become a sewer that is terminally toxic to all ‘higher’ life forms currently on its surface, a sewer whose terminality is–finally–in the not too distant hereafter at that?
Can’t parse the preceeding sentence, my little chickadees? Just what new information do you imagine might be conveyed by such a trite, self-evident canard, apart from the fact that Muhammud couldn’t see past a niqab either?
WC Fields leading the film?
So the question is: how do you put an end to this? I now realize, being immobilized in a UK hospital with a broken leg, that the vast majority consider us who refuse to wear a mask as the guilty party for the 2nd lockdown. Yet they also dont like the government. Though they think they are very politically savvy and that they the people control the governments. They think life will return to normal and all will continue as before. They are totally unaware that most of them will have lost jobs, savings, etc within the next years. The hospital head nurses bend somewhat the rules, or as much as they can, with I guess the approval of the hierarchy. Patients dont have to wear masks, but 1 or 2 of the younger ones in the 20s keep putting it on. Staff have to wear it. Apart from one particularly intelligent nurse, all do. At some point I was alone in the ward with a very young nurse and said I wouldnt report her if she took it off, but she said it was the rule. There was not a soul about, so people enforce it on themselves.
Today I was being wheelchaired by a nurse to meet a friend outside. And some rather stupid busybody who was typing away on the computer at the ward reception said I couldnt go because Id get covid from my visitor and pass it on to every single patient and staff, and she in particular would fall ill. The nurse was nonplussed, she said Ill go and ask head nurse. Head nurse said people who could walk, patient and staff, were constantly going outside, meeting people, and so she frankly couldnt see why I because im in a wheelchair couldnt go. So was allowed out. The busy body had been going on and on and on, that I was on the point of losing my temper, so that was lucky; she kept saying
you understand dont you?”. I had held myself and only replied that I did not intend to discuss covid matters with her.
I feel like a resistant fighter trapped behind enemy lines. I keep my mouth shut, but my ears open. Interestingly the male staff irrespective of cultural origin are less in the narrative, the women except the Eastern European ones are all in it. The Indians are the worst (no racism intended as my mother was Indian wnd its a country I love and am close to).
Class, cast, profession or tradition constrains the bulk of Indians. E.g., they will refuse to perform a task or make a change beyond their defined ambit. Perhaps they cannot believe that back home (a) the needless excess deaths were due to the insane lockdown driven by bigotry, callousness, incompetence, etc. (b) the “infection rate” for the mythical disease remains low.
Excess deaths in India, Brazil, USA and many other places could be due to starvation, dispair, poor working/living cvonditions, etc. Of course, it is convenient for the governments to sweep these problems under the covid rug.
“the “infection rate” for the mythical disease remains low” Mythical? Agreed. You’d think that smart people like Cory Morningstar would know that. Our side fails again.
the compliant are like abused spouses who have been punched in the face and then say sorry. We the kids know if mom keeps blaming herself we are going to get hit too….
Mistake, not a comment at all. Please ignore!
The capitalist nightmares are always implemented more grossly by local tyrants in the southern countries where they were forcefully imported. People in the UK are not required by law to wear face masks in the streets in the UK but they are in Greece. There seems to be no provision in Greece for people who have asthma or other healh issues that makes wearing a mask dangerous.
The UK was supposed to have a much higher rate of “covid” infection than Greece but has less mandatory mask wearing. It must be SCIENCE!
In Greece, it’s not only masks in the streets but masks on schoolchidren during class and outside. Did any of the more affluent countries have this measure imposed on them?
The ruling (conservative) party in Greece consists of well-groomed Obama-style smart and smooth-talking techy businessmen very well trained in the art of marketing and sophisticated deception abroad (UK and US mostly). They have been faithfully parroting the same narrative handed to them by their foreign paymasters about “the new normal”, ” a great opportunity” etc.
On the 30th of October the PM anounced that for the next month the measures would be masks and curfew, without restrictions of movement otherwise. 4 days later he changed that to a general lockdown for 3 weeks, effective as of today (7th November). People are required to send an SMS to a government (?) number stating reason for leaving the house, or carry a signed statement with them. Simply telling the police where you’re going if asked is not sufficient.
Durinng the anouncement on TV, the masked PM with his masked “science adviser” or sinister minister or whatever, anounced that these new measures were regrettably necessary due to a spike in “cases”, so as to avoid “overwhelming the health system”, etc etc, and so as to be able to return a more “normal” Christmas. In addition, he stated that this decision was “non-negotiable”.
Meanwhile hospitals are doing fine. A local health center has been converted to a “covid” health centre and is empty apart from three members of staff twiddling their thumbs…
Private clinics are selling and even cold-calling people on the phone to sell “test kits”.
The process of deciding and enforcing the “pandemic” measures was hastily written into law back in the summer even though it is clearly un-constitutional. Greece has a written constitution, unlike the UK.
The level of conformity is insane and there is not a whimper of opposition from even the previously gung-ho “anarchists” while “antifa” is visibly a pawn of Israel (they even mentioned the Protocols of the Elders of Zion in a poster to decry conspiracy theorists as anti-semitic yadda yadda you know the drill)- both of those groups are steadfastedly continuing as they were before, generally moaning about “fascism” and capital while accepting the “pandemic” narrative, without a clue of the global takeover taking place right before their eyes. Pandemic deniers and those opposed to 5G are called “the sprayed ones” in a desperate reference to people who believe in chemtrails.
The 99% still thinks that this situation is just an emergency that will pass and cannot imagine that the 3 weeks can be very easily turned to 3 months (since they have the attention span of fish after decades of TV and years of social media). They are told that the economy needs Christmas to happen even though Christmas was never a big spending thing in Greece- as it is in the English speaking world (where the narrative is coming from).
They do not realize the government is a complete muppet of global capital and does not give a shit about the local economy… and the police and military are still largely run by fascist US drones, as they have since the days of the CIA imposed military juntas.
The government also announced that people who will not be able to work because of lockdown will be given 800 euros. Just this statement is to me a sign that this will likely not be 3 weeks but quite a bit longer.
People are conditioned by the media and government to think that it is their fault that the earlier measures did not work, because they did not follow them stringently enough.
Everyone is parroting the word “cases” and all sorts of baseless and insane dogma about viruses that reminds me of religious mania. I suspect the situation is similar in Italy, Spain, Portugal and Latin America because all these are countries exposed to decades of CIA driven American media brainwashing and share a background of a plague of christian superstition and cultural devastation in the countryside. The obsession with germs, cleanliness and whiteness (and use of bleach in households) is greater in these countries than it is in the northern European countries. The serfs want to be more like the masters…
The “left” including workers unions are shouting that the government did not lock down early enough….
The subtext in the media is the word of the “experts” who state that this will continue until spring or until “most of the population is vaccinated”, which is already presented as an inevitability.
The media appear to be now funded directly by foreign capital.They were initially given 30 million euros by the Greek government at the beginning of the scamdemic, but it appears that they are now getting funded from abroad as the announcements of new measures are now given by the media first and then officially “announced” by the government a couple of days later.
I was told by someone who has a masonic family member that they knew of the first lockdown days before it was announced.
The level of terrorism and blatant disinformation in the mass media and goverment sources is insane as there are fewer people with a scientific education AND the ability to read English or German, hence they cannot find alternative sources of information online.
If you folks in the UK think things are bad there, wait ’til you see masks in the streets, including children.
I will have to do my shopping via home delivery as I cannot deal with seeing this. It is doubly frustrating that I am physically unwell and unable to take any action to inform people on a local level.
They have recently made wearing muzzles – previously required inside shops etc. – mandatory everywhere outdoors here in Cyprus – no exceptions here either – although some people are flouting the rule, myself included, at least so far.
Thank you for this detailed account.
We are being corralled by Something that is not human.
Yes, as well.
Oops. My comment/link was meant for Fact Checker.
The organised ‘Left’ and workers trades unions around the world have betrayed humanity. I think of traitor George Galloway. Don’t know if Yannis Varoufakis is pro or anti-lockdown?
Every country is reading from the exact same script. (Whose script?) Coming into winter things are very bleak in the UK. Reasons for living have been removed.
I don’t know whether the United States still counts as a rich country, given the controlled demolition of capitalism ongoing here (a.k.a. the Great Reset), but it’s masks everywhere for most schoolchildren as far as we can see throughout the country.
The public schools in our town are mostly offering only remote “learning,” with in-person learning (i.e. learning how not to read or think) only for the youngest students. But everyone in the building — students, staff, and visitors — has to wear masks. And outdoors masks are required when within 6 ft of others.
Even medical exemptions seem not really recognized. On this subject, the school district’s guidance sheet says, first, get a letter from your doctor. Second, discuss further with the head of school. Third, consider a face shield as an alternative. The second and third points say to me, cynic that I am, that, at the meeting, they’ll just say, “Fine. Your child can put on a face shield,” or, “Your child will be transferred to remote instruction.”
Looking for in-person school without masks, I examined websites of many other school districts in Massachusetts. Many are also doing mostly remote instruction. Some are open for in-person instruction but usually only 2 days per week (what they call “hybrid”). And all require masks for anyone in the school.
This policy comes from the state’s Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, so it’s not surprising that all districts that we’ve found follow it. (And the state requires the flu shot for all public-school students, even students doing only remote instruction. It must be about stopping the spread of the (flu) virus through the Internet.)
Looking even wider, most other states also have a similar policy, which is also not surprising given that the policy originally comes from the federal CDC — even though as “guidance” because the federal government doesn’t have direct legal authority over education, which is a state matter — although that limitation will probably evaporate in a Harris/Biden administration, and the kangaroo courts will look away.
So, the United States is quite advanced — in realizing the need to mind control its future subjects from young. Keep America Great!
I share your cynicism.
As a retired bureaucrat, I learned long ago that low and middle-level administrators tend to be small-minded, petty, self-important, and viciously tyrannical power-junkies. School systems seem to attract or even breed this definite “type”.
Despite the superficially “reasonable” exceptions, the administrators and even most doctors will plant their cloven hooves like mules and refuse to fairly consider and apply the nominal exceptions.
Their tiny minds tell them, “Oh, no! If we don’t ‘hold the line’, and allow even one child (or employee) to attend school without a mask, it will be like opening Pandora’s Box.
Because once the other kids and parents see an unmasked child, they will be triggered to request or demand an exception too. That, or other kids and parents will righteously object to the presence of the unmasked child(ren), and no matter how I justify it they will complain to higher authorities– or, worse yet, complain on social media. And the next thing you know I’ll be mobbed on all sides! Nuh-uh, not me!”
Far better to take a hard line and nail down that first pebble lest it break free and start the avalanche.
I think your take on it is about right. ‘If’ people were principled, they wouldn’t allow those (human) fears and considerations to sway them. But, alas, ours is a ruined world.
“And the state requires the flu shot for all public-school students, even students doing only remote instruction. It must be about stopping the spread of the (flu) virus through the Internet.” It’s abuse. Powertrippers are loving covid 1984 and they are MANY! Also, It’s conditioning. I just met a new guard at our site last night. She seems sweet. And she’s an idiot. I told her that no one at our site wears a mask. Neither the guards or the non guard people who we work with. She responded with “That’s okay. It makes me feel comfortable.” I said that she should do as she wished. Maybe I shouldn’t call her an idiot. But… She’s an idiot.
I live in Los Angeles and it is a mask world here. My son has to wear a mask to his school (nursery school, all the other schools are shut due to the unions). When I pick him up its basically soaking wet with saliva or he’s wearing it as a headband. I ask the teachers what is the point? Also the usual shaming and dirty looks if you refuse to wear one like myself. California is really insane. Every day I wake up and go outside and can not believe that everyone has drank the kool aid. It’s beyond depressing.
You seem to be blaming the Greek populace. If you recall events of just the last decade, you will know that they tried hard to bring in an independent government. Look up what Yanis Varoufakis had to say. ECB and IMF capitalists defeated the will of the Greek people.
The people did not bother to educate themselves. They wanted freedom ‘and’ to stay in the European Union no matter what.
That was interesting, and horrifying. This Christian (I have no use for mainstream Christianity if that matters to you) wishes that more of your fellow citizens were as clear-eyed as yourself. Toronto is hopeless and I suspect that that is the case for most of the world. Protests may be big and getting bigger, but just going by what I see here, I am sure that normal people are far and away in a minority. My ebike came up with a flat tire the day after I got it out of the shop (suspiciously, since the hole must be huge; it loses air in about a minute and yet I rode it for many kilometers back from the shop okay) and so I’m back to taking abusive Toronto public transit. It’s always been abusive, but now the abuse is off the charts. I sent them a letter telling them that and to my surprise someone responded. It was a contentless response, but it was more than I expected.
I had resigned myself to taking TTC for a few days until my brother can come into town to take me and my bike to a bike shop. Then when the bus driver asked me today if I had my mask, I realized that I have to get my bike fixed today or I’ll be quite miserable. (I answered the bus driver with “yes,” kept walking to a seat, and never put the mask on. I was prepared to make him feel uncomfortable about abusing me, but he let it go. They have a sign on the back of their seats saying that a driver a day is assaulted and that that’s one too many assaults. I’m thinking that my response to a driver who hassles me again will be to say that “Abusing one maskless rider a shift is one too many.”
I feel for you. I have many friends in Greece, and have been desperate to get back there to see them, especially since one dear friend died last year. BUT there is a danger I would be arrested if I saw a three year old in a mask. Furthermore, in one village we have two friends who are primary teachers (daskali). They are terrified of the virus, even though last time I looked nobody had died in their province, or any of the neighbouring provinces. They support forcing little children to wear masks all day. How to deal with this? Visit for a day, hope it doesn’t come up in conversation, then run for it? Most of our friends are in another village, very intelligent, tend to be more cynical about received narratives, voted NO in the referendum, and there is a good chance there might be some sceptics. Still, maybe just as well it’s impossible to visit.
Update: The Leipzig rally has just been banned„verboten, police are using kettle tactics, Scuffles are breaking out!
People are shouting, „clear the street -we are marching on“
What was the alleged reason for the Auflösung? Did anybody get hurt?
Boris Reitschuster, a German-Russian journalist, who reported the rally in Leipzig for six hours was hit over the head with a waterbottle thrown by a person in black apparel …He was dizzy but he kept on filming.
The pretext for the police to dissolve today´s anti-Corona rally, as any anti-Corona rally for that matter (this does not apply to morally good rallies as BLM, as they are imune from Covid-19) is the impossibility for people to follow absurd Corona regulations to the letter, amidst a packed crowd where they have to stand at exactly 1,5 meter distance from each other.
When all of a sudden Antifa or agents provocateurs pop up the crowd gets kvetched and there you have the dialectic “Auflösung” of the politically incorrect rally.
Thanks for letting us know about this.
I live in Germany too. I stopped going to the Querdenken demos because I can’t stand those people every 5 minutes telling everyone to muzzle up and keep distance so that we look nice and meek in the pictures, blah blah. I was so thrilled to see the images from Leipzig. Hope you’re all ok.
On the other hand … If you happen to be in the supply chain of plastics manufacturing, or happen to own shares in plastics commodities, you can breathe excellent profits into your portfolio. For a while…
“More technology is not a practical solution for having too much technology…”
An interesting article I viewed yesterday by a statistician regarding the so called pandemic,
that blew my mind.
That’s David Martin, star of Plandemic, the very popular doc by Mikki Willis. He’s a smart guy but he sees things from within the Rockefeller health care viewpoint. He buys the concept of ‘virus’. I don’t think he buys the idea of a covid 19 pandemic however. David knows some stuff about the major hoaxsters and it is really important to hear from him about it all. His recent discussion with Robert Kennedy was an eye-opener. Gavin Newsom, it turns out, is a real gangster. I think that most politicians are mind you. But he shows us how Newsom is taking money from vaccine makers who want him to lock down citizens in order to convince them that there’s a killer virus that only vaccines can protect them from.
“What happened to all those who cared about our environmental crises? That of climate change, biodiversity and ocean pollution?”
People get very excited about those causes. Until, that is, they clash with their own creature comforts. At that point, enthusiasm tends to wane rapidly.
And when people are concerned for their own health – well, all consideration for anything (and everyone) else goes straight out the window.
They should still care. But lets remember that in this perverted system of things, money means life. For real.
Brave people are taking to the streets in Leipzig and at 27 different places in the city and in other cities in Germany today to protest anti-covid restrictions
They have to obey absurd COVID restriction-rules, Police are about to ‘kettle’-tackle activists
Thanks for reporting this. We won’t know about it unless somebody does.
Video removed …
Is this legit?
Formally submitted evidence on how to subvert human rights law to mandate the vax
“Our submission pertains to compulsory Covid-19 vaccination: a requirement on individuals to undergo vaccination as a condition of release from pandemic-related restrictions on liberty, including movement and association.”
That is a scary document! So if you refuse, they get you under the Mental Health Act?
Fraudian currently trumpeting “Poland sees record 27,875 cases”.
2+7=9. 8+7=15 then 1+5+5=11 (or alternatively 7+5=12 and 8+1+2 also equals 11).
Yep, it’s another 9/11 marker.
Oh dear oh dear – another one bites the dust.
Just consider – in terms of daily air pollution – from the annual agricultural burning across Asia into the Pacific , to the destruction of the Amazon and the sugar cane crops.
From the daily petrochemical exhausts and industrial fumes that choke the largest cities and the smallest valley villages.
And then yummy mummies and aupairs pushing super designer buggies down pavements at exhaust height WITHOUT any attempt to filter the polluted air their little darlings breathe!
What about that Cory is that ok?
Would you recommend any kind of remedial action to protect these young lungs and brains?
It is pretty simple. People are dieing becuase of lockdowns and masks and injections and what ever else claims of a pathogenic virus so all of it is murder or manslaughter down to the shop keeper putting up a sign telling to wear masks. They are commiting murder simply by putting such signs up or barking at people telling them to wear a mask. The journalist claiming there is a lockdown is commiting murder and everyone involved is a murderer. this seems to me accurate to say and accusing them of murder is the truth they need to here that might make them stop. it is murder because we have evidence of deaths caused by the lockdown such as the spike caused and we evidence of suicides and we have evidence that all this will make people sick. it is all murder designed to attempt plausible deniability that is was murder but it is murder.
Calling a teacher, who does nothing to stop children wearing masks on the school premises, must be called out for what he/she is. A child abuser.
Take any organism & restrict its environment sufficiently and observe.
Experience will eventually train you to comprehend the outcome of each restriction.
It is a no-brainer that Global Lockdown restrictions will cause untold economic misery and countless millions of deaths.
They literally used a method for human devastation to counter a cold.
A main issue basically is that the majority of doctors and especially of GPs are happily sending all their patients to hospital saying they have covid. Given there is no such disease as yet identified, they are basically sending everyone coming in with the slightest cold and fever either on no other basis or on the basis of tests that cannot in any way indicate anything about an unidentified disease. I know that GPs in France are doing this because mine told me she was overwhelmed with tons of people she is sending to hospital, which are now getting full of people with usual autumn/winter diseases, which normally people recover from at home. Furthermore in a hospital which is full of all sorts of bacterial infections, these people admitted in a weak condition, likely get worse. This is worsened by wrong treatment and in French hospitals with possibly 24hrs mask wearing by patients who are inhaling back the germs their bodies are trying to get rid of.
Thus you create a pandemic artificially when there is none in effect.
So to return to the basic point I wanted to make: problem is GPs. Either like in my line of science they are mainly mediocrities, or else they are totally corrupt. I read somewhere (but havent checked this) that in France GPs are getting some 20 or 30 E per patient that they say have covid (test positive?). I was aware of corruption, but was not aware that the GP round the corner was corrupt. In fact a French GP recognized publicly he is labelling everyone with flu as having covid. My GP was very good some 20 years ago. But then she bought this luxurious house and her husband who used to be a high earner had all his savings stolen by someone. Since then she changed: she became money oriented, while when I was younger she used to want me to specialize in epidemiology to connect various harmful things with the agrobusiness and big pharma. She used to fight against the State’s increasing degradation of medical help and fight for her patients. She gradually changed
and maybe she is doing the covid thing for money. Before she used to always say, grin and bear it if something could be resolved without medicine, and always was one to say it was all fine and there was no need of anything. Yesterday what she said on the phone was quite different. I should add my GP is a devoted Christian, not a dogmatic one, but represents the best of Christianity.
GPs and medical staff are having a field day: people who might have lost all interest in their work, and frustrated with not earning enough, who only went into medicine for money and status, who have been trained to be like car mechanics where patients are numbers with parts of bodies considered separately, have become sadists and enjoying the power of death over everyone. For they are killing people in droves when medicine is about saving people. We can blame the deep state as much as we like, but they are at best a few 1000s in the world. (those who have planned this and must be having an extremely good laugh: just think torturing 7 billion, who are happily complying and asking for more). And if they being able to torture7 billion people it is thanks to doctors,
The allopaths are very dangerous. People are making a huge mistake going to them with a cold and thinking they know about health. They know nothing about health only “diseases” that don’t even exist. Maybe if you have a broken arm but for the most part they should be avoided. Dr Morse says everybody needs a good and flu like symptom. This is detox and necessary where as the medical doctors try to suppress it.
What is your line of science, if I may ask?
Its maths/physics (but from the other place, you will understand I think!).
Did you also study some science subject?
Was heading for physics/engineering, but couldn’t cut it in real science, so ended up in computing/IT. 🙂 (Always worked in science/engineering organisations though; I was the “drummer” to their “rock musicians”… 😉 )
The responsibility extends far beyond GPs to the governents serving their masters. The thrust of the grand plan is (a) depopulation (b) destruction of the economy to resolve unpayable debts, exactly as Karl Marx said.
I agree, but without the GPs on board, they couldnt have invented a pandemic, and the majority would have disbelieved such a narrative if their GPs had been against it, however much governments and their masters had tried.
All those parents who are putting masks on their children are assigning them to a life of ills and underdevelopment.
I wonder if 30% of the worlds population will satisfy the NWO genocide?
When the government in England introduced lockdown measures on 23 March 2020, it claimed that it was motivated by a concern to save lives and the its policies were determined by the science. This has remained the government’s explicit rationale for all the constantly changing rules. Yet even the most cursory examination shows the assertion to be false. Measures have been introduced without any attempt to assess the negative effects. Measures have been presented as been based on scientific evidence, which turns out to be non-existent. When one examines the behaviour of the government, its claim to be concerned to save lives by following the science immediately collapses.https://viewsandstories.blogspot.com/2020/11/coronavirus-responses-examination-of.html
Yet Starmer and Labour all voted for Boris’ 2nd lockdown, regardless of how this will damage or even ruin the lives and livelihoods of millions of working class Brits. Labour ‘Opposition’ appears to mean demanding more of what Boris is doing, but faster. Even 37 Tories voted against Boris and his madness, while Labour’s concern about saving lives has yet to appear.
There is no opposition in this country anymore you cannot get a fag paper between them maybe this was the real reason Corbyn had to go.
I think you will find it was thirty-four Conservative MPs who voted against the second lockdown (with more abstaining).
Respectfully you don’t do Cory any favors having a photo of a man in the picture i thought it was Cory to only find out he’s a she and that photo aint Cory
unless Cory is a shim
Good one
Thanks for the video
A new age Stockholm syndrome in which terrorized people are turning into masked zombies grieving to get jabbed with untested drugs and supposed vaccines made by the same people and companies which fabricated the virus in the first place in their so called “gain of functions laboratories”, is a reality which I never aspected to come true.
Though The most disturbing thing to me is the fact that no one is questioning the fact that deadly viruses and pathogens (including cv19) are being manufactured tested on the population, patented and sold despite the fact that they are Weapons of mass destruction of which use and development outlawed by international law since ww2 and that even after this so called pandemic not one politician as done anything to close down this so called laboratories or to make those responsible for the previous outbreak pay for their crimes.
In fact, as you can read in the linked article, they are still collecting dna samples for the development of what they call ethnic weapons designed to kill or make sick targeted ethnicities.
Ethnic Bioweapons
US bioweapons
There is no scientifically valid proof that what is described as “viruses” are pathogens that can be transmitted from person to person, and “replicate” and travel around in “asymptomatic hosts”. It’s all scientifc fraud and hocus pocus to make people dependent on the phrarmaceutical industry and alter their genetic makeup with vaccines.
That is just an other reason why patent or copyright for medicine should be outlaw.
Medicine are meant to be for curing people, not for making business.
What is needed is a new law which protects people from the predatory practices of pigpharma!
Thank you Dr Frank Ruppert, Brilliante Analyse und Kommentar absolut ueberfluessig! And thanks Cory Morningstar for posting it!
Someone should tell the writer that half a billion is the same as 500 million. And is the “non-woven” filter later really fibre or just perforated plastic?
Ask youself why research and concern with plastic contaminating the body only arose in the last few years, after about 6-7 decades of widespread usage.
Non-woven means a bunch of fibers pressed together with just enough heat so they stick and form a breathable sheet, not perforated plastic. The rest of your comment is disposable.
FIRST NIGHT OF LOCKDOWNS IN LONDON PROTESTS- 190 arrests, not reported, thousands, tens of thousands in the streets? helicopters, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSAlLGwNhu4 (go to about 3:30 if you are in a hurry)
EARWITNESS: Postmaster is Backdating Ballots In PA/ 47 MI Counties Used Faulty Counting Software/ “Complete Lawlessness” in PA Defying Court Order/ “Trump Accountability Project” Wants Vengence On Supporters/ Watch Censored Antifa Film Watch the Antifa film – footage of them trained in Syria shown- that story was true!
I live in New Mexico USA where our psychopath governor mandates masks. What is the best healthiest mask material? I would like to find something that looks acceptable but is super easy to breathe through and non toxic.
Are there provisions in the New Mexico Constitution that allow the removal of Governors due to mental illness, abusing the powers of their office or violating the US Bill of Rights and Civil Liberties?
Ha ha ha (no)
Well then, it will have to be on to Plan B then.
oooooh… go on
“Ladies first.”
They are definitely severely mentally ill and not fit for office. most of the doctors in particular are completely insane yet these are the ones being looked up to as “experts” and driving everyone else off a cliff.
Just wear a cotton mesh grocery tote. They don’t have uniform mask mandates in place anywhere. No one will say anything. I’ve gone to a couple of places that have you sign in for contract tracing. I just sign ‘Horace Rumpole’.,,no one says a thing. This will all end soon with the ID injection and all of that. Their plan is to wear everyone down to the point hat they will accept anything.
buy organic cotton see through mesh (as light as possible.. breathe easy)… have anyone sew it into a nurse mask… DON’T wash it with mainstream brand laundry detergent, I use formaldehyde free dish soap (Atitude)… and TSP (very little)… rince like hell in hot water… hang dry
I can spit a mosquito through mine at 6 feet… No bus driver knows the better
organic cheesecloth would be perfect, actually
Yeah… show our cynicism as a statement… get me the scientific paper bus driver/store clerk… that’s the whole point you see… call the police… make sure they bring the scientific paper
steampunk ppl like aluminum flyscreen cut to size
Check these out, looks perfect!
What is the definition of a face mask as defined by your government or local authority?
I use a piece of panty-hose as mask by way of protest. It clearly does not stop the (non-existing) virus, but nobody says anything. It breathes easier than the regular masks, but whether this material – nylon I guess – also sheds microfibers I don’t know. And it does not look acceptable, but I look at least like a meek rebel…
by using a piece of panty-hose you are still using a “face covering” thus you still comply with governemnt rules. That’s why nobody says anything. Because you do comply. It’s not a sign of protest
educate your self about exempts they do not have to be medical to get them either
No exemptions. Without a mask, I am not allowed in stores. Stores now have mask bouncers at the front. Even the local bird food store has a bouncer at the front to enforce the mask mandate.
Epstein’s New Mexico connection has been flushed down the memory hole. In fact, everything connected to Epstein except Prince Andrew has been flushed down the memory hole.
The memory hole, is the end of paranoia democratic man’s arse, so the stuff inside his bowels went into the sour, where it belongs.
A really bushy mustache?
My boss is pretty nice guy on the surface, but he is a cake eater. Every video meeting he is cramming the whole bullshit narrative down our throats ; constantly saying that masks are the only proven way to prevent the spread of COVAIDS. He also has a Fauci bobble head doll in his home office which he has shown us in several meetings. He is smart and a very cordial person who has risen to the top of the corporation. He is exactly the type of person that allows this enslavement to continue and I’d like to beat his ass and make him digest every bit of material I have read over the last twenty five years then set his Fauci doll on fire. He is the problem.
It does not make any sense why anyone would buy into this scam. It is only going to cost them, big time. Go figure.
People who climb to the top of the corporate ladder, make a lot of money, etc. are often times the biggest dip shits on the planet and the last people that should be running anything. Yet there they are. On the top of the heap, gleefully dishing out misery on the rest of us – wittingly or not.
“My friend Slats Grobnik informs me your boss may need a new set of tires for his car and not realize it. Being a good Samaritan help him along to realize it. Of course, being modest, there is no need to tell him that you helped him. One other thing, Slats says check for any pesky and obtrusive cameras. Good luck in your good deed doing.”
Psychopaths love opportunities to impose control especially a righteous power and a way to exercise a fake concern for humanity.
That’s an amazing yet simple statement that holds so much truth.
Life is pretty simple and amazing at the same time, most of the time.
Too much dialogue and monologues can really beat around the bush and not see it for what it really is.
There’s nearly an arrogance to think the formula being used against humanity is very complex than rather it’s possible to be very simple indeed.
Because of we are being fooled, it has to the modern sophisticated minds very complex, as our egos would not live with being decieved with ease.
Unfortunately it’s not. Biden getting elected president after 47 years of ineptitude proves beyond doubt that those people who consistently push the narrative of the day will always find a way to climb the ladder.
I suppose I must repeat the dreary disclaimer about not being a Trump fan, etc.
I do so before noting that I wish you’d put ironic aka scare quotes around “elected”. FWIW, I think I’d be OK with “kicked upstairs”.
He… wants to keep his job and now has a way that doesn’t require actual competence…. Anyone higher up looking at results and he’s cooked
burn it in front of him. However no matter what, your story still seems like it stars Steve Carroll
said with a : ) btw
Glad to see you got rid of that awful dress
Maybe you can use the “kill him with kindness” approach on your boss instead.
Give him a Josef Mengele bobblehead doll for Christmas! He’ll be thrilled, and his respect and regard for you will take a quantum leap upwards.
Then you’ll have his ear, and can “turn” him at your leisure.
it is a cycle. capitalism is dying. think like a scavenger.
I have already put in my order for our Family Christmas.and already ordered the food and booze and the toys and boys (our two Grandkids)
We have got racing cars, crackers, chocolates, love, turkey pigs in blankets, with melon and parma ham for starters
I thought I would go for the biggest bird going (Turkey Crown You never know how many people will turn up) – but I am planning on.
2 Grandparents (my wife and me)
2 Parents (Daddy and Mummy)
2 Grandchildren
Even in Lockdown 2.0
I don’t think we are Breaking any Laws
My wife did however ask me to buy some wood polish for The Christmas Table. We do have another table upstairs which is also wooden and fits on the end and loads of wooden chairs – and I did see the wood glue today whilst tidying up..and camping chairs in the shed.
Any port in a storm, even if its our house.
Prepare Now – if You want a Christmas Party
It ain’t going to happen unless you get off your bottom and help organise it, and buy stuff for it – like my wife and me are doing
We don’t expect anyone to do it for us, but will appreciate help in getting The Christmas Decorations up.
It’s a long way up on a ladder when you are a Grandad, and I certainly won’t let my wife go up the step ladders.
Wake Up Children. You are Being Brainwashed with Nonsense…
How many old people or anyone who has died this year 2020 YET, that You Personally Know? I don’t know anyone under the age of 90.
I am writing this as a massive warning.
Prepare For The Winter. Look After Yur Family and Friends as best You Can. Share what you have.
It is Going To Get Cold, and many people are going to get Hungry
They have lost their jobs. They will not have the money to buy food, and will be too embarrassed to ask.
…and a smart ass commenter from Quebec… I’m definitely going Tony! (sounds awesome)
I don’t (personally) know a single person (of any age) who has had so much as a sniffle from it, let alone died from it.
So many are screaming masks don’t work but they are wrong.
Masks work like a treat.
Not to protect against a virus of course because we know that is the evidence.
But when you want to train people to be compliant and to live in fear the masks are fulfilling their purpose.
Just ask Susan Michie of Sage, British Communist Party and trained behavioural psychology who recommended their use in the general population.
It has and will continue to cause great divisions in society which is again just what governments want.
Whilst everyone is arguing the pros & cons of masks, staying apart, washing their hands, obsessed on analysing ‘deaths and cases’ it diverts their attention away from what’s really going on.
Behind the eyes of the mask wearers I can see the fear, the vulnerability and the despair.
Their thoughts are telling them their mask keeps them safe, oh if only everyone wore them we can get our lives back, it’s so selfish not to wear one.
It’s like tying someone up at the foot of an anthill. It’s slow psychological torture.
What these people don’t realise is the more they comply the more they will add on.
Just ask Susan Michie of Sage, British Communist Party and trained behavioural psychology… NOT a virologist then… (they’re useless anyway)
It is a lot more sinister and direct. In 2020-09, US CDC released the results of a study from 2020-07, showing that 71% of the “positive Covid test” subjects reported wearing a cloth face mask always for 2 weeks prior to the test, and 14% reported wearing it often. That is a total of 85%. -ronpaulinstitute.org, 2020-10-28
i am not convinced of this psychology story to be honest you do not need it on the people and then a separate part of the government advising the government so it not the government it government advisors and there getting advised by who who are getting advisor by gates etc etc etc etc
that how separation of blame happen and this is old PR trick
it doesn’t matter what the intent is. we can’t read their minds and it doesn’t make any difference. the effect is seriously harmful in very many ways. that is what matters. these doctors have already been subject to these masks and annual flu ‘vaccines’, constant fear of “infection” and general continuous psychological abuse for years and are already totally insane, tramuatised, brainwashed and unfit to be leading us.
rachal Simon mytea mike jodie and i missed couple more your another on this site who has to have many different icon’s
your one for the one’s who nearly who gets it
maybe you need to do a cleanse which wil ground you a bit
Global mask wearing is part of the “I CANT BREATH” Satanic Ritual.
Very few people are talking about this – especially with all the other distractions going on.
The “I CANT BREATH” ritual is global (as is Covid1984 itself – it is a global “Respiratory” plandemic) and was begun when a few people were suffocated in public in China in late 2019 (there is footage on the internet of Chinese Police actually smothering people in the streets and throwing them into cars and vans).
The “I cant breath” ritual progressed into public conciousness with the Police killing in the US of a certain Black Man.
The global “bended knee” of submission soon followed (again Police led), as did mass rollout of compulsory / strongly recommended (breathing restricting) masks (again Police enforced).
Deep Satanic stuff going on in front of eveyone, but few have the eyes to see it (their “Eyes are Wide Shut”).
I wish more people were literate in semiotics. Then they would be able to recognize black magick when they see it done in public on a population scale.
and voting is white magic yer.>?
Not really. It is an act of asserting faith in a corrupt system.
Thomas Sheridan I’ve watched over the years and has been on fire during this madness is pretty insightful on black majick. His speciality is seeing all these signs and symbols and the acts of black majick being used. He has three channels exploring these type of esoteric and the occult
Dave cullen from computing forever has shared one his videos to his wide audience. About time too people start to soak up the knowledge on some the majick being used on them relentlessly.
Actually later in this video thomas goes through some chaos majick aspects in the current election
Dave cullen from computing forever LOL i was going to take you serious until you mention him. so guy who got radicalized via the alt right on the internet and found jesus and neocons values and is now a expert on the occult are you fuckiong kidding
He and his marketing backers re launch him via the new york time article with the above story launching him to half a million viewers usually is an induction of he has nothing decent to say.
One last important thing the same guys told you seduced you then radicalized you (ther fanbses) so go and vote!!!! the same people he said will free you are now imprisoning you and with consent to -it via your signature X in ballot beliet Box basics 101 in magic
you seem a good person dont fool for idiots who do not recommend books or even talk about the basics and sheridan TOLD his fanbase to go and vote that is not esoteric knowledge that dark magic
You get triggered by a name to have spa attack? When did I even say dave cullen is a expert on occult? I’m very suspicious of cullen even if he is a fellow Irish man
You can’t decipher words when your triggered can you?
Just a reaction rant based on purposely misinterpret to suit your prejudice
Mr/Mrs i did not attack you absolutely not nor triggered
Cullen like u.k golem Thomas Sheridan are establishment endorser aka whores
you mentioning cypher wasnt not aware
You can’t decipher words when your triggered can you? Yes
enjoy the rest of your evening
I don’t know who Dave Cullen is. My own POV is based on experience with occult matters, i.e. actual practice.
Before you dismiss me as an intellectual lightweight, please keep in mind that I’m a scientist in my day job.
I’m More Spiritual Than Yo
Your scale is wrong. The diameter of the tiny plastic fragments is 0.05 of a millimetre (50 micrometres), not 5 millimetres. 0.2 of an inch is two tenths of an inch, QUITE visible to the human eye!
“Microplastics are not a specific kind of plastic, but rather any type of plastic fragment that is less than 5 mm in length according to the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) [2][3] and the European Chemicals Agency.[4]”
Nice attempt at mansplaining though.
I never said microplastics are a specific kind of plastic. Your quote also states 5mm in LENGTH, NOT diameter. Read the original article, the sizes are correctly stated there.
As for ‘mansplaining’, you really are pathetic. Dispute facts or data but don’t resort to childish insults. Regarding your link, I’ve done some searching and references don’t agree whether they are talking about length or diameter – not the same thing at all. 5mm is NOT ‘barely visible to the naked eye’, it IS visible to the naked eye! Get a ruler and LOOK! It was a correction of incorrectly stated scale. Read the original article, it states 0.050 mm in diameter.
“Read the original article”
I did, and it says:
“Scientists define microplastics as plastic fragments less than 5 mm, or about 0.2 inches, in diameter.”
You’re confusing micro- with nanoplastics apparently.
Visibility to the eye is subjective. It doesn’t matter. Your first sentence was factually wrong.
“As for ‘mansplaining’, you really are pathetic. Dispute facts or data but don’t resort to childish insults.”
Oh I see you’ve been to the doctor… did you look at a ruler!
Have you ever had ONE science course in your life?… Ever good at math? how did you do with calculous? Logic? I want to see the results of your IQ test at this point you fucking idiot. Stop lecturing people, it’s over. You’re uncovered… you’re a fraud. Let me see those ballots. (cunt)
Dude stop commenting while drunk… you’re not funny.
Good morning! How’s everyone.
I truly apologize… for the “c” word… But I am funny. I feel a bit bad that you got two downvotes on this one though… I think some would want me to keep drinking and get to an ethylic coma and be done with it… But I feel fine. And don’t forget, speed reading is not good for logic. And in this day in age, I’m afraid we have to experiment everything on ourselves… given there’s little danger… I know, it would be great to trust experts conducting studies in a controlled environment, we can’t
no body can spell anymore either.
Masking children is child abuse. Any authority who demands it should face criminal prosecution. Why adults who are caretakers or parents allow this to happen is incomprehensible. If you cannot stand up for a child on this, you will not stand up for their well being on anything.
Dr. Fullmich showed that one of the chief architects of C19 cruelty had the goal of specifically making children feel responsible for “killing” adults in their life. Apparently this evil has been successful. Adults seem to be immune from reality and live in fear of being killed by children. Teachers are afraid to teach, hug or interact normally w/children. There is no reason for that at all. Parents are going a long with this fiction as well. It is a turning upside-down of the necessity that adults love and support children, not cruelly mistreat them.
I see children put in masks even when there is no legal obligation to do so. What kind of cowards will not make a stand for their own child, let alone masking them for no reason at all.
The party of “love, not hate” seems to like abusing children a great deal. They get even the two year olds if they know they can get a way with it. How progressive they are in their fear and cruelty. There is no love in the hearts of these people. They do not overcome hate, they embody it upon the minds, hearts and bodies of children. Of course it isn’t just the love party but much of the time it is.
These are adults who are not adults or they are simply adults who are sadists. I don’t know a way to snap them out of it.
Yes, it is a form of child abuse, and part of a larger ritual most people have missed – The “I CANT BREATH” Satanic Ritual.
This is a global ritual (as Covid1984 is a global plandemic) and was begun when a few people were suffocated in China in late 2019 (there is footage on the internet of Chinese Police smothering people in the streets).
However, the “I cant breath ritual” was under the radar to most people until it progressed into public conciousness with the Police killing in the US of a certain Black Man.
The global “bended knee” of submission soon followed (again Police led), as did mass rollout of compulsory masks where previously they were voluntary (again Police enforced).
The “lung destroying” (I cant breath) respiritory nature of Covid19 and the psychological terror of putting people on “respirators” has been ever present throughout.
Videos of Police around the World violently forcing people to wear masks added to the Trauma induced MK conditioning which has led to people voluntarily choosing to suffocate themselves (I cant breath) in homes, workplaces, in thier cars, and whilst exercising.
This “I cant Breath” ritual is deep rabbit hole stuff and not even recognised by most people – it is the “elite child abusing Satanic class” that make Epstein look like a saint who are building this to a climax.
These Satanic types who use this sort of thing the most – either as part of a ritual, part of MK programming, part of disasociation related “chanelling”, identity masking (think the movie ‘Eyes Wide Shut”), or a combination therefof.
The “I Cant Breath” ritual will become increasingly traumatic and lead to physical violence being inflicted upon people (such as forced vaccinations or Police brutality towards those who refuse to comply).
Due to the nature of the abuse we are all being subjected to, most people will “submit” and willingly accept the vaccinations when they are “commanded to by their master” – due to the trauma based conditioning of the Slave / Master (Citizen / Government) relationship and the mask wearing voluntary suffication conditioning “I cant Breath” ritual.
This stuff is so deep and so evil I will forgive people for thinking I am writing nonsence. However before writing this off I ask people to look at the ritual use of masks, masks during abuse (including S&M), masks during the history of slavery, and the infamous Trauma Based Mind Control reseach of project MK Ultra.
As always, the Satanic abusers go after the children first. Learn thier MO and learn thier rituals to stop them abusing your children.
Thank you for writing about this. I will read about it and if you have some links please put them in.
I think you make a good point about the ventilators, MK Ultra and S&M which many of the tech people love very much.
Yes, it does seem that there is a full throttle aim at children running through this whole thing. It was there right at the beginning and it appears that they want to completely control and degrade children on a scale and with a viciousness that I have not seen before. I have been shocked by this and it is one reason that it makes me so angry to see parents allow it.
Then of course, there are the members of society who have become (or maybe they already were but didn’t have the outlet) incredibly sadistic.
Thank you again for writing this.
Least of our problems. Removal of Trump, Corbyn, lockdowns, made up virus, mass propaganda, democracy vanishing, economic suicide, digital currency, etc. The Great Reset is underway. Mass vaccination is their next move. It is on this front that we as free people will stand or fall.
Hancock has just announced that mass vaccinations WILL begin before Christmas.
Sadly, and as many people have already predicted – the “testing” station infrastructure and the Nightingale Hospitals will be converted to mass vaccination centres.
GP surgeries will aslo be opened over the holiday period.
The Daily Mail On Line are currently reporting this ( 23.55 hrs 07-11-20).
This is getting very serious now.
When I’m out walking the dogs I see 2 or 3 discarded chin bras almost every day. Never having worn one I plead not guilty,
My understanding is that an increasing number of patients are seeking help for fungal, bacteriological and viral infections caused by wearing masks,
Chin bras? If you’re not a fan of “Mystery Science Theater 3000”, just plug “chinderwear” into your favorite search engine.
I took a look at the chinderwear. But this is more what I meant.
Ah, I see now.
I also see a great new opportunity for porn-star merchandising. Lusty men will, er, pay through the nose for a chance to wrap a modified genuine used pornstar bra around their muzzles!
Too bad that Christmas has been all but formally canceled this year in the UK. This would make a perfect stocking-stuffer for that randy devil Neil Ferguson.
Dems Down On Results, Pelosi.Olbermann Demands Coup/
Biden To Claim Victory Too Soon/
Factual Election Results Map/
Trump: Biden Win Is False.5 State Battlegrounds/
Why Biden Win Is Questioned/
PA Battle Spotlight/
Hawaii Halts 5G
How can you get 5 down on that one… is it you? The articles? 5G?… I don’t get it… (they’re among us)
they ARE among us..lol : ) s’okay, means I’m “over the target” when i get flak
That schools should force healthy children to wear face masks all day, seriously compromising their physical and emotional health is a crime against humanity. I had no idea there were so many fascists living among us.
No Corporate Fascists. Honest Socialism advocates Political-Economic Equality not Eugenics. The same is true with Karl Marx.
Collectivists covers it. Group over and owning the individuals comprising it, whatever other details and ideology might be present. It has to become acceptable and routine to leave the herd, as collectivism is the most oppressive and lethal feature of human society, and is now wedded to high technology and the tandem may soon be uncontrollable.
Humans are social animals. Good luck trying to convince people to go against their own nature.
You’re right. This outlook is embraced instinctively or not at all, I find. Few are persuaded to it. That said, I also find that most people are equal part slave and tyrant. Those not so I often like, and can see myself forming community with.
Collectivism is not slavery. Nor does being an independent member of a societal formation make one a slave. Slavery is a matter of possession not obligation or responsibility. Please do not characterize the former two as the latter.
PS. No person is an Island on to themselves. If one is born ones very existence in life is dependent on at least two others. Do not delude oneself about that or feel ashamed by it.
As to technology, that purportedly was meant “to set humanity free” (ease humanity’s burdens). It is unfortunate that certain unscrupulous individuals have misused it for their own selfish purposes at the expense of humanity.
Even a child understands the inherent tendency to favor individually owned property. Just try and snatch his ball away from him. He will scream “mine!”
That is not about what we are speaking. The issue is the equitable/equal apportionment of [vital] resources in a society for its [honest] well being and continuance.
True, it’s not practical or pleasant to go it alone, but one owns one’s own life, regardless of any need, want or state of being that may cause one to rely on or seek out others. Voluntary community and cooperation is not slavery, no, but collectivism, being coercive and with the group asserting its primacy and ownership, possession, of the people comprising it, surely is. Our current societal formations are not optional, however corrupt they have relentlessly proven to be. One may not opt out, and there are no mechanisms available to actually change much of anything from within. It would be surprising if there were. Opting out has to become possible.
It is all intentional.
Global mask wearing is part of the “I CANT BREATH” Satanic Ritual.
The Satanists always go after the children.
Notice how young our children are when they get thier “jabs” (mandated vaccinations)?
2 years of age at the moment and going down.
No “jabs” no school in many places.
Plans afoot for every pregnant woman to get “jabs” so the child gets it in the womb.
In a few years this will become ‘normal’ just as injecting 2 year olds is today, and wearing masks will be in a year or so.
Evil moves very slowly, and unseen by most.
Two year olds? Here in the US, newborns get vaccinated for Hepatitis B within the first hour of birth. God knows how sexually active newborns are!
The Hep B jab isn’t to protect the newborns, silly!
How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?
Ergo, the Hep B vaccination is to protect pedophiles.
It is disgusting what they are doing to this society… kill everything we love… children, family, gender rapport, professional rapport… I either weep on humanity or get drunk and let it out… We are all going to a wooden box. Can’t be sure of anything but that… The rest is superstition or speculation. We all have to decide what we are going to do until then… What can still make us happy.
wake up… these crimes are just more visible… be assured that the next time someone comes to you with a sobbing story about siblings getting ill… it’s from a crime against Humanity 99.999999% of the time
And the most aggravating thing is that this Himalayan mountain range of synthetic crap (along with the vast trauma dealt out to the vast majority) serves a purpose that is totally bogus and ultimately only goes to shore up the greed of the tiniest minority. But then that minority would sacrifice the entire universe for one square of silk toilet paper to wipe their arses on.
I use organic cotton to wipe my ass because I’m sick of the formaldehyde in toilet paper making it into a burning barely holding on group of red flesh cells, so… prior to that I flush and do what I like to call… the HAND BIDET… I’m healthy… no problem…
They wouldn’t have pulled this scam right across the world just to instigate the mail-in ballot fraud in the U.S. election ?
Nah, that’s crazy talk !
“Probably not. They do not do things for just one reason alone. Even mass murdering criminal psychopaths want to be cost effective.”
Yes I think it is… but there’s an answer in there somewhere I’m sure
8 months in and now our company has decided that face masks are mandatory from Monday. Govt. guidelines regarding exemptions accepted.
However with a number of volunteers already wearing on site it will make life very difficult. Having not worn a mask through all this it has become increasing hard now as the shops seems to be full on compliance whenever I venture in. Next few weeks will be a difficult time.
Always knew this day would come but as the quote goes ‘shit just got real’…
I feel for you. Just happened at my company last week. They gave us the option to wear a mask all day in the office or work from home. Now am feeling very lonely and depressed being at home all day.
Oh, and the exception to the “masks all day at the office” rule are the executives. They don’t have to wear masks because they have private offices where Covid can’t cross the threshold.
I’m planning to quit in January. Looking for ideas on a spectacular sendoff, I feel like flipping everybody off and flashing my bare ass on the way out will not have the same impact from home.
I enjoyed the wfh lark initially but after 7 months the joy was wearing thin. I sympathise as I it can be a lonely time if you don’t see anyone else.
I have now moved teams so need to be on site as part of a new role.I have already caused a bit of stink asking for the evidence and suggesting risk assessments for the imposition.
They have now fallen back to the govt guidelines and respecting of exemptions so I will not be wearing one. That will cause a lot of problems within the various teams especially as people have already been wearing them.
Like you I think this is the time to move on as I won’t be forced to wear one and if they sack me will go out fighting.
Good on you for pushing back, and putting them on the defensive about what they are doing. And good luck in your new role, it sounds like you might be having some interesting conversations with your co-workers.
Thanks LK. The best to you.
I want to know who’s issuing the orders for businesses, schools etc to enforce the wearing of face masks. Where does the paper trail lead?
The paper trail leads to the “Technocrats”.
They are very easy to find as they are very proud of thier “Great Work” (that is a Luciferian / Masonic term) and write all about what they intend to do before they do it.
The UN Agendas spell most of it out, but the Tri-Lateral types and “Think Tanks” really go into the detail.
This is seriously big stuff of which we are just spectators unless we pick up arms to fight it (which we wont – even those in the US who could if they had the will).
I work for a major European consortium who have links with govt agencies across jurisdictions. The memo we received was basically a govt propaganda piece one bit in particularly that referred to basically the ‘overwhelming evidence that masks prevent the spread of the virus..’ – I think that was overreach on their part which is when I started to push back but this will have come through the symbiotic relationship that corporations such as this have with govt agencies.
Exactly. But since every government around the world is pushing for masks, lockdowns, restrictions, I have to conclude that the orders are coming from outside individual countries, and are globally coordinated. All politicians are reading from the same script. So who’s printing the scripts?
I dunno, hundreds of millions of discarded face masks, all rampant with disease (as any sane person will tell you).
It really is time to let the adults back in the room.
The problem is, there’s barely any adults left.
Imagine if we were giants ! Giants with masks on ! Mink now cats soon.Paz.
If I want to wear a diaper (nappy to you Brits), I’ll buy a box of Depends.
I don’t think you ment “want”… Need is what you want or need here…
Don’t blame me. Never worn one of those damn things.
we’re not blaming you David… you don’t have a job do you.
Your on a bit of a tear tonight Theo, did you break into Ma-ma’s cooking sherry?
I… got none of that… but go fuck yourself just in case
Time to go back to trolling school for a refresher course, your work is subpar.
I really don’t know what they would be hiring me for, but if I get a check I’ll keep it
+13 to -6 that means I WIN.
Yes you do… you do win. Enjoy. You got to admit I helped you
Ok I got it… yes very demeaning in many cheap ways…
I saw 5 (five) discarded masks on the road today on my way to get fuel.They were still there on my way back.Only a 20 (twenty) minute journey.There was an extra 1 (one) on the way back making 6 (six).
It reminded me about the start of the apocalypse when we also had to wear gloves.Shitloads in the roads.We live in the mountains of Spain.Blue rubbish everywhere.Paz.
when i first saw them thrown dropped on roads parks alley way i honestly thought they looked like sanitary towels
you’re the sanitary towel of literature babe
milkshake ow dear theobalt drunk to much and got weird or is he one of thsoes werido anyway
what did mummy tell you about drunk emailing texting. your get into trouble again and have another injunction taken-out they cant place you on another register your already on it love
why do you hate ponctuation… anyway… I don’t live here… I’m not really being “placed”. This is virtual… It’s just that I consider your disregard for proper syntax as a constant defiance, a lack of respect to your readers and therefore I treat you as hostile… That’s what you get… And probably what you’re looking for.
people are stupid
“Microplastics are less than 5 millimeters in diameter….barely visible to the human eye” ???? Surely there’s some mistake here. Even with my glasses of I could see that across the street, well half way then.
Lol… micrometer I suppose. Do they ever go back to correct their articles here?.. there’s a few adjustment needed here, as well as others..
No mistake. Any plastic smaller than 5 mm is considered a microplastic.
Smaller than a microcomputer.
I like “smarter” than a microcomputer..
Dear? Look on a ruler… anybody can see a 5mm diameter cylinder, I assure you. Really?
that’s bigger than a spaghetti for Cr…
I don’t care about anyone’s sight. This is the official definition of microplastic. Sorry if it offends you.
It offends my brain, cunt
Well I’m sorry for your brain then
btw: more problems with testing
More Troublesome Testing: FDA Issues Warning About Potential for False Positive Results with Rapid Detection Antigen Testing
check out the stats for false positives based on prevalence in the community
I am just too stupid to keep up with the experts. Must be my aging synapses. I can hear them backfire at night. In 1980 when I was in my mid-30s, testing positive for antibodies against a pathogen was a strong indication that one had immunity. Then along came Fauci, Robert Gallo, HIV, and AIDS, and suddenly this was turned on its head, and testing positive for HIV antibodies suddenly meant that it was time to see your lawyer and go over your will. Run, don’t walk.
But that is nothing compared to today regarding vaccines. Since for an unexplained reason the vaccine giants do not want to test for efficacy by doing stage 3 testing for an injected group versus a control that was not. How many got the dreaded disease in each group over the next year. No, it’s so much easier to test for antibodies. If the vaccine produces antibodies then it is efficacious by definition. Then Mr. Jones or Mr. Johnson says you must get an antibody test since the fake PCR test takes too long. If you have antibodies (from the vaccine perhaps) then you should be either put in quarantine or exterminated with a ventilator. Please help me understand. I am absolutely certain that these experts regard my welfare as their top priority.
Hi El Gallinazo;
the latest I had seen, read and posted at my place is they are “lowering the bar” on the vaccine. All it had to do was allegedly reduce the severity of symptoms.
From what I read the wider testing will come on the general population once the vaccines are distributed. They will guinea pig the masses
” I am absolutely certain that these experts regard my welfare as their top priority.”
tongue in cheek right?
I never disclose when I write in the sardonic mood.
But to the body of your post, and yes I have read that also. If an previously asymptomatic person becomes euphoric after the injection, does that give a plus 1 to their efficacy? Sort of like negative interest rates?
“If an previously asymptomatic person becomes euphoric after the injection, does that give a plus 1 to their efficacy? Sort of like negative interest rates?”
I could easily imagine that any advantage to promote the vaccine “efficacy” is alright by the experts. Euphoria.
Cleared up acne. Reduced hiccups. Etc.,
maybe a person from this platform (a sound one) would get euphoria about not dropping dead… a temporary consolation…
Almost by definition, if something makes you euphoric – as opposed to stupified by a narcotic – then it is illegal unless you are one of the elite. That covers cannabis too.
Can you get autism at 50? Let’s find out
Tongue in cheek.. did you really have to ask 🙂
Babies and children must be given ever more vaccinations. There is a good chance that they – and their guardians – become lifelong victims.
Great research on that blog Penny
I shall bookmark and frequent there
thanks Arsebiscuits- I certainly try to do my due dilligence.
Actually, no that is not what it means. It means that 30% of individuals happened to contain the DNA sequence that the scientists have simply decided is an indicator for the presence of the speculated novel coronavirus, which was never isolated and shown to be a pathogen by infecting another human or animal with it.
the fact that the wise advice given on children’s behalf indicates to me- the truth- the reality- that the intent is to harm children en masse
as for the microplastics… this a particular peeve on mine because the plastics are known endocrine disruptors- which means yes they screw with your hormones and lead to all sorts of dis ease-
inhaling the toxic polypropolene from the masks will accumulate in the body
endocrine disrupting chemicals have been linked to breast and prostate cancer and so many other diseases- too numerous to mention- as I’d written back in July
A Pandemic of Plastic Petrochemical Endocrine Disruptors- The Ends Don’t Justify the Means
Plastic People & The Toxic Body Pandemic: The Chemical Manipulation of Humanity
But you are not distinguishing between good and bad endocrine disruptors. For example, making men more muscular, fertile, protective of their families, and assertive is bad. Giving men size B breasts and making them more socially adaptive is good. We all have to get with the program. Our experts are making sure that all endocrine disruption is in the right direction.
I consider endocrine disruption a a negative because it alters from the norm the function of the endocrine system. (In men and women)
Giving men B and C size breasts while shrinking their testicles is not conducive to positive male attributes.
Making men ‘socially adaptive’ aka feminized and less aggressive is very good for the elites classes of a$$es. The “soy boys” will surely not challenge those in charge. So, yah, it’s beneficial to have a bunch of soy boys around. (anti authoritarian)
The added benefit to the elites is that endocrine disruptors mess up normal reproductive health in both and women- less ‘useless eaters’ to have around sucking up resources that belong to the uber elite wealthy classes.
This is why we never hear or read much about this issue- one that is a top environmental concern. Instead we get Greeda Thunberg and the bad carbon lie.
PS: You are funny (humour) in a good way 🙂
Bot… (sight) I forgot what I wanted to say
Oh, leave her alone…
Lol. This man has a great sense of humour.
I agree. I suspect the intent is to cause harm, en masse. So far, there’s only one single Canadian teacher I’ve heard of who’s had the guts to call out face masks for children as the barbarity it is. What does that say about the profession.
Hey Jay;
don’t get me started on the edu indoctrination system- lol
Bertrand Russell
Education… makes people respect the status quo and capable of understanding propaganda… – Prof. Bertrand Russell, 1935
As well we can recycle the part PCB plastic bottles into fleece clothing to rub on our skin and inhale lint particles from. Almost as good as the dioxin from bleached (white) cellulose (paper) products!
As dioxin is not water based, and too small for your kidneys to screen, one can only lactate or ejaculate it out of body. (Or store it in fat?)
Bleached paper, as in tampons(toxic shock syndrome), cigarettes, bleached coffee filters, etc.
All above are memory from my last century pre hermit environmentalist days.
“Truth exists, only lies are invented”, thanks Penny.
Bleached facial tissue is also lovely.
In all the hoopla over microplastics, no one seems to mention the single greatest source of them: the climate engineering that’s going on 24/7 around the world.
Microplastics and other polymers are used to help stabilize the heavy metals used in solar reduction management in order to keep them airborne a bit longer before they settle back to the ground and we all breathe them in.
All of which – masks, lockdowns, climate engineering (you name it) – just goes to prove: there is no escape when the insane are allowed to rule over the rest of us. But then the fact that we let them rule us makes it look like we, too, are insane. Like attracts like.
Try to look at the upside: better fatbergs through PPE chemistry!
From my local news today:
They have the cajones to tell us directly what they are doing. Does anyone know what “respiratory virus surveillance” entails?
At least he had the honesty to say that this is in his mind, lol
If you test positive it’s definitely Covid (despite all of the false positives) and if you test negative, well, it’s still Covid. Makes sense. Everything else has been cured by Covid.
Too bad the article didn’t give a shout-out to the medical school that birthed Fast Eddie.
I don’t know exactly what kind of “respiratory virus surveillance” this medical genius is conducting, but I can most assuredly inform you of what it entails: in accordance with the overall Megadeath Virus of Doom narrative’s medical and public-health praxis, it entails making shit up.
First good laugh of the day, Ort. Thanks.
I looked him up just to see his gross lying face: he went to St. Louis University and did residency at University of Colorado. He is a member of the Infectious Diseases Society of America which has their own propaganda site committed to Covid, HIV, etc. so I’m sure he is stewing in a pot of like-minded tools.
While driving home last night (from an illegal gathering with someone outside my household), I drove by a billboard on our interstate that boldly proclaims “Covid-19 is Real.” For them to post such a message tells me that there must be a large group of people here who stubbornly refuse to believe it.
Please, take a high res photo of it if you can, it’d be marvellous for an upcoming piece I’m sure. 🙂 A2
Ok will post here if I get it!
You’d better hurry! By now, the billboard may read:
Biden Definitely and Indisputably Elected President!
Respiratory surveillance is defined in my authoritative dictionary as horny, male Ph.D.’s checking out the hooters of passing females. Exceedingly scientific.
Second good laugh of the day, el gallinazo. Thanks.
At least they haven’t had their endocrines disrupted. There is a cloud in every silver lining.
Lol. I hope you are right.
FACE MASKS are awesome.
And “GREEN” ELECTRIC CAR MASKS will be even better.
Even Elon Musk is already planning to sell a car with one…
That’s one of those masks with a copper mesh that heats the air!!
I thought Tesla cars come with infinite supplies of hot air, provided by Elon himself.
Of course this New Green Tesla must be equipped with air-heating copper mesh. This is Musk’s breakthrough marketing strategy in action; he expects that the bulk of the sales will be to Mars colonists who need all the extra heat they can get!
Musk’s grandfather is worth looking into.
Yes, president of the Canadian Technocracy Society for decades.
Instead of doing fake PCR tests on the body public, those resources should be used to do full mandatory genome tests on all the top politicians, CEOs. central banksters, and all members of the Davos WEF and the Tavistock Institute. I’ll take 10 to one odds that Zuckerberg has a multitude of strange, non-typically human genes, just for one example. Just look at him.
But back to the copper face masks – they are redundant. When the huge bank of lithium ion batteries in your Tesla explodes, they are guaranteed to immolate all the cv-1984 viruses.
looks more like a codpiece.
loaded in 5G… harmless 5G that is
The Guardian wrote that independent scientists said it’s harmless, OK?
With lots more electric cars on the road we can look forward to lots more power stations, which will sort of defeat the object.
Elon Mask, shurely?
Let’s say it how it is. Morons wear masks. People who dont care about their health and their freedom wear masks.
Well I have to be a little more forgiving as my wife wears a mask and believes most of the bullshit despite going berserk from my constant, uncontrollable smirking. For me, it’s like the poor Roman soldiers in The Life of Brian when confronted with Biggus Dickus.
But she is a very generous, loving, goodhearted person, and in most respects, far from a moron. But she has a strong tendency to be fearful and is easily manipulated and gullible. Furthermore, she has a strong tendency toward left wing ideology, though she did accompany me to the Anarchopulco, but hung out on the beach while I was in presentations. I have reached the point where I will not discuss the stuff which we do here. I just tell her that she lives in a post-fact, faith based universe and discussions, like resistance, is futile. She then calls me an arrogant know-it-all. People like this are usually not evil, just mind controlled by the state from leaving the birth canal, and slower to break out than some of us.
Going berserk from my constant, uncontrollable smirking. Haha.
A little harsh from me perhaps. I’d maybe say it’s a moronic act, instead of writing them off as morons. Even good people can do moronic things.
The amount of brain re-wiring we have to go through in this day in age. I gave up, but I hope you’re happy.
Or people with a gun on their head like me
We all will have “guns at our heads,” quite literally where ever we reside on this planet. This is a global coup d’tat using the fear of a fake virus to bring us into a hyper Orwellian, neofeudal dystopia. Humanity is falling for this BS and I am not happy about the odds of reversing it. If the Creator should appear and offer me a biological reset to the age of 25, no other strings attached, I would probably turn down the offer. Am I happy about this? What do you think?
Imagine that… My mother feels the same, and even I…
I think “global coup d’etat” is actually a gross understatement.
This isn’t a matter of mere political realignment or succession. This is the wholesale domestication of the human species, by Something else entirely.
Well, it is a de facto coup d’etat but designed to bring in a Luciferian horror to the entire planet. It is no secret that the top elitists (I despise the term elites as they are lower than pond scum – nothing elite there) are practicing Luciferians and are big on ritual child sacrifice. I often wonder what the cut odd 25 minutes of Kubrick’s Eyes Wide Shut would have revealed. After staging the Apollo moon landing, Kubrick had a lifetime deal for final cut decisions but he conveniently died 6 days after showing his final cut to the WB executives abrogating the agreement with WB.
They say that the Devil’s greatest deception has been to convince all the NY Times reading constituency that it does not exist. And evangelical bible thumping fundamentalists have muddied the water for more thoughtful truth seekers. I tend to lean toward the Nag Hammadi Gnostics in Egypt of the early Christian era circa 200 AD. The top malevolent multidimensional banana in their lexicon was referred to as the Demiurge, or sometimes on a more chummy basis, Yaldabaoth. I also lean towards the idea that they are in charge of the recycling center and give you a nice memory wipe on the way down the chute into your new baby’s body into this lunatic asylum. I think that the universe is benign as is the ultimate Creator, and these are just interdimensional thugs that have taken over our solar system. There may be a way to escape into the greater universe immediately after passing over, and I intend to give it my best shot. First rule is to avoid the tunnel. Second rule is to ignore all the grandly luminous beings that suggest you enter it.
Putting aside the metaphysical possibilities, the Plan for this World has come fully into view. Humanity will be collectivized in an electro-mechanical control grid and jacked into a global Hive Mind, operated by a wireless electromagnetic field (a “Sky-Net,” if you will). Once irreversibly linked to the Hive, the Herd will be enslaved to a Superintelligent Will that is Machine in nature, but that serves the purpose of Something else. I don’t know what the bio-slaves will be tasked to do in the final equation, but at the very least they will be building and maintaining the surveillance apparatus itself.
Like that poster of the ballerina saying, “She is going to be a drone maintenance technician. She just doesn’t know it yet.”
Agree with almost all that you wrote. The Matrix got it right symbolically. They feed on our emotional energy which is scalar. Humans are super powerful emitters. Because they are degenerate, they can only utilize the lowest frequencies of pain, hate, fear, and anger. People think this idea is strange. I then ask them, why are most leaves green. They don’t have a clue. Then they ask me if I know. There are two types of chlorophyll, A and B. One absorbs photons in the red and the other in the blue. The green in the middle is reflected as useless, so that is why we see the green color. The absorbance of energy of all beings depends on their frequencies of development.
Very cool refresher on chlorophyll.
But I don’t think the Machine wants anything mystical, intangible or even mysterious from the Herd. It wants our bodies. Our minds are in the way, and that’s what Musk’s pig-chips are for.
Once the bio-slaves are pig-chipped and fully piloted by the Sky-Net, the Machine will have nice, self-healing, self-replicating meat-puppets with handy opposable thumbs to act as its Earthly vessels. To build out Its electro-mechanical corpus. To act as Its eyes, ears, arms and feet. To build the launch pad for Its evil seed to seek out the next conquest.
I tend to disagree with your conclusion. The deep black projects are at least 50-100 years ahead of what they have permitted to be rolled out to the public to see or to use. Yet full robots are replacing humans at an accelerating pace for just about everything, and it’s starting in warfare itself. Admittedly there has been a very successful genetically enhanced super soldier program, but will this outshine the advances in robotics? I still lean toward the belief, as Charles Fort enigmatically expressed near the end of his life, “I believe we are being farmed.” Farmed for non-human owners actual “nutrition” which robots can never duplicate. In occult circles this energy form is called “loosh” and like photons, has a wide frequency scale.
Never heard of it.
Based on what, exactly? Your gnostic scrolls, again?
Name one area. Simply untrue.
No there hasn’t. You watch too many movies.
Yes. Farmed for slavery.
Gimme a break. Totally made-up nonsense.
I have better things to do with my few remaining years than the Herculean task of educating you to the current realities of this planet. You must live in a bubble. Disagree with me all you want. BTW I find “Fact Checker” to be exceedingly arrogant and the term itself has fallen into total disrepute, and for good reason.