Keir? Hardly.

Under their new leadership Labour is no longer a home for free speech.

W Stephen Gilbert

I don’t propose here and now to address the merits or otherwise of the Equality and Human Rights Commission’s Investigation into antisemitism in the Labour Party. I am a member of the party and to do so in any objective or critical way would court immediate suspension from the party.

I prefer to cease my membership at a time of my own choosing.

It is impossible to write or say anything as a party member on the subject of antisemitism, unless it is a blanket condemnation of the party under Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership and/or a wholesale acceptance of the EHRC findings.

In fact the EHRC report invokes Articles 10 and 11 of the European Convention of Human Rights and affirms that “Article 10 will protect Labour Party members who … express their opinions on internal Party matters, such as the scale of antisemitism within the Party, based on their own experience and within the law”.

Sir Keir Starmer evinces no sympathy with this proviso. In his fury to stamp the legend of “new leadership” on the party, he allows no nuance.

But the fact that discussion by members of a report by an outside agency is verboten is a separate issue and, so far as I can judge, comment on this is not deemed to be a capital offence, at least at the time of writing. In any case, Starmer’s conduct of his office can hardly be beyond question for party members.

After all, from the moment of his election as leader, Jeremy Corbyn was confronted by a wall of dissent, dispute and disdain, especially within the parliamentary party. There were several cack-handed attempts to unseat him. A brilliant surprise victory at the 2017 election was snatched away from the party by a disorganised campaign of undermining, as was vividly illustrated in David Modell’s documentary Labour – The Summer That Changed Everything [BBC 2017]. The defining characteristic of Corbyn’s leadership was that it was virulently opposed within the PLP for its duration.

Corbyn lacked the temperament and the instincts decisively to quell this dissent for a very simple reason. He is a convinced democrat. One might argue that democracy takes priority over socialism in his political makeup. His attitude to democracy was summed up by his mentor, Tony Benn, in 1981:

It is not possible to conceive of a socialist society with any future that denies political democracy, nor is it conceivable that real political democracy could fail to lead to greater social equality and socialism Arguments for Democracy, Jonathan Cape

Compare and contrast Boris Johnson’s ruthless ridding of the pro-EU MPs from the Tory party as soon as he had an election to win.

Had the social democrats in the PLP been willing to serve in the shadow cabinet alongside the socialists, Corbyn would have led a broad-church opposition into the elections of both 2017 and 2019. Instead, a number of them declined to serve from the moment of Corbyn’s election and the remainder quit the shadow cabinet in the “chicken coup” of June 2016 that led to the (for them) calamitous challenge for the leadership by the patently inadequate Owen Smith.

Through all of this, it was open season for backbenchers to attack Corbyn in any way they chose, and the attacks increased as the centrists and right-wingers were concentrated on the backbenches, and issues like the allegations of antisemitism gave these malcontents a focus around which to coalesce.

Starmer saw all this at close quarters, remaining in the shadow cabinet in order to keep pro-EU politics in the game and to keep his ambition to lead the party fed by his being in the spotlight. The price of Corbyn’s democratic generosity to Starmer was the loss of all those hitherto Labour seats in the English north and midlands that had voted to leave the EU. But Starmer is no democrat, at least if his conduct of the reception of the EHRC report be any guide. On the claim of his party’s past antisemitism, he leads by fiat.

Tony Benn had something pertinent to say on that subject too:

Those who seek to justify authoritarianism of all kinds are forced to base their argument upon a false justification for an inherent inequality of political power. They deny the right of people to correct political errors at the top or remove those who make them. All totalitarian societies fear the emergence of democratic challenges and so do many societies in the West” [ibid]

No doubt Starmer would argue that he is indeed correcting errors and removing those who made them, but Benn’s point is about inequality of political power, and Corbyn as a former leader has no power comparable to that of Starmer.

But of course there is an embarrassment in Starmer’s position that he will seek to avoid having addressed in interview. Corbyn brought him onto the front bench as shadow minister of state for immigration immediately upon his own election as leader. A year later, following his re-election, Corbyn elevated Starmer to the shadow cabinet in charge of the party’s Brexit policy. This was in spite of Starmer having quit in the chicken coup just three months earlier.

Thereafter, then, he was subject to the convention of collective ministerial responsibility. Whatever errors – or even crimes – are now laid at the door of Jeremy Corbyn as leader, Starmer as shadow Brexit secretary was complicit in them. Repudiating what was done with hindsight does not exonerate him or any other member of the shadow cabinet.

Put up on The World at One to tough it out as Starmer’s deputy, Angela Rayner came under continuous pressure from Sarah Montague and was driven to declare that antisemitism had…

always been a blind spot for Jeremy.

This is perfidy of a desperate order. If, as they now propose, antisemitism was rife in the party, was it a blind spot for Rayner and Starmer too or did they merely turn a blind eye to it? For neither of them, it seems, was resignation the appropriate course to take so that they could proclaim Corbyn’s blind eye from the freedom of the backbenches.

Now, under their leadership, the backbenches are not bastions of freedom of speech and nor is the party at large. This sets a dangerous precedent for other contentious issues that will arise once COVID-19 is no longer the all-pervading issue in public life.

Watch these social democrats and see how soon they abjure democracy as a hangover from the Corbynite past.


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Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Nov 9, 2020 2:04 PM

Set out below is a letter I have sent to Keir Starmer. I won’t get a reply but at least I did it! Dear Sir Keir,   I am writing due to the Labour Party’s, in fact most notably your, failure to oppose the Lockdown 2 in Parliament on Wednesday, 4th November 2020. This failure is commensurate with your having spectacularly failed so far to raise any opposition to anything.   Firstly, I cannot express my disgust strongly enough by the imposition of this second Lockdown based on nothing more than quite clearly fabricated statistics compiled by Chris Whitty and Patrick Valance. It appears however that you had not bothered to analyse these statistics before blindly voting yes to more house arrest, destruction of the economy, destruction of the retail and hospitality sectors and others. Conversely, the Rt Hon Teresa May had done so and told you she had read the Sage Minutes of 23.09.2020 from which she had concluded it just set the scenario for lockdown after lockdown. She also asked whether it was not the case that Johnson, Gove and Hancock had manipulated the true data in order to impose this Lockdown rather than apply critical analysis to it to prevent having to. Instead, without having made any attempt at finding out the truth, you leaped straight in and voted for a further lockdown without any thought at all about the consequences. Shame on you. It is the truth that this alleged pandemic more accurately referred to as a Scamdemic I believe, has little or no foundation in either truth, fact or evidence but rather in mass propaganda, hysteria, fake news and blatantly fabricated statistics.   In the second instance, the first Lockdown and now this Lockdown, is predicated largely on ‘protecting the NHS’ and ‘not overwhelm it’. In fact, Johnson said if the NHS… Read more »

Nov 9, 2020 11:11 PM
Reply to  Jo Dominich

The Starmer sturmer fellow did his job with the one issue, and is now content
to hold fast his position while sidelining any political efforts towards improving
the human condition of the UK citizens.

Make Covid reign supreme, and all this housing, economy, homelessness
Brexit etc disappears as if by magic. Through focus on the mystical one thing.

Nov 8, 2020 8:56 PM

I can’t believe you guys are falling for the “he was pushed out because he’s against Israel” narrative. They are all operatives. Corbyn included. Every single one is working for the cryptocracy-cabal-establishment. They are planted to give you false hope. How do you think the cryptocracy are setting up the narratives for the next world war? They have no choice but to use the “nation vs nation” narrative, with Israel, the US and NATO vs the BRICS. The wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Yemen, Syria and Palestine are precursors to the coming war. These wars are testing grounds. To see how much both sides can get away with and to gauge how civilians can be controlled and manipulated through constant terror and occupation. The controllers are playing the same game with the tests and lockdowns globally in this Covid Operation. Each country is playing its part in this staged drama. The only person who spoke the truth was the president of Belarus when he revealed how much the IMF had offered him to lockdown and curfew. The bankers, security state and politicians cannot justify a war without the fake narratives. And without a war, and the purposefully created economic collapse, they can’t hide the malfeasance from the economic Ponzi scheme of the last century. They can’t hide the stock market manipulation, banking fraud, money laundering, drug running, fake wars, corporate malfeasance, collusion with governments, bubbles and busts. Socialism wasn’t ever real. Neither was communism. They were a policy of crumbs to keep the rabble from overthrowing the controllers. How can any political system that forces citizens to comply through physical and economic domination be justified? It’s not even close to being civilized or legal. Labor was always working with the Tories; just as Democrats always worked with Republicans to… Read more »

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Nov 9, 2020 12:34 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Mostly right, but Corbyn was just a principled lightweight, nothing more than that. Like Trump, Corbyn was considered to be high risk by the kingmakers and so he had to go.

Nov 9, 2020 10:29 AM

They don’t get to be part of the establishment unless they are already corrupt one hundred times over. It’s a con game. The decisions are made behind the scenes years in advance. The idea that there’s anyone principled in politics is naive.

austrian peter
austrian peter
Nov 9, 2020 10:21 AM
Reply to  Researcher

All so true – but what can the common people do about righting the wrongs and avoid the death and destruction being vested upon them this very day?

Nov 8, 2020 8:17 PM

I say no to Jeremy Corbyn and all who defended, and defend, him. And I say no to his fascist political party. To hell with all of you gangsters.

Nov 8, 2020 3:12 PM

When Pompeo claimed he would do everything he could to prevent Corbyn becoming prime minister, there was not the faintest whimper of push back from anybody in the labour party.
A once proud political party had become a spineless bunch of naive wimps unable to even summon up the courage to defend itself.

I had already left by then …. I honestly don’t know how anybody can find a good reason to remain a member .

Nov 9, 2020 11:16 PM
Reply to  ZigZagWanderer

Not even the smallest hint of “How dare you” “No meddling prettyplease thank you”
or anything. Another sign of the times.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Nov 8, 2020 3:04 PM

By electing Keir Starmer as leader, the Labour Party has condemned itself to irrelevance for many of the working class.

Nov 8, 2020 2:48 PM

Keir Starmer = Rotting piece of meat covered in maggots

Nov 7, 2020 11:28 PM

Why don’t they just get rid of Starmer and appoint the Chief Rabbi as head of the party?They could close down party HQ and move into the premises of the Board of deputies. Think of the savings.
And the party leaders could get their instructions on who to appoint and who to kick out of the party without even picking up the phone.
Think of all the advantages.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Nov 9, 2020 2:08 PM
Reply to  paul

Paul, now this is a most excellent idea. In fact, I think the BOD are already in control of Starmer in any event. It’s just the office move now!

Nov 7, 2020 6:57 PM

Once a multi millionaire with a knighthood becomes the head of something we used to call the “Labour Party “, socialism is dead. The war criminal Blair started the cancer Starmer represents its rotting corpse.

Nov 7, 2020 6:09 PM

The labour party is auntie keir and stab them in the face jess phillips….

Sir means Crown Slave
Sir means Crown Slave
Nov 7, 2020 3:16 PM

He is a “SIR” – he will do as he is told, when he is told – that is part of the package. Very few people recognise that the duties of a “KNIGHT” include all sorts of archane responsibilities to “Serve” and to “Submit” and to “Give” and to “Provide” – as and when requested (“Ordered”) to by the King / Queen. The type of Nighthood given represents how close and intimate they may have a relationship with the monarch (the old terms “Garter” and “Stool” harp back to being around the King / Queen when they are unarmed and vulnerable – something only the most trusted and loyal “Knights and Servants” were allowed). The full details of what is required by a prospective “Knight” are provided during a Confidential / Secretive chat prior to acceptance / commitment – this is the opportunity to decline the offer / Life Contract if the terms are too onerous (or strange). Many people do feel unable to commit to the contract and this is why we see people “decline” or “turn down” (to coldly ‘refuse’ would be rude) a Knitghthood (and sometimes other higher or ancient “Orders” – some of which can be traced back to King David, who is the authority and lineage claimed by the current British Monachy bloodlines). We know from ancient documents that Knights of old would have to pledge in oath thier loyalty to the King / Queen and thier very life (including thier chattels and thier men / women) when called upon by the King / Queen. A “Sir” is nothing like the fabled Knights of the Round Table Heros of Arthurian legend – they are the closest servants of the King / Queen (and today the Crown Corporation Deep State). It is my opinnion that anyone… Read more »

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Nov 7, 2020 4:18 PM

Bravo!!! A gentleman who understands titles of royalty!!! Titles of nobility and “royal” families should be utterly rejected. What the hell is an “esquire”? Ask persons employed in B.A.R. association memberships. It’s a club, and we’re not in it…

Nov 7, 2020 6:18 PM

Yes, but… there is no historical evidence for the existence of “King David”, or any of the Hebrew/Judaic patriarchs, the escape from Egypt, or that Israel was ever a “great kingdom” or advanced civilisation. Just tribal fairy tales..
This is Brit-ain after all 😉
If the Queen and Prince Charles and all the other royals before them were descendants of a middle eastern tribe wouldn’t they have a darker complexion instead of looking so pasty? Or.. were the ancient Hebrews actually blue-eyed caucasians, like Jesus is shown in American / European culture? So many questions! 🙂

Nov 7, 2020 2:36 PM

Never trust anyone as clean-cut as Starmer.

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Nov 7, 2020 2:30 PM

“I prefer to cease my membership at a time of my own choosing.”
I don’t buy that statement. Should have ceased his membership months ago.

When the late, great Texas journalist researcher and generalist extraordinaire, Jim Marrs was accused of “anti-Semitism” when reporting on the history of Zionism, he would respond, “No, I generally like Arabs.” Arabs constitute well over 95% of Semites on the planet. The number is even higher when one realizes that most of the Jews in Israel and elsewhere, referred to as the Ashkenazi branch, are descended from the Khazar Empire in the Caucasus region, whose population was generally of Turkic origin. The aristocracy of that Empire converted to Judaism in the 8th century because there was no stricture against charging interest on loans to non-Jews, referred to in those days as usury, which they regarded as safer than raiding Silk Road caravans which passed through their territory. At that time both Islam and Christianity forbid it.

The game plan for the rabid psychopathic Zionists now running Israel, which was originated in the 19th century by the Rothschild affiliated banksters, is to conflate any statements opposing the current Zionist agenda with being anti-Jewish. Zionism is political. Judaism is a religion. The vast majority of Ultra-Orthodox Jews have always opposed Zionism, which makes them anti-Semitic. It is getting very tiresome.

Nov 7, 2020 2:23 PM

queer sort
is it human

is it spawn from admiral birds little america.
he looks like worboys that dodgy taxi driver
with the endless bottles of champagne

if it human it freak of nature

Nov 7, 2020 5:30 PM
Reply to  gorden

Looks like worboys-cecil parkinson.

Nov 7, 2020 6:18 PM
Reply to  gorden

An early prototype Keir albeit with slightly more charm:


Nov 7, 2020 1:09 PM

Labour ceased to be a “home for free speech” long ago. At least since they decided “trans women are women” and “sex work is work”.

Nov 7, 2020 12:29 PM

The last time I voted it was for Jeremy Corbyn. I have absolutely no interest in this Blair clone.

Meanwhile Pepe Escobar in Brilliant Form. This is the funniest thing I have read in ages. It’s even better than CJ Hopkins.


comment image?itok=ksiE6PAe

Nov 7, 2020 12:23 PM

If I lived in America, in one of their brutal hostile dead cities, with no character, no charm, no humanity, no street life. no generosity, I would want a reset. The majority of people in the US and even the UK now hate their lives, they have horrible jobs, low incomes, little savings, horrible accommodation and no future as they cannibalise their families last remaining wealth.

It does not surprise me that they are engaged in a huge reset. Of course neoliberal ideology will never offer what people want and will never even offer what the elites want, they can keep ‘resetting’ all they like, they will never be happy because their ideology is past it’s sell-by date, offers nothing to anyone of any value.

Sir means Crown Slave
Sir means Crown Slave
Nov 7, 2020 3:38 PM
Reply to  JonneyRipe

You are correct – most people in the so called “working class” are really in the Underclass – little more than serfs (at best). I have spent time with the Toffs in Government and discussed State Benefits and Work programmes. The Toffs are in the most part totally clueless of the plight of the so called Working Class and thier hand-to-mouth existance. I talked about Universal Credit and Sickness Benefit to one multi-millionaire Toff a while ago and explained how they could justify Universal Credit at £495. His answer was that many people exist on less than £495 per week, and the National UK average pay was around £495 per week, I explained that the £495 Universal Credit figure was PER MONTH not per week – he did not know! I also asked about the £95 Sickness benefit – again he was clueless – he thought that was per day and not PER WEEK! These multi-millionaire Politicians are toatally clueless, and I promise really dont care either, about the plight of the working class / underclass. Indeed, when we had finished our coffee and light lunch, the Toff offered to pay – which I accepted. The bill came to just over £30 for 2 coffees, light meal, and a slice of cake each. I pointed out that he had just spent nealy half a weeks worth of state sickness benefits at the Coffee shop – blank face given – threy are clueless. The 14 day unpaid (for anyone not employed by Government) Covid Isolation nonsence was just a reminder to me of how out of touch and far distant these Politicians are to think that people could / would put thier mortgage / rent / food at risk for no compensation. I will also tell you for free – the… Read more »

Nov 7, 2020 12:04 PM

Starmer is Blair with Brylcream, Another Thatcher (light) drag act.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Nov 9, 2020 2:12 PM
Reply to  Dabuyo

The imagery! Put me off my lunch!

Nov 7, 2020 11:58 AM

I don’t wish to appear Anti-sematic and/or indeed Islamophobic, But;
Corbyn believed in a broad church and listened to most viewpoints, but had a soft spot for the Palestinians in there Gaza and West bank problems [i suppose David v Goliath comes to mind]

Sir Kier/New Labour, whilst toadying up to the Zionist’s, hence the attacks on Corbyn. Don’t want to lose the Muslim block vote as a way to get back in power. Riding two horses is always a difficult thing to do and could end up in tears.

Methinks that is what the Democrats/Biden are trying to do the same in the US of A. They need to keep Israel on side, They needed the Muslim block vote to get elected. and are now saying they want to reach out to white blue collar workers in the rust belts after, like Labour in the UK, ignored them for many years only to lose these white collar worker votes to Trump, as labour did to Boris.

Last comment Trump was widely forecast to be hammered in the POTUS election, but after many days of counting it is too close to call. So Trump was not hammered and the Pollsters proven wrong. Whether the postal vote was a fraud, or not, I do not know, the counters will have honestly counted the votes cast.

The question still remains was these vote honestly cast? Maybe to settle a divided US, it should be possible to check, say 1% of the postal votes cast to prove if the vote was kosher. If this is not done the US Democracy will be broken for many years to come.

Nov 7, 2020 12:43 PM
Reply to  Peter

Never start off by apologising; you put yourself on the back foot from the outset, especially if you’re having this argument face to face. That’s how they win before a ball is kicked.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Nov 7, 2020 12:55 PM
Reply to  Peter

Really Now? Are there any other explanations for what is happening?

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Nov 7, 2020 4:47 PM
Reply to  Peter

The problem with anti-semitism is that the goal posts move. In the old days left wing ideology was often attacked as Jewish because many of the thinkers and theorists in the movement were secular Jews. The shift occured because of conflating Judaism with Zionism. A long established religion and culture was hijacked to serve a nationalistic, race based agenda. (Jews who objected to this were denigrated as ‘self-hating’.) The amount of money — especially American money — flowing into this meant that the ideology could be cemented so now any criticism of the State of Israel, and especially its treatment of the Palestinians, is officially regarded as anti-semitic. Corbyn’s great sin was to not recognize this reality and fall into line, instead insisting on fairness and likely embracing the BDS movement as well. The opposition to this movement is ferocious and its one of the few examples of a political position that doesn’t discriminate against individuals being successfully outlawed. I have no doubt that buried inside the Labour party membership there are a sprinkling of anti-semites — statistically there has to be in a large population even though its illogical — but everything’s fair game to the propagandists. All that’s happened with Starmer’s coup is that a tendency for the Labour party to return to its socialist roots has been squashed yet again. Back in the 1980s the attack was through a split with ‘moderates’ breaking off to form the Social Democrats (who eventually merged witht he Liberals and effectively faded as a political force). This time the coup takes over the party iteself; socialist elements will be purged or maginalized and the party itself will become about as left-wing as the US’s Democrats (i.e. a conservative alternative to out and out fascism). I know many will be tempted to… Read more »

Nov 8, 2020 2:18 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Martin I totally agree, Zionism is not Judaism, In the same way that Political Islam is not the Islam understood by many of its believers. Both just want to gain Political Power and both use the cloak of religion to hide behind.

The Zionists is a Political Party and its members are not all Jews an awful lot are gentiles.

The Islamic equivalent to Zionism are the Muslim Brotherhood who follow the Medinan surahs as opposed to the Meccan Surahs. As the Meccans Surahs are an earlier version and more lenient to unbelievers then it can be ignored if the Medinan surahs say the opposite.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Nov 9, 2020 2:17 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

I am sick and tired of hearing about ‘purging’ the ‘Left’ etc. Firstly, what is wrong with being left wing and what on earth is wrong with being a socialist. I don’t hear anyone saying that the Tory Party should purge itself of its ‘rabid right’ or its ‘nazis’.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Nov 7, 2020 10:35 PM
Reply to  Peter

We had a rigged election here remember. So we are in no position to finger point. As far as I’m concerned Trump is out. Best thing for the USA and the world. The man is a deranged megalomaniac.

Nov 8, 2020 2:00 PM
Reply to  Jo Dominich

The question still remains was these vote honestly cast? Maybe to settle a divided US, it should be possible to check, say 1% of the postal votes cast to prove if the vote was kosher. If this is not done the US Democracy will be broken for many years to come.

The MSM and Pollsters said that the election would be a walk in the park for Biden, if this was the case Biden would have been well ahead in the votes cast at the Polling Stations. Instead we see a scrambling for every last vote, so not the major victory that Biden and the Democrats forecasted.

The USA is now probably more deeply divided in any time in its history, including its not so civil war.

Whether there was fraud, and i don’t think if there was fraud it was by the counters, all they do is count what is there. But people on the electoral register and who actually cast the postal vote, well that is another matter. It is a simple exercise to check [as i said just 1%] of the addressees who received the voting cards. Did they exist? Are they actually alive? Do they still live at that address, if not when did they move?

The above would stop all the rumours of alleged cheating, If no cheating had occurred then what is the problem for Biden and the Democratic Party in allowing this simple exercise to take place.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Nov 9, 2020 2:15 PM
Reply to  Peter

I will say this, do not forget that our General Election was clearly rigged and driven by the most malicious, vitriolic, evil, vicious personal campaign against Corbyn unprecedented in UK Parliamentary history.

For me, I’m so glad Trump is out. Not only that, his conduct and his rants has been a disgrace. It shows just what a deranged megalomaniac he was. i hope a period of stability around the world now ensues.

I do not think there was any electoral fraud going on at all. Trump was demanding counts stopped. That is never done in a democratic election process.

Nov 7, 2020 11:41 AM

The US is using the virus to destroy competitors, The largest non-american producer of mink in the world is in Denmark. And guilty of not being American controlled. Using the US FDA, they have managed to infect a mink, and send it to Denmark, so they can destroy their entire industry. This is going to happen in every sector. For a virus to cross species is an extremely slow process and very rear, but if you have a test that will make a banana positive, this lie is possible and the CIA will mke hay for US Corporations.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Nov 7, 2020 12:25 PM
Reply to  JonneyRipe

“Silly me, I thought it was a prelude and lead up to to getting the populace use to the idea of turning in their pets to be euthanized.”


el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Nov 7, 2020 3:43 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

Just wait two years, and the public will not be turning in their pets but rather eating them. My father was 6 years old living in Vienna when the post WWI blockage (1919) was imposed. He said that after a couple of months there was not a dog or a cat to be seen. The current lockdown in the UK is now estimated, when combined with the previous one, to cut the 2019 UK GDP by half. Food shortages and starvation are coming. A starving population is a docile and listless one. The Hunger Games. All by design.

Nov 7, 2020 4:10 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

My father was butcher’s boy (delivery boy) after the war. Maybe it was his joke, but he used to say it was the custom to deliver rabbit with the ears on, just so people could be sure.

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Nov 7, 2020 3:34 PM
Reply to  JonneyRipe

First, “they” do not have to use the virus to destroy mink production. They simply have to indoctrinate the perception that this has been done. As the president of Tanzania, John Magufuli, indicated (who incidentally holds a Ph. D. in chemistry), the virus has also infected papaya (paw paw), jack fruit (durian), a local species of pheasant, and goats as indicated by WHO PCR testing.


Second, I see the overall agenda as not to augment USA planetary hegemony but rather to split the country apart in a time tested “divide and conquer” strategy. Our Owners regard the first nine amendments of the US Constitution, usually referred to as the Bill of Rights, which is supposed to safeguard the God given rights of every human being in the then 13 independent states, as something to be taken down. Admittedly, there was much hypocrisy at the time when it was ratified, as slavery was also affirmed in the same document. Just watch how this current battle between the factions supporting puppets Mr. Jones an Mr. Johnson will play out. The actual agenda appears to be to finish off the Bill of Rights as well as the USA as a hegemon.

Nov 7, 2020 6:34 PM
Reply to  JonneyRipe

They did not need to infect a mink with a respiratory disease and send it over to infect the Danish minks – if that is even possible.

Nov 7, 2020 11:26 AM

Corbyn’s role was to discredit anything to the left of Blair for several generations. Mission accomplished. His corpse will still be dug up from time to time as a reminder.

Hopefully the left might use this time-out to re-think the toxic deficit-spending economics embraced by McDonnell and break nearly a century’s conviction that increasing indebtedness to the banks is somehow in the common interest.

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 7, 2020 11:40 AM
Reply to  Edwige

After the crash of 2008 are the banks not indebted to us?

Ken Garoo
Ken Garoo
Nov 7, 2020 1:05 PM
Reply to  George Mc

The only bank that counts is the Bank of England, a private company with mostly unknown shareholders. The only known shareholder is the UK Government. It exists to make a profit for its shareholders. It is no coincidence that hidden away in the UK Enabling Act is a provison for increasing the UK’s borrowing limit from 2% of GDP to 50% of GDP (> £250 billion currently). Those loans – used to pay for all the covid scams, and the furlough payments, etc – will have an interest of at least 0.1%, possibly variable – so the BoE gets £250 million for entering a few digits in the UK government balance sheet. The interest payments will have highest precedence for any money recoverable from tax payments or asset sales.

Nov 7, 2020 1:29 PM
Reply to  Ken Garoo

That’s only true if you believe that taxes fund spending. They don’t.

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
Nov 7, 2020 6:54 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I don’t think so, we bailed them out but that put us in debt because ,as there is no money,we had to borrow it from banks because they are the only ones that can create it! They are the credit magicians and we are not. 97% of the money in circulation was created by private banks, the big four I think, as loans to you and me and millions of others. There’s a video series on YouTube called The Free Lunch in which Richard Werner explains cash creation for the uninitiated. It’s very simple, but the difficulty lies in being the opposite of what you thought, you have to do a mental somersault.

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 7, 2020 7:21 PM
Reply to  Nixon Scraypes

“we bailed them out but that put us in debt”


“……….. because ,as there is no money,we had to borrow it from banks because they are the only ones that can create it!”

So they created it to give to us to give to them to……


I think the “mental somersault” you’re referring to is a frontal lobotomy. (Which will put us in greater debt to the banks!)

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
Nov 7, 2020 8:17 PM
Reply to  George Mc

We’re already lobotomised and it’s cost us the world, they bought it from us with the money they created out of thin air. That’s why all those bankers got massive bonuses after the 2008 crash- well done lads, a very successful fraud. Watch the free lunch to get your head round it, then other Werner youtubes, it’ll blow your mind, man! It did mine.

Nov 7, 2020 2:32 PM
Reply to  Edwige

as a child one would be surprise at the facts of the matter

as a child who had more bathrooms in home
may man boris 2 much johnson jeremy corbyn david bullingdon cameron

if eye said corbers would you believe me
corbyn may look like he just crawled out of a dung patty
but he proper stock

what ho
tally ho

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Nov 9, 2020 2:21 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Well, leave Covid aside, the Tory Party has now spent more than over £17bn more than was in the Labour Party Manifesto. We are now trillions in debt, trillions. At least the Labour Manifesto would have used that money to invest in infrastructure, in jobs, in education, in affordable transport, in affordable housing which would lead to more, better paid economically active citizens. Under the Tories. We have a deep recession, 2m added to the dole queue recently, trillions of pounds of debt, a breakdown in public services, the decimation of affordable housing, the most expensive transport system in the world. I could go on. Give me the Labour Party anyday.

Nov 7, 2020 10:59 AM

I will never vote for the Labour Party again

Nov 7, 2020 11:31 AM
Reply to  Jay

They don’t want your vote, they want tory voters to follow them. Johnson/Trump did not address voters needs, another will Starmer/Biden. In the US 90 million people no longer vote because there is nobody who represents them. they will do the same in the UK with no party allowed to represent workers interests.

Nov 7, 2020 11:32 AM
Reply to  JonneyRipe

niether will Starmer/Biden.*

Nov 7, 2020 11:51 AM
Reply to  JonneyRipe

But the Labour Party will pretend to represent the interests of the working class. As they always do

S Cooper
S Cooper
Nov 7, 2020 12:11 PM
Reply to  JonneyRipe

Malcolm X’s the Ballot or the Bullet is becoming to look more prophetic, yes? It seems with the old criminal corporate fascist order dying what is going to ensue in the next few years is not going to be a civil war (as if war was ever civil) but a slave revolution.

WE ARE ALL SPARTACUS! Slaves and Oppressed of the World Unite!”

“This struggle may be a moral one, or it may be a physical one, and it may be both moral and physical, but it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.”

~ Frederick Douglas, 1857.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Nov 9, 2020 2:25 PM
Reply to  Jay

As a lifelong Labour voter neither will I whilst Comrade Keir Stalin is at it’s head!

Nov 10, 2020 6:18 AM
Reply to  Jay

Not only will you never vote for the labour party again …you will never vote again….you may have missed it but democracy was suspended with the cronyvirus act 2020…in future your leaders will be installed with no input required from you or anyone else….and if you think they are going to surrender that little gem and give democracy back to the great unwashed i think you are still asleep

johny Conspiranoid.
johny Conspiranoid.
Nov 7, 2020 10:51 AM

Look at Starmer’s face. What is he afraid of?

Nov 7, 2020 12:01 PM

They are all afraid, even Johnson. They are just taking orders from the CIA.

Nov 7, 2020 1:02 PM

He’s in pain. Looks like he’s squeezing one out…

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 7, 2020 1:49 PM

Perhaps unlike Blair, Starmer has a conscience. Maybe he’s like the Angel character in Buffy the Vampire Slayer? Angel was a monster who was cursed by having his soul restored so he could endure the torment of feeling the pain he dished out.

Nov 7, 2020 8:41 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Well, anything’s possible, they say.

But a high-level Elected Misrepresentative with a conscience is a stretch. I supposed he could be feeling vestigial ghost twinges from the amputated stump of a conscience, if he indeed ever had one.

You know, a variation on “phantom limb syndrome”.

Nov 7, 2020 2:35 PM

Dunno, but he looks a right prick with that visor on.

Nov 7, 2020 10:51 AM

Don’t get hung up on the fraudulent anti-Semitism attacks, it is just a tool to bring socialism to it’s knees. And so us in line with the American-one-party-state system. Yes Israel, who ran the operation, benefits because it stopped criticism of their human rights abuses, but Israel is just the USA’s attack dog, being used to destroy socialist. A war the US have been engaged in, all over the world, since the second world war.

It is ironic that at home in the US, socialist sentiment, although not framed as socialism, is rising, out of control in the populations minds. Leaving the pathological hatred of socialism, which is essentially only the representing of your own peoples interests, looking more and more absurd, mentally ill and Fascist.

The CIA & to a lesser extent MI5, have always believed they were fighting evil, which they called Communism, but it should be dawning on many of the lower ranks now, that actually they were just fighting healthcare for their sick relatives and free education for their children, in the interests of a very very small elite.

Nov 7, 2020 11:29 AM
Reply to  JonneyRipe

The most bizarre spectacle is the sight of the Stars and Stripes being flown in the numerous and growing American tent cities.

Nov 7, 2020 11:49 AM
Reply to  Jay

And I bet most of them believe Communism is the biggest threat to their lives. A situation even too absurd for a Monty Python sketch.

Nov 7, 2020 4:44 PM
Reply to  JonneyRipe

Hatred and fear of Communism in the US cannot be understood without reference to the ubiquitous racism. White folks getting special perks from the government is equated with Capitalism (“I worked hard for it”). Brown folks getting the same perks is equated with Communism (“They just sat around all day making babies”).

Now if some slick PR firm (like Hill & Knowlton) could turn that around, then Communism would be good, Capitalism bad.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Nov 7, 2020 1:02 PM
Reply to  Jay

When one starts seeing large numbers tattooing the S&S into their cheeks one should start worrying.

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
Nov 7, 2020 7:40 PM
Reply to  JonneyRipe

It’s very hard to know what you ,or anyone thinks that socialism means. It definitely doesn’t mean what I thought it did! You ought to see the YouTube of George Bernard Shaw talking about it. It’s scary stuff- basically do what they say or euthanasia, in a humane manner! It’s very similar to the WEF great restart or whatever they call it. A top down controlled society despotically ruled by an intellectual elite of managing experts, technocracy, agenda 21/2030.

Nov 9, 2020 9:00 AM
Reply to  Nixon Scraypes

”It’s very hard to know what you ,or anyone thinks that socialism means.”

No it isn’t.

Nov 7, 2020 10:29 AM

heads up last time the results of the nonsense hit the media on 11/9  

Nov 7, 2020 10:40 AM
Reply to  ame

House of cards – tied election / flipping of a coin / meet you’re new daddy well worth watching house of cards last season 

Peter Jennings
Peter Jennings
Nov 7, 2020 10:26 AM

Whatever the ins and outs, the whole debacle is due to the Labour party’s attitude to the isreali apartheid regime with regards to the Palestinians.
There are Labour party members facilitating the orders from isreali headquarters. Probably blaaarites, which should have been expunged years ago and pointed in the direction of the Tory party, the true home of their disgraced leader.

The UK will never have a political system which is fair or legal without first ensuring an open and responsible media. Since we in Blighty have no main stream news outlets who are not compromised, responsible, or prostituting themselves for a share of the public purse, it seems unlikely that the people will ever get a free press or a true democracy.

This current Tory gov’t are busy crushing small business owners for another agenda entirely which benefits noone but stooges in gov’t. The party is abandoning its core supporters for NWO money and positions of power.
The Labour party has been too concerned with EU policy and the rights of minorities, of which race seems to have taken a back seat to gender and sexual orientation. They ran their last election campaign on a suicide ticket defending an EU which has never been good for Britain.

it seems likely that the system will itself be dumbed down even further and main political parties will be unrecognisable from the core principles they once held. Still, a voting process won’t be needed in the NWO.

Nov 7, 2020 10:37 AM
Reply to  Peter Jennings

Doing really well until sneaking in the falsehood

“ an EU which has never been good for Britain.”

You will see with your own eyes how good it was from 11pm on 31st December.

Peter Jennings
Peter Jennings
Nov 7, 2020 2:02 PM
Reply to  DunGroanin

The EU hasn’t done anything the British gov’t couldn’t have done for itself and its people.
Since we joined the EU the jobless queue has grown larger and this little island has become more crowded.
On top of all its failings, the EU hierarchy want to make laws and decisions without any public discussions or even disclosing information beforehand regarding to those laws and decisions they have made behind very closed doors. It’s a fool who grants carte blanche to anyone.

Nov 7, 2020 11:58 AM
Reply to  Peter Jennings

“the whole debacle is due to the Labour party’s attitude to the isreali apartheid regime with regards to the Palestinians”

The Equality and Human Rights Commission is acting as if they haven’t heard of the word ‘Palestinians’ and don’t have access to the internet to google it.

michael genner
michael genner
Nov 7, 2020 10:15 AM

Something to make you think!

If Pompeo said Corbyn would never be UK Prime Minister, how did he know and what was he / the Republicans prepared to do to prevent it. Now fast forward to the US election and it looks like the same party who said Corbyn would never be PM have also had the re-election of Trump taken away from them.

Strange huh?

Nov 7, 2020 10:40 AM
Reply to  michael genner

Up Pompusarse is not the Republican Party -yet

He is also not a Trump supporter- it has been his CIA and DS apparatus that ran the coup against the potus.

Nuance is necessary

Nov 7, 2020 11:23 AM
Reply to  michael genner

Corbyn would not be allowed to be in power under Biden either. The destruction of the left is an American policy, not just a political party policy. Biden would be considered far right by UK standards.

Trump was a temporary shift in presentation, could bullying save America? the answer was no, it just continued the decline. Now they will try the plan of extortion & wealth extraction flavoured with a virus story.

Johnson is actually an American agent. We need to get rid of Johnson et al, they are CIA agents, destroying our Country for American interests.

Nov 7, 2020 10:10 AM

“Labour is no longer a home for free speech”

The details that keep coming make one feels more like ‘Labour is no longer’.

The Labour party has been white-anted by THE LOBBY. The damage seems so extensive that it makes you wonder whether it is repairable.

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 7, 2020 9:40 AM

Taken seriously, the Labour anti-Semitism charge is so preposterous that it’s an insult to even mention it. As an example, think of the content free BBC 6 O’clock News on the day of the Mirvis attack. Think of those vacuous references to “the poison in our society” and “the precipice we face”. What are these phrases supposed to mean? That if Labour got in, they would start building concentration camps down the M1? No – these phrase are just menacing noises like the expression “anti-Semitism” itself. It’s like a magic charm whose utterance triggers off the required response among the populace.

And after all that, I’m surprised the above article was even written. Who can possibly care what Labour does now? Starmer has a permanent rabbit-caught-in-headlights look. And, on the miniscule chance that he won’t jump through his masters’ hoops, the ever reliable secret weapon will come out: dear little victimised Margaret Hodge to ominously hint at barbed wire behind the back benches.

Nov 7, 2020 5:20 PM
Reply to  George Mc

We live under a system of Politics By Hoax in a world of magical and delusional thinking. Jezza as a communist spy, terrorist and anti semitic fanatic.
Iraq’s Wmd.
Iran’s Wmd.
Iraq Incubator Babies.
Syrian Gas Hoaxes.
Millions of Uighurs in concentration camps being turned into lamp shades.
Operation Northwoods.
Gulf of Tonkin.
Bayonetted Belgian Babies.
Bodies being turned into soap.
Zinoviev Letter.
Plus a hundred others.

The truth is whatever you want it to be.
Facts are irrelevant.
Everything and everybody are racist, anti semitic, sexist, homophobic.

We face a tidal wave of anti semitism because a Jewish man in Israel makes 200 bomb threats to US synagogues. Or a handful of Jewish youths spray painting graffiti in Jewish cemeteries. Or old gravestones falling down in the wind.

You can believe whatever takes your fancy or serves your agenda or whatever hobby horse you happen to be riding at the time.

Anything goes.

Capricornia Man
Capricornia Man
Nov 8, 2020 2:20 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Margaret Hodge? A foul-mouthed, highly privileged individual who pretended that her situation in the Labour Party was equivalent to that of a Holocaust victim. Norman Finklestein, whose parents actually WERE Holocaust victims, had her measure.

Nov 7, 2020 9:36 AM

Note that Biden is answering the second part of a two-part question: what people WHO HAVE ALREADY VOTED can still do to MAKE SURE you are the next president. That is the question that Biden is addressing when he says we have put together the most extensive voter fraud organisation.

His answer is not out of context as the “fact checkers” insist. It is very precisely in context and a response to a specific question about what can be done considering that many people have already voted.

What Biden did is let his mouth run away. In his condition he cannot keep secrets.

Question: “And, part two, for the folks who have already voted, the 50 million Americans who’ve already voted, what can they do over the last 10 days to help make sure that you’re the next president of the United States?”

Answer: “Secondly we are in a situation where we have put together – and you guys did it for president Obama’s administration before this – we have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”

Nov 7, 2020 10:46 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

His inauguration oath will be prerecorded – his inauguration speech will not be live
He will be replaced Harris before he enters the WH …

Nov 7, 2020 9:32 AM

Two responses: first, neither Starmer nor any Labour MP voted or even spoke against Boris and his second lockdown, which is decimating the lives and livelihoods of Britain’s communities. Not one member of the people’s party opposed this authoritarian government on behalf of their constituents, but 38 rebel Conservatives did, knowing that they were risking their promotion prospects. Starmer’s idea of opposition seems to be demanding more of what Boris is inflicting on us, but faster. Disgusting. Second, your eulogy of Corbyn the committed democrat forgets his solemn promise to respect the Brexit referendum result, especially the 5-6m working class Labour voters who chose Leave. He famously switched to remain, so breaking his promise and abandoning both a restored UK democracy and his own voters, many of whom will never again want to rebuild any red walls.

List of rebel MPs here:

Nov 7, 2020 8:25 AM

Corbyn the Democrat? Don’t be so naive. Corbyn put party and the corrupt unions before democracy. He had the opportunity, we controlled the NEC, to democratise the party, one member one vote, automatic reselection etc, he opposed both. He knew that the PLP and the party executive was his enemy, and the enemy of the people, they deliberately threw an election making UK a transparent one party state in 2017, but failed to move against them in the interest of party unity and the naive belief in the ‘broad church’ principle.

it was not the PLP that brought him down, he could have dealt with it easily, the executive too, it was the whole weight of the establishment and its yellow press, depicting mainstream policies in a left of centre manifesto as communism. The IRA sympathising nonsense and the Israeli regime led, with eager establishment support, anti-semitism charade.

Corbyn was the architect of his own downfall, naive, badly advised, not very bright. He’d have fallen for the current nonsense without a doubt.

Corbyn has a great opportunity to make a difference he blew it. The establishment was totally shocked at his near success in 2017, despite unprecedented efforts to defeat him, and amplified its attacks on him and the movement ensuring disaster for him personally and politically in 2019.

Get yourself out of the cesspit that is the Labour Party. Grow out of your naive belief that social and economic fairness and justice can be achieved via parliamentary ‘democracy’.

Nov 7, 2020 9:42 AM
Reply to  Tom

Can social and economic fairness and justice without parliamentary democracy be achieved non-violently? Believing that violence can ever bring such things is certainly naive, not to mention destructive of our entire way of life.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Nov 7, 2020 12:34 PM

Violence, by the CORPORATE FASCIST victimizers already is happening. Self-defense against it by the victims, HUMANITY, needs to happen if it intends to survive.

Nov 7, 2020 10:40 AM
Reply to  Tom

Yep to all that. I always mention the role of Momentum and John Lansman in the whole affair. Corbyn could have revitalised the party, but he needed a much larger, more organised and energised membership at his back to make it happen. Momentum coralled the enthusiasm of new members into the pen of disengagement, media memes, woke bullshit and empty electioneering. It thereby ultimately stood in the way of democracy too, and Lansman is a key figure in the Corbyn story in my opinion.
2017 was fucked by Manchester Arena. An MI6 recruitee is alleged to blown himself up the day after the news cycle turned its eye on Corbyn’s past interactions with Irish nationalism…. The fact that the Left cannot talk seriously about the details of that tells me that they deserve to lose. Power, over time, tends toward truth.

Under their new leadership Labour is no longer a home for free speech.

..reads the subhead of this article. It wasn’t exactly a bastion of free speech during Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership.
The Labour Left are now basically one big virtue signal, nothing more.

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 7, 2020 1:55 PM
Reply to  crank

I’d say the Left in general are now basically one big virtue signal. They’re on the left side of the public theatre where they get a front row seat to throw rotten vegetables at various political leaders, not understanding that the whole job of these leaders is to stand and get pelted before being replaced by the next round of “great hopes” soon to be unfrocked.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Nov 7, 2020 4:46 PM
Reply to  crank

 I always mention the role of Momentum and John Lansman in the whole affair.

Good point; those bastards have been a bit quiet since Auntie Keir waddled on to the stage.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Nov 9, 2020 2:33 PM
Reply to  crank

It was far more of a bastion of free speech under Corbyn than it is now.

Nov 7, 2020 8:18 AM

Nobody who is so proud of their quiff once they’ve stopped being a teenager should be trusted to be more interested in substance above appearance.

The Peacock headed thug is preening to be the unelected leader of a GNU in the self inflicted national crises.

A crises that he ensured with the full spectrum media messaging. – having as WSG states – lost the Labour ‘Wall’ , as one of the last inside Blairite moles on the opposition’s front bench.

He pretended to stop a Hard BrexShit.

Now he will lead it.

He can safely be handed the baton now, in the two party tweedle Dee tweedle Dum pantomime of pretend democracy.

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Nov 7, 2020 7:54 AM

The Labour party is a zionist front. Herewith ‘Labour Friends of Israel’ Labour (unless otherwise stated) Steve McCabe: Chair Rosie Cooper Chris Evans Sharon Hodgson Diana Johnson Peter Kyle Pat McFadden Conor McGinn Catherine McKinnell Rachel Reeves John Spellar Meta Ramsay, Baroness Ramsay of Cartvale Jonathan Reynolds Sitting MPsLabour (unless otherwise stated) Mike Amesbury Nick Brown Chris Bryant Liam Byrne Feryal Clark Yvette Cooper Jon Cruddas Wayne David Angela Eagle Maria Eagle Chris Elmore Barry Gardiner Preet Gill Mary Glindon Lilian Greenwood Nia Griffith Andrew Gwynne Fabian Hamilton Margaret Hodge George Howarth Dan Jarvis Darren Jones Kevan Jones Mike Kane Liz Kendall David Lammy Chris Matheson Stephen Morgan Toby Perkins Jess Phillips Bridget Phillipson Lucy Powell Virendra Sharma Barry Sheerman Jeff Smith Karin Smyth Wes Streeting Graham Stringer Gareth Thomas Emily Thornberry Karl Turner Derek Twigg Rosie Winterton Sitting LordsLabour (unless otherwise stated) Donald Anderson, Baron Anderson of Swansea Baroness Armstrong of Hill Top Jeremy Beecham, Baron Beecham Lord Blunkett Lord Boateng Lord Clarke of Hampstead Lord Collins of Highbury Baroness Crawley Lord Desai Lord Donoughue Lord Foulkes of Cumnock Baroness Gale[22] Lord Grantchester Lord Hain Lord Harrison Lord Haskel Baroness Hayter of Kentish Town Lord Hughes of Woodside Lord Hunt of Kings Heath Baroness Kennedy of Cradley Lord Kennedy of Southwark Baroness Kinnock of Holyhead Lord Levy Baroness Liddell of Coatdyke Lord Livermore John Maxton Paul Murphy, Baron Murphy of Torfaen Lord Rooker Lord Stone of Blackheath Lord Tomlinson Lord Touhig Lord Turnberg (Independent) Lord Watts Lord Winston Lord Wood of Anfield Lord Young of Norwood Green Former members David Abrahams, former Treasurer[27] Lord Archer of Sandwell[28] Sir Stuart Bell[29] Luciana Berger, former Director of LFI[30] Tony Blair, former Prime Minister[31][32] Gordon Brown, former Prime Minister[31][32][33] Stephen Byers, former Secretary of State for Trade and Industry Andrew Dismore Michael Dugher[34] Derek Foster Anthony Greenwood,… Read more »

Nov 7, 2020 9:48 AM
Reply to  Donald Duck

Why fear alleged Zionists? How do they threaten Brits or even the world? Are they giving us viruses, authoritarian lockdowns, and ruined lives and livelihoods? I think we need some bigger fish to fry.

Nov 7, 2020 6:03 PM

Nope, no viruses but they will just invariably act to prioritise the interests of a small religious minority based on Bronze Age Mumbo Jumbo, and the world’s only openly, institutionally racist terrorist regime with which they are associated.

“You know very well, and the stupid Americans know equally well, that we control their Government, irrespective of who sits in the White House. You see, I know it and you know it, that no American President can be in a position to challenge us even if we do the unthinkable. What can they do to us? We control Congress, we control the media, we control show biz, and we control everything in America. In America you can criticise God, but you can’t criticise Israel.”
Tzipora Menache, Israeli Government spokesperson.

Hope that explains it.
Every Zionist leader of any importance has said the same thing on thousands of occasions.
We live under the Zionist Supremacy of ZOG, and these people are not particularly subtle about it. They like to rub people’s noses in it on every possible occasion.

And ditto Canada, Britain, France, Germany, Australia.
The Kosher Folk rule the roost.
Whether you choose to pretend otherwise or not.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Nov 7, 2020 7:20 PM
Reply to  paul

Has that quote been verified?

Nov 8, 2020 12:02 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Just after dropping 1,000 tons of bombs and white phosphorous on Gaza, massacring 1,350 people.
The quote is the very mildest of those made by Zionist leaders.
A great many others call for the indiscriminate massacre and extermination of Palestinians.
Our friend Tzipora could even be considered somewhat “moderate.”
Charming folk.

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Nov 8, 2020 8:48 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Check it out – Norman Finklestein ‘Gaza’ – Operations ‘Cast Lead’, ‘Protective Edge’ were two of the more blatant massacres.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Nov 9, 2020 2:37 PM
Reply to  paul

Hi Paul, wow. Deeply concerning.

Nov 7, 2020 9:59 AM
Reply to  Donald Duck

ZIONSM is a WASP construct/fabrication/invention. Created by WASP oligarchical class.It is referenced as anglo-zionism.,predates Herzl by circa 50 years.
POST SCRIPTUM;”History would be a wonderful thing if only it were true” Tolstoi

Nov 8, 2020 6:20 PM
Reply to  falcemartello


It’s all a construct, including the two party system, nations vs nations and all religions: Constructs for power and control. Constructs for debt slavery. Constructs for war.

“All the world’s a stage.” Shakespeare.

Act II Scene VII Line 139.

Nov 7, 2020 10:57 AM
Reply to  Donald Duck

Thanks for that.

John Milton
John Milton
Nov 7, 2020 7:06 AM

There is no longer a labour party in the UK.

Unless I’m mistaken and the definition of Labour has changed to “full woke, white working class hating, knee bending, free speech opposing, lockdown loving, mask wearing, anti-white racist”.

I’m no fan of Corbyn, but I wish he’d had the balls to say fuck you to all the baw bags in his party and the media who were throwing round false accusations of anti semitism.

Nov 7, 2020 9:58 AM
Reply to  John Milton

Those seriously wanting to oppose woke, respect the British working class and its interests, endorse and practice free speech, end authoritarianism and lockdowns, and reject the anti-white racism of our ruling classes, should find a home in Farage’s Reform Party. Those instinctively vomiting at such an idea might remember the UK establishment’s and MSM’s obvious fear and loathing for Farage. What greater endorsement could you need?

Nov 7, 2020 11:03 AM
Reply to  John Milton

He did say fuck off to all the lies.

But they were not reported by the MSM – which meant that he wasn’t heard.

He was seen by 100’s of thousands of people all over the country as he daily took that message and policies directly in hundreds of personal appearances all over the country where people who cane to snark left being happily surprised by his message – – none of which was reported in the MSM.

If people take their opinion from the bbc and it’s prozzy babes and the presstitute hunks and think they are making up their own minds – they really are thick as mince and will deserve what they get and what their children and grandchildren will end up with.

The cold calls from US firms have already started.

The data collected on families and their medical records are already in the hands of US sales/marketing conglomerates.

We are mugged in broad daylight just because of the mainstream propaganda on the one hand and utterly despicable social media abuse of Labour front bench MPs on the other. – all except Starmer got it.

Nov 7, 2020 6:20 PM
Reply to  John Milton

No need to worry, J, everything will be just peachy now that control of the Labour Party, its policies, appointments, membership and organisation have been handed over lock, stock and barrel to the Board of deputies and the Mossad Office. Once a thorough purge of all Jezza’s supporters has been carried out, particularly all those dreadful folk at Jewish Voice For Labour, it will all be okay. But fear not, they are on the job right now..

David Bishop
David Bishop
Nov 7, 2020 6:42 AM

Still don’t comprehend why you associate the ‘labour party’ as the ‘labour party’.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Nov 7, 2020 5:56 AM

The pervasive view from the OGinista Left:
Trump vs. Biden = Same Difference
Corbyn vs. Latest Cookie-Cutter Blairite = Vitally Important
Please explain!

Nov 7, 2020 8:22 AM

If you have to ask you’ll never know.
Please friend, do your own research and find out for yourself how you feel on any given issue instead of asking others to tell you how you should think. It will be more rewarding for you in the long run.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Nov 7, 2020 8:35 AM
Reply to  thedrummerben

Nowhere did I ask for anyone to tell me how to think. I merely wondered if anybody could provide an explanation for an apparent anomaly.

Nov 7, 2020 10:28 AM
Reply to  thedrummerben

that one been totality radicalized by the internet

Nov 7, 2020 5:56 AM

Given how politicized the justice departments have become in the UK and the U.S., is it likely that Starmer would have got anywhere near the post of Director of Public Prosecutions without being thoroughly vetted by TPTB as “capable of taking, and willing to take, instruction”?

Did Starmer use his position as DPP to strike down injustice, root out corruption in high places and level the scales of justice? One thinks of the great Italian magistrates and prosecutors who exposed NATO’s Operation Gladio and who fought the mafia.

Or was Starmer a “safe pair of hands” in the eyes of the corrupt, the venal, the abusers and worse.

Nov 7, 2020 7:25 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Starmer’s defenders point out he is not a judge but a human rights lawyer. They say he was not in charge of the DPP when it decided “insufficient evidence” precluded a prosecution in the brutal murder of Jean Charles de Menezes in July 2005. A finding Starmer upheld after the Dec 2008 inquest. A finding also upheld by the Strasbourg ECHR. The inquest had revealed that the policemen who identified de Menezes was in fact a soldier on secondment to the undercover surveillance unit – which was looking for four attempted bombers who disrupted London’s public transport system on Jul 21 2005, two weeks after the July 7, 2005, London bombings. 7/7 is often cited as one of the most notorious false flag attacks. The official line is that de Menezes murder was bungled – though the presence of soldiers masquerading as police (very relevant today) suggest other possibilities. Police lied about the victim afterwards, and Cressida Dick, commander of the bungled operation, said later that she “would not have done anything differently.”Despite strong criticisms of the command structure and the decision-making, she was promoted and later appointed Met police commissioner.— The Guardian Sara Callaway, of Women of Colour Global Women’s Strike, makes a different point: Mr de Menezes’s family and many others who demonstrated for justice with them were devastated that nobody was ever charged: “The inquest put the truth out there for all the public to see, but the authorities want us to forget the truth to stop us getting justice. But we will never forget.”The establishment closing ranks against those seeking justice, beginning with women in the family and the community struggling to protect loved ones, gives police impunity.This attracts the most violent, extreme racists into the police with powers to use lethal restraints, tasers and guns… Read more »

Nov 7, 2020 8:05 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

The antithesis of Keir Starmer

Ferdinando Imposimato’s career coincided with Italy’s “Years of Lead” — he investigated the kidnap and murder of former PM Aldo Moro in 1978; the massacre of Piazza Nicosia, 1979; and the assassination attempt on Pope John Paul II, 1981.

His legal judgments were intensely resented by groups such as the Cosa Nostra, the Camorra, and the Red Brigades (since linked to the CIA). In 1983 his brother, Franco, a trades unionist, died in a hail of bullets.

It was hardly surprising that in retirement he should join the independent investigation into 9/11, which he called an American Gladio.

“The 9/11 events were an instance of the strategy of tension enacted by political and economic powers in the USA to seek advantages for the oil and arms industries.”

Imposimato continued to “give all my energy to the search for the Truth and Justice for all the victims of the massacres, wherever [they are] committed. For there is no peace without Truth and Justice.”

Fifty red balloons were released to mark his passing, as he was laid to rest in Rome in 2018.
comment image

Nov 7, 2020 11:17 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

He was installed by Campbell and Blair to stop being prosecuted for their lies on the Iraq war.

He was used to stifle the investigations into paedophilia by the great and famous, including Saville.

He was in charge of the CPS that instructed the Swedish authorities ‘not to dare withdrawing’ the fake rape accusations against Assange, that were setup by the DS spooks to get JA to stop the release of their crimes.

Starmer was rewarded with a Knighthood and the safe Labour Seat which was controlled by the mini Nadia CLP heade by Polly Toynbee.

All of that is public record – but the dumb as fuck Labour membership still voted for him as Leader instead of a Northern, working class local Long Bailey – refusing the option of the first female leader of the Labour Party in favour of the Metrosexual parachuted state servant !

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Nov 7, 2020 4:56 PM
Reply to  DunGroanin

Well, if we are going to talk about rigged elections, I think we could well start with that one.

Nov 7, 2020 12:16 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

The official 7/7 report claimed the attacker used acetone peroxide explosives . The official report showed a train axel, a thick steel girder, at Aldgate warped massively from the horizontal. There is no way that acetone peroxide could do that. Only nitro-explosives could….where were they from…?

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Nov 7, 2020 5:03 PM
Reply to  Dabuyo

Only nitro-explosives could….where were they from…?


Nov 7, 2020 10:06 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Starmer bravely and wisely used his privileged position as Leader of the Opposition to demand more of what Boris is imposing, and faster. None of his MPs opposed the second lockdown, unlike 37 Tory rebels worried about their constituents’ lives and livelihoods. About his willingness to ‘take instruction’; I’d welcome any convincing evidence of who the mysterious instructors might be, and the logic and content of their controlling agenda.

Nov 7, 2020 2:20 PM

Taking instruction from the Cabinet Office/Privy Council as a first step, I guess. The justice system being politically controlled, the last thing they want is a DPP with initiative or the desire to be some sort of champion of human rights.

Nov 7, 2020 5:56 AM

The writer should leave the party. Everyone who abhors this guy should leave.
I left when Starmer forced JC to have a 2nd referendum. I joined when JC took the reins.
The unions should keep their money for their own causes.
A new party will appear.
The remaining PLP ‘Labour’ MPs can join the Tories or LibDems!
Here in Thailand, a new party came out of nowhere last year and took 80 seats.
They attracted the young. And the old PheuThai opposition were seen too ‘establishment’
by the young.
My UK is gone, the US is dying, the future is Asian?!

Nov 7, 2020 8:51 AM
Reply to  davemass

Asian and perhaps African too.

Nov 7, 2020 12:24 PM
Reply to  YeahBut

African? Black Africa is a disaster zone…

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Nov 7, 2020 9:44 AM
Reply to  davemass

The future seems to be Chinese … unfortunately.

Nov 7, 2020 10:09 AM
Reply to  davemass

On new UK parties appearing, are you tempted by BLM or Nigel Farage’s Reform?

Nov 7, 2020 10:58 AM
Reply to  davemass

Would that be the party the corrupt establishment then basically broke up and banned their top people from ever running in politics again?

Nov 7, 2020 11:33 AM
Reply to  davemass

Social credit systems? No thanks

Nov 7, 2020 12:25 PM
Reply to  Jay

It’s heaps better to have an open social credit system than what we have now. As it stands now, 1) you have no idea why things very often go wrong, 2) you can’t find the person who is responsible and 3) there is no one to complain to. (or, when you are allowed complain, a wall can give a better response)

Here is a tiny example of what you are surrounded by: From 1968 – 2007, at least 30 women were deceived into long-term relationships by undercover officers: https://www.rt.com/op-ed/505910-uk-spycops-undercover-police/

Nov 7, 2020 12:31 PM
Reply to  Myall

They’re both bad. The Chinese social credit system (which the West wants to emulate) is a tyranny. I want no part of it. Why do I need a QR code to meet friends in the pub?

Nov 7, 2020 11:59 PM
Reply to  Jay

Of course, both bad, but we shouldn’t bash China when at the same time we have built something much worse (and getting worse by the day).

Don’t forget, this is happening while we are bombing other countries under the banner of promoting democracy and freedom which is fast disappearing.

Nov 10, 2020 6:40 AM
Reply to  Jay

You dont need the QR code….its the government and its agencies that need the qr code to know who you have met,where you have met,if it is compatible to their agenda that you met etc etc etc

Nov 10, 2020 6:48 AM
Reply to  Myall

Thats nothing compared to what they can now do with the apparent backing of the law….in the future you’ll look back on those 30 relationships as the glory days

Nov 7, 2020 11:34 AM
Reply to  davemass

The centuries old global Anglo Imperialism controlled by the millennial Money families is in its final decades of collapse. It exists now as a attempt to gaslight 5+1 eyed Gollum’s ‘citizens’ into a last ditch attempt at grabbing more resources by sending their sons to kill civilians in far off lands.

The future is the SCO and BRI and it’s coming together with an ever closer EU which has escaped the nato mafiosi.

The Empire is dead. Long live the new Empire ! One that finally aims to raise the poorest not enslave and steal from them.

Until the Thai army and police are not run by their aristo families – that country will always remain the openly coup state it has been and vassal of the 5+1 eyed soldiers cheap, young poor girls and boys to fuck.

A coup state that the U.K. was finally publicly turned into last year as the US is turned into today.

Sawadee Krupp DaveMass

Nov 7, 2020 3:16 PM
Reply to  DunGroanin

So what part if the EU is escaping the “nato mafiosi” …? Merkel, Von de Leyer, Charles Michel, Macron….? Carl Bildt, the PiS regime in Warsaw or the fanatic Russia hating Thatcher clones in the Baltics, the Borissov bouncer thug in Sofia…..do tell?

Nov 7, 2020 4:42 AM

I get how these charlatans have stitched themselves into the fabric of society….the interest in their doings etc – but why tolerate them – when are about as meaningful as a conversation about clouds under a clear blue sky – aren’t we tired off their continual haziness – and dulled enough to gather a great windstorm to blow them away for good.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Nov 7, 2020 4:04 AM

“How considerate of Stormtrooper. Keeping the general public safe from his rather bad case of halitosis. He may be a Zionazi Death Kultist SOB, but don’t say he isn’t a caring Zionazi Death Kultist SOB.”

Nov 7, 2020 11:48 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

If I had magical powers I’d like to see every politician take PCR tests the way that everyone else has to (and self isolate accordingly).. To lose their income (because their job had been destroyed by lockdown rules).. To have their health care cancelled (as millions have) and to generally suffer the same trauma as the rest of the population has for the last nine months. There is too much tragedy

It seems however, that politicians and the like are exempt from the suffering experienced by their constituents. Still amazed how some break the rules with impunity (Neil Ferguson and his mistress, Tony Blair ignoring quarantine rules, SNP politicians breaking rules, Jeremy Corbyn etc)

Wish I lived in Sweden

Voxi Pop
Voxi Pop
Nov 7, 2020 3:42 AM

 America soon to follow, if not already there! Watch the Antifa film linked at bottom if you haven’t – its well done, and already censored. Remember the story about Antifa being trained recently in Syria? its true, footage shown.


EARWITNESS: Postmaster is Backdating Ballots In PA/ 47 MI Counties Used Faulty Counting Software/ “Complete Lawlessness” in PA Defying Court Order/ “Trump Accountability Project” Wants Vengence On Supporters/ Watch Censored Antifa Film 

S Cooper
S Cooper
Nov 7, 2020 4:45 AM
Reply to  Voxi Pop

“So what happened to THE SECRET BALLOT. Why isn’t anyone talking about that? Is everyone brain dead?”

PS It is no ones business or right to know who someone else “voted for.”

Voxi Pop
Voxi Pop
Nov 7, 2020 4:48 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

someone has to verify and count it, that’s always been true.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Nov 7, 2020 6:41 AM
Reply to  Voxi Pop

“Votes from voting machines do not have return addresses. This past SHAM GENERAL ELECTION has now passed the political Rubicon and violated the sacred concept of THE SECRET BALLOT. Have those criminals no shame.”

Voxi Pop
Voxi Pop
Nov 7, 2020 6:54 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

not a scrap.