Censoring Donald Trump is more “dangerous to democracy” than anything he could ever say
Oligarchs and social media giants are now claiming a monopoly on “the truth”, that should worry everyone
Kit Knightly

The media have called the election for Biden, but the counting goes on and there is a legal case in the offing. But whoever emerges from this deluge of sludge, fraud and propaganda to become president of the United States, there has undoubtedly already been one big loser – freedom of speech.
Late on Tuesday night/early Wednesday morning, Donald Trump – the elected President of the United States – emerged from the White House to make a speech.
He accused the Democratic party, the political establishment, the media and tech giants/social media companies of working together to steal the election and put Biden in the Whitehouse.
You likely didn’t see all of it, because most of the mainstream news channels simply refused to broadcast it. Watch this clip:
Earlier that night, MSNBC had cut away from Trump’s first speech claiming victory, with anchor Brian Williams claiming it was “not rooted in reality” and “dangerous”.
Social media companies were doing the same thing. Within hours of it being set up Facebook deleted a group protesting the election result, while twitter reduced the President’s timeline to this:

This isn’t about defending Donald Trump, or even agreeing that the election was rigged (although there is plenty of evidence to suspect as much). This is about a principle. Donald Trump is the elected head of state, and he is being denied a platform to address the people he represents by the faceless servants of corporate media oligarchs.
This is a terrible, terrifyingly awful precedent to set.
The owners of Comcast or Warner Bros or Disney or Facebook or Twitter are not elected officials. They have no legal authority, and thus no accountability. Yet they are claiming the right to determine what elected officials can and cannot say to the people who elected them.
There is a strain of thought that this kind of censorship is justified. “Spreading disinformation puts lives at risk”, they say. “If the media stopped people lying we wouldn’t be in this mess” or “the news should only broadcast the truth!”.
The argument goes that “allowing Donald Trump to “publicly undermine our democratic institutions will erode the public trust and could lead to violence.”
But I would argue that empowering billionaires to hold a monopoly on “the truth” is far more dangerous to democracy than anything Trump could ever say.
To people inclined to disagree, I leave these five questions. Answer them, if you can:
- Who made the decision to censor the elected President of the United States?
- Who granted them this power?
- Whose interests do they serve?
- To whom are they accountable?
- In the future, who gets to decide “the truth”?
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Who cares whether Biden, Trump or the drover’s dog ‘won/ the corrupted elections. The fact is -greedy, psychologically disturbed, oligarchs will still control the levers of power. Democracy … give it a break.
Thank God we’ve got splendid chaps like Jake Tapper and Luke Harding to keep us safe from all this evil disinformation.
I do like that there hasn’t been a peep from anyone about Polls and their obvious function, which is to sway voters prior to election day.
Polls should be outlawed.
Something else frustrating I wanted to bring up, along these same lines, is the nature of the internet where content is regularly removed/changed without notice. For a long time until this summer, the WHO advised against wearing masks on their own website unless you were with someone who had Covid. I cited this regularly and nobody would look it up or acknowledge it. Then one day the WHO changed their stance, and updated their site. Suddenly the news picked it up and started reporting on it, and people sent the new updated WHO page to me like I was a liar. This happens all the time.
Today on our local news, they covered a mask protest:
That second sentence links to a page where the CDC says they are counting flu deaths. Yet I’ve seen in the last few weeks a page on the CDC website where they say they aren’t. Of course I can’t find it now. It’s infuriating to see this man called a liar by a public news site.
To be fair to the man, Trump, he ought to be allowed to govern without all of the Socialist, liberal, progressive and lying acrimony that his first term involved. He is not at all like me. I would have told the Dims that they could have kissed my bass without the “b” and that they could take the job and shove up their bass, without the “b.”
Be prepared when he wins another four years, that they will try to do the same thing to him that the traitors did to him the first term. The difference is that NOW he will be on to them and will not be bamboozled a second time.
“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.” Edward Bernays (1928)
Why Do People Believe Propaganda? Creating Submissively “Obedient Individuals”
By Robert J. Burrowes
November 09, 2020
A fascistic bugle call. The Telegraph calls for the criminalisation of ‘anti-vaxxers’
//:0 //:0
Apologies Jay that reply was an error
Real Clear Politics have revised their call for Pennsylvania such that position now stands at: Biden 259 vs Trump 214
And Biden’s lead in Arizona is now less than 15K with ~ 76K votes left to count. Recently counted votes have been breaking for Trump at a rate that suggests he may take the state without further investigations into discrepancies.
This is a further incident by Fox.
Tucker Carlson Throws Not-So-Subtle Dig at Fox News and Neil Cavuto For Cutting Away From Trump Campaign Press Conference
LIVE: Press Conference with Kayleigh McEnany and RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel
Donald J Trump
Streamed live 10 hours ago
Censorship-free YouTube alternative (technically
much more sophisticated than outdated Bitchute).
BREAKING: AG Barr Authorizes Federal Prosecutors to Pursue “Substantial Allegations” of Voting Irregularities Before 2020 Election is Certified
Published November 9, 2020 at 6:13pm
This is a breaking story … please refresh page for updates.
The Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra
The comments on that page are no cause for rejoicing…
People clearly don’t trust Barr one little bit.
Since it’s completely counter to Barr’s style (see below), there is a touch of irony in posting the William Tell Finale. However, his style is perfectly suited to the role and he knows exactly what he’s doing. See:
Attorney General William Barr hits the bagpipes at DOJ event
Jun 26, 2019
Excellent !
Fair to assume this is deepstate coup. MOCKINGBIRD and mighty Wurlitzer on full blast globally with obvious ‘D’ Notice on all HunterBIDENS data trove at critical moment in the Election cycle. Begs the connection between CCP billion revealed in BIDEN data flowing into BIDEN front companies and any connections thru to DNC.con from there [FBI Wray had that information months b4hand..locked it down] -> 2nd part being the WUHAN release of Fauci virus to implement mail-in fraud machinery and massive people control systems thru COVID alert levels.
Fair to thinkTrump’s red wave coming was understood by all his enemies DNC/CCP/deepstate/NATO/WEF/DAVOS/GATES crowd…so they gotta win this one ….
Long time lurker, first time poster. I haven’t read through all 330-odd comments so this may well have already been covered, but the question I have is: what are the chances of impeachment charges being laid against Biden? Poking around on the web these last few months gave me the impression that there are some seriously suspicious activities relating to “Uncle Joe” and his family.
0 chance. There is however a very high probability of him dying or considered unfit nd thus ushering in americas first black, asian, Latina, indian, lesbian and transgender president in its entire history.
0 since the House will be controlled by the D’s. Also kiss a 25th amendment charge goodbye as well, unless the power brokers wish Cameltoe to be their stooge.
nationalize these companies,
guantanamize the execs.
Howie Hawkins was running in the election. He received just 0.2% and very little media coverage but is a notable anti war candidate and more supportive of natural health than the democrats. This was a poor result compared to Jill Stein in 2016. The democrats may have gained votes with their strategy of blaming Jill Stein voters for Trumps election as they did blaming Nader supporters when Al Gore lost in 2000. Hard to believe the green vote could be so weak.
“a notable anti war candidate”
What good is that in a militaristic country where the whole economy feeds on a gigantic military industrial complex? Can you imagine how many shareholders and stakeholders* would vote for an anti-war candidate?
(* yes middle class is complicit in US war crimes around the globe)
Well one can’t just give up, Myall.
One has to try.
A good man in an utterly rotten country will have a tough time, but he makes the country better than it would be without him.
Put aside all of the “irregularities” for a minute, and look at other things. Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Georgia returned Republican State governments, yet people are supposed to believe that the voters in those states hated Trump so much that not only did they just not vote in the Presidential election, they voted for Biden. While individuals may do that, the “herd” doesn’t.
Note that Arizona, where fraud is also alleged, was Republican, but has yet reported. It too, allegedly went massively for Biden.
Is the pressure on to get rid of Trump NOW, so:
1. Joe can bow out before January inauguration?
2. Hillary can turn up and take the Crown?
Far fetched?
Here’s Trump’s latest tweet:
Source: https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1325778096151203843
You will forgive me if I don’t click on that one.
I … just … c … c … c … can’t …
Yup, why am I not the slightest surprised, ugh…. and while at it, some aspects must be crystal clear, I am no Trumpstein fan, but to even consider Creepy Joe as an saviour is even worse, and I have to remind people about whom is indeed the war party par-exselanse, the DemonCrauts, because, here is another thing, its not the presidents that sets the agenda or direction/s, its the CFR and AIPAC, etc, that runs the shit show called American politics, and they just got the front seats, and have Creepy Joe and Kamelama DingDong on their leaches, and this two bitches will do whatever they say, and what they have to do, and CJ was one of the most rotten scumbags in the previous Gov, and is an certifyed lying POS, and Kamalama is just nutts.
The second thing is, the so called Not Liberalistic uh…. people, the cockservatives, the crowd on Not-TDSers, the Trumpetistas, etc, people whom I think is more or less the ones to blame for Joe the Bideet to win, because they have managed to drown any kind of sane debate in drivel only AmeriTards “knows” about, and their constant attacks on Socialism, tells me more about their ability to reson than anything else, and compares socialism to Venezuela and NK, well, both have been sactioned for decades and NK for half an century, like Cuba, and blames everything on socialism, yup, and you gonna debate with this people, I dont even bother, just go to ZeroH and read, if you dont belive me.
Then we have the millions of people suffering because of Trumpsteins insane hate for nations witch have done nothing against the Imperial banana republic, and then we have Iran.
And so on, why in the name of f….. should we feel sorry for the scumbags whom calls them self for patriots, yeah, I have no symphaty what so ever, but the thing is, the next Gov is in no way any better, the agendas are clear, and since I dont wanna jump on any band waggon yet, just remind people about AOC whom wanted white people, you know, the nazis, to be sent into re-education camps, yup after whining about China, they suddenly want to do the same.
Whined about Russian electoral collution and now they claim its impossible.
Yeah, the only thing/s I know for certain is, that into the WH comes 2 dogs and a crack head.
The rest, I await in awe.
So, what on earth could possibly go wrong.
Try to say it with out all the hyperbole. I lost track of your core message.
The powers that be (call them globalists, bankers, elite whatever) have nearly got all their ducks in a row, the last piece of their puzzle is america. The land of the ‘free’ and home of the ‘brave’, who have been indoctrinated to believe they are exceptional and have rights under their revered constitution.
I think the events we are seeing are all part of the planned transfer from the dollar as the reserve currency and installation of global govt (new world order whatever its called)
Here is why i think this
Election fraud is obvious and off the scale, its blatant and has left a trail a dog with no nose could follow. Given that the powers that be are not stupid and have literally unlimited resources, this has disturbed me for the last week….why commit fraud that is so obvious….because they want it to be discovered.
The sequence of events is telling.
Fraud on a massive scale
Trump team calls foul
MSM declares biden winner
Dems are celebrating and dancing in the street feeling euphoria all across the the DNC, BLM, Antifa etc
Trump team collates evidence that had been left like breadcrumbs to find
Dancing Dems, still celebrating
Trump team goes off to the courts.
The Dems euphoria continues, parties, loving they ‘beat the evil orange man bad’
Michigan authorities say ‘oopsy we had a ‘computer glitch’ which was discovered handing that county back to trump and the republican senator victory
Dancing Dems, still celebrating
All Michigan counties now need to check software
SCOTUS makes first judgement re Pennsylvania – mail ballots to be set aside
Biden (accompanied by where’s Waldo son Hunter) makes victory speech where he calls to ‘unite’ now, ‘cease divisive rhetoric ‘ and says ‘230 million thousand Americans have died from Covid – that’s not a typo that’s what he said ‘230 million thousand’
Cabal world leaders call biden to congratulate him on his tremendous victory
MSM celebrating
Republicans who didnt want trump to win start coming out of the woodwork
Dems, BLM, Antifa liberal loons still dancing and demanding defund the police, flexing their ‘mandate’
From here i am hypothesizing
SCOTUS reviews election fraud cases, evidence is overwhelming (intentionally) and even liberal leaning judges can not pretend there was no fraud, no option but to award victory to trump
MSM Democrats woodwork republicans claim Supreme Court stack by trump resulting in him ‘stealing the election’
MSM declare trump a ‘dictator’
The emotional impact to the dancing in the street dems will be unfathomable
Liberal meltdown that makes the Portland riots look like a teddybears picnic
Western leaders boost the narrative trump is a dictator
The extreme elements of the various well funded groups continue the wholesale destruction of communities, businesses, rioting, looting, shooting
Trump supporters and normal non partisans citizens will arm up and go out to defend from these extreme elements. More rioting more shooting
MSM keeps stoking fire ‘trump is a dictator, he stole the election, against our constitution’
Trump declares martial law to get control and reinstate law and order
MSM cries ‘see he is a dictator’
Liberals continue meltdown
Western leaders break off diplomatic tries with dictator trump
Markets fall, billionaires loose some lunch money
Western organisations (IMF, Bank of International Settlements, WTO, UN etc) determine america can no longer be considered legitimate and make moves for transfer of reserve currency’
Reserve currency transferred to alternative, possibly a digital currency
America crashes and burns and the powers that be now do not have to pander to a major player who’s citizens falsely believe they are free
Global govt rounds up remainder dissidents, both from Democrat (they have served their purpose after all) and Republican camps and puts them in FEMA camps
Most other countries under global govt do the same to any and all dissidents.
End of story, thank you for your time.
Oh and all of us (willing and unwilling) will be vaccinated, and chipped….ensuring there is never again any masses of people that think they have rights and that need to be managed.
I suggest you put some cold ice into your pants
I do that every Friday at 6pm, what’s your point?
The networks are pulling away from Trump’s speeches because they’re ……… boring. I’ll get back to this in a while.
But first let me remind that in the 2016 campaign the media gave Trump three billion dollars worth of free advertising because they found him so entertaining. It was one of the big factors leading to his election.
Bear in mind that everybody knew that Trump, if he lost, was going to accuse the election of having been rigged whether it was or not. In ’16 he was blathering on about that even before the vote, obviously for no other reason than he wanted an excuse. He cried wolf, so this time nobody was going to believe him even if the election were rigged. The trouble with Trump is that he doesn’t explicate, he just blurts. Even now, if for once he was to put forth a calm and intelligent explanation of his grievances, the media just might be intrigued enough to give him their full attention.
The networks are tyrannized by their advertisers — they’re afraid of alienating them and make assumptions about what are acceptable to the advertisers. The advertisers are tyrannized by “the public” — they’re afraid of alienating the public and make assumptions about what the public thinks. And the public is tyrannized by the networks. So it’s a vicious circle or vicious triangle and the military-weapons-intelligence complex plugs into it at the place before the news reporting. The reporters are lazy or scared and they report what they are given without question. Also, the medical-drug complex plugs in before the news. Something like 70% of the advertising revenue for the network news comes from drug companies.
According to Dennis Montgomery, 2016 was “fixed” but not enough.
Note the date. Montgomery and retired USAF #3 Lieutenant General Thomas McInerney said 2020 would be rigged.
Well that’s another one to add to the list for ‘Conspiracy Theorists’……
I somehow think even Toto would be barking on this one.
Fuck it gets worse:
“Goodbye Trump, hello Biden: how America is waving goodbye to a shocking, shameful era”
It’s just as well I’m not permitted access to this since it would be bad for my blood pressure.
well they got the gist of it right, it was a shocking and shameful era, and I could add a lot of other adjectives, as the entire mainstream media decided it was their job to be the propaganda arm of an attempted (and ultimately successful, if they manage to steal this election rather than just attempt to) deep state coup against a duly elected president – and it’s really just as shocking to realise how many supposedly otherwise compos mentis citizens of the ‘educated’ classes showed they are as putty in the hands of the media, believing all kinds of utter nonsense when told to, and etc …
Now this is what I call cyber warfare:
And it didn’t take the Russians to do it!
Hear the trumpet call as the new POTUS girds his loins and enters the fray:
“Joe Biden spent his first full day as US president-elect determined to hit the ground running, as he faces one of the most daunting challenges of any new occupant of the White House. The Democrat, who defeated Donald Trump to win election as the 46th president, immediately began work on what is likely to be a turbulent transition as he confronts the fast-spreading coronavirus, high unemployment, systemic racism, the climate crisis and a bitterly divided nation.”
“Yet even as the silent machinery of a transfer of power kicked inexorably into gear,…”
Jeez! Does someone actually get paid for this drearily clichéd bombast?
“…Trump still refused to concede defeat, insisting he would press ahead with legal challenges from Monday. There is no evidence of widespread election irregularities. On Sunday, the former president George W Bush joined those recognising Biden as the winner.”
Blah blah “pandemic-era election” – oh that’s good!
“…euphoria in major cities as people honked car horns, danced in the streets and turned Trump’s TV catchphrase against him: “You’re fired!”” Ooh retribution time!
What’s this?
“It was also hailed by observers around the world as a return to political orthodoxy…” Sehr interessant!
Well I’m sorry but as usual, my tolerance levels are giving out and by “This is the time to heal in America.” I had had enough!
But note from the side:
“Can Biden and Harris put a bitterly divided America back together again?”
Of course they can!
“Read more”
Can’t wait!
oh ‘girds his loins’ come on, even as a metaphor that induces chuckles – poor old Joe couldn’t even find his loins anymore and if he did his wife would probably have to gird them with a pamper or something, god knows what drugs they put him on to keep him vaguely coherent for a 10-minute teleprompter speech
Excuse my vulgarity, but ‘girds his loins’ – perhaps that should that be ‘girls his loins’. He’s just another old man pervert – dim, obedient, gullible and greedy. Perfect presidential material for these times.
I seem to have become very judgemental. Guess no one’s perfect!
I still think Trump will be inagurated on Jan 20th and will call a fresh election in the same year. Why censor me?
Let’s hope OG moderators honour the excellent logic of this article.
Trump (and everyone else) have the inalienable right to dig a hole for themselves.
Exaggerating, omitting, understating – most people do it, especially politicians.
I lie quite often. It is an essential part of the so called freedom of expression,
the freedom to make a fool of oneself.
In my home country denying the holocaust is a punishable offense (ridiculous).
Anything goes, one should be able to show one’s true colors openly.
Light is the best desinfectant.
Who are those bastards to decide what is true and what not, and to tell me what I
can or cannot say or write?
“Light is the best disinfectant.”
Solon of Athens, one of the Seven Sages and father of Democracy, made it a crime to conceal one’s political opinion.
which is probably where lying got a big boost …
In the following video, the X22 Report discusses the application of the Art of War in relation to the election; specifically:
#19. Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.
– The Art of War by Sun Tzu – Section VII: Maneuvering
But given that the Patriots’ plans have mostly been communicated, and are certainly predictable by any intelligence operation, I think #19 is not fully appropriate to this situation. Instead, I think it is more that the Deep State is caught in a paradoxical trap. Its overall approach has been to mask or distort the reality of its own existence and operations; and this has been very successfull in controlling the general population. To address the Patriots, however, it needs to broadcast a proper understanding of reality; and this would require the Deep State to simultaneously present itself truthfully. This in itself would probably lead to the collapse of the Deep State and hence they have no option but continue on with the delusions.
Drop The Hammer
X22 Report
Ep. 2323b
Nov 8, 2020
I don’t think most adherents of capitalism will spot the conundrum here: allowing business to supply and even dominate essentials (infrastructure/goods/services).
Except… this has been happening for an unknown amount of years. Since 2000, Gore, Kerry, Sanders, have been all been cheated by this corrupt non-transparent electoral system. Direct Democracy is our only future…
Your faith in Democrat politicians as the honest ones (because you support them) ignores mountains of evidence to the contrary. Anyone sincerely concerned about the ‘non-transparent’ electoral system must ask and then show who made it thus.
You misunderstand. I should have clarified. The election systems in the US have always been non-transparent and corrupt for both Parties and against everything except their joint control of power. I dislike both parties equally and would never vote for or trust any politician of either party or any “Party”. I was just pointing to the obvious recent stolen elections since 2000. Dims accepted the losses as playing their Good Cop roll as the wimp part of the team.
I posted my link to my Direct Democracy project as a model for how we-the-people could elect policies and budgets and eliminate the corrupt 1% middleperson politicians. We have a fully staffed government that could respond to our directives if we directed them, like withdraw all foreign bases; tax the 1% proportionally to the amount of their disposable income; Nationalize the Banks; Nationalalize Health Care; and making all government activities transparent and open to public scrutiny. And on and on. Check out my link above and see what you think.
Oh, and the Dems are not Left. Both Parties are a public-private-partnership (fascist) corporate Bad Parent governing tag-team-to-hell. The Left is egalitarian, democratic socialists, and we are very difficult to find in a system that makes discussion of egalitarian policies non-existent. Every person in modern society should know the history of all political movements. They should be able to properly identify how they functioned or dysfunctioned. And be able to discuss all of these in determining a new self-governing system. We must replace this 1% parent to 99% child totalitarian gov’t into 100% self-governing vested adult society.
Who made the decision to censor the elected President of the United States? The “non-elected” cabal who controls the political duopoly and mainstream media news– the national security state.
Who granted them this power? Although there’s a constitution and three branches of government the national security state comprised of 17 intelligence agencies working hand-in-glove with the military industrial complex have unlimited power. Their main objective is to sustain the Empire’s stability nationally and internationally. Within the US, state-run mainstream media news controls the population via psychological manipulation better known as propaganda. When propaganda no longer works militarized police forces are deployed to squash riots or rebellions.
Whose interests do they serve? The first objective of the national security state is to protect the economic interests of “corporate America.” This includes multinational corporations, the big banks, Wall Street, the energy industry, etc…
To whom are they accountable? To the owners of the industries cited above. However, It should be noted that when societies collapse the military usually seizes control.
Who gets to decide “the truth”? Within all nation-states “the truth” is determined by designated authorities assigned to regulate the population’s access to selective bits of carefully edited information.
The importance of controlling information and establishing the “official narrative” was explained in Edward Bernays’ 1928 treatise entitled Propaganda: “The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.
We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society.
Whatever attitude one chooses to take toward this condition, it remains a fact that in almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons……”
“Whose interests do they serve? To whom are they accountable?”
In the most sanctimonious parts of the free world, not even legislators have the right to know who gets to guzzle down trillions of dollars in public wealth at the trough – every time the latter crash the economy. Meanwhile, destitution grows in the “free world”, as established by the UN Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty.
Worldwide gangsterism.
Look no further than International Zionism. The mask has slipped so far that the face of the perpetrators is laid bare.
Ownership of the world wide banking cartel has provided the funds that even Col. Edward Mandell House would be staggered.
Ownership of the worlds media, by six giant globalist Corporations would validate the odious Bernays.
The influence exercised by the Freemasons in the Legal world is complete and amounts to ownership of the outcomes.
The extent of the Dumbed Down Education System might even breathe new life into Marx.
The United Nation’s Great Reset off the back of the fake plandemic called Corona Virus 19, confirmed by the bought and paid for fake scientists advising fake politicians.
The communist plan to steal the Presidency of Donald Trump and usher in the New World Order curtesy of the Satanic Luciferians headed by the Rotheschilds and Windsors.
Fake foreign police brought in to harass the people of Britain with no authority, no sworn oaths of office and no empathy.
Pass me the sick bucket someone…
We’re quickly moving towards a China-style capitalist dictatorship.
The role of Trump is the Covid narrative is very unclear.
He initially dismissed it and when the crisis was apparently getting worse in March, Trump was again hesitant in closing the borders to the USA.
As the president of the USA, he would surely know whether it was a hoax, real or being manipulated.
He chose to keep Fauci and Birx knowing full well their connection to Gates.
Again he never bothered to get Ferguson’s model independently verified.
In early May he publicly abandoned Ferguson’s model and said he was working with real data.
His priority was getting the economy reopened and rightly so but he also transferred huge sums to Wall Street.
He publicly blamed China and the WHO and defunded the WHO but made a huge donation to Gates owned Gavi.
Last month he claimed he was PCR positive for Covid but had little to no symptoms and then downplayed the virus despite in April claiming it was a vicious virus that killed his friend.
It’s really hard to evaluate his role in Event Covid but the evidence would indicate he is controlled opposition.
Or is he controlling the opposition?
The brain washed need to wake up, but until it becomes so obvious that a child can see the corruption they never will.
“The individual comes face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind has not come to a realisation of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent”. J.Edgar Hoover. First Director,
Please read the following Executive Orders,
Executive Order 13773 of February 9, 2017
Enforcing Federal Law with Respect to Transnational Criminal Organizations and Preventing International Trafficking
Executive Order 13818 of December 20, 2017
Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption
These are not the actions of a controlled president, as these orders go to the very heart of the problem.
Keep the faith as all will be revealed in the fullness of time.
Your post is refreshingly different.
My posts reach the parts that other posts cannot reach.
I concur. Trump plays an extremely good part and it is easy to believe. However consider his chum Giuliani who by all accounts was up to his neck in the 9/11 false flag. Trump can’t be for real with friends like that and he can’t be a patriot. I’d like to be proved wrong about Trump but, as you say, the evidence points one way.
What evidence would that be. Start with the dancing Israelis and work forward through Missing Links, ytb.
It seems a lot of people dismiss any opposition to the masks etc. as “Trump voters”. The media vilified him to such an extent and then attached opposition to the masks etc. to him so a lot of these brainwashed tv addicts think it’s all just about the US presidential election, even when it is someone outside America speaking. They are totally irrational. They are not thinking about health or the issues being discussed but how you must be a evil Trump supporter. It’s like a reflex reaction shutting them off before even considering what is said.
Fauci can’t be fired, Fauci chose and used Ferguson’s model independently of Trump, China has not been absolved of creating covid19, Wall Street funded Biden, Biden called Trump xenophobic for banning flights from China, Trump showing little or no symptoms from covid is a hugely common response. By ignoring all these easily verifiable facts, your post only makes the role of Trump less clear.
On Twitter Trump is pushing the Pfizer vaccine.😱
CNN NEWS FLIPPED VOTES LIVE – Proof Of Computer Vote Counting Fraud/
AnomaLIE: 450,000 Ballots 4 Only Biden/
PELOSI.FEINSTEIN Vote Machine Shareholder Owners Chief of Staff and Husband/
REAL MAP: 227 Biden 217 Trump/
REAL Vote Certify Dates/
Accurate Left: Trump Can Win.Dem Losses/
Gaza Style Effigy Hate
From a speech in Congress in The Bankruptcy of The United States United States Congressional Record, March 17, 1993 Vol. 33, page H-1303.
Speaker-Rep. James Traficant, Jr. (Ohio) addressing the House:
“Prior to 1913, most Americans owned clear, allodial title to property, free and clear of any liens or mortgages until the Federal Reserve Act (1913) “Hypothecated” all property within the federal United States to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve – in which the Trustees (stockholders) held legal title. The U.S. citizen (tenant, franchisee) was registered as a “beneficiary” of the trust via his/her birth certificate. In 1933, the federal United States hypothecated all of the present and future properties, assets and labor of their “subjects,” the 14th Amendment U.S. citizen, to the Federal Reserve System.
In return, the Federal Reserve System agreed to extend THE FEDERAL United States CORPORATION [emphasis added] all the credit “money substitute” it needed. Like any other debtor, the federal United States government had to assign collateral and security to their creditors as a condition of the loan. Since the federal United States didn’t have any assets, they assigned the private property of their “economic slaves”, the U.S. citizens as collateral against the unpayable federal debt. They also pledged the unincorporated federal territories, national parks forests, birth certificates, and nonprofit organizations, as collateral against the federal debt. All has already been transferred as payment to the international bankers.
Unwittingly, America has returned to its pre-American Revolution, feudal roots whereby all land is held by a sovereign and the common people had no rights to hold allodial title to property. Once again, We the People are the tenants and sharecroppers renting our own property from a Sovereign in the guise of the Federal Reserve Bank. We the people have exchanged one master for another…”
A much maligned man and told the truth to the money masters.
Hello Laurence Howell: I knew nothing of James Traficant until shortly after his “untimely” death. He was truthful, astute, and plain spoken. Exactly the attributes so hated by the spin-masters of media… Here’s an interview from many weary years ago. >
James Traficant – Israel uses us like a whore
March 6, 2011
No, an unchosen President is being imposed on we the people, as the upcoming court battle will show.
The ugly baby needs that screams to be thrown out, is the entire world wide corporate system under the auspices of the United Nations. The former United States of America became a “corporation” in 1925, and this fact was made “official” in 1933 by Satan’s favorite spawn, Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
THE UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY: the de facto government – YouTube
Civilian citizens have no human rights (are owned) and are debt slaves to the corporations that have controlled America for the last 70+ years. Our entire social order is a Hollywood illusion. Corporate anarchy IS the current system. It would be next to impossible to do much worse…
Paul,I am in agreement with the thrust of your points,however do you mean Anarchy as an order which makes sense, as this is no random set of events,if you mean chaos in reality,then say so.Anarchy as a socio /economic system dosn’t mean chaos,mainly a flatter non Hierarchical set of living arrangements.
I agree. Anarchy is not ‘no rules’ just ‘no rulers’
I grew up in a remote location where the fed/state govt mattered little to our way of life, the nearest local govt was hundreds of km’s away and there was no official law enforcement to speak of.
The community was peaceful, helpful and not full of crazy chaos creators. Because the definition of Anarchy has been so misrepresented (on purpose i believe) the locals would never consider themselves ‘Anarchists’ but that is exactly what they were.
It isn’t the systems that are the problem it is the owners of those systems that needs to change.
That is what this struggle is about.
You forget or deny the role of voters in a democracy. Also worth noting is how corporate America funds Biden and defames Trump.
I discovered in 2014 that Australia was also a corporation. The Commonwealth of Australia Pty Ltd registered business address the Aust Embassy in Washington.
Earliest records i could find….yes 1933.
Hello Stregs: Common Wealth countries fall under a different set of legal and jurisdictional rules. They are generally considered Unitary States. Democracy?
Excerpted from: Unitary state – Wikipedia
“A unitary state is a state governed as a single power in which the central government is ultimately supreme. The central government may create (or abolish) administrative divisions (sub-national units). [1] Such units exercise only the powers that the central government chooses to delegate. Although political power may be delegated through devolution to regional or local governments by statute, the central government may abrogate the acts of devolved governments or curtail (or expand) their powers. A large majority of the world’s states (166 of the 193 UN member states) have a unitary system of government. [2]
Unitary states stand in contrast with federations, also known as federal states. In federations, the provincial governments share powers with the central government as equal actors through a written constitution, to which the consent of both is required to make amendments. This means that the sub-national units have a right of existence and powers that cannot be unilaterally changed by the central government. [3]“
Complete text: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unitary_state
When I went to Corpus Christi School in Oldham and I asked a simple question, I was not expecting an extremely negative reaction I did put my hand up to ask…She indicated that I could speak. She had just spent 30 minutes teaching us the Catechism and The Bible – and Adam and Eve..In fact she was a good teacher about 70 years old..well she seemed that to me..I wasn’t yet 5.
Yeh – but where did God come from?
They never took my pants down..but I did get the Strap..It didn’t leave any marks…but when I was 7 years old – I just fucked off…I played Truant. I couldn’t stand any more of this Religious Indoctrination…but this older girl found me wandering the streets of Chadderton and took me home..My desertion from school caused a slight problem, and so I got another teacher – and she taught me the basics – you know sums and stuff. I am not claiming she taught me the Periodic table…just the basics
Hydrogen Oxygen and Carbon
So if you have got a Chimney do a Flame test – a smoky match will do, to see if the smoke goes up the chimney…If it doesn’t call a Chimney Sweep and get youself a carbon monoxide detector.
In my experience – he was completely lovely. He didn’t rip us off off..Quite The Reverse…He said that wood burning stove is worth a lot of money. He could have offered me a tenner..and I would have said take it away.
Blimey My first school is still going..Still looks pretty much the same,
OK I made a few mistakes H2O – but i hope you get the gist
Try studying Walter Russell and his periodic table and the musical scale underpinned by mathematics of the Pyramid Code series of videos on Youtube.
The Electric Universe and Ken Wheeler should fill in a few blanks and Nichola Tesla, Steinmetz, Oliver Heaviside, Paul Dirac and Thomas Townsend Brown the rest.
None of the above is taught in the dumbed down education system because it makes you think for yourself, not something that modern science can cope with.
Can’t see why four idiots marked that post (Tony’s) down?
No, thinking for yourself is fundamental in science, or no progress could ever occur. The real problem is that modern politicians can’t cope with sceptical science and scientists, as that ruins the use of establishment science to justify their policies.
”The owners of Comcast or Warner Bros or Disney or Facebook or Twitter are not elected officials. They have no legal authority, and thus no accountability. Yet they are claiming the right to determine what elected officials can and cannot say to the people who elected them.”
I can see how that impression could be drawn. But I’m pretty sure none of those named run the country either. So the question is begging to be asked. Who does ? Because this is evidence that it’s government doesn’t. It’s evidence that a president is nothing more than a voicepiece of a larger, more powerful,( but never visible ) government. And that’s the body who tell Comcast, Facebook, Warner bros, Hollywood, Twitter, Youtube et all what they can and can’t say.
So they, or the others, aren’t claiming anything really. They too are ‘following orders’. Is it not obvious that anything mainstream is also a governmental arm ? Part of their propaganda apparatus ?
I remember four years ago when Trump was running. Nobody here(UK) took him seriously. Then again, they didn’t take Hilary Clinton seriously. It looked like heads you lose, tails you get beat.
Trump had cut his teeth via the mainstream. It’s a production line for celebrities. He represented the American dream. He was the man who pretty much took a slum called New York and gave it a makeover. Slums became luxury apartments and offices. OK he didn’t help those further down the ladder, but they weren’t his problem. He’s a money man. But many still worshipped him or what they perceived he represented.. They drooled over his towers and cheered and clapped when he turned up in sitcoms. But what had he ever done in the field of politics ?
Unfortunately, we live in a world that would likely put the winner of America’s Got Talent or a soap star in The White House than a politician. Someone they could ‘relate’ to.
Trump jumped on the ‘conspiracy’ bandwagon looking for votes before he won his election. He hinted that he would ‘drain the swamp’. Well, he had 4 years to. Maybe he liked the water too much. He said he’d release the JFK files. He did, A few that nobody was shocked to read. But the real meat and potatoes are still under wraps( because there’s nothing to hide 63 years later).
He promised to open the UFO files ( stop laughing, people believe in them). He promised to expose ‘fake nooz’. That was taken to be the lying mainstream. Did he do it ? Well i didn’t see that. But now that he’s been ousted by ballot he suddenly wants to. Is that a reaction to outrage over rigged elections or an angry boy kicking out because he looks small.
Many still don’t believe he won his own election legitimately; even more are sure both Bush elections were rigged. And here in England, hardly anyone believes the votes mean anything. A world government is a world government. They say who runs what and who runs where. It’s been this way since we entered the 20th century. Ask any Bilderberger or any Rockerfeller or any Rosthschild.
Trump said publicly on mainstream 2 weeks ago that this election would be rigged. He added it would be the most crooked election in America’s history. A bold claim considering America’s history. He didn’t say how exactly. He still hasn’t. But it would suggest that two weeks before the public went to vote, he’d been informed that he’d been pipped at the post by Biden. There’s your evidence of scripted bullshit.
I’ll speculate here.
I don’t believe in democracy. I believe it’s still the same ‘social experiment’ that it was originally in ancient Greece. It died then too.
It does provide a useful social tool for placating the average man- the largest demographic in any country. It makes them believe that any man can earn any amount of money according to his progress in is chosen career. He can climb the financial and social ladder. And that he gets a say in who governs the country. It gives the state leaders a great opportunity to use the words ‘Liberty’ and ‘Freedom‘ and remind their people how blessed they are and then juxtapose that with a reference to dictatorships and communism.
But it doesn’t really work. The people can’t be trusted to pick the right men and women. And it’s too big a responsibility to entrust them with. They might hinder the progress of the machine that is the NWO.
The word synonymous with democracy is freedom. And our freedom is precious. It keeps our personal sovereignty in place; our individuality.
The word synonymous with eugenics is nihilism. Both advance the ‘truth’ that the larger part of the race are superfluous to requirements. That the bottom three quarters are in need of ‘cleansing’ away .And this is the crux of our problem now. Not just America’s or the UK’s. Everyone’s.
It is impossible to convince any democratic society that eugenics and a process of socially technological ‘pruning’ is the best thing for the planet and it’s population. Both can’t exist side by side.
The real government- the one running all countries- have said this much for a century. And the bigger names that advanced the idea of global genocide by any means whatsoever, have said a free society is the enemy of the scientific, logical one. So one has to go.
The eugenicists / scientists will produce endless stats and data to support their position. Not necessarily genuine as recent events have proven.. And they’ll point to the miracles science has delivered and the direction it’s new toy( AI) is taking the world. Forget religion or God or the notion of soul or of spirituality. Like the covid 19 virus, they can’t be demonstrated and proven.
Democracy has to be shown to be a farcical, unworkable system. It has to be shown as dangerous. It has to be proven that despots can get into power by crooked means and that your votes aren’t secure enough to be trusted. This will be phase one of the much vaunted ‘great reset’. Pull that off and the whole global economy and currency will shortly follow. This is ‘the covid era’ ( their next mantra).Bye bye Democracy, come on down Dystopia.
We’ve just had the most powerful allegiance in the west, the US and the UK led by two cartoon characters who can barely speak outside of a script. Two parodies of politicians. And this last 12 months has seen the real need for powerful leadership in what we were told is ‘a war’ against a global pandemic. They sat down and waited for the NWO’s scientists to instruct us – through them – why we need to remain under their boot while the syringes are filled.
Poor old Donald has been hoist with his own petard ( to coin a mad Shakespearian phrase). His trademark arrogance and swagger has been inflicted on the world for 4 long years. Even Narcissus blushed. His juvenile tantrums when challenged have never been far from the surface. His boasts made everyone cringe. His affected manner and speech grated. And, above all, his petulance made people laugh- including his own party. He hasn’t learned from his past. He must be the only Casino to file for bankruptcy in Atlanta. Bluffing isn’t his colour.
Now, he needs to be taken seriously and has, what he says, is a serious point to make, it’s all come back to bite him on the bottom cheeks. It’s being seen as yet more petulance from the fragile yet expanding ego of a megalomaniac. This is what happens when a boy who cries wolf for four years wants to be saved.
Interesting what you say about the 2 weeks before comment of trump…I was looking at the astrology charts of both yesterday and noticed a coinciding transit that suggested to me that both were given the call and told exactly how it would play out approx 20 Oct….this will repeat again around 17 nov…there is some more to go in this whole game astro wise…not just for US elections…
the Davos mob have postponed their meeting until June …so it would appear even they are waiting for something….astrology has a lot of explanation for much that has happened this year but in general people seem to see astrology as even more unreliable than the tripe churned out by media…
We have a alive one on the site wow
Mars Rx
15• Aries from 11/4 – 24/2020
Went deep here into the degree and correlation of body in degree to this Mars Rx transit at 15• Aries! 15• Ariesv rules the Lateral Sulcus (fissure between convictions of the brain). Pretty much everything in your head is ruled by Aries. (source missy)
Liverpool as of now is using new test it CALLED ‘Lateral’ flow test nose swab which is the vaccine in another name
November 17 is 322 day fo the year with 44 days reminding
p,s October 20 is called black Monday beginning of the great crash
Wow…I have refrained from throwing in the astrology until now…and that is an interesting point about the degree of aries…it has certainly felt like there has been some fissures operating in various brains….will we mention I am an Aries….smile
mercury rx kicked it all off….the important date of 11 March…the eclipses in June/July followed….one basically on US foundation date and for Aussie friends Dan andrews shared that birthday…another made hard aspect to Neptune that landed total confusion in many directions….while 3 big planets in Capricorn the restriction sector seemed to think we all should be locked up…those 3 have not been together in Capricorn like that since we were building pyramids…wonder did they lock down then…
so many transits, rx planets, eclipses ….we have been living through planetary arrangement rarely seen…at least it has been fascinating for any astrologer wanting to watch…smile. Though a few of them seemed to lose the plot as well and forget they were astrologers…
and sad to hear people are getting things stuck up their nostrils….I live in paradise and it was all over very rapidly here and we live basically as we did before 11 March…our premier had an election to deal with so she behaved…I am sure the pcr tests were set very low…some clowns are still hanging out in the local showground hoping for people to voluntarily turn up for the nose swabbing…very few are that silly.
The sentiments in your post prove that you are a serious researcher of the New World Order.
The NWO could not come into being were it not for the bought and paid for politicians.
This begs the question who paid for them and from whence did the money come from to achieve these Luciferian ends.
I have previously posted about the Illuminati and the fact that Jacob Rees Mogg has disclosed in Parliament that the Illuminati are taking powers to themselves,
“Accepting that the Illuminati yes-men Freemasons are continuing to run their Order ab Chao plan to destabilise the world the following comments are with this in mind..
This is how it was done. The Illuminati has owned the world financial system since 1913. As a by product of this currency generator, untold trillions of dollars has been syphoned off to buy up and corrupt most politicians. They owe their allegience to secret societies and worse. ”
Jacob Rees-Mogg, House of Parliament, Tues 03/09/2019.
Speech in respect of parliamentary process….
“The motion would allow a designated Member—or a few of the Illuminati who are taking the powers to themselves—to….. ”
“Taking power to themselves”
Killer Gates,
“We are taking things that are, uh, you know, genetically modified organisms and injecting them into little kid’s arms,” said Gates in January 2015, before adding, “we just shoot ’em right into the vein.“
“So yeah I think maybe we should have a safety system where we do trials and test things out,” continued Gates.
Even J Rees Mogg knows, so why are there no feature articles on the Illuminati?
These are the culprits, if you do not know who the target is then how can you eliminate the target?
I do not believe that the these power brokers are un-known to the readership and posters of the Off Guardian.
Exposure of these various stains on humanity and a fight for freedom of speech will undermine the money power brokers and give us back a clean democratic process.
Please read,
Executive Order 13773 of February 9, 2017
Enforcing Federal Law with Respect to Transnational Criminal Organizations and Preventing International Trafficking
Executive Order 13818 of December 20, 2017
Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption.
Thanks Laurence.
I believe your 1913 date is reasonably accurate. Only because that’s when the ante could be upped due to oil and money. The plans were drawn up a long time before.
In terms of Money , banking and the power they confer , look no further than the Rockerfellers and Rothschilds.
They have become a far flung web with a tight grip. They know all men have a a price. And those who haven’t just get offered more money until they change their own mind.
There are around 15 names that have helped to orchestrate this final war on the people.
Some will say there’s no such thing as The Illuminati. I suppose they have a point as putting that sign over their various doors would be a bit of a give away. But we can refer them to an elite. It’s all the same team with the same goals.
The essence and soul of the monster was born in Germany. It moved to America to complete the job via it’s Military Industrial Genocide Complex. It was joined by England and Israel.
All of this has had to be put together meticulously and patiently. This particular chess match has too big a stake to lose.
It follows that secrecy and endless secret societies have been invaluable to these creatures.
Their propaganda machine have one main duty. To create an illusion the masses think is a reality. To deny the actual reality comes in tandem with that.
This is why the mainstream will never talk about any of this unless in a mainstream documentary designed to tell lies and expose those with the eyes to see are dismissed as ‘crazy conspiracy theorists’.
This subtle propaganda trick works well in the shallow end of the pool as they watch and are instantly conditioned into thinking ” well I’ll agree with that, that way it’s me who’s clever and them who are crazy out there”.
The latter are our army of blind and stupid. And we wonder why outnumbering the enemy is pointless..
Thanks for you open dismissal of democracy, which most leftists never do. Your reasoning, that “people can’t be trusted to pick the right men and women” would certainly be shared by all megalomaniac leaders of the past, not to mention the globalist ones of the present. All that’s missing is a watertight way to find a trustworthy dictator to lead and care for us dumb sheeple.
I openly dismiss the pretence. It’s never been a genuine democracy. It’s been faux. The reasoning you referenced was my opinion on the mentality of those who built it ; that they’re really only keeping it in place to placate the majority and keep them in a state of misplaced satisfaction. Any ‘watertight’ reason to install a world dictator won’t be needed. It’s not a Bond film. What’s being installed is a body of people who will share the responsibility a the new farm called Planet Earth.
Covid is a period of adjustment. Of that there seems little doubt. The word ‘reset’ is to mislead us into believing it’s a necessity as we’re all at the mercy of terrorists called germs. The reality is that how it’s been tackled, how it’s produced ‘data’ and ‘predictions’ and how that will lead to a ‘cure’ and destruction of the invisible beast will all be used as rationale for allowing the final apotheosis. Science has been harnessed by the NWO and is about to take the throne.
You are a little piece of data. We all are. They just need ‘science’ to provide reasons to implant us with dope and chips so we can be monitored or ‘altered’ from distance. Enter, Covid. And enter the software magnate who is suddenly a doctor.
When the information changes ( such as the identification and isolation of an actual virus), my opinion might.
When I was aware of this crisis in March,I knew the virus wasn’t dangerous, cos I thought I had already had it..It was just a cold, nowhere near as bad as the flu. The main problem I had – I still went to gigs, was that my right ear was full of ear wax, and after motorhead, I could only hear that well in almost mono
Then I saw the News. I thought ffs, I am not going anywhere near a doctor or a hospital, but I didn’t want to give the impression to my wife that there was anything wrong with me, rather than just normal. The problem actually helped me to get to sleep when she was snoring in my ear
So I bought these ear drops from Asda.. They contained Hydrogen Peroxide and urea (p1ss)..when she had gone to sleep, I would sneak a few ear drops, and put them in my ear – and the tiny bottle back in my sock drawer with my underpants.
I was now almost completely deaf. Left ear pressed to the sheet on our bed, but my right ear was bubbling away..All I could hear was bubbles – a little bit like diving except it was all in my head in real time..So did this for a few days, weeks, but no longer than a month…
I could now hear again in full stereo and 3D
Then they shutdown All The Pubs All The Festivals…
I refused and still refuse to wear a mask, so now could no longer go and see my friends, except for a few weeks..My wife told me what it was like..Sit There, Don’t Speak. Don’t Clap. Don’t Stand Up. If You need to go to the toilet indicate to one of the bar staff – thatyou are dying for a piss..They will escort you…
I go to The Pub To Dance.
It wasn’t exactly my kind of thing…And I did try and tell them on Facebook – and they just replied that I was completely F’ckin’ Mad- even The Musicians’ Wives.
Well all The Pubs and Music Venues are Shut now.
You should have Complained and Protested Then…but you were so Brainwashed then, and still are now.
This is Not Going to Go Away, by You Sitting There Doing Nothing.
Getting the flu is a good thing. It is a chance to detox and get back on track. Upgrade the systems to move up to higher frequency levels.
Practically every requirement and restriction imposed for the pandemic undermines your health, and endangers the weakest.
“When I was aware of this crisis“
Clarification. So you buy into the CORPORATE FASCIST SCANDEMIC BIG LIE?
I couldn’t agree more with this opinion piece. I am sad and furious and feel hopeless.
This whole anti-Trump stuff going on is like something out of a science novel. One in particular, Nopalgarth, a short story by Jack Vance, kind of captures what is happening. In the story, without explaining the entire plot, other dimensional beings take over our bodies and neural systems, like an invisible parasite, and feed off our emotional energy. They also control the emotional responses of their hosts, us human beings. It is difficult to explain the whole plot, but if someone doesn’t this have psychic energy parasite host, people who have it feel an irrational hatred for the host-less person (sorry, my explanation is not the best, as it is complicated story to easily simplify). So, anyway, this one character in the story, a well-liked professor of something, has his host removed, and all his friends, and his girlfriend, suddenly feel an intense distaste for him, but they can’t easily rationalize or understand why they feel that way. So, the subconscious searches for reasons to dislike the person, like little mannerisms suddenly become so irritating they literally want to run away from the person.
It is like this with the whole Trump business. I have old acquaintances who have fond memories of me as a person, but when they find out from reading my FB posts that I voted for Trump (mainly because of his ‘end the endless wars’ stance, as well as well as his view on outsourcing jobs) they feel compelled to regularly come to my posts and enumerate the many reasons why ‘Trump is bad’. I am still the same person as I was before Trump came along (never heard of him before 2016, actually), but I get absolutely hammered by old acquaintances who became FB friends based on their impressions from the past of me as a reasonable and honest person..
I think my comments are logical, but I just get hit with same negative platitudes, ‘he lies all the time’, ‘he insulted a crippled person 6 years ago – IT’S ON TAPE’, I could just keep going on with quoting the same old talking points of why they hate him so much. They love using capital letters and exclamation points to make sure I am listening: “HE LIES ALL THE TIME!!!!”, stuff like that. Why is Biden a good choice? The answer is simple, Biden is not Trump, Trump is bad, therefore, by default, Biden is good because he is not Trump. The reasoning is actually as simplistic as that, by people who I considered intelligent.
It is spooky, definitely ‘V for Vendetta’-ish.
China Joe and Heels up Harris are going to jail the rest will follow.
Yes, it’s obvious that all divisions of the “Resistance”– political, mass-media, and the Trump Derangement Syndrome mob– are determined not to stand on ceremony while procedural and legal “i”s are dotted and “t”s crossed, but instead are aggressively giving Trump the Bum’s Rush they feel he richly deserves.
The tottering Biden, presently running on empty, will be gone sooner than later. And then the Harris administration can continue to nail down the New Abnormal and advance the Great Reset, full speed ahead.
Thank God our Long National Nightmare is finally over!
Biden will shift all this into high gear. Yes, no longer a nightmare, it will be a nightmarish fantasy experienced while awake.
Can’t do links Tom, but there’s a very revealing photo from a couple years ago of Biden here in Melbourne at a glitzy function with his hand on Daniel Andrews shoulder… Biden was obviously praising the prick.
The look on Andrews face was that of someone just anointed deputy by the World’s biggest mafia boss. They’re all linked together, like an incestuous spiders web.
And, tho I’m absolutely no fan of Trump, all this covid crap will definitely be ramped up in bucket loads by the Biden administration. No doubt, with Gates as a ‘special adviser’.
Biden visit to Victoria, 2016.

That’s the photo I meant May. The madness looks set to continue here.
11 straight days with zero cases, yet facemasks are still mandatory… and now news today that the demented Andrews Govt is going to conduct thousands and thousands of tests in the Hume and Wyndham Council areas, which are both amongst the poorest areas in Melbourne, with a large proportion of residents, people from non English speaking backgrounds.
The equivalent of testing the entire Logan area in Brisbane. These bastards are so desperate to keep the fear porn going. And if there are “cases” it’ll be: ‘no, sorry, we have to keep wearing masks and social distance for another 6 months now’… Grrrrr😠
They’re priming you for the winter flu season. And the State Guvmint likes the extra income all the fines are bringing in. Bastards!
And he will export more “democracy”, the only thing his country can impose.
The Ghost of Joe Biden Present’s inaugural speech will be interesting, if the Resistance’s fait accompli strategy succeeds and Biden lasts that long.
By then, Biden may be under the impression that he’s been elected president of Ukraine!
That the Democrats put forth a candidate in obvious cognitive decline represents to me a clear expression the role of POTUS is be just a figurehead. The real power is located with the National Security State, Wall Street (or City of London), Silicon Valley tech companies in league with the WEF and WHO.
We have reached the point where the unbelievable has become commonplace.
The robot-insects have infiltrated everything – the media, banks, businesses, educational establishments, you name it – and they just do whatever they want.
I’m beginning to lose interest in everything except how to stop them.
We must realize that we are into the second generation of these horrible mutants, and they are people (I use the term loosely) who already don’t remember what a normal society looked like.
By the time a third generation arrives, none of it will matter to any of us. We might as well be on the Moon without oxygen to breathe.
The censorship of the incumbent president in the land of the free proves that Trump was right all along.
There is the deep state with the power to nullify the first amendment to the United States Constitution. q. e. d..Freedom of Speech is unique in the US and different from other countries.
No more so for the deep state globalism wants the Great Reset and this ideology does not tolerate any dissent.
Trump is the No 1 anti-globalist in the white House U$A
and he has to go. Powerful globalist groups at Davos have made it clear that the time is ticking. They want digital currencies track & trace, as with Covid
(Herr Schwab ) had recently opend a window of oppertunity with the plandemic and Trump is standing in the way.
Trump has to go.
However Trump is still standing.
I like his clownish humour, but Trump isn’t the man to lead America into a future aglow with freedom…
I fear that ship has sailed, and the only choice available now is what sort of slavery the American people will put up with.
It’s not Trump’s fault – he only jumped onto the sinking ship to entain the passengers during their final moments.
America is now in the after-life – a world which is nothing like the material, natural world we used to know so well.
The rest of the world will be along shortly.
g-tv.org china joe is corrupt and about to be exposed. Secret watermarks on the Ballot Papers will sink his ship.
Thats just disinfo, they need to ensure the 70m trump voters dont get out and start shooting until the time is right.
Alex Jones has a loooong history of disinfo, right up to ‘i’ve been banned, i must be saying stuff they dont want you to hear….i have credibility because they are trying to silence me’
a simple search on utube and what do i see….yep alex jones videos….banned my arse lol.
We are witnessing the dying embers of democracy in the western world.
What has happened in the USA over the last few days has been incredible but not unpredictable.
In a desperate attempt to remove Trump they have literally thrown all their shit at this.
As this article highlights, the Silicon Valley giants have no right to decide to censor what an elected head of state can or can’t say.
When they claim the information is false they don’t say why it’s false.
The MSM have also sunk even further into the gutter over this. The BBC, Sky, CNN have also said Trump has made baseless claims of fraud. But how would they know? Did they do any investigation? Absolutely none.
You don’t have to look very far to discover undoubted corruption in the voting process.
Basically the fake news media have declared Biden as the winner and for leaders across the world to be congratulating Biden when no result has been declared is preposterous and speaks volumes about the sewage swamp that is politics.
I think the only exception is the president of Mexico who has acknowledged that due to allegations of corruption he will hold off.
If Big Tech are so desperate for truth then why haven’t they censored the WHO, BBC , Sky, CH4, ITV, CNN, FOX, Bill Gates, WEF, world leaders, and the world of ‘science’ for their daily bullshit about Covid.
A lot of people are cheering on Biden but do they even know what his policies are?
The majority are so brain dead they haven’t got a clue.
If you vote or support Biden you are cheering on the death of democracy, the Gates & WEF Great Reset, pro lockdowns, the death of the economy, mask mandates and socialism.
Isn’t it ironic that Biden has now ditched the mask and his supporters who deemed it not safe to go to a ballot station are now packed like sardines on the streets.
Intelligence and the ability to think critically has been on the wane for quite some time but it’s almost died a complete death in 2020.
Thinking is difficult, Carl Jung once said, why everyone judges.
They spent the last 4 years judging Trump instead of thinking how did he become president in the first place.
They just want their safe space back.
Not be terrorized by some form of truth
Trump was just holding up a mirror and they hated what they saw so the hate filled daily assault on anything trump was just their way of not handling aspects of themselves.
You’re quite right, Big P.
On one level, what difference does it make whether Trump or Biden parks his backside in the Oval Office? Either way, America is just Israel’s bitch and they are equally subservient trained monkeys serving the same powerful vested interests – the Zionist Lobby, Wall Street, Big Pharma, Big Oil, the billionaire class, the war machine..
You can barely put a cigarette paper between them when it comes to foreign or domestic policy.
At most a few minor differences over identity politics issues like toilets for trannies (if that.)
The important development is the breakdown of the political system and all the institutions of the state.
Previously, the electoral system did at least ensure a relatively smooth transition of power. The system broke down in 2000, and again, far more seriously in 2016. This is far more the case in 2020.
The democrats, in league with the deep state, the FBI, CIA, MSM and Silicon Valley, sought to stage a coup to overthrow an elected president, the Russiagate Hoax. They engaged in a seditious conspiracy characteristic of impoverished Third World regimes. In the process, they showed themselves to be irredeemably corrupt, politicised and criminal in nature. Their true nature has been exposed for all the world to see. The MSM, which long ago abandoned all pretence of balance or objective journalism, shredded the last vestiges of its integrity and credibility.
This damage cannot be undone. It is terminal, far more significant than the election victory of any particular party or individual. The foundations of the state have been weakened, accelerating its inevitable collapse. They have passed the point of no return, and it is downhill all the way.
I appreciate this comment, Small p. I have witnessed the media fulfilling its promise, electing the new president, silencing the former president. Seen it lapped up unquestioningly by so many people who don’t know or care to know that they are dupes and suckers, willingly marching themselves toward this new level of neo-feudalism. At least there’s a positive message to be gained. Hope needs to survive if we are to carry on. A2
I’ve seen people on social media refer to Biden as the ‘Media Elect’
Serious question: if Biden and Trump are essentially serving the same masters, and it doesn’t matter who is in office, then why are “they” resisting Trump so hard? If they are trying an actual coup and it’s not just for show to keep us entertained, that tells me that they are actually different, no? I’m not attacking, trying to start a genuine dialog here. I don’t know what to make of Trump myself. He does seem to regularly call out the people and institutions that I’ve been wary of for years. He sometimes seems to be different. Is that an illusion?
You always get different factions fighting like rats in a sack, or like pigs trying to stick their snouts in the trough.
It doesn’t make any difference whatever to anyone but themselves.
Trump’s great crime was to upset the apple cart by elbowing aside Crooked Hilary and sticking his snout in the trough first. That wasn’t supposed to happen. It was Buggins’ turn, and everyone was supposed to Vote For The Vagina.
Along the way, Trumpo lifted the curtain on the Deep State, the Dirty Cops, the Spooks, Silicon Valley, and the Fake MSM.
But this was not particularly by design.
Sometimes a situation has unplanned, unforeseen consequences, like WW1 led to votes for women. This is not intended, and can be good or bad. It’s like saying WW2 was okay because it led to radar and jet engines.
Thank you for elaborating, that makes sense. Your final paragraph is particularly helpful to me in understanding the situation.
The article scratches the surface of a far bigger topic in my opinion. So yes, he was censored when they refused to show his speech. But isn’t that the western modus operandi since… forever? the Media have too much power to decide what get’s aired and what doesn’t. A publisher, a newspaper, a social media platform – they are all privately owned, and they will allow precisely the perspectives that the owners want to promote, and effectively “censor” other opinions, because, you know, this is not public infrastructure and only those with “approved” opinions will get to reach millions of users. The rest – we are stuck not being heard. At all.
Is not being given coverage the same as censorship? it sort of is, isn’t it? Maybe a bigger debate is needed – what should be public infrastructure and what should be private? but we know this will never happen. There is a reason the oligarchs own the media, it’s because it is VITAL to control the narrative. Control the narrative, and you control everything. In this respect, censorship is the norm, not something that just happened now. Sure, the pretence was dropped, but the underlying reality is the same.
Cheer up with Crowder and Giuliani. Info with a dose of the clap (the happy clap!)
Election 2020: This is Far from Over! Rudy Giuliani
Personal identity and individual morality has long been substituted by the selfish needs of certifiable megalomanacs to enfeeble any threat to their niche territory by maneuvering the crowd into divided sections for the purpose of regulation – are a network of god complex infallibles, decorated with beguiling masks to activate the welfare enchantment, but who’s accurate value is determined only by It’s own shameful ends…. .
What we’re witnessing now – is the crowning point on that vulgar peak of self-centered growth – the final solution, to crush what remains of immunity from them, and ready transition through their distorted shadow of ideas , cast to blackout any dissenting opinion – but as they say, to stop the ruinous infection, stop it’s transmission.