This Week in the Guardian #17
Every week we like to highlight three or four stories that go full-Guardian, but don’t require an entire article of refutation.
We encourage reader-participation here, so if you come across something you feel should be included in the next edition either post a link below, or send us an e-mail.
Foreign Policy Disasters Signalled in Election Aftermath
“Aftermath” might be a misnomer, since the election looks to be anything but over, but the Graun has lept on the back of Biden’s (possibly premature) declaration of victory to start pushing the agenda they’ve been saving up.
Consider this, in one The Guardian’s anonymous editorials:
[Biden] will have to reassert America’s role as the global problem-solver. Under Mr Trump the “indispensable nation” disappeared when it was needed the most.
Sounds like we might be set for another load of “responsibility to protect” talk, doesn’t it?
This one is a painful read on Biden’s raft of virtues, and contains this sentence:
[Biden] will try to bring Russia’s Vladimir Putin to heel
Which is an alarmingly jingoistic turn of phrase. If/when Biden is actually officially President, this will only get worse.
UK health professions call for climate tax on meat
The same people that put a tax on sugar because it’s bad for you are now planning to put a tax on meat because it’s bad for the planet. A report from some experts says that since meat production is contributed to climate change, we should tax it more.
This is a tax, of course. Not a ban. So while it will limit the purchase of meat, it will only limit poor people purchasing meat. The rich will still be able to buy organic, grass-fed steaks while we’re all munching down on lab-grown soy gruel.
Another story, from the next day, about a paper which called for “reform” of the food industry.
If emissions from food production are to be cut to safe levels, diets in rich countries are also likely to have to change.
It says. Plus:
Diets need to shift to contain less food in general”
This is about your wellbeing you understand, and not foisting artificial “food” made by corporate giants whilst forcing the underclass into a quasi-medieval peasant lifestyle. Not at all.
Child labour doesn’t have to be exploitation – it gave me life skills
This is an article about how, in some circumstances, child labour isn’t necessarily a bad thing. In some developing countries it’s really important for teaching children life skills.
Does anything else need to be said?
Yes actually: it’s part of the Guardian’s “Global Development” section, which is paid for by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
BONUS: Gabriel Byrne Spitting Truth Bombs
An rare positive here – four lines of real truth, hidden away in a puff-piece interview marking the release of actor Gabriel Byrne’s autobiography. Amid his anecdotes, and the interviewer’s inane questions, are the only four lines of real truth The Graun has printed this month (if not year):
Since 1945, the US has embarked on 75 different military interventions toppling legitimate regimes. And yet the big thing is that Russia interfered in the American election? The Americans have interfered in every election around the world.”
He criticises Obama, and Clinton, and Biden. He says Reagan should have been in jail, and says nobody truly understands the blue-collar rage that supports Donald Trump.
He points out that The Pentagon has a film department, and that America uses Hollywood to push its own mythology on the world. Later he says:
now I question everything. I believe it’s a responsibility to do it.”
It’s a sign of how off-script he is that at one point the interviewer throws in a gentle rebuke for “how close he skips to conspiracy theory”.
Good work, Mr Byrne. Tell it how it is.
* * *
All told, a busy week for The Guardian. And we didn’t even mention the Guardian US Editor opportunistically begging for money.
Did we miss anything? Tell us about it in the comments below, and keep an eye out for articles that should go in the next issue.
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Does anything else need to be said?
Yes actually: it’s part of the Guardian’s “Global Development” section, which is paid for by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Who can blame a kid for helping his slave parents? I should buy more shoes and do my part.
Proud fellow country man Gabriel said it as it is.
Most of these recovered alcoholic actors usually turn in lefty snowflake pandering to every outrage I HATE TRUMP etc
But no he’s not acting now in his autobiography release
Might actually buy it
Thanks Guardian
Has anybody read this piece on RT and what do we make of the fact that apparently there’s been a 98% drop in flu cases?
It disappeared in Australia simply because sick people were turned away by doctors.
Yes, okay but what about everywhere else?
The Rona killed all those little buggers just before attacking us. It’s a brilliant strategy.
Good measurements are crucial. In Austria social-distancing measures aimed at slowing the spread of killer coronavirus seem to have also stopped the flue in it´s tracks.
In order to help Austrians envision keeping the recommended one meter -3.28 feet- apart, they are adviced to envision the length of a baby elephant. You couldn´t make it up!
This was introduced here because the average Austrian does not know exactly what 1.00 meter is.
Why not introduce a minimum distance of 5 baby elephants or more depending on the neck of the woods one hails from-)
Amazing that no one thought of social distancing to stop the flu dead in its tracks decades ago. That would have prevented an avg of 50k deaths a year for how many years. Lucky Japanese folk always bowing from 6′ away all these years. No flu in Japan for last 80 or so years either right?
Most Aussies have never seen a baby elephant. Might be more familiar with the length of a kangaroo’s tail.
This is turning into a comedy!
It’s a self fulfiling profecy, like so many of these measures that have been put in place to “tackle coronavirus”. I think it goes something like this:
“See, we rolled out mass flu vaccinations this year and lo and behold, flu has gone. Therefore mass vaccinations are a good thing and you are insane if you don’t agree.”
They keep setting up these situations that look convincing if you are dumb enough to be fooled by post hoc, ergo propter hoc logic, which unfortunately, most of the population, at least of this country, are.
Something has changed and The Guardian is coy. For decades The Guardian and the NGOs/Charities that advertise on its pages have attacked child labour. So censorious were they that even the humble newspaper round succumbed. No longer could a 15 year-old girl take a job as a pizza waitress or barrista without the wag of pointy fingers. The sterotypical Guardianista transferred the stigma associated with the abuse of very young labour to wave all children indoors, so that a young teen should sit in front of the telly rather than earn a small income, which many would say is ridiculous. So what has changed? A seminar held last month by Palladium said we should take account of cultural context. To my mind that works in the opposite way. The jobs that western kids used to do were much safer and better paid than African water carriers. But Palladium’s arguing in the opposite direction, as in, “they don’t expect a better life” or their parents need help. The author of The Guardian’s article is Elizabeth Sibale, Deputy Chief of Party and native Malawian, who asked the seminar whether “the international concern on child rights is relevant to Africa.” Palladium looks at first like another vague foundation, its purpose hidden behind far too many partners and fellows on its ‘about’ page, largely white, well-heeled versions of what Antoine de Caunes’ TV show used to call Eurotrash. Palladium is a global leader in the design, development and delivery of Positive Impact – the intentional creation of enduring social and economic value. “Palladium’s annual statement for 2019 was recognised as being within the top 60% of the UK government’s 100 largest suppliers.” Hmm… that’s pretty substantial. More than aid and consulting. Palladium International Limited is a private limited company registered in England, with offices in the U.S., UAE, Nigeria, Indonesia and Australia, and 2,500 staff in more than 90 countries. To a business journalist those countries says extractive industries like mining and minerals. “Our supply chain consists of external businesses, self-employed consultants and business partner organisations located within the UK and overseas. Due to the nature of our work, we recognise that some of our supply chains operate in high-risk environments for modern slavery including countries with high levels of poverty…” Despite its name and its slogan “to catalyse an enriched future for all” I find no direct connection to Pd, atomic number 46, which is used in catalytic converters to remove 90% of the harmful gases in automobile exhaust — or any direct link to mining or enrichment. It’s beginning to look like a somewhat wayward marketing idea. It runs Partnerships for Forests (P4F) which is funded by UK government – but I find nothing about trees. But I do find a lot of job adverts relating to the Sahel, that strip across the broadest part of Africa, from Mauritania and Senegal, through Mali and Burkina Faso, Niger and Nigeria, Chad, Sudan and Eritrea. Wikipedia tells me the region is one of the richest in the world in terms of natural resources, including oil, gold and uranium. Enriched. Got it. Sub-Saharan Africa is an area where former UK PM Tony Blair built such strong relationships with Rwanda’s Paul Kagame after the genocide. Rwanda is a country rich in rare earth minerals like cobalt and lithium, essential to our future smart cities. It is where five states have banded together as the G5 to suppress jihadism. Chad is where Bill Gates’ polio vaccine went awry and began to spread this disease. Who else is active in Sahel? The Chinese, of course, lured by those minerals integral… Read more »
So when will our masters issue the revised circular to all backward nations, saying that
:- it is OK to employ children in traditional jobs, especially with their parents
:- NWO will stop exporting poisons, the recycling of which endangers children
:- NWO will stop undermining socialism and supporting tyrants, which has been the driver of children having to work?
China is definitely a threat to NWO. It has worked out most of the tech. to reclaim deserts. In contrast NWO has only brought military bases, subversion and terrorism right across the entire Northern Africa.
“lab grown soy gruel”?
Come on. Traditional sources of vegetable protein are both more healthful and more enjoyable than meat.
Other than that, in this article you’ve pointed out some truly terrifying, outrageous stuff in the Guardian.
There is nothing traditional about solvent-extracted soy protein or GM foods.
I wasn’t talking about solvent-extracted soy foods or GM foods! I was talking about traditional sources. Which is what, hopefully, people will turn to when they turn away from meat.
Find one veg or fruit now that’s not man made?
Headline today: “McDonald’s to make its own ‘McPlant’ items”
I don’t think most people will make their own organic natto.
How long have you been vegetarian? Vegan?
Care to name a society at any time on the planet that has gone more than 2 generations vegan? Or vegetarian? Do you recognize that even the Dalai Lama is not vegan?
I don’t know where you live, but here in the US people are not healthy on their meat-based/junk food diet.
Transitioning to veganism is a big change, a disruptive change. The economics and culture behind livestock farming and herding is deeply established. Sweeping changes are only going to happen gradually, but the further the changes progress the easier it becomes for any one individual and the more benefit is derived for all individuals.
Tibet, where the Dalai Lama, obviously, is from (although he has lived in India for most of his life) is a high altitude land with a paucity of vegetation, and human population there appears to be dependent on animal herding.
If you live where the availability of plants is abundant then you might derive benefit from veganism. Or you might not. Do what is best for you.
You probably already know it, but there is protein in everything you eat, so you don’t even have to eat any expensive “special” vegan food, solvent extracted whatever, or even high protein foods like beans or any kind of soy products in order to get enough protein on a vegan diet. If you get enough calories, you’ll get enough protein, even if you just eat exclusively broccoli. (Don’t.) Most people eating a western diet get too much protein, which can be harmful:
Even if you do need the protein it is not hard to get.
The McPlant type products try to mimic the “bloody” experience of meat. To each his own. Being able to produce in plants compounds that are usually only found in animals is a technical achievement, but one wonders whether these products are going to have salutary as well as environmental benefits.
you have never tried it nor read real science studies on the subject to make your point. In fact every study denies your point. Soy based foods are bad for us in so many ways including estrogenic and goitrogenic properties. Need we mention the lectin levels beyond repair? Fermentation as old Asian cultures have done since forever are the only ways soy is useful. Even then it’s a fall back in times of food strife.
Please do tell us what you think of it after a decade or two of tofu and such instead of good grass fed organic beef once or twice a week.
You have it all exactly backwards. Soy actually prevents cancer. Especially breast cancer. And lectins are not a problem. After a decade or two of tofu and such I feel great!
I’d like to recommend reading “The China Study” by Colin Campbell. Or listen to podcast on with dr Kristi Funk. Like this one:
I’ve been vegan for fourty-five years. I’m never going back, and the biggest reason, out of many, is that it creates what you might call a “high fidelity” sort of moment-to-moment existence, much like good audio equipment does in comparison to cheap junk. It’s just more comfortable and clearer minded, and it’s something that might not be understandable unless you give it a good trial.
When it comes to soy — yes, fermented soy products have advantages over non-fermented, but a moderate amount of tofu is not going to hurt you, and if it replaces an equivalent amount of meat it would probably have a net healthful effect.
He’s a cut apart from the rest of the acting crowd.
“The Americans have interfered in every election around the world” is precisely the kind of delusional, paranoid nonsense revealing Byrne as just another brainwashed anti-US bigot. God knows how many impressionable students he infected with such bile, passed off as ‘history’ by our enlightened legions of leftist teachers. Imagine a teacher open-minded or stupid enough to support the USA, Trump or capitalism in public!! He’d soon be out of a job and friendly colleagues. Byrne would certainly be a cut above your average teachers or ‘the rest of the acting crowd’ were he to do that. In fact, he’d be cut out from polite society altogether, like Lawrence Fox was. Now there’s a man with balls and a free mind.
You didn’t really leave the left, did ya
Left, right, centre, up and down – they all left him, but he’s trying to save face.
In a nutshell: Everybody “I left” disagrees with is “just another brainwashed anti-US bigot”.
The fact that the US is energetically providing the rest of the world, on a daily basis, with good reasons for being anti-US, doesn’t seem to have occurred to him, strangely enough.
Uh…. delutional paranoic nonsense, of course, just ask any Moronikan and he/she/it/that/etc, will tell you it was for their freedom and demonCratic rule, and on top of it, because they all hated/hate your freedom, like why shouldt the Germans by Freedom Gass from the Empire to much higher price, instead from the pesky Russians, if you dont belive me, RT have an briliant video of the speach served straight into the German people and Gov, hehe, but hey, the Germs dont know their own best, right, you have to teach us all, otherwise we may turn into full blown Commies, better dead than red.
The list, this time I saxed it from Wikipedia, not something I do often but sometimes even this shithole gets it right, apart from flowers and birds, etc.
This list is more or less complet:
And dont forget this, False Flags are not something new, nor genuine Moronikan, its been used since the dawn of man.
What is it with you? Are you some kind of plant? Since WWII, the US has invaded 85 countries and slaughtered millions as well as subborned what little ‘democracy’ still exists in the rest. Paranoid nonsense? You really are a total ignoramous. What’s more, if you hate this site and its views, why the fuck do you come here?
He is entitled to his views -however ludicrous – it’s called freedom of speech…
As I am too.
He did ask why and did not request the moronikan to shut up.
The attempt to justify, indeed promote, child labour is a moral outrage. Yet, it is not surprising to see the Guardian pushing this shameful propaganda. Many corporations make massive profits from the exploitation of child labour; including child slave labour. The chocolate industry, for example, is based on this odious exploitation and oppression; so much so that there is no such thing as guaranteed child labour free chocolate.
Ten percent of the world’s children are forced into labour that is body and soul destroying. These labour conditions are horrendous. They destroy health and often result in death. Even where the outcomes are not so extreme, child labourers are denied their fundamental rights and needs, with life long consequences. Many of these children are subjected to sexual exploitation. Even in the least worse conditions, child labourers are denied their childhoods and their development and future prospects are irreparably harmed.
Of course, the Guardian is well aware of tases facts.
And Greta Thunberg complains about her ‘lost childhood’ to an assembled press with: ‘How dare you!’
I suspect she ought to take that complaint up with her parents, who shamelessly exploited her.
I agree. I think she’s been exploited.
she has cerebral atrophy and extreme malnutrition like all vegans. her parents are ‘corporate antifa creatives’.
she stuffs her eco panties with soros bucks.
little theta
cult leader.
She’s been mostly quiet for the last 8-9 months (thank **** ). But I see she’s peeking out from the bottom of today’s Grauniad front page, saying something like “I’ll be back…”. Don’t hurry love.
What a brave bunch you are abusing a child like this
The people abusing her are her parents, the media and politicians who have done nothing but exploit her from day 1.
She has been cruelly used. I worry about her reaction when she discovers it has all been a con.
So that gives you an excuse to abuse her does it, she started her protest all on her own, without her parents knowing anything about it. Or are you actually opposed to less pollution killing millions of people a year. When I was 13 I was abused for daring to protest against the war on communism in Vietnam, bashed by cops at age 17 for protesting and yet lo and behold my protest was correct.
what an idiot you are, allowing yourself to be manipulated by cynical globalists, and their media creations.
an opinion isn’t child abuse, however child slavery is.
She was on major networks in the states on expert panels on the cv1984 crisis.
But she wasn’t party to the covid con, she was there about pollution
Imagine the Guardian praising the UK and other enlightened, white, western cultures for outlawing child exploitation in much of the world.
Western capitalists are nothing if not pragmatic, aren’t they? They “outlawed” child labor just in the nick of time – before automation made their nimble little fingers irrelevant. And children could not manage heavy equipment nearly as well as grown men.
I tell you these Western industrialists are just plain clairvoyant!
In England laws were enacted to restrict child labour from 1803 onwards.
Yes, to 12 hours a day instead of 16, of UNPAID labour!
This is the kind of misrepresentation that I would expect to find in the corporate media. From the beginning of the nineteen century there were a series of laws which increasing reduced the amount of labour that children could perform. These laws were massive advances. Progress is a matter of direction; not an end state.
Are you the example of white, enlightened Westerners, you piece of shit.
It’s all the funds they are getting from Bill Gates
Just flipped to the Graun. Headlines reads 65,000 deaths have involved coronavirus. Not caused but involved. Get the sleight of hand? This is a straight misrepresentation and manipulation of words for political ends. Where would we be without the MSM
Do they have anything on how many deaths have resulted from the lockdowns?
28,000 excess deaths at home from other causes
On 8 April 2020, the government published a report assessing the likely impact of the lockdown. It estimated two hundred thousand deaths.
But my question, which you replied to: was does the Guardian have anything on how many deaths have resulted from the lockdowns?
I’m not sure. I saw mainstream media articles about the excess deaths at home in the Daily Mail or The Telegraph (I think). The Guardian probably ignored the story
Which was rather the point of my (rhetorical) question.
You obviously have not read the report, and yet feel competent to judge: how very modern.
From the report:
My emph. p.43. Very informative
Whoops! I bolded ‘some deaths’ but it didn’t work.
I have read it.
Do you have a source for this please?
If I’m asymptomatic, feel healthy, but I test positive for ‘CoViD’ – and a week later I get struck by lightning or eaten by a great white shark – I will have died from Covid
Those in the NHS who are keeping quiet about this scandal are complicit in crimes against humanity
As many scientists have pointed out all over the world, until January this year asymptomatic meant healthy, this non existent new virus has a whole new set of made up things.
Seeing so many seemingly intelligent people fall for the MSM narrative has been the biggest source of anxiety and depression for me. It means our friends, neighbours, coworkers, family could drag us into fascism. Also, the surreal spectacle of our politicians and familiar TV personalities endorsing fascism takes a toll on mental health
There’s a collective denial about the possibility our government could be planning to harm us
‘Biden won’ is my vote for best current misrepresentation, but that one is being parroted by the entire MSM and western leaders, not just the Graun. Weird.
I will celebrate when the Guardian goes bust
Love the Guardian article about child
exploitationlabour. Naturally we start with an edifying example which would be nothing like the norm if this idea was formalised. And how about this?:“Over the past decade, there has been a significant shift towards “localisation” – local experts and communities receiving aid have become much more involved in development rather than having values imposed from the west.”
“Values imposed from the West” …like minimum wage, maximum working week, health and safety regulations, and all those “insulting” and “debilitating” rights which stop you becoming a
vampirisedtrue rugged individual.Values like outlawing child labour and slavery?
All human exploitation and suffering in recorded history comes from western culture, and before that from our Judeo-Christian origins. Before that, human evil didn’t exist.
One day someone will invent a sarcasm font.
All cultures are equal and can not therefore be compared and criticised, except for Western culture. Also, promoting multiculturalism will improve western monoculture, which is naturally exploitative and thus inferior. How could you possibly ignore such important and obvious truths?
All cultures are equal only when it suits the West to say this so that exploitation can be ratched up or, in this case, reintroduced.
“The Pentagon has a film department, and that America uses Hollywood to push its own mythology on the world”.
Key reading here includes Matthew Alford and Tom Secker’s ‘National Security Cinema’ and David Robb’s ‘Operation Hollywood’. The former, using documents obtained by FOIA requests, shows the micro-management is so intense that they even had the script of such an apparently inconsequential film as JURASSIC PARK 3 rewritten and that TV programmes like CUP CAKE WARS receive Pentagon funding.
De Niro’s character in WAG THE DOG (one of their most revelatory movies) was based on Chase Brandon, the CIA’s liaison with Hollywood. One of the film-makers says so on the DVD commentary – yet all the corporate media reviews maintained he was a political spin doctor.
Hollywood today serves Beijing and depends on the Chinese market to remain profitable, say these critics. Satisfying Chinese interests increasingly determines what is said and shown on screen.
Hence the takedown of Weinstein by those buying his company? Weinstein is far from the only jerk in Hollywood. Wonder why the others did not get taken down.
The Guardian is a vile paper for vile people
No Trumper would ever trust or read that garbage.
The juxtaposition of Gabriel Byrne’s comments and the description of them as “skirting close to conspiracy theory” tells you a lot about what they mean by “conspiracy theory”.
“Conspiracy theory” means exactly the same as “Wrongthink” in “1984”.
Ideas that may be quite true, but that you’re not allowed to think.
“This one is a painful read on Biden’s raft of virtues, and contains this sentence:
That just begs (so to speak) for a cartoon showing a tiny, shrivelled Biden leaning on a stick weakly calling, “Heel, boy!” to a gigantic, angry-looking bear.
Or this actual cartoon:
“I like the way you think….”
The guardian should change is name into “the guardian of inferno”
Funded and kept afloat by Bill Gates from Hell, haha.
Regarding child labor: there’s an important distinction being erased. It is not oppressive for a child to do chores for her family or community. It is absolutely oppressive for a child to be sent to a factory to make some wealthy capitalist rich.
(I’m not anti-capitalist by any stretch, but I do know the difference between working for your family and working for somebody who doesn’t give a flying fuck about you or your family.)
“I’m not anti-capitalist by any stretch”
Perhaps a ‘relook’ and reconsideration is in order.
Yes, such a touching affirmation of faith, though indirect.
Perhaps naming any happy, prosperous society in history, in which capitalism has been outlawed, should accompany any reconsiderations.
Please clarify what one means by “happy society” and “prosperous society.”
Also, Adam Smith and David Ricardo are no more. Please clarify what one means by “capitalism.” Many consider that word/term outdated, since the State got involved. The term(s) one hears most commonly used today are either “corporate fascism” or “corporatism.”
Let me put this to you, can you name any “corporate fascist” or even “capitalist” society which is/was a happy one? If so, which one(s) and why.
And which one of those two do you think they mean?
“working for somebody who doesn’t give a flying fuck about you or your family” is pretty much the definition of capitalism.
When some people freely buy the labour or services freely offered by others, do they become evil? Please explain how.
“Freely” is defined entirely within the confines of the capitalist paradigm. And it doesn’t start with workers “freely” offering anything. The employers own everything the worker needs to work and the worker can only gain access to it by entering the wage system. This system – which sets the wage along with all the criteria for production I.e. what is produced and how it will be produced- is determined entirely by the employers.
Amazing that one even needs to explain this.
I’ve forgotten the average thickness of the human skull, but we have an unusual specimen here…
“Ah yes , the good old days, when a boy built character by sleeping in cold Winter doorways with his chums. JD Rockefeller is God.”
What about the kids of Uigyur Muslims and Tibetans (and their parents) forced into labour camps and making their wealthy Chinese communist owners even richer?
What about the fact that the sort of clothes our great-grandmothers wore were hideous to look at? Or that the first steam trains didn’t go very fast?
But those things also have nothing at all to do with what S. Cooper said.
In the light of what we know about today’s soulless sociopaths in the west, does it really make any difference to know that soulless sociopaths also existed in China 3,000 years ago?
The point is to make sure the sociopathy stops. And the first step towards doing that is to want to stop it.
We can’t fix ancient civilizations.
You might consider the work the family needed her to do for the family’s survival and rethink what you consider work vs exploitation. If the family is being exploited in substandard conditions, what chance does the kid have of ever doing well?
Want less meat consumption?
Just list, in a readable and understandable format, all the hormone disruptors and obesity and cancer causing substances, on the label. Make every person aware of what is in the meat we are eating.
If the government(s) cares about our health (as they state), why they are firmly against ‘truth in labelling’?
But no, they are eager to see us sick in order to impose a vaccination regime on every person. A vaccination regime that will introduce a host of potential debilitating effects.
They claim Transparency is a core value in our governing system. Has anyone seen this ‘Transparency’ anywhere lately?
Perhaps we can’t see it because its so transparent? ie the corruption.
Certainly not when Democrat activists in crucial swing states votes force legally-entitled election observers to use binoculars to do their job.
I signed a petition to The FDA to require cheese manufacturers to add a warning label on cheese. Sadly, it got ignored. I wonder why.
Your hope (“Just list..”) is farfetched. It is very late in the day. In a certain Empire, it is illegal – even considered terrorism – to record or document dangerous farming practices. About a decade ago, Oprah Winfry barely esaped punishment for hosting comments against the industry. After another convenient attack of bird flu (or whatever) on its poultry, China had to import chicken from the Empire recently.
Tax on meat. How dare they even think about increasing the likelihood that humanity will survive, while improving poor people’s health at the same time.
Imagine the outrage if the vegetables became cheaper and more readily accessible. Or if there was a tax on junk food. Or kids had healthier lunches at school, or were actually educated about healthy food choices.
With all the things going on in the world this is the most moronic thing to be outraged about.
And, no this tax will not affect me, not because I am rich, but because I have been a vegetarian for 30 years now and vegan for the last ten. I suggest you look into that too. You might discover it’s not such a bad idea.
So many down votes, what are you doing to my fragile ego, people? Just kidding. I’m unfazed. I’m convinced I’m right on this issue.
A few years ago I listened to an interview with a chef who wasn’t even a vegetarian. I forgot his name and everything about it, except for one thing he said: a hundred years from now people won’t be eating meat or humanity won’t be around. It is simply too devastating to the environment.
I have been reading The Guardian for a few years now and I have to say – either they have devolved or I have evolved or both. But even a broken clock is right twice a day. I haven’t read the article about meat, but saying that humanity should limit consumption of meat is absolutely right. And to whoever penned this criticism in The Offguardian – in this instance you are siding with powerful corporate interests: not only with the meat industry, but also the big agricultural industry destroying our environment with monoculture and replacing The Amazon with soybeans to feed cattle, the big Pharma that wants to sell us meds to counteract the effects of our poor diets, fossil fuel industry and God knows what other corporate scum. Examine your own prejudice is all I can add to it.
I’m amazed how many people are resistant to going vegan. They are either afraid that they will turn into weaklings, wither and die, or that it’s too hard. It is hard, at first, like any change, but it is only hard for about three weeks. Then, especially if you have some health problems, you start to feel better. If you are overweight, you start shedding unwanted pounds, you start liking your new, healthier diet and you discover that there really is no sacrifice involved. most people never look back.
Go vegan (resist vegan junk food though), you’ll do yourself a favor and stop contributing to so many environmental and social problems, it’s really hard to overstate it.
CNN NEWS FLIPPED VOTES LIVE – Proof Of Computer Vote Counting Fraud/
AnomaLIE: 450,000 Ballots 4 Only Biden/
PELOSI.FEINSTEIN Vote Machine Shareholder Owners Chief of Staff and Husband/
REAL MAP: 227 Biden 217 Trump/
REAL Vote Certify Dates/
Accurate Left: Trump Can Win.Dem Losses/
Gaza Style Effigy Hate
Your website seems to think everyone it doesn’t like is “the left” and seems totally wedded to trump
if you were a bride, would it be Bernie or Biden for you? lol
I admire your continuing immunity to censorship at OffG.
thank you, appreciate your grudging support. After all no matter what side we are still down in the trenches together no?
In the interests of transparency and impartiality, why not link to your posts supporting Trump?
So that you can learn more thoroughly by doing your own homework.
One is not optimistic in your case, however, since you don’t appear to want to do any homework.
: D
On Mr Byrne. Since longtime I admired him as an actor, but this is mostly because of the personality I was seeing behind the actor. Once more my hunch did not let me down!!!
He was such a good Byron.
I was shocked Gabriel Byrne’s opinion was allowed to make it to print.
He’s right though. but he said nothing I didn’t know about already.
Virtue signaling from the Graun non the less.
I’m no suppoter of Trump, but can guarantee that this election will be overthrown in the coming months.
Do you want to take a bet on it.
It seems that software glitch, mail-in fraud and counting fraud aren’t good enough for that to occur in the BEST fake democracy in the Planet!
The reason I don’t agree with you is that I think the MSM will see to it that the revelation of any corruption by his opponents will be buried. People just won’t get to know about it.
I’m tempted to take you up on your bet…
For the record, I am no supporter of Trump either.
I was seven years old when I stopped admiring clowns.
The Child labor argument reminds me old pedophiliacs narrative: age is not a problem as long as two people truly love each other”.
if we include child sex work as legitimate work then child labor advocates sound like disguised pedophiliacs.
The minimal child protections were introduced exactly for a reason to end of such disgusting debate
Child protections were introduced by which exploitative culture, exactly? Surely not the one posters here so love to hate?
Again with the “spam check”?!? No wonder this site is losing steam…
This site is only here to give the impresion that there is some kind of real resistance.
It’s all completed bollocks, of course.
Out of 360 million Americans we’re told that all they are going to vote for is Red or Blue, none of which you can put a cigarette paper between.
Think about it.
Do YOU know anyone who wishes to organize locally face to face? It is not too late.
A key thing to do is to stick to your own principles regardless of the real or purported majority opinions about voting, masks, vaccines, climate change, or whatever. Some few of us voted 3rd party.
I thought, but concluded that seeing Trump as part of our ruling elite enemy makes zero sense. For starters, why ever would Democrats and MSM need to defraud an entire election and risk ruining their entire movement’s reputation?
OffG has at least given those of us who can think some actual food for thought, and most of the articles provoke meaningful discussion.
It really doesn’t matter whether the administrative team thinks the same way that I do.
Here, I get to see comments, some of which sum up my own views very well, and others which make me rethink some of my ideas. That’s all I could wish for in such a site.
I see no reason to cast crap at OffG at all. If the admin really are nothing more remarkable than gatekeepers, they are certainly doing a lousy job of it.
Can you really imagine talking to one of them about the apparently exclusive Red/Blue choice, and having them NOT agree with you?
That sickening choice scenario is not of their making, and I am certain they are fully aware of its implications.
I have definitely noticed myself how all elections these days are ‘neck and neck’, because:
a) the media get people’s attention that way,
b) they don’t have to do any research into the likely outcome,
c) nobody has egg on their faces when the ‘unexpected’ happens.
Spam checking is usually work in progress.
Genuine users would be understanding and might even help if possible.
Spammers by virtue of their ‘job’ should be undeterred as their income depends on persisting.
Which one are you*?!
(* not specifically ‘You’ but to those who generally complain without offering ways to help)
“I see in the model cards that in the Future you’ll only eat bugs”!
In technocratic government, experts know best, making voter opinions and interests largely irrelevant. The same is true of all tyrannies in which rulers always know what is best for the ruled. By contrast, Western science requires endless sceptical opinion or ‘belief in the ignorance of experts’ (Feynman). By treating a particular scientific opinion as an infallible authority like the Oracle of Delphi, and by treating any criticism as subversion or blasphemy, Boris and his gang are returning us to pre-scientific darkness.
I didn’t get very far.. enough already.. The Guardian…. the gutter press.
Sad, how well educated highly qualified writers (and EQ promoters) become pioneers in utterly disgusting journalism!
I still enjoy the snarky wordcraft of Marina Hyde, though.. She can write an article, and always includes references to sphincters and private parts: her own, or others.. This requires a certain degree of human compassion..
Yes, spare her the scaffold.. is she the one who had a thing with the diarist who was a gambler? He was funny.. I’m thinking twenty years ago… maybe he’s still funny..
Piers Morgan, from her time at The Sun?
Matthew Norman I think.. Piers Morgan had a moment of glory when he published that Daily Mirror front page with the oil companies’ logos.. but maybe even that was obfuscation..
I wanted to check on her the other day, I saw she was describing a Russian laboratory as a hole in the wall where people piss in it. Not much wordcraft!
Some, but certainly not all, is well crafted.. It is highly likely she pissed in this hole in the wall as well, if we are to believe the anonymous experts from the intelligence agencies..
sorry will repost later
It’s true that it’s an alarmingly jingoistic turn of phrase, but that line about Biden trying to bring Putin to heel made me burst out laughing.
Apologies – slightly off topic. But I did look at the ‘Guardian’ this morning and it made me feel slightly sick.
However, some needed good news on why the 4th Industrial Revolution will fizzle out. Because we will be very short of oil in the not too distant future.
I have followed the author, Tim Watkins, for years and find he gives good information. He says:
“For the moment, however, the continuing slump in oil prices will be treated by economists, politicians and establishment media journalists as proof that the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy is gathering pace. As a result, instead of making serious attempts to mitigate the damage that severe energy shortages will cause, they will continue to push the narrative that their mythical fourth industrial revolution is well under way.
Yes, humanity will eventually revert to “green energy,” but not in the way techno-utopian fantasists imagine. Rather, as the energetic basis of the industrial economy collapses, those who survive will mainly be left with energy technologies like water wheels, windmills and sails to supplement human and animal labour power at an economic level not dissimilar, at best, to the early nineteenth century… that’s just what happens when you run out of gas!”
There has been so much bad news – I needed something to reassure me, and this helps – hope it helps all of you too.
“Fun with Doc Billy and Mel”
“No slackers there. EUGENICS FOREVER! The Death Shot or the work house. You decide. It builds character. “I will take my exploitation like my great,great,great granddaddy did, the JD Rockefeller way.”
One other thing. Those CORPORATE FASCIST MOBSTER PSYCHOS want to do away with face to face public education. Slaves do not need to know how to read, write, socialize, KNOW THEIR RIGHTS or ORGANIZE, just OBEY!