Anti-Lockdown Protests All Across Europe
Increasingly draconian lockdown measures, economic destitution, and sweeping police powers are evaporating public trust and eroding public patience.
Kit Knightly

As the alleged “second wave” of the Coronavirus “pandemic” is reported to be sweeping across Europe in recent weeks, many governments have enthusiastically embraced their totalitarian side and granted themselves sweeping new “emergency powers” alongside new lockdown measures.
The public has been markedly less co-operative this time around. Rebelling against the seemingly arbitrary limitations which are not supported by either science or common sense. Protests have taken place all across the continent.
Thousands of people gathered in Berlin over the last few days, protesting the Merkel government passing a new lockdown law. Police turned water cannons on the crowds, and nearly 200 people were arrested.
According to reliable sources, elements of Antifa rushed to the scene of the Anti-New Normal Totalitarianism protest in Berlin today, hoping to hold the "Corona Deniers" down, so that the cops could hose them real good, but they were just a little too late.
— Consent Factory (@consent_factory) November 18, 2020
The mainstream reported “hundreds” of protesters, but as pictures plainly show it was more like tens of thousands:
“Thanks for the picture Majd Abboud, not hundreds, not thousand, but ten’s of thousands protested in Berlin today and it’s only the beginning of something big…” Sonja Van Ende#Covid_19
— vanessa beeley (@VanessaBeeley) November 19, 2020
Berlin, Berlin, das wird Folgen haben…
— Bajazz3.0 (@BatschkappMZ) November 18, 2020
After the Prime Minister of Spain Pedro Sanchez declared a sixth-month state of emergency in late October, there were days of protests across the country.
Barcelona, already a hot-bed of anti-government feeling due to the brutal repression of the Catalan Independence referendum, saw violent confrontations between riot police and protestors

Emmanuel Macron’s brand new “comprehensive security law”, known by protesters as the “gag law”, would further militarise French police whilst making it a crime to capture or distribute the image of a police officer. It has met fervent resistance in the shape of angry marches through cities across the country.
Protesters across France took to the streets after a law called the Global Security Bill was passed, which outlawed taking photos of police that could be used to expose an officer’s identity. #StopTheGlobalSecurity
— (@ProtestsMedia) November 19, 2020
Macron’s government has a history of attacking civil liberties, and in response to his “reforms” the country has seen large-scale protests by the Gilets Jaunes for over a year.
The anti-lockdown protests in Italy reached a fever pitch in late October, and were probably the most extensive on the continent. Marches occurred in dozens of cities across the country, including Rome, Naples, Genoa and Bologna.
BOLOGNA, ITALY: The conscience of a country’s population standing against their politicians speaks through this woman who says her life has been destroyed by lockdowns & has nothing to eat or to feed her 3 year old
— Robin Monotti Graziadei (@robinmonotti) October 29, 2020
The mainstream media went out fo their way to undercut and smear the protests. CNN and Reuters reported only “hundreds” of protesters. Does this photo have “hundreds” of people in it?

Politico went so far as to actually blame the protests on the Mafia.
Bratislava was home to a huge march of protesters on November 17th, marking the national holiday known as Fight for Freedom Day. These marches were illegal under the Slovakian emergency law, notionally designed to prevent the spread of coronavirus.
BRATISLAVA, SLOVAKIA: Anti-Covid restrictions & anti-government protests despite a ban on public gatherings, on the anniversary of the Velvet Revolution of 1989 & the student demonstration against Nazi occupation of 1939:
— Robin Monotti Graziadei (@robinmonotti) November 18, 2020
The Danish parliament was subject to 9 days of protests right outside its doors, in opposition to the proposed “vaccination law”, which would allow the police to “physically coerce vaccination through detainment”.
DENMARK: 9 days of protests over a new law that “would be able to define groups of people who must be vaccinated. People who refuse the above can be coerced through physical detainment, with police allowed to assist.”
— Robin Monotti Graziadei (@robinmonotti) November 14, 2020
After nine days of protests, it was reported on social media that the Danish gov’t had dropped the law. However, I could find no official confirmation of that, or reports in the media.
DENMARK: GOOD NEWS! After 9 days of banging pots & pans outside parliament the epidemic law is SCRAPPED. PROTESTING WORKS: DO IT!#WeWillNotComply
— Robin Monotti Graziadei (@robinmonotti) November 15, 2020
In fact, the media have barely covered the proposed law, and literally not mentioned the protests in Copenhagen at all. A search for “Covid protests Denmark” on google, turns up almost no results relating to that topic.
The reason to cover the Danish protest less than the others is that they apparently worked. and the last thing the establishment wants people to see is that civil disobedience can change anything.
It’s good to see the general public’s fraying sense of patience with a Covid narrative that has never made any sense, and a “pandemic response” which is likely to do far more damage than it ever could prevent.
Though civil unrest is undeniably a good and powerful thing, this is also a time to be wary. If the establishment feel they are losing control of the situation or the narrative, they are likely to double down or try something desperate.
If you’re aware of other countries experiencing civil unrest due to “anti-covid” measures, please let us know and we will add them to the list.
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its about time the MSM round the world had their premises ransacked and burnt to the ground..keep fucking with us and you will be over with. swiftly..
Yes, Canada, Vancouver British Columbia held an anti-mask protest. Approximately 2 months ago. It was minimized in the mainstream media, as expected. And also misinformation reported. And this past Saturday on Vancouver Island, in the city of Parksville a protest was held.
Gunter Walther, a former colleague of Comrade Angela Merkel at the Academy of Sciences in East Berlin, reveaed that Merkel had been secretary for “Agitation and Propaganda” in the Freie Deutsche Jugend (Free German Youth; FDJ) organization at the institute, rising quickly within the organization, becoming Secretary of Political Education – the most important role in the organization. Merkel, a trained physicist,* worked at the academy from 1978 until 1989. Merkel has long lied about her family’s Marxist past, saying that her FDJ role at the academy was more that of a cultural secretary and that her duties included buying theater tickets and organizing book readings.
Former German Transport Minister Günther Krause, an eastern German politician who worked with Merkel in the final months of the GDR, and as a fellow minister in the government of ex-chancellor Helmut Kohl in the early 1990s, also contradicts the lies divulging that Angela Merkel propagated Marxism-Leninism, With Agitation and Propaganda you’re responsible for brainwashing in the sense of Marxism, he said. “That was her task and that wasn’t cultural work. Agitation and Propaganda, that was the group that was meant to fill people’s brains with everything you were supposed to believe in the GDR, with all the ideological tricks. And what annoys me about this woman is simply the fact that she doesn’t admit to a closeness to the system in the GDR. From a scientific standpoint she wasn’t indispensable at the Academy of Sciences. But she was useful as a pastor’s daughter in terms of Marxism-Leninism. And she’s denying that. But it’s the truth.”
Today, Merkel insists that her job was menial, involving “organising theatre tickets and the like”. But this is simply untrue: she was an ambitious political activist. School-friends from her childhood town Templin remember the German leader still as a “Marxist loyal to the Party line”, in the furtherance of which she held a formal position within her class. A student who knows Merkel from the Karl Marx University in Leipzig, remembers a “convinced communist who brought her class-mates into line”.
Merkel’s Marxist pedigree is familial, her father, Horst Kasner, was a Christian imposter serving in the Lutheran church, described by contemporaries as ‘Red Kasner’, who in 1954 picked up the family and actually moved to East Germany when every non-Marxist East German was looking for a way out, many murdered as they attempted to flee East Germany to freedom. Contrary to the official Marxist narrative, ‘Red Kasner’ wasn’t posted to East Germany by the West German Lutheran church, a lie affirmed by other sources.
At a time when East German authorities were persecuting all those who were religious, Rev. ‘Red Kasner’ was the exception, doing quite well for himself and family, his ‘religious’ credentials inexplicably assisting Angela in her professional endeavors in the Marxist DDR, when other children belonging to religious families were denied the educational perks the state had to offer. Material comforts not enjoyed by most East Germans, including Marxist East Germans, were also afforded the Kasner’s, where the family had a smart apartment and access to two cars. Almost uniquely, Horst Kasner was allowed by the Party to travel to the West, so loyal was he felt to be.
At my blog, read the articles…
‘House of Cards: The Collapse of the ‘Collapse’ of the USSR’
‘Playing Hide And Seek In Yugoslavia’
Then read the article, ‘The Marxist Co-Option Of History And The Use Of The Scissors Strategy To Manipulate History Towards The Goal Of Marxist Liberation’
The West will form new political parties where candidates are vetted for Marxist ideology/blackmail, the use of the polygraph to be an important tool for such vetting. Then the West can finally liberate the globe of vanguard Communism.
My blog…
* Merkel is not a physicist, she is a chemist specializing in the atomic physical nature of chemicals.
Video footage of freedom protestors in Germany
Yesterday in Limassol, Cyprus:
Police break up small protest, five dissenters arrested in Limassol and Paphos
Interestingly, a friend of mine who lives in the Agios Athanasios suburb of Limassol phoned the police yesterday evening to complain about a noisy party next door and the police told him that they couldn’t respond because all their patrol cars were dealing with the demonstration in Anexartisias Street in the city centre, and that is a different police district, so they must have brought in reinforcements from other areas to cope.
It was months ago when I thought that if the covid failed, the world war would be created to take away people’s attention from it. That way the politicians and covid bosses may escape from people’s anger.
A war is what Martin’s Armstrong’s computer is predicting.
Martin Armstrong: Elites Ushering in Communism 3.0 Kickstarted By Another World War
It seems like ancient history but in February the Grauniad thought Chinese lockdowns were an infringement of human rights.
They say most people don’t remember news items from two weeks or more ago and perhaps the Grauniad counts on this…
Im from Denmark.
The demonstration/protest youre mentioning, has been running EVERYDAY since 4.november, almost all day, sometimes also at nights.
We still fight for out freedom and against this epedemic law, and we keep doing that because this law has NOT been put down by our government, they are only discussing another one, a new “better” one, they say, trying to come up with better ways forcing us to take the vaccine. Which they say will be ready very soon, and our “great leder” Mette Frederiksen has already bought enough vaccines for every one to get one 2-3 times.
The capitalist/facist pattern repeats itself. When TPPA fell flat, they plotted a bigger treaty. When the “enemies” outclassed the dud military armaments from cronies, they launched a more expensive “programme”. When activists exposed glyposate, the GMO and herbicide owners developed an even more potent herbicide.
In Leipzig a big anti-lockdown rally has just been banned by police over flimsy pretext of violation of corona regulation. The people will not disperse though,there are clashes taking place between
columns of left-wing protesters, so called counterprotesters-antifa groups who are holding banners denouncing anti-lockdown protestors as “Corona deniers and Nazi pigs”
The ‘Left’ has never bothered to turn up to these protests. They’re too comfortable in their armchairs whilst they sneer and label protestors ‘far right’
It’s bizarre to see anti-anti-lockdown protests but it is a German feature. Sort of like an anti-war war.
In Greece at least a section of the left is reacting against lockdowns, as shown on the 17th. I understand the Yellow Vests in France are starting public activity again.
In China a law was passed in 2016 allowing people to take photos and videos of police, something that has just been outlawed in France as the above article notes
The CV-19 Genocide of 2020
A great 21 min expose by former UN staffer of 18 years, Claire Edwards.
From the Cyprus Mail:
Coronavirus: Limassol protest against virus measures, corruption
I have only ever protested once . The protest I went to was only my 4th experience of the police ( it wasnt positive) i want to shareva little about my 4 interactions with the police. Aged 13 in the 80s ( it was the miners strikes era) I was charged at by police on horses in a park on a beautiful sunny day just enjoying a bank holiday with 3 friends. The police were practicing their crowd control tactics on the people there ( it wasn’t a protest and the park was full of families!). It really upset me and my friends, after all we were kids and young girls and doing nothing wrong. The 2nd time was a traffic stop. The police officer was obnoxious and finger pointy and just on a power trip ( there was no fine/points issued by the way so we clearly had done nothing wrong) The 3rd time I was asked to give a witness statement. During my statement the police officer kept putting words in my mouth and trying to force me into saying things. I felt bullied and intimidated and wished I hadn’t agreed to give a statement. And then the last time , at my 1st protest, I saw first hand how the police played it. I was kettled in at speakers corner, I saw an older man (probably in his early 70s) hit with a baton, I saw the police being unnecessarily heavy handed with people. I do not have faith in the police because I have not had any positive experiences of them . Despite all this I will be protesting again.
Sociopaths and sadists without other skills/qualifications seek enforcement jobs. Those in “special” squadrons or forces are particularly dangerous. They endanger both citizens and invaded peoples.
I have been on hundreds and perhaps in excess of a thousand protest actions, marches etc. in my life. Although something violent or negative has happened only in a tiny minority of them, I have no illusions about the police, who have an ingrained dislike of protesters.
It is probably a major reason for my dislike of lockdowns as the powers of the police expand dramatically during them.
I think a lot of TV shows and films do their best to depict cops as heroes (there are exceptions – Internal Affairs with Richard Gere is I suspect closer to the norm in the police forces of the world than many would like).It could be they need the positive propaganda because many people have personal experience of the other side of the police.
The author needs to look at other search engines besides Google. Duck Duck Go has several articles listed about the successful protests in Denmark.
Except that most people STILL use GOOGLE. Hence his point.
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”
Sure use the liar and debunked “historian” Solzhenitsyn why not?! He claims 66 million white Christians were brutally murdered in the gulag which is impossible because only 18 million people ever entered a gulag and on top of this he was jailed for being pro nazi in January 1945! Not a reliable source. As his wife said “we’re surprised so many took his camp tales told by other inmates as the truth”
I’ve read many of Solzhenitsyn books & regard him as a completely reliable & thorough historian & fine writer of superior novels.
John Doran.
A historian who LIES, is a reliable “writer of superior novels”? Hmm well at least you admit – like his family – it’s all a novel though
Just one example of a lie?
Just one which can be verified?
Gulag Archipelago was history was history.
First Circle et al were novels.
The man wrote in both genres.
You are the liar.
u r the liar Here’s more lies
Ad Homs & BS.
Not impressed.
I told you one I’ll retell it now: he claims that 66 million white Christians died in the gulag ALONE! Impossible only 18 million people entered the gulag in its entire history!
Have you actually read The Gulag Archipelago?
and why not use him ?…..this isn’t about how many died this isn’t about you trying to decry him (certainly made more money from it than you ever will ) and what is most striking is you seem to have missed the quote from his wife ….I dont give a fuck who said it ,,,it resonates with me…..on a level where if you stood in front of me and actually stated what you have written above i’d be inclined to find a hammer or a poker….analyse that big boy !
Didn’t make sense
he was jailed for being pro nazi in January 1945
who’s the liar now?
Who’s the liar thx? Not me nice of you to use his own laughable book! If he’s a liar why use him? He’s incorrect on inmate numbers by several tens of million s and that’s just Phantom deaths alone! He was jailed for being pro Hitler face it that’s the truth! I find it odd that people who like to pretend they don’t accept mainstream narratives can still peddle CIA lies about the USSR and Stalin etc! Aka the most lied about man in history
How much is Soros paying you, Koba the troll? The truth on your boy
there are good reasons why most Russians dislike Solzhenitsyn…
And Americans are tripping over themselves enforcing The Mask and the whole madness.
Brits a close second in there mask fervour
I was going to argue and say the UK were leaders but i forgot the seh..cund…ahmen…da…munt
question is are they going to use the 2nd to enforce muzzling or are they going to use it to rid themselves of it ? or as i suspect will the never ending stream of being told they have the 2nd continue with not much happening either way…at least in the UK the self appointed guardians of the cult of covidianism © are pretty feeble and ineffective….imagine if all those loony old bats in sainsburys suddenly started pulling guns out of their shopping trolleys
The Brits have an army that would make a Nazi blush and a nation that turns a blind eye to its activities!
We’re on the third wave in the US. Some may think its something to do with Halloween a couple of weeks ago but I suspect its probably more to do with some other national even that required people to attend places where the virus could be spread. Elections, for example.
The numbers involved are quite sobering. There’s some good news in that vaccines seem to be on theiir way but its going to be a good few months before they trickle down to the rank and file.
wow, you really are clueless, aren’t you.
One US resident posed many videos and photos of the empty insides of supposedly overwhelmed hospitals. Now, most of the videos are gone.
It’s been archived but I don’t know if I can get the videos to play
It has everything to do with Halloween. It’s people putting on masks and shouting “BOO!”
Martin ,
I wouldn’t be rushing to take a vaccine until you see Biden taking it and Kamala and their kids and grandkids – who with full independent oversight! (They do lie and pretend you know)
There will be side effects and long term damage like the mass role out of Thalidomide to pregnant mothers did.
Frankly a adenovirus based immune booster is likely the safest option – watch which one the Russians or the EU , especially Merkel approves – then get on a rickety boat to Dunkirk and claim sanctuary and a safe treatment is my advice to my fellow Brits here!
I am not touching anything that comes out of Barnard Castle or any other dumb under tested, expensive PATENTED snake oil.
Do you really have nothing better to do with your time? Are you being paid with public money to do this?
Its true that I’m in the pay of a government agency called the “Social Security Administration”. Its not really ‘public money’, though since in order to get paid by them I had to pay them 6.2% of my gross wages for decades to qualify for it (and by reckoning they’re likely to make a profit from me).
Social Security, as any American will tell you, is the primary source of retirement income for seniors. That’s right, I’m some elderly American, not some British psyops agent posting under deep cover. I am, though, rather well versed in propaganda and psyops techniques and I’m actually quite appalled at how a large body of the population are being led around by the nose all the while thinking they’re discovered some deep, dark, secret. I know my comments are pushing against the tide but, believe me, I’ve watched this brewing up since before most people here were born so I’m used to futile opposiion. You have to try, though.
PS — Yes, this is my real name.
Is that you 77th brigade
They’re late with the paycheck again…….
This is an article on how the UK is being lied to:
I don’t doubt that something similar is happening in the USA. There are many article, by credible people, showing how deaths are NOT going up, indeed, cases rising is natural at this time of the year. Here is one:
3rd wave?
You mean 3rd Reich.
Individual viruses don’t have waves.
Neither do imaginary ones
California Lockdown and curfew: CNBC:
What is essential here that Musk makes another billion dollars, but thanksgiving family gatherings or jobs or schools open or life and health saving outdoor R&R is not essential by decree of ruling clique who likely will decree another unconstitutional shelter in place order.
Apartheid thrives in California and elsewhere, some parties save lives some other parties kill grandmas depending on political cloud and net worth of participants.
Some county sheriffs in CA refused to arrest people under suspicion of attending illegal thanksgiving dinner. However turkeys, as accessories to a crime, may be arrested by some hungry and angry cops who miss their own dinner chasing thanksgiving criminals.
it is nothing but Ionesco theatre of absurd with real pain suffering and death.
I must live in a different California. I heard that some restrictions have been re-imposed but as far as I know they only reimpose restrictions on indoor gatherings and crowds in public spaces. Schools in our county that have partially reopened are staying open. I think the biggest impact is that stores have started counting people in and out again to limit the number of people inside at any one time.
SpaceX may indeed be ‘essential’ but I know many other businesses that are also ‘essential’. One that I used to work at full time (but do occasional consulting at) has been open the entire time because its products are used in medial equipment (that’s their excuse, anyway). The obious changes are that masks are required outside of individual offices, temperature checks are required to enter the building and that all internal doors are propped open to aid air circulation (that includes fire doors). The state health guidelines are easy to find and are posted; its interesting, though, that although I posted a copy of them alongside the mandatory notices ourside our “In Person Voting Center” we were not allowed to bar anyone from voting because they were maskless. (I feel that its no coincidence that we’ve got this ‘third wave’ two weeks after the election — I felt after the first day that we must be mad to volunteer, especailly if in a vulnerable group, but needs must in that case.)
Its never been policy in California for the police to enforce mask regulations. You’ve probably had occasional appearances on crowded beaches during the Summer but nothing now. The police obviously have better things to do.
The impact on Thanksgiving next week is will be seen in the shortage of small turkeys. Family gatherings will be curtailed, smaller numbers means that 14lb turkeys are superfluous.
News From Emperor of California dishonorable usurper Gavin Newsom and goons:
It seems the state may need to rely on people to self-police when it comes to the new restrictions. Several law enforcement agencies released statements Thursday with tepid support for the curfew.
The City of Fresno said it was asking residents to voluntarily comply with the State’s limited stay-at-home directive, but added that Fresno Police would, “concentrate on their regular responsibilities to serve and protect the people of Fresno.” County Sheriff Margaret Mims also said her office will not be enforcing the order. “We are not going to make [turkey] criminals out of normally law-abiding citizens,” she said.
The Sacramento Sheriff said the department, “will not be determining — including entering any home or business — compliance with, or enforcing compliance of, any health or emergency orders related to curfews, staying at home, Thanksgiving or other social gatherings.”
and since police refused to collaborate with fascist regime a medical fascists call everyone to snitch on your neighbor for committing turkey crime:
However, on socializing, Ghaly was clear: “Gathering shouldn’t occur between 10 p.m. and 5 a.m.
“We know that’s hard to imagine how to enforce. Some of you may say, ‘Well, how am I ever going to be known if I’m doing that at home?’ We’ve depended on a partnership with all of you and this is about coming together.”
is this your California or madhouse.
Where Newsom has just received endorsement from California Association of Uneaten thanksgiving Turkeys.
Under our capitalist system, all these businesses are “essential”. The only way they wouldn’t be is if the American govt decided to go communist. You think that’s going to happen? Are all those people forced to stay at home going to get nice handouts to keep them going while the govt helpfully works out an entire restructuring where everyone gets assigned to a post for the benefit of all?
In case you missed it, here are the German police storming the house of one Dr. Andreas Noack while he is livestreaming on youtube. Apparently he’s a naturopathic doctor who may not believe every word of the Corona narrative.
The police didn’t realize that he was in the middle of an interview for his youtube channel when they stormed in with their machine gun looking things.
They didn’t realize that while they hauled him off to the police station, the video went viral around the world:
The Polizei Mittelfranken released the guy along with a statement saying that he was not the object of their investigation.
Then an article in ZDF clarified that no they didn’t point a gun at him because of his views on corona and that of course Germany is not a fascist dictatorship. Perish the thought!
when they stormed in with their machine gun looking things
the word you’re looking for is either “assault rifle” or “submachine gun”, depending on the size of the cartridges it fires.
submachine gun:
assault rifle:
As I think I said before, there have been three phases of this covid manoeuvre: the first was the initial lockdown which carried a certain weight through the murmurings of it being short term with all that flatten the curve stuff.
The second was a relaxation of restrictions and a feeling of returning to something akin to normality.
Then came the downright weird third phase. The substance at this point had surely been kicked out of the entire show. And the switch from death count to case count should have been – and perhaps even was – a screamingly obvious illegitimate move whose only clear purpose was to boost the figures.
And yet and yet…
On it went. The theatre had effectively closed down but nevertheless the show went on anyway. And the more pathetically unconvincing it became the more blasé was the MSM coverage – with those scary Lovecraftian bug particles blown up to adorn every TV studio in which a presenter with a pallid stony face gravely announced the cascading something or other. Was anyone truly paying attention to any of this? Did it even matter? There was no other show in town. It was as if every media outlet had been hijacked by some kind of zombie version of the Teletubbies. Only, along with a Walking Dead feel, the condescending “eh-oh” language was bedecked with occasional polysyllabic medical terminology which may have been an update of Lovecraft’s Cthulhu chanting.
And as the “clandestine” internet messages which dared to tell the truth became ever more articulate, the mind annihilating MSM overview surged ever higher. This accompanied by menacing threats from neo-fascist armed services on tactics to corral all troublesome non-compliance into one gulag for a relentlessly flattened out “enemy” merging skeptics with every brand of terrorist in the popular imagination. This echoing Caligula’s final solution: “Oh how I wish the Roman people had one head only so I could decapitate it with a single stroke!”.
To the poster who revealed the leaked plans to literally spray the entire UK population with an aerosol Coronavirus ‘Vaccine’ –
Firstly thanks – I am seeing references to that now in some Gov articles.
Also, more predictive programming for the asleep masses on those lines today in the Daily Mail:
Aerosol vaccines have been used for wild animals. I have also seen a patent.
But I would read it as simply poisons.
They don’t say what is in the spray. There’s gold in them thar pills, sprays and needles.
Food grade hydrogen peroxide diluted to not more than 3% and probably a bit more dilute is a very useful thing to look up.
Its an old remedy, can be nebulised – drops in ear and swabbed in nose, gargled and if you read carefully of others protocols, taken in others ways also.
Now I don’t suggest anyone should do this, but I have read of people who have done so over many years and report positively.
I don’t see any need to ‘kill the virus’ at all. Only to consider the balance of energy in the body. This can be looked as at electrons, Ph, and chemistry.
The ability to poison populations one way of another is normal, with the cocktail of toxic exposures and lack of nutrients and undermining of morale etc. But of course fear of being poisoned could generate reactions that DO the thing we thought to escape – such as avoiding sugar and eating aspartame.
I watched Tom Cowan talking to Icke recently. Cowan counselled to live a good human life and avoid the crap – wherever you can.
leaked plans can be a psyop. Because it could be done doesn’t mean it will.
The controller’ wont want to breathe it unless they they have antidote.
hold the front page….coming sometime after the 29th of Nov …the blackout… supplies to last for 7-10 days….why 7-10 days…..Government studies have shown it takes people 7-10 days without food to commit a crime……and between 14 and 19 to commit murder…..they dont want the crime but they do want a significant rash of deaths due to the cold and they want to add to the fear package…what better than nationwide blackouts to get everyone back on track with the debility dependency dread programme…..and just as a primer 2 weeks ago ch4 decided to show Blackout a docudrama on the resulting collapse of society in the event of a week long blackout….it was originbally aired in 2013….why suddenly pluck it out of thin air the middle of a plandemic….to rerun it ?….we have been warned …(its still abvailable on all4 should anyone be interested)…and keep an eye on your thermometers….covid blackout bingo…the lower it goes the more chance you have of winning your very own lights out situation
Pfizer Vaccine Nanobots Require -70C Temp/ <<<Critical Report
Top Pathologist: Covid “Greatest Hoax”/
DoD Military Command Shift/
Arabs Warn Biden No Going Back To Obama Terrorist Support/
Soros Ops Salt Biden Team/
MI Vote Fraud Video Testimony/
What Is the Great Reset?
In Australia, police arrested a heavily pregnant young woman in her own home for organising an anti lockdown protest. They handcuffed her in front of her family and then turned the place over searching for “evidence.”
In Germany, a scientist who was live streaming a piece in his own home critical of official policy over the corona virus, experienced a home invasion by anti terrorist police. They kicked in his front door in the middle of the live stream, put a rifle to his head, ordered him to lie on the floor, and arrested him for “incitement.” It was reminiscent of the old war films when the Gestapo goon squad bursts in to arrest the Resistance radio operator.
In the UK, “Metropolitan Anti Terrorism Commissioner” Basu called for new laws to deal with “anti vaccine conspiracy theorists” and people “spreading misinformation.” Labour has demanded emergency legislation “that would include financial and criminal penalties for companies that fail to act to stamp out dangerous anti vaccine content.”
But at least here we’re not living in one of those horrible totalitarian regimes like China or Russia or Iran. Here we believe in freedom and democracy and freedom of speech. It’s just who we are.
COVID-1984 vaccine safety:
Another source making the same point:
The claim about sterility needs corroboration.
Sterility will effect the children of the vaccinated – that is RNA is used – gets into the germ line and is passed on.
Experiments with mice and rats in the public domain attest to that.
In 2014, Catholic Doctors Association of Kenya accused WHO of sterilizing millions of Kenyan women with a phoney tetanus vaccine. Organisations in Tanzania, Nicaragua, Mexico and Philippines made similar accusations. Independent labs found a sterility formula in every vaccine they tested. WHO finally admitted it had been developing the sterility vaccines for over a decade. –
Portuguese Court Rules PCR Tests as Unreliable & Unlawful to Quarantine People (
It won’t receive MSM coverage but it seems to be good news…
This is terrifying
Woah! Terrifying, indeed. The first one who bursts in there seems to have taken some kind of stimulant.
And they might well be squaddies dressed as Plod.
The Polizei Mittelfranken hadn’t realized the video went viral. When they did, they released the guy along with a statement saying that he was not the object of their investigation.
Then an article in ZDF clarified that no they didn’t point a gun at him because of his views on corona and that of course Germany is not a fascist dictatorship. Perish the thought!
Almost a decade ago scandal of Nazi cells in German Police covered up by high ranking officials showed who reigns in German police . The terrorist attack on this blogger have just shown from which manual they are learning their terrorist ways namely from GESTAPO manuals.
What? SERIOUSLY? There are actually no less than FOUR among the few dozen dim-witted semi-ex-libtards that post on this site who are dumb and lazy enough to not recognize this comically inept scam video for what it is? That’s kind of sad. Please, just kill yourselves.
This is what happens when you question corona:
“Miss Banher was probably among the first jurists and lawyers in Germany to question the constitutional compatibility of the quarantine decree signed by the federal government.
A quarantine can’t end the constitution, as it’s also happening in Italy where basic rights are being suspended in the same way. Therefore, Banher filed a motion to stop these unconstitutional provisions before the administrative court of the Baden-Württemberg region….The constitutional judges came to the conclusion that at this moment, the need to protect public health overcomes the need to preserve the constitutional rights guaranties.
On Thursday, the Mannheim police locked the access to her website but the following day the contents were still available. On Easter Sunday, Beate wrote a post, which was removed later by the authorities, in which she suggested to go outside on Easter Monday and enjoy the free air. Something which could be considered “subversive” in these actual times.
… Beate was arrested by the police who raided her apartment. In an audio message sent to her sister after the arrest, Miss Banhers says that she was brutally attacked and hit. The local authorities escorted her to a mental institution in which she was given food on the ground.
This is not happened in the USSR of the ’30s or in the Germany of Adolf Hitler. It has happened in Germany of Angela Merkel.
If nobody stands up against this violation, therefore the only possible conclusion is that Europe has turned into a totalitarian regime. A regime which is way worse than its Nazi or communist predecessors, because it disguised himself under a false reassuring mask of liberal respectability. Europe is now entering into the last phase of the globalist dictatorship in which political dissent is no longer tolerated.“
I called the clinic in Heidelberg where she was being held and had a long chat with the guy who had been put there to deal with callers. He was surprisingly pleasant and let it slip that it was ordered from somewhere, it certainly was not normal practice. I got the impression that he was questioning things himself.
Merkel is well versed in CIA,KGB and STASI methods since she was working for them all.
Seems to me our best hope is to get an exponential acceleration of the number of real scientists willing to call out msm twaddle-science for what it is.
If it becomes fashionable enough, maybe the msm might even listen to them…
But today, just as things have stood for decades now, the media are by far our worst enemy.
They really need to go out of business.
Are we going to grow them in time?
I’m afraid ‘encourage them’ is all I can come up with at the moment, Money…
We should have sat up and paid attention as soon as that first advertisement appeared on ITV in the 1950s: “Now hands that do dishes can be soft as your face, with mild, new Fairy Liquid”…
My father certainly did – he despised all advertising.
That’s where the mass hypnosis all started.
I seem to remember it was the satire show, “That Was The Week That Was”, which changed the text a bit:
“Now hands that do dishes can feel soft as your head, if you believe this crap”…
Or “The Young Ones” parody of 1980s safety advertisements:
That was the week that was. I was only in 3rd grade or something but even then I thought it was great.
I remember a very young David Frost getting his start on “TW3” as a prequel parody of himself reading news parodies, very funny. It was already about exploring how best to psyop the Left by playing to the Left with sundry shades of faux Left. Made easier by the Left itself being mostly faux.
As Gore Vidal said on the Late Show to Susan Sarandon in late 2004 (our last year watching TV), “There never HAS been a Left in the U.S.”
I think there was until the 1950s, but it was pretty much destroyed by the Cold War and the Red Scare.
There has never been a mass left party in the USA, not even anything as pallid as the British Labour Party.
“Now hands that do dishes can be soft as your face, with mild green Fairy Liquid”, as I remember…
…the media are by far our worst enemy…
Indeed! Pathetic, easily bought, spineless servants of illegitimate power. It’s always been clear, but their enabling of the coronavirus bollocks has brought it into even sharper focus.
Oh, and I fully agree with what you say about adverts. I loathe the bloody things. The TV’s always on where I work, and it drives me up the wall. Are you familiar with the Bill Hicks routine about people who work in advertising?
I just want to point to a very good source on Germany’s current affairs : it’s in English, and it is YouTube’s Red Pill Germany.
RPG is a scientist currently working in Japan. While he’s not someone who’s ever cried out “there’s no virus,” he is delightfully clear-eyed and sharp-tongued about all the manipulations.
We face a remarkable, disractable choice. We are presented with a fake reality, a fake majority. It is predictable. Karl Rove promised.
It is driven and supported by under-educated, over-qualified fools, who are culpable, whatever the military and the paid-for media says about them not being organized.
If someone sells you a fake education and you not only fall for it but promote it, flaunt it, you are the movie Idiocy incarnated but you are also complicit. These people are real and they are, currently, the majority of the loud, media-dominating cult. That is why politics is focused on the yee-haw of a self-identifying very prominent, out-there movement called Antifa BLM.
The trick is this: are they the ‘left’? No! Every indicator says they are paid for and espousing the praxis of the right.
Don’t fall for what they say. Watch what they do.
[The trick is this: are they the ‘left’? No! Every indicator says they are paid for and espousing the praxis of the right.]
Please do not hesitate to provide everyone here a logically compelling list of your “every indicators.”
they go around attacking people who disagree with the Official Story, while getting their travel expenses paid for, and the police systematically ignore the crimes they commit, up to and including arson. if that doesn’t indicate government provocateurs, then nothing does.
Free speech equated linked with “responsibility” and this latter is bound up with “people who are spreading misinformation that could cost people’s lives”. Translated: “We will decide when your free speech is acceptable!”
What the fuck is the connection between “Islamist”, “far-Right groups” and those using “false claims about coronavirus” to “radicalise” followers. Indeed – is there anything in that statement that even makes sense? Well – yes but only if you understand what’s going on here. Criminalising covid skepticism is the name of the game. Thus covid skepticism should be linked in with whatever Pavlovian response terms are available: “Islamist”, “Far Right”, “radicalised” …and also “anti-Semitism”, “neo-Nazi”, …and possibly extending to “paedophile”, “Holocaust denier” – whatever you can sling.
Blah blah blah …helplines being set up to monitor “loved ones” who may be in danger from this “spiritual contamination”. And what is the problem? Really – it’s just this: anyone who refers to covid with anything less than dutiful horrified prostration. Anyone who dares to make a joke about it. Anyone who even smiles inappropriately. All of this is the opposite of “radicalisation” or “fanaticism”. All of this is simple human reaction, intelligent response. Creatures like Basu are just like Icke’s reptilian entities. They are organic machines incapable of empathy. This is a demonic programme.
Spot On.
I watched the video with R. Fuellmich and something striked me, witch I had forgotten, is, if I can use this term, its a “briliant” plan, of circumventing Gov by going straight for the local, state/county Gov and introducing various political issues from that angle, instead of going after the nations Gov, undermining the system from within, like color revolutons but his ones are done with the focus on long term buildup, they think is decades while we focus on here and now.
That was the Sore-ass & Co game plan, regarding AGW, and if you take an closer look on some of the states, like in the imperial banana republic, witch states have the so called, “best” climate change regulations/policys and then look at the Corona scam issues, and who are they and whom founded this people and from where, localy or nationwise did they came from.
I bet you can find the same in both cases, and now its been some few years this people, have risen by now into nation wide policys, incl AGW to the scamdemic.
Why do you think the Greens, etc are the most die hard globalists, and to know that you have to think about the so called Paris decleration, once you see the conection, you know what you need to know, this so caled Greens are as much enviromental as I am Santa, and whom founded this people, and so on.
In Norway this green little f…. are corrupted to the core, and like the fake left, insane.
Everything is conected.
Nothing happens by chanse, its been planned for years.
Of course, there is no democrasy if we dont have the right to say No.
Never forget this people, there is an reason for this days that the old term “the war on terror” when an decade ago the term was eh…. somewhat rational, but to day, its much more, its now people whom questions vaccine, to this scamdemic, I and some few others warned you years ago, and was riddicouled, yup conspiracy nuts, huh.
But since we are after all civilised begind, have an nice day and take care, but my warning stil stand, its going to be much worse, inter. camps, to mass starvations an no of this will be televised, dont forget that, like the ignored the demonstrations they can ignore other things as well.
The MSM is the enemy of man.
Agreed. The MSM is a virus. I’m hoping for an asteroid
Since that might destroy all life on earth, it could be seen as an over-reaction…
Time to face reality.
What will each of us one do, what is each of us willing to do, when the government makes the vaccine mandatory, when everybody is forced to be injected with some shite they’re concocting in the labs now, with who knows what’s in it, and/or when it becomes impossible to live any sort of normal life without the vaccine. For instance, when non-vaccinated people are prevented from using public services, are detained, etc. – use your imagination as to what these pricks may come up with. You can extrapolate it, for instance, from a recent law passed in France that prohibits people from taking pictures of pigs, police officers that is.
What will we do? Everybody knows that it’s coming, right?
This is a serious issue. Bill Gates and Pharma wants to see a return on their investment
Off-Guardian needs to do a piece on this. Human rights lawyers need to start speaking up – because it’s a human rights issue. Removal of liberties is coercion which invalidates consent
I have a feeling that lots of people will take the vaccine. Those who won’t need protecting. Human rights lawyers, trades unions, anyone… Everyone is needed
We’ll be alright, remember we’ve got Starmer who welcomed the billions being spent on the armed forces because the fat slob says so, can’t afford to have a health care bill to protect people from selling their homes for medical care, no money for the NHS the country can’t afford it, they scoffed at Corbyn’s manifest cost twenty billion looks like peanuts compared to what these fascist bastards have spent, the really sad thing id if there were to be a general election tomorrow, these bastards would be elected again, how can you possibly win?
Here in Belgium Minister of Health Frank Vandenbroucke promised that vaccination will not be mandatory. So we need to ‘persuade’ 70% of citizens to opt for voluntary vaccination, he added. The paper “Het Laatste Nieuws” asked vaccinologist Pierre Van Damme: “How will we get the majority vaccinated against Covid-19?” His answer: “Simple: the more vaccinations, the fewer measures.”
You say ‘persuasion’, I say ‘blackmail’…
Meanwhile various polls predict 55 to 82% willing sheeple…
Zero Hedge reports: 1 Million Chinese Have Received COVID-19 Vaccines Under ‘Emergency Use’ Designation
“In terms of emergency use, the vaccines were applied to nearly a million people and there has not been a single case of a serious adverse event. People have had only mild symptoms,” Liu Jingzhen, chairman of China National Pharmaceutical Group (Sinopharm), said in an interview with a Sichuan-based digital media company that was published on Wednesday.”
Fancy that!!
My take is: either they inject everyone with very expensive saline to combat a non-existing disease, or they’ll have to face plenty of deaths and unexplainable diseases. They’ll try to cover this up, but the news will get out, and people might finally wise up…
Maybe they just never stop lying!
In many countries people who “recovered” from COVID are no longer PCR tested, as they almost always coming PCR positive or mixed, they are told instead to contact doctor only when sick with moderate to severe symptoms and then are treated as non COVID patients despite still testing PCR positive.
There has been no one proven case of real COVID “reinfection” recorded ever, only PCR test positives after patients again succumbed to unrelated diseases in a span of months.
the same attitude will be to those vaccinated , no longer tested with PCR after vaccination as it would have rendered positive results and would have eroded perception of vaccine working preventing infection.
vaccinated people may feel healthy, ok but that fact will be manipulated as a false proof of vaccine preventing disease even if had they been tested would have been PCR positives. NYT suggested the PCR test is too sensitive, picking up dead viral debris unrelated to infection to show real efficacy of vaccines in preventing infection.
it is one BIG confidence scheme based on PCR sham.
“ contact doctor only when sick with moderate to severe symptoms..”
In most places, the govt. only permits treatment for flu-like illness, cough or fever at special places – after you take the covid test. Only the elite are exempt. If you are unlucky, the idiots just tell you to isolate yourself without treatment. Of course, this entails hypocrisy/double-think: most people having cold/flu/cough/fever end up treating themselves by going to a pharmacy. The doublle-think is that pharmacy staff are not at risk from the “deadly” disease.
“more vaccinations, fewer measures” = “we’ll lead people into blaming the continuity of the measures – and the consequent economic/social disaster – on the unvaccinated.”
Yall see where this is getting at, don’t ya.
Only idiots expect the adverse effects of a vaccine to be immediately obvious. Those poisons do long term damage that cannot be easily attributed to a single cause…
There is a paper on the FDA website that states clearly that vaccines contain carcinogens.
Investigating Viruses in Cells Used to Make Vaccines; and Evaluating the Potential Threat Posed by Transmission of Viruses to Humans | FDA
No need to worry, K They are rushing through new laws to deal with dangerous conspiracy theorists like yourself. All for your own good, of course.
I know what i’ll do…i have planned for it and all within the confines of the current UK law….however…to relate to you on a public forum would surely spoil my posting privileges….i can only hint in an allegory….you know those incredibly comedic lapel flowers that squirt water much beloved of slap stick comedy of yore ?…they take on a whole new meaning if you fill them with lighter fluid and stand there with a zippo
Pfizer & BioNTech are pushing hard for US approval(FDA) for emergency use of a Covid vaccine.
The Rubicon is close to being crossed for a vaccine to treat a virus that doesn’t exist. Treat the most vulnerable first. I wonder who they are, the elderly.
95% effective they reckon? Anyone asking any questions. Nope.
That’s how fucked up this world is.
Educate your kids, please. Otherwise there will be nothing left.
‘Educate your kids, please.’ Absolutely vital. Between us (parents) we explained and showed them the simple truth. There is little time left for sentimental sugary bullshit. They got it immediately! Choose your poison, as it were. This short vid pierces in the right places. Xcuse the lengthy link.…-once-you-hear-this-you-wont-w.html
Good Luck
There is an anti lock down movement in Ireland. Dave Cullen is covering it and the reset on bit chute.
fyi: False Flags & Conspiracies online conference Dec. 5-6 [Presenters include Jim Fetzer, Kevin Barrett, James Tracy, Ole Dammegard, Nick Kollerstrom, many others].
After all these years of tyrannical oppression It looks as if the levee is about to break.
Lets hope so! The weight of the world seems to be against truth, honesty and the rights of society. The moral backbone of humanity was shattered long ago, now their just crushing the pieces.
Good luck!
If only…
We need good reasons for optimism these days.
The msm still throttle everything.
There must be many people like me, thorns in the flesh of those who insist upon trusting a government they really know they shouldn’t trust, but whose own husbands, wives, partners and closest family just don’t want to face the admittedly horrible truth.
Just one example from the article above – what looks like really good news:
The Danish 9-day protest about proposed forced-vaccine laws succeeded!
Yet the article itself has to admit that no confirmation of the protest’s ‘success’ can be found. So, how do we know it ‘succeeded’?
Needless to say, searching the usual media is fruitless.
‘Success’ in this case would mean the naming and shaming of the cretin who proposed this abomination, and his immediate dismissal.
Who is it? Why does he still have a job?
Here’s the next manufactured conflict. Someone called in to a radio station (oh I dunno her name, Betty from Turnbridge Wells or something) and said, “I was lucky to find a new job. But I think it’s time we stopped looking to the govt for handouts and started to sort this out ourselves”.
Way to go, Betty! I wonder which branch of govt you work for? Covid branch entrepreneurial division?
Translation – ‘it’s better that we let people suffer poverty, homelessness, starvation, suicide. I’m selfish. Fu** everyone else’
Under Great Reset government handouts come with an obligation to comply. The only route is to refuse handouts. That is what I am doing though I am almost exhausted. I will not accept UBI or foreclosure money. F**k furlough.
If someone is surviving on welfare and the welfare is stopped for non compliance. What then?
Homelessness and hunger? Death on the streets? Some people have no financial reserves. No friends or family to rely on
Making people desperate could backfire on them. While they try to project strength, people like Boris Johnson look like deer caught in headlights. I don’t think it is just the huddled masses who are scared right now.
When people are treated like animals they have nothing to lose. The landscape is conducive to fascism. A future with millions in poverty, police brutality, riots, and all the time ‘let them eat cake’ politicians living the good life. The veneer will crack in to a million pieces because the public will realise democracy is a lie
Betty does porn? Pays better.
Porn will be banned under the COVID laws. Unless all participants practice social distancing.
Well that’s a pickle.
That’s OK. i have a good aim 😉
Have you seen the Japanese robo-friend technology… a fake hand with a firm grip?
Well better than a firm hand with a fake grip!
ha ha ha
Well we don’t want an electrical power spike in that thing, now do we?
No, but i’ve found my gloves 🙂
That should be fun !
Now we know what all the bog roll is for!
Yep, George tis true
Or pedophilia
That is unacceptable Theobalt.
what is unacceptable? The word? What did you think I meant? Did you get the joke? Bogger off!
in the People’s Republic of British Columbia, social distancing can be replaced during sex, by the use of face masks and glory holes.
It’s a variation of an identical line I keep hearing on the radio when I am forced by others to listen to it: ‘I don’t blame the government but…’
In any case I thought it was Johnson that took it upon himself to shut down shops and cripple small businesses? It’s not as though the market economy has been allowed to function.
She sounds bright. A Tory in waiting. I suppose she thinks furlough is a conspiracy theory too. I wonder what she recommends . Do we tall all the naughty shops and factories and pubs to stop being lazy and open back up at once ? Do we tell all those who lost their jobs to to stop deliberately going hungry ? I’m guessing it was radio 2 or 4.
[She sounds bright. A Tory in waiting. I suppose she thinks furlough is a conspiracy theory too…]
Wow. Found guilty in the court of public opinion on the flimsiest of conjectures based on hearsay from another commenter.
Nice rational thinking there, JuraCalling!
Thanks for that poorly judged interruption. You’re not far away enough.
In case there’s other huge flags you missed :
The government have been bullshitting their way through this for almost a year. The government are a Tory government.
The government have put together a public psychological conditioning programme based on and driven by fear. It’s a Tory government.
The government have failed to provide so much as a spec of dust’s worth of evidence of this virus and says anyone asking for it is a ‘conspiracy theorist’ and we should all ‘be in this together’. It’s a Tory government.
The BBC ( the same one as the one that receives funding from Gates and instructions from the Tory PM) allow a caller to be the ‘voice’ of the establishment ‘ and her ‘advice’ is to ”stop asking for handouts from the govt”.
That’s not flimsy evidence of anything. It’s [ more ] very convincing evidence of the establishment selling bullshit under fake pretences again. Wake up.
[Way to go, Betty! I wonder which branch of govt you work for? Covid branch entrepreneurial division?]
Well, if Betty goes as far as thinking that government is the problem, then I am with her.
She’s right. She’s proposing that we start little gun factories.
Great interview with Reiner Fuellmich
Hello Mucho: Thanks for posting this more recent interview with Reiner Fuellmich. Though Mr Fuellmich details the more fraudulent aspects of covid testing, he insists that legal remedy be based on the efficacy of “class action suits”. (Refer to video at approximately 39:30) > Covid 19 — What You Need to Know – November 18, 2020
Class action suits can be tied up in civil courts for months or years, and organizing these kinds of legal actions has been made next to impossible within most jurisdictions.
The “policies” put into place by false authoritarians and other plutocratic interests, are egregious acts of terrorism – paid for through documented acts of racketeering, bribery, and political collusion. These “acts” are prosecutable criminal offences.
Civil populations are being assaulted with lethal weapons, arrested, terrorized, and denied proper medical attention for other medical needs. Some of these persons die… Suing the protagonists for money is not a remedial act. It is an action of cowardice.
and in a tyranny with judiciary legal profession police and courts totally controlled just who do you get to do the prosecuting and where ?…A lot of people online keep quoting Nuremberg laws,codes etc….do they all imagine there is some kind of neutral arbitration service available ?…You have to defeat the tyranny first before the prosecutions start….and that can only be done with violence….unless of course someone can give examples of any tyrannies brought crashing down with non violent action….didn’t think you could
The tone of your message is such that I think you have an agenda. To call Reiner’s actions an act of cowardice shows you up. I therefore place very little, or rather, no value, on your opinions. He has formed a legal committee and is collaborating with many other lawyers around the world, together they are doing great work. He is suing / naming important individuals and he is playing according to his professional strengths. If you have any better suggestions, please lay them out so we can analyse them. Then put your money where your mouth is, and walk the walk, like Reiner has done. When you can prove that you are a bigger man than Reiner, by demonstrating that you are doing more impactful work to combat covid 1984 in the legal arena than he is and then publishing / documenting your actions so the whole world can critique your work, then you can call this an act of cowardice. I won’t hold my breath
Hello Mucho: I gave you a point for voicing an honest and well written response. I generally have a very low opinion of B.A.R. association lawyers, as most spend their time chasing ambulances for 30% of the aggregate suit…
Here’s where the rubber should be hitting the road: >
Excerpted from: 18 U.S. Code § 1111 – Murder | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute
” (a) Murder is the unlawful killing of a human being with malice aforethought. Every murder perpetrated by poison, lying in wait, or any other kind of willful, deliberate, malicious, and premeditated killing; or committed in the perpetration of, or attempt to perpetrate, any arson, escape, murder, kidnapping, treason, espionage, sabotage, aggravated sexual abuse or sexual abuse, child abuse, burglary, or robbery; or perpetrated as part of a pattern or practice of assault or torture against a child or children; or perpetrated from a premeditated design unlawfully and maliciously to effect the death of any human being other than him who is killed, is murder in the first degree.
Any other murder is murder in the second degree.
(b) Within the special maritime and territorial jurisdiction of the United States,
Whoever is guilty of murder in the first degree shall be punished by death or by imprisonment for life;
Whoever is guilty of murder in the second degree shall be imprisoned for any term of years or for life.
(c) For purposes of this section—
(1) the term “assault” has the same meaning as given that term in section 113;
(2) the term “child” means a person who has not attained the age of 18 years and is—
(A) under the perpetrator’s care or control; or
(B) at least six years younger than the perpetrator;
(3) the term “child abuse” means intentionally or knowingly causing death or serious bodily injury to a child;
(4) the term “pattern or practice of assault or torture” means assault or torture engaged in on at least two occasions;
(5) the term “serious bodily injury” has the meaning set forth in section 1365; and
(6) the term “torture” means conduct, whether or not committed under the color of law, that otherwise satisfies the definition set forth in section 2340(1).”
Complete text:
There are other specific Acts which should be included in civil affidavits.
This link seems to work better:
I found Dr Reiner to be strangely uninspiring. But, I like to see pushback like that. Valuetainment is certainly cranking out great interviews these days. I didn’t know of its existence until a month or so ago.
No, I’m quite impressed myself at Dr Reiner. He has a forceful articulation that reminds me of Guido Preparata in conversation. The only thing that dismays me is that Reiner is clearly speaking from the point of view of businesses (something which, I am sure, the Left would point out right away). He says nothing about the Leftist approach. But then – that’s not his field. But were he to turn his attention to it, I’m sure he would point out their bogus manoeuvres: being primed for the virus by the fixation that some big horror was bound to happen (Reiner would point to previous bullshit spread by e.g. Neil Ferguson). Also the Left’s guilt-by-association with respect to branding skeptics as “Rightists”.
Well, that scheming Left is actually the Left on the Right. I’m leftwing, but I use that label as shorthand. I don’t agree with all leftwing positions and I certainly have no use for the fake, rightwing, Left.
The only lawyer who I would trust, right now, to put forth a 100% truthful, factual, powerful case against the parasite/predator class is Jesus Christ. Actually, That’s been done. Judgment has been executed and soon enough, sentencing will be as well.
I don’t have any sense of Jesus being a prosecutor or judge so much as the capacity to give no time to temptation to resist evil (insane mind trap), so as to remain aligned in witness to the truth beneath appearances.
To be truly seen and known is to be undone of our masking ‘self’, and thus revealed to our Self. This will of itself shares out to others but only to their willingness.
However, he lived and spoke to the fulfilment of the Law in the opening of a Covenant of love, to all who have eyes and ears to receive. Cause and effect has to be brought together to a true account.
Because this love rests on freedom from coercion, it does not enter into conflicts, but looks to the cause that resolves them – where there is willingness to release the insane mind trap of an evil, alien or oppositional will – that seemed like freedom but delivered a mind trap from which there is no escaping – because You are not really who this mind made of you and your world, and shall see this when you are willing to rest, or release the mind of fear defined control.
The ‘judgement of the Holy Spirit – was given all through one.
“Who has seen Me has seen the Father”.
“You are my beloved, in whom is my delight!”
Invested grievance cannot see or hear anything but what serves its fight or flight or escape or hiding. Owning what we feel may often be the last thing we allow, for we are then undone of masking armours and diversions to the true nature of our need – as true desire, that the world was used to cover over and substitute for. But there is no substitute for love – and all such attempt makes ‘something NOT love, not true, masking in the forms of virtue as if to gain vindication or validation for an evasion trying to become real.
This is a strange context of comment to speak the Heart openly – but no one will hear who is not already opening.
I stop seeing politics like they should be some how divided into left and right, and learned to see them for what they truly are.
The gangster’s theatre of pain and gore.
Organized gangs working for the profit of that so called industry which sponsors them and hire their family members.
Here is my question?
Is to, Sodomize the sodomizers, equal to giving them what they want, or is it what they need or deserve?
Any how, what life taught me is if that if thats what they give, that is what they should get.
And trust this simple facts, in the real world, if you give the other cheek to someone who just slapped you, you are going to get bitchslap much harder than the first time.
If a bull is bulling someone, like a junky hooked on its drug, he will keep on doing what gives him/her his fix.
If you want to stop the bullying, than you have to confront it, disarm it, and humiliate the perpetrator by giving it a taste of its own remedy, otherwise you can be sure that the bullying will continue.
It is time to react globally protest draconian measures and insane lockdown and demand not only the end of biowarfare research and development, but also an investigation on the origins of the many manmade viruses which have been disseminated around the world (example:- swine flue, bird flue, zika, ebola, various, cv viruses…. .) for which they hold “PATENT”, and demand accountability not only for the manufacturers who actually concocted and developed and saved the viruses in question in their labs, and of course their sponsors, but also for the politicians which with their criminal negligence have voted in their favor.
Humanity needs to unite if it is to survive the dark era in which we have been brought.
I stop seeing politics like they should be some how divided into left and right, and learned to see them for what they truly are.
The gangster’s theatre of pain and gore.
Organized gangs working for the profit of that so called industry which sponsors them and hire their family members.
Here is my question?
Is to, Sodomize the sodomizers, equal to giving them what they want, or is it what they need or deserve?
Any how, what life taught me is if that if thats what they give, that is what they should get.
And trust this simple facts, in the real world, if you give the other cheek to someone who just slapped you, you are going to get bitchslap much harder than the first time.
If a bull is bulling someone, like a junky hooked on its drug, he will keep on doing what gives him/her his fix.
If you want to stop the bullying, than you have to confront it, disarm it, and humiliate the perpetrator by giving it a taste of its own remedy, otherwise you can be sure that the bullying will continue.
It is time to react globally protest draconian measures and insane lockdown and demand not only the end of biowarfare research and development, but also an investigation on the origins of the many manmade viruses which have been disseminated around the world (example:- swine flue, bird flue, zika, ebola, various, cv viruses,….) for which they hold “PATENT”, and demand accountability not only for the manufacturers who actually concocted and developed and saved the viruses in question in their labs, and of course their sponsors, but also for the politicians which with their criminal negligence have voted in their favor.
Humanity needs to unite if it is to survive the dark era in which we have been brought.
[Humanity needs to unite if it is to survive the dark era in which we have been brought.]
I support your noble appeal.
Sadly, however, I have to observe that seemingly the majority of humanity has already “united” to “survive” as best they can by obeying their precious governments’ Covid actions.
Humanity os now being pushed to the edge of cliff.
Soon it will have to push back cause failing, would result in its death,
It is now time to push back.
Here some more incriminating evidences
Live: Trump’s legal team is holding a press conference about the election
•Streamed live 18 hours ago
The evidence presented here, of the most outrageous US election fraud, is overwhelming and compelling. The coverage of this press conference in all The UK & US Mainstream media, that I have seen is either non-existant, or completely disgusting. This does not surprise me in the slightest. All MSM is controlled from a central source, located somewhere in the depths of hell on this planet. I never thought it was London, but I am not so sure now.
This is a Massive Attack on The USA. It’s an attempt to provoke outright civil war. Why would Americans do that to themselves? Everyone knows that both sides are completely corrupt, but who is doing the corrupting?
Same group as always. The ones who own the media. Wake up.
No means no. It is a simple message and one I think is of utmost importance to hammer home. What would the feminists say if it was argued that somebodies belief that their nasty cock was the tastiest bite ever mattered?
Reminded me of this clip of trying to understand the animal you have to get inside the animal.
Feminism is also part of the global cabal agenda. Gloria Steinem got a visit from the CIA and was bunted by Rockefeller foundation in the 70’ which always made her uncomfortable… following, men were portrayed as losers in media and Hollywood for the past decades… all to destroy society just like this pandemic and many other strategies
what would the feminists say
“Someone is dying every 17 seconds in Europe from the coronavirus.”
Impeccably researched and we can name them as they drop!
“The continent has not witnessed mass death on this scale since the barbarism of World War II.”
Hang on till I check the calendar. Nah it’s not April 1st.
“As was the case during the first half of the 20th century, the ruling class of every European country has determined that the mass slaughter of hundreds of thousands and even millions of people is unavoidable and necessary to protect corporate profits.”
Ah the Left case for lockdown till the end of time!
“…criminal and homicidal policy …fascistic-minded …the policy of “herd immunity,””
Yes it’s all here!
“As soon as the lockdown measures forced upon the ruling elite by wildcat strikes and working-class protests in the spring were lifted…”
WHAT?! Lockdown FORCED on the ruling class? And there in the neatest ever nutshell is the UTTER LIE OF THE MAINSTREAM LEFT!
Nah my bullshit-o-meter has exploded!
The very idea of wildcat strikes forcing a govt to shut down the entire economy is patent bullshit. The 80s miner strike lasted a whole fucking year. And it was defeated.
Why even bother with WSWS? They are total traitors to the working class. They’ll only drive you nuts. It would be tantamount to being tied to a chair and forced to watch tv news for 24 hours. It will make you ill.
We need to move on from the corrupt, controlled media, whether MSM or ‘alternative.’ The first and only step is to ignore them.
That’s my response. I realize that some in our anti-covid 1984 camp keep an eye on the corporate media and the alternative media so that we can know what they’re up to. I don’t have the intestinal fortitude for that. And so: My thanks to anti-covid 1984 bloggers, writers etc who do the stinky work that I avoid doing.
I have a neighbor that is an SEP (WSWS) member. We were in conversation about a month ago, talking about how bad things are getting. His answer (stated as he walked off): “As soon as things get bad enough, the working class will rise up!” In other words, more suffering is needed. I didn’t point out that this point of view is very destructive to the working class and displays an extreme callousness to the plight of very people they ostensibly defend. We don’t really talk any more. But I have to wonder if he’s having trouble with the obvious cognitive dissonance.
Since their membership is tiny, you are very (un)lucky – the statistical odds of having one as a neighbour are astronomically small.
As soon as things get bad enough… Judging from WSWS coverage and at least one response to something I wrote on their site about six months ago, this is certainly in harmony with what they think. My difficulty with it is not that it is callous – if you believe in Marxist revolution you are going to assume that at some point the proletariat will have enough and rise up. My difficulty is that the proletariat are at least as likely to turn to fascism or have their justified rage channeled in a different direction. It doesn’t seem to enter the heads of the WSWS that endless lockdowns might drive people to desperation. Sometimes they fulminate against the far right being in anti-lockdown protests, but if the far right is doing that it is because they sense an opportunity, lockdowns are impoverishing people, destroying their mental health and in some cases driving them to suicide. And all the WSWS can say is “More lockdowns!”
I have noticed a very ugly retributive feeling amongst some on the Left re: covid. On the one hand they have a deep psychological need to believe that the virus is truly as deadly as it is made out to be. In fact, as is obvious from those ghoulish WSWS articles, the MSM reports can never be horrible enough for them.
But on the other hand, this virus narrative obviously means death on a vast scale. And it is precisely the deaths of the masses that are envisioned. And there is a curious bit of tension here. Because the mainstream Left, as indicated by the WSWS, have to pose as the champion of the masses. And yet it is through the supposedly horrible deaths of those masses, that this Left gets to crow its vengeance.
Even more tellingly, whenever a skeptical movement arises, it has to be vilified as “Right wing”. And the Left seem to roll their eyes at the very thought that some of those masses reject the virus story. There’s even a sense of anger at this. It’s as if the Left are saying, “How dare you refuse to accept your doom!” At which point, we may ask, “What does this Left propose that we do?” And the answer seems to be, “Just die in as large a number as possible! That way you’ll really stick it to them!”
Net result: one huge pyrrhic victory.
Another aspect to the Left view is the angle – probably true enough – that we in the affluent West have been living at the expense of the “global south” which is sinking further and further into super-exploitation. The sentiment is that, for a fairer system, we are going to have to sacrifice some – or much – of our affluence. But how this is supposed to actually come about is, as always, the big question.
Ideally, there would be a global revolution. But even the most starry eyed on the Left would have to admit that that is, to put it mildly, a long shot. And the ruling class would never permit it. So …covid is somehow supposed to throw us into some kind of revolutionary situation. But how?
If the Left want to remain within the paradigm of “the deadly virus as capitalist Achilles heel” then there must be a call to arms. But – in the middle of a pandemic? When presumably everyone is too scared to even approach each other? And if we are waiting for a miracle vaccine, is it not precisely the ruling class who have control over the vaccine?
And if the Left want to come out of that “deadly pandemic” paradigm i.e. admit that covid is actually being exaggerated by the ruling class for their own ends, would it be the case that this Left would still want to remain quiet about it i.e. still want to go along with it? Why? Do they think it can all be turned around in a Leftward direction? But how is that supposed to work?
Either way, the Left are condescending to those proles who dare to challenge the covid narrative. It’s as if this Left are saying: “Oh stop thinking about your pampered arses! You’re going to have to come down and sacrifice your lovely luxuries for the global good”. But how this Leftist global good is to be achieved is enormously problematic if the Left continue to live within the covid paradigm – either because they genuinely believe it or because they think it’s a scam which they themselves can use.
RE: …either because they genuinely believe it or because they think it’s a scam which they themselves can use.
There is definitely an opportunist aspect to the left’s response. But they are bigger fools than they can imagine if they think they can turn a ruling class subterfuge to thier own advantage when they don’t even understand the scam in the first place!
But back to an earlier comment of yours: the left has been molded for decades by state and corporate forces (FBI, CIA, MSM, academia) into a “platform” for the Covid scam. They’d have to let go of their leftist “identity” for them to see what is obvious to you and I now. But that focus on identity goes way back. In the 1980’s and 1990’s Lifestyle Anarchism dominated the left then (socialists were even weaker). I questioned its logic back then, what did eating vegan and wearing non-leather shoes and being a Black Flag fan have to do with overthrowing capitalism? Identitarianism has only blossomed into an overarching ideology, displacing or distorting former foundational ideas of leftism.
Although Trotskyists were hostile to it, the collapse of the Soviet bloc demoralised them and many non-Trotskyist lefties (although Trotskyists claimed to welcome it as the inevitable consequence of “Stalinism”) and contributed to certain eccentricities like we see with the WSWS.
There is no doubt that they think they can benefit from all this, although I have written elsewhere that the lockdowns actually strengthen the repressive instruments of the bourgeois state and have joked about Bolsheviks in 1917 deciding to shelter in place rather than storm the Winter Palace because one of them sneezed.
I also imagined how Trotsky’s epic “History of the Russian Revolution” would have turned out had it been written under the guidance of today’s Left:
The “Spanish Flu” actually raged throughout the Russian Civil War but I can’t think of any Russians who died of it – I don’t know if it was really less prevalent there than elsewhere or whether deaths from violence, starvation or other diseases like typhus and cholera simply overshadowed it.
Covid does come across as a “First World problem” in large part. There has been some discussion of why sub-Saharan Africa, for example, is apparently less affected. My guess is that there are too many other diseases there, some of them much more lethal, so it gets overshadowed, perhaps like Russia in 1919. Since Covid is much more likely to kill the elderly, sub-Saharan African populations may simply be too young for it to get much of a foothold.
To be fair, many on the Left also see through the identity politics guff, ironically the WSWS themselves published a book on it: The Frankfurt School, Postmodernism and the Politics of the Left: A Marxist Critique. Guido Preparata also had The Ideology of Tyranny: Bataille, Foucault, and the Postmodern Corruption of Political Dissent . (Snappy titles!) There’s also Ellen Meiksins Wood’s essay “What Is The Postmodern Agenda?” which in some ways is the most penetrating.
The difference between Preparata and the rest is that Preparata has no faith in Marxism anyway so doesn’t see the point in separating a true from a false Marxism. I think Preparata’s outlook has been decisively pushed against Marx because of the ostracism he received from the Western Marxist establishment. I used to feel frustrated with him because of this. But in the wake of covid, I feel almost as hostile to the mainstream Left as he does.
I think your strongest point is about intelligence infiltration of Leftist movements. I am convinced more than ever that this is so and it is rife. Most of these movements therefore contain a mixture of CIA moles and useful idiots who are moulded by various psychological devices – most obviously the conspiracy phobia which pretty much negates any positive contribution they have to make.
One of the revelations for me is that the political left, generally speaking, do not dislike or distrust the police. You would think they might but they don’t, so locking down while the cops are to be one of the few parts of the body politic to be able to move around freely is just accepted by them. It is probably due to the political left’s lack of social roots today and the relative absence of strikes or social struggle.
Because in any major social struggle you are going to find out what side the police are on, and it is unlikely to be yours.
Yes I have no idea where the Left stand in terms of practical advice here. They strike me as occupying a high ground from which they can attack everything without any commitment to anything.
The only thing they advocate is striking to close everything down until… well what? The magic vaccine which they will ridicule for not coming sooner or not “working”. Or do they expect the workers to strike until the entire capitalist edifice crumbles? Try selling that idea to the teachers etc.
But those teachers etc will say they want to return to “normality” except that our left, along with the MSM, have made it clear there is no going back.
I reckon that to the regular people this Left is no different from what the MSM are. But then it probably doesn’t matter. The left have finally ceased to be relevant on any level.
His comment was very simplistic. He’s either not for real or very, very naive. I’m taking taxis less often now, since getting my ebike. I have had a lot of good conversations with cab drivers. Not all, but many. Tonight, I had a long cab drive (from home to the bike shop where my bike was waiting) and was able to pass on a lot of information to the cabbie who seemed eager to talk about it all. He actually told me about one woman passenger who had a huge suitcase that he got out of his cab to help her with. He even saw one as we were riding and he said “Like that.” She asked him whether he used sanitizer. He said ‘yes’. She told him that that wasn’t good enough. She wanted to see him use sanitizer. He told her ‘Lady, I don’t have to do this for you. I was being helpful’ and left her to lug her own luggage. He was not impressed. The loons, just by being loons, are helping to wake others up.
Simplistic? Well it was a passing conversation.
I am not worried about the cab drivers. The mainstream left despise the working class. What was formerly called the “radical left” has got so many cases of cognitive dissonance going on now I don’t know how they can think straight anymore. It is almost as if they are attacking the ruling class from the right! The person I was talking about is in tech. – a relatively high-paid worker.
Except they DID make it up.
“Shilton” might be a Freudian slip for “shill”. Or perhaps he/she is inspired by Paris Hilton…
They love to use “criminal” as an adjective. They increasingly remind me of Lyndon LaRouche, who also started out a Trotskyist and just became nuttier.
It’s probably not good for my mental health but the WSWS is weirdly fascinating. Like watching a distant forest fire.
The idea that working class protests dragged a kicking and screaming ruling class towards lockdowns… There has been no comment on the police banning the November 17 marches in Greece, supposedly because of Covid and beating and arresting people who defied the ban. Mentioning it interferes with their narrative.
Early on I posted on their site asking how long they want lockdowns.No answer but they might be up for having them forever.
Did they actually post your comment? I haven’t even bothered trying to comment there after having a little punch up with one of the moderators.
They did but it was early on in this thing. Late March as I recall. Later on they did not allow my comments through.
[“As soon as the lockdown measures forced upon the ruling elite by wildcat strikes and working-class protests in the spring were lifted…”]
Oh my word. The person who wrote that has lost all contact with reality. And that is published by a site that probably prides itself on its “reliability” and “search for truth.”
The person who wrote that is working for an intelligence agency. I have lost my patience with giving the benefit of the doubt.
Maybe, maybe not. It isn’t the first time I have seen people force reality into a framework they find convenient, even if it is like an overstuffed suitcase and they have to jump up and down on it to close it.
The approach by the Left has been so uniformly accepting of the virus narrative that I cannot assume it is all merely a matter of prejudice. Indeed – I think much of that prejudice was itself moulded by intelligence agencies guiding all potential dissent into avenues that are not merely harmless but actually beneficial to the goal of the ruling powers. In this case, I would go so far as to say that the guided Left are the biggest weapon used by the virus spinners.
Is it not remarkable that the risk of dying with the coronavirus mirrors exactly the risk of dying even if the virus did not exist?
Artificial life extension and immortality is part of the transhumanist fantasy…. they are selling the idea they can take out the causes of death one by one… and meanwhile they work with the fear of death to keep people enslaved.
Death from old age is not allowed anymore.
This fact alone ought to kill the whole charade stone dead. Regardless of all other statistics in whatever context anybody chooses to present them in, it shows that the huge upheaval we’ve been through has not been anything to do with “sars-cov-2”.
During World War II the BBC German-language service broadcast the sound of a ticking clock and repeated the phrase “Every seven seconds a German soldier dies in Russia”. Effective psyops but psyops is also being used with regard to Covid.
The whole thing is a psyop. Consumerism is a psyop, popular culture is a psyop, fast food is a psyop. You name it, if it’s being screamed at you through the MSM, if it’s on TV, if it’s being sold to you, it’s a psyop. It was a revelation to me when I realised it 20 odd years ago and I saw how deep it runs and how completely entranced by the whole show the normies are. You are the mad one for not buying into the insanity though. The absurdity of the situation has caused me to cry with laughter time and again.
Pressed by reporters to say how many more people would die because of that, Biden said he couldn’t know for sure, but said maybe 150,000 more.
From an article on RT today. We are looking at a coup carried out largely by the media, and enabled by all those who accept this insulting, nonsensical, hysterical bullshit.
Journalists are social parasites whose job now is not to report facts, but to drum up as much hype, fear, rage, terror etc. as possible to get maximum profits.
Not a solution.
But we must remember when in March we were told that we had to lockdown for a few weeks just to flatten the curve .Then we were told the stupid story about everyone should wear masks , after all the nurses and Drs wear them when doing surgeries and all. And lets not forget about social distancing which lead close to riots in grocery stores because some ignorant people took those instructions so seriously.
It is obvious by now that they are inching us all to that all so glorious event of the miraculous vaccine that would save us all from an all so eventual death .And speaking of vaccines ,the claims are 90 % effectiveness with little to no side effects with the % factor rising every day, so my question is will the vaccine mfg.remove their liability protection since they will not need such protection anymore ? My bullshit meter has been in the red scale for quite a while already .
Here is a podcast , no visual,from a Canadian Dr.speaking at a closed door meeting in Edmonton ,Alberta .Pay attention to his credentials and what he has to say to those attending.
Lets try that podcast again as someone switched it .
Still not the podcast I was referring to .Obviously ,admin or some other into manipulating what I am trying to put out there .If I would try again , the proper podcast shows up but then disappears almost instantly ???????
Here goes ,one last time:
OK plug into your favorite browser the following and you should be able to view it .It is a must hear :
THIS is a Meeting Privately Recorded in EDMONTON Alberta Canada last week!
It worked for me above. I had the same problem two days ago when it was linked here. The first time through it was fine. Then a substitution (through YouTube, I’m sure) was made when I tried to copy the link or listen to it again.
It seems to have been fixed as I now see 3 x consecutive displays of the podcast in question.Thanks for the reply.
He might have pointed out that the CDC has not, by their own admission (at least in one paper), presented the Sars CoV 2 virus. (And I don’t buy the concept of virus, at all). He headed up a virology lab or something? Yikes. Virology is a scam. The Great Barrington Declaration isn’t great. They lament the slowdown in jabbing kids (with poison). My side in this Covid 1984 war really, really disappoints me.
I do believe that Dr.Roger Hodkinson made his point very clearly , so that everyone should understand ,without getting into the weeds ,so to speak , of whether the virus exists or not .
Guy: “It is obvious by now that they are inching us all to that all so glorious event of the miraculous vaccine that would save us all from an all so eventual death .And speaking of vaccines ,the claims are 90 % effectiveness with little to no side effects with the % factor rising every day, so my question is will the vaccine mfg.remove their liability protection since they will not need such protection anymore ? My bullshit meter has been in the red scale for quite a while already”
Yes, that’s where it’s heading.. the push to the vaccine miracle- that is not.
The hard sell is on. It’s noticeable. Very noticeable if you understand that reality.
The vaccines bar has been set so low for this one that it will be successful not matter what- It’s the selling that makes the difference. It’s the media spin that will be put on the vaccine news. However, the liability protection will stay in place. And the media will provide glowing reports to make the whole campaign a win!
It’s a rigged game.
Radio and TV are now just like war propaganda with callers (?) delivering advice on what to do with the apocalypse under way. Guidance and prep talks to keep everyone “chipper” (while ensuring they don’t get too hopeful).
It’s effectively “We are looking for people to call in to cheer us up in this darkest time when millions will die horribly unless they take this dodgy vaccine. Ah here’s Jackie! Tell us what it’s like to be fucked over! Bobby, tell us about how COVID is ripping through your entire community!”
Just came back from the supermarket (a ghastly place I rarely frequent, no choice today).
The announcements over the PA were pretty much verbatim the horseshit I saw on the other day in the movie V for Vendetta. Protect yourself. Wear protection aids. Keep a safe distance from others. Together we’ll manage. And so on …
All in conjunction with a recently imposed requirement of minimum space of 1 square meters per shopper. They now have a limited number of carts, which translates into lines outside the fucking place where people are not required to wear a mask ….
Hilariously stupid …
Time to push back …
15 square meters …
there is food coops where you can get a basket of organic fruits and veg and you just pick it up or they can deliver it. the supermarkets are definitely in on the whole thing. they were quick to get rid of the shopping baskets at the first chance. best to cut spending there as much as possible. it is a false economy to think it saves money when the cost is so huge destroying love and freedom.
Raw vegan is a scam
Jodie, I love eating fruit. And vegetables. And meat. Especially meat, And more so with some tasty fat on it.
I’m not a spring chicken anymore. I hardly ever become ill (flu and the like). I pass all my doctor’s checkups with flying colours. I am on zero medications.
Must be because of all the healthy fruit and nuts and vegetables and especially meat and fat nutrients I consume!
Look at our physiology – especially enzymes. Us humans have evolved (or were “designed”) as meat eaters. Our bodies utilise it for optimal health.
So yeah, I downvoted your umpteenth vegan comment… and will likely continue doing so as long as it gets endlessly repeated.
You are free to passionately (religiously?) believe in the vegan mantra. I am free to disagree – on logical and empirical grounds – with the whole vegan narrative and downvote vegan advocacy comments.
Have a nice day further!
I just cut the cord yesterday actually… Videotron “retention” agent wanted to know why I was cancelling my TV services of course. I was happy to put on record that it was useless since all channels were saying the exact same thing for half an hour and repeat it for 24hours… rendering their service useless… he did not argue, and was actually cheerful, giving me some freebees on faster internet and better mobil service for less money… more people “know” than we are allowed to see… I just cut them out of 90$ a month of my money, with (their fault), no consequence to me whatsoever