A Biden Adminstration Makes the Lessons of WWI Newly Relevant
With a warmonger being forced into the White House, there’s never been better time to remember what war can cost us all
Kit Knightly
It’s November the 11th again. The poppies are all out, worn by TV personalities (as instructed by their PR department), and politicians who have long forgotten what it was supposed to mean.
“Never Again”, that was the intention. But it happened again. And again and again and again and again.
The wars never stopped, not because of religion or racism or humanity’s bloodthirsty nature…but because of money. Money and power for the very few – the driving force behind almost every war, no matter the thin ideological veneer.
“War is a racket”, that’s how Major General Smedley D. Butler, put it:
I spent thirty- three years and four months in active military service as a member of this country’s most agile military force, the Marine Corps. I served in all commissioned ranks from Second Lieutenant to Major-General. And during that period, I spent most of my time being a high class muscle- man for Big Business, for Wall Street and for the Bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism.
This message is more important than ever now, with a Biden administration being crow-barred into power at the cost of even the facade of democracy. Biden is not “progressive”, no matter what they call him or how many rainbow flags they wave. He is not new. He is old, in more ways than one.
The Warhawks in politics and the press are already salivating at the idea. The BBC is putting out a new “documentary” series about Syria. The Guardian is writing about “US leadership on the world stage”. One year on from his death, the press has decided that Russia is to blame for James Le Mesurier’s “suicide”.
Back in September, Josh Rogin writing in the Washington Post was even more flagrant, demanding Biden:
…increase pressure on President Bashar al-Assad to secure some dignity, safety and justice for the Syrian people.”
It’s not to hard to see where this is going. Whatever Trump may be, there’s no denying he’s been the least militarily aggressive president in recent memory. For the first time in nearly 40 years, a President did not start a new war in his term.
That is likely to change. They will begin drip-feeding propaganda on some “enemy” state soon enough – most likely Syria. The war drums will bang softly at first, they always do, but they will build.
That’s when the lessons of World War I need to be foremost in our minds. When the old lies are busy being given new life.
I leave you with this excellent passage from All Quiet on the Western Front. Read, and remember what was true 106 years ago is still true today:
Tjaden reappears. He is still quite excited and again joins the conversation, wondering just how a war gets started.
“Mostly by one country badly offending another,” answers Albert with a slight air of superiority.
Then Tjaden pretends to be obtuse. “A country? I don’t follow. A mountain in Germany cannot offend a mountain in France. Or a river, or a wood, or a field of wheat.”
“Are you really as stupid as that, or are you just pulling my leg?” growls Kropp, “I don’t mean that at all. One people offends the other
“Then I haven’t any business here at all,” replies Tjaden, “I don’t feel myself offended.”
“Well, let me tell you,” says Albert sourly, “it doesn’t apply to tramps like you.”
“Then I can be going home right away,” retorts Tjaden, and we all laugh, “Ach, man! he means the people as a whole, the State” exclaims Müller.
“State, State” Tjaden snaps his fingers contemptuously, “Gendarmes, police, taxes, that’s your State; if that’s what you are talking about, no, thank you.”
“That’s right,” says Kat, “you’ve said something for once, Tjaden. State and home country, there’s a big difference.”
“But they go together,” insists Kropp, “without the State there wouldn’t be any home country.”
“True, but just you consider, almost all of us are simple folk. And in France, too, the majority of men are labourers, workmen, or poor clerks. Now just why would a French blacksmith or a French shoemaker want to attack us? No, it is merely the rulers. I had never seen a Frenchman before I came here, and it will be just the same with the majority of Frenchmen as regards us. They weren’t asked about it any more than we were.”
“Then what exactly is the war for?” asks Tjaden.
Kat shrugs his shoulders. “There must be some people to whom the war is useful.”
“Well, I’m not one of them,” grins Tjaden.
“Not you, nor anybody else here.”
“Who are they then?” persists Tjaden. “It isn’t any use to the Kaiser either. He has everything he can want already.”
“I’m not so sure about that,” contradicts Kat, “he has not had a war up till now. And every full-grown emperor requires at least one war, otherwise he would not become famous. You look in your school books.”
“And generals too,” adds Detering, “they become famous through war.”
“Even more famous than emperors,” adds Kat.
“There are other people back behind there who profit by the war, that’s certain,” growls Detering.
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The World War I Allies never did immediately send a naval expedition to Petrograd to easily topple Lenin & Bolshevik’s November 7, 1917 coup, thereby promptly returning Russia to the war, Russia’s involvement in the war being a critical variable for the Allies’ victory strategy against the Central Powers, proving (a) that the Allies knew they were going to win the war; (b) that the war was set up to (i) weaken the West’s influence in the world; (ii) weaken the West’s people’s confidence in their institutions and what those institutions stood for; and (c) one objective of the war was to settle into power the first above board Marxist state, with more to follow. In fact, there already was an anti-Marxist force in Russia at the time that if ordered would have conquered all of Bolshevik Russia during this period when the Bolsheviks were very weak. The unit was the 60,000 strong Czechoslovak Legion (soon to be 100,000 strong) but instead of sending the legion 700 miles north to Petrograd, the Allies sent it on a 6,000 mile odyssey across Russia to Vladivostok for evacuation to Europe(!), once again proving the Allies knew they were going to win the war…that the war was a Marxist operation.
Even more telling is neutral Denmark’s laying mines off its coastal waters in international waterways in August, 1914 [thereby violating the 1857 treaty opening the Danish Straits to all shipping, where, “No ship of any kind may, under any pretext whatsoever, be subjected to detention or obstruction at the passage of the Sound or the Belts”] at the prompting of Germany (Germany too lays mines in the Danish Straits) and Great Britain does nothing! Not a word from the Allies (and the usual deafening silence from the Marxist co-opted press), in fact, even though access to the Baltic Sea is critical for the Allies to roll up Germany quickly by (a) closing the Baltic Sea to all German surface/subsurface vessels; (b) denying German access to trade with Sweden; (c) bringing the Royal Navy and the Imperial Russian Navy together; (d) forcing Germany to relocate critically needed infantry divisions and heavy armaments away from the Western Front for the new Baltic Front; (e) allowing British and Russian troop landings across the Baltic coasts, preventing German forces from moving eastwards towards Russia; thereby (f) knocking Germany out of the war before one shot is fired.
Hence why…
“Trust but VERIFY” – President Ronald Reagan’s watch phrase when dealing with the USSR…
(1) The West conspired to not VERIFY the ‘collapse’ of the USSR, even though the survival of the West depended on verification should the ‘collapse’ be a ruse, which proves (1) there was no ‘collapse’ of the USSR, because if there had been a ‘collapse’ the West would have immediately VERIFIED the ‘collapse’; and (2) the West’s institutions were co-opted by Marxists, explaining the West’s enabling of the fake ‘collapse’ of the USSR…quod erat demonstrandum.
(2) Throughout the 1980s the West conspired to regurgitate Soviet Bloc under counting of communist party membership numbers in order to facilitate the canard of imploding Soviet Bloc political establishments, explaining the West’s enabling of the fake ‘collapse’ of the USSR…quod erat demonstrandum.
(3) Before any religious sectarian strife in Yugoslavia (1991 – 2001) first there would have been massive reprisals against the reviled Communists who implemented draconian discriminatory policies to wipe out religion in Yugoslavia. LCY anti-religious discriminatory policies were so effective that within fifty years those who were without a religion increased by an astronomical 3,100%! The fact that no reprisals took place against LCY members proves that the ‘religious strife’ and ‘breakup’ of Yugoslavia was manufactured and controlled by the Communists.
(4) “On the initiative of the KGB, an army of Soviet vigilantes five million strong, the so-called ‘druzhiny’, was recruited from among the Komsomol activists. Their units were led by retired Chekists. They have been patrolling and policing the streets of all the Soviet cities. Their primary task has been to prepare the Soviet people to ‘behave’ during the forthcoming ‘liberalisation’.” – KGB defector Major Anatoliy Golitsyn, ‘The Perestroika Deception‘, March 1989, pp. 14-15.
(5) Leningrad Oblast (Province) is still named Leningrad Oblast! Engels City is still named Engels City! Engels Air Force Base is still named Engels Air Force Base! Russian military personnel still refer to each other as “Comrade”! Kaliningrad Oblast is still named Kaliningrad Oblast! The State Emblem of the Soviet Union is atop the Duma building, and illuminated at night for clear viewing! Soviet Red Stars are still attached to the bows of Russian naval ships! The Hammer & Sickle logo is still on Aeroflot commercial aircraft! Not one statue to Lenin has been destroyed in Russia, where out of the 3,000 still standing throughout Russia, only a handful have been carefully taken down (in locations where tourists frequent) and hidden away in parks and museums, the remainder of these monstrosities to Russian nationalism/Russian Orthodox Church rubbing historical salt into still open wounds of Russian nationalists! The Russian ‘electorate’ are only ‘electing’ for president Soviet era communist party member Quislings, who persecuted the 85% of the religious population held captive by the Communist Party during the ‘Soviet era’!
At my blog, read the articles…
‘House of Cards: The Collapse of the ‘Collapse’ of the USSR’
‘Playing Hide And Seek In Yugoslavia’
Then read the article, ‘The Marxist Co-Option Of History And The Use Of The Scissors Strategy To Manipulate History Towards The Goal Of Marxist Liberation’
The West will form new political parties where candidates are vetted for Marxist ideology/blackmail, the use of the polygraph to be an important tool for such vetting. Then the West can finally liberate the globe of vanguard Communism.
My blog…
Let’s just cut to the chase: Like many political operatives and agents, Joe Biden should be considered a war criminal, period. That’s why it’s a great idea to follow his morbid recommendations regarding enforced lock downs, CIA sponsored track an trace, coerced masking and forced vaccinations. Speaking of exposing war criminals for what they are: >
Seriously, Get the Hell Out of Afghanistan
July 3, 2020
Caitlin Johnstone
“The propagandists who manufacture consent for imperialist agendas understand that truth and facts play far less of a role in what the propagandized consider important than does mindless repetition and emotion.“
Please take time to review Abby Martin’s mini-documentary included within the article page. The documentary is extremely concise and well done.
‘He will appear in Asia, yet be at home in Europe.
He will cross through the sky, the seas, and snows, and will strike everyone with his rod of truth.
The man from the East will come out of his seat.
He will use unorthodox devices to stir people up, disturbing the status codes of social and religious behavior in our materialistic times.
He has the power to transform and liberate the individual to the truth.’
Life has so many dimensions, yet sadly politics now dominates them all.
The most ugly thing about this society is that it lives on false beliefs, it lives on fear, it lives on greed.
Individuals are now needed who can live freely without any political ideology.
Because all democracy is fake, all ideology about freedom, freedom of speech, is fake.
The whole effort of politicians is to keep you as unintelligent as possible, so that these so-called elites and their control of power are never questioned.
So that their intentions are never questioned, their orders are never questioned.
Otherwise it would be impossible for millions of people to be ready to believe in their stupid lies.
From where does this urge to be fanatically committed to the fake narratives of democracy come?
It comes from your self doubt.
You are not sure of yourself.
You don’t know yourself.
You just ‘think’ you do.
All that is needed from your side to keep you obedient, hypnotized and clueless is a fanatical belief to suppress your self doubt.
Adolf Hitler says in his autobiography that it does not matter what you are saying, whether it is right or wrong, true or false, just go on repeating it with conviction.
Nobody is bothered about its rationality and logic.
How many people are there in the world who really understand what logic is, what rationality is?
People have to pass through these stages where you need to have belief in your so-called democratic leaders.
Belief in so-called democratic parties.
Why do you need to have belief in crowds to feel secure?
From this moment on, decide to be an individual.
You can fully wake up!
There is no need for any continued fanaticism, there is no need for any continued commitment to this laughable lie called democracy.
Then the individual, for the first time, will not be programmed.
Their own intelligence will be their guide.
They will no longer accept any ideals, any discipline, any certain pattern.
They will discover a tremendous love for freedom, so much so that they can sacrifice everything, even their own life, but they cannot sacrifice freedom.
The new individual will not be repressive.
They will be natural, with no inhibitions, expressive of everything that they have.
The new individual will not have the false idea that all human beings are equal.
They are not.
They are unique, which is a far higher concept than equality.
Although the new individuals will not be equal, they will have equal opportunity to develop their unique potential, whatever it is.
There are a few individuals who want to grow into meditation, into peace, into silence.
Ways and means will be found for the word to reach to every corner of the earth, to every human being so they too can understand.
The word has to go out because the word cannot be crucified.
Existence must find ways to evolve human consciousness.
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So fuck off, count your money, stop bothering us.
An interesting presentation from Daniel McAdams, co-host of the Liberty Report from the Ron Paul Institute, about the strategy used to fix the US election:
“For the first time in nearly 40 years, a President did not start a new war in his term.”
Which war did the Obama administration start? He inherited the Iraq and Afganistan war from the Bush administration.
Libya and Syria.
He certainly didn’t inherit a war in Libya, but that was his and Hillary’s war. I guess you wouldn’t count that as a war, would you?
Can the use of drone attacks under Obama be considered acts of war, or just terrorism?
Obama also started the Yemeni genocide in support of Saudi Arabia, and supported coups overthrowing democratically elected leaders in Egypt, Honduras and Ukraine, all of which led to Puppet states destroying independence and sovereignty of those countries.
In the following clip, Dan Bongino stresses that the patriots need to learn how to fight back against such tactics as “cancel culture”. For instance:
Trump Law Firm Quits Pennsylvania Case After Project Lincoln ‘Cancel’ Campaign
by Tyler Durden
Fri, 11/13/2020
A law firm representing the Trump campaign’s efforts to challenge the Pennsylvania election results gave notice late Thursday that they are withdrawing from one of the cases. While no reason was given for the decision by Porter Wright Morris & Arthur LLP, Bloomberg notes that it was one of two law firms targeted by the Lincoln Project – a group of ‘never-Trump’ Republicans devoted to removing Trump from office. On Tuesday, the group encouraged people to join LinkedIn and target individual employees of Porter Wright and another law firm, Jones Day, and “Ask them how they can work for an organization trying to overturn the will of the American people.”
You Are NOT Powerless! Here’s How You Fight Back
Dan Bongino Show Clips
Nov 12, 2020
So, “sanctions” come home to roost?
International sanctions and cancel culture are two different issues; but they may be somewhat analogous. However, if you think there’s some causal connection, please explain.
In Italy, the largest number of infected people is 7kk +. But the number is not increasing – https://population-hub.com/en/it/population-of-italy.html
Any comments on this and this?
Some linear regression showing abnormalities:
THIS is the “glitch” Hammer/Scorecard
A little JSON/vote data analysis in Python…the data coming from the New York Times if you can believe that:
Switched votes are votes that were taken from Trump and given to Biden.
Lost votes are voted that disappeared during the counting, from both candidates.
There might be a small overlap between Switched votes and Lost votes.
Dominion Voting Systems :
Pennsylvania : Switched : 220,883 Lost Votes : 941,248
New Jersey : Switched : 80,242 Lost Votes : 20
Florida : Switched : 21,422 Lost Votes : 456
Michigan : Switched : 20,213 Lost Votes : 21,882
New York : Switched : 18,124 Lost Votes : 623,213
Georgia : Switched : 17,407 Lost Votes : 33,574
Ohio : Switched : 14,965 Lost Votes : 5,102
Virginia : Switched : 12,163 Lost Votes : 789,023
California : Switched : 7,701 Lost Votes : 10,989
Arizona : Switched : 4,492 Lost Votes : 0
Minnesota : Switched : 2,766 Lost Votes : 195,650
Tennessee : Switched : 2,330 Lost Votes : 0
Louisiana : Switched : 2,322 Lost Votes : 0
Illinois : Switched : 2,166 Lost Votes : 54,730
Wisconsin : Switched : 2,078 Lost Votes : 3,408
Colorado : Switched : 1,809 Lost Votes : 0
Utah : Switched : 1,627 Lost Votes : 0
New Hampshire : Switched : 973 Lost Votes : 116
Iowa : Switched : 938 Lost Votes : 477
New Mexico : Switched : 268 Lost Votes : 4,610
Missouri : Switched 0 : Lost Votes : 20,730
Nevada : Switched : 0 Lost Votes : 0
Alaska : Switched : 0 Lost Votes : 0
Washington : Switched : 0 Lost Votes : 0
Hawaii : Switched : 0 Lost Votes : 0
Kansas and Texas use Premier Election Solutions, owned by Dominion Voting Systems.
Texas : Switched : 14,954 Lost Votes : 30,557
Kansas : Switched : 1,674 Lost Votes : 2,154
Election Systems & Software :
Nebraska : Switched : 30,086 Lost Votes : 50
Kentucky : Switched : 8,129 Lost Votes : 23,849
Arkansas : Switched : 3,664 Lost Votes : 20,748
South Carolina : Switched : 2,779 Lost Votes : 2,119
Montana : Switched : 2,330 Lost Votes : 1,276
South Dakota : Switched : 1,347 Lost Votes : 1
North Dakota : Switched : 234 Lost Votes : 681
Maryland : Switched : 203 Lost Votes : 0
North Carolina : Switched : 0 Lost Votes : 15
District of Columbia : Switched : 0 Lost Votes : 0
Unknown Systems:
Nebraska : Switched : 30,086 Lost Votes : 50
Connecticut : Switched : 3,834 Lost Votes : 272
Massachusetts : Switched : 3,613 Lost Votes : 51
Oregon : Switched 2,557 Lost Votes : 0
Alabama : Switched : 1,170 Lost Votes : 408
Mississippi : Switched : 355 Lost Votes : 0
Maine : Switched : 271 Lost Votes : 35
Rhode Island : Switched : 6 Lost Votes : 13
West Virginia : Switched : 0 Lost Votes : 78,300
Idaho : Switched 0 Lost Votes : 0
Oklahoma : Switched : 0 Lost Votes : 0
Indiana : Switched : 0 Lost Votes : 0
Delaware : Switched : 0 Lost Votes : 0
Vermont : Switched : 0 Lost Votes : 0
Yes, I have 1 pertinent comment: the USAmerican voting process is inherently, ipso facto and ad infinitum, completely unverifiable.
The NYT and known associates and other perps are an organ of crafted disinformation –ESPECIALLY– about voting process.
We paid our dues on this, I personally tried to get them to retract some of their most glaring suppurating lies about this all through November & December 2000, again in 2004, and so on.
They publish whatever kind of fantasies they wish, about voting. They have just forever. It’s only by corresponding with them often that you find this out, as I did, and as Im sure past Guardian commenters can grasp well.
After 20 years, you’d think the taste would fade a little, but it’s still quite disgusting, or hazardously nauseating.
That’s pretty bad.
And, so are they. When it comes to such things like the “brass ring” to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. or Congress they lie 24/7/365.
If you can catch them saying something accurate about voting, it’s all about the mime and the meme, for sale.
Purely strategic.
Besides that, I challenge anyone in the galaxy to prove empirically that the American vote can be verified. I did that with Pam Smith (Verified voting.org) 15 years ago, and Kim Zetter of Wired Mag, and they blew smoke up my nose for a year or two, a dilatory op. The whole landscape is quite infested with moles and trolls, mostly planted and well paid.
As you find here, but now I have a lot of mileage in this, enough to read the map.
Expect more of the same. It’s all just more trash from the Theatre State.
There’s your comment. ENJOY!
It starts at the fundamentals. What is the relevance of the Senate or House of Lords to democracy? Why have so many countries copied this outrageous system?
The sole reason for other nations not qestioning the results are that they are 100% controlled by the to any given time Gov and Legislation system, to even think this dont happen anywhere else is to me, been ignorant or naive at best, it have and will happen, period.
Nobody i Norway, for ex. will ever question the legality, because you simply dont do that, why, because we are bran washed to such an extent that any conversation about that is not going to happen, but they love to whine about others, aka banana republics.
The second is the ilution of the eh…. political stugle, witch they love to show on TV, on issues as red listed frogs contral an highway system, etc to fertail groundd, witch makes it impossible for the capital to have an highway system that circumvents the capital, instead they whine about CO2, and kicks road taxes to high heaven to reduce the traffic.
Yup, its just an show, when 98% of everything else in te parliament goes straight thru, without any kind of debate, ex. some obscure cases where they can show off on the Tube, and gives the MSM something to write about.
Then we have wars, I agree why go back to ww1 when you can watch the Azeris asault on Armenia and the insane propaganda that came along with it, this propaganda was as for me whom have payed attention to wars for decades, jaw dropping and downright false, everything was false.
Do read Faker, MoA, SouthF, etc to ZeroH, and do read the majority of the coments regarding this war, do that, its an tour de force is propaganda, it was massive, much more than the last one regarding Syria and Libya, this time the lies pimped where everywhere, and also on scope and scale.
What you will discover is this, all of them says Armenians deseved to die, yeah, kill em all, take their land, witch was created by Sovjet, and given to another one witch they also created along with the enclave NK, Azerbaijan, witch is just like ISISrael, created despite the natives in this regions dont belong to that spesific group of people, NK was always Armenians, and of course you would find others there, but they where an minority.
Their claims rests on the arguments solely on the new Armenian president, witch they all claim was an Sore-ass puppet, like they did with the Catalans, witch also was just bullshitting the Catalans fight witch they have done for centurys.
This peoples claims about Azeris right are also total bullshit, period, yeah, referendums are good for them over there, but not here, right, and the shere level of hypocrasy is mindblowing, and when the Azeris crushed vilages after wilages, after they started the war with the help of Turkia and ISISrael, whom flew ISIS/IS happy head choppers into this war with the help of Georgia, most of this articles ingores that, even Ignores the treason comitted by the Russians, because as must of the articles state, the Armenians did something we dont like and thereby deserved the fate, and didnt bother to talk about anything else, I could go further indebt, but ends here, I am not that good in creating verbal diarea like Faker and others, but one thing is crystal clear, just because they dont like an man, because of Armenians wanted change, from one whom Putin liked to one whom was elected to do something more for the Armenians, they gloathed about this Armenians whom fought and died in an war started by the Muslims, Armenia whom is surounded by people and nations whom have slaughtered them in millions, incl Pogroms, and somehow this article/sites completely ignores this historical facts, incl the creation of Azeri, I havent read so much downright fake shit for years, to me, Faker, MoA and SouthF, died in this war, I have encountered sites after sites ending just like that, they claim to ne nautral upto an point where their owners, ot whatever backing this sites, puts their feets down and demands them to lie, fake or distort, aka propaganda, I have written about Palestinians for decades and I can smel scums from miles away, I never care about what they did before, because that was before, its the now I focus on, and this sites, like the constant hammering about us been Covidiots (MoA) and white ass supremacys and nazis (faker) to the flatout lies to cover over the fact Russia is rotten to its core, Putin is not what you think He is, in Syria he threw Syrians under the buss and did the same with Armenia, because of Turdia and ISISrael.
Oil and Gass, Armenia have nothing, and that was their destiny in an region where powers rule.
This war was an shame, should never have happened, but because of corruption and power tripping it did, and incoent people died, on both sides.
Thats why I dont waist time on the past wars, its not that relevant anymore, apart from showing the other sides history witch, just like the war on Armeina is, this was an classical one way propaganda storm.
Contrary to claims reported widely by the MSM, US Postal Service whistleblower Richard Hopkins has NOT recanted on his allegations of election fraud.
Federal Agent Who Intimidated and Coerced Pennsylvania USPS Whistleblower is a Trump-Hating Biden Supporter
By Cristina Laila
Nov 11, 2020
Project Veritas Tuesday night released a video with USPS whistleblower Richard Hopkins asserting that he did not recant his allegations of election fraud, a lie that was published by the Washington Post. Additionally, James O’Keefe posted recordings of federal agents attempting to coerce and intimidate Hopkins into recanting.
WaPo and NYT are t Ihe primary perps in all print MSM about spreading lies about these things, but that doesn’t mean that a USPS guy is NOT a liar.
Y’know. Besides, I’ve done voter registration for decades, and USPS is notorious, like DMV, for conveniently losing cards etc.
Worst of all are the ROVs themselves, we’ve been reporting for decades how most of them in the LA Southland are party-appointed perps.
What amazes me, having investigated this for decades, is how all the crimes I saw were almost always by Reep perps, Republicans, and though fraud was cried against Dems, it was almost non-existent. Seriously, until the fur started flying against Hillary in 2016, I had almost never hear d of it from the left side.
Now suddenly it’s like the entire Right are a squeaky clean chorus of Choir boys and girls who never snatched a vote since Gore/Bush.
Man, it’s as shocking a reversal as the Houston Astro(isks) who cheated more than anyone ever and almost single handedly trashed the entire sport of beisbol, more than all combined since Shoeless Joe Jackson and his Black Sox 1919 crime partners, just A$TRO-nomically.
Then they suddenly stopped on a dime in mid 2018, never ever to cheat again…
And that was BEFORE they got caught by the Commish in 2019, Don Capo Rob Manfred.
I hope that’s not blighting the bloom of his illustrious office, but, seriously, he barely gave them a slap on the wrist.
But now he’s totally sure they wear masks and play to a whole lot of empty seats.
Gosh, what a MAN(Fred)!
But it draws comparisons to the Republican Party and its Trump/Card.
All of a sudden they simply don’t at all know what it’s like to steal votes, after hanging on to unjust privileges and power ever since Abe Lincoln was plugged, courtesy generous philanthropy @Wall Street.
Man, I’m in awe of their sudden total penitence. Curiously It gives them more cap room and platform to slander Dem voting, too. Not a single word in the news about their franchises on vote-rigging for 150 years. Amazing turnabout.
Mighty impressive band of saintlike figures, those Republicans.
It’s so Flocking OBVIOUS!
Well, something is, anyway… LOL&++
Well, I’d like to think I understand where you’re coming from with this, Kit.
But hasn’t the USA been a death machine since its inception?
Or is there something I’ve missed?
Know your enemy!
Trump Tweets: Report: Dominion Deleted 2.7 Million Trump Votes Nationwide. Data Analysis Finds 221,000 Pennsylvania Votes Switched From President Trump To Biden
By Jim Hoft
Nov 12, 2020
We have it all
Trump is now clearly on the offensive regarding the Dominion Voting System.
Nov 13, 2020
Must see @seanhannity takedown of the horrible, inaccurate and anything but secure Dominion Voting System which is used in States where tens of thousands of votes were stolen from us and given to Biden. Likewise, the Great @LouDobbs has a confirming and powerful piece!
These states in question should immediately be put in the Trump Win column. Biden did not win, he lost by a lot!
Hannity on the horrible, inaccurate and anything but secure Dominion Voting System
Donald J Trump
Nov 12, 2020
The Texas AG discusses why the state rejected Dominion Voting Systems
Ken Paxton to Newsmax TV: There’s a Reason Texas Rejected Dominion
12 Nov 2020
Paxton said Texas tested Dominion software up to three different times, beginning in 2012, each time finding system failures in both hardware and software. “We discovered that these systems are subject to different types of unauthorized manipulation and potential fraud,” he said.
https://worldchangebrief.webnode.com Biden Trans Team: Predatory Wall St. Insiders.Afghan Peace End?/
ArchBishop’s 2nd Global Health Tyranny Warning/
US Color Revolution Step III/
BLM Marxist Expects Biden Payback/
Global Reset Means Never Normal/
Internet Kill Switch Test?
Warmonger Biden at the gates? Not yet, especially with so many centenarians and dead de facto registered as voters popping up who naturally would want to vote for a corpse with many body bags in tow -)
Never give up, never !
The state authorities have not found any such fraud
The state authorities ARE the fraud!
Unfortunately, the USAmerican “voting” process is innately unverifiable in any decisive way. Any even credible way. I spent ten years studying this, guesting on radio, interviewing key players, publishing opeds etc
It’s all done on privately owned and created “vaporware” — by 2005, 90% of the vote was on machines programmed by two brothers, Bob and Todd Urosevich.
I researched Hart InterCivic, since we used them here in the OC. The software designers at Veridian in Texas recruited directly out of CIA. And their presence is elsewhere in the gears, everywhere.
Now I feel completely safe!
In 2010, an academic named Ian Stewart said that even when an election is run well, a skewed result may be theoretically inescapable.
There is ZERO chanc e of a US (s)Election being run well (i.e. with any real probity.)
They are all quite infinitely hackable, literally.
You might check out the 2006 (Emmy-nominee, FWIW) documentary “Hacking Democracy”. I know its chief “star” Bev Harris, she’s the doyenne of the voting integrity sleuthing biz, and she sums it up in the film and at her site blackboxvoting.org, and a great book of same title.
I don’t know of Ian Stewart, but his comment is not pertinent in a context of a voting process that is not possible to verify.
It’s just a scam.
In fact that’s the title of perhaps the core book on all this by the late Collier Bros. “VOTESCAM”. The real eye-opener, that book.
The swamp media are hiding something. They have removed their election night coverage from youtube. NBC, ABC, The Telegraph, CBS, FOX etc live recordings are not available.
My family experienced a net loss resulting from WW2. My grandfather’s leg. His liver continued to put up a heroic battle to the end when his ticker betrayed him. He had a toast:
Here’s to yous two!
If yous likes us two like us two like yous two,
Then here’s to yous two!
But if yous two don’t like us two like us two like yous two,
Then ta hell with yous two and here’s to us two!
RIP. Peace in our time.
The First World War; 100 years of lies.
So, why was the first world war planned and executed?
To steal Palestine/Israel for the Jews!
The plan was already well known in 1853.
The following is a quote from George Faber’s 1853 book on the downfall of the Turkish power and the return of the ten tribes (available here).
“The subversion of the Turkish Power will evidently occasion, as all seem to anticipate, a fearful general war. This war will, I believe, be the last under the present order of things. It will commence, indeed, in Europe: but,… it will pass into Palestine…. and, in the course of its evolutions, Israel will be restored.”
George Faber and his fellow conspirators, the Jews, successfully bought the plan to fruition:
“The subversion of the Turkish Power [i.e., the Ottoman Empire] will evidently occasion, as all seem to anticipate, a fearful general war [i.e., the first world war]. This war will, I believe, be the last under the present order of things [ushering a new world order]. It will commence, indeed, in Europe [with the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914]: but,… it will pass into Palestine [western troops entered Palestine early in 1917]…. and, in the course of its evolutions [the second world war beginning 1939], Israel will be restored [Palestine/Israel was successfully stolen from its rightful inhabitants in 1948].”
Some have complained that George Faber should not be included among the conspirators. They claim that he was just being used by the Jews to attain their ends. To back up their claim they state that Faber foresaw the return of all twelve tribes of Israel, which never happened, whereas the Jews only wanted the return of the Jews, which did happen. Once the Jews had obtained their goal, no more was heard about the return of the other ten tribes, it just wasn’t a concern. This indicates that Faber’s notions were of little importance, and that he was being used by the conspirators, rather than that he was among the conspirators.
From: http://preearth.net/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=1174
Just about everything written – and especially given prominence – on every war is a lie. Lies are indispensible to drive and then conceal invasion, plunder, mass murder, mass torture (e.g. through starvation, disease, terror and rape) and the destruction of societies (genocide).
“Why ‘deluded’ US can’t lecture anyone on democracy and freedom
.. the US is deluded. Its democracy is neither enshrined in the constitution nor is its spirit adhered to in practice ..
American democracy is an insult to those who fought so hard to create and protect it ..
“For years, decades, centuries even, politicians have been given almost free reign to chip away at is foundations until it has become little more than a brand – DemocracyTM – that has little of substance behind it.”
Can you believe the above is written in a Murdoch publication?
Can gutter Murdoch press be more honest than the Guardian?
How can that be?
Because things change, and the Guardian, along with the rest of the MSM only ever supports “the truth” when “their side” benefits from it. Principles are not important, just control of the narrative.
Mr Biden has appointed Dr Ezekiel J. Emanuel to his coronavirus task force. This may be a sign of things to expect from a Biden presidency. Dr Emanuel has publicly stated that by the time a person reaches seventy-five they are useless and burden to themselves and the rest of society and it would be better if nature were allowed to take its course rather than using medical expertise to keep them alive.
The virus only presents a serious threat to the over seventy-fives, so Biden wants someone determining public policy responses to the virus who thinks the seventy-fives and over would be better off dead.
This Dr Emanuel should pull his head out of his ass long enough to take a quick look around. If he did, he would find that most of those who live well beyond his allotted 75 years do so largely because they have avoided medical interventions. So simply turning off the IV tube is not an option. Not to worry, though, he’s no doubt an enterprising soul, so he’ll come up with something to rid the world of the healthy as well as the unhealthy.
Gee whiz, would-be President-Elect Biden is 77 years old!
Hmm, perhaps the charming, charismatic would-be VP-Elect Harris connived to bring Dr. Emanuel on board to work his magic upon her nominal boss.
I mean, it’s all well and good to speak of “nature taking its course”, but I’m sure the pragmatic Harris wouldn’t object to giving Mother Nature a nudge or two!
Spot on Kit re Biden. The whole thing is a disgusting facade involving elder abuse. The All Quiet ….. reference is perfect.
The Dumb Danes are going to kill 20 million mink. All this because of one or two mutations that have occurred in the mink population.
Here is a file that lists 77,827 Covid-19 sequences and their mutations.
These 77,827 sequences contain 23,693 distinct mutations.
23,693 distinct mutations in humans since the beginning of the year and the nutcases are worried about one or two mutations from mink.
For more see: http://preearth.net/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=1174
No, No, No.
Nobody remembers WW1 any more, and it is really time to stop talking about it. Of course we can read about it and learn about it, but it is no longer something which should be occupying any media time for modern society. Remembrance Day was even a strange anachronism for me 65 years ago, when I was a boy.
The illegal Iraq invasion of 2003 – and what led to it – is what we need to keep talking about, before all those who remember that are old, or dead, too.
The appalling system behind Biden, Trump, Obama, Reagan, Bush 1 and Bush 2 – all of them – is what we need to keep talking about, and then doing something about.
Once we reach the point where nobody can remember what is in the US Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, or the British Bill of Rights – I mean their content, and not just the ability to parrot bits of them by heart – by then we will be ready to jump into the abyss, and quite nonchalantly too.
R.I.P. mankind as it could have been… Looks like decency will have to wait for a distant future to get off the ground again – barring divine intervention, of course… We do need help to face evil of this magnitude.
I think you underestimate the significance of World War One. It matters less that it was a staged event than that it changed the Western world forever. Because it changed the perception that the world was a predictable quantity wherein societies (for good or ill) could plan and execute their trajectories.
Granted, the trajectory of most if not all Western societies consisted of exploitation of the Third World. And that part was not lost; but the “Sense Of Life” consistent with a world of almost endless possibilities – the sense that the world was essentially benign (which it was anything but for the Third World) – was over and would never come again.
Humanity didn’t just lose 20 million people from World War One. It lost its way.
“The wars never stopped, not because of religion or racism or humanity’s bloodthirsty nature…but because of money. Money and power for the very few – the driving force behind almost every war, no matter the thin ideological veneer”.
Wars, like any major elite project, are complex and multi-faceted operations. They are seldom about one thing. Reducing it all to “money” is where traditional leftist materialism becomes a prison. Those at the top of the pyramid don’t need money, they can magick it into existence.
If wars were ever about population control they proved a fairly ineffective method of achieving that goal. This is another red herring – or at best partial truth. The obliteration of traditional cultures is more a consideration e.g. the destruction of Japanese culture in WW2 and its replacement by an ersatz Americanism.
Wars are obviously partly for domestic purposes – increasing control, accelerating existing agendas and revealing new ones. Wars are also partly about the infliction of trauma. Modern mind control has its roots in the study of shell-shocked soldiers. Destruction of the nation-state has become an increasingly apparent goal of war. Weak and fragmented units can be folded up in a one-world state so much more easily. Finally, wars are rituals of sacrifice. Who knows exactly what entities sections of the elite think they are sacrificing people to – although the Moloch statue at Bohemian Grove suggests one possibility.
The spiritual beliefs of the elite are no mere “veneer”, they are the profound motivation. What’s money is this world compared to eternity?
Except that the ‘spiritual beliefs of the elite’ are not spiritual at all.
They are ignorant and irresponsible dabblings in the occult joys of playing God.
And playing is all it is.
The ‘elite’ (retarded trash) are doing all this simply because they would be bored otherwise.
‘Spiritual’ has nothing to do with it.
“The wars never stopped, not because of religion or racism or humanity’s bloodthirsty nature…”
I agree wholeheartedly with the author on this. All wars are about power.
· Power, (manifested as interest) was present in very conflict in history – no exception. It cuts across all apparently unifying principles: family, kin, nation, religion, ideology, politics – everything. We unite with the enemies of our principles, because that is what serves our interest. It is the one thing we will destroy ourselves for, as well as everyone else.
· History shows that every civilization/nation eventually gets the war it is trying to avoid: utter defeat. This applies as much today as any other time in history.
· Leaders and decision-makers delude themselves, thinking they can avoid their fate – they can’t – unless they can change.
Once again I encounter the exasperating conspiracy phobia of the Left whilst engaging in a conversation on one of their websites. The topic was the accusations of electoral fraud and I saw the usual disparagement of “conspiracy” and the direction to do the “proper analysis” which has a “proper understanding” of how these “processes work”. And what is this “proper” approach to these “processes” which clearly cannot (must not?) involve conspiracy?
It is appalling that the very ones who for four years running claimed the election was fraudulently stolen in 2016 with Russian help are now outraged because for one week plus two days and counting some folks have claimed the election was fraudulently stolen in 2020.
On the other foot, the dirty boot becomes a silken slipper. Who would have thought it?
Yes – notice also that Trump’s accusation of fraud was cut off before he could even get to the end while the Russian cyber bullshit was freely trumpeted from every media channel for months and months.
Diebold which is the biggest maker of U.S. voting machines is, first and foremost, a maker of ATM machines. Every ATM gives you a receipt and keeps an audit trail. Why do Diebold’s voting machines not do that?
Diebold Nixdorf – Bank Innovation – Retail Technology
Is it an oversight or by design that its voting machines and software cannot to the same thing that its ATMs and checkout machines can do?
Athan Gibbs was an accountant. He asked a simple question: Why would you make a voting machine that does not provide a paper trail and cannot be audited?
The accountant came up with his own electronic voting machine, TruVote, that offered redundancy, reliability, accountability and privacy. His concept was that you should be able to verify your vote the same way you verify the money you take out of an automatic teller machine. As the vote is counted, the ballot is dropped into a box.If there is a challenge, the paper ballot is available to be counted.
His machine began to win accolades. He got the attention of Microsoft. But he was already feeling resistance from lobbyists promoting the much bigger Diebold. Gibbs urged a journalist Dr. Robert Fitrakis to help publicise the issue. In Feb 2004, Fitrakis’ article came out:
Diebold, Electronic Voting and the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy, by Bob Fitrakis,
Free Press, Columbus, Ohio, Feb 25, 2004 with a follow-up article in Mother Jones.
Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney was due to speak in California and wanted Gibbs to come and demonstrate his machine. On her way to the meeting she heared of his terrible accident.
One week after the newspaper articles, Gibbs died when his car veered in front of a truck and he was killed, in March 2004.
Maybe there is a clue in the words of Walden W. O’Dell, the chief executive of Diebold Inc., reported in the New York Times in 2003. He told a Republican Party fund-raiser, to be held at his home in a suburb of Columbus, Ohio. ”I am committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the president next year.”
More at: https://moneycircus.blogspot.com/2020/11/six-term-congresswoman-cynthia-mckinnon.html
Uncounted – The Tragic Story of Athan Gibbs
Other countries have been using voting mahines for a decade or so, without scandals. However, for the Empire, “not invented here” won’t do – as its citizens found out at great cost in the case of the covid test and treatments.
If you invented a cheap source of food or energy, guess what would happen to you.
I’ve never heard this story. (surprise surprise)
I’m really shocked, though, that I have not read this story over the years on other independent sites. This is normally something Corbett Report would do, unless they have and I’ve missed it.
Incredible. Veered in front of a truck. Well, you know, that happens all the time….
As Larry Johnson notes in the following article, there’s a lot of whinging about the lack of headline-grabbing action by Bill Barr. A major problem is that people don’t bother looking into the background; and one of the significant developments is that he’s been quietly building up the US Marshals as an alternative to the FBI.
What Is Bill Barr Going to Do?
Nov 11, 2020
There are a lot of Trump supporters who are very frustrated, even angry, with the silence of Attorney General Bill Barr in the wake of last Tuesday’s attempted Democrat heist of the Presidential election. But there are indications that Barr, who understands what it takes to fight the entrenched bureaucracy that is aligned with a conspiracy that involves the media, tech companies and computer software companies supplying voting machines, is preparing to move in a dramatic, far reaching strike to expose this fraud.
The United States Marshals Service (USMS) is a federal law enforcement agency in the United States. The USMS is a bureau within the U.S. Department of Justice, operating under the direction of the Attorney General, but serves as the enforcement arm of the United States federal courts to ensure the effective operation of the judiciary and integrity of the Constitution. . . . On May 31, 2020, Marshals were deployed to keep order in Washington, D.C. during the George Floyd protests.
The Special Operations Group (SOG) was created in 1971, and is the Marshals Service’s specially trained and highly disciplined tactical unit. It is a self-supporting response team capable of responding to emergencies anywhere in the US or its territories.
Operation Legend (or Operation LeGend) is a federal law enforcement operation in the United States initiated by the administration of President Donald Trump. The operation was named after four-year-old LeGend Taliferro, who was shot and killed in Kansas City, Missouri, on June 29, 2020. According to the White House, Operation Legend was implemented after President Trump began deploying federal law enforcement agents to crack down on violent crime in the wake of the George Floyd protests. For Operation Legend, agents from various federal agencies were deployed to aid and assist city and county law enforcement officers.
What happened to OffG? Is the fake virus gone? Or The “plandemic”? Or climate change? Or the stock market scam of the New York Fed based on virtual dollars? Or their cronie counter partners in CCP China?
Why dedicate a full article on something minor as the present biased US presidential selection game?
Say that again when war comes to your country, Antonym.
I thought my irony was clear; physical (civil) war to be avoided anywhere (US and China!), but not at any price.
Apologies for my obtuseness.
“No matter how cynical you get, it’s impossible to keep up”.
– Lily Tomlin
There’s no need to fly into a hysterical panic if a week goes by without more covid, climate, or stock market reporting here.
It’s all part and parcel of the same thing – the same agenda.
Anybody who has been paying attention already has all the information they need to get an extremely clear and detailed picture of what’s going on.
Don’t worry. Covid will undoubtedly be back at OffG shortly, and we can go over all the same ground yet again.
A staunch opponent of the Patriot Act and the war in Iraq, Cynthia McKinney was forced out of Congress after serving six terms by an unknown Georgia county commissioner.
McKinney fell victim to the first state to use electronic voting machines. Georgia, in 2006. She later discovered the software could be easily manipulated and that Diebold, a classic American corporate lobbyist, won business through connections not quality.
She recalls the late Athan Gibbs, an accountant who came up with an electronic voting machine that offered redundancy, reliability, accountability and privacy, His machine began to win accolades but the lobbyists were able to select the company that would allow them to rig the elections.
Diebold’s machine had no paper backup and was observed ‘flipping votes’ in which after you select your choice, the machine would flip away from that candidate. Many books have been written on fractional voting machines being used to fix elections.
— NYT: Machine Politics In the Digital Age By Melanie Warner, Nov. 9, 2003
In the event, McKinney could not afford the legal challenge. She now campaigns for election reform #unrigged
More at: https://moneycircus.blogspot.com/2020/11/six-term-congresswoman-cynthia-mckinnon.html
Cynthia McKinney talks to Robert David Steele
Cynthia McKinney was forced out of congress & subsequently smeared because she dared to criticise Israel not because she uncovered voter fraud but ok…..
She also questioned the official 9/11 narrative.
Yes. She is a great example of a principled human being.
“Chinese shoppers snapped up “over $1 billion” of Australian goods during the first 24 hours of the world’s biggest shopping festival [11/11 day]”
OK, these people are rich. Why make goods to sell the Chinese when we can go and send attack warships to their borders and grab the bounties directly? Didn’t this happen before? Didn’t happen for decades and perhaps centuries?
Mind you many of the goods sold to China are ‘made in China’ where the distributor makes enormous profits selling to retailers, and retailers make profits from these goods again for selling the goods to Chinese shoppers. Chinese profits from manufacturing these good is a small fraction of the margin earned by their customers (Australian or multi-national companies).
Tucker: We heard you. It’s hard to trust anything. Here’s what we know.
Fox News
Nov 10, 2020
“Tucker Carlson Tonight” host reacts to 2020 election results, says polling errors “amounted to voter suppression”.
Election Crises InfoKit – Links To the Best Sites During This Historic Time,
Plus CIA Runs The Media Primer (for your friends)
STOP THE STEAL Nationwide Caravan Movement – Watch and Join
You can look at the President.
You can’t look at the President’s face, though. Because
Now its all Complete Nonsense. She looks Better than most of The American Competetion (and Yes I would, if I was not Betrothed) but Boris’ Ex is Not Our Queen
Telegraph Headline:
“Boris Johnson’s adviser Lee Cain quits Downing Street role after revolt by Carrie Symonds.”
It was a lot simpler in 1981, when we moved to London. No one except maybe The IRA was trying to kill anyone, and Princess Diana did walk freely to go to the Gym opposite where I worked, and she did take her kids to see English National Ballet at the Southbank and sit in the cheap seats with my wife and our kids. No one made a fuss of anyone..even very famous people on Telly used to go to the local supermarket in Fulham and Chelsea shopping with their trolleys. No one would even notice them particularly..You didn’t go up to them asking for an autograph whilst looking at the sausages..and it was like that till 1997 when Princess Diana was Assassinated.
Before that London was just like a village. We all got on.
I know the the last Data Centre I worked at was bombed to hell (they just demolished all the buildings) and we were benchmarked even by The Americans as the Best in The World..My First was ICL, Wenlock Way, West Gorton Manchester, and The Working Men’s Club Opposite – just now a bombed out empty car park
My school – bombed to fck just an empty space now. It is no longer there
However The Third Data Centre I worked at -Well The Building Is still There – and They Taught me a lot there…
I arrived from Manchester for my First Day in London, and I was Late, cos my Car Broke Down…
I arrived at the gates, and they let me in
It’s Still There.
We are stocked up from the last few years, cos it didn’t really get cold, but it might this year, and we now have 2 grandchildren living here some of the time. Having a very cold house, is not good for the water supply either..It tends to expand when it gets very cold, and then it warms up a bit it bursts your pipes, and floods your house, which is not good news.
I only use my smokeless coal, when it gets really cold. It is not easy to light it, without lots of news paper, and a clear chimney and fire grate.
I use rechargeable batteries, and the cheap air pumps we have got for camping blowing up beds to get it going.
Coal makes a Massive Difference in Warming Up our house, when the Gas Central Heating and The Electric Doesn’t work.,,and you can’t get a heating engineer cos of COVID, and he has been told to go home and watch it on Zoom.
Get a chminey sweep first if you have got a chimney – otherwise loads of blankets and duvets,,and do not worry about sharing the same room. when it gets really cold, you need as much insulation as you can get and warm people to hug – or you will freeze to death if it gets really cold which it may do.
Lets hope it stays warm. If it gets very cold, this will get sold out. Its cheasp at the moment…but we’ve got enough. It keep, if it doesn’t get very cold. Don’t put the ash in the Plastic Bin, until its had time to cool down, and have a decent fire guard to protect the kids..
Some people in England can’t remember the last time, when it got really cold, but I reckon The Ski’s and sledges maybe coming out for Christmas again.
Maybe Easter. My Family Really Likes Snow
My job, used to include the responsibilities of Contingency Planning and Disaster Recovery, just in case absolute everything went wrong at the same time, which it sometimes does. I made a few recommendations. We didn’t go bust. They are still paying my Pension. It wasn’t coal. Just the rest.
Are you a weasel, a mole, or asshat?
Story teller.
Be nice, TonyO, or Santa will only leave you one lump of coal for the rest of winter!
YouTube suffering outages at the moment.. is this the next step of censorship? https://www.isitdownrightnow.com/youtube.com.html
Thought it was just my network or my computer. But yes, could be an extreme form of censorship.
Same experience on utube this evening. Won’t play at all. Keeps showing error message. No matter what topic I choose.
It’s the first time I’ve seen this message at Bitchute! Other videos seem to play okay.
This video is unavailable as the contents have been deemed potentially illegal within your country by our moderation team.
Voting Machine Used in 18 States Hacked in 2 Minutes
an hour ago
Whoa, that’s interesting and not in a good way.
With any luck, the outage will be lengthy and people will search for an alternative platform and discover they have options like lbry etc
Rumble not bad.
I could be wrong and am happy to be corrected, but rumble looks like a straightforward swap from youtube that is only marked out by a pledge to not censor in the way youtube does. That pledge is only good while they choose to honour it. Think ‘Don’t be evil’, google’s famous erstwhile motto.
I would prefer people looked to a solution like lbry.tv which is decentralised and the blockchain is much harder to censor, whatever the platform’s intent. impossible? probably not, but certainly harder.
The Biden administration is likely going to go full neoliberal and start actively using direct military force again, but let’s not give Trump too much credit here.
It’s true that the Trump administration didn’t start any new wars, but neither did it end any of the ongoing conflicts the US is involved in (e.g. the war in Yemen) or bring overseas stationed American troops home. Trump the president did not honour the promises made by Trump the candidate.
Furthermore, the all-encompassing economic sanction his administration imposed on Iran, Syria, Venezuela and other countries are siege warfare with a “respectable” PR-friendly name and illegal under international law. US sanctions are open ended and are explicitly designed to cause death and suffering amongst the civilian population in order to trigger regime change.
Remember Madeline Albright and her “we think it’s worth it” comment about sanctions against Iraq killing 500K children. Is Trump’s CIA pigman Mike Pompeo really more moral and anti-interventionist than the Albright crone?
A lot of people seem to have difficulty condemning both Trump (Republicans) and Biden (Democrats) equally. The “yeah but at least he didn’t start any new shooting wars” is a very low bar indeed. Propaganda works and even people who think they are media savvy can get sucked into supporting absurd and illogical positions. The media consuming extremely online are probably more susceptible to this than those who limit their bullshit intake.
A lot of people on the ‘libertarian left’ give Trump way more credit than he deserves. It’s like, despite everything, they still hold out for a leader who will “do the right thing” and save America from itself. Trump supporters who laughed at the Obots who couldn’t accept that Obama wasn’t the social democrat they thought he’d be did the exact thing with their guy.
This kind of “thinking” leads to grifters like Obama and Trump never being held accountable by their fans. The fault is always somewhere else (“he was forced to abandon his stated principles because x, y, z”). Give me a break. Do you really need a big daddy figure to look up to and worship? It not, stop running interference for criminal, imperialist arseholes.
Simply because Trump didn’t fire any scuds with his name on them doesn’t mean he didn’t start any wars. He declared war against my neighbours here in California years ago, all my Mexican friends and Chicanos, and since they are probably my favorite people and I hang with them better than almost anyone, I’ve been hearing their “war” concerns about him.
Heard a certain way, Trump is as “Total War” as Tojo, who coined that brand.
Hardly a peacenik, let alone anything like a nice guy.
A warmonger by another name would smell the same.
But maybe, as the “movie” mobsters say, “nothing personal, just bidness”.
In recent elections the Hispanic and Asian vote went 72+% Democrat.
Another nifty coinage by the word procurers of Northern Virginia!
Facts remain facts and lying, cheating and thievery is typical of Democrats, those are the facts. Its so obvious.
To pick away eternally at the Dems is SOP in the CIA ops playbook. Why is that so Creed? Because all the money and chicanery flows first from the right. The rest is trickle down.
Trickle Down Economics!
Hooray, we’re wet. Almost drenched.
Yay Team!
Hmm, 1st $ubstantial downvotes I got in quite a while.
I must be blessed.
Getting warm too. Hope it keeps “up”.
Trump is a Tramp. Oops, I mean foul mouthed bigoted women-insulting rich guy. Obviously, not a tramp, I take that back: no tramp was ever That rich.
He’s right about the virus, though, just like a broken clock is right twice a day!
Right, for all the wrong reasons. In this cute game of global 3 (or 7) dimensional chess…
(Seen deep down, that’s the real definition of “Right” in most such matters.)
“With the simple He is straightforward, but with the devious He is astute.”
Crackhead statement.
Crackheads come in Troll, we can agree on that much as a sacred fact, can’t we?
I mean, if past experience is any guide, at least.
We agree you are a crackhead for sure.
Life has so many dimensions, yet sadly politics now dominates them all.
The most ugly thing about this society is that it lives on false beliefs, it lives on fear, it lives on greed.
Individuals are now needed who can live freely without any political ideology.
Because all democracy is fake, all ideology about freedom, freedom of speech, is fake.
The whole effort of politicians is to keep you as unintelligent as possible, so that these so-called elites and their control of power are never questioned.
So that their intentions are never questioned, their orders are never questioned.
Otherwise it would be impossible for millions of people to be ready to believe in their stupid lies.
From where does this urge to be fanatically committed to the fake narratives of democracy come?
It comes from your self doubt.
You are not sure of yourself.
You don’t know yourself.
You just ‘think’ you do.
All that is needed from your side to keep you obedient, hypnotized and clueless is a fanatical belief to suppress your self doubt.
Adolf Hitler says in his autobiography that it does not matter what you are saying, whether it is right or wrong, true or false, just go on repeating it with conviction.
Nobody is bothered about its rationality and logic.
How many people are there in the world who really understand what logic is, what rationality is?
People have to pass through these stages where you need to have belief in your so-called democratic leaders.
Belief in so-called democratic parties.
Why do you need to have belief in crowds to feel secure?
From this moment on, decide to be an individual.
You can fully wake up!
There is no need for any continued fanaticism, there is no need for any continued commitment to this laughable lie called democracy.
Then the individual, for the first time, will not be programmed.
Their own intelligence will be their guide.
They will no longer accept any ideals, any discipline, any certain pattern.
They will discover a tremendous love for freedom, so much so that they can sacrifice everything, even their own life, but they cannot sacrifice freedom.
The new individual will not be repressive.
They will be natural, with no inhibitions, expressive of everything that they have.
The new individual will not have the false idea that all human beings are equal.
They are not.
They are unique, which is a far higher concept than equality.
Although the new individuals will not be equal, they will have equal opportunity to develop their unique potential, whatever it is.
There are a few individuals who want to grow into meditation, into peace, into silence.
Ways and means will be found for the word to reach to every corner of the earth, to every human being so they too can understand.
The word has to go out because the word cannot be crucified.
Existence must find ways to evolve human consciousness.
That has to be the creepiest photo Ive ever seen ..amazing ..psy op
You are right about that. Biden looks like a corpse at his own funeral — very appropo.
Yep, a creep in the pic.
Creepy Ole Joe’s Eye of Sauron has returned..
In 1938, Dalton Trumbo, wrote a monumental work about WWI called “Johnny Got His Gun.” It’s worth mentioning that Trumbo was severely persecuted during the McCarthy era and could not get a Hollywood writing job until Kirk Douglas hired him to do the script for Spartacus.
“Johnny Got His Gun is an agonizing tale about an American youth missing in action and hideously injured in World War I–his arms, legs and face have been blown away while is soul is trapped in a tomb-like existence. “The novel shifts from the past to the present as Joe thinks regretfully about his decision to join a war that was not any of his business. Slowly, Joe begins to realize that he has been severely injured and treated in a hospital, which is where he currently lies. Joe gradually feels that his arms and legs have been amputated. Furthermore, he realizes that he cannot speak, see, hear, or smell because he no longer has a face—only a mask covering where his face used to be. Joe wonders bitterly about the doctors’ motivation for saving him at all.”
“World War I; 9,000,000 dead young men equal 1,350,000,000 pounds of bone and flesh, 27,900,000 pounds of brain matter, 11,250,000 gallons of blood, 414,000,000 years of life that will never be lived, and 22,500,000 children who will never be born.” 9,000,000 dead seems a little less statistical when viewed from this perspective.
These 9,000,000 were strictly military casualties. There were even a greater number of civilians– 12,500,000 who died from bombs, starvation, and disease.
All told, 21,000,000 combatants and civilians perished during WWI.
“I’m fed up to the ears with old men dreaming up wars for young men to die in,” said George McGovern speaking about the Vietnam war.
It should be noted, McGovern ran against Nixon and in that election a popular Democratic Party campaign PAC was formed for Nixon–sort of like the Lincoln Project in reverse (Republicans for Biden). Another interesting bit of info, is that McGovern’s candidacy was the reason Dems created Superdelegates as a safeguard against future antiwar nominees like George McGovern.
That’s quite a short post for you, are you feeling okay ?
Sorry, sure you are a nice person, but maybe get to the point !
I worked for George and played piano at a fundraiser hosted by his late daughter Terry.
It was only when I read “The Last Campaign” by Thurston Clarke a few years ago that I realized his connection to Bobby Kennedy’s campaign. As the Senator from South Dakota, hardly a major campaign stop, George drove Bobby to his favorite spots: the Sioux Reservations.
When Bobby was blasted soon after, George was knighted as the torch bearer for his delegates at the ’68 Convention in Chicago.
McGovern was, like Smedley Butler, a vet who became about as close to a straight up Socialist as we saw here then. I think they put something funny in Butler’s food, since he died in his fifties. He was the most decorated Marine in history –TWO Congressional Medals of Honor.
And he thanked them: he became a pacifist.
What to do? That wouldn’t sit well with the War Brand. Bad for Bidness.
He and JFK we’re vets who turned from war, and both died young.
I’ll always remember the date of George’s passing, as it happened on the Sunday the first Native American was canonized and presented in Rome: St. Kateri Tekakwitha “The Lily of the Mohawks”.
October 21 2012.
Surely Bobby smiled.
To be punctilious, I should note: “1st Native (US) American” since St. Juan Diego, visionary of Our Lady of Guadalupe (Who left him a mighty *reminder) was canonized only 10 years before, in 2002, after their “Cause”s each were investigated for many centuries. Those close dates also suggest many modern advances in forensics etc.
And St. Martin de Porres, of both native and half African descent, is remarkable in Peru, his Feast was just this November 3rd, last Tuesday’s Election Day, for those who would draw edification from that.
But St. Kateri’s prayer card was tucked in my wallet 30 years before her induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Saints, at the Vatican. And her tale was already etched very deep in parts here, along the native trails. Stories and legends abound almost endlessly along her own Trail of Tears. Not to forget those shared by her Tribes.
(I mention her in a little detail as I believe she should be seen as the Mary of the Americas, and indeed her cult establishes something like that, at least among believers in Native Americas, throughout the New World. And that is Big Medicine from the Great Spirit, Wakontonka, much needed in 2020. “Honi soit qui Mal y pense.” Lol.)
*Paul Claudel, writing of GKC: “He understands that in our Religion, Mystery is wed to Evidence.”
After McGovern the Dems were pretty much finished. Carter, followed Brzezinski’s advice and used the Mujahedeen in Afghanistan, Bill Clinton bombed Yugoslavia and starved to death 500,000 Iraqi Children, Obama expanded 2 wars into 7, and war criminal Biden will appoint “women warhawks” in key positions such as Secretary of State and DOD.
Nixon, Kissinger and Mao laid an economic and political golden goose egg around 1971 which hatched end 2001 when PR China was admitted to the WTO formally as a “developing nation”. It still is officially in 2020, with all its perks!
The global 0.1% love it, both sides of the Pacific.
They’re all still making a ton of money. Wall Street recently invested billions in China’s financial market. The financiers are delighted Biden stole the election. It’s all about the money…..
I will never forget that book. Read it in high school and it changed my perspective on war forever and completely.
Yes, the horrors of war……
Its not strictly true to say that Trump “didn’t start a new war”. The US military has been active in many theaters, not just the obvious sites such as Syria and Iraq, ao it might be more accurate so suggest that “Trump ran out of theaters to start new wars in”. Meanwhile he adopted increasingly aggressive stances towards countries like China and we’ve been doing the usual undercover destabilization in areas around the fringes of our ‘enemies’.
I doubt that much is going to change with a Biden administration. We can hope because our strategy seems to be one of a loser — we’re going to be still punching at phantoms long after much of the rest of the world had quietly left us behind.
What war did he start?
Susan Rice is controlled by m@$$@d® and the arch evil witch Madeleine Albight.
Emma Kenny. First 15 minutes of her mental health livestream sounds the alarm on Gov’t Covid policies. Bodily autonomy is essential for mental health
The sad part is, so many people have already surrendered their bodily autonomy to the medical profession in exchange for a host of medicines designed to alleviate a host of make believe illnesses.
“Trump movement more powerful than DEEP STATE expected” – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WeIkrst8isk
Trump illusion syndrome: where people believe Trump was anti-establishment.
Its’s pantomime, the military tried him out, it didn’t work and they didn’t make ‘America Great again’. His brand no longer fits the agenda. It is absurd to think a president can be independent of the deep-state, military industrial complex these days. The deep state control ALL the opposition, ALL the media, ALL the press, ALL the alternative press, ALL social media, ALL search engines, the house and the senate. All the exits are covered.
We shall see.
After you look for it awhile, it’s amazing how much evidence, glaring in kind, that suggests, really just shouts, that all our media, full spectrum, has decisive mechanisms of lockdown control in each and every and all aspects of it. I suspected something like that decades ago, and left for France, but now you even have recent CIA “confessions” that they have key people inserted everywhere into the “loop”. Of course, it’s a dubious battlefield, and murkiness is an advantage they use. You often can’t prove much, either way. But once you begin really scouting it, looking for it, you don’t need any of the occupational advantages of paranoia to spot it, well, everywhere. It’s there.
Deborah Davis wrote the book about it, “Operation Mockingbird” and there were claims, as with MKULTRA, that such things lived a day, then were decommissioned years ago. All in the 1970s.
That’s like catching the Nazi brain trust, von Braun, Gehlen, and many others in the thousands, and telling the public they’d been through a “De-Nazification” program.
All passed with flying colors, all graduates, all good guys now.
It’s really a quite Simpletonian “cover” they contrive. Hence, covert. Yet, backed up by a quite expansive web of deceit, deeply embedded, and buried beneath tiers upon tiers of “security clearances” they achieve the task well enough.
Or so it appears. The Emperor’s New Clothes” were less gossamer, less transparent.
When people are chronically deceived, that’s all it takes. It becomes a “hum”, a standard way of life. The latest New Normal.
I’m like a broken record; but here I go again, reminding everyone of the final word on any and every War there could ever be: Buffy Ste Marie’s “Universal Soldier.” Take away the soldier, you end the war overnight – and that includes drone wars, aerial wars, undersea wars, AI wars: you name it. You cannot fight ANY war without soldiers.
Another relevant song is (I kid you not), the Monkees’ “Zor and Zam.” “Two little kings, playing a game; they gave a war, and nobody came.”
Hey, if you are going to quote songs, give us a link.
But I did it a couple of times, got shelled…
Can’t link to my own music collection (mostly vinyl). And I seriously doubt You Tube would have a video of “Universal Soldier.” It wouldn’t fit their understanding of music.
He’s five feet two and he’s six feet four
He fights with missiles and with spears
He’s all of 31 and he’s only 17
He’s been a soldier for a thousand years
He’s a Catholic, a Hindu, an athiest, a Jain,
a Buddhist and a Baptist and a Jew
and he knows he shouldn’t kill
and he knows he always will
kill you for me my friend and me for you
And he’s fighting for Canada,
he’s fighting for France,
he’s fighting for the USA,
and he’s fighting for the Russians
and he’s fighting for Japan,
and he thinks we’ll put an end to war this way
And he’s fighting for Democracy
and fighting for the Reds
He says it’s for the peace of all
He’s the one who must decide
who’s to live and who’s to die
and he never sees the writing on the walls
But without him how would Hitler have
condemned him at Dachau
Without him Caesar would have stood alone
He’s the one who gives his body
as a weapon to a war
and without him all this killing can’t go on
He’s the universal soldier and he
really is to blame
His orders come from far away no more
They come from him, and you, and me
and brothers can’t you see
this is not the way we put an end to war.
The Universal Soldier lyrics © Kobalt Music Publishing Ltd
Here’s Buffy belting out like it’s nobody’s bidness, or in fact everybody’s. Great little clip of her as an intro, centering it in the times, back in the day. She’s my low tech, folk tech GPS. Native America seeps out of every pore in her body. It’s that quality, even more than the song, which is enduring and great enough, that gave me a catch in the throat. Makes me proud to be alive, all over again. Imagine that. As Sr. Kateri Mitchell, Mohawk, told me once, “We will never die.”
I see such things, and I am seriously inclined to believe her:
I guess it must be their gift to us.
Notice in her intro Buffy asks, rhetoric-wise, “…does it come from generals…” and makes a little pass with her hand across her chin. Pure native gesture, speaks volumes from “the noble Savage”. There are many others which will be familiar, as a family in nature, to anyone who has spent any quality time at a PowWow or Rez. Ineffably splendid, for those who have been led right to read them.
Hello Howard: “You cannot fight ANY war without soldiers.” Exactly my thoughts for over 40 years. How many technologists (technocrats) are employed in weapons manufacturing? That’s where all the big money is. > Great for paying off those student loans!!! Soldiers have always been indoctrinated into believing they’ll be fighting other soldiers, only to find they’re just bloody mercenaries murdering nonparticipant civilians.
Another song – an absolute MUST for anyone who loathes everything about war – is The Byrds’ great song “I Come And Stand At Every Door” (from their album Fifth Dimension). It’s a child’s prayer of a seven year old who died at Hiroshima. ‘Nuf said.
Simplistic. People other than the psychopaths don’t join the military because it is an attractive option. They are herded into it. Alienation, apartheid, deprivation and destitution are all parts of the grand scheme.
Moreover, the oligarchy is preparing for the time when recruitment falls badly – even due to reasons such as unfit youths. That is what all the frenetic development of autonomous armaments (at public cost) is about.
A bit off topic but along the lines of military – I recently watched a documentary about the anthrax vaccine consequences on the US military. Jesus.
And Children’s Health Defense just posted an article about Gulf War children 25 years later. The amount of damage done to soldiers and to their offspring is sickening.
And, of course, never reported on the front pages.
I hope the subject gets more traction as we head into the battle of mandatory vaccines.
Plus, the military allows these poor deprived youths a means of taking all their frustrations out on innocent people who cannot possibly fight back. It’s a win-win all around – yay!
“Once I Was a Soldier” by OC local boy Tim Buckley was quite poignant in 1967, at the height of the ‘Nam War. Great singer too, like his son Jeff. Really carries it. The great art sharpens the point. (Hence, trés poignant! Like Cyrano’s thrust to mark a full stop.)
Like a Marine I know, who did “force protection” on the SS Cole after it was rammed, told me in answering my wonderment as to why he joined the Marines so young, since he’s not big on war at all:
“The neighborhood I came from it was either that or prison.”
What MLK called memorably, “The Poverty Draft”.
That’s why they go young, too, to catch you before you can develop other options.
Hey, at least it’s all volunteer now! No more draft. But it helps to be young and broke.
They just make you an offer you can’t refuse. More or less.
And then they see to it that you’re rewarded for your courage and discipline. More or less.
Tim Buckley 1967 “ONCE I WAS” (A SOLDIER). His son Jeff, later a big star, does a cover of Dad’s lyric, both great, and HQ versions at YT etc.
My prediction for the next four years is that many of the putative “experts” will finally, but reluctantly, start to take note of what Trump has been saying over the preceding four years. However, there will of course be lots of wilful holdouts.
Have you not changed through out your life ? Are you the same person you were as a child, a teen ?
People change throughout life (duh!, I know !),
So, er, Trump,
Made (a lot) of mistakes.
But a few (?), years ago, knew what was happening.
Digital soldiers activated.
Now, we are the news.
Most changes people go through are superficial; the basics don’t change much. One of my earliest conclusions/convictions (around 4th grade) was that conscription was wrong; that’s remained rock solid throughout my life.
4th grade. I learned the times table by heart.
And I learned what “assassination” meant.
Now the years are rolling by me
The are rocking easily
I am older than I once was
And younger than I’ll be
But that’s not unusual
No, it isn’t strange
After changes upon changes
We are more or less the same
After changes we are
More or less the same
— Paul Simon, “The Boxer” (1968)
The term ‘war’ is far too generous when describing America’s ad nauseum pounding of sitting ducks. Such a description suggests a fair fight was ever on the cards.
What do you mean?
They defeated military superpowers like Grenada and Panama, didn’t they?