Crisis, What Crisis? Hypocrisy and Public Health in the UK
Rising agrochemical crisis dwarfing the covid narrative
Rosemary Mason & Colin Todhunter

On 12 March 2020, British PM Boris Johnson, referring to COVID-19, informed the public:
We’ve all got to be clear; this is the worst public health crisis for a generation.
Since that time, we have seen lockdowns, an ongoing government-backed fear campaign, fundamental rights being stripped away, dissent censored, inflated COVID-19 death numbers and the use of a flawed PCR test to label perfectly healthy individuals as COVID-19 ‘cases’ in order to fit the narrative of a ‘second wave’.
But, just for a moment, consider an alternative scenario…
The government is extremely worried about a substance that could be contributing to a spiralling public health crisis that has been decades in the making. It has been detected in food and in urine. The government has therefore decided to carry out mass urine testing. It has found millions of ‘cases’.
The more it tests, the more ‘cases’ it finds. The government and the media promote the message we are all at risk and should get tested. Hundreds of millions of pounds have been spent to allow for the testing of the entire population.
All cafes, pubs, restaurants and food stores are locked down, aside from those designated to sell only food that is regarded as ‘safe’ by the government. All weddings, parties and get-togethers are banned because contaminated food might be passed around.
Severe restrictions are put in place because this ‘stuff’ is in the air, water, plants, animals, grains, vegetables and meats. And it is in beer and wine, children’s breakfast cereal and snack bars and even in our vaccines. Everyone is under virtual house arrest until this public health crisis is addressed.
Daily government briefings are held on TV with the PM and health officials in attendance. The PM tells everyone that this thing is linked to various conditions, including obesity, depression, Alzheimer’s, ADHD, autism, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, kidney disease, inflammatory bowel disease, brain, breast and prostate cancer, miscarriage, birth defects and declining sperm counts.
Imagine that scenario. But the substance being referred to is very real. It is heavily associated with all the conditions mentioned and is present in our urine and food. But the government does nothing. It does not just do nothing but actively facilitates the marketing of this substance and collude with its manufacturers.
And the name of this ‘stuff’? Glyphosate, the world’s most widely used herbicide. The main culprit – Monsanto’s Roundup. But it is not just glyphosate. It is the cocktail of agricultural chemicals that have been in use for decades.
The real public health crisis
Earlier this year, in a 29-page open letter to Fiona Godlee, editor-in-chief of the British Medical Journal, environmentalist Dr Rosemary Mason spent 11 pages documenting the spiralling rates of disease that she says (supported by numerous research studies cited) are largely the result of exposure to health-damaging agrochemicals, including glyphosate-based herbicides.
The amount of glyphosate-based herbicide sprayed by UK farmers on crops has gone from 226,762 kg in 1990 to 2,240,408 kg in 2016, a 10-fold increase. In her letter, Mason discussed links between multiple pesticide residues (including glyphosate) in food and steady increases in the number of cancers both in the UK as well as allergic diseases, chronic kidney disease, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, obesity and many other conditions.
Agrochemicals are a major contributory factor for the spikes in these diseases and conditions. This is the real public health crisis affecting the UK. Each year, there are steady increases in the numbers of new cancers in the UK and increases in deaths from the same cancers, with treatments not making any difference to the numbers.
While there is much talk of the coronavirus placing immense strain on an underfunded NHS, the health service is already creaking. And people’s immune systems are already strongly compromised due to what Mason outlines. But do we see a ‘lockdown’ on the activities of the global agrochemical conglomerates? Not at all.
We see governments and public health bodies working hand in glove with the agrochemicals manufacturers to ensure ‘business as usual’.
It might seem strange to many that the UK government is seemingly going out of its way (by stripping people of their freedoms) under the guise of a public health crisis but is all too willing to oversee a massive, ongoing one caused by the chemical pollution of our bodies.
Unlike COVID-19, this is a ‘silent’ crisis that actually does affect all sections of the population and causes immense widespread suffering. It is silent because the mainstream media and various official reports in the UK have consistently ignored or downplayed the role of pesticides in fuelling this situation.
Hundreds of lawsuits are pending against Bayer in the US, filed by people alleging that exposure to Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide caused them or their loved ones to develop non-Hodgkin lymphoma and that Monsanto covered up the risks (Roundup is linked to cancers of the bone, colon, kidney, liver, melanoma, pancreas and thyroid).
The WHO International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has declared glyphosate as a 2A carcinogen. In 2017, in a public hearing in Brussels, Dr Christopher Portier and Dr Kate Guyton defended IARC’s position. Portier drew attention to the significance of statistically significant tumour findings that had not been discussed in any of the existing reviews on glyphosate.
Portier concluded that as the regulatory bodies, the European Food Safety Authority and the European Chemicals Agency’s analyses were scientifically flawed. These organisations had also used industry studies that were not in the public domain for ‘reasons of commercial confidentiality’ to support their case that glyphosate was not carcinogenic.
Mason has written numerous open letters to officials citing reams of statistical data to support the contention that agrochemicals, especially Monsanto’s glyphosate-based Roundup, have devastated the natural environment and have also led to spiralling rates of illness and disease, not least among children.
Regulators around the world have falsely assumed that it is safe to use pesticides at industrial scales across landscapes and the effects of dosing whole regions with chemicals have been largely ignored.
A report delivered to the UN Human Rights Council, says that pesticides have catastrophic impacts on the environment, human health and society as a whole.
Authored by Hilal Elver, UN special rapporteur on the right to food, and Baskut Tuncak, UN special rapporteur on toxics, the report states:
Chronic exposure to pesticides has been linked to cancer, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, hormone disruption, developmental disorders and sterility.
The authors argue:
While scientific research confirms the adverse effects of pesticides, proving a definitive link between exposure and human diseases or conditions or harm to the ecosystem presents a considerable challenge. This challenge has been exacerbated by a systematic denial, fuelled by the pesticide and agro-industry, of the magnitude of the damage inflicted by these chemicals and aggressive, unethical marketing tactics.
Elver says:
The power of the corporations over governments and over the scientific community is extremely important. If you want to deal with pesticides, you have to deal with the companies.
Tuncak states:
Paediatricians have referred to childhood exposure to pesticides as creating a “silent pandemic” of disease and disability. Exposure in pregnancy and childhood is linked to birth defects, diabetes and cancer. Because a child’s developing body is more sensitive to exposure than adults and takes in more of everything – relative to their size, children eat, breathe and drink much more than adults – they are particularly vulnerable to these toxic chemicals.
According to Tuncak, increasing evidence shows that even at “low” doses of childhood exposure, irreversible health impacts can result. But most victims cannot prove the cause of their disability or disease, limiting our ability to hold those responsible to account.
He concludes:
The overwhelming reliance of regulators on industry-funded studies, the exclusion of independent science from assessments and the confidentiality of studies relied upon by authorities must change.
The authors were severely critical of the global corporations that manufacture pesticides, accusing them of the “systematic denial of harms”, “aggressive, unethical marketing tactics” and heavy lobbying of governments which has “obstructed reforms and paralysed global pesticide restrictions”.
Way back in 1962, Rachel Carson’s book Silent Spring raised the red flag about the use of harmful synthetic pesticides; yet, despite the warnings, the agrochemical giants have ever since been poisoning humans and the planet, raking in enormous profits.
Michael McCarthy, writer and naturalist, says that three generations of industrialised farming with a vast tide of poisons pouring over the land year after year after year since the end of the Second World War is the true price of pesticide-based agriculture, which society has for so long blithely accepted.
Power is now increasingly concentrated in the hands of a handful of transnational agribusiness corporations which put profit and market control ahead of food security, health and nutrition and biodiversity. Due to their political influence and financial clout, these companies are waging a chemical warfare on nature and people, while seeking to convince us that their model of agriculture – based on proprietary seeds and chemicals – is essential for feeding a burgeoning global population.
Consider that none of the more than 400 pesticides that have been authorised in the UK have been tested for long-term actions on the brain: in the foetus, in children or in adults.
Theo Colborn’s crucial research in the early 1990s showed that endocrine disrupters (EDCs) were changing humans and the environment, but this research was ignored by officials. Glyphosate is an EDC and a nervous system disrupting chemical.
In the book published in 1996 ‘Our Stolen Future: How Man-made Chemicals are Threatening our Fertility, Intelligence and Survival’ Colborn and colleagues revealed the full horror of what was happening to the world as a result of contamination with EDCs. There was emerging scientific research about how a wide range of these chemicals can disrupt delicate hormone systems in humans. These systems play a critical role in processes ranging from human sexual development to behaviour, intelligence and the functioning of the immune system.
In addition to glyphosate, EDCs include polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). DDT, chlordane, lindane, aldrin, dieldrin, endrin, toxaphene, heptachlor, dioxin, atrazine and dacthal.
In 2007, 25 experts in environmental health from 11 countries (including from the UK) met on the Faroes and contributed to this statement:
The periods of embryonic, foetal and infant development are remarkably susceptible to environmental hazards. Toxic exposures to chemical pollutants during these windows of increased susceptibility can cause disease and disability in infants, children and across the entire span of human life.
The Department of Health’s School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme (SFVS) has residues of 123 different pesticides that impact the gut microbiome. Obesity is associated with low diversity of bacteria in the microbiome and glyphosate adversely affects or destroys much of the beneficial bacteria. Roundup (and other biocides) is linked to gross obesity, neuropsychiatric disorders and other chronic diseases, which are all on the rise and adversely impact brain development in children and adolescents.
Moreover, type 2 diabetes is associated with being very overweight. According to NHS data, almost four in five of 715 children suffering from it were also obese.
Graham MacGregor, a professor of cardiovascular health at Queen Mary University of London who is also the chair of the campaign group Action on Sugar, says:
Type 2 diabetes is a disaster for the child and their family and for the NHS. If a child gets type 2 diabetes, it’s condemning them to a lot of complications of that condition, such as blindness, amputations and kidney disease.
He went on to explain that we are in a crisis and that the government does not seem to be taking action. UK obesity levels now exceed those of the US.
The human microbiome is of vital importance to human health yet it is under chemical attack. Glyphosate disrupts the shikimate pathway within these gut bacteria and is a strong chelator of essential minerals.
Many key neurotransmitters are located in the gut. Aside from affecting the functioning of major organs, these transmitters affect our moods and thinking. There is strong evidence that gut bacteria can have a direct physical impact on the brain.
Dr Michael Antoniou of King’s College London has found that Roundup herbicide and its active ingredient glyphosate cause a dramatic increase in the levels of two substances, shikimic acid and 3-dehydroshikimic acid, in the gut, which are a direct indication that the EPSPS enzyme of the shikimic acid pathway has been severely inhibited. Roundup and glyphosate affected the microbiome at all dose levels tested, causing shifts in bacterial populations.
A quarter of all food and over a third of fruit and vegetables consumed in the UK contain pesticide cocktails, with some items containing traces of up to 14 different pesticides. The industry (for it is the industry that does the testing, on behalf of regulators) only tests one pesticide at a time, whereas farmers spray a cocktail of pesticides.
Ian Boyd, the former Chief Scientific Adviser to Defra, says pesticides, once they have been authorised, are never reviewed.
Glyphosate is distributed to every organ of the body and has multiple actions: it is an herbicide, an antibiotic, a fungicide, an antiprotozoal, an organic phosphonate, a growth regulator, a toxicant, a virulence enhancer and is persistent in the soil. It chelates (captures) and washes out the following minerals: boron, calcium, cobalt, copper, iron, potassium, magnesium, manganese, nickel and zinc.
In a paper published in King’s Law Journal – ‘The Chemical Anthropocene: Glyphosate as a Case Study of Pesticide Exposures’ – the authors Alessandra Arcuri and Yogi Hale Hendlin state:
As the science against glyphosate safety mounts and lawsuits threaten its chemical manufacture’s profits, the next generation of GMO crops are being keyed to the pesticide dicamba, sold commercially as XtendiMax® – and poised to be the next glyphosate. Regulatory agencies have historically been quick to approve products but slow to reconsider regulations after the decades of accumulated harms become apparent.
They add that the entrenched asymmetries between public and ecological health and fast-to-market new chemicals is exacerbated by the seeming lack of institutionalised precautionary policies.
Britain and the US are in the midst of a barely reported public health crisis. These countries are experiencing not merely a slowdown in life expectancy, which in many other rich countries is continuing to lengthen, but the start of an alarming increase in death rates across all our populations, men and women alike. People are needlessly dying early.
Research by US-based EWG found glyphosate residues on popular oat cereals, oatmeal, granola and snack bars. Almost 75% of the 45 samples tested had glyphosate levels higher than what EWG scientists consider protective of children’s health with an adequate margin of safety. Disturbing levels of such residues have been detected in the UK too.
There are shockingly high levels of weed killer in UK breakfast cereals. After testing these cereals at the Health Research Institute in Iowa, Dr Fagan, director of the centre, said:
These results are consistently concerning. The levels consumed in a single daily helping of any one of these cereals, even the one with the lowest level of contamination, is sufficient to put the person’s glyphosate levels above the levels that cause fatty liver disease in rats (and likely in people).
Glyphosate also causes epigenetic changes in humans and animals: diseases skip a generation. Washington State University researchers have found a variety of diseases and other health problems in the second- and third-generation offspring of rats exposed to glyphosate. In the first study of its kind, the researchers saw descendants of exposed rats developing prostate, kidney and ovarian diseases, obesity and birth abnormalities.
Writing in the journal Scientific Reports, the researchers say they saw “dramatic increases” in several pathologies affecting the second and third generations. The second generation had “significant increases” in testis, ovary and mammary gland diseases as well as obesity. In third-generation males, the researchers saw a 30% incidence of prostate disease — three times the rate of a control population. The third generation of females had a 40% incidence of kidney disease, or four times the rate of the controls.
More than one-third of the second-generation mothers had unsuccessful pregnancies, with most of those affected dying. Two out of five males and females in the third generation were obese.
Researchers call this phenomenon “generational toxicology” and they have seen it over the years in fungicides, pesticides, jet fuel, the plastics compound bisphenol A, the insect repellent DEET and the herbicide atrazine. At work are epigenetic changes that turn genes on and off, often because of environmental influences.
A study published in February 2019 found glyphosate increased the risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma by as much as 41%. A Washington State University study published in December 2019 found state residents living close to areas subject to treatments with the herbicide are one-third more likely to die an early death from Parkinson’s disease.
Robert F Kennedy Jr, one of the attorney’s fighting Bayer (which has bought Monsanto) in the US courts, has explained that for four decades Monsanto manoeuvred to conceal Roundup’s carcinogenicity by capturing regulatory agencies, corrupting public officials, bribing scientists and engaging in scientific fraud to delay its day of reckoning. He says that Monsanto also faces cascading scientific evidence linking glyphosate to a constellation of other injuries that have become prevalent since its introduction, including obesity, depression, Alzheimer’s, ADHD, autism, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, kidney disease, inflammatory bowel disease, brain, breast and prostate cancer, miscarriage, birth defects and declining sperm counts.
Moreover, strong science suggests glyphosate is the culprit in the exploding epidemics of celiac disease, colitis, gluten sensitivities, diabetes and non-alcoholic liver cancer which, for the first time, is attacking children as young as 10.
And yet, as Mason has described in her work, the UK government had colluded with Monsanto for many years.
Boris Johnson, in his first speech to parliament as PM, said:
Let’s start now to liberate the UK’s extraordinary bioscience sector from anti-genetic modification rules…
This could mean the irresponsible introduction of genetically modified Roundup Ready food crops to the UK, which would see the amount of glyphosate in British food reaching new levels (levels which are already disturbing).
So much for protecting public health.
Government collusion
David Cameron appointed Michael Pragnell, founder of Syngenta and former Chairman of CropLife International, to the board of Cancer Research UK (CRUK) in 2010. He became Chairman in 2011. At one time or another, CropLife International´s member list has included BASF, Bayer CropScience, Dow AgroSciences, DuPont, FMC Corp, Monsanto, Sumitomo and Syngenta. Many of these make their own formulated glyphosate.
Syngenta is a member of the European Glyphosate Task Force, which sought to renew (and succeeded in renewing) European glyphosate registration. Not surprisingly, the CRUK website denies that there is any link between pesticides and cancer.
In February 2019, at a Brexit meeting on the UK chemicals sector, UK regulators and senior officials from government departments listened to the priorities of the Bayer Crop Science Division. During the meeting (Westminster Energy, Environment & Transport Forum Keynote Seminar: Priorities for UK chemicals sector – challenges, opportunities and the future for regulation post-Brexit), Janet Williams, head of regulatory science at Bayer Crop Science Division, made her priorities for agricultural chemical manufacturers known.
Dave Bench was also a speaker. Bench is a senior scientist at the UK Chemicals, Health and Safety Executive and director of the agency’s EU exit plan and has previously stated that the regulatory system for pesticides is robust and balances the risks of pesticides against the benefits to society.
That statement was merely for public consumption and the benefit of the agrochemical industry. The industry (for it is the industry that does the testing, on behalf of regulators) only tests one pesticide at a time, whereas farmers spray a cocktail of pesticides.
But such is the British government’s willingness to protect pesticide companies that it is handing agrochemical giants BASF and Bayer enormous pay-outs of Covid-19 support cash. The announcement came just weeks after Bayer shareholders voted to pay £2.75 billion in dividends. The fact that Bayer then went on to receive £600 million from the government speaks volumes of where the government’s priorities lie.
In Mason’s report, ‘Why Does Bayer Crop Science Control Chemicals in Brexit Britain’, she states that Bayer is having secret meetings with the British government to determine which agrochemicals are to be used after Brexit once Britain is ‘free’ of EU restrictions and becomes as deregulated as the US.
Such collusion comes as little surprise as the government’s ‘strategy for UK life sciences’ is already dependent on funding from pharmaceutical corporations and the pesticides industry.
Syngenta’s parent company was in 2010 AstraZeneca. At that time, Syngenta and AstraZeneca were represented on the UK Advisory Committee on Pesticides and the Committee on Toxicity of Chemicals in Foods, Consumer Products and the Environment. The founder of Syngenta, Michael Pragnell, was the Chairman of Cancer Research UK (CRUK) from 2011-2017. CRUK started by giving money (£450 million a year) to the Government’s Strategy for UK Life Sciences and AstraZeneca provided 22 compounds to academic research to develop medicines. AstraZeneca manufactured six different anti-cancer drugs mainly aimed at breast and prostate cancer.
It seems like a highly profitable and cosy relationship between the agrochemical and pharmaceuticals sectors and the government at the expense of public health.
In finishing, let us take a brief look at the Washington-based International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI). Its members have occupied key positions on EU and UN regulatory panels. It is, however, an industry lobby group that masquerades as a scientific health charity.
The ILSI describes its mission as “pursuing objectivity, clarity and reproducibility” to “benefit the public good”. But researchers from the University of Cambridge, Bocconi University in Milan and the US Right to Know campaign assessed over 17,000 pages of documents under US freedom of information laws to present evidence of influence peddling.
ILSI Vice-President, Prof Alan Boobis, is currently the Chairman of the UK Committee on Toxicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and the Environment (CoT).
He was directly responsible for authorising chemicals such as glyphosate, chlorothalonil, clothianidin and chlorpyrifos that are impacting human health and creating a crisis in biodiversity. His group and others have authorised glyphosate repeatedly. He and David Coggon, the previous Chairman of CoT (2008-2015), were appointed as experts on Science Advice for Policy by European Academies (SAPEA), a group allied with the agrochemical industry and is fighting for higher pesticide exposure.
The reality of the agrochemical industry is masked by well-funded public relations machinery. The industry subverts official agencies and regulatory bodies and supports prolific lobby organisations and (‘public scientists’) which masquerade as neutral institutions.
And for the record, it is possible to farm productively and profitably without the use of synthetic agrochemicals – and to achieve food security. For instance, see the article ‘A Skeptical Farmer’s Monster Message on Profitability’ based on one US farmers journey from chemical-dependent farming to organic on his 8,000-acre farm (discussed on the AgWeb site) or ‘The Untold Success Story of Agroecology in Africa’ in the journal Development (2015). From the Tigray region of Ethiopia to various high-level (UN) reports that have recommended agroecology there are many examples, too many to discuss here.
The UK government says it cares so much about the nation’s health (the infection mortality rate for COVID-19 appears to be similar to those of a bad seasonal flu) but has presided over and facilitated a genuine public health crisis for years. And it is now pumping billions of pounds of public money into a track, trace and test regime when it could have used it to boost overall NHS capacity; remember when the government stated that the initial lockdown was implemented to protect the NHS?
In fact, the government is spending the equivalent of 77% of the NHS annual revenue budget on an “unevaluated, underdesigned national programme leading to an insufficiently supported intervention – in many cases for the wrong people” says a recent editorial in the BMJ.
In the meantime, it is investing heavily in a (possibly mandatory) vaccine that based on the design of the trials – according to a recent article in the same journal – may have no discernible impact on saving lives or preventing serious outcomes or the transmission spread of infection.
Readers can access all Rosemary Mason’s reports on the site
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Thank you for this article.
If they cared about public health they would have done something about the toxicity we are constantly being exposed to unnecessarily.
It’s absurd that anyone would believe that governments care about people’s health or welfare. Or a “virus”.
They are managing populations for the controllers who view humans as commodities to be exploited for profit and then disposed of as they see appropriate.
Wow. That’s all I can say.
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What Is the Great Reset?
UN Human Rights Council tells all. I don’t buy anything the UN sells.
Yeah, there you have it, and the problem is again the same as in the Convid scam, an incestious relationship between corpRats and prestitutes aka the MSM, and the corruption of politics, its the same as in Agw, witch for me is another hughe enemy of sanity.
I fear that this debate witch is more vitale and could have an much larger impact on our life, prosperity and health than anything else is been deliberatly drowned by other issues, like 2+2= 4 is racistic.
I also have been saying for years, one thing is the land, the second thing witch is equally important is the oceans, this is been overlooked to such an extent that just starting to write something is diddicould because the ramification and the scale of it is so wast, like the agri poisioning, that if you say something to people they go black, and their jaws drops, and nothing happens, even if you kicked them in their asses.
Yeah, one of the worst is, bottom trawling, over fishing, fishfarms witch demands 3 kg of organic matter, usualy other fish sorts, to rise 1 kg fish, and then we have polution, where the effect is the same as on land, citys polute, creates waist to just plain shit, desertificate the local regions, and slowly our fjords are dying, from all this, and it takes at least 2-3 generations from one swop with an trawler to have an viable fjord up and running, again, I know because I have expiriences from it and have seen that first hand.
Our problem, remains the same, corpRats running the Gov, owns hughe ind. scale trawlers, taking up more than vilages did for centurys, our costline is getting darker and darker, like inland, all those smal vilages are by now gone, not even petrol stations survives, and large entitys take over the farm land, and gov. regulations forces the smal ones to take up loans etc to found an enterance into the food bizzenizze and we end up with monocultures witch again have consquences in other aspects like insects, etc, etc, whether its fishery or farms, Denmark is an ex. on how to crash your farm comunity, and to day, to get into fisher you need founding to such an extent that it makes fishery to an gamble, and then you have quotas, where in Norway they debatet that giving fish quotas to some few familys for eternity, I am not joking.
The level of destruction outside our shore lines are jaw dropping massive, for the first time in my life Oslo fjord is been damaged to such an extent that Cods have been more or less wiped out and is now, protected, dont take em and set them back into the sea of you get one, and nobody cares, and the blame game is riddicilous, and on top of it we have the AGW scumbags whining, where the issue is a bit more complex and involves all sides from fishfarm feedeing, road salt, agri-polution to making way by destroying the bottom, for the increasingly larger and larger cruice ships, one every day, and one of them poluts more than the traffic do for months, yup, and our capital is run by so called Greens/Labour/Socialists, hallelujah.
Yeah, its become an political theater while our sea and land dies.
There are times I wouner, if not the idea of wiping out most of humanity is an good idea, 8 billion f….. morons will make shure our path to self destruction is dead certain.
I hate to write about this because the shit list is miles long, on both areas, and everything else, its depresing.
I know one solution, slightly radical, I know, but we need just this one, gallows and guiljotines, and presto, we are free, wanna bet, come up with anything better and I will take my hat off.
But hey, look, an corona dancing and playing harmonica at the same time, sweeeet.
I don’t want chemicals anywhere but.. How does glyphosate exist in the foods ? Glyphosate is a systemic herbicide that will kill any plant it comes into contact with – unless it is some GMO crop. So, non-GMO veg should not have glyphosate in it, or on it.
Unless the glyphosate was used to clear the area of weeds before planting the crop, and residual glyphosate in the soil is taken up by the roots of the crop plants, which I don’t think is the case? If glyphosate entered the crop in any way it would damage it, right?
Hello legit not spam: There are thousands of published articles and research papers devoted to the poisonous and lethal properties of industrial herbicides and pesticides. The page linked below is loaded with references to peer reviewed information.
From Stephanie Seneff’s – Home Page:
“In recent years, Dr. Seneff has focused her research interests back towards biology. She is concentrating mainly on the relationship between nutrition and health. Since 2011, she has published over two dozen papers in various medical and health-related journals on topics such as modern day diseases (e.g., Alzheimer, autism, cardiovascular diseases), analysis and search of databases of drug side effects using NLP techniques, and the impact of nutritional deficiencies and environmental toxins on human health.”
Thats why GMO’s were created… they can be sprayed with round up and not die. Its called ’round up ready’.
I think what he says here will be a very big crisis. We have not seen anything yet folks…
And this is x-times more then Covid if this hits..
The next globalist scam after Covid-19: a cyber pandemic. Awareness is Key. (14 min) As if the world economic forum hasn’t done enough damage, now they are gearing up for something even worse.
Hello Dianthus: Once again, Max Igan does an excellent job of introducing the “situation” to the audience, yet he typically excludes any sense of how to resolve the problem.
The “globalist scam” could be cleared up pretty damn quick if civilians would get off their sorry asses and arrest terrorist bastards such as Klaus Martin Schwab. His glee club of gang bang “elitists” all have names and addresses…
Yes that is the only road left but still to many are 😴
What we’re being offered in The Great Reset is less than we had 50 years ago, at an inflated price. To be taxed and shackled because they must teach us to live more modestly.
I know war talk’s a bore but 120,000,000 of us did die so that they could play their imperial games. In WW2 it was 80 million, or 3% of the world population.
We lived modestly and happily until they created the consumer society, devaluing the currency and pushing credit like a drug. It wasn’t us who did that. We never owned the bank nor taxed anyone, nor desired any wealth but the fruits of our own labour.
So kindly take your Great Reset and shove it up your great, well-padded wazoo.
We the peons share some blame. We’re too happy to have computah but if you can’t deconstruct that, what was the point of your postmodernist education? Computah, handheld or lap-burning sterilization device, is 12,000 year-old entertainment repackaged as an instrument of hegemonic power.
Noughts and crosses, battleships, poker or backgammon reduced from three dimensions to two. From the multiple interactions with friends in cafe and all the sensations of street life and passing trade to one. isolated. lonely. self. A book that burns your eyes then runs out of power. All the rest, the imaginary friends and acquaintances is but a poor substitution for a once rich society.
Oh, it saves you time, does it?… The last argument of the truly lost. (No, the truly, truly lost is the man who believes his shiny tablet buys him status.) And now this addictive substitute for life is about to be used to hang us.
And the result of using toxic chemicals on the land and cramming farm-animals into ever smaller carrels has led to the demise of the family farm, where the farm animals once fertilized the land for crop-growing the next year. It’s at the bottom of page 9 of this new paper somebody from Ramsay, Isle of Man, forwarded to me. Well worth subscribing and please pass it on.
We won’t get anywhere until younger people (49-) educate themselves about the very recent past. It doesn’t have to be this way. We are being offered false options. The generations who believe nothing moves without the hand of government are part of the problem.
We don’t need to be directed or protected by officials. We had it just about right.
We didn’t have plastics except for Tupperware which was treated with great respect as something new and valuable. Want to stop plastic pollution? Buy lemonade in returnable bottles. Milk bottles were washed and put outside the door each night to the whiff of coal fires burning. Cubs and brownies kept the foil caps for recycling. They went to camp in clothes that were hand me downs. Can you imagine clothes made so well that three siblings could wear them?
Vegetable waste was buried in trenches in the garden. Fruit and vegetables were grown without routine use of pesticides except for treatment of blight which was still in those days copper sulfate. Ironically, copper sulfate can be used today on farms that call themselves organic.
Yes, it was smelly and you got your hands dirty,
Because so many parents were gardening, children had an incentive to escape quickly on weekends, to get as far away as possibly (bikes to the local woods, preferred).
No one was driven to school, you went off with 2p for your bus fare and 10p for lunch.
Over the following decades government and think tanks ripped all of that apart in their pursuit of dogma.
A truly happier time. The advent of electronic goods (TV, fax, internet, mobile phones) and social media has meant a faster life and folk who think everyone’s business is theirs to comment upon.
I vaguely remember that time. That was when people never used to shit themselves when something as banal as a virus made an appearance, if I recall correctly.
So I guess you’ve heard the rumor that adult nappies will be mandatory for every citizen as of Dec. 1? Just too many folks are unable to control their bowels these days … very stiff fines if the authorities find you wearing traditional underwear, of course. The only upside is that the same authorities will help you change your soiled, synthetic nappies in a changing center.
My father’s parents didn’t understand satire: they were too busy surviving. Chekhov wrote that a story must build tension between life as it is, and life as it ought to be. Satire is the clash of the narrative we are sold, with life as it is. Many people today don’t understand either satire or a good story because they are inured to life’s polarities.
My grandparents took my newborn father from Wandsworth under the rain of WW2 bombs and their first task in their new home was to dig and half-bury an Anderson shelter. They had chosen one of the worst-bombed regions of Britain: in Kent, between London and Dover. As the German bombers were chased from the capital they jettisoned their bombs to gain speed and escape home.
My grandparents should have laughed but they didn’t. Not much. I think life was too hard. The war ended and the next three decades were a struggle to build a small business that returned no more than subsistence farming, and probably less than the remote hillside farm in Wales where Grandma grew up. Grandpa worked his garden into the ground when he wasn’t at the shop. He died of poisoning (at the very age I am now) but it was the chemicals on the leather or the glues that triggered his nervous system.
Grandma lived on supported by Player’s unfiltered and nip of Martel at 11am into her early 70s. Never had a washing machine; there wasn’t room for one but I remember a mangle in the bathroom. Once her sons could support her she liked to get her things laundered and pressed. The house was always the perfect temperature for succulents, though African violets seemed to like it, too.
A treat would be a lunch that she didn’t have to make, centred around Shipham’s potted paste and a packet of chocolate orange biscuits, dark preferred.
I’ll never forget the smell of cleanliness, the bare wooden floors and two leather chairs either side of the fireplace (no room for a sofa) and the gate-leg table by the window. The 1930s living into the 1970s. And so quiet that when the chuch bells pealed on a Sunday, it filled the house like sunshine.
you sir/ madam, can write, and bring the past to life. thank you.
Agreed, Moneycircus is on a tear today. And I find myself getting emotional reading these posts.
I’ve just read Moneycircus’ post again. I could swear there was no moisture near my eyes before I did so, but now…
I agree with what daz said.
Moneycircus, I know I’ve already commented on your post, but what you wrote is magnificent. Very moving.
Well written
Immediately took me back to my great aunt and her pit village,miners row tenement in ayrshire. Used to love visiting. Tiny,old,but smelt of cleanliness and community. And when the snow was falling outside, we’d sit round a glowing coal fire while she told us kids stories of her past,whilst sipping on a sherry. The lights being out made the flames shadows draw random images across her face.
I had completely forgotten about those early childhood days till i read your story. Thanks for the smile i will be wearing for the rest of today.
Up to the 1960s, if you did not repair what could be, or did not recycle, you were were seen as foolish. There were specialists for every sort of article (e.g. pens, umbrellas and knives) and trash.
A UK minister suggested a return to this, maybe 5-10 years ago. He lost his job almost immediately.
One of my favourite books is about the Inuit. The author describes the ingenious way in which many of them are able to repair things that are broken. Old radios, things like that. They often have to improvise spare parts from whatever’s at hand in order to get the things working again.
Making do and mending!
Please share the title and author of this book!
How remiss of me! ;o)
The Other Side of Eden. Hugh Brody.
Thanks, I’m looking forward to reading this.
My pleasure. My copy of the first of the books you recommended is on its way. Can’t wait to get into it.
I hope you like it. I was reading it last night, saw a typo and was like “Oh dear, Gwyn will see this!” (in a Winnie the Poo voice).
Haha! :o)
The book’s arrived! A full report will be forthcoming in due course.
Looking forward to your report! I’m still waiting on your two books that I ordered.
Just the unprecedented, relentless propaganda campaign surrounding “Covid-19” is enough to be skeptical of claims of something “novel” and “deadly” having been discovered. Not only that, but the way any open discussion of the topic is being suppressed. This is not science being practiced. Science is doing research and making the results of the research publicly available for replication. Meddling government decrees strictly regulating personal behaviors and movements, with the threat of violence against the non-compliant, have nothing to do with science. Especially, when it is being done in the name of “science”.
Private Criminal Prosecution of Matt Hancock Moves To Final Pre-Court Stage
Would still prefer old normal back and its freedoms, and a chance to live some life with glyphosate
To be sure, this is a brilliantly written article. Yet there are problematic holes in reasoning.
Problem 1.) “Way back in 1962, Rachel Carson’s book Silent Spring raised the red flag about the use of harmful synthetic pesticides; yet, despite the warnings, the agrochemical giants have ever since been poisoning humans and the planet, raking in enormous profits.”
It’s not the agrochemical giants who poison the land. It’s idiot farmers who actually believe they can pour poisons onto food producing lands year after year, and the produce will somehow (through magic) become perfectly safe to consume. It’s bullshit, and anyone who’s followed this agro-catastrophe as long as I have, knows it’s bullshit.
Problem 2.) “Power is now increasingly concentrated in the hands of a handful of transnational agribusiness corporations which put profit and market control ahead of food security, health and nutrition and biodiversity. Due to their political influence and financial clout, these companies are waging a chemical warfare on nature and people, while seeking to convince us that their model of agriculture – based on proprietary seeds and chemicals – is essential for feeding a burgeoning global population.”
All of these transnational corporations have been actively engaged in racketeering, fraud, and collusion with regulatory agencies for at least four decades. Lawsuits are a joke. Ask my now deceased friend who died of non-hodgkin lymphoma 25 years ago. She thought spraying poison on her crops was a perfectly normal thing to do, because all the farmers around her were doing the same. Racketeering and murder are CRIMINAL acts.
Problem 3.) “The reality of the agrochemical industry is masked by well-funded public relations machinery. The industry subverts official agencies and regulatory bodies and supports prolific lobby organisations and (‘public scientists’) which masquerade as neutral institutions.”
Public relations personnel are Accessories after the fact, and should be held accountable as such…
End of rant…
Remember that in Europe, at least, the governments for years encouraged exactly what they now claim to oppose.
In the case of farmers, overproduction was subsidized, along with cheap diesel for the tractors. In the 1970s and 80s the newspapers were full of talk about the milk lake and butter mountain… unneeded output that was frequently dumped in the ground.
That’s why I refuse to be lectured by spin-on-a-dime bureaucrats and government flunkies on any topic… from phony recycling or separating my plastic from my paper (so they can be shipped to developing countries) to vaccines.
Officials are the original fake news.
“All of the “rejected” waste is either sent to landfills, where it sits for centuries, or to incineration sites where it gets burned for heat or energy generation. Yet, this is counted as recycled.”
DW: Plastic waste and the recycling myth
What’s wrong with cheap diesel? Are you a global warmer?
The milk and butter mountains were because they were kept off the shelves to keep the prices high.
Stop trolling) You can see my point: there is nothing the government says that it won’t later contradict. It’s the traffic light system of government: red, green, stop, go. It’s all about control.
Governments love diesel, as you do. That’s what the military runs on. When they “ban” diesel for us, what’s the military going to put in the tank? Fairy dust?
I think your remark about idiot farmers is a little harsh Paul, for decades they’ve been told by politicians, scientists and economists that using these harmful products was not only safe but was the only way to improve productivity and be sure they stayed in business.
Some of us may have the kind of nasty, suspicious nature that makes us question everything we are told by those who claim authority, principally by asking cui bono? But if the majority were not happy to simply go the way the wind blows, I’ve a feeling not much would get done.
Apart from that, the rest of your points are bang on.
Many went into farming due to no other options. They managed by trial, example and the propaganda they got. In many cases such as specific varieties of crops, monoculture and agro-chemicals, the government controlled their choices. They were too exhausted or poor to do researrch. Look at the current obfuscated situation for GMO. Forget big business: governments are criminally responsible.
OK. But “idiot farmers” is not easy to accept. Obviously you don’t mean the ones with a 30-year mortgage, tractors, harrows, and a reliable 4-wheel drive vehicle leased from the bank, 5 children, etc? And you surely don’t mean the ones who rent their land from the Duke of Earl.
The small farmers I’ve known/know are all struggling to hold on, against all odds to a lifestyle they love. It makes them vulnerable to sweet-tongued sales agents who promise they’ll see their returns quintuple. You know who pays the agents. Duped, taken advantage of, treated like second-class citizens but not “idiots”, if you don’t mind.
Hello Victor G. and others coming to the defense of farmers. I’m not the one who took on bank loans for equipment I most likely did not need. If these heroic farmers couldn’t get by with used or repairable equipment, they should have given up on farming altogether. Populations thrived off organic agriculture for thousands of years with little more than draft plows and simple rakes and hoes. I shouldn’t have to pay with my life for the inconvenience of 5 children…
“Man joined the eternal abyss – When food became a commodity”
– Paul Vonharnish –
January 2, 2020
Thank you for the post OffGuardian!
I thought it was a very, very poignant article. Some of us, like Mikki Willis, make the point that they’ve flipped things so that manmade chemicals (some which, I admit, I find useful) are natural amd mainstream while natural remedies (homeopathy) are now ‘alternative’. But the Colin and Rosemary made the same point, but, helpfully, in great, crystal clear detail, revealing in the process that it wasn’t an accident but the product of gangster capitalists working with gangster politicians.
They are trying to do this same inversion with vaccine immunity vs natural immunity to Covid. Today a local article claimed that if you’ve had Covid, you’re supposed to continue on like you haven’t (masking, staying home) because you don’t know you have immunity until you’ve got the vaccine. One lovely commenter wrote:
With a few words, the whole truthful story!
The snake oil doctor continued to mix his petrol potions to this day.
It is easy to follow the trail of money and death which followed him and its brand till the Door steps of the laboratories which developed not only the human pesticides which have brought us autism and the countless diseases mentioned in the article, but also the corona viruses which they have constructed in their gain of function labs,.
The same trail of money and death will also bring us to the names of the people which behind proxy corporations, are now pulling the strings of governments and institutions .
I mean, we all know their names, mind set, (Eugenics) brands and deals.
Their connections, briberies, and so gently called “under the table dealings” are public and even advertised by news channels and widely recorded in countless interviews and documentaries.
Yet here we are and told to wait for those sitting in their castles and mentions, responsible for the greatest poisoning of the planet and which (as we know the location of their sponsored and owned gain of function labs) have brought us to this point in time, time in which they have finally found the way to erase history, privacy, civil rights and to brand, tag, and inject with more pathogens anyone else, to fix the mass which they have produced for centuries.
People need to wake up to fact that we are all being bullied to a corner, and the only way to stop a bully is by overtaking him and render him armless.
Only when he has learned his lesson he will stop picking on the weak ones.
So thats what must be done.
He must be disarmed, and he’s own made rules must be turned against him.
Even the CDC admits that it has not presented a Sars CoV virus. It doesn’t trumpet the fact. But its there and was dug out by others. Jon Rappoport reported on it. I uploaded the relevant document to the cloud (Box). Whether the virus was natural or fiddled with, I’m sure they’d love to be able to present it to us. They can’t. I think Andrew Kaufman summed it up nicely when he said, about bioweapons labs (euphemistically called biochemical labs), ‘I’m sure that they’re doing something in them, but I don’t know what’.
“CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel”
Everything they do is recorded.
The places and studies conducted in their labs it’s also know. are well known
If someone tells you otherwise, he/she is hider an ignorant, someone directly involved, or a front man/woman payed to coverup.
Their viruses are all patented.
Swine flue, bird flue, zika, ebola, covid…. all held under PATENT.
If you are willing to look at the evidences, you’ll find out that the perpetrators HAVE NO ESCAPE!
If you are that misinformed, then I can’t help you. You seem to want to misinform others as well. If that’s the case, then you’re the enemy.
You surprise me,
Me your enemy?
Is it Because I write what I think?
Have a nice cup of camomille,
Have a look at this.
If the virus has a patent then there must be a virus? Is that your position? Well, enemy, I don’t want to silence you. I don’t even want you to go away, as long as we are only talking. I want to make that clear. But my opinion is what it is. Maybe it’s too harsh. I’m… jumpy. But maybe it isn’t. I don’t know.
I have the highest regard for James Corbett, but that doesn’t mean that I agree with all that he says. I certainly agree with a lot of what he says and, I must say, I have learned a lot more from him than most other sources I tap.
These chemicals which undermine health, longevity and fertility are no accident. It is all part of the Great Reset which includes, first and foremost, eugenics.Have a look at these notes from a 1969 lecture given to medical students.
I was also going to put up a link to the site where the forecast population of the UK for 2025 was reduced from 66 million to 15 million. They seem to have taken that down. Can’t imagine why..
Dr Rob Knight from UCSD, the American Gut Project.
We are only 43% human, bacteria, fungus and virus in our bodies have far more DNA than we do. Disease can be more accurately diagnosed by examining our microbiome’s DNA than our human DNA.
An organic farmer friend of mine closed his farm to become a nurse and study our microbiomes.
Amazing lecture:
I have been following these guys for years now….if govt truly cared about our health the info that is already known would be actually well known by doctors and I wouldn’t be lecturing a public health official I.e. public doctor about it trying to get him to understand, if only for his own personal health…
this stuff is far more sane than vaccines…but must be harder for them to make money out of..or perhaps healthy humans isn’t what they want…
I have proved personally it makes a huge difference to ones own health.
Some traditional medicine was well aware of the role of the microbiome, and even of “fecal transplants”. For the insane elite, the problem is patenting and – more important – restricting this knowledge wrt. health.
fecal transplants were called “yellow soup” in traditional Chinese medicine….so it is not even remotely new……we just understand it better/differently.
Can anyone access ‘The Phaser’… it’s down for me
Another Sky-High Stinking Hypocrisy and deception. Defence officials say: Only a few soldiers are tarnishing the reputation of the Australian army.
This is a classic example of hypocrisy and mind manipulation as well because it implies that the majority of the army are doing the right thing by killing people legally while only a few (bad apples) are massacring innocent people illegally/for fun.
You see what they are doing here? By talking like this they also want you to forget that the whole Enterprise of invading Afghanistan (and other countries) was concocted on baseless accusations. They don’t want people to remember/realise that destroying entire countries (here, Afghanistan) was done for geopolitical manoeuvring and to humiliate more Muslims.
Add insult to injury, as the report into war crimes being committed by Australians is making headlines, the rulers in Canberra, the pious church goers are signing a military initiative for joint militaristic adventures with the worst of the worst war criminals and torturers known to human kind: The Japanese.
There are some very relevant articles here.
The foundation was established in India 30 years ago by Dr. Vandana Shiva to defend Seed and Food sovereignty and small farmers around the world.
She gets a little too gaia for me, but I’d rather have her smarts, concern for nature and health and her incredibly informative articles and papers ‘and’ her gaia stuff, than all the stuffy, fakey, polished crap cranked out by the professional scam artists trying to foist fake meat and poisoned food on us.
The risk of dying with the coronavirus exactly mirrors the risk of dying even if the virus did not exist.
Glyphosate Microwave Experiment by Mike Adams at CWC Labs
UK military spending goes up by £16.5bn which by my reckoning is about a 50% increase. WTF? One of the less noted parts of the Trump agenda is that the “unreliable ally” argument has been used to ratchet up military spending in many Western countries.
This would certainly fit in with ideas that there’s a great debt write-off coming. It would also fit in with a strategy of throwing lots of money at the military to keep them sweet when they’re asked to do some things they might be tempted to quibble at.
The Fraudian yesterday had a useful article (by Patrick Collinson) on what some incoming changes mean for household incomes in the UK. Petrol-driven cars are due to go in 2030 and there’s been kite-flying recently to bring that forward to 2026. Leaving aside the logistical recharging issue, electric cars are currently unaffordable to most people. Of course the prices of new technology usually comes down over time but it’s going to have to come down a lot. The Fraudian helpfully suggested that people would lease their car (currently over £200 a month) which just happens to fit in with the WEF’s goal of abolishing “legacy systems” (i.e. stuff people own). Replacing gas boilers with heat pumps is another issue lurking in the background. Heat pumps cost approx. five times as much as a gas boiler and there are serious logistical problems for many properties. They aren’t currently compulsory but for how long?
P.S. On motoring, I want to make clear that I could support changes introduced with good intent. Internal combustion engine technology is little changed, the pollution can be harmful and city spaces less dominated by cars has something to be said for it. What I’m getting at are changes that – surprise, surprise! – end up with ordinary people having to pay more to travel less. It’s also worth remembering that about 1m UK jobs are in driving.
The electricity isn’t there to switch to electric cars en masse. As for hydrogen, how does that fit with giving up oil and gas? Nuclear has its place but calling it clean energy? Windmills supply about 1/10 of UK power but that’s without electric cars and the smart grid. I think people are being conned with dreams of a high tech future.
The only technology that’s ready is the digital currency and smart grid to tax the hell out of the population every time they move an arm or leg. And the surveillance to back it up. Alternative energy is heavily dependent on subsidies. With the economy shut down, where’s the subsidies going to come from?
All the rest’s a pipe dream or a downright deception.
Hydrogen power to heat entire towns – 5GW “low carbon” hydrogen by 2030
Offshore windmills power every home, charge cars overnight – 40GW by 2030
Nuclear reactors large and small
Petrol and diesel cars no longer sold by 2030
Planting 30,000 hectares trees ever year
City of London a global power
Del interviewed James Corbett (about the Great Reset) on Thursday. Where’s the video? I’ll see it eventually. But that I’ve got to see.
it was on bitchute…..
I found it. It was pretty good. Del is trapped within the Rockefeller ideological viewpoint, but I am happy to see him reach out to people like Andrew Kaufman and James Corbett. He recognizes, clearly, that he’s missing important info in his shows. That’s been one of my main criticisms. Now, If only he would interview Jon Rappoport (and ‘not’ get into Donald Trump and communism and crap like that).
The US wanted European members of NATO to increase spending on US arms, that is why they demanded increases in military spending to 2% of GDP. Likewise most of the new UK military spending will go on US arms. It is ‘protection’ money. Note that the UK created a ‘space force’, just like the US. Expect that to just be a route to funding US projects. There is a mass extortion going on,
There’s no doubt about it. NATO is a racket and a BIG problem.
The quicker the Europeans get their own military the better. Or kick the US & Turkey out of NATO.
It wouldn’t make any difference. Armies, as I note at the top of my most recent blog post, are intended mainly to keep the people down. They are counterrevolutionary forces and another form of poison.
“UK military spending goes up by £16.5bn which by my reckoning is about a 50% increase”
That also fits in the ideology that soldiers/the army is the right tool to combat everything including Covid! No treatment is available for Covid (a lie) so the army can find a better use for hospitals.
That also fits in the ideology that to protect people from Covid, we throw money to Strengthen Democracy in the Indo-Pacific region. Democracy is strengthened by sending warships to threaten, bomb and kill people.
How much of that £16.5bn will be spent on internal military occupation and suppression of the population?
If I buy an electric car I Will be travelling less. It will be stuck outside our front gate waiting for the non existent infrastructure to catch up.
I see there ‘s not many councils willing to invest in it. Why should we?
Marry a money system, in which money means, improperly, life, with human imperfection, which allows for all kinds of folly, serious and not serious, and you get situations like armies that are used, mainly, for domestic population control. I look at that, tangentially, in my recent blog post about the covid 19 pandemic hoax.
“All You Have To Do Is Pay Them” (This has a copyright mark against it! The Highwire flagged it?! After they were removed from YouTube?!! Or is it true?)
These greedy bastards hijack everything that makes life a bit easier and more pleasant. Things we need. Food, health services, transport, the media, etc. There is no pie they haven’t got their grubby little fingers in.
I’m a support worker. The company I currently work for is owned by the most ruthless, grasping people I’ve ever encountered in that line of work (which I’ve done, on and off, for quite a few years).
They’re constantly looking for ways to cream more money off the top. They are awarded very juicy contracts, but they don’t spend money on the facilities that are required to fulfil them properly. They expect the world of us, but they offer fuck all in return. We don’t even earn minimum wage during the sleeping hours of a sleep-in shift (during which we’re often woken up in the middle of the night).
They talk a good PR game, though; including publishing a vomit-inducing tome which describes how wonderful they are and what their oh-so-grand mission statement is. Total bullshit, from beginning to end.
Someone who’d worked in the field for a long time told me recently that some of these companies are owned by hedge funds. Which was news to me, but would explain the heartlessness of these monsters who profit from other people’s suffering.
Anyhoo…my point was…greedy bastards. Hijacking everything. Making people’s lives worse.
(In fact, that would be a truthful motto for the company: Making People’s Lives Worse).
It is their role to find ways to make more money, it is our, and our governments role to regulate them. They would put us all in jars and sell us as spam, if they could, that is the role of business. It is only when idiots demand, small government, unregulated or self-regulated businesses, that you get the problems, as Boeing just demonstrated.
Governments don’t properly regulate anything. They are business’s bitch, and they do as they’re told. That is their role.
Insufficient government regulation is clearly the problem, you will get nowhere complaining to Corporations, they have no incentive to change.
This is nothing new, we have known for over a hundred years that you must regulate for safety and standards. The problem today is Corporate sponsored polices pushing small government and deregulation have become popular with the population and the useful idiots, so people just end up moaning about business and doing nothing.
The only route to stopping Corporate excess is government regulation. So support your democracy and lobby government with your concerns, otherwise you are shouting at the moon.
“a truthful motto …: Making People’s Lives Worse”
Have you ever heard of ‘well-being surveys’? Do you know what they are for?
I don’t have inside information but from watching how these surveys used by a certain government department and how they are done along a series of savage cuts to services, there is only one conclusion:
They do these surveys to see how successful they are in inflicting misery on people.
I. couldn’t. find. any. other. explanation.
Yep. Keeping track of the destruction they’ve caused.
On another thread, a fellow commenter added numerous ways governments go about murdering their populations which brought to my mind a potential parody of Paul Simon’s “Fifty Ways to
Leave Your LoverKill a Peasant” (wasted on me since I’m no poet). Now, reading your comment reminds me of The Beatles “Piggies” – nothing to amend there, it says it all!Argh! Damn glitches!
Since the target of this article is monsanto, I’d just like to muddy the waters a little.
When I first heard that Bayer intended buying Monsanto a while back, I wrote a few comments in the Guardian business section, stating that as soon as the deal was done the US ‘justice’ system will open the flood gates to legal claims against Monsanto and demand massive compensation, in the billions.
After the deal was done, my prediction came true and I found myself watching repeated adverts on YouTube calling any American who had used Monsanto’s Roundup and also had cancer to call in and join a class action against Monsanto.
This is the same drumming up of ‘victims’ we saw in the BP oil spill. When calls went out to all businesses in the Mexican gulf area to immediately make a claim. All claims were immediately approved by American judges of course regardless of validity.
The campaign against Monsanto culminated (since overturned) in an award of $2 billion to one cancer sufferer, whose illness was attributed to Monsanto’s Roundup, in a jury trial, where the threshold of proof is extremely low.
Bayer offers almost a bottomless pit of money for the US ‘Justice’ system to loot and they will ultimately attempt to get control of the company, like they succeeded in doing with BP.
The US ‘justice’ system extracted $65 billion from BP, deposed the British head and put an America CEO in charge, for the failure of BP’s US subcontractor, Halliburton.
They have also extorted $30 billions from VW for the ‘emissions scandal’, which I have no doubt the US regulators passed as acceptable for years, until they decided to increase US revenues, After all the US is not famous for its environment concerns, and the US Justice system have not attempted to clean the water of Fint, Michigan. In the banking sector, the US extracted 27 billion pounds from RBS (gov. owned) for crimes associated with the US mortgage fraud over the past 8 years, and will no doubt extract similar amounts from Bayer in the future.
The US is a criminal enterprise that uses a conspiracy of Corporate, Judicial and CIA to extort trillions from overseas companies. There have now been so many examples it is a very obvious routine, yet you’ll hear not a word about it in the press.
As Putin once said to Macron; ‘I don’t know why you pay the fines’, referring to BNP’s multi billion dollar fine to the US ‘justice’ system fort breaking US sanctions. Of course there is no reason to pay money to a ‘protection racket’ but if you don’t, then there will be consequences, which the victim must be prepared to stomach.
They may burn down your precious national monuments, murder people in a concert hall and call it terrorism, or slap a 20% tariff on all your exports. Mafia, psychopaths are outside the law and outside any notion of conscience.
In my view, whoever arranged the take over of Monsanto in Bayer, needs to be arrested for treason against Germany. Monsanto has been a poison challis for decades and only an idiot or a threatened man would take on all that liability, and they haven’t even started the compensation for GMO’s yet.
So how do you know who is backed by the US deep state? This article is actually adding to the campaign to extort vast amounts of European wealth by the USA, so thanks for helping to make us, in Europe, that little bit poorer and helping the US, a criminal state, loot our most successful Corporations.
Monsanto is a monster because US regulators let them be a monster, like Boeing became murderers because US regulators let them become murderers by climbing into bed with them. It is so easy to jump on the bandwagon of anti-Corporate campaigning but ultimately Corporations will do what states allow them to do, so our energy should always be directed at the regulators not the Corporations.
The result of Bayer’s purchase of Monsanto will be higher priced drugs, less tax revenues, less sponsorship of the arts and less research by Bayer in Europe, as its hard won profits flow to the US probably to fund similar criminal looting operations.
The $27 billion handed over by RBS, a government owned bank, was the equivalent of 8 years of austerity. So if you want to know why the British suffered so much and so long under austerity, just ask where all our tax money went.
Indeed, the USA is cancer.
no 5g positions
means limited hang out
masonic wind
“THEY” are intending to introduce “laws” to censor free speech on alternative platforms today. Twitter is now full of “something must be done to protect the children”.
One for the Groaniadballs article if and when such a thing appears again.
Censorship to the left… to the right ….
Here’s On-G doing it to their own old venerable Steve Bell AGAIN
18th November strip is still NOT published online nearly 36 hours after!
Absolutely pathetic by Whiner and the zealots of Kings Place.
Go on Steve – fight then to death don’t let the bastards run you out!
Also read: Engdahl: “Gates Foundation is Also Destroying Africa’s Food Economy” –
The US, and the British before them, have been keeping Africa poor for decades, it is a policy that allows them to rape their resources. The new boy on the block, the Chinese, are taking a different approach and are investing in infrastructure and are winning hearts and minds, which is another nail on the USA’s imperial coffin.
Infrastructure is neccesary to get the loot out, the infrastructure we left behind has long since collapsed.
I wouldn’t get too excited old fella.
I am simply stating facts. I am not exciting. We don’t all neeed heroes to worship.
You forgot the French control of the currencies of several countries. USA has brought development and jobs in the form of military bases and military training right across north Africa. It even provides the terrorists to fight.
Poor children.
The ‘vaccine’ cult only understand one language. They are terrorists and the only thing they understand is a boot crushing down on them forever. Big brother is watching and the noose is tightening. There is nowhere to run and nowhere to hide. There is still a last opportunity to surrender and rat out the ring leaders before the dark night closes in.
Your problem is you are literally an occupied country. The US sits on top of your government in Germany and they are behind a lot of this oppression, Working with local quislings. First you need to know who your enemy is before you can fight them, and most people are still blaming invisible international phantoms and not the USA.
Don’t worry, its always darkest before dawn…
Colin & Rosemary
Any idea why ‘Monsanto Protection Act’ legislation is not talked about much?
The Freedom Champion Obama in his pre-election campaign promised to label GMO foods immediately if became a president.
Instead, when president, he signed a law offering Monsanto protection from being prosecuted in Federal Courts. Meaning, he made Monsanto more powerful than the federal courts.
How more evil government officials can be?
Drone-strike Barry must’ve had a visit from the boys down at Monsanto: ”Nice family you’ve got, there, Mr President…”.
I think you are wrongly giving him the benefit of the doubt. If he was worried about the future wellbeing of his wife and daughters he should have stayed in Chicago. Being the intelligent man he is, he would have known the boys would be round for a chat sooner or later.
No, he’s just a spineless shit.
I wasn’t trying to give Barry the Bankers’ Friend the benefit of the doubt! He deserves no such thing.
And yes, he’s a spineless shit. Putty in the hands of those who call the shots. That’s why people such as him are selected (and not elected).
barry satoro was just a cut out his first job was in a cia company.
his family his kids not his his his husband sorry moochelle wifey
not sure what the status is
scripted hired hands
is this spam
monsanto is an easy target how about a 5g
kind of weird is it not
maybe it is a frequency thing
whats the frequency kenneth
5g human grid farming
A lot of Openreach vans around, these days.
“We’ve all got to be clear; this is the worst public health crisis for a generation.”
Classic doublespeak – he’s telling the truth because he’s talking about what the government is doing in the name of a virus; not talking about a virus.
“We’ve all got to be clear”
Even that is a lie. Clarity has never been an aim of our masters.
I once attended a hypnotist show. The first thing he did was to get everyone to clamp their hands together and say that when he counted to 10 we would not be able to separate our hands. This was to find the most suggestible members of the audience. I would say it amounted to a percentage of maybe 2 or 3 but certainly enough for a show.
Now that percentage probably applies across the whole population. Think back to the early days of the fear fest and the panic bog roll buying. Even in small towns, the supermarkets will have a couple of hundred customers. On the aforementioned ratio, that would be at least 4 suggestible people per supermarket which would be enough to create a neat TV friendly panic.
Of course, that was right back at the beginning of the scary movie. After all these months of medical Armageddon reportage, the most suggestible will be going into meltdown over every cough. You will have plenty of “extras” for any TV coverage. (Although even then, the WSWS could have done better than that single case constantly wheeled out in their scary scary link.)
And William Avery “Devil Bill” Rockefeller, founder of the dynasty, worked the crowds as a snake oil salesman.
I have no science background, but would it be too much of a problem to incorporate things into GMO’s that could reduce populations, say by attacking female fertility or the male sperm?
They do add hormones-disrupting chemicals into haircare products used by black women.
As not all products are tested independently, it can be hard to know whether other products are safe.
Could you link to the evidence?
“A study published a year prior by Silent Spring Institute, the leading scientific breast cancer research organization in the country, discovered the use of five chemicals banned in the E.U. for their toxicity, in “kiddie relaxers” like “Just for Me” that are marketed for children.
Chemical straighteners have been linked to the development of uterine fibroids, — cysts that grow on the uterus that can cause pain and infertility — a condition that overwhelmingly affects black women; as well as early onset of puberty and menstruation in young black girls.”
That’s a long article but covers a lot of aspects of the problem.
Would you like to place an order? 🤓
There is no need to incorporate things into GMO’s that attack the male sperm:
Two lots of male rabbits being used for artificial insemination were fed a legume hay growing on a less productive soil. One lot was fed the hay on soil that received a phosphate treatment only. The other lot was fed the hay on soil that received both a phosphate and a limestone treatment. The semen of the rabbits fed on the hay from the phosphate treated soil was decreasing in volume, the concentration of spermatazoa was falling and the percentage of live spermatazoa was declining rapidly. The rabbits fed the hay from soil that received both a phosphate and limestone treatment had none of these symptoms. After a period of time the former lot had no response to the nearby presence of a female in oestrus. The latter lot were immediately interested in a female in oestrus when she was nearby.
As a second part of the experiment the hays being fed to the two lots of rabbits were interchanged. In three weeks the sexual potency of the two lots was reversed.
This experiment is documented in Volume II of “The Albrecht Papers”, chapter 12, titled “Proteins for Protection and Reproduction”
This is but one example of many from Albrecht and others that demonstrate a causal relationship between soil deficiencies and resulting problems in the health of plants, animals and humans. These problems exist even when modern chemicals are not present in the soil. Concentrating on what chemicals are present in the soil, therefore, will fail to solve problems that existed before modern chemicals were added to soil.
I suggest that it’s not what is in your food that kills you but rather what isn’t in your food.
O/T Surveillance and censorship by Big Tech. Facebook tool Centra tracks all a user’s accounts, including anything they upload, to study not just their contacts but their behaviour.
Facebook “marks” photos, links and documents that a user may share, in order to track them them not just on Facebook but across the entire Internet. Hint: apparently you can spot this data in a url. It comes after the & and you should delete it.
Twitter and Facebook chiefs faced some difficult questions this week, for a change. Ted Cruz has emerged as one of the few senators willing to challenge them.
Sen Josh Hawley put Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg on the spot for tracking and tracing its users.
JH: What is the Facebook internal tool called Centra?
MZ: I’m not aware of any tool with that name.
JH: Let me see if this refreshes your memory. There is a demonstrative over my shoulder,” Hawley noted. “Centra is a tool that Facebook uses to track its users not just on Facebook, but across the entire internet. Centra tracks different profiles that a user visits, their message recipients, their linked accounts, the pages they visit around the Web that have Facebook buttons. Centra also uses behavioral data to monitor users’ accounts, even if those accounts are registered under a different name.
The NYT’s long article covering the Senate grilling contained no mention of Centra, one mention of censorship and four mentions of bias. The BBC’s propaganda and censorship by omission is disguised in the same way. There is a hearty debate about bias, which is the least of the problems: a viewer can correct for bias. They cannot correct for something that’s simply not been reported at all.
You can check which of your data Facebook is tracking with the ‘Off-Facebook Activity’ tool —
More on Centra —
I have relatives who help FBook; in the photos they add, they label people in these photos who have never used a computer.
There’s a lot more than glyphosate threatening us. Harmful additives in food/drink include
:- colouring, dye or bleach
:- flavour, or a substance to remove one
:- odour or deodoriser
:- solvent, emulsifier, stabiliser, gelling agent or binder
:- foaming or anti-foaming agent
:- preservative
:- undeclared “processing aid”
:- hexane to refine vegetable oil
:- emulsifier brominated vegetable oil
:- preservatives sulphite, nitrate and boric acid
:- excess gluten to speed up bread-making
:- aluminium in some cake mixes, frozen fish, etc., also in antacids
:- preservatives BHA and BHT
:- thickener DEHA (in deserts, frozen fish, processed fruit, “breakfast cereals”, etc.), carrageenan
:- synthetic sweeterers, e.g. aspartme, HFCS
:- transfat
:- synthetic rubber in chewing gum
:- addictive flavour
:- synthetic micro-nutrients
:- bleaching of flour (using chlorine or benzoyl peroxide), oil, sugar and salt
Poisons that may leach from packaging into food/drink include
:- phthalates (14 types), PFAS (2 types), styrene, vinyl chloride, BPA, dyes, biocides, flame retardants and lead in plastic packaging including can lining; leaching increases with hot, acidic or oily content, or wear or cleaning of the container
:- formaldehyde and acetaldehyde in PET bottles
:- LDPE in composite packets
:- dyes, adhesives and dioxin in paper packaging, e.g. cartons, wrapping paper, tea bags, coffee filters and labels
:- perchlorate, used to reduce static electricity in some dry food.
Whether from manufactured or cooked at home, other dangers in food or drink, include
:- lead from glaze, or plastic crockery or plastic drinking vessels
:- PFAS from non-stick pans, or from paper to bake or wrap food
:- plastic micro-particles
Common contaminants in drinking water include
:- fluoride
:- byproducts of chlorine
:- agro-chemicals
:- detergents
:- POPs (including excreted/discarded medicines)
:- arsenic and nickel (from smelting, agricultural runoff, etc.)
:- other heavy metals and effluents from Mining (especially hydraulic fracture), Power Generation and Manufacturing
:- plastic micro-particles (even in bottled drinks)
Poisons from non-food products and substances that leach into the skin include
:- dyes from clothes and furnishings
:- phthalates from clothes and furnishings, meant to retard stains and water
:- dioxin from disposable diapers and cleaning liquids
:- PCB from textiles and rugs made from recycled plastic
:- perchloro-ethylene from dry-cleaned clothes
:- PFAS from waterproof clothing, fire-fighting foam, dental floss, etc.
:- formaldehyde from furnishings (Also see Construction) and new clothes
:- PFCs from furnishings (Also see Construction) and new clothes, meant to retard fire
:- foaming agents (e.g. SLS) and odours from cleaning products including soap and toothpaste
:- fluoride (See below) and bactericides from toothpaste, mouthwash and hand lotions
:- dyes, preservatives (e.g. parabens), odours, etc. from cosmetics
:- dioxin and furans from bleached tissue paper
:- cadmium from adulterated gold jewellery
:- hormone disruptors from sunscreen
:- phthalates, BPA and PCB from extension cords and thermal receipts.
Poisons inhaled include
:- napthalene from an air “freshener” or moth balls
:- VOCs from a stove, photocopier, stored household chemical (e.g. pesticide) or fuel
:- nano-particles from laser printers, 3D printers, toaster ovens and other combustion
:- benzene in a cleaning fluid or adhesive
:- fibres (both natural and sybthetic) and traces of detergent from textiles
:- plastic micro-particles
:- lead from motor exhaust, abraded bitumen, crumbling paint and incinerated plastics.
Some POPs endanger us even at concentrations as low as a few parts per trillion. E.g. dioxin, furans, PCBs, BPA, BPS, PBDE, PFOA, PFOS, phthalates, some pesticides and some herbicides. Note: PFCs include PDBE and PFAS; the ~3,000 types of PFAS include PFOA and PFOS.
Heavy metals that contaminate the environment include lead, mercury, inorganic arsenic, chromium, cadmium, manganese, nickel, tin, tungsten and thallium. The sources include mining, incineration and e-waste.
Organic trash generates high levels of ammonia. Fires from industrial and consumer trash generate
:- ~29% of all soot and ~40% of all PAHs
:- dioxin from chlorine compounds, e.g. PVC plastics and PCB
:- furan from plastics
:- Once 5G telecommunication is in place, there will be no escape from intense microwave RF radiation for anyone including electro-sensitives, children and fetuses.
:- A few products emit beta radiation.
:- Degradation of the ozone layer of the atmosphere increases UV radiation; the culprit gases include refrigerants (HCFC and CFC, leaking from cooling appliances), methylene chloride (also utilised for hydraulic fracturing) and carbon tetrachloride.
Add to the above, dwelling design with poor ventilation that gets approved by ridiculous government (de)regulations and the result is living in a toxic hell where chronic illnesses are guaranteed to develop.
Great list, by the way. Thank you for sharing!
I would argue that the unfolding economic crisis dwarfs both. Pesticides, whether safe or not, at least keep food on the table. The economic crisis, on the other hand, will cause poverty, hunger and death. ‘Climate change’ like the coronavirus and Brexit is simply a cover for the far-right and their crony corporations to strip people of their rights, incomes and opportunities. That’s why Boris Johnson is on board with all three.
Are you not conflating the pesticides problem with climate change? I’m not sure they’re similar at all.
‘’Since the target of this article is monsanto, I’d just like to muddy the waters a little.
When I first heard that Bayer intended buying Monsanto a while back, I wrote a few comments in the Guardian business section, stating that as soon as the deal was done the US ‘justice’ system will open the flood gates to legal claims against Monsanto and demand massive compensation, in the billions.
After the deal was done, my prediction came true and I found myself watching repeated adverts on YouTube calling any American who had used Monsanto’s Roundup and also had cancer to call in and join a class action against Monsanto.
This is the same drumming up of ‘victims’ we saw in the BP oil spill. When calls went out to all businesses in the Mexican gulf area to immediately make a claim. All claims were immediately approved by American judges of course regardless of validity.
The campaign against Monsanto culminated (since overturned) in an award of $2 billion to one cancer sufferer, whose illness was attributed to Monsanto’s Roundup, in a jury trial, where the threshold of proof is extremely low.
Bayer offers almost a bottomless pit of money for the US ‘Justice’ system to loot and they will ultimately attempt to get control of the company, like they succeeded in doing with BP.
The US ‘justice’ system extracted $65 billion from BP, deposed the British head and put an America CEO in charge, for the failure of BP’s US subcontractor, Halliburton.
They have also extorted $30 billions from VW for the ‘emissions scandal’, which I have no doubt the US regulators passed as acceptable for years, until they decided to increase US revenues, After all the US is not famous for its environment concerns, and the US Justice system have not attempted to clean the water of Fint, Michigan. In the banking sector, the US extracted 27 billion pounds from RBS (gov. owned) for crimes associated with the US mortgage fraud over the past 8 years, and will no doubt extract similar amounts from Bayer in the future.
The US is a criminal enterprise that uses a conspiracy of Corporate, Judicial and CIA to extort trillions from overseas companies. There have now been so many examples it is a very obvious routine, yet you’ll hear not a word about it in the press.
As Putin once said to Macron; ‘I don’t know why you pay the fines’, referring to BNP’s multi billion dollar fine to the US ‘justice’ system fort breaking US sanctions. Of course there is no reason to pay money to a ‘protection racket’ but if you don’t, then there will be consequences, which the victim must be prepared to stomach.
They may burn down your precious national monuments, murder people in a concert hall and call it terrorism, or slap a 20% tariff on all your exports. Mafia, psychopaths are outside the law and outside any notion of conscience.
In my view, whoever arranged the take over of Monsanto in Bayer, needs to be arrested for treason against Germany. Monsanto has been a poison challis for decades and only an idiot or a threatened man would take on all that liability, and they haven’t even started the compensation for GMO’s yet.
So how do you know who is backed by the US deep state? This article is actually adding to the campaign to extort vast amounts of European wealth by the USA, so thanks for helping to make us, in Europe, that little bit poorer and helping the US, a criminal state, loot our most successful Corporations.
Monsanto is a monster because US regulators let them be a monster, like Boeing became murderers because US regulators let them become murderers by climbing into bed with them. It is so easy to jump on the bandwagon of anti-Corporate campaigning but ultimately Corporations will do what states allow them to do, so our energy should always be directed at the regulators not the Corporations.
The result of Bayer’s purchase of Monsanto will be higher priced drugs, less tax revenues, less sponsorship of the arts and less research by Bayer in Europe, as its hard won profits flow to the US probably to fund similar criminal looting operations.
The $27 billion handed over by RBS, a government owned bank, was the equivalent of 8 years of austerity. So if you want to know why the British suffered so much and so long under austerity, just ask where all our tax money went.
And that underlines, once again, the most basic mechanism of the mainstream media: that this media is there to serve as the mouthpiece of the ruling class. EVERYTHING that this media tells you is for THEIR benefit. They are constantly looking to provoke a response from you that is favourable to their position. Anything else, e.g. raising an issue that is truly of concern to the masses, is purely accidental and most likely only happens when, very occasionally, the interests of the masses and the interests of the rulers happens to collide.
And when the MSM trumpets one story to the exclusion of all else, when that story is given the most demented emotional impact, when that story brutally interferes with the lives of every member of the populace, you can be damn sure this is for the sake of the rulers and not us – which makes it even more suspect when they claim otherwise – indeed not only by saying that the big concern is with our health but that they will be adversely affected! (As if!)
The vast majority of those who died, presumably from Covid, suffered from one or more underlying conditions.
One year on in an unprecedented health crises, NOT ONE GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL drew the attention to investigate/deal/prevent these chronic health conditions. As the article says: “Roundup is linked to cancers of the bone, colon, kidney, liver, melanoma, pancreas and thyroid”
There is more to this than chasing big profits, and it has a lot to do with the disdain and contempt the political elites have for the ordinary citizen.
These people are, among other nasty things, ignoring basic health protection measures. It should be made clear to everyone that the governing elites in the West have been illegitimate for quite some time now. People are made ‘VERY BUSY’ to do anything about it.
A small step in the right direction is to let government officials (every one of them) know how you feel about them. This applies to all countries where neolibralism is running amok.
Agree. Any initiative including litigation should target the government, to compel it to (a) reveal potential and actual dangers (b) stop the harmful industry, substance, service, etc. (c) extract and distribute compensation. The US model of litigation seems to consist of the aggrieved crossing swords with businesses at their own expense, while the government gets to stand aside.
Another dimension to the issue of harmful food ingredients in the US and elsewhere is the government pro-actively blocks attempts to label food properly.
Meaning, they are actively concealing information about hazardous substances from the general population. To participate in such practices, politicians must face some reckoning and must be made aware they are losing their legitimacy.
Great article. Taking the argument further, what if vaccines are used as a cover for injuries caused by pesticides? Catherine Austin Fitts has proposed this scenario: that pesticide companies, facing billion-dollar lawsuits, collaborate with pharma companies (in fact, the same corporation – see below) to introduce a vaccine that “cures” a disease. Meanwhile the pesticide or chemical is quietly removed from the food chain. Disease goes away. Vaccine takes the credit.
My variant is that vaccines are introduced that create a similar disease, thus masking the pesticide. Vaccines, which carry a significant element of corporate immunity, take the blame, protecting pesticides that don’t have immunity. Is it a coincidence that adjuvants such as mercury and aluminium are added to vaccines, some say, unnecessarily.
Monsanto just became part of IG Farben, which says it all. This huge pharma-chemical conglomerate has largely reconstituted itself, though it was never really broken up after WW2.
Significantly, Rockefeller’s Standard Oil effectively merged with IG Farben in 1941, having itself largely reconstituted itself after its own symbolic breakup in 1911.
These conglomerates have demonstrated through history that the people are just a resource to be be exploited. They have spent more than a century manipulating for their own benefit every industry, transportation, warfare, medicine and agriculture, and through their tax-exempt foundations, academia, eugenics and social science, journalism, politics, and now in alliance with Big Tech, cybernetics and systems of social control. It is no surprise that the Criminal Rockefeller Combine stands four square behind this scamdemic.
You write: “Meanwhile the pesticide or chemical is quietly removed from the food chain. Disease goes away. Vaccine takes the credit.” Excellent point!
According to Dr. Thomas Cowan this is what happened with the (much celebrated) polio vaccine: in half the paralyzed children no polio virus could be found. Meanwhile DTT was taken out of circulation, making the vaccine a big succes.
Thank OG for this article. I speak from Nairobi Kenya and all I can say is “forget Kovid!” The greatest health crises we are facing here right now is a spiraling rate of deaths from what we once called “white man’s diseases” – cancers, diabetes HBP, strokes”
In recent years poor farmers in the countryside who still produce the bulk of our food are unable to afford the rising cost of rural labour and have substituted manual weeding and clearing with an unprecidented, heavy and uncontrolled use of Gryphosite in the form of Roundup. I have no idea how we will get out of this agricultural nightmare with the kind of irresponsuble government or should I say non-government that we have.
About 10-15 years ago, I used to listen to Lyndon Larouche Broadcasts on The Internet and his LPAC Reports…
He used to Blame All The Problems on Us British.
He didn’t Blame The Russians , The Americans or The Unmentionables…
He Blamed us British.
He might have had a point…
It might have been all our fault, but we didn’t kill him. Neither Did The Americans Nor The Unmentionables
He made 96 years old…which I think is a pretty good inings. I didn’t join his cult, but thought he was hell of a lot nicer than The Scottish Tony Blair. I thought Blair was completely Evil
I think this Speech By Lyndon LaRouche is Brilliant. He would have been over 90 years old when he did this.. Yes he blames us British, but we might actually be guilty. Us British quite obviously are not innocent.,
,but we do like bringing These Matters to a Court of Law that is Respected across our Planet
LaRouche may have been talking Bollocks, but it wasn’t us British who locked him up it was You Americans..and even you let him go free. Us British never even arrested him. You obviously want Julian Assange Next. He is in Protective Custody in England. He is an Australian Citizen and can say what he wants, even if You Americans don’t like it.
I know he has had a hard time, but we haven’t yet let you evil American bastards torture him to death yet, and all the blokes in Belmarsh prison with him, love him to bits. It’s like having Georgie Best. They support him.
“LaRouche: The British Empire uses War and Money to control Nations”
I have an update of a post that some posted here – about when the lights go out…
I have already got 3 Ex Car Batteries about 100amp each – My Cars are a bit fussy
In the winter in The UK, a little solar panel is a complete waste of time, and so is the idea of changing your house lighting bulbs from 240 V AC/DC to 12V bulbs…
All You need is some crocodile clips – and a few other connections when the power comes back, which it may do if the wind starts blowing again…and at least one decent battery Charger.
Al they will do is light up your house a bit. Nothing else will work, but at least you wil be able to see.
I have already tested this kit when we have been camping…it works
5630 led strip IP65 Waterproof 5m/lot 60pcs/m DC12V 300led white/Warm white Super bright LED Flexible Tape Rope Light £7
This is not an advertisement – but you might get the gist. But you now need to prepare now, and test it. Turn off All The Electric to Your House as a Test…Nd buy some camping gas and kit. It’s cheap – but it may keep you alive. It’s not winter yet, but it may come any time.
I bought mine via Amazon, cos I could see the connectors – and I thought they might work with the kit I have already bought direct from China
We’ve got torches and coal too.
It’s not nice being cold and hungry in the dark.
Been there. Done That.
Oi Tony. Ever heard of candles ? And, unlike your LED strip, they give off a wee bit of heat too. They’re also tastier than LEDs. Why try & reinvent the wheel ?
No need to thank me…………
The latest by Prof Michel Chossudovsky, professor of Economics at Ottawa University, on the plan for the second wave ….
As I was copying the link for this article I clicked on Prof Chossudovsky’s CV, which goes on for about a mile and a half. To think this principled individual was recently smeared by a snot nosed Meghan Markle stenographer from the Canadian Brainwashing Corporation, is almost two miles beyond any length.
I read this excellent article from Chossudovsky a few days ago. Thanks for posting it. I think it was his best one on Covid yet. I especially appreciated his analysis on the imposition of neoliberal policies by the Chilean and Argentine military regimes and their ties to Rockefeller and Kissinger, and how it was a precursor to the current Covid economic “structural adjustment” and global totalitarian regime.
As for the CBC, it has turned into an out-and-out propaganda outlet that would have made the editors of Pravda blush.
Sadly, and infuriatingly, lately it’s become fashionable for bumptious simpletons to blithely denounce legitimate, highly-qualified experts who dissent from the Megadeath Virus of Doom Big Lies.
For instance, some commenter recently contemptously dismissed the views of Professor Sucharit Bhakdi because he’s only a microbiologist, not a virologist. Worse yet, he’s retired– therefore, this critic felt he had no business putting his spoke in.
Wikipedia also reprehensibly publishes smears denouncing accomplished scientists, and rhetorically nullifying their extensive credentials and history, by simply baldly asserting that they have been “discredited”.
Apparently this kind of slander is very persuasive to other simpletons.
To summarize. There are huge ongoing (censored by MSM) interconnected global pandemics (COVID sham not included) with billions of victims and hundreds of millions dead every year that can be put under one common moniker, namely as pandemics of preventable deaths.
The deaths that would have been easily prevented or mitigated quickly and painlessly if not for controlling power of global Oligarchy over people and governments worldwide.
And that relates not only to MIC warmongers killing and maiming innocent people and demons of political establishment but to big corporate media industry spreading mass fear and amplifying existing socioeconomic stress , big Pharma and medical industry denying access to medical help or pushing deadly therapies drugs or encouraging malpractice to boost profits, big corporate food industry, agriculture, AgroSciences and technology loading food with deadly biochemical agents only motivated by profit, and Wall Street and banking cartel of parasites robbing, pauperizing society into abject poverty and desperation leading to suicide or deaths of abandonment, neglect, malnutrition and starvation.
Just look at billions of victims of neoliberalism, of self orchestrated repeatable financial crises destroying economies, jobs in the west only to move few of them to global south solely to increase growth of profits and in the process destroying their fragile ecology, environment tragedy that by itself caused millions dead.
Ignoring global systemic causes of permanent socioeconomic crises of last two decades makes one blind to grim reality of pre programmed precipitous cascading toward new global socioeconomic enslavement and new eugenics under euphemisms like New Politics, New Economy, New Security, New Culture, New Society, New environmental deal or in summary a Global Reset or other psychotic delusion that corporate captured governments are implementing and oligarchy is heavily infested in, all paid by all of us and our still unborn children.
Time to say no and unite to get rid of genocidal global oligarchy who wants us dead.
This video sent chills down my spine:
The bullies can always spot your weaknesses even if you don’t know you have got them. I learnt this when I was 5 years old. I didn’t know I had a very rare heriditary muscular disease..Myatonia Congenita (Thomsons Disease – Related to Beckers and other variants) I have never taken any drugs for it. Just Try to keep fit.
Whe they knocked me to the ground, and then did it again. It takes about 10-15 seconds to warm up my muscles, by which time I had been knocked down twice. I just kept getting up again…and then we had a real scrap a real fight -we were both about 4 and a bit – and the entire school yard, even the Junior School Came round, before the Teachers Seperated us.
The Bullies picked on somone else, or they would have made my life a nightmare at the age of 5.
I had never fought before, but now I knew how to do it.
Best Education I could Have had
Stand Up To The Bullies, and You Gain Massive Respect especially from The Girls, who nurse your wounds and tie your shoe laces up….You now have a friend, even if you are crap. I fought back. You are kind of accepted then, and ignored.
The bullies then go and pick on someone else, whilst we walk home by the bombed out mill.
We were born just after WWII
Don’t Do it Again.
“If you want to deal with pesticides, you have to deal with the companies.” – Hilal Elver
Obviously. There is no individual or group of individuals powerful enough, despite the bravado that I see in some quarters, powerful enough to “deal with the companies.” But dealt with, they will be. Soon too by the look of things.